#( °✧。 | interactions — esme & charlie.
panlight · 7 days
Renesmee is partially named after Esme and yet they have no meaningful interactions in the book or movie.
We're told Renesmee sometimes sleeps in Esme's arms, but we don't see it. The only thing we really have is Nessie playing with Esme's second best set of silverware while everyone watches her.
When the Cullens leave to find witnesses, Rosalie blows Renesmee a kiss. Esme only says goodbye to Bella and Edward.
Carlisle put his hand on Edward's shoulder for a second and then kissed my forehead. Esme hugged us both, and Emmett punched us both on the arm. Rosalie forced a hard smile for Edward and me, blew a kiss to Renesmee, and then gave Jacob a parting grimace.
The only reference to 'grandma' in the books is to Grandma Swan's hair combs Bella wears at the wedding.
What's up with this? Is this just a function of the Bella-centric writing in which Esme is an afterthought? Or is this an in-universe thing where Esme and Nessie legitimately aren't close?
Likewise Charlie gets to be 'grandpa' and Carlisle's role seems more like 'doctor,' with him taking measurements and trying to get her to drink baby formula.
"Her diet… well, she prefers to drink blood. Carlisle continues to try to persuade her to drink some baby formula, too, but she doesn't have much patience with it. Can't say that I blame her – nasty-smelling stuff, even for human food."
I know fanfic and headcanons are often filled with sweet moments between Nessie and her Cullen grandparents but the text (and movie) isn't. Part of me wonders if it's because Charlie is Nessie's biological grandparent and Esme and Carlisle aren't. That whole "Edward and Bella have a REAL family" vs the found family of the larger Cullen clan.
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shelbgrey · 10 months
Hi, could I request more about "Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs:" and we have the Volturi wrap around our finger, please, thank you, and love it.
You put it, the Reader doesn't get along with Bella. I was hoping you could tell us more about that relationship. And I personally would love it if the Volturi knew that we're there since Carlisle and Esme got custody of us. They are "Cousins [ Demetri, Felix, Alec, Janeand Heidi,] Anutes and Uncles [ Uncle Aro, Caius and Marcus] to us". When Alice goes and saves Edward dumbass. We're there to save Edward, but we're also happy to see them. When Demetri and Felix came, we called them Cousin Dem and Fe while smiling. We hug Jane, holding hands with her. The Cullens knew about what we call them. We really don't care what happens with Bella, but we do care about our brother and sister. Personally, I got the feeling we don't really care if Bella lives or dies
Thank you so much 💓
P.S. feel free to message me if you need anything clarification on this
Being the daughter of carlisle and the Volturi loving you:
So I usually don't write for the Volturi so bear with me.
🩷MasterList 🩷twilight List
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So you want to know more about Bella and y/n's relationship...
So, I want to compare how Edward thinks and how Bella thinks to show the two girls relationship.
I think when Bella is finally introduced to the family she's quite jelouse of Edward's relationship with you, there's no real incureties to it, she just doesn't want girls hanging around Edward.
Bella also thinks your plan and shy, there's off hand comments on how she's discribes you, Edward on the other hand discribes you as happy, humorous, and so beautiful.
You guys are always throwing harmful comments to each other and Bella usually takes it too far.
You also hate how she's treats her father. She always gets mad and says it's none of your business and you have no idea what you were talking about.
“my parents chose me, yours just got stuck with you”
Carlisle and Esme would put a stop to it, there's been many times Carlisle and Charlie have had talks about Bella's bullying.
Of course you're parents know your not a saint in theses situation, but Bella is usually the one to start it.
“if someone pushes you, you push back” Emmett always says, which is why your never scared to decened yourself.
And since your the youngest, your basically the center of the Cullens universe, but then Bella comes along and puts your family in danger, that's your problem.
You also have a problem with Edward putting everything aside no matter what for her, your happy he finally has a girlfriend but there should be boundaries.
You especially started hating her when Edward decided to go to the Vulturi after Bella's supposed death.
You knew about the Vulturi and you became friends with them in fact, your uncle Marcus(yes, you heard me right) says your the glue that holds you all together.
After Aro found out about a human joining Cullen Coven, he showed up to see if it was true, Aro didn't really have a plan for what he was gonna do, but when he met you he saw no harm. He was in aw at the sight of the small child.
The deal was that you could stay human with the family as long as you wanted, you just had to keep the secret of the Vampires.
Honestly you see Aro as the creepy uncle, you'd never say that to his face and he'll never found out because he refuses to read your mind.
“but, Dad he creeps me out! None of the others do”
Dispite you thinking he's creepy, he'd never hurt you.
At first Cauis wanted nothing to do with you and didn't agree with Aro's decision, but the more the family interacted with the Vulturi the more he grew a soft spot for you.
Marcus is more of a grandpa than an uncle if were being honest, he's a lot older than the others and he's always been so gentle and kind towrds you.
He gives you advice and is there if you need to talk.
I don't know much about Heidi, but I figure she'd absolutely love you and is always spoiling you.
Demetri is like a big brother/cousin and you kinda have a love/hate relationship. You guys tease each other and sometimes it'll get mean, but trust me he'd kill anyone who harms you.
Your probably closest to Jane and Alec, they're both closer to your age and you three just hit it off immediately. You hate hearing about they're tragic back stories but they always tell you it's not your fault and you make they're lives better.
Then Edward left for Italy to go and execute himself 🙄
You were so made at Bella for putting Edward in this headspace and situation, especially after you found out she's was perfectly fine.
But, anyway Alice was getting ready to take Bella to Italy and you wanted to Tag along. Not because you were there to support Bella, but because you wanted to see the extented family.
Ya know... Going to Italy to beat Felix and Demetir at Mario cart again...
What you didn't want to do is see Bella getting all dramatic and telling your Uncle Aro to kill her instead of Edward.
You rolled your eyes and came up to hug Jane as she threatened to use her gift on her, she was only using like 5% of it on Edward just for ✨dramatic effect✨ . “alright Jay, they've learned their lessons”
Jane chuckled and stopped using her powers on Edward, wasn't too painful for him.
“Aw, I was having fun” Felix sighed as you ran up to him and hugged him.
Cauis rolled his eyes trying to hide his smile as Bella looked completely confused. “What just happened?”
“nothing... Just you being dramatic for no reason, they're on our side bone head, You think they'd actually hurt Eddie?”
You left Felix's arms and walked around the Castle. “by the way, where's Dem?”
He appeared and hugged you while Bella looked even more confused and kept asking unanswered questions. “aw, she's still alive”
You laughed and quickly shhed him.
“what? You think just because they're old school and basically vampire royalty they're evil? you asked Bella, you were kinda pissed off she thought so low of them.
“yeah we never said we were gonna kill him and Alice never said that either” Aro said, clapping his heads together.
You then clicked your tough, with a sarcastic smile. “well, we send little miss. Main character home and me and Alice can stay here for the weekend, dad said we could.”
Jane hugged you excited for some girl time while Felix ran around the Castle making sure you had a comfy room to sleep in.
“do what ever you want Dem, killer or set her free, send her to the moon, have her for dinner, I don't really care”
Uncle Cauis laughed as bella started stuttering as Felix and Alec came back with arms full of dvds.
“wait, what?” Edward sighed. “they're kidding”
“we could watch a bunch of TV shows, we got Bones, and supernatural” Felix smiled.
“no Supernatural, they got the vampires all wrong” Alec said.
The two boys and you and Jane both just walked off talking about what you should watch without even a goodbye for Edward and Bella. “What about Moon Knight, dad finally got an account for Disney+. It's a really good marvel show”
“ooh, I heard Oscar Isaac is in it, he's so hot” Jane said, Felix and Alec groaned as you girls started thirsting over male actors.
“they're just gonna be horny for 40-something year old men the whole time” Alec sighed, heide slapped him and told him to be nice.
Bella scoffed and left with Edward after Alice smiled and ran after her sister and Jane.
“Lators Gators” you shouted to Edward.
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What if Aro told Carlisle that he suspected him to be gifted back when they were together in Volterra all those years ago?
Anon's talking about Carlisle's hypothetical gift, TL;DR people like Carlisle.
To me it's not unbelievable Aro wouldn't have done so (if we take my gift theory as fact). He doesn't get to see Carlisle in action enough, with people who should be hostile and not simply annoyed, to have any kind of meaningful proof or anything beyond mild suspicions (if he in fact has those).
What pushes him over the edge in @therealvinelle's Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (where this gift is a large plot point) is seeing things from Edward's perspective as well as what Carlisle has managed to make of himself.
Carlisle has become a doctor to humans who are terrified instinctually of vampires and people like him. Esme as a human didn't just think he was great but idolized the idea of him for years. We know that Elizabeth felt confident and comfortable on her death bed to ask Carlisle to turn her son into an alien (granted, Elizabeth could just be and likely was a very interesting person, but still). Charlie Swan notes to Bella how he really likes the Cullens, primarily Carlisle who he sees the most of, and thinks they're a great family and only seems to become concerned about Edward after the New Moon fiasco.
Add onto that that Carlisle wasn't murdered by any suspicious covens along the way even with funky yellow eyes and a weird sales pitch, that he was able to negotiate with the wolves, and that he has friends everywhere who will all risk their lives not just for his sake but for the sake of his weird baby thing that his adopted son made with a human, and a record of every thought Edward has witnessed surrounding Carlisle and how they all approach him, and that's getting Aro on board with the hypothetical gift meta idea.
But when Carlisle was in Volterra, Aro didn't have that. He might have wondered "man, how is this guy so hot and charming?" but it could just be Carlisle's hot and charming.
