#( && location. | | slytherin common room. )
curicsities · 2 years
closed for: @wartorns location: slytherin common room
“okay, so here’s what i was thinking,” effie started, perching on the arm of the sofa that greg was currently sitting in. unfortunately for him, she had absolutely no intention of letting him get up until she had finished her spiel. how exactly she would stop him wasn’t something she had considered, but she was hoping that her charm and intensity would do the job for her. “we all need something to laugh at. something to unify us in these terrible times.” was she exaggerating? perhaps, but that didn’t stop her from placing a hand on greg’s shoulder and staring intently into his face. “i think we should charm draco’s shampoo to turn his hair green,” effie didn’t give any time for the other to respond before continuing. “i know what you’re thinking, ‘why green?’, maybe even ‘why draco?’, but i can put your mind to rest. i have planned this completely.”
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deadghosy · 3 months
The Slytherin boys react to you being a telepathic/having telekinesis
Ft. Tom Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire.
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Tom Riddle
Uses you, emotionally abusive.
He has his head press against yours whispering sweet nothings, telling you that you need him. His arms around your waist as his dark eyes look into your own
He also has you as a distraction when he is almost caught doing something he isn’t suppose to do.
If you can read his mind, it’s even better as he would just command you and you would listen to him without you both opening your mouths.
He will soon have a connection to you as he will talk to you through his head.
Imagine just spending quality time with each other as you talk to each other using your mind.
Mattheo Riddle
Your relationship with him is def giving max x eleven from stranger things!!
He thinks you’re fucking cool and wants you to throw someone like how mattheo depulso any asshole in DADA
He holds you hand as he just rants about things and one thought popped into his head as he talks
“They’re so cool!”
Your eyes widened like beautiful stars as you smile softly to mattheo who seemed to look at you softly
And then when you told him your could read minds…he immediately got a little embarrassed but definitely asked if you could read someone’s else mind for afar
Definitely used you to go lift him up a bit.
Draco Malfoy
Asks you a lot of questions in his mind to the point you walked..no you ran from him CAUSE HE WAS CHASING AFTER YOU😭😕🙁
He would let you read his mind, sometimes he forgets tho as he hugged you and you read that he loved how you smelt.
Asks you to use your powers to grab him something that literally afar.
Probably tries to make you read his enemies mind (mostly potter😭)
You one time used your powers to move a chair from under him and he was impressed or happy at all.
Sometimes your mind reading is a curse and a blessing.
Theodore Nott
Immediately starts spamming his mind in a mixture of Italian and English
You look at him confused which made him laugh. But you only shrugged and used your telekinesis to grab a book.
“Cara mia.” He thought as he was walking to the common room you were in. He knew you were in there as he had seen you walk to the Slytherin dorm. “Yes?” You thought back. “I love you.” He thought walking into the room with his charming smile and dead eyes.
Your eyes widen, getting up immediately and hugging him as he rubs your back up and down with one hand.
He also hates your mind reading as he always wants to have a surprise for you, only for you to know it.
He always has to walk away from you so he can plan things
Lorenzo Berkshire
Immediately embarrassed….he doesn’t know how to think other than “WTF? What if they hear that I…” and you immediately cut connections to his mind
You don’t want him to be uncomfortable, but yeah.
If he drops his books, you use your telekinesis but say the word accio. Just so people can’t see you are a wandless person.
He likes to use his mind to talk when he can’t locate you. Helps during battles of course
Loves to talk about things in his head to you when falling asleep
It’s just a sweet concept as he falls asleep holding you
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I appreciate reblogs, likes, and comments as well
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darknights04 · 2 years
Sensing You
Pairings: Ominis Gaunt x reader
Summary: You and Ominis have been friends for as long as you've been at Hogwarts. He's felt more for you for almost just as long. He's never thought about telling you, but that was until the new fifth year put you in great danger.
Warnings: Spoils for Hogwarts Legacy (obviously), pain, cruciatus curse, unedited, not proof read. Reader is not mc
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When it came to you, Ominis was no stranger to the idea of the long game. You, Ominis, Sebastian, and Anne had been friends for as long as you could all remember. Ominis has had a crush on you for almost just as long. It was worst this year. With Anne staying home all your attention was turned to the two boys. Usually you would turn to Anne some days and have girl time between the two of you. Now, Ominis had nothing but time to grow more and more infatuated with you. 
Ever since the new fifth year beat him in a duel, Sebastian had been mostly with them, giving you and Ominis even more time alone together. It was driving him crazy. Every time you laughed in the way that he loved, rested your chin on his shoulder to look at what we was doing, leaned your arm against his to whisper something during class. He had to hold himself back so he didn’t just grab you and slam his lips onto yours. One of the only parts of you he has yet to be able to identify. As children you would play games, Ominis feeling all of his friends’ faces and guess who was who, so he knew the general idea of what your face looked like. But your lips was a mystery to him. A mystery he badly wanted solved. 
Today, you were sitting with Ominis in a corridor near the slytherin common room. You had spent most of the day trying to cheer him up after Sebastian repeatedly would bother him about Salazar Slytherin’s Sciptorium. You knew that he wanted nothing to do with dark magic after the hold it has had no his family for generations. Sure, Ominis had been exaggerating his hurt feelings just a bit, but if all it took was a little pouting to get you this close to him, then you best believe he was about to win an oscar for this performance. 
“He just doesn’t understand how dangerous it is!” he complained with a dramitic sigh, smiling internally due to the hand you had running soothing circles across his back.
“He’s just trying to do anything he can to help Anne,” you replied, wanting to defend him. 
“I know. I don’t like seeing Anne suffer either, same as you. But I know where this path leads, and it’s never a good place.”
Ominis’s internal smile fell as he heard you greet the new student Sebastian had befriended. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked them with a small scoff.
That scoff, of course, resulting in a small smack on the shoulder from you, muttering a small “Manners,” in his ear. Ominis rolled his eyes, but the smile he had inside, reserve just for you, came back once more. 
“Do you have a moment?” the new student spoke up. 
Ominis didn’t want to, but he heard them out. After lying about Sebastian showing them the undercroft, Ominis has been wary about this student. Even so, he was feeling at ease due to your presence, and in turn agreed to show them where Salazar’s Scriptorum was located. 
“I hope we don’t regret this,” he said with a sigh as he revealed how to access the door. 
“We’ve just been sitting outside of it?” you asked with a chuckle, noticing you didn’t have to even move to be at the door. 
Ominis shrugged, his internal smile showing through just a bit on the outside. “It was the first place I thought of.” 
“First place you thought of to go and complain about the scriptorium?” 
Before any of you knew it, Sebastian and his new friend had opened the door, ushering each other inside. 
“I just hope we’re ready for this,” Ominis continued to sigh. 
“We’ll be fine,” you tried to reassure. 
“We?” Ominis had repeated. “You’re not coming.” 
“What? Ominis you can’t possibly expect me to stay behind.”
“I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“If you’re going, I’m going,” was all you said, standing your ground. 
“Y/n…” he had tried to coax. You didn’t say anything, hands finding their way to your hips. Ominis sighed. He knew you were stubborn, so he also knew there was no talking you out of this. “Fine.” 
Your stubborn glare quickly faded into a cheek to cheek grin as you almost skipped next to Ominis, linking your arms together before making your way into the door, following behind Sebastian and the fifth-year who had already found their way inside. 
Not that you would ever admit it, but hearing Ominis speak Parsetounge did something to you. Yes, the language often ties a witch or wizard to dark magic, and for Ominis it serves only as a reminder to his family, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate how attractive it was when he spoke it. 
“It worked!” the fifth year spoke as the door opened. “Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed.” 
“It’s nothing,” he brushed off, retreating back towards you and linking your arms once more. 
“Truly,” you agreed. “It’s fascinating.”
If you weren’t near positive that Ominis would never think about you in a romantic way whatsoever, you would have sword you saw a small tinge of red grace his cheeks at your comment. But it was probably just the lighting. 
Once the door was open, the other two were fast to start figuring out the puzzles and the maze in order to get through the scriptorium. You and Ominis had stayed behind. Ominis wanted nothing to do with this, his job was just to open the door. You were curious about the area, yes, but Ominis was more important. You wanted to make sure he was okay. Usually throughout the days he would have plenty of distraction from his family and their legacy. But now? In the heart of Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium? All that surrounded him were reminders. 
As the doors opened one by one, you all moved further and further until you reached a black door. 
“Looks troubling,” was all Sebastian had said. 
Ominis scoffed. “This whole place is troubling.” 
As the other two went into the strange room, you didn’t budge. As Ominis was stopped from the firm grasp you still had on him, he turned towards you confused. 
“I don’t like the looks of this room,” you whispered. “I have a bad feeling about it.” 
“So do I,” he responded,his hand finding the top of yours to comfort you. “But for my aunt’s sake, we cannot stop now.” 
“You’re right,” you nodded, taking a deep breath. “We’ll be okay.” 
As soon as you stepped into the new room, the door closed behind you. 
“The gate!” Sebastian called out, “We’re locked in… again.” 
“Then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us,” Ominis sneered. At this point, you began to panic. There was no clear way out. You began to lose even more hope when you looked in the corner and noticed-
“A skeleton,” the new student pointed out. “And Noctora’s last journal entry. She mentions being trapped here. Trapped by… and unforgivable curse.” 
Your eyes widened. The incantation “crucio” etched into the floor suddenly making sense. 
“No,” you said in a slight panic. “No there has to be some other way out of here. Another puzzle? Another brazier to light?”
“What?” Ominis asked, confused. “What are you talking about? What is it?”
“They know what we need to do,” Sebastian said plainly. “One of us needs to cast crucio.” 
Sebastian turned to his friend by the door, discussing the curse with them while Ominis began to pace. 
“Ominis,” you called to him. “Ominis relax, we will figure something out.” 
“No,” he said simply. “No this all could have been avoided. I could have refused, we could have just gone to dinner. I could have protested more to you joining.” 
“Ominis none of this is your fault.”
“Yes it is! Don’t you see? I put you in danger.”
“I chose to be here.” 
“But you had doubts, and I assured you that it would be alright.” 
“And we are alright. We’ll find a way around this.”
Before anything else could be said, they heard the new fifth year shout out “Crucio!” in Sebastian’s direction. The two of you looked towards the pair with wide eyes, about to call out towards Sebastion until… nothing happened. 
“Did you do the movement wrong?” Sebastian asked. 
“No,” they responded, shaking their head. “No, I think that I just couldn’t mean it. I care for you, Sebastian.” 
“You have to try,” he urged.
“I can’t.” 
“Cast it on me,” you spoke up suddenly, taking a step towards the pair. 
“No!” Ominis had interjected quickly. 
“They can’t cast it on Sebastian,” you began to explain. 
“You can’t-”
“We don’t have the same connection so they could-”
“Not you!” 
“Ominis,” you sighed, quieting your voice as you pulled him aside. “I will be fine.”
“I’ve felt the cruciatus curse before so I-”
“Shouldn’t have to go through it again. Let me do this, please.” 
Ominis didn’t say anything more. You took his silence as a sign of agreement, so you approached the door. 
“You ready?” Sebastian had asked you. 
You nodded. “Ready.” 
Ominis braced for the moment that the spell left their wand. He knew what to expect, but he’d never heard the sound of excruciating pain from you. That was something he was not curious to find out. 
Ominis listened as the screams left your throat, as you fell to your knees on the ground. He expected this. He expected the screams to last for several seconds. But this was too long. If they had just cast the curse and left it at that, the pain would have subsided by now. This was prolonged for too long. 
“Stop!” he yelled over the screams. “That’s enough!” 
He waited for what felt like eternity for the screams to stop. For any sign that you were no longer in pain. But when your screams had cut off abruptly, it did not give him the relief he was waiting for. 
“Y/n?” he asked into the silence. “Y/n are you okay?” Never had there ever been a moment in his life that Ominis had wished more that he could see what was happening around him. When you didn’t respond, he began to walk towards the door, calling Sebastian’s name instead. “What’s happened? Are they okay?”
When Sebastian didn’t respond either, Ominous really began to panic. “Answer me, Sebastian!”
“They fainted,” the student told him flatly. 
“What?” he hissed, rushing to where he last heard your voice, hands failing about to try and find any sign of you. When his hand landed on your shoulder, he let out a small breath of relief, almost as if he expected you to have disappeared entirely. “I’m taking them to the hospital wing,” he then announced, following down your arm to find the bend of your knees, intending to pick you up.
