#'too queer' and 'not for straight people'
still-cookiedough · 3 days
Five reasons why you should watch The Loyal Pin if you enjoy sapphic content:
A complete story: In the last couple of years countless US shows with sapphic couples have been canceled and most of them have been in the middle of the story with no conclusion. This show will give you a complete story with a beginning, middle, and an end you don’t have to worry about cancellation because the whole story is contained within 16 episodes. And if you end up enjoying the genre there are more shows to enjoy!
Sapphic romance to the max: One thing that I hate in US media is the death of the rom com and romance stories in general. Because these genres cater to women they are seen as lesser. The shows/movies that do get made are typically 95% to 100% straight. So my recommendation is that while we wait for the sapphic season of Bridgerton we enjoy a period romance that is entirely focused on two girls. Do you get annoyed by sub plots with straight characters? That’s okay because there are literally none in this show.
It’s free! In the time of 10 million subscriptions you can watch this on YouTube for free.
Quality sex scenes with more to come: An episode of this show opened with a 7 minute sex scene - if anything it was too long! Which is probably the best complaint to have. The intimate scenes are tasteful and clearly were made with the intent of the female gaze. Both actresses are comfortable with each other and have great chemistry. Over the course of the show it would be my guess that there will be 5 or 6 sex scenes if not more, and while the scenes are fun and hot there is no nudity (which can be a pro or con depending on who you are). Of course everyone has a different opinion on what they consider to be a good lesbian sex scene and quantity is not always quality, but aren’t you at least a little curious to check it out yourself?
Representation: It’s so refreshing to watch media that is not produced in the west. I think it’s so worth it to give international media a chance. Some things will be different, tropes that we typically rely on may not be the same and the production methods may be different. But that is part of the fun! Also I think we all know that we can use more queer content that does not center white people.
If you’re tired of your shows getting canceled by US production companies and just want to watch some sapphic romance, try it out! Almost half the episodes are out now for your binging pleasure!
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nerdygaymormon · 3 days
Artwork at the 2024 Gather Conference
The corridor at the conference had many art pieces on display. Here's the ones I liked the most. (I apologize to the artists of the pieces I didn't get their name nor a description of their work)
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A Seat at the Table by Rachel Jensen
Rachel says that a gay man she follows shared a quote from his journal, “I feel like everyone says there is a seat at the table for God’s gay children, but nobody actually knows where it is. So instead I just stand here, hoping that seat appears before my legs give out.” That quote inspired this art. She wanted to show a table where LGBTQ people already have a seat and are no longer relegated to the margins. Each person in this painting is wearing colors representing a different pride flag.
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Off To the Side by Steven Handley
Steven says that we queer folks often fall through the cracks or use the cracks to get through. Looking at this piece of art straight on, you miss the rainbow. The colors, like queer folks, are there, you just have to be open to seeing them.
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Always by Sarah McDonald
Sarah says explains that holding space inevitably calls for change. For an expansion. For growing outwards, upwards, and inwards. Like a rainbow, change makes space for every color. Always.
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Confronting Bisexual Erasure by Ashley Whitlock
Ashley is married to a man and could easily live a straight passing life. However, it's important to be her whole self. Holding back part of her was not helping her feel her authentic self. There are a LOT of bisexual people in the church who probably feel they are too straight for the gays and a bit too gay for the straights. She wants people to feel seen and to recognize that bisexuality is valid.
