#'a girl moves to town to move with her emotionally distant dad and has an awkward time making new friends'
arataka-reigen · 1 year
I watched Twilight a few days ago. And that movie is So Good, like,, unironically it is a very good movie, the dialogue is amazing, the cinematography is pretty, the mood of the movie is well established with the blue filter and sopping wet look everything has... does it have an incredibly cringe romantic plot? Yes, but it is very charming if you ignore all the problematic stuff. And it is so funny i spent the first half of the movie laughing way too hard. I am so disappointed with the rest of the series because that first movie is worth a billion dollars. To me.
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elliesflower · 1 year
loser!!!!!bff!!!!ellie!!!!!!!! hc's
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i’m just jumping on the loser!ellie train bc i actually love it and i feel like she’s such a loser despite her commitment issues like…she wants to believe in love so bad, SO BAD that she is actually a hopeless romantic deep down she literally can’t help it but it’s trapped under her awkward funny girl exterior. she's so me fr 😵‍💫
all these are sfw except for a lil sum special for you FREAKS at the end teehee so as with all my content, please 18+ only, mdni!!!
cw; afab!reader, smut (at the end)
♡ all her doodles of cat and dina hello??? she’d have a whole fucking journal dedicated to just drawings of you, every time you hang out she’d be discreetly letting her eyes linger on your face so that she can sketch you out later. and she’d smile while sketching you i know she would, her cheeks would get all red and maybe she’d even giggle she wants you so bad!!! 
♡ she’d be on patrol and see a beautiful yellow flower and immediately think of you, she has to pick it for her best friend, she HAS to!! she’d lose her balance on her damn horse trying to protect it from getting damaged while she rode back into town, but it’s worth it to see the smile on your pretty face 
♡ i feel like she'd follow you around. in any context. patrol? she's slightly behind your horse to keep an eye on you. walking around jackson? she's literally always right behind your left shoulder, letting you lead the way. party at dina's? she's practically glued to you the whole night, and when the liquor would hit she was a little handsy, pathetically looping a finger through your belt loop as she followed you to the bathroom, moving your hair out of your face when you'd talk to her, etc.. and of course the next day she'd get so sick when she recalled her behavior, feeling shameful and wondering if you were catching on (ofc you were).
♡ and she’d dream about you all the time oh my gosh! esp after hanging out with you all day she wouldn’t be able to get you out of her head when she gets home. maybe she’ll definitely even write your name with a little heart next to it in her journal when she’s recalling the day. her subconscious would manifest the way that you looked trying to play her guitar into her dreams that night
♡ speaking of guitar, she’d 10000% write songs for you. she wouldn’t tell you they’re for you, of course, she’d just play the most beautiful love song you’ve ever heard and play it off like it was nothing. but when she gets home she’d probably cry because she was too scared to make a move on you :( 
♡ i also mentioned this in a previous post but this bitch would love frank ocean, so i can see her falling asleep listening to thinkin bout you and crying bout you :( or imagine in a modern world her sketching in her journal while listening to ivy before she starts to cry because she's so frustrated by her own awkwardness, and the fact she can't ever seem to tell you how she feels :((((
♡ if you ever got into another relationship would be beating herself up over it, like why didn't she make a move sooner? and she wouldn't be able to help herself, she'd get extra moody whenever your partner was around, distant and clearly irritated. poor baby is just so bad at expressing her feelings that whenever you'd ask her about it she'd just throw it under the rug and say she's on her period or something
♡ but when you and your partner inevitably broke up, of course she was right there to be your shoulder to cry on. you'd show up at her house sobbing in the middle of the night, and i think it would take her aback, honestly, how she felt her own tears falling as she embraced you on her doorstep. she would be so emotionally connected to you, your tears were hers, and she wanted nothing more than to make you feel better. she'd throw out an empty threat to your ex, and it'd make you smile. she loves to see you smile, gosh she'd do anything to make you happy, she just loves you so much!
♡ she wouldn't. stop. with the fucking. dad jokes. she'd be insatiable, truly, like...you were starting to wonder if she was getting off on telling them to you or something. but really, she just wanted to make you feel better, any little thing she could do to make you laugh would make her feel like she did good enough for the day
♡ and you'd start to see her romantically after a while, how could you not? and why didn't you sooner? she'd be so easily flustered though, every time your hand would linger on her shoulder, or whenever you'd squeeze her even tighter as you watched a horror movie...her heart would start beating all fast and her cheeks would get so rosy. maybe her pussy would even throb when she noticed you bending over extra slowly while getting dressed one day. and of course you were doing it for her
♡ she wouldn't be able to contain herself when you kiss her for the first time. and of course you made the first move, you think a loser like ellie would ever kiss you first? she'd been so desperate for you for so long i really think she might whine into your mouth. she's a whimperer, really, she'd probably gasp when you shove your hand down the front of her pants and get your fingers moving over her clit,
"oh! oh m'god," she'd be pathetic, her jaw clenching as she whined into your shoulder while your fingers slid between her wet folds with ease. she'd cum so fucking fast you'd barely have time to blink, repeating your name over and over like a prayer as she made a mess of your hand. you've never seen her like this, lust clouding her inhibition and making her so desperate it was like she was brainless, grabbing your wrist and bringing your slick-covered fingers to her mouth to suck them clean.
"i gotta taste you," she'd whine, and she'd make sure you were comfortable on the bed before spreading your legs and eating you out like she was a woman possessed, literally drunk on the taste of your pussy.
"taste so fucking good," between kitten licks to your clit, did she even know what she was saying? "i love you, i fucking love you," of course she was confessing her love for you now, when she had her nose buried in your cunt, intoxicated by the sound of your moans and the feeling of your skin being indented by her fingertips.
she may be a loser, but she'd be your loser.
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dicmondskies · 1 year
☆ & * .   ♡   I N T R O D U C T I O N  …
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[          ◟  KAY. ◝           ]     ⸻     have  you  ever  heard  20 something  by sza ,  well  it  is PARIS SAZUKI  to  a  tee  .  the tarot reader and metaphysical store owner at the black cat has  been  spotted  wandering  down  portobello  road  markets  just  last  sunday  ,  do  you  know  them  ?  would  you  say  they  are more  emotionally intelligent  or  more  sensitive  ?anyway  ,  they  remind  me  of  lavender fields, an ancestral altar full of crystals from around the world, herbal teas when sick, essential oil diffusers in every room, incense to keep bad energy away  ,  maybe  you’ll  catch  them  around  yeah ?     ⸻     [          ◟  KAYLEE BRYANT. ◝           ]  
PARIS SUZUKI is the first born in the suzuki family. being the eldest girl has always had a much deeper and heavier meaning to her life. as the first born, she realized from a young age that she wasn’t the same as the family that surrounded her. naturally she’s always had a gift for seeing the truth of things, being able to observe a situation, family dynamic, environment, etc. and knowing exactly what needs to be brought to light for improvement. she was shown grim truths about her toxic family dynamics as she matured over the years. older adults called her an empath, she’d line all of her stuffed animals up, convinced they were alive and had feelings, talked to imaginary friends, and knew when bad things were about to happen, she even started having prophetic dreams as her link to the spiritual world strengthened with age. sometimes, she’d just KNOW things, and didn’t know why. with a strict cultural upbringing, these feelings and ‘knowings’ were highly discouraged, so much so that her parents nearly scared her of herself, of the feelings she was experiencing that were so confusing and making others seem afraid of her. she eventually learned to block it out, ignore it, only talk about it to trusted peers which were few, even the kids in school sensed something special about her, in return she was sort of a timid, isolated child who wanted nothing more than the opposite. her younger brothers were always popular and well liked, which made her feel more like something was wrong with her.
☆ &*— high school
when she was 15, p’s parents went through a really rough patch, there were rumors that got back to paris that her dad was having an affair, and when she asked her mom about the rumors she was told to stay out of adult business. she witnessed a lot of her dad doing whatever he wanted and watching her mom tolerate it and look the other way due to the fact he was the sole bread winner,  as she aged into her teenage years, paris became more rebellious. she was still the same kind, genuine, lover girl she’d always been but at home she was cold and distant, she’d rack up after school activities and clubs to keep herself away from home, she started making more friends and coming out of her shell, suddenly people payed her more attention and that’s when she met her first girl crush. when she was 16 she fell in love with her high school best friend, the girl who lived across the street, she had just moved to the neighborhood and sat next to paris on the bus her first morning. this was the moment paris’s repressed “hey, maybe i’m into girls.” feelings bubbled back into the forefront of her mind. she identifies as pansexual in current time.
paris was way too shy and way too unsure of herself to ever tell her best friend how she really felt about her, though the two were inseparable and never left each others side, if you saw paris you saw her and vice versa. it didn’t take long for her father to catch on and he was nothing short of unhappy. paris was sent to a private school across town just to keep the two apart, it was a real life romeo and Juliette situation going on, and it got so bad that paris’s father went as far as to move to a new city, just to keep her daughter away from the girl she loved. eventually, paris’s first love couldn’t take the rejection from paris’s parents any longer, she just couldn’t handle the drama, the intensity of their forbiden love, it was when they were 17 that it all ended and the two slowly drifted apart and stopped speaking all together. this was her first heartbreak, and fueled her anger towards her parents, especially her father.
paris turned her villain era up a notch, she did a huge 180 on her aesthetics, slashed fishnets, berry red vamp lipstick, and a septum piercing were the first major turn arounds in her appearance, she started to love being her most authentic self regardless of how her parents reacted, she dug deep into her psyche and healed some of the darkest parts of her that were still hurt and traumatized, her inner child. suddenly, it felt good to piss her parents off, she stopped craving the validation and acceptance and realized everything she could ever need was already within herself, and if her parents or anyone didn’t like who she was, then it was their loss and not her responsibility to change their minds.
☆ &*— young adult life
slowly but surely she started to find herself and explore her 20′s with nothing but self love in mind. it was on her self love journey that she stumbled into crystals, tarot, spirituality, herbs, etc. and most importantly when history came back around to repeat itself. she met her current best friend through her spiritual journey and surprise, surprise, she’s found herself having feelings for her but she’s afraid that the past will repeat itself, so she hasn’t come clean about it yet. when she started getting into being spiritual instead of religious, she started to tap back into the psychic gifts she had when she was younger. she started trusting her intuition and meditating and learned to connect with her intuition out of love instead of fear. while in college for marine biology, she slowly started doing tarot readings for people anywhere she could on campus, and eventually she started doing lives on tik tok, the more her talent and clientele grew, the more she realized this was her path, she dropped out right before she was about to get her masters and started an online tarot & crystal business. she can tell you all about crystals and makes handmade crystal jewelry like rings, necklaces, and bracelets and knows what each crystal means and how it functions. she has an ancestral altar set up in her apartment in her spare room that serves as her safe space, decorated with crystals, her altar, bean bags, bongs, live plants, a mini library, a diy cloud wall and a galaxy sky light, it’s the vibes room and resembles what the inside of a fairy cottage might look like, usually where she goes to be alone or release her negative thoughts and feelings.
from 2020-2022 her crystal business online grew extremely popular at a fast rate, she started doing readings and selling crystals at festivals and other vendor events and that helped spread her business and connected her to networking opportunities to keep growing bigger, after working hard and building her reputation and business from the ground up, she opened up her first physical store front on the oceanfront january 2021, so it’s been almost two years that it’s up and running and you can find things like incense, dried herbs, tarot decks, crystals, crystal jewelry, handmade soaps & bath products, aura photo booths, aromatherapy, handmade candles, teas, and herbal pre-rolls, you can also get tarot readings from her there as well as from other tarot readers, psychics, and astrologers who rent the space to do personal readings!
her fathers dirt has come back to haunt her as his child of an affair has surfaced and set off the beginning stages of her parents divorce. her new sibling is interested in getting to know her but they are very skeptical and stressed about the entire thing, basically she’s been avoiding it but trying to be polite as possible.
☆ &*— random facts & tidbits
[ i actually read astrology charts for a living so some of these fun facts will be based on her astrological chart, yes sorry i am THEE astrology whore unfortunately ]
she is a libra sun, cancer moon, scorpio rising. having the sun in libra gives her a mediator touch to almost every situation. she can see things from all sides and angles. this has given her a bit of a people pleaser personality but over time she has learned about setting boundaries with others and putting herself and wellbeing first. she is all about harmony, beauty, and love. she prefers to be in a relationship rather than to be single and sometimes that can turn into a co-dependency problem, something she’s self aware of so she is in the process of trying to heal that wound and be more mindful of the kinds of relationships and people she lets into her life. venus is the ruler of the sign libra, this makes people born under this sun sign perceived as charming, sociable, but sometimes perceived as fake because they are usually always trying to keep the peace in situations, they find a way to make everyone in the room happy but sometimes they end up compromising themselves. libra is an air sign and therefore communication is key in their lives, they communicate in a diplomatic way and are often thought as mediators or advocates, air signs are sociable and this combination of air and venus influence is why libra’s usually have to come to terms at some point in their lives that they can’t and won’t be liked by everybody, they have a bad habit of letting someone not like them send them into a spiral. libra is also a sign connected to justice and the justice card in tarot, they are great human rights advocates or advocates for the underdog.
her venus sign is in the sign of scorpio. this makes her a very intense, passionate, and loyal lover. people born while venus is in scorpio have no interest in superficial or shallow kinds of relationships, they want deep, intimate, and meaningful connections with the people they allow in their life but often end up feeling very lonely due to the fact that people are disappointing and are bound to let you down sometime. scorpio venus finds the beauty in the darkness, and they have many transformations through love, they aren’t afraid of people who have a rough past or have been through trauma, on the con side, this can attract dark partners who can be obsessive, controlling, manipulative, on the pro side this can attract partners who have a respect for the darker things in life, are passionate, intimate, and worthy of merging souls. scorpio venus learn lessons about trust, loyalty, and letting go, often times they have to let go of many people who are not healthy for them, and spark change in that persons life for the better, leaving them to pick up the pieces and rise from the ashes.
her rising sign is in the sign of scorpio as well, the rising sign represents your appearance, personality, and overall theme of your life, this means she lives a very scorpio themed life full of death and rebirth cycles, learning lessons about letting go, control, and transformation. scorpio risings are constantly evolving, they are said to be truth seers and often shine light on the darkness that others don’t see so obviously, they can see through situations and pick up on hidden things, the unsaid, the unseen, they read in between the lines, and are the kinds of people you would want to hire as a private investigator, nothing slips past a scorpio rising, they have incredible skill of diving to the depths of the human psyche and they often have a rough life impacted by some sort of life changing trauma or themes of trauma that they are meant to overcome and evolve and transform from, this makes them very deep people, they feel at an extreme intensity level, everything is 20x more deep to a scorpio placement
her cancer moon gives her a very nurturing and motherly energy, she loves to care for her loved ones and is the ‘mom friend’ in her friend group. cancer is a sign that is ruled by the moon, therefore it is connected to femininity (in energetic terms not m/f) the mother, intuition, the womb, and cycles. this gives her a very sharp and strong intuition and even sometimes prophetic dreams, things she dreams about will happen in real life, even if it’s something minor or seemingly unimportant. cancer is sign about family and she’s been dreaming and planning out her wedding future children names since she was seven, she was totally the ‘i want a prince to sweep me off my feet’ kind of girl growing up. cancer placements especially cancer moons are also very emotionally intelligent as well, she is very good at tending to the emotional needs of others but has to be careful and set boundaries or else she gets drained and will take on the emotions and problems of others in a way that isn’t good for her mental health. she is a total crier, she doesn’t care where she is, if she has to cry she will shed tears and not care if it makes other people uncomfortable, she’s the kind of girl to cry over a romantic gum commercial or a minor sad scene in a film. she loves to stay home and take a warm bubble bath, crawl under her blankets and binge watch her favorite tv series, she’s more of a stay in at home kind of girl than a go out to parties or clubs. she loves comfort and food, especially baking!
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maggotmouth · 2 years
oak , peony , tulip (finn)
oak :   who would your muse consider the strongest person they know ?  
probably his mum (bt finn wld call her ‘ma’ or ‘mammy’). she’s very emotionally resilient and has always been quite inspirational to finn in just being ur own person and not letting other ppls opinions inform your self worth….   his dad was a farmer by trade, mostly dairy, they had cows and goats but also sheep and all 5 o’callaghan kids had to help on the farm if they wanted to get fed. his mum helped out on the farm a bit bt her passion was ceramics and she was usually throwing pottery in one of the farm buildings and she used to run like kids birthday parties where they’d all come n make a mug. she had an etsy where she’d sell her art and finn ws always encouraging her with that hoping that if she got enough business she could leave his frankly terrible dad but she never did…..  i think she thought that marriage wasn’t just about love it and it was way more complicated than is someone a good person it was also abt all the memories and the life you’d built with that person….. finn grew up in an irish, catholic household on a farm so there were a lot of rules like not eating meat on certain days, going to church in your best clothes every sunday, getting up at five in the morning most days to feed the cows before school etc n honestly i think the fact that there was so much routine and expectation on him from such a young age….. he naturally gravitated towards his more chilled-out hippie mother n admired her more because she was less strict than his dad. like he never really respected his dad that much, he respected his trade bt was quite resentful towards his father bcos he was so emotionally distant n basically didn’t give finn’s mum any attention, often went to the pub n stayed out all night, sometimes didn’t return for a few days, wld cheat on finn’s mum and the whole village wld know n be like oh poor dearbhla bt not think to say anything to his dad because he was such a volatile man who’s anger would just spark up any second… which is mostly why finn’s mum never said anything about the cheating and the drinking and the yelling and finn just always thought his mum deserved better…. and while as a teenager he could not for the life of him understand why she never split up with him, as he grew up he realised having that courage to work on your marriage despite having been put through much shit showed a lot of resilience and strength, like when things got tough she didn’t write ppl off or walk out, she’d stick with it and find a way to fix it even when ppl were like…. wtf are u doing….. and finn always respected tht drive in her, sometimes wishes he’d been more like her rather than giving up dancing because of his ex. 
peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?
honestly? finn wants a simple life. as a kid he wanted all the promise that dance brought with it when he was touring with billy elliot. he wanted to have the girls, the photographs, the small-town notoriety, the interviews, the youtube fan edits, the 3 million pound penthouse with zendaya in south london…. all the bells and whistles… but as he grew older he realised that actually?? that wasn’t what he wanted…. it was just nice to feel seen and noticed in a pretty small shit village where nothing ever happened and most people expected you to work on the farm until he died…. it was nice to have an outlet and an escape from his home life but people constantly interpreting him and needing him to be perfect and working him for 14 hour days when he was just a kid and not being allowed to eat a greasy fry up or go out and get drunk with his friends or do any of the things other teenagers were doing just made him feel like a hamster in a wheel churning out loads of profit, literally just dance monkey dance ….. n as soon as he told his agency that maybe he didn’t want to dance any more they just moved on to the next hot young spritely gutter boy turned overnight sensation and he saw how fickle the industry was and that’s when he started to get really cynical about the state of the world n basically decided that showbiz was not for him at all if he was just going to be someone elses little puppet….. ive gone off the rails here….. but basically the things he used to think he wants aren’t what he wants any more…. he’s realised that actually he’s quite content with a quiet life, and while he does really care about family and misses his mum n his siblings, he really values his independence n being able to forge his own path….. and as cliche as it is he wants to one day sit on a front porch in a rocking chair with a small dog, having a cup of tea with his wife who has a good sense of humour, maybe they have kids, maybe they dont…. moving back to his homeland would be ideal but it’s not a non-negotiable….. he could probably be happy in the english countryside but would likely prefer to be in wales or scotland…… but honestly…. a quiet peaceful life in a nice house that has enough space but not too big and a garage or room for his woodworking and a nice open kitchen with a solid oak dining table….. thats the life finn wants….. 
tulip :   how does your muse view people in general ?  
i won’t lie…. finn’s a misanthrope….he likes his own company and the company of a few close trusted friends but mostly he thinks that people are not good….. greedy…. out for themselves…. just doesn’t have that much faith in humanity tbh…. he really values the personal relationships in his life, he likes to have a small but solid network of people around him who he can have an intellectual conversation about politics with but also share a pint and get lairy at the pub with and key a tory mp’s car. he definitely values romantic relationships more than he lets on and is a bit of a hopeless romantic. despite his cynicism i think he does believe in soulmates, although rather than just one, you might have several soulmates and ultimately they could end up as a friend but there are people who are destined to be in your life in some capacity. i think he wants kids in the future but would maybe foster or adopt because its not that sustainable to have children and also?? doesn’t want to bring kids into a world and them resent him for it…. would rather give a home to a child who doesn’t have one and really wants one…. hates tories and hates nepotism…. understandable….. is sickened by the way the economy works but frankly the only way to change a system is dismantling it from within and he didn’t do PPE at uni so all he can rlly do is quietly get on with his set building and hope tht someone else initiates the revolution….. bt he will be there waving his flag…….