“No!” Sebastian protested. “You can’t.” 
“And why not?” 
“They’ll know we were using unforgivables,” the fifth-year stated. 
“What if we need you to open another door?” Sebastian commented at the same time. 
“Glad to see you both care so deeply about their safety,” Ominis scoffed.
“You can’t carry them and use your wand to lead you both,” Sebastian continued, looking for another excuse to keep the boy there. “Let’s find the end of this tunnel and then we’ll take them there together, deal?” 
Ominis sighed, head faced towards the floor. He didn’t want to delay getting you the help you needed, but Sebastian was right. He could crash you both into a wall and injure you further. As much as he hated to admit it, your health was in their hands now. 
“Just hurry up, will you?” he muttered quietly. 
When you finally awoke from your unconscious state, Ominis was asleep next to you. Looking around you noticed you were no longer in the dungeons, but instead in the hospital wing under watchful eyes. Well, not that Ominis could very well be included in that. 
As you turned to look at the boy next to you, you moved as quietly as possible. Lacking his sight, Ominis seemed to have much higher hearing abilities than anyone else you knew, so you knew that any sudden noise would be enough to wake him. Your theory was proved correct as he stirred awake at the small ruffle of the sheet. 
You watched as he opened his mouth, but no sound came out as if he changed his mind on speaking up. Instead, you saw his hand slowly reach out towards you, as if to confirm you were there. 
“I’m awake,” you told him with a smile. 
Ominis let out a small breath of relief. “Are you alright?”
“I’m alright,” you nodded. “I didn’t expect it to last that long.” 
“It shouldn’t have,” he said, almost with a sneer. “That new student had to curse on you for longer than it needed to be. All we needed was for it to hit you, they made it linger. They’re lucky I don’t go straight to professor Black and have them expelled.”
Ominis’s thoughts stopped in their tracks when he felt you lay your hand on top of his. 
“I’m alright,” you assured him again. “Lay with me.”
“I- What?”
“Please? I don’t want to think about any of this anymore.”
Ominis sat still in thought for a moment, stammering slightly to himself before standing from his chair, feeling around the bed to make sure you were out of the way before laying down beside you. You layed your head onto his chest and exhaled deeply with a contented sigh. Ominis smiled gently to himself, his nose falling into your hair as he inhaled your scent. He decided then and there that it didn’t matter that he could never see you. Every other sense he had t otake you in was just fine for him. Your voice was enough to bring a small smile to your face, your laugh even more so. Your smell felt like home to him. He could tell you were in a room just by the smell of your shampoo. He could pinpoint which brand it was in a shop just with a small whiff alone. The touch of you skin never failed to comfort him in times of distress. The soft, delicate touch of your hand on his would always bring a smile to his lips. Your taste.. He was yet to be abpe to experiance. The only one of his available senses that has yet to experience you. The rest thought you were perfect, he could only imagine that would be the same.
That is, assuming he ever decides to do anything about his feelings for you. 
For now, however, this was enough for him.
Part Two
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gemissleeping · 8 months
Velveteen|Theodore Nott
"He knew that they were only toys, and would never turn into anything else."
Theodore Nott x Reader
Summary: As the last surviving witch with ties to an ancient form of magic, Dumbledore has you tracking down horcrux hotspots.
Length: 2.2k
Notes: Angst mostly, some fluff. Blood, swearing, smoking. Percy Weasley hate (valid). This is just a little something I had the urge to write. May or may not continue as a series at this stage.
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Fuck trees, fuck trolls, and fuck that smug little Weasley auror from the Ministry. He was a rat in y/n's eyes. A scheming, conniving rodent of a man. How he had even tracked her out there was beyond her. She'd made sure to take all of the precautions Snape had given her.
She'd apparated out with Professor Dumbledore. A good fifty kilometres from the point of interest too, might she add. Fifty kilometres she'd had to trek over two days to remain undetected. On foot. All for nothing in the end thanks to Percy.
There was no worse feeling than a failed task. Especially when it was one of her most important to date. The map was atrocious really, they clearly had no idea what they were looking for. Just that y/n should be able to sense it. Sniff it out as though she were some kind of blood hound.
Percy she had sensed. Thankfully she had gotten out before he'd seen her face, or the sea cave entrance she'd been eyeing on the cliffs below. She'd have to go back now. Which was absolutely wonderful and definitely did not make her want to tear her hair out.
Merlin, she thought she might hit the next Weasley she came across just for looking like him if she didn't calm down soon. Not Ginny of course, Ginny was lovely. Ronald was fair game though. Fred she would also be impartial to.
To top things off, y/n now found herself fleeing from the edge of the Forbidden Forest towards the castle. She'd missed the welcome dinner, which was a shame. But in all honesty, may have been a small mercy at this point. At least this way most of the students would be asleep, and she could get into the castle undetected.
It wasn't Dumbledore's fault that the end location of the Portkey had seemingly been inhabited by a troll since he had selected it. But how hard was it to check up on, really? Especially knowing she was wandless and unable to cast any regular spells. She'd blasted it to bits, of course. Not before it had gotten one good shot at her though, flinging her into the nearest pine tree.
It was just rather inconsiderate she thought.
The dizziness was setting in as she entered the castle via the Viaduct Bridge, snaking her way down to the dungeons. Making sure to grip every railing or wall available to her. Merlin was on her side that night, not one Professor crossed her path while she had floated through the dim halls. Once the concrete snake had appeared, revealing the door, she almost fell over with relief
The stairs felt so horrifically long, but finally she reached the dim, candle-lit depths of the Slytherin common room. Keeling forward for a moment, y/n placed her hands on her knees as she tried to calm her breathing. Her left palm came away bloodied. There was a tear in her stockings, and a huge gash across her knee.
y/n groaned, making her way around the corner to the couches her friends had claimed in third year. She couldn't wait to fall into one, maybe never wake if she had her way. And she did fall, only into Theodore Nott's eyeline. He looked as though he'd been waiting there for hours from the sweltering anger on his face. She took a deep breath, knowing she was about to get her ass handed to her for a second time that night.
"Nice of you to notify me of your delay."
"Does it look as though I planned on it?" y/n mumbled, sinking into the green velvet couch across from him. She sighed as her tension eased for the first time in days. Head lolling against the couch's back. Her hands shielding her eyes as a headache set in. While Theodore sat deathly still, awaiting further explanation with a burdened gaze. Something told y/n the burden was her.
"Mind if I borrow your wand?" y/n groaned from behind her palms.
There was only silence for a moment, before she heard him shift across from her. When she lifted her head his wand was resting on the table between them. He was pissed, beyond apprehension. But he had softened at her shattered appearance, the blood on her knee. Which she had now unknowingly painted on her cheek.
"Thank you," y/n sighed in relief, half expecting to have to fight for it. She worked quickly, sealing up the gash and cleansing the blood, pine needles, and dirt from her skin. Finishing by stitching her stockings together again. When she finally glanced back up, Theodore was frowning. His eyes sweeping her body up and down as she finished her work. He looked up from the closing threads of her stockings as they meshed around her knee, one eyebrow raised.
"Have something you'd like to say?" y/n grumbled, holding his wand out for him to take. He wasn't a fan of that question, or her attitude. His expression soured once again, all past concern pushed away. y/n brushed more pine needles off of her skirt, too tired and sore to care. She was spent, so completely crushed from the past two days. The knowledge that she had no choice but to continue until she succeeded wasn't helping.
"Have you always behaved like this, or do you just enjoying making me worry insufferably?" Theo leaned forward, and took the wand from her outstretched hand. His fingertips gently brushing her grazed knuckles.
"It's nice to see you too, Teddy," y/n laughed tiredly, shedding more pine needles as she picked them from her stockings. If she shut her eyes now, she worried they were so heavy she might fall asleep sitting up.
"Where have you been? I searched the whole train up and down for you. You missed the Sorting Ceremony," Theo hissed.
"It's a good thing we already know what house I'm in then, isn't it?"
"That's not funny y/n." He scolded, the concern in his voice thinly veiled by the frown he was wearing. She had no idea what it had been like for him, these past few hours especially.
"I need a cigarette before we get into it," y/n sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Everything was aching, she would find solace in a smoke or two. He didn't move. "Please?"
"It's late."
"You're awake," she countered, a hopeful look on her face that he knew he wouldn't be able to dissapoint.
"Because of you," he grumbled, running his hands through his messy curls.
"I'll take that as a yes, be right back," and she was off, disappearing into the dormitories.
"Do as you please, you always do," Theodore huffed under his breath.
He needed one too if he was honest. He felt as though he'd aged a few decades from the fear he'd been wearing all evening while he fretted over her disappearance.
She reappeared a minute or so later, the heavy overcoat he'd brought her for her birthday last year hanging off of her shoulders. The pair took their usual route until they found themselves at the top of the hill just outside the grounds, overlooking Hagrid's hut. y/n stood, overlooking the moonlit valley beneath them. The peace quickly disintegrating into swearing as the wind prevented her from sparking up. Theo had been hanging behind slightly, still not having forgiven her. But upon hearing the quiet curses falling from her lips, he couldn't help but walk over.
"You shield, I'll light it," he instructed, y/n doing as she was told and holding the sides of her coat up.
He closed the open space with his chest in two gentle steps. His thumb running over the flint of the lighter as the wind went quiet and y/n's face grew warm. He brought it to her lips, unable to keep himself from looking as he lit the cigarette between them. She took a relieved drag as the flame took. Theo got out his own cigarette, leaning down to press its tip to hers. He inhaled, spreading the flame between them. The grass was dewey beneath them as they smoked. Theo looked over to y/n, trailing over her body just to make sure.
"You've got pine needles in your hair, by the way," Theo murmured as he took another drag. His eyes flickering from hers, to the ground as he tapped his cigarette.
"Oh for fuck's sake," y/n heaved, tilting her head back in exasperation. She began ripping the hair ties from her two braids and brushing her fingers through them to shake the needles loose. Balancing her cigarette between her lips as she did.
"Still there," Theo mused, studying her with an amused expression as her frustration grew.
She passed him her cigarette wordlessly, which he took. She'd have rather not set herself alight on top of everything today. Then tipped her head forward, carelessly dragging her fingertips through it to rid herself of them. Once she was done, she flung her hair back. Raising an eyebrow in Theo's direction. He only gave her a saccharine smile as he took a drag from her cigarette, keeping it lit.
"Still?" y/n asked in disbelief, taking her cigarette from his lips and placing it between her own.
"Come here, sit," He shook his head, as though she was the most useless creature he'd ever seen. Theo walked over to the steps nearby, sitting on the top one. She followed suit, tucking her coat beneath her and taking a seat two steps down. She dipped her head back, leaning on her elbows. Her head resting between his knees. Theo couldn't help but admire the way her hair fell, even in its current mess.
Pressing the nub of his cigarette into the grass after one final drag, Theo brushed his hands off. His fingers quickly lacing through her hair in gentle streams as he dragged out the remaining pine needles. Christ there were a lot of them. He ran his fingers through it again, carefully to ensure he didn't snag anything. He did it again, and again. The pine needles were long gone. But her breathing had grown steady, and her shoulders relaxed. And that mattered far more to him than some pine needles.
"All clear?" She whispered sleepily, her head falling all the way back to meet his eyes.
"All clear," Theo echoed, the dried blood beneath her eye making him wince. "You missed this though," he reached out, pressing his thumb to his tongue and running it under her eye to brush the blood away.
"Ew," y/n gasped, but if she was honest, she was too tired to care. She swatted his hand away gently. Taking another drag from her cigarette which had been resting beneath her knuckles.
"Need I remind you that you once sneezed in my mouth?" Theo chimed, knowing it was his trump card, and likely would be for eternity.
"That was literally in First Year and it was an accident," she mumbled.
"Still stands." He shrugged.
"You loved it, don't lie." That got a smile out of him, however unwillingly.
"You're foul. Now tell me why you came in several hours late, looking like a troll dragged you through a bush backwards."
y/n's eyes widened slightly at his statement, choking on the dregs of her cigarette in disbelief. His smile vanished, eyes flickering between her own as he gauged her reaction. His jaw clenched as she sat up swiftly.
"Tell me you're joking."
"I think it's bedtime," y/n breathed, going to push herself up and off of the steps. But Theo's hand found her wrist like a vice, pulling her back down before she had a chance. He leant forward as she stumbled closer to him from the force. She just managed to catch herself from falling straight into him.