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lavendergalactic · 2 days
REMINDER: if you say you hate male/female ships because they're "straight" please remember queer people exist
i've seen a lot of hate towards m/f ships because they're "straight" recently, but have you ever thought that:
they could be trans, making it a queer relationship
they could be bi! making it a queer relationship
one could be bisexual the other could be omnisexual, still queer
they could even both be on the aroace spectrum and still be queer
the list goes on and on and on and on
anyway to lighten up the mood here are some of my m/f queer ship headcanons made in MS paint:
(warning /silly: lots of bisexuals because i am bisexual and love projecting onto characters)
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idk about amy yet! i havent seen much of her so i wouldnt know also i just kinda slapped on my orientations onto sheldon because he's literally me :P
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i also think its good to know that i'm a multishipper i also ship clorinde and navia too LOL
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i love polysho but i really do like emurui a ton
there's prob more that i forgot but these are my favs
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purpurussy · 2 days
I feel like the "dan is bi" anon is trolling but just in case they're genuinely confused: yes dan said in BIG that he loved and felt attracted to his high school gf (although he also made it pretty clear that they did not have sex so idk where anon is getting the idea that he has slept with "multiple women" 💀), and he alluded to his attraction not being confined to a specific gender in the part where he talked about labels, but you're completely taking all of that wildly out of context and missing the point of the whole video by calling him bi. I feel like this is probably the part that's frying their brain:
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(shoutout to the legend @goldenpinof for this transcript!)
But firstly, imo it was very clear from BIG, as well as other stuff he's said over the years, that he just doesn't like labels. Which I find very valid, it took me a long time to figure out how to label myself. I still don't know what my gender is lmao but I started saying "bi" for my sexuality because it's a widely-used term that gets the point across. And I think that's the thing here: he came to the conclusion that the labels "gay" and "queer" are the best descriptors of his identity, which do the most accurate job of approximating something extremely psychologically complex and multilayered and nuanced in a simple everyday term that gets the point across to other people.
Obviously words mean things and it doesn't make sense to just pick a label at random (like for example it wouldn't make sense for me to identify as a lesbian, since I definitely feel attraction to men as well as women and everything outside the binary, and am interested in acting on that attraction at times, so I wouldn't be conveying accurate information to other people if I used the label lesbian for myself) but a label is just supposed to serve the task of conveying relevant information to other people (if a lesbian feels some kind of abstract attraction to dan and phil, that doesn't mean that the alphabet council needs to immediately revoke their lesbian card!! Since the word "lesbian" still does a perfectly good job of conveying relevant information to other people. Likewise if a straight dude has a fun little gay dalliance with his college roommate, but has absolutely 0 interest in men beyond that incident, it wouldn't be remotely necessary for him to start calling himself bi if he didn't want to, because what would be the point in that if he's only interested in women? Like if he told a gay dude who found him attractive that he's bi, only to backtrack... Do you see what I'm saying here?). It's perfectly valid for Dan to use "gay" and "queer" as umbrella terms that in his opinion do the best job of describing him, out of the language that's available. If he's like essentially a kinsey >5 and decided to just round it off to a 6 at this point, who are you to tell him he can't lmao
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(shoutout to the legend @goldenpinof for this transcript!
Human sexuality is often way too complicated to boil it down to a single label in a way that doesn't erase any of its nuance, and I feel like this is something he's struggled with in the past, especially with him being a public figure. He's mentioned multiple times that feeling like he had to choose a label was a factor that prolonged his decision to come out.
And this is not even getting into the impact that his trauma from his childhood and also from spending a chunk of his formative years in the public eye probably had on the way he identifies or the way he chooses to label himself. It clearly took so much courage and strength for him to finally be able to call himself gay/queer please have some respect for our brave troops
Ultimately the point is that he uses the labels "gay" and "queer", not "bi", and it really shouldn't be difficult to respect that. It's also not biphobic for him to choose not use the label "bi" (again speaking as someone who uses that label). It's just that he feels "gay"/"queer" are better descriptors for him and nobody gets to determine that except him!! :) He wants people to know he's gay so he calls himself gay and that's that on that.
There are definitely people on here who are way smarter and more well-educated than me who would've done a much better job eloquently discussing this topic without rambling all over the place but that's my take (if anyone would like to add to this please do so, I'm always open to learn more about topics like this. And I'm also not saying that the way I see it is the only objectively correct opinion, but anon is definitely wrong so 💀). Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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babyaiker · 2 days
Been trying to work on school stuff and original art/stories but I literally have no ideas this month has been hell. I miss my cowpokes and just enjoying media that wasn’t self-made
Fuck it, my silly modern (redneck) rdr2 au, since this idea still rattles in my brain a lot:
Basic idea is that the gang all resides in the same, small, horse focused Texas highway town. I traveled through a bunch of these towns last month, so that’s what gave the inspiration. Clarendon, Texas was a big visual inspiration
The Van Der Linde’s have a horse ranch with a lot of open property a handful of other gang members live on. But otherwise there are members all over town, with their own houses and whatever. There’s a community college, general stores, just enough amenities to keep you inside the town, but a good doctor or chain restaurant is still a 30 minute drive away.
