#( & he's much MUCH more durable than a human so injuring him to such a degree is difficult in its own right. )
erabundus · 1 year
it’s  a  bit  grim  to  think  about,  but  the  wanderer  actually  has  some  degree  of  knowledge  when  it  comes  to  performing  MAINTENANCE  on  himself.  learning  how  to  stitch  a  wound  or  stop  the  bleeding  are  rather  basic  skills  anyone  intending  to  live  a  life  on  the  road  would  do  well  to  pick  up  —  and  yes,  he  most  definitely  knows  how  to  do  both.  however,  the  extent  of  what  ren  is  actually  capable  of  goes  far  deeper.  mending  a  hole  in  his  internal  cooling  system  and  draining  excess  fluid?  (  or  to  put  it  more  simply,  patching  a  punctured  lung?  )  been  there,  done  that.  clicking  broken  bones  into  place?  they’re  built  impossibly,  inhumanly  dense;  every  (  rare  )  break  is  a  clean  one  —  he  only  needs  to  set  them  properly.
it  helps  that  his  body  comes  equipped  with  natural  regenerative  capabilities.  every  wound  wanderer  sustains  WILL  eventually  close  without  a  trace.  (  hence  why  he  has  no  visible  scars,  despite  lifetimes  of  battle  and  brutal  experimentation.  )  it  won’t  happen  IMMEDIATELY,  so  getting  injured  is  still  an  inconvenience  —  but  his  wounds  do  heal  at  an  accelerated  rate  compared  to  a  mortal.  provided  everything  is  in  its  rightful  place,  his  body  can  perfectly  stitch  itself  back  together  from  the  very  brink  of  death  in  a  matter  of  days.  minor  injuries  (  cuts,  scrapes  and  the  like  )  have  been  known  to  close  in  minutes.  it’s  probably  been  timed  before.  regeneration  speedrun.
in  essence,  this  means  he  CAN  perform  “repairs”  on  himself  despite  possessing  fairly  limited  medical  knowledge  —  if  only  because  his  body  is  so  obscenely  durable,  it  just  needs  its  pieces  to  be  in  the  right  place  and  it  can  do  the  rest  automatically.
on  a  related  (  though  disturbing  )  note,  what  little  information  ren  did  pick  up  had  to  come  from  somewhere.  i’ve  mentioned  before,  but  he  has  a  slight  phobia  of  SLEEPING  (  namely,  he  worries  a  time  will  come  when  he  won’t  be  able  to  wake  up  )  and  would  never  consent  to  being  knocked  out  if  he  had  a  say  in  the  matter.  which  means  he  was  likely  conscious  and  completely  aware  for  at  least  the  MAJORITY  of  the  horrific  experiments  dottore  put  him  through.  very  fun.  very  pleasant.  very  useful  for  figuring  out  how  his  mess  of  a  body  is  supposed  to  function,  though.
his  pain  tolerance  is  a  disaster.
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cybernexus · 8 months
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Raj getting seriously injured doesn't happen too terribly often! This takes someone equally or nearly as powerful (in video game terms, at the same "level") as him to significantly injure him. But this doesn't mean that he doesn't ever get hurt.
If you look closely, he's actually constantly covered in tiny nicks, scratches, and paper cut-like wounds. This is par for the course, and expected behavior. His body is intended to absorb damage from both ballistic and magical impacts and heal the minimal damage that wasn't absorbed over time.
Something I like to keep in mind is that while Raj is extremely durable, he's not invulnerable, even to traditional weapons. Somewhat like the idea of nothing is actually bulletproof, it's just bullet resistant (but with Raj you'd have to scale up the damage as bullets aren't going to cut it). For example, if he spends days upon end on the battlefield getting hit with missiles, he's going to have a few small cuts and scrapes similar to an armored vehicle - although his body is much more durable than one, and can heal on its own without needing "repairs" provided it's left alone long enough to do so.
If Raj still had a human body, these tiny injuries would be a great place for infection to come in. But as he is a cyborg made of self-healing metal, no bacteria or pathogens can survive in his body. While those things can live for months on a surface regardless of whether or not that surface is alive; Raj's body regularly gets too hot and burns any and all bacteria off. It's not hot all the time, but he'll have extreme temperature spikes when he overheats. Said temperatures will be in a range of 350-800 starting out, and if left untreated, will go from 3500° F all the way up to ??,??? degrees if he doesn't start cooling down, in which case, he will have massive repercussions. (get him some help sldkjsdf)
The wounds themselves are small in nature but easy to see up close as his blood is florescent pink. In the dark it's even easier, as his blood creates a small amount of light. The blood is hot to the touch - not quite boiling, but it'll burn an unprotected human hand.
When Raj is significantly injured, his body heats up even more. This is because in order to heal, the metal his body is made from needs to heat up. This often leads to a self-fulfilling cycle of fighting and heating up too much - Raj is very much a passionate, fire coded character and this reflects in his body, his actions, his abilities, and later on, his magic.
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Did MJ try to make Spidey retire?
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Short answer: Never when she was in character and never unjustifiably!
The number of times I’ve heard people claim this is unbelievable. I’m going to settle this shit once and for all. Feel free to share this with anyone making these claims.
The simplest way to do this would be to run through things chronologically.
Unless anybody can bring up other examples, off the top of my head I can recall only three times before ‘One More Day’ where MJ floated the idea of Peter retiring.
The first time was in ASM #283. However the important context of this is that Peter himself  has already resolved to quit as soon as he is done with his latest case involving his friend Flash Thompson.
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However further important context is that Peter has resolved to retire even earlier in ASM #275 and in that issue it was MJ (after learning his origin story) who encouraged him to NOT quit.
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An issue later she was back to being against his work as Spider-Man.
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However, many issues around this era (which was before  they got married!) depict MJ flip-flopping on her feelings and the reasons why boil down to her being concerned for Peter’s safety.
At which point why is MJ being out of order in desiring him to  retire? She loves this man and doesn’t want him to be hurt but also understands why he does what he does and it’s that fundamental heroism that is a major reason for why she loves him. This is again summed up in Web of Spider-Man #6.
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Next up we have an example of when MJ didn’t  ask Peter to quit. But people always treat it as though she did so we’re going to address it anyway.
It stems from the clusterfuck that was ‘Maximum Carnage’.
Let’s give you that all-important context.
In Spider-Man Unlimited #1 Pete and MJ are attending Harry Osborn’s funeral. Harry died in chronologically the story right before ‘Maximum Carnage’ so this is a very fresh wound; he died merely days earlier.
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Prior to his death, Harry had been waging months of psychological warfare on the Parkers and even tried to kill Peter. His attempt actually almost killed MJ and his own son Normie. During this whole time Harry’s wife (now widow) Liz Allan had been pushed to her wits end too.
As a result Mary Jane is reluctant to talk to Liz.
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Also, for months now (starting with Carnage’s debut actually) MJ had taken up smoking to cope with the stress of their lives, chiefly her concern for Peter’s well-being. This topic and her behaviour at the funeral gets raised when they return home.
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The talk zeroes in on the risks to Peter’s life and how he and MJ got lucky with Harry. MJ asks Peter to take a break for a week or two.
Not retire permanently.
Not take an indefinite hiatus.
Not even take a break for a month or definitely two weeks.
She literally asks for 7-14 Spider-Man free days so they can de-stress and catch their breaths in the wake of a serious crisis and loss.
Peter promises he will.
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Unfortunately Carnage has just broken free of the authorities and formed a gang.
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For the sake of argument let’s say MJ doesn’t know much about Carnage’s cronies. She just knows he has back up.
However, she absolutely knows about Carnage.
As his name implies, is an incredibly lethal foe. You know Venom, that guy who’s famous for being a bigger badder version of Spider-Man? Yeah Carnage is an even more powerful version of that  guy. Spider-Man one-on-one is physically incapable to defeating him and had to team up with Venom to do it. Even then they actually weren’t strong enough to beat him physically because Carnage is stronger than the pair of them combined!
Making matters worse Carnage’s whole body is extremely durable to injury, with blunt force not being the most effective way of fighting him. His forte is being able to quickly generate a large arsenal of sharp edged weapons from his body; think the T-1000.
This skillset is appropriate given how Carnage prior to obtaining any of these super powers was already a highly violent and sadistic serial killer who killed purely for the pleasure of it. How violent and sadistic? 11 life sentences merely for hi known  crimes. That’s how violent and sadistic. And again, this was when he was just a normal guy.
Oh, and on top of all that he doesn’t trigger Peter’s Spider Sense, making him immeasurably more vulnerable to an already overwhelming powerful foe.
He is possibly the single most physically dangerous Spider-Man villain of all!
This isn’t idle little trivia about the character by the way. It is key to his whole concept and was laid out explicitly in his original appearance. In fact, in that first appearance he was so powerful that Peter was helpless and forced to team up with Venom, who lived to kill him!
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Even when backed up by Cloak and Dagger, Spider-Man’s ribs take a pounding from Carnage, Shriek and Doppelganger. It is in this injured state he returns home to a concerned and naturally  upset Mary Jane.
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She then begins an argument with Peter when he tells her he plans on going back out there.
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Let’s sum up so far.
MJ has been stressed for months prior to this to the point where she’s started smoking.
Peter and her nearly died mere days ago because their friend went psycho.
Said friend died in front of them.
Their other friend, his wife (who MJ was naturally going to relate more to since they were both the wives of costumes folks) is now a grieving widow.
MJ’s husband promised her he’d take a break for a little while so they can recover a bit.
Her husband then almost immediately went back on that promise.
His risking his life again against a bad guy who’s all but guaranteed to kill him if he fights him alone.
Last time MJ’s husband beat this guy he did it with the help of a powerful nasty piece of work who wanted to kill him. Even then they only just won. That’s how dangerous Carnage is.
This time Peter is fighting him alone, whilst injured, and Carnage has two  people backing him up.
So if it wasn’t a guarantee that Peter was dead meat before, now she might as well get ahead by planning the funeral.
THAT is the context behind MJ’s rage and desire for Peter to not be Spider-Man temporarily  in this story.
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However, noticeably by the end of the story she’s changed her mind!
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We then jump forward to the ‘Clone Saga’, specifically a mini-series called Spider-Man: the Final Adventure.
The context behind this story was that Peter, upon believing he was a clone and that Ben Reilly was in truth the original Peter Parker, had decided to retire and support a pregnant Mary Jane.
To this end they had both left New York but due to a lab experiment involving Peter’s blood a serial killer had mutated into a spiderlike monster. With no other heroes around Peter suits up again as Spider-Man to the dismay of the heavily pregnant Mary Jane who wants him to NOT do that.
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Is this MJ being not as understanding as she could be, maybe even selfish to some degree?
Is it also Peter being in the wrong too?
Also yes, the story brilliantly points that out.
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But more significantly prior to this story the Parkers had been through Hell.
In less than a year (in-universe):
Peter’s robot parents had turned up pretending to be the genuine articles
They’d betrayed Peter, breaking his heart
Their close friend Harry Osborn had gone mad
Harry and used his knowledge of Peter’s identity to torment the Parkers
Aunt May had gone into a coma
Peter had suffered a mental breakdown
Ben Reilly and other clones had shown up (including clones of Pter’s murdered lover Gwen Stacy)
Aunt May has passed away
Peter was framed for murder
MJ had been targeted for abduction more than once
They’d discovered MJ was pregnant and that the baby might have serious health issues due to Peter’s mutated DNA
Peter was revealed as a clone and had a second mental breakdown
During his mental distress Peter had accidentally smacked MJ across the room
The Jackal had nearly killed everyone on the planet
The Jackal mind controlled Peter into trying to murder MJ
MJ had nearly died due to complications with the pregnancy
That isn’t even everything but all that stuff had been happening across the previous three years of publication alone. And as I said in-universe it was less than a year.
So MJ and Peter had been through a LOT of horrible and stressful things that had put them both on the edge and sometimes over it. Most of that stuff was connected to Peter’s life as Spider-Man that MJ always had mixed feelings about at best. And now after Peter FINALLY retired and their lives were blissfully normal, allowing them to catch their breaths and do some much needed healing, Peter is coming out of retirement…When it isn’t 100% necessary for him to do so.
And all this is happening during MJ’s second or third trimester when she is very obviously heavily pregnant. This often can be a stressful time for pregnant people generally and of course sometimes mood swings occur due to hormones firing all over the place. And MJ is dealing with super powered spider hormones on top of all this. With a baby that is a total lottery because nobody on Earth has ever been pregnant with a half human/half spider powered baby before.
Given that she is dealing with ALL that is it really unreasonable for her to desire for Peter to simply continue to be retired.
She isn’t demanding he give up being a hero.
She is angry and demanding that Peter CONTINUE the choice he already made about giving up.
Which is not the same thing and she was okay with him going back into the hero game after he pregnancy concluded.
Finally we come to the Howard Macke/John Byrne run on Spider-Man where MJ again desired Peter’s retirement.
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Here is the thing, MJ once again was desiring Peter STAY retired as opposed to demanding he outright quit.
Moreover the Mackie/Byrne era was a period where MJ, Peter and other characters were often written incredibly out of character practically systemically. For example Flash Thompson behind Peter’s back literally made fun of the fact that his girlfriend Gwen Stacy and his wife Mary Jane were dead (at the time MJ’s death was faked by a stalker).
