#💚 rot in hell 💚
girlgerard · 11 months
hey! ik you have a big following, and you’ve mentioned visiting israel and palestine on school trips— i really think your voice would be valuable in speaking out on the injustices happening in that region. you always speak so eloquently on race/gender issues on your blog and i’m really interested in hearing your take! plus i think your platform is large enough to really make a good stand!
i appreciate that you sent this ask, and i appreciate that you thought of me. i agree with everything you’re saying, and i wanted to respond to this immediately because of that, even if i don’t have much of an answer to share.
i’ve studied the conflict for years and, like you said, was in israel and palestine (as in the territories named as such) six months ago; i was at the gaza border in may. i actually disqualified myself from birthright because i wanted to be able to go on academic dispensation specifically (i couldn’t go to the west bank otherwise). i study sociology and jewish studies in my degree program. i’m jewish, i’m south asian, i come from a family of refugees, i come from a family of jains, i come from a family of, like, californians, i come from a family with just as many intersections as any other. suffice to say, i have a lot, a lot of emotions tied up in the levant.
the thing is, because i’ve studied it for so long, and because i study sociology specifically, i also know that saying something before i’ve processed it well enough is irresponsible. this conflict is wrapped up in linguistics; the wording you use is everything. i’m really aware of that, i’m also really aware that i’m not in a place where i feel comfortable enough to articulate myself properly. for my own safety, for responsibility’s sake, and because i’m aware of how nuanced and linguistically fucked discussing this conflict is, i don’t want to make a large statement on it while i’m not in a place to do so.
what i will say for now is that if you’re viewing this conflict as a soccer game between two teams, you are not viewing this conflict in a humanist way. normal civillians, palestinian, druze, samaritan, jewish, israeli arab, armenian, any normal person who lives in the land, should be the only “team” you’re on the side of. listen to people who are from the land, read sources in arabic, read sources in hebrew, read multiple perspectives in multiple languages for every event you want to understand better. understanding how important history, generational trauma, and narrative are in this conflict is essential to understanding why any of this is happening, and if anyone says there’s a simpler way to do it, there’s not. no one tribe in the land can leave, and no one tribe in the land deserves anything less than peace and self determination. personally, my first thought about war is how much i care about people, not which state i feel like backing.
i may post more on tumblr, i may post more on other platforms, i may choose keep my activism in-person rather than purely online. navigating all of this while also being pretty devastated and horrified is complex, and i ask for understanding.
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zepskies · 1 year
Break Me Down - Part 2
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a private investigator by trade, but now you happily sit at a desk — leading a surveillance team at Supe Affairs. After managing to end Homelander in New York, Soldier Boy escapes custody. You are recruited for the manhunt, joining Butcher’s team.
Truly, you joined the S.A. for the right reasons. But after you become his accidental hostage, Soldier Boy will break down every single one of them

💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
AN: Surprise Sunday update! I was able to put the finishing touches on Part 2 a bit early. 😉
Song used in this chapter is “If I Didn’t Care” by The Ink Spots (but more like Amy Adams' version). Song inspiration for this chapter (and the song title) is “All My Livin Time” by Radio Company (Jensen’s band with Steve Carlson).
Word Count: 4,500 Warnings: 18+ only! Willful seduction, kidnapping, SB being himself lol.
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Part 2: You Move Me, Baby
This next mission was going to be a bit more
hands on. 
It was a gentlemen’s club, styled like a 1920s speakeasy, of all things. If nothing else, Soldier Boy was predictable.
Through a crack in the dressing room door, you didn’t see any gentlemen here. You saw a bunch of skeevy bastards. 
For the record, you didn’t like this plan. But as Butcher once again pointed out, Soldier Boy’s less likely to fuckin’ recognize you than any of us. 
And you certainly couldn’t (wouldn’t) imagine Butcher in rhinestone nipple tassels. 
Right now, you were waiting to be assigned an outfit. Hopefully, you could just blend into the background of whatever performance act the stage manager wanted to slip you into. And you really hoped you wouldn’t have to striptease on stage.
In the meantime, you sat on a stool in a black lace bra, matching panties, and sheer pantyhose, while Annie was helping you with your stage makeup. Years as a pageant child had taught her well. You felt like Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality, fending off getting hairspray up her ass. 
Sure, you had gone undercover several times, but this was slightly out of your wheelhouse. You bit your lip, forgetting that you were already wearing several coats of scarlet red lipstick. 
Annie slapped your hand. “Stop it. You’re smudging my paint job.”
You had Butcher and M.M. to thank for arranging this little detail. 
May they both rot in hell, you silently simmered. 
“Oh, stop pouting. You look great,” Annie said. You caught the little smirk she was trying to taper down. 
Then the manager’s head popped into the dressing room. When he verified that all the young women had at least their underwear on, he stepped inside and shut the door behind him.
“All right, listen up,” he said in Spanish. You understood just enough to follow what he was saying. “Angelica got food poisoning.”
You grimaced. Angelica was the main act. She had a whole burlesque-style routine with the rest of the women—for which you were meant to step in for one of the girls in the ensemble. Hopefully in the back. 
“Daniela, you’re filling in,” said the manager, pointing to a busty brunette. 
“What about the second act?” asked another girl. If you remembered right, her name was Raquel. “Dani can’t sing like Angelica to save her fucking life.”
“Excuse me, bitch. I sing better than you,” Daniela snapped back.
The manager rolled his eyes and clapped his hands harshly to end the bickering. 
“Okay. Which one of you bitches can actually sing?” he asked, first in Spanish, then in English, you noticed as he glanced at you.
Annie looked at you with raised brows. You glared back at her. 
Damn you for telling her about your childhood church choir days. You were sure your religious mother never thought you’d be using those talents like this.  
“No,” you said firmly. Annie just smiled and waved the manager over.
That was how the two of them ended up all but pushing you on stage—after Annie had wrangled you into a shimmering red gown over your underwear and pantyhose. It was overlayed with delicate beading in intricate patterns. And it was easily the most beautiful thing you’d ever had on your body.
However, you did take issue with how long the slit was, running all the way up to your hip bone.
Not really ‘20s style, now is it? you thought sourly.
Annie just slapped your ass and guided you forward.
You shot back one last look at her—one that swore you’d have your revenge.
Then the curtain slid open. 
Fuck me, you thought nervously. This was really happening!
The lights blinded you for a moment, and you blinked the glare out of your eyes. They soon adjusted as you forced yourself to move towards the microphone at the right-hand side of the stage, close to the live band. The pianist shot you a smile and a wink as he started to play in dulcet tones.
Steeling yourself, you grabbed the microphone with a slight tremor in your hands. You stared out into the crowd as the rest of the band joined in, slow and jazzy. 
You’d informed the manager that you really only knew one song by heart.
“Eh, that is too slow,” he’d replied to you in English.
“It’s that, or Dani belts out in her best soprano,” you informed him. He sighed and waved a resigned hand. 
“Get her the red one,” he told Raquel. She then handed you the dress on a hanger. 
Now, you held the microphone between both hands and started the song your grandmother used to sing to you when you were a kid.
“If I didn’t care, more than words can say,” you began. “If I didn’t care, would I feel this way?”
You took in an unsteady breath. With each note, your voice was getting stronger, more confident. 
“If this isn’t love, then why do I thrill? And what makes my head go round and round, while my heart
As you eased into the rest of the song, you remembered your mission. 
You scanned the dark room, rows of men of all ages, women serving drinks and food and their own bodies. You weren’t finding your target.
But this intel was good. The source was the girl you’d replaced in the show, and M.M. had already worked out her safe exit out of the city for a while. 
There. You finally saw it. 
Or rather, you saw him.
Towards the back, Soldier Boy sat at a large exclusive booth. He had a long joint propped between his fingers, and a working woman from the club already propositioning to service him. Her manicured hand eased down his chest. 
He also seemed to have hired men sitting at a table nearby. 
Your voice nearly hitched at the sight of him, but you forced yourself to take a calming breath during a musical interlude. 
You knew Annie and the rest of the team were here in the club somewhere, to back you up. But Soldier Boy knew Butcher and his team were onto him. the bastard would recognize them. You were the distraction here.
And if he went away with that escort, he could easily disappear upstairs and hop out the window again, gone like a coil of weed smoke.
Somehow, you needed to keep his ass in his seat.
So your voice came back in strong for the final verse.
“If I didn’t care, would it be the same? Would my every prayer begin and end
with just your name?” 
You watched Soldier Boy’s gaze drift toward the stage. Your lips curved as you held his eyes for a moment
but then, you coyly slid your gaze away. 
Okay, what’s going to grab his attention

You shifted on the stage, letting the curve of your hip and ass sway to one side. You raised your other foot on the tips of your toes. And the slit running up your leg slid open, revealing your tall silver heels and a smooth leg, all the way up to the inside of your thigh.  
Unfortunately, you hadn’t been able to fit your gun holster this time.
“And would I be sure that this is love beyond compare
” Your voice rang out on the high note; at that climactic point, the music reached a crescendo.
You turned your head and looked directly into Soldier Boy’s eyes, and his mouth slid into a grin. 
He was watching you. 
“Would all this be true,” you sang, “if I didn’t care for you
As the final notes reverberated from the piano, applause and male whoops erupted from the crowd. 
You slowly released the microphone, breaking off eye contact with your target. 
Then you turned around, trying to hide the nervous tremor in your legs. You pressed a discreet hand to the communicator in your ear after the curtain fell behind you, and you told the team. 
“He’s here.” 
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Annie was no longer backstage. 
“Good job, crooner,” M.M. said on the comm. 
“Watch him ‘til he’s ready to leave,” Butcher said to everyone.
You agreed and dodged the manager so you could slip to the back room within the dressing room. 
You were about to change into your real clothes (and grab your gun), when you were stopped by a Latino man. Though he clearly wasn’t a local or a tourist. He looked ex-military, complete with a crew cut and dark beard. 
“Soldier Boy would like to meet you,” he said in lightly accented English. You affected some doe-eyed shock, even though some of your surprise was genuine. 
You’d just wanted to keep him watching the show. You hadn’t expected him to take the bait this much. 
“Oh, wow
where? Now?” you asked.
“Now,” he confirmed. “Upstairs.”
He couldn’t even pick me up himself? Lazy, you wanted to tsk.
You spied the stage manager over by the doorway. He gave you a stern nod that told you that you had no choice but to accept. 
Not that you ever intended to decline. Though of fucking course the manager had known Soldier Boy was here. He was probably a damn regular. 
You gave Soldier Boy’s man a charming smile. “Lead the way.”
This wasn’t the plan, exactly. You decided it was even better though. Just infinitely more dangerous. 
