#'i enjoy being alone too' and 'i'm focused and serious about things that matter to me' and 'i don't always care to humor weird requests'
shimzus · 2 years
kiyoko is one of the more blunt characters in haikyuu , evident by the way she refuses second-year tanaka’s proposal , humbles the third years during their shrine visit by informing them that a prayer to the gods won’t grant them a victory at nationals , explains to sugawara that she has no intentions of marrying him when she tries to steady his hands with her own , and constantly rebukes tanaka and nishinoya’s outlandish requests to be spanked/scolded. 
this blunt character is unique , not only as a character trope , but also in cultural context. directness is viewed as a negative attribute in japan since it can be conceived as abrasive and self-centered—— and it’s especially considered a negative trait for women. in a lot of ways , japan is still conservative about femininity , and women’s behavior is certainly not exempt from scrutiny. most women in media and in trends exemplify youthful cute charms ( girlish femininity , innocence , kindness , etc. ). 
it is rarer to see mature and “sexy” styles , especially those that also involve blunt and direct personality types. part of the reason that kiyoko isn’t criticized for being blunt is because she’s attractive and able to suit this style. other haikyuu characters who go against the natural grain like ushijima and tendou don’t have the same sort of social “clout” that a beautiful high school girl does , so their directness is considered a fault. tendou isn’t conventionally attractive and he’s a bit of an otaku nerd ( which isn’t a problem in today’s high schools , but in a private high school 10 years ago could easily have been an isolating factor ) , and ushijima is attractive but a jock-type who doesn’t have the same social fluency as other students ( since he focuses mostly on volleyball and might produce very one-note conversations ). kiyoko may be blunt , but comparatively she doesn’t have anything that ostracizes her from fitting in. she simply chooses not to engage with people at times.
of course , if she weren’t attractive , her bluntness would be considered a fault. it’s simply because she was lucky enough to be beautiful that her direct personality isn’t considered “abrasive.” instead , it lends her character to the onee-san trope ( a mature , no-nonsense , cold woman type ). being beautiful and blunt effectively elevates a woman to some goddess-like level. it may be because onee-san types are somewhat “rarer” to find—— not only is beauty “rare,” but a woman who isn’t the average girly/cutesy type is also “rare.”
however , i think it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that kiyoko isn’t completely cold-blooded and unfeeling. her behavior with the team may make her an onee-san type , but with other characters and other teams , she’s not quite the same. rather than directly refusing others , she adopts a technique of disregard or avoidance. she ignores oikawa who tries to talk to her , rather than confront him—— a person she doesn’t know—— by saying she has no interest in him. she also avoids talking to the players on other teams at the training camp in tokyo who are ushering to try saying hello to her , by instead chatting with the female managers she’s more comfortable with. 
when she does have to interact directly with someone , she’s polite and indirect. terushima stops her in the hallway at the spring interhigh and rather than be blunt or ignore him , she uses the typical japanese style of deflecting ( which is considered more polite ) and explains that she has people waiting for her. in japan , people understand an excuse like this to mean that she’s not interested and to signal that she’d like to break away. 
also , the way that she interacts with yachi and the other female managers completely contradicts the notion that she’s cold and blunt. tanaka and nishinoya even ogle that she’s chatting a lot , smiling , and having lots of “girl talk” with the other managers , which means that she’s not the sort of solitary person who blocks everyone out.
at face value , an outsider would see kiyoko’s behavior of being quiet , enjoying time to herself , and avoiding/ignoring interactions with people she doesn’t know as being very onee-san-esque. it’s easy to label her as an onee-san because of her outwardly expressed behaviors , in conjunction with the fact that she also doesn’t fit neatly into the cutesy girly trope. from my experience , most japanese women are sorted into these two categories ( the third might be somewhere in the middle , like the “girl next door” type , though that tends to lean youthful and girly too ). but this trope is , of course , just a shallow label and doesn’t hold any weight when considering the spectrum of kiyoko’s social styles. it may just be because most people don’t end up talking to her that they view her this way.
in my portrayal i try to emphasize depth in her personality—— her humor , her tendency to take care of others without being asked , and her thoughtfulness that may not fully manifest as words or actions beyond simply her own ideas. i do think that she’s more blunt and direct than most people. i think she’s not afraid to speak her mind , and to do so concisely—— which isn’t common in japan. i think it makes her a unique character when compared with others in the series. however , i don’t think it’s the one and only aspect of her personality , nor do i think it should be emphasized as the encapsulation of her personality. it’s just one element , and clearly one that she disproves by her proclivity for disregard and avoidance , and her ability to have friendly , sensitive , and supportive conversations with other characters.
#headcanon tag tba.#anyways i just think the onee-san trope is really interesting#because from my experience like 90% of the japanese women i meet are all very cutesy girly and feminine#(obviously from a western perspective theyre much more feminine than me or american women)#so i'm often called an onee-san bc i'm not 'cute' .... like i'm very ambitious and focused and my coworkers have said its very 'sexy'#and i think a lot of people think onee-sans are very refreshing because they're not the trendy norm in terms of style or attitude#but like all tropes saying kiyoko is onee-san type is very shallow because she's actually quite normal and she can have warm conversations#she's a normal high school girl it's just that she doesn't really fit in the cutesy trope box that well and her attitude is more...#'i enjoy being alone too' and 'i'm focused and serious about things that matter to me' and 'i don't always care to humor weird requests'#so on the outside that would make her seem like an onee-san type. and for a lot of people that means she's EXTRA beautiful#i dont wanna unpack het mens psychology and why onee-sans are so attractive but honestly#i think kiyoko gets more attention than a cutesy beautiful girl would... even though theyre both beautiful#her personality SOMEHOW makes her more attractive and i can only think its because its not really common here#and it definitely makes women seem untouchable and elevated to be a bit colder and mature-like#one of my coworkers is quite beautiful and serious about her work... and our other coworkers are in awe of here#her*#even though there are other teachers who are equally as attractive but not as diligent; and some who are diligent but not beautiful#it's really interesting jgksj anyways#i do want to explore more... nonblunt kiyoko stuff.... kiyoko with friends being warm
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Hannibal Lecter X Reader: Us lonely few
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Warnings: talk of loneliness, smut, kissing, rough sex, unprotected sex, penetration (p in v), drinking, no use of y/n
Word count: 2,5K
The sound of Ave Maria floats out of Hannibal's office. It makes you hesitate, your hand freezing in mid air. You weren’t supposed to be here at such a late hour but you’d lost track of time. You started working as Hannibal's secretary a month ago. He’d never found himself in need of a secretary but you'd managed to impress him. He enjoyed the way your eyes lit up as he spoke about the mysteries of the mind so he decided to keep you around.
It was nice to have someone nearby. It didn’t matter that you usually remained outside of his office as you worked, just the thought of not being alone seemed to ease Hannibal. He liked your company. You were younger than him but you shared his taste for the finer things in life. Conversation came easy when he was with you. It was almost as if you’d been made for each other.
You knock on the door waiting for a response. When one doesn't come you lean your ear against the wood trying to listen for Hannibal's footsteps. The only sound that fills your ears is music. It’s likely he can’t hear you because of the song. You can barely hear yourself as you call out for him.
“Dr Lecter, I'm coming in.”
As always his door is unlocked. You push it open with ease, momentarily balancing the books you were holding on your hips. You close the door behind you before moving to scan the room, trying to find Hannibal. He has his back turned to you but somehow he still manages to sense your presence. 
“I thought you’d gone home.”
You walk over to his desk placing the books you were holding on it before going towards him. 
“I lost track of time. Your books are very fascinating.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed them but I can't have you staying after hours.”
“You stay after hours.”
Hannibal looks up from his drawing to look at you. You meet his gaze, waiting to see how he’ll react to your comment. He stays serious for a second before smiling at you. 
“I suppose you're right.”
“I usually am.”
You grin at him before turning your attention back to his sketches. You lean over Hannibal's shoulder trying to get a better view. He watches you as you observe his work. He inhales deeply trying to commit your scent to memory. You're oblivious to his actions, far too focused on the drawing before you. It's a nude portrait of a woman. You can’t help but notice the way Hannibal has drawn her. There is a sensuality to the portrait but there is also a loneliness to the woman's expression.
“She’s beautiful.”
“Yes she is.”
“Why’s she sad?”
“What makes you think she’s sad?”
“The way you drew her.”
You point to the image carefully so that you won't smudge the pencil.
“She's looking behind herself as if she’s searching for something but the way her arms are wrapped around herself shows she didn’t find what she wanted.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well she’s holding herself isn't she? I mean, she didn’t find someone to hold her so she had to hold onto herself. She’s lonely.”
“ I guess I didn't think about it that way.”
“Art has a way of bringing our feelings to the surface. Even if we ourselves don’t know what we're feeling.”
“Are you insinuating that I'm lonely?”
“Aren’t you?”
Hannibal eyes bore into yours as he thinks. Maybe he was lonely. Maybe that is why, after all these years, he found himself with a secretary even though he didn't particularly need one. 
“It’s okay to feel lonely. It doesn't make you any less strong.”
“Do you feel lonely?”
“I’ve felt alone my whole life. So yeah you could say loneliness is something I'm familiar with.”
Hannibal placed his hand over yours causing you to look at his face. His eyes softened as he took in your features. You were a pretty thing. He’d been so impressed with your mind he often forgot you also had a beauty he hadn't had the pleasure of being graced with in a long time. 
“Do you enjoy filet mignon?”
You let out a laugh at his question, eyes furring in curiosity.
“I do. Why?”
“I’m inviting you to dinner.”
“At your house?”
“As long as I'm not intruding.”
“Not at all. I enjoy your company.”
Hannibal's house was very him. There were artworks scattered around the rooms and knowledge seemed to seep out of the walls. You removed your shoes and placed them by the door. Hannibal looked at you questioningly. “I don’t want to get your floors dirty.”
“If you feel more comfortable that way, be my guest.”
“You have a beautiful home.”
“Thank you. The kitchen is this way.”
You followed Hannibal, eyes moving over every inch of his home you could see. A small gasp left your lips as you walked into the kitchen. You always enjoyed the culinary arts but you’d never had the pleasure of owning a kitchen big enough to explore your talents properly. Hannibal watched you as you moved around the room, a small smile tugging at his lips at your unfiltered fascination.
“I take it you enjoy cooking.”
“I’ve always had a curiosity for it but I'm not very skilled. I won’t die of hunger but I've never made any adventurous recipes. Just the basics you know?”
“Would you like to sous chef?”
“I’d love to.”
“Wonderful. You can start chopping the onions.”
You moved over to him grabbing the knife he handed you before moving to get the onions and a cutting board. Hannibal unbuttoned his shirt sleeve and pushed it up his arms allowing you to see his muscles. Your gaze lingered for a moment before focusing on your task once more. Hannibal moved around the kitchen with ease as he searched for the ingredients he needed. It was almost like a dance. You couldn’t help but watch him as he moved. He seemed so peaceful like this his mind completely focused on the meal he was preparing.
Your eyes started to sting as you continued to chop the onions. You sniffed quietly which caused Hannibal to look up at you. He watched as a single tear fell from your eyes before falling onto the counter. He moved over to you on instinct. You felt a hand on your cheek, turning to face Hannibal at his touch. His thumb moved over your skin, collecting your tears. It was an innocent caress but you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. He pulled his hand away from you, moving his thumb to his lips. He licked at his thumb, removing your tears from his skin. Your heartbeat fastened at the action. 
“Let’s switch tasks dear. Can’t have you crying in my kitchen. You can cut the meat.”
He paused for a moment glancing at the piece of raw meat on the counter before looking back at you.
“Unless it’s too much for you.”
“I’m not afraid of getting my hands a little bloody Hannibal. I’ll be fine.”
He knew you didn’t mean anything but it but his mind couldn’t help but wonder what you were capable of. You seemed like the type of person who knew how to hold their own. Still he wondered how far you’d be willing to go.
Hannibal took over chopping onions as you worked on the main piece of the meal. One he’d finished he moved over to watch you. Your hands moved over the pieces of meat with an unusual softness. Despite that you seemed to be having a hard time figuring out how big the pieces should be. Hannibal sensed your struggle. He moved behind you, his chest brushing against your back as he reached to place his hand over yours. You twisted your head to the side to look at him.
“Am I doing something wrong?”
“Not at all dear. But you can cut the medallions a bit larger. Here let me help.”
You relaxed your arm so that Hannibal could maneuver your body in the way he wished. 
“There. That thickness is better.”
You turned to face him once more expecting him to be looking at the meat. Instead you found him staring at you. Your eyes dropped to his lips momentarily. You were so close to him that you could smell his aftershave. A breathy sigh left your mouth the air fanning over his lips. You wanted him to kiss you. His mouth opened but instead of kissing you he spoke.
“Could you set the table for us?”
“Oh. Yeah sure.”
“The silver ware is in the third drawer on the left.”
With that Hannibal unlatched himself from you allowing you to move over to where you needed. You walked over to the dining room. Your hands trembled as you placed the silver ware down. Hannibal's voice rang out from the kitchen.
“You can take a seat. It will be ready soon.” 
A couple moments later Hannibal walked in with a platter in his hand and a bottle of wine in the other. 
“Do you drink?”
“Occasionally. But I'm not picky.”
“This wine was aged in a maple barrel. It has a sweet taste to it which will go perfectly with the meat.”
“Everything looks delicious.”
“I agree.”
You couldn’t help but notice Hannibal wasn’t looking at the food as he spoke, he was looking at you.
You ate until you couldn’t anymore. Hannibal filled up your cup as soon as you downed the last sip. After you finished dinner the two of you made your way to his living room. You were a little tipsy due to the wine causing you to become unfiltered. You padded against Hannibal's floor, moving to music that only you could hear. He enjoyed watching you like this. You were usually so formal around him it was nice to see you in a more relaxed manner. Hannibal observed you stumble over to his piano, hands toying with the keys before glancing in his direction. 
“Do you play?”
“I do.”
“Will you play for me?”
Hannibal could never deny an audience. He pushed off the wall he’d been leaning on, making his way over to where you stood. He sat down on the bench as you moved to rest your chin on the palm of your hand. Hannibal flexed his fingers, straightening his posture a bit before he began to play. The second his fingers began moving over the keys you became mesmerized. You walked over to the other side of the bench taking a seat beside him. You observed his fingers glide from one key to the other. He made it seem so easy. You closed your eyes, focusing on the sounds. As the song came to an end you slowly opened your eyes, a smile plastered against your face. You looked over at Hannibal only to find him already watching you. 
“That was beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you.”
Your eyes softened at Hannibal's words. Your hand moved to cup his cheek. Slowly, you inched your face closer to his until your lips were inches apart. You placed a gentle kiss to his mouth waiting to see how he’d react. When he didn't pull away you kissed him again with a little more strength this time. Hannibal opened his mouth to you. Your tongues moved together as you deepened the kiss. Hannibal's hand wrapped around your hips lifting you up with ease. He placed you on his lap. Your back dug into the keys of the piano as you continued to make out. Hannibal's hands dug into the flesh of your ass causing you to whine. You bit his lip, tugging at it with your teeth as you broke the kiss. Your hands moved over Hannibal's shirt, fingers working on unbuttoning it. He could sense the desperation in your actions. He moved his hand over to your chest tugging at the buttons of your dress shirt. The buttons seemed to be toying with him. He lost his patience. Before you knew it Hannibal had ripped your shirt open. You gasped as he leaned down to kiss the valley of your breasts. 
“What is it?”
“Take me to your bed.”
The soft sheets of Hannibal's bed rubbed against your face as your body moved with his thrusts. Your fingers dug into his pillow as you screamed out his name. There was no mercy in his movements. He was fucking you so hard you were sure you wouldn’t bae able to walk tomorrow. You thought he’d stop after the first round but you’d been wrong. Once you’d gotten tired of riding him he’d flipped you around shoving your face down onto the bed before lifting your ass and continuing to pistol into your.
The bed creaked as he moved, muffling the sounds of your moans. His hands moved against your ass, fingers leaving crescent moon shapes on your skin as he continued to manhandle you. You were squeezing him so much that he was having a hard time moving in and out of you. He reached his hand to your waist lifting you off the bed. Your bare back pressed against his chest. Hannibal licked at your earlobe before biting into it. You let out a yelp causing him to shush you.
“You’re gonna cum for me again.”
“Hannibal i can’t-”
“Yes you can. I know you can.”
He placed kisses against your shoulder blade as one of his hands found their way to your pussy. His thumb found your clit. He grunted as he circled the small bundle of nerves. You panted against him, hands grabbing at his hair to anchor yourself. Your jaw fell slack as your orgasm washed over you. Hannibal stopped supporting your body causing you to fall forward into the bed. His grunts became more constant as he continued to fuck into you. It took a couple thrusts but soon enough he was spilling his seed into you. You heard his groan as he pulled out. You remain unmoving, still trying to recover from your orgasm. Hannibal returned to bed, laying down beside you. He tugged you closer to him. You laid your head on his chest, fingers moving to play with the hairs on his chest. He listened to you breath, his hand moving to caress your hair as he did. 
“You were right.”
“Usually am. But what was I right about exactly?”
“She was lonely.”
You let out an understanding hum, comprehending what he was confessing to you.
“Is she still lonely?”
