#'i'll just teleport you against your will somewhere else'
not-poignant · 10 months
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Daily excerpt from chapter 35 of The Nascent Diplomat:
Gwyn knew the Raven Prince was there before they even emerged from the Aethelwaters caves. He felt the electric energy of his King. And the Raven Prince stood there with his hands clasped behind his back, and to Gwyn's shock, he wore the silvery Unseelie crown above his head, and his great feather cloak with the hem that fell nearly to the floor. Gwyn knew better than anyone how much the Raven Prince hated wearing the crown, only doing at formal ceremonies and events if it was required. The Raven Prince had even placed the crown on Gwyn a few times, saying "You wear it better," while Gwyn stared at him in shock and the Raven Prince just smiled at him. The Raven Prince looked him over, glanced at Augus, and then stepped forwards with his black gaze intent on Temsen's.  'Ohlo Ohlo Temsen, I'm pleased to receive your invite.'  'The Raven Prince who is a King,' Temsen said, taking the Raven Prince's extended hand in both of his. Gwyn caught the moment that the Raven Prince's gaze went steely, and he wondered if Temsen had tried something with his magic. He hoped not. 'I am relieved to see that you are here. I have serious things to discuss with you, but I cannot take you down into Aethelwaters. So if you do not mind, I would appreciate if we could-' '-That will be no burden at all. If it is a serious discussion, then we must have a truly safe place to discourse, don't you think?' The Raven Prince glanced quickly at Gwyn, gave a half-smile full of secrets, and then lifted his hand elegantly. A bright gust of wind enveloped them.
(This chapter goes up on Patreon tomorrow!)
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hotcocosstuff · 1 year
Mine; Gabriel x Reader smut
You were at a bar with the Winchesters getting away from it all when Gabriel had decided to show up. "Hiya boys." Dean nearly jumped out of his seat. "Jesus Christ Gabriel you can't do that" Gabriel just shrugged "Why not i thought it was funny." You decided to stop the fighting there "Hey Gabriel." He smiled "hi sweet cheeks." You blushed softly smiling. Dean sighed "You guys have fun I'm going to try to get laid." Sam spoke up "Ok im going home then." "Seeya sammy." Gabriel said as Sam walked out the door. "Wait can I come with Sam?" He turned around "Sure come on." Gabriel pulled you into a hug "Bye youngster." He said ruffling your hair smirking as you then dashed out the door.
"So you've got a thing for Gabriel." Sam said when you got in the car. "No i dont." You smile to yourself as you look at the ground. "Yes you do I can see it every time you look at him." You blush softly "Can you really?" He smirked "It's kind of obvious Y/n." "Do you think he knows?" He chuckled "No."
You smiled as you pulled up to the bunker. As soon as Sam turned off the car you ran to your room. When you got to your room you laid down smiling to yourself "It can't be that bad to love Gabriel." You heard a flutter of wings and jumped up "Hi Cas." You said looking at the angel happily. "You seem happy y/n." "Just thinking about something." He moved to sit next to you "Care to tell me what." Castiel and you were friends with benefits he knew you had your heart set for Gabriel. "Just you know a handsome archangel." He chuckled at that. You smiled as he wrapped an arm around you. That was until he said that you should tell Gabriel. Then your mood kind of dropped "Are you crazy!?" Cas tilted his head "What do you mean?" You sighed "I mean he's an archangel and I'm just a human." "Y/n don't think that lowly of yourself." You sighed "I just need some rest." "Ok." He left after that. You laid down and closed your eyes drifting off to sleep.
Castiel's pov
After my little talk with Y/n I went to talk to Gabriel who was still sitting at the bar. "Hello brother." "Hi Castiel." "What are your feelings on Y/n?" "Why?" He looked at me and I could have sworn he was blushing. "Just curious." He sighed looking away "She's nice." I decided I wasn't going to get anything out of him that way so I decided to take it up a notch. "I'll tell you one thing Gabriel." He looked at me "What?" "She's really submissive during sex." He growled at me. I thought it was funny so I decided to tease more. "She's such a good girl and has such a daddy kink." He stood up straightening his back and challenging me to say more. I gladly took his challenge "She's got such a dirty mouth and looks so good chocking on my cock. The best thing is she's mine." Gabriel snapped his fingers bringing us back to the bunker. I got pushed against the wall "Whoa what's happening." "Out Sam." Sam walked out with his hands up. "You have some courage challenging me brother but she will not be yours for much longer." He looked me in my eye before letting me go. Being the angel I am I had learned how too make a guy jealous from dean and I had one last trick. " You know Gabriel I was thinking of marking her as mine." This pushed him over the edge "Don't you fucking dare brother." He disappeared and I laughed. "What was all of that about?" "You might want to go somewhere else for the night." Was all I said before I teleported to Y/n.
She was sleeping peacefully until I lightly woke her up. "Huh? Oh hi cas." I didn't say anything I just kissed her knowing damn well Gabriel was watching.
Normal POV*
One second he was kissing you the next he was flown across the room. "You've crossed the line Castiel." You looked at the voice who spoke it was Gabriel! "Gabriel?" You ask quietly. "Yes sugar?" He made Castiel disappear. "What's wrong?" Instead of answering you he backed you up to the bed. "So you've been fucking my brother?" You gulped "Yes?" "Mmm baby your in for a hell of a night I'm going to make you scream my name so hard you forget Castiel's and your own name." As he pushed you down he grabbed your wrists leaving them there by using his grace. "Gabriel." You whined and he applied pressure to your throat making you moan. "Castiel said you've got a daddy kink." You nodded. "Daddy please." He smirked "if I let you go will you be a good girl and suck my dick. You nodded vigorously. "Words baby girl." "Yes daddy please let me suck your dick." You felt the restraint lift and you got on your knees. You unzipped his pants and pulled them and his boxers down revealing his hard erection.
"Suck now baby girl and if you do a good job daddy won't punish you as bad." You whined as he told you that. You put his dick in your mouth and started bobbing your head. "I'm going to fuck this pretty mouth of yours baby." He started moving his hips to need you face. You looked up to him tears in your eyes as you start gagging around him. "Look so good chocking on my cock baby. I'm So close baby girl." He shoved his cock as far down your throat as possible before he shot his hot cum down the back of your throat. "Swallow baby girl." He told you as he pulled put of your mouth. You did as told and opened your mouth to show him. "Good girl I think you get a reward." You stood up and he snapped bother of your guys clothes off. "Lay down baby." You laid back on the bed as he pumped a finger in and out of you. He used his grace to play with you clit as he attached his mouth to your nipples. "Daddy I'm close." He stopped and moved off of you. You whined. "Sorry baby you still had to be punished." You nodded softly as he then lined himself up with you. "Ready baby." "Yes daddy." He smirked before pounding into you and setting a bruising pace. His wings spread out behind him. You reached out to touch them and he nodded reassuring you. You stroked his soft feathers as he bit you neck drawing blood before healing it. "Gabriel I'm close." "Cum for me baby." Then you did screaming his name as you fell over the edge. "Oh fuck y/n." He came inside you then smirked as he pulled out.
"Why are you smirking so much and what did you do to my neck?" "Im smirking because I've wanted to do this forever. I marked you neck with my initials in enochian." "Why?" "So everyone knows your Mine." You smiled grooming his feathers. He buried his head in your neck groaning softly. "I need to get you cleaned up sugar." "Ok." You smiled.
Gabriel POV*
Before I took her took clean up I thought "She is MINE now Castiel." "I know brother." I smirked to myself before carrying her to the bathroom.
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aylacavebear · 3 months
The Traveler - Chapter 6 - The Shadowed Abyss
You're from a specific dimension, Solaris Eclipse. It was a dimension of magic. When your kind, the Eldrathiren, turned fifteen, your unique power would awaken within you. Most times, it was something small, levitation, teleportation, creation, elemental manipulation, and things like that. Once in a while, a fifteen-year-old would just disappear, and those were called Travelers. None of them had ever returned. Your parents had told you stories about them, and you hoped that wouldn't happen to you.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 5826
Pairing Eventually Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You & Sam Winchester x OC Reader/You
Warnings: Angst, scary encounters, feelings of dread, despair, giving up.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - The Shadowed Abyss
The stench hit you first, and then there was the lack of light, which took some time to adjust to. Luckily, seeing in the dark was never an issue for you or your kind. The air was thick with an oppressive sense of dread and malice. 
The landscape before you was a desolate expanse of twisted, gnarled trees resembling skeletal fingers against the sky. The branches were devoid of leaves, and their trunks were twisted with age and decay. The ground was barren and cracked, with jagged rocks that jutted up from the earth below like broken teeth.
I so don’t want to be here.
You swallowed hard, your ears twitching at the faint sounds in the distance. At first, you weren’t sure if it was creatures or just the branches of the trees. The sounds didn’t seem to be getting any closer, so you hoped it was just the trees.
In the distance, you noticed a more extensive rock formation and decided to head that way. You weren’t quite sure how you were going to connect to this world, as so far, there wasn’t a water source you could locate. 
Darkness had never bothered you. Your eyesight was almost better at night than during the day. At least in the darkness, you saw in shades of grey, able to catch even the tiniest of movements within your direct line of sight or your peripherals. Occasionally, you would see something small move behind a rock or tree, but everything else seemed almost frozen in time without movement.
You hoped you could find somewhere safe to hide for now. This place gave off the vibe that horrendous predators were lurking somewhere in the darkness. Off to your left, you could see what reminded you of spider webs, weaved intricately in the branches of numerous trees. The part that worried you most was that you couldn’t locate what had created them.
The dry ground crunched under your shoes, your spear still in hand, as you used it as a walking stick for the moment. From somewhere in the distance behind you, you heard the howl of a dog, but it sounded twisted, carnal, and feral.
You picked up your pace toward the rock formation. You knew better than to run, as it would only draw more attention from things you definitely didn’t want to run into. Lysara had taught you how to breathe when you ran so that you could keep your breathing steady. 
More things were moving near the ground, larger than the ones you’d barely seen earlier. They looked similar, though, and you didn’t want to get close to them. You weren’t sure if there was any creature in this world you could trust not to want to eat you.
The howling had diminished. You weren’t sure if it was due to whatever it was pursuing you or if it was going after something else. The spider webs seemed to thin out the closer you got to the rock formation, which looked larger the closer you got. 
You slowed back down to a steady walking pace, sheer determination pushing you forward. Being in this world, you felt a sense of dread and despair, and your heart felt like it hurt again. It took everything in you to keep going. 
When you reached the edge of the twisted forest of dead trees, you felt like all you wanted to do was sit down and give up. You felt hopelessness begin to set in as you attempted to push forward. The rock formation wasn’t much further.
Just a little further…
You sighed as your entire body felt heavy. Now, you could not fully lift your feet with each step, your eyes attempting to stay focused on the rock formation that felt so far away. You leaned hard on your spear as you pushed on.
Suddenly, you snapped your head up, realizing you had completely stopped moving. That voice in your mind returning you to your current predicament. You blinked several times, clearing the odd fog that had seemed to seep into your mind. 
“Dean…” you mumbled out loud.
You took a slow, deep breath and ran to the rock formation. Something about this place had gotten in your head. Then you heard something, almost like the hissing of a cat or several cats. It had that same twisted, carnal sound as the howling from earlier.
This place was dangerous in ways that couldn’t be seen. You quickly realized this, and your mind raced with far too many thoughts the harder you pushed yourself to get to that rock formation. Somehow, it felt safer than being out in the open.
Less than a thousand feet from the rock formation, three pairs of glowing eyes appeared in the shadows ahead, their sinister gleam betraying the presence of the Duststalkers. You weren’t sure how you knew what they were; you just did. Seeing in shades of grey, you noticed their sleek, furred bodies that were the same pitch of black as the entire place was. Had you not had the sight you did, you only would have been able to see their eyes.
Your hand tightened on your spear as you changed your stance to defend yourself. At least there were only three. The first Duststalker lunged forward with a guttural snarl, its claws slashing through the air with deadly intent. Reacting instinctually, you lept to the side, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp claws as you brought your spear down in a swift, calculated arc.
The weapon struck true, piercing the creature’s shadowy hide and soliciting a pained hiss of rage. But before you could deliver a finishing blow, the second Duststalker sprang from the darkness, its jaws snapping hungrily as it launched itself at you.
With lighting reflexes, you twisted away from the snapping jaws, narrowly evading the creature’s attack as you drew the small knife from your belt. With a swift motion, you slashed outward, the blade glinting in the dim light of the barely visible moon as it sliced through the air with deadly precision.
The Duststalker recoiled with a yelp of pain, blood oozing from the shallow wound as it retreated into the shadows. But there was no time to savor your victory, for the third Duststalker emerged from the darkness, its eyes blazing with feral hunger as it lunged toward you with terrifying speed.
Desperation fueled your actions as you braced for the onslaught, your muscles tensing with the effort to defend yourself against the relentless assault of the Duststalkers. With each strike and parry, you fought with the skill and determination Lysara had taught you over the last year, determined to emerge victorious.
Despite your valiant efforts, you did not come out unscathed. Blood trickled from a shallow gash on your arm, and bruises blossomed like dark blooms across your skin where claws had grazed your flesh.
Through sheer force of will and unwavering resolve, you persevere, driving back the Duststalkers with each thrust of your spear and slash of your blade. As the last of the creatures slunk away into the shadows, defeated but not vanquished, you breathed a weary sigh of relief. Your heart was pounding, but it was with adrenaline from the battle. 
Though battered and bruised, you knew that you’d be safe at that rock formation. You turned your attention back to it. Dean’s voice still seemed to echo your name in your mind. 
I’m not going to die today.
With that thought, you pressed forward, quickly reaching the rock formation. It was massive., rising up from the barren earth like a sentinel of stone. Jagged cliffs and craggy outcroppings loomed ominously against the darkened sky.
At the base, you could see an opening that led through what was probably a labyrinth of passageways and hidden alcoves. Oddly enough, the stone was smooth to the touch, piquing your curiosity. Briefly, you glanced behind you before heading into the passageway. 
The further along you walked, the stranger things got. The walls of the passageway were slick with moisture, their surfaces pockmarked with what looked like ancient runes and symbols that seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy. Almost as if they were guiding you, you walked for what felt like an hour before discovering a hidden chamber nestled deep within the heart of the rock formation. 
You looked around in awe, as it was a stark contrast to the world outside. Here, the air was cool and still, and a faint glow of phosphorescent fungi cast eerie shadows upon the walls. In the center of the chamber lay a shallow alcove, its floor carpeted with soft moss and lichen that cushioned your weary feet. Crystals of every hue studded the walls, their radiant light bathing the chamber in a soft, ethereal glow.
With a heavy sigh, you sat down, setting your bag and spear next to you before digging into the pouch still tied to your belt loop. You pulled out a vial before grabbing an old rag from your bag, dipping it into the pool of water, and cleaning your wound. Your entire body was sore, but this needed to be done before you could rest.
After cleaning it, adding the ointment from the vial, and dressing it, you cleaned up and then laid down. Your body and mind were exhausted. This place had taken far more out of you than you had realized, both physically and mentally. Sleep overtook you within minutes.
“I hope she’s okay,” Sammy told his brother from across yet another motel room. “I didn’t mean to scare you awake like that earlier. It was just a nightmare,” Dean replied, still lying on his back on one of the beds. “Can you tell me what happened, in your nightmare?” Sammy asked, sitting down on the edge of his brother’s bed. “I don’t want to scare you,” Dean sighed, turning his head to look at his brother. You went and sat down on the bed across from them. The fact that you couldn’t interact with them hurt deep inside, and you missed them dearly. “I won’t get scared. I promise,” Sammy replied, trying to hide his worry. “Remember that weird movie you watched a few months back? The one with the luck dragon, or something like that, and that big turtle in the swamps?” Dean asked, hoping he would remember. Sammy had to think about that. He’d watched a lot of movies when they were in motel rooms. Then it came to him, “Yeah, The Never-Ending Story. The swamp was where the horse gave up, and the kid lost him and had to watch him sink into the swamp. Why?”  “Well, I had a weird dream that Y/N was in a place like that, only it was dead. She was trying to walk to a huge rock, but it was like she started giving up. Then, I saw her just stop, and I woke up screaming her name,” Dean explained. Normally, he never would have told anyone about something like this, but with the times they had both felt that strange feeling from time to time. It was similar to a ghost, but it wasn’t a ghost.  “I’m okay, guys, really,” you told them, sighing and wishing you could ease their worry. Although you were also worried about this place you had ended up. Sammy looked from his brother to the floor, “I’m worried about her too. Do you think she’ll ever find her way back here?” he asked quietly. “I don’t know Sammy. But, wherever she is, I hope she’ll be safe and that we’ll get to see her again one day,” he replied as he looked up at the ceiling, missing her just as much as his little brother was. You went over and sat so that you were near both of them, then set a hand on each of them. They shared a look as you spoke, “I really will be okay. And somehow, I’ll find my way back.” You knew they couldn’t hear you, but you had felt the pull of your body beginning to wake up.