So, I could see why he wouldn't consider it deeply or bring up even suspecting it if he did. Gifts are rare, he's probably wrong, and even if he is right--this one's a doozy.
But Alright, Let's Say He Does
Carlisle leaves to become a hermit.
At first Carlisle doesn't believe him. What Aro's saying is nonsense. Of course Carlisle interacts with the world the way normal people do, and isn't secretly using demon mind control, Aro's the one who told him there's no such thing as Satan.
This is ridiculous.
However, some way or another (perhaps involving ye olde pyramid schemes, 17th century David Bowie and glam rock, and pilgrammage for the Ziggy Stardisciples) they manage to prove that what's happening to Carlisle is not normal. This is not how the world works for ordinary people.
Upon being convinced, Carlisle realizes not only is every relationship he has a fraud, but he's taking advantage of everyone around him (worse, of course, if he had romantic interactions with them). Everyone has to like him, everyone has to agree with him, everyone has to listen to him even when he could be wrong.
"I must become a hermit and seek solitude in the mountains"
Aro, of course, is devestated and think this is ridiculous. "CARLISE, I READ MINDS AND MURDER PEOPLE ALL THE TIME AND IT'S FINE! YOU'RE FINE!" (this is not a compelling argument)
It's made worse that Aro takes the opportunity to try to get Carlisle off the diet again. Look, Carlisle, if by nature you're a mind controlling demon you might as well eat people. Right?
I imagine Carlisle leaves Volterra and seeks solitude in the mountains, contemplating the deep secrets of life/universe and writing theological treatises. Aro asks Demetri to check in on him every once in a while and see how he's getting on/if he's ready to be reasonable.
He never is.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Where Do We Go from Here? | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: If Tommy Shelby thought he could win over (Y/N)'s heart after being the reason she got sent to prison just because he got her out early, he was dead wrong...or was he?
Warnings: language, smoking, allusions to past abuse, prison, violence (typical to series), season 3 spoilers
Word Count: 2589
A/N: this was such an interesting request! I really hope that you like the route that I took the story in! Also, I pulled some inspiration from an episode of The Sopranos for the ending interaction. Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in stories similar to this one!
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"When the police get in, do not resist. You go with them, you do not say anything!" Tommy's words boomed over the other chaos in the room. Everyone was screaming and scrambling as the sound of coppers' whistles could be heard outside.
(Y/N) sat frozen in her chair as she watched the pandemonium go on around her. She couldn't understand how it'd come to this. They were supposed to be celebrating. Celebrating outsmarting the Russians, celebrating the safe return of Charlie, celebrating the disgusting priest being dead. But the scene unfolding around her was the complete opposite.
"Miss (YL/N), you need to stand up," a copper's voice broke through her thoughts and finally made her look away from her lover, who was standing at the desk getting smacked by Arthur's wife, Linda. Good, she thought, he fucking deserves it. She looked up at the man in uniform and let out a sigh. There was no use in contesting it now. Without a word, she stood from the chair and allowed the man to pull her hands behind her back so that she could be walked out of the meeting room. She then was lined up facing the wall alongside the other members of the Shelby family that had met the same fate.
She stood there for what felt like hours before another copper grabbed hold of her hands and swung her around. He then began walking to the door of Arrow House. Before she was taken out, her eyes fell onto Tommy's. He was staring straight forward, and there seemed to be no life behind his crystal blue orbs. She didn't know if she wanted to scream at him, or beg him to make them not take her away, so she just stayed quiet. She held her gaze on him as she was dragged out of the house. Not once did he look in her direction. He just kept his eyes focused on the wall in front of him.
(Y/N) was loaded in the back of a truck along with John, Polly, Linda, Arthur, Michael, and Esme. No one said anything as the truck began driving away. Everything was black too, so no one had any idea of exactly where they were going. Of course, they knew that they were going to prison...Tommy had pretty much spelled that out to them. Now, all they could do was wait for the fate that had been essentially dealt out to them by the very person that they followed and trusted.
A little over an hour later, (Y/N) found herself behind the steel bars of a jail cell. The room was cold and dark, and although she hadn't been explicitly told how long she'd be in there, she already knew that it would be a while. Conspiracy to commit, and accessory to the murder of Father Hughes. Tommy's words had been replaying in her head since she was removed from the truck. She didn't know when she'd see the outside world again, or if she ever would.
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"Get up, (Y/L/N), you're being released," the prison guard's voice broke through the silence that (Y/N) had become used to.
"I...I'm what?" she questioned with widened eyes as the man unlocked her cell and slid the door open.
"Your sentence is over. It's been exonerated. You're free to leave now," he spoke in short sentences as he waved the woman out, "let's go," it was obvious that he was impatient.
(Y/N) carefully stood from the metal slab that had been her bed for the past several months before she slowly walked over to the man waiting on the other side of the gate. "What about the others?" she asked as she followed him to wherever he was taking her.
"They're still serving their sentences," the man informed her, his eyes still focused ahead of him.
"But I'm..."
"You're being released on the request of Mr. Thomas Shelby, who has spoken to the judge of our high courts and created a deal with him," he cut her off, already knowing what she was going to ask, "now if you could please refrain from any further questioning and get changed so that we can release you," he instructed her, opening the door to a bright room that made (Y/N) squint as she walked into it.
Sitting on one of the benches was the same outfit that she was wearing the day she got brought into this terrible place, and for a moment, she wondered where they'd stored it after all of this time. She had to have been in there for at least five months, and now...just like that, she was able to go. All because of the doings of the very man who put her in there.
She returned to the guard waiting in the hallway after she changed from the bland uniform that all of the inmates had to wear. She glanced at him, and that was all he needed to start walking down the hall again. He then stopped in front of another door and unlocked it, opening it to some more brightness that made (Y/N) squint. Then she realized that it was a door to leave the prison. That the outside world was now opened up to her once more.
"Go on," the guard's impatient voice made her realize that she'd been standing there for a few moments without making a move. She nodded her head and walked through the door, flinching as it was closed rather loudly behind her. She was free. And now she didn't know what to do.
Then she saw him. He was standing a few feet away from the prison's door, leaning against his black car. He was dressed in black, his long coat foreboding and his peaked cap pulled down over his eyes. (Y/N) sighed as she walked closer to him. He surely was there for her. Why else would he be standing outside of the same prison she’d just been released from?
"Well if it isn't my knight in shining armor..." she trailed off, hoping that her words came out in the spiteful nature that she was intending them to, "the man who was both my imprisoner and my savior," she finished her snide remark as she stopped in front of him.
"Hi, (Y/N)," was all he said, but it was enough to make her blood boil.
"Oh fuck off, Tommy," she snapped at him.
"Can we not do this here?" he asked her, hoping that she'd calm herself down.
"Why not? You don't want everyone to hear about how much of a bastard you are?" she implored, her eyebrows raised.
Tommy sighed and shook his head, flicking his cigarette to the pavement before he walked to the driver's side of his car. "Get in the fucking car," he ordered her as he opened his door.
(Y/N) huffed and stood in her spot for a moment, contemplating if she wanted to fall back in line with his orders that quickly. Then she looked around. There was nothing else in sight except for the cement walls of the prison she'd just been released from. This meant that she had no other choice. Her eyes fell back onto Tommy, who was looking at her intently as he waited for her to do what he'd said. She held her stance for a few more moments before she begrudgingly walked to the passenger's side door and opened it. Tommy said nothing as she slammed it, and that was his cue to turn the car on and drive away from the prison.
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"Stop the fucking car, Tommy," (Y/N) tried again. It had to have been the third time she'd said the sentence. But he wasn't listening. "Where're you taking me?" she asked him, looking in his direction with a glare on her face.
"To my house. I'm not letting you get out in the middle of fucking nowhere," he answered her, keeping his eyes fixed on the road.
(Y/N) let out an exasperated sigh when she heard what he said. "Of course...of course you're taking me to your house because you'll be in control there. And you always want to be in fucking control," she threw her hands up in an exasperated manner as she spoke, shaking her head and turning her gaze out the window as the drive continued in silence.
Soon enough, they were back at Arrow House. Tommy killed the engine and opened his door, glancing over at (Y/N) to see that she hadn't moved. Instead of forcing her, he simply shut his door and began walking to the front door of the mansion. (Y/N) watched him walk away before she sighed and finally opened her door. Tommy's stride was slow, so she caught up with him rather quickly.
"I'm not going inside your house," she told him, moving to stand in front of him so that he wouldn't be able to walk any further. "So whatever you have to say to me, you're going to say it out here," she put her foot down and spelled out how things would proceed to him.
Tommy sighed and looked down to the ground. "I don't know why you're mad at me," he said in a low voice, but (Y/N) heard his words well, and in hearing them, a switch flipped in her head.
She might have been angry before, but now she was furious. "You don't know why I'm mad at you?!" she asked incredulously as her eyes widened. "Tommy, what the actual fuck? Have you got nothing in your head any more?!" she continued on her rant that was fueled by disbelief. "Have you forgotten that you got me arrested? That you're the very reason why I was stuck in that prison for over five months?!"
"I just got you out though...got you off your sentence early," he pointed out, as if that was supposed to right all of the wrongs.