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Survey #423
“i won’t think about you when i’m older  /  ‘cuz we never really had our closure”
Are you better at cooking dinners or making cakes/biscuits/sweets? Neither. Have you ever cut someone else’s hair? No. Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for? My late grandmother's husband stayed overnight when he was driving from New York to Florida or the other way around, idr. How many long term relationships have you been in? Two. Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on? My snake's heat lamp stays on. Who is one person you have forgiven, but still have not “forgotten” what they have done? My dad. Are you a fan of Lana Del Rey? I don't think I've even heard one of her songs. Do you know your blood type? A-. Do you know your mother’s birthday? Yes. Have you got your period at the moment? I haven't had my period since I started TMS. It's honestly so fucking frustrating that it obviously had an effect on my body, but not my depression. I've officially finished TMS as of a few days ago and now I just feel so void of hope. Have you ever been pregnant? No. How old were you when you first went on a plane? Idr, I was a little kid. Have you ever had to take out a loan for anything? Not me personally, but my parents have for my education that I threw away. Are both of your blood parents still in your life? Yes. I don't see my dad a lot, but he's still in my life regardless. When was the last time you went apple picking? I’ve never been. Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? Happiness. Have you ever been drunk at school or work? I have not. How many bedrooms are in your house? Three. Are you smart about computers? Not really, no. Have you ever played Just Dance for Wii? Yes. My sister loved them, so we have a few. Do you own a Xbox 360? No. I'm a PlayStation girl. Would you ever do a sex tape for a million dollars? No. I'd be mortified. So, do you need a nap? I really should take one. I slept like... maybe three hours last night. I was up most of the night having a fucking life crisis. What would you rather be doing? Something fun. What sport are you the best at? I haven't touched any sort of sport since I was a teenager. Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Yeah, Nicole. Do you complain a lot? Kind of, but I generally try to keep it in surveys nowadays. I'm just tired of shit. Would you rather go to an authentic haunted house or an ancient temple? Ohhh, tough pick, but I've gotta say the ancient temple. Do you like fruity or minty gum? Both, really. Are you looking forward to any day of this month? Well July is practically over, so I'll answer for August. I'm looking forward to my nephew's birthday. Have you ever gotten detention? A few times for getting too many morning tardies in high school. Is there a traumatic event that you’ve experienced that’s changed your life? Definitely. Do you buy a majority of your clothes from a certain store, or do you just pick out items of clothing you could see yourself wearing, not caring about the store it came from? The latter. Have any of the artists you’re fond of released new albums recently? Powerwolf did recently. Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? I could write a college-length essay on why meerkats do not make good pets whatsoever. Do fucking not get one. I can barely fathom how it's legal in some countries. Ever cried so much you threw up? No, but I've gagged. Who is your best guy friend? Girt. What do you two do when you hang out? Mostly just watch TV and play board games. What is a movie that you thought you would hate but you ended up loving? I dunno, really. Do you even like horror movies? I love horror movies. Do you live in the country? I wish I still did. :/ Me and Mom hate hate hate living in these suburbs. What is your favorite accent? British. Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like? No. Do you drink Pepsi or Coke? Coke. Pepsi is gross. What do you plan to do on your 21st birthday? I was literally in the psych hospital for my 21st birthday lmao. It's kind of a painful memory, but I also won't forget the love and kindness people showed me. I especially remember the friend I made there getting the lunch lady to literally go and buy me a slice of cake. Everyone also sang happy birthday to me and gaaaah I'm getting emotional. Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer? That was my dad's drink of choice when he drank. Do you take a lot of pictures? Unless I have my camera and am somewhere pretty, no. What kind of face wash do you use? Water, lol. Does drama always seem to follow you? Nah. Does anybody in your family race? No. Are you closer to your mom or dad? My mom. How much money did you used to get from the ”tooth fairy?” Uhhh... I want to say $2 or something? I might be way off, idr. How long do you want to live with your parents? I WISH I could have moved out with an s/o already, but that's just not how life's worked out. Do you have a laptop or desktop? I have a laptop. Do you like your parents? I love them. Do you secretly like someone? It's not a secret, no. Would you ever date your best male friend? Tried that once and it didn't work out. I liked him more as like a brother. What are you currently listening to? "Better Than Me" by Hinder. I really need to turn it off, but I can't make myself. Do you want to be single? I really wish I had a partner to love and motivate me to strive to do better, but I know it's better I'm single right now. I'd just relive the Jason situation, I'm sure. I'd just drag the person down and lose them. Did you go out or stay in last night? I'm almost always at my fucking house not doing shit, so. Have you pretended to like someone? No, that sounds pretty stupid... How is your heart lately? Hurting. A lot. Are you wearing socks? I hate wearing socks and I'm in bed anyway, so no. What do people call you? Britt, mostly. Do you get stressed out easily? VERY. Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? No. What is wrong with you right now? Where the hell to begin. Do you own something from Hot Topic? A lot. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? With someone, so long as the bed is big enough to comfortably fit two of us. Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? No. I'm certain he wants nothing to do with me. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Sadly. Did you get any compliments today? Definitely not. I look and feel like a wreck right about now. There's nothing to praise me about. Have you ever gone to a beach? Many times. What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now? Unless it was an edible, no. I'd do almost anything to try and make me feel better right now, even if just for a little while, but I'm unwilling to smoke anything. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? HELL no. Have you ever done volunteer work just because you wanted to? Honestly, no. Do you have long nails? No; I never do because I have an awful habit of picking at them. Do you like the gender you are? I don't like or dislike it, honestly. I'm just neutral. Do you generally look nice in photos? HA. Have you ever had a stick insect as a pet? No. What colour are your father’s eyes? They're dark brown. If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? Ozzy, duh. Name three facts about your family? We're very, very spread out geographically, some of us (in other words, me) are emotionally distant, and uh... idk. Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? Only if it was a certain person, our lives were more on track, and we were making plans for either of us to move soon. What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received? Probably this really long letter my mom wrote for me on my bday a couple years ago. What’s your favorite hot beverage? Hot chocolate. Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? I played the flute for many years, all through middle school and through much of high school. Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? Carve pumpkins, for sure. Do you think you’re important? I don't fucking know. Probably not. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Idk. Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? *hands over thick book* Have you ever moved to another state or country? If so, how did it feel to be new? No. Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks? No. My hands are way, way too shaky to ever accomplish that. Are you more of a leader or a follower? Definitely a follower, but I can step up in certain situations. What was the first thing you ate today? Well, I was seriously depression-eating last night, way past midnight, and had a peanut butter sandwich. If you could spend the day, doing absolutely anything, with anyone, anywhere, what would it be like? LET'S NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT RIGHT NOW. If I were to ask you how you are doing, and you were only able to answer completely honestly, what would come out? "Falling apart." I've lost direction, motivation, strength, hope, just everything. What is the one thing that you have been avoiding that you should do? I need a fucking shower so bad that it's embarrassing. I just can't move. I have no energy, emotionally or physically. I just can't make myself do it. Is there anything that you wish you could take back? So, so badly. What, in your mind, could make you truly happy? Actually reaching goals. Losing weight. Healing my legs. Knowing with certainty that I wasn't emotionally abusive to Jason. Moving out of this town and back into the country. Financial stability. A job I thoroughly enjoy. I could go on, but let's not. If you could change one conversation in your life, what would you say differently? Would it have REALLY made any difference? God, let me take back shit I said in that fucking letter to you-know-who. It's so hard to believe I once thought it perfectly justified and realistic. When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? I don't have any plans of changing the style in the foreseeable future. I want to color it BADLY. To just SOMETHING. Do people normally say you’re a fast typist, or are you rather slow? I'm like, a lightning-fast typist. Have you ever been considered the ‘smartest person in school?’ No; my best friend in HS was, though. Her GPA was fucking insane. I was in the top percentile, though, so I was up there. What the hell happened to that girl. How many drugs are in your system? If we're including prescriptions, a whole hell of a lot. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? Jack shit. Like usual. Do you currently have any bite marks/hickeys on your body? No. Do you call anyone baby? Excluding my pets, no. What’s your current mood? lol if you've gotten this far reading, you can make an educated guess. Do you think you are a good person? Bro I just don't know. What were you doing before filling out this survey? I was playing WoW. How late did you stay up last night? Like, 4:30 or so. When was the last time you cried really hard? I wanna say like a week ago? Is your hair longer than your shoulders? No. It still badly needs a trim, though.
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19mrs-barnes17 · 4 years
As Long As I Can Get -  Chapter Two: Fairfield
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Summary: Y/N Fairfield has spent the last 10 years pushing past all the hurt and putting all her focus into her career. A familiar face back in town threatens the peace she found. [prompt: Small Town Lovers AU]
Part: 2/5
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (AU)
Warnings: at a hospital, mentions of death and abandonment
Word count: 3,198
A/N: It’s been a wild week but here it is, chapter two! Enjoy! Special thanks to @wxntersoldiers​ for beta reading.
“Y/N? You think you could pick up my shift tonight? Missy is running a fever and I can’t get ahold of my mother to come take care of her.” Holding the phone away from her face Y/N sighed heavily as she rolled out of bed.
“Of course Dawn, just call in for me and tell them I’m on my way would ya? Thanks, it’s no biggie. I’m happy to help, let me know how Missy is doing later.” Hanging up the phone she’s up and changing in a flash, quickly moving across her apartment and back. 
Within 6 minutes she’s in her scrubs and locking her apartment door, rushing down the stairs and out the front in another 3. She slides into the driver's seat, buckles in, and on the road to the highway in record time. 
This was becoming a routine every week, someone would have an emergency and she’d be asked to pick up the slack. Her regular shifts at the ER in town kept her busy through the day, but her Thursday or Friday nights were often filled up by favors and desperate calls. She had a limit though, each person could only ask her one favor a month and she would cover one emergency. But when the emergencies came she could tell when they were real or just another masked favor. So by now the only emergency usually came from a mother whose kid was hurt or sick. 
Pulling into the employee parking lot, she exited her car and speed walked into the building, making her way to the sign in at the station. She prayed this would be a tame night and that Dawn didn’t have any difficult new patients because she was far too tired to argue about something that she was more of an expert on. 
Covering for Dawn was usually not too bad, most of her patients typically being older and gentle folk who treated her like a loving grandkid. Always gave her some nickname, rarely ever calling her nurse or even her name. All of which was fine by her.
Being a nurse hadn’t always come easy for her, remembering all the medications, the proper doses, the schedules, and how to do every aspect of her job was a lot to take in. But the moments in which she connected with a patient were the reason she got into the specific role in the medical field. Well that and her father.
Most of her family had joined the field, all three of her brothers had either become paramedics or a physical therapist. Her mother was the chief physician at the ER in Brightbarrow and her father was a private care nurse typically working with elderly or terminal members of the town. On a few occasions he had brought her along to see his patients, acting as a distraction for those who were living with severe pain. Through these visits in her childhood she began to realize how she enjoyed helping people who were hurting, and giving them a sense of peace for a little while.
One college degree later and she was back in town applying to work in the ER, her scheduled shifts hardly ever including weekends unless someone needed a cover and she was the only one who could spare the time. Her work there was routine, but here at this hospital outside town? She had found some gentle souls that brightened her day.
“Oh my, is that you Sunshine?” Claudia was sitting up in the hospital bed, remote in her hand to flip through the limited channels. “What a lovely surprise.”
“How are we tonight? Take our medicine okay today?” Claudia smirks and nods, the crinkles in the corners of her eyes forming as a flicker of mischief shines in her eyes. “Mhhmm.”
“I have somethin’ for ya sunshine. Made it yesterday when they let me do some crafts.” Claudia reaches to the table rolled off to the side of her bed and picks up a bracelet with rainbow thread. Y/N walks over to the woman and allows her to gently tie off the multicolored bracelet around her wrist. “There, perfect size.”
“Thank you Claudia, that’s awfully kind of you.” A smile is shared between the two before Y/N motions for her to hand over the remote. “Now how about we shut this off and I read you a little something so you can doze off, sound good?”
“Only if it's that one you told me about, the one with the little guys.” Y/N chuckled at the description but nodded in agreement nonetheless as she powered down the television and left to get her novel. 
“Alright get comfy now.” She waited for Claudia to adjust her bed and helped her with the pillows before cracking open the small book and beginning the tale. “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.”
“Ah that’s what they were, that’s right. Hobbits.”
At the end of her shift Y/N was exhausted and ready for bed, doing her best to keep wide awake on her drive back by playing her dad’s favorite rock station. Thankfully it did the trick and she made it into town without issue, turning down the volume and switching stations as she made her way through the town like she’d done a million times before.
Turning onto her street she was perplexed to notice a man walking the sidewalks this late in the night, his movements slow and steady. The closer she got to him the sooner she realized she knew exactly who the man was and she had some theories about what was keeping him up so late. Pulling to the side of the road she exited her car, slamming the door shut behind her before glancing up to meet the gaze of a man she hadn’t seen in ages.
Bucky Barnes stood across the street staring at her like he’d seen a ghost, his features painted with something along the lines of guilt or sorrow. The man was frozen in place by her, his eyes watching as she raised a sleepy hand to wave at her old friend. To her surprise he waved back and yet he didn’t move a muscle as she turned away from him to head to bed. 
The next morning she woke late, the Saturday sun shining through the cracks of her blinds stirring her from her sleep. Her stomach grumbled, craving some of Winifred Barnes’ cooking ASAP. Instead of driving she opted to walk over there, let the sun and the exercise wake her a little more.
Winnie’s Diner was the town staple, the place that every person went at least a few times a week. It was the kind of business that had become the heart of the town, the comfort and hospitality center. If you wanted to get a feel for the town you didn’t have to look any further than this diner, it was where Y/N had gotten her first job. She had one of her first dates in a corner booth and had been stood up in another. This building was a hub of memories, good and bad.
“Hey Y/N! Have a seat. I'll be right with you girl.” Becca was zooming around the place in a graceful hurry, placing plates and clearing tables as she went. “What can I get ya?”
“A coffee, a biscuit, some bacon, and an update. Please.” She watched as her best friend shook her head with a reluctant nod before dropping off the order. 
Once the coffee was poured she told her brother she was taking her 15 and slid into the other half of the booth. Y/N sat patiently, prepping her coffee as she waited for Becca to collect her thoughts.
“He’s back for good, got a job working for Thomas Geldin constructing those new homes over by your parent’s house.” Sipping her coffee Y/N did her best not to allow her emotions to betray her. 
“What changed?” 
“Not sure. He seems different, like his load is heavier. Almost like he was when Daddy died, just emotionally cut off and distant. But he is making an effort to get closer and he comes in here every day for his lunch break. Which is in a few minutes now.” Y/N coughed, nearly choking on her coffee as her eyes went wide. 
“Hey don’t look at me, you two just are fated to dine at the same time.” Becca smirks before rushing off to grab something to eat before her break ends. 
She hadn’t actually spoken a word to Bucky since he came back to town, and yet he suddenly lived across the street and worked by her old home. Now he would be here within minutes and she would once more feel compelled to initiate conversation, but she wouldn’t let herself. If he wanted to talk he would approach her, not the other way around. 
He arrived the same time her food did, his eyes scanning the room to presumably locate his sister but freezing on Y/N who sat before her. A mixture of emotions flashed across his features rapidly before settling on a guilt ridden expression. Bucky approached the booth, his sister pausing to greet him and casting a wink over her shoulder before speeding away. Standing before the booth he shifted his weight nervously as he seemed at a loss for what to say. His eyes are no longer able to maintain contact and he casts them to the empty seat.
Don’t invite him. Don’t invite him. It took all her strength to refrain from being polite, her eyes never leaving him as her gaze intensified.
“Mind if I join you?” Her heart dropped, she was expecting a simple hello or quick apology and not a full on meal with the guy. She nodded her head, refusing to take the bait just yet as he slid into the booth.
“Here’s your usual James.” Becca slid a plate with a steak and cheese melt and fries onto the table before rushing off again. She was pushing him, Y/N knew that his mother and the older townspeople were the only ones who used his actual name. To everyone else he was Bucky. 
“I’m sorry about not keeping in touch, there’s been a lot that I had to work through the past 10 years.” God she could hardly believe it had been that long since he left, an entire decade had passed by without him. “Can we start again?”
