#'yaz shoots the master' says it all
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"you shouldve shot me when you had the chance"
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agent-barnes40 · 9 months
The Master
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The Doctor & GN!Reader (Platonic)
Dhawan!Master x GN!Reader (Romantic)
60th Special "Wild Blue Yonder" and "The Giggle" spoilers, not Canon compliant, uncanon events happen. READER IS GN BUT AFAB (They will wear a Dress in this fic) READER ALSO HAS A GUN THROUGHOUT MOST OF THIS (Reader will not shoot, just hold it or put their hand on it)
Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Fluff, suggestive
2,352 Words. This is a long one guys
You leaned against the wall, keeping eye on Wilfred. Your hand was resting on your gun, making sure no-one even stepped close to the old man. "Mr. Mott, I suggest we head back to UNIT soon. It seems The Doctor and Donna aren't arriving today."
"Nonsense, we stay just like we did yesterday." The old man said, turning to face you in his wheelchair. You had a soft smile on your face and nodded. "Of course, sir. I do suggest we leave before the fighting gets even worse."
Wilfred opened his mouth to speak and was cut off by the groaning and wheezing of the TARDIS. "I hope she finally learnt how to lift that parking break." You mumbled under your breath, shaking your head when Wilford looked toward you.
Donna stepped out of the TARDIS first, sending a grateful smile your way before running over to Wilfred to hug him as The Doctor stuck his head out and his gaze focused on Wilfred before he focused on you. "Nice to see you again, Doc." Donna looked at you and The Doctor, before you slid your hand away from your gun, holding your hands up. The man stepped closer to you and wrapped a hand around your forearm, an old look filled his eyes as you smirked. "Doc, I'm not associated with him anymore. I'm trying to make up the wrongs he and I committed."
Donna cleared her throat as you pulled your arm out of the Doctor's grip. "What is going on here?"
"Spoilers, Mrs. Noble." You said, looking down toward Wilfred. "Lets get you all to UNIT to explain what's going on. Rose, Shaun, and Sylvia are all safe at your house, Mrs. Noble. I've had Wilfred with me ever since the world started going to hell."
"I'll do it, I'll show him what the spike does." You volunteered, already pulling the Zeedex off of your arm and handing it to Melanie, the older woman shaking her head softly but letting you go. You took a deep breath as you handed your gun to Kate. You could feel the anger already starting to build up as you turned to face The Doctor.
The man tilted his head, watching as you wrung your hands together before your gaze fell into a glare. "You're the reason I'm this way, you realize that right?"
"No.." The Doctor responded, leaning on the desk watching as your face scrunched up like Missy's. "You showed me the stars and then showed me the most magnificent woman in the galaxy and then you let her and me almost die! You didn't even care when I showed back up with The Master! You didn't even think to ask what happened when I ran into his arms instead of yours when the Kasaavin showed up on that airplane! It was all "Don't worry Yaz! I'll keep you all safe!" When the only one that showed me compassion was the man you locked up for seventy years!" You started to yell and march up to him.
"You took him away and never ever apologized. You don't care about us when we leave you! Donna gets that treatment because you knew her before he came back into your life! The rest of us get tossed away if we've even been touched by him." You raised your arm up to slap him and instinctively fought against the UNIT soldiers, your co-workers, pulling you back and sliding the metal Zeedex onto your arm and you just sat on the floor, taking deep breaths.
Melanie walked over and sat down next to you, rubbing your arm. She knew everything, and so did everyone else in the room. You didn't hide your association with The Master and your displeasure at being left behind by both The Master and The Doctor, much like other older companions. You didn't move to say any apologies as you helped Melanie stand before you, yourself stood up and you scanned the room. The Doctor just stared at you. "Did you mean all that?"
"No, of course not. Its just the spike, Doc. Don't worry about it." You walked over and rested a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it softly. "I don't blame you for everything."
You heard the music and you immediately whipped around, that old hope of The Master suddenly showing up burning back up to the surface. The Doctor grabbed your wrist and shook his head. "Do not engage with him, understood?"
"So it is him? The Master?" You asked, the music getting even louder and that's when you saw the man teleporting all over and you followed his movements. They had the same flair The Master had and you couldn't even stop yourself. "You know The Master!"
The man smiled and winked before jumping down the newly formed trapdoor in the floor and The Doctor took off, sprinting and sliding across the floor to swipe at the petals covering the floor while you followed. "He knows him! That's another regeneration of him, isn't he?"
"He is the Toymaker and you will not go anywhere near him, understood." The Doctor ordered and you barely listened when you looked up and saw The Toymaker waving and you sprinted out of the room, the doors opening and you pointed a finger at the man on the Galvantic Beam.
"What did you do to The Master?" You called out, anger spiking even with the Zeedex on your arm. The Toymaker grinned even more and tilted his head, showing the shining gold tooth and the way to many teeth in his mouth.
"You could say that." The Toymaker said, shaking his head softly when The Doctor and the rest of the team came running out and The Doctor was pulling you back.
The billion-years old Time-Lord sent a look toward you before strutting into the fight. Donna had an arm wrapped around yours, keeping you in place.
~ The Toymaker folded up and you barely even noticed the golden tooth falling to the ground as you fought against Kate and Donna. You had been given hope that any incarnation of The Master, even Missy, would show up after The Toymaker was defeated and as you realized the two Doctor's looking your way, you let yourself turn, pulling yourself from Kate and Donna's grips before heading back into the interior of the tower, hearing the screams of the ball-pit balls and seeing the rose petals all over the floor. You started to pull the Zeedex off and placed it at the ground in front of the Vlinx. "These were genius, Vlinx. Thank you."
The being lightly tilted its head down in a bow. "No need to thank me."
"If anyone asks, let them know I headed home. I'm tired." You left the building, quicker than you ever have in your life, wincing at the sight of the bodies on the ground. You didn't notice the man starting to walk behind you, humming Rasputin. When you heard the song you just shook your head and sped up your pace, noticing how the person behind you also sped up. You put your hand close to your gun, the spike should've been gone long enough now so you wouldn't get jumped but you always aired on the side of caution after running around with The Master. You turned down an alley, hand slowly wrapping around the handle of your gun and slipping it out. You whipped around when you heard the footsteps and stilled. There he was, all in his Rasputin costume and your hands shook. "I know you aren't the Master, so please... Please drop the act and costume."
"Oh Love, did you really think I'd abandon you this long?" The man spoke, his eyes staring into yours and you instinctively closed yours. He let out a chuckle and stepped even closer and pressed a hand to your cheek, his thumb rubbing the skin as you finally opened your eyes.
"Say my name again." The Master ordered, his voice soft and smiled at the deep breath you had to take.
"Hello, Master. I missed you." You whispered out, your eyes scanning his face as you slid your Glock back into its holster and you slid the hand up and onto the ridiculous beard on his face.
"When we get to my flat, you are shaving that off. I hated it on you." You knew you had started to tear up as you stared at him and a smile broke out on your face.
"But you liked my kisses with this beard right?" The Master asked, stepping closer and you let out a laugh.
"Only this one." And with that out of your mouth, the two of you pressed together, lips pressing together.
The two of you should've known The Doctor was going to do a check up. The Master had shaved his Rasputin beard off and mainly stuck to the clothes he had stashed in your flat. The sound of the TARDIS made you look over and your mouth dropped at the man coming out wearing a kilt. "So how do I look?"
"You look amazing, Doc. What are you doing here?" You glanced toward the bathroom, where The Master currently was showering. "Wanted to check in on you. Last time we talked, you blamed me for a lot." He said, looking around the room as you crossed your arms.
"And that was The Spike, Doc. I didn't mean it, plus didn't you give this job to the other Doctor? Checkin in on us who are still here?" You said, hand rubbing the over sized button up you wore, nervous about him finding out that The Master was in the room over.
"I just ran into you, thought I'd check in on you myself." He said, his eyes trailing to the two bowls you had set out. "Who else is here?"
"What do you mean you just ran into me?" You asked, focusing on that instead of his question.
"I had to do stuff at UNIT, saw you there wearing a very familiar dress." The Doctor said, looking at you. His eyes hardening as you met his eyes.
You straightened up, raising a brow. "That's future me, Doc. Why are you asking me this?"
"Because you were with him." The Doctor said, an eyebrow raising in turn just as the bathroom door opened and you turned to the door, hoping The Master at least put boxers on.
The Master turned the corner and stilled at the sight of a TARDIS and the Doctor in your living room and he turned to face you. "Is he bothering you?"
"It's okay Master, he isn't bothering me. In fact, he was just telling me about how I'll be wearing your dresses in the future." Your hand gestured toward The Doctor as you started relax, you knew The Doctor had to start playing nice as soon as The Master had walked in.
The Doctor looked between you and the shirtless Master, his brain catching up very quick. "So you two are actually together."
"We've been together since the vault, Doctor." You and The Master practically said in unison, a grin on the both of your faces.
The Doctor crossed his arms and focused on you. "He tried to destroy Earth! He destroyed Gallifrey! He forced regenerated into me! He turned all of you into himself way back when he was Prime Minister!"
