#( . sorry im so late!! hope this is okay! i had several ideas while writing this and couldn't decide which to go with
stillsolo · 1 year
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@alootus 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 :: " are you going to tell me what happened to you tonight? "
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      𝙷𝙰𝙽 𝚂𝙾𝙻𝙾 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙼𝙾𝚄𝚃𝙷 𝙰𝙽𝙳 — 𝙲𝙻𝙾𝚂𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝚃 ,  the pinch of his eyebrows tightening abruptly as shifting fabrics and diffuse light falling overhead revealed a truth he instantly grasped was best left alone.   karlini silk, huh?  hazel eyes blinked up from where he rested half-sprawled on the dirty pavement.
in truth, this planet bore an unsettling resemblance to nar shaddaa, the smuggler’s moon, a wretched haven where the vilest of criminals sought refuge from the law-abiding societies of the core worlds.  even the faint chemical odors adrift in the carefully synthesized air brought back disconcerting recollections of the moon’s towering vertical cities, jarring reminders of a life he had all but abandoned — except, coruscant wasn’t nar shaddaa, and slipping up here might not carry the same lethal consequences as it would on the hutt’s moon.
but it was still dangerous, if not more so in its own right.
for within coruscant’s sprawling expanse resided not only the quintessential lowlife criminals found in the darkest recesses of the galaxy, but also the social elites—individuals wielding immense political power and wealth, capable of pulling whatever strings necessary to maintain their advantage.  these politicians, with their impeccably groomed appearances and mouths stiffened into a rictus, were somehow everywhere, adorning the sides of colossal corporate edifices and holographic advertisements hovering at every skylane intersection… which was why han wasn’t all too surprised to see yet another politician before him now, speaking to him in dulcet tones, as though she actually gave a kraat about anyone but the citizens of her homeworld.
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this was all for show, wasn’t it?  why else would a political figure bother wasting her precious time on some down and out, luckless corellian mechanic?  han sent a surveying glance around the bustling market plaza, searching for the telltale gleam of a holoimager lens, or the elusive figure of someone operating an audio telescope… not the wisest publicity stunt, given their crime-ridden location.
fortunately for her, han solo was a decent man—at least on most days.
❝sweetheart,❞ solo drawled, albeit not unkindly, before wincing as warmth trickled over his lips and down his chin.  he hastily wiped at his face, smearing bright red streaks over engine grease-stained cheeks.  ❝you’re a real sight for sore eyes ’n all, but… this place ain’t kind to your sort.  it’s best you head home.❞  coruscant’s lower levels weren’t a place for anyone, let alone a rather petite young woman who han would wager his last stack of credits he’d seen in recent holo-broadcasts.
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arvensimp · 2 years
Hi uhh your story with the breeding kink really got to me lol. Would you be willing to write a fic where Arven finds out his s/o is pregnant? It can be fluffy or whatever you think would work best. Thank you!! 😊
Hello!!! I'm a MAJOR sucker for baby fics and pregnancy fics. Im a sap and I live a life of sin I'm very sorry. I hope you enjoy this!
Arven x pregnant!reader, no gendered pronouns are used to describe reader
You've spent the last several days with a cloying ache coming and going from your lower abdomen. It's nothing terribly unusual, as you're expecting your period and some early cramps aren't an out-of-the-ordinary symptom for you.
So you let it go and keep living life.
It isn't until a few weeks later that you realize you never actually started bleeding.
Well...maybe you spotted a little bit? But that hardly counts as a period.
But you cramped up?
Ugh... It wouldn't be the most convenient timing in the world if you were pregnant, but...well, you've always been told that there's never a perfect time anyway.
So with nervous hands you take one of the pregnancy tests you keep in the guest bathroom at yours and Arven's place. Scares have happened before, after all, and it doesn't hurt to have them around.
Two minutes later and a little pink plus is staring back at you.
Your heart sinks.
You take every other test you have in the cupboard.
They all pop positive.
Oof, okay. Well. Maybe you and Arven shouldn't have tempted fate quite so much with all of that dirty talk about him knocking you up...
Before you worry Arven with any of this, you go ahead and set up an appointment with your GP just to get blood work done to confirm it. No need to overcomplicate things too soon, after all.
Still...as the day of your appointment approaches you find yourself getting more and more nervous. What if it really is real? How will Arven really react? Sure you'd talked about kids before...but now? Hell, you were both so busy with your careers. Would you want to pause that now?
Worst of all was keeping it from him for the few days it took.
It wasn't really lying, you don't think. Just...sparing him from needless worry for a few days.
You're a bit lucky that he at least seems none the wiser to any changes in your behavior or in the pokemons' behavior around you. Certainly 'Raidon is less...excitable and less willing to curl up entirely on your lap the moment you sit down on the sofa.
You wonder if maybe pokemon just...have a sense about them?
Mabosstiff certainly seems more protective of you, making sure to perch himself at your feet or by your side the moment you sit down, only to dutifully follow you wherever you go when you get up.
That's actually probably the closest Arven gets to noticing anything strange. He'd been going back and forth to the kitchen a few times that night, while Mabosstiff stayed glued to you, and then as soon as you got up to use the restroom, the dog trailed you all the way down the hall, waiting patiently outside the door for you.
Arven scratches him behind the ears when you both get back to the living room.
"Are you picking a new favorite, buddy?" He asks, light heartedly.
Mabosstiff makes that silly grimacy kinda face at him before boofing loudly.
Arven laughs. "Really, I dunno what's gotten into him lately. He isn't even following me around for scraps."
You shrug. "Maybe it's just a phase..." You offer, scritching Mabosstiff where his tail meets his spine, making him go all limp on you.
Arven lets it go from there, and that's that.
Your trip to the doctor the next day confirms what the tests had told you earlier.
You're pregnant with Arven's baby.
Now you need to figure out what to do. How to tell him.
Luckily, an idea comes to you easily enough.
That week you're picnicking along Socarrat Trail. Some of your pokemon had recently taken to sneaking goodies into your picnic basket. Sometimes it was stones or pretty feathers. You even got a lovely string of pearls at one point from your tinkaton, though you don't want to think too hard about where she may have found them.
Your pokemon will also put their eggs in the basket after breeding, on the rare chance that it happens.
So...that seems like a good place to hide the results.
After the two of you set up the site for lunch and Arven gets started on cooking, you quietly slip the surprise into the basket and quickly set yourself to the task of giving all of your pokemon a bath, as is typically your duty while Arven prepares your meal.
You're sudsing up Slither Wing when you call out to him. "Hey, Arven?"
"Yeah?" He's putting picks in sandwiches as you speak.
"When you're done with that, could you check the basket?" You hope you sound casual as you ask it.
"Uh...yeah. Why?" He looks around the group of pokemon, likely trying to remember if there are any of compatible egg groups. "Are we expecting something?"
"Uh... I just like to check, is all. Never hurts to be sure?"
Arven shrugs. "No problem then. I'm telling you though, we probably shouldn't keep trying for that shiny maschiff pup. I don't think it's good for the environment. Ya know?"
You snort. "I've always found the puppies good homes. Haven't I? Besides, Mabosstiff makes a really good dad!" Inwardly your stomach is tying itself in knots. You finish rinsing Slither Wing and start towel drying it and yourself as Arven goes to the basket. You try to keep an inconspicuous eye on him as he goes.
Arven quickly lifts the lid, glances inside, then closes it.
"Nah, nothing there."
You panic. What? You're sure you put the results there. Was he just not paying attention?
"Uh...you sure?" You say, trying to quell the mounting nerves in your voice.
"Yeah, sweetness. I know what eggs look like."
You sigh as you continue rubbing the towel through Slither Wing's fuzzy body.
"I didn't ask about eggs. Sometimes the pokemon slip other things into the baskets. Like pearls or stones."
"Oh. Uh..." He looks sheepish for a moment. "I'll check again then." Arven goes back and opens the lid.
"Huh. Looks like they brought us a piece of paper..." He takes it out an unfolds it, eyes scanning the page.
"Uh...sweetness?" You watch as the color drains from his face.
"Yes?" You answer, approaching him slowly, not entirely sure how he'll react.
"How, uh..." He looks up at you from the page. "How are you feeling?"
"How are you feeling?" You ask, not entirely cheekily as you slip your hands around his waist.
Fuck, you hope this is okay.
"Uh...Yeah. Good. You, uh. You put this in the basket?" He sounds numb.
You lean into him and nod against his chest, starting to get a little choked up.
He doesn't return your hug immediately, and that has your heart sinking like a stone.
"It's real?" He asks.
You nod again, squeezing him a bit tighter.
You nod.
"So," He swallows audibly, "We're...?"
You nod again, trying to force back tears that threaten to fall.
"Please don't be mad." It comes out much smaller and weaker than you'd imagined. Your brain knows he shouldn't be mad. At the very least this isn't just your fault even if he were to be mad, but he shouldn't be mad anyway. But you're still suddenly scared now as you cling to him.
You feel Arven rest a warm and gentle hand on your lower back.
"Hey. I'm not mad." He pulls you away just a bit with his other to get you to look in his eye.
Arven kisses your forehead. "Promise. I love you."
And the dam bursts. All your fear and anxiety from the past week and however long come flooding to the forefront and out of your face in an absolute mess.
You apologize for keeping it from him for the past few days, for not telling him sooner, and he shushes you with kisses at your cheeks, nose, and forehead.
"What're we gonna do?" You finally allow yourself to ask.
"Well..." Arven starts, guiding the two of you to the picnic table to sit. "We've talked about..." He clears his throat. "About babies before. We can do this... Parenting. If you want! I don't want to force you. I'm here no matter what you choose, but... I'm ready to try my hand at being a...a dad, if you'll let me?" He squeezes your hands reassuringly.
You sniffle miserably.
"I... I want that." You admit.
"Then that's settled!" He says, pulling you into a massive (though not too tight) hug. He speaks into your hair as he lovingly strokes at your lower back. "We don't have to have all the answers right now. I think. We can figure more out later. Yeah?"
You nod against him.
"Thank you."
"Me?" He snorts. "What're you thanking me for? I should be thanking you!" One of his hands slips over, warmly covering your lower abdomen in a way that has your tummy doing somersaults.
"You're doing one of the most incredible things in the world...and you're letting me be a part of it."
Arven kisses you softly. "C'mon. Let's eat and then go home. I, uh..." He laughs a bit. "I suddenly don't feel great about dragging you out to the corner of the region where some of the strongest wild pokemon are?"
You laugh back. "Please. I can at least handle myself for a bit longer. Besides, we have two champion level teams with us. I think we're safe."
Arven looks back at your combined pokemon and between the massive dragon, your fire crocodile, a tiny fairy with a massive hammer, and a living bug dinosaur he suddenly feels like he's the one who needs to keep from panicking for a minute.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
hellooo! I was thinking about drunk!Fyodor who reveal his real feelings to the reader and it's afraid about the reader left him and never come back...(can you write it?)
I love that idea and I can definitely write it!!! Thank you for the request! Also sorry if I misunderstood the request in advance.
'•.¸♡ Drunk feelings ♡¸.•'
Drunk Fyodor x reader
Fluff (?)
Warnings: drinking, abandonment issues (?)
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(Im writing this in a train so if something is misspelt badly, then I'm blaming the train)
A month or so ago, it's hard to keep track of time, Maybe this even happened three months ago, you had to leave, you did tell Fyodor you had to leave, "for work" you told him, you thought he would expect you home, and he did, but there was always a voice in the back of his mind telling him otherwise. "They left you." it said, "they always leave, no one ever stayed." it repeated over and over again. The only way to silence the devil was to work or drink. It was not drinking, then work. If not work, then drinking. Every day, Fyodor was tired, day by day that voice got louder and more annoying, if you could see how sick-like he was.
The day you were supposed to come back, you were a bit late. Why? God knows why! but this isn't about that. You trudged into your shared apartment. You had a long day of travelling and walking after all, but once you saw Fyodor at the table looking more sick and tired than ever, a stench of vodka oozing out of him as he sat at the lonely table your steps came back to life as you tan to Fyodor in a worried manner.
"God, Fyodor! What happened? are you okay? Do you need help? Here, let me take the bottle out of your hands, dear." Your voice was overflowing with worry and concern. A lingering of sad could also be seen more than heard, but it was still there. Without answering any of your questions, he stood up almost, falling over his own steps and hugging you tightly. The poor guy's voice was slurring more than the guy at your local pub. "Please don't leave me, I don't want you to leave, please s-stay." He slurred hopelessly and anxiously through the wall of drunkeness.
Fyodor had never expressed so much emotion in one sitting. You knew it was because of the several bottles around him, but you never knew he would go to such lengths. "What do you mean, darling? I'm not going to leave, I'm going to stay with you forever." You tried to calm him down with a soothing voice, your mind racing a million meters per minute, as if they were racing to win a race against your other thoughts.
"Forever?" Fyodor slurred once more. He was truly unresistable while drunk. "Yes, forever, now let's get you to sleep." As soon as you tried to leave to help him, he hugged you tightly like he didn't want you to leave, hugging you all the way to bed, throughout his drunk proposal and while you slept until morning, them Fyodor wasn't I'm the mood to discuss what happened.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry for being away for so long, but at the moment I'm travelling so I'll be away for another while, I've just been a bit busy.
I hope everyone is doing well, have a wonderful day/night and sleep well.
-love, Az
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solipsistful · 4 months
director’s cut on automatisms? 👀👀
this took a while to figure out what to even say, but i think i'll go chapter by chapter and say something interesting about each of them
but i'll first say that the very first unfinished draft of Automatisms was actually a NaNo project by Serpent, which i (ace) then took over and rewrote into its current form. so i'll be making this post and seeing if he wants to chime in (not that anyone except me has been particularly talkative lately rip)
XX01: Re-entry
i love that the fic starts (after the pretentious epigraph, im sorry) with a canon line. not only does it temporally set Automatisms as essentially an alternate Acceptance, but i think highlights how it really does follow from Control's canon experiences. like, i could absolutely see an argument that Control canonically just has a dissociative disorder (Authority begins with a dissociative episode, his guides…).
funnily, it wasn't actually any of our idea to go "what if him plural". that was a friend lol.
XX02: Breaching
Finally, a conclusion. Denouement. Control let out the breath he hadn’t intended to hold.
my desire to copy canon's style means hooray narrative (and ghost) metaphors.
XX03: Returning
this chapter has the big freaking problem of being extremely important in canon but not at all changed by Control getting some Lowry commentary. i know one answer would be to just… not follow canon so closely, but shh.
what this means is that it's basically best to read this fic with a very good memory for what happens in Acceptance, which probably isn't great. (i fall into the exact same problem with Doubled)
XX04: Waking
ive mentioned this before, but isn't it fun that Lowry's first time fronting alone occurs off-screen and is never really discussed explicitly? something with Narrative there. (it's also fun how canonically that's just Control having a freeze reaction to the biologist anyway, "playing dead to keep his head")
XX05: The lighthouse
god we had the HARDEST TIME deciding what person and tense Lowry's sections should be in. there's several version of this chapter trying to figure out first vs second vs maybe just third? and present vs past. first person present eventually won out as Special enough, even if i struggle to write it (even more than second person). it also leaves second person for the voice of Area X-as-narrator later, which is probably better.
and then Absolution is just gonna be plain old third person past, boo.
XX06: Somewhere else
just some Control reckoning with wtf is Lowry even doing in his head. i mean, it's an important question, like the most important thing in the world for Control right now, but it's sorta hard coming up with scenes where he can both think/talk about that without just going in circles about how unanswerable it is.
XX07: The tower
i hope this chapter feels as Significant as i intend it to be. this is, after all, the real moment of divergence from canon: Control never goes down the tower!
there are, like chapter 5, versions of this chapter where the "beckoning" is in the first person vs second person, italicized or different fonts or right-aligned or not set apart from the rest of the text at all, etccc. i Care about this formatting stuff okay. (had to go digging into how AO3 work skins work at all in order to get the chapter numbers right, for instance, lol)
XX08: The border
it really strikes me, given what we've seen of Absolution, that Lowry should be way more over-the-top in his reactions here lol. he's not a quiet shut down type like Control; he's over the top and angry and should have, i dunno, punched a tree or something. oh well. maybe he's just relying on not being in the body to give him some distance from basically the worst thing imaginable that could happen to him in this moment.
XX09: The teeth
ok i told myself i wouldn't say this about all the chapters, but i think this chapter in particular should've been longer lol. i mean, it's a Good Chapter, but that's why it should've been longer! there's a lot of implications of things that probably should've been explored more. i'm thinking in particular of Lowry wanting to go retrieve the videos. this is the guy who retrieved the videos from the first expedition, as awful as that must have been. he's abandoning all that and the first expedition overall by leaving the SR building.
ah well.
XX10: The throat
i think im so clever for the "are you real" repeat
XX11: Humanity
after all that kerfuffle over whether Lowry would be in the first/second/third person, we actually hadn't considered what that would look like when Lowry and Control were blurring, whoops. so, good thing that we decided on the first person, because that makes blurring into "we" instead of like. "yall" lmao.
XX12: Exorcism
how do you write hypnosis (especially from the point of view of the hypnotized)
i mean the real point of this chapter is just "look at my theory/interpretation that Lowry's hypnosis is linked to Area X's narrative control and isn't that fun"
XX13: Memory
i don't know what to say about this one. character discussions!
XX14: Disposition
this is simultaneously a filler chapter and also i should've spent longer dealing with things like Lowry having food issues (which is something i had sorta drawn from Acceptance but here is influenced by all the Absolution tidbits in which he's obsessing over eating animals in Area X lol).
but mostly it's a filler chapter because by this point, i knew that the second half of the fic would use all the same chapter titles in reverse, and i have Disposition2 already written so Disposition1 has to exist.
Bonus Sneak Preview: XX15: Escape
obviously a lot of my fic-writing efforts have been spent towards WOE.BEGONE lately, but i think another reason why Automatisms has been going slowly is that this next chapter includes a large change in time and context. so, i'm sorta wanting to think through whether there's anything in the old context that I still want to do before i decide on A Change. but really i should probably just go ahead and do the Change. as hinted above, i have a lot of post-Change stuff written. :>
- ace and no Serpent as it turns out whoops
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yayeetsonny · 3 years
Always Tell The Truth Part 2 ~ USWNT x Reader
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Okay so if you haven’t read the first part of this, which I will put here. Always tell the truth part 1 I suggest you do that, otherwise this one will make no sense. Also sorry... again for being gone so long. I hope you guys didn’t miss me too much. :)
“Those bruises, Y/N, where’d you get them?” 
“I. Don’t. Know.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Fine then, don’t believe me. First Alex, then Christen and now you. This is just great, my teammates think I’m a liar. Well I’m not and I’m telling you the truth.”
I brushed by her and stormed out of the room, now determined to avoid my teammates so they’d stop asking questions and questioning my honesty.
“I’m not a liar. I don’t know where I got the bruises, I don’t know why they won’t believe me.”
