#I genuinely just love watching the crows interact
mistylakeee · 2 years
Another day of manifesting our six of crows spin off into reality so I can see more of my crows vibing on screen and see what the writers do to fix the lil mess they made
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catboyfahey · 2 years
i’ve seen lots of thoughts on the live action adaptation and it’s quality compared to the books. i don’t have any tho i’m just here for a good time
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crusty-chronicles · 11 months
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An: I wanna face plant in his tits. 👉👈
Zoro knows you're stupid
He knows
But he'll still take your advice like you actually know what you're talking about
Resulting in it back firing at him 90% of the time
"Hey! Which snakes are poisonous again?" He asked after getting bit by one.
"Red and yellow will kill a fellow. Red and black are friends of Jack." You recite proudly, remembering what Robin thought you.
"Okay, so what does this count as."
He holds up a bright yellow snake.
"Um.... Probably not venomous."
It was indeed venomous and poor Chopper had a heart attack trying to come up with an antidote.
Especially after Zoro kept insisting 'he was fine' and 'he'd tough it out.'
Honesty, he doesn't care if you're stupid most of the time.
Luffy's just as dumb and look at him.
Well, maybe don't. But it doesn't change the fact that he's already following one idiot around.
What's one more?
You leave out food? For the ants??? So they don't get hungry?????
"You're gonna cause an infestation in the kitchen...Wait, never mind. You're doing a good job."
He'll help you put the blame on Ussop just so Sanji can continue to suffer.
"What do you mean you broke the fish tank!?!? Franky's gonna be pissed!"
"That stingray was looking at me funny."
You gesture towards a fish that was not a stingray.
Honestly you give him a headache most days.
But he's too lazy to worry about what you do
As long as you don't rope him in.
He also won't baby you.
Rather, he helps cover up whatever trouble you caused or just laughs off your antics.
Partner in crime, at least until Nami finds out
Then you're officially on your own.
He still loves you tho
Just from a distance 👉👈
You probably came along a little after Thriller Bark.
Joining from the island they were currently resting at because according to Luffy, 'They're really cool.'
Which is never enough reason to join the crew.
But it's not hard to see what he meant when he asked you to 'do the thing' and you tore a tree up from its roots.
Yeah, you can stay
Just don't cause trouble.
He warms up to you after a while.
Namely seeing you interacting with Nami and her actually smiling.
If Nami likes you, then either she was gonna hurt you or you must've been genuinely a good person.
(It's because she'll tell you to do something and unlike their captain, you don't complain.)
You also get on Sanji's nerves, which immediately puts you in his good graces.
There isn't an isolated moment or anything leading up to him falling for you.
He was just watching you mess around with Luffy and Chopper when he realized he liked your laugh.
Then your smile
And when you caught him starting, you waved with an overly excited expression.
Like a puppy
And it makes heat flood to his cheeks, forcing him to turn away.
Zoro is about as romantic as a rock.
There's no way he's going to court you
If you're expecting a date, then I've got some bad news.
However ☝️
Zoro's way of flirting is inviting you to train with him
You're the only one allowed in the Crow's Nest when he's in there.
He's a man who admires strength, what can I say.
Toss him over your shoulder, punch him, hell lift some weights and he's 💗💗💗
It's also a way for him to show off
Slightly flexing to see your reaction. But of course, you're stupid so you don't really notice when he does it.
Tell him he's strong and he'll carry that with him the rest of the day.
If your weapon of choice is also a sword, he's smitten
In the stupid way tho. Like trying to teach you his techniques or critiquing yours.
"You're not doing it right." Is an excuse to correct your form and touch you
If he really loves you, he'll invite you to nap with him.
Sit on his lap or he'll sit on yours. He doesn't give two shits.
Either way, he's tired and wants to cuddle.
Let's you smoosh your face between his boobs if you ask nicely.
Only you 🫵
He'll glare if someone's watching and laughing.
"Yeah? Jealous it's not you?"
Zoro loves fighting with you
He won't hold you back if you want to fight
Not only can you keep up, but you move a little faster than him.
Seeing you sink marines gives him a feeling of pride.
Like, look at you!
That's his S/O!
He'll be excited to see your bounty go up along with his.
NEVER go exploring on an island alone
You two will not be found for days
Somebody who isn't an idiot and has a good sense of direction has to go with you.
It's probably Sanji tbh
Does Zoro get jealous?
He doesn't have the attention span to get jealous
Someone's flirting with you?
Eh, you don't notice it anyway. That person can try but they'll never get anywhere.
You haven't been spending a lot of time with him?
He'll just sleep with the full confidence you'll be back when he wakes up.
He just isn't worried about you losing interest
BUT he'll be damned if that cook comes anywhere near you.
Again, about as romantic as a rock.
He's not gonna be calling you lovey dovey names.
He also finds it embarrassing.
You won't catch him pulling that 'Nami-Swan!' crap.
He'd rather die
But on a very rare occasion where it's just the two of you, he'll call you baby or babe.
Nothing other than that
And he'll deny he ever said it
No confession to be found
He likes you and you seem to like him, so you're his.
Unless you say otherwise, you're dating.
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 2 months
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
Tagged by @ink-flavored (here) to do this event created by @davycoquette (question template here)! Thanks to both of you.
To anyone seeing this, consider yourself tagged in addition to @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec @sarahlizziewrites @k--havok @thatndginger @oliolioxenfreewrites @the-scaredy-crow @words-after-midnight @space-writes @vacantgodling @jezifster @ghostpoetics @lacependragon @xenascribbles @afoolandathief @drawnecromancy @the-ace-of-wrath
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[ID: A thin border divider showing a sliver of a golden sky streaked by rain clouds above a dark blue sea.]
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Since, like, 2020? Somewhere thereabouts.
What led you to create it?
Wanting to connect with writers/readers outside of Ao3 (it's just not set up for conversations outside of comment threads). And wanting to raise my characters up like baby Simba at the start of The Lion King for more of the Internet to behold.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
It's about the connection. 🤌 Plenty of writing communities, both on and offline, focus on critique or getting something published. Which can be great, if it's what you're after. But I think having others who genuinely cheer you on and let you ramble is just as important to helping writers through the often messy process of creating.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I can be a bit shy or slow to interact, but once I'm invited in I'll haunt follow your blog or writing even if I'm not constantly saying anything.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
People talking about what they love, in published work and with writeblr stuff. A lot of the time I read or watch something because of the way others talk about it. That includes your own writing!
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Be patient, manage your expectations, and focus on having some fun. There's no algorithm here and even less clout. Writers can and do build audiences on Tumblr, but it's uniquely suited to allow us to experiment and be weird too.
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
I'm rewriting Apophenia, a novel about a supernatural researcher enduring the worst assignment of his life. A lot of my other projects are set in the same world.
How long have you been working on them?
