#'us- were the good guys! the heroes even!' which is a small change but one that is very Not Chip and sounds more like tommy
boygirlctommy · 7 months
trying to write a riptide thing and im struggling bcsu i keep making them talk like ctommy and cranboo ToT
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runninriot · 8 months
Small Treasures To Keep
inspired by the prompt 'Love is not in the big things but in the small ones' by @sidekick-hero written for @steddielovemonth day 9
wc: 1.472 | rated: G | cw: none | tags: Musician Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington has a crush, just sweet boys being sweet, friends to lovers
   “There were like, at least 200 people there! And they were actually enjoying our show! Can you believe that? It was amazing, Steve! They listened to us play, and banged their heads, and they cheered after every song. Some of them even asked if we had any merch with us and obviously we didn’t but we gave out autographs and- Oh! I almost forgot! I got you something! I’ll be right back.” Eddie nearly topples off the couch in excitement.
Steve watches him with a smile on his face, equally amused and charmed by Eddie’s dorky behaviour, and bites back a laugh when Eddie almost stumbles over his own feet as he hurries towards his bedroom.
Eddie is a menace. So strange and irritating at times but in such an endearing way it’s impossible not to like him.
Steve’s been listening to him talk non-stop since he arrived at his trailer about ten minutes ago. Talking himself breathless while recounting the events of Corroded Coffin’s first real gig, as Eddie calls it.
Steve can’t blame Eddie for being so over the moon, so overjoyed and proud. So thrilled to have gotten the chance to play as substitute opener for some Indiana metal band last night.
It must’ve been a blast, by the sounds of what Eddie’s been telling him. And Steve really is happy for him but somewhere deep down he’s still a little sad. Because he was supposed to be there for the show, to watch his friend perform in a venue four times the size of The Hideout, in front of an actual crowd. But Steve had been caught up at work because Keith called in sick last minute, leaving Steve in charge of the closing shift at Family Video which meant he couldn't make it out in time for the gig.
That really sucked.
Steve had been looking forward to the concert ever since Eddie asked him if he wanted to come see them play. When he told him it would mean a lot if he did. That he’d appreciate to have his emotional support there because he’d been so nervous about the whole thing.
It made Steve feel special, in a way. Like he’s important to Eddie, important enough for Eddie to want him there. For wanting Steve to witness the most exciting moment in the band’s history since Gareth’s mom had finally relented and let them use the garage for their rehearsals.
Steve had wanted to be there.
So, not being able to go was utterly frustrating. Not only because he really would’ve loved to watch Eddie play his guitar on a real stage but also because he kind of felt like he let Eddie down.
It was a miracle he even got a hold on him over the phone to tell him the unfortunate news. Eddie was just about to leave and make his way to the venue when Steve called him. (He would've already been out of the house had he not spilled a drink on his shirt and needed to change.)
Steve was gutted when he heard Eddie let out a heavy sigh, felt a pang in his heart at the defeat in Eddie’s voice when he told him that it was okay.
He felt horrible, like a bad friend. Unreliable and disappointing.
But then Eddie told him he understood and not to worry his pretty head about it. Said he wasn't angry, just sad because he wouldn’t be able to look out for Steve in the crowd when his nerves got the better of him.
    “Promise you’ll think of me?” Eddie had asked and the promise spilled easily over Steve’s lips because-
Well. When is he not thinking about Eddie?
The guy with the unruly mane and chocolate brown eyes. The guy with the cheeky smile and a passion for teasing words. Whose small flirty gestures get Steve’s blood boiling and make his heart jump.
He’s on Steve’s mind constantly because he’s a constant in his life now. A good friend, a kind soul. Annoying, and loud, and wonderful to be around.
Eddie is-
    “Ah, fuck!”
The clattering sound of something takes Steve out of his thoughts and he can’t help but chuckle when he turns towards the noise and his eyes fall on Eddie, helplessly fumbling with the chain hanging from his belt loops that got stuck on the door handle.
When he's finally managed to free himself, he speed walks over to Steve with a big grin on his face. Eddie comes to a stop right in front of him, expectantly looking down at Steve as he triumphantly holds up a crinkled piece of paper, waiting for him to take it.
   “What is that?” Steve asks, confused and unable to identify what he’s now holding in his hands.
Upon closer look he realises it’s a flyer, or it had been one before someone decided to tear it in half. Steve can barely make out some dates and half of the name of a venue, thinks it might be one for the show last night.
   “Look at the back,” Eddie says and his smile widens even more.
When Steve turns it around, he sees the Corroded Coffin logo scribbled on the backside of the paper. Beneath the band’s name, he immediately recognizes Eddie’s squiggly handwriting, thinks he can make out the names of the other band member’s too.
Steve looks back up at Eddie, returning the smile as he realises what this is.
   “You got me an autograph? That’s so cool! Thanks, Eds!”
   “Not just any autograph. It’s the first. When people came asking for autographs we panicked a bit because no one had ever wanted us to sign anything. So we practiced. What you have there is the first piece of paper Corroded Coffin have ever signed. Gareth wanted to throw it away but I saved it because I wanted you to have it. Y’know, uh, because you couldn’t come to the show and I, uhm, I still wanted to share the experience with you.”
Eddie’s face turns bright red and he seems nervous all of a sudden.
And Steve just... stares. Lets his eyes drift between Eddie and the small treasure he’s holding in his hands.
It might just be a piece of paper, some might even call it trash. But to Steve this is something precious. Something he’ll hold onto forever because Eddie gave it to him. Eddie thought about him when he should’ve been buzzing with ecstasy over their successful gig.
   “That’s-“ Steve doesn’t know what to say.
So instead of talking he stands up and pulls Eddie into a tight embrace, feels his heart beating like crazy when Eddie returns it with his own arms wrapped around Steve.
   “I love it,” Steve says, keeps other words hidden inside.
They tentatively let go of each other, still staying close, still standing toe to toe.
   “Maybe it’ll be worth some money if me and the guys make it big one day.”
It already is Steve’s most valuable possession.
   “When, not if,” Steve says matter-of-factly, holding the paper close to his heart.
   “You really think so?” Eddie asks, voice hushed like it’s a secret wish that might come true if he doesn't jinx it.
   “Mhm.” Steve nods. “But I would never sell this autograph. I’ll frame it and keep it forever.”
   “You will?” Eddie asks, a little disbelieving but also...
And for a moment they just stand there, looking at each other wide-eyed and red-cheeked, both flustered and shy. Smiling.
   “Forever,” Steve says honestly, more meaning to the word than he’s ready to admit.
A few months later Steve finally gets to see Eddie and his band play on a real stage, in front of an actual crowd. He’s there in the front row, cheering for Eddie, buzzing with joy and pride.
And when their eyes meet in the middle of a song Steve doesn’t yet know is about him, he decides he’s going to tell Eddie that he loves him.
And when years later a reporter asks Corroded Coffin’s manager – who’s known to have been close friends with the guys forever (there are even unconfirmed speculations about him and the lead singer being lovers) – at which point in life he knew they had made it, Steve smiles and says “When I held their first autograph in my hands”.
The reporter laughs and the other band members roll their eyes fondly at the cheesy response. But Eddie looks at him and returns the smile, unnoticable for anyone other than Steve. And in that moment it means more to him than the gold ring he's secretly wearing on a chain around his neck. It means more than success and what they've accomplished in life.
It's a small thing, a hidden 'I love you'.
Another small treasure to keep.
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maopll · 1 year
Could I request headcanons of Dan Heng, Blade, Gepard and Samp being called a term of endearment (like sweetie or honey) from their s/o?
—MY LOVE, MY LIFE : #honkai star rail
⌗:, a/n: they deserve princess treatment cause they r so baby girl (but I don't like sampo)
⌗:, warning: none just men who r baby girl material
⌗:, pairings: dan heng, gepard, blade & sampo w/ gn!reader (separately)
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Sweet endearments like dear, sweetheart, honey are all enough to make him swoon for you. He does not mind you calling anything. He knows the words you call him with are from the depths of you heart. The way your lips would would curl when you would them and how your voice goes high and then low whenever you call him with adoration.
It was late in the Astral Express. Dan heng, your lover, being the authority of the data bank, was busy learning about the species that you would encounter on your next mission. You saw him from the corner of your drowsy eyes. He only had a small lamp near him to help him read. "Dear, it's quite late at night. Why don't you come and sleep?" You called out. He looked at you and said, "Just five more minutes, babe, I will be right back," ignoring his words, and you slithered your way to his lap. You hugged him and locked your arms around his neck. "I was unable to sleep because of your absence, honey,". Knowing that he wouldn't be able to fight back, but your warmth was making him even more drowsy. Calling it a day, he laid you on your shared bed and kissed you a good night sleep.
The Silvermane Guard Captian, although holding more authorities than a normal citizen of Belobog, is a soft guy throughout. Praises and endearments like good boy, my hero, Prince charming work wonders on him. The way his face would go bright red is a sight to see.
After a long day of work, returning to home is the best feeling. Especially when you are there. You greet him with a soft smile, a warm hug, and a sweet "welcome home my prince," contrary to the bitter and harsh cold climate of Belobog. He nuzzles his face in your neck, inhaling the scent of oak and lavender you emit, which makes him sleepy. He wishes days like these would frequent him more. Although he has many responsibilities but when he is with you he wants to run away from them. However for now he likes these fleeting moments better as he finishes your sentence with a tone filled with adoration saying "I'm home my dear."
The emotionless and stone cold Blade never found amusement in anything, but when you came into his life after a chance encounter, his views of the world changed. He found solace in your company and amusement in the words mortals use, which he finds quite unnecessary since he has a name, but he can't deny the way he feels whenever you call him darling.
It was raining a lot at the place your hideout is. The streets were filled with rainwater, and the pitter patter accompanied by the roaring thunder seemed to grow louder by the second. You were snuggling in his arms since the day was a bit cold. You noticed how distant he looked as if he was thinking about many things. "What are you thinking about, darling ?" Your use of the endearment snapped him out of his thoughts. He told you that it was nothing that you should be worried about. Knowing you wouldn't be able to get the information you want from him you slid onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Alright then since you don't want to tell me I won't ask too much baby". You suddenly started to shower his face with your kisses. The room which had turned cold and only the sound of rain could be heard now resonates with laughter filled with adoration and warmth.
He knew he had an aura, which many found annoying. As a result, he believed that nobody would find him attractive or likeable, but you were different. Although you did admit to him one day that he might get a little clumsy at times but you liked his silly little attitude by saying "oh you're just a silly little guy babe" and oh what that endearment did to him. His cheeks bloomed full red like fresh ripe strawberries. Ever since then, he would ask you to call him by whatever nicknames you wish for.
Usual day in both of your lives. Trying to not get caught by Silvermane Guards as they chase both of you together. Hastily opening up a portal using your ability, you escape the chase. By now, you have gotten enough experience to know where to land and when to open up the portal. "Another successful escape! goodness I was worried about my client's goods" he sighed to you "It's only a success when it's me bro you've got caught more than 4 times if I'm not wrong" you told him panting and sweating. "I know, I know ! that's why I always take you with me, dear. ". "Yeah, yeah, I know, babe, let's go home. I wanna sleep so ba—" abruptly hoisting you up in his muscular arms, he proceeded to walk towards the desired destination "Oh come on I know you can never be so feisty when I'm around" you know you cannot argue with him too much since he always has a thing or two to counter your statement with so chuckling at his childlike behaviour you kissed him on the cheek. What an eventful day it was...
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What I'd Change about MHA
firstly, i'd put monoma in 1-a. i'd replace sato b/c i hate his character design and does he even do anything?
i'd make aizawa more of a stoic, scary looking guy but he just wants what's best for these kids. he doesn't lie to them or use ruses but he tends to push more and seems like a hardass to prepare them for the cutthroat life of heroics
i'd flesh out the characters more, their backstories, why they want to be heroes. i'd also build their relationships more. give them time to bond, spend time together outside of school without a disaster happening. filler type stuff
i like most of the plot up until the war arc, so i'd probably keep it, changing small things like stain. i think i'd make stain a former hero, like lady nagant, who saw corruption in his field and decided to handle it in the most extreme way. i would either get rid of stain attacking tensei or have it be a 'wrong place, wrong time' scenario where tensei found stain attempting to kill a different hero and wouldn't leave(similar to midoriya running in to save tenya)
ofa is one of the things about the og that annoys me. firstly, more than 9 users. probably 11-13. if it's supposed to be 2-3 hundred years since quirks, 9 doesn't make sense. especially since the first 3 were all around the same age and most of them died young. i'd also have more diverse users and quirks. i hate fa jin and gearshift, and danger sense and smokescreen don't make sense. blackwhip and float are great quirks. expand on the users' pasts as well. why were they chosen? what did they do with the quirk when they had it? also more izuku/vestige scenes. no random bakugou look alike user
i'd change a lot of the villain's stories. i'd change toga to actually be a victim of the system instead of just a blood-crazed lunatic. she was starved and didn't understand her cravings until she snapped and accidentally killed a classmate. from there, she's treated like a monster and pushed into the league who help her get the blood she needs which calms her down significantly. no wanting to become the people she loves and creepy harrasment of izuku and ochaco. just make her a scared teenage girl with no one else to go
as for shigaraki, when afo gets arrested show a slow change in his thought process, behavior, and lifestyle as he adjusts to life without the man who had been grooming and abusing him his entire life. make him realize afo isn't a helpful sensei but rather manipulating him. have him grow and reject afo and his ideas. have him start forming his own ideas of how he wants to change society
dabi is a tough one. i think i'd make him ostracized from his entire family. he had the quirk but not the body or mind for heroics. enji rejects him, rei can't stand his ambition, natsuo and fuyumi don't have anything in common and so he pushes them away, shoto is the masterpiece. this makes him more sullen and closed off. i'd have him run away instead of nearly dying and being save by afo. when he finds the league, he starts to open up more and develops more of a personality in this new family.
i wouldn't make kurogiri oboro. i think i'd scrap oboro as a whole. kurogiri is still a nomu but he has no ties to any heroes.
i'd have more people die in the war. more important heroes like all might, miruko, edgeshot, jeanist etc. bakugo stays dead, it's a tragedy that even someone as strong as him can't always win. maybe parents, friends, past classmates of the students because this is a war, collateral is going to happen. gran torino also should've died.
izuku: -make izuku's hair slowly turn white after he gets ofa so by the end it is completely white. this can be due to stress, having multiple quirks, getting a quirk when he didn't have one, etc. -all for one is his dad. this can explain why izuku can wield all of the past users' quirks, he's built to have multiple. now, this doesn't make afo a good person suddenly. he's still the man who groomed tenko and killed countless. maybe he just makes kids every now and then to get/make new quirks. it's just a game to him, he doesn't care about izuku or inko but it give izuku more personal stakes. -lean into izuku's analysis and intelligence more. -make monoma part of his friend group and have them bond over quirk analysis. -i think i'd make Mic his tutor. like how aizawa saw shinsou and decided to train him, mic sees izuku and his destructive quirk and decides to do something about it.
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shoyastars · 2 months
My 100th Post! 🥳
Ok long story short, I couldn’t get the image of this outta my head!
Ray x GN/ Reader
The proposal of a lifetime.
Yes its something other than my oc x ray, not to mention you guys are probably tired of it by now hehe!
Let’s begin.
Ray was always protective of your love and always patient as he could with you, when you were ready to love again, especially after double vision, you weren’t entirely sure what you were getting yourself into. However… one day by someone mysterious, the NAHA’s wrong doings were brought to the public eye and somehow Ray escaped the binds of it all, and the NAHA had to have a rewritten system. Ray got the news that he would only be needed if truly necessary, which was when aliens attacked, it did still annoy him but it was a bit fair due to some of the hero’s still a bit inexperienced with the said situations. However, he was able to not have a chains attached or be bothered, due to the new staff knowing his power, he could possibly destroy everything if they were to try anything. Ray was not free from the governments eyes but was able to have a good once of freedom he’s never had before. He mostly spent it with you. You were his tie to humanity, and if you weren’t here at all he would’ve destroyed humanity at this point…. But he never did. He felt more human more sane, all thanks to you. As he said to you before, you were his binary star.
Soon going on dates without worry and able to spend more time with you as days pass, he realized he wanted more. More than just a simple title as a lover. He had it planned out, a nice picnic somewhere nobody else would interfere and no one to ruin the mood, he wore something special for the occasion even texting you to put on something nice. He flew you out because he was too excited to simply drive. When you both landed you were more skeptical than ever, first the blindfold, then him flying? Something was definitely up with him.
“Ray, what are you planning?”
He let out a soft chuckle as he let you down carefully.
“Wait and see, I picked out a perfect spot just for us.”
He lead you by taking your hands and guiding you. When you both stopped you heard him go behind you and take off your blindfold, due to the darkness your eyes had to adjust to the sunlight a bit.