After I stormed out of the room I share with Ali I ran... yes literally ran out of the hotel and out into the street. Well okay it was more like the sidewalk but whatever, I’m going for dramatic story telling here. I was angry, hurt and confused as to why my teammates couldn’t just believe me. I’ve never lied to them before, not ever. If something was going on I would have told them. And I genuinely have no clue where these bruises came from, I don’t remember hurting myself badly in practices or games and I don’t do any other crazy activities that would warrant the sudden appearance of severe looking injuries. I knew I just needed to clear my head so I started walking in a random direction hoping to get my thoughts together.
After a while I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and knew it was probably one of my teammates looking for me so I ignored it. My phone stopped ringing only for a short time before it stared up again. This went on for several long minutes before it finally stopped. After each attempt from whoever was trying reach me there was a separate single vibrate indicating they left a message. I felt a little guilty for disappearing and probably worrying everyone but they shouldn’t have assumed or accused me of lying. Thinking they finally got the message that I didn’t want to speak to them I continued walking god knows where trying to think of what to say when I finally decided to go back. I was really deep in thought, trying to remember if and when I got the bruises. Obviously they don’t just appear like magic. They have to be caused by something, but... what? All the sudden I was hit with a vague memory
“Huh?... Wha- where am I?”
“You fell asleep on the couch dear. Don’t you remember? It was really adorable actually. My mom said super sweetly.
That’s weird, she’s never overly sweet with me, like ever.
“No, I don’t remember doing that.”
I looked around and the tv was on, which is also rare. It was playing a random comedy movie. Comedy? My parents don’t even like comedy movies.
“Oh well you did. Right after dinner, you dragged your feet over to the couch and was out like a light before we knew it.” She said casually.
My dad waltzed in like everything was totally normal. What the fuck is going on. Why don’t I even remember eating dinner? How long have I been here? Why does my body hurt so much?
I came back to the present feeling slightly uneasy. I remembered now a little bit of what happened when I got to my parents house and a little bit of what happened after I woke up from my nap. They managed to convince me everything was fine after that and I left assuming they were telling me the truth because I was too tired and too annoyed to argue. But the more I thought about it the more I wondered just how much of what they said is true. Why were there huge gaps in my time with them? And why do I get the feeling that the weird gut feeling I have isn’t a coincidence? I got lost in thought again but it was peaceful this time and quiet which I was relishing in.
Unfortunately the peace and quiet only lasted for a few minutes when I started to get what I assumed were dozens of texts. I finally got fed up and decided to silence my phone completely. When I unlocked it I saw a glimpse of some of the worried texts from the team. They all pretty much said the same thing;
“Y/N please come back. I’m sorry for saying I didn’t believe you. I’m just concerned about you. I want to talk and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say. Just please come back.”- Ali
“Hey kid, heard what happened. Wanna talk?”- T
“Y/n where are you? I heard what happened and that you left?? please come back, we’re worried.”- Christen
“Bruh what the hell? let’s talk?”- Ash
“where r u?”- Mal
“It’s not safe for you to be out by yourself. Ali told us about the other bruises. Whatever this is we’ll help you. We’re gonna start searching for you if you don’t get your ass back here soon. We love you.”- Alex
And it went on like that as every single member of the team texted me some variation of that and the voicemails they all left were much the same. I started to feel more guilty but let my anger keep me from replying to them. They can stew a little longer.
Meanwhile back at the Hotel...
“Okay, so tell us exactly what happened.”
“I saw the bruises when she was changing, which I happened to walk in on. I don’t think she was expecting me. I asked her what happened and she said that nothing had happened and I asked her about the bruises I saw on her arm, shoulder and spine and she continued to tell me she has no idea where they came from. I told her I didn’t believe her and then she got upset and she just... left.”
“Just like that? She didn’t say where she was going?”
“No, she was so angry she just stormed out and when I tried to follow after her she was already gone.”
“And she’s still not answering her phone. Damnit kid come on, where are you?”
“She’s not safe out there on her own, we have to go look for her.”
“And how are we supposed to find her when she doesn’t have her location on and is doing everything she can’t to ignore us?”
“I have no idea but we have to try.”
“We will, but we should give her a little more time. It’s possible she’s just around the corner cooling off. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”
“You’re right.”
“Guys I hate to steer us back into more serious topics but shouldn’t we be talking about the bruises she has that started all of this?”
“What do you guys think they’re from?” Megan asked.
“I want to believe her when she says she doesn’t know but I mean how can you just not know about bruises as severe as those?” Ash said.
“I mean... I’ve had some pretty bad ones I don’t remember getting from anywhere.” Mal said off-handily.
I saw some of the rest of the team nod silently, indicating that they too had, had the same thing happen to them. And I had to admit that I had my fair share of bumps and bruises that I couldn’t explain because they just seemed to appear but I was still concerned for our youngest teammate as it was getting pretty late and it was already dark outside.
“Oh god, you don’t think it’s her parents do you?” Tobin asked no one in particular.
We all paused for a moment to process what she was implying and I know we were silently hoping, praying that they wouldn’t do that to her. That they wouldn’t beat their own child.
“No, there’s no way. She’s told us that they love and support her and that even though they aren’t around much they still care about her.”
“Right, you’re right.”
“It has to be them though, I mean there’s no other explanation. She didn’t have them before or after practice right?” Alex asked.
“No, she didn’t.” Lindsey said solemnly.
“Do you really think parents can just flip a switch? Just like that? Be caring and supportive one minute and violent then next?”
“It’s possible.”
“No, just don’t even go there. I refuse to believe they would do that.”
“We would have seen the bruises if she had them before, since we all change in the same locker room together for practices and games remember?” I said
“Fuck. When I get my hands on them I swear to god...”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence because Y/n walked into the dining hall where we were all gathered.
“Get your hands on who?” She asked quietly
“Y/n holy shit, thank god.”
“And she lives!... not the time? Got it.”
“Y/N... we need to talk.”
“Why? There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know what Ali told you, but I don’t know where these fucking bruises came from okay? I don’t know. I’m sorry, I know that probably isn’t what you wanted to hear but it’s the truth. If you don’t believe me that’s fine but i’m not talking about it anymore.”
“Sweetie please just hear us out okay? We’re worried about you and getting defensive about them isn’t helping your case.” I said, trying to reach out for her but she backed away from me.
“Defensive? I’m just upset because you all still don’t seem to get it.”
“We want to get it, please just talk to us.”
“Y/N, please just...”
“No! Okay, just no. I said we weren’t talking about it again and that’s final. What happened to “I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.” Huh, Ali? Good to know that was complete bullshit.”
“I’m sorry baby, please believe me, we just...”
“Oh believe you? For what? You clearly still don’t believe me so why should I give you that courtesy? You know what, this is all just fucking stupid anyways. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
And with that she disappeared up to the room she’s sharing with Ali. Leaving us all more confused and concerned than ever.
“Well... that went well.”
“Shut up Emily, so not the time.”
Okay so yes that is yet another cliffhanger of sorts, I’m sorry but I thought that was a good place to end it. Just know that Y/N genuinely doesn’t remember a lot of what’s going on, just like she says. Her parents are definitely sus asf.
I’m actually writing part 3 rn so that should be up within the next day or so. I know I keep disappearing but my life is totally a mess rn lol. I’m back now tho and am excited to finally get to all the requests I have. Im so sorry for those waiting I haven’t forgotten. Promise.
Not edited.
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maria-akira · 4 years
how you meet the ahs boys + their reaction while you're having a class - PART 1
hey yall im back again 🧍🏻‍♀️ is this what you call a headcanon?? idk BAHAHSHHA. anyways i've had this idea in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it to yall, so i hope you guys like it 😌
these also have a little back story on how you guys meet !!
also, special mention to @tatestripedsweater for helping me give ideas with jimmy's part !! thank you so much mwah 🥺❤
warnings: none! just pure fluff <3
please excuse any errors !
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before the pandemic, you and your family have moved into the murder house.
the house gave your family a very odd vibe, but nonetheless all of you had to bear with it because it was sold for a cheap price.
but when the pandemic arrived the country, you were stuck at home 24/7. thus, classes were online.
you met tate because of your father. tate was one of his patients and the both of you grew close.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
tate would randomly barge in your room while having a class and you would jump out of shock.
"Jesus, Tate. Stop scaring me like that!"
tate would giggle and lay on your bed, observing the lesson that the teacher rambled about.
while you're writing notes, he would stand up and take a chair from some part of your room and sit beside you.
knowing that tate is clingy, you would warn him not to bug you and behave while you listened in class.
of course, he doesn't listen and he would place his head on your shoulder and eventually would cuddle you.
"Taaate, please let me focus."
luckily, you always keep your camera off.
"Mmm, no. I enjoy bugging you."
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one time, you were driving to school on your own and you were almost running out of gas.
luckily, you saw a gas station nearby and decided to get a fill before heading to school. and there, you met kit.
when you first laid your eyes on kit, you thought that he was the prettiest man ever. you couldn't let this chance slip, thus, you exchanged numbers with him.
you talked all day and night, the both of you were so inlove with each other and you finally decided to introduce him to your parents.
your parents loved him and you were so, so happy.
but when the pandemic came, it affected your relationship with kit.
since all schools and unis were closed down, everything went online.
when kit stayed over, he couldn't spend a lot of time with you because you had to attend classes early in the morning, till afternoon.
"Can you stay in bed with me for a little bit, darling?"
unfortunately, you woke up late that day and you missed 10 minutes of your first class. and just like that, you were stuck to your desk until afternoon.
"Kit baby, I'm sorry. I'm late for my first class. Maybe later, okay?"
as much as kit hated this whole online class thing, he would always find a way to cheer you up.
thus, he would cook you breakfast and bring it over to your room.
"C'mere, I'll feed you while you listen and write down notes."
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madison, your friend, had bugged you all week to go with her to this college frat party near your house.
you weren't the party type. you loved staying at home, watching netflix or reading some sort of fan fiction on wattpad.
but you hated being single. so, this was your chance to actually get a boyfriend.
when you arrived at the party, you immediately hated it. everything was so loud and everyone was drinking, it was definitely a new sight for you.
you were sitting on a couch that was in the balcony, with a red cup that was filled with punch. you loved being away from the commotion.
this is where you met kyle, it was love at first sight. the both of you had so much in common and you thought that he was the man of your dreams.
you exchanged snapchats and from there, you were partners-in-crime.
you and kyle had stopped going to parties ever since the pandemic arrived, which means you got to see each other less.
since the both of you were students, both of your classes went online.
one time, kyle had no classes for a day and he decided to surprise you.
that day, you were having an online presentation. both your camera and microphone were on.
"Rene Descartes was the Father of Modern Philosophy—"
as you were presenting the slide show, you were cut off by kyle's presence infront of your desk.
"I brought you food, baby!"
you would shush him and suddenly turn off your mic.
"I'm so sorry, Miss. My boyfriend arrived and I—"
kyle would go beside you and kiss you on your cheek, your classmates and teacher cooing over it.
"Miss, you better give my girlfriend a good grade."
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*pretend that he survived the bus accident and had a coma, because we arent involving witchcraft here*
kyle and his fraternity were on a bus that was going to some college event at school.
on the way there, you guys snapped each other and his friends would talk to you as well.
unfortunately, they got in an accident and the bus was flipped over.
a few students, including kyle, survived the accident.
when you heard this news, you cried your heart out and you didnt talk to anyone in your family.
you and your family visited the hospital and you rushed to kyle's room, it broke your heart to see tubes in him, with machines that beeped like there was no tomorrow.
when the doctor said that kyle was in a coma, your heart sank in the deepest part of your body.
this made you stay 24/7 with him until he was discharged.
when he was discharged from the hospital, he was not his usual self. the bubbly, energetic kyle was gone. instead, he was so confused with everything.
kyle's mom made him stay with you until he got his memory back, and you were more than glad to help.
but this took a toll on your studies because your classes were online due to a pandemic.
everyday in class, you would let kyle sit beside you and let him observe what you were doing.
"We're in Science class, Kyle. You were really good in Science, you helped me alot with my homeworks."
most of the time, you would help kyle develop his speech and his writing. but it was difficult for you.
"S-Sci... S-Sci-en.. ce?"
"Yes, Kyle! Good job, now one more time."
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ever since you were a kid, you loved going to carnivals, your parents would always bring you there every weekend.
there were carnivals almost everywhere, and your family brought you to all of them.
to you, each carnival was unique. the clowns and magicians in each carnival had different tricks up their sleeve.
but as you grew up, these carnivals slowly went out of business. except for one, which was elsa's cabinet of curiosities.
you decided to visit it one day just for a trip down memory lane, you never really had expectations for this place.
when you arrived there, there were a few people that were seated.
the show started and it instantly made you smile, they reminded you of your younger days. oh how you wished to be a child again.
you watched through a few acts, and the last act was a man named jimmy darling
when he came on stage, you locked eyes with him. there was something about him that really struck you.
after the performance ended, jimmy ran over to you and got your number. from there, you always talked and you would visit him regularly.
the regular visits stopped when the pandemic struck the country, forcing entertainment establishments, schools and unis to close down.
for the mean time, all your classes went online. you told jimmy that he could stay with you until things went back to normal.
on an early tuesday morning, you were in english class. jimmy was with your parents preparing breakfast, and you were falling asleep while your teacher discussed about the odyssey.
unlike tate, jimmy would always knock on your door. as his mom always taught, never enter anyone's room without knocking.
jimmy would giggle at your sleeping sight, your head lowered and your hair messed up.
"Hey, sweetheart, wake up! You're in class."
jimmy's timing was perfect. as he woke you up, you were called by the teacher.
"Miss Y/N, Do you think Odysseus was loyal to his wife?"
obviously, you panicked. but jimmy was there to save you. since jimmy was fond of reading, he finished the book and he whispered the answer to you before you could turn on your mic.
"No, Ma'am. Odysseus had an affair with Calypso and Circe."
once you got your teacher's approval, you turned off your microphone and let out a sigh of relief.
"You're lucky that I'm here to help you."
jimmy would joke and you would jump up to him, tackling him into a hug.
"I'm always lucky to have you, baby."
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at a young age, you were exposed to different types of fabrics. denim, silk, corduroy, neoprene. they name it, you've probably seen it.
your mother worked as a fashion designer. she managed to open a shop in the city and it was a great success for you and your family.
your mother has styled famous models. because of this, the shop was promoted and broadcasted all over the country. one day when you came from school, you saw a long line outside the shop.
that day, the staff count was low. there were only 5 employees instead of 10. you didn't exactly know why, so you decided to help.
after what felt like several hours, the long line finally dissolved into 2 customers, which was a mother and her son. they looked through the shop and the mother instantly loved everything.
her son, on the other hand, was trying on this lilac tux that your mother made.
you assisted her son and when you locked eyes, the both of you smiled. you entertained him throughout his shopping spree and the both of you never broke eye contact.
this was how you met dandy. he made the first move by getting your number, and of course you gave it back.
from there, the both of you talked day and night, even when you were in school.
since dandy's mother, gloria, loved your mother's shop so much, she would invite you and your mother regularly to her mansion.
gloria and your mother got along very well, and it was like gloria was your second mother.
so when your mother went to paris for a fashion show, she let you stay in gloria's mansion until she came back.
but to your dismay, your mother was not able to come back due to a pandemic that was all over the world. flights, establishments, and schools closed down.
of course you were sad, but you didn't worry so much because gloria treated you like her real daughter.
classes were online and you were forced to attend them everyday in the shared room you had with dandy.
since you had to get ready for class early in the morning, you would quietly get out of bed because dandy was sometimes a light sleeper.
it was around 8am and you were in math class. in your school, cameras were required to be turned on at all times. you thought this was a shit rule, but you had no choice to comply.
you were drawing some circles with a compass for an example that was being discussed by your teacher, when all of a sudden dandy was beside you.
"Dandy, sweetie, what are you doing up so early? Go back to sleep.."
dandy would pout at the lack of attention that you were giving him. since he loved holding your hand, you let him hold your other hand that you didn't use for writing.
"You're doing Math instead of cuddling with me!"
i'm actually super proud of this omg !! i hope yall enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥺❤
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dylanxmin · 4 years
covered in you ∣ J.JK
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while your boyfriend having a casual play date with his mates, you decided to go horny.
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pairing; jeon jungkook x reader 
genre; smut, porn without plot(bc why not)
rating; m
warnings; teasing, slapping(face;), curse words, biting, light dom/sub tones, dom!jk, sub!reader, handjob, oral(m), cum eating, choking(on dick), drooling, sloppy blowjob, face fucking(:), exhibitionism?, and sorry unedited:(,, 
word count; 3k+
a/n; well, yeah.. im little bit turned on by jungkook and basically throwing my eagerness on here. i have no idea about games but here 7 pages long filth for you, lol. i need to make a whole masterlist for sudden!jk thirst bc i always end up writing sloppy smut out of nowhere lol. so hope y’all gonna love this, and feedbacks always, always appreciated. love y’all ♡
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It was silent, beside the rhythmed ticks of the clock, hanging lightly on the wall. An annoying reminder for you how many minutes had passed alone on the couch, staring at the screen that vibrates low voices, loud as humming, but enough to tingle behind your head. Warm brown couch almost captured your body as you were sitting on the same spot for more than two hours now. Figures of the body almost printed flawlessly on the wide cushion. Finger tapping at your chin simultaneously with every beat of the clock. You sit there, completely still, annoyed, and highly bored. Weather is now gleaming dark, lightened by the skinny street light. It was different from the moment you placed yourself on the couch. With that, a groan left your throat, how much time had passed got your dander up as you eyed the black door. Tongue licking the base of your lip, curling it between your teeth to nib. Soft sigh left your nostrils when you decided to wait no more. Now, it was time to put up a show. 
Of course it wasn’t just because you were annoyed, bored or equally got horny out of nowhere. Well, there is always a little chance of it but there is no need to discuss it. 
‘‘No, hyung NO!’’ respectfully discombobulated grunt find you when the hand grabbed the knob of the door. Voice flushing a biten smile at your face, grunt continued, equal a wail. ‘‘Not there of course. ‘M at top. Yeah, yeah, c’mere. I’m waitin’ ’’ cute, desperate whines hurries you further to crush the door right away but with a shaky breath, you let the brisk rousing slip away and turn the knob as humanly as you can. Furious tappings, thin sounds rising, mixing with the boy’s grunts as breaking the silence. 
You taken aback. 
For a full three minutes you stayed still only to watch, observe the familiar movements of the boy, back muscles excrescently visible under the black tee. And yeah, you stared at them in awe. Freakingly heart stopping act of him that he does unintentionally. Though, it did not stop you from having dark, soaked panties. Shaking the head right to the left to gather the senses back nearly helped you as you closed the door. Not forcing yourself to be quiet as under the headphones you knew he won’t hear a thing, still without knowing why, you tiptoed to get him. Biting the beaming smile, you knelt beside his ridiculously priced game chair. Too oblivious to the action going on right beside him, the dark haired boy grunts once again. Adding another drip to your stomach to gather your arousal as he kicked the table lightly, but it was enough for you. Aggressive enough to hitch your breath. 