Once more she had to use all her might to restrain herself from instantly agreeing and forgiving what he had done. She didn’t understand why he cut her off so quickly and completely, their friendship wilting through high school and fading in the decade following. But she knew why he had become so emotionally reserved, after watching his father wither away slowly and gradually lose the ability to even function Bucky had begun to close himself off from everyone. He smiled less, got into more trouble with other kids, and barely made it enough to enlist. 
Sure she had missed him dearly and knew he had suffered greatly, probably even worse after his service, but she couldn’t risk getting too quickly attached again. Not when she knew how much his leaving her behind tore her apart. 
“I’ll have to think about it.” She could see her words striking a nerve within him, his appetite diminishing. “But I’d like to.”
His eyes snap up to meet hers, relief flooding them as he gazes at her fondly. Y/N wanted desperately to forget it all but she knew that proceeding with caution was the best course of action. She would let him have the opportunity to rectify his past mistakes, but it was up to him to take it.
“City noise or quiet town?” He knit his brow and gave her a perplexed look before taking a bite of a fry. “Pick one.”
“I’m not sure I have a preference anymore.”
“But you had one.”
“City noise.” She shook her head with a small smile, curiosity overtaking her careful approach. “Drowned everything out.”
“Patty’s coffee or city coffee?”
“Patty will forever have the world’s best coffee. No one in New York believed me, kept saying European coffee was where it was at.” 
“I’m going to move on before I get so offended I bring her coffee to New York.” Bucky laughed lightly, eyes crinkling shut as he shook his head at her. The sound warmed her heart and she could already tell this was going to be hard not to fall into. 
His break eventually comes close to an end and he has to rush back to work but leaves a napkin with his phone number behind. She shook her head at the gesture, he knew full well that she and Becca were very close friends and she could have gotten his number from his sister. One point to him for ensuring she had it. 
Becca was off at 3 so Y/N spent her time walking around the book shop, glancing at summaries and running her fingers over the spines. Her mind was far too crowded to pick anything out, focused on how she was going to make it through this renewal of friendship after so much pain. This place usually put her at ease, the sight of the full shelves and atmosphere calming her active mind. But today her mind had won and so she wandered around town until she had nowhere else to go but home. 
A knock sounded on her door an hour or two later and an exhausted Becca made her way inside to fall onto the couch and groan dramatically.
“I take it we’re getting pizza from Toni’s tonight?” This catches the attention of her best friend who suddenly perks right up.
“And wine.” Y/N opens her fridge door and pulls out a bottle, holding it up for Becca to see and receives a nod of approval.
“Pull up netflix and I’ll order the pizza.”
Several glasses of wine and pieces of pizza later the two are sitting on the floor going through a shoebox full of old memories. Memories of their friendship. 
“Oh remember this?” Becca holds up two ticket stubs, one to their high school dance and the other to see a Panic! concert. 
“We showed up in full formal wear, not thinking to pack another outfit to change into.” Y/N dug in the box and produced a photo of the two from that night, Panic! at the Disco tour shirts over their dresses. “I can’t believe we didn’t get caught until your mom saw the shirt in your laundry.”
“Almost the perfect crime. Kind of dumb of us to pay the money for the ticket when we never even went to the dance though.” The two fell into a fit of giggles and struggled to compose themselves. “We were not the best planners apparently.”
“Are you kidding? The College Bar Crawl fiasco?” 
“Oh Jesus, yeah we really should have thought through where we were going to end up staying the night. Next time we do something, we need a fully thought out plan.” 
“Agreed. It’s too dangerous for us to do any less. We might end up in Europe and somehow married.” Becca falls flat on her back as laughter bubbles through her, her head turning and spotting another box under the bed.
“What is this?” She slides the box out and removes the lid before Y/N can stop her, her fingers gingerly sifting through the contents as a smile tugs at her lips. “Oh, you’re a sentimental sap.”
“Gee thanks.” 
Inside were pictures of her, Bucky, and Steve throughout the few years they were all together. She instantly gravitated toward them when she moved to town at 8, sick of being the new girl and ready to settle into a place. They stuck up for her when she was mocked by some older kids, Bucky and Steve became her dearest friends in only a few years. 
There were more photos of her and Steve together, seeing as he was the only one out of the two boys to keep her in his life. Pictures of them at his prom, no girl seemed to see past his physical change and so he invited her. She remembered how her parents felt about that night, so proud of who they thought she was choosing to be with. A boy who was going to college, who had aspirations but remained loyal to his town. One with a kind heart and a gentle soul. She knew what they expected from the night, but they never understood that she and Steve were simply good friends and nothing more.
The photos of her and Bucky begin to dwindle around when she was 13, the year after his father died. Slowly Bucky grew apart from her and Steve, more the former than the latter. Something after her birthday party that year changed everything and she began to lose him piece by piece until he finally enlisted and left altogether. 
She held a photo of the two of them between her fingers, eyes tearing up at the sight of their smiles. It was the day of her party, when she could still make him smile and forget about his troubles even if just for a moment. Bucky had both arms around her torso, his head resting on her shoulder and a bright smile on his face. Her cheek was against his face, hands and arms resting on his forearms with a dopey big smile stretched across her face. 
“I swear I could kill that boy for what he did. I get losing touch while overseas, but cutting you out of his life while still in the same small town? That’s just cruel.” Becca sighed and took the photo from Y/N’s hands, placing everything back in the boxes before sliding both back under. “And to think I used to believe he liked you.”
“That would have made things worse.” 
“C’mon let’s forget about that punk and eat some chocolate.” Y/N leaned into Becca as she was held by her, sighing deeply. “You’ll always have me, and Steve. That boy would rather dive face first out of an airplane than ditch a friend.” 
“Ain’t that the truth.”
After Becca left Y/N spent some time cleaning up after their roller-coaster of a night. Her body was tired but her mind was far too active to rest. Thoughts of what she lost sticking in her brain as she watched out the window as Bucky exited his townhouse and began to walk aimlessly in the night. She almost wanted to join him, not speaking just walking.
Instead she readied herself for bed, lying under the covers and staring out the window at the stars. Her mind traveled to something Bucky once told her about his dad and how if he found the North Star then he would never be alone, because someone else was always looking too. 
And she knew exactly who that was.
Tags: @asphalt-cocktail​ @qtmeryr​ @broken-hearted-barnes​ @cantnkrusshedevil​ @gstran18​
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strangcrdoctor · 4 years
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∞Yeah I’m out for the night, fellows. Reasons below. 
Today turned real hard this evening because I finally got news about Hell’s Granny. She’s relatively fine, but at 93 she finally had her first (minor??????) stroke. She seriously waited until 6 AM this morning to call my dad (who lives literally four doors down the street for this reason) because she thought it was just a migraine and wanted to make sure he got enough sleep because he’s a banker and has been working his ass off during the pandemic restructuring federal and public loans. And while she’s amazingly cogent and in good shape, because of my maternal grandad’s super abrupt coronary in April, she’s now my last grandparent. And I love my grandad, but between Hell’s Granny and my late gran, those two women were the reason why I never went to daycare or had a babysitter as a kid. This woman taught me how to hold a fucking pencil, write in cursive, arrange silverware according to high tea standards, garden like a badass, iron collared shirts, make Yorkshire pudding, and pick and process raspberries and rhubarb all before I was 7. 
She left her small hometown in Saskatchewan before she was 10 because her mother took her and her (technical - weird rural families are weird) niece to Drumheller, Alberta because of some truly horrendous shit done to that niece. So great-gran said Fuck The Patriarchy (because my gran was also an illegitimate child which at the time was Yikes), and took these two young girls to a mining town where Hell’s Granny later - with only the education a 14 year old woman could get in rural Alberta in the ‘40s - fucking took, didn’t ask, just took a job at the local mining office. This woman never finished high school, but then was the sole business partner and dispatcher for my paternal grandad’s trucking company, and often did delivery drives on her own. And she still lives in the house my dad grew up in (after they moved to the States) and drives? (She should definitely be doing neither, but predictably she’s a stubborn old bat.) 
And at fucking 93 she’s been starting to “feel her age.” 
Like. I’m sorry but for this literal ironsides woman to be feeling frail is hitting so fucking hard. Especially considering she sent me a care package to NYC before my parents even fucking managed it, and of course she sent me a gorgeous glass tea pot and cup set for blooming tea, and half a dozen tea bulbs. She watches the news every morning at 6 AM MST to know the weather in New York to know if I’m going to have a nice day. This woman wanted to buy a Hummer or a Camaro when she was car shopping in her 70s, and went on vacations to Mexico almost every year during that decade of her life. She wanted to go skydiving for her 80th birthday, but her blood pressure was too high. And even now, she wants to last long enough to meet both of her newest incoming great-grandchildren (due in November and February), and then come to see me in NYC if and when COVID resolves.
And even today when I called her in the hospital she hits me with the, “Well, love, time for the old noggin to get an oil change I guess.” Her job is to worry about her family, not be worried about and I am just. I’m hurting for her putting on that brave face for her grandkids, and holding out for her great-grandchildren.
So for those of you that don’t know even aside from the above totally valid wibbly nonsense, I’m also flashing back very hard to about 2017. Because back in 2017 I’d graduated from my first MA and had gotten into a PhD programme at the University of Edinburgh, which naturally I was over the moon about. My late gran at that time was at the final stages of serious terminal downward slope from dementia - a fight and decline I as the youngest of my siblings had been helping my mum through both emotionally and physically in helping her move her from facility to facility for almost 10 years - and in fact was too fragile to even be moved into a hospice facility so had to stay in her facility. She was literal skin and bones, and we had to sponge swab water onto her lips and eyelids. It was truly gruesome at the end. 
I knew then when I left for Scotland I would never see her alive again, but even after making peace and saying goodbye to her, it fucking ruined me that it turned out while I had been in flight and out of service she died the morning I arrived. Not only was UE a bad fit for me - because there was no funding available and I would have ended up $200K in debt from that alone - but my mum was in absolute pieces because of lack of family support from her husband and her brother (let alone her sons, who I am still bitter toward for that). So I spent less than a week in Scotland before wrapping up the programme - I cancelled my student loans 2 hours before the deadline - and flying home barely in time for her funeral. (My return flight even got delayed by hurricane Irma evacuation efforts, so I landed less than 10 hours before the service.) So needless to say, not a happy time. I had no job, no savings, no plans. I spent three months living with my parents which for my mum’s mental health was vital because my step-dad has the empathic capacity of a pile of bricks, but for me it was the darkest time of my adult life.
This year is the first time my career has gotten to get back on track since then.
Now, where I’m at with NYC isn’t that at all. Literally. I’ve got great savings, have good funding from the school, and have had an amazing (totally unwarranted) cashflow this year in spite of the pandemic. New York is right, and I’m enjoying it and feel much more comfortable (in spite of roomie drama) than I ever did in Edinburgh. 
I have so much to do, and Hell’s Granny is far from gone. In fact she’s told me every time we’ve talked that she’s proud of me and wants me to keep going no matter what. That I’m her legacy.
But all that good shit aside, today was a huge trigger and kicked me straight back into the hugely traumatic similar situation I dealt with in 2017: in a cutting-edge graduate programme, far away, grandmother/family matriarch having end-of-life health problems = (to my mind) oh god you have to put your entire life on hold again and go fix it, and how long is it going to take to pick your career back up this time? And that’s not what’s going to happen because it can’t. There’s nothing I can do for this situation, for better or worse. 
All the same, I’ve seen where this road goes, and my dad has been incredibly blessed that it’s only starting now. Because it’s not pretty. It gets harder and more painful from here, and at her age that’s just the reality. But I don’t know if I can do this for her. I honestly don’t know if I’m strong enough to walk another parent through this downsizing-until-death stage, now of all times. I’ll be there for her the whole way as a grandchild, but I just. If I don’t keep going on my own path through this, I don’t know if I’d recover from putting my entire life down again. 
So I’m fucking terrified for this woman I love so much, deeply sad that there’s no turning back from here for her, and just... unsure how to be distant, how to be resigned, how to be self-preserving just yet. I’m working on it, working on deconstructing the trauma and working on being brave by staying true to my life. But I have to be, from a complete lack of alternatives.
Thus, there are two options for tomorrow. One: I stay home, panic, and mope. Maybe pick at things? Probably miserably lurk. Two: I jump a train into the city and go take pictures of the sights for my gran in a fab outfit and take a day for me. Buy some books or records? 
Maybe do a fucking touristy bar and have a finger of scotch for the old bird, in case she doesn’t get to.∞
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kusunogatari · 5 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Twenty-Nine: Angels and Demons ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Hyūga Hinata ] [ Smoking, vulgarity ] [ Verse: Watching Wings of White ] [ Previous || Next ]
When she gets the summonce, Ryū’s heart leaps to her throat. Finally...finally she’s being given her first assignment! All of her careful study of young humans and diligent work has prepared her for this moment. At long last, she’s going to have her first role as a guardian angel to a human…!
She wastes no time, white wings carrying her to the tall-columned building where those like her receive their missives and are given passage down to Earth. Other, older angels stand around and discuss their tasks, Ryū shyly ducking past them to meet with the overseeing archangel who trains and directs those under her guidance.
“You called, Tsunade?”
Looking over her shoulder as she sorts scrolls of parchment in her records, the blonde turns fully. “Ah, yes...it seems you’ve been allowed your first task as a guardian angel. Let me just fetch the proper document…”
Restraining herself from fidgeting, Ryū folds her hands behind her back, slowly rocking from heel to toe as her gown gently swishes. Already she tries to imagine what her little human will be like...the possibilities are nearly endless. Oh, she hopes they’ll get along…
“All right, here we are. Your first child is known as Hyūga Hinata, a little girl from Japan, seven years old. She has a two year old younger sister, and is currently living with her father. Her case is still a work in progress - we’re not sure why she needs a guardian, only that she has orders to be seen to from the upper levels. Part of your task will be to find the causes behind her suffering and attempt to remedy them. In peaceful ways, of course. If the situation is beyond your control, you will instead report your findings, and other angels will assist you. Until then, your task is to protect the child in any way our laws dictate appropriate. Understood?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Then you’re dismissed. The gatekeepers will assist you with your passage to Earth. Be careful, and report back as soon as possible.”
Ryū gives a curt nod, accepting her scroll before making her way to the gates. The portals through the clouds to the surface below are closely guarded, and she waits her turn to be excused.
She gives the attending angel her scroll, which he returns upon verifying her task.
“Good luck.”
“Thank you.” Tucking the scroll into her robes, Ryū watches the clouds part to reveal the distant surface. She can’t see Japan from here, but...it shouldn’t take her long, well-versed in the world’s geography as part of her training. With a leap, she tucks her wings tightly to her sides to descend like a bullet, only flaring them once she’s close enough, veering east to head to the island nation.
As she glides, she looks over her scroll, which flutters in the breeze of her descent. A sketch of her charge is included, and Ryū can’t help a smile. She really is adorable, with large innocent eyes and a shy expression. But in the same breath, she has to wonder what this little one is facing to require intervention by a guardian angel…
Well, whatever it is, she’s going to take care of it…! This is her first assignment, and she’s not going to fail it. Expression set, she tucks the document away and glides her way over the shores of Japan. According to the task’s details, she’s in a town called Nakatsugawa. Ducking unseen into a train station within the first town she descends to, she finds the proper town and takes one last short flight. By the time she arrives, it’s late morning, and Ryū takes a few minutes to look over the town from above.
It looks fairly well kept, littered with shops and houses, some of which are clearly quite old. By now, her proximity to her charge makes her aware of her presence, and she follows the feeling to an elementary school. A peek through a window shows the girl in her class, careful as not to get spotted. Her charge is the only one who can see her...and her presence would surely create quite the shock. Best to reveal herself when Hinata is alone.
Until then, Ryū pokes about the school, the other humans completely oblivious to her. It’s also quite tidy, the little children all sat in their classrooms as the teachers shuffle about. Whenever she checks back in on Hinata, she’s sitting quietly, not a very active participant. Free time still sees her alone, and Ryū’s brows begin to wilt.
Such a lonely little thing…
By the end of the school day, Ryū hides out as Hinata begins walking her way home. She tries to wait for a good time to introduce herself, but every time she thinks to, another human walks by. While they can’t see the angel, Hinata’s reaction might not go over well if someone else sees her surprise.
Eventually she reaches a modest home, stepping in and removing her shoes. Though Ryū knows it to be a common practice, she doesn’t announce her return, instead going straight up the stairs to her room.
...well that was odd. Landing softly, Ryū cautiously steps inside. Like everything else, the house is tidy. But this seems to be in a way more...untouched. Unloved. As though no one really lives here. Worry mounting, Ryū makes her way up the stairs, finding Hinata’s door ajar. Within, she’s already diligently working on her homework despite having no one there to tell her to. A spark of pride at her charge’s responsibility makes Ryū smile softly. A hand gently opens the door further, which catches the girl’s attention.
Pale eyes widen, a small gasp disappearing down her throat.
“Hello, Hinata-chan,” Ryū greets in soft, flawless Japanese. Slowly, she lowers to kneel, wings draping along the floor as she smiles warmly. “Don’t be afraid...I’m here to help you.”
Looking torn between fear and fascination, Hinata doesn’t reply.
“I’ve been sent here to protect you. Do you know what a guardian angel is…?”
After a long pause, she gives a small nod. “Y-you’re...an angel…?”
“I am. My name is Ryū. And it’s my job to keep you safe. Has anyone been making you feel uncomfortable, Hinata-chan?”
At that, the girl seems to hesitate. “...I-I…”
“...well, we don’t have to talk about that now. But I’m here to do whatever you need me to do. No one is ever going to harm you again. I pro-” Before she can finish, Ryū gives a soft grunt as the girl crosses the room in a blur, latching onto her and burying her face in the angel’s robe. Shocked, it takes a moment for her to soften, gently wrapping arms around the child. “...it’s going to be all right. You’re safe now.” She lets Hinata cling for as long as she needs to.
...until there’s a sound downstairs.
Eyes widening, Ryū looks over her shoulder, Hinata looking nervous. “...is anyone else here, Hinata-chan?”
“N-no...otōsama is at work, and i-imōto is at Watanabe-san’s house,” she whispers.
“...your father wouldn’t be home yet?”
She shakes her head.
“...stay here.”
“N-no, don’t leave!” Hinata grips her guardian’s robes tightly as Ryū makes to stand. “I-I don’t want to - to be alone!”
“I don’t want you in harm’s way,” Ryū tries to reason.
“But...you said that you would...t-that you would keep me safe.”
Softly, Ryū sighs. “...all right. Be very quiet, and do as I say.” Scooping the child to her hip, Ryū peers out into the landing of the stairs, unable to see anything. Silent footsteps take her to the first story, ready to summon holy magic the moment she spots a threat.
