#'donnie why is there a sand in your room'
citruswriter · 3 months
Hey so how do you think bayverse leo would deal with having a s/o where they tend to get asked out by human’s a lot and s/o says no confidently every time and usually the human’s leave s/o alone nicely. Also flip side whenever s/o is talking about Leo casually, s/o is like gushing over how awesome their boyfriend is. And also how They don’t really meet any human men who act like him. His personality is extremely rare. S/o has a type and it’s not common. Maybe their standards are too high but they got lucky to find Leo?
High Standards
Leonardo x Reader 🧡
Listen in with me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
Warnings: They/them pronouns, fluff, not proofread.
A/N: Ur literally so real for this. I think Leo definitely has a more rare personality.
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"Dammit I forgot my lunch..." Your coworker muttered as she dug through her bag. Looking over you offered up one of your sandwiches. "You can have my other sand which if you want. Leo made them for me." You said and your coworker gave you a look of gratitude before grabbing the sandwhich and digging in. "Holy shit. This is actually so good, what the fuck?" She said, looking up at you and you giggled, sipping your drink. "Oh yeah. Leo's a wonderful chef. He's always trying new recipes with Mikey. It's super cute. His food is always so good, I can never get enough of it". You beamed, taking another bite. "You always talk about that man, swear to god. You two need to get married already". She said with a roll of her eyes but she smiled none the less. You giggled again, face heating up. "Oh please, trust me. I'd marry that man in a heartbeat if he asked me. He's definitely one of a kind. I don't meet many other individuals with his personality." You said casually, finishing your lunch and shrugging your shoulders. "I know. You constantly turn down anybody pining after you. Your standards are so damn high". She muttered.
"Well I deserve nothing but the best and Leo does exactly that. I'm so lucky to have him". You cooed with a lovesick smile. The door rang as a customer walked in. "Hello! What can I get for you today?". You asked before taking the man's order. He rattled off the ingredients for his coffee and you cashed him out as your coworker began to make it. "Say uh, whats your name?" He asked and you looked up. "(Y/N). Why?" You asked, tone suspicious. "Just wanted to know the name of the individual I was gonna take to dinner tonight." He said with a wink. You couldn't help but laugh, mouth behind your face. "Oh you're cute. No". You said gently but firmly. The man blinked at you, surprised. "Why not?" He asked and you grinned. "I'm taken by a wonderful young man". You said, giggling as you fiddled with the necklace that always hung around your neck, a golden chain with a brilliant blue sapphire. "Bet I could treat you better..." The man purred, leaning in.
"Highly doubt you could," your coworkers voice came as she slammed the hot coffee in front of the man, startling him. "They got standards so high you'd need professional climbing gear to scale them". She said, looking at you with a grin and the two of you giggled. The man rolled his eyes in anger before snatching his coffee up and sulking off and out of the store. "Seriously babes, I know you said Leo was a rather private man but I've got to meet this dude one day". She said with a quirked eyebrow and you hummed. "I'll talk to him about it."
You were greeted with a chorus of noises as you entered the lair. Mikey had taken Raph's sai and was now being chased while Donnie attempted to scold them. April and Master Splinter were quietly speaking over tea and Leo... Wait where's Leo? You thought. You glanced around for him before creeping to his room. "Baby?" You said softly before opening the door. You slunk inside, closing the door behind you. Leo was on his bed, book in hand and under a blanket. "Seems like your brothers are at it again". You mused, smiling softly as you approached him. "They always are." He sighed, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close to him, head resting on your stomach. "Got your coffee," you murmured and Leo eyes the cup before gently grabbing it and happily taking a sip. "Good as always, blossom". He muttered before dragging you down into bed with him, you kicking your shoes off as he did.
"My coworker wants to meet you". You said and you chuckled when he groaned. "This is the eighth time she's asked". He grumbled, burying his snout into your neck. You laughed and kissed his head. "Yeah she had to come to my rescue after some guy asked for my number, teasing my high standards." You said, nails drawing patterns on his shell. Leo sighed and looked back up at you. "Do you ever wish I was human?" He asked suddenly and you raised your eyebrows in surprise and curiosity. "Not really. I don't really care if you're a mutant or a human". You answered and Leo grumbled, setting his coffee down before burrowing himself into you. "Why do you wish to know, beloved?" You asked, gently picking at the knot in his mask to pull it off. He let you, relaxing into your touch as you rubbed his neck and shoulders. "I don't know... So many humans seem to fawn over you. Sometimes I wonder what you see in me". He confessed.
"Leonardo I fell in love with you because you treat me well. Because you're kind-hearted and a gentleman. Because you love with your whole heart and do your best to protect those you love". You said, thumb brushing against his cheek bones. "Leonardo you're everything I want and more." Leo placed his hands down to lift himself, hovering over you and staring into your eyes. "I love you so much," he whispered before kissing you gently. You hummed and kissed him back, hand moving to cup his face. "I love you too, darling".
A crash was heard from the living room along with the sounds of Raph's shouting and Mikey's feral giggle. "You should probably go deal with them." You mused, Leo groaning as he begrudgingly pulled himself out of bed. "You're probably right." He replied and you drug yourself up to go follow him. You couldn't help but watch in amusement as Leo mothered his younger siblings. At some point Leo came back, grumbling about how they were such children. "You'd make a good dad, you know". You murmured, splaying your hands on his plastron. Leo looked at you in shock and you looked away, flustered but Leo just grabbed your face and kissed you. "I think you'd be a good parent too". He said softly and the two of you just stood there looking at each other with utter adoration.
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desceros · 6 months
tries to sleep, fails, gets melancholy, copes by writing purple turtle fic donatello/reader, gn!reader, rated t, 1.6k. insomnia, friends to.... friends, (were you ever just friends? are you something more? what is love if not friendship shifted an inch to the left?), yearning, yearning, yearning, yearning—
Donatello is sleeping.
Hefting a fatigued sigh, you hover in the doorway to his bedroom for a moment. Staring at his face, taking it in. He’s gotten unfairly handsome as the years have gone by. Beautiful, even. Pretty angles, sharp defined lines, dark seductive eyes. Like this, unmasked, slack in sleep, it’s free for you to look as much as you want. More than you can during the day. A little secret thing just for your own heart’s keeping.
…Best friends shouldn’t want to stare at each other like this, you think with an ache.
It’s late. You can’t sleep. Lying down has provided nothing but racing thoughts you can’t quiet. Things to do tomorrow. Things to say when you see someone. Things to write down if you can hold them until the morning. Things, things, things. So many things in your head, ten thousand little voices like little snowflakes in your skull. Each small, powerless; but together, a force too mighty to outrun.
And Donnie is sleeping. Normally he’s awake. Fiddling, poking, prodding, studying, twisting, cracking, bending. Available to draw you into sleep. Always soothing, petting your hair, cooing at you until you drift off at last to the dulcet sounds of his low rumbles.
But not tonight. Tonight he sleeps, pretty in his sheets even as he’s all sprawled out and drooling. Cute. He’s cute. He’s cute and close enough to touch but so, so far away that you know you never will. Not like that. Not like that. 
It’s late. You can’t sleep. 
Slowly, not wanting to wake him, infuriated with yourself just at the thought that you’d risked it by lingering as long as you have, you peel away from his door frame and sneak into the living room. The couch greets you again. Inviting, soft. It smells like turtle ass. Popcorn. Movie night. It smells like family, like home. Scratchy beneath your cheek. You’ve been meaning to get them some new pillows. The way Mikey had laughed so hard he’d snorted his drink. Leo’s squawk when it got all over him. The weight of Donnie’s arm on your shoulder when he’d leaned on you while laughing until he got the hiccups. His cologne, new, smells nice. You should tell him tomorrow.
(You can’t tell him. There’s no way for a best friend to look at the other with pupils shaped like hearts and be the same. You can’t tell him.)
Heavily, you sigh. It’s late. You can’t sleep.
You sit up. Get up off the couch. Stretch a little before exhaling and walking around a bit to try and work off some of this excess energy. The darkness of the living room isn’t so much, anymore, what with how your eyes have adjusted. You can see the pieces of the evening strewn about. A pizza box that Splinter’s going to find in the morning and yell at the lot of you for not throwing out. Raph’s teddy bear, leaning against the other couch where he’d been pretending he hadn’t been using it to hide his face in the scary parts. Mikey’s cup, half-full, forgotten in Leo’s panic to find paper towels. And—
—Donnie, standing in the doorway, bleary-eyed, arms folded. 
“Why are you awake?” he asks, voice tumbling over your ears like rocks on a riverbed. Guilt strikes you like a blow. He’s exhausted. You’ve woken him up.
“I’m sorry,” you say as an answer, tangling your fingers in the shirt you’d borrowed out of his closet. The shirt you always borrow. The shirt that’s half yours, now. 
Donnie’s quiet. You sink your teeth into your lower lip and hope he’ll shrug and go back to bed. Maybe, if he’s lucky, he’s got enough sleep juice in him that he’ll drift right back off and forget this happened. 
He doesn’t. “…Can’t sleep?”
The guilt burns your skin like sand in the wind. You smile and pretend. “I’ll be okay. Go back to bed, Don. You need it more than I do.”
He doesn’t. 
“…Please?” you try again. 
You’re met, instead, with a sigh. He rubs the back of his head where his mask would tie if he were wearing it. Lets his arm fall to his side—ah, except no. He’s holding out his hand, palm outstretched, inviting you to come close. When you don’t, his beak wrinkles. “Come here.” 
You take a few steps closer, but don’t take his hand just yet. “What are you doing?”
“Just come here,” he says again, curling his fingers a few times in an imperious grabby command. You come closer. He opens his tired eyes in a squint, mouth dipped into a frown, and his gesture gets more demanding. “Come here.” 
Stepping closer, closer, closer, finally you get within range. You realize he wants your hand the moment he loses patience with you, watching as he rolls his eyes and reaches out to encircle your wrist with strong fingers. They eclipse the bones there easily, tugging as he turns, pulling you out of the living room. 
“Don—” you start to protest, but he stops you with a breath.
“Stubborn,” he accuses, though there’s no heat to the word. The scoff is thick on the back of your tongue—Donnie of all people calling you stubborn—but you don’t let it out, knowing it’ll be too-loud in the pitch night. 
He pulls you into his room, the very room that had been such a sweet siren song to you earlier. He pulls you towards his bed. He pulls you in behind him when he settles in. He pulls you beneath his blanket. He pulls, pulls, pulls, until your chest is flush to his plastron and his arm is around your waist and his breath is in your face and your heart is in your throat.
It’s late. You’re not going to be able to sleep.
“…Go to sleep,” he says after a few seconds, doubtless able to feel the way your pulse is like a hummingbird against his skin. 
“Sorry,” you say in lieu of—anything else. You don’t dare try to say another word, unsure of what exactly would tumble out instead. Perhaps a sweet poem about the texture of his skin against yours. Maybe a lament that he feels the need to tuck his thigh between yours so so so close to where you wake in a pool of sweat dreaming of his touch. Or possibly a whispered confession that tastes like lightning and blood and sugar all at the same time; that you want this but not this, you want this but more. 
Gently, a forehead bonks against yours. Dark eyes open and meet yours, centimeters away. He studies you, and you watch the gears turn. More slowly than usual, lethargic even, because of his slumber. 
“You’re thinking too much,” he murmurs. Dumbly, you nod. “Need to talk about it?”
“…Yeah,” you admit, then, “…but I won’t.”
He doesn’t like that. A frown mars his beautiful, beautiful face. 
You swallow the incredulous laugh, the kaleidoscope of responses. They’re all irrelevant, impossible to share, save for one. “You should sleep.”
Donnie’s hand tightens, fingers curling in his—your—shirt in the small of your back. “So should you.”
“…I don’t understand.” The confession, rare, makes you sigh. 
“…I don’t either,” you tell him. And you don’t. Why did you have to feel this way for him? Why couldn’t it be someone easier that stole your heart? Why does it have to be the one person you can’t stand to lose? Why does he have to be so comfortable touching you like this and making it hurt even worse? Why can’t you stop feeling this way?
Why can’t you sleep? Why can’t you sleep? 
His fingers unfurl from your shirt. His hand dips beneath the hem, finding the skin of your back. Slow shivers spread like little earthquakes as he strokes along your spine, tectonic caresses that ripple and destroy. It's familiar enough a touch that you don't stop him; unfamiliar enough that it rends you inside out.
Donnie leans in. Ghosts his lips along your jaw. It’s not a kiss; you’re just friends, after all. But it’s a sweet caress that feels good, all the way to where he lingers at your ear, whispering there, quivering at the touch that's too close to something else to be fair. “Close your eyes.”
You have one rule: listen to Donatello. So you do; you close your eyes, let his nails drag down your back, let his mouth press warm into your pulse, let his chest rumble with churrs that fill the night air with something akin to a lullaby. His legs curl around yours, mixing, confusing, making the separation of you disappear. 
It’s… maddening. You hate this. You love him. You love him so much. You hate that he can do this so easily. 
“Shhh,” comes the gentle coo against your skin, like he can tell you’re pulling away from his intent. You obey that, too. Donnie says to be quiet, so you quiet. Thoughts, movements, words; all of them fall away at his beckoning. “Just like that. Good.”
Good, you think, feeling a little fuzzy. It feels good to be good for him. God. You’d be so good for him—but no. None of that, now. Not when you can pretend that these little presses of his lips are kisses. That the thickness of his thigh pressed to your shorts means something. That his hand scratching lines in your skin is something meant to claim as much as it is to calm.
“Making me work for it tonight,” you hear him mumble, half-conscious of the words, not sure if they’re real or part of a dream he’s built for you. “Good job, sweetheart. Just like that.” 
More brushes of his mouth. A slow glide of tongue. A lovely dream, you think, finally letting your muscles go slack. A dream of a Donatello who would hold you like this, talk to you like this. A Donatello who is more than just your best friend.
It’s late. Finally, warm and held and pulled into a sweet dream, finally, you sleep.
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tmnt-fann · 5 months
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Lately the Mad Dogs have been having a hard time, mission after mission. Villain after Villain. Raph noticed this and decided they needed a vacation. He gathered everyone in the living-room for a family meeting.
"What's the news big bro?" Leo said
"Yes, I must get back to modifying my tech for future missions." Donnie agreed
"Well, I decided we all need a break from hero-ing because of how things have been recently. So everyone get ready because we are taking a vacation!" Raph announced
Everyone seemed to agree and thought it was a good idea, but there was one issue. How would they enjoy a vacation day at the beach? For so long they have wanted to enjoy the sea air and bask in the sun in the sand.
"Yes yes, an amazing idea brother. But how shall one go to the beach looking like a mutant? *ahem* us..?" Donnie questioned
"Well.. Uhm, we will go at night!" Raph said, just coming up with the idea.
Everyone thought it was a good idea and went to go pack for the night ahead.
Everyone quietly enters the beach. Passing the security slowly, making sure not to make any sound.
"All right! Here we are!" Raph said
"Aww yeah! I'm gonna build a sand castle!" Mikey says as he runs off somewhere
Raph follows Mikey to help him build the said sand castle.
"Well, I will be basking in the moonlight. DO NOT bother me with one of your dumb puns Leo." Donnie says as he lays down on a lounge chair in his board shorts
Leo rolls his eyes at Donnie and puts his things down, setting up a little spot with his things. Leo grabs his scuba diving gear and heads towards the water. Once he enters the water a small blue fish swims up to him, it seems to think he's a friend.
However, after a few minutes the fish quickly swims away. This leaves Leo confused. Then he feels something swim behind him, he turns around to be face to face with a shark. The shark does not attack, but Leo is freaking out. Leo stays still, not moving an inch. The shark swims past him, leaving him in awe. Leo quickly goes to the shore to brag about what happened.
"Donnie! Guess what?!" Leo shouts at Donnie
"Sigh. What do you want? I told you not to bother me."