I hope I don’t have to stay here long.
Your thoughts wander as you stare up at the ceiling of the cavern. At least the melancholy and despair had mostly dissipated, and you didn’t feel as exhausted as before. This world at least had things to eat, even if you would end up having to hunt it, and this cavern had water. Plus, it seemed safe from the predators roaming the dead forest.
Carefully, you stood up, wincing at how sore you still felt from your earlier encounter. It was time to look around a bit, even if there wasn’t much to see from a distance. Lysara had taught you that closer inspection of things was vital. Brushing yourself off, some of the moss ended up in your hand, as it had been stuck to your shirt. You tilted your head a bit, blinking at it curiously before eating a small amount of it.
The taste was moist, slightly bitter, but also oddly sweet. As you swallowed the small amount, your body felt as though it hurt less than before, and you made a mental note to find out how to keep some of that with you.
As you approached one of the walls, you noticed tiny spiders no bigger than your thumbnail when it wasn’t long. They seemed to live in clusters in the lichen and moss that grew in patches along the walls, ceiling, and floor. These spiders were far from cute, reminding you of something only found in nightmares, but they weren’t aggressive. You smiled a bit, just watching them weave their simple webs, working together to cover a small patch of moss. 
Lysara’s words played through your mind again: Pay attention to the small details. It’s the little things that will give you great insight.
“The little things,” you mumbled out loud, leaning a little closer to the spiders.
They didn’t even seem to care that you were standing there watching them as they continued weaving their web. A quiet chuckle left your lips before you moved on when something small caught your attention on the other side of the alcove. It had moved quickly, almost too fast for you to even notice. You squinted a little, focusing on the area where it had been. Then you saw it again, further to the right.
“What the…” you mumbled, tilting your head a bit, utterly curious.
You slowly walked across the alcove, not wanting to scare whatever it was, but also cautious. There were plenty of things in this world that could quickly kill you if you let your guard down. Your ears twitched, hearing soft, melodious chirps that echoed lightly off the walls of the alcove. It, too, didn’t seem to be afraid of you, as it didn’t fly off the closer you got. That’s when you realized it was going after tiny insects that you had missed when you were further away.
Small glowing dots were scattered around the area, and the chirping creature was eating them as it darted about. You sat down on a nearby rock to watch its movements and listen to its chirping, which made you smile a little. There were still beautiful things in this dark, dead, yet dangerous world.  
The chirping creature's wings were like gossamer, which surprised you as it landed nearby. It looked delicate with its slender body, which was adorned with soft, iridescent scales that shimmered in the cavern's dim lighting. As it slowly moved its wings, you noticed how they were like translucent membranes that stretched taught over delicate veins, glistening like spun glass.
It truly was a sight to behold. The colors alone were beautiful, ranging from pale blues and greens to subtle shades of lavender and silver. The thing's body was slender and elongated, with delicate antennae that swayed gracefully as it looked about with large, multifaceted eyes. 
A sense of peace and tranquility washed over you the longer you watched and listened to the small creature. Whispering Moth, you thought as you tilted your head just a bit, leaning in a little closer, now only a few feet from it.  Even in this dark, dead, dangerous place, this little moth gave you hope—hope that you would survive and make it out alive.
You giggled when it jumped up into the air, darted in front of you, hovered for a moment, and then went back to eating more of the bugs. Now, if only that scent you’d been following would come back to lead you to a new place, but that wasn’t the case right now. With another quiet giggle, you headed back to where you had fallen asleep earlier, sitting next to the small pool of water. 
Whatever it was about water, it connected you to the world in which you ended up. So, you looked into the small pool of water. What looked like moss was growing along the walls and bed of it. With one hand on the moss near you, you leaned on your arm, your head on your shoulder as you danced your fingers through the water, watching the small ripples as they formed. With most of this place being dangerous and twisted, part of you worried about what sort of powers you would end up with after drinking the water. The powers before had always been realm-specific, and this place scared you.
You took a slow, deep breath before cupping your hands into the water and bringing the liquid to your lips. It was cool and refreshing, but it had an interesting flavor. There was a sweetness to it, reminding you of the tiny bit of moss you’d eaten earlier. After all, it was growing in the pool of water, but you hadn’t thought anything of it. In a way, it reminded you of tea from your home world that your mother used to make to help you sleep.
That was when you began feeling a tingling sensation spread throughout your body, similar to when you ate the moss earlier. The soreness in your muscles began dissipating even more, and your wound hurt far less now. At first, it was mild, with a sense of warmth and relaxation as you slowly lay down on the bed of moss. 
The colors around the alcove seemed to intensify as the faint sounds became more vivid and pronounced. However, the effects of the moss quickly began escalating. 
“Shit,” you mumbled out loud, realizing what was going on.
You had connected to this realm by drinking the water, realizing quickly that due to drinking from the pool that had the moss growing in it, you were going into a hallucinated state. The only difference with this particular moss was that it would be premonitions of future events that you may or may not be a part of.
The patterns of light mixing with the stationary colors of the rock ceiling of the cavern began blending together in a swirling dance of colors. Your body felt weightless against the soft moss below you as your limbs continued to tingle softly. You had no idea how long you’d been lying there before everything went dark.
You see Sammy sitting at a library table, reading a book with several others scattered around. He’s talking to someone on the phone, but you can’t quite make out who it is. Sammy watches a girl who comes into the library, and then the vision changes.
You aren’t sure where you are. It reminds you of one of the westerns you’d watched with Dean. Slowly you walk toward what you assume is the saloon, seeing two men standing at the bar. They look familiar, but they are older. Their eyes are what you focus on. It’s the brothers, only older. A woman comes and tries to seduce Dean, and you feel an anger inside you’d never felt before when the vision changes again.
Large multicolored mushrooms scatter across the landscape in front of you. The sky is an odd shade of indigo, with two suns in the distance. Above the mushrooms are much taller plants that remind you of sunflowers from Earth, which tower into the sky. There are flying things, traveling from flower to flower, enjoying the nectar within before they fly off. 
The vision changes again, and it is nighttime. You’re standing near what looks like an old abandoned town. You can see Bobby to your left. In front of you, though, is a sight that brings tears to your eyes. Dean and Sammy are both kneeling on the ground. Dean’s arms are around Sammy, and he’s heartbroken. You can feel it. That’s when you realize Sammy is dead. Before you can cry out, the vision changes again.
Tears in your eyes and an aching in your heart, you look around. You’re in a forest, and there is a cat-looking creature sitting on a tree branch, and it’s smiling at you. It’s two shades of purple, as it has stripes and large, curious eyes. 
Now you are standing in another forest with more huge trees and see the brothers again. They are adults sitting near a small fire, cooking what looks like a small animal. A loud roar can be heard in the distance before the brothers get up to leave. As Dean turns and grabs the cooked animal on a stick, the vision changes again.
By now, your head was spinning. It was all so much to take in, and no time to process any of it before the visions shifted on you. Now, you were floating on a large plant, surrounded by water. The sky shimmered with stars, and the moons shone brightly. Below you in the water, you could see some plants and aquatic animal life that glowed with that same luminescence you’d seen in other worlds. A large creature was swimming toward you when the vision changed again.
Before you could take in your surroundings completely, everything went black. All you could tell was that you were in what looked like a building with no windows. There were bookshelves and tables, and the brothers were there, only older than you were, standing in the archway between two large rooms.
Slowly, your eyes opened. You felt groggy, your vision slightly blurred, and your head was pounding. Don’t drink the water with moss in it. As you rubbed your head and attempted to sit up, the throbbing got worse, so you stayed lying down for now.
“I so don’t want to do that again,” you groaned quietly.
Reaching into the little pouch, you pulled out one of the berries from Lysara’s world, ate it, and waited, hoping it still held its healing properties. You just wanted the pounding in your head to stop.
A small, furry creature hopped onto your chest. You tilted your head as you both stared at each other. Its whiskers twitched, sniffing the air around you. The thing had a long tail and larger hindquarters than its front paws. Its ears were tall and slightly pointed, with tufts of fur on the tips and at their base, near its head. Shadow Shrew. It tilted its head at you, making a slight squeaking sound as it inched closer, sniffing the air.
“Well, aren’t you cute,” you spoke softly.
Slowly, you reached your hand toward it, but it backed up a bit, watching your hand, “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
Every time you spoke, it tilted its head like it was trying to understand you. Moving even slower than before, you continued getting your hand closer to it. This time, it didn’t shy away. It just watched you. The Shadow Shrew was about the size of your hand. You bit your lip in concentration as you let your finger rub behind its ear. Then you smiled, hearing it make some of the cutest sounds you’d ever heard: wheeking, chutting, and rumbling. You giggled when it bumped your hand with its head, trying to get you to pet it more.
“You’re kinda cute,” you giggled as it made more sounds.
At least the throbbing in your head had subsided, so you slowly sat up, cupping your hand under the little critter. It chutted a bit, then hopped down and out of your hand, sniffing around the pouch on your belt loop. 
“Are you hungry?” you asked it.
It looked up at you, then back at the bag, wheeking this time. With a quiet chuckle, you pulled some of the grains out and set them on your knee. The little critter hopped onto your knee and used its front feet to pick up each grain, one at a time, and ate them.
You watched it for a bit before looking around the alcove again, sighing heavily. How much time had passed? You weren’t sure. From where you were, you couldn’t see the sky outside, but you figured this place didn’t have normal day/night cycles, not with how the creatures seemed to be designed. Lysara had taught you that the things living in each world would give you clues to the cycles of the realm. 
The little critter partially climbed and partially hopped up you till it was sitting on your shoulder, making you giggle as it sniffed your neck, hair, and ear. It also made all those adorable sounds it had made before, like it was happy.
“Well, I should probably look around some more,” you giggled, rubbing the critter behind its ear again.
You slung your bag over your other shoulder, grabbed your spear, and got up. Looking around the alcove, you headed toward one of the passageways. There was a warmth spreading through your body as you walked. This familiar feeling was just you connecting to the realm, and so far, you weren’t enjoying the abilities you could feel blossoming in you. So far, you couldn’t tell exactly what you could do, but the feeling of the abilities felt just as dark as this world. 
With a shaky breath, you continued through the passageway, the runes and makings guiding you again. You felt as though you were traveling deeper into the labyrinth, even if you had no way of knowing for sure. As you came out of the other side of this particular passageway, there was a large, smooth stone that towered above you, a small opening at its base. From where you stood, you could see a faint glow of light as the little critter chittered on your shoulder.
“Wanna go check it out?” you asked it, turning your head and attempting to look at it.
All it did was squeak a bit, but it made you giggle before turning back toward the small opening. One more deep breath before you stepped through the opening. Your eyes went wide in awe and wonder at the site before you. A soft glow of phosphorescent fungi cast an ethereal light upon the walls, illuminating the space with a gentle radiance.
The chamber itself was spacious yet intimate, with smooth stone walls that curved inward to form a domed ceiling overhead. Crystals of every hue stud the walls, their radiant light refracting through the air in a dazzling display of color and brilliance.
At the center of the chamber lies a shallow alcove, its floor carpeted with a soft bed of moss and lichen. From this vantage point, you can see out into the darkness beyond, where the twisted forms of this world stretched toward the sky like ancient sentinels of stone. The site gave you a slight shiver as the critter on your shoulder hid within your hair.
You climbed through a narrow opening in the champer’s wall, which provided you with a glimpse of the outside world, framed by jagged edges of rock that jut out into the darkness like the teeth of a beast. Through this opening, you can observe the shifting shadows and swirling mists of this realm, their moments barely illuminated by the soft glow of the distant stars.
Though you are hidden from the view of the creatures outside, you can sense your connection to this world as if you are a silent observer watching the ebb and flow of life in the darkness. From this vantage point, you can easily survey your surroundings with a stronger sense of clarity and purpose. In your mind, you can feel and sense this realm's subtle rhythms and patterns, allowing you to filter out the fogged energy that had almost killed you before reaching this sanctuary.
As you gaze into the darkness, you feel a sense of peace wash over you, your senses heightened by the beauty and tranquility of your surroundings. You are clearly aware of the dangers that lurk beyond the safety of this place, nestled in the labyrinth. You also know that your journey through this realm is not over yet and that you will find the strength you need to face what lies ahead.
The little critter chittering in your hair pulls you from your thoughts, bringing your attention from the outside back to the alcove you are in.
“It’s okay. I don’t plan on going out there any time soon,” you sigh before heading toward a pool of water.
You knew you had to find water that didn’t have the moss growing in it, or you’d run out of what you had brought from Lysara’s world and have no choice but to face the hallucinated premonitions the tainted water brought.
There were a few other things growing here: small flowers with twisted stems and pointed leaves, black vines covered in thorns with luminescent berry clusters, and a few bushes with deep, dark green leaves in a unique shape. They were serrated and pointed, with a series of shaped, pointed lobes along their edges. They almost reminded you of a spearhead. The bushes were also dotted with deep, dark red berries but were hard, similar to nuts.
As you reached down to touch the leaves, the little Shadow Shrew hopped down your arm, stopped on the back of your hand, and began picking some of the little berries. You chuckled, watching it, slowly moving your hand so it could reach more of them. Then, you carefully turned your hand over, the little critter moving so that it was now sitting in your hand. It made a small pile of berries as you moved your hand around the bush. When it looked up at you, you giggled, then went and sat down on one of the flat rocks.
“Do they taste good?” you asked it through a giggle, watching it begin to eat the berries.
It made more sounds, even seeming to purr a bit, then nudged a berry across the palm of your hand before looking up at you. 
“Is that one for me?” you asked, smiling down at it.
Of course, it didn’t say anything back to you. You knew it wouldn’t. Somehow, talking out loud to it just made you feel better. With your other hand, you picked up the berry and examined it carefully before popping it into your mouth.
As you chewed it, its flavor was sweet. The irony of things in this world having a sweet flavor almost made you laugh. The little critter moved more of the berries across your palm, so you ate those, too. For them being so tiny, they were quite filling, and made a mental note to gather some for your pouch. At least now you had a food source, for a little while.
When the critter was done eating, you found a nice little patch of moss and lichen to lay down in. Using your bag as a pillow and your spear lying beside you, you laid down and got comfortable. The little Shadow Shrew snuggled up in the crook of your neck as you lay on your side before sleep found you.
Time passed very differently in this realm. Without the regular time cycle you were used to, you couldn’t tell how much time had passed, nor how long you slept for when you did sleep. The little critter stayed with you while you were in this world. You had even managed to find a small pool of water that didn’t have the moss growing in it. However, if you drank too much of it, it would induce a deep sleep that you were sure lasted at least a day.
When you ventured out of the labyrinth's sanctuary, the things of the darkness were always waiting for you. Each time, the packs of creatures got larger. At first, there were only three, but now there were over ten, and it was too dangerous to go out at all. Even with the abilities this world had given you, it wasn’t enough to get by all of them.
One time, after waking, you noticed the cavern seemed brighter and bustling with the movements of the few critters that lived there. Even the little Shadow Srew was off somewhere, as it wasn’t by your side when you woke.
You stretched and stood up, looking around in awe. All along the walls were beautiful rainbow blooms sprouting from the moss. The Silken Spiders' webs were like anchors for the stems, helping them stand straight, as they would have clearly fallen over with the weight of the flower atop them. When you got close enough, you were utterly surprised at the sight before you.
The Silken Spiders were in the blooms, drinking from the pool of golden nectar at the center of the rainbow blossom. Near your feet was another cluster of flowers. The little Shadow Shrew was there, tipping a flower down for a drink, causing you to giggle. The Whispering Moths were also enjoying the blooms’ nectar, using their tongues to lap up the liquid as they hovered near the flowers.
You dipped your finger into an unoccupied flower, then sucked the nectar off. Before this moment, you’d never felt the sense of peace and tranquility that washed over and through you, and a small smile came to your expression as you closed your eyes. Then, the scent hit you from behind.
