#'sudden' villainy. that was what i meant to say.
mbat · 2 years
i wish i could just consume the media with characters i relate to as bite sized snack. i want to see the characters that feel like reflections to me but theyre in the middle of long ass media most of the time. like got damn why cant you be a reeses cup
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oncie · 2 years
why clive is THE ‘tumblr sexyman’ of the professor layton fandom; a short thesis written at 5am.
“descole fits sexyman tropes more than clive does” no he doesn’t. look at my url. this is coming from someone with a long long background of once-ler fandom and sexyman studies (and terrorising the pl fandom with clive/once-ler ship art LOL). SO. im educated in this matter is what im saying. the once-ler, AKA the ORIGINAL tumblr sexyman, SHAPED an entire generation and put the term tumblr sexyman in the internet vernacular which also made this whole competition exist in the first place so you better show some RESPECT to that man’s name.
clive’s polarising personalities: outwardly charming and friendly (future luke), inwardly malicious and spiteful (clive). his story arc: his selfishness and delusion leading to irredeemable destruction followed by his commitment to atonement even if it meant his lifelong imprisonment. he’s even got a weird kind of father figure in his story who tries to save him from himself. and then how the fandom that sprouted up around him was a microcosmic version of the once-ler response: some skinny white villain in a suit who was barely even the main character of their own media, their SINGLE piece of media (not counting precious versions of the same story here re:the lorax), suddenly taking an internet collective by storm to a surprising degree and giving impetus to a fandom-wide legacy of fame and infamy for said character. you see this in the fandom response to clive even today in 2022. look in his tag; you will either get people passionately devoted to him or people who passionately hate him for the chaos he wrought upon a community and also the general annoyance of seeing his face everywhere unjustified for the amount of media he actually was present in. THAT’S the once-ler response.
descole, on the other hand, has been a largely well received character after his four media appearances. you either get people passionately devoted to him or people lukewarm on him. people don’t complain of fatigue and annoyance at seeing descole’s face everywhere, because his appearances in the entire prequel series justifies his popularity. yes, descole fits some of the aforementioned tropes mentioned: namely the polarised personality, the suit, the villainy, tragic backstory. but the term tumblr sexyman is not solely rooted in tropes; it is equal part trope and equal part fandom meta. the term itself was coined by not the fans, but the critics; those in response to the once-ler fandom  who had grown fatigued by tumblr’s affinity towards the same flavour of charismatic villain in a suit. when you think of the phrase “i want that twink obliterated” and the people who genuinely mean it, which is the professor layton character that springs to mind first? it’s probably not descole.
a slight digression, but it’d also be wrong to write about the once-ler response without a mention of the absolute avalanche of once-ler OCs and askblogs that unexpectedly flooded out of that ONE kids’ movie. an entire fandom UNIVERSE was made from literal scraps (seriously have you seen the lorax 2012 the once-ler is barely fucking IN IT). these scraps AKA missing information about a character led fans to compensate by filling in the gaps which is what ended up birthing the infamous oncest ship - in its essence, a response to the largely unexplained and sudden jump from ‘nice once-ler’ to ‘bad once-ler’. this was what created a literal ‘once-ler fandom’ as opposed to ‘lorax fandom’. ANYWAY. this is a digression because neither clive nor descole had a ‘clive/descole fandom’ of their own (sadly) and selfcest was not a defining feature of their respective eras (thankfully). but that’s not why i raise this point. i do because THIS was the phenomenon that truly allowed the term ‘tumblr sexyman’ to come to fruition. it was a marker of not only just fatigue, but cringe. 
CRINGE is an important and defining factor to what TRULY makes a tumblr sexyman, and those in the tags this past week dunking on clive for being embarrassing and wearing kneesocks and being ‘the sexyman of the past’ (AKA a teen girl’s crush) is only proving it. that thirst that brought about the once-ler fandom from literal scraps was created by the most important demographic in internet history: neurodivergent teenagers circa 2007-2014. THIS was the one demographic with the POWER to make the most unexpected characters and media popular with their sheer passion and creativity, and yet the characters and media loved by this era specifically became the first subjects of cringe culture. cringe culture itself is a topic for another day; why it matters here is that there is an unmistakable element of cringe today surrounding clive as a character most of all. there are far too many examples of this to count but see this post for one example. this one post is really important because OP really gets it; the insane fandom response to one unlikely character, the main era of his popularity (cited 2013), and a question of cringe from a 2022 fandom perspective - why DID he inspire such lust and loathing when he looks like that? it’s because the neurodivergent teenagers wished it so, and thus it came to be. 
to most people, thanks to current tumblr’s over-categorisation of the term in an attempt to “cringe” at its past in a self-aware manner, “tumblr sexyman” has been watered down to mean “any character conventionally attractive and popular enough who sometimes skews towards the morally grey.” seriously, look at that sexypedia wiki, there are hundreds of these characters now. ANYONE qualifies if they had a sad backstory and had a reasonable fandom following. but this is only a cheap imitation of what the term really means. a majority of these characters haven’t actually earned what truly makes a “tumblr sexyman”, which ultimately boils down to the factors of tropes, unlikely fandom response, and their following notoriety based in cringe culture. in only a short time, we are forgetting the history. we’re forgetting where this phenomenon came from, WHO it came from, and how this essentially defined an entire era of the internet.
anyway im going to bed so what i’m saying is that voting clive represents and respects what the term “tumblr sexyman” really, actually means at its core and origin, because in the end, the character has earned it. descole on the other hand may very well be the ‘sexyman of the modern age’ - a cheap, watered down imitation only replicated by those who have forgotten their internet history.
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Ikemen Villians Suitor Personalities Based On Their Silhouettes (speculation) (joke post)
❣❣❣ Please don't take this post seriously. AT ALL. I expect to be 400% wrong on all accounts. In fact I hope I'm 400% wrong just so I can have a laugh XD
❣❣❣❣ The silhouette file names have character names attached (got em on the official site). I don't know if they're official names or placeholders meant to throw off nosy people like me, so take them with a grain of salt?
❣❣❣❣❣ Also if their personalities and names have already been divulged, super-ignore this post. I'm writing this as of 11.03. You saw nothing here. I'm just a weird person prone to simple errors.
William. The villain-by-circumstance type. Started off as a hero before he became disillusioned. He's a bit of a hard-ass and the kind of man who will see his villainy through to the very end, even if it comes at a huge personal cost (and it already has). His first impression is that he's cold and uncaring, but he's also the same guy constantly saving your constantly-getting-kidnapped ass. Self-taught cook because he's had to feed himself all these years and doesn't trust other people not to poison him. Sleeps naked.
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Liam. Fun, spunky, spontaneous. The life of the villain party. His jokes are the funniest, and often needed to offset how dark the storylines may get. He jokes about how he's William's "after-image" or "echo" on account of how his name is literally just the last half of William's :') It's hard to hate this guy even though he does some pretty fucked-up stuff if you stop and think about it. Or he's this game's haughty tsundere, idk.
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Harrison. Playboy. Is constantly making "jokes" about bedding you. Turns out they really are only half-jokes, because he's very concerned about how much you let your guard down around the other guys. Does not want to admit to himself that this constant form of teasing, something that he considers a blip in his evil grand schemes, means anything more than what it is. Does not want to admit to himself that any room that you're not in feels emptier for it.
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Alphonse. Kuudere. Elegant but deadly. Aloof but surprisingly warm. He's so quiet that half the time you're not even aware he's in the room before he says something sobering and logical to get the discussion back on track. He wants absolutely nothing to do with you. In fact, it irritates him that all the other guys give you so much attention. What's so special about you, he wonders. His stare is chilling and direct and uncomfortable. He will definitely use his coat to shield you at some point, whether it is from the elements or blood spray or the shock of a group of pigeons taking sudden flight. You've basically won the game if you can get him to smile.
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Elbert. The wild-card. His fighting prowess is second-to-none. Flagging him for possible yandere. Flagging him for possible tsundere. His, uh, silhouette, makes me think of someone who's quiet and a bit of a loner. Maybe someone who doesn't want you to get too close to him lest you be tainted with the same evil that has corrupted him, forsooth? Or he's got bad ideas for days and a smile like a shark. I can't put my finger on this guy.
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Roger. Big tol daddy. Reliable to a fault. Definitely gives me villain-by-circumstance vibes, as much as a silhouette with no other information can. If he wants the first thing you notice about him to be his gun, then his primary goal is for you to understand that he's not here to fuck around. He's got a serious personality and he's probably seen some shit. Definitely has/had a little sister. So while he's not above torturing you, he'll always stop short. Alternatively he's super easy-going to distract from the fact that he's doing some really evil stuff when you're not looking.
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Victor. Yandere? A man with a dark memory for every year he spent growing out his hair? A smile that is at once devastating as it is... also devastating? Beautiful and dangerously charming in a way that makes you wonder if you're about to be kissed or about to be killed. There are sensual pros and rational cons to being locked in a room with him. His vulnerable side may be painfully precious. It would be hilarious if he was one of the younger characters, but I'm betting he's in the senpai series.
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Ellis. This dude doesn't sleep and he lives off sugar and whatever else he can pawn off strangers. Half the time he just zombies onto the scene to make a passing comment that makes zero sense before grabbing your hand and taking you off on some equally nonsensical misadventure. That is all just an act, however, because he knows people will drop their guard around him and divulge critical information if they believe him to be a fool. Even then, all his "nonsense" has its own deeper meaning as well.
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Jude. He's got the "daddy" trenchcoat, which I can only take to mean that he is a "daddy" type. I feel like he and Roger either super get-along or hate each other's guts. This guy's just everywhere. Positively everywhere, lounging like he owns the place. He's constantly offering to make you his partner so you can rule together as an evil power couple. May hide an earth-shattering secret.
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Like I said, I fully expect to be suuuuper off on these guesses XD
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titansandothers · 2 years
A Different Kind of Magic (1/?)
(The Amazing Mumbo and Mad Mod experience a different kind of magic in each other’s abilities... or maybe there’s another magic going on~) --- BUMP The sudden jostling sent Mad Mod out of his seat, causing him to stumble forward and struggle to keep his balance while handcuffed. Steadying himself, he sat back down on his seat in the dimly lit vehicle. “Even if a vehicle is meant for transporting criminals, one would think there would be proper safety belts. They want to move the criminals, not kill them,” the redhead muttered to himself. CLANK Mod’s brow rose as the doors readied to open. With painfully sharp squeaks, the back of the vehicle was soon flooded with natural light. The Brit shielded his eyes the best he could with his cuffed hands, muttering out an irritated “Blimey…” After blinking several times, he lowered his hands to see who it was who now sat across from him. A middle aged man, white, bald with grey hair sticking out at the sides of his head, dull clothing, braces (suspenders, for the Yanks), not a very remarkable man, save for his large nose. He didn’t really strike Mod as a villain. “ ‘o are you supposed to be?” the Brit asked with a raised brow. The other man lifted his head to address the redhead, only slightly, as he wasn’t at all interested in speaking to Mad Mod. “The Amazing Mumbo.” “Oh, him.” Mod was somewhat aware of the blue magician’s existence, less so his ordinary human form. “Mm… Not very amazing right now, are you?” the redhead casually remarked with a hint of a smile. “Shut up,” Mumbo huffed with a pointed glare. “That’s quite the retort,” Mod grinned, giving a better view of his wonky teeth. “As if I’d give you any of my A-material, Dental Disaster.” Mod’s smile fell, replaced with a sneer. “What? Am I not good enough for you?! At least I use my own brains and abilities for my villainy and don’t rely on effortless magic!” “I don’t want to do anything to be a vill-!” Mumbo paused mid sentence, not wanting to share his secret to Mad Mod or anyone else. However, it seemed he had already slipped. There was no way the Brit didn’t know what he was about to say. Taking a short breath through his teeth and out his nose, Mumbo continued. “I don’t want to be a villain. I didn’t choose to be a villain.” “Of course not,” the redhead cooed with a condescending smile, hands clasped together against his cheek. “Villainy chose you.” “It did! Well, I mean, I put on the hat, but…” Mod’s smile fell again as his mouth twitched into more of a soft sneer, quietly befuddled as he tried to make sense of what the other man was saying. “Uch,” the formerly blue magician groaned. “I put on the magician’s hat without knowing it was actually magic. Or that its magic would alter my mind and body.” “Magic-induced mental illness?” Mod leaned forward a bit, seemingly fascinated by this concept. “Uh, yeah,” Mumbo leaned back slightly, a bit unnerved with the redhead’s sudden interest. While Mumbo had expected to be pelted with questions, Mod didn’t inquire further. “Hmmm…” was the only noise the Brit made. He clasped his hands together under his chin, index fingers held together in front of his lips, seemingly deep in thought. “What are you doing?” Mumbo asked quizzically. He only received a grunt in response. The rest of the drive was spent in silence. What on earth was the villainous Brit thinking?
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jentlemahae · 1 year
the ending of the idol makes no damn sense. we don't find out any of jocelyn's motivations and instead of her regaining her own agency after everything she's been through we're supposed to believe she let tedros abuse her bc it was part of her plan all along??? and she made up the entire abuse by her mom or at least being beat up with a brush even though she was so emotional while talking about + xander & leia knew about this abuse as well so we're they just acting along?? at one point xander (troye sivan's character) is super brainwashed by tedros and frames jocelyn's ex as a r*pist following tedros' orders and he isn't on good terms with jocelyn he basically insults her saying she's worse than her mom and that she controls everyone around her (alluding to her lying the whole time i guess but it still makes no sense) but then everything is fine again all of a sudden after he sings a song like i'm not making this up this show is absolutely STUPID. it's like the first 3 episodes were basically p*rn and by the 4th episode sam remembered oh we actually need to tell a story here and just threw in this nonsensical twist so we basically saw lrd suffer and being humiliated for nothing bc turns out she's the evil mastermind and we're supposed to feel sorry for tedros??? GIRL BYE!!! the rivalry with jennie's character could've been the main focus and would've been a more intriguing story but they really just used jennie as a marketing ploy bc her character isn't properly explored or utilized AT ALL.
this gq article explained the horrible ending very well: "A better show might’ve teased out more of this complex villainy rather than dropping it right at the end, but the resultant whiplash leaves you scratching your rattail. You’re telling us that we’ve just watched Jocelyn nakedly sob her way through a litany of humiliations — enduring the abuse of a sad sack cringe merchant not only whose favourite pastime is getting his rocks off on Valentino but, much more pertinently, looks like his armpits could double as chemical weapons — because that was her master plan the entire time? That’s what was going to rejuvenate her career? Has she ever thought about taking a nice walk? And sorry, we’re meant to have sympathy for Tedros “the queasiest fuckboy of all time” Tedros? Pull the other one" (https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/the-idol-season-1-finale-jocelyn)
sam lev and the weeknd are never seeing heaven - not only is that gross and misogynistic is SO many ways, but it’s also such lazy and awful writing im actually in disbelief that they managed to get it approved by such a big network. im sure hbo is embarrassed as hell to have platformed a show like that and to have invested money in a show that has flopped both commercially and critically in such a public way lol
and that quote is GOLD, i think it sums it up perfectly 🙃😐
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chickenscript · 3 years
Could you write a scenario for each of the turtles where they sneak into to a hospital through the window and visit the reader who is staying the night after they broke their arm?
A/N: i feel like i could've wrote this funnier but hope you enjoy!
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Least to say, you weren't expecting any visitors when you ended up bedridden in the hospital.
Well, it wasn't all that serious really. You got a bone fracture in your arm after a little skateboarding incident but, the doctors wanted to keep you overnight for observation and to help ease you through those first hours of sheer pain.
