#( it can be us and only us ‣ artemis & trick. )
fowlblue · 2 months
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Okay, so I did say I’d go over Diana’s lore a bit (and then completely forgot, forgive me, Artfight got in the way)- so here’s some history (and a few visual notes) for my evil little Arty clone!
Before I explain Diana, I first have to give a brief reminder of another other AF OC: Sine Sylvester, Council member of Haven.
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This guy (wonderfully draw by the delightful @sinigangrobot , thank you so much my friend!)
Sine is a cervitaur, and generally well-liked by most in Haven. He’s made a big name for himself among circles of less “conventional” fairy folk (like other centaurs) in pioneering design/lawmaking in Haven that suits them as well. However, behind the scenes he’s also involved in illegal kidnapping of humans for aboveground for any purposes below, such as experimentation, weapons testing, labor, etc. You could say he runs “Human Resources” for Haven’s criminal underground… and occasionally, the Council.
Enter Artemis Fowl.
Sine exists in a hypothetical future AU in which Artemis is offered a position as the first human consultant for the Council- supposedly for services rendered, though mostly to keep an eye on him. Bureaucracy doesn’t suit Artemis at all, but he does what he can.
Eventually, two things happen- Sine digs up Foaly’s notes on cloning Artemis: a bit patchy, perhaps, but legible. Also, certain members of the Council become concerned about Artemis’s meddling. Eager for the opportunity to use the newfound research, Sine offers to make them a “backup” Artemis- one more suited to fairykind’s needs.
Sine has his own motivations- he’s in an interspecies marriage with a pixie doctor (in the “mad scientist” way, mind- she handles a lot of the human experimentation) named Mags. They love each other dearly, but understandably, a biological kid isn’t happening. So Diana, as they call the clone of Artemis they develop, becomes a son to them, and they love him fiercely… to the point of threatening the same Council members that commissioned him, if needed.
Diana is designed after how the People view Artemis- cunning, and cruel, and cold. He’s a vicious little guy, only tempered by his love for his parents, and the same burning curiosity as Artemis himself. Diana has a deep desire to learn and be recognized for his intellect- unfortunately for him, he spends most of his time cooped up in Sine’s HR facility for his own protection. See, Foaly’s notes had gaps- Sine and Mags filled these gaps with cybernetics. Because of them, Diana is hooked to the mainframe of Sine’s facility and all sorts of LEP systems to use as his playground (his parents’ attempts to make up for him being confined to the grounds)- laser turrets, survellience, his mother’s experiments… all of it is partially under his control, as Diana mans a lot of the facility’s defenses himself as a means of chasing off boredom. However, his cybernetics are also incredibly delicate, and cause him a lot of pain at times- whenever this happens, Sine takes the day off to look after him.
He, just like his father, considers humans to be lesser creatures. He’s not too pleased with his aboveground counterpart, refusing to acknowledge him as anything but “The Mud Boy”. Diana eagerly awaits the day they can meet in-person, so he can show him who the better Fowl is.
Other notes:
- Being raised in Haven and born of magic, he does have limited fairy abilities.
- Occasionally, he gets to follow Sine along and learn about Council business.
- Diana lacks Artemis’s focus, as he’s never had to cultivate it the way the Fowl heir has, so one of his weaknesses is that he’s easily distracted, and easily tricked.
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boymanmaletheshequel · 2 months
Offerings for Pan 🐐
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You guys seemed to like my Artemis altar, so I figured I might as well share what I keep in my pan altar as well, and why, so that you too may have some ideas on what to offer the handsome and enchanting god of the mountains and music! Let’s dive in:
Lilac Fragrance
In traditional Hellenistic and Phoenician mythology it is said that pans favorite flower of the woods and mountains is Lilac! (A great choice IMO) so offering up something lilac scented, such as soap or a candle, is a great way to appeal to his affection! Personally I offered him this bar of French lilac soap, with the understanding that I WILL use it some day in his honor! (Can’t waste a good bar of soap)
Lilac Iconography
If you can’t or don’t want to offer the fragrance of lilac, (although why wouldn’t you? It smells so good!) the likeness of the flower should be just as suitable! I personally gifted him a porcelain tea sugar cup from the 50’s with lilacs adorning it, but you don’t have to be that fancy, even a simple self made drawing of lilacs will be more than enough to please him!
Wild Bird Feathers
As a god of the mountains and music, it’s no surprise that wild song birds are sacred to pan, being natures music boxes and all! Now, the trick with this is to be ethical about it, because fun fact you might not have known, (and one that I only found out about last year) is that it is a federal FELONY to collect wild bird feathers from any species of wild bird in the United States and Canada due to the migratory bird act. HOWEVER, this is almost entirely reserved for poachers and people who attempt to SELL animal curios. As long as you are ethical about it, (I found these cedar waxwing feathers in my backyard) and don’t try to sell them to anybody, you should be just fine! So Just, y’know, don’t go ripping the feathers out of live birds or anything. Pan wouldn’t like that and the federal government CERTAINLY wouldn’t 😭
Goat horns
Pan is a satyr, a half man, half goat deity who is known for his billy goat like personality and Hooved feet, similarly to other mountain and nature gods such as Cernnunos of Celtic mythology. Because of this, recognizing this magical and unique part of pan by offering him a goat horn, (again, ethically obtained!!! Don’t go ripping the horns out of goats lmao) is a great way to connect with that wild, often unpredictable but joyous and hearty part of his vibrant and rich personality! I obtained my horn (mountain goat) from a friend who is a park ranger in Olympic national park, who collected my specimen off of an unfortunate baby goat who lost its footing and fell to its death into a ravine :(. Now, however, it is at peace, and it’s horn is used to honor a man who will truly look after it at his altar, where it is forever safe in death. I hope he is happily licking that mineral in the afterlife somewhere ❤️
Garden snail shell
As a god of the mystical and musical aspects of the forests and mountains, a classic spiral snail shell is a perfect token to the more mystical and mysterious aspects of pan’s character. Just make sure your shell is empty before you give it to him, and leave it be if it is occupied!
Acorns are one of the symbols sacred to Pan, the fruit of the oak tree, itself dappled in layers of sacredness and mythological value across many ancient religions. They are considered to bring the owner good fortune and abundance, and by offering them to pan, you are both honoring him and asking him for his guidance when it comes to your luck in his realms!
Moss Agate
Reminiscent of what I can only assume is his very mossy goat beard, moss agate is a staple offering to pretty much any nature deity, but I feel like it fits pan exceptionally well!
Garden Quartz
Garden Quartz feels like a terrarium inside a stone, formed when layers of actively crystalizing Quartz grows around a chemical impurity blocking its growth path. It is a perfect stone for a mountain god, reminiscent of the mossy hills and lichen beards that dangle from the trees in the alpine which pan calls home.
All these things and more make exceptional offerings or additions to a pan altar! Let me know, what do you find pan likes on his altar?
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nekatto · 9 months
Given that this is my first adoption advert, I decided to go with something basic… Basic white girl basic.
Without further ado, I present you the MeowBucks baristas: Madeleine, Mary Jane, Fontina the Big Cheese, My Little Pierogi, Gruyère, Bordeaux, and Artemis.
Accepting applications from residents of South Carolina and neighboring states only.
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Bios for each cat as well as a link to the adoption form are under the cut.
logo (c) wafflestash on Etsy, used here with their written permission.
If you can’t adopt, but would like to support us, I have a cashapp ($kpao69) and PayPal ([email protected]). I’m an independent foster and all food, litter, and vetting is paid for out of pocket. Any help is appreciated.
Adoption fee is $85
10/10 but she bamboozled me.
The one who started it all. I was walking my dog when this sweet mama approached me and meowed sadly at me. From that moment on, she had me hook, line, and sinker, and I ended up returning to the spot I met her and started feeding her, quickly gaining her trust and bringing her inside… Along with her seven relatives she had hidden in the bushes.
