0brighta · 1 month
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𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 . . . you CAN choose a letter, number and symbol with the option to choose one or multiple. OR SIMPLY JUST LIKE! COMMENT it on this post ( examples in the comments) this is a permanent starter call and likely the only one I will ever have. will be updated as i get more verses! multi-muses please specify. all can be found under the cut.
001 ― modern setting ( non specific / main verse )
002 ― a southern gothic town setting
003 ― the netherworld setting
004 ― a space setting
005 ― a historic era setting
006 ― an apocalypse setting
WHAT YOU WANT FROM BRIGHTA. CHOOSE A LETTER. ( add + ex. A+ to reverse )
A ― for a brighta to grant your wish
B ― for brighta to reject your wish
C ― for brighta to be your mentor
D ― for brighta to be your trainee
E ― for brighta to heal your muse
F ― for brighta to make you a love spell ( love witch verse )
G― for brighta to come to your muses rescue
H ― for brighta to practice hand on hand combat with your muse
I ― for brighta to comfort your muse
J ― for brighta to be enemies with your muse
K ― for brighta to be steamy with your muse
L ― for brighta to be mortal to fit in your muse world ( only for non supernatural muses )
M ― for brighta to take your muse under her wing
N ― for brighta to go on adventure with your muse
O ― for brighta to fight to survive the apocalypse with your muse
P ― for brighta to be suspicious of your muse ( first meeting )
✦ ― past lovers
❥ ― current lovers
◯ ― good friends
✿ ― found family
𖣠 ― enemies
✰ ― strangers / acquaintances
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tibli · 1 month
it would be awesome if nuclear energy really was a 100% 'clean' energy source, but it's really not. Sure, it doesn't generate greenhouse gases, but the waste produced by nuclear reactions has to be buried underground until it stops being radioactive (which can take thousands of years), or until future societies figure out a better way to deal with it. it's not zero-waste like people try to make it out to be.
on top of that, although nuclear plant meltdowns are rare, their effects are absolutely catastrophic in the long term, much moreso than the effects of other energy-related disasters because of how long-lasting they are
it would be awesome if there was some secret, 100% clean, 100% wasteless, harmless energy source out there, but even with all its issues, nuclear is probably the way to go for now
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lashysdomain · 6 months
Man last night sure was something
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anyway ive been seeing some people talking about when they knew they had cancer just based off of someone’s response (before they were officially told) so i’ve been thinking about it. mine was an ultrasound tech becoming quiet and taking a lot of images of what turned out to be my tumor. she was still talking a little but she got way quieter than she was before and then at the end of the ultrasound went “good luck”
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usercupid · 1 year
Mixed Signals
hi yall! i know i have a history of making fics then disappearing but i actually have plans into making this a series! i don’t know how long it’ll span but i’m thinking 3 or 4 chapters so stay tuned if u like the story! 🪷🤍 also srry the ending is rushed cause im tired and just want to finish this!
elliot x fem reader
lowercase on purpose
not proofread
2.3k words
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synopsis; you and elliot were best friends, and despite being flirtatious, there was never really anything going on between you two.. right?
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Chapter 1: History class
junior year was rough. the new schedule adjustments, not knowing anyone in this new school, and being smart enough to not completely fail but also not smart enough to effortlessly pass all weighed down on you. you could get by being alone, but it was never easy. that was up until you met elliot.
“elliot, we have to finish this history project.” you advised. of course, you didn’t actually mean we. you always ended up carrying the weight of the work whenever you worked with him. normally, doing all the work in a group project would drive you up the wall. but whenever you got around elliot, you felt as if his presence was enough. you never pushed for anything more from him.
he was also your first best-friend, and you were his. nothing could compare to the nights you spent on the phone with him, whether you were doing algebra homework, or trying to pick out a dress for your first party, he was always there.
elliot took a pull from the blunt you both were smoking and it became infinitely hard for you to not stare. “y/n,” elliot started as he exhaled the smoke, “we have more than 2 weeks to finish this. and all we really have to do is copy what we wrote in our notebooks onto the poster board! it can’t be that difficult angel”
there was that nickname again. he’s used it plenty of times before now, but its weight never faltered because it always made you weak in the knees.
“but still, i’d like to finish this now so we have time for ourselves later,” you sighed, and in an attempt to hide your flustered face, you began copying down your notes to your poster.
“time for ourselves? what do you have in mind?” elliot teased as a sly smile appeared on his face, taking another hit from the blunt.
he didn’t know if the weed was making him bolder, or if it was the way the light from his window perfectly dawned on your relaxed figure, but elliot began to admire your features.
you were so soft with him, never making him feel smaller than you. always taking his feelings into consideration and looking out for him. even now, where you seem uptight, elliot couldn’t help but admire.
he couldn’t pinpoint just exactly what about you in this moment was enticing him like never before, but regardless of what it was, he couldn’t stop staring. and unbeknownst to elliot, you sensed him eyeing you down.
“y’know if you keep looking at me like that, i won’t get any work done.” you giggled, looking up at him.
“well that would be just terrible” he mused as he got up from his seat on the floor and moved closer to you on the bed to pass you the joint. he then held the blunt up to your lips and as you inhaled, you looked up at him. his eyes were low, red, and they never seemed to leave yours. he was so close, you were able to feel the warmth radiating off his body, and somehow, you never felt more comfortable.
his cool fingertips had just barely grazed your lips but that single, electrifying touch left you longing for more of him, and it took every ounce of strength you had to not ask.
after what felt like a century (but was just 6 seconds), he removed the blunt from in between your lips and watched you inhale the smoke, then exhale slowly. everything you did was hypnotic to him, and he couldn’t get enough.
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the next day, you sat with jules and rue in the cafeteria. elliot decided to eat off campus for lunch, and you were glad that you hadn’t seen him all day yet. if you were being honest, you had been avoiding him all day.
you weren’t mad or upset at him by any means, but you just didn’t know what to say to him. i mean, what could you say? your relationship was always flirty, so why has it just hit you now?
“can i tell you guys something?” you blurted to your friends sitting across from you.
as you asked, you started to mindlessly scroll through you and elliot’s messages. you had never thought your feelings towards elliot were anything other than platonic up until a few weeks ago, and yesterday had only confirmed that you wanted him more than you’d like to admit.
“yeah sure, wassup?” rue asked, munching on her sandwich
“would you ever see me and elliot as.. you know,” you hesitated, “a thing? like together?”
“wait.. you guys aren’t ‘a thing?’” mocked jules. “i could've sworn you guys we’re together!?”
rue laughed to herself as she began to speak, “yeah i mean, you guys are always flirting with each other? i just assumed you guys were dating ‘nd just didn’t say.”
“you think so?” you questioned, fiddling with your well-manicured nails. you never saw anything between elliot and you until recently so there is no way that everyone else saw what you were so blind to.. right?
“yes, y/n, oh my god! i can’t believe you guys aren’t already dating!” jules exclaimed while giggling with rue. “i never want to hang out with the two of you alone because i feel like a third wheel!”
you were utterly surprised by the words that were coming out of your best friend's mouths. there was no way other people could see you guys together. there was no way they truly thought that.
you made a face as if all the gears in your head were turning, and in all honesty, they were. they were working their hardest as you started thinking that if everyone sees you both as a couple, that would have to mean he shows some sort of romantic feelings for you, right? he has to have looked at you in some way or said something to make everyone think you guys went out, right?!
“wait so you think he likes me too?” you excitedly asked.
“if his goo-goo eyes everytime you walk in weren’t a dead giveaway to how he feels, you should know he speaks about you every second of the day..” jules confessed, “whenever he starts telling me pointless ass stories about things you’ve guys have done together, i honestly just zone out.”
“how haven’t you noticed any of this? it’s so stupidly obvious, it’s not even funny” rue mumbled with a mouth full of food.