When you’re eye’s focused, you saw a beautiful site, a lakeside picnic. You were a bit speechless.
“I- I don’t know what to say…”
He walked in front of you and gave you a passionate kiss.
“No need, you’re face expression says it all star.”
“But… why all the way out here?”
You crossed your arms and smiled a bit you knew exactly by now if it’s something worth Ray dressing formally for then he has something up his sleeve.
He smiled and let out a soft laugh.
“I just can’t hide anything from you now a day can I?”
He put his hands in his pockets.
“What If I wanted to enjoy the view?”
You scoffed and turned a bit as you weren’t believing that.
“Hmph! And I thought we agreed not to hide things from each other again.”
Ray saw his chance and took it. He took a deep breath, scared out of his mind.
You were wondering why he was so quiet now.
“Maybe if you turn around it would be more clear.”
When you did, you were met with him on one knee. He took out a small box, you couldn’t believe your eyes. Was this all truly happening or was it all just a dream?
“Star… you’ve changed my life, in ways I’ve never thought it could, depending on it being good or bad for me. You were most important. You made me realize I could be more than what I thought I was.”
Ray opened up the box to reveal a beautiful ring, it wasn’t too flashy or anything outrageous. Your emotions were pouring over at this point, your hands over your mouth, tears practically in your eyes, it was happening. You weren’t dreaming. It was real.
“Would you… like to fulfill a greater purpose for us?”
You couldn’t help but kneel to the ground on both knees, you were so happy, you were questioning why you were crying. Was it the fact you didn’t think you’d find someone like Ray to begin with? Or we’re you so sure you’re villain career would’ve ruined any chance for you to have a happy married life?
Ray starts to worry, his hand shaking as he was going to check on you.
“Star, are you-“
Without warning you hugged him along with a passionate kiss on the lips, Ray couldn’t help but feel both relief and joy. The little box still in hand as he wrapped his arms around you as you kissed, when you pulled away you were still crying tears of happiness laughing as you knew you weren’t dreaming at all, it was all real, he was real, this was real.
“I’m assuming that’s a yes?”
“Yeah haha!”
He took the ring and put it on your ring finger, you couldn’t help but laugh as you saw it fit perfectly, weeeelll actually it was a bit loose but that’s a problem for later.
“Wait… I thought we couldn’t…. Wouldn’t the NAHA?”
“The new head said hero’s personal lives should remain personal. And they knew if they were to try anything on me I’d practically have to deal with them personally.”
“Personally? Wow Ray never thought you’d be that intimidating.”
He shrugs.
“They just realized how much of a problem it would be if they were to make an enemy of me I guess.”
You’d playfully nudge him, causing him to laugh a bit.
At that moment he had so much love for you he wasn’t even worried about what could possibly come next. He knew exactly what he wanted, a future with you. You were his star, and he was willing to take a chance with you, might as well go all the way.
“Now come on, it’s a picnic for a reason, I bet you made the food yourself since this was oh so secret.”
You move over to the blanket set out of you two of you.
Ray smiled as he then goes to join you, enjoying the rest of the day together.
In a world he was brought in, he thought nothing was worth saving, till he saw you petting that cat.
He knew there would be something about you, knowing something about you was bound to change something within him he didn’t know needed to be changed. Or felt….
He felt love
He felt beloved
He felt…. Human.
He was simply… Ray
He forgot he was Binary Star that day.
He was ready for anything now more than ever.
You were ready more than ever to.
Come at you and him, you were ready for it.
Ready to face the world.
The end
Please be sure to know this was inspired off of @smxhyphy
Due to the picture!
Without this picture This beautiful scenario would of probably never existed 😩
I hope you all enjoyed! Be sure to support the artist of the commission!
And as always if you want to give me criticism for my writing be sure to put it in the comments!
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tiredkiwilol · 3 months
Of Childhood and Heroes
This is the fic idea I had awhile ago with child Hyrule and Legend!! For a bit of context, we're starting out in Hyrule POV and he's referred to as Link. Very big thank you to @gryphonlover and @rrainydaydreams for giving me advice when I first started this!!
Link's head hurt.
His hearing came back to him slowly, muffled noises slowly becoming louder and louder.
Link opened his eyes to see a battlefield. He could see about six hylians armed with swords and shields, but he could see arrows coming down from the treetops, never from the same spot though.
Instantly wary, Link crouched down, back to a tree. He pulled out the small, albeit rusty dagger he'd found in a cave awhile back and held it defensively in front of him. It had been surrounded by broken and decayed bits of wood, likely a wooden chest that had worn down overtime.
Nonetheless how easy the dagger could give an infection to someone, it wouldn't do much good against the armed strangers fighting a small hoard of monsters. With each strike they seemed to take down more and more monsters. It wouldn't be long until they got to him.
If he could just back away out of their sights, he could make a run for it and-
"You're holding that wrong," a squeaky voice sounded from behind him.
Link swallowed a scream, opting for a less audible gasp and whirled around towards the voice.
The voice came from a small boy, maybe a few inches shorter than Link himself. He looked a few years younger than Link, and had, shockingly, shoulder length pink hair. He was in a familiar green and brown tunic, nearly identical to the one Link was wearing. The only difference was that Link was wearing a small green cap.
"Who are you?" Link asked, holding the dagger threateningly towards the younger boy.
The boy ignored his question, instead pointing towards his hands. "You're holding your dagger wrong. Your grip's all shaky! I should know, my uncle taught me how to use a sword, even though it was all wooden. He said the thing that's most important about sword fighting is your grip because if you let your sword get knocked out of your hands when you're fighting then-"
Gosh, does this boy ever stop talking? It's clearly going to get him killed one day.
"That's not what I asked. What I asked what was your name," Link pointed his dagger at the boy again, which was great form and with a good grip!
"Woah, okay little guy, let's put the dagger down and then we can talk about introductions," a new voice sounded.
Link looked up, seeing six-seven! Armed men coming closer to them, a man in armor and a blue scarf was the closest to them along with a man in a pelt with tattoos that reeked of dark magic.
Crap, he missed his chance to get away. Link looked behind him, could he make a run for it before they grabbed him? He wouldn't be able to fight any of them, that was for sure.
The two men in the front crouched down to their height, although they were still taller than Link and the boy, who had finally stopped rambling.
"So, what are your names lil guys?" The one with the pelt spoke first.
Link held his dagger towards him. "What are your names?"
"I'm Link!" The pink haired brat said, holding a hand out to shake.
Link glared at him. This boy was going to be the death of Link! Wait-
"Your name is Link?" Link asked the boy, who's name was also apparently Link. Gosh, why did he have to share a name with a boy that had absolutely zero survival skills?
The boy, he wasn't going to call him Link too, nodded, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil inside of Link's head. "Yeah, what about you? What's your name?"
"...Link. But I'm keeping that name so you need to change yours!" Link said, glaring slightly at the younger boy.
"What?!" The boy yelled, stomping his foot on the ground, "No! That's not fair, you should change your name!"
"Why should I? I'm older," Link said, crossing his arms, though still holding the dagger.
"How do you know that?"
"Well then, how old are you? I'm already eight," Link said smugly, he was keeping his name.
"I'm eight too!" The boy held up his hands...with six fingers up.
"So you're six?" Link jumped at the unexpected voice, tensing when he remembered that he wasn't alone. The person who talked this time was a short boy in a blue tunic. The wind seemed to dance and laugh around him.
"No, I'm eight!" The boy said, frustrated, but still holding up six fingers.
"He's six," Link said, glaring at the boy.
"No, eight!" The boy glared back.
"Okay, okay, so you're eight," the man in the pelt said, "and you're also eight. That means we need a new nickname for both of you."
Link glared at him, the kid was obviously lying! He couldn't even hold his fingers right!
"Nicknames?" The boy questioned, satisfied after winning his case.
"Yeah! We all have nicknames here, I'm Wind, that's Twilight and Warriors, there's Time, Sky, Four, and Wild!" The boy who the wind loved, ironically named Wind, said.
"Why should we trust you?" Link interrupted, "You're all armed strangers who we don't know and we're in the middle of nowhere. For all we know, you could be kidnappers!"
"W-What?! You kidnapped us?" The boy's eyes widened, and he hid behind Link.
"No, no! We're uh, your babysitters?" The one in the white cape reassured, waving his hands. What was his name? Sky?
"You're lying..." The boy said quietly.
Link looked behind him, the boy was looking at Sky, eyes slightly pinched. Huh, maybe he wasn't hopeless after all.
"Okay, okay we're not babysitters, we're actually here to rescue you because we're knights," The man in the scarf said, before paling, as if he had never meant to say that.
"Knights?" The boy came out from behind Link. "You're knights?!"
"Uh," all the armed men seemed to pale a little more as the silence went on.
"My uncle was a knight! Did you know my uncle?" The boy turned to Link. "Knights are the coolest ever! Gramps says that I come from the long line of Hyrulian knights too! I'm gonna be a knight when I grow up! Do you like knights?"
Link was honestly a little shocked at how fast this boy could change his tune.
"I, uh, sure?" He really didn't have that much of an opinion about knights. There weren't that many, or really any at all, where he was from.
But...it was said the The Hero of Legend, the greatest hero of all time also had knight lineage, though in the stories it always showed the knights being easily brainwashed.
Link looked across the crowd. He didn't feel any brainwashing magic, only the lingering dark magic from the man in the pelt. He felt faint fae magic too, it reminded him of home at the very least.
"Okay, we trust you, for now. What do you have in mind for nicknames?" Link asked.
Okay, so that's chapter one? Maybe? Any grammar mistakes or constructive criticism is appreciated, as well as any more tips for writing. If Hyrule or Legend seem out of character I'm gonna say it's because they're young, (mostly) untramatized, I'm bad at writing, and, again, they are children. I also just think that it would be really funny if Hyrule didn't like Legend at first because he had basically no survival instincts and Legend has absolutely no clue. Also, yes Hyrule is the one with the hat for now. The eight and six fingers thing came from two siblings I met once. I asked them their ages, one said five and the other also said five, but held up three fingers. She stubbornly insisted she was five but her older sister said she was three. Wind knew that because Aryll did the same thing with his age when they were younger. I'll probably use some more experiences I've had with kids because it's funny.
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widowsistersandfriends · 11 months
Every Villain's Weakness
Note: I know I mostly write for Marvel, but I really love Gal Gadot and had this idea in my head to write for her! I hope you guys enjoy!
Summary: You are playing the evil villain in a movie with Gal, and your biggest weakness gets exposed.
Word Count: 3003
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You were Gal Gadot’s co-star in a new upcoming movie. The movie was a hot topic, as it was a female protagonist and a female antagonist. You were playing the evil villain, working with a secret team to steal gold and take over the world. However, Gal’s character was a witty detective who takes this investigation into her own hands in hopes of defeating all evil.
Gal was older than you and much more well known, which is why you always felt small and shy around her. It didn’t help that she was almost six feet tall either. You had done multiple scenes with her already and had started to get more comfortable around her. However, there were plenty of times where you’d stutter, laugh, or just blank when you did scenes with her. It was a mix of being nervous and taken aback at her flawless beauty. You knew her face well, but each time it seemed to get more and more gorgeous.
Currently you were on break getting your makeup redone for the next scene. You were chatting with your stylist when Gal sauntered in, already ready for the next scene. 
“Are you ready for the next scene? It’s an interesting one,” Gal said, smiling as her beautiful accent surrounded every word she spoke.
You took the script out and skimmed over the next scene. It was the first main battle against the hero and villain. Ultimately in the end of this scene, the villain gets away and continues her scheming with her team in their hidden lair.
“Ah good, even the scriptwriters know I always win, acting or not,” you said with a smirk.
“Is that so? You already know how the movie ends,” Gal said, now moving closer to your chair.
“Maybe I’ll convince them to change the ending to be more realistic,” you replied, as your stylist now began using the makeup brush to blend in the rest of your makeup. 
You couldn’t help but squirm when the brush went over your neck, letting out a soft snort and giggles. Your stylist just chuckled, used to this reaction.
“Oh? What’s this?” Gal said while smirking.
“Nohohothihing,” you giggled out, silently cursing in your head, knowing that your stylist was dragging it out to embarrass you. 
“Awww are you ticklish?” Gal asked, as you refused to make eye contact with her.
“Nohohoho Ihihim nohohot,” you giggled.
“Oh really?” She asked, gently placing her hand on the back of your neck and giving you several squeezes.
You squealed with giggles, scrunching up and shutting your eyes.
“Gahahal stohohohohop,” you squealed, quickly getting up and moving away.
“Who’s the winner now?” Gal asked, chuckling at your reaction.
“Me,” you said, trying to pull her down onto the couch where you sat to tickle her back. You had no idea if she was ticklish or not, but this was a good opportunity to find out. However, your plan backfired, as she grabbed both of your wrists and pinned you to the couch. In a flash, she began to squeeze up and down your sides, using the perfect amount of pressure to have you screaming with laughter.
“GAL STAHAHAHAP YOU AHAHAHASS,” you shouted, trying to push her hands away.
“Now is that any way to talk to your fellow coworker?” Gal asked with a grin.
You nodded your head, knowing that she was gonna torture you more. However, you were saved by the director, as she announced that it was time to film the next scene. 
You laid there panting, as Gal let you up.
“Better hope that makeup doesn’t run from you sweating,” Gal teased, poking your tummy. You flinched and let out a huff before getting up to go film. 
“Oh and by the way. It’s cute that you’re ticklish,” Gal said with a wink, before heading out the door. You bit your lip, feeling your cheeks warm as a smile spread across your face. You did your best to compose yourself before going to film, but it wasn’t easy.
Throughout your next few scenes, Gal would sneak in little pokes and squeezes whenever she could, especially when you broke character and laughed. She would add on to it by tickling you to pieces just to embarrass you even more. 
The next scene was an interrogation scene, towards the end of the movie. In this scene, Gal’s character interrogates you to get the information about their whole scheme and eventually leads to the final battle. You were looking over the script, grimacing at the method of torture. You knew they weren’t going to actually use real electrodes, but the thought of it made you shudder. 
“You know what I think we should do instead in this scene?” Gal asked suddenly, entering in her outfit for the scene. She was wearing a red dress underneath her detective coat. 
“What?” You asked.
She leaned down to whisper in your ear softly, “I should tickle you.”
You pursed your lips to contain the squeal that was about to escape your mouth. You shook your head, unable to speak. The thought of it was too much. Especially in the outfits the two of you were going to be wearing. 
“Aww what, you don’t like that?” Gal asked teasingly, running a finger down your spine. You jerked away from her, as she giggled at your reaction. 
“Wait right here, I’ve got something to take care of,” Gal said, throwing another evil smirk your way.
You let out a huff of frustration, tongue tied every time you were around her. It also didn’t help that she knew an embarrassing secret of yours. 
She came back a few minutes later, telling you it was time to film the scene. When you got out to the filming area, the scene looked different than what you expected. The table was still in the middle, but there were no electrodes or any scary looking things to be found. There was just a small little chest that was sealed, so you didn’t know what was inside. 
“Don’t worry, all the lines are the same. I just convinced the director to make this scene easier for you,” Gal said, looking directly in your eyes but showing no sign of teasing or joking.
“What do you mean?” You asked, confused at the sudden change.
“You’ll see. You won’t even have to act, I promise,” Gal said, as you saw the corners of her mouth twitch.
Your eyes widened with realization, knowing exactly what she meant.
“You really told the director to use tickling during the interrogation scene?!?” You asked Gal in disbelief. 
Gal let out a fake evil laugh before breaking down into hysterical giggles. 
“I wanted the scene to be with more laughter rather than painful screaming. And besides, this gives me a chance to test things out,” Gal said with yet another smirk.
“What do you mean test things out? And stop smirking, it’s so annoying,” you huffed, not really meaning it.
“Oh you’ll see,” she said, before walking towards the table.
The scene starts with your character being trapped and tied on the table. Gal’s character has finally captured the villain and wants answers. However, like any good villain, you weren’t giving away information for free or without a fight.
“You ready to get tickled to pieces?” Gal asked, smirking as she tied you to the table. 
“I hate you,” you said back, purposely slipping your wrist out of the ties.
“You want the scene to start early?” Gal asked, running her nails over your stomach, making you yelp and immediately behave. 
“This isn’t fairrrr,” you whined, now completely tied in an eagle spread position. 
“Aaaaand action!” The director yelled, as you quickly got into character.
Gal approached the table, walking slowly in her heels.
“Well well well, seems like you haven’t learned your lesson,” Gal said.
“You let me go this instant,” you growled, glowering at her.
“Not before you tell me about your little team of scheming snakes,” Gal hissed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said, adding in a slight voice crack to show your character’s nervousness. However, you were naturally nervous for what was coming. And maybe slightly excited.