“Ah, damn it…!”
Tensing, she looks around a corner into the kitchen. A figure has its back to her, bent down over something on the floor. Something broken, perhaps…? Is that what they heard?
But even with them crouched, Ryū recognizes the intruder at once. It’s a demon…! Clutching Hinata tightly, she bares teeth in a snarl as wings flare and encircle her. Spare hand lifting, she summons shackles of light, snatching the demon’s ankles and tugging its feet out from under it.
Next are its hands, bound behind its back as she shouts, “What purpose do you have here, child of darkness?!”
Wriggling around to stare at her in shock, the demon shouts, “Whoa, easy! I’m not -!”
“Are you here for the child?”
“What? No!”
“Then why are you here?!”
“Look, miss...I’m not gonna hurt your kid. You’re a guardian, right? She’s not what I’m looking for. I’m not here to fight you!”
Still tensed and scowling, Ryū doesn’t release his bonds. “...you’re not answering my question.”
“I’m, uh…” Dark eyes flicker to the human. “...look, I don’t want to say in front of the kid. It’ll probably upset her.”
“Are you here for her sister?”
“No! Just...ugh! Put the kid down, plug her ears or something, and I’ll tell you! Demon I might be, but I don’t mess with kids.”
Still looking suspicious, Ryū nonetheless lets herself soften - if only just. Careful hands set Hinata down, pressing her palms to the child’s ears. “...what are you doing here?”
“...I’m here for her father.”
“Just -! Give me a second to explain, all right? I think I know what’s going on here. Just…” He tries to sit up. “...mind letting go of my hands? I can’t move, and this is killing my dignity…”
“...you swear you won’t try to harm her?”
“I told you...she’s not why I’m here. I swear.”
The angel heaves a heavy breath...and then releases his bonds. “...what is your name?”
“Obito. You?”
“...I’d say nice to meet you, but you did attack me…”
“It was a precaution. I have every reason to be suspicious of a demon in my charge’s home. But...I apologize. Now...please explain yourself.”
“Look...you’re here to protect the kid, right?”
“...well I’m here to get rid of her father. And that’s likely why you’re here. Her dad? Is a piece of work. Abusive, greedy...real trash sort of human. That’s what your little human is so afraid of. I’d bet my life on it...if I had one.”
Ryū’s brow furrows. “...he abuses her…?”
“Verbally. Emotionally. Hasn’t gotten physical yet, but...it’s just a matter of time. Hence why I’m here to escort him where he belongs.”
“...but what about his children…?”
“You’d rather they grow up with him as their father?”
“No, but...have they any other family? Aunts, uncles…?”
“They have an aunt - widow of his brother. She has a son who’s a year older than your girl. They’ll likely go there. But I’ve got my orders, holy lady. And you’ve got yours. And if I’m seeing this right...we’re both doing each other a favor. You make sure the kid is safe and not left alone, and I make sure the one making her unsafe is...taken care of. Sound fair?”
The angel hesitates. “...my orders were to solve this peacefully. I can’t let you…!”
“You’re not doing anything violent. That’ll be on me. You just...pretend you didn’t see me, and we all get what we want, hm?”
“...but I…?”
“It’ll be fine. C’mon...can’t you see the poetic justice in it? Sometimes...bad things get to happen to bad people. And no one has to miss ‘em. Maybe this one’s young enough, he hasn’t totally broken her yet.”
Ryū’s eyes drop to Hinata, who looks up, ears still covered. Her expression is worried, but not nearly as panicked as a human would likely be otherwise. This demon - Obito - he...has a point. But can she really let him…?
“...very well. But must you do it here…?”
“Well...no. But accidents are easiest to orchestrate at home.”
“...then let me take her somewhere else. She doesn’t need to see that.”
“Sure, sure. I saw a park just down the road. Take her there. I’ll tell you when it’s done, but...well, the mess will be there for a while, until the police find out.”
Ryū can’t help a grimace at that. “...I understand.” Removing her palms, she turns Hinata around, taking a knee. “Hinata-chan...your father is going to be late today. Why don’t you and I go to the park and play, hm?”
“But...my homework…?”
“...we can do that later. It’s our first day together, ne? Let’s have some fun,” The angel gives a strained smile. “...just you and me.”
Taking the girl’s hand, Ryū gives the demon a small nod, leading her from the house and down the road. For safety, she takes a human guise, wings vanished and garb more typical.
“Where’d your wings go?”
“I can hide them when I need to. No one else can know what I am, Hinata-chan. It’s our little secret, okay?”
Keeping a watchful eye, Ryū nonetheless glances back often toward the little house. Her superiors are not going to be happy about this, but...in a dark, twisted way...it does make sense…
An hour later, the day beginning to wane, Ryū glances up as a man strides up to the park. Hands shoved in his coat pockets, there are shadows under his eyes as he smokes a cigarette. 
“...it’s done. Sorry about the wait.”
“...that’s all right. You aren’t hurt, are you?”
That earns a questioning glance. “...uh, no. A human’s not about to hurt me. But...thanks for asking, I guess.”
“...I still don’t like this, but...in a way...I suppose I have to thank you.”
“...you did what I could not. I would have been forbidden from doing what you did. Maybe there would have been another way...maybe he didn’t need to die. But my task is only to protect Hinata. And if that’s what it takes to keep her safe...then so be it.” She knows well enough that some humans are beyond redemption. After all...if they weren’t, Obito and his brethren wouldn’t exist. Nor would their home.
“Well...job’s a job,” Obito replies, taking a drag from his cigarette and exhaling a plume of smoke. “I have to wait for the verdict to come down before I can go back, so I guess I’ll have to bum around topside for a while. And at least the tyke is safe. Where’s her sister?”
“I believe with a neighbor. I’ll have to figure out some alibi...maybe claim I’m a recent babysitter or nanny her father hired so I can reunite them. Surely their aunt will come to claim them soon...I’ll follow in my angelic form and watch her that way.”
“Hm...assuming the aunt takes them.”
“Why wouldn’t she?!”
“Bad blood. The brothers had a rather...strained relationship. Long story short, most of the family believes Hiashi - your kid’s dad - got his brother Hizashi killed. So his widow wasn’t too keen on him. Dunno if it that extends to the kids or not, but...you might have more on your plate than you expected.”
Ryū’s eyes go round. “...you mean...they might not have anywhere to go?”
“They can always get adopted. But I guess you’ll have to wait and see. Either way, though...it’s better than living under that bastard’s thumb. There’s a reason my boss wanted him now.”
The angel is still reeling from the previous possibility. But if the girls aren’t taken in by family...what if they’re separated? What if Hinata ends up in worse hands than she started? She can’t...she can’t let that happen…! “...if their aunt doesn’t take them, then...then I will.”
“I can’t leave them alone! Hinata is my responsibility -”
“Yeah, to protect. Not to raise! Angels don’t raise humans, it’s...it’s not how it’s done!”
“If they end up in bad hands, I’ll never forgive myself…”
“Tch...you angels and your bleeding hearts,” Obito mutters, taking another drag. “Always so quick to feel guilty.”
“What, and you feel nothing?”
“But your job just cost these children their family…! Possibly their home, and their futures!”
“And it also saved them from what would’ve been a life of abuse and neglect! Sometimes an uncertain future is better than the one you know you’ll have…”
Ryū ruffles up, looking like an indignant dove as she abandons her human guise and flares her wings. “I -! That -!”
“What, you expect me to help you? I did my job, lady - not my fault you’ve still got to do yours.”
“But -!”
“I said I wouldn’t hurt a kid...doesn’t mean I would help one.”
Ryū stares at him, clearly peeved. “...you said you’re stuck on Earth until this is said and done.”
“...yeah, so?”
“...then do me a favor: until you have to go back, just...lend me a hand. Make sure the girls end up someplace stable. Because like it or not, job or not, this is partially your doing. Just...do that for me, and I’ll call it even.”
“It’s already even!”
“Or, I could report to the other angels what happened, and they’ll have rather stern words for you,” Ryū then adds, making Obito flinch back.
“...you -!” He cuts off with a groan of frustration, dropping his cigarette and crushing it under his heel along the sidewalk. “...fine! But I’m only doing this because an angel is threatening me! I don’t need any holy magic tearing me in half just because I was doing my job…”
In spite of herself, Ryū smiles, arms folding. “...if you help me...then I’ll do you a favor once it’s said and done.”
“Yes. To be arranged once the girls are safe. If anything goes wrong...my report is going straight back to the archangel. And she is not very fond of demons.”
Obito scowls, shoulders hunching. “And here I thought angels couldn’t be petty or devious.”
“Maybe we’re more alike than you think,” she counters, still smiling. “But, Obito…”
“What?” he snaps.
“...thank you.”
“Tch, don’t threaten me and then thank me…”
“I know that most demons wouldn’t care about harming a child. Either way...you’ve got a better heart than others like you.”
“...I’d do it if it was my job. It just...isn’t right now.”
Turning at Hinata’s voice, the angel asks, “What is it?”
“Can...can we go home yet…?”
Before Ryū can answer, the sounds of sirens blare in the distance, and her heart sinks. “...not quite yet,” she replies softly. “Are you cold? Hungry?”
“A...a little cold…”
“Here…” Picking her up, Ryū holds Hinata close, bringing her wings around them. “How’s that?”
She gives a soft sound of wonder, gently stroking a feather. “Can you really fly…?”
“I can. Maybe I’ll show you some other time, ne?”
“Hey, kid.”
The pair look up, finding Obito holding out a packaged snack from a vending machine. While Hinata wastes no time in snatching it, Ryū looks to him suspiciously.
“...I had some change. Besides, are you really going to get mad about stealing a cookie compared to everything else I’ve done?”
“...I suppose not. Thank you.”
Watching Hinata nibble her treat, Ryū sighs. “...I suppose now I’m just dreading what’s to come...it’s sure to be a long road.”
“Job’s a job, right? And you’ve got some blackmailed help.”
That earns a soft snort, the angel giving him a soft smile. “...you didn’t have to give her that cookie.”
“...she’d start whining, otherwise.”
Ryū just gives a soft shake of her head. An angel and a demon, working together...maybe not completely by choice, but either way, it ought to be interesting.
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     So in a perfect world this would be a lot longer and span more in-story time so it wouldn't be so...rushed? Buuut this is a oneshot and already way too long, so...maybe it'll get thrown on the WIP pile cuz kjdfhgkjg my brain already has Ideas™ and I'm just like...crying in WIPs.      ANYWAY. I...love the concept of angels and demons. Ryū actually has a Kuroshitsuji verse where she's a corrupted guardian angel who starts getting her charges to kill their abusers and gets kicked out of Heaven and picked up by Ciel, but...that's not QUITE what this is x3 Tho I do miss that verse...I need to catch up on that manga...and now I'm off-topic. I just...really like this idea and I might have to do more with it like almost every other idea I get with these two. Can't stop won't stop xD      ...but for NOW, I have to stop, whoops. Thanks for reading!
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wcnderfulrush · 5 years
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Yo who’s ready for Kotori’s dad / Kotori’s early life hcs~ ( even though no one asked for them and nothing really prompted this whatsoever )?? Well I am, because I haven’t really talked about him or that, so let’s go! ( After a year of slowly writing these down; literally a year I’m not joking on this )
Shunsuke Minami = Kotori’s dad!
Photography/graphic design major going to the same university as Kotori’s mother. They met in philosophy class and became study buddies, then over their college years they grew closer and started dating, trying to set up classes around one another to get the most time together possible. They married after they both graduated with Masters, Kotori’s mom 22 years old whilst Kotori’s dad was 23.
He was 25 when they had Kotori. Shunsuke was working as a freelance photographer; Kotori’s mom was a 2nd year literature teacher at Otonokizaka High School. 
Both jobs paid a fair enough amount for them to buy a house ( moving right next Honoka’s bakery/home so Kotori’s mom could still stay close to her childhood best friend, and so both of them could give their daughter’s playdates ) and they started their suburban life together as a family of 3. Kotori’s father takes pictures of the bakery and chats up both of the Kousakas and basically makes flyers and a small website for them, wanting to do it free of charge but Honoka’s dad pays him anyways. And so the parents become fast friends.
And Kotori’s initial upbringing is basically filled with prosperity. She has loving and supportive parents, and already has such a great childhood friend right next door. There’s always food on the table, and she finds out she basically likes most food, and the house is always warm and filled with laughs and life. She gets a bit pampered because her mother slowly moves up in income because the school board is really impressed with her work, while her dad earns a steady income with the occasional big bucks on photo-shoot jobs. Kotori and her mom go on location with him on weekends if they’re allowed to, and Kotori even got to be in a children’s magazine once when she was 4 because the publishers thought she fit the spring theme perfectly. And Kotori’s father took so many photos of Kotori’s childhood, so if asked Kotori could probably bring you a whole binder or two of pictures of her and her family, a few of the photos even used in her father’s professional portfolio.
The spring photo shoot Kotori was in brought him and his family a bit more popularity, and by age 5 Kotori was in two more additions of the same children’s magazine, and Kotori’s father was hired onto the magazine full time while also being allowed to do some freelance work if it fit with his schedule. Here was where Kotori probably gained her love for fashion too, helping even the older kids arrange their outfits in just the right way, and giving the fashion designers there some pretty good advice that everyone was a bit impressed. No one could be more impressed than her parents though, who started to let her learn a tiny bit of sewing and let her have complete free will over her wardrobe, wondering if this was the start of a modeling or a fashion future for their daughter.
And her father stayed working at the magazine for a year and never felt better about the study flow of work, Kotori’s mother was named teacher of the year at Otonokizaka and was getting more attention by the school board due to her dedication and leadership skills in school meetings, and Kotori herself was as happy as a little girl could be. The sun was shining so brightly on the family...
Until the next summer. 
Kotori’s father was doing an all day shoot at the beach for a clothing company’s summer teen line. All the kids and photographers were having fun all day and night, even playing with Kotori when she and her mom visited just a few hours before. But during nighttime a pair of models had started to argue and one of the girls ran off in tears into town. Kotori’s dad helped a few of the other models start to look for the girl, and he found her a couple of blocks away, sulking on the sidewalk near a convenience store. When he tried to console her she cussed him out; when he tried to approach her she flipped out, and when he got closer, saying that maybe it’d be best if they just went back to the beach to talk, she ran. First on the sidewalk, but then taking a sharp turn onto the street to lose him. But Kotori’s father was keeping an eye on traffic just in case the girl fell over, and he caught a glimpse of what the girl wasn’t aware of: A sedan, headlights off, drunkenly speeding down the road. With only a split second to think, Kotori’s dad had pushed the girl to the other side of the road, feet wanting to run after her but slipping on the asphalt ---
The model got a sprained ankle and a skinned knee. Kotori and her mother got condolences, new simple black dresses, and bribe money from the clothing company and from the model’s family so that they wouldn’t sue or spread bad words about what happened. Kotori’s mother wouldn’t even dream of doing something like that, even sitting down with the model before the funeral to talk things out and give back her family’s money...But she couldn’t help pocketing the company money, worried they might have to rely on it for a bit for expenses. 
And after the event, Honoka was much more present in Kotori’s life whilst her mother was distant, wanting her daughter to be happy away from her grief. The Kousakas understood that, Kotori herself understood the situation quickly, but it didn’t emotionally hit her until her 7th birthday that September when her father wasn’t bringing out the cake with her mother. It sent her into a crying fit that modern Kotori kind of regrets and doesn’t like looking back on, the timing and thinking of the way her mother probably felt seeing that making her chest tighten with guilt. That event also partially contributed to her growing more attentive and putting others’ feelings first while hiding her own ( though since my main verse Kotori is S2 and through all of the interactions she’s had over the years, she’s a bit more open with how she feels about certain things ). Kotori would probably never bring up her father unless asked, and she probably wouldn’t go into details about him unless she’s comfortable enough with the person and the timing felt right.
As little asides, these events are probably also why Kotori’s mother has wanted her daughter to reach for any opportunity but also follow her true feelings and her own path, kind of noted by the small talk they have in S1. And also why Kotori is one of the most natural and comfortable with photo shoots ( i.e. the SIF cards and random threads that involve photo shoots ) having the experiences with her father, and also very gracious with photography staff, bringing along waters and snacks for them in case they need them.
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starsailorstories · 6 years
Tell me about the high school AU for the bell town babes. =D
The high school AU is like. the only thing where I don’t try to draw parallels with them being the working class of their society in canon this is all at some kind of snooty exclusive private school because it makes EVERYTHING funnier and pettier
1. Shade is a straight-A student but tightly wound and miserable about it. Her parents are both highly accomplished and very strict and she feels like she has to be perfect to please them. Despite being a visibly anxious introvert with no time for anything she’s president of the school’s LGBT org. Possibly she was elected without actually running or maybe the faculty advisor just appointed her because she never misses a meeting. She’s actually very kind to and protective of the underclassmen and will listen to them and give good advice, she just seems sorta unapproachable and isn’t sure she wants to change that.
2. Bolt is a cheerleader and a freshman orientation leader and on the prom committee and she knows everybody and she considers every single girl in the school her friend and won’t hear a bad word about any of them. Girls will rip on her to be edgy and call her a ditz and stuff but everyone who gets to know her knows she’s actually that nice and she’s on homecoming court and stuff every year. She’s a senior now and scared of what’s going to happen when being everybody’s friend isn’t enough. Her grades are fine, they’d be good if she put forth a little more effort, but when the guidance counselor suggests getting on track for a nursing masters’ she’s like ???!!! are you kidding? I’m way too dumb for that, I’d kill somebody. Shade is the one who eventually talks her into it, and because she’s Shade she has Specific Evidence for why she should do it, like “Remember on choir tour when you gave that girl her EpiPen?” “Those are designed so that literally anyone can do it” “Yeah but everyone else was just freaking out and you stepped up and like HANDLED IT”
3. 2 weeks later they both realize that this kind of detailed compliment is Shade’s version of flirting, she doesn’t make that kind of effort for just anyone
4. Rugsy is the captain of the field hockey team and has an entourage of awestruck underclassmen girls who follow her everywhere and drives a sweet vintage car that breaks down in the school access road twice a semester and has neon pink hair and is basically a teenage lesbian goddess. DT does all the nerd extracurriculars like debate team and mock UN and yet somehow still is the closest thing the school has to a Queen Bee™; her parents are local big shots so in addition to being the smartest and hottest girl in her year she has this aura of money and power around her. The two of them–DT and Rugsy–keep the rumor mill running AROUND THE CLOCK with their dramatic on-again-off-again, love-hate-love relationship.