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Peter and MJ were actually written in this reductive way back during this run as part of an editorial policy to break up the marriage.
The thinking at the time was to make their relationship unlikable in order to make people glad for when they got rid of it via killing off Mary Jane and leaving Peter single.
So essentially not only was MJ and Peter out of character back during this era but they were literally being sabotaged so readers would hate them.
Between that and how OOC (out of character) the characterizations were back then this by rights should simply not count in any analysis of the characters.
Now, there have been instanced post-OMD of MJ clearly wanting, asking, demanding, etc. for Peter to quit.
But as with the Mackie/Byrne era (or Black Cat from 2009-2018) these are out of character and should not truly count.
So when written in character and when there are not extenuating circumstances (like pregnancies) involved, Mary Jane would actually not ask Peter to quit and never truly has.
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lassieposting · 4 years
Do you have a HC on angel/demon bodies in the Lucifer universe? Like, it seems that the goddess never her own physical body based on what Maze said about when she was in hell. And we know that demons possess humans, but do you think they have their own bodies as well? If they have their own do they leave them behind when possessing? Do you think Maze’s form is her own or did Lucifer allow her to possess a recently deceased human so that she could accompany him to Earth? What about angels?
oh my god i have so many thoughts on this i dont even know how to structure this post, literally this is me rn
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post under the cut because yet again this bitch be ramblin
ok so, starting with the celestials
I’m not gonna elaborate too much on God, because I’m in the middle of writing a fic which elaborates on how I see his body/physical shape working and it would spoil a twist. But a few non-spoilery thoughts: 
- God and Goddess are completely different species, from different universes
- God is - as far as he knows - the last of his kind. The universe he was born in was destroyed by a massive war; his species are naturally peaceful and he had no part in it. 
- His species are immensely powerful; he can cross between universes with ease as an adult, and the ability to create universes is a species talent, not an individual one. They can all do it. They live for billions upon billions of years in deep space, so that’s how they pass the time. 
- He’s naturally telepathic. Goddess is not at all, and the angels inherit this from him but only to a very minor degree - they can sense when another angel is in the area, but can’t actually perceive one another’s thoughts. 
- He doesn’t originally look like us. Not in the slightest. But changing his shape is very easy for him, and he is capable of “modifying” his own internal biology, so he can and does choose to take a human shape - having hands with which to manipulate objects is useful when you’re no longer living in deep space, and being able to communicate verbally is useful when you’re the only major telepath in your (very large) family. 
- Goddess does have a solid, physical form, and she actually has our basic shape too. “Two arms, two legs, a head and a body to hang them on” is a popular evolutionary route in her native universe. 
- Humans and demons, however, don’t have the right eye equipment to see her properly. Humans see in three dimensions, demons in one or two more, but neither species has enough perceivable dimensions or colours to actually make sense of Goddess’ true form. We see her as a blur of light, because that’s all of her that’s visible to us. We’re actually only able to see like, 30% of her and it makes our brains freak out some. 
- Lucifer knows this, but neglected to mention it to Maze when she was torturing Goddess in Hell. He did nothing to defend her when God kicked her out, because he’s smarting over her abandoning him, but at the end of the day she’s his mom and he loves her. He’s the only one in Hell who can see her properly and interact with her physical form, and there’s no way he’s going to actively participate in his mother’s torture. 
Now, I believe “canon” says that the angels were created as adults, but fuck that, because baby angels. 
- The angels were created with wings, but they don’t get their first feathers until they’re toddling, so they’re like weird little naked birds for a bit. 
- They moult every few hundred years while they’re still growing, and they don’t get sharp primaries until they have their adult feathers. Once they’re fully grown, they won’t moult again, but they’ll grow new feathers if the ones they have fall out or are damaged. 
- No one actually knows how long their lifespans are. No angel has ever died of natural causes. But they’re long. The angels Chloe knows are archangels, the oldest, and even though they’re physically full-grown adults they’re barely out of celestial puberty. Tom Ellis plays Lucifer as having the emotional maturity and worldview of a teenager. Amenadiel is the overtired early-20-something having to live away from home for the first time. 
- Their abilities are genetic - they were born with them and have a chance of passing them on to any nephilim they create - and they start manifesting around the toddler stage. 
- The toddler stage is fun, actually. Way worse than the terrible twos for humans. Their first set of feathers come in which is itchy, they’re teething, they can talk enough to be defiant, they’re climbing up/falling off everything, their powers start developing, they’re clingy, and the tantrums are spectacular. 
meanwhile, in hell
in my headcanon, hell is home to three classes of demons:
- the oldest, most dangerous and rarest creatures in Hell. They did not create the dimension Hell is located in, but they did shape the landscape and were the original rulers of the dimension.
- the original users of what demons call magic. lucifer learned some of this during his time in hell - illusions, levitating his pentecostal coin, his desire ability, the fine art of binding someone with a deal and get yourself out of any situation with a loophole. 
- the eldritches feature prominently in my fic but have absolutely nothing (as far as I know) to do with canon - the only reason I’m including them here is because my personal headcanon is that Lucifer’s angelic gift is his light. His “hypno eye thing” is something he learned while he was in Hell. he wasn’t lying with what he said to chloe - it’s a gift from a god, but not a gift from his father, god. 
- these demons have no human DNA at all. 
- they’re older than the lilim, and more physically powerful, but they’re less adept at magic (glamours, for example) and mind games. 
- hellborn demons look nothing like humans. they might not be bipedal at all; leviathan is a giant sea serpent. spines, extra jaws, multiple sets of teeth, a ridiculous number of limbs, too many or too few joints, no eyes at all, exoskeletons etc are all perfectly normal demon traits.  
- those that have eyes are red, yellow or black. my hc of hell is inspired by the very deep ocean though, so it’s just as common to have no eyes and a superior sense of smell, or electroreception, or sonar, instead. 
- they can learn to glamour, but they still wouldn’t look right. there would be something subtly off about them, something in the mind of any human looking at them screaming at them to run. they’re the basis of those horror stories where someone looks just a little wrong; they don’t blink enough, or seem to have too many teeth, or they walk wrong. 
- they’re more durable than lilim demons. short of a celestial, an eldritch or a bomb, nothing stops these fuckers. they can come back from insane injuries that would absolutely kill most life forms. if you leave one critically injured but don’t finish it off and make sure, chances are it won’t die. it’ll crawl off and recuperate and come back for you later. 
- the lilim are the descendents of lilith and, as such, they have human DNA. the closer their link to lilith, the more human they appear - maze, for example, is almost entirely human in appearance except for one half of her face. the more distant the link to lilith, the less human DNA they have, and the less human they appear. 
- really common lilim traits: claws, fangs, scales, horns
- almost all lilim have the human body shape and facial features arrangement, so they’re bipedal with two eyes, a nose and a single mouth. yellow, red and black are all pretty standard demon eye colours, but lilith’s eyes are white and her children tend to inherit them. the more diluted her blood gets, the less likely a child will have her white eyes.
- with practice, the lilim can glamour their demon features and pass undetected among humans, unless they choose to reveal their real face.  their physical strength, speed and heightened senses remain the same even under a glamour. 
- because of their human ancestry, lilim demons don’t need to possess a dead human body. but it’s a lot more convenient. to leave Hell in your own body, you need to a) leave through the front gate and b) have a way of generating enough energy to shunt you across the divide between dimensions. for maze, this was lucifer; he carried her out of Hell. but she can’t return (or get out) without him. God, Goddess or any of the eldritch abominations would also have that level of power. 
- plus, like. with a dead human body, you can take as much damage as you like or commit as many atrocities as you fancy and just change your body when you’re done. you don’t need to be careful of injury or worry about sustenance. and you don’t have to compete with anyone else in the same head, which is a vast improvement over possessing someone living.
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name: Erik Lehnsherr
alias: Magneto
age: 43
face claim: Michael Fassbender
pronouns: he/him
biography: https://xmenmovies.fandom.com/wiki/Magneto
Because it’s so much easier then typing it all out lol
Magnetic Force-Fields: Magneto usually protects himself with a personal force field that he can quickly expand to protect large areas. His force field has withstood the effects of multiple nuclear weapons, volcanic eruptions, the depths of space and attacks from multiple Avengers or X-Men, including Phoenix, Thor though not galactus.
Magnetic Flight: Magneto is also capable of sustaining flight for very long distances and at varying speeds. He apparently has several means by which he achieves flight, one of which is by gliding along the planet's natural magnetic lines of force, another by simply creating a repulsive force between himself and the planet, propelling himself thus. By using his magnetic powers, Magneto can virtually travel at trans-light speeds; however, in order to travel in space, Magneto also requires his force field to breathe.
Magnetic Pulse: Magneto has the ability to focus magnetic energy into an extremely powerful concussive blast, which can be utilised for various purposes.
Matter Manipulation: Magneto is able to manipulate matter even to the subatomic level for a number of purposes. This might explain why he is not limited to objects with metallic properties and is able to manipulate objects with non-metallic properties like wood, stone, plastics, etc. to such a degree. This is due to the electromagnetic force which exits between atoms and other subatomic particles.
Electromagnetic Sight: By concentrating, Magneto can perceive the world around himself as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. He can perceive the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings and percieve their current physical and mental condition.
Metallic Bonding: Magneto has recently presented the power to atomically bond metallic substances to any designated surface material. This newly developed technique allows Magneto to blend metallic alloys with the earth, water, and air (HoM).
Organic Iron Manipulation: Magneto can control the traces of iron within organic matter, which allows him to have full control over an opponent's body. He can manipulate the iron-enriched blood-flow to one's brain to induce aneurysms or unconsciousness, alter thoughts and perceptions, or blank a person's mind completely. He can even remove ferrous compounds from the bloodstream entirely through a person's skin. Magneto has used his magnetic abilities to extract the Adamantium bonded to Wolverine's biomolecular skeletal structure. Through this ability, he is also able to save people who are injured by metal, e.g. bullets.
Geomagnetic Link: Magneto is tied very closely to Earth's EM Field. As is it affected, so is he. He knows instinctively all that happens to it, and with this link, is granted an odd sort of immortality. The Earth lends him strength by its simple existence. He draws on it all unconsciously.
Superhuman Strength: Under normal conditions, Magneto possesses the physical strength of a well-conditioned athlete. However, he can channel vast amounts of magnetic energy through his body for the purpose of granting himself vast superhuman strength which limits are unknown. Whatever those limits might be, he is ultimately able to lift far in excess of 100 tons with ease.
Superhuman Stamina: As a result of increasing his strength, he dramatically increases the overall efficiency of his musculature. While magnetically enhanced, his muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. Magneto can exert himself physically for up to at least a few days before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood starts to impair him.
Superhuman Durability: Under normal conditions, Magneto possesses the physical durability of a well conditioned athlete. However, he can channel vast amounts of magnetic energy through his body for the purpose of granting himself vast superhuman durability, to the point he can shrug off punches to the face from super humans such as Namor and Colossus while weakened and remain unharmed.
Superhuman Reflexes: He naturally possesses enhanced reflexes. He can further enhance this reflexes with magnetic energy, to the point he can pluck out of the air with his hand, superhumans as swift and fast as the likes of Northstar with ease.
Superhuman Speed- By using magnetic propolsion Magneto is capable of reaching superhuman speeds very easily whether if he is Earth bound or not.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation: Although Magneto's primary power is Magnetism, he has an extensive ability to project or manipulate any form of energy that is related to the electromagnetic spectrum. He can fire and absorb bolts of electricity and magnetic force, reverse lasers and other forms of radiation or energy, create enough intense heat as infrared radiation to level a city, manipulate gravity, and become invisible by deflecting visible light around his body. Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which also includes visible light, radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma rays and x-rays -- Magneto can project any of these. Magneto has demonstrated the capacity to produce a wormhole, and to safely teleport himself and others by means of the wormhole.
Astral Projection (Possibly Formerly): Magneto has occasionally been said to be able to manifest an astral projection of himself. However, like all formerly attributed psychic powers, this has been retconned out of existence at least once, and hasn't been used by Magneto since the "Silver Age" (chronologically speaking), possibly implying any such abilities were lost during his regression to childhood by Mutant Alpha.
Telepathic Resistance: Magneto has trained himself extensively for fighting telepaths, and is resistant to all but the strongest telepathic attack. This training is similar to that given to the X-Men and New Mutants by Professor X, although the effects are further augmented with the aid of his helmet (see below), and additionally his own Electromagnetic powers which has shown evidence of countering, dampening and even outright stopping any form of telepathy. Additionally, Magneto is possessed of a strong will, which also aids him in resisting telepathic assaults.
Genius-level Intellect: A mastermind, Magneto is a genius within various scientific fields. He is an expert on genetic engineering and mutation, with knowledge far beyond that of contemporary science. He can mutate humans in order to give them superhuman powers, instill genetic mind-control, create adult clones of human beings, and then manipulate the genetic structures of these clones during their development. He has designed magnetically-powered aircraft and spacecraft, complex robots and computers, and magnetically-powered generators and created artificial living beings, space stations said to possess technology even Reed Richards would envy, and machines capable of nullifying mutant powers within a radius of several miles.
