#🦈 c; Old
caeli0306 · 4 months
For the writers’ ask game thing (please and thank you!):
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
⏰️ Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
💎 Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
🔥 Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
🔎 Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
🤖 Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
👑 Do you like writing short fics or long fics?
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Ooh thanks for asking!
❤️ - This is so hard. A few options b/c I can't choose!
from castles crumbling chapter 2
I want to scream, but I can’t get the air into my lungs. This isn’t fair. If Malek had to take anyone, he should have taken me. Not this innocent child. Not these people celebrating their gods. Me. A murderer. Someone who so long ago lost my humanity that I barely even remember what it felt like to be human.
This line from the present, the past, and you in between:
The war was long, but my life with her has been longer. I used to say that I've lived on borrowed time, and I accepted that my life was destined to be short. Then I began to pray to Malek, begging to borrow more, all to spend with her.
Combined with this line:
I begged Malek for more time, and he gave me too much.
From Did Someone Say Shots?:
Instead, I slept with her when I knew how horrible of an idea it was, and it fucking destroyed me when, in the morning light, she called it a mistake. Look at me, dealing with the consequences of my own actions.
Last but definitely not least, from chapter 6 of castles crumbling:
I laid my old self to rest a long time ago, but he is still there at the wake, trying to make sense of her demise.
🎁 - a lil blurb from an unpublished one shot, if it pleases the court :)
Then Xaden walks into the conference room. He has the kind of presence that makes people shut up and pay attention, and I hate him for it. The chatter that permeated the air dies away instantly, replaced by the silence of worshippers waiting for words from their god on high. I guess Xaden fulfills that role here. Those golden eyes of his find me almost immediately, and I school my expression into a glare. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. That's the message I want him to receive. Instead, he only smirks, and then turns to retrieve a folder from Bodhi, who followed him in. Xaden takes a seat at the head of the long table, sitting as casually as one would in their own living room. He props his elbows on the table, the movement causing the muscles of his arms to bulge under the rolled up sleeves of his black button up shirt. I hate that he looks that good without even trying. I hate that I know what he looks like under that shirt even more. As if sensing that I was thinking about him, about That Night, he meets my eyes again, and his grin this time is downright filthy. "Shall we begin?" he asks. "Sorrengail, you're up. Tell us how you plan to save our asses, and try to make it quick." Oh, fuck him. I plaster on my most fake smile, and stand. Liam gives me a look from where he stands, that basically says Don't do something you'll regret. Luckily for me, I've about expended my regret reserves when it comes to Xaden Riorson. If he wants to be an ass, then fine. I'll be an ass in return. He needs me a whole lot more than I need him.
👻 - IDK if it's a headcanon, but I like to think Xaden sometimes needs assurances that she's not going to leave and that she loves him because he doesn't think he's worthy of her. Not in like, a toxic way, or in the "I need to know you'll be there" way that he brought up in IF, but more every day, like "Hey I'm feeling x right now, and need to hear that my brain is creating scenarios that aren't real." IDK if I'm making any sense.
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phyrestartr · 4 months
got some questions today
I’m sorry I’m a little slow so bare with me😭
Was it hinted that reader had miscarriages before hand?
did reader actually sleep with yujii?
does reader know sukuna is in yujii?
is reader a big bootied bitch? (Half joking)
— 🦈 anon (can i be this)
HELLO HELLO! BRO NO PROBLEMS AT ALL, I intentionally make things vague and don't necessarily answer stuff in the story so ALL GOOD!! (And yes ofc you can be 🦈 anon, all yours)
It was vaguely mentioned in Pt.1 that a jujutsu clan attempted to impregnate reader to breed half-breed sorcerers, but no children were ever born. It's left vague for reader interpretation for the sake of "choose your own adventure," but intended to let the reader know their character has struggled with pregnancy in the past, one way or another. He briefly mentions in Pt.2 that he'd like to "bear children" or "to try, at the very least." Either way, reader wanted to be a parent, but struggled for one reason or another. (Also, no guarantees the twins have passed away :eyes:)
No, there were no shenanigans with Yuuji LOL. Gojo is just a brat and wanted to tease and be dramatic. Will say that reader finds comfort in him because a) he looks like Sukuna, b) feels like Sukuna, c) Sukuna is deadass lurking in there and is probably resonating with his baby mama on the DL. Reader was mostly lonely and sad and scared and needed some comfort
Reader knows, but doesn't know. Reader is portrayed as very soft/naiive/gentle/compassionate, but in reality, he was already a couple hundred years old when he met Sukuna, so he's seen a lot and understands even more. He probably knows Sukuna is in there, especially because the man left his mark on him with reverse curse technique, and kitsune in myth have many avenues of communication outside of the waking world's spoken world. And considering Sukuna has his own 'domain' inside of Yuuji, in a way, lots could be happening BTS 👀
In spirit, hugest booty. Giant cxck, even. In reality, a medium-bootied bitch. Still giant cxck, tho
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PIC(S) INFO: Resolution at 1417x1984 & 1005x1500 -- Spotlight on an homage poster to "Jaws" à la "Pacific Rim," artwork by Matt Ferguson, c. 2013.