Back on topic though- you wondered why you didn't think that you wouldn't see any familiar faces pop by during your stay considering the company you kept.
And by that you meant they would 100% be the type to break into a hospital just to visit you.
Leo: - You honestly thought he would've tried to sneak in dressed as a nurse knowing Leo and his ideas.
- But no, this time around he had snuck in through your window and did so, so stealthily that he nearly gave you a heart attack when he cropped up right next to your face sudden.
- Thankfully you realized it was him before you could let out a scream that would've alerted a nurse or doctor.
- You laughed the fright off and he took a seat on your bed next to you.
- He started off idle chatter about how you were feeling and the specifics of how you ended up here, and you enjoyed the company as much as you knew he should've waited until you left tomorrow for his own sake.
- You couldn't not appreciate that he had come to check on you.
- You're not sure that you had known anyone before the turtles that would've found a way into your hospital room after visiting hours to make sure you were absolutely okay themselves.
- You made sure to let Leo know that too.
- He smiled sheepishly and ruffled your hair; he'd break into a hospital any day for you. You were one of his best friends after all. (Of which the turtles only had you and April).
- The sentiment made you snort and you smiled back at your goofy friend with a giggely thank you.
- You wouldn't have it any other way.
- Regardless, you had to admit that he probably should've left for the lair before the morning rolled in instead of staying so long into the night getting caught up in nighttime conversation with you that he wound up passing out like you did.
- He had to narrowly avoid being caught by the staff and you tried not to bust out laughing at his "timely escape".
- Which was Leo having to scramble out off the bottom of your bed where he'd sprawled out on so he could launch himself out the window when the nurse came to tell you that you were ready to be discharged.
- The sound of a yowling cat as he landed in the dumpster outside didn't help your case either.
- You...you weren't expecting the impromptu doctor costume.
- Or for him to immediately start out his sudden visit by prodding at your cast the second he was done clambering through your room window.
- Donnie insisted he just wanted to check on the sturdiness of it, but you still had to swat him away so he wouldn't fuss over it.
- With a sigh, you let your arm fall back across your stomach. You didn't have to ask to know why he was here because you had a good guess already.
- You invited the turtle to sit on your hospital bed and after hesitating for a moment, he plopped down.
- He cleared his throat and asked you how you were feeling.
- You smiled and told him that they were giving you plenty of painkillers, Dr. Dee. It wasn't a gnarly break, so you were lucky in that regard and didn't need any heavy duty treatment.
- Donnie nodded with closed eyes and folded arms.
- He told you everyone was worried about you and you poked his bicep, telling him to tell them that you definitely weren't dying or anything.
- Donnie looked down at you and poked you in the nose, telling you that a broken arm still wasn't anything to laugh about.
- You wriggled your nose with a puff. You knew that but you also knew that you would be able to recover just fine.
- Even though Donnie didn't show it like his brothers would've, you knew he had come all this way to make sure you were getting treated properly. (Even though you certainly were).
- After his fussing, you and Donnie played a few rounds of Mario Kart on his switch while chatting. You were sure he was going easy on you because of your arm but you didn't say anything about it because well, who could ever complain about winning?
- When you wrapped up, you let him sign his name in an almost obnoxious purple that glinted neon in the dark on your cast and he told you not to break anything else.
- You laughed and replied that you didn't plan on it.
- The answer seemed to be good enough for him as he left and after the nurse came to turn out your lights for you, you laid back in your bed and stared for a long while at the glow in the dark signature on your bum arm before falling asleep.
- You had to shush him the moment he launched onto your hospital bed.
- He was immediately poking and prodding at you, and asking about whether or not your arm still hurt.
- You laughed softly and shook your head. You reassured him you were doing much better compared to earlier.
- Mikey was happy to hear about that, settling down a bit and sitting down.
- He asked if he could touch your cast and you gave a nod.
- He touched it very gently, wrinkling his snout at the coarse feeling texture of it under his fingertips.
- Then he looked up at your face and asked the question you knew he was probably waiting to since he got there.
- You gave another soft laugh and said yes, he could sign your cast.
- With a wide smile he whipped out some markers he was carrying with him and got work scribbling on your cast.
- You quickly got the feeling that his "signature" was going to be much more elaborate than just that.
- And you weren't wrong as he spent the better part of an hour, chatting with you as he drew.
- Truthfully, you hadn't been able to get to bed at all before Mikey dropped by and having him here was nicer than tossing and turning, waiting to fall asleep.
- Eventually, he's done and you're amazed by the graffiti style doodle now on the corner of your cast.
- Mikey beamed at the look on your face and asked you what you thought. To which you were quick to say it looked amazing.
- You ended up having a chat about art and you two did some doodling in one of your notebooks before he had to go back to the lair so you could call it a night.
- He wished you a goodnight and you promised to be over the next day to spend some time with your favorite turtles, and when you let your head rest on your pillow, sleep found you much easier than you thought it would before Mikey got there.
- You were surprised a herd of staff didn't rush to your room as he had to all but force himself through the window and knocked over an IV pole and those little carts that held nurse supplies.
- Of course, a sweet little nurse did pop in to see if you were alright and you told her that a strong breeze must have done it all.
- She bought the story and Raph, who had ducked under your bed and raised it a good foot or two higher, crawled out.
- He asked you how you were doing and whatnot, and you waved off his worries.
- Still, he didn't seem very sated by the look on his face.
- You reached out with your good arm and gave him a pat on his. - In truth, Raph felt bad that he nor his brothers could've been there to prevent your injury; as stupid as that might sound.
- And he seemed to think you would laugh at him as he admitted that to you.
- You didn't think it sounded stupid in the slightest though. A lot of people feel that way when it comes to people they care about, you reassured him.
- You felt the same every time the turtles had altercations with the villainy lurking in New York.
- That seemed to work and you were glad to shake some worry off of Raph's big ole shoulders. He had enough of that while trying to lead the gaggle of turtle brothers.
- You patted the side of your bed and almost regretted the gesture when it groaned in agony at Raph's mass.
- You tried to laugh it off, hoping internally that the bed would turn out okay. You were just happy that it was holding up for now. But, you were surprised that Raph didn't notice the potential problem.
- You two spent a while just idly chatting and Raph recanted the brothers' recent encounter with some villains last night. You eagerly listened and enthused about it alongside the behemoth of a snapping turtle whose giddiness about things always reminded you he was truly a softie.
- After some hours, he got around to leaving once he signed your cast in big, blunt red letters and the hang out session made you feel like you really did have friends looking out for your more than you realized before.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
The Beginning of Heatstroke, aka Red's Villain Origin
* crashes down from the ceiling * I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED ONE OF MY 5+ CURRENT WRITING PROJECTS! BEHOLD, A WRITTEN VERSION OF THE 'Red's Villain Origin AU', also known as RVO / Heatstroke AU
To summarize the AU for SPBNR for those that don't now it: 
“Who'd be the biggest conspiracy theorist out of the M!Ninja? The one who drinks 5 hour energy at 3am and spits off the craziest theories and then actually gets it right but nobody gives the theory any merit because the rest of the theories are too crazy?”
The answer: Red / M!Kai
Red: Okay hear me out: Smith is actually an alternative version of one of us sent here from another dimension.
The other M!Ninja: You’re just saying that because Smith’s cool and you want him to be your counterpart
Based on the M!ninja making red cork boards trying to figure out ‘What Is Up With Smith’: Red gets increasingly accurate and nobody will believe him (all pre shogun reveal) and he eventually snaps and takes up a secret villain persona to fight Shogun like 'if they won't believe me I'll do it myself' and it gets awkward when he accidentally does too much damage and catches not only Shogun's attention like planned, but also the rest of the Ninjaforce, and now he has to keep his own identity a secret
So, without further ado, I present... Heatstroke
Red blamed the 5-hour energy coffee blend at 3:00am for this.
It was no surprise that between ‘Operation: What’s Going on with Smith’ & the sudden appearance of Shogun that the resident Bounty red-stringed ‘joke’ cork-board doubled in size and seriousness. It also was no surprise that Red had a corner all to himself and that his theories were… in the words of the others, ‘wildly inaccurate and implausible’.
But this time, he was sure he’d gotten it right.
Smith is Shogun sent here from another continent/planet/dimension with the goal of protecting Ninjago City.
The latest string of laughs and scoffs at his theory was the last straw. He’d show them. He’d prove it!
Which was why he was currently standing on the roof of a noodle house, awkwardly adjusting the spare motorcycle helmet he’d ‘borrowed’ from Nya and painted black and orangey-yellow (red had seemed too obvious). He’d exchanged his Ninjaforce outfit for a soot-burned cross between a bomber jacket and a leather jacket. Down his back jutted a row of flames like the spines of a monster, courtesy of one of Nya & Jay’s unfinished inventions Red had modified- surely nothing bad would come of that!
For tonight, the Red Ninja was off-duty. For tonight, it was Heatstroke’s turn.
He fiddled with one of the weapons he’d ‘lent out’ from Master Wu. It resembled a small arm canon, like a smaller version of the Ultimate Weapon. The plaque under its post had read ‘Elemental Focuser’, which, in cryptic Wu speak, probably translated to ‘you can use an elemental power like something out of Avatar: The Last Airbender’. So far he’d only figured out how to activate a focused jet of fire. Well, at least it was on brand. He hoped it would help him catch Shogun’s attention so he could unmask him.
He’d tried confronting Smith at school, of course. But there were only so many ways of saying ‘are you the new vigilante helping the ninjas’, and Smith has a genuine talent for dancing around the topic. Red could confront him with the name Shogun to get a proper reaction, but that would mean explaining how he knew the name and outing himself as the Red Ninja.
So fake villainy really was the only way.
His plan was to use the Elemental Focuser to cause some minor petty damage, just enough to attract the new vigilante. Perhaps set a trash can on fire, block an alleyway with rocks (if he figured out how to change the setting from fire to earth), small things that could easily be repaired.
Of course, plans were never actually stuck to. One way or another, something was always improvised.
Red’s improvisation just happened to involve him accidentally setting the entire alleyway on fire.
He’d only been aiming for one dumpster, honest! And maybe he’d spotted a couple fliers for a SoG meeting on the ground and happened to burn those too. And a newspaper article blaming Lloyd for the recent Garmadon attack, again. And an article about those ‘Damn Ninja Menaces’ by a S. Sonah Sameson. And-
Okay, so maybe Red had aimed the fire at a few small targets. But just a few! And with good reason and good care, but…
Well, fire liked to burn. Give it enough kindle and it’ll continue to grow, stretching like reaching branches towards each other to join in a massive bonfire. 
So now the entire alleyway was on fire, and Red was panicking. 
He’d luckily chosen an abandoned part of town near the beaches where Shogun sightings seemed most frequent, but with the stupid Elemental Focuser not switching from fire mode to water mode or ice mode or something that didn’t have the potential to burn Ninjago City to the ground, Red had no way of stopping the flames.
And more flames meant more destruction which meant a bigger audience.
Which was why his previously muted comm suddenly flared to life, the only warning Red had before Nya’s water strider mech slid around the corner.
Red scrambled onto a roof as the mech drove past, spraying water at the bonfire to dose it. His sigh of relief was just as quickly dosed as Lloyd’s voice came over the comms; “Status, Grey?”
“Flames are out,” Nya replied. “Pursing the joker that set it ablaze.”
Uh oh. Red took off across the roof, leaping from building to building. Tiles creaked, pebbled and dust scattering underfoot. The sounds of the mech’s engine roaring behind him echoed through alleyways below to create the illusion the mech was everywhere at once. 
As the chase grew on, more mechs started to join in. Red ducked into a narrow avenue to avoid Zane’s tank, then under a cafe overhang to throw off Jay and Lloyd. His heart hammered in his chest and he groaned, filling the inside of the motorcycle helmet with steam. Saying this was going ‘bad’ would be the understatement of the century. 
What had he been thinking? Oh wait: he hadn’t. Seriously? ‘Oh I’ll just pretend to be a villain real quick, that should get Shogun’s attention and not the attention of literally my entire team of fellow ninjas!’ Stupid, impulsive, this was why everyone was always calling the red ninja the ‘hothead’ when he really tried not to be- Lloyd’s voice over the comms snapped him from his thoughts. “I can’t catch them! It’s like they know our every move!”
Red winced as he climbed up a banister and leapt from balcony to balcony. Sorry, Lloyd. 
He didn’t miss how the others asked Nya where Red was. And how she made up excuses the others bought so easily- granted, he’d told those excuses to his sister before setting his plan into motion, but still, ouch. They acted like he was simply being at best too busy and at worst lazy and selfish.
He just wanted them to know the truth! Why couldn’t they at least try to believe him when-
Of course, that was when Shogun dropped out of the sky and tackled him.
Red shouted with surprise as he tumbled down from the second floor, slamming into a few softer bags of garbage to break his fall before rolling and slamming into the unforgiving concrete. A crack formed in his vision as the visor of his motorbike helmet smacked into the concrete ground. One of the fire jets on his back sputtered and sparked, sending a thin wisp of smoke into the air.
Shogun pinned his wrists to the ground and growled. “Who are you?”
Red tried to break free, agony turning his muscles and bones to fire with the movement after his fall, but the vigilante was too strong. Damn, how often did this guy train?
“Who am I?” Red said, a nervous tinge to his voice. He quickly smoothed it over with faked confidence. “Who are you? Who are all of us, really?”
Shogun narrowed his eyes behind his hood. “Did Garmadon send you? Or someone else?”
Red sputtered. Really, the nerve! Garmadon? The thought turned his insides to disgusting mud. “Nobody sent me!”
“Then why are you here?” Shogun spat.
“Why am I here?” Why was he here again? Oh right, the bright idea on how to reveal that Shogun was Smith. “It’s, uh… a valid reason! That I don’t have to tell you!” He tried for a villainous laugh. Stay in character, don’t blow your cover, you got this!
Shogun was unimpressed. “Nearly burning down my home was a valid reason?”
“Well, I wasn’t trying to set everything on- wait, WHAT?” Uh oh. “You LIVE here?”
Now it was Shogun’s turn to look uncomfortable, though the expression was quickly wiped from his face. “Nothing wrong with this district.” 
Red nodded. “‘Course not. Uh, sorry about that… wasn’t my intention, I swear.”
Shoot, he could hear Jay’s jet getting closer. He had to get out of here, but Shogun, annoyingly, didn’t seem to be in the mood to simply let him go. “Then what is your intention?”
“Well, for starters, it’s getting out of here. This really isn’t going to plan and I’d rather just be home right now, or even inventing a time machine like in that book ‘Hands of Time’ to slap my past self in the face for even thinking about this stupid idea in the first place-“
Jay wasn’t the only one that could ramble under pressure, it seemed.
Shogun leaned closer. “What idea?”
Red shrugged as best he could with how he was pinned to the ground. “Well, for starters, I just wanted to prove to my friends that you’re Smith, and things just kinda escalated from-”
The words were out of his mouth before he realized what he said. 
Shogun lurched back, letting go of him. His eyes betrayed a kaleidoscope of emotions; surprise, worry, suspicious, hurt, fear, realization. 
Well, f!ck.
Red was about to badly attempt to bullsh!t his way out of his identity reveal before it suddenly dawned on him that Shogun had not denied his theory. 
Which meant Shogun was Smith.
And it also meant Smith instantly recognized him as Kai, which, considering his disguise, was aptly concerning. Sure, he was the first one in his group of friends people would think to do something this extreme but give him some credit! Zane was a regular detective, he’d do the same if it meant answers! Or, well, at least something similar. And Nya could be an adrenaline seeker. And Lloyd- well, maybe not Lloyd. Or Jay, either. Cole had his head just enough on his shoulders that he probably wouldn’t do this either.