Despite being the grandma of the family, I believe she’s still a fairly young cat, possibly around three years old or so. Since her spay surgery, it’s almost like she’s trying to make up for the kittenhood she never got to have. She loves nothing more than batting toy mice across the floor and playing chase with her granddaughter Pierogi. When not zooming around, Madds is quite the cuddle bug and loves a warm lap to lay in.
Mother of Fontina, Gruyère, and Pierogi. Now that her kittens are grown, Mary Jane is beyond done with wild kitten antics and looking for some place calm and quiet to settle down.
All in all a pretty chill cat, though not particularly social. Out of her relatives, she most prefers to spend time with her daughter Gruyère.
They say the key to a man’s heart is food, and that’s doubly true for Fontina! While he can be shy at times, add food to equation and he’s putty in your hands.
He’ll do just about anything for food and so far has even trained himself to go inside his carrier on command. Would make an excellent trick training candidate.
Ideally would prefer a home with his best friend and wrestling buddy, Bordeaux.
**Fontina has displayed a propensity for eating non-food items. Please be mindful of this and take appropriate precautions.
When she first came here, Pierogi was a bit shaken by the overnight transition from living outside to living in a home and spent her first few days inside hiding. But now she’s come out of her shell and blossomed into the sweetest little girl, albeit still on the shy side. Loves churu, head-butting feet, and playing with wand toys.
**tentative. if no applications look promising I miiiight end up keeping her.
No, you’re not seeing double, though very different in personality, Fontina and Gruyère are our loveable void twins!
The princess of the group. Gruyère demands you provide her with your undivided attention at all times… or else.
Out of her siblings, she has the closest relationship with her mother, Mary Jane, and the mother-daughter pair can often be found grooming one another.
**though she’s never broken skin, Gruyère can be mouthy, and we'd recommend applying for a different cat if you have young children or elderly people in your home.
Sweet little Bordeaux had a very rough start to life. At just a few weeks old, Bordeaux lost both of his siblings and was briefly separated from his mom during a particularly nasty winter rainstorm. It was only through a stroke of luck (and his cries) he was found before it was too late.
But none of that has dampened his spirit! As you can undoubtedly see, Bordeaux is a silly young man who loves having fun.
Without fail, he turns everything into a game. You thought you were going to mop the floor? Nope! Time to play wrestle the mop away from the kitten for the thousandth time!
10/10 but you’ll never get anything done with home around. But with a kitten this cute, who can stay mad?
When he’s not being a menace to society, he can be found palling around with his best friend and brother from another mother, Fontina.
The odd one out of the bunch. I’m unsure how, or even if, he’s related to the rest of the colony. All we know is that he was buddies with the other adult male of the group, Apollo, and they could often be found huddled up together for warmth.
Artemis is a sweet boy who wants very much to be someone’s one and only. Always the first to greet me when I come in. And don’t think he’s content with a simple pat on the head. He DEMANDS all the love and snuggles. Like, I’ll sit down to relax and next thing I know he’s climbing up on my shoulder and nuzzling me.
*would prefer a home with no other cats.
**Apollo will be going up for adoption separately as he needs to have a specialist vet preform his neuter due to some neurological issues.
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monstaxdirtywonk · 2 years
Heaven is a place in hell with you.
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Member: San as Hades x Reader Persephone
Plot: It's not the typical myth although it does share some similarities I've made some changes too to fit what I had in mind.
Genre: Angst, Fluff and eventual smut (not in this chapter)
Endless darkness. That's all his eyes have been seeing for the eternity of time. If only someone could imagine the depth of time combined with the depth of the darkness, they'd lose their sanity. Being a God grants you great power but being the God of the dead might not be seen as attractive as other God's kingdoms. Poseidon, ruling the vast sea or Zeus, ruling the mortal world. But death is the most powerful of all, Hades thinks, for it holds the power to diminish everything else. Whether someone was rich, privileged or one of a kind, after their passing, they are just part of the soul parade, a group of shadows with no purpose, just lurking around till the dawn of time. Maybe even after that. Hades has a bit of a reputation if you will, hated by most, if not all the living. The God's aren't fond of him either. He is too monotonous for their liking, keeps mostly to himself, he is on his own, just like what he rules, a lonely experience by default. His body is as immortal as it can be, a vast contrast between his surroundings. He stood tall and proud, well shaped and proportionate. His face chiseled and enigmatic, his prominent bone structure and intense gaze making him intimidating in a striking way. Appearance wise he looked no older than 25, but his soul felt awfully old. Maybe others were right to despise him. He can't stand himself either at times. A gloomy haze was his life, that seemed to have no end.
"A girl is playing around the lake, Lord" Thanatos, his trusted winged friend mentioned.
"She comes here often. She doesn't look human, but not godly either. More like a mixture of them too, not ordinary enough for a mortal, not divine enough for a goddess".
Hades decided to take a closer look after Thanatos' description. He is someone that likes to keep his thoughts and opinions independent, but he couldn't agree more. Her beauty was like something he'd witness before and something entirely different, all at the same time. She appeared delicate and gentle, her hands brushing through the bush, as the wind blew against her face. She seemed beautiful, but in a very different way than Aphrodite is. He didn't feel an ounce of lust for her, her vibes innocent and pure, almost angelic. The type of person you want to protect with your life, if he even had such a thing.
"Maybe she is a nymph? But she is someone I've never seen before and I keep up with them to say the least" Thanatos laughed, confirming his womanizer nature.
Hades laughed as well. His friend had a charm that drew others to him. Maybe they liked getting a taste of death while still alive, literally.
"That's true, you'd know her by now. I'm sure Artemis despise you, my friend. You are ruining chaste virgins left and right."
"Well what can I say? I'm popular with the ladies. I guess they might have a thing for my wings? I mean there aren't that many of us, even in the immortal world. But speaking of getting down and dirty, you haven't been laid in such a long time, Hades!"
The latter's eyes grew at the realization. He had some needs but they never bothered him to that extent. Keeping busy did the trick so far and he was more of an old fashioned man to say the least. His mistress was the night but he grew sick of her. They were too similar, he thought. He wanted some light to enter his world, a blinding brightness to shake him up and warm his icy heart. Or at least that was his persona, his mask. He knew, better than anyone, how much he felt and loved and longed for it. But he could wait for that, he had time, that's for sure.
"Mind your business boy" he said in a teasing tone but failed at intimidating his friend. Hades looked dark, dangerous even, until he became familiar to you. Once you made a place for yourself in his heart, he couldn't be further from that.
"Okay okay, I was just saying that it's a pity for you to go like that. But whatever makes you happy." He answered and raised both of his arms in a defeating manner. Thanatos knew that he was basically a brother to Hades, but he still wanted to keep their relations good, because he had the tendency to say more than he should.
"It's all good, I'm just teasing you!" Hades smiled his way and showed his dimples, the sweetest sight his kingdom had to offer.
Thanatos smiled back and took a look at the lake again, which they were able to see from the inside, as it was the main portal for the underworld. His smile quickly turned sour, and worry played over his handsome features.
"What is it?" Hades asked.
"The girl...seems to be in danger". Thanatos pointed out and Hades took a closer look. A wolf was some meters away from her, moving eerily elegantly for such a creature. Given the area the lake was, it seemed unlikely for an actual wolf to be there. It's size was extraordinary large too, all this made him believe it was one of Zeus' tricks again. A sudden surge of protective energy took over him and he wanted to save this poor girl from Zeus. She didn't deserve Hera's wrath either. None of them did. Hades took a hold of his scepter and pushed it on the ground. The lake started waving and it turned dark as if it was raining during a perfectly sunny day. The girl gasped at the sight in front of her and took a step back since she was almost right next to the lake by now. The waters were divided and a set of stairs showed up. When Zeus realized that the girl was about to escape, he started running towards her and she felt such an overwhelming fear that made her run without even realizing that this was probably a bad idea. She followed the stairs which turned to water again after each of her steps. As soon as she touched the ground, she broke down in tears and hid her face inside her hands, too scared to open them and face her destiny. But sometimes our destiny isn't as scary as we think it is, because there, in this dark and seemingly unwelcome world, she'd find a man with no soul, but more capacity to love than anyone else with a soul ever could.
