#'spike. let me have him'
morrithal · 10 months
I need to bottle whatever the fuck is going on with Spike, Dru, and Angel
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electrozeistyking · 4 months
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Turgid Passion Play
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angelthemanspanker · 7 months
The way some people characterise Buffy in fics like you described genuinely put me off Buffy fandom for years, it was absolutely everywhere, in Spuffy fics, in faith/buffy fics, it felt like I couldn't read a fic without the obligatory 'Buffy apologises to whoever the fuck for being so mean' and I just stopped, it was so baffling
For real its so weirdly pervasive. It genuinely blows my mind bc I totally get the urge to use your fic to call out a character/plot point you don't like, more power to you. Like I'm constantly imagining rewrites of the scenes where Xander is at his most insufferable but no one in-show is verbalising obvious holes in his bullshit (my big one is that besides a one off line from Buffy that everyone in the show ignores and a DELETED line from Giles is that NO ONE calls him on his absolutely infuriating "I was jealous of Angel being with the girl I like and I'm gonna have the gall to pretend it was bc I saw him turning evil coming" BULLSHIT)
But like. Buffy? You came out of this show and the person you had beef with and want to call out is BUFFY? THE VAMPIRE SLAYER? The protagonist of all time? Bc she's mean sometimes :( people try to apologise for trying to kill her and she's so unsympathetic :( she carries out her responsibility as the Slayer whether she wants to or not even if the person she's targeting is a character I like :( why won't she apologise. why won't she apologise. why does she insist on taking up space. why can't she just be nice all the time. yes my ao3 tag is princessspuffy why do you ask. yeah I know their relationship is abusive but I think Spike would forgive her :)
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chocoloom · 28 days
Might be an unpopular opinion, but I need more crossover fanfictions in my life man there like. My favorite kinda of fic.
I like seeing characters getting thrust into wildly different situations and conflicts than what they’re used to. I like seeing characters react and compare differences between the world they’re from and the world they’re in. I like seeing characters with similar struggles getting to interact when they wouldn’t otherwise because they’re from two different worlds. I like seeing characters from different media clash with each other because they have differing perspectives on something, or seeing characters from different media learn from each other by interacting. I just feel like we need more of those, for funsies y’know?
For example, what if Edward Elric ended up in Dungeon Meshi. How would he react upon witnessing or discovering Falin’s resurrection and finding out that it worked. Other than absolute anger (which is a given with Ed’s temper), would he be jealous, just a bit, because Marceille succeeded in bringing back the one she loved? Why did she succeed while he and his brother failed and said failure has horrifically impacted their lives? How would learning about a SUCCESSFUL resurrection impact the actions he takes in the future? Would he relate to Laios, as both of them are dedicated older siblings who feel responsible for their younger siblings? Especially considering both of them feel directly responsible for their siblings becoming horrifically altered due to their actions. How does he interact with Senshi? Do they bond over similar views on seeing humans as small, but vital parts of the world’s ecosystem? I bet Senshi would love Ed’s appetite, what with him having a bottomless pit of a stomach (due to human transmutation shenanigans).
I dunno, I feel like there’s a lot of untapped potential in crossovers, both in terms of angst and in terms of just, general chaos and comedy. Like, imagine Sailor Moon in one of the Souls games like Elden Ring. Or putting Kirby in Disco Elysium? Can you imagine the insanity?! Cuz I can, it’s hilarious.
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winepresswrath · 11 months
i've reached drusilla my perfect baby girl oooh it is so good that a) darla picks her out as a present for angelus b) she's actually kind of disturbed by what angelus did to drusilla. like it was a very explicit student surpasses the master moment in text.