“No. Not anymore. She found someone to keep her company.”
“I’m glad. I’m sure they were just as lonely as she was.”
“It's a good thing they found each other then.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
The two of you had been crafted by different artists but in your own way you’d been made for each other. If you hadn't been sure of that before you were certain of it now.
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 2 months
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⋆ 𝓔𝓻𝓲𝓬 𝓥𝓮𝓷𝓾𝓮: 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓕𝓲𝓵𝓶 ⋆
Eric Venue x Reader - May be OOC due to lack of information, I love this man ♡
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⋆ You had known Eric for a while now, working with him on various films. Though you were only a staff member, he was always kind, greeting you and making small talk whenever he had time. He was different from the other stars you worked with, never demanding or rude. He treated everyone with respect, no matter if they were a costar or crew member, taking the time to talk with whoever he could. You could hear him laughing as he got his makeup done, or joking around as he got ready in wardrobe. It was surprising the first time you saw him on set, a contrast to the serious action role he would always play. You'll never forget when filming ended that day, how he had called out your name and waved you goodbye. You hadn't expected him to remember, let alone ask what it was.
⋆ As time went by he would continue to surprise you, talking with you more and more whenever you worked together. You would bring him a coffee as he got his hair done, Eric thanking you and starting a conversation. If you were busy he wouldn't keep you, understanding you had a job to do. If you had time though, he would offer for you to stay, wanting to chat with you while he got ready. You would never talk about anything serious, just general things, like how your day was going, or what you were having for dinner later on. He would always remember, asking you the next day of filming how it was, or if your day was any better.
⋆ One morning he showed up on set earlier than he was scheduled, a coffee in one hand and a drink for you in the other. It was what you would always drink, your favorite drink to have in the morning. You thanked him, heart racing as he assured you it was nothing, continuing on with your work. It wasn't until you were leaving for the day that you realized you had never told him what you liked, your face growing warm at the thought. The idea of him paying attention to you, noticing you and what you would drink...it left your mind racing as you went to bed that night.
⋆ While he was a private person, you knew he had a son, having heard about him throughout the years. You may not know his name, or what he looked like, but you knew how proud Eric was of him, his face softening and voice fond whenever he brought him up. You felt honored the first time he spoke of him, talking about how his son got accepted into a prestigious academy for magicians. He was shining with pride as he told you, going on to discuss how talented he is, and how he couldn't wait to hear how his first day went. As you listened you couldn't help but smile, his enthusiasm contagious as you congratulated him, wishing his son well at his new school. You knew better than to pry, grateful that Eric was willing to tell you this much. It was your lack of questions that encouraged Eric to speak of him more, enjoying how nice it was to speak with someone who respected his privacy, who wouldn't hound him for more.
⋆ The first time Eric brought you up was during his weekly call with Vil, having mentioned you offhand without realizing it. He would continue to bring you up each time they talked, Vil becoming curious the more he spoke of you. His father had never spoken of anyone like this before, always focusing on his career and being a parent. The way he talks about you, it almost seems like...
"Sounds like you have a crush," Vil says, interrupting the story his father was telling him. Eric's voice tampers off as he goes quiet, the line silent for a moment before he laughs, "I'm too old for crushes, Vil," dismissing the idea.
⋆ Yet, the thought never leaves him, Vil's words sitting in the back of his mind. Even though you only saw each other on set, talking with you made him feel like a person, like he wasn't a famous actor. He never feels like a celebrity as you laugh and joke with each other, he never worries about his image as he eats with you instead of in his trailer. Just being able to talk with someone about how he's doing, about Vil, without fear of it being in the tabloids the next day, was something he was grateful for. He had to hold his tongue when you told him you would be working with Vil on a commercial, excited to be working with him for the first time. The pride he felt as you talked about his acting, how much you enjoyed his films, left him itching to join in. That's my son, he thinks, isn't he amazing? Isn't he talented? He stays quiet though, soaking in your words as he realizes Vil may be right. Perhaps he's not too old for crushes after all...
⋆ You couldn't help but notice how Vil would stare at you throughout working together, almost like he was staring through you rather than at you. You wondered what you could have done to cause this reaction from him, having only met him that day. You were surprised when he approached you after filming ended, his arms crossed as he stared. It was like he was examining you, looking at you from head to toe. You were unsure what to do, ready to say something until he spoke, breaking the silence.
"So, you're Name, correct?" You nod, telling him yes as he continues,
"I heard you've been a staff member for quite some time now, working with plenty of celebrities. Tell me, have you ever worked with Eric Venue, by chance?"
You pause for a moment, processing his question before confirming, telling him you have worked with Eric before. A small smile comes to his face at your response, coming a little close towards you.
"I hear he's a very private person, never talking about his personal life. Since you've worked with him before, I'm curious...have you heard anything about him?"
You shake your head, telling him you haven't heard anything. You go on to say that anything Eric has told you is confidential, and that if Vil wishes to know something, he would need to ask Eric himself directly.
⋆ Vil looks displeased, going on to ask if you'd be willing to tell him for money, which you automatically decline, repeating what you told him before. After a moment a smile comes to Vil's face, looking pleased as he nods his head, making you feel like you passed some sort of test. The smile stays on his face as he wishes you a good day, leaving you standing there in confusion, wondering what that was about. As you're getting ready for bed that night you get a text from an unknown number, the person claiming to be Eric. You call the number to confirm, hearing him laugh on the other end as he tells you it's his personal number, leaving you in disbelief. Before the call ends, he asks if you'd like to get a coffee with him tomorrow, your heart racing as you agree. Little did you know just how important your first meeting with Vil was, leading to the start of your relationship with Eric.
⋆ Other than Vil, you were Eric's best kept secret, the public unaware you were together. You didn't care that your relationship had to be private, that you couldn't be shown off like most celebrities do with their partners. What you cared about was Eric, the man who remembered anything you would tell him, even noticing things you never mentioned. Eric, the man you could laugh and joke with, always having a good time. Eric, the man who cares deeply for those close to him, wanting them to be happy without worrying about the public having eyes on them.
⋆ It wasn't until you were together for a while that he decided to introduce you to his son, telling you he would be coming home soon for winter break. You knew how big this was, his son being the most important thing in his life. It showed just how much he cared for you, just how much he trusted you. This was HUGE. You couldn't help but stress out over it, wanting to make a good first impression. It wasn't until you opened the door that you realized Oh, his son is Vil Schoenheit ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
Tag list: @midnightmah07
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loveliesmoon · 1 year
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pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
genres: friends to more, first kiss, kissing practice, innocent!jungkook, kissing gets a little heated, gone kinda sexual, mostly jungkook’s pov lolz
warnings: things get a little sexual, no actual smut though
this will definitely be having a part two!! (with maybeeee some soft smut?? 🤭) 💘 enjoy loves <3
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“Sooo kook, have you had your first kiss yet?” I gulp, hearing Y/N’s teasing tone close to my ear. If I'm being honest, I haven’t had my first kiss yet. I’ve had girlfriends in the past, yeah, but I never got close enough to them. I haven’t been able to keep a girlfriend for more than a month or two because of Y/N. She and I have only been friends for about a year, sharing a mutual class at our university. She is the reason I haven’t had a successful relationship.
“I mean yeah, obviously. Who hasn’t..?” My false confidence faltered near the end of my sentence and my face heat up as she laughed. That laugh of “Okay sureeeee whatever you say,” made me frown. “What? You don’t believe me?” I say, clutching my chest for dramatic effect.
She continues laughing, shaking her head, “Honestly no. I could believe it with maybe Eunjoo, but both of you were way too shy to do anything. Did y’all even hold hands?” She smirked, as I grumbled something about minding her own business.
“Okay, so what if I haven’t had my first kiss? Who cares?” I retorted, purposely focusing all my attention on the notebook in front of me. Business Management. Lame. I roll my eyes, finally looking up at where she was sitting. Only to find out she was already looking at me. I felt my face flush again and I quickly look away, “Why’d you ask anyways?” I stammer, the room suddenly feeling much warmer than it did before.
“I was just wondering. Do you want your first kiss?” She spoke casually, making my breath hitch. What kind of a question is that? “W-What do you mean by that?” She shakes her head, “All I’m asking is if you’d like to have your first kiss soon. I wasn’t offering anything. Unless… you want me to school you,” Holy shit. I can’t believe this. I swear I saw her eyes flickering down to my lips. My face felt like it was on fire as I licked my lips nervously. Her stare was unwavering, burning holes through my skin. I was a candle under her gaze, slowly melting away.
“I- are you messing me with? That’s not funny Y/N, ” I uttered, my voice getting caught in my throat. Instead of quickly ruffling my hair or cackling while nearly pushing me off the bed, she instead got closer. “I’m being serious, Jungkook. I’ll teach you,” She must’ve noticed how tense I was because she backed away, acting as if nothing even happened, “Or not. No worries. I get if you’re uncomfortable or if you don’t want to lose your first kiss to me,” she stated and that alone made my heart throb. Y/N has always been a sweetheart, no matter how much she teases or jokes. Abruptly, she checks her phone and quickly gets up, collecting all her things.
“Shit, I was supposed to be home 15 minutes ago. Ji is gonna be pissed. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” she smiles before leaning close to my ear, slowly whispering, “My offer still stands, by the way. Think about it,” She winks, briskly stepping out of my room. I finally let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I was definitely going to be thinking about her offer all night.
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The next morning, I heard her car honking outside my dorm room as I finished getting ready. I barely got any sleep, her offer keeping me distracted. I’ve always been attracted to her. She’s sweet, outgoing while still being laidback, super smart and not to mention how pretty she is. Everything about her is basically perfect. From how her hair sits, how her eyes brighten when she’s excited, how her arms feel wrapped around me when we cuddle (It’s nothing like that, I swear). And that’s where my failed relationships come into play.
According to all my exes, I never shut up about her. Apparently, I give her too much of my time. I remember my last ex, Eunjoo, breaking up with me after a really nice date. We spent the whole day together, and I guess I talked about Y/N the whole time. “Y/N would love this restaurant!” or “I remember when Y/N and I came to this movie theater,” and even “Y/N and I were at this park just last week!”
The guilt ate me live. I didn't mean to bring her up in every conversation; she just happened to be easy to mention. I remember profusely apologizing, but letting ourselves go separate ways. Y/N was instantly there to comfort me, and it made me feel even guiltier. I would've rather Y/N comfort me 24/7 as I sulked about being dumped rather than actually trying to fix my relationship with Eunjoo. I get it, I'm an asshole.
My ringtone pierced through the silence of my dorm room, and I knew exactly who was calling. I rolled my eyes playfully at Y/N’s impatientness. “I'll be down in 3 minutes, take a breather,” I chuckled, hearing her sigh loudly on the other end of the line, “You have three minutes. Get your ass down here before I leave you here,” and just like that, the call ended. I sigh and make my way to her car.
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After our classes, we met up at our normal spot outside of the business hall. Her classes were usually shorter than mine, so she always waited there for me. Today, she was talking with Namjoon. They share the same major so they’re constantly together, studying and doing homework together. What if she’s going to hangout with him today? She promised that she’d see me today. I was gonna bring up her offer from last night.
“Hey Kook! You ready to go?” She smiled, putting all her attention on me. Just as it’s supposed to be. I smiled back before greeting Namjoon, “Hey, hyung,” turning to Y/N again, “Yeah I’m ready. Your place?” I say, grabbing her hand. I respect Namjoon immensely. He’s incredibly intelligent and extremely kind, but this was my time with Y/N. She nodded, saying her goodbyes, making time for another study session.
When we finally got to her place, I got nervous again. She flopped onto the couch, turning on the TV for some background noise. She opens her arms, an offer I would never pass up. I lay on her chest, and melt into her warmth. I was surrounded by her. Her scent especially. It surrounded me in a cozy, comforting embrace that made me feel at home. One of her arms wrap around my shoulder, the other one lazily reaching up to play with my hair. My eyes flutter shut, her nails gently scraping my scalp in a comforting manner. I feel myself get heavy, when my eyes shot open after her words from last night repeated in my head for the millionth time today.
“My offer still stands, by the way.”
The way her words softly left her mouth, her lip even brushing against the cuff of my ear. The memory replayed every second of the day. No matter how many times it came back to me, it still made my whole body hot. Just the mere thought of it now made my get shivers up my spine. She definitely noticed as she hummed out a soft, “You okay, Koo?” still playing with my hair.
I bit my lip. As confident as I wanted to be, I didn’t want this whole thing to be a big joke. I’d never be able to show my face again. I breathed out a quick yeah, but she could tell something was on my mind. “What’s going on? You hesitated,” I sighed, sitting up out of her embrace. She was frowning and I looked down, messing with the hem of her shirt.
“I- um… last night when you-“ She cut me off, instantly apologizing, “Oh Koo, I’m sorry. I genuinely wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable. I just thought I would offer. I’m so sorry,” However, when I shifted closer to her, she stopped. Her legs were partly spread as to make room for me when I sat up, and I took that opportunity to press close into her. Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to speak again. This time it was my turn to cut her off, “I want to take you up on your offer.”
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“This is exciting! Okay, let’s see… We’ll start with little kisses. Simple. Sound good?” She said, a lot more enthusiastic than I thought she would be. She was now sitting up with me, a couple inches apart on the sofa. My face and neck were burning. I nodded, letting her take the lead.
“Okay here… We need to sit closer. Do you mind if I sit a little between your legs?” My eyes widened and I nodded, parting them for her. The growing tension from yesterday was slowly building again. She gently rested her hand on my knee as she started talking, “I really don’t have to explain this one much. It’s like kissing someone on the cheek, but you’re kissing their mouth. Like this,” I try to prepare for the kiss quickly and I adjusted my mouth, fluttering my eyes shut. The kiss was soft and quick, but it set my face ablaze. I just had my first kiss with my favorite person ever! I wanted more, I needed more.
“So, how was it? Do you wanna try again?” She smiled and I nodded quickly. She planted another gentle kiss on my lips. This time it felt more natural, like a genuine kiss rather than a test run. She shifted closer to me, continuing the kiss by softly moving her lips against mine. My eyes flew opened, but immediately shut when I felt her warm hand holding my face. I tried to match the way her lips were moving against mine. I didn’t know what to do with my hands as they awkwardly sat on her knees. As if reading my mind, she guided my hands onto her waist. The kiss continued for a bit longer before she finally pulled away, face slightly red.
“Now that was an actual kiss. You’re actually pretty good, Koo. You’re a fast learner which makes my life easier. All you have to worry about for that one is matching the speed and tone of the kiss. You don’t want to be going too fast or too slow, and you definitely don’t want to be too aggressive or not aggressive enough. It’s easy to tell what someone wants when you’re kissing them though,” Her rambling was adorable. I smiled, not listening to half of what she was talking about. “I wanna try again…” I mumble softly.
As the pair continue gently moving their mouths together, you climb into Jungkook’s lap, straddling him on the couch. Jungkook grabs your waist, pulling you towards him. Your head tilts and he follows suit, going the opposite way. This effectively deepens the kiss and you daringly flick your tongue against Jungkook’s bottom lip. He gasps, giving you full access to his mouth. You slowly slip your tongue into his mouth and he lets out a whine. Worried, you immediately pull away, checking in on the inexperienced boy. But before you can say anything, he pulls you into him and kisses you once more. Your eyes shut and you adjust to his speed which was needier and quicker than before. You run your hands up his chest to his shoulders while his hold on your waist moves down to grip your hips. Jungkook’s aggressive hold made you moan into the kiss, the sound immediately making his body hot.
The growing tension between the two was growing rapidly, like a fire that no one could contain. All Jungkook could focus on was how your hips were pressing into his and how delicious you sounded as the kiss got deeper. It made his mind blank, his whole body feeling light and fuzzy. Out of nowhere, he flips you into your back and he presses himself into you. The two of you moan in unison, as you start reaching to take his shirt off. All that could be heard was lip smacking, panting, and the symphony of moans you were creating. You finally get his shirt off his body. You pull away from the kiss as you hear your roommates loud foot steps stomping up the stairs. Frantic, you yank Jungkook up and snatch his shirt from off the ground. You sprint into your bedroom and close the door, just as Ji-ah unlocks and steps into the front door. She calls out for you, seeing your car parked in your designated spot outside your dorm. However, you can’t call back to her because Jungkook has you pushed against your bedroom door, fervently making out with you. Your eyebrows are screwed up in pleasure as his hands roam from your waist, to your hips, and even squeezing your ass. This makes you moan into the kiss, clutching onto Jungkook’s bare shoulders desperately.
Your roommate finally bangs on your door, and the two of you finally part. Instinctively, Jungkook throws on his shirt and runs to the bed, grabbing a pillow. You turn to him, puzzled when he finally throws another one your way. A pillow fight. You both looked a mess. Messy hair, red faces, out of breath. What better way to cover up a heated make out session with a fake pillow fight. As you open the door, pillow tightly grasped, he throws his pillow at you. It hits you in the back and you run from the door, attacking him with your pillow.
Ji-ah sighs, “Seriously, you guys? You weren’t answering me because of a pillow fight? I thought you were dead,” Before shaking her head, chuckling. “You are some children. Grow up!” She shouts playfully as she closes the door behind her. You glare at him as he laughs, shrugging, “I didn’t want us to get caught,”
You sigh, kissing him once more. You sigh, laying in bed with him. This session was definitely not over.