While the story of the AU is undoubtedly softer, with a lot less death and a lot more casually queer undertones, the gang is still,,, like a gang, illegal money is 100% being made. Drugs, sabotage, hell even extortion, a lot of government hatred all around. Small town getting away with big crimes idk
You can probably tell this idea is still very juvenile, but it makes me smile. Anyway some very clustered random ideas:
The VDL ranch has a main house, where Dutch and Molly live. Micah crashes on their couch. Hosea and Bessie have their own place in town, but are on the ranch so often they basically live there too.
John and Abigail have their property on the same land as the ranch, aiding in much of the horse-care work. Arthur used to as well, but he’s now got a nicer place in town (doesn’t mean he isn’t at the ranch every day)
Lot of the canonically younger characters (19-23 smthin) live in the housing near the community college. Lenny is the exception as he probably rents a room from Hosea and Bessie’s place. Those two are everyone’s parents, and there gonna make sure that even the youngest are well taken care of
Swanson likely works at the church in town, I straight up imagine Susan being apart of the towns leadership if not the straight up mayor, Pearson owns a shop or restaurant. Everyone else either works with the horses, makes money somewhere else, or is getting an education. Everyone is aware and complicit  in the crime
And of course Kieran already has a lot of unique, still very sad, lore, I already changed his last name dude. He’s my favorite of course he gets some major spotlight >:)
But ya anyway if anyone wants to make headcanons or as questions go ahead, I’d genuinely love to get some more people on board so we can make silly dumb headcanons
Red neck redemption babyyyy
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here is pretty much undeniable byler proof and i actually need you guys to stay with me here because like this is gonna take a while
so just to start with; Mike was worried about Will as soon as he went missing. Like right there. He was terrified that he would lose Will. He thought about him all the damn time. Literally cried in his mother’s arms. Was the FIRST one to hug him when they got him hospitalized. HE LITERALLY PUT HIS HEAD ON WILLS CHEST TO HEAR HIS HEARTBEAT. Literally what more do you want from that??
second reason: the van scene. just the van scene itself. But specifically the painting part of the van scene. When Will gave Mike the painting he was literally grinning. Smiling so hard at that moment. But yk what happened when Will told him that El commissioned it? his face immediately fucking dropped. Like I’m sorry, who in their right mind would see that as heterosexual activity?? NO FUCKING BODY.
Another one is a thing i reblogged so credits to the original poster for this idea but there are food metaphors about homosexuality. at the end of season 4 when Robin and Vickie are making the sandwiches, something was said by Robin about peanut butter sandwiches being “monstrosities” i believe, or something of that nature. This is about how peanut butter and peanut butter (which is referring to two people of the same gender) shouldn’t belong together, and Vickie thinks its okay, and its not bad. Which pretty much confirms that Vickie is not straight, however i dont think that this has been confirmed by the Duffer Brothers. Now in the pizza place scene when Argyle and El are trying to get Mike to eat pineapple pizza. He calls it blasphemous, and when they finally get him to try it he says that it isn’t that bad. He said that it was good. This is referring to the fact that homosexuality is frowned upon by many people, but Mike is basically saying that it isn’t that bad. Like thats basically our comfirmation of Mike being queer, or maybe we’re just looking wayyyyy too into it.
there is so much more and i will add to this as i remember things, but lmk what you guys think!
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genderisareligion · 5 hours
I've said it on here before but I saw something yesterday that makes me think I should say it again: the queer community is actively stealing and intentionally obfuscating the terms AFAB and AMAB which were exclusive to the intersex community before and they need to be shamed harder for it.