"I don't think so. What was that?" He said lowly, staring into her eyes. She was eternally fucked now. He could always tell when she lied, and he never tolerated it.
"Just leave it Theo, please," she pleaded, not having the energy.
"I left it all Summer. All of your disappearances, all of your little quests. You promised me it would be done by the end of the Summer. I have it in fucking writing, so don't tell me to leave it. What is going on?" He seethed, and y/n found herself unable to meet his eyes.
"Teddy, you know I can't-"
"God I'm so sick of hearing that." He laughed, a cruel sound, not his usual light-hearted teasing. "The Professors have you off, running around like some toy soldier, but you're not allowed to tell me what for. Then they're not even there to help you when things go wrong?"
"Despicable is what it is."
"Would you listen to me?"
"I would, but it's not like you'd be able to tell me anything, is it?"
The words left y/n silent, because they were true. She wished so terribly that they weren't. That she hadn't done it.
"I've always told you everything, y/n. I don't understand why-"
"I made the unbreakable vow."
The words rushed out of her as though she were going to be sick. The silence that followed her confession only made it more probable. Theo's features had darkened as her confession sunk in. He let go of her wrist, his hand wound into a fist as he looked out at the treeline of the forbidden forest. He stayed that way for a few moments as y/n stood before him, silently begging him to say something.
"Dumbledore," he breathed out finally, his voice straining with the effort of evenness, "you made the unbreakable vow, with Dumbledore?"
"I had to Theo, it was too important. They can't take any risks. Not until everything is done. I wanted to tell you, more than anything. I still want to-"
"Do you suppose he's ever made Potter make one?" Theo turned to her, looking as though he was about to set them both alight.
Her explanations fell dead on her tongue. They both knew he hadn't. Both knew what Dumbledore was scared of when it came to her.
"I didn't think so either," Theo conceded to her silence, his voice turning hollow. y/n felt something within her crack at the truth of his words. He was wrong, or at least she wanted him to be.
"It's different."
"I'm not sure it is," Theo countered, and he knew he was right in saying it.
Because it wasn't any different. The difference was trust. They were using her up and once they were done they would spit her out, or worse. He wasn't going to be able to sleep easily now.
"You should get to bed, I'll see you at practice tomorrow," he huffed, staring out to the forest again.
y/n stood there for a moment, hoping she could think of something to make it better. But as Theo lit another cigarette, the only thing she felt was tired.
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heesvnqie · 2 months
>>Gata Only- Lee Heeseung FF
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pairing: fem!reader x heeseung
word count: 1.9k+
synopsis: You and Heeseung's patrolling session at Hogwarts dungeons turns into a makeout session.
genre: smut, hogwarts au
warnings: >> smut,cussing, biting/marking, fingering, begging, choking, slight hair pulling, size kink, dom!heeseung x sub!reader, unprotected sex (a big NO-NO), edging, slight overstimulation, creampie, manhandling. petnames
Song playing: Gata Only by FloyyMenor and Cris MJ
Notes: My two absolute favourite things together!
As you walked through the cold corridors of Hogwarts, a shiver ran down your spine. You were running late for patrolling.
One male and one female student were chosen from each house in their fifth year to act as prefects. They would continue to be prefects in their sixth and seventh years until they left school.
From Gryffindor, you were chosen as the female prefect. But compared to the male prefect, you were nothing.
The male prefect was none other than, THE Lee Heeseung. He was a ace, a perfectionist, most popular boy of Hogwarts. Starting from juniors to seniors, 99% of them knew him. He was a pureblood, a son from one of the well-known families of the wizarding world.
While on the other hand, you were not from a pure blood family. Though you had great academics and also were a perfectionist but not even close to Lee Heeseung's level.
This evening, just before you left for patrolling, you had been called out by Professor McGonagall. She complimented you on your being the prefect for the hundredth time since you had got the position and presented a long speech on how the position should not change your attitude and how you should not consider yourself above others.
So, now you found yourself walking towards the dungeons. Your area of patrolling was usually near the Great Hall. But Snape had asked you and Heeseung to patrol near the dungeons rather than the Great Hall.
You reached the dungeons as you fixed your skirt and made sure that the shirt was tucked in properly. You fixed the cloak as you held your chin high as you walked down the stairs into the dungeons.
It was dark as the dungeons glowed dark green. The Slytherins Common Room was located in the dungeons afterall.
As you walked a few steps into the dungeon, you felt a presence behind you as you sharply turned back.
There stood Lee Heeseung, face inches away from yours. His eyes glinted in the green glow as he smirked.
Your breath hitched as he walked a few steps closer, his body towering over yours.
You had a damn crush. A crush on the boy that stood now infront of you.
Who didn't have a crush on him afterall?
He was all that a girl would want in a man.
This is was surprisingly your third interaction with him. The first one happened during first year on the Hogwarts Express, when you both shared the same train cabin. The second was during the third year, when Snape had paired you two for making Amortentia.
He chuckled as he felt your breath hitch.
"Remember me?" He asked as it caused you to scoff. You pushed him off you as you walked ahead, shouting back,"Who doesn't. The question should be asked by me if you remember me?"
He laughed at your reply as he ran up to you, walking beside you, matching your speed.
"Cute." He muttered under his breath quietly.
"Well, why wouldn't I remember you? Kim Y/N." Hearing your name from him was like heaven. Your composure was threatening to crumble down.
You stayed quiet. You never expected him to remember the name of a person like you who was just a nobody at school.
"Hey why quiet?" He whined as he suddenely stopped in front of you.
You looked up at him with a sign of vulnerability in your eyes.
"Everyone says that we have a spark." He said as your eyes widened and your mouth opened but no sound came out.
Your mind shoots back to the memory to first year when you and Heeseung had shared the same train cabin. You two had had the best time on the Hogwarts Express as you had chatted for hours and laughed away. The other two students who also shared the train cabin had spoke up and pointed out that you two had a spark among yourselves. You two had looked at each other as you both had coughed awkwardly as the train had come to an halt at Hogwarts and you two had scuttled away from each other.
But why was he bringing it up now?
"W-who said that?' You stuttered out.
"Everyone does. I know that you consider yourself as a nobody but that's not correct. You're very popular among the boys." He said with a smile.
"Really?" You were in utter disbelief.
He nods as he steps close as he whispers into your ear, hot breath flowing down,"And I know everything about you."
You look at him bewildered.
"What do you think? My attention is always on you." He said with a chuckle as he held your shoulders and turned you around. Your back now faced him.
"Let's continue patrolling!" He announced happily as he pushed you a bit to start you walking.
You two walked around the dungeons and realised that the dungeons were a HUGE place.
As you two walked towards a isolated place which glowed more green than the other areas, Heeseung pinned you to the wall.
Your breath stuck in your throat, you stuttered out,"W-what are you doing Hee?"
He looked deep into your eyes.
"You know what?" He asked."I cannot hide it anymore."
"I like you."
Those three words made butterflies erupt into your stomach.
"Really?" You ask.
He nods.
"Through all those fangirls and other playgirls, I waited for you. Only you."
You two stand looking deep into each other's eyes as he breaks the silence.
He speaks up with a bit of hesitance. "What about you? Do you feel anything towards me?"
You chuckle at his straightforward behaviour.
"Yes." You hiss out. He chuckles happy as he jumps around the dungeon.
He opens his arms as you accept the hug happily.
"I am the happiest man on earth." He says then he goes quiet as you see a smirk grow on his face.
"Well, well." He takes small steps towards you as you back away till your back hits the cold dungeon wall.
"We're all alone you see." He points out as he continues,"And it's late so nobody will pass through this part of the dungeon."
"S-so?" You ask as he walks close as you feel his warm breath flow on your face.
"I am no playboy, Kim Y/N. " He says as you feel his hand wraps around your waist.
"And right now I want to fuck you." He presses his body on yours and groans as he whispers in your ear. "And now the thing that is left is your permission to allow me to."
You hesitate but soon feel him whisper,"I have waited too long. I can't control it."
He licks your earlobe as he nibbles on it, making your knees go weak and panties damp.
"Heeseung." You breath out his name. He hums while he places wet kisses down your neck.
"Fuck me."
And that were the only two words that Heeseung ever wanted to hear in his life from your mouth.
Heeseung pulls you into his arms, his lips crashing against yours in a heated and intimate kiss. His hands roam your body with a sense of urgency, leaving a trail of fire everywhere he touches. You respond eagerly, wrapping your hands over his shoulder.
Every touch sparks into flames, as you two forget about your surroundings.
Heeseung groans against your mouth, pressing his body on yours as he rubs his clothed cock on you.
"Oh god. You drive me crazy, you know that? he whispers, his voice thick with desire.
His hands move with confidence and purpose, knowing exactly how to drive you wild. "I can't get enough of this." Heeseung murmurs, his lips trailing down your neck.
Heeseung’s kisses move lower, his lips and tongue exploring every inch of your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. His hands are everywhere, caressing, teasing, and worshipping your body.
He slips your panties down and slides a hand over your pussy which makes you gasp. You tilt your head back and he makes rounded movements on your clit.
Suddenly he flattens his tongue over you, licking a long line from your entrance to your clit. You cry out again, feeling lightheaded as your hands squeeze into fists. He slides 2 fingers into your slick opening, and you know it won't be long before you're coming.
"Feel good?", he murmurs, his voice a low, seductive growl. His eyes lock onto yours, the intensity in his gaze holding you captive. Your back arches off the wall, and you struggle to find your voice, your breath coming in short, ragged gasps
"S-so good," you manage to whisper out.
Heeseung’s smile widens, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. He moistens his hand, his fingers gliding over your clit with a newfound slickness, amplifying the sensation. The friction combined with the wetness sends a jolt of pleasure through you, making you cry out. His movements become more insistent, his fingers expertly playing your body.
Heeseung’s fingers maintain their relentless rhythm, each movement pushes toward your climax.
His fingers dive lower, exploring your wetness before returning to your clit, now wet with your cunt and his cock. He adds a third finger, sliding them inside you, curling them just right to hit that sensitive spot that makes your knees almost give out. Your body is caught in a whirlwind of pleasure as you hear him say,"Tell me how much you want this."
"I need you so bad, heeseung. please, don’t stop." You moan out unable to keep quiet.
His eyes darken with desire, and increases the pace of his fingers, thrusting them deeper inside you. The sound of your wetness fills the dungeons. But you two are not scared of getting caught.
"Come for me. Show me how much you wanted me all these years."
His words is your signal. With a final, high-pitched moan, you come, your body clenching around his fingers, the pleasure crashing over you in waves.
As you calm down, he takes his fingers out of you, bringing them to his lips and licking them clean, his eyes never leaving yours. The sight is intense.
Heeseung kisses you, lips claiming yours with a new level of neediness. You can taste yourself on his tongue, a reminder of the pleasure he just gave you.
He pulls away from the kiss, his eyes dark with desire as he looks down at you, his breath ragged.
Heeseung’s eyes glow with desire, as he aligns his cock with your entrance, his tip touching your sensitive clit, making you gasp.
Heeseung chuckles darkly as he slams into you, a broken groan leaving his lips. He begins to fuck into you at an ungodly pace and you cling to him, moans and desperate cries leaving your lips. Heeseung's lips find your neck and bite at the skin there as he continues to snap his hips into yours and every time his pelvis connects with yours, you feel going to heaven and back.
"You’re so tight." He groans, his voice rough. "Damn you make me feel so good."
You can only moan in response, your body meeting his thrusts eagerly, the pleasure overwhelming. Heeseung’s movements become more uneven, his control slipping as he nears his own climax. He reaches between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing it in time with his thrusts.
The dual sensation is too much, and you feel yourself moving toward another climax.
"Cummming for me again babygirl? yeah?" He says, his forehead still on yours, his breathing ragged.
With a final, powerful thrust, he sends you over the edge, your orgasm crashing over you in a wave of ecstasy.
He follows you moments later, his own release tearing through him, his hips stuttering as he spills inside you. He collapses on top of you, his breath ragged and his body trembling.
You pulls your panties up as you sit down on the dungeon floor tired.
He sits down and pulls you onto his lap."Fuck, you are mine." he bites his lips and places his head in the hollow of your neck.
"Gata Only."
THE END-----
Hope you enjoyed the story! You can send me your request and ideas! I love reading them. Requests open to be in my perm taglist..
