#'god would approve of this' and it did the inquisition approved it good for him
ms--lobotomy · 2 months
Since you tagged me in this poll I feel the need to answer with my thoughts for all of them. You know, for funsies.
40k Guilliman: pretty good option. He’s (somewhat) mentally stable and has talked it out with you beforehand. Though I am curious on where he acquired primarch-grade bondage equipment. Is that why it was planned months in advance? Was he spending all that time just trying out different kinds of ropes and chains that could hold him like some sort of kinky parody of Fenrir from norse mythology?? Also, he deserves sex that has him relax and not possibly shatter his partner’s pelvis, let that man rest. 8/10.
Corrupted Horus: We all enjoy a very evil and very charismatic man from time to time. And the chaos gods which are currently kinda wearing Horus’ body like a condom are one of the options presented in this poll. But before your mind gets carried away with the fantasy of hot mean DILF, we have to think: He’s still a DILF. And so his taste in music will be that of a Dad. So get ready for him to blast Imagine Dragons while sexily taking his shirt off. You plead for him to strip faster, not because you’re horny but because you hope that when he does so he’ll turn the rock & roll cover of Thunder off and fuck you properly. He won’t. 1/10.
Jaghatai: No words other than those of approval. No thoughts other than those of lust. 9/10.
Ferrus Manus pre-heresy: Not sure why you specified pre-heresy but maybe I don’t have enough imagination for a post-heresy lewding scenario, but I digress. So I feel that the sex wouldn’t be the main draw of the situation here, instead it’s more to do with trying to make a guy feel better about a body part that he wants to peel his metal-skin off of. Ferrus is a dude that has simultaneously given all of his children body dysmorphia (that they try to fix by replacing their body parts with tech) while also wanting to get rid of the most technological part of himself. And he won’t even tell people a direct answer about where he got the technological metal hands from anyway. This man is an enigma and the sex is just a backdrop for the true scenario; which is the Ferrus Manus character exploration that’s going on. So to judge purely by the sex itself it’s a solid 5/10.
Daemon Magnus: This dude will not only do all of what you specified. But he’ll also add Gale from bg3 astral plane type sex into the mix. The only limit is your imagination Babey!!! 11/10 (he may have used his psychic powers to mess with the rating).
Leman Russ: What’s not to love about a big scary man in a collar? What’s not to love about a living war machine getting restrained like they’re a simple animal?? Though him eventually breaking out of it would imply that my skills in Husband husbandry are poor, and that might make me kind of sad. 7/10 (would change it to 8/10 if you also put a muzzle on him)
Pre-Heresy Fulgrim: The number one rule of kink fantasy is that nothing will work out as perfectly as you want it to, something will always go differently than it did in your imagination because, fun fact, your partner is not a mind reader (and even if they were it’s not like they can control every action/reaction they do/have). If you fuck him he will be very very very disappointed in you and will act like a bitch about it. 3/10 (the sex stops midway through because you ruined his expectations too many times).
Rogal Dorn: The way im about to sexualise that middle aged man. Oh boy… well first of all I’ll- [REDACTED BY THE INQUISITION. SUMMONS A DAEMON OF SLAANESH IF THE TEXT IS READ OUT LOUD]. 9.5/10.
30k Corvus Corax: Now while he can’t be perceived, I can. In fact I am very perceivable. Unlike Corvus’ furtive emo outfits my fashion sense consists of wearing the most sparkly and shiny accessories all the time and in very large quantities. I dress as though I’m trying to sound like one of santa’s reindeer or a sentient human windchime. And my penchant to talk very loudly knows no bounds. So combining his extreme stealth with my extreme unstealth gives us the average of The Normal Amount Of Noticeability. Which would get us both arrested for indecent exposure. 0/10 because i don’t want to go to jail.
Sanguinius: also a pretty good option. Though I question how a man who had big issues with being deified by the mortal populace would feel about having his more “angelic” features worshipped. But I’m sure I can make it work. 7.5/10.
In conclusion: the vote goes to Magnus, but if he wasn’t there then Dorn would be attaining the title of “babygirl” real fucking fast.
Time to /finally/ answer some asks. This isn't a knock on you by any means, or anyone who's sent asks. I'm just not very good at it lol
Robby G: Listen. L i s t e n. This man is 1. the type to have a schedule for sex (nothing wrong with that if thats what people are into) and 2. the type to take it in the butt. He deserves it in the butt. Yes, he is a space war criminal. But wouldn't it be nice to put it in him?
Horse: I'm sorry, the image of an Imagine Dragons striptease is... enlightening as to the individual Horus is. He's the dad that hosts the barbecue parties. He's the dad that falls asleep watching TV. Hell, he probably wears Hawaiian shirts. (That last one's got me bricked up. Shit)
Jagh: This one got me. He fucking would be into leather, be it on him or his partner. May write a fic about it in the future. Dead serious
Ferrus: Ok, I'll admit it, this one was self-indulgent for me. Yes, Ferrus is an ass in canon. I also want him so bad, and that also entails helping him through some shit. (It's the "I can fix him" instinct.) Also, if his partner isn't ok with 17 inches, that's understandable. (Also also, I specified pre-Heresy because him coming back headless horseman style is kind of a pipe dream of mine)
Mags: Monsters are hot. Next guy
Russ: This one was a bit of a gift for my Russ fucker friend. You know who you are! And if you're a Russ fucker anyways, please be my friend
Fulgrim: This man has been through so many partners and he still doesn't understand kink very well, bless his heart. He's still gotta make sure everything goes the way he thought it would, otherwise what's even the point? Mm. Maybe he can be put with someone who makes him realize that it doesn't need to be that way.. ;v
Doorknob: Go ahead, sexualize the brick wall man. Put him in a maid dress. He'd like his partner to be a little rough, especially during... ahem. Encounters. Remember the Rogal Dorn position? Maybe not all the time, but fuck, this man needs to take it like his life depends on it.
Corax: Not for everyone, I get it. Especially if your clothes are like that. I applaud your fashion sense, you dress how I've always wanted to. But that fic's still rattling around in my mind. Thank you Raven Lady we all say in unison
Sang: You raise a very good point. I don't know how comfortable he'd be with focus on his more non-human qualities. But it can work. I have faith in you, battle brother.
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garaviel · 10 months
10 Characters | 10 Fandoms | 10 Tags
pick 10 characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people! thanks @grin-unsettling for the tag, sorry it took me 84 years!
i still have Flu Brain so i am likely to forget everything i have ever known and loved whoops. Anyway no particular order to these in terms of faves.
Jango Fett - Star Wars! Listen it's hard for me to ever choose an Ultimate Fave in SW but liking this character got me into Legends Mandalorians and therefore became my entire personality so. Love him always!
Cayde-6 - Destiny. There are so many good fucking characters all of them except clovis bray from these dang games but he was my first fave in D1 and i shall never forget him. Shoutout to Eris always though.
Javik - Mass Effect. its hard to choose one again but he's unique and fun (honorable mention to my buddy Legion)
Doctor Doom - Marvel. HEY i dont MCU anymore but theres some great characters hidden beyond the shitty movies and by god he is one!
Vivienne - Dragon Age Inquisition. When you 100% her approval???? Bestie.
Panam - Cyberpunk 2077. Thats! My! Girl!
Charon - Fallout 3. Fave companion in my first Fallout game!
Arbiter - Halo. Thel! My beloved!
Naru - Prey. Its been so long since i cared about anyone but the yautja in this franchise but she got me!!!
Visas - KotOR. I know its still Star Wars and therefore a double but! Wife! Honestly so many kotor companions are incredible . . .
This is in no way a whole ass list or a correct one but most are influenced by what i have loved since i was a teen! I did try to stay away from video game characters i have personally romanced even if i would have if possible just for some variety.
Tagging: @ramikadyc @n7viper @arcann @hag-darling @aztechnology @leviiackrman @khelleren @sidprescot @ct-7567 @vampgf @waspgrave
and literally anyone who wants to i theres so many lovely people on here i cannot tag all of you <3
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denwenai · 1 year
Why Crowley is genuinely good
(and not because of Aziraphale's influence)
There are inherently evil demons who enjoy doing bad stuff and take pride in their actions. This is not the case with Crowley, who I prefer to describe as a fallen angel rather than a demon. And I'm not saying this just because he used to be an angel; Beelzebub is a fallen angel too, but they're definitely a demon.
Crowley is a pretty neutral being. He might not be heavenly, but he's not evil. Has he done stuff? Probably. But there's some undeniable truth to it: all the good things he's done, he's done out of his own will. No one pushed, asked or expected him to (except Aziraphale, but only out of hope). On the other hand, all the bad things he's done, he's done either because of direct orders from his superiors (and we've seen him act reluctantly in these cases, like when he delivered baby Adam) or because of social pressure (demons are evil and he's a demon, so he's supposed to do bad stuff, that's why he usually takes credit of things humans do to look like he's doing his job). Either way, doing evil acts is a cover to live up to Hell's expectations.
Considering this is enough to understand why even though Crowley isn't a bad guy, he's still perceived as such and is even a renowned and highly respected demon in Hell (at least before Armaggedon't). But I'll still describe how this is evidenced and backed by what we've seen and inferred about Crowley. Plus, featuring some moments from S2 that got me screaming he's such a good guy during my first watch.
Part One: The fall
Crowley knew from the beginning he didn't quite fit in with the angels, but this wasn't problematic at first. He didn't care about good and evil or the ineffable plan; he only cared about creating a universe. He wasn't really driven by goodness; that's why he's a neutral being from the beginning. But everything started to drift apart when he got the news that his creations would be destroyed for no reason. Destroying the nebula after 6000 years made no sense to him, and questioning came naturally. This is where he becomes a problem; he starts asking questions and trying to suggest things instead of being diligent and obeying.
We don't know exactly why he fell; what did he say to make God angry enough to cast him out of Heaven. But we know, as both Crowley and Metatron previously stated, that he asked too many questions. And asking questions is not something of wicked nature, so Crowley didn't fall for being inherently evil. He was just curious, and the people in charge didn't like that.
And it's not like a fallen angel had a lot of options back then. It was only Heaven and Hell; you're either an angel or a demon. Crowley didn't pick to be in Hell because he wanted to; it was his only option for survival. I imagine Hell was eager to have another fallen angel -just like Lucifer himself- on their side. For Crowley, it felt like his questioning was acknowledged and approved; he was probably hurt and confused because he didn't think asking questions was wrong, but Heaven rejected him for doing so. And in Hell, he found a place where no one cared what he thought, so he stayed there. It doesn't mean he agreed with Hell's ways; just as he didn't fit in with the angels, he didn't fit in with the demons. He's always been on his own, but as Heaven turned its back on him, Hell didn't, and that was enough for him.
Our first conclusion: Crowley didn't fall for being evil; he fell for asking questions, not being obedient and having his own opinions. So he isn't inherently evil from the beginning. His nature is curious and inquisitive, not wicked.
Part Two: The diligence
Since Crowley didn't have the same views as Hell, he didn't fully agree with their ways, just like when he was in Heaven. The difference is now he knows what happens if he starts bothering his superiors with questions and suggestions. That's why he decides to agree with Hell to a certain point. He knows he's on his own (and has always been), but he won't let it show because it would lead to trouble. So the best option is to pretend to follow Hell's orders while doing the bare minimum. As we know, Hell only cares that things get done. They don't care how, and they -most of the time- don't even check. If it looks like it's been done, they're satisfied. Crowley takes this as an opportunity to pretend without actually doing the stuff he doesn't want to do, like killing goats just for God and Lucifer to prove a point.
We could say he's a trickster, making both Hell and Heaven believe that he's doing all this stuff so no one bothers him because he's meeting the expectations. Heaven won't want him back because he's proving them right: he was a pain in the ass, always asking questions and wanting to go his own way. Hell perceives him as a proficient demon responsible for so much evil on Earth, so he's off their radar because they don't ask many questions. They couldn't care less what demons think as long as they're not being subversive. And Crowley learnt not to give suggestions or ask too much, so he's the perfect demon.
Our second conclusion: Crowley didn't turn evil after the fall. He kept being curious and inquisitive, having his own opinions, with the difference that he learnt to keep them to himself. We could even say he pretends to be evil, doing the bare minimum to avoid suspicion but avoiding stuff he disagrees with.
Part Three: The evidence
Ok, this is the fun bit. I always saw Crowley as a good but misunderstood character, but S2 is filled with moments where this is evident. And why, you ask? Mainly because there are situations where a naturally evil character would not do the things he does. In other words: when the most effortless choice (not doing anything) was coincidentally what someone evil would do, he'd do something else. He could not do anything, and it'd be on character for a demon, but he actively chose to do something (because he wanted it) when he didn't need to. So he's not just being passively good; he's actively choosing to do something good.
These are some moments I'd like to recall, in order of appearance on S2:
Telling the spies at the park that they shouldn't feed bread to the ducks because it's not good for them. He didn't need to, but he cares about the ducks (and all animals in general, we'll get to it again later). I consider his love for animals worth mentioning because it feels like most angels don't care about animals or humans that much. They're collateral damage, a piece in the big game. But he does!!!
When Nina and Maggie are locked down in the coffee shop, they stop him on his way to the bookshop. He realizes he made the power go down. He could've easily left them there because he was in a hurry (Beelzebub just told him that anyone helping Gabriel would be at risk), and they didn't even know it was his fault. They weren't expecting him to fix his error; they were looking for help. And, well, he's a demon after all. He should be glad to get two humans into this kind of misfortune. But he didn't even stop to think. He fixed it and even apologized (when he didn't need to because, as I said, they didn't know it was his fault).
This one is obvious (and kinda biased because it involves Aziraphale, and he'd do anything for him), but Crowley deciding to help Gabriel? He's the one who said they had to protect him from everyone, even humanity.
When Crowley turned Job's goats into crows so they would go unnoticed while looking like he killed them. He even made sure to sound so cold-blooded when talking about it with Aziraphale, only for it to be revealed that he hid them. This was particularly risky because God and Hell required him to do this. He just didn't give a fuck and protected the goats because he wanted to. This is some good guy behaviour right here. Also a bit anarchist, but this is not the point now.
Another obvious one, but he protected the kids too. And this was even riskier not because they were more recognizable than goats, but because now Aziraphale -an angel!!- knew what he was doing. But he didn't care because he knew Aziraphale would understand him. After all, that's how he started: questioning God's plan.
Crowley was pretending to turn the kids into geckos because they annoyed him, but that was his plan all along to hide them until they could come back safely. Then, when Jemimah asks to be turned into a blue gecko he's like "oh but you're not bothering me yet" but after she asked again he turned her. Would an evil demon do that? Definitely not.
When Aziraphale expresses how worried and guilty he feels about lying, Crowley tells him he won't say anything about what happened. Nothing has to change. I wouldn't mention what he does for Aziraphale because he loves him, so he goes out of his way to do good stuff for him. But at this point, they weren't that close, and another demon in his situation would've easily talked about Aziraphale's lie so he'd get in trouble with Heaven. But he chose to protect Aziraphale, even if he gained nothing from it. Even knowing that Aziraphale was a bit like him and that they could be together if Aziraphale fell too. Because neither is demon material and because Crowley felt lonely.
The whole Elspeth situation. It was so unlikely for a demon to act like that Hell noticed and -as we can assume- punished him. And it's not only about stopping her suicide and giving her money and advice to start a new life. He spent the whole time trying to convince Aziraphale that she was doing it because she had no choice, that she wasn't a bad person. Also, this is a little detail but the fact that he offered Elspeth to carry the barrel for her multiple times. It was so unnecessary but he did it anyway.
He made up some random rules to ensure the humans were safe and far from the battleground when it started. For the other demons, it was just collateral damage. He even walked them out himself. And gave him advice on how to get home safely.
Part Four: The perceptions
We know how Heaven and Hell perceive Crowley, I already talked about it. But let's see how other people see him.
I said I won't mention any Aziraphale situations, but I'd like to point out that Aziraphale knows that Crowley is not mean. He notices (and loves) these things he does. He says it better than I do:
Aziraphale: I knew you would come through for me. You always do. Crowley: Well, you said trust me. Aziraphale: And you did. You could've walked away. If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself, you would’ve done that.
He KNOWS Crowley is just pretending to be a proper demon. At first, I thought it was him being delusional/hopeful/in denial. But then I noticed I spent the whole season thinking the same way. Maybe we're both delusional, but I know Crowley is a good guy. And Aziraphale knows as well, but this time, he talked about it. He summarized all I've been talking about: you say you're so evil, but someone that evil wouldn't do the things you do. But he's not pushing him; he's just letting him know that he's aware, that he understands and sees him for who he really is. And most importantly, he doesn't have to keep a facade when he's around.
When it comes to humans, most of them probably see him as a mysterious guy. Some, like Nina or Mrs Sandwich, would say he's good. After all, he's been good to them. But the conversation Crowley had with Mrs Sandwich brings me to my next point: how he sees himself, and how he thinks he's perceived.
Mrs Sandwich: Thank you. You're really nice. Crowley: Don't thank me. And I'm not. Nobody would believe you anyway.
Everyone got stuck with the "and I'm not" bit, and I don't blame you. But what he says next is very important because it means:
He knows he's not evil. If he were evil, he would leave it at "I'm not". But that last bit was unnecessary. It sounds like: "Even if I were (I am), they would not believe it (they don't see it)". But he doesn't sound frustrated about it; it's as if he were saying: "Don't waste your time pointing it out because no one else will see it". And this brings me to the next point.
He's been trying to be perceived as such because it's what everyone expects. "Nobody" refers to Heaven and Hell, and they wouldn't believe it because they assumed from the beginning that he was evil; that's how demons are supposed to be. And he's made sure to act (or pretend to) in a way that reinforces that thought.
Crowley is well aware of his nature. He knows he's not good or evil. He's just Crowley. But he also knows how everyone sees him, and he knows he needs to be perceived as such to avoid bringing attention to himself. And it's easier for him once Aziraphale lets him know he sees him for who he truly is. He's the only one he cares about anyway.
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daitranscripts · 3 months
Doom Upon All the World Conversations
Doom Upon All the World Masterpost
The PC finds Cassandra standing near the center of the room.
Cassandra: I can’t believe it’s over. It seemed an impossible task: defy the Chantry, build the Inquisition from nothing, defeat a creature that would be a god… And yet here we are, celebrating.
Dialogue options:
Flirt (romanced): As long as you’re here. [1]
General: It’s worth celebrating. [2]
General: I had my own doubts. [3]
General: You doubted me? [4]
1 - Flirt: As long as you’re here. PC: What’s important is that you’re here with me. Cassandra: There was a moment after the orb exploded… I thought for certain you were dead. I prayed. “Don’t take him from me, not after all we’ve been through.” And then I saw you through the smoke. Sometimes the Maker is kind. [5]
2 - General: It’s worth celebrating. PC: So we should be. Defeating Corypheus was no simple task. Cassandra: He was so confident of his power, he could not conceive of losing. PC: If he could, he would never have challenged me. Cassandra: And he would have gone into hiding. Yes, it worked out far better this way. [5]
3 - General: I had my own doubts. PC: I wasn’t sure we’d make it, either. Cassandra: A rather bizarre feeling, as if we’ve stumbled blindly into a forbidden future. PC (sided mages) Better than the future we saw at Redcliffe. PC (sided templars): Better than the future the envy demon showed us. Cassandra: Much better. [5]
4 - General: You doubted me? PC: Had your doubts about me, did you? Cassandra (negative approval): Of course I did, yet in the end you prevailed. Cassandra (high approval): About you? Never. Cassandra (neutral approval): Not about your willingness or ability. [5]
5 - Scene continues.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Cassandra Divine, romanced [6]
Cassandra Divine, high approval [7]
Cassandra Divine, neutral approval [8]
Cassandra Divine, low approval [9]
Encouraged to rebuild the Seekers [10]
Not Divine and not rebuilding the Seekers [11]
6 - Cassandra Divine, romanced Cassandra: I have news from the sequester. I believe the Chantry intends to name me Divine very soon. If that happens, I have decided to accept. I… wanted you to know.