Ah, the age-old question:
If you had to choose, which one would it be: Giant robots? Or a bigger boat? Hmmm... 🤔🤖🌊🚢🦈
Source: www.geek-art.net/matt-ferguson-pacific-rim.
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lovedetlost · 1 year
hi bby. i had to tell someone this bc everyone else is like “cool” about what i’m about to say but i’m like mind blown.
so back in dec 22’ when i was working at a western store, this super cute guy came in with his friend. his friend was buying jeans and boots. well making a christmas list. anywho, he had super dry humor almost to the point where you might think he’s an asshole but he was funny about it. and i’m almost certain he just has super super dry humor bc he was the same way with his buddy. anywho found out then he was at the firefighter academy. he left that day and i never got his number. i never thought i’d see him again. (i found his insta but that’s besides the point). i was too scared to ask him for his number, especially while on the clock. like i said i never thought i’d see him again.
fast forward a few months (february 23’) i put my 2 weeks in at the western store and went back to work at my old job (health foods store. kinda like whole foods. essentially a grocery store but lots of healthy stuff) town over from the western one and i’ve been back since.
fast forward AGAIN to september 22, 2023, aka yesterday where i am cashiering at the register near the left entrance and i hear the doors open so i automatically look by instinct. and i see a guy and his friend. the guy looked so so familiar. and so did his tattoos. they almost resembled tribal ones? idk. and then it clicked in my head that the guy was the SAME one i helped back at the western store almost 10 MONTHS before. i keep hawk eyeing him down the whole time. waiting for him to get to the front. i knew he’d go to self checkout bc who doesn’t at that age (20s).
i finally get off my register and make my way over just before he leaves and asked him if he was a firefighter at the city he’d told me he was going to back last december. he simply replied, “i am a firefighter but not for (blank). i’m one for (current town we’re in atm).” and before i can even ask him if he shopped at the western store he goes “hey, didn’t you work at (old job)?” and i was taken ABACK!
i ask him if his name starts with a ‘c’ and he says “no, it’s an ‘a’” and then i told him nvm i have nothing. and he goes again, “i’m just messing with you it’s c****” i’m laughing and say “i was gonna say that” and he goes on to say “you just said you didn’t know. you have to be more confident” all with a smile.
i didn’t think he’d remember me bc tbh 1. i’m not the best looking in my eyes. and 2. i feel like ppl want to forget me bc i’m so weird. so i respond with something along the lines of “oh my god you beat me to the question. wow you remember me? i’m flattered” and he asked about my job and why i left the old one. i asked him about his job. and he flat out goes “i was thinking if the firefighter gig doesn’t work out i could work here with you” as a joke bc he’s sarcastic.
we say a few more things and then he leaves and says something like “i’ll see ya. have a good day”
and now i’m having so many regrets ALL OVER AGAIN! for not asking for his number. i had the perfect way to say/ask for it. i only came up with it AFTER he fucking left.
“i’ll be sure to call you next time i’m in distress” and knowing how sarcastic he is he’d probs say something like “you don’t even have my number” and i’d just say “shit you’re right. what is it?” UGHHHHHH IM SO MAD AT MYSELF RN. also ps he even remembered our convo from december. what does that even mean when a guy remembers you and a convo you two had after only meeting once for 2 hours 10 months before??