Even though you had years of training, honing your body and your mind in a fight, you weren’t a supe. You were, in fact, exceedingly breakable.
“Are you crazy, cherie?” Frenchie said on the comm. 
You also thought you heard M.M. mutter an, “Aw shit.”
“She don’t got a choice now,” Butcher said. “But it’s a good play to get him alone. Slip her one of them hockey pucks.”
You heard M.M., Annie, Butcher, and Frenchie’s continued twittering back and forth about the change of plan. Meanwhile, you were being escorted upstairs.
Kimiko managed to maneuver into your path from the opposite direction, and she slipped a small disk into your hand as she passed you. 
You gave her a grateful wink and discreetly placed the device into your bra while your escort wasn’t looking. 
It wasn’t a dose of Novichok, but it was something that might keep Soldier Boy occupied for a moment. You intended to use it if he got too fucking handsy.
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You were let into a room on the third floor. With the lavish way it was furnished, complete with a king-sized bed, it almost looked like a hotel room. 
Yeah, Hotel California, you thought wryly, as the door shut behind you. 
Soldier Boy sat at a table by the far wall, gazing out the window with yet another joint (or perhaps the same one?) and a generous pour of whiskey in his hand. 
Even you could admit, he cut an attractive figure. He was dressed in light brown slacks, a matching suit jacket and a white dress shirt with the top buttons left open. A simple ensemble, but well-tailored and suited to the golden tan he’d developed here in South America. His beard was neatly trimmed, his short hair styled back in its familiar sweep on both sides. 
Even seated, his posture was casual, yet controlled as his head turned to meet your gaze. A smile started to curve his lips. 
Show time, you told yourself. 
“You’re new,” he said. You tilted your head, a bit of flirtation in your smile.
“What makes you say that?” you asked.
He gave you an oh please look. With the hand that held his whiskey, he gestured with a curling finger. 
“Come ‘ere. Don’t be shy,” he said. It was an order rather than a request, but you hid your instinctive annoyance.
You subtly took in a steadying breath. And you moved farther into the room. You didn’t stop until you were sitting opposite him at the window, crossing your legs beneath the table. 
You could tell he’d expected you to take a seat in his lap, but to a degree, you didn’t want to do what he expected. He was likely paying the club well for this time. You didn’t want to make it easy.
You wanted him to be enticed. Invested in this moment. 
And distracted, for as long as he let you. 
You watched him glance down with interest at your bare leg peeking out. At your strappy silver heel shining along with your dress in the soft lamplight, which casted shadows across his profile. 
“Want a drink?” he asked. 
You were surprised he was offering you anything. You’d half-expected him to order you onto your knees already. Upon which, he would’ve received the gift currently residing in your bra a bit early. 
You didn't want to take any drink you hadn't poured yourself, but you also needed to keep this act going...
"I'm not gonna fucking drug you," he said, reading the look in your eyes. "What would be the fucking point of that?"
Hmph. smart-ass motherfucker, you thought. But you didn't detect a lie.
You quirked your head and took the proffered sip from his glass. You wanted to play it cool, but maybe you also needed a little liquid courage. 
“All right, easy on the booze. Get his guard down,” Butcher said in your ear. You resisted the urge to frown.
Could Butcher see you somehow too? Or was he just hearing the ice clinking in the glass as you gulped it down. 
“Did you enjoy my performance?” you asked Soldier Boy.
“Still am, doll face,” he said with a smirk. You raised a brow. 
“I’m not that new,” you replied, biting indelicately on a dark cherry. Your heeled foot slowly slid against the inside of his thigh. 
It was his turn to raise brow. His head tilted with his smirk. 
You didn’t know if he was more amused than turned on, but his gaze roamed openly over your legs, the cleavage on display, your dark red lips. 
“Are you enjoying your stay in Medellin?” you asked, trying to keep the conversation going. 
“Oh, yeah. I’m having a fuckin’ ball,” he said wryly. He dabbed some ash off his blunt with a finger. 
There was something off there, and you didn’t miss it.
“You sound bored,” you said. Soldier Boy considered you with a lustful, challenging gaze. 
“Maybe. You gonna help me with that, sweetheart?”
A flutter of nerves churned in your belly, but you used it, letting the feeling prickle awareness across your skin. 
“Depends,” you said coyly. 
Both his brows rose this time, as if he was surprised you were actually pretending to resist him. 
You subtly leaned forward when you gave him back his glass, allowing him to spy a bit more down your dress. You stared into his deep green eyes, and tried not to get lost yourself. He was an attractive man, but he was also your target. A job you intended to finish. 
A smile played at your lips.
“On what excites you,” you replied. 
By the way his eyes darkened, his smile curving, you thought he liked that answer. 
Then his hand extended toward you, a silent command in his gaze. Steeling yourself, you tried your best to be graceful and sensuous when you took his hand. He playfully jerked you forward, making you fall into his lap. 
You waved some dank weed smoke out of your face as you looked down at his amused one. 
He was nearly down to the roach on his joint. Meanwhile, his free heavy hand slid up your bare leg, disappearing beneath your dress and making goosebumps spread across your skin. Your breath hitched, though you disguised it with a smile. 
“You afraid of me, sweetheart?” he cooed. 
Yes, if you were honest with yourself. 
There was a false sense of security in his deep voice. You looked down into his eyes, very green and intensely focused on you, despite his air of nonchalance. 
“Not really,” you replied. “Only that you might get ash on my dress.”
He chuckled, smoke blowing out his nose. He put out the joint in the ashtray and took another sip of his whiskey, likely to drown out the cotton taste in his mouth. You laid a hand on his chest, fingers spreading between the open buttons, and felt his warm skin. 
He glanced up at you with another challenging tilt to his head. What are you gonna do now?
You met that challenge, boldly leaning down to press a kiss against his lips. You held his face, delving your fingers into his soft hair. 
Soldier Boy grabbed your hips with a bruising force. It made you wince, instinctively biting into his lower lip. He uttered a pleased sound, guttural in this throat. You braced yourself against the wall behind him for leverage as his chair started to tip back. 
Before either of you could fall, he lifted you effortlessly by the waist and pivoted, pinning you against that wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist as his tongue invaded your mouth, devouring you with hot and heavy hands holding you in place.
His fingers pressed into the flesh of your thighs, and you knew you couldn’t easily escape if you needed to.
This is getting out of hand
He was busy kissing a wet and sloppy line down your neck, his beard scraping against your skin. It actually felt so fucking good to be touched. You hadn’t experienced it in so long, it almost startled you when your heated core pulsed with the friction you were feeling against the hardness in his slacks. 
You would never admit it, but it wasn’t an act when you moaned into his ear. Fuck

But when his hand again slipped under your dress and crept up your inner thigh, alarm bells triggered in your mind as panic started to set in. You panted for breath. 
With him seemingly distracted, you reached down into your bra and grabbed the metal disk. 
You gasped as Soldier Boy grabbed your wrist, tight as a vice. He looked down at you with a sly grin. 
“You were fuckable in black, but red’s my favorite so far,” he said. 
Your eyes widened. When the hell did he see me in black?
And then you remembered. You’d worn a black dress at the last club, where you got groped on the dance floor and found Soldier Boy’s latest note

Had he hung around after all, watching you and the team pick up his clues?
And you realized, he knew exactly who you were. 
Soldier Boy glanced down at your lips, then at the tops of your breasts heaving as you caught your breath. His eyes shone with mischief and lust. 
“It’s a real shame. You’re probably a good fuck too,” he remarked. It sparked your irate disgust like a wildfire.
Then you smirked. “You can fuck this.” 
You activated the disk in your hand and flicked it at him. He instinctively grabbed at his face, releasing you. The device attached to his cheek and electrified enough volts through his body to drop an elephant. 
Maybe five. The CIA weapons specialist hadn’t been too sure.
And a star bolt shot Soldier Boy in the chest, shoving him away before he could grab at you. 
You jumped back and continued to put several feet of distance between you and Soldier Boy, while Annie and the rest of your team poured into the room. They were poised for a fight, once Soldier Boy ripped the device off his face with a grunt. It probably hadn’t hurt him much, but he looked pissed now. 
He rolled the kinks out of his neck and surveyed the room with a slow gait. He spared you a fleeting glance. You were now at the safety of Kimiko’s side, and Frenchie handed you a gun. 
“Ah, the Scooby Gang,” Soldier Boy remarked. He nodded at Butcher. “This is how you repay me for taking care of Homelander? My own son.”
“He weren’t your fucking son,” Butcher replied. “I’d reckon you know that best of all.”
Soldier Boy’s lips twitched. Whether at a smile or a frown, you couldn’t tell. 
“You found me, remember? So what, you got buyer’s remorse?” he said.
“See, the problem is, supes like you are what we call,” said Butcher, “a menace to fucking society.” 
Soldier Boy’s lips pulled down into a frown. He looked a cross between annoyed and impatient. 
“I fought for my country. I saved livesâ€”ïżœïżœïżœ
“You took just as many as you might’ve saved,” M.M. interrupted. “And not just that building you burnt the fuck up last year.” 
Soldier Boy hesitated at that. “You really wanna do this?” 
You all really want to die? his eyes said. He got determined silence from all of you. He rolled his shoulders and adjusted his blazer. 
“All right,” he shrugged. 
Then all hell broke loose. You ducked for cover as Soldier Boy deflected the giant flare gun M.M. shot at him. With his bare hand. 
Hired security then poured into the room—you assumed hired by Soldier Boy. And you protected Hughie from getting his neck snapped by shooting a man between the eyes.
You and M.M. continued to fight them off. Meanwhile, Kimiko and Annie tried to give Butcher and Frenchie a chance to get close with the Novichok gas on Soldier Boy. 
You took care of three more men before you heard a low buzzing sound. You turned around, and a gasp fell from your lips when you saw Soldier Boy’s chest lighting up. 
You knew what came next. 
And so did Annie. She poured her all into her next star bolt—which managed to shove Soldier Boy through the window. She and Kimiko flew or otherwise ran out the window to follow him. While Butcher, Frenchie, and M.M. helped you fight off the last of the hired guns. 
Finally, you covered Hughie as the five of you left the normal, human way, and ran down the stairs to exit the club. By the time you were able to join Annie and Kimiko, however, Soldier Boy had disappeared.
You glared down the dark, busy streets of Medellin. 
Damn it!
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You returned to the hotel disappointed and angry beyond fucking belief. Mostly at yourself.
After all the work you did, having to seduce and make out with that bastard, only to discover he’d made you long before you took the stage at the club.
Fucking hell, you thought angrily as you kicked at your suitcase. It sent your clothes tumbling across the dirty carpet, but right now you didn’t give a fuck. Damn cocky bastard. 