The Master started to puff up, his eyes hardening as you started to walk over. "All of us but you don't remember The Year That Never Was, I was there when he worked with The Daleks and his CyberMaster's I don't condone what he did, I don't forgive him for it, and I certainly do not let him forget what he did to you, or Yaz, or anyone. I stayed at his side, out of the fight because I knew you'd come around and blame me for everything like you used to do."
You had to take a deep breath as you stared down The Doctor, anger in your eyes. "I couldn't even say goodbye to him at any point, I didn't know if he was even alive because of you and Yaz! I had to sit and wait until Kate picked me up and assigned me to The Noble's and I sat and I listened to Wilfred as he praised you and everything you did!"
The Master knew what was bubbling up and grabbed at your waist, pulling you back, away from The Doctor. "Love, you need to calm down. You are going to regret what you are going to say."
You were so wound up that it took The Master grabbing your face and looking into your eyes, slowly hypnotizing you into calming down. The Doctor was watching with wide eyes as The Master led you to your shared bedroom and had you sit in there before coming back out.
You barely remember that day, screaming and yelling at The Doctor as you had The Master help lace up Missy's corset. His TARDIS had finally showed back up and you wanted to wear one of her dresses. The Master was staring you down through the mirror and you chuckled. "You can tear this off me when I get home. I need to help Donna with a project at UNIT. Do you wanna come with or do you wanna stay here with the cats?"
It took you months to convince him to get those cats, but you won that battle. He regularly took them to vet visits on planets with better pet healthcare than Earth, and the planets had better ways to treat illnesses.
You eventually got out your front door, with three babies (one a large Time-lord) at your side trying to convice you to stay. You didnt carry your gun much anymore as you were just a consultant now, on all things The Master. You barely noticed The Doctor watching you as you signed into UNIT and headed up to Donna's floor. You didnt notice as he shook his head before stepping into his TARDIS.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
hi i think your fics are very cool! idk if its too early to send this but for the hurt/comfort prompts, could i request something with the master and yaz in the swap au?
hello anon i love you forever for this. fic be upon thee.
There's a question Yaz got asked a lot in the weeks after she ran away and came home.
Do you feel you are a danger to yourself or others?
So she knows, intimately, that it's a question meant to be lied to. The answer is always no, if you want help, if you don't want to scare anyone, if you want to be treated as a person.
She imagines asking the Doctor, "Are you a danger to yourself or others?"
And she imagines how easily he would lie, "No, Yaz, I wouldn't hurt a fly."
The Doctor hisses sharp under his breath as he snaps his hand away from the console. She knows he's cursing at the TARDIS, whether she understands the language he's using or not.
"Shocked you again?" Yaz says, and the Doctor jumps from her, hand on his laser screwdriver faster than she can blink. Her feet move faster than her head, stumbling back behind the safety of one of the arching columns. She doesn't hear the sizzling energy of him shooting at her. Graham's had closer calls than that. She lets out a breath, her heart racing, and peeks back around the column. The Doctor's eyes are dark and sharp, darting around where she'd been until he finally spots her and the screwdriver falls slowly to his side. "Sorry. I thought you knew I was there."
"I should put bells on all three of you," he mutters. His gaze tilts back to the console, eyes narrowing, and he pounces on the controls like he can take them by surprise. They visibly spark under his hand. He stumbles back, yelling in pain as the TARDIS ignores him, and Yaz darts forward to grab him by the shoulder. Fresh burns curl around his palms. He jerks under her grip like he's going to try a third time, but she keeps him still until his head snaps towards her, lip curled around her name, "Yasmin!"
"You want to keep having a domestic with your ship, or do you want to do something about this?" She gestures at his hands, careful not to brush them. He looks long and hard at the TARDIS console before relenting, though he pulls himself free to march his way down the hallway. Yaz follows, in time to reach the medical room a few seconds after him and stop him from grabbing things himself. "No, just tell me what you need, and I'll get it." She's familiar enough with this place. His bedside manner might be terrible, but he's patched the three of them back up before. She tries not to think about how many times he's had to, but they all came out of it fine, in the end. She barely even still gets little twinges in her stomach where she was gutted once. "Let me doctor you, Doctor."
She expects a smile, at least. She gets one, but the moment between lingers too long.
"Fine," he says. "Those two bottles and some bandages. I don't want to have to look at it." The bottles click against each other in Yaz's hand.
"Squeamish?" she asks.
"Bad memories," he says, darkly.
She could push. She could keep asking.
She doesn't.
"This might sting," Yaz says, less because she knows it will and more because she has a little sister and that's the sort of thing you're meant to say when you're about to rub ointment on a wound to keep someone from squirming. The Doctor's palms are blistering, the worst of it charred black. She doesn't flinch from the sight. She rests the back of his hand in hers as she spreads the ointment out across his palm in even strokes, covering every inch of the burns. She coats his fingers in it gently, working her way up and between them.
The Doctor isn't looking at his burns. He's looking at her. She keeps her head down and her gaze fixed. Her cheeks can't be burning as obviously as they feel like they are.
"You'd think with all the times it's attacked you or thrown us off-course, you'd find another ship." Yaz lifts his other hand in hers. He's always warmer than her, and that's harder to ignore when she has to keep touching him. She tries to focus on the burns, the way they disrupt the soft skin of his palms. Softly, she thinks she can feel his heartbeats through the back of his wrist. "Unless it's unique. You never said."
"She is," he answers before directing the next few words at the ceiling, "or else I would have scrapped her!"
The TARDIS does not respond.
"Yeah, that's… probably why it tries to kill you," Yaz says. The Doctor scoffs, but it rounds around a smile. She's not sure if she put it there or if he just feels like surviving his own ship's murder attempts is a victory.
"She belonged to my friend," he says after a few minutes, as Yaz is wiping her hands clean to bandage him up. The burns are fading before Yaz's eyes, but he asked her to cover them up and she does. She winds the bandage around his palm again and again. "You would have been so impressed with him." Yaz isn't sure she's ever heard the Doctor sound that way, entirely unadulterated affection. She's so used to every word out of his mouth feeling like it might bite someone.
"Where is he?" Yaz dares to ask. It's a poor decision. The Doctor's soft expression slams shut.
"Dead. Exactly how he wanted to be. Fighting a good fight far away from me." He takes his hands away from Yaz. For a moment, he admires her handiwork. Yaz holds her breath, waiting. She feels ridiculous for doing so, and yet. "Thank you." He says it like it hurts to get out of his throat, and she hoards it close to her chest all the more for that.
"Maybe leave the ship be for tonight?" Yaz says. "You could… stay for dinner?"
"No," he dismisses. "She'll learn to obey me, whether she wants to or not." With that, he stalks out of the room. Yaz sighs quietly, but that's about what she expected.
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kiraoho · 11 months
Doctor Who: One Small Change to Flux
This idea has been bugging me for two years now, so now you have to see it. Imagine:
e01: Halloween Apocalypse The Doctor has a vision, we don't see what it is. Naturally, she doesn't tell Yaz anything. Since that vision she starts acting strange: says random things, starts running away, calls Yaz an Ood a couple of times. At one point she urgently, like her life depends on it, sonics at... nothing (I imagine this particular shot taking place on Dan's street). It's not a burst, it's a gradual thing throughout the episode. It ends when the Flux finally hits the TARDIS at the end of e01.
e05: The Survivors of the Flux Swarm and the Doctor have a huge discussion about morals.
Swarm: But then again, you wouldn't understand. How could you? How could you possibly comprehend the raw force of time?
The Doctor: I'm a Time Lord. Try me.
Swarm: (laughing) Time Lord... Your people, for all your talks of timeys and wimeys, are still such *linear* creatures. I wonder what it'd be like for you to truly experience time. Just... a touch...
He lightly touches the Doctor's temple. She screams in agony.
e06: The Vanquishers The Doctor is in... the TARDIS?
Yaz: Doctor! Doctor! Have you seen this? It's like the TARDIS is... leaking.
We've seen this already.
The Doctor sonics the leak fluid -- suddenly back she's on the Division station, soniccing around. No signs of Swarm. The station is falling apart.
The Doctor: What? Where is he?
She gets up and starts running sporadically, looking for an exit or a way out.
Yaz: Doctor! Where are you going? What's going on with you?
They're in Liverpool.
For a chunk of this episode (and e01) her timeline's folded on itself. She's experiencing two periods of time simultaneously.
For the rest of the episode, we see her irregular behavior in e01 make sense in e06 events. If the crew decides so, the two episodes could be timed just right in the editing so the episodes can be watched side-by-side, synchronized.
Maybe she's getting hints on what to do in e01 from the e06 events. This does require serious planning, and maybe one day I'll delve into writing it.
e06 epilogue. The Doctor and Yaz finally have a heart-to-heart. The Doctor has her hands behind her back, casually leaning back on the console.
The Doctor: I want to tell you everything.
Yaz: I'd like that.
Yaz leaves the console room to show Dan around.