-much love bby 🦈<- idk i’m making this my signature i’m sorry. hahahah
OKAY FIRST a) sorry i forgot to reply; and b) the universe loves you bringing him back into your life; AND C) HE REMEMBERED YOU!! GET IT BABYYY. okay but now i will reply at length.
there are so many incidents in which i regret not taking the leap of faith. honestly more than once i've considered making up business cards to slip to people with my name, number, link to my nudes, because for some reason giving out a number seems so gauche these days. and i hate it! when i get home, i really am going to order some. modern dating is ridiculous and i'm bringing some of the fun back.
okay that is a good line but do not blame yourself for not thinking of it in the moment. it is literally impossible to be smooth and suave while you're all flustered over a cute guy remembering you. i had a crush on a customer and i would hide every time he came in because i would turn into such a hot mess when he was around.
now, the question is, how crazy was you finding him on IG? like i fully understand and i back the FBI nature to seek out crushes i do it to every single man i've ever fancied, but is actually following him a major red flag. aka when he asks how you find him is it more than a two step process haha. because if it's not more than a two-step (he gave you his full name, or he's featured on the local firefighter IG) you can totally follow him. if it required a little more stealth than it's probably not a good move.
also, he knows where you work now. so be on the lookout for him. if he comes back in, take your chance. and ask him out for coffee. be nonchalant about it. like you ask out men all time and if he says he can't it won't make you cry in the bathroom (if he does say no it's totally fine to cry in the bathroom i've done it before). i asked my ex boyfriend out, and that's how we started dating.
honestly babe, these kind of meet cutes and little crushes get rarer and rarer as we get older (which no one warned me about and i am incredibly disappointed in adulthood). so revel in it! get excited. enjoy the butterflies. i hope you see him again! i am so invested in this. and thanks for telling me, i am beyond honoured.
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fenix192004 · 1 year
I've never done this but someone told that Tumblr would be a good place to look for roleplay partners???...... I'm not sure but we ago I guess
I've been using discord to rp so let me know
After reading everything, comment if interested. I want to do a Avatar/Avatar:the way of water rp. I don't exactly have a wiki for though he is killed off so I'm a little wary.
For the face, I used a face blender app so it is pretty shitty quality. my oc though I will probably work on that. For now, a short description and a picture. Depending on which movie we go with, my oc will be either Metkayina/omatikaya
I also have crossover ideas for star Trek, star Wars, and the game series mass Effect. If interested in any of these, let me know.
I don't really have a plot but I would like to follow some events of the movies and would pair my oc with Jake Sully or Lo'ak. Maybe netayam
[C]🐋For Metkayina: Name Fenix. About 18 years old. Mostly an outcast as her physical appearance varies from the rest of the Metkayina. She does her best to stay out of the way and spends most of the time fishing/swimming. She's quiet though a few of the children like her as she's much calmer then others. Like Kiri, the chief adopted though her adopted brother picks on her quite a lot.
[C]She's quite the fighter and it's landed her in quite a bit of trouble with her adopted parents. Her hair is pale grey and her eyes a gray ish blue. She uses kelp grass woven together to cover her hair as her adopted brother teases her about it.
[C]🐴for omatikaya: Fenix is neytiri's fraternal twin. Fenix is about 5 minutes older than neytiri and is very much rebellious about being the next tsahik. She doesn't believe herself to be a spiritual leader and wants to be like their father Eytukan. She hides her hair with Dapophet leaves woven together though she taking the covering off when shes alone. She is technically meant to mate with tsu'tey. She's an excellent hunter and takes every opportunity to help with training the young warriors.
Genres: romance, angst, drama action
[C]✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
[C]╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
[C]╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
3rd person
Cussing allowed
No heavy gore
No usage of * for action
Use () //[ for out of rp chat
No yandere rp
No Mary Sue's or something like that
Respect my OCs pronouns and gender identity (if you give any hate, you will be blocked)
[C]personal Triggers
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mallsharks · 1 year
Welcome to the Mall!
We're sharks in the mall, a fictive heavy OSDD-1b system. We also go by just sharks or delta for short, and we use they/it/vy/fir pronouns collectively. We also mostly use we/us/ours but use singular terms as well.
We are AuDHD and our special interests are horror, undertale, and science! We are also currently hyperfixated on a few different things, including Stardew Valley, QSMP, marine biology, and some more I cant remember rn lol, feel free to ask us about this stuff in our inbox! We're fine with any asks really as long as it's nothing invasive or weird.
Not a full list, just the most common alters who may post for now. Will update if need be.