5. Like IMAGINE Rugsy and DT’s belligerent sexual tension but between overwrought hormonal teenagers. Hell on wheels. Also I enjoy the opportunity here to just for a little tiny while ignore everything that makes DT a complex, Important™ character and just let her be an unashamedly spoiled diva? Like she’s still very smart and critical of the system and a genuinely hard worker (though lbr nowhere near on par with what she’d need to be to escape society’s most reviled tier) and still has her thing where she’s extremely devoted and caring as long as she can be 100% emotionally distant, but I feel like she’s grown up being constantly reassured of her Ivy League Legacy destiny and doted on and rolling her eyes and facepalming while her mother tells her about her harrowing misadventures in trying to find out which of the other snooty rich ladies in town have gay daughters who are single
6. The culmination of this is that DT’s family throws some kind of, idk, debutante ball thing, during which sneaky underage drinking on the back veranda is occurring under the adults’ noses, and she and Rugsy get into it and Rugsy pours an entire bottle of Wild Irish Rose down the front of DT’s brand new SNOW white Versace dress and DT storms into the main party On A Mission and her dad’s like “Well what do you want me to do pumpkin run her out of town?” and she’s like “at least make her LEAVE she’s ruining EVERYTHING” and they both go home and cry into their pillows and it’s actually the last time they see each other for a while before starting college
7. But then they both move back in a few years and baffle everyone by just getting married and settling down like nothing happened
8. (What happened is they both matured a lot, worked through their internalized homophobia surrounding physical and emotional intimacy with another woman, and lived in the real world for a while)
9. (Rugsy still has the car. It strands them at a gas station on their honeymoon.)
10. Also Shade really comes into her own in college and ends up much more confident and extremely dapper and androgynous and confusingly attractive to almost everyone but she only has eyes for Boltie, ever
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musubiki · 6 years
angst hcs????? :3
(these are just gonna be random bits of angst mainly backstory that i had)
(i mightve written about this part before) limes mother died when he was 3. kiwi was 8. he was young enough to bounce back bc he didnt fully understand what happened. their father ran a large energy company and was very cold and distant towards them, especially after the mother died, and emotionally abused kiwi
their only other family was their grandparents on their mothers side, who they were hardly ever close to because the father didnt like them, so they never met them. 
so when lime was 4, kiwi (a hella strong young girl. im so proud of her) was somehow able to contact their grandparents, the only allies they really had. when they heard about how lime and kiwi were living, it was their idea for them to run away and live with them instead. 
so kiwi packed two backpacks for her and lime, and one day just ran away from school, took a train to the other side of the country where they met their grandparents, who then erased all their traces and disappeared to the small port city where they started their sandwich shop
luckily, their father didnt even know his wifes parents, nor where to find them in the 1st place, so he had little hope of finding where they ran away to. 
(also, limes grandmother is the witch of the dog, strangely. so she was able to cover their tracks nicely)
(their dad doesnt care about their safety, hes just pissed that they were able to get away from him. the only reason he wants to find them later is because he wants lime to take over the company, but thats too far ahead and for another time)
so kiwi became a nurse and dedicated her life to helping people. she lives with a slight but consistant fear that he’ll come back for them one day. her grandmother assures her it wont happen.
lime is incredibly protective. and actually a bit posessive. he hates to admit it but when push comes to shove, mochi is the only real friend he has. like yeah i guess coco too, but its not the same. mochi is like his rock (though he never admits it) and hes afriad of literally anything happening to her. 
moreso when he starts to fall in love with her. his protectiveness branches into just him being controling of her when it gets too far, and this results in them fighting. again. it also branches into jealousy. (they always talk it out and resolve it eventually. they have a pretty good relationship. but theres a lot of shit they get into and out of just because he protects her so much)
this also gives him seperation anxiety when shes gone. 
coco is an orphan. her parents died overseas when she was 6. she lives with her aunt and uncle and their twin boys (5 years old)
so shes mostly pretty emotionally distant. she has a lot of friends, but not REAL friends. mostly like you pass them in the hall and shoot a small insult, laugh about it, and leave, but at the end of the day she goes home by herself. 
at her old school she had 2 great friends, (one of which is her long distance boyfriend when she first moves there)
she had to move when her uncle had a better job oppertunity where mochi and lime live. she was SUPER bummed because. it was hard for her to make friends in the first place. now she gotta make new ones. so she purposely puts off a “I don’t give a fuck” attitude in school so people dont think shes weird for chilling by herself
she actually has a lot of anxiety about what people think
and because of how she is, she can be incredibly scared and self-preserving. there was one time mochi really was in trouble, and was separated from lime and coco, but she told them to leave so they wouldnt get hurt. so coco was gonna leave, and her and lime have the worst fight ever and he TOTALLY CALLS HER OUT ON HER SHIT
everyone thinks lime and coco are pretty similar but. lime is surprisingly more brave and caring than coco. this whole moment was pretty much between “SHE TOLD US TO RUN!!” and “You know what?! Fuck you. I’m going back for her. You can do what you want. I knew you were shitty but I didn’t think you were shitty enough to abandon your only friend. Coward.” 
and its after this that shes fully invested in mochi (and also lime.) and she hates it. she hates having so much to lose shes just scared its all gonna get taken away from her. again. 
for mochi, her main thing is just pressure and fear
since shes the house of the cat, and as her training goes on and she gets stronger as a witch, her mothers power also gets weaker (her mothers power is what keeps them hidden). so between trying to fight off magical beings every so often, protect pom, protect her friends and family, and learn everything she needs to before her mother cant help her anymore, she just stresses out a lot
another thing is just BEING a witch. coco asks her what her plans are after high school. she gives the usual answer, that shes just gonna stay there and take over the shop for her mom. everyones reply is usually “Really?? You don’t want to go to college??? spread your wings???? live your own life???? are you sure???????”
and she just answers yes, and shes not even sure what she wants, but she doesnt really have a choice anyway so it doesnt matter. she needs to keep a low profile and continue to learn the witchcraft
all this and the fear of literally almost dying every single time someone comes after her power. the cats power is SEVERELY covetted by all witches and other magic beings, so they stay hidden under spells and potions in that small town. 
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cashtonwoah-blog · 6 years
Ashton Irwin Imagine // Escape
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Warnings: Swearing, depression/self harm. Individuals may find this triggering., viewers discretion is strongly advised. Please seek support if you feel affected by this. My messages are always open if you want to chat!
Although this imagine is quite sad and personally dark, it does have a happy ending!
"Babe? Please talk to me. " I hear Ashton mutter through the key hole to our bathroom. I couldn't speak, I just needed to be alone right now. I’d had a crap day at work. My boss had a go at me for being 5 minutes late. Like really? The traffic into town was hectic and my car was playing up, even before I left. She shouted at me as soon as I walked into the door, straight away putting me in a bad mood. I then was greeted by an angry customer, who also reminded me that I was 5 minutes late to her beauty appointment. I normally loved my job, however recently I'd become distant. It was now the summer time in LA, which meant I could no longer wear a long cardigan to cover my arms with. Plus my boss was getting funny with me wearing bracelets to hide my wrists. I used to be good at covering my scars. I’d be able to cover them with heavy foundation and powder, so much so that Ashton didn't know I used to hurt myself the first 6 months of us dating. I remember the day he caught me though.
“Y/N, which shirt should I wear to the dinner ton-” he said, carrying two choices of shirts. He stopped his sentence as he walked into the bathroom. He could see the blood in the sink, dripping around the edge of the sick and onto the floor. He then noticed the blood on my wrists, and the blade in my shaky right hand. He ran over to me, grabbing the razor out of my band and throwing it into the toilet. He then grabbed the nearest white towel and wrapped it tightly around my arm. He then grabbed me, pulled me to the floor and pulled me into a deep embrace. 
“Wh-why did you do this to yourself?” he questioned my actions. I sobbed into his chest.
“I don-don't know i-I'm sor-sorry” I sobbed back. I fully knew well why I did it. Just everything had recently been too much. From work, college and family stuff, I wasn't coping. My only release was through hurting myself. If i’d just remembered to lock the door, none of this would have happened. 
“Please promise me you won't do this again” he asked me softly. I looked up at him. His blotchy red eyes were wet just like mine. How could I promise such a big thing? Yet I could see how much it was affecting him,
“I promise” fully meaning it. 
Or so I thought. Sat here after a stressful day. My boss had made me work double the amount of time I was supposed to, my car had broke down, my Mum had phoned to say I had to pay her for some shopping she did for me a while back, and to top it all off, Ashton and I had plans to go out to dinner with the other 5SOS boys to celebrate the release of their new album. I just wasn't up for it. We’d argued just before we were due to go out, over who was going to drive to the restaurant. 
“Ash just let me drive, you’ll want to have a drink and i’m not fussed about drinking!” I huffed.
“You won't, you’ll moan later that you will be the only sober one there” he said, rushing around the room trying to get ready. 
“Well lets get an Uber then!” I suggested, trying to diffuse the tension.
“Ubers are expensive, Y/N!” he exclaimed. 
“Uh you always make our plans so difficult!” I screamed, shutting myself in the bathroom door. 
“Y/N please open the door. I’m worried about you” Ashton said on the other side of the door, snapping me back into reality. I was still laying on the floor, black mascara smudged around my face. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, seeing my reflecting made me cry more. I opened the cabinet on the wall and grabbed my hairbrush. Ashton didn't know but I'd hidden a spare razor inside my hairbrush. I took my top off, releasing my bare skin. I admired the scars I already had present on my wrist. I traced a finger along the new and old scars, thinking of where to place my newest addition. I felt further tears fall from my eyes. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang, and saw Ashton barging through the door. He’d actually smashed our wooden bathroom door to get through. I froze, unable to move. Before I could do anything, Ashton once again snatched the razor away from my wrist. He help me tight once again, as I collapsed into his arms. I was so exhausted and emotionally drained, I drifted off to sleep in his arms, on the bathroom floor. 
*A few days later*
“A wellness centre? You're kidding right?” I asked, looking at the leaflet.
“I think it would be a good break for us both! Plus its more of a spa in Holland Y/N, surrounded by beautiful lakes” Ashton said, smiling as he beckoned my body onto his lap as he sat at the dining room table on his laptop. I sighed, reluctant to sit. Since having my meltdown the other day, Ashton had been researching holidays for us, and had come across a wellness centre in Europe. The aim of the centre was to allow individuals to “explore and heal their emotions”. Yuck, I thought. 
“I think it would be a great idea babe. Some time off work. I’ve been able to push back some album promotion stuff too with the guys, they’ll continue it without me” Ashton said. 
“Ash you can't do that, your album has just come out, you need to promote the shit out of it!” I sighed. 
“Yes, but my priority is YOU Y/N” he replied. I smiled at this comment, still feeling bad for him. Him and the other 5SOS boys had been working so hard on the album. I couldn't take Ashton away from that. 
“You won't be taking me away Y/N, I need a break too. And I think you could do with one too” he replied, cocking his head to the side and pouting. You couldn't disagree. You did need a little therapy to help you deal with your depression. You'd been to a therapist and doctor endless times, however no medication or yoga position or music cured you. 
“Deal, but I want the window seat on the plane” I sighed, finally giving up.
“Welcome, to Escape, a wellness centre” you heard a women at the front desk say to you in a calming voice. You calmly sighed, already feeling relaxed. A bell boy came and took your bags as you checked in. Ashton squeezed your hand and smiled at you, kissing you on the cheek. You were given the keys to your room, and were amazed at how big the room was. You had a king size bed, TV, free mini bar and ensuite, followed by a balcony which had an amazing view of the lake.
“I think I’m going to like it here” I whispered. 
The only downside to being at this wellness centre was the group therapy. I totally got why Ashton was so desperate for us to come here, it was due to the therapy techniques. They had couple counselling, 1:1 therapy and this; group therapy. Ashton had made my go to every single activity on offer. I groaned as soon as Ashton said it started at 9am. I crawled my body there, sitting in a circle with him on my left, and the session leader, a blonde girl called Marissa, on my right.
“Welcome to group therapy, my name is Marissa, and I will be leading this session” she welcomed everyone. Throughout the whole session, Marissa went on about our star signs and have they have emotional connections with one another etc blah blah blah. But towards the end of the session I started to agree what she said. She said that the actions we take out on ourselves are never permanent, and that we should not be reminded of them. She also said that pain was never permanent and that any difficulties could be dealt with closely. I decided to book a 1:1 therapy slot with her straight after. 
“So tell me Y/N, what brings you here?” she asked me in my session. I sighed, just wanting to run out of the room and cry. I hated talking about myself. 
“Well, I don't know if I’m honest. My boyfriend thought it would be good if I came to see you. Al this kinda stuff seems, well rubbish to me”.
“I see. What would you like to talk about?”
I became silent, just wanting to burst open like a balloon, and spill out all of my worries, concerns and fears. I didn't feel confident enough yet, so I decided to open up about the main reason why I was here.
“My attempt to destroy myself a few weeks back”.
“Describe what happened”.
And so I did. I sat there, for 45 minutes, telling Marissa every single detail of how I felt recently. My work stress, my college deadlines, dealing with dating a famous person. I spoke about how my Mum and Dad had gotten divorced when I was young. I talking about the time my Dad and Mum physically fought in front of me. I talked about how my first boyfriend cheated on me, breaking my heart. I was finally able to open up to someone. And I felt so safe afterwards. I finally felt open, and ready to talk to Ashton about how I felt. At the end of the session, Marissa handed me a positive quotes book. At first I sniggered, but turning through the book as I left made me smile. Inside was a small pack of crayons with a colouring page on each page. Each page had a self healing quote. At the front of the book it read
“Every time you find yourself healing a little more, colour in a page”
I decided to colour in the first page, to commence the first chapter of my recovery. The first quote read:
“Healing is an art. It takes time, practice and love”
I walked back into our room, jumped on the bed and started colouring in my first book. As soon as I got comfy, I heard our door unlock, and was greeted by a very relaxed looking Ashton, in a dressing gown, who had just come back from a massage. I giggled.
“Someone looks happy” I said to him. He smiled
“I could say the same for you” he replied. “Do you fancy hiring one of the boats to go on the lake tonight?”
“Sounds lovely” I replied, heading to my wardrobe to choose something to wear to dinner. 
I hopped onto the boat, and slipped on my 5SOS merch hoodie, noticing the temperature on the lake dip from earlier. Ashton slipped on his black merch hoodie too.
“We have good taste” I giggled at him, pointing to our matching outfits. Dinner at the restaurant in the centre was beautiful. A buffet full of every food you could think of, from meat to salad, pasta to potatoes. Ashton went up and got fifth, probably sixths. I chucked at my boys’ appetite, that boy could compete in an eating contest and thrash everyone, shame he never ate my cooking. I saved room for desert, admiring the chocolate cake. We spent a few hours in the restaurant, discussing our last few days in this beautiful place.
“Hold on tight!” I heard the boat captain shout. He drove us out onto the lake, I could see the bright sun beginning to set around us. I took a few pictures and selfies of our beautiful surroundings. 
“I am so sorry”
“What for baby girl?”
“For how I've been around you recently. For feeling low, for doing stupid stuff to mys-” I said. I was interrupted by Ashton wrapping his entire chest around me, kissing my forehead. 
“Baby you don't need to apologise. I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling this way for so long. I wish I knew what to do, I now know how to help you more. That’s why I thought coming here would be good, for the both of us.” he whispered. 
“I feel so much better coming here Ash. I emotionally feel healed. Like when this trip is over, I can go back to work. Actually fuck that, fuck this job. I’m quitting. That place never made me happy” I sigh.
“That's my girl, always grabbing life by the balls!!” Ashton screamed and cheered. I feel a finger trail along my left arm. “What about...this..baby?”. I instantly know what he’s talking about.
I sigh. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’m scared Ash. I don’t want to do it anymore. I won’t let myself do it anymore. When we get back, i’m going to go and see a proper psychologist. I want to stop Ash, and I think with you by my side I can”. I sighed, looking at the beautiful sky.
“I won't let you go, Y/N, I'm here. Always”.
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mojoflower · 7 years
Magical/Mage/Spark Stiles fic recs (90%Sterek, 5%Steter)
A Moving Sea Between the Shores by foxtricks (knightofbows) M.  26k.  Complete.  They're so fucked. They fucked up so bad. And it's all Stiles' fault." // Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." - Khalil Gibran 
What delicious torture and pain and mistakes and regret and fear and suspense, unf. Stiles, it turns out, is quite a powerful mage, but he DOES make a small miscalculation... which very nearly leads to the deaths of the whole pack, to his imprisonment and torture. If only he and Derek had Bonded first, they might not have fallen to this point. But they hadn't....
Chapters alternate from what leads up to the Fuck Up and what follows. Derek is a good Alpha, Stiles is a good Emissary, but each thinks the other deserves better than what they could offer. Fully satisfying ending with sufficient comfort.
Dream of Life Again by BarlowGirl E.  18k.  Complete.  “You better be ready,” Lydia says as she cleans dirt out from under her nails with an antiseptic wipe. Stiles can smell the lemon scent even from where he stands a few feet away. She’s probably going to end up covered in blood in a few moments, but she likes to be in control in any way she can, so he doesn’t tease her about this. “It’s time to start.” // “I’m ready,” Stiles says and he’s pretty sure it’s not even a lie. Hopefully. // Scott, Stiles, and Lydia each sit at one point of the triskelion that Lydia’s drawn on the tarp. The center is a tight knot of some language Stiles had never even heard of before this, written in ink in tiny writing. It’s beautiful and also makes him slightly nauseated. Lydia makes both cuts, so the blood drops from Stiles’ arm and Scott’s, too, into the center of the triskelion. There’s wolfsbane on Scott’s knife, not enough to make him sick, but enough to keep him from healing too quickly. // It’s a surprisingly simple thing, after that, for what they’re doing. Blood, a few words, and a little magic. // Just those things, and, for the first time in three years, Laura Hale gasps in a breath. // Or: Resurrected Laura!!!
What an interesting story. It felt strangely... clinical?... distant, maybe. Stiles is very removed from everyone, and there's alot of teasing in the beginning as to why (we never DO learn the full story there). Any road, Stiles has a connection to some veerry powerful magic, but doesn't really want to think about it too much, much less admit it. Meanwhile, he continues with his distant-yet-close relationship with the pack, and his strange dance with Derek, and just. It was very interesting.
Such Things Don't Bear Repeating by Allizane E.  25k.  Complete.   A wizard, a wolf, and a boy. Or: spells and magic can never truly substitute for strength. (Harry Potter AU, in triplicate.)