Military Training: Magneto is a skilled strategist and has more than a rudimentary knowledge of hand-to-hand combat.
Excellent Strategist: Magneto is an excellent strategist, both in actual battles and games of chess.
Physical Condition: Magneto's ability to wield his superhuman powers effectively is dependent upon his physical condition. When severely injured, his body is unable to withstand the strain of manipulating great amounts of energy. When his powers are not at their peak, he also appears to have greater difficulty controlling forces other than magnetism. There is a possibility that Magneto simply has a genetic predisposition to magnetism that simply makes it easy for him to manipulate it. He is also susceptible to physical and mental fatigue that can ultimately affect his ability to adequately use his powers.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“Somehow, I figured the coming of the lord would be a little more auspicious.” - Apollo
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Sun King
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Unique Physiology
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Solar Depletion
Vulnerability to Extreme Temperature Changes
Photosphere of Earth
The Carrier
Universe: Wildstorm Universe
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: 
The Carrier
Eye of the Storm
Parents: Peter Desmond; father
Marital Status: Married (Midnighter; husband)
Occupation: Soldier
First Appearance: StormWatch Vol 2 #4 (February, 1998)
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Unique Physiology
Solar Absorption: Apollo's powers are dependent on the Sun needing only exposure or access to sunlight to activate. Apollo's body behaves more like a battery as his powers are far more directly dependent on the sun.
Flight: He can fly at great speeds. He has been shown to easily cross the entire globe in less than 30 Seconds.
Self-Sustenance: Apollo does not require food or drink as his body is entirely sustained by his solar energy. He can survive in anaerobic environments indefinitely.
Invulnerability: He has walked and survived in the Sun without any sign of discomfort and has been able to easily enter a lava flow to deactivate a volcano.
Accelerated Healing: Apollo can be injured by the depletion of his solar energy reserves. While he is still durable, he is susceptible to physical damage. When presented with solar energy his wounds heal within a matter of minutes if not seconds normally.
Heat Vision: His eyes are constructed to channel solar energy into laser like blasts, literally concentrated sunlight. The limit of his "laser vision" has not been discovered but it is so powerful that he has scorched the entire surface of the Moon without any effort.
Energy Projection: Apollo can also release his solar energy from other parts of his body like his hands or omnidirectionally from his entire body.
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Strength
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Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Leadership: Apollo was the leader of a black ops StormWatch team.
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Solar Depletion: Apollo can drain himself through overuse of his powers since living on the Carrier does not provide him with a constant exposure to solar energy. However, even when drained he will be able to fly after 20 seconds in direct sunlight, though it would take him 2 hours to be at full charge. This can be somewhat circumvented by transporting into close proximity to the sun. He may weaken, but it's in the same vein as an athlete who has exhausted himself, rather than a car that has literally no fuel left to function. He is still nearly invulnerable, and very strong. Apollo will die if he completely depletes his solar stores, and his strength/resilience drop accordingly when weakened to the point where he's essentially normal. It has been seen that his power can be easily depleted when he is blocked off from solar energy when it has no way at all to reach him and he expends energy. The signs of this are he becomes increasingly withered and aged.
Vulnerability to Extreme Temperature Changes: Apollo's powers can be heavily affected by extreme temperature changes, like hitting him with a blast of enhanced liquid nitrogen which quick cooled Apollo robbing him of much of his solar power as all the heat in his body had been rabidly evaporated into sweat.
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Photosphere of Earth
The Carrier
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Apollo was a former U.S. soldier and the leader of a black ops StormWatch team so secret that no-one but the first Weatherman, Henry Bendix, knew of its existence. Apollo was a normal human, bio-engineered by Bendix to have fantastic abilities including super-strength, heat vision, and a high degree of invulnerability. Apollo derives his power from solar energy, and becomes vulnerable to attack when that energy is depleted.
Of the seven-member team, only Apollo and Midnighter, Apollo's future husband, survived. Due to circumstances surrounding the mission, they went rogue and spent the next five years fighting undercover for a finer world in the alleyways of America.
After Bendix's fall in 1998, Christine Trelane discovered files hinting at the existence of Apollo and The Midnighter. Jackson King, formerly Battalion, now the new Weatherman, ordered them found, not sure if they were heroes or villains. Apollo and Midnighter were tracking weapons made in the "Nevada Garden", a leftover of the first Engineer. He ordered Fahrenheit and Hellstrike to tag them with fetishes so they could be transported into SkyWatch. At first, Apollo and Midnighter attacked the StormWatch team, believing them under Bendix's orders. However, they ceased the attack once they were told Bendix was dead. With King's help, they destroyed the Nevada Garden, and Trelane gave them new lives away from Stormwatch.
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The Authority
In 1999, Jenny Sparks convinced both Apollo and The Midnighter to come out of retirement to join a new team, dubbed The Authority. The Authority distinguished itself from other super-human teams in that it answered to no governing body or external authority, such as the United Nations. Rather, for the first time, these were super-humans fighting for a better world on their own initiative.
Throughout the course of their membership in the Authority, Apollo and Midnighter's relationship was revealed further. Apollo also developed a friendship with Jennifer Sparks, who felt comfortable confiding in him.
On December 31, 1999, Jennifer Sparks died. Her spirit was reincarnated in an infant girl born the next day in Singapore. As soon as the child was identified, a bloody battle broke out between competing forces--including The Authority--for control of the child, code-named Jennifer Quantum. Apollo was severely beaten in the course of the battle. After the battle, the Commander raped Apollo. Consequently, the Midnighter gored the Commander with a jackhammer.
When the Authority battled a renegade Doctor, a powerful shaman who usurped the powers of the Authority's Doctor and ended up regretting his crimes and repenting, Apollo fried him to a crisp with his eye-beams.
When Seth Cowie defeated and captured the entire team, Apollo was depowered and kept on board the Authority's Carrier which was then used by the G-7 nation's Authority. The Authority's replacements were, in reality, government lapdogs and were cruel, homicidal and masochistic. Apollo was used as a punching bag by two of the villains, Teuton and Last Call, who were his and Midnighter's respective replacements. Teuton almost raped him before the Midnighter appeared and shot Apollo's assailant through the back of his skull. Apollo then fried the head of Midnighter's replacement and later did the same to The Machine, who had taken the powers of Apollo's friend the Engineer. After having killing the G7 Authority and the miserable defeat of Seth Cowie, Apollo and Midnighter were married and adopted Jenny Quantum. From this point on, Apollo was referred to as The Midnighter's husband, and vice versa.
Apollo participated in the beating of Kevin Hawkins, an SAS agent and rampant homophobe. Apollo had forgiven Kev for actually killing the Authority in the past but this was one step too far.
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Human on the Inside
The U.S. President ordered an assault on The Authority which resulted in doubts, depression, and human foibles overcoming them. The Midnighter kissed another man, but when he confessed this to Apollo, Apollo became enraged and struck him, sending him through a wall. This is the first time that Apollo and The Midnighter became physically violent with each other.
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Coup D'Etat & Revolution
Following a deadly mistake by US leaders, Authority team leader Jack Hawksmoor decided that the time had come to remove the US executive branch and run the country their way. The takeover went smoothly, but the occupation did not go as planned. Shadowy forces intervened to destroy the Authority and put corporate interests back in power.
During this Apollo and Midnighter were sent to raid the base of Stormwatch: Team Achilles, but they found it booby-trapped. After narrowly escaping with their lives, their next mission was to eliminate the US military's super-human training camp. Midnighter returned with the declaration that the program was "Not so special."
The Midnighter received a revelation about the future which compelled him to leave The Authority, permanently. He left Apollo and Jenny Quantum without an explanation and returned to the underground. Following a humiliating nuclear incident in Washington, DC, Hawksmoor resigned as President of the US and announced elections. The Authority disbanded. From 2005 to 2008, Apollo raised Jenny alone in San Francisco, under the watchful eye of the US Government.
When Jenny was eight years old, a series of events propelled her to take matters into her own hands and rebuild the team. She caused herself to jump in age to fourteen, precipitating a verbal confrontation with her father, Apollo. With Apollo's support, she set about to round up the surviving members of The Authority, including The Midnighter. In a painful moment between Jenny, Apollo, and Midnighter, Jenny told Midnighter that she was "the product of a broken home."
In the battle that followed, Henry Bendix revealed that he had gained control over The Midnighter through a Trojan Horse strategy which delivered nanites into Midnighter's body. The Midnighter then fought Apollo and Jenny. Midnighter told Apollo that he must kill him if he got the chance, but Apollo refused. Midnighter, with the aid of a device stolen from Dr. Krigstein's laboratory, defeated Apollo in battle, but Jenny was able to engage Midnighter long enough that the Engineer could remove the mind-control implants and restore Midnighter.
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Apollo battled Captain Atom and his allies in a attempt to stop the destruction of the Wildstorm universe. He killed Grifter in the battle by incinerating his head, but he was later killed by Captain Atom in retaliation. Aftewards, Void recreated the Wildstorm universe, and Apollo lived on.
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While recharging himself, he was taken down by U.S. Military forces during his attempt to aid injured people in Afghanistan.
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World's End
During the events of World's End, Apollo was separated from Midnighter and the rest of the Authority when a thick layer of smog covered the Earth, preventing sunlight from reaching the surface. Apollo was forced to remain in the photosphere to absorb the radiation he needed to survive, visiting the surface in brief periods to help the team. While on the surface, environmental conditions sapped his powers, giving him a gaunt appearance and limiting his ability to fight.
He was later infected by the Warhol Fever, a super power-inducing virus, that evolved and became sentient by incubating in his body. Claiming to be "The Burn", the virus overrode his mind and attempted to escape into The Bleed. The Authority was forced to put Apollo in suspended animation, frozen and in an anaerobic room to keep the infection from spreading.
When Kaizen Gamorra and his forces attacked the Carrier and stole its technologies, Apollo was released into Gamorra Tower from the rest of Gamorra island, causing pure havoc. Apollo confronted Kaizen and killed him by incinerating his head. Apollo was sealed inside Gamorra Tower and the entire building was dropped into the Norwegian Trench so The Burn would go dormant in the cold environment.
Apollo was subsequently cured of his infection after Midnighter traveled to Scotland where he stopped a mad Habib Bin Hassan and was given an apple by Gaia Rothstein that cleansed Apollo's infection. The couple finally embraced after a long time. He and his husband later decided to stay on Earth after the Carrier left the planet, subsequently separating from the Authority, as Apollo's life depended on Earth's sun. Both Apollo and Midnighter then helped the heroes of Earth in battling the Knights of Khera, in which Apollo fought the Majestic-level Sebastian and was beaten when the Kheran warlord punched him to a un-sunlit Wales. Fortunately, he was teleported out of Wales by Stormwatch technician Link over five miles above the North Pole where he was fully recharged and able to destroy the Kheran's terraforming machines.
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Fun Facts
Apollo is gay and married to The Midnighter and is the adoptive father of Jenny Quantum.
Apollo is the confidant to the Engineer, like his relationship with Jenny Sparks. He would tease her, calling her his 'fag hag'.
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tf-imagines · 5 years
May I please have tfp cons headcannons with a female human s/o who wrestles and always has her wrists wrapped (secretly for aesthetic purposes, but she won't admit that)?
- Megatron finds your sport of choice to be interesting.
- He admires your physical strength and determination, vaguely reminded of his days as a gladiator.
- However he is concerned for your wellbeing since that is surely a dangerous sport for humans, who seem to get hurt so easily. He doesn’t think you’re weak, he knows you’re plenty strong and capable, he just would rather not see you hurt.
- When he sees your wrists are wrapped so much, he worried that it is due to injury and will ask if you’ve been hurt, much more gentle with you for a while.
- If you ever do admit it is just aesthetic, he’ll relax and leave you be with it. So long as you’ll tell him if you are genuinely hurt.
- Starscream honestly thinks wrestling is...kind of barbaric, even if he is not totally above a similar scuffle if the situation calls for it in a battle
- He dotes over you when you’re hurt, worried that you might have further injury than you’re letting on to avoid him trying to make you stop
- He of course admires your strength, but sometimes wishes you could find a better way to show it off than willingly fighting people
- Having your wrists constantly bandaged does worry him to a degree, but just reassure him that you aren’t hurt, you might need to prove it by picking something up without showing any signs of pain, and he’ll leave it be
- Once Soundwave finds out what you do, he will scour the internet for videos and further information on it to have a better understanding
- He is fascinated by humans durability and stubbornness, how much damage they can take while continuing to fight
- He discovers that most televised wrestling has some amount of pre-planning so you aren’t likely to get too seriously injured, which helps to calm some of his worry
- But he still dotes over you and makes sure that you aren’t hurt after each match
- He realizes the wrapping is mostly aesthetic pretty quickly, since it seems to be a trend amongst wrestlers, but might still very carefully check your wrists from time to time to ensure they aren’t actually hurt
- Knockout has mixed feelings regarding your wrestling
- On one hand, it’s an impressive display of human capabilities and shows how strong and durable you are
- On the other hand, this puts you in danger of being hurt in ways he may not be able to help with, which he doesn’t like
- However he still lets you continue, not trying to dissuade you. At the same time though, if you ask his opinion of your sport of choice, he’ll be honest and tell you what he does and doesn’t like about it
- He gets really worried when he first notices that your wrists are wrapped, worried that you did it because of an injury instead of purely aesthetic
- Once you calm him from his panic and reassure him that no, your wrists aren’t broken, he’ll try to just accept it as something you do and go on with his life
- Every now and then though, he’ll do a surprise check up to make sure you aren’t hiding injuries from him. It isn’t that he doesn’t trust you to tell him, it’s that he’s worried and wants to reassure himself, and make sure that you don’t think he doesn’t care for your wellbeing.