A sharp greed stirring to your spin when the thick vein throbbed visibly on his neck, and stayed there for the good usage of your cravings. Guess seeing your boyfriend furious over a game is a turn on now. You refuse to be the only one who feels that. There must be more freaks like you. Because it was hot. Staying still as you knelt beside him, just a little bit behind of his chair, it was getting hard not to act obviously. As every passing minute increased the charming desperation, you tried to pressure it back with a brush of your legs. Not much, but it worked enough until the inhuman growl decided to leave his throat. Fuck, what was that again. It sounded beautiful, impelling. As you fucking whimpered loud enough for your ears. Nipples brushing the fabric, as they freed from the tight grip of your bra after the first moment you had that nailing urge. They almost irked back, burning hot behind your tee. And the highly focused boy startled with the touch of your fingers touching timidly at his arm. 
‘‘Huh,’’ soft breath mixing under the air, he opened his mouth once, closed, and opened once again but couldn’t utter a voice as focus gathered on the monitor. As angry voice reached you by the headphones, you understood why he couldn’t focus on you. ‘I said boss you fucker-JK what the hell are you doing?’ If you kneeling beside him, darting your eyes on him isn’t enough for him to focus on you, then you would gladly do more. Jimin could suck his own dick as he just ruined the moment you were about to play. Thrill spilling inside, you licked your lips. It sounded like a challenge. 
And you accepted. 
You giggled at yourself after passing over by his legs to curl into the space left behind his legs. Rather than expected, below the desk wasn’t that suffocating as you thought. Lighted fairly, air semi-fresh, you could hang in here. Well, hornyness weighed more than a good space to stay. It caused no harm, too. 
When you looked up after the restless shift of your boyfriend, you witnessed the firm head shake. Even though you love to play the oblivious, you knew what it meant. It was ‘no’, a severe one. 
Yet, it was a little too late for that. 
You already take this as a challenge and you had no intention to stop now. And by tearing his eyes away from you to land it on the monitor did not help you. Only increased the silly jealousy as you leaned a bit to lift his tee. Tail of the black fabric welcomed the fingers who’s about to pat the tanned skin, light as much, soft as much as they could. Right after fingertips meeting with his muscled stomach, they tighten, scoff blurting out of him as a reflex. Too bad that he can’t do anything about making you stop, as that would mean they could and probably would lose the game and they all will blame him. And Jungkook, never, ever lost a game. Or caused a lost. Also too bad for him as you knew him too deep. 
‘JK come to the mid.’ as the request didn’t get the expected return, the same voice echoed once again. Angry this time. ‘Kook you on?’
It took a minute for him to heal himself from the teasing touch you gifted. Darkness lightened by the blue, pink, and shade of the soft yellow, falls onto his face. His façade edged even more with the shades contouring his features, he looked god ish. Knot appeared between his brows after feeling the nails digging, tracing a track down until they reached to his crotch. Dick stayed half hard. Giggling you eyed him, caring his stomach until his muscles eased back. Contrary to the curses you heard through his headphone, you leaned till the tip of your nose brushed his velvety skin on the stomach. Choked breath coming out of him as you started to put soft, caring kisses all the way above the head of his sport short. From left to right, you kissed, wetted with each lick you gave as he tightened his muscles on the thighs. 
‘‘F-fuck,’’ he hushed out, too afraid to be heared by his friends because how the hell he could explain this. Exactly, he couldn’t. Murmuring satisfiedly, tongue trailed all the way up, stopped licking when you reached below the belly-button of him. Rather choose to circle your tongue around it, carefully slow. As no one needed to rush anything. 
‘You yelled at me but who is trolling NOW JUNGKOOK!’ 
You had to cover your mouth to prevent your laugh from going out. It was semi funny and semi exciting as the idea of your friends understanding what you were doing and how much you were affecting him. It was harmless to fantasies, but you had no idea how you would feel if it turned real. Still, it was rousing. 
‘‘FUCK. O-okay, okay.’’ the captured boy hissed out, fighting with the urge to kick you aside. Both because he didn’t know how you would react, and also, it was feeling good. Your fingers, tongue, lips felt amazing. Warm against his skin. So he didn't intend to lose it so quickly. ‘‘ ‘M just a bit confused. M okay, let’s get it.’’ 
Yeah, let’s get it. 
Fingers digging in theirs and yours one of the favorite spots of him after his doe looking eyes, and easily scrunched nose. His thighs. Thick, built, smooth thighs that you adored so damn much. Hiking up the cloth up, you resist the need of biting them down. Slowed circles were much better at first, and he was already tensed as one of his knees smacked high only to meet with the hardwood. It’s play time so you could take as much as time you want. Plus, he was kinda tied down by the chair so you could use this for the good usage. 
‘‘Ah. Nuh, no, not him hyung. FUCK!’’ Jungkook’s guttural cry left his lungs as the soft circles left their place to wet kisses, and then a harsh bite right on his inner thigh. Hard enough to leave a mark, but light, too, as the mark almost disappeared right away. Sloppy, wet licks tried to heal the bruise immediately, as you worked on him. His moans hit the very needy spot, made you clench around nothing to drip even more. Poor core pulsed, pulsed, pulsed until you couldn’t take more and spilled out a weak mewl. It reflected all the desperation you had, and the gamer couldn’t control his mouth before spitting a brutal slut right at your direction. Nails digging deeper on his thighs, you like the way how that word rolled out from his plushed lips. Attacking right into your spine. Yes, yes, yes, yes, was all you could think. You were a slut, indeed. But, of course, his teammates had no idea about what was going on here, as an offended shriek filled the room right after what Jungkook said. 
‘DID YOU JUST CALLED ME A SLUT?’ you could recognize Jimin’s extra thickened voice, and you giggled while putting now less soft kisses all over his thigh. ‘JUNGKOOK SPEAK. NOW’ and you bite his flesh once again, right when he was about to answer the man on the line. 
‘‘N-Ahhhh! No, no.’’ his fingers curled around your hair immediately, out of conscious. He locked his gaze on you after tilting your head a little back. Expression hardened, his jaw twitched. ‘‘I was talking with the slut that almost killed me.’’ you sobbed as the wave of hunger hit you on the right spot, after his hand left you with a semi slap on your cheek. It wasn’t enough, it didn’t even blushed the skin but you choked anyway. More, more, more of that slap is all you need at the moment. You knew that for sure. 
And you will earn those by the work of your mouth, tongue, and palm. As much as help you can get to reach the euphoria you want at the heat of the moment. 
To soothe the now reddened flesh inside of his thigh, you licked once, twice and once again. Every touch of the warm, wet muscle earned another squirm by the boy who tried very hard to focus on the game. Though, it was obvious that he was failing because voices rising from the headphones gave the clue of how he sucked at keeping a clear game. No lie, you like the effect you had on him. Has him hissing with a jerk of his knee, brought claps to the back of your head. Like you just win a prize. 
It seemed a bit like that. 
‘‘No.’’ Jungkook pleaded, eyes not on you but the shake of his head was, indeed, for you. As your fingertips hooked under the waistband of his short, cold tips of your fingers startled him as he was burning, flesh blooming hot. To his dismay, you felt a little rebellious today. Ready to take the risk of getting the kick, as you shoved his short down, forcefully. His clothed parts unfolded slowly. However, the kick never landed, the only reaction was him holding his ass a bit high to help you on making him naked. Muscles straining, his shaft meets with air. Hanging above his legs, all the stimulation had him angry red. Precum glistening on the tip, ready to spill all over his thighs, on the chair. 
You gulped. ‘‘Fuck,’’ now it was your turn to curse, as his dick never failed to surprise you. While waiting hard, thick, and crimson. Mouth watering view went straight to your core to poke the arousal now begin to drip. Wetting your lips to match them with your mouth and his tip, meager grab of your palm meets with his dick. It has Jungkook cursing more, an aggressive fist dropped on the wooden desk. He thrusts once out of habit, but immediately stays still. The boy’s face blooming scarlet, it was enough for you to gather your courage to dive in. As his body was craving you without any doubt. 
Full fist squeezed around the base of his shaft has the gamer crying out loud. It made your breath hitch. Jungkook speechless. Loaded dire placed on your stomach, yet it wasn’t unpleasant. Rather, hair stands on the edge, chest writhe in need. It was too pleasant. Too dreamy. A gasping view. 
But you couldn’t hold back, and leaned in. Wet tongue touches the base of his head, you blow air after moistening the place good. It could have been twitched without your tight firm, rather, he moaned. Then freezed. Momentarily joy died in his stomach as he remembered his friends were on the other side of the line. Eyes shut tight, he waited for them to yell or accuse him for something unmistakably obvious. You giggled at his fear, as he opened one eye below the furrowed brows. Carefully as afraid to make a sudden move. Unlike his terror, nothing happens. The other two boys continue to play without saying anything, but Jungkook finds it suspicious. Even though he was relieved. 
Not for so long though, as now the tongue starts to circle around the head of his cock. Small whimpers held back by him but you were bolder to spill them. Feeling hot, heavy between your lips, you like to suck him so much. Maybe too much as Jungkook pushed his hips high. So you continued, now almost half of him in your mouth. It was hard for you to take him at once, as the boy had the biggest one you ever laid on eye. Thick, also. Palm isn’t enough to cover him fully, when you dared. So you take your time while his nostrils breathe heavily. Precum becomes one with the salvia around his cock, you whined happily at the taste. It was always pleasant. Always tasty. 
Nails digging in the naked skin, you bobbed your head down. Throat stretching well around his stabbing tip. But you had no mercy on yourself or shame while diving deeper. Tip of your nose almost touches his pubes, a strangled hum broke out by the throat. And it has his dick twitch deep down in your throat. Which another broken moan rises from you as he was equally horny as much as you. Fingers ached to find your pulsing clit, but you stopped yourself before even daring as this was about him. And only him. Rather than touching your pussy, you grabbed his waist. Shape of his body always turned you on, same as now. You mewled while moving after adjusting your breath. 
Jungkook bites down his lips, too afraid to make another voice, challenge his change. Instead, he grabbed tight his mouse, almost crashing it. Ball of longing crawling onto his chest, stomach, all over his body while you keep the work of your mouth, tongue so good. It was stirring, heart stopping for both of you. Every swirl of your tongue, every hollow move of your cheeks drive him closer. Little by little, he felt the nudging delight getting closer and closer. And if you could, you would come undone, too, as the whole thing was too affecting. 
‘‘Stay.’’ hand grabbing the back of your head, you freezed cock so deep in your throat. As the command was too sudden, a slap found your stretched cheek after you swallowed out of habit. 
‘‘Hnngg,’’ you protest but do not dare to move, knowing it would be fatal. For you and the poor throat. Tongue waiting below his dick, feeling the pulse of his thick vein, you stayed there. Even though you practised many times breathing from your nose while mouth full, after long minutes, it was getting slightly disturbing. Not uncomfortable but unachievable for you. Butterflies burning one by one from the fire rising by your chest, you wait one, two, three minutes more until Jungkook shifts his hips. Only to choke you even more with his cock, rough beg of a moan stealing by your lungs, you wrenched under his hold. 
Hands finding the support by his waist, you let him move his dick in your throat. Not that you had much of a choice. Muffled noises leaving your chest, his thrust was hard enough to try your gag reflex. 
Eyes getting teary, you were drooling even more every time your nose hit his stomach. Wet sounds gurgled with every pressure of his cock, tears now mixed by tears on your chin. Creating a pool on his thighs and the dark leather. But you never tried to go back, stayed there like a good girl he wanted, let him use you face for a quick fuck. It was satisfying for both of you. 
His abs clenched, unclench as a warning. He was about to cum, and it had you whine even louder. You wanted to taste him, gulp down everything he gifts you, and lick him clean. Strong, hot hunger raised with every push as you were going to eat his cum like your last meal. Because it tasted like that. Delicious, salty, and warm all around your tongue, teeth. You clenched around nothing once again and held your position as Jungkook started to cum with a heavy groan. 
‘‘Fuck, fuck, FUCK!’’ no one mattered, as he was bursting white deep down on your hot, drooling throat. Thrill clouded his mind as he moaned loud, hard, and obvious while spurting, adding a new color to your throat. 
Jungkook continued to cum, dripping thick and hot. And you swallowed every one of them, eagerly, messily. Slurping, licking him clean when he dropped by his high. When every inch of his dick gleamed glossy, and cleared from his cum, you were satisfied when taken you head back after his big grip let you. You smiled ear to ear as the tired bliss beamed his face. It never stopped being fluttering when he looked so proud of you. Heavy breaths of yours cut harshly when headphones almost vibrate with the intense scream. 
Jimin’s voice had you two freeze, but after Teahyung started to laugh loud, almost wheezing, Jungkook and you joined him. But Jimin didn’t. As they were losing the game. And he was competitive as much as Jungkook. But right now, your boyfriend had something distracting. So he chuckled before landing an eye on you and smirked. 
‘‘Sorry, but I need to reward my girl.’’ he cocked a brow, hand moving to close the game. ‘‘As you all heard, she did a pretty good job. Right, baby?’’ 
Between Taehyung’s laughs and Jimin’s curses, your heart fluttered at the praise. It was all you needed, all you wanted from him. You watched him carefully while he put his headphones on the desk, corner of the lip curling high. A finger pointed at you, you wait for his word. 
‘‘Now, be a good girl, and turn your ass over here.’’ you cooed at his demand, wiggled your ass and presented him. Panties already soaked, you were needy as always. And he was feeding you good with his filthy words. ‘‘I’m gonna fuck you so good, so hard that you will afraid even to knock my door again when I’m playing.’’ 
With a harsh smack landing on your cheek, you were sure of that. ‘‘Yes, please.’’ 
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you can also find me on twitter  (no minor pls:)
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fanfic-cave · 3 years
The Reveal Pt. 2
Rating: SFW/PG-13
Word Count: 1.6k (nearly 1.7k)
Pairing: Hunter x Fem Jedi!OC
Warnings: Swearing (im too lazy to write the star wars swear words so its our kind of swears), trauma/fear situation, lightsaber/jedi things, mushy hug/romance, its supposed to be kinda intense and dramatic
Summary: You’ve exposed yourself as a Jedi to the Bad Batch, and not intentionally. Now its out in the open, and this ex-jedi needs to escape before things get messy. Will these rogue clones attack? Will you have to defend yourself? How will this end without someones blood getting spilled?
Authors note: Check out part 1 linked below, theres links to a few other fics i'd reccomend reading as well along this these! Theres like a tiniest bit of fluff here. I have a few other fluff/short things I want to post soon, and I have some ideas for giving the other TBB memebers some love since all I've been posting is Hunter stuff lately
Please enjoy!
Part 1 here
“Isn’t it obvious? Sera is a Jedi.”
Tech's words flipped the switch and you took action. You used the force and ripped your lightsaber out of your bag, ignited it, and took a defensive stance.
“Stay back boys” You wish your voice wasn’t shaking. The green glow of your lightsaber reflected on their surprised faces.
“Omega, stay inside.” You heard Hunter's voice, and saw him push her in, her eyes wide when seeing your weapon ignited. Wrecker took a step back, a look of shock on his face. Tech raised his hands. Crosshair eyed you suspiciously, he stood just behind Tech. You couldn’t see Echo.
“Hmm. Looks like I was right.” Tech said nonchalantly, like he had just proved a scientific theory. Well, I guess he did, in a manner of speaking.
You held your lightsaber with two hands, squeezing tight and ready to use it at a moment's notice. You started taking a step back. “Nobody moves. I walk away, and nobody gets hurt-” you sensed something in the force, and heard a minuscule movement, a blaster. You pointed your saber to Echo, who had just appeared at the top exit ramp “Drop it!”
“Easy Sera,” Echo spoke. “We’re all removing our weapons.” He looked at the rest of the boys and nodded. “See?” You watched Echo lift his blaster pistol, careful not to touch the trigger, and throw it. Crosshair dropped his rifle. Wrecker raised his hands up. “You’re a Jedi?” Wreckers face looked shocked and confused.
You tried to ignore the emotions you were feeling. You didn’t want to leave, you had happy times with them. But you were too afraid to take the risk of staying and finding out if you would survive. “I don’t want to hurt any of you” You took another step back. “Just let me go and I won’t…”
“We won’t hurt you Sera.” It was Hunter's voice this time. He stepped forward out of the Havoc, and walked past the boys. His knife and blaster were gone, left on the ship maybe. He held his hands out in front of him, slightly raised. He had a slight crouch as he came towards you, like he was approaching a wounded animal. His expression was hard to read still, but he had a slight frown on his face. You looked into his eyes and couldn’t look away. He held your gaze intensely, like he was trying to send a message to you through his eyes.
“Please,” you said, desperation in your voice. You tried to move your feet. You couldn’t, you were frozen by his look, held by him. You felt the same electric current drawing you to him, keeping you from leaving.
“We don’t have inhibitor chips, not that they worked too well anyways.” He lifted his headband and shifted his hair, pointing to a small scar. The rest of the boys did so similarly, showing they all had an identical scar on the right side of their skull.
You looked at them confused. Inhibitor chips? All you knew was that the clones executed the Jedi. Every Jedi. You didn’t know how, or even why, other than the Empire saying the Jedi committed treason.
Hunter had been taking small steps forward the whole time. Your eyes stayed locked onto his. Then, you felt something you hadn't in a long time, something you shut out.
You recognized the feeling of the force, it moved through you, awakening your force sensitivity. Maybe you reignited a severed connection by touching your saber again, maybe the strong emotions in you and everyone else caused the resurgence. Whatever the reason, you felt it move through you, connecting you to your surroundings.
After the battles on Umbara, with a lot of effort, you closed yourself off from the force. You realized now that it was never truly gone, and you had still been seeing your surroundings with your instinctual force sensitivity.
You hesitated and broke eye contact from Hunter, shocked at what was happening. You took a breath, and closed your eyes. You concentrated on the force, focusing on the feelings you felt now. Fear, love, sadness, anxiety, all of it. You quieted them, and then reached out. You felt a surge of more emotions. Worry. Fear again. But not a selfish fear. They were scared you would leave. You could sense the intentions of each of them, seeing a bit into their mind. You sensed no malice, no intention to take life.
You sensed Hunter step closer. He was maybe a foot away now. He reached out and touched your forearm. You took another deep breath, then opened your eyes, watching him. He reached his hand up to your face slowly, reaching for your mask. You made no movement to stop him, and he slipped it off of you, tossing it aside. Beneath it revealed your face, and he calmly looked into your eyes.
You realized he was trying to reassure you, comfort you. He wasn’t scared of you, despite the legendary weapon you held. You felt more hopeful, now that you saw nobody had tried to attack you. You turned off your lightsaber, never breaking away from his gaze, and dropped the saber to the ground. Everyone relaxed.
“What are inhibitor chips?” You asked. Tech launched into an explanation. The Kaminoans created the clones with chips in their brain, to inhibit the clones' cognitive functions and allow them to follow any order. Theirs were not functioning, save for Crosshair. Crosshairs face darkened as he mentioned this, he looked like he would rather avoid the memories all together. They retrieved him from the empire and removed all their chips.
The clones were forced to kill the Jedi. Thinking about it left a bitter taste in your mouth. The clones would’ve stood by the Jedi, their commanders, generals, and friends. The Jedi only wanted to protect the Republic. They were forced to murder them. They were all tricked.
But, the bad batch… your friends. You sighed. You’re safe. You don’t have to leave. “So none of you feel an overwhelming urge to execute me for holding a lightsaber? Or making a 40ft jump?”