“You want to play the hard way or the easy way?” Gal asked with a rare serious expression.
“Hard ball. All the way,” you growled, pulling at the ties.
“Oh you’re not going anywhere, little one,” Gal said, going off script and adding in the nickname. You tried your hardest to not blush, hoping the camera wouldn’t pick up on it.
“Try me,” you said.
Gal took her detective coat off, revealing a gorgeous red dress. Almost as red as your face was. Your character’s outfit was sleeveless, which left your armpits wide open. You silently cursed in your head at whoever designed this outfit. 
Gal stood at the end of the table, staring you down. “Are you gonna talk? I’ll give you one last chance.”
“Go fuck yourself!” You shouted back, as your character was meant to be mouthy and stubborn.
“Very well then,” Gal said, raking her nails up and down your feet.
“Waiaiait stahahahap nohohot thahahahat,” you giggled out, struggling to remember your lines at this point. You decided to just hold out as long as possible, as that was the main idea of the scene until the cue came to give in.
“Every villain’s weakness huh,” Gal said.
“Anythihihing buhuhut thahahat,” you giggled, as your feet tried to swat her hands.
“I’ve got your number ~,” Gal said teasingly, now tickling your feet with full force scribbles. You were caught off guard since you were basically winging it at this point, which caused you to squeal and scream with laughter.
“That’s the point. To make you laugh until you can’t stand it any longer.”
You continued laughing and enduring the torture, until Gal went into her second ask.
“Are you ready to talk?” She asked, slowing her fingers.
“Nehehver!” You shouted, out of breath from laughing. 
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Gal said with a wink, while moving up towards your upper body. 
“Now where else are you ticklish?” Gal asked, as you knew this wasn’t part of the script but for her personal gain.
“Up my ass,” you spat back.
“Hmm, is that here?” Gal asked, clawing away at your ribs as you arched your back before going into full blown laughter.
“NOHOT THEHEHERE STAHAHAHAP,” you cried out, wondering how she was so good at tickling. 
“You better talk. Who are you working with. I need names,” Gal said, digging in between your ribs and making you squeak.
“NOHOHOHO ONE NOW LEHEHET MEHEHEHE GOHOHO,” you shouted, struggling to get the words out.
“Don’t lie,” Gal said with an angry tone to her voice, now spidering over your tummy. 
“I’m not letting you go until you spill,” Gal threatened, walking over to the top end of the table.
You looked up to see her grinning down at you. 
“How are you holding up?” She asked, breaking character to let you know this wasn’t part of it.
“You are such an asshole,” you huffed, feeling super vulnerable at the moment. She was near one of your worst spots and you knew she was gonna test it out. 
“Sorry but this is way better than electrodes. Plus I can take notes on all your spots and use it for the future,” Gal said, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“You know I can do the same and get revenge? I have fingers too you know,” you said sarcastically.
“I’ll be fine,” Gal responded confidently, as you rolled your eyes.
“Are you air ticklish?” Gal asked, wiggling her fingers inches above your exposed armpits. 
You burst out into giggles, trying to pull away from her fingers.
“Stahahahap gehehehet awahahahay,” you giggled.
“Oh my gosh this is so cute. Quick get the cameras rolling so this can go in the blooper reel,” Gal said, continuing to torture you and embarass you even out of character. After she spent a few minutes teasing you, you guys were back to filming.
“You will talk, whether you want to or not,” Gal said, slowly pacing back and forth. 
“I will escape. And once I do, I’ll return to my…” you paused, as your character was supposed to slip up but catch herself. 
“You’ll return to your what?” Gal asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“N-nothing,” you said, embracing yourself for the next round of tickles.
“Spill,” Gal said raking her nails all over your armpits.
“NEHEHEHEVER AHAHAHHAHA,” you laughed out, hating how ticklish you were.
“You sure are ticklish for an evil powerful villain,” Gal teased, as you blushed in embarrassment. 
“I think I’m gonna have to step it up,” Gal commented, walking over to the small chest in her heels. 
“What are you gonna do to me?” You asked with deliberate fear in your voice. You lifted your head up slightly, not sure of what to expect. Your eyes widened when you saw Gal take two electric toothbrushes out of the chest, holding them up for you to see. A smirk took over her face, ready to feast on your ticklish body. 
“You want to play the hard way? Oh you’ll get the hard way,” Gal said, turning them both on and running them over your feet.
It tickled so much to the point where you couldn’t even get any words out. All you could do was scream with laughter and squirm to the best of your abilities. 
“Not so mouthy now huh?” Gal said as you continued to struggle.
“Better get talking ~~,” Gal sang in a high pitched teasy voice. 
“Go on,” she said, throwing in a smirk to frustrate you.
“Ha, you really thought you’d get the satisfaction of winning huh? You will never defeat me, even with your childish tactics,” you said, gritting your teeth.
“Childish tactics? They seem to be getting you pretty well,” Gal said.
“You’ll never be good enough to defeat me,” you growled, attempting to escape the ropes.
“You sure about that?” Gal asked, sticking the electric toothbrush into your belly button. 
“GAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP,” you screamed bucking against the sensation. She left it there to torture you for a bit, before moving it to your hip bones. One toothbrush for each hip. This made you lose it. You didn’t care if your character was supposed to hold out longer. You couldn’t stand how much it tickled and had to tap out.
“STAHAHAHAP IHIHI GIHIHIVE PLEHEHEHEASE,” you pleaded, desperately squirming against your restraints for any opportunity to escape.
“Oh do we have a weak spot?” Gal asked, knowing the obvious truth.
“Speak,” Gal demanded, temporarily stopping. 
After catching your breath, you began to speak.
“I work for Group 9, a secret team that has a whole database to track when places are unguarded and who we have to take out in order to be successful. We have a secret lair where everything is kept hidden. They have a tracker on me to see where I am and I can see where they are in relation to where I am,” you explained, still trying to process the torture you just went through.
“Very well. I have all the info I need,” Gal said, finding the tracker and taking it. 
“And cut!” The director shouted, as you laid there in disbelief of what you had experienced. What you thought was only a dream turned into a reality. However, you would never say that to anyone. 
“Dreams really do come true huh,” Gal said, smiling at you.
“Just let me up you jerk,” you huffed.
“Ah ah ah what was that? Remember you’re still tied,” Gal said, turning on the toothbrush and putting it inches away from your hips.
“NO PLEASE! I’VE HAD ENOUGH AHAHAHAHAHA,” you laughed as she gave you one last round of torture.
“Alright you’ve had enough,” Gal said, letting you up.
“Just know that I can use this even if it’s not a scene. If you’re a brat just know you’ll get wrecked,” Gal said, smirking at the reddening of your cheeks. 
“Just wait until we do a movie where you’re the villain,” you said back, seeing the slightest flash of fear before it disappeared on Gal’s face.
“Sorry that’s not happening,” Gal said.
“You’re just scared of being tickled,” you said, pushing to find out.
“Even if I am, you’re still way worse,” Gal said.
“Deflecting again are we,” you said, now smirking yourself.
“Careful or I’ll have you tied again,” Gal said with a tone of warning. 
“But then again, I always have you tongue tied, so in a way you’re always tied around me,” Gal said, smirking as you turned to hide your blush.
“Don’t worry, you’ll only be tied for things you like. Tickles and me,” Gal reassured you. Your mouth flew open, as you covered it to keep in your squeal. 
“You’re adorable,” Gal said, pinching your side to make you yelp.
“I am not,” you denied in annoyance.
“Come on, let’s go get lunch so you won’t be Miss Grumpy Pants for the next scene,” Gal said, giggling as your face lit up at the mention of food.
The two of you went out for lunch together, talking and bonding more now that you got over the hump of embarrassment. She made sure to get you good and catch you off for the best reactions. However, you didn’t mind despite how embarrassing it was. Especially in public. 
The two of you finished the movie strong, filming many action-packed scenes together. However, the interrogation scene would always be your favorite. You thought to yourself about how lucky you were to be acting with your absolute favorite actress. Despite the fact that she would always tease and frustrate you with her smirks, you had such a strong bond with her that you would cherish forever. 
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helenofsparta2 · 1 month
Headcannon: Percy is immensely popular among nature spirits and "minor" gods
Oceanids & Nereids
It starts small.
The Nereids and Oceanids are naturally curious about him when they find out about his existence, that’s already canon:
She (a nereid) nodded. “It has been many years since a child of the Sea God has been born. We have watched you with great interest.”
Suddenly, I remembered faces in the waves of Montauk Beach when I was a little boy, reflections of smiling women. (The Lightning Thief, chapter 17)
Later, at the latest by the time Titan’s curse happens, nereids and oceanids see him save ocean creatures from fishing gear, or whales stranded on beaches, or him helping mermaids with hanging nails. (Titan’s curse, chapter 7)  We see him be considerate and respectful to nereids through his interaction in the fourth book at the ranch.
She looked like she was ready for a fight. Her fists were balled, but I thought I heard a little quaver in her voice. Suddenly, I realized that, despite her angry attitude, she was afraid of me. She probably thought I was going to fight her for control of the river , and she was worried, she would lose.
The thought made me sad. I felt like a bully, a son of Poseidon throwing his weight around.
I sat down on a tree stump. “Okay, you win.”
The naiad looked surprised. (The Battle of the Labyrinth, chapter 9)
It’s pretty good established in the books, that smaller gods and spirits don’t get treated with respect most of the time, especially not from heroes of old like Herakles and the Olympian gods. The reaction of the naiad adds to this sentiment, so we can pretty easily conclude that the way Percy treats them, is relatively rare.
In-between the books, Rick often sprinkles in some interactions between Percy and naiads, which further underlines their positive opinion of him:
I looked over the edge of the boat and found a couple of naiads staring at me. They looked like regular teenage girls, the kind you’d see in any mall, except for the fact that they were underwater.
Hey, I said. They made a bubbling sound that may have been giggling. I wasn’t sure. I had a hard time understanding naiads.
We’re heading upstream, I told them. Do you think you could-
Before I could even finish, the naiads each chose a canoe and began pushing us up the river. (Titan’s curse, Chapter 14)
Satyrs & Dryads:
The satyrs know that he, Clarisse, Annabeth, Tyson and Grover were the ones, who returned the golden fleece to camp half-blood and so, have stopped satyrs from getting killed by Polyphemus. During the battle of the labyrinth, Percy is the one who extinguished the fire and stopped the trees and dryads from getting burnt to death. Not to mention that he is best friends with the guy, who discovered Pan and has the title of Lord of the Wild.
“Minor” Gods:
The non-Olympian gods, like Hecate, Nemesis, Eros, Hebe and Morpheus were probably curious about him, even wary, but nothing more at first, until Percy managed to stop the civil war between Zeus and Poseidon at the age of twelve.  
We know that canonically, this already earned him the respect of many different beings:
As I walked back through the city of the gods, conversations stopped. The muses paused their concert. People, and satyrs and naiads all turned towards me, their faces filled with respect and gratitude, and as I passed, they knelt, as if I were some kind of hero.” (The Lightning Thief, chapter 21)
By the time the war with Kronos further escalates and they join his side, this obviously changes again. From this moment on, Percy is their enemy, and probably nothing more for most of them.
But then, they lose, and probably expect the worst of consequences.
Gods who have crossed Zeus have suffered severe punishments before. Prometheus was bound to a rock, with an eagle eating his liver every day because he stole fire from the gods, gifted it to humanity and tricked Zeus, the titans were banished to Tartarus after the Titanomachy. After some of the gods rebelled and tried to overthrow Zeus, Hera got hung in the sky with golden chains, where she cried out all night in pain, while Apollo and Poseidon were forced to work as labourers for King Laomedon of Troy.
They probably expected to get thrown into Tartarus with the rest of the Titans, get stripped of their immortality, or worse. Instead, however, their children finally receive cabins at camp half-blood and they themselves receive full amnesty.
All because Percy Jackson, this 16-year-old teenager, decides to change the entire thousand year old status quo on Olympus.  
He could have wished for anything after their victory over Kronos and the titan army. The choice was not between the oath he made the gods swear and him becoming a god. He could have wished to be left alone, or to never have to do a quest again, or live a happy, and peaceful life away from the pain and wars until the end of his days, or literally anything else, but he didn’t. He made the active choice to make Olympus fairer, and to create equality among the demigods, without even thinking about it for too long.
No one can convince me that this, and his already mentioned other actions, didn’t earn him the respect of huge parts of the mythological world.
Not even Rick himself (no matter how much he may try in his new books)
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frozenjokes · 4 months
The Art Of Being Kidnapped [1/2]
next / Ao3 link with CWs
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“Byeeee! Have a nice time!” Tango’s cheery lilt echoed across the icy cavern before the metal door, built like a vault, slammed shut. A superhero Jimmy didn’t recognize rolled across the slick floor, momentum from being thrown inside carrying him a considerable distance. Sometimes Jimmy forgot Tango was quite strong; certainly not the beefiest among his line of work, but enough to send a small avian skidding across the floor of his dungeon.
The avian’s wings and hands were bound, just like Jimmy’s were, but the ropes were only meant to last for travel, and sure enough, within minutes of writhing and foaming at the mouth on the ground (which he didn’t have to do, his legs weren’t bound..), the superhero was free, flying to the door and slamming the full force of his body against it, predictably, winding himself immediately.
Jimmy stifled a laugh as the avian stumbled backwards with a heaving chest, falling into a sit to catch his breath. It was a wonder he hadn’t noticed Jimmy yet, but then again, the particularly angry superheroes always took a bit more time. Unfortunate. Jimmy hoped this guy wasn’t as much of an asshole as he looked (after many years of this, Jimmy got pretty good at figuring out who he was dealing with relatively fast), but if that was the case, Jimmy was sure he could needle a larger tip out of Tango in the case that this guy really gave him trouble. This was an unusual job in the first place; Jimmy had never been asked to trap participants in a maze before, then supervise while they traversed it. But Decked Out was fun and Tango paid handsomely, so really, Jimmy didn’t mind the change of pace.
“Help?” Jimmy tried, though the hero didn’t hear him over his own banging on the door and ferocious screeching. He got a sense of dejavu watching, though he’d seen this kind of temper tantrum about a thousand times by now. Still, the familiarity of this hero was something he couldn’t quite shake.
“Hey! Help me? Please?” Jimmy wiggled a little pathetically against his restraints, far from tight, but enough not to slip out without effort. Personally, Jimmy would rather save his energy for the hero.
The avian turned, then froze where he stood, like the guy he was called to come save was the last thing he expected to see at his feet. Jimmy suppressed a sigh. This guy was going to be insufferable.
Jimmy stopped. Now, that sort of reaction wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for heroes that knew him, but Jimmy had never seen this one before, so unless this guy had been warned (something which, hilariously, never seemed to be the case), Jimmy didn’t know what to do with that. But the avian didn’t sound angry.. Oh, worse idea, Jimmy used to know this person. Not the least bit unlikely given he attended the shittiest college in the city with all the poorest, most troubled kids around. Jimmy hadn’t even lasted long enough to get a degree, it was just too much. Hence the work he did now.
Exactly what that was..? Well, when people asked what he did for work, he usually answered freelance. Freelance kidnapping? Freelance being kidnapped? He was still working on the title. Needless to say, living in a place like this you learn pretty quickly that 90% of the ‘superheroes’ and the villains they fight are either cripplingly insecure, pieces of shit, or both, but sometimes the wannabe villains have a bit of an attention craving they just can’t scratch on their own. It turns out that Doing Evil can be a lot of work, and sometimes you just want to take out your daddy issues on an equally unstable individual under the guise of villainy without all the fuss! So for a price, Jimmy makes the fuss for them! He’ll scream, let himself be dramatically carried away, shoved into an unmarked van, generally manhandled- whatever gets the attention of an unsuspecting superhero who Jimmy would then lead into a trap, arena, whatever he’s getting paid for, and bam! Everyone’s happy!
Some villains didn’t even want the attention of superheroes, they just enjoyed catching Jimmy off his guard, which, by the way, was not part of any of his contracts, but Joel wasn’t going to stop Kidnapping First, Paying Later anytime soon, so at this point it was just a fact of his life he had to get used to.
Oh right, the job he was doing right now.
“Do I know you?” These words seemed to snap the hero back in his facade, the avian shifting his weight in a show of nerves.
“I- no, I don’t think so. No, no, definitely not. Probably not. Sorry. Just reminded me of someone I know.”
Jimmy snorted, rolling his eyes. “Someone called Jimmy? That’s my name too, what a coincidence.”
“You don’t have a brother, do you?” The hero looked sheepish, but it was good natured, a ghost of a smile just visible under his mask.
“Oh yeah, I’ve got one. He looks exactly like me and’s called Jimmy, how did you know?”