The only people on Earth who can ever be "assigned a gender" (sex) are intersex people. No, you "feeling like a woman" because you're gay or played with girls toys does not compare to intersex oppression. Originally this terminology was only used specifically to describe what happens when intersexist doctors surgically correct infants and children to make them appear perisex. You and I and 99% of us as perisex people have never and will never have this experience.
My source on this isn't exact but I got it straight from the mouth of an intersex woman who IIRC got termed for telling too many trans people to stop appropiating, if you scroll long enough through this archive you'll probably see her bring it up
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strawbeffys · 2 days
Honestly, the change from high school to college isn’t that drastic to me. 😭 she looked gay as hell in high school too I know you look at some photos and she is dressing like a straight white girl and there are pics of her with guys but honestly, to me, she’s always looked gay. I think she probably was figuring it out when she was in high school because I feel like that’s where it all happens before you go to college. because after like 2021-22 she began dressing more masculine and being comfortable in her style (at least to the public eye). And honestly, I just think that she knows we know she’s gay and she’s like well the people need to know, know as she said in that interview. Also, Paige is super religious not to say religious people can’t be queer for one I am one but it definitely impacts if you wanna come out or not because the backlash gonna be crazy and she’s been through enough this year with the public eye so like anons said it’s gonna be cadence parker situation where she just pops out with a wife. And honestly, she doesn't have to be a lesbian I know she stereotypically dresses like one but she can bi-pan whatever but there is a likelihood of her being a lesbian.
i don't think paige has ever really looked straight a day in her life lol. she just got a lot more comfortable dressing how she wanted to and exploring her masculine side (like she said in that one interview). and i'm so happy for her. but yeah, the religion part is something I've been saying. being queer and a christian (or any other religion tbh) can really impact your self image and history, so it wouldn't surprise me if that's what's going through her head. not that we'll ever know haha but that's my theory.
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You look like a thirteen year old girl decided to cosplay as a skinhead for a tiktok skit 💀 this is why pride should be left to transfems lmaooo
I’m assuming an sincerely hope you are not a part of the queer community in any way. We don’t beat each other down like this. I have a really intense and longggg rough history with my hair as well. I had it at a cute length literally last week and was finally starting to not hate it but I had a “dysphoria is beating my ass” kind of day and just snapped and shaved it. I hate it too thanks. Again I’m assuming you’re a straight cis person which is why I’m not taking this personally because the queer community especially trans people, even if for some reason you HATE me, would never beat up another queer person like this. So thanks for your input, go be your straight cis self somewhere else though thank you
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fanonical · 11 hours
I see your point about June (and June is my favorite too). And I've definitely seen people headcanoning trans boy John out of really blatant spite, and complaining about June in a way that felt extremely pointed, like her mere existence is an insult and a source of hurt.
Buuuut on the other hand, many people loved transfem Roxy for a long time before the Epilogues, and I think it's fine and fair for them (... okay, us) to feel fleetingly disappointed that Roxy is transmasc in the Epilogues. I also think it's fine and fair to continue headcanoning Roxy as transfem, because the Epilogues were very explicitly in-text framed as one possible continuation out of many. I won't lie, I just love that t4t f/f Roxygen.
So my line of thinking is, it's probably still fine and fair to also love trans guy John, if people are inclined that way. It's more about the way that they do it? If you're finding yourself framing June as some kind of invasion on your holy safe space by the mean and terrible new writers of Homestuck, you need to take a step back and reexamine the transmisogynist bias there, and most importantly you need to stop being so goddamn rude to the people making art that just isn't for you. But on the other hand, I think simply ignoring the Epilogues and doing your own thing with trans boy John and his shaving cream trauma, that to me is perfectly in line with - and in fact respectful of - the spirit of the Epilogues.
(Similarly, I don't think it'd be bad to do a reading of the TUA comics where Vanya is a trans girl; I don't even think it'd be bad to write an AU genderswap of the TUA show universe where Viktor is a trans girl, though I'd greatly prefer if other characters' gender was changed too in that case.) (For example, I'd enjoy a full swap where A and V Hargreeves were the only "boys" growing up, and then V transitions and A is left all alone with his masculinity and he lets it steep into resentment. Also, sometimes you want trans girls with violins blowing up the world.)