“More like 45 feet, and no. We never were known for being rule followers.” Hunter said. He smiled a bit when he said it, and watched you process his words. You blinked back tears, and a smile spread on your face. You couldn’t believe that you were all going to be okay. A horror you felt sure of was now averted.
You felt the electrical current run through your body again as Hunters hand retreated from your arm. You looked up at him, tears threatening to roll out of your eyes. The current dragged you in. You walked towards Hunter, the heat of the moment sweeping you up. You slammed into him and wrapped your arms around his torso. You squeezed tight, and shut your eyes, tears rolling down. “You’re not going to kill me.” You spoke half laughing, half crying.
You felt his arms wrap around your shoulders, and return the hug, squeezing you back. He was warm. Compared to moments ago feeling terrified of death, the feeling of being hugged and cared for was euphoric.
Hunter pressed his face into your hair, and you felt lips press to top of your head for a brief moment. He bent down a bit and whispered in your ear “Never. You’ve protected us, and we are going to protect you.” A few more tears rolled down as he spoke, and you pressed your face against his chest. He made circles with his thumb on your back, seemingly to comfort you. The world around you just disappeared. It was just you and him. You could feel him take deep breaths, while yours were a bit more shallow and sporadic.
A minute or two passed, and suddenly you heard awkward coughing. You withdrew from the hug, looking to the rest of the boys. Hunters left hand remained on your right shoulder.
You normally might’ve felt embarrassed, but right now you were still just happy to be alive. You faced the rest of the group, feeling a little guilty. “I’m sorry everyone. I really thought you were going to kill me. I didn’t mean to frighten any of you.”
Wrecker laughed. “Don’t worry about it General, we don’t scare easy!” Your eyebrows knit together when he called you General.
“If we really wanted to kill you, it would’ve happened already.” Crosshair said. Hunter looked at him disapprovingly. You just laughed. “Thanks Cross.” He made a short nod, and walked off the ramp.
“To be honest, I’ve suspected it for quite some time. Your reflexes, agility, weapon skill with a blade, and extensive experience with alien culture and language all pointed to you being a Jedi.” You raised an eyebrow at Tech after he spoke.
“How long have you known?” You inquired. “Several months.” He replied. You sighed. “You didn’t tell anyone?” You asked. “No. I thought it was obvious.” He stated simply. He walked past you and typed into his data pad. “See you Sera.” He waved without looking up.
“Echo-“ You called up to him. “Don’t worry about it.” He waved off your apology quickly. You just nodded at him. He walked back into the ship.
You turned to Hunter. “Please don’t start calling me General…” He patted your back. “I’ll talk to them, don’t worry about it.” You breathed out a sigh in relief. You relaxed more and looked at your surroundings for a minute. Your eyes found the horizon and you saw a beautiful sunset beginning. “Thank you, Hunter.” The words escaped your mouth as you watched the sunset.
He squeezed your shoulder, which brought your attention to him. “You can breathe easy now.” The corner of his lips turned up a little. You returned the smile and nodded. He patted your shoulder, and it seemed like he didn’t want to let go. He eventually released your shoulder and walked back to the ship, you assumed it was to go to Omega.
You smiled to yourself as you stood alone. This changes everything. You felt more hopeful than you had in years.
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haztory · 4 years
𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝. (2)
-chapter two: the story of us; warnings for this chapter include a brief discussion and mentioning of sexual assault. it is not described in detail nor does it happen to anyone in this fic. i will not ever be using sexual assault as a plot device as i think that’s unnecessary. however, because it is prevalent in female culture, or at least the discussion of it is, it is briefly mentioned.
if this makes anyone uncomfortable, please skip over! i will not be offended at all! 
-summary:  His eyes are a sea of green that you can't seem to stop drowning in.
a/n: this chapter is a doozy yall, im so sorry. this is mainly to serve as complete exposition of reader and iwa, so it’s hella long. i had an original idea of how i wanted this to go and then i started writing and this happened. lmfao. thank you all for being patient and loving and your comments are so wonderful! i had midterms all last week and all i could think about was writing this! so thank you all and i hope you all enjoy! next chapter will be pure chaos and fun!
i was listening to “cloud 9″ by beach bunny for this chapter! so that might help you understand how i see reader and iwa <33
(w.c.: 8,662 words)
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You’re ten years old when you meet Iwaizumi Hajime for the first time. 
He’s an inch shorter than you, skinny, hair set in an unorganized mess of spikes, and he smells of sweat. It’s the least enticing first impression you’ve ever encountered, wondering briefly if this is what all of Miyagi Prefecture has to offer.
Because if so, you’re not looking forward to it.
He’s blocking the entrance to the neighborhood park with his bike, back facing towards you and an arm stretched outward-pointing at something across the park. The same park that your mother has forced you to attend, kicking you out of your new home filled with moving boxes, a warm smile on her face and a simple request to “go have fun”.  
A request that was starting to seem like more of a problem than you anticipated. 
You’re halted in front of the gates to the area for a solid minute, the boy in front of you being less than aware of your presence as he continues to shout from across the park.
“Grab all of them, Oikawa!” 
There’s another boy roughly the same age holding several items that look to be action figures close to his chest. His face is scrunched up and his shoulders slouched as he takes exaggerated sluggish steps while crossing the courtyard. He’s sweaty too, just like the boy in front of you.
“But there’s so many, Iwaaa. Can’t you help me?” 
“You’re such a baby, Oikawa.” 
The one named Oikawa is about to respond when he stops his movements altogether. He merely points his finger, eyes fixated on something behind his black-haired friend.
You realize a bit too late that he’s pointing at you.
The friend, Iwa as he was called, turns his head with a questioning hum, green eyes meeting yours. A sea of emerald. 
“Oh,” he breathes out, voice high in timber and flooded in awkwardness, raising his hand in a shy greeting, “Uh, hi.”
“Hi,” you respond in equal awkwardness, the kind that only a new kid can embody. Uneasiness has been settled into your bones ever since the move was announced, and now, as you stand before two physical embodiments of your displacement in this area, the feeling seems to sink even deeper into your stomach. “You’re blocking the entrance.”
“Huh? Oh! Sorry ‘bout that.” He begins a cumbersome shuffle of pushing the bike he was sitting on backward, small grunts escaping his mouth as he tries to make space for you to enter. It’s a slow process, considering he teeters from side to side and struggles to smoothly retreat from the space. Oikawa snickers in the background, some teasing words being aired that you are too far to hear, but they must be irking enough considering Iwa mutters a “shut up, idiot” in response.
The friendship is formidable, you don’t need to know them for long to see that. Envy and all its bitter acid coat your tongue.
“Are you the one that just moved in?” Oikawa speaks up.
You nod.
“How old are you? Are you going to Kitagawa Elementary? Have you already—”
Iwa interrupts the ferociously excited boy with a gentle scoff, “Calm down, Oikawa. Give her some air. Geez.”
“I just want to know more about the new girl, Iwa-chan!”
“Yeah, well you’re doing it wrong.”
Oikawa rolls his eyes and clutches the toys in his arms tighter, “You do it then!”
“Do what?”
“Introduce us! Make friends!”
“I think you blew it already.”
“Ugh, you’re no fun. If she’s going to the same place as us, she might as well join us! What do you say, new girl?”
You’re shaken from the brief exclusion of the conversation— realizing they’re including you this time—  when Iwa tears his eyes away from his friend and meets yours once again. Upon connection with the emeralds, your throat constricts your throat and the relief of ease washes over. The hesitancy that was bubbling in your stomach starts to dissipate when he looks at you— almost comforted by his dark yet steady stare— but the sense is quickly replaced by something else that shakes you. Your skin prickles, like fire ants marching up the pattern of your skin, and your palms start to sweat despite the cooling temperatures and the light breeze blowing against your skin. 
You’d have to tell your mom about this, just to make sure you weren’t getting sick.
“Would you like to join us?” Iwa asks. There’s no trace of a smile on his face but the invitation isn’t lacking in warmth. It’s a subtle kind, almost imperceptible if it weren’t for the look of curiosity residing upon his features. He speaks gently, like there wasn’t a distance between you two and another person listening in on the conversation, pointing his question and attention solely at you. There was a center of his gravitational pull and it was in your direction.
He’s waiting for your answer, and not the kind that results after courteously asking someone a question; You can tell he is really waiting, wanting to know what you say because his eyes hold onto yours in a way that is much more mature than a boy at the tender age of ten should be looking at someone.  
He’s sincere. He doesn’t even know you and yet he waits upon you as though your response were one he was to weigh considerably with his agenda. He’s a stranger, only said two things directly to you, and yet you feel weightless in the most minute of his attention. 
The rocks of anxiety that were sitting heavily in your stomach for the past month have disappeared and the answer that he waits so intensely for comes rather naturally. It’s the surest you’ve felt in a while. You don't know them at all, aren't even sure if you'll like them, but what would you be other than a fool to not follow the path of certain safety laid out in front of you, disguised as a black-haired boy with the spiky hair? How can you be sure unless you don't see for yourself?
“Yeah,” you sigh out, burdensome weight lifting off your shoulders at the answer, “Can I?”
“Yeah. You can.” He affirms with a nod, the corner of his lips quirking upward. Oikawa, rather befittingly, shouts a cheer, resuming his incessant chatter in throwing an onslaught of questions your way but you’re not listening. Pulled elsewhere you find your gaze being drawn back to the calm and steady boy, with the sea of emerald in his eyes.
“I’m Iwaizumi Hajime, by the way. And that’s Oikawa Tooru.”
“I’m (Y/N).” 
You spend the whole day with them, quickly finding a natural place in their relationship, serving as the happy in-between of the flamboyant nature of Oikawa and the pillar of stone that is Iwaizumi. It’s fun, the most fun you’ve had in the entirety of your move that you find yourself trying to make some kind of excuse to extend the day when the sun starts to set. 
But Oikawa has to go home, and so does Iwa, and the disappointment is more than apparent on your face. There’s the unmistakable promise of seeing one another again, that of which was affirmed when Oikawa held out his pinky for you to take and solidify the statement on.
“I can walk you home if you want.” Iwaizumi tells you after you both wave your goodbyes to the other brunet. It’s a godsend, a miracle from the heavens who heard your building plight and decided to spare your jilted mind with some form of comfort. 
“Oh, you don’t have to,” you tell him, purely as a formality. Your mother’s lessons of never burdening others kicking into gear at his offer, but you plead, secretly in the deep recesses of your brain that he disagrees. Hope desperately that he’ll take the initiative and stay with you just a moment longer. 
He shakes his head, bearing a toothy smile that is missing one of his canines. “I don’t mind. My mom always tells me to make sure girls get home safe.”
Calm, steady, comforting. You selfishly agree before you have half a mind to say otherwise, “Okay. I live this way.”
And as he trails beside you, holding his bike in his hands as he walks at the pace you set, telling you the details about his favorite monster movie, you find yourself incredibly enamored with the short, sweaty boy that hates green tea and loves summertime.
And not for the first time.
You’re thirteen when you realize that you have a terribly, horribly, deeply incessant crush on Iwaizumi Hajime. 
It’s lunchtime and while you’re usually quick to eat with the resident bickering duo of Sendai, they’ve ditched you for volleyball practice— and not for the first time. So you sit with your other group of close friends, the ones you made through the conventional school setting, and not because they impulsively adopted you into their routine. They’re the necessary and equal balance to the growing testosterone you religiously spend your weekends with, so ultimately you’re not too upset at being left behind for a sport. 
Besides, it’s nice to be surrounded by girls who talk about normal things instead of sweaty violent boys that only talk about volleyball and occasionally the things you like.
Mai, a girl with a short bob that frames her round face, shakes the table with her loud laughter, the curtain of her hair swaying in tune to her joyful movement. She was the first friend you made in this group, and easily the one you’re closest to. The complete opposite of Hajime if her unabashed, frantic excitement is anything to go by. But much like the spaces in this Miyagi heart of yours that’s dedicated to Tooru and Hajime, there’s one for her too. She grabs onto one of your arms and holds it tightly, seeking stability as her melodic laughter rings through your table. 
It’s hard not to laugh alongside her. 
“Please!” She begs Yua, a blonde girl in the year above you, and wipes her eyes free from the laughter-induced tears, “No more! I’m gonna pee!”
Yua huffs, shrugging her shoulders to say that Mai’s inability to hold her urine was beyond her control, “I’m serious! That’s how I found out Kaito had a crush on me!”
“And what did you do?” You ask, laughter lacing your own words at the tale Yua expertly weaved, describing in excruciating detail how Kaito from your third period wrote a love letter comparing Yua’s lips to that of a whale as if that was somehow a compliment.
“I ran away! What else was I supposed to do?!”
Mai howls with laughter, her body being thrown against yours and her arms flailing with the movements, unable to contain herself. You’re almost identical, finding that you follow Mai’s gesticulation in perfect countering. Where she pushes you left, you move in sync, allowing her to lean her weight on you as you both lose yourself in the story.
For as much seriousness as she tries to implement in her words, the quirking of her lips betray Yua, “Laugh all you want, but wait ‘til this happens to you! Then you’ll get it!”
“I don’t think Mai and I have to worry about that,” you tell her, the remainder of your laughter dying out of your words. Mai snaps upward, her body no longer slumped against yours, and instead of facing you with furrowed brows and an offended expression.
The two friends speak simultaneously, one with indignation and the other with confusion “Why not?”
The pointedness of the question makes it seem as though your words were wrong, a misstep in a direction that you have to apologize for. Regardless of whether or not you know why. “Uh, ‘cause no one likes us like that?”
Mai scoffs, crossing her arms and tilting her nose upwards, “Speak for yourself.���
“Sorry, no one likes me like that. So I don’t have to worry.” You say with a smile punctuating the statement with a scoop of rice into your mouth. It wasn’t a statement meant to be considered deeply, it was a simple fact. There were hardly any thirteen-year-olds looking your way, and even if there were, it wasn’t like your attention was focused on them either. All the boys in school were either too annoying or too stupid.
Except for Hajime. He was the only tolerable one. Oikawa fell into the “too annoying” category. But you still loved him—sometimes.
Yua and Mai share a glance, a fleeting look before they look back at you, “You’re joking, right?”
You look up from your food to meet their furrowed stares, “What?”
They share another glance, Mai answering Yua’s silent question with a shrug of her shoulders. You’re completely left in the dark. “Wait, what’s going on?”
“Okay, so what if,” Yua begins, the familiar teasing lilt that you’ve widely associated with the blonde returning, stressing on the ‘if’, “someone did like you. What would you do?”
They both look at you with waggling eyebrows, like they’ve cornered you into the exact hypothetical they want you to be in. While this isn’t necessarily an unfamiliar place to be in, it is a weird one, considering you and boys have never really been the topic of conversation unless Iwa and Oikawa were somehow brought up. But your friendship with them was well known and not exactly hidden at all. It wasn’t sensational, nor was it the topic of gossip. Neither was the fact that you aren’t exactly the kind of girl the boys of Kitagawa First were looking at if they were even looking at girls.
“But no one likes me like that.”
“Answer the question.”
You gesture in exasperation, “I don’t know! I’m not really into anyone like that, so I guess I’d say no?”
The two girls pause again, sharing another look. 
“Okay, can you two stop that?”
Mai speaks up this time, almost disbelieving, “You really don’t like anyone?”
“Am I supposed to?”
Yua sings, “Not even Iwaizumiii?”
The chopsticks that you held deftly in your hands go limp and a straight shot of shock runs down your spine. Time stands still in this cramped cafeteria and it feels like your head has been dunked into a bucket of cold water, halting the train of thought and highlighting every possible exit in this building.
The red lights of panic have turned on in your brain and they’re screaming at you to run.
“I— I don’t— what are you guys talking about?” 
Your two best friends, who now resemble Satan’s assistants more than anything remotely positive to you, share their third unspoken glance, and you’re about to lose it. 
“So,” Yua starts again, tearing her sly eyes from Mai’s excited ones, “You do like him?”
Code red. Abandon ship. Abort. R-U-N.
“No! He— I— We’re just friends!” 
“Oh my god!” Mai slams her hands on the surface of the table, her brown eyes boring into your widened ones as she leans over to invade your personal space and poke your chest.
“You like him!”
The brain that is usually so quick with an excuse, trained to be sharp-witted and smart from years of intense teasing from Tooru and Hajime, suddenly feels like mush in your head. Ooey, gooey mush that can’t come up with anything but stuttering, “N-No” at the idea of having some romantic inclination towards Hajime. The best friend you hang out with every weekend; The boy that always walks you home and always makes sure your comments are heard; The spiky-haired idiot with a sea of emerald in his eyes that you always seem to drown in.
But, that’s not— that doesn’t mean— No. 
You don’t like Hajime like that. He’s just a really really good friend. That you enjoy spending time with. That makes you feel comfortable with just a single look. The friend that you always want around, regardless of the kind of day. Yeah. That’s it. 
Hajime is just that kind of person.
Yua gives an unconvinced hum and taps her bright pink nails on the table surface, “When you think about another girl liking him, do you get jealous?” 
Mai backs up from your face to give a wide smile at the blonde, pointing at her wickedly and almost shouting, “Ooh! Good question!”
“Thanks, I read it in my sister’s magazine.”
Mai turns back, almost touching your nose with hers, “Well? Do you?”
The “no” is on the tip of your tongue as an instinctual defense against this personal interrogation, but it doesn’t come out. Partly because of the mush of your brain but also because you know any denial of that question just simply isn’t true; Because when Saran followed Hajime around all day in grade six, you distinctly remember being in a foul mood for a while.
A mood that could only be fixed when Hajime indirectly affirmed that he did not like her.
Oh god.
You like Hajime.
You like his stupid face and his stupid laugh and the stupid way he teases you and the stupid way he makes you feel.
Your friends laugh in your face for a solid minute while you hang your head in your hands, certain that your life was completely over with the new revelation. Yua is the instigator, teasing you relentlessly over the silent confession while Mai asserts that this is the beginning of a fairytale. 
She says it with such conviction that you’re almost inclined to believe her until reason kicks in, and the shamefulness of the situation kicks in. You push it down, fine with keeping the acknowledgment exactly where it is, right under your thumb. That is until Oikawa finds out about it and then suddenly, it’s no longer in your control.
You’re fourteen when he corners you after school. He’s walking you home, taking Hajime’s usual role when said boy and subject of your plight had to stay home with the sick. 
You don’t think he’s going to bring it up, hardly aware he even knows about it, but he does making you choke on your spit and trip over a crack in the sidewalk. He clutches his stomach in a guffaw. 
“Did you really think you could hide it from me?” Tooru teases, his finger poking at your heated cheek that you quickly swat away. 
“I’m not hiding anything, Tooru,” you mutter, keeping your head turned downwards. If Oikawa even sees a smidgen of embarrassment he would never let you live it down.
“Oh, please. You’re so easy to read, especially when Iwa-chan is around. You’re all, ‘oh Iwa, you’re so smart and funny. I want to be with you forever. Mwah, mwah, mwah!’” His hands are interwoven beside his head and he attempts a poor, high-pitched imitation of your voice. Again, Oikawa Tooru belongs in the “too annoying” category that most eighth-grade boys find themselves in. 
