#( & then a few days pass & i feel very guilty about not getting them done soon enough & i agonize over them MORE it's a terrible cycle )
erabundus · 1 year
it  might  be  a  little  silly  to  say,  but  thank  you  to  everyone  still  waiting  on  a  starter  for  being  so  patient!  i  know  i  write  them  at  the  speed  of  cold  molasses  going  up  an  incline  but  i  am  DETERMINED  to  work  my  way  through  them  all  eventually.
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 2 months
what if an alpha character had an omega s/o who was constantly stressed for a little while, a while being a few days at most. From the stress, their scent had a constant sour smell to it, and that ended up affecting obviously themselves, but also affected him. His instincts are going to immediately release calming pheromones, which end up not working due to the pure strength of his omegas thoughts and filed up stress..
I was thinking wriothesley, blade and jing yuan for this scenario, maybe welt too but he's not an important one to me. Take as much time as needed for this!! make sure you don't overwork and burn yourself out. i love your writing sm!! ^^
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I decided to combine these two since they were similar to me :P
Also thank you! I try to pace myself but get too excited to write so I'm working on it.
cw: omegaverse
Definitely understands what his mate is going through as he remembers overworking when he first started running the Fortress of Meropide. He also remembers how hard it was to get him to stop working and to take a break so he starts off with trying to get them to relax with one of his heavily scented coats. But when that doesn't work he knows he's got to stop them himself before they pass out or worse.
Brings them tea and tries to get them to take five minute break at least but when they refuse he takes things into his own hands, literally. He lifts them up from their desk and hauls them over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and brings them to the nest he made in preparation for this. He simply plops them down on the nest and wraps his arms around them and closes his eyes letting them hiss and growl at him for taking them from their work.
Soon enough they run outta energy to fight off sleep surrounded by his warmth and the softness of the nest. When they wake up Wriothesley helps them create a work schedule including breaks every so often so they don't over work themselves again.
When he smells how stressed his mate is he doesn't bother asking them to take a break he makes them. He'll carry them if he has to, which he does, and brings them to their shared nest. He's not letting go of them so they can hiss and whine all they want about how they need to get work done but he's not going anywhere. If his s/o tries to leave he's right there stopping them.
He knows his mate is tired and stressed so he hopes releasing his own soothing scent would help them. But when it doesn't help he's at a loss but continues to just hold them close. Eventually they lose this battle and fall asleep in his arms.
They may have been cranky before but once they wake up feeling refreshed they apologize and only then does he let them get back to work though he does pop in to make sure they take a break.
Jing Yuan
Not one to overwork but he's met plenty of people who do and he knows how stubborn they can be especially in the face of a deadline. So he tries his best to set an example for his hardworking mate to take breaks in between work for maximum productivity. Though he does this his mate's scent still ends up souring so he tries to calm them with his own which almost works except they keep working instead of taking a break.
Practically kidnaps them from their work desk to his favorite napping spot and doesn't care that they hiss and snap at him. When they finally reach his favorite spot he has them talk to him about their stress and listens diligently offering solutions to seemingly impossible situations. He keeps them close not letting them run off to work again in his arms.
They eventually pass out from exhaustion but he knew this would happen and let's them rest on his thighs while he pulls out his phone to let people know he's taking a break for a while. He's got plenty of paperwork to deal with when he gets back but as long as his mate was feeling better it was worth it.
Guilty of overworking himself he knows just how hard it is to stop oneself and take a very needed break so he tries to be there for them to remind them to take that break. At first it seems to work, he gets his mate to eat and drink but when it comes to sleep that's a whole other story. Welt smells their stress and tries to soothe them with his own scent but when it doesn't work he's worried and knows enough is enough.
Usually doesn't need to put his foot down when it comes to his mate but now he's got no choice. He has them save or put away any work they're doing and if they glare at him or hiss he's going dad mode on them. He won't command them but being at the receiving end of his disapproving stare is more than enough to get them to shut up and obey.
When they're finally in their shared nest Welt does his best to pamper them by massaging their shoulders or hands to get them to relax before they eventually fall asleep. The next time they wake up Welt offers to help them with their work be it by taking on some of the job himself or by helping them make a timetable for breaks.
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asmoslverboy · 9 months
To love the devil; Dottore x GN!Reader.
He is who he has always been. Despite the centuries he's had to accept and embrace his darkness, though he claims otherwise, he can't help but try to hide away from you. Neither one of you's a saint, but through his eyes, you're an angel. CW! Angst, immortal × immortal, Dottore is referred to as "Zandik", self sabotage on Dottore's part♡, dottore being emotional (ooc tbh, im self projecting on him)??
932 words
Dottore has many sides to him that he'd rather hide off from you. For someone so egotistical, so full of pride, you'd never expect him to be ashamed of who he is, who he has become. And he's not— shame, embarrassment— those aren't emotions that he's familiar with.
But fear, now that's a whole other conversation. It's not like you don't know what he's done, the things he's guilty of, his list of crimes, and of unethical desires he's tried to fulfill. It's not like you haven't personally seen him drown in sin over the 400 years of knowing him.
"Zandik, did I upset you?" You ask him as you're sitting on top of his desk while he's in his chair, looking up at your figure. He's been quite distant lately, more than usual. You could easily assume that he was having one of his isolative episodes, but he doesn't seem to be avoiding anyone other than you.
"Hm?" That's all you get from him, accompanied by a raise of his right brow, but his focus soon goes back to his notes, going over them, rambling about how he needs his next project to be the embodiment of perfection. Creating an aranara, was it? Some things, it seems, never change. He was so obsessed with the idea of capturing one of those little creatures of nature, back when the two of you were still students.
The next few hours pass by in the same cycle of events. You try talking to him, he shrugs it off and continues digging his head deep into his research files.
Do not expect any more of him for the next days, weeks even. It's like your existence no longer matters to him. All you see is the man that you've been with throughout basically your whole entire lives, acting as if you were a mere accomplice. He has repeated this type of scheme in the past, more than once, but it never lasted as long as it did this time.
Each of your attempts of getting a simple response out of him, one that requires actual words instead of some grunt or hum, has gone to waste.
You're unsure of what to do. Should you be more worried for him or for yourself? Is this the time it all ends between the two of you? Should you really just give up on him at this point?
"Zandik," you called out, but not to him, nor to anyone else. Sitting by a lake, all by yourself, no one to your company, other than the thousand microorganisms that lived and thrived in the waters. "I wish you would just speak to me."
It's not like you lack friends to confide in. But would anyone be as understanding towards him— the one who was labeled a monster, by all who've known him and by himself first and foremost— after you tell them about his present behaviors?
You laid your head on the cold, wet grass. Surrounded by nature, the collective of existence. You could never be alone in this world, not as long as you believe that everything around you is as alive as you are.
But are you truly alive? If, in the past, your definition of the word was to express yourself in every way, to feel and to be felt, would you consider yourself alive at this very moment?
Another day has come— it seems you had fallen asleep on the ground. You awoke, a couple ducks quaking as they poke you with their beaks. They didn't mean to hurt you, though. And if you think about it, your beloved is much like these ducks. He does what he thinks would best help you. Even if it has opposing effects.
"You shouldn't stay," he told you, his tone felt like it could cut through metal. You were back at his office again, figuring you could at least help him out at work, if unable to help his inner world. He was taking off his gloves as he was done inspecting some ancient Khaenri'ahn technology items. "Do you want me to—"
"I've given you every reason to leave. Yet you still cling to me like a bloodthirsty eel." He cut you off. He has never spoken to you like this (not whilst he was sober, nor whilst he was in his right mind). He was calm, but he spoke as if you were an object to be dismissed.
"Do you not love me anymore?" You wanted to ask him so, so desperately. But the potential answers to that question shook you to your very core. So you dared not speak.
Such conflict within you. Shall you leave him be? Shall you listen to his words instead of pursuing him any further? You're painfully aware of his nature; to push you away when he needs your presence most.
But it's been going on for far too long, has it not? If he's not allowing you to help him, then really, what else is there to do, if not fend for yourself?
"You deserve better," he wrote to you, in a letter that'll never reach your sight. "Your love should not be limited to one who can not accept, nor react to it," he wrote again. But who is he trying to fool? He knows that this piece of paper, along with all the other ones he's tried to write, will be crunched up and disposed of.
Not even once, for the sake of the person who's loved him through it all, will he allow himself to be heard.
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armins-main-hoe · 2 years
Hi! I really liked ur writing so I was wondering if u can do this?
Inarizaki and shiratorizawa (or one of them) with a fem manager that gets into fights often? But it's because they have roots to delinquent family members so they're pretty recognisable,,, also she kicks ass pretty good so most of the time she comes out alive
aw thank you for liking my writing and for the request. Sorry I couldn't get round to writing it up sooner :/
"Oh no, you've got it all wrong. She does bite."
When you first signed up to be the manager for the boy's volleyball team, you really didn't think much of it. You only signed up because your parents wanted you to go to some sort of after school club.
You didn't like any of the clubs so you decided to be a manager for a sports team. Besides, you didn't think a manager would have to do much since most of the organisation for matches would be done by the teachers and coaches.
So here you are on your first day being introduced to the boys in the team.
You stood before them with a deadpan face on.
"Hey, I'm Y/n L/n and I'll be your manager from today onwards."
They boys bowed and said their greetings but you still felt like some of them were looking at you funny. So you looked at one, he had bleached yellow hair. (Atsumu Miya)
He tilted his head up and looked down at you suspiciously.
"Are you the Y/n L/n who got into a fight with Hiroto Ito a week ago?"
"Yeah, why? You looking for a fight too?"
Another boy came forward, he was slightly shorter but still a few inches taller than you with with black spikes for hair that went upwards. (Michinari Akagi)
"It was about time someone put that guy in his place. He was actually really annoying, would never let us practice in peace."
To your surprise, this boys were actually pretty nice to you and as you watched them practice you saw the passion they had for the sport.
Almost made you feel guilty for signing up for this role when you knew nothing about Volleyball.
You would hand out water bottles and towels during their breaks and tried your best to memories their names. Took you a few days to do that though.
Over the next few weeks, you ended up growing fond of the team and the team members which lead you to put more effort in your role as the manager.
You would take notes about each player, their strengths and weaknesses and you took time out of your day to learn the rules for volleyball. You didn't even realise when but your passion for the sport grew and grew.
Soon even the team members saw the improvement in you and grew fond of you as their manager. They hadn't ever had one before you and you were already setting their standard for a manager pretty high.
Soon you would even tease and joke around with them.
Their coach loved having you around for practice since the boys were actually kinda scared of you whenever they would mess up and made them try their very best each practice.
There was a time where they had a competition to go to where there would be a few other schools' volleyball teams attending too. It was your first match that you would be attending with them as their manager. Since it was your first, you didn't actually know how big the team's cheer squad was, which surprised you a bit when you first saw. There was also a crowd everywhere you went so it made it hard to move and get from one place to another.
However, around 15 minutes before matches you realised that Kita was missing for more than 10 minutes. The team can't play without their captain present. So you went to go quickly find him. After a few minutes you found him about to enter the changing rooms.
"Where were you? The team was waiting for you." You asked him.
"I had my phone on me and I was going to put it in a locker before the matches start." He put his phone up to show you. Before you or him could say anymore, someone from the crowd passing by with a hooded face snachted his phone and ran.
"Go back to the team. Go!" You pushed him in the direction to the entrance of the sports hall and then ran after the hooded face.
The guy ran down the streets and into an ally way which lead to a dead end. He turned around you saw that he was wearing a mask as well.
"Heh, what's a little girl like you gonna do huh?" The guy's voice came out a little muffled from his mask.
"A lot."
Safe to say you managed to beat his ass with the new moves your uncles had taught you. Though you did get a few scratches on your face and knuckles but you got Kita's phone back and the hooded guy seemed pretty beat up.
Running back to the competition, you just hoped Kita hadn't worried too much to mess up his performance. By the time you got back and made it to the coaches side, you saw that your team was already playing their first match.
At some point, Kita met your eyes and you gave him a toothy grin and a thumbs up while holding his phone in your other hand. He smiled back before focusing back on the game.
When they had a break in between the match, you handed out water bottles. When you gave one to Kita, he saw the scratches on your face.
"Did you get into a fight?"
"No, drink your water and don't worry, you're phone is in perfect condition."
"You got hurt though." When he said that, a few of the other team members turned around to check on you.
"Damn miss manager, you really shouldn't be kicking ass while your team is out here playing a match." Atsumu teased. He didn't know you chased a guy down an ally who stole his captain's phone.
"You know you should be careful or she might just kick your ass Atsumu." Osamu told him, sending you a smile before him and his brother began to bicker.
You shooed them all away once the break was over while rolling your eyes at their teasing remarks.
You had a small smile as you watched them play and you felt like this wouldn't be the first time you would get into a fight for them but you really couldn't care. They can repay you by getting first place.
"I'm Y/n L/n and I'll be your manager from today forwards."
You were there at every practice they had, they would see you taking notes and giving out water bottles. You learned all their names and positions within 3 days. You were doing everything one would expect a manager to do and you would do it flawlessly.
Which actually surprised them since you were known throughout the school to get into fights with other students both in your school and from other schools.
However, not long since you began being their manager, you once came to practice late with some bruises on your hands and a rather sour mood.
Tendo asked you about it but you just shooed him away to practice more, even hitting him with your clipboard.
Another time, you came to practice with your hair a bit messy and a busted lip that had been poorly treated. Though luckily that time the coach wasn't there to report it to another teacher and Eita Semi and Kenjiro Shirabu dragged you to the infirmary to get it treated properly.
Once, you came to practice after a fight which you personally found very easy to finish. You didn't get any big, obvious injuries so to the other team members, they thought you hadn't came back from a fight and continued practice like usual.
But the captain knew otherwise. When he came over to the side to get a drink he walked over to you.
"So, who did you fight with today?"
"Huh, how did you know?"
"I'm an excellent observer."
"Uhh sure, well it wasn't anything too bad. So don't worry about me."
He chuckled.
"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about the kid you beat up. Wonder what condition he is in right now."
"Gee captain, thanks for caring about your manager so much."
You both laughed before you fell silent.
"The bastard wouldn't quit saying nonsense about the team and starting up rumours." You told him.
"Aw, so you do care about us!" Tendo popped up on the other side of you.
"Fuck tendo! You scared me, I nearly punched you."
He laughed and put an arm around you.
"You beating up guys who talk shit about us? How thoughtful of you manager."
"Tendo do you want me to beat you up with my clipboard again?"
"Hehe, it's like we have our own personal bodyguard."
You smacked him with your clipboard.
"ow! Okay, okay, I'll stop. Gonna go practice some more. Talk to ya later miss bodyguard- I mean manager."
The other team members looked over at you and Tendo and were either laughing or sighing. "Looks like he is gonna get his ass beat again."
"He really should stop riling her up, she is actually kinda scary."
"Yeah but tendo is another breed, he isn't afraid."
Thank you for this request anon, this was pretty fun to write. Hope you enjoyed reading it!
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Hi! I feel like we don’t see a whole lot about Hunt and his wings! Could you please write something Hunt x reader that has to do with his wings? This isn’t even necessarily about smut either! I just noticed that we see a lot about the bat boys’ wings, but never really Hunt.
Hunt and his wings headcanon
A/n: so true anon! And he has a lot of trauma with his wings, poor boy. I went more fluff on this one
Warnings: mentions of trauma and injuries
A lot has happened with Hunt’s wings, especially in the first book
He gets them cut off thanks to Sabine and we know Sandriel abused him (in a similar way Amarantha did to Rhys in my opinion). I also think it was mentioned in HOSAB that Sandriel plucked his wings
Hunt has a big wingspan (I like to think just like Az)
He usually keeps them tucked in to avoid hitting others or objects
He’s very particular about the wings themselves and that area of his back
He doesn’t like when people walk behind him or touch his back/get too close from behind
It takes a lot for him to trust someone after everything with Shahar and the war
When you started dating he was open about his boundaries with his wings and you respected that, you’d never do something to make him uncomfortable bc you’d never want that for yourself
One night when you were making dinner together in the kitchen you noticed a couple of feathers ruffled on the back of his wing
You reached your hand out to move them back in place without thinking
As soon as your finger graze the dark soft feathers Hunt jumped, turning to look at you his face showed hurt and confusion
You felt guilty for forgetting, “I’m sorry! Hunt I’m so sorry. You just…you have a feather bent I was just going to fix it.” His expression turns to slight shock. You were going to help his wings?
He slowly turned his back to you, unfurling his wing just enough to give you access
You reached out gently moving it back into place with the others
“All done.” You gave him a small smile. He moved his wing to look at it and smiled. “Thank you.” He said softly
Hunt didn’t say anything about it for a few days, he had to think through what happened with you
A few nights later you’re sitting on the couch, Hunt’s head in your lap, your fingers brushing through his hair
Hunt had wanted to ask you all night but he couldn’t get up the courage. ‘It was just like what you were doing now’ he thought to himself. Hunt cleared his throat and you looked down at his nervous face, “y/n?” “Yes love?” “Will you…touch my wings? Like how you’re doing with my hair?”
You were shocked that he asked but more than happy to do it if it brings him comfort
At first Hunt was tense as your tan your fingers across his wings. After a few gentle touches he seemed to relax
After about 15 minutes he was purring like a cat
It was sweet. You were happy he trusted you to touch his wings
From then on he was comfortable with you touching his back and wings
You love being able to help him be comfortable with his wings
As more time passed you noticed his wings relax during daily occurrences
Hunt was more relaxed around people
And when lounging around you’d never seen them so low to the floor, like he wasn’t afraid anymore
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notmyprey · 7 months
Idea I have:
TW: Vore, digestion (with reformation), and gore/injuries.
Short summary: a pred instinctively eats a prey friend after the prey is injured.
A pred and prey are best friends and roommates. The prey gets hurt one day, lets say they got a really deep cut on their arm. They went to the doctor, and they got it all bandaged and treated. They tell the pred about the injury, and the pred starts acting strange. For the rest of the day, the pred mindlessly follows the prey around their room, sometimes getting really close to the prey. Its a bit intimidating to the prey, since the pred is twice as big as them, but they knew the pred wouldn't hurt them, so they dont say anything. The pred, though, is completely oblivious that they are accidentally stalking the prey around.
Eventually, its night time, the prey is asleep, but the pred lies awake. The pred can't stop looking at the prey no matter how hard they try to take their mind off them. Soon, the preds mind starts to go fuzzy, and they aren't able to control themselves.
They walk over to the prey, lift them up, and quickly before the prey can wake up, they shove their head in their mouth and bite down. The pred chews that, swallows, and starts on the next bit. Little by little, until their friend is gone. Though there was blood, most of it had dribbled onto the preds hands and face, which they promptly licked clean.
Their brain, which is still in that mental fog, decides the pred can go to sleep now, and as such, they go to bed and pass out.
The pred slowly starts to wake up in the morning to the feeling of something moving in their abdomen. The pred, suddenly remembering what had happened before they passed out, bolted upright and instinctively puked. Their prey friend is now sprawled out in front of them, in tackt and perfectly fine.
The prey is very disoriented, and honestly, they dont even remember what happened.
The pred starts crying, absolutely sobbing, cause they had eaten their best friend, and they are sure the prey will never forgive them.
The prey, still not knowing what happened, comforts them. Once the pred can talk again, the prey asks the pred what happened. The pred relays what happened, and that leaves the poor prey absolutely shook, and the pred feeling extremely guilty.
The pred leans in to hug the prey in an attempt to try and comfort them, but apologize and recoil after realizing they grabbed at the preys arm with the bandage on it. The prey flinches away, but upon realizing the preds attempt at hugging them did not make their arm hurt, goes to unwrap the bandages.
The previous injury was completely healed up, it didnt even leave a scar. The prey gets excited since they are able to move their arm freely again, and I imagine that the prey plays sports, so they will be able to play sports again sooner than they thought.
