#( he doesn't remember how to be soft. he can't force himself to be that person anymore. )
erabundus · 2 years
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if  you  think  you  enjoy  his  company  —  stop  lying  to  yourself.  he  doesn’t  even  enjoy  his  OWN  company.
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fragileheartbeats · 6 days
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⌗ 𝘚𝘜𝘕𝘋𝘈𝘠 𝘏𝘊 ⁝ 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 ( ♱ )
˚꒰♡꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language Hope you enjoy!
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I can see Sunday as one of the most delusional yanderes in the game. He's not a sadistic person, but he's someone who doesn't see any problem in hurting you if that's what it takes.
The world is gray in his eyes, devoid of color and warmth. But in his bleak existence, you shine brighter than anyone else. Your smile is a gentle sunrise, your eyes are a soft, comforting dusk. You are his beacon, his solace, the only touch of beauty in a life filled with shadows.
You're different in his eyes. Not truly different, but to him, you are extraordinary. He loves everything about you, from the way your hair cascades over your shoulders to the glistening tears that fall from your eyes. Your presence brings a semblance of color and warmth to his otherwise monochrome existence.
He likes to believe that what he's doing is right. He convinces himself that he’s helping you by keeping you close, away from the harshness of the outside world. He thinks he's protecting you, preserving your purity and beauty forever.
It's okay, he tells himself. It's okay if he broke your legs, if he hurt you. It's okay if you bleed, if you cry, if you hate him. It's all okay.
Because in the end, he's doing it for you. It's all for you. It's all because of you.
Look what you made him do! Look at what he has become! Why are you doing this? Why did you make him fall for you? Why did you smile so beautifully at him? Why did you show him what love means? Why? Just why?
He didn't want to take it this far. He only wanted you to listen, to understand, to believe him, to love him.
But you didn’t. And look what happened. Can't you see it hurts him as well? Can't you see he doesn't want to do this? Why do you force him to do it?
He didn't want to break you, to hurt you, to kill you. He never imagined it would lead to something so painfully tragic.
He remembers the first time he saw you, how his heart skipped a beat, how his breath caught in his throat. You were a vision, an angel in his dark world. He wanted to protect that light, to keep it close to him, to never let it fade away.
But as time went on, his love grew darker, more possessive. He couldn't stand the thought of you being with anyone else, of you smiling at someone else the way you smiled at him. He started to see threats everywhere, dangers that could take you away from him.
He wishes he could do better. Love you better. Keep you better. Please come back! He'll change! He'll do anything you ask. He'll give you anything you want.
What do you want? Just name it! Do you want him to beg on his knees like a dog? He will do that!
He won't break your bones anymore. He won't keep you in your cage anymore. He won't put a collar on you anymore. He won't mock you anymore. He won't hurt you anymore. Just please, please smile at him again. Let him see that light once more.
He is willing to destroy himself for you, to become whatever you need, just to see your happiness. His love, warped and twisted, remains boundless. He is lost without you, a soul adrift in the darkness, clinging to the hope that you might yet forgive him.
Please, don’t leave him in this darkness. Let your light guide him back. Even if you can never love him, even if you can never forgive him, just let him see your smile once more. Let him believe, if only for a moment, that there is still beauty in the world.
Just please, please smile at him again.
He sits in the dark, watching you cry in your sleep, tears streaming down his own face. He whispers to himself, trying to convince himself that what he's doing is right, that it's for your own good. He strokes your hair gently, his touch soft and tender, in stark contrast to the violence he’s inflicted upon you.
Every tear you shed feels like a dagger to his heart, but he tells himself that it’s necessary. He tells himself that he’s saving you from a world that doesn’t deserve you, from people who can’t appreciate you the way he does.
But deep down, he knows. He knows that he’s the monster you need saving from. He knows that his love is twisted and wrong. And it breaks him.
He clings to the hope that one day, you’ll understand. That one day, you’ll see that everything he did was out of love. That one day, you’ll forgive him.
But until then, he’ll keep you safe in the only way he knows how. Even if it means breaking you. Even if it means breaking himself.
Because in the end, he's doing it for you. It's all for you. It's all because of you.
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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yanderefarm · 2 months
I love the concept of the yandere reader, I also love Blade's personality, I think a reader who messes with his head and takes advantage of Mara's condition to make him believe that reader is the only one who cares and loves him, maybe implicit sex, well that's for you to decide
Sorry for the bad English, I loved your blog <3
blade x yandere male reader
cw; manipulation, abuse, yandere stuff, implied nsfw a/n; ill probably do a part 2 to this but i couldnt figure out how to bridge the gap from the manipulation to sexy times. also ur english is fine honey dw
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ever since you had met blade you had been obsessed with him. with his cold nature, his beautiful eyes, his lovely voice, his adorable tits. he was bloody and broken and hurting but you could fix him. you could save him from himself.
it wasn't an unusual scene for blade to be in your medical office. he would heal anything naturally but he seemed to enjoy the cold metal slab you laid him on. and your company of course. tonight he was laying there like a corpse as he often did and right beside him, a finger twirling around his hair, you sat and smiled at him.
"so beautiful... i wish you knew..." you murmured to him sweetly as your finger accidentally tugged at his hair.
blade's blood red eyes shot open and you could see the mara leaves begin to trail up his arms. you would have to call kafka. you stood up and bolted for the intercom but blade was faster. he slammed your body against the wall with his hand around your throat. the force was enough to make your vision blur and you coughed as well as you could through your restricted throat. your hand reached weakly for the intercom, the tip of your pointer finger just barely brushing against it confirming it was out of reach and your hand fell limp. you need kafka.
you closed your eyes. why did you need kafka? what could she do for him that you couldn't? he's yours.
with a hoarse voice you spoke. "blade. its me."
and despite all odds he listened. his hand loosened the grip it had on your throat allowing you to suck in a deep breath. blade stood there wordlessly, like he was in a trance.
"blade..." you repeated his name once you could speak. his head perked up and looked at you blankly. "its ok. im here."
finally he let you go. you stumbled on your feet before you found your footing. you could freely call for anyone. but why did you need to? in fact... this was perfect.
you reached out a hand and intertwined it with blade's. "blade, love. im right here. you don't need anyone else but me."
"kafka." he spoke in his deep voice and her name sent a scowl to your face. but you calmed down. instead of letting him know how angry you were you rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb.
"oh blade... i can't believe you'd let her trick you..." you spoke gently, keeping a soft and caring tone. "she only cares about herself... she doesn't care about you. no one cares about you."
"jing yuan..." another name that had you grinding your teeth. you moved closer to him and grabbed his other hand in yours.
"no... blade... those people. they exiled you. remember?" you watched as recognition passed over his face.
"i remember."
"do you remember all the times kafka left you to die?" you reached up and cupped his cheek.
"i remember..."
"no one cares about you. elio, and the other stellaron hunters they just want a blade. i want you." you gently stroked his cheek and leaned down for a kiss, trying to ignore your heart pounding in your chest.
blade welcomed the kiss, allowing you to gently kiss his lips while the hand still in yours tightened his grip. you pulled him closer to your body with your free hand moving it around his waist. your tongue pushed at his lips until he granted you entrance and you deepened your kiss. you were over eager. this was everything you'd ever dreamed of.
as your bodies met in embrace you pushed him closer to the metal examine table until you heard him clatter into it. he pulled away from your mouth to look at the offending sound. and as he glared at it you snuck your hands into his top.
he turned back to you just as your hands reached his chest and he grabbed your wrists. his brows furrowed as he looked at you.
"don't worry blade. let me show you the euphoria of death again and again."
a blush crossed his cheeks.
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p0ckykiss · 8 months
five ways to say "i love you" - jeonghan
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summary - how jeonghan shows his love to you, through all five love languages
-> sick y/n, worried jeonghan, fluff, established relationship, soft jeonghan!!!!, whipped jeonghan
seasonal depression is a real thing. at least, according to you it is. personally, jeonghan had never experienced it. its entire premise just didn't really make sense, is all. watching the leaves change colors and fall was beautiful, and when winter rolled around the corner, so did the holidays and days off. if anything, wasn't that a reason to be happier?
a sneeze interrupts his train of thought, and jeonghan feels a pang in his chest at the sight.
it's officially been three days with you being flu-struck, and you both hoped it would've gotten better by now, but if anything it only seemed to have gotten worse. the time reads a quarter past two, and jeonghan can't help but sigh. 
you've been stuck on the couch since noon, curled up in your warmest blanket trying to watch the latest sitcom episode. your drowsiness is palpable, and every time you reach for a tissue to blow your nose, jeonghan flinches.
if seasonal depression corresponded with your well-being, then maybe jeonghan relates to it more than he thinks. and though jeonghan is chock-full of sympathy, his urgency to comfort you proves stronger.
and so jeonghan begins to rack his brain for different methods to make you feel better. and somehow his memories digress to the day you both took the love language test, even before you started dating. much to his embarrassment, jeonghan doesn't actually remember what your love language is, and he's way too prideful to ask. luckily, the nostalgia ends with the spark of a lightbulb, and jeonghan smiles. he knows exactly what to do. 
the quest to rediscover your love language begins with the first type: words of affirmation.
slowly, jeonghan saunters over to you, trailing his fingertips over the leather of the couch, then over the fabric of the blanket, gently and gradually, until they find their way to your shoulder, and jeonghan leans down so you're promptly face to face. the quiet chatter from the TV fills up empty space, but it's not enough to force jeonghan to speak loudly. so he doesn't. instead, he inches ever so closer, until he can make out every beauty mark on your face, and he breathes, hardly above a whisper, "you're so beautiful."
in an attempt to play the compliment off, you merely roll your eyes. you blame your illness, though, when you can't contain the slightest inklings of a smile forming, nor the red flush that threatens to overtake your cheeks. you pair a gentle slap against jeonghan's arm with the statement, "i look like shit," and the accusation, "you're just saying that to make me feel better."
if it was even possible, jeonghan moves in closer, propping one hand on the couch arm for support so he could lift his other hand to rest perfectly under your chin. jeonghan swipes his thumb over your skin, hot to the touch, but he can't tell if it's from a blush or from the fever. "you might be right," jeonghan concedes, humming as he takes in every detail of your current state—rosy nose, puffy eyes, dry skin, messy hair—and yet jeonghan can't seem to find any flaws. inspection complete, jeonghan searches for the one thing he knows he can find. ever so faintly, glimmers dance in your eyes, and when jeonghan catches them with his own, like he's done before a million times, he repeats himself. "you might be right. i could just be saying that to make you feel better." jeonghan tucks one of many stray hairs behind your ear before reaching down to cup your hands together, "but that doesn't make it any less true."
and jeonghan can see it, can physically see it, how all of your insecurities instantly crumble, like a house of cards collapsing upon itself, melting away to make room for new walls, sturdier this time, built from affirmations and confidence and care.
a verbal response isn't required. all you do is smile, subtly, so that your lips barely curve up, and you close your eyes. but even this speaks volumes, because it's your cue of absorbing all the good things around you, no matter how small. it's also jeonghan's cue to add one final speck of positivity to your realm with a sweet kiss to your forehead, before he takes his leave to give you your much-needed space. 
mindless chatter continues to emit from the TV, and when jeonghan peers into the living room, he spots you tucked away in your same spot on the couch, only this time your head rested lower and your mouth hung open, blissfully asleep and temporarily free from the virus that ailed you.
jeonghan is quick to shimmy on his coat. braving the bite of winter air, it was time to do some shopping for part two, giving gifts, in his mission to determine your love language.
months of taking extra shifts, saving up, determined observations, and heavy research all culminated into this one moment. he was battling not one, but two, life-or-death decisions. the first was to pick which gaming console to buy, and the second was to pick which game to correctly pair with said console. his dedication to this plan, despite being executed weeks before the planned date, does not fail him, and fifteen minutes later jeonghan is walking back into your home as if nothing even happened.
luckily, you are still asleep, which gives jeonghan enough time to wrap up (literally) this phase of the journey and get a head start on the next: acts of services.
about a million things fly through jeonghan's head when he watches you ease out of your slumber, the most prominent thought being how adorable you look, but the most important thought being how sick you still must feel, and how it's engraved in jeonghan's soul to fend off your demons.
unable to contain his excitement, jeonghan approaches you with his arms tucked behind his back, very conspicuously hiding something. you don't even get the chance to sit up before jepnghan kneels beside you, looking up with the largest pair of star-filled eyes. 
jeonghan brings both hands forward, so the two presents display themselves proudly between you. "i was going to wait until christmas," he shuffles the gifts into your arms, "but i can't stand seeing you like this." jeonghan balls his fists into his lap to prevent himself from tearing away at the wrappings himself. "i hope you like it."
piece by piece, bits of red and green foil fall to the floor. no amount of congestion or itchiness in your throat could suppress the yelp that burst from your voice. "jeonghan," you begin, but the growing lump of emotion in your chest was making it damn near impossible to finish your sentence. "you really didn't have to."
jeonghan beams. "yes i did. i know how much you miss your old switch."
"you mean the one i threw out the window because i couldn't pass that one stupid level of super mario?" 
it's clear that you are very unfond of the memory, but jeonghan simply finds it all the more endearing. "that's the one."
the grin on jeonghan's face has yet to falter, and suddenly the swells of appreciation that lap at your heart transform into guilt. you imagine all the sacrifices jeonghan must have made in order to afford this, all the late shifts he had to seek out, just to buy you a replacement for something you broke in the first place. you swallow a lump of equal parts of exasperation and admiration down your throat, ready to air out further protest because you really don't deserve this, and you sure as hell don't deserve jeonghan.
and jeonghan can imagine all of your internal turmoil, of course he can, which gives him all the more reason to assure you that you do, in fact, deserve the entire world. it's also happily up to jeonghan to deliver it to you. one warm hand placed on your cold ones and a couple of soothing circles rubbed atop of them later, and jeonghan has effectively drawn you out of your own bubble.