“i don’t know?! i just never thought of him — or us like that!” you said, laughing exasperatedly.
“probably ‘cause she’s in love too!” jules teasingly exclaimed. you knew she was joking, but for as long as you’ve known him, all you ever wanted to do was spend all day with him. he always showered you with attention and quality time. and even if he didn’t, you’d still drop everything to be with him. there was never any words or actions that needed to be spoken or done between the two of you in order for you to feel appreciated and loved.
loved. you would never bat an eye if you used that word to describe your relationship with him before.
“you guys should just get together,” rue said, crashing your train of thought as she gathered her stuff for her next class, “you're both ‘best friends’ already so nothing would have to change, right?”
you didn’t respond.
on one hand, it seemed like there was absolutely nothing to lose. apparently, he’s given multiple signs that he likes you so why not? why couldn’t you shake the feeling that everything would change?
“y/n, you don't have to make a decision right now, but remember that elliot would never do anything to make whatever you guys have going on weird. he genuinely cares,” jules reaffirmed, standing up from the table.
“thanks jules, but i honestly don’t think i’m gonna ‘make a decision.’ i just want to let things work themselves out so i don’t have to” you said, getting you things and going to your history class.
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walking into your class, you immediately sensed elliot was there, despite him being sat in the far back. you didn’t really know what to say after that night in his room, on top of the bombshell rue and jules had just dropped on you.
as you walked into the class, you tried to scan for an empty seat that wasn’t the seat next to him. normally, you’d sit there with no hesitation, but you hadn’t prepared yourself enough to have the conversation that so desperately needs to be held.
fuck. you thought as you saw there were no more empty seats, annoyance written on your face.
you made your way to the desk nexts his and tried your hardest to avoid any unnecessary eye contact.
skipping this class would’ve been easier than enduring 45 minutes next to someone you’re trying your hardest to steer clear of but some shit just can’t be helped.
as you sat down and the lesson began, everything seemed to be going well except for the watchful pair of eyes that followed your every move.
you felt them as you picked up your pencil to jot down notes, as you took a sip from your water bottle, to when you opened your phone. you felt your energy being snuffed by his piercing gaze.
“maybe if i just ignore him he’ll stop.” you hoped to yourself.
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15 minutes had gone by and he has not stopped once. you couldn’t figure out if he was doing it on purpose to make you freak out or if he was just that nosey but you finally had enough.
“don’t stare, it’s rude.” you seethed silently, looking at him for the first time since class started
“oh you decided you want to talk to me now? to what do i owe the honor” elliot haphazardly taunted.
“damn he noticed i was ignoring him” you thought to yourself.
“only ‘cause you’ve been staring at me for the past like, 15 minutes?”
“only ‘cause you’ve been ignoring me all day.”
“i haven’t been ignoring you?” lie 1.
“you haven’t?”
“no” lie 2.
“so why haven’t you said a word to me like, all day?”
“we just have nothing to speak about” lie 3.
“you sure? cause i heard something completely different from jules”
of course.
of course she was the reason you got caught in your lies. you internally laughed to yourself and left a mental note to never trust jules with anything even mildly important again.
but on the bright side, thank god he stopped interrogating you or else your conscience would’ve started eating you alive to feed all those lies you were spouting. i guess in an odd way, you’d be able to thank jules for saving your conscience. or maybe not.
“oh really?” you smirked “what did jules tell you then?” you couldn’t let your facade fall. you knew how to work your way out of shit, even if jules mucked up your oh-so-amazing plan.
“not much” elliot replied, “she just told me you had something to say to me”
you sighed to yourself. you could either keep playing this game of avoiding talking about your situation-ship, or come clean and possibly ruin what you both have.
you know that there’s a chance that he wants you back. but why ruin what you both have right now? it’s like when you’re doing your eyebrows and they’re absolutely perfect, but you keep plucking at them to make them even better, and before you know it, you end up over plucking and now have 2 uneven brows!
why ruin what’s already been so good to you? you’re both fine with what you were.
“well she was wrong,” you finally said. “do you have anything to say to me?” a tinge of hopefulness written in that question.
after a few seconds of silence, he replied,
see, you knew you shouldn’t have pushed it. everything could’ve been gone in a matter of seconds.
“cool.” you uttered.
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you picked up a blackberry from the bowl of fruit you were snacking on and ate it while retelling maddy and cassie everything that happened in history yesterday.
“cool?” maddy repeated “why the fuck would you say cool y/n?”
“yeah you’re giving him mixed signals” cassie chimed in.
“i honestly didn’t know what else to say like, i knew if i said anything more, i could ruin 3 years worth of friendship.”
“yeah but by not saying anything you could’ve ruined 3 years worth of friendship” sighed cassie “if one day you guys were hotboxing in his room getting close, and the next you’re giving him the cold shoulder, what’s he supposed to think?”
“it’s not like he wanted to speak about it though so why should i be the one that has to?” you asked, popping a mango cube in your mouth.
“so you want him to come to you?” maddy questioned, “i’m confused why you’re even stuck over him anyway. if you’re not dating why is your relationship this stressful? take advantage of you’re stress-free, single life girl!”
“maybe you’re right about that, i mean, if we’re not together why am i even overthinking this?” you giggled, sitting up from your bed.
“no yeah, don’t stress over shit like this. if you want him to make the first move and he doesn’t, just stay friends and find someone else” maddy suggested.
just as maddy said that, a notification popped up on your phone.
elliot 🤍; do u want to come over tmr?
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equallyshaw · 6 months
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ: ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ʟᴏꜱᴛ - ᴊᴀᴄᴋ ʜᴜɢʜᴇꜱ
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part of holidays with equallyshaw
warnings: some swearing. not double proofed for spelling errors.
word count: 3.2k+
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ᴋᴀʏᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴊᴀᴄᴋ ᴡᴇʀᴇ each other's first love, and had been for 7 years by the time jack had broken up with her. they were highschool sweethearts, how couldn't they make it? kaya did not want to believe it, she didn't want to believe that jack had fallen out of love with her. so she went home, in disbelief. she thought she'd never hear or see from him again, but if jack hughes is one thing. okay scratch that- two things.
he's persistent and a pest.
it was only two before christmas now, as kaya found herself with a romance novel in her family's home back in michigan. since she'd gotten back to michigan two months prior, she'd been hiding away. debating on where she wanted to go, what she wanted to do, and who she wanted to be. jack had been a constant in her life since freshman year of high school, and they had a shared identity if that makes sense. so now that she was on her own, it seemed as if she had all the pressure in the world because she had a sense of freedom she hadn't had before. she didn't want to make a mistake in figuring things out, but kept reminding herself that she needed to stop putting so much added pressure on herself.
she was knocked from her thoughts with a knock on the mall living room doorframe, and she looked up to see her dad. "hey kiddo, im heading to the store...wanna come with?" he questioned and she nodded, sliding her bookmark in the spine and set it down on the nook. her dad and her headed out quickly, letting her mom know that they'd be back soon. "kroger?" she questioned as they got in the car, and he nodded. "starbucks first?" he questioned, and she grinned before they drove off.
they headed inside with their coffees in had, with kaya fetching a cart on the way in. "ok, you're mom sent me with a list...lets see if we can get everything." he mused and she giggled. "thankgod you've got me. i can help ya out." she hummed, taking a small sip of her latte. he smiled, "you figuring out why i asked you now?" he joked and she rolled her eyes playfully, taking the list from him. "you go get the wheat bread, ill go over to the bakery." she said pointing him in the direction and he playfully saluted her before walking off.
she strolled over, humming to the christmas music that was playing. she stopped in front of the pies searching for the pumpkin pie her mom asked for.