Next chapter:
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helpfandom · 1 year
Platonic Yandere BTAS villains pt3
Ra's al Ghul
Clock King
Max Zeus { Also known as: Maxamillion, Maxie Zeus}
Scarface and Ventriloquist
Thank you yandere-auxillary https://www.tumblr.com/helpfandom/724022554446135296/types-of-yandere?source=share
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Ra's Al Ghul: This man is Possessive, Manipulative, and Clingy. Don't you realize that all of this is for your safety? He has major trust issues with children, wondering if the child who will now be his new heir will betray him just like Talia would. How y'all would meet is quite honestly, a coin flip, I am unsure of what specifics he needs for a darling, nor what would be needed for a meeting, hence why I don't know. My apologies. He's manipulative in that he has no guilt in forcing you to come with him, using his excuse of 'just an old man' to trick you into coming close to the vehicle while you help him... I don't think he sees you as you anymore, he sees you as more of an heir, a doll to become the next in the Al Ghul line.
Clock King: Obsessive, Impulsive, Self-Indulgent. He's always been shown to be obsessive, with -likely, because of my own characteristics of him having OCD, hence his obsession with- time. He's methodical, yet impulsive once he's realized that he can't go back to the time before, to when he was 'normal', when everything was right. on. time. He needs a darling that understands, that sympathizes, and he would fall in obsession of following your schedule by watching you, checking every little thing you do that happens to coincide with what happened the day before, and well, since you also have a strict schedule, clearly you understand why he also has such a strict schedule and because the Mayor ruined everything, perhaps you see why he has to kill the mayor too?
Max Zeus: Delusional, man already thinks he's Zeus and if that's not delusional, then we need reevaluate delusion. Possessive, and slightly Sadistic. He thinks that you can take any hits that you may have with him as a father, seeing as he thinks of you as a god. [Obviously one of Zeus' children, so at least you can be Apollo or Artemis or Athena or...] Never the less, the wants to control all that you do and yet nothing you do at the same time. He has no jealousy, but can't stand to see you try to do something that goes outside of your little box together that he set for you.
Scarface and Ventriloquist: Self-Indulgent, Overprotective, Clingy, are all traits of Ventriloquist, but Scarface? Sadistic, Delusional, Impulsive. Not a good combination. They each combat the other's traits, while only providing a toxic [not to say that Yandere isn't toxic but I digress] environment for someone to be around, much less someone they want to protect. Scarface would surprisingly be the one to fall into delusion first, with Ventriloquist being the second to become obsessed. Your uncaring attitude went a long way to becoming their new heir. Scarface wants you to take over the criminal business, whilst Ventriloquist wants you to stay as far away from it as one can be in Gotham. This just causes tensions amongst all of the criminals as the child who doesn't want to be here is clamored after.
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shmowder · 3 months
Back to your dom/sub tierlist for a bit. Which of the doms and switches on your list would prefer an obedient sub and which would prefer a bratty one?
I personally feel like Andrey would definitely go for a bratty, feisty sub, as would Bad Grief when he's domming. They both seem like they'd be into someone who's a free spirit. When Grief moves into the Cathedral and you don't get rid of Barley, he says, "There's some undeniable freedom inside you." Idk, I keep thinking about that.
Also, something tells me Daniil and Mark might have fun with a brat? Georgiy might get something out of putting them in their place, but I don't know if he'd like it, necessarily.
Everyone else, though, I think would prefer an obedient sub. They're too serious. This is perhaps influenced by the tragic absence of brat bones in my body 😔 I'd love to hear your thoughts even if they're different from mine!
🐿️ anon
Those are really good ideas omfg we are on the same wavelength
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All the Kains claim they want an obedient bottom but really, they want a brat to break and wear down until they obey their every word.
Not all the characters hold the same intentions for the type of reader they want. For example, Aglaya would try to get you to obey her every word and follow her rules while Mark Immortell thrives on tricking you and making you accidentally break the rules. Aspity wants you to have blind trust and faith in her while being completely unhinged.
Or the spoiled Reader. Victor would be still try to show he's in control, while someone like Rubin would steal the moon from the sky for you and be at your beck and call for every need. Lara is more authoritarian while Artemy is more sentimental in bed.
The enthusiastic category refers to a bottom reader who makes their partner know how much they want them, how much they're enjoying this and absolutely smitten with their partner.
Dom or top Characters there would be down bad for a reader who showers them in compliments and drowns them in love.
Yulia would absolutely melt from the affection.
While someone like Eva would match your energy and return it tenfolds.
General Block would find your enthusiasm refreshing, especially since he has no use for coyness or shyness. He wants someone direct and as honest about wanting him as he is about them.
Anna thrives under attention and praise, stroking her ego is the best way to ensure she has a great time in bed. She doubles her efforts to impress you and show off her flexibility.
With brat Reader, someone like Maria would get an absolute thrill from breaking you down.
While someone like Georgiy would gradually wear you down and make you concede on your own.
Andrey would take you up on your big talk and all bark no bite, then ask why you're quiet all of the sudden, huh? He earned his arrogance and the right to be confident because he knows he can follow up with his promises.
With Daniil, it's like having a brat off? He'd love an obedient reader just as much ngl, but I had to make him pick a side. He claims he can handle a brat, but absolutely cannot in reality and end up getting his ego hurt when he can't get you to obey him. Dankovsky can only tame the softest of brats.
The powerbottom category is super fitting.
Someone like Oyun would willingly give up power and let you pull him around by the horns and take the lead.
While Katerina would pretend to put up a fight for power and lose at the last minute.
Peter is there because it's less work to do for him during sex, he's– Well he isn't the most attentive partner, you'll do most of the work.
Young Vlad actually wants to be overpowered. He would piss you off deliberately just to have you ride his face out of spite.
Isidor is... well... Listen. All of us thought about being sandwiched between Isidor and Simon at least once, right? That is a very normal and common thought that everyone in the pathologic fandom has at least once...right???
He'd want you to obey, that man has very little control about the things around him; his bedroom won't be one of them.
Simon is a little fucking shit I tell you. He'd walk on you and Isidor doing the deed all unbothered just to have a conversation with him then leave without sparing you at glance, at other times he's very attentive in bed and lets you be freely without rules or anything.