"You still put me in there, Tommy!" she exclaimed, "you put me in there after you knew exactly why I went along with Michael. You knew all about my brother and his history with the church. You knew about the terrible things that he went through. I didn't fire the gun...Michael did that, but I wanted to be there to see that that bastard of a man got what he deserved. And you let me do all of this. You said it was ok for me to go with him, that it was ok that I was around those things..." she trailed off, shaking her head as she dropped her gaze to the ground, hoping that he wouldn't see the tears that had fallen from her eyes. "I thought that you cared for me, Tommy. I thought that you cared for me like I cared for you. Who else was there for you after your wife died, huh? Who stayed up with you all those nights to try and ease the pain that you felt from suddenly ending up alone? Who fucking slept in your bed with you and promised you that things would get better?" she paused again, fire now back in her eyes as she spit her words out through her tears, "it was me. I did that. I was always there for you, and this is how you repaid me. I guess I'll just always be some fucking secretary to the company," she shook her head as she ended her lament, wondering just what he would say in response to it.
"What do you want me to say, (Y/N), huh? I fucking said that these people were crazy. I gave you a fucking way out; told you that you didn't need to be affiliated with us anymore," he started off with his rebuttal.
"Still only just a fucking secretary," she shook her head with a pitiful laugh, honestly not surprised that he didn't even comment on the relationship that they shared together. The relationship that had gone on for two months before it was abruptly stopped by the coppers coming into the meeting room that day five months ago.
"Well what the fuck do you want me to do?! Tell you that I love you?!" Tommy raised his voice and his eyebrows, his words coming out in an exasperated manner.
"That would have been fucking nice," (Y/N) huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she shook her head.
"I love you," he told her outright then, and if it weren't for the current circumstances, she probably would have swooned and jumped into his arms. But it was too late for that. There was no way that he could reverse the things that he'd done...undo the wrongs that he'd committed.
"It's pathetic, Tommy, really. It's pathetic that you think that all you have to do is say those three little words and I'll fall back at your feet once more. That I'll tell you that I love you too, and it'll make everything right again. That's not going to happen. I'm not going to give in to your sweet talking anymore. If I've learned anything in my time away from all of this, it's that..." she couldn't finish her sentence because Tommy had leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, hard. Their teeth clashed as he tried with all of his might in this last ditch effort to get her back on his side.
(Y/N)'s wide eyes met his as they pulled away. She didn't know what to say at first because she was completely stunned by his sudden actions. She searched his eyes as her mouth gaped slightly, her lips still able to feel the residual touch of his. "Don't do that," she spoke firmly then, her tone immediately telling him that he'd fucked up once again. "I...I gotta leave, Tommy. I can't be here anymore," she stated, her eyes dropping from his as she shook her head and stepped away from him.
"You're not walking anywhere," he called out to her as she kept walking down the gravel driveway.
"Then call me a fucking driver. I refuse to sit in a car with you, or be anywhere near you from here on out!" she yelled back to him, the tone of her voice telling him that her words were not up for discussion.
Tommy dropped his head in defeat. He knew that he couldn't contest her decision, and that her mind was already made up. She wanted nothing to do with him anymore. So he stepped inside and asked Frances to get a driver to the house so that (Y/N) could be taken home. Frances was slightly shocked by his request, most likely because the older woman was the only one who knew about the relationship that he and (Y/N) shared, but she went forward with filling it anyway.
(Y/N) waited down by the brick pillars that stood proudly at the entrance of the driveway for the car that would come to take her home. She couldn't stop the tears from falling down her cheeks as she left behind something that, at one point, she thought was so good. But she knew she had to. She knew that there was no going back to him after what he did to both her and his own family. Now she just needed to figure out where to go from here.
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @magicalxdaydream @cloudofdisney @the-anxious-youth @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.18
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Bella Swan, Slight!Embry Call x Reader
Warnings: awkward encounter, Jacob gives Bella your phone number without asking
Words: 3074
Summary: An unlikely breakfast with Bella Swan
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
Edward sat there, fixed to the spot as (y/n) dashed off unable to meet his imploring stare. Her scent though, the scent of earth and life lingered in the air that Edward attempted to take huge inhales in order to obtain it. Keep it within him. Closing his eyes, Edward leans back and lets the sounds of nature wash over him. Thinks about what (y/n) had revealed. The naked truth that bled through her words. How vulnerable she allowed herself to be in front of him. He wanted to return her affection. Felt himself being tugged toward her the more the interact. He couldn't though, didn't want to allow himself to play with his daydreams that had been assaulting him as of late. The life he could have with her. He couldn't let himself be swept up, not when he was still thoroughly in love with Bella.
Deciding he had spent enough time brooding, basking in the warm caress of the sun, Edward gets to his feet and begins his slow way back to the Cullen house. He blocked out the minds of others that were nearby. Could sense a wolf or two lurking in the brush. Keeping an eye on him despite the new clauses of the treaty. As he got nearer to the lines of his estate, Edward could hear the thoughts of his family and a furious Charlie Swan. Charlie's thoughts, which were not kind as they were targeting Edward in particular, made him pick up pace until he passed through the lining of trees that bordered the white house restored by Esme.
Walking down the porch steps was Charlie and a weary looking Bella who held onto her father's arm as support. His family lingered on the porch, watching silently. Edward inwardly flinched at the hiss emitted through Charlie's thoughts when he saw Edward coming up the driveway. Possibly his least favorite Cullen, Charlie stops near the last few steps and tightened his grip on Bella's shoulder.
Bella couldn't resist the longing that thumped in her chest at the sight of Edward. Love still enveloped her when she gazed at his unnaturally handsome face. The face that she had been determined to kiss for the rest of eternity. This wasn't how she imagined things to end. She had been so close to her dream of becoming a vampire and consequently marrying Edward. He had never wanted her to become like him though. Had stressed it enough that he had no desire to take away her mortal life. What was so great about being human when your lover would live forever? After her time with Victoria and her newborns, Bella had to confess that perhaps Edward had been right. Newborns were fickle things with only blood on their minds. Even Edward had reveled in the rich taste of human blood when he strayed from his vegetarian diet oh so many years ago.
Being an immortal like Edward was like walking on a razor’s edge. Dangerously capable of breaking if they were to smell the fresh tang of blood that make their dead cells feel alive. Would she be able to resist it if she were a newborn? Was it really worth the risk?
Edward halts his stride at the first step of the wooden stairs. He already knew what Charlie would say to him. Winced at the yell that penetrated his thoughts. Charlie’s anger was deserved. Every thought, Edward agreed with for they were true. He hadn’t really protected Bella. If he had then none of these terrible events would have happened. Many times he had tried to distance himself from her. But. . . Blind love always got in the way.
Charlie’s jaw is clenched before he opens it to say “I don’t care if you are a vampire. I don’t want to see you near my daughter ever again. You and your family keep your distance. Don’t think me ungrateful. I will never be able to repay you for finding Bella, but it was your fault she got into this situation in the first place. With. . . With monsters.”
“Dad-“ Bella hisses under her breath, drawing his attention to her pale face “don’t be like that.”
”No, your dad is right.” Edward whispered. He had to let her go. This had been too close of a call for Bella. At any time she could have been killed by a newborn who had got too drunk off her blood. Riley had rewarded her guards with a splash of her blood. “I. . . Never meant to put you in harm’s way. It happened though and will again if you stay with me.”
He and the wolves would figure out what to do with the Volturi. Bella. . . She was better off without him.
Eying him, Charlie takes the last few steps down, passing by Edward who stood so rigid while keeping his gaze forward. He couldn’t look back. Not unless he break his resolution. So easily he could wrench Bella from her father’s grip and keep her for himself, damn the consequences. But he wouldn’t do that.
That would prove that he was indeed a monster.
Edward listened as the roar of Charlie’s car engine came to life. The groan of the wheels crunching over the gravel of the driveway before tearing off toward Forks. Toward safety.
Never had he felt so broken. It was the right decision, Edward tried to convince himself. The words were hollow. He felt like he could bite through his tongue but that wouldn’t offer him the physical pain he wanted to wreck on himself.
Comforting hands beckon him up the stairs and into solid arms that wrap around him. She would never be his biological mother and he may be nearly 100 years old, but Esme was willing to try and soothe him of his heartbreak.
The rest of his family followed suit, each offering him their own act of comfort. Even Rosalie with her icy exterior gave Edward a strong squeeze on his shoulder that told him all the things she could never voice out loud. One thing none of them dared to speak about was the new danger that hung over them. When the Volturi find out that Bella won't actually be turned, there will be hefty consequences to face. And they would inevitably find out. Try all they may to hide and protect the fact, the Volturi had eyes and ears everywhere. They had to start preparing for when that happens. Devise a plan with the wolves and whichever other friendly covens they could find. The Denali coven had always been close allies with the Cullens and Edward hoped they could be relied upon to support them now.
"Whatever happens Ed" Alice held his hand, applying a firm squeeze "we're on your side."
"If it comes down to another fight you bet we'll be there with you." Emmett grinned.
In his human life he had never had such a sense of family and closeness. Not like he had with them. Such perfect unity he now had abundance of. Gratefulness swelled inside of him, combating his shattered heart.
Quiet. Everything had stilled and turned utterly quiet in Forks and La Push. Such a dramatic change from just a week ago. You actually found yourself bored on the days that you didn't have patrol or summer school. Unfortunately the way you ended your most recent school year warranted you to attend summer school for a few hours each day of the week. Many of the others from your pack had ended in the same situation as you. Being a Quileute shapeshifter didn’t allow you much time for studying. That was okay. Victoria and her ilk were gone. Your life was getting relatively back to normal. The calmness in the air even reached your parents as they saw the shift on your packmates' faces. Immediate danger was over. For now at least. They didn't need to know about the dark cloud of the Volturi hovering over all of them, silent as the reaper. Hopefully Alice's gift to gaze into the future would help alert them to when the Volturi found out that Bella would not be turning into one of them.