"whatever you're worrying about," jeonghan exhales, "don't." when jeonghan senses the tension releasing from your body, he drives his point across with a home run. "plus," he nods at the game he bought to accompany the console, mario kart 8, "we can play together this time, too."
there's no reason to argue, you conclude, especially not against jeonghan. a deep breath resets your mentality, and you try your best to return to your usual self, biting back a smile. "you know I won't go easy on you, right?"
"oh please," jeonghan ruffles your already messy hair, "in your condition, you'll be begging me to go easy on you."
frowning, you take a moment to envision this unlikely scenario. unwilling to even entertain the possibility of losing to jeonghan, you dodge the challenge altogether. "how about we play another time," you mutter.
and at that, jeonghan jumps to his feet, grabbing the switch and the game in one fell swoop. "i knew you were gonna say that," he giggles, "which is why I prepared something else."
after quickly shooting a prayer to whatever gods were out there, you tentatively say, "please don't tell me you got another ridiculously expensive gift. this is more than enough." you're more than enough, you want to add, but don't.
jeonghan all but skips to the kitchen. "i wouldn't exactly call this a gift." a painfully slow thirty seconds pass until he returns to the couch in the living room, to you, carefully balancing a plate of various desserts in one hand, and cradling what appeared to be a lighter in the other.
you squint, double checking if you were actually seeing what you thought you were seeing. "what exactly would you call it, then?"
figuring that calling it an act of service would be much too blatant, jeonghan settles on "lunch."
"lunch?" you eye the plate, definitively making out two chocolate bars, a sleeve of graham crackers, and a bundle of marshmallows.
once his rendition of a charcuterie board is secure on the coffee table, jeonghan maneuvers his way onto the couch and under the blanket, shoulder to shoulder with you one and only. "you haven't eaten all day. and i know you probably don't want to eat a proper meal," jeonghan gestures at their awaiting food, "but I also know you crave sweets when you're sick."
it should be second nature by now, really, with how many times jeonghan so casually demonstrates just how well he knows you, maybe even more than you knows yourself. but jeonghan leaves you in awe every time, regardless. 
s'mores are your designated comfort food. the entire process is just so enjoyable, from prepping the ingredients and assembling the structure, to trying to eat the whole thing in one bite lest the remnants ooze out the sides. and so you both do just that.
lacking anything close to a fireplace or a firepit, you roast marshmallows skewered with chopsticks above the dim flame from the lighter. as per the laws of physics (or something like that), the first marshmallow never goes well, and you both end up with a big black burnt chunk of goo. you effectively hurl yours in the trash, but jeonghan dares to take a nibble off his own. he learns that curiosity does, in fact, kill the cat, and jeonghan scrambles to wash out that terrible ashy aftertaste on his tongue. then he hears the faint sound of you snorting, and he concludes that it was worth it.
you tackle the issue of melting the chocolate next, but it's jeonghan who requests to handle this part because he doesn't want to risk you getting burnt. 
and so you watch as jeonghan carefully heats the chocolate piece by piece over the fire. and you note all of jeonghan's habits you've picked up on over the years. how jeonghan's tongue peaks out from the corner of his mouth when he's super concentrated, how he furrows his brows when he tries to see better, how he forgets to blink when there's one specific thing on his mind. and you feel yourself likewise melting like the chocolate, because even to this day, you still can't fathom how you were so lucky to have jeonghan to call yours.
"i hope you're hungry," jeonghan announces, grinning ear to ear. 
you reciprocate the expression. it's assembly time. 
you make a mess. it was inevitable, honestly. there was only so much precaution to be taken from your comfy position on the couch, legs and feet all tangled up in each other. and you wouldn't have it any other way.
laughter outshines any noise from the long-forgotten sitcom playing on the TV. each bounce of your shoulder from an accompanying chuckle is followed by the blanket sliding down, just a bit. jeonghan tries to be slick when he drapes his arm around you, a front to make sure he can pull the blanket back up every time it threatens to slip. but this is you. you, who notice everything that jeonghan does for you. you, who's grateful for all of it. you, who don't think you can love jeonghan any more than you already do.
an impromptu nap is essential for their post-s'more recovery. the last two love languages, physical touch and quality time, are much harder to gauge. considering jeonghan's affection is usually on full display 24/7 and the fact that he counts his entire lifespan with you as quality time, he can only hope you treasure your moments together as much as he does. and honestly, at this point, jeonghan is much too tired to care about his quest to uncover your love language. the only mission on his mind is to get you as close as possible, and so he seeks to accomplish just that.
pulling you into his arms, you both slump onto your sides, feet dangling off the edge of the couch, hands wrapped around shoulders and backs, and eyes locked unwavering onto the other's. jeonghan slips his bicep under your neck, fashioning a faux pillow, and rests your head against his chest, just above his beating heart.
you squirm in a weak attempt to create some distance between you. (you're not successful.) "i'm gonna get you sick."
jeonghan only snuggles closer. "i don't care," emphasizing his point with a chaste kiss upon your forehead, and then, oh so gently, on your nose, both cheeks, and finally, still ever so softly, on your lips. 
you've both long since outgrown the butterflies in your stomachs. what used to elicit sparks of electricity at every touch now resound in echoes of warmth. and lying here, in jeonghan's embrace, in jeonghan's comfort, in jeonghan's life, you feel so safe. you'd spend eternity with jeonghan if you could, but right now, when the passage of time has all but stopped as you continue to hold each other in your own beautiful world, what you have right now is all you want.
you both wake up as you were, still entangled in each other's body, each other's affection, each other's hearts.
you let yourself drown in the serenity that was jeonghan before you ask the question that's been tickling the back of your mind the whole day. "what was up with you today? you were oddly kind, even more so than you usually are."
an instant flush of red rises upon jeonghan's cheeks, and if you didn't know any better, you'd think jeonghan was the sick one, not you. "this is gonna sound stupid," jeonghan says.
and to that, your first instinct is to reach for jeonghan's hand and intertwine your fingers, still perfectly warm under the blanket. "nothing you say is ever stupid." it's true. on a scale of endearing to adorable, never once have you thought jeonghan resembled anything close to the word stupid.
jeonghan bites his lip, as he confesses, "i hated seeing how miserable you were, and i wanted to cheer you up, but i forgot what your love language is, so i thought i'd do one of each to see which one you like the most, but you were equally receptive to all of them, and i feel dumb for not knowing what means the most to you."
when you don't immediately respond, jeonghan sighs and chides himself. "i told you, it's stupid."
but you just laugh, sporting a grin so wide your eyes turn into mini crescent moons. "yoon jeonghan, you're ridiculous in the best way possible." you unlace your finger in favor of cupping your palm around jeonghan's cheek, still blazing from embarrassment. "did you know that?"
jeonghan flits his gaze downwards, uncharacteristically shy towards the one person he's bared his entire soul to. "could you still remind me what your love language is?" he sheepishly requests, adding on, "just for future reference."
you just smile, and you hope your words are enough to convey the intensity of the way your whole body swells with an undeniable warmth every time jeonghan does anything. "as long as it's with you," you use your thumb to tilt jeonghan's head back up, ensuring he can see just how sincere you are when you say, "i love it all just the same." and then you lean in, breaths already mingling, lips centimeters from meeting, hearts seconds from colliding, when you whisper, "i love you all just the same."
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meownotgood · 8 days
astarion x gn!dark urge!reader. pure fluff and soft feelings
when astarion feels the sudden thrum of the tadpole stirring, psionic energy flooding into his head and spreading through him like dense, rippling waves, he isn't keen to open the door for whoever wants in. his brows knot, his eyes flutter open as he exhales a frustrated breath, his meditations rudely interrupted. wind flutters over his tent, crisp night air whispering in blades of grass. he can hear the crackle of the distant campfire. and yet, this new persistent ringing in his ears drowns out everything — it echoes through his veins, calls out to him, somehow.
trying to ignore the sensation proves futile. he almost starts to push back against it. he thinks of channeling some sort of rebuttal, a potent force of his own to tell whoever is letting their tadpole loose to shut up, but he doesn't. at once, as the feeling begins to change, he stops. sharply, he inhales, warmth inviting him in to stay, enveloping him in a sudden, extrasensory sense of comfort. fog fills what remains of his thoughts.
there's a heavy feeling that roots into him; the sensation of wading through thick, muddy water. then, your presence, your mind, entwining with his. visions form in the wake of your bridged connection. astarion realizes with a lilt in his heart that he is seeing what you're seeing.
except, the first thing he sees is himself.
hazy and dizzy, all blurred lines and smudged edges. pointed ears that stick out from fluffy white hair. a confident smile that flashes sharp teeth. pretty features, and stark, red eyes. he's looking at himself. he knows it's him; the heat in your brain tells him so, even if he was hardly capable of making the connection.
his throat grows dry. in the illusion, you're standing close to him. he senses the nervousness in your veins, feels the careful palm that settles on your shoulder as if it had settled on his own. when he moves — his vision counterpart, not actually him — it's reminiscent of strokes of paint on parchment, everything seeming indistict, real and fake at the exact same time. briefly, he wonders if he's truly this beautiful, or if it's just your own mind's assertion. faux-astarion tilts in closer to you, breath warm on the column of your neck, and your body shakes with a full-blown tremor.
oh. you're dreaming.
how sweet. real-astarion can't help but feel a smile tugging at his cheeks. he props his head up on his arm, getting comfortable, and allows the misty connection to drown him. this afternoon, you were just arguing, going back and forth over something he barely remembers now. yet, here you are. and here he is, showing up in your dreams.
for someone who's been turning him down at every opportunity, frequently reminding him to watch himself at every enticing comment and fanged grin, shooting him a glare made of daggers each time he "accidentally" bumps into you, or leans close enough to mutter words into your ear he definitely could have just said aloud — for someone who claims to hate him, clearly, you must feel something different. he knew you didn't like him. thought you couldn't stand anything to do with him. but gods, the dream you're having right before him, of him, is a pleasant, gratifying contradiction.
you probably hadn't meant for him to intrude, he figures. fast asleep in your bedroll, you're curled up all alone, finally getting some rest after a long day of travelling. your tadpole might've reached out on its own, or perhaps he's the only one to see, because he's the only person still awake.
regardless, astarion doesn't dwell much on the logistics. he focuses on the vision, on the sensations swirling through you, and then through him, in turn. you relax when his palm brushes your lower back — astarion feels the sensation from your point of view, but he tries to imagine how it might feel for him. how your back would arch into his touch at the simplest brush of his fingers.
he watches himself, lips trailing your neck, teeth grazing your pulse, making your eyes close and your shoulders tense. and when he speaks, it's what you remember of his smooth, honeyed voice. the words are muddled as they echo in your skull, then his.
"what is it you want, darling?"
astarion, still smugly watching from the comfort of his tent as your dream plays out, breathes a slight, quiet chuckle to himself. he feels the heat of your anger, bristling and boiling underneath his skin. but he also feels contentment. excitement, perhaps.
"I don't want anything from you," you're snapping in response, quick and sharp, as always. your last word is particularly laced with vitriol, contrasting delightfully with the sweet moniker he uses for you instead. there's that familiar expression on your face again, an annoyed pout he's always loved to draw out of you. he wonders, if he were to see you in more than just your mind, would you be pouting in your sleep, too?
teeth gritting, jaw tense, you press your palm to the vampire's chest, threatening to shove him away — but somehow, you don't. you can't.
"honestly," he tuts, his breath fanning over your skin as he laughs, "if — for once — you did away with your blasted pride, we might actually get along."
you answer swiftly and concisely. "definitely not."
astarion grins. dream-him isn't wrong.
"if you're so insistent on refusing to admit it, knock yourself right out. but there is something you want. and there just so happens to be something I want, all the same."
he continues, as his palm moves up ever-so carefully, brushing over your spine while he goes. "this doesn't have to be complicated, dear. think of it as... a transaction. you let me into that complicated little head of yours," he's murmuring into your ear at barely more than a whisper, his touch is tracing between your shoulder blades now, with teasing and practiced precision; "and I'll help you forget. you'll forget your stresses. your worries. your... dark impulsions. isn't that what you want? what you need?"
you freeze, solid under his touch like a marble statue. astarion senses the softness in your heart, he feels the threads of your dream shimmer and quake. when he hears himself speak next, his voice is more assured. it's comforting to you, in it's own way. a solid rock to cling to, as your veins thrum with shadow, and emotion.
"I know how much they've been affecting you," he says, speaking carefully. "you hardly sleep, and even when you do, each night is restless. you're scared, aren't you? more than you've been trying to let on. tell me, how long do you think it's been since someone touched you? could you and a lover ever grow close, without the poor soul fearing you might wind up taking their head?"
astarion swallows, his focus on your dream fading ever-so briefly. those felt like your words, your worries, reflected in him, and echoed back. as if it were his own — just like his own, really — he can feel your doubt, your loneliness. no, the version of him you're dreaming of is different. until now, he never knew how scared you truly were.
your mind twists, as you try to recall something, anything, to no avail. your strain and hurt shudders across him, lessened only by the softest press of the dream's lips to your pulse.