🕊️ Hyssop (they/it/he) ;; 17 ;; oc + c!dream @pandoras-hound
☢️ Tubbo (he/they) ;; 18 ;; c!tubbo @gammaraygoat
🛑 Tommy (he/pog) ;; 18 ;; c!tommy
🕯️ Orion (he/him) ;; 18 ;; eburnean!tommy
🖌️ Sandals (she/they/he/neos) ;; 20s ;; ink sans + oc
🦈 Sharkie (they/vy/fir) ;; ageless ;; oc
🍃 George (he/him) ;; 20s ;; c!george
🪙 Foolish (he/they) ;; 20s ;; c!foolish
👑 Chrysaor (he/gold/blade) ;; old ;; c!technoblade
💛 Riot (ze/rot/nya + more) ;; 17 ;; brainmade 
💜 Lavender (any) ;; 20s ;; lust sans
💚 Daffodil (she/they/it) ;; 20s ;; c!dream, canon divergent @wollenheart
💙 Ghostbur (they/them) ;; unknown ;; c!ghostbur
Common Tags
#(emoji) post - Post made by a specific alter, won't always tag
#delta draws - our silly little art tag!
#delta rambles - self explanatory
(Might add more in the future if we want)
We do not owe you any personal information about the body or any alters, what we share is up to us. 
Don’t start discourse with us, we will block and move on. 
We are not fictional characters, no matter how close to source any of us may be. Do not treat us as such.
We’re all fine with source mates, but please don’t act like we actually know each other if we’ve only just met.
Unless we're close, none of us are fine with flirting at all, especially any comments about the body.
Under 14 / Over 25 bodily (More lenient on the upper limit)
purely syscourse/general discourse blogs
Friends with Lush Caves Collective (previously crowned constellations)
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xx-radishrush-xx · 3 months
About me!
Im Gabriela but I rather when someone calls me Emily or Charlie,I am neptunic and genderfluid and use she/he/they pronouns!<3 👻
I love photography and cosplay... maybe one day I'll show cosplay :3, I also like drawing but I'm not very good at it so I'm not sure if I'll show it :C. I also like writing stories that I might publish here. 🗯
Attention !!
I suffer from autism, or rather from Asperger's syndrome. I also have social anxiety.
I have 14 years old and Im from Poland, but I can also speak Japanese, Norwegian, English, Russian and German (not fluently, but I can).🦈
This account is a quiet place where you can calm down and watch edits (not always mine, so I will mention the person!) of your fandom, art, maybe cosplay, some photos and stories from my life or made up stories! There will be no hate here, no matter what you are! It doesn't matter what your faith, skin color, or orientation is, you will still be safe here! (but if you are homophobic, transphobic, pedo or zoophile, or anything else, please leave.) ❤️❤️❤️
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bancho-zx · 1 year
My MiSTer FPGA setup.
Acrylic case from misterfpga.co.uk
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Analogue IO board, usb hub, Y/C active board from Misteraddons.com
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I made case for Y/C board with sardine can box 🐟🐠🐟🐡
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MT32-pi hat from Yavimaya on tindie.com with Raspberry Pi 3 A+
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I made dust cover for it with another brand appropriate sardine can box 🐠🐡🐟🦈
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Old Victor optical audio headphone dac with Dolby Headphone function
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0 notes
noahrandom · 2 years
└> @noahrandom is typing... ❜
. . . 💌 : New message¡
〔˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥〕hello °○ ♨️
❥ こんにちは!
┏━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┓
-ˋˏ [ Noah | Male | Bisexual ] ˎˊ-
┗━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┛
┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆
┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ⏳ ₒ ‍ ‍
┆ ┆ ┆ *:・゚ ↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ 🚬 ⌇ ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ↴
┆ ┆ *ೃ Noah’s bio.
┆ ‍ ‍ ‍ *₊°。
┊ .˚ 📨 ༘┊͙ I don’t know what I’m doing 90% of the time. ; [ 💫 ]
˚ ·. ·
┊hash tags--
┊ ۵
↷ ⁞ Stan Enhypen & Stray Kids
⁞ Whale for Genshin Impact Characters
◛ * . • ·
. °. • 。
♡ 。• *
* . •. ° 。
☾. °. . ` , •
•. ° . * .·. . ✧:. ·.
* °. • 。
°. `. 💕 .