Over five years now, I think! I'm slow.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
The Chocolate Box event on Ao3! The prompt was for a human captured by a vampire, but I wound up creating an entire world and series. Oops.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
If I'm not thinking about these characters it's only because I'm dead.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
Gay vampire trash.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I write about characters who struggle towards community, compassion, and being better people despite a) their flaws, and b) the world burning down around them. I hope that it gives me the courage to continue doing the same.
Name any characters you created.
I'll direct you to some mood boards/intros even: Isaac Soto Márquez, Renato Faria Dimas, Dorian St-Ange, Kinslayer, Elfy Bosques-Rodriguez, Ankaris the Memory Salesman, Fior the Master Transcriber, Vess the Collector. And here's a comic sans presentation for Apophenia.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Outwardly? Any of my necromancers. They come in a wide variety of styles, from Motley sewing patches of skin onto itself, to Acacius of Antioch who drapes his bejeweled and gilded bones in black veils. Each also has an, um, unique view of (un)life, the body, and ethics. Views which could come across as unhinged.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
At this point Isaac Soto, the protagonist of Apophenia. We do share a few similarities, but mostly I've just been writing him for years now.
Do you ever cringe at them?
At my characters or their antics? I wouldn't give them the satisfaction.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
They do frequently just spring ideas and actions on me, but I have the ultimate say in what makes it onto the page. Same with having the power/responsibility of changing something I realize isn't working, is insensitive, etc.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
Always and forever, yes. 💜 Send me asks, comment in the tags or on Ao3, shriek in reblogs, replies, or a dm. It doesn't matter how--I love whenever someone is curious or interested enough to ask something about my fictional creations.
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
Sometimes it's based on vibes, sometimes I really like the sound of their stories. I appreciate a sense of whimsy and/or humor especially. And someone who likes spooky as well as fantasy stuff.
What makes you decide against following?
Two things: A) Their intro already has, like, 80+ notes (though the vibe/story will override this), and B) lots of posts hating on things/trends/people. I don't mean venting or sometimes ranting, which is everyone's right. I mean someone's whole brand is ridicule or just immediately seeing the bad in everything. Which is still their right. It's also mine to avoid it, and I think this is mutually beneficial. Thankfully, though, this experience has been very rare for me on writeblr.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I try to. I'll reblog, read, comment, take an open tag, whatever when I have the energy. I mean, how else do writers get readers? It takes people who might not know you personally talking about your work a lot of the time.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
I am absorbing the essence of your blorbos as we speak, making them an eternal part of me.
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queerly-done · 4 months
So my opinions on all the Dead Boy Detective/DBDA Characters
All of these are opinions as someone who has watched the show a few times now and also the Doom Patrol episode and I’ll give my opinions on the Doom Patrol versions at the end.
Spoilers for Dead Boy Detectives Show. And Doom Patrol season 3 ep. 3 and that episode alone
Charles Rowland
- Charles is such a sweetheart I love him. He’s always looking out for his friends and literally went to hell for Edwin, and kicked the Night Nurse for him. I just love him so much.
- I felt so bad for him in episode one when he says his dad, “wasn’t the nicest guy,” and in episode three when we see him break being forced to see a father k!ll his family over. I was actually crying with him saying he doesn’t “want to be a bad guy”! It broke me so badly, the abuse he went through and the fear he’ll become like his abusers is a very real thing and to see a character go through that makes the story feel more real, and makes me more sad. He could use some therapy.
- Him being the “brawn” of the team is pretty funny to me but thats most because if you watch the cast interactions you’ll see what I mean.
- All in all, I love him. He is loving, protective, loyal and has golden retriever with attachment issues energy mixed with scary dog privilege but the dog isn’t scary unless provoked.
Edwin Paine/Payne
- Adorable, get him some therapy please! He needs it! Man was so repressed for the first part of this show I thought I’d die before he confessed. But I don’t blame him honestly, his death was traumatic and being called a “Mary Ann” whilst being sacrificed likely would put a bad taste in your mouth about the idea of you being queer in any way shape or form. I am so proud of him good job!
- Honestly he just makes me so happy, and I love how he interacts with everyone and grows!
Crystal Palace
- I love her she is so bad ass and I hope wish the best for her
- She needs better taste in men, my suggestion date women
- I want to see a little more of her Nepo baby side of her past cause clearly that was a thing
Niko Sasaki
- Sweetie! I miss her! She was the only other person other than Charles to get Edwin out of his shell and it hurts me so much to see her be gone. Her death will forever haunt me.
Cat King
- I love him so much, he is my favourite kind of not evil but not good guy the kind that plays a game with people by flirting! Ahhh I love him! I don’t love that he falls for Edwin(I’ll make a separate post on this issue)
- Anywho I still love him he gives off chaotic gender neutral vibes and the song Sex With a Ghost was made for him, I just love him!
Monty the Crow
- Monty I love you but don’t kiss people without consent!
- Honestly he was very important, and sweet he didn’t deserve all the pain he’s been through, may better things come his way.
Jenny the Butcher
- Badass. I love everything about her. Her style, the way she gives advice, yes I just love her so much. I want to see more of her.
- Her episode made me so sad for her ;-;
Esther Finch
- Honestly I love her as a villain she was so evil, and a genuine threat. She is also so hot and scary I just love her.
David the Demon
- A creep I didn’t like him, I don’t know what else you want?
Doom Patrol versions!
Charles Rowland
- He was so funny in this, I loved him. I love how the show conveyed a mutual interest from him to Edwin they are both just too dense to say anything about it. I also love that it seems the only thing he knows about America is that they like baseball.
- They did have to go off and hurt me with the fear of water scene, but he was so sweet protecting Edwin from the Night Nurse(who in this is just 10 times scarier)
Edwin Paine
- Him not getting anything about modern times and brushing off his feelings for Edwin was so well done! I love how he tells Larry he “isn’t like him” saying he isn’t queer and that if he were that would be bad, he says this all in a very rude and brash tone and then proceeds to comfort Charles in the nicest to he is capable of.
- Beautiful 10/10
Crystal Palace
- Boss ass Bitch, girl boss. 8/10 I love her but no real opinions yet that is I may go back one day and edit this for her
I hope you liked this dumb post :3
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not-the-living-ghost · 4 months
4, 5, 9, 10, 11[walrus]
I’m gonna go with the fan favorite, Edwin and Niko. Their relationship is honestly so cute!! Niko's sexuality is not really explored throughout the show, but I saw her and Edwin's relationship as being great mlm wlw solidarity, and I loved it so much.
We all know that Edwin typically communicates through sassy comments and snarky remarks, and although it is incredibly humorous, I found his genuine relationship with Niko quite charming. When Edwin spoke to Niko, his words were always kind and sincere.