In the bathroom, you kicked off your heels in relief. You looked yourself over in the mirror and found various cuts and bruises from the fight. Your softly curled hair was a shambles, along with your makeup. 
Parts of your dress were torn, along with your pantyhose. Which was probably Soldier Boy’s doing, if you thought about it. You sighed. 
You were about to start undressing, but then you heard something. A small sound, like a thump. 
Your gun was on the table in the main room. Frowning in suspicion, you left the bathroom cautiously. Before your hand could close around your gun, a gloved hand grabbed your wrist. 
You aimed a punch with your free one and caught a man directly in the jaw. He reeled back, but was quick to recover and try to grab you again. 
While the guy was strong, you could feel that he wasn’t a supe. A human, you could deal with. He wore a mask over his face, but you could see he had shoulder-length brown hair. He was tall and lean, and one of his boots was strangely larger than the other.
You didn’t have time to focus on it. You redirected his following blow and used his strength against him, flipping him over your shoulder. Unfortunately, he landed on the table that held your poor laptop. 
“Aw, shit,” you snapped with a grimace. You searched for your gun in the wreckage. 
While you were somewhat distracted, he aimed a kick that caught you in the face, sending you onto your back with a pained cry. You quickly rolled over and got to your feet, just as your attacker threw out fist after fist.
You dodged and shoved away most of them, until he grabbed your arm and managed to crack his elbow into your temple.
You went down and hit your head hard against the bedframe.
And it was lights out.
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You slowly, painfully woke up in a moving car. 
You were suffering the cottony taste of a gag in your mouth and a musty bag over your head. Your wrists were tied in front of you, and it felt like you were shoved into the backseat. The car was quiet, save for the radio playing Latin pop on low volume. 
You never would’ve thought Shakira would be the background track of your kidnapping, but here you were. 
The car eventually stopped and you were dragged out, forced onto your feet on a cobblestone driveway. Then into a house. 

Well, this fucking sucks.
The thought rattled through your mind as you were led down a hallway, across a cold expanse of tile floor. You couldn’t see where you were going with this stuffy bag over your head, but you knew it was tile. Your bare feet all but scraped across it as they dragged you. 
Whoever held your arms in a vice grip eventually forced you to sit in a rickety wooden chair. They pulled your wrists behind the chair and bound them together with a zip tie. 
You felt the slit on your dress sliding open, so you crossed your legs, for whatever good that would do you. At the very least, it would give the impression that you were sitting here casually, and not (figuratively) shitting yourself with fear.  
“What the hell is this?” a deep, familiar voice asked.
“A gift.” You knew this voice as well. Neither one instilled you with calm.
Then the bag finally came off your head. The gag did not, however. You knew your red dress was in unfortunate tatters. You knew you were bruised and scratched, and overall worse for wear.
But when your gaze found your kidnapper, you glared up at him with a stubborn tilt to your chin. Antonio, Señor Groping Bastard from the club, was smirking back at you. 
What the fuck.
Then you noticed him.
Soldier Boy stared back at you with raised brows, and instant recognition in his eyes. His lips curved into a smirk.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
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AN: 😬 So we finally made it to the prologue opener! Was it everything you thought it would be? How did you like her attempt at "undercover?" đŸ€­
And are you ready for what's coming next?
To keep reading: Part 3
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List:
@deans-spinster-witch @this-is-me19 @waynes-multiverse @pallographsunspot @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @spalady26 @spnwoman @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @syrma-sensei @muhahaha303 @123passwort @xoxovienna @magnificentnightmarehadi @lollag0w0 @globetrotter28 @nancymcl @ashbatz @yvonneeeee @fckinel @secretdreamlandmentality @kristophalis @wonderland2022 @waters-2567 @emily-winchester
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call-sign-shark · 2 years
✹ Forget Me Not || Ch. 1✹
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Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
Summary: Y/N spends her summer working at her Aunt’s flower shop. There, she meets Jake Seresin for the first time, naval pilot and single dad.  — Or how a flower girl will try to heal a broken heart beyond repair. (Nickname: Poppy) 
Tags: Cuteness overload, tooth-rotting fluff, Dad!Jake, Reader is younger than Jake and no proof reading
Words: 1.8k
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Psss, don’t forget to reblog 💚
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The pale blue petals of myosotis dance at the wind’s discretion. A peaceful smile stretches your delicate lips, lighting up your entire face with joy. You bury your nose in the beautiful bouquet of blue flowers and close your eyes. In fact, myosotis does not have a specific fragrance but the simple smell of fresh soil and leaves is enough to relieve you from the stress of the day. 
Tonight, your Aunt had to leave earlier so she asked you to close the shop for her, which you agreed to do without the slightest protest. It has been only two weeks since you arrived in town, but you learned the job very quickly, for you found it captivating. The way people would use flowers to replace words was fascinating. You quickly started to guess what your clients wanted to express when buying a flower bouquet. Roses for romance, sunflowers for happiness, wreaths for the passing of a loved one
 You had a gift for helping people trade words for flowers, which made your aunt very proud.
You take a quick glance through the shop’s windows to look at the vintage clock on the wall: it is time to clean the workshop. A faint chuckle escapes from your lips, for you had just realized you were daydreaming for five solid minutes. You had just grabbed a second flowerpot when something, or rather someone, plowed into you with the power of a cannonball. Utterly confused and out of balance, you fall. As your butt painfully collapses against the concrete, one of the flowerpots and its myosotis shatters on the ground while the other spills water and soil all over your sweater. 
” Your lips move but no sound comes out.
“I’m sorry Ma’m,” says an utterly sorry little voice, but you do not see its owner, your eyes are too busy looking at the mess you just made.
“I’m- I’m really sorry, are you okay?” She repeats. You finally raise your gaze to discover the source of such a mess and your eyes are welcomed by the sight of a young blonde girl. The kid is probably eight years old and wears a pair of shorts with a football jersey. Her adorable green eyes shift from the broken flower pot to your face before falling to the ground: she does not dare look at you.
“Oh my God Amber! Look what you did!” Cries out an older second voice. A man appears in front of you before you have the time to properly understand what just happened. He is a tall blonde man, clean-shaven, with a hell of a sharp jaw and dazzling green eyes.  He was a pilot —  you noticed the flight jacket he was carrying under his right arm. You blink several times, coming back to your senses at the sight of Mister handsome, “I am so sorry, my daughter was looking behind while she was running. Let me help you. Are you okay?” 
“Hm, yes? I guess?” You stutter, still a bit bewildered by the violence of the impact. The man steps towards you and wraps one of his muscular arms around your waist to help you get up. He lifts your body as if it is a feather, and soon you are back on your feet. A long exhale escapes from your mouth and you shake your head with a little smile on your face.
“What a fall! Your daughter is so strong I thought I would land on Mars before Elon Musk would.” You joke, chuckling. The pilot’s face, first dressed with a panicked expression, relaxes at your adorable laugh. He cracks a smile, his eyes squinting when he does so. For a few seconds, he is completely hypnotized by your splendid grin and your lovely laughter. Girls with a sense of humor never fail to attract him. Then, he shakes his head and looks at his daughter.
“I told you to be careful. Look at the mess you did. Now, we’re going to help that charming lady alright?” He says, one brow raised.
“Yes, dad
” The little girl makes a sorry pout, already leaning over to grab one big piece of broken ceramic. 
“No, don’t worry. I can take care of that myself,” You gently put your warm hand on one of Amber’s shoulders to prevent her from touching the sharp shard, “I’m going to clean, I don’t want you to cut your finger with that. If you want to help me maybe you could go inside the shop and grab some cherry lollipops I hide behind the counter. Can you do that for me, sweety?” 
The little girl’s face lightens up at the word ‘lollipop’, her smile cheerful and displaying her pearly white teeth, but she first looks at her dad to ask for his authorization. The pilot snorts, amused, and nods. It was all it took for the child to run inside the shop. 
“Thank you. This is really nice, I am not sure she deserves it after what she did.” He says, helping you to pick up the ceramic shards. 
“That’s okay, I was worst when I was her age. She straight up apologized, that’s all matters. Don’t be too harsh with her.” You simply say with a soft tone.
“This is very nice, thank you again,” While helping you, Jake cannot help but take discreet looks at you. Your charming trait, your gorgeous smile, and your graceful movements
 You were a treat for his eyes. It has been since his awful divorce that he did not look at a woman the way he looks at you now, and to be honest, it kind of unsettles him. Jake shakes his head and throws the sharp bits in the trash bin that was next to the retail table full of flowers, “I’m feeling sorry for the blue flowers you were holding, they were beautiful.”
“The myosotis? That’s their name. But I prefer to call them Forget-me-not.”  You lean against an empty stand, looking at the good-looking pilot with an everlasting captivating smile that made his cold heart gently tingle.
“Forget-me-not?” He asks, slightly surprised.
“That’s another way to call them, and I think it’s really poetic.” Your voice is a sweet and soothing melody to Jake’s ear. He chuckles again at such a weird name.
“And why do people call them Forget-me-not?” He tilts his head to the side, his smile widening so much that he showcases his perfect teeth. You wink as if you are about to tell him a very significant secret.
“A legend says that a knight died trying to get these flowers for the woman of his life. And in his last dying breath, he told her “forget me not”, that’s why it became their name.” You tell him, your gaze shifting to the magnificent sunset behind the pilot. Yellow and orange lights enhancing your beauty, Jake is too busy observing your seductive lips to pay attention to the landscape. You are far more breathtaking than any other sight.
“This is such a beautiful story, I didn’t know that. Oh, wait —” He notices your sweater is full of soil and entirely soaked with muddy water. Without thinking further, Jake takes his own sweater off, his shirt lifting above his shredded abs as he does so. You blush and look away, for you are shy by nature. “Here,” He says, giving you his warm sweater.
“Oh no, that’s-”
“Please, take it. It’s the least I can do.”
“Thank you, Mister.” 
“Jake. Call me Jake.”
“Thank you, Jake, you can call me Y/N. But my friends call me Poppy.”  You say, gently tightening the warm sweater in your hands. Amber comes back from inside the shop with three lollipops. She buries two of them in her pockets and offers you one with a genuine smile.
“Here! Your lollipop, Ma’m!” 
“Oh thank you, sweety, is the third one for your dad?” You asked, taking the candy. You unwrap it and put the red sugar ball in your mouth. Pushing the candy with your tongue, you place it inside your cheek to still be able to talk.
“Nope, that’s for Shark! She likes lollipops so so much!”  She answers, proud.
“Well, thanks Amber.” Jake retorted, one brow raised.