The Doctor makes sure she's alone, then looks at her hands. She was right -- it's already started. Faint golden glow. She doesn't have much time.
She shakes her hands until the glow is gone. She won't tell Yaz until it's too late.
Also I feel setting this inevitable timer sets a better tone for the specials. Maybe the Doctor's initially happy to be stuck in a time loop with Yaz until she realizes what's going on.
Plus, the time itself wearing the Doctor down is an infinitely cooler cause of regeneration than the Master randomly shooting her.
Bonus: The Power of the Doctor
The Master: I'm going old school, Doctor. A tribute to our elders. Do you remember the ultimate sanction for breaking our laws?
The Master: Forced regeneration. They even did it to you once, didn't they? Well, maybe more than once, who knows? Not you.
The Doctor: You don't have the technology. The power requirements alone would be... colossal!
The Master: Oh, absolutely. Even a whole Cybermoon wouldn't cover it. Unless! The subject is on the brink of regeneration already!
The Doctor looks terrified. The Master is studying her reaction closely.
The Master: Yes. You know I'm right. I can see you doing the calculations in your head already. Don't bother. Already ahead of you.
And now the whole plot happens because the Doctor was too stubborn to regenerate. It's her own character flaws biting her in the ass! Like fiction is supposed to function!
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13thdoctorposts · 2 years
chris chibnalls era was the most conservative nuwho has been. remember when he made the first non-white master dress up as a nazi, and the white protagonist purposefully reveals his race with the intent of getting him sent to a concentration camp? or when he queerbaited thasmin? or when the female protagonist knelt down to a man and called him her master? or when yaz instantly shut down ryan when he was talking about his struggles as a black person? or the concept of a pregnant man being used as a joke? please try to see through the performative activism.
Thanks for the question. I think most of the questions are rhetorical because obviously I’ve watched the show and saw these things, I think the question is just asking me to see through the performative activism. I don’t think it was performative activism but I thought we could go though each part of the question together as I’m happy to breakdown my thoughts on the situations mentioned. This might be TLDR for some people just warning you now 😅
chris chibnalls era was the most conservative nuwho has been.
I find it interesting the asker is saying the show is conservative while also saying its performative activism so essentially that it was trying to be woke.
Personally I don’t think Chibbs was trying to make a ‘Woke’ show, I also don’t think he was trying to make a ‘conservative’ show. I think he was trying to make a show with diverse stories. I think series 11 did this best. The ending of Keblam! was definitely not ‘Woke’ so all the talk about the show itself being ‘Woke’ I don’t think is correct but I also don’t think the show was trying to be actively conservative either since it was talking about issues like racism and partition of India and Pakistan, and making fun of a trump like figure, for example. It’s just a show about time and space, sometimes you see politics in it sometimes you don’t. I’ll talk about my thoughts on ‘performative activism’ during the Chibnall era at the end.
I think its important to remember Chibbs is just a dude going to work doing a really big job trying to use his position of power the best he can… it doesn’t mean every decision is going to be right… sometimes I make a bad calls at work, we all do… people are human… I can empathise that people can try their best and sometimes get it wrong but also often get it right, the world is nuanced not black and white. However this doesn’t make a whole show bad, can anyone name a show with 3 series that doesn’t have any bad decisions… can anyone name a different Doctors run that was perfect and no mistakes or mis-steps were made?
remember when he made the first non-white master dress up as a nazi, and the white protagonist purposefully reveals his race with the intent of getting him sent to a concentration camp?
I most definitely do remember this, and I think it was a bad call. However I can also acknowledge that Sacha was hired when everyone was already in South Africa a week before shooting Spyfall, which means the script was already written and pre production was well under way so they probably didn’t have the ability to change a major chunk of the script, thats just the logistics of shooting a TV show. It would have been great if Chris had unlimited money and time to change things but thats just not the case. I would think this logically means they couldn’t change the fact that they had the Master in a Nazi outfit… I also think its possible when writing the episode Chris probably wrote it with the subconscious bias that he was going to have a white male as the Doctors Master. Although Chris was very good about hiring diverse actors, subconscious bias sits in us we aren’t always aware we are doing it, hence the subconscious part. This isn’t great on Chris’s part but I don’t think he was being deliberately malice either. I think they also thought once they had Sacha that they needed to acknowledge race… and they did in the worse way possible, it was unnecessary and was a terrible look for the Doctor.
or when the female protagonist knelt down to a man and called him her master?
Yeah I do also remember this, it was uncomfortable to watch, I think the purpose of the scene was meant to make us really dislike the Master, to kill any good will the audience was having towards ‘O’. Him killing people is horrible but its the Master its expected and random characters who are extras that we as an audience aren’t attached to isn’t going to have the same effect as him doing something horrible to a character we are attached to like the Doctor. I wish what he had done wasn’t this. I don’t think it’s a good look, a female Doctor having to be submissive to a male in this way. It’s not appropriate. However I have to praise Jodies acting here because she acted this scene in the most unsubmissive way possible. This is just a decision I don’t agree with, it doesn’t make for a bad show overall.
or when he queerbaited thasmin?
Thasmin wasn’t queerbait because the characters canonically admitted having feeling for each other. You can be disappointed with the way it ended… I am… but a bad ending isn’t queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is implying their might be something queer happening only for it to be dropped and often a heteronormative ending is what is actually depicted on screen and was primarily used by shows as a rating kick. I would say it would be the opposite for Doctor Who, since people were vocal about not wanting a female Doctor, not wanting the Doctor to ever have a love interest etc. it likely wouldn’t have given the show a ratings kick in the same way other modern era TV would hope to get when queerbaiting. Thasmin isn’t queerbaiting its just a disappointing end
or when yaz instantly shut down ryan when he was talking about his struggles as a black person?
I don’t think this is what Yaz’s intention was but people can read the scene as they wish.
or the concept of a pregnant man being used as a joke?
I don’t think it was being play with as a joke. I think Ryan and Graham’s reaction in this episode was how a lot of people would act and through the episode seeing them coming to terms with the idea a male can be pregnant is a reflection of society and you see them work through being uncomfortable, not really being sure how to act or what to say but in the end they get to where they need to be, seeing the miracle that is life. This also touches on Ryans father issues so theres a lot going on in this situation and although theres some comic relief moments I don’t think it was trying to make the whole situation a joke.
please try to see through the performative activism.
I don’t think the Chibnall era was performative activism because he wasn’t all words, he was actions. There were more diverse voices in major positions, in the cast, in the writers room and with Directors.
So what do I mean by this? Well we didn’t have a white man write ‘Rosa’ and then have an all white TARDIS team take on racism in 1955 and defeat it. That would have been performative activism.
First of all and most importantly we had a woman of colour hired and paid to write a story that was in a very well known TV show giving the story a huge audience on a platform its never had before… thats not performative, that’s actively doing something, Chris hired, paid and gave a platform to a person of colour to tell their story.
Giving people real opportunities in areas they haven’t had opportunities before on a large scale like Doctor Who and trying to create an environment where that is normalised and diverse voices are a common place has to start somewhere, it doesn’t just happen fully formed and Chibbs was clearly and deliberately trying to normalises having voices of women and people of colour in front and behind the camera in senior positions like actors, writers and directors.
I think it’s important to remember Chibbs was trying to be the beginning of this change so its not a fully realised idea, there aren’t as many writers and directors who are women and people of colour, so you bring in as many as you can, which I think Chibbs did, then you try and grow it from there. If more show runners did what Chibbs did in years to come we would have more minority writers, directors and show runners. It has to start somewhere and the more opportunities that open up the more people will enter these professions and so more voices will become normalised in the industry and more representation will be found in media for all of us. The fact he was trying to build this systemic change clearly demonstrates this isn’t ‘performative’ activism.
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being-of-rain · 2 years
Lots of my spoilery thoughts on The Power of the Doctor! It was jam packed episode so there was a lot of things to have opinions on!
Overall, it was fun! A big action-packed blockbuster filled with cameos and fan-service, and that’s the most I was hoping for really! For me it was easily better than all of Thirteen’s season finales, and both of Sacha Dhawan’s other appearances as the Master. It feels like the plot held together better than usual too, mostly because basically all the nonsensical parts of the plot can be explained as ‘The Master did it for fun and laughs,’ which is entirely believable with this incarnation. I’ve always enjoyed Chibnall’s fun runarounds (eg. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship) more than any other Doctor Who eps he’s tried, and that fits with this ep, which really feels like a celebration. That makes sense since it’s the centenary special, something that I kept forgetting about after I had something else to call it because I just don’t care about the BBC itself jslkjsdfj.
Honestly, when I first heard the rumours that the Doctor was regenerating into David Tennant at the end I was like ‘I wouldn’t like that if it happened’- but because the rest of the ep felt like a cameo-filled madcap celebration, it actually didn’t feel out of place at all! I disagree with people who say the scene undercut Whittaker leaving (because to me it felt more at home than most other post-regeneration scenes do in their eps) or Gatwa arriving (because if he gets more than a 30 second filler scene in the coming special, it’ll be technically more of an introduction than any other new Doctor). But I can understand people not liking it from the point of view of Tennant just being brought back for the PR, or that he’s going to attract all the worst kind of fans. I’m just lucky that I have an easy time ignoring those type of people I guess.