Both Edwin and Niko expressed their struggles with connecting with other people — which is something that I also relate to as an autistic person — and so it was heartwarming to see a relationship where they could just be themselves without putting up any walls. Although it’s not canon, it’s because of this that I always saw them both as being autistic, and I think it’s nice to see a genuine bond between neurodivergent folks :)
5 - Fave case
My favorite case was probably The Case of the Dead Dragons. The case itself was quite sad (both Shelby and Maren deserved so much better, but I doubt their stories will be touched on again in the show), but I liked seeing the agency interacting with the non fantasy aspects of the world. I also thoroughly enjoyed seeing Edwin interact with the modern world and the mistranslations that came with such a large generational difference (like him not knowing what a ‘handjob’ is)
9 - Fave magical being
Monty!! I’m not sure if he counts, as he was a very prominent character, but he is still a magical being nonetheless :) I loved literally everything about Monty, and I really hope to see more of him in season 2. He deserves so much better!!
10 - A city or country you'd love to see a season set in
I think it’d be pretty funny seeing the agency in New York City. I love seeing the generational differences play out when Charles and Edwin interact with the living world, and I think that’d end up playing a significant role in the story if it took place in NYC. New York City is such a strange place with a bustling atmosphere, and I could see it playing out where Charles fits right in, but Edwin feels quite out of place. 
11 - An animal you'd like to see person-ified for an AU instead of a [crow/cat/walrus]
That’s a hard question because if you'd've asked me that before I even watched Dead Boy Detectives, I would've easily said a crow or a cat. But seeing as that’s already been done, I think I’ll go with a ferret. I have no particularly compelling reason for this other than the fact that I think ferrets are very cute :)
thanks for the ask!! :)
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alchemicaladarna · 4 months
I've had a little more time to gather my thoughts after today's events, and while I do still feel sad and upset that this particular chapter has come to an end, I'm still very grateful that it happened.
I'm so grateful to all the good it has brought so many people. Helping many communities around the world unite and be able to talk to each other, breaking down language and cultural barriers just to freak out about their favorite cubitos.
I'm grateful for all the memories we made. The good and the bad. The sad and the happy. The ones where we all laughed at the silly moments and cried in the tragic ones. I'll look back on them very fondly, and I'm so glad to have been a part of the journey for most of the way.
I never thought I'd get back to watching another SMP after the dsmp ended to be honest. I was just kind of there for that server because I joined at the very end and only watched clip compilations and stuff. So when I heard Quackity was launching a server with Spanish and English speakers with some CC's who I already knew previously, I thought, huh. That's a neat concept I guess. I might not stick around for very long, but I'll check it out I think.
So I began to watch Phil's pov and vods, and I'll never forget the first time I saw an egg live- and just how their characters and stories completely captured my heart in a way that I can't even begin to explain. After that, I decided you know, I might have to stick around for a little while longer. And lo and behold, a year later, here we are.
I also admittedly didn't watch every streamer's pov so I'm not knowledgeable in every character's story, but because of you guys here on qsmpblr, I really felt like I was a part of every community when I read everyone's posts, theories, admire art, or fics people would write too.
I've switched povs a lot throughout the year and I just wanna say thank you to the Crows, Doozers, Jaiden fans (I forgot what you guys are called I'm sorry D':) and especially the Ghosties <3 for keeping me company. I genuinely feel so blessed to have interacted with all of you. Thank you for having me.
And yeah Ghosties, because of your streamer, I'm permanently stuck in that bell now so thanks a lot /j XD
To every fan, on tumblr and elsewhere, thanks for keeping this project- the characters and all the memories we made of it- alive in the fanart and fanfiction. You guys all work so hard and are so very talented too!
To every admin who was part of the project. Thank you for pouring so much love and contributing so much of yourself to the server. It wouldn't have been the same without you. Regardless of if you were a builder, an actor, a writer, etc. you made this project beyond amazing. If it weren't for you, I doubt this project would have reached the same heights that it did. Thank you for all the love, the memories, passion, and care you gave to the qsmp. You all are the best <33
A special thank you to my fellow ghosties here as well. Bad has genuinely become like, my comfort streamer this last year, and I wouldn't have discovered him if it weren't for you guys going crazy over his lore on the dash XD
Thank you everyone. Thank you admins. Thank you CC's . Thank you everybody. This was a wonderful experience and I hope this won't be the last.
This place will always hold a special place in my heart but for now...obrigada, merci, gracias, and buenas noches everyone <333
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sentience-if · 7 months
i LOVE rat Io but when playing I imagined more of a close cousin, owl/crow io in where they SEEM respectable at first then they jump you randomly with weird new facts as you get to know them and you find out they're just a little freak. Val and Io beginning interactions are just Io constantly watching them trying to imitate a "normal" person greedy for anything and everything especially if it's out of reach. They THINK they're doing a good job pretending to be normal but spend loke more then five minutes with them and the cover is blown.
thats just Ira
not sure if it's an offshoot or a progression of this, but an Io who genuinely has no idea they're not passing as 'normal'. delicious.
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Haikyu!! Season 2 Thoughts
I’ve been working on this for a while, trying to do what I did last time for the Season 1 finale, but I honestly don’t have the mental energy to give an in depth review of each character’s growth because there are so many who deserve to be talked about and I’d feel bad to leave any of them out :(
SO! Instead, I’m gonna do bullet points and cover things that way!
As always, my thoughts will be under the cut.
• I like the addition of Yachi! She fits in nicely and her friendship with Hinata is adorable!
• Tanaka is such a good big brother figure. He came running to break up the fight when Yachi asked, he got his sister to drive Hinata and Kageyama to Tokyo, he’s generally just got people’s backs, and he’s encouraging. I love him <3
• Just because it was my two favorites interacting, appreciation for Suga tutoring Noya! It was a small scene but it made me very happy.
• Training camp Arc was AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! • Nekoma is pretty cool. I didn’t have any strong opinions on any of them initially but I like them more now. Kenma seems like a sweetheart, and I love Kuroo. I also like Yaku, even though he doesn’t get much screen time. • BOKUTO. THAT’S IT. JUST. BOKUTO. AAAHHH I LOVE HIM!!!!! He’s got so much golden retriever energy and he seems like such a genuinely great guy! I loved his dynamic with Kuroo and Tsukki, and also his dynamic with Hinata!
• Appreciation for Yamaguchi yelling at Tsukki! I stand by my theory of Tsukki being Yamaguchi’s safe person, and speaking from experience, it is not easy to confront your safe person about anything. • Appreciation for Tsukki actually listening to Yamaguchi!!! This is where I went from not liking him to wanting to see him grow more. Is he a jerk? Yeah. But he’s a sympathetic jerk and he’s doing some growing as a person. I want to see where he ends up!
• Appreciation for Noya teaching Hinata diving receives. Like yeah he laughed at him first but then he said “here, let me show you” and did and Hinata can do them now!! Big brother vibes honestly, in a different way from Tanaka’s, but still there.