You lift your left leg, thrusting your shin outward to kick the taller boy in his behind, a move all too familiar. Really, Oikawa should have seen it coming, having had it done to him so often by Iwaizumi. He’s too swept up in the antics of teasing, though, that it surprises him and the pain in his bottom is sharp. His hands cover the stinging area. 
“Ow, (Y/N)!”
“That’s what you get for being stupid.”
“See! You even act him like him!”
You raise your fist upward and he raises his hands in defense, cowering at the threat of more pain, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
He lowers his hands, one eye closed and the other peeking from behind his lowering fingers, “Gosh, so violent. I’m only trying to help!”
“I don’t need help.” You grumble.
You continue your trek onward, desperate to put as much distance between yourself and this nightmare of a conversation. But it’s not that simple. There are now three people that have realized the truth of your crush in less than a year— all of which are your closest friends. It’s only a matter of time before the friend above them all realizes it too. 
Worst off, only a matter of time before someone tells him. 
You turn towards Tooru with a speed that has him flinching and thrusting his hands upward for protection again. A yelp echoes around the empty street and was it not for the intensity behind your desperation, you probably would have laughed.
“Tooru.” There’s a rasp in your voice, one that you aren’t exaggerating. It makes Oikawa uncomfortable hearing such a serious depth to your previously annoyed cadence. In his continuously growing height, he stares down at you, fear crumpling his face.
“Don’t say my name like that—”
“You cannot tell Hajime.”
He straightens his posture out, hand rubbing the back of his neck. A brow is raised quizzically, “Isn’t that the whole point of having a crush? So that you can eventually tell that person about it?”
It’s not like you expect him to understand, hell, you don’t even understand it yourself. All you know is that Hajime cannot know about it; There are too many factors, too many problems that can happen. Besides, you’re sure it’s just a tiny crush, one that will go away after a couple of months. 
And even if it didn’t, you still wouldn’t be able to tell him. Because you’ve been best friends for four years now, and if there was anything remotely remarkable about you, you’re sure something would’ve happened already. Because Hajime is strong, decisive, and steady. If he wants something, he goes for it; And if he wanted you, in any capacity like the way you want him, he would’ve said something. 
But he doesn’t because you’re his best friend. Nothing is outstanding about you, nothing that would make you more than just the girl he’s friends with. Nothing that would make you any different from “just one of the guys”.
He would never see you as anything but. 
So, it’s just easier to have Hajime as a friend than to risk it all for a likely rejection. You could swallow the feelings, bury them deep inside of you for the rest of time. It would be significantly easier than never talking to him again because you couldn’t be a big girl and not make things awkward. 
You try to tell Oikawa as much, “It’s— I just— It would be easier if he didn’t know. It’ll go away soon.”
The brunet tilts his head to the side, kind of like a pouty puppy. When he’s not being a teasing butthead, he’s rather gentle with you, considerate of your emotions, and above all, eager to understand.
“Do you want it to go away?”
“Like I said, it would just be easier.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
A quiet settles between the two of you and it feels like it’s oceans wide. You, stranded out at sea in the terrorizing waves of emotions, and he, the lighthouse built on the rocks. Tall and fixed, beckoning you towards his stable ground of reason. It’s a brief reminder that when Oikawa tries, he’s not that annoying. He’s rather kind and empathetic.
“Do you want Hajime to like you?”
The deep cocoa eyes dig into you and the waves crash even more ferociously around you.
Cotton dries up your mouth, and the ache that always pains your heart whenever you think about Hajime returns in full force, “He never will.”
Oikawa huffs out a breath, back becoming imperceptibly straighter while he crosses his arms. It’s hard to imagine him as anything but that sweaty boy you met on the playground, but he stands before you a giant, body filling out from all the volleyball practice and the baby features of his face evening out to become the handsome boy girls were starting to see him as. He radiates his kind of steadiness, one different from Hajime, but equally as comforting.
It’s admirable— he’s admirable— when it's not pinned against you.
“And how do you know?”
“Tooru,” you sigh, exhaustion suddenly creeping up your shoulders along with the overwhelming urge to cry, “Please.”
You don’t feel like explaining all the intricacies of your perceived inadequacy and thank the gods above he’s a good enough friend to know when to stop prying, “Fine, fine. I’ll leave it alone. For now.”
You stare up at him, searching his face for any notion of deceit or subterfuge, “You promise you won’t say anything?”
“Yeah, yeah,” He waves his hand in dismissal, rolling his eyes in that way that portrays annoyance but the love is there. He understands you, at least. 
You hold out your pinky for him, “Pinky promise?”
“What are we, ten?” 
You hold your finger out further, almost waving it in his face. It’s the staple of trust in your friendship, instituted early on between you and him, and only you and him. He can’t back out now.
He takes it with a sigh of his own, huffing out his breath, and twisting his long, slender finger with yours. You shake his hand in affirmation, letting go only when you feel comfortable in the validity of his promise and resuming your walk home. 
He throws an arm over your shoulder, squeezing you tightly to his body, “Eventually you’re going to have to say something.”
“I know.” 
“I hope you know I’m never letting you live this down.”
“It’s like you want me to hit you again.”
Maybe he’s right. Maybe in the future, when you’re more comfortable with the fact that it’s your best friend of all people that gives you butterflies in your stomach, you’ll do something about it. But not right now, not when he spends all his time in volleyball and especially not when you were barely confident in yourself. Or maybe, it’ll go away, and you can look back on this as a funny memory rather than anything serious.
You’re fifteen when you finally accept the circumstances and become resigned to it. Finally understanding that your crush is more than just a crush, but knowing full well that that’s all you can let it be.
Hajime sits on the floor, surrounded by your regular friends plus a couple of others at Oikawa’s birthday party when he says it. You’re not supposed to hear it from your place in the kitchen, but you do and it’s a dagger to both heart and confidence. He’s confirmed everything you knew and quelled any potential rebuttal of thoughts Mai or Tooru have planted in your head. 
You were stupid to think Hajime could ever see you as anything more than the girl he’s just friends with.
Your appetite quickly dissipates and you have to work extra hard to make sure pure despair doesn’t show on your face. Especially when Oikawa hears it too and he makes that face that looks like he wants to give you a hug, which makes everything ten times harder.
A kid named Matsukawa is the one that asks. You don’t blame him. He’s only fifteen, after all, asking what normal fifteen-year-olds normally talk about.
“What about (Y/N)? Would you date her?”
Hajime scoffs, a laugh on his lips as though it were the weirdest question he’s ever heard.
“She’s my best friend. That would be like dating my sister. I don’t like her like that.”
You’re fifteen and you’ve become resigned to it all, because it’s better to have Hajime as a friend, than to never have him at all. Because you would never have him; At least not in the way you want. 
You don’t blame him for that either.
You cry about it later on, after the party is over and after you deny Hajime’s insistence to walk you home. He has a weird look on his face when you tell him you’ll be fine, your house is only a few blocks away. He wants to fight you on it, can see the argument forming it in that storm of green. It’s a shitty feeling to deny him so blatantly, but you really can’t stomach being around him at the moment. Not when your heart pangs longingly for him and your insecurities increase tenfold at the confirmation of your inadequacy.
Not when all of this is happening at once, showing as clear as day on your face, and he sees it. Worst of all, not when he wants to solve it, hardly understanding that he’s the cause of it.
His eyes narrow, staring intently as he studies your features. The scrutiny is uncomfortable and if he does stares a second longer the tears will fall.
“Did… something happen during the party?” Hajime asks hesitantly. There’s a whirlwind of possibilities crossing his mind, all indicating rather unsavory and horrifying ideas that have his worry bubbling beneath his skin. You’re barely meeting his gaze, hands clasped tightly before you and body way too stiff. The complete opposite of your normal demeanor, especially around him.
Usually so open, so vibrant. And here you stand before him, the dark of night surrounding you and the fluorescent glow of the streetlamps casting a ghoulish light on your face, exaggerating your dejected features more prominently. 
He’s heard of worst-case scenarios when girls and boys get together, something mentioned in passing when his mother was on the phone with his aunt. He never really thought much about it, considering he would never do something like that and he doesn’t hang around many girls, to begin with for something like that to be an immediate concern.. 
In this stark contrast of a moment, however, he’s briefly reminded of the fact that he so often tends to forget. You’re a girl; A living, breathing, pretty girl. Everyone likes you, would be fools not to. And while he would never allow himself or anyone else to force themselves upon you, you weren’t with him for the whole party. Disappearing for a brief moment after he saw you enter the kitchen. The idea of something like that— something that horrible— happening to you under his nose has all of his instincts on fight mode, forget the flight. A shattering of the innocence he was so previously impervious to. 
The implication is clear in his voice accompanied with the fear-stricken features, so you can hardly miss what he means. 
“Did— Did anyone…?” His voice cracks and he hurriedly tries to clear it up with the clearing of his throat, but you heard it. It happens often when he’s wrestling with an onslaught of emotions, trying his hardest to remain calm and clear-headed and focused that sometimes his voice just gives out. Also, puberty.
The act doesn’t matter though, not when he’s silently amping himself up to fight someone if you were touched inappropriately. He would win; He’s been in a couple of fights before, usually off school property, he doesn’t mind getting into another one. Not if it was for you. And he would win; Would make sure of that.
The tussle for calm is transparent on his face. Lips struggling to stay in a closed, neutral line rather than the frown he has to hold back. His fists clench, blunt nails digging into the skin of his palms to alleviate the growing anger, only to prove futile. He so badly wants to grab you by the shoulders, shake you furiously, ask what the hell is going on because you’re never like this—
He doesn’t. He knows better. Even if the suspense is driving him up the wall and the tension that encapsulates the empty street is thick and choking him. 
Finally, you say something.
“No, Haji,” you say softly, “No one did anything to me.”
It’s what Iwaizumi wants to hear; Should be ecstatic to know that you are physically unharmed, free from the taint that comes with a foreign touch, the one he’s intent to protect you from. Your voice is too quiet though, and the smile you give him is too small for him to feel any modicum of ease. You're lying. Someone did something.
“I’m fine, really!” You try again, amping up the energy to convince him. It falls flat. 
“(Y/N).” That spiky head of hair tips forward, pushing himself in your averting line of sight, refusing to let you hide from him. He’s taller now, finally taller than you. While his hair is still that fluff of mess on his head, his eyes are still that piercing green that can always read you like a book and his favorite season is still summer, only this time he no longer enjoys going to the park, but instead the beach. 
He’s the same Hajime you fell in love with and the remainder is enough to cause a lump swell in your throat.
“What are you hidi—”
The familiar melodious voice rings out in the empty street, its owner sauntering his way over to your departing figures. There’s that recognizable air of flowering confidence rolling off of him like a humid heat and the sly shining of his pearly whites that serves as a buffer from the thick air of tension between you and Haj— Iwaizumi.
Just, Iwaizumi. No added affection.
There's magic in Oikawa’s stroll, you’re sure of it. It looks perfectly coincidental, like he just so happened to stumble upon a tense scene, instead of the very much needed and purposeful intervention for his emotionally crushed best friend and worry-fueled other best friend.
And they call him the idiot.
He sighs that flowery breath of his, throwing his arm around Iwa’s shoulders and watching the desperation that filled your gaze wash away with relief at his intrusion. Iwa’s confusion only seems to increase, but truthfully, Oikawa isn’t too concerned with his hard-headed friend. He’s really only keen on getting you out of there— out to safety and away from the source of your heartbreak.
“Iwa-chan, you have to go set up the movie player. I have no idea how to work it.”
“I’ve shown you how to do it four times, Tooru.”
“But it’s so much easier when you do it. Don’t worry, I’ll walk our precious flower home while you set up for our sleepover.”
Iwaizumi hesitates, his eyes bouncing from the self-assured smile of Oikawa to your downturned gaze. There’s something wrong, he knows it. But it’s obviously a secret he isn’t allowed into. 
He won’t pry, he’s never been one to beg for secrets— never been one to want secrets told to him at all. However, there’s a particular sting at knowing that it’s you who’s hiding something and refusing to tell him. That there’s something Oikawa is aware about, that he isn’t allowed to know.
It’s not his business, he surmises. You’re not his business. He swallows that bitter pill, accepting Oikawa’s offer with a brief nod. He’s not happy, that’s plain to see, but he knows better than to insert himself where he’s not wanted.
Calm, steady, comfortable. Iwaizumi will fight for what he wants, but not when it hurts you in the process.
He bids you a brief goodbye, voice tight and rigid, clearly displaying his dissatisfaction but accepting it nonetheless. He doesn’t even look back at you. It’s what you want, you suppose. Some distance from him for your benefit, so you can at least try and forget about how you feel; Save yourself from the devastation of falling even deeper in love with him. 
He enters Oikawa’s house. It’s a place you’ve been many times, slept over on many occasions yet, when Iwaizumi crosses the threshold with a strain on his shoulders and a grimace on his face, you can’t help but wonder if he’s finally going someplace that you can’t follow. If you’ve spent all these years pining over him, wondering if you would ever be enough for him, only to push him away into an area of no return. 
Oikawa doesn’t give you a moment to think long about it before he’s ushering you away from the crime scene where your uncontrollable and childish feelings have brutally injured a fraying friendship and guiding you home. He talks the entire time, about everything and nothing, and you’re rather grateful for the background noise. To finally think about something other than your broken heart and Iwaizumi’s betrayed face. 
He leaves you at your door with the promise that things will get better, that it won’t hurt so much, and that he’s always there for you. He places a sweet kiss on the crown of your head, turning his back with a final wave and leaving you alone with your thoughts. The promise of meeting one another again is unspoken, instinctive. You know deep down, though, it’ll be different from here on out. You’ll have to be more careful, more guarded with the things you say and do.
You wonder if Iwaizumi has as much trouble sleeping that night as you do. 
(He does. He doesn’t sleep at all.)
Things do get better, which is a blessed curse. The tension eventually resolves after a couple of weeks of tiptoeing around each other. Normality returns in full-swing and you’re able to talk to Hajime without the overwhelming feeling of guilt and need to explain everything; If he holds any issues about what happened that night, he doesn’t mention it, following your lead and letting the friendship return to normal.
The problem lies in the fact that Oikawa was ultimately right, and he makes a point to show that he’s right. That things did get better, and the fragmentation of your splintering relationship with the boy you love eventually gets patched up.
Life moves on.
The feelings don’t go away, but you get better at managing them. It’s significantly easier to push the pining down and not think too much about any passing romantic comments in school that pair you and Iwaizumi together; Nor do you think twice about the harmless flirting that occasionally comes your way. You dish it back, continuing the joking nature of the friendship and after a while, it doesn’t hurt so bad. You exit the stages of puberty and things don’t feel as hectic as they once were. 
The turbulent waves of emotions finally die down to a steady roll, and for a while, you’re able to float. It’s safe, peaceful, exactly how you want it to stay. 
That is until you’re seventeen, almost eighteen, and Iwaizumi asks you to be his fake girlfriend. The waves pick up steam and you’re drowning again. You have the girls of Aoba Johsai to thank for that. 
This time though, you’re determined to protect yourself. The anxiety of it all starts to settle in between your shoulders and instead of falling victim to the whims of an unsuspecting Iwaizumi once again, the urge to protect yourself and your pathetic emotions takes precedence. You will not be reduced down to the unconfident, love-sick girl you once were; You’ve worked too hard to do that. You matter more than Iwaizumi’s stupid girl problem.
It’s why you don’t think twice when you blurt it out after agreeing to help.
“We need a contract.”
“A contract?” Hajime parrots back, broad arms crossed over his equally broad chest and the intense training you’ve instilled in yourself to not stare at him meets its limitations, lest you stoop down to the level of the girls he’s so desperate to evade. He’s grown so much, physically and personally, that it's hard to not look at him. You force yourself to glance around the crowded cafe, look anywhere but his veiny arms, and instead replace your view with the small restaurant you two frequent every Monday— the only day he has off from volleyball practice. 
It’s a small establishment that sells teas and noodles, a pleasant find to make one day when the both of you were hungry pre-teens and full of time on your hands. It’s usually rather empty during this time as it’s just out of the line of sight to avoid the after-school rush of students, but today the line extends outside of the door, all attendees eager to have a taste of miso ramen and pushing against bodies to do so. The people behind you are respectful enough to give you as much space as one can afford in the cramped venue, but you end up still having to press yourself into the stiff body of the boy— no, man— beside you. 
You have the decency to look at least a little uncomfortable in the tightness of the situation, but Hajime shows nothing. Whether it’s because he doesn’t even care that your chest is bracing against his arm or he’s too distracted with the complicatedness of his “girl” problem, his face betrays no embarrassment at the closeness. No frustration, no discomfort, not even annoyance. He merely exists, dealing with your body pressed against his as if this were a regular occurrence and not an awkward preemption to the farce that you’ve stupidly agreed to. This would surely haunt you for the rest of your years. 
This man of steel, this monolith of lean, corded muscle, was going to be your “boyfriend” for the next couple of weeks. You would be lucky if this arrangement even lasted for that long considering the confession of pure unadulterated adoration is crawling up the canal of your throat and tearing the fabric of your skin, sticking a middle finger at the rational parts of your brain trying desperately to hold it back. 
Your fate is signed, knowing full and well that in your inability to deny Hajime— especially when he’s so desperate, which is a rarity in and of itself— you’ve willingly agreed to have your dignity and confidence stripped from your person and your feelings thrown in a loop for the sake of his sanity. 
It’s annoying. Every potential hypothetical plays itself in high definition across the theatre of your mind and each one ends with you being brutally rejected once again. There’s no way you could handle something like that again, no matter how much you’ve matured. 
This is a bad idea, and you need to tell him that.
But then the sight of pleading jades enters your vision and you distinctly remember the permanent frown that etched itself on Hajime’s face these past three months. Remember how the feelings of deep discomfort forced him to confide in you on a late-night phone call when sleep evaded him and he detailed the dread he felt at the prospect of going to school the next school day.
If your mouth even opened a fraction to breathe, you’re sure the “I’m in love with you and have been since sixth grade” will come tumbling out, but even the fear of that happening doesn’t overpower the overwhelming desire to help the man you’re madly in love with.
There’s a limit to what would be forsaken in the name of Iwaizumi Hajime’s happiness, but your sanity isn’t it.
The situation worsens when the subtle shifting of the patrons behind you throws you off balance and forces you impossibly closer to him. The shuffling of feet knocks into your own, tilting you off balance despite your leaning against Hajime. A rebuttal is on the tip of your tongue ready to be released in rapid-fire when Hajime beats you to it. 
He quickly wraps his arm around your waist, allowing your unsteady feet to find balance against his lean body of stone, clutching you tightly to his side as if the accidental push against you were a personal offense. 
The protective nature that so often lies dormant in his personality rears its head forward and you swear your heart stops beating altogether. 
“Easy,” he mutters, a layer of strict dismay interweaving in his words as he casts a pointed side glare at the two boys standing behind you. You hardly hear it, much too occupied with trying not to drown in the sudden flooding of his cologne in your nostrils. 
Musk and spice. His usual scent, but even more addicting when it’s this close. 