"kaya?" she heard to the right of her, and she looked over seeing the last person she wanted to see. ellen. her smile radiated warmth and comfort, as she strolled over with her cart. "hi mrs.hughes." kaya said a bit reserved, and ellen picked it up. "hi sweetie, how are you? how are your parents?" she questioned and kaya nodded, "they are good! how are you and jim?" she questioned respectively. ellen smiled, "were doing really well. thankyou for asking!" ellen smiled, cursing jack in the process.
his parents did nor his brothers took the breakup well. they could not come up with any plausible reason why he'd break up with kaya so abruptly. everything had been going well for years, they even figured that an engagement would be coming in the new year.
"well it was good to see you ellen, i have to go find my dad. but tell him i say hello and a happy holidays, to the both of you." kaya said respectively, after she picked up the pumpkin pie. "your dads here?" she questioned, and kaya nodded. "yes! we both know him nor jim would be able to get exactly, everything you and my mom would need." kaya mused and ellen laughed. "you're right about that!" ellen said before kaya needed. kaya nodded before turning the cart around. "oh kaya!" ellen said and kaya froze, before turning back a bit. "don't be a stranger! i - i know that you guys aren't together anymore but you are apart of family regardless. were always in the neighborhood if you need or want anything." ellen offered and kaya smile softly. "thankyou ellen." she responded before walking off.
kaya could feel the tears pricking at her brown eyes, and cursed herself for feeling so vulnerable. she hated feeling like this. her dad found her from across the bread aisle and met her in the middle. "you ok?" he questioned as she would not meet his gaze. she nodded enthusiastically trying to convince him. but if there was one thing, she could never lie to her father. "lets finish this list and we'll head out." he said taking the list from her, and she nodded following him.
they re-entered the house and she quickly headed up to her room. she passed her sister and brother's rooms, on the way there and they picked up on the movement. it was about 5 minutes later when they knocked on the door, ready to speak to their younger sister. "go away, i don't wanna talk." she said from her bed, not budging. they did not care in the slightest. they walked in and shut the door behind them, "you good?" her sister asked sitting on the bed in front of her while their brother took her window seat that overlooked the front yard. kaya shook her head, "no. but - but i will be." she said sniffling while wiping tears off of her cheeks. "what happened?" her sister harper questioned, and kaya shook her head. then her brother finnigan spoke, "come on. you wouldn't be crying if it wasn't nothing." he said and she sighed. "i saw ellen, and god- it fucking startled me. im so angry and upset that i feel this way. im so angry that i allowed myself to be so vulnerable, and im pissed that i didn't have the guts to just walk away!" she said sitting up now. harper shook her head, "come on! you loved ellen and i know that it would of wrecked you if you did walk away." harper explained and kaya shrugged. she wiped more tears and sniffled. "is it bad that i still love her and jim? is it wrong that im not mad at them?" she questioned and finnigan nodded. "you were apart of their family damn near 7 years k. obviously its gonna be hard to move on let alone stop loving them like they were an add on to mom and dad." he offered. she sighed, "a part of me feels like being back here is suffocating." she said softly. "i love mom and dad, but i don't want to be here. its hard driving by places that j- jack and frequented during highschool and the offseasons. and now this?" she said pulling her knees up to her chest.
"how about you go see nana in chicago?" harper offered up and finnigan second that. "wait what?" kaya said looking up from her knees, "take the train out tomorrow or christmas day. you know nana would love to see you." finnigan explained, "we can drive you to the train in ann arbor." he said as if it was simple. "listen, while you harbor on this ill call nana, and which you know she's already got the amtrak app on her phone so we know she'll purchase. all you need to do is get on that damn train and don't come back till you know what you want to do." harper stated as a matter of fact. "and ill go talk to mom and dad while you pack up a bag or two." finnigan hopped up and exited the room, leaving his two sisters. "mom and dad want you to be happy, they want you to no feel suffocated. they want you to move on in due time ofcourse. they love you and just want the best for you, k." harper said pulling her younger sister in for a hug. "i guess." kaya mumbled.
back at the hughes house, ellen walked into the house and spotted her middle child at the kitchen counter talking to luke and quinn. " hey m-" luke was cut off when ellen took the newspaper that was just delivered and hit jack on the arm. "ow!" jack said with his hand finding the spot that was hit. "oh don't 'ow' me boy." ellen said setting some grocery bags on the counter. "you two, bags. now." ellen demanded the two other boys and they nodded, flooding out of the kitchen. ellen took another swing, "mom!" jack said frustrated. "what is going on?!" he demanded. she chuckled, "you little minx!" was all ellen offered up before the other two came back in. "why are you hitting me? what did i do?" jack questioned and ellen scoffed. she turned towards him, placing a hand on her hip. "how could you break that girls poor heart, huh?! how could you do that to kaya? I've waited to ask you and have bitten my tongue for almost three months but come on jack! seriously?! she couldn't even look at me in the eye!" ellen spat at him. she rarely raised her voice anymore, but this had her heated. quinn and luke tried stifling their chuckles, as they began to unload the groceries. jack stood there, staring at his mom.
it would be a lie if jack said he hadn't thought about kaya since the breakup. every second that wasn't spent on hockey, it was spent on her. what she was doing, how she was doing, and what she wanted to do. he hadn't thought about how it would be if ellen or jim had seen her in the neighborhood, and here he now had his answer. jack sighed, "mom listen-" ellen cut her son off. "did you take gratification in breaking up with her? did you feel good about yourself or do you now?" ellen demanded staring down her son. he shrugged, "i - i don't feel like talking about this right now." and ellen scoffed. "no! i demand to know so that if i see kaya or anyone from her family, that i know how to act, let alone what to say to them." she said shaking her head. "she looked as if she had seen a ghost, jack! she didn't want anything to do with me, and you know. you know just how much she was a part of this family. was it because she somehow isn't supposed to be with somebody like you? did somebody say something to you? or comment on an instagram post?" she questioned, referring to her ethnicity. "god no mom! you know that had nothing to do with it, that would never be it. you know that, you know you raised me better than that." jack defended himself.
"then what was it jack, huh?" quinn butted in and jack gave him a glare before sighing. "i was scared, nervous more than anything." he paused to swallow, while his gaze shifted to the floor. "i was nervous about next year. i feel like she was expecting an eng-engagement and im not quite there yet. i mean i know i want to spend the rest of my life with her but i didn't want to get engaged, just yet. and i just did not want to let her down." he confessed. quinn chuckled, "you do realize that you said it in the present and not past tense." he pointed out and jack glared at him again. "jack you know i raised you better than to assume something for a woman. christ jack, are you really that daft?" jim said walking into the kitchen as ellen shook her head. "you're acting like a dummy, bro." luke butted in now and jack felt overwhelmed not only by the confession, but his family. "thanks guys, appreciate the heart to heart talk." he said grabbing his keys off the counter and walking out the back door.
he needed to take a drive.
kaya kissed her dog jackie, that she and jack had gotten two years ago this christmas. the two had gone into a shelter in the hoboken area and came out with their jackie girl, a pure beagle. "come on!" she grinned, pulling the beagle in a light jog. she jogged for about 20 minutes before settling into the dog park, and thanked the universe no body else was there. she let jackie off the leash, and let her start to run around. she sat down on the bench and watched her girl pick up a stick and run towards her. "here you go girlie." she mused, before throwing it a ways a way. she sat back watching her have the time of her life.
back at the house, her family heard the doorbell go off. "who the hell uses that thing anymore?" finnigan mused, as harper went to go answer. she didn't think she'd see the very person that was there. "what the fuck do you want?!" she demanded, and jack felt uneasy. "i was seeing if kaya was home." jack said holding out hope that she was, but it was squashed. "no. she wont be back for a bit. she took out jackie." harper explained, and jack nodded. "can you let her know that i stopped by?" and harper sighed, "you seriously think i want to tell her?" harper bit. jack frowned softly before nodding, "i know, i just i hate how i ended things and wanted to make peace. that's all." and harper sighed again. "alright, ill tell her." she said and jack nodded before the door was shut in his face. he walked back down the pathway and hopped back into the car. he waited a few minutes to see if he could spot kaya or jackie, but drove off after a few.