But come on, instantly guessing it?
Well, at least Smith/Shogun didn’t know Kai was the Red Ninja. That would be a catastrophe.
Right. Back to the current catastrophe at hand.
Shogun- Smith- still had a look as if he’d been slapped, and Red hated it. He hadn’t meant to hurt his friend. Shogun… Shogun hadn’t wanted them to find out his identity. And then Red had gone and done it, just to prove that he could be the smart one, or a leader, or the protector so they didn’t get hurt, or literally anything but just the ‘hotheaded one’. 
…And he’d done it in the most hotheaded, impulsive way possible.
He really was an idiot.
The cracked helmet hid the look on his face, a twisted mess of distraught and shame. But it didn’t help hide how he took stumbled to his feet and away from Smith, nervous that any second he’d spill another mistake and mess up again, like how he always freaking messed up on everything. Don’t pick this fight, interject there instead, no, not there, idiot, there, FMS why are you so useless-
Focus, focus.
Lloyd’s voice, sharp in the intercom and full of static from his tumble, snapped him from his thoughts. “Anyone got eyes on the arsonist?”
Red caught Smith’s eye as he raised his hand to his own communicator. He was so screwed, so busted, so doomed… Smith would report it, and the others would know, and they’d think he was just messing around in an alleyway with some stolen devices and weapons out of curiosity or rage, - and-
“None yet, still looking.”
Smith stared at him, gaze searching. He looked shaken, more so than Red- who’d just taken a fall from a second story, mind you, it was a miracle he wasn’t more injured than a couple small scrapes and some future bruises-, yet everything from the set of his jaw to the softening of his furrowed brows suggested a change in emotions. Well, not quite change; more like repress and replace.
“You wanted to prove yourself, didn’t you.”
Red flushed, hand instinctually clamping into a tight fist at his side. The still-working fire jets on his back ignited without him pressing any buttons; faulty activation from the fall or something. 
Palms up and hands raised, Smith silently asked to defuse the situation. “Didn’t mean it as an insult. This wasn’t about venting some anger, was it.”
Red’s lack of response only confirmed it. Smith continued. “I won’t say anything about this if you don’t tell anyone my identity. Deal? I know finding it out was important to you, but-“
“Deal,” Red interrupted. Guilt ate away at his core, like a wave of water dousing a candle. “Smith, I-“ He swallowed hard and stared at the alley floor. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… to…”
Smith’s hand was suddenly on his shoulder and he flinched before relaxing as Smith didn’t move further, nor did the grip tighten. “I’m a little hurt, you’re right. But I’m not mad. And I won’t tell the others, so you can relax. But you better get out of here and get yourself an alibi. We can talk at school or something.”
Wow, he was handling this rather calmly. Red was struck by the sudden memory of- what did Jay call the word? Right. Compartmentalizing. That… wasn’t healthy. But at the roar of Lloyd’s mech somewhere nearby, he didn’t comment further. Instead, he shot Smith a grateful nod and ran down the alley, sticking to the shadows and blind spots of the flying mechs and the tight alleyways where the land mechs couldn’t reach him. 
When he got home, miraculously without further incident (though Shogun leading the others on a wild goose chase over the comms certainly helped there), he ditched the outfit in a bag hidden beneath a loose floorboard in the shed. He’d return the weapon to Master Wu’s ship later, and… well, hope Nya never searched for the missing supplies. There wasn’t a way of fixing it without involving her or Jay, and neither was an option.
Heatstroke was back off duty, and so was the Red Ninja.
For now, he could just be Kai Smith. And there wasn’t any issue with that.
and ah yes, good ol trauma and compartmentalizing, we love to see it
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thornedrose44 · 4 years
Prompt: “I can’t do this. Just leave me alone.”
Read on AO3
"Goodnight, Kara." Lena said from across the room when she finally managed to catch Kara's eye.
It was the first time they had made eye contact since Kara had welcomed her inside at the start of the night. Kara startled at the sudden sight of Lena, waving farewell as she stepped quietly towards the door, but made no move to follow after her and when the door swung quietly shut behind her Lena knew things would never be the same.
It was Kara's birthday party (her Earth birthday party to those that happened to be in the know, which to Lena's un-surprise was a rather considerable group all things considered). Kara had invited her, further proof of the strength of their newly reaffirmed friendship. Lena had been grateful for the invite, appreciating it as the sign that they were back on the right track, and accepted it without hesitation.
She had then proceeded to spend hours upon hours thinking of the perfect gift for Kara, excitement and anticipation building in her stomach.
It would be her first proper night out in months after being thrown back into her role as CEO and dealing with all the negative press following Lex’s downfall and upcoming conviction. Her working hours had reached an excess that she had never achieved before. The blowback onto her in the form of hatred for the Luthors was even greater than last time as well, despite her crucial role in taking Lex down. She was still deemed guilty by association especially since she had been working closely with Lex for a long time before revelations about his villainy became apparent.
The news were critiquing her every move, slandering her every chance they got and rallying the masses to a fervour - she was now facing at least one assassination attempt every week.
Regardless of all that, Lena had one salvation, one light of hope that she clung onto. Her friendship with Kara. It was growing again. They were spending time together. Relearning one another or learning about each for the first time in Lena's case. The conversation was finally less stilted and the trust was back.
But there was still something missing, something stopping them from returning to exactly where they were before.
Lena, as the months ticked by, realised that they were no longer as physically close as they once were. Hugs were rare. Gentle touches of the hands were swiftly snatched back to prevent lingering. Even extended eye contact was fleeting.
Lena at first thought the problem was that she had hurt Kara so badly that the woman who sometimes communicated solely through physical affection no longer wanted to be touched by Lena. That broke something in Lena. That Kara, even though she was trying to be kind, friendly and forgiving to Lena, was not comfortable with any sort of physical contact between them, drove Lena into a drunken stupor of college-level proportions.
Once the alcohol was out of her system and she had suitably recovered from her hangover, Lena had allowed the scientist within her to take over.
No more assumptions.
She would gather evidence, make an hypothesis and work towards a solution.
If she wanted Kara back in her life properly - cuddles on the sofa and lengthy hugs a necessity of that - Lena would put the effort in.
So she observed… and what she observed was this…
Pink cheeks and bashful expressions whenever their gazes met.
A thick swallow and faltering breath whenever their hands brushed.
Deep sighs and fingers digging fleetingly into her back as if on the edge of pulling her closer whenever they embraced.
Dark eyes and teeth biting into a bottom lip whenever Lena stretched or moved her hair away from her neck.
Attraction, affection and interest .
Lena didn’t believe the results of her evidence; she re-ran the tests over and over again trying to work out if she had just interacted with Kara on an odd day, if she just happened to be thinking about something (someone) else at the same time but… it kept happening over and over again.
If it had been anyone else, Lena wouldn’t have doubted what she was seeing but… but.. This was Kara.
Kara, who she had been in love with since she had walked into her office with her cousin.
Kara, who had never picked up on or reacted to her flirts.
Kara, who had broken her heart with lies.
Kara, who meant so much to her.
Kara, who she had only just gotten back.
Was it worth the risk?
Fear had blinded her, of that she had no doubt, but was it keeping her safe from the hurtful truth of Kara not wanting to touch her anymore or from the potential happiness that Kara returned her feelings but was too sweet or shy to put herself in a position that would make Lena uncomfortable.
Lena decided to take a chance - just this once because even if she was wrong about Kara not feeling the same, she had to believe that Kara was incapable of being cruel to her if she misread it. They promised each other honesty and Lena intended to show it.
It was why she needed to buy the perfect present, something that hinted that Kara’s feelings (if Lena was right) were returned. And just a week before the party, she knew exactly what the perfect present would be.
She wrapped it personally (normally Jess would wrap any gifts she had to send out), wanting to go the extra mile. It wasn’t perfectly done, a bit messy in places and the sellotape was excessive but she had done it herself which she knew Kara would appreciate more than professional gift wrapping.
Lena, however, realised that she had made a mistake the second she arrived at Kara's.
Knew she had misread… everything …
Because Kara… Kara couldn't stand to be near her for longer than it took to say hello, accept the present and then disappear off.
Lena hadn’t expected to be with Kara for all of the party; it was Kara's party and loads of her friends were in attendance, all of whom wanted to spend it with Kara. Who wouldn't?
It's just… Lena…
Lena didn't have anyone else.
It was made abundantly clear to Lena within the first thirty seconds that she was not welcome. Alex gave her a gruff nod from across the room before turning her back to her - she still didn't trust her and Lena had prioritised winning Kara back over the last few months above everything else. Brainy and Nia smiled at her but they were deep in conversation with CatCo employees all of whom were practically snarling at Lena (clearly not Luthor fans). James was here as well and dear God did he give her such a blazing look of hatred Lena was surprised she didn't burst into flames under its ferocity. (They hadn’t dated in this rewritten universe, much to Lena’s pleasure, though his original dislike for her was clearly a mainstay of every universe).
So… Lena grabbed a drink and stood in the corner as Kara moved seamlessly between her various groups of friends and colleagues, never once sparing Lena even a glance. The majority of her movements were accompanied by William Dey, who repeatedly tried to sling an arm around Kara's shoulder - the only joy Lena got from the evening was watching Kara repeatedly squirm out from under his touch.
She held out for two hours, sipping three beers and glancing intermittently at her phone as she stayed in her corner, hoping that Kara would come over for just five minutes.
Five minutes with Kara wasn't too much to ask for, was it?
Five mere minutes with Kara would have made the whole night worth it, made the glares and malevolent whispers sent her way worth it.
It was at the two hour mark that Lena accepted the truth.
Kara wasn't going to come over to talk to her.
Kara hadn't been pulling away from her due to a sudden realisation of feelings and attraction.
Kara hadn't expected her to accept the invite. Hadn't wanted her to accept.
Kara was ashamed of her, that was why she pulled away, why she didn't acknowledge her.
Lena couldn't really blame her but that didn't mean she had to stay and take it. So gathering what was left of her dignity, she shuffled towards the door, caught Kara's eye, waved and slipped outside… though, not before retrieving the present she had brought for Kara… it would have revealed far too much and Lena didn't need to deal with that on top of everything else.
Lena returned to her office for no other reason that she still had some good liquor stored there - Kara had encouraged her a couple of months ago to cut back on her drinking and she couldn’t deny the baby blue puppy dog eyes. She staggered into her office, chucking the present she had spent hours creating onto the sofa - she would buy Kara some random meaningless gift like a nice scarf or jumper tomorrow instead - and poured herself a full tumbler before flipping open her laptop and getting to work. She lost herself in designs and business plans as she made her way through the bottle.
She used to sit and brood when she drank but Sam had made her promise she wouldn’t do that anymore, hazel eyes filled with concern at where Lena’s mind wandered when unoccupied and fuelled by alcohol. Whilst Lena was in a pretty bleak space, she refused to hurt her last (and only) friend by breaking the one promise she had made to her.
It must have been two am when Lena heard a familiar thud from the balcony followed by a gentle knock that could only belong to one person.
“Kara, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Lena called out, not bothering to lift her gaze away from her laptop screen - she wasn't sure whether the sight of Kara would evoke tears or fury and she wished to give Kara neither.
“Hey… I just wanted… I was…" Kara stammered out; Lena didn't need to see her to know that she was fidgeting with the edge of her cape as she tiptoed nervously closer. "You know… flying around and saw the light on and figured I would check in on you, see how you were doing…”
“I’m fine. Just working.” Lena replied brusquely taking a sip of her whiskey.
“And drinking…” Kara muttered, her tone more worried than disapproving but Lena took offense regardless.
“Yes. It’s a Saturday night, cut me some slack.” Lena snapped back, defiantly swallowing what was left in her glass before slamming it down onto her desk.
The loud clack as it connected with the surface was followed by a heavy, almost suffocating silence.
“You left early.” Kara whispered into the unnatural stillness, shattering the fraudulent focus Lena had on her computer screen with those three words. Kara didn't sound confused or upset, just painfully neutral as if to emotionally step back from the situation so that she could garner some emotional truth from the CEO instead.
Well, Lena was done with that, done with giving more of herself than Kara wanted so she took a deep, calming breath and allowed her painstakingly crafted mask to slip into place.
“I wasn’t the first to leave.” Lena pointed out calmly, finally turning to look at Kara, certain she could keep her voice and face blank. It was then that she saw how… small Kara looked, which was never a word Lena would have used to describe Kara in full Supergirl regalia in the entire time she had known her. Kara looked defeated and lost, a tremble to her lip and very being that she tried to hide behind a shy smile.
“Well… I didn’t get a chance to talk to you…” Kara replied, ducking her head meekly as she admitted. “I wanted to talk to you.”
Lena pursed her lips at that, “I was there for over two hours, Kara. You could have come over whenever you wanted. It wasn’t like I was occupied.”
“Yeah… what was that about?” Kara laughed, rubbing the back of her neck, trying far too hard to make her tone light as if even the idea of Lena being without company was an entirely absurd concept.
The high-pitch to Kara's laugh and the unfamiliar tension around her eyes revealed to Lena that Kara knew exactly why Lena had been standing all alone that evening.
“I’m a Luthor, Kara." Lena replied sharply, not interested in trying to smooth over the harsh truths like Kara was always so keen to do when it suited her. "No one wanted me there and they all made that very clear.”
“I wanted you there.” Kara replied so soft and earnest that Lena nearly believed her.
“I highly doubt that.” Lena scoffed derisively.
“I did.” Kara insisted, eyes desperate and pleading.
Lena merely shook her head, turning back to face her computer, “If you say so…”
“Lena, I-”
“Kara… I can’t…” Lena muttered, her voice cracking in the exact way she didn’t want it to. “I can’t do this. Just leave me alone.” Lena requested, hating how it verged on begging.
“What?” Kara murmured in shock.
“I can’t just… pretend that I’m not hurt or upset.” Lena confessed, fingers curling into fists on her desk, eyes slamming shut to lock in the tears. “I just need… time to get over it and accept what we are. So until then… please just leave me alone.”
“I hurt you.” Kara repeated, her voice broken and raw .
“Kara, I didn’t…” Lena shook her head angrily, she didn’t want to do this, didn’t want to inflict herself on Kara who had tried so hard to be her friend. “It's your birthday, Kara.” Lena sighed sadly, “You get to spend it anyway you like with whomever you like.”
“I wanted to spend it with you.” Kara breathed, and Lena could hear the sharp inhales between each word that revealed that Kara was crying.
“Kara, you don’t need to…” Lena assured, with a wave of her hand, eyes focused on her lap, “let’s just leave it, okay?”
“No…” Kara gasped, and suddenly Lena felt a trembling hand connect with her own tightly curled fists, “wait… what did you mean ‘get over it’ and ‘accept what we are’?”
Lena sucked in a sharp breath at the question, biting down harshly on her bottom lip.
“Lena?” Kara pressed.
“Fuck it, fine.” Lena snapped, yanking her hands away from Kara’s infinitely soft touch and shoving herself out of her chair before storming away from Kara, desperate for space. “I thought you liked me.”
“I do-” Kara began, taking a tentative step after her.