The prey thanks the pred, now being the one to innitiate a hug. The pred is kind of confused since the prey, by all means, should hate them, but the prey instead is thanking them? But still, that was better than the prey hateing them, and no matter how confused, the pred was not about to try and convince the prey of anything else.
Another few weeks go by, and the prey and pred are still best friends, and now have made sure to step up their game on communication so that didn't happen again. They prey ends up getting injured again, this time, they twisted their ankle.
The prey tells the pred, prompting the pred to offer to move in temporarily with one of their friends for the time the prey's ankle takes to heal, but was immediately shut down by the prey. The prey said they had already thought it over and had decided they wanted the pred to stay.
After that, the pred mindlessly starts to follow the prey again, keeping close to them. Noticing this, the prey tells the pred that they are doing the same thing they had done before they ate the prey last time.
The pred, ashamed of themselves, opts for lying down in their bed in hopes they stop. The pred still notices themselves following the prey with their eyes, so they cover their head with the blanket.
The prey was working on an essay they had due the next day, and just got done. After turning their chair around, they saw the pred was shaking and making small whimpering noises. Quickly realizing the pred was crying, they got up and layed down next to the pred. They ask whats wrong, and the pred whispers that they dont want to hurt them.
The prey at this point just wants their friend to feel better, and they honestly wanted to as well. Their foot was sore, and they wanted to play sports again.
The prey tells the pred that if it would make them feel better, they can eat the prey. The pred starts to cry again, saying they wouldn't again and that they are so sorry. The prey insists, saying that they would rather that then the pred be like this for the rest of their foot healing. They also say that they want the pred to sleep, and they both know the pred wasn't going to sleep unless this feeling went away.
The prey grabs the blanket and pulls it back a bit, helps the pred sit up, and waits patiently for the pred to pick them up. When the pred, however, doesn't move, the prey asked again to be eaten.
The pred doesn't look at the prey but defeatedly asks if they wanted to be eaten like last time or not. The prey jokingly asks if there was any other way, and the pred says they could swallow them whole. The prey, who had not expected an actual anwer, stared at the pred, weighing that option.
The prey decided that that would be worth a try, and if its too painful, they would tell the pred that they want them to bring them back up and just eat them like the pred had before.
The pred lifts the prey up, bringing the prey's face to their own, then slowly opens their mouth. They place their friends head inside, forcing themselves to keep their mouth as open as possible to make sure they dont hurt the prey. They swallowed, bringing the preys head into their throat. Another swallow and their shoulders and upper torso are in, then the prey's waist, the hips followed, the upper then lower legs after, till their was only feet sticking out. At that point, the preds stomach had already gotten the preys head and shoulders, which was now making the preys presence visible. The last swallow took their friend all the way into their throat.
Soon, the prey got all the way into the stomach, making it bulge. The pred placed their hands on the lump that was their friend and asked if they were ok. The prey chuckled and said they wouldn't be for long. The pred gave a weak, sad, laugh back.
After 5 minutes, the pred asks how the prey is doing. The prey says their legs are already gone, and some of their fingers are too, but strangely, it didn't hurt at all. After 10 minutes, the prey says their arms are gone, and so is their lower torso. After 15 minutes, the pred asks again, but there was no response. The pred looks down and sees that their once filled belly was now back to its normal size.
Tears start to fill the preds' eyes. They know that the prey asked for this and that the preys foot would be healed after, but still, the pred couldn't help but feel terrible.
Suddenly, a strange feeling started to come from where their friend once was. It felt nice, almost happy. They didn't know why, but they stopped crying, instead curling up on their side and taking out their phone to watch YouTube.
6 hours had passed since the pred had eaten their friend, worry had started to bubble around 4 hours, but now it was almost too much to handle. The pred did everything in their power to distract themselves. They cleaned their room, the bathroom, the closets, organized the desks, and even made the beds. Any time these tasks were done, a really good feeling would start from where their liquified friend was held, though what that feeling was, the pred couldn't quite place it.
Soon, they felt their stomach grow again, slowly, it took about 15 minutes for the prey to fully reform, but the pred sat at the ready for when they did, determined to get them out as quickly as possible.
They started to feel the prey move and immediately went to bringing the prey back up. Soon, they held their friend in their hands, smiling at the prey who smiled right back.
They sat for a while, the pred and prey just exsiting together, both just happy the other one is alright. Eventually, the prey couldn't take the silence any longer, deciding to thank the pred for cleaning the room and bathroom. The pred looked at them, confused. The pred asks how they knew the bathroom was clean. It was only then that the prey realized they didn't know. When they were digested, they thought they wouldn't know whats happening, but it seemed like they had almost become one with the pred in that moment. When the prey said that, the preds' faces went red, almost seeming like the pred were about to melt like the prey had.
The pred quickly changes the subject, asking about the preys foot. In response, the prey stands up and hopps off the preds bed, landing swiftly and skillfully on the ground.
Smiling again, the pred gets up and is hit with a sudden hunger. Heading to the snack cabinet, they grab enough food for the prey to have 3 meals with and proceed to plop down on their bed to eat.
(Another short story based on this)
The pred muched on a bag of popcorn. Them and the prey were watching a movie from the preds phone on the preds bed, both of which were two times larger to match the preds two times size.
For some reason, the prey couldn't watch the movie, instead only being able to focus on the pred eating. The prey didn't understand why they were so fascinated by it. There, quite honestly, was even some anger towards the pred eating the popcorn. Was it jealousy? With a bit of surprise, they realized they were somehow jealous of the popcorn. They couldn't be upstaged by a snack. They knew they were much better.
The prey decided they had to do something about it. Gently taking the bag of popcorn, they set it down so it was on their side opposite the pred. Then, they put themselves where the bag once sat in the preds lap.
Grinning, the prey tells the pred that they taste better than the popcorn, so perhaps they should eat them instead. Oh, is the pred flustered. Stuttering up a storm, the pred reaches to pause the show. As soon as they lean back and open their mouth to talk, their interrupted by the prey's head now in their mouth.
Swallowing, soon the prey is tucked away in the pred. The pred doesn't understand them sometimes, but they dont question it at this point. They would rather bask in the moment, and at the moment, their best friend is with them and is as close as they can be.
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drunkoffsmoke · 24 days
Hello ! Could I request relationship headcanons with Porco and a male reader 🙏🏼 ? Maybe before dating and during ? If you're up to it ofc
a/n: YOO-HOO !! hope you didn't forget about this anon, i promise i saw it. i've been meaning to get to this for awhile, but of course my motivation is absolutely fucked. i apologize. hope this satisfies you ^^
! WARNING ! : contains spoilers
reader is a marleyan and works as a shop keeper.
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little story yahoo !!
What a day. First, two kids place foot inside your store, watching in awe at all of the artifacts for sale—and next thing, two grown men arguing next to the younglings. Not to mention the fact that they're soldiers.
Things were about to get physical before you stepped in. After all, this was your shop. You couldn't risk these arrogant warriors would tear this place up.
The taller, blonder man was more understanding—he wasn't really paying attention to the arrogant and obviously irritated shorter male. Matter of fact, he looked tired of him. So, obviously, all of the blame turned to stranger with the undercut hairstyle. He wasn't very pleased.
"I didn't start anything!" He protested, throwing his hands up in defeat as he glared at his comrade. Just as he was about to speak once more, one of his arms subconsciously jolted backwards, knocking off the shelf a vase.
Looking down at the shattered object, silence fell in your shop, the tension thickening as seconds pass. With a twitch of an eye, you fold your arms and glare at the man.
"You have to pay for that, jackass." Your grip on your arms tighten, clearly irritated with this whole scene. "You come into my shop, cause a ruckus, and now you break things. I think you should get out, right after you pay."
At that point, one of the children was dragging the other—who wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon, being too invested in this little argument—outside and instead watched from the window.
The shorter blond scratched his head, looking down at the mess while grumbling a few words underneath his breath. Patting down his pockets, he pulled out his wallet while murmuring a quiet 'sorry'.
"How much was it?" He questions, trying to ignore the shards littering around his feet. You laughed, looking inside his pocket. "A lot more than whatever you have in there. Just forget it, you already did enough."
You shoo the two men outside of your store, inhaling and exhaling sharply. You grab the broom and the dustpan sitting in the supply closet and began cleaning up the mess.
All while someone was watching from the window, a certain glint in his eyes that few have seen.
before dating.
Surprisingly enough, he feels guilty for what he's done. Sure, the vase wasn't that grand—but he could tell it was an antique that many would want to have in their homes.
So, with gritted teeth and clenched fists, he returned a few days later to your shop.
Slamming money on your counter without uttering a word, the sum of it nearly shocks you. You wondered how could he get this much cash in just a few days. Oh, right. He's a soldier. The pay is good.
You take the money hesitantly, narrowing your eyes at him. He was about to turn around and leave, when your collection of guns caught his eye.
Of course, the two of you had to talk about them. Sharing the knowledge with eachother as you led him to other war-related artifacts you owned, the tension between you two began to fade. Hell, he even smiled once at your knowledge. Most civilians wouldn't even stress themselves to learn the basic military procedures.
Yet look at you. You're literally a walking encyclopedia. Secretly, he admired it. Just before you turned around, his smile faded, and pretended to focus on the details of the dagger you were showing.
Aside from artifacts, you also had cigarettes and razors for sale, and many more items that were useful in the daily life. So, because he was in need of a few things, he decided to visit your shop once more.
At first, he thought he was buying things from you because he needed them. Later on, he came to the realization that it just wasn't true.
During his visits, you often chatted about news and war, but also cultural knowledge. He still made snarky remarks and sometimes appeared rude, yet deep down, he respected you. Sure, he often belittled you, but Porco would be willing to fight tooth and nail for you.
He was intrigued by you, he wanted to know why. But the more he thought about his feelings for you, the more he grew anxious and scared.
Was he in love? God, please, tell him he's not—what would others think? A man loving another man? Impossible, a sin.
That's what they say.
And unfortunately for Porco, his suspicions were confirmed. He was in love. I mean, how could someone's heart not flutter when looking at you? You were smart, capable, good-looking. You had it all.
But you were a man, just like him.
In order to hide his feelings, he began visiting less and less, hoping that this 'foolish attraction' would pass.
Unfortunately for him, you took notice of that. And unfortunately for him again, you also grew close to the two kids that visited your shop that day.
Gabi and Falco, that's who they were. When you asked about Porco, Gabi suggested you see him yourself.
And that's what you did.
You found him sitting on a bench, away from everyone, with only silence to keep him company. You startled him once you took a seat next to him, causing him to shift uncomfortably and look elsewhere.
You asked him why he hasn't been visiting like he used to, and he hesitated to answer. As nothing came out of his mouth, you frowned and stood up to leave, when he abruptly grabbed your wrist, insisting that you stay.
Sitting back down on the bench, your heart was pounding as his fingers were still wrapped around your wrist. You didn't look at eachother, both of your minds screaming with unanswered questions.
Until his hand traveled down in order to hold yours.
during dating.
He doesn't show much affection in public, still afraid of what others may think. But, with his subtle touches and occasional glances, you know that he loves you.
He visits your shop more often now—and when others question it, he simply states that he finally found someone smart enough to have a proper conversation with.
While alone, Porco is keen on physical touch and relies on it in order to tell you how much he loves you. He's always had a rough time expressing himself, but when he's with you, he feels as if a simple forehead kiss or a hug speaks louder than any word he wants to say.
When he's away for missions, he longs for the day he gets to hold you in his arms again. He fights for you, he kills for you, he does anything if it means that he'll be with you again.
Sometimes he has nightmares of your death, and when he wakes up sweating and with glossy eyes, he finds you there, gently caressing his shoulder. You let him hug you tightly, tears staining your shirt as he quietly weeps.
Most of the time, it seems like he doesn't listen. Oh, you're so wrong. At this point, he has notebooks with your favorite things and interests, just in case he forgets. But does he ever forget? Nah.
He listens to you talk, he takes you out on long walks and always make sure to stop by the bench where it all started. Most of the folks living nearby have been spotting you sitting on that bench often, and even made a common rule that nobody besides you and Porco get to sit on that bench during the afternoon.
And even after death, he offers solace from above by dropping flower petals next to you, on that special bench, during the afternoon.
a/n 2: holy dang this was actually so sad to write like.. its 3 am and now im crying because of myself UGHHH ANON THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME WRITE THIS, i apologize if it's ooc though i finished aot a long while ago and i forgot a lot😭
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noffy96 · 8 months
SpicyHoney fic
Been a while since i wrote some Papyrus's. And now we get Edge and Stretch in the Mer Au. It's following events that happened in 'The Return' But i don't think it's required reading But anyway here we go
Secrets told.
Chapter Word count: 6600
Chapter 1/1 (Completed)
“We don't have to go in if you ain't ready”
Edge's frown deepened as it had done every single time before this. Red eyes looking away from him. And he gently kept caressing his face as he gathered his thoughts.
He could see the two sides battle it out in those eyes. The part that wanted to tell what was going on, that longed to. And the other part, the scared part. The protective part for his older brother. The fear he was making a mistake.
He expected to see those eyes fill up with regret once more. But instead for the first time, their gaze met before a decision was reached.
Edge had a secret he wanted to share with his boyfriend. But doing so is not an easy Process. But Stretch is patient he is willing to take this walk a million times if it means his boyfriend trusts him. He just hopes it is enough
--link here to AO3--
or continue below the read more line
He stuck his arms out to keep his balance as he hopped from stone to stone. Being careful not to fall into the water. The wind was howling, as the autumn breeze was setting in. It was cold here, but they soon be around the corner and out of the wind.
He hopped off the last stone and leaned against the large rocks on the other side of the path, Staring at the trees above and seeing the wind shake their leaves loose. Before looking back the way he came to see how far his boyfriend was behind.
Edge was walking slowly, hands deep in his jacket pockets. Starting hard at the sand below. This had been the fourth time in two weeks they had come here. All three previous times they had eventually turned around. He didn’t know what his boyfriend wanted to show. But he knew it was important. But also that it was clearly very, very difficult.
And while he would rather be inside with this kind of weather. He doesn’t care if he has to keep walking this way every day. If it means his boyfriend trusts him. Edge was trying to tell him about a secret he had for years. One that he had been clear about having since the beginning of their relationship.
One that he had felt he could never be honest about. It had surprised him, sure. But the fact that Edge was so upfront with it. Well, that made him trust him. And Edge never had betrayed that trust. But something had shifted lately. And he had a feeling it had to do with Red.
It hadn’t been obvious immediately. It had slowly grown over time. When Red had gotten closer to a certain new skeleton that had rented the cabin on the beach on Solar Island. And he definitely noticed it when it was clear Red was having a huge crush on said new guy.
Sans was good to Red in his opinion. In all the years he had known him. He hadn’t seen Red such at ease with someone who wasn’t Edge. And now that they were together, even if they seemed to be doing their relationship long distance. Red seemed calmer and like something heavy had lifted from his shoulders.
And it was after that, that these trips had started. He had always assumed that the secret had something to do with the brother's past, as they didn’t talk about anything in their past. Espeasily childhood. Whatever had happened. Left both brothers scarred. He only saw a glimpse of Red’s hip scar once. But it was a nasty one.
Edge was covered in them too. Most prominently the two over his eye. He knew they came from two different fights. The bigger one of the two was the one he felt most guilty over. As it had made him pass out, which led to Red gaining his hip scar. The brother's past seemed awful at best. And to haunt them every single day.
He was happy with not knowing if it made Edge feel better. Edge was just as kind to his own secrets. But Edge knew most of his at this point, sparing a few details. That doesn’t mean he isn’t curious. Of course, he was. But his love’s comfort was more important.
Edge movement had slowed even more. His shoulders hinged high up, and stared down at his boots. They were sinking into the mud with every step. He was amazed Edge could walk on these slippery wet rocks with high heels. He gave a gentle smile as his boyfriend finally reached him. But Edge was still looking straight down, Red eyes staring hard like he could burn the stones beneath his feet. He doubted Edge had been paying attention where he had been walking at all. Just stuck with whatever thoughts were obviously plaguing his mind.
He straightened himself. There was a little cave up ahead. Which seemed to be their destination. He saw his boyfriend make eye contact with the entrance. Sucking in a large breath that was slowly released through closed teeth. Making a faint whistling sound.
And just like everything they had done before this Edge seemed to freeze up even more. And he wished he could know what was going on in that handsome head of his. Was it fear? Apprehension? Something else entirely?
Touching him when he was this tense would give him a fifty-fifty shot of getting a bone attack swung his way. But he wanted to do something.
Last time he had stepped too close and spooked his prickly lover. So now he only held out his hand. Edge's eyes snapped to the movement and when his gaze rested on his hands. He wriggled his fingers
“Come on babe, he’s lonely”
Edge snorted and immediately flushed at letting out such an undignified sound. But his equally cold hand grabbed on anyway
“Why did I need to fall for such a dork”
Despite Edge's still tense posture, it was said with a great amount of fondness. So he leaned closer and placed a quick kiss on his sharp cheekbone. Appreciating his boyfriend's eyeliner from up close in the process.
“Cause I am irresistible~ “
Edge shook his head fondly. The hand still holding his own squeezing softly. Eyes hardened once they looked towards the cave again.
Now that he was already holding his hand. He dares to press himself against his side. Trying to make it look like he was just trying to get warm. Instead of offering the comfort that his boyfriend was too stubborn to ask for.
From The Little side eye he got, the ruse hadn't worked. But to his surprise, they kept walking on anyway. They were out of the biting wind. But he kept close anyway.
Their paces slowing down a lot. But neither of them mentioned it. Every once in a while there was a distinct tremble running through Edge and he always soothingly ran his hand over his back after.
He decided to just talk his boyfriend's ear off about nothing important to try and calm both their nerves.
As he was talking about the difficulty he had defeated the boss in his latest game. They came to a stop again, and he trailed off as they were at the entrance of the cave. The farthest they had ever gotten.
Edge looked like he was lost in his mind again. He gently squeezed him but nothing. A gentle nudge. And still nothing.
Edge eyelights flickered a couple of times before looking down at him. There was a tiny unsure frown on his face. The fact that it was able to shine through with how high up his walls were spoke volumes.
He knew that what he was gonna do next would most likely turn them around again. But he couldn't help himself. He cupped his lover's cheek, pulling him in for a soft kiss. Saying as softly as he could
“We don't have to go in if you ain't ready”
Edge's frown deepened as it had done every single time before this. Red eyes looking away from him. And he gently kept caressing his face as he gathered his thoughts.
He could see the two sides battle it out in those eyes. The part that wanted to tell what was going on, that longed to. And the other part, the scared part. The protective part for his older brother. The fear he was making a mistake.
He expected to see those eyes fill up with regret once more. But instead for the first time, their gaze met before a decision was reached.
Edge’s socket widened as their eyes met. He didn't know what he was showing his love. Just trying to be as non-judgemental and open as possible. He was already so proud that they had gotten this far Edge’s eyes seemed to get a determined little sheen in them and he was pulled into a firm hug.
He quickly warped his arms around his boyfriend's torso as he was squeezed closer.
“I know”
It took him a few seconds to realise Edge was responding to his earlier question. And one hand rubbed firmly across his back. And he buried his face against his boyfriend's jacket. And Edge spoke up again.
“I know…but I wanna keep going”
Edge pulled away again and leaned down to kiss him. He melted into it quickly. It felt like it said ‘thank you’. And ended it with nuzzling their foreheads together affectionately.
It was such an innocent affectionate gesture. But it always made him smile just as bright as any kiss would.
Slowly they made their way into the cave that grew darker by the minute as the sun from the entrance faded away. He summoned a blue attack to at least see where they stepped. His grip on his lover's hand tightened, making sure not to lose him in the dark. As the walls around them grew damp.
As they turned a corner there seemed to come a blue-greenish glow coming from the end. He let out a soft gasp of surprise and moved a bit faster. Trying to come closer.
Edge let go of his hand as he moved forward and he immediately stopped and turned around. He wasn't able to see his lover's face clearly with just the light of his attack. And he feared that his excitement might have been a mistake.