"let me help you," he murmurs. "let me take everything away."
your body tenses. several pictures flash through your mind, as if your dream can't decide which one to settle on. they're different from what he was expecting. you imagine astarion's hand finding yours, lacing with it tenderly, squeezing it tight when it only wants to wrap around his throat. you imagine his voice, cooing comforting words that bleed into one another until they're unintelligible.
your heart skips when you picture a kiss. the softest press of his lips to yours — his palm on your cheek, your hands in his hair; your mind blissfully quiet, for a change. but the dream continues with none of those choices. astarion watches you embrace him, his arms wrapping around you in turn. now, it's his turn to feel his heart run wild.
instantly, you relax, and he senses your comfort; he feels soothed in exchange. you seem satisfied. as if you've finally received something you've wanted for a very, very long time. and you savor it. he savors it, letting every second feel like hours, exhaling a breath that shakes his chest because this hardly feels like a dream anymore.
you hug him tighter, and he holds you just the way you've wanted — just the way he's wanted. the remaining details go fuzzy around you. astarion feels you beside him, against him, within him. the warm hold of an embrace sears through his system, more divine than any prayer, softer than anything he thinks he's ever known. your mind is filled with a sense of understanding. an aurora of elation.
this is what I've needed, it whispers, glowing fondly, brightly. this is what we have both needed.
he hardly knows how long it lasts, just that it doesn't stop. he doesn't want it to stop. the dream only fades, vanishing slowly but surely, as darkness creeps in to devour you at last.
without thinking, without knowing or caring if his effort is worth a damn, astarion tries to push against it. he feels the sharp claws of dread begin to sink into you. a chill surges up his spine. his brows knit, as he adds an extra jolt of psionic power to your mind, attempting to fend off the torment for what only feels like a few moments more. in the end, your dream fizzles out hopelessly — and so does the connection.
astarion's eyes fly open. darkness greets him once more, his lonely tent suddenly all too quiet. slivers of moonlight shine onto him, the tent's curtain wavering in the wind. astarion exhales, he smiles. he presses both hands to his face in exasperation with a heavy, theatric groan.
even now, even as he lies alone and cold in his tent, his heart calming and his own perceptions returning, he still thinks he can feel the warmth of your embrace. it feels like burning. like light. like a fragile bloom of heat in his stomach, intense with so much tenderness it makes him feel sick. he's dizzy, just from the lingering ghost of palms pressed to his back. your hands, touching him soft enough to melt him, fond enough to brand new gentle marks onto his scarred skin. he hates it. he loathes and craves such a feeling, and he can't decide which sentiment is worse.
gods. who would've thought, for as drunk on violence as you are, you're truly so terribly, utterly soft.
frankly, darkness has always been an ambiance astarion is quite used to.
huffing, he wills his heart to shut up, and presses his fingers to his temple, massaging it to try and alleviate the strain left by the wriggling tadpole. he'll keep this event to himself, he wagers. mostly. in the back of his mind, the last few ripples of his severed connection to you still linger.
he swears, when you were drug from him, there was resistance. the resistance of trying and failing to drag him back, begging for someone to stay with you in the darkness. pleading don't go in the shape of his name, as your blood-sick head crumbled into nothing but aching, endless ash.
as he sits up, he hears the telltale pad of almost-silent footsteps — clumsier than usual, possibly from the grogginess. he hears you sigh, he imagines you rubbing your eyes and settling with staying awake for the rest of the night. it's better than letting your nightmares consume you. with a thump, a log of wood is tossed onto the campfire, making the flames burn brighter, and warmer.
astarion takes a second or two to think of what he should say to you. it isn't in his nature to hesitate, but it's also not like him to greet you with kindness, to suddenly ask if you slept alright, or if you'd like someone to keep you company. he should handle this delicately. maybe, you don't even need words. you just need for him to sit beside you for a while. to not bicker, for once. to just be. honestly, he would like that too.
before leaving his tent, he takes in one last deep breath, and mutters quietly to himself.
"you are just full of surprises."
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jeongheart · 1 year
summary: 'physical touch refers to expressing and receiving affection through touch, physical closeness, and other forms of physical connection'.
w.c: 1.4k.
tags: strangers to friends to lovers (kinda?), mutual pining, fluff.
a.n: i'm soft, this was inspired by that video of jeongin bumping into jisung lol. my first innie work aaa i'm so happy that i finished it, i'm so proud of this one too.
as always, english is not my first language so sorry in advance for any mistakes, leave your thoughts if you like! it means a lot.
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Jeongin doesn't like to be touched.
He strongly believes that his personal space is sacred, and he can't understand the people who require physical contact 24/7.
It's no secret to anyone that he dislikes (physical) displays of affection, not that he doesn't have them with the people he loves, he prefers to let them know that he loves them with a special gift on their birthday or by buying them something that reminds him of that person.
He especially hates hugs. He feels trapped by the other person, and despite the fact that in the 22 years of his life he repeated it a thousand times, his family and friends don't seem to get the hint.
He doesn't want to be surly, really. It's something that has been like that since he can remember.
Jeongin doesn't like to be touched.
Except if that someone is you.
It's funny actually, you'd met casually, the way people met before: in real life. The first day of college was tough, everything and everyone was new and having to get used to a "grown-up" routine all of a sudden was something that took time.
He remembers the time exactly: 07:20 am. It was the first of the day, he was sitting in front of the class, he had a bad habit of being easily distracted, so he had to force himself to overcome his shame and desire to sleep to be in front of the blackboard.
The class started at 07:30, and the room was almost full. The professor arrived less than a minute ago and Jeongin was glad to be alone and in peace. His notebook lay open in front of him, the pages white and spotless.
Until you arrived, late.
You came running, it was obvious that you'd fallen asleep. Your hair was somewhat messy, probably due to the wind and the run you made through the building, your face was red (from embarrassment and exertion), but a smile was present on your face.
The professor looked at you funny and with a gesture of her hand she asked you to come in and take a seat somewhere free.
The only one was next to Jeongin.
Your eyes lit up at the sight of the empty chair, and even though you couldn't see it, Jeongin rolled his eyes as he saw you approaching the table.
With the woman summarizing her presentation, you arranged your things on the table (everything was in pastel colors, the blonde noticed) and you looked at him expectantly with that smile still on your face.
He could tell you were alone, actually, you were the only two who were. All your other classmates knew each other. So your attempt to start a conversation with him was logical, you also realized that he was alone.
"It looks like we'll be buddies" You smiled again and then told him your name while you extended your hand in an attempt to shake his, a very old gesture and not funny at all according to Jeongin.
He played dumb, but he told you his name. And then he said nothing more, watching out of the corner of his eye as you slowly lower your hand to rest it on your lap.
The weeks passed like this, you had a clear love language and unfortunately it was the one that Jeongin hated the most. You were always trying to touch him, not in a wicked or weird way, just friendly since that's how you showed affection. You were friends, but he couldn't tell you 'stop doing that' every time you reached out to touch his shoulder to get his attention.
You annoyed him every time you did that, but he couldn't deny that when you weren't getting clingy he appreciated your company. You were a comfortable presence in his life most of the time, and he liked not being alone in an unfamiliar environment where everyone greeted each other and ate together every day.
The first part of the academic year ended in the blink of an eye and the relationship between the two of you was only growing.
Jeongin didn't know when he let you touch his arm for the first time, he thinks it was in the library when you were studying for an exam.
He was nervous as he couldn't memorize anything and you, ever so nice, reached out your hand in an attempt to comfort him to rest it on Jeongin's left arm which was sprawled on top of the book he was trying to read.
Jeongin hadn't noticed that he hadn't tensed like the other times and he just kept reading and rereading the same sentences while the heat rose to your cheeks.
You didn't know what changed, but the fact that the boy who moved away every time you got at least 5 cm closer than normal had finally relaxed around you had butterflies flying in your stomach.
The months unfolded normal after that, and Jeongin would let you into his bubble of personal space more and more often.
He definitely hadn't realized how much he liked to feel your warm hands on his when he needed to calm down before a presentation or how his heart would jump in his chest when he saw you smile after you hugged him goodbye when he dropped you at your house after college.
"I like you a lot, Innie" You told him after the second exam.
Another final exam ended, and with it, the end of the year was drawing near. Jeongin was going to a vacation with his family in Busan and you definitely couldn't go weeks and weeks without seeing him, or his dimples or hearing his laugh and you would never forgive yourself if you didn't tell him everything that was on your mind every time you were together.
Jeongin looked like a statue, his mouth was opening and closing in an attempt to find the right words. His mind had short-circuited and it seemed that he had lost all ability to form a coherent sentence.
The snow was falling around the two of you, the heartless winter wrapped you from head to toe and as the minutes passed without an answer, your heart raced more and more and if Jeongin paid enough attention he could see how your eyes began to water as you overthought your sudden confession.
Maybe he didn't feel the same way, and you were making a fool of yourself. You began to prepare the speech of 'sorry, I shouldn't have said anything' to save your heart from the impending rejection and to be able to escape from that situation as quickly as possible.
Until Jeongin moved, he took two short steps until he was face to face to you. He was a head taller than you and your eyes searched his urgently, trying to decipher the answer he hadn't put into words.
The blond placed his big hands on your cheeks, reddened by the cold and now by shame, and caressed your skin with his thumbs.
You swore that if it wasn't for his soft grip on your face, you might have passed out from how fast your heart was beating, your legs felt like jelly, and the suspense felt eternal. You wanted to yell at him to answer or for him to do something, anything to finally stop your heart racing with feelings.
You opened your mouth to talk, but Jeongin closed the distance between you by placing his lips on yours.
You froze at first, arms still on either side of your body but then, as if awakened from a trance, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to lose yourself in the heat of the kiss, everything around you felt cold except for this moment, the soft feeling of his plush lips on yours and the warmth spreading from the tip of your fingertoes to every strand of hair on your head.
He moved only a few inches from you, enough to be able to whisper over your lips "I like you too".
You laughed slowly, so softly that it almost felt like a whisper, so only he could hear it "Yes, I think I realized that" And tangling your hands behind his neck you brought him closer to you to kiss him again.
Jeongin doesn't like to be touched, but you were the only exception.
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pomplalamoose · 2 months
mkay soooo what if when the rebellion was living on hoth u and (like late anh!luke or esb!luke both would be cute lwk) went to a more tropical planet w lots of beaches tghr whilst looking for more possible bases and of course you guys just happen to get stranded n day a few vacation days on the beach!
but since luke is from tatooine n there’s barely even water in the AIR he’s never seen in a girl—specifically you, in a bikini. and since you guys have been on hoth for a time he’s never even seen you in a t shirt. like you just “what’s wrong” n he’s as red as a tomato.
anyway what i’m trying to say is you two making out in the beach n then leads to beach sex please please please oh my god. and don’t hold back on the gross details
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18+ !!!
cw: a little bit of pining, a little bit of fluff, eventual smut, like seriously, mdni!
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• initially you think nothing of it when the unbearable heat forces you to remove your jacket
• too great is the relief of feeling the gentle breeze cool your sweaty skin that you fail to notice the way your exposed arms seem to impact Luke
• Luke who is trying his hardest to be respectful, who is giving his best not to stare
• Luke who fails spectacularly
• Luke who, upon you sensing his distress and turning around, turns beet red and wide eyed, looking away immediately
• "it's just a pair of arms", he tries to tell himself staring down at his feet in the sand
• this certainly is nothing he hasn't seen before
• Force, he intimatedly knows what a person looks like naked and you are nowhere even near that state, he needs to get it together!
• though no matter how plausible he makes it sound in his head, the reality is, in fact, a lot harder to deal with
• because it's not "just" a pair of arms
• it's yours and he can barely tear his gaze away
• he can't quite recall the moment in which he first let his thoughts wander and they settled on you, doesn't remember when it was that he first started wondering how you'd look under all that thick winter clothing necessary to survive on Hoth
• only, that he never got the chance to hold your hand in his without those damned gloves on
• that it was never a possibility to even touch your face
• that your body was nothing more than an illusion he made up for himself during his countless daydreams
• only, that he half-feared you'd simply disappear into a cloud of cold air without all those warm layers keeping you tightly wrapped together
• but now, sitting before him, is a picture he'd nearly didn't dare to hope ever laying his eyes upon
• there you are, in nothing but a T-shirt and pants, and so close, so real, he desperately wants to reach out his hands
• he longs to finally find out how you feel
• he wants to trace his fingers up and down your arms for no particular reason, wants to touch every single freckle and mole he can find
• is your skin as soft as it looks?
• is the fine hair he sees shimmering in the sunlight when you move a certain way?
• when you raise your arms to fix your windswept hair, so does the hem of your shirt, revealing a sliver of your mid-riff and Luke nearly explodes
• he's at a loss for words, completely helpless in light of your beauty
• there's nothing more except the need to latch on to you and never let go again
• of course, at this point, you would eventually come to realize your appearance's effect; Luke is not being what one would call subtle and the love-drunk look in his eyes is hard to miss
• "have you been to the water yet?" you ask gently, feeling a little shy at being gazed at so intently, hoping to focus his attention on something else
• it works
• Luke, absolutely clueless and very happy to follow you everywhere you want to go is concerned immediately
• "wait, wait...do you know how to swim?"
• of course you do and he's so relieved until he remembers he can't
• imagine his face when he eventually admits to it
• the slight crease between his eyebrows, his unhappy, nearly upset frown
• how is he supposed to keep up with you now?