Your head snapped around as your heart pounded, then you looked down at the little Shrew as it looked up at you, “I have to go now. I will miss you,” you told it quietly, kneeling down.
The Shrew hopped onto your hand, up your arm, then nuzzled into your neck as it had done so many times before. It was clear that it was going to miss you as well. As a tear slid down your cheek, you set the little Shrew on the ground. Gathering your things and taking a deep breath, you headed out of the cavern, knowing you were about to end up somewhere different the moment you went outside.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 7 - Earth, 2013 Pt. 1 Sneak Peak: You stand in front of both brothers as they stand next to each other in the opening between the library and the war room, “I cannot exist in the same place as myself. I will be back, though. Remember, I’ll be sixteen when I appear and know little to nothing of things to come. Be understanding and not too clingy.” Your tone was soft and gentle as you touched each of their cheeks. You felt their sadness and fear that they weren’t going to see you again for a long time.
“It’s not fair,” Dean sighs.
“Don’t be like that. I will be back. I promise,” you told the two of them, then kissed them each on the cheek.
“Oh, that simply will not do,” Dean snickers, wrapping you in his arms before he kisses you deeply, which you return.
Sam just rolls his eyes, but also chuckles at how his brother is with you. You giggled, finally pulling away from Dean, although he didn’t let you go, “I love you, and always will, no matter how far away I am. I always find my way home, to both of you.”
----------------------------------------- Link to the series Masterlist.
A/N: If you'd like to get in on the Dimensional Traveling, go to this link and leave me with a comment, or several, with as much or as little detail about the dimension you'd like the Traveler to end up in. If you'd like to have something specific happen, share that too. I'll make sure that you get credit for the idea you shared in the chapter in which your dimension is featured. I'd love to have as many readers involved as possible. I think this could be a lot of fun.
As always, if you'd like to be tagged, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list.
Tag List: @littlemadamred @mxltifxnd0m
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reckless-lambert · 6 months
Question what do you think of infinite from Sonic forces (don't skip any detail I would like to hear this)
WOAH HELLO!! OK OK OK OK you're in for a ride because I am kinda crazy about this guy.
Right off the bat I wanna say that imo he's not a bad character. Like not in a sense of potential or whatever, I did like him in general.
To try to keep myself on track there will be 3 topics I'll give my opinions on: powers, backstory, character.
First of all I don't think that he is a pushover. If we are talking about measuring strength of a character based on their bossfight pretty much all sonic characters up until 06 have bad bossfights that can be finished in seconds so it's not a good measuring point. In terms of lore there are many many many theories to be had, I prefer to look at his encounters from a story standpoint (we don't talk about dying to a flamethrower in 0.5 seconds accident). I think it's safe to assume that Infinite was a capable fighter (hence the title), him being beaten by Shadow doesn't really tell us anything, Shadow is arguably the most powerful character in sonic series so losing to him is to be expected. Infinite was just a very skilled mercenary, what was he supposed to do against teleporting, regenerating, super fast living plasma cannon?!?
Anyways if we are talking about real encounters (after him getting ruby powers) there are many ways to interpret it (other than just saying that it's bad). Here's my understanding of the events. Sonic gets captured at the start of the game because Infinite just overwhelmed him with quality and numbers. After this the whole war happens (no one talks about Infinite conquering 99.9% of the world), Sonic escapes and encounters Infinite in mystic jungle, this time around we can see that Infinite doesn't have illusions of past villains helping him so it's safe to assume that his powers are actually pretty finite (he can't uphold too many illusions all over the world at once, first time he had them helping because he wasn't using them elsewhere), he still beats Sonic and leaves.
Next time we see him in Metropolis, here we see avatar pretty much matching him with his own bullshit (I have a magical rock that neutralises your magical rock) which is fine by me and Infinite still comes out on top thanks to energy blasts and presumed better fighting skills. Escape to null space can be blamed on phantom ruby prototype again. As to why Infinite didn't use it before I assume Eggman and Infinite invented this ability not that long ago.
For the last encounter, Infinite doesn't have to distribute his illusions all over the world so he uses them in battle, but still has a hard time because numbers advantage is no longer on his side + he probably struggles to control so many entities at once so the quality is diminished drastically. He decides that using an all out attack is a better tactic, but yet again kindergarten logic applies so the sun doesn't explode (rock to rock shenanigans). Despite the sun doing nothing I think it drained Infinite's resources drastically + he was using only the backup power. So in the end avatar and Sonic finally beat weakened Infinite only for him to be transported somewhere and never seen again.
In my opinion we can clearly see that Jackal wasn't defeated by power of friendship or avatar or whatever else people tend to say as some sort of parrots. Infinite was defeated only by his own hubris and his own kind of magic. I think he did alright all things considered. He was pretty powerful and I'm fine with the way things played out. The only thing lacking here is good presentation, people just don't take the plot seriously so it all crumbles, but I don't think that it's fair to say that someone is not powerful because you don't take the stakes of the story seriously. Still can't believe that people call a guy with power to create rockets and lasers out of thin air and change gravity at will "all talk". The only reason our characters are alive is thanks to phantom ruby prototypes and Infinite's weird fondness of main cast (if you are complaining about sega not outright killing sonic or other main characters, Infinite is not the one you should blame + I have some ideas as to why he does that described later).
Infinite's initial motivation is fiiiine. As we can see in his prequel comic his main desire is to ruin, he even says that "he is tired of this world" at the end of it. So it's safe to assume that our Jackal doesn't like how things are going and wants to overthrow the current world order. As to why he is that way it's up for debate (more about it later). That desire is what drives him towards Eggman.
After unspecified amount of time "episode Shadow" happens. Shadow presumably kills the whole Jackal squad except Infinite whom he deems unworthy of killing and throughoutly insults him instead (super mean! Shadow wtf!). Infinite in attempt to somehow amend his self image after losing everything he had (all thanks to his ambition and Shadow btw), decides to abandon his old self as if it was a different person (sad to look at) and double down on alliance with Eggman because it's all he has left - professor's promise of greatness, something to cling onto. So that's how we get to forces. Some might say that Infinite doesn't really enact revenge on Shadow in any way, but there're still things to consider: 1. He actively avoids his old identity, so you can say that he avoids Shadow and feelings tied to him in the same way (doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't feel them) 2. Eggman could have done some mental gymnastics with the Jackal. It's pretty easy considering that Shadow is a self proclaimed guardian of this world (he made a promise and all of that) + he works for GUN. So what better way to enact revenge than to ruin all the things your enemy stands for? Bonus points for this objective coinciding with his initial motivation.
Those options are something I thought of, I think they create a rather straight forward narrative + nobody said that those are the only ones.
Anyways I hate how people yet again somehow diled his story down to "Shadow beat him called him ugly and now hes bad". As if killing his whole squad is nothing, like Infinite's character can be interpreted in many ways, but even if you think that he is a cold hearted killing machine - how can he live as a captain and a sole survivor of the squad, it's the end of his mercenary life if captain is the only one standing that means he fucked up real bad it's the ultimate failure, there's no recovering your career after that.
I saved this one for last because It's almost purely my headcanons and subjective opinions. Anyways as I mentioned above Infinite is not fond of current civilization for some reason. My take is that:
1. He hates united federation for some reason. I think it would be funny if jackal squad were some sort of child soldiers GUN experimented on. Desert is already torn apart by bandits Eggman and feds fighting all over the place, no one will notice random street orphans missing (a lil metal gear revengeance brainrot for ya). But they deserted and became a more evil versions of desert raiders from Archie becoming a nuisance for every party involved: collecting bounties, raiding Eggman's bases and GUN convoys - earning reputation and fame. But jackals' hate for their previous captors is not forgotten and it's also mutual as UF probably wants them dead as soon as possible because they are a living proof of their dark deeds.
2. I think Infinite has problems coping with all the things he was deprived of. His first instinct is hate "how dare they live normal happy lives while I'm fighting for my life every day!" And because all he knows is conflict he thinks that living by jungle rules is the only right way and everyone else is living a lie (that's how I interpret his lyrics). So his desire to ruin the civilisation stems from his idea that jungle rules shall return, and UF citizens should suffer the same way he does. (Spreading misery is fun amiright)
Also I don't think that jackal squad was a family or a friend group, more like a congregation of equaly fucked up individuals who kinda trust each other with tasks, as soon as they deem you a burden they will abandon you. Also imagine the pressure captain of such group would endure. Infinite is not ok. He is partially driven by pride, but also by peer pressure of his fellow child soldiers, being cruel = being strong. As a leader he must be the strongest. That's why his sadism might not be inherent to his character. Also I do think that he was bullied in his unregulated child environment, heterochromia and girly tendencies make him a prime target (CMON PEOPLE dude has the longest hair in the whole franchise and presumably lived in highly militarized environment, there will be problems). I guess he just powered through (it's hard to bully you when you are the strongest).
Anyways coming back to episode Shadow I think Infinite was so scared of not being in control, being pretty much bullied by some stranger. So he did what he always does - search for more power.
Interesting side note here is that Infinite doesn't really have ambition, he doesn't create himself a castle or even a throne (and he is someone with power to create things from thin air, for example it took Zetis 1-2 days to throw together those in idw, he doesn't do it despite having the whole year). He just wants power to not be pushed around and push around others (I IMPLORE you to understand, he is not a nice person, but it doesn't mean that people should just give up on him, my boy needs help).
Also I think episode Shadow warped his brain really hard, like he tries so hard to re-enact his own trauma onto others many many times despite clearly seeing it not working except the first time with avatar. Like we can clearly see that it's all he thinks about, how not deeming someone worthy of killing is the most painful thing he can inflict on them, far more painful than just outright killing the guy. This hinders his critical thinking really hard and it's sad to look at.
Anyways that's pretty much all of my thoughts on this guy (says the guy who thinks about him every day for past 1.5 years, I can mumble on and on, but it will never end if I do), hope you enjoyed!
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thefuzzzz · 4 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge #13!!
Prompt: Hiding and Injury
Jason was pretty sure he was going to die.
Ok, maybe that was a bit dramatic. Still, the horrible gash on his side never quit seeping blood. Even in the middle of the night, when he had to practically crawl to the Camp Half-Blood bathrooms.
He prayed no one else was awake and pushed open the door.
Of course, Nico was awake. He was always awake. Jason was pretty sure he never slept.
"Hey Jason—woah. You ok?" Nico said, looking up from washing his hands to see Jason covered in blood. "You ok?" felt like a bit of an underreaction, but Jason appreciated the lack of freaking out.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just an old wound that opened up." He explained, turning on the sink and tugging off his shirt.
"Gross. Show me," Nico said, like a kid whose friend just told him he found mold somewhere. Nico was starting to sound more and more his age these days.
Jason turned to let him see better. He winced at his movement, but Nico inspected it with gentle eyes.
"That looks infected," Nico said.
A lapse of silence overtook them. It was clear Nico wasn't going anywhere.
The son of Hades hoisted himself up onto the wooden countertop and watched intently. Jason usually basked in his never-ending gaze, but now he cowered in it.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Nico asked, examining his lack of knowledge in wound care.
Jason put his glasses on, retrieving them from their perch on the top of his head.
"You should go to the infirmary," Nico said.
"No," Jason said a little firmer than he meant to, but Nico didn't seem bothered.
Jason wet a rag and pressed it to the wound. The blood seemed to never stop flowing. Maybe he'd just live like this, rag pressed against his side, for the rest of his life.
"I can fix it," Nico offered.
Jason jumped. He had almost forgotten Nico was even there. "What do you mean?"
"I don't like going to the infirmary either. I got pretty good at fixing myself up when I was..." Nico cut off.
It was anybody's guess whether he was going to say "alone on the streets" or "in Tartarus" but either way, Jason didn't need him to finish. That sounded better than Jason's experience, which was none.
"Fine," Jason said, handing him the rag.
Nico snickered. "You'll need more than a rag, man. You definitely need stitches. Go to my cabin. I'll meet you there in a second."
With that, Nico walked into the shadows and teleported away. Jason hobbled to the Hades cabin, which was an unreasonable distance from the bathroom in his opinion.
Jason stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. He didn't want to get blood on anything. Also, he had never been in Nico's cabin.
Contrary to popular belief, it didn't look like a vampire lived there. It was decorated pretty normally, but most things were either black or maroon. Jason decided to stand on the red carpet, hoping that if his blood dripped it would blend in.
“Hey,” Nico said. Jason almost jumped out of his skin to see a slightly paler than when he left Nico with an arm full of medical supplies.
“Gods, man. You have got to stop shadow traveling everywhere.”
“If you could teleport, would you?”
“I mean…I guess.”
“Exactly. Now show me your gross gash.”
Jason pulled off his shirt again, letting Nico look at it. He could’ve sworn Nico’s face got a little redder when he took his shirt off, but he convinced himself it was the lighting.
Nico pulled over a bottle of rubbing alcohol and put it on a rag he’d grabbed. He poured the alcohol on and looked up at Jason semi-sympathetically. “I shouldn’t have to tell you this is going to burn like hell.”
Jason sighed and braced himself. “Just do it.”
Nico pressed the rag to his skin. Jason bit his tongue to avoid yelling at the top of his lungs.
Nico pulled the rag away, and the burning sensation slowly faded.
Then, Nico reached over to the desk beside him and retrieved a hair tie. He collected his shaggy black hair into the smallest ponytail known to man and picked up a stitch kit.
“This is gonna hurt bad. Sorry.” Nico said, picking up the needle.
“It’s fine. I’ve gotten stitches before.”
“Good. I’ve given stitches before. Seems we’re both experienced in our fields.”
Jason didn’t appreciate the dryness, but it did make him chuckle.
Pretty soon, Nico had readied the needle and hovered it above Jason’s skin.
Jason decided to distract himself by examining things around Nico’s room. It was an old tactic that he’d used a million times over. Jason was practically a pro at distracting himself.
Nico’s cabin was surprisingly tidy. He had one twin-sized bed, which Jason was currently sitting on. The bed looked comfortable. It had a lot of pillows and blankets, all either black or maroon.
He had a desk shoved against the wall by the end of the bed. Jason noticed a lot of books on it. He didn’t realize Nico liked to read.
There was also a pretty decked-out PC. Jason didn’t know much about computers, but he did know Nico liked video games. It wouldn’t surprise him if the Lotus Casino’s arcade had influenced Nico’s affinity for games.
On the other side of the room, opposite the bed, there was a dresser. Black clothes spilled out of it. On top of the dresser, there was a TV that he definitely wasn’t allowed to have. Jason wondered how Nico ever passed room inspection.
Once he had examined the cabin enough, Jason looked down at Nico.
Nico’s eyes held an intense kind of focus. His hands worked quickly but gently. Jason thought he was beautiful. The warm light of the lamps that littered his cabin glowed against his face.
Jason threw away the thought. He didn’t find Nico beautiful, he found his concentration beautiful.
Then, he considered how Nico had looked earlier. Sitting atop the bathroom counter, he was somehow just as radiant.
Jason had an internal war with his own mind for a moment before looking back down at Nico to distract himself from the sudden pangs of pain that came along with having a needle repeatedly shoved into your skin.
His face hadn’t changed from a few seconds ago, but somehow Jason thought he understood it more. It seemed more complex. It was so simple, just a face, but also it was Nico’s face.
Jason decided to move past that, and just as he was about to look away, Nico spoke. Somehow, even his voice didn’t sound like it used to.
“What’s your deal with the infirmary, by the way?” Nico asked, almost done with the stitches.
“I just don’t like to go…” Jason answered, trying to hide the blush he’d acquired.
“I’ll tell you why I don’t like to go if you tell me why you don’t?” Nico offered.
Jason would take any opportunity to learn more about Nico before his sudden realization, but now he definitely would. He nodded, “Fine,” and waited for Nico to tell him.
“I don’t like going because I didn’t have to for a long time. After I left camp as a kid, I had to learn how to take care of myself. Now that I know how to, I sometimes feel like going to the infirmary is some kind of weakness. I know it isn’t, but I just prefer to take care of myself,” Nico said, tying the stitches closed and moving away once and for all.
“Your turn,” he smiled. Jason watched as he packed away the needle and wiped the blood off his hands.
Jason sighed. “I’ve never actually been to a doctor's office before,” he muttered.
“Never?” Nico asked, picking up a cotton wrap.
“Never. I was raised mostly by Lupa. I only really integrated into society until I was a teenager. Then, I didn’t have a parent or anything to ever take me to a doctor. I never got hurt in a way I couldn’t deal with on my own.”