You cannot help but laugh at her adorable facial expressions. Now that you can compare the two blonde heads in front of you, you notice how much she looks like her dad
 You open your mouth to say something but the loud ringing of the shop’s phone snatches you from your attempt.
"Oh sorry I should pick up the phone!" You say, with a bit of reluctance. You have completely forgotten to call the shop's supplier, it is probably him calling you. Even though you would have loved to stay there talking with the Jake and Amber, you could not miss the phonecall otherwise your aunt would have to wait one full month to order new flowers and seeds. 
"Yeah, no problem. Once again sorry for the mess Poppy, and thank you for being so sweet with my daughter. She's nice, isn't she?" He says, looking at his little girl who had just took his father's hand in her while the other is firmily holding her cherry lollipop. Both of them seem like two partners in crime.
"Yuuup, Miss Poppy is super nice! Thanks for the candies!" She giggle, bubbly. She is truly adorable, and finding kids cute is not such a common thing for you. You nod and go back to the shop with a heavy heart. After all, the man was particularly handsome... You shake your head. What are you thinking? He is a father, he is older and probably married anyway. You pick up the phone.
"Hello Mr. Hawk." 
The whole conversation has been relatively short. Less than ten minutes. As soon as Mr. Hawk hangs up, you scamper to the shopwindow to see if Jake and Amber are still there... But of course they are not. Why would they wait? Disappointed but not surprised, you let out a long sigh. Oh well! At least you had a pleasant and entertaining encounter. You go outside to put the last flowerpots inside the shop. Moving one of them, you noticed a white piece of paper someone had slipped under. Curious, you take a closer look to it.
A phone number is written on the piece of paper, right besides the myosotis the mysterious messenger had placed on it. And just below the phone number three words are in capital letters.
Forget Me Not.
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thegreymoon · 8 months
The Story of Minglan
LMAO, granny is a queen!
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Granny is the smartest person in this house and will not be so easily manipulated đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
Molan really screwed herself here in a multitude of ways by setting up her sisters for punishment.
Aww, these babies đŸ€—
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God, he's cute, but then he also comes out and says things like that and I can't decide whether or not to smack him.
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I am on Manniang's side here. Poor woman.
Imagine your husband, for whom you risked your life and bore him two children, having this conversation right in front of you and you having to enthusiastically agree that yes, you don't mind if he marries another woman whom he'll place above you 🙄🙄
Murder. Murder for all of them.
So, find someone who is weak and easily manipulated because no self-respecting woman with any choice in the matter will agree to this.
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Disgusted by everything going on here.
Again. I realize she has no choices here if she wants to live and her kids to eat, but jfc.
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Team Manniang here. All men and their enablers can rot.
Ha! Three cheers for TGCF and Sanlang too! 😄
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LMAO, I love him đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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He's a dog, but he's cute and has the game down pat!
Aww, they are stupid cute, no doubt about it đŸ€—
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LMAO, I love that he had to come and beg his first wife for this bs anyway đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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Make him squirm, Big Madam! Make him pay!!!!!!!
I am cackling đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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The biggest punishment for Molan, though, will be the fact that they are pulling her out of the academy. I know she is mean and awful, but she is the definition of wasted potential. If she had been born in another age, she could have been great.
LOL, what is her fucking endgame?
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Murder, Big Madam!
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I keep telling you, you must resort to killing them all! Swallowing your resentment like this for years, you will only end up with an ulcer.
The irony of someone illiterate being an authority in education 🙄
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Hell society.
LMAO, she is so lazy, but it is kicking her two brain cells into gear to figure out how to work less and be pampered more in the future đŸ€Ł
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LMAO, love the aunt đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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She's insane, but she has the spirit! Also, considering how many times I've begged people on this show to start resorting to poison, I can see her point!
Xiaodie? 💚💚
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I'm so glad we get to find our what happened to her!
Poisons, lady.
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Teach them to brew poisons. Nothing will cultivate their disposition better than getting rid of a shit husband. Or an overbearing mother-in-law. Or the fifth concubine he brings into your house.
Oh, shut up.
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I am always inclined to be on her side because I love this actress and this entire system is bs, but she's just so unpleasant. She will be her own downfall because she will burn all bridges and have no one in her corner when she needs it.
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 year
The Six Pillars; Masterlist #4~
Welcome to my fourth temple~! Here is the rest of the Masterlist I couldn’t fit on my first one~! This is, in all honesty, this writing apocalypse’s peak!
Pillar #1: Demon Slayer~❀
â€ïžđŸ©· Tanjiro and Kanao: Rotting Fruit
💚 Gyutaro: Polkadots
đŸ©·đŸ’œ Mitsuri and Shinobu: I Hate You
🧡 Kyojuro: A Second Peek
đŸ’™â€ïž Muichiro and Yoriichi: The Sound of Silence
❀ Yoriichi: Terminal Heartbreak
💙 Aizetsu: Save Your Tears
đŸ’™đŸ’œâ€ïž Obanai, Muichiro and Yoriichi: Riding Dominant
💙 Muichiro: Pop Stan
💜 Genya: Flirts and Blurts
💛 Zenitsu: A New Leash
💜 Obanai: Matching Problems
💙 Muichiro: Fifth Breakup
💙 Muichiro: Meet and Greet
💜 Obanai: Love and Fauna
❀ Tengen: Short and Distraught
đŸ’™đŸ’™â€ïž Giyuu, Muichiro and Tengen: First Peck
đŸ§ĄđŸ’™đŸ©· Kyojuro, Muichiro and Mitsuri: Acting Grand
💙 Muichiro: Buddy Clouds
đŸ©·đŸ’š Daki and Gyutaro: Danger Alley
â€ïžđŸ’™ Tengen and Giyuu: Stealing Hearts
❀ Tanjiro: Friendly Spirit
đŸ©·đŸ’š Daki and Gyutaro: Gingerbread Men
🧡 Senjuro: Ditzy Mind
💙 Muichiro: Furry Jealousy
â€ïžđŸ’œ Tanjiro and Genya: One-Two Punch
❀ Yoriichi: Forever Mine
đŸ§ĄđŸ’œđŸ©· Kyojuro, Obanai and Mitsuri: The Winter Solider
❀ Kaigaku: Arousal Notes
💙 Giyuu: Water and Land
❀ Kaigaku: Wits Make All
🌈 Douma: Down, Slave
â€ïžđŸ’œ Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Wealthy Life
💙💜💙 Giyuu, Obanai and Muichiro: Multi-Voices
❀ Muzan: Fluffy Cuffs
đŸ’œâ€ïž Michikatsu and Yoriichi: Vampiric Dreams
💙💜 Giyuu and Obanai: Golden Moon
â€ïžđŸ’œ Tanjiro and Genya: Teamup
💜🧡 Genya and Senjuro: Tug of War
❀ Muzan: Loyal Second
đŸ’™đŸ’šâ€ïž Giyuu, Sanemi and Tengen: Little Runaway
â€ïžđŸ’œ Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Aqua Heart
💜 Kokushibo: Surprises After Surprises
đŸ’œđŸŒˆâ€ïž Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza: String Prodigy
💛 Urogi: A Noisey Snuggle
â€ïžđŸ§ĄđŸ’œ Tanjiro, Senjuro and Michikatsu: Lapis Tears
❀ Kamaboko Squad: Picnic Hell
â€ïžđŸ’œ Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Twin Duo
💛 Urogi: Growing Spurt
❀❀ Tanjiro and Kaigaku: Black Soul
đŸ’œđŸ’™â€ïž Obanai, Muichiro and Kaigaku: Angel Amongst Us
🌈Douma: Teasing and Playing
💜 Obanai: Brat Taming
💜 Obanai: Mistakes and Fantasies
đŸ©·đŸ’œ Mitsuri and Shinobu: Endless Devotion
🧡 Senjuro: Star Heart
💙 Giyuu: Blue Lagoon
💙💙 Giyuu and Muichiro: Gloomy Day
â€ïžđŸ’› Tanjiro and Zenitsu: Sick Mockery
💚💙🧡 Sanemi, Giyuu and Kyojuro: Shocking Discovery
💙💙💜 Muichiro, Giyuu and Obanai: Infinite Passion
đŸ’œâ€ïžđŸ§Ą Obanai, Tengen and Kyojuro: Connections and Candies
💜 Obanai: A Brat’s Punishment
🌈 Douma: Step On and Control
💜 Kokushibo: Deep Plunge
💜 Obanai: Witches Brew
đŸ©· Mitsuri: Sugary Scent
💜🧡 Shinobu and Kyojuro: Outback Cuteness
🌈 Douma: Special Teddy
đŸ©· Mitsuri: Half-Human, Half-Not
đŸ©· Mitsuri: Diamond in the Pebble
💜💙 Shinobu and Muichiro: Gentle Giant
❀ Yoriichi: One and Only
đŸ’™đŸ’™đŸ’œđŸ©· Muichiro, Giyuu, Mitsuri and Shinobu: Black Cat
🌈 Douma: Serve Me
â€ïžđŸ’™đŸ©·đŸ–€ Tengen, Giyuu, Mitsuri and Gyomei: Fortress of Solitude
💙💙Giyuu and Muichiro: Echo in the Mirror
💙Muichiro, Giyuu and Obanai: Hellflame
đŸ©·đŸ’œđŸ’œâ€ïž Mitsuri, Obanai, Shinobu and Tengen: Thorn Vines
â€ïžđŸ§Ą Tengen and Kyojuro: Real Makeups
Pillar #2: Jujutsu Kaisen~💜
💙 Satoru: Little Snowflakes
đŸ§ĄđŸ’™đŸ–€ Suguru, Satoru and Toji: Red Cross
💙 Satoru: Overprotective Parent
đŸ’™â€ïž Satoru and Choso: Big Ol’ Crybaby
❀ Naoya: Sweetest Pie
💙 Satoru: Bloody Mess
đŸ’™â€ïž Satoru and Naoya: Battle of the Petty
â€ïžđŸ–€ Naoya and Toji: Real Makeups
â€ïžđŸ–€ Naoya and Toji: Hexstruck
Pillar #3: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure~💚
Pillar #4: Death Note~💙
đŸ–€ L: Wild Catch
đŸ–€ Misa: Temper Tantrum
Pillar #5: Haikyuu~💛
đŸ’›â€ïž Atsumu and Akaashi: Mindful and Mindless
Pillar #6: Record of Ragnorak~đŸ©·
Additional Pillar~đŸ–€
💙💚 Shoto and Izuku: Internal Rivalry
💚 Setsuna: Unnerved and Unstitched
💜💙 Tamaki and Nejire: Can I Save You?
Here is the fifth temple of this blog’s overall Masterlist~ Masterlist #5
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carewyncromwell · 3 months
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"Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin' -- Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth makin'... Don't let some Hell-bent heart leave you bitter! When you come close to sellin' out, reconsider..."