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Kokichi Ouma from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony vs Peter Pan from Once Upon A Time
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Kokichi Ouma:
LOVE: - "hes a bitch and that makes a lot of people hate him and a lot of other people love him. no one can decide on his motives and i think thats kind of the point. i like him personally but hes a raging asshole <3" - "Not a single DR fan I've ever met is neutral about Kokichi, he's perfect for this poll. I think he's a clever character with consistent internal logic, and his interactions with the other characters are as compelling as they are hilarious. He looks like a dog squeaky toy, and he plots like Artemis Fowl. He's one of my favorite characters in the series and I love him dearly." - "NOBODY CARES ABOUT THIS BOY'S PSYCHOLOGY AT ALL. HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF AND HIS IMAGE AND MADE EVERYONE HATE HIM AND CONSIDER HIM A MONSTER ON THE SLIGHT CHANCE HE COULD USE HIS LIFE TO HELP EVERYONE ELSE ESCAPE AND SURVIVE AND NOBODY CARES. THEY SHOW HIS BREAKDOWN AND NOBODY BELIEVES HIM. I'M SO TIRED" - "not only is he a danganronpa character (inherently controversial) he is also the antagonist and constantly lying because That's His Whole Deal. people either love him or hate his guts. he's a little piece of shit. i would submit komaeda but i feel like views on him are more positive, generally. sorry i have bad taste in video games" - "he's a horrible little guy trying his best in not very good ways what more could you want" - "I don't know, people say he's badly written because they don't pay attention to his arc beyond the cartoonish facade he very obviously forces, and they don't like him because he caused someone's death which like..fair (he did feel super bad about it though so its fine.) Some people also don't enjoy his wonderful personality and think he's a mean piece of shit, which he is, but it's fine. They're just sensitive." - "I know people don't like him because he's like. a shittier version of Komaeda. But that's what's so GOOD about him. He's a shitty asshole of a person, playing pretend at being a villain because he's desperate!!! I think that's really fun. He's dooming himself and I want him to be okay after everything ends, but he dies so he can't even have that much :(" - "so i saw you got submissions for him. but not enough i need to submit him myself he is my favorite character from anything ever. he is the silly man he is so funny one time (actually, two times if you count one optional interaction) he asked a robot if he had a dick and it's absolutely iconic i love him"
HATE: - "(dangan spoilers ahead if that matters) look ok i didn’t originally feel too strongly about kokichi. i think his character is interestingly written (can’t say well-written bc danganronpa but yaknow) and he adds a lot of charm to v3. i understand why he’s popular- he’s one of the few characters in v3 to have both a personality and plot relevance. but oh my GODDDDD he is not a good person!!!! and i am so SICK of seeing him woobified into ‘ooh little baby he did his best he wasn’t doing anything wrong’ JUST BECAUSE you find out he was trying to end the killing game after he dies doesn’t mean he wasn’t incredibly fucked up throughout the game!!! like he was incredibly manipulative, a bully, encouraged infighting, Literally Orchestrated A Murder And Protected Himself From Danger By Getting The Big Stupid Sweetheart To Do It which caused TWO unnecessary deaths and- oh yeah- tricked everyone into believing he was the mastermind and the world had ended to make them so depressed that they just wouldn’t do anything anymore bc can’t kill someone if you’re rotting away in your room!!! AUGH like he’s a good character but it’s BECAUSE he sucks that he’s interesting. maybe this is just the komaeda fan in me but sometimes!!! the character is cooler when you understand that they’re a bad person. at least komaeda gets an actual redemption arc. kokichi’s just an asshole that the game tries to make you sympathetic for at the very end but he spends the entire game being an asshole so why the hell would i like him??? and then i go in a fandom tag and it’s constant unending ‘kokichi did nothing wrong’ the whole point of his character is that he does EVERYTHING wrong. i truly feel like the dr team was trying to replicate komaeda’s popularity but it was messy and poorly handled bc he’s not even a bad person in an interesting way like komaeda he’s just got trust issues that lead him to be stupid and An Asshole. then again people eat it up so what do i know lmao. i love to hate that little shit i wanna punt him into the goddamn stratosphere. score a field goal with that asshat. this is all lighthearted btw i love to die on small hills" - "WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE HIM OH MY GOOOOOOD HES SUCH A FLAT CHARACTER HES A SODA I LEFT OUT FOR 3 DAYS kokichi oma is easily the WORST written danganronpa character. it has been a while since i was into danganronpa so the details are a bit fuzzy but my rage has NOT subsided. following the success of Easily One Of The At Least Top Three Best Written Danganronpa Characters known as nagito komaeda, kokichi had some shoes to fill. he instead showed up in clown shoes. kokichis whole premise is that you dont know if hes lying or not, him being a huge clown and causing shit for like a good third of the cast. kokichi was a simple character. hes a bitch, he sturs shit up, he eat hot chip and lie, it was FINE. not GREAT, but FINE. and then he died. suddenly— kokichi was from modest beginnings. he was actually a genius who was actually doing all of this to save everyone. he was a martyr. they TRIED to follow up on the success of nagito komaeda, and failed miserably. the guy literally has nazi imagery he didnt need to be complex he just needed to be an asshole and force the plot. for assholes that force the plot with actual good depth, may i interest you in byakuya togami? for guys who lie all the time with actual good depth, may i interest you in sou hiyori the beanie man himself from your turn to die [similar genre]? seriously. you guys could do SO much better. just... get better taste oh my GOD JUST BECAUSE HES A TWINK DOESNT MEAN HES WELL WRITTEN" - "Omg I hate this guy,,, people either baby him & make him a uwu soft boy or a funky clown dude, & both those types of people forget all the things he has done??? even if he "redeemed" himself in the end (which i don't think he did--) that still doesn't negate all of the things he did before??? actions speak louder than words but he could never rely on that bc all the does is lie anyway-- i have some strong opinions about him."
Peter Pan:
LOVE: - "My propaganda is that like. Half of the OUaT fandom is OBSESSED with this guy and the other half write fanfiction about their self-inserts beating the shit out of him. The tumblr sphere might be a bit too biased in favor of love and I doubt he'll make it far but from what I've seen people either adore this guy or want him dead in the streets"
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sleepyycapybara · 2 months
Guys PT 1 is on my other account @peanutpermit read it before this one it has everything, like warnings, and well PT 1
Extra warning for this chapter
Literally like 2 swear words
Annabeth pov
And he collapsed
I saw his eyes close, he wasn't breathing.
I was already crawling towards him, then I saw Artemis limping to us before I passed out.
I woke up 3 days later in the CHB infirmary with Percy in a bed next to me. Will Solace, and Grover are in the room whispering I don't think they see me yet.
I try to stretch my shoulders, its a routine every morning when I wake up.
"AHHHH, FUCKK!" I yell out in pain
What the freak had I been lifting my whole body is in excruciating pain after I moved even a touch.
"Annabeth are you okay?" Grover was right by my side now along with Will
"Yeah it just feels like I lifted 27 semi-trucks yesterday, without a break!" I grumble "My whole body hurts!"
"Annabeth do you not remember?" Will Solace whispered "You held up the sky..Your lucky you weren't Percy."
My eyes snap close as I remember holding the sky but I still can't remember anything else, until...OH NO, PERCY
My eyes snap open again with me screaming "PERCY!" I practically snap my head over to Percy.
"Annabeth did the memory shot work?" Will asked
"Can you tell us what happened to Percy? Artemis told us that he passed out after screaming something but she hit her head and that's all she remembered with Percy after she woke up."
"Before Artemis got us back to camp, Percy, he, he..." I had to tell them but the words wouldn't come out
I started hyperventilating
"Okay why don't you just rest for now Annabeth."
I try too sleep but I can't stop crying, I keep thinking about what happened, and how he fought for me...
I soon drift off to sleep
10 days later Percy just woke up
Percys pov
I wake up and without even moving I feel pain shooting through my whole body with out thinking I-
"AHHHH, FUCKK." -yelled that
I feel the whole sky's weight on me again crushing me but when I look up there is nothing on me
I see people rush in after hearing me yell and lets see here,
And Annabeth!!
Im so glad she's safe. (aww I love dorky lovey seaweed brain❤❤)
while im laying down I feel my eye twitch again
"Oh my GODS if this eye doesn't stop twitching im going make Zeus carry the sky!" I ment it to be funny but with all the pain I felt in my eye, it came out with a sob.
Only one of my eyes though, the twitching one
"Oh, hey Wise Girl, why do you have a gray streak in your hair and I don't? I mean don't I get a cool souvenir from holding the sky?"
My eye is now only tricking tears now
Everybody except Annabeth had their jaw on the floor
"Did she not tell you? I literally killed Atlas with the sky on my shoulders, and standing up."
Nobody moved
"Umm that's why I'm in severe pain? And can't move?"
Will was the first to snap out of it
"H-how are you not...d-dead? Even gods can't hold the sky up standing, they would die of pressure."
"I don't know but can somebody give me some ambrosia? I kinda am, in, pain?like a lot? Oh wait, nvm im hooked up to this nector."
The tube went into my arm because I couldn't drink it in my small coma
I stopped everything moving, talking, thinking, and functioning.
My eyes widen everybody crowds around me, Annabeth looking into my twitching eye.
Annabeth's pov
I look into Percy's eye to see gray spreading from the top to bottom after like 20 seconds his whole eye is gray
Tbh I have no motivation left for this story so im not gonna write a pt.3 sorry?