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Snake Secrets
Summary: Tom finds out about your secret pet. And you find out one of his many secrets, as well
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Behold, a fanfiction literally nobody was expecting! Expect more, because boy do I have Tom brainrot!
It was an awfully cold day in Hogwarts. The landscape was as white as Headmaster Dippet's hair. In other words, it was the perfect time to cuddle up by the fire with your pair of warmest socks. Oh, and of course a cup of hot cocoa.
The green flames waved in the nonexistent wind as you sat down intently with a book you borrowed from the restricted section. A book that was entirely in runes and required a complete translation.
It was when you stood up to head to your room that you noticed something was terribly wrong.
There was something absent from your robes.
The grass snake you had taken in as your pet, was missing.
The reptile was rescued by you a couple of weeks ago after you found it in the snow. The poor thing wasn't even in torpor and was clearly not doing well. But you being the kind person you are (and being Slytherin giving you a soft spot for snakes) you brought it inside and helped it get a few mice in its tummy.
So far the snake has seemed to be rather taken with you as he simply chills out with you and has never shown you any hostility. You have taken to calling it Theo.
Because of today's extra chill, you decided to help Theo warm up by sitting next to the fire while snuggled up in your robes. But the serpent is nowhere to be seen.
Now, this is bad for many reasons. For one, it is terribly cold out for a snake. Secondly, you're fairly certain snakes aren't allowed as pets and the poor thing will probably be killed. And thirdly, you know Parkinson's cat is strutting around somewhere and you know she would just love a fresh kill.
You rush off in a frenzy all around the Slytherin dorms. Is he by the fireplace? No. Did he make his way back to your dorm? Also no. You searched the Slytherin house from top to bottom with no luck.
It is to your horror that you realize the snake must have gotten out of the dorms. You hurry out of the common room into the dreary dungeons and almost speed past the paintings, before stopping in your tracks. Perhaps the paintings saw something?
"Excuse me, sir by chance did you see a snake er.. slither by?"
The elderly, stern woman looked your way.
"Yes, the dreadful thing went down the hall and into the fifth room on the left. Fairly certain it followed that prefect boy."
You raised your eyebrows at this. Why would Theo follow a prefect? And who did he follow?
You bowed and expressed your thanks before racing to the specified location.
How I manage to forget how unbearable people are, I may never know. Most of the Slytherins had decided to stay in the commons today to stay warm during this frigid day, meaning I could get no peace and true studying in. Thankfully, there was a study room not too far from the dorm that few knew about.
It was as I was getting my books out that I heard a voice behind me. It would seem I was followed.
"Excuse me."
I turned around, ready to deal with the interloper but nobody was to be seen.
What sort of idiot asks for me while under an invisibility potion?
Before I could speak my thoughts I was interrupted by another,
"Excuse me, sir."
It wasn't until my eyes drifted down that I realized who had interrupted my study session.
On the floor was a medium-sized snake with some brown scales, and it was looking expectantly at me. Seems this grass snake luckily stumbled upon the one person in this school who could understand him.
"Yes, what is it, snake?"
The snake slithered closer and it seemed to get the closest thing a snake could to a sparkle in its eye.
"Oh, sir, please help me. You are the only person here who can understand me."
"Well, yes, I am the only heir of Slytherin, after all."
"Oh wow! A celebrity! Please, it would seem I have gotten lost."
"I would say. Don't you know it's Winter? This school makes for an awful place to be a snake, with how many owls there are."
"Oh, you see I was rescued by this awfully nice lady from the snow. She took me in and gave me some tasty mice. She even helped me stay warm and gave me a name! But I caught a whiff of a rat and the next thing I know I'm here! I would like to make my way back to her, I'm sure she's worried sick."
"Yes, that would be quite a predicament. I suppose I could direct you back to her. Now do you know anything about her? Such as her house?"
"Oh, thank you, sir! I don't know terribly much but where she resides couldn't be terribly far from here. Oh, and there's green everywhere in her den."
I hummed at the thought.
"A Slytherin taking in an animal. Now you hear something new every day. Fine then, you may follow me back to the Slytherin commons but you'll have to find her from there yourself."
But it would seem I have to put a pin in that plan as another person opened the door.
I was about to open the door to the study room before I heard something quite odd. It sounded like a set of hisses.
Theo must be behind this door!
But I stopped again as another set of hisses came through, and a very different set at that. Was there another snake in there?
Well, if Theo made a friend you were more than happy to meet them. For now, you just wanted to know he was ok. So you bit the bullet and opened the door.
What you found was not quite what you were expecting. Thinking back on it, maybe you should have from what the painting told you.
In this study room stood Tom Riddle, with your Theo on his shoulder. It would seem Tom was the prefect Theo followed, and Tom most certainly found out.
"Oh, Tom. I see you found.. a snake."
Your attempt at keeping the fact that the snake was yours was completely shattered as Theo immediately slithered over to you and started to make his way to your shoulder; acting like your very own scarf.
Tom merely raised his eyebrow.
"Is this your snake?"
You gulped.
"Oh, yes. I know snakes are generally frowned upon here but I just couldn't let him die in the cold. Please don't tell anyone, Riddle. I swear I'll let him outside as soon as it's safe."
Riddle merely hummed at your proposition but your mouth just had to open again.
"Oh, by the way, is there another snake here?"
Tom smirked.
"No, why do you have another snake on the loose I should know of?"
"Oh, no. I'm just fairly sure I heard another snake in her-"
Wait a sec. It was just you, Tom, and Theo in this room. No other snakes.
Now that you think about it, the only person who could have possibly made another set of hisses could be Tom, but he obviously can't talk to snakes.
Unless of course, he can.
Riddle always did have a way with all academics and had gained quite a following amongst a group of purebloods, despite his 'mudblood' status. Although if you recall correctly he did come from an orphanage.
Could it be?
And of course, Tom seemed to know exactly what you were thinking.
Your face blanched.
"Well I should be going-"
You heard the click of a lock.
"Why, (L/N)? We just started talking."
You gulped as you turned back to face him.
"I suppose the snake is out of the bag now, isn't it Theo? Now what should I do with you? I can't have anyone blabbing their mouths about this now, can I? But luckily for you, I have quite a soft spot for snakes. Besides someone as sweet as you are probably going through enough, being a Hufflepuff disguised as a Slytherin and all."
He had made you back up to the point you almost fell in a chair.
But despite the situation you couldn't help but slightly flare up.
"Hey, I'm as much of a Slytherin, besides you I suppose, as anyone else in this house. Just because I showed a bit of kindness does not make me any less ambitious and cunning. Besides, I think me being kind to a snake is enough proof as any."
For whatever reason he reached out and barely touched your hair with a hiss and Theo decided to slither up his hand.
"You know, Theo is awfully fond of you. It would be awfully mean to separate the two of you, especially during Winter and all."
Your eyes widened.
"Tom, can I call you that, I swear I won't tell a soul. I respect secrets, I just ask you not to tell anyone about Theo. If you don't tell, I swear my lips are sealed. I'll even make a vow."
Tom waves his hand and you hear the door behind you unlocked.
"That won't be necessary, (Y/N). This just gives me more of an excuse to keep an eye on you now. Be sure no one else sees him on the way back. Surely they will not be nearly as fond as I am of you."
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claymoresword · 6 months
I Choose Her | Stand-Alone Series Chapter: 1
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Prompt: Hermione gets jealous as she catches you flirting with someone else, but it ends in a heartfelt exchange between the two of you.
Wordcount: 1.6k
Warnings: romilda vane gets rejected like canon, y/n & hermione are soulmates its confirmed, no plot just fluff
Note: a little something to tide you guys over while i work on the final chapter. hope you enjoy! <3
Taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karasonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic @idontwannabehereatm @js-a-writer @baylegend6 @puta1 @t-wylia @raven-ss @unexpected-character @aki-ham @brocoliisscared
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You harshly shove the Hufflepuff seeker out of the way, he doesn't budge, not until you shoulder him again. This time it unsteadies his broom, in an effort to not lose his balance, he falls back, leaving you alone in pursuit of the Golden Snitch.
You manage to locate the snitch once more, the golden ball just a few paces out of reach, as you extend your hand, you can feel its wing fluttering violently against your fingertips As you attempt to grab it, the flying ball quickly changes course trying to evade you, but you still manage to follow closely behind.
"Come on." You mutter under your breath, you are so close, the ball is practically yours.
Coincidentally, a large gust of wind graces your flight path at just the right moment. You take full advantage of it, picking up a bit of momentum, just enough to trap the Golden Snitch in your grasp.
You then whisk yourself around on the broom to face the stands, stubbornly the Snitch tries to wriggle free, but you hold it firmly still.
A large roar erupts from the audience as you hold up your prize for all to see. They were cheering for you.
The sound is exhilarating, intoxicating. It makes you feel invisible– but there was only one person's cheer worth taking notice.
In a sea of Gryffindors, you find Hermione's gaze. Your grin widens, and she smiles right back at you.
Soon enough an involuntarily blush covers your cheeks, and you are forced to look away.
"Y/n has caught the Golden Snitch. Slytherin wins!"
The celebration continues well into the evening in the Slytherin common room. Students from all houses fill the space, taking advantage of the unlimited amounts of liquor and butter beer available.
Crabbe and Blaise insist on parading you on their shoulders for the dozenth time tonight, it seems the more intoxicated they get, the harder they find the task of leaving you alone.
“Y/n!, Y/n!, Y/n!” The crowd continues to chant beneath you, and you can only allow yourself to enjoy the moment. Even though the incessant attention from everyone tonight was starting to peeve you slightly.
The only person you wanted to spend time with tonight is Hermione– yet she is nowhere to be found.
“Alright, put me down guys.” You raise your voice over the commotion, and your friends finally oblige, taking you off their shoulders, you let out a breath of relief once your feet touch flat ground.
“If you keep it up, Y/n, we'll win all the games this season.” Pansy claims, her voice closer to a shout.
You merely give her a nod, taking her words for a compliment and nothing more. Deliberately ignoring the sudden sense of crippling responsibility that's been set upon you.
You find yourself looking through the crowd once more, hoping to spot a familiar brown-eyed beauty.
Where is she?
You push through the sea of students, a few of them continue hurling praises at you and taking the opportunity to squeeze your shoulder as a version of acclamation.
By the time you reach the large window by the far side of the room, you are out of breath.
The spot you've escaped to is somewhat secluded, so you are given a chance to gain your bearings, as you silently observe the view of the black lake.
That is, until someone unwelcomed enters your space.
“You were amazing on the pitch today–” Romilda Vane says, standing an inch too close.
You catch a whiff of alcohol on her breath, and your effort to distance yourself fails as she merely sees it as an opportunity to step closer.
“Thanks, Romilda. I didn't realize you liked Quidditch.” You state dismissively, before scanning your surroundings again, for any indication of Hermione.
“I don't, not really..” She replies, and a bold hand on your shoulder snatches your attention once more.
“I like watching you though.” Romilda says, inching even closer, you watch as her gaze manages to find your lips for a moment.
Normally, you'd entertain such a blatant attempt at flirting, especially from someone so attractive– but tonight, you couldn't care less.
Hermione is the only girl you want complimenting you.
Romilda proceeds to brazenly caress your bicep, she gasps slightly after giving your firm muscle a squeeze.
“I bet you could easily lift me.” She remarks suggestively, and you let out a dismissive scoff, but this only urges her to continue eyeing you hungrily– a mere object she'd like to toy with.
“Perhaps we could find out–” You suggest, but immediately regret your effort in humoring her.
Romilda mistakes your words as an invitation. She leans in to meet your lips and you quickly swerve out of the way.
“Some other time.” You quip, subsequently catching sight of a familiar face in the distance You don't even bother letting Romilda down easily before chasing after her.
“Hermione!” You call out, but the Gryffindor is making it quickly through the crowd. It seemed shouting her name only motivated her to walk further away.
You finally catch up to her in the gallery, outside the common room, the door soon shuts behind you, and the two of you are left alone.
“Hey, slow down–” You say, finally grabbing hold of Hermione’s arm.
“Where are you going?” You ask, but when she turns to look at you, her hardened expression takes you aback.
“Are you alright?” Your ask of real concern is only met with an eye-roll. Hermione groans in frustration as she tries to wrench out of your hold.
“Let me go–” She asks sternly, and you do just that, but her demeanor continues to unnerve you. You could never bear it whenever she was upset with you.