The conversation goes on and on, but while they are conversating a ooze-quito bites the shark from earlier. Turning it into a ghost like creature that still looked like a shark, but it was 10x bigger than a normal one and definitely scarier.
As Donnie and Leo continue to talk the shark gets closer and closer to the shore, then leaps out of the water blocking the moonlight. This catches everyone's attention. It roars at them as nearby seagulls or security are scared off.
The shark phases though the sand and attacks Donnie and Leo from below. It causes Donnie to fall out of his lounge chair and Leo to fall over. Mikey who is watching from afar, uses his weapon to catch the shark. The chain wraps around the shark with its fire and sun like glow. The shark whines at the light and turns into tiny fishes, then once out of his grasp, turns back into a shark. Mikey notices this.
"Guys! Guys!" Mikey says as he runs up to Leo and Donnie.
While he is running up to them, the shark attacks him. But right on time, Raph pushes Mikey out of the way as they both hit the sand with a thud.
Mikey rushes to his feet "Guys! The shark doesn't like light!"
Raph nods. "Mikey, your weapon could make fire. Why don't you use that?" Raph said
Everyone looks at Mikey.
"Oh yeah, heheh.."
Mikey swings his weapon around as it catches flame. He does this for a few minutes and then gives up.
"I cant do it! Its too big!" Mikey whined as he looked defeated
"Step aside , I got this" Donnie said as he pushes Mikey aside and steps foward.
Donnie pulls out his tech bo. He tampers with it and it turns into a large disco ball at the end of the staff. Also coming out from his battle shell is a flashlight that is around the size of his speaker.
"Begone!" Donnie shouts as he turns the lights on
The shark screeches at the light and flees back into the water once again. But as soon as the shark clears Donnie turns off his lights.
"Well team, good job. Now lats get back to out vaca-" Raph says as he is cut off by the sound of security
"Come on this way!" One security guard said
"It came from over here!" Another security guard said
Raph sighs. "Well, seems like our vacation day is cut short. Let's get out of here before they see us." Raph said
They all retreat with their items to the nearest sewer entrance and head home.
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s0ulsniper · 2 years
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Warning: No warning, mild fighting and angst, mostly will be fluff. Mild cursing.
Summary: After Sam got y/n to agree meeting Bucky, strictly on mission terms, things start to get personal.
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One thing you didn't want to do on your day off, was get your house blown up or something. Of course being called at 8 in the morning was a close second.
I grab my phone as I try to adjust my eyes to lighting change.
I click accept, not even bothering to read the name.
"...hello?" I ask groggily. I'm sure I sound like I just drunk a gallon of sand.
"hey y/n."
I jump suddenly and sit up, I could smell colors and see perfectly.
"Sam? What the hell happened? What's wrong?" I ask suddenly.
I hear a faint laugh at the other end of the phone and my body relaxes and I roll my eyes.
"You whore." I complain.
"What? Can I not call you?" He continues the laughter dying down.
"Well when you call me at-" I glance at my phone. "8:13 in the morning sounding like you just fought of a militia, one would think something's wrong."
He pauses for a second then continues to tell me why he called.
"Well nothing's first hand wrong, but we do need your help."
My face scrunches in confusion.
I hear a sigh from the other end of the phone.
"Bucky and I, we need your help."
"Sam you know-"
"I know y/n, but this is urgent. You know deep down how good we all work together."
I internally curse the universe out and then I come to a conclusion.
"Fine, but it better be important."
"It is, I promise. I'm glad to see you again." My phone dings. "I texted you the address, get here as soon as possible."
"Alright I'm getting ready now." I answer getting up.
"Okay see you then, love you."
"love you." The phone clicks and I make my way to my closet, grabbing clothes and turning the shower on.
After I finish getting ready I grab my keys and gear, throwing it in my bag.
I slide my converse on and walk out of my apartment, locking my door.
After I walk 20 hours down the stairs and outside I get in my car and pull up the GPS.
"Good morning miss y/n, where to?" I hear AXL say as my car turns on.
"Goodmorning AXL, bring me to the location Sam sent me please."
"Understood." He answers and starts the directions.
It took about 25 minutes to get to the location, almost in the middle of no where in the suburbs.
I pull into a driveway, a one story house that's pretty wide in size.
"You have arrived." AXL says.
"Are you sure this is the right place?"
"Yes." He speaks from the radios. "It is the exact copy from the text."
"Alright thank you AXL." I say grabbing my bag from the passenger seat.
"My pleasure, stay safe." My A.I. announces as I opening the door.
I cautiously walk up the driveway and to the front door.
I look around before knocking.
"Coming!" I hear yelled, and suddenly my stomach churns.
I basically forgot the whole time coming here that Bucky would also be here.
Before I could process it the door unlocks and opens revealing Bucky.
"...y/n?" His eyes widen.
"yes, that is my name." I answer walking in patting his shoulder. "Where's Sam?"
Before he could answer I hear Sam yell from a room to the left.
I walk into a living room and kitchen and see Sam get up from the couch.
"Yo, Donnie!" He basically yells and walks up to me.
"Still, that's not my name." I protest put still accept a hug.
"It always has been." He jokes as we pull away. "See, you still even look like it."
I look down at my clothes and back up to him.
"It's just a colo-"
"He is right, you do look like the turtle." I hear a voice say.
I turn around to glare at Bucky as he walks in and sits on the couch.
"And you have the smarts and skills." Sam continues.
I don't even protest anymore and I walk in the kitchen.
"You could at least admit you missed me." I hear Bucky say behind me while I dig through the fridge for any sort of drink.
I turn around to see Bucky holding my favorite drink up.
"Asshole." I smirk and take the bottle. "I missed you a little."
He smiled and opens the cabinet for two glasses.
Sam walks in the kitchen and raises an eyebrow seeing Bucky and I sit at the island drinking together.
"Don't." I warn as I take another drink and Bucky laughs.
"So." San starts and leans against the counter. "We have a problem, and it involves super soldier serum."
I perk up at this.
"What?" I question.
"A teenager name Karli Morgenthau and a group she is in- or made. The group stole around half a liter of serum. They're on the run and we need to catch them before something goes wrong. And not to mention, somehow she is a super soldier herself. And we have reason to believe some of her little friends are too." He explains.
I breathe out suddenly realizing I was holding my breath.
"Well fuck." I mumble. "I'll be right back."
I get up from my seat and put my glass down going down the hallway trying to find the bathroom.
Luckily, there was a door wide open showing the bathroom.
I walk in and crack the door.
Wow, it's a pretty big bathroom. Could be a bedroom if you wanted to.
I sit on the side of the bathtub and put my head in my hands sighing.
Why today, and why now. It's 9 in the morning and I could be asleep right now.
Suddenly I hear a knock on the door.
"y/n?" I hear faintly from the door and I don't even bother to look up.
"Come in." I answer and the door opens further.
I hear them walk in and shut the door.
"Are you alright?" They ask and I realise it's Bucky.
I look up and shrug.
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
He looks at me as if he doesn't believe a word I just said and sits next to me on the tub.
"You know, you can tell me whats bothering you right?"
I look at him and realise that the room suddenly seems super small.
I look back down and feel the blood rush to my face. Hopefully not enough to notice.
"I'm sorry." I admit.
"For what?" He asks and I scoff looking up.
"I mean I'm sort of a bitch to you sometimes." I answer.
"I mean, I am to you too."
"Yeah, so say sorry." I tell him and he chuckles.
I laugh too with him and we just sit there.
"Have I ever told you I love your laugh?" He mumbles and I definitely redden enough to notice.
"What?... Really?" I ask.
He nods and smiles.
"Of course doll, even when you say you hate it." He admits grabbing my hands in his.
He definitely knew what he was doing, but I didn't mind.
"See you aren't really that tough on the inside are you?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
"Of course I am, I just know when to let it down."
As if in an instant, he grabs my face with his other hand and kisses me.
My hand in his, and my other resting in his thigh, we stay there for eternity it feels like.
He bits my bottom lip asking for permission and I let him, opening my mouth letting him as he sticks his tongue in my mouth.
Eventually, we pull away and I pull him in the tightest hug, pulling me into his lap.
"I knew you had a soft spot for me."
"Of course I do."
Maybe this mission wouldn't be as dreadful as I thought.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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lonewolf4151 · 4 years
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It’s the hottest days of summer,and of course the boys are shedding their scutes. They are all miserable and itchy, and being them they stubbornly won’t help each other. Grabbing a big bucket full of scrub brushes with differentnt textures of bristles, oil, lots of files, and low grit sandpaper you make your way to the lair. When you get there Mikey is in the makeshift pool, Raph and Leo are nowhere to be seen and Donnie can be heard from his lab. Due to this you make Donnie your first victim, he is so desperate to stop the itching he doesn’t object. You make him sit in the rock shower he built beneath the dozens of heat and uvb bulbs. With his gear off you can see why he’s miserable, his carapace is covered in huge thick peeling scutes. Even the crack between the scutes looked packed full of the shed. So filling up your bucket with warm water you get to work, you pull away the loose ones. But with the more stuck ones you gently scrubbed them until they gave away and popped off. When you were done you took your file and gently filed his rough spots on his carapace. By the time you were done and applied the oil Donnie was so relaxed and was letting out soft churrs. His shell was now looking ten times better than before, and you had never noticed but you could see some orange markings peeking through. They weren’t as bright as Mikey’s but they were definitely there, satisfied with your work you nudged him. In a daze he kissed your forehead and stumbled to his bedroom probably to nap. The other three seeing his now glossy shed free shell all darted for you begging to he next. You of course chose Mikey because he’s baby. You did the same thing to him and when you were done his orange was bright and his shell was beautiful. He also mumbled thanks before walking to his room. Next was Leo because you knew Raph’s would be the worst. Leo thanked you the whole time in turtle,English, and Japanese. His went by quick and once done he went towards the dojo. Next was Raph, he was more fidgety than the others. As soon as you started he began to loosen up and accept that you were helping because you wanted to, and he didn’t scare you. It took you way longer to fix his due to the deep cracks that were there. They were healing but you could see where the duct tape had been for so long. You told him about resin and eventually he agreed to let you try to fill the cracks that way, it had been about a month. The resin was still strong, after lots of filing you finally oiled his shell finishing the job. He hugged you tight before heading to his room. You started picking up your mess when you heard shuffling behind you. Turning you come to realize it’s master splinter. He smiles before motioning to the mess of used sand paper, files, and shed. “ My child go to your mate I can do this you have helped more than enough”. You say your thanks before heading to Donnie’s room and crawling in against his side quickly falling asleep. Let’s just say every summer you were expected to help the boys.
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asphuxia · 3 years
As opposed to outward appearances, the villa is all but abandoned within; the sets and people shift as easily as sand. It is a mess of organisation and as busy as a hive, the chatter of the crew only ever overpowered by D’Silva’s shouting. The castmates and stage crew are both assembled on set, and it does not take a keen eye to understand that they had no wishes to speak with them— if they were interested at all. They meander behind the productions, and Eir catches Mireille, D’Silva’s supposed ‘daughter’ keeping her eyes on them. Beside her is a youth who introduces himself as Donnie with a grin, though he seems clueless of his purpose here. Constantly on standby, and yet only ever needed to act as a stuntman— though he notes that none of the actors resemble him in the slightest. Eir frowns, slight, though she does not press further. Perhaps the both of them would warrant a revisit.
Pale eyes glaze over the structure of the rest of the building, and Mireille’s eyes follow them as they leave to observe the rest of its space. Rats follow their courses within the corners of the kitchen of the ground floor, slipping behind cupboards and leaving their spoils. It’s cluttered with evidence that crew members frequent the place, with dishes and pots stacked upon the countertop. It is nothing compared to the great kitchen within the academy’s dining hall, brimming with chefs and their assistants. The main stairwell is out of bounds, roped off for the safety of the crew— though it did not seem that anyone would wish to risk going up with it. Eir inspects it from where they stand; it seemed victim to rot, breakage, and general poor maintenance. But there are two more floors and plenty of other rooms within the villa left for them to explore, with the grace of the smaller stairway in the back of the kitchen.
They proceed upwards. Though the second floor seemed largely reserved for sets and other aspects of the production, the uppermost was intended to host dressing rooms and apartments. The third floor is mostly empty, with nearly all of those working on the project on set. A breeze whistles in through an open window, and the silence of the floor is nearly gratifying. Eir skims over the names upon the plaques as they proceed, taking note of what she could remember. A girl loiters around what is labelled as Adela’s apartment while the songstress performs below, possibly one of her attendants. Somehow, she reminds Eir of heroes within the Order— when they had little to do, substituted in battle for someone else. Bored. The Helian steels her nerves, and approaches. If they were to start anywhere, it may well be here.
The girl is leaning against the doorframe as they walk up to her, idly waiting around. As Eir introduces herself and the rest of her group, she exchanges her own name— Esa. Her demeanour seemed to glow far brighter than it had been only moments ago. Eir smiles; it was true, such simple greetings alone gave way to better days. She asks about the crew of whom Esa works with, to which she replies: “Oh the crew? They seem like OK folks. I haven’t been here long, but they’ve been nice enough to me. Why do you ask?”
“How long have you been here?” A pause. Eir hesitates; she tries to place her words carefully. “We are… looking for someone. Have you noticed anyone or anything… strange during your time here?” Eir glances at Adela’s plaque behind them. “… Or anyone notable at all?”
“I used to do maintenance for businesses around the opera house for… hm, probably a year. D’Silva asked me to come work on a new project he was starting a couple months ago, but he kind of made me think I’d be doing… well, more maintenance. Didn’t think I’d be waiting on a songstress.” She wrinkles her nose, but she doesn’t seem entirely displeased by the situation. She leans back against the doorframe as she gazes up at the ceiling to consider whether she had seen anyone of interest lately. “Anyone notable… To be honest, the staff is always changing. I couldn’t tell you who’s been here for months from the folks just visiting.”
Eir’s interest rises at that. So unused to the work, though she does not seem to be troubled with where she has landed. A slight tilt of her head; Eir studies her closely. “Adela, yes? What are your impressions of her?”
“What are you, reporters?” Esa laughs. “Miss MacFhearghail is nicer than you’d expect. Honest. I know she’s got some bad rep with folks but— I mean, I don’t know the details— but she’s been in this business a long time and she’s got the record to prove it. I don’t mind waiting on her, even if she can be fussy and ill-tempered sometimes.”
The noble nods, committing the information to memory. Perhaps it was worth speaking to the songstress when next she had time to herself… A slight frown pulls at the ends of her lips, puzzled as the Helian’s thoughts return to Esa’s previous words. “Is D’Silva so prone to sending home those who work for him? Surely he must keep more than some around with greater permanence.” On a project like this… and with mismatched talents? It seemed odd to need so many people if they were not adequately fitted to their purposes. Eir glances around, though she knows the only occupants of the floor were members of the crew. “Who visits the sets?”
“I don’t know if D’Silva is actually firing people or if they just… stop showing up. This ain’t exactly a standard job, and most of the crew is used to producing operas. Not to mention the actors… I get the impression they don’t think D’Silva’s vision will amount to anything in the end.”
Eir blinks. They did not think highly of this project— of their director’s ambitions at all, and yet would see it through to its end. Perhaps it is the marvel of D’Silva’s ‘miracle device’ that convinces them to stay? But if Esa is right, perhaps few are staying at all..
Esa stops to think again, this time for a long time, obviously digging deep into her memories to draw out an answer. “No one really stands out… Oh! I’ve seen a redhaired guy show up once or twice. Doesn’t hang out for long, but his hair—“ She makes a gesture like combing fingers through her hair, which is black and braided nearly to her waist. “It’s the color of an apple, I swear. You can’t miss ‘im.”
A furtive glance is given in the direction of the three who had accompanied her, to suggest that they approach the man Esa had described whenever he may appear. If he would be remembered for anything beyond the colour of his hair, it would be well for them to remember him as well. The possible suspects were far too many within this place… they must narrow down their search. Eir looks to Ophelia, who seemed that she might burst with questions to ask— and thinly smiles. Go ahead.