~"I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack
tagging @drinkyoursoupbitch because I know it's late, but here's some World-Building Soup! đŸ„ŁđŸ’š
Throughout the years, Carewyn Cromwell sent her mother Lane many letters and photographs. Perhaps she didn't write about all of her experiences -- her pursuit of the Cursed Vaults and hearing her missing brother's disembodied voice in her own head were conveniently side-stepped -- but even so, it was through these letters and photographs that Lane met most of Carewyn's eventually rather large friend group. Here are some of Lane's impressions of them, based on what her daughter told her about them.
I do have one dormmate who's nice, though. Remember Rowan, the girl from Flourish and Blotts I told you about? Yeah, she's one of them! She took the four-poster closest to mine, and we've started sitting in class together. She's absolutely brilliant, Mum.
Lane liked Rowan from the off-set. Not only was Rowan the first person who'd actively befriended "her Winnie," but Carewyn frequently (and favorably) compared Rowan to Jacob, and when Lane first encountered Rowan on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, she completely understood why. Both enthusiasm and intellect just rippled off of Rowan, just the way it did Jacob. Lane was heartbroken when she learned about Rowan's death in her daughter's sixth year, and learning that her father Charles's criminal organization was largely behind it infuriated her like nothing else could. Even now, Lane hates her father far more for what he's taken from Carewyn and Jacob than anything he ever did to her growing up, and despite being a very gentle and even-tempered woman most of the time, Lane thinks that Charles deserved to rot alone in Azkaban, just for what he did to Duncan Ashe and Rowan Khanna.
Ben Copper and I went outside to study next to the Black Lake today. Ben wasn't so sure at first, since he'd heard stories about the Giant Squid grabbing people and yanking them into the Lake, but once we put a Waterproof Charm on all his things, he felt a little better.
Lane honestly wasn't surprised that one of Carewyn's first friends was someone like Ben. Considering how sensitive Carewyn was and how much Carewyn herself had been bullied as a little kid, Lane couldn't have been more proud of how her daughter empathized with others who were bullied and stood up for them. When Lane met Ben on Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters after Carewyn's first year, she found him a very shy and sweet boy. Needless to say, she was a little surprised when she met Ben again in Carewyn's sixth year -- especially since he now towered a good eight inches over her!
Penny Haywood sat with Rowan and me in Potions class today. Rowan was a bit starstruck, since Penny's the most popular girl in our year, but fortunately she's not stuck-up about it. I mostly just don't understand how she can be so good at talking about silly things -- I wonder if it's just something that comes more naturally to Hufflepuffs?
Carewyn befriending someone like Penny, though, did surprise Lane. Penny was the sort of person Lane probably would've never managed to befriend at school herself since she was so soft-spoken, but she was happy that Carewyn was opening herself up to different kinds of people. Still, Lane completely understood where Carewyn was coming from whenever she admitted having to turn down one of Penny's invitations -- the poor woman suffered from severe enough social anxiety that the thought of anyone being such a social butterfly was foreign to her.
The gamekeeper Hagrid invited me over to his hut for tea tomorrow. He said he remembers both you and Jacob from school, so I reckon he must be older than he looks. Maybe he's part Giant? Giants age differently than wizards, right?
Lane was delighted when she learned Carewyn befriended Rubeus Hagrid. Lane had only ever spoken casually to the gamekeeper when she was at school, since her family would've never approved of her speaking to the "hired help" with any familiarity, but she'd always had a favorable opinion of Hagrid, even if he came across as less than scholarly. Lane actually even ended up sending letters to Hagrid directly a few times, the way she did with Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Severus Snape over the course of Carewyn's school career. Hagrid always gushed over Carewyn in his responses and occasionally even let slip some things Carewyn didn't tell her mother about in her letters, such as how much the new Professor Rakepick had taken to Carewyn.
I've made a new friend, though. His name's Bill Weasley -- he's a Gryffindor two years ahead of me, and we met on the Training Grounds, while he was practicing on some dummies. Rowan says most of the kids in our year know him for sticking up for younger students, and after meeting him, yeah, Bill seems like a really nice person! Bill's brother Charlie's in our year, also in Gryffindor. I gather from Rowan that most Weasleys have been in Gryffindor. She said one of them was even Gryffindor's Head of House at one point! I wonder if she was anything like Professor McGonagall...
Out of all of Carewyn's friends, Lane arguably heard the most about Bill over the years. His name was the most constant in her daughter's letters, and Lane loved him almost immediately, just based on how kind and generous he sounded. Lane was familiar with the Weasley family's reputation beforehand (the Cromwell Clan had always been very derisive about their stance on blood purity), but she was delighted to see what sincerely good people they were. Bill and his family being so upset that Lane was forced to spend Christmas away from Carewyn that they invited her to stay and celebrate with them at their house touched Lane like few other things have, and ever since that winter, Lane has kept in close written contact with Bill's mother, Molly. Lane saw Bill at Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters more than any of Carewyn's other friends over the years, and so by the time she saw Bill at Carewyn's graduation, they greeted each other like old friends.
Bill's brother Charlie invited me to join in on a Quidditch friendly today. Andre Egwu was there too -- I don't know if you remember him, Mum, he's the one who gave me that pretty light brown coat? -- but I'm not surprised he was there: he's brilliant at flying. Charlie is too -- he became the Gryffindor Seeker back when he and I were still second years! I wish they were on the Slytherin team!
Just like with Bill, Lane liked everything she ever heard about Charlie. She especially loved whenever Carewyn would rave about Charlie's interest in dragons, since Carewyn's own interest in magical creatures would leap off the page every time it came up. Their shared interest in Quidditch Lane didn't jive with as well considering she wasn't much for sports, but that didn't mean Carewyn's mother didn't like knowing Carewyn had people she could enjoy it with.
Andre was another surprise for Lane. On the one hand, he was a Ravenclaw, same as Lane and Jacob had been, and he seemed like a very generous and talented kid. On the other, the interests he shared with Carewyn (Quidditch and fashion) were ones Lane didn't share as much herself, and Andre seemed so gregarious and out-going that Lane wasn't sure he and her daughter would have much common ground. That didn't mean Lane wasn't still very happy for Carewyn when they started dating, nor did it mean Lane wasn't sad to hear they'd broken up. After all, just because Lane wasn't sociable at all and didn't have the same interests as Andre didn't mean she didn't want Carewyn to socialize and try new things. Lane was just relieved that Carewyn and Andre broke up on good terms -- she would've been very unhappy thinking of Carewyn having her own "Evan" who had helped her grow so much as a person, but whose memory now only flooded her with regret.
Tryouts for the new Slytherin Chaser position are coming up really soon, and I want to be ready for them. Fortunately Charlie and Andre have been helping me practice, and now I've got Skye Parkin coaching me too. (She's Slytherin's Star Chaser -- a bit full-of-herself for my taste, but she's been helpful. Her father's Captain of the Wigtown Wanderers.) The main commentator Murphy McNully (just called McNully) also gave me some books on Quidditch strategy -- or, at least, he dropped them in my lap, thoroughly expecting I'd come up and talk to him more about it later. (I'm starting to get the feeling a lot of Quidditch people don't have the best communication skills.)
The last sentence of that paragraph had made Lane laugh. Neither she nor Jacob had ever been a sports fan -- the one most into sports in their immediate family had been Evan, and he'd ended up quite disappointed that he hadn't had anyone who would enjoy going out to cheer on Arsenal F.C. with him. It made Lane a bit sad to think that if Evan hadn't been so stubborn and if he hadn't been so upset about the revelation of their magic, he could've really bonded with Carewyn over their favorite sports in a way that Lane couldn't. Lane supported Carewyn’s decision to leave the Slytherin team after Skye publicly accused Erika Rath of stealing the Cleansweep she'd intended to give Carewyn, even if she'd really wished things had been resolved more peacefully.
As for getting a tryout, well, I've been meeting with Orion Amari every morning now, trying to do just that! He's been testing me, I think, though he won't flat-out say so. Instead he's been having me balance on my broom on one foot (which, trust me, is not easy!) and meditate with him for an hour at a time. Skye and McNully both warned me that Orion is a bit eccentric...and after meeting him, yeah! They weren't kidding! But still, I think Orion has good reason to not give me a tryout right away. I mean, I am only a third year, and I'm not exactly built like a Quidditch player. I know Skye didn't really think much of me when I said I planned to try out for the open spot either. And I can tell for all his weirdness, Orion Amari is good at what he does.
Ah, yes, Orion Amari. The one who would eventually, way down the road, become her daughter's romantic partner. While Carewyn was at school, she wrote rather admiringly of Orion, not just for his Quidditch talent, but for his calm and wise temperament. Orion's detached affect was very apparent in Carewyn's letters -- Lane was reminded of some of her old friends in Ravenclaw, just reading about him. Carewyn also on multiple occasions compared Orion to both Jacob and Lane herself, though, in her letters home, and usually in the sweetest ways. Like Jacob, he saw the world differently than everyone else and didn't feel the need to conform or change himself. Like Lane, he was soft-spoken, level-headed, and brilliant, and he was happiest when the world was calm and others were at peace. Carewyn even once admitted that Orion reminded her of Lane when he laughed. When Carewyn formally introduced Lane to Orion many years later when they were adults, Lane found she did like him quite a bit, especially when she saw how calming of an influence he had on her emotional, perfectionistic daughter. Admittedly Lane never understood her daughter's other half's "Orionisms" more than half the time -- but it still filled her heart up with such joy, seeing how in-tune Carewyn was with them, regardless. And it did amuse Lane, when she learned that Orion compared her to a Porlock.
I'll tell you more about our new professor in my next letter -- I promised Tonks and Tulip I'd meet them at Zonko's after lunch. (Not exactly enthused about the location, but Tonks said we could stop at the Three Broomsticks afterward, and I plan to hold her to that.)
Lane rarely heard about Tulip Karasu or Nymphadora Tonks as anything other than a unit, but she always smiled hearing about them, because Carewyn's huffy streak tended to come out more in her letters whenever she wrote about them. Lane gathered that Tonks and Tulip ended up giving Carewyn more than a few headaches since they were on the mischievous side, but for all of the minor griping she would make about them, it was very apparent that Carewyn loved them dearly. After all, no one as proud and sensitive as Carewyn would put themselves in the position to get pranked time and again if she didn't feel anything for the prankers in question.
