#'not kids friendly' I guess
caduschka · 9 months
So I've been wondering and I'd really appreciate some other thoughts on that matter.
Are COTT Hera and Zeus only married or also related?
Hera never makes any reference to Cronus as her father or vice versa. I know it's probably done so that they don't have to confirm anything either way. But I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
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shaylai · 2 years
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That's not who he is anymore, Macaque.
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alexiethymia · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Ep 5
Ok wow Ep 5 (and 6) was such a ride.
It's so fun to dissect Alastor since he's pretty much the only one who's character is hard to pin right now.
I can easily believe that Lilith is the one he has a contract with (hence the on a leash comment). I can believe that he might or might not be there because of Lilith (either he's obeying Lilith or he's getting close to Charlie because that in some way will help him get rid of his leash). I can also believe that he is intentionally pissing Lucifer off.
The thing is, even with all of this, I really thought that the Alastor we would see was the same Alastor we saw who handled Vox with so much class. Someone did a mini analysis about their face off. Alastor was completely unbothered and in control of the whole situation. He didn't bother interrupting Vox and the whole encounter with Vox losing his top and Alastor keeping his cool definitely showed that Alastor won that round.
But with Lucifer, it's different. Lucifer is pathetic and desperate. It would be so easy for Alastor to rile him up while still being calm, but there's none of that here. Where's the manipulative persona? Rather, it even seems like Lucifer brought Alastor down to his level of pettiness.
There's visceral rage right from the beginning when he sees the welcome banner, and the uncontrollable twitching of the eye when he sees Lucifer hug Charlie. The funny thing is Alastor is the first one to react to Lucifer while Lucifer is completely focused on his daughter. Twice we saw this petty eye twitching - when he was annoyed with the Egg Bois and when Carmilla could care less about where he disappeared to. So we know Alastor is capable of it. He's not as high and above everyone as he thinks he is.
Lucifer's lame comeback was enough to get him to swear?? It was such a whiplash from what was established about Alastor so far. But for him to show his annoyance at Lucifer in such an obvious way, shows that there's something about Lucifer that just pisses him off, enough to slip his usual control.
Same with his final encounter with Mimzy. They're established as good friends, but the hotel is a red line. He's not all lofty like in the past episodes when Mimzy confronts him about whether or not he actually cares about the hotel. We as the audience are supposed to be sure that he doesn't, but I was expecting at least a smirk or his usual pleasantness and I-know-something-you-don't attitude. But he was as serious as he ever has been when he gives Mimzy an ultimatum. And the thing is, it's not a show he puts on to get on Charlie's good side or to piss Lucifer off since neither of them see it.
Again, I could easily interpret the entire sequence between Lucifer and Alastor as Alastor still being on top, and willfully manipulating and using Charlie just so he can have one over Lucifer if not for those two things. His uncontrolled reactions - swearing at Lucifer and the uncontrollable eye twitching when Lucifer and Charlie hug - because what benefit even does that get him??
So maybe he is taking this step-dad thing seriously because Lilith and him are involved somehow (which, yikes in so many ways), maybe he hates Lucifer for a separate reason unrelated to Charlie and/or Lilith or his hatred of Lucifer has everything to do with Charlie (even if it started with a deal with Lilith initially) and Charlie (as well as the hotel) are starting to have more of an influence on him than he expects.
Either way, it was awesome and this was exactly the found family chaos I was hoping for and I sure am glad to get it.
#hazbin hotel#alastor#charlie morningstar#lucifer morningstar#like ep 5 and 6 were both great for found family feels#the fact that Alastor near says it verbatim in the song and shows their f'd up li'l hotel family#(except Sir Pentious) no I correct myself Sir Pentious was in the kid-friendly drawing!#but no nifty so I guess height? or because she appeared in the song already. but the drawing itself is funny though it's so pg haha#ep 6 was so great#I am so so proud of Angel Dust#how he always gets the courage to fight against Val when he's fighting for his friends#first Charlie then Nifty#like he is probably the most selfless to endure everything#as long as none of his friends are hurt#and perhaps it's saying something that he's protective over the girls#because he remembers molly#it's even in the little things like watching out for nifty's drink#or wanting to actually commit on going on the straight and narrow#husk being proud of angle dust#the grayness of morality#I'm glad we got emily#and that charlie isn't just a naive optimist#it's what makes her so admirable#AND THE FORESHADOWING WITH VAGGIE#I am late to the party#I didn't realize about the pilot outfit#BUT AGAIN duh it would make sense even in the pilot people were wondering why vaggie would be in hell#but I mean even that throwawayline in ep 4 about vaggie learning to trust through military drills which didn't make sense#from her earth background but we know now is because she was an exorcist#and even the obvious and not obvious origin of her name
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
thinking about that one time when luffy was feeling lonely and sad and bad because he just watched his crew disappear one by one and couldn't do anything about it, so he decided to get high instead of dealing with the emotions
thinking about how luffy recognizing the laughing shrooms on sight and being like "this is perfect for times like this!" implies he has done shrooms before (and then he eats also a bunch of ones he doesn't know on top of it, but these? laughing shrooms? immediate recognition, definitely not the first time)
Now, anon, darling, sweetie, why would you do this to me?!!?!??!?!?! Like, no, I completely agree with what you just said but like damn, I think that if I start thinking about this too much I might start sobbing. Who knows.