This is a bad idea. This is a horrible, bad, awful idea. Bad, bad, bad idea.
You have to end this. You won’t survive this. 
“C-contract.” You, somehow, manage to spit out, shaking your head free from the waft of his scent and the strength of his arm across your back. 
Okay, not necessarily ending this but protecting yourself. Yeah, that’s it. Because there is no way you want him to keep acting like this, no. You’re just doing this to help and totally not to selfishly indulge in the delight of being his, even if it is fake. 
He tears his narrowed eyes away from the boys behind you to glance at you, the remnants of disapproval flickering in the sea of green that you swear only evens out when he looks at you, “Right. What’s in this contract?”
“The, uh, basics,” you begin, voice slowly finding its footing after the intense whiplash you just experienced. You're surprised you can even form words that aren’t resembling proclamations of desire, “What we can and can’t do, how long this is for, and so on.”
“That’s a good idea,” He breathes out. The line shifts forward, and the cashier finally enters the field of view. With a quick recoil, as though his skin were burned by the action, he removes his hand from around your waist. The warmth of his arm rescinds with it, and that thirteen-year-old girl that has fantasized for years about this, whines in desperation. You quickly tell her to shut up.
He clears his throat, awkwardness filling the cramped and stale air, “Uh, sorry. About that.”
He avoids your eyes and you quickly look around too, “It’s fine.”
A silence ensues. It’s not uncomfortable, per se, but it’s a far cry from the brief pauses in conversation that usually occur between the two of you. The comfortable silences that occur naturally between friends of five years. You wonder if you should address it, address the fact that if you two were to pull this off— and pull it off well— there were going to be more moments when he was going to have to touch you like that. 
He was going to have to hold your hand and give you frequent hugs and actually act like he was in love with you. Act. 
You swallow at the prospect. Not like that would be hard for you to do, you think rather pitifully.
There are two more couples in front of you when you say, “I’d like to institute the first provision.”
Hajime quirks an eyebrow, his lips lifting upward, an obvious sign of gratefulness at being able to brush over that weird moment of physicality. He doesn’t know why it was instinctual, or why he even thought that placing his hand that low around your waist would be a good idea. But, he did it; And it’s quite the revelation when he realizes he didn’t mind it. 
At all.
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” He glances at you to his right, the teasing smile gracing your features and the recognizable glint of mischief in your eyes. 
“You have to buy all of the food we eat together.”
He scoffs out a laugh, shaking his head, “I already buy all of our food.”
“I always pay you back!”
“You owe me at least three-thousand yen.”
“Okay, an addendum to provision one.”
“You buy all of our food and forgive my debts.”
He laughs louder tilting his head back as his teeth peek from his pink lips. It’s the bark of laughter that swells your beating heart with confidence. You may not have him romantically, but there’s no denial of the fact that he likes you in his life, especially when you can make him laugh like that, “I’m starting to think this contract is only beneficial to you.”
It’s your turn to raise an eyebrow at him, the body still tucked tightly beside his as feet shuffle forward in the line, “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m doing you a huge favor.”
“Trust me, I haven’t forgotten.” A silence befalls again, this one not as tense as before. A small smile plays on his lips and there’s a sincerity behind his gaze that reminds you of how appreciative he really is for this. Hajime isn’t sure he’ll ever be able to repay you for stepping in and helping him in the most intimate of ways that you most likely would rather not do. There wasn’t ever an expressed interest in the dating scene from you, always denying the occasional confession that came your way and never thinking twice about the romantic holidays that come and go.
He wonders why because if you tried, you’d have every guy within a ten-foot radius begging for your attention. Surely one of them would be worthy of your love. (He doesn’t agree though. There’s no one in this world who could ever be worthy of you. Not when you smile so brightly and tease so enticingly. No one would ever deserve that part of you. No one that he would ever approve of, anyway..) He’s not dumb in realizing that your willingness to engage in a romantic relationship with him— even if it is a fake one— is a large deviation from the norm. It’s not something to be taken lightly.
So, he owes you. Big time. Whatever you want, whatever you put in this contract, he’ll do. He’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. 
(Fake boyfriend, he has to remind himself. He swallows down the disappointment.)
“Thank you.” he breaks the silence, rubbing the back of his heating neck, “Again. For doing this for me. I don’t—”
“Ah, ah!” You interrupt, holding your hand upwards and wagging a finger at him, “I haven’t done anything yet, so don’t start thanking me so soon. Who knows? I might sabotage this whole thing, be the worst girlfriend you could ever imagine.” 
 The couple in front of you finishes their order, stepping to the side to allow the both of you forward. You step up, dragging him with you but you don’t miss the low throaty chuckle he emits when he says, “You like me too much to do that.”
He pats the top of your head, smoothing the fly-away hairs with a wink and a sly smile, and then, like nothing even happened, he steps up to the counter, taking the initiative and placing your usual orders. There’s both too much nuance and not enough to his statement to determine if you should be scared at his words. Does he know? Did Oikawa tell him?
You don’t even notice when he puts both food items on one bill. 
It’s then that you remember, with little humor like someone who’s forgotten a necessary step to an important project, that while you’ve done a lot of growing and building these past four years to fortify the walls of your heart, so has he. He’s stronger, more confident, more sturdy. 
Fourteen-year-old you built the walls for a fourteen-year-old Iwaizume Hajime. She didn’t even think to consider the damage eighteen-year-old Ace and Vice-Captain of the Seijoh Volleyball Team could do. Not with a spike those strong arms could make and a sea of green that you still drown in.
The first large crack in the barriers has been made. 
He turns to face you upon finishing the order, stepping to the side and bracing his body against the far wall of the restaurant to allow the next customers to the counter. That damn sly smile is still on his face, and it’s then you realize that he has to know. He has to know what he’s doing, or at least know that it’s doing something to you.
“So,” he tucks his hands into the pockets of his uniform pants, biceps bulging at the action “tell me about this contract, sweet girlfriend of mine.”
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end notes: god damn glad that’s over. what did yall think?? too much? not enough? lemme know! i love reading all of your tags and comments, it fills me with such happiness :))))
tag list: @bruh-kill-me @owlnymph @airybnb @yukiilu-personal @cathwritestragediesnotsins @berna-dette​
82 notes · View notes
karmasuna · 4 years
Deku iida and tamaki headcanon for an idea where they are try I g so hard to explain their crush to their friendgroup but after a while they just blurt it out because they don't know what to do and needs help and the crush came in at the wrong time obviously to hear that. I can just imagine the struggle of Deku trying to explain to Todoroki what a crush is and he does not get it at all
hey hun im sorry but i just can’t write for iida romantically so im gonna pass on that (^^;) i hope you understand!
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Midoriya Izuku
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○ the whole fiasco starts for him when Todoroki asks him why he seems to be so happy lately
○ Tsuyu immediately suspects that Midoriya has a crush on someone, asking him who it might be
○ the green haired boy admits to having a crush, but he keeps his lips sealed as to who it is 
○ Todoroki doesn’t really get what a crush is though. When Midoriya explains it to him as having someone you really cared about and wanted to make happy
○ Todoroki blankly asks if that means he has a crush on Midoriya, since he cares about him and wants him to be happy. Cue a laughing fit from the rest of the group and Midoriya frantically clarifying that there’s a line between friendship and romance
○ Uraraka’s the one who ended up finally prying the answer out of him with the promise of a limited edition All Might figurine that he still didn’t have yet (courtesy of Endeavor’s bank account, of course)
○ “It’s Y/N. Please don’t tell her.”
○ “Don’t tell me what?” 
○ maybe they shouldn’t have done the confrontation in the common room, where you had just so conveniently walked in and overheard a bit of their conversation
○ first you’re a little suspicious and disappointed because you thought they were talking shit about you behind your back
○ but then Midoriya decides that since the chance was presented to him he might as well take it, taking in a deep breath and confessing his feelings for you
○ needless to say you’re very pleasantly surprised, not expecting the boy to like you back in the first place, much less ask you out
○ but of course you accept, and you seal the deal with a sweet kiss 
○ “See Todoroki, you wouldn’t want to kiss Midoriya on the lips, would you? That’s the difference between romance and friendship,” Iida comments quietly on the side to a very confused Todoroki
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Amajiki Tamaki
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○ at first it’s because Mirio notices his friend being unusually antsy and starts suspecting something
○ after lots of pleading he finally manages to get a confirmation out of Tamaki that he indeed did have a crush on someone
○ obviously Nejire and Mirio were near desperate to know who had captured the heart of their shy friend 
○ they try to get hints about who the crush was, asking him questions about their personality and the such
○ the constant interrogations go on for several months, and Tamaki’s starting to become frustrated with it because his friends just don’t seem to get who it is no matter how many hints he gave them
○ and one day he just gives up, straight up telling them that it was you
○ “I-it’s Y/N, o-okay? Just h-help me.”
○ now they get it, gasping in realization as they finally know who his crush is
○ but none of them had taken into consideration that this scene had unfolded in the cafeteria where anyone could have heard them, much less you having heard them 
○ “What about me?” you question curiously when you hear your name come from their table 
○ Nejire nearly blurts it out but Mirio saves his shy friend by slapping a hand over her mouth before she could say anything 
○ “Tamaki just wants your help with the English homework, right?” Tamaki nervously nods, going along with the opportunity the blonde had just opened up for him
○ and you buy it, more than happy to spend more time with your crush
○ “Oh, sure! I’d be glad to help, Tama.”
519 notes · View notes
aaaaaaa okay i just watched the new episode and im so curious about how theyre going to handle the rest of this arc? you always have really good takes so i was wondering what your thoughts were!! bunkerman is such an important character in this part of the story, it seems like they cant cut him out entirely????so where is he!!!
~ Sorry for the late answer, I kept procrastinating writing my thoughts because I knew this would have turned out to be long ahah ~
Thank you for the compliments, I'm flattered!!! Tho I doubt I will be of great help, I feel like I'm lost at sea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I'll do my best!!!
First of all, I'd want to point out that, as of now, I'm confident they will not cut Bunkerman and Goldy Pond off the plot. Goldy Pond is a strong and solid arc that I'm sure received a positive response from SJ readers while it was on going; once it's animated, the anime will be completed of the action that has so far been lacking. As for Bunkerman, in the Shounen Jump's tpn popularity polls he earned 16th and 7th place, which makes me think he's fairly popular. His presence adds a very nice twist to the plot: not only he's the first male adult we see; even though he doesn't side with demons, he's still hostile to the children, which comes off as very surprising to the reader / watcher (and builds up to how Andrew and later the whole Ratri clan will persecute them, introducing the aspect that not all humans on the outside are their friends). Additionally, he is the first character to help build up the theme that Emma is not only going to help her friends and family, but also her enemies, which puts the basis of her character development and her decision to save all the demons and mamas. Moreover: how people have already pointed out, Bunkerman has also a very important role as representing the “what-if” version of the children, as showed in chapter 177:
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His character has a very poignant role, as he's revealed to have a very tragic backstory: his story consolidates the cruelty of the world they live in, which is a main theme of tpn, and the way it's ultimately revealed how the children saved his life and gave him the chance to start living again comes to the viewer as extremely moving.
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To sum up, he's too much of a great character to be omitted- they're not going to have all that great potential go to waste. His character development and personal growth is too powerful to be thrown away, and I refuse to believe they will (I'm going through chapter 109 again after a long time and I'm getting a little emotional :')
So next up is when we're going to see him, right? I doubt it is going to be soon. My guesses are that he'll show up either in the second half of the season, or even at the very end as teasing for an eventual following season.
The conditions in which the children have found the shelter unsettle me. The shelter confuses me so much, because things simply don't add up. If Bunkerman and his friends have already been there, then why Minerva's letter is still hanging there, unopened. On the opposite, if they have never been there, then that doesn't explain the cookies, which are a clear wink to manga readers, nor the scratched room. I'm confused, because these elements just aren't coherent with each other, and that makes me uneasy. I'd exclude that the Glory Bell escapees didn't open the letter, or that a Minerva supporter came back and placed a new one, but then again those elements really don't make any sense? Any that I can understand anyway- I hope they'll come up with a good explanation in the next episosodes.
Back to why I don't think Bunkerman will show up in the next episodes: several elements from the shelter make me think that. The most evident is obviously the rotten cookies. If he's just out hunting, and he usually lives in the shelter, then I don't see why he would keep those moldy biscuits (if not to commemorate his comrades? Dunnot). Besides, the shelter as for how it's been displayed seems to have not been inhabited for a long time: all the crockery was neatly placed; besides from the biscuits, there was not a single hint of people living or having lived there like the food we saw in the manga- if there had been, the children would have surely noticed. Again, that confuses me. Everything is perfectly tidy and clean, making it more similar to the untouched, neat shelter the Glory Bell escapees found when they arrived there for the first time- except for a conveniently scratched room? Isn't that weird that the room and the biscuits are the very only hint that somebody has been there before? But I'm digressing.
Other things that make me think Bunkerman is not going to show up: the children are learning everything on their own. There won't be Bunkerman to show them the armory, to talk about the limited resources and stuff. I believe that them finding about all these things on their own is a further proof that the kids aren't going to meet him soon.
I don't know how the children are going to meet Bunkerman. I'll be frank, I'm very worried, because for the way the children meet Bunkerman to be as it is is of great importance for his character and character development; I worry to make them meet in a different context is likely to have negative consequences to his character growth.
Shifting back to Goldy Pond, I don't think we're getting there any time soon either? There was no hint to A08-63 in the letter. My personal guess is that the "Poachers" skretch was replaced with "help" because we're not getting any poacher this season, and they didn't want to introduce so early an element that is not going to be explained in this season. Of course "Minerva" could reveal it in their phone call- but then why not mention it at all in the letter, besides from ending the episode with a cliff hanger? Furthermore: would it make sense to introduce Goldy Pond before Bunkerman? Goldy Pond wouldn't be the same without him- besides the fact that it would be hard to integrate the story of Lucas and the other Glory Bell escapees, this is a friendly reminder that it's Bunkerman to both break Lewis' mask and later kill him.
Now, as for my personal guess? I think the children are going to leave the shelter and look for Minerva. First of all, that would explain why, in the opening, everyone has the go-out-shelter-coats:
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That's the outfit Emma, Ray and later Gilda and Don wear when going out; it's an outfit we never saw the younger children wear in the manga. Another reason why I think that all the children are going to leave together is because it's the only way to protect them: they still can't be sure the shelter is a safe place (the manga reveals it isn't), so they can't leave the children alone in it. In the manga, they divide in two groups: Emma, Ray and Bunkerman leave the shelter, and Gilda and Don would have stayed to keep the children safe. For how things are in the anime, this becomes a problem. Let's say they decide to leave the shelter (and like, they will, otherwise the plot can't move on lol): Emma and Ray can't leave on their own, without Bunkerman to both guide and protect them; at the same time, they can't leave with the support of Gilda and Don, for that would mean leaving the children alone in the shelter. It's not only because leaving a group of less then nines alone would normally not be a good idea (these children are very smart, so maybe they'd manage to go on?), but they can't really know if the shelter will continue being a safe place: only because the demons haven't found it so far, that doesn't mean they can be sure they won't find it at some point; additionally, for what they know poachers are still after them. That's why I think the most logic progress of events will be for the children to leave the shelter together. Which, even though I stand for what I've said... Sounds like a very bad idea??? Not only the children keep travelling in this demon world- they also don't have weapons besides from bow and arrow? That's why I find the armory being empty one of the most senseless things- of course I want the children to be safe, but for the children to survive in demon forests completely unarmored sounds extremely unrealistic. I just hope they aren't going to kill one of the "irrelevant children" to prove how dangerous the world is, that would destroy me.
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(I'm Chris.)
Ok, I think I covered everything! Thanks for asking! Let's hope together they won't mess this up for us :))
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captainsolare · 3 years
Happy early birthday and one year anniversary Sol! I’m so excited for you and I like the idea for this event. I hope it’s okay if I send a request 😊
Im going to pick Zora fluff this time, and can you roll 2 times for AU, 4 times for dialogue prompt, and 2 times for the trope? Thanks 💖
A/N: Thanks Cindy! I hope you enjoy this! Camp Counselor Zora was interesting to write :)
Zora Fluff + Camp Counselor AU! + why do we keep running into each other? + "You might catch cold if you're not careful."
The assembly tent was uncomfortably humid as you waited with your group for the camp director to make his appearance, various conversations buzzed around you creating a low hum in the air. Your eyes scanned the room, sizing up the counselors you’d be working with for the next 6 weeks. There were several scattered around, mostly boys, but there were a few girls as well.
Your eyes landed on a flash of red in the corner of the structure and as you squinted, the shape of a man came into focus. You don’t know how you didn’t notice him before, with his bright red hair and borderline ridiculous outfit; how anyone could stand this heat with all that leather on let alone deal with children while wearing it was beyond you.
“Excuse me Counselor Y/N,” a small voice near your feet captured your attention. You smiled, looking down at the girl in front of you, “What’s up?” The girl exhaled loudly, “How much longer do we have to wait?” Frowning you glanced at your watch, and then at the stage at the front of the room, “I’m not sure, hopefully not long. How about we play a game with our group?”
You led your group through a series of camp songs until there was a tap on the microphone, sending painful feedback through the speakers.
“Uh, sorry about that, I’m not good with all this techy stuff.”
Your shoulders instantly relaxed, Camp Director Yami was finally here.
“Hello, campers!” His voice boomed over the speakers, “Welcome to Camp Black Bull. Who’s ready for a good time?” The counselors and children whooped and hollered but it seemed not enough for Yami, who cupped a hand behind his ear.
“I said, who’s ready to have a good time?”
You cupped your hands around your mouth to yell louder, the sounds around you reverberated through you, and you felt excitement rush through you, this was going to be a good week. Yami laid out all of the ground rules, the campers should listen to their counselors, and if they had a problem, find the nearest counselor to sort it out. After a few more camp songs, Yami made the announcement that you all were due back here after lunch for more group activities.
Yami left and you glanced at your clipboard to get the day’s agenda, you wouldn’t be going to archery until 10:30 and it was only 10 now, which left you 30 minutes to fill with camp songs and games. You left the tent with your kids in tow to find the perfect spot to sit and go over the agenda for the day until it was time for archery. You spotted an area through the trees, it would be perfect for what you had planned, but you had no sooner stepped into the clearing when at the same time a group led by the boy with red hair you’d seen earlier also stepped in from the opposite side.
You frowned, “I’m sorry but I think we were here first.” The boy raised an eyebrow, “No I don’t think so, I’m pretty sure we ended up here at the same time. But there’s not enough space for both groups here.” You ran your tongue over your teeth, feeling your annoyance grow already just from the cocky look on his face, his nametag read ‘Zora.’. “Fine, we’ll settle this with a game of rock paper scissors.” You said, tucking your clipboard between your knees.
“Best of 3?” He asked. You nodded and he dropped his clipboard on the ground near his feet. You faced each other, tension palpable in the air.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” You had rock and he had scissors, but you grew too cocky from your early win. It ended in a defeat, he beat you with rock and paper. You begrudgingly shook his hand to show good sportsmanship and he smiled, showing a mouth full of sharp teeth. “Good game, see you around Y/N.”