With the new treaty in place, a shift took place. Twice you had caught the younger members on the border that met up with the Cullen estate. Surprisingly they would be with Emmett and Jasper, laughing and sharing combat techniques. Paul and Jared kept a few paces away from them, watching with curious eyes; a part of them wanting to join but natural instincts kept them at a safe distance from someone who had been their enemy for centuries. More time was needed until the barrier was fully demolished, but this was a very good start.
Scars still showed on all members of your pack from the fight with the newborns. Slow healing, silvery scars that looked like someone smeared stardust paint with a brush onto their tan skin. Similar scars would flash against Jasper's prism-esque skin in the sunlight. So many of them that you couldn't count them all. Before this he had known war, a familiar atmosphere for him. On the days you would listen in on his stories that he told the younger wolves, you learned that he had been in the Civil War.
Odd when you really thought about how old many of the Cullens truly were. You wouldn’t lie, it slipped your mind that they were immortal beings. Yes you and your pack had your own supernatural powers, but unlike the vampires you and your pack mates would grow old. Live a regular human lifespan before succumbing to the reassuring arms of death. A natural part of life.
Even if you were with Edward. . . You still had a mortal life. He would never be able to turn you into a vampire like he could easily do with Bella. A vampire’s bite meant the outcome was death. Not like normal humans who could succumb to their venom and trigger the transformation.
You hadn’t seen nor heard about Edward in the past week and you felt an invisible tug to the woods, to the direction of his house. It was expected but that thought didn’t soothe the gaping wound that had opened up within you from not seeing him. Most days it was easy to push it to the back of your mind. To forget that he was within your reach. Then there was always a moment of sudden clarity, awareness that made you feel as if you had been asleep this entire time. And you would remember his existence.
You would scold yourself whenever you felt your heart stop. Telling yourself that it was good enough that he was happy. Maybe he and Bella had worked things out. Well, that’s what you hoped since you hadn’t heard anything from the Forks side of town.
There was no real reason for you to go into Forks. You didn’t know anyone there besides the Cullens and Swans.
That was until Jacob stopped by your house one day, hands in the pockets of his shorts. “So i hope you don’t mind, but i gave Bella your number.”
Widening your eyes in genuine shock, you want to ask him exactly WHY he had given Bella Swan your personal cellphone number until Jacob replied “She asked for it. I’m sorry. I should have asked you first-“
“N-No. It’s. . . Um, it’s fine. Did she say why she wanted my number?”
Pathetically he shrugs. “No idea. She didn’t tell me that.”
Curious, you only had to wait a day after for Bella to ring your number. Since you didn’t recognize her number, it was a safe guess that it was Bella’s. “Hello?
You heard her exhale a nervous breath “Hi (y/n)?”
“Hi Bella.”
Her stammer was evident through the phone as she stumbled out “Sorry. . . Sorry if this is a weird thing to ask but. . . B-but do you think we can meet up somewhere? To talk.”
What could she have to ask about? You agreed and let her choose a local restraunt in Forks. Puzzled and wanting a break from your studies, you actually looked forward to the time when you would have to make your where over to her side of town.
A small, cozy diner was what greeted you when you got off the back of Jacob’s bike. He cuts off the rumbling engine as you take off your helmet. With his own off, you meet his worried eyes.
“Don’t look so worried, Jake.” You chuckle and thump his bicep. “I’m sure it will be fine. Not as scary as some others I’ve faced.”
His brow attempted to soften at your reassurance. “Sorry, I know. I just know that the both of you are a little anxious right now.”
Being anxious was an understatement. You had never spoken with Bella. Not during this whole ordeal. You had spoken less to her than you had spoken with Rosalie. Both of you would find a way around it though. You would let her speak her mind, regardless of what that might be.
Finding her immediately in a small booth, you slide into the opposite seat. Her cheeks are tinged with the faintest of pink while she picked her words carefully.
Taking pity on her, you start with “How are you feeling?”
Her deep eye flick up to you with gratitude. “A lot better.” Even so. . . She was still very thin with waxen skin. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but thank you for everything. Edward told me you were the first one to really try and look for me.” Against her pale cheeks you saw her long, dark lashes flutter down. her slim fingers lace together on the table. “You had absolutely no obligation to do so. You could have just let me die there. But you didn’t.”
A waitress cuts off whatever else Bella was about to say, her notepad out and ready to take your orders.
Once she left, Bella got the courage to begin again. “Edward said it was because of Alice’s vision of you, he left to join you. So. . . Thank you.”
You don’t know why you felt so self conscious and embarrassed at her gratitude. “I guess you’re welcome. I know what its like to be. . . Terrified. Wondering if you’re really going to die right then and there. And you think of the people you love.” Without thinking about it, you feel the brush of your own fingertips against the stairs on your cheek. You had thought about your parents in that moment.
Bella had scars of her own which she pulls the sleeve of her shirt to cover them.
“Have you really decided that you don’t want to be turned anymore?” You had to know if indeed precautions had to be made.
The expression on her face told you everything. She had been exposed to newborns at their worse. Seen how easily it was to fall over and get high on bloodlust.
You nod in understanding, happy when your waitress quietly puts down your plate of French toast. Bella picked up her fork to dig into her omelet. Though your appetite wasn’t there, you stuffed your face with syrup covered pieces.
Eyes fixed on her plate, Bella whispered “I’ve seen what imprinting does to people. As you must know too. . .” Sam, Emily and Leah. Leah had become a bitter person and still resented both Sam and her cousin Emily. You could feel it through your pack telepathy all the time. The others pretend that didn’t hear anything but you couldn’t ignore the pain in her inner thoughts. It was obvious even to Bella that no forgiveness would be filling the she-wolf’s heart anytime soon. Maybe it would take years or maybe never. “I don’t want to become that either. The Volturi though-”
“Don’t worry about them. Do what will ultimately make you happy. No matter the outcome the pack will protect you and everyone else in Forks.”
She shook her head though. “I don’t want to be protected. I’m tired of people risking their life for me because I’m a weak human. I don’t want that. I never did. Edward thinks its his job to protect me. I should be able to protect him too. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to be turned. That and because I wanted to spend eternity with him.”
Uncomfortable warmth crept up your neck as she admitted all of it. She trusted you enough though to feel safe enough to tell you. “Being something like us isn’t all its cracked up to be. Vampire or wolf, with our power there comes the taking of certain freedoms.”
Like choosing who you would end up with or the fact that your body was basically a ticking time bomb. Your anger greatly influenced the leash you have on your wolf.
Bella had seen the truth of it though. That’s why she no longer wished to turn. That and there was no reason to. Not if she wasn’t going to be with Edward. Live in his harsh world.
“What did you want to do with your life before you meet Edward and got caught in all the craziness?” You tentatively ask. She must have had her own ambitions, her own dreams before going along with whatever Edward’s life involved.
“I don’t even remember anymore.” She said it with a tinge of shame in her tone, like you were going to judge her for being some lovesick girl who had lost sight of her own path in life.
No judgments came from you though. You were the last one who would ever judge her. “Take this time to get to know Bella.” You wanted her to be happy, honestly. She had gone through so much, seen things humans should never see and experienced pain at too young of an age.
That was the best advice you could give her. You yourself were still trying to figure out what you wanted once you graduated high school which would be next year. Your parents had reminded you time and time again that being a shape-shifter didn’t pay. True. You would have to figure what you wanted in life that didn’t involve the supernatural aspect of your life.
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven  , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08 , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms , @sassyandclassyx , @scarlet2007 , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @jennyamanda8 , @stevenandmarcslove , @biancaindaeyo , @loversjoy , @turningtoclown , @vixorell
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palmofafreezinghand · 2 months
Hi! HC I can’t let go of: Carlisle treating Charles as a patient, either after he’s changed Esme and knows of the abuse when he treats him, or he treated him before he meets Esme and is thinking about it someday later after being with her. :)
Hi! Also I love this headcanon and have shared it for years, Anon! I’ve always imagined Carlisle treating one of the Evenson boys, whether it was Charles or one of his brothers, and bumping into Charles that way. I think he could have gone by a nickname, Chuck or Charlie, which meant Carlisle didn’t make the connection for years. In my head the most significant part of him interacting with Charles is remembering how kind he was. 
I had never considered him treating Charles after knowing Esme’s history but I love that idea. (Also the implication if we stick with canon that he treated him like any other patient and Edward still had to be the one to kill him because yes 100% that is Carlisle Cullen to a t). 
Tangentially related to your headcanon but I’m going to take advantage of the chance to talk about Charles & Carlisle. I know it’s not canon but I think about the short film Masque casting Charles as a blonde guy a lot and all the extra potential there is because of that choice. I see Carlisle as having guilt about what happened in Esme’s life, that only gets compounded when he realizes after she met him (and developed a pretty substantial crush) she married a man with a similar name, outward facing personality, and appearance. I think Esme knows him well enough to know this would happen and so yes, the only way he would be able to know Charles’ appearance or public personality would have been meeting himself. (See I connected the red string!!)
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behold-a-dark-horse · 2 years
The Impostor Syndrome...
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I think it's pretty clear that Tommy struggled with a form of impostor syndrome, but one thing I've just recently come to observe is how that manifests in his relationships with women.
No matter how much money he made or or power he acquired, he never felt like he fit in with people who had become his peers and even though he rants about how those "bastards" will never accept him or his family because of their humble beginnings, you can clearly see that he feels the same way and I think that bothers him far more than their opinions.