“No, Kara.” Lena yelled, spinning back to face Kara, with a twisted snarl of total self-loathing. “Liked me.” Lena stressed, before throwing her hands up into the air as it all just boiled out of her, “God, I sound like a teenager. I thought you liked me. I thought you were touching me less because you were attracted to me. But then… I go to your party and you don’t… it was like you were ashamed of me, I sat in that fucking corner for two hours as everyone wished - out loud, I should say - that I would go. I sat in that fucking corner in the hope that you would speak to me for five minutes. For just five minutes. Because that… that would have made it all worth it. But you could barely look at me. And I realised you didn’t - don’t - like me… you’re ashamed of me, but you’re too kind to abandon me. Too noble and generous but even you have your limits. Of course, you didn’t want to spend your birthday talking to me. Of course you didn’t.”
Lena wanted to punch a wall, wanted to down the rest of her whiskey, wanted to do literally anything than be here in this moment watching the horror-struck expression on Kara’s face grow and grow with every word, watch Kara’s body tremble and shake with each harsh sweeping gesture.
“Lena, no… you…” Kara sobbed, striding towards her with fingers twitching at her sides, “you have got the complete wrong end of the stick. Actually, you’re right but also really wrong. And…” Kara swiped aggressively at the tears rolling down her cheeks as she approached Lena, stopping when the raven-haired woman flinched at their sudden closeness. “I screwed up but-”
“No. You don’t need to do this.” Lena cut in, holding a hand up to stop Kara, wanting Kara to know that her guilt was unnecessary and that she could finally be free of Lena.
“Lena, I’m so-”
“You don’t need to apologise.” Lena insisted, taking a deep breath to rein back in her swirl of her emotions. She could do this. She could let Kara go. “You were trying to be kind but you shouldn’t… god, if I make you that miserable, that uncomfortable, you shouldn’t have to force yourself to interact with me.”
“LENA!” Kara bellowed, stamping her foot to the ground and lifting her chin to reveal a determined expression.
Lena blinked in shock at the sudden volume and intensity; falling obediently quiet.
Kara placed her hands on her hips, took a deep breath, looked Lena straight in the eye with earnest, beseeching blue and declared, “I want to kiss you right now because that would be the big sweeping action that would prove to you that I mean what I’m about to say next but… you’ve been drinking… heavily from the looks of things.” Kara shot a displeased pout at the nearly empty bottle of whiskey as if it was all the bottle’s fault for Lena’s current state of inebriation and not the youngest Luthor’s unhealthy coping mechanisms. Kara turned back to face a stunned Lena, with a fond smile, “And I really want our first kiss to be one you remember and one you can fully consent to. So, you’re just going to have to believe me… please, please believe me when I say… I’m in love with you and I fucked up massively tonight. Really, really fucked up.”
“You never swear.” Lena murmured quietly, and it probably wasn’t what she should have been focusing on but her brain was currently stuck like a record scratch unable to fully comprehend what Kara had just told her; and the swear was just the cherry on top of an entire sundae of confusing and out-of-the-blue revelations.
“Which shows how much I believe that I fucked up.” Kara replied with a helpless shrug.
“You were the only person I wanted to spend my birthday with.” Kara confessed, “Well, Alex at some point as well. But you mostly. Alex planned the party and I couldn’t…” Kara huffed out a frustrated breath and rolled her eyes, “she did this whole thing and I didn’t want to turn around and say I didn’t want it. That all I really wanted was a quiet night watching films with you because…” Kara sighed, “because then she’d know… To make it more bearable I invited you but there were so many other people, and I will be honest… I don’t even like half of them. Alex, just invited everyone I was friends on facebook with which is not a good barometer of friendship.”
Lena cleared her throat, none of it making sense, “Then why-”
“Did I ignore you?” Kara guessed with a painful wince.
“Yeah…” Lena muttered, wrapping her arms protectively around herself.
“Because… because I knew, or at least I thought I knew, that you hadn’t noticed how I felt about you.” Kara explained inching just that little bit closer towards Lena, attempting to bring them within touching distance of one another. “And I knew it was only a miracle that you hadn’t until now because…” Kara smiled a lopsided, rueful and self-deprecating smile, “Lena, I am not subtle. Not at all. And I knew… I knew if I interacted with you at the party… everyone else would be able to tell in an instant how I felt.”
Lena exhaled slow and deep, arms tightening their hold around herself, “And you didn’t want them knowing you liked me?”
“Love. Not like.” Kara corrected, patient yet firm, “Love. And no, I didn’t.”
Lena nodded once in understanding, letting out a hollow laugh, “I get it. I wouldn’t want anyone to know I loved me either.”
“Lena… no… no… you…” Kara rushed to explain, finally stepping close enough to reach out and place her hands gently on Lena’s curled biceps. Lena couldn’t help how she instinctively shifted closer, wanting to increase contact with Kara after being denied it for so long. “I didn’t want anyone knowing before you.” Kara admitted.
And that… that snapped something back into place for Lena.
Made the doubts screaming inside her head quieten down just enough to think… maybe…
Because… it was being last that had broken them the first time. Being the only one not to know and now…
“I didn’t want Stacy, who used to cheat off me in exams in college to know how I felt about you before you did.” Kara said, thumbs moving back and forth against the bare skin of Lena’s arms causing a swathe of goosebumps to rise like a wave in the wake of Kara’s every touch. “They didn’t deserve that. They didn’t deserve…” Kara’s jaw clenched, eyes darkening as she studied Lena’s face, “I was trying to protect you from them. They said horrible things about you and you should know, the minute after you left, I kicked everyone who so much as looked at you funny out. It was just me, Nia, Brainy and Kelly left… Alex, as well, but we had a rather heated argument before she was allowed to stay.” Kara bowed her head in shame, “I should have kicked them all out immediately but-”
“Then they would have known.” Lena finished for her.
“I had this whole thing planned.” Kara breathed out, her hands gradually shifting away from Lena’s arms around to her back, surrounding Lena in a loose hold, Kara’s eyes flickering over Lena’s face and body rapidly searching for even the slightest sign that Lena was uncomfortable with their contact. “Once everyone left, I had set-up the roof with lights and cushions and… I was going to tell you how I felt. I just had to make it through the birthday party from hell and I was trying so hard to keep to the plan. To not spoil it. To keep it a secret so that it could just be ours but... I…” Kara’s eyes slid shut and she inhaled a shuddering breath filled with pain. “I hurt you. And there is nothing I can say to make you forgive me, but I do… I do love you so much. And I will never, ever be ashamed of you.” Kara blinked her eyes back open and leaned forward to place a kiss on Lena’s forehead. “I just wanted it to be ours and not theirs. I didn’t want to share. You’re the only thing in my life that… I didn’t want to share.”
“Open your present.” Lena demanded, stepping out of Kara’s loving embrace.
“Lena-” Kara whimpered, pained at the sudden loss of closeness.
“Open your present, Kara.” Lena repeated, jerking her chin towards the sofa where the roughly wrapped present lay.
“I… okay…” Kara replied, watching Lena closely as she tried to make sense of Lena’s clear request. Kara walked cautiously over to the couch, picking up the gift with gentle hands. “Did you wrap it yourself?” Kara asked, her entire expression brightening as she stared down at the crooked, over sellotaped wrapping.
Lena harrumphed at the question, pursing her lips.
“You did, didn’t you?” Kara teased.
“The present isn’t the piss poor wrapping.” Lena replied with an exaggerated roll of her eyes that had the corners of Kara’s lips quirking even further upwards.
“Lena Luthor wrapped my present herself…", Kara whistled in awe, blue eyes twinkling with true delight for the first time that day, "what better gift is there?”
“Open it and you might find one.” Lena said, heart leaping into her throat as Kara’s deft fingers found a line of wrapping paper she could tuck them under.
The sound of paper ripping was deafening in the stillness; all Lena could do was watch and wait.
The paper fell away leaving behind a small black box, Kara shot Lena a hesitant look and it wasn’t until Lena nodded for her to continue that Kara clicked it open.
There was a pause.
A heavy, endless pause in which Lena couldn’t bring herself to even breathe.
“What is-” Kara began before cutting off immediately as she lifted up the beautiful bracelet made of nth metal and inscribed with ‘stronger together’ in Lena’s own cursive handwriting in both english and kryptonian.
The bracelet shined under the lights in Lena’s office, but in Lena’s opinion, Kara’s eyes shined impossibly brighter.  
“You’re in love with me.” Kara whispered, seeing the present for everything Lena had hoped it would convey.
“Yes.” Lena confirmed because there was no hiding it now.
With trembling fingers Kara clasped the bracelet onto her wrist, long fingers tracing the words delicately inscribed with no small amount of wonder. Finally, she turned around and stared at Lena with so much sheer love that the youngest Luthor felt overwhelmed and like her heart might burst right out of her chest in its desire to be in Kara’s possession
Clearing her throat and clasping her hands behind her back, Lena gathered her courage and asked, “If I promise you I’ll remember it and that I am fully consenting… will you kiss me now?”
Kara was in front of her in the literal blink of the eye, hands reaching out to cup Lena’s cheeks as Lena’s hands moved to rest on Kara’s hips gently encouraging their bodies closer with a light tug.
“There is nothing I want more.” Kara assured with the widest grin that Lena had ever seen and couldn’t help but return.
Their first kiss could barely count as a kiss.
Their smiles were too wide to allow for it, but Lena wouldn’t change it even slightly. They pressed their smiles against one another, teeth knocking together and noses brushing.
It may not have been a successful kiss but it was tender and filled with so much joy that Lena wouldn’t describe it as anything less than perfect.  
Their second kiss was an actual kiss, lips slotting together, tongues seeking each other out and teeth tugging whimpers and moans from one another in an endless cycle.
Their second kiss turned into a third, a fourth, a fifth.
They kissed until the sun rose.
Kissed until their lips ached and any remaining doubts Lena may have had were pushed back into the shadows by the light of Kara’s smile and blue eyes.
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caker-baker · 4 years
The Loop - Pt. 1
At exactly 4:13 in the afternoon, the world would end.
At exactly 6:00 in the morning, it would start again.
At exactly 6:01, the villain would realize the loop started again, and scream.
This was the 48th loop, and the twentieth scream.
“Morning, boss.” Some poor fool chirped happily.
“Good morning for coffee.” The poor fool said.
“Good morning for coffee.” The villain said.
The fool dropped the cup they were carrying.
“I know what you’re going to say next.” Coolly, the villain was on their feet, walking towards the unfortunate henchmen. “Sorry, boss. I’ll get that cleaned up. Is there anything else you need?”
The henchman chuckled, chalking it up their boss’s need to know every possible outcome. Besides, they had been here a while now, maybe the boss just picked up on their mannerisms.
It didn’t stop the feeling of fear as the villain strolled off, their frustration evident.
For the villain, that was the fifth time they had scared the henchman like that. Each time it was amusing.
Less amusing was their situation.
The villain had no clue what to do, if they had to set something right, or complete a mission. They had fun with it the first few times around, setting and resetting the narrative. After that it got repetitive, no matter what the villain did.
Once they went on a crime bender, a few casualties, a couple millions worth of money gone - and it was all to see how long it would take to be caught.
They did a different string of crimes the next loop, only to be caught in the same amount of time.
The next time, with different crimes, the hero showed up. That was what the villain wanted this loop, however, they would use a different method.
The villain skipped out on public crimes this time, choosing instead a public declaration - the hero for the safety of the citizens. If the hero didn’t give themselves up, the city would go boom. It wouldn’t be destroyed at the villain’s hands, however. Whatever blast happened at 4:13 would be the culprit, but no one needed to know that yet.
At 7:30, the announcement was made.
It was humiliating, threatening the hero’s beloved city, only to turn around and ask for help.
The fact remained, there was nowhere else to go. However helpful the henchmen were, the villain was the brains behind every operation, they were just the muscle. Going to any sort of government official always lead to immediate arrest, no matter how unthreatening the villain was. The hero was the only one they trusted to take them seriously, as horrifyingly defeating it was to admit that.
It was only an hour wait before the hero got to them.
“Alright, I’m here, no weapons, no powers-”
“Spare me your speech.” The villain groaned, swiveling in their chair. “Want anything? Water, soda?”
The hero, who was fully expecting a base of henchmen ready to grab them, only blinked.
“Uh, what?”
“Suit yourself.” The villain mumbled. “Take a seat.”
There was another chair opposite the villain, one the hero didn’t move towards.
“What is this?” They asked.
“Fine, fine.” The villain stood up, stretching king arms. “Right down to business then. Ever heard of a time loop?”
The hero furrowed their eyebrows, cautioning a step towards the villain. “What’s your game? You feeling ok?”
“Would you just listen?” Hands were clenched tightly together. There were only seven hours and thirty minutes left, which would be a lot if the hero could shut up.
“Ever heard of a time loop?” The villain asked again.
“I’m familiar with the concept.”
“Great, we have our work cut out for us then.” As much as they didn’t want to admit it, they were relived by the hero’s knowledge, even if it wasn’t much.
“I’m sorry?”
With wide eyes, the villain raised a finger. “Listen.”
The hero almost opened their mouth, but didn’t after glancing at the villain’s somewhat frazzled form, instead letting the villain continue.
“The world ends in seven hours. At 4:13 to be precise.” There were no cushioned words to ease the blow of what the villain said. “It has ended at 4:13 forty something times now. Maybe forty five, I’ve lost count.”
Clearly dejected, the villain let themselves deflate back on the chair. In shock, the hero copied them.
“I hate coming to you, but I hate this even more.” The villain admitted. “I think you can help.”
The hero replied with a raised eyebrow. “How, exactly?”
Exasperated, the villain threw their hands in the air. “I don’t know, you’re the hero. I’m not meant to go through things like this!”
“Ok.” The hero’s voice was slow. “Ok. How do I know you aren’t lying?”
Tired eyes shot to the hero, the rolling chair moving towards them.
“Look at me.” The villain commanded. “I am practically begging you. If you get us through this, I will literally do anything you want.” A lie, but that’s what villainy was good for. “I will give you anything you want. Money? Power? Annoying government authority gone?”
“Alright, I get your point.” The hero sighed, a sudden strain in their voice. “The world really ends?”
“Yeah. More annoyingly, not by my hand.” The villain scoffed at their half joke.
With a heavy heart, the hero stood again, hating that the villain had come to them as a last resort.
“Then let’s go save it.”
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Injured Part 2
@canigetanamenforbritney here you go!
Part 1
Warnings: hospital setting, refusal of medical attention, pet names, surgery, negative discussions of someone, stitches, descriptions of medical care, painful wound tending, exhaustion, begging, mean caretakers
*not edited*
"He needs surgery."
"Yeah, yeah I get that. That's not the problem. The problem is, you won't perform it."
"We aren't about to waste supplies on a villain, Hero."
Villain fumbled with consciousness- played with, frolicked with it- until it because a drifting manner. Awake here and there, hearing bits and pieces of conversation. Then the blissful euphoria of sleep. Those moments of painfree unconsciousness were what he longed for, craved.
He didn't understand his situation. He knew that there were people around him, but they didn't seem to be doing much. Only periodically pinching his elbow, leaving him floating in serene waves.
Was this what care felt like? It didn't seem like much, maybe Villain just had an active imagination- dreaming about endless words of compassion, a light touch to his cheek... maybe those sensations were just fantasies.
The people... they seemed to speak above Villain in rumbling tunes. Never aimed at him and even in his foggy state he knew that they were strictly clinical.
It was, to say the least, disappointing.
Very disappointing.
Maybe he did just expect too much.
Hero paced around the hospital bed as the nurses argued amongst themselves. Villain was stable, but not faraway from slipping. Why did she have to do this to him? A dagger in his side, concussion, broken ribs, dislocated shoulder... the injuries went on above this.
And then the fact that he was doomed to actually take care of himself in this state? The very idea that Hero expected him to jump back on his feet- it was disgusting.