• how is he supposed to keep you safe?
• imagine his smile returning like the sun rising in the morning when you assure him you don't mind
• you only want to dip in your feet, would he not like to join you?
• imagine his eager nod, the delight in his eyes at the foreign sensation when he's finally standing beside you
• imagine the giggle that escapes him at how the water draws back and returns swiftly with every gentle wave
• at how it washes around his feet, how it feels when he wriggles his toes in the wet sand
• imagine Luke's surprise, the light shock, when you splash him, the droplets suddenly raining down all over him
• then his delight, the childish excitement
• he wasn't aware this was something you, and he too, could do!
• before you know it he's chasing you down the beach trying to get back at you
• with his long legs and ability to move over sand much faster than you are, you don't stand much of a chance
• though of course this doesn't stop you from fighting back as soon as he gets to you and it's not long after that both of you are sopping wet
• imagine him laughing freely, something you don't think you've seen him do before
• your heart beats faster
• it's when you're both out of breath, staring each other down to gauge your next movements, that the mood, so playful before, switches
• you can't put your finger on when it happened, can't explain how, but the dynamic between you has changed
• like your little game helped Luke make up his mind, emboldened him even, his blushy look and adoringly shy eyes are no more
• instead you're faced with a determination that raises goosebumps all over your skin, as he slowly makes his way towards you, his strong thighs parting the water with every step
• you don't know where to look
• not when he's suddenly this close to you, so close you can smell the salt on his skin and the wind in his hair
• carefully, as if afraid to scare you away, he reaches out, starts to run the fingers of his right hand up and down your left forearm
• you let him
• his gentle touch makes you shudder and unbelievably so he moves even closer, drinking in your subtle reactions
• "Luke I-"
• your voice is breathy, a little unstable
• but when you turn your head aside in embarrassment, he's quick to reach for your chin
• for a moment it's quiet, words simply eluding you in the face of your confusion and desire
• it's Luke who finally speaks again, who voices aloud what you had been thinking about, secretly hoping for, all along
• "please, may I kiss you?"
• and then, nearly inaudible, with such longing that it makes your heart ache, "just this once?"
• and all you can give in return is a nod
• imagine the light in his eyes, brighter even than the most radiant of stars, as he cups your face in his large hands and touches his lips to yours
• imagine how he slowly, so very slowly, pulls back, clearly not wanting the moment to end already
• imagine the look in his eyes, a look that seems to silently plead for more
• and the relief when he finds the immediate answer in yours
• imagine the gasp that escapes you when he finally, unabashedly, dares to take initiative and pulls you flush against him with a jolt
• imagine the pure joy that arises at being kissed like this, with such fervor and enthusiasm it weakens your knees, for once silencing your mind
• imagine the deep sense of peace that comes with being held so closely in strong arms as if they never plan on letting you go again
• you feel safe
• the persistence and thoroughness with which Luke continues to explore your mouth surprises you
• he kisses like he's starving, like he can't get enough
• like he may never get the chance to taste you again
• like he's afraid you're going to stop him any moment now
• meanwhile nothing could be further from your mind and it is without hesitation that you follow his lead, that you let him place you down upon the warm sand as if on the softest, most luxurious bed made just for you
• quickly his lips are on yours again and it's not long before they start to wander, to explore your features and limbs as leisurely as his hands do
• mesmerized, like in a trance, Luke traces the lines of your body, peppers kisses to every inch of you he can reach, his excitement at the ability to draw soft sighs and moans from you palpable
• soon unintelligible pleas start to spill from your lips as your arousal heightens with every passing minute
• you're growing desperate, are aching for more, for his deft fingers between your thighs
• but despite Luke's hardened length pressing insistently against his wet pants and repeatedly brushing along your upper legs, he makes no move to fulfill your wish nor to sate his own desires
• not even when you experimentally roll your hips upwards in hopes of gaining at least a little bit of friction
• he's not done exploring yet
• his attention focuses on your chest instead and you have no other choice but to continue clenching around nothing as he tentatively licks and, at length, begins to suck your nipples into his mouth until you're ready to cry out in frustration
• covered in sweat, the sand has begun to cling to your skin, rubbing against you with even the smallest of your movements and you're not sure what to make of it
• you're overwhelmed, helplessly overstimulated, almost wishing for it to stop
• though when Luke presses his knee in between your legs, giving you the chance to grind against him, it's suddenly not enough
• it's not nearly enough and your impatience finally exceeding your shame, the urge to beg becomes too strong to withhold
• for his touch, his fingers
• his cock
• "please Luke. Please just- just fuck me already"
• this catches Luke off guard though he remains silent, takes time to observe your shaking legs, your flush, quivering skin, the quick rise and fall of your chest, your wet eyes
• it shakes him out of his revery, like your words only now led him back into the present moment, made him realize for how long he's been toying with you
• how painfully desperate he is to seek his own release
• truly, he has no intention of leaving you like this, on the brink of an orgasm and close to tears
• but he's stalling, he knows, holding back, unsure of how to proceed and afraid to hurt you
• what if you're not ready to take him yet?
• lost in thought his fingers move gently along the waistband of your underpants until they dip lower in wonder, his knuckles slowly grazing over the wet spot where your dripping arousal has soaked into the fabric
• he is the reason for this, the reason for your pleasure, he realizes
• and he wants you, has wanted you for a very long time
• having made up his mind he carefully pushes a finger deep inside of you, pleasantly surprised at how easy you allow him entrance
• "no", he breathes when you try to strip off your panties to better grant him access
• "I want you like this"
• Luke makes you cum several times before even considering to free his cock from its confines
• too deeply does he enjoy your cries and twitches growing in intensity to accept for pleasure of his own to distract from it
• too hypnotizing it is to watch his fingers disappear into you again and again until they're deeply coated and practically dripping with your arousal
• too satisfying are the obscene squelching sounds that arise, louder and louder the faster he drives into you
• if it were up to him he would continue like this forever, unbothered by his own urges, content to simply watch
• though as you grow tired he eventually takes mercy
• he fucks you until you're close to passing out with pleasure, your face held tightly between his hands
• until your back is sore with being rubbed over the sandy ground over and over and over again
• until there's sand everywhere, in places you don't even dare to think about right now, and your legs are quivering from how long you had to keep them this far apart
• until he is panting, ruthlessly chasing his orgasm with hard, fast thrusts that shake your entire body and cause your eyes to roll into the back of your head
• until tears are streaming down your face and not even the sounds of the crashing waves are able to drown out the wet slapping noises when his hips meet yours in a near frenzy as he buries himself balls-deep in your throbbing heat
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A/N: I'm so excited I finally, FINALLY had the time to work on this request!! Really, I couldn't get it out of my head since you first sent it in and not being able to write it all down immediately was pure torture😩
Thank you for your patience! I hope you don't mind the way this turned out to be a little fluffier than anticipated, I just couldn't help it. I love my Luke being desperately head over heels for the reader <33
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utahimeow · 2 years
SEX101 — kageyama tobio [lesson 2.]
summary — your virgin best friend asks you to teach him how to have sex.
pairing — kageyama x f!reader
warnings — nsfw content. minors dni. corruption kink, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, possessive reader, kageyama is still inexperienced
word count — 3.8k
author’s note — stick around for one more part ;P
read part one here!
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Kageyama thinks he's a terrible person.
He's finally seeing someone, a pretty girl who's not intimidated by him like everyone else is. She's so sweet to him, and funny too. She made him laugh without even trying.
So why are you the only thing that's on his mind?
He lays in his bed and his mattress has never felt so uncomfortable. He has practice in the morning, so he needs to rest, but every time he shuts his eyes to try and sleep all he sees is the image of you, his best friend, with his cock down your throat.
He still remembers your taste, so sweet as it dribbled onto his tongue. He remembers your lips, warm and plush against his. Your mouths moved together so... naturally, even though they shouldn't have. Best friends don't kiss like that. Kageyama ignores this, of course. He distracts himself by thinking about your eyes, peering up at him as he came in your mouth or rolling back as his tongue moved against your clit, your irises shining like he'd never seen before. He remembers the feel of your tits, so soft, so heavenly through your t-shirt. His hands were made for touching them, he thinks.
He can't wait to be inside you. Oh, the thought makes his head spin and the sooner he falls asleep the sooner it'll happen. Kageyama shuts his eyes, and now he welcomes your face that's there, and when he drifts off to a slumber, he's thinking about you.
Two days later, you get a text from your best friend.
can i come over?
In an instant, you reply.
of course :)
Moments later, Kageyama texts again.
can you teach me?
You can't hold back the smile that takes over your face, knowing full well that his hands are sweating after sending the text.
only if you know you're ready
i am
ok then hurry up :P
Twenty minutes pass before there's a knock at your front door and you're shuffling down your stairs to open it. When you do, Kageyama's standing there, his body tense yet his face stony and mostly blank as usual. His eyes glint for a moment when you appear before you're dragging him inside and to your room.
He remains by the bedroom door after you've shut it over, even after you've launched yourself onto your bed with the assumption that he'd follow you, because he practically lives here and after practise it's always straight to yours and your mom makes him dinner and he showers here and he's been sleeping over since you were both twelve years old.
Now he stands there, frozen, as though he's in an unfamiliar place.
"Tobio? What's the matter?" you ask, maybe a little too harshly.
Hands stuffed into the pockets of his grey hoodie, he rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, stares down at the carpeted floor as he contemplates. When you don't get any response from him other than a dejected huff, you push yourself off your bed and shuffle over to him.
"You that nervous?" you ask, low. His breathing quickens when your hand settles on his cheek and you force his eyes to meet yours.
"I'm... scared," he admits, and it's so unlike him to say something like that that it makes you shiver. Kageyama doesn't get nervous. Not before games, not before exams. So for him to confess that he's more than nervous is frightening.
"Of course you are. It's your first time," you assure him. "We don't have to do—"
"I want to," he says, his sudden eagerness giving you whiplash. "I'm scared, but that doesn't mean I'm not ready."
His words instantly put any sparks of doubt in your mind to rest, and you smile at him fondly.
"Okay, but you still need to relax a little," you say, swatting your hands at his raised shoulders until they fall. "Don't worry, I'll help you."
You take his hand, guiding him to your bed to sit him down at the edge of it before you crawl into his lap, placing your thighs on either side of him.
"Gonna kiss you, okay?" you tell him.
He blinks, and instead of giving a response he brings his mouth to yours. There's a swell of pride in your chest that only grows when you feel the weight of his hands resting on your hips. You kiss him back promptly, hands reaching up to grip his shoulders as your mouths mingle together. Somewhere along the way your tongue shoves against his and Kageyama squeezes at your waist in response.
Like instinct, your hips start to roll against the boy underneath you as the desperation for friction begins to grow between your legs. To your surprise, you sense his fingers begin to inch downwards, pulling at the band of your shorts and you can't help but grin against his mouth.
As soon as he pulls away, you pout, but it's seeing his cute, blushing face eases the disappointment.
"I wanna try use my fingers this time," he tells you and you could scream because he's so sweet. Your thumb strokes his cheek, your eyes taking in his facial features: his pointed nose, his pouty, frowny lips that are so soft, his pretty blue eyes adorned with a thick set of eyelashes, his carved cheekbones...
Maybe he's not yours yet. But he will be. You'll make sure of it.
With one last peck against Kageyama's lips, you crawl out of his lap and lay back against your pillows, waiting patiently for him. A voice in your head screams at you, tells you to strip and open your legs for him and let him finger you already, but the more sensible part of you figures that he'll never learn if you do everything for him.
Still delicate as he touches you, he nudges your knees open, kneeling between the space they create before his hands are pulling your shorts down your legs along with your panties. The look in his eyes is something you'll never get tired of. What is usually contempt is replaced with a twinkly daze as Kageyama licks his lips at the sight of you.
He reaches forward, fingertips just shyly teasing your hole, taking some of the arousal that's dripped out of you before he migrates to your clit. You gasp as he spreads your slick over your bud, drawing circles as he starts to stimulate your nerves.
"Tobio..." you whine, curious as to how he'll react. "Please, your fingers."
He stares at you, blinking, and for a fleeting moment you swear that the ghost of a smile appears on his face. The pads of his fingers keep tracing circles into your clit for a while, but after another pleading whimper from you, he slides them down to your hole once more, but never dips inside. He glances up at you, and it's clear what he's asking of you.
"Always start with one," you tell him. "When she asks for more give her two. Keep them curled up and move your whole arm. In and out. None of that.. 'come hither' stuff," you explain, demonstrating the motion with your fingers, the one that's never even gotten you close.
Kageyama gives a determined nod before he slips his finger inside, eyes widening at how little resistance there is from how soaked you are. He does as you instructed, crooking his digit upwards against your soft walls. He draws it back out and there's something so teasing in the way he watched the string of arousal that's attached. To your surprise, your entire face burns with humiliation.
"T-tobio," you breathe, begging but you're not sure what for. In any other case you'd never be so flustered, but because it's Tobio, it makes you grow hot.
With a hum, he slides back in, curls it up again and finds a steady pace with his arm, one that has you squirming around in no time. He urges the knot in your stomach to grow with every push and pull, tiny gasps and pants leaving your mouth as he brushes against your sweet spot repeatedly.
"Feels so good," you keen, your hips moving against Kageyama's hand. The cogs visibly turn in his brain, and before you know it there's a second finger dipping inside you. A high-pitched moan that slips from your mouth lets him know that he's doing good, gives him the confidence to keep going and he dares move a little bit faster than before.