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batsplat · 1 month
okay what’s up with the good wife out of all the media you reblog this is the most random one ?
it's not RANDOM omg that is a top three rewatch show to me... I love my silly little lawyers.... perfect mix of fun week to week cases, excellent side characters, interpersonal mess between the main cast, plus all the ways they'd imaginatively tackle Current Events. the good fight had a similar appeal - minus the focus on week to week cases and plus far more explicit politics. didn't always work, but it's one of those shows where I just kind of appreciated how willing they were to take a swing at it and get a bit weird about it. even in the good wife, they had so many Good Bits... the nsa agents who were super invested in the main cast's relationships, the liberal judge with all his Causes, the wife killer, LOUIS CANNING!! obviously, the 'in your opinion' lady, the google guy... also this is from the good fight but the federal investigator lady who always had the birds fly against her office window was a+ plus, it's such a dumb bit but it got me every time as a great appreciator of dumb bits. such a corny pair of shows that are very much like,, About Liberalism and a reckoning with that entire era of american life from an unabashedly liberal perspective, with all the inherent pitfalls and shortcomings of that pov... but does consistently manage to do interesting stuff with that starting point. a lawyer show that's also a bit of an autopsy of a mostly dead vision of america, kinda all you need sometimes
and I love alicia and will, my tragic heterosexuals!! the forbidden love of it all!! I love how cruel and selfish alicia was a lot of the time and how she's mostly in control of that relationship even though will SHOULD be the one in the position of power, how she's constantly using him and then pushing him away while will is so obviously besotted, how she simply keeps finding excuses to stop herself from being happy... does she even love him at all or does she just like him in theory, does she just want to be desired... how they always have 'bad timing' and just cannot figure their shit out... "it's romantic because it didn't happen".... "my plan is I love you" the unapologetic melodrama of it all!! the deleted voice message is?? crazy?? (eli goated character btw, the cheese lobby episode is still one of my favourite episodes of anything ever.) that lift scene is peak romance... when she leaves the firm and he feels so betrayed... his tantrum!! "I took you in when nobody wanted you"!! "you were POISON"!! "you're awful and you don't even know how awful you are"!! he's so pathetic and angry for half a season that he's resorting to just arguing with her in his head!!! always with their failed communications via phone and lift doors and loaded gazes across office spaces and delicate finger touches... the romance of it all, how they really could have worked but it's also so glaringly obvious why they kept falling apart... in the end all these repressed losers create their own misery... elite
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akkivee · 3 months
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i’m pissed that i can’t participate in the ‘your fave’s plushies in their nendo box’ bc kuukou doesn’t fcking have one but i bought this knockoff gaara for his hair for my kuukou nendo so if i repurpose the box—
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A very rare Pokémon accidentally (gets spooked) poisons Gil, while he observed it and took some notes. and because this Pokémon is usually not here the berries and medication in the poke Centre are not helping him. Thena sees his notes and tries to find a antidote for him, while Gil’s health gets worse and worse by every hour!
It’s time for some drama and angst 😳
Thena ran her hand over the crescent moon in Teddiursa's fur. He was finally asleep after a harrowing couple of hours. She couldn't blame him for being upset, of course. He had been a mess of tears when Gil came into the medical wing for poisoning.
She had been at the ranger centre already to check in on her little cub, busy on a day of junior ranger duties. They had both been told that Gil was on the way back from the field with an undetermined cause of poisoning.
Dragonite had brought him in, carrying him in its arms and letting out distressed moans like a suffering Wailord. It hadn't seen what poisoned Gil; they didn't know if it was a pokemon, a plant, some kind of spore, a latent effect, an attack etc.
"Chansey," the nurse tending to Gil turned to her. The doctors had done all they could, and the Chansey and Blissey and Audino were administering antidotes and psn cures and pecha berries every half hour. They had even turned to using Heal Bell and Calm Mind on him, but nothing seemed to be working.
If anything, he just kept getting worse.
"Thank you," Thena whispered, nodding to the Chansey on its way to attend to the rest of the patients in the medical wing. Gil was privileged to have a private room, and she was grateful for it.
She stood, leaning over him to look at the continual damage the poison was doing. His lips had a bluish undertone, his skin was pale and sallow despite his high fever. The only reason his face wasn't contorted in pain was because he was sedated so heavily by not only medication but she had even asked Gallade to use Hypnosis on him.