Ther hero crossed his arms in a sweeping gesture, snarking with a scoff, “Oh shut it with the sarcasm,” but even though the tone behind his voice was teasing, Jimmy felt like he had been transported right back to his college dorm. He recognized that. He knew exactly who this was. Short, dirty blonde avian with dark talons and a darker temper? Of course he became a superhero, what a damn perfect fit for a guy like that. ‘JIMMY?’ He recognized that too. The scream, pitched in all the worst ways. After a while, every word Grian spoke was like pulling a cheese grater over and over across his ears until they were nothing but stumps. Yeah, Tango would be tipping him big today.
“Jimmy? You okay?” The direct address snapped Jimmy back to reality, though he wasn’t sure how much he had missed. Regardless, Grian did get to work, kneeling to undo his restraints. Jimmy was relieved to stretch his wings, slowly getting to his feet once the ropes were cut. “This is embarrassing,” Grian said, and Jimmy was sure it was, “Forget I said anything. I think we shared a class or two, that’s all.”
“I get it.” Jimmy mumbled, tucking his wings back. “Tango’s been sending out all sorts of reports and notices to trick people into coming out here, so it’s your lucky day I guess. You won’t be staying long though, he just wants you to run the dungeon and then you can fly off.”
Grian’s eyes were obscured by the mask, but Jimmy was pretty sure they narrowed. “I’ve never heard of a ‘Tango’ before. Who is he? How long have you been here? Is he just keeping you here as bait?” How sweet of Grian to not realize he’s been set up yet. Well, Jimmy wasn’t about to break the news if he didn’t have to.
“He keeps a low profile. Tango’s been shut in working on this place for the last fifteen years, so I’m not surprised you haven’t heard of him, especially since the location is so out of the way of the city. Decked Out is newly finished- it’s a game, basically. He wants to watch people play it. It’s not what you’d call ‘up to code’ though, so it’s pretty dangerous. Need the athletic sort to make it any bit interesting. But yeah, I’m bait.” Jimmy shrugged, “He keeps me around to explain the rules. Usually the kidnappee, you, is a little more receptive to someone on their level, me, rather than.. y’know.”
“I’ll get you out of here.”
Jimmy laughed, he couldn’t help himself, though he quieted when he saw the bottom half of Grian’s face screw up, bracing himself to be yelled at. It never came.
“I’ve heard that before,” Jimmy settled on instead, taking a careful breath. He didn’t like the way Grian was looking at him. He never really liked the way Grian looked at him; despite his softer features, Grian’s face was anything but kind.
“Well I’m sure you’ve heard this before as well, but I’m different. I do my due diligence unlike most of the douchebags in this town. Where’s the way out?”
Stubborn. Vindictive. Jimmy wondered if Grian had changed at all in the dozen years since they’d talked. He shrugged. “The gate isn’t open yet, but it should be ready soon. Until then, what should I call you?”
Grian blinked. “Oh- CuteGuy. You can call me CuteGuy.”
“Well then, CuteGuy, once you go in you’re going to get a compass-“ Jimmy stopped short at yelling from down the hall, Grian as well freezing in his place.
“UNHAND ME AT ONCE! I SWEAR if you singe my uniform I am SENDING YOU THE BILL!” Oh! Well that was a lovely surprise. Jimmy heard Tango grumble something in response, but he was mostly drowned out by HotGuy’s dramatics. Good man HotGuy was, always making sure to give those supervillains what they paid for, though, Tango wasn’t exactly looking for a fight.
At once Grian was on his toes, creeping toward the door, but Jimmy shook his head. “I would stand back.”
‘Tango breathes fire’ was left unsaid when Grian shot him a sharp glare, not listening of course, and Jimmy wasn’t about to fight him, perfectly content to watch Grian get a face full of flame as Tango swung the door open. Grian reeled back with a startled yelp, but Jimmy doubted he was actually too hurt, not when Tango was skilled in controlling the temperature of his fire. His eyes would certainly sting though; deserved, certainly, for thinking Tango wouldn’t be ready for an attack. Idiot.
In the wake of the flame, a thoroughly netted HotGuy was pushed inside, decidedly much heavier than an avian and therefore unthrowable, but HotGuy didn’t seem to mind, struggling valiantly until the metal door slammed shut, Tango continuing to grumble from the other side as he walked down the hall.
“Jimmy!” HotGuy threw up his arms, a gesture hindered by the net. Jimmy snorted, moving to help HotGuy out while he continued to blabber on, “I was hoping you’d be here! It’s been a while dude, how’ve you been? Still going strong?” HotGuy didn’t even wait until the net was entirely untangled to try and stand, movement that made everything needlessly difficult, but Jimmy didn’t mind. Though he didn’t get the chance to respond either when HotGuy screamed, practically jumping into Jimmy’s arms.
“CuteGuy! How long have you been there, standing all stiff and puffed up and angry like a miniature gargoyle, look at you!”
Grian did, in fact, look like a puffed up cat, but HotGuy’s comment snapped him out of his frozen state, shooting back with a huff, “Miniature? How big do you think gargoyles are?”
“I mean, probably pretty big! Protecting stuff and all.”
Grian sighed sharply, a sound that set Jimmy’s feathers on end. But Grian didn’t push back, changing the subject. “You two.. know each other?”
HotGuy jumped to his toes, eyes absolutely radiant as he turned to Jimmy. “He doesn’t know?” his tone was colored with excitement, and Jimmy had to laugh, shaking his head.
“Know what?” Grian snapped at HotGuy, sucking away all the joy from the air, “What don’t I know?” Jimmy couldn’t stop himself from whirling around, an aggressive movement that seemed to catch Grian off guard, surprise clear in his raised wings, but Jimmy stopped himself, shaking his head. Not worth the fight. HotGuy looked confused by the rise in tension, bringing Jimmy back down to Earth.
“I doubt anyone else will come,” he said instead, stony, “I rarely get two at once. The gates should open soon.”
Grian. God. Jimmy should be over this by now. He thought he was over it.
Jimmy was a sociable guy. Making friends wasn’t a chore for him, but keeping them was much harder, and finding perfect fits seemed nearly impossible. Oftentimes he felt very out of place. He was an athletic sort of person, sporty, but a lot more sensitive than most guys. He really enjoyed being in shape, the structure of practice and working out, but he didn’t always love the social aspect of playing competitive sports, and college football wasn’t an exception. Too much pressure, too much toeing the line of people he wanted to associate with, and don’t get him wrong, these guys were his brothers, that’s just how the intensity of college sports worked, but Jimmy never felt able to be wholly.. there. They just weren’t exactly right, not warm enough, not free enough with their interests and hobbies and love.
Grian was his randomly assigned roommate for the first semester of college dorm life, and like most people Grian was pretty reserved in the beginning. Didn’t have many friends, kept to himself, but liked to go to the dining hall and such with Jimmy if for no other reason than to have someone to go with. Grian was chatty once you got him going, and weird, unabashedly odd in all the best kinds of ways. They didn’t have many common interests, but talking with Grian made Jimmy want to check out the things he was into, to understand all his incredibly specific rants and takes on topics Jimmy had zero knowledge of. Grian was fun, a little shy at first, but genuinely delightful to listen to, confident in his opinions in the way that put you on board even when you had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. He was charming! He was kind of cool in a way, the dorky kind of cool. The ‘cringe is dead and Grian killed it’ kind of way.
But even on his best behavior, Grian was always so.. angry. It changed the atmosphere of every room he entered, thick and boggy like wading through swamp water. There was just something wrong with him, like, literally wrong, the type of wrongness that sparks concern, that makes you wonder what happened? The type of wrongness that makes an outsider want to meet you with compassion, to help you, to make your miserable world a little bit less drab.
The delusions of a savior complex, really. But at first it wasn’t that bad. Grian was mostly reclusive, but despite a bit of awkwardness, he was surprisingly socially adept, charming and funny when it came to first impressions and relatively skilled at being liked by his peers. But the warning signs were there. The constant balling of his fists when the smallest thing didn’t go his way, the twitch of his strained smile, his always-tense shoulders. Grian seemed to view every social interaction like it was war, and he’d do anything to win. It was like he knew how pervasively unpleasant he was inside, how bubbling negativity coated his insides like black tar. He needed to be competitive. He needed to be on top.
And somewhere along the line Grian had decided Jimmy was the enemy.
Jimmy didn’t know what he’d done to make Grian hate him so much. Was it the positivity? Jimmy had tried to offset the stream of anger with his own suggestions; maybe she was late for class, maybe the sun was in his eyes, maybe they just missed the trash can and didn’t notice- He hadn’t been trying to challenge Grian, he didn’t even believe half of the excuses he spouted whenever Grian whined or complained about something entirely inconsequential, he just wanted his ex-roommate to realize that not everyone was personally out to get him, y’know?
How Grian decided Jimmy was one of those people working against him, Jimmy had no idea. Sometimes Jimmy thought that Grian was psychotic, like, literally in the Very Mentally Unwell sense of the word. He was just so.. defensive. Paranoid. Mean, and not always on purpose, he would just say things that dug at Jimmy’s patience until he was constantly teetering on the edge of snapping back and really making a mess of things.
Most of the time though, when Grian was mean, it was on purpose. At some point early on Grian had decided he couldn’t trust Jimmy, and god Jimmy spent so much time trying to earn that trust back just to be slighted over and over- petty things, constant criticism over the slang he used, the music he listened to- god forbid Jimmy forget something in the dorm or come back a little late from a bar after Grian had gone to sleep.
And the worst thing was, Jimmy wanted to help him! He still wanted to help Grian after months and months of being mistreated. He wanted to be a friend to someone who clearly needed some sort of support in a city that was run dry of resources for even those who could afford them. Jimmy wasn’t stupid. He’d grown up on the edge of poverty like so many of his peers, worked to help pay his parents’ debts since he was first able. He’d watched high school classmates do the same, fall to drinking or drugs, die before they even hit 18. He spent so much time being afraid for Grian, intrusive imaginings of how he might die young haunting boring lectures. Oftentimes he’d be overwhelmed by those anxieties, intense impulses sending him sprinting back to the dorm, throwing the door open certain of what he’d find, just to see Grian in his lofted bed, headphones in, glaring at his phone. Sometimes Grian would look up, meet Jimmy’s frightened eyes, then look back down. Sometimes he’d be ignored altogether. Sometimes.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class?”
Grian knew Jimmy’s schedule by heart, memorized before even Jimmy had it down. Oftentimes, Jimmy found that Grian would get quite upset, if either of their schedules were changed last minute. If Jimmy showed up somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be when Grian wasn’t expecting it.
That made bouts like this all the more embarrassing. Grian wanted an answer. Jimmy didn’t want to know what he’d say if he heard Jimmy was worried about him for no reason. So he lied. He always lied.
“I forgot. I’ll go now.”
Grian would scoff. “Idiot.” Jimmy heard that a lot. Stupid. Dumbass. Idiot. The like.
Jimmy wasn’t stupid.
But the harder Jimmy tried, the more Jimmy pushed, the more vindictively abusive Grian became. That first semester of college were some of the worst months of Jimmy’s life. Trapped in a dorm room not much bigger than a prison cell with a guy who went out of his way to find fault with every singular thing Jimmy did. You’re so loud Jim, you’re so damn loud. That was his main complaint. As much as Jimmy loathed Grian’s voice, the other seemed to despise his own tenfold whether Jimmy was singing, talking on the phone, or simply speaking to friends while playing games, Grian had these physical reactions like he wanted to tear off his own skin. By the end of the semester, both of them sat on their sides of the room in complete silence.
Jimmy didn’t see HotGuy coming when the hero launched forward for a hug, a gesture Jimmy returned with a laugh as HotGuy squeezed, picking him up and spinning him around. At this point, Jimmy had accepted HotGuy had way too much energy to spend doing anything else, and honestly, he couldn’t say he minded. It was nice to have someone be so excited to see him.
“How long has it been? Over a year, surely!” HotGuy practically sang right into Jimmy’s ear, and Jimmy couldn’t help the dry thought of how much Grian must hate HotGuy from slipping through. “I missed you! You’ve got to come by more often, come on, work can’t be that hard to come by in the big city, huh?”
Jimmy wheezed a bit under HotGuy’s grip, tapping his shoulder somewhat urgently, “Okay, bud. Can’t breathe. Time to put me down, big man. And yeah, work can be that bad when everyone knows who you are. Sorry!”
“I’m feeling out of the loop here,” Grian cut in, but to Jimmy’s own sick delight, HotGuy didn’t even acknowledge the other hero, focus entirely on Jimmy.
“So what’s it this time? We busting you out? Dramatic chase? Explosions? Actually, I would rather not get blown up. But this guy’s got a fire thing going on, is stuff going to explode?”
“You’re not busting me out,” Jimmy waved HotGuy off when the other lingered a little too long in his personal bubble, “There’s an exit at the end of the game whether you win or lose, but since you’re going in one at a time, there won’t be any-“
The gate ahead began to churn open and cool air whooshed through, particles of ice and snow dusting the path ahead. Jimmy laughed off HotGuy’s mortified looking expression, uncomfortably avoiding Grian’s eye. He didn’t imagine a trapped Grian was a very pleasant one, and given the loaded silence as Jimmy started toward the open door, he got the sense Grian was thinking quite intensely. Jimmy had zero desire to know what was going on in that head.
“Come on,” he said, forcing a smile to a wary looking HotGuy, “It’s not too bad. I’ll grab you both your compasses and give the rundown. You’ll have to leave that bow though, sorry. It’ll be returned to you later.” HotGuy blinked back to attention, scrambling a little to catch up while Grian stayed at the rear, quiet.
“I have to leave my bow? Are you sure? I don’t know if I like the sound of the uh- dungeon. Do I get anything to defend myself? What’s down there?”
“Tango’s dogs are down there. You don’t want to shoot Tango’s dogs, do you HotGuy? Those are his pets!”
“Well-“ HotGuy looked flustered, like a guy who probably would want to shoot Tango’s dogs, but didn’t want Jimmy to know that. There was a reason Jimmy didn’t outright say Tango’s dogs were actually ravagers. “Alright, but do Tango’s dogs eat people?”
“They might shake you around a bit, but no, they won’t eat you. Plenty of people have gone through the dungeon plenty of times, lost, and hopped right back in. It’s meant to be played over and over, you’ll be fine.”
“And it’s the only way out?” Grian’s voice sliced the air, hard and focused, and Jimmy nearly jumped at the sound. Everything sounded so critical out of his mouth.
“You think I’d lie?” Jimmy couldn’t crush down the snark as he side-eyed Grian behind him, but Grian’s expression barely shifted, his wings only lowering slightly.
“I didn’t-“
“Wellllll,” HotGuy cut in unhelpfully, missing the tension as he wrapped a playful arm around Jimmy’s shoulder.
“Okay-“ Grian shook his head, hands brushing his face in loose fists, “What is going on with you two.”
“Nothing! Nothing!” HotGuy jumped up and away, instead falling back to walk with Grian, getting in his space and tousling his hair. The casual movement made Jimmy freeze in place, but Grian only squeaked, batting at HotGuy with palmed hands, careful not to catch the other’s skin with his talons. For a moment Grian met Jimmy’s eye, and then it was over, HotGuy grabbing at his hands and wrestling him without a single care in the world.. Whatever.
Warily, Jimmy left them to do their thing. He didn’t feel good about it- actually, he felt a lot like he was leaving HotGuy with a ticking time bomb, but he did have to get their compasses, so might as well go while Grian was in a good(?) mood. What a novel concept that was. Jimmy sighed, zipping up his coat as he stepped into a side room.
For a long moment he considered giving Grian a Level 2 compass, but that wouldn’t really be plausible, and honestly Grian probably wouldn’t make it out of Level 1 anyway. Tango wouldn’t be happy either; his focus was on testing how new players reacted to the game, and anything beyond Level 1 would probably be overwhelming.
Hm. Would Tango let Jimmy into the tunnels to watch Grian’s run while HotGuy was still in the waiting room? Jimmy would really love nothing more than to watch Grian scream and run around and eat shit on the icy paths, but Tango wouldn’t want HotGuy unsupervised, so it probably wouldn’t happen. Unless Jimmy sent HotGuy in first.. Surely the few extra minutes spent with Grian would be worth it. Yeah, no, that would be good. He’d give HotGuy an easy artifact spot so he’d either win or be carried out by a ravager quickly, then send Grian deep into Level 1. Yes. Perfect.
“Is this it?” HotGuy asked when Jimmy returned, fingers curled around the bars of the gate that separated the three of them from the dungeon. Grian was looking as well, though more intensely, head pressed against the bars like he wanted to gather as much information as humanly possible. Jimmy couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“Yeah,” he started, slipping into his prepared speech, “So basically, the point of the game is to find an artifact hidden in the dungeon, then bring it back to the start without getting caught by Tango’s dogs. The artifact placement is random, but your compass will help you find them; they point in the direction of a hidden panel on the floor. Once you find the panel, press your compass to the spot and it will be exchanged for an artifact. Then bring it back here.”