°. •. 。
↱ ✎ my purpose in life is to study ೄྀ࿐
✦ ` ੈ˚`✫
┊ `✫. ˚ .
┊⊹. ˚. ⊹ 🍑 ⋆
┊˚ ˚✩ˊ ↠ 桃とクリーム ↞
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ↷ ·˚ ༘ 💌 status: ꒱
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ───────────── .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ┊ .˚
sleeping : :
offline : :
online : :
at school : :
eating : :
don't pm : :
busy : :
I need coffee : ☕️ :
too lazy to change : :
└─────── have fun! ──➤
⁽ love is ⁾ → @andierandom ♡
› 〉🦈 .ೃ be unique ‘ 🛸„ ↴
⏤ ⏤ ✎ .ೃ creative mfs. ↴
╭─ 🖇,, ⟶ .·. ⊹. ,(^‿^✿) ° .
╰────── ─ ─╮
╰─ - ̗̀♡ ✎
· · · · · · · · ·
── 📠 :: about me ♡ ︵ . .
▸ 关于我 . . . ❀︵︵ ↴
[I’m a Filipino-American who is 19 years old.]
˚ ·
* ˚ ✦
✩*ೃ. ܴೈ
✠ ੈ✩‧₊˚
⠇ ⊹ 🖇 ⠇
✧ ⋆ . °
° ✦
started at;; 07.15.2022
ended at;; 12.09.2022 (🏷)
° ┄┄────┄
⁝ ⊹ ⁝
✧ ⋆ . ˚⠀⠀⠀⠀
˗ˋ .*ೃ✧₊˚.❁ ↷
┊ ✧ ┊ ၀ ┊ 𒊹 ࠬ 𖧹 ┊✩ᤲ ଂ𓂄┊
┊ ✱ ༷ ᤲଂ ┊ 〄 . ꥓ ┊𓇢 ᛫ ᤲ ଂ┊✦𓈒 𓆇 𓇽
┊ 𐬹 ꙳ ┊✶ ଂ. ┊ 𖥸
┊𓋜 𓂂 ┊ 𑁍ࠬ
┊ ᤱ ☾
‧₊˚ ┊͙Life is short, so eat all you can. ˎˊ—𓆝𓆟𓆜
╭────┈ ↷
│ ✎┊ f a c t s
││• I enjoy math
││• I’ve fallen asleep at least once during all my classes
││• I spend money on games
││• I’m in a long-distance relationship
││• Before @andierandom agreed to be my girlfriend, she rejected me
│╰─────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦
ೃ⁀➷. I kin Scaramouche and Hua Cheng 📧
⁝ ⊹ ⁝
✧ ⋆ . ˚
〝There’s no such thing as pure freedom in this world.〞
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ━ Scaramouche༉‧₊˚✧ ‍
┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝
┊┊┊ 역시 직접 봐야만 세상의 아름다움을 느낄 수 있어
┊┊⋆ ❞
. ° ·      · . • °
.   ⋆     ˚  ✧ * .
. ˚ ✧  *    .   ° . .
.   . ° . .
⑅· ˚ ༘ ♡
🖇 › ♡˖°꒰ : my social medias
¹. 三晴#0411 on discord
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ─────── .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗
Status blog's
╰── ➤ [❁ཻུ۪۪] yes [ ] no
││Featured posts
││Reblog guide - here
││Writing posts - here
││Old introduction - here
↻;; 🎨 ↷
ˏˋ Mind empty. ❞
⋅° 🍃
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ོ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ོ ⠀⠀
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⠀ ⠀ ོ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ོ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ོ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ོ
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ↷ ·˚ ༘ 💌 welcome! :: ꒱
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ─────── .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗
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- ˏˋ 💌 ˊˎ -
now playing: Case 143 🎶
Band: Stray Kids
Link to song: Case 143
사건 발생 잊지 못할 사건
치명적인 매력에 홀라당 빠져
자꾸 나를 자극하는 넌
출처가 없는 문제야 풀어야 할 숙제야
Can I be your boyfriend?
너를 대하는 태도 거짓 하나 없어 no cap
너에게 하고 싶은 말로 가득 찼어 my case
완벽함 앞에 어떤 말로도 부족해
You got me losing patience
걷잡을 수 없는 emotion
떠올라 니 모습 봐 I never feel alright
수많은 감정이 충돌해, 왜 이래?