Tommy never has any problem lording himself and his power over people in any kind of relationship, whether it's allies, enemies, the Peaky Blinders or even his own family, that's where he's comfortable. Except with May and Grace. With both of them, his mannerisms change completely. He's gentle, soft and attentive, all about catering to their needs. It’s not about character or personality given just how different May and Grace are (even though there's not a whole lot to go on). It's like he's always trying to prove his worth, but what matters most to him, they've already got and all it could earn him in that situation is a bit of validation. And it's not validating him as a person because he gives so little of himself in their interactions.
Like when Tommy and Grace meet in season, for having supposedly missed and craved her so much, he doesn't want to spend the time alone, he wants to go out into a public and crowded place that allows very little relaxation or intimacy. He starts off with some fake hostility then flips the switch to "look at me! look what I can do!" Yes, it’s cool that she got to meet this super famous movie star and anybody would've appreciated a night out like that, but again (and maybe it's just me reading too much into it), it looked like it was less about Grace getting to meet Chaplin and more about Tommy being able to get her there. She was certainly no stranger to high class crowds like that, but it was just the fact that this time, he was able to get her in. If it had been something special that we knew was specific to Grace and not just the most famous man in the world, it would've been a different story. But we never get to see that, based on what we do see, Tommy probably never asked that.
With Tatiana, you can see that although he does find her class and her power appealing, knowing that her family has lost much of their wealth and status does seem to affect his treatment and perception of her. She could see his impostor syndrome herself, when Tommy thought she was saying that his weakness was women/sex and he told her that he could get a fuck whenever he wanted and she responds to him saying "Yes. But I am a duchess under you like a horse" and talks about how he walks around his house like a boy who'd broken in through the window. And I absolutely love how boldly she confronted him with it.
He does it with his own family. Maybe it's a stretch, but I noticed it in how he reacts to Esme vs Linda challenging his authority even though Linda had far more influence over Arthur than Esme ever had or tried to have over John. [And not exactly the same situation, but worth mentioning here is when Charlie was taken and he thought the painter might've been involved, he basically told Polly she was foolish to believe that (even with all the success they'd had by then) a man like him could've ever been interested in a low born woman like her, and this is all while he involves himself with rich women who are always less likely to date/ marry down than their male counterparts. So, what's the truth there? Does he really think he's special or does he realize and just choose to ignore how shallow his relationships are?]
Tommy and Lizzie’s relationship is far too complex to dive into on this post, but the major difference between her and the other women is that he shows more of himself to Lizzie than he ever does to them. He’s more vulnerable, he shows more of his flaws, because he’s confident that he can trust her and that she won’t leave. And they spend time together not fucking. It’s clear he cares otherwise he could’ve easily left her working the alleys in Small Heath and he definitely wouldn't have opened up to her like he does, but she doesn't have the status that gives him validation or inspires his worship like May and Grace.
Also, it's not just a class thing because he's the opposite with men. I don't wanna get into that too on this long ass post but you can see the difference there.
It's super late and I know this is a rambling mess probably full of typos, but I've just been thinking about the ways some of his issues were presented. There's so much that is said through Tommy's relationships with women, but this is one I just noticed and thought was interesting.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
For the lovely Cass! @theshelbyslimited
Ment to have this done right away but they actually made me participate in my school meeting this morning! Anyway, this is a bit rough (ended up a lot more personal than I intended because I'm going thru some stuff) but I hope it gives you that fluffy feeling. Lots of hurt comfort... But honestly when do I ever not put in happy a ending, might be my biggest flaw as a writer lol
Any way! Love you 💜
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Warnings: the reader is a bit depressed, description of feeling down and not being able to get out of bed, Tommy is angry at one point, but it's all just for that big fluffy ending.
Despite the warm august air floating through the open windows of arrow house, you felt cold to the bone. You didn’t know what brought it on. Years of running on tea, whiskey, and adrenaline catching up to you finally, or maybe you were coming down with a cold. 
Francis helped the kids get ready for the day and Johnny Dogs dropped them off at school for you. It was kind of them to help you out on last moments notice and you silently promised yourself to make it up to them when you were feeling better. 
You lay there in your bed. Staring up at the ceiling. It was a good life, well earned, but at what cost? Your husband spent more and more time in London, the family still at odds with each other. None of them were willing to speak to each other despite your efforts to try and work on things. You were the only person running around in between. Somehow free from the consequences of your husband. 
Sounds of birds chirping you put on a record and got back into bed letting your mind drift as you did some deep breathing. 
“What do you mean that Johnny Dogs took the kids to school?” Esme asked over the phone. “She always takes them to school, figured she be by right after.”
“Nah, He’d said Francis asked him to take them, said she was ill.” John responded back. 
“If she’s laying down somethings wrong. Poor lamb is always working on something. I’ll swing by to check on her.” 
“Love you,” he said absently. 
“Love you too. Now quit gossiping and do your job.” She quipped. 
Esme sighed and finished the last of her coffee. 
“Fucking bastard must have done something,” she muttered, thoughts of Tommy made her head hurt as she decided to see if Polly knew what was going on. She dialed the familiar number, knots forming in her stomach remembering what they’d last said to each other all those months ago. 
“Shelby.” Her raspy voice answered and Esme faltered slightly. 
“It’s Esme John’s said that y/n is unwell. Do you know what's happening?” 
“Hardly the family doctor these days.” She answered coldly. “What did you hear?” 
“Just that she’s not able to get out of bed. Sent the kids with Johnny Dogs this morning.” 
“She let him drive them?” Polly responded in a shocked tone. “Best to give her space I suppose, I saw her a few days ago. Seemed fine.” 
“I guess so.” Esme thought about it for a moment. “Thank you for answering.” Despite everything that had gone down between them she missed the old bat. 
“Well, thanks for calling I suppose” She responded back equally uneasy. They said their polite goodbyes and Esme grabbed her coat. 
“Where’s he fucking taking them then?!” Tommy snapped pinching the brigade of his nose, wishing there was a cure for this never-ending headache that was his life. 
“I don't know. Packed up their things and took off. Called to check in on ya.” Charlie muttered. 
“Fuck - You saw this?” 
“No, Linda overheard John at the shop, then told Arthur, who came by earlier and mentioned it. Wanted to know if you're alright.” Charlie sighed and Tommy hated how aged it made him sound. “Look, Thomas, you can fuck everything up, but don't let that one go, eh?” 
His head started spinning, as he hung up the phone and tried to go over every interaction he’d had with his wife. 
You seemed normal, distant, tired, but not so much that you’d fucking leave. 
He got up from his desk and made a brisk pace towards his car. 
“Mr.Shelby! Where are you going?! The meeting is starting -” A sniveling voice called out behind him and he knew if he took one look at that man - he’d fucking cut him, right here in the entryway. 
“My wife needs me,” Tommy responded coldly, taking the stairs as quickly as possible. 
“Your Wife-” Mosley started and put his hand on Thomas’s shoulder. Without thinking, Tommy grabbed him by the jacket lapels. 
“MY WIFE.” These were the only words he could get out as he gave the taller man a warning glare. “Is my fucking business.” He growled. He briskly moved Mosley aside and made his exit before causing a bigger mess to clean up later. He could feel the man's stunned glare follow him out the front doors. 
He got into the car and purposely forgot the speed limit. Trying to get home as soon as possible to figure out where you’d run to. 
You lay there feeling defeated by the things you knew you should be doing. No motivation followed the sinking feeling of desperation. Your body had simply had enough of the mental stress. It was waging a war with your brain, and you wished more than anything your mind could be left out of it. 
It was no use. You rolled onto your side and picked up a book that had been stacked on your night table for ages. The small paperback felt like it weighed as much as a gold brick, you felt your eyes try to resist focusing on the small black print. 
Fucking useless. 
You abadoned your attempt and put the book down on the bed. You were in some sort of state between awake and asleep when your husband's voice floated up through the house. 
Guilt shot through you at laying in bed, clearly there was something you were meant to do today and you’d forgotten. You sat bolt upright and resisted the urge to puke. His footsteps got closer and the bedroom door flew open. 
His eyes looked at you in surprise. You realised your hair must be a mess, blankets wrapped around you like a cocoon of laziness. The anger rolling off of him was unavoidable, and you felt yourself start to panic. Normally you’d rise to the challenge and take him down a notch. 
“Where are my kids?” 
“Your kids? Our kids are at school” You whispered, unable to put any spice in your tone. 
“At school?” He looked puzzled. He looked you over again like he was trying to understand some great mystery. He sighed and resisted the urge to put a hole in the wall.
To your surprise, he slipped off his shoes and undid his tie. He came over and sat on his side of the bed and took another deep breath. 
“Are you alright? Sick or just-” He picked up the discarded romance novel and gave you a coy look. You tried to swat it out of his hands but he was too quick for you. He opened it and pulled himself down onto the bed next to you. 
“Trapped in a hypnotic state of pleasure he freed her tender bosoms from her restrictive gown -” 
“Stop! That’s enough.” You wrestled the book away from him, and he trapped you in his strong grip easily. 
“Good lord, I’m your husband, not your priest.” He looked down at you trapped against his chest.
“Have you just come home to shout at everyone and then torment me, eh?” 
“Charlie called me from the yard saying - well fuck -whole fucking family thinks you’ve let Johnny dogs take the kids while you - well the whole thing doesn't make any fucking sense. Should have called home is what I should have done.” He released your arms to light a cigarette. 
“Didn’t realize they’d just been shipped off to school because their mother was enchanted by the spell of - whatever that bloke's name is.” You looked up at his nature, he looked relieved. You couldn't remember the last time you’d had a private moment with him in this type of mood. 