“How do we start?” Grian turned, eager, or maybe just antsy as he eyed the compasses in Jimmy’s hands.
“Not yet, and you’ll go one at a time, HotGuy first.” Though Grian didn’t look satisfied, and in a panicked gesture to appease him, Jimmy added, “Here, both of you can take these and once you’re ready you’ll press the bottom to the indent over on the panel by the gate,” Jimmy handed the compasses over gingerly, HotGuy taking it with curious fingers and Grian outright snatching it out of Jimmy’s hand, but before Jimmy could recoil or even react, Grian was on top of the panel, slamming his compass in before whirling around and grabbing Jimmy’s hand in a vice grip.
“I’m getting you out of here. Come on, HotGuy! Let’s get this over with.”
Jimmy’s mouth ran dry as the gate screeched open, only managing to squeak out a “One at a time!” before he was yanked forward, HotGuy cheering behind him. Jimmy nearly tumbled down the steps as Grian bolted into the maze, struggling to catch his tongue enough to form words. “This really isn’t necessary!”
“We’re going to save you, Jimmy!” HotGuy sang, oblivious to his distress, “Don’t worry a hair on your silly little head, with us you’ll be out of here in no time!” HotGuy winked and Jimmy didn’t get the chance to groan, far more preoccupied with Grian’s refusal to let go, and only having the mind to struggle out of his grip as the gate shuddered to a close.
“The game isn’t- guys-“ Jimmy stumbled back to the gate, but it would not be reopening any time soon. “The game isn’t meant to be played with three people! I don’t even have a compass! You need an artifact to get out!”
“Sounds to me like you only need one,” Grian said, perfectly unconcerned despite the new danger, not that he knew the ravagers were around, “I’m sure all three of us can scoot out at once if we’re quick, and if this ‘Tango’ tries to do anything about it, there’ll be two of us to keep you safe.” Jimmy didn’t even get the chance to respond to that before Grian clicked his tongue, “HotGuy, give me your compass.”
“Why? What if I want it?” HotGuy smirked and Grian scoffed, hopping forward to snatch it from him. HotGuy stepped out of the way and held it high out of Grian’s reach, causing the other to squawk and ultimately slip on the ice when he jumped to grab it. Jimmy found himself flinching when HotGuy laughed in Grian’s face, but the hero’s joy quickly turned to a shrill yelp as Grian leapt on him, clambering up his body with the compass in his sights. Unfortunately, the added weight unbalanced HotGuy on the ice and sent both of them tumbling to the ground. Certainly within Grian’s reach, the avian lunging for his prize and rolling out of range of a possible retaliation before getting to his feet.
“Right then.” Grian examined both compasses with great scrutiny, walking a little ways in different directions and nearing corners Jimmy just hoped had a ravager behind them. But Grian was never punished for his lack of attention, never straying too far. In fairness, HotGuy was doing very little to be careful himself, struggling to keep his footing without the talons Jimmy and Grian had; Jimmy would have given him grips for his shoes, but someone was in a hurry. For himself he would have grabbed the fluffy socks Tango had made to help keep his feet from getting too cold, so that was just another thing to resent Grian for. (Grian would not get socks. He did not deserve them.)
“HotGuy’s artifact is closest, so we’re going there.”
“How’d you puzzle that out? Actually, I don’t care.” HotGuy shuffled closer, poking his head over Grian’s shoulder. HotGuy caught Jimmy’s eye, throwing him a narrowed eye smirk before wiggling his fingers and jumping on Grian, wrestling the screeching avian until they both slipped, a crushed Grian losing his grip on the compass and unable to reclaim it before HotGuy scrambled over him (both parties kicking and screaming) until he slid across the compass, grabbing it with both hands.
“If it’s my compass, I get to hold it!” HotGuy got to his knees, arm shooting into the air to brandish his prize.
Grian let his head hit the ice. “We are never getting to our location.”
Jimmy crossed his arms. “Hey, HotGuy gets around the city fine. He could be a great maze navigator.”
“Thank you!” With some struggle, HotGuy got back to his feet, the momentum sliding him back into a forked path where he promptly fell back on his ass.
“We are never getting to our location.”
“You just wait CuteGuy, I’m gonna..” but HotGuy trailed off, eyes blinking wide as he stared at something down the tunnel. Jimmy’s feathers rose as he heard the grunt, but Grian didn’t seem to understand, looking between the two of them with a confused expression before the ravager bulldozed down the hall, HotGuy having no time to run before he was bowled down the hall, “THAT’S NOT A DOG!”
Jimmy spun on his heel, but the noticeable absence of Grian made him turn back around, having to lunge to grab him before the idiot tried to fight a ravager on HotGuy’s behalf.
“Other direction!”
“He’ll be fine. We need to go.” Jimmy didn’t give Grian the time to argue, grabbing his wrist and overpowering him when it came to dexterity on the ice. Grian squawked, but luckily ravagers were not sensitive to sound, extra lucky when they turned a corner directly into the face of another and Grian shrieked, nearly falling on his ass before Jimmy pulled him up and back in the right direction.
“Get out of its line of sight!”
Grian only continued to shriek in response. Great. But after dragging Grian kicking and screaming around a couple corners, the ravager got off their tails, grunting as its heavy hooves lumbered down another icy tunnel. Grian let himself slide to a stop once Jimmy let go of his wrist, drifting to a wall and sliding against it to sit on the rocky ground and catch his breath. Jimmy hardly stopped himself from rolling his eyes.
“They don’t have much object permanence,” he mumbled instead, “Poor hearing as well. Still, maybe try to stop screaming. There’s about five around on this floor, so at the very least we know where a few of them are. We should keep going.”
“There’s more than one floor?”
“Yes, but our artifacts are on Level 1. It’s not too bad. And if we’re quick, we might still be able to find HotGuy. The ravagers are trained to take someone out of the game once they’re sufficiently down for the count, which is usually about two hits. If HotGuy got away, his artifact is definitely easier, but Tango will take the compass if he’s down, so we have to find him quickly. I think I know where he’ll end up, but stay on your guard.
Grian was quiet for a moment, catching his breath, sure, but the silence seemed deeper than that. Grian was always an intense thinker, the kind of intensity that weighed the air.
“You’ve been in the dungeon before? Tango is putting civilians in here?” He sounded angry. Not surprising, really, but..
“Yeah,” Jimmy shrugged, struggling not to feel defensive, “Not that many though. One guy just won’t leave. It’s kind of a volunteer program.”
“You’re not a volunteer.”
Technically, this was true. Jimmy was being paid; to run the dungeon as well as lure superheroes into it, though he hadn’t run it since a ravager broke a rib on Level 2.
For a moment Jimmy thought about telling Grian the truth, ditching the ‘helplessly kidnapped’ act and putting everything out on the table so Grian would stop trying to rescue him and leave well enough alone. That way at the very least he could call for Tango who might let him leave through a maintenance tunnel and not have to continue with whatever the hell was happening here. Jimmy didn’t even get the chance to register a deck before they started! However, the thought was dismissed immediately, partially because they only had one compass. In the case that Tango decided to be petty, Jimmy was not about to throw himself into the tusks of a ravager, and he could fantasize all he wanted about throwing Grian to the wolves and stealing the compass for himself, but it just made more sense that they stuck together.
But there was the fear, too, far more persuasive than any sense, the kind of deep seeded instinct that would have Jimmy sprinting in the opposite direction rather than be alone with his college tormentor, look him in the eyes, and tell him he’d been deceived.
Grian always thought Jimmy was hiding something from him. There had been multiple instances of Grian rummaging through his things, not taking, just looking, but not quite putting things back where they had been before. It really messed with Jimmy’s head- what he was even looking for? Grian didn’t have money to spend, but even when Jimmy had left his valuables and cash unguarded, Grian never stole. Jimmy never knew Grian to want anything either; weed, alcohol, the like, but for the most part Jimmy didn’t keep any of that in the dorm, and Grian never expressed interest. Grian didn’t even borrow pens or notebook paper; Jimmy was pretty sure he’d rather die than ask for help in any form, but regardless, it drove Jimmy crazy just to have Grian rummaging through his shit and having no idea what he wanted.
“Hey, if you need anything man, you just let me know, alright? I’ve got extra school supplies if you need to borrow anything for exams,” Jimmy had said one night, testing the waters in the rare occurrence when Grian’s headphones were off.
Jimmy would never forget the look of distaste Grian threw him, head cocked and eyes dark and narrowed; Grian didn’t even have to say anything to hurt him most days. “No.”
And that was that.
He never dreamed of confronting Grian, no, Jimmy would never bare his hand to a cornered animal. But one thing was for certain, he kept his phone and laptop passwords close, changing them regularly. Anything remotely private he locked up in his closet while he was out, Grian’s eyes burning into his back, suspicious and untrusting. He always made Jimmy feel so afraid. He wasn’t hiding anything or whatever it was Grian had convinced himself Jimmy was doing, he just wanted to keep his privacy private. Jimmy still had a habit of hiding his things, squirreling them away in odd places even when he was living alone. He didn’t realize he was doing it most of the time, but at some point it was pointed out to him (“This is why you can never find anything Jimmy, who keeps their receipts under the blooming mattress!”), and Jimmy had no doubt where the habit came from.
Apparently Jimmy’s lack of answer to Grian’s question was enough of an answer to him. “I’m going to get you out of here.” Intense. Always so intense.
Jimmy had no desire to fight him. “Okay.”
45 notes · View notes
aqua-the-smiter · 2 months
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Part 6 mfers, sorry this took so long Cato Sicarius x female reader Divider by @squishyowl Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q63sILptUs
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Cato awoke to a soft apothecarium cot underneath him and the sweet scent of flowers. It was warm under the covers. His limbs felt leaden and the sleepiness didn't abate like it usually did. Sedatives then. Nothing hurt either, which meant the analgesics he must have been pumped with were something else. He could feel a pressure on his chest. Lifting the white sheets and looking down, he could see a lump of bandages.
On the small table next to him was a cup of water and a vase full of different flowers. Alongside these was a stack of notes, some hastily scribbled while others took up several sheets of parchment. Late afternoon light filtered in from some window or other. He tried to sit up and quickly decided that could wait for a bit long with a groan.
He turned his head to see you nearly running back into the room. Sitting yourself down in a chair by his bedside.
"By the throne." You said in a choked whisper, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him. it was all your could do to not break into tears right there and then. "You're ok!"
Slowly, he put an arm around you and squeezed gently. "Of course I am. How long have I been out? Is Melor alright?"
"You get stabbed in the chest and still your duty is the first thing you think about when you wake up." You kissed his cheek.
"He is far more than just my duty, Peahen."
"I know, I know. Thankfully the little guy is just fine. A bit shaken up but otherwise unharmed. It's been three days."
He laid back. "Then all is well. What happened since?"
"The Primarch has tightened security around the whole Fortress, but that's probably obvious. That Word Bearer who turned on his comrades was given over to the Redeemed."
"That is good to hear. He seemed decent."
You reached over and grabbed the stack of notes. "He left you one in here somewhere beforehand."
Cato took them and began to shuffle through them, skimming the contents. They were letters from his battle brothers. Well wishes, congratulations. Even a few apologies. He found one that was just a single sheet, the oddly spiky handwriting suggesting that the author was not quite used to writing in Gothic.
Thank you for allowing me the chance to redeem some of my sin. That boy will love you like a brother for all of his days. - Robavam
There were others. He found ones from Calgar, Ventris, Titus, and several other officers. Practically all his comrades in the Victrix had written one. Some from regular marines, some from neophytes. Even some of the Redeemed had sent their wishes. He laid back after reading a few. There was an odd feeling in his heart that he couldn't put his finger on.
You resisted the urge to lay your head on his chest. Instead you cradled his head in your arms, stroking his hair.
"You were so brave Cato. So, so brave. You know there's pict recordings of your fight? Security footage. The Primarch let me see them after everything was reviewed. And lucky too. They had to bring the Redeemed's chief apothecary here to help patch you up. Now the whole place smells like flowers."
"I can see that." He poked the bandage on his chest. "But it was not anything special.
"You killed six Chaos Astartes and a terminator. How is that nothing? Don't undercut yourself." You chided him gently, kissing his cheek. "You're a hero."
"So it would seem."
"You are!"
Cato didn't look convinced, and changed the subject. "Since you seem to be well informed, Peahen, do you know how long I'm to be here?"
You flushed a bit. "Well...someone had to look after you while you were out. The apothecaries told me I could tell you since I've been here the whole time. The sword went in deep, poked a lung but missed both your hearts thankfully. You're healing up nicely thanks to Apothecary Asphodelus, but you're supposed to stay here for a few more days just so you can be monitored."
He let out a small, hollow laugh. "Just a little to the left and it probably would have killed me. The Primarch must have been disappointed."
"Lord Guilliman is extremely proud of you!"
"I'm sure he is."
"What's with the cynicism? You did good." You stroked his cheek in a mollifying gesture. He huffed like a dissatisfied dog.
"I didn't do anything special. I just did what was expected. Of course I would have either way, I would never just sit by and let Melor be harmed or killed." Just the thought of it made him feel slightly sick. "But it was my duty regardless."
"I think you went a little above and beyond. You would have been expected to get Melor out of danger, not kill six marines and a terminator solo with a massive wound. You're undercutting yourself."
He sighed. "Maybe. I am just happy that he's safe."
That I didn't fail.
In that moment it hadn't mattered what anyone thought of him, or how he thought of himself. All that had mattered was that Melor's tiny life was at stake, and that he had been the only one standing between it and the boy's enemies. Everything had dissolved. It didn't matter how he was perceived. A failure, an egoist, arrogant, a sexist, a weak leader, whatever. He had done his duty. He knew the truth about what and who he was, even through the screams and pipe organ music that haunted his memories. That was enough for him.
Wasn't that all that really mattered in the end?
You felt him relax in your embrace, and you ran your fingers through his hair. Letting him drift off back to sleep in your arms again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Primarch came to see his gene-son later that day, bringing a special someone along with him.
Cato was awake again when he came in, Melor cradled in one arm. His golden eyes lit up when he saw the Ultramarine. He cooed happily, reaching out with his arms and making grabby hands at him. He was surprised at that. The boy seemed too young to recognize him so easily, and with such enthusiasm.
Guilliman didn't seem surprised. He smiled at the scene before addressing Cato. "It is good to see you well. I was worried I had lost you for a while."
He tried to conjure up something confident and snarky to say and found that he couldn't. "I fully expected to die that night. The fact I did not is nothing short of a miracle."
"All the same, I am quite glad you're still with us. It would have been a devastating loss. Not just for me either."
Melor continued making grabby hands at his cousin, and was started to get fidgety. You watched the scene with amusement.
"Is he alright?" Cato asked.
"Just fine. He wants to be with you for a little while I think. Would you mind?"
"I could hold him for a bit." He agreed, masking his apprehension.
The boy was handed over in short order. Cato cradled him in his arms the way he'd seen you and Primarch doing. He weighed practically nothing. So light and fragile. Melor reached up a tiny hand to him and tangled it in his beard, giggling.
"Aren't you a little young for mischief?" Cato asked, the question directed as much to Roboute as to Melor.
Guilliman picked up on his suspicious. "He is...unique."
"He would be, wouldn't he?"
You patted his cheek as he untangled Melor's tiny fist from his beard. "Oh come off it Cato. Look at him, he likes you."
"Which is also unusual."
"He's the son of a Primarch." You reminded him. "Of course he'll be a little unusual."
Sicarius looked like he wanted to argue with you but dropped it, turning his attention back to Melor. To your surprise, the Primarch shot you a grateful look, which you decided not to question. Whatever was strange about the boy, it was probably best not to question. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cato was back on his feet and out of the medicae in another three days, although under strict orders to go easy for a while longer. He was functional, but not healed. The process was slower, both because the wound was quite deep and because it seemed the sword had been covered in a mild poison of some sort. Thus his recovery would take more time, and he was relegated to light training and paperwork.
He was not prepared for the reception he received when he was finally walking the halls of the Fortress of Hera again.
There had been distance. Respect for sure, but he could tell there was a warmth gone. His reputation had proceeded him for the most part. Not anymore.
There were hushed, awed whispers as he passed by. Serfs and Astartes alike stopped and saluted him. There was genuine admiration from his battle brothers now. Real, deep respect. Neophytes and scouts would nervously approach him during drills, asking for advise. Before he had felt like the Primarch's disappointing side project. Now he was being lauded as a hero.
It was like everyone had finally divorced the version of him they had in their heads, and come to realize the version of him that truly existed. The two different people that had been running around since his return from the Emperor's Will had become one again.