kaya ended up back at the house about 30 minutes later, and could tell something was off. "hey guys, who died?" she said trying to ease the tension. her mom looked up from her book. she shook her head, and finnigan spoke up. "jack came by." he explained, and kaya's eyebrows furrowed. "wait what?" she said barely above a whisper. "said he wanted to speak to you, make peace or some shit." harper further explained. kaya set jackie's leash on the counter, as she bit her cheek. "did nana say what day im leaving?" she questioned and her mom nodded, "christmas morning at 7 am." and kaya nodded, before heading up stairs.
jack came around the very next day, which was christmas eve. maya was not there, as she had went out to get the family some coffee. he headed back down the steps and got into the car where his brothers had been waiting. "just text her." luke said once he shut the door. "no, if he texts her she wont respond. hell, she may have him blocked." quinn said pulling away. jack stared down at her contact, unsure if he should say something or not.
he got a text around 5:15 am the very next morning from finnigan, letting him know that harper and him were dropping kaya at the train station. and that if he wanted to speak to her, he better get his ass over to the house. jack had taken defeat after she hand't responded to his 5 messages, which was a lot he knew but he had so much to say.
kaya hugged her sibilings and promised to let them know when she had made it to chicago. "tell nana we love her." harper said and kaya nodded, "of course. now take care of my baby, please." kaya demanded and the two nodded. "ofcourse. jackie girl will be be absolutely spoiled." finnigan teased and kaya smiled. "alrightly, we'll leave you be. have fun and be safe." harper said before pulling her hand around from her sister's upper arm. kaya nodded before rolling her two suitcases towards train departures. she pulled out her phone from her pocket, and heard the slamming of a car door.
jack was panicking, hoping he hadn't missed kaya yet. hadn't missed his window of opportunity. he made his way over towards the tracks and saw her dark brown curls, pinned behind her ears. he saw her two suitcases and her carry on bag. he made his way over towards her and she looked up once she sensed somebody walking over.
her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "jack?" she questioned before he slammed his lips on hers. she was taken back for a few seconds, before returning the kiss. he wrapped his pale and cold hands on her warm skin, a perfect product of her parents. she pulled away, pressing her forehead into his. she was unsure of what to say and didn't dare look into his eyes, as she shut them. "kay.." he whispered, and she didn't open her eyes. "kaya...look at me." and she hated herself, as she did so. her brown eyes met his dark blue ones, and she felt a deep feeling of despair in the pit of her stomach. or nausea, she couldn't decipher. "what do you want jack?" she whispered, and he smiled briefly. "i needed to see you before you left, i needed to speak to you." he began as he waited for a response.
foreheads still pressed together, "i was an utter fool for breaking up with you. i was a coward, god such a coward." he started, "why a coward jack, huh?" she questioned. "i was a coward because i was afraid about what you may have expected next year and i was a fool thinking things for you." he confessed, "expect what next year?" she questioned. he swallowed before continuing, "i thought you were expecting an engagement next year. and its not that i don't want to not be engaged or get married, i just didn't want it next year. were still so young, and you just graduated college! i didn't want to rush us, at all. but i know, i know that you are it for me kaya nicole. i know that i want grow old with you and have a kid or two. and ofcourse adopt another cat or dog. but i don't want to rush us, that wouldn't be beneficial to either of us." he said hesitantly and she shook her head and pulled away.
"you were a coward and a fool jack. i never expected that from you. and i appreciate you wanting to wait, and i wanted to wait as well. but i'd never expect that from you jack, despite knowing that it would come eventually. i believed and trusted you last christmas when you said that you planned to do it at some point in the next two or so years. but i wasn't gonna hold you to that, just because of how chaotic your life is." she paused, sniffling.
"why didnt you just tell me?" she begged through tears. "i would have told you what i just said. it didn't have to get to this jack, it didn't have to." she said on the verge of crying, as she frowned. his hands found her cheeks, wiping a few tears that fell out. "i would have made sure that you knew that." she whispered. "i know and i realized that too late." he said pulled back just a bit. "please, let me make it up to you. let me show you, please." he pleaded, and she was unsure.
sure, she loved this boy with all her heart and more but wasn't sure if she should get back with him.
"dont get on that train kaya, please. don't leave michigan. come home with me." he pleaded softly brushing his thumbs back and fourth. god she hated her self, as she grabbed his wrists and nodded.
"prove to me how much i mean to you. show me, jack. take me home." she said before he reconnected their lips together again. his hand found her lower back and dipped her just a bit. she giggled softly and broke the kiss, and he then took ahold of her suitcases and they began to walk off hand in hand.
"y'know nana might be upset with her ticket go to waste." kaya giggled as they got into the front seats. he scoffed playfully, "ill buy her a ticket to and from jersey next year." he mused and she smiled. "she'd love that." she grinned, connecting their hands in the middle console.
"where to?" she hummed, and he looked over towards her and smiled. "what if i told you your brother somehow coerced your family to come over for an early breakfast?" he said pulling out of the parking lot. "i would say that you weren't kidding." she shook her head playfully.
the two drove along for a bit before jack spoke up, "you wanna know what i wished for? and what i was gonna put as my resolution?" he began and she shook her head. "i-" he passed to chuckle, "i wished for you to take me back...i was gonna make it resolution to get you back, somehow someway." he said embarrassed.
she thought it was the sweetest thing ever.
"i love you jack." she said as they stopped at a light. he turned to look at her, "i love you too kaya." he hummed before bringing her hand to kiss it.
he left it there for the rest of the drive, which warmed her heart.
the two of them walked hand in hand as they entered the hughes house, and ellen quickly froze with kayas mom in the kitchen. "jack?" she called out, and then the two entered the kitchen and ellen cheered. kayas mom smiled widely, as her daughter and ellen hugged one another. jack came up to kaya's mom and she pulled him in for a hug. "welcome back, sweetie." she said softly to jack who smiled widely in response. "good to be back." he hummed while ellen and kaya pulled apart.
kaya looked over towards the living room and saw their dads and siblings.
god, how she missed her blended family.
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hope you all enjoyed! please like and reblog if you did :)
@toasttt11 @jayda12 @jackhues @dancerbailey3 @cuttergauthier
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 month
They'd be alright~ Soukoku
featuring:- Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, briefly- Fyodor, Yosano warnings:- angst, hurt no comfort, implied major character death a/n:- wheee im back from the dead with a random angst idea for my most beloved couple <3 this was written based off the events of ch 114.5 of the manga, so beware of spoilers for fyodor's ability anyways enjoy hehe <333
wc:-1.2k || masterlists
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Chuuya takes deep, exhausted breaths as he looks at the defeated form of the tripolar singularity. Verlaine is right beside him, as are Atsushi and Akutagawa. ‘We actually defeated it, huh?’ Chuuya thought, tired. There were honestly moments when he thought they wouldn’t be able to do it, but the others had his back. And he had theirs.
However, his musings are cast aside immediately when he hears a cry resound from somewhere behind. Where Dazai is.
‘Shit, dammit!’ he cursed for forgetting for even a moment as he ran towards the brunette, who was hunched on his knees near a body. It was Fyodor’s body, unmoving, face distorted the way it had been for his other body in Mersault. And lines of blue light emanated from Dazai, the way they did when he used his ability. Chuuya had a fair idea of what was happening, Dazai had warned him about this when he had hastily told him the plan he made. Chuuya didn’t like it, not one bit, but it was the only option. It was either that, or the whole of Yokohama would be destroyed, and maybe more too. 
He carefully knelt down in front of Dazai, taking hold of both his hands in his own. He felt his own ability getting nullified, but he didn’t care. Dazai’s eyes were squeezed shut, face contorted in agony. “Oi Dazai, I’m here. Can you hear me?” He only get the barest of nods as a response, but that was enough. 