This was beautiful, flowed like poetry, kind of. Three parts, three points of view, and we slowly watch Stiles grow, watch his powers develop. I never did figure out what he was supposed to be: he's a bit sociopathic, but has every reason to be (he's missing his tongue when Deaton first finds him.) I probably wouldn't have read it if I'd noticed the dark!Stiles tag, but the story didn't really come across that way. More wild!Stiles, and the future's wide open. ******* So Derek takes the twisted threads of blood and bone and fire (because they’d all tasted like ash to the wolf, like someone was already burning them up), he takes them and ties the loose ends to Stiles, because what else is there to do?
The Long Way Round by exclamation E.  180k.  Complete.  A magical accident sends Stiles back in time. Now he's stuck in New York, living with Derek and Laura, and the only way to get back to his own time is to learn to use magic. Meanwhile, he must figure out how much he can tell them about their future. Can he warn them about the dangers they face? Can he change his own past?And can he trust the creature known as Bookworm, who seems to know him better than he knows himself?
oh. my. fucking. god.
this is astonishing.
The one where Stiles is MAGIC, whoa, that is such a focus, and he's powerful, and you get the learning montage and everything. (He's also the ouroboros, which explains how he got sent back in time to hang out with Derek and Laura when they're living in New York.) The one with the dragon, Bookworm, and the magic shop, and the accidental coven, and the vengence ghost, and where Derek is a dancer at a club (lol) and ALL THE GOOD THINGS.
i am addicted to death (so remind me what it’s like to live) by cywscross T.  18k.  1/2 but it reads like it’s complete.   Stiles is sixteen years old. He has already died seventy-eight times.
Holy shit. (This says 1/2, but it's tight and complete, no worries.)
Magic Marker by Batwynn G.  3k.  Complete.  Look, just because he’s magical, doesn’t mean Stiles has to be an adult, right? // Where Scott keeps quoting Spider Man when he comes in the room, his dad keeps getting that pinched look around his eyes when he accidentally turns the microwave into a portal to another timeline, Lydia has stopped wasting her breath by heaving great, disappointed sighs at him, and Derek… Derek tells him to get it out of his system somewhere not here. Which is actually pretty nice, for someone with such judgmental eyebrows.
I would SO love to get a bigger peek into this world, heh.
In Which Stiles is Secretly Magic by apocryphal T.  27k.  Complete.   All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
lol... stiles is a hoot.
Attach me to your world by artisan447  E.  27k.  Complete. Turns out Stiles is magic. He's as surprised about that as anyone.
Sweet, sexy and intense: everything you want a surprise bonding fledgling magic fic to be.
Growing Up, Growing Strong by cywscross T.  10k.  Complete.   Stiles is adopted by the Hales.
Lovely series of snapshots. Stiles at 10 saves the Hales, but loses his dad, and Talia takes him in, but it's Peter he attaches to. There's selective mutism, slow integration, kidnapping, self-rescue, discovery of magic (spark), and he's 16 in the end, but I think the rating could have easily remained a G. (We'll have to use our imaginations for the rest.)
Red Witch by rootbeer  T.  34k.  Complete.  The red hair of a banshee. The red eyes of an alpha. The red hoodie of a mage. The red of fire burning.Derek Hale has been a prisoner to the hunters since they burned his family alive. But now someone has come to save him: skinny, defenseless Stiles--147 lbs of skin and fragile bones. Turns out, sarcasm isn't his only weapon.
Ah, this hit the spot. Derek's a mess, poor baby, he's spent years locked in a cell in isolation being taunted by Kate when Stiles shows up as a captive in the next cell. It's about everything you'd want. (I love the protective fire around Derek, it's perfect.) Stiles is a BAMF, Derek is a beta. And those stories about the Red Witch and his/her companions? Not just fairy tales.
Children's Tales by artemis69 G.  5k.  Complete.  Be careful, little girl. // Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, because the Hales live there, little girl. // Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you. // --Or: In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after. // Then Kate comes in. // Well. // Tries to.
How much did I love this story, omg, it's kind of hilarious: Kate (POV) goes Hale-hunting and is thwarted at EVERY TURN because the whole damn town knows who she is, and who Derek is, and the character descriptions are so funny: "The annoying other kid is still there and both of them are mowing the lawn of a little white house. Hale is very focused, working methodically in parallel strips. His friend is running in circles around a rose bush like a rabbit on cocaine."
Inhuman History by Amazonia_8 E.  32k.  7/?  Stiles doesn't remember much about what happened the night he was to be introduced to the mysterious Hale family. He knows his mother is dead, but nobody can tell him why. He thinks it might have something to do with the things that happen to him, or that he can make happen, even though he's never been able to control it. Now it's just him and his father, an invalid he must spend all his time caring for, scraping by in a run down house in a run down town, miles away from the life he once knew. // Until strange things begin to happen, starting with the great black wolf that shows up at his door and the stranger man that claims he knows his father. Claims that Stiles is in danger and that it is his duty to protect him.
Hooooly guacamole. This one is a RIDE, I'm pretty sure I only breathed once in the whole first half. Only 7 chapters written, and it looks like it'll stay that way, and the story isn't NEAR complete, but you do get to end on a very satisfying sex scene, and this author is so good that even a glimpse into this world she's building is worth the time you put in to read it. The first chapters are such a tease, with references to things like John being paralyzed and mute, and Stiles having flashing memories of 'before', and it doesn't get explained for a while (it does eventually, tho, don't worry), and wow, it's just fantastic.
The Road Less Traveled by gryvon E.  25k.  Complete.   Stiles doesn't want to die in a basement. No one is going to die in the Argent's basement, not if he can help it.
ALL the Stiles!whump and hurt/comfort (although the comfort for the first round of hurt is rest-of-pack rather than Derek, but it's totally emotionally satisfying. This is the one where Stiles starts practicing magic by twiddling a pencil and then gets to firebomb some ghoul-things in the cemetery.
Night Owls Early Birds by Lissadiane T.  24k.  Complete.  Confession: Stiles is afraid of having magic. // The Spark had been cool. It had been small, manageable. He could do some funky stuff with Mountain Ash, all with the power of belief. // And now here he is, his Spark blown wide open, apparently coming down with a fatal case of magical overload, and all that stands between him and bleeding out is a grumpy owl that looks suspiciously like a feathered version of Derek Hale. // (In which Stiles learns he's a witch, but instead of a wand and a trip to Diagon Alley, he gets blood magic, a grumpy and reluctant owl as his companion, and an accidental blood bond with Derek Hale.)
Oh. This was... really intense, I wasn't expecting that, somehow, the summary made it seem kind of funny. Stiles' magic is no fucking joke, and it LITERALLY tears him apart sometimes, like, peeling his hands inside out and crushing them kind of thing... and all the extraordinary pain that goes with it. When they say blood magic, that means there's gallons of it everywhere. Which is AMAZING, and the intensity is wonderful, don't get me wrong, it's unique among the 'Stiles discovers he is magic' stories, because it really does seem more like a curse than a gift. Steve the owl is a hoot (lol), and Derek's quiet loyalty and fierce protectiveness is lovely. It's a fantastic read, and so is its sequel.
In Which Stiles Finds He Much Prefers When Interesting Things Happen to Somebody Else by Zoom Zoom (PaperLillyWebs) T.  21k.  Complete.  “Finish what you start,” the skull rasps at him, making him jump. When he looks up, the skull is just as still as before.Loosely based on Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wayne Jones.
What a fun story! Stiles the apprentice is every bit of adorable, his Master Hale is a shadowy, mean kind of figure, and something's going on where none of the ends match up. The story borrows the Howl's Moving Castle world, but that's all, none of the story or characters. I love it.
How to please your house spirit by Lesatha  M.  14k.  Complete.  Derek startled awake in the middle of the night. For a split second he didn’t know why, then as he felt a strange weight on his chest, he raised his head and looked down. And stayed speechless. // There was a tiny creature, barely the size of Derek’s whole hand, sitting on him. It had a human shape, from what Derek could see.It looked furious.
ohmygod this is infinitely adorable, Stiles is a (murderous, multitasking, shapeshifting) little shit (so is Peter) and Derek is utterly wrapped around his (occasionally) tiny finger.
Of Werewolves and Tentacles by Guede E.  173k.  Complete.   Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall, childhood best friends who were separated, now reunite to get to know each other again. Since Scott's a werewolf and Stiles is a new graduate of Miskatonic University (which is proving strangely attractive to Peter-Hale-shaped werewolves), they've got quite a bit to catch up on.
So glorious. A lot of fun to read, lots of action and complexity and I know basically nothing about Lovecraft, and that didn't matter at all. Stiles is great in this, very pushy, very much an asshole, and still got that old insecurity inside... which, coincidentally, is very much what Peter is like. They're a lovely match. (The fifth story introduces Derek into their dynamic, but only in the end, and, sadly, we never get the sexin' for that -- aside from some strange dreams in Part 6 -- cause it would be delicious.)
And what are the odds that I'd read two sentient house fics in the same month? (The other being the equally fabulous When sparks fly by LunaCanisLupus_22. Sentient house is in Part 5 and isn't very friendly.)
The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart by WritersAreLiars M.  35k.  6/?  “Stiles. Did I just watch you sell that man a hex-bag full of crushed caffeine pills and rocks from our own parking lot?” // “I threw in some sage too.” // -Stiles may have lost his job and his place as Alan's Mastery student, but at least his former teacher had the decency to set up an introduction to Peter Hale, werewolf and necromancer. // It looked like Stiles wasn't as done forming impossible infatuations on his teachers as he thought. // (At least this time he's legal.)
Entirely delightful and unique... author creates a fantastic world and Stiles' blithe abandon of traditions works very well with Peter's scheming. Worth reading even if it's never finished.
You Only Live Once...or Twice by WonderWolf E.  33k.  Complete.  “Anything,” Derek’s eyes are determined, boring into Stiles’.Stiles huffs a laugh, “Careful there, big guy. Don’t want to be promising anything to every necromancer you meet. Some might ask for your soul or someth—” // “I’ll give you my soul to bring her back,” Derek says, his voice steady and strong with resolve, “if that’s what you want.” // Stiles’ mouth gapes open for a moment before his brain kicks into gear and he stutters out, “N-no, I don’t ask for that. I only ask for money.” // (Or the one in which Stiles is a necromancer who needs help stopping a rogue alpha and Derek is the solution, but at what cost?)
Interesting premise.
Red String verse by gryvon E.  13k.  Completed works, incomplete series.  Peter had given up hope of ever finding his soulmate until the red string on his finger leads him to a four-year-old. He's going to Hell. Or jail. Or both.
Everything about this series is perfection. How Peter is so utterly astonished and appalled at the age difference. How Stiles turns out to be tremendously and precociously magic. The sexual tension when Stiles gets tired of waiting (and Peter goes to the station to turn himself in, lol.
Those Are The Days That Bind Us by s_a_m  M.  63k.  Completed works, incomplete series.  His father wasn’t stupid. He was an officer of the law, trained to look for patterns. He confronted Stiles about werewolves and they shouted and Stiles tried to explain but his father was so, so, so mad, more mad than Stiles had ever seen him, ever in all his life and then his father looked at him and said,“It’s like you’re not my son anymore.” // And Stiles broke.
Really good.  Poor bb Stiles, life generally sucks hard.  When he leaves, he has a lot of adventures and new friends that I DON'T instinctively dislike (what can I say, I'm very loyal to my OTP:  I generally hate it when they split up and one of them seems to move on).  There's VERY little Derek in this, even though about 50% of the story is in Beacon Hills both before and after the 7 years of running away.  Maybe part 3 will have a little more Sterek.  But, yeah, Stiles is badass, so that's awesome.  The author writes well and the story moves quickly.
Professional Werewolf Witch by reptilianraven G.  5k.  Complete.  "Are you going to buy anything else?" Professional Eyebrows says and Stiles would like to buy him. A cup of coffee. On a date. // He just ends up pointing at the crate of whatever the fuck is behind Professional Eyebrows' head and says, "Uh, a box of that stuff." // P.E. turns, glances at the crate, and raises an eyebrow at Stiles. "You want a box of charmed rattlesnake tail?" God, magic is so fucking weird. // "Yeah." Stiles nods because he's making an ass out of himself. The hipster vampire browsing in the corner is not so subtly laughing at him. The sooner he leaves the better. // -The one where Derek Hale is a Professional Werewolf Witch who owns a magic shop and Stiles fails at being smooth on a regular basis.
so fucking funny
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek by DiscontentedWinter M.  52k.  Complete.  Stiles finds a baby on the porch.It looks exactly like him. // Well, this is awkward.
Funny and unique and gripping (and there's one part that's simply fucking heartbreaking, god every.time. I bawl like a baby). I love this so much. It's totally one of my return-again-and-again-comfort-fics (even though there's very little that's slow-paced and domestic about it).
When sparks fly by LunaCanisLupus_22 E.  87k.  Completed stories, unfinished series, but that doesn’t matter.  “Derek,” Stiles thunders. “Were you ever going to tell me your house is trying to hook us up?” // Derek's head snaps up, eyes wide and scenting the evident crackle of magic in the air. // Or the one where spark!Stiles moves into an enchanted apartment block owned by a grumpy alpha and is completely oblivious to the building's efforts to matchmake them.
OH, golly, I love this, it's so funny and fabulous and unique and THE HOUSE, GOD, I LOVE THE HOUSE, it really is all up in everybody's business. Don't worry about the chapters x/? Each chapter is its own complete storyline, so feel free to jump in any time, you'll never feel like you've been left hanging. I absolutely LOVE the irreverent (and yet, very well-conceived and detailed) urban fantasy vibe. And I love every character just the way I like to.
(Just read another fic with a sentient house (fifth story) and urban fantasy tones: Of Werewolves and Tentacles by Guede, which was a delight.
Untamed by rosepetals42 T.  28k.  Complete.  Of course, the transfer kid gets mentioned because transfers are rare, but the news isn’t that exciting. In fact, according to Laura, no one even seems to know his first name. The only thing anyone has really figured out about him is that he’s American. And that’s not exactly hard because he obviously has an accent. // The only thing Derek really knows is that, despite other reports, he seems quiet enough, prefers to work alone, and has the most amazing shade of amber eyes that Derek has ever seen. // Not that he’s looking. Obviously. // OR: A Harry Potter AU where Stiles is a Slytherin transfer student and Derek is the grumpy Gryffindor who falls in love with him. // There are also potions, elves, and falcons involved. Oh, and illegal use of magic. Obviously.
Best. This is the best Hogwarts/Teen Wolf AU I've ever read, hands down. All the feels.
A Wild Heart's Desire by mikkimouse  T.  13k.  Complete.  If there's one thing Stiles Stilinski knows, it's that Deputy Derek Hale absolutely Does Not Like him. The only reason Derek even tolerates him is because their kids are worryingly codependent. // So Stiles is understandably confused when a very feral Derek shows up in his backyard after a call gone wrong and proceeds to move in with him.
Aw, feral!Derek is so sweet. And so is Stiles. And both of them are hella oblivious.
A Life for a Life, Makes the Whole Wo rld Bound by augopher M.  91k.  Complete.   Stiles was lonely; there was no other way of putting it. The Nogitsune had left the pack a wary of him, not that they thought it had been his fault. No, they worried it would happen again. Once bitten, twice shy. // The morning after his 18th birthday, his torso was covered in mysterious green tattoos. He hadn’t been that drunk. He'd definitely remember that. Great. Something else to make him feel like a freak. Insomnia led him to his mother’s diary and a tale of how she helped an odd man once who gave her the warning, “Be careful of your wishes three." Everything clicked into place. // So...he was a djinni. He subtly changed things about himself. More muscle? Done. Better hair? Done and done. End his crippling insecurity? Done, done, done. He hid his new gift until he found himself bound to Derek. // With Deaton’s help, they translated meanings in his tattoos, but they were incomplete. A passage of his 'Rules and Regulations' was missing. Everything was fine dandy until Stiles’ new powers and penchant for mischief and karmic retribution threatened to destroy him, fracture his mind, and turn him into something which couldn’t be contained. // Could the pack save him in time, and at what price?
Court of the Bitter King by The Feels Whale (miscellea)  T.  7k.  Incomplete series, but that’s okay.  There’s a reason Stiles refuses point-blank to take off his shirt in public. That reason would be the massive number of …somewhat illegal tattoos he’s had done over the years.  //  It’s not that his dad doesn’t know about the tattoos, it’s more that his dad doesn’t like to think about them. It’s a mom thing or more precisely, it’s a ‘mom’s side of the family’ thing and Stiles’ maternal relatives make his dad very, very nervous.
Interesting. Dreamy and a little surreal. Third part is unfinished, but then, so are dreams, often.
The Time Travelling Werewolf's Confused Spirit Guide by The Feels Whale (miscellea) G.  5k.  Complete.  
Normally you don’t imagine yourself as living in the dystopian future that hapless time travelers accidentally stumble into. // Or: that one where Stiles learns the hard way that reality is not static, time is not a river, and sometimes the way things are is not the way they were supposed to be.
Sweet and weird. And it all worked out in the end, but I'd miss asshole Derek.
Her Blood on His Bones by secondstar  E.  123k.  Complete.  Stiles may be cursed but that doesn’t mean he’s going to lay down and die. He’s going to fight. He won’t stop, he can’t stop. If he does, they win.  [Daemons, Dark Materials universe.]
Aching for you by LittleRedEmissary T.  45k.  Complete.  When Stiles tries to cast a protection spell on Derek and accidentally casts a spell much stronger than either of them expected, the duo has to relearn everything that they've learned about protecting the pack, because the old methods won't do anymore. With the infamous Winchesters coming to town Derek hopes that the hunters will just drive through town, but the pack has never been good that laying low.
Love this. God, Dean's an asshole. But he gets better.
Writ in Hecate's ink on willing skin by Lenore M.  6k.  Complete.   "As you're always so fond of pointing out, you're the alpha. When bad shit happens to you, it affects all of us. If someone wants to use your alpha mojo or your wolf force or," Stiles waves his hand, "whatever you want to call it for diabolical purposes? We need to be ready."
Beacon Hills Mysteries  by miss_aphelion  T.  80k.  Complete.  Stiles appears alone at the doors of the emergency room the morning after the full moon, covered in blood with a deep slash torn across his left side. He's suffering from hypovolemic shock and barely conscious and he won't tell anyone what happened—not his hospital appointed psychiatrist, not his father. Not even his pack. // The list of suspects is disconcertedly short. There were only seven others in the woods with Stiles that night: Derek, Scott, Boyd, Erica, Isaac, Jackson and Allison. And none of them remember the night in quite the same way.
My note for the second story:  Whoa, so intense and stressful and simply amazing. Really, this whole series is the bomb. (Even with no sex!) And super!magic!Stiles like whoa.