Nico nodded. “Huh. Crazy.” Jason liked that he didn’t make a big deal about it.
Jason’s face flushed with another realization. Jason liked Nico. A lot.
What didn’t help his newly realized crush was Nico having to wrap his arms around him to put on the bandage wrap.
Jason looked back on his history with Nico and realized two things. One: this crush had been going on forever and he was just too oblivious to realize he was in love with Nico. Two: he had to tell him how he felt right now or he wouldn’t ever do it.
So, he mustered up every ounce of courage in his body and looked over at Nico.
“Hey, Neeks. I don’t know why, but while I was sitting here I kinda realized just how…beautiful you are. I’m sorry, I know this is sudden and we haven’t known each other very long, but I like you. I totally get it if you’re not interested or if you need some time-”
Nico cut him off by pressing their lips together gently. Jason's eyes widened m, but he pressed them closed and leaned into the kiss.
“Finally,” Nico smiled, pulling away. “I was waiting for you to say something.”
“Wait, really?” Jason said.
“I thought you were subtly flirting with me for months.”
Jason mentally kicked himself for his skill to being oblivious of everything, including his own actions.
Nico laughed and pulled Jason into a gentle hug. Jason reached up to hug him back but felt a sharp pain in his side. Still, he held Nico close.
“I think I ripped a stitch,” Jason laughed into the hug.
“Godsdamn it.”
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shadowzmod · 2 years
Treat or Die
Just wanted to write a short little bit for this cause it's funny
Shadow stared at himself in the mirror with a dejected sigh. He knew exactly what Devil Horns' reaction to his costume would be. And it wasn't his fault! He'd bought it last year at closeout and totally forgotten what it was until he'd gone digging through his closet today in preparation to go out and...yeah. If he'd had anything else, he would have worn that instead but...he didn't. And Rouge wasn't around so he was stuck.
At least he looked decent.
The doorbell rang, and he zoomed to open it...and get exactly the reaction he had been expecting. Devil Horns' eyes got wide and a shit-eating grin spread across his face.
“Wow, Hot Topic,” he dashed a quick circle around Shadow to see his outfit from all angles, before slowly leaning in, his smile never leaving his face, “We maaaaatch.”
Shadow folded his arms and huffed; the red feathery wings brushed against his quills, and his tail twitched in agitation (that was real: thanks Black Arms biology), “Shut up.”
Devil Horns just laughed, and Shadow rolled his eyes before stalking past him out the door, “Are we going, or aren't we?”
“Yeag,” Sonic followed him out, practically skipping, “You brought your gun, right?”
“Yes.” Shadow side-eyed Devil Horns; he looked so damn innocent like this, with bright blue fur and a laughing smile. And yet here they were, about to go Treat-or-Dying.
The concept was actually surprisingly simple. Armed with large pillowcases, they knocked on a door, sing-songed “Treat or Die!” And, at least at the first few houses, nobody bothered actually listening to their request and just dumped half a bowl of candy into their bags. Easy peasy.
Right up until they got to an obscenely nice house, set back behind gates, “C'mon Hot Topic.” Devil Horns unfurled his wings and fluttered across, doing a pirouette on the very top of the gate, which made Shadow hide a little smile before he muttered, “Chaos control.” And teleported to the gravel driveway.
“I have a feeling they're not going to have candy.”
“Good! Then they can give us other things. Or they can die!”
Shadow raised a brow, but followed Devil Horns up to the elaborate porch and stood just behind him as he rang the doorbell, “Treat or die!” They yelled, as the door creaked open to reveal what appeared to be the world' snootiest woman.
“Ugh...go away, I have no candy for you.”
Devil Horns and Shadow exchanged a very quick glance, before Sonic leaned forward, grinning with his fangs on full display, “Are you refusing to give us a treat?'
“What? Yes. Leave, go away ruffians.”
Shadow was fast enough to catch the spark of fire in Devil Horns' red eyes as he, with blinding speed, reached into his quills and pulled out a handgun, “Then you picked the other option!”
“Wha—wait, what? You can't do this!”
“Of course I can!” Sonic cackled, stepping over the threshold as the woman retreated, and Shadow followed, silent as his name.
“No, please!”
“Ugh,” Sonic sighed, “This is so boring...aren't you going to...oh wait!” He was suddenly distracted, darting away to stare at the enormous flatscreen television on the wall, “I want it. Hot Topic, help me take it. You can lift super fucking heavy things.”
Shadow gave a half a shrug to the woman, who had collapsed in a heap on the floor, and easily lifted down the television, “Where exactly are you going to put this?”
“Don't know. I'll find somewhere.”
“Fair enough.” Shadow balanced the TV on one shoulder and followed Devil Horns out without a single backwards glance.
They wound with several pounds of candy each, and quite a few other...treasures besides that.
And nothing—absolutely NOTHING—was going on with Rift. Nothing at all.
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slimeywooper · 3 months
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 17 Part 3 - Retribution/Renewal
CW: cursing, gaslighting
Nobori shifts his gaze away, seemingly deep in thought. Coming to some kind of decision after an internal deliberation, he assures you, "Please, do not worry about Dr. Colress or Team Plasma. I will get you out. There are some things I need to think through. It may take a few days, but I will return to you and attempt to make things right." His eyes are on you again, and he uses the back of his hand to trace the outline of your face. "Thank you for not discarding me. For as much time as I spend in my own head, I don't always acknowledge my heart, painful as it is. I will see to it that you are free, and can live your life without fear."
"I don't want to flee by myself, you have to join me! You can't stay here!" Suddenly, it hits you, and your expression intensifies as you exclaim, "We can get Frank to help with an Ultra Wormhole! He was able to get a connection between two places. We can ask him to get us somewhere, anywhere, away from here!" That's exactly what Kudari had wanted to do to escape. Perhaps now, you and Nobori could.
He's taken aback by the suggestion, and looks at you like you've lost your mind. "That would never work. Frank doesn't care about anyone, why would he help us?" Pausing for a moment, he comes to a realization. "Maybe… there are some people who can help. If I explain the situation, they'll surely understand." His hands clasp the sides of your face, and he looks deeply in your eyes as he says, "I will get you out, then meet up with you later. We can stay at their place until we find our own."
Although it isn't a terrible plan, there are still aspects of it you do not like. Attempting to convince him to leave at the same time, you argue, "But Colress will hurt you if he finds out you've helped me escape! Can't you just come with me?"
The hands that were on your face have left, and Nobori bends over to pick his hat up off the floor. Wiping the last few tears away, he responds, "I have to stay after you leave. If I let him know it's over, that I'll tell everyone of the things Team Plasma has made me do if he doesn't let us live in peace, I don't think he will have a choice but to accept. At least, one would hope. He may be an awful person, but I've never known him to be reckless."
Becoming desperate, you try to persuade him once more, "He doesn't deserve an explanation. Just leave with me, forget this place. Is there nothing I can say to convince you otherwise?"
"There is no other course of action. If I do not do this, he will forever search for us. I need to tell him, in no uncertain terms, that he is no longer my master. Team Plasma must know of the consequences if they try to take action against us." He walks to the door, then turns back to face you. "Please trust me. In a couple hours, I will return with some supplies to hold you over for the duration of time it will take me to finish strategizing our escape. Don't worry, you won't be in here for too much longer." A small smile is offered before he teleports out.
Just as he promised he would, Nobori arrives later with the supplies he mentioned. Nothing more is said, but he cups your chin tenderly before leaving again. What exactly he's planning to do to get you out of here isn't known, nor who the people are that will supposedly let the two of you stay with them. Normally when someone goes on a potentially dangerous adventure, they prepare by taking important things with them. But this isn't some fun outing, you're putting yourself in jeopardy in a gamble to earn freedom. Taking anything with you would just slow you down. There's nothing here you really need, anyway. You certainly aren't going to bring your phone, which would advertise your location. All your clothing can be replaced, as well as any so-called necessities like tooth brushes and soap. When the time comes, you are going to prioritize yourself, and leave everything else to rot. The days go by exceptionally slowly. You spend most of your time watching television. There's a fear you have that if you search for something on your phone, regardless of how innocuous, it will tip off Colress to what you and Nobori are plotting. Though you aren't positive he's keeping track of what you're looking up, it is much safer to err on the side of caution. Thinking of all possible outcomes, whether good or bad, becomes your obsession. On Sunday night, you go to sleep for a few hours, eventually being jostled awake by Nobori in the early morning.
He shakes you lightly, "(Y/N), It's time. Please get up." The room is still dark, but you can see his glowing eyes looking down at you.
This is what you've been waiting for. You swiftly get out of bed, all drowsiness completely evaporating. "I'm ready. Where are we headed?" Leaving is the only thing on your mind, so you remain in your pajamas, not caring how you look.
"Well, we can't go through the main entrance of headquarters, for obvious reasons. I've come to the conclusion that the safest route is via the tram in the laboratory. My acquaintances Ingo and Emmet have already been informed of the situation some days ago, and will be arriving shortly." He places a hand on your back. "Let us make haste. The lab is still closed, so there should be no researchers or assistants around currently, but Dr. Colress has been sleeping in his office since Kudari's death. We should not dally, incase he decides to venture out."
So Nobori contacted the Subway Bosses to help? They were extremely friendly when you met them, but could they really be trusted? After all, they do work for Team Plasma. But it's much too late to back out now. You have to believe that Nobori's judgement is sound. Putting on your shoes, you follow him to the door.
"I was able to create a copy of the new key to your room while Dr. Colress was making his rounds of the lab yesterday, then returned the original before he came back to his office." Stopping to face you, he says, "The extent of my ability to teleport is limited to myself, and the items on me. Anything else organic may not come with me in one piece. Though I have not tried in years, I would prefer not to. We'll be walking on foot. The few grunts that see us should not give us any issues. They know not to interfere with me."
A simple nod is given, and he opens the door, leading you out into the hallway. Journeying down to the main floor, there are a small amount of grunts milling about, but one look at Nobori causes them to avert their gaze. After walking past the entrance of headquarters to the elevator, a sense of momentary relief washes over you. There is not going to be a big break out scenario, with grunts and researchers giving chase. You're leaving through a separate exit, which makes you a little less nervous. No one uses this specific tram, except the Subway Bosses, so no one will know to look for you there.
When you arrive at the lab entrance, it's pitch black in the reception room. "Come on," Nobori encourages you, taking your hand and leading you out of the elevator. After stepping into the room, the lights come on automatically, illuminating the area once more. It feels odd not seeing anyone at the desk. Heading past it, the two of you enter the tram room. "They'll arrive any moment now," he informs you.
Sure enough, within a few minutes, the tram comes down the track, stopping in front of you.
You see a flash of white before hearing an introduction coming from the cabin, "Greetings, I am Emmet, and I have come to take you to Gear Station. Ingo is waiting for us there. We figured it would be best to separate so our destination and the tram can be guarded." He hops onto the platform and stands nearby.
Looking down at you, Nobori says, "I suppose this is goodbye for now. Don't worry, you are in good hands." Giving you an earnest smile, he then addresses Emmet, "Thank you for coming to get them. There's no way I can ever repay you."
"Not at all," Emmet states. "It's no problem. Are you sure you won't come now?"
Holding out his arm, the men shake hands, and Nobori responds with, "I'm afraid I can't. Someone has to tell Dr. Colress, it might as well be me."
"Please be careful," you pipe in. "I'll wait for you to come to Gear Station. Colress will probably try to get you to stay, but don't fall for anything he says!"
"Yes, I'm prepared for what he may do to try and convince me to remain, but it's much too late for that. He no longer holds any sway over me. Now, we shouldn't wait any longer." Without warning, he kisses you on the lips. Your eyes are wide when he pulls away. "Forgive my selfishness. I'll see you soon."
Emmet takes the cue and boards once more, heading back to the controls.
Stepping on the tram, you turn to see Nobori. As it starts to move, leaving behind your friend, the emotions erupt from inside, and you exclaim, "When we meet up, let's start over! I love you!"
Nobori doesn't say anything, but he displays the happiest smile you've ever seen him wear, and he lifts his hand to wave at you.
The tram is quickly speeding up, and it isn't long before Nobori is out of sight. You sit on one of the seats, heart pounding in your chest. Freedom is so close, it's almost assured. But your friend is still in the war zone, going to what could be a deadly confrontation. You can only pray Colress is a coward when it comes to someone that's powerful like Nobori is. With all the musings banging around in your head, you sit quietly, waiting to arrive at Gear Station. Thankfully, Emmet doesn't try to make small talk, he respects the silence, concerning himself with the controls.
After watching (Y/N) leave, Nobori spends the next couple of hours in contemplative anguish. Sitting in the darkness of his room, he is accompanied by the soft sounds of Kudari's talking and clicking. Sounds that are pleasant, yet damning, and that only he can hear.
Team Plasma doesn't matter. There is only one person in the world he hates, and that person has just paged him. Colress surely noticed Kudari's name badge missing once again, causing this most recent attempt to contact him. Rising from his seat, Nobori exits the room, closing the door behind him, and journeys to Colress' office. Each step bringing closer a fate he is not ready for, but cannot deny.
He stands outside the door, and upon hearing it unlock, enters. Colress is pacing in a frantic state, and begins ranting before the door closes again, "You need to remember your place! 'The good one,' that's what I used to think of you as. For a second time, you've taken my most prized possession. I won't ignore this. It better be back by tonight."
The agitation is apparent on Colress' face as he persists, "It's not like it means that much to you! In fact, I would say you find it worthless, since you so carelessly threw it away the first time by giving it to (Y/N)! That Ultra Wormhole brought nothing but disease to this place! Kudari's gone, I won't lose you too." Exhaustion is evident by his mannerisms, but it doesn't lessen his mania at the situation. "I played nice by letting you have (Y/N), but you've gone too far! I'm getting rid of them, it's what I should have done right after they first met Kudari. They're more trouble than they're worth."
Arms held behind his back, Nobori informs him, "I'm afraid their fate is no longer your decision. They're already somewhere safe outside Plasma headquarters. I helped them leave a short while ago."
Halting in place, Colress is stunned. "You what?! Are you fucking dense? They're going to rat us out to any and everyone! Our most confidential operations will be leaked!"
Nobori gives a quick shake of his head, "That's not something you have to worry about. Surely they wouldn't cause any trouble for Ingo and Emmet, who have so graciously offered to look after them."
An even greater look of shock dances across Colress' face, before being overtaken by unbridled rage, "Those… disgusting twins! They won't get away with harboring a deserter, nor will I go easy on (Y/N)!"
Ignoring his last comments, Nobori says, "But, I cannot overstate how wrong you are. The Ultra Wormhole brought a new way of thinking. Ideas I never imagined. A sense of self worth that nothing in this world can tear away. The feeling that maybe, just maybe, I could be more than someone that causes pain, and is feared. It showed me a love that transcends physical desire. Only the decayed, warped doctrine of this place tried to snuff it out."
"God, how did you get to be such an optimistic moron? After everything you've done, there can be no redemption, no saving grace!" He points to his head with his forefinger, "Did you not even think? They're lying to you because they pity you!"
Shaking his head once more, Nobori responds, "No, I don't sense any treachery from them. Not like I have from you since my youth."
"Don't put that shit on me! You don't know a damn thing about what I think or feel." Colress starts to pace again, further losing himself to his emotions.
"I have a perfect idea of what you feel." Acknowledging Colress' previous statement, Nobori concurs, "For so long, I never bothered to think. All the heroes in the stories I read, I never believed I could ever live up to their greatness. Reading was just something I did to curb my boredom. But now I know, heroism isn't predestined, it takes action. A will for things to change."
Slouching his shoulders in defeat, Colress stops and looks over to him, "That's such a stupid thing to say. Is this about Kudari? It's too late to go back. I already told you, it needed to be done. He would have never let it go, holding our happiness for ransom indefinitely. You heard him, he even admitted it. And here you are, after the fact, pretending you're something more. I know the real you. You can't change—"
"Kudari wanted change. He wanted to be free. So he stood up for himself. And I betrayed him. All because you ordered me to." Stepping closer, Nobori adds, "He never told me just how cruel you were to him. You saved the worst of it for when you were alone together."
Giving an incredulous look, Colress speaks bluntly, "What, because I didn't hug him, that means I didn't love him? People show affection in different ways. The fact he even lived to adulthood without dropping dead from whatever stupid shit he would get into is a testament to that. I stopped him when he was going too far, whether it was by hurting you, or doing something reckless."