That didn't mean all was well though.
In truth he felt disdainful now. It had taken his near death to alleviate himself of their scorn. Like the Emperor's Will wasn't enough. Nothing he had done since had been fucking enough. Not only was he haunted by the screams of his dead and dying, but of their disapproval as well. It left a bitter stickiness in his throat whenever he thought about it. He had never been one for self pity. This just made his angry. Why did he have to prove himself when he'd already done so more times than he could count? Why did he have to shed his own blood and come on bended knee for them to see he had repented from his younger years? Why did he have to repent for them at all? As if others hadn't done a thousand times worse.
The exception was you, of course. You were always the exception. You were the light in his life.
Guardianship over Melor had been temporarily passed to a few different Ultramarines on a rotating schedule. Among there were Uriel and Demetrian, although Cato wasn't off the hook with him either. Instead spending time with the boy when he had a spare moment. It gave him a convenient audience for his bitterness.
"I'm like you now." Cato said. He was sitting cross legged on the floor, shaking a rattle for Melor. He giggled, his tiny hands reaching out for it.
"How so?" Titus asked. He was standing in front of the door, back to his brother, one hand on his chainsword. "Did you cross the Rubicon while I wasn't looking?" He joked.
Cato snorted. "Of course not. I mean everyone thinks I'm a hero now."
"Are you not? You nearly died saving the little one."
"I suppose so. I am just jaded about it. Instead of earning the title by cutting through hordes of orks and swarms of Tyranids, or tearing my way across a daemon infested planet like Caedo, or everything that Ventris did, I get it by being stabbed in the chest and killing seven enemies."
"You already had a good reputation before then." Titus reassured. "This was special."
"My reputation was lying beaten and bloody on the floor before this."
His expression knitted into a frown. "It was not that bad, Cato. You had some blunders, but it is as the Chapter Master said. No leader of men has only victories."
"And you really believe that, do you?" Cato scoffed. "You don't have to lie to spare my feelings Titus. You're too good of a man for that."
"Do not tell me you saved Melor only for your reputation."
"Of course not! I...care for the boy." He admitted. "He is our cousin. And the last of Lord Ferrus Manus's legacy."
"Then what has made you so bitter?"
"Why like this? Nothing else I did matters. Why does all the rest of my suffering mean nothing!? I have been at the sharp end for years. I have been brought to my knees time and time again, but all of that is forgotten. I have been humbled so thoroughly that only by nearly dying, and not for the first bloody time, did anyone remember who I actually am. The wraith going around wearing my name is finally banished."
Titus didn't respond, but he turned to look at Cato, and his expression was pained. Sicarius didn't see it, too occupied with Melor.
He didn't mind coming to see the boy. There was definitely an affection for the boy, born of their kinship. Melor was, after all, his cousin. But the more time he spent with him, the more he realized just how strange he was.
It wasn't anything big. More a series of small oddities that added up. He was a normal baby in nearly every way. Which made the ways that he wasn't stand out all the more. There was his recognition of Cato, for example. His golden eyes lit up when he saw his cousin. Easily picking him out even without his helmet on. Beyond that, even. He always seemed to relax around him. Like he felt safe with him.
The other thing that really tipped him off was his unusual strength, which was usually demonstrated when someone tried to take a toy from Melor's little hands. For example, he had been gifted an old plush toy that had once been Primarch Guilliman's when he had been a child, a fact that boggled Cato's mind to think about. It was a pegasus, soft white with a fluffy mane and tail, shimmery wings, and a dove gray muzzle. He adored it, and would cuddle and roll all over it. Good luck trying to take it from him when it was nap time, however. You'd end up in a surprisingly even tug of war. What's more, Cato always got the impression that Melor was holding back because he didn't want to damage the thing. Which was more brainpower than any barely-over-a-month old should have.
But he acted just like a normal baby in every other regard. He was a normal baby, just with a few quirks.
Still, it was clear there was much the Primarch hadn't told him.
"With all due respect my lord, there is something you neglected to tell me about Melor, isn't there?" Cato said, before Roboute could get a word out.
He sighed, shifting the topic of conversation in his arms so his head was resting more comfortably. Cato probably had a gut feeling this conversation was supposed to be about him and was trying to prevent it before it even started. Still, if he'd already figured it out anywhere, there wasn't much to be gained by hiding it.
"I know what you're trying to do." Guilliman replied. "But you are correct. I felt it was not information that needed to be shared. Since you are at least somewhat aware of it, I will tell you. Given enough time, you would probably figure it out on your own anyway."
"He's...alright, isn't he?"
"Of course he is. He is just...well, he's unusual. You see, by some miracle, he is a full blooded Primarch."
Sicarius's eyes widened. "What? How?"
Guilliman sighed. "I don't know. Ferrus doesn't know. As near as either of us can figure, my brother simply got incredibly lucky with the boy's genes. I have a feeling the only person who could tell us for certain is the Emperor, and I am not bringing Melor anywhere near him."
His face scrunched in a pained frown with memory for a moment before relaxing.
"That's why he recognizes me then? Why he seems much stronger than he should be? That's why the Word Bearers came."
"Yes." He nodded. "I don't think they knew either, but they knew he was different. They knew enough to deduce he could be a threat one day."
"Is he doing alright? He was very shaken when I found him." Cato asked.
"He is young. Some things still linger, but as long as we keep an eye on him, and make sure he feels safe, he will heal just fine from it. that is why I let him be with you so often."
"He feels safe with me?"
"As much as an infant-even an infant Primarch-can register something like that. Make no mistake, he is still only a baby. But you shouldn't be surprised. You nearly gave your life for his. I'm proud of you, and your actions."
"Yes. Despite my injury it seemed to remind everyone that I am not, in fact, a paper general."
"Cato, are you well?" Roboute asked his son.
He sighed. "I am just fine, my lord. It has been a trying week, but I have been through worse. And I am relieved that Melor is alright."
He paused.
"What has Titus been telling you?"
"He has told me enough. He's worried about you. I am too."
"What is there to be concerned about? You know what's wrong with me."
"You seem very...jaded."
"Of course I am!" He threw up his hands. "What else could I be? I have been shouldering the disgust of my own battle brothers for years now, all while my mind is eating itself. And now, after I nearly died, that is what gets them to remember who I was. They're patting me on the back like it was expected I'd try to get myself killed to earn my respect back."
"Do you really believe that's the whole truth, or have you run away with your own bitterness?" Roboute asked him softly.
"I will not sit here and tell you that you have not been dealt an unfair hand. In many aspects you have. Not all of your brothers like you, your reputation definitely has taken many hits. Moreover, your mind has been wounded, deeply. I do not think anyone truly understands how much it has hurt you."
He raised an eyebrow. "I detect a 'but', my lord."
"The whole chapter is not out to get you, Cato. I am not here to hang you out to dry. I don't pity you, I am worried for you. Both for your mind and how you have been handling this whole thing. You are not nearly as despised as you think you are, and your brothers are not congratulating you because they thought you needed to grovel, it's because you saved the life of an innocent baby and Ferrus's only son."
When Cato didn't respond, he continued.
"You know I am very proud of you. There is a war in your mind that you have been fighting alone for years. But I've never seen you falter in your duty. Never waver. You're in pain, but Melor is still alive and safe. You killed six Word Bearers and a terminator solo. Your brothers are proud of you too. It is all I have heard any of them talk about for the last week. They hail you as a hero, not a prodigal who redeemed himself."
Melor squirmed, and started making grabby hands at his cousin. Guilliman held out the little Primarch to his son, who took him hesitantly after a moment.
"Even he knows you did a good job."
"He's too young to know much of anything."
"I have met older men and women who know less." He shook his head. "You've done well, Cato."
Sicarius looked down at Melor, then up at his Primarch, lost for words. "Are you sure?"
"If I was displeased with I would tell you. You are doing just fine, and I wish to see you get better."
Cato nodded, turning the Primarch's words over in his head. It was the kind of encouragement he'd really only heard from you. From Guilliman it took on a whole new meaning. He supposed he had a lot to reevaluate then. Lord Guilliman was many things, but a liar was not one of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Are you doing alright, Cato?" You asked him, stroking his hair as he rested his head in your lap.
He thought for a moment, snuggling into your thighs. "Better than I have been."
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On the Road
Rockstar!eddie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to sex. SFW. Use of Y/N
A/N: Please go easy on me for this. It’s been a very long time since i’ve written anything so excuse any poor writing or dodgy use of tense,  but i just had this thought one night and said fuck it, lets share it. Enjoy. Feedback is appreciated and so are likes and reblogs 🙂
The squeaking of the brakes and crunching of gravel was enough to slowly bring you out of your slumber. It had been a few hours since you’d passed out on the scratchy sofa of their tour bus, but it had seemed needed after the past week of late nights and long journeys that had robbed you of energy. The heavy hand that had been stroking across your shoulder, squeezed your upper arm, “We’re here sweetheart.” Eddie’s voice sounded, laced with tiredness. 
After years of blood, sweat and tears, Eddie had finally managed to make his childhood dreams real. He and the boy’s of corroded Coffin had made it to the big leagues, miles away from dingy bars and drunks that couldn’t care less who they were. They had been talent spotted and offered a small regional tour which, after completing last summer, had proven their name in the industry as one to look out for. Their success led them to now, their first leg of their national tour filled with multiple sold out shows. Eddie could have sworn he’d never felt more alive than he did when he got to perform to thousands of people every night, seeing how their music touched each and every one, much like he’d been affected by his own music heroes growing up. Getting to witness his dreams being fulfilled every night, had been a privilege, seeing new towns and cities that you probably would never have had the chance to before felt like the greatest gift you’d been given. You’d joined him on tour as support at first. He’d spent nights begging for you to join him. ‘Babe, please come! The boys all want you with us, plus i’ll miss you so much that i’ll combust if i have to spend too long away.’ He’d state each time you’d give a reason as to why it wouldn’t be possible. Eventually he’d pestered enough that you broke, agreeing to join him for the first 4 stops on the tour and then head back home, however that soon changed when you joined the guys selling merch and even creating items to sell,  leading to your position in the group being upgraded from supportive girlfriend to executive roadie. 
Blinking your eyes open, you were faced with Eddie's big brown eyes staring lovingly back into yours. They were now accompanied by dark undereye shadows, telling the story of a man who’d been working his ass off. “Morning sleepy girl.” He smiled. You reached up a hand to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “It’s morning?” You croaked. 
“Only just, It’s gone 2am.” Eddie clarified glancing to his watch. 
“Ugh, can i not just stay here?” You whined, tucking your face away and attempting to drift back to sleep.
Eddie chuckled softly, sliding his hand down your arm to grasp your hand, “Unfortunately not, we’ve got a nice big bed waiting for us and quite frankly i’d like to be in it right now.” 
Just the mention of a bed, had you moving to get up. Despite having spent a good month on the road and being treated to a fairly comfy tour bus with all the amenities the guys could need, stopping at hotels and getting to sleep in a bed that wasn’t continually being rattled by the vibrations of an engine or having disturbances by people shuffling around in the night was a god send. You and Eddie had been lucky when given bunk assignments, seeing as you were the only couple in the group, you had been designated the only actual bed on the bus, whilst the rest of the guys had to make do with a single bunk bed that could just about house a small grown adult. ‘You guys can have the bed but just don’t make too much noise if you’re gonna fuck. Don’t really need to hear ‘how eddie is rocking your world’ or ‘how good my princess takes me’ is.’ Gareth had warned you two on the first night on the road, very much to the embarrassment of you but the humor of Eddie. 
“Where are the guys?” You asked as you stretched out your muscles, hearing a satisfying click in your bones.
“They’ve already headed in. Jeff barely waited for the bus to come to a stop before he’d leapt off claiming he needed to pee.” 
You smiled in response watching as Eddie gathered up both his and your overnight bags to bring into the hotel. He took your hand in his free one, leading you out the bus and towards the hotel reception. You were met with the rest of the tour party standing with bleary eyes and no energy, all ready to finally get some rest. Eddie nudged you in the direction of Gareth and Jeff who were standing resting against the wall, struggling to stay awake, whilst he went to source your room key. 
“My eyes feel like they have papercuts.” Gareth grumbled. 
“I could sleep right here.” Jeff responded. You gave both the boys sympathetic smiles.
Throughout the tour you’d grown closer to them, becoming almost like a sister to them. They’d come to you with all sorts of issues, from wardrobe help to romantic advice. Like any man that had an entire world of women at their feet, Gareth and Jeff made the most of being single and having their pick, resulting in plenty of one night stands and the occasional double hit. 
“You seemed to have slept ok y/n, you were totally out.” Gareth remarked.
You sighed softly, “God I must have been shattered, I don't actually remember laying down.” 
“You didn’t, I laid you down in my lap cause your head was hanging off your neck.” Eddie responded as he walked back over to you, this time with keys in hand. He handed Jeff and Gareth their keys each before swinging his arm to rest over your shoulders. “Couldn’t have my love waking up in pain.” he said as he pressed a kiss to your hairline. 
Your heart swelled in your chest. Eddie had many ways of showing his affection for you, but his physical touch and care is the category he really shone in. From the gentle touches on the base of your back as he guided you through crowds of fans, to the all enclosing, full of love and affection, cuddles he’d provide whenever you wanted, the love eddie had for you couldn’t hide from his physical touch. The gesture of him adjusting your sleeping position on the bus purely to help you, was just another example of his love. 
Eddie slid his arm down from your shoulders to connect your hands as he gently led you towards your bedroom for the night. Stepping into the elevator, he reached over to press the floor number, he didn’t even wait for the doors to fully close before he was encasing you in an embrace and guiding your lips up to meet his. Although gentle, his kiss was full of love, speaking all the words he could ever say. 
He pulled back slightly, keeping your noses touching. “Thank you baby for coming with me. I know it isn’t easy, jesus, its fucking exhausting.”
You smiled in agreement, “It is. But it’s worth it.” You pushed back into him to connect your lips again. “I get to see my gorgeous rockstar boyfriend, singing and playing his heart out in front of screaming fans every night and know that at the end of the night, he’ll be in my bed, kissing my lips, giving his whole being to me.” 
Eddie brings his hands to hold your cheeks as he kisses you again, however just before he can deepen it, the elevator doors re-open. Quickly he takes your hand again and pulls you along as he heads towards your room. He swiftly slips the key into the door, and pushes it open, gesturing for you to enter before him, ever the gentleman. As you take in the room, which is a mark sight better than the cramped bedroom on the tour bus, the door behind you shuts as two thick arms slide around your waist, and the warm breath of your lover fans down your neck. 
“You are right.” He whispered as you tilted your neck to the side granting him space to pepper your skin with kisses. “Having a stunning woman, watching from the wings of the stage as I sing for her, knowing that I also get to be in her bed, kissing her and showing her pleasure that has her screaming my name every night is what makes this all worth it.” 
His words send shivers down your spine, making you turn to face him. All feelings of tiredness fade from your body and are replaced with desire. Looking up into his eyes, you see that he is sharing the feeling. “Then come and show me.” You whisper just as you reconnect with his lips and walk him towards the bed. 
He was right, touring is exhausting, but so were you. It’s all worth it for nights like these.
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irisviel101 · 3 months
Idk how likely this is, but it's so interesting to me how the Legendary Bladers were pretty much set up to fail. Here's a list of people the Star Fragment went to:
Gingka and Kyoya who cannot agree on a single thing for most of Metal Fury
Ryuuga who would never work together with anyone
Chris who simply does not care
Yuki who, in the beginning, was definitely not hero material and had to learn it the hard way
Aguma who refuses to put the world before his clan until Nemesis has already been revived
Dynamis is the only person who makes sense and he got corrupted and possessed because he was the biggest threat at the moment
King who was barely ever allowed to battle before this and is so unconnected from it all that he thinks simply declaring yourself a Legendary Blader is enough
Tithi who is a small, meek child who would probably have never worked up the courage to fight had it not been for Yuu
And Rago who is literally trying to destroy the world
I think I saw a similar post before saying that, reasonably, the Legendary Bladers should not have succeeded. It's like fate itself was trying to help Rago.