Dialogue options:
End relationship: So it’s over for us. [12]
General: I’m happy for you. [13]
General: We still have time. [14]
12 - End relationship: So it’s over for us. PC: If you’re Divine, then there is no room for us. Cassandra pauses. Cassandra: I wish it were otherwise. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 13 - General: I’m happy for you. PC: That’s wonderful news. You’ll be an excellent Divine. Cassandra: I’m glad you believe so. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 14 - General: We still have time. PC: It hasn’t happened yet. Cassandra: That’s true. We still have time. [11]
7 - Cassandra Divine, high approval Cassandra: I have news from the sequester. I believe the Chantry intends to name me Divine very soon. It would not have been possible without your support and friendship. It means a great deal to me.
Dialogue options:
General: And to me. [15]
General: Congratulations. [16]
General: We’ll remain friends? [17]
General: You’re being a fool. [18]
15 - General: And to me. PC: And to me. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 16 - General: Congratulations. PC: That’s good news. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 17 - General: We’ll remain friends? PC: I hope we’ll remain friends once you’re divine? Cassandra: That would please me greatly. [11] 18 - General: You’re being a fool. PC: Are you sure that’s wise? Cassandra: I intend to do my best, regardless of what others might think. [11]
8 - Cassandra Divine, neutral approval Cassandra: I have news from the sequester. I believe the Chantry intends to name me Divine very soon. If that happens, it is largely because of you. I am very grateful.
Dialogue options:
General: Congratulations. [19]
General: Let’s stay on good terms. [20]
General: Just remember that. [21]
General: You’re being a fool. [22]
19 - General: Congratulations. PC: That’s good news. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 20 - General: Let’s stay on good terms. Then I hope we remain on good terms, even once you’re Divine. Cassandra: That would please me greatly. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 21 - General: Just remember that. PC: Just remember that once you’re Divine. Cassandra: I shall. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 22 - General: You’re being a fool. PC: Are you sure that’s wise? Cassandra: I intend to do my best, regardless of what others might think. [11]
9 - Cassandra Divine, low approval Cassandra: I have news from the sequester. I believe the Chantry intends to name me Divine very soon. We are not on the best of terms, but I want you to know I’m grateful for all you’ve done.
Dialogue options:
General: Congratulations.[23]
General: Just remember that. [24]
General: You’re being a fool. [25]
23 - General: Congratulations. PC: That’s good news. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 24 - General: Just remember that. PC: Just remember that once you’re Divine. Cassandra: I shall. [11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 25 - General: You’re being a fool. PC: Are you sure that’s wise? Cassandra: I intend to do my best, regardless of what others might think. [11]
10 - Encouraged to rebuild the Seekers Cassandra: I intend to rebuild the Seekers of Truth—to make us the Order we were meant to be. That will take time.
Cassandra (romanced): Meanwhile, I am free to remain here… with you. Cassandra (neutral/positive approval): Meanwhile, I am free to with the Inquisition. Cassandra (negative approval): Meanwhile, I remain free to serve the Inquisition… if you require me. [11]
11 - Scene continues.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Positive approval, PC claimed chosen [26]
Positive approval, PC not Andrastian [27]
Positive approval, Andrastian PC [28]
Negative approval [29]
26 - Positive approval, PC claimed chosen Cassandra: I think back to how we first met… and here you stand. The Chosen of Andraste, proven in the eyes of all Thedas.
Cassandra (romanced): And you are the man I love. How did that happen, I wonder? Know that I will always stand with you. Cassandra (high approval): And you are my friend. How did that happen, I wonder? I’m pleased it did. You are a great [person], and I will always stand at your side. Cassandra (neutral approval): Despite all my doubts, despite everything, you proved to be exactly what we needed. [30]
27 - Positive approval, PC not Andrastian Cassandra: I think back to how we first met… and here you stand. You are not a believer, I know, yet you have come to mean so much to us all.
Cassandra (romanced): And you are the man I love. How did that happen, I wonder? Know that I will always stand with you. Cassandra (high approval): And you are my friend. How did that happen, I wonder? I’m pleased it did. You are a great [person], and I will always stand at your side. Cassandra (neutral approval): Despite all my doubts, despite everything, you proved to be exactly what we needed. [30]
28 - Positive approval, religious PC Cassandra: I think back to how we first met… and here you stand. You are the Inquisitor, a symbol of hope and of change to so many.
Cassandra (romanced): And you are the man I love. How did that happen, I wonder? Know that I will always stand with you. Cassandra (high approval): And you are my friend. How did that happen, I wonder? I’m pleased it did. You are a great [person], and I will always stand at your side. Cassandra (neutral approval): Despite all my doubts, despite everything, you proved to be exactly what we needed. [30]
29 - Negative approval Cassandra: It’s odd, isn't it? I was almost certain the Maker was playing some cosmic joke on me, on us all. Yet you were exactly what we needed. No matter what comes next, I will remember that. [30]
30 - Scene ends.
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(sorry so sorry but have to yell at you a bit about the dragon age au. this is just me spitballing so feel free to ignore lol.)
Ava as the Herald of Andraste. galaxy brain take. i mean, i love the idea that Ava is a rebel mage and not impressed by the idea of being used as a political pawn by an organisation sharing the name of the OG templars. she would make such a good Anders-like character - where she could be YES either a knight-enchanter or a spirit healer (the spirit healer vibes are sublime. bonded to a spirit? visit them in the fade? is it a spirit of freedom or compassion or ???). & she tried to escape the circle a bunch of times in the past. & then yeah is murdered by Frances (a Templar?) so she comes back enraged at the templars and therefore just deeply distrustful of loyalist mage Beatrice and Seeker Lilith (who has powers specifically designed (like Cas does) to set the lyrium in her blood aflame).
but yeah with Ava being part spirit/part human maybe she did an Anders and become lowkey an abomination, but not as personality-altering bc her spirit isn’t justice it was freedom or compassion and imo they would NOT want to alter personality in any way. & then she could still learn the Knight-Enchanter discipline and YUP bea teaches her -
bea: ‘today we’ll be forging your hilt’ 
ava: *passes out from the effort of not making THAT joke*
Mama S for sure sounds like she’d be somewhere in the middle of Cas and Leliana (maybe more Lil because ruthless?). she should definitely have loads of ravens & be maybe an ex-Bard or something. (ex-spy MS all the way!)
YES YES a million times yes for Lil being a Seeker. it fits like a glass slipper. the seekers being scary even to templars, being given over as children to the Order? gorgeous. & when the seekers fall all that weight dropping onto lilith, who has to decide where/how to lead them.
Beatrice as a lighning mage (perhaps possibly with knight-enchanter spec? i mean blood mage is out and shapeshifting is NOT a circle-approved spec either) I love the idea of ava and beatrice bickering endlessly over mage rights. Ava trying to get her to read Anders’ manifesto
Bea: “you know this is a banned text, don’t you?”
Ava: “that’s what makes it good bea”
and she does totally read it & Thinks About Things in a very Bea way. has kind of a Viv outlook, but maybe comes to see like Viv (should) that she’s speaking as one of the lucky ones. and Ava is one of the unlucky ones, abused by the Templars who were supposed to ‘protect’ her. so Bea gains perspective and realises that the Circles are deeply flawed. but is also in the camp of "magic is dangerous like fire is dangerous; anyone who forgets this fact gets burned."
Cam with Sera’s abilities? sign me up so fast. she would totally pen a very serious recommendation to the inquisition quartermaster about the need to source jars and jar and jars of bees. Mary using a crossbow like varric’s is amazing - i like the idea of her being Varric-like, but I also think Mary would be less centrist than him, and def. not pro-Chantry specifically, but with a more Isabella kind of attitude where it’s like ‘not my business. i want a big hat etc etc.’ i’m making eye contact with Mary as Hawke and walking away so fast. ALSO!! Shannon as the HoF - i am in love with this idea.
oh god did she die to defeat the archdemon? is that why mary is sort of adrift? or is it similar to if lil and the warden are in love but the HoF is ‘off doing stuff’ and they both have their separate missions? Jillian as leader of the rebels fits amazing, especially with In Hushed Whispers (& yeah if Ava sides with the mages (lol prolly) that is just the BEST mission for character development. meeting alternate future bea and lilith and mary and cam. devastating to me personally.) yep Vincent basically Samson. bleh. 
oh man. can you imagine how annoying Solas would find Ava? she would TOTALLY do the ‘jumping from the top of the rookery down onto his desk’ thing three times a day. but he would still paint her mosaics and be frankly fascinated by the spirit/human girl who walks in the Fade and in Thedas. would try to talk to her and end up smashing his head against his desk. every time ava opens her mouth small text shows up like 'Solas Greatly Disapproves'. oh yes we should have Viv. bea would look up to her for sure. and iron bull and ava??? in the same room??? chaos. glorious chaos. 
oh yeah, ava being ressurrected would have very post-Haven reactions from people. like, our hero cannot die etc. and ava would hate being venerated by the people who vilified her for her magic, and tossed her in the Circle (god could she have been in Aeonar? that would be such a parallel for the orphanage aka. The Bad Place.)(mage!Andraste all the way) & hearing herself being named not only their saviour but named after their martyr. very “i already died for them once. i won’t do it again.” & yeah she picks all the ‘yuck’ dialogue options when people try to call her Herald/ Andraste’s chosen. & there’s huge tension with Bea who earnestly believes that Ava is what they say, and Ava just wants this girl to touch her without it feeling like she’s touching something holy (in a bad sense of the world ‘holy’). but yeah Bea teaching ava cool magic and ava being kinda casual about the idea of blood magic & also REALLY wants to learn shapeshifting when she meets morrigan. lmao i’m already laughing at Ava in the Winter Palace. Bea with all her titles getting redder and redder in the face and ava laughing until the crier calls her “Herald of Andraste”. 
anyway sorry for going insane over this but it is a very very cool au and your ideas are all brilliant! : D
Please do continue to yell at me, I loved every second of this!
Ava absolutely could have been stuck in Aeonar, or honestly maybe even the Circle Tower if, perhaps, Shannon chose to side with the templars (😬😬😬) and the Circle later reformed under much harsher control. Francis could be an old Templar who always hated mages and took any excuse at all to treat them badly. And if Ava was still disabled in some way and less able to defend herself? Even worse.
The more I think about it, the more think Ava connected with a Spirit of Hope. Hope is one of Ava's most consistent traits, and I 100% believe a Hope Spirit would be drawn to her as she passes through the Fade. Maybe it's this spirit that leads her to where the Breach is about to be created, or maybe she gets there on her own and the Spirit just happens to be there, who can say? Plus, the case can be made that Hope translates best to Ava's abilities. Hope can keep you going through tough obstacles (phasing, levitating), help you withstand hardship (healing), and repel doubt (blasts, force fields, which would be like Barrier spells but better). That's my thought at least.
But regardless, yes, Ava wants jack shit to do with Templars or Templar-adjacent parties and she low-key thinks that mages like Bea are traitors to their own kind (she gets over this eventually when she and Bea learn to meet in the middle). In Hushed Whispers is absolutely peak Character Development time for Ava. That's probably when she really starts to feel committed to stopping the Breach and leading the Inquisition. Up until that point, she's probably just going along so she isn't killed by the Anchor.
I didn't consider her becoming a shapeshifter but omg she would learn if she ever got the opportunity. Cue her first successful attempt and she turns into a Mabari, and word spreads so fast that it becomes the running joke of the Inquisition that the Herald is literally a human puppy. Mary coins a dozen new nicknames like Houndraste etc.
Mama S was absolutely a Bard before she joined the Chantry. Maybe she even filled Lel's role in Shannon's party and met Divine Justinia in a similar way too. She will almost certainly become the new Divine once everything is settled, aligning closest with Cassandra's approach. Cam definitely has Sera's mischievous spirit even though she is very devoted to the Chantry, and she and Ava cause a terror of pranks in Skyhold.
Mary as Hawke?? Or Champion of Kirkwall in general??? You may be onto something! I don't know if Shannon is still alive or not, but they're definitely separated right now, and Mary is Not HappyTM about it. If she is Hawke, then she would have known Anders, and maybe she recognizes some of him in Ava, but notes that Ava and Hope are much different together than Anders and Justice. She still offers advice and also tempers some of Ava's ideas about Anders, who I imagine has been lionized by the rebel mages.
Solas would have no idea what to do with Ava. He feels like she's the person who should most understand his motives and his point of view (at least for a human), given how familiar she is with oppression and suffering and how caught she is between reality and the Fade. But she consistently denies and defies his ideas and insists through her words and actions that the world has value and deserves to continue. Maybe he even develops a level of respect and admiration for her, but of course not enough to dissuade him from his plan.
Vivienne and Bea have definitely met before, be it in court or in the Circle, and yes Bea looks up to her a lot. Viv sees Bea's potential and encourages her to foster her political skills. Like Solas, she doesn't really know what to do with Ava. They clash hard over mage rights and are probably never fully comfortable with each other, but Ava definitely helps her during her personal quest and doesn't give a fake heart because she's not an asshole. They're not friends but by the end they ARE allies.
And listen, that conversation where Iron Bull tries to convince Sera to let him throw her at enemies?? Totally happens with Bull and Ava, and Ava AGREES with him. They do it once while fighting Venatori and Bea has full-on heart palpitations!
In fact, party composition time: Bea is a constant, of course, but the others switch out with a decent amount of regularity. Mary is commonly included, as is Bull. Lilith shows up less frequently but she does join in, particularly for any missions that involve fighting the Red Templars. Is Blackwall here? Or is one of the other male characters here? Maybe by some stroke of luck or previous action by Jillian, Michael is still strong enough to fight the taint and join the Inquisition. That would be fun, he doesn't have to be jam just yet.
Jillian and Mama S start having some, ahem, Tension between them probably shortly after settling in Skyhold. No one wants to say anything, and Mary punches Ava every time she starts to say something, but the entire Inquisition can feel it.
Who are the advisors? Mama S, obviously, but who else? You could keep Cullen and Josie but idk... We don’t have a spot for Dora yet do maybe she's Cullen in this scenario.
Ava would think Morrigan is so cool and Bea would be jealous! But then Morrigan would just scoff and say something to the effect of "I spent long enough having one drooling mutt follow me around, you can keep yours."
The entire Inquisition can also feel the impending gay disaster that is Avatrice, and there are several poorly concealed betting pools in Skyhold for when they'll finally get their shit together. Cue members of the party and also some randos giving unsolicited relationship advice to both parties, ranging from "buy her flowers and chocolates from Val Royeaux" to "show up naked to her room with a mug of beer and a strap-on". Neither end of the spectrum is appreciated.
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contrarywiseizybel · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 25: Barty Crouch Jr/Tom Riddle Jr 
Barty Crouch Jr. had fucked up.
He never made mistakes, it was part of why Mr. Riddle had hired him. That, and Mr. Riddle hated Crouch Sr. Well okay, it was mostly because Mr. Riddle hated Crouch Sr.
But once he had been offered the job of Mr. Riddle’s personal assistant, a spit in the face to the demand that he follow in his father’s footsteps, once he had that foot in the door Barty ensured he would never give Mr. Riddle a reason to fire him.
He worked harder than anyone in the company, up at 4:00 am and rarely home before midnight. He would be there for Mr. Riddle’s ever need, from making his coffee order (baristas never managed to get the proportions right) to picking out his outfits (the stylist who provided the individual pieces was good but didn’t know how to mix them in the most flattering way), to riding back to Mr. Riddle’s house after big events (he deserved a chance to vent and the drivers couldn’t be trusted with that information). Everything he did was for Mr. Riddle and he loved every moment of it.
And he was certainly rewarded for his hard work. After all, it had been Mr. Riddle who arranged for his penthouse apartment and his luxury car. It had been Mr. Riddle who had bought him a new wardrobe after his father officially disowned him. It had been Mr. Riddle who took him to the finest restaurants and most exclusive galas.
Barty wasn’t sure if what he felt towards Mr. Riddle was love, neither of them having a good idea just what that felt like, but Barty knew that Mr. Riddle was the single most important person in his life.
Which made his mistake all the more upsetting.
He couldn’t even find how he had fucked up. If he could figure out why the government contract had been denied instead of escalated then he’d at least be able to fix it. But instead all he could find was the denial, approved by him, and a very rude reply from their contact in the Department for International Trade.
He was in so much trouble.
Barty considered taking his first ever personal day, something he hadn’t even done when his father had died. Well, that had mostly been because he needed an excuse to miss the funeral, but still.
Barty had also considered just leaving the country, but even for him that seemed a bit extreme.
So with a deep breath, and a prayer to any god who may have been listening, Barty entered Mr. Riddle’s office.
“Ah, hello Barty.” Mr. Riddle greeted with a fond smile. A fond smile he would probably never see again. “Is there something you need?”
Forgiveness? Mercy? A swift death?
“Sir, I regret...I mean I need to...sir I’m so sorry but…” He took a deep breath, ignoring the amused and dare he imagine fond expression from his boss. It wouldn’t be there long. “I fucked up.”
The slip in his language mortified Barty but didn’t even earn a raised brow from Mr. Riddle. Instead he tilted his head to one side, like an inquisitive bird of prey just before an attack.
“How so?”
Like a bandage, or maybe like a rotten tooth, Barty just ripped the truth open. He explained the contract that he swore he had never seen before and he explained the rejection of a deal that would have made them even more powerful in the global market and he explained the rather rude response he had received and how he probably deserved that.
“I’m so, so sorry sir.” He concluded, head hung low in despair.
Silence settled over the office, the only sound Barty’s rushing heartbeat echoing in his ears. He refused to look up, too afraid of what he would see. Let him live in the memory of when Mr. Riddle didn’t hate him.
And then, finally, that deep voice called out to him. “I know.”
“S-sir?” Barty stuttered.
Mr. Riddle typed something on his laptop, swinging it around to face Barty. On the screen he watched as someone typed rapidly in the darkened office, barely illuminated. It must have been at night then, and Barty realized whoever it was had been sitting at his desk.
“Karkaroff broke into your computer last night while we were at dinner. He must have edited the time stamp on his reply message, so it looked like you had sent it. I’ve already contacted who I need to about reopening negotiations and Karkaroff will be...dealt with.”
The relief was so fast, so all encompassing, that Barty fell to his knees. He didn’t feel any shame, not in losing his composure in front of Mr. Riddle.
“I’m pleased you told me, but you will still need to be reprimanded, Barty.” Mr. Riddle said, ignoring his display of relief. In fact he had just gone back to his work like Barty wasn’t even there. Like nothing had changed between them even as he spoke of reprimand. “Approach.”
Barty did so gladly, not running but only just barely. Once in front of Mr. Riddle he waited, regulating his breathing and controlling his need to fidget. He wouldn’t rush Mr. Riddle, not when he was being forgiven for allowing Karkaroff, that bastard, to slander the company. Worse, to slander Mr. Riddle.
Finally after a few minutes Mr. Riddle turned, inspecting Barty with a critical eye. After a moment of watching, Mr. Riddle reached into his desk drawer and withdrew a rather pretty box. It was a deep red, almost the same reddish brown of Mr. Riddle’s eyes, and wrapped in a black ribbon. The box was placed on the desk, just far enough that Barty had to bend some to reach it.
He opened the box and almost slammed it shut.
But Mr. Riddle was watching and he couldn’t react so quickly. So instead he fought down the blush threatening to overtake his cheeks and inspected the...gift? Or more likely, the punishment.
Sitting on a velvet lining was a silver device who’s purpose was soon obvious. The phallic shape, the pad lock and keys, there was no questioning it.
His boss had just handed him a cock cage.
“My...my punishment...sir?”
“Remove your slacks and I’ll attach the cage. You will wear this until tomorrow morning, the same amount of time it took for you to notice what Karkaroff had done.” Mr. Riddle smirked, that beautiful but deadly smirk that never failed to make Barty’s heart rush. “Well?”
He almost dropped the box in his hurry to shed his pants. The designer trousers dropped to the floor, along with the fashionable but practical boxers, until nothing separated his cock from Mr. Riddle’s sight.
A cock that was already rising, but given the circumstances Barty figured it couldn’t be helped.