Right, I hear what you’re saying but I think there’s a couple of key differences here
First of all, we know for a fact that Roxy being transmasc was prompted by a transmasc writer who was repeatedly & horribly transmisogynistic about transfem headcanons, so I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to assume that he really did specifically hate transfem Roxy headcanons out of spite so much that he made it an impossible reading in both timelines. But even then — I do think that if somebody specifically just decided Roxy is transfem and everything else from the Epilogues is the same (or magically headcanoned away as making sense somehow) then they would be intentionally misunderstanding & rejecting the text too. Like, that’s ok, that’s literally what a large part of fandom is, but the reasons for doing this are not neutral, and they reflect hegemonies & wider values.
In the case of transfem Roxy the point is to pointedly reject something we think is transmisogynistic — we have been teased with transfem Roxy for years, it’s an obvious & clear reading of her relationship to Callie in Act 6, and so I think it’s a legitimate criticism of the Epilogues. Meanwhile, there straight has not been years of hints for transmasc John, in fact, to headcanon June as transmasc you have to pointedly ignore her already extant queer narrative.
I also think you either misunderstand or are intentionally misunderstanding how alternate realities work in The Homestuck Epilogues & Homestuck Beyond Canon. They are not just one continuation out of many — there is only the two as far as I’m aware. I’m not up to date with HSBC but it’s my understanding that reality was cleft in two.
i agree with you on the Umbrella Academy! because this is something that has been like rebooted to switch things up, those characters are gonna get remixed. i’d love to see a transfem Vanya somewhere down the line. but if i only blogged about the tv show and i was constantly & loudly explaining how i prefer transfem Vanya and how she should be transfem in the show then I think that would obviously be in poor taste.
i think what bothers me is the boldness of so many men to be like “idk i just prefer this as a man character” right in the replies of posts where transfems are gushing about/sharing their transfem headcanons. I can’t even talk about June being trans without a few people saying that, and that’s actually confirmed as 100% happening, so it’s even more impossible to escape with like transfem Link headcanons etc.
i think all in all, transmascs, trans boys & trans men should try and leave more space for their sisters in the community. it is not subversive to wish every character was a man. just misogynistic. leave room for transfems, trans girls & trans women in fandom and beyond, folks.
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professorsta · 2 years
Bros is one of my favorite films now and if anyone else goes into the tag specifically to shit on it I'm going to strip my pants down and shit on your chest
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
It's always, like, mildly annoying when people see a het trans couple and go "all that work just to be straight?" like... one, you don't know if they're straight and two, trans people don't owe you a queer sexuality to "make up" for the fact we're trans. Transhet people aren't a subtype of trans people, they're members of the trans community, and the queer one if they so desire!
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samwinchestermydude · 2 months
I think we as Sam fans should be more annoying and loud about the fact that his crossroad demons were men twice.
(This is me being pissed off about how people will say dean is of course bi due to some dumb shit like the siren, which was his brother, and “bi lighting” or something, and then turn around and say Sam is the straightest character. Like what.)
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hysteriafossil · 6 months
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guess who finished tlok tonight and immediately had this come to him in a vision!!!!
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iwasbored777 · 15 days
I wanna know what's going on in the heads of everyone who watched Deadpool & Wolverine and think that the movie wasn't gay. Did you even watch the right movie?
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redysetdare · 9 months
I said it once and i'll say it again the sooner the queer community drops the idea of the straight Boogeyman the better off we will all be. The sooner y'all accept that straight people can also be queer the easier it becomes to accept identities you don't understand.
Straight and queer are not opposite. They aren't contradictory. They aren't mutually exclusive. If you can accept that cis people can still be queer then straight people can to.
Straight trans people exist. Straight aspecs exist. They are all still queer. Grow the fuck up and get over it instead of throwing a fit because things are not about you.
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