And it's also interesting how the side characters play a huge part in recruiting a lot of the Legendary Bladers
King only learns of the Legendary Bladers from Masamune's bragging, he only activates his Star Fragment during a fight with Masamune and the others in the Destroyer Dome, and had he and Masamune — and the others by extension — not become such good friends, Johannes could have easily manipulated him into joining their side as well
Yuki was able to grow into his role as a Legendary Bladers with the influence of Gingka and the others. Had it not been for them, Yuki would have been beaten up (more than he was in canon) and possibly kidnapped by Johannes so they could use his Star Fragment against his will
And we all know that Kenta being Kenta is the reason why they won in the first place. Because if he had not chosen to follow Ryuuga around then Ryuuga would not have entrusted his Star Fragment to him in the end and there would have been no Legendary Blader of Summer
Chris's whole perspective was changed by Gingka and that's the reason he turned to their side by the end
Aguma is convinced to join when his loss to King and Tithi shakes up his belief that Beylin Fist is the strongest ever and after Dynamis tells him the complete truth about his ancestors, all of which helps history repeat itself when Aguma joins the good guys
Tithi would never have left his "home" with Kyoya or activated his Star Fragment in the first place without Yuu being there and he would have been even easier to manipulate/intimidate then King
Even Kyoya is convinced to rejoin the group and accept his duty as a Legendary Blader after he leaves briefly by Yuu and Tithi
Dynamis is the only one who was ready and willing to be a Legendary Blader from the beginning, and he is the one the villains choose to corrupt immediately because he's the only one who can't be swayed with deception. And his curse is broken by Kyoya during their battle, who is only there because Tithi and Yuu helped him realize that he needs to be here. So indirectly, Yuu is the one behind recruiting — or re-recruiting in Dynamis's case — three Legendary Bladers
Not to mention, the only reason the protagonists know where they need to go is hrough the help of almost every person they've met throughout the series.
It's interesting how the thing that help them win despite all odds seemingly against them is the bonds and relationships they all form with each other. In a way, the power of friendship helped them defeat fate itself.
Or was fate always on their side by allowing them to form these connections in the first place?
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puffyducks · 2 months
DCRC Week #8 (Part 1)
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ODIN WEEK! ODIN WEEK! ODIN WEEK!!! It's PKNA #5: Portrait of the Hero as a Young Duck btw. Please enjoy my epic edit- I mean real panel I mean totally real screenshotted and unedited comic panel.
Also, I try to put spoilers for the comics I'm reading about as they happen in the story, but this time I couldn't help myself so beware of reading this if you haven't read the whole chapter yet.
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I already have this panel saved in my folder, it's so iconic in my head. He wanna be Batman sooooo bad.
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Gotta love these military guys opening fire like their lives depend on it and PK is just behind them making silly little jokes like :D
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Wow this guy seems interesting I wonder what his opinions on AI art are
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Gorgeous panel and some gorgeous one-point perspective here. Sorry for being an art student but we made a lot of drawings like this and it made me learn that drawing buildings makes me want to die. So this is even more impressive to me in that regard.
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Lowkey cute asf for Odin to just put a whimsical little garden in place of where Ducklair tower used to be
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Donald is so SAD it breaka my heart 💔 RIP Uno who is totally super dead 💔💔💔
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Donald is SO SMALL. Shoutout to the PKNA writers for pushing the entire main Duckverse cast to the side so that they could create an all-new roster of characters that all fucking TOWER over Donald in height. Lyla, Angus, Xadhoom, Styvesant, soon to be Odin in like a few pages. If you need to know anything it's that Paperinik is a little SHRIMP and he is so tiny and small and the most specialest boy ever.
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haha..... yeah..................
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DEFEND UNO'S LEGACY DONALD!!!!! Also Lyla... okay and I guess Geena cause she's the ACTUAL robot he's defending-
This is the part where I look at the camera like it's an episode of The Office btw. If you know you know.
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OOOOH SHIT IT'S YA BOI!!! I forgot about him trying to meet Donald by just slamming his ship into theirs. Like I GUESS that's a surefire method to speak to someone...
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Cheeky son of a-
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Snitches get stitches Geena... (imagine a little text pops up on screen like in a video game and says "Geena will remember that")
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Hmmmm where have I seen this shot before.... *flashback to issue #0.1 which I put a filter over to make sure you know it's a flashback to an earlier chapter*
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oh right.
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Crying over this shot they BOTH wanna be Batman man 😭 two dumdums that were made for each other
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He's so cheeky I hate him (affectionate)
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So obviously they bring up that Odin just means "One" (or Uno) but it's also worth pointing out what an Eidolon is. Eidolon is a Greek term, meaning "a spirit-image of a living or dead person; a shade or phantom look-alike of the human form" (at least according to Wikipedia).
Anyways to wrap up with some final thoughts-
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Something that doesn't really get addressed in this comic (probably for plot reasons, it's not super relevant) is just how comforting it must be for Donald to travel to the future and see that the Evronian Empire is all but wiped out, a shell of its former self. Obviously timelines can still change, we saw that in Day of the Cold Sun, but it still must be nice to see that all the fighting he does is going to pay off in a big way.
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Btw remember that bit in an earlier chapter about Uno finding Lyla attractive? Yeah well I should think so considering that YOU'RE THE ONE THAT BUILT HER- Okay well he's not the DESIGNER but still I think that connection is funny ok. I wonder if Uno scanned Odin's gun and was like "oh"
I like this comic, I think it's another really good one. I mean it's no Earthquake but still, between Day of the Cold Sun, Earthquake, and then this volume I feel like we've just had banger after banger after banger. I'm also super stoked to have Odin in the story now, even if thinking about Uno way outliving Donald and being excited to see him again after 200 years makes me really depressed if I think about it too hard. I'm happy that he got to escape the confines of Ducklair tower and even got a cunty green suit in the process though, good for him. Donald is REALLY gonna regret not accepting that explanation from Uno though, RIP 🙏 SUUURELY he'll figure it out one of these days guys. Like EVENTUALLY. Right???
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broskiblurbs · 1 year
Our Envious Forthcomings (A Peter Parker FanFiction)
Word Count: 4,370
Summary: You grew up in your father's spotlight, while Peter grew up in poverty. You had loads of friends, while Peter was a nobody. Seems as if things were handed to you, while he had to beg for them. These differences made Peter bitter towards you, but maybe you aren't so different after all.
Disclaimer: Mild cussing. In this universe, the Blip never happened.
There wasn't many things Peter Parker disliked, only three things that he could come up with. Overall, he is an easy-going person, and someone who loves the simplicity of life. He is a nerd who loves Star Wars and LEGOs. He is a nobody in the background with only two friends: Ned and Michelle Jones. He is a clamming boy who didn’t have much luck when it came to dating and girls. On top of all of that, he is a friendly-neighborhood hero who helps old Dominican women cross the street. He is a spider that stopped alien-tech trades and saved Stark Industries. He is an Avenger that helped save the universe from Thanos. He is Spider-Man, a guy who is constantly overlooked, yet praised at the same time. Even though Peter was not as popular as his alter-ego, he was perfectly happy with his life.
One thing Peter didn’t like was parties. They were always way too loud and overcrowded. It messed with his heightened senses, which ensured a pounding headache once he got home. The only reason he is even at this party is because Ned dragged him and MJ here after they got invited by Betty Brant, who was one of the most popular girls in school. How a nobody like Ned Leeds got a pretty girl like Betty Brant was beyond  Peter’s mind, but he was happy for his love-sick friend. As soon as the trio walked through the giant doors of the party, Ned abandoned them to find his girl, leaving Peter and MJ to fend for themselves, which eventually leads to Flash bumping into Peter.
Another thing Peter disliked was Eugene “Flash” Thompson. He hated how he walked around like the world owed him something. He hated how he bullied others to make himself feel better. Peter was one of Flash’s relentless victims. He was the reason why he got the nickname “Penis Parker” in their sophomore year of high school. He has thought about using Spider-Man to finally shut-up, but he dismissed the idea for he had promised to never use his alter-ego in such a way. Besides, he didn’t want to stoop to Flash’s level, no matter how tempting it was. It was enough of a victory to know Peter could punch him in the face and stop it all. It’s all about the small victories, right?
“Watch where you are going, Penis Parker,” the ignorant bully called out while spilling his drink, which was probably spiked, all over Peter’s favorite blue sweater. The boy was about to shoot a spiteful response to Flash until you interrupted.
“Stop, Flash. It isn’t worth it.” You give Peter a pitiful smile and drag your friend along.
The third and final thing he disliked was you. You were always at Flash’s side, watching him bully others. You were known to the school as Flash’s hot and “chill” friend, though Peter wouldn’t use those words to describe you. However, that was not the worst thing. He felt that life has handed you everything just because your dad was rich and famous. He envied how he had to work for his good grades, money, and the small amount of friends he did have, while you shared DNA with a man and got filthy rich, got to ease through school, and friends practically flocked to you. You had it easy, and you took it for granted. He watched you dance so freely on the dance floor as if no one was watching, but if he did it, he would be made fun of, right? The world had its favorites and you were one of them, and he hated you for it. Nothing could change how he felt.
Peter was having a good day, a great one even. He had almost made it through his first week of senior year, which meant he was that much closer to graduating. They had pizza for lunch and it didn’t taste like garbage for once. Aunt May was able to get the red stain out of his favorite blue sweater that Flash had so nicely placed on it. Some girl complimented his Vans, and later on tonight, he was going to Ned’s to try to rebuild the LEGO Death Star for the third time. So yeah, Peter having a great day. He was practically skipping to Ned’s locker to go to American History.
“I’m pretty sure today she’s going to assign us partners for that stupid project today,” Ned announced as he slammed the locker shut and the boys made their way to the class.
“Ugh, don’t remind me. Isn’t semester long?” Peter asked.
“I think so. All I know is that I hope I get paired with you or Betty.” Peter sends a glare at his friend. “No, you! Bros before hoes. Guy in the chair,” Ned saved. Peter laughed as they headed into the classroom. The friends took their seats in the corner of the room as the teacher began her lesson about the Founding Fathers.
Peter was forcing his eyes to stay open. Sure, he was one of the smartest in his grade, but history absolutely bored him. The fact the lesson was on the Founding Fathers didn’t make things any better. He didn’t understand why we praised men who were just a bunch of hypocrites. The teacher never kept Peter’s attention during the lecture, not until she announced she will start pairing students up for the project. The project was super broad, which made him happy. He could do whatever he wanted as long as it showed how it improved the U.S. as a whole. Ideas were rushing to his head. Cars? The improvement of technology? The Avengers even? The possibilities were endless.
“Mr. Leeds and Mr. Thompson,” she paired. Peter looked over Ned, who looked horrified. Flash looked disgusted. Since he was obviously not going to be paired with his best friend, he was scared to hear who his partner was going to be. The teacher flew through some more names. 
“Mr. Parker.” Peter’s eyes widen at the recognition of his own name. His fingers were trembling, anticipating hearing the name he would be spending the rest of the semester with. “You’ll be with Miss. Y/L/N”
Of fucking course. 
Peter buries his face into his hands. Out of everyone he could paired with, he had to be paired with you. He could hear murmurs of his peers saying stuff like, “Lucky,” “Not fair,” “That dork with her?” It’s not like he wanted to be paired with your ungrateful ass. He snuck a look your way. You looked uncomfortable? Of course you wouldn’t want to be paired with him. In your eyes, he’s probably just a slimy little nerd who should kneel before you. He vowed at that moment to never give you that satisfaction. He was probably going to have to do the majority of the project anyway. A selfish brat like yourself will think you’re above some silly school assignment. When the bell rang, Peter bolted out of the classroom as fast as he could with his friend.
“Dude,” the friends say in unison once they reach Peter’s locker.
“This is bad,” Peter says, opening up his locker.
“You’re telling me? I have to work with Flash. Time to plan my funeral,” Ned agrees.
“I have to work with Y/N. Out of everyone,” Peter groaned.
“That’s not even bad. I honestly do not get why you do not like her. She has always been nice to me. She’s very supportive of me and Betty.” Peter rolled his eyes as if his best friend betrayed him. In a way he did. He was fraternizing with the enemy. Of course he didn’t understand. “Anyway, dude, I gotta go. See you at my house tonight.” Ned begins to leave, but not without doing the handshake.
As Peter replaces the books from American History with the ones for his next class, he hears you and Flash talking.
“Why don’t you ask the teacher to switch? She would probably listen to you. Your dad is literally famous,” the annoying bully stated.
“No, Flash. Drop it,” you reply. Honestly, Peter wishes you would. That would solve both of his and Ned’s problems.
“You really want to work with that dork instead of me?” Flash pushed.
“I am not going to use my social status to my advantage,” you responded.
“But come on, it’s Penis Parker,”
“Peter Parker,” you almost yelled. “His name is Peter Parker and I’m leaving this conversation.” You walked away, practically whipping your hair in Flash’s face. Peter shoved his head back into his locker. He was surprised you actually corrected your friend. No one had ever done that, but that doesn’t matter. It didn’t make him dislike you any less and nothing would. He hears a knock outside the locker. He closes his locker, deeming he was done with it anyway. He was shocked to meet your eyes so close to his.
“What do you want?’ He asked a lot more bitterly than he planned. You take a step back.
“Well, hello to you too, Parker,” you greeted.
“I have to get to class,”  He avoids your gaze and goes around you to go to his class. You catch up with him.
“Fantastic that we have the same class next, huh?” God, he just wanted you to leave him alone. 
“Yay,” he says sarcastically. 
“Anyway, I think we should get a head start on this project-” you start but Peter interrupts you.
“I’ll just do it.”
“What?’ He hated the dumbfounded look on your face.
“That’s what you were going to say, right?”
“No, not at all. I would never. I was just going to say, we should get a head start on the project, since we are both busy people. With me and my, well you know, my parents and you with your Stark Internship-” Peter interrupts you again.
“Ah, I get it now.” Peter stops right outside of the classroom. “Y/N, I was having a really good day today and now it kind of sucks. I really don’t want to spend half of my senior year with you, so we will split up the work in class and work on our part in our spare time. Great talk.” He goes into the classroom and takes a seat before you could even respond.
He shouldn’t be surprised at the fact you were only being nice to him for your own gain. As soon as you mentioned the Stark Internship, he knew. All you wanted was to meet Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers and woo them over. He wasn’t having it. The Avengers was his thing, not yours.
“Why were you talking to Y/N? I thought you hated her,” MJ said as Peter sat down next to her.
“We got paired up for an American History project,” he responded. His eyes follow you as you walk through the classroom and take the available seat next to him. Peter rolled his eyes. Why couldn’t you take the hint? MJ looked over at her friend confused. “Why are you sitting next to me? Don’t you have your little clique over there?” He points to the group of people staring at you dumbfounded. 
“Because we need to get this project done, and I’m not going to let your stupid opinion about me prevent me from getting an A, so I’m not going to leave you alone until we come up with an actual game plan,” you reply with determination. 
“Stupid opinion,” Peter chuckled. The only stupid thing about this is that he had to work with someone as ignorant as you. Then, the English teacher interrupted their conversation and began class. 
The entire class period you tried getting Peter’s attention which only annoyed him more. It took everything in him to not yell at you. You had to know you were bothering him. He was starting to think you were enjoying this. His jaw clenched anytime you said his name. Even when you weren’t trying to get his attention, you agitated him. You occasionally clicked your pen one too many times and bounced your leg. By the end of class he was over it. Luckily this was his last class of the day, so he tried to run out of there as quickly as he could. Unfortunately, you’re fast too and caught up to him. This was his breaking point.
“Can you just leave me alone? You’re driving me crazy,” Peter hissed.
“Good! All I want to do is get this project done, but you’re the one being stubborn!” you argued.
“Why are you so worried about it? We were just assigned today.” Peter is at his locker now, getting his backpack together.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but I barely have time for school as it is and my schedule is super unpredictable, so the sooner the better,” you answer.
“Believe or not, I haven’t noticed anything because not everything is about you. I don’t give a shit your dad is this big thing in Hollywood or whatever,” he said, slamming his locker door shut. You take a deep breath as you compose yourself.
“Can we please just get this project done and then, I will be out of your life,” you beg. Peter dreaded the idea of seeing you more than he had to, but for once, you had a point. The sooner the project was over with, the sooner you would leave him alone. You took his silence as an answer. “Are you doing anything now? We can head to the library, or if your place makes you more comfortable?” Before Peter could answer, Ned showed up.
“Hey, man! I was wondering what time you were coming over? Lola wanted to know what time she should start dinner.” Then, he notices you standing next to Peter. “Sup, Y/N?” You shoot him a huge grin.
“Just trying to get Peter to work on this project with me. How are things with Betty? She cannot stop gushing over you,” you ask Ned, still smiling brightly at him.
“Great! We are going to the movies here soon,” he responded.
Peter chimes in before you can steal his best friend away from him, “Anyway, I’m not sure. Something tells me my evening is about to be planned for me. I’ll text you.” Once Ned walks away to find his girlfriend, you and Peter continue your reluctant conversation.
“Do we really have to start tonight?” asked Peter. He believed he had enough of you for today.
“Yes,” you say, no longer giving him the choice. He groaned in defeat. It’s just one night.
“My aunt is out of town, so I’m staying at the tower. This is only a one time thing.” He could not believe he was actually going to be spending time with you. Why couldn’t you just ask the teacher to switch partners? The both of you would have been so much happier if you would have asked to be partners with Flash. Speaking of the devil himself, Flash comes to pull you away from Peter.