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redjadethewriter · 2 months
My take on Blank The Series:
Age Gaps, GL, and Trauma
To make a slow-burn romance interesting to watch, especially with age gaps, regarding WLW relationships, we need many elements.
First, we need a decent cast pair. Second, we need believable performances from the actors who play these complex emotional characters. Third, we need drama. We need a reason behind each action and dialogue exchange between the characters. This is where the story becomes important. We have the characters' story and the plot of the major stuff going down. The back story of the two main characters is the most important to flesh out more than the side or supporting characters.
I'm just going to say it: I'm impressed by the performance of the two actresses who gave life to these characters.
Lately, I've had several coronaries because Thai GL has turned me into a Junkie for their content more than my own countries' versions of sapphic relationships. And they are making age-gap relationships so much more compelling to watch.
The premise is as basic as it comes in terms of story arcs. Actually, I agree with some people that "Blank" and "Gap the Series" were gender-swapped stories. Usually, a wealthy older man falls in love with a young girl. So, now we have an older prominent woman falling in love with the young girl instead, but they made it more tender and somewhat light-hearted. I understand this is an adaptation of a naughty novel, which is fantastic. I write naughty, too. But the series is more tasteful. It focuses more on the crucial aspects versus the naughty.
By the way, I enjoyed the playfulness in both the shows. It's nice to have playful flirting involved versus extreme seduction right out of the gate. Both shows remind me how a romantic relationship or even pursuing a special someone can have a silly, playful approach. It doesn't have to always be serious and get to the sexy stuff. As an older Lesbian, I have a similar playful nature when I'm allowed to express it. Thus, I feel for the older characters willing to become playful with their much younger romantic partners.
However, there's one thing I can relate to since I'm in my late 30s. Is the extreme insecurity of being romantically involved with someone younger than you? In Blank the Series, the age gap difference is 16 years. I'm glad they raised the age bar because it would've caused a lot of issues.
It's funny because I was the girl in my early 20s who hooked up and dated older women in their 30s. The age gap was not 16, but 13 years between me and the older women I had short-term relationships with. So, watching the interaction between Khun Nueng and Anueng, oh my gosh, right way, I thought Khun Nueng was in trouble in so many ways.
Now that my position in life has switched and I'm a similar age to the women I used to date, I understand the complexities they went through. You just only know once you experience it for yourself. Insecurities around age are an enormous factor in reality and in this story. More than the woman loving women aspect or even the drama of others accepting the relationship. Really, the destruction comes from the older woman who can't deal with falling in love with someone younger than them. When you sprinkle trauma on top, with a side of keeping a facade or reputation, it can get chaotic super fast.
Not only did Khun Nueng become attracted to Anueng quickly, but she couldn't resist turning Anueng away, no matter what. The actress performed those rigid responses really well because, in reality, I would have to visit a chiropractor to break my body. The tension alone of repressing my desires would turn me into a ball of knots. Especially if I had no willpower to turn away the person. Ugh... I don't even wanna think about that. Because knowing my karma, something would put me in that position in life. I even resist dating any women in their early 30s. In the late 20s, I will say to the sky, "F***...Why me?" I'm like that anyway each time I fall for a woman. "Oh, f***...Why me?"
I have to sprinkle some satire on this topic because I can already see that the root of every decision and action Khun Nueng makes is based on that insecurity. Internally, she doesn't want to believe Anueng when she constantly says she only wants to be with her and loves her. It doesn't matter how often it's said; it is something that Khun Nueng must overcome regarding age-gap insecurities.
In the ending scene of episode 6, I reacted, "You totally just wanna keep piling on the torment, don't yah?" It's clear throughout the six episodes that she's in love with the girl. She can't even admit that she gets jealous. And oh my gosh, older adults' actions regarding jealousy are more diabolical than younger people. Actually, the older you get, the more sinister it gets. The passive aggressiveness turns up. Believe me... The sky is the limit on tactfulness and mind-f***ing when women get vengeful. Oh, my gosh... I still love women, regardless. LOL! Sweet as poison.
Khun Nueng's stoic demeanor is just a mask. She represses her emotions and vulnerability. Khun Nueng abides by stoicism, which rarely benefits emotional growth. We witness this when she refrains from showing anyone her weakness, so she doesn't cry in front of people, even at her grandmother's wake. When she finally ends up alone and breaks down, Anueng shows up, and Khun Nueng feels safe enough to break down in front of her. Which is hard to do that. I also have a stoic facade, so I recognize that bullshit a mile away, and I know exactly how hard it is to repress grief. Once it erupts, it hurts like hell, but I knew Khun Nueng was fully F*** because there's really no turning back with that kind of intimate exchange they had.
I can't wait for season 2 to see how that bites her in the behind.
Obviously, I don't want Khun Nueng to suffer anymore, but through her mistakes and emotional and mental anguish, she will learn what or who is truly important to her because she's dumb. Just because we are in our 30s or late 30s doesn't mean we are free from stupidity. She definitely needs to make better choices and stop playing so many mind games to protect her ego. She needs to learn to be more upfront about her feelings and wants.
Hopefully, we get that.
I have faith they will.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
MYSTIC MESSENGER V WITH ARRANGED MARRIAGE AU PLEASE thank you I always enjoy reading your writings
Aww, you're so sweet, my dear! I'm really flattered to hear you enjoy reading my stuff and I hope you'll enjoy this as well. I had a lot of fun with this, honestly, so thank you so much for the request!
Okay, so I don't actually think it's too much of a stretch to imagine either V's father or Chairman Han, both being from very wealthy and affluential families, setting up arranged marriages for their children. So this 'AU' isn't really a huge shift in universe. I think the biggest change, going into this, is that V and Rika never met. I can see V still having met and helped Saeyoung and Zen, but the RFA was never founded and Rika is never a thing with V.
In fact, relationships were never really a thing with V. He's dated here or there but nothing serious. His life just is too full, too stressful, too busy for dating. V's relationship with his father is very contentious. V is still very much working as a photographer and his work is very well received and beautifully done. People pay top dollar for it but he never really achieves fame because he avoids the public eye and that is something that his father holds against him.
V's father wants his son to set aside his photography career, to take over the family business. To smarten up and behave as the son and heir to the family should, in other words. And V's father has tried numerous ways of forcing V into doing so.
And the newest of those ways? It's definitely the arranged marriage decided upon by V's father and your own parents, who do own a major corporation but are rather nouveau-riche. This really does set them aside as lesser than by a lot of people and they view this arranged marriage as a way to elevate your families status in the wealthy circles and V's father sees it as a way to force his son to settle down, start a family, and because he'll have a wife and hopefully children to take care of, it only makes sense that V would set aside his 'silly' artistic endeavors and take up his mantle in the business world with the family company.
It seems perfect, at least to the parents of both of you.
To both you and V though, the idea is a little less than ideal. You're prepared to hate V out of pure hatred for the idea. You aren't even sure about your stance on marriage. You may or may not want marriage to be a thing in your future, but the fact of the matter is that even if you do want to get married, you want to get married to someone you choose, someone you truly love. You don't want to be forced into anything and that force is what you hate the most.
V, meanwhile, is nothing but angry at this turn of events. But as I've mentioned, V doesn't deal well with anger. He doesn't know how to handle it at all, doesn't know how to deal with it, and feels disgusting for the huge surges of anger he is feeling. So instead he focuses that anger into other emotions. He's feeling super guilty and ashamed of his father's actions, of the pressure this puts on you when he walks into the restaurant where the two of you were to be introduced by your parents for the first time.
It surprises you that you find it really hard to hate V right away. It surprises you even more that you feel an automatic tingle of physical attraction to him and you wonder if that tingle was strong enough to really influence your thoughts. But you don't think that was it.
V apologizes, countless times, for the situation you find yourself in. He consistently blames himself for you being forced into this arranged marriage, takes all the blame for it and any anger or sadness you feel about it.
Though it takes a few meetings, because your parents and his father are consistently with the two of you, when the two of you first get together alone, V makes it perfectly clear to you that if you want to get out of the arranged marriage, he will be perfectly okay with that and would not blame you. He even offers to find some way to make sure the arranged marriage ends without you being blamed in any way. He warns you that might take a little bit of time, but he'll figure a solution that will leave nobody with any doubt that the breaking down of the arranged marriage was entirely on him.
Like, the man is so very, very guilty over every and anything related to this and he is always apologizing to you.
Now, I can see the rest of this going in either one of two ways. The first way is that you take V up on that offer of figuring out a way to get out of the marriage. Whether or not you're willing to let him take all the blame is entirely up to you, but either way, he is right in that it will take a little bit of time. The two of you continue to play into your parents, seeing each other often, having 'date nights' used to plan and bounce ideas off each other for how to bring this all to a close. But somewhere along the way, you find your conversations with V actually becoming conversations. The two of you start to actually get to know each other and you start to fall for V a little. He's sweet and kind and creative and he can be funny in a dry, witty way. And he finds himself really falling for you too, but both of you are still convinced that the only thing the other wants is to get out of this arranged marriage.
And besides, V in particular doesn't want to enter a relationship with you on those terms. He doesn't want to be dating you only because the two of you were supposed to be getting married anyway. He spends a lot of time wishing that the two of you had met in any other way, under any other circumstances.
So, in this ending, I do see the marriage contract ending, just like the two of you had planned and it does break your heart and breaks V's heart. V withdraws, he needs to heal some of how much he hurts when things with you seem to be over for good, when he thinks he'll never really see you again. The two of you go months without seeing each other until you bump into each other again. It could be at a party, through mutual friends, or maybe you purposefully tracked down a show he was doing and showed up to the gallery to see him again. Either way, the two of you start talking again and I think this time, without the expectation of marriage there, with more free-will from the start, the attraction the two of you have towards each other has more room to grow and really bloom and the two of you end up dating.
The alternate way this could go? You refuse to break the arranged marriage. As much as you hate it, you're so loyal to your family and your parents and care about them too much. You know how much this means to them. So the marriage does go through and the story becomes V and you learning how to be a married couple together, how to get over the forced approach to the relationship with each other. It involves learning to be friends first, helping V heal the shame and guilt he's feeling, helping him really stand up to his father and prove that, even married, he does not and will not inherit the family company, that he is happy with his art. It involves a very, very slow burn love story, with lots of drama and conflicts, which can also be really fun.
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x-xsunlightx-x · 1 year
HII SUNNY HOPE UR HAVING A GREAT DAY/NIGHT<333 can I please make a request after that test came out of the king poet soldier one I got soldier and I can’t help but think of goo being king so can u please make something where goo is a king of a kingdom and he’d have a soldier that is always by his side worrying about him no matter what , if u don’t want to u can just delete or ignore this thank u sunny❤️
Letters ( Goo x reader )
"Are you serious about this?"
You watched as Goo picked up a huge box filled with empty envelopes from under his desk.
"Yup, they will never find out anyway."
"What if they did?" Your reputation as a king will be ruined"
"gasp are you saying its not already is ? "
When he is not busy obsessing over himself, Goo spends his free time complaining about how he finds the other nobles really annoying, so today he thought he may as well express his true feelings toward them on a little piece of paper and send it anonymously.
" here "
He threw a dip pen at your face.
"Help me write those."
There will be no point in arguing with him. last time you talked back, he started a whole lecture about how you, as his personal knight in shining armor, should be more supportive of his actions, and you wouldn't want to see him fake crying again because that would definitely be a terrible sight.
"What do you want me to write?"
"Maybe something like, Oh, Lady Crystal, that dress you wore yesterday was as terrible as your attitude"
"Isn't that a little too-"
"Or perhaps we should insult her whole family as well."
Goo started walking around the room while thinking of more ways to ruin Lady Crystal's day ,and you on the other hand, couldn't stop worrying about him. This isn't the first time he has done such a reckless thing, and you are scared that he will actually get exposed one day and everything will go downhill.
You were so focused on your thoughts that you didn't notice Goo holding a magnifying glass near your face while writing something in his notebook.
" huh? What are you doing"
"Don't look at me like that, I was trying to find out the reason why you look so stressed."
"its beacuse-"
"You are worried I will get into trouble?"
" maybe?"
"Don't worry if I ever get caught; you will be the first one I will blame."
Goo expected you to get mad over that, but instead you slowly started to smile.
"That seems like a good idea."
"Ugh, that was not the reaction I wanted."
You started laughing, then all of a sudden, Goo picked up his crown, which he always keeps in his desk because he says it's " heavy " , and put it on the top of your head.
"When I die, you better burn this whole town down to ashes."
"...I'm not going to do that."
"gasp not even after I die?"
"I will think about it."
Goo got up and gave you a little playful slap on the cheek.
" i will go sleep now but we better finish these tomorrow "
" good night "
He left you alone in the study room while his crown is still in your head, and that brought back your worries .
Will he really manage to hold the throne for that long?
note : heyy ^^ first things first am so sorry for the late reply and two this will officially be my last post here , i just have alot going on rn which why i will be leaving this acc but i wont delete it so other ppl can enjoy my content i guess. it was really fun here and i met a lot of amazing ppl as well!. i hope everyone is having a great day/night/afternoon
( ik there was no point in changing my layout last min but i promised day haha )
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siriannatan · 6 months
Court of Ice and Fire - Chapter 2/3
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
I finally got to finishing this chapter. It took entirely too long for what it is. I'll put all the blame on all the games I play updating around the same time and dropping masses of content…
While I find myself unable to write Scott being really mean to fWhip I can handle him being awkward with his emotions and approach to the whole situation :}
Scott could not offer him a 'no' nor a 'yes' but he did go to the healers for their expert opinion. And was back much faster than fWhip anticipated. With a basket of medical supplies. "They said a not too cold or hot bath is okay but I'll have to re-apply the healing salve and put new bandages on you. Or wait till tomorrow," he explained.
fWhip between the basket and Scott's hands for a second. Was he more comfortable not knowing how long was it since the last time he had a bath or Scott's hands on him? "I'm fine with you redoing all the bandages," he nodded, the itching was too much.
Somehow he ended up needing Scott's help. Raising his arms too high up was not a possibility and Scott was orbiting nearby anyway. He might as well be useful. And trapped. "Why not just leave my care to servants? I'm certain you have better things to do," he asked, almost melting as Scott carefully washed his hair.
"All matters of Rivendell that require my attention are settled," Scott's matter-of-fact tone would be annoying if fWhip wasn't feeling as relaxed as he was. "And it'd be rude of me to ignore a guest."
There it was again. 'Guest'. fWhip could almost believe it. If it weren't for the circumstances. And likely a hostile visit from Gem. If it was Gem and not just one of her wizards. Should he even ask about her? Probably better not to. Not like Scott would say anything. So instead fWhip just focused on the bath. And enjoying it for as long as Scott would let him stay in it.
It wasn't Scott that ended the bath but fWhip himself. His injuries started to hurt from not lying down properly for too long. Or whatever else made them hurt. He was no expert on medical stuff. He still had to get help from Scott but the elf was at least decent enough to let him cover himself before drying his hair. He even fully left. To get him a fresh change of clothes but still. fWhip would take anything that could make this feel at least slightly normal. 
Scott was careful and meticulous as he applied the salve and bandaged fWhip. On his end, the count was feeling sleepier and sleepier. "What's happening to Grimlands now?" He was sure Scott said something earlier, but at this point, he was talking to stay awake.
"I basically cut it from the outside world, I apologize, but it seemed the best option without you in a state fit to oversee a country," as ever, right to the point. At least he wasn't sugarcoating it. "Once you feel good enough we can arrange for some of your paperwork to be sent here. Or whatever else you'd want to do," the elven king added as he finished the bandaging.
"I see," fWhip nodded and moved a bit. All the bandages seemed to be good. "All seems good," he voiced it. There was no way Scott was serious about giving him full independence or control of Grimlands.
"Good, I'll go then, let you rest," Scott seemed happy enough with the response.
"Why? This is your bedroom," fWhip hummed. He was nothing if not a nuisance. And especially when it came to Jimmy. He also happened to remember the way Jimmy looked at Scott back when the latter was in the Cod alliance. He'd be so angry if he knew where fWhip was. "And what if I feel worse during the night?" Some part - and not necessarily the petty side - wanted Scott to stay. Even if Jimmy would never know. Even if Scott likely had malicious intents to do with fWhip and Grimlands.
Maybe his dragon side was feeling clingy. Maybe he just didn't want to be alone. No matter which or why, he kept staring at Scott. At the way, his head tilted as he thought. "You're right, you might have trouble calling for help in the middle of the night," he shockingly agreed without much argument. Maybe he thought fWhip was planning to run in the middle of the night and was checking the security? Not that he wouldn't try at some point. For now, he could use Scott's intention for his own means.
fWhip fell asleep shockingly quickly and easily. Not like it was calm sleep. Scott could feel him toss and turn. To the point where the elf just gently grabbed and hugged him. In his defence, he was half asleep and has barely slept since intervening in Grimlands.
But nightmares still got to fWhip waking up suddenly. Sitting up with a shout. Looking around in the dark. "fWhip? Everything okay?" Scott yawned, sitting up, blindly reaching out for his 'guest'. 