How could she be a hero when she allowed someone to suffer?
She saw the trails of blood, the discarded bandages, the opened cupboards. He struggled. Struggle to stay alive.
"We could get fired if we operate on him. Honestly, just hand him over to the center."
"What is wrong with you!" Hero exclaimed when she heard that utterance. "A life for a job."
"You beat him up," that same nurse pointed out, crossing her arms. "Stop your hypocrisy, you are not better than us."
"Yeah if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't be here," another chimed in.
"Shut up! Shut up! All of you, shut up!" Hero growled. "I will pay for the surgery and take full responsibility. If he doesn't die, he will be permanently disabled."
"We know."
"Yeah I know you know," Hero said, huffing and giving an awkward smile. "You know and yet you still don't do anything about it. What kind of sick doctor are you?"
"One that follows the law."
Hero was silent and thrusted her hands through her blonde hair.
"It's nothing against Villain-"
"Yes it is!" Hero roared and flung herself next to Villain's side. His eyes were halfway open. Hero sighed, "Should I give him another dose?"
"No," the head nurse said. "Let him wake up."
Hero waited and waited, foot tapping and teeth clenching in anger, as Villain became more and more accustomed to his surroundings.
"H-hero?" He croaked, nervous fear evident in his eyes.
"Yeah, it's me."
"Mm care... caring f-for for me?"
"Trying to."
Villain groaned and threw his head back suddenly, pain gripping every one of his features. Tears formed in his eyes and as sudden as the outburst happened, he stilled and collapsed back onto the bed.
Everything hurt.
The drugs must've worn off, inviting the pain to eat him whole. Villain groaned and tossed his head about, punching the mattress with clenched fists even though that hurt and...
Villain cried out. Even Hero stepped away from that primitive noise.
Why was he is pain? Why did he have to go through this?
Because I am a villain, he answered himself. Stupid stupid stupid! He shouldn't have delved into the evil side of the world, should've applied for the College of Heroics or be a normal civilian or anything other than villainy.
He cried, his chest shuddering. Small squeaks escaped his mouth. Even the boisterous nurses ceased their banter, looking in pity at the sobbing human on the hospital bed.
"We'll operate, but we won't give him anesthesia," the head nurse conceded.
That was good.
Not ideal, but good.
Hero helped slide on a blue hair net over Villain's head. Wild eyes darted around, creasing at the edges every once in a while, as the pain flared up in many places all at once. His breathing hitched as well.
"What are they doing to me?" Villain wheezed, fingers tapping. Anticipation etched at his body.
"You'll be fine," the hero soothed, rubbing her fingers together. After the surgery...
"Cuff him," one of the nurses ordered, wrapping Villain's wrists and ankles with soft, padded bracelets of leather. He stiffened before instinctual motions kicked in and he struggled.
"Don't. Don't do that," Villain pleaded as he watched the nurses inhibit his only chance to fight and to escape. He gulped, pressing his head back into the hospital bed like his pain was forgotten. But the irregular heartbeat on the monitor betrayed his real sensations and emotions- pain and fear.
Hero frowned at the distressed face before looking up at the nurses.
"Should've we give him something? Like a muscle relaxant? Make the procedure easier?" Hero asked, but immediately wished she hadn't for the villain's face contorted into an expression of pure terror at the mention of "procedure".
"Maybe," one of the young nurses whispered, but the head nurse brushed the idea off with a firm "no".
"Let's begin," that same nurse said and approached the writhing villain. "Begin incision on his right side where we assumed a piece of residual metal is from the dagger."
"Let's not do this," Villain begged, pulling madly against the restraints, but the nurses did not pay attention.
Just as the sliver of metal was about to protrude into Villain's skin, Hero spoke up,
"Where is the doctor? You know, the one who actually does surgeries."
"Why does it matter?"
"Because you weren't trained for this."
Hero was silent, but her gaping mouth spoke loads for her.
"Hero," the head nurse chuckled. "This is a villain. A half-eaten cheeseburger in the trashcan. Relax hon."
Hero bristled at the pet name, but didn't do anything rash. She just pulled up a chair and sat at Villain's side. He looked up at her with large, pleading eyes that broke Hero's heart.
"It'll be over soon," Hero promised. Villain's face relaxed slightly, but his muscles stayed tense in waiting for the inevitable pain.
"Begin incision."
Villain mewled as the thin knife slipped into his skin, right above the infected flesh. His toes and fingers curled in, then stretched out.
"Okay stop," Villain said in a hurried manner. His brow furrowed, nose twitching. "Stop."
Hero placed a hand on his shoulder, but it did nothing to quiet his protests.
"Located the residual. Tweezers."
A tool made of two grated prongs took the place of the knife. Villain sighed as the knife marked its leave with a clatter, but his muscles immediately seized when the bloodied particle was removed.
Villain's eyes widened as a nurse pulled his skin together, shoddily and lazily stapling it. Villain screamed, jerking around each time the plunger cinched his tender flesh together.
Hero wrinkled her nose. The nurses weren't even bothering to use actual medical tools. Literally, the stapler was from the school section at the local Walmart.
The nurses topped their kindergarten artwork with a thin line of some numbing ointment, but that was all. A tiny gift, a mug saying "The Best Teacher Award" on teacher appreciation day.
The next injury the nurses fixed was the dislocated shoulder. Two nurses positioned themselves on both sides of the shoulder. Without warning, they pushed the joint back in.
Villain arched his back up in a desperate feat to escape the miserable pain. He clenched his teeth, holding in a scream that Hero knew just wanted to go.
Then he fell back into the bed, breaths full of pained whimpers.
"Okay. I think we tortured him long enough," Hero said, angling herself to give a more authoritive stance.
"We are taking care of him?" The head nurse replied, purposely making her statement an authentic question.
"Just give him something. At least something to take the edge off," Hero pleaded. "Can't you see? His world is nothing but pain."
Hero sighed, shook her head, and went back to Villain who now had tears streaming out of half-lidded eyes.
"Make them stop," Villain whispered, not even looking at Hero. "I'd rather be hurt. Rather be hurt at home."
Hero felt a twinge of pity, listening to Villain's requests. It was saddening to say the least, someone so hurt just wanting to go home if it meant that they could escape the extra pain of care.
Pain of care, now that didn't sound right.
Hero grabbed Villain's head and stroked it, but the tears and whimpers did not cease.
After a good few hours, the villain was throughly exhausted. He could barely stay awake, just dozing off even as caffeinated nurses shakily sewed the millions of cuts together.
Hero slowly stroked Villain's head, watching as his eyes drifted shut. She smiled. Sleep was his only escape from the pain.
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kitkatopinions · 4 years
So, let’s talk about James’s semblance, Mettle.
Ironwood's Semblance, Mettle, strengthens his resolve which allows him to carry through with his decisions, helping him hyper-focus (RWBY wiki)
Actual quotes on Ironwood’s semblance from the RTX RWBY Panel.
“So Ironwood does have a semblance. We - it’s in the show, it’s in like little bits, you can kind of see it. It’s more like a passive semblance that runs in the background.” Eddy Rivas
“The whole thing is just this kind of like, iron resolve-slash-will that like kind of powers him to - almost like a very stubbornly, narrow-set focus like mind set on things, to kind of like push himself to do what he’s decided he’s gonna do-” Eddy Rivas
“It kind of helps him like, hyper focus,” Kerry Shawcross
“Or like, pushing through something like searing the flesh off your arm. If like, this is the goal he needs to accomplish, everything else just goes by the wayside.” Miles Luna
“So that’s kind of running in the background of seven and eight a little bit.” Eddy Rivas
“So it felt a little weird and we just never put it on the page, but you can actually see it happening.” Eddy Rivas
“We could possibly get it out later, but we thought it’d be more fun for you to be able to watch volume eight, and go back and watch volume 7 knowing that.” Kerry Shawcross
So I’m going to be talking about some of the problems I think there are with Ironwood’s semblance and it not being included in the show. I’m going to be very critical of and bashing RWBY, and there’s probably going to be CRWBY bashing too. If you don’t want to see any of that or if you’re against any sort of pro Ironwood content, don’t read this post or interact.
So let’s try to piece together from these statements what Ironwood’s semblance is.
It’s a passive semblance. As far as I know, the only other passive semblance we have to judge how those work is Qrow. Unlike active semblances, Qrow’s passive semblance can’t be controlled, and can only be increased at will, but always runs at frequencies severe enough that Qrow thinks of it as controlling his life and preventing him from being able to be close to his family. From the way Qrow’s semblance behaves, we can extrapolate that James’s semblance likely works in the same way, and in the panel, it’s described as ‘running in the background.’ I.E. He can’t turn it off, it runs through his entire life, he can only increase it in certain times.
It’s described as hyper-focusing, stubbornness, narrow-set focus, being unable to concentrate or care about things outside of his set goal, and pushing himself in doing what he’s decided he has to do.
There are several reasons I want to talk about this semblance.
1. This semblance might’ve been newly invented for season 7 and 8. Why do I think this? Eddy Rivas says ‘I believe we called it Mettle’ in the panel (emphasis is mine,) and is talking like he was included in inventing it, even though he became a co-writer for volume 7. Also they don’t mention if it affected Ironwood pre-volume 7, they only mention it being seen or considering including it in volume 7 and 8. Also, the voice actor of James Ironwood didn’t know about this semblance until a fan told him. It’s possible that this semblance was written earlier, but I doubt it and I think that this semblance was invented in the conception of volumes 7 and 8 with Eddy Rivas being involved. As such, I’m going to view everything pre-volume 7 as actions we were intended to consider James’s actual character, and everything post-volume 6 as actions influenced by his semblance.
2. The fact that it’s not included is lazy. This is a character defining semblance. This colors literally everything that Ironwood does in seasons seven and eight, this is a major game changer, this changes any understanding of the character. I’ve said this before, but fans shouldn’t have to do homework to understand the story. Many fans don’t want to go searching through panels, wikis, books, and zoom meetings to try and piece together why a character might be the way they are or how the magic systems work. The fact that the semblance isn’t included has led to confusion about how the semblance works. Some RWBY fans will present the way they decided the semblance works and get actively angry at fans who headcanon that it works differently or are upset with the way the creators themselves described the semblance. Other fans act like RWBY critics who think Ironwood’s fall to villainy is hard to track are stupid for not knowing this completely unincluded detail, and other fans villainize the semblance and use it as a reason why Ironwood is an inherently bad person. On the flip side, James Ironwood fans are rightly confused at this semblance that seems like it could be an explanation for the sudden shifts in his character. Some of them don’t understand why this semblance isn’t explained and at least treated as a part of his fall and treated more sympathetically. The fact that it wasn’t explained in the show leads to fans coming up with their own conclusions, and then arguing over what version is viable or what the collective fandom should accept.
3. The semblance itself is a lazy explanation for his villainy. The creators didn’t write a convincing hero-to-villain story. Ironwood’s leaps in morality are made with very little groundwork or explanation, he goes from ‘doing what he feels needs to be done’ to threatening to bomb the remaining citizens of Mantle in a completely irrational time with laughter and smiles over the course of a season that didn’t really put the focus on that progression. The semblance wasn’t explained or even mentioned and Ironwood wasn’t treated with sympathy or understanding, because we were meant to hate him and see him as the enemy to the protagonists, who we were meant to see as completely right. But the semblance is then an easy explanation that ‘fills out the plot holes’ if CRWBY is asked, that they can use to justify the fall to villainy - or use to suddenly redeem James if they decide they want to. And as I said before, this semblance is already being used by the mega-fans to explain the fall to villainy and throw it in the faces of any critics. Once again, it feels like the writers are just coming up with whatever they can to make up for their shitty writing, while they also rely on their fans to fill in the gaps and ‘explain’ to critics exactly how they think the semblance works and act like the critics or bashers should’ve just come to the same conclusion they did.
4. The semblance is problematic because of how villainized James is specifically for things like his semblance. The semblance is literally the best possible explanation for Ironwood’s fall and the only one I’ve heard that makes any sense. But his semblance is literally described by the creators as ‘hyper-focusing.’ The fact that his semblance is treated as something that makes him more of a villain and something that aids in his destructive behavior that isn’t ever treated with an ounce of sympathy or understanding, is a really bad look. There are real-life people who hyper-fixate on things and can’t help it, and while James’s semblance might not be hyper-fixating exactly, CRWBY still hurt people with the way they talked about this semblance and how they included it in Ironwood’s fall. I’m not diagnosed and I’m therefore never sure of this, but I think I’m ADHD and hyper-fixate on things (like RWBY, lol.) I’ve never been sure exactly how I view Ironwood’s semblance, but hearing the way that the CRWBY head writers talk about it made me feel like I should keep that side of me from people who don’t know me well like my co-workers. Whether or not it was intended, that’s what CRWBY did, and there are many more people than just me who were hurt or bothered by this personally.
5. Since I’m assuming this semblance was a new addition to James in season 7 and 8, it really honestly feels disconnected. It’s a passive semblance, it’s meant to affect James during the course of his whole life because he can’t turn it off. But in volumes 2 and 3, he seems honestly receptive to Oz, listens to him, never goes too far, never seems too stubborn, never seems to ignore other problems to focus on one thing more than what’s perfectly normal for regular people. Before literally near the tail end of volume 7, Ironwood acted like a regular person unaffected by a semblance at all, who just happens to be a determined person facing hard situations. It really feels like the semblance was invented to explain the jump to villainy, and then used to explain how he did things like sear the flesh off of his arm in the Watts fight to be like ‘look, this didn’t come out of nowhere! There it is in this scene!’ which is really lazy. And the disjointed feeling between Ironwood from his first appearance and Ironwood post-shooting Oscar still takes you out of the story and makes you go ‘wait, what’s going on here?’ You shouldn’t be able to see the hand of the author, but it was very clear to me that the writers just wanted villain!Ironwood and just did whatever the hell they wanted to get there whether or not it made sense or what they had to force or forget to do it.
6. This semblance... Really makes Qrow look like a jerk. It makes everyone look like a jerk, but it especially makes Qrow look like a jerk. There’s a very, very strong probability that Qrow never had any idea about this semblance that Ironwood couldn’t control. But after spending volumes sympathizing with Qrow and feeling bad for him and understanding that a lot of his problems stemmed from his horrible lot in life that he wrongly blamed himself for, to see him ready to kill a former friend who is even more affected by and ruled by a semblance than Qrow ever was made me seriously annoyed with the writing. In my opinion, they should’ve had Qrow know about his semblance, know that it was affecting his every choice, be deeply sympathetic and bothered by the situation, and be trying to get out of jail so he could break Ironwood’s aura and jolt him out of his affected state. It would’ve been much, much better in my opinion, for Ironwood’s character, Qrow’s character, and the story as a general whole. The way that villain Ironwood was done just is not interesting to me in any way. Not only did CRWBY miss any opportunity to present a compelling hero-turned-villain story, but they also invented a reason for Ironwood to be deeply sympathetic and easily redeemed and then made no one understand that this was a problem and seem to be going out of their way to act like it’s not there at all to make Ironwood a full villain! Why give him the semblance at all if they were going to not use it and expect everyone to want him to be a full, incredibly hard to redeem, EVIL VILLAIN?
I seriously can’t understand CRWBY’s choices. In my opinion, they should’ve either made Ironwood a sympathetic hero forced into doing villainous actions by this semblance that they should’ve rephrased in terms of how it works, or they should’ve just left him with no explained semblance.
Also, I think Mettle is a stupid name.
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
As fragile as a flower (Yandere Lilia x reader)
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Thank you to @megan-is-mia for the scenario idea!