• Appreciation for Tanaka and Noya ganging up on Hinata. And honestly just for their trio in general? Their trio is so fun and gives me warm feelings :)
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• Getting into tournament stuff now, let’s start with Hinata being ganged up on outside the bathroom. That was hilarious! XD
• WHY DO I ACTUALLY LIKE THESE OTHER TEAMS?? Like I’m over here getting emotional over the other teams trying their best and still losing! • I just want to highlight Johzenji specifically because I personally really enjoyed watching them. They were so entertaining!!! Like yeah I know all the teams love the game or they wouldn’t be playing, but Johzenji looked like they were having fun, and it was contagious. Yeah, they had to learn to take it more seriously if they wanted to go further, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying the game. They’re the only team that seems to legitimately be having fun playing, and it really set them apart. Like after Karasuno they’re probably my favorite team. Anyways, Johzenji ramble over, moving on.
• Love Hinata protecting Kiyoko! He was so scared but it was so sweet :)
• I don’t remember where exactly this happened but I’m gonna talk about it now because I can: Suga being a little gremlin. He karate-chopped Asahi in the stomach for being negative, and then when Daichi came back from the medic Suga punched him in the gut for no reason. • You might be thinking, “Crow, you always talk about how sweet Suga is and how that’s why you like him so much. Does this change anything?” The answer is no. No it does not. He’s still a sweetheart, he’s just also a gremlin and I think it’s funny.
• LET’S TALK ABOUT DAICHI!! • The other reason the Johzenji match is my favorite is because of how much Daichi got to shine. THAT SCENE OF HIM WITH THE JOHZENJI BANNER IN THE BACKGROUND!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! • Listen, I liked Daichi from season 1, but he was always kinda just there for me. This match changed that SO MUCH! Like the reasons he didn’t stand out (No personal struggles of his own, no obnoxious defining trait, kinda works in the background) are the same reasons that he stood out so much during the Johzenji match! To quote the banner, Daichi is “Simplicity and Fortitude”. He’s simple, in that his defining traits are being stable and hardworking (traits that don’t grab a lot of attention), and he’s fortitude, in that not only does he keep going, but he keeps the team going. AH I LOVE THAT MATCH!!!! • Also I’m gonna talk about the incident here really quick just from the perspective of why Daichi is so important. And that’s because he keeps the team together. He’s their stability. He works in the background, but he’s SO ESSENTIAL. I’m glad he’s okay and he’s back now.
• Just wanted to make sure I mentioned that I’m so proud of Ennoshita! He did a good job filling in and he’ll be an excellent captain after the third years graduate.
• Also poor Tanaka felt so bad about running into Daichi. I think my favorite thing about him is just how much he cares about his teammates. He’s a big old softie <3
• I don’t remember when exactly this happened because all the episodes run together when you binge them like I did, BUT, Noya’s libero set!!!!!! It made me so happy!!!! He did it!!! • Additional remark on this: I loved seeing him work with Suga and Asahi on it! Also him scolding Asahi for trying to make him feel better instead of telling him how to be better.
• Yamaguchi!! I would like to say that when he didn’t do his jump float serve and Ukai got mad at him my reaction was basically this:
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Like the boy has only gotten to serve in one other official match and he missed. You thought he was anxious the first time you swapped him in? GUESS WHAT! NOW HE’S GOT THE ONLY OTHER GAME HE PLAYED IN HANGING OVER HIM TOO! Oooh, I was so mad. There is no reason for Ukai to have been yelling at this boy, especially when Yamaguchi is clearly anxious already and THEN Ukai keeps swapping him in only at crucial points. That’s a lot of pressure, especially for A FIRST YEAR who spends the majority of his time ON THE BENCH. Sorry. I have a lot of feelings about this. I’m moving on now because it’s making me mad again. • Alternatively, when he did do his serve and he kept scoring!? AAAAHHHHH!!! HE DID IT!!!!!!!! I was so so so excited and so proud of him!!!!! He’s grown a lot and it’s been so delightful to watch :)
• Suga and Kageyama’s two setter move was SO COOL!!!!
I’m gonna wrap this up because there are so many things and I can’t possible cover them all. So, two more things I want to touch on:
• Seijoh. Both the match as a whole and with a focus on Oikawa. • This match was SO INTENSE. WOW. I loved it! But it was so intense. It was really amazing seeing how everyone had grown! • I think Mad Dog is the only Haikyu character I dislike. He irritated me because he’s arrogant and entitled and disrespectful. I appreciate how Seijoh managed to work with him though! Props to them. • Small pause from the Seijoh focus to appreciate that Noya’s reaction to Oikawa’s serve was a starry-eyed “I want to receive that!” • Speaking of Oikawa, I… honestly don’t quite know what to say? But I knew I wanted to talk about him some, so I guess I’m just gonna start. • I hated Oikawa through all of season 1 and most of season 2. By all rights I should still hate him for how he treated little Kageyama. So why the heck do I like him now? I can’t even explain it. I just looked at him one day and went “Stupid (/affectionate)” and that was that. • I’d like to appreciate how determined his was during those last few points. He launched himself backward with his final set, CRASHED BACK FIRST INTO A TABLE AND CHAIRS, and still got back in there. • Last thing I want to talk about is how his last set of high school was to Iwaizumi. He didn’t have to set across the whole court, but he chose to because he wanted to set to his best friend, the team’s ace, one last time. I loved that! And I loved that he hauled off and whacked Iwaizumi on the back after they lost and Iwa was breaking, because it’s what Iwa would’ve done if the roles were reversed.
Okay. Last thing I wanted to talk about was this:
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The amount of happiness this scene brings me is just… ah! I replayed it multiple times. The team already huddling up and waiting on Noya and Hinata to complete the group hug. Noya and Hinata with 0 prior communication deciding “Yes, we should jump at our teammates to hug them” and then doing it in sync. THEM TACKLE-HUGGING THE ENTIRE TEAM AND LAUGHING ABOUT IT. The way that I’m sure after the initial shock wore off the rest of the team found it endearing. The joy from winning. The camaraderie. The relief. The way it’s the ENTIRE TEAM, including everyone who was on the bench. Man. I love this scene.
Alright, that’s all I have to say about season 2. If there’s anything I didn’t talk about or something I touched on but didn’t get into and you’d like to know my thoughts, feel free to send an ask!
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mysticmiav · 3 months
Just finished Pride and Prejudice and I get it now. I get it. Idk why I thought I wouldn't like this as much when I knew it was a classic and highly praised for a reason. Past me is so ignorant istg
It tickled that slowburn part of my brain so well aaaaa all the while the characters and their interactions were genuinely so fun to watch, the developments so satisfying and the story so well rounded and having such intriguing themes woven into it ugh
So yeah so many thoughts like I was rereading a small section to remember something and I found more little things I wanna dive into and point out in the book akfkkskfe it's so good
Am already sad (this will get kinda sappy cuz it's 4 am and am so sad about finishing the book lmao)
Austen creates such a lively, real world of characters and setting that reading about it really feels like being with them ya feel? And I don't mean it just in the escapism sense or in the being able to get lost at the story and imagining it all vividly and those stuff (although still applicable!)
But more so in the sense that the Bennetts household, the Longbourn residence, the neighbourhood, the community and people and all feel so real as if I were there living with them akfkskkd
The relationships between characters, the morals of some and of the community/society and what they'd think of certain things, the Bennets family and the dynamics and relationships between its members, the sisters and the friends and the interests and just how real and genuine it all feels.