Mr. Riddle’s soft hand reached out, taking the box almost gently, as though Barty would startle should he move too fast. And maybe he would, but Barty doubted he would have run away. As it was he froze perfectly still while Mr. Riddle opened the cage and finally touched his prick.
He gave a sadistic pump, too dry to truly be pleasurable but still sending sparks up Barty’s spine. Quick as a flash Mr. Riddle trapped his cock, locking the cage with a very loud, very final sounding click.
The cage was surprisingly light and didn’t add much to his cock, which would be a blessing if he was expected to return to work. Once his clothes were returned to their rightful place Barty could barely see any difference, though he could certainly feel the difference.
“I’ll...just until tomorrow morning, sir?” He asked, gasping suddenly as Mr. Riddle’s hand grabbed his ass to pull him closer.
“Until then.” He agreed, leaving a kiss against his bulge, so soft that Barty thought he imagined it. “And then we’ll see about your reward for being honest with me.”
“Oh, yes sir.”
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whammy5 · 9 days
Been playing through Dragon Age: Inquisition in preparation for Veilguard. I've recently finished "What Pride Has Wrought", so here's how things have been so far: - Went in to romance Solas cause I figured that'd make for the most interesting stuff for Veilguard, maybe. So Dalish Mage character it is! I guess that's almost as good as my original file I no longer have that was a Qunari mage (I did that as a "What option will confuse everyone in the world"). - Pro-Mage Freedom, generally defensive of Dalish culture but not too strong on it if someone makes a snide comment (she is fully understanding Sera is not Dalish so no "but our culture" comments, for example). Pushing Leliana as Divine as I think one of the big principles my character has developed has been "You know, things have been a real dumpster fire and once things have settled down we have a chance to really change things for the better." Related, also had Celene and Briala reconcile to give an Elf a major role in the Orlesian Empire. - The result of the above has been a succession of "[Companion] Disapproves" with Vivienne the likes that haven't been seen since "Morrigan Disapproves" with Origins. Somehow this was yet still only the first time I've seen her scene at Skyhold where she rearranges your furniture as a passive aggressive way to show her displeasure. Tbf I think in my Qunari mage playthrough I was just smidge less gung-ho on Mage Freedom and eventually backed her for the Divine, so she was less of a pain. Still, really, you thought it was "Uncharacteristically generous" of me that I helped you with your Snow Wyvern heart thing. Have you seen how many people I'm willing to forgive in my judgements? - Speaking of Judgements, other than the Crestwood Mayor (which was early enough before I really cemented what I felt were her principles) and the Tevinter guy who mislead the Wardens (since he was unrepentant), I've been pretty consistently merciful. Alongside with the incorporating Wardens into the Inquisition, this felt an extension of my "change for the better" view as a sort of "I am going to give you the opportunity to do better." - Honestly, have been surprised how often Cole showed disapproval, though my general helpful nature means on net mostly likes me. . Solas did not approve of my pushing him human, though, but I eventually went with the reasoning that Cole's whole deal represented a unique situation that was worth exploring to the end on the nature of spirits and if they can change and grow. I think it served as a nice contrast with Solas in that while both him and my Inquisitor are respectfully curious of the Fade, spirits, and magic, she's not clinging onto the past as strong as he is and ultimately understand that change is the nature of reality. I'm sure this will not lead to bigger conflicts in the future :). - Most of the other companions have been pretty straightforward. Cassandra has her moments but otherwise likes me, Varric's fine with me, can let loose and do pranks with Sera, etc. Cole and Vivienne are literally the only ones to have issues with me on a consistent basis. - Well of Sorrows I did eventually pick to have my Inquisitor do it. I reasoned out my character does have enough magical curiosity the temptation was great, she is still Dalish so bound to one of her gods doesn't sound as terrible (I totally forgot to bring Solas on this), and as Dalish she was showing a bit of selfish "Hold on, this is my culture, Morrigan" towards Morrigan's desire for it. Also maybe a littttttle meta-gaming since I know who Mythal is. Even if it would be really, really fun to let Morrigan do it knowing that knowledge. And that's it so far. So many table operations to do still, have to finish out a region or two, then it's end-game of the base game and DLCs.
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totentnz · 1 year
for the alternate love intrest ask game: athras and iron bull? >:)
Send me an OC + an alternate love interest for them and I’ll tell you what I think of the idea
ok let me preface this by saying i have NEVER played the iron bull romance and did i just watch a video to get a grip of it? absolutely (side note: i hated hearing the inquisitors voice again bc athras! does! not! sound! like! that!) but anyway: (this turned into somewhat of a liveblog so i'm putting it under a cut lmao
my initial thoughts before watching it are: i cant see a romance happen, i have never had bull high up on my approval list but they might fuck casually (she would totally peg him) HOWEVER
ok after watching it (and clearly losing my mind and track a few times) the answer is basically the same: romance? no. casual sex? maybe
this was a fun thing to do!! thank you so much for asking bunny 💜💜💜
i have always appreciated it when bull pulls the inquisitor to the side and shows them what the soldiers think of them and athras would appreciate that as well (not that she would ever admit to it)
the tavern scene after the dragon fight? hell to the nah, i enjoy that scene personally but it always frustrated me because athras would not act like any of the options lmao but you know she might take the first sip and after that? who knows! winky face
ok the scene on the battlegrounds? where you hit him with the stick? she'd indulge him at first but would be dismissive towards the end (not good for romance is it?) she understands people deal with their fears differently but that whole scene has a weird (to me) sexual undertone (even before the flirtation) and i don't vibe with that (though "you like it rough huh? only from you" is pretty s tier i gotta admit and athras would like it)
being introduced to the chargers? love that (like many lavellan players it annoys me to hell and back that bull tries to explain the dalish to me, but that's not really his fault) she also appreciates that he took a dalish in after they were cast out (funfact: dalish and athras have the same vallaslin ingame (my hc is that each clan has different ones but dirthamen yes) i also love that interaction with stitches, athras is a self proclaimed potion expert so they would get along (or they would hate each other - her and the guy where you brew potions at the start of the game had a bit of a feud going on bc she thought he didn't know shit about potions) "it's a poltice, ser, you're not supposed to drink it" is ENGRAVED into my memory (ok now im just talking about athras instead of the romance, i apologise lmao)
sidenote: since bull keeps talking about redheads, athras has a sister (also with the inquisition) who is a redhead so that's actually pretty funny to me and i have never thought of it before
SO the dreadnought huh? ofc athras saves the chargers - she's not as loyal to the inquisition as she should be but she never wanted the position as inquisitor anyway (much like she didnt want to be first and eventually keeper to her clan) also hissrad meaning keeper of illusions/ liar and athras having dirthamen (god of secrets) vallaslin??? iconic maybe i do need this romance in my life lmao
god that fucking fight on the battlements?? where bull gets poisoned? another memory that's drilled into my skull, very iconic also that scene made me realise that maybe solas and bull aren't all that different (we know this but sometimes it's good to experience it again)
ok i see we are getting to the actual interesting parts that i never got to see lets gooo OH BOY OH BOY we don't like that one LMAO "you don't know what you are asking for" and him being all dominant? athras is not into that but we will see, we will see 👀
OH NO not legit admitting to manipulate people (i know what he means and this is all flirty but bad vibes bad vibes (don't get me wrong im into it personally but athras sure as shit isn't (yes as a solasmancer i'm putting on my clown makeup right now)))
i do like the setting rules and a safeword interaction though HOWEVER if it ever got to that point athras would laugh in his face ("don't quote the old magic to me, i was there when it was written")
OH I LOVE that dragon tooth thing, that's cute
BRO DID HE JUST-- i like that sneaky romance and so does athras but BOY does she hate pda
CULLEN i remember this from back in the day, athras loves bullying him so this is amazing all of their reactions are so fun i love it I SEE YOU JOSIE BUT YOU ARE TAKEN (by fisara, athras' sister, which makes this even more awkward lmao) OH THE BOSSINESS FROM THE INQUISITOR i am stanning so hard right now
also this fucking portrait has me cackling
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NAH BRO NAH BRO not kadan meaning "my heart"
YES YES YES BALCONY SCENE HERE WE COME ok that scene was kinda underwhelming but i guess that scene was always better in my mind
i will never get over the fact that at the end of the game you are actually on the balcony with your LI like AAAA can you imagine my face when replayed it for the cullen romance (i dont wanna talk about it) ??? complete and utter shock
ok that scene was good, the lovebite? the compliments? chefs kiss (though athras wouldnt be into being "marked" like that she's usually the one marking others)
oh god it's trespasser time oh no
oh i always liked the dragon skull scene and i gotta admit it works better with the romance! but again.... athras would be even worse at this than the lets her be
bro not the exchange of "i love yous" in the face of uncertainty!! im gonna combust (once again not athras style, she'd rather leave things unsaid than say them in a situation like that)
god im so glad they didn't show solas in this video, i would have gone insane
he kept the necklace! ofc he did but that's still a good thing :) sure hope he won't betray us or hasn't betrayed us before :)
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reallunargift · 2 years
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It’s June 10th! So here is Port reading the Lusiads, which is basically a fanciful retelling of the first sea voyage to India with roman mythology in the mix, with Venus being the protector of the Portuguese and Bacchus trying to foil them.
And yes, I realise I clearly like water and history coming out of books lol
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zhongli-topper · 4 years
zhongli x reader - when you sit on his throne (nsfw)
includes: femdom, cunnilingus, pegging, sex toys, orgasm denial, inappropriate use of geo archon's throne
pairing: zhongli x fem reader
a/n: i got the idea of reader ordering zhongli to worship her while she sits on his throne and it wouldn't leave until i wrote this.
“About those thrones that the Geo Archon sits upon in his statues…”
Zhongli turns towards you, an inquisitive look in his eye. “Yes? What about them?”
You tap your chin contemplatively. “I was wondering if you could still make one.”
He raises an eyebrow, but nods. “Yes, I believe that’s possible. May I ask for what purpose?”
You look up at him, thoughtful, and the smallest of smirks lights up your face. You let your hand caress his back, lingering at his waist, and he shivers just the slightest bit when you pull him close. “Just a little idea I had…”
Your imagination had kept working as the two of you went about your day. Zhongli would easily be able to summon an edifice like his throne, he’d told you, much like the pillars he erected in battle.
Did he have any idea what you were planning, you wondered?
Later that day the two of you meet at home. You lean up to kiss your husband on the cheek, pulling his face toward yours.
“Welcome home, Zhongli,” you say with a sweet smile on your face. “I was hoping that you could fulfill my request from earlier today…?”
He smiles, his golden eyes warm as he looks at you. “Of course, my love.”
He waves his hand and the air shimmers in the middle of your bedroom, before it begins to coalesce into a solid form. Soon, the throne of Rex Lapis stands on your floor, a large and regal stone structure fit for a god.
You step towards it, running a hand over the tall back and smooth, solid stone.
“So,” you say, “you used to sit in a throne like this, Zhongli…?”
“I did,” he confirms, watching you circle around it slowly, your gaze slowly sliding towards his. Ever perceptive, his golden eyes narrow just slightly as he looks down at you.
“There’s something on your mind, my love.”
“There is.” You take his hand, still gloved and warm in your own, and hold it as you sink into the throne, the stone cool and unyielding under your skin. It’s almost too big, taking up much of the free space, and your feet don’t touch the floor, so you slide forward in the seat.
You tug him down until he’s kneeling before you, and you see the shift in his eyes, how they darken as his knees sink to the floor. You sigh, crossing one leg over the other, and slide your hand into his dark hair. “Dearest,” you say, your voice low, “take off your coat.”
He bites his lip, flushing at your tone, but he complies, and you appreciate the slow roll of his broad shoulders as he removes his brown jacket and sets it aside.
“What of the rest of my clothes?” he inquires. He knows, when you’re in this mood, that it’s your orders that are to be followed, not his. You’ve trained him well, and allow yourself an indulgent smile.
“Take off your gloves and shirt. Leave your pants on.”
He does so while you watch him, your elbow resting on the throne’s armrest, your hand supporting your chin. Once he’s undressed to your satisfaction, you feel your smile grow once more before cupping his jaw.
“Good boy,” you say, pulling him up as you lean down and meet him halfway, pressing your lips together in a short but intense kiss that leaves him panting and blushing darker. You lean back, your legs still crossed, but you can feel the wetness beginning to make itself known between your thighs. Out of instinct, Zhongli follows you, both hands braced on either side of you, on the throne, but not touching you without your permission.
You straighten up in your seat and shift your hips, and Zhongli’s dark-gold eyes track your every movement, especially when you reach down to pull up the hem of your skirt, revealing more of your skin. You tug at the garter of your underwear.
“Take them off,” you command him, your thigh pressing under his chin, “and worship me, Rex Lapis.”
A shaky breath escapes his lips when you use his former name. He’s no longer an Archon, but something about this—him, kneeling at your feet while you sit upon his throne, addressing him by his godly name while ordering him to worship you—
For someone as long-lived as he is, it’s a novel experience, and that’s a rare thing for him to say.
With only the slightest tremor, he slides his hands up your thighs, noting how warm and soft your skin is, until his hands find your hips. You enjoy the sensation of his palms before stopping him, leaving him to look up at you curiously.
“Use your mouth, love.”
His chin dips in obeisance, before redirecting his grip to pull up your skirt far enough for him to bite down on the fabric of your panties. You feel the light touch of his lips and the tip of his nose along your hips and then he’s sliding your underwear down your legs, slowly, like you are truly something worth revering under his touch.
He lets out a low groan at the scent of your arousal when you part your legs after he sets your underwear down on the floor next to him. Before you let him come close, you prop your heel on his shoulder and his large hand closes around your ankle, lips pressing to the inside of it before he trails more kisses up the inside of your leg. His eyes don’t leave yours, as if seeking your approval, and you give it to him with a lazy smile.
When he reaches your thighs Zhongli’s cheeks darken and his long eyelashes flutter before he says, “Mistress…”
You feel a rush of adrenaline at the title and spread your legs wider, propping up one foot on the edge of the throne. “What are you waiting for, Rex Lapis?”
“…Please, let me taste you, Mistress.”
“Go on. That’s what I told you to do.”
Your teeth sink into your lower lip when he kisses along the inside of your thigh, feeling the warmth of his mouth until he reaches your cunt. To his credit, he dives in nearly right away, mouth hanging open as if desperate to taste you. You drape one of your legs over his shoulder and he grasps onto to it tight, long fingers pressing into your flesh as he laps at your core.
You place your hands over his, one on your leg and the other on the throne’s cool stone. “Keep your hands there, love,” you say, “and don’t move them.”
You feel the low rumble of his hum in affirmation and sigh, letting yourself slouch down further in the throne to open up your hips to his tongue. You let him stay there a while, watching his eyes flutter shut as he rolls his tongue over your clit as if devouring the most delicious meal.
He works his mouth over your clit, pushing his tongue at your entrance, until you feel yourself getting closer to your climax. You reach down and grab a handful of his dark hair, tugging hard and pushing your pussy into his face, your wetness soaking his lips, and he opens his mouth wide for you, tongue licking fervently at your entrance and your clit, his nose pressed into your skin, until you cry out in orgasm.
After you catch your breath and the stars disappear from behind your eyes, you tell him “That’s enough.” He sits back, eyes hazy, his mouth and chin shiny with your wetness. You wipe some of your slick off his chin with your thumb and he says “Thank you, Mistress,” red dusting his cheeks. A quick glance downward shows that his hands are clenched on top of his thighs, obediently not touching himself as you’d instructed, and a noticeable bulge in his pants. You smile at the sight.
“Since you’ve been a good boy, I’ll let you sit on this throne with me,” you say, getting up and crossing the room to your nightstand, where you keep some of your toys. You open a drawer and sift through the contents, before you find what you’ve been looking for.
“Zhongli, dear,” you say, “come over here?”
He gets up from where he’s kneeling in front of the throne and approaches you, posture submissive despite his height. You can see his eyes widen and hear his breath hitch when he sees the harness, lube, and strap-on in your hands.
“You like this?” you ask with a smirk, brandishing the dildo at him.
He nods and bites down on his lip. “Yes, I do.”
“Undress me, would you?” you ask, setting the items down on the bed once he’s had a good look at them. “So I can put those on.”
“…Yes, Mistress,” he says. When he goes to undo the buttons of your clothes, you notice that he seems to be holding back, like he’d rather get you naked right that instant and rip that fabric off your body, but the last time he did that, you’d punished him until he truly felt your displeasure at his destroying your clothes. Not that you didn’t enjoy it, of course, but having to spend mora to replace them was not something you particularly wanted to do.
Soon, you’re left in nothing but your bra, and you halt his hands before they can go to unclasp it.
“This is fine,” you say. “Now…”
You step into the harness and fasten the straps around your hips. The fake cock juts out in front of you, and you give it a few light strokes before taking Zhongli by the hand and leading him to the throne.
“Take off the rest of your clothes,” you instruct him. “You kept it inside, yes?”
With poorly concealed haste, he undoes his belt and pushes down his pants along with his underwear. You suppress a smile when you see his cock bounce out from the confines of the fabric, already rock hard and leaking. As appealing as that sight is, you ask him to turn around, and when he does, you see that he’s still wearing the plug that you asked him to put on that morning.
“Good boy,” you say, caressing his firm ass before giving it a light spank, hard enough to surprise him and make him gasp.
“Your ass looks so good when it’s filled, Rex Lapis,” you tell him, and even with his back to you, you can see his ears turn red. He feels a rush of both shame and arousal at your lewd words and your praise. You stroke over the spot where you’d struck him, and you can see his broad shoulders and muscular back trembling ever so slightly. With your thumbs, you spread his asscheeks to see the plug’s cor lapis base glinting in the light, surrounded by his reddened skin.
“I’m sure you’d rather be filled by something more substantial, hmm…?”
“…Y-Yes.” At his sides, his hands are clenched into fists, and you find it so cute, how eager he is, and how hard he’s trying to hide it and remain composed as he usually is.
“Mmm.” You sit down on the throne again. “Get on your knees,” you say, “and lube this up, we don’t want it going in dry.”
Zhongli kneels, obediently, and licks his lips before opening his mouth and licking a stripe up the dildo. He kisses the tip and takes it in his mouth, his eyelids fluttering prettily over his cheekbones, and you slide a hand into his hair.
“You look so pretty sucking cock,” you praise him, “I wonder what the people of Liyue would think if they saw their god on his knees for a mortal…?”
He squeezes his eyes shut, and even though his mouth is occupied, you can hear the whimper of a moan escape from his throat, the vibrations travelling down your length.
“I don’t think they’d ever expect Rex Lapis to be such a good, submissive pet,” you continue. “But don’t worry, I’m the only one who can see you this way. Isn’t that right?”
He nods as best as he can, while still keeping his mouth on the dildo. You smile, and as you do so, you let your foot creep in between his legs, where his cock stands hard, and rub along it.
“Mmh—!” His hips jolt at the contact, but you keep rubbing the top of your foot along the underside of his dick. The dildo slips from his wet mouth when he gasps, and you click your tongue in displeasure.
“I didn’t tell you to stop.”
His mouth descends on the toy once again, the flush on his cheeks spreading down to his chest as you keep playing with his cock using your foot, feeling how he grows wet with precum. You grab hold of his hair and force him to take the toy deeper down his throat, and he gags on it, tears springing to his eyes. He lets out a string of garbled moans, and you continue fucking his throat, stroking his dick with your foot.
Soon enough, the strap-on is soaked in his saliva, his eyes hazy and his dick dripping with precum. Once again, you pull him off of you, and lift up your foot.
“You made a mess on me,” you say, observing the wetness on your skin. You tuck your foot under his chin, tilting his head up to meet your eyes. “Be a good pet and clean this up.”
“…” Wordlessly, he leans down and sticks out his tongue to lick his precum off of you. His lips are already red and wet from eating you out and sucking off the dildo, and his pupils wide and dark. Once he’s done, he kisses the top of your foot and you nod, pleased.
“Hold out your hands.”
He does so, and you unstopper the bottle of lube before drizzling some over his fingers. “Prepare yourself.”