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heavendraven · 1 year
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do you think they explored each other's bodies
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ericaportfolio · 2 years
I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but I had to get it out of my system after recent internet events.
If I had a nickel for every time when there's a dark puppet kid show concept presented in a show, video game(s) (series franchises), or an analog website series format, I would have four nickels. That's not a lot, but it's funny that it happened quadruple.
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actual-corpse · 23 days
きみとそらをとぶ / feat. 初音ミク & 巡音ルカ
Y'all... why does this give me intense nostalgia for a time I know I can never get back to?
Like... That's THE Pokémon song! The one you hear at the end of your journey. The one that makes you wanna go back to your mom and show her your Pokémon badges.
I really do love Pokémon lol. I love the games even though I hate battling. I'm actually in the process of trying to complete my Pokedex in Let's Go! Eevee, before I build my dream team for the Elite Four. I love my Eevee, I named her after my cat (as you do).
Idk... I'm tired, and in pain, and in my feelings about this song.
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sleepinglionhearts · 6 months
Once again I am thinking about becoming an art teacher vs. thinking about how fast I'd get fired if I became an art teacher
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niseag-reads · 3 months
"Oh god no" - a review.
this is a review, or more of a rant, about the Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide to the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet by Pamela Compart and Dana Laake. I was not going to post about this book, expecially not as the first post on my shiny new blog. but I need to talk about this. God. I am disgusted to my core and I need to talk about it. Screenshots from the books I read will not be a common occurance on this blog but I will use some here to get across what I have stumbled into.
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Book TWs: Ableism (anti-autism sentiment), calorie counting I may have been naive when I judged this book by it's cover, i'm going to be honest with you. I saw this and though "oh! a book with recipes that cover for people with a variety of different needs! how nice!".You can imagine, then, that I was quite thrown off by the contents of the book. The first impression shook that believe a little. Recipes don't start until chapter 10. I skipped the preamble, because honestly I was just here for the food, and it seemed to be about raising autistic children and I am an autistic adult without any children so I figured I didn't need that. I just wanted to know what kind of delicious, sensory friendly foodstuffs the author has in store for us! this excitement was soon crushed as I got to the first recipe, and I am just goint to show you the whole page so you can get a sense of what i stumbled into.
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So, some good things: page layout is great, the little icons that indicate dietary needs are lovely! in later recipes they also tell you how much the recipe makes and the estimated nutritional information which is great if you have to monitor that for one reason or another. but let's get to the rant. to begin, I am autistic and have adhd. I have many autistic friends. none of us enjoy drinking straight water. That is not to say no autistic people like drinking water, but it does make me put questionmarks on a supposedly autism-friendly cookbook to lead with it. Second of all: I don't need a fucking recipe to figure out how to put a glass under the tap right? am I the only one who thinks this is a weird thing to add as a recipe? I suppose it's probably done tongue in cheek but, really... is this the tone we're going for here? I felt somewhat belittled by this book reading this. anyway, i pressed on. a lot of recipes were just standard and seemingly random recipes none of which really stood out to me as particularly kid or neurodivergent friendly. A lot of recipes required a lot of different ingredients and different steps and kitchen appliances to use which definitely rules them out for my flavour of neurodivergence (the adhd task avoidance would never let me go through that many steps to make a meal, eat it, and then also do the dishes) but fine, I suppose, different people can handle different things, expecially if you're a parent cooking for a child this might not be an issue at all, and I also understand that to eat gluten free more work is sometimes, sadly, needed. Anyway, my various questionmarks about the recipes compiled with the inclusion of not one, but two recipes for communion wafers. what? no shade on anyone that needs gluten free communion wafers and decides to make them themselves, that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do. What confuses me is why they are here, in this book. It seems unrelated to anything? At this point, in between the water and the communion wafers and the whole first chunk of the book being about bringing up children, I was starting to realise this was a book written by a stereotypical "autism mom" I proceeded with caution, because I hadn't given up on finding nice recipes in here, though at this point I had told myself that I was definitely not reading the first 10 chapters. I should have stopped reading. because on page 215 I wa greeted with this sentence
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recovered from fucking autism??? if I had any hope left that this book was trying to promote acceptance and inclusivity, it shattered right there. i went back to the first 10 chapters and scanned them. there's bits in there about how to make your child eat things they might be averse to, how to force them to comply. I then, finally, read a summary. appearently some people think that you can cure autism with a low gluten diet? I'm just so tired of this stuff, man. 0 stars. technically DNF. I feel gross after having read this.