It genuinely makes me feel like am living the story and experiencing the characters as they themselves living and experiencing things
Especially when, for a slow reader like me, it takes a bit longer to get through a book and thus, said book becomes such an interwoven part of a long stretch of days. For like a few weeks, the story and characters are repeatedly part of my routine throughout the day, and I grow so used to these specific characters and world and story. I really settle in and feel comfertable in it, and it makes picking up the book and jumping back into it so much easier
Idk how to properly put it. I just love it. I only ever get this full sense of immersion with few books (Gallant, Six of Crows and more recently Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries) and finishing them makes me so sad cuz I grew so used to, well, being in those stories and amongst the characters and world that finishing the book feels like saying goodbye to all of it. It feels like physically leaving said world. Am always left with a sense of "so what now? I have to get to know another book and get acquainted with the characters and story and world? What if it's not the same? What if it doesnt feel like this had felt?"
But yeah that's enough sappy bookish sentiments I'll get some sleep and get over it akfkskdkek
All in all P&P definitely will be one of those books I think about a lot and revisit every now and then. Specifically because their stories were fun, their characters interesting and their themes very fascinating and intriguing, and because I grow so nostalgic to being pulled back into them and it feeling like coming home
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lec743 · 11 months
Darksiders Concept Thingy with Fury (2)
Fury was tending to the bonfire that the human woman had started. It was something to do for the night for the sake of doing it, as the human needed to rest before she could continue. A part of Fury was annoyed by this. If the human wasn't here, they could keep doing their jobs like how they should be doing... Though, the other part of her was a bit fascinated by the human's needs. They are so puny, and yet before the apocalypse they had a global empire full of smaller empires that were full of stories and life and conflict. She's a living piece of that fallen empire and her weakness made Fury curious.
The human woman was carving into a log. It was about as thick as her leg and a bit longer than her leg as well. She's been awkwardly carving into it for a few days now, having barrowed War's smallest knife, which looks more like a small sword in her grasp. She seems to wield it expertly despite how the size makes it sit awkward in her grip.
"Your food is ready [still haven't picked out a name yet]," Strife said as he picked up the five sticks of skewered rabbit meat that he was cooking for her.
Fury saw her head snap up as she set the carving project to the side. "Oh! It looks great, Strife. Thank you." She doesn't get up from her seat as Strife walks over and hands her all of the sticks.
Fury saw the confused look on the woman's face as the firelight danced on her features.
"Are you not going to have any?" She looked to Strife as he sat next to her on the rotten log War brought over.
"No. Don't really need to eat all that often."
"Is something stopping you from eating?"
Fury wondered where she was going with this, "No... Nothings stopping me? Why do you ask?" Strife said, voicing Fury's questions.
"Well, if you aren't hungry, then that's fine. I just really want to share my meal with you if that's okay?"
"What? Do you think Strife went to all that trouble just to poison you?" Fury decided to ask.
Her eyes shined in the firelight as she turned wide-eyed at the giant woman. "No! I-I didn't mean to insinuate--" she turned her focus back onto Strife, "I'm sure your cooking is lovely! I don't think you would--
"Ignore her," Strife drawled as he shifted his helm up to expose his mouth while taking a skewer, "She's just not as nice as you are."
Fury furrowed her brow and picked up a pebble from the ground. Then with an quick flick of her wrist she nailed him right on his metal helm, making the armor ring loudly. She smiled as he grimaced from the sound.
"I'm sure she's nice in her own way," the human stated while Strife glowered at Fury. The human woman then offered a stick to the nephilim woman. "Would you like to eat with us?"
Fury still felt too confused by the offer. She raised her hand and shook her head. "No. I don't need it."
The three of them then heard the heavy foot falls of War as it announced his and Death's return from scouting out the area.
"W-welcome back," the human greeted with fear but Fury saw that she was smiling at her brother's genuinely. Then like what she did with Strife and herself, she offered the skewers to them. "Are you guys hungry? Would you like to eat?"
Death shook his head. "We don't need to eat."
The woman seemed to visibly wilt at the decline, but then War said, "I will join you." That made her smile a little wider as she stretched her arm out to the large nephilim as he walked over and grasped the small snack from her. Then he joined Fury by the fire before eating.
The human was about to dig in before there was a caw from the sky and Dust swooped down and landed on her shoulders. The night air rang with her laughter as she felt the crow preen her hair. Fury saw a soft smile on Strife's lips as he watched the interaction while he ate.
"Of course I'm going to share with you too, Dust. My favorite lil crow."
Fury huffed in amusement. Next to her and her siblings, the crow can be deemed as little, but next to the human, he may as well be half as tall as her. The human offered the strips of meat to Dust and the crow would have sat there and eaten on her shoulders if Death hadn't of walked over.
"You should keep the food to yourself. You need it more."
"The amount I have is enough. With how much horseback riding I've been doing, I'm not exerting a lot of energy. I'll be fine. Besides, sharing is caring."
Strife snorted. "Awe, does that mean you care about me?" He looked away from her as he threw his bare stick into the fire. Fury didn't miss the way he tried to hit her with it as he threw it. Fury then watched the human woman as she looked Strife in the eye with a straight and honest face.
She ate her meal as she continued to keep eye contact with him. It made Fury quietly snicker to herself as Strife would have said something quippy at this point and it seems for the first time in a long time someone has made Strife speechless.
The second eldest nephilim turned away from her honest gaze as he opted to stare at the fire. Fury gave him a smug smile and Strife cursed her out quietly in their native tongue.
Death called Despair for the human when she finished her meal and she bid everyone good night as she used the horse as a pillow. Fury continued to tend to the fire as her brothers found other ways to busy themselves. It wasn't until sunrise that she realized that the human also cares about her, someone that she's obviously scared of. She's not sure how to feel about that.
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
Tagged by @iwritenarrativesandstuff! :D Thanks for the tag, sorry it took me a little bit —
I didn't really know what I was doing, but I tried my best!
6 characters that are me-coded (more or less):
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I don't have the mental collectedness for tagging at the moment, but if any of y'all see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! :D
Rambling about why each character is here under the cut for the sake of space:
Nakajima Atsushi from Bungou Stray Dogs: genuinely the character I relate to the most of the BSD cast! (Which might be surprising considering my clear fixation on skk, but honestly Atsushi's plot sometimes hits a little too close to home for comfort, and I draw skk for comfort so. that is why I draw them more aksdjfksd) But yeah, Atsushi remains a very important character for me — I appreciate the fact that there's never a single moment where he just suddenly moves on from everything he's gone through, cause trauma really doesn't work like that.