“Go on, I will be right behind you”
If it had been any other time. His love for science and discovery would have made him nod and run off. Edge would have followed with a fond shake of the head.
But nothing about today was normal. But if he went back to how they were walking before Edge might take it as him thinking he was weak.
He didn't want that. But rushing off seemed a bad idea as well. Somehow a third idea managed to come to him just as those red eyes seemed to harden. As he walked backwards at a normal speed.
“Don't you wanna see my reaction? Just tell me when to turn around”
He got a soft glare as Edge knew he was being handled around his fears but seemed to not be able to deny him. As he followed him their gazes locked.
Every crunching step seemed to echo around them filling his nerves. but he trusted Edge with everything he had. He knew nothing bad would happen.
The room around them grew brighter and brighter and he was able to see his boyfriend's tense frame once more.
And he did and grinned as Edge walked up to him the last of the way. Edge stared past him before staring at his eyes again. The determination from before seemingly getting stronger. And if made his soul beat fast.
It seemed Edge was sticking with his decision and not turning back anymore. He really hoped so. So finally Edge can feel free of his burden. Whatever this was gonna be he knew that it was not gonna change his feelings for his boyfriend. He has been with him for a little over two years. And he was planning on making it many more.
Edge grabbed his wrist pulling his hands up and placing a soft kiss against them. And he tries not to flush.
“Do you trust me”
Edge whispered. And without missing a beat he replied
“With everything I got”
One corner twitched up. Fear was creeping in his love's eyes again but he kept going.
“I just need a moment. Can I trust you not to look, not until I tell you”
He wondered what Edge needed to do. But he'd do anything he needed.
“Of course. I'll close my eyes as well just to be safe”
Edge opened his mouth but seemed to think better of it, and questioned
“Can you promise not to look around no matter what you hear”
He frowned and Edge got a worried look. He twisted their hands so now he held onto his love’s wrist and gave his hands the same kind of kiss
“I…I wish I could, but I WILL turn around if the sounds make me think you are getting hurt…”
He trailed off and his love’s eyes had gone through several different emotions with his statement. But in the end, it settled on fond. Edge stepped closer and kissed him.
It made him let out a surprised gasp just before his teeth joined allowing Edge to slip his tongue in and firmly hold onto his waist. His own hands ended on his shoulders but just as his wits returned to him. His boyfriend pulled away from him with one last soft squeeze of his hips.
“Then Close your eyes”
And he did. Edge let out a shuddering breath and he felt one more kiss against his cheek. Hearing Edge walk past him. The heals crushed against the gravel before coming to a stop.
He hates that he was focusing on every sound his love made. Instead of patiently waiting. He tried to distract himself by focusing on any of the other noises.
The sound of dripping water from the walls. Some hitting rocks, others filling in puddles. Big and small. One of them seemed really big. He wondered if he could calculate how big it was on sound alone
The sound of a zipper echoed loudly. Was Edge taking off his shoes? Why would he? Unless maybe he thought he had to climb on something and it wasn't safe.
But he had seen his boyfriend walk even the Steepest of cliffsides in those heels. So unlikely. Then came more sound of the rustling of clothing. And he was growing a bit worried. But it didn't sound like he was in danger. After another minute or so the sounds stopped.
And it was silent. And as the silence continued he called out.
It was a nickname he used rarely. And it was a shame he couldn't see Edge’s handsome face flush so prettily as he said it. But it would convey his love and worry with just one word. He heard some bones rattle.
There was another sharp exhale. And he stayed silent. Trying to keep his posture relaxed so that Edge could take the last step.
He heard something slide into some water. He wondered what Edge had put in. He was getting confused. But now that he had heard it. It was clear that some of the light he saw was from the water.
There was a faint sound. It was familiar. He hadn't heard it in years. And it was most likely something most people wouldn't pick up on. But he had heard it anytime his brother and he had gone to the ocean.
Any time they had decided to play by the reefs. As Blue dove into the water, taking him with him as the bubbles surrounded them. But he was probably mistaken. Caught in the moment of being in such a familiar space as they went to as children.
There was another moment of silence.
“You…can turn around”
Edge sounded further away than before. And he opened his eyes slowly getting adjusted to the light. And spinning around.
The first thing he noticed was the pile of neatly folded clothes placed on a dry rock. Edge heels standing next to them. And his soul beat faster.
But he couldn't see Edge even though this was where he had heard him go. He looked through the rest of the cave. It was filled with glittering blue and green stones. There was light from above peaking in through cracks hitting the water and the rocks reflecting all around.
And in the middle of the water was Edge. The water coming up to his collarbones. His eyes stared up at him intently, seemingly bracing.
And he saw why, as the water was clear enough to see what had changed. Edge legs had disappeared to be replaced with a beautiful red mer tail.
He had been right about the sound he released and kept staring at him in awe. Frozen in place
He must have been silent for a while. And hearing his boyfriend's confused voice shook him out of his frozen state.
Edge had one hand wrapped around his ribs. A self-comfort thing he had seen him do when he got really scared after a nightmare. He broke into a run and jumped into the water.
The water was cold but far from freezing.
“Stretch! “
But he quickly swam towards his boyfriend grabbing his shoulders the second he was near enough and firmly kissed him.
It had clearly surprised Edge by the way his mouth was still against his own. And they both sank under the water as Edge forgot to keep himself up. His hands came across his hips gliding over the scales. Smoothing them gently.
Hands came up to his bare ribs because his hoodie had filled with air and was floating up. He could feel the tremble of magic beneath his mouth. The shaky hands against his bones.
He pulled away and stared deeply into Edge's eyes. Whose eyesight had grown wide as saucers.
“Babe you look so beautiful!”
He pulled away staring down at his love's tail. Letting himself sink further as he soothed his hands over his scales
“They are still so shiny! Especially if you don’t swim much. They are almost as bright as your magic!”
He kicked his legs to swim around him.
“Oh, I never seen a dorsal fin shaped like that! It is so sharp…can I touch it? Ah, I probably shouldn't. I didn't see your scars sorry.”
He was absolutely mesmerized by his boyfriend's look. He was one of the most beautiful Mer he had ever seen.
Edge mumbled confused He kicked himself back upright. Holding onto his boyfriend's arms. Smiling back at Edge's bewildered face. And he gave a sheepish look back.
“Sorry, was that too much? I meant every word I swear. It has just been so long since I-”
“How….? are you doing…? this…?”
Edge interrupted him and he tilted his head not sure what he meant. Edge's hands squeezed at his arms.
“How…are your breathing?…how do you know what this is?…any of this…? I thought I would need to explain…but”
There was a worry in his voice. Like his mind couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. And he suddenly realised his last secret was coming out as well.
“My mom was a Mer”
He stated softly.
“Your…mom was…?”
Edge repeated and he saw the gears turning in his head.
“So you're…half mer?”
He gave a shrug
“probably less.. 'cause I can't transform like my brother could. But I can breathe underwater…to a certain extent. After a while, my chest starts to really hurt and I have to get some air.”
He rambled on as Edge's eyes widened and he gasped softly as he seemingly realised something.
“You're brother…he wasn't kidnapped…he was…”
He smiled sadly and gave a nod. Talking about his twin always made him sad. It always felt like some part of him was missing. He had told Edge what happened to him, the same way he told everyone else. A bit more detailed perhaps. But changing it the same always. Just like he promised his dad. Besides he wouldn’t want to risk anyone else having to through what he and his father did.
“Poached…it wasn’t a car that stopped by the road and grabbed my brother. But a fisherman's boat. My mom tried to stop them…but got caught as well. Doesn’t make the screams any different”
Edge’s look grew more mortified. Just like the first time he had told this story, even as he had changed the details.
“The proof of their deaths…”
He gave another grim nod.
“Records of the parts they had sold…and when we….”
He took in a shuddering breath and tried to continue.
“I…didn't lie about me and dad finding mom's…”
He trailed off choking as he tried to block out the image of his mom's body as they found it. His dad's anger and grief strike cries are something he could never forget.
Edge pulled him in a hug. Hand holding the back of his skull. A gentle kiss against his cheek.
“Hush…you don't have to explain further. I get it”
He held onto his boyfriend's ribs leaning into the hug. Then with a smile he gently nuzzled their foreheads together. Realising they had been using a mer tradition to show affection for years.
“I’m sorry for not telling you Edge. But after we found out what happened. My dad could hardly look at the ocean…let alone speak about it. I never forgot why they died. But…I swore to keep it secret for him. Just-”
Edge cut him off with a soft kiss.
“I get it…I'd be the biggest hypocrite for getting angry at you for that”
It was followed by another soft kiss. And his own eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh my fucking god. I am so sorry. We came here because this was your secret and now I have kept rambling on about mine. But just. I was so happy to see you like this. To share with you this part of my life I thought I had buried but had loved so much. I am doing it again I shut up now and-”
Edge's shoulders started shaking and his hands flailed up. Cupping his love’s cheeks ready to apologise. Only to realise that Edge was laughing not crying.
Two hands came to his own face gently caressing beneath his cheekbones.
“I knew you wouldn't judge me. But still, you always have a better reaction than I ever expect.”
His face flushed a dark orange at the words. And he gave an embarrassed chuckle. Gently pressing their foreheads together once more.
“I’m glad you’ve trusted me enough to show me”
He whispered his hands trailing back down to gently squeeze Edge’s shoulders again. It also made floating next to him much easier.
“It was never a matter of not trusting you…just..”
Edge let out a sigh
“Keeping a promise to Red?”
Edge's eyes shut and nodded.
“I understand his fear. He got hurt so much more than me. He had to fight at least 3 other Mer, if not more to keep us alive. I was passed out through most of it. But I still remember waking up with the pain in my skull. And Red was bleeding all over almost passing out trying to take care of me. And then afterwards having to carry him because of his injuries, everywhere we went until we found somewhere safe. And it wasn't like our lives had been easy before that. I…”
He trailed off. Clearly struggling with how much he wanted to tell. Probably painful to remember. And despite everything. Properly Still feeling like he was betraying part of Red's trust by telling him this at all.
He wondered if Edge felt guilty for even mildly enjoying his mer form if he did at all. Like he felt bad for wanting to go back and see part of the life Red had saved them from.
He nuzzled closer. Pressing a kiss against the scars that ran over his boyfriend's eyes.
“You don't gotta explain everything now. It can wait. The fact that you show me this is enough”
Edge frowned harder
“I can't just be like, this is what I am and not explain anything about why I kept it secret. That's… that's not fair, I should at least-”
He cut him off with another soft kiss
“As I keep telling you. You owe me nothing. Only tell me what you are comfortable with sharing with me.”
Edge was still frowning. And he smiled patiently at him. Leaning forward nuzzling their foreheads together.
“if you really wanna tell me something. You can share a happy memory. That's allowed too. Or maybe one you had to change the details off when speaking of it before”
Their eyes met again. His boyfriend still looked apprehensive but grateful. He took a look around. Seeming calmer and pulled him closer.
“I think I might have said about being obsessed with a waterpark as a child”
He nodded, resting his head on his love’s shoulders
“You have, Red had to always go after you for trying to get into the bigger kid's slides. I assume there was no waterpark”
Down below, Edge’s tail slowly curled around his ankle. And he likes the smooth feeling against his bones.
“There wasn't indeed. There was a grotto with a lot of fast currents. And he didn't like me playing in those”
He started laughing. The image of a younger Edge sneaking off was hilarious. And just tumbling through the currents with a big Grin was downright adorable.
“My brother tried to take me to such a place once but Mom stopped us. Said it was a dangerous place for a normal monster”
There was a kiss against his head along with an affectionate nuzzle.
“Sounds like a smart woman. I hate to admit that my brother was right about them being dangerous. But they were. And that's coming from someone who has the tail strength to fight them unlike you”
He playfully pushed against his boyfriend's chest.
“You calling me weak?”
He called out playfully. And his boyfriend's grin turned sharper showing off those beautiful canine teeth.
“Just lacking dearest”
The words dropped with mockery And he met the challenge head-on
“I am better at this than you'd think. You would have a hard time catching me”
Edge's eyebrow raised sceptically.
“You underestimating my hunting skills?”
He said with no real venom. And that made him wiggle free from his boyfriend's hold.
“Prove it”
He gave his boyfriend a little smirk before letting himself sink to the bottom of the pool. It clearly caught him off guard as it took a second before Edge sharply turned to launch after him.
He knew he would have nothing on his boyfriend on speed. But he was able to slip out of tight corners easily. Making his boyfriend forced to turn around and launch at him again.
And it was fun being hunted in the water, reminded him of playing with his brother. But while that had been playful.
This…this held the air of someone different. Something that was clinging to the back of his mind like he should know but didn't. But he was too busy egging on his boyfriend to pay much attention to it.
Wanting to keep those ruby-red eyes all for himself. Wanted that focus on him and him alone it was addicting.
But he couldn't keep evading him forever. Eventually, he was pinned against a large rock with a growl. And he surrendered in his hold.
Making those sharp eyes look so satisfied. Yet still so hungry. He titled his head aside without question, not even really thinking about it. Just knowing he wanted it.
Edge hangs still for a second longer before launching forward. And he felt sharp teeth dig into his bones. His head knocked back harshly against the rocks behind him with a moan.
His hands dug harshly into his lover's scapula. Even leaving thin scratches that he knew his boyfriend loved.
Edge's tail was rubbing and gliding against his hips and legs, so he warped them around him. Trapping him further against himself.
There was a growl of approval against his neck. And then he could give his bones give further under his love's mouth. He smelt the faint send of marrow when he was released.
Edge's tongue lapped against his new mark while his own hands kept gliding down between his tail and bones. Digging between scales, smoothing out others.
Just to fill him twist more against him. And his magic gave an interested stir. But the pressure on his chest was increasing. So with difficulty, he pulled his head back to look his lover in the eyes. And pointed up.
The glazed hungry look disappeared slowly and the arms that had been pinning him in place warped around him. Pulling him tight against Edge as he quickly swam up.
He had barely a second to enjoy the water rushing past them as they broke the surface and he launched into a coughing fit.
He was glad Edge was still holding him up as it kept going. He had to relearn how to surface properly. But for now enjoyed the soothing hands against his back. As Edge settled on the swallow end of water pulling him against himself.
It took a few minutes to get his heaving breaths under control. But once he managed still panting harshly he met his boyfriend's worried gaze below him.
He slid his knees on either side of his hips. Resting on his love's tail. And gently cupped his face and pulled him into a salty kiss. Holding nothing back pouring all the magic, feeling and whatever else he could into this one gesture.
Edge returned after a brief shocked second. Fingers dug into his neck as he was pulled down. Tongues slipping past each other into the other's mouth. The little sounds of grunts and moans between them.
All of it made his soul soar. He wanted to get closer. Run his hands over his boyfriend's body until he had investigated everything this new form had to over. He wanted those teeth on him marking him up as his own forever and ever. And return the favour.
He licked off some drops of water that fell from his love's jaw. Before leaving a kissing trail towards his neck. Shivering against the cold autumn air around them.
Edge pulled away suddenly staring at him wide-eyed. He wondered what got him so alarmed when he said.
“You jumped into the water fully clothed! You are gonna catch a cold!”
And he couldn't help himself as he burst out laughing. And his boyfriend glared at him.
“I am serious Stretch. You got no towel or anything. We are going home so you can get warm”
Laughs were still shaking his body. Leaning closer Whispering against his neck
“But you were keeping me hot~”
He saw his boyfriend's blush increase tenfold as it wasn't exactly a lie. And he was sure his lover could feel that by how pressed together they were.
But still, in the next second, he was lying on his back in the water. Edge's hands pinned his wrist down with a flush. Then surprisingly gently brushed their teeth together.
“Maybe next time” was whispered against them as Edge pulled away. And he felt himself melt. As Edge made his way towards his clothes.
He stared up dazed at the ceiling. Trying to block out the images of next time and dragging his boyfriend back into the water with him right this second.
Slowly he sat up, seeing his boyfriend towel himself off. Trying to get dry enough to transform back. And watching him brought a smile to his face.
He was lucky that he had gotten such a gorgeous monster all to himself. All his, and he was Edges. His hands trailed over the mark on his neck.
Still tender and hot. Oozing with lovingly possessive intent. A word came to him seemingly echoing from the back of his mind.
One that made his slightly flushed face turn another shade of orange.
His mind went over the last several minutes. And he blushed even darker. Had…had they unintentionally started a mating ritual? It got interrupted sure.
But had they? His hand trailed the mark again. It wasn't a claiming bite. He had felt his mom’s. There was a certain intent that was missing still.
But he knew he wouldn't have stopped it. Fuck his soul was doing flips just thinking about it. He would welcome it.
He was so dazed about it that he hadn't noticed Edge was done. Until he felt a cold hand against his forehead and stared at those beautiful legs before looking up. Edge was frowning
“We gotta get moving with his warm you are”
Edge murmed. The hands gently tugging on his shoulders to encourage him to stand up. Which he did, but did not speak as all he could do was stare.
Edge's eyes worryingly further as he stayed silent.
Grip tightening on his hands. And Edge started tugging him along. As they reached the dark part of the cave. He couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore
Repeating that single word that had been echoing in his mind.
Edge stopped abruptly and he crashed into him. Nearly sending them both to the floor. But they remained upright. But as he was so close he warped his arms around his lover pulling him against his torso.
It was too dark to see anything. Could only feel his tense frame. And buried his head in his shoulder. His breath most likely fanning across Edge’s neck
They both stayed silent. Suddenly both were as tense as Edge had been before they entered. And with a trembling voice, he mumbled
“We almost…” be he couldn't continue
Just held his lover tighter. He didn't regret that it happened. Not a single bit. Maybe he was even kind of sad that it hadn’t been completed.
But they should talk. Right? They should? But neither of them did, they just held on. Slowly and carefully he felt Edge hand rest on top of his.
“I…was caught in the moment…i do-”
He squeezed tighter and cut him off before Edge could finish
“I do…want “
His eyes were closed, holding Edge tighter, hands trembling.
“I wish..you..”
Edge suddenly tried to pry his hands away and his soul sank. Until he felt those hands on his cheeks pulling him into another heated kiss in the dark. And he responded with a groan.
All the magic against him screamed a chorus of ‘yes yes yes’. And he met in kind until Edge wretched himself away once more
“We do it properly “
Edge growled against his mouth. He groaned in agreement. Pressing their teeth together once more with a searing kiss. He could feel himself grin stupidly as they pulled away
“I would love that.”
His soul was racing and his head was spinning. It felt like he was floating. This was something he never thought he could have Never even a distinct possibility. But now that it was within his grasp. He wanted it. He desperately wanted to call Edge his mate. His everything.
They have been together for two years. This would just prove it. And in a way that properly meant more to both of them than marriage could. As it signified the end of hiding.
Edge's arms were trembling ever so slightly. And he pulled him close once more. Embracing him tightly and he got the same tight grip in return.
After swaying in place for a few seconds. Edge stepped away and tugged him towards the entrance of the cave. And the only thing he could do was let himself be dragged along.
When the wind hit them again when they stepped out. he saw Edge suppress a shimmer. And he realised with his embrace he had left wet patches all across his boyfriend's front and back
He would have laughed if he hadn't been interrupted by a sneeze making Edge drag him back to their car faster.
He wasn't surprised at all when, from a distance, he saw Red standing right next to their car looking tense.
But his posture relaxed as they got closer. As Edge had pulled him close to himself to keep him from getting colder he couldn't tell the looks the brothers were sharing.
But by the time he reached him, Red wore his normal sharp carefree grin. Eyes lingering on the mark on his neck
“You had fun splashing around?”
He turned his face slightly. Kissing Edge’s cheek while keeping eye contact with Red.
The eyes narrowed before nodding with approval. Before he opened the backseat door.
“Get your asses in there. “
Seemed Edge wanted to protest about Red driving his car. But one glare and raised eyebrow later. Both of them were in the backseat.