Anger flaring, Nobori yells, "You told him things that were not true! That he was stupid, a freak, a mistake… that he was unlovable. But you were wrong! I loved him more than any word can convey!"
"Then why did you stand there? Why didn't you do anything to stop it?" He lifts his eyebrows, waiting for an answer, before adding, "It just goes to show what a monster you are that you can't see that I'm grieving in my own way. My baby boy is dead, and you are trying to make it all about you!"
Immediately deflated, Nobori collects himself, replying in a calm demeanor, "Kudari was right though, you are a sadistic puppeteer. But I won't be your marionette any longer. Dr. Colress, this has been a long time coming."
Colress' eyes widen with the repeat of the phrase he told Kudari. "No… You can't do anything without me. I made you, I raised you, I…" he pauses, as if revealing the last part causes him great pain, "love you." Tears begin to form in his eyes, but rage is worn on his face and behind his voice. "Get back in line!"
Nobori places his hands on Colress' shoulders and looks into his eyes. Colress grabs his arms in an attempt to push him away, but is unable to move, transfixed by the yellow glow. "You don't believe there is anything beyond this existence, do you Dr. Colress? Even after all I've told you throughout the years. Your analytical mind won't let you perceive it. I suppose that just means you'll get to study it soon enough. But don't be afraid. You won't be alone like Kudari was. I'll be going with you."
"S-stop. I can't leave… my work. There's… still so much… to be done," he sputters, completely in thrall to Nobori's power.
"Even in your last moments, you are ever a slave to science. Someone else will take your place, I'm sure. I can only hope they won't be as bad." He tilts his head, "When I'm through here, there won't be anything left. Nothing to find, or bury. The less of you that remains, the better. Your soul however, is going to wander. There will be a feeling of longing, of missing something that you will never find." Nobori moves his hands up to Colress' face. "I can't go on without my other half, so I'm going to go see him now. Goodbye, Dr. Colress. May you be lost for eternity."
Purple embers begin to flicker from Nobori's body, quickly growing into flames and spreading along his arms onto Colress. He doesn't look away from him, watching intently as the other man registers his death is imminent. There aren't any screams, only muffled whimpers, as they are fully consumed by the flames. When they dissipate, the only evidence that people were there, are two black stains on the floor where they had been standing.
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Blinding light. Searing pain, like they were being ripped apart and put back together at the same time. Then, the same terrifying blackness that they had been subjected to when they'd first teleported into Zygna's mindscape. And then---
And then the team found themselves standing back on the shore of the lake again. For a moment, all of them looked around, guns still at the ready to face whatever new trick the sea serpent had to throw at them. Then realization seemed to dawn on them, one by one. Brianna letting out a shaky exhale, Taya pressing her steepled hands against her mouth in an expression of relief, Stanley whooping softly as they roped Matthew into a very reluctant fistbump--the whole team took a moment to rejoice in private. Only Eva saw the form of Zygna a few scarce feet away from them, greatly reduced in size and writhing in obvious pain as she tried her best to crawl away from the team. Her electrically blue eyes first snapped terrifyingly wide as Eva aimed her proton gun at her, and then narrowed into hostile slits as the team scientist spoke.
"Freeze, you little wormy bitch. If you think you're gonna slink off to try gathering power and enacting your revenge on us, you have another thing fucking coming--" She broke off in incredulous shock as Zygna actually raised herself up onto her coils, pressing her head directly into the opening of the gun with a defiant sneer.
"Go ahead. Kill me. That's all you humans are GOOD for. Killing and destroying and taking that which does not belong to you. You've WON. Now prove me right and finish the job."
For a moment, Eva hesitated. For just a moment. And then she was picking Zygna up by the scruff like a naughty cat, causing the once-mighty sea serpent to writhe and hiss and glare at Eva with narrowed eyes. "What are you DOING, you foolish BRAT-"
"Proving you wrong about all of us. I'm not gonna kill you. No. What I'm gonna do is leave you alive. A, so we can keep an eye on your scaly ass, and B....so you can watch Damien thrive and grow without you whispering your fucking lies into his head. You'll get to live, just so you can see that you'll never break any of us. Just so you can see that you LOST."
"It won't work. Dear little Damien has been broken for far too long for you to FIX him. You'll all see that he's not worth wasting your time on eventually. I will bide my time, gain power, and DEVOUR you all. I'll KILL you. I'll kill everyone you've ever LOVED--"
"Save it for somebody who fucking cares, you wannabe god," Eva growled out, continuing to lift Zygna by--well, whatever equated to a scruff on a literal sea serpent--as she marched back to the gathered team, who all eyed what Zygna had been reduced to with equal parts dread, anger, and relief. "I don't think she's gonna cause a problem anymore, but we'll keep her around, just in case she tries gaining power again. Stan, think you can keep an eye on her until we get her somewhere that she can be kept?"
"Aye aye, captain," Stanley said, giving a jaunty half-salute that made Eva roll her eyes affectionately. She looked around then, taking a deep inhale of the water rolling off of the lake that was laced with mist and the lingering smell of seaweed and who only knew what other odors. They were all alive. They were all going to be okay. They'd persevered. They'd won.
"We fucking won."
The words, soft and whispered, almost set off a chain reaction within the gathered team. All pulling each other into a hug, they slapped each other on the shoulders, ruffled each other's hair, and took turns cheering and whooping at the top of their lungs, seemingly not caring if anyone else was around to behold their moment of celebration. Laughing and shrugging off an affectionate hair ruffle from Matthew, a frown grew on Eva's expression as she looked around briefly, sensing that something was wrong with this picture. Damien. Where was--
He was sitting further down the beach on a log that had drifted up in some long-forgotten storm, his head lowered as Eva shushed the team and strode up to him. "Hey, old man. Doing okay?"
She was stunned into silence at the vulnerable look in the older man's eyes as he startled and turned towards her, so seemingly exhausted by everything that had happened that he wasn't even bothering to try putting up the walls that he otherwise seemed to constantly keep around him. A shaky exhale left his lips as he answered her, words still quiet and hushed. "I just turned into a monster and tried to kill all of you, technically. So. Not really."
"Damien. We went over this," Eva said softly, reaching a hand out to lay upon his shoulder. "That wasn't you. Not really."
“It was in the ways that mattered. You could have gone the same exact way as Craig and Marvin. I never meant for things to get so complicated. I never meant to become her little pawn. I just.....didn’t want to see anyone getting hurt. I wasn’t thinking.” He buried his head in his hands then, voice muffled. "I tried to keep what happened from all of you because....because what if I told anybody, huh? They'd think I was loco. Or worse. Or she'd try to hurt them, too. I didn't want the truth coming out this way. I didn't want any of this to happen."
"We know you didn't."
"Well. I would....understand if you didn't want me around as your leader anymore."
"Damien, you fucking idiot, of course we want you around."
Damien lifted his head to look at Eva half-quizzically then, a puzzled frown plastered onto his face. "No you don't."
"Yes. We do."
"No you don't. You did a better job leading all of them in there than I ever could, for one--"
"I'm sorry, who gave us the command to cross the streams on that bitch again--"
"--and for another, don't act like what you said in there was anything other than trying to. I don't know. Calm my nerves or something. I know you all must hate me now. Or think I'm a monster. Something. Anything. I kept it hidden for that exact reason. Don't tell me you're fine with what I did. Don't tell me finding out in the heat of the moment wasn't a shock. You can't."
"Actually....I already knew." The soft words caused Damien to lift his head then, eyes snapping almost impossibly wide.
"You....you did?"
"It was in your journal, Damien, duh. I practically flipped through the entire thing looking for the spell that you pointed out, there was no way I would have missed it." Eva moved to catch his arm before he could pull away from her then, forcing Damien to whip around and look her in the eye. "It doesn't change what happened. It doesn't change what I said in there. I still....you're still a friend to me. Hell, you're practically like a second father to me. What happened was because of Zygna, not you. It doesn't change a damn thing about what I think."
"W...well, what about the others? Don't tell me they're fine with-" Damien broke off as the other members approached, Matthew speaking first.
"Damien. You of all people should know I have areas of my past that I'm not proud of either, for fuck's sake. I'd be the last person who'd judge you based on something like that. I understand."
"Yeah, it was all some fucked-up shit that that wormy bitch put in your head. Not you," Stanley chimed in.
"You're a friend, Damien. Wouldn't have stuck around you for this long if I didn't believe it, hon," Taya spoke up in turn, pushing her glasses back up onto her nose and giving him a soft smile.
Brianna was the last to approach, her words wavering slightly but still resolute. "A-and I'm not sure what you think of me, but I know you brought me onto the team and gave me a chance when....when most people wouldn't have. And t-that means a lot. Really. And I was scared before, but only because I d-didn't know what was going on. I was scared for you. I want to be around, Damien, I wanna....I wanna be a part of your team. I wanna prove to you that I have whatever you saw in me. I d-don't really care about anything else."
"See? We all love you here, old man," Eva spoke up again, smiling gently at Damien even as his expression grew more and more bewildered. "So let us love you."
"But I....I don't deserve....I....I loved him and I.....I hurt all of you through this, I...." Damien's voice came out more and more watery, more choked with tears, with every passing minute--enough that Eva gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, her expression softer than she normally willingly showed towards anyone.
"It's okay, Damien. It's okay. Let it out, bossman."
And as the team moved to envelop him in one great, big embrace of care and friendship and love, there was a beat of silence where Damien took in the support, the care, the fact that they weren't denouncing him and leaving him as a part of him had feared. And then a wail built in his throat, growing louder and louder with every passing minute--he clung to whoever was closest to him with all the strength he still possessed, burying his head in their shoulder like a lifeline--they weren't leaving him, they weren't walking away, they cared about him in spite of everything that had happened, they--
Damien's whole body shook with sobs as he sat there, as the team muttered soothing words to him and patted him on the shoulder. All the pain and sorrow and guilt of the past thirty or so years came rushing out of him then, all the pent-up emotions, all the weight that he had been carrying on his back like some twisted version of Atlas. It felt terrifying. It felt vulnerable. It felt like he was somehow being stripped raw and put back together all at the same time.
It was over. It was over. He was free.
And maybe now, finally, he would be okay.
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chuuyrr · 3 years
Hello!!! I was wondering can you do scarlet baby reader where she runs off and she gets lost and starts to cry when (cursed getou) walks her back home and she thanks him but Gojo snatches her back in the house quick and tells her always stay in his sight at all times thank you!!!!
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader gets lost
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): possible anime/manga spoilers
thank you so much for requesting! my apologies if this is too short because i believe i already have written a slightly similar work inlined with this, so consider this as the part 2 of baby fushiguro meeting platonic! geto anyways, enjoy! <3
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take a shot every time you give gojo a heart attack for disappearing off to who knows where.
you got distracted by a cursed spirit. you figured it was playing a game of chase with you since it started running the moment your gaze met it.
even though in reality, most of the curses are afraid of you.
your chase with the cursed spirit ended when it somehow found a way to lose track of you.
you looked around to see where you had ended at and to your surprise, there was no sight of the curse nor gojo. you ended up in a hot spring somewhere in the mountains.
how was that even possible? well, anything was possible when it came to you.
"daddy?" you began to tear up, not liking the thought of being alone.
you might be the scarlet witch who is capable of bringing destruction to humanity with your chaos magic, but you were still a baby and you didn't like being alone.
eventually you started to cry as you ran around the mountains of hot springs in circles.
even though you could have just teleported, the panic made it impossible for you to the easy task of finding your back home.
"daddy!" you cried.
after for what seemed like an hour, you ended up bumping into something—or someone with a familiar presence.
"little one?"
after falling on your own bum, you looked up to the figure you bumped into with tear-filled eyes.
"what are you doing here? how did you find me again?"
you didn't know how you ended up here either. you ignored his question and immediately stood back up on your feet to hug his legs while breaking down into another cry.
geto was surprised to see you this vulnerable. the last time he saw you, along with mahito, jojo and hanami, you were a lot confident and bubbly.
"hey, why are you crying? where is your.. father?"
geto reaches his hands out to you, picking you up from the ground. he holds you with one arm and uses the other free to wipe the tears rolling your cheeks.
it was heartwrenching to see you cry.
"i wanna go home. i got lost."
this was probably his sign to kidnap you and use you against gojo, but something about you was bewitching him all over again to decide against it.
he was beginning to think it was this body's fault for making him act like how it used to. he felt sympathy for you.
geto breathed a long sign before looking at you, gently cupping your face after wiping off your tears.
he couldn't believe he was going soft for a human child like you.
"i'll take you back, so don't cry anymore. okay?"
for some reason strange reason, geto knew where you lived. being the naive child you were, you figured, it was only natural for him to know.
geto seemed to be familiar with your father.
it took him about twenty minutes and thought it was just a short amount of time, you ended up babbling to him for what seemed like hours to you.
you told geto about your favorite food, favorite pokemon and song as he carried you all the way. geto would just hum and nod in response, occasionally muttering a 'i see' and 'that's nice' from time to time.
until eventually he had learned something else from you.
you told asked him to scare gojo again by putting a hand on your father's shoulder and believed that he was the same one you saw around the house a few times before.
he, however, had a different plan in mind on how to scare your father.
"i've got a better idea this time, how about it?"
"what is it? what is it?"
geto told you how he was going to allow himself to be seen before gojo and insists that it'd scare him more than just placing a hand on his shoulder.
and you agreed, giggling with mischief.
gojo is having another breakdown of where you could have possible ran off to this time. he was in the house, waiting at the front for any call from his students if they had spotted you already.
he was pacing back and forth, stressfully running his fingers through your hair when you and geto appeared out of nowhere.
"daddy! it's me!"
"[name]! kikufuku, baby i—
you watched as your father stopped breathing when he saw geto holding you in his arms.
"woah! you're right uncle geto! he got more scared."
"i told you, so."
"mission accomplished! thank you for taking me home."
"oh, no. thank you, little one."
gojo wastes no time snatching you from the man's arms and the next thing you knew, you were taken back inside the house with your father breathing rapidly and absolutely pale from shock.
that couldn't possibly be him, right?
"grab your things baby, we're moving houses.
"huh, but why?"
"it'll be great no worries! i'll get you a pikachu and shark-themed mini playground."
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CSI Characters as Ancient/Medieval Fantasy Warriors (title is tentative)
*ahem* This is speculation about what powers and skills the CSI characters would have if they were warriors in an ancient/medieval fantasy setting, amongst other things. This was probably inspired by my recent wallowing in medieval fantasy (specifically Songs of War {if you don't know what that is, it's okay}), and I thought, why not entertain the idea? And after writing it out, I can say that it was fun toying around with it. If this inspires anybody to add on anything, or write fanfiction, or whatever, by all means go ahead.
@addictedtostorytelling @bartramcat @buildinggsr @davesdude80 @dobbyofearth @fandomismymiddlename @originalpinkranger @panchostokes @space-helen @stokes-theorem
All the people written about here are humans with powers.
Gil:  He has enhanced eyesight, and is a sniper archer. If I may draw your attention to the ending scene of season 4 episode 2, All for Our Country:
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Bonus shot because it reminds me of his Will Graham days:
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He is canonically a deadeye. So, I am extending that to be a superhuman power. I'll put it this way: he can aim and shoot at the same target a contemporary sniper with a scope could; he does not require (or have, for that matter) a scope. Because he is not so able as his younger teammates, so he cannot be in the direct area of battle and fend off opponents. But he has excellent eyesight, so he hides up in a tree or on the edge of a cliff that overlooks the area or wherever is applicable, and shoots any targets he can.  He uses a crossbow, since not as much strength is needed to pull back the cord as compared to a bow.  He also has a light wooden staff which he uses to help him walk up inclinations. It's also his defensive staff; if an enemy manages to sneak up on him, he can point the staff at them and shoot a forcefield that will blast them back. But this is only effective at close range, hence why he has to use the crossbow for opponents further away. He wears a hooded cloak which is green on one side and a dusty brown on the other, so that he can camouflage himself, turning the cloak to whichever side he needs to match his surroundings.  He is not the only one to wear a cloak however; Catherine, Ecklie, Jim, DB and Finn wear cloaks (more details when I get to each) as well to show they are of higher ranking, but only Gil's is hooded for practical purposes.