- Breakdown absolutely loves wrestling, without a doubt
- Due to how ‘in your face’ his fighting style is, he might even try to learn some of the wrestling movies on TV to try and incorporate in his fighting, though it’s hard to do because of his large metallic frame.
- He is a little worried about your safety when you wrestle, but he’s ok so long as you don’t break anything. Scrapes and bruises, ok no big deal, it happens, it’s like scratches and dents for him. A nuisance, no real damage.
- If you break anything though, he panics and takes you to knockout to make sure you’re ok, treating you like glass for fear of making things worse
- He thinks your wrist wrappings look really cool, and might honestly wish he could do it himself to add to the intimidation factor, but again...doesn’t exactly translate from organic to Cybertronian
- He trusts that you’d tell him if your wrists were hurt, so he doesn’t ask more than once, and all he’d ask was why you do it. He’d accept even a measly shrug as a response, and leave it at that
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clonedspider · 5 years
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☾ — KAINE PARKER/SCARLET SPIDER is here! HE has found themselves wandering about new gotham attempting to find their place in this challenging world. they were once a ANTI-HERO who used to be associated with NEW WARRIORS/SPIDERFAM/SOLO.
hope they make it in this world.
the basics —
NAME: kaine parker
ALIASES: scarlet spider, houston’s spider-man, araña escarlata, 
AGE: 19
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: doesn’t have one & gemini
MBTI: entj
FACECLAIM: noah centineo
a deeper look —
FAMILY: miles warren (creator/father), peter parker (genetic template/brother), ben reilly (fellow clone/brother), may parker (aunt), spidercide (fellow clone, deceased), guardian (fellow clone, deceased), jack (fellow clone, deceased), spider-skeleton (fellow clone, deceased)
AFFILIATION: new warriors, spiderfam, solo
THREE FAVORITE THINGS: drinking cheap beer, swinging through the busy streets for several hours, sleeping in past noon
THREE HATED THINGS: his “father”, computers, being called a hero
EDUCATION: possesses memories of peter’s education
SKILLS: HAND-TO HAND COMBAT: uses an unusual type of free-style technique similar to that of spider-man, but has no qualms against fighting in a more brutal style MULTILINGUAL: can speak english, spanish, and japanese   KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMISTRY.
WEAPONS: a blade that extends out of each wrist of his suit
ABILITIES: MARK OF KAINE: has a deformity in his hands. he can leave a severe burn mark on a person by making skin-to-skin contact with them. he typically leaves this mark across a person's face, though it is presumed he can do the same to other parts of the body. non-offensive usage of this power allows Kaine to easily burn his long hair (along with his beard) to a shorter length without burning himself in the process. ORGANIC WEBBING GENERATION: the ability to produce his own silk webbing from glands within his forearms. PSYCHIC ALIGNMENT WITH SPIDERS: a method of creating a psychic alignment to become empathetic and develop a relationship with spiders and insects. essentially talking to them. IMMUNE TO SPIDER-MAN’S SPIDER-SENSE: due to their sharing the same dna, spider-man's spider-sense recognizes kaine as "self.” SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH: able to lift up to 60 tons. his strength extends into his powerful leg muscles, allowing him to leap heights and distances in excess of human capability. kaine generally has no restraints on using his super-strength against enemies with typical human durability, and as such, is capable of severely injuring enemies with normal attacks. SUPERHUMAN SPEED: capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. SUPERHUMAN STAMINA: kaine's augmented musculature is much more efficient than that of a normal human being. as a result, his muscles produce lesser amounts of fatigue toxins during physical activity than do those of ordinary humans. he can exert himself physically at peak capacity for at least several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him. SUPERHUMAN DURABILITY: his bodily tissues are resistant to powerful impact or blunt force trauma. he can withstand impacts, such as falling from several stories, being repeatedly struck with superhuman force or by several powerful energy blasts, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no injury himself. REGENERATIVE HEALING FACTOR: his physiology was augmented with a limited healing factor. SUPERHUMAN AGILITY: kaine's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. in spite of his increased size and mass, kaine is still just as agile as spider-man. SUPERHUMAN REFLEXES: reflexes are similarly enhanced and are more efficient than those of an ordinary human by a factor of fifteen. WALL-CRAWLING: able to stick to virtually any surface and crawl across it. his mental control over this ability has been increased to such a degree, he can rip a wall down just by tugging at it hard enough with his palms.
the questionnaire —
kaine doesn’t care about seeing otht creatures around, not feeling like he has the right to make such judgments. he likes that being in new gotham is another chance to live an actual life. he had been through a lot of traumatic events, and never actually got the chance to enjoy the life he has been given. nobody expects anything from him here in this city which is perfect to blend in. he doesn’t think his life will ever be normal, always convincing himself to help out someone in need. he can just be kaine here if he wanted to. which is all the boy needs. kaine was created in a test tube somewhere in new york, but after making his escape from his creator after being rejected — the clone settled in houston, texas. he didn’t plan on staying there, but they had been so excited about having their own hero that eventually kaine stayed until the change happened. so yes, he does have a southern accent.
kaine doesn’t trust anyone except a select few. it’s just part of his thing. his list of people he lowers his guard around is small — ben and peter being at the top of the list and any other members of the spiderfam that his brothers seem to trust. he has been rejected, and ridiculed for being made so he doesn’t know how to figure out who‘s actually being genuine with their kindness. he’ll get there, just be patient with him. kaine may be suspicious of strangers and their intentions, but he’s a good friend.
he was in bed when everything happened, passed out in his scarlet spider suit after helping out the local police on a case. he’s just kind of following around ben wherever he goes for now far as living arrangements go. 
origin —
kaine is a clone of peter parker.
he was miles warren’s first attempt at cloning peter. the jackal initially thought it was a success, but kaine would become deformed due to a flaw in the cloning process. the boy would continue to degenerate — he was left deformed and mentally unstable.
the jackal allows the clone to live as a test subject. he wanted to see how long kaine would survive, and to his surprise ends up exceeding his expectations.
kaine grows to experience a strong feeling of rejection similar to one that would arise between a father and son. miles warren tries to dispose of the clone by throwing him into the trash heap of his other failed experiments. kaine ends up escaping of course, which made all the other clones in the facility happy to see. the spider developed some of peter’s abilities, but also some of his own.
for a long time kaine believes that he didn’t deserve to have a life for himself. he didn’t know how to have one. he felt broken, angry, and like a monster.
kaine made a decision to settle down in mexico, but ended up living in houston, texas instead. every time he tried to leave something pulled him into staying. the civilians are who started calling him the SCARLET SPIDER. he was their first hero — much to the clone’s hatred of that word. he tries to live up to what peter has done, but it’s a work in progress.
eventually kaine came across a cure that stabilized his dna. he was no longer deformed, and looks like the perfect clone of peter. miles warren continues to see kaine as a disappointment after this, still thinking that the clone deserves to stay in the trash heap.
he has a tattoo that wraps around his entire left bicep, and he stands tall at six foot four.
equipment —
kaine’s scarlet spider costume is known as a stealth suit. it allows him to become completely invisible and capable of sound cancelling abilities. the suit is also fireproof, and can heal itself when torn. there’s also a blade that can come out of the wrists of the suit which come in handy in hand-to-hand combat. he brought his suit with him since he was wearing it at the time when brought over.
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jennysmash · 5 years
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NAME/NICKNAMES: Jennifer Walters / Jenny / Jen etc. ALIAS: “She-Hulk” AGE: 30 PREFERRED PRONOUNS: She/Her AFFILIATION: N/A (for now) FACECLAIM: Kylie Bunbury
(lowkey fun fact info)
FAMILY: Sheriff Morris Walters (dad), Elaine Banner-Walters (deceased); Bruce Banner (cousin) THREE FAVORITE THINGS: Kicking ass in court, kicking ass out of court and a large caramel cream frappacino! EDUCATION: Juris Doctor Law Degree from UCLA; Master of Law at Harvard SKILLS:
Expert Attorney: Extremely intelligent, the She-Hulk is a skilled and experienced lawyer. She has won many cases proving various civilians, costumed heroes, and even villains innocent.
Law Degree: Jennifer attended UCLA School of Law, where she was a member of the Order of the Coif, a national merit society for top legal scholars. Walters has also attended Harvard Law School; though details are not provided, it is probable that she earned a master of laws (LL.M.) degree at Harvard to complement her juris doctor (J.D.) degree from UCLA. She has shown great versatility in her legal practice, representing criminal defendants, corporations, and even domestic violence victims.
Capable Combatant: As both Jen and She-Hulk!
Walters knows American Sign Language.
WEAPONS: she is the weapon… ABILITIES:
Physical Transformation: Into the one & only She-Hulk! (Her frame also gains another 9 inches in height and 560 lbs of muscle and bone tissue).
Superhuman Strength: As She-Hulk, she is proportionally stronger than her Jennifer Walters form. This means that any extra strength gains as Jennifer Walters through intense physical training will be amplified, making her She-Hulk form that much stronger. 
Superhuman Speed: Due, at least partially, to the great muscular strength and development of her leg muscles, she is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: She-Hulk's highly advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. She can exert herself at peak capacity for about 48 hours before fatigue begins to impair her performance.
Superhuman Durability: In addition to her strength, She-Hulk possesses a high degree of resistance to injury. Her skin is capable of withstanding tremendous pressures, temperatures from -190 F to 3,000 F, falls from great heights, field-artillery canon shells, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining any injury.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's extremely high resistance to injury, it is possible to injure her. However, she is capable of rapidly regenerating injuries that result in great tissue damage and blood loss within a matter of minutes. However, she is not capable of regenerating missing limbs or organs. She-Hulk's highly efficient metabolism renders her immune to all drugs and toxins as well as total immunity to all known Earthly diseases.
Jenny had been heavily debating on whether or not she should be putting her greener foot forward on a more full-time schedule but with Bruce back on planet Earth to save the day... And that he did, BTW. All the Avengers did which was a good thing and kinda made her feel less guilty about not actively participating like that. Besides, who would have came up with the plan that they did to get the world back together? Not she. 'Wild enough to work' is her M.O but whatever, didn't matter. Point is, there was a rest of the world to help re-build afterwards in her own way. She stuck mostly to the legal sides of things, helping out a lot in victim support and doing what she could in her free time to help wherever else with the big rebuild. She traveled a lot for work, did her best to live life to the fullest and connect with as many people as she could; you never know when half the population is gonna get dusted, right? She may have done some crime fighting out of the New York area but that's a Buzzfeed Unsolved "European Hulk Rip-Off" Speculation article for another day. She got good with feeling herself as both Jennifer and She-Hulk (one in the same, really) and clung tightly to the fact that the world already had Bruce AKA The Incredible Hulk.
During The Snap*TM*, Jen was on a flight back from Glasgow, Scotland when the pilot and a number of passengers on her flight literally dusted away. Thankfully, the co-pilot made the cut and the plane made its landing but chaos quickly ensued. She had been moving, working constantly since landing back in L.A. as her then-office had been trying to sort through the dusted witnesses and convicts and staff… It’s was a lot. The WiFi was not reliable, for one. Five years is a long time to re-adjust and make sure that the whole world didn't collapse in on itself but she did her best from where she could. Even with half the good and bad gone, people still needed lawyers and witness protection and a safe place to run to. Jennifer learned that she was resilient but that whole 'roll with punches' attitude could weigh down on you. Feeling the loss of half the world, of her friends, her whole life... Yeah, not something she wanted. Big nope. But they won, right? At the end of it all, the good guys won.
Um, WTF? First of all... Can the Earth catch a break, just once, maybe? Like, can it just not? Needless to say, this wasn't how she'd expected to spend her next two weeks thus far. Still though, resilient. She can take care of herself, obviously (not that she'd packed one of those She-Hulk tailored #fab outfits with her, for one) but WTF? Maybe this is it, right? The universe is telling her that it's time to take action. Avenge. Or... Whatever the motto is, she doesn't know. Basically, if she doesn't get eaten by a dinosaur, it'll be a good day!
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Jennifer Walters was born and raised in L.A with a loving yet slightly overbearing father (who also just so happened to be the LAPD Sheriff) and her sweet, soft mother who was also a former dancer. She was showered with nothing but love and encouragement growing up as she bounced from hobby to hobby and big dream to big dream. Of course she always wanted to be just like her mom who was her whole world and then some so she took up dance lessons as soon as she could. A part of her loved it, really but the other part just…didn’t feel the way her mom had always described it. There was no magic. But it made her mom happy, coming to shows and recitals and reminiscing about her own career so Jen kept at it. Until she didn’t. Until her mom was running late to a recital one day and a drunk driver came out of nowhere and t-boned her car. She never stood a chance.