While Kageyama's fingers are slender, they're still thicker than yours, and boy are they far longer. He reaches a part inside of you that your fingers could only dream of reaching, and it turns your brain to mush. Tiny pants leave your lips, broken ever so often by a whine of Kageyama's name. He feels it between his legs—the way you breathe the syllables out so softly, so desperately, is starting to get him worked up too.
You're starting to squirm more. Kageyama's attentiveness proves extremely beneficial because he notices it immediately. He picks up speed again, moving his arm now with the undying determination to get you to your edge. His eyebrows knit together for a second as he contemplates. Then one glance at your pleading eyes and your hanging mouth and he brings his thumb to your clit to move it in tiny circles.
"Tobio... fuck," you sigh. His face is scrunched into concentration, narrowed eyes flicking back and forth between watching his fingers sink in and out of your cunt, and your pretty face as he drags you closer and closer.
"Gonna cum soon, Tobio," you breathe. Each pump of his fingers sends jolts of pleasure to your core, every flick of his thumb sending shivers down your spine. Then before you know it, your orgasm hurtles towards you in a wave of tight muscles and a burning heat in your abdomen. Your eyes roll all the way back, your back arching high into the air, and Kageyama keeps on fucking you with his fingers even as you gasp and cry out with pleasure.
He stares at you, a mix of awe and pride behind his dark blue eyes. His heart is pounding, close to leaping out of his chest as something stirs within him. This satisfaction is the same one he feels when he makes a perfect set; when he scores a service ace; when he wins. That sensation of being untouchable, of having adrenaline flowing through his veins—he has it, knowing he's the one that's made you writhe, made you tremble, made you whimper.
As you lay there, recovering from your climax, you're as surprised as Kageyama. Sure, it's possible to mimic things from porn, and it's possible to follow your instincts, but aside from the timidness in how Kageyama slid his fingers within your pussy, it almost seemed like he knew what he was doing.
What he'd never confess to you is that he had spent the last few nights doing 'research'. Out of curiosity and the eagerness to impress you, he had found himself searching up tips online—in-depth explanations behind the female orgasm. Kageyama knew there was only so much you could explain to him, so he turned to the internet and absorbed some of the more basic pieces of advice, the ones he felt were imperative to making you feel good without you telling him.
As Kageyama withdraws his fingers, your hand latches around his wrist and you bring it to your mouth. He's awestruck as your wrap your lips around his digits and take them down to the knuckle, making a show of swirling your tongue all around them. You gaze at him the entire time, your tummy fluttering because he looks so nervous, all blushy as his lips part and he breathes hard. He shifts a little as his sweatpants suddenly become too tight.
You swallow down your own arousal, pulling his fingers out of your mouth with a pop and an innocent smile and Kageyama is convinced he's died and gone to heaven because if you're not an angel then what are you?
"You did so good," you say with sincerity, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips. "Thank you, Tobio. Now get on your back for me."
You push at his chest until you've swapped places with him and you're kneeling between his legs, pulling at the top of his sweatpants until they're off and tossing them onto the floor somewhere. His boxers come next, his pretty dick springing up when you've tugged them down his legs.
As if your hand is drawn to him, your fingers wrap around his thick length immediately, your mouth drooling at the thought of swallowing him. Before you can bend forward and wrap your lips around him however, Kageyama grabs your hand and panic sets into your chest in an instant.
"W-wait," he says. "I don't think you should do that."
"Why? Are you okay?" you ask. Subconsciously your hands move to his thighs, moving gently up and down them in an attempt to soothe him.
"I'm fine. I just... um..." He grows silent then, eyes breaking away from yours to look around the room instead. You sit back onto your knees, away from him.
"What is it, Tobio?"
"I just... wanna make sure I last this time," he finally admits. "For you."
Your heart nearly bursts. Kageyama, who hates being vulnerable in front of other people. Kageyama, while he's never struggled being vulnerable in front of you, has never looked so vulnerable as he does now.
You dive forward, shoving your lips against his because you couldn't phrase your adoration for him in this moment if you tried. "Are you sure?" you ask a moment later.
He nods.
"I owe you one though," you wink, giggling as he swallows hard. "I still need to get you ready first. Always gotta have some sort of lubrication, especially with your size."
You bring your palm to your mouth, spitting into it swiftly before taking Kageyama's cock in your hand and pumping it a few times. It's sweet the way he flinches a little and his thighs tremble at your touch, and you even hear the faintest moan from him. It makes you clench, the urge to have him inside you increasing with every second that passes.
You climb on top of him, straddle his lap so you can guide his cock between your folds. With your bottom lip trapped between your teeth, you buck your hips up, eyes locked on the way his length gleams with a mix of your spit and your slick. Pre-cum drools from his tip in globs, adding to the sticky mixture. It's all so lewd, and he's not even inside you yet.
"Please... I can't," Tobio whispers, and it's then that you notice how his hands are twisted into your sheets so hard that his knuckles are white.
"Touch me first. Then I'll put it in," you say, maintaining the slow roll of your hips against his needy cock. You lift the bottom of your t-shirt up, just enough to expose your tits to the cool air, and Kageyama's eyes nearly bulge out of his head when you do.
God, he can't get over how pretty they are. He's drooling, and he knows he's touched them before, but not like this. Slowly, he reaches up, no longer focussed on your dripping cunt grinding against him over and over. Instead all he can do is observe in wonder as his hands cup around the soft mounds on your chest and squeeze. His stomach flutters at your moan, so he squeezes again, moves his fingers in circles until he musters up the confidence to tweak at your nipples.
"Oh, Tobio," you sigh. "That's good."
He gives a proud smile—it's something he read about. He pinches at the peaks and kneads your tits, no longer held back by any sort of hesitation.
"I'm gonna put it in now," you breathe out, waiting until he nods. "Try to hold out, yeah?"
To your delight, Tobio rolls his eyes, and a playful grin forms on his lips. It's wiped away the moment you tease your entrance with his tip, his eyes screwing shut, his hands flying to your hips.
This is it, you think. One swoop and he's all yours. He gives a shuddered breath when you sink down on him slowly, while you shiver at the sensation of him stretching you out. Every inch is heavenly, leaving you spiralling as he bottoms out inside you, until you're finally sitting on top of his pelvis.
It's even better than you could have expected.
You lean in, kissing him softly as Kageyama relishes in the way your pussy hugs his cock. It's everything all at once—soft, warm, wet, tight. You're not even moving yet. How on earth is he supposed to last?
"Can I move, Tobio?" you ask, smoothing your hands up his chest until they settle on his shoulders.
"Y-yeah, it's just tight," he says, eyes finally fluttering open again.
Slowly, you lift your hips, then bring them back down again, zeroing in on his reaction to your first movement. His jaw clenches a little and he pinches at your waist, and then his own hips buck up against yours so you do the same thing again until you find a steady pace and before long you're bouncing up and down on your best friend's cock.
"You like it, Tobio?" you ask him, bending forward once more to kiss him. This time you bring your lips lower, trailing along his jaw, down to his neck, leaving a flurry small pecks against his flesh there. So badly you want to mark him up, cover him in purple little bites—show Ayumi he's yours... But you restrain yourself. You're better than that.
"Yeah," he breathes, the end of his word morphing into a moan. "Feels really good."
"Yeah?" You lean in close to his ear, bringing your voice down to a mere whisper. "I've been waiting forever for this, you know."
You lean back with the sudden urge to see his face as you keep your hips bouncing on him, letting out high-pitched whimpers as his cock drags against your walls deliciously. He's so big that you're quickly growing breathless from the sheer effort it takes you to raise your body up and back down him, and paired with the pleasure that bubbles deep inside you, your limbs are starting to turn numb from bliss.
The sight of Kageyama beneath you is one you'll never get tired of. His eyes shine with a dreamy haze, his lips parted as tiny gasps leave his mouth and a peachy blush spreads all over his face. He looks like a mess. Worse than after any five-set match. And it's all your doing.
"Close, Tobio?" you ask, dragging your nails down his chest, relishing in how his cock throbs within you when you do. He answers with a hum and a nod and despite the burn in your thighs, you pick up even more speed.
"Me too," you tell him, clenching around him with a devious smile. Your hands move to where his ones rest on your hips still, and in one swift movement you pin them to the bed. By now you're fucking yourself back onto him with no intention other than to climax, all morals thrown out the window as you bask in the sensation of Kageyama's cock pulsing against your sweet spot. "Wait for me, okay? It's rude to cum before a woman."
It's mostly a joke, but Kageyama knows you're also half serious. He frees one of his hands from your grasp, attaching his thumb to the bundle of nerves right near where his cock slams in and out of you, rapidly tracing circles there, the way he knows gets you weak every time. Your clit is all swollen, so sensitive from your prior orgasm that you practically collapse the moment he stimulates it.
"Oh my- fuck, Tobio," you squeal, curling your fingers into his t-shirt as you clench around him involuntarily this time.
Next thing you know, your lower abdomen erupts with heat and your entire body pulses. Your brain short-circuits as your orgasm washes over you, legs aching and trembling but it feels so good. Despite how fuzzy your mind is, you find that you're still grinding against Kageyama however you've lost all previous momentum and force, now just shallowly bucking your hips to get you through your climax.
Kageyama's twitching underneath you, struggling to hold out for much longer from how your cunt squeezes around him.
"Cum for me, Tobio," you mumble, nuzzling against his neck. "Inside."
And that's all he needs to hear—a second later and he's spilling inside you with a strained grunt, his cock spurting out white, warm, sticky ropes until you're full. His chest heaves against your cheek where you lay resting.
The next few moments are silent, occupied only by soft breaths as you and Kageyama recover from your orgasms.
Eventually, you break the silence with a yawn when you remind yourself that this is supposed to be a lesson. "Aftercare is key," you say, voice cracking. "Especially if you go at it for a while, you have to check in on each other and make sure you're both okay."
"Are you okay?" Kageyama asks, so much irony in how innocent he seems while his cock is still buried inside you.
You giggle. "I am. But I meant now is the time to communicate your needs. For example I always get super thirsty."
You sit up, wincing as you slide Kageyama's soft cock out of you, already missing the fullness that was akin to a hug.
Kageyama glances to the left, spotting a water bottle upon your bedside table. He grabs it carefully and hands it to you after screwing the cap open. You're melting over him again, a common occurrence recently, but he's just so compliant.
"Thank you, Tobio," you say, taking the bottle so you can sip at the liquid that's deliciously refreshing as it slides down your throat. "So good for me."
After, you hand it back to him and he places it back in its original spot. Kageyama tucks his hands behind his head, gazing up at you with stars in his eyes.
"I also like being held after," you tell him. Slowly you lower yourself back down against his chest, nuzzling your face into his shirt so tenderly that Kageyama flinches. He's used to you being touchy, to the way you always have your hands on him; hell, he's even used to cuddling you. But something about this is different, it's new. It's got his heart pounding, and it's not from his climax.
It feels so natural when his arms come around you and they hold onto you tight, tighter than he's ever held you.
Kageyama is so caught up in the bliss of it all that he forgets that this isn't real.
read the next part here!
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yan-lorkai · 7 months
Hello! If I’ve understood correctly your requests are open. I would like to request the demon brothers from Obey Me! with a reader that just bites *everything*. Gentle love bites when happy, chomping in the air torwards a person in a ‘threatening’ manner if angry or upset, chewing random things when bored or stressed and so on. Thank you for reading this and have a great day and or night!^^
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Yep yep, requests are always open so dw! I gotta say this whole rq is a big mood bcs when I was kid I always bit my friends, idk why tho lol. Oh and sorry for the little delay, hope you like this and have a good day / night as well!!! 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, can be seen as platonic or romantic.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Devildom was completely strange, but Lucifer was used to its strangeness. What he wasn't used to was your peculiar habit of biting anything. If you were happy you bit him, if you were sad you threatened to bite him, chomping the air towards him. One way or another he got bitten and Lucifer, well, how could he stop you when you were so cute? He loves your little bites, he loves how you look so proud when you got to bite him.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Lucifer finds your behavior irritating when you two first meet. But as time passes and you get closer, he starts secretly hoping for more of your little bites and becomes incredibly frustrated if you don't bite him. However he will never admit this or the fact that he feels jealous if you bite one of his brothers instead of him. You should bite only him, little darling human. If you don't bite him then he's gonna bite you, harder.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He does give you a little chew toy so you don't get anxious when you can't bite him or the others, though.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While Lucifer doesn't care about your habit, Mammon feels he needs to be on constant vigilance to avoid being bitten. Or that's what he says to himself, because he's the easiest of the brothers to bite, so carefree, so funny when he gets scared and screams.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The avatar of greed remembers when you first bit him. The soft smile that dominated your face as you approached him - he should have known something was about to happen, but how was he supposed to know? He didn't know you were actually going to bite him, he totally didn't expect a kiss from you only to receive a painful bite on the neck. But he can't stay angry, Mammon sincerely loves your little habit, this is how you seem to show your affection to him and absolutely loves it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ And if you ever left marks on him, he would wear them with honor no matter who saw them, you are his and he is yours.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Levi is naturally more reserved and fearful, if you bite him he will get scared and hide in his room. He knows, after observing your habits for a bit, that it's something you do because you feel comfortable and express yourself that way, also because you really like to bite everything. So far he saw you bite into a pillow, your plate, Mammon's belly and you always seem to have fun.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ But he turns into an anxious mess every time you bite him or threaten him, chomping the air and making sounds with your mouth, when he is caught off guard by you and your sudden bites.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The solution he found so he doesn't get scared and you don't get frustrated is to give you a chew toy to use every time you spend time with him. If you still want to bite him just let him know beforehand. He doesn't mind, your bite doesn't hurt, in fact it's kind of cute watching you bite his hand and arm, he blushes every time you do it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Satan likes his personal space and having you invade it can be annoying, but more times than not he allows you to gently bite him, seeing your smile causes strange feelings in him. Plus, you remind him of a playful little kitten and he loves it, headpetting you while he reads to you and receive your littles bites. By the way I can see him buying cat ears and forcing asking very nicely for you to wear them when you spend time together.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Would encourage you to bite his brothers (mainly Lucifer) when all of you are in public, and later on he would shield you from any punishment that may come from his father older brother.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Asmo, well... Asmo prefers to receive other types of bites. Ones that last longer and stain his skin, if you know what I mean. But that's just what he prefers, Asmo naturally encourages his habit. He loves the attention he gets and you love having someone to bite, win-win!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ I feel like he has several photos of you biting him compiled in a secret folder seen only by his eyes. Some of them he posts on Devilgram and laughs at the jealous comments of his followers who wanted to be you, others he shows to his brothers. After all, there are seven of them but he is the one you chose, that must mean something <3.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Beelzebub finds your habit a little strange and he thinks if every human is like that, but he doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he encourages you to bite him whenever you are happy or as an agreement, every now and then he challenges you to see who bites the most, however, Beel never bites you hard enough to break skin.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He wants to make you laugh, not hurt you and he knows he could very well take your head off with the strength of his jaw. But he won't. He loves you too much for that, but the threat is implicit and you know that if one day you try to run away from him and his family or something, he could very well bite you and tear your body apart.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Belphegor finds your habit funny, just as someone finds a puppy learning to walk or bark funny. More times than he should, Belphie finds himself imitating your mannerisms, biting the air when he's frustrated or biting whatever is in his reach while he sleeps. He can't help but imitate you since he feels it makes you two closer, specially after what happened.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The other brothers may like this and think it's cute, but it's Belphie who really feels his heart stop every time your teeth close over his arm, his neck, or even his cheek. Pink rises to his face and he pulls you closer, letting you bite him all over while he does the same to you.