It stung so, so badly. The scream released expressed the pain from the person who had been hurt. The pain subsided somewhat, unlike the smell of burning flesh that never went away.
The fae chuckled in amusement at the girl's pain. Having warned her subtly, but not entirely of the effects the collar he placed on her would cause, every time she would try to escape.
"Dearest do be a good little one and stop trying, though I won't stop you it only hurts me far worse when you get hurt."
"You liar! if that was the truth then you wouldn't have placed this crap on me!" She yelled but it was shortly accompanied by coughs a great many like she was getting sicker and more frail by the moment.
Lilia walked over to her worry brought with his approach trying to use a spell that would temporarily heal her of her ailment. Since she didn't trust him with a potion or the medicine. As soon as he lifted his hand though she smacked it away.
"I'd rather die than be stuck here with an obsessive sadist." Was her response to the action she took causing the fae to sigh.
"Remind me again who was it that got herself here in the first place, you were so ignorant and without my help you wouldn't be here. It's not my fault your so delicate my dear. I only wish for your well being and in turn you could at least show a bit of gratitude." He said with a frown or maybe a pout. It actually made him look innocent as an angel.
What a goddamn lie.
* * *
Where had it all began?
Let's see all the way back at NRC it was just another normal day. Silver and Lilia were having tea with one another while discussing the day that had passed.
Silver happened to mention a girl he had saw in the infirmary. She was coughing very much like she was dying for air. He was about to get the school nurse but she stopped him.
"Wait, I'm fine they know already!" Was something along the lines of what she said.
Lilia was always curious and someone so weak and frail at this school just threw him for a loop. He wanted to go see the sickly one for himself.
He did find her back in the infirmary at lunchtime coughing yet again. He had scared the living daylights out of her when he teleported close.
"Sorry to startle you young one I can't help but wonder how someone like you could survive in a school like this?"
The question unnerved her to say the least as he pushed some of her hair behind her ear. The fae whipped out a charming smile as he had recalled to introduce himself.
"Ah, where are my manners? Lilia, Lilia Vanrouge. Pleasure to meet you my dear."
Though there first encounter was a bit unnerving they managed to get along for the most part. He'd scare her with his sudden appearances of course he found fun in seeing her scared. He'd also guide her to the infirmary during lunch to keep her on track to get some medcine.
They were good friends for the most part. Except for the fact that overtime Lilia just hadn't realized how much protection his friend had needed. How fragile she truly was until an incident had opened his eyes to what he had been missing.
That was when things really went south. She didn't arrive to their tea party after waiting 10 minutes. He knew for a fact her medicinal doses were at noon every day. This tea party was after class and she'd text him if she was going to be late. She didn't have any club activities either since Silver and Sebek both in the Equestrian club with her were with Malleus today. He already knows how Riddle gets when missing a member.
So where could she be?
It was nothing for him to teleport in the school and move about at visible incomprehensible speeds to find her. Of course he stopped when he heard laughter. The type of laughter of someone who had gotten away with a scheme. Peaking around the corner of the empty corridor he found the source of the laughter.
Savanaclaw students.
Someone was lying on the floor as well. He only just noticed them. When he finally realized who it was, it was like his soul left his body and consciousness slipped away.
He hated it, more than anything. He just had to take the anger he felt out on something. They were the cause of this and they would pay the price. Before he realized it they were dead, all of them. He had left their bodies there for someone else to find. It's not like the paintings saw him and there weren't any cameras in that hall anyway.
The thing no, person in his arms was who he was most worried about right now was far more important. Lilia couldn't even comprehend what he was feeling at the time. The sheer amount of worry and the increasing of his heartbeat, he didn't have time to think about it all.
He brought her back to the Diasomnia Lounge with a snap of his fingers leaving the violent, bloody, backdrop of the hallway behind. He placed her on the couch gently. Finally using his magic to the best of his ability to heal her.
He finally took a chance to breath after making sure her heart was still beating. She was still unconscious though. His heart was still pounding and he took a moment to reflect.
This wasn't like him at all. A lowly human protected by a powerful fae. As much anger as he showed but actually couldn't remember very well. He had lost it just after seeing her like that.
How ironic that someone as old and powerful as himself felt love toward someone so youthful and fragile as a flower. Her entire being in a school like this wasn't meant to be. He had come to wonder how she even got here.
Why someone as delicate and fragile as her would be placed in a school full of villainy?
* * *
That same event had flashed through his eyes at that moment in time. The bruised state she was in.
He couldn't help his sudden desire. To protect one of the few things he holds precious. This is different than Malleus, Silver, or Sebek. They're fully capable of protecting themselves. But her if he hadn't been there she would have probably died. It's only better if she stays in the castle where he can keep an eye on her.
He had a smirk on his face as he caressed the cheek of the girl he had fallen for. Eagerly casting the spell that would heal her momentarily.
He knew a spell that could heal her ailment completely but that would ruin the fragile image he had made of her in his head. After admiring the adorable glare she sent him for a second he finally opened his mouth to speak.
"Oh love as fragile as a flower you are. Certainly you don't belong at a school like that. I'll protect you from all the harm this world offers including yourself."
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mamahersh · 3 years
The Road to Hell (is Paved with Good Intentions) Chapter 2
“Season 8 was well underway, and the server’s first conflict is bubbling just under the surface. But BDoubleO can’t worry about that right now because he has an Etho to find so they can work on the Horse Course together. However when Xisuma calls a surprise server meeting on behalf of EvilXisuma, BDubs gets his answers about where Etho’s been in the worst way possible.”
(CW: angst, blood, gore)
Chapter rating: M
Now in Etho’s POV
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
Welcome to my first attempt at Ethoslab angst! I wanted an nHo-centric fic with a heavy dose of Etho angst. I have nowhere else to post this, and fair warning I am terrible at characterizations, so everyone will probably be a bit OOC to some extent; but for sure EvilX will be very OOC in how evil he is in this one. The Rating for this and later chapters is a solid M, so be warned about that. If y’all have suggestions or feedback, feel free to come and say hi!
P.S. I got my inspiration for this fic from this fic over here! Give them some love too.
Chapter 2 (below the cut)
The first thing Etho noticed when he awoke was that his mask was still in place on his face.
The second thing he awoke to was a sharp throbbing in his arms and legs. Biting back a hiss of pain, he opened his eyes and looked around to figure out why he was in such pain and sitting upright.
He appeared to be in a dark room, plain stone walls on all sides he could see, and a stone floor. The roof above seemed to be some basalt variant and a darkened redstone lamp was above his head, implying an almost spotlight effect on where he was sitting when turned on. Looking more at himself, he could see that there were spiked cuffs on his wrists, ankles, and neck; spiked in such a way that the spikes were on the insides of the cuffs, so that each movement of those affected body parts dug them further into the spikes and causing him more pain. Admittedly, the ones on his wrists and ankles were already in fairly deep due to how tight his captor had adjusted them. A further perusal of himself, led him to believe at least one of his ribs was broken due to how painful it was to breathe at the moment. He also seemed to be covered in a plethora of bruises and scrapes, indicating either an altercation or a bad fall.
Etho took a moment to collect his thoughts and try to remember what had happened before he had fallen asleep. Last thing he remembered, he had been out on another midnight deal making spree with Xisuma and Evil Xisuma. Admittedly, Xisuma had been acting a bit off since the last server meeting, asking for midnight anything was fairly out of character, and his sudden complete trust in EX was somewhat concerning even in the best of times. But this certainly hadn’t been the best of times. Their midnight haggling had been slowly getting more antagonistic over the last couple of weeks and Etho had been planning on cutting off any further dealings with the Derpcoin pioneers to keep both himself and Iskall’s diamond investment safe. However, last night the haggling had gotten quickly out of hand, EvilXisuma not taking any of his excuses for why Iskall and himself couldn’t actually use Derpcoin in their shops.
The last thing Etho can remember is EvilXisuma yelling and angrily gesturing before there was a sudden pain at the back of his head, and the world going black. ‘Well that explains the headache and sudden displacement from our weekly meeting place,’ thought Etho, idly flexing his fingers and toes to make sure that everything was still working properly. (They were). Didn’t explain the broken ribs and looking (and feeling) like he had been through a wood chipper, but that could be written off as EvilXisuma wanting to rough him up for some reason. Which was weird, because last Etho had checked, EvilXisuma had claimed that he had turned over a new leaf. Not to say anyone trusted him when he said that, particularly Etho, but over the opening couple of months on the server, EvilXisuma had kept true to his word. He had kept to his Derpcoin empire, and kept a ruthless rapport going with his business competition; but he’d never resorted to the violence and underhanded villainy that had characterized his previous attempts at taking over the server before he was banished to the Void. Except for now apparently. 
Which led to the next question of why? Why Etho? Why would EvilXisuma desire to kidnap and rough up him? He certainly didn’t have important connections with any businesses this season. He also didn’t have any close partners this season outside of Iskall. Well, ok, he had that deal with Doc recently, and he was building the horse course with BDubs; but neither of those could possibly have anything to do with EvilXisuma’s Derpcoin empire. Plus, the people who were resisting Derpcoin, had nothing to do with him, and cared for him only as Hermits care for their own. (Which was a lot admittedly, but in this case, it didn’t seem like a logical choice. They all cared for each other, and there were far better bargaining chips on the table than him.)
A sudden bang of an iron door behind Etho startled him from his reverie, along with a flash of the overhead light as the redstone activated. Jerking his head to the side to see who it was, caused a stab of pain in his neck and a sudden wet sensation on his neck and shoulder. He instantly jerked back into place, silently hissing at the sudden pain. “Well, well, well,” started a familiar evil voice from behind him. “I see you’re awake!” With a final tap of his boots, EvilXisuma stepped into Etho’s visual range. “I hope you have found your accommodations suitable?”
Etho rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure, I love being tied up on a chair in a dramatically lit room with no explanation as to why.”
Evil Xisuma chuckled, and leaned forward to trail his hand along Etho’s forearm. “I’m glad they did what they were meant to then. Can’t have you too comfortable for my upcoming show, now can I?” With a sudden tightening of his grip on Etho’s forearm, he quickly twisted it and pulled the arm closer to Etho; tearing the skin and one or two of the outer tendons in his wrist due to the spikes in the cuff, causing Etho to yell in pain. Etho bit down on his tongue to cut off his yell, though he couldn’t quite mute his own whimpers of agony as EvilXisuma let go of his arm. 
“Th-that…”, Etho managed to hiss out between his teeth. “That w-as compl’tely unnecess’ry.” 
EvilXisuma hummed beside him, a long thin sharp bit of metal suddenly in EvilXisuma’s hand. “Perhaps,” he mused, seemingly eyeing the arm he hadn’t touched. Etho’s anxiety spiked as EvilXisuma slowly paced his way around behind and to the other side of Etho’s chair, lightly dragging the piece of metal along Etho’s arms and shoulders as he went. Then, as suddenly as he had clutched Etho’s right arm, he stabbed down with the metal stake into Etho’s left forearm, impaling it to the chair. Etho yelled again, but quickly silenced himself, unwilling to show the sadistic bastard just how much pain he was in. “However, that was entirely necessary, as will be the next 3.” Etho felt his heart stop for a moment as he looked over to see if EvilXisuma was in an uncharacteristically joking mood. 
He was completely serious. Oh Lord, he was completely serious.
“Nonononono, n-now come on Evil X, my guy, this is all very unnecessary,” stuttered Etho, fingers rapidly flexing despite the pain both his arms were now in as EvilXisuma pulled another long metal stake out of his inventory.
“Hmm, I disagree Ethoslab. But if you continue to be excessively disagreeable, I shall have to take steps to make you more agreeable.” EvilXisuma lined up the stake on Etho’s upper arm. Then, with a sudden lunge, EvilXisuma pinned Etho’s upper arm to the chair; making it so his entire left arm was basically unusable. Etho yelped and the rest of him squirmed in subdued agony as he tried to block out the new pain in his arm. His yelp morphed into a whine, but he pushed through the pain to try and pay attention to what Xisuma was doing as he moved around the back of the chair.
“W-what do you even accomplish w-with this stunt anyways?”
“What do I accomplish? Currently I’m making sure you won’t get away. It’s imperative you don’t escape during the stream after all.” Most of that went over Etho’s head, pain addled as it was. But what stuck out to him the most was the “stream” part. He had heard of those from some of the other Hermits, BDubs and Doc the only two from the old NHO that had picked up the habit. However, what mattered to him, was that it was a way to show other people something at the same time you were doing it. Meaning that EvilXisuma wanted to accomplish something for someone in real time, and Etho was being used for it.
His thoughts were once again cut off as another spike was jabbed through his other lower arm. This time, he was able to keep his vocalizations to a minimum, only whining in pain as the new wave of agony overtook him. But before he could completely acclimatize himself, the final spike was shoved through his right upper arm. He screamed, and the edges of his vision went dark as his right arm was immobilized completely. His scream petered out, and sat huffing as Evil Xisuma stood in front of him, staring impassively down at him.
“Hmmm, I just don’t know…” mumbled EvilXisuma, continuing to stare at Etho. Etho continued huffing through his mask, though the bad feeling from earlier hadn’t left, and only seemed to be increasing and he began to take more notice of his surroundings. He really didn’t like how EvilXisuma was staring at his face. “It’s so hard to read your expressions with this mask on your face. What do you think? Should I take it off now or later?” Etho did a full body twitch, agony lancing across his arms as he instinctively went to reach for his face to protect his mask.
“You absolute asshole,” Etho hissed, head cringing as far back as he could pull it into the seat to get away from EvilXisuma’s wandering hand that had started for his mask. (This despite the sharp spikes that were actively digging into the back of his neck causing blood to layer into the back of his shirt). “You touch my mask and you won’t like what I do.” EvilXisuma chuckled at that, clearly amused that Etho thought he would be able to do anything to him. 
“Oh I’m sure someday you’ll ensure I’m fairly miserable.” EvilXisuma reached forward and slowly began lowering Etho’s mask. However, EvilXisuma was unprepared as Etho twisted his head and snapped up at EvilXisuma’s hand, biting through the protective gauntlet and into the hand beneath. EvilXisuma flinched back, ripping his hand out of Etho’s now exposed mouth. However, as Etho pulled back himself, he began to shake as the fresh pain of deepend wounds on his neck overtook him.
“Th-that’s what you get…” he rasped, energy waning as EvilXisuma continued to stay away. “Try that a-again, and I’ll r-remove a f-finger.” For a moment, EvilXisuma was still, his own mask making it impossible to tell what he was feeling. Then he began to laugh, a deep full bodied laugh. He cackled and wheezed, and Etho grit his teeth, because this would not end well.
“Oh Etho, your sense of humor never ceases to amuse me.” EvilXisuma turned away, and began to fiddle with his communicator. Suddenly, a floating box appeared in the air in front of him, a circular glass piece embedded in the side facing the two of them. Etho gave it a curious glance, but kept his focus otherwise entirely on EvilXisuma, too worried about the backlash to his comment. He knew how this worked, and he knew EvilXisuma was not going to take his threat lightly, despite how he had initially reacted. He watched as EvilXisuma turned back to him, and went back to making considering “hmm”-ing noises. “You know Etho, I don’t know what I want to do first once the livestream is up.” He walked up again in front of Etho and crouched down into a squat. “After all, I was initially planning on just roughing you up a bit, do something memorable to start it off.” He then reached out and trailed a finger along the back of Ehto’s left hand. Etho tried to suppress his instinctual flinch, but it was in vain as the twitch still caused agony to lance up his arm and forced a whimper from between his lips. EvilXisuma smirked at this and continued, “however, you threatening my fingers got me thinking, that maybe I could remove one or two of yours…” He gently trailed down Etho’s middle finger before jumping to the upper arm’s stake and lightly circling it. Etho took a shaky breath, the pain slightly easier to ignore now, perhaps because his mind was starting to block most of it out. “But you’ve been very mouthy, and I’m not feeling particularly generous about your speaking and biting privileges right now.” EvilXisuma had by this point circumnavigated the chair, and was back to standing ominously in front of Etho’s line of sight. “But all this is idle speculation. We shall find out what I’ll do momentarily.”