He lets out another sigh before reaching down and pulling the plug out of his ass, groaning as it leaves him empty, before swirling his lubed-up fingers around his hole and slipping them inside. “Ah… dearest…” he sighs, his voice huskier than normal.
“You’re doing so well,” you say. “Get yourself nice and wet for me.”
It was mesmerizing, watching his long and slender fingers work themselves in and out of his entrance, hearing his panting breath, and knowing that he wasn’t satisfied with just his hands. His moans were sweet, and his lips wet and glossy from sucking you off.
“It’s… not enough,” he grunts, and he restrains himself from touching his cock. ���I-I need your touch, Mistress.”
You keep watching, a smile curving your lips at the needy tone of his voice. He shivers when you don’t respond, and says, “Please—!”
As you watch, you slick up the dildo strapped to you with more lube and let him enjoy himself a little more before ordering him to stop.
“Come here,” you say, “You’ve earned your right to sit on my lap.”
“Thank you, Mistress,” he says, then shakily withdraws his fingers from inside himself. Bracing both knees on the cool stone of the throne, he straddles your lap, hovering over your strap-on.
“Oh?” you ask, noticing his hesitation. “Does my lovely pet need help…?”
“Nnh…” Zhongli’s hands have settled somewhere on the back of the throne, and he drops one to your shoulders, and the other to guide your dick in between his legs.
“I can… do this.”
You smile and lean back, brushing away some of the hair that had fallen into his face. “Go on then, darling. Give your mistress a good show.”
He takes in a deep breath before letting the tip of the toy rub against his entrance, before pushing it in and sinking down onto it slowly. As it enters him, the breath leaves his lips in harsh pants, and this close, you can feel the heat of his skin, and you can see every tremble of his muscles, especially the quivering of his strong thighs, holding up his body weight and spreading to take in the thick dildo you wore.
“You look so cute taking my cock, love,” you say. “I might bring out my Kamera next time we do this.”
“Th-That’s…” He cuts off whatever he was about to say, biting his lip and looking aside. There are still unshed tears sparkling at the corners of his eyes, and the spreading blush is luminescent on his pale skin. You grab his chin, pulling his gaze back to yours, and he lets out a whimper.
“I told you before, this sight of you is only for me, didn’t I?” He nods, unable to escape your gaze. “If I do take pictures of you, they’ll be for my eyes only. Don’t look so embarrassed, love,” you say, cupping his face tenderly with a sweet smile. “Now, move.”
He keeps going down until the dildo is sheathed in him to the hilt and his whole body is trembling from the stimulation. You grab at his hips and his plush ass, squeezing and letting your nails dig in until he keens at the mixed sensations of pleasure and pain.
“Go on,” you urge him, “fuck yourself on this toy, Rex Lapis.”
He moves up once more before sinking back down, a little faster this time, and loud pants escape his lips. His hands are clenching on the back of the throne, on either side of your head, and you can see every little twitch of his body as he spears himself on your strap-on.
“Aahh,” he groans, throwing his head back, “Mistress, please…”
“Go faster, but don’t cum yet.”
When he looks at you his eyes are wild, and he’s desperate to cum. You tighten your grip on him and slam him down on your hips, causing him to scream out in pleasure, and tears to build up in his eyes, threatening to spill as he moves faster, needy moans slipping from his throat. His cock bounces, hard and leaking and untouched, dripping precum on both yours and his stomachs. His deep voice rings in your ears, babbling incoherent noises that are almost your name.
“P-Please,” he begs, fingers white-knuckled on the stone you’re resting on. “I need to c-cum…”
You raise an eyebrow, though you doubt he notices such a small movement right now. “Who are you talking to?”
“Mistress,” he corrects himself. “Please…”
“Please let me cum!” he gasps, even as his hips continue moving, fucking himself on your lap.
“Just a little more,” you say, denying him his release, and he whines as you lean forward to latch your mouth onto one of his nipples, swirling your tongue around the sensitive bud and driving him to be louder, fraying the little self-control he has left.
The tears spill down his cheeks, now, and his vision is blurry, chasing desperately after his release even when his cock remains untouched. Your mouth on his chest is quickly unraveling him, and he doesn’t want to disappoint you, but he’s so close and you haven’t given him permission, yet.
“Close,” he cries, “I’m close, Mistress, please…”
He’s crying, and he looks so pretty, undone on your lap like this, getting fucked silly on his own throne, so you decide to take pity on him and grant him his wish.
You reach up and let him encircle his arms around you, grounding him to your body. “Cum,” you murmur in his ear, and seize his chin and swallow his screams in a searing kiss as he cums untouched, his release landing on your chest and stomach. He whimpers into your mouth as his arms hug around your neck, clutching onto you as his shaking legs keep driving the dildo into him throughout his orgasm.
After several breathless moments he finally settles down on your lap, the toy still inside him, and cum splattered on both your fronts, and some even dripping down onto the throne. You pepper light kisses along his cheeks and lips as he catches his breath, helping him to calm down.
“You came a lot, Zhongli,” you say, amused and rather pleased at the intensity of your husband’s climax. “Were you this excited all day…?”
Even taller than you, he hides his face in the crook of your neck, and you laugh, knowing that he’s blushing at your teasing.
“I could not get you out of my mind all day, my love,” he confesses, “especially not with that inside me… and what you asked of me…”
You lean back in the Geo Archon’s throne, bringing Zhongli with you to rest on your chest. “Did you like this?”
Biting his lip, he nods. “…Yes. I had… not expected to be using my throne in such a way. But…” You thread your fingers through his hair, now messy and undone, and the motion soothes him. “I would not be averse to using it again.”
“That’s good to hear, my dear,” you say, and kiss him on the forehead. “I will take care of you, my love. Don’t worry."
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Lost Time (The Ashes of Yourself Part 2)
Part 1     Part 3    Part 4
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: mentions of suicide attempts/ideation, swearing, daddy/abandonment issues
Word count: 3,879
You and Techno stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, both of you not knowing what to say to each other. So much was left unsaid between you two throughout your childhoods and the past four years that you didn’t know where to even start. You supposed a simple ‘how are you?’ would suffice, but that’d be too simple, far too simple for not talking to each other in literal years. But you couldn’t just say ‘hey, I’m incredibly jealous that you are Dad’s favorite and I totally didn’t send you my suicide note that you may or may not have seen’, that’d be way too much trauma dumping for your taste. You couldn’t think of anything else to say, so you chose to sheepishly grin at him and awkwardly wave. 
“Heh uh, how’re you…?” Smooth, (y/n). Real smooth.
You watched as he furrowed his brows slightly before he hesitantly gave you a small wave with his gargantuan pink hand. “...I’m doin alright. You?”
“I’ve seen better days.”
An awkward silence fell over you two as you glanced down at your bloodied hands. “Sorry bout the blood. It won’t really stop until I stop moving.”
He shrugged, “that’s fine. I’ve bled everywhere in this house. Nothing that won’t come out.”
“Alright then.”
You wanted to crawl into a pit and just let yourself die, you hated this awkward atmosphere you created. Your mind scrambled to find something to say to the man other than a stupid ‘alright then’. You haven’t even seen him in four years, surely you would be able to find something to talk about. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard him clear his throat.
“I uh got some clothes for you. They’re Tommy’s old clothes from when he stayed with me during his exile. I don’t know if they’ll fit, but I’m guessing that they’re better than the wet ones you’re wearing.”
When he saw you wince when you tried to stand up, he rushed to your side and helped you stand up. You could feel the backs of your knees start to drip blood. “Do you have any spare lava?”
His hands paused on your upper arms, “yes, but why would you need it?”
“It kinda heals me. I mean, just enough that my skin stops cracking open and bleeding everywhere.”
“Why don’t we just take you to a lava lake in the Nether?”
You glanced out the window at the flurry of snowflakes falling to the ground and being whisked off to other places by the harsh wind. You shuttered, remembering what it felt like to be fully engulfed in water. “Water hurts. I don’t want to get burnt out again.”
“Right, I’ll go get a few buckets full. Stay here,” with that, he ushered you to sit in front of the fire once again and draped the large blanket over your shoulders again. You could hear him move to another room and rustle around what you presumed was a chest before you heard his heavy footsteps walking behind the couch. You could hear the billowing of the wind when he opened the door before it was cut off by the door closing. 
You leaned forward and put your hands in the fire, relishing in the feeling of the flames melting away the charred skin slightly. The flames licked and caressed your dark skin slowly giving you more feeling back in the damaged tissue. As you were turning your hands over the flames, you thought about your voluntary near death experience just about an hour before. 
The thought of the ocean finally taking you and dragging your charcoaled corpse into its depths never to be seen again was alluring. After feeling the intense pain and the suffocation that came with chucking yourself into the ocean when you’re part blaze was definitely a deterrent, but you just had to push through the pain. This was something you’d dreamt of doing since you were fifteen and you’d be damned if you were going to let pain stop you. 
You know you felt sort of… grateful that Philza saved you when you were laying on that beach, but now that you had time to reflect on what happened, you felt resentful that he did. Of course he’d take away the only good thing you had going on in your life, he was full of audacity and impudence when you were a kid. He hasn’t changed at all much to your disappointment. You shouldn’t have expected him to change in the first place, that was just something that you knew in the back of your mind would never happen. A large part of you craved his approval and affection, but you knew that wouldn’t happen. 
Your thoughts were cut off by someone pulling you back gently from the fire. “I got the lava. Uh, I can set up an area for you downstairs with netherrack.”
“No, you don’t have to, I just have to put it on my joints for a few minutes.”
“Don’t you want to, uh, fully cover yourself?”
“I can hold off until the snowstorm dies down. It’s nothing too major.” You dipped your hands into the large bucket of lava and sighed in relief, “that’s much better, thank you Technoblade.”
“It’s no problem, but you literally just almost died. How is that something that’s ‘not major’?”
“I’m used to… well, this,” you took a hand out of the lava and gestured to your stone covered arm. “It’s just more than I’m used to. Kinda uncomfortable, but I’ll live.”
“What do you mean you’re used to it? You don’t live by water do you?”
“Yeah, I live by the ocean so I’m bound to get a little charred. No big deal,” you took your hands out of the bucket, shook the excess lava off, and stuck your elbows in. You looked at your now dully glowing hand and wiggled your fingers. There were more blackened scars etched into your skin on your joints, but you didn’t care.
“Heh? Why the hell would you live by an ocean?” 
You wove your hands nonchalantly in the air, “I always liked how the water looked when the sun set. The way that the pinks and yellows would reflect and bounce off the waves? Breathtaking.” You also lived by the ocean so that you had an easy way out of living, but you weren’t about to tell him that. Too much trauma dumping.
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” 
“Have you ever seen the sun setting over the ocean?” You rose a brow at the piglin hybrid sitting on the couch. 
“Well, no but-”
“Then you can’t knock it till you try it. I’ll take you to my old place after I can take a proper lava bath. You won’t regret it, promise.”
“Still, you’re literally made of fire. Look what happened to you… Er, speaking of, how’d this happen?” He looked you up and down inquisitively with his red eyes. 
You sighed as you took your elbows out of the lava and dipped your feet into the buckets. “...Do you still have your communicator?”
You watched as his floppy ear flicked and his eyebrow rose at you, “...Yes, but I only talk to Dad. Why, did you leave me a message?” Before he could stand up to grab his communicator, you stopped him with a hand on his shin. “No, I didn’t. I was just wondering.”
He didn’t look convinced, “...tell me what happened. Were you pushed?”
Your shoulders tensed up against your will before you forced them to relax. “I fell in, got too close to the edge.”
“You’re so lucky Dad was already at your house, you could’ve died. How could you be so careless?” 
You only responded with a blaze-like frustrated grunt that rumbled in the back of your throat and removed your feet from the buckets. Picking up one of the buckets, you took a swig of the lava. The viscous liquid crawled slowly down your throat and soothed your burned esophagus and stomach. Clearing your throat, you looked over to your estranged brother. He was looking at you with disgust, his snout scrunched up slightly and his mouth twisted into a grimace.
“What?” Your voice sounded less strained and scratchy. Overall, it felt better to speak.
“Your- your feet were just in there. That’s disgusting.”
You blew out a puff of smoke and watched as it drifted to the ceiling, “my feet were just in water, remember? They’re clean. And besides, I swallowed and inhaled a lot of water so I needed it. I mean, my lungs are still stone, but there’s nothing I can do about it except wait it out.”
“That’s still gross. Wait, can you not drink water?”
“No- well technically I can, but it hurts. Gimme one sec.”
He was quiet as he watched you take a deep breath and dunk your entire head into the lava bucket you weren’t drinking from. His youngest sibling was… strange, but he found that he enjoyed your company so far. The only company he’s had at his cabin recently was his brothers and dad, which burned him out slightly with their big personalities. You were as awkward as he was and that was refreshing. But he couldn’t help but feel guilty after hearing the majority of yours and Philza’s argument. Now that he thought back on his childhood, the majority of his memories were of him and Philza. He didn’t have many negative memories past his adoption, and that was because he spent all of his time adventuring with Philza. He did everything with his adoptive father and absolutely nothing with his siblings. He knew nothing about Wilbur, well Ghostbur now, or Tommy until they stayed with him during Tommy’s exile. He’s never talked to you or spent any time with you before, and he wanted to get to know who you were. He wanted to make up for lost time.
After you were under for a while, he started to worry that you drowned yourself. Just as he was about to pull your head out of the bucket with a hand close to your forehead, you slowly removed your head from the lava and held it over the bucket so that the excess would drip off from you. Panting slightly, you sat up fully and wiped your eyes clean of the lava. You could hear some rustling in front of you so you opened your eyes to see your brother holding out clothes to you. 
“Go change, I’ll make dinner. There’s a spare room upstairs, second door on the left. You can stay there for now.”
You hesitated before you took the clothes from him, “I… Thank you Techno.” You weren’t expecting him to be so kind to you, he was known as the blood god after all. He was ruthless when he battled, leaving thousands without families. You saw him a couple of times when you were younger coming home with Philza covered in blood with a malicious expression on his face. That always made you try to avoid him; not that you had any difficulty doing that, he was never home. 
He curtly nodded before he turned to walk into where you assumed was the kitchen. You trudged up the stairs and tiredly drug your feet down the hallway towards the second door on the left. When you opened the door, you were pleasantly surprised. You didn’t know what you were expecting to see, but it certainly wasn’t this. It was simplistic, yet it looked like a professional decorated it.
The bed looked incredibly comfortable and soft with a large white comforter draped over the top. At both sides of the headboard, twin chests sat underneath double hung windows with wooden frames that matched the spruce planks that made up the walls. You were sure that once the relentless snowstorm stopped you would be able to see a spruce forest in the distance. Lanterns hung at the far corners of the room opposite of where the bed sat. Glancing at the opposite wall, you saw a framed portrait of a nether fortress. You assumed that it was the nether fortress on the other side of his portal. If you squinted, you could see orange specks that you assumed were blazes. 
After you got dressed, you were pleasantly surprised to see that Tommy’s clothes fit you. Despite the slight bagginess of the pants and the sleeves of the jumper hanging halfway past your hands, they fit relatively well. Humming in satisfaction, you hung up your wet clothes to dry and made your way downstairs following the savory smell of cooking meat and potatoes. Your mouth watered at the smell, it’s been a while since you’ve eaten an actual meal. You’d just been surviving on an apple a day with the occasional potato when you had some leftover from making homemade vodka. 
You walked into the kitchen and looked at your brother standing at the stove, the stove looked miniscule compared to his seven and a half foot tall form. That man was a giant and you wouldn’t be lying if his height alone didn’t intimidate you slightly. If he wanted, he could grab your entire face with his hand. Various light pink scars decorated his muscular arms that poked out from the rolled up sleeves of his blouse. He wasn’t wearing his huge fluffy cloak, instead it was draped over the back of one of the chairs at the large wooden dining table. Every part of your body wanted to take it, wrap yourself up into a blaze hybrid burrito, and take the best nap you’ve ever had. His corseted form moved gracefully around the kitchen grabbing various spices and herbs. 
You saw his ears twitch before he moved his massive head  to look back at you, you could see the corners of his mouth quirk up ever so slightly. “They fit you, that’s good. Take a seat, dinner's almost ready.” With that, you took a seat at the table. You felt like a child again, the table was huge, the tabletop coming up to your lower chest. The table and chairs were made of what looked like dark oak wood. The wood was carved intricately with complex patterns etched into the frame and the back of the chairs. 
You eyed the cape draped over the chair next to you. It was a deep royal red with black speckled white fur lining the border of the fabric. If you looked closely, you could see that the pendant that connected the two ends was made of gold and had a diamond encrusted center. It looked incredibly soft, it would be so easy to just reach out with a finger to pet it. Your brother wouldn’t notice if you did it quick enough so that you could touch it before he turned around. When you gathered the courage to touch the cloak, you reached out with a slightly shaking hand to pet the fur, watching Technoblade the entire time. 
Everytime he would move to grab a spice, you would quickly retract your hand and try to act as innocent as possible only to try again after he didn’t turn around again. Just as you finally touched the fabric, you were in awe with how soft it was. It was like petting a newborn puppy but better. You truly couldn’t put into words how soft it was. 
You were snapped out of your trance by a small chuckle, “soft isn’t it?” You jumped, quickly retracting your hand and smacking your head against the back of your chair in the process. You could feel your cheeks heat up more than they usually did, you could see the glow of orange intensify at the bottom of your vision. Your brother was staring at you with amusement, his mouth quirked up in a small smile. He was carrying two plates full of steak and potatoes, putting one in front of you before walking to sit opposite of you. 
“Uh, yeah. It- it’s really soft.” 
“I got it from a nation thousands of blocks from here, it wasn’t easy to get. Those guards were not happy to see me stealing from their king.” He chuckled before he started to eat his food. 
“Is that where you got the crown too?”
“No, Dad got it for me as a going away present when I moved out… You’ve grown up so much since I’ve last seen you. I remember when you barely reached my waist and now you’re only about a foot and a half shorter than me.” 
“You’ve gotten taller also, more scars too.”
“You as well. Are all those from water?” 
“Yeah, it only scars when I crack the stone on my skin though.”
“Ouch. So like you get scars whenever you move?”
You shrugged, “basically.” Turning to your plate, you struggled with not wolfing down the entire thing in one go. You didn’t want to have your brother get the impression you had bad table manners. Wilbur raised you better than that. When you took a bite of the stake, you moaned slightly at the taste. Quickly swallowing your mouthful, you looked at your brother with wide eyes. “Ender Tech, where’d you learn to cook? It’s delicious.”
He gave you a small bashful smile and shrugged, “when you’ve been living alone for this long you pick up on a few things.”
“I’ve been living alone for about a year now and I still can’t cook.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, “well what do you eat then?”
“Just an apple a day, maybe a potato too if I have any to spare.”
He narrowed his eyes, “how the hell are you still alive? That’s hardly enough.”
You blankly stared at your plate, “I’ve been asking myself that everyday, things aren’t… amazing living alone. Uh, let’s talk about happier things. I wanna get to know you.”
He stared at you for a while before he sighed, “fine, but we’re talking about this later. How do you wanna go about getting to know each other?”
“It’s gonna be hard cuz we have like seventeen years to catch up on, but I think we can do it. Let’s… let’s play the favorites game. We take turns naming a category and we both say what our favorite thing in that is. I’ll start, what’s your favorite type of mythology? Like Greek, Egyptian, Norse…”
His eyes lit up at the mention of mythology, “I like Greek mythology. I can talk for hours about it.”
“Nice! I personally like Norse mythology better, we have to exchange myths sometime.”
“My turn, what’s your favorite myth?”
You matched his excitement, “I really like the Ragnarok myth. The fact that the gods know of their impending doom and destruction and are actively working towards it is- is just really intriguing. What’s yours?”
You both abandoned your meals as your conversation diverged into telling each other various myths from your respective favorite mythologies. Your favorite ones he told you were the tales of Orpheus and Eurydice, Persephone and Hades, and Psyche and Eros. You were a sucker for romance even if the thought of you being in a relationship was something you were uncomfortable thinking about. Romance stories just made you happy to see people finding comfort and fulfillment in each other. You told him more about Ragnarok, the creation of Mjolnir, and the murder of Baldur. 