“Are you ready to leave?” Flash asked, ignoring Peter’s presence.
“Actually, I’m going with Peter so we can start on that project,” you reply, which receives a scoff from your companion.
“Really, you’re going with that loser? Come on, dude. We have an entire semester to finish that project,” he says. 
Finally, someone that gets it, he thought. He didn’t realize he was thinking out loud until you glared at him. 
“Goodbye, Flash.” You seemed as annoyed with him as you were with Peter. The bully got in Peter’s face to say, “You better not try anything, Penis Parker.” As if. Peter wishes you would just leave with Flash. 
This morning, Peter would have never guessed his school day would have ended with him and you walking to the Avenger’s tower. How could a day that was going so great end so terribly? You had to put on a ball cap and sunglasses before you could step outside of the school. You insisted if you didn't, the paparazzi would be all over. You really thought highly of yourself, didn’t you? He wondered how you could fit all that ego in one body. The entire walk to the tower was filled with awkward silence and you trying to hide from the public.
As soon as you reached the building and went inside, you took off your “disguise.” Did you really think that worked?
“Wow, this is amazing. I’ve never had the chance to be inside the Avengers Tower,” you said in the most annoying voice ever which made Peter roll his eyes. He scanned his badge as he reached the elevator. 
“Welcome, Peter. Mr. Stark is awaiting your arrival on the fourteenth floor in the community area,”  the AI, FRIDAY, informed. He hit the button for the floor where Mr. Stark was waiting. You stared in awe of the AI.
“Thanks, FRIDAY. Can you let him know I have, uh, someone with me?”
“He was already made aware,” she answered. 
“Woah,” you whispered. “This is…wow.”
“Can you not do that? It’s annoying,” Peter scoffed.
“Sorry,” you respond, anxiously.
The elevator’s doors open to reveal the billionaire fidgeting with his fingers and a pen over a counter.
“What’s up, chico,” he greets Peter, and then, he notices you. “And chica.”  Tony raises his eyebrows in shock. “Wow, Peter. I was beginning to wonder if you had any skills when it came to girls.” He could slap his mentor.
“It-it’s definitely not like that. We just have a project,” he corrected.
Tony just ignores what he said and says, “Hi, I’m Tony Stark, but you probably know that. I’m sure Peter talks about me all the time.” He walks up to you and aggressively shakes your hand which makes your cheeks turn red. “Wait, aren’t you Y/N L/N? How in the hell did Peter get your attention?” he questioned, jokily. 
“Mr. Stark,” Peter groans.
“Uh, yes, and Peter and I are just partners for a project. He made it clear he has no interest in spending more than a minute with me than he needs to,” you grit in between your teeth. For the first time since the two of you got assigned to the assignment, he could feel your hate for him. Tony turns to look at the young teen boy.
“Yesh, this is why you don’t have a girlfriend. You kids have fun,” the billionaire walks away.
About five minutes later, Peter finds himself in the lab with you beginning the project. He decided he wanted to work where he felt most at ease, and that was here. He has so many fond memories working on his suit in the lab with Tony, so of course this was his ideal place. You had already set up shop at an empty table.
“Alright, what do you want this project to be about?” you ask him as you pull up a document on your laptop.
“I was thinking about the advancement of technology,” he answered, making you chuckle. He glares at you.
“You realize that will be everyone’s project, right? We should do something unique,” you exclaim.
“Alright, what were you thinking, then,” he said in a mockery tone.
“I think music could be fun! Who doesn’t like music?” A smile forms on your face at the thought of music.
“Of course you would say that,” Peter groans. Your smile fell and you wrapped your arms around yourself as if you were comforting yourself. Peter is pulling out his own laptop when you speak up.
“What is your problem?” Your voice is no louder than a whisper. “I’ve done nothing, but been nice to you. Did I do something?”
“Nice? You’ve been nice to me? You have let Flash walk all over me and Ned. You act like all anyone cares about is you just because your dad is some all-time celebrity. Guess what, princess? No one gives a crap,” he argues. Your face scrunchies up in anger.
“You-you don’t know anything about me, Parker! I have stood up for you on countless occasions-” Tears are forming in your eyes, since you don’t know how to express your emotions properly, but before you can continue Peter cuts you off.
“Giving me a pity smile doesn’t count as standing up for me,” he snarls.
“Fuck you! Fuck you, Parker,” you yell. “You are a hypocrite. To think that Betty told me you were the nicest and most understanding person she knew. You are no better than Flash, hell, maybe even worse.”
Sure, Peter strongly disliked you, but something about you comparing him to Flash made his heart sink. He had always thought of himself better than a bully, but here he was bullying you. Perhaps, he was judging you too quickly. He knew his aunt raised him better than that. Peter readjusted his position and started to apologize when he tripped into something, causing a bright blue light to flood the room. A loud buzzing sound echoed in the lab. 
“What the hell is that?” you hollered over the noise. Then, the light had absorbed you, and you were gone.
“Fuck,” Peter mumbled to himself. Even though he did not like you, he knew he would not be able to live with himself if he abandoned you. He went into the light, and just like you, he was gone.
A buzzing noise rang through Peter’s ears as he opened his eyes to a brightly lit room. He was in the lab, of course. Where else would he be? It’s not like he went wandering off. 
“Y/N?” He calls out as he frantically looks around the room, noticing some minor changes.
“Yeah, I’m here,” you answer as you rub the back of your head. You must’ve hit it. “What happened? Where is all of our stuff?” The tables that previously sat all of your and Peter’s belongings were now empty and now replaced with small gadgets. “What did you do?” You glare at Peter.
“What did I do? I didn’t do anything!” He almost yelled.
“Ugh, if you would’ve just shut up and helped me with the project, this would have never happened,” you match his tone.
“Of course you blame me because daddy’s little princess doesn’t do anything wrong.” This changes your expression. Tears start falling out of your eyes. Peter knew he went too far. 
He looks over to the monitor. Turns out when Peter tripped, he accidentally set off the Teleporter Machine. It was just a prototype, so it only took the two of you to the next lab over. “I found out what happened. Our stuff is in the other room. Let’s just try to find Mr. Stark,” he tries, but you don’t move.
“I thought out of everyone, you would understand, but I was wrong,” you whisper.
“What?” You ignore him.
“You know, I always envied you.”
“What?” He repeats.
“You get a mask. You get to hide from the spotlight. Pretend you’re a nobody. I don’t get that, Peter!” You exclaim. Peter can feel heat rising in his chest, his hands are getting clammy, and his armpits are starting to sweat as anxiety overcomes him. Do you know?
“I know who you are, Parker. You don’t do a job hiding it. I’m surprised the Daily Bugle hasn’t caught on.”
“You know?” Peter’s heart skips a beat.
“I’ve been observing you since freshman year. Even then, I wished I was you. A nobody. Someone who didn’t care when they were made fun of. So, naturally I was intrigued. I watched you doodle in class and somehow get every question right. I wanted to talk to you, but then you wouldn’t be a nobody anymore. I didn’t want you to get swallowed up by the spotlight. I didn’t want to take that away from you. When sophomore year rolled around, sightings of a mysterious hero called Spider-Man started popping up. That’s when you started acting strange. The whole thing in D.C just confirmed my wildest thoughts,” you finish. You wipe away the last of the tears. “But, you know what they say. Never meet your heroes. I’m going to ask to switch partners. Sorry.” You begin to leave, but Peter stops you.
“Y/N, I don’t even know what to say,” Peter tries. He feels so guilty. It shouldn’t have taken you pouring out your gut for him to realize how much of an ass he was being.
“You don’t have to say anything.” You awkwardly stand there, waiting for him to let you by.
“No, I do. You were right. I’m being a hypocrite. You have been nothing but nice to me and I immediately thought you were the worst human being ever. It wasn’t even because of Flash. I guess, I also was jealous of you,” he admitted. Your eyes were now on him. “I mean, I always wanted to know what it was like to be popular or what it was like to have endless amounts of money. You are everything I wish I was. I wish I still had my dad around to explain complicated formulas or buy me LEGO sets. I wish I wasn’t a nobody who constantly gets made fun of. If it wasn’t for Spider-Man, I would have nothing. I would have never mattered to anyone.” It was Peter’s turn to cry. He was expecting you to laugh at him or just leave him there, but you didn’t. You did something unexpected.
You hugged him.
You gently caress his back as his tears soaked your shirt. “You matter. So much. You have Ned and MJ, who would never hurt you. Not to mention, you’re a freaking genius. You’ll probably be the one who cures cancer.” Peter manages a light chuckle. “I’m sorry, I’m terrible at cheering people up.”
Peter lifts his head from your shoulder. “I don’t know, I think you did a heck of a job.” You beam a smile at him. “I’m sorry for judging you so quickly. Do you think we could still be partners?”
“I think we could make something work.”
part 2 here
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Alr i'm gonna assume the best of newer and younger Pjo fans spreading misinfo on punk!Percy and by extension irl punk history and culture by guessing you guys aren't doing it on purpose and were just lied to about us so here's a bunch of debunks and clear ups on punk and why Percy is which also works as a sort of list of tips on how to write punk characters,canon and headcanon and completely original
So the obvious one out of the way first:Percy is actually not canonically a skater boy!There have been exactly two lines of this context in the entire franchise and one was in Som when he mentioned skateboarding once and then never again and the second was in Moa when Piper said he and i quote 'looked like a skater'.Sorry to past cishet Pipes but that's not a thing and Avril Lavigne making a cisheteronormative lyric that's extremely underservingly stuck around for forever dosen't mean she was right that he is one,it means she had internalized homophobia and gender stereotypes and no actual knowledge on alt subcultures because again,'looking like a skater' isn't a thing,it's a sport and not an aesthetic
With that,here's what actually makes Percy a punk:He was a bully beater from a young age and it escalates into full blown direct action for the whole saga,hates authority figures not for the sake of it but because he knows from experience that they're almost universally awful,is anti-corruption including his own by fighting against his intrusive thoughts to turn evil,does activism by helping fix the greco-roman mythos world system whenever he gets the chance to no matter how small,advocates for the rights of less fortunate people both mythical and human,hates rich people,fits entierly out of the box conformity in all aspects simply from the way he is even disregarding his demigohood,respects all minorities and is extremely kind to kids to the point that he adopted Nico and Hazel as his younger siblings and pseudo-kids because they don't really have parents(Hades/Pluto is abusive + Maria and Marie are dead).He fills out every punk requirement to a T,including being part of a marginalized group since he's poor and mentally disabled(audhd with dyslexia,bpd and ptsd)
He was a hero and Luke was a villain because they both hated the gods for traumatizing them and had nonpretty trauma responses from it but Percy still tried his best to stay kind not for his own sake but for his mom and the innocents in the world he knew didn't deserve cruelty and he provided and still does a safe and loving space for children specifically because he was a troubled but good kid once too and wants to be the positive adult figure for them he didn't get to have except Sally.Luke choose nihilism and that grew into turning a serial child abuser with bigoted ideals(his biggest targets being women and poc and in Kelli's case both)and fascist tactics.They weren't 'two sides of the same coin' and they're not even the same currency-Percy's a punk,Luke's a pig
Romantic attraction to someone based off them being 'ideal' by society's standards goes against punk beliefs!Our whole thing is nonconformity and that changing your true self to fit in makes you a sellout so this is why Perachel was canon and honestly i'd go as far as to call the 'outcast punk dude x perfect prep girl' a myth made up by normies who don't wanna date us for our actual personalities and just think we look hot so they objectify us.Related,it's ooc for Percy to be written to use kinds of flirting and dating treatments purely because 'it's what guys are like' since it's canon they hate traditional masculinity and consider it a burden they only force on themselves as a defense mechanism from trauma of being mocked for being 'not normal'
Ascention to godhood or into a titan inherently disquilify being punk and is an insult to irl punks.You literally can't be punk AND in control of a corrupted system,it's our lifestyle to fight them,not perpetuate them.This also applies to him dating deities,being rich in any way or an abuser.Dark Percy is Bootlicker Percy
Sorry to y'all who still think Hot Topic is a funny joke in 2024 of all years but they sold out to capitalism and conformity a loooooong time ago so Percy wouldn't be caught undead near that place and couldn't afford anything anyway because they've upped everything to rich people prices.He'd be going to thrift stores,family bussiness and small shops.Knowing how much free time he has probably knows how to DIY things that don't even exist and he buys all his games/consoles and legos secondhand
No Taylor Swift for him,her music's too corny and fabricated for him to not hate it but there's also how she's a huge bigot,a major bully and a whole ass poluter so🤷🏽‍♀️His favorite band is definitely My Chemical Romance but All Time Low,The Cure and Ramones are up there too
Please draw him with an actual battle jacket and proper piercings-By which i mean give it patches and a hoard of pins and draw it like a BATTLE JACKET,not a LEATHER jacket and actually google kinds of piercings instead of just slapping metal wherever onto him
He is NOT masc or an 'i'm too cool and edgy to like cutesy and kiddy things' type.Every single trans woman i've met in the Pjo fandom have said Percy's an egg and super femme and she does too much actual punk shit instead of trying to look the part to be a poser to care about her image anymore.She loves Polly Pocket,Warrior Cats,Animal Crossing,Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends,Bluey,Blues Clues,MLP,makeup,glitter,yk2/90s/80s toys,cats,Lo-Fi Beats,Cookie Monster and her second favorite color is pink,she loves naturally acting like a momdad and her gender fuckery includes a neopronouns hoard
Would most definitely have radicalized Nico and Hazel into goth punk and pastel goth punk if Rick let them be a proper trio and speaking from experience,it's entierly possible she does it completely on accident by making them want to be like her because of how nice and protective she is to them and what cool things she does
Few last points:She's definitely a heavy energy drinks consumer,a socialist,does vandalism,did actually super heavy research to go full punk once she realized she is and would never be friends with Harry Potter and in fact would probably kill him if they met since ACAB
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gobblinggojo · 2 years
♡ bakugo with a mid-size! s/o♡
♡ warnings: mid-sized reader, gender neutral pronouns used (they/them), cursing (it’s bakugo), talk of body issues, some angsty moments, fluff♡
♡ requests are open♡
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starting off strong, i’m a firm believer that bakugo does not care one bit about looks. he’s a personality guy; he wants you for you—not how you look. that being said, he doesn’t care if you’re skinny, mid-sized, plus-sized; etc.
he. wants. you. for. you.
he understands how awful it can be, being in a society in which body’s are modified to fit the beauty standard.
he knows that it can make you pretty insecure all in all.
anytime he hears you talking down on your body, he gets all pouty; grabbing you and pulling you close to him with a huff.
“you’re fucking gorgeous, y/n.”
“i don’t feel that way, kats..”
“you should. you’re body is beautiful to me, i quite frankly love it.”
“i’ve never heard you say quite frankly-“
“shut the hell up!”
he loves burying his face in your tummy when he’s laying his head on her thighs to take a little nap <3.
might lift your shirt up and nip at the skin, giving a shit-eating grin when he feels you jump and smack at him.
“katsuki don’t!”
“why the hell not?”
he’s almost always nipping at your skin, leaving love-bites all over you. he claims it’s because he loves you and wants to mark you up.
in reality, he just gets a rise in seeing you react to the colorful marks all over your skin.
its fucking adorable.
if someone were to ever say shit about your body; bakugo will raise hell.
for example, one time mineta made the comment that your body wasn’t “good enough to be a heroes body,” and bakugo promptly slammed his fist into mineta’s face, causing a huge explosion, during training.
“it was an accident mr. aizawa. mineta ran into my fist.”
if you ever get insecure about wearing a bathing suit/swimming trunks, bakugo gets all pouty, once more.
“i just don’t think i look good, katsuki..”
“you look amazing, now please wear it-“
he says that while wrapping his arms around you from behind, chin resting on top of your shoulder and staring at you from in the mirror the two of you stood in front of.
if you ever get that random uncomfortable feeling in your stomach from showing “too much skin,” bakugo will always be there on hand to calm you down and take you somewhere else.
“baby? you okay?”
“n-no- i don’t feel comfortable..”
“wanna run back to your dorm real quick? get changed into something more comfortable?”
he never wants to see you uncomfortable. if you’re not ready to take the big step in self-love and wear clothes that you feel are huge in wearing while learning to love yourself, he is not going to force you to wear them.
he’ll even bring a spare change of clothes for you in his school bag when you two go out.
when you guys are sleeping, he always has a hand on your thigh or waist; gripping onto you rather tightly.
he loves you so much and wants to stay beside you forever.
seriously; when you guys cuddle or sleep his body is practically trying to merge into your own—it’s hilarious.
all in all bakugo is an amazing boyfriend; he loves you so much no matter small, mid-sized, or plus-sized. <3
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