What with all the cameos and returning characters, I was surprised to see that most of them got substantial things to do! Chibnall or someone else must have taken note of how bad that issue got in The Vanquishers. I’ve seen people say that the Cybermen attacking UNIT plot wasn’t necessary, but it made sense to me, and was positively vital compared to a lot of the plots in the last third of Flux. Though I can’t believe Dan got written out 10 minutes in, presumably to help avoid the problem of too many characters?? Can’t think of any other coherent reason to do that. He’s hasn’t done much or had much plot his entire time as companion and this was the funniest possible way to have him leave. I laughed when I started a rewatch and saw John Bishop get one of the top billings in the opening titles.
The only person who really badly fell victim to the unnecessary character syndrome was Vinder, who also had the least reason to be anywhere near this episode. He’s one of my favourite minor characters from the era so I was happy to see him, but literally the only thing he does is threaten to shoot the Master because he isn’t the Doctor’s companion so he’s allowed to. The most hilarious thing is that this is the one and only Thirteen episode that the Doctor explicitly gives a companion permission to use a gun, for exactly the reason Vinder uses it. And Yaz was right there. No one tell Vinder, he’ll be crushed. In any case, Vinder also gave Thirteen an excuse to put a welding goggles on, so he’s excused.
I was sad that Bel only got the smallest possible reference, since she was such an important part of Vinder’s character in Flux and I love her too. And even more so with Ryan Sinclair (who’s still probably my favourite of Thirteen’s companions)! Felt so weird that he was missing while all of Thirteen’s other companions were there- I hope it was because his actor couldn’t/didn’t want to, because if I found out Chibnall arbitrarily just didn’t want to include him I’ll be mad. Grace O’Brien didn’t get a reference either, which wasn’t strictly necessary but did irritate my liking of bookends in a series, considering she was such a huge part of Thirteen’s first episode.
But I did love who did return. Graham and the Martin Doctor got the biggest cheers from my brother and I while watching the episode, I was so hoping they would make an appearance. Shame that it was an AI Doctor rather than the real thing, but it was still an absolute joy to see her appear for what I assume was the most amount of time since her first episode (which is still a massive highlight of Thirteen’s era).
When the AI Doctors turned up I did worry it was going to be The Vanquishers all over again, but they worked really well as simple plot propellant and fan service with Tegan and Ace rather than completely overshadowing everyone. Weirdly the Five and Tegan conversation touched me a lot more than the Seven and Ace conversation, even though the latter is a relationship that means more to me (although Seven referring to Ace as his child was so touching). It was maybe because of the episode aggressively ignoring all EU (surprisingly even the SJA retcon of Ace running a charity, which doesn’t get a mention), which I saw coming and didn’t really bother me, but still made the Ace and Doctor relationship a bit less meaningful to me when they have SO much more history in whichever branch of the EU you want to accept. Also so many authors seem determined to say that Seven and Ace left on bad terms huh. I think they liked each other actually, and Ace went to Gallifrey with good memories.
The plot itself of the episode was great fun! Can’t wait to see all the Game of Rassilon fans to say that their podcast did it first, which is very fair jsdlkjf. So much of the plot seemed to be solely devoted to the Master getting to dance to the song Rasputin while dressed as Rasputin, and it was 100% worth it. Sacha Dhawan is just as fun as I could have hoped in this episode, and honestly steals the show. Him becoming the Doctor was a wonderful plan fit for a final episode like this, was executed very well, and given so much delicious flavour by the Master’s line “don’t let me go back to being me.” Plus I saw someone point out that it’s basically just the Master’s plan from the TV movie, which I’m always here for. And the “dress for the occasion” reference was icing on the cake. (Although here’s a nittiest of nitpicks: the Master described forced regeneration as “the ultimate sanction for breaking our laws,” when it clearly wasn’t. When they did it to the Doctor, it was after the Doctor bargained them down, and in the same episode they straight up erase some dudes’ timelines.)
Unfortunately the final showdown and mortal wounding of the Thirteenth Doctor was one of the episode’s weakest scenes imo with lots of missed potential. The quaranx is a generic mcguffin depicted as an unremarkable CGI light ball, and could’ve been so much more. Sounds like a lot of people including me drew a link between its child form and the Timeless Child- why didn’t it stay in its child form later to reinforce that link, which was a heck of a lot more visually striking anyway. The Doctor telling the creature to destroy the cyber-moon, something it could’ve done all along, could’ve been so much better framed as the Doctor convincing a child to embrace their power or fight their fear. And the Master suddenly taking control of the random laser beam wasn’t built up to either, which feels like something that should’ve been established considering the Doctor dying is rather an important part of the episode. Think of the Doctor being mortally wounded because she wouldn’t give up trying to save a little girl, even though she knew the risks.
Anyway, a touching end to Thirteen’s Doctor. I can’t honestly say I was moved to tears by her departure; I always felt like Jodie Whittaker could’ve done more with better scripts, and the fact that she was avoiding confiding things in Yaz this episode shows she didn’t too much over her lifetime (I laughed Tegan being faced with that awkward repression, because her Doctor was exactly the same). Although Yaz and the Doctor being so upbeat and hopeful at the end felt like a great pay-off to all this Doctor’s talk of hope for the future, and probably added to the reason I wasn’t so sad myself. I’m similarly touched but not awfully upset over Yaz leaving, sorry jskldfj (her showing off her firearm training sure is one way to end her run of avoiding any police discourse during the late 2010s/early 2020s, thanks Dr Who). But it was emotional to see them both agree that it’s time for Yaz to leave, because continuing just wouldn’t be the same for either of them. It’s nice that all of Thirteen’s companions have left because the time is right, after the RTD and Moffat eras seeming to think that the only possible exit was tragedy.
Anything else? Obviously, seeing all the past Doctors was a real treat, and Seven and Eight bickering made everything worth it. Like I said, the episode felt like a celebration, and the next episode being part of the 60th anniversary makes it feel like the celebrations just keep going! Only thing I have to be bitter about is that the 50th anniversary was an emotional tale about restoring Gallifrey, and now we’re going into the 60th with it destroyed again (still easily the worst story decision in Thirteen’s era). And it’s a shame to wait a whole year for more Doctor Who, but I’m really hoping that after that the waits between seasons will become more regular.
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umbrellasareforever · 2 years
Power of the Doctor is such an interesting episode because there’s honestly a lot I enjoyed about it but I’ve seen a lot of very good critiques that I can’t help but agree with as well. It’s honestly been a minute since I’ve felt so divided on an episode. 
Let’s start with the things I really dug. 
First off, I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense in terms of regeneration science, I really enjoyed the idea of the Master having the plan to literally steal the Doctor’s body and go around the universe ruining the Doctor’s reputation. I think that’s a really fun plan and it feels different from a lot of other Master plans and yet a good evolution from other plans the Master has had. 
Somewhat connected to the plan, I really REALLY loved seeing the visual manifestation of what regeneration is like. The idea of the previous self essentially having to let go to let the next incarnation take over? 10/10. The Guardians being various faces of previous incarnations giving us a chance to have multiple past-Doctor cameos? 100000/10 that scene made me so insanely happy and it also made me dislike Day of the Doctor even more because my god it’s such a genius idea. Not to mention it was just so beautiful to see Sylv and Colin and Paul again and the addition of using David Bradley once again as the 1st Doctor is just pure chef’s kiss. 
Another aspect I really, really dug (again, somewhat connected) is the absolutely lovely moments of closure with Teagan/5 and Ace/7. I honest to god got teary-eyed during both and I would watch those scenes over and over again. I know it’s incredibly fan-service but 1) I love it 2) it’s the centenary special as well as Jodie’s finale so I think we deserve the fan-service.
Now, a couple negative things. 
While I really loved the Master’s plan, I do think it gets very buried under a lot of other things. It’s tough for me to say this was a problem because I also feel like the focus of the companions (and primarily Yaz) doing everything they can to save the day was also good. The “power” of the Doctor as it were is her friends and the people who would do anything to help her, so of course the primary focus of the episode is going to be her friends doing everything they can to stop the evil while the Doctor is rather indisposed. 
Somewhat similar to that negative; the idea of a Dalek betraying the Dalek race because it thinks the Dalek’s have lost the right to survive is SO GOOD and SO LOST in this story and that kills me because genuinely what a fascinating idea!!! SO INTERESTING!!! But just completely buried within all the other stuff. 
Okay, okay now this one is an honest negative that doesn’t have a positive blended with it; why the hell was Ashad there? I don’t mean that in a, “how did he survive?” way, we got a BS explanation for that. I mean, what was the point of him being there? He didn’t add anything to the story, he didn’t do anything that screams Ashad™️ to me. Just felt a bit pointless. 
On that note of pointless characters, as much as I know that Vinder was there because “friends of the Doctor are the Doctor’s greatest power” he also felt just so insanely pointless beyond “we need someone to shoot a gun” like?? ok?? Get Ace or Tegan or KATE to do it???