Atsushi and Akutagawa had run over to him by then. “What’s happening to Dazai-san?” The weretiger asked in a panic. Chuuya began to explain as calmly as he could. “He should be alright soon… As you know, Fyodor’s ability allows him to occupy the body of whoever kills him. But since Dazai is an ability nullifier, Fyodor should be unable to get resurrected in him. Right now, I think his ability is actively trying to expel Fyodor. His ability is absolute, there are no exceptions-” Dazai’s eyes shot open.
Except that they weren’t Dazai’s. They were Fyodor’s, coupled with his smug grin.
Fear gripped his heart in an ice-cold hold. It wasn’t possible. It shouldn’t be possible. 
The face of the man in front of him flickered back to being Dazai, scrunched in torment, and Chuuya exhaled in relief. 
It’s as if the two geniuses were fighting for control. Fyodor’s face flickered again, now worried. Dazai’s body was still radiating his ability. A minute passed. His face flickered a few more times. Another agonisingly long minute. Dazai stayed as Dazai. Then finally, finally, his ability’s flare up receded, the blue light slowly disappearing.
The man in front of him was still Dazai. Not Fyodor. His ability was also still being nullified to serve as further proof. That Dazai really had defeated Fyodor, both physically and mentally. The brunette took several deep breaths to ground himself, looking as weary as he felt, before he slowly blinked a few times. “...He’s gone?” 
A wide smile broke out on Chuuya’s face, the (short-lived) relief filling him, his own exhaustion vanishing for the moment. Yes, he was relieved about his ex-partner being alive, despite everything that happened, what about it? Even more surprising, he does something he’s rarely done before- He hugs Dazai. Gently, but still in a firm hold. “Yes, Dazai. Fyodor’s gone, for real. You defeated him. I’m so proud of you, mackerel.” 
“And the singularity?” He asks weakly, and Chuuya responds, “Done and dusted, don’t worry about it idiot.” He knows that Dazai can see Atsushi and Akutagawa behind him, both of whom are muttering incoherent sentences that sound reassured and thankful. Fukuzawa has also come over. He’s scolding Dazai for being so reckless with his life and doing stuff without telling any of them, but they all can hear the undertone of relief that he’s still alive. He knows that the annoying blonde and that annoyingly smug detective would be fussing over Dazai too if they were awake. Too bad they’d been knocked out by the blast from the tripolar singularity.
“Thank goodness” he muttered, then gave them all a small smile. Chuuya couldn’t help but be struck by how genuine it was. 
Yeah, they were going to be alright. Maybe not immediately, but they’d get there.
Dazai blinks slowly at them. He himself sounds a bit surprised as he says, “Oh.. sorry.” Confused, Chuuya starts to reply, “Huh? What for-”
Dazai collapses into Chuuya’s arms, motionless. (Chuuya refuses to acknowledge that for some reason, Dazai’s skin feels even colder than it usually is.)
His eyes widen as panic instantly claws its way up his throat. “Dazai? What the hell Dazai?” He’s shaking Dazai now, to no response. Someone is running towards them from a distance, but Chuuya can’t care to identify her as the Agency doctor. “Osamu, answer me, dammit!” Something in his gut tells him to press his hands to Dazai’s wrist, anxiously searching. Yosano has reached them, ordering the few panicked people awake and crowded around them to move.
Chuuya feels nothing from Dazai. Just an inexplicable coldness, growing, in contrast to his white-hot fear. (It could be explained, but he didn’t want the explanation.) 
Everything feels too silent and loud at the same time. He’s still holding tightly onto Dazai, refusing to let him go. (‘Please, god.’ he prays silently, begging. He’s never been much of a believer, but he still prays, desperate. ‘Please, don’t take him from me too. Not him.’) He doesn’t register anything until he feels his hands roughly dragged away from Dazai’s by a firm hold. A doctor’s hold. Someone was talking to him.
“-uuya, I need you to let go of him.” “No. Never.” he mumbles, voice cracking. Yosano kneels down beside him and the motionless body in his arms. There’s urgency in his eyes. “Chuuya, he can still be saved. His heart can be restarted. There is plenty of medical equipment inside the airport, we need to get him there and then move him to a better hospital. If you don’t let go of him right now, you’ll need to let go of him forever.” Her words are the harsh truth, and they cause him to loosen his hold on Dazai, still staring at the closed eyes and unmoving face framed by brown. (The thought of losing him forever was something Chuuya couldn’t bear to entertain. Not now, after so much had happened.)
He numbly lets Yosano take Dazai, getting up to follow her into the airport. Because there was no way in hell he was letting her take Dazai anywhere without him. He needed to be with him, make sure he was alright. He still had a debt to repay the bandaged mackerel after all. 
But a small, cruel part of his mind incessantly whispered, replaying Dazai’s mumbled apology, the way he seemed almost resigned when he said that, the way he slumped into Chuuya’s hold. 
That terribly cruel part of him told him that he couldn’t do anything. That he had already lost Dazai.
That he was too late.
gods writing this killed me can you tell im devastated by ch 114.5 anyways votes reblogs and comments r very appreciated and do yall want a part two to this :D
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icyxmischief · 7 months
It's gonna pivot around the MAGNIFICENT development around the two times Loki has said to loved ones, "For you: for all of us" and the thematic significance of his personal development from "desperately bartering, suicidal, and jealous, defined by everything he isn't and loses being" to "I know what sort of God I have to be," the God of Narratives, of Stories, literally taking poached and enslaved timelines and the precious souls within who are also trying to self-author their destinies, in his bare hands, literally illuminating the multiverse green (the hue of life!) with new freedom JUST TO BE, TO EXIST, WITHOUT CENSURE! Loki, seated now at the epicenter of ALL of material existence, allowing an infinite web of could-be's and will-be's to radiate outward and outward, infinitely scaling, holding their newer, better source together like Atlas or Prometheus or indeed the Ouroboros at the roots of what, to me, REALLY resembled Yggdrasil.
Loki, smiling a small, bittersweet smile, because his glorious purpose ended up the opposite of vainglorious notoriety. It ended up being known solely by the number of people you can count on one hand. His golden throne, his highest form and his ultimate victory are to bring and to sustain life, to allow life to choose its own path without any candle-snuffing "predestiny," and no one will know he is arguably the most important force for good in all of existence. But he's happy because he has grown into the fullness of himself. He's happy because he is defined by who he IS, not who Thor or Odin or Asgard or Jotunheim are. Not by who or what is good or evil or "worthy." Not even by who other Lokis are. He has his reflection in the mirror. He exists: not absence, but unconquerable presence.
When I tell you that I have never been prouder of a character's actions in canon in my ENTIRE LIFE....it is no exaggeration. Do y'all KNOW how many YEARS I've hoped for this? Argued the validity and redemptive potential of this character? Loki didn't die pointlessly at Thanos's feet. Loki devoted CENTURIES of learning and endurance...LOKI became THE engineer of tens of trillions of lives SAVED. There is NOT ONE OTHER muse in the MCU who has saved lives on THIS SCALE.
Magpie, Wolf Mother at the roots and branches of Yggdrasil, I love you so much. You have this heart and this human imagination forever.
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crucioslut · 6 months
[ CLAIM ]  for one muse to possessively place their hands on their shoulders or hips. - asktheheirofslytherin (ok im done now)
Bellatrix sat atop the kitchen counter with Rodolphus settled between her slightly spread legs, his hands sprawled out to stroke over her milky thighs. She idly threw pieces of kettle corn towards his mouth, trying to look unenthused but crowing out a filthy, high pitched laugh each time he missed. They'd been fighting since late the previous night and as history would have it, this was their way of making up. It always had been. But she wasn't about to give in so easily.