The was wild wind howling loudly outside. Shaking the heavy shutters on the windows.
fWhip took a few deep breaths. He had no idea what his nightmare was about. He felt like it had to do with his last day in Grimlands. But... "I think I'm good. Just a bad dream," he said with another slow breath. "I'm good," he repeated for good measure. "What's got the shutters..."
Scott shrugged. "Probably snowstorm. It's about time the first proper one rolled around. We're totally safe." How was he so calm about the absolute insanity that was likely happening outside? "Are you completely sure you're feeling okay?"
"Yes," fWhip assured, mostly himself. "My back hurts but I think it's mostly..." he froze as Scott's hand gently ran over his back. "...phantom pains, I think..." he mumbled in shock. What the heck was Scott planning? He was too tired to think. To play any games.
The rest of the night was calm. fWhip woke up a couple more times but managed to not wake Scott. The elf still held on tightly. Subconsciously stopping him from escaping. Not that fWhip was in the mood for that.
fWhip woke up, on gave up on trying to sleep anymore, with the first rays of sun hitting the window. When were the shutters opened? Were they magic? Gem often complained about how casual elves were with magic. At least the snowstorm was over.
He was slightly chilly. Mostly from the whole night of being held by Scott and his cold breath on his neck. But he didn't mind. It wasn't as bad as it could be. He was half-dragon, he would survive. And it kept him from falling asleep again as he tried to think up a way to free himself without waking Scott up.
As soon as he made up his mind to try moving, fWhip was in a blink of an eye on his back. Scott straddling him, cyan eyes wide, pale freckles sparkling in the morning sun. Did he always have those? One cold hand on fWhip's neck. Not tight enough to restrict breathing but dang cold. For a second they stared. Scott looked weirdly ethereal with his wings spread out and those shiny freckles. But then he opened his mouth.
"Sorry... I'm not used to sharing a bed," he stiffly apologised as he moved off of fWhip's stomach. 
fWhip assured him he was fine and understood. He didn't really understand. Why would Scott's instinct be to choke anyone who wakes him up? For now, he ignored it. He himself had some weird instincts. 
Scott wasted no time asking how he was feeling and getting him fresh clothes before sending a guard to get kitchen to get breakfast ready. fWhip got changed in the bathroom just to be safe. He waited for Scott to get ready and followed him silently. Trying to not yawn. 
It was still rather early. Many guards and servants they massed would quickly hide their yawning as they passed. It was so different from fWhip's 'court'. He couldn't care less how his staff carried themselves near him as long as they did their jobs properly. This felt almost like the times he visited Mythland. How everyone almost jumped away from Sausage. At least Scott's staff didn't seem to be scared of him.
Breakfast was relatively simple. Bread, jam, cheese some weird elven oatmeal dish. Sweet tea and juice. No coffee. fWhip was ready to scream but held it in. It was obviously not part of elven culture. He'd survive without.
"Should I get a chef from Grimlands to cook for you?" Scott asked as fWhip poked the oatmeal thing. It was sweet, and full of small bits of fruit. Not too bad but not what fWhip would have. Where were potatoes and pork?
"I don't really care," fWhip shrugged. Why was Scott trying so hard to keep him happy? "I'm perfectly fine with elven food," he added, braving another spoon of the oatmeal. He could feel his teeth rotting. 
Scott just nodded and moved to reports about damage caused by last night's snowstorm. From what fWhip understood it didn't cause too much damage but block roads with piles of snow and broken trees. At least no one got hurt. "I'll have to go and see all the damage, tradition, I think you should stay indoors. I can have someone show you to the library?"
"Can't I come along?" fWhip asked. He was not in a mood to spend the whole day indoors.
Unfortunately, neither Scott nor his healers approved so fWhip spend a big part of the day in the library. Supplied by maids with warm tea and cookies. If not for the constant presence of guards and check-ups with medics around mid-day he could forget he was pretty much a prisoner. 
After dinner, he followed Scott to his meeting room where he listened to a boring conversation about winter preparations. Some upcoming festival. But he also heard that both 'old' WRA and Cod Alliance were putting pressure on Scott for isolating Grimlands from the outside world. Scott did put out a possibility of an Emperor's Meet. The Crown was with Katherine. Being neutral towards all involved parties she made for a great mediator.
Interestingly Scott assured fWhip he didn't have to attend if he didn't want to. And honestly. fWhip didn't feel like it. But it'd still be at least a couple of weeks before any meetings could happen. So for now fWhip was stuck. Unless he decided to run away but after half a day of thinking... 
He didn't really have anywhere to go. So for now he was staying. Keeping a close eye on Scott and his actions and intentions.
For now.
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
The Handmaid's Tale: No Man’s Land (5x07)
Okay, let's not waste any time, and dive right in!
I detected this odd whiff of... conservativism to today's episode? I don't entirely know where I'm going with this so hold on while I think it through... but basically June's speech to Serena about how her baby belongs with her was all very... biological determinism-y. Serena is the only face and smell and person that Noah knows. He came from her. They belong together. I don't know, it just suddenly struck me how sinister this show is about having the villainous bad crowd specifically be people who are adopting-by-force, while the good, right, moral thing is always for a baby to stay with its birthmother. Obviously within the context of the show, Gilead's actions are monstrous, and no child should be ripped away from its family in that manner. But adoption writ large isn't a moral evil, and this episode made me kind of feel like they were implying that? Am I being too sensitive to this? I don't know...
I'm about to pay a lot of compliments to the characterization and performance of our two leading ladies, but I do want to reiterate a point I've made before and I'm sure I'll make again, which is that both of these women have been historically protected by their whiteness, and they continue to be so. Serena is a rapist and slavery apologist among other vile crimes. June is able to get away with her (completely justified) defiance in part because she is a white, straight woman. It's a refrain I want to keep saying because this show is so focused on its political message, it so clearly wants to be read as commentary on our current moment, and yet it often misses some of the biggest, most obvious areas of intersectionality in its storytelling.
But okay. Setting that aside for a moment, just in terms of a raw, real, performance-based review... this episode went hard, and I was riveted every second. The bond between Serena and June is enormously twisted, and to be clear, June is 100% Serena's victim in the larger sense. Even now, even with June having killed Fred, the power has always been Serena's, she has always been the one to perpetrate huge crimes against June's person. And yet... and yet, June is strong, and vindictive, and has a mean streak, June spent this episode with Serena entirely at her mercy once Serena's labor really got going. And in the end, June, unwittingly, led Serena right into a trap. There is no clear cut way to talk about this relationship. There is, in my opinion, a clear bad guy and good guy, but that doesn't mean all of the murkiness goes away.
The Handmaid's Tale can often be really over the top, in a lot of obvious ways, but I appreciated the restraint and the ambiguity that this episode left on the table. My favorite moment was probably Serena asking June why she hadn't killed her when she had a chance during one of the protests at the Gilead Cultural Center. "Why Fred, and not me?" she asks. June's answer: "I didn't want to." There is no larger explanation. There couldn't be. Her hatred for Serena is real, and serious, and the harm she did was extreme. But they are together the victims of Fred Waterford, and that's real too. There's a brief moment in the flashback where we see a Handmaid's birthing ceremony, where June and Serena share a moment of solidarity over the silliness of the ritual, the way the prospective "mother" fakes her labor pains along with the Handmaid. There is something between these two women, these women who are both clever, smarter than the men they ended up with, and you can see that solidarity peaking through all the rest of the trauma.
And at this point, what does it matter? Serena is alone, she's run away from the protection of both Canada and now Gilead. She has her son and that is all. June killed Fred. June saved Serena and Noah. There are no cosmic scales to balance these actions on.
Another moment of subtlety that I enjoyed was when June is holding the newborn in her arms, and Serena is asking if he's okay. There's this moment, just a flicker of one, where you think: June could do anything right now. She could kill Serena, she could kill the baby, she could run off with the baby and leave Serena to die alone... but you don't really fear that she'll do it. It's like you can see June think it and discard the thought, all without a word being said.
I also like that Serena is baffled and overwhelmed by new motherhood, frightened by the hospital setting, the sterility of it, but taking comfort in June's reassurances. Is Serena going to understand that it wasn't June who betrayed her? She calls for her help in the end, but when she has a chance to think it through, will she understand that it was Luke, and not June, who decided to have her arrested and separated from Noah? This is a great tension to carry forward.
I could go on about the little moments that I thought were interesting and enjoyable. I liked Serena turning to the bible and thinking of herself as giving up baby Moses for June. I like June's explanation that she was treated as nothing more than a vessel for God's plan, and that she will not take Serena's baby and leave her to die, perpetuating that awful cycle. She's not saving Serena for Serena, who June believes deserves to die. She's saving her for a higher purpose. I also liked this small moment where Serena rolled her eyes at the hospital for giving her antibiotics. A little reminder of the anti-science ideology behind Gilead's evangelism. Ditto with the "evolution" moment, where June brought it up and Serena seemed openly amused that she would consider such a thing to be true.
So that's that. As we end the episode, Serena is being taken to a detention center, and her child is going into the system. I genuinely have no idea what's going to happen from here! Will June be mad at Luke for what he did, even though it makes perfect sense for him to have done it? We'll find out!
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bdbsvirtualjournal · 8 months
A Presentation - 15/10/2023
For the possibility that someone will stumble upon my page, I want to write a short presentation or bio for the potential stranger, but also for me too since I never actually wrote about me. Or discuss me in any way outside my mind.
So, I'm B. , I'm 21 years old at the making of this page, and I live in Timisoara. I've always lived here and I actually really love my city. I don't really plan to move from here, definitely at least. It is a big city, but with a low density so it gives small towns vibes sometimes. It is like a compromise between the stability of small communities but it also has the opportunities for a good career. I am studying Telecommunications here at the Polytechnic University. Even though the field itself is nice and in the 3rd year the courses seem more interesting to me, I can't say that I'm deeply passionate or interested in this domain at large. It mostly sparks a passive curiosity, but it never evolved into something I see myself dedicating my free time. My interests revolve around humanities.
I am tall person with an overall strong build, I work out and cycle a lot, but I don't relate in any way to masculinity. I consider myself gender-queer, my relation with gender being quite complex. Not just on an identity basis, I have feminine features as well. For as much as I can remember, people always remarked my unusual traits. 'Your nails are so beautiful, you should paint them' or 'Did you put mascara on?' are some of the earliest I heard. But that's a discussion for another time.
My political and moral views about the world are deeply left wing. Since my childhood I always took an interest on the human and social parts of the world and history. I was always concerned with how people lived their lives, what was their routine and how did they got throughout the day, rather than focusing on strategic things like battles armies or heroes. Most of the literature I liked growing up was about the human condition.
I am also a Christian. I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian. I go to Church every Sunday, mostly because I am also an Altar boy. I like helping and being deep in my local community. I really like Theology and the history of the Church. It is really fascinating how smart people interpret the Holy Texts and how much meaning they extract from Them and how they created a big system around it. However I'm not a spiritual person, I can't say that I FEEL the divinity.
If I had to describe my "'personality" in a psychological (or pseudo at least) I'd say that I'm an introvert. I don't really like to be surrounded constantly by people. I like staying in house and putting time into my interests. I enjoy the time I spend alone and sometimes I need it like a it's a necessity. However I don't consider myself anti social in any aspect. I can get along with most people, form amicable relations with most people and I can entertain discussions, be them casual or on specific subjects, joking or serious. I also seek people that have similar interests as me. I seek real and genuine human connections, just like anyone else for that matter.
As for my hobbies and interests, I have a deep passion for arts, in special for literature, music and movies. I could talk about those all day. I also enjoy other forms of media such as animations and video games, but not that much as I used to do a while ago. I watch way too much YouTube vids. I also love animals, especially birds. I own a lot of pets and domestic animals.
In my spare time outside the house, I go to concerts. A lot of them. I know every venue in my city and some in others. If there's a concert, most likely I'm there or at least I know about it. There are some places that revolve around cultural stuff but not that many. Just some libraries, some art hubs and small cinemas. I'm also there from time to time. I will get more into what types of music and literature I like, but another time.
Overall I'd describe myself as man of contradictions and conflicting ideas. I study in STEM but my passion is in humanities. I am progressive person and I would describe myself as socialist and/or anarchist but I'm also a practicing Christian in one of the most conservative denominations. I think about my gender identity way more than most people do. I can get along with everyone and I rarely feel alone, and most of the time I can find someone to distract me from that feeling, but I always felt like an outsider who can't find that easily someone that TRULY gets everything. Even my city has contradictions. Even thought I like in a big city (at the outskirts of it indeed but still in the city) I live in a basically rural area and I have farm animals. I don't care about the concept of nationality and overall I hate nationalistic ideas. On the internet I've always adopted other nationalities and formed my personas around them (for example I pretended to be Hungarian on Facebook to trigger dumb Romanians). But I also feel attached to this place I the thought of me not being here scares me. I know that I will miss it.
While I do have all of this contradictions in my life, I don't feel emotionally affected by them, but I do want to explore them more and maybe learn something about myself, that's why I want to journal my thoughts more.
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OM! Characters & (MBTI) Personality Types
* What can I say I'm bored
* I'm doing this the same way I write fic/dialogue - so yes I'm going to take the test 11 times (+ 1 for general MC) and post the results
* It obviously won't be 100% accurate but it'll be more accurate than if I just guessed
* I'll add 3-5 directly lifted notable passages from their intro description for each character/personality that I think fit them well
* Because of this, even though the passages aren't that big, this will be LONG so feel free to just skim through the results. Though the descriptions & how well they fit the characters are interesting
* I wanted to add direct examples from canon for each passage but figured it'd be way too long then
* Quick reminder that "introverted" doesn't mean shy nor does it necessarily mean that the person doesn't like being around others. It's just that they have a lower threshold for social interaction
Edit: Disclaimer:
Yes Ik the test isn't valid and that people can't be categorised into sets like this. This was all done for fun and not to be taken seriously💀 Pls take it as seriously as if I was trying to categorise them into "what type of cookie they are"✌🏼
☆ YO! Mammon's one really said "keep this bitch away from credit cards"💀
1. Lucifer - Architect (INTJ-A)
• These personalities can be both the boldest of dreamers and the bitterest of pessimists. Architects believe that, through willpower and intelligence, they can achieve even the most challenging of goals. But they may be cynical about human nature more generally, assuming that most people are lazy, unimaginative, or simply doomed to mediocrity.
• Architects can be single-minded, with little patience for frivolity, distractions, or idle gossip. That said, it would be a mistake to stereotype these personalities as dull or humorless. Many Architects are known for their irreverent wit, and beneath their serious exteriors, they often have a sharp, delightfully sarcastic sense of humor.
• This personality type comes with a strong independent streak. Architects don’t mind acting alone, perhaps because they don’t like waiting around for others to catch up with them. They also generally feel comfortable making decisions without asking for anyone else’s input. At times, this lone-wolf behavior can come across as insensitive, as it fails to take into consideration other people’s thoughts, desires, and plans.
• This personality type is full of contradictions. Architects are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, and curious yet focused. From the outside, these contradictions may seem baffling, but they make perfect sense once you understand the inner workings of the Architect mind.
• For Architects, life is like a giant game of chess. Relying on strategy rather than chance, they contemplate the strengths and weaknesses of each move before they make it. And they never lose faith that, with enough ingenuity and insight, they can find a way to win – no matter what challenges might arise along the way.
2. Mammon - Entertainer (ESFP-T)
• Entertainers love the spotlight, and all the world’s a stage. Many famous people with the Entertainer personality type are indeed actors, but they love putting on a show for their friends too, chatting with a unique and earthy wit, soaking up attention and making every outing feel a bit like a party. Utterly social, Entertainers enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends.
• Though it may not always seem like it, Entertainers know that it’s not all about them – they are observant, and very sensitive to others’ emotions. People with this personality type are often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing emotional support and practical advice. However, if the problem is about them, Entertainers are more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. Entertainers usually love a little drama and passion, but not so much when they are the focus of the criticisms it can bring.
• The biggest challenge Entertainers face is that they are often so focused on immediate pleasures that they neglect the duties and responsibilities that make those luxuries possible. Complex analysis, repetitive tasks, and matching statistics to real consequences are not easy activities for Entertainers. They’d rather rely on luck or opportunity, or simply ask for help from their extensive circle of friends. 
• Entertainers recognize value and quality, which on its own is a fine trait. In combination with their tendency to be poor planners though, this can cause them to live beyond their means, and credit cards are especially dangerous. More focused on leaping at opportunities than in planning out long-term goals, Entertainers may find that their inattentiveness has made some activities unaffordable.
3. Levi - Mediator (INFP-T)
[ so I cheated on this one... When I first did this I got INTP but the description didn't fit Levi at all and it would make more sense if Levi got "Feeling" over "Thinking". He got INTP cause of all the "understanding of other peoples' emotions" questions. I think he'd understand them but his own self hatred would make his problems seem much more severe so he won't always be empathetic...but because that didn't fit I just switched it.. It's still less accurate than everyone else's but it fits better now ]
• Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. These personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.
• For Mediators, an ideal relationship of any kind is one in which both people feel comfortable sharing not just their wildest hopes and dreams but also their secret fears and vulnerabilities.
• Through these imaginative landscapes, Mediators can explore their own inner nature as well as their place in the world. While this is a beautiful trait, these personalities sometimes show a tendency to daydream and fantasize rather than take action. 