The biggest bit I’m conflicted on, of course, is the regeneration. 
The effect was gorgeous, her last words were genuinely wonderful, and I really enjoy a regeneration episode regenerating on a high note rather than a grim and sad note... buuuuuuuut regenerating into Tennant. Let’s talk about that. 
Do I like the idea of a regeneration that’s being tampered with and leaving us on a rather unique cliffhanger? Yes. Do I think this cliffhanger would’ve been better utilized if we didn’t have to wait over a year to get answers to it? YES 1000%.  I think that is where my biggest problem comes in is that, unlike the Stolen Earth cliffhanger of 10 regenerating after being shot by a Dalek, we aren’t going to get a resolution to it in a timely manner. Meaning that it’ll have time just to sit and stir and for people who didn’t like it, that’s just going to make them like it even less, and for those who did like it, they may change their minds or come up with theories to it that will inevitably be better than what we actually get.  I also think that, while I enjoy the idea of really playing with a regeneration moment and trying to give it a unique shock factor, there is something really disappointing about Jodie regenerating into Tennant. I think it’s the fact that Tennant is still considered by many to be the best/most popular New Who Doctor so to go from a Doctor that got an insanely unfair amount of criticism to an actor that gets nothing but praise in the role does feel a little crappy. Had 13 regenerated into Paul McGann? That would’ve been wild and the idea of Paul McGann and Donna running around together is very interesting. 
I think another problem with it is the fact that Russel is treating it very much as Tennant is now 14 and Gatwa is going to be 15. While I think there’s something amusing and interesting about an incarnation only being around for 3 episodes, I also just think it leaves a weird taste in the mouth saying that Tennant has played 2 separate incarnations of the Doctor  in the span of a decade or two. Again, a big part of that just comes from the fact that he is surrounded with so much praise I think. 
Of course, I also wouldn’t be surprised if Russel was totally messing with us and it’s going to be revealed that this version of Tennant isn’t an incarnation and is the Celestial Toymaker (or whatever Neil Patrick Harris is playing) totally messing with the Doctor and having a bit of fun. I think the fact that the clothes changed along with the Doctor is a big giveaway to that because let’s be honest, a proper regeneration hasn’t changed the clothes since the first regeneration back in 1966. 
However, my biggest issue with the regenerating into Tennant is that it is the thing I think most people are thinking about and talking about, whether positive or negative, and that means it took away focus from what was most important; this was Jodie’s last episode. 
Yeah, the regeneration and the new Doctor is always a big talking point when it comes to a final episode, but this is just so different. It’s an actor who’s already played the Doctor, it’s setting up some big story that’s gonna span 3 anniversary episodes, and it’s David Tennant. It’s a hell of a lot different than the chatter that normally occurs when a new Doctor graces our screens. 
Okay. That’s the extent of my thoughts for now. I’m sure I could talk about a hell of a lot more, but these are the immediate thoughts that are racing through my brain a little more than 12 hours after viewing it for the first time. If you’ve read this far, thank you very much! 
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022 Halloween Special)
Well, that's the end of the Thirteenth Doctor. Does anyone else feel like she still never quite hit her stride?
Dan ended up being one of the most useless companions in Doctor Who history! I found him so charming and interesting to start, he had so much potential, but pretty much all his adventuring with the Doctor happened offscreen. We never got to establish a relationship between him and the Doctor properly.
And that's just generally true of so much of this Doctor's run. I loved the stuff with her and Yaz. There was a brief spark of something great with the Fam, there for a while. It sure was great to see Graham. But in terms of who this Doctor is, and what her specific vibe is, I don't think I ever really clicked in with it. It's not the acting, I think that was pretty damn solid across the board. It just felt like someone was holding these seasons back from reaching their full potential.
The plot got a little too messy and convoluted, and I'm going to praise the frantic energy in the "pros" section in a second, but honestly between the Master and the Daleks and the Cybermen and the cameos, I was getting a little dizzy with all the different stimuli, and I'm not sure I had a chance to properly appreciate much of what was happening on my screen.
After all that from Yaz and the Doctor, they couldn't even give us a goodbye kiss? Come on. They created a whole convoluted scenario so we could see 10 and Rose share a kiss, and Yaz and 13 can't even have a little goodbye peck on the lips? Sigh. That's a big disappointment.
I did like the chaos, as I said. We started off strong with a space train and a Cyberman fight, we had plenty of crazy and wacky set pieces, with volcanoes exploding and Cybermen shooting themselves through a holograph of a future-Doctor, and a gang of companions around the console of the TARDIS... there was a lot of iconic imagery here, and even when I wasn't 100% clear on what the heck was happening in the plot, I honestly didn't care all that much, because I was still caught up in the energy.
Tegan and Ace are pretty great! I have no familiarity with Classic!Who at all, but these two had so much fun energy, and their chemistry with the Doctor was undeniable. We got some cute energy with our current regeneration, but also brief moments where they got to talk to their Doctors. Honestly, I felt more energy between those older Doctors reuniting with their companions than I ever got between this Doctor and, for example, Dan.
The Master's plot, and his desire to literally become the Doctor, makes no real sense whatsoever, but I will say that performance-wise I loved watching the Master be utterly deranged, and I did like the psychological aspect of the Master's obsession with the Doctor being... envy of her. Wanting to be her literally, because there's nothing else big enough to encompass his dissatisfaction and longing.
Also it was fun to see Vinder, but mostly because I've fallen extra in love with Jacob Anderson since the last time I watched this show and saw that character. He's a bad-ass. Best moment was the Master thinking that any friend of the Doctor's wouldn't shoot a gun at someone, and Vinder being like "BITCH you thought." That was pretty great.
WHY didn't Yaz and the Doctor share a kiss when they were sitting out on top of the TARDIS? Cowards. I'm just saying. But setting that aside, I loved how much their bond got to have a final spotlight. Even as the Doctor lists all the companions who traveled with her during this regeneration, it's Yaz who got to be with her last, before she goes off alone to meet whatever comes next.
And then the wonderful idea that Graham came up with, to create a support group for former companions! All of them sitting around and chuckling about the crazy adventures they've been on. I absolutely adore that idea and hope somehow we can check in with this group at some point in the future.
And then the regeneration itself! Honestly I'm going to reserve judgment about David Tennant. Obviously I love him, and it'll be fun to see him, but at the same time this feels like it's banking on nostalgia to a comedically absurd degree. Instead of judging those last twenty seconds, I'll judge Jodie Whittaker on her breathtaking mixture of sadness and joy in those last few seconds. She did a beautiful job with a role that suffered many years of extremely subpar writing for the show. I wish we'd done more justice to her time as the Doctor, but I'm glad we got to hang out with her for a while all the same.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Power of the Doctor - Quickfire Thoughts
So it's time for a New Doctor to take the reins
It's been a mixed tenure for Whittaker - by no fault of her own, moreso the writing - but let's see how her final effort goes
Spoilers for the Episode
Hang on, isn't that Luther from Umbrella Academy?
Didn't expect the Cyber Masters to be back, let alone be shot down by laser blasters
Bit reckless from the Doctor to drop her 'fam' into a Cyberman raid
They were still opening the box, this is not the time to do the speech
Ace the poor museum lady's not gonna tell you some alien shit is going down with the painting
Inevitable write-off for Dan even though we've had a whole season to come to terms with mortality, y'know to push the whole Doctor and Yaz thing he was thirdwheeling
First time? Dalek Sec Doctor? Rusty?
Of course the Master is Rasputin
Got some classic stuff going though; Kaled mentions, Tegan and Ace, Master's hypnosis and action figuring, referencing the Second Doctor's Forced Regeneration someone has been doing their homework
Joker was here and he stole a TARDIS!
Doctor you do have a Time Machine, time should be all you have
How polite of the Master to message UNIT at that exact moment
Vinder! Why aren't you with your girl?
Sacha Dhawan's Master is at its best right now, but seriously how many times do you have to bring the Master into a secure and sensitive facility for it to be part of his plan before you think twice?
As dangerous as jumping a train full of Cyber Masters Yaz?
Oh so the Lone Cyberman is just a pawn again? Bit of a waste
UNIT aren't aren't so ready if they just have simple machine guns...
To be fair the garb works
United in a common goal and all you could get is Daleks and Cybermen? I mean, the Pandorica had a bigger alliance
'Yo Dalek is this a bop?'
So does Sacha technically become the Fourteenth Doctor or are we gonna count this the same way as War Doctor and Metacrisis Doctor? I mean he's even wearing a wardrobe mismatch of other outfits, even the flute and celery.
I mean, couldn't this have been achieved by just...changing your name?
CGI Hartnell (well, David Bradley but a bit of work done), also irl Colin, Davidson, McCoy and McGann
McGann could still play the Doctor I'm just saying
Guess no CGI Pertwee, Troughton or irl Baker, no Eccleston, Smith (guess he is housing dragons at this time) or Capaldi either
I miss Osgood, anyone else miss Osgood?