After, Jen quit dance and her dad did everything he could to fill her mom’s expensive and impractical shoes. He did his best but she learned how to look out for herself and him. She also learned that there’s no use in pretending that you want something or like something if your heart isn’t completely in it. So when she wants something, she goes after it. When she feels something, she says it and when she knows that she’s right, well, you’re never gonna win that argument.
Her dad thought he’d escaped his worst nightmare of her joining the police force like him- putting herself into a line of fire- when she graduated from UCLA with a law degree and glowing recommendations. He was mistaken. A rising, private attorney with a recklessness she couldn’t quite control and a knack for taking on the dangerous ones, Jen wasn’t exactly pushing papers behind a desk. Tenacious as ever, she quickly made a name and reputation for herself in and out of the court room so when she took on a notorious gangster who had agreed to turn state’s evidence against an even more notorious crime boss; she knew she could handle it.
And she did right up until she got shot defending her client. That might have been the end of it all too if her cousin Bruce Banner hadn’t been in town. She hadn’t known, hadn’t seen how he’d managed to fend off her attackers at the time but it all made sense after. Losing blood and pretty sure that big old white light was coming her way, there’d been no time to get her to a hospital. So Bruce- a legit doctor, thankfully- did what he had to do to save her life (a fact she’s had to drill into his thick skull plenty of times). Giving her a blood transfusion, who’d have known just what Bruce had passed onto her. At least green had always been her colour.
Jen didn’t find out that she was capable of sprouting up and out to 6′7 (formerly 5′6 out of heels), 700lbs until said crime boss’ thugs attempted a second hit on her life. The danger to her life caused the gamma radiation particles in the transfused blood to activate and thus She-Hulk was born. Finding it in herself not to literally smash those assholes into the ground, she left them for the police to find and with the emergency over, reverted back to Jennifer Walters, attorney at law.
Now, unlike her emo cousin Bruce (who she loves), Jen didn’t take too long to come to terms with She-Hulk slash herself (actually, being her was pretty damn sensational) meaning that now when she goes green, she’s still Jen. Same voice, same diction- she’s just had to have a few fab outfits very customized for her. Saying that, she doesn’t have anywhere near the level of notoriety and fame as The Hulk, given she’s kept her green side mostly a secret, using it on the DL for her more dangerous cases which she took more and more of post-hulking.
Traveling a lot, as much as she can, for work Jennifer stuck to calls, texts and snapchatting Bruce pics of Hulk merchandise with a hilarious ‘dat u’ captions which he is yet to appreciate but whatever. She’s kept up with his Hulking shenanigans via the news and internet. Jen acts like her life is together completely all the time, it’s how she walks and talks and just is, but deep down… She’s only human too and sure, she’s been down about her greener side before and her regular side but there’s no point on dwelling. Living is living no matter how much you can bench press.
Let me know if you want to have any pre-established connections with her!! (And anything from the comics, keeping her lowkey is how I thought to slide her into the MCU since they’ve not had her in there yet<3)
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storiespun · 5 years
bc idk when imma get my theme TRULY together so we gonna just do this here. NOTE: this is based off the 616 loki entry and not the mcu one bc mcu nerfed him and we don’t play that game, regardless of verse these are all still applicable.
Superhuman Strength: Loki, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possesses superhuman strength that is substantially superior to that of an average Asgardian male. He possesses sufficient physical strength to lift up to 50 tons. It is possible, however, that he can further increase his strength through mystical enchantment on a temporary basis. He once even managed to destroy a large building with a single punch. Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Loki's bodily tissues have roughly 3 times the density of the same tissues in a human being. While he has the looks and physical proportions of a much smaller person, the increased density of his body actually makes him several hundred pounds heavier than he appears. This increased density also contributes to his superhuman strength to a limited degree. Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Loki's body are superhumanly durable and are roughly equal to those possessed by the average Asgardian male. However, at times, Loki had imbued himself with magical abilities that enable him to withstand injuries that would prove fatal to another Asgardian if hit. He is able to withstand high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, powerful impact forces, exposure to temperature extremes and powerful energy blasts without being injured. Regenerative Healing Factor: His metabolism enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged tissue much faster and more extensively than a human being. However, through the use of his sorcery, Loki's ability to heal himself is far above that of other Asgardians or Jotun. His magical energies are so imbued into his body that he can reattach severed limbs and even reattached his own head at least once. Superhuman Stamina: Loki's Frost Giant metabolism grants him superhuman levels of physical stamina in practically all activities. He can exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair him. However, much like his physical strength and durability, Loki can temporarily augment his stamina through magical means. Superhuman Longevity: Loki ages at a far slower rate than humans. However,  Loki isn't fully immune to aging. Although he has recently been "reborn", he still has his memories of his previous life. While he is several millenia old, at least, he has the appearance and vitality of a young Asgardian man in his physical prime. Loki is immune to the effects of all known Earthly diseases and infections. Psionics: Loki has demonstrated powerful psionic capabilities, the full limits of which aren't known. He has demonstrated the ability to project his thoughts telepathically across great distances, even across dimensional barriers, as well as potent hypnotic capabilities. He is able to communicate with beings telepathically, though his ability to do so is greater with beings that serve him. Shape-shifting: Like a number of gods or goddesses, Loki possesses highly developed shape-shifting capabilities. He is able to adopt almost any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects. The thought has been raised that his current form is merely a shape Loki has decided to remain in. Despite this well-known ability of Loki's, he has commented to himself, as he struggled to escape from Dormammu's mystic cage, that this is his "most soul-draining" power, apparently meaning it is more taxing than his other magical abilities. He has become such animals such as a snake, eagle, mouse and bee, gaining the basic natural abilities inherent in each form. While he can take on the likeness of another god, giant or human, he will not necessarily gain the special physical or mental powers of the being he imitates. Sorcery: Loki has extensive training in sorcery, giving him the ability to generate and control a great quantity of mystical abilities for a variety of purposes. His magical abilities are equal to Karnilla, the most skilled sorceress in the Asgardian dimension.He has also been shown to be immune to the Controller's control disk, the mental influence of the Voice, and the power-sapping abilities of Rogue. Loki’s power has been said by the Silver Surfer during their early encounters as sufficient to “decimate a planet”. some things that fall under the magic umbrella:
Telekinesis Mystical Energy Blasts Mystical Force Fields Illusion Casting Teleportation Conjuration Transmutation Levitation Divination
Genius Intelligence: Loki has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge of the mystic arts. He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist, and highly skilled and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Loki repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust of his fellow Asgardians, despite his numerous crimes. Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak Loki can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages. Skilled Combatant: Loki is a formidable combatant in his own right, particularly as a swordsman or in the use of his various energy manipulative powers in combat situations, enough to hold his own against Thor on numerous occasions and beat the Disir into (literal) submission.
Magic limitations: Loki's powers are believed to at least be slightly weaker on Midgard than on Asgard, as his birth was not of Gaea, and even Odin's magic was on the wane on Earth. Also, while apparently possessing some extrasensory abilities that resemble psionic powers, Loki can not directly read the minds of other beings, nor can he control their actions. Superiority inferiority complex: Loki's ambition has proven to be his greatest flaw, as his passionate hatred of Thor, lust for power, and his tendency to alienate himself through his ignoble actions greatly impedes his ability to bring his well laid plans to fruition. Also, as noticed by Apocalypse, Loki has a poor understanding of human nature, which leads him to severely underestimate his mortal (earthly) opponent's, resulting into humiliating defeat. Prolonged Heat Exposure: The longer Loki spends in places of extreme heat unless shielded by magic he suffers intensely as he’s biologically geared to withstand intense cold better than intense heat. 
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rexspawned-blog · 6 years
Lt. Colonel Albert “Al” Simmons
Alias: Spawn, Hellspawn Height: 6′2″ (As Al) 6′11″ (As Spawn) Weight: 234 lb. (As Mortal Al) Over 400 lb. (As Undead) Marital Status: Widower Date of Birth: March 16th Date of Rebirth: March 16th
Affiliations: The Eigth Circle of Hell, The U.S. Secret Service (Formerly; Deceased), The U.S. Marine Corps (Formerly; Promoted) Race: Deceased Human Restored as a Demon bound to a descendant of Yag'Talogckh
Background Al Simmons was raised in a military family, with his father and grandfather having both served in the Armed Forces before him, and his great-grandfather had been a sheriff at some point. While Al’s own father was largely absent, he had a sense of duty instilled into him from the earliest of ages, although he would develop several other concerning behaviors as he grew up, including torturing small animals, and threatening other students.
Eventually, Albert would graduate from highschool, but didn’t feel a strong desire to pursue a higher education. Instead he would enlist in the United States Marine Corps and would perform in exemplary fashion, becoming a lieutenant colonel. Not long after achieving this rank he would then retire from the USMC and go on to become an assassin for the CIA, becoming highly decorated during this time.
Following his completion of basic training, Al would marry his sweetheart Wanda, and the man would be deeply, irreversibly, in love with the woman. However, their relationship was not without its problems, and Albert would frequently argue with Wanda, especially regarding his feelings of inadequacy for being able to help her made them a child.
As a CIA operative Simmons would handle much sensitive information while also killing high-profile targets in the process. Doing so would earn Al many enemies, making it a simple matter for the CIA director Jason Wynn to have him killed through coordinating many of these enemies in a series of highly-deadly ambushes, with his ultimate death being handed to him by his own partner Bruce Stinson. Being burn alive, Al would be sent to hell for not only the blood on his hands from his professional life, but for sins he committed as his own man. However, these memories constantly elude Al in his afterlife and he cannot manage to recollect exactly why he was sent to hell, aside from being a killer (although this was in service to his country and is usually pardoned by the gatekeepers of heaven if the war is just, and the killing isn’t of an innocent party).
While in hell, the demon Malebolgia offered for Albert to return to the world of the living to see his beloved Wanda one last time, in exchange for becoming a Hellspawn, which would make him a ranking officer in the demon’s army.
Restored to a corporeal form as a demon, Simmons would resemble his corpse the moment that life escaped him, causing the man to be covered in gruesome burns and scars that will never heal, but also cause the demon no actual harm. In order to allow him to acclimate to his new form, and to master his powers while on earth, Al would be bound to the symbiotic K-7 Leetha, the 7th of the House of K and an ally to hell, although her true nature is unknown to even the oldest denizens of the 9th ring.
Renamed Spawn by his guide through this new life, The Clown known as Violator, the demon has begun to wander through the world of the living largely aimlessly, tutored largely by the mysterious Cogliostro in how to preserve his power so that he can remain in the realm of the living for as long as possible. While his time in hell was mere moments for Spawn, five years had passed on Earth, more than enough time for Wanda to move on and even have a child with his best friend. Now he must find his way, and find some means of undoing this curse that’s been placed upon him, while also managing to stay out of hell.
Appearance Once Albert was a very handsome black man with traditionally pleasing features. Enough so that he could have likely had any girl he wanted in school, but chose only one, his love and life Wanda. However, following his death, Al is little more than a shadow of his former self, covered in burn marks, gashes, and unhealed injuries of many kinds that won’t heal regardless of how much necroplasm the demon uses. 
As an undead demon, Simmon’s eyes glow with an unearthly green light that makes it quite difficult to discern whether he’s looking at you or not, although he has seemed to have developed the habit of turning his head to directly face the target of his gaze. His build is quite powerful, even after his death and burning, Al still has very large muscles with great speed and power, although they don’t perform quite as well as they once did. This seems to change when Spawn dons his suit, though, as he grows nearly ten inches in stature, with his anatomy scaling to this new height.
While wearing the symbiote suit fully, Spawn’s form can vary depending on his desired appearance, although it seems that the suit’s limited in transformative abilities as it only adopts the shape of a one-piece full-body covering bodysuit. Although the mask can relax itself and be removed, the rest is effectively bound to his very skin, with black and white patterns appearing across its surface at Spawn’s discretion. However, he has also been known to include reds and blues into the color scheme as well, although he generally favors black most strongly, with white accents and eye sockets. From the suit will also almost always appear a red cape of different lengths, width, and degrees of tattering. While he has little control over the symbiote’s actual appearance it seems immaculate with a prominent collar in an almost dracula style.
From the suit it will often also produce armor of different sizes, density, and placement, often growing spikes along the surfaces, from his armor to his actual gloves. As well, the suit can also project spikes from its surface as well.
Abilities and Powers
Al Simmon’s Abilities and Powers: -CIA Training: Having been an agent for the CIA, Al Simmons recieved extensive training in operations, firearms, short-range weapons such as hunting knives, and hand-to-hand combat. With this, Simmons also has a working understanding of the agency’s structure and what strategies and methods that they use, as well as the location of safe-houses, armories, and other resources. His time as a CIA operative also gave Al experience in interrogation, intimidating his victims, stealth and assassination techniques, as well as advanced tactical analysis. -US Marine Corps Training: Due to his time as a Marine, Al developed a powerful physicality that allows him to defeat most in single combat, with or without melee weapons. As well, it gives him a background in enough different types of firearms that he’s able to effectively make use of nearly anyone that he spends a short amount of time with, if he hasn’t used it before. -Intelligence: While not college-educated, Simmons has a sharp mind, able to quickly learn and understand new concepts in a brief time. This helps reinforce his tactical abilities, allowing Al to quickly come up with a strategy for most any situation, so long as his head stays clear. -Willpower: Al’s most important ability, and that which allows him to resist the pull of hell’s evil. Able to grit his teeth and push through most anything, Al has survived injuries of all kinds, and managed to keep fighting despite any injury he sustains as Spawn.