Umm if you see any mistakes no you didn't 👀
Lazy bc I made this at 1:37 and ended at 1:54 A.M all just get the creative thoughts late at night/early in the morning
Gn my aquatic animals!🐳🐬🐟🐡🐙🦀🐠
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turbobyakuren · 1 year
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All of the Champions from the Greece story of MagiMonsters in their human forms (and in proportions most minimal!)
Below the readmore, short introductory paragraphs for each of them!
Olympia Komninou, Griffon MagiMonster! Champion of Athena. Student in archaeology at the University of Athens. Passionate and cheerful, she seeks to learn more about herself through the many challenges she'll have to face. She loves hanging out and eating out. She has the ability to store an unlimited amount of weapons in her amulet.
Iris Griva, Cyclops MagiMonster! Champion of Hephaestus. Works full time as a disciple of Hephaestus in his workshop. Takes metalworking seriously. She doesn't really understand jokes or innuendo and tends to take expressions too literally. She is a good fighter despite being a support type of MagiMonster. She has the ability to create weapons from any material and can analyze power levels of any being or object with her single eye.
Eurydice Diamantopoulou, Siren MagiMonster! Champion of Apollo. She used to be a famous singer until she lost her voice in an accident. After an encounter with Apollo, she recovered the use of her voice but can only sing, not talk. In spite of her speech mutism, her prima donna attitude makes her hard to tolerate. She has the ability to charm and entrance any being with her appearance and voice and can predict the near or distant future with no distinction as to when the events will occur.
Iphigenia Elaphiaia, Ceryneian Hind MagiMonster! Champion of Artemis. A nymph, leader of Artemis' huntress. Formerly human, she allegedly used to be a veterinarian until she was turned into a nymph by Artemis' wrath. She lost all hopes of returning to a normal life. She has endless stamina and can travel long distances without ever being caught, but cannot fight unless she is touched by moonlight.
Myrto Dimopoulou, Satyr MagiMonster! Champion of Dionysus. An artist who performs a very complicated series of stories through theatre plays, bathroom graffitis, hidden mixtapes, etc. She loves the arts and thinks of art as the most fundamental aspect of life. Her positive outlook on life and zany attitude is often mocked and shunned, but under that goofy vibe, she is a force not to be messed with. She has the ability to create wine that can produce various effects, can entrance beings with "drunken illusions" that makes them believe they're part of a theatre play's story. She can also increase the effect of a ritual and provoke madness through it.
Ophelia Papadopoulou, Harpy MagiMonster! Champion of Hermes. A teenage runaway girl who serves the messenger god Hermes, her caretaker, with whom she agreed on a pact granting her a iota of his incredible speed for the sake of doing cool tricks, but he cursed her to have no sense of directions. Oops! She's a cheerful hothead who often acts impulsively. She has the ability of flight and can generate whirlwinds and storm winds. She also can snatch one item from someone without being noticed at all.
Myrina Çelik, Erymanthian Boar MagiMonster! Champion of Aphrodite. A martial artist and fitness model, managed by Aphrodite. She's quiet and always focused on the tasks she has to perform, and in fighting she acts on pure instinct. In spite of her intimidating gaze and her reputation as a quick-tempered warrior, she is surprisingly chill, friendly and supportive. She has the ability to resist the first 100 hits in a battle, can deal a devastating blow on her fifth consecutive strike and can destroy anything on her way when she charges with her shield.
Hesione Marinou, Cetus MagiMonster! Champion of Poseidon. A priestess of Poseidon who was raised as a sacrifice to the Cetus, but was spared after she proved her worth to the sea god. Motherly, devoted and of pacifist nature, she will always aid people facing the dangers of the tumultuous sea. If Poseidon asks her to do something, she will do as he asks without any hesitation out of sheer devotion. Despite claiming that she is satisfied with this puzzling situation, she secretly wishes of a human life. In addition to aquatic powers and super-strength, she has the ability to grow in size. Her powers strengthen considerably if she is in a body of water.
Vera Aggelatou, Pegasus MagiMonster! Despite not being a Champion, Poseidon took her under his wing, as her strength easily equals a champion. She is methodical and serious, focused entirely on whatever objective she needs to accomplish and on bettering herself. Originally fated to become the Griffon MagiMonster, her life turned upside down when Olympia unknowingly and unwillingly took her place. If Olympia can use any type of weapons possible, Vera chose to only use a single weapon type to fight with: the katana sword. She has the ability of flight, can infuse her weapon with lightning and can reflect attacks with a special type of parry.
Hyakinthi Kehaya, Scylla MagiMonster! One of the two Champions of Hera. Disgraced heir of a fashion empire, she became a warrior for Hera after a series of strange events where she proved her worth. She has a good sense of initiatives and a charismatic personality, but comes across as rather self-centered when she insists on taking the lead. She and Nia are a couple with an amazing synergy, blessed by Hera. She can only become a MagiMonster on land. She has the ability to create land on water bodies and alter water currents at will.
Nia, Charybdis MagiMonster! One of the two Champions of Hera. Her real name is Ourania Dellaporta and she was the heiress of a wealthy family, but her hatred for materialism led her to commit transgressions and leave civilization to become a witch on a strange island. Anti-social and careless, she can be cruel if pushed to the extremes. Her creative use of hydromancy makes her a powerful ally. She and Hyakinthi are a couple with an amazing synergy, blessed by Hera. She can only become a MagiMonster underwater. She has the ability to create whirlpools and to alter water currents at will.
Alcmene Alexaki, Nemean Lion MagiMonster! Champion of Zeus. Current titleholder of the Divine Victory. An olympic wrestler who always seeks to push the limits of her physical performances, no matter what. This causes her to perform incredible athletic feats, at the cost of her own health. She barely cares if she hurts herself. She's a woman of few words and it's almost impossible to be friends with her. But she cares. She cares a lot. She has an indestructible skin and the ability to cut through any armor.
Chrysantha Alpha, Mu, and Omega, Cerberus MagiMonster! Champion of Hades and Persephone. A shade whose soul split in three halves (nicknamed "heads") upon her mysterious death. Each head guards one of the domains of the Underworld: Alpha, kind but plain, guards Asphodel Meadows, Mu, serious and stricts, guards Tartarus and Omega, boisterous and reckless, guards Elysium Fields. She has the ability to be impassible when guarding a given place and to analyze where a soul will end up in the Underworld. Each head has a unique ability: Alpha can summon shades to fight, Mu can bind and inflict punishments when she witnesses a "crime" and Omega can summon the strength of heroic shades.
Chrysaorus the Knight of Seasons, Kykhreides MagiMonster! Champion of Demeter. A seemingly immortal dragon knight in charge of enforcing the Sacred Law. Never talks. Obeys Demeter no matter what. Her power set changes depending on the season. She has the ability to change an area's season for the duration of a battle. She also has the ability to give special properties to fruits and vegetables.
Pandora, Titan MagiMonster! Champion of Hestia. Crafted by the gods, she is nicknamed the original woman. For her wrongdoings, she has been unfairly punished: she has been made immortan and she carries the powers of the Titans. Locked in the basement of a Neko Maid Cafe in Athens, she slumbers for a century when she uses her powers beyond a certain limit. She possesses tremendous destructive powers capable of causing catastrophes and natural disasters. The only things that holds her back from completely destroying the world is her humanity.
Aínigma, Chimera MagiMonster! Not a Champion, but her strength equals one. She claims not being affiliated to any goddess and simply does as she wishes. Due to the very nature of her powers, no one knows who she really is. She has the ability to shapeshift into any animal she wants and to be an amalgamation of three different animals. She also has the ability to conceal her true identity.
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ratsoh-writes · 8 months
In masterlist 10, you have the boys lined up from strongest to weakest (worldbuilding section)
Any updates? Anything change? More to add? Whatever you want, my sweet babygirl
Oh yes! Lemme make a new list of top ten strongest and weakest!