Before you two knew it, hours passed by. Your untouched dinners grew cold and the clock struck midnight startling both of you out of your story telling. You both looked at the grandfather clock then back at each other in shock, “we’ve been talking for four hours Tech.”
“Yeah, we did. It- it was nice talking about mythology. Usually people get bored when I talk about it.”
You rolled your eyes, “Ender, I know. Why don’t they find it as interesting as we do? It’s been a while since I’ve had someone to talk to, it’s nice.”
“We better go to bed, we can just eat a bigger breakfast tomorrow before we take you to the Nether and your house. You probably want to sleep in your own bed.”
You laughed nervously, “yeah about that… I don’t really have a bed anymore. Or an actual house for that matter.”
“The fuck happened?”
“I may have burnt it down accidentally.”
He was silent for a bit before he looked at you suspiciously. “Are you gonna burn my house down?” And there’s the thing you hated most when you told people of your lineage and abilities. They always believe that you’re a being of destruction and inferno. They always grow to not trust you around them or their possessions fearing you would burn them to a crisp. You cursed your biological parents daily for giving you these genes.
You shrunk in on yourself slightly, “no, I’d never do that to you. I’m in control as long as I keep my emotions in check. Can’t get too excited, scared, or happy. I just can’t do anything extreme and my temperature stays low.” 
He grunted, nodding in satisfaction. “We probably should get to sleep soon if we wanna get stuff done before the family reunion.”
“I forgot about that… Have you met the kid Phil’s gonna adopt?”
He drew in a long breath into his nose and huffed it out of his mouth. “Yeah, his name’s Ranboo. And he’s actually only about half a year younger than you are. I don’t know how to feel about him yet, but he seems like he has good intentions.”
You drug a hand through the flames idly flickering on your head, “is Phil seriously gonna adopt another kid? I don’t think it’s a good idea for him.”
“That’s what I thought, I don’t need any more orphans running around here. You, Tommy, and Wilbur are more than enough. We can talk more about this in the morning.”
With that, you picked up your plates and took them to the kitchen. Before you could turn on the water faucet, a hand on your shoulder stopped you. “I’ll get it. You can’t be around this stuff.”
“A little water won’t hurt me. It’s the least I could do, you made dinner.” 
“A little water will hurt you. Go to bed, I’ll handle this. It’s only two dishes.”
You opened your mouth to argue with him, but it snapped shut as soon as he gave you a warning look. “Go to bed (y/n).”
“...Aright, thank you for doing that. I’ll see ya in the morning.”
He grunted as you walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and into the guest room. You walked straight to the bed and plopped down onto the surface. You felt sort of bad that you were rubbing soot off onto the white comforter from your still charcoaled skin, but it was nothing that you couldn’t clean in the morning. The bed was extremely comfortable, a stark contrast to your old one. Your old one had lumps and some exposed bedsprings sticking out of the fabric. With the weight of the heavy comforter and the plush mattress, you were out like a light.
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: You and Loki are dating, and the Avengers find out in the worst way possible.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: Crack fic, Collar, leash, bondage, unintended voyerism. 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙎 𝙋𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀 𝘿𝙉𝙄!
If you decide to read this, it’s between you and god.
Definitely not beta read and not proofread.
This is funny and sexy. I’ve written it at 2am and have no idea what I’m typing, but I hope this is nice!
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“Attention! Attention! Attention!”
You whipped your head up form mindlessly scrolling through your phone to see Tony walk into the room with his signature smirk plastered across his face. You knew he was up to no good.
Almost all of you were killing time today. There was nothing much to do and while such days were rare and coveted, you all always died of boredom.
“What is it Tony?” Nat asked rolling her eyes. “I come bearing gifts!” Tony did a little dance and sat on one of the chairs. “I hold the answer to one of the most important questions in the world.”
You sighed and relaxed back into your chair. This must be about some new invention of his, you thought. “Stop talking in circles.” Steve grunted with his usual annoyance. If someone was 100% fine with Tony’s shit, it was undoubtedly Steve.
“Okay okay. I know we are all very inquisitive about who will date Y/N and I carry the answer.” Your eyes bulged out the moment Tony said it. Did Tony know your secret?
The secret that you carried in the depths of your heart, the secret that could potentially break you; out of all the people in the entirety of this universe, you were madly in love with Loki.
You hadn’t yet told the avengers that you were dating Loki. You weren’t sure how they’d receive the news. You knew it was a little too late now.
You had developed a crush on Loki the very first time you had seen him and the god was well aware of that. During the battle of New York, there had been occasions when Loki had secretly taunted you about your attraction.
Even despite being the enemy of the avengers, you touched yourself at night thinking about him. Later on, you had met him a few more times due to the courtesy of Thor. And then finally Loki had admitted he liked you too.
And that’s how your secret, whirlwind romance had begun. Nobody else knew of your secret affair and you were happy to keep it that way. Though your mysterious disappearances on random days raised some eyebrows, you both were pretty unbothered about it.
Over the time, your attraction had graduated into love and you both were heads over heels for one another. In the beginning you were afraid Loki might not want commitment, but you were gladly proven wrong.
Loki was the best lover you ever had. And not just in the matters of writing heartfelt poems for you, but he was exceptionally talented in bed. The devious things you two did with and to each other would make even Tony squirm.
You two complemented each other; your ridges filled in his cracks and his peaks filled in your valleys. And you desperately wanted to tell your team who was now your family about the love of your life.
But you were just a mortal and despite him being a god, he too was susceptible to judgment and prejudice. You knew that Avengers wouldn’t ever approve of you and Loki.
You all still cracked jokes about Loki and his mischiefs, though you wanted to stop them from making fun of him, you always bit your tongue. And not interested in averting eyes, you too laughed with them.
“Huh.,. What?” You stammered your way through the sentence. Your eyes were wet with unshed tears. You knew the avengers wouldn’t like your relation, more because of your deception than the person you were dating.
“Yes.! This new dating app has elite people from all over New York and we could match an eligible guy or lady with our sad lonely Y/N.” Tony made it sound as being being single was the worst thing in existence.
You blew a relieved breath through your teeth. At least you weren’t caught, yet. And you weren’t interested in going on a date with anyone. You would simply reject every single person.
“Alright. Let me see.” You said as you got up from your seat. “Nope.” Tony asserted shaking his head childishly. “What?” You were incredulous.
“I know what you’ll do. You’ll simply reject everyone of them. This is not the first time you’ll do it. And I don’t know why, but you always reject everyone.”
Everyone else hummed in unison and you stared at them in disbelief. “Guys seriously. All of you?” You huffed with annoyance. Every single one of them was betraying you.
“Stark is right. I recall the time you rejected Fandrall, despite him being quite the ladies man.” Thor chimed in. Oh yes, you vividly remembered that.
Thor had brought his friends to meet and fandrall had tried his luck on you only to be flat out rejected. Loki had wanted to strangle the life out of him and after much convincing you had stopped him.
“It’s just a date. Go and check it out. If you don’t like it then we won’t force you the next time.” Steve was definitely the only level headed one in this madhouse. “But you’ll force me the first time. Great!”
“Give it a try.” Nat was suddenly interested in the conversation she deemed boring before. “You know what? Do whatever you want to and then just tell me where to reach.”
You knew the more you argued the more adamant they would become. Rolling your eyes and cursing under your breath you stormed out of the room leaving them to be.
“This is what you are wearing?” Tony asked with half shock and half annoyance. “You have to be kidding me.”
“Well you never told me what to wear, so I wore what’s comfortable.” You were standing in your loose pajama and work out hoodie. Seeing you dressed for your date, half of the avengers lost their shit and the others tried their best to control their laughter.
“Stop acting like an edgy teenager.” You shrugged with nonchalance, “Stop controlling my life, dad.” You pulled the hoodie right over your head to be even more rebellious.
Tony was about to go off again when Nat, being the good friend she was, cut him off. “Let’s not fight. She has a date to attend with a very handsome man I must add.”
“Yeah. Right. Where do I have to go?” Tony smirked and you knew this wasn’t where it ended. “You aren’t going alone. We’ll come with you.” Tony knew you’d ditch the date of given the chance. “Stop babying me. I can go by myself.”
“No. You’ll run away.” You’d never wanted to break Tony’s teeth before. “Fine.” You crossed your arms with defiance.
“Behave yourself.” Tony warned the last time before leaving you and you like the brat you were stuck your tongue out.
Your date, Tim or something, was some rich guy from someplace and did something to earn money. Truth be told, you weren’t paying any attention when Tony and Nat told you about him and here you were waiting for that Mr. Tim something from somethingtown. You were sure he would be an arrogant snob.
The Avengers might have forced you to attend the date, but they sure as hell won’t force you to behave. You were going to on your worst behaviour ever and were gonna make that man regret his entire existence.
You turned around to take a look at the posh restaurant and more importantly check where your teammates were. You couldn’t spot them but were sure that they were keeping an eye on you.
You gladly didn’t have to wait much longer before Tim came. He was wearing a tailored blue suit and you had to agree that he did look impressive. He was tall and lean with a sharp nose and jawline, his hair was short but curled and the aura around him was pleasant.
But he wasn’t your Loki. He extended a warm smile as he took his seat opposite to you and you on the other hand flared holes in his body. Your mouth was twisted bitterly as if you had just chewed a piece of lemon and your eyes were narrowed.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” Despite your demeanour, he seemed to like you. “It’s definitely not nice to meet you, Tim.” You had expected him to leave that moment, but that idiot had the audacity to laugh.
“It’s Tom, dove.” Your blood boiled, Loki called you dove and only Loki would call you dove. How dare this stranger call you dove? “Don’t call me that.”
“I thought you liked it.” He was smirking as if this was some game and he was winning. As if he was drawing amusement from your plight. “Then you thought wrong.” He simply raised his eyebrows and shrugged, still smiling shamelessly.
He still wasn’t angry, what was this man made of? Even you weren’t this patient. You were wearing your pajama for this date in some high end restaurant, giving him foul looks, and telling him directly to his face that you weren’t happy to see him and yet he was making googly eyes at you.
He was either a serial killer or a genuinely good person. And you hoped he was the former; you didn’t want to blatantly insult this good man, he had done nothing wrong. So you hoped he was a killer.
“So, tell me about yourself.” Why was he this interactive? “Search google, you’ll get a lot about me.” You were now obnoxious clicking your nails on the table showing your disinterest.
“Got a tongue on us, have we?” This man was getting on your nerves at the same time making you feel bad for treating him badly. “What the hell do you mean?” You wanted to bang the table but that would attract unnecessary attention from the others. As it is you were the centre of the restaurant’s talk with your clothes.
He slowly crept his hand further and held your hand. Fuming with anger, you pulled your hand back, “Don’t you dare touch me!” You folded your hands and leaned back on the chair. “Calm down, pet.”
That’s it, you were going to kill him right there with your fork. Loki called you pet only when he was pounding you hard into the mattress, and listening to Tom call you pet made you want to puke. “What the fuck did you call me?”
Tom looked around a moment before taking in a calming breath, you wondered what this dude was up to. But then you saw with your own two eyes as his illusion faded and you saw the love of your life sitting right across from you. It was Loki all along.
“Loki!” You squealed almost getting up from your chair. “Shhh.” He pulled you back down and made you sit. You were vibrating with excitement and were going to burst with happiness.
“Loki, I… you…” words weren’t forming as you were beaming with joy. “Wait, the others will see you.” You dated looking around. You were sure your team was still looming somewhere near. “Don’t worry. they won’t. I’ve cast an illusion for them.”
“Loki, I love you.” All your foul mood was suddenly drained out of your body through every pore. “I love you too, my sweet obedient pet.” Loki purposefully teased you.
“No. I hate you.” You really wanted to playfully punch Loki. “Couldn’t you tell this to me right when you came?” He just shook his head chuckling. “But where’s the fun in that.” Good god, Loki and his flair for dramatics, you thought.
“But how did you find me?” You wondered how he knew about all this stupid setup. “I have my sources.” You thought for a moment before answering, “Thor? Oh my god, Thor told you, didn’t he?”
“I said I have my sources dove.” You squinted at him, if he was playing, you weren’t gonna sit back, “okay silver tongue. But where’s my reward for being a good girl?”
“Yeah you’re right. My good pet needs her rewards.” He put his hand right back on you and tantalising slowly he slipped it under your full sleeved hoodie. You quickly slapped it with your other hand. “We are in public!”
“So what do we say we sneak away? We have too many eyes on us.” Like a school girl propositioned to bunk classes, you happily nodded. “Let’s go. I’ll go wait for you in the washroom, come ten minutes after me” you said as you got up and left.
You couldn’t believe that you literally had a date with Loki right under the noses of the avengers. Loki never did stop to amaze you. It was like your own version of running away with your Prince Charming from the evil clutches of your step moms (you did mentally apologised to Tony and Steve, but who could blame you?)
“Where did they go?” Steve asked worriedly. He had seen you disappear into the washroom with Tom right on your tracks but neither of you had come back.
Steve didn’t have a particularly good feeling about any of this. This was definitely against your wishes and he didn’t want that. Also he had no idea who this Tom was, he could be a hydra guy for all they knew.
“To the washroom.” Tony replied calmly sipping his drink. Steve knew one day his jaw was going to fall off with all this clenching. “I know. But it’s been an hour and yet they aren’t back.”
When steve had voiced his concern earlier, Tony had just shut him saying you both would be having your fun. And thus they didn’t disturb you, but now it was getting out of hand. “Steve, let them enjoy. Don’t be so grumpy. You need to relax. Tell me, should I set you up too?”
“No. thank you very much. But I’m going to go check out. Nothing of this was right in the first place. We literally forced her and she definitely wasn’t in any mood to.. you know.” No matter how old Steve got, he still was terribly shy.
“Fondue?” Tony purposely teased. “I’m going. And if something happens, it’s on you.” Tony shrugged as he continued sipping his drink. He knew it was just a blind date and you being horny was none of their business.
Nat tagged along with Steve and they checked out the entire hotel, but neither of you were anywhere. Tony was still happily sipping his juice as Steve came back panting. “I told you it wasn’t right. They are nowhere to be found.”
Tony was going to argue when Nat interjected, “Steve is right. We shouldn’t have had forced her. She was clearly unhappy and we both know she isn’t a girl to bang someone on the first try. We need to find her Tony.”
“She is nowhere?” Tony asked worriedly. Steve and Nat shook their head. He finally let go of his drink and got up in a hurry. “Try calling her.” He suggested as they started looking for you once again.
“Do you think we did not try that?” Now Tony actually started panicking. “We have no idea where they are. They are gone without a trace. We don’t even know what that Tom guy was. There is a reason avengers don’t go on blind dates. He might have been from hydra, or he might be some alien!”
Tony didn’t have it in himself to deny. He shouldn’t have forced you to go. He wanted to do someone good for you. He had seen that you’d been a little worried lately and he just wanted for you to have some fun.
“Alert the others. Try tracing her phone maybe.” They had frantically searched the entire place and yet hadn’t found you. If something were to happen to you, neither of them could ever forgive themselves.
“There’s a signal from her phone. It’s in an…. Apartment?” Nat said looking at the screen of her phone. Their subordinates had traced your phone to find its location and they expected some kind of a warehouse, not an apartment.
“Apartment? Why would they take her to an apartment?” Tony was confused. “To confuse us, simple. Let’s go.” The apartment was not much far away and from it location was pretty expensive. Buckling themselves in their seats in the car, the avengers were ready to save you.
“Let’s break in.” Nat suggested. Standing outside the house, they didn’t hear any movement. Steve nodded and went two steps behind only to come back with force and kick the door open.
The house seemed mostly empty to their eyes. But what they heard and saw next made their blood run cold. Your clothes were laying in pieces on the ground, there definitely had been a fight.
Before they could cancel the house as empty, they heard you groaning in pain. The sound was definitely coming from the bedroom. Steve cracked his knuckles as he got ready to tear down yet another door.
You were mumbling and grunting from pain and Steve sweared to all the gods above that he was going to break every single bone in Tom’s body. The moment they kicked down your bedroom door, all of you froze in shock.
You were sprawled out onto the bed on your fours with your hands tied to each other. Your hair was a complete mess yet they could see the collar around your neck. The collar was connected around a leash with was tightly curled around the palm of the man they least expected to see, Loki.
You weren’t grunting with pain, you were moaning with pleasure. Your eyes were shut and your lips wide open forming the ‘o’ shape. Loki on the other hand was ramming right into you. His eyebrows knit with concentration and his back sweaty with exertion.
“Fuck Loki, I’m close… I’m… AAAAA.” You shrieked out loud when you heard the door break and opened your eyes only to see Tony, Steve and Nat staring at you wide eyed.
“Fuck.” Loki cursed as he panicked too. You both grunted as he quickly slipped out of you and he tried his best to cover you both with duvets. Your hands being tied, you weren’t able to do much expect wish for the earth to swallow you whole.
“I’m going to kill you.” Steve announced as he marched ahead. You don’t quite catch why he was so upset, but then you did; your hands were tied, you were wearing a goddamn collar and you were being railed by Loki.
“No. Wait. It’s not like it seems.” You were already panting hard from all your previous activities but you knew this was a make or break moment. “I assure you, I would never hurt Y/N.” Loki said in his British accent, defending himself.
Steve narrowed his eyes and watched you skeptically. “I and Loki… we are dating.” You quickly hid behind the covers not wanting to see any of their faces.
“Wait a minute. Can anyone tell me what’s happening?” You still didn’t come out from under the covers, hoping you would stay there for the rest of your life.
“I’ll tell you. I have been courting Y/N for years now. We wanted to tell you, but we are sure you wouldn’t approve. But I love Y/N more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life.
So, I dressed up as Tom just to have some fun. When I told her who I really was, we decided to come here. This is an apartment I legally own, but now you’ve literally broken down half of it and yes, I do want a compensation.”
You smacked Loki on his thigh, you were about to die with embarrassment and this man was interested in having compensation. “Ow.” Loki complained rubbing where you hit him.
Tony blinked once, then twice just to be sure whether what he was hearing was real. Steve wanted to kill himself, Tony didn’t know whether to be entertained or feel gross and Nat was oddly aroused.
For a whole moment they just stared at each other in a comical silence. “Y/N come out.” Steve commanded and you just peaked your eyes out and gave him the best puppy dog look you could manage.
“Is it true?” You just nodded, words had apparently left your head. “Speak up.” Your dam broke and you started sobbing. Loki tried to shush you only to realise your hands were tied. He swiftly let go of the knots.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you since so long. But… but I knew you wouldn’t like it. But the truth is loki is the best person I could ask for. I know you are angry on me, and I’m sorry.”
There were a million emotions running through your head and there was no time to sort out anything. “It’s okay.” Nat said and these words calmed you more than anything.
“We’ll talk about this later. And no, we aren’t angry with you.” Steve and Tony nodded along. “We trust you and your decisions. But if you ever need any help, you can always without thinking twice can come to us.” You definitely loved Tony.
“Thanks.” Your voice was low and meek. Steve gave you a subtle nod and they retreated just as quickly as they came. You were undoubtedly feeling like running away and never coming back but at the same time you were free.
This was definitely the worst way to find out, but at least they were supporting. You knew you’d get a few lectures when you went back, but you could worry about that tomorrow.
“I’m gonna go jump out of that window.” You mumbled sleepily. “No you’re not.” Loki pressed kisses to your forehead to improve your mood. And you couldn’t help but laugh when Loki said, “They better pay me my money.”
“I’m gonna go donate my eyes. You people can tag along.” Tony complained all the way as they sat in the car. “I was going to die with a heart attack.” Steve said joining his complaint train. “Yeah old man, sure.” Tony replied cheekily.
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wreckmetoji · 3 years
Fight for your love
A fic in which your boyfriend’s job keeps you from obtaining what you want the most.