“Couldn’t read - Can’t do anything. Just - my bones are tired, there's a million things I should be doing. But I just - can't” tears started to well up in your eyes and his arms found their place around your body. 
“Just got the blues then.” He answered easily. Initially, you were irritated by his diagnosis. “Your mind stresses your body out to the point where it just stops. Your body needs to rest, but your mind won’t stop eating at you. 
“You get like this?” 
“If I didn’t feel like it was life or death all the time I would, yeah.” 
“How do you fix it?” Normally he wasn’t so open with you, normally conversations were like gymnastics. Took more effort than they were worth a lot of the time. He looked into your eyes and you knew your husband well enough to know that he could feel that same statement. 
“Opium.” He whispered and you tensed up in an attempt to smack him. “Lucky for you I’m here to give you a much better prescription.” 
“And what's that then? Whiskey?”  
“I think the pompous spell caster bloke had the right idea personally.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you wondered if you were still asleep. Did you fall into another world? Or did the thought of you packing up and leaving freak him out this bad? Bad enough to pause with you to ensure that you were okay. 
He shifted himself and placed a soft kiss to your lips. Somehow managing to put his cigarette out on the night table.  
You felt your body respond, not just to the passion but the care in his touch as he ran his hands over you. 
That’s when the universe decided to play its usual cruel tricks on you. Suddenly a whole bunch of commotion erupted from downstairs. You groaned loudly in frustration as he pulled away. 
“SHE’S FUCKING SICK YOU ASSHOLES. BE QUIET!” Esme’s loud irritated voice called out, but the commotion only picked up again. 
“To bring her food.” 
“What like you didn’t think the rest of us would come by?” 
“She’s closest to me you knew I’d be here.” 
“This was probably Thomas!” 
“It really hurt when you put that dent in the car and you never apologized.” 
You listened to snippets of the conversation as you and Tommy descended the stairs. Everyone was arguing with each other and you soon realized the whole family was there. 
“Your alive!” Arthur announced. Everyone's focus shifted from you to Tommy standing behind you. You stepped on his foot in warning to keep his mouth shut and you quickly took control of the meeting before it resulted in bloodshed. 
“You all came here to check on me?” tears welled up in your eyes. “How thoughtful! I really can’t express how much this means.” You let your tears fall and really tried to drive the point home, in hopes that maybe you could get them to overcome this feud. 
“All my favorite people together! Excuse me” You dabbed your eyes. “ I got a bad case of the blues, I didn't mean to cause a panic.” 
“Well, you're easily missed ‘round these parts,” John said giving you a smile. “Had to make sure Tommy hadn’t sold you off or anything.” 
Tommy’s jaw clenched and you grabbed his arm hoping it would be enough to get him to hold his tongue. 
“I’d never. No one else to put up with me these days.” He answered calmly. You watched as they took in his words, you were happy when Esme laughed at the tension allowing others to do the same. 
Next thing you knew people were pilled into the kitchen whiskey poured. The rosier the faces the more they seemed to relax around each other. Esme had brought you your favorite treats from a bakery across town. Linda had a whole massive pot of your favorite soup made. 
The boys just brought their hugs and whispered questions needing assurance that you were fine. Tommy was in line. They all still did business together, but you could see that they were missing this just as much as you were. Enough to let sleeping dogs lie. 
Finn showed up at one point after hearing from someone else that’d you died in your sleep. Panic left his features as he embraced you tightly. 
You had everyone stay for dinner, all the kids eating as fast as possible to go play. 
Stories and jokes were told, which soon turned into songs. Something hit you as your chest vibrated, ears filled with the off-key singing of your family. This was what was missing. Tommy’s arm was around you, his face less grumpy looking as even he sang along. 
This was the only cure for the blues. 
You cried, as the feeling of belonging washed over you. Your crying made Esme cry, once she was crying Polly was crying - and Linda, though she would never admit it also looked a bit misty. 
“No - come on ladies -” John started but was quickly silenced by Arthur's loud wail, pulling his brothers (as many as he could reach) into a tight embrace. 
“Well if you’ve all got it out of your system. We should probably check on the kids.” Linda cleared her throat, fascinated by the edge of her napkin. 
“Or we could go play around? Pretty sure they are playing hid and seek.” Tommy said easily. 
John let out a whoop and everyone piled out of the kitchen. 
“Why are all the lights off?” 
“Charlie!” Tommy called out. He came down the stairs and became almost explosive when hearing that they wanted to play. All the kids came to the bottom of the stairs and explained they were playing hide and seek - with the lights out. You resisted laughing at how this affected them. 
They had a whole system for how the game worked and who had to do what. But once realizing that they didn't have the brain capacity to follow along. Charlie just decided it was kids vs. adults. 
All they had to do was hide. 
So they did. All taking off in various directions. You paused down the back hallway unsure of where to go. With a house that big you could probably find a cupboard somewhere. Before you could make it to the end of the hallway large arms pulled you into the wine cellar and you resisted the urge to let out a yelp. 
Tommy pulled you against him ducking down behind a large barrel. Before you could speak his lips were on yours with a fever driven from more than just need. It was a thank you. Family back together, kids happy, all of it because you were too tired to get out of bed. 
They all spent the night awake. Eventually moving outside to start a bonfire. Wrapped in blankets they let the kids stay up with them, realizing that the little ones wouldn't have experienced these types of gatherings before. So they told all the spooky stories. Polly managed to get a few screams out of the little ones. 
Johnny dogs, Charlie, and Curly came around for the fun too. 
It became a monthly type of thing moving forward. 
Fancy gifts, horses, you had never seen the kids that happy. Ruby settled herself in Tommy's arms, tucking her face in his neck every time the story would get scary. You wanted to lean over and comfort her - but you could see that in her world Daddy’s arms were still the safest place in the world. She’d been having a hard time with him gone so often that you knew it was best to let her enjoy her time with him. 
How on earth he thought you were taking the kids away blew his mind. Ruby still insisted he go to her room every night and pick out a dress for her. Didn't matter how late it was or if she was asleep. He had to pick out a dress and leave it hanging for her to wear the next day. Somehow she always knew if someone else had done it. 
Charlie was next to his cousins laughing at the little one's reactions to his favorite stories.
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moonlightif · 1 year
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moonlight is a twilight inspired interactive novel where you play as the oldest swan child after they get attacked by a werewolf at a party and all the chaos that ensures afterward.
warnings: violence, gore, suggestive content, anxiety, torture, animal attack, animal violence, mentions of sexual assault/rape, mentions of attempted suicide, murder. I want to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to the warnings, so if you got any you want me to add, lmk. 17+. Since some of these characters are underage, nsfw questions are not welcome.
disclaimer: there are going to be differences between this and canon twilight. for example: there are real werewolves (not shape shifters) and it's not the whole quileute tribe nor is it tied to the proximity of vampires. jasper was not confederate. while the cullens are a found family, they're not paired up like that (I always found that weird), except for esme and carlisle. imprinting is not a thing. the characters are not gonna be exactly the same: I wanna give them nuances and explore them. the list goes on. please keep this in mind going forward and ask whatever questions you may have.
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after endlessly enduring the constant chaos that was your mother's wanderlust, you (and your reluctant and sullen younger sibling) move from your temporary home in arizona to stable and boring forks. it's the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your estranged dad, get ready for college, and maybe be able to relax and take a breath for once.
unfortunately, forks isn't as boring as it appears. after you and a group of friends are attacked at a late night party at la push, everything changes. literally, you begin to physically change into a creature you never could've dreamed existed. and it only gets weirder from there.
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☆ semi customizable mc (appearance, certain personality traits, hobbies, style, etc.)
☆ six ro routes (there'll be a poll to determine between certain ros cause I can't decide [I'm a libra, not my fault])
☆ navigate your new life as a werewolf!
☆ discover the who and why you and your friends were attacked.
☆ keep your new abilities (and affliction) a secret....or not.
☆ meet other supernaturals in your area (because there are plenty).
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emmett or edward or jasper
Tba when decided
rosalie or alice
Tba when decided
jessica stanley
5'2ft | seventeen | human | genderfluid (she/they)
from the get go, jessica has been attached to you by the hip. whether it is out of curiosity or (what you suspect) jealousy, it doesn't really matter to you all that much. her bubbly and talkative presence has made the transition of living in forks much easier and for that, at least, you are grateful. that being said, the close eye they have been keeping on you might come to bite you in the ass here soon. after all, you've got a new secret to keep.
mike newton
6'0ft | seventeen | werewolf | cis male (he/him)
you caught mike's eye from the moment you stepped onto the scene. you figured, like with most people's fascination of you and your sister, it was based on the "newness" of you more than anything else. regardless, he's funny and kind and not a bad friend to have. he's also the one who invited you to the bonfire at the beach and was there during the attack. now, you can both bond over shared trauma and your new furry forms.
jacob black or embry call
Tba when decided
leah clearwater
5'11ft | nineteen | werewolf | cis female (she/her)
when you spent your childhood summers at charlie's, hanging out with your (self appointed) bff was a definite highlight, if not the best part. despite her mock reluctantance, you both were like two peas in a pod. but that was before you stopped visiting, text messages got left on read, and the distance between the two of you became too big to close. moving to forks, you were hoping to reconnect, but leah has seemed uninterested. after everything that has happened...well, now you have something to bond over.
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charlie swan
6'0ft | forty five | (gifted) human | cis male (he/him)
reserved, quiet, and awkward. your father has been like that since before you could remember. and though it's difficult to tell at times, you think he's happy to have you and izzy in his life. more permanently, at least.
isabella "izzy" swan
5'5ft | fifteen | (gifted) human | bigender (they/them)
your sullen, gothic younger sibling. while they hated constantly having their life uprooted when living with their mother, they have mixed feelings about moving to forks. the place is a vibe, but there is nothing fun to do. or so they think.