Okay so if they can shoot through the window what's stopping them from escaping the building?
Sorry Ace it's kinda a NuWho thing; River, Clara, even the sentient piece of jet fuel
So UNIT has a laser shield but not a laser gun?
Technically he never accepted the terms...
So does the original Master just chill in a box forever?
Wait, how can the AI turn into Fugitive Doctor? Yaz never met her didn't she?
We're...just gonna leave the Master there?
Guess Kate isn't liked enough to have AI Doctor helping her out
Daleks can survive bullets but not a baseball bat
Good thing Vinder was here to shoot the Master once
Won't doing that still disrupt the tectonics on the planet?
What about the other Brother Eye Death Star thingy?
Aw man no more Graham :/ if we were just gonna cameo it would've rather we just swapped him and Vinder for Dan and Karvanista
I mean, you were hit with a laser from a being of pure energy
The fact that we will never get Dan and Graham as a comedic companion duo is the true tragedy
Companions of future past being cameo'd too, would've thought there'd already be a support group
So he's not a past iteration for the special? I guess the Curator did say we'd be revisiting a few old faces in the last special
So is DAVID counted as the Tenth AND Fifteenth Doctor or is this also gonna count as another War Doctor or Metacrisis Doctor?
If we had a penny for every time the Doctor unexpectedly turned into David Tennant again we'd have two pennies, which is not a lot but it's still surprising it happened twice
So there we have it. I liked the episode, but I didn't cry. I think it's just that I wasn't as attached as previous, part of that does come down to me never really being a fan of Yaz. Even in this episode the most impressive thing she does without help is pilot the TARDIS with the help of post-it notes, I could've told you from the get-go that the episode would find a way to write out Dan as well. It was nice seeing past companions like Ace, Tegan and Graham, but most of them had a limited role, also UNIT were extremely ineffective, as were the Daleks and the Cybermen really, especially the lone Cyberman who was just a named redshirt. The plot felt a bit convoluted as well, the interesting stuff didn't get as much time you know? We could've had like a full 3-parter on this to flesh it out more, the train stuff at the beginning was a bit meh, plus the CGI and wiring were a bit iffy.
But it was still good, end on a surprise and we had a lot of fanservice, a lot of clever callbacks, we'll have to see in 2023 how Tennant course corrects to Ncuti Gatwa
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forest-of-cheem · 2 years
my initial reaction to the power of the doctor was… well. bloody loving every single minute of it.
now that i’ve had some time to think it all over…
(under the cut because spoilers!!)
this really did feel like such an excellent send-off for her.
she might well have made my favourite regeneration scene of new!who. the way she was so desperate for more time… but in the end, went into the sunrise with peace and happiness, and no regrets except wanting to know what comes next… and the visuals, on the clifftop with light shooting off in all directions…
the AI hologram!! i love that it was responsive rather than just reeling off the standard “if you’re seeing this, then i’m dead” message.
i love how expressive whittaker is. just. her face is doing so much, all the time, and it’s brilliant.
she’s come so far…
watching her pilot the tardis with her notes!! and even being able to catch ace as she was plummeting from the top of a building!!
i love her literally shoving the master to the ground and taking the tardis with her.
not to mention the way she fooled his ass, and forced him out of the doctor.
she carried the doctor!! yaz really stepped up and said i will be the goddamn hero today!!
i get the sadness over no thasmin kiss, but i guess. to me it makes sense, in a way. it’d be more painful for them to have some intimacy now when 13 is right on the brink of regenerating. and i’m a sucker for a tragic romance.
especially when new!who has only really seen two doctor/companion couples get romantic kisses in its entire run - 11/river, and 10/astrid. (yes, rose kisses tentoo, but he’s part donna, so i would argue it doesn’t entirely count.)
idk. what i’m trying to say is: romantic associations with the doctor rarely end well, for multiple reasons. that we got explicit confirmation of 13 and yaz’s mutual feelings at all is enough for me.
the master
dhawan is the best new!who incarnation of the master and i will die on that hill
inserting himself into all of those paintings was so uncalled for and so unnecessary, and i loved it
ra ra rasputin… artistic poetry. a masterpiece of the screen.
the master wearing 13’s outfit?? i am half-feral. i need more of it.
not trying to be rude, but i genuinely don’t get the people complaining that his plan/motives were too confusing/unclear. like… it was pretty clear to me…
“don’t make me go back to being me” i WILL cry.
playing the recorder when yaz abandons him…
and the way he squealed when the elevator doors closed on the way down to the bunker?? this episode really said here’s all the things you never knew you wanted sacha dhawan to do.
he was delightfully unhinged throughout this entire episode. if rtd doesn’t bring him back, it’ll be a damn crime.
look, i love 10. he’s my favourite doctor. but i am… conflicted about his return.
for one thing, i simply refuse to refer to him as 14 when that’s supposed to be ncuti gatwa!!
also, 13 leaves full of optimism and excitement, and then the first trailer for next year sounds all gloomy and severe?? i’m not feeling it.
also, i already feel like those specials simply will not compare to POTD. this was THE anniversary special for me, and it wasn’t even really intended as such. this ep had old doctors and companions alike, and so far the 60th is three episodes of… 10 and donna. and that’s it.
some of my bitterness here may well be the fact that i’m already sick and tired of seeing people all ~hooray the boring mediocre woman is gone it’s time for my favourite MAN doctor, yay, doctor who is saved!!~ like. shut the fuck up already.
everything else
no surprise that dan left, but tbh i feel like that could have been reworked into him leaving at the end of the preceding ep. it feels weird having him only at the very beginning and then near the end.
gonna be honest, before this ep i thought kate stewart was a perfectly decent character, but simply didn’t care much about her. but she was excellent in this episode, and now i definitely want to see more of her!!
the group for past companions is such a fantastic idea and i’m amazed it’s not been done before. everything about that bit was perfect. and it was so cool seeing classic companions! even if i didn’t have any real idea who they were!
this episode is gonna be what makes me watch classic who. i tried several years ago but… i got bored halfway through the second episode. keep meaning to go back, but i never have. now i definitely intend to.
on that note, i thought this was a great introduction to ace and tegan. their bits with the AI hologram were very sweet and have left me really wanting to see their classic stories.
i really thought vinder was gonna be the timeless child daddy, and instead. he was just there. he helped yaz, fair enough, but what was he even there for in the first place?? are he, bel and karvanista investigating alien shenanigans too now??
me, pretending to be shocked when graham arrives, despite having known for months about that set photo circulating of him and dan together…
all in all, this was a top-notch episode for me. my only quibbles are with dan’s early exit, and vinder’s presence feeling a bit random… and tennant’s return that may or may not go down well next year. idk. i have faith in rtd to deliver a fantastic era, but i have my doubts as to whether this is the way to kickstart it.
all else aside, jodie whittaker and mandip gill have made one of my favourite tardis teams, and sacha dhawan has cemented his place as my favourite master. and despite most of my actual predictions for this ep being wrong, i was right about this: it was chaotic, it was heartbreaking, and it was wonderful.
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newwhoreview2016 · 10 months
Power of the Doctor
The pre-titles is energetic and not to my taste, a bit like The Halloween Apocalypse. The only good bit is Dan, having an experience that leads him to piss off out of the story five minutes later like Dodo with a more convincing accent. A bit weird, honestly.
“You are the Master and I will obey you.” Poetry, that.
Seismologists, a new planet, Rasputin, Cybermen, a Qurunx… this is every bit as busy as Flux and even less necessarily so. It works a little better though. And then Vinder arrives, for some reason! And some plotlines (most obviously the traitorous Dalek) go nowhere.
I’m loving Sacha Dhawan in this one. “A man’s allowed to experiment.” Why does every Master give their best performance in their final story?
“I’ll go that way, you go that way. Be careful.”
“I’m supposed to be the one saying that to you.”
Yes, that’s rather the problem.
The Russian Doll Cyberman should be a terrific moment, even a classic cliffhanger…but it’s thrown away a bit, plus it’s too similar to Passenger a few episodes ago. And as for Ashad coming back - pointless.
I remembered that the “Rasputin” scene is a highlight - but I’d forgotten that, insanely, the episode intercuts it with bloody Vinder talking to himself. Such bizarre decisions made during this era!
Forced regeneration, then. An interesting idea. But surely it makes no sense at all?
We thought the best thing about this would be Tegan and Ace, but in fact it’s the appearance of all the past Doctors. Suddenly, the plot doesn’t matter any more. We’re loving the reunions and the cameos and everything else will be fine. The all-too-brief 5/Tegan and 7/Ace scenes are lovely and make me wish Nicola Bryant was somehow in this.
This really is getting better as it goes on. The plot is ridiculous but it’s all about the moments. Little moments like Vinder shooting the Master, Yaz talking about the Doctor’s friends, Tegan saying Rabbits! Ace’s timers still not working. “We used to be friends, him and me.” “HOW is it bigger on the inside?”
The Qurunx killing the Doctor is a bit weak, but really it was the Master. Yaz fetching her is rather lovely. And the final non-goodbye is probably the best we were ever going to get.