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Asakusa Midori from Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!: She is an art gremlin who isn't the best at interacting with other people, and who can and will go on lengthy rambles about the media she cares about. Watching her as a kid especially feels like watching myself sometimes :0
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Fujioka Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club: she is one of the first characters in anything I watched who had a gender thing going on that I truly vibed with! (Also just in general, I tend to vibe with protagonists who aren't fully on board with being protagonists, which I think Haruhi counts as aksdjfksjdf)
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Rincewind Discworld from Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series: Speaking of characters who aren't on board with being protagonists, here is possibly the most reluctant protagonist to ever protagonist! The drowned rat of a wizard who spends all of his books attempting to run away from the plot, and whose happy ending is finally getting to be a side character who doesn't get involved in the main storyline! Idk man, I just find his absolutely terrified determination to stay alive relatable. Also he isn't a very good wizard, but he is trying his best, which is also relatable.
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Shang Qinghua from The Scum Villain's Self Saving System: I guess continuing the cowardly-but-doggedly-determined-to-stay allive trend in this, I find Airplane very relatable the same way I find Rincewind relatable! They are disasters. I am also a disaster.
...Also he's a shitposter.
(Sidenote, but I wish I had his hands. I would dearly love to be able to write that many words a day without my joints murdering me in cold blood lol)
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Ursula from Kiki's Delivery Service: This one is kind of cheating (I couldn't think of a sixth who I thought was actually like me currently aksjfksjf), but she was one of the first characters I looked at as a kid and went "I WANT TO BE THAT :O" because she lives in the woods and gets to sketch crows!! And do art!!! All the time!!! I love her. So I am putting her here as a self indulgent hope that I will become like her someday!
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lover-cook · 7 months
You’ve Got A Nice Smile~
“A nice, lazy, and sunny day brings out the best in everyone, doesn’t it?”
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A short one-shot taking place pre-Water 7! An interaction between Ray and Sanji, discussing Ray favorite thing about the cook: His smile! No warnings it's all fluff, and has a little over 1k word count!
The sun was shining high above the Merry, the exact weather Ray liked. It meant calm seas, an almost jolly atmosphere, and a lot less cleanup work.
A seagull cawed overhead as the Strawhats where spending their lazy afternoon doing someorother.
Zoro was napping on deck, as usual, while Robin read not far from him. Luffy was draped over the Merry’s figurehead in a weird in-between state of sleep and singing a sea shanty, not that anyone but him could hear the words since he had his hat on his face.
The only two working at all of course were Nami and Chopper, but they were doing a half-hazard job of it even at that.
Nami was busying her hands by doing some update touches on the master map she had, adding islands and towns here and there she didn’t know existed previously, while Chopper was sat in a chair next to Robin as he quietly mixed some medicines while humming to himself, keeping in time with his mixing and grinding. (Was that the same sea shanty Luffy was singing? Ray couldn’t tell.)
That only left Usopp who was currently keeping a lazy watch from the crows-nest while he was reorganizing his bag.
This kind of thing is why Ray really loved sailing. As exciting as going from island to island was it was the being on the open water they preferred. The rhythmic splash of waves against the ship making it rock, the soft sigh of seafoam, the sea-life below and the avian animals above. It reminded them of being on the Baratie. Which wasn’t helped by Sanji being right along for the ride.
The two were stood against the railing of the Merry with two fishing poles cast. Sanji took a drag from his cigarette and watched the water lap at the boogey.
He had a contented smile on his face, an unfortunately rare look for him. That made Ray upset, it looked good on the cook.
It wasn’t to say Sanji never smiled but it was rare to see him genuinely unbothered. He was the type of fake smiler that meant he was either about to bite someone's head off and was trying to hide it or being a little over dramatic and showy.
That just made the moments when he was clearly comfortable and happy mean even more, though.
“You’ve got a good smile, you know.” Ray said, leaning against the railing.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Sanji asked, looking up.
“Your smile! It’s cute. When you’re being genuine about it, I mean. You should do that more.”
Sanji blinked for a moment. “Me? Mine? Are you sure you don’t mean Luffy or Usopp-“ he asked, pointing at himself in confusion.
“Nope! Yours! Don’t know how you got to be so… annoyingly charming though. Lord knows you didn’t get it from the Old Man.” Ray laughed.
Sanji stared for a moment, looking Ray’s face up and a down, like he was searching for some sort of answer their face would give away. Then his expression became a slightly smug smile.
“What? Am I not allowed to give you a compliment you all of a sudden??” Ray asked, their brow furrowing as they looked over the railing to the ocean below.
“Ray are you sick? Has the sun gotten to you? I can go get Chopper.” Sanji said in a joking manner, taking his hand to fan Ray.
“Don’t be a dumbass! I’m fine!” Ray laughed, batting his hand away. “And don’t get your hopes up, never in a million years will you get me spouting sweet nothings at you, lover-boy.”
“Wow you’re starting to sound more like the Old Geezer then I do with the way you’re talkin’.” Sanji snickered and took a drag from his cigarette.
“It’s the truth, though.” Ray said with a smile.
“What?” Sanji blinked.
“I wasn’t joking. You have a good smile. You should do that more.”
The silence was palpable as Sanji stared in dumbfoundment.
“You.. meant that?” He asked slowly.
“Of course! If theirs's one thing I’m not it’s a liar when complimenting someone.”
“Um…. Er…. Thank you, Ray.” Sanji said, collecting his thoughts. “Though I still don’t quite get what you mean, I smile plenty! More than that stupid mosshead does, anyway.” He added, gesturing to where the swordsman was sleeping.
“Well sure but it’s never authentic. I like your smile not Mr. Prince’s, not how you look when handling Customers, yours is the best. At least when you’re being a dramatic dork that’s not as annoying.” Ray explained, emphasizing their point with their hands.
Sanji looked at Ray and then to the ocean. He took a drag from his cigarette deep in thought. When he looked back at them he had a toothy grin on his face.
“Damn, Wildflower! You read me like a book, huh?” He said with a laugh. “Thank you though.” "What for?" Ray asked. "Being honest? That's hardly a chore." "For the compliment! A guy like me doesn't come by those frequently, despite what you'd be lead to believe." Sanji said with a look to Ray, a expression that was a mix of smug and genuine gratitude. "Seriously, thanks. Sun Rayyy~" Any honestly that had been on the cooks face melted away being replaced by a wink.
"Ohh no no you can not start calling me that I refuse." Ray said, their face going red with embarrassment. "Oh come on Sun Rayyy~! It's a compliment!" He said with a grin, resting his head on his hand prompted against the railing. "Nope. Nope I am not having some cheesy nickname like Nami and Robin do that is out of the question--" "I don't just give those to everyone you know, Sun Ray~." Sanji cut in with a snicker. "Sure you do. Hell Zoro gets called nothing but stupid nicknames." "Well maybe but not like you guys! You of all people should know I mean it with love." He said closing his eyes in a smile. "Smiling isn't going to make me like it, Romeo." Ray said with a huff, looking back to the ocean. "Well too bad cause now it's here to stay Sun Rayyy~"
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katyspersonal · 1 year
I know you got like ten of these already but I still demand Crow/Annalise thoughts 🖤
Hrrrrg -_-. Oh look, it is you, with your boss x servant ships (lmao look WHO is talking fsjdhfhds) Okay, let's see what I think of the two... I main Annalise x her dead King, but let's say an alternative take when the previous one was not that big of a deal + L + arranged anyways.