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demo (tba) ☆ faqs ☆ ros ask ☆ side characters ☆ lore ☆ inspo
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akikocho · 1 year
I'm still craving for romantic hc for my canon x oc ship and I thought of these parts of my lore regarding Charlie and Maya's romance arc xD (I wanna share it because it's all over my head for years and I'm eager to share this one)
♥︎ Charlie will be the type to fall in love first but would constantly try to let his feelings for Maya away as he thinks it will be a distraction for his love of dragons (that's why he's always saying that dating isn't his thing) while Maya would be the type who slowly falls in love with someone after a lot of interactions. Maya's first crush was Felix Rosier, her house prefect which she fell in love at first sight to him. She immediately loses feelings for Felix after knowing he has a girlfriend (my OC Esme Allard) which makes her think that love at first sight will bring her towards negative results.
♥︎ Maya has a LOT of admirers and one of them is Alfred Jones, a Gryffindor student who's a year older than Maya who won't stop courting her during her 3rd year (and Alfred being a 4th year). Maya always rejects his courtship but Alfred being too overly confident, he didn't give up and still continues on courting her. This caught Charlie's attention and jealousy starts to build up in him though he couldn't do anything to it as insecurities stop his urge to confront Alfred.
♥︎ On their 4th year, Charlie and Maya interact a lot. Always sneaking to the Forbidden Forest to find something interesting (whether it is related to the curse vaults or not) and wouldn't eventually sleep outside of Hogwarts together after their hangout in the forest which both will be found by either Bill or Malachi who are very worried for them. (Also they mostly sleep on the seats of the Quidditch pitch xD).
♥︎ The two started dating at the end of their 4th year. Charlie sent an anonymous letter along with Maya's favorite flower (moonflowers) which he stole from the Herbology Classroom. Maya being skilled at knowing someone's hand writing especially the hand writings of her close companions, she knows who wrote the letter she received. Instead of sending her answer via letter, she said her answer in person which made some students surrounding them shocked at what they've heard.
The students be like:
"The female curse vault kid likes Charlie Weasley?"
"Wait, isn't Charlie Weasley the one who likes Maya Avery first?"
"No wonder the two were so close"
"Poor Alfred if he hears about this.."
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strigeist · 1 year
Introduction, I guess?
Hi, welcome to my blog! I've been meaning to do this for a while so I'm excited.
I write fanfiction, basically. One-shots, drabbles and headcannons. Requests are more than welcome since I struggle with getting ideas! The fandoms I will write for are:
Five Nights At Freddy's (SB only)
Ace Attorney (I've only played up to the Mask☆DeMasque case so keep that in mind)
Identity V
The Arcana
I will primarily focus on x readers, but I do have a few pairings I love and will also take requests for pairings.
Below the cut I will add the specific characters I write for and my rules! (I will also be highlighting my faves hehe).
Camilo, Mirabel, Luisa, Isabela, Bruno.
Monty, Freddy, Roxy, Chica, Moon, Sun, Gregory (platonic only).
Ace Attorney
Phoenix, Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Franziska, Von Karma, Will Powers, Ron DeLite, Desireé, Jake Marshall, Mia, Maya, Maximillion Glactica, Luke Atmey.
Identity V
Antonio (Violinist), Luchino (Professor/Evil Reptilian), Joseph (Photographer), Joker (Weeping Clown/Smiley Face), Jack (The Ripper), Percy (Undead), Andrew (Grave Keeper).
The Arcana
Asra, Nadia, Julian, Portia, Muriel, the courtiers (I've heard Valdemar is aroace so theirs will always be platonic, qprs included), Lucio.
Edward, Bella, Jacob, Carlisle, Esme, Emmet, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Aro, Seth, Charlie.
No NSFW requests.
Male or gender neutral reader inserts only! You may still interact and request things if you're fem aligned or female, though.
No teacher/student.
No pure angst. I do accept hurt/comfort though!
No themes of racism, transphobia or ableism. Yes, even if it's in hurt/comfort.
I think this is a given, but still. No adult x minor (unless it's platonic), and no incest.
This is more of a warning, but be patient with me, sometimes I write slowly or have a hard time coming up with ideas.
Keep in mind that I'm still, obviously, allowed to deny your request. I will usually explain why and will not be mad if you do request something I refuse, so don't take it to heart!
This also isn't a rule, but you may just ask things through the asks, even if they aren't fanfic-related. I don't see why anyone would do that, but I don't mind!
Last warning: English isn't my first language, so sometimes my wording can be a bit odd or just plain wrong, I apologize in advance and feel free to point the mistakes out.
If you want to request, specify the gender of the reader (or the pairing you want) and whether you want a one-shot, drabble or headcannon.
That's all, thank you for reading <3.
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2000sfm · 5 months
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JUST  ANNOUNCED  🎬  !  @2000sgossip  published  the  official  cast  for  twilight,  the  vampire  diaries,  gossip  girl  &  the  oc  -  everyone  wonders  if  they  will  be  just  as  good  as  the  original.  their  publicist  just  needs  to  make  sure  they  follow  the  hollywood 101 rules  &  if  they  launch  their  social  media  account  within  24  hours,  they  will  take  over  the  trends.
evangaline  "evie"  sutton  hannah  dodd  as  esme  cullen
aimee  archer  fivel  stewart  as  georgina  sparks
dinah  clarke  antonia  gentry  as  alice  cullen
sebastian  "bash"  guerra  froy  gutierrez  as  ryan  atwood
charlie  ahmadi  yara  shahidi  as  rebekah  mikaelson
(  hannah dodd,  cis woman,  she/her  )  —  🎬  just  announced,  EVANGALINE “ EVIE “ SUTTON  is  casted  as  ESME CULLEN  in  upcoming  TWILIGHT reboot.  the  twenty-eight  year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the  pink cigarettes stashed in a louis vuitton purse, the downpour off a english coast’s shoreline, heart shaped sunglasses shielding a hungover gaze, placing roses wherever one goes that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  beguiling,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  unsteady.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  coming back into the spotlight after a minor hiatus  will  let  people  to  know  them  better.  (  lis,  30,  pst,  she/her, gun violence  )
(  fivel stewart,  cis woman,  she/her  )  —  🎬  just  announced,  aimee archer  is  casted  as  georgina sparks  in  upcoming  gossip girl  reboot.  the  twenty six  year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the  baby blue french tips, interacting with fans like they're best friends, baking on instagram live at 2 am, never-ending supply of santal 33, selfies with no makeup on  that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  congenial,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  tactless.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  one of her many on-set blunders  will  let  people  to  know  them  better.  (  rie,  20,  gmt+8,  they/them, needles/lizards/vomit  )
(  antonia gentry,  cis woman,  she/her  )  —  🎬  just  announced,  DINAH CLARKE  is  casted  as  ALICE CULLEN  in  upcoming  TWILIGHT  reboot.  the  twenty five  year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the  lingering whiff of lavender following her everywhere she goes , shelves of methodically categorized books , long hair pulled into a braid , sipping mug after mug of coffee at all hours of the day    that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  incorruptible,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  harebrained.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  how she spents her free nights knitting sweaters for her three cats  will  let  people  to  know  them  better.  (  meg,  twenty six,  est,  she / her, n/a  +  optional  filming  process  of  the  show  !  )
(  froy gutierrez,  cis man,  he/him/his )  —  🎬  just  announced,  sebastian 'bash' guerra  is  casted  as  ryan atwood  in  the oc  reboot.  the  twenty three  year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the  family dinners around the table, being the knight in shining armor, picking sunflowers, movie scripts, and always having sunscreen  that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  nurturing,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  irresolute.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  how he rescued his dog  will  let  people  to  know  them  better.  (  ooc  diana,  27,  est.,  she/her/hers, drunk driving !  )
(  yara shahidi,  cis woman,  she/her  )  —  🎬  just  announced,  CHARLIE AHMADI is  casted  as  REBEKAH MIKAELSON  in  upcoming  THE VAMPIRE DIARIES reboot.  the  twenty-five  year  old  is  trending  as  people  are  debating  if  the  adolescence spent under the burning lights of hollywood, dying flowers placed within braids on the crown of one’s head, sneaking out of a limo in the dead of night, sunset hues of pink and gold as a storm of turbulence approaches that  they  are  known  for  is  enough  to  make  them  as  good  as  original.  a  quick  google  search  shows  that  their  fans  call  them  vehement,  but  internet  trolls  think  they’re  more  preoccupied.  i  guess  their  newest  interview  for  variety  where  they  talk  about  the yearning for more mature roles  will  let  people  to  know  them  better.  (  lis,  30,  pst,  she/her, gun violence  ) *ziggy’s wc
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It's getting to be the end of year holidays, soooo....
Somehow through social shenanigans Esme winds up "volunteered" to cook a big holiday meal for hospital doctors, nurses, and other staff. Maybe Carlisle brought in baked goods one too many times, idk.
For whatever reason she's able to do this without meeting any humans. ("Oh, my wife has agoraphobia and social anxiety, but I'll bring the food over to the venue.")
Cue Esme suddenly cooking for, idk, 300 people.
1) What's Esme cooking?
2) Do any of the kids help? What do they each make / do to help?
3) It'd be really weird for Carlisle not to attend, but there's also the law to keep. The kids manage to "eat lunch" in school cafeterias. Does he go? Does he bring any of the kids?