Patterns of Intention by drunktuesdays E.  17k.  Complete.  Derek looked like the stuff of his deepest fantasies. His shirt was rumpled where Stiles had his hands in it, and he was breathing hard as well, chest heaving. His eyes—his eyes were glazed over and he looked stunned, like he’d been—like Stiles had—“No,” Stiles said, blood draining from his face. The word was croaky and felt like it had to be wrenched out of his chest. “God, no.”
The one where Stiles' magic is expressed verbally, and he starts to think he magically is making Derek want him back.
No spell quite like your smile by charimiel T.  29k.  Complete.  "I’m Stiles by the way. I’d shake your hand, but the stuff on my hands isn’t actually ink and I don’t want to subject anyone else to that.” .... Derek’s really just exuding an aura of ‘what the fuck is wrong with this guy’. Stiles gets that a lot actually.OrThe one where Stiles owns a magic shop and Derek probably regrets coming back to Beacon Hills right about now.
From Here On by Isa_Iadel M.  97k.  Completed stories, incomplete series.  Stiles Stilinski hasn't been Sheriff for very long and dealing with the aftermath of the attack against the Hales ends up being far more complicated than he ever could have imagined.
Crazy good story, incredible and original world building (really, SO original), and Stiles is magic! to the max and totally wonderful protector of the town and all the characters, OCs and those well-loved, are just amazing. (Derek is underdeveloped, which is a pity, but everyone else is so riveting that it's alright.) Can't wait for the next installment.
B.S.T.P.H.T. by dornfelder E.  27k.  Complete.  Before Derek has the presence of mind to object, Stiles pushes the paper in his hands and makes for his jeep. “Just read it, okay?” is the last thing he says before slamming the door shut. // He starts the engine, and drives away in record time with gravel scrunching under his tires while Derek stands there dumfounded. He accelerates unusually fast, and the jeep’s back lights disappear into the night.What. The. Fuck.
dream-walker by hoars E.  5k.  Complete.   This is not the behavior Stiles was expecting from a werewolf he’s been dream invading. To be honest, Stiles expected more blood, bruises and begging. He was not expecting creepy Derek to go to sleep next to him.
Vision without action is just a dream. by Mynuet   T.  17k.  Complete.  Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. (Joel Barker) // Stiles has never known how to leave things well enough alone. If the root of their unhappiness is Derek losing the love of his life, then that's the problem Stiles is going to fix, no matter what it takes. He probably should have realized that things never go according to plan."
How I Met My Werebunny by Moku T.  20k.  Complete.  “This is going to end in tears,” Scott told Derek while he watched the man easily lifting Stiles’ desk up with one hand and driving nails into the ceiling with the thumb of the other. “Probably mine.” // Or:When a Stiles and a Failwolf love each other very much, they’ll engage in a prank war. Basically, it's a mating ritual for dorks in love.
So precious!
Shakespeare Was a Wolf by mommymuffin Unrated.  (I’d rate it an M.)  40k.  (Incomplete series, but that’s fine.)  Derek gets turned into a wolf by a witch. Naturally, he expects Stiles to fix it.
“To say that Stiles flailed before he hit the ground in the most spectacular display of falling down the world has ever seen would be a gross understatement.”
Spark by rispacooper  M.  10k.  Complete.  Derek had never actually seen Stiles in his full dragon form. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. The first time Derek had properly met Stiles, spoken with him, he’d had a hard time not reacting to the heat of him, far too reminiscent of the lick of flames at Derek’s skin. Dragons exuded heat, Derek had known that, intellectually. They might look like cold-blooded reptiles but they were creatures of fire.
Derek did not have good memories of fire. Stiles couldn’t have been expected to remember that, but it hadn’t helped that he’d focused on Derek with those impossibly wide eyes of lustrous brown and then let out of a puff of marijuana-scented breath and announced he’d take Derek instead of a sandwich.
Lord knows it would be the first time by uraneia  E.  12k.  Complete.  Stiles is home from Berkeley for the summer, but only because he promised the pack. He'd rather not see Derek, because whatever the thing was that they were doing, they're not doing it anymore, and it sucks. // Unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice. The betas tried a magical remedy for Derek's melancholy, and now Stiles has a three-year-old who looks like Derek. Stiles doesn't know how to deal with that, and he definitely doesn't know how to tell the betas he and Derek were secret fuck buddies for a year and a half.
Another kidfic: ending has a nice twist.
Of Bananas, Babies and Buzzkills by calrissian18  T.  25k.  Complete.  “Are you, um—What are you doing back?” He looks as uncomfortable as Stiles feels and that’s some small consolation.“You know, the usual. Witches, I’m the highlander now, magic bananas.”
Oh, god, the one where Stiles magics up Protozooey, and he's SOO CUTE.
I was a little disappointed in the ending (little rushed), but ALL the rest of it is so delicious it's ok.
(Once in a) Blue Moon by clarkoholic, skywardsmiles  E.  60k.  Complete.   Stiles and Derek are getting along, but they’re not a family, and they’re sure as hell not mates. Christ, they’re basically just two stupid guys who happened to get pregnant because of a full moon and sheer dumb luck.
Oh, the angst, the pining, the guilt, the blame, the anger. Total pain-fest while we watch Stiles nearly die from the burden of the pregnancy. Lovely sweet ending, of course.
A Heart is a Heavy Burden by lielabell  T.  41k.  Complete.  In Which Stiles: is accosted by unhappy witches, becomes friends with fire demons, is rescued by darkly handsome wizards, discovers hidden inner depths, is introduced to princes, and finds true love. Though not necessarily in that order. // (Or the Howl’s Moving Castle AU fusion fic you never knew you wanted but are delighted to have.)
Hale's Moving Castle. (I need say no more.) -- not magic!Stiles, but wizard!Derek is just as good.
Haven't Forgotten My Way Home by tryslora E.  101k.  Complete.   Stiles walked away from Beacon Hills and never planned on coming home. Now he needs help, and there's nowhere else he can go other than back to his childhood home and the pack he left behind.
Great story: intricate, suspenseful and unique. It stands well on it's own, no need to read others in the series if you don't want to.
Stiles, why is Derek Hale passed out on our front porch? bymarguerite_26, mothlights  E.  4k.  Complete.  Stiles doesn't hear the knock on his front door, but he figures there must have been one, because now his dad's calling out to him, "Stiles, do you know why Derek Hale just passed out on our front porch?" // Stiles freezes, carton of milk half way to his mouth. He looks around the empty room, wondering if it has any answers. Derek Hale just passed out on his front porch -- sounds like one of the signs of the coming apocalypse.
Breathe Me by mommymuffin Unrated (I’d give it T or M)  127k.  Complete.
Stiles tries desperately, but the air just won’t come to him. He can’t do it himself. He needs someone. Someone to help him.
And Scott left him.
Fabulous series. Starts as a kind of one-shot, just Stiles-Derek-panic attack, but then the author, lo, encounters plot, and what a plot it is. I love this one, it's fast, doesn't stint on violence, the whole second half is one stressful situation after another, and there is Cor, the amazing wolf made out of the blood spilled between Stiles and Derek, which is a concept I haven't encountered before.
I would rate it an T or an M... there's sex, but it's not described in any detail.
Last Call by grimm  E.  6k.  Complete.   He doesn’t come to The Beacon to pick up people. It’s precisely the reason why he doesn’t go anywhere else. People in this neighborhood know him, know he’s not interested in being hit on, which allows him to have a drink in peace. Derek knows he’s good-looking, but the type of people it attracts disgust him. At least other werewolves can smell the unfriendliness on him and stay away, but that doesn’t stop everyone. He went to a gay bar with his coworker Isaac once and it was horrifying.
Dragon's Breath by trilliath  E.  56k.  Complete.   Between the hunters and the monsters that have interfered with life in Beacon Hills, the pack has had to learn a lot in the last few years, including Stiles teaching himself to practice magic in private. It's not exactly a secret from the pack, but it's not something he's shown much. When it comes time to put his skills to the test, Derek is the only one who finally gets to see Stiles's wild magic put to use saving Erica's life from a new threat in town. //  The aftermath changes something between them, and those tenuous lines tangling them together may mean the difference between life and death for them both.
Lovely, vivid and intense.
In Sanguinem Scriptum Est by secondstar  E.  31k.  Complete.   In order to stop a new onslaught of nightmares from plaguing him, Stiles decides to become an emissary. No longer defenseless, he begins to realize that not everything is as it seems.
Strut on a Line, its Discord and Rhyme by xiaq T, 73k.
“Carry me,” Stiles says.  //  “No.”  //  “But I’m injured.”  //  “You have a rash,” Derek says. “On your arm. Your feet work just fine.”  //  “Please?”  //  “No. You weigh almost as much as I do. And you ate a pound of chicken at lunch.”  //  "Well, yeah, but I pooped like an hour ago, so.”  //  “You’re disgusting.”  //  “Don’t play, you love me.”  //  I do, Derek thinks, relatively horrified. I really do.
Oh, wow, this was so fun:  such a fast read, it just never lagged for a moment.  Not that it's action-packed, because it isn't, but just because the story is so interesting and kept moving right along.  Lots of OCs in this (Paidrag, Teagan, Walsh) and they're fully realized and wonderful.  Stiles is a human adopted into a wolf pack that's been slaughtered a year earlier, and Derek and his dad are in Beacon Hills to help him recover from an extended kidnapping from demons.  Both of them are young (fifteen and later sixteen), so their interactions start out innocent.  Stiles is his usual self:  brash and loud and weirdly confident in himself.  Derek is shy and quiet.  They make a good pair.  Scott is the big brother who is suddenly a guardian.  I pretty much loved every part of this:  especially how Stiles magic just got stronger and stronger.
The Walls Are Breathing In by secondstar  E.  42k.  Complete.  Nothing could go wrong. It was just supposed to be a safe trip to the Nemeton. But this is Beacon Hills and things are rarely that simple. Welcome to the life of Stiles Stilinski.  // Or, that time that Stiles accidentally became a sorcerer against his will.
good story, and I loved the art (great colors)
Out Of Milk... by 74days  M.  88k.  Complete.   Derek Hale moved in with the Stilinskis after acting a hero, much to Stiles distress. However, things take a turn for the strange when his arrival coincides with some strange happenings in Stiles life - that will change the course of the pack forever.
Sooooo magic!Stiles. EXCELLENT story. The angst is strong in this one...
Salutations or Something by ravingrevolution  E.  155k.  Complete.  He needed an actual hobby outside of work where he would interact with actual people who did not live with him or talk to him through the internet or his phone. // Like yoga? His stupid mind supplied in an annoyingly accurate imitation of Scott’s voice. // Stiles sighed. // Like yoga. // “Fuck.”
"He was pretty sure that before he started doing yoga his life had not been an action movie sub-plot, but apparently things had changed. He really would have preferred to have starred in a romantic comedy, but he didn’t often get what he wanted." (Spark Stiles)
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm  E.  119k.  Complete.  There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life. // There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
hope is the thing with feathers by ShanaStoryteller T.  29k.  Complete.  Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely."Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. //  He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" //  There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
This is awesome: It starts when Stiles is ten, and he finds himself drawn int the woods in time to pull the Hales from their burning house, and much magic is used on that day, and lo, Stiles is an extremely powerful mage. For all that he's very brave and snarky, he's also very laid-back, and so he rolls with the punches and allows himself to be adopted (more or less) into the Hale clan, even tho they're very, very weird. So for the next five years, he tags along, fights the good fight, discovering new powers along the way, grows a bond with Derek (who hates words, and hates feelings and hates combining the two even worse), keeps his oldest and bestest friend Scott (who is similarly chill about the whole thing), and just blossoms before your eyes. It's fabulous. (So is the whole series.)
Beltane by DevilDoll  E.  8k.  Complete.   "Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels." This is an AU in which Stiles has magical healing powers.
Taking Leave by coyotl   M.  91k.  Complete.   Stiles leaves. It's not like he wanted to, ever, but he had to. Sure, there were choices, always. It's just that, sometimes, all the choices were bad ones.
fucking fantastic. stiles resembles a gaiman-esque saint or a god or something, on a dubiously moral killing spree for half the story. the writing is magical and gripping, and the story moves fast: gritty and bloody and unapologetic. unique and lovely.
Didn’t See That Coming by knittersrevolt E, 84k.
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in the dust after he catches his husband cheating on him.  //  He finds his way to New York where he starts working for the Hale House Nursery, accidentally adopts a werewolf baby (through no fault of his own thank-you-very-much), and somehow starts training to be an Exorcist Emissary. So, in general, life was going good.  //  Then he hears that demons have found their way into his hometown. Can he face his inner demons and go back to save the day?
I love this story so much, it’s such a fast and engaging ride.  Plus, accidental baby acquisition, who doesn’t love that?  The one where Scott's a cheating jerk so Stiles basically runs away to upstate New York and gets a job at Hale's Nursery Preschool with Laura, and after a few months finds a woman giving birth in an alley, takes her to the hospital, and comes home with her baby when she dies.  Her werewolf baby (not that Stiles has any idea about that).  So now Stiles is the proud single parent of baby Sam.  He eventually moves in with Derek (because a hotel is no place for a newborn and Derek has an extra room).  Things develop over the next few months, and then the Alpha Pack shows up and Peter starts acting suspiciously.  Meanwhile, Stiles is getting magic lessons from Mee-Mee, who is a Demon Puller in addition to being the local supernatural pediatrician and druid.
They discover that a demon escaped the Alpha Pack and went to Beacon Hills -- along with Peter and the twins he kidnapped -- so Derek and Stiles have to pack up and follow it, right on the heels of his dad and Scott, who hired a private detective to find him.  Beacon Hills is interesting, Stiles starts up a body shop selling (magical) creams and ointments and navigates the social waters of a town who seemed not to care that he was cheated on.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach   E.  77k.  Complete.   "Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." //  An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Love this one so much!
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frnkievigo · 6 years
- character sheet
Full Name: Saskia Jane Cohen.
Meaning of Name: Saskia means something random but really her parents just couldn’t settle on Saskia or Jane so her dad calls her Saskia and her mom calls her Jane and its confusing.
Nickname: Sask.
Birth Date: April 4th, 1996.
Astrological Sign and Details: Super super Aries.
Birth Place: Los Angeles, California. She hated it and always wanted to move east.
Age: 21.
Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian.
Hair Color: Brown.
Hair Style: Always tangled and naturally wavy/curly.
Distinct Features of Face: Bright blue eyes, bloodshot usually, cracked lips from where she bites them.
Glasses or Contacts: Nah.
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: White and freckly.
Scars or Distinguishing Marks: She has a large number of scars from fighting like a hellion. Crescent moon shaped scars on her neck from where an ex of hers tried to strangle her.
Disabilities: Depression, anorexia. She’s been in an out of treatment for years.
Build or Body Type: Long and thin, usually hiding under baggy t-shirts.
Height: 5′10
Weight: 115 lbs
Speech Patterns: Valley girl that gets stronger when she’s drunk. Most of the time she speaks in a flat monotone, but you can tell when she’s rolling because she talks a mile a minute.
Tag Words: Whatever, like, fucking hell.
Gestures: Licks her lips before she speaks.
Weakness: Men who treat her badly.
Mother: Laura Cohen.
Father: Jonathan Cohen.
Mother’s Occupation: Divorcee living off of alimony with her new young boyfriend.
Father’s Occupation: Lawyer for Apple, filthy fucking rich.
Family Finances: Absolutely spoiled rotten.
Birth Order: Youngest child, her brother is a few years older.
Brothers: Luke Cohen.
Other Close Family: Saskia has a cousin named Cleo who’s a bit of a character. Whenever Cleo blows into town Saskia usually heads off with her for what end up as week long benders in shitty motel rooms.
Best Friend: Bradley Milligan (they just always end up in groups together dfgfd) but as a NPC? Probably Ramona even though she’s terrible for Saskia and so toxic.
Other Friends: Astrid, Gabe, AJ, Caroline, Norman, probably others idk man
Enemies: Um probably plenty.
Pets: Nah she’s not responsible enough for that.
Home Life During Childhood: Tumultuous and rocky. Saskia’s mom was emotionally and physically abusive and her dad was absent and distant. Laura Cohen is probably the most responsible for Saskia forming an eating disorder, she started her on diets like before she hit puberty. And in her brother, who was pretty unstable on good days and it was a powder keg.
Town or City Name(s): Malibu, Los Angeles, Rochester.
What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: Painted hospital white but decorated with all of her posters, drawings, etc.
Any Sports or Clubs: FUCK no.
Favorite Toy or Game:She was a huge fan of those desktop Nancy Drew games bc she’s a secret nerd.
Schooling: Private Catholic schools with starchy uniforms where she excelled academically but was also considered one of the bad kids.  
Favorite Subject: Math, actually.
Popular or Loner: Bit of both. She basically ran her group of troublemakers.
Important Experiences or Events: Oh man here we go with the trauma. Her parent’s divorce was awful. It was a relief to her when they finally weren’t together anymore. Her abusive ex nearly killing her in a shitty apartment. Her brother physically assaulting her when he was having a particularly bad manic episode and breaking her hand. Getting into a car crash last year while Cleo was driving high.
Health Problems: She gets nosebleeds frequently from all the coke she does. Her ed isn’t too bad right now but when it is she has heart problems, has fainted in the middle of class before.
Religion and beliefs: Her dad is Jewish but she doesn’t believe in anything.
Bad Habits: Biting her nails and lips, always running late. She’s a night owl and will always oversleep.
Good Habits: Somehow always remembering to stay hydrated? Will chug water when wasted.
Best Characteristic: Tough as nails.
Worst Characteristic: Um probably her aggression.
Worst Memory: Luke assaulting her.
Best Memory: Driving up the coast of California with Cleo.
Proud of: Her efforts in music.
Embarrassed by: Her lack of impulse control.
Driving Style: Fast and distracted. Sings along to the radio, fixes her hair in the mirror.
Temperament: Mercurial. Flies off the handle easily.
Attitude: Pessimistic and sarcastic. She takes the piss out of everything.
Fears: People touching her neck. Moths, strangely enough.
Phobias: Arachnophobia.
Secrets: Her family and what happened to her are very private. She also hides her frequent drug use, unless she’s partying.
Regrets: Not sticking up for herself earlier. Dating her ex Danny.
Feels Vulnerable When: Discussing emotions.
Pet Peeves: People who tap on the table, close talkers, people who laugh really loudly.
Motivation: To just get through this year.
Short Term Goals and Hopes: She doesn’t have any god.
Long Term Goals and Hopes: To graduate.