"Oh, Gil," she whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear as she ran her free hand over his cheek, around his oxygen mask. She leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
"I'm sorry, Luvdisc," she whispered as Teddiursa turned to look at her, rubbing at its eyes. He was tucked into Gil's side. "I didn't mean to wake you."
"Ted?" he looked up at her with watery eyes.
"No, I'm afraid not," she sighed. Teddi looked at Gil and then up at her, holding out his paws to be picked up. "Oh, come here."
Teddiursa had actually put on a very brave front when Gil had first arrived in his condition. He was a junior ranger, after all, and so followed procedure. He notified the rest of his team, checked in with Dragonite, informed the scouting team of the approximate region where it happened.
Only when Thena had brought him in with her to see Gil had he broken down into tears, wailing into her shoulder.
She had told him he was being a very brave little bear. But every time she thought it, she dreaded to think that she might have to tell him that more and more. She might even be the only one to ever call him that from now on...
"Teddi," he turned his face from her shoulder to look at her, swiping his paw pads - careful of his long claws - against her cheeks. "Ted-Teddi."
Thena sniffled, letting him brush her tears away, "thank you, darling. I'm sorry, I won't cry."
"You're right, he will be," she agreed, no matter how out of reach that optimism truly was for her at the moment. She picked up Gil's notebook again.
They had all scoured it, looking for any clues as to what could have caused this. His condition was worsening because they couldn't narrow down the effectiveness of a cure. They needed more information.
His ranger team couldn't make heads or tails of his notes, turning to canvasing the whole route where he had been and collecting all the samples they could. Dragonite was heading that team, all of them with the case details in their ranger dexes.
Dragonite had left Thena the actual notebook, determined that if anyone had a chance of deciphering them, it was her.
Thena unfolded the little notebook again with a sigh. They had at least narrowed down the particular route within the valley where he was. He had drawn some truly horrendous pine trees, and a few blobs they had determined to be Oddish and Gloom. All of his notes were such a loose stream of consciousness, they weren't very coherent.
wild flowers!--pick some for Thena
Thena sniffled again but blinked her tears away. They weren't helping anyone.
There were a few musical notes drawn in the corner. The rangers had discussed which bird pokemon they could be referencing, but she had said that he would have just drawn the pokemon if that were the case. She was willing to bet that it meant it was windy wherever it was.
Pine trees and a lot of wind - as well as dense enough forest for Oddish and Gloom - indicated the north eastern cliffs, housing a lot of grass and bug pokemon.
someone DROPPED in to see me!
Gil loved silly jokes like that. They were stupid, and dumb, and by all the legends alive did she love them. She hated the idea that she would never get to tell him that.
Was it a Spinarak? Or even bigger--an Ariados? He hadn't been bitten, though. Maybe it was a poison sting, but they couldn't find any actual barbs in his skin when scanning him. Maybe it was toxic, but he wouldn't be incapacitated, he would be shaky and sick to his stomach and flushed with fever.
"Dropped in," she sighed, looking over the last filled out page again, and again and again. She hadn't stopped looking at it, until she was so frustrated that she wanted to start screaming.
There was a little drawing in the corner that looked like...well, it could look like anything. It could be a tomato berry, or a colbur or a babiri berry, for that matter. But they wouldn't be in that location, let alone high enough to fall on him. The little bumpy ball could be a Cascoon/Silcoon, a Ferroseed--even a Koffing or a Whirlipede would make some sense. Honestly, it could be a terribly drawn Quilfish or Goomy, they were desperate enough.
"Dropped in," she repeated again, running her thumb along the drawing he had made on the side of the page in the margins. It just looked like a blob on a stick, really--like a cattail blowing in the wind.
Dropped in; something had fallen down and spooked him, or he had spooked it. He had been able to write that note down, and sketch the thing before it attacked him, or he touched it, or whatever had happened. It wasn't Poison Sting, or Toxic, or even Pin Missile. All of those would have physical evidence on him.
What if it was something that dissolved?
Thena stood and leaned over him again. She tilted her head this way and that, looking for small details--constricted veins, bloodshot eyes, signs she could recognise when her pokemon experienced them. She run her thumb along his bluish lip before pulling his mouth open just a little. "Purplish tongue."