Whatever it is, you plan to rectify it now.
“Hermione..” You coax gently, and the Gryffindor no longer makes the effort to walk away from you, instead she leans against the stone wall, her gaze fixed towards the ground.
You stuff your hands into your pockets as you made the conscious effort to not reach out for her again.
“You know you can talk to me– tell me what's wrong, darling. Was it something I did?” You try once more, and finally, she graces you with a lingering glance.
"Why are you with me? You could have any girl in the school.. anyone you wanted. So why me?” Hermione asks, the faint tremor in her voice breaks you, but you can't help the incredulous look that paints your features.
“Are you really asking me that?” You ask flippantly.
Your carelessness only makes visible tears well up in Hermione's eyes, and you immediately regret opening your mouth.
“Oh– no, I'm sorry. Come here.” You remark frantically, pulling Hermione closer by the waist, and she accepts your embrace.
“I'm sorry.” You repeat earnestly. She buries her face in the crook of your neck, despite herself.
“You have no idea how much you mean to me, do you?” You mutter, as you take in the scent of her hair.
Hermione pulls back to look at you expectantly, and you don't fight the urge to hold her face in both your hands, leaning in to kiss her deeply.
“I think you're brilliant.” You admit as your lips remain less than an inch apart.
“Really?” Hermione breathes out, and you can only smile.
“Yes.” You claim before tilting your head to kiss her jaw. “Being with you.. it's like a dream.” You continue, relishing at the feeling of Hermione shifting closer to feel more of you.
“A dream I never want to wake from.” You utter directly into her ear, before placing a kiss against it.
Hermione shudders in delight, her hand slips up your chest to the collar of your shirt, she clutches it, at an effort to steady herself.
You proceed to kiss her neck, and amidst a series of soft moans, Hermione utters something far more incriminating.
“I love you..” She says breathlessly, almost too soft to be real.
You feel her tense up as you halted the string of kisses you were leaving upon her skin, trying to process what you just heard.
“What did you just say?” You ask, pulling away so you could trap Hermione's gaze.
The evident blush upon her cheeks only causes your grin to widen.
“Nothing, I–” Hermione stutters, and you decide to help refresh her memory.
“You love me?” You ask, hopeful that she wouldn't deny it.
“Yes. Maybe.. I don't know.” She averts her eyes, and you have to bite your lip to stop from smiling too wide.
“Well, that's a relief. because I think, maybe, I love you too.” You respond, tucking a strand of hair behind Hermione's ear, and this makes her look at you again.
“Wait– you do?” Hermione asks, her manner ever unassuming. She is perfect, and she loves you.
“I love you like a madman.” You admit plainly, and her chuckle causes your heart to flutter violently in your chest. “Sometimes it feels like I can hardly do anything else besides love you.”
Hermione's expression visibly softens at your admittance, she leans in to kiss you again, you gladly welcome the sensation of her tongue entering your mouth.
“You make me feel things that I don't even understand sometimes.. but I just know that, I seem to never want to be away from you.”
Hermione utters after separating her lips from your own, her hand moves to the nape of your neck, and the other runs through your hair.
“I feel the same.” You state, placing a chaste kiss against her cheek.
“So let us never part, my love.”
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hollowwrites · 8 months
💚 Ominis Masterlist 💚
✨ Main Masterlist ✨
🔞 Ominis Headcanon 🔞 - Headcanons for everyone’s favourite Gaunt Part 2
(Chronological Order check me out all fancy)
Welcome to Slytherin - Rewrite of The Common Room
How Charming - Little Bridge between DADA and Charms
To Hogsmeade - Rewrite of visiting Hogsmeade with Omi
An Unbeleafable Day - Ominis sulking and getting vaguely jealous in Herbology
A Recipe for a Bad Day - Ominis going insane over the new fifth year in Potions
Did you just come from the Undercroft?! - Rewrite of the Undercroft Confrontation
Room of Reconciliation - Aftermath of the Undercroft Argument
Putting the RIP in Scriptorium
Putting the RIP in Scriptorium - Part 2 - Rewrite of the Scriptorium quest. With extra fluff. Part 2 is the aftermath
Ignorance is Bliss - Ominis confronting Sebastian about Ignorant-gate
In the Light of the Relic - Alternative quest for siding with Ominis in ‘In the Shadow of the Relic’
The House Cup - Ominis worries about returning to his family after fifth year
Summer of Sixth Year - Ominis coming back to Hogwarts after forcibly spending the summer with his family
Company - Eve keeps falling asleep in the oddest of locations...sound familiar
Blindsided - Link to Wattpad
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17
- My little sloooow burn Ominis fic. Very fluff, Much cute. With spice 🌶️
(Separate Ominis Stuff that isn’t really canon to my other stuff)
Medusa’s Vipers - Ominis and Sebastian being protective of Evelyn
Do you see What I See? - silly Drabble for what Ominis is like as a boyfriend
Sibling Affection - What I think happened between Sebastian and MC at the end of the main story
Love is Blind - Sequel to Sibling Affection. Ominis being a salty baby
Once a Coward, Always a Coward - Ominis dealing with Duncan
The Fox and the Rabbit - Ominis being OMEGA flirty on arrival
Of Naps and Nightmares - Ominis’ little nippy naps…but make it sad
What do you propose? - Ominis proposal fluff
Blinded by Beauxbatons - Unused idea for my fic
‘There you go’ - Ominis being tall and sexy I don’t know…
Repressed Memories - Ominis discovering MC is who he cast Crucio on as a boy.
Little reference for my Omi
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diana-bluewolf · 4 months
Inspired by this post by @traceyc-uk about the lack of beds in the Ravenclaw dorms.
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There's simple (and odd) mathematics about HL dorms and beds under the cut.
So, Amit mentioned in his letter that he hadn't slept well recently because there weren't enough beds in his dorm. This matter requires an investigation! I will spare you details of how I managed to get into the Ravenclaw common room. We, Slytherins, have to be resourceful, right? So let's cut to the chase.
So far, I can see that the Ravenclaw boys' dormitory has only 3 (WTF?!) rooms: one labelled as '5th years' and two unlabelled rooms, each with four beds.
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There are also two rooms labelled as '7th years'. For some reason, they are located between boys' and girls' dorms and are not separated by gender (boys have access to each of them).
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The beds here look more comfortable than the bunk beds in the rest of the dorm, and there are only three of them in each room instead of four.
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The first pic -  a bed for 7th-years,  the second one - for the rest. 
Now, I need to check the Ravenclaw girls' dormitory. These metal dudes didn't let me in because I hadn't solved the problem of me being a boy yet.
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Have I mentioned that Slytherins have to be resourceful? Apparently, now I look convincing because the guard doesn't mind me anymore. I only hope it's not permanent - it's very inconvenient to be THAT short.
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The girls' dormitory is symmetrical to the boys' one (looking ahead, it is not so in the other houses' dorms) — one room for 5th-years and two unlabelled ones, with four beds each.
So, that's what we have for Ravenclaw dorms.
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30 beds for all the Ravenclaws in Hogwarts. Apparently, the Ravenclaw dormitory doesn't just lack beds for 5th-year students; it also doesn't have enough dorms for the other year groups. I guess Ravenclaws were meant to sleep in the library after all.
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Gryffindor has the same problem, but its dorms have even fewer beds (26 in total). They don't have special rooms for 7th-years, and only those for 5th-years are labelled.
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The situation is much better in the Hufflepuffs' dorms, which seem to have the simplest logic — every year group has a labelled room, and all the rooms are separated by gender. Each room has either 3 or 4 beds. There are no special rooms for 7th-years. 
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Slytherin's dormitory is similar to Hufflepuff's in that regard, with one exception — 7th-years' dorms are just like in the Ravenclaw tower — they are posher than others and aren't separated by gender.
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So, in total, Slytherin has 50 beds, Hufflepuff - 47, Ravenclaw - 30, and Gryffindor - 26.
The logic behind it? Well, it looks like the developers were limited by the castle's outer layout, so the Ravenclaw and Cryffindor dorms, located in towers, just didn't have enough space. However, I still can't understand why Ravenclaw and Slytherin 7th-years are so special. Anyway, I can't stop being amazed at the colossal job the developers did on the locations, they all look fantastic.
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tateshifts · 1 month
PLACES I LOVE ⋆。˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚ in my hogwarts dr
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♯ 𝟏 Warlport Alcove. it is located next to the boat house in basement of the castle. it’s our go to place to smoke cuz we not trekking 25 minutes to the astronomy tower 💯‼️ the alcove is only a few minutes walk from the slytherin common room and it’s basically the same thing as the tower… just not in the tower. warlport has great view of the lake and the sky. its definetly a hidden gem at hogwarts, its really only the slytherins and hufflepuffs that know about this place since it’s closer to those common rooms.
♯ 𝟐 Slytherin common room, specifically at 2am. it’s so quiet you can hear the waves crashing above, and because of the peace the creatures in the black lake swim closer to the big window. it’s so fascinating seeing all the little creatures that live in the lake. AND THE GIANT SQUID (is not as scary and i thought). the sound of the fireplace, the comfy sofas, the crisp cold air, it being 2 in the morning is when the common room is at its peak frrr
♯ 𝟑 Honeydukes. big back big back 🫵🏽 i get excited by the thought of honeydukes. everytime i go to hogsmeade i stop at this shop for sweet treats to eat WHILST VISITING hogsmeade and then i go back when im about to leave so i can eat on my way home and in bed and in the middle of the night 😕 anything chocolate i buy.. especially chocolate frogs THEY ARE POPULAR FOR A REASON. gift me a voucher for Honeydukes and i’ll love you forever. unfortunately HD is the only place mattheo will let me waste his money smh
thanks for reading ❦。・:*:・゚ follows, likes & reblogs are appreciated x
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im-a-wonderling · 9 months
Is It Still Punishment if It Was Worth It? ~ George Weasley
Summary: Y/N runs into George Weasley after her detention with Umbridge (aka me finishing a request from ages ago)
Warnings: Umbridge *shudders*
Word count: 2.4k
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As I left the atrocious pink office, nothing around me stirred, as if the whole castle was frozen, lying in wait for the dawn. Light streamed through the open doorway, heralding my late release from detention. 
“Off to bed, dear,” said that sugary, poisonous voice behind me. “Don’t let Mr. Filch catch you lingering instead of being safe asleep in your bed.” Was it my imagination, or did the throbbing of the back of my hand pulse in time with her voice? 
I wanted nothing more than to scurry away as fast as my legs would allow, but like any predatory animal, Professor Umbridge could smell fear, so I simply bowed my head as demurely as possible, avoiding her deep-set gaze. “Yes, professor.” I could feel the horrid woman’s toad eyes following me as I walked down the wide staircase, heading for the dungeons. 
The door closed behind me with an ominous thud, and the light disappeared. 
Stopping in my tracks, I immediately turned the corner to a little alcove, slumping next to the window. I stared at the colored glass, depicting a dragon breathing flames up into the sky. My wound gave a particularly violent throb. “Ouch,” I hissed under my breath, staring down at the shiny red letters.
I must obey the rules.
Cradling my aching hand to my chest, I let out a long breath. Every pang seemed to ring through my whole body, and yet, instead of acting as a deterrent, I was all the more resolved in my actions. If Umbridge had forced my brother to write those words and endure this pain, even her title as High Inquisitor would not have saved her from my wrath. 
“Well, that’s a first.”
I jolted. At first, I wondered if it’d been the dragon that spoke—often things at Hogwarts spoke when one might think they shouldn’t. But the dragon didn’t move. I looked around me, just in time to see the tapestry further down the stairs shift, and a red-headed boy came out from behind it.
George Weasley. Certified troublemaker with an un-shuttable gob and downright homemade values, the very personification of Godric Gryffindor’s ideal student. 
“Excuse me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
George gestured to my hand. “I didn’t know she punished Slytherins too.” He spoke the word without distaste, but with an emphasis all the same.
I just shook my head and left my alcove, heading for the Slytherin common room. There was no point in arguing in Slytherin’s favor; the history in this castle chronicled many a Slytherin who tried and subsequently had to run for the Hospital Wing before a toenail-growing hex grew too painful to walk.
Unfortunately, the redhead sidled into my path. I took several steps back, checking for the location of his wand, prepared to whip out my own before he could cast anything. But his hands were empty, and judging by the way he watched me, his head was regrettably anything but.