Rolling in the deep inside my head
You got me bad
신속하게 네게로 moving, on my way (ah-ooh!)
Why do I keep getting attracted?
자석 같이 끌려가
I cannot explain this reaction
이것밖에 one four three
Why do I keep getting attracted?
니 모습만 떠올라
I cannot explain this emotion
One four three, I love you!
I wanna send my code to you
Eight letters is all it takes
And I'm gonna let you know, oh
너 말곤 높이 쌓아뒀지 barricade (barricade)
원하는 대로 불러도 돼 code name (call me baby)
욕심이래도 되고 싶어 soulmate (whoo)
이 맘은 점점 더 upgrade 'cause
You got me losing patience
걷잡을 수 없는 emotion
떠올라 니 모습 봐 I never feel alright
수많은 감정이 충돌해, 왜 이래?
Rolling in the deep inside my head
You got me bad
신속하게 네게로 moving, on my way
Why do I keep getting attracted?
자석 같이 끌려가
I cannot explain this reaction
이것밖에 one four three
Why do I keep getting attracted?
니 모습만 떠올라
I cannot explain this emotion
One four three, I love you!
Heartbeat 나의 모든 상태 지금 위기 (위기)
너의 모습 ain't no "False"
나의 속맘 다시 repeat (repeat)
Walking next to you, but I'm falling
더 깊게 빠져들어 끌리지
You're pulling me deeper and deeper
I try to get out, but I can't stop
Can I be the one?
Yeah, I'll be the one
무모하게 도전해 오그라드는 표현
머릿속이 띵하고 무감정은 손절
Moving, I'm on my way
Why do I keep getting attracted?
니 모습만 떠올라
I cannot explain this emotion
One four three, I love you!
Why do I keep getting attracted?
자석 같이 끌려가
I cannot explain this reaction
I'm gonna let you know (know)
I'm just gonna go (go)
And hold you so I'm never letting go
I'm gonna let you know (know)
That I'm just gonna go (just go)
Yeah 난 너에게로 지금 출발합니다 바로 like I'm
Never letting go, oh
I cannot explain this emotion
One four three, I love you!
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
❥ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ❀ ‘ end ₊˚.༄ ೃ -
ㅤㅤㅤ ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
⊹ ︵︵︵︵︵︵︵︵︵︵
⊹ -ˏˋ bye ˊˎ-
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kayime · 3 years
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what big bro gonna say to bearkid tian
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the-final-sif · 2 years
DSMP Lore Discourse Ask Game - Spicy Edition
I've seen a dsmp discourse ask meme going around, and frankly, I was very unimpressed with the discourse presented. To fix this, I've made a new Spicy Discourse ask meme with help from the dreblr server!
🚀 - Would c!Tubbo be justified in using his nuclear weapons if threatened, assuming that said nuclear weapons would kill everyone on the SMP not in a specialized bunker? (ie, killing everyone except those who c!Tubbo warned ahead of time).
🍗 - If c!Dream succeeds in murdering c!Quackity, would c!Sapnap find out in time to show up to his funeral? Would he care to?
❔- Has c!Wilbur actually made a significant improvement in how he treats other people since his revival?
♠️ - Do you think c!Sam's sexual attraction towards c!Dream is the result of having a power kink or specific to c!Dream? A mixture?
🏷️ - Do you think using the revive book has a cost, and if so, what do you think that cost might be?
🥼 - Do you think that the version of c!Ranboo who has his full memories resents c!Tubbo for putting him through experiments against his will?
🦝 - Is it possible for c!Tommy to have a happy ending without leaving the server?
➗ - How old do you think c!Fundy is, and based on that answer, how old is c!Wilbur?
⏮️ - Do the founders of the SMP have more right to ownership/control over the server than the people who arrived later?
⚖️ - Do you think c!Bad would physically intervene to protect c!Quackity from c!Dream, if c!Dream had previously informed him that c!Quackity was his primary torturer? Or do you think the guilt of having allowed the torture would drive c!Bad to be a bystander to c!Dream's revenge?
🦈 - If c!Foolish decides to help c!Dream kill c!Quackity, would he be justified in that choice?