You led your campers to a nearby picnic table and you sat, going over the agenda of the day. “Alright, we have Archery in about 10 minutes, and then we’ll go to lunch, then it’s back to the assembly tent for some games, and then we have canoeing this afternoon.”
10 minutes passed quickly and you made your way to the archery field, brightening when you saw that your friend Vanessa’s group had archery the same time yours did. “Hey you!” You waved. She perked up when she saw you, a smile lighting up her face. “Hey friends, this is my friend Miss Vanessa!”
“Hi Vanessa!” Your kids said, waving to her. The archery instructor, a man named Klaus, soon captured the group’s attention and took over. As he explained what the kids would be doing, you realized how thirsty you were. Sadly your water bottle was empty so you tapped Vanessa, asking her to keep an eye on your campers while you went to the water station.
You started filling up your bottle, not wanting to leave Vanessa with 20 campers for too long, and you heard the crunching of leaves. You rose and saw Zora standing there, water bottle in hand. “Hello again.” He said, fingers raising in a quick wave. “Hello to you too.”
Archery passed relatively uneventfully, except for some of the kids deciding that finding bugs and giving them to you was infinitely more interesting than watching their friends shoot arrows. Vanessa and yourself led the kids to lunch after you both explained that bugs were not presents.
You made sure your kids were settled in line before you grabbed a tray. The way the lunchroom was set up, you would need two counselors per table, but Vanessa had already been commandeered by Grey tugging on her arm. She flashed you an apologetic look but you waved her off, heading for a table near the back of the room. You set your tray down at the same time as Zora, who sat on the opposite end of the table. It was hard not to feel like he was following you, you knew he wasn’t, and that it was just a coincidence, but it was maddening the way you kept running into each other.
Your groups seemingly didn’t have the same schedule, but you still saw him everywhere. Why do we keep running into each other? During the after-lunch assembly, you took a moment to pull Vanessa off to the side. “What do you know about Zora?” You asked, eyes flicking over him from across the room. Vanessa shrugged, “Not a lot, he’s kind of cagey and keeps to himself. Why?” You frowned, watching as he led his kids through a group activity. “No reason.” Vanessa got a thoughtful look on her face and then started to giggle.
“Oh I see, you think he’s cute don’t you?”
“What?” You protested, face suddenly very hot, “I do not!”
Vanessa’s smile grew wider as she watched you panic, “Okay, whatever you say.”
The lake lapped at your feet as you helped your campers into their life jackets. Noelle, the instructor in charge of canoeing cleared her throat, “Now, it’s important that you keep these on, the lake isn’t very deep but drowning is still a dangerous possibility and we need to be safe so we can have fun okay? Now get into pairs since there will need to be 2 campers per canoe.” A familiar head of red hair jogged up, campers in tow.
“Sorry I’m late Noelle, several of my kids took a while to change.”
Noelle waved him off, “Whatever Zora, just get them ready, Y/N’s group is already about to head out on the water.”
After you loaded your kids into their respective canoes and helped them push off, you paced on the dock, unsure of what to do except for supervising. Zora cleared his throat, holding up two life jackets. “Want to share a canoe?” You bit your lip, considering his request, your eyes flicked to Noelle and she nodded, stating that she could handle any water emergencies. “Sure.” You took the life jacket from him gingerly. You set your backpack by the lifeguard stand and put the lifejacket on so it sat snug around you. Zora was taller than you, so you’d need to be in the front.
You sat in the canoe and Zora pushed off, rocking the boat as he jumped into it. You paddled along quietly, save for saying hello to a few of your campers. A few of the girls giggled and began singing, “Y/N and Zora sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.” You yelled out a protest, cheeks warming at the thought; you’d known this man for exactly a day and your campers were already trying to get you together. You tried to push the thoughts out of your mind, there was no way you liked him, no matter what Vanessa said.
Suddenly a giant piece of what looked like driftwood smashed into the boat, sending you rocking. “Where did that come from?” You asked, turning over your shoulder to look at Zora.
“No idea,” He shrugged, “This is a lake so there shouldn’t be a current here.”
The boat was bumped a second time, this time from underneath and you were sent into the air. You yelled in surprise as you saw what had capsized your boat, it was a giant dolphin! You landed in the water with a splash, the cold water making you gasp. You swam to the dock and were pulled out by a pair of strong arms. Zora ran to a nearby supply shed and emerged with two fluffy towels; as you sat shivering on the dock he gently wrapped one of them around your shoulders.
“Th-thank you.” You stuttered through your chattering teeth. As you glanced at him you noticed his shirt was off, for such a slender guy he was muscular and you couldn’t help but stare. He noticed you staring and chuckled, “Wanna take a photo? It’ll last longer.”
You sputtered at his words, cheeks heating up enough to make you forget how cold you were. At your panicked expression, he chuckled once more, wrapping his towel around his shoulders, “I’m just joking.”
You didn’t have time to respond because Noelle jogged up with a concerned look on her face, “Hey you two, are you alright?” You both nodded, “What about the children?”
Noelle nodded, “All present and accounted for. I’ll take care of them, why don’t you change? You might catch cold if you’re not careful.”
You and Zora headed for the staff cabin, shoes squeaking uncomfortably on the dirt. After taking a quick but blessedly warm shower, you emerged out of one of the bathrooms with fresh clothes on. Zora emerged from the other bathroom a few moments later.
“Who knew there was a dolphin in there?” He said with a laugh, toweling off his hair. You smiled, “I know right? Maybe we should go talk to Yami about it.”
His mouth twitched, “Something tells me he already knows.” You made the short trek back to the lake and found Yami being chewed out by Noelle.
“Someone could have gotten hurt, Yami! What were you thinking, putting a freshwater dolphin in here?”
Yami rubbed the back of his head, “It’s my pet! I needed a place to put it.”
You escorted your kids back to the assembly tent and took a quick breather outside. Zora joined you with a quick wave, “Crazy day huh?”
You nodded with a slight chuckle, “I can see it now, headlines in the newspaper, ‘2 camp counselors launched into air by pet dolphin.’
You both laughed before settling back into comfortable silence once more.
Zora cleared his throat, “Say, Y/N?”
“Would you want to… Maybe grab a bite this weekend, my treat?”
You blinked at his words, but decided that it couldn’t hurt, after all, maybe having a near-death experience together had brought you closer.
“Sure, why not?”
And so began a beautiful friendship, and perhaps more.
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shozaii · 4 years
omg I love love your writing 🥺 but can I request todoroki and Shinsou whos a workaholic
(a/n): hello anon! thank you so much😭😭💜💜💜 now from what i understand here is that both todo and shinsou are workaholics and how does s/o deal with them. i hope this matches your request!! ❤❤
pairings: shinsou x reader, todoroki x reader
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oh boyy he is a workaholic indeed
it just happens. hero work is something very essential to him, and he's gonna do everything he can to get it done. let it be patrol or paperwork( if there were any )
once he begged his s/o to go to bed earlier, because he wasn't gonna make it back home early. which was fine by them because they had some work to do.
he loved that they were so understanding, and tried to ensure this 'coming back home late' was not a habit.
so this time it was paperwork.
somehow he forgot that there was a whole world waiting for him outside.
he finished the last few words and laid back on his chair only to realize....
it was 2am.
and it wasnt like his colleagues didn't remind him like thousands of times. "take a break shinsou!" or "don't stress out!"
"crap crap crap," he packed everything up as fast as he could, speeding for the door.
his adrenaline was like fire at that moment; he had no idea what was in his mind but the only thing that mattered right now was you and only you.
meanwhile, you were in the living room, half asleep. the lamp next the couch was dimly lit, as you didn't want to strain your eyes.
he burst the door open, panting heavily. that jolted you awake
"toshi! there you are! i texted you. wasn't in need for a reply but.... i sure didn't expect this."
"what about you? i thought-"
"i was pretty confident you'd still work all night long so i decided to wait for you."
"im so sorry, kitten," he walked up towards you, closing the door behind him. he placed both hands on your cheeks, and rested his forehead against yours. "can i make it up to you? my head hurts right now. im so sorry."
"babe, i understand that you have a lot of work. but sometimes you need to take a break. wind down, relax. take a breather. you don't need to apologize, silly."
"i did tell you i wouldn't do it again."
"if you remembered and rushed all the way here, i don't think this should be a serious discussion. now come on. ill run you a hot bath. oh, did you eat?"
his stomach growled so loud.
"what did i tell you?"
he chuckled softly. "to eat."
"alright. no coffee. milk and cookies would do."
"what? but i love coffee."
"i am not giving you caffeine tonight. i know you well toshi. it's only going to allow you to work."
"milk and cookies it is."
literally tried mixing caffeine into his milk but you slapped his hand away.
he looked so relaxed in his bath, you felt so happy
once he was done, you brought him to bed. he laid his head on your chest, and you wrapped your arms around him, keeping his secure.
yup, you also made sure he slept first.
"i dont want this to end," he slurred before dozing off.
and neither did you.
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now he works really hard.
really hard
and that raised so much concern within you.
because sometimes when he reassures that he was fine, you know he wasn't.
and by that i mean, he overworks. once he did, all the way till 3.
so when he finally gets them done, he looks exhausted.
like he was about to explode (no pun intended)
"i have several procedures next week. call me if i am not back home early. i need to straighten myself up."
"but that would be bothering you."
"okay, so if im not back at home by 2, you call. it wouldn't happen very soon; i just dont want you to get worried."
a little scenario!
he had to head over to his dad's agency and complete a few procedures there
and then he went over to other agencies because he had extra work that he needed to complete
even had to take the train to another city just because they needed him urgently
patrol, patrol and patrol
god, how he wish his s/o was by his side.
"wait, what?" he said to himself, eyes widening.
where was he?
he took the train back to his city, he is in town. what was he doing in the park????
"y/n!!" he screamed, taking off.
he checked the time. it was 1.55.
what was i doing?
he was devastated. all this while he was invested in work that he didn't even think of going home. what would they think of me?
poor baby was so stressed. he told them it couldn't happen.
1.58 and his phone rang.
the caller id read your name.
he stopped running, only to realize that you were right in front of him.
"shoto? what are you doing here?"
he ran towards you, squishing you into a giant hug. "oh god, y/n. i'd have to ask you the same thing."
"oh, i was about to head to the convenience store. wanted to get your favorite snacks. i called two minutes earlier," you chuckled. "are you okay?"
he was silent. he breathed out a huge sigh, burying his face further into your jacket. "better than ever."
"you need a break, sho. why were you in the park?"
"i have no idea. but right now, all i want is to go home. lay down with you. take a few days off."
"coming from the main man himself. you're going to have to rest a lot, mister."
"im sorry, y/n."
"i love you, shoto. let's go wish your old habits goodbye."
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
maybe? 👉👈 steve taking a really long time with college (like on one year and off one yours year, on, off, on, off) and he still doesn't really know what he wants to do and he gets really frustrated bc billy just did college all in one go and steve is taking forever and he feels down on himself? idk im feeling the whump rn???
Steve had left high school having no idea what he wanted from the rest of his life.
That’s not true, he had some idea.
He knew he wanted to leave Hawkins, follow Billy wherever he was going. He knew he wanted to be with Billy for the rest of his life, he knew he wanted to leave the past behind and make new friends, people who were kind, and fun, and didn’t bat an eye when Billy pulled him into his lap.
But that’s about it.
So when Billy graduates high school, and gets a full ride to UC Berkeley, and they move into a cheap apartment in downtown Oakland, Steve is so happy that he got out.
He gets a job waiting tables at a restaurant down the street, pays half the rent and buys the groceries while Billy’s in class.
But then two years pass, and Billy’s soaring through college, working to his degrees, plural, because he just couldn’t decide between studying English Literature or Biology with a focus in research.
So he’s majoring in both and getting a minor in Italian because then I’ll know what you’re sayin’ when you start horny babblin’.
And Steve was at the same restaurant.
True, he was assistant manager now, and it came with a pretty okay raise, and he even gets dental insurance, but he feels so stuck.
So he enrolls in community college.
He starts with some general classes, still completely unsure of what he wants to study.
Billy said it was okay to just rule out things you don’t want to study, to nearly fail a math course and know that accounting is not for you.
So when Steve finishes his first year, he at least knows what he doesn’t want to pursue.
Meanwhile Billy has an internship at a lab through Kaiser Permanente. And he can read and write Italian than Steve can.
Steve is walking home from his job at the restaurant when it happens. He’s crossing the street, and gets hit by a car.
He’s taken to the hospital, where he’s informed of a fractured spine and another concussion.
He’s told his injury could’ve been much more severe, that he will not experience paralysis, but he needs physical therapy and walking will be difficult for a while.
Their finances take a big hit.
Billy’s internship doesn’t pay super well, and with Steve being unable to work for the foreseeable future, he’s fired.
Billy has insurance through the school, but because on paper, he and Steve have no real relation, Steve’s medical bills come out of pocket.
So Steve is bedridden for months. He can’t work or get groceries, or do fucking anything but lay there.
They can’t afford physical therapy.
But Billy has a friend studying to be a PT, and she comes over every Saturday, and practices her technique on him in exchange for ten bucks and a few beers.
And so the money Steve tucked away for school is rapidly diminishing.
By the time Billy graduates, Steve is a year into recovery. He still gets dizzy at odd intervals, and his back gets stiff when it rains, but Billy gets a job right away, doing research on flu vaccines.
And Steve goes back to work.
He gets a desk job, something he won’t have to be on his feet all day for. He works reception for a message therapist, which comes with free massages, which work wonders on his back.
So in the fall, he decides to give his education another shot.
He learns that history is not for him, and that his nutrition course was fine until they began looking into how the body processes nutrients, and he was fucking lost. He takes a few business classes, thinking, hoping genetics would take over and this is something he could do.
But his dad was right to take away the job opportunity at his own firm. Steve was not cut out for this.
After a year of research, Billy is promoted three times. He ends up working on some extremely important study that Steve does not understand for the fucking life of him.
But he sits and listens every time Billy explains what he did that day, even though Steve gets so sad when Billy mentions having to kill the lab mice to study their bodies.
So Steve is two years into community college, five years into living in Oakland with Billy, and he still is lost.
He takes a semester off, working more hours, trying to save up some money.
Because Billy is beginning to think about grad school, and that shit’s not cheap.
But Billy decides to postpone that, work for a few more years, and besides, he’s caught between studying something to put him in a research field, or just straight up going to medical school to study infectious disease.
Because Billy could. He’s smart enough for medical school, smart enough to research and be a doctor.
And Steve has a smushy spine and half a degree in nothing.
A semester off turns into a year.
A year and a semester.
Two years.
They’ve been in California for seven years, and Billy gets into grad school in San Diego. They move south and Billy spends late nights pursuing a Masters in Immunology.
And Steve works the front desk at a pediatrician’s office.
He’s flipping through a course catalog from the San Diego Community College when Billy comes home from his new job, the position he got after applying to only three labs.
He kissed the top of Steve’s head, moving to grab himself a beer from the fridge.
“You thinkin’ of going back?”
“I don’t know.” Steve slid the catalog closed. “Is it even worth it?”
“That’s something you have to decide.” Billy sat down, sliding the catalog towards him. Steve had crossed off the classes he had already taken, the ones he new he wouldn’t like.  “And you know, going to school isn’t the only option. You could get an apprenticeship, master a trade.”
“I can’t do anything where I need to bend over for really any length of time. So that rules out plumber, and car mechanic, and anything physical like construction, or landscaping or even general contracting is right out.”
Steve could feel the old shame, the doubt and the self hatred crawling up his spine.
“I have nothing to offer. I have no discerning skills, and in seven years I’ve only made it through two years of goddamn community college, and here you are, ripping through grad school like a fourth degree is easy.”
“Stevie, you’ve got a lot to offer. We just gotta find something that suits you.” He took Steve’s pen, turning to the back page of the catalog. “Okay, we’re gonna write down all of you strengths, and think of career paths that could fit those. I’ll go first, you’re extremely caring. You’d be good at any career where you care for people.”
“But I can’t study nursing or something, I barely understood my biology 101 course. Plus, nurses are strong. I can’t lift more than like, thirty pounds.”
“There’re way more caring fields than nursing, Pretty Boy. Although I would love if you were my nurse.” Billy smirked at him, leaning in to plant a sloppy kiss to Steve’s cheek as he rolled his eyes. “Another strength: your emotional intelligence is through the fucking roof.” He wrote it down. “Okay, I’ve said tow, so you say one.”
“Um, I think that I’m good at making people laugh?”
“Yes! You are. Perfect.” Billy scribbled it down. “You’re a good leader.”
“I’m pretty good at reading people.” Billy wrote Intuitive, can smell a douchebag from a mile away.
“You’re good under pressure.”
“Every time I’ve seen. You’re good at keeping calm and keeping others calm.”
“I guess.”
“Nah, Stevie. Positives only. Say a strength.”
“I’m, uh, I’m good at, bilingual?” Billy stared at him. “Like, I’m bilingual.”
“Are you sure? I don’t think that was English, even.” Steve slapped his chest, Billy laughed. “I’m joking. You are bilingual. You’re also really good at making others feel safe.”
“I was always pretty alright at public speaking.”
“You’ve got a great eye for detail.”
“I’m good at teamwork, and delegating.”
“You’re really compassionate, too.” Billy drew a line under the strengths side. “Okay, so now we’ve got some of your strengths, think about what you’d want in a job, and we can match everything up and think about some careers that could fit.” Steve nodded, racking his brain.
“Um, I would want to work with kind people, I would kind of like to do something, you know, worthwhile. I’d like to be in charge of something. Like it’s fine if I have a boss to answer to, but I’d like to be fairly independent.”
“I already have so many ideas.”
“Lay ‘em on me.” Steve sat back, closing his eyes to try and picture everything Billy threw out.
“I’ve actually always thought you’d be a really good teacher. Especially if you did like, kindergarten. Just got to be around little kids all day.” Steve could actually see it. “I also think you’d be a could social worker, like to work with Child Protective Services, or something. Um, you’d be good at even planning. Or I think you’d be really good working at a nonprofit of some kind. Maybe you could be the event planner for a nonprofit.”
And Steve was sitting there, and suddenly, he had four career paths, just sitting right in front of him. Four super attainable career paths.
“Wait, wait those make sense.” Billy beamed at him.
“Yeah, that’s because I know you, Pretty Boy.” Billy opened the catalog. “So, I think if you choose to enroll, you should pick a few classes, like, Intro to Social Work, Early Childhood Education 100, and maybe like, Sociology, and see from there.”
Steve stared at the course descriptions for what Billy circled.
“Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry this has taken me so long.”
“It’s okay. Everyone is on a different timeline. And it’s not like you got to explore options in high school. You were told business until your dad decided that nevermind. So it’s understandable that this took you a minute. Plus, you went through hell with your back.”
Steve sat up straight, stretching out his back.
“But, I mean, the back thing kinda happened to you too, and you still made it through all your schooling.”
“Sure, I watched you go through it, but I was not in the pain you were. And like, emotionally, it fucking sucked to watch the love of my goddamn life go through something, and I couldn’t even afford therapy. Like, I felt so helpless, but that’s nothing to what you went through literally experiencing it.” Steve took Billy’s hand, linking their fingers together, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
“You did the best you could. Everything was shit for like, that whole year.”