↳ Geto Suguru/Reader
content warning. fluff, smut, established relationship, afab reader, oral(f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, breeding kink, profanity
**Minors DNI**
2.5k words
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In no way did Suguru think he was a clean, righteous person. He knew many decisions he made weren't the right ones, he knows he's had to hurt innocent people. But the way you looked at him every time he walked through the door made him believe he was. The gentle tender love and care tending to his wounds after a long day of work gone bad, hurting innocent people. You never seemed to mind, never seemed to ask, never seemed to care if the way you kissed his bruised, bloody knuckles spoke what your heart was thinking. Every time he tried to bring up his line of work, knowing there was a good chance one day you might get dragged in despite how hard he tried to keep you separate, keep you secret, you simply shook your head and smiled at him. As long as you're you, I don't care what you do, you'd say. As long as I'm happy with you here and now, I don't care what happens later. Suguru would be lying if he said he didn't come to the conclusion he couldn't live without you right there, right then, the first time you said those words with your blindingly bright smile. Everyone was far from perfect, except you. There was no such thing as perfect, except you– and sometimes, you made him feel perfect too. "I know you can't help it, but," You muttered, tongue poked out between your lips as you tied the bandage around his torso with utmost concentration, "If you're gonna get hurt, try to avoid something this close to your heart." His softened gaze followed your fingers as you gently caressed the bandages above his deep cut, the pain not even registering with how gently, how lovingly you treated him. "After all, if your heart gets hurt, so does mine." He knew, deep down, he didn't deserve you. "I'll try my best, darling." Suguru smiled, hands gently finding your hips, his forehead leaning into your chest as you cradled him from your standing position. There you stayed, slowly, gently swaying in comfortable silence. You made him feel virtuous, as if mere hours ago he didn't commit horrible, unforgivable atrocities, unforgivable and damning sins. This is how most of your evenings together would go, patching him up, dancing around each other in the kitchen as you made dinner together, if he was ever home early you'd watch a movie together. Even if it was rare with the long hours he worked, those were the days he cherished, those were the days that got him through it all. You never asked for more, even though he knew you deserved every second of his time, you deserved the world and the heavens above. What were you if not a goddess, damned to mortality, damned to a life loving him. Suguru held you close as you laid in bed, the rain pattering on the window lulling you both into a comfortable half-asleep daze. He noticed the way you kept some distance, trying not to irritate his fresh wound. "Sugu," Your voice called, urging him to open his eyes and gaze down at you. Your sudden silence intrigued him, and the way your ears went pink intrigued him even more. "What is it, little lamb?" Suguru sounded tired, voice gravelly from a long day. He kissed the crown of your head, rubbing soft circles on the small of your back, urging you to talk to him about what you so eagerly wanted to get out. "Maybe one day–" You paused again, fists balling at his bare chest, "One day, would you want to start a family?" The thought had most certainly crossed his mind, on several occasions. Suguru would regularly daydream about a peaceful life of domesticity with you, a child or two, a nice house in a nice neighborhood with a nice, respectable job. He'd always snuffed the idea, knowing that he probably wouldn't live to see his child grow up properly. Still, though, the way you pressed your cheek into his arm and stared at him with wide, inquisitive eyes had him smiling sadly. "My beautiful angel... Under different circumstances, I wouldn't have to think twice." He didn't want to lie to you, but the frown tugging at your lips had his heart clenching in his chest. "We could go somewhere they can't find you, we could move somewhere warm and sunny." Suguru chuckled at your optimism, though a twinge of sadness was behind it. They would find him, no matter what he did or where he went. He didn't dare say it, he knew your response already, that's just an excuse. "That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Your silence told him everything he needed to know. There wasn't anything he could say, so instead he kissed your forehead, your cheek, your nose, then your lips. There he lingered, sighing gently when your hands moved up to his shoulders, then his neck. Heightened by your saddened state, the way you pulled him closer, fingers brushing through the hair on his neck, thumbs stroking his jawline, was all so desperate. It was your silent plea, your attempt to change a fate already set in stone. "I can't stand to see you sad, little lamb." He smiled against your lips, slowly shifting on the bed until he was hovering over you. Those eyes, the way you looked at him, so wide and clear and swimming with emotion. So pure, so untainted, so good. Everything he wasn't, and everything he strives to be. "I'll make it up to you, darling," He kissed you again, then your chin, then your neck, "I promise." Only when he received a nod of approval did he proceed, gently pulling your underwear off, oh so gently helping you lift your night shirt over your head. Never in the years you'd been together has he grown accustom to just how lucky he is to exist on this world at the same time you did. "You're so beautiful, absolutely perfect. Have I told you this?" Of course he has, but the smile on his face was so cheeky, so mischievous it made you giggle. "Maybe once or twice." Suguru returned your laugh, pulling his hair back into a bun with the hair tie on his wrist, before descending down your body. Every place he stopped, he kissed, nuzzled, nibbled, eliciting a sigh from you nearly every time. The sight of your eyes closing and head tilting back once he reached your core, giving your bundle of nerves a sweet kitten lick, was akin to seeing God. Surely it was the holiest thing he would witness in all his time on this earth. You were, after all, nothing short of an angel. Making himself more comfortable, Suguru gripped your thighs, throwing them over his shoulders. The soft look you gave him, those sweet eyes, your perfect parted kiss-plumped lips... "Beautiful," Was all he whispered into the plush skin if your thigh before parting you with his thumbs, gently kissing, licking, and sucking your sensitive clit. The long whine you emitted only spurred him on, fingers teasing your entrance by touching and squeezing everywhere but where you wanted. Admittedly, it's been a while since the two of you got intimate time together. Either he would come home too late, or too hurt, for the two of you to comfortably do anything. You never seemed to press. "I'm sorry I haven't been taking care of you, little lamb," Suguru replaced his mouth with his hands, thumb swirling circles around your bundle of nerves, while his index and forefinger ever so slowly entered your heat. He set an immediately fast pace, fox-like eyes drinking in your pleasure twisted face. The sweet sounds dripping from your mouth were like music to his ears, the arch of your back from the mattress eliciting a dark chuckle from him. "I know I haven't been the most solicitous boyfriend as of late," His fingers curled inside you at his words, "I hear you in the shower, you know." He kissed his way back up your body, stopping only briefly to flick his tongue across a pebbled nipple, stopping mere centimeters away from your lips. He wanted to bask in your whines and moans for just a moment longer, his personal hymn. "Naughty little thing, never asking for help." Suguru didn't get to tease you for long, your hands finding quick purchase on his cheeks, tugging him down and kissing him with desperate force. Your frenzied, open mouthed kisses were met ten-fold, a slow, low moan coming from him at the uncharacteristic abrasiveness you were displaying. The way your walls clenched around his fingers let him know just how bad you'd been needing him, the whispered I'm cumming against his lips. When your hand came down to palm at his very hard erection outside his briefs was when he decided he'd have to reign you in much tighter than usual tonight. Tonight wasn't about him. His fingers worked in tandem with your heaving chest, every push and pull in sync with your hurried breaths. He had half a mind to pin your arms above your head and fuck you stupid with his fingers, but he couldn't deny you of what you really wanted. "I know you're eager, darling, but be good." He saw the shiver run up your body at his authoritative tone, one he didn't use often. At the same time, he pulled down his boxer briefs and added his ring finger to your dripping cunt. It isn't that he had to, he knew you were already perfectly wet for him, he just loved the way your thin fingers gripped the sheets, the way your head thrashed from side to side. Very briefly, Suguru entertained the thought of a golden band wrapped around his finger as he defiled you with his hands. How beautiful it would look disappearing, reappearing, covered in your slick. It made his cock twitch. The second he removed his sopping fingers from you, he'd lined up the thick head of his cock with your trembling sex, leaning back with his hands on your knees. He could see the surprise on your face, your arm half-way reached to the bedside drawer to get a condom. "I know," He crooned, stroking your knee. Admittedly, the two of you weren't diligent with using condoms when you didn't have to, but he was well aware this was the week you really should be using them, lest you want unexpected surprises. Your teary eyes and beaming smile could put the pearly golden gates of heaven to shame. The way you squealed as he pushed in had his own eyes rolling back, forcing your knees apart further until he had completely buried himself to in your welcoming heat. Having been a while, he had to take a shaky breath before slowly, ever so slowly, pulling out to the tip, pushing back in with a bit more haste. How quickly, and how tightly, you wrapped your legs around his waist nearly winded him, enraptured cries of faster, please, I need you making him groan. "You poor thing, so needy," Suguru barely managed to breathe out, hips moving at a steady pace. The obscene sound of your slick sticking to his hips every time he tenderly fucked into you made him acutely aware of exactly how long its been. Ashamedly aware of how close he was to his climax, Suguru's thin fingers moved between your bodies, sliding in a quick back and forth motion against your clit at an attempt to get you closer, faster. The immediate reaction had his hips stuttering, your gummy walls clenching intensely around him, your impending orgasm pushing him over the edge. He only briefly stopped moving, whispering an apology into your hair as he tenderly flipped your body. Having you lay prone was one of your favorite positions, but it was mostly done to hide the embarrassed pink tint climbing up his neck from your gaze. White seed squished out and dripped down your sex, between your thighs, when he pushed back into you, the feeling alone having you throwing your head back and crying out for him. He continued his unrelenting pace, seeming completely unfazed by his own orgasm. "You like that, hm?" Suguru teased, a hand sliding down the curve of your hip, reaching under you, pressing his palm flat against where he felt himself protruding on your pelvis. "You like getting filled up with my cum, you want me to fuck a baby into you, darling?" His lewd words elicited muffled screams and cries of affirmation, your face buried in a pillow and biting down. Usually, Suguru would save his dirty talk for rough, frustrated, passionate sex, but how badly you needed him, begging him, to fill you up again had his mind hazy. He knew you well enough that you didn't have to tell him you were coming undone. "Such a good girl, you're so– so good, cum for me." Demanding words had you squeezing around his cock, the flutter and spasm of your orgasm urging him to move faster, harder, climbing another of his own release. Suguru was much more vocal this time around, hissing through clenched teeth, muttering sweet nothings and your name and I love you, I love you, I love you so much. Rutting and rolling his hips into you as he coated your walls white, his arm came around your chest and hugged you back against him. He pressed long, searing kisses into the shoulder his chin had been resting on, only pulling out from your messy cum-coated slick once he was sure you were satisfied with how thoroughly he bred you. You tiredly collapsed back into his chest, head turned to lazily gaze up at his equally tired, smiling face. He knew what transpired was irresponsible at best, the weight of parental responsibility already settling in the back of his mind. For now, he would simply entertain the idea. The inquisitive gaze you held had him chuckling, kissing your cheek tenderly, as if that would answer all the questions he could see you wanted to ask him. He never fed you lies, but when he told you everything will be okay, we'll find a way, I promise it sounded almost sincere enough to pass as the truth. Soft strokes of your hair lulled you to sleep, but Suguru found himself wide awake and staring at your beautiful lips, nose, lashes, the curve if your jaw, the dips of your collarbone. He found himself thinking of your words more than he should, knowing what the outcome would inevitably be. He came to the conclusion that for you, he would fight for his freedom. He would fight for you, for a family, for a normal life, somewhere warm and sunny. In this life, in the next life, in the afterlife, he would fight for you and love you with everything he had, his beautiful guardian angel.
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nationalharryleague · 4 years
The Busy Bean
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: Coworkers to lovers AU
Word count: 5.6K
A/N: Hi all! This is my entry for Sadie’s (@meetmeinfleetwood) To Lovers Fic Challenge!! As always, many thanks to Mia (@hardcandy-harry) and Lu (@meetmymouth​ even tho shes taking a little break lol) for being wonderful betas!! I really love it and I hope you enjoy it too! You can find more of my writing in my masterlist and I would love to hear what you think (or anything else lol) in my ask! 
The first day at a new job is a universally terrifying experience.
You can’t sleep the night before, head full of nightmare scenarios of evil customers and mean bosses, and a swirl of anxiety continues to bubble in the pit of your stomach, refusing to slow or calm. There's a part of you that prays they will call and tell you that they don’t need your help anymore, despite how bad you need the money. But the call never comes, and the next day you stand in front of the building, desperately trying to take deep breaths and slow your heart rate, bracing yourself for whatever is to come whenever you enter.
This is where Y/N was today, in a mess of shaky palms with slight blue bags under her eyes from a lack of sleep that wouldn’t disappear no matter how hard her concealer tried. She stood in front of the large plate glass window of the cafe, sneaking glimpses and trying to prepare herself for whatever awaited before she actually reached to take the door handle. With a glance at her watch that signaled it was time for her to arrive, she took one last deep breath and entered the small but cozy space.
The cafe itself wasn’t open yet, devoid of customers with only a few lights behind the counter on, but it was full of the delightful and familiar smell of coffee that swirled around her head. The wall to her left was an exposed brick that had been painted white with a long table running along it with stools tucked underneath and a long cafe counter ran the length of the shop to her right. The far back wall of the shop was a giant book shelf with books stacked from the bottom of the top, arranged in a rainbow pattern along each shelf. The store was unbearably charming.
“Hello?” she felt herself call out softly into the empty space. Her voice came out slightly timid, her anxious mind not giving her lips full permission to speak.
She listened to a shuffling and a distant voice muttering “shit,” that seemed to be coming from a door that sat behind the counter where the few lights had been turned on. Before long, a man with curly hair popped his head out from the back hallway, giving her a wide dimpled smile. “Just give me a minute!” he said, holding up his pointer finger for a second, before disappearing back into the hall. After a few more moments of shuffling and muffled cursing, he reappeared. His face held the same dimpled grin as before.
“You must be Y/N,” he said, reaching out a hand for her to shake across the counter. “Boss man said you would be starting today.”
“That’s me,” she spoke gently, still apprehensive in the new surroundings. She placed her hand in his and he shook it with a friendliness she hadn’t expected from her first couple minutes in a new work space. His hand was warm and his nails were painted a bright and sunshiny yellow.
“I’m Harry. It’s great to meet you!” His voice was deep, but light and enthusiastic, far too excited for the early morning calm that she had been reveling in on her walk to the shop.
She decided quickly that he looked like a ‘Harry’ and that his name matched his cheerful disposition. His green eyes shined, even in the relatively dim early morning light that illuminated the room through the front window, and they held a disarming and calming quality that slowed her heart rate for the first time since she had woken up.
“You too.” She forced a smile onto her lips, hoping to conceal the first day jitters that ran through her system.
“Don’t worry about your first day,” he read her like a book. “Everyone here is very nice and you have the best trainer in the world.”
“I’m assuming that’s you?” she questioned, letting out a light chuckle.
“Well, of course it is.”
She was slightly taken aback by the peculiar, yet undeniably charming, man that stood across the counter from her. He was dressed in a loose fitting black sweater that looked cozy and soft, paired with wide-legged tan slacks, all covered with a dark green apron that had the cafe’s logo on the chest. The Busy Bean was embroidered in a light yellow sitting above a mug with a bumble bee on it; it was charming and cute, fitting in well with the plethora of plants and flowers that filled the cafe.
He must have noticed her staring at the logo. “You like the name?” he asked her, pointing at the logo that sat on his chest. She nodded softly, a smile finding its way on to her lips. “We’re going to be very busy beans in about,” he paused to check his watch, “thirty minutes when we open. So put this on,” he slid her very own apron across the counter, “and let's get ready.”
Harry wasn’t lying when he said they were going to be busy.
While the shop had intentionally started her on a Saturday morning when it was usually a bit slower, the morning rush came in and threw her for a tizzy. She took orders and ran them to tables for what seemed like hours, kept far away from the coffee bar as she was unsure of how to make all of the drinks yet. But thankfully, she wasn’t alone.
Soon after opening, another woman arrived, wearing the same dark green apron that matched Y/N and Harry’s. She had long dark hair that fell to the small of her back and in gentle waves and glowing mocha skin with golden eyes. She introduced herself as Isla, with a warm and friendly smile, and stationed herself behind the counter, making drink after drink that smelled intoxicatingly delicious. Y/N thanked god, or whatever was out there, that she and Harry had someone else to help them out while customers flowed in and out of the shop.
Harry hung by her side for the entirety of the morning rush, carefully watching her every move, and gently redirecting her when she seemed to make a mistake. He was kind and she could tell that he genuinely wanted her to learn, not just to do a job well for efficiency’s sake. There was never a trace of frustration on his features, just patience and good will.
Around noon, the flood of patrons looking for their morning coffee began to slow, finally giving Y/N an opportunity to rest. She flopped herself down on a stool that sat behind the counter and released a long sigh, stretching her neck and slumping her shoulders. She was met by sympathetic giggles coming from her two new co-workers.
“Honey,” Isla began with a hint of pity in her voice, “that was nothing.”
“What did I get myself into?” Y/N chuckled through a groan, putting her face in her hands out of exhaustion.
“I promise it gets easier,” Harry chimed in, always one to calm someone’s anxieties. “You just need to get into the swing of things.”
“What I need to do is learn how to make all the fancy coffees that people keep asking me for,” she said, peeking through her fingers at her still amused coworkers.
A look was passed between the two of them, Isla eventually moving out of the way and motioning for Harry to take over the coffee bar. “Come on Baby Barista, lets teach you some of the basics.”
His nickname for her made her release a loud laugh, immediately stifling it to a few giggles when she realized she had caused a few patrons to look up and over at her. Her cheeks warmed instantly, embarrassed for disturbing them, and she added another item to the list of things she was learning never to do again with customers in the store.
He guided her over to the counter full of machinery including pots of coffee, hot water, an espresso machine, and more equipment she couldn’t even identify. He spoke to her gently and gave her all his attention, carefully talking her through how to make a few of the most ordered drinks. Other than almost burning herself a couple times, she was starting to get the hang of it. She had a very hard time wiping the smile off of her face after Harry taste tested each one and gave his seal of approval.
“Not bad, Baby Barista,” he complimented with a dimpled smile and a slight nod after she handed him what she believed was a caramel latte. She reveled in his praise, wanting to do her job well, but also loving his approval and the nickname he had now assigned to her.
They did this coffee lesson for a few more hours, as the shop slowed to almost a complete stop as they got closer to closing time. Isla had headed home and there were only a few stragglers left that had spent their days working or reading in the cafe as the sun began to set around 5pm, with closing at 6. Harry diligently continued to teach her as much as he could in one day as they began to close up the shop and get ready for the next day. He was easy to talk to and their conversation seemed to flow effortlessly as they swept and did dishes.
“So, what brought you to London?” he asked after a short lul, looking at her with an inquisitive look, the ever present dimple on his cheek and grin on his lips disarming her easily.
“Oh, you know,” she stumbled over her words slightly, “I just needed a fresh start.”
“No mysterious or heartbreaking backstory I need to know about?” he quipped, a questioning eyebrow perched on his forehead. She let out another loud laugh, deciding not to quiet herself this time as there was only one customer left in the store.
“No,” she chuckled, shaking her head as she swept. “I got dumped in a small town and needed to get away from them. It was like they were around every corner.” She wasn’t sure why she was telling him this, but he just had a way of pulling the truth from her. “I always dreamed of living here and the breakup was the kick in the ass I needed to actually do it.”
“I’m glad you made it here, but I’m sorry about the breakup.”
“Don’t be,” she smiled. “Definitely for the best.”
“Okay, then I won’t be.” His eyes had a mischievous glint behind them, but she couldn’t exactly place what he was getting at.
They worked together in a comfortable silence after that, making sure everything was ready for the morning to come and clean from the day that was leaving. Y/N covered a yawn as Harry told her that she was done for the day.
As she clocked out and gathered her things, she heard Harry’s voice as she moved towards the exit. “Do you live close by? I can give you a ride if you need. Don’t want you having to walk too far in the dark.” His offer was sweet and made her smile.
“I’m pretty close and I like the walk.” She grabbed onto the handle of the front door but couldn’t make herself leave just yet. “Thank you for being so patient with me today, Harry,” she said looking back towards him and connecting their eyes. She tried to convey her emotions to him on her face, something she wasn’t always very good at.
“No problem. We’re happy to have you here, Baby Barista.”