Warrick: His power is that he can jump really high. He can jump over a small hill and land on the ground on the other side. He's the one who helps get Gil to his perches if needed; he puts him over his shoulder and jumps, holding him with one arm and his war hammer in his other hand. He is strong enough to carry Gil. And Gil trusts him and is comfortable enough to let himself be borne in such a way, never struggling or crying out in fear when he is suddenly brought off the ground at such a high rate. In tandem with being able to jump high, he can strike his hammer on the ground when he lands and cause a quake. His hammer's enchantment depends on how high he jumped. On the ground, he swings his hammer at an opponent and sends them flying back (at a much greater distance than Gil's forcefield).
Bobby Dawson: He's the archer who is in the direct area of battle. He uses a small hunting bow, and also has a gladius in case any opponents manage to get close to him. He has enhanced reflexes, so he is able to turn around, draw weapons, and load and shoot his bow faster than normal.
Catherine:  She is telekinetic.  She does not use weapons because she prefers to have her hands free to gesticulate and help her focus on moving the objects she is controlling.  Her cloak is a beautiful royal blue.
Heather:  Mind control + reading minds + telepathy.    And invisibility.  Aside from turning the team's opponents against each other, mind control is useful for helping friends escape from dangerous situations; sometimes, it's easier than telling them what to do.  She needs very strong concentration for her mind control, which is the ability she uses the most, so she makes herself invisible and keeps out of the way, but stays where she can see the person she is manipulating.  Like Gil, she has the defensive staff in case anyone finds her.
Nick and Sara: They are what I like to call the speedster twins. It is very satisfying to wash them nyoom about and quickly kill any opponent in the path of their run. Typically, they start out standing next to each other at the same point, and then run on one side of the battlefield each. So they take out the opponents on the skirting of the battlefield. Sara has a cutlass while Nick has twin daggers.
Greg: He can talk to nearby spirits and ask them to help his team in the fight. With the power of this necklace that he has, he can conjure a protective invisible dome-shaped barrier around himself, which is invulnerable to any and every form of attack. Except if somebody were to dig their way up from below him of course. However, he has to stay in the same spot when he is inside this barrier, and has to deactivate it if he wants to walk (or run or whatever) somewhere else. The spirit of the person who gave him the necklace follows him everywhere, and stays by his side on the battlefield to protect him from any opponents who manage to get close.  Greg has a curved cleaver in case he needs to fight.
Al:  Aside from being a healer, he can freeze time.  Sort of. He can freeze the movement of anybody who is coming at him, no matter how many there are. He does not wield weapons. He has wooden legs (which are enchanted to be completely painless for him) and a staff, but without the power that Gil's and Heather's have. To heal someone, he just has to touch them, for as long as it takes for the wounds to completely heal. **I was thinking about making him have something to do with necromancy, but I thought that that's too much like Greg's power.
David:  He is the other healer, and is the one who kills the people that Al freezes. He just makes them fade out of existence. It is completely painless, and that way they don't have any bodies lying around the healers' area. Also, while Al heals physical injuries, David actually cures illnesses. So he has to touch his patient for as long as it takes to eradicate the infection.
The two healers typically stay in one spot, ready to head out into the battlefield if any of their teammates are injured.
Archie: He is the cryokinetic guardian of Henry, Wendy, Mandy, and Hodges, who are not combatants. He does not use weapons.
Henry:  He is a blacksmith, in charge of repairing the people's weapons, and making new ones if necessary. He also makes the arrows for Gil and Bobby.
Wendy: She is an enchanter who imbues weapons with offensive powers, such as the quake and blast effect on Warrick's hammer, or the enhanced sharpness of the speedster twins' blades.
Mandy: She enchants weapons with defensive powers, such as Greg's necklace, or Gil's and Heather's staves. She is also the one who made Al's wooden legs painless.
Hodges: While Al and David are physical healers, and while Wendy enchants weapons, Hodges is the one who restores the powers of other people. He is not really drained when he does it, but it is better for him to stay still and rest while other people fight. It works exactly how Al's and David's healing does.
These five people typically stay near the healers.
Jim:  He can control the weather.  That also means he can summon lightning.  And hailstones.  And rain (creatures that are made of fire or lava are susceptible to rain).  Like Catherine, he has his hands free to focus whatever he's bringing down from the sky onto wherever his target is.  His cloak is pitch black in colour.
Conrad: He can clone himself; up to five clones of himself can exist at a time.  It's alright if they are hurt or killed; so long as he is still alive.  He wields a scythe.  His cloak is a really dark grey, almost black, but not really.
Morgan:  She can fly. This is not a power which requires restoration. Since she does not use wings, she can fly in rain. She uses twin swords.
Sofia:  She is a shapeshifter.  But she can not only turn into other creatures; she can turn into objects like a boulder or something. In such forms, she is invulnerable to like, say, a fist striking her, but if someone were to try and blow her up, she would have to turn into something else and run away. You know those fire creatures I mentioned? If she turns into one of them, she can harness their powers. Basically, she takes on the abilities of anything she turns into.
Riley: She can turn into any of her opponents, whether she has killed them herself of if they are standing right in front of her. Heather would be aware that this in fact Riley (telepathy yo), and Riley will work together with the person Heather is controlling. Unlike Sofia, while she becomes the mirror image of someone, she cannot have the skill level of the person she turns into. She herself is proficient with a club; if she turns into someone who was a swordsman, she would be wield a blade as well as them, and will continue to use her own weapon. If she turns into one of those fire creatures, she might be able to use their fire, but she doesn't have as fluent control over it as the original person. In fact, it is much safer for her to not turn into such creatures.
Ray:  He has enhanced strength, which enables him to rotate his huge double-headed battle axe about his wrist above his head.  And by "huge", I mean that the stick is almost as long as him, and the blades are bigger than his head. The stick is also quite thick; it has to withstand the weight of the blades, and the impact with which it is struck. By "rotate", I mean Ray is able to hold the handle at the very base, and pivot it perfectly around.
DB:  Teleportation.  This son of a bitch randomly popping up out of nowhere?  Yeah.  His weapon is a really small but especially sharp dagger, easy to conceal, and a quick and effective killer.  He appears, quickly pokes his opponent, and then teleports to the next one.  He can teleport anywhere within his viewing distance; he has to be able to see where he is teleporting to to go there. His cloak is silver in colour.
Finn:  She is pyrokinetic.  Her cloak is typically orange, yellow or red, but it can change colours to whatever fire she is wielding, which includes green, blue, purple, white, and even black fire.  She does not use weapons.
Additional idea: Gil and Sara are soulmates. But they were not fated from birth; rather, their soulmate bond formed when their connection deepened. Before they met, their soulmates could have been anyone else, or they could have gone without a soulmate for the rest of their lives. Even when they met and fell in love at first sight (I'm one of those who hc that they did; ymmv), they were not yet soulmates. It was when they really got to know and understand each other implicitly and became unbreakably steadfast in their connection, of their own accord, that their soulmate bond formed. The physical manifestation of it was when their soul marks appeared; Gil has a butterfly on the right side of his neck, close to the back of his neck, and Sara has a rhinoceros beetle on the underside of her left wrist. Being soulmates, they can heal each other and restore each other's powers. The most soothing times for them to do it is when they can lie down somewhere private and hold each other close.
When their marks first appeared, everyone kept congratulating them; there was a lot of friendly teasing from Warrick, Nick, Greg and Hodges. As for themselves, they remained passive until they were in the privacy of their bedroom.  They sat down on the edge of the bed, embracing and leaning their foreheads on each other's, uncontainable smiles on their faces as they had a little heart-to-heart.  They did not really have to vocalise much; they had always been able to understand each other with just a few words.  Then, they leant back from each other, but remained close.  Sara lowered her head and slowly, reverently kissed all over Gil's mark; he closed his eyes and let her do it, enjoying how it felt, moving his head to one side so that his skin on the right of his neck was stretched flat and easier to kiss.  When Sara was done, they leant back again.  Gil lifted Sara's wrist to his mouth and kissed all over her mark, with as much care and adoration as she had done his.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
(Demon's fine. Think I may like the title, gotta start it signing off. Also, it seems we're all bad at advice and trying our best, and in my experience plushies and hugs help plenty =D Ahem! Onto the story…!)
*deep breath* First things first, sorry for not talking to you before: I didn't think we could, or that it would be safe to try. *proceeds to tell Remy the day of the week*
Second off: Remy your friends don't hate you, Virgil just blocked their numbers without telling you so. They're both worried about you. Honestly, we're all worried about you, so it's very good that he's not home right now so it's… safer to talk to you. Do you want me to give you the effects for a dose of your meds? I promise he'll never know.
…In fact, I'll do you one better: we're magic. I'm sure teleporting you somewhere else can't be that hard. Do you want me try that too?
- The Local Demon
(Continuing assholeness from Virgil)
Remy was still laying in bed. The morning sun was shining in through the blinds. They could hear Virgil out in the living room. The tv was on it seemed.
They didn't speak at first. Just nodded along. It had taken until yesterday for Virgil to finally fetch them their phone so really they couldn't have talked to you.
When you said what day it was their eyebrows furrowed. "you sure?" They whispered. You didn't respond.
They managed to sit up and looked out into the living room "Hey Viv??"
Virgil came into view. He was still holding his bowl of cereal. He leant against the doorframe while giving them a questioning look.
"It's thursday!" Remy exclaimed.
"Yeah it uh sure is. Is there some movie on tv or something you gotta see?"
Remy waved around with their arms "It's thursday!"
"Just speak like a human please!"
"I always have my therapy on wednesday! Why the fuck didn't you say anything about it yesterday!"
Virgil let out and annoyed sigh while casually stirring his spoon around "Honey I thought we talked about you not going on any therapy until you're feeling a bit better at least. I don't wanna put you in any more pain"
Remy hesitated "when.....when did we talk about that?"
"Oh just some day ago I guess. It's okay if you don't remember. I know your head is a bit fuzzy"
Their shoulders slumped down and their eyebrows furrowed even more "I- I really don't remember that- can't we just call Picani?"
He quickly waved it off "Y'know how busy he is and you know how the pain messes your brain up. Some memory problems is expected I guess"
"No" Remy slammed their hands down into the bed "No we haven't talked about that! You're lying to me!"
"Oh wow didn't know pain also gives you paranoia" Virgil replied sarcastically.
He rolled his eyes "So it's okay to yell if you're the one yelling. Cool. Got it"
"You're throwing a tantrum like a 5 year old. I'm not having this conversation when you're like this okay"
Virgil ate a spoonful of his cereal as he turned and left the room. Leaving Remy on the bed. Their cheeks had gone red from anger.
"Virgil! VIRGIL! You can't just fucking leave the conversation when you want to!"
They didn't get any response. They took a deep breathe before leaning down and grabbing onto their cane. They bit on the inside of their mouth to hold back whimpers as they moved their legs over the edge of the bed.
They tried to put most of their weight onto the cane as they stood up. Dark spots appeared in their vision. It was like all of the power went out of them.
Remy fell forward onto the ground. The cane landed next to them. The pain was blinding as they curled in on themself.
Maybe 10 minutes went by. Maybe 20. Remy's fingers twitched every now and then but they didn't have the energy to get back into bed. Finally Virgil came back into the room. He'd changed into a hoodie and sweatpants.
"Oof dude" He commented.
"You lied to me. You took my meds away for lying. But you can just lie?" Remy snarled back.
"This again" He sighed.
"Why didn't you talk to me about it!? WHY?"
"Let's just calm down. Yelling isn't gonna help you"
Virgil hunched down next to them and grabbed onto their upper arm to help them at least sit up. Remy writhed around. They turned their head away from him.
"Jesus. Stop being so dramatic. I'm just helping you"
"You're being a total ass right now. You know that right" Virgil responded. His nails dug down into their skin.
Virgil let go while rolling his eyes "Okay fine. It's like you've been taking drama classes"
"why didn't you at least talk to me?"
"You're out of your fucking mind right now. You just got your fever down! You could barely speak, how were you supposed to make any important decision!?"
"You could have just waited instead of deciding for me!"
"I think I did a good decision. We're gonna find someone else instead of Picani...eventually. I heard it isn't good for therapists to have personal connections with their clients and Picani already knew me and y'know I talked about you to him for ages so it counts! And he's kinda expen-"
"Oh here goes the yelling again"
"Virgil! PLEase just take a single one of my concerns seriously FOR ONCE!"
He suddenly grabbed onto both of their shoulders and shook them around. He looked into their eyes "You're behaving like a spoiled asshole right now so you should be fucking happy I'm behaving this well in return. I'm not yelling at you. I'm not insulting you. You can't tell me I'm some horrible person okay. Now I'm gonna go for a walk because you're making my blood boil and I don't wanna make a mistake again"
He left without another word. Remy sniffled. Their head hurt.
They used their arms to drag themself over to the cabinet by their bed. They opened the top box and fumbled around before finding 3 poppers bottles they'd left laying around.
They opened one of the bottles and pressed it up to their nose. They didn't even wait for the drug to hit before sniffing up the other two bottles as well.
It went a while. Of them just sitting there with their head lolled to the side. Sometimes small giggles left their lips.
It was around that time your message kicked in again. Right around that part about how Virgil had blocked their friends for them.
A more bitter laugh left them "Oh of fucking course he did"
They froze up when you asked to give him a dose of his meds. They opened their mouth and then closed it again. Their skin was too warm and their thoughts were too muddled.
"....im...im not taking the meds so he can trust me again...i want him to trust me..i want him to know i didnt cheat on him. Then maybe he'll let me hang out with-"
The words still hang on their tongue. They realized what they had been about to say. Him letting them. Letting them.
"He lied to me! He strangled me for lying! STRANGLED! And he just gets to leave the apartment, leave the situation, when I get angry at him for lying!? I want to be able to leave too! Why does he get all the control! I need control! I can't even- I can't even decide whether I can walk or not!"
They slammed their hand down against the floor.
"It's not fair! It's not fucking fair! He lied to me! He didn't even tell me he'd blocked MY friends!"
Tears brimmed at their eyes, but now it was tears of anger. They let them roll down their cheeks.
"Give me a dose of my meds please. Why the fuck do I need his trust when he doesn't give a shit about mine"
When you followed up with the question about transporting them out of the apartment they hesitated. They took out another popper from the drawer and sniffed it up as well.
They used their arms again to move themself over to the closet. They winced but continued on. They threw the closet door open and moved their clothes around. Piles of clothes were thrown aside until they saw a backpack sit hidden in the back. The backpack they had packed once in a panicked rush with the most essential things they needed if they had to suddenly leave the apartment. Leave Virgil.
Remy held onto the backpack as they looked to you. Their breathing was a bit heavy from how high they were.
"I- He makes me sick- He makes me so sick. I get sick when I'm around him. It's driving me insane. Making my skin itch"
They couldn't say it though. Couldn't ask you to make them leave. They couldn't. The tears continued to roll down their cheeks.
"But I- I love him. I can't leave. I can't leave. Where would I go. Where- what would happen to Virgil. I love him. I can't" They pressed the bag close to their chest "I love him. I feel so sick. Loving him makes me sick"
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Explaining My DR
⚠️ Before you read, please keep in mind my DR is based from a lot of mythology. Please do not feel offended (I mean you can feel offended but I mean please don't feel like I'm purposely trying to offend you) if your group is not mentioned (such as magic users) or if they are misinterpreted. It's a DR based from the past and from old mythology and lore. It isn't going to be the same as the present. We are also using old terms and meanings. It's also based from an anime too. ⚠️
⚠️I'll also be updating this from time to time if I find more information I want to place. So if you ever get bored, just head on back and see if anything is new! ⚠️
Click read more to see~
What is my reality based from?
Mine is heavily referenced from an anime called "The Ancient Magus Bride." The anime itself is beautiful, and based off of many legends and mythology and it somehow blends together beautifully.
My reality is going to be somewhere in the 1700's (but without slavery and a few wars) because I am sharing my DR with my online friends (and those I classify as my online "Family") and we decided we wanted to see how much history we could change.
So far, we have decided to save Marie Antoinette.
The reality itself has "fae" who don't like to be called "Fairies" and would rather be called "neighbors." They are friendly, in their own way, though some can be aggressive but we have decided that we are safe from those and won't fight them. But here's a catch - you can't see them unless you have "The Sight." Some people do have the sight such as mages (a rare form of magic user in our reality) or "Sleigh Beggy" otherwise known as "Slay Vega."