Her skirts were getting hitched higher and higher, until Rodolphus had them bunched up around her waist, leaning in to brush his lips against hers. One of his hands moved to her backside, jerking her forward abruptly and tightly against his body. Still determined to make him work a little harder, the witch's head snapped to the side to avoid his kiss. Rodolphus grinned at her, knowing all too well what game she was playing, and instead his lips fell to her neck. Bellatrix allowed this with a content sigh. She tilted her head to grant her husband access to her as his hand circled the curve of her upper thigh and arse. A fool to his lust, Rodolphus suddenly found himself with a dagger to his neck. It was small, but sharp enough to slice through flesh with little force. Bellatrix had made quick slipping it out of her garter.
"Now now, Bells..." Rodolphus warned, darkly. His hold on her laxed, his eyes wide knowing very well that if his wife was in a certain mood she would not hesitate to slash him good and deep. Or simply just plunge the weapon into his chest, if she was feeling particularly impulsive. Since escaping Azkaban, she'd been more unpredictable than ever before.
"I thought we agreed no more knives, love." Rodolphus said sternly. She had hopped from the counter and was laughing maddly as she inched forward and Rodolphus backed away. His reaction alone amused her greatly. Inspiring fear in her husband was one of her favourite hobbies.
"Darling.. Don't tell me you've gone soft on me, now." She challenged. "Hmm? Scared of a little cut or two? Myself I feel more resilent now than ever before." The words came out between sultry breaths, feeling the beginnings of arousal settling in. A hot tongue slid over her lips to wet them, sizing up her husband as though he was just a piece of meat at her ultimate mercy. And, she supposed, as he swallowed hard and watched her with anxiety in his voice and plea in his eyes, Rodolphus was just that.
The tip of the blade found the hollow of Rodolphus' throat, poking him there. "Sink to your knees before me. Now."
It was in that moment Rodolphus' stare shifted to something beyond her, and she felt a coldness radiating behind her like leaving a window open on an unforgiving January night. The witch froze instantly, letting her arms fall to her sides welcoming the figure looming behind her curl his long fingers around her shoulders in a tauntingly posessive way, whispering a gentle melody in her ear of all of the beautifully indecent things her Master wanted to do to her that night.. Would do to her that night.
It was not a request, it was a demand. Not that there would ever be a choice to be made. Rodolphus would have to wait. That icy cold touch drift down her sides to occupy her hips. Voldemort leaned into his most loyal follower and licked from her collar bone all the way up to her ear, making her quiver as he did so. Rodolphus willing himself not to react in spite of being aware the Dark Lord had done this on purpose, and was now just dangling it all in front of him.
Bellatrix took in a sharp breath, looking to the side to the Dark Lord without turning away from her husband. Her lips parted, hoping so badly that if she left herself open her master would invade her. Feeling just how much he needed her through his robes probbing against her back, Bella's legs spread further where she stood instinctively. Honestly forgetting that her husband was right there.
"I don't suppose you'd mind if I borrowed Bellatrix, would you?" Voldemort finally asked Rodolphus. This question did not have a multiple choice answer. Their Lord's touch moved roughly up and down Bella's sides before settling at her neck. He toyed with her hair, pressing himself into her. Bellatrix let out a whimper in response. "We'll be quick.. I promise." Voldemort set his sights on Rodolphus when he then bit Bellatrix's neck, this time making her gasp out a hoarse moan, go slack in his arms.
Rodolphus, horrified by the scene before him shook his head sternly indicating he was fine with this.
And then his wife and Master were gone having disapparated with a pop.
Rodolphus remained, rubbing his throat where the blade had scratched a tiny sting, losing whatever sexual appetite his wife had so skillfully awaken as he wondered to himself just how long the Dark Lord had been watching them.
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fallenclan · 8 months
Bub's tail kept twitching. The tom was trying, really trying, to stay still, but he just couldn't do it. He and Willowsplash were supposed to be guarding the camp until sundown, but nothing interesting had happened for hours.
Willowsplash's gaze was currently fixed upon a random beetle when Bub finally broke. "How do you clan-cats stay still in one spot so long?" he demanded, still not used to thinking of himself as a "clan cat."
Willowsplash was snapped out of her daze. "What?" She blinked. "Oh. I just hide inside my thoughts," she admitted sheepishly.
"Pah! If only I could do that..." Bub sniffed. "Why do we even have to do this? Nobody would dare challenge FallenClan in our own camp!"
Willowsplash felt a chill race down her spine, unpleasant memories swirling in her head. She batted a pebble, watching it tumble away. "Some rogues attacked the camp, once. I was too little to remember it."
Willowsplash did, however, remember the profound impact the attack had on her childhood. She grew up in a time when FallenClan refused to let apprentices or patrols leave camp without at least three cats, when sorrow and misery clouded the air. She remembered the pain etched into Bluefern's face, the way Evie hovered over her and her littermates, the harshness of Newtscar's tone when Willowsplash had tried to sneak out of camp as a kit.
Those times were long past, long enough for Willowsplash to watch her little siblings grow up in a content and well-protected clan. Her parents were far more relaxed now, but Willowsplash could still sense the tension radiating from some of the older warriors, as if waiting for some unseen enemy to spring out of the shadows. Otterslip certainly didn't help that.
"I didn't know... I'm sorry." Willowsplash was pulled from her haunted musings by Bub's guilty voice.
"It's okay. It didn't have anything to do with you." Willowsplash gave a weak grin. Bub continued to peer at her, as if studying her.
"I suppose that means we need to be ready for any future attack..." Bub began, sinking into a crouch. Willowsplash opened her mouth to ask the tom what he was doing only to have the words stolen from her as Bub launched forward, tackling her.
Willowsplash's alarm quickly evaporated at the sound of Bub's laughter. The tom's demeanor was playful, his claws sheathed. Smirking, Willowsplash knocked Bub's legs out from underneath him, causing him to topple over. He turned to swipe at her but she ducked, ramming her head into his chest. The warriors both fell over this time, landing in a giggling heap.
Bub and Willowsplash continued to giggle even as Eaglestripe stomped over to scold them for goofing off while they were supposed to be guarding the camp.
oh okay so im crying now? im filled with a sense of joy and whimsy? i love them? THIS IS SO GOOD DRAGON YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD WRITER.... this is such a sweet little slice of life thing i just. aughhghghg im going to be thinking about it forever.
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quillheel · 4 months
bold whatever applies | italics what sometimes applies [ both if it's perfect for your muse ] | strikethrough what doesn't apply & tag people. repost; don’t reblog!
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black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the American South. the American Northeast. England. analog cameras.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. books. stitches.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. passing shadows. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots. a noise in the distance.
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TAGGED BY: @indentedheartner im so late but ty!!!!
TAGGING: @tenebriism @leuvspell @icyexecutioner @yukcri @yosukeh @luzofstars @narukahmi @fantomevoleur @gloryseized @colorosen and anyone else who wants to do it!!! i'm mostly tagging persona blogs for obvious reasons, but anyone can!!! thievery is welcome!!!!!!
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warpcursed · 4 months
bold whatever applies | italics what sometimes applies [ both if it's perfect for your muse ] | strikethrough what doesn't apply & tag people. repost; don’t reblog!
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black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the American South. the American Northeast. England. analog cameras.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. books. stitches.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. passing shadows. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots. a noise in the distance.
Stole from: @all-fleshed-out ((im love you friend))
Tagging: @chapter-master-darius @bitchofsteel @divinacaptivus @dreamsofalife @akhenaten-imhotep @ask-the-crimson-king @askthecaptiangeneral @some-old-psyker
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sadistpet · 5 months
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☀ ━ how long have you been roleplaying? how did you get into it?
oh my god okay i think since like. 2012...? i forgot the url of my first ever blog so i can't confirm, it might've been like december 2011, but definitely since 2012. so about 12 years ! i initially got into it via ask blogs which ykno. were all the rage back then. so that was my first roleplay... foray ig ?? i don't think i made a real roleplay blog until later, which was for a pokémon self insert oc of all things, but i'm prrrretty sure i deleted the blog years ago so i can't verify that, BUT i'm fairly sure because my initial ask blogs were pokémon themed.
so yeah ^-^ tldr about twelve years or so, and i got into it via pokémon ask blogs !