He shouldn't be surprised that a couple of towels were thrown their way after Red climbed in himself. But it did make his soul stutter for different reasons
Red trusted barely anyone. So he knew this one action was saying a lot. He laid his head on Edge's shoulders who quickly pulled him close kissing his forehead.
“Oi, No making out in the backseat”
Even without looking up, he could see Edge roll his eyes.
“You’re one to talk, focus on driving asshole”
He let out a quiet chuckle as things fell back into normalcy. He felt himself stare at Red. And he briefly wondered what his mer form looked like. But he doubted he would ever see it.
He wondered about Sans and the recent change in his and Red’s relationship. Had Red been found out? Was he like him or like them? It didn't really matter in the end.
He nuzzled closer to his lover. Eyes closing and mumbled
“I hope you wanna go back soon”
The hands holding him pulled him closer
“I do, I really do”
He smiled draping his arm across Edge's chest. Feeling the soft soul beat beneath his fingers. The seat belt was digging awkwardly against his hip but he didn't mind.
“I used to go to the coral reefs with my brother, think we could do that as well?”
It felt like Edge was trying to pull him onto his lap even with the seatbelts preventing him to.
“Whatever you want”
His hand sneaked up further trailing his boyfriend's collarbone once, twice and muttered softly
“You know what I want?”
He felt the heat above him rise. Especially when he gently pinched the bones.
“What did I just say about making out back there!”
He heard Red growl and he laughed opening one eye lazily meeting the older skeleton's eye in the rearview mirror.
He debated saying anything. But he doubted they would keep what they were playing on doing from Red’s noisy protectiveness for long. Besides Edge wanted to do it properly. He could at least hint at it.
“We ain't doing anything, just stating a claim for later”
Red eyes narrowed further. As they did every time he made a slightly dirty joke involving Edge. But Red’s eyes snapped to his brother as Edge let out a groan at his pun.
“It ain't even the same thing”
Edge mumbled and that was the reaction he hoped for as he saw Red’s eyes widen. Gaze Lingering on the mark on his neck with a different look than before. Before traffic stole his attention once more
He Saw a million questions happen behind those eyes. Reaching conclusions that he seemed confused by. But he stayed quiet. Closing his eyes once more and leaning into his boyfriend muttering softly
“Sorry, hope you don't mind”
“Not at all, like I said properly”
His smile brightened. Squeezing his boyfriend closer.
He was gonna enjoy their time here. Until he would most likely be bombarded with questions later.
For now, they both were gonna enjoy the surprisingly nice outcome of Edge’s secret
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thereallivingded · 5 months
8 months
Nearly 8 months have passed since I blogged. Damn.
I apologize profusely if anyone was interested in my ramblings. I have zero excuses other than life got hard. Full time job. Which I hated profusely - not that I'm not going to be working full time again soon - tends to bring on crushing depression when I feel stuck in it. Which I did, and I was. When you are paid bi-weekly and you see that entire paycheck go to your cost of living.. well. It doesn't do good things to your psyche. Energy levels get low and all that extra you had energy for before gets used up with day to day survival. Getting out of bed. Getting to work. Feeding yourself. Cleaning your house. Squeezing in workout (a thing I do now).
It's not all bad I suppose. I've finally been able to interview for and obtain a position that will not only net me a raise but be closer to home. Hopefully, that should get me more free time to pursue the things I actually enjoy.
I'd like to say that in this time I've been able to tackle my backlog of Steam games. But. Well. BG3 happened. And I spent even more time in the game than I had in early access. It's maddening how much time I've sunk into Faerun. I have no regrets though.
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The only thing really that's kept me from finishing my campaign - as I am in Act 3 - is my computer. I haven't upgraded the beast since 2020 or 2021-ish. And it's starting to show. My mobo is acting extraordinarily peculiar. Sometimes I'll walk away from my computer to come back a couple hours later and find it stuck in bios. Super fun. The connection to the mobo gets wiggled a little and everything pops back on. Super. However, anything heavy to run - like BG3 - tends to get very crash-y.
Again. Super.
AND. Due to my financial constraints because of the job I recently left, I was completely unable to fix this. I'm hoping with the advent of the new job, getting a few paychecks in to stabilize, I can rectify the problems. Hopefully.
I started a couple of fanfics for the first time ever. I am ridiculously shy about them. My writing skills have become so sodding rusty. The stories came to me while I was playing BG3 and I was compelled to write them down. Note now, that the frequency of updates directly reflects the time I have to invest in them. So keep that in mind.
Be gentle on me here lol!
I have been able to get some gaming done. I have ceased playing Back 4 Blood, as it became no longer supported by its dev team. A sad move really. The gaming industry as a whole has become this parasitic beast. Devs work on a game for an extremely limited amount of time and abandon it the moment it becomes less lucrative than their board of directors care for.
There is a trend towards monetization of minutiae and online play in inappropriate genres, that has become an insidious infection in the game industry. It robs us of good game development. There's this mentality of more, more, now that's just slow poison to the whole beast. It makes everything very same-y and boring.
Which is why I strive at this point in my life, to not give money to the companies which I feel are most guilty of this. The only way to make these corporations listen is to hit them in the $. As such I will probably be carefully curating any games I discuss or mention on this blog from here on. My next post will likely be discussing a visual novel I've spent some time in that I equal parts enjoyed and became frustrated with. So that's in the pipeline. Until then keep to the lights lovies. <3
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eerilyiridescent · 7 months
yesterday my coworker informed me that the average attention span of gen z lasts about 8 seconds now, 4 seconds less than that of millenials. this wasn't that surprising to me, though. I've been really self-conscious of my phone usage lately, especially now that I've been constantly observing how bad it is for the general public
I'm not gonna magically heal this, but I know I'm guilty of seeking instant gratification via social media.
I've done this several times over the course of the last few years, but a couple days ago, I decided to delete most social media off of my phone. I realized every time I do this that I don't actively seek out using instagram. I do, however, impulsively tap the icon when it's on my home screen. that being said, I'm not entirely restricting my access to it. If I wanted to, I can go on my computer to do so. thing is, if I'm at my computer, I don't want to just scroll through social media for long. it feels almost wrong to do so, it isn't as "easy" or intuitive as swiping your thumb up and down.
before I deleted some apps, I tried simply monitoring the time I spend on them. I'd think, "okay, I've got time to kill doing nothing. let's look at what's going on for like 10 minutes!" but it's never just 10 minutes.
in this Business Insider article, researcher Lazaros Gonidis from the University of Kent's School of Psychology explains the obvious: "If someone is playing football for an hour every week, Gonidis said, their brain gets pretty good at estimating that duration and will send signals to indicate tiredness and that the game is finishing soon. With TikTok, people rarely put those kinds of boundaries in place. When they first start using the app, they may watch five videos. But over time, those five videos will no longer be enough to get the same dopamine hit."
I read that and thought "yeah, sure. that makes sense, but why can I set that boundary when I'm doing literally anything else??" although I still easily lose track, I'm somewhat mindful (albeit significantly more than when I'm on social media) of the time passing when I'm watching tv, painting, journaling or anything else.
AND with that said! I will always feel a hundred times more satisfied with my day if I engage in my pastimes to pass time. scrolling through my phone is not and should not be a pastime, but it has definitely become one. a very popular and expected one. and it makes me feel terrible about a lot of things.
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maze-runner35 · 5 months
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You limp over to the Gardens while carrying a bucket of new sprouts and things to be planted into the Glade’s grounds. You struggle with carrying it though and as soon as you pass a few Gladers, they rush to your aid. But being the proud girl you are, you dismiss them, “No thanks. I can do it.”
You grunt as you continue walking, occasionally stopping to rest. But the Gladers whisper behind your back, making you feel slightly self-conscious. You start to think that it’s your decision whether they want help or not, right? You’re the one with the limp so you dismiss their banter and get on with your work.
“Y/N!” A voice calls and you stop abruptly. “Need some help?” It’s Newt, you can tell by the voice and his manner of speaking.
“No, I’m fine.” You keep yourself from rolling your eyes, it’s not his fault he’s trying to be nice. But sometimes… It just gets a bit too much. “I can handle a bucket.”
“Okay.” He mumbles and follows you to your destination. You drop the bucket onto the ground with a soft thunk by the new patch of dug up earth. “Mind if I help?” He’s still here?
You drop to your knees, “Nope.” You’re not a very social person and you try to avoid as many of the Gladers as possible on a day-to-day basis. Not because you don’t like them… it’s just an effort. An effort that isn’t required. They keep to themselves and you keep to yourself; no harm done.
You grab a handful of sprouts and shove them into the dirt. Then you tighten the dirt around the sprouts but accidentally brush across Newt’s pale fingers as he copies your technique. Your hand flies back a little too quickly and you hide your embarrassment by tipping your head down, your hair covers your reddening face.
“So… Just out of curiosity…” Newt says as his fingers reach deeper into the earth, “How’d you get that limp?” He grabs another handful of sprouts but before he pushes them into the dirt, he looks up at you, his brown eyes filled with curiosity but also seriousness.
“I –it happened a while ago.” You state firmly, screwing up your mouth in an even line. You don’t really want to get into discussion with someone who only came to the Glade a few months ago.
But Newt seems unsatisfied with your answer, “Yeah but… how?” His voice is soft; gentle. He must have picked up that something serious had happened to cause the limp by the tone of your voice and choice of words and you start to feel frustrated with him. Isn’t it obvious you don’t want to talk about it? Your hands shake as you try to dig out a new patch of earth, you know he’s expecting an answer; but what do you say? Should you lie?
You chuck your shovel beside the new vegetable patch and stand up forcefully before immediately limping away. You feel tears swell in your eyes and you try to blink them away but they spill down your cheeks in a never-ending flow of pain and suffering. You crumple to the floor and hold your face in your hands, the sobs rack your body. Your chest heaves. You thought you were over this –this crying business.
A hand presses against your shoulder, the touch feels foreign. “Y/N, I’m so bloody sorry… I didn’t mean…” His sentence finishes as he’s lost for words. His eyes look sad and guilty; he frowns.
You shake your head, “Don’t be sorry.” You wipe the tears off of your face and your voice becomes grim; solemn. “I… this Maze wrecked me up real bad. I tried to fight it, I really did. But… I guess I lost –or I almost did.” You gulp your nervousness down, isn’t it time you talked about that incident? To let all of these bottled up emotions out? You come to a point of not even caring that he’s only been here a few months, that you barely know him. You know it’s time to spill and he’s willing to listen. “I jumped off one of the Maze Walls because I wanted this –this madness to finally end.” You don’t look him in the eye, instead you just wait for his response; like a ticking time-bomb.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that by yourself.” Newt says quietly as he wraps you up in a comforting, protective blanket of him. You don’t hug him back. Instead your fingers clutch onto the front of his shirt and you nestle your head in his chest. Your tears finally come to an end and no words are spoken from either mouths. Instead, you just bathe in the silence which isn’t awkward but strangely comforting.
“I’m sorry.” These words do escape your lips, but just barely. Like a whisper in the wind.
You notice Newt’s wet eyes, he’d been crying… for you? “For what?” He croaks out and then swallows, you watch as his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. You feel how his heart races faster as your fingers accidentally brush against the top of his shirt, on his skin.
“I’m sorry it had to be you that I broke down on.” Your voice is drowned in guilt.
Newt hugs you tighter, his bare arms that protrude from his shirt show the defined arm muscle, the dirt from gardening all day long smudges along his pale skin. “I’m glad it was me… I feel like I know you a little bit more now.” He lets go of his comforting hug and slides his hands up onto both of your shoulders, “I want you to come to me every time you’re feeling bloody horrible, okay?”
You nod your head weakly and his touch disappears, leaving you feel naked and vulnerable. So instead you slide your arms around his stomach and hug him with as much comfort and eagerness as he had with you. He feels surprised at first but you feel him smile. He wraps his arms around your neck, his hands come to touch the back of your head.
“Thank you.”
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luveline · 2 years
Ok but like shy!reader doodling Eddie's tattoos onto her own arms and then getting embarrassed when he sees them. But he's just like "wdym you're embarrassed, it's cute... But you're missing a bat, there's seven of them :)"
this is the cutest idea ever!! ♡ shy!fem!reader | 1k words
You'd forgotten all about your penned imitations by the end of the day, a boring morning at work spent idly doodling swiftly replaced in your memory by a turbulent afternoon. 
You stare at the desk with your hands braced at the sides of your face. You're tired and aching and you just really want to see Eddie, his frizzy curls all windblown from driving with the windows down, his ripped clothes. 
Life is sometimes fair. As soon as you think of him, he appears.
"Hey," Eddie says, bright and easy.
You blink at him and grin from behind the Palace arcade desk.
"Miss me?" he asks, smirking.
You try to hide your smile but the damage has already been done. Refusing to answer, you pretend to be busier than you are, reaching under the counter for another roll of quarters. 
"I was thinking we'd go get milkshakes. You know, celebrate the weekend," he says, his hand clasped around the crook of his arm, head inclined to yours. 
"I'm sorry you have to wait for me," you apologise.
Eddie finishes school an hour and a half before you finish work. You know he's taken to spending that time in the parking lot, shooting the breeze. Or, from the smell, smoking it. You feel very guilty to take up his time like that, and also, secretly, very special. 
"Don't be. You know," he turns so his back is to you and points to his van, "when I park right there? I can see you running around in here. You realise they're only paying you minimum wage, right?" 
"You watch me working?" you ask. 
"What?" He spins around, a hand sewn into the hair behind his neck. "Of course not… Hey, what's that?" 
It's your worst nightmare to be caught like this, his tattoos badly replicated over your arm and on clear display. If he didn't know how hopeless you are about him before this is an amazingly obvious indication. 
You pull your arm to your chest in a poor attempt at hiding it and he vies for it, fingers kind but insistent as they close around your wrist. You're not in the habit of denying him anything but you can't look at him as he lays your arm across the desk. He's unusually quiet as he slides a ringed finger under your sleeve and hikes it up high. His fingertips stay bordering your sleeve and his thumb brushes over a clumsy wing, his eyes a shade from blank.
You squirm under his touch but don't pull away. Eddie's eyes flit up to your face. He takes in your embarrassment and is quick to try to make you feel better, his grip loosening. 
"Hey, it's okay. They look good on you." 
Your relief is palpable. You step as close to him as you can with the counter between you and he screws his lips to the side, a lopsided smile. 
"You're missing one," he says wryly. 
"You're missing one of the bats. D'you have a pen?" 
You lean back to the register and grab one for him. He takes it gratefully and unstoppers it with his teeth, holding the cap between his lips. The nib is small and thin and tickles you worse now that it's Eddie drawing on you. He sets it to your skin gently, a feathering sketch stretching out besides the other bats as he slowly completes your temporary tattoo. He does a much better job than you, though he has a clearer point of reference. 
He strokes your arm when he finishes, a cheerful smile affecting his every feature: his eyes crease, his cheeks perk up. 
"Voilà," he says. "Perfect." 
He changes his mind abruptly. "Oh, wait." 
He sets the pen to your skin again. You struggle to see it as he writes E.M in his brilliant hand, letters all pointy and broad. From your angle it looks like a W and a backwards E so it takes you a few seconds to recognise what they are.
"Gotta sign the artwork." 
You hold your hand out for the pen and he passes it to you. You struggle to write upside down, reworking your initials in your head before you set them underneath his with a small plus sign. 
He leans forward and squints at it. His hair falls in his face. You ditch the pen to tuck it behind his ear, your hand tentative, your touch lingering behind his earlobe. 
You're distracted by his earring, a tiny silver stud, and don't notice he's taken the pen again until he's half finished his next addition. 
He puts the pen down with a self-satisfied hum. 
A confident heart encapsulates both of your initials. 
"You should get that for keeps." You laugh, breathless, and his smile only grows. "Yeah? That would be sweet. The bats too, if you can stomach it."
"I should start small," you murmur. 
Funny, to see any kind of bashfulness on Eddie, who's features seem designed for smugness or something similar. 
"Maybe just the E," you add with a feigned nonchalance. 
He looks like he wants to jump over the desk. Nervous laughter bubbles up your throat and you pull your arm out of his grip to cover your mouth with your hand. 
"When's your shift finish?" he asks, though he knows. 
"Five minutes." 
He starts to back out of the arcade, eyes on yours and hand aloft. "You spend those five minutes thinking about what you want tonight, yeah? I'm gonna start the van." He almost hits a little kid on the way out. You can see the muttered cuss word on his lips. When he looks back at you he's electric. "Anything you want, you can have!"
His promise makes the last five minutes feel longer than any of the hours before. 
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eternalstann · 3 years
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Peter Parker x Reader
warnings: dark!peter, dub!con, sex pollen
Peter felt guilty, but only a little.
You stood a few feet away from him, and he couldn’t even bother trying to hide the way he was ogling you.
The way your nipples were poking through your shirt had his fingers twitching to pinch them.
He took a deep breathe, trying to calm himself. Balling his fists up at his sides.
It was cold outside the cabin the two of you were residing in for the mission you’d just completed, and apparently inside too.
“Peter, dinners almost ready” you smile sweetly at him and he bites the inside of his cheek at the way blood is already rushing to his cock.
But how could he help it? It was just so domestic, you cooking for him. You didn’t have to, you did it because you wanted to. Because you cared about him, but as a friend. Peter has to remind himself. And friends don’t cross certain boundaries.
But with the way your hair fell around your face as you fixed him a plate had him wanting to web swing right over all those god forsaken boundaries.
“I hope you like it, I’ve only made this dish a few times…” you chirp hopefully and Peter’s stomach churns with affection. You were so cute.
“I’m sure I’m gonna love it Y/N, you’re too good to me” Peter thanks you as you both sit down to eat. You blush at his kind words, you were going to make dinner for yourself. Of course you’d make some for him as well, he was one of your closest friends and favorite team mate.
“I’ll cook for you anytime Pete” you grin, taking your first bite and he follows suit. He doesn’t know what was better, how amazing the food tasted or the sound of you promising to cook for him whenever he wanted.
He groans as his mouth explodes with a mixture of delicious flavors. You find yourself blushing again at the sound of it, rumbling low in his chest.
His brown hair sitting in perfect loose curls on his head. Peter had always been attractive, but now he’s grown up. Broader shoulders, and a more muscular frame made for a way more confident man, assertive almost.
Peter took note of your red cheeks, a small smirk playing on his lips.
“Mmmph, this is amazing Y/N” he compliments you. And he wasn’t lying, you were an amazing cook.
“I’m glad you like it…” you hum. The way you were beaming at him made a feeling of guilt wash over him once again for what he was about to do.
You and Peter had done dozens of missions together, you had a mutual trust. Peter was the genius, you let him handle certain things and you others. Of course you were smart, and read the mission reports etc…but sometimes on a quick retrieval trip like the one you were on now; you didn’t always bother with all the details.
On this trip Peter had paid attention to all the details, like the fact that one of the things you had retrieved was an aphrodisiac from Asgard.
“Let me grab us some drinks” Peter offers, standing before you could even respond. He sighs, pouring you both glasses of wine and the aphrodisiac into yours.
Peter knows he’s betraying your trust by doing this. But he needs you. Every part of him yearns for you. As he sets the glasses down on the table, he prays one day you can forgive him.
“Mmm, is it a bit chilly in here or just me?” You question, taking a sip of your wine. Peter nods in agreement, heart hammering in his chest as he watches you drink.
“Yeah, it is kind of cold” he adds, playing it off and keeping his demeanor calm and collected. This is what he had to do to have you.
You drink and joke, no longer feeling the cold from outside like you did before. Actually; you were getting pretty warm.
Your eyes fall shut as a surge of heat rushes through you, quickly passing. You try to brush it off, but soon your find yourself gripping the table when something stirs deep in your belly. You stifle a moan, curling over to conceal yourself as your face contorts at the random feelings of pleasure.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Peter feigns innocence to your condition, knowing very well what was happening to you. Of course he did his research. He’d never want to hurt you. You’d just finally have that extra push into his arms that he needed.
“I’m fine“ you try to lie, lifting your head up only to be cut off by another burst of pleasure that had your jaw dropping in a gasp.
