#'my french is BETTER THAN YOURS'
parvuls · 2 years
au where bitty is french and jack is jack and it's still the enemies to lovers pipeline only stronger
@weneedtotalkaboutfic 😘
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argesta · 2 months
no one is allowed to tell louis “GIRL GET UP 🗣️” ever again. no one is getting up after this
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in-kyblogs · 2 months
need to know more about italian lestat and why is this so overshadowed by his french side 😤
Have you heard about the fact that Lestat is nonbinary on his mother side? We could say the Italian thing is the same kind of situation really lmao
His mother, Gabrielle De Lioncourt, was born in Naples and grew up there. It was common for Italian nobles to marry in France for political alliances reasons, the most famous is the Medici family from ‘400 Firenze: Caterina De’ Medici was a french queen in 1547 (fun fact: the Medici family seal has similarities to the royal French seals with the arald of a lily I think for some alliance thing in the ‘500 but I can’t exactly remember). But I digress. This is to say that, as direct neighbours, Italy and France have a lot of history and a lot of beef, mostly due to wine and cheese if you can believe it. And football. Oh, especially football.
Gabrielle isn’t really an affectionate mother, she has a complex and fascinating relationship to her role as a woman and a wife and a traumatic experience, I’d say, with giving birth to seven sons (can’t wait for her character in the show, especially since Hannah, who wrote a play on these themes called What a young wife ought to know, which I wholeheartedly recommend, said she is really excited to be writing for her!). This results in her and Lestat having a really weird relationship, cold and distant but at the same time extremely visceral due to the both of them being kind of prisoners in their own life. Gabrielle never teaches Lestat Italian, nor is particularly forthcoming about her old life or her cultural roots. When Lestat runs to Paris, Gabrielle tells him to find someone who can write Italian for him, so he can send her letters that his father can’t read. She also never bothered to teach him the alphabet, even less a second language, and she used to read Italian books that Lestat couldn’t understand. So, very mixed feelings about this on Lestat’s part I’d say. He is, I think, really resentful of this side of his mother that he isn’t allowed to know, but at the same time really fascinated by it: his first attempt at escaping is with an Italian troupe of commedia dell’arte actors, a type of play that involves a lot of improv. Basically you have a series of “maschere” (characters) that have a definite set of characteristics but no written lines (we call it canovaccio I have no idea how to translate this concept though). Each character is tied to a specific part of Italy, for example Pulcinella is the neapolitan one, Arlecchino (Harlequin) is from Bergamo (near Milan). Lestat plays Lelio in the book, a character from the italian play that is the maschera of the lover. (He is also the protagonist of a play by Goldoni where he is also a liar (title of the play Il Bugiardo), totally unrelated to iwtv but it always makes me laugh).
I basically wrote all this stuff to say that Lestat knows basically nothing about his italian heritage and that explains why it is so overshadowed by his french side, but I will say that both italian and french people are extremely extra, in wildly different ways and also they will fight each others over nothing (they stole the Gioconda btw), so this accounts for why Lestat is like that ™️. Particular about food? Italian heritage. Snobbish about music? French heritage. Extremely petty? Eh, to be fair, both. Will hold a grudge forever? I will tell you, during fifa and uefa football games we still yell at the French team about that time during the 2006 World Cup final when one of their players went and hit one of the Italian team players with a headbutt (Italy won btw💁🏻‍♀️). So yeah. Lestat never stood a chance really
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coquelicoq · 3 months
Il y a les nuits où il se réveille d'un cauchemar, le regard frénétique, les poings serrant les draps, soufflant à perdre haleine. Ces nuits-là elle l'étreint ; elle fait de petites bises sur son crâne ; avec son pouce elle caresse sa nuque couverte de sueur, tendue et tremblante. Quand il revient à lui-même, elle le chevauche, appuyant fort sur son corps avec tout son poids ; elle prend son visage entre ses deux mains ; elle pousse son front contre le sien, en répétant : "T'es à moi, à moi, à moi, à moi," jusqu'à ce qu'elle voie la chaleur dans son regard, jusqu'à ce qu'elle sente la réponse de son corps sous elle.
Elle le nique vigoureusement, ces nuits-là. Elle mord son épaule sans qu'il doive lui en demander. Elle le fait crier son nom à elle, pour l'empêcher de crier ceux de ses proches perdus. En lui coupant le souffler par amour, elle écrase le souvenir de ce qui l’a fait par terreur. Leur sueur s'entremêle, le stabilisant, le liant au présent, à ce lieu, à elle. Quand il se rendort, épuisé, des fourmis dans les membres, son cœur bat fort à cause de leur amour, leur amour et rien d'autre.
Dans la paix qui suit, elle passe les doigts le long des balafres sur le dos de son bien-aimé, écoute son haleine qui s'équilibre, se concentre sur sa propre sueur pendant qu'elle s'évapore dans l'air frais de la nuit.