♕ uwu ( which fictional characters are your favorites? )
GOD I HAVE TOO MANY. um. WAIT I FORGOT i have the perfect image for this here's my objectively correct mgs tier list that im not taking criticism on my partner said my category names were very raikovcore of me. and its true. but in WORDS raikov of course, raiden is also lovely little babie boy i love how bpd coded he is. i also love fortune and sniper wolf and eva because wamen. i love ocelot particularly in mgs3 because he's so autistic coded and silly and i love liquid snake because there's something wrong with me psychologically. otacon is so cringe nae nae baby but i adore him even though i want to scream whenever he speaks. i think those are my main ones
non-mgs wise though and more in general ? leo kasper from manhunt 2 ( who i also have a blog for because i have the impulse control of a hamster ), GLaDOS from portal, lisa garland from silent hill 1-3, mary from ib, clive dove from professor layton, and i think there's probably more but i fogor
✮ ━ top three favorite muses that you’ve played
oh god. um. i genuinely think raikov is at the top of the list. writing him usually comes super easily to me, and that's not something i've experienced in a LONG time. it's genuinely such a fun experience to write him and i love the followers and friends i've gained from it. i really like the lore i've built for him and the intricacies i'm slowly weaving into his character. he's so silly and i care him very bad and i want to write him for a long time <3 um. let me look at my list
OH MY GOD YES tiff tannen from back to the future. like raikov she basically existed as a joke / throwaway line until she showed up in the comics, and i took that bitch and put everything i had into her. there's some shit i handled poorly and some stuff i'd change, but that community was so chill and she holds a special place in my heart. i might revive her blog one day. OH YEAH and if you google tiff tannen my rp blog still shows up on the first page
um. im gen not sure who else. i don't remember a lot of my time writing other muses. probably like some of my historical muses, or. yeah i cant remember. maybe my fnaf oc because that was the first time i got fanart of an oc and i felt like the gods themselves had bestowed it upon me
回 ━ what are your top four favorite shows?
chernobyl hbo is my favourite show ever of all time and it is the best show ever of all time factually contractually legally clinically and undisputably. i genuinely love every single facet of that show. it's what inspired me to get into researching nuclear radiation and that's what eventually led me to meet my partner ! i love that show so much it changed my life literally. i cried so hard. if you haven't watched it please do so on your platform of choice ( legal or no ) because it's genuinely amazing
neon genesis evangelion is probably one of my favourite shows ever of all time too, it hit so close to home and i'm obsessed with it. and even though none of the characters canonically have personality disorders, i find asuka and shinji to be super good representations of hpd and avpd respectively, which is great because you usually never see those anywhere ! it's so good. i also loved serial experiments lain but it hit too close to home in a way that i never want to watch it ever again because i think it will do irreparable damage to my psyche. but i really enjoyed it !
OTHERWISE i'm actually not much of a... show girlie. i like friday night dinner though i literally forgot it existed until my beloved mentioned it right now. um. most of the stuff i watch is like hell's kitchen, four in a bed, don't tell the bride, that type of shit because i'm apparently 47 years old. i have been watching dorohedoro, chainsaw man, and spy x family with my partner though !
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mnchrmdrms · 2 months
Genya-san Can't Communicate
A new boy has caught Tanjiro's eye. Is this the end of Genya's first love?
Genya is just a little shook right now. He’s gone pale and his hands shake. Tanjiro keeps staring at him with that same worried look. Like he didn’t just drop that bomb on him. He’s standing in the kitchen in his mother’s apartment. Not really the best for this conversation if this is really happening. Tanjiro had mentioned it so easy, while he kneaded bread. I think I have a crush on someone. He’d offered it up, bright-eyed and with a big smile, Genya could feel the love radiating off of him. It makes his stomach knot and his heart sink.
“Um. Are we breaking up?”
“Oh! Oh no. Absolutely not.” Genya watches Tanjiro’s face morph into one of genuine distress, like he can’t believe Genya would think such a thing, let alone say it.
Okay? Cool.
“Uhhhhh, so...did you just wanna let me know or?” Genya asks, looking over at the timer for their second batch of bread.
“I want you to meet him.” Tanjiro says through a mouthful of bread
“Your crush?” He thought this would be a lot more awkward. Leave it to Tanjiro to barrel through.
“Yeah! We’ve been talking for a while. Nothing weird, just getting to know each other. I like him and I think you’ll like him a lot too. So I wanted to know if you’d be willing to meet him? Like if you were comfortable with that.”
“Your crush?” Somehow he feels like he’s intruding.
“Yeah, we talk about you all the time and he said he wanted to meet you! So I told him I’d ask you if we could all hang out.” Tanjiro splits his bread, offering the other half to Genya. He takes it. It’s warm in his hand as he watches Tanjiro.
“Like a date?” Genya asks, taking a chunk out of his bread. His stomach has settled a little. It’s cute that Tanjiro likes to brag about him to anyone and everyone willing to listen.
“Not a date, just hanging out. Just to see what you think about him.” Tanjiro says, leaning onto Genya’s shoulder.
Genya leans back onto the counter, focusing on the weight of the boy next to him. He thought this would be a lot more awkward. He thought he’d be a lot angrier and more insistent that this not happen. But Tanjiro’s arm is wrapped around his bicep and he looks so comfortable while he’s eating his bread. He’s close and warm and staring him down looking for any signs of discomfort and disagreeableness. He seems like he’s still with Genya.
It’s hard to find a reason to say no. He doesn’t really mind it at all. A date with Tanjiro’s crush.
“Knowing you he probably already knows you like ‘im.” Genya muses, tearing another chunk out of the bun Tanjiro handed him.
Tanjiro’s laugh almost drowns out the buzz off the timer.
“Probably.” he says, taking the bread out of the oven
Genya opens the door, taking out the bread and moving to it on the counter
“He’s not a weirdo or anything is he?” Genya asks, with an oven mitt full of hot pan.
“No! He’s nice, I made sure!”
“I don’t know. You know a bunch of weirdos…”
Genya sets the bread pan on the counter, watching the steam rise. He’d made up his mind a while ago, but it’s always cute to see Tanjiro pout.
“Including you.” he prods, leaning into Genya’s space. “Especially you.”
Genya throws a scowl in Tanjiro’s direction. He is completely and totally normal. Compared to all of Tanjiro’s weirdo friends. What kind of disease is beating people up in your sleep anyway? At least do it while you’re awake.
“If he’s so cool and normal why do you want him to me a big weirdo like me?” Genya drags Tanjiro to the couch, plopping down and pulling Tanjiro down with him.
“Because we’re two halves of a whole weirdo!” Tanjiro lays his head on Genya’s chest, fiddling around with the strings of his hoodie
Embarrassing. He lights up, red as a stoplight.
“Then I guess it's fine.” Genya smothers him in his chest, pressing his hand into the lazy curl of his hair.
Tanjiro struggles, fighting his way out of Genya’s grip. He looks happy. Smiling wide and relieved that Genya obliged him so easily.
“I’ll text him and see if he has plans tonight.” Tanjiro says draping himself over Genya’s lap and pulling out his phone “Maybe we should have waited to make the bread.”
Genya makes a noncommittal noise somewhere in the back of his throat, gathering up Tanjiro in his arms and picking him up bridal style.
“He’ll be alright.” Don’t want this asshole gettin’ too comfortable.