“You’re in my way,” I said calmly.
“Malfoy shouldn’t have done that.”
The simple statement made my lungs falter for breath, but I kept my face impassive. “He didn’t have a choice.”
“No, he had a choice.” George’s maddeningly certain tone set my teeth on edge.
I scoffed, walking down the staircase. “You don’t understand, you couldn’t possibly understand what he faces.”
“Oh, yes,” George’s voice grew louder and mocking, following me on my heels, “poor little rich Malfoy, head of the Inquisitor Squad, can’t handle–”
“Sod off.” My gritted teeth added all the threat I wanted, but George wasn’t deterred.
“What a slog it is, having everything one could possibly–”
I whirled around, my hands finding George’s chest to shove him as hard as I could. “You don’t know what it’s like!” I hissed, glaring at him. “You and your brothers just do whatever you fancy at the moment, whatever wicked thing halfway crosses your mind. Well, not all of us have the luxury of doing what we want.”
George looked as serious as I’d ever seen him. “He could’ve spared you this and he didn’t. No true friend would scurry off to Umbridge to report you like that.”
For a moment, I considered starting a row, but Umbridge’s office was still within earshot, and I didn’t want another round of writing with that cursed quill. So I chose not to acknowledge him, walking down the stairs with my head held high, reaching the bottom of the stairs and quickly walking down the corridor, hoping my feet could outrun George’s mouth. But when I looked to my right, there was George, loping alongside me.
“Seriously, George, shut it.” I came to a stop, glaring up at him. “What are you even doing here? It’s past curfew.”
“Some of us are taking turns behind the tapestry,” he said easily. “Watching in case any first or second years get turned out of Umbridge’s office with bleeding hands.”
“Oh?” I tossed my head, moving my hair to one side. “And if it were a Slytherin first year, would you have greeted them the way you greeted me?” If my kid brother had been the one walking out of the office, I silently asked, would you have comforted him? 
“Perhaps, but I’m willing to bet that they, unlike you, would accept a hug and a trip to the kitchens for some dessert afterwards.”
My stomach rumbled, and I placed my uninjured hand over it. “Well, I’m no first year, so you can go.” I resumed my furious pace.
George easily kept up. “It wasn’t fair of Malfoy to do that.”
Was it impossible for him to leave well enough alone? “When I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it.”
“Everyone knows you were just protecting your brother.”
I seized the collar of George’s robes, dragging his face down an inch from mine. “Don’t you dare–
“I’m not going to tell,” George said, remarkably calm considering how quickly his position had changed. 
“How am I supposed to trust that?”
“I’m not Malfoy.” 
I considered him for another moment before letting him go. He straightened, smoothing out his robes. “How did you know?” I asked. 
George gave a short laugh. “You’ve never touched a broomstick outside of Flying class, and yet I’m supposed to believe you even have a broomstick to bring into the castle?” He shook his head. “Anyone with eyes knows you’d do anything for your brother, so of course Umbridge is the only one daft enough to fall for your switcheroo.” 
I pondered his words for a moment before turning to walk back to my room. Like before, George kept time beside me. “She shouldn’t have given detention just for having a broomstick.” 
I shook my head. “There are rules.”
“And rules were made to–”
“–be broken?” I rolled my eyes. “Of course. I shouldn’t have expected anything less from a Gryffindor.”
“Says the Slytherin who just got out of detention.” I bit my tongue, trying to stay silent. “You should tell your head of house what Umbridge’s doing, maybe Snape’ll do something about–”
I let out a short laugh. “See, there’s the difference between you and me, George–”
George leapt forward, covering my mouth. Next thing I knew, I was being tugged behind a statue, finally pulled to meet George’s alarmed expression.
This was it. I should’ve known better than to trust a Gryffindor. Now he was going to hex me or curse me or even forgo a wand altogether and use his own two fists. 
Eyes wide, I tried to shove him away, protesting loudly from behind his hand. “Shush!” George said harshly. “Filch!”
I instantly stopped fighting, my heart pounding for a different reason. If George and I were caught by Filch right now, not only would I have another detention with Umbridge, but word would get out. I couldn’t even imagine the trouble I’d be in with my house if they found out I was out at night past curfew with a Gryffindor, and a Weasley at that!
The light of the lantern the caretaker always carried with him after hours grew closer and closer to the statue we crouched behind. George lifted his hand from my mouth, pressing a finger to his lips. I rolled my eyes. As if I didn’t already get the memo. 
“Anyone about, my dear?” Filch’s haughty voice asked. Mrs. Norris meowed back, and I heard the sound of a dark chuckle. "Professor Umbridge might allow us to try our new manacles.”
George and I met eyes. 
He made a stop gesture and then started to creep forward towards Filch. What could he possibly be planning? Filch would see him! 
Then it occurred to me. The noble idiot was about to sacrifice himself so that I would stay undetected. 
Oh no you don’t, I thought, seizing the back of George’s robes, dragging him back. I was not about to owe a Gryffindor anything. I pulled out my wand and a tissue I'd forgotten was there.
Snufflifors, I mouthed. 
The tissue morphed into a white mouse, which immediately scampered down the corridor. Immediately, Mrs. Norris sped after it. 
“My dear!” Filch protested, running after her, the light from his lantern growing farther and farther away until George and I were left alone in the dark. 
“Wow,” George stared in the direction Filch had gone, “that was quite impressive.”
The compliment made my cheeks warm. “Well, some of us jump into things without thinking about the consequences and some of us actually use our brains for more than pranks.” I shoved my wand into my pocket, about to storm down the corridor. 
“So you thought it through beforehand?”
“I didn’t necessarily plan to get caught by–”
“No, you thought through taking the blame for your brother?” 
I stopped short, allowing George to catch up with me. I eyed him warily. Was he fishing for evidence to get my brother in trouble? Or was he fishing for other reasons?  “Of course I did,” I said finally, deciding that my word against George’s was hardly any competition. 
A strange look twinkled in his eyes at that. “You actually thought about getting in trouble?” I didn’t reply. I should’ve known that I wouldn’t need to, because George could easily carry a conversation by himself. “You knew you could lose house points? And Hogsmeade could become off-limits to you? And that you might end up with words scratched into the back of your hand?” 
My silence was the only answer. Truthfully, he was right. I’d thought through all those possibilities. 
I’d earned Slytherin enough points throughout the years that any deduction wouldn’t damage my reputation too badly for anyone not in the Inquisitor Squad, especially under Umbridge’s reign. As for Hogsmeade, the castle itself was large enough to keep me from feeling claustrophobic. And, yes, I even budgeted for the possibility of getting detention with Umbridge; that’s why there was a Soothing potion waiting for me in my room. 
What I hadn’t anticipated was Malfoy being the one to report me. 
So much for being friends. 
George shuffled closer, bringing me to the present with his brown eyes. “You thought through the possibilities, and you still did it?” I nodded, and a grin broke out on his face. “Are you sure you aren’t supposed to be in Gryffindor?”
I made a disgusted sound in the back of my throat. “How dare you,” I said blandly. 
“I’m serious,” he said with a smile that said the opposite. “You’re quite the little risk-taker.” 
“Is it really risk-taking,” I murmured, “if you’re prepared for all the risks?” 
The inner corners of George’s eyebrows turned upward, his smile dimming to a more serious affect. “Was it worth it even though you got caught and punished?” 
“Is it still punishment if it was worth it?” 
His freckled face relaxed at the question, smoothing out until it was without pucker or twinge. “Should there be a rule against it if it’s still worth it?” he murmured.
I brought out my hand, looking down on it so I could once again read the message waiting there. The shiny letters didn’t hold any answers within their crimson hue. “I’m not sure.”
A hand reached out to touch mine, and my breath caught when I saw, on the back of George’s hand, familiar words, written in narrower handwriting.
I must obey the rules.
“Funny,” George said softly. “Regardless of what happened beforehand, we ended up the same.”
I slowly dragged my eyes up to meet his. “Not quite.” I smiled sadly. “I’m apparently friendless.” 
“Not friendless,” George murmured like a promise. “Not if you don’t want to be.”
I studied him, searching for any sign of deception. His locks had darkened over the years. In our first year, they could only be described as flaming, his hair as dangerous as his tendencies, but now they’d tempered into a comforting copper hue. His freckles also faded, though there were still just as many of them. His eyebrows normally promised even more trouble than his mischievous eyes, but now, nothing in his face seemed disingenuous. “Can Slytherins and Gryffindors even be friends?” I asked.
“Is it risk-taking if you’re prepared for all the risks?” George echoed.
I gave a short laugh. “Touchè.”
“Besides,” George said with a smirk, “you could do with friends better than that old tosser.”
I wanted to laugh, truly I did. Or perhaps I wanted to care little enough to be able to laugh. But alas, I cared too much, so I simply shook it off. “I’d better go, before Filch actually finds us.” 
“Fair enough.” George dropped my hand, and I missed the warmth immediately. “See you around, Y/N?”
I took great care to lessen my smile into a smirk. “If you’re lucky,” I replied.
George gave a relaxed salute before walking back the way we’d come, presumably to take up his place behind the tapestry.
I watched him go. Funny, I may not have been a first year, and he may not have taken me to the kitchens for dessert, and yet…I was glad for anyone else who might leave Umbridge’s office when George waited for them behind the tapestry.
Read the continuation here!
If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy my other George fanfic: Seven Years of Bad Luck
Overall tag list:
@thelastpyle @valiantlytransparentwhispers
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mrsriddles-blog · 10 months
you broke me first | T.N
Pairing: Slytherin Fem Reader X Theodore Nott
WC: 1.6k
Warnings/Notes: Mild language, heartbreak, angst, alcohol, drugs, betrayal…
Summary: Theodore and you had broken up, Theodore the one to end things and suddenly he’s asking for it back.
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Maybe you don’t like talking too much about yourself
But you should’ve told me that you were thinkin’ ‘bout someone else
You’re drunk at a party or maybe it’s just that your car broke down
Your phone’s been off for a couple months, so you’re calling me now
“Hello?” I murmur tiredly into the phone.
“Y/n/n? I need you to help me.” Theodore slurs into the phone.
“Theodore, I told you not to call me.” I sigh.
“Please, I don’t know where I am.” He slurs.
“Theodore, surely there is someone around to guide you back to Hogwarts.” I sigh.
“N-No, all alone. Fight…blood and all alone.” He slurs.
“Are you around any places that can help me locate you?” I sigh once more, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“Alleyway…Three Broomsticks.” He slurs.
I hung up, a frown on my lips as I slid my shoes on. I slide my coat on and shove my phone into my pocket. I grabbed my purse, making sure I had my first aid kit. I walked out to the Common Room and saw Theodore’s friends there. They claimed they were still friends with me, but I felt weird about it all now. They were Theodore’s friends to begin with.
“Hey, Y/n/n!” Pansy says excitedly.
“Hey, Pans.” I murmur.
“Where are you heading? It’s past curfew.” Mattheo asks.
“Theodore called me. He’s drunk and got into a fight. He doesn’t know how to get back.” I sigh.
“Oh.” Mattheo mumbles.
I noticed his nose had a fresh cut across it and as I took him in more, I realized that it was Mattheo who Theodore got in a fight with. I sigh, rubbing a hand across my face.
“Do I want to know why?” I ask.
“He’s just being stupid right now, but he’ll come around. I just hope you give him a chance.” He mutters.
“Wait. You got in a fight with Theodore over his and I’s relationship?” I ask.
“He still loves you and he is well aware of his mistake, but he’s being stubborn about apologizing.” He explains.
“Matty, I appreciate your concern and all, but is it really worth getting into a fight with him over? Theodore made his choice and I came to terms with that. He and I are over. I don’t foresee us getting back together.” I say.
“You never know. He lost a good girl.” He murmurs.
I had no response to what he had to say, so instead I made my way out of the Common Room. I wished and hoped that one of them would hop up and offer to go get him, but no one seemed to want to.
I know you, you’re like this
When shit don’t go your way you needed me to fix it
And like me, I did
But I ran out of every reason
I’ve gone through so many alley’s and I have yet to locate him. It should be that hard to find a six foot giant in these tiny alley’s. I hear mumbling and turn down another alleyway and I see him stumbling down slowly.
“Theodore.” I call.
He turns around and gives me that swoon worthy smile I didn’t realize how much I missed. He walks towards me and wraps me into a hug. I sigh, pushing him away.
“Come on.” I sigh.