• People with this personality type tend to feel directionless or stuck until they connect with a sense of purpose for their lives.
4. Satan - Commander (ENTJ-A)
• Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves.
• If there’s anything Commanders love, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. 
• At the negotiating table, be it in a corporate environment or buying a car, Commanders are dominant, relentless, and unforgiving. This isn’t because they are coldhearted or vicious per se – it’s more that Commander personalities genuinely enjoy the challenge, the battle of wits, the repartee that comes from this environment, and if the other side can’t keep up, that’s no reason for Commanders to fold on their own core tenet of ultimate victory.
• If there’s anyone Commanders respect, it’s someone who is able to stand up to them intellectually, who is able to act with a precision and quality equal to their own. Commander personalities have a particular skill in recognizing the talents of others, and this helps in both their team-building efforts (since no one, no matter how brilliant, can do everything alone), and to keep Commanders from displaying too much arrogance and condescension. However, they also have a particular skill in calling out others’ failures with a chilling degree of insensitivity, and this is where Commanders really start to run into trouble.
5. Asmo - Entrepreneur (ESTP-A)
• Entrepreneurs always have an impact on their immediate surroundings – the best way to spot them at a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about them as they move from group to group. Laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention.
• Entrepreneurs are the likeliest personality type to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. They live in the moment and dive into the action – they are the eye of the storm. People with the Entrepreneur personality type enjoy drama, passion, and pleasure, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to their logical minds. 
• Entrepreneurs have a unique skill in noticing small changes. Whether a shift in facial expression, a new clothing style, or a broken habit, people with this personality type pick up on hidden thoughts and motives where most types would be lucky to pick up anything specific at all. Entrepreneurs use these observations immediately, calling out the change and asking questions, often with little regard for sensitivity. Entrepreneurs should remember that not everyone wants their secrets and decisions broadcast.
• Entrepreneurs are full of passion and energy, complemented by a rational, if sometimes distracted, mind. 
6. Beel - Defender (ISFJ-A)
• Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas.
• Naturally social, an odd quality for Introverts, Defenders utilize excellent memories not to retain data and trivia, but to remember people, and details about their lives. 
• Defender personalities are a wonderful group, rarely sitting idle while a worthy cause remains unfinished. Defenders’ ability to connect with others on an intimate level is unrivaled among Introverts, and the joy they experience in using those connections to maintain a supportive, happy family is a gift for everyone involved. They may never be truly comfortable in the spotlight, and may feel guilty taking due credit for team efforts, but if they can ensure that their efforts are recognized, Defenders are likely to feel a level of satisfaction in what they do that many other personality types can only dream of.
7. Belphie - Logician (INTP-A)
[ this one might seem farfetched but keep in mind when you take away his sin Belphie is naturally curious, incredibly smart & adventurous ]
• Logicians often lose themselves in thought – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. People with this personality type hardly ever stop thinking. From the moment they wake up, their minds buzz with ideas, questions, and insights. At times, they may even find themselves conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads.
• From the outside, Logicians may seem to live in a never-ending daydream. They have a reputation for being pensive, detached, and a bit reserved. That is, until they try to train all of their mental energy on the moment or the person at hand, which can be a bit uncomfortable for everyone.
• But it would be a mistake to think that Logicians are unfriendly or uptight. When they connect with someone who can match their mental energy, these personalities absolutely light up, leaping from one thought to another. Few things energize them like the opportunity to swap ideas or enjoy a lively debate with another curious, inquiring soul.
• Logicians could spend all day musing about ideas and possibilities – and they often do. That said, the practical, everyday work of turning those ideas into reality doesn’t always hold their interest. 
8. Diavolo - Campaigner (ENFP-A)
[ I think I got "prospecting" instead of "judging" like you'd expect because despite his position Diavolo always seems to be trying to weasel his way out of work, with Lucifer & Barbatos being the ones forcing him into a schedule. So I answered the questions as if he wasn't facing that outside force ]
• Campaigners (ENFPs) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, Campaigners don’t just care about having a good time. These personality types run deep – as does their longing for meaningful, emotional connections with other people.
• In their unique way, Campaigners can be quite introspective. They can’t help but ponder the deeper meaning and significance of life – even when they should be paying attention to something else. These personalities believe that everything – and everyone – is connected, and they live for the glimmers of insight that they can gain into these connections.
• Campaigners are proof that seeking out life’s joys and pleasures isn’t the same as being shallow. Seemingly in the blink of an eye, people with this personality type can transform from impassioned idealists to carefree figures on the dance floor.
• Even in moments of fun, Campaigners want to connect emotionally with others. Few things matter more to these personality types than having genuine, heartfelt conversations with the people they cherish. Campaigners believe that everyone deserves to express their feelings, and their empathy and warmth create spaces where even the most timid spirits can feel comfortable opening up.
9. Barbatos - Logistician (ISTJ-A)
• Logisticians don’t make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. Logistician personalities are no-nonsense, and when they’ve made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action.
• This sense of personal integrity is core to Logisticians, and goes beyond their own minds – Logistician personalities adhere to established rules and guidelines regardless of cost, reporting their own mistakes and telling the truth even when the consequences for doing so could be disastrous. To Logisticians, honesty is far more important than emotional considerations, and their blunt approach leaves others with the false impression that Logisticians are cold, or even robotic. People with this type may struggle to express emotion or affection outwardly, but the suggestion that they don’t feel, or worse have no personality at all, is deeply hurtful.
• Logisticians need to remember to take care of themselves – their stubborn dedication to stability and efficiency can compromise those goals in the long term as others lean ever-harder on them, creating an emotional strain that can go unexpressed for years, only finally coming out after it’s too late to fix. 
10. Simeon - Advocate (INFJ-A)
• Advocates’ unique combination of personality traits makes them complex and quite versatile. For example, Advocates can speak with great passion and conviction, especially when standing up for their ideals. At other times, however, they may choose to be soft-spoken and understated, preferring to keep the peace rather than challenge others.
• Advocates generally strive to do what’s right – and they want to help create a world where others do the right thing as well. People with this personality type may feel called to use their strengths – including creativity, imagination, and sensitivity – to uplift others and spread compassion.
• Advocates may be reserved, but they communicate in a way that is warm and sensitive. This emotional honesty and insight can make a powerful impression on the people around them.
• At times, Advocates may focus so intently on their ideals that they don’t take care of themselves. Advocates may feel that they aren’t allowed to rest until they’ve achieved their unique vision of success, but this mindset can lead to stress and burnout. If this happens, people with this personality type may find themselves feeling uncharacteristically ill-tempered.
11. Solomon - Virtuoso (ISTP-A)
[ I wasn't sure how Solomon's work ethic would be but he seems chaotic enough when doing experiments that I figured he doesn't have a strict schedule ]
• Virtuosos love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning from their environment as they go.
• Virtuosos explore ideas through creating, troubleshooting, trial and error and first-hand experience. They enjoy having other people take an interest in their projects and sometimes don’t even mind them getting into their space. Of course, that’s on the condition that those people don’t interfere with Virtuosos’ principles and freedom, and they’ll need to be open to Virtuosos returning the interest in kind. Virtuosos enjoy lending a hand and sharing their experience, especially with the people they care about.
• Virtuosos are actually quite enigmatic. Friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, Virtuoso personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. Virtuosos can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions.
• Virtuosos’ decisions stem from a sense of practical realism, and at their heart is a strong sense of direct fairness, a “do unto others” attitude, which really helps to explain many of Virtuosos’ puzzling traits. Instead of being overly cautious though, avoiding stepping on toes in order to avoid having their toes stepped on, Virtuosos are likely to go too far, accepting likewise retaliation, good or bad, as fair play.
12. MC - Protagonist (ENFJ-A)
• Thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. They rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy.
• Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves.
• These personality types have an uncanny ability to pick up on people’s underlying motivations and beliefs. At times, they may not even understand how they come to grasp another person’s mind and heart so quickly. These flashes of insight can make Protagonists incredibly persuasive and inspiring communicators.
• When Protagonists care about someone, they want to help solve that person’s problems – sometimes at any cost. The good news is that many people are grateful for Protagonists’ assistance and advice. After all, there’s a reason that these personalities have a reputation for helping others improve their lives.
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Go Go Let's Go! Let's Go! Dateko! (Pt.1)
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 7000+
"You're looking at the face of the new captain of Date Techs iron wall" your son Futakuchi Kenji shouted as he burst through the front door of your humble abode.
"So they really went with you huh" you snicker "good maybe now you'll finally learn some respect for Moniwa and those other nice third years"
Kenji huffed as he set his bag down taking off his school tie and jacket.
 "You know mom, most parents would be like 'oh my god Kenji I'm so proud of you we can order your favorite tonight I love you so much you sweet sweet child'" he mocks as you stare at him trying not to laugh.
"Since when has that been our relationship Kenji" you smile as you proceed over to your son.
You grab him forcing him into a tight squeeze "Oh I love my boy so much you are so precious I can't wait to go cheer for Date Tech every single game now" you gush as he tries to force his way from your grasp.
"Eww mom please stop" he says as he gags "I didn't mean that supportive. Please don't show up at our games."
"I don’t know Kenji those team mates of yours really do like me" you snicker as you turn around "I wouldn't ever want anyone to think I don't support my precious baby boy."
Kenji rolled his eyes as you laughed. You had always had a really good relationship with your son. You had him at the age of 20 while you were in a relationship with his father. Unfortunately the relationship didn't work out and his father left the area. You didn't see him much and neither did Kenji. You struggled as a single mom, finding your main support in your parents. You had a great relationship with them and the 4 of you together made up a tiny happy family.
Your parents helped you finish school while your mother watched Kenji. You graduated and getting the job you had worked years for. Now that you were established, things were going well. Kenji was doing well in school, playing volleyball for one of the top schools in the Miyagi prefecture and you were working long hours at a job you loved. No matter what you always made time for your son. He didn't really want you to attend his games so you would occasionally sneak into one watching from the nosebleeds. You loved seeing your son doing what he loved and you always encouraged him.
"So what does a team captain do" you ask as you place the order for your son's favorite take out.
"I mean I run pratices, lead drills and encourage the team" he says nonchalantly as he looks over his school work.
"Not a strong suit of yours Kenj" you smile as he shots a death glare at you.
"Well it's alot easier now that we have a manager to help too" he says.
"Oh you found one then?" You smile
"Yeah Nametsu Mai, she's a second year. She will be doing a lot of the note taking and helping with set ups. Also it's nice to have someone making bentos for the team" he says.
You look up from the bills on your counter "wait she's doing all that alone? That poor girl why does she have to do all that?"
"It's her job mom chill" Kenji says as he laughs at your outburst.
"And your job Kenji is to make sure your team runs efficiently so I expect you to be helping you" you turn as you raise your eyebrows at him.
"Mom ser-" Kenji starts as he sees the glare in your eyes.
"I'm 100% serious Kenji. If you don't help that girl I swear to God that I will be front and center at every single match. Every single tournament with a giant sign in the shape of your face and a shirt that says 'I'm Futakuchi Kenji's number one fan'" you glare as his eyes widen.
"Ok mom ok ill invite her over to help her my god you're mean" he says as you smile.
"I'm off Friday so I can help you make bentos too. You really suck Kenji at doing anything domestic" you smile as you walk to the door to get the takeout you ordered.
Kenji shakes his head as he groans.
Thank God I'm only captain for 1 year he thinks as he signs going to help you get the food.
Friday approaches quickly as the team gears up for their first round of tournaments
"Mai" Kenji calls as he motions for her to come over
"Yes Kenji?" Mai says with a bright smile
"So I want to help you prepare meals for the team for the tournament" he says.
The team stops. Mai looks at him in shock. Middle blocker Aone Takanobu just stares. Fellow outside hitter Obara Yutaka smiles as Libero Sakunami Kōsuke looks on in complete shock.
"Stop looking at me like that! I'm a helpful person!" He screams as they all go back to their activities.
"Ahh it's ok Kenji I really don't need he-" Mai waves shaking her hands.
"Just come to my place tonight ok" Kenji says as the gym doors suddenly burst open.
Coach Oiwake Takurō just shakes his head as he witnesses to former 3rd year volleyball players parade into the gym.
"Well hello our precious underclassmen" Former Middle blocker Kamasaki Yasushi shouts as he walks over to the team.
Kenji just shakes his head "you guys really must lead boring lives if you always have to come bother us during practice. Haven't you found a job yet Kamasaki?" Kenji smirks as he sees the third year began to get heated.
"And here I thought you changed Futakuchi" he says as he goes to grab the captain by the collar. 
 Suddenly someone yells "Aone" and Aone goes to break up the fighting duo.
"Still no respect for your upperclassmen I see" Former captain Moniwa Kaname says with a laugh.
"Well since you're here you might as well make yourselves useful" Kenji says as he stares at Kamasaki "go block for me."
Kamasaki loosens his tie as former wing spiker Sasaya Takehito says as he shakes his head "not again."
Practice ends as the team clears the gym. Mai and Kenji walk to the Futakuchi residence. 
 As they approach, Mai looks at Kenji.
"You really don't need to help me" Mai says "it's my job as manager."
"I know Mai but you see- umm well my mom kinda insisted I help you" Kenji says "she's a bit- much."
They walk to the front door as Kenji opens it. Y/N comes running from the kitchen to greet her son and hopefully their team manager.
"KENJI I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DIDNT BRING-" you stop as Kenji just stares at you.
"Oh hello! You must be Mai!" You say extending your hand to the young girl.
"Hello Ms. Futakuchi! It's so nice to meet you" Mai says as she bows, saying Y/Ns hand.
"You as well! Kenji you didn't tell me how cute she was! You must get attention for all the boys" you smile as Mai blushes.
"Mom seriously" Kenji says as his face turns read and he walks away putting his and Mai's bags on the floor.
"What? It's true! But take it from me honey, boys are nothing but trouble! Look at Kenji" you say as you smirk to your son, Mai trying to hide her giggling.
"Ok mom did you just invite her over to ridicule me?" Kenji says to you completely unimpressed
"Nope I can do that without inviting her over! Now let's go to the kitchen Mai" you say as you lead the young girl to the kitchen.
You and Mai work to prepare bentos as you put Kenji to work where you need him.
"Honestly Kenji just stay out of the way" you shout.
"Mom why did you even ask me to invite her over?! I'm literally doing nothing" he says as he sits at the table
"Yes and you're terrible at it" you roll your eyes.
Mai finds your relationship with Kenji amusing and lighthearted. She can tell you have a great relationship with your son and you both feel comfortable picking on each other.
"Ok that's the last of it Mai. You did such a great job! The boys are so lucky to have you. And if they ever say anything rude to you, you let me know and I'll take care of it" you nudge Mai as she giggles.
"Oh don't worry Ms Futakuchi, Coach Oiwake makes sure they appreciate me" she smiles.
"Coach Oiwaka? I don't think I've met him" you turn slowly looking at Kenji
"Why would you need to mom? You always tell me you're happy to get rid of me to whomever will take me off your hands" he says to you in a mocking tone.
"Still! Is he cute?" You say as Mai laughs out loud
"Mom we are not having this discussion " Kenji says as he places his hands over his ears and walks out of the kitchen.
"Well is he?" you say smiling at Mai.
"For an older man, yes" she says giggling "he's been divorced for a few years now. No kids to speak of. He's pretty dedicated to being the coach"
You smile. It's been forever since you've been out with a man. After Kenji's father left, you were top focused on your career and school to even consider dating, let alone be intimate. It had been at least 5 years since you last had sex. Honestly you weren't even sure that was accurate.
"Ms. Futakuchi" Mai says to you as you stare off into space "umm Ms. Futakuchi?"
"Oh gosh I'm sorry Mai! Just thinking. How about we keep the bentos here and I'll bring them tomorrow morning before you leave?" You smile as Mai nods.
"Heck maybe I'll even get to chance to see this gorgeous coach of yours" she winks
"LA LA LA MOM I CANT HEAR YOU" Futakuchi sings from the other room as you both laugh.
Saturday morning approaches as Kenji leaves early to help load the bus. You leave the house at 7:30 in your leggings and old date tech t shirt, figuring it would just be a quick stop to drop off the bentos and back home to enjoy a day free from Kenji and responsibilities as an adult.
You arrive at the school and see the bus outside. It seems like the team is in the gym so you quickly grab the box making your way to the gym. You start to press the door open as you enter slowly.
Coach Oiwake looks up from his notes to see a beautiful young women standing holding an entire box of bentos.
Who are you? And how in the world are you so attractive?
"Kenji you jerk get over here and help your poor mother" you say sarcastically as the team snickers.
"More like 'poor me having to deal with my MOM showing up to my volleyball gym’" kenji rolls his eyes as he quickly walks away from you.
"Love you too sweetheart" you blurt out as every laughs and Coach Oiwake smiles.
"Futakuchi is this really your mother?" Coach says as he watches Kenji out the bentos on the floor.
"Unfortunately yes" Kenji says as he rolls his eyes rejoining his team.
You turn to walk out as Coach Oiwake stops you.
"Mrs. Futakuchi, hello I'm Coach Oiwake Takurō" he says as he extends his hand to yours.
"Oh no 'Mrs' please. Just Y/N" you say as you blush.
The team is observing your interactions.
"Awe that's so cute" Mai gushes as Obara places a hand on Kenji's shoulder.