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 months
I think I will go insane if another person sends me the Le ver vert va vers la verre thing after finding out I study French
I promise you there are a lot more wacky things about that language but please no more green worms I wouldn't love myself if I was one
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clownsuu · 2 years
I'm going to be honest, its nice seeing your character designs and your version of humanized characters. No many people (from what I've seen) make characters mixed race and just coming on her is helping me with some sever internalize racism, considering I'm half Asian and mix of Caucasian and Indigenous. Just thank you, you and your art really are helping me dude
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For the past few years, iv been gettin pretty tired of seeing just strictly white characters from everywhere- and although it’s completely fine to have em, I always feel I need to give mine some extra ✨spice✨, specially since there is so many body types to choose from, why limit to just one?
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
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this is LITERALLY how my teachers talked about me when i was in school and then they're surprised when i dropped out (none of them were actually. they didnt care lmao)
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imflyingfish · 2 months
Its weird because i dont actually have much of a desire to move to france or use french reguarly in my life but at this point ive deadicated over a year to learning it so i might as well keep going and finish
#it just makes me frustrated but whatevee#its like a pretty big part of my life but A. i never feel like i can chat about it#b. its generally increadibly difficult with no real way to track progress#c. its both. increadibly alienating and connecting#its so easy to feel lonely as a foreigner#foreigner isnt the right word since its the internet but thats the closest thing ive got#and i want to talk about it and share my music and what ive found but thats also difficult#because then people either expect you to be good at it which im literally not or#one time my friend made a comment at me like 'your french rap because your so cool'#and like NO!!!!! IM NOT COOL IM A LANGUAGE NERD!!!!!!#idk it made me feel bad and like. everytime i try to express my love for learning this i feel like a pretentious ass#when NO. im literally just enjoying a process and developing a skill that im very excited about and it sucks not beinf able to talk about it#it also doesnt help that the majority of instences are very small things#like today i met someone and asked them if they had a portal and they said no#THATS MASSIVE FOR ME. I ASKED A QUESTION AND GOT A RESPONSE. I TRANSCENDED LANGUAGE BARRIERS ARE YOU FUCKING ME#how is that not frankly INSANE#anyway idk. i want to be better but the joy is in the process or whst fucking ever#im also realising a lot of the time i feel like i have to prove myself to french servermates#i have to be useful i have to be generous i have to be a good builder#because if im not then im annoying and slow and everyone gets confused#im starting to want to find characters in shows like me who are stuck between languages and who are trying o reach across to others despite#idk learning a langauge has given me so much perspective on the world. other things seem to fall flat#its nice to feel smarter than i usually do#i often think im just not very smart at these kind of things but i am it just takes a different method for me i guess#idk#fish talks
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 months
Opening ceremony? Don't know her. This is now the 'roast CBC' hour.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
watching an interview w the director of the 2017 aix don giovanni tonight and one of the things he said in it was that, coming to work on don giovanni after doing moliere's dom juan, he discovered that the main character of the opera isn't the don; it's leporello. finally a director who knows what's up
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wizardnuke · 2 years
tell me whyyyy I had to repeatedly assure these 13 and 11 yr olds that they were allowed to do whatever they wanted with my nails. any designs they've been wanting to try. "what if they look bad" it's paint!! on my fingernails!! I don't care!! it's fun!! "..can I use glitter" hell yes you can. "no one has wanted glitter" well I do!! let those kids be messy.. let em Have Fun with art. and self expression. my sister was like "are you sure? they're not gonna look good" In Front Of Them and I was like okay and so what!! these two r Thrilled at the idea of being given blanket permission to Do Whatever. they're 13 and 11 years old. let those kids be silly. anyway i love what they did they're so mismatched and messy and glitter bombed and they rock. I love those kids so much. let them have fun..
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comradecowplant · 6 months
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so things are not going well with my new elderly socdem friend unfortunately.