Sexuality: Heterosexual. But, if she really liked a girl she would be open.
Exercise Routine: Sit ups late at night when no one is watching.
Day or Night Person: Night owl.
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert.
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist.
Music: Fleetwood Mac, The Kinks, Elvis Costello, etc.
Foods: Lemons, cherries, mints, anything that’s not really food.
Drinks: Has a soft spot for root beer because of one day when her dad actually spent time with her in a park drinking root beers.  
Animals: Cat person.
Color: Red.
Clothing: Leather jackets, ripped up jeans, Doc Martens, fishnet tights.
Jewelry: He wears a locket with some of Paige’s ashes in it.
Websites: Twitter I guess?
TV Shows: Breaking Bad, and actually trashy reality shows.
Movies: Kill Bill, Cruel Intentions
Greatest Want: To have somebody love her, ever part of her.
Greatest Need: Probably to get a fucking therapist.
Favorite Possession: A ring she inherited from her grandmother.
Most Cherished Possession: Stuffed rabbit.
Married Before: Nope.
Significant Other Before: Danny and a few other boyfriends.
Children: N/A.
Relationship with Family: God nearly nonexistant at this point… They send her money and that’s all the contact they have.
Car: Beat up convertible.
Dream Career: To be a musician.
Dream Life: A life where all her trauma never happened.
Love Life: LOL.
Sexual Turn Ons: Dominance, roughness, yeh.
Sexual Turn Offs: Daddy stuff is gross for her.
Hobbies: Guitar, singing.
Guilty Pleasure: Sex and cocaine.
Talents or Skills: She can open champagne with a sword. She’s also witty and funny but doesn’t realize it.
Intelligence Level: Pretty fuckin smart!
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simplyleez · 7 years
If you pretend so much it feels real - Archie/Betty/Veronica - Part 1/7
Betty really doesn't want to be forced into a relationship by her mother so when she's forced to a formal event to find a significant other she lies. She tells the suitors that she's taken only she isn't consistent with her story, telling one she has a boyfriend and the other that she has a girlfriend. In her time of trouble she turns to the only people she can think of who can pretend to be her boyfriend and girlfriend - Archie and Veronica.
For the Riverdale Kink Meme - Betty fends out an unwanted suitor by saying she has a girlfriend. She fends off another by saying she has a boyfriend. The unwanted suitors each discover what she said to the other, and one or both of them confronts her and accuses her of lying. Betty insists that she does have a boyfriend AND a girlfriend, that she's part of a happy "throuple," and she ropes in Archie and Veronica to back her up. This can go one of two ways: A. Smutty one-shot, maybe all taking place at a party, and ending with Betty, Archie, and Veronica hooking up for real (possibly getting caught). Doesn't have to lead to them dating for real, but could. B. Story with more plot that actually does lead to them becoming a proper triad. Smut would be welcome but not necessary. Also it would be fine to make Veronica the one fending off the unwanted suitors at the beginning.
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Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (to come)
Betty resented her life now. Sure she was bright, had all of her qualifications, had a fabulous job which earned her a decent wage. Yet, here she was. 23 years old, single, still living with her parents, and utterly miserable. And when she thought it couldn't get worse it did.
Her mother noticed, obviously, that she was lonely, well not necessarily, but she knew Betty was single. Alice attempted to talk boys, and on a few odd occasions girls, at any point in conversation in some hope that her daughter had finally found someone. She didn't want her daughter alone forever, and some more grandchildren would be a plus.
And so her mother invited her to some formal event to celebrate some important date of some important event in the town. According to Alice ‘absolutely everyone’ was attending, but having ranted to her friends she found that it was a niche upmarket event full of rich people who all pretended to want to celebrate the event but had alternative intentions of wedding their young off with some other rich ponce.
The thought of being in a ball room in a posh frock with rich pricks everywhere made Betty’s skin crawl and she visibly shivered from her place on her bed. It was around nine at night, her computer open on a spreadsheet long forgotten as she stared into space thinking of her day to come. With a frustrated groan Betty flung herself back into the bed so she was lying down, her hand reached to her bedside for her phone and as soon as it was in her reach she was complaining to the group chat.
Betts: I. Am. Ready. To. Die. This. Event. Will. Kill. Me.
Archiekins: XD XD XD
Juggie: well same but
Ronnie: It’s not going to be that bad, you’ll survive.
Betts: Will I though?!?! All those hours in a room full of pricks I don't think I'll manage.
Juggie: you survived for years with pricks as friends so I'd say you've had qualified training \_(^ ^)_/
Betts: That's not the same. You guys are nice pricks :)
Ronnie: Aw how sweet of you, you've won my heart.
Archie: Just idk think happy thoughts??
Juggie: not thoughts of murdering everyone in the room.
Ronnie: Just get wasted.
Archiekins: Ronnie no.
Betts: Ronnie yes.
Juggie: WOW great advice…
Archiekins: Just get some sleep rn then go out and face your fears!!!
Juggie: how inspirational
Betts: Ugh fine Arch, night guys.
Archiekins: Night.
Ronnie: Good night.
Juggie: night.
Betty wanted to throw her phone against the wall but thought best of it, instead putting it on charge along with her laptop. She quickly changed into her pyjamas and got into bed, hoping an early night would remove her worrying thoughts of tomorrow.
Betty woke to the sound of silence. No one was up yet, all sounds of birds and lawnmowers muted by her window. Half of her thoughts suggested she go back to sleep but the other thoughts were already up, jumping around her head shouting ‘today's the day!’ Her stomach sank, today is the day. The day her mother will force her to find someone that she should spend her life with.
Her heartbeat quickened, her palms grew sweaty. She flung the covers off her body before she felt like she would explode from overheating.
This was a life changing decision. A big, massive decision. A decision that will impact her future.
Unless she lied.
She could lie to her mother, the the suitors, to their parents. Say she's already taken. But Betty can't. She's a bad liar and her conscience is too moral for her own good.
“Betty dear, are you up?” Alice’s voice was muffled from behind the door, “Yeah Mom I'm up.” Betty eventually stood up, stretching her hands above her head, and walked over to open her window. She let in the noise of outside, it didn't help her calm realising the world was still functioning normally so nothing would disrupt her perfect evening.
Her phone pinged with a text message notification but she decided to ignore it, instead opening her wardrobe. She picked out plain grey leggings and a pastel pink tank top, remembering her mother booked a beautician to do their hair and makeup later so there was no reason to dress to impress, well not yet.
Passing back past the window, movement caught her eye. Betty moved backwards until she was looking out of the window, there in the house over was her long term best friend (one of) and golden boy - Archie Andrews. He’d been moving about with a music company recently, them ‘giving him a try’ before bringing up any contracts, but he'd come back to Riverdale for a break, for his friends, and to help his dad out at work.
Archie was currently standing in his room, that bright smile constant on his face, he was gesturing to his phone. Betty got the message, holding a finger up to gesture that she'd be a minute, and grabbing her phone from the bedside table.
Archie had privately messaged her.
Archie: Good luck for today, sending you good vibes.
Betty couldn't help but smile at his text, Archie always tries to be supportive and he's succeeding so far today. She walked back over to the window, smiling at Archie who was still there.
Betty: Thanks for the vibes Arch I'm definitely going to be needing them today :/
Archie: I'm sure you’ll b fine. You can text me for moral support :)
Betty: I'm sure I will if I don't die first.
Archie: You're so dramatic but I love you for it :)
Betty decided not to reply, her heartbeat jumping as she read and reread the text, Archie said he love her but her rational side told her he was being sarcastic. She looked back up to see Archie watching her intensely, she held her phone up to the window in an animated fashion showing Archie that she was locking it then throwing it onto her bed. He gave an over exaggerated frown but quickly smiled and gave Betty a thumbs up to show his support. She rolled her eyes it return and stuck her middle finger up at him before moving out of view.
Betty resisted going back to see if Archie was still there, instead she tied her hair up in her usual ponytail and grabbed her phone before making her way downstairs. Alice was standing against the kitchen worktop, Betty assumed she would be doing nothing today but waiting for the beautician.
“Morning Mom,” Betty commented, walking past Alice to make herself some toast. “Don't forget Chloe is coming later, you're going first because you need to look perfect for this evening,” Alice spoke nervously but didn't command Betty, as if she was giving her daughter a way out. Betty felt obliged not to take the way out, instead just nodding as she buttered some toast.
Around two hours later there was a knock at the door, Alice made a move to open the door to reveal, who Betty assumed was, Chloe. Betty gave her a tight smile, attempting to be polite even though she'd rather be anywhere other than here.
Betty decided to share her worries with Veronica, even though the other girl will be squealing with joy over her friend getting a proper makeover.
Betty: Beautician is here. It's oh so real.
Veronica: Yessss B!! You’re going to look so good.
Betty: Still… it’s going to be hell >:(
“Betty.” Her mother's voice broke her away from her texting; Chloe set up her equipment on the kitchen bench, a stool pulled out for Betty to sit on.
Betty: OMG. The tools look scary af. Save me.
Veronica: They're not scary they're magical. They'll transform you into a new woman.
Betty: Are you saying I'm not fine the way I am?!?!
Veronica: No B ur beautiful <3
Betty could feel her face flushing as she put her phone down, sitting on the stool she was mentally preparing herself for the treatment that was to come.
It took a drastic, long hour just to do her makeup, then another half an hour to do her hair but Betty had to admit it looked good. Her foundation was flawless, her eyeshadow a light grey, and her lipstick a rosy pink. Meanwhile, her hair was curled and she was sure there was half a bottle of hairspray in it.
“Go put your dress on Betty, we’ve got just under few hours but I want us to be ready early and get there before the others.” Her mother’s voice got more distant as Betty ascended the stairs, trying not to touch her face or move her hair too much. She felt the need to flop onto her bed, already emotionally exhausted, but she resisted, instead pulling open her wardrobe to reveal her dress she was to wear tonight.
Among the pastel blues and pinks, the creams and whites, stood a long black mermaid dress. Betty inwardly cringed at the contrast of colours, black wasn’t her usual go to option it was more Veronica’s style but Betty had little say in the matter, her mother ordering it online and defending her purchase when it arrived saying it’d make Betty look ‘slimmer’ and ‘irresistible’. Quite frankly Betty didn’t want to be any of those things, she just wanted to be herself.
But today wasn’t exactly about her, it was about finding her the perfect person to spend eternity with. Just then her phone pinged in her hand, another private message from Archie.
Archie: You ok? You’ve been staring at the same place for ten minutes now…
Betty: Stalker.
Betty: I’m still just worried I guess. Looking at my dress just makes it all feel so real, I’m really going to try and find the ‘love of my life’ ew.
Archie: If you don’t want to go then don’t your mom can’t drag you there.
Betty: I don’t know about that. I’d bet she would try.
Archie: True.
Archie: Just go don’t overthink things, if you don’t like anyone there then at least you can tell your mom you tried.
Betty: Too true my friend, well wish me luck.
Archie: Good luck even though you don’t need it. Call or text if you need anything.
With that Betty put her phone back onto charge, closing her blinds as she passed the window. She quickly stripped of her casual clothing, then struggled to get into the tight dress. The dress was plain and strapless, it trailed on the ground without her heels on yet, and it left little room for movement. Messing around, for more minutes than she should have, putting her essentials into an impractically tiny clutch purse and putting on her heels, then Betty was all set to go.
“Mom,” Betty called from the stairs, attempting not to fall down them in what must have been 6-inch high shoes, “I’m ready… I guess.” Upon not receiving a reply Betty sat on the sofa, pulling her phone out of her clutch, and texted the group chat.
Betts: Makeup check. Hair check. Dress check. Heels check. Clutch check. Will to live. No can’t find it.
Juggie: since when did you replace me in being the miserable one
Ronnie: OMG YESSSSSSS. B send a selfie please, I NEED to know what you look like rn.
Betts: Omg Ronnie no.
Ronnie: Please B :’(
Betts: FINE!
Betts: *click to view image*
Ronnie: YES B! You look fantastic anyone would be lucky to have you.
Archiekins: It’s a great look Betts.
Juggie: glad to see you’re embracing the dark colours
Ronnie: I also appreciate the dark aesthetic ;)
Betts: For one night then I’m back to myself again thank god!
Betts: Got to go rn, wish me luck!!!
Archiekins: Good luck!
Juggie: luck is overrated
Ronnie: You don’t need luck with that outfit B.
Betty slid her phone back into her clutch, her mother having come downstairs and was putting her own bag together. “The car should be here any minute so we’ll get their slightly after doors have opened but we can get prime spots to search for potentials” Alice’s tone was somewhat playful but it still couldn’t dislodge the feelings of disgust and regret in Betty’s stomach of agreeing to go to such an event.
Okay, Betty would admit she’s being somewhat melodramatic but when Betty doesn’t want to do somethings then she really doesn’t want to do something. But if it made her mother happy that she’d at least try and not be single for the rest of her life what is one stupid event in the grand scheme of things.
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projectgaiarp-blog · 7 years
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Eva is extremely independent. For her, it’s never enough to just be sitting around doing nothing. She’s got to be moving, working, or doing something to keep her occupied. Compulsive, she’s not one to think through what she says or does before it’s already happening. When interacting with others, it becomes clear that she isn’t the most polite, either. She does her best to keep emotional distance from others, as she is instinctively untrusting. Eva is the type to break up an emotional, important moment with a witty joke at someone else’s expense. She considers herself the life of the party and spends most of her time trying to figure out a way to have some more fun. Breaking the rules gives her a thrill that she loves, and it’s not surprising when you see her doing something new to anger her superiors daily.
Eva grew up in a well-off family as any only child, and had an above-average life as a child. Her mother was a B-List actress who passed away from cancer when Eva was eight, and her father was a surgeon who retired after Eva’s mother died. Both of her parents had made enough from their working lives, that when coupled with her dad’s family fortune and some careful work of stocks, both Eva and her father lived comfortably, even with no one working.
From age eight on, she was raised by a single father and grew up generally enjoying her life. An extrovert, she had a large number of friends at the private school she attended, but found that she wasn’t particularly close with any of them. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be- she just couldn’t sit with one group or hold one conversation long enough before wanting to move on to the next. She and her father were close, and while she didn’t want to disappoint him, sometimes it felt like she couldn’t help it. Still, even though her grades in English and math weren’t what they could be, she excelled in her programming and graphic design classes. It was clear that her talents rested mostly in technology, and she embraced them wholeheartedly. As time passed, she fell in with more and more questionable groups, and it wasn’t long before she was sneaking into clubs at fifteen and going out late at night.
Her dad wasn’t too concerned, knowing that teenage girls should be allowed to make their own mistakes. That was who he was- the cool dad, who would leave a glass of water in the fridge and a blanket on the couch in case Eva came home late, too exhausted to go upstairs to her room. They spent a lot of time together, whenever she wasn’t out, and Eva really did care about her dad. She shared almost everything with him, telling him all of her secrets (with some exceptions, namely the underage drinking, but she suspected that he knew anyway).
When Eva reached sixteen, her dad decided that he had raised her as much as he could, and he started writing novels to take up time. As he became more and more engrossed with his work, he spent less time with Eva, and at seventeen, her powers came in.
It was terrifying at first, being able to hear what everyone around her was thinking. Overwhelming would be an understatement, with the constant barrage of thoughts that made it feel like she had none of her own. Initially, Eva thought that maybe it was all in her head, and while she would soon come to realize that it quite literally was, at the time it seemed significantly less real. Nothing seemed to connect, with the words and images being shoved into her head having no correlation to what was going on around her. It didn’t become clear until she began to see the pattern. When she was talking to someone, the voices in her head that whispered and shouted would clarify for small moments, and a phrase that she had heard from them would suddenly be said aloud, as well. The dots connected soon enough after that. They were the thoughts of other people, not her own mind taking on different voices to torment her.
By the time she came to terms with her powers, she was old enough to understand what they meant to her. They made her different, and not necessarily in a good way. As she had already learned from her own personal experiences, the world was not a forgiving place when you looked or acted differently. So she hid her powers, taking to doing her best to ignore them instead of trying to hone her skills. Music became an outlet, and it became more and more common to see her with headphones on so that she didn’t have to listen to the thoughts around her. While her active and sly personality didn’t change, she did take more and more time to herself once her powers came in full.
Through the use of her powers, Eva came face-to-face with secrets that she never wanted to know of. In her teenage years she became familiar with the darkness of people, and instinctively began to shut herself off from others, knowing that deep down, many were manipulative and horrible. Humor became a way of expression, and a tool to keep her from getting too close to anyone. While she’s the type to immediately say yes to an invitation out to a club, she’s also the one to run off and get lost on the dance floor, where the thoughts around her are quieted by the music and she can get close to people physically but not emotionally.
After graduating from high school, she spent more time programming in the quiet of her home, where the voices were distant and at the back of her mind. Eventually, she took up hacking for fun, often sending strangers on the internet funny pictures after working her way through their firewall. That was how she first came into contact with Atlas. It was supposed to be a fun prank. Break into some weird official website and throw up a bunch of pictures of chickens or something. It would have been hilarious, if it had worked.
She managed to get through one thin layer of the massive firewall before there were men in suits at her door. When she opened it, the first thing that occurred to her was that they were here because they found out about her powers, not that they’d located her computer because she tried to hack them and failed miserably. Not even thinking to take the headphones out of her ears to listen in on what their thoughts were, she took off. It was only a few minutes before they captured her. It took several hours of questioning, and many slips of the tongue with things that she definitely shouldn’t have known before they realized what she could do. At that point, Atlas offered her a position within their ranks. Eva was thankful just to remain free of handcuffs, and accepted the job.
Powers: Level 1
Telepathy. She can hear the thoughts of people around her, though not necessarily as words. Images and sounds may also come through. With training, she should be able to speak telepathically as well, but at the moment, she’s limited to only listening in.
Eva has very little control over her powers. She receives information in a constant stream, making her prone to headaches. It takes a lot of concentration to focus on one voice, which can be difficult with all of the background noise. While it’s possible to tune out others, it requires a huge amount of energy that she simply doesn’t have all the time, so when she’s not on an assignment or doesn’t think it’s necessary to listen in on someone, she allows the voices in come in all at once. Each voice has a different volume level, depending on how close and how intense the thoughts are. Eva has no control over the volume level, and must take what she gets. The range of her powers is somewhere around 300 feet, but with training, could be increased. Outside noise, such as music, makes it harder to hear voices.
Eva is a lesbian.
She suffers from ADHD, which shows itself a lot more when she’s supposed to be working. She’s also just lazy, but that’s something else entirely.
She has intense headaches consistently throughout the day, and can sometimes be irritable because of it.
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