4) How do people think of the Cullens after this? Weirder? Does it help their cover? Is the secret in danger?
... I know this is sounding like a fic, but I'm way too ADHD to write it. Really all the backstory is just an excuse to ask how you think the Cullens would interact around a stereotypical "big holiday dinner with cooking and tons of guests" despite, you know, vampires not having those.
Honestly, I could see Esme volunteering herself to do this. She doesn't need sleep, can run the oven all day, can make perfect confectionaries at hyperspeed, she was born for this.
It's also telling she pounces on the opportunity to make Bella food.
As for not coming in, she could be 'busy' that day and Carlisle has to bring in all the food by himself. I'm sure his colleagues already wonder if he even has a wife at all or if it's made up.
But back to your questions.
What's Esme Cooking
Cookies. Easy to do in large batches, bake relatively quickly, so you can pump out a lot of them in a relatively short amount of time without monopolizing the oven too much.
There's also so many fun holiday things you can do with cookies to decorate them. You can make them neat shapes, do frosting, do exciting cookies that aren't the norm recipes, you name it.
You did say holiday meal but I can't imagine the hospital is that much of assholes to make one single woman cater for an entire hospital staff. That's ridiculous.
If they did force that on her I imagine she'd make some kind of serve yourself catering, where the food can be separated out for people with dietary restrictions and placed above a small burner to keep it warm.
Basically, you're asking Esme to cater.
Do Any of the Kids Help?
They feel bad for Esme but the kitchen is her domain and they can't cook. They'd just take up space in there.
Does Carlisle Attend?
He eats the food and has to vomit in a toilet sometime later.
Is the Cullen Cover Blown?
This is typical Cullen behavior on all accounts.
The Question You Seemed to Want to Ask
You really should have asked about the Cullens being stuck at a big holiday dinner. As this set up they'd wriggle out of it with ease. Though, personally, I think a relatively small holiday dinner would be much much worse.
The Christmas party, you can disappear fairly easily as no one's paying you too much mind. In this scenario, probably only Carlisle shows up and he gets by fine vomiting in the bathroom later.
The kids don't attend, being too teenager to compute, Esme doesn't attend because 'she's sick', and htey have a surprisingly good holiday dinner that they forced on one miserable woman that they must all secretly hate to do this to her.
If the Cullens as out of towners have been pity invited to a Christmas dinner, where someone was stupid enough not to lie and say "we're out of town" or "we're doing something ourselves this year" then that would be much worse.
Then they have to pretend to be fucking normal people.
(Of courses, even then, no one would ever invite them because they're terrifying looking and they'd weasel out of it.
... Unless post-Breaking Dawn Bella insists on having Christmas dinner with Charlie.
But that's an entirely different can of worms.)
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infcinity · 3 years
esme & charlie ( @rainbowmuses​ )
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“chief swan, it’s good to see you again.” she smiled slightly at him - it seemed the list of people here in the city from forks was steadily growing by each day that passed - not that she really minded, it was nice to have familiar faces. 
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palmofafreezinghand · 2 years
Did you think you'd get off easy? 😉 How about these - 🥺😈🙋‍♀️💔. Love you! xx
thank you for the ask friend! (from this list)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Oh, I am a sucker for another character talking to the other after a panic attack/anxiety attack and not knowing how to comfort them but desperately trying and it somehow works. That happens quite often with the two characters my brain became fixated on. 
On a lighter note: linked pinkies, glancing over at the other multiple times and accidentally catching each other’s gaze, laughing for no reason, forehead kisses. 
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
This is an unfair question because you know there’s a mean plot line coming up in ‘for appearances’ sake.’ That being said, I never do anything to be mean to readers. I try to do things absolutely necessary for the plot/character development, and often that is cruel. That being said if I do my job right I hope readers have some emotional reaction. 
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
@twileight – my best friend of six(?) years knows. She thankfully doesn’t read my stuff so I can still look her in the eye. 
I think my mom knows because I write in the common spaces of our house so often and she often refers to it as my “vampire story” but I don’t think she understands what fanfic is.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
a first morning — it’s the birth of Esme’s son. Nothing ‘sad’ happens in the text but knowing what happens after the curtain falls made writing her happiness a touch depressing. 
a father’s precautions is also one near and dear to my heart and was another painful one to write. During New Moon Billy helps Charlie take some safety measures and notices the parallels of when Renee left Charlie. They’re both just spiraling and trying to take care of the one they love. 
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malereader-inserts · 3 years
Another New Year
Fandom: Twilight Pairing: Jasper Hale x Male!Reader Summary: You’re just thankful for the new year. Word Count: 1,022 Request:  Hi!! I really love all your writing!!💙💙 and if you’re still taking requests could you do a Jasper Hale x male reader fic that’s super fluffy with a vampire reader? Warning: Underage Drinking
Happy New Year!
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It was Alice’s bright idea as per usual. 
This time, she had convinced everyone that they will be hosting a New Years Eve Party, though whilst Rosalie and Jasper had protested because humans, Edward reminding Alice what happened the last party they held, but Alice put her foot down. 
You and Emmett weren’t that bothered, you actually interacted with Bella’s friend and out of the whole coven - you were the most sociable vampire, from Bella’s words. Now, of course, you were apprehensive, Jasper was your soulmate and whilst he does his best at school, you think that hosting a party would push him over the edge since it’s his break away from the humans.
Nevertheless, that doesn’t stop Alice from putting her foot down and making preparation, already inviting many people to the party before they broke up for winter break.
Jasper hasn’t been too vocal towards you about his feelings about the party, if anything he’s been distracting himself from it, Carlisle had taken him out for a long hunt with Esme and Rose, they didn’t return for three days, so it was your job as a responsible member of the family to make sure the rest who was left behind didn’t cause much of a mess.
Though, that’s hard to do when it’s Alice complaining to Edwards as Emmett tries to annoy Edward, also trying to stop Bella from doing something reckless with Emmett because she’s still human.
The party was quick to start, Emmett was on music, keeping the house lively as it was Carlisle and Esme buying the kids drinks, the Cullens telling other students that their parents will turn a blind eye. Plus, Bella was there so Charlie knows not to go to the Cullen’s house.
It’s not like they were bothering anyone, they lived in the forest. Jasper watched how kids were getting drunk over three or four cups of beer, he scrunched up his nose at the smell of drunken kids.
His eyes scan the room, looking for one person in particular, though failing to find that certain someone. He moves to the next room, seeing more kids getting hammered, but with the aid of a game. He sees that you are not in that room cheering Rose thrash some poor jock. 
Jasper chuckles to himself because Rose has always been competitive and she has no mercy to show who was boss between her and anyone who challenges her. 
“Hey, Bella,” Jasper shouted over the music, grabbing the girl by her elbow, “Have you seen (Y/n)?”
Bella looked at the blond and nodded, “Out on the balcony, he said it was a bit too much for him so he went upstairs to sit about, but I saw him standing out on his room balcony when I went outside for a bit.”
Jasper nods, cheering his thanks, letting her go as he weaves his way towards upstairs. Tactically placing his cup of beer down, hoping no one had seen that he hadn’t taken a sip out of it. He hopes if he passed by where he left that cup that someone would claim it as his. 
Alice had agreed that they lock their rooms, whilst they don’t need a bed to sleep, they had other activities that went down on that furniture and no one wanted to catch high schoolers having a wild night. Vampires can’t have a heart attack, but the thought of sex to Edward was repulsive that he got an extra lock on his room. 
Jasper unlocks your room’s door and enters, kicking the door behind and locking it. Almost immediately, the blasting music becomes muffled. 
Jasper relaxed because your room was his room. He could just lie in bed, tucked in, with you by his side as you watch whatever you felt like it - you have eternal you spend, and it fascinates both you and Jasper how the world was changing, constantly.
Jasper slides the door open of the balcony door to see you leaning against the railings.
“Hello, darling,” Jasper greeted, placing a gentle hand on your back, rubbing up and down reassuringly, finally kissing your temple.
“Hello, cowboy,” You greeted back, a fond smile upon your face.
“Are you okay?” Jasper questions, looking at you, he doesn’t need to ask - he could feel what you’re feeling, but it never hurts to ask, “Bella had mentioned that-”
“I’m okay, Jas,” You cut him off, placing your hand on his, “I’m just thinking that we’re entering another year with each other, it’s nice.”
Jasper squeezes your hand, “Yes, it’s rather nice.”
You nodded, “I’m glad I met you, Jasper, I’m glad that you’re the one that has my heart, that mates with my soul. You really do bring the best of me.”
“Awh, shucks,” Jasper teases as you rolled your eyes, “I couldn’t have asked for a better husband, a better soulmate.”
There was silence as you go to hug him, whilst you two are vampires and only emit coldness, there was warmth as if it was transmitted out from your chest from warm love. You stand there in each other’s arms looking out into the forest, seeing how people were moving out to the front.
“I’m surprised you managed without me for a few hours, Jasper, especially around humans.”
“I’m not a child, (Y/n), plus I went on a hunting trip with Carlisle, the thirst won’t be bad,” Jasper complained as you chuckle, sometimes your husband could act a little childish.
The two of you could hear the countdown, people starting to count down from ten seconds as the two of you could see your coven leader standing out front, risking himself by lighting fireworks, it made you chuckle a bit, but you could see Esme watching with concern in her eyes despite that she was also helping set fireworks off.
As everyone chants out the number one, the first firework goes up, setting itself ablaze. Jasper holds onto you a little longer, you smile as you kissed his temple.
“Happy New Year, my love,” You spoke tenderly, watching the fireworks in its pretty colours.
“Happy New Year, darling.”
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