“I cannot telly you how many times I would go into an individual study room in the library and just like, sob for a while.And then I’d get so mad at myself, thinking of you at home, hurting and not even able to get yourself out of bed, and I’d race home feeling like shit.”
Steve scrubbed his fingers through Billy’s hair. He had cut it a while ago, kept it short these days.
“You were doing everything you could for me. I would just sit in bed all day, and think about how amazing you are. Like I would just think about all the good times we’ve had together, and how much I love you.”
“That explains why we didn’t fight for like, that whole year.” Steve laughed. Billy leaned to kiss him softly.
“And you know, even now we’ve done this, there’s still no rush on you. You don’t have to go back to school this year, of this decade, or anytime until you’re ready. Until you want to.”
“Well now, I feel like there’s a fucking light at the end of the tunnel. I’m almost, excited. Is this how you feel? Excited to go to school?”
“Welcome to the nerd life, Sweet Thing.” Billy drained the last of his beer. “You wanna go out tonight? Celebrate?”
“Like, go out to dinner, or go out?”
“Oh, just like dinner. Be home by eight thirty, in bed by nine, missionary with the lights off, and asleep by nine fifteen.”
“Sign me the fuck up.”
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If you’ll excuse me… can I… like… get some of nsfw content you mentioned in the first scenario you’ve written for Dabi with disabled s/o… pretty please?👉👈
@im-here-only-for-yandere-boys, I got you, beau.
Contents: May contain Dabi being an asshole (but what else is new?). Ventures into the dub-con territory.
You were alone at the base with just Dabi. You left him to chain smoke his cigarettes on the living room couch while you ventured into the kitchen to get yourself something to eat. Your hands gripped the “well-loved” handle on your cane to keep you standing on your own feet. Dabi’s eyes followed you briefly as you stood up and started for the kitchen. You feel the fire of his gaze fixate on your back then travel lower. You paid this no comment. 
When you no longer felt Dabi’s heated gaze, you relaxed your shoulders. Your cheeks darkened to a lovely hue just thinking about him staring at you like that. You should be grateful, he often told you, that somebody like him plucked you off the streets. He brought you amongst others like you. The discarded, the forgotten. You’d gone along with him willingly, but your quirk was useless for the LOV. Everybody except Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress said so. Not even Dabi, which made you wonder why he picked you up in the first place. 
You can make yourself dinner without assistance. Toga and Mr. Compress were a little too eager for your liking to help you in the kitchen. They were always handing you things, cutting vegetables for you, reaching for plates or glasses when you were in the middle of doing so. It was all so very annoying. You wanted to snap at them sometimes, but they were kind. A lot nicer than other people were. 
Dabi, on the other hand, was different. It was almost like he enjoyed seeing you struggle. You wobbled on your knees sometimes when you stood up for too long or struggled to reach for something on a shelf and howl in pain when your back feels like you were hit with a sledge hammer. From time to time, you saw from the corner of your eye, Dabi standing there and watching you fight against your own body’s weaknesses. You couldn’t decide whether his smirk turned you on or if it infuriated you. You opened the cupboard, looking for a bowl, when your back spasmed. Pain radiated from the center of your spine. Suddenly, your legs turned to Jell-O and buckled underneath your weight. There was a crash as you tumbled over. 
Dabi took his sweet time getting to you. You heard his heavy footsteps approach you. You felt the veins in your legs burst, bruising  your legs in violent colors of deep purple. Tears bubbled and soon poured forth as you couldn’t tolerate the pain. Dabi walked to where your head lay on the cold tile and crouched down. 
“Need some help?” He asked. 
You carefully raised yourself up and leaned on your elbows. You could barely see his smarmy face through the tears. 
“Please what?” 
You bit your lower lip. Dabi didn’t help you unless there was something in it for him. With Dabi there was always an ultimatum. You lower your head. Words were caught up in your throat. A lump formed there and you were forced to swallow past it. The pain in your legs was too intense; you just wanted to lay down. You managed to wipe some tears away then slowly raised your head. 
“Please help me up. I-I can’t stand on my own. It’ll hurt too much if I try to get up and walk.” You felt blood rush to your cheeks as you said this. 
The corner of Dabi’s mouth rose higher. He looked more like a devil than a savior. You practically heard the gears in his head whirring into life. There was always a price. In shame, you tried to hide your face from his again. Calloused fingers cupped your chin and squeezed your cheeks. Dabi lifted your head up to meet his gaze. 
“Am I going to get a reward for helping you out?” 
There it was. You swallowed your pride. 
“S-Sure, whatever. Just help me up.” 
“Was that so hard, doll?” Asked Dabi. 
He shot to his feet. Dabi gently rolled you over and slid his scarred arms under your back. He was strong enough to scoop you up off the floor with no effort at all. You couldn’t have weighed more than a pillow to him. Dabi maneuvered to the bedrooms. Your door had been left ajar. Dabi kicked it open and strolled inside. You realized that Dabi hadn’t been in your room before. He always hung out in your door frame, but never invaded your personal space. You were placed gently on your bed instead of being thrown like a rag doll as you were half-expecting. Dabi put his back to you. Rather than leave, he closed the door and locked it. 
Dabi chucked his jacket onto the back of the footboard of your bed. His hands shucked off his white tank top in one go and let your eyeballs ogle every inch of his exposed, scarred, and stapled skin. 
“Like what you see?” He asked. 
“Just get it over with,” you ground between your teeth. 
“As you wish,” Dabi scoffed. 
Dabi let you keep your bra on, but that was it. All the rest of your clothes landed in a pile, piece by piece. Dabi took them off with the leisure of a man with nothing better to do. Or, more likely, he was looking to savor each second of peeling back the layers to see what was underneath all that fabric. Dabi’s rough fingers pulled down the cups of your bra to give each nipple a long, hard suck. When your chest was sufficiently covered in his love bites, Dabi slotted himself between your legs. His fingers made quick work of his belt and zipper before sliding his pants down along with his boxers, just enough to expose his hardened member. You swallowed hard. 
Dabi was able to stuff you with his cock in one thrust, bottoming out. The room quickly filled with the sound of flesh slamming against flesh. Your body creaked beneath the power of Dabi rutting you into the mattress. Your legs dangled helplessly on either side of Dabi’s waist. Pain shot through them. You cried out but Dabi didn’t take this to mean stop because you were in pain. If anything, it urged him to go faster, harder.
“Do you like it?” He pressed his pierced lip against your ear, never stopping the thrust of his hips. “Do you like being my little cock sleeve, baby? I can feel you tightening up down there.”
You grasped the sheets while your back started to scream from Dabi’s forceful movements. You wrapped your legs around Dabi’s waist and squeezed around him. Pleasure replaced pain, or at least disguised it. You began rutting your hips in time with Dabi’s. Your inner thighs grew slicker. Something clicked in your brain that made you forget everything that didn’t involve Dabi being buried all the way to the hilt inside you. You could only think about how Dabi was making you feel. You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning. 
Dabi looked down on you. His face was that of a triumphant demon of seduction. He captured his prey and was in the throes of enjoying his meal. He slammed his hips against you, making sure to absolutely wreck you for anyone else. The harder he moved inside your body, the tighter your walls became. Your cunt clenched around him, setting off an orgasmic high. 
You have no idea how loud you screamed once you came. Your inner walls clenched around Dabi’s cock with a vice grip before spilling yourself all over him. Dabi fell close behind and gripped the headboard. He slammed home one last time before coming inside of you. You were both panting for breath for several minutes before Dabi had the sense to pull out. Once he adjusted himself, Dabi went to the nearest bathroom. He returned with a damp cloth and started to clean you between your legs. This was just a rouse to tease your overly sensitive clit. 
“Such a good girl for me. You really know how to show gratitude. I should have rescued you from that fake hero society much sooner.” Dabi kissed your inner thigh before leaving you with washcloth to finish cleaning yourself.
(Sorry this is late. I’m extra when it comes to writing and I kept getting distracted. I hope I did okay. I don’t think I’ve written characters with disabilities before. I don’t know if this is an accurate portrayal, but I’m sorry if it’s not. I tried the best I could. I also hope this wasn’t too over-the-top. I can tone it down if you want)
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vlogsquadssquad · 4 years
Secure 2
summary: Charlie confesses his feelings and reader has to decide if that's what she wants, or if another guy has her *attention*
a/n: i’m honestly BLOWN away at part 1′s feedback. y'all really loved it so Ive been working on this all day, I hope its everything youve been waiting for! thank you to my new followers, ive been writing for a bit for fun and no one was reading my stories but after the reaction for the last story I was so motivated to write. I have A LOT more ideas and even an idea for a part 3 with smut and maybe even reader having to tell the boy she didn't choose the bad news, who knooowwsss. send me in suggestions! 
warnings: language, alluding to smut at the end.
mood board:
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my life has been the most fun lately. ive been hanging out with David and he really gets me to let loose. he's always trying to top his last video which is so fun to be a part of. even if we wait around the house all day. tonight im alone though. I told him I needed to get some writing down for the last song of my album. I want it to be about being happy with yourself and secure with who you are. that you don't need another person to define who you are. but im having trouble putting that into words that rhyme. maybe I should just see what David is up to.
- daveyy (:
hey, I know I said I was busy but my mind is too cluttered and im curious what the vlog squad is up to 😉 >
< hahaa nothing actually. im by myself at the house tonight. really boring. watching movies ive seen dozens of times.
oh no! your friends realize they were too cool for you? >
< probably lmao. what are you up to?
trying to finish this last song but I can't think straight >
hey would you wanna come over? its ok if you're too busy being alone watching 50 first dates lol >
< how'd you know? 😅 id love to. chipotle?
- end texts -
“hey, loser” I say as he walks in with our food and... is that ice cream? “wait, did you get ice cream?” 
“yeah, I got your favorite flavor!” he says with a smile. my heart aches at the kind gesture. “wow your house is so nice” he sets the food on my counter as he glances around. 
“thank you, im really into interior design... and nice houses” i joke as i examine the ice cream David got for me. he chuckles as he gets my food out of the bag and sets it up in my living room. I put on a movie to watch but we end up muting it and just talking instead. our conversations just seem to flow. “what's a memory that stands out to you from your childhood?” I ask him. “there's so many things,” he puts his arm around the back of my couch as we sit sideways to face each other. we finished eating forever ago. “probably just all of high school. I learned so much, from my friends and my teachers. nothing academically, obviously.” he laughs. I smile to him and run my fingers through my hair. he watches my movements and for a moment its quiet.
“I think you're really smart.” I say finally. “I love how you push me, you're always there for me, and you just come up with the best ideas. you're so creative.” 
“wow. what did I do to deserve your kindness?” he asks with a slight laugh.
“I can think of a few things.” our conversation became much lighter after that. after a while we went into my home studio and he helped me write. the night was filled with jokes and endless laughing but also had serious moments too. I shared very personal details about my life. but the best thing of all was that there was no camera in sight. it was just friends being friends. no clickbait. no underlying purpose for the long stay. it was perfect.
-- next day
“hey y/n could I come over and talk?” Charlie asked over the phone.
“sure, I don't have anything planned till tonight.”
“ok be there in 20.”
“what's the sudden emergency?” I ask as he walks in the door.
“there's just something I've been wanting to confess for a really long time and i’m not sure-”
“its ok Charlie, what is it?”
“I think I'm in love with you.”
my heart dropped. Im frozen in time. I don't need a relationship right now and I sure as hell can't lose my friendship with Charlie.
“I don't know what to say...”
“say you love me too!” he moves closer to me “I know you do! you always want to be around me, have me close to you, we talk all night. I know you feel it.”
I look at him with a blank expression.
“I honestly don't. I've never thought of you that way, and I'm really enjoying being single. for once in my life I'm not letting the pressure of having someone on my arm get to me, I don't need this right now, I-”
“what..? y/n. don't do this.”
“I'm not doing anything it's just the truth.” I look to the ground as his eyes fill with tears. “I think you should go.” I say.
-- DAVIDS POV, that night
- y/n/n 😋
you're still coming to my party tonight right? >
< I wouldn't miss it! so proud of you! ❤️
tonight was my party to celebrate my new show. I haven't told the fans yet but this vlog will be my announcement. we start filming for it on Monday and I've never been more excited. its exactly what I've been dreaming of all my life.
the party started to kick off and all my friends slowly started showing up. Charlie was going to perform his unreleased song tonight and everyone was already talking about it. 
“hey have you heard anything from y/n and Charlie? are they dating?” Ilya comes up and whispers to me.
“no man, I haven't heard anything. I was with y/n all night last night and I wasn't exactly begging her to give me details but we did talk for hours about random stuff and she never brought him up or texted anyone. I don't know they might not be.” I say with hope shining through the cracks of my voice.
“I can just ask Charlie?” Ilya offers. he's such a good friend when it matters.
I nod and then head to get something to drink. y/n still wasn't here and I was getting antsy.
just then I hear Natalie let someone in. I peak around the corner and see y/n. she looks drop dead gorgeous. i’ve never seen her dressed up like that. I think she saw right through me and asked if she had something on her face. 
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“no, no, I just have never seen you dressed like that. you look great.” I look to the floor. no way she and Charlie aren't an item. they both love music and they're both flawless people. they're a match made in heaven. 
“well, thank you, cowboy.” she says in a funny southern accent. she was so weird. she came in for a hug and she smelled exactly like when I first met her. I put my hand on the small of her back and for a split second I felt her push more into me. 
“so where can I get a drink?” she asked as we pulled apart.
“a drink?” I ask
“yes, i’ve had a bizarre day and I need a drink.”
Im about to ask her what she means when I hear Charlie from behind me 
“hey, babe, you're late.” he says to y/n as he pulls her into a hug. she almost looks uncomfortable. “hey Charles, how are you?” 
“i’m great, i’ve had several drinks and im thinking much clearly-er now”
“I can smell that” she chuckles
I hand her her favorite drink and ask her if she finished the song. after a short conversation Charlie pulls her to the couch where some other friends are doing karaoke. she's basically sitting on his lap and laughing. I grab my camera and record a little outside trying to not think about it.
I honestly think drunk Charlie has forgotten about our conversation from earlier. which i’m relieved because sometimes I just need good ol Charlie and not this new one that was in love with me. sure he's a little touchy but we were always close like that. 
“alright I promised David I would perform an unreleased song tonight. come on I want you to hear it.” he grabs my hand pulls me up. I have a gut feeling I don't want to be here for it.
David set up the mic outside and everyone found a seat. David sat next to me with camera in hand. 
“alright alright” Charlie starts. “hopefully I don't forget the lyrics since i’m a little buzzed.” the audience laughed. “but this song means a lot to me, and I wrote it with someone in mind. someone who has changed my life for the better and made me a better man.”
oh god, please don't say my name 
“y/n. you are everything to me. I wouldn't be able to be who I am today without you.”
everyone looks to me as the music starts. a love song. i place my head in my hands and David nudges me. “you ok?” he whispers.
“can you please get me out of here?” he nods his head and stands up. Charlie is looking down at his guitar lost in his music. I feel bad leaving but how could he not take no as an answer? I follow David out the door and my head is down in shame. he closes the patio door and turns to me. “what is going on? I thought you guys were dating?” 
“oh god, not you too.” I groan. “just please I need to be anywhere but here right now. fast.”
“okay. let’s go.”
we go to his garage and he looks at me. 
“you said fast!” he shrugs as he opens the passenger Ferrari door for me. I laugh with my head thrown back “true. but im going to need a jacket or blanket.”
“here, use mine.” he took off his hoodie and handed it to me. I hopped in the car and we were off.
“anywhere in mind?” he asks as we pull out of the neighborhood.
“nope,” I smile. “im kinda hungry though”
“alright,” he turns the car at the light. “then we’re gonna make this worth our while. I know an overly expensive place with great burgers.” 
I laugh at him as my hair blows in the wind “yes! lets spend all your money!” I lift my arms and scream. David just laughs at me. we speed down the highways. ive never felt so free. 
we finally arrive to the place and get seated.
“so do you wanna tell me why we left my party now?”
“i’m sorry by the way. I didn't mean to drag you from your party but...” I look down and pick at my napkin “Charlie confessed his feelings for me this afternoon.” David looked at me confused. 
“isn't that a good thing?” he asked.
“not if I don't feel the same way.” I sigh and David looks surprised. “I was very clear about my feelings- or lack of. but he had been hitting on me all night and then the song. I know he was drunk but im really worried for my friendship with him.” 
“I can't believe my ears.” he said almost laughing. “you, y/f/n, don't like the guy who seems like he was sent down from the heavens for you?” 
“nope. he just isn't my type I guess, I don't know. I never really thought of him that way and I don't want to.”
“wow, no one will be up to your standards will they?” David laughs as he takes a drink.
“the right guy will be.”
perfect timing. the waitress comes over with our food. we thank her and get eating. he was right. best. burgers. ever! 
I moan as I take another bite.
David looks me up and down with his cheeks full of burger and chuckles. “okay, y/n, calm down. it isn't no Charlie puth.”
I gasp and throw a fry at him playfully, laughing. “no... no it is not!” we both laugh harder. as we finish up David pays despite my best efforts and we head to my house so he can drop me off. the car ride was fun, we listened to all the hits and sang our hearts out. we got tons of funny looks, but nothing mattered. I grabbed his vlog camera he threw to the side and recorded him singing and then popped myself into frame and had the camera aimed at both of us. our hair was crazy and the night was wearing down on us but it didn't matter. we were just happy to be alive. 
as we pulled into my driveway and David put the car in park, I looked to him. “you wanna walk me to my door?” 
“already on it.”
he came around and opened the car door for me and walked me up to my door. 
“thank you for tonight. it was like out of a movie. I really needed it.” I was talking softly now since it was the dead of the night and the only thing heard was the crickets. 
“anytime, y/n.” David also said softly. he kept looking to my lips which made my heart beat faster every time. I know I said I didn't need a guy, but he just looks too good. 
“and congrats on your show, I'm really proud of you.” I step closer. 
“thank you, congrats on staying single another night.” he joked but had his hands gently placed on my forearm. 
“its still early.” I whisper closer to his face now. I can feel his breath and he can feel mine. my heart is going a million beats a minute and the butterflies in my stomach are in a tornado.
“I can't write a song about you, but I can buy you more expensive burgers.”
I laugh leaning my head on his shoulder. “that's all a girl needs anyways.”
he laughs too but gently. I look up at him and his eyes are locked on mine. he places a hand on my cheek and then lower to my neck. I take a sharp breath in and connect our lips. his lips are soft, sweet, and gentle. I pull my arms up around his neck and deepen the kiss. I feel his hands slide down my back to just above my ass. I move my head to the side and open my mouth gently. he knows what to do and opens his mouth too. I feel his tongue dominate my mouth. he retracts and I close my mouth only to bite his bottom lip and then pull away. I let go and we put our foreheads together breathing heavily. 
“I could do that again.” he says.
“wanna come inside?” I whisper, my hands now playing with his hairs at the end of his neck.
“best party ever.” he laughs and I pull him inside. I don't know what im supposed to tell Charlie. the heart wants what it wants?
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