Ok let’s start with the buff skellys
Butch: butch of course. He’s still the king fighter among them all, with incredible magical power, a very nice level of physical strength, and of course the training of someone who’s been taught to kill since he was a toddler. Butch is not to be messed with.
Helios: A close second is Helios! He also has incredible magical strength and is a ball of pure damage and speed! Not to mention he’s just simply talented when it comes to fighting! Definitely not someone to be messed with
Rancher: golem strength is one hell of a drug, and he’s trained too. Rancher is a pretty impressive wrestler. He even had plans to go pro at one point
Coffee, when he’s fighting on his terms, he’s deadly, and nealry impossible to hear or track. In a one on one fight coffee is still as sneaky as one can be, although his defense isn’t enough to beat the above three
Boss: while his magical power is onky slightly above average, he makes up for it in skill and pure viciousness. Boss always fights dirty
Snipe with a gun is terrifying considering he never misses. He always hits the spot he’s aiming for. One has to be scarily fast to dodge him. Without any sort of ranged weapons, snipe would move down to somewhere like 20 on the list
Butler. Being an ex assassin means he clearly knows his way around a fight. Although butler greatly prefers working in the shadows, he can get out there and fight one on one if he needs to
Hilda is a total spitfire on the battlefield. Literally. She can spit fire. It’s a Drake thing. Anyways she’s a heavy hitter and has her wings as an added arial advantage.
Mutt: he’s got a strong magical attack coupled with an LV sick crazy soul that doesn’t understand the meaning of quitting lol
Wine: he doesn’t like taking risks, but when pushed, wine is terrifying on the battlefield. He’s skilled in both fighting and emotional damage. His words are great at tripping up his enemies
And for the weakest ten!
Artemis: dimming really messed her up. She can’t summon an attack without landing herself in the hospital for weeks, never mind her physical strength too
G: while he can be speedy, summoning magic attacks is risky as it can cause his dimming to flare up. Plus he’s extremely brittle
Tinker: he has zero battle training and is so easily distracted that defeating him isn’t even something worth bragging over
Stitches: stitches isn’t much better than tinker in the experience department, but at least he pays attention when he’s being attacked
Sugar: he’d cry if he hurt a fly. Sugar is so gentle that his attacks hardly do any damage, even when he’s cornered and hurt himself. There’s one exception though: his daughter winnie. If he’s defending her, he moves up to the middle of the power list
Pudding. Her magic power is below average and she has the bare minimum of self defense training, which is pretty much none. But at least she tries to fight back
Honey: he is trained, of course Star taught him to fight, but honeys magic is pretty weak despite him being a generally healthy monster physically. Honeys attacks don’t do too much unless he’s truly desperate
Oak: his injury means that he’s very vulnerable despite being a physically strong monster when pressed. Oak struggles to properly use his magic attacks and can only fight for so long before collapsing exhausted. You just need to wait him out
Zen: he’s a healthy monster with a lively magic, but his ideals refuse to allow him to fight back. One needs to get zen on the brink of death before he truly begins to fight seriously
Basil: same as honey, his magic output is pretty weak. However he’s much meaner in a fight than his younger counterpart and has a few dirty tricks that can buy him some time.
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 5 Round 3 Poll 3
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Opal vs Blackie
check their descriptions and propaganda (new for both!! pics, facts and a whole ass short video) below!!
She’s never met a person she doesn’t love (although she was NOT happy when submitter let their brother watch her and he put her in clothes…) and she is so vocal!! Always got a meow ready for new friends
she just tried to jump up on the windowsill but the window was closed so she bonked her face on the glass and fell down. She often loses the red dot when chasing it. But she always politely uses her paw to request pets and snuggles, then gently pushes your had away when she is done. And! She is the only cat in the world submitter is not allergic to! She's so special and snores when she sleeps all curled up next to them and they just wish everyone could have the chance to cuddle this little kitty cat
This is Blackie, submitter's little one-eyed wonder. He lost his eye to glaucoma quite a few years ago, but he's doing a lot better now, and still likes to play with his sister, Artemis. His name is Blackie because that's what the shelter named him and submitter's family couldn't agree on a new name for him so it stuck, but submitter themselves call him 'Big Boi' because of just how massive he is. He was once very timid, but with time and love and patience he is now a certified lap cat who will come right up to strangers to demand pets. He has a wonderful squeaky meow and when he purrs it sounds like two cats purring at once. He likes to have people watch him eat and he will guide submitter's mom over to the couch and make her lay down just so he can sleep in her lap. Also, when he lays on his back, he covers his belly with his tail. Pictured is him in his signature polite boi sitting pose
More Blackie propoganda! This time I bring you big boi in motion
Assorted Blackie facts:
A brave man when it comes to thunderstorms. But the vacuum? His mortal enemy.
The friendliest cat at the shelter. But the staff forced me to pick him up and hold him to get a picture and he got terrified and peed on me.
We think, based on how he acts, that he may have grown up in a home with dogs. But the mark on his ear is one done by our local neuter and release program, so we don't know if he was a stray, an outside cat, etc. But he's one of the friendliest cats I've ever met.
Will go up to his sister and put his head down to get it licked. But as soon as she goes to lick him and flattens his ears and raises a paw like he's gonna hit her. Sometimes they fight and sometimes they just walk away. We don't think he's trying to trick her because he acts genuinely confused throughout this process.
Sometimes he uses his back paw to scratch the back of his front leg when he's sitting down and it's so cute <3
These are old photos from when I used to hold a camera down and snap a photo when they leaned in to sniff the lens.
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Blackie is our older cat and is such a gentleman. He is eager to love, he does the quickest slow blinks I've ever seen from a cat. He has a two-layered purr, it literally sounds like a cat purring as popcorn is being made in the background. He lost his eye to glaucoma when he was younger but he runs around and plays and teases his sister Artemis like a kitten. And his eyebrow whiskers grew down over his missing eye! He's not a big fan of people food but he has a fondness for pizza crumbs (NOT the crust. Just the crumbs off the plate when you're done eating the pizza). He walks like he's gingerly stepping through flowers and he's so gentle that the one time I overstimulated him and he wanted to bite me, he just shoved his closed mouth against my hand. He has a super long tongue and if you scratch the right spot between his shoulder blades he will lick the air. He's my precious boy who started out so scared but he's so brave and social and happy now just typing this out makes me wanna cry and go give him scritchies.
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Opal propaganda: she hates the vacuum but is SO brave about it, we accidentally trained her to shake our hand with her paw when she wants to be pet, and while she has a water fountain that she drinks from she still prefers glasses that a human is currently drinking from (she just wants to participate)
Vote for Opal round 2, now with snapchat filters!
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artyandink · 2 years
Ive not requested anything before so I’m not really sure what to say, sorry if this doesn’t make any sense
But an Anthony Lockwood enemies to lovers would be so good, like maybe she’s friends with Lucy and followed her to London but cant stand Anthony, in the beginning at least.
I’ve been looking for one and i cant seem to find any, maybe I’m not looking hard enough lmao.
Thank you :) :) :)
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Blades clashed and scraping occurred, grating the ears of those near. 
“Feeling tired?” 
“Not in the slightest.” I sneered, determined to win this match. I knocked his blade to the floor, pointing mine at his neck. “Touché. How does it feel to lose?” 
“I haven’t.” He used his foot to whisk his rapier back into his hand, flicking mine expertly and letting it hit the wall far away, putting me in the position I put him a second ago. “You have. Sorry, Rhys, but you’ll have to do better next time. But better still won’t be enough.” 
“Shove off, you narcissistic sod.” I spat, picking up my rapier. “You’ve played that move so many times it’s old.” 
“Yet it always works. I wonder why.” 
Blades clashed and scraping occurred, grating the ears of those near. 
“Feeling tired?” 
“Not in the slightest.” I sneered, determined to win this match. I knocked his blade to the floor, pointing mine at his neck. “Touché. How does it feel to lose?” 
“I haven’t.” He used his foot to whisk his rapier back into his hand, flicking mine expertly and letting it hit the wall far away, putting me in the position I put him a second ago. “You have. Sorry, Rhys, but you’ll have to do better next time. But better still won’t be enough.” 