The companions’ AA meeting though. William bloody Russell. That was a real treat.
Then there’s the Durdle Door regeneration and…in a few days I get to see what happens next.
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fenris-ranger · 2 years
scheduling this to post after it airs in the USA
"they're regenerating" now how did some random train marshal know what regeneration energy looks like?
"I've got you" i'm already in tears stop
I know the train sequence is very CGI-intensive, and maybe it's just bc I'm streaming it off iPlayer, but the graphics aren't impressing me :/
The train people know what Cybermen are, too? Idk how well known they are throughout the galaxy, but they and the Daleks always have seemed to me like since they don't leave anybody alive, they're more legends to normal people.
"Don't lose my sonic" feels like forwarding
Professional medic Yaz!!!
"This is your Space Train Driver, Dan" i love him
oh fuck oh shit it's baby her isn't it? at the very least an obvious analogue.
I thought they said this was the longest intro before the title sequence ever? didn't feel notably long.
I really wish I'd had time to go back and watch Ace and Teagan's episodes first -- maybe somebody will make a good list of "things you need to watch to understand the Classic Who easter eggs" after.
"Back in time for your date!" and then immediately planning things with Yaz, parallels!
"You don't have to come back for me" oh no are we losing him this early?????? Is he never going to know what happens to his Space Lesbians just like I feared????
"See ya again, Doctor" I'M WEEPING, JODIE YOUR FACE
I'm so sad for Yaz to lose "her companion" so early :(
Parlay with the Daleks? sus but also exactly the trap that the Doctor will fall into
I didn't remember the Kaleds -- tardiswiki link
aaaagh i read the extra planet/mirror earth theory shit, they were right??
ra ra rasputin lover of the russian queen -- wait oh fuck
dhawan is reasonably attractive but not as rasputin and not in the cleanshaven promo pics either imo
"stay here" as if -- haha, immediately "nope!"
yaz can read the tardis screens so well, ilu </3
ah, not Tim Shaw then (don't see anything about the Qurunx in the wiki, so I assume he made it up for this episode?)
"bit busy, Kate, can it wait?"
"have you any idea what's going on in outer space in 1916 right now?" "strangely enough, no"
no yazzy don't have to face what it's like to lose the doctor for 38 years omg mandip still rocking the microexpressions
"defaced" ew that's hideous
competent Yaz is so brilliant to see
the seismologist!master holding TCE-Yaz has to be coming up and i'm terrifed
the master talking to yaz but yaz refusing to look anywhere but at the doctor omg
GIVE HER A GUN WHAT "she must be worried" no shit
just shoot him yaz please
i knew the battle AI aspect of the cyberium had to come back
"I said i'm in your head, dear" I don't ship thoschei in this incarnation because thasmin, but i'm picking up what you're putting down
I don't really understand why they brought Vinder back -- he wasn't really compelling or super important in Flux?
"oh, and i have a ship problem, in that . . . it's broken"
"your dad was an idiot" ugh i LOVE him recognizing all the companions and the references to classic who
"she really doesn't want us back in there!" aww, sad
"I'm supposed to be the one saying that to you" yesss give me continued Yaz-becoming-the-Doctor parallels
are they really just strolling alongside magma without breaking a sweat?
i'm still so struck by how dhawan really emulates the energy and batshit insanity of Simm!Master
has dhawan always had that subconjunctival hemorrhage or whatever patch in his right eye or is that a character thing?
"forced regeneration" just sounds like death, why does it need technology? just shoot her or something
holy shit I can't believe they used "ra ra rasputin" -- the Master dancing around to a modern song is straight out of the Simm!Master playbook
*the owl house voice* BODY SWAP!
aw, not a body swap :( I would have fucking gagged if we finally got Whittaker!Master
Aw we knew the jacket was coming back but it's still brilliant to see Ace in it!
fuck yeah, yaz! i'm so glad she gets to be hypercompetent
NO NOT ANOTHER HOLOGRAM NOT LIKE THIS okay who's signing up to write the Yaz trauma flashbacks
kate stewart is a babe
YAZ YAZ YAZ YAZ stop being so amazing
if he makes a pass at Yaz because he knows, i will kill him myself, fictional or not
graham!!!! "arnold palmer-son" lmao his psychic paper. but why did he try to explain daleks to her when she wasn't at all phased by reading off info about the doctor/daleks?
KATE NO i saw the sacrifice coming but if it goes through i'll be devastated (especially because she knows better than most exactly what is going to happen, being the chief science officer forever)
JO JO JO JO -- are we up to 9 doctors now in this episode? Fugitive, One, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Dhawan!Doctor, Thirteen, presumably Ten-variant?
Very Kirk/Spock "i am and always will be your friend" vibes through the glass
"I'd only just signed the lease." YES KATE GETS TO GO IN TOO
I love her in the welding goggles
Type 75!!!
what was the point of Yaz saying "go go go!" that was just awkward
"what a universe" her fucking wonder is the most beautiful thing, that really encapsulates Thirteen for me -- she went much more childlike than previous incarnations but that just let her be constantly in awe and it's borderline holy
no no no no no no no
fuck you can tell this is at least 50% just Jodie crying I'm losing it
at least Dan knows :( :( :(
i mean i get that she didn't want to face being rejected by a companion once she switched faces again, but whyyyy
HOW DARE YOU DEPRIVE ME OF TENNANT IN THIRTEEN'S OUTFIT????????? (also lmao at how we ALL called the "wot? wot?!")
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likethecastle · 3 years
Thinking more about why I don’t really connect to the companions as much in Chibnall’s era, I think I’ve narrowed down at least one thing: The companions don’t tend to be as involved in the resolutions of the episodes. The one driving the conclusion is nearly always the Doctor, with the companions having little to no input.
For example, in series 11, Thirteen is the one who ultimately confronts Tzim-Sha. Thirteen directs everyone’s actions in The Ghost Monument. She is the one warning against interference with Rosa Parks or in Demons of the Punjab. She’s the only one truly dealing with the Solitract in It Takes You Away, and she’s the one who resolves the major issues in the finale. And this continues through series 12—Thirteen deals with the Master in Spyfall, again is directing everyone in Praxeus and Can You Hear Me?, is obviously the one making the major choices in The Haunting of Villa Diodati/Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children, and then is the one making that final confrontation with the Daleks in Revolution of the Daleks. Even in Flux, Thirteen is really still the one ultimately fixing everything at the end (albeit with three of her now directing everyone to help).
Granted, this isn’t always the case! They do have moments where they’re greater contributors in their own right—Ryan suggesting his rap music in Arachnids in the U.K., Yaz pushing to learn more about her family in Demons of the Punjab, Yaz being the one to go after Thirteen on Gallifrey, Ryan sitting down to talk with Thirteen, Dan exploring that ship with his wok in War of the Sontarans. But generally, they’re more along-for-the-ride, more on the side of taking orders from Thirteen. They often do a lot of the smaller tasks that help the Doctor get up to the final confrontation—but ultimately, it’s nearly always the Doctor making the final stand. 
To be clear, this can and should happen! The Doctor is the one with the wealth of experience, the one who’s 2000+ years old, the one who’s often going to have the final say. It really is true—“Sometimes, this team structure isn’t flat.” There’s an inherent power imbalance. But when that’s always the case, it’s harder to see the companions’ beliefs.
Compare this to previous companions: Rose swinging in on that chain to save Nine, looking into the heart of the TARDIS, figuring out how to get the Doctor out of the drawings in Fear Her. Martha dealing with Ten for literally the entirety of the Family of Blood two-parter and literally walking a hellscape Earth for a year in the finale. Donna challenging Ten in Pompeii, figuring out the dates on the walls in The Doctor’s Daughter, or literally anything in Turn Left. Amy pushing that button at the end of The Beast Below and being the only one who could remember Eleven and bring him back in The Big Bang. Clara being the one to ultimately step up with that leaf on Akhaten, jumping into the Doctor’s timestream, or making those final tragic choices in Face the Raven and Hell Bent. Bill being the one who ultimately reaches out to Heather and stops her in The Pilot and literally shooting Twelve in the monks three-parter. While they were still companions, obviously, and the Doctor frequently did still make the final move—it wasn’t every time. And that really matters for showing us who the companions are as people.
And while this has been getting somewhat better recently—Yaz’s 1904 arc in Flux comes to mind, and Dan acting as more of her companion rather than Thirteen’s—I feel like it’s also too little, too late in a sense. It’s all well and good having companions who help, but there are rarely moments where Chibnall-era companions have been the ones to truly define the course of an episode, whether by stepping in physically, figuring out the key clue that was missed, or by challenging the Doctor’s views.
Maybe some of it’s Chibnall trying to avoid having a female doctor appear weak or not in charge. And also look, I get it: Thirteen’s whole deal is that she’s hurt, she doesn’t want her own issues on display or to hurt the people she’s with, so she bottles up her feelings and keeps them out of what danger she can and puts on a front and just does things alone. I get that. The fact that the companions are pushed away is a major, evident plot point. And honestly, I think it’s a pretty logical one, given all the trauma that the Doctor’s gone through over the years. It’s not supposed to be seen as a good thing—“Stop leaving us all the time!” I understand that.