Spawn’s Abilities and Powers: -Demonic Physiology: Inherent to his actual biology as a demon, Spawn’s physical form is actually greater than that of his once human one, when his symbiotic suit is active. However, his body is inherently more dense than it was as a human, thus conferring some natural advantage. --Superhuman Durability: Being roughly twice as dense as he was once, his natural demon form is twice as durable as that of his human form. This allows him to more easily shrug off blunt-force injury than other humans, as well as stabbing and firearm injuries having a somewhat lessened affect, although they still injure him effectively. --Superhuman Strength: Being that he is roughly twice as dense as his natural form, Al has roughly twice as much physical power at his disposal. While it doesn’t necessarily confer to lifting in most fashions, with only a few exceptions, Simmons has roughly twice as much force behind his punches than he once did, allowing him to easily dent metal without injury. --Undeath: As a demon who is not living in the traditional sense, Al does not need his vital organs to function any longer. His eyes do not strictly exist in the same fashion that they once did, so an injury to his sockets may not strictly inhibit Al’s sensory faculties. While Spawn still has his internal organs he no longer needs them, but simply chooses to keep them when he regenerates as a part of his humanity. This, however, causes others to be able to sabotage his anatomy when he is caught unawares, such as using gas-based attacks to cause Al to choke, or experience other symptoms. So long as he is not killed, or run out of ticks, Simmons cannot die and will not return to hell. Immortality: Due to his nature as a demon, Al can only be killed permanently through decapitation, or injuries sustained by holy or profane weaponry. -Abhothian Hybrid: As Spawn’s soul and form are now bound to Leetha, the two form a symbiotic relationship that allows the creature to draw from Spawn’s power and feed on his necroplasm in the process, in exchange for her enhancing his abilities beyond their unnatural limits. Simmons is not truly aware of this bond yet, and utilizes it subconsciously. Leetha does have a desire to be the dominant force of this bond, but cannot yet overcome Al’s willpower. This bond gives him a number of abilities. These abilities and powers are fueled by a mysterious power-source called Black Energy that is present in evil and malevolent forces, as well as places. Creatures with an inherent alignment to evil forces can serve as a source of this energy, as well as certain places with a similar nature. --Black Energy Manipulation and Transferal: Due to it being her very power source, Leetha is able to control and transfer Black Energy. She is able to convert Spawn’s necroplasmic energy into Black Energy in order to fuel her other powers. Creatures who rarely see the sun, such as rats and worms, are particularly powerful sources of Black Energy, but cats and wolves are also suitable. --Form Manipulation: Leetha has great control over her own shape and appearance. Although she cannot change the nature of her form’s surface area, she can change the size, shape, and coloration within reason. This also grants her some limited ability to manipulate Spawn’s biology, although not to too extreme levels. Leetha is also able to manipulate her own form into weapons, allowing Spawn to sprout weapons from his suit, user her to create armor, and react in form as quickly as the Hellspawn can think. Leetha is able to store herself within Spawn’s body, generally hiding within his blood. When using the cape that Leetha creates in her form, Spawn can actually simulate flight, although it’s more akin to slow-falling, high-speed, gliding, unless he makes them take form more similar to wings. --Phasing: Leetha is able to control her own molecular density, as well as that of Spawn’s, allowing her to effectively slip her and her wearer’s molecules in between the molecules of physical barriers, although this ability requires focus and isn’t reliable to use in combat. --Invulnerability: Due to her control over molecules, Leetha is able to make parts of her body highly resistant to forms of attack and damage. This makes her a practical living suit of armor, and with conscious use can make her wearer and herself immune to most conventional forms of attack. However, due to her bond with Spawn, Leetha has weaknesses native to the Hellspawn form which can bypass her intentional defenses, forcing her to rely on her own natural durability. As well, Leetha and Spawn’s ability to utilize this invulnerability is entirely conscious, and they cannot react to that of which they are unaware. The degree of durability that the suit can achieve is related to how much of the suit’s surface area has been enhanced, thus if Spawn makes the entire suit more durable, it will not be as effective as if he were to enhance the resilience of one smaller region. --Psychic Connection: As she is bound to Spawn’s existence, in both the corporeal and ethereal, Leetha and Spawn share minds in a way. Whereas most minds can be thought of the bedroom of a person’s house, separate and in different structures, Leetha and Spawn’s minds are more like connected bedrooms in a duplex structure. This allows both to influence each other with a mere thought, and is how Leetha is able to respond to Spawn’s thoughts without any lag in reaction time. However, this connection can also allow Leena to influence her host’s mind, something which she feels entitled to, as most Hellspawn are dominated by their suit. --Telepathy: As Leetha has expanded Spawn’s mind forcefully, through their connection, Spawn is able to extend his mind into those of others, using his thoughts and willpower to influence, interact with, and manipulate the minds of others. Of course, his ability to do so directly correlates to his own willpower, and the ability of the other party to resist him. --Telekinesis: In a similar manner to how his mind can interact in the plane of thought with others, Leetha enables Spawn to actually project kinetic energy with his thoughts. However, the power of his thought is not very strong, only managing to lift or manipulate that which a man of average strength would be able to manage. --Regeneration: As Leetha can control her own form, as well as Spawn’s, she is able to user her form to repair injuries sustained by Simmons’s body. Leetha cannot use this power to change Spawn’s actual appearance, though, and what is repaired by her looks as it would prior to the injury that she is repairing. --Superhuman Strength: The strength that Spawn exhibits is not truly his own, as Leetha generally interacts with the environment surrounding them directly. With this, Spawn is able to press about 10,000 pounds. However, Spawn is able to use his magic to enhance this otherwise. --Superhuman Endurance: Spawn does not live, and while Leetha is a living being, her endurance is fed by Spawns. However, she also feels the same injuries as the Hellspawn, and thus both can become taxed through these injuries that they suffer, or any other means that are employed to weaken and exhaust the two. --Superhuman Durability: Leetha, like Spawn, is naturally very durable and resistant to injury. Leetha is not affected by pressure or vacuums, and thus her wearer also is not. Most humans cannot injure Spawn through fisticuffs and must rely on weapons, and so long as Spawn is aware enough of a threat to direct Leetha to protect him, her ability to manipulate her own density makes injury practically impossible at times. --Superhuman Speed and Agility: Spawn is able to move faster, and more precisely, than any human can thanks to Leetha’s control over her own form. Thus, Spawn is able to achieve feats of speed and agility typically impossible for a normal human, such as effectively chasing an accelerating vehicle down a freeway, or executing flips and tumbles that defy logic. --Superhuman Senses: Leetha has a fairly powerful awareness of her surroundings, as most of her body is a sensory organ. However, she can only relay information to Spawn so effectively when he is not aware of her being, and can only give him a mild sense of danger if something is important. This can grant Spawn greater reaction times and reflexes than what humans can normally achieve, although he does not find it to be reliable, as Leetha will sometimes give him false warnings just to psyche out the hellspawn, or keep him on his toes. --Matter Transmutation: Leetha is able to control the nature of matter that initially surrounds her, bringing to Spawn that which he desires if necessary. However, Spawn must understand more or less how the object is composed and what of, as well, the majority of the matter has to be from Leetha herself. -Magic: A Hellspawn’s true power lies in their ability to draw upon their necroplasmic form, and cast magic. Necroplasm is a supernatural material from which the Hellspawn’s new form is made, allowing Spawn to cast magic. However, doing so taxes his very being, and the only way for a Hellspawn to restore their necroplasmic energy is to return to hell. All Hellspawns measure their magical power in “ticks”, and each time a Hellspawn departs from hell they have 9,999 ticks, and once the ticks reach 0, a Hellspawn’s returned to the demon’s domain so as to restore their power. This is something no Hellspawn can resist, as it is a fail-safe to keep rogue hellspawn from avoiding their home forever. Of course, using many functions of his suit also drains these ticks, so Spawn has to be discerning with his powers. While Spawn’s magical prowess seems to be only be limited by his imagination, more complex and imaginative uses of his magic drains his energy faster, and so he generally will limit himself to the following: --Matter Transmutation: Spawn’s primary use of his magical power, Spawn is able to manipulate matter and transform it entirely. If he so wished he could change stones to gold, and air to lava. However, more complex and extreme transmutation requires more energy, and thus Spawn prefers to transmute the matter of his suit, creating weapons and armor from Leetha’s form, as this taxes his ticks less. --Portal Generation: Spawn can conjure portals that bridge the gaps between dimensions and planes of reality. Heaven and hell are naturally-attuned destinations for the hellspawn, but so long as he understands his destination, Spawn may conjure a portal to it. However, most mortals cannot use his portals, and it takes significant fortitude to withstand them. A mortal traveling to heaven or hell WILL effectively kill them, and prevent them from returning to earth without the intervention of a powerful being. --Physical Augmentation: Through the use of his magic, Spawn can enhance his attributes to practically unimaginable degrees, particularly when dueling with another demon, or other creatures with especially malefic natures. Without such a creature present it seems that Spawn can lift roughly 100 tons through the use of Leetha and his magic in concert. --Soul Manipulation: Spawn may also use his magic to manipulate the souls of others, or rather their components. Spawn may remove the sins of other souls, and bring them onto his own to grant himself more magical energy to use, as well as resurrect the recently-dead, if their corpse is still a suitable vessel for that soul. --Necroplasm Manipulation: Spawn can also channel raw necroplasmic energy into a blast of magical force. At his lowest, 5 ticks of energy seems to have similar power to a small grenade, while 10,000 ticks can simulate that of a small atomic bomb.
Weaknesses and Limitations Necroplasm-Reliance: Due to many of Spawn’s powers actually draining his necroplasm, Spawn often has to budget the use of these abilities wisely, and avoid overuse so that he does not have to search out sources of evil energy, or otherwise risk returning to hell. Thus, Spawn is often not operating at full power, or is forced to rely on mortal weapons to win his fights. Hell-Forged and Heaven-Forged Matter: Weapons, metals, and most things from heaven and hell affect a demon in the same manner that matter from Earth affects humans. Thus, as his costume provides little better protection than a full-body leather suit of armor, weapons from these places can injure Spawn with the same ease as a weapon of mundane make would injure you or I. In fact, these weapons can inflict such damage that normal injuries from them will kill him if Spawn suffers too many. Denizens of The Beyond: Creatures from realities and dimensions beyond the mortal realm are powerful in the same way that Spawn is. Thus, they can inflict the manner of harm necessary to kill Spawn. He can be beaten to death by an angel, or another hellspawn, killed by their weapons, or successfully ripped to shreds by Cthulu. However, these types of deaths may also serve as only a temporary one if he is not decapitated properly. Blessed Objects and Holy Water: Objects with holy jurisdiction are like poison and fire to Spawn. Holy Water is little more than acid to the hellspawn, and any object that has been blessed by a priest can be highly dangerous to Spawn, as he will only be able to interact with them thanks to the buffer that Leetha provides him. Sacred Ground and Places of Holy Worship: Places such as these can weaken Spawn, and even kill him eventually, if he spends to much time among them. His power grows weaker, and he will grow exhausted, as he would in Heaven. However, his death through attrition in such places is not permanent, and his being placed somewhere from which he can feed on necroplasmic energy, or hell itself, will undo his demise.
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erabundus · 1 year
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anonymous &&. said... How heavy is Ren? Is he lighter or heavier than a normal human of his size? .... Would he sink or float?