"Teddi?" Teddiursa rose from where he had been leaning against her in her visitors chair.
She opened the book, angling the drawing as right side up as she could guess it was drawn. "What does that look like to you, sweetheart?"
"Please, honey, just think," she encouraged, ruffling the fur between its ears. "If you saw this pokemon, what would it be?"
Teddiursa made a face. It wasn't like any pokemon it could remember seeing. "Teeeeeeeeeeed..."
Thena stayed crouched down, holding out the picture, "I think it's a bug, or at least a poison type. I don't think it attacked him--I think it was a defense mechanism. Maybe he tried to pick it up and it had effect spore?"
"Ted-Ted," the little bear tilted its head at the funny drawing. He was trying to determine if it was hanging down or standing up. "Teddi?"
"A what?"
Teddiursa jumped down from the chair, mimicking first a little ball, and then splaying out his paws and claws and flailing them. "Teddi!"
"Drops from the trees," Thena narrated as she tried to extrapolate what pokemon Teddiursa was describing purely from young memory. "It's a ball?"
"Ted!" he waved his paws around again.
"But when it drops, it opens up," she guessed, and he pointed a claw at her. "So it's not a Ferroseed, or even connected to a Ferrothorn."
"Teddi!" he continued, now spinning around on his paw.
"Spins," she groaned, searching through every pokemon she could think of in her mind. Kids these days had it so easy with their pokedexes right in their pockets or on their wrists. "A little ball that drops down and spins...spins?--Rapid Spin?"
"Teddi! Teddi...ursa!" her little cub described, miming and Explosion.
It used Explosion and Self-Destruct. They weren't looking for a poison barb, they were looking for a defensive pokemon. One that didn't have much attack power and relied on high trees for its habitat. It dropped down when frightened and could only defend itself in close proximity (no limbs).
Thena reached for Gil's ranger gear, calling Dragonite. "It's a Pineco!"
It asked if she was sure, which she could understand.
"It's a Pineco--it dropped out of a tree when he found it," she continued, looking at the drawing that was now so obvious: it was a bagworm. The little blob was the Pineco itself, but the other drawing was because Pineco wasn't the pine cone pokemon, it was the Bagworm pokemon. "Sometimes they can know Toxic Spikes when they're young. Toxic Spikes are proximity based, and they dissolve into the skin once they've made contact."
Dragonite let out a roar on his end, directing the rangers with it to the area with Pineco in the trees. It let out a softer howl to her before signing off.
Thena dropped her head, letting her tears fall freely. They had an answer--it wasn't a solution yet, but it was a hell of a lot closer. "Thank Arceus, thank Celebi, thank anyone out there."
"Teddi?" her little cub latched onto her ankle as she hunched over Gil's bed.
She sniffled and smiled, picking up her little bear and pressing kisses to his furry cheek. "You deserve the medal of honour, you brilliant bear, you."
"Teddiursa!" the cub laughed as she tickled him. He didn't know what he had done, but he was glad to see her tears fade.
"Audino?" the nurse for the next treatment poked its head in.
"Please," Thena waved in the Hearing Pokemon. "I just called Dragonite's team. I think it was a Pineco with Toxic Spikes that did this."
"Aud!" the nurse gasped, its ears fluttering and snapping its fingers(?) at the realisation.
"It makes sense, right?" Thena sighed, to which the medical assistant agreed. She nodded, "Dragonite will be back with a sample as soon as possible. But if we know it was Toxic Spikes, then-"
"Aud-Audino," the nurse assured her that they could use a more specified - effective - treatment, even before they started synthesizing the antidote. It went to Gil's equipment, making a few adjustments to certain levels of things (whatever they were). "Aud!"
"Thank you," Thena nodded as the pink pokemon left to alert her colleagues to the situation. Thena leaned all the way over the bed, pressing her tears into the shoulder of Gil's shirt. "Thank Eternatus you're okay."
Gil's eyes fluttered.
"Sh, sh," Thena cooed, not wanting to wake him if he was just going to feel awful.