But I think that the core issue of it all is that the show didn’t then give us an alternative way to showcase the companions’ personalities, moralities, and strengths. If Thirteen’s keeping them out of those final major plot points because of her desire to keep them unharmed and safe, the show should have taken better care and more time to show us their characters in different ways, whether via more-developed subplots or by instead writing some episodes where they are circumstantially dragged into the final conflict alongside Thirteen and help change the course of it as a result. 
For the most part, I’ve been enjoying Chibnall’s era—I think there are a lot of good things in it. But I also think that’s mostly because I enjoy Thirteen as a doctor, and right now, the show is extremely Doctor-centric. If you disagree, that’s fine—this is just my opinion. But it’s just that in most cases, I feel like the show hasn’t taken enough care to allow the companions to do things themselves, and it’s left their characters lacking as a result. 
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soullesssenpai · 2 years
Yaz/The Master Theory for The Regen Episode
Okay yall, ever since we got those promo stills from the regeneration special, I've started spiraling with a theory that Yaz might be under the master's control in the regeneration episode. I know we all remember those hair-brained theories after Spyfall came out, with people saying that Yaz was some sort of sleeper agent for the Master, but I'm serious this time - I think something is going on with Yaz in the Master, based on the promo photos: and I'll explain why. So I'm mainly basing my theory off of these four images, as well as a few context clues from the trailer and other stills.
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So. Starting off with the master's appearance - we see him in two outfits/styles - the crazy blue eyes with the long hair and the beard, and then this look - super buttoned up, clean shaven, and with short, curly hair. While the long hair look is very typical insane master, this buttoned up look is curious to me, because it almost reminds me of O - very goody two shoes, very clean cut, very non Master-y. To me, this look, and the way the Master is styles makes me think that he's pretending to be somebody else here - possibly O, or my theory: Yaz's boyfriend. We know the Master has the ability to hypnotize, and that Chibnall loves bringing back old school villains - so I think the Master has hypnotized Yaz into thinking that he's her boyfriend, and turned her against the Doctor. So, we have the Master cosplaying as Yaz's boyfriend, or at least somebody sane and normal - but what about Yaz? Yaz isn't stupid, she's met the Master already - she knows he's dangerous, not to trust him, and she herself hates him, especially because of her love for the doctor. So why, in both promo pics, does Yaz look so comfortable being that close to him? In the first picture she doesn't look scared or angry or disgusted, just neutral - like she's listening to what he's saying. The other photo, though, is what gets me - in that clip from the trailer, the master is threatening the Doctor - and where is Yaz? At his side. Every time the doctor fights her enemy, Yaz is standing either at her side or behind her - but here, in this clip, even though we KNOW the doctor is present in this scene, Yaz is standing on the other side of the room, away from her - behind the Master. Between the blocking of the scene and the expression on Yaz's face in the background, it really reads as if, in that moment, Yaz trusts the Master more than she does the Doctor, and that she's standing behind him to distance herself from the Doctor. And lastly - the gun. So we see Yaz holding a gun (in the Tardis no less!) in the trailer - but if you notice in that promo photo of Dan, his space helmet has a bullet in it. Yaz is the only character we see holding a gun, and curiously, she's also the only member of team Tardis who *isn't* show wearing an orange spacesuit in the promo - both Dan and the Doctor have them. Did Yaz shoot Dan on the Master's orders? Was she convinced that he and the doctor are evil? As insane as it sounds, I'm fully convinced that in the regeneration special, the master will have found some way to control Yaz's mind - at least temporarily. We don't se a single shot of Yaz and the Doctor together in the teaser - despite the fact that the sea devils and eve of the Daleks trailers both heavily featured shots of them together. As heartbreaking as it would be, I truly think that most of the drama from this episode will come from Yaz being turned against the Doctor - maybe even the reason she's screaming "Yaz" and seemingly regenerating at the end of the trailer?
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oh that daemon post made me think about the master like what if it’s not dark!yaz teaming up with the master what if it’s light!master teaming up with yaz what if theres two of them
what if he was in a situation like the doctor in 13x5, got to division, found his watch. bc he was definitely in division right? but we havent seen any about that. but he has to have been. spies and agents and children and “impossible to tell” and “yeah”. what if he went to division, found his own watch, is now doing Who Knows What based on what he found in there but hes got good intentions for the doctor.
he tells yaz about his plans and why he has to do what he has to do to the doctor whatever it is hes planning and yaz agrees that with all infromation she has, that does seem like the best course of action. of course he might be lying but then, the doctor also lies. the master tells yaz about time’s prophesy bc why wouldnt he know he probably has his ways and yaz is so Dont Let The Doctor Die that shes willing to do most things
“this is the day you die” vs “welcome to the end of your existence”
we have to DIE to KEEP LIVING, remember?
end of existence vs death are Very different things
the doctor got three of her why shouldnt the master get two of him?
MASTER: Good. Good, good. Good. Good! Cos I burned the Citadel, but if I have one weakness, it's that I am a bit of a hoarder. Let me show you. She's waking up in that Matrix. But don't worry, my consciousness can deal with her. I'm that good, I can be in two places at once.
hes a bit of a hoarder why should he have only one watch he might have more than one. the doctor might have more than one.
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“this is the day you die” and yaz is behind him and he says it like “brace yourself, this is going to hurt” like this has to happen and im sorry. like this is the best plan we have. like i dont mean you ill
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(you cant shoot a gun in the tardis yaz god have you never heard of a state of temporal grace asdhfjfvhf)
whos she shooting? and is it the doctor? because holy shit the synthesis of having to die to live and suicidal ideation and saving yourself would be fucking AWESOME if it is. i’d lose my MIND.
“welcome to the end of your existence says evil!master and then she gets Something up with regeneration or like fobwatch stuff or SOMETHING
death isnt the end of existence. the end of existence is overwriting the doctor. good!master and yaz are only trying to keep The Doctor in existence. and to do that she has to die. and yaz should kill her. like amy having to push rory of the roof of the hotel.
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spacetime1969 · 3 years
Surviving Jurassic World! A Brooklynn Exclusive! Big Announcement!
August 10th, Instagram post by BrooklynnUnboxesOfficial:
[Image ID: A photo of the campers sitting on a couch. They are all smiling at the camera, and the phrase “Big Announcement!” is printed above them.]
Big announcement for the channel! Watch the video here.
August 10th, YouTube video posted to BrooklynnUnboxesTheWorld:
The video starts, showing the campers sitting on a couch facing the camera.
ALL: Hey!
The campers wave at the camera. Brooklynn’s hair is now her natural brown instead of her old pink bubble gum, and she’s wearing a purple jacket. Kenji’s outfit is almost the same, but it’s now clean and intact. Yaz is wearing shorts and a plain t-shirt, while Sammy, who’s sitting next to her, has a vibrant patterned shirt with blue jeans. Darius is also wearing jeans, but with a Jurassic World t-shirt, and Ben is wearing cargo shorts with a flannel vest.
BROOKLYNN: Hello everyone! So, a lot of people have been asking about just what happened on Isla Nublar. Well, we’re here to announce a brand new series: Surviving Jurassic World! Kapow!
Brooklyn makes finger guns and pretends to shoot them at the camera like she used to always do in her videos. They all try to keep a straight face for the camera, but Sammy giggles and they all start laughing.
BROOKLYNN (still laughing): This feels so ridiculous!
YAZ: Well, the finger guns weren’t our idea Brooklyn.
Brooklyn rolls her eyes before the video cuts. The campers have stopped laughing, but they are all still smiling.
BROOKLYN: So, as I was saying, we are going to be posting a new series about our time on Isla Nublar to this channel soon.
KENJI: So make sure you’re subscribed and stuff.
Brooklyn points at Kenji.
BROOKLYN: Yeah that. One important thing I want people to know before they watch this, this is not going to be like my old videos. I always kept my channel’s videos positive and family friendly before, but this series is gonna be a little heavier.
The campers become much more serious.
DARIUS: When we say we survived Jurassic World, we aren't talking about going camping. We were surviving, on an island where we weren’t at the top of the food chain.
BROOKLYN: In my past videos, whenever I have done something dangerous I’ve had training and a support network. We were just six kids trying not to die on an island full of dinosaurs. So yeah, don’t go into this expecting it to be all happy. That being said, not all our videos are going to be that bad. It’s just important for everyone to know that it won’t be the kind of happy videos I used to do. We’ll try to include warnings on the videos that are particularly bad, but most should be okay.
BROOKLYN: We will be posting the first episode of Surviving Jurassic World by the end of the month. So make sure you’re subscribed! And we’ll see you next in the first episode of Surviving Jurassic World... Bye!
The campers wave goodbye to the camera.
SAMMY: Camp fam signing off!
Video End
I finally had time to do more of this! School has been taking up all my time and energy lately.
I’m hoping i’ll have a chance to do more today, but we’ll have to wait and see.
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