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i'm  actually  really  happy  you  asked,  anon!  i've  been  meaning  to  write  a  post  talking  about  it  for  AGES  —  literally  months!  (  i  have  the  receipts  to  clown  on  myself  prove  it!  )  i  just  keep  procrastinating  ENDLESSLY.
before anything else, i definitely have to give credit to @custosavis, because jess was the one to first suggest the idea and add fuel to my brainrot fire. 10/10 blog, 10/10 xiao, 10/10 friend, would HIGHLY recommend following if you aren't already!
but  to  finally  (  finally  )  answer  your  question  —  he's  very  light!  even  when  he  isn't  using  anemo  to  drift  around,  he's  much  lighter  than  someone  of  his  size  reasonably  should  be.  (  which  is  saying  something,  because  ren  is  small  to  begin  with.  )  i've  never  really  settled  on  anything  specific,  but  he's  probably  something  around  1/5th  of  however  much  you  would  expect  a  human  of  his  size  would  weigh  at  a  glance?  light  enough  that  you  could  scoop  him  up  or  catch  him  in  your  arms  without  much  difficulty,  but  still  heavy  enough  that  he  won't  be  blown  away  by  a sudden  gust  of  wind.  that  being  said,  it's  a  little  more  complicated  than  that  —  because  his  bones  are  built  to  be  INCREDIBLY  DENSE  as  part  of  his  durable  design,  and  in  general  he  is  a  sentient  irminsul-wood  nokia  with  some  very  non-human  insides  to  match.
his  body  has  an  internal  mechanism  (  organ  )  that  keeps  him  agile  —  i  suppose  the  closest  comparison  would  be  the  swim  bladder  in  a  fish?  but  instead  of  maintaining  buoyancy,  it's  maintaining  how  unnaturally  light  his  body  is.  (  i  hope  that  makes  sense!  puppet  anatomy  is  strange.  )  i'd  imagine  it  allows  for  a  certain  degree  of  malleability  —  almost  like  flexing  a  muscle.  so  his  body  may  suddenly  feel  heavier  if  he  needs  to  brace  for  a  blow.  if  he  wants  to  float  gently  at  the  surface  of  the  water  or  sink  like  a  stone,  it's  entirely  up  to  what  he's  feeling  in  the  moment.  it's  an  important  component  of  his  design,  because  to  reiterate,  ren's  internal  structure  VERY DIFFERENT  from  a  human.  without  something  keeping  him  light,  he  would  actually  go  in  the  opposite  direction  —  heavy  bones,  alien  anatomy,  pocket  dimension  in  his  chest,  all  interwoven  with  what  is  effectively  a  condensed  ball  of  divine  electro  energy ( a battery ) that's  perpetually  generating  more  of  itself.  you  would  have  better  luck  lifting  a  ren-shaped  statue  made  of  tungsten.
thankfully,  the  true  weight  of  his  body  isn't  usually  an  issue  due  to  that  aforementioned  mechanism  mitigating  it.  however,  there  are  situations  where  it  can  be  TURNED  OFF.  when  ren  sustains  a lot, a lot, a lot  of  damage,  his  system  tends  to  discard  other  functions  to  prioritize  all  of  its  energy  on  healing.  ( particularly if the injury happens to be to his power source. ) this  is  why  he  still  hits  the  ground  like  a  ton  of  bricks  when  he  falls  out  of  the  robot.  he  can't  die,  but  he  can  still  be  hurt  to  the  point  he  loses  consciousness.  to  the  point  his  body  forces  him  into  a  comatose  state.  to  the  point  it  turns  off  that  function  keeping  him  light  and  agile  so  it  can  focus  its  resources  on  HEALING.  it  isn't  like  he's  going  to  need  it.
basically,  he's  incredibly  light  —  unless  he's  been  badly  injured.  then  he's  incredibly  heavy.
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mirage-krp · 4 years
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The guardians welcome [RYU, AERI] to the city of Jeonseol. She is [A VAMPIRE] currently living in [ZIRCON] and working at/as [OWNER OF LILAC]
Welcome to Mirage! Please follow the admin twitter within 48 hours of acceptance, or your faceclaim will be freed up.
Faceclaim: Kim Hyuna / Soloist
Name: Ryu Aeri
Nickname(s): n/a
Age: 1,356
Date of birth: June 6 676
A Pureblood vampire; meaning she was born as a vampire.
Like all vampires, has the ability to turn others into vampires and has immortality. Extremely proficient with armed and unarmed combat. Superhuman strength, superman endurance, superhuman healing, superhuman speed, superhuman durability, heightened five senses.
Tolerance to Sunlight is much better than most vampires. She can stay out in the sun for hours without any issues.
Holy anti-vampire weapon wounds to the heart or head.
Pureblooded/elder vampires and alpha werewolves can possibly kill her
Residence: Zircon 005
Occupation: Owner of LILAC
Aeri is suave, but she loves to use insults, sass and banter. While she prides herself on integrity, she will use any loopholes given to her to turn the situation to her benefit, proving the saying ‘be careful what you wish for’ to be more than true. Aeri is incredibly narcissistic, believing that few, if any, are her equals.
Aeri values self-preservation, and she is willing to sacrifice anything else for it. She is a survivor at heart, and will use any means to accomplish this goal. In fact, She tends to only lose her temper when her personal safety is threatened or when dealing with what she considers overwhelming stupidity.
Aeri can at times appear incredibly volatile under her smooth and charming personality. She is not above making deals or alliances with her enemies/rivals when she feels it is beneficial for her.
Aeri is cunning, devious, and highly skilled at manipulating others. Despite her arrogance, ehe does not dismiss possible threats or troubles, however at times she does let her arrogance get the better of her, especially if he feels certain she will win. She can be quite vengeful.
Aeri is a tough task master and expects those who work for her to work their hardest. As well as others around her in general. She is also headstrong and stubborn, even to a fault.
Aeri is not entirely apathetic, as she tends to become distressed and vengeful when those she cares about are threatened, injured or killed. She doesn’t show disgust to any turned vampires and other walks of life; long as she sees them as respectable. She doesn’t automatically hate any werewolves or humans. She gives each one a chance before she makes her decision ; though doesn’t take long or much for her to make her opinion. She has a degree of morality; she will not drink from any human blood or non human blood without their consent. She also refuses to feed on children as well refusing to turn any children. Aeri is known for possessing a sense of humour. Aeri does occasionally show her emotions and inner feelings, more so to those she loves deeply, be it romantically or platonically.
Aeri doesn’t remember much of the beginning of her very long life. Born the same year Silla drove out the Chinese, gaining complete control of the Korean Peninsula. Born to wealthy elder pureblood vampires. Aeri grew up content, learning the ways of her people. In her teen years she didn’t care for humans. They were nothing but fleshy blood bags for her to consume. Werewolves were flea covered pests that must be put down. Least that what she was raised to believe.
After her eighteenth birthday, unbeknownst to humans; the vampires and werewolves declared war on each other. Aeri herself engaged in the bloody warfare. Taken out hundreds of werewolves without showing any mercy. Why would she? They wouldn’t spare her, would they? One werewolf proved her wrong. She sustained an injury from an alpha. Her life would’ve been cut short had it not been for a young werewolf about her age taking pity on her. Instead of hatred. He showed her kindness. Such kindness that not even her family has given her. That man that showed her such kindness, that helped her heal, even fed her, the two fell in love. Knowing how dangerous their love affair is they ran away together. The two in bliss together for a year until that love was ended horribly.
Disgusted that his only daughter, his youngest would dare fall in love with a werewolf. Her father gruesomely murdered him right in front of her. As a way to teach her a lesson. Only rage took hold of her mind. Where her memory becomes fuzzy and unreliable. She does not know if she called her father or not. Nor does she care if she did.
For the next thousands of years she kept a low profile. Working as a mercenary to dancer. Not on anyone’s side except for her own. Jeonseol is her newest destination. She just wants to be left alone and live her life.
Any wanted connections?: Older brother, parents, her lovers, people that work for her, those she’s turned, enemies
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coimeadaisiochana · 5 years
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When it comes to a straight fight, Lilian is probably the most capable of the 8 OCs I have slated for this blog. While one of the unfinished ones is more capable with magic and subterfuge, and Ari-El is pretty all-around, in a direct confrontation, Lilian is definitely the most dangerous, as her abilities and biology make her difficult to take down unless someone just straight-up overpowers her or overwhelms her with sheer numbers, while being just as capable of incredible damage.
In terms of strength and speed, Lilian is definitely superhuman. She can lift about 200 tons over her head without any real struggle, while 300 seems to be her upper limit. She can shatter a brick wall with a punch or a kick, and her grip strength is strong enough to crush a human skull. She’s also fully capable of exceeding Mach 1 (~767 mph/~1235 kph) on foot, moving faster than the eye can see, though this level of speed limits her to moving in almost completely-straight lines - she has trouble turning corners at this level of speed, and usually just uses it to clear distances in as short a time as possible. In terms of land speed that she can move effectively at, around 500 mph/805 kph is where she starts having trouble rounding corners or otherwise changing trajectory/stopping.This also means she has the reflexes to anticipate objects, creatures, and people moving at similar speeds.
When it comes to durability, she’s notably less superhuman, but can still take more punishment than any normal human. Her skin is thicker than a normal person’s, so cuts and stabs without enough force will simply glance off or leave small scratches that won’t even draw blood. Enough force will break her skin, though, and it provides pretty much zero difference to a normal person against even small-caliber firearms. Meanwhile, her bones are firm, but capable of surprising give and flexibility, not only allowing her to absorb impacts that would shatter a normal person’s bones, but also allowing her a greater degree of flexibility.
Lilian is also resistant to nearly all types of elemental damage; she’s outright immune to mundane and magical fire and heat, and can tolerate very low temperatures and continued exposure to ice and the cold for up to about three hours without feeling cold. Most forms of acid are simply normal liquid to her, and even the most acidic substances require lengthy exposure of at least half an hour to cause notable damage. She is also capable of absorbing and nullifying moderately-powerful electric currents and can even take a bolt of lightning with only minor burns.
Even if she’s damaged, however, Lilian recovers from injury at an accelerated rate, possessing powerful regeneration. Shallow cuts and small stab wounds heal within seconds, larger open wounds, mangled limbs, or small to moderate burns or frostbite can take anywhere from one to a few minutes, and she’ll even regrow lost limbs or organs within a few days. The window for taking advantage of her in an injured state is very small, unless one uses blessed magic or weapons (see weaknesses, below). This powerful regenerative ability also renders her immune to poisons and difficult to make ill with disease.
Speaking of her blood, I’ve already written up a post about its dangers and benefits here, but for more detail, it’s not just black, but also thick and tar-like. Injuries that draw blood won’t cause it to splatter or spray, but rather to ooze out, as if you slashed open a bottle of glue. This makes it a poor defensive measure against anyone trying to attack her, especially against weapons or from a distance, so she often instead opts to cover her hands and/or claws (depending on form) in it once she starts bleeding and use it as a weapon. In addition, the amount and time needed for its more lethal and dangerous effects is more than a few droplets; it takes about four ounces of the blood (not just a few droplets or a small smear) to do more than cause intense pain, and it has to linger for at least a few minutes to damage the skin and flesh - it takes hours for it the corruption to spread and begin damaging other areas of the body.
For other aspects of her biology, Lilian has three sets of natural weapons that she tends to utilize when fighting in her devil form: her teeth, her claws, and her tail. In devil form, all of her teeth become sharp canines and actually bend inwards to make them harder to remove once they’ve sunk into something, and attempting to pull her off will only tear into it more. Her claws are her most common weapon, meanwhile, and can slice through concrete with enough force (which she is easily capable of exerting, see her strength, above). She can also use her magic to enlarge her hands making each one about as large as a typical human torso, and turning each claw to a deadly foot-long sickle. In addition, her tail has been conditioned to be just as powerful as her other limbs and can be a dangerous surprise to anyone not expecting that sort of power from a secondary appendage. She frequently uses it to support herself when she cannot use her legs or otherwise loses/sacrifices her balance, such as leaning back to dodge an attack.
Lilian’s black blood also affords her some magical abilities, as mentioned above. In addition to being able to perform minor shapeshifting, much of Lilian’s magic revolves around blood or curses. She can cause someone’s minor cuts and wounds to open and potentially become worse by injuring herself and enduring a similar open wound, or turn spilled blood into hazards such as caltrops or barbs on a surface. She can also ingest someone’s blood and use that to know their exact location for one week - a fact that someone becomes immediately aware of as soon as Lilian places the curse on them, potentially sowing paranoia and fear in the target.
Of course, for all of these strengths, Lilian has her fair share of weaknesses, as well, though not all of them are immediately apparent.
One of Lilian’s main weaknesses, and probably the easiest to exploit, is her relative lack of stamina compared to all of her other superhuman abilities. She possesses no more stamina than a typical human of her fitness level, and when forced into an extended fight, especially against something with far more stamina than her, it can turn into a battle against time for her, endeavoring to finish the opponent before she exhausts herself. This is especially notable, considering her magic also drains her of her stamina, and her black blood is directly to blame for this; a half-devil would normally have more stamina, but due to the thickness and consistency of her blood, oxygen is slower to reach parts of her body, making it harder for her to keep going… and even harder for her stamina to recover than a normal person.
In addition, despite her own magical abilities, Lilian is just as equally vulnerable to magic in return. Most forms of magic that do more than evoke elemental effects affect her just as equally as they would anyone else, though she’s particularly vulnerable to a few specific types. First is holy magic, used by angels, angelkin (such as aasimars or half-angels), and blessed spellcasters, and weapons or people blessed by holy magic will outright burn her on contact and suppress her enhanced regenerative abilities. Second is blood magic, which preys on the particularly magical nature of Lilian’s black blood, amplifying the effects of any sort of blood magic used on her, beneficial or not. These types of magic will outright bypass most forms of magical warding used on her and if used to create elemental effects, they will affect her despite her usual resistances to them. Third, and perhaps the most difficult of the three to exploit given its nature, is antimagic. Due to deriving most of her powers from her blood, antimagic is capable of suppressing nearly every aspect of Lilian’s strength, from her superhuman powers and magic to her regenerative abilities and elemental resistances. The only things it doesn’t remove or suppress are her durability and her natural weapons, as they’re a normal part of her biology, not fueled by her black blood.
In a similar vein, Lilian is vulnerable to just about anything that affects devils, and even just the presence of anything blessed by the divine nearby can instill a sense of dread and a desire to flee in her, though she is capable of standing her ground; however, she will be caught in a demoralized state so long as the object or person remains present. She also finds it difficult to come into contact with such objects willingly, as holy objects will burn her on contact, as mentioned above; in fact, such blessed items or people are more resilient to her attacks to the point of near-invulnerability, and are nearly impossible for her to affect with her magic. Often times, her best option when confronted with those so blessed is to indulge her fear and run.