I grab his arm and he stumbles, throwing an arm over my shoulder. He leans against me and I curse as I nearly topple over. I walked us back to the castle somehow, this man practically half asleep on me, so I was supporting both his and I’s weight. I managed to get into the Common Room where his friends were still at.
“Hey, t-that’s the wanker who hit me.” Theodore slurs.
“Shut up. You’re drunk and you're a bloody wanker when you're drunk. I’m sure you were hit for a reason.” You snap.
“It’s because I love you and I won’t talk to you. But, we are talking now. Can we get back together, baby? Please?” He pleads as I try to drag him through the Common Room.
Now suddenly you’re asking for it back
Could you tell me, where’d you get the nerve?
Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had
But I don’t really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first
You broke me first
“Baby, answer me. I miss you, I miss us. Please, baby.” He pleads as I shove him into a chair as I realized I couldn’t drag him to his dorm.
“No.” I spat.
I didn’t mean to sound so venomous. I busied myself with cleaning his face and hands as he watched me with both hurt and confusion.
“No?” He asks.
“You heard me. I said no.” I mutter.
“But, why?” He whines.
“Because, you broke me first. You don’t get to turn this around onto yourself and act like I just broke your heart. You broke mine. You ripped it out of my damn chest and stomped on it.” I say, tears welling in my eyes.
I threw away the garbage from the first aid materials before standing and hastily leaving the Common Room.
Took a while, was in denial when I first heard
That you moved on quicker than I could’ve ever, you know that hurt
Swear for a while I would stare at my phone just to see your name
But now that it’s there, I don’t really know what to say
“Theodore, you need to stop calling me.” I say as soon as I pick it up.
“I want to talk. I can’t keep up with this…this thing between us. I want you back baby.” He says.
“And I told you no. Not to mention, you are with Astoria.” I say.
Trying to keep the anger out of my voice was nearly impossible. My best friend went behind my back and is with my ex. To make things worse, he was with her too. He was completely okay with it. She expected to get in on the Slytherin group of friends, but they despise her. Apparently, they are the truest friends I have.
“Astoria and I are done, baby. She never meant anything to me anyway. I just…I want you. You are everything I’ve ever wanted.” He pleads.
I look up when my door opens. It was Mattheo. I smile softly at him and motion him in.
“We are done, Theodore. I’ve made that clear. Maybe you should try moving on. It does wonders, you know.” I say, hanging up.
I know you, you’re like this
When shit don’t go your way you needed me to fix it
And like me, I did
But, I ran out of every reason
Now suddenly you’re asking for it back
Could you tell me, where’d you get the nerve?
Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had
But I don’t really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first
You broke me first
“Is it a bad time?” Mattheo asks, a hint of nervousness to his voice.
“What? No, no, it’s not a bad time. I’m glad you're here actually. I’ve missed you.” I say, smiling softly at him.
He closes the distance between us, leaving a kiss on my head, his arms wrapping around my waist. I smile, looking up at him.
“I’ve missed you too, but please don’t be mad at me. It was their idea.” He mumbles.
“I told you guys I didn’t want to do anything for my birthday.” I complain.
“Shh, it’s a surprise.” He says, his arm around my waist.
We leave my dorm, heading to the Common Room. Despite me being aware of what they had planned, I jumped when they shouted “Happy Birthday” and a bunch of confetti poppers went off. My eyes immediately saw Theodore who was glaring at Mattheo’s arm.
He wasn’t supposed to find out like this. Mattheo and I had been trying to keep it on the downlow for as long as we could, but obviously that plan just went to shit.
“He knows.” I murmur.
“Shit. I’m sorry. I should’ve let you go when we walked out of your dorm.” He sighs, running his free hand through his hair.
Theodore was striding towards us before stopping in front of me. He glares at Mattheo before turning his gaze to me.
“I was going to tell you, Theodore. I was hoping to tell you once you began to move on yourself. I didn’t want to hurt you.” I sigh.
“Right. And that’s why you're with my best mate?” He spats.
“Ex-mate.” Mattheo corrects.
Apparently, the group had a falling out with Theodore who has been sleeping around and just drifting.
“Surely, you weren’t truly expecting you and I to get back together.” I say slowly.
“I thought we had a chance! I thought we could’ve worked this out!” He snaps, stepping closer to me.
Mattheo pulled me closer to him as he pushed me behind him more, shielding me with his body, as his eyes narrowed on Theodore.
“No! We didn’t, Theodore and that is on you. We probably could have been forever, but you went on some spiel of how we didn’t click and shit. Then you went behind my back and dated my best friend! So, no! We didn’t have a fighting chance like you hoped! What did you think would happen? That we would have some happy ever after? You broke me.” I snap.
“You broke me!” He snaps.
“Well you broke me first.” I say, tears stinging my eyes.
What did you think would happen?
What did you think would happen?
I’ll never let you have it
What did you think would happen?
Now suddenly you’re asking for it back
Could you tell me, where’d you get the nerve?
Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had
But I don’t really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first
You broke me first
(You broke me first)
You broke me first, oh
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bri-cheeses · 8 months
It had been… a long night, to say the least. Slytherin was hosting the annual Halloween party this year, and though invitations were reserved for fifth years and up, the common room was close to overflowing. And so were the bountiful selection of drinks, supplied by students from all the different houses.
Evan supposes it a combination of these factors that led him to retreating back to his dorm room, stumbling drunkenly up the stairs and to the bathroom, where he promptly threw up his stomach’s contents into the toilet.
He’s just not sure if the nausea was caused by the alcohol, or whatever this feeling is that he gets whenever he sees Barty kissing someone else. Because Barty was kissing someone, in typical Barty fashion. Some Hufflepuff, Evan thinks, but he hadn’t really stuck around long enough to make sure. Nope, the flight instincts kicked on as soon as he saw that taking place in front of him, did a split-second calculation, and then decided it would not be a good idea to test the weight of his emotions against the increasing buzz of alcohol.
Because alcohol, he knows, makes him sloppy. Sentimental, emotional, whatever you want to call it. Bad at keeping secrets, like the fact that—no. He will not go down that train of thought. Not right now, hiding pathetically in his room as a party carries on beneath him. His predicament is already sad enough, tears do not need to be added to whatever recipe of depression is currently being cooked up.
So he simply shuts his eyes and wills himself to go to bed, not even bothering with the effort of pulling the blanket up over him, or even turning the lights out.
Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy to be woken up when the door to the dorm creaks open. The combination of light seeping through his eyelids and the cold from the lack of blanket makes for an uneasy sleep, one that is easy to be startled out of. Despite having woken up, however, Evan keeps his eyes shut. He doesn’t want to deal with whoever has come into the room, preferring to simply sleep the rest of this day away.
Except, despite all his efforts to fall back asleep, Evan can hear the sound of footsteps walking closer to his bed quite clearly.
“Evan?” Barty’s voice is soft and questioning as he calls out, trying to figure out whether or not Evan is asleep. Evan wants to shut his eyes tighter in an doomed attempt to block the voice out, but he fears that the small action might give him away. So he stays still, not responding to Barty. Even when seconds later, Barty whispers once more, “Evan? Are you awake?”
He’s not, at least as far as Barty is concerned. No, let Barty believe that Evan is simply dreaming sweet dreams that are too precious to be interrupted by intrusions from the outside world. Even if Evan is light years away from whatever universe that dreamlike place might be located in.
But his act must be good enough to fool Barty, who doesn’t say anything for a long while more.
The silence stretches on long enough that Evan begins to think that Barty must’ve walked away without Evan having heard him. But just as Evan is about to crack open his eyes enough to see where Barty has gone, he hears a sigh from the same place that Barty’s voice had come from minutes before.
Barty’s footsteps seem to echo in the quiet room as he (judging from the sound of it, at least) walks closer to Evan’s bed. Evan hardly dares to breathe as he hears his own blankets rustle at the end of the bed, and then… they’re being dragged over his shoulders, in such a careful manner that Evan really, really wants to open his eyes, if only to see Barty’s expression as he carefully tucks Evan into bed. It’s a delicate moment, and Evan feels that even the smallest shift might cause it to fall and shatter like a delicate china cup that’s been dropped by clumsy hands.
Then, all of a sudden, there’s a hand softly cupping Evan’s jaw, running a thumb over his cheekbone. It’s all Evan can do to keep still, even as his breath hitches in his throat.
Breath ghosts across Evan’s face as Barty whispers, “Sweet dreams, Evan.”
Then he’s gone, the lights turning off and the door creaking open and closed as Barty exits.
Evan still doesn’t open his eyes. He wants to linger in this moment, hold onto it and dig his fingers in to make sure that it’s not lost to the rushing torrent of the world. The rushing torrent of Barty.
Barty, who presumably stopped his partying to come up and check on Evan, to see if he was okay. Barty, who’s voice was so incredibly soft as he whispered Evan’s name. Barty, who covered him with a blanket, who cradled his face in his hands like it was something precious, who whispered “Sweet dreams” before turning the lights off so that Evan could sleep better.
Evan is still thinking of Barty when he inevitably falls into a fitful slumber, and Barty’s soft whispers of Evan’s name follow him even into his restless dreams.
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shockinglyangel · 6 months
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A = Aftercare: I'd stay Theo's quite good at aftercare, he totally found out what it was by one of the boys. He does have a lot of hookups so I doubt he does any aftercare with them due to how intimate it is. Much like Mattheo, he'd mainly only ever give aftercare if it's in a relationship and he loves that person.
B = Body part: He loves his jawline, he's so overly obsessed with it, definitely the type of guy to show it to literally everyone unintentionally, taking a picture? He's showing off his jawline, he wants a kiss on the cheek? 100% will stick out his jawline. Theodore loves boobs, he loves everything to do with boobs, definitely has some muggle magazines of ladies in tiny bikinis hiding in his dorm. Doesn't matter what size your boobs are, he loves them.
C = Cum: If he isn't finishing inside of you, he'll be finishing on your tits, and don't be surprised if he takes a picture of it afterwards. He definitely wants you to swallow when he cums in your mouth, most likely work it into dirty talk and tell you to swallow. Honestly wouldn't care if you wanted to kiss him after.
D = Dirty Secret: Back to the magazines, he gets off to them a lot, he didn't stop doing it until the start of your relationship, but still keeps them - they're just hidden in a place you won't find them ;)
E = Experience: I've said this before and I'll say it again, he is a manwhore, he's had A LOT of hookups and therefore has a lot of experience, he knows what he's doing due to trial and error. He's pretty advanced in his knowledge, and he knows what he wants so will most likely show you how he wants to be pleasured.
F = Favourite Position: He's a big fan of doggy since he can take you from behind, but he does like to see your face so he'll grab you by the neck and pull you up to his chest so he can kiss you while going at it! Missionary with your legs around his arms (kinda like child-pose) is his second favourite since he can see how your boobs jiggle around as he's fucking you.
G = Goofy: In hookups he's not very humorous, but when having sex in a relationship he'll definitely crack a joke every once in while. He's the type to laugh it off if something embarrassing happens, but tries to keep it quite serious during.
H = Hair: He likes to keep himself well groomed for you but he honestly doesn't care if you shave or not, he'd still fuck you either way so it really doesn't bother him. He'd rather you were shaved if you wanted him to go down on you though.
I = Intimacy: He's not the most romantic during the moment, he uses sex to deal with pent up aggression mainly, so if you're having sex he's not the nicest. But if you're making love and it's purely just an intimate moment in between the two of you, then he is quite romantic, he'd definitely tell you how much he loves you over again, scatter you in love bites so you know how much he truly does care for you.
J = Jack Off: Does it whenever you're not available, has been caught jacking off before and will probably continue to be since he's not very discreet with his noises. Would prefer you to do it for him so normally he will wait aliens until you are no longer busy and can help with with his impending issue.
K = Kink: Definitely a spanker, whether he's slapping your butt or your tits, he loves the way your body reacts to him when he does it. Orgasm denial, enjoys watching you squirm when he pulls away when your legs are shaking and you're about to finish, likes the control he has over your bodily reactions to his touch.
L = Location: He'll pull you into an empty classroom or cupboard if he REALLY needs you. Really likes doing it late at night in the Slytherin common room on the couch when he knows no one else will be in there to find you both. He loves your bed and how comfortable it is so he loves doing it there, also likes how loud you can be when you're alone.