“Shove off, you narcissistic sod.” I spat, picking up my rapier. “You’ve played that move so many times it’s old.” 
“Yet it always works. I wonder why.” 
“Because you’re a one-trick pony?” 
“Not as bad as a no-good, has-been sloth.” We made faces as each other, Lockwood going back to George and me to Lucy and Artemis. “How am I meant to win against him?” 
“I dunno. I can’t spot any weakness.” Lucy shrugged. Artemis shook her head, laughing. 
“Wrong way to see this, Lucy. We agreed that this match has no rules. Play it that way.” Artemis strategised. “He’ll follow the rules of fencing better than you will, and I have one more thing you can try.” 
“Seduction. Works every time.” 
“Oh come on, Arty, that isn’t fair.” Lucy tutted. 
“Anthony Lockwood gets surprised at the thought of any woman being interested in him, especially this woman.” She gestured to me. “Give it a whirl, girl, and if it doesn’t help you win then you can slap me.” 
I stepped up, determined, wielding my rapier. “Ready to lose, Lockwood?” 
“I’ve never lost to you before, then why now?” 
“Oh, you’ll see, handsome.” I lightly ran my finger down the curve of his jaw, giving an attractive smirk. Lucy watched, surprised that I was capable of flirting, George gave Lockwood a side eye and Artemis just chuckled. It actually was working.
“That’s our girl.” She grinned folding her arms. “Now watch Lockwood’s reaction.” 
“H-Handsome?” He stammered, adjusting his tie. 
“Yeah, a real sight for sore eyes.” I winked, making George burst out into gales of laughter. This threw Lockwood off, but he still shakily raised his rapier. I raised mine, flicking back my hair. 
“En garde.” 
“Allez!” Still flustered, Lockwood was distracted, giving time for me to cleanly sweep his rapier out of his hand, lodging it into the wall. Artemis fist bumped me, both the ladies acting as my wingwomen in this situation.
“How’s that for a no-good, has-been sloth?” I boasted, putting my rapier back in my scabbard. 
“That isn’t fair. You flirted with me!” He protested. 
“Last time I checked, the only rule was fight with a rapier.” Artemis argued back. “Rhys won fair and square.” 
“It worked, surprisingly.” Lucy added. “Come on, Rhys, we’ll go for tea outside to celebrate.” 
“Tea without me?!” George called. 
“You’re Lockwood’s wingman, not Rhys’!” 
We were sitting in the locally famous cafe Just A Cuppa, drinking tea and coffee and eating delicious pastries. Artemis had taken us here after being recommended the place, but so far no one had said anything. Artemis and Lucy were giving me looks and then exchanging them. 
“What?” I asked, exasperated. 
“Did you see how much Lockwood was simping for you before the fight?” Lucy smirked. 
“No, we hate each other.” 
“Or you love each other. You came here with Lucy, I know that, and instead of love at first sight it was hate at first sight, but everything’s changed. Might I remind you, Rhys, that when you first came here, you couldn’t flirt to save your life.” Artemis reminisced. “Gave Marco a little bit of a scare.” 
“And now you can easily flirt with Lockwood of all people? Put two and two together, hobo, you’re meant to be!” Lucy added. 
“Meant to be?!” I scoffed. “More like meant to stay away.” 
“Did she… flirt with me?” Lockwood asked. 
“You doth be shooketh.” George chuckled. “She got you real good.” 
“But no, we hate each other! She can’t like me!” 
“Yes she can.” 
“She does. You like her too. Obviously.” 
“Maybe. Can you ask her and report back to me-“ 
“I’m not an owl!” George snapped. “You’re acting like the arrogant version of Anthony Lockwood.” 
“But I am Anthony Lockwood.” Lockwood was slapped on the head with a newspaper, making him wince. “Sorry.” 
“Try being compassionate for once. Maybe you’ll get the girl.” 
“Try being what now?” 
Everyone was playing cards earlier, a nice, fun- 
Scratch that. 
A tense, pressurising, EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE game of Bluff. 
“One ace.” Lockwood announced, throwing his card down. Rhys was next to him, so obviously, fuelled by her deep love hatred for the boy, picked it up, but something was written on the card. 
I didn’t have time to process it when I felt a pair of lips on mine, the sensation so perfect and inviting that I lost control of my body, my arms wrapping around their neck. When I pulled back, my eyes widened in horror. 
“That’s me.” He grinned, eyelids flickering. I had seen that everyone left the room, so I pulled him back for a kiss again, obliging to being pulled into his lap. 
“I… hate… you…” I mumbled between kisses. 
“I… hate… you… too.” 
“Nah, you love each other.” 
“No doy, Sherlock!”
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cigamfossertsim · 1 year
okay as both a greek mythology nerd and a dc comics nerd i think that we should play more with greek myths for wonder womans storylines
like in og myths the amazons are daughters of ares (or at least the most notable queens are) and ares is their patron god bc hes the god of war and they are warriors
but depending on what comic/animated movie or show/live action movie you read/watch ares is often the main villain or first villain that diana faces or in a couple versions its hades while zeus is dianas father and/or hera grants the amazons themyscira
and if you dont know anything abt greek mythology this makes sense bc god of war or the god of the underworld seem like easy villains and the king & queen of the gods make obvious good guys but ares and hades in the myths largely mind their business (not always mind you but most of the time) while zeus is constantly acting a fool and hera is taking on her anger for her husbands actions against women/nymphs/minor goddesses who usually didnt have the power to refuse zeuss advances or were tricked by zeus in some way
and like hippolyta is a daughter of ares in the myths and diana is sculpted from clay and given life through magic so she could still be a demigod with all the training of the amazons plus magical weapons. i dont see why she needs to be zeuss daughter to be a powerful warrior/champion of the amazons
and even if dc wanted to go the route of like a goddess patron of the amazons instead of ares athena is right there. goddess of wisdom and war strategy. and the other two maiden goddesses artemis, goddess of the hunt and namesake of a very popular amazon character, and hestia, goddess of the hearth and the goddess who gives hippolyta the lasso of truth sometimes called the lasso of hestia. like the 3 maiden goddesses giving the amazons a safe haven from men makes more sense than hera the goddess of marriage and fertility who often victimizes women in the myths
and if you want a villain for diana to fight whos rooted in greek mythology and a god/goddess. instead of hades attempting to take over the world (tired) or ares god of war just wanting general destruction or being jealous of zeuss creation (boring): eris the goddess of strife is RIGHT THERE. or or nemesis the goddess of revenge the embodiment of anger, jealousy, envy, known to punish human gluttony
even in ww1984 the main villain ends up being a trickster god from mayan culture instead of using any of wonder womans own greek inspired villains or featuring any of the mayan heroes from dc (acrata is the only one i can think of off the top of my head)
in conclusion: more greek myth inspo that make sense in wonder woman stories
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fanaticsnail · 11 months
MORE THOTS!!! You don't have to write anything with this but you can if you want. I'm kinda just regurgitating stuff like a teenage girl kicking her legs while writing in her diary lol.
The Greek myth of Atalanta. Atalanta is abandoned as a baby and raised by BEARS (symbol of Artemis goddess of the hunt) until she's found by hunters who take her in and raise her as THEIR own. She becomes a famed hunter by killing a boat sent by Artemis. Naturally suitors flock to her begging for her hand and of course don't take no for an answer so she proposes that they run in a race and anyone that beats her gets her hand but if they lose she kills them. This thins out the herd a little bit there are still some left who she races and obviously annihalites beats. Despite the murder of every loser people keep coming to ask for her hand. Until one day some guy rocks up who's different. In some version of the myth he meets her on a hill while she's practicing and compliments her skill and doesn't undermine it by saying "you're pretty good for a girl" or anything stupid. Other versions he just meets her in asking for her hand and is very cute and sweet and even Atalanta feels bad about inevitably killing him.