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actual-changeling · 26 days
This post by the lovely @thursdayinspace violently hit me over the head with a baseball bat, so here we are. Dropping this mid-Pusher ficlet on your porch like a cat presenting a dead mouse. Technically this is canon-compliant if you squint a little.
I also wrote a longer post-episode fic a little while back, which you can find right here.
50% angst, 50% hurt/comfort, 100% yearning, the usual. Unofficial title for this one is "terrified with you".
Scully can't remember the last time she was this afraid.
No, not afraid—terrified.
Absolutely and utterly terrified for Mulder's life. She watches as the other agent (a name, he has a name) fits the bullet-proof vest around his chest, a thin wire running underneath it and connecting to what looks quite similar to a headset; one is waiting for her next to the screens.
If it were any other case, the sight of the defensive gear would calm her, maybe even offer an anchor to hold onto, but not this time. Not with Modell. Theoretically, wearing only a vest is often enough because, unless they're dealing with someone who knows how to shoot, the chances of the suspect hitting the body at all, let alone a small, moving part such as the head, are minuscule.
Modell is in no way experienced with a gun, but he doesn't have to be.
Mulder knows how to aim to kill, and nine times out of ten, he will hit what he is aiming at. He can use him, abuse him, force him to shoot whomever he pleases before commanding him to kill himself, and all she will be able to do is sit and watch.
The agent (she tries and fails to recall his name) steps away to respond to an incoming radio call, leaving Mulder half-stuck in the vest and the two of them in silence.
She shifts in her chair and turns her head until cold metal is digging into her cheek, already hearing her own voice list injury after injury, his body laying lifelessly in front of her.
Cause of death is a single gunshot wound to the head, self- (she can hear her own breath, too shallow, painful in her lungs) self-inflicted.
Self-inflicted. Suicides. Every single one of them died by their own hand. She really likes his hands.
Mulder's voice is soft, dipping into a tone he rarely uses and only ever with her, and she feels more than she sees him stepping closer. He raises his hand, gently grabbing her jaw and nudging it towards himself. Scully knows if she were to flinch away, he'd let her and not try again, but his fingertips are warm against her skin, a warmth she finds in his eyes, too.
Concern rolls off him in waves, and she presses his palm to her cheek, covering his hand with her own.
"Let me go in with you," she tries, knowing he will fight her on this harder than usual. It's a futile attempt, yet she still has to say it—for her own peace of mind and the small chance that he'll say yes.
"No, Scully," Mulder responds, an edge to his words, "one person putting themselves in danger is enough."
Separating never does them any good, but they keep doing it over and over, searching for the definition of insanity in the distance between their bodies.
"Why does it have to be you?"
It's a question she already knows the answer to, and his thumb brushes along her cheekbones as he shakes his head. A calming gesture, a way of offering comfort without addressing whatever it is that's spinning its net around them.
"You know why. I'll be fine, probably not even gonna have a scratch on me."
Scully hums quietly, evading their conversation in favour of discreetly tugging him closer; not that agent what's-his-name is paying them any attention. She blinks up at him, unsuccessfully suppressing the urge to study his features as if it's the last time she will see them flushed with hot, red blood (she hates that she finds it sticking to her hands in more than just her nightmares).
The curve of his lips and nose, the familiar line of his jaw, the affectionate glint in his eyes. So much left unsaid and yet visible to anyone who looks at him, at them, to the point where Modell could spot it from far away. She tightens her grip on his wrist without really meaning to, but Mulder only smiles.
"I will be fine, Scully." They both know he cannot make any promises, but maybe they can lie to themselves for a little while longer.
The radio crackles, popping their haphazardly created bubble, and she hesitantly lets him go. Mulder runs his thumb down her cheek, lingering on the corner of her mouth before stepping back, and the agent whose name she doesn't care about picks up where he left off.
"You better be," she mumbles, suddenly shivering in the cold of his absence. I need you alive.
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wings-of-ink · 25 days
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
Awe! Poor shy MC. I think it's safe to say that their feelings won't go unnoticed…I see this happening, in a tavern (because of course), with MC sitting alone at a table as they watch the bustle around them. There's a semi-similar ask, that you might also like linked below too!
Oswin:  He's annoyed at the attention from this person and is waiting to politely exit the conversation. While trying to maintain patience, his eyes find MC's, but they look away the moment their gazes meet. He can tell something isn't right, they look uncomfortable, distressed even. He leaves the other person without a word, taking a knee next to MC's chair. "It's okay, I'm here."
Zahn:  They don't mind being flirted with, but it's lost its luster recently since there's always someone else on their mind these days. It begins to nag at them while they have to force a laugh at the stranger's dumb joke. This isn't as fun as it normally is, it feels weird. MC keeps drifting in and out of their mind, so they scan the tables, spotting MC fidgeting in their seat. They look sad. Zahn keeps looking until MC feels their gaze and looks up. When their eyes meet, Zahn smiles wide. They know where they need to be right now.
Duri:  The song and dance is familiar - lingering gazes, brisk touches against their shoulder and coy smiles - the attention is not abnormal for them. A group is clustered around them with questions and compliments, trying to provoke a reaction. Duri remembers how red MC's face gets when they tease them and smiles. They look over in time to see MC try to hide a sad face. Are they lonely? Or scared? Duri excuses themself, and hurries away despite the pleas for them to stay. They take a seat next to MC, hooking their foot on MC's chair to scoot them close suddenly. This is more fun.
Rune:  Dragging their hands up and down their face in barely-concealed annoyance. It's clear that MC is getting distressed. Rune has seen them glance over nearly a dozen times and their sweet face seems to get sadder and sadder each time. Patience suddenly runs out and they abruptly excuse themselves, walking back to MC's table. Rune caresses MC's jaw and cheek with the back of their hand. "I'm sorry that you feel uneasy. Please save me from those idiots and stay here with me." MC's red face is so sweet.
???:  He positions himself where he can easily see MC's face each time they look his way. They're so jealous. This is too cute. He laughs - loudly - at this idiot's innuendo. He's not interested, and this person hasn't taken the hint, but ??? likes seeing how flustered MC is getting. It's bittersweet since he doesn't want their feelings hurt, but it's beyond charming to see that they really are getting attached to him. A flutter of softness hits his chest, and he quietly slips away from the group around him, blending into the crowd. MC is looking around for him, but they don't see him coming up behind. Why is his heart racing so much? He gets close to MC's ear and whispers, "Jealousy looks good on you."
Thank you for the ask, Anon! ^_^
Related post:
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
You ever think about Soaps mohawk getting too untidy (because it can't get too long, the longer it is the better Simon can grab it and throw Johnny around with) and Simon taking him to the hair dresser? Only it's not a hair dresser but a dog beauty lounge? And the owners are not specialized on humans and they weren't expecting a human. But no one says no to Ghost so they proceed and Johnny gets a complete wash and everything. He looks really pretty after but he was so humiliated by it that he goes into the crate voluntarily to curl up and cry once they are back on base. Doesn't help that people keep commenting on how much better it looks and are asking about the address for the hair dresser.
Also, just speaking for myself here, I adore seeing people become an insane rambling mess about the things they are insane about. Doesn't even need a red string or context. So if you ever put your thoughts on Clicker training Soap online, there would be at least one avid reader just begging for those crumbs.
you just GET ME oh my god. im always torn between two soap's - soap who is so freaky and kinky that he would let ghost do literally anything to him and enjoy it, and soap is only does what ghost tells him because he's got a massive crush but he's absolutely humiliated and upset during all of it. the first feels more accurate to his character, the second is more fun to write lmao
wrote a quick drabble for this but i changed it so the groomers knew there was a person coming instead of a dog <3 it's extra humiliation if they treat johnny the same way ghost does
cw: noncon puppy play, referenced public humiliation (btw if you want more stuff in this little universe - one, two, three)
“You still poutin’?”
Johnny squeezes his eyes shut, just barely resists the urge to snap his teeth and growl. He knows that would only feed into Ghost’s goddamn delusion that he’s a fucking dog.
Jesus. His scalp still stings from the rough treatment of the barber- the groomer. The bastard had locked a muzzle over his face while Ghost held him down, and as much as he’d tried he hadn’t been able to speak through the damn thing. Speak or bite. 
He would’ve fought but… well, Ghost gave him that look before he left. That “if you don’t obey me, there’ll be hell to pay” look. And Ghost has only gotten meaner in the months they’ve been together now - the walks, the fucking house training… Soap doesn’t even want to think of what he might try next.
So Ghost had given him a look, grabbed him by the chin and said “Be good, pup. You’ll get a treat if you can behave, alright? Don’t embarrass me.” and Johnny hadn’t been brave enough to ignore him.
Fuck. Even now, it doesn’t quite feel real. His breath hitches as he remembers the strict gloves Ghost had given him to wear, how they don’t let him do anything with his fingers because they’re held so tight. He still wears them now, and the forced paw shape of his hand keeps his head fuzzy.
He wants to whine. He almost wants to cry. Mostly he wants to bite Ghost until the bastard bleeds.
“C’mon,” Ghost grunts, taking one hand from the wheel and patting Johnny roughly on the head. He combs his fingers through the freshly cut mohawk, almost fixing it so it’s neater. “You look real good, pup. Needed to get your bitch strap straightened up for a while now.”
“Don’t-” Johnny takes a deep breath, opens his eyes and blinks down at his hands - his hands, not his paws - where they rest in his lap. “Don’t call it that.”
He thinks for a minute that Simon’s going to say something worse, lock his hand in Johnny’s hair and tug until he whines, shove him down to his cock, do something. But his hand stays soft, stroking down and tightly gripping the back of his neck. Not suffocating, not mean, almost… secure. Comforting. A weight that says relax, I’m here. 
“Alright, puppy. Been a tough day for you, huh? We can pretend you’re a person, think of it as a treat for bein’ good at the groomers.”
Johnny whines, curling into himself at his own sound. His hands are sweaty in the gloves, and he wants to dig his nails into his thighs, hope that the little pinpricks of pain wake him up enough to tear Ghost a new asshole. 
But he can’t do that. His fingers are stuck folded in half, totally useless. So he takes a deep breath, and tries not to fully float away.
Eventually the car slows to a stop, and Ghost tugs the key out of the ignition. They sit in silence for a moment, and Soap can feel Ghost staring at the side of his head, but he refuses to look. He doesn’t want to look at Ghost right now, doesn’t want to see his expression.
“Alright,” Simon says quietly, giving Johnny’s nape a tight squeeze before letting you go. “I think you need a nap, pup. Let’s get you inside.”
Ghost gets out, Soap doesn’t. He stays in his seat, staring at his hands, until the door opens next to him and Simon reaches over his body to unbuckle his seatbelt.
“C’mon now, out.”
Johnny doesn’t move. He feels Ghost’s massive hand wrap around his elbow, tug him toward the door, but he leans his weight the other direction.
He doesn’t want to get out of the car. He knows, logically, that no one on base will be able to tell what happened, where Simon took him. But he’ll know, and that’s enough shame to make him never want to leave the car.
Ghost sighs, annoyed, from beside him. “You rather I get your leash?”
Johnny flinches, and he lets himself be tugged by the elbow at the next pull on his arm. His eyes never lift past Ghost’s chest as he keeps his head ducked, heat coloring his cheeks when the door closes behind him.