“Peter..” you whimper, eyes locking with his and he’s next to you in seconds.
“Let’s get you in bed” he suggests, and you agree. You strip down to your tank top and underwear, body still growing hotter and hotter. You couldn’t bother to feel ashamed right now.
Of course you’d been horny but you’d never felt like this before. Your core was practically clenching around nothing at this point and you were counting down the seconds until Peter left so you could shove your hand into your panties and make yourself cum. But Peter had other plans.
He takes off his own shirt, climbing into the bed next to you and pulling you too him. Your body screams in welcome at the contact from a man as handsome as him. But he was a friend; and more importantly your teammate. Sleeping with him was off limits, no matter how wet your pussy was. Or how good he felt pressed against you.
“Peter I could be contagious! What are you doing?” You try your best to scare him off, brain only working at partial capacity at this point. It was taking actual effort to keep yourself from rubbing against him.
“I’m taking care of you” he coos, hand coming up to rest on your side.
“I’m not that kind of sick, you can go I promise” you respond with words, but your body leans into his touch.
“What kind of sick are you then Y/N” he asks, hand sliding up until it sits right under your curve of your breast.
You’re sure he doesn’t realize, certain his hands have the intentions of simply making you feel better. But still your thighs grow sticky with wetness from the feel of them.
“Let me help you Y/N” he whispers, voice laced with something dangerous.
His hand goes up even further until his groping your breast and you hum at how nice his big hand feels.
“Fuck, you’re perfect” he groans, flicking your nipple through your shirt and your hips jerk at the how good it feels. Peter smirks, doing it again and you can’t help squeak.
“Peter, stop. We can’t!” You feel yourself have a moment of clarity, this was too much.
“What’s wrong? It’s supposed to feel good if someone plays with your nipples” he answers, leaning in to kiss your neck and both hands now tweaking your nipples.
Your hands go to his shoulders to push him off, but before you can his actions have you succumbing to power of the aphrodisiac again.
“Peter please…” you find yourself begging and Peter bites down on your neck before sucking a bruise into it.
“Please what, baby?” He asks, kissing down the column of your throat and making quick work of your shirt so he can bury his face in your chest.
“More” is all you can choke out as his mouth wraps around your nipple.
Your panties are next to go, his hands eager to get rid of them. He’d dreamed of this.
He runs a finger down your folds, letting his digit get coated by your wetness. He switches nipples as he pushes his first finger into you.
“Oh fuckkk” you drawl, hips bucking at the welcomed intrusion. He chuckles adding another finger, and he grunts at how tight you are.
“So fucking right; even just around my fingers” he breathes finally coming up from your tits to kiss your mouth. His lips were soft but you could feel the strength behind them. He lead and you followed.
“…be even tighter around your cock” you pull away from the kiss breathlessly and Peter takes out his fingers to gently smack your pussy.
“I can only imagine” he quips and you reach your hands up tangle in his thick hair,
“Don’t imagine it, fuck me” you tilt your face up to kiss him again. It’s all tongue and teeth as Peter kicks down his pants and boxers.
“Anything you want baby”
And then he’s pushing his hard cock into you. Your back arches, and Peters arms reach under you to pull you as close to him as possible.
He thrusts sharply, dick reaching the deepest parts of you. Your nipples rub against his bare chest, the sound of skin slapping skin echos through the room.
You can barely catch your breath at how good everything feels, and your toes curl as you feel your orgasm approaching.
“Cum for me Y/N” he hums, pressing his lips yours and you struggle to kiss him back as your high washes over you.
Your hips jerk in pleasure, walls contracting around him and bringing him to his own peak. He fills you up, grunting you name as he spills inside of you.
Peter breathes heavily, burying his face in your neck as you both come down.
So much for boundaries.
this is the most different thing I’ve ever written, let me know if y’all want more like this 🧡 just tryna to ease my way into some darker stuff!
love uuu
gif by @fyeahspiderman !!!
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Jane Banner x Reader - Cold Hands and Warm Lips
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Summary: How many times can you keep Jane Banner warm for her to fall in love with you.
Warnings: (+18), mentions of murder and violence, explicit content, explicit language, cursing, smut, oral sex (r giving), dom/sub/switch dynamics (slightly), sex toys, teasing, kissing, mentions of sexual abuse, angst, mentions of trauma, trust issues | Spoilers from Wind River.
Words> +10k
A/N>is Hello all! My first time writing for Jane Banner, and well, this was intense. This is actually my early birthday present to my dear @abimess, who asked me for a story about this character she loves so much. And well, here it is. I really hope that she, and all of you, enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Good reading, everyone, and forgive any mistakes, especially geographical ones, if you have been to Wind River and things were different from this fic.
All Works Masterlist
It could be so fucking cold in Wind River.
Even in spring, when there was almost no snow and the animals were out hunting, the wind was cold.
So now, at the height of winter, you could barely get out from under the covers to pee at night.
Grunting through your teeth, you forced your legs beyond the frigid air of your bedroom, and headed into the bathroom, mentally cursing for having that extra cup of tea before you went to bed.
After relieving yourself, you almost fell over in fright when you heard a noise at your door.
"What the fuck?" You muttered confusedly, looking at the clock in the room across the hall. Three in the goddamn morning.
Another knock had you cursing before walking to open the door.
You were quite surprised to find Ben Shoyo, chief of the local police, on your doorstep.
"Good night, Y/N." He greeted with a smile as he hugged his arms, the icy cold seeping inward. "Sorry to show up like this, the vehicle broke down and it's starting to snow really hard."
"It's okay, Ben. Come on in." You said before stepping inside.
In the low heat of your kitchen, you poured some of the remaining tea while the man sat at the counter.
“How are things up here, kid? You haven’t been to town in a while.” Ben asked after taking a sip of his drink. You shrugged your shoulders.
"Honestly, Ben, it is not going very well." You confess. "Not after Natalie."
Ben clears his throat.
"I’m sorry, it was stupid of me to ask." He said with a guilty expression.
"No problem." You mumble wanting to change the subject quickly. "The blizzard should lessen in the next few hours, feel free to use the phone, the television or help yourself to food. I need to get some sleep before my shift tomorrow."
"Alright thanks again girl." Ben said before you left the room quickly.
Ben has known you long enough for you to trust him. So as soon as you get back to your room, you fall asleep.
When you wake up in the morning, he's gone. There's a note on the counter saying "I ate the rest of Aiyana's Succotash. Come to the police station and see me, I'll buy you lunch. You need to get out of the house."
You mentally cursed him. Aiyana was your neighbor. Well, you don't know what the distance limit is for someone to be considered a neighbor, but since almost all Wind River houses are isolated in small villages, you refer to Aiyana and her family as your neighbors, even if you have to drive twenty minutes by car or sledge to get to her house.
The point is that she makes the best native american meals, and because you spend a lot of time alone, she also sets some for you. It's been that way since your mother, who used to be Aiyana's best friend, passed away when you were a teenager.
Your shift as a forest ranger was reduced to part-time with homicide investigations into the dam area, so once you're done around mid-day, you drive your truck back through the city area, to the police station.
The place is not crowded, but as the locals recognize you, you greet them with shy nods and smiles before entering the building and heading to the reception.
"Good morning, Siu." You greet the police officer you’ve known since you’re little with a smile.
“Wow, long time no see, stranger!” She comments amusedly, leaning on the reception counter in front of her. You laugh lightly. "How can I help you dear?"
"I’m having lunch with Ben today. Is he around?"
She makes a little face. "Oh yes, he’s talking to the hollywood."
"The FBI girl." She says. "She arrived a few days ago, for you know why. She says she's here to help, but we know what outsiders are like."
You mumble in agreement, and Siu sighs lightly.
"But they should be finishing by now." She says. "I think Lambert will take her to the mountains."
"Cory? I thought he worked alone." You comment and Siu just shrugs, turning her attention to the reports scattered on the reception desk. "I'll wait here, Siu. Thank you."
“No problem, hon. Call me if you need anything.”
You waited for more than ten minutes before Ben left his office. And he was not alone.
You were surprised at how immediately attracted you felt to someone you were seeing for the first time.
Well, in your defense, she was a very beautiful woman.
“Y/N! Hey!” Ben greeted as he laid eyes on you. “Sorry about the time, I was finishing things up with Jane.”
You exchanged a quick look with the woman before Ben rushed over to introduce you two.
"This is our ranger." He began politely, patting you on the shoulder as he said your name next. "And this is Jane Banner, special FBI agent."
"Pleasure." You spoke as you reached out your hand to her, and completely ignored how your skin seemed to tingle at the brief touch as she greeted you back.
"I'll be going now, Ben. See you later." Jane informed the chief before she left. You waited for Ben to check with Siu if there were no calls before you two went out to lunch.
"How are things in the investigation? Any progress?" You asked as soon as you were outside, frowning slightly as the sun rays hit your face.
Ben sighed.
"I really wish I could say yes, girl." He responded by walking beside you towards the local restaurant area. "But at least we're going to pay Chip a visit this afternoon."
You were surprised to hear this. Natalie's brother wasn't exactly the talking type. And that's exactly what you said to Ben, who just chuckled.
"I know that." He said. "But Miss Banner wants to try everything. And Cory is helping us."
"Well I hope you guys find something." You say.
You reach the food trailers, and after Ben buys you lunch, you sit at one of the tables with your orders.
"How are things with you really?" He asks. "I know Natalie's death moved you, 'cause you two were close and everything, but beyond this. Have you been doing anything besides watching the forest?"
You were slightly annoyed that Ben summed up your friendship for years with a simple "you two were close", but wishing to preserve the peace of lunch, you just mumbled that the forest kept you busy enough.
"Last time you were back at my place, you were seeing someone, weren't you?" he asked casually, making you laugh. Ben loved good gossip.
"I was, but it didn't work out." You answer. "And don't worry, I'm just fine by myself."
"Well I heard that Derick is single again." It starts. "He is a good boy, works hard."
"You sound like my dad, Ben." You retort, making him laugh.
"Well someone has to take care of you up here." He comments and you laugh softly as you shake your head.
After your mother died, your father decided to move back to the southwest. You didn't go with him because Wind River was your home, but he kept in touch by phone. Since you were sixteen, the village and the snow have been your only family, and it was normal for you that people like Ben, Aiyana or Natalie's parents would treat you like their own family.
Your lunch with Ben didn't last much longer after that. He was good at small talk, but whenever he tried to ask more deeply about your life you swerved the subject to him again.
Saying goodbye, you decided to take a walk around town before heading home. You were needing to restock some kitchen stuff.
The community market was simple and small, and sold practically everything, as it was the only one.
Even so, you were a little embarrassed to find Agent Jane at the counter.
"Hey, Ranger." She greeted almost ironically when she noticed you approaching the line. You noticed she was shopping for winter clothes.
"Hello again, Miss Banner."
She lets out a nasal laugh.
"Just Jane is fine." She commented. You cleared your throat, looking away.
"It's not polite to call strangers by their first names." You retort and she tilts her head slightly, surprised by the formality.
"I really don't mind that." She gently insists. "We're not that formal in Vegas."
"This is not Las Vegas, Miss Banner." You retort seriously. "And we only use first names with friends in Wind River."
You don't know why you're not being friendly to her. But from your experiences with outsiders, it's justifiable. It makes no difference, Jane, like all those who came from outside, would be frightened by the brutality of this place and leave. Outsiders always leave.
Jane looks almost disappointed with your hostility, but the cashier is tending to her and she doesn't attempt any further conversation.
After paying for her clothes, she glances at you quickly before leaving, but you don't smile back.
When you get in your car, and drive back home, you want to believe that the emerald eyes are on your mind just because it was something exceptional in your daily routine.
You valued tranquility.
Even more the tranquility of your home, in the middle of a blizzard, with a book and a mug of hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.
So when the silence was broken by hard knocks against the door, you thought it was the gods testing your patience.
The second interruption in four days.
It had to be a test.
Putting everything aside, you shuffled to the front door, and barely had time to absorb a snow-covered from head to toe Jane Banner before she rushed past you.
"Yeah, sure, you can come in." You ironically mumbled.
"I'm sorry I just needed to get out of the cold." She commented through gritted teeth, hugging her body with her arms. You rolled your eyes as you closed the door.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, crossing your arms.
You took pity on the way she was shivering from the cold, and waved toward the fireplace. Jane moved quickly in the direction and sat by the fire.
"I was supposed to meet the rest of the team up further in the mountain." She counts, her voice coming out stale with the cold. You tell yourself that you're only getting a mug to serve her hot chocolate because you'd be in trouble if a cop died of hypothermia on your carpet. "But all of a sudden it was snowing, and I couldn't see anything. I got out of the car to try to locate myself and I nearly froze to death. Luckily I saw your lights on."
"Luckily." You muttered wryly as you walked back into the living room, a full mug in your hands that you handed to Jane as soon as you reached her.
She looked surprised at the kindness but thanked you sincerely.
"So you live alone here?"
"Do you like it?"
Your short, sharp answers made Jane look away awkwardly, taking a long sip of her hot chocolate. You sighed, walking towards the landline phone on your wall.
You checked, but just as you expected, there was no signal.
Nor is your cell phone in your pocket.
Fucking great.
"You'll be stuck here for a while, Miss Banner." You warned when you returned to your place in the armchair, noticing that Jane continued to shiver from the cold. "But as soon as the blizzard ends, you must go."
"Why?" she asks curiously. You think she regretted having said anything because her eyebrows furrow slightly, but she doesn't back down.
"Because this is my house and I don't like strangers."
She looked surprised by your response. You sighed before kneeling in front of her, raising your hands to the sides of her head.
"Excuse me." You muttered before removing the burrow, watching the snow falling on the carpet. Jane just looked at you, waiting, but clearly thankful for the cold sensation dismissing a little. "Your clothes are covered in snow, Miss Banner. You'll continue to be cold if you don't take them off."
"I don't have anything else to wear."
You moved away, feeling your face heat up. That's not what you meant for her to do. You mind immediately thought of her taking her clothes, one by one, but you push those thoughts away the same second they came. Clearing your throat, you got to your feet again.
"You can use something of mine." You said. "I'll get some blankets too."
It took three minutes for you to return with a set of sweaters to the living room.
Jane had removed her coat, and you scolded yourself for immediately noticing the bulge of her breasts in the social shirt she was wearing.
Maybe Ben was right, being isolated in the mountains wasn't so good for you.
Handing her the clothes, you also pointed to the bathroom, where she could change.
While she did, you busied yourself with collecting the small mess of objects you left scattered around the room.
Jane couldn't tell exactly what she found so intriguing about you. Maybe the right word was attractive.
She just knew she was in the middle of a blizzard, in the bathroom of someone she'd only seen once, trying to figure out why her body shivered at the smell of you on the borrowed clothes.
She thought it best to be satisfied with the warmth that filled her body with the new clothes you handed her, and to completely ignore any other sensation that comes from wearing your clothes, or from being able to smell your scent if she tilted her face a little more.
On her way out of the bathroom, she couldn't ignore her own curious nature, tied or not to her work, and let her gaze roam over the photos on the walls from the hallway to the living room.
She stopped walking when she noticed a specific photograph.
"Careful not to break." You warned when you noticed Jane, standing in the hallway with one of the frames that were on the hallway table. You walked over to pick up the snow-soaked clothes she was carrying, but Jane looked at you seriously.
"How do you know Miss Hanson?" She questioned and you raised your eyebrows.
Sighing slightly, you reached for the clothes, and when she handed it to you, you turned your gaze to the photograph.
It was a few months ago, you and Natalie went out drinking with some friends, until it got too cold to be outside. Someone decided to take one last photo as a souvenir of that afternoon, which had been so much fun. It was the only photo you didn't return to her parents.
"We were friends." You muttered before turning back to the living room, intending to put your clothes on the heater.
"Has anyone come to talk to you about the investigation?" She insisted as she followed you.
You busied your hands with the snow on the clothes while Jane stood behind the kitchen counter, arms crossed, waiting for her response.
"No, Miss Banner." You muttered.
"If you two were friends, Ben should have told me..."
"Well you are here now, Miss Banner." You interrupt impatiently, the clothes properly spread out on the heater, and you turn to her with a serious expression. "Ask what you want to know."
"Where were you that night?"
You let out a short laugh.
"Is there anyone who can confirm this?"
You ignore the growing irritation that is building in your chest.
"What are you implying, agent?"
Jane almost hesitates, and you want to roll your eyes at the way her fingers tremble slightly toward the holster at her waist.
"Nothing Miss Y/L/N." She answers. "I'm just trying to figure out what happened here."
"My best friend was murdered, Miss Banner. That's what happened." You retort through gritted teeth, and you stare at each other for long seconds in silence, before she sighs.
"I didn't mean to..."
"It doesn't matter." You interrupt. "The blizzard will last a few more hours, but we don't need to talk to each other. I have books, and you have your phone." You declare before walking past her, heading back into the living room.
Jane rubs her temples with her fingers for a moment, mentally cursing herself for having offended you, before following you back into the room.
It will be a long afternoon.
You and Jane managed to remain silent for forty-eight minutes.
You expected the cold to subside and the blizzard to pass soon for her to go away, but that's not what happened.
You know that Jane also noticed the increase in the wind outside, from the way the windows started to shake and you had to get up to put on the protection and keep the glass from breaking.
You didn't look at her when you went back to your chair, pretending to be focused on the words when your attention really was on the way Jane was hugging herself with her arms, a thick blanket wrapped around her as she remained seated on the carpet, facing the fire.
"Do you want another blanket?" You grunted grudgingly, not taking your eyes off the pages.
"How are you not cold?" She responded with another question, looking impressed.
"I am cold Miss Banner, I'm just used to the feeling." You clarify, and finally look at her. "So, you want another blanket or not?"
She gives you a humorless laugh.
"I don't think the blankets will serve any good." She retorts. "They don't seem to be helping at all."
You roll your eyes slightly, closing the book. Your gaze studies her for a moment, and then you let out a breath.
"Please tell me your socks are dry."
She blinks in confusion, looking at you and then at her boots before turning back to you.
"Unbelievable." You grumble getting up.
You leave your book on the table and go out to your room, Jane frowns in confusion and stays that way until you come back, socks and slippers in hand.
You kneel in front of her, placing the options beside your feet, while your hands rest on your thighs.
"If you don't warm your feet, the rest won't do." You explain and nod to the boots. Jane blinks in surprise before starting to take off her shoes. "How did you get your feet wet like that anyway?"
"There was a puddle of ice at the entrance." She grunted in embarrassment.
"Oh, it's for the foxes." You comment and noticing her confused expression, you rush to clarify. "They walk through the snow, and sometimes they can't find water. I made a little lake at the entrance, but I had some problems keeping it unfrozen."
"That's…sweet." She comments, imagining you taking care of a little fox. You feel your cheeks flush at the sudden compliment, and you quickly look away.
With her wet boots and socks on the floor, you hand the other pieces to Jane before picking up the ones she's taken off and standing up.
"Thanks." She says as soon as you turn around and you resist the urge to look at her before you go and put her clothes to dry.
When you come back, she's wearing your slippers, and she looks lovely, making you smile.
"What's it?" she asks as soon as she notices your expression. You shrug, leaning over to check if the fireplace needs more firewood.
"It's nothing, miss." You retort but you can't resist. "I just thought it's not that intimidating an FBI agent in sponge bob slippers."
Jane laughed. It was quick and adorable, and it made your stomach churn with nervousness. You looked away from the fireplace to her.
"You should feel warm in a few minutes." You say. "Keep your feet close to the fire."
You returned to your seat in the armchair, but this time, there was a pleasant silence between you two, the tension from before completely gone.
It only took a few minutes for Jane to let out a satisfied sigh, finally warmed up.
"Damn, this is so much better." She comments with the blanket around her, and you smile at her beyond the book.
"If you want, there's still some chocolate."
As she gets up to the kitchen, she notices other photographs, and you understand that's why she's next asking "How long have you been a ranger?"