Finally, her hardest weakness to exploit is her connection to her father, Haziel. Only the pit fiend himself can reliably exploit this weakness for his own gain, as he can command her as though she were simply another extension of his body, or even use her as a scapegoat when he would otherwise come under magical compulsion - such as in the case of being bound to a mage, like her current situation. However, as he is only vaguely aware of her existence (as he has multiple Blackblood children he uses for such ends), she is luckily spared from him regularly exploiting this connection. For now.
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awellboiledicicle · 7 years
I had a Fallout 4 dream last night.
I was the sole survivor, as I usually am when i dream about being in that game, but I had appearantly been signed up for... some form of testing.  To keep my family fed.  Because Nate, my Nate, was injured in a battle up around Anchorage. Not the battle of Anchorage, not something big that would have gotten a medal-- though the purple heart sat on the dresser-- but a smaller one involving personnel carriers and stealth battalians and a strain of the plague that the government swore he’d been cleared of. He still coughed at night and I tried to ignore the same sort of coughing coming from Shaun, even though the doctors said he was fine. Nate couldn’t work, though, and even if he could-- there was nowhere to work.  My job at the law firm was secretarial and barely necessary-- my degree got me there by the skin of my teeth, but everything from bread to house payments was expensive. Even with his pay and oh lord was everything up in price from either inflation or scarcity. The rations and... pre-war was a mess. But the testing, the letter was detailed: a company commissioned by the military was going to need civilian test subjects for a series of tests and volunteers would be paid well. I was chosen because of my medical history and my name being in the military files. I should have smelled something off there, but we were desperate; even cutting out all the chems we’d been using to keep ourselves together wasn’t making ends meet enough for Shaun and we knew it. So i went.
They didn’t do too much, I thought, past making me very durable.  In the way that Wolverine is very durable or Deadpool is particularly persistent about healing. I was never willing to test if i was on that sort of level, but that was the idea of it. Sunlight made it better-- nothing they did to me lasted to the end of the day, and bones never broke. And i came home with enough money to feed everyone. I only told Nate i had found a second job, and he took to being more of a Mr. Mom than usual-- though i think he was saddened i refused to say what it was.  I think he may have died under the impression i was being unfaithful. I had that thought a lot.
By the time we went into the vault, I was probably horrifying internally. We had started on what would fit in the “Ghoulish” and “Rad Resistant” perk stack-- radiation absorption and use. I felt sick a good deal of the time at first, and then processed it. The day the bombs dropped i wondered if it was because the enemy had found out we’d gotten far enough in our research that vulnerability could be treated out.  “The Enemy”. It was silly, then, to imagine there were sides to the Great War. There were just bombs and humanity. Death and the poor creatures trying not to die. But i had been raised in a hailstorm of propaganda and demanded devotion to the American Way and i had been devoting my body and health to improving.. well, i assumed my research would go to our soldiers. People like my Nate.  Silly. We ran to the vault, and i swear I almost outpaced them. I almost left them behind-- if only because of fear and adrenaline covering my awareness. I hung back and made sure they were there and then i swear I almost steam rolled a man in full power armor. I didn’t care, we needed in. We got in, but i was determined and i was scared and we needed to move.  The clouds were brighter than they taught us they’d be in school. The wind was hotter too. I could smell burning atmosphere.  My eyes burned with the image of a mushroom cloud all the way inside the vault. The cloud stayed as we changed and got into the chambers. It outlined Nate and Shaun as the doors froze over. It faded only because of the decades passed in near darkness, frozen, before I saw Kellog kill my husband and take my child. I punched the door and left a dent.  The last light of it was gone as i eventually slumped to the floor.
Things were very awkward in the commonwealth for me.  I was mostly angry.  I went wandering from Sanctuary, found Dogmeat and took the killed molerats to the Abernathy’s farm and traded them for a place to stay and felt their pain for their lost daughter. I figured the station was on the way to Concord, and i was still fantastically angry some bald motherfucker stole my child and killed my husband, so ok. So, I killed the raiders. With a knife.  I heard shots echoing from Concord as i was walking the road back, and Dogmeat barked, so I went that way and saw more raiders. I only noticed the laser after I had stabbed them all. Well, all i could find.  I only half heard Preston telling me to get the musket, i was already heading inside. I... was very angry for a while. Very angry.  By the time i reached them, i was covered in blood and tired, but wondering if they were ok. They were understandably worried. I calmed their fears with molerat steaks. Dogmeat helped more than the food.
I got them to Sanctuary eventually, setting up trade with the Abernathy’s and getting things settled. The only problem was i tended to get very vigorously upset when my past was brought up.  Mama Murphey was standing outside my house in Sanctuary and started doing her sight talk and i lit it on fire with the flare gun and yelled for her to stop. I patently refused to be known.  Preston understood, i think, to the point of me being uncomfortable. There was evidence of people living there and having been killed in a stand off, so he and the others put it down to Mama Murphey pressing me about being a survivor of this.  I did help them rebuild and there was a good community, i just.. needed my space. So i ended up slowly making a whole new house on the burned foundation of my old one. Just, adding and adding and adding. No one bothering me as i wandered.  I took to scrapping in the area and selling said things to Carla as she came by, but eventually there were too many people. So i took to looking around.
I ended up-- there was a gap in the dream-- being hired by someone from Bunker Hill to go through the ruins and find niche old world shit. Because collectors like old shit and i had appearantly, an eye for it. My collecting was also bankrolling the minute men coming back because i was making Preston do it-- i told him if i had to, i would tell someone to get fucked at least 5 times because i have the patience of a radstag and that isn’t a leader thing-- but i was paying for the guns and ammo.  So my job was crawling around boston. So i went looking for someone to go around with me and I ended up in goodneighbor and that one guy, What’shisfuck, tried to extort me and i just. Stared at him before trying to walk past because i had shit to do and he tried to fight me and i punched him in the dick. Like, literally just, right to the dick.  And it killed him. I just stood there till Hancock came up and i just.  “You know, usually i have to stab people.” “Same, actually. Damn.”
So, aside that.
I get me my merc, aka Maccreedy because that’s who you need obviously when you’re going to be climbing things. The guy who can’t climb for shit. But like, because i tended to have these rather explosive “DON’T” reactions or otherwise i did reckless shit because i literally would survive it he got so pissed at me so much. Like we got along, and he liked working for me because i’d give him guns and money and made sure he was ok, i just did stupid shit.
Like “do not rush tHE SUPER MUTANTS-- BOSS FF NO” “THAT IS A BEHEMOTH” Or it’d be like 3am and we’re ass deep in ghoul infested ruins and i’ll just suggest we sleep in one area that’s only accessible by a tiny ledge that we got to through teamwork and a prayer and like OK IT’S TECHNICALLY SAFE but he’s not gonna do it. bc he’s him, but he’s not shared shit with me bc i don’t share shit with him. So its “i’m not sleeping in ghoul hell” “idk its got carpet and a pillow” “no” “safe tho” “no”
Well till we’d been working together about like 6 months and he started getting REALLY fidgety after getting letters at Daisy’s in Goodneighbor and like, we’d already dealt with the Gunners. Gunners was a cut an dry business discussion of ‘these guys are dicks lets kill them’.  Then we’re sitting in the Third Rail’s back room, thinking on the next buildings to go over and he’s like “So, btw” “what” “I have a.. i didn’t tell you but i have a kid” “you have a WHAT? WHERE” “In the Capitol Wasteland.” That whole convo but a lot more intense because i got about 4 inches from this man like ‘explain’ and then hugged the life out of him. Immediately. And got my shit together and told him to do the same so we could get going and he was surprised i was so hype and i went “yes? Child, in danger. let’s go”
It got fuzzy after doing his mission but like...... the only companion aside Codsworth to know my story in this dream was Mac because after we got Duncan the cure, Mac made the comment about bringing him North to one of the settlements up here since I was running them, i just didn’t talk to people personally. And i did so very well, i just wasn’t people focused. And I got really emotional at him and started crying and he asked what was wrong and i said i couldn’t be trusted to keep a kid safe and he asked what i meant and i like told him everything and like his whole response was “Damn”.
But like to everyone else in the Commonwealth i was this rather badass community planner/scavver that got into things and stabbed stuff because they were REALLY HARD TO KILL, but to Mac i was friendly neighborhood mom that was just really afraid someone would give me responsibility over someone i might let get hurt.
it was an interesting dream
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tricksire · 5 years
NOTE: this is based off the 616 loki entry and not the mcu one bc mcu nerfed him and we don’t play that game, regardless of verse these are all still applicable.
Superhuman Strength: Loki, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possesses superhuman strength that is substantially superior to that of an average Asgardian male. He possesses sufficient physical strength to lift up to 50 tons. It is possible, however, that he can further increase his strength through mystical enchantment on a temporary basis. He once even managed to destroy a large building with a single punch. Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Loki’s bodily tissues have roughly 3 times the density of the same tissues in a human being. While he has the looks and physical proportions of a much smaller person, the increased density of his body actually makes him several hundred pounds heavier than he appears. This increased density also contributes to his superhuman strength to a limited degree. Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Loki’s body are superhumanly durable and are roughly equal to those possessed by the average Asgardian male. However, at times, Loki had imbued himself with magical abilities that enable him to withstand injuries that would prove fatal to another Asgardian if hit. He is able to withstand high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, powerful impact forces, exposure to temperature extremes and powerful energy blasts without being injured. Regenerative Healing Factor: His metabolism enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged tissue much faster and more extensively than a human being. However, through the use of his sorcery, Loki’s ability to heal himself is far above that of other Asgardians or Jotun. His magical energies are so imbued into his body that he can reattach severed limbs and even reattached his own head at least once. Superhuman Stamina: Loki’s Frost Giant metabolism grants him superhuman levels of physical stamina in practically all activities. He can exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair him. However, much like his physical strength and durability, Loki can temporarily augment his stamina through magical means. Superhuman Longevity: Loki ages at a far slower rate than humans. However,  Loki isn’t fully immune to aging. Although he has recently been “reborn”, he still has his memories of his previous life. While he is several millenia old, at least, he has the appearance and vitality of a young Asgardian man in his physical prime. Loki is immune to the effects of all known Earthly diseases and infections. Psionics: Loki has demonstrated powerful psionic capabilities, the full limits of which aren’t known. He has demonstrated the ability to project his thoughts telepathically across great distances, even across dimensional barriers, as well as potent hypnotic capabilities. He is able to communicate with beings telepathically, though his ability to do so is greater with beings that serve him. Shape-shifting: Like a number of gods or goddesses, Loki possesses highly developed shape-shifting capabilities. He is able to adopt almost any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects. The thought has been raised that his current form is merely a shape Loki has decided to remain in. Despite this well-known ability of Loki’s, he has commented to himself, as he struggled to escape from Dormammu’s mystic cage, that this is his “most soul-draining” power, apparently meaning it is more taxing than his other magical abilities. He has become such animals such as a snake, eagle, mouse and bee, gaining the basic natural abilities inherent in each form. While he can take on the likeness of another god, giant or human, he will not necessarily gain the special physical or mental powers of the being he imitates. Sorcery: Loki has extensive training in sorcery, giving him the ability to generate and control a great quantity of mystical abilities for a variety of purposes. His magical abilities are equal to Karnilla, the most skilled sorceress in the Asgardian dimension.He has also been shown to be immune to the Controller’s control disk, the mental influence of the Voice, and the power-sapping abilities of Rogue. Loki’s power has been said by the Silver Surfer during their early encounters as sufficient to “decimate a planet”. some things that fall under the magic umbrella:
Telekinesis Mystical Energy Blasts Mystical Force Fields Illusion Casting Teleportation Conjuration Transmutation Levitation Divination
Genius Intelligence: Loki has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge of the mystic arts. He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist, and highly skilled and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Loki repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust of his fellow Asgardians, despite his numerous crimes. Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak Loki can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth’s dialects, and various alien languages. Skilled Combatant: Loki is a formidable combatant in his own right, particularly as a swordsman or in the use of his various energy manipulative powers in combat situations, enough to hold his own against Thor on numerous occasions and beat the Disir into (literal) submission.
Magic limitations: Loki’s powers are believed to at least be slightly weaker on Midgard than on Asgard, as his birth was not of Gaea, and even Odin’s magic was on the wane on Earth. Also, while apparently possessing some extrasensory abilities that resemble psionic powers, Loki can not directly read the minds of other beings, nor can he control their actions. Superiority inferiority complex: Loki’s ambition has proven to be his greatest flaw, as his passionate hatred of Thor, lust for power, and his tendency to alienate himself through his ignoble actions greatly impedes his ability to bring his well laid plans to fruition. Also, as noticed by Apocalypse, Loki has a poor understanding of human nature, which leads him to severely underestimate his mortal (earthly) opponent’s, resulting into humiliating defeat. Prolonged Heat Exposure: The longer Loki spends in places of extreme heat unless shielded by magic he suffers intensely as he’s biologically geared to withstand intense cold better than intense heat. 
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