#( interactions || inej ghafa )
kaz: I've been expecting you, Inej.
inej: How did you do that without turning around?
kaz: Let's just say the first few people I did that to were not you.
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ineffablelvrs · 2 years
"three tickets for the barbie movie, please"
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
SAB/SOC twitter is talking about how the lead character of Six of Crows is Kaz and like...even disregarding the fact that it's very explicitly an ensemble work with six leads, the 'main lead' of the duology is pretty clearly Inej. She gets the most POV chapters, she gets the most character development, she's called 'the lodestone and heart' of the Crows multiple times, several vital pieces of the plot and everyone else's character motivations basically revolve around her, and the Crows' story begins and ends with her narration. Show some respect for my girl!
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thecrxwclub · 2 years
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if you think i’m ever going to be over this you are sorely mistaken
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sky-neverending · 1 year
Inej: Where are Jesper and Wylan?
Nina: Being gay probably
Wylan: There are better ABBA songs.
Jesper: You did NOT just say that.
Jesper: You did NOT
Wylan: I did
Jesper: Shut up
Wylan: Make me
Jesper: Damn. Can’t argue with that
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lunarthecorvus · 10 months
I was a few days ago years old when I realised that some of our tumblr posts get posted on other social media. My posts consist mainly of my half asleep thoughts, and someone took their time to post it somewhere else, like huh-
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myfriendscallmeraba · 2 years
I’ve seen people talk about the shadow and bone show as the most expensive fan fiction they have ever read and they so right about that
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flurry-bace · 9 months
I'm gonna say it. Kanej felt forced-
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
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ofmimicry · 3 months
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"Oh my goodness!" Nina's face lights up with a smile as she approaches the smaller girl. "That outfit is so cute on you. Where did you get it?"
closed starter for @irresistiibles ( inej ghafa )
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
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you have no idea how much i love them and how much i can't wait to see them on screen again together
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mistylakeee · 2 years
Another day of manifesting our six of crows spin off into reality so I can see more of my crows vibing on screen and see what the writers do to fix the lil mess they made
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mvndrvke · 11 months
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@veitsia : we need more time to plan this out.
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"We don't have more time," Harij points out. "I'm more of an 'act first and think about the ways I could've done it better later' person now."
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ejga-ostja · 2 years
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Six of Crows - Backstory swap AU - 2/3
Jesper & Wylan | Kaz & Inej | Matthias & Nina
Kaz if he was given Jesper’s backstory and Inej if she had Wylan’s backstory Detailed backstories below (contains spoilers for Six of Crows!!!)
KAZ Kaz grew up on a farm with his father and his brother, who died when Kaz was 9. Kaz's father was so broken with grief that his way of dealing with the pain was to completely shut it out. He pretended that his son never existed and forced Kaz to do the same. When Kaz was 15, he moved to Ketterdam to study, but was drawn to the Barrel and the thrill of criminal life. Kaz quickly became a successful thief and got banned from most gambling houses because of his skill with cards. Kaz is not looking for money or for a place to fit in, but the excitement of street fights, heists and robberies fills the void in his soul left by the grief he was never allowed to experience. Kaz is popular both for his skills and looks, but he's a bit of an ass and he loves to mess with people, even Jes. He gets tense when people bring up the topic of him having any siblings and snaps if anyone dares question him about his brother.
Inej was kidnapped by slavers when she was 6 and sold as an indenture to a rich merchant family in Ketterdam where she worked as a servant. The family treated her well, all things considered. They even allowed her to exchange letters with her parents and allowed them to to visit her, but the ship they were supposed to arrive on sank on the way to Ketterdam. The family supported Inej through her process of grieving and she decided to settle and live the rest of her life comfortably, as a servant. As she grew older, it became clear that this family didn't love her as a daughter like she'd thought they did. The man of the house had had his eyes set on Inej for years and faked her parents' deaths to get her to stay with him. When the wife found out, she despised and blamed Inej for awakening such desires in her husband. Once Inej heard from other servants that she had plans of killing her, she ran away and hid in the Barrel. After a few months, when she was 15, Jes found her and offered her a job as a spider for the Dregs. She was rusty since she hadn't done acrobatics for so long, but she worked hard and became a decent spider. Inej has a high moral compass, she hates doing crime and refuses to kill. She is a bit timid but doesn't hold back when defending herself, especially once she meets Kaz, who loves to tease her about her faith and her seemingly privileged upbringing.
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kazscrows · 2 years
Hello I would like to discuss Shadow and Bone season 2 with all of you my lovely followers! Please feel free to send me asks, anons are just fine but don’t feel like you have to be shy!
Send me opinions or questions or even just a hello!
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forevermmore · 2 years
being a character person or a plot person makes such a difference in whether you like a story or not, because i don’t really think i would’ve finished the shadow and bone books — and maybe even the six of crows books — had it not been for the characters. that being said, i’m watching season 2 of shadow and bone and i’m once again absolutely fascinated by every single one of the characters. leigh bardugo had already done a fantastic job in constructing each character so delicately and the adaptation lives up to the spirit of the grishaverse books so well!!!! also i used to be very demanding of book adaptations and understanding some changes are for the better really made the experience so much more enjoyable.
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