🌑 In my thing, the four would kinda be friends since they were kids - Annalise, Maria, Crow (Eidinghardt) and King (Elisabeth/Elias)! Or at least, forced to interact due to the status and bloodlines shenanigans. Whereas Eidin was a little bit of 'mean older brother' to Elias and rather close to Maria, with Annalise he actually kept butting heads and thought she was a typical snobby princess as soon as he learned what title of the princess even entailed. Other two had to actually be the peacemakers between the two more than once! Most of the good moments between Annalise and Eidin were under watchful eye of the other two x)
🚩 It was later teen years when Eidin started to notice his feelings towards Annalise were going in the 'You are annoying. Unfortunately, in a kinda sexy way...' direction. He did not make an effort in delivering them to her, however, if someone who noticed (all two of such people, since Crow is actually a SKILLED tsundere) trolled him about it, he'd manipulate the conversation in a way to draw as much attention to himself as possible - while still looking like a victim of an """unfair""" interrogation, hahah. He liked being bullied about his (presumed) crush, whereas playing the role of hating it, WHEREAS playing it in such a way that people WOULD bug him more. He is just a nasty man like that, that's the way I like him! (and that's your fault btw lol)
🌑 When the holy blood was brought to Cainhurst (that tooooootally was not just a step in the plan of creating a baby to summon the Moon.... not at ALLLL...), Eidin was actually one of the first to submit himself as a 'Guardian' of the Queen of Blood, to acquire Blood Dregs for her. He passed it as simply loving the idea of murdering weak, broken people to provide further chaos and glory for his nobles, but in reality he was soooooOoooooOOooo horny over the fact that her blood was flowing in his veins now @_@ Like, ohhhh my god.
🚩 However, he would observe what other Guardians allowed themselves to do, like kissing Anna's hand, speaking very reverential words to her, all that, and just try to mimic it, to not come across as caring 'too much'. He would totally blow it up, though, always sounding too passionate when he'd return to her with his offerings, when he'd kneel and kiss her hand for far too long. Eidin would go from 'being smart at hiding his feelings' to 'THINKING he is smart when literally everyone could see what he was up to', without even being aware of it xd Annalise would've noticed too, of course - she is not clueless! However, whereas she is usually strict (cruel, even) to people that try to 'fool' her, thinking she was too stupid to see through them, with Crow she'd give him a pass, being intrigued with how much further he could've gotten caught in his passion while deluded with the idea of being slick.
🌑 Annalise actually ended up simping hard for him, hoping that he'd get enough balls to come genuine and clear about his feelings some time, but she would not give her own feelings away. She had a status and reputation to uphold! And was puzzled on how she could guarantee it was all safe. So the two would've had a period of giving each other hints and fantasising about each other while separated.
🚩 However, they were still making the best out of their conversations. Eidin even allowed himself to sit at the empty throne beside Annalise a few times, having a casual chat with her. Usually it was them being petty haters towards some other people in the castle xD But sometimes it was just them discussing the concerns of the future of the Cainhurst's glory (with threats looming over them from the Healing Church), missing Maria, being regretful about poor Elias offering himself as a sacrifice for the Child of Blood, and of course shit-talking Logarius that "totally had hots for Annalise and refused to admit them" (that they both hated with their guts and found disgusting). In general, they at least found very understanding friends in each other at the end, not even recalling how they were petty and hostile as children.
🌑 They'd share a kiss, though. At some point, Crow noticed Annalise was nervous because of Elias, marriage and all that stuff. Seeing Annalise being not dead ice cold and certain about something was a rare sight, of course, and Eidin was driven not just by selfish motivations, but by genuine concern and wish to comfort. He offered himself as a volunteer to practice the scene of marriage and oath - naturally, going too hard with his own side of speech and with the kiss. He did not bother to deny it as 'simply playing a good role' and Annalise did not bother to troll him about this. Whereas most of the ships I am active on rely on open communication, with these two it is the opposite; they often rely on the 'tension', giving hints to one another and simply hoping the other would 'get it'. However, Anna was the one who demanded it at least three other times, despite being kinda calm by then. But it was not 'reliving' the situation what calmed her nerves, but instead, coming to terms with what she actually wanted - be it possible or not.
🚩 They would both be heartbroken, though, after Cainhurst's massacre and the telepathic bond between Crow and Annalise being severed. When Paleblood Hunter has a consanguineal contract with her, Annalise mentions that they could be the only ones left of Vilebloods when Arianna and Crow exist, implying the contract should be refueled once in a while. Both Anna and Eidin still keep one another in thoughts and hope the other does the same. Eidin has it especially hard, though. I have this semi-shitpost semi-sad headcanon that should he meet a woman with long red hair - he will fall into delusion that Anna is 'fucking with him' via other people and serve this person ;-; He can't shake the feeling that she must be watching over him in one way or another... He just never feels alone, even if this is just a lunatic's coping strategy.
🌑 While it lasted, actually both would be revering in it feeling like 'forbidden love'. There was something exciting for them both about this secrecy, even though they never directly communicated with each other about what exactly their status was. Each believed the other just 'got it' - and honestly, they believed right. But they would try to have activities just between one another, away from anyone who'd spread the word or judge, like going in the woods or pretending to be the commoners in Yharnam under covers. Just enjoying spending time together! On the dark side, it were these under-cover quality times together how they caught the rumours of bad things looming over Cainhurst and getting prepared (which we all know did not even help them). In these times, Crow always loved getting sweets and flowers (always the most deep red color possible) for Annalise. They would also sometimes play physical pranks on Laurence or Ashton, albeit Patches also wanted to do that... so they were often crossing Patches, too... xD
Thank you for the ask, though! Sorry if it is not very long, but I hope I got the point across anyways. Also not me realising this ship is actually REALLY good while writing this
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madstronaut · 5 months
a little "palette" cleanser if you will 🎨 sorry i'll see myself out
obligatory faficowrimo masterlist link: https://www.tumblr.com/madstronaut/741107471699066880/faficowrimo-the-challenge-comment-on-every
Reading: imprimatura by @soapskneebrace
ahhhh one of the earliest soap fics i read and still makes me feel so tender and gooey when I think about it <3
I also loved how artist!reader’s first thoughts were “decadent muscle” HAHAHAHAHA SOAP WHO? I AM NOW CALLING HIM JOHN “DECADENT MUSCLE” MACTAVISH
“-his mouth rests at an angle that suggests he often smiles.”
fucking obsessed with this line!!!! what a description
Soap’s grip is firm, the kind of firm that suggests he can squeeze much, much tighter if he needs to. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰yesplease
You turn his arm to see it more fully. “Oh. Nice tattoo.”