With that, EvilXisuma stepped off to the side, and began typing frantically into his communicator. At this point, Etho was just distanced enough from himself that he idly wished he had access to his communicator to find out what Evil Xisuma was typing into chat. Then he realized if he had access to his communicator he could call for help. But he didn’t know where he was. But his communicator would have exact coordinates. But he didn’t have his communicator. But if he did, he could let Iskall know he’d be late getting back to the base because some asshole had tied him up in their basement. Which looped him back to his surroundings, which had EvilXisuma suddenly leaning down next to his ear and saying, “Now behave Ethoslab, you’re the star of the show after all.” And then with a surprising lack of further fanfare, a light on the box blinked  on, and EvilXisuma began his speech.
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malethirsty · 4 years
Villainy Washes Over - Roman Reigns & Paul Heyman
Summary: With Roman’s heel turn, a possessive gruffer nature stowed into The Big Dog. Whilst everyone else had run, you stayed, and now fresh off of his championship win, Roman was going to treat you to his new lavish way of power.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (Wrap Before You Tap)
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“What’s the safe word?” “Shield” “That’s right babe. Now wait in here on your knees, I’ll text you when I’m on so you see me claiming what is mine. Only once I get back can you move and whilst I’m gone” he moved across to the bedside table and withdrew a black dildo, tossing it to you, landing perfectly on the floor in front of you “You might want to practice your cock sucking technique” You nodded and Roman cupped a hand to your cheek which you nuzzled into, his warmth, energy and presence washing over you. Seeing how submissive you were for him, he let a cold heel like smirk befall his face “Be good for me and I promise, you will be rewarded. Yessir.” He flashed his familiar hand pose and a sparkling grin your way as he made to leave your shared apartment, shutting the bedroom door behind him. 
The night seemed to trail by, the time elapsing placing more pressure on your form as your knees began to tire from their stationary position, so you sprawled your hands out in front of you and began to practice your head game per Roman’s instructions, you simply wanted to make your man proud of you, especially these days. As Roman began his heel transition and recruited Paul Heyman to be his special advisor, he had become stronger, more brutal, and it had turned you on to no end. Whilst the WWE Universe processed the shock of his sudden change of heart, he was pounding into you on your bed, snarling and growling as he fucked you, almost like a man possessed. The day before when Paul showed up to discuss strategy (which included a neat way of getting the championship quickly by signing the contract at the PPV when both men were down and out) Roman told you he was planning a celebration night and to prepare, and knowing he meant he’d fuck you to winning an inch of passing out, you trained, determined to make your time together the best time of his life. 
After a while of trying different positions, your phone dinged and you slid a hand into your pocket to retrieve it. Sure enough it was indeed Roman telling you to tune into Backlash. So you moved to the remote and turned on the flat screen, on it Roman with Paul signing the contract for the match, lobbing the pen away as he made his way down the ramp. To your surprise the ring had snapped, but as you processed it, it dawned on you that the men inside must be spent and soon Roman would win. As you watched on as a new referee was called down to take the knocked out ones place, it was fair to say your nerves were spiking, especially when Braun & The Fiend kept kicking out. After several intense moments involving a mandible claw, a low blow and a sharp ‘Bitch’ sent towards the ref courtesy of your chief, Roman nailed down Braun with a spear and took back his Universal Championship, the title he never lost. The conquering Big Dog returning to his yard victorious was what closed off the PPV and you smiled, he would be in a good mood once he got back, and that always meant a great fuck. 
In comparison to when Roman had left the apartment, waiting for him to return was better, probably because you knew he had the title, so the waves of nerves had subsided, all your focus on was giving your master the celebration he deserved, whatever it entailed. Soon after you had this thought, you heard movement outside as the door to the apartment opened, and feet could be heard pacing down the hallway. Throwing the dildo under the bed, in case Paul accompanied Roman, you turned your attention to the door, awaiting Roman. The door to the bedroom opened, and as you expected there in all his sweaty, pristine glory, stood Roman with Paul bringing up the rear. You launched yourself into Roman’s arms with a kiss, which Roman returned tenterfold, growling in between “What did I tell you babe? The Universal belt is back where it damn belongs.” “I can tell your happy Y/N, now you have what everyone in the world is dying to get their hands on, the new REIGNING, DEFENDING & UNDISPUTED CHAMPION: ROMAN REIGNS!” You broke apart from Roman laughing at Paul’s over exhuberance, with years of being on opposing sides, you were still getting to grips with Roman’s hired help, so his bombastic nature was still a lot to behold.
“Now Paul, I wondered how to thank you for all you have done, and then I remembered I had Y/N here, and I knew the perfect gift for you. Sit on the bed.” Paul’s face shot up at Roman’s statement, quickly crossing over and sitting, clearly not wanting to question Roman and risk injury as had happened so many times with other clients. You glanced at Roman, wondering what he was planning. The answer came quick as Roman gave you his next command “Crawl to Paul and stay at his feet.” You obeyed, sinking down to the floor once again, though this time you crawled towards Paul, his expression now shifting to puzzlement “Roman, I appreciate the sentiment, but he’s yours, I couldn’t possibly.” “Of course not Pauly, only I get to fuck him, but tonight you’ll get blown by him, my treat. Besides, for the past two hours he’s been training to please you Paul, and I’d hate for it to go to waste.” Capitalising on Roman’s sentiment, you pouted and said “Please sir, I need it, need to take your cock in my mouth and suck the cum out for you. I want it all in my mouth. I bet you haven’t came in a long time, let me take care of you Mr. Heyman.” Paul looked flabbergasted at seeing your estate demeanour change to arousal, but Roman watched over you with a smirk, he knew full well you’d act like this to get what you wanted, and knowing that Paul had a weaker resolve than him, it was only a matter of time before he gave in and sure enough, he gave you a sneer, hands going to his belt “Yes, Take off your pants and relax, while Y/N gives you the best blow job you’ll ever have.” Roman said, a growl in his tone as he crossed to where Paul was sitting on the bed to get a better view of what you were about to do.
“Let Paul fist your hair, and let him guide you on his dick.” Roman told you, and no sooner had you gazed up, noticing Paul had disposed of his pants, then his pudgy hand had your hair in a sharp grip guiding you in-between Paul’s legs and in your domain now, you wrapped your lips around the bulbous head of Paul’s cock. You heard him take a ragged breath as your hot mouth wrapped around him, “Oh God! Fuck!” Escaped Paul’s mouth, clearly overawed by your mouth on his cock, your ego sated, you began to map out his cock, tracing every vein, finding pressure points, anything to make Heyman squirm and your man happy. “That’s it Y/N, suck it nice and slow.” His sinister tone back in place, you obeyed, moving on from mapping and setting a rhythm where Paul could enjoy your ministrations without nutting immediately. Roman cocked his head to observe you, dark  eyes staring down at your submissive nature “That’s right Bitch, take him all the way down, gag on his cock.” Roman spoke, his low voice filling every corner of the room, and you obeyed, letting Paul slide down your throat, your bottom lip right over the top of the council’s balls. At this Paul collapsed onto the bed with a loud thud, broken moans emitting from the man’s mouth, mixed in with cries of ‘Yes!’, expletives and your name fresh on his mouth, you attacked with even more gusto, with Roman watching on, face unchanged, yet within, bursts of pride were exploding as he watched you in your natural state, driving Paul closer and closer to the edge. 
Craving the sight of you pushing Paul over the edge, he swiftly moved behind you and gripped Paul’s hand and the strands of your hand he had in a vice grip. Paul’s hand immediately lost it’s strength as Roman took over, one hand ripping you from Paul’s cock, his other hand gripping the base of his council’s cock, looping his thumb around his balls for good measure “You’re gonna show Paul your special trick? Gonna keep it all in and let it out when I tell you?” He asked you, your head tilting to face him, you nodded “Then suck him down Bitch” Roman growled and not waiting a moment longer, Roman shoved you down so you taook Paul completely down your throat, cock and his balls filling up your mouth, until you reached Roman’s thumb, an indicator that all of Paul was in your mouth, so you mapped out not only his cock, but his balls as well this time. The man before you had lost all composure, a mixture of sounds coming out as he reacted to the bliss your mouth and tongue was putting him through. Roman slunk over to Paul’s sweaty writhing form and got up close “Yeah, it feels good don’t it? We’ve worked at that for months, Y/N & I.” Paul looked at Roman, but couldn’t speak, he was so spaced out on bliss. Roman cocked his head up at Paul and set his gaze on him “Cum for Y/N, cum for him Paul, fill his mouth” A ragged drawn out cry came from Paul as his cock convulsed in your mouth, shooting load upon load down your throat, making you gag slightly as you kept it in, determined to give Paul at least one last sight, letting Roman see how good you were at obeying his orders. Once Paul had stopped moving and was panting, Roman turned his attention to you “Let it out Y/N” he instructed, knowing what was coming next. You let Paul’s cock and balls fall from your mouth, letting them plop back to their owner before you struck eye contact with Heyman and let his load out, cascading down the shirt you had on, surely trailing down to your pants as well, but at this point you didn’t care, you’d obeyed Roman and that was what mattered “Such a good whore.” Roman smirked down at you “Isn’t he Paul?” He turned his attention back to his partner, whom looked stunned at everything that had gone down, only being able to nod at Roman’s question. 
“Go to the lounge Pauly, wait for me there, and also there’s a change of clothes down the hall if you need to change for ‘whatever reason’” Paul lifted himself off the bed, and moved out of the room, hand reaching for the door before Roman’s voice came again “Leave it open”. Knowing whatever Roman was planning next was intense, adrenaline started to course through you as you let a half smile cross you, Paul corrected himself and left quickly. The moment he dissapered down the hall, Roman turned to you, flashing his pearly whites in a big smile “You did well baby, I’m proud of you for ‘helping’ Paul out.” You shot a smile at Roman sweetly “The pleasures all mine Chief.” He grinned, he was liking this new name he was coining himself as, but now was not about him alone, it was about him and Y/N. “You deserve a reward for being so good Y/N.” “Yes please.” “Yes please what?” “Yes please Roman.” You said, taking effort to emphasise his name. The Samoan flashed a smirk your way as he soaked in your pretty words, and holding a hand out so as to keep you in place where you were, he began to undress tantalisingly slow. First his shirt, his beautiful tribal tattoo striking your eyes as you gazed over his torso, taking in his beauty. Shoes and socks were next, followed by his pants, leaving his boxers, where printed on the fabric was his arousal. Backing up to the window and withdrawing the curtains, he backed up against the window and proceeded to remove his pants, his cock springing up, erect and dripping with precum, your time with Paul clearly putting a number on the Universal Champion. 
He looked at you and commanded you simply but firmly “Get Naked With Me”. You obeyed instantaneously, disposing of your messy shirt and your pants so you were the same as Roman. Once this was done, he beckoned to you, sticking a finger out and cocking it towards him, excitement coursing through you, you stepped towards him until you were up close to the Samoan God. “You want me?” You nodded, lust in your eyes as Roman gripped his cock, thumb gliding over his wet tip “Then come and take it baby.” He growled, and you made the final moves, stepping forward, wrapping your legs slightly around Roman’s, you lowered yourself onto his cock, both of you groaning as you encased his member in your tight heat “Ride me Y/N, ride daddy’s dick.” Slowly, you began to back yourself onto Roman’s cock, breathy moans escaping your mouth as you began to adjust to his length. Roman backed into the glass window for leverage, using the glass to hold you up as he met your thrusts, making you cry out. You looked past Roman out the window, at the skylines alight and taking in the sounds below of the street, if someone happened to look in from a window they’d see you being dicked down, or if Roman hit your prostate in just the right way, someone would hear you being fucked by the Universal Champion, and you didn’t know what turned you on more, the feeling of voyeurism or the fact Roman was press naked against the glass, ass flat against it as he fucked into you, making you his Bitch.
As you were lost in these thoughts, you felt a hand gripping your hair, pulling your gaze to the Tribal Chief himself “Don’t look outside right now, look at me. No one outside is fucking you, I am. Your gonna look at me in the eye when I bury my cock in your ass, is that understood?” “Yes sir” you breathed out, both shocked and turned on at the same time. “I know it’s hard.” Roman chuckled “You get some good dick and immediately want to flex, I know babe. That’s why I brought you this far, so anyone watching could be jealous of you, or anyone watching could wish their man could fuck them like how I fuck you. But you need to know who deserves your full attention, who is it Y/N?” He buried himself balls deep again, sending ripples of pleasure through you once again, however Roman had stilled and you knew you had to answer him in order to get him moving again “Y-you Roman, only you.” “Good” he growled as he walked away from the window, and placing you on the bed “No one else makes you feel the way I make you feel in bed baby.” He said it as a statement, not as a question, he knew no one else could compare. “Now hold onto my back, Imma fuck you like a man.” And true to his word, Roman began to piston forwards faster and rougher than ever before, his hand moving down to grasp at your throat, causing you to shudder as Roman’s fingers began to tighten, constricting your breath slightly, causing you to surrender to the pleasure that Roman was sending through your body as he continued to fuck you deeply and rougher than before. 
Roman soon bent down & began to leave love bites and hickeys down your neck, that, plus the pressure on your neck as well as Roman’s strong thrusts into your ass left you on the precious of orgasm “R-Roman, I’m going to cum!” You cried out to Roman, who only increased his pace “Fuck yeah, do it Y/N, come for me, you look so damn pretty, coming from my dick, from how hard I’ve fucked you, it gets so tight when you do it as well, makes my dick even harder. So do it!” With Roman’s command coming out as a snarl, you gave in, shooting your load all over yourself, making Roman moan out even more watching the spectacle beneath him, and from the tightness your hole was implementing around his cock. Roman suddenly pulled out, causing you to whine and throw your head back at the emptiness “Urgh, Roman? What?" Heavy leather was suddenly placed onto your bare chest and wondering what was going on, you lifted your head to look up to see an astonishing sight: Roman moaning breathlessly as one hand stroked his chest, the other hand stroking his cock, aiming for his Universal Title draped across you. “Y/N, you’re gonna watch me come on MY title, and then you’re gonna clean it up for me.” If you had as much stamina as Roman, you would have shot a second load right there and then, but you concede yourself by watching Roman stroke himself, showing himself off. From how hard Roman had fucked you, you knew he was close to his end, and sure enough, Roman’s hand went faster and faster “Fuck I’m gonna cum! Fuck yes! Fuck!” The rest of his speech dissolved into groans and curses as he shot load upon load onto the Universal Championship title, gaining his ragged breath back, he motioned for you to clean the belt, and so you moved forward, placing the title on the bed so Roman could watch over you as you licked his salty load off of the belt, a guttural laugh coming from the champ.