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itsonlydana · 3 years
masterlist ➷ mcyt
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I write for:
-cc! / c!Eret -cc! / c!Foolish -c!Niki -c!jschlatt -platonic c!SBI
⤷ it can happen that I´ll post stuff with other characters but I only accept requests from those listed above (for now)
♡- authors personal favorites
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➸ Eret 👑
➝ "summer love" (hurt/comfort, fluff)
➝ "so give me hope in the darkness that i will see the light" (fluff)
➝ "together" (hurt/comfort)
➝ "koralia" + "koralia pt. 2" (fluff) ♡↳ 9k, royal!au
➝ "the black rose" (fluff) ♡↳ 4,7k, pirate!au
➝ "late night drive" (fluff)
➝ "sunlight moments" (fluff) ♡
➝ "strawberries and blueberries" (fluff)
➝ "love vs. time" (fluff, angst)
➝ "surprise" (fluff)
➝ "lost memories" (angst)
➝ "and your eyes were like stars, guiding me through the ever-growing darkness" (angst, strong tw!)
➝ "together we can fly" (hurt/comfort, fluff) ♡
↳ 7k, circus!au
➝ "mcyt reacting to drunk confessions" (fluff) ♡
➝ "dsmp characters as teachers" (fluff) ♡
➝ "stained-glass reflections of the truth" (hurt/comfort, angst)
➝ "dsmp character confessing drunk" (hurt/comfort, fluff) ♡
➸ Foolish 🦈
➝ "saturdays" (fluff)
➝ "my brothers best friend" (fluff) ♡
➝ "tutoría de español" (fluff) ♡
➝ "a class reunion and old loves" (fluff)
➝ "a successful surprise" (fluff)
➝ "bike rides from school" (fluff)
➝ "summer drives" (fluff) ♡
➝ "sunlight moments" (fluff) ♡
➝ "the boy on the bus" + "warm hands" (fluff) ♡
➝ "love vs time" (fluff, angst)
➝ "surprise" (fluff)
➝ "lost memories" (angst)
➝ "new beginnings" (hurt/comfort)
➝ "love is best served hot" (fluff) ♡
➝ "mcyt reacting to drunk confessions" (fluff) ♡
➝ "dsmp characters as teachers" (fluff) ♡
➝ "sleepless nights in the deserts heat" (fluff)
➝ "meeting Foolish for the first time" (fluff)
➝ "I'm falling in love with your favorite song" (fluff) ♡
↳ 6k, college!au, best friends to lovers
➝ "meeting Foolishs family" (fluff)
➝ "r/place confessions" (fluff)
➝ "close to you" (fluff)
➝ "dsmp character confessing drunk" (hurt/comfort, fluff) ♡
➝ "the consequences of kissing your homies" (fluff) ♡
➝ "an ugly thing called jealousy" (hurt/comfort)
➝ "Foolish getting insecure about his laugh" (fluff)
➝ "come to bed" (fluff)
➝ "foolish at a pride event" (fluff)
➸ Schlatt 💲
➝ "Lovers on the weekend" + "Lovers behind closed doors" (fluff, hurt/comfort, angst) ♡
↳ 15k, enemies to lovers (major tw for part two)
➝ "summer nights" + "summer mornings" (fluff)
➝ "bitter jealousy" + "ice cream dates and tacky souvenirs" (fluff)
➝ "and there were only three beds" (fluff)
➝ "i need you to stay" (hurt/comfort)
➝ "the Mad Tea Party disaster" (fluff) ♡
➝ "the paw-sibility of love" (fluff) ♡
➝ "can you forgive me?" (hurt/comfort)
➝ "your new boyfriend is an asshole" (hurt/comfort)
➝ "tired whispers" (fluff)
➝ "dsmp characters as teachers" (fluff) ♡
➝ "dsmp character confessing drunk" (hurt/comfort, fluff) ♡
➸ Niki Nihachu 🧁
"dsmp characters as teachers" (fluff) ♡
➸ BdoubleO100 🕑
➝ "sleeping in // getting thrown out of bed" (fluff) ♡
➝ "finding a friend in your enemy" (fluff)
➸ sleepy bois inc 🥧
➝ "passwort: party pooper Phil" (fluff)
➝ "falling through the clouds" (fluff)
➝ "adventure time" (fluff)
➝ "don't try me" (fluff)
➸ bench trio 🧭
➝ "the hype troop" (fluff)
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➸ "Koralia" 🐚 [finished] ♡
↳ short series about a small kingdom by the ocean, in which:
⊹ a young ruler falls in love with the king of the DreamSMP
⊹ and where a demigod finds love in a dance on a beach
⊹ (royalty!au, 11k words)
➛ part ⅰ "koralia" (Eret) ➛ part ⅱ "learning how to love" (Eret) ➛ part 𝓪 "the ceremony of change" (Foolish)
➸ "the flower garden" 🌸[discontinued]
↳ multiple stories about different dsmp characters and the world of flowers
⊹ Foolish, Eret, Jschlatt, Niki, Quackity, Captain Puffy, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Philza, Technoblade
➸ "A Nightmare at Manburg-High" 👻 [finished]
↳ a short halloween highschool au
⊹ multiple stories with dsmp!characters (Foolish, Eret, Niki, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Jschlatt, Philza, Technoblade, Dream, George, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl)
➸ "Castle Stories" 🏰[ongoing] 600 follower event!