#she said this RIGHT after talking about how bad yt misinfo is... which she followed up w SO I WAS WATCHING A YT DOC ABOUT WW2 & LEARNED THIS#youtube 'historians' are literally the most fascist breed of youtuber. avoid the vast majority like the plague lmao#i asked if the video was sourcing the hollow dahmer & the black book of communism & she didnt seem to know what those are lol#to her credit i told her straight up that she was incorrect & she at least faked being curious about doing more research but i am doubting#she also 'learned' that lenin killed trotsky lol get your propaganda right lenin was dead by then STALIN icepicked him <3#anyway im making jokes bc the worst part was a different conversation where she spoke positively of israel#THAT'S gonna be the one to ruin our friendship. fuck you & your war tourist friend who fought in the 1960s landgrabs that youre now#telling me as if this is a cute story. nahhhh lmao i looked her straight in the eye & said i will NOT debate this#so she dropped it like the true enlightened centrist most socdem cowards are and i kept cleaning her house quietly#turns out You & Me We're the Only Ones Around Here Who Aren't Complete Fools was premature *kicks the poorly rendered gravel sadly*#shes otherwise a nice lady & i know i need to be more flexible in order to hopefully change ppls minds...#but also when people say awful & untrue things it makes me not want to talk to you 🤷‍♂️ srry 2 b a freak like that#also i know shes not transphobic but i havent sniffed her out well enough to know if shes safe to come out to#so its hours of misgendering (which isnt her fault she doesnt know) bc shes obsessed with neoliberal feminism and inappropriately brings#gender into conversations that it does not belong in#'did you know all the countries that handled covid best were ran by women?' 1) untrue 2) dont care finland still sucks#she also tried to tell me that european rich people learned to be nicer after the french rev & thats why europe is better than america...#girl shut up we learned how to be so good at racism and capitalism BECAUSE of europe. there is no such thing as a good rich person!!!#i pick my battles (genocide & anticommunist genocide revisionism) so i let her cook w that one & was not left convinced as you can imagine#ANYWAY rant about today's weird day done. gonna smoke weed & rim some skies 🥵 while listening to the Khrushchev Lied audiobook i found 😘
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prommytheus · 2 years
literally my given name sucks so much ass. like i genuinely think i would be soso much more comfortable being a cisgirl/feminine if my assigned girl name wasnt dogshit. there are 10000 other basic white girl names that i wouldve been fine with but NOOO you had to name me that one
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coquelicoq · 1 year
"each thing I learn about you just makes me want to know you more" <-text from my neighbor just now. i don't know what i'm winning at, but i'm definitely winning at something.
#he wants to go for a walk tomorrow so i can tell him about my favorite words from the french dictionary.#'do you do anything that's not dorky and interesting?' <-another direct quote#he said that before he knew about the dictionary. this was in response to learning i write crosswords#joke's on him though because now that he knows about the dictionary i think he's caught up on all the dorky & interesting stuff#i do feel like i'm really winning this acquaintanceship. not as a competition between him and me but rather#as a competition between this acquaintanceship and all other acquaintanceships i've had with other people#the trick is to not say anything about your hobbies for the first like. four interactions. then you start parceling them out one at a time.#it only works because we have so much other stuff to talk about. being neighbors.#like at no point have we had to do the awkward 'so what do you do for fun?' thing. so it's just when it comes up organically#anyway i'm enjoying this because i usually feel like i'm a VERY boring person#but i have just been nailing the pacing here. the suspense! keep em wanting more#myfirstname mylastname international man of mystery#also the other day we were talking and i said 'i told you about my mom's vibrator‚ right?' because i was sure i had told him that story#and he was like NO????? so basically he just thinks my life is about 5000% more interesting than it actually is#i'm fine with that though. if it means i get a walking buddy (who has a cat! and gives me fruit sometimes!!!) all the better#fuck it i will just make a tag for him#voisin de palier#now i need to find my first post about him from like 2018 when i was sooooo suspicious of him for absolutely no reason
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i deserve to be hailed as a boy-genius as well. btw.
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
some fucking French chef on Chopped was just like "why are French techniques so important for food? bc they are centuries old"
my guy. you aren't fucking special. techniques from like. every culture are centuries old.
#Chopped and other cooking shows have made me absolutely DESPISE French chefs kjalnsjkndfd#the second one shows up on screen I'm like ''dammit this guy's gonna be an ass isn't he''#(they are ALWAYS men btw I don't think I've seen a single female French chef on these shows)#and with v few exceptions the guy is an ass!#they think they're so much better than everyone else bc they're French and know French techniques and blah blah blah#can French food be good? yes!#can French techniques be complicated and thus a higher level of skill needed? yes!#but that doesn't make French cuisine objectively better than every other kind#there are complicated techniques in all cuisines!#and as for taste well that's subjective#depends on your own personal preferences as well as what you might be in the mood for at that moment#basically I just wish the French chefs would be more like Ratatouille#food is for enjoyment and good food is food you like it doesn't need to be complex to be amazing it just has to be GOOD#don't be a fucking ass just bc for some reason the culinary world decided your country of origin has the best food or w/e#like I enjoy the dish ratatouille (as well as the movie) and crepes#but I think just about any day I would prefer the arepas from that food truck in the city I used to live in#or that tomato and cheese appetizer from an Italian restaurant in my hometown#or my grandmother's famous vegetable beef soup!#you're not fucking special so stop acting like it and BE MORE LIKE THE COOKING RAT FROM A PIXAR MOVIE#yeah I have Feelings about the supposed superiority of French food#speecher speaks
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