Once you had taken care of licking the belt, you looked up at Roman who surged down to kiss you, you responding back with equal passion “Fuck Y/N, you never disappoint me when we fuck around like this.” “Thanks Chief” you responded, grinning at the praise. “Now see Mr. Heyman out, that is if he hasn’t come again, in which case, make sure he’s decently dressed before he leaves. Then we’ll shower and sleep, tomorrow I’m spending the whole day naked, so we’ll fuck whenever we want.” His proposal sounded like the best thing ever on offer, so you gave him another kiss as you got up to help Paul, Roman was left alone as he got up and crossed to the window, fully naked and opened his arms, as if to bask in the glory of his newfound victory. He had changed big time from who he once was, but as long as he had you, his title & Paul by his side, nothing was going to stop him from conquering the world. 
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Ranting about Jaune killing Penny and also rambling about VRAINS a bit
Greetings ladies, gents and other friends! I just had A Thought and now Im unreasonably angry and need to rant. Unlike in previous posts, I wont really explain anything because I just need to get this out of my system as fast as possible, so if you need me to elaborate just ask, I would be happy to explain some shit. Also apologies in advance for probably being a bit incoherent.
Oh god there are so many issues I have with Pennys death but the biggest one was definitely that Jaune just had to be the one to kill her! Like, Im not gonna say Jaune is a self-insert even though he is because thats not a legitimate critisism because SIs are not inherently bad. But jesus f u c k the writers are far too attached to this stupid bitchboy!! I dont even understand why!
Like, I get that the typical Heroes Journey is easier to write but if its just that then why not Oscar? Hes not the main character either obviously, but hes actually somewhat interesting simply by virtue of having Oz around.
Hey, you know that tweet where Miles Luna was like "hehehehehe this volume is truly ending in a darling massacre!"?
Uh, yeah, where the fuck is it? Jaune is arguably the biggest writer-darling and hes not only alive and well, but GOING WITH THE ACTUAL PROTAGONISTS TO A COMPLETELY ISOLATED MAGIC BEACH LAND
The only thing that got massacred this volume was Pennys arc tbh
This was like, the big defining moment of the volume where A Beloved Character is killed off by one of our protagonists for Tragedys Sake, and literally all I felt was annoyence because it was Jaune instead of, oh i dunno, THE ACTUAL TITULAR PROTAGONIST RUBY ROSE???
And for the love of god, if I have to hear that stupid defense thats like "oH iT wOuLd Be OuT oF cHaRaCtEr" I will literally burst into flames out of anger. Luckily I havent heard it in a while because everyone seems to have gotten mostly over it, and honestly, me even bringing this up is kinda beating a dead horse at this point but fuck it. This dead meat deserves to be beat! Like
Hey, heyheyheyheyheyheyheyh ey hey.
You know who else has a kinda goofy AI friend that they would usually never ever hurt because they mean so much to them, but is then forced to do so anyway?
Yusaku "The fucking Playmaker" Fujiki
Like, dude, thats literally part of what makes the final duel so incredibly heartwrenchinh!! The fact that Yusaku still loved Ai, still saw him as his Friend and Partner (HIS PARTNER) but had no choice but to defeat him anyway. Why would you not want this?!? Why would you rather have Vomitboy, who had NO interactions with Penny, to kill her instead?
I literally blacked out for more than half of VRAINS when I first watched it and I still havent rewatched it, and I have felt infinitely more during those final episodes than the entirety of V8, because it wasnt just that Yusaku and Ai dueled and Ai basically died; it was that Ai turned to villainy during the last part, it was that Yusaku still seemed somewhat hesitant in some ways, despite the fact that losing meant certain death, it was the fact that Ai set up this messed up suicide trap to begin with, it was Ai asking Yusaku to merge conciousnesses with him because he still wanted to exist in some form, it was the fact once Ai was defeated, Yusaku still got to hold him and tell him that his name means 'love' and cry and Ai got to say that he loved Yusaku and also cry and ugh.
Man its just. Much sad. Very feelings. Would not recommend, but will watch again. Twice, atleast, if everything goes according to plan.
But anyway, the point I was trying to make here was, you cant just kill a beloved character and expect that alone to make an impact. The context is just as, if not more more, important as the death itself. Even more so in a series like YGO or RWBY, where (permanent) deaths are very rare.
If a character dies and Im meant to feel sad because a characters dead but Im too busy being annoyed at the writing afound the scene, you failed as a writer. Hell, if I, as an audience member, am even conciously thinking about the writers during the series AT ALL, thats a failure.
Like, jesus fuck, imagine writing what I assume to be a YA-series only to have less good writing than one of the fucking card game anime, all of which are aimed at like, twelve year olds.
So yeah, in conclusion: Jaune Arc? More like Jaune Shouldve Died During The Fall Of Beacon With Or Instead Of Phyrrah And Ren's Semblence Being Able To Mask So Many People All Of A Sudden Should've Been Handwaved With A Line That Implies Ren Having Trained His Semblence A Lot Recently
Thank you for coming to my rant, I am much less angry now and will probably have a fine day
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RWBY vs Comic
Alright, I said I was gonna do this back when the comic first started getting published but I got so frustrated reading it that I couldn’t actually keep up with it enough go through with it. I think I stopped around issue 4 because that was when I just got angry and threw my comic back into the plastic. I figure now’s as good a time as any since I’m actually rereading it now. My whole issue with the RWBY DC comics is that they’re super canon divergent but somehow still canon material. It’s so frustrating that this is the case because we’re supposed to take into account things that happen in the comic as gospel- things like Adam revealing he’d always been genocidal, Bumbleby’s bottlecap, Weiss’ zoo animal arc, etc, but a lot of these different story arcs don’t make sense in our current canon. So I’m gonna talk about them because why not.
 Issue #1:
The first issue actually isn’t that bad- mostly because it’s just an intro to the series- but there are still some huge inconsistencies between the comic and official canon.
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These two panels are a fucking mess.
1) Ruby was passed out when she was delivered to Patch by Qrow. She’d just used her Silver Eyed Warrior powers for the first time, hurt Cinder, frozen the dragon, and passed out. We were literally forced to listen as Qrow carried Ruby out of the rubble and back home, because she was unconscious. But the comic has her just arriving back home all on her own. “I came back to my dad’s house.” No you didn’t, you literally woke up in your bed after what must’ve been days of being unconscious.
2) We know Blake didn’t get to Menagerie on a little wooden boat. We all watched the episode. It was a decent sized ship with multiple crew members, dozens of passengers, and literal armaments designed to destroy Grimm. Sun can’t hide in a robe for 3+ days on this boat. This boat wouldn’t have survived a Grimm attack in the first place. Idk why they decided to draw this boat instead of just drawing the Pride the way it was designed in the first place, but whatever I guess.
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RNJR didn’t tell Taiyang they were leaving. Ruby and her team just left. There was a whole scene dedicated to showing the shock and horror on Tai’s face as he saw Ruby’s letter and ran out of the house hoping to catch up to his daughter before she left. Also not as important but still relevant, RNJR left during winter. There was snow on the ground. I don’t see no snow in this panel- that tree looks real green. That last issue is mostly a nitpick- who cares what season they left in tbh. But the fact that they just wrote this panel into the comic despite the fact canon shows Taiyang had no idea of Ruby’s departure- and the fact that Ruby’s departure is actually really important to a bunch of later scenes in this show is really fucking weird.
Issue #2:
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I know we know next to nothing about Raven Branwen, but holy fucking shit do I wanna believe this is ridiculously out of character for her. You’re telling me that Raven actually did come visit Yang and Tai and Ruby, but the one time she ever made her presence known to any of them was to berate and terrify Ruby the one time she’d learned anything about Summer?! Like BRO. This is so fucked up! This is too fucked up! This is straight early 90′s level villainy right here. What was even the point behind this?! This scene tells us that she felt so negatively about Summer Rose that she was willing to break her silent cover just to disillusion Ruby for no other reason than to tell her she was weak. Which makes no fucking sense because when we finally meet her during season 5 Raven has nothing bad to say about Summer at all! What did Qrow say to her after they spoke? “Hey sis why the fuck are you flying around your ex’s home scaring his daughter who just lost her mother? You realize you’re talking shit about the woman who raised your child too right?” Like, this is so wildly terrible, that if we’re meant to take this into account, I don’t see how anyone who reads these comics could say anything positive about Raven ever again. This is strike one, two and three for her entire characterization.
Issue #4:
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I’ve said it already but fuck this boat.
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Not so much an issue with the comic as it is with RoosterTeeth’s sometimes sloppy storytelling, but we really need an exact age on Adam. Is this man a pedophile? We know Blake is about twelve here, meanwhile- besides looking maybe a little scrawnier- Adam looks the same as he did during the show. How old is this kid right here? Fifteen? Seventeen? Was he 20 during the events of volume 1? Was he 25? I really dislike this specific problem RT has created because at no point during canon were we led to believe that Adam was significantly older than Blake or our other characters, but here in the comic we’re getting huge pedo vibes. Idk if this was RoosterTeeth retroactively trying to throw Adam’s character even further into question but... Idk man, RT y’all need to hurry up and carbon date this kid because I’m really not liking this.
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I’m not gonna harp on the whole “Adam as a revolutionary vs Adam as a genocidal maniac” issue again. Most of y’all already know where I stand on this and have either made up your minds that either, yes, Adam’s sudden change towards being genocidal after being forcibly conscripted by Cinder doesn’t make much sense, or, no, Adam’s behavior is entirely in line with what little we’d seen of him up to that point in the story. I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinions on this issue, I’ve got about a dozen other posts for that. My issue with these panels specifically is that this is the moment Blake discovers Adam is genocidal. This is the moment Blake realizes that Adam never wanted peace, never wanted coexistence, never wanted what the White Fang actually wanted in the first place. He wanted Faunus supremacy- a goal entirely removed from the White Fang’s goal of equality between Faunus and humans. This is the moment Blake realizes that his ideology is so far from what it is she herself wants. If this is correct, why does Blake never mention this AT ALL when she’s talking about Adam. When the conversation comes up during season 3, she specifically states that Adam’s change was gradual. Not that he’d been hiding who he really was from her but that he’d become a completely different person from the man she’d originally known. I recognize that a lot of people say that this could be explained away as evidence of Blake’s abuse- oftentimes abusers don’t even realize just how monstrous their abusers are, even after they’ve escaped from said abuse. But this is just such a monumentally larger issue than manipulation and abuse. Adam is outright saying that he wants genocide! He’s not trying to hide it, he’s not trying to lie, he’s not trying to manipulate her! He’s telling her explicitly that he wishes he could kill as many humans as possible. But during the Black Trailer she’s still asking Adam about the crew members as if they hadn’t had this conversation hours ago! During season 2 she’s drawing him in her notebook as if she misses him! During season 3 she’s explaining that he’s simply misguided! This is apologia of the umpteenth level that is absolutely inexcusable. If I’m honestly supposed to be made to believe that Blake knew Adam was genocidal from before the events of the Black trailer and season 1 but still had feelings for him... I’m sorry but I’ve lost any and all respect for her entire character. You can’t have feelings for someone who’s genocidal- who you know is genocidal- and expect sympathy. No amount of abuse would forgive someone for having feelings for Hitler.
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I recognize the comics aren’t supposed to be a shot for shot recreation of the show, but what the fuck is this panel? The frame of Adam dismembering Yang was such a good, amazing, impactful frame. The black and red framing, the yellow of Yang’s hair and weapons, the red of Adam’s sword. Why would you not even try to recreate that?
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Leaving nitpicks for the end, really wish they hadn’t used “sunflower” here. That’s Yang/Ren. But again, the comic is made by people who aren’t in the fndm and don’t interact with the RWBY community at large in the first place, so of course they wouldn’t know.
Issue #5:
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Why does Blake seem so ooc here. Like, the fact that she’s trying to make Weiss feel guilty for “cheating” in a “win by any means necessary” free for all match is really??? Weird??? When we know Blake isn’t above using underhanded tricks herself considering what she did to Reese during the tournament and her Semblance in general??? But whatever, that’s mostly a nitpick as well.
Issue #7:
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My issue with this story is that it ends with Yang like, wistfully thinking of spending more time with Blake. But this is before she even put the prosthetic on. This is before she even got to talk with Weiss after meeting up with Raven. This is so early on in her healing process that I find it extremely difficult to believe that Yang is fondly remembering any time she spent with Blake. When Ruby talks to her during 3.12, she was angry that Blake had left her! Abandoned her! And then in the conversation she has with Weiss that happens after this event in the comic she’s still frustrated with Blake for leaving. So like... did she suddenly forgive Blake just a few weeks into her recovery and then relapse back into feeling like she’d abandoned her? Wtf is this?
Issue #9:
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I know she’s obviously supposed to be drunk here, and we barely got to know her during the short scenes she had, but like... she never struck me as this kind of person. To literally forget how old her daughter is? Like...???? The same woman who was so perceptive she was able to recognize that Whitley was acting out because he’d felt lonely and abandoned by his sisters? Doesn’t know how old one of her children is? This is silly.
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This isn’t the same woman we met during season 7. This isn’t the same quick witted woman who immediately directed Weiss to the cameras she’d hidden around the house when it was time to spring the trap on Jacques. This isn’t the same woman who was so honest when she admitted to her own faults just a few short months after this scene supposedly took place. You could argue that the events of this comic are what led Willow to become the person we meet later on, but like... That’s an absolutely ridiculous amount of offscreen growth you’re expecting me to just assume has happened. These aren’t the same people. This is ridiculous.
Issue #12:
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This seems so ooc for Sun. Why is he literally begging her to run away and not face a problem when his entire relationship with Blake up to and past this point is him teaching Blake to love herself enough to face her problems head-on in the first place? This is so weird and gross imo because it just feels like they’re warping Sun’s character to make it look like Yang is the only good influence in her life when that’s simply not the case. Every conversation Sun has with Blake from season 1 to season 6 is him telling her that she deserves happiness, love, and to forgive herself. There are multiple songs about this aspect of their relationship! Sun has helped Blake grow just as much as Yang has. Why is Sun taking this approach to manipulate Blake into staying silent about something that’s bothering her? On top of that, Sun’s never been the brightest banana of the bunch anyway, why the FUCK is he smart enough here to recognize that if Blake tells the truth and makes those people feel bad, that they’d draw more Grimm? He’s never been this intuitive before. It really feels like they made him smarter than he normally is just to make him scummier than he’s ever been so that we could feel that Blake’s relationship with Sun is less than her relationship with Yang. Awful writing and characterization from the RWBY DC team here
Issue #13:
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This is so wrong and despicable and manipulative and terrible. Again, this isn’t the same woman we met in the show. 
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Willow never made excuses for herself or her actions like this. Not once during the entire time she was on screen did she do anything like this. She knew she wasn’t a great mother and she took full responsibility for her actions- and inaction- I don’t know WHY she’s trying to excuse herself here. This is more Cruella De Ville than it is Willow Schnee.
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I’m not gonna explain how lumping this “prized menagerie” story with “Faunus slave labor” story together is godawful but just recognize that it’s Black History Month and this plot point they decided to write in is not MLK approved.
Anyway, that’s the whole RWBY DC run. All in all it wasn’t the worst adaptation of an established series, but goddamn. I’d rank this up there with Eragon or Percy Jackson or the end of the Soul Eater anime or something. This is such a slap in the face by people who obviously only ever skimmed through the show for the explicit purpose of writing this series that I’ve read fancomics and fanfiction that handle canon better than this. It’s really frustrating too because this comic run is like, beloved by certain people in the fndm who are only in this for the ships, and people who refuse to see anything wrong with this series ever. The healthy servings of Bumbleby and crumbs of Monochrome and White Rose are apparently enough to make people go “fuck all the inconsistencies, this comic is great.” Cannot express how much these people make me wanna slam my head into a wall. 
I did this just to highlight all the issues I have with the run, but I’m sure other people have other issues with this comic than I do. Have fun in the comments I guess.
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