“Johnny,” Ghost says quietly, hand nudging his head up. “Head up, pup. You look real pretty, don’t you want to show off?”
Johnny flinches, but he lifts his head like Ghost urges. He’s scared of what he’ll see in Simon’s eyes - that gleam he gets when Johnny’s particularly humiliated is always hard to swallow - but all he sees is… is pride.
God, it’s getting hard to breathe. Every breath feels punched out of him, every breath in like glass in his lungs. 
“There you are.” Ghost chucks him under the chin, jerking his head up a little further. “Pretty thing. Certainly got my money’s worth.”
Johnny’s only comfort is that his eyes are dry - well, that and the warmth of Ghost’s hand. No matter how angry he is at the bastard, he can’t help but always want more of his touch.
“Inside now. Come.”
The sharp tone, the one word command, goes right over Johnny’s head. He follows Ghost - on his right, one step behind, like he’d been taught (trained) - and keeps his eyes forward, not looking at anyone else on base.
The halls are busy, like they always are during the day, but Soap doesn’t let himself be distracted. He keeps his eyes forward, and only focuses on Ghost.
He tells himself no one else knows, that no one else could possibly know.
“Hey, Soap!” Gaz calls out, leaning out of a meeting room and waving at him. “Looking sharp, mate!”
Johnny’s heart feels like it’s about the beat out of his chest. He wants to scream. He wants to puke.
He looks up at Ghost where the other man has turned around, raising an eyebrow at where he’s stopped in the middle of the hallway.
Johnny opens his mouth to speak, but only manages a quiet whine. Thankfully it’s too loud for anyone else in the hallway to hear (hopefully), but his cheeks still flush red at the animal sound.
Ghost only smirks and turns around to keep walking.
“Heel, Johnny. Don’t wander, you can sniff all you want later.”
Johnny takes a deep breath, and he follows Ghost.
It only takes a few more minutes for them to make it to Ghost’s room, and Johnny feels near collapse.
He’s… frustrated with himself. He’s got no idea why he’s so affected by what happened, why it feels so impossible to get past. Ghost has done worse to him, made him do worse. 
But something about the way the groomer had looked at him… a complete stranger, looking at him and treating him the same way Ghost does. He knows that if Ghost had left, he would’ve sunk into a panic attack. He knows it’s Simon’s own twisted version of mercy, not leaving him alone.
The relief he feels when the door closes behind him nearly sends him to his knees. Ghost’s heavy hand on his shoulder does.
He doesn’t even have it in him to be upset at Ghost’s presumption. He feels better on his knees these days, anyway.
“To your crate, puppy, go on.”
He listens, crawling to the quilt-covered crate in the corner of the room. Neither of them speak as Ghost opens the door, the only sound a soft hum when Johnny crawls in.
“Gimme your paw, pup. Don’t want you sleeping in those gloves.”
Johnny whines, but listens, and gives Ghost his paw to take the gloves off. He instantly feels better, and makes a soft sound that he hopes is thankful as he stretches his fingers out, laying them flat against the blankets.
“There ya go,” Ghost hums, closing the door and laying the quilt over all but the front of the crate. “I’ll wake you up in a few hours, alright pup? Don’t want you to miss your walk.”
Johnny shudders as Ghost walks away, and closes his eyes tight. He tries to wipe all memories of the day away, focusing instead on the better times with Ghost.
Eventually he drifts off to thoughts of laying together while watching a football game, shared meals in loud pubs, quiet nights in after hard missions. He thinks of Ghost, strong and solid and unfaltering, and he sinks into sleep.
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cyberpunk-20xx · 10 months
Hey hey
Johnny Silverhand's not cool
Johnny's disabled. Johnny had a military issued chrome forced onto him. Johnny treated himself like shit and probably smelled like shit too for it.
Do you think he got therapy for it? No I don't mean mental therapy I mean physical therapy, for the arm, I mean do you think he got physical therapy for a metal arm shoved onto a wound (I don't expect the wound was taken care of anymore than what was strictly practical no of course not), no no he wasn't given therapy, he wasn't given time to adapt, his trauma at losing a trustworthy friend on the field was just stacked with the trauma of just being weaponized even more before being put back on the field for a fucking pointless war, so that means-
I mean you know about amputation? No? No, right, of course not, it'd be weird, right? To know about amputation and implants and prothesis and the psychological impacts in detail you'd need to have read up on it, pretty obsessively at that, too, that's not normal, normal people don't do that, what kind of weirdo has hyperfixations about that because of OCD right? Right.
Well amputations are so fucking traumatizing even if they save your life. Of course they are. It's a part of your body. Your body is not supposed to see its insides and it's not supposed to lose parts either, your brain can't actually compute that, like let's say, cutting your nails?
They put a metal arm on him like cutting nails, they didn't care, he wasn't a person to them he was a tool.
He never got physical therapy for it. He never went to have it recalibrated or maintained. Why would he? I don't even think he knows what model it is. Do you think they bothered telling him? Do you think they gave him a little booklet for "how to take care of your new implant"? Ahahahah of course not that'd be so fucking silly and kind and thoughtful. Of course not.
Johnny needs his addictions. Do you think he has prescribed medicine for the chronic pains that the arm causes him? No of course not. Do you think he started drinking and taking Lace because it was fun? Because it was cool? Because he was gonna be a rockerboy? And he wanted to impress girls.
In the real world, as of 2020, the first cause of mortality in the USA is opiates, and the main demographic is white men, aged 30 to 60, roughly, a large amount of those men war veterans, cumulating psychological trauma even prior to the addiction, even prior to the army itself, cus the majority of people who join the military do it to escape poverty and a dysfunctional household. It's a well oiled machine because at worse they go back to the motherland and die quietly of OD or something else, or best case scenario they have kids! And some of those kids are boys, and out of middle class recrutes, a good part are from military families!
It's a system that works just as designed really.
America, abuse and neglect of your chronically ill and chronically in pain is part of your DNA currently.
Johnny's not cool. He runs hot, he's a fucking spoonie who ran out of spoons before he even joined the military so now all he's got is knives. Knives knives nothing else nothing but knives. Johnny's a man overheating on constant, he's been dying for years, he likely has fevers from his port inflammatory's issues due to neglect, he doesn't know how to take care of himself, he wasn't taught, it's not expected of him, no one in his entourage sees him as what he is, do you remember for one second someone treating him like he was disabled and needed accomodation?
Disabled people whose chronic pains are not given the deserved care are most likely to develop the hardest addictions to cope with it, with the physical pain, and the psychological consequences- namely, psychosis, psychosis is a common consequence for having your pain ignored because this kind of neglect breaks your psyche at its core, at its sense of self.
Johnny has all the symptoms of a man in pain but because American soft power made drug abuse cool people think he's cool for drinking and fucking and killing and coking himself up until he blows himself up. Johnny's not cool, he's a tragedy, he's hurt, he's self-medicating, no he's not going to go cold turkey because he loves Kerry or because he loves your V, love isn't going to fucking save him, if you just erase Johnny's addictions because you think love fixes that honestly fuck you, because I'm tired of people just treating addiction like a bad spot to bleach out of sight, like it's got no roots and it's got no continuation, to no longer need self-medication Johnny would need reparation and better treatment, especially if he's brought back with that fucking arm, why do people not get that he didn't reclaim the arm, he let it take over, for fuck's sake he canonically blames all HIS bad deeds on The Hand, that's not reclaiming, that's self-sabotage.
Johnny dies like a pathetic pawn in Blackhand's plan, and even among people who were supposed to be his own, he's not seen as anything but a hero or a monster. No inbetween. He's not a man to them. He's something to workship, and if he doesn't grant them miracles he's the Devil.
What a load of bullshit.
Fuck, Johnny's not cool. Johnny needed help but didn't even want it because he was so full of violence and hatred he killed himself. But he deserved better nonetheless.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Romantic Yandere! Connor/RK800 (Detroit Become Human) with Fem! Darling? He’s smitten by her kind and caring personality, yet she only sees him no more as a good friend. While he’s been taking out “competition”— she had to witness him killing her android crush, a unfortunate PL600. (Not Daniel or Simon, just her household android who’s got a crush on her too— much to Connor’s dismay)
From your prompts!
12.) "You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
20.) "I've been waiting too long for this...."
24.) "Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
OOOOOO! I'D LOVE TOO :D Nothing quite like writing a yandere caught in the act ;)
This was meant to be finished way earlier today and not at 3 AM but I got distracted when writing the end so... whoops 🤷‍♀️ Not proofread, it's all mostly raw.
Yandere! Connor (RK800) Prompts 12, 20, 24
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
"I've been waiting too long for this...."
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Murder/Violence, Blood/Blue blood mention, Jealousy, OOC sadism, Kidnapping implied, Forced relationship.
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It wasn't all that hard for Connor to get his hands on a weapon. Working for the police allows him basic access to weaponry such as small handguns. Although androids aren't typically armed, Connor has been smart enough to smuggle one.
Connor never thought of using violence unless it was absolutely necessary. Admittedly his thoughts have been rather selfish lately but that doesn't seem to stop his plans. What he plans to do with this gun is... necessary.
You and Connor have been very close in the recent few months. You're a girl cop who works under Hank. As a result you and Connor have been in contact due to you being a rookie.
Connor has always admired your kind and caring personality. You get coffee for everyone out of kindness and don't take insults from anyone. Connor has admittedly... fallen for you despite the circumstances.
Even though androids have been newly accepted into society, Connor knew not every human would be open to have a relationship with one. Despite this Connor at least tried asking. That is... only to hear rejection as he expected.
"Connor... that's flattering and I'm happy you're learning human emotions but I just don't feel that way."
The entire time you looked at him with a soft gaze, holding his hand momentarily before departing. You say you don't love him but it feels like you do. Despite his rejection... Connor looked more into you.
That's how Connor learned of your PL600 unit.
Connor had done some snooping to learn more about you, even though he shouldn't have. He had looked through records and even remembered where you lived. Under your name and in your house he saw a PL600.
Not just that... but he could tell what this PL600 unit felt towards you. Connor knew it was unprofessional to act on his feelings by watching you... he can't help it. Seeing you with that PL600... broke him.
Connor had seen how careful you were with your PL600. You allowed him to be his own person and often encouraged it. You allowed him to express his feelings and not feel like a servant.
In return Connor saw his attempts at intimacy.
Connor felt himself get worked up when he saw your PL600 hug you when you get home. He hated seeing him cook for you, he hated seeing him so domestic with you. At first it just seems like what he's programmed to do.
Until he tried to kiss you one night.
Connor had enough, now he knew why you turned him down. This was the reason he has the gun he smuggled, just in case his original plan didn't work. While you were away from home, Connor had planned the perfect crime.
Connor had slipped into your home quietly. Your PL600 unit was cleaning and barely even saw Connor coming. Not until it was too late.
Connor didn't mind the mess. The blue blood from your PL600 was quickly spilled and splattered across your home's walls due to his strength. He had damaged the unit's processors with a quick bullet to the head. All just so he could grab a knife from the kitchen to finish things off.
"I've been waiting too long for this...." Connor mutters, digging the blade into the android's chest as he takes his pent up jealousy out on him.
It was meant to be the perfect crime after Connor had his fun. Unfortunately it appears Connor got too caught up in the act. He didn't notice that you'd come home about this time.
It was quite the sight to see for you.
Connor didn't snap out of it until he heard you drop something with a gasp. It was not quite a scream but it was enough to make Connor stop, the blade still lodged in the artifical skin of your PL600. Connor almost didn't realize what he did until he turned to meet your gaze.
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...." Connor panics in his voice, eyes wide and processors calculating as he watches you stare at him. Connor can see you look him over in an attempt to rationalize. You're trying to see if he is indeed Connor and not some other rogue RK800. Sadly, you begin to realize it's Connor covered in the blue blood of your PL600.
The dread quickly overcomes you.
You pull out your phone and run out the door. Connor calculates possible ways to cut you off and executes them. As you run and dial for back up, Connor chases you. He tries to corral you into a dark and out of sight corner of the street...
Due to your frantic frenzy he succeeds.
He hates the idea of hurting you but he hits your arm hard, causing your phone to clatter to the ground... completely useless. You groan in pain due to how hard Connor hit you before Connor cages you against a wall. He can read your vitals and he knows you're terrified due to how fast your BPM and breathing rate is.
You struggle against the android, cringing at the amount of blue blood on his clothes. By this rate you're both covered in the stuff, the chemical smell infiltrating your nose and making you ill. Connor hears you begin to plead with him and he tries to mediate it.
"You know I won't hurt you... please don't be scared...." Connor whispers, using a hand to caress your cheek in a soothing manner. You turn away quickly and grit your teeth. He's stronger than you yet you fight for your life....
"Am I supposed to believe that after you killed my PL600?" You spit. Connor gives you an uncomfortable look before his gaze goes darker.
"He was a poor stand in for me." Connor answers bitterly. "I'm supposed to be in that role for you!"
"What's that even supposed to mean!" You yell back, causing Connor to slam his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet.
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!" Connor coos, his tone full of delusions within his code. You struggle against his hold and shake your head. Connor only frowns.
"That PL600 can't do what I can. I can do so much better. If you just accept me... I can show you!" Connor reasons despite your reluctance to listen. You plead for him to stop this madness from behind his hand but he doesn't listen. The android is too focused in the fact he has you trapped as his to care.