I also made a new friend yesterday. His name's Barnaby Lee, and he's a Slytherin in my year. He was originally friends with Merula (if you can call it that -- I hardly would, considering Merula doesn't know the meaning of the word!), but after we had a friendly duel, we went to the Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer and talked for a while, and he's so nice, Mum. Way nicer than I thought he would be, hanging out with Merula so much! His family's rotten too -- I was reminded so much of your stories about your family, just listening to Barnaby talk about his awful parents and his nasty grandmother! But even with all that, Barnaby's still such a good person. He even introduced me to a Knarl he befriended at the Magical Creature Preserve this morning before class. (His name is literally just Knarl. Not the most creative name, but he's still really cute!)
Oh, Lane liked Barnaby. Not only did Lane's Mama Bear senses go off hearing about Barnaby's family situation, but she was happy that Carewyn had found people in her house who were just as sensitive and kind as she was. One of Lane's favorite pictures of Carewyn's time at Hogwarts was the one her daughter had taken of herself, Liz Tuttle, and Barnaby with their shared pet Lune the bat, who they'd rescued from the Hogwarts owlery -- that picture lived on Lane's bedside table for a good long while, alongside one of a young Jacob staring into the lava lamp in his room. Barnaby is also one of the few members of Carewyn's friend group who Lane actively invited over to their flat over the summer, and when he came over, the two of them geeked over some old handwritten notes by Newt Scamander that Lane had borrowed after a recent trip to the Scamander Museum archives in New York.
Mum, if it's not too much trouble, over the holidays, can we stop by the CD store down the road? I want to get Chiara something special for Christmas.
Out of all of Carewyn's friends, Chiara Lobosca was the one Lane became the most fond of, aside from Bill and Rowan. Not only were Chiara's and Lane's personalities very well-suited to each other, but Lane could see the pure, unmitigated love Chiara had for "her Winnie," and it just flooded her heart with so much joy. Chiara is one of the other few friends Lane invited over to her and Carewyn's flat over the summer, and they had a lovely visit over tea and pikelets. She also met Chiara's parents briefly when they came to pick her up, as well as at Chiara and Carewyn's graduation: Chiara's mother Donna in particular greeted Lane very kindly and gushed over Carewyn profusely. Lane was very flattering of Chiara in return, which made the Hufflepuff blush. Chiara didn't tell Lane she was a werewolf for a long while, since she was harbored some fears that Lane wouldn't want her around Carewyn anymore if she knew. Fortunately when she finally explained to Lane about her condition and that Carewyn had become an Animagus to keep her company during full moons, Lane responded very warmly and gave Chiara the biggest hug.
"I couldn't have asked for a better friend for my Winnie," she'd said.
In other news, Talbott Winger actually called me his friend the other day. It feels weird to hear him say it aloud, but really good, all the same.
Talbott Winger was the last of Carewyn's friends to be directly invited by Lane over to their flat over the summer, after Lane and Carewyn saw a flyer about a slam poetry session going on at a local Muggle bookstore and Carewyn offhandedly remarked that Talbott would love something like that. The three of them ended up having a really nice time, and afterward Lane invited Talbott over to their place for a proper Toad-in-the-hole supper. Lane enjoyed Talbott's wry sense of humor, which was very in-tune with Carewyn's -- Talbott appreciated Lane's extensive knowledge of History of Magic, which was a subject he'd never excelled in. He also borrowed a copy of Homer's Odyssey from Lane, after a long discussion they'd had over supper about Greek epic poetry.
I had my first Divination class with Professor Trelawney today. I wish I could say it was fun, but I found the class rather woolly. I wouldn't mind asking Torvus what he thinks about human Divination now that I've taken my first class, because I can't imagine that he and his herd throwing a hysterical fit over a clump of soggy tea leaves.
Lane was incredibly intrigued by Torvus. Although Carewyn neglected to tell Lane exactly how they'd met, her mother gathered that Torvus had known Charlie first. After learning Carewyn had befriended a centaur, however, Lane sent a very long letter back not only offering her what little she knew about centaur history, but also asking if Carewyn would pass along some of her own questions to Torvus as well.
I swung by the Prefects’ Bathroom briefly after doing my nightly rounds with Charlie. While there I saw the ghost who lives there, who’s named Duncan — I met him earlier this year, while Bill was showing Charlie and me around. He can be a bit of a prat sometimes, but you’d like him a lot, Mum. I hope I can introduce him to you someday.
Carewyn didn’t give her mother full context about who Duncan Ashe was, since talking about who he was to Jacob would’ve opened up the floodgates to Carewyn herself seeking out the Cursed Vaults, but she still couldn’t help but bring him up every-so-often. Lane got the impression that Carewyn felt sorry for Duncan since he was stuck haunting the Prefects’ Bathroom all by himself, and she was charmed by it, imagining Carewyn was so sensitive a soul that she even befriended ghosts if she thought they were lonely. Obviously there was a lot more to why Carewyn interacted with Duncan than that, and when Lane did get a full explanation about who Duncan was, she understandably was very upset, especially with the Hogwarts staff for not telling her that her son lost his best friend right before he was expelled. After the Cursed Vaults were dealt with and Duncan was finally laid to rest, Lane made the extreme step of actually reaching out to Duncan’s father asking for a picture of him and wanting to know where she could pay her respects. She was shocked and dismayed when Mr. Ashe informed her that he’d “shed” all of Duncan’s belongings after his death and so had no pictures to send her. He’d also had Duncan cremated and his ashes scattered at sea. After sending back a coldly disapproving letter making clear that Duncan had been loved dearly by her family and she at least would pay the respects that Mr. Ashe seemed determined to deny his son, Lane then went out of her way to track down as many photos of Duncan as she could from Hogwarts's staff and Jacob's school friend, Olivia Green. The best of these Lane framed and hung up near her small cauldron set up in the kitchen. When Jacob saw the little tribute his mother had made for his boy best friend, he threw his arms around her, unable to stop crying.
Thanks to Merula of all people, I actually have a new sparring partner: the Dueling Club's darling, Diego Caplan. I admit, I never really spoke to Diego before, as he always came across as overly flirtatious...after getting to know him better, though, all I can really do is laugh, because for however over-the-top and theatrical he is, I think he is actually sincere in his compliments! He acts like a total Casanova, but it really seems as though he's just the sort to wear all of his emotions on his sleeve -- the biggest, brightest, flashiest sleeve imaginable. And yet he'll roll up that sleeve and hand your arse to you on the Dueling Field, with no reservations. It's kind of hilarious, actually.
Diego was another friend that seemed completely opposite to Carewyn in every way, largely because Lane had so much difficulty imagining her overly sensitive daughter dueling seriously. It was one thing for Carewyn to duel with Bill, who Lane knew was also very nurturing and gentle with his friends and would never really want to hurt anybody, but to learn Carewyn was enjoying dueling with someone as hard-core competitive in it as Diego was surprising. It made Lane wish all the more that Jacob had considered joining the Dueling Club full-time when he was at school, since he would've enjoyed having an opponent as talented and yet amiable as Diego. When Lane met Diego in passing at Carewyn's graduation, Diego did not hesitate in turning on the charm even with her, which tickled Lane to no end.
"Careful, young man," she said with a wry smile. "I know plenty of younger women would swoon at such compliments."
One small advantage to being in detention has been the company. Charlie and Ben's dormmate Jae Kim is there right along with me, and we've been able to talk while we're working, so long as we're quiet. Oh yes, I’ve learned something new about Charlie today: apparently he sings Queen badly in the shower.
Carewyn was generally very understated in how she talked about Jae, aside from the fact that he was in detention often, so Lane surmised he was a “troublemaker” sort, akin to Tonks and Tulip. During the Second War, Lane also learned Jae was one of those friends of Carewyn’s helping keep other families hidden from the Death Eaters. Jae and Lane finally met when he catered the party Carewyn and Orion held after their partnership ceremony, and she took to him far more than she’d imagined she would after they ended up in an involved conversation about saving money on various food ingredients and household goods. Lane was very touched to hear Jae was so financially supportive of his mother, instantly reminded of how much Jacob and Carewyn tried to help her out around the house while they were low on funds. Jae now will reach out to Lane whenever he needs input on anything Muggle-related — no offense, Mr. Weasley, but Lane is that bit more experienced in this field than you are.
The Frog Choir’s been rehearsing hard for the graduation ceremony. Merula has a solo in their performance of In Noctem — I gather Snape likes the piece just as much as you do.
From the moment Lane first read about Merula Snyde, she really hoped that Carewyn and she would either find some common ground and make peace or that Carewyn would just put some distance between them. Yes, perhaps Merula sounded unpleasant, but the last thing Lane wanted for either of her bairns was for them to have "enemies." After Carewyn and Merula both stayed with the Weasleys for Christmas, Lane was a bit more hopeful that the two girls would be able to mend fences, but that hope persisted largely because she was unaware of just how much Merula was getting in Carewyn's way while pursuing the Cursed Vaults. This is ultimately why she encouraged Carewyn to consider letting Merula take the open spot on the Frog Choir after her daughter asked her for advice -- Lane thought that it sounded like Merula didn't have a safe space to sing happily at home the way Carewyn herself did, and perhaps the spot on the Choir could give Merula a constructive outlet for her negative emotions, the way that it often had for her while living at the Cromwell estate. By the time Carewyn and Merula both graduated, even if neither of them classified each other as friends, they had come together in large part because of them co-founding the Circle of Khanna with Bill, Charlie, and Ben. This made it so that when Lane saw Merula at Carewyn's graduation, she embraced her fully and praised her performance with the Frog Choir. Lane also noticed Merula eying the heck out of Jacob at the ceremony. Rather than feel any matchmaker-esque urges in response to this, though, she ended up trying to gently coax "her Blue Jay" elsewhere. The last thing Lane wanted was for Jacob to cause unnecessary drama at his and Carewyn's graduation by accidentally hurting Merula's feelings with his utter cluelessness.
"How long has Merula been sweet on your brother?" Lane murmured to Carewyn at one point.
Carewyn was unable to hold back an eye roll. "Since last year. She loved the fact that Jacob wiped the floor with me in a wizard duel."
Lane winced. "I see." She paused very briefly before saying, "...Well, that's not going to go anywhere."
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
Hi!💚 The other day I was watching a reading vlog of All The Fiends of Hell on Harpies in the Trees Youtube Channel and the aesthetic reminded me of Left in Lincoln. I am curious, how did you come up with the idea? It's so suspenseful and well written 😊
Hi, friend! đŸ–€đŸ–€ Thank you so much. I've been trying to remember more so I could give you a better answer.