He blinked at her, "hey."
Thena blinked as tears started streaming from her eyes again. "Hey."
Gil moved his eyes around a little (the most movement he could muster at the moment). "Is...am I dying?"
Thena shook her head, kissing his forehead, "not anymore."
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thebleedingeffect · 6 months
#okay I'm talking in the tags of this post cause shit is happening in my life and I gotta talk about it somewhere#one part of it is my step brother crashing and burning before my very eyes and there's nothing I can do to stop his own destructive actions#so it's just me watching this poor kid ruin his relationships and blame everything and everyone around him as he does so#despite the fact that he's undeniably been treated horribly at times- he's just turned that anger back onto others and himself#and I have no idea what to feel as I watch him get arrested. have drug problems. because I'm just waiting for the inevitable spiral#it doesn't help that my mom has been comparing us and saying that I'm the much better child and she wishes he was like me#not understanding that I could’ve been him if I was just more angry at the world at that age instead of being so sad and scared#and that leads me to my fucking mom cause like- I love her. we've been through alot of bad shit with her#I've almost done some really bad shit for her and I know that she loves me more than anything else#but it feels like its been getting more and more suffocating cause I'm not sure she's able to start seeing me as an adult#and start loosening her grip around me and let me breathe. to have my own experiences without her by my side#to be able to go places and imagine a future without her constantly by my side#she talks and it's like she doesn't even think to wonder that perhaps I want to form my own experiences#and experience the world on my own terms because I feel like I've spent my whole life having so little damn control#religious family. shit and neglectful father who turned into the exact opposite and nearly killed me. family who refuses to listen and talk#having to move and run immediately. put survival above all else. go to school. get out. and god I just wanna breathe#she loves me so much and I love her too. but I feel like I'll be sooner crushed if I stick here for long enough#I'm just mad that my life has been nothing but absolutely no love. sudden waves of intense love. absolutely nothing. sudden spike#and I feel like I'm just finally starting to form good. healthy relationships on my own terms and actually make friends#because I had no idea what I was doing when I was a kid cause I was so fucking lonely and hurting#now I just. gotta figure out how to tell my mom that I can't carry this expectation that I'll continue to stay forever by her side#it just feels like I'm her child first and a person second. and it sucks. it really sucks.#ough. spins and spins and spins and spins-
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
my albino kribensis died tonight :( I'm still looking into it, I'll put like test details and stuff in the tags, I'm so at a loss....i found him probably minutes within death because i check on them so often. was going around saying goodnight to tanks before lights out and found him. super super bummed. it was barely more than a week but i really liked him...
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by the way I absolutely don't go feral at the trope of the woman GENTLY kissing the man who was expecting some hate or didn't think he deserved it, invented by buffy, I am very normal about it
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Like I'm not one of those story "critics" who will nitpick the smallest inconsistency and call it a plot hole that ruins the whole story. I'm okay with inconsistencies and even the occasional plot hole if it ends up producing a story that's interesting, gripping, and brings up interesting things.
The problem is that suspension of disbelief only stretches so far. And secondly, stuff like character drama and themes are only as strong as the plot that supports them. If the plot is full of contrivances, plot holes, and really stupid things that make it feel like the author is just forcing something to happen to move the story along, then the themes and character drama become much less convincing.