With a final nod and a light flush to her cheeks, she set off down the street towards her new flat. It wasn’t a long walk, just long enough to get a little chill in her bones from the cold winter air and to turn her nose into a small icicle.
She reflected on her first day as she walked. She liked Isla, and really liked Harry. And while she was very busy, it was good busy, not the type of busy that depletes your energy and makes you want to fall over at the end of the day. It was a kind of busy that kept her on her toes, ready to learn, and develop a skill.
Her thoughts were broken through when she noticed the old beat up red car that seemed to be following her down the road. It drove slowly, as if it didn’t want it to see her, and took extra long at intersections like it was hoping to stay behind her. She took a turn she didn’t need to at the next block, and another after that, and when the car continued to follow, her heart began to race.
She thought about running, or going up to a pedestrian and asking for help; she even considered calling her mum just to stay on the phone with her until she got home. It wasn’t until she recognized the green eyes and dimples behind the wheel that her heart began to slow. She turned around fully then, making eye contact with the man who had been following her, and crossing her arms in front of her and shooting a questioning eyebrow up at him.
He wore a look of shame as his car slowed to a stop in the street next to her.
“Excuse me sir,” she said sarcastically, bending over to look in the window and get a better look at his embarrassed rosey cheeks. “Why were you following me?”
“I wasn’t being a creep, I promise,” he quickly defended. “This neighborhood gets a little dangerous at night and I just wanted to make sure you got home safe.” He looked panicked and frazzled, clearly not planning on being caught. It was the first time she had seen him without a smile on his face all day.
“Harry, you were the thing that was making me feel unsafe,” she said, playfully scolding him through giggles. She watched as his face fell in a flood of relief that she wasn’t angry with him. “If you told me that you were going to follow me home anyway, I would have taken the ride.”
“I’m sorry.” He hung his head and ran a stressed hand through his curls.
“It’s okay, Harry,” she smiled softly. “I appreciate you caring enough to make sure I got home.” She rested a hand on the passenger side door handle. “And now you’re going to drive me the rest of the way home to make up for making me get off my normal route,” she laughed as she pulled on the handle and settled herself into the passenger seat.
The car was old, but clean and it smelled like the cologne he wore that she had picked up on a few times throughout the day. He was quiet, hanging his head like a child who had been caught with his hands in the cookie jar, as she directed him towards her flat. “I’m sorry, again,” was all he said when he pulled up in front of the building.
“Don’t be,” she smirked, using the same words she had earlier in the day when discussing her breakup. She exited the car, giving him a wave, and a call of “I’ll see you tomorrow,” before entering the building and shutting the door behind her.
Over the next few weeks, Harry and Y/N became fast friends.
After about a week of begging, she finally broke down and allowed him to pick her up and drive her home from work every day. Their morning rides consisted of the perpetually peppy and excitable morning person in the driver's seat blabbering on about something he saw on the news while he was getting ready or going on about a new book he was reading, while she would settle her still sleepy head on the window and rest her eyes for just a few more minutes before their day was forced to begin. At the end of the day, Harry was the quiet one, letting her recount the day (usually complaining about unruly customers or people that would sit and steal their wifi all day without ordering anything), while he drove her at a painfully slow pace to her flat. He always waited until she got inside the building, even asking her to text him when she got inside her tiny flat.
“I just want to make sure you got inside safe,” he would argue when she teased him about it.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” she would rebut.
“Then I’m not coming to help you anymore when you can’t figure out the milk steamer, Baby Barista.”
“Don’t threaten me with that stupid milk steamer. It has so many buttons you need to work for NASA to understand it,” she would groan, only to be met with a teasing glare from the curly man next to her. “Fine, I take it back,” she would always concede.
His protectiveness was not unwelcome to her. If she was being honest with herself, Harry was the only real friend she had made since she made the move to London and she was quickly becoming heart crushingly lonely. She took any care that anyone in the new and scary city was willing to give her with open arms.  
He was her only friend. They got on so well, she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed the extra few minutes she spent with him every morning and evening in the car. Maybe even a little too much.
At work, there was usually a chorus of laughter and giggles coming from their direction as Harry had taken her under his wing while she learned the ropes. There were days they would stay late after they had been off the clock making drinks over and over again; him patiently teaching, and her desperately trying to learn. There were definitely a few failures along the way, but they were always met with a teasing joke and then careful step-by-step directions on how she could fix it.
Technically Harry was her boss, store manager to be specific, but they worked alongside each other seamlessly, him never barking orders at her or using a harsh or authoritative tone.
Until today.
Y/N had been talking to one of their regulars, Robby, after she delivered an Americano to his table in the corner while it was particularly slow. Robby came in often, always shooting Y/N a bright smile and peppering compliments into their quick conversations. He was gorgeous, she couldn’t deny that; he had deep brown skin and an athletic build that she was sure was muscular under the thick sweater he was wearing to protect him from the cold. But he wasn’t her type, a little too arrogant and self-obsessed for her liking, always figuring out a way to turn their quick conversations back to himself. While it was fun to flirt with him, she knew it would never go any further than that.
“When do you get off?” Robby had asked suddenly, derailing their conversation away from the drink she had just delivered him. “I would love to take you out and see you in something other than that god awful apron.”
“Hey! I quite like my apron,” she playfully feigned offense, reaching to lightly swat him on the arm. “And while I appreciate your offer, I just got out of something pretty long term and I’m really not looking for anything right now. I’m sorry, Robby.” She forced a friendly pout onto her face, pretending like she was actually sorry for denying him.
Before he could respond, she heard an annoyed voice call her name from behind the counter. Whipping her head around to see who it was, she found Harry wearing an annoyed and frustrated face she had never seen him make before, especially not directed towards her. “We need some help back here. You have a job to do, remember?” he scolded, eyebrows furrowed and jaw steeled.
Her cheeks flushed white hot, embarrassed to be reprimanded like that in front of the whole shop. She hung her head in shame as she quickly walked back behind the counter. She was beyond embarrassed, suddenly uncomfortable in a place she had finally begun to come into her own in. She was learning and doing a good job, at least that was what she had been told, by both Isla and Harry; but the uneasy feeling in her stomach kept her from feeling comfortable for the rest of the day.
She carefully and quietly navigated behind the counter for the rest of her shift, sheepishly doing her best to stay out of her coworkers’ way and just do her job.
For the first time, she was slapped in the face with the reality that Harry wasn’t just her friend; he was her boss. He had an authority over her, and could probably get her in trouble with the owner, or even fired if he really wanted to. Navigating a business-like relationship was awkward and abnormal for them both, but Y/N decided she needed to learn how to quickly.
There was another reason his silent treatment seemed to hurt, one that Y/N had been trying her best to ignore. An undeniable crush had begun to build in her for the bright and bubbly man, despite however hard she had tried to fight it.
Harry made her feel safe, always keeping an eye out for her and trying to make sure she was alright. He made her laugh more than anyone she had ever known and their chemistry together felt electric. But what warmed her heart, and what now hurt the most, was that it felt like he cared about her just as much as she cared for him.
But now, it all felt like a fairytale she had built up in her head.
Their usual banter and giggles fell quiet for the rest of their day, reducing to curt directions from Harry and understanding hums from Y/N, following his orders without question or comment. Even Isla was quiet, not daring to breach the tension the pair had created between themselves.
The car ride home was quiet and strained that day.
But she still texted him when she was safe inside her flat.
While she had prayed that the next day would be like any other, their morning ride to work was filled with much of the same silence.
Harry fiddled with the heat and the radio in an effort to avoid her eyes or having to make conversation, eventually settling on a station that was playing old classic rock she didn’t recognize. He drove like she wasn’t even in the car, staring silently ahead at the road. She sat stiffly in the passenger seat fiddling with her fingers, not daring to get comfortable in a space that was all his.  
At work, they both held tight to the tension, only muttering at each other when absolutely necessary. She kept her head down and just did what she was told to do.
She was at the counter when a woman approached the coffee bar, seeming to bark her order for an extra hot cappuccino with extra foam at Y/N. Her face was twisted into an angry pout, like she had just smelled something bad, and spat her words out her words. Y/N just nodded and breathed a “yes, maam,” unable to fight with any nasty customers today while her head was so occupied with Harry. She was off her game.
The woman hovered at the counter, watching intensely and tapping her foot impatiently as Y/N fought with the dreaded milk steamer attachment to one of their large industrial machines. She would have sworn that she pressed the extra hot setting.
Passing the full mug to the woman at the register, Y/N watched as she took a long sip of the drink before paying, something that wasn’t really allowed, but Y/N just didn’t have the fight in her today to reprimand her.
“That will be £2,” Y/N spoke softly with as much sweetness as she could muster, afraid of what could come out of the woman’s mouth. She watched as her face turned even more sour than before after she finished the long drag from the cup.
“I’m not paying for this,” she declared, nose stuck high in the air.
“I’m sorry?” Y/N asked with confusion clear in her voice. “Is there something wrong with it?”
“It’s not extra hot and there is no extra foam.”
“Okay, I’m very sorry about that,” she said apologetically, even though she knew for a fact the drink had both of those things, and released an exhausted sigh. “I will make you another.”
The woman’s eyes flicked down the counter in Harry’s direction, rudely snapping her fingers at him to catch his attention. He was hunched over the back counter, somehow worsening his already terrible posture, trying to eat a sandwich as fast as he could before his break was over. “Are you her boss?” she shouted at him, even though he could have heard her without raising her voice at him.
Y/N’s eyes were already filled with anxiety when Harry connected his with her’s, seeming to wordlessly ask what was going on and Isla watched on in terror. She felt her body try to shrink away from the woman before her and Harry as he came closer.
“I’m the store manager. Is there something going on that I could help with?” His eyes kept flashing back and forth between Y/N and the woman, trying to decipher the situation without words.
“I want you to remake my drink.”
“I’m actually on a break-”
“No,” she cut him off mid-sentence. “If she makes my drink again, she is just going to fuck it up all over again. She’s obviously incompetent.”
Y/N eyes flew open at her words, a mix of shock and hurt running through her. With her heart beginning to race, never one for confrontation, she wanted to melt into the floor and disappear all together.
Harry’s face hardened at the woman as she hurled insults towards Y/N. Stepping in front of her, as if putting his body between her and the woman could protect her from her harsh words, he took a deep breath before he began to speak again. “First of all, you will not speak to anyone who works here like that,” he defended her. “Second, I’m sure she’s completely capable of making your drink again if you give her a moment.”
“I don’t want her to make it and I have places to be,” she continued to fight. “I don’t have time for some pathetic newbie to give it another try.”
Her comments hit Y/N hard in her existing feelings of inadequacy and before she knew it, her vision was beginning to blur. She felt like this woman was repeatedly kicking her while she was already down.
“You have to leave.”
Harry’s voice was angry. It wasn’t the frustration or annoyance she had heard the day before, and it was a far departure from the kind and patient tone she had grown to love since she began working at the shop. It was full of anger, something she had never heard from him and an emotion she hadn’t even been sure he could feel before this point.
“I’m not leaving until I get another drink that’s correct and free.”
“I will call the cops if you don’t leave right now.”
Y/N couldn’t stand to watch this unfold before her any longer. An anxious weight had settled on her chest and she had felt the tears begin to roll. She was gone from the counter, running towards the soundproof walk-in fridge in the back hall. She planned on shutting herself inside and sobbing until she froze.
She stood in the freezing chill, holding her arms tight to her frame, desperate to keep herself warm and shield herself from the wrath that was playing out in the cafe. The cold seemed to ground her and the distance she had put between herself and the woman eased her stress, but the tears continued to flow as her eyes ran over the stock of the fridge in an attempt to distract herself.
A knock came from outside the heavy metal door that startled her, a soft and patient voice that she knew so well called through. “Y/N, are you okay? Can I come in?”
After doing her best to wipe the tears off her raw and cold cheeks, she choked out a small “yes.”
The door carefully opened and she was met with a soft and empathetic gaze from the only person she wanted to comfort her. He breathed a soft “come here,” before he opened his arms wide. She bolted into them, letting his giant frame envelop her whole in the warmth that always radiated from him. Y/N let herself weep softly into his chest as the dizzying scent of his cologne took over her senses.
He held her close to him for a few moments, letting her get all her emotions out, before releasing her body and taking her face into his somehow still warm hands, using his thumbs to swipe away a few more tears that had managed to escape.
“I don’t think that I even messed her drink up,”she broke the silence, feeling pathetic as he held her in his hands.
“I know you didn’t. She won’t be coming back.”
“Thank you for defending me,” she said, hiccuping as she stared into his comforting eyes. “I feel so stupid. I’m sorry.” She went to pull away, but he continued to hold her close.
“No, this is all my fault,” he shook his head slightly, eyebrows drawn together in concern. “If I hadn’t been such a dick yesterday then none of this would have happened. I’m so sorry.” His eyes held honesty, determined to be granted absolution by the girl before him.
“I don’t like it when we don’t get along,” she squeaked. “I really don’t like it when you yell at me and make me feel like I’m not doing my job well.”
He sighed hard, his face looking like his brain was going a mile a minute. “I have to be honest with you,” he confessed. “I wasn’t acting like an asshole yesterday because you weren't doing your job; you were just doing fine. I was upset you were flirting with that guy.”
She felt her lips fall into a small ‘oh.’ While she hadn’t meant anything by what she thought was harmless flirting, Harry hadn’t known that. The frustration and annoyance she had heard was in actuality all jealousy.
“You were jealous?” she asked softly, bringing a hand up to hold over one of his own that were still holding her face.
“Well, yeah,” he said with an awkward shrug. “I just thought that there might be something between us.”
He looked so adorable like this, slightly uncomfortable and shy. She looked at him intensely as an excited bubble began to form in her stomach at the idea that this massive crush had been mutual the whole time.
“There is.”
She couldn’t hold back her smile any longer, a grin breaking out onto her face as she nodded at him. The cold of the fridge was no longer nipping at her skin, her whole body radiating a flattered and excited blush of heat. The screaming she had just endured felt long behind her although it had only been a few minutes.
He mirrored her giddy expression. She watched as all the tension in his face began to melt away in relief and it reminded her of the look on his face when she teased him after he followed her home that first day.
“Oh, thank god,” he breathed. “I was so worried that you were going to friendzone me forever.”
“I thought you were going to employee-zone me,” she chuckled.
“Are you going to kiss me or keep staring?”
A wide cheeky smile stretched across his lips, before she reached up and connected hers to his. The kiss was caring and sweet, but it felt like it sealed something she had been feeling since the first day they had met.
Their lips moved smoothly against each other, interrupted occasionally by a smile one of them couldn’t contain or a giggle that slipped from one of their mouths. She wasn’t nervous or overwhelmed by his proximity. She was so comfortable in his embrace. He was her best friend, after all.
They broke apart after a few moments, giant grins plastered on their faces that neither of them could manage to wipe away. “I liked that a lot,” Harry beamed, a boyish flush to his cheeks.
“Me too,” she mirrored him.
They spent a few more minutes in the fridge, swirling in a daze of infatuation and affection. “Do you think anyone heard us?” he asked softly, looking over towards the large metal door that had been left open a crack, before it flung open and they were met with a thrilled Isla.
“Yes, I heard you!” she exclaimed. “It’s about time!”
Thank you so much for reading! Feedback/Reblogs mean the world!! 
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hercleverboy · 4 years
love story
spencer reid x reader 
summary ↠ the story of how spencer and the reader met, and how they began to fall in love.
category ↠ fluff
warnings/includes ↠ none
word count ↠ 4.2k
“We are all better versions of ourselves when we are loved.” — Unknown
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Spencer was insane, he was sure of it.
What else would you call him finding himself hopelessly falling for a woman he’d known for less than a month?
Pure insanity.
They first day they’d spoken he hadn’t been paying much attention. It was a beautifully sunny day, with blue skies for as far as the eye could see. It was Saturday, and the team had been graced with the entire weekend off, with Garcia even joking that serial killers seemed to have taken the backseat. And so, Spencer went where he often spent his spare time- the local park, where he could sit with his chess board for hours on end.
Initially, he didn’t notice when someone sat across from him, too engrossed in his game. It’s only when she cleared her throat slightly that he looked up.
The breath quite literally left his lungs, he felt like he was choking.
She was so beautiful.
Far too beautiful to be talking to you, he thought. 
“Hi, I’m sorry to disrupt your game, and please tell me If I’m annoying you and I’ll go but- I was just wondering if you wanted someone to play with?” She asked shyly, a sheepish grin on her lips. She stood next to the table, clutching the strap of her bag in her hands. 
He was staggered to say the least but managed to string together some form of a sentence. “You- you play?”
She let out a small chuckle. “I dabble. My father taught me as a kid, but I don’t play often, so forgive me if I’m a little rusty.” She joked, and he just nodded at her wearily.
He was confused, in all honesty. He moved to look over his shoulder, surveying the many other patrons of the park on this particular Saturday. Out of all the people she could’ve chosen to strike up conversation with, she chose him? 
He was overthinking everything, like he normally did.
It doesn’t mean anything, Spencer. She’s just looking for some company, and god knows you need it. Just don’t scare her off.
He just nodded at her, words escaping him. She perked up at his approval, joyfully taking a seat opposite him and placing her bag by her feet. 
Unsurprisingly, Spencer won easily, within minutes of them sitting down to play. 
“You weren’t kidding when you said you were rusty.” Spencer remarked, a poor attempt at a joke. He then quickly realised how cocky and ignorant that must’ve sounded. “I’m- I’m sorry, that wasn’t how I wanted that to sound at all I-”
She’s gonna laugh at you, you know? IQ of 187 means nothing when there’s a pretty girl in front of you, right Reid?
Spencer braced himself to be humiliated, as he was used to being. A feeling of unsettledness filled him as he mentally berated himself for not knowing when to keep his damn mouth shut- wait, why wasn’t she laughing at him? He relaxed slightly, looking over at her cautiously. 
She was watching him intently, a small frown on her face. 
“You don’t have to apologise, I’m not offended. In fact, you’re absolutely right. I should really brush up on my skills before I try playing a professional such as yourself.” She smiled, and Spencer blushed as he ducked his head down, avoiding her eyes.
“I’m not a professional.” He mumbled, trying to hide the smile that pulled at his lips. 
“You’re not? Then you must be a genius.” 
Spencer figured she was probably joking, but having never been very good with social cues, he simply nodded his head at her. When he saw her curious expression, he scrambled to explain himself.  “I am, technically. I have an IQ of 187, I can read 20,000 words a minute and I have an eidetic memory.”
Great, now it sounds like you’re boasting. Why are you being such a showoff, she’s not gonna like that!
Spencer cringed, sighing inwardly, preparing for her to make fun of him. Any possible chance he could’ve had with her was gone, surely she’d think he was weird now.
“Wow, you are? That’s- that’s awesome.” She smiled, and Spencer’s head shot up in slight shock. She smiled at his reaction.
“It’s- I’m- awesome?” He stuttered, and Y/N refrained from showing how his lack of self-confidence made her heart ache a little for him. 
“You sure are. I can only imagine all the cool things you know.” 
He blushed again, smiling slightly at the compliment.
She grinned at him, happy she’d managed to make him smile. “I’m Y/N.” She reached her hand out across the table for him to shake. He just stared at her hand, and she quickly understood, moving her hand back. “Oh, bit of a germaphobe huh? It’s okay, I get it. I once read that with the number of pathogens passed on with a handshake, it’s actually much safer to kiss.”
Huh. As if she wasn’t perfect enough already.
“You knew that?” He breathed.
“Hm. I might not be a genius, but I know a few things.” 
He chuckled a little awkwardly. “I’m- I’m Dr Spencer Reid- I’m Spencer, you don’t have to call me Doctor.” He could feel himself getting flustered under her gaze. 
“You’re a Doctor? Like, of medicine?” She asked inquisitively, tilting her head to the side slightly. 
He shook his head, moving his hands from where they rested on the table to wipe them on his trousers, only then noticing how sweaty they’d gotten. “No, I have three PHD’s, actually. But none in medicine.”
 “I uh- yeah.” He swallowed, nervous as a silence overcame them. Spencer took note of how comfortable he felt, despite his visible nervousness. 