Left in Lincoln 🍑 official soundtrack
I was "supposed to be" working on a dark dbf x innocent reader. Separately, this creepy peach tree neighbor meet cute idea struck me, and I was like damnit another idea to put on ice. Then I was doing some cardio, and the ideas cross-pollinated and took over. I like the idea of coming of age surrounded by living and rotting fruit. I hadn't fully discovered the nature of his darkness until I was writing the first and second chapters (before posting anything). I actually tried to resist it for about five seconds because I had already given the impression that it wouldn't be morbid lol. But there was no stopping it after he revealed himself to me. Then I "randomly" got the song This Protector in my head (my subconscious really picks up the slack) after writing ch 1 (lyrics). I was in a hot shower and my skin got cold. After that I brought in some of my favorite old white stripes songs. I severely over-listened to them as a teen virgin. I would've done anything to run away with jack white, and this creepy music is kinda wired into my soul along with the echoes of that irrational yearning and desire to shed innocence.
And there is more to come on that one. I think this writing/reading break is already helping me after going like nonstop for my first 15 months, just absolute chaos in my head.
Ty for asking đŸ–€ and ty for everyone's patience.
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ayyy-pee · 3 months
lexi oh my GOD i’ve just come from your sanemi fic and fucking hell i’ve consumed a LOT of writing for him but this actually blew the lid off the can!!???!!! genuinely convinced this is the best sanemi work i’ve ever written oh my god i will love you forever if you write more for him, im so obsessed with your writing style im BEGGING for more

 good god man!!!! shit!!!!!!!! 💝💝
AHHHHHH HI ZIZZI!!! thank you so so so so sosososooso damn much for the compliments!!! it's my first time writing for him and I'm so glad the way I perceive him is being well received!
he's rotting my brain SO badly so you may see him again. my main squeeze is suguru geto and sanemi is becoming suguru level for me I fear 😭💚
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 2 years
💛Questions for Your Ocs💛
💖your favorite color?
đŸ•șyour favorite outfit?
đŸ˜Œfavorite sibling/parent?/j
🍕dodgeball or volleyball?
👏favorite food?
💃do you like to dance? and if so, favorite dance move?
đŸȘ·trees or bushes?
☕do you like surprises?
🎃favorite holiday?
hope I’m not bothering you!! I just really wanna know what Tam and Karai’s favorite things are💖💖 hope you’re doing well too, eat food and drink water!! 💖💖💛💛
-Lord Freg Almighty💛👍
Tysm for the ask and I think it helped me explore the characters more myself! ^^
Love it when Freg pops up in my feed >:]
💖your favorite color?
Pastel lavender or plain purple- duh!
đŸ•șyour favorite outfit?
Just the casual!
Simple lavender tank top with black shorts, she also wears purple and hot pink (yikes) striped thigh-high socks underneath with fuzzy brown boots! (And an iconic light purple mask with a big bow with a tool belt around her waist)
đŸ˜Œfavorite sibling/parent?/j
She loves all her siblings equally- but she does hold a soft spot for the twins- they bug her the most but she'd miss it if it stopped!
Parents the same, but she does have a sort of bumby relationship with Papatello atm
🍕dodgeball or volleyball?
None- too similar to the horror stories her dad tells of... Beach balls.
👏favorite food?
Anything mildly spicy or cold soba!
💃do you like to dance? and if so, favorite dance move?
Have you met her dad? She LOVES to dance!! not sure she has a certain/favorite dancemove and just gets jiggy with it, but I suppose she doesn't mind the cupid shuffle! It's the only dance she can really do that her siblings follow along with!
đŸȘ·trees or bushes?
Trees! She's always wanted to see a full live tree and not a rotting/krang covered one!
☕do you like surprises?
With 5 siblings... Depends on the surprise LOL
🎃favorite holiday?
She loves fourth of July- they don't really get super celebratory for the holiday, but she likes blowing stuff up with her uncle Leo!
💖your favorite color?
Gotta be lime green!
đŸ•șyour favorite outfit?
One of the only she has half the time, a darkish orange baggy top with sweat pants and a purple bandana holding back her hair with hoop earrings!
đŸ˜Œfavorite sibling/parent?/j
Oh Tam is a grade A mama's girl- and she loves Raph, Leo, and Mikey all the same!
...It's April.
🍕dodgeball or volleyball?
Volleyball! She used to play almost wickedly good when she was younger.
👏favorite food?
Extremely spicy nachos or grilled cheese!
💃do you like to dance? and if so, favorite dance move?
Like Karai, it all depends! Sometimes she just let's loose and does random dancing... She DOES however know how to do the Wobble fabulously ✚
đŸȘ·trees or bushes?
Gotta say bushes! But only cause she wishes to go pick berries and such with the little ones one day!
☕do you like surprises?
Same answer as Karai +a low key mad scientist Husband-
🎃favorite holiday?
Christmas! The only time the she feels she can rightfully spoil the hell out of her kids and be with the family for some good quality bonding time ^^
Ahh sorry it's a bit long but I just love the ask! Again, thank you for it and I'm glad I was able to share some of my wisdom on these gremlins of mine 🙏
XOXO💜!! :D
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maiaspen · 2 years
I found you on twitter and I want to say you look to me like a nice and kind person, horniness aside 😉🍆
Would you mind to tell in which order I must read stars wars novels? I have an extra income and those books will be my Christmas present, to me for me
Gracias y felices fiestas!!
Hello, Anon!
😏 I strive to bring the horny in all things, haaaa! Thanks for the message.
I’m delighted that you reached out to ask about 
I am assuming that you are looking for books that spotlight Obi-Wan and Anakin (where the obikin is blatant between the lines 😉).
Here are some suggestions, and in the order I recommend reading them. All can be purchased / found as digital downloads, or bought in paper.
1. WILD SPACE. Karen Miller is an obikin goddess, and if you enjoy Obi-Wan whump
 HOLY HELL, she delivers. Obi-Wan is brutalized emotionally and physically and 
 đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« it makes me pant đŸ„” because I’m unhinged like that.
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2. The two “Gambit” books, also by Karen Miller. These are a Kenobi and Skywalker adventure where they go undercover, off-world together and the whump is served to them both BIG TIME. Plus, lots of bonding đŸ„Č
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3. Mathew Stover’s “ROTS” novelization. BY THE FORCE. You will sob incessantly and incoherently, but the OBIKIN IS STRONG AF.
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4. DARK DISCIPLE. Okay, this is a Quinlan Vos story, but it’s effin GOOD. And there are some charming Kenobi and Skywalker scenes.
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5. Jude Watson wrote eleven “Jedi Quest” books highlighting Kenobi x Skywalker adventures throughout Anakin’s Padawan days. The bonding is ♄đŸ„č😭 10 of these can be found as digital downloads, one of them (the first one, simply called “Jedi Quest”) can’t be, it’s physical only. My favorite one is called “THE MOMENT OF TRUTH”.
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Honorable mention. Kit Fisto is my all time favorite Jedi💚 and —while he is a hero in loads of comics— the book “The Cestus Deception” (by Steven Barnes) takes the cake! OMG! Barnes just made me fall head-over-heels for Fisto. He writes him so beautifully and and sexily and gahhhhh!!! Fun fact— the audiobook of this (I own this in physical, digital and audio because I’m a freak) is read by actor, Jonathan Davis, and let me tell you
. His “Fisto voice” is so effen sexy that I turn into a horny puddle when he speaks. AHHHHHH!!!! đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„” I’m rambling nowđŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ„”đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ„”
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I have read dozens and dozens of SW comics and books, from Windu and Palps stories to Ahsoka, even the secret romance of Obi-Wan and Siri. My mind is actually a minefield of random SW knowledge 😅 so I’m thrilled to make any suggestions anytime (or make you horny 🍆)
xo Maia
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers 💚💜
Damn Sandy’s trying to soft dom me into self love (joking and affectionate ❀)
This is very very difficult for me to do, but they say fake it til you make it.
1. I’m a better mom than I had. I’m saying this with love for my own mom, and a deep understanding that she was in a position I hope I am never in, but also knowing that I did not have the childhood I deserved because of it. I work hard every day to make sure Liam gets attention and love and never questions that I’m proud of him and that sometimes you can take days to just be tired and that’s okay.
2. I’m not content. Let me explain this better because I feel like that’s a very negative sounding thing. I don’t like where I’m at and I’m working to change it. It’s really fucking hard and, especially lately, I feel closer to a breakdown than not, but I am constantly seeing the bigger picture and where I want to be and pushing through. I have never let myself settle even though it would be easy to and I’m going to keep going until I am content.
3. My strength. I may be 5’2 but let me tell you about being the muscle of my family 😂 An example: we had these railroad ties that separated our property and the neighbor’s that have been there for at least 30 years. They were rotted in some places, but in others, they were basically part of the earth. My dad managed to get up quite a bit on his own, but there was a solid 8 foot stretch that would not budge. I loosened it a little with the shovel, and then literally pulled them up with my bare hands. Like that Captain America scene where he rips the log in half? That but not as sexy because I broke a nail. I’ve got that going for me I guess 😂
4. My eyes. It’s the first and best compliment I get every time (I say as if I know how to take a compliment). They’re very blue, and if I happen to be wearing makeup (rare) they’re even MORE blue.
5. I’m funny as hell sometimes. Not all the time, but damn I crack myself up 😂 With that, I am the comedic relief in any and all situations. I am absolutely going to calm down a situation with humor any time I can. I like that I can almost always make people smile and laugh during times they may not feel like doing so.
This really took me all afternoon to do 🙃
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shizuokadivision · 1 year
Happy Pride Month!
Happy Pride Month everyone! Hope you all are doing okay! Be safe and have fun celebrating! You matter and who you love and who/what you identify as matters as well! â€ïžđŸ§ĄđŸ’›đŸ’šđŸ’™đŸ’œđŸ’–
Last year I only managed to do this with Wicked Requiem. So this year in celebration, I decided to reveal the romantic and sexual orientation of Silent Tragedy! I hope you enjoy them, and I apologize if I unintentionally offend someone.
— Kanon
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Aromantic Greysexual (Romance-Repulsed)
Kanon, unsurprisingly, has no interest in romance, and in fact, the very thought of it disgusts her. Even before her accident, Kanon knew she had no desire for romance, finding learning new things far more interesting. As far as Kanon is concerned, she would much rather have a person’s physical heart than any sort of love they can give her.
On matters of sex, Kanon has little to no interest in it. She does, however, feel sexual attraction on extremely rare occasions. Truthfully, Kanon finds her desire for sex irksome and would rather just ignore the feelings until it goes away. If that doesn't work well, Reika and Sakura are always there to lend her a hand.  
On that note, Kanon’s relationship with Reika and Sakura goes deeper than most are aware. Even now, Kanon isn't quite sure how to describe it, and to be honest? She doesn't care to label it. As far as Kanon is concerned, Reika and Sakura are hers, and she'll rip apart anybody to shreds who tries to take them away from her. 