"Four years." You respond by settling yourself better in your chair. You have a vision of Jane in the kitchen, reaching for some chocolate and using the mugs from before. "What about you? How long have you worked at the FBI?"
She bites her lip thoughtfully.
"It was three years last month." She comments when she finishes pouring the drink. You notice she got a mug for you too. "Most agents get an important promotion. I got paperwork in Las Vegas."
You frown slightly, surprised by Jane's bitter tone. She walks back into the living room and hands you one of the mugs before taking a seat on the sofa.
"What's wrong with Vegas?"
She sighs.
"Not exactly what you expect when you become a special agent."
"What? rich people using too much narcotics isn't the thrill you wanted, Miss Banner?" You joke ironically making her smile.
You guys take a sip of your drinks, Jane caressed the handle of the mug for a moment before speaking again.
"I was looking for something different when I joined the FBI." She counts. "And I ended up being put to work with musicians using marijuana in the beach area."
"What were you looking for?"
She shrugs softly, looking thoughtful.
"I wanted to help people." She declared. "But really help them. Not like the local police, always limited. No, I wanted the FBI. The possibility of getting to the root of the problem."
"Do you think you'll find the root of anything in Wind River?"
Jane is surprised by your question, but you just look at her without hesitation.
"I'd like to." She says. "But it's hard without cooperation."
You take a sip of her chocolate before placing the mug on the table.
"You're not the first person to come here and make promises, Jane Banner." You informed her. "And it sure won't be the last."
"That might be true." She retorts. "But I can be the first to keep my word."
You look at her for a moment before getting up. She looks at you curiously, but you leave the room, only to return a moment later, a small box in your hands.
You sit next to Jane on the couch.
"That's all I have on Natalie." You say as you push the box onto the agent's lap beside you. "Maybe something here will help you."
Jane looks at the object in surprise, opening the box and analyzing everything in it.
"I returned almost every photo I had of her to her parents." You say with a certain nostalgia in your voice, remembering how emotional the whole day was. "But I wanted to keep some things with me."
There were friendship necklaces and bracelets, drawings, lighters, guitar picks, flowers. Several pieces of memories of your friendship.
There was also a photograph that caught Jane's attention.
"Who are these?" She asked, holding the small photo in her fingers.
"The oil boys." You replied almost annoyed. "All idiots if you ask me. But Natalie fell in love with that one here." You said as you signaled at the photograph, which was one of the only records you had of the boys, being taken by Nat herself on the day she first visited the oil company with you and the other girls. "At least Matt was the less of a jerk of them."
Jane smiled at the comment, but her expression faltered afterward.
"Where is Matt?"
You shrug.
"At the oil drilling site, I think. He works there with the rest of the guys." You count. "I actually haven't seen any of them since she died."
Jane blinks in surprise.
"Yeah? And where is that?"
"Not far." You say. "When the blizzard passes, maybe Ben will take you."
Jane is thoughtful, and you look at the box once before she's asking again.
"Can I try using your phone?"
"Of course, Jane."
It's the first time you've only called her only for her first name, and you're distracted by the box to notice. Jane almost forgets that she was going to get up to try to call the local police chief, but she ignores the way your soft gaze made her cheeks heat up to move.
The blizzard lessened, and the phone started working again, albeit precariously.
As Jane struggles to be understood by Ben amid the screeching noises of the phone call, you close the box and place it on the living room table, getting up to remove her clothes from the heater, figuring Jane should leave soon now that the snow is less aggressive.
And a few more minutes later, she's actually leaving.
"We're going there right now." She counts. "Ben will get more guys to join us."
"Right." You say, scratching your neck awkwardly. "Are you already leaving?"
"Why are you wanting me to stay?" She plays with a smile and you chuckle shyly, surprised at the flirtation.
"It's just that your clothes haven't dried yet." You say and she looks behind you at the heater with a disappointed grimace.
"B-but you can keep those. Then come back here when you’re done in the fields.”
Jane smiles, nodding in agreement. The two of you awkwardly stand for a moment in the room, before she clears her throat.
"Well I better be going then." She says advancing towards the door. "Thanks for, well, everything."
"Don't mention it." You say when accompanying her. "Watch out for the puddle at the entrance."
"Yeah, I'll remember that." She jokes and you laugh before grabbing one of the bigger coats you've been hanging and handing it to her, only to receive a surprised expression. "I'm already wearing a lot of your clothes, I don't want to overdo it."
You laugh, coming over to throw your coat over her shoulders.
"I really don't mind." You guarantee, watching her put your coat correctly. "I won't let you freeze to death in the snow, miss."
"Alright, alright." She grumbles, her cheeks flushed. "See you later?"
"Yes, Jane."
She ignores how much she likes to hear you calling her by her first name to turn for the exit.
It's very cold, but the blizzard has completely stopped. You wait until Jane reaches the car and starts to get back inside, surprised at how immediately you miss her company when you see the empty room.
Pushing the thoughts away, you start arranging the blankets that were left in the room, and the mugs too.
Jane doesn't come back.
Not for the next few hours, or for the next three days.
You'd like to say you didn't care, but you did.
Until Ben was calling you.
"Sorry I didn't give you any news before, girl." He spoke over the line. "We solved the entire investigation on Tuesday. I'll explain everything to you, come meet me in town?"
It was going to snow again, but you drove anyway. In the worst case, you would be stuck in the city hotel until you were able to climb the mountain again.
The police station seemed to be in a mood of palpable grief.
You were surprised to find so much movement in the morgue area, but you didn't ask.
Ben was already waiting for you at the front desk, and you resisted the urge to ask about Jane the moment you greeted him.
"I have a lot to talk to you about." He stated before he signaled down the corridor to the interrogation rooms. You frowned, but went with him.
"Is this about Natalie?" You asked as you entered, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
"Yea." he said, looking tired. You noticed he was limping slightly too.
"Are you okay, Ben?" You ask. "You look wounded."
"Well, I got shot."
He quickly gestures that it's okay as he see you ready to get up and you look at him with concern.
"It was the security guards from the oil company." He counts. "Must have been the biggest action I've had here in ten years."
"You sure haven't been doing that much of field work then." You retort provocatively, making him laugh before he takes the chair across from you. His expression becomes more serious, and he takes a deep breath.
"Matt Rayburn is dead."
"He was murdered the same night as Natalie, by his colleagues." He continues and you let out a surprised sigh. "He tried to protect her, and he was beaten to death. She ran away, but she didn't survive the cold. And well, you've seen the rest."
Your eyes fill with tears, but you don't let them fall, feeling the anger quickly replace the grief.
"Where are the oil boys?"
"Dead." He answers. "They attacked our team as soon as we started asking questions, everything quickly turned into a hail of bullets."
You frown immediately. "Did either of you get hurt?"
"Oh yeah." He says sadly. "Lost Jake and Louis, plus we have three more agents injured."
"What about Jan-Miss Banner?" You asked, correcting yourself in mid-sentence, but it was enough for Ben to raise his eyebrows slightly, surprised by the question.
"She's in the municipal hospital." He counts and you feel your heart race. "She was shot in the chest, but she'll be fine. I think Cory went to visit her, you should do the same."
"I will."
Ben smiles in surprise.
"I didn't know you two were friends."
"I didn't say that."
Ben laughs at your defensive grimace. "You're not exactly known for visiting outsiders at the hospital, that's for sure."
"Are you saying I'm not a friendly person, Ben?" You return it in the same tone, and he laughs.
"Friendly? You are more bitter than Sui's coffee!" He teases by making you lift your middle finger towards him.
You know Ben is trying to make you laugh because of the weight of the statements he made a few moments ago, and you're grateful for that.
Sighing lightly, you both get up.
"Thanks for telling me the truth, I wouldn't expect anyone else to have the guts to do it."
Ben squeezed her shoulder lightly.
"I know how important she was to you." He says. "And I'm sorry."
"Thanks ben."
"Now go visit your girlfriend."
"Fuck off, old man."
He just laughs before you leave the room.
The hospital was almost forty minutes away, so you went back to your car.
It would snow again soon, so you'd better hurry.
When you finally arrived, after parking the car, and giving your name at the front desk to a nurse who didn't seem too willing to let you in, you finally made it to Jane's room door.
"Good afternoon, Cory." You greeted the man sitting in the chair in the hallway by the door. He looked surprised to see you out of the mountains, and honestly, you could say the same about him. "How are you doing?"
"It's good to see you, Y/n. I'm doing well." He says getting up. "What about you?"
You shrug, and he understands.
“Are you here to see Jane, I presume.”
“Yeah.” You say. “Is she okay?”
"She had surgery, but she'll be fine." He responds by looking momentarily at the door before turning back to you. "She will be happy to see you."
You shift your weight between your feet, frowning slightly.
"She…she mention me?"
"She complained about a grumpy girl at the market." He counts with a smile. "And then she was wearing a ranger coat. It wasn't hard to put it together."
You feel your face heat up.
"We didn't... that's not what...."
Cory laughed at your embarrassment, gesturing slightly.
"It's not my problem." He interrupts you by gently pushing you towards the door. "C'mon, go talk to her."
"What about you?"
"I need to visit Natalie's parents." He says. "I will be back later."
Jane was asleep when you entered.
It was definitely weird to see her hurt. It made you feel helpless. But knowing she would be okay was enough to relax you for now.
You closed the door gently behind you, and looked around.
The room was simple, and you noticed that there were some flowers just like Cory's garden in the window. He was getting soft.
You didn't want to wake her up, so you went to sit in one of the armchairs and wait.
When you did however, you ended up sitting on something, and when you moved to find a stuffed alligator you couldn't help but laugh softly.
The sound was enough to wake the woman in the bed beside you.
"Hey." Jane called out to you softly, making you look up at her quickly.
"H-hey. Sorry I didn't meant to wake you up." You say getting up to stand beside the bed.
Jane looks at you with tired eyes, most likely from all the events, but her gaze is gentle.
"One gunshot is all it takes to get you off that mountain, huh?" She jokes making you let out a nasal laugh.
"Actually I just came here to get my coat back, I've been needing it in the snow." You retort with false seriousness, making her smile.
"If you don't mind the bullet mark, you can take it."
You laugh softly, watching her. She seems to be healing from her wounds very well, the cut on her forehead is already practically closed. You bit your lip before asking.
"How are you?"
Jane sighs softly.
"Beyond the physical, Jane."
She looks away, a sigh slipping out.
"Tired." She says and you nod gently. "Did you hear about what happened?"
“I did.”
She looks at you again, and you notice the tears in her eyes.
“I’m really sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.” You say as you managed to give her a sad smile despite the way your heart aches at the thought of Natalie.
"But this is past. She wasn't the first, and she won't be the last."
Jane frowns slightly.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because it's the truth." You answer, and then sigh lightly. "Do you know about Cory's daughter?"
Jane nods in agreement.
"She was Natalie's best friend." You count. "When Emily died, things changed between us. I was…attached." You say, letting out a humorless laugh. "It wasn't Natalie's fault she couldn't feel the same way."
Jane blinked slightly, understanding. You continued.
"We've started fighting a lot in the last few months." You say. "Because of Matt. I told her he wasn't good for her, and that he was just as idiot as the boys that worked with him. I was driving us to my place, but we kept arguing, and she told me to drop her off at Matt." You declare with emotion, twisting your fingers nervously. "I was so jealous and so angry that instead of apologizing, I did as she told."
"You were her ride." Jane sighs in surprise, all the pieces of the story coming together.
You swallow the urge to cry.
"If I knew they would do this to her..."
"You couldn't have known." Jane interrupts reaching for your hand on the bed. "It was not your fault."
"I drove my best friend to her killers, Jane." You retort bitterly, letting the tears flow. "It's nobody's fault but mine."
Jane shook her head, squeezing your hand.
"This is not true." She says. "It's the killers' fault, and theirs alone. Please, you can't blame yourself for this. You didn't know."
You take a deep breath, controlling your crying. Jane settles down on the bed, her free hand reaching your face as she gently wipes your tears away.
"You kept your promise." You sigh then, looking at her. "The investigation is over."
"You helped me." She retorted. "Without your help, they might never be punished. You brought justice for what was done to your friend."
You sobbed, and Jane pulled you to her. You rested your face against her collarbone, crying softly as she massaged your back.
"Thank you, Jane." You whispered before pulling away a few minutes later, wiping your face on your sleeve as she looked at you tenderly.
"Any time."
Only now did you notice that she kept your hands together, and your gaze immediately dropped to it.
Jane smiled shyly when she noticed you looking, and intertwined them completely, making you blush.
"When I get out of here..." She starts off uncertainty, and you look at her. "You, I don't know, would you like to do something?"
You smile, stroking her hand gently.
"We don't have a lot of entertainment options here in Wind River, Jane." You comment. "But I get the impression you like hot chocolate."
She chucked softly, nodding.
"Hot chocolate with you sounds amazing."
"Agreed then."
The two of you exchange shy giggles, and you're silent a moment longer before you tell her you should leave, your shifts just went back to normal that week.
"Will you come back?"
"I was thinking of stopping by my house to get your clothes. They're dry now." You comment with a smile, Jane bites her lip.
"Or maybe you can leave them there. So I have something to wear when I come to see you."
You felt your face heat up, but you managed to respond.
"You could also wear nothing when you're there."
You can feel the new tension in the air, but all Jane did was glance to your mouth, her eyes darkening.
"Wouldn't I be cold?" She asks in a whisper.
"I'll keep you warm."
You saw the ghost of her smile before she broke the distance, her lips meeting your in a sweet but firm kiss.
You let your tongue slide across her lower lip, begging for passage, as your free hand landed on her neck, and you both sighed at the new sensation as Jane slid her tongue against yours.
But the kiss didn't last long, because Jane let out a low moan of mixed pain and pleasure, and you pulled away, understanding that she was still in the process of recovering.
You smiled in embarrassment at the look she gave you as she pursued your mouth, her free hand twisting the fabric of your shirt to keep you in place.
"Easy tiger." You warned her in an affected voice. "You are still healing."
"I think you should kiss me to make it better."
You laugh, but obey, kissing her very gently this time. In Jane's opinion, too quickly as well.
Then you pull away completely, and she grumbles softly when she sees you standing up.
"I'll be back tomorrow." You say with a smile, fixing the crumpled part she did to your blouse.
"I'll be waiting." She comments with a mischievous look, causing you to smile awkwardly before bringing your faces together again.
Your intention was for a quick kiss, but she slid her tongue against yours and made you gasp. You used all your willpower to pull away.
"See you, Jane Banner." You said a breathless goodbye, hurrying to leave before she succeeded in getting you to skip your shift time.
Over the next few days, you visited Jane Banner three times.
With your work on schedule again, you didn't have time to get back to the forest station without being late if you made your way down the mountain to town, but Jane understood.
Cory also kept her company.
When she was finally discharged, it snowed.
So hard that your only option was to sit inside grumpy like a child, complaining to the walls about how unfair it was that there was a blizzard on the day the girl you liked was free from the hospital.
Then to say you were glad to see her on your doorstep was an understatement.
But happiness was replaced by worry as you remembered she had just come out of the hospital, muttering about driving to see you but barely making it through the snow as you pulled her away from the cold.
"Jane, you've lost your mind." You complained rushing to get the excess snow off her clothes, seeing her shiver as she looked at you with her face flushed. "Driving up here in the middle of a blizzard just after being shot. Crazy woman."
As you helped her remove her wet coat, she just chuckled softly at your comments, following your movements.
"I am cold." She stated, looking at your mouth while her coat fell to the floor, but you were too distracted while kneeling to unlace her boots.
"Of course you're cold! Did you see outside? So irresponsible." You kept complaining until you finished. When she stepped out of her shoes, you looked up, meeting her almost embarrassed gaze, and only then did you become aware that you were on your knees in front of her.
"Will you keep your promise?" She asks in a whisper. You swallow dry.
"What promise?"
"To keep me warm."
You let out the breath you didn't even know you were holding.
"I will."
Jane bit her lower lip, and you lifted your hands up her legs, caressing her to the fullest extent, making her shiver in anticipation as she watched.
Your hands slowly crept up to her belt clasp, and you exchanged a confirming look with her before opening it.
You could hear your unbalanced heartbeats in your ears, but you unzipped anyway.
Jane remained still, breathing shallowly as she watched you slowly lower her pants to the floor until you removed them completely, and she stepped to the side for you to toss the garment over her coat.
You turned your attention to her exposed legs again, resting your hands on the backs of her thighs, gently pulling her forward to kiss her skin at the same height.
She sighs at the contact of your lips on her skin, and you start to lift the kisses, making sure to maintain eye contact with her dilated pupils, accompanied by her flushed cheeks.
When you licked her inner thigh, she moaned hoarsely, her hand inching into your hair, a gentle but firm grip.
"Don't tease." She asked through her teeth, her breathing quickened. You gave her an innocent smile.
"I'm already on my knees for you, miss."
"And what a vision you are." She retorts in the same tone, releasing your hair to unbutton her own blouse, her gaze on you the entire time.
But you decided to continue your original idea, and reached up to her panties, reaching at the sides and pulling the item down.
With the garment off, you had a view of Jane's exposed and visibly wet intimacy, and you sighed, feeling your own pussy begin to tingle.
You turned your gaze to her, bracing your hands on the back of her thighs, waiting for confirmation.
Jane removed the shirt completely, tossing it to the floor, before working on her bra. You thought every second was being too long, and moved your face closer to her cunt, kissing her lightly and smiling at the way Jane let out a breathless moan, struggling to remove her bra.
But your smile turned to a groan as she finished removing her bra and grabbed a handful of your hair, pulling hard to make you look at her.
"Don't bite." She commands before forcing your face against her cunt, and you both moan at the contact.
Your tongue slides between her folds, and you delight in her taste, and the way she was wet and hot. Your hands firm on her thighs, and her hand in your hair as Jane lets out breathless moans as she feels all the pleasure you give her.
"That's it darling…keep going…" She guides between her whimpers, your mouth devouring her with adoration. She tastes like heaven, but she's hot as hell. "Oh... fuck....right there."
The sounds were working for you too, your pussy was soaking wet in your pants, and you pressed your thighs together as you sucked on Jane's clit and she forced your face forward in a reflex to prolong the sensation.
You suck, and take your tongue as far as it will go, making sure to press your nose against her clitoris. Her taste and smell intoxicate you in the best possible way, and the sounds she is making are almost enough to drive you over the edge.
Jane begins to shiver and whimper when she''s close, the grip on your hair tightening, encouraging you to keep fucking her relentlessly.
"Don't stop...my god...." She gasps with no ability to maintain a coherent sentence, your hot mouth driving her insane.
You feel the way she throbs on your tongue, her walls tightening around you, and you keep up your pace, until she cums.
Jane climaxes with a high, throaty moan, throwing her head back as her whole body trembles in spasms and you hold her firmly by the thighs, ready to keep her from falling to the floor as you watch her try to normalize her breathing, your mouth still on her intimacy, licking gently at her clit, until she whimpers from the overstimulation and pulls you nicely by the hair to stop you.
"Come here." She commands in a husky voice and you sigh as you take your hands off her thighs, rushing to be on your feet. She releases the hair grip to cup your face with her hand, bringing your lips together in a passionate, fervent kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth eagerly and making your head spin.
Your hands land on her waist, and as they start to go up, she gasps, breaking the kiss as she feels your palms against her breasts. You move forward to join your lips together again, but she squeezes your throat gently, making you grunt horny.
"I want your mouth." She warns as she uses her free hand to pull your hand away from her breast, using the hand on your neck to grab your hair again and pull your face towards her breast. "That you can bite."
You smile against her nipple, using your mouth to stimulate. Jane closes her eyes, giving in to the feeling of having you sucking and biting her nipples as you move your hands down to her ass, squeezing the flesh and pushing her hips against you, making you both moan at the contact.
It wasn't long before she was ready for another, her hips pushing against yours more frantically.
You cupped her nipple hard, and sucked, releasing the skin after you were sure it would mark, causing her to moan loudly.