"Man I don't blame coach at all. Your mom is hot" Obara laughed as Futakuchi glared at him.
"Can we please load the bus and stop talking about my mother? Kenji says.
"Well Y/N we very much appreciate you helping Mai with the Bentos" Coach Oiwake says to you as you smile.
"Don’t mention it Coach Oiwake! Kenji should be doing it anyways AS THE CAPTAIN" you sarcastically shout to him as he walks by you.
Coach Oiwake laughs "I can see where Futakuchi gets his whit Y/N and please call me Takurō."
You smile.
"I hope you'll be able to make it out to the tournament this weekend. I know the boys would appreciate the support" Takurō says as Kenji snaps his neck around.
"Oh no coach my mom is busy this weekend right MOM" Kenji says as he bores holes into your face.
"Actually I don't work this weekend Kenj! Hey that's a great idea! I'll come to support our boys" you shout as you go to hug your son.
Takurō laughs as he watches how cute you interact with your son.
"I look forward to seeing you there Y/N" Takuro says as he turns around winking at you.
Is the coach really flirting with me? you think as you giggle to yourself.
"Oh my god" Kenji shouts as he walks away "Oh don't worry sweetie I promise I won't cheer too loud for my precious angel" you tease as you bid the team and Kenji a farewell.
Damn I need to get to know her Takurō thinks as he smiles as you walk away.
taglist: @axoxtxhxh​
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fandomscombine · 3 years
Heartbreak Woman [Cho/Cedric Ending]
Warning: Angst! Brokenhearted!Reader
I proposed 3 varying endings and the response was across the board so I decided why the heck not write ALL 3 choices!
a/n: I haven't been active on tumblr this past month. Motivation to read & write wasn't really there. Feelin pretty crap. I don't think it's my best work- I actually wrote this ending last month but delay posting it since I promised to post all 3 endings back to back- but with the recent burnout, my progress is slow. Proofread it and push the insecurities & anxieties away and here we are. Love was put into this, I hope you enjoy it! Don't worry, the other 2 endings are on the way.
I tried posting this 9 times now and it keeps saying error. this is me testing it with mobile so formatting is hard but I hope it posts
BG: You were hoping that your best friend, Cedric to ask you to the Yule Ball. Instead you were roped into helping him ask Cho out. It broke your heart, but at least this way while helping him out you could pretend that he was doing all the sweet things to you. On the other side of the picture, Harry was too heartbroken upon learning that Cho is going out with Cedric.
Read the main story before it diverges ending here!
>>>Heartbreak Woman [Main]
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Did Harry Potter really just ask you out and you said yes?
Touching your forehead, it wasn’t bleeding anymore but there is still a slight sting to it from the collision with Harry’s broom. Yes. That definitely happened. You thought to yourself, this isn’t some delusion from the injury.
 This is good. This is good. Hyping yourself up. You enjoy his company and that should be enough to stop your thoughts from going about a certain Hufflepuff boy. The same boy you had abruptly left alone in the greens. It’s not his fault nor it is Cho’s for wanting to date each other. You have nothing against them, they are both such lovely and kind people and not to mention popular- it was only a matter of time that they got together, Hogwarts’ Power Couple.
No, it’s just you and your stupid feelings falling for your best friend and agreeing to help with the courtship.
‘Y/n? Hii.” The voice reels you back to reality.
You blinked. “Cho! Hi!” Greeting her loudly had been taken by surprise. You dial down your volume. “What can I do for you?”
“It’s actually what you did, really… I just wanted to say thank you.”
You were confused, why was she thanking you?
“For helping Cedric I mean” She clarified. “He mentioned that you helped him with the picnic idea. It was very sweet. It was what made me finally say yes.”
“That’s awesome.” You force yourself to smile. “I’m glad you guys are together, I can finally get that git to stop bothering me with date ideas. That’s 3 weeks of my life I’m not getting back!” There was some truth to that statement, now that she and Cedric are together you don’t have to go through the pain of practice dates with Cedric.
“You y/n are the absolute wingwoman! Legend material!” Cho praised. “You're like my fairy godmother!” She continues, wrapping you into an embrace.
“yayyyy….That’s me…” You mumble into her luscious hair. Grateful that Cho couldn’t see your face.  Pulling apart, you don’t let her go quite yet. With hands on her shoulder, you stare unwavering. “Just don’t break his heart yea? He’s really smitten by you, promise you won’t hurt him.”
Cho is taken aback a bit, your words clearly coming from a strong emotional bond with the boy.  Thoughts of love, Eros, passed through her mind but brushed it away - It can’t be y/n help them get together. Y/n’s words must come from Philia love, y/n and Cedric had been best friends since before they could talk! Everyone knows that. They have a soul connection that can’t be replicated.  “I promise.”
14th February.
Valentine’s Day.
This holiday sucks.
No, not for the reason that you’re single. Nah.
Today is a downer as you won’t be able to do your annual tradition.
See every since 3rd year you and Cedric would be in a pink ensemble outfit complete with red heart sunglasses. Spreading chants of self love and showering fellow single students and professors with compliments. This all started out when your roommates teased you for not having a date for Valentine’s day.  When Cedric had heard about it, he went all out. The boy basically made sure that every single person knew how wonderful, beautiful and intelligent you are.
It was this day onwards that 2 things happened.
Complementing and advocating for self love, Philautia, in a pink get up became an annual Valentine’s tradition. (Even a couple of students joined the cause, expanding from you just both into an association/group of sorts.)
 You started to see Cedric in a new light. In other words, you were falling in love with your best friend.
Scanning the Great Hall for pink cladded pupils, you were glad that the group had saved you a seat however a certain Hufflepuff was out of sight. Taking a deep breath, you cleared your head. Get it together y/n. Today is about sharing love and do NOT think about Cedric and Cho going on a romantic date in Hogsmeade.
You were about to take a step forward when-
“Argh!” Shutting your eyes as the hall spun around.
“Relaxx!! Relax! It’s just me.”
Feet back on solid ground, you turned towards the perpetrator, the one boy you did not want to see right now. “What the fuck Ced! Don’t scare me like that!”
“I’m sorry…” Cedric raises his arms in surrender. “Is everything alright?”
“Yea everything’s fine.”
Cedric raises a brow. You forget that this boy can see through your bullshit.
“Only had a couple hours of sleep, that’s all.” It wasn’t a lie, in fact you’d only gotten 3 hours of rest last night, it was just the case of omitting that his upcoming date with Cho was the reason for your restlessness. You don’t want to blame it on jealousy, but it is.
Grabbing hold of your hand, he pulls you towards the group. "Alright then, I've got some spare sleeping potion if you need."
You wave to your fellow singles as you sit down."uh..thanks Ced." You couldn't stop vocalizing your confusion as to why Cedric is still right next to you. Normally you wouldn't complain, but today was Valentine's Day.
"Ouch y/n!" Cedric sassed, eyes focused on piling food onto his plate." Just because I have a girlfriend now doesn't mean I would disappear on my best girl."
My best girl. It hurts to be called that in another context than you wanted.
"Don't you have a date with Cho today?"
"Yea but Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop  doesn't open until 11am. Which gives me time for our annual Valentine's tradition!"
"But you're taken."
"Yes….but I could still help spreading the love!" Cedric glanced around. "No one minds that I come to join you right?"
A murmur of Nos filled your eyes.
"Haha! See I told you!" Cedric brags, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Looks at you straight in the eyes, those gorgeous grey irises melting away your defenses."You can't get rid of me that easily." He whispers, loud enough only for you to hear. You could feel the heat filling up your face due to his closeness. Too busy lost in the rapid beats of your heart, you failed to notice his face getting even closer.
A softness like cotton grazes your cheek.
Cedric kissed you!
Your mind is close to being short circuited. The area of where Cedric's lips were a nanosecond ago is cold as ice. The cold contrasted with your now burning hot, blushing face.
You could live in this forever. All external environments quiet, blocked out of focus. Cedric's arms around you while the butterflies in your stomach bursts out, occupying your whole body with sheer giddiness from having his lips on you.
But the daydream breaks.
"Hey Love! You ready?"
"Morning!" He greets, kissing her. "Uh…" It's only 9:34am. You nod, silently telling him that it was okay to miss your annual tradition. You weren't expecting any quality time today, yet he managed even if it was just for breakfast. "Yea.. give me 10 minutes to go change and I'll pick you up at the courtyard?"
"Sounds great. Be quick cause I miss you already!"
"Sure will sweetheart." He pecks her lips again then waves goodbye to the table and he's off, running.
The tension changes once Cedric is gone.
"Can I talk to you outside y/n?"
"uh yeah" Once outside. "What's up?" Trying to sound casual. Cho inviting you to speak privately isn't usual-seeing that you were the couple's go to accomplice for surprises.
"I see the way you look at him."
"I'm sorry?"
"I know.you like him. y/n. I know you like Cedric."
"Cho.. you can't be serious, he's my best friend!"
"I wasn't sure then.but just now..the way you act around him. the way you look at him. y/n is undeniable. It’s  so obvious-I had assumptions then but everyone just brushes it off as your childhood friend with each other. heck even both of you say that."
"I didn't bring this up before because I felt insecure, jealous even that I can't live up to the standard of relationship you and Cedric have.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. There were too many revelations bombarding you all at once, that you are having trouble processing what is going on.
“But I am tired of what ifs and worrying.” Voice quivering, she continues. “You've got to tell him, y/n."
The words snap you back into place.
"Cho… I can't. I can't ruin your relationship."
If you love someone and they love someone else, you let them go.
Everything Taglist :@gruffle1
HP Taglist:@onlyfreds
Heartbreak woman Tagist:
@joalinbenefits @the-natureofme @romanoffs-heart @justmesadgirl @plumso @gleefulleve @wolf-phoenix-lover @ceofcedric @savvy7392 @cedricsfluffyhair @thewayilookatbacon @LIONLIKEWOLFLIKE @mellifluous-cosmos
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thenamesseven · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Donghyuk x Reader
Genre: Comedy, romance.
Warnings: None, just some swearing.
Word count: 6.2k
Plot: You didn’t know how your best friend had managed to convince you to go to this blind date, you hated the idea and you knew it was not going to be succesful since the very beginning, specially since she refused to tell you who the guy was. If only you had known it was Lee Donghyuk, the only person in this world that seemed to hate you, you wouldn’t even have bothered to get dressed up in the first place.
Check out the NCT masterlist here for more oneshots and stories!
A/N: This is a part of an event I wanted to participate in! You can check the event’s masterlist here to see more upcoming oneshots!
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Sitting on the passenger seat of your best friend's car you stared ahead at the american styled cinema, where the blind date she had organized for you would take place in. You kept internally swearing at yourself, trying to remember why you had agreed to something like this in the first place. Yuna had been insisting about this for an entire week and you had grown tired of her whining at some point so you had accepted that the only way to make it end had been accepting the blind date and here you were, having a mental breakdown while desperately trying to calm yourself down. You couldn’t lie though, the idea of opening the car door and running away before she could catch up to you had crossed your mind more times that you would like to admit but you knew Yuna would ran you over with her car to stop you if she had to, she had no mercy when it came to things like this. 
Dates had never been your forte and you didn’t need to be a genius to guess blind dates weren’t going to be suited for you either. It was not that you were socially awkward, in fact, you had always been the kind of person that attracted everybody’s attention unintentionally, your big, bright smiles always lighting up the room you were in. The cheerful yet easy-going aura that surrounded you 24/7 lifted up even the worse moods and your positive mindset gave you this chill flow that turned contagious, people basically loved to be around you.
Although the little confidence you seemed to have around your friends was quick to vanish when you found yourself alone with someone that was of the opposite sex. Compliments made you stutter, innocent caresses made your eyes zero on the ground underneath your feet and flirting turned your face red. Everyone thought it was cute, guys kept muttering how their heart melted when you turned so shy around them but you honestly didn’t like it, in fact, it only made you feel even less confident when any of those things happened. Nobody noticed it made you feel uncomfortable, that the constant fidgeting that you unconsciously did when all of those things happened wasn’t because you were too shy but because you wanted to get out of there. You tended to avoid all those kinds of interactions at all cost and that implied avoiding dates. Being single is alright anyways, you didn’t feel an urgent need to change that.
So again, why the hell were you here then?
“Ah-ah” The sudden voice of Yuna, the one to blame about your current situation, made you jump on your seat, not having expected her to speak up out of nowhere. Your hand moved away from the door handle as if it had burned you and your eyes closed defeated while you slumped back against the leathered seat “Don’t even think about running away” Her warning made you whine, face scrunching up in dislike which earned you a strong slap on your arm.
“Ow!” You screamed shocked, opening your eyes to look at her in disbelief “What was that for? I wasn’t going to run away!” 
Struggling to keep her serious face on, Yuna glared at you “You’re going to ruin your make up if you keep frowning so much!” She scolded, rolling her eyes when you lied at her “Please (Y/N), we both know you suck at lying so let’s just ignore you were trying to open that door and started running as if you were possessed” 
“Please Yuna?” You asked quietly, almost ready to kneel down on your seat and start seriously begging “I’ll do all the house chores for a week, I’ll even do your laundry” When Yuna shook her head, you sighed in frustration, knowing she was determined to make this blind date happen no matter what. “What’s so special about this date that you’re not letting me back down from this?” 
“I’m doing it for you, I’m sure you’ll have fun in this one” Yuna said gently, her smile turning sweet as she faced you, reaching out to rest one of her hands on your shoulder so she could give it a soft squeeze “Trust me, I’ve never lied to you, have I?”
“Well” You said quietly, giving up as you relaxed, a smirk appearing on your lips “Actually…”
“Get out of my car!” She screamed, not letting you finish the sentence that would refutate her last question “Take your ass into that cinema and have fun tonight, you’ll tell me all the details later!” 
Opening your mouth, you were about to let out another little rant full of complaints and whines but Yuna, who had obviously seen this coming, sped up and left you completely alone in the parking lot. A cold breeze blew right on time, making your body shiver as you slid your sweaty hands in your pockets, your brain still trying to weigh the decisions you had in hand.
Enter the cinema and attempt to enjoy your blind date or be painfully murdered by Yuna.
You were too young to die, your daily life was awkward enough so why not add a bit more of it for a few hours?
“I’m seriously going to kill her when I get home” You muttered out loud, fixing your jacket as you forced yourself to start walking in the direction of the cinema. One step at a time, moving against your will.
Right when you approached the door and reached out to pull it open, someone else pushed it from the inside, almost hitting your face with it. Ready to scold whoever had been so careless, you put your baddie face on and rested your hands on your waist copying the position Yuna used to scold you whenever you did something wrong. Although it was a couple who walked out, hands intertwined and eyes too focused on the other to even realize you were standing there. You opened your mouth to say something but your heart clenched just in time to stop your own voice, feeling bad for almost interrupting the little moment they were having. You could only look at the both of them as they walked away, a quiet sigh exiting your lips when you felt a spark of jealousy in your chest, being single might not be as fun as you wanted it to be, if only dating was simple as that couple made it be....
"Get out, I'm late!" 
Interrupting your train of thoughts, a presence behind you and apparently willing to head inside the cinema at light's speed pushed past you without even looking back to see if he had made you fall down.
"Hey!" You shouted, stumbling back but luckily resting your hand against a nearby wall to steady yourself, frowning at the masculine figure that ran inside the cinema. He was now the new target of your inner frustration, which had gotten so much stronger that you didn’t even realized that voice didn’t belong to a stranger but to someone you fairly knew. You caught a glimpse of his long black coat and his fluffy hair but it still didn’t ring any bells to you "Ugh, why so-"
Dusting off your clothes, your eyes landed on the watch you had chosen to wear tonight and when you saw the time, your heart literally stopped beating. You had arrived fifteen minutes earlier, how were you late all of a sudden? 
"Excuse me!" You exclaimed as you ran past the cute couple, barely managing to dodge them as you rushed inside as well. Their complaints were cut off by you closing the cinema's door behind you but you weren't fast enough to stop your own feet before walking into the guy that had made his way in before you, the one that ran into you like a freaking rugby player. 
"Ow!" He jumped away when your face slammed the back of his coat, sending waves of pain through your nose. Your hands flew to your face and you bit down hard onto your lower lip to not start swearing like a truck driver. "Dude, watch where you're going!"
"Where am I going?" You said in pain, still covering your face as you tried to get rid of the couple of tears that had appeared in your eyes "What were you doing standing there like a creep?" You heard him groan and the sound only seemed even more familiar but you still couldn't guess who he was. 
"Wait" Surprised by the sound of your voice, Donghyuk turned around so fast that he almost hurt himself. His eyes opened wide and his mouth opened and closed as if he was a fish out of the water. "(Y/N)? Is that you?" At the sound of your name you couldn’t help but peek up curiously, willing to see who was the one to blame for almost breaking your nose. 
The first thing you saw were the white and spotless adidas he was wearing, they seemed new unlike the ones you had at home which were totally worn out from how much you’ve been wearing them. Then your eyes moved up without missing the way his black tight jeans hugged his legs, leaving little to nothing to your imagination as the white oversize shirt he was wearing left you wondering what could be hiding underneath it.