Competition has now been dealt with and is out of the way...
Now all Connor has to worry about is stopping your struggling and screaming until he can move you to a more suitable location.
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strawb3rry-acid · 3 months
König as a father
I love the hardened, brutal middle aged man who's fairly awkward with affection, but has got a soft spot for kids, and is a loving father trope. It's so cute ♡
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✧ König is very devoted to anything he puts his efforts towards, and he's no different in that aspect when it comes to his duties as a father. He takes his job of raising his child very serious. To him, their an angel, and the apple of his eye. Nothing, nor no one, will ever come close to holding the amount of love he has towards them.
✧ He's neither a strict, or laid back parent. I think he's a healthy mix of both. Strict on some thing's, and more lenient on other's. He recognizes the freedom's children should have depending on this personality, actions, and age. He encourages his kid to have freedom, but he is very protective. Having been serving in the military for likely a long time, he has seen a lot of the worst humanity has to offer, and is more than willing to lay down his life rather than have his child be exposed to that.
✧ Probably more of a push over when it comes to his little one. If they wants something, they've learned the puppy dog eyes can go a long way depending on the situation. He likely make's bank, and will sure as hell spoil them.
✧ Makes sure that his kid knows that they can call him whenever they so much as sense danger, and that they won't get in trouble even if they're doing something they know their not supposed to be doing. He knows his kid is going to make mistakes, and do thing's they aren't supposed to because, well, their a kid, and he is going to be there when they need him. That's something what will never change.
✧ Family game nights and movies? Family game nights and movies. He's likely away from home for long periods of time, so when he's home all his energy is focused on making sure the bond between him and his child remains strong. He feels guilty for being away from so long at times, and there's nothing more that he wishes than to be with his little one 24/7, but he knows he can't. To combat this, he plans as much time with them as he can.
✧ Video calls, phone calls, and texting are an absolute must while he's away. He's constantly asking for updates on his kid's life, and will make sure they never forget that, even if he's not there with them, he's still there. He's going to be in on the know when it comes to most thing's in his kid's life. Not because he forces his way in their business, but because they know they can tell him.
✧ It eats him up inside when he can't be there for a life stone's in their life, and tries to work his way around holidays, birthdays, graduations, school events, and other things of similar nature whenever possible. If he's out in public with a lot of strangers for an event, he's the type of dad to stay near a wall with a smile on his face while watching his kid.
✧ Lives for the drama his child tells him about. He will remember every word of it, and randomly bring it up to ask for updates.
✧ He's very keen on respect, and doesn't tolerate disrespect towards himself, or other's from his kid (unless the other person deserves it. He's an eye for an eye man, and is loving every moment of seeing his kid give some smart words to some assrat.) I don't want too necessarily say he'll chew them out for disrespect (depending on the severity of course), but they will receive side eyes, and very firm words later on in private that leave no room for arguments. That's when his "military tone" will come out, which will usually stop any push back because his kid doesn't see that side of him often.
✧ No matter how pissed he may get, he'd never lay a hand on his kid. I think it'd take a lot for him to raise his voice at them as well. He knows he looks scary, and the last thing he ever wants to do is too make them scared of him.
✧ Holds education too a high degree, and will do whatever possible too make sure that his child does well in school. If any bullying happens to them he's down right furious, and he'll make damn sure everyone knows it. Especially considering his background. It completely breaks his heart knowing that his child is going through what he did as he knows how traumatic it is. By the end of everything, there will be no more bullying. He'll make sure of that.
✧ He's a "walk it off" parent. As long as there's no blood, broken bones, or anything of that nature, then he doesn't panic all to much. It'll be cured with a pat on the back, and a kiss to the head. It's a more serious inquiry, then he'll be freaking out on the inside, but holds it together for his child.
✧ Overall, I think he's a very loving, and dedicated father. He may not be able to be around all the time, but he's very involved in his little one's life, but they will never doubt how much he loves them. They'll always come first before anyone else, including himself. Their his whole word, and that's something that will always remain the same.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Hazzah! Requests are open!
Could I please request headcanons for Poseidon, Hades, Qin Shi Huang, Jack, Thor and Beelzebub (Seprate) with an s/o who hates everyone but has a soft spot for them? (Romantic)
S/O hates everyone except for their boyfriend
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Hades, Qin, Jack, Thor, Beelzebub ]
[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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This was so funny to think of 😆 it made me remember a meme i see long ago and a cannot stop laughing
I don't write for Poseidon but I gladly write for the others, I hope you like it!
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Hades is a really caring and loyal lover, your well-being become one of his prioritys, and seeing you so angry at others makes him worried at first
He will ask you about it, if there is a reason of why you hate people so much (like you had some bad experiences or people treating you badly) he wants to know to be able to help you
But if there is no reason and is just the way you are then he just let you be and stop worring too much, also he won't tell you that is bad or something, he fell in love with you for yourself after all, you don't have to change if you don't want to
If you really don't like people then you don't have much to worry about since in the underworld there is not much people neither in the palace, just the servants and guards and they always treat you with respect (even Hades makes sure of it, he won't tolerate any offence to your person)
Hades will actually notice your soft spot for him, he is pretty observant so it won't be difficult for him to find it out, and this make him feel loved and probably will tease you for it once in a while. Also he will take advantage of this but just to make sure you don't cause get in troubles
With time he just get used to your behavior towards others and start to find it rather funny (especially when you ended up fighting with Zeus, is like watching two kids fighting for something silly)
If you want to complain about someone he is always up to heard you out (and is actually a big contrast seeing you complaining angrily about some idiots while Hades look at you with so much love)
If you have a sharp tongue and tend to insult people he won't like this too much, he will try and make you stop doing it (or at least not too much), not like he force you to be polite to everyone but at least not insult others out of nowhere (but if that person was bothering you in purpose then you have his permission to say whatever you want against that person)
Also he wil never force you to hang out with others unless is extremely necesary, other way you can just stay with those you feel more comfortable with and he is happy to spend all the time he can by your side
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Qin Shi Huang
Since the first moment he notice your attitude against the rest of the world he find it rather funny, specially if you don't have problem with showing it. If you actually show that attitude against him too when meeting him then you have his complete attention, no one dares to think to act like that against the emperor, is have been a long time since someone treat him like that but he doesn't mind
He doesn't mind at all your hate for everyone, is just the way you are and he loves you. Also, he isn't worried about you hating him, he is confident that you love him as much as he loves you!
He wont notice your soft spot for him at first, it would take a while but he little by little will be noticing the suble signs you give of your softness for him, how you seem more relaxed, how your smiles aren't ones of rebellious but of sweetness or how you even express love and happiness instead of hate, all of that make him feel super proud of himself (and his relasionship with you), and he will one day just bring it out of the blue to the conversation while hanging out with you, you can denied or accept it right away, either way he already found out and you can't stop him from teasing the hell of you for it, and neither stop him from showing off this fact to the rest of the world (he is just full of pride and love for you that he can't help it, and he had never been the shy type)
After a while he will ask you about your hate for others, most out of curiosity than anything else, if you say that it is for just because that is the way you are then he will laugh at it (he isn't too satisfied for the answer but it just let it be), but if there is a reason then he will want to know more about it, and will insist on having to know (if there is someone to blame he will want to take care of it)
Whenever you complain about someone or something he hears you paying close attention and he even get carried away with the conversation, he is always making comments but they are never are to scold you or saying that you should stop, they are more like dramatic reactions or things he say like "they were really an idiot" or even "it sounds like they deserved it"
He won't tolerate any kind of offense against you, and he doesn't like whenever you end in troubles neither in physical fights, but he is a fair leader so before making any judgment he prefer to hear the story and how you ended in that situation, if you actually was the one who cause the trouble then you will get a punishment, nothing too serious though (but that doesn't mean he didn't feel bad about it)
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Jack the Ripper
Jack will notice inmediatly the feeling you hold against everyone else since the first moment he met you thanks to his ability to see the colors of the people. He was intrigued and curious the first time he sees you so he decided to watch you for a while before finally approaching to you
He isn't strange to those feelings and neither to when those feelings go against him, so he didn't mind when you greet him no so kindly when you first met him
Again, thanks to his ability he will notice inmediatly when you start changing with him, he notice how your colors start changing every time you hang out together (even before you two start dating), how those colors little by little change from ones of hate to ones of happines and even love. The first time he notice it he was truly surprised but that quickly transforms into happiness
Jack enjoys every moment he spends with you, doesn't matter if is a romantic date or just hearing you complain about other people (over tea, of course), he loves even those moments, he loves seeing all your expresions and colors
He actually doesn't mind hearing you complain about others, he find it quite funny (and he will never turn down an opportunity to pass time with you) and he just interrupt you to ask for more details or with a soft laugh
Also he will never force you to act kindly or polite with others, if you don't want to you don't have to, you can just relay on him for that kind of things (he is a gentelman after all), and if you ever get in troubles for you attitude he will always help you get away with it and ask you to be more careful next time
If you ever tell him that you hate him (obviously joking) he knows you didn't mean it, and sometimes he playfuly fight back saying that you love him more than you like to admit, even so, deep down in his heart he doesn't like the idea of you actually hating him, he won't force you to love him but he will hate for you to look at him with all that hate again
Jack is actually pretty curious about the reason behind all your hate but he will try to find out by his own, in case he didn't get the conclusion he wants then he will ask you about it (but he do it so casually, like is nothing) if you don't have a reason and is just the way you are then he will just let it be (but he isn't fully satisfied with that answer), but if there is a reason why he will get more serious and ask you about it (in a gently manner of course, and he is ready to comfort you if you need it), and if there is someone to blame for it then he will makes sure to take care of the bastard it (even if you say that you don't mind it anymore)
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Thor doesn't care for anyone opinion of him or your relasionship (unless it upset you), the only thing that is important for him is that he loves you and you love him
He doesn't like to hear people talking bad about you either, he isn't someone who recurre to violence to solve things but he is intimidating and that is enough to no one wanting to mess with him so whenever he is around no one says anything
He doesn't get why you hate people so much, it could be because they have been treated you badly or maybe someone specifically made something really bad to you? If that is the case he has no problem to take care of the problem, you just have to ask
If you say that you don't know or just there is no reason then he will let it be but it still confuses him
When you express that you hate everyone he will ask you if you hate him too, the first times he was truly worried but soon it just become a joke between you two. If you answer that you hate him (joking of course) he will laugh softly and tell you that he knows that you don't hate him (and then it become a playful fight of you hating him or not)
He didn't even notice your soft spot for him at first, it was the others who notice how you seem more relaxed or how you express less anger whenever Thor is with you, and it would have to be them (or even you) who tell him this. At first he didn't believed it, but he will watch your behaivor more carefuly for a while and that is when he notice it (people better don't even think on taking advantage of this or else that idiot person will have to deal with a furious Thor)
You are free to complain about the idiots all you want he will hear all you have to say, he may seem like he isn't paying attention but he actually is, is just that he isn't the talktive type but he even ask you a few things here and there. But remember to make sure to tell him that he didn't have to "take care of the problem" or else that person will have to deal with him (just a threaten, unless he sees you more angry/upset than normal becouse then it will be more than just words)
If you used to get violent or in more physical fights he will offer you to try other ways to let out that anger and energy (maybe you two can train together) he just doesn't want you to get un trouble or, even worst, injured
Also, he probably will try to keep away Loki of you, we know how he is, he will happyly try and taste your limits
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He can actually understand you, he doesn't like other people either, everyone fear him or sees him with disgust and he prefers to be alone
He doesn't mind you hating him at first, it wasn't new (he even hates himself), what was a surprise is that you two ended up dating, he was scare to get close to someone again but now that he is with you he is really happy for it
Again, he doesn't mind at all that you hate the rest of the world but he sometimes wonder if in reallity you hate him too, but he doesn't dare to ask you, he is afraid of the answer. He is used to be hated for everyone but since you became really important to him he doesn't know if he would stand you hating him (even if he feel like he deserve it)
You can complain all you want with him about all the other people and how idiotic they can be, it may seems like he isn't paying attention but he actually is (he find it quite funny and sometimes you can even get a soft laugh from him)
He gets quite protective over you (specially for his curse) so if there is someone who actually do something against you or makes you more angry than normal he will take care of it (he is a scientist and have quite dangerous creatures at his disposal that he doesn't mind using)
He notice pretty early your soft spot for him, at first it was just you getting more comfortable with him and when he notice he just tried to brush it off, saying to himself that he was just imagining things, but the more time it pass the more you show that you don't hate him (and actually like him) so he couldn't deny it much longer
Still, it would take some time for him to fully accept it, mostly because he doesn't think he deserve it, not after all the things he had done, but at the end he will accept it
The fact that you like him already make him feel flattered, but knowing that you hate everyone and still you warm up to him and love him makes him feel so special and loved
Everytime he notice hints of your soft spot for him (like when you were noticeably angry at someone but just by being by his side you start to relax) his heart skip a beat, and gets shy and a little embarased
He isn't too interested in the reason why you hate people so much but if you want to share it with him he will heard you (if there is someone to blame about this he probably will put and end to their life)
For being with Beelzebub you probably will meet Hades and Adamas too, if you seems to hate them he won't mind too much and will explain to them that you are like this with everyone at first, with time he hopes that you will warm up with them (at least with Hades)
Knowing Adamas attitude you two probably will have a lot of fights, Beelzebub doesn't like this but he won't stop you (unless it get physical and you end hurt) and most of the time he isn't even present, this situation is too loud for his liking
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