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randomnameless · 2 months
"#also can we talk about how lorenz is apparently looking for a bride and how#his dad hasn't arranged a wedding since he was 4 to a noble heiress or something?#the barbarians had that with Ingrid and Glenn" I was thinking how weird that is since the empire also does it (Ferd with Bern) but iirc there was that shadow text about someone from Daphnel being in an arranged marriage so I guess House Gloucester is a "the person chooses who to marry not the parents"? Then I thought about (1/2)
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Greg's deal with Ludwig to marry their heirs was interesting on paper, but cancelled due to Bernie being, well, Bernie.
You can interpret kid!Emile meeting kid!Constance as Baron Bartels wanting to secure a wedding between his son and the elusive House Nuvelle's heir... but that's only conjecture.
But let's be serious a moment, doylist wise, we couldn't have too many arranged marriages, because the player is supposed to be able to ship whoever they want and even have Billy marry everyone - even the disembodied gremlin in their head :(
There was nothing taboo, or said to be taboo in Nopes, about Matthias snagging an Adrestian to Barbarian Land (tm), or House Gautier frowning because Lady Gautier 1 was an Adrestian - if she was a noble... it opens another can of worms, can you imagine Miklan being Caspar's cousin, if Lady Gautier 1 was, idk, a noble daughter from House Bergliez? Let say she was, Miklan couldn't inherit Gautier because no crust, but what about his stance/role/title in Bergliez? Could he just roll over Caspar's older bro (never named) if he had more muhrit or something like that, and become Leopold's heir - even if he's part Faerghan?
As you noticed, we had instances of arranged marriages with the shadow note about House Daphnel - are we really supposed to believe the traditional House Gloucester, who puts much emphasis on its lineage and what not, would have let Lorenz pick anyone (even if he has his own criteria!) while Erwin wouldn't have arranged anything at his birth??
Jugdral wise we could have some "doomed by inheritance" pairings in the second gen, where Patty would have to return to Jungby as its Duchess if her bro Faval inherits something else (or died),even if she married, say, Ced who's staying as the King of Silesse.
But for all of its supposed "Jugdral inspiration", Fodlan didn't go there, so we will never know what happens with international marriages and their potential consequences.
Fodlan HC : Ionius's great-grandmother (who was a concubine!) was a scion of House Blaiddyd so Gertrude, Supreme Leader's second oldest sister, popped up a minor crust of Blaiddyd at birth.
Of course tensions arose between Gertrude's mom and Ionius (because the relationships between Faerghus and Adrestia were soured since Lambert beat Ludwig during the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion during their year together at GM) and she was exiled. Gertrude was designed to be the first kid to be "experimented upon".
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angrybatart · 5 months
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Storyteller better watch out. Flying glomp imminent.
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Here's my daily routine as one of the Achaean generals:
I wake up, I ignore Agamemnon.
I join the battlefield for 5 hours. I ignore Agamemnon.
I train with my soldiers, using the training as an excuse to ignore Agamemnon.
I finish training and eat dinner/breakfast, while continuing to ignore Agamemnon.
When the stars align and I do decide to talk to the people that dragged me here, the conversation tends to go something like:
- Hey, we need a new plan to defeat the Trojans. Let's come up with an idea to infiltrate their city!
- k
(The original sound)
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majflodder · 5 months
What I should be thinking about: school and studying
What my brain decided to think about: Christian vs Randy Orton feud from 2011
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ladyseidr · 7 months
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and what if i finally decided on a fc for anna / mrs. em.ily. what then. ( do you love her )
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5283 · 10 months
not to be a downer but it's always so funny to me when some random company accs suddenly start tweeting about skz the way stan twt does and then the whole stay twt starts hyping them up tweeting shit like "[insert corporate acc name] IS A STAY??????????" lmao like guys. guys. Guys.
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ziracona · 1 year
Why on earth does the Wiki and searches about NukaWorld claim Preston becomes hostile if present for Taken for a Ride or spoken to after the player becomes Overboss??? I’ve played the entire DLC twice now, different PCs, different saves, regular and survival, and I took Preston both times for the DLC??? I never even got a ‘disliked’ from the man, except for being too forgiving to Harvey. He loved a lot of my sass at the Raiders?? And if I talked to him just would say I’d shown him I’m one of the good guys/repaid my trust in him. I mean, I’m sure if you agree to go Raider and like, kill settlers and shit. But I completed most of the questline short of taking over settlements or hurting innocents (took over the park, turned on power, etc) first save, and still completed grand tour and home sweet home on survival, before Open Season. I romanced the man in the overboss office yesterday before starting my raider killing spree. He never doubted I was just scoping out the place, which I was.
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