#squiggposting#anyways i do like problematic idw op and i do like it when he has enemies and ppl who don't trust him#but not when the plot to make ppl hate him is stupid as shit and barely makes any sense#or when optimus does something mildly dubious and people act like he personally tortured their families and then murdered them#or like when characters are oddly hostile to OP/the autobots but are perfectly fine working with far worse ppl#like how the humans were all 'fuck the autobots theyre evil' but were fine with helping the cons build a fucking base???#after the decepticons already killed 1 billion humans??? including soundwave who is one of their main liasons???#if the humans really didn't trust the decepticons then why didn't they just say 'fuck you you can't build a base in our solar system'#or like that stupid publicity plot point about how OP 'abandoned' jazz when like.#so you're telling me OP can't defend jazz for killing one. ONE cop in self defense#but it's not bad publicity for him to associate with soundwave who. let me repeat. was literally on the ground slaughtering humans in AHM#spike even knew about how that entire situation with the cop was a trap laid by megtron but somehow that never came up in the whole comic#it's just so dumb man like it feels sometimes more like its an IDW OP hate train and actual logic is secondary to making OP look like an as#also galvs being all like 'that's my boy' when OP annexed earth when galv is a racist boomer grandpa who kills organics for sports#i refuse to believe that guy would be impressed by anything less than OP personally murdering a human. not making them part of cybertron's#gov. you know? it's just silly#it's part of why i've been putting off rereading barber's comics because it was weird and contrived the first time#and i don't really want to put myself through rereading it again just to have to suffer through shitty plot again#so many things in that series couldve been genius if they were written in a plot that wasn't aggressively mid tier
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jrueships · 1 year
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vampirologist · 2 years
yeah it highlights buffy’s high school idea of love but the “angel & buffy forever!” notebook cover HURTS because buffy does not have forever as she’s mortal despite her slayer abilities while angel is cursed with forever… their relationship hinges on each of them being the only one in their respective circumstances and they were trying to strive for normalcy in each other. early seasons buffy has her struggling with her slayer identity and wanting to be a “normal girl,” and considering these aspects of herself as separate. likewise, angel struggles with his current state of not quite vampire not quite human and what he had done as angelus. angel wants buffy to be able to have the normal life she wants and he clearly cannot be a part of that. it’s not like oz (or other characters introduced later, such as anya, dawn, doyle, or visons cordy) because all of those characters can still live mortal human lives despite their supernatural aspects. he wants her in the light where he cannot go!! and then there’s angel’s curse specifically which further complicates their relationship and causes them to stagnate because true happiness and contentment will cause him to lose it!
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lilgynt · 1 year
my dad called me his guardian angel and that i have more patience than my mom and i know i told myself he just says shit but like that actually helped cause same day he was like i do not want to be alone with you and ur crazy so like. that did help a lot!
#personal#he doesn’t mean it and apologizes when his mind comes back to him but like#still good to remember during the bad moments#and this will sound horrible but#it’s not bad. per say.#when he says the nice stuff#but sometimes i do get an uncomfortable spike of anger#it’s like he says stay with me don’t leave help me or calls me nice names like guardian angel or something else#and it’s a flash of anger like im not made for you i don’t exist just for you#and obviously he doesn’t mean that#but hearing that from the guy you’re basing ur whole life around for the past few months#who due to things out of his control and frankly some of his own nature can get pretty nasty#and god im pretty sure it’s just the demita and anxiety but he’s so needy#like my mom can’t get any sleep or space around him#and my dads acting like their married with all aspects and my moms allowing it bc she has her own complicated feelings on the matter#but mostly for him so that’s cool to watch in real time#also watching the stats of how marriage benefits men and not women while my dead sucks the life out of my mom#like he doesn’t mean to but he doesn’t let her relax sleep eat anything like she took a week off work to clean the house & take care of him#and not to martyr my mother cause love her sympathize with her she is still. her.#but no one deserves what she’s going through and i will never have a bad word to say about how she acted during all of this#other things? fuck yeah but this no she handled it like a saint#and she’s been treating me better too so that’s nice#but anyway so fucking needy. i can hear them talking rn bc my dad wakes my mom up to reassure himself#i mean last night i was with him for five hours never left and if i did i warned him. he goes to bed. wakes up screaming my name#not his fault he wants to be reassured but jesus#i mean you go to the kitchen or bathroom from the living room and he says hurry back and interrupts you mid wipe#i’m a little spoiled bc he lets me go to my room some days but my mom doesn’t have any luck#he should get better with meds hopefully#and then worst of all you’ll#okay literally stopped typing bc my dad wouldn’t let my mom sleep and she freaked 😭😭😭 i talked him into just laying down but for how longuh
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aromanticbastards · 3 months
playing spiritfarer and so far jackie is the only one i really truly dislike. like some of the others are kinda annoying but the medical abuse just hits a lot harder
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