“Are you checking me out?” Donghyuk asked scoffing, still looking at you “Gross”
“D-Donghyuk?” His name came out of your lips in a quiet whisper, stuttering it. You sniffed quietly, rubbing your nose one last time before putting your hands back down into your pockets “What are you doing here?” Your question brought frowns up to both of your faces, this was why you tended to avoid dates, what kind of question was that in the first place?
“I could ask the same thing to you” He replied smugly, shrugging as he turned his full attention on to you. 
Getting slightly self-conscious, you gathered all the courage that was still remaining in you and crossed your arms over your chest, slightly raising your chin a little so you would look a bit more intimidating instead of looking like a lost puppy. 
“I’m here because I’m going on a blind date” You said, your lips unconsciously scrunching up in a cute pout “Why?”
Donghyuk and you weren’t best friends, you didn’t even know if the two of you were even close to be friends to begin with. He was in most of your classes which had forced the two of you to interact a couple of times but he always seemed to be kind of unwilling when it came to maintaining a conversation with you. You didn’t know why but you always assumed he just didn’t like you, your parents had always told you not everybody was going to want to be your friend and he, apparently, was one.
“A blind date?” Donghyuk started laughing at your words, looking at you as if he had just heard the funniest thing in the universe, hands resting upon his stomach as he slightly bent down a little bit. After almost five seconds where you were seriously considering he might have lost his mind, Donghyuk’s smile disappeared and was replaced by a straight line. “You’re kidding me, right?” Blinking, you could only stare at his face feeling extremely confused, was he mad now? How did he go from laughing his lungs out to look as if he wanted to punch you?
“Are you bipolar?” You blurted out, not even thinking before making the question.
“Are you dumb?” He reached out to knock on your head gently, making you flinch underneath his knuckles every time they met the side of your skull “Sounds empty to me so yeah, you might be”
“Ow!” You pushed him away, not willing to be knocked on the head again, throwing daggers with your eyes at him “What’s wrong with you? Did you lose your mind or something!?” 
“Please tell me Yuna did not set you up for that date” He whined, stomping one of his feet down onto the floor as he ran his fingers through his hair, kind of messing it up a little bit. Stress was evident on his face now and you were too busy wondering how could he go through so many emotions in such little time to remember you still had to answer him “(Y/N)? Are you even listening to me!?” He snapped his fingers in front of your eyes, bringing you out of your short trance to meet his once again.
“She did….Why?” You replied, slightly tilting your head, looking at him expectantly to see which emotion will you be able to see on his face this time.
It was frustration. 
“Why? Why!?” He exclaimed, resting his hands on his hips, eyes as open as ever as he stared down at you “Mark! I’m so going to kill him” He fumed, not answering your question, confusing you even more with his random answer.
“Mark? What does your best friend have to do with this?” You asked, reaching up to scratch the back of your head, feeling extremely lost in this conversation. 
Donghyuk whined once again “You’re really are dumb, aren’t you?” He said looking like he was about to cry from how angry he was “Mark and Yuna are dating, they obviously set us up on purpose!” The lady at the front desk flinched a little bit when he raised his voice even more, you smiled apologetically at her and bowed your head lightly, apologizing for his behaviour.
Now it made sense why Yuna had refused to even tell you the name of the guy you had to meet. 
“Don’t you trust my taste?” She had asked with a cute pout, one she knew you wouldn’t be able to resist “He’s a good guy! You’ll have so much fun with him” Yuna giggled mischievously, reaching out to grab both of your hands so you could keep your attention on her “And he’s quite handsome too, you’ll thank me for this”
“How would I find him in that place though? I don’t even know how he looks like” You had complained, looking at her, knowing she already had an answer for that.
“You’ll know when you get there, don’t worry about that!”
Yuna’s giggles and words hadn’t been suspicious back then but now that you replayed the conversation in your head, you saw the obvious signs of her pulling you into one of her naughty plans. She was surely going to hear a good scolding from you as soon as you set one foot into your apartment, oh, she was going to regret this so hard.
“Quite handsome my ass” You mumbled pouting, voice so low that Donghyuk didn’t even hear you over his own frustration. Glancing at him, you couldn’t help but laugh quietly at his angry typing, if he kept touching his phone screen that hard the phone would end up breaking for sure.
“He’s not picking up or answering to my texts” He told you, sighing defeated, pinching the bridge of his nose “He’s so dead when I get home”
“Yuna’s not going to pick up either, don’t bother to try” You informed him, standing there as more people walked inside, willing to have the fun you had wanted to have until you found out who was supposed to be your companion for the night.
“And what are we supposed to do now?” He asked reaching down into his pocket and fishing out what seemed to be two tickets for a movie “I already bought the tickets” 
His words brought a frown to your face “What if I didn’t like the movie you chose?” You asked pouting at him. You had been dying to check out the new comedy romance that came out not too long ago in which your favorite actor, Cha Eunwoo, starred as the main male character. Donghyuk didn’t even think about choosing that one for sure.
“Yes, thank you Donghyuk for buying the tickets, I could have paid for mine” He said in a high pitched voice, trying to imitate yours “I didn’t know you were the one I was being set up with, I would have made you pay for everything if I had-” Not letting him finish his sentence, you used your purse to hit Donghyuk’s side as hard as you could. “Ow! What was that for?” Donghyuk complained, watching you stealing one of the tickets from his hand as you walked inside the cinema without saying something else, not even waiting for him “(Y/N)! Hey! Hey!”
The people around you probably thought you were having a lovers quarrel….
If the only knew.
Plopping down onto your designated seat, you leaned back against it letting out a soft sigh, keeping your eyes glued to the huge white screen situated in front of you while Donghyuk occupied the seat besides yours.
“If someone we know sees us together, you’re dead” He grumbled, tapping his foot against the floor at a speed that surely wasn’t human “I can’t believe we’re doing this” Donghyuk whispered, shaking his head, looking disappointed in himself.
“You already bought the tickets” You answered shrugging “You would have wasted your money if we had decided to not watch it”
“At least you got popcorn” He muttered without even glancing your way, automatically reaching out to put his hand into the popcorn you just bought.
But before he succeeded in stealing some, you managed to move it away earning another glare for him, if looks could kill, you would have been buried already “I bought this” Despite your words and your strong feelings against him eating the popcorn you bought, you quickly regretted saying it when you remembered he had bought the tickets before you could even think about paying for yours. Besides, he looked as if he could kill you right now and you weren’t going to take the risk of eating something he wanted while sitting in a dark room for two hours more or less.
“Thank you” He said quietly, turning his glare into a fake sweet smile, shoving a bunch of your sweet and delicious popcorn into his mouth and absolutely ignoring the glare and pout on your face as you looked at him.
“What movie are we watching?” You asked him, keeping your eyes on the screen as you also started eating, at this point, there would be no popcorn left when the movie started.
“I told Jaemin to get me the tickets for that Eunwoo’s movie, I know all girls are crazy about him and knew my date would have enjoyed watching it” He explained shrugging, surprising you, he had definitely put more effort than you had expected him to for this date.
After that, Donghyuk and you stayed quiet. The snacks the two of you bought were enough of a distraction to not feel awkward with the silence that had settled down between the two of you while you waited for the lights to turn down. There was no conversation when the popcorns were almost over either so you busied yourself with the trailers that were being played, getting hyped at some movies, thinking you would definitely have to come with Yuna to see them if you didn’t murder her tonight. 
A few minutes later the movie started playing and you had to admit you were kind of excited about it. Even if it hurt your ego to admit it, Donghyuk had been kind of sweet, choosing a movie that would surely bore him out instead of picking a horror or an action one that would have put you to sleep in seconds. He had known a romance movie was a safe choice for a date and you silently gave him credit for that, whoever ended up going on a date with him after tonight’s disaster was surely kind of lucky. 
Although things started getting kind of weird and alarms started ringing in your head when you were almost thirty minutes into the movie and Cha Eunwoo, who was supposed to be one of the main characters, hadn’t appeared yet. The starting had thrown you off a little, there was no high school and no girls falling in love with Eunwoo and you definitely accepted the two of you were sitting in the wrong movie when the guy that showed up seemed to be running away from something supernatural that ended up killing him.
Damn, you would have been in tears if that had been Eunwoo. 
“Uh…” You didn’t know if you should point it out but one glance at Donghyuk told you he seemed to be as uneasy as you were about this entire thing “I think we walked into the wrong room” You whispered, avoiding to lean closer to him. However, when he didn’t even glance your way, you assumed he was either deaf, ignoring you or too into the movie to realize you were talking to him. Moving as quietly as you could, in order to not disturb anyone around you, you leaned in closer to Donghyuk’s ear, making sure he would hear you this time “Donghyuk” You called him out again.
He didn’t shout but his body moved faster than you could react and in a second, all the popcorn that had been left in the container placed between the two of you rained down on your heads. Donghyuk had flinched too hard and his arms had automatically reached up in the air, making the container fly and spilling its content on the two of you just right when one of the ghosts that were apparently haunting his home scared the main character.
“What the fuck (Y/N)?” He asked, serious as ever as he turned his head to look into your eyes. You could feel tears gathering in your eyes as you bit your lip as hard as you could, avoiding to start laughing your lungs out at what you had just seen. You should have recorded it, Donghyuk scared was the funniest thing you’ve ever seen in your life “Are you trying to murder me or something because I ate your popcorn?” 
“Maybe” You only said, afraid that if you spoke for longer you would inevitably started laughing and get your ass kicked out of the room.
“Well you almost accomplished your mission” He said letting out a soft sigh, placing his hand on his chest as his heart kept pounding incredibly hard “Jesus, hanging out with you is not being good for my health at all” He whispered, shaking his head, looking down at his knees. 
“Didn’t you get the tickets for that romance movie though?” You finally decided to ask, still close to him to keep your voice as quiet as you could, Donghyuk’s eyes were already back on the screen, his hand eating the popcorn that had fallen on him “I don’t see any romance going on here” 
When he turned around to face you, his face was in a mix of still offended by his previous yet faint heart attack and a silent ‘are you dumb?’ question “Well the guys wanted to organized this entire thing, I trusted them and right after I saw who Mark had paired me up with I knew Jaemin hadn’t bought the tickets for the movie I wanted either”
“So you’re telling me I have to seat here and-”
“SHHH” Someone from the seats above yours interrupted your sentence, probably fed up with your chatting. 
Donghyuk looked over his shoulder and just when you thought he was about to defend you he opened his mouth and surprised you -not for the best- once again “I know right, she’s annoying” You couldn’t hold yourself back though and slapped his arm, ignoring the way he frowned and glared at you while you accommodated yourself back on your seat. 
“Idiot” You whispered, rolling your eyes, letting him devour the popcorn YOU bought for YOURSELF, deciding to just focus on the movie and on planning how you were going to get rid of Yuna’s corpse once you killed her.
When your eyes returned to the screen, the main character was currently going downstairs, lights turned off and a flashlight in his hand. You rolled your eyes at the cliche situation and again mentally thought why always people in horror movies thought it was a good idea to check a weird noise without carrying something that could help you defend yourself. In fact, if it was you in that movie, you would have locked yourself in your bedroom and yeeted yourself out of the window. 
No murderer or ghost was going to end your life. Not if you were managing to get through this horrible date.
“Can we grab some food?” You asked as soon as the two of you were out of the movie  room, ignoring the way the rest of the couples glanced your way and chuckled, obviously amused by how the two of you had behaved during the entire movie. Donghyuk would never admit it but he had been as scared as you, miraculously none of you had shitted your pants.
“No” Donghyuk quickly rejected, not even daring to look at you “Let me just take you home and end this horrible date, please?” 
“But I’m hungry” You pouted behind him, using your whiny voice to get on his nerves even more
Donghyuk stopped walking suddenly, making you walk straight into his back once again. This time though you managed to get a quick whiff of the cologne he had chosen to wear tonight, to say he smelled nice would be a total misunderstandment. If it wasn’t for his shitty attitude towards you, you would have to admit that he could have totally stolen your heart away with his looks and that killer smile he always carried around when he was joking with his friends. Unfortunately, his dislike towards you was enough to let you know the two of you would never end up having a relationship like that, you would have to settle with him standing you throughout the rest of the night.
He was quick to turn around though, placing his hands on your shoulders to stabilize you in case you lost your balance “You’re not going to stop whining until we get something to eat, right?” He asked, eyes looking straight into yours.
“Exactly” You replied with an innocent smile on your face before you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to look as intimidating as he did.
Although, in Donghyuk’s eyes, you only looked even cuter.
Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair before he turned around again to start heading to the parking lot “Alright, we’ll get some food before going home then” 
“You’re the b-”
“But you’re paying” He quickly interrupted, walking away even faster before you could start complaining about this newfound information.
”If you drop ketchup on my leather seats, you’re walking all the way back home” 
Donghyuk warned as he stopped the car in a deserted place, leaning back against his seat comfortably once he had turned off the ignition. You hummed quietly, letting him know you heard his threat while you also started taking his order out of the paper bag carefully, trying not to drop any food in his precious car. You were kind of far from home and knew he wouldn’t hesitate to make you walk all the way back.
“I won’t, I won’t” You replied with a small smile, breaking the paper bag to put it down on your lap in case some of the sauce of your hamburger dripped down and stained something while you ate it.
Just like it had happened in the cinema, a new silence settled down between the two of you now that you were too focused on eating your food, it wasn’t uncomfortable though, you just preferred eating in silence rather than arguing constantly. While you ate dinner, you noticed a few other cars had parked around his, keeping enough distance to not be able to see who the people inside the vehicle were but still making you frown with curiosity. It wasn’t until you took another look around the place that you finally recognized where Donghyuk had parked.
“Isn’t this the place where people come to make out?” 
Donghyuk choked on the fries he was eating. 
You hadn’t really done it intentionally, you didn’t even know he was eating when the question had suddenly flew out of your mouth. He kept coughing as you reached out to pat his back with one of your hands, holding your drink with the other to not drop it in the car and make the situation even worse than it already was.
“What kind of question is that (Y/N)? What the fuck?” He asked, voice hoarse as he cleared his throat, still feeling the food stuck in a place it shouldn’t be.
“Are you planning to make out with me?” You asked jokingly, wiggling your eyebrows at him. Maybe it was the lack of light but you thought you had seen a hint of a smile in Donghyuk’s face when you said that, however he was quick to turn his face away and look out of the window, avoiding any kind of eye contact.
“You’re nuts” He muttered, successfully hiding the amusement in his voice, doing it so well that it actually made a frown appear on your face.
You had been thinking about this for the entire night and even though you had tried to play his comments off as jokes, his dislike and rejection towards you was starting to be a little bothering. You hadn’t felt that bad during the date, you haven’t even felt as awkward as you usually did so the time you spent with him hadn’t been that bad. Did he dislike you so much that he couldn’t even bear the thought of making those kinds of jokes with you?
“What? Am I that ugly?” You were supposed to sound amused, your words had been a simple joke in response to what he had said but Donghyuk couldn’t ignore the soft sourness in them, the way you scoffed just told him he had said enough for tonight. “I guess I crossed a line there” You muttered with a sigh
“What are you talking about now?” He asked, turning around again to face you, this time with a frown on his face, a sincere one.
“I mean, I know you didn’t expect to go on a date with me and that our friends were only trying to prank us but you could at least try to hide your discontent a little bit” You confessed, eyes glued to the front glass even though you could feel him staring at you from the driver’s seat “Like I tried my best to be nice and all you did was shove me away, this didn’t need to be a date, we could have just tried to hang out as friends” 
Donghyuk knew he had fucked up big time as he listened to your rambling and his attitude had ended up hurting your feelings when he never had any intentions of doing that. He actually couldn’t help but feel bad because of it, staying quiet for a few minutes before he finally decided to say something.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was being that big of a jerk” He said quietly, looking down at his lap before he took the fries he hadn’t eaten yet “Want to eat my fries?” 
You didn’t know if he was either joking or being genuinely serious and honestly, you also didn’t know which was worse “I just want to know why you hate me so much” You scoffed tired of beating around the bush, ready to face the explanation you were finally craving for.
“You’re kidding me, right?” He huffed, suddenly looking offended “Like this has to be the ultimate prank of the night” Donghyuk actually turned around on his seat so he could face you with most of his body, eyes dead serious as if he was planning to stare straight into your soul “Why would you think I hate you (Y/N)?”
You blinked confused “Uhm...Do you want me to narrate with detail all the reasons you gave me tonight or….?”
“I don’t hate you” He said sighing, true that he might have been an absolute jerk but he had his reasons “I mean how did you expect me to behave right after you rejected me?” 
“Especially after how you did it” He kept rambling “I mean, maybe I expected a ‘I'm sorry you’re not my type?’ But not for you to throw the letter away without even giving it a second glance” 
“A letter?” You asked, your brain searching for any memories that would resemble something similar to what he was talking about. It only took you a few seconds before you remembered something, it had happened at the beginning of the year and you hadn't paid too much attention to it. During one of your classes, when you opened one of your books during a class, you had found a note but what was written in it had made you assume it was a joke. “Wait, are you talking about the note that said...I like your smile, I like your ass, you should date me, I’m a guy with class….Go out with me, you won’t forget, I’ll buy you food and spoil you to no end?” When Donghyuk stayed in silence as you recited the poem you had found, you guessed he must have been the author behind it. “i thought it was a joke Donghyuk”
“Well, the guys helped me write it and….” Now that he had listened to it from another’s person mouth the poem didn’t sound as good as his friends had made it sound “I-”
“I didn’t even know it was you” You said exasperated “Like Haechan? I’ve never heard somebody call you like that?” 