But you could feel your edge reaching out to you, after you had tasted her, it wasn't going to take much for you to cum, and you wanted to do it on top of her.
So you reached up to her hair, tugging gently as your mouth moved against her collarbone, the change in dominance made Jane gasp in surprise.
You licked all the way from her neck to her ear, whispering "Bedroom, now." before biting her earlobe.
Jane brought your mouths together again, and the kiss broke into gasping moans many times around the hallway, until you stumbled into the bedroom, and you fell on top of her on the bed.
"You're wearing too many clothes." She comments breathlessly once your kisses have moved down again, making you smile against the skin of her neck.
You pulled away then, ignoring the dissatisfied grunt she made at the loss of contact, to remove your clothes quickly.
Jane bit her lip at the sight of you naked, but you didn't give her time to absorb anything, rejoining your mouths as she pulled you into her lap by the waist.
You thought you were boiling from the inside out, the feel of Jane's pussy against yours was utterly maddening.
Your tongues luff together as you thrust your hips forward, the friction making you both moan into the kiss.
You needed control not to completely give in to the sensation as you pushed Jane with one hand back onto the bed and sat up against her warm center.
She looked at you with some curiosity beyond the lust, breathing out of rhythm through her mouth as you bent slightly to reach the head of the bed. Your toy was there, a double dildo.
"You trust me?" You ask as you lift the object into her field of vision, seeing Jane's eyes widen slightly. You waited, and then she finally nodded.
You pulled away only to fit the dildo between you two, Jane holding her breath in anticipation. You penetrated her first, not having a hard time with the way she was soaking wet and the plastic penis easily slid inside, and she threw her head back on the pillow, moaning at the sensation of being bottom up.
You fit the other end to your entrance, settling into her lap before lowering your hips against Jane, gasping at the feel of the dildo sliding between your walls, your pussy throbbing against the plastic.
You rest your hands on Jane's waist as she gazes at you adoringly.
"You feel good?" You asked breathlessly, using all your control not to move.
“You like this?” You sigh as you force your hips forward, the movement makes you see stars, but it's Jane's hoarse whimper that's taking you over the edge.
"More." She asks, putting her hands on your thighs, trying to pull you forward.
You follow her request, swaying against her lap and feeling the dildo inside your pussy, the sensation of pleasure so absolute you can't keep your eyes open.
You dig your nails into Jane's stomach, tilting your ass to ride the dildo, and the whole movement makes her moan loudly, whimpering at the feel of the plastic penis inside her.
It doesn't take long for you to find a rhythm, your hips forcing against each other in sync, the dildo inside your cunts making you both whimper with pleasure, until it becomes too much, and you feel the hot grip at the tip of your belly close to explode.
"J-Jane... I'm..." You gasp loudly, keeping your rhythm, your pussy twitching and clenching against the plastic.
"Fuck...Me too.... don't stop..."
You came together, in a loud moan, as you arched your back and Jane sank her nails into your thigh.
You collapsed on top of her, sinking against her body, as you both tried to normalize your breathing.
Sighing softly, you moved to remove the dildo from inside you two, now completely soaked with your juices, and toss it onto the mattress as you returned to Jane's embrace.
Humming sweetly, she traced your back with her hand as you rested your arm at the height of her breasts.
"Is that enough to keep you warm?" you tease, making her laugh lightly as she looks up at you with lazy eyes after cumming twice.
You let your gaze wander, and frown slightly when you notice the mark a little below her neck.
"Is this where...?" You begin as you trace with your finger, and don't need to conclude for Jane to confirm. You look away from the bullet scar to her. "Are you sure you could have put in physical effort after that?"
Jane smiled mischievously.
"Absolutely not." She replies, making you look at her with fake annoyance, which causes her to laugh lightly. "But it was worth it."
You ask with your tongue between your teeth, and she murmurs yes as she moves closer, kissing you tenderly.
It is gentler, but it is even more intimate than any kiss you two have ever shared.
Jane puts her hand on your waist, and you rest your chin against the arm above her chest.
You stare at each other in silence for a few moments, but she can tell that you are pensive.
"What is it?" she asks gently, her fingers again caressing your back. You sigh.
"I was thinking about you." You confess making her raise her eyebrow in amusement, but the expression fades as you continue to speak. "About the time you’ll leave."
"Do you want me to leave?"
You sigh, shaking your head. "It doesn't matter what I want, Jane."
She frowns slightly.
"That's not true."
You pull away to lie on the mattress, your back on the comforter and your gaze on the ceiling.
"I'm going to miss you when you go back to Las Vegas."
Jane is silent for a moment, and then she is moving to look at you, still lying in bed.
"What if I stayed?"
You turn your head to her with an incredulous expression. Jane doesn't hesitate.
"I mean it." She says and you sigh.
"Outsiders always leave." You repeat the mantra you have learned and ignore the way Jane frowns, moving away. You grab your shirt from the floor as you look forward, sitting up in bed.
"We're a one-night-only thing, then?" She asks almost angrily, sitting up properly on the bed like you. You sigh.
"I'm not the one leaving."
"I'm not leaving!" She retorts and you turn to her.
"Of course you are!" You insist impatiently. "Or do you plan on living in the city hotel for years to come? I don't know how much the FBI is paying, but I bet not that much."
Jane sighs irritably, rolling her eyes as she looks away. You're right.
"This was fun, but we need to be realistic." You continued to get up. "You're going to finish the reports and leave. That's it, we don't need to make this big."
"I'm in love with you."
You freeze.
And when you look at her with wide eyes a moment later, Jane is rubbing her temples lightly.
She sighs before looking at you.
"I am..."
"Don't." You interrupt, your voice hoarse with emotion, feeling your eyes fill with water. Jane blinks in surprise.
"What?" She asks confused. "Why can't I say? It's the truth. I'm-"
"Stop it!" You cut it again. "I want you to leave."
"What are you talking about?"
"Go away." You repeat in earnest, ignoring the way your heart is pounding and you want to cry.
Jane looks at you with hurt, then lets out an incredulous laugh, getting up to leave the room.
You took a deep breath to keep the tears away, waiting long minutes to follow her.
When you arrived in the living room, Jane had all her clothes on, and your first action was to look out the window to see the current blizzard situation, but it was over. Just like your story with her.
Jane hesitated as she opened the door, looking back to find you with your arms crossed, an unreadable expression on your face.
“Is this really goodbye?” she asks with tears in her eyes. You hold hers, lifting your chin.
"Have a nice life, Jane Banner."
Her lip trembles from crying, but she just nods and turns away, closing the door.
When she's gone, you collapse in sobs against the wall.
The next few days are not good for you.
You barely eat, your appetite has gradually disappeared due to the emotional distress, and it is so cold that you don't feel like getting out of bed.
However, you find yourself being forced into town when your coffee runs out, and mentally cursing, you put on your winter clothes, and go after your keys.
You choke lightly when your gaze finds the changes of Jane's clothes that you had left unpacked on the couch to return to her, and ignoring the urge to cry, you take the items and the key from the countertop, deciding to get her address to mail the clothes to.
It wasn't snowing that heavily, but you keep your eyes on the road. A few minutes later you reach the town and decide to stop at the police station before going to the market.
You are very frustrated to learn that Siu cannot give you the personal address of a federal agent.
"I'm sorry, but I don't even have access to that kind of information." She informs you in a low tone, looking at you curiously. "What do you want with this anyway?"
"She left some clothes at home, I wanted to mail it." You say and regret your choice of words immeditately as you see Siu's expression change.
"I knew it!" She exclaims mischievously. "I said it was weird that she always asks about you. Since when are you two sleeping together?"
You sigh.
"We're not." You say. "Well, we did. Once. Twice. B-but that's not important. We're not together. Are you sure you can't get her address?"
"I really wish I could help you, but I can't. I'm sorry."
“It’s okay Siu, thank you anyways.”
On the way out however, you bump into Cory leaving his truck by the grocery store.
"Hey Lambert!" You call him as you approach. "Any chance you have Jane Banner's address?"
Cory looks at you with a mixture of surprise and concern.
"Thought you would know that."
You sigh looking away.
"We're not together, Cory."
"And why do you need the address?"
"I'll return her clothes."
Cory raises an eyebrow at you, but you roll your eyes impatiently.
"So, you know?"
"I knew the old one."
You frown, confused and Cory clarifies:
"You know she's moving, don't you?"
He gives a short laugh, waving for you to follow him toward the grocery store.
"Jane talked to her superiors while she was in the hospital." He counters as you walk into the store. "I think she wanted the Wyoming region to be her area of operation. And well, nobody wants this place, so her boss made no objection to her transfer."
You widen your eyes at the whole story, but occupy your hands with the groceries that Cory points you to pick up from the shelves.
"She got a place in Thermopolis, decent price, and I think her apartment in Vegas will cover everything."
You are really shocked. And Cory clears his throat.
"You know, she's a good person." He comments. "I'd be happy if things worked out between you two.”
You look away to the floor, upset.
"Don't even go there, buddy." You asked. "We would never work out. It was special, but it's like they say, outsiders always leave."
Cory laughed at your sentence, stopping walking.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
You made a bothered expression and Cory rolled his eyes.
"Kid, when people say that around here, they are referring to tourists and land explorers." He retorts, and then his expression softens. "You know, not everyone who isn't a native goes away. Not everyone is like your father."
You feel your cheeks heat up, and you look away quickly, busying yourself with grabbing a packet of coffee from the shelves.
Cory sighs, straightening his posture as he looks at you.
"I'm sorry." He says. "It was insensitive to say it that way."
"It's okay, you're right." You say upset, controlling yourself not to cry. "My father abandoned me here without looking back and now I don't trust anyone. You can start acting as the town therapist now, Doctor Lambert!" You tease armagely before throwing the coffee into the little basket he carries and turning to leave.
Cory calls you a few times but you don't come back.
You sit in your car, trying to control the mixture of anger and hurt that takes over your chest, and you must have done this for long minutes because Cory comes out of the grocery store with the bags and knocks on the window in your car, waiting for you to roll down the window to hand you the coffee.
"The address is on the receipt." He says as soon as you put the bag on the seat. "Some of the outsiders stayed here, kid. I stayed, and so did you."
He states with an earnestness before walking away. You think about his words for long moments before you decide to drive to Jane's house.
Nature, however, seems to have different plans.
It starts to snow heavily, and you are looking to stop on the road when you almost crash your car.
Cussing quietly, you realize that it is just another driver who had the same idea as you.
Squinting your eyes, you sigh in surprise when you realize that it is Jane's car.
You reach for the clothes in the back seat before you get out of the car, hugging your jacket because of the cold.
You tap the glass gently, startling her, but when she recognizes you, she quickly lowers the window.
"What are you doing here?" she questions confused.
"I could ask you the same thing." You return, ignoring the way your stomach flips with nervousness at seeing her again. Jane rolls her eyes.
"I was just going home." She replied.
"Well, I was going to return your clothes." You informed as you lifted the change to her and tossed it into the passenger seat through the window. "Good luck in Thermopolis, Janne Banner." You said before walking away and she blinked in confusion as she hurried to remove her seatbelt and get out of the car, the sound of the door opening making you stop walking and turn to her.
" You know I'm moving?" She asks in surprise.
"Yes, Cory told me."
She hesitates, opening and closing her mouth once before actually deciding to speak.
"It's close." She says. "Thermopolis, I say. It's close from here."
"I know."
Jane pulls a strand of hair out of her face, seeming to take courage.
"Does that change anything between us?"
You frown slightly, looking away and then back at her.
"No, Jane." You reply, and she looks down at the floor immediately. You sigh, taking a step forward. "But the fact that I am in love with you, does."
She raises her head quickly, surprised at the confession. You give her a shy smile.
"You living in Vegas, Seattle, or even on the moon makes no difference to me." You continue as you approach her with slow steps. "What matters is that I am in love with you. And I will stay in love with you even if you are on the other side of the country."
When you reach her, she lets out a relieved sigh, her eyes watering. You lift your hands to her face.
"I'm sorry I made you cry before." You whisper to her. "I shouldn't have told you to go when I wanted you to stay."
She smiles, letting the tears flow as she shakes her head slightly.
"It's okay." She whispers back, her hands coming up to rest in yours on her face. "Your hands are cold." She remarks in the same tone, and you giggle, but when you make mention of moving away, she guides them to her waist, on the inside of her coat.
"Leave them here, I'll keep it warm for you." She says making you smile with flushed cheeks, as she slips her arms around your neck.
"My lips are cold as well." You joke and she bites back a smile, resting her forehead against yours.
"Let me warm them up too." She says before breaking the distance.
From that day on, kissing Jane Banner in the snow became so comforting that it made you forget how cold it could be in Wind River.
Tag list> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan || @diaryoflife || @nervoustrack || @aquamarinescarlet || @cristin-rjd || @idamaemann || @fortunatelynerdylight
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
🍒 SUMMARY// At 3am, every Sunday, Bucky locks his bedroom door to watch his favorite camgirl. What's to happen when he finds out he's much closer to her than leaving generous tips on her videos?
💋 WARNINGS// m masturbation, implied f masturbation, cursing, mentions of alcohol, lil bit of fluff
🍒 AU// Roommate!Bucky x Camgirl!Reader
💋 NOTE// This is tame compared to what's coming next. Requests and asks are always open, 18+ ONLY Minors DNI
🍒Ronly Friends Masterlist🍒
💋Main Masterlist💋
Moodboard by// @commonintrest
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"C'mon, big boy! Nat is gonna be here soon." You called down the hall, Bucky walking out of his bedroom as he pulled his shirt on. "I'm coming, calm down." He sighed. "Well, don't you look handsome." You smiled, smoothing your hands over his shoulders, feeling the muscles tense a little under your touch. "Oh, stop flirting."
"Nevermind, you look horrible." You teased, Bucky rolling his eyes at you as he got in the fridge for a water. "If I was to set you up with one of my friends- would you go?"
Though a small wave of relief washed over him, he couldn't stop himself from asking- "why not?"
"I have plenty of fun- by myself." You winked, a low chuckle pulling from Bucky's chest as he took a quick drink from the bottle. "Well, any guy who gets to date you is lucky, dollface."
You jutted your bottom lip out, reaching your hands out to hold his jaw. "Awe, Bucky. So sweet, gimme some sugar." You giggled, planting a kiss on his stubbled cheek.
Bucky looked at the tinted gloss painted on your lips and groaned. "Oh, c'mon, get it off. Sam teases me enough." He frowned. "Ok, ok. Lemme see." You laughed, pulling him down closer by the back of his neck.
"Hey!" He whined when you left another one on the opposite cheek. "Now, you match. Want some more?" You teased, Bucky trying to wiggle away as you wrapped your arms around his sturdy waist. "No, no more sugar."
"Oh, all of the sugar. C'mere, big boy." You giggled, making kissy noises at him as his face went beet red, laughter bubbling from his chest. "Stop! We gotta- we gotta go."
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
Bucky tried to keep his eyes from staring a hole into you the entire time you were at the club not far from the apartment. Occasionally glancing over Steve's shoulder to where you were enjoying yourself with Natasha, the hem of your dress lifting every so often to give a peek at the lacy underwear underneath.
"You listenin', Buck?" The blonde chuckled, snapping his fingers in front of Bucky to get his attention again. "Hmm? Yeah, I heard ya'." Bucky lied.
"Obviously not. You're staring so hard that it's getting creepy." Steve teased. "Is that drool?" Sam quipped, making Bucky mock laughter and roll his eyes as he lifted the glass bottle to his lips.
He had been waiting for a half an hour for a reason to ditch, seeing you shaking your head at a man who just stepped closer when Natasha walked away was the perfect reason.
"There goes Bucky, swooping in to save the day." He shot a look to Sam over his shoulder, snaking his arms around your waist and leaning to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck.
Your face heated up at the sudden action, but the look on the strangers face as he backed away made you give a soft smile and place your hands on the metal forearm that was around your waist.
"Ready to leave? I'm bored." He muttered as he pulled you away from the crowd and the lingering man, facial hair scratching at your skin as he talked. "My hero." You laughed, pulling out of his grip and waving to the group of friends who sat at the bar.
"Unspoken rule number three, it is my job as your roommate to save you from unwanted situations." Bucky smiled, pushing open the door to hold it for you. "What a gentleman."
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
3am hit while Bucky was scrolling his phone. The weekly notification dropping down at the top of his screen.
This time, there were two new videos; Bucky's eyes going wide when he saw the title on the second one.
For the best tipper- Soldat107
He hesitated at first to click it, his hand slipping into the waistband of his briefs to grip himself when the video loaded.
The swirling in the pit of his stomach started quicker than he had expected. Bucky rutting his hips into his hand as his top teeth bit down into his lip to make sure you didn't hear him this time and eyes fluttering shut as he spilled over the edge.
Once he was done, his phone and headphones were thrown to the side. Being quick to clean the mess on his hand and stomach before leaving his room to go shower.
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
The next morning, Bucky went on his run with Sam and Steve after breakfast. The main topic being how he hadn't asked you on a date yet.
"Just ask her and stop being a whimp about it." Sam said, nudging his shoulder as they walked up the stairs of the apartment building. "She's my roommate, that's what makes it more difficult."
"That should make it easier, Buck. You already know almost everything about each other, there wouldn't be any awkward silences if you took her out." Steve pointed, as if Bucky hadn't already weighed the pros and cons.
"It's also very convenient that her room is across the hall from yours." Sam nodded, making Bucky roll his eyes as he opened the door to his apartment.
You looked over your shoulder from washing the dishes to where he was walking in, athletic shorts low on his hips and hair tied up messily. "It was my turn to do those." Bucky said with a pointed look. "I got bored." You shrugged, feeling the heat from his form when he stood behind you.
"When most people get bored, they watch tv." He turned the water off and you turned to face him. "How was your run?" You asked, leaning back against the counter. "Annoying and sweaty."
You nodded, letting your eyes wander down to his sweat slicked chest. The shine making his muscular torso seem even more defined. "I can tell."
Bucky hummed in response and went to pull you in for a hug, your hands pressing to his chest to keep him away as a mischievous smile tugged his lips. "Get off, Bucky. I don't want a sweaty hug." You warned with a laugh. "You know you like seeing me sweaty."
Your face warmed and you curled your fingers under his to try to pry them from your waist. "Go- take a shower." You giggled, Bucky pouting as he backed away to go down the hall.
You could hear Bucky rustling around in his room as you put the dishes away, a call of your name making you walk into his view as he walked back into the hall.
"Have you seen my sweats?" He sighed. "Which ones?"
"Dark grey." You didn't let yourself look down as he adjusted the waistband of his briefs. "Check my closet if they're not in yours."
Bucky nodded and opened your bedroom door, going to looked through the folded clothes on the top shelf of your closet.
Not finding them there, he went to the trunk that was at the foot of your bed, thinking you kept more clothes in it as he opened it.
He choked on air when he saw the familiar sight of a masquerade mask along with the same backdrop the camgirl he watched and different sets of lingerie neatly placed inside.
"Did you find it?" Bucky heard your voice say as you got closer. "I fuckin' found something, cherry." He huffed, everything in him wanting him to just shut the trunk and forget he ever saw it.
You rolled your eyes and waved his hand away to shut it, folding your arms across your chest. "That's an invasion of privacy, Buck."
"I'm canceling my subscription." Bucky said, looking up at the ceiling. "You're what now?" You said, cocking your head to the side. Everything not clicking in place for you yet.
"I'm canceling." He repeated, looking down at you. The fact that Bucky had seen your videos settling in. "You- oh, god." You bit back a laugh, covering your mouth with your hand.
"Yep. Remember the best tipper? Me. Now, I'm gonna go take a very cold shower. Don't look at me for awhile, I'm embarrassed." Bucky turned to leave the room, you following right behind him.
"Bucky, please, don't make this weird." You whined, reaching to grab the metal of his wrist in your hand.
He stopped and let out a long breath through his nose, running a hand down his face. "Four months. You've lived here four months and I didn't know I watched your videos every weekend? I feel-" A visible shudder passed through him, a guilty feeling settling deep in his stomach along with a little bit of curiosity. "Lemme see it."