M = Motivation: If you wear a low cleavage shirt, or a shirt in which he can see your hardened nipples through, he's a big fan of boobs if I didn't already mention. When he hugs you and can feel your tits against his chest, anything to do with boobs really. If you place your hand on his thigh though, he will go wild.
N = NO: If you try to make him jealous, he doesn't like how jealousy makes him feel and he doesn't like when you actively try to make him feel that way.
O = Oral: He's pretty skilled at it, he likes giving it to you since he likes how much it pleasures you. He does truly believe that if he gives you something, you should give him something in return, so expect him to be asking you for head after. He LOVES head, it's one of his favourites, he does enjoy the control of it though so will shamelessly push your head further and watch you gag on him.
P = Pace: He's fast and rough, you have probably broken the bed a few times and had to fix it with a spell. He likes how going fast makes him feel and is rough with you since he knows you like it. If you told him to slow it down he would. Could speed it up even when you didn't think he could anymore.
Q = Quickie: He enjoys the time he gets to spend exploring your body when having sex, so quickies never come before actual sex. Only time you're having a quickie is if he really needs you and neither of you have much time. Otherwise he would happily whip you away and take you to his dorm for the next couple of hours.
R = Risk: He's a very experimental person and will try everything at least once. Will do anything you ask him to do in order to make you happy. Has and will do it in risky places, knowing there's a possibility of being caught. Likes the thought of being caught so everyone can see how well he pleasures you.
S = Stamina: He can go for a few rounds, probably a couple more than you could. He's the type of guy who would finish and then he completely fine for you to keep going. I'd say he could last maybe 3-5 on average, 5-6 on a good day. Will allow breaks if you need it.
T = Toy: Prefers if you didn't use toys, but will use them on you if you asked him to. Would be fine with you using toys on him as he's into trying anything that you like.
U = Unfair: He's a very unfair guy when it comes to teasing, like I've already mentioned, he has a thing for orgasm denial so will spend his damn time kissing every inch of your body before getting to where you need him most. Can hold on for quite a while before he feels as though he needs to be pleasured, so he will tease you endlessly until his patience wears thin.
V = Volume: He's a grunted/groaner, he's more of a deeper moaning type guy but is quite loud. Enjoys the noises you make so will always encourage you to be louder as it reminds him of how good he's making you feel.
W = Wild Card: Has tasted his own cum, did not like it, will probably never do it again.
X = X-Ray: He's big. Like very big. Only really wears black trousers so no one can see his print, has a bulge whether he's hard or not
Y = Yearning: Could go for sex every second of every day, not one to complain if you said that you wanted him even if he wasn't necessarily horny because he can get into the mood very quickly.
Z = ZZZ: Falls asleep so quickly afterwards, he'll give you the attention and aftercare that you need but after he's done with that, he'll be completely out of it until the next morning comes along, and then he'll do it all again.
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sallowsdiary · 1 month
:) is called a smiley face. I purposely put it at the end of my question in hopes it would bother you & it did. Thanks for that hilarious reaction!
P.S. Albania or Moldova you say? Interesting choices for an escape plan & actually caught me off guard! Feels like I just got my privacy invaded somehow… because I’m from a neighboring country, Montenegro. Of all places to escape, you had to pick East Europe?
P.S.S. Heard she found your diary! How’s that Obliviate idea sounding now? :) Ha ha ha.
Oh, I see now—that little thing is a "smiley face." How… simple. I must admit, I didn’t expect something so innocent to be the source of such torment. Well played. It’s a good thing you’re in Slytherin, you’re giving us all a run for our Galleons in the art of subtle psychological warfare. Well played. I’m practically quaking in my robes. Though, I’ll have you know, I’ve spent the last hour glaring at a piece of parchment, trying to figure out how to cast a counter-jinx on that infuriating little symbol. No luck yet, but I’m not giving up.
Now, about the whole East Europe escape plan—clearly, I didn’t think that through. Now when I inevitably flee in shame, I’ll know there’s a friendly neighbor nearby who can point me to the nearest hideout. Maybe we can even exchange escape tips—like the best places to hide a journal that’s definitely not a diary. Just a thought. Though, knowing you, I’d probably end up in a “scenic” location involving a very steep cliff and a lot of sharp rocks at the bottom. After all, I’m not known for backing down from a challenge. And I hear that the best way to conquer a fear is to face it. Or in this case, have an extremely awkward conversation with it.
And yes, you’ve heard correctly—she did indeed find my diary, or journal, as I’ll continue to insist. Thanks for bringing it up—it’s not like I’ve been pacing the Slytherin common room for hours, mentally drafting a dozen different Obliviate charms. How delightful for me. I’m just weighing the pros and cons of erasing her memory versus the potential consequences of accidentally wiping out every last thought she’s ever had about me. Because that would be tragic, wouldn’t it?
But let’s not dwell on that. After all, nothing screams romantic tension like a botched memory charm and a good old-fashioned chase through the corridors of Hogwarts. Perhaps I’ll just take my chances and hope she doesn’t spread any rumors about my penchant for overly poetic metaphors and questionable escape plans.
So, thank you for your concern, and for the emotional whiplash that is this conversation. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on how it all unfolds—assuming I don’t Obliviate myself in the process. And one last thing—thanks for invading my privacy by letting me know my privacy’s been invaded. I really appreciate the heads-up. I’ll just be over here, drafting up a new journal entry on how absolutely splendid it is to have you and your smiley faces in my life.
P.S. Next time you decide to mess with my head, try to go easy on me. I’m fragile, you know. And by the way, I’ve got my eye on you now. You’ve crossed into dangerous territory with that smiley face business. Consider this the beginning of a very friendly, very sarcastic rivalry. Smiley face or not, you’ve got a wicked sense of humor. I’m considering taking up Occlumency just to block it out. But thanks for the friendly update, really. I might just start using those annoying things too—purely for the sake of irritating you back, of course. Ha ha ha. :)
P.P.S If you’re ever in Montenegro and see a guy who looks like he’s hiding from his own life, well… do say hello, won’t you? I’m sure you’d find me in no time, armed with more of those infernal smiley faces to drive me to the brink of insanity.
P.P.P.S. Yes, I’m aware of the fact that I’m still writing to you despite my better judgment. Clearly, I’ve lost all sense of self-preservation.
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thefangirltreehouse · 2 years
sebastian sallow | general thoughts / headcanons with gryffindor!mc
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this is just overall thoughts on the sebastian arc and his general characterisation (yes, i am continuing to update this on my second playthrough)
spoilers below
the amount of times i’ve caught sebastian looking at mc through the start of my now second play-through is hilariously adorable, like don’t get me wrong the herbology one is absolutely the best, but i noticed that throughout charms sebastian is just staring at mc (like he’s straight up starts ignoring ominis speaking to him when they walk in the room) also the slight glances in defence against the dark arts before the duel is so cute.
he does it again whilst sirona and rookwood are arguing, like he just turns to them and similes
you can’t convince me otherwise that mc didn’t grab at least his arm to pull him away from ranrok, like it genuinely looks like that and if you squint hard enough it looks like he does the same thing when heading into the three broomsticks
listen i’m specifically playing as fem! & gryffindor! and the missions with ominis feel so reminiscent of the golden trio (i’m calling it now, they’re the electrum trio - a metal mixed with gold and sliver) especially the crucio side-mission
saw someone in a comment sum their dynamic up perfectly from my perspective
“i used to have beef with ominis before this (crucio) quest happened and now it’s me, a gryffindor dragging two slytherins by their shirt collars”
slight tangent but ominis is so sweet if you start as a slytherin! i saw my friend start his game and meet him in the common room and i was like “i’m sorry, is this the same tory bastard that yelled at me for nicking his pal?”
if anything sebastian comes off worse in that section.
almost every streamer i’ve came across assumes he’s flirting, like this was absolutely intentional
when either of the boys, particularly sebastian is speaking to imelda and the conversation of mc comes up she absolutely refers to mc as “that gryffindor of yours”
i mean, it’s the age old rivalry that just gives everything that extra oomph! despite the fact nobody seems to be questioning that a gryffindor has closely befriended not one, but two slytherins because that certainly isn't suspicious (i'm surprised one of the gryffindors didn't bring it up - particularly leander)
speaking of leander, why are the more prominent gryffindors (and ravenclaws) so antagonistic or hellbent on getting us in trouble?
sebastian’s jealously towards both his friends is dripping in the crucio quest like, in the line below i know he means because mc and ominis have special abilities but...
"between the two of you, i'm starting to feel left out"
the constant proud "that's my girl" look on his face
"never know who's watching - although that hasn't stopped us before." "strictly speaking, it has. we were caught."
also at the start of the library mission, anyone notice the way he's casually waiting on mc against the banister smiling up at her? or whilst he's waiting on her and ominis to figure out the location of the scriptorium? like, this boy knows he's the shit.
listen, there are certain things that sebastian said and did during his storyline that even at that age, i would’ve noped out of but i went in with a “yes, corrupt the little goody-two-shoes gryffindor madly infatuated with you” attitude and honestly it was so much fun. cause objectively yeah, sebastian should be expelled at the very least but my mc was not gonna let them do that (they're very much giving jd and veronica)
that said, mc isn't about to let him walk all over her, she's a gryffindor for a reason, she's just had some misguided judgement
don’t love how there isn’t much of a reaction from either boy after crucio is cast on mc, especially from sebastian (again, massive red flag) but also, think the devs missed the mark on that one like sebastian is still mc’s friend, yeah he really wants to see anne healed but a little sympathy shown would’ve been nice and a proper acknowledgement of what'd he'd done.
even if sebastian shrugged it off quickly he should've helped them walk or at least offered a hand to stand up
i love the wee house jibes, i wish we got more of them!
"you're not a bad chap, for a slytherin" "you gryffindors don't have a monopoly on bravery y'know"
an awful lot of english folk in the scottish highlands
sebastian and poppy are talking whilst leaving a class and my brain was like “omg her bf + gf are talking!”
i want triwizard and yule so badly!
the red and the green / gold and silver looks, look so good!
mc makes a comment about how amazed sebastian will be when she tells him that she took down the ashwinders by herself
"it'd be wise to keep an eye on you"
general headcanons (oc-ish)
he'd absolutely mutter continuous little digs and comments throughout their classes simply to get under her skin and make her smile whilst she's trying to listen to their professors (he used to do this to ominis but he's able to ignore sebastian now after years of the torment)
whilst having dinner in the great hall they won't be sitting together but they'll lightly tap or nudge one another on the back if they're passing behind each-other's designated tables
sebastian refers to the fat lady painting as the "golden gate keeper of mediocrity" after walking mc back to gryffindor tower, which earns him a mildly deserved elbow jab
he gives mc piggy-backs during their trips to hogsmead and the quidditch pitch
whilst she's walking to and from classes with cressida or natsai, sebastian is regularly seen inserting himself between them, putting an arm over mc and / or pinching her away over to ominis and nerida
"who would've thought, all it took was a snake to tame the lion" cressida noted to a disinterested leander, peering over at the scarlet robes peaking beneath the sea of green
mc likes to softly poke at his blushing cheeks, joking that if sebastian "gets any redder, he won't be allowed back into slytherin" or that "he might have to come back to gryffindor with her"
mc has on occasion accidently fallen asleep, resting her head on his shoulder during history of magic
most of the gryffindors (nellie, leander and garreth in particular) will tease sebastian as he waits for her outside the common room, claiming "she was ours first" and attempt to distract her for as long as possible beyond the painting just to 'knock 'im down a few pegs'
they're well aware she's highly capable of holding her own, but not only is he a slytherin, he's also sebastian sallow so they're protective
he much prefers bumping into natty, who'll make a light "lost puppy" joke, share laugh and proceed to actually go get mc or he would actively seek out lucan because he knows the kid sucks-up to him but eventually the older gryffindors caught-on and would bribe lucan with chocolate frogs to stop him in his tracks
mc enjoys exposing sebastian to muggle trinkets and snacks, she grew up in a travelling circus with her parents, a ringmaster and fortune teller who never attended hogwarts in their youth (i'm gonna do a separate oc bio)
the trio all share a love of pumpkin pasties and lavender tea so whoever has a free period (or when sebastian has detention) will pop down to the kitchen to collect some
forehead kisses, hugs and interlocked arms whilst exploring the castle are everything to these two (their subtle little height difference is adorable, especially when you remember fem!mc is wearing wee wedged shoes at the start of the game)
highwing isn't his biggest fan (prefers ominis) and mc relishes in that
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