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— Reika
Demiromantic Bisexual 
Reika’s feelings about romance are quite skewed. Growing up, she never really had a positive example of a healthy romance. It certainly left its mark on Reika as she has no problem manipulating people under the guise that she's “in love”. Even with any of her husbands, Reika never loved them. However, deep down she’s a bit curious about love and wonders if it's truly worth it. 
On matters of sex, Reika has experimented with both men and women, although she slightly leans more towards women than men. Reika is actually quite open with her sexuality to the shock of the more conservative members of the upper class. Even a good part of her charity organization is dedicated to LGBTQ+ issues. Anyone who attempts to say anything horrible to her about that will find themselves a rotting corpse in the ground.
Nowadays, Reika is content with her relationship with Kanon and Sakura. To the point where she wouldn't even mind spending the rest of her life with them. Reika finds it hilarious that she’s had five husbands, and it’s Kanon and Sakura that she's seriously considering “until death do us part”. Something that surprises her.
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— Sakura 
Demiromantic Pansexual
As a busy yakuza boss, Sakura doesn't have time for romance. To be honest, the thought of falling in love frightens Sakura. She’s seen what happens when you do. For example, her own mother fell in love, and what did it get her? Killed by her lover’s jilted wife. So Sakura guards her heart fiercely, refusing to fall in love. However, lately, Sakura has been feeling something for Yano Ietsuna of Toyama and isn't sure what to make of it but she's trying.
On matters of sex, Sakura has slept with a variety of people across the gender spectrum, and as long as they consent, she is willing to sleep with anyone she finds attractive. As far as Sakura is concerned, she will sleep with whoever she wants to. Anyone who has an issue with that can take it up with the end of her gun. 
Despite how they make her feel, Sakura doesn't know where she would be without Kanon and Reika. They see her as her and not as the bastard daughter or the ruthless yakuza boss. Something Sakura greatly appreciates. They may be morally evil bitches but god dammit they're her morally evil bitches. Kanon and Reika will always be hers until the three of them are standing in front of the gates of hell and even then Sakura won't let go. 
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neopuppy · 10 months
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the ‘haters’ can fight their fights without mentioning me lmao, unless they wanna come here direct and catch the block firsthand bc I will not engage. most of them are clearly mentally immature and not worth my time💚
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lennjamin-o7 · 2 years
đŸŒŻđŸ—Ąïž anon here! Ok I know I was here earlier but like as I said I've been rereading and like I'm being infected with even more brain rot. I was like too excited and I was worried I'd forget about it when the next update comes so I just decided I'd put the little detailed I noticed in here too because I just like NEED you to know that like I've noticed these little treats you've scattered in.
Ok so the first bit I noticed was Tech saying "I'm getting what I wanted so should I really question it?" that's gonna bite him in the ass so fucking viciously. Like yeah bro, you're gonna get that life of freedom in the woods you'll just get a whole new dad along with it and a change in title!
Oh also the smaller things with Phil that like mix in with like fae folklore!! I love them!! I am eating them up at the speed of light like the small things that get dotted in there. "You can call me Phil" instead of "my name is" since bro cant lie, him wording things differently / weird because because he doesn't wanna tell the truth but he also cant lie so he puts in little half truths. The honey stick!! bro loves honey (as most fae do) and then immediately popped in a tiny little deal with Tech.
Oh also the exchange when Tech first saw him by the cart, where like Phil was talking about the deal and stuff and saying that it's all gone to hell and like Tech tried reassure him with the pear bit and like taking what's left and then turning it into something to benefit him better. Tech might as well have just handed over the adoption papers and a pen for Phil unknowingly lmao
Oh and Tech like nearly slipping up a bunch with the names on top of like unknowingly giving the trophy hubby of the queen of fae like gifts and then happily accepting gifts in return! OH and Phils little ominous like responses when Tech mentions his family and then having lots of things to worry about!! Its all gold and I love it all!!
As well as Phil being like 'dont share my totally not magical cookies' while i like to imagine Tech already plotting giving one to Carl; I just have a feeling that Carls gonna be like a hidden big plot point or something, good for him tbh. Oh and like the crows turning up along with phil a bunch!
I also LOVE how naĂŻve Tech is, like "huh this guy looks super familiar, I feel like I've heard about him before, oh only the queens husband really hangs around birch forests? shame I haven't bumped into him in this birch forest you've been hanging out in! That's a super cool crow I saw earlier, what a coincidence it is that these 'special' cookies you made me also have a crow on them! They're special because specifically YOU made them and you don't want me to share them? that's wild, thanks for the gift bro I really appreciate them! damn I'm super tired after you told me to go to sleep, guess I didn't realise how tired I was!" Like Tech when you finally connect the dots you're gonna be so upset with yourself lmao.
I love that it feels like super real too! Like when you already know Phil's a devious old man its so clear but like if you sit down and think about it from Techs perspective, its so clear that he just wouldn't connect those dots! Like bro Phil could've probably told me he was the queens hubby and I would've thought he was making a weird joke so like yeah ofc Tech wouldn't immediately clock that Phil is the queens hubby because why would he? he's just a strange guy who was stranded by the road!
Anyway I'm sorry for writing you like a bonus novel of my thoughts but like I am just gobbling all these little scraps of lore and worldbuilding up! I feel like a lot of readers will enjoy stuff and then never like tell the author like how fucking good that stuff is so I'm making up for all those people who will enjoy things and notice things but never say it! As always, have an even nicer day then the one I wished you had a few hours ago!
Never apologize for filling my inbox with brainrot. I love it 💚💚💚💚💚.
Techno is 13 and incredibly sheltered. He just wants to go out and look at some trees. Maybe some squirrels. Giant birds. The kid is not going to look the gift horse in the mouth, he just wants to SEE things. And yeah, definitely gonna come back to bite. The gift horse might have been a trojan horse. But he's having fun. He can't be bothered with being safe.
He can call him Phil until the time comes that he can call him Dad. Very simple. And yep, Phil does not lie. It is so fun writing a deceitful character who doesn't lie.
Honeystick idea came from my friend @l1m30. I was originally going to have Techno and the guards drink tea, but have Techno not like tea and just pour sooo much sugar in it. And then offer Phil some of his sugar instead of honey. But Limbo talked about eating honey sticks and I thought "😀 That's much better!" And yeah, Techno is agreeing to so many deals without realizing it. Phil is sneaky.
Oh yeah, Techno was just trying to comfort Phil. And he did. He just signed himself up to be PEARed with Phil for all eternity. The pair isn't perfect, but it still Jams well together. :D but yes, that whole part is fun to write. Techno is just thinking literally, Phil is complaining about the difficulties with the broken adoption system.
Yep. To be fair, he was only going to use their nicknames. But he is only supposed to use those WITH his family, not to others. It wouldn't have been catastrophic, but he HAS gotten in trouble for that before so he is a bit more careful.
Gift giving! Like a real family!! 😀 How much of yourself are you willing to give, Techno??
Oh, had Phil not said anything Carl would have ABSOLUTELY gotten a cookie delight. 100%. Carl is spoiled. He deserves to be spoiled. But Techno would have probably shared them with other people without that promise, and Phil gave those to TECHNO. No regifting.
I've tried very hard to make Phil's fae nature obvious for readers, but plausibly deniable for Techno. Like, c'mon, how many people are blonde with blue eyes? It doesn't mean anything. His ears are normal and he doesn't have wings! And so what if he is hanging around an unnatural forest! I am also going through an unnatural forest! And I'm not suspicious! And it was like 2am, I guess it makes sense I would be tired. I mean, Skeppy is over there drooling on Bad. Probably just didn’t notice. Sugar crash or something.
I loved every moment of this. Please do not apologize. I loved loved loved it.
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tuesdayinthedas · 2 years
Getting to know tumblr friends
Oh look a tog game! Thanks for the tag @onepieceloverandwriter
Rules: you know i get tag i answer the ques and then i tag others
Last Song: Tell me whatïżŒ - DVRST (warning the video has lost of flashing lights)
listen I’m really into cosmic phonk atm
Three ships: Zoro x Luffy đŸ’šâ€ïž really this is my main on atm, when im deep in a fandom im usually deep into one ship. The brain rot does not let me think of other haha. Lets throw some other diff ones from the last tag game. Bilbo x Thorin, and Vash x Wolfwood
Currently reading: embarrassingly this has not changed from last time and “hell followed with us” still sits on my bedside table
Last Movie: The Lord of The Rings - The Return of the King been on a LoTR and Hobbit rewatch haha
Craving: chocolate fr like, i wanna eat or drink it i dont care right now. But i have none near me
Tagging: @ursacircusart @hydestats @apricot-kingdom @tinyforestshark
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Ummmm imma say this
Shang tsung doesn't have a fucking choice but to steal souls. 💚💀 no. Damn. Choice.
I thought people have more reading comprehension and brain cells but i guess not. So i have to explain and spell it out.
Ok look. Shang tsung was cursed by the gods for using soul magic in kombat. Which was forbidden by gods decree. Why? I dont fucking know the gods are assholes and hypocrites ok? I honestly have no clue.
But yeah shang tsung was taught soul magic after he switched sides to outworld. Why? He was promised many things by shao kahn. You can read my personal backstory if you actually wanna wrote something fucking interesting with him without having to keep him as stupid hurr duur evil greedy snake and actually add nuance.
But that aside. Shang tsung was cohersed by shao kahn to join his side in the tournament.
He learned soul magic and wanted vengeance and to be petty because nobody fucks over shang tsung.
But after shao kahns defeat by earthrealm.
Shang tsung was cursed by the gods. As part of his treason. Which is stupid because basically you gave this fucker free immortality. He cant die. So as long as there is souls in his vicinity,he can revitalize himself and come back from a death state. So they dumb for that.
But if you go by my hc he fears the rot,decay,and the side effects basically of old age and death. Then this is worse of a punishment because basically the elder gods sent him to his own personal hell.
But that aside. Canonly he HAS to take souls to live.
Like an energy vampire of sorts.
A soulpire if you will.
So yeah dont blame my dude. Blame shao kahn for being an asshole and the elder gods for being stupid.
(My hc raiden was just stressed,an ass,inexperienced and overworked at the time. Its messy so we cant hate on raiden too much. He never wanted this to happen either)
So yeah. Dont be hating on my man for shit out of his control really.
He legit had no choice. It was either die by shao kahns hands. Or serve him as a lapdog. He chose to survive,by any means necessary. And he lost faith in raiden. So....yeah. the hungry tiger cornered will kill anyone in front of them to break free. The only way out was through for him.
Like god damn. I could do shang tsung and mk villains so much damn better than NRS and ed boob.
Tobias! Where are you!? We need you.
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