But he he has a trick up his sleeve. He went to Aphrodite who totally shipped it and agreed to help.
See, Atalanta loves shiny things.
So, come to the race, he is almost immediately taken over before he drops a golden apple. Atalanta stops to pick it up, letting him get some headway. Atalanta immediately catches up again so he drops another apple. And again she catches up and he drops his final apple. This time he manages to cross the finish line just in time (the myth is open to interpretation about whether or not she took a little extra time to smell the roses on her way back from the third apple).
Summary of the myth that I find very engaging story telling: https://youtu.be/zjTDoXGR7-M?si=E2Tc87kkP7HO09L1
(idk how much this makes sense bc I used they/them pronouns for both)
So, imagine one piece characters with a crush on someone who is a master of their field (archery, hand to hand combat, or even intellectually, etc.). They've spent their whole life being underestimated and mocked and had to claw their way to the top, and then when they finally reached the top everyone who doubted them did a 180 and started sucking up to them. And they know that it's not out of any actual appreciation of their personality, or value for their thoughts and opinions, or even admiration of their skills. They know that all they are seen as now is a trophy on someone's arm, or a weapon in someone's army, or a challenge for someone to rule over. People just want to be the one to have them, to own them, to teach them to submit so they can boast their own strength and feel good about their ability to dominate someone so strong.
So they build up walls, they ignore any compliments which are really just attempts of flattery, they grow cold. Until eventually they even lose the joy in their own craft, having been the thing they devoted so much of their life for only for it to leave them alone.
They make a deal. Anyone to beat them at their own game wins their hand in marriage, but all who lose will die.
And it scares off a few and gives them a good excuse to kill the rest, and they knew what they were getting into when they agreed to the fight so no one can really oppose them. Besides, they don't feel much guilt for those who can't take no for an answer.
Until one day they meet their one piece character.
Maybe they pass through and hear about a challenge and want to participate, only for the master to realise halfway through that they don't actually know the stakes at hand and spare them because it wouldn't be fair to kill someone who didn't know they were fighting to the death. Technically leaving the battle forfeited.
Maybe they happen to catch them about to kill one of the losers and try to stop them and it starts off as an annoyance/enemies-to-lovers misunderstanding.
Maybe if their love interest is a strawhat they're convinced to join them in search of an actual challenge so they can find joy and purpose in their fights again.
Whatever the reason, they either start travelling together or keep meeting repeatedly. And they get to know each other.
And the walls come down, brick by brick. And they don't even realise how much of themselves they've willingly given until it's harder to ignore compliments and write them off as superficial flattery when their one piece love interest compliments them on things about themselves. They've been recognised for their skill and their looks and their mind before and they've gotten so used to it that it washes off them like water off a ducks back.
But their face flushes when their love compliments the effort and time they put into honing their skill. Not just the way their skill serves them. Not just as a weapon. But as a craft.
And their hands shake when they're complimented for the way they've done their hair, or chosen their outfit - things that they've chosen about themself. Or their love reassures them that the scars they carry aren't signs of failure or even endurance, but signs of healing and growth. And they confess that every time they see them they are filled with both gratitude that they lived through them and were shaped by them so they could meet each other as they are. And with anger that they ever felt they had to suffer to prove themself.
And something lodges in their throat and stings from behind their eyes when they're complimented on their mind. Because they realise that someone is listening to and respecting their thoughts. And the fact that they know what compliments mean more to them is a testament to the time they've spent together.
They realise that although they haven't thawed their cold completely, they were never made to feel bad about it. Because on the days when they are still cold their love burns warm enough for the both of them.
And then their love challenges them. And it all comes crumbling down.
The love that they've felt building is washed away by betrayal.
Why? Why challenge them? Why now? Why not sooner, why wait so long?
Then the fear. Fear that answers their questions as quick as they come. They only ever wanted to challenge them. They never loved them. They were biding their time to know their weaknesses and practice their strategy. Or perhaps they didn't initially intend to fight them but they grew bored. They weren't enough to be worth keeping around and this was just to entertain themselves. They spent their whole life trying their best to be the best and it wasn't enough, and when they finally let it go and breath and feel they can be themselves that wasn't enough either.
And of course the deepest fear. Because they know that their love interest won't win. And even in the midst of betrayal they don't want to kill them.
But a promise is a promise. Having grown up swallowing weakness and never feeling fear before a fight - because they were never in danger of being beat - they seek to squash it down and the only thing they can grasp at is anger.
Anger that they were taken advantage of. Anger that their time was wasted. Anger that their heart was broken.
And they don't hold back.
Or they don't mean to.
But the fight lasts longer than it should. Long enough that they realise they're pulling their punches despite themself. Long enough that they realise that even their weakest of attacks would have been more effective before, based on their knowledge of their loves abilities. Long enough to know that they've been practicing. Long enough to see their love is breathing fast and sweating hard, hands trembling.
Long enough that they blink and catch themselves no longer fighting like it's a chore. Not because they're a challenge - even years of practice couldn't pose a threat to them - but because for the first time in years their opponent is taking them seriously.
And it breaks them. Cursing, crying, screaming at their love.
Because why have they challenged them if they know they couldn't win?
And then their love admits it. That they loved them and couldn't bear it any longer but they'd never ask them to yield in their fight. They'd rather die by their hand than live without it, because that is the only heaven they'd ever need anyway.
That they practiced and honed their skills, not because they ever entertained the notion of being able to beat them, but because they wanted to be a fight worth remembering. They wanted to give them back their joy in their art.
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I will absolutely write this for you. This sounds spectacular. I love it.
Adding it to the list. Do you have a preference in mind for a character, because I can truly see someone like Sanji, Usopp, Buggy, Shanks or Mihawk. Angsty, flirty, piney is what I do and I can absolutely see these themes incorporated into it.
The thought of Shanks challenging in archery has me literally sobbing because he only has one arm but will still try as he might to win her hand.
Masterlist will be updated once completed, please advise on a preferential character and I will adjust accordingly!!
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berylcups · 26 days
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*Coming to get your child support money intensifies*
This is my VERY LAST PT 3 OC. 😩 This is Sachiko Kyari! Dolces mom/egg donor. She’s a really shitty mom and person in general. She’s Japanese,  25 years old living in Singapore with her parents and had Dolce at 16. Whos the baby daddy ??? Rubber Soul of course! Dummy had no rubber and weak pull out game. 🤦‍♀️  Their relationship is very chaotic. On and off again over and over… Neither side took the relationship seriously. (If you want a better picture of the relationship: think Frank Reynolds and Artemis from IASIP 😅)  it’s only more screwed up because there’s a child involved. Thank god for Dolces grandparents for some normalcy.
She’s a model for a make up brand. After encountering Dio she became a sort of black widow esque hitman for him in hopes of charming him like the other female Dio lovers …that and she really wants his fortune he promised. Unfortunately for her, she’s the weakest stand user of the minor arcane— Quartz Wands.  Her stand is a stained glass moth with an eye pattern that releases a glittery dust as it flaps its wings. The dust when inhaled caused nonsensical sense disruption. It can cause your speech and motor skills to reverse. (ex: Use your left hand to punch, you end up using your right. Or saying a sentence backwards)  this is a very debilitating stand to fight against but it’s not harmful in the slightest. She’s the last person the SDCs fight in Singapore. 
Once beaten she cowardly begs for mercy us;ing her child as a reason not to be fully hospitalized. Unlike her baby daddy, she doesn’t have any other tricks up her sleeve… She just got her new rhinoplasty and doesn’t want Jotaro to ruin it. 😭
“Hey hey hey~! Cool it there ! Have some mercy! Are you really going to beat up on a woman? I’m a mommy you know… what will my little Sadako think when I’m all bloodied up and casted up in the hospital? Have a heart Jojo baby! Im just a single mom!”
She’s a pretty lousy person. Only thinking about herself. She has a very obnoxious laugh. She’s attractive but her very forwardness can make some of the other guys uncomfortable. 
Either way she somehow makes her way into