“You- you’re really something special, Dr Spencer Reid.” She smiled, and he could tell it wasn’t meant to sound sarcastic or mean, but instead a warming compliment.
“Uh- thanks.” He uttered, unsure of what to say next. 
You’re beautiful.
That’s what he wanted to say but he couldn’t force his mouth to form the words, no matter how hard he tried.
She flicked her watch up, checking the time before grabbing her little lavender coloured bag. “Sorry but I have to get going. I’ll uh- I’ll see you around?” She smiled, getting up from the seat. Spencer’s eyes followed her as she stood, willing himself to speak his mind.
Please don’t go, not yet.
But the only words that left his lips were. “Y-yeah. I’ll see you.”
And then she was gone.
Spencer couldn’t help the smile that graced his lips as he watched her walk away.
He didn’t see her for two weeks after that. He’d been called away twice for a case, but every spare minute he had when he wasn’t working he spent sat at the table in the park, waiting to see if she would turn up that day. He felt silly, all the days he’d sat there waiting to see if she’d show. He rarely ever actually played any chess, just attempted to make himself look busy in case she just happened to swing by.
He was starting to lose hope that he’d ever see her again when he felt a familiar presence sit opposite him, the sight of her lavender bag being dropped by her feet. 
“Are you up for a rematch?”
He looked up, trying to act as though he hadn’t dreamt of seeing her again for the last two weeks. 
“Y/N.” Her name left his lips as a statement, relief that she was finally in front of him again. His lips pulled up in a small smile as he took in how she looked, ethereal as ever.
“Dr Reid. How have you been?”
“I’m good, how- how about you?”
“I’m great, thank you.” She beamed, a smile that radiated a warmth that spencer could only compare to the sun. “I was wondering when I’d get to see you again.”
“S-same here.” He grinned bashfully. 
“I came here the other day hoping to see you, but you were nowhere to be found.” She commented, and Spencer cringed.
“I- yeah. I was away for work for a few days.”
“Ah. What do you do for work, if you don’t mind me asking?” She moved to lean her elbows on the table. 
Of course he didn’t mind her asking. He wasn’t sure there was anything he wouldn’t do for her.
Stop. Stop that. You don’t know this girl, Spencer. Don’t fall in love with her, she won’t ever look at you like that.
“No, it’s okay. I uh, work for the Behavioural Analysis Unit of the FBI.” He winced at how much it sounded like he was flaunting. 
“The FBI, no way.” She smiled, and he simply nodded his head. “That’s another thing to add to the already impressive list of reasons why you’re a pretty awesome guy, Spencer.”
His cheeks flushed again, looking away. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable, she smiled sincerely and then looked down at the board between them. “So uh, obviously I’m not very good at chess, and you’re brilliant at it. Would I be overstepping If I asked you to teach me?” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth nervously.
Smiling lightly with a little chuckle. “I- uh- no, not overstepping at all. I’d love to teach you.”
“Great!” She looked down at her watch. “I’ve actually got to run, but I’m free tomorrow if you’re about? How’s 11am for you?”
He found himself nodding, even though his mind was nagging at him.
“Cool. I’ll see you tomorrow, Spencer.” She smiled before standing up, grabbing her bag and waving kindly before turning to leave.
and then again, she was out of sight.
He felt dazed as he stared after her longingly.
When 11am rolled around the following day, Spencer made his way to the park with a little skip in his step. He had to keep reminding himself that this was most definitely not a date. He was simply going to help teach her how to play chess, right? Nothing else. 
Don’t get your hopes up. Last time you did you ended up hurt. You remember that? Don’t kid yourself, Reid. 
He pushed the self-depreciating thought deep down, locking it away in his mind. Instead, he focused on the warm feeling he got as he approached their table, seeing her already sat waiting for him. 
He had never been more grateful to not be interrupted by his work. 
She beamed up at him as he took his seat across from her. “Hi.” 
“I don’t have anywhere to be today, so I’m all yours Doctor.” She joked, and he chuckled a little, ignoring the small twinge of pain in his chest as he thought about how desperately he wanted that to be true. 
If only you were mine. 
They spent the majority of the day together, Spencer trying numerous tactics to get her to have a better understanding of how the game worked. They even took a lunch break to grab coffee and pretzels from the little stand in the park. Eventually she was playing at a fairly decent level, although still no match for Spencer.
Y/N watched intently as he moved one of his pieces. She knew exactly what he was doing, but still moved her final piece. 
Spencer grinned over at her. “Hey! You won.” He met her eyes, his smile faltering a little. “What?” 
“You totally just let me win.” She deadpanned, and Spencer gasped dramatically. 
“I did not! You’re just that good, I guess.” He shrugged and she squinted her eyes at him playfully, unable to stop the wide smile from forming on her lips. 
Of course, he had obviously let her win. He should’ve known she would be smart enough to see that he’d evidently threw the round so she would win. Spencer reckoned that he’d happily lose every round if it meant he could see her smile like that. 
Spencer didn’t even realise how late it had gotten until the sun began to set, casting a beautiful golden glow across the park- and her.
Y/N tapped the home screen of her phone, and Spencer watched as the screen lit up, displaying the time. “Wow, it got late quickly.” She quipped. “I should- I should really get going.” She stood from her seat, grabbing her bag and hanging it over her shoulder. 
Spencer clumsily stood as well, somehow nearly tripping in the process. “Y-yeah yeah, of course.”
“Thank you for today, Spencer. I had fun.”
“That’s good- that’s good. I’m glad. I had fun too.” He replied, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck nervously. 
She simply smiled with a nod before beginning to walk away, waving as she left.
Spencer’s brain was screaming at him. 
Spencer Reid if you dare let this woman walk away from you for a third time without asking her out I swear to god-
“Hey, Y/N!” He’d already called after her before even thinking about what he was going to say.
She turned around, frowning a little as he caught up to her. “Everything okay?” She asked.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s just um- I was wondering if you’d want to go out sometime? I’d love to- to take you out for dinner or something?”
Okay, Reid. Be smooth, stand up straight, stop stuttering. Deep breaths, man. Come on. 
She seemed stunned that he’d asked, and he started to backtrack, apologising profusely for even thinking for a second that she might like him. “I’m sorry, forget I said anything. Have a good night, Y/N.” He turned to walk away, trying to eliminate the burning feeling in his chest when she called his name. When he looked back at her, she was smiling at him. 
“Of course, Spencer. I’d love to go out with you sometime.” 
Relief filled him as he nodded happily, giving her a tight-lipped smile. “Uh well- how about the little Italian restaurant that’s just down the road from here? Does- does Friday around 7pm sound good for you?”
She nodded, grinning contentedly. She then leaned toward him slightly, and Spencer froze. 
Holy shit, she’s totally going to kiss you.
She quickly pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek before pulling back with a joyful smile. “I’ll see you on Friday, Spencer.”
Then she walked away again. But this time, Spencer had hope. He put his hand to his cheek, touching the place where her lips had lingered mere seconds before. A smile spread out over his lips. He felt an unfamiliar warmth is his chest. 
He felt happy.
For a split-second, anyway. 
Then his mind caught up with him, and the realisation hit. 
What if you get a case? What’re you gonna do? You didn’t get her number, so you can’t tell her why you won’t be there. She’s gonna think you’ve stood her up!
Spencer sighed, his head dropping into his hands. 
For a genius, you sure are pretty stupid sometimes.
And because it’s just his luck, his phone chimed with a text from Garcia. 
‘Crime fighters! We got ourselves a case!’
Of course.
He sat in the local police station, trying to focus on the case files in front of him. But he simply couldn’t focus. His mind kept drifting to her. How she was definitely sat at the dinner table of the tiny Italian restaurant he’d made reservations for, waiting for him. It made his heart ache. He wished he had a way to tell her why he was absent. She deserved better than to be stood up by him.
Morgan was sat next to him at the table, watching his friend intently. When he noticed how long it was taking Reid to read the pages of the case file, which would normally take him a matter of minutes, he knew something was up. So he chucked the case file he was reading down on the table, the loud bang getting Spencer’s attention.
“Okay, Pretty boy. Spit it out.” Derek demanded, in his ‘no nonsense’ tone. 
Spencer’s brows creased in confusion. “Spit what out?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, kid. You’ve been staring at that same page for like fifteen minutes. I know for a fact that your smartass would’ve finished ages ago. Come on, tell me. What’s on your mind?” 
Spencer still tried to play it off, shrugging his shoulders. He really didn’t want any of his friends finding out about Y/N. Not until he was sure if there was something going on between them.
Morgan put on his ‘serious face’, giving Spencer an unamused glare. “You know you can tell me anything, right? Anything you say, I’ll keep between us.” He attempted to persuade him.
Spencer’s shoulders dropped in defeat. It would be nice to get his worries off his chest, and if he showed Morgan how truly bothered by it he was, he wouldn’t ridicule him for it. Hopefully. 
“Okay. This doesn’t leave this room though.” Spencer said, deadly serious.
Morgan smirked a little triumphantly, before crossing over his heart with his finger. “Cross my heart.”
Spencer took a deep breath before starting. “I met this girl.”
Morgan couldn’t contain his reaction, a smile lighting up his face as he leaned over the table to clap Spencer on the back as he grinned. “My man!”
Spencer rolled his eyes. “It’s not like that. At least not yet. I’ve only met her three times. She sat across from me at one of the chess tables in the park. She’s just- she’s beautiful.” Spencer’s last few words were whispered, and he smiled at the thought of her.
“So? Why don’t you go for it?” Morgan asked, as if it was the simplest solution in the world.
“Well- because. I mean- why would she- she wouldn’t like me.” He visibly deflated as he spoke. Morgan was quick to shake his head, leaning forward on his elbows.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Reid. She’d be lucky to have you. Did you at least get her number?”
Spencer shook his head. “No, ‘cause I’m in idiot. I asked her to meet me for dinner today, but then we got called away on this case and now I have no way of telling her that I haven’t stood her up.“ Spencer’s breathing was picking up a little, and Morgan could tell how awful he felt about it all.
Morgan nodded along in understanding. “Hey, hey. Calm down, Reid. It’s okay. When we get back, you’ll just have to find her in the park again and explain everything to her.”
Spencer nodded but still sighed. “And if she doesn’t want anything to do with me?”
“Then it’ll be her loss.” Morgan promised, and Spencer just nodded, biting down on his lip.
That didn’t help at all. She still going to think you’re an ass.
Luckily for Spencer, the case didn’t take much longer to crack. Two days later they were touching down on the tarmac at Quantico. Spencer had been nervously bouncing his knee for the entirety of the flight and drinking copious amounts of coffee (his form of liquid courage.)
With some last words of encouragement, Morgan watched as Spencer practically ran down the steps of the jet, grabbing his go bag and heading off. “Go get her, pretty boy!” He called after him, promising to tell his confused team what that meant later. 
Spencer drove quickly to get to the park, where he could only hope she’d be. As he tried his best to focus on the road, he couldn’t help the way he found himself begging all and anyone who was listening to let him fix this. 
Please, if you ever do anything for me Universe, please let it be this. I’m a good guy, all I’ve ever done is help people, so i think you owe me this one. Just please, please let her be there. 
As soon as he stepped through the entryway to the park, he was immediately scanning the few who were there, hoping to find the one person her cared to look for. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to stop stressing out and think for just one moment. He headed towards where they always sat, the place he would now proudly label their seats. 
He didn’t think he’d ever felt happier than when he saw her sat in their spots, her back facing him. He knew it was her by the colour of her hair, and that lavender bag that sat by her feet. 
He took a moment to breathe and calm himself down before approaching her. 
Alright, Reid. This can go one of two ways- Either she hates you, throws everything back in your face, and you never see her again. Or she’s kind enough to give your stupid ass a second chance which you cannot afford mess up. Just, keep it together. 
As he got closer, he noticed how she was playing a game of chess by herself, a skill he’d taught her. He’d mentioned before how being two players really gives you an understanding of the board. He smiled slightly at the sight, knowing she’d taken his words in and actually valued his advice. He sheepishly sat down opposite her and saw how her shoulders visibly tensed as she recognised his presence. 
“I see checkmate in five.” She murmured, not meeting his eyes yet. 
He frowned, that wasn’t what he expected her to say. He observed the board, the cogs turning in his head as he took note of where each piece sat on the board. “I see it in three.” He mumbled, feeling slightly relieved when her eyes flicked up to meet his. “Hi.” 
“Hi.” She whispered back. 
“Y/N I’m so so sorry.” Those were the first words to leave his lips, as he tried to poor as much sincerity into the apology as he could. He was never very good at apologies, and he’d also never felt this way for someone before. In all honesty, it frightened him. He didn’t want to seem vulnerable. Was he supposed to just hand her his heart and trust she wouldn’t break it? 
She smiled sadly at him. “If you changed your mind Spencer you could’ve found me and told me. You know? Instead of just standing me up.” She gave a weak chuckle at that. 
He cringed when she said that. “I didn’t stand you up- well technically I did- but not on purpose! I got called into work for a case and I had to fly to a different state, and I forgot to ask for your number and I had no way to contact you and tell you that I wasn’t standing you up.” He rambled, and Y/N’s eyes widened in realisation. She knew he was telling the truth. He worked for the FBI, it was bound to be a demanding job.
“Oh.” She murmured, not sure what to say. 
He breathed out a heavy sigh, hoping he could still attempt to convince her of how sorry he was. “Yeah. I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am. I didn’t want to upset you. Believe me, I was so excited to take you out. Well I was more nervous than anything-“
“Nervous? Why?” She asked inquisitively.
Spencer frowned. It seemed a silly question, wasn’t it obvious? “Why? Why- because you’re absolutely beautiful, that’s why. And for some, unheard of, unimaginable reason you wanted to go on a date with me.”
“Why’s that so hard to believe?” 
“Because- because I’m weird. I talk too much and ramble about things no one cares about, I wear mismatched socks and have a phone that’s ancient ‘cause I repel technology-“ He would’ve continued had Y/N not interrupted him.
“I think you’re phenomenal.” She breathed out, smiling a little. “And you’re very handsome, too.”
“I- thank you.” He looked down at his hands, watching how his thumbs nervously intertwined. “I know you probably can’t forgive me, but I just needed you to know I was sorry. You deserved an explanation.” He mumbled, his shoulders dropping sadly.
“Spencer. I forgive you. It’s okay, really. You work for the FBI, for god’s sake. I think saving lives was more important than dinner. And besides, we can just reschedule for whenever you’re free.” She promised, shrugging like it didn’t matter- because it didn’t, not in the grand scheme of things. 
Spencer was shocked that she wasn’t kicking him to the curb, leaving him like most people in his life seemed to. “You- you don’t- you still want to go out? With me?”
“Yeah, of course I do. I like you, Spencer.” She blushed.
“I- I like you, too. A lot.” He chuckled, and she laughed with him, as he unsuccessfully tried to downplay how attracted to her he was. 
A silence fell on them, both just smiling nervously, trying to figure out where to go next. 
“Would you want to-”
“I just wanted to say-” 
They both stopped midsentence, laughing at one another. 
“You go first.” Y/N giggled. 
“I was just wondering- if you would- would you like to go for a walk maybe? If you don’t have somewhere else to be, that is.” 
She shook her head, biting her lip softly. “A walk sounds lovely.” 
As they began to walk side by side, Spencer, in a move that shocked even him, reached out to gently take her hand in his, intertwining their fingers together. 
It wasn’t love, yet. 
But it was something.
Something that would only blossom into more than either of them could have ever imagined.
Tag list (which I completely forgot to put on here when I first posted this fic lmao) : @beyonces-breastmilk @pinkdiamond1016 @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @thelovelyrose
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corvidkusnos · 3 years
Precious Moments
Ship: Carver Hawke/Matthew Presley (Carver/OC)
Wordcount: 876
Tags: Valentines Day, Wedding Anniversary
AO3 Link
Matthew had been writing up reports on recent missions and signing documents for hours. When he’s not out fighting demons or getting an entire mountain dropped on him, he’s doing paperwork and being a peacemaker for everyone’s issues, and it seemed to never end. Being the ‘herald’ for a god he barely believed in was not how he thought his life would turn out, but someone had to take Corypheus down. Again.
Exhaling heavily, he slumped back in his chair rocking his quill between his fingers and peered out of the window from where he sat in the office space of his quarters. The sky was an icy blue with hints of a purplish hue and sparce clouds scattered across it. The breach wasn’t visible from this angle and for once the world seemed calm. Save for the distant bustling of the inhabitants of the fortress, all seemed still and quiet. Matthew only wished he was spending this breath of fresh air between battles and playing diplomat were spent reading in the garden or baking in the kitchens (though everyone insisted he should stay away from preparing food himself, much to his dismay). Fighting back a frown, he huffed and turned his attention back to the papers in front of him. The sooner he got them done, the sooner he could steal a moment to himself, after all.
A trade approval: signed. Documents confirming mage protection under the Inquisition: signed. A request to acquire more…bees? Sera. A smile tugged at his lips as he rolled his eyes. Ah, what the hey? Approved and signed.
Matthew was so eager to get through the mountain of papers before him that he didn’t even hear the door open. One second, he saw parchment with official mumbo-jumbo on it, the next, a bouquet of yellow flowers. Blinking in surprise, Matthew shot his gaze up to see his partner stood before him.
“Carver, you scared the shit outta me.”
“Sorry,” he huffed a laugh. Carver smiled softly and leaned his against the oak table between them, “You’ve been up to your tits in all this Chantry shit all day, so I thought maybe, y’know…”
Matthew’s quill lay limp in his hand as he used his spare to loosely grip the bouquet, gently resting his hand over Carver’s, smiling. “Thank you.”
Carver leaned in closer over the desk, closing the gap between their lips, cupping his lover’s cheek with his free hand. They stayed like this for a moment taking in each other’s presence, Carver’s thumb gently caressing Matthew’s jaw.
“Happy anniversary,” Carver uttered when they finally pulled away.
“Anni...? –Fuck!” Matthew’s eyes shifted from confused to mortified before he sunk his face into his hands, “Carver, I am so sorry.”
Carver let out a small chuckle before leaning back onto the desk, almost sitting on it, and resting his hand on the nape of Matty’s neck. “What did I tell ya!” – he rubbed his fingers soothingly against his skin – “These preppy bastards have been overloading you with absolutely everything! I think it’s about time they naff off and step up for a change.”
Matty shifted slightly and propped his chin onto the ball of his hands, looking up at the other man, “Not sure they’d take kindly to that.”
Carver scoffed, “The world isn’t going to blow up because the Herald of Andraste took an evening off.”
Matty snorted, raising a brow playfully, “Well it already gave it its best shot once.”
Cocking his head, Carver bounced a nod in consideration, “Yeah, yeah, well, the world can wait a bit, anyhow.” He shifted his weight onto his feet and paced across the room for a vase to put the flowers in. Grabbing a pot that was ‘good enough for now’, he placed it on the bedside table and planted the bouquet inside, making a mental note to fill it with water later. “I’ve already sorted out a dinner for us so we should probably get a move on before it gets cold.”
“Ahh, I see,” Matthew grinned, his voice teasing. Getting up from his desk, he walked over to his partner, brushing his fingers against his hand, “This is about the food.”
Carver locked fingers with Matthew and gave a look of feigned shock, “I’ll have you know I managed to convince the cooks to let me use their kitchen to cook my belovedhusband a delightful meal and whisk him away from his boring duties for our wedding anniversary because I love him.” He leaned in for a kiss with a smirk, and then pulled away slightly. “So…it’s a little bit about the food. But that’s not the point.”
“My hero,”Matthew teased, grinning widely and then softening his tone, “I love you, too.”
They pulled each other closer this time, arms entangled around one another as their lips met once more. Their familiar warmth was comforting. Beneath all the banter and sarcasm, they both knew everything could go down the gutter any moment with the lingering threat of Corypheus and the uncertainty of the Calling Carver and the other Wardens could hear, anxiety-inducing was putting it lightly.
Being together was more precious than ever. And they wanted to forget about the impending danger, even if just for one night.
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