“Right! We can just make more.” Tanjiro’s tapping away on his phone. Genya can here chat bubble after chat bubble rise. It’s not nearly as nerve wracking he thought. Tanjiro cuddles closer leaning into the heat bubbling up through Genya’s shirt. “Do you think your mom will mind him coming here?”
“Probably not. So long as we're quiet, I ‘spose.” Genya says, setting Tanjiro in the middle of his crossed legs.
“We should still let her know first…anyway he said he’d come after he’s done studying.”
“Study? It’s break ain’t it? Where are you findin’ these geniuses anyway?”
“He’s a first year where I study apparently.”
“Apparently?” Genya asks pulling out his phone to text his mother.
“I don’t see him often. We meet up in the cafeteria. He’s got a different major.”
“What is it?”
Genya can feel the irritation he’s been looking for bubbling up. He can’t believe Tanjiro’s been talking to some hot pre-med student. He pinches Tanjiro’s cheeks, squeezing and stretching it until it hurts.
“Have I ever seen this guy before?”
Tanjiro jitters, massaging his cheeks.
“I think so! We take selfies together all the time!”
Genya hums, letting all his weight rest on Tanjiro’s back.
“Nap time?”
Genya nods.
Tanjiro’s pre-med friend should be here any second. Over the course of nap time, Genya somehow got added into The Group Chat to end all group chats. Tanjiro has been non stop sending texts to this guy, Genya had to scold him at least once. The dude’s trying to study. Let him be great. The other guy has been quiet studious. Rarely replying and when he does it's full of kaomojis and proper punctuation. Apparently there’s an app for that. Genya hasn’t joined in on the conversation and quite frankly doesn’t have the guts to. He doesn’t have a name and at this point he’s too afraid to ask, he might’ve missed it earlier when Tanjiro asked him to meet this dude. About 30 minutes ago this med student said he was switching trains and now Genya waits with the worst scary movie he could find. He feels like he should change out of his PJs, at least try to make a good impression. For Tanjiro’s sake, but he also can’t bring himself to care. He’s never met this guy anyway. He may never see him again after this.
Either way he has pizza, all his siblings are in bed, and his pajama pants are soft and a present from Tanjiro, so it's fine. Tanjiro’s the one who has to go and get him anyway. His mind has been wandering, he’s got medical school money, and Tanjiro’s got a thing for big guys. He’s probably hot. Tall and built just like him. It’s kinda exciting. As long as Tanjiro is still with him he doesn’t mind another piece being thrown in the mix. But they need to establish who the hot one is. Just in case.
The knock is so quiet he almost doesn’t hear it. Polite, obviously comes from money with those manners. Notifications ring out, Pre-Med is on the other side of the door.
“You’re not gonna answer your own door?”
Genya keeps prodding his back with the ball of his foot
“You’re the worst!”
Surely Tanjiro understands this is for the best. Pre-med needs a friendly face to greet him. Genya isn’t the easiest dude to look at, he might run off after all that.
The first thing he hears is Tanjiro greet him, excited and familiar, but still polite. Then the click of door, and he stands to get ready to give a proper tour of his mother’s apartment.
“This is Genya!” Tanjiro says, running over to stand next to him. He grabs Genya’s hand, pulling his arm to rest around his shoulder. Genya turns to greet Mr. Pre-Med.
“Eve—” there’s approximately no one there. Mr. Pre-Med isn’t tall at all, he’s actually very small. Small and cute. Just a little shorter than Tanjiro and practically swimming in the big, beige sweater he’s wearing. His eyes are big and he looks happy to be there, if just a little fearful. Round face, hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. He is also coming closer. Or he is going closer to him. Tanjiro is no longer with him, pulling him forward to greet Mr. Pre-Med.
“Genya, this is Senjuro! He likes scary movies, but he scares easily so keep an eye out for him!”
Senjuro is smiling at him, looking up at him. He’s cute.
“Hello!” Senjuro sounds quite peppy, a little quiet, but peppy.
Genya freezes. Locks up and turns bright red. This guy is just the right size to lay his head on his chest. He’s wearing tights with that big ass sweater. He’s absolutely adorable.
Senjuro looks to Tanjiro, who’s looking directly at Genya, realization slowly dawning on him.
“Um...it’s nice to meet you.” Senjuro bows politely, self-consciously. His legs a slender, he is probably very slender underneath his big ass sweater. His socks have dogs on them.
Genya turns on a heel, preparing to put everyone out his damn house. He can’t do this. He’s already embarrassed himself. He’s forfeited Tanjiro to the cute pre-med student.
“Oh……….Genya………That is adorable.”
Tanjiro won’t shut the hell up. His laughter is loud and raucous and Senjuro looks so confused and terrified that he’s the butt of a terrible, horrible joke.
“Um…” Senjuro looks like he’s on the verge of tears.
Tanjiro comes through quick, barely containing his laughter as he guides Senjuro to sit on the couch.
“Senjuro-kun, Genya thi——” Genya crushes the last few words under his palm, clamping a hand around his mouth and the ugly laughter is back. Spilling through the cracks between his fingers. Tanjiro licks a long, wet line over the palm of Genya’s hand. He scrambles behind Senjuro, keeping him between Genya and himself. Genya can barely look in Senjuro’s direction, let alone barrell through him to get to Tanjiro. It’s dirty, but Senjuro must know the truth. If they don’t want this to be awkward. Genya stays red, plopping down on the floor and staying there.
“Senjuro-kun,” Tanjiro whispers it, sweetly, but conspiratorial “Genya has a bit of a problem with cute people. He’s shy and it gets hard for him to speak. So please be patient with him.”
Senjuro lights up, full of understanding and patience. Genya can hear him taking a deep breath, like he’s steeling himself to speak to him. He’s too damn cute. Between this one and Tanjiro. He won’t survive the movie, let alone the night. It’s not too late for him to change it. To a comedy or, better yet, a documentary, something boring that no one will laugh at or get scared over or—
“Genya-san,” Senjuro says, resting a hand on his shoulder, it’s small and soft. “I’m the same, so we can work on it together. Let’s do our best.” Genya turns to him and laid upon the angelic face of Senjuro is a small, reassuring smile and a thumbs up. Tanjiro hums in agreeance next to him, sweet and playful, chin resting on Genya’s waist.
He is not going to make it.
Lay him to rest. Cause of death: Sweet Boys.
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furys-mercy · 1 year
well, if it's for family drama... 👎 = Is there anyone in your muse’s family they dislike, why?
"Do the fucker's Sebastian brought with 'im count as family?" Tension radiates from Mercer's jaw at the very thought of them. "I mean, I ain't related ta her, but she is m'brother's sister, so... prolly counts fer this question, at least. Not tha' I'd ever claim her." He shudders. "Ain't gonna sit here an claim tha' I've met a lot'a fancy ladies, because we all know tha' ain't m'thin', but Fury be fuckin' damned, Marcette has gotta be the most difficult'a nobles I've had tha dipleasure'a meetin'. It's a wonder she ain't drowned in the rain with how high she holds tha' nose'a her's. An' 'er voice... it's like she thinks it don't matter wha' she says as long as she says it all dainty an' demure, tha' I ain't gonna notice she called me a right piece'a shite..." He huffs out a sigh as he trails off. "Prolly best I don't keep goin', but it's safe ta say tha' I pray ta tha Fury I don't ever have ta lay eyes on 'er again."
((Thanks for the ask, @silentletterwords!))
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riwrite · 8 months
bold whatever applies | italics what sometimes applies [ both if it's perfect for your muse ] | strikethrough what doesn't apply & tag people. repost; don’t reblog!
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black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the American South. the American Northeast. England. analog cameras.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. books. stitches.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. passing shadows. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots. a noise in the distance.
tagged by : @starwonderz ty meechi!! <3 tagging : um uh im always so nervous to tag people so!! whoever wants to consider yourself tagged :)
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