He looks at the ink as if it is entirely new to him, and then gives an easy grin. “Thanks. I’ve got a few more too. coughicanshowyounowprivatelycough Hope they aren’t hard to draw.”
this whole interaction has me shredding my pillow in my jaws - not letting go after a too long handshake? turning his arm to admire the tattoo? soap brain going brr and acting like he’s just seen his tattoo for the first time? RRRAGHAHHHGHG
i love how she clocks the colors for his eyes and skin and names of his specific muscles as they move too <3 ughh the artist reader is so well fleshed out which is a particular favorite of mine when it comes to fics <3
“It looks as if he’s moving around the sticks of vine charcoal with one outstretched finger; he pulls his hand guiltily away when you reenter the studio, crossing his arms over his chest as if to hide the evidence of his snooping.”
once again whoever at infinity ward came up with soap’s journal/sketches needs a fucking raise and promotion; it’s one of my favorite bits of canon about him and the idea of him picking it up again post-deployment just makes my heart absolutely a c h e
Beauty is cheap in art, but you notice it all the same—appreciate the strong brows, the hard angle of his jaw, the dark stubble of a beard you suspect he can’t keep shaved down, and the long scar that cuts through it across his chin. The light brown of his complexion is speckled with sun exposure, and there are the faintest of creases at the corners of his eyes, which you expect will deepen into genuine, gorgeous crow’s feet as he ages.
loved this whole exchange but that last line once again almost made me tear up knowing canonically, we won’t get the chance to see him age…but in fanfic we can and will 🥹🥹🥹
He looks at you, and catches your survey. You can see him realize you’d been watching, the knowledge of it blooming in ocean blue eyes like ink dropped onto linen.
obsessed with this last line. imho this whole fic and the way its written is a work of art itself 💙💙💙💙
And now he’s looking at you—attention flitting across your face, dropping down your body and jumping back up to meet your gaze. mmm soap can give me elevator eyes any time
His smile remains, cocksure and easy. “Let’s.” 
“That’s a shame. I’m right partial to it.”
the amount of rizz imprimatura!soap has got me full-body blushin i stg but also artist!reader setting him up to knock it out of the park with those comments? “we don’t do foreplay in this studio” MY SIBLING IN CHRIST DO YOU REALIZE THIS STATEMENT CANCELS ITSELF OUT
“There’s not a hard angle to you, all sweet and soft, but when you meet his gaze during introductions there’s a sharpness to you that skewers him through the chest.” i fucking loooooooove when writers describe the “at first sight” moments
The corners of your mouth tug upward, just a bit, and you look away, clearly bashful. Something in Soap’s chest starts beating a drum. my realtime reaction: 👅 👅 👅 👅🥰🥰🥰🥰 
“You should,” you say, and he looks at your thigh shamelessly as you pat it—even beneath your jeans, he can see the ripple of the impact. mm yes proud members of Thick Thigh Save Lives Club rise upppp
He can’t help it—Soap’s imagination runs wild. Titanic, draw-me-like-one-of-your-French-girls wild. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is canon to me you cannot change my mind
i am also loving the keep calm and carry on professionalism of artist!reader in the face of having to contend with seeing naked soap
he has to resist the urge to flex. Instead he watches you as you look at him.
these small revealing lil bits make me absolutely feral for this soap
He half-wishes he could step out of his body and join you, curious as he is about what you’re seeing, what your students will see. 
me too, sir, me too. i also love seeing artist!reader through soap’s eyes as well
“First time someone’s wanted to run away when I’m takin’ my clothes off, I won’t lie—” fucking CACKLING at this line
besides the absofuckinglutely incredible writing and fleshing out of this lil meetcute - i did see author's note that she drew on her own time as a fine art major <3 <3 <3 <3 and honestly some of the best stories ive read drew from IRL experiences by writers - but the suggestions and possibilities of this fic post-mwiii is what makes this such a favorite for me, peeking through a window into one of the what ifs? of another possible longer lifetime and lifeline for our beloved soap <3
so many chef's kisses and flowers being thrown at you from me bracey 💕💕💕
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voidthewanderer · 10 months
2 22 31 84 and 88 for Arsenic and Crow?
@bleumanouche || OC Relationship Asks
84 and 88 under cut for length. Originally, I was just gonna do 88 because I kinda wanted to do a small expansion on the secrets, but I also like the idea of going over them in more detail in the oc-centric ghoul story I've been trying to work on.
2. Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their S/O mind very much?
Arsenic is the fussier of the two; everything needing to be perfect. Crow personally doesn't mind, so long as he's not specifically bothering their projects and belongings (and really only specific things). They knew what they were getting into with the relationship. He does try to not be so meticulous about every little thing, but it's difficult to.
22. What is something- either character- doesn't like about the other?
Arsenic: He really doesn't like how much of a pushover Crow is; especially when it comes down to how other people approach them. Crow just lets people do what they please and it bothers him, having led the duo into some... unsavory... predicaments. He tries to not let it bother him, as he's their scary dog privilege, but still. He's not always going to be around.
Crow: His being quick to anger. No, he's never directed it to them, at least not the full blown side that they've seen. But not everything needs to be responded to with anger. Since the bombs, it has seemed like it's gotten worse, which is both reasonable given how he'd spoken about how he was treated, but at the same time he's going to wind up on the wrong end of a gun at some point.
31. How would they describe one another?
Arsenic: He would point out that Crow has a beautiful soul, someone who hasn't deserved all of the hardships they've gone through. He'd get tongue-tied on the proper terminology to use, being it beautiful, handsome, pretty; he wouldn't know exactly, but then go on to explain how he very much so loves watching their eyes light up when they talk about things they enjoy; their little smiles when he talks to them. Gentle, kind-hearted, if not a bit too lackadaisy for his liking.
Crow: Commanding, poignant, and meticulous. A man who, despite his rocky past, is fiercely loyal and protective. That, despite his not being inherently outward with his affection, he is beyond affectionate and loving. Passionate and attractive, even if other people find it more to be being a hardass and self absorbed.
84. Have they ever almost lost one another? How does it effect their relationship?
Yes. Outside of the "having been separated and thinking the other was dead for 200 years" thing, if Crow was a far more jealous person, he could have ruined everything based on the events of the linked story. Crow was able to keep a level head about it, but it's something that they both know is something they need to keep working their trust back up with. Eventually they do move on from it, with the mutual understanding that it was a one time thing under the belief that he thought they were long since passed, but the two do have issues when they're first back together.
88. What's the darkest secret they have ever told one another?
This question is genuinely difficult, as the two agreed early on in their relationship that they'd be open with one another about their feelings and things going on in their lives. The closest thing Arsenic has to a dark secret was that he originally intended Crow to just be another body, really only telling them to let them form their own decision knowing his original intentions. Crow's is more on the sexual side; despite being uncomfortably ace, they're extremely curious about performing kinky things with Arsenic (which is relatively tame in the kink world anymore but they're trying). This was quickly asked to be shelved for when they were more comfortable with more vanilla interactions, as Arsenic didn't want the temptation, fearing potentially hurting them.
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