“My friends do?” 
“And I should know that because…..?”
Donghyuk had to admit his strategy to ask you out had completely sucked and he could now understood why you thought he had hated you, you didn’t even know you had rejected him in the first place “I’m not listening to the guys again” He muttered under a whisper “Not in my life” He added with a deep sigh
“Yeah, I think you should avoid doing that” You replied with a small smile, watching him drown in embarrassment as he leaned his head back against the seat to stare at the car’s ceiling “So all this time you just thought I rejected you?”
“Well, what was I supposed to think?” He asked hiding his face behind both of his hands, making sure you wouldn’t see the soft blush that was creeping up his neck, you couldn’t help but chuckle at that
“You guys are such huge idiots” You finally said, deciding to break the tension in between the two of you as you started laughing, really amused by the entire situation.
Donghyuk peeked at you through his fingers, feeling even more embarrassed but also kind of relief now that you didn’t seem to be as upset as you were before. He was still shy and felt like a complete idiot for everything but your happiness was just as contagious as ever and he found himself smiling behind his hands, shaking his head in embarrassment. 
“Please let me take you out on another date? I promise it will be way better, at least just to make up for this horrible hang out?” He asked mortified, groaning as he hit the back of his head against his seat again.
“You’re kidding me, right?” You asked back, repeating the same words he had used a few minutes ago.
“Was it that bad? Did you really hate it?” He removed his hands from his face to look at your face, he really did seem like he was regretting everything he had said tonight “I promise I won’t let the guys plan it again” 
“I’m kidding, I’ll go on another date with you” You said chuckling, watching him visibly relax “But next time…”
“You’re paying for the food” Donghyuk allowed himself to finally smile at your words, shaking his head as he chuckled. He nodded at your condition, going back to eating his fries.
“And we’ll make out in here” His so unexpected words made you choke on the drink you had been sipping and the fact that you tried your hardest to not spit it out your mouth only made it worse because it ended up coming out of your nose and unfortunately, staining his leather seats. 
“(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST TELL YOU!?” He shouted alarmed, throwing napkins your way, making some of them land on your face.
“IF YOU HADN’T SAID ANYTHING I WOULDN’T HAVE SPILLED THAT THROUGH MY NOSE” You shouted back, breaking the calm and relaxed atmosphere of the place, unknowingly interrupting multiple make out sessions.
If someone would have told the couples around you that the two of you were on your first date, they would have surely replied ‘You’re kidding me, right? Those two hate each other’ but in fact, time would tell that the joke was actually on them and nothing, not even Donghyuk’s leather seats getting food stains, would tear the two of you apart.
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poisonousquinzel · 3 years
look i get enjoying the tragic and dark history with Harley and Joker, I love angst and I have no issue with the fact that it's there and part of her story. But there is a huge difference between appreciating the darkness of their story and relationship and actively shipping them and making content portraying them, their relationship and Joker in a positive light. And some of y’all being grown ass adults should be able to see that.
Abuse victims are allowed to speak up and say that it makes us uncomfortable or is flat out triggering to see them without being shamed or told to “just ignore it” or "we’re taking it too seriously”. (News Flash, Abuse Is Serious.) 
Abuse victims are allowed to express their discomfort and disgust seeing glamorized shit about their relationship because sometimes they do stuff together and that's what people wanna hyper focus on. 
We’re allowed to put down our boundaries in our circle and request that you do not interact with us if you ship them and we shouldn’t be pressured by “Fandom Guidelines” to be all accepting and SALS because at the end of the day
Some Ships Are Just Fucked.
And I, personally at least, am not going to put aside my moral compass to accommodate to the subsections in fandoms that want to be allowed to freely glamorize and ship abuse, incest and pedophilia. 
It's disturbing and it’s not welcome here. 
And saying that you are fully aware they’re abusive and only like the tragic, dark aspect of their relationship frankly doesn't mean shit if you turn around saying that you wouldn't have minded if Harley never got emancipated. That's not enjoying a tragic origin. That’s being okay with a woman being permanently tied to her abuser because you enjoy their twisted, fucked dynamic.
Like I'm sorry, but if you'd be okay with them never letting her move on from Joker with their extensive history of abuse because you enjoy the dark toxic intrigue of their relationship, then you don't like Harley. You don’t care about Harley Quinn.
If you liked someone, you'd never want them to be trapped in an abusive relationship. 
I do not care that she's fictional. 
“oh, well I don’t get why everyone focuses on Joker being an abuser so much, I mean he kills people and is a bad guy, c’mon.”
Yes. We focus on him being an abuser and will continue to do so because there is a difference between a comic book supervillain doing Bad Guy things like robbing, killing and overall being bad and actively abusing their partner. 
Sorry, some of us have lines. He’s fucking crossed them, hell, he’s vaulted over them. 
Personally, I don’t think him murdering and torturing Harley is excusable or somehow “not that bad” because he’s killed other people. She was his love interest. She was his girlfriend. And He’s Murdered Her before. 
I shall quote that one dude from Wreck it Ralph 
"You are bad guy, but this does not mean you're a 'bad guy'".
What he’s done goes beyond Bad Guy things. It’s Domestic Abuse. It’s Domestic Violence. And yeah, that’s fucking hard for a Lot of people to just “get over”. It’s called having morals. 
“Oh who cares, let people ship what they want, it’s fiction. It’s not hurting anyone”
You either have to be naive or downright stupid to think that the cultural impact of Joker/Harley and the glamorization of their relationship by fans, the media and DC has not had real world effects. With Suicide Squad (2016) alone they blew up again and become a common "couple goals" ship for a lot of young, impressionable teens and adults who weren't able to see the toxicity of their relationship. 
I was one of those teens. I fucking loved them. 
And turning around and looking them up would do nothing but continue to press the narrative that it's an okay relationship. Nearly Everything that comes up is romanticized, no matter where you look it up, 90% of the content will be positive content about them. It ingrained in your mind that if your SO treats you like that, it's okay, it's just a dark twisted love story, like Joker and Harley. That you two are just both fucked up and made for each other. 
There's thousands of people in the comments on old, popular Joker/Harley videos relaying similar stories. That they used to ship these two and it warped their perception of relationships. That it led to them getting stuck in toxic, abusive relationships that took even more to get out of because they were already so use to seeing shit like that glamorized and brushed over. It was just yet another mental hurdle they had to overcome.
And if you genuinely cannot understand how the glamorization done by the media, fans and DC in regards to their relationship did and does have active, real world consequences, then I'm sorry you're not paying attention.
You can ship whatever the hell you want, but that doesn’t mean that people aren’t allowed to judge you for it. 
And Yeah,, If You’re Out Here Shipping A Domestically Abusive Relationship, I Am Going To Judge You Based On That.
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mira--mira · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering
How do you think Hashirama and Madara would be in a Road to Ninja version?
I remember once reading a Hashimada fic (which I never finished RIP) that was about Madara appearing in the RTN universe and the 3 things that stucked with me were:
1.- Madara was the first Hokage (something that Madara thought was horrible when he saw his sculpted face on the Hokage mountain 🤣)
And personally I think that it would not have been like that even in the RTN universe because we didn't see his face along with the other faces of Hokages in the movie (Yeah, apparently I'm basing myself on a movie which I'm not even sure if it's canon or not, even though Kishimoto wrote it) and the RTN characters didn't seem to even know who Madara is.
2.- Hashirama having his bowlcut as an adult
And I agree with the Madara from that fanfic, it looks awful on him. Hashirama, babe, I'm sorry but the only ones who can rock that style are Guy Sensei and Rock Lee, I know you just were trying to be cool but it doesn't suite you.
3.- Tobirama was a porn writer
Instead of being a fan of forbidden jutsu and creating justus, he wrote porn novels a la Jiraiya. And I'll hold that headcanon with my dead hands.
The only other fanfic that places the founders in the RTN universe is one where the protagonist is Mito (it's an interesting one-shot that pairs her with Itama 🤔)
She was kind of a shy person 🤔? And so it was Tobirama 🤣 which I found fun.
Hashirama, as the first fanfic I mentioned, was the Tobirama of the place (saddenly Madara wasn't in this fic).
So I would like to know what are your versions of the founders (or only Hashirama and Madara if it is too much) in the RTN universe! And how do you think things would be
Hmm, RTN is an interesting concept to me but, to be honest, I don't think Konoha would exist if a lot of personalities got flipped 😂 I haven't read any RTN fics with the founders, but if you, or anyone else, have links at hand I'd love to check them out 👀
1. Madara
Here's the big one and the crux of why I don't think the village would exist. Typically I characterize Madara as an extremely responsible man who internalizes things when he shouldn't, takes himself way too seriously, is aggressive and abrasive even to people he loves sometimes, but genuinely loves the people closest too him. Reversing this would make a character that slacks off, takes no responsibility, and is completely passive in life and has fleeting attachments to others around him. Assuming he wouldn't die on the battlefield, I could see the RTN "alternate" personality coming about of Madara's being so overpowered and competent that he loses interest and distances himself from things before he can get attached and lose them.
It makes building a village very hard though. (At first I was tempted to go RTN Sasuke route and maybe RTN!Madara is a little more openly flirty than canon!Madara, but the passivity and refusal to take responsibility would be the "core" qualities for me.)
2. Hashirama
Hashirama is a bit weird because he has a lot of surface-level "conflicting" traits in canon. He is optimistic but he pushes beyond his natural attitude and uses it as a mask to hide instead of addressing his feelings. He's mischievous, likes jokes and games, and can be a bit hedonistic with his pleasure but can equally be serious when necessary and will willingly sacrifice for others around him. And simultaneously, Hashirama and Madara are connected by a shared sense of idealism but also anger. Hashirama is a very kind, but extremely angry, man. I think a RTN!Hashirama would share a kind of apathy of RTN!Madara but instead of passivity his lack of anger would manifest as cruelty. Because canon!Hashirama is angry but his anger is usually a righteous kind. I don't think RTN!Hashirama would go out of his way to be cruel, but he doesn't have the empathy of canon!Hashirama, especially to others' suffering. He enjoys fighting just a bit too much and has no qualms about killing. In his mind, he should always come first in any situation and prioritizing (or even considering) others' is effort and him going out of his way to be "nice" and the other should be thankful. Similarly if he feels any negative emotion, he won't bottle it up and swallow it down, he'll immediately address it, usually confrontationally. RTN!Hashirama is as intelligent as his canon counterpart but he doesn't suffer fools and he hates it when people underestimate him. He's pretty proud and vain, tbh.
I really don't think the above would make him the "Tobirama" of RTN verse. To me Hashirama and Tobirama have different core values and perspectives and inverting Hashirama's doesn't make it become Tobirama's, if that makes sense. This one is also wordy bc I immediately knew how RTN!Madara would be RTN!Hashirama is a bit harder to pin down. But I hope it's clear why I have doubts about the village existing...maybe if RTN!Hashirama got it in his mind as a pet project for the hell of it, that he'd be a better leader for the country and not just the Senju alone, and RTN!Madara liked the idea of no responsibility and being able to detach even further than he already was? But that's still kind of grasping for a reason.
3. Hashimada
Equally I think any Hashirama/Madara relationship would be ehhh. They definitely wouldn't have the overwhelming bond of their canon counterparts, and it could be a relationship ripe for unhappiness. The closest I can think of to making the ship work is RTN!Madara would be drawn to Hashirama's absurd level of self-confidence and able to let the casual cruelty slide off instead of getting worked up about it. In a way RTN!Hashirama is stable and predictable. If he's pretty overpowered, there's less of a chance RTN!Madara would lose him, so their relationship isn't deep but it's more or less dependable and Madara knows exactly what he's going to get. In contrast RTN!Hashirama has an audience in the form of RTN!Madara and a partner that's not going to push back against his ideas. RTN!Madara doesn't ask for much and he doesn't complain when RTN!Hashirama puts himself first. He doesn't want, or might not be capable of, the deep emotional bond their canon counterparts have. RTN!Madara wouldn't leave Konoha (if it existed) in the AU, because he doesn't really care. If someone upset RTN!Hashirama and he decided to leave to 'do it right' RTN!Madara would probably follow, maybe out of some loyalty for RTN!Hashirama but mostly because it's what's easiest.
4. Tobirama
The core of Tobirama's character to me is prioritizing logic over emotion and both a conscious and unconscious failure to realize he can't completely eliminate emotion. Tobirama loves his brother, he's curious and has a desire to find out what makes things work and is willing to bend morality to get results if it'll serve a greater good. He's very aware of the unfairness of the world but believes it's an unspoken truth of humanity and can only be mitigated through logical means, but never completely erased. He'll be the sacrificial lamb, the one that works in shadows so his brother can have his utopian dream. Despite everything, he loves his genin, the strongest bonds he has aside from Hashirama, and does try to instill in them lessons he think will help them and lead to peace and stability in the village. He's still influenced by the prejudices of his time and can never find it in him to truly forgive the Uchiha.
A RTN!Tobirama would be a man ruled by emotion. Him writing erotica all day definitely could be one way this manifests lol. But overall he's sensitive and spiritual and can't stand the idea of killing. He and RTN!Hashirama don't get along and he actively tries to avoid his brother. RTN!Tobirama has equally strong principles as canon!Tobirama, but they're pacifist in nature and while he likes his studies, he prefers to be out talking to people and learning from them first hand. He's very naive and can be easily taken advantage of and he has trouble focusing on any one thing for too long. No matter how many times this happens, he never can harden his heart or be overly suspicious of others. RTN!Tobirama would most likely be the one support peace in this AU. He embraces the Uchiha and all the Senjus past enemies with open arms, almost to a foolish degree. It'd be a bad idea if he became hokage in this AU because he's a terrible negotiator and has a bad people-pleasing streak and struggles with long-term tactics. With the exception of RTN!Hashirama, who he considers an aberration who doesn't have a soul, humans at their core all have good intentions at heart.
5. Mito
I characterize Mito as a very level-headed woman. Her marriage to Hashirama is political in nature but they grow to be good friends and she never expected to fall in love and she's glad Hashirama didn't want a traditional wife. Mito is devoted to her community work (she works hands-on with people in the village), she seeks out connections with others and, despite the distance, remains close with her family in Uzushio, constantly writing them letters. She's spiritual and follows the Uzumakis' beliefs (not gonna list this OoT spoiler lol) and studies fuinjutsu in her spare time, something she's done since she was a child. She is willing to sacrifice if it meant protecting something she considered greater than herself, much to her own personal detriment. She loves and is proud of her children and grandchildren, but if she had a choice, she would have chosen to remain childless, she finds her true calling elsewhere.
RTN!Mito, similarly to RTN!Tobirama, is ruled by emotions. She dreams of one day making a good marriage for herself and centers romance and being a mother as her ideal life, but she's extremely picky when it comes picking the perfect husband. RTN!Mito knows how much she's worth and she refuses to settle and will not even entertain the idea of an arranged marriage. She has a hard time forming long-lasting, deep bonds with other people and views starting her own family as the solution to this problem. At times she can be a bit absent-minded and unintentionally selfish, but she's not actively malicious. She blusters a lot and depending on the situation can come off as cold and uncaring, but it's only to hide the depth of her true feelings and loneliness. In this AU she would absolutely refuse to marriage RTN!Hashirama. Nothing on hell or earth, could make her change her mind.
Mito is such a blank-slate character it feels like writing an oc more than a canon character, tbh. And this is something I don't see brought up a lot but a "heart full of love" to combat the kyuubi's hatred to me has never been exclusive to romantic or familial (to children) love. *cough* I want a complex female character who's not vilified for not wanting to have children and/or regretting having them *cough* Mito's "love" was for the people of Konoha and Uzushio. My personal headcanon regarding her and Hashirama's child (I don't think she had more than one) was that she was dedicated to her son, but quickly realized being a mother wasn't her dream or something she even actively liked. The kid was well-cared for and she was dutiful towards him, but Hashirama was the parent that loved and embraced him with his whole heart and it led to some tension between Mito and her son as the kid could tell the difference and neither of them were "wrong" to feel the way they did. This is why Tsunade was shown with Hashirama instead of Mito, he was a lot more present in her life when she was young (instead of Kishi just not having made Mito as a character yet). But after Hashirama and Tsunade's dad died (and then Nawaki), she and Mito grew close but it was definitely more of a friendship or student/mentor relationship rather than a traditional grandmother/granddaughter relationship but both were satisfied with it and loved eachother. Likewise I didn't want RTN!Mito's characterization to be shallow and hit misogynistic undertones with her being an "opposite" to Mito's calm, level-headed, focused on her work/passions characterization.
6. Closing thoughts
#1: Wow this got long #2: I feel conflicted about RTN because it seemed to flip surface-level characteristics instead of deep characterizations, and ignored flaws altogether. The ones above, esp. Hashirama and Madara's, are kind of dark in a way? But that's the only way it makes sense to me...Gai and Lee caring about style and being stylish is a funny joke but if you were to actually poke and prod and say their personalities were inverted, neither of them would be top-notch ninja as we know...unless I'm just completely misremembering RTN because I realize it's been years since I saw it lol. Anyway, hope this was entertaining!
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