"See what?" You asked, letting go of his wrist. "The cherry. I wanna see it." He shrugged.
You rolled your eyes and turned so your back was to him before lifting the hem of your dress, pulling the waistband of your underwear down enough for him to see the tattoo.
Bucky swallowed thickly and moved his hands to cover himself, tearing his gaze away from your backside. "Yeah. That made it worse. I'm gonna go shower now."
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
A few days passed, Bucky hadn't mentioned anything else about what he had found in your room. Everything stayed normal, except the increase in lingering looks you'd catch.
And the curiosity of what it was like to film yourself doing such personal things.
"I wanna do it." Bucky blurted out as you handed him a beer and the bowl of popcorn. "Do what?" You asked, taking your spot next to him on the couch and grabbing the remote from the coffee table. "The thing you do."
You looked over at him with an amused smile. "You'd make good money doing it." You said, Bucky's eyebrows raising. "You think?"
"Well, obviously. Look at you." You breathed a laugh, gesturing a hand towards him. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip, thinking over what he was about to say. "Do you ever think about... having a guest?"
You cocked an eyebrow at him, silently debating what he had said. Bucky had the build something like what you would see on a statue in a museum, a handsome face and delightful personality to match. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have some type of attraction towards him.
"You offering, Buck?"
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
TAGLIST: @likeahorribledream @cxddlyash @iwannabekilledtwice @bookstan0618 @glxwingrxse @yliumy @pineprincess @makbarnes @cupcakehinch @doasyoudesireandlive @magicwithinnightmares @preferredrealty @andy-is-gay @stucky-my-ship @marvel-3407 @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @i-l-y-3000 @avoxzy @impala1967666 @mollygetssherlockcoffee @supernaturalbae @bucky-hues @suchababie @eireduchess
@mrsbarnesinmyimagination @rachellovesloki @teenagedreams-bucky
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Genre : Brother-in-law Jungkook x OC!
Warnings : Yandere Jungkook! Non Consent. Manipulative behaviour. Explicit Sexual Content, Violence, Murder
Author's Note : I love reading Yandere fics so I just wanted to write one!! Its very different from what I usually write... So proceed with caution.
The first time I met Jungkook , it was five years into my relationship with Namjoon.
Namjoon had told me all about his baby brother, a final year student in SNU. Jungkook majored in Business , training to take over the company business . Namjoon often mentioned that it was Jungkook's offer to switch majors that had helped him pursue his own dream of being a music producer.
So when he told me that Jungkook was on a break from university and his parents were looking forward to having a proper family dinner with all of us, I was excited to meet the boy , I'd heard so much about. Namjoon was endlessly fond of his little brother and I wanted him to like me just as much.
Namjoon and I had met seven years earlier in the University Library and had become fast friends. We were both quiet, intellectually driven individuals, preferring to spend our time in the library as opposed to partying with our friends. And yet, in a twist , against our family’s wishes, we had chosen not to pursue an academically driven career either. I’d always felt out of place in my own friend group, most of my friend from Journalism being extroverted and fun loving. Namjoon for his part had only two very close friends, Yoongi and Hoseok and preferred spending time by himself as well.
So it was only natural that we fell in with each other with ease. His beautiful dimpled smile tugged on my gut, even as his gentle nature and gorgeous mind made my heart pound. I fell in love with him, between the late night laughter in the library and the soft secrets whispered against my skin, in the privacy of his bed.
“Nervous?” His voice drew me to the present, fingers inking with mine as he lightly knocked his shoulders against mine, staring down at me with a dimpled smile. I shook my head quickly, squeezing his hand gently.
“Of course not. I just want him to like me.” I whispered and Namjoon chuckled.
“Jungkookie isn’t very expressive so don’t worry if he isn’t very vocal in his affections. He’s very shy with new people but I’m sure, he’ll love you.” Namjoon reached out and lightly, brushed the hair off my face before leaning down and giving me a quick kiss.
I gripped his waist, pressing in closer, lips parting instinctively  , eager to chase the taste of him. He groaned and gripped my elbow, pulling me around to press up against the tall , lean strength of his body and this was it, this endless need to touch him even after seven whole years of being together. I moaned when he bit down on my lips, my back arching a bit to press into him.
We parted, surprised and I felt my face flame, lips slicked wet and no doubt red from where Joon’s teeth had sunk in.
What a first impression.
“Ahh… Jungkook-ah… You came out?” Namjoon looked a little flustered, dimples peeking out in an abashed smile as he laughed embarrassedly I found myself smiling at Jungkook, who looked nothing like I’d imagined.
I’d been expecting someone cute and friendly.
Jungkook was dressed in all black, tall and intimidating. He was also almost surreally beautiful, gaze piercing and steady as he stared at me. I felt an instinctive urge to hide, not missing the way his gaze trailed up and down my body, lips parting gently to reveal a pair of bunny teeth that looked jarringly adorable on a face that was , quite simply put, arrestingly gorgeous.  
He hummed, still standing in the doorway, eyes trained on me and I swallowed when he smiled , wide and open. His tongue darted out, lightly licking his lower lip .
“Hi, Hana.” He said softly and I startled.
“Hana? I’m sure you mean noona…..” I laughed nervously and even Namjoon looked surprised and Jungkook merely smiled, shrugging.
“You don’t feel like a noona.” He said casually.
I merely stared at him, not sure what he meant. Namjoon laughed a little as well, moving over to lightly hug his brother.
“Yah! You’ve just met her. Isn’t it too soon to start being a brat?” He ruffled his hair playfully before turning to me.
“Come on, Hana. Come say hi to my parents.” Namjoon walked in and I rushed to follow him, pausing when I reached the doorway. I smiled at Jungkook, holding a hand out slowly.
“I’ve heard so much about you Jungkook, I hope we can be friends…” I said sincerely and he stared at my hand, not taking it. Instead he gave me another soft smile. Before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the back of my hand, making me jump .
“You don’t feel like a friend either.” He said with a shrug , before moving away, leaving me stunned on the doorway.
Two years later :
“Seven months? Namjoon we’re getting married in seven months! How am I supposed to plan a whole wedding , with you away from the country?” I asked desperately, watching as Namjoon sat with his head in his hands. He looked stricken, regretful and pained and I felt terrible for being unreasonable but it was impossible not to feel hurt.
“I know..  I know hana, I’m so fucking sorry. But this is such a huge opportunity and its not just me : Hoseok and Yoongi depend on me. I can’t screw things up for them too.” He whispered and I exhaled.
Namjoon had been offered a chance to produce for a very high end recording label based out of the US and they wanted him to stay there for a minimum of seven months. The offer had been a complete surprise, out of the blue and the timing couldn’t have been worse. I’d been accepted into an internship at a popular magazine and it would be impossible for me to go with him. And I was so desperate to go.
We’d never been apart for more than a few days, in the entirety of our relationship and the thought of not seeing him for months made me want to throw up.
“I’ve spoken to Jungkook. He’ll help you with all the things that have to be done. And I swear that I’ll be back at least a month before the date, alright? No matter what happens.” Namjoon said firmly. I swallowed, nodding nervously.
It was true that I didn’t like the idea of being away from Namjoon. But the thought of keeping him away from a dream that he had worked so hard for, was almost unfathomable.
Besides, Jungkook was reliable and sweet. The perfect gentleman. Especially now that he’d taken over as his father’s Executive Assistant, Jungkook was incredibly good at organizing and planning things out.
With his help, I could plan out our wedding to perfection.
The next five months were spent in a haze of appointments and fittings and bookings. Jungkook had arranged for a shift in my internship hours, so he and I could spend a solid four hours every day, visiting different vendors, picking out the perfect floral arrangements, napkins, brocade and what not. And for once, I found myself completely enthralled by the idea of spending money of frivolously pretty things. Whether it was the florists or the patisserie, the dress fitting or the invitations, I felt my excitement bubbling over , amazed because marrying into Namjoon’s family meant an unlimited budget and for once, I didn’t mind being extravagant.
What was more, I didn’t miss Namjoon nearly as much as I thought I would. Because deep down , I knew that he wouldn’t have enjoyed this all that much. And I would have felt guilty , dragging him everywhere.
And Jungkook was the one to thank for all of it. He picked me up everyday for an early breakfast , followed by hours of combing the streets for ideas and appointments. He was funny and enthusiastic, eager to help me in every way and I was so grateful that I couldn’t thank him enough.
“I owe you so much, Kookie. You’ve been a life saver.” I groaned, collapsing on the couch and dropping my head back against the backrest. Jungkook chuckled, sitting down on one of the Turkish ottomans and lightly grabbing my ankle, pulling my foot onto his lap. I flushed a little, still not used to how touchy he was.
Jungkook liked wrapping his arms around my waist when we were out and about, fingers fluttering up my sides or brushing hair off my face with easy familiarity. I didn’t mind. He reminded me of my little brother back in Ilsan.
Most of the people we met assumed he was the groom and Jungkook told me it would be better to keep up the ruse because wedding planners were more comfortable when couples came together and I’d agreed, albeit a little reluctantly. I missed Namjoon and I wondered if he would mind. But when I mentioned it in passing to him during one of our daily video calls, he’d merely laughed it off.
“You’re so tense, Hana. You should relax. Everything is going to be okay.” Jungkook said softly, soft fingers digging into the curve of heel before brushing the arch of my foot. I smiled when he tugged my foot close, placing it down on the firmness of his thigh.
I gazed down at him, feeling uncomfortably nervous. This whole thing seemed oddly intimate somehow and I felt the first tendrils of guilt begin to curl around my gut. I swallowed, hating myself for tainting something that was no doubt innocent. I ought to be grateful that my future brother in law was this kind to me.
“I know. Thank you. I just miss him sometimes.” I said softly. The fingers stilled on my foot.
“Only sometimes?” He teased, eyes narrowed and tone just a little colder and I hesitated.
“I don’t miss him when you keep me company. You help me forget that I’m doing all of this by myself.” I said honestly. Jungkook inhaled sharply, his gaze flicking to mine, holding mine with an intensity that made me balk a little.
“You mean, that?” He asked quietly and I laughed at how serious he looked.
“Of course I do.  I was so sure this whole thing would be me being miserably lonely but you’ve kept me laughing and happy. I’m going to ask Namjoon to buy you something expensive and amazing when he comes back.”
“He already has something amazing. It’s the only thing I really want.” Jungkook said quietly, fingers stroking up, gently massaging my foot all the way up my calf. I groaned at how good it felt.
“Really what is it?” I asked curious.
Jungkook squeezed my knee before carefully placing my foot down , reaching for the other one.
“You’ll know soon, Hana.”
True to his word, Namjoon called me exactly a month before our wedding date.
“Guess who’s leaving the God forsaken place this weekend?”
I felt warmth flood my insides, heart racing with pure joy, tears brimming over because I’d honestly resigned myself to the fact that he wouldn’t be able to make it back on time.
“Monday i, I’ll be there. Can’t wait to kiss you, my love.” He whispered and I nodded, laughing.
Finally, Everything would be okay.
Namjoon’s flight was due to arrive late night ,somewhere between twelve and one in the morning. I’d taken a nap in the afternoon, so I could be up to welcome him back. Jungkook arrived at around seven with Takeout and flowers.
He didn’t ring the doorbell, letting himself in with the spare key I’d given him for emergencies. I found myself scrambling for my robe because I’d taken a nice long shower and slipped on a silk negligee, short and ending just over my knees . I could feel his eyes on me as I hastily tied the sash together, flustered. The robe wasn’t long either and I felt absolutely exposed, even worse than when he’d stepped into the dressing room during my fitting, offering to help me with the zipper.
“ Jungkook, what are you doing here?” I asked nervously and he shrugged, eyes still trailing over my legs, the skin bare. I felt his gaze like a caress and some instinct told me I was in danger. I shook my head to clear it. How ridiculous.
This was Jungkook. Sweet, wonderful Jungkookie. My best friend these past few months. There was no one else I could be safer with.
“I knew you’d be excited, what with hyung coming back and all. So, I thought I’d drop by and at least make sure you’re well fed.” He grinned, holding the tae out up. I smiled and nodded, moving to get plates and glasses from the kitchen.
I heard Jungkook moving around in the living room and when I went back in , I found that he had two glasses of wine ready on the table, an expensive bottle of merlot opened nearby. I smiled a bit, shaking my head.
“What are we celebrating?” I asked curiously and he shrugged.
“Namjoon hyung is coming back right? It means I’ll be getting my amazing gift tonight.” He said softly, picking his glass up and taking a sip and I rolled my eyes.
“You’re such a child. You can’t wait for a day to get your gift?”
Jungkook hummed. He looked ethereal in the dim golden light of the apartment. Like something out of a fairytale. All dark ebony hair and porcelain skin. I wondered, again….why he never dated. He was easily one of the most beautiful humans I’d ever seen in my life. And that voice.
The voice of an angel.
“I’ve been waiting for years, Hana. I’m sick and tired of waiting.” He said softly, voice low and eyes somehow dark and I tried to hold my smile.
“Well, I hope you enjoy it.” I grinned and he smiled, all teeth.
“Oh, I intend to. Thoroughly.”
I took my own glass and took a deep sip , before holding it against his.
“To no longer waiting and finally getting what we want.” I said cheerfully, thinking of the long months without Namjoon and the few hours till he would be back in my arms. Jungkook chuckled and clinked his glass against mine.
“To you, Hana.” He said simply and I blushed, surprised and flattered.
We ate the take out but just a few bites in, I felt my eyes getting heavy which was so unfair. It was barely eight. And I’d slept in the afternoon. What was wrong with me? I was supposed to be up till Namjoon came home.
“You alright, love?” Jungkook asked sweetly , getting out of his chair and making his way over when I almost knocked the glass of water over, fingers trembling. I pouted, even as his fingers curled over my shoulders, gripping lightly.
“Why am I so drowsy?” I whined in desperation and he leaned down, lightly resting his chin on my shoulder.
“You need to rest, hana. Come on, let’s get you to bed…. “
Eyes heavy and limbs turning to jelly, I could barely blink as he reached down and scooped me into his arms , carrying me into the bedroom. I felt his fingers tug on the sash of my robe, a protest building up at the action but he shushed me gently.
“I’m just helping you out of this, Hana. Rest now… Namjoon hyung will be here soon and we have a long night ahead of us, you and I.”
I could feel my mind churn at that, confusion warring with apprehension because why was Jungkook inserting himself in tonight? What did he have to do with Namjoon and I ?
Sleep beckoned and I found myself slipping into the darkness before I could fully ponder on his words.
I woke up sweaty and damp , body overheated and my head foggy. I made to move and felt my heart pound when I realized my hands were tied up to the headboard. I blinked, only to be met with darkness because there was something tied around my eye as well.
“Jungkook?!” I called out panicking and there was a low chuckle.
And then a very familiar scent.
I sagged in relief.
“Joon…it’s you….” I breathed out . “ Come on, do we really have to do this right away? I wanna see you…” I whispered desperately.
Fingers brushed over my ankle and I jumped.
“Namjoon?” I whispered . The bed dipped next to me, and I felt the brush of his shirt against my bare arm. It was soft and silky , familiar because I’d bought it for him for his birthday and he’d sent me a pic of him wearing it, from the airport today.
“Okay… I’ll play.” I laughed softly. “ Just untie me… I wanna touch you..”
“Sshhh…..” A finger pressed against my lip and I startled. Throat dry, I gulped.
But I didn’t say anything, biting my lips nervously as I felt him climb over me, one knee on either side of mine, fingers curling on my thighs, lips pressing against my cheek. I sighed, relishing the soft press of his lips, up and down my neck, the damp wetness of his tongue as he licked the skin right after, teeth nipping gently and then with more force.
I trembled as soft fingers tugged on my negligee tugging the fabric up and away from my body, raising it up till it pooled near my chest. I felt the tug on my panties, yanking the fabric off and then the weight of him went away, a breathy exhale that sounded both calm and somehow desperate, his body moving down to lightly hold my knees, parting my legs.
I bent my knees, spreading my thighs the way he clearly wanted me to, hearing him groan in return. He used his thumbs to gently part the damp folds of my centre and I felt my entire body shudder at the press of his tongues against the most intimate parts of me.
Choking, I could only lay there and take it, his tongue licking the slick folds, over and over again with an almost curious insistence, like he was tasting me for the first time and I could feel his body trembling on the bed as he did. I felt his teeth tug on the hardened nub, bruising hard and yet somehow almost playful and cheeky and I found myself squirming in pleasure, wetness seeping out of me .
The tip of his finger found my slit, running up and done the length of it in a slow, gentle caress, gathering the moisture there and I trembled when he reached my clit, gently rubbing circles on the little bundle before moving back down to trace my entrance. I was so wet, getting wetter by the second and I’d never wanted to be fucked so bad.
“Please…..baby… I want you ….in me…” I choked out and he chuckled, a little mischievous and unlike him.
The finger dipped in, shallow and barely in and I whimpered in desperation.
“More.. Please…. I want more.. Want you… Its been so long…”
I felt him move back at that and then he was there, right between my legs. I felt the clink of metal as he unbuckled himself, the sound of his zipper and the rustle of fabric as he pushed his trousers off. I could feel the hard muscles of his thigh against the back of mine as he scooted closer, felt the brush of his hard length against my center, the head dipping in just lightly.
He pushed forward, driving in with so much force that my entire body shuddered in shock. And in just that second, I knew, with dawning horror…….
This was not Namjoon.
I screamed, so loud my own ears rang and  a palm pressed down into my mouth, forceful and unrelenting. And terrifyingly unfamiliar.
“Hana…” Jungkook’s voice near my ear made me choke on my tears, my mind splintering in shock and betrayal, body going rigid in terror as he pulled out , only to slide back in.
“Knew it would be worth it, keeping myself pure for you….” He crooned against my skin and I whimpered, wetness spilling over my eyelashes as I tried to squirm away, my mind body and soul only screaming for the man I loved.
“Don’t worry about anything ….Hyung’s in a better place now. “ Jungkook chuckled deeply and I felt my skin go ice cold at the implication. He moved his hand away and I coughed, choking.
The blind fold came off and he kept pumping into me, hips moving erratically, no rhythm or grace and it was obvious he’d never done this before, obvious in the way he looked : blissed out and feral, eyes unfocused as he stared down at me. I felt him tremble and shake, before going still . I felt warm wetness flood my insides and bile rose, nausea making breathing difficult. He stayed on me and inside me, his body so large and immovable, heavy and suffocating over my own.
“what are you doing Jungkookie?” I sobbed out in disbelief and he glared at me.
“What does it fucking look like I’m doing? I’m taking what I fucking deserve….” He snarled. “ Two fucking years…. He doesn’t deserve you. Spends all his days and nights holed up in that studio of his with his friends….leaves you to fend for yourself. You deserve to be waited on, hand and foot… you deserve the world, hana…and he wouldn’t let you experience any of it. Fucking bastard….
“No… No.. God …no..” I choked out. It was the shirt.
He was wearing Namjoon’s shirt. And his cologne. The shirt I knew my boyfriend had been wearing today. How did he get it??
Jungkook brushed his fingers on my cheeks .
“What’s wrong baby? Are you worried about him? Wondering where he is…” He chuckled. “ I told you..he’s in a better place right now..”
“No… you’re lying..you wouldn’t…”
“Wouldn’t I? You know me that well , hana?” He teased.
No. No I didn’t I didn’t know him at all.
“How about this? If you marry me…. If you let me have this dream wedding with my dream girl…. “ He smirked,” If you let me love you the way you deserve , maybe I’ll take you to visit him…someday. ”
I closed my eyes.
I couldn’t process what I’d just heard… I didn’t know… if he was bluffing. What if he had actually killed-
I couldn’t believe that. I couldn’t. It would break me.
“Okay… Just…please don’t hurt him…” I whispered.
Jungkook smiled.
“Just relax Hana. Everything’s going to be okay.”
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