Slay Vega's have the ability to see and attract fae. As Wiki put it:
Sleigh Beggies are a type of human who have a natural affinity towards the fae and other supernatural entities, drawing their kind towards them unintentionally. Because their bodies naturally absorb magic but they typically lack the means of controlling it, they die fairly young. This is why, despite the fact that there are more Sleigh Beggy than natural-born mages, their numbers are few and far between. Sleigh Beggy are highly prized by both other sorcerers and fae. The former because their organs naturally absorb magic and so they can be used as batteries for magic and the latter because they are naturally drawn to them as they view Sleigh Beggy as being closer to their kind. This often brings them misfortune as well, because the fae drawn to them will act against their wishes, more so for those who are not gifted with the Sight and cannot see the fae. The fae's goodwill does not always result in the happiness and, when left to their own interpretation, their love and loyalty manifests into both luck and ill fortune. Sleigh Beggy unconsciously absorb a lot of magical energy, but lack the means of expressing it unless they are trained in magic or other methods. As a Sleigh Beggy draws attention from Fae, they will have little difficulty becoming mages if they find a mentor to train them and be capable of powerful magic.
I will be a Sleigh Vega/Beggy but I will also have immortality, so I won't be hurt by this magic absorption; because of this the fae will be attracted to me and I can help my s/o with his magic too.
Other than Sleigh Beggys, what are there?
Well there are many magic types. For my DR we have
Sleigh Beggy: The rarest of all the types, even to the point they are even unheard of. They have the abilities of both a mage and sorcerer. They passively absorb and exude magic energy. Almost unlimited. However, their bodies are still human and they will eventually have pain from the constant strain. Fae are attracted to this type but their friendship isn't always beneficial to Sleigh Beggies. A Sleigh Beggy without a mentor or teacher may feel cursed being around them as they can't understand the world around them or why the Fae behave as they do.
Mages: Are magic users who absorb magic and cast spells using it or they borrow magic from Fae. However, this is draining for the caster.
Sorcerers: They are different from other magic users. They turn their own energy into magic to perform sorcery. Unlike the Mages, they don't contort or use the Natural Laws by breaking them, instead they study these laws and manipulate said laws.
Witches: Are magical users similar to mages, but the difference is they dive into more forbidden arts and choose to gather in groups known as covens.
The History Of Magic:
In the new age of mankind, some humans could perform what we know as "miracles.' They could see beings known as fae. Or live fairly longer than others. As time went on, these people passed on techniques, knowledge, skills and shared with each other what is now known as "Magic." Those who could possess it were known as "Mages."
But as time went on, less and less humans were born with this ability and due to the "Great War" many magical users died. Ever since then, it was unusual, rare, and strange to find humans with this ability. Eventually, this was hidden from the world to ensure the safety of the magic users.
Overview Of Magic
Magic is a result of using the energy inside your body or using the energy of the world around you. This is a process that is referred to as "Magic" or a "Miracle." While magic users can use the worlds natural laws or the use of magical beings they can also use magic with chants or wands.
For some sorcerers, they have a magical core that can "act" as an internal organ which generates magical energy. It can pass on through generations genetically. Sometimes there are some born with non-magical parents.
Magic can be used in many ways. The results vary depending on the use such as shape, form, or requirements needed. It can be used for teleportation, purification, and giving life to inanimate objects. It can also be used for attacks like summoning spikes, thorns, using shadows or light, or breathing fire.
Magic can also be used by Artificers, like Angelica, who makes magic tools such as rings or wands.
What Are Fae?
Fae, or Neighbors, are a race of magical beings who can use, conjure, or absorb magic for themselves or other beings. They can be found everywhere around the world, but they are most commonly found in Tir Na nÓg which is ruled by Titiana and Oberon.
This silly couple:
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There are many different types such as Ariels, Banshees, Church Grims, Brownies, Changelings, Elfs, Fire Sprites, Muryans, Selkies, and Vodyanoi!
Each fae is capable of something different and some are friendly, and some are aggressive. Similar to humans XD.
Random Things About My DR
➭ Even though it's set in the 1700s we have plumbing and pipes for baths, phones we can use to contact eachother and see media from Jean's reality (a very close friend of mine), and we plan to make some technology early. Because why not???
➭ We plan to mess up history a bit because we want to see how much we can change. And before you say "that's forcibly changing lives" technically no. It's not like the CR. Period. It's the 1700s where magic exists. We're not forcing a change in anyone's life. We're just going to mess with historical events that were bound to happen one way or another. #and they literally could've changed with or without us.
➭ There's a magic library where fae can exist alongside humans without any issue. No one can harm eachother within the library. It's also a rest good place to nap and it's really cozy.
➭ We live in a small cottage away from the village, it has a small pond and a garden. And just along the path in the back there's a forest. Keeping going down the path and you'll find a passage to Tir na nÓg.
➭ What's Tir na nÓg? It's an old legend of a place where you never age, that is, if you can get there. It's a place full of fae and where the king and queen of fae live. The plants never wither or die and it's always lively.
➭ My DR backstory is that I'm born as a king's daughter. I have a brother and a sister. That's all. Father and brother are Castelios which is a family that was given powers by the demons or fae from the Great War. They tend to scare everyone, due to their aura, except close family. Not even close friends are used to the aura. Though my sister and I didn't develop this, which is rare. I'll shift around the time I first meet my dad and brother after my mother left me and my sister with them. (No it won't be traumatizing, it's just my choice.) I'll grow up within the castle walls and learning magic from my brother and sword fighting from my sister. I'll eventually convince my dad to let me go outside the walls, to which he agrees, where I'll try to mess around with history a bit. On my 16th birthday I'll meet Elias Ainsworth in the greenhouse outside the walls when I snuck away at night. A huge chunk of years later I plan to already be a mage under his mentoring and be married by then, and the cottage is just our choice despite having an estate somewhere else. I only have until age 18 scripted so far but if you ask in like.... a week from now I might have something fjsbdjsnskssm
➭ There's a hunting event where any knight (male or female) can enter and so can royalty. A person from their familiy (or really anyone) can give them their handkerchief and whoever's handkerchief they had will recieve all that they hunted. It's a way to symbolize popularity, typically you'd want the biggest game or the most. For example if I have my s/o my handkerchief then whatever he hunted will go to me. Similarly if he gave me his then whatever I hunted will go to him. The more admired a person is, the more handkerchiefs a person has to give out and they have more game.
(If you're anti-hunting I am very sorry if this just offended you so please don't @me djeanjss please.)
➭ We have a room in the library that has many windows leading to different DRs. There's a wall full of keys that open the windows because the windows can't be broken or opened without a key, phew. When you look through each window it has a different scenery because each is a different DR. They are usually labeled and if you want to enter that reality you have to open the window and to right through. That's how Jean and I get to eachothers realities and also contact eachother. We decided to connect our DRs in a way.
My Desired Reality Members:
First, my DR husband!
Elias Ainsworth!
He is a mage who is both fae and human, though no one knows why he was this way and it was hinted that he was cursed. He also my mentor who will teach me magic.
He's taller than most humans, reaching around 6'7". Because of the curse, he doesn't look human though will take a human form using magic. He likes to decorate his horns with gold string that holds a red cloth to cover his face.
A Mood board of him:
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He's very kind and polite (to most) but he's... not antisocial but not social either. He has a hard time relating to people (big mood) but he's like that because he has no understanding of the emotions he feels nor does he remember anything of his life before. Because of this, he's extremely fascinated with emotions. He decided to adopt a "gentleman" mannerism to seem more friendly. He closely studies others but finds it a bit hard to follow their example. He doesn't tend to lie - but if he doesn't know you or knows you slightly then he leaves out any bit of information and tries to hide things. Once you get to know him, he's not so secretive and more child-like. But despite that, he's very willing to make up for, amend, and apologize for any childish behavior that was out of line.
Jeans comment on Elias: "Elias: nice, tall, protective and sweet from what I know, lowkey shy and is trying to understand humans and in the anime is learning emotions AND AJJSJDJSJD thats so SWEET, has lots of money-"
His Magic Abilities
He can manipulate the shadows and he leans toward destructive magic. He can hide in the shadows and create thorns. This gave him the name, given by the fae, "Child of Thorn" or simply "Thorn" as well as "Pilum Murialis." He can also shapeshift and remove memories.
Myself! Online, I go by a few names but in any DR it's Estelle.
I'll have waist length black hair, styled in either a braid or simply let down. I have pale skin, blue eyes, and a small birthmark on my collarbones.
Mood board of myself:
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I'll have the same as I do here but I felt really weird typing it out so I'm going to use how my friend described me!
Jeans opinion on Estelle: "Estelle - very soft and caring, maternal I’d say, great listener, really fun to talk to, shy and introverted but SJDJJDKFODOSOSOD when she comes out of her shell, has lots of nice memes, overall a good person to talk to about problems or just to have fun with and MEME, video game and reading nerd HAJDJDJSJKS, sympathetic and empathetic, smart, understanding"
Mental link: An ability shared with Ruth. We have a shared mind and memory.
Shapeshifting: I can shapeshift into a Pheonix which I'll mainly only use for fun.
Healing: I can heal, either by a chant or with the help of fae or tools
Light manipulation: I can manipulate light and use it against or for people
{Before I get onto the subject about my kids. Yes, I do know them in the CR. I have raised Adam and Asher despite us being close in age, I've always been the more "motherly" figure in my friends and relatives lives. (And I have recently became a mother figure for Nutmeg for about three years now.) I've organized the appointments, cook, cleaned, been there emotionally and so on. I am Asher and Adams aunt as well, so before you ask "Isn't that weird?" In my opinion, no. There are many people I've met who are the same and just straight up become the mother figure in someone's life. I am young, but I've been doing this job for years and a few comments aren't going to stop me from my job.}
Artificer: I have artificer abilities that I typically use to make a creature called a "Maker." They simply like making things. They're smart but really emotional and made from fabric similar to a doll. They like to swear masks and they basically look like a fabric version of a Korok.
Nutmeg will be my daughter in the future. She is also a person from this reality who sees me as a mother figure and I see her as a daughter. So we agreed this is something we wanted to do. How it will work is she will try shift to the future of my DR after i've been married for a few years. (And before you say "That's not possible!" or "That won't work!" Let me make it clear I said "try." We are going to try this and we have a code to and we scripted that if this isn't possible, the other us wouldn't know the code.) Nutmeg is the youngest of all of my kids.
Nutmeg has hazel eyes with a yellowish color and freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks. She likes styling her brown and reddish hair into pig tails and she's typically seen in yellow.
Mood board of her:
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She is very kind and doting, especially towards her siblings. She's not big into typical school but wants to go to the magic college for magic users. She likes baking and flower picking! She's very sweet towards fae and tries her best 100% of the time. A hugger and also someone who would bONK you if you upset her brothers or really anyone she cared about.
Jean's comment on Nutmeg: "Nutmeg - I’ve not talked to her much BUT SHES THE CUTEST WITTLE ANGEL BEAN, she’s super nice, worries/panics a lot for people from what I know, extremely caring, big gay and we love it (i once said to Estelle nutmeg can be a cottagecore lesbian and I just JSKSKSJDJDJ), loving towards y’all and it just makes me JSKDKDKDMDMMFJF"
Her skills
She has more celestial and healing magic that she got from my side. She can manipulate light, heal others, and manipulate the stars or use them as guides.
"Hey sweetie can you please not move that..."
Asher, Adam, and Her who secretly plotted to move the stars to prank astrologists with Jean's kids:
Another person who's shifting with us. He's the oldest of the siblings and he's a person I've actually raised in the CR from an early age.
Mood board of him:
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He has red eyes, taking after Elias and black hair that takes after me. He's the tallest of all the kids and typically has the more "mature" fashion by wanting to wear suits or formal attire.
He's typically the type to be stern and distant but once you know him he's more open and kind. He doesn't like people who judge and he's usually the type to do stuff he most certainly shouldn't jump into it. Adam to Asher in our Discord server: "Hey so LETS INVENT BOMBS."
Jean's comment on Adam: "Adam - smart, literally what the fuck, he’s really nice and a big home dog,,, literally like a big brother like I feel like he’ll be there when you need him, SMART DID I MENTION SMART, has an exterior shell but thats why you have to take things with him at a pace, super fcking sweet like with his stupid ex but god dammit that was sweet"
He can destroy things like Elias, summon fire, and can summon thorns. He can teleport and he has his artificer abilities that were taught by Angelica and I.
Asher is the middle child and also someone I've raised. Asher and Adam are related to me and each other in the CR as well.
Asher has white hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. He likes the color blue and green so he typically uses it in any piece of clothing he owns. He mentioned he will wear blue more often to compliment his eyes and make his darker horns more apparent.
Mood board of him:
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He's really sweet, caring, and attentive. You tell him once you like one small thing and he will remember it for years. He's really hyper and full of energy unlike his other siblings who are much more calm than him.
Jean's comment on Asher: "Asher - chaos, chaos, chaos okay anyway tbh really funny, has funny ass memes and random ass thoughts that are funny, loves affection, caring as well since I see how you care for nutmeg especially, loving and sweet, smart and retains random info like JFJDKEKDKDK-, space boy and religion boy, meme, sarcastic, 10/10 humor, energetic and extremely fun, someone you’d want at a small party with friends to hype everything up, loves kids and animals"
Asher can manipulate fire and electricity. He has super speed and super hearing, along with enhanced strength.
Silver Lady!
Also known as Silky or Silver! She was a former Banshee before being transformed by Spriggan (Titiana's bodyguard sort of speak.) She's our housekeeper.
Silver likes to wear a, pink, Victorian dress with a matching shawl and bonnet. Her hair is blonde and short and her eyes are a shiny pink.
Mood board of her:
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She doesn't chat much and often has a stoic or deadpan facial expression. But despite that, once knowing her you learn and are exposed to her emotions. She tends to dote on guests that she likes but will simply ignore those she doesn't trust. If someone she doesn't like enters the house for business, she will hover over me or the other residents and simply ignore the guest. Silver also has a sense of humor and enjoys playing pranks every now and then. She likes sewing hearts into clothes where we won't notice. Silver tends to only stay within the house or near the house, due to her past home being ruined she fears that if she leaves she will be forgotten or left behind.
Her Skills:
Silky/Silver is able to do housekeeping magic. She can change details of the house, including wallpaper or the floorboards using a simple spell.
Ruth, A Church Grim
Ruth is my familiar who can shapeshift between being a Church Grim and Human.
Ruth can shapeshift between his two forms. A Church Grim, which is a large black dog which reaches to my rib cage in height. In this form, he has red eyes. In a human form however, his eyes appear brown or somewhat red. With he has light brownish skin and black hair. He likes to sweat striped shirts :D
Mood board of Ruth:
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Ruth is very doting and diligent. He uses our mental link which causes a shared memory, feeling, and lifespan, to tell others how I'm feeling if I can't put it into words. He's also protective and won't hesitate to b0nK someone across the head. He's more of a big brother to those he's close with.
Familiar skills: He shares a lifespan with me, can share dreams, and be summoned from long distances through a mind link.
Shadow: He can hide in my shadow if needed.
Angelica Barley
Angelica is a mage and artificer. She owns her own magic shop that is hidden behind her book shop.
Angelica has sharp features, and typically braids her hair up to show them off. She's commonly seen wearing sleeves when working because of the crystals that were embedded in her arms from an accident.
Mood board of her:
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She's kind but stern. Typically, to new mages she acts as a distant mentor. She takes pride in her work but she's also cautious due to her accident. She's possibly one of the only people that can tell Elias off, and she won't hesitate to do it.
Angelica has the sight similar to that the mages possess. Just like mages, she can borrow magic from fae and she's quite knowledgeable about it too. As an artificer, she embeds magic within tools or makes them with the purpose of magic. She had a Vodanoi named Hugo who is bound to her, he's a prankster but sweet nonetheless. Hugo and Angelica have longevity. This means that they both have increased life spans and she hasn't aged much at all.
Lindel is a mage and the current care taker of the Dragons. He was both Elias and Adolf's first master.
Lindel is a human and despite being a thousand years old, he looks to be in his 20s. He has pale skin and blonde hair that be ties or braids that frame his face and blue eyes. He typically wears a hood and robe with odd designs on the hood and back piece.
Mood board of Lindel
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Before he became a Mage and Keeper Of Dragons, he hated fae. The fae caused him many problems which caused him to isolate himself. But now, he is calm and playful and he takes pride in his job as the dragon keeper. Despite his usual demeanor, when it comes to the dragons he isn't so kind to poachers.