↳ There is a castle hidden behind magical forests, gigantic mountains, and deep dark oceans and within its walls are stories about all the inhabitants of this magical castle
⊹ multiple stories about different dsmp!characters (Eret, Foolish, Philza, Technoblade, Tommy & Tubbo & Ranboo, Schlatt, Niki)
➸ 800 follower event 🌾 [finished]
↳ short blurbs/drabbles with dialogue prompts
⊹ cc!/c! Eret, cc!/c!Foolish, c!Niki, c!jschlatt, c!Techno
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dead-bones · 3 years
I'm Dead/Crossbones/Clay/whatever you wanna nickname me. I'm a 20 year old dude who just is way too gay for his own good.
This blog will mainly be focused on 18+ ideas with Techno (character techno) but I'll do my best to tag everything. (I get too excited and such sometimes)
To ensure everyone in knows this: This blog is archived but that doesn't mean I don't check to make sure minors stay out. So minors, you're still being kicked out even if I've killed this blog.
Enjoy ya stay in the grave yard!
I am an 18+ blog, so if you follow, have your age in bio or I will remove you as a follower.
Won't write: Scat, necrophilia, pedo, race play, extreme ddlg/lb, homo/transphobia, non con (cnc I'll do but anything that has no consent is a no go)
(I'll keep adding)
Taken anons:
Emojis: 🤍 : 🪑 : 🦈 : 🦊 : 🪶 : 🐊: 🥑 : ⏳ : 🦎 : 👻 : 🐏 : 🧬 : 🍡
Words: Venus : Cloud : Crow : Spike : Dove : Bear : Smallnonnie : leafy : Doll
Emotions: :)
Dead chatters : Random talking
Dead serious: Serious things
Dead shit posts: I think it speaks for itself
Bone party: anon tag
Rotten Raves: my gross kinks tag
Fucks like heathers: @boobberries
Tired hits: @slapnap
Techno°c° : Techno tag
Philza°c° : Philza tag, who doesn't love a double team?
Nsfwtech: techno nsfw
Dead smut: nsfw writing
Dead writes: writing blurbs
Drop dead advice: advice tag
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golfclashboss · 2 years
Golf Clash | Rookie Division - Hole 1 | Weekend (Final) Round - Old Bridge Tournament
Golf Clash | Rookie Division – Hole 1 | Weekend (Final) Round – Old Bridge Tournament
If you would like detailed & printable text guides https://www.patreon.com/GCPaws If you would like to become a member of my channel and support 🐆🐈🦣🐬🦒🐅🦈🦧 click link below: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI3igRnjPi-HqJsDoBtwzNw/join Adam’s channel for live stream based off this videos shots. He will attempt to dial in the missed drops 😎 https://youtube.com/c/PawsPutts
View On WordPress
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xxalienat7elevenxx · 2 years
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⚠️ cw // eyestrain , bright colors ⚠️
🍪🦈🐻 C H I P 🐻🦈🍪
💙This is Chip! A old adopt I got a long time ago that I decided to redesign slightly. He's a shark/bear :3 💙
🌈 Art ★ XxAlienAt7ElevenxX 🌈
🌈 Character ★ XxAlienAt7ElevenxX 🌈
🌈 XxAlienAt7ElevenxX ★ 2021 🌈
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quamxmulti · 5 years
"Isn't IT fuN oLD? MOrE rEd THe MErRIeR!"
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🦈 ─“....” he fell silent for a bit. How to word this properly. “It depends.. Wadanohara.. are you happy..?” 
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