@sheereccentric , @valaskjlf , & @mjolnrr !
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remmushound · 3 years
Beyond the bay part 16, What Lurks?
Summary - Leonardo assesses Mikey’s physical and mental state. 
Tags - @selfindulgenz @brightlotusmoon @ilo-artistry
Content warnings: Medical exams, medical assessments
Everything was wrong. Wrong and so very dark. Mikey felt as if the clouds had fallen from the sky and come to settle in his mind; yet, despite the mental lag that weighed on him like lead, his body felt impossibly light, almost drifting. He had to find them; he had to find his team! But he felt like he was suffocating, like there was hundred pound weight bearing down on his chest. There was… something that he was wading through. Something that shifted and rippled and flowed around him like a cool, moving blanket.
He had to find his team. He had to get back to the mission! He had to find that mutagen and he had to find his way! And… he had to wake up…
“Ow…?” Mikey opened one eye, and then the other as he was suddenly and acutely aware of strong fingers digging into his muscles. His head was throbbing with a steady thump thump thump.
“Mike.” Donnie’s voice was breathless and urgent, but nonetheless gentle as he momentarily paused his massage in favor of more important exams. 
“Ah— again with the light?” Mikey whined and raised a hand to cover his eyes as Donnie shined his flashlight in them.
Donnie returned to the painful massage. “Do you know your name?”
“Do you know where you are? Do you know what happened?” The more questions Donnie asked, the more pressing his voice became. When Mikey didn't respond, Donnie repeated himself louder and clearer.
Mikey could only sputter. He knew he should know those answers, but when he reached out to grab them, they slipped through his fingers like sand. His eyes grew wider, and he shook his head. Why couldn’t he remember?
Leonardo was there too; Mikey didn't notice him until the red eared slider moved directly in front of him and waved a hand. The motion made Mikey focus on him, though at the time there seemed to be more than one of the blue-clad ninja, like Mikey was seeing double.
Leonardo, as opposed to Donnie’s bombardment, only asked a single question. “Can you tell me who is best turtle?”
Mikey’s face wrinkled in his concentration, and then split in a grin. Now that he could remember! “Trick question, it’s me! I’m a triple threat: brains, brawns, and a dazzling personality.”
Leonardo couldn’t have smiled wider if he tried. Now that Mikey could focus better on the room around him, which slowly came back to him as the infirmary, he finally located the source of the thumping that he had thought was just in his head. He saw Donatello hanging in the background, the young mutant looking blatantly bored, like he’d rather be doing anything else at that moment. He was bouncing a tiny, purple ball against the wall, catching it, and then bouncing it again in a steady rhythm. Unlike the other turtles, he didn't seem to notice nor care that Mikey was awake; his only acknowledgement was to Mikey’s self-declaration of being best turtle.
“Well that is too bad, because I am a quadruple threat.” Donatello bounced the ball one last time, then caught it as he made his way over to the group. “Strong, funny, amusing, and hilarious.”
“Aren’t three of those just synonyms?” Donnie questioned without looking up from Mikey’s tensed muscles.
“You.” Donatello said. “I do not like you.”
“But I like the confidence!” Leonardo declared, and held out his hand to Mikey. “High three!”
Mikey was all too glad to meet the inviting gesture— that is, until his hand seemed to faze through Leonardo. Mikey frowned, and then he tried again with the same result. He missed? If Leonardo noticed Mikey’s confusion, he didn’t show any reaction to it. Instead, he grabbed Donatello’s ball, much to the grievance of his twin, and tossed it up in the air a few times.
“D’ya wanna play catch?” Leonardo offered, his smile slight and soft. He grabbed the ball between his thumb and pointer finger, showing the tiny rubber toy off to Mikey. “Might help you concentrate~”
Having something to do with his hands did help. Mikey nodded eagerly and held out the arm that wasn’t currently being assaulted by Donnie’s therapeutic rubbing. Leonardo swung his arm back and forth a few time, allowing Mikey the chance to focus before Leonardo tossed the ball with a careful swing. Mikey’s eyes followed the ball as it glided smoothly through the air, and he raised his hand to catch it. It slipped right through his hands. 
Mikey blinked. His eyes pinched together as they searched and eventually found the ball on the floor rolling away from him. He missed? Again? Now he had a tight pain in his chest, one that refused to go away. A ball of discomfort and anxiety and fear that grew bigger and bigger, trying to force itself up his throat to choke him.
“Are you playing tricks?” He didn't know why his voice sounded the way it did, like a child who hadn’t yet found the confidence to speak up.
Donnie frowned at the weakness of the voice, gently cupping Mikey’s head in a hand to tilt him back and examine his throat. Mikey gave a low churr of disapproval, but didn't resist.
“No tricks!” Leonardo said, and he held up his hands as a show of surrender. He held that stance for a few seconds more before gathering the ball from where it had fallen and placing it back into Mikey’s hand. “Okay, now you pass it to me.”
Donnie backed away from Mikey to let him have space while the younger box turtle stuck out his tongue and tried his best to focus on Leonardo’s shifting figure. It was like a filter had been laid over Mikey’s vision. A filter that made Leonardo seem as if he were in constant, blurred motion and made his voice like something at the end of a cavern.
“Whenever you’re ready.” Came the echo of Leonardo’s voice, so distant and lost to Mikey’s ears. The tunnel was so dark, and the sewage was up to his knees and uncomfortably warm. He breathed, but it burned so he did it as little as possible. For the republic, he had to keep moving. Mutagen was fuel, mutagen was life, and there was mutagen in this dark place. He just had to get back to Commander Mozar and find it. Mozar would know what to do. He was hand-picked by the prime leader himself!
There was someone calling his name. His commander? No, someone more familiar, more like a brother. Zog? No… no that wasn’t it either.
“Leon…?” There was a slick, cool hand pressed over Mikey’s forehead.
“Hey, bud.” Leonardo said, and he was smiling; Donnie’s face was turned into a tight frown. “You zoned out for a sec. All good?”
“Head hurts…” Mikey swatted Leonardo away and tried to sit up.
“Hey hey hey hey!” Leonardo didn't let Mikey get very far, “Easy. You need to lay now.”
“No… no we need to find him!”
Leonardo cocked his head. “Find who?”
“I… him!” Was all Mikey could offer, “He’s scared and alone.”
“Where is he?”
“I… I don’t know!” Mikey knew he should know but he didn't, and in retaliation against his own mind he began to repeatedly strike himself right between his eyes. Donnie intervened before he could hit himself more than twice, forcing Mikey to lower his arm but only making the box turtle more frustrated.
“Mikey, take it easy.” Donnie tried, but Mikey didn't seem to care about doctor's orders. He started to try and resist Donnie’s efforts to keep him still. “Little help here?”
Leonardo was hesitant to lay a hand on the thrashing Mikey, but when he finally found a hold, he pressed down firmly on the older turtle. His attempt to restrain the mutant wasn’t very effective, and when Mikey was able to stand, Leonardo pulled back and simply let Mikey leave while Donnie kept trying to stop him.
“Ge’ off!” Mikey shook his shoulders trying to dislodge his brother.
“Mikey, what—?” Donnie was unrelenting.
Mikey got as far as the doorway before he was picked up around the middle and carried back inside by Raphael, holding the shinobi like he was nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum. He laid Mikey back down on the bed and Donnie skirted around the snapping turtles shell, grabbing Mikey’s arm to keep him still while Mikey tried to shake the grabbing hands off of him.
“Mikey, if you don't stay down I’m gonna have to strap you down.” Donnie said with a voice even and placid.
“What happened?” Raphael’s lips pulled into a frown, his hand going down to feel Mikey’s forehead.
“I don’t know, he just freaked out.” Donnie said calmly. He ran his hand across Mikey’s cheek and made soft, shushing noises intended to sooth. “How is Yoshi?”
“Yeah, he uh… he’s fine.” Raphael said absently, his head nodding along with his words, “Just hate to think how long he was alone for…” 
“Mikey, do you know where dad went?” Donnie asked softly; Mikey seemed calmer now, no longer resisting his bedrest, but his teeth were still bared to show his discontent. Donnie sighed. “Guessed not.”
Raphael laid a hand on Donnie’s shoulder and prompted the box turtle to look up at him. “He can’t have gone far. Maybe he just wanted to explore a bit.”
“He wouldn’t just leave your father here alone.” Donnie sighed, shaking his head.
“You’re probably right.” Raphael admitted. “Your Leo’s probably going crazy.”
Donnie closed his eyes and, ever so slowly, leaned his head back as he sucked a deep breath through his nostrils. Then he lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to nurse a growing migraine.
“I’ll go talk with him. Can you sit here with Mikey?”
“Of course.” Raphael said with a patient nod, sitting beside the bed and resting a hand over Mikey’s plastron.
Donnie left the two younger turtles in charge of his brother while he left the room in search of the oldest. He first found Michelangelo and Raph in the exercise room; the massive box turtle practically had steam rising off of his muscles from the heat of his body, slick with sweat and eyes focused determinedly on the ceiling above him as he worked his reps. Michelangelo wasn’t exercising, but he seemed to be having a good time hanging onto the bar while Raph lifted it so he could dangle and swing like a monkey. Donnie felt his migraine only worsen as he slumped against the doorframe, rubbing his eyes with enough force to make stars dance in his vision.
Raph had been in that same spot since they had made the discovery of their fathers absence several hours before, and Donnie could practically smell the frustration and understand it too, because he felt the exact same way. He needed to go and find his father before something awful happened, but he couldn’t leave with a clear conscience with Mikey in the state he was in. When it came to the choice of which was more important to him…
Donnie shook his head. Mikey would always come first. He and his brothers had agreed on that when they were little, and that agreement would live as long as they did. Splinter was strong and Splinter was capable, and right now Mikey needed them more. All of them.That didn't make the worry for his dad any less burning.
“You gonna say something?” Raph’s voice rumbled, “Or just stand there starin’?”
Donnie laughed, but it was a half-hearted and weak laugh. He shook his head and didn't bother to answer the question verbally. He simply walked into the room to stand over Raph; the middle child didn't pause his reps, not even for his brother.
“How’s Mike?” Was Raph’s next question.
Donnie almost naturally reached out an arm so that Michelangelo could climb onto him, and Michelangelo was more than happy to do just that. He swung on his friends arm with happily, monkey-like giggles while the other brothers retained composure and hardly reacted to the childish games.
“Awake.” Donnie said, “Confused. Raphael and the other Leonardo are with him now.”
“Good.” Raph kept pumping, eyes focused.
Donnie sighed. He carefully picked Michelangelo off of his arm, one of his hands enough to completely engulf the box turtle's plastron, and placed him on the ground. He stepped over the smaller mutant and grabbed Raph’s bar, yanking it pointedly from Raph and replacing it on its shelf. Raph’s eyes sharpened, snapping to Donnie and ready to give him hell before he saw the icy, cobra look in Donnie’s eyes. Instead of yelling, or saying anything, Raph simply sat up and shouldered his way past Donnie. They didn't need to exchange words for Donnie to know where Raph was headed.
Donnie shook his head once more before grabbing Michelangelo, who had his arms up asking to be held. He carried Michelangelo the rest of the way back to the infirmary; Raph was there, kneeling on the ground beside the bed and holding Mikey’s hand in his. He was talking slow and soft words to his youngest brother, words Donnie couldn’t make out, but the intent was there. Donnie plopped Michelangelo down on the floor and turned back around, leaving the rest of his family and continuing his search for Leo.
He found his eldest brother in the zen room; the room itself wasn't very well-maintained, once teal paint peeling off the walls and plants that were either overgrown and swallowing the walls of the room or dead at the root. The dead ones were the fault of none— being so low in the sewer, access to any sort of sunlight was a scare rarity that growing such plants were always difficult. For the rest of the plants, it was sheer neglect that led them to grow as immensely overpowering as they had, seeking any glint of light to sustain them. Leo sat in a lotus position in front of a green pool, just as neglected and forgotten as the plants, though it seemed to be from natural deterioration and not any contamination from the sewage around them. 
“Hello Donatello.” Leo said without bothering to open his eyes or drop his position. “How is Michelangelo?”
“He’s okay.” Donnie sat beside his brother; his long legs weren’t built for the lotus position, so he just sprawled out and got comfortable. He had the feeling he was going to be here for a while. “Are you?”
Leo took his time to consider the question, rolling potential words around on his tongue before he settled for something that felt right. “I am dealing, considering. If Michelangelo is well, then we should think about going after father. Is that why you’re here?”
“Yeah.” Donnie nodded, “Everyone’s sitting in with Mike to keep him company.”
Leo nodded slowly and finally opened sapphire eyes. “Then perhaps just us two should go. Let Raphael and our friends stay here with Mikey. We can move faster on our own.”
Donnie couldn’t help but agree with that, but there was still a twinge of doubt that refused to be ignored. “These aren’t our sewers, Leo. We should bring at least one of the Hamato’s to lead the way.”
Leo considered. “Alright. We’ll take the other Leonardo then. Perhaps his sense of direction is as good as mine.”
Leo’s sense of direction had always been advance, far more than his brothers. You could place him in the heart of a maze and within minutes he would be able to find his way back out again. He knew he would be able to navigate these sewers even with what little knowledge he had of them, but Donnie’s anxiety was never something to ignore. Leo took a final, sharp breath before standing, inclining his head ever so slightly toward his brother.
“Let’s go now. No time to waste.”
“But— but Leo, we can’t take both me and Hamato Leo, we need a medic here in case Mikey has another fit.” Donnie reasoned.
“Fine, then we’ll take the other Donnie.” Leo decided promptly, waving for his brother to follow. Donnie obeyed.
“What about other Raph? It might help to have some extra muscle if we find ourselves in a pinch.”
“Uh.” Leo looked down at his bicep and, just for good measure, he flexed to make the muscles more defined.
“You know what I meant.” Donnie’s eyes rolled, but he pursued the issue no further. There was very little time to do so even if he wanted, because already they were entering the med bay.
Mikey had his eyes closed, lips pulled down in a tight frown as he stretched his head back as far as his neck allowed. Despite the position, Donnie knew he wasn’t asleep; he knew his brother too well to assume such things. All eyes turned to them as the two entered, and both older Splinterson’s could feel the shift in energies tingling their skin. 
“What’s up?” Leo asked. 
Donnie’s instinct was to immediately go to Mikey, doing a quick check of his vitals and finding them as steady as they had been when he left. Donatello seemed to be the only one of the turtles who wasn’t entirely on edge, taking the time to yawn and stretch before pulling out his phone and pulling up an article. He held his phone out where the older brothers could see that it was a current article posted just hours before, the headline bold enough to catch anyone's attention.
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sketch--booked · 4 years
Awesome ninjago dream time!
I had a dream like, 10 minutes ago and hell it was cool. It had Echo, Zane as a focus but included the rest of the ninja too which surprised me. Except for Jay, he just wasn’t in the dream,,, I don’t know why--
From what I remember, Kai, Cole and Zane were separated from the rest, and were in this tower lookin’ place, think Donnie’s lab from RotTMNT, but darker.
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The center of the room was just brimming with blue and white electricity, and as they walk in, someone walks out from behind the column of static. It’s Echo, but he’s not copper or gold, he’s a purple-ish grey silver (the sides of his head and hair was darker than his face and his eyes were gold, straight gold, they stood out against the blues and blacks). Ngl, looked kinda like Ultron.
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He comes out and I remember Kai and Cole look to Zane and Zane just looks conflicted, scared, confused, concerned. Echo says something, probably about knowing Zane or how they’re totally related, and it makes Kai and Cole real mad, and the two of them start to fight Echo. Zane is not fighting and instead stands back as he watches, what looks like, himself fighting his friends. The battle continues and Nya and Lloyd (without Jay?? Jay just wasn’t in this dream) join in just as Echo pushes some button, directing the lightning to Kai and Cole, and they disappear.
They do not die, and in fact are teleported to a jungle island(?). They get thrown out of what looks like a wormhole, and immediately assume they were banished to another realm (understandably) and Kai of all people begins having an unexpected panic attack to which Cole comforts him and they choose to wander along the edge of the beach to map out their surroundings (my dream gave me a reason for them leaving, thanks brain).
I think it would be fun to mention that this dream all happens in a stylized animated way, that’s generally how my dreams look, but with Kai and Cole’s “scenes” it looks like the minifigs, and I would love to point out that Cole has a bandanna and man bun and tore his black trousers to resemble shorts, while Kai ends up tearing his gi to look like a crop vest with no arms and has light brown trousers instead of red... It was a cool design honestly, I’m proud of my brain.
Back to Lloyd, Nya and Zane. Echo ends up beating Lloyd and Nya pretty badly and directs his attention to Zane, still having a mini freak-out, and tells him all about how Zane was the one that was loved, Zane wad the son Julien wanted, Zane got cool powers and made friends. While Echo was a copy of that, Julien didn’t want echo, he wanted his real son, Echo didn’t get powers, Echo didn’t get friends of love, he didn’t even get his brother. So now he was gong to take that all away, so Zane could know exactly what Echo felt.
It strikes then that Echo is his brother. And tries desperately to talk to Echo, while Echo is continuously attacking Zane. Eventually , Zane places himself on an Ice podium to escape Echo’s barrage of attacks and Echo takes this as an opportunity to play with Zanes head. He begins to talk about how he’s always been above the rest, pointing to Nya and Lloyd, and how he’s the one that gets the attention since he’s “oh so special”. Zane uses logic to negate everything Echo throws at him, throwing in his line “I am built to protect those who cannot protect themselves” and it is that sentence that throws Echo off the edge.
Echo is yelling, screaming at him, throwing all his emotions into one big pile and telling Zane everything he’s felt and done because he just wanted what Zane had. Echo doesn’t know that through this, he’s crying and Zane’s lowered himself from his podium to stand in front of Echo. Echo looks up to see Zane also has tears in his eyes. And in an unspoken attempt to make things up, Zane hugs Echo, tight, and hold him close, Echo is tense at first but softens into the hug. Echo’s sobs are drowned by the cracking and popping of the machine and the two just sit on the floor together in a brotherly embrace.
My dreams don’t end happy though and it all goes wrong! Sirens emitting from the computers and warnings cover the screens. Echo pulls from the hug instantly and looks around frantically, landing his eyes on Zane and Zane looks in confusion. Echo dashes off to one of the computers close to the previously mentioned button. Lloyd and Nya, with their weapons still drawn but not prepared, move up to the brothers. Lloys asks what’s wrong and Echo states that the machine technically isn’t ready and that first blast actually could've destroyed them all. Echo did not equate for the recharge, and throughout their squabble the machine was just getting more and more charged.
Echo states the best way not to die, would be to teleport them all to the same location, since there would be no time to escape the blast radius. Lloyd and Nya are adamant that they could make it and just when they are about to leave the tower (which i’m realizing at this point is probably the lighthouse prison), when Zane puts his hand on Echo’s shoulder and says “I trust him”. Promoting a disbelieving and hopeful look from Echo and a hesitant glare from Nya to Lloyd, who states “If Zane trusts him, so do I”.
Nya is still hesitant but believes the same. The four stand together as Echo slams down on the same button, sending them all to the same location through the wormhole. Just as they do this, the Lighthouse combusts in a striking explosion of blues and purples. The lighthouse is no more.
When the four get thrown out, they appear at the same beach. Nya is okay with the location because there’s water. Lloyd is asking Echo all sorts of questions. “Why are you evil? Are you still evil? What was your main goal? Where are we right now? Are you honestly Zane’s brother? Are you even listen--” He’s not listening, and instead is looking away from them, ashamed. 
Zane comes over, while Lloyd is still asking questions, to comfort him again. They have a conversation about how Echo thought this was the only way to get his attention and the only way to make him understand how he felt and Zane tells him that it’s okay to feel however he feels, what’s upsetting is the way he went about those emotions. Echo remarks that being a nindroid doesn’t help all to much and Zane laughs in understanding, saying “You will understand when you are older”. 
Nya pulls Lloyd aside to point out two pairs of footprints in the sand. Lloyd calls Zane over who confirms that that is Cole and Kai’s shoe sizes, and Echo confirms that this is the location he intended to strand Zane on, realizing how bad that sounds out loud he looks away. Lloyd recommends they follow the prints to see where the two went and see if they can catch up. 
This is where we go back to Kai and Cole, who are still traveling through the jungle, the beach cornered off into a cliff and Cole didn’t want to disturb any potential threats, so they continue inwards. (I’m writing this whole bit out exactly as I saw it, Cole getting upset)
Kai is cutting away at the leaves and sticks while ranting about how “When I get off this island, I’m gonna pin that little squirt to the ground and make him wish he was never built!”.
Cole reminds him that “If that ‘Little squirt’ really is Zane’s brother like he says, Zane probably wouldn’t be to thrilled with you smashing him into scrap.”
“Zane wouldn’t care! That twerp is clearly evil, did you see the way he zapped us?” Looking back at his friend.
Cole raises an eyebrow at him “...Evilly?”
“Exactly! Wait- yeah, evilly.” and Cole sighs “Besides, Zane knows better then to get friendly with villains, we’ve seen enough of how well that tuned out with-” He cuts himself off.
“You know Zane doesn’t like ‘that’ being mentioned, even when when he’s not here.” Cole reminds him calmly.
Kai paused “I-I know, I’m just--Mad! How can someone, supposedly your family, turn on you like that! It’s-”
“You did the same thing,” Cole interrupted. Kai stopped mid-swing and stared wide eyed at Cole, anger clearly starting to build. “What?” He prompted Cole to continue, carefully.
“You’ve fallen for the same trick as both of them, dude. Lloyd says you were persuaded by Chen’s staff just the same as Zane was by that Vex guy and the scroll,” He moved from following behind Kai to standing beside him.
“You also attacked your parents, thinking they were traitors, according to Nya. Of all of us, you should be able to see both sides clearer than the rest,” He takes one of Kai’s swords from it’s sheath on his back and begins to cut more bushes in his way.
“I guess that just makes you more blind to it then us instead.” He looks back, only to continue on his way. Kai is stood still for a few more moments, his arm frozen in the air like a game on pause. Soon though, before he loses sight of the Earth master in the brush, he jogs up to him, putting his own sword in it’s sheath allowing Cole to lead on. His words do sting and bore into his head. Recollection of both those events hurt by themselves, but with this new context, Kai couldn’t help but feel like Cole was right. Maybe he is more blind to how the “brothers” felt that he should be, or was that just him denying his own emotions?
That was my dream, and now there will be nothing done with it because LEGO are already doing a jungle adventure. My dreams are wild man, it’s like my brain is showing me a movie, it’s so cool--
I do like this concept, I love it in fact. But unless I want to change the entire vibe, I don’t think I would be able to make it a fan season. If season 14 wasn’t a jungle season-- I WOULD.
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heyheydidjaknow · 4 years
FUCK YOU TIME! I’m aware I’m an hour and a half late, but I finished the chapter, so HA. I know nobody cares, but I’m happy with myself. Previous chapter is at the bottom of the page, of course.
Chapter 4
"Why, pray tell, don't you trust me?"
"Because you're being paranoid." Mikey gets into position at the top of the ramp as you scroll through your phone absentmindedly, watching your friends back home sincerely mourning your death. "I am an ex-peer-ee-onsed skateboarder and ninja. This is gonna be epic."
"As someone who saw that episode," you reassure him, sighing at your mother's inactivity online confirming your suspicions for the umpteenth time, "you are absolutely going to get in trouble." The lair is a mess, the ramp more so, and the entire situation is so obviously the inciting incident that you're half convinced that the universe itself is pranking you. You slid the phone into your pocket, not really in the mood to start crying again. "In fact, this is directly related to the theme of the episode. In other words, don't do it."
"Relax, dude." He sets himself up. "I am totally gonna make this jump and it is going to be sweet."
"Theme?" Donatello pipes up from his place on the ground in front of the ramp. "The first major constituent of a clause?"
You blink. "No, the new Subway footlong. What the fuck are you talking about?"
"That's the definition of theme."
"Who uses that definition? Grammar teachers?"
"The dictionary."
You are dumbfounded. "Why would I— do you know how people usually use that word?"
"People usually use that word at all?"
You look over at Raphael and Leonardo, who are on the floor next to him, and who seem completely disinterested. "Do you guys—"
"No. Who uses the word 'theme'?" Raphael rolls his eyes. "Mikey, do you plan on jumping today?"
"Wait, so none of you have ever used that word in a literary sense?"
"There's a literary sense?"
You sigh. "In hindsight, I guess that makes sense, since— Mikey, you're gonna get grounded for it."
"Will not."
"Will too. Donnie, when you inevitably get grounded for this, after your grounding is over, come to my apartment. I'm teaching you literary analysis because that is ridiculous." You get to your feet. "Oh," you say, "before I go, when he grounds you, don't go out. If you get into trouble while you're out, get me, and if he asks why you're tired, say it was a movie marathon, and if he asks which movies, Lord of The Rings. See ya." You run out as you hear the shouts of their father telling them to stop.
You walk back up to the surface via the empty subway tunnel. You had quickly realized that it was infinitely less gross than going through the sewers, and your apartment already smelled enough like raw sewage from the amount of time you had started spending down there. You have considered buying new clothes with your quickly appreciating bank account, but you could not bring yourself to look, even with your new freedom. Maybe it was a lack of motivation? You do not exactly know. More likely is your complete lack of inspiration and faith in your own choices, but what do I know?
You start down the street to your building. You would not go so far as to say it felt like home, but you had become more accustomed to it. You had learned the bellboy’s name, nodded to neighbors. It is not a stunning amount of progress, but it is progress. You spend most of your days now, if not re-watching whatever episode is relevant next, for the first time, cyberstalking people you knew from back home. How courteous of that organization to give you an up-to-date feed of life moving on without you; at least you get to see your cousins.
You do not remember the actual walk. You remember getting to your apartment, walking right by your refrigerator, and collapsing onto the bed.
You feel like shit.
You roll onto your back, going right back to stalking. You are not sure why you bother making yourself feel worse. You tried messaging them to absolutely no avail. You cannot comment on posts, either. You know this. You still grasp onto this shred from your past. It just makes you sad. Why are you doing this to yourself?
You feel a lump rise in your throat. You close the window.
You curl around your pillow, hugging it tightly. You the sound of your fingers against the screen was the only thing to permeate the room. You are following a tangent, looking for a book you were interested in a century ago. Something about a pervert? You forget.
You miss home.
You do not even need to look up from your phone; the panting is enough. "I'm going to take a wild guess."
"I know you said to come get you," Donnie gushed, "but it was 2 in the morning and I totally forgot and I was freaking out about this new invention and—"
You set the e-book down, walking over and grasping his hands gently. "Take a deep breath, alright? You're gonna be fine, so long as you chill out and think."
"Baxter Stockman is serious business."
"I know, honey, but you gotta calm down, alright?" You slowly pull him down to sit on the bed.
"He snapped my staff with his freakin hand!"
"You are going to go through at least 2 more of those bad boys. Breathe with me." You inhale deeply. "In."
He mimics you.
He follows suit.
"Okay. Are you good?"
His breathing slows. He swallows, nods. "Okay, I'm calm."
"Awesome. Now, I'm gonna give you a mini version of our lesson, alright? Is that okay?" The irony of you trying to calm down the trained ninja is not lost on you.
"Yeah, alright." He nodded.
"Alright. Let's start off with the basics." You sit yourself up properly. "Now, this is a kid's show, right?"
"If you say so, yeah."
"The thing about kids shows is that there's usually a moral to each of the episodes."
You put up one finger. "At the beginning of the episode, you guys got grounded, right?"
He nodded.
"You guys snuck out, and you got into a fight with Stockman. That fight is the reason he's after you, right?" You try to speak relatively clearly and, more importantly, calmly.
"Yeah." He seems to respond relatively positively to this.
"And then,” you continue, putting up a second finger, “Mikey losing the t-pod and not telling anyone is what lead to Stockman getting powerful, right?”
He nodded.
“In both instances, the problem was a lack of transparency, right? Not asking for help for fear of getting in trouble?”
He nodded again.
“So,” you nod with him, “the way to fix this is?”
“To ask for help regardless of whether or not it will get us in trouble with Splinter?”
“Exactly.” You smile encouragingly. “Why?”
“Because that’s the message of the episode?”
“You really are quick to catch on.” You get to your feet. “I’m not surprised you’re the brains of the group.”
“Really?” His eyes lit up.
“Most definitely. Now,” you get to your feet, “as much as I love when we talk, and as much as I owe you a lesson on how to identify these sorts of things on your own, I’m sure your brothers could use that advice right about now.”
“Right!” He gets up. “Thank you, again.”
“My pleasure, my guy. Oh, hit me up when you’re off of your grounding so I can figure out a lesson plan.”
“You got it.” He climbed out of the window. “See you then, Y/N.”
“Kick their asses.” You wave as he disappears into the night.
Your smile slowly slides off your face as you close the window. You pick your phone up to check the time.
You toss it onto the bed. ‘I’m making cupcakes.’ You have not eaten in what feels like a while. You are already out of bed. Might as well.
“She called me honey.”
Raphael rolls his eyes. “I’m telling you, there’s no way that a girl like her is going to be into you. You’re delusional.”
“Honey is a pet name!” Donatello’s voice rises slightly. “And—and she invited me to her place after we aren’t grounded!”
“Let him believe.” Leonardo pipes up from in front of the television. “I think it’s nice that he and she are as close of friends as they are so quick.”
“For the record, I’m rooting for ya, bro.” Mikey takes another bite out of his pizza. “Sure, you’re a little creepy, but so is she, so it works out.”
He scoffs. “Aren’t you three forgetting something? Like, I don’t know, that we’re turtles? Is the fact that she’s an entirely different species not a factor?”
“Part turtle.” He speaks incredibly fast. “Our DNA is mutated with—”
“Oh, I’m sure you’re holding onto that technicality real tight, aren’t you?” He stabs the dummy in the gut. “A technicality that I’m sure she cares about.”
“I did the research.” He gets to his feet, running over and grabbing a diagram from his lab. “We’re physically compatible.”
“Donnie. Brother. No.” He stops. “Please tell me you didn’t seriously look into whether or not you could fuck her. I know you like this girl, but come on.”
“I didn’t go out of my way to research how our reproductive system works for this.” He tosses it back into his lab, sliding the door closed. “I did that research a while back. I just had to investigate reproduction on the female end to make sure everything worked.” He stands up straight. “Theoretically, we are fully capable of reproducing with humans.”
“Theoretically?” Leo looks back at him.
He feels his face go red. “Well, there isn’t any clinical research done on the subject. We’re the only ones of our kind, after all, and I don’t have any female samples to use.”
“For fuck’s sake, Donnie, do not ask her for ‘samples’.” He gags. “That’s just fucking gross.”
“I wasn’t going to!”
“You were. I’d bet money on it.”
“Ten bucks says he still will.” Mikey drops the rest of it down his throat.
“Dude, you’re freakier than I am. I love you but come on.” He lays back on the couch.
“Y’all are just gross.” He stabbed the dummy in the neck, sand pouring out of the hole. “We need a more durable dummy.”
“You could just not break the ones I make.” He sits down on the couch. “That’s an option.”
“It’s a literal punching bag. It’s a show of love.”
The episode ends. Leo walked over to the two on the couch, sitting on the other side of his lanky brother as Michelangelo scrounges for crumbs. “Look, it might be jumping the gun a bit to start researching if you guys can have kids. You guys aren’t even in a relationship.”
“I know.” He rubs his face with his hands. “I dunno, man. What am I doing?”
“Exactly.” He pats him on the back. “I’m not saying it could never happen, but this is a little much.”
He sighs. “Yeah, that’s true.”
“We wouldn’t lie to you.” He gets to his feet. “I’m gonna go meditate for a while. You wanna join me?”
“I’m good.” Donnie hopped over the back of the couch. “I’m gonna go work on this thing I’ve been working on.”
“Alright, man.” He walks off to the dojo.
He steps into his lab, sliding the door closed behind him. He sits at his workstation, a half-finished robot sat on the table. He slides his tongue in the space between his teeth absentmindedly as he goes back to connecting wires.
‘She used the past tense. Had, she said.’ He bounces his knee absentmindedly, reaching for the soldering iron. ‘But she called me honey. She called me hot stuff. Is that an insult?” He tests the joints. ‘I don’t remember.’
He sets his project down for a second. He opens his laptop, smiling gently at his screen saver. It is a photo you had emailed him of the two of you to show you how it worked.
‘I should make a camera. Or find one. A digital one.’ He sighs, closing it. ‘She is absolutely gorgeous.’
He goes back to work, still feeling your fingers around his.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
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Letters & Starry Eyes (Donny Donowitz x Fem!Reader)
Tiny bit of angst, mostly fluff :)
Requested by @the-a-word-2214
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
______ Donny came home. It was unusually quiet now, without the constant rustling of forest leaves, planes overhead, and patrols hidden beyond the trees. Quieter still, without the basterds. Too quiet, without Aldo's southern drawl, Omar's jokes, Hirschberg's trigger-happy incidents... Donny opened the door to his bedroom, and turned on the lights. His mother kept it just the way it was when he left. His whole family had been over, they watched him receive the medal of honor the day before. This really was the first moment to himself he'd had in...longer than he could remember, really. He took off the medal. He'd forgotten he was still wearing it. He tossed it onto the top of his night stand, and kept walking.
Donny sighed as he stood in front of his closet, letting his half-empty duffle bag fall to the ground of his room. He opened the closet door, and put his bat in an empty corner, with a soft smile. As he unwrapped his hand, it felt like it was the first time he was really able to let it go. He read some of the names etched into the bat in the dim light, and sighed softly. "Yeah," he nodded, knowing he really could let go now. With or without a medal, he did what he had to do, and every scalp was worth it. He kicked his bag into the closet, and shut the door. He'd get to it eventually, but now...the silence was making him feel a little lonely. That had never been a problem in his life. He was Donny Donowitz, for crying out loud. It didn't take long for him to know why. He tried to push it to the back of his mind, but he couldn't. It was you. You'd always been the first thing on his mind, the moment he woke up, every day since he was gone. You'd been the last thing he thought of, as he drifted to sleep. But now that you were so close...he felt further than ever from you. He sat on his bed, slowly raising his eyes to the nightstand. No, not to look at the medal, but at a little, silver, oval frame, with a picture of you. His heart skipped a beat. That was the first time he'd seen your face in years... He saw it every time he dreamed, but this...this was so much better. And some how, it made his heart sink. "Where are you?" He whispered, with a slight sense of urgency, as he reached for the picture, and held it. "Where are you, doll?" You weren't there with his family, though he was wholly expecting you to be there. Hell, after the medal ceremony, somehow, even Hirschberg and Smitty, the youngest basterds, had their loves there. Where were you? He heard his door creak slowly, and looked up. His mother was standing there, smiling softly. She didn't need to ask what was wrong. She knew her boy better than anyone. She knew that was the one thought on his mind all the way from D.C. to Boston. She held out an envelope. It was beginning to yellow, and was a little dusty. Donny held it in his hands, and instantly recognized your handwriting: To Donny You even drew a little heart after his name, just as you’d always done. He carefully opened it, but hesitated for a moment. In that moment, he relived the moment he said goodbye to you. It was only a moment after he proposed. You'd said yes, but you were scared, and he knew it. He promised you, 'I'll always be here...' And there he was.... But that didn't answer his question. He took a breath, and started reading. Word by word, letter by letter, he could hear your voice. He'd been worried it was a Dear John letter...but, it wasn't. He smiled softly, proud of you. "She joined the navy..." He looked up at his mother, and she wasn't as happy as Donny was. In fact, she seemed worried, as any mother would be, "I know..." She'd heard from your mother. Your mother hadn't heard from you. "She didn't send anything else? She never-" His mother simply shook her head. Donny feared the worst... She left him alone. There was nothing else she could do. Donny read the last line of your letter. "Meet me by the shore, when this is all over..." He knew you meant the place he proposed, and the place you said goodbye. So he did. He grabbed his jacket, and rushed down to the shore, and waited. He waited there every night. Nights turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. He never gave up on you. He looked out at the full moon, and the quiet waters, and smiled softly. It was just like the night he proposed. There was a soft salty breeze against his face, and it gently tussled his hair the way you used to do. He smiled, and looked into the deep, abyss blue edge of the world, and knew you were coming home. You promised. Still, he wondered in a whisper lost under the stars in the breeze, "Where are you?" "I've always been here..." His heart stopped. Donny turned around and saw you, standing by the rocks, just a meter or so away, in your uniform, with the same smile he'd seen in every dream since you said goodbye. "Y/n!" He ran to you, and threw his arms around you. That moment, after the kisses and the tears, when you looked at him, and the stars and the sea reflected off your eyes... That moment, he knew he'd never need anything but you. It had been a few months since then. You were now Mr. and Mrs. Donowitz, living in a little place just a short walk away from that very shore. You were both back, working in the places you were working before the war, right across the street from each other. Donny worked at his father's barber shop, across the street where you worked in a notary's office. You walked out at the end of your shift, feeling the first cool breeze of the end of summer, carrying the first few autumn leaves. "You ready, doll?" You turned and saw Donny was waiting, with the same wide, cheery grin as usual. "Always," You smiled, and...he smirked. He bounded down the street and called out, "RACE YA!" "Wh-HEY!" You ran after him. toward the shore. When you finally caught up to him, you laughed, "So unfair!" as you fell into his arms. "Oh you think that's unfair?" He chuckled, as he planted a deceptive kiss on your forehead. A cover, as he picked you up, and waded into the water. "Donny no! Put me down!" He smiled at you devilishly, and you shook your head, "You wouldn't dare!" "Oh, I wouldn-" A bigger wave suddenly crashed, and knocked both you and Donny into the water. He got up, sputtering, "FUCK!" You laughed as you stood over him, "Aww, the water too cold for ya, sergeant?" His teeth chattered, "How are you not cold?" He sighed, and muttered, "Oh, goddamn navy." You chuckled as you waded toward the shore,  "You're tellin' me, soldier boy." He turned to you, "Soldier boy, huh?" He wrapped his arms around you, laughing, as you both toppled onto the sand. You giggled, "Donny!" He planted kisses on your lips, your cheek, and your neck...and... "Donny!" You scolded, though you couldn't help but smirk as you remarked, "We're in public..." He smirked right back, "Not for long, doll" he declared with a sly wink, as he picked you up. You chuckled, "There ain't no place like home." He smiled softly as he looked into your starry eyes, where he felt the most at home,  "No...no there ain't, doll."
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spoookymuulders · 4 years
a handful of firsts.
read here on AO3 word count: 3603
   The first time they meet, it’s at a park near both of their houses. Spencer Reid is eight years old, has shaggy brown hair, and is in seventh grade. Donnie Haskins is ten years old, in fifth grade, and is, Spencer decides as Donnie shoves him off the swingset and into the dirt, the size of a semi-truck.
    Parker O’Hare, seven years old, in second grade and with three older brothers at home, is an angel.
    Or at least, that’s what Spencer decides when she marches up to the swingset from behind, all business, and shoves Donnie Haskins as hard as she can with her tiny little arms.
It’s a surprising amount of strength coming from someone so small - and she is small. She’s the kind of small that would make Spencer’s mother say oh, I could put her in my pocket! Donnie Haskins goes flying off the swingset and into the ground, startled enough that he doesn’t have time to throw his arms out in front of him before he lands in the dirt with a sickening crunch and blood spurts from his nose.
    “Go pick on someone your own size!” Parker demands, little hands on her hips as she glares at him. Donnie has a few choice words for the pint-sized blonde, but he keeps them to himself, focusing his rage instead on Spencer as he mumbles the word freak under his breath and kicks dirt at the younger boy. Parker glares after him until he’s a good fifty feet away, then moves around to the front of the swings and scoops up Spencer’s glasses gently.
    “Here.” She says, offering him a small smile as she holds them out. Spencer takes them and wipes them off before sliding them back up his nose. He squints upwards, taking the offered hand, and dusts his pants off as he stands. He gets a better look at his savior now, and he thinks he understands what fairy tales are talking about when they mention love at first sight.
    Parker O’Hare is the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. She’s a solid four inches shorter than him - a fact that won’t change much over the years - her hair is the color of honey held up to the sun, her eyes are green like new buds in the spring, there’s a spray of freckles across her nose and cheeks, and she has the sweetest dimple in her right cheek. It occurs to Spencer that he’s seen her before, and he realizes after a moment that she lives across the street from him.
    He also realizes after a moment that she’s talking to him. Shaking himself a little, he nods when she asks if he’s okay, offering a small smile as she says that Donnie Haskins is nothing but a bully.
    “Statistically speaking, 60% of bullies are doing it because they’re being bullied themselves at home, and-” Spencer says, then snaps his mouth shut - most people don’t wanna hear his facts, and he’s sure that Parker is one of those people. But instead of looking at him funny or rolling her eyes and leaving him alone, she hums thoughtfully and crosses her arms.
    “Well, I don’t feel bad for him.” She says, looking up at him defiantly. He nods once, a little perplexed at the reaction - or lack thereof - and clears his throat. Before he really knows what’s happening, Parker is taking his hand and dragging him towards the sandbox and asking if he’ll help her make a sand castle because really she’s no good at it and her brothers are always knocking them over when she tries at home which is why she comes to the park to do it.
    They’re pretty much inseparable after that.
    Parker’s family becomes like his own. Her brothers tease him, but never in a way that makes him feel bad; her mother and father accept him as one of their own the first day Parker brings him home and loudly declares that he’s her best friend. His parents accept Parker with open arms as well, though he insists on spending more time at Parker’s house than at his - Parker never pushes, but when she finds out why, she hugs him tighter than ever before and makes sure to remind him that if he ever needs to get away for a bit, he’s welcome to stay with her and her family, and he cries into her shoulder.
    Parker is the first (and only) person he tells about his Aspergers diagnosis. The diagnosis comes at ten years old, and everything makes a little more sense. He reads up on it as much as he can and puts off telling her for far longer than he should, and he fully expects her to be angry that he waited so long, but she isn’t. Instead, she reaches over and puts a hand out, letting him make the first move because she’s always known that he’s a little extra-sensitive to touch, and gives him the gentlest smile when he takes her hand. She slides her fingers through his and squeezes his hand delicately and rests her cheek to his shoulder, asking quiet questions about the diagnosis and how she can help and what he needs from her.
    This is all he needs, he decides. His best friend beside him, holding his hand and promising him that everything will be alright, being as patient as a saint.
    The first time they slow dance, it’s at a middle school dance, and really, he shouldn’t be going because technically he’s in high school, but Parker insists and tells him there’s no one else she wants to go with. So he relents and asks if he should wear a suit and she giggles and shakes her head.
    “It’s not like a fancy dance.” She tells him. “Most of the girls just wear jeans and t-shirts. That’s what I’m wearing, anyways.” She isn’t surprised when he shows up at her house ten minutes early that night in his usual slacks and t-shirt with a cardigan over it. But he has a blast, and she’s beyond happy to see him letting loose and having so much fun. Sometimes, she thinks he forgets that he’s actually still a kid. Sure, he’s got a genius IQ and a scary good memory - he tells her a hundred times it’s called an eidetic memory, and she knows that, but she likes messing with him - but he’s still only thirteen and that’s still a kid if you ask her.
    When the songs change and she holds her hands out, it takes him a moment of looking around the gymnasium to realize what she’s asking. He’s glad that it’s dark in the gym, because he doesn’t want her to see the way his cheeks redden when he takes her hands and she puts his on her waist. She settles her hands on his shoulders and they stand an arms-length apart, swaying with the music slowly. They hold hands while they walk home that night, and when Parker shivers a little in the chilly evening Las Vegas breeze, Spencer doesn’t hesitate to shrug out of his sweater and put it around her shoulders.
    The first time he sees her truly cry is the night he doesn’t get home until midnight. It’s a side of her he hasn’t seen before - sure, he’s seen her cry at movies and when she broke her arm, but that was nothing compared to this. This is silent, heartbroken tears. He comes shuffling down their street slowly, shivering, his entire body tired, his eyes red and raw, and he doesn’t even realize that the light in her bedroom window is still on. He doesn’t notice when her front door flies open and she sprints across the street, nearly crashing into him. He stumbles a little when he feels her hands on his arms, jerking them out of her grasp on instinct and stepping back quickly. She puts her hands up immediately, showing him she means no harm.
    “Where have you been?!” She asks quietly, her voice anxious. He shrugs a little and avoids her gaze, keeping his eyes trained on the ground. “Spencer, I was worried.”
    “Sorry.” He mumbles, adjusting the strap of his messenger bag. She frowns at him, tipping her head to catch his gaze. He can see her eyes widen out of his peripheral, and he knows that she’s spied his black eye. She reaches out slowly, brushes her fingers against his hand ever so lightly, and curls them around his wrist when he doesn’t pull away. Pulling him down to the grass, she sits beside him on the curb and reaches up to brush his hair back, her breath hitching in her throat when she gets a good look at him in the dim light from the streetlamp above them.
    “Spencer, what happened?” She whispers, brushing her thumb over his cheek. He turns away, embarrassment coursing through him. He can feel hot tears pricking his eyes again as he recalls the memory, and he shakes his head, rocking a little. “Talk to me, please.” She lets the silence sit for a few minutes, wrapping her little hands around one of his and brushing her fingers across his knuckles slowly, waiting patiently until he’s ready to speak.
    Finally, he recounts the whole sordid story - from the moment Harper Hillman came into the library to the moment he was able to get himself undone from the goal post. When he meets her eyes eventually, he’s surprised to see tear tracks on her cheeks, and he doesn’t fight it when she hauls him into a hug. Instead, he presses his face to her shoulder and lets himself cry. Hard, choking, quiet sobs into her shirt.
    “I’m so tired of this.” He whispers finally, and he hears her sniff as she cups the back of his head and presses a kiss to his temple.
    “I wish I’d been there.” She whispers back, rubbing his back slowly. They sit like that for another few minutes before she leans back and kisses his forehead. “Go inside and get changed. You can come over and stay with me tonight.”
    He doesn’t argue, just nods at her and stands slowly. She stands with him and watches him go inside, then crosses the street to her own house and perches on the stoop, rubbing her knees. She jumps to her feet when she sees him reemerge and she holds out a hand as he nears. She knows from the look on his face that his mother is in the middle of one of her episodes, but she doesn’t say anything. She simply leads him upstairs to her room and shuts the door.
    They’ve had sleepovers before, none of their parents have ever had an issue with it. Usually, though, when he’s spent the night at her house, he’s slept on the pull-out trundle from her bed. Tonight though, she leaves the trundle closed as she shuts out the light and crawls into bed. She pats the spot beside her and, after a moment’s hesitation, he crawls in next to her and lays down. She settles close to him, draping the blanket over both of them, and rests her cheek on her hand. He mirrors her pose as she reaches out and brushes a lock of hair out of his eyes. As a general rule, he doesn’t believe people when they say it’ll all be okay . But her whispered promise of exactly that sends a surge to his heart when he realizes that she just might be right.
    That night, curled up together in her bed, when she falls asleep with her hand resting against his cheek and he settles an arm around her waist, their legs tangled together under the blankets, is the first time he realizes that he loves her.
    The first time they kiss is after his college graduation dinner. Parker and her entire family pile into their car and make the almost four hour journey to Pasadena to surprise him after Parker spent all week putting her acting skills to use and telling him she wouldn’t be able to make it. She sits in the audience wearing her prettiest sundress and the necklace he gave her for her fifteenth birthday, beaming as he walks across the stage. From everything he’s told her, people at CalTech have been nicer than they ever were at their high school, and the fact that he’s genuinely smiling as he takes his diploma from the dean tells her everything she needs to know.
    He’s the youngest up there, but by no means the shortest. Which is why, she thinks, it’s so easy for him to spot her afterwards. It probably helps that she’s wearing a bright yellow dress and that she’s standing on a bench, waving her arms wildly, she thinks, but she pushes that thought out of her mind when she sees the way his eyes light up. Her heart jumps into her throat when he starts pushing towards them through the crowd, and she leaps off the bench and into his arms.
    “I thought you couldn’t come!” He crows, spinning around with her. She laughs brightly, clinging to him, and he thinks he could listen to her laugh for the rest of his life.
    “I wanted to surprise you!” She says, beaming up at him when he sets her on her feet. A moment later, the rest of her family, as well as Diana, converge on him in a bear hug. She pats her mother’s shoulder when she sees him getting overwhelmed and her mother ushers everyone back, all of them still grinning broadly at him, their very own college grad at sixteen. Her father insists on buying them all dinner at a restaurant of Spencer’s choosing, and though he’s taken by surprise, he picks a Cuban place nearby.
    After they finish eating and the adults are sitting around and drinking, Spencer whispers to Parker that there’s a nice park nearby and she takes his hand and hauls him out of the restaurant, promising to be back within half an hour when her mother asks where they’re going.
    They hold hands as they walk, and when Parker shivers a little, Spencer shrugs out of his sport coat and drapes it around her shoulders. She thanks him with a smile and slides her arms through the sleeves, humming softly before she takes his hand again. They stop on a bridge in a wooded area, and the tiny lights set in among the boards of the bridge make Parker’s eyes sparkle and Spencer feels his heart stutter in his ribcage.
    “I’m really glad you could come.” He says as they lean against the railing. She grins up at him, then leans her head on his shoulder lightly.
    “Like I’d miss your college graduation.” She returns, scoffing playfully. He chuckles and winds an arm around her shoulders, holding her to him. She turns to face him then, wrapping both of her arms around his lean waist, and he rests his cheek to her hair. “I was really worried you’d figure it out and the surprise would be ruined.”
    “I think you’re the only person who can surprise me at this point.” He muses, twisting a lock of her hair around his finger lightly. She hums and tips her head up, watching him quietly for a moment. When he looks down and meets her gaze, she’s smiling tenderly, but he’s surprised to see tears shining in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” He asks, trying not to panic. She shakes her head and smiles a little wider, squeezing him tightly for a moment.
    “Nothing’s wrong.” She promises softly. “I’m just.. I’m so proud of you. You know that, right?” She sniffles a little and he turns in her arms, settling both of his around her shoulders gently and brushing her hair back lightly.
    “I know.” He murmurs, tipping his head. As the backs of his fingers brush against her cheek, he watches her lean into his touch just so. He’s not entirely sure what possesses him to do it, but before he has time to think about it, he’s leaning down and pressing the softest of kisses to her mouth. He feels her stiffen just so, hears her inhale sharply, and he leans back suddenly, eyes wide, and starts stuttering apologies. Parker is staring at him, her eyes wide, her grip around him loosening just so, and he thinks he’s ruined everything, but then -
    Oh, but then. Then she’s reaching up and cupping his cheeks and pulling him back down for another kiss. It’s his turn to be surprised, because he’s not sure what made him kiss her in the first place, but the last thing he expected was for her to kiss him back. But she is, and he’s losing the moment thinking about it, so he winds his arms around her waist and pulls her close, returning her kiss.
    When they break apart, they’re both breathless and a little giggly, and Parker feels like she did the time her parents let her drink a whole glass of champagne at her cousin’s wedding. And Spencer, for all his facts and statistics, understands what people mean when they say there are fireworks when you kiss, or that they’re floating on cloud nine, or any other age-old adage about being with the person you love.
    Things are different after that, but in a good way. When Spencer comes home from CalTech and starts working on his doctorate, there are stolen glances between the two of them that everyone else pretends not to notice. Nobody says anything when the two of them sneak off together for a walk or when they return and they’re both a little flushed and giggly. Nobody is surprised when Parker asks Spencer to be her date to her junior prom, and nobody is surprised when he says yes.
    She won’t tell him what her dress looks like, just enough so he can match his tie to it and find the right sort of flowers. The polaroid she gives him of the fabric is a beautiful wine red, and he knows that whatever it is, it’s going to look stunning on her and she’ll look like a princess, and when he tells her all of this, she blushes and giggles and pushes his shoulder.
    He’s the first one to congratulate her when she gets cast as Maria in her school’s production of The Sound of Music, and he sits with her for hours, helping her go over her lines and listening to her practice her songs, and he falls in love with her a little more every time she opens her mouth and sings about brown paper packages tied up with strings. They lay in bed together and he plays with her hair while she reads through his thesis, and he can’t help but think that this is how he wants it to be forever. And he doesn’t know it, but her thoughts are the same as she plays with his hair and he helps her run lines and she stares down at him adoringly.
    The first time he tells her he loves her, she’s sound asleep in his arms in the hammock in her backyard. Or at least, he thinks she is. In reality, she’s wide awake, but she keeps her eyes closed. They’re swinging lazily in the October sun, a blanket draped over them loosely, and he’s been working on his thesis again while she reads Emily Dickinson poems quietly and the sun starts to set. Eventually, she sets her book aside and he puts his paper down and she tucks herself against him, resting her cheek to his chest, her ear just above his heart.
    He plays with her hair slowly, watching her with tender eyes as she lays against him, and he whispers it when he thinks she’s fallen asleep. She knows that he thinks she’s asleep, and she lets him continue to think that, though she scoots a little closer and holds him a little tighter in the seconds after. It doesn’t take long for them both to actually fall asleep.
    The first time he loses her, he’s seventeen. It’s November third, he’s almost done with his doctorate, and they’re making plans for Thanksgiving. He walks her home after school and helps her with her homework, like usual, and eventually he goes back to his house across the street. He bids her goodnight with a gentle kiss on the cheek and she watches to make sure he gets inside okay before she closes and locks the door. The rest of her evening routine goes without a hitch and when she crawls into bed that night, it’s with thoughts of the musical and her parents and the genius across the street.
    Spencer isn’t entirely sure what happens in the next few hours, but he knows that she doesn’t go to school the next day. Or the day after that. Or the day after that. According to her school, they received an email from her parents informing them that she has the flu and they’ll be keeping her home for a week or so - but Spencer knows that’s not true, because her parents are out of town visiting one of her dad’s friends from college, and Parker had been totally fine when he’d seen her Tuesday night.
    When Spencer Reid reports Parker O’Hare missing, she is sixteen years old, has hair the color of honey held up to the sun, and her eyes are green like new buds in the spring.
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donatello-writes · 5 years
TMNT x Reader - His Favorite Thing
Spending time with your turtle bae couldn’t be more fun, and he is beyond excited to share the enjoyment of his favorite activity with you.
-You go to a local Sci-Fi convention -It's his first time going to one...obviously -And he is beyond excited -Has the whole day planned out, knows each table and event that he wants to hit -He is pretending to be in costume -Elated that he is able to walk around amongst humans freely without causing a panic -‎Also, sooo much Sci-fi! -‎He is geeking out big time -Points and gasps at pretty much everything, eyes filled with pure joy -‎Holds your hand, squeezing it a little due to nerves -‎His enormous green hand swallows yours up -Draws A LOT of attention, he was expecting this -‎Gets stopped by everyone and their brother for pictures -Tries hard not to laugh when people compliment him on how realistic his "makeup" and "prosthetics" are -‎He's a terrible actor -‎His ruse would be transparent -‎If not for the impossibility of there actually being giant mutant turtle men -‎When asked what he is, he says that he's an OC -‎Came up with an elaborate backstory for his "character" -‎He's part of an alien turtle race from Voltron -‎Had Mikey draw a picture of him to show people as a reference -‎You're both exhausted by the time you get back to the Lair -‎But god do you look amazing in your Princess Allura costume -‎Pulls you into a kiss -‎It only escalates from there -‎You're the perfect Princess Allura -‎Costume stays ON
Leo -Sword fighting -Using bamboo swords...because safety first -‎Insists you wear padding as well -‎Gives you a quick overview of the history of sword fighting -‎Has a chalkboard with visuals depicting various stances -‎Mikey helped with drawing them...he did most if it -‎There's one drawing that looks especially wonky -‎That's the one Leo did -‎After a while you're feeling confident in your new sword fighting abilities -You tell him to show no mercy -Psssht, he's not doing that -‎Agrees, but is definitely holding back -‎He wants to teach you to do his art well, but not at the cost of hurting you -‎You call him "Sensei" -Hoo boy, does he ever like that -You pin him to the ground, he raises his hands in surrender -‎"I have been defeated, failing my master...Now there is nothing left for me to do, but end it all!" -‎He says, purposefully mismatching his words and lip movements -‎*Kill Bill siren goes off* -‎Proceeds to commit bamboo sword seppuku -‎You drop to your knees -‎WHYYY??? He was so young! -‎You cling to him -‎"Leonardo...you will never know this, but...I was never your enemy. The truth is...I've always loved you!" You exclaim, clutching him as tears roll down your cheeks. -‎You also commit bamboo sword seppuku -‎Collapsing dramatically on top of Leo -‎HYCCK BLARGH -‎Mikey and Raph were your audience -Erupt into uproarious applause -‎A single tear escapes Raph's eye -‎End scene -Raph and Mikey leave -‎But what's that?! It turns out that you faked your own deaths! Plot twist. -‎Time for some fun on the tatami mat
Raph  -You take him on a midnight trip to your 24 hour gym -Lock all the doors, cover the windows, and put up a sign that reads: "Closed for Renovations" -Just in case -You also bring along a memory wiping device graciously provided by Donnie -To take care of those pesky security cameras -Raph is so pumped to get pumped -‎All he has at the Lair are free weights and a bench press -Sooo many new toys -‎Doesn't know where to start -Like a kid at Christmas -Loads up a machine with a ridiculous amount of weight and tells you to lift it -Doesn't understand why you can't do it, that's nothing...for him -Perhaps it's best you workout separately -‎You're doing squats -‎Houston, we have a problem -He was in the middle of doing heavy bicep curls -‎Almost dropped the barbell on his feet -‎He's too distracted, needs to wait until you're done before he continues -"Staph wit tha squats, I'm havin' a problem concentratin' ovah here!" -Fitspo selfie time -At first, he wants nothing to do with that -But after you take a few pictures -Suddenly he's mister Arnold Classic with the cheesy flexing poses -‎You ask him if he wants to do cardio, maybe the treadmill -‎He offers a different suggestion for cardio -‎You both adjourn to the shower room
Mikey -Initially wanted to teach you how to hoverboard -‎Took some convincing from Leo and Donnie to go with a safer option -‎Surfing it is -‎On a secluded beach -‎Because the whole giant mutant turtle man situation -‎For once, his terminology is appropriate to the activity -‎Offers to rub lotion on you -‎Less about sun safety, more of an excuse to grope you -‎Majorly beefs it on a big wave while trying to show off -‎Sea turtle encounter -‎"Sup, cuz!" -The animal does not know what to make of him, and swims away in fear -Wants to be buried in the sand -Aiming to recreate that "sand guardian" vine -You reenact is with perfect precision -Never actually taught you how to surf -You don't mind, you still had a great time -You sneak into a hotel on the beach -A friend of yours who works at the hotel scored you the keys to the deluxe suite -Pillow fort time -Just like in that Katy Perry song -‎He starts singing "Teenage Dream" completely out of key -Undeniably bad at singing, but still somehow manages to be utterly adorable while doing it -Time to raid the mini bar -"I feel like a giant with these tiny bottles of booze" -The mini bar has been cleaned out -Drunken revelry ensues, along with kisses -You both retire to the pillow fort for some amorous activities -Hangs "Do not Disturb" sign on it
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acelikesturtles · 4 years
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“Ice Cream Sunday”
Prompt: Depression Comfort One-shot feat. Olivia & the Turts
Warnings: Lots of internal reflection about depression and mental health stuff. Also there’s like one curse word, maybe more, I don’t remember??
Word Count: 1,783
A/N: The formatting on the original post got royally FUCKED as always and near gave me a heart attack when I realized what I did. Hope you don’t mind @dw-im-just-sad​! I also hope that there are sunnier days ahead for you, I too have been struggling with a depression episode recently (which is part of why the drabble for this prompt is coming in a little later than I’d have liked it to), so I definitely know at least some of the feeling. <3
Lazy Sundays were normally pretty good in Olivia’s mind.
The lack of obligations, the peace and quiet paired with the promise of a more fun night ahead when the boys got finished training or doing whatever it is they did during the day. Today’s Lazy Sunday didn’t feel as good though, if anything it made her feel worse the more that she was a part of it. Staring up at the ceiling of the lair, her mind felt simultaneously numb and tired while still managing to be alive with an uncomfortable amount of unaddressed emotions.
Aside from the laid back bliss that came with a Lazy Sunday, this was supposed to be her happy place. Although the initial experience of the stench when she came in was (and always would be) unforgiveable, her nose became adjusted to it until it was practically background noise amidst the experience of being with the turtles. Their little home environment was always so loving and warm, a spot where she could escape or run away from a world that felt so harsh and anxiety-inducing and instead surround herself with people that eased her into smiling even when life was at its most difficult.
Even if the lair was usually a safe and happy place for her, it didn’t mean that it cancelled out the rest of her own very prominent emotions, particularly right now. Reluctantly, Olivia had to admit that this was probably her depression again, baring its teeth and looking for a fight that she didn’t have the energy to start. It wasn't like it ever went away when she met the boys, if anything it just enjoyed burying itself like an ostrich in the sand when they were around before pulling its head back up when they weren't. It didn’t quite like company as much. After all, it was infinitely easier to take her down when she was alone.
Blinking slowly, she recognized that while there may not have been one singular reason for the depression to start bubbling up, its persistence despite her attempts at distracting herself from it probably meant that it would be there to stay for a while, or at least until she found a big enough distraction to offset the emotions and the experiences. The boys had said they wanted to run a movie marathon once the day’s activities were over, so that would probably help. Or at least she hoped it would.
Olivia ran her hand down her face and let out a deep and shaky breath. The weight of her own emotions started nudging her closer to tears, and she gave in rather reluctantly. She tried to be quiet, only letting one or two tears out so she wouldn’t break into a full out sob. This wasn't the place to cry and be sad, this was the party pad and nobody cries when they're in the party pad, Mikey had said it himself one time.
Right as she was about to get up off the couch she had been curled up on to get herself a glass of water, her eyes quickly met with Mikey's. He was hovering over her now, a few beads of sweat on his forehead running down the side of his face. Their training session must have been particularly brutal today if even Mikey was sweating. Normally that was reserved for Donnie, he tended to get winded a little bit faster given the brutal workout routine Splinter kept them on.
"Are you crying, dude?"
"No," Olivia said defensively. She sat up so she wouldn't have to feel like she was under a magnifying glass quite as much as she did with Mikey peering down at her from over the back of the couch. "I'm tired, that's all."
"Nah, nah, dude you were crying, I can see it in your eyes they’re all red and stuff," Mikey seemed really insistent with one hand reaching for and firmly grasping her shoulder. His face seemed more empathetic than it did confrontational. "What's wrong? You can talk to me."
A jumbled mess of every last thing that had ever felt wrong or ever been wrong throughout her entire life flashed in front of her mind. It wasn’t like one specific reason stood as the answer to why she felt like this, it was more like an unfortunate combination of it all that left her drained, and had been leaving her drained for years now. She frowned, then looked down at her jeans and began picking at the worn frays of denim at the bottom of her pant legs. Talking about it would just get complicated, especially to Mikey. He oozed pure light and joy almost all the time, would he really understand what this kind of thing felt like?
"Seriously Mikey, its not that bad, just feeling kinda off I guess. I'll be okay."
Mikey narrowed his eyes at her before thrusting himself over the back of the couch and onto the cushions to join her. Clearly he wasn’t buying it. “Its okay to cry, I do too,” He said softly. His own openness to admitting his emotions was remarkable seeing as . “He wouldn’t wanna admit it, but Raph does too at those puppy commercials.”
“ASPCA Ads.” Donnie interrupted through a sigh. He had been sitting in his desk nearly the entire time, typing away at something important while monitoring the security cameras. As for how he managed to get out of today’s training, she didn’t know, but he at least had seemed to be enjoying his little vacation time away. He got up from his chair and plopped himself down criss-cross on the floor in front of them, whispering, “Sometimes we gotta flip the channel cause he gets all worked up seeing them. But you didn’t hear that.”
Olivia couldn’t help but smile, even if it was just a weak smirk that tugged at the corners of her lips. That sounded like Raph alright, the boy had a soft spot for pit bulls and other big tough seeming dogs and seeing them suffering in kennels all alone would probably pull at every last heartstring he didn’t even know he had.
“I better not have heard you say what I just think I did.” The now looming shadow over her spoke. She turned her head and saw it was Raph, who only peeled his eyes away from Donnie for a moment to look down at Olivia. Suddenly the thought of beefing with Donnie outside for embarrassing him didn’t seem as important to him once he caught sight of her puffy and reddened eyes. “Are you crying?”
“Fine.” She gave in. “Yeah, I am, but its fine, seriously. Don’t worry about it.” Olivia sighed. “Sometimes I...I don’t know, I just feel like this, no reason to worry.”
“Nah, I ain’t worrying, just wanna make sure its not because of one of these two knuckleheads.” Raph responded coolly before shoving at Mikey playfully and pushing him off the couch so he could sit. “Why are you feeling like that though?”
“I don’t know,” Olivia sighed. “I just do sometimes. It doesn’t really ever go away, just subsides for a little while."
A couple moments of silence filled the air, only punctuated by the sounds of Leo's footsteps as he joined the conversation and sat down beside Donnie. "What's going on?" He asked, looking from brother to brother.
"Olivia's been feeling super sad and its bumming her out." Mikey answered, rolling onto his back.
Great. Now everybody was on her case. Olivia braced herself for the long and draining conversation that was bound to be ahead about why she was actually sad and why she had depression when her life “wasn't as bad as some other people”. She had heard it all before and none of it helped, it only made her feel worse, like she was a weight that everyone else was forced to carry.
"Is there any way we could help?" Leo asked. His expression seemed genuine, as if he was coming from a place of understanding rather than judgement. As her gaze drifted over each brother she noticed a similar strain of understanding and friendly compassion behind their eyes (except for Mikey, who was still laid back on his shell waving his arms back and forth as if he were making snow angels.) Even the usually closed off Raphael, who seemed particularly invested in what she might suggest.
Olivia didn’t really know what would help if she was honest with herself, but maybe there was some merit behind the thought that their genuine desire to help her could take the edge away for the time being or push her out of the storm clouds she had been sitting under. Her gaze once again drifted across the room to each turtle, hesitating to answer as she parted and closed her lips again. What would help?
“I don’t know.” She answered truthfully, feeling a little embarrassed at her own lack of an answer yet again. There had to be something, she just didn’t know what it was, couldn’t place her finger on it. Crawling out of one of these depressive episodes was a process, not something that happened overnight.
“That’s okay!” Mikey said, now sitting back up and pointing a set of finger guns at her. “We can help until you do know.”
"We could all use a little company when we're not feeling good." Don smiled.
“Not going anywhere until you’re feeling better.” Raph nodded in agreement.
Small waves of relief washed over Olivia’s body. The numbest parts of her mind began to feel a little more warm and relaxed. The turtles didn’t know the full extent of how much their friendship meant to her, or the positive effect they had on her most crushed and beaten down psyche. Despite maybe not entirely understanding, they were still able to offer a hand out in peace, something that reminded her of why she so often called the lair her second home. This was a happy place, a party pad, a place to have a good time like Mikey always said. But Olivia saw another side of the lair too now.
This could be a place where she was able to cry and feel her emotions while still having a support system at her side by the end of the day.
Although she still felt pretty shit, Olivia finally had something on her mind that she felt like could help her, even if it was just a little. “Movies and ice cream.” She said softly, rubbing her puffy eyes. As Mikey excitedly got up to fulfill the ice cream part of her request, she shouted after him.
“Two scoops!”
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zrtranscripts · 5 years
Season 8, Mission 13: On The Rocks
Here we stand
SAM YAO: Janine, I'm really not sure you should be pushing yourself like this.
JANINE DE LUCA: Saying it a 38th time will not discourage me any more than the previous 37, Mr. Yao.
SAM YAO: Look, a few days ago you could barely stand, and now you're running around like nothing's wrong. The potion Five got from the scientists on Dearg might have slowed down the nanites, but you're still... [sigh] I mean, you're not well, Janine. I can tell by looking at you.
JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Yao, since Jones destroyed the armory, zombies have been encroaching on this island in ones and twos. We now have run out of what little ammunition survived Jones' attack. The patrols at the caves can no longer fend off the zombies approaching from the sea.
Reports from last night suggest that the previously dormant zombies on Niomh Island are on the move. Fewer zombies are visible on the island. Several have been observed walking into the sea. All indication is that there is a large horde headed toward Mor Island underwater.
We have no effective weapons, no cure, and no support coming. As the most experienced tactical mind on this island, it would be grossly irresponsible for me to spend this time reclining!
SAM YAO: Well... yeah. Okay. I mean, I can't argue the point. But still!
JANINE DE LUCA: Five, plans are underway for a defense against the coming horde, but time is short. I will brief you on our strategy as we make the final preparations. Our first stop is with Dr. Cohen in the center of town. Let's go.
[crowd chatters]
JANINE DE LUCA: Keep going through the town square, Five. As you can see, the streets are abuzz with people evacuating their houses. Dr. Cohen ought to be near the clock tower, coordinating the effort.
MORAG BROWN: You're ordering these people to leave their homes!
PAULA COHEN: We discussed this at the town hall, Morag. We can't defend a town of this size.
MORAG BROWN: Some families have had these homes for generations. It's our right to die where we've lived!
JANINE DE LUCA: Dr. Cohen. Miss Brown, nobody has to die here. We are putting a plan in place.
MORAG BROWN: And if you had any confidence in this plan, you wouldn't be sending all the children off the island in rowboats!
JANINE DE LUCA: Miss Brown, we are decamping as many as we can to secure buildings in the archipelago. There simply aren't enough boats to get everyone out in time. Everyone else must relocate to the laird's residence. It's the largest and most secure building on the isle.
MORAG BROWN: Don't you think I bloody know that? Do you not see I'm just bloody terrified? Bloody outsiders. Judgment Day comes and you expect the blitz bloody spirit from everyone in sight. And you, William Donny! I see you trying to load a stereo into that wheelbarrow.
SAM YAO: She's got a point, Janine. These people are scared. They think they're going to die.
JANINE DE LUCA: That's why it's important they see us here, readying to defend them.
PAULA COHEN: Here. Jody got the local carpenters to break down all the furniture we could find to make arrows. There's about a hundred in the bags. You shouldn't be on your feet, Janine. I trust Sam's been going on about it?
SAM YAO: I really have.
JANINE DE LUCA: I trust you are wiser than he, Dr. Cohen.
PAULA COHEN: It's your choice, Janine. I know how frustrating it is to fight your own body.
JANINE DE LUCA: As with any battle, Doctor, it begins with squaring one's mindset. Come on, Five. These arrows are needed on the beach, and we must deliver them. Run!
[zombie moans, bow string stretches, arrow thuds into zombie skull]
JODY MARSH: Good shot, Dr. Hines! Right in the forehead of that zombie.
JANINE DE LUCA: Miss Marsh, how goes the archery?
JODY MARSH: We've got zombies shambling onto the beach in small groups. This dune is pretty good for taking them out. It overlooks the surf. And of the six islanders who've volunteered to learn archery, turns out four are pretty good.
SAM YAO: Can you see the birds, Janine? I don't have any cams on Faoileig Sands.
[seagulls caw]
JANINE DE LUCA: We see them. See that huge vortex of gulls on the horizon, Five? Those birds mark the zombie approach. There's a large horde underwater and bits of their flesh are drifting to the surface, attracting scavengers. Miss Marsh, we bring you arrows from town. The evacuation is underway. How long can your archers hold this beach?
JODY MARSH: We're okay dealing with small numbers, but when the bulk of that horde arrives...
JANINE DE LUCA: Understood. Your job is to buy the evacuation as much time as you can, then fall back. That is phase one of the plan. Watch out for that large man carrying a log, Runner Five!
SAM YAO: And who is he, exactly?
JODY MARSH: That's Albert. Hebrides caber tossing champion three years running. He's going to chuck logs at the zoms when we fall back, buy us extra time to get away.
JANINE DE LUCA: Local ingenuity at its finest. Come along, Five. Our next stop is the laird, and he won't want us to be late. Run.
[crowd chatters]
JANINE DE LUCA: There's the laird's manor, Five. Rather reminds me of a boarding school I once infiltrated. And that's the laird, addressing the crowd at his door.
LAIRD REID: Everybody into the house! There's plenty of room to spare. We've got blankets and board games. Please don't touch anything that looks more than a hundred years old! Colonel De Luca, as directed, the townspeople are flocking into my humble home. [metal clatters] Oi, that was a 16th century suit of armor! Try to be careful!
JANINE DE LUCA: It looks like you have things under control.
LAIRD REID: I have the [?] you requested. The accordion and pipes from my family's musical collection. Jones has brought a terrible darkness to this island, Colonel. I cannot thank you enough for working to destroy – [glass shatters] Excuse me. I must keep the crowd under control.
SAM YAO: Uh, just got an update from Jody, Janine. She says the gulls are over halfway to shore.
JANINE DE LUCA: Then we must hurry. I expect you're curious about the musical instruments, Five. They are phase two. Chief Macallan is awaiting them near the wind farm. Run.
[music from various instruments including bagpipes]
JANINE DE LUCA: There's Chief Macallan, Five, by that stream just east of the wind farm.
SAM YAO: Yeah, I've got cams up in the area. Looks like the chief has all his deputies with him, and – the church choir? All playing instruments! Fiddles, drums, horns. Like a really weird folk band.
JANINE DE LUCA: This is phase two, Five. Chief Macallan and those locals are an improvised noisemaker. [shouts]
DUNCAN MACALLAN: Colonel De Luca, are you all right?
JANINE DE LUCA: Just a sprain, Chief Macallan. I assume Dr. Cohen delivered my briefing to you?
DUNCAN MACALLAN: Paula stopped by the station first thing this morning. As I understand it, we're just to stand here and make lots of noise.
JANINE DE LUCA: The zombies must be pulled well away from the laird's manor. You will create noise to draw them to this location. It's vital you do not let them get too close to you or your people. The instant you hear moans in the distance, you must drop your instruments and withdraw.
DUNCAN MACALLAN: Aye, to the caves half a mile from here, you said. You're sure we can hide there from the zoms?
JANINE DE LUCA: This spot was chosen for its proximity to a good hiding place, and the zombies will be preoccupied by our final distraction.
DUNCAN MACALLAN: Colonel, safeguarding this island should be my job. Jones, and now this...
JANINE DE LUCA: We rise to the occasion, Chief. I have no doubt you will. Five, next is our final stop. the cliffs to the south. With me. Run!
JANINE DE LUCA: These cliffs are rather dramatic, aren't they, Five? [laughs]
SAM YAO: Jody just checked in, Janine. More and more zoms are coming ashore.
JANINE DE LUCA: Understood, Mr. Yao. Look to your left, Five. See Shona and that group of islanders? More volunteer defenders. They're equipped with pitchforks in case of combat, but combat is not the plan. [zombies moans] Look to your right. There is a zombie secured to a boulder with rope, caught by Tom wandering a beach this morning. It is safe. Tom is standing vigil with a claymore.
SAM YAO: That is one very Highlander sword. Only sharp weapon in the laird's collection, apparently.
TOM DE LUCA; We're all ready for the demonstration. I could perform the demo instead, Janine, if you need it.
JANINE DE LUCA: What I need, Tom, is to feel like myself. I'm an asset, never a burden.
TOM DE LUCA: Janie, you're saving this whole island! You'll always be asset condition 1. All right, I'm going to cut all but one of the rope lines restraining the zombie, then stand back. It won't take long for the zom to break free of the final rope.
JANINE DE LUCA: Five, you take position over there. I will stay here. Shona's already seen a McShell maneuver in action. Now you and I will demonstrate it to the rest. When the zombie is free, you run right, and I go left. The zombie will be caught in the middle and will march over the cliff. Don't worry about me, Five. I know I can do this!
TOM DE LUCA: Ropes cut. The zombie's breaking free. That didn't take long. It's going straight for you!
JANINE DE LUCA: Five, run!
[zombie growls]
JANINE DE LUCA: Good job, Five. That zombie went straight over the cliff.
SHONA: So there you go, folks. That's what a McShell maneuver looks like. The zombie just gets caught in the middle.
TOM DE LUCA: Zombies get rather confused when prey is equidistant. They just keep going in a straight line.
JANINE DE LUCA: Hence plan three of our defense strategy. Once Chief Macallan lures the zombies to a designated point, Five and I will close in on them from either side. We will herd them over this cliff to smash on the rocks below.
SAM YAO: It's tricky to keep a McShell stable for long, Janine. What if something goes wrong?
JANINE DE LUCA: That is what Shona and her volunteers are for. Now that they've seen how it's done, if Five and I fail, Tom can lead them in making a second attempt.
SHONA: The rocks down there should be enough to splat the zoms when they go over, but just in case, some of us climbed down this morning and coiled barbed wire nets over the rocks. Any zoms that don't get pulped will get tangled up in it. The tides'll tear them apart.
JANINE DE LUCA: A very sensible additional defense.
SHONA: Least we can do when you're doing so much for us.
SAM YAO: Got another update from the beach, Janine. The horde's almost there.
JANINE DE LUCA: And our plan is in place. Miss Marsh delays the zombies, Chief Macallan lures them, and Five and I throw them off a cliff. I won't lie, the chances of every element working as intended are slim. We must perform at our best. I have seen enough communities fall to the zombie apocalypse. I do not intend to see another! On this island, here and now, this is where we make a stand!
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tmnt-underground · 6 years
Baby Daddy Raphael!
I was looking around at some tmnt fan cannons n’ stuff and I wanted to do my own little family/ father Cannon thing, so hope you like.
Also here are some little headcanons from other people I like, check them out please: tmntsworld
Also there might be a little bit of bad grammar, so I’ll try my best to go through and correct myself, hope you enjoy.
Note: if you see “(y/c/n)” it means “Your child’s name” I don’t know if there’s any other way to put it, but that’s what I’m gonna use.
Also all characters are 18+
But apologies ahead, sorry for the bad grammar.
Having a single child
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- Being careful and gentle as he can be. “I-it’s okay, daddys got you…”
- Sweet talking the baby, pretty much baby talk. “D'aww, Raph I love it when you do the baby talk thing.” His face turns a little red “S-so?” He continue talking with the baby.
- Imagine his big hands holding his small baby. He Smiles looking down at his child and Whispers “I’ll always protect you.” Raph kisses the child’s forehead gently.
- When his significant other is away (Expecially around bedtime do to work or other things) he has a bit of a hard time getting the baby to sleep or eat certain foods, luckily for him he has his brothers to help out a little.
- Leo’s help: Leo is really good getting the baby to relax and go to sleep, of course do to his calm nature.
- Donnie’s help: Donnie is pretty good at getting the baby to eat, as he’d pretend to eat the babies food or do something like, the airplane spoon trick.
- Mikey’s help: Mikey is really good at distracting the baby if Raph or his significant other are a little past tired or have to go out for work-related stuff or a date, pretty much a free babysitter (Or pizza will do for payment, whichever works).
If they’re twins
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- Raph was expecting just one child, then having two come out at once, he wasn’t ready for that, but none the less, he loves them both.
- Being a father-of-two now, it’s a bit difficult, but he loves the challenge, even with the constant crying and diaper cleaning, luckily he has his spouse and family to help.
- imagine him fumbling around trying to answer his phone while holding the twins, as one is pulling on his face and the other one squirming and crying. “H-hey Leo… No i-i’m fine, everything is great…. No I don’t need your help!”
- Giving the baby’s each raspberries after diaper change. “There you’re both all cleaned up!” He blows raspberries on their tummy’s “Yes you’re!” You giggled, he asked “What?” As you recorded this tender moment you said “it’s just so cute watching you play with the babies like that.” He smiled.
- Walking into the bedroom to let Raph know food is ready, just to see him passed out with the babies on the bed. You smile and pull out your phone to take a picture to show him later.
- Even if he is tired, hearing his children in distress, even if it’s 2 a.m. he’ll be up in a blink of an eye, sometimes it gets a little obnoxious. The babies started crying, Raph runs in with a loud thud coming through the door “Daddy’s here, what’s wrong?!” You walk in, bags under your eyes and scratching your neck “They’re probably just hungry or might need a diaper change.” You said, Raph picks up the babies “Shh~ shhh~ I got you know…” he holds them close to him.
Having more than one child
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- Having more than one child over the course of a few years is rewarding to him, teaching them how to defend themselves, being around them and sometimes, he loves showing them off.
- Imagine him at the playground, tending to the youngest child, as the oldest child is trying to get his attention by climbing up to the tallest slide to jump off. “Dad!… DAD!” (y/k/n) yelled, Raph grunts out “One moment please!” (y/k/n) glared, Raph turns his head and to see his kid about to jump off the slide, as fast as he could, he ran, to catch the child before hitting the ground, he was mad “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!… GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK LIKE THAT!!” Raph carried the child off over to the bench “Don’t ever do that again….”
- Don’t mess with his kids! Seriously don’t, he doesn’t care how old you are, who’s going to believe you, that you got your butt kicked by a giant green mutant turtle? Hah! Though it would be more of a scare than a butt kicking.
- Imagine him holding a newborn and one of the older children crawling over next to him to look at the new baby. Raph smile’s looking over at the older child “So what do you think of your new sibling?” He asked, the child has a sideways smile and say’s “Where do babies come from anyway?” Raphs face lit up “Uh honey!” You giggled and pulled the older child towards you “Let’s go see if Donnie got the cookies are done.” The child smiles and runs into the kitchen.
- kids on leashes, he knows it’s degrading in a way but it keeps the kids from hurting themselves. “No I don’t care, even when you turn 15 years old, you will still be wearing this leash!” He grunted out as the older kids are pulling on the leashes in different directions, the baby strapped to his chest.
- Sometimes he’ll notice some odd Hobbies his kids have, like walking past the kids room and seeing a whole bunch of rocks and sand in their room, they don’t even live near beach. Raph mumbles to himself as he leans against the door “Where the hell did they get the sand?…” He looks around the room.
- Imagine him teaching the kids how to be more flexible, with the help of Leo and Splinter. “There you go, you’re doing great, a natural!” He turned around to help with this children and groans seeing his older child “N-no your gonna pull a muscle that way…” Splinter laughed and said “Impatient, just like his father was.” Looking at Raph get frustrated trying to help his kid “Maybe still a little inpatient.” Leo laughed in agreement.
Having only daughters.
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- Imagine him having girly girls for daughters: there would be glitter, pink and stickers everywhere, probably not just pink but rainbows, painting his nails, coloring on his shell and putting stickers all over it, but he still loves his little girls none the less, even if he doesn’t know how to get rid of the glitter.
- Imagine him having tomboys for daughters: he can do sports, he likes sports just as much as his daughters do and can teach his daughters all kinds of neat tricks him and his brothers did, but if his daughters want to do ballet instead, he’ll be there.
- One of his daughters walking in, with a pink princess dress on and asking if she can help fix his motorcycle with him. Raph hears little footsteps he looks over his shoulder and see’s his little princess “Hey there sweetie, what can I do for you?” He asked wiping grease off his hands, she looks at the motorcycle and asked “Can I help you fix it?…” Raph smiled “Yeah, you can help me fix up the motorcycle, but your get your pretty dress all dirty.” She gets closer and sits down beside her father “I don’t care, let’s fix it!” Raph smile’s.
- A little girl with a tomboyish demeanor is wanting to try out a few art classes or ballet, but is known for more rough activities and is a little more apprehensive to do anything more on the delicate side of thing’s, but Raph is having none of that and encourages her to do more things she what’s to do, even if it is seems more girly. “D-daddy?…” A little voice spoke up, Raph turned around “Yes hon?” He asked, she looks down at her feet “I was wondering if I could do ballet…” Raph places hand on top of her head, she looks up at her father as he said “You can do whatever you want, let’s go tell (y/n).” He holds her hand as they walk into the other room.
- Teaching his daughter self-defense is highly important to him, but teaching them how to become a Kunoichi and continuing the family traditions is an honor, but now Raphael understands why splinter would be so worried about his son’s leaving to fight bad guys or could get caught and captured, but if it’s his daughter’s desire to be coming Kunoichi, of course he’ll teach them, because it’ll be amazing heroes.
Having only Sons. 
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- Video games, sports and other things, Raph can totally connect with his sons over this, having brothers of his own, this shouldn’t be difficult right? “Dad, DAD!” He starts poking his father’s arm, Raph looks at his child “What is it?” He smiled, his son was excited to tell his father “I wanna learn how to knit, can i, can I?” Raph laughs, discouraging his son a little, then he says “I’m the master of knitting my son!” And starts teaching his son how to knit.
- Do to boys being a little more rougher, Raph and his sons like to wrestle, even if one of his sons are not physically stronger than the others, he’ll spend the time to teach him a few things. “Just because you’re physically not stronger than you brothers, doesn’t mean you can’t outwit them.” Something Raph had to learn the hard way.
- Imagine Raphael roughhousing with his sons, when one of them uses a sneak attack and he pretends like he’s been injured. “Ahh you got me!” He dramatically falls on the floor, one of his sons yelled “YOU KILLED HIM!” they run over and tumble on top of their father, Raph started laughing at them “Haha! I love you little guys…”
- Playing dress up with his sons, Raphael showing them his cool guy outfits and them trying on his oversized jackets and shirts as Raphael take some pictures for your scrapbook. “I wanna wear daddies leather jacket!” The boys started fighting over the leather jacket, Raphael smiles and opens up part of the closet revealing more jackets “Here you go, have at it!” Raphael said, the boys got excited and rushed in.
- He is worried about his boys becoming ninjas and leaving the safety of the home to fight bad guys, as his father was and still is, but self-defense is important to him, even if they don’t want to be ninjas, he know they’ll be amazing heroes.
Well that took way to long to make…. I’m gonna make 6 more!
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remmushound · 3 years
Beyond the Bay chapter 4: Dinosaurs seen in sewers!
Commander Mozar hated everything about this planet. From the thick green foliage disrupting the simple gray of the city’s landscape to the sweet taste of the air, everything about this planet reeked of inhospitality. He thought such a cold place should be nothing more than a snowy wasteland, like some of the other planets his kind had tried to lay claim to that experienced similar temperature. This planet wasn’t one of those; it was crawling with Federation scum, and under the very feet of these knockoffs were vermin at considerable numbers. The entire settlement seemed to be infested and he wouldn’t be surprised if the entire world had similar plagues. Filthy, lower life-forms spreading disease and devouring food that could be used to feed the higher life forms that dominated the savage landscape; perhaps it would make sense for some of them to be spared for the purpose of farming if these aliens were omnivorous, but there were far too many here, and far too small to be practical for hunting! He failed to see how these hominids, as his scanners reported them, had yet to destroy such creatures. Then again, they weren’t a very advanced race compared to his .
The commander snorted and shook his head, giving a bellow to call his soldiers to his side. The Prime Leader had made it clear that they should at least try to stay out of sight; they didn't want another potential enemy on their hands. Mozar didn't understand the command; these hominids were obviously no threat to them. They had hardly even gotten out of their backyard as far as space travel went, and they had no claws or fangs. They were incredibly small, and slow, and clumsy. Still, the Prime Leader knew best and Commander Mozar made every attempt to be as silent as possible during their harvest of the rare and precious element that this planet harbored.
While Zark and Zeno took up their posts on either side of the long stone pathway, pinned between two large structures, Zog and Traximus took their positions over the manhole. From his shoulders, Zog pulled out a metal carver, holding onto one of the handles while Traximus gripped the other. The power of both bull triceratons was enough to crack the stone beneath them, forcing the blades into the earth, and together they started to turn the wheel at a slow pace to slice through rock and metal. A solid clank told them of their success, and they lifted both machine and stone from the earth to reveal a new, much more suitable entrance for them. They tossed the stone aside and Zog returned the carver to its place on his back.
Traximus opened his mouth, drawing in a deep breath of the terra’s sweet air and the putrid odor coming from the hidden tunnel they had just revealed.
“It stinks of rot and waste in there.” He reported to his commander with a low rumble.
“Then breath through your nose, Traximus.” Was Commander Mozar’s response. Another deep chuff called Zark and Zeno to rejoin the herd. After Commander Mozar leaped down into the tunnel, sinking knee-deep into the waste below, the rest of his unit were quick to follow.
Traximus groaned and readjusted the mask over his nose, taking a deep, slow breath of the familiar, homely burn of his world’s atmosphere. His chest refused to work as well with the pressured gravity of the terra planet, his breath much shallower than what his body would prefer. He couldn’t wait to return to the mothership, where he could breathe and move again without the weight of his body pushing down so hard.
Zeno offered his locator panel to their commander, who snatched the piece of tech from the technician's hand and scrutinized it with narrowed eyes. He flipped the panel from left to right, tilting his head before holding the panel by its corner, dangling it precariously.
“What is this? This makes no sense!”
“Uh, commander?” Zeno said lowly, then reached forward to flip the tech so it was facing the right way. “Look at it like this.”
“I knew that!” The commander snarled, and then it faded into a rumble as he looked over the map. “I was just testing you.”
A whip of his tail was all it took to call his crew into position to follow after him, deeper into the dark tunnel.
It was like a crash of lightning in his mind slashed through the fog and make Mikey sit upright. He immediately had regrets as the sudden movements brought him to almost keel over, choking smog in his throat stopping any breath that tried to force its way through. Something was wrong. Something was wrong and something was coming and he had to run or that something would find him and take him away. But how could he run when his body was made of lead? When his legs had no feeling other than an intense burning that hardly mattered compared to the fire that had surely swallowed his right arm. He didn't care. Even if he had to crawl, he would find some escape from the danger heading his way.
Mikey forced his body to stand— and then immediately fell as his legs gave out on him. The impact seemed to slam his senses back into his body, first in a numb sting and then in throbs that seared through shell and flesh in turn. The bang had also served to make Donnie jolt up, hand snagging his bo and holding it out in a defensive position during the seconds it took him to stand at attention. He looked left first, then right, then down. Only when he saw Mikey on the ground did he drop his defensive stance, muttering a loud swear as he fell to his knees to help lift Mikey into a sitting position. At first, Mikey resisted the touch that he immediately assumed to be from the bad he was trying to escape. When he recognized the hands, the voice, the mutant helping him, he didn't fight any more.
“Dee…” Mikey whined.
“I got you Mike. Here, up we get.” Donnie wrapped his arms around Mikey’s middle to lift the turtle back up and onto his bed. He made sure to push Mikey as far back as the cot allowed so the box turtle was supported against the wall. “What happened?”
“I fell.” Mikey grumbled; he was grateful for the help but now there was a hammering on the inside of his skull that refused to leave him alone.
“Yeah, kinda guessed that much.” Donnie immediately started to tend to the slightly-bleeding gash on Mikey’s forehead, dabbing it with a rag as he worked to clean it.
“We have to go, Dee.” Mikey said, trying to swipe Donnie’s hand away. Donnie simply ignored his brother’s attempts to remove him.
“Go?” Donnie indulged steadily, eyes focused on his work, “Go where, Mikey?”
“Uh… dunno.” Mikey said. The words were heavy on his tongue and came out weird, and he didn't like it. He frowned and reached his hand up, the left one that wasn’t so stiff, to touch his mouth and lips. They felt normal. Why was it so hard to talk then?
“Well how can we go if we don’t know where we’re going?” Donnie asked, offering a sly smile to the younger turtle while making a mental note of the speech deficit.
Mikey gulped, but didn't respond. It didn't take long for Donnie to finish cleaning and patching Mikey’s head wound before trying to guide Mikey to lay back down. Once more, Mikey immediately resisted and started to push and struggle against the taller mutant while Donnie calmly and patiently continued to position Mikey down on his carapace.
“No no no no no…”
“Easy, Mike.” Donnie made quick, shushing sounds, “You’re okay…”
“No no no no, we haft to go Dee, we haft to…”
Eventually, Donnie’s persistence won and he was able to lay Mikey down in the cot, pulling the blankets over him and fluffing out the pillow like he knew his baby brother loved. It concerned him when Mikey only whimpered, but he said nothing of it. He planted a kiss on Mikey’s forehead and then went to return to his desk, resigned to the fact he wouldn’t be getting much more sleep.
His resignation proved true on multiple levels. The minute he sat down, his fingers hovering over the keyboard ready to input the code, he was nearly knocked out of his seat by a blaring alarm.
“Woah woah woah— what?” Donnie was back to his feet quickly, the sudden, jarring beeping reverberating in his head in a way he just knew would cause a headache later in the day. He worked quickly, the habit of thinking out loud hitting him hard as he rushed to complete his task. “Breach in the fan room… camera’s camera’s camera’s… woah.”
The curtains were practically ripped down as Raph and Leo came busting in, hands on their weapons and back to back with each other so they had eyes on both sides.
“Donnie, what happened?” Leo demanded.
“B… breach in the fan room.” Donnie repeated, motioning to the screen. Leo’s voice sounded like it was on the other side of a great canyon, the distant words echoing and slowly getting closer and louder. Donnie’s mouth was like sand, words like daggers slicing his tongue. “Enemies approaching.”
Leo shouldered his way past, leaning closer to the cameras presented on the screen as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. At first, they could have very easily been mistaken for rhinos; these ones would have been far bigger than Rocksteady, and there were far more of them. A closer look on a different display screen showed a front view, revealing three horns instead of two.
“Is that a fucking dinosaur?” Raph’s words were more surprise than anything else, eyes wide and growing wider by the second.
They were dinosaurs! At least, Leo was almost sure they were. It was hard to tell just how big they might have been, but they definitely weren’t small. They each had three horns, two on their heads just in front of their frills and one on their nose; beneath their nose horn were masks that covered their nostrils, feeding back into a massive amount of tech on their backs. All but one of them were a vibrant orange with disrupting patterns of red and yellow markings; the outlier was a dark red and in the lead, so Leo immediately singled him out as a potential leader.
The earth beneath their feet started to tremble like a train was going by, enough to disrupt some of the artifacts on Donnie’s shelf and make a few of them fall; Donnie made a dive to catch every last one of them before they could hit the ground. The dinosaurs in the cameras reached the fan blades, the last defense separating them from the lair, and they shredded right through without stopping. Leo wanted to swear, but he held his tongue, his grip on both katana tightening as his body tensed for a battle.
Raph growled and shook his head, moving against Mikey’s cot and standing like an unmovable wall in front of it, watching the fan room tunnel as if daring the attackers to come anywhere near his brothers. The attackers, it seemed, accepted his dare as the five of them flooded out of the tunnels and into the open lair.
@brightlotusmoon @selfindulgenz @scentedcandlecryptid @digitl-art-monstr @ilo-artistry
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