There are many other people I'll be getting to later such as my dad, my brother, my sister, my friend and her kids and s/o, other important people, etc. But for now I'm tired ainjsndjwsn
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rogue-barnes-16 · 4 years
Summary: The reader is captured by Hydra in the middle of WWII, when she was a child. Whilst being put through experiments with the tesseract, she briefly crossed paths with Sergeant Barnes. Little did they know they would meet again.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!Reader
Genre: angst (with some fluff)
The protege: @shane-knight @dormousse @nicholasbich @mscoloneldanvers @spooky-scary-spiderling @lovenaturefirst @marydragneell @bubblycypress87 @eminem-owns-my-asshole @annielovebug22 @gucciofthenorth @thetimidsarcasticcat @k-n-e @existingovertherainbow @superhero2552 @goth-pigeon @daniellajocelyn @to-the-road @shirukitsune @n7siha @the-ayo-lit @v3nusc3 @calwitch @booboobella01 @extisi @michellebarista @ayannaboo1111
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver @angelh1 @randomparanoid @welovecaptainamericaass @gabbie-is-sad @amisutcliff @andy497
Warnings: language and fighting (?)
A/N: slowly picking up the pace, I think I already have an ending and it's definitely not pretty lmao.
The protege masterlist
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Due to the immense chaos that had been caused no one really stopped Natalia to ask her who the hell I was in our way to the place where she and her friends were heading before their unfortunate brief encounter with me.
"What happened?" The redhead inquired, stalking as fast as she could to reach a tall, blond haired woman.
"Power went off." The woman responded "probably was a pulse, not sure though." as we walked out of the control room, she gave me a double check with a confused glance.
"She's with me." Natalia clarified. "What about Barnes?"
"The boy's causing serious trouble down there." the man who I recognized as Tony Stark replied, jogging towards us and consecutively motioning the three to follow him.
"Tell me you brought a suit."
"Yes, I did." the billionaire replied. He was lying. "And it's a lovely Tom Ford three-piece two-button." Okay maybe he wasn't lying. "Who the fuck is this-"
His stop made the blond woman bump into him and consequently, made me and Natalia stop.
"What?" I questioned, appearing to him as confused as possible.
"You're the girl- she's the girl" he bumped the redhead's arm. "What's she doing here- What were you doing with her? What the fuck-"
"There's no time for this." I spoke, walking past the three people. Though before I could take the first step, the brunet gripped my forearm. "let go."
"She's here to help him escape." he spoke, digging his eyes in my form. "She could've done this."
"Tony," Natalia put her hand on Stark's shoulder and gave him a gentle yet firm tug. "she's here to help. Let go of her."
"Listen to your friend or I'll break your arm."
"Yeah that sounds super friendly to me." his sarcasm sounded like poison to me. "What do you think Carter?"
"We really don't have time for this." The blond agent replied. "But after this you're coming with me." She added. "C'mon now."
Not even three minutes passed before we could hear the shots, hits and the screams.
"Okay Romanoff, with Carter, trouble girl with me." we moved fast in order to stay as covered as possible until we could easily get close enough to James without getting killed in the crossfire. "your name?" I shot him a glare. "what? Give me something girl."
"Y/n." I replied, getting my gloves out of my pockets to put them on at the same time as he turned his watch into a hand weapon.
"I hope you know that I have questions."
"Too bad you won't get answers." I responded staring at him with the ghost of a grin in my gaze.
"you worked with him?"
"You could say so, yeah." I lifted my chin, prompting the billionaire to look behind him. "You first, Ironman."
Stark's fight was good enough to keep up with The Asset's training for the time that it took me to get ready.
Stark was down, Carter entered the game.
I knew the Black Widow had the intention to follow her colleague's lead, but she took a peek at me first and gave me the cue to accompany her in the task.
Her knee went straight to his abdomen, pushing him back. She kept moving, well aware of the fact that the moment he caught her she was done.
I slid in their direction with my foot before me; Natalia twirled out of my way just in time for me not to break her leg.
The Asset fell back and I rolled a couple of feet away to be able to push myself up without getting knocked out by him.
The blonde, in an attempt to lend a hand, kicked Him in the back, just for his metal fist to grab her leg and violently slamming her against one of the tables.
Stark got up and stalked to the Soldier in order to get him off the poor girl, but Natalia —I supposed she had caught up on what I was about to do— threw herself over her friend.
"Y/n do it!" She shouted.
When my name was heard, the soldier turned around so fast, almost as if he remembered me.
Did he?
Not the time for that, I reminded myself planting my feet firm on the cold floor and getting both my hands up.
"мне жаль" I murmured an apology, hardly loud enough for him to hear.
With a groan, I brought my hands to my chest as the sphere formed between them, and in a split second, my arms shot the concentrated energy to the Soldier and threw him yards away from us.
To my luck, that was just where the stairs were.
"What the FUCK?" the billionaire yelled, looking at me in awe and fear at the same time. "What are you." in the meantime, The soldier had recovered from the impact and was currently moving upstairs.
I ignored his question, running upstairs, chasing after the soldier.
I lost him for a couple of seconds, which led to take the wrong turn.
The fact that I ended up in the same rooftop he was in, didn't make it any better; not only had he gotten a helicopter, but we now were accompanied by a very stressed out Steve Rogers, who, apparently, had no common sense. Before I could sprint to try to stop the soldier, Rogers grabbed the goddamn helicopter and tried —and shockingly seemed to succeed, somehow— to pull it back to the rooftop.
"Rogers!" I shouted his name when he started to look like he was about to get ripped in half. "Let go!"
The blond man, more confused than anything else, relaxed his muscles, but right when I was about to pull the helicopter back, the soldier lashed out against the captain.
My first instinct was to focus on the propeller and, using the energy, pull them towards me right before making a small energy rift appear just a couple steps before me.
Before the propellers could reach me, I threw myself on my knees and quickly slid into the rift, teleporting myself to Steve's side, who looked at me quite shocked.
"We need to get him out." I spoke attempting to make him react. "My name is Y/n, and I want to help James as much as you." That seemed to slap him out of the surrealistic moment he had just witnessed.
"Okay... Okay, help me open the-" he was cut midsentence when a metal arm crashed through the glass in front of us to choke the man besides me.
I was just getting my hands between the two men in an attempt to pull them apart when I felt the helicopter falling off.
I let go and jumped back to the rooftop, but they obviously didn't. "Fuck..." I muttered to myself, getting up to see the helicopter sinking in the water. "Okay..." I looked behind me to check the door didn't open while I took a couple of steps back, so I could be able to run up.
I literally took a leap of faith and prayed for me not to die in the fall.
Once in the water, considering that Steve had just managed to get an unconscious James out of the aircraft, it all went pretty smooth.
I only had to grab them both and throw them with me into one of my rifts.
I hadn't counted on the effort that would supposed to drag two people with me through a rift I had to create under the water, after a free fall.
When we crashed against the pavement in the shed I was planning on teleporting after all of this had happened, I felt myself dizzying very quickly.
I planted my hands firmly against the pavement as I tried to regulate my breathing. "Hey you okay?" Steve's voice sounded distant to me, even though he was right besides me. "Y/n? Are you alright?" I felt a pair of strong hands helping me incorporate and guiding me to sat with my back against the wall.
"I'm fine." I assured, this time with words. "I just- it was a lot and I didn't do that since... I don't know." I closed my eyes and opening them again when finally managed to control my breathing. "I just need a moment."
"Listen, I don't know who you are." Steve started, taking a look at James, who was still unconscious. The blonde had laid them against the opposite wall to us. "But you put your life on the line for us twice in a day." he sat in front of me with crossed legs. "I don't know how to thank you."
"Don't worry." I simply replied with a shake of my head. "we have to tie him to somewhere before he wakes up."
"Did you call your friend already?" I inquired from the inside of the shed loud enough for Steve to hear while he got back inside."
"He's nearby but stopped to get us some clothes." he informed me, stopping in the gates from were he could check up on his friend.
"what happened back there?"
"Someone wanted really bad to have a talk with Bucky."
"Bucky." the nickname rolling out of my tongue felt as if I was naming an old friend that I had never really met.
"How do you call him?" The curiosity had to come out at some point, I thought.
"For... For how long have you known each other?"
Wow, the questions were going to be one hell of a headache.
"Uhm... For as long as I can remember." the answer was a vague one, yet somehow very accurate. "he... Kind of trained me."
"You're like him?" I denied and he nodded, and then we fell in another heavy silence. "I... I have to ask. Did he... Uh..."
"Remember you?" I finished while my brain buzzed trying to order my damaged memories. "I, myself, can't remember much but I think he mentioned you a couple of times."
I was lying, but it was a white lie- the whitest lie I would ever tell. His face lit up when I said it, and that somehow made a spark of happiness lighten my dark, cold heart.
"What you did back there- was it Hydra?"
"Yeah." I confirmed, staring at my gloves that now rested on an item belonging to the place we were in. "The tesseract. They experimented with it and... this came out."
Another heavy silence.
"Steve?" both our heads spun to the entrance, where a man was standing with a bag in his hand.
"Sam." Steve turned around to walk towards the third man, who also stepped in Steve's direction and consequently, in mine. "He's still unconscious, she's with us." He pointed at me. "Her name's Y/n."
Once the sun stopped hitting his backs, I was able to see the stranger's face, who was already looking at me with a frown.
"Wait, I know you." He stated stopping Steve by his arm. "She was at the helicarrier back in Washington."
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The enemy leader tells the sargent S/O, "Join me. Accept, and I'll spare you. Refuse, and I'll kill everyone you love." Her time with her partner has made her grow emotional again (she's not as cold as she is meant to be), and she quickly accepts. Now, she must kill monsters; that is, follow his orders. During an attack, she encounters her partner after years of being away (due to war), and is told to kill him — or she'll die in the spot by the leader. • For UT/UF!Sans, US!Papyrus and UT!Undyne?
{ Your ask made me think about an episode of Black Mirror, that series is very interesting and omg-! I thought about that episode called Men against fire where the soldiers have a chip that made them see persons in different ways but maybe I should not do spoilers. Now I want to see Black Mirror again. I should take some inspiration from that episode so we don’t blame the poor Chara every time these things happen
The angst knocks on your door… }
〷 Sansy 〷
The time passed inexorable and Sans has already lost all his hope because you did not come back. The weeks became months and the months were turned to years. No traces of you. Anywhere. At the beginning, he received a letter from you every weeks and he was so glad to read about your adventures like you were by his side and you seemed fine there despite it was a hard place. You were still the fantastic person of every day, you were just far away so he kept living his life made by those few letters you sent.After a year, the things started to change and you stopped to send letters to him, Sans thought it was a mistake and you were too busy since there were always missions and duties. He could not expect you always had time for him. He was worried anyway because he needed an explication. He had to know if you were safe and alive!As the second year passed without he had any news about you, Sans was becoming duller and angrier because it was impossible. No letters nor a call, not even during the holidays. It seemed you were dead so he did not know what to think about it. He tried so many times to contact your boss for having some information about your state but nobody answered and the phone lines were interrupted. The poor skeleton jumped to the conclusion that you were death and something horrible happened to your platoon since he could not contact nobody of them. It was too strange and no media was talking about it so maybe there was some kind of mysterious plot behind it even if Sans was not the kind of person who believed in this stuff.The day you came back home, it was a dark night and he did not expect your visit since he thought you were on the other side right now. Because of his insomnia, he was awake so he heard some noises coming from the front door. He teleported himself there for checking if a thief invaded his house. He was completely shocked the moment he saw you in the doorway holding a gun and your eyes were cold and distant like you were somewhere else. He had his guard up anyway because he could not know what you became after the war. He knew wars generated true monsters. Then, with your low and tired voice, you explained to him that you missed him so much and you were sorry that you had not called him all these long years. You had been captured by your enemy and forced to follow their orders, this was the reason why you were unable to contact Sans. You confessed to him your boss’ plans that you should have killed Sans because he was a monster but you wanted nothing to have with this horrible duty and you said that your boss would have killed you anyway. You raised your hand that was holding the gun, pointing it to your head and then you shot yourself.Tears of sorrow crossed your face while you were saying “I love you” to Sans for the last time before the void welcomed you in the final resting.
〷 Undyne 〷
She believed so much in you and she was sure you would have come back home soon. You were a pro in your profession so there were no doubts about your victory but maybe she was too hopeful. Undyne could not imagine you were by the enemy’s side now since you have always followed your values and principles, and she would have chosen to die instead of join the wrong path. The years passed and you stopped to call Undyne so the monster fish was truly worried. She was going to take the first flight to the place where you were because she missed you so much and she was afraid something horrible happened to you since it was like you were disappeared and she has not received any call from your boss about your death and it was too strange. Luckily, their friends stopped her and Papyrus and Alphys stood by her side all this time comforting and helping her. Undyne has never been so sad and powerless in all her life and it was a feeling she hated so much. She wanted to help you but you were so far away in a place she could not reach.After some while of desperation, you came back home mutated and Undyne perceived a malefic aura in her house. You were there, in front of her, with two blanked eyes and an evil grin on your face. It was too unnatural and she could have never imagined the war could change you so much, but it was possible since wars made people doing the worst atrocities and you had lost all your humanity. Undyne was ready to fight you with tears in her eyes. Actually, your enemy brainwashed you with some of their weapon that could control human’s minds. You became a sort of human weapon even if you were unconscious and you needed help. The great warrior she was understood that you were in danger and you were not yourself anymore. She had to help you. Undyne called your name asking for an explication. She said how she loved you and she waited for you all these years. She hit you so hard that you were unable to fight back because something in you was happened. Your heart felt a warmth. She was the most determinate monster and it was weird since they had no determination but it was running through her veins like blood. She would have never given up on you. Never. All her effort was awarded because you started to cry, screaming like crazy. You said you were so sorry and you did not mean to attack her and you did not recall anything about your experience in the enemy’s base. You only knew they kidnapped you and nothing more. Anyway, she was ready to protect you with her life if it was necessary from all those persons that wanted to hurt you. 
〷 Reddy 〷
All these last years without you have been atrocious for Sans and he lost all his hope to see you again. The path you chose was awful and scary even if you were an expert and you fought in your past so you were not a newbie. He believed in you and in your capacities but he did not believe and trust the world that was too corrupted and wicked.The months passed and he lost every traces of you because you did not answer to his letters and calls so he thought about the worst. He was right because the worst happened to you. The enemies captured you and now you were one of their puppets since they blakmailed you telling they would have killed your family if you wouldn’t have joined their army. They were anti-monsters so they could not tolerate one of their solders was with a monster. They ordered you to kill Sans and all of them even if this thing had no sense since they promised you to do the same thing if you denied their propose. Sans, being the suspicious skeleton he was, understood something bad happened to you so he investigated since he knew so many persons and they were just like his spies. He found out your boss plan and that you were in danger. You could imagine he was total furious and he was ready to take his revenge towards that shit man and he did not care if they were million men or just one. Than man had to pay for his sins!
〷 Stretch 〷
His soul was serious injured because he could not believe you decided to choose the path of war. Papyrus was a little concerned about it because he hated wars so much and he wanted you to stay by his side safe and sound. He knew war did not bring beautiful things and he still thought about the worst.Then, when you started to ignore all his calls and letters, he understood it was over and you forgot about him as if he was nothing but an old toy. He was so disappointed and some time he drunk to forget all his pains because he loved you so much, the feelings he had for you were real and pure but you ruined everything when you decided to join the army. The day you showed yourself at his house, he was very angry because you did not call him or warned him about your return. You were acting like you did not care about his feelings and maybe it was true. You looked at him with a pair of eyes he did not recognize as yours. He was truly confused and depressed and you were too insensitive.Then, you explained to him that you joined the enemy because they promised to you glory and fame and you started insulting his race like you were a sort of racist and Papyrus thought you became crazy or something. You turned into an assassin and it was not you anymore. He was shocked that child came back and it took possession of you. You explained there was no kid and you were yourself. You were not a puppet or manipulated by someone even if it was not true since your enemy did something to you. They turned you into a cold warrior ready to kill without any kind of guilt or regret.Since you were tired to speak, you attacked him and Papyrus defended himself launching his mortal bone attacks. The delusion he felt was incalculable and he cried tears of pain while the two of you were fighting. At the end, he had no mercy for you and he just wanted a reset after this but he understood too late there would have been no reset and you were not controlled by the evil child. Actually, Papyrus killed you since he was too mad like he was blinded by all those negative feelings. Then, he started to cry like a baby when he realized what he did. Then, he noticed the pendant you wore that contained an old photo of you and Papyrus and it was one of your greatest memories. It meant that you still cared about him and you were not yourself so he did a mistake and now he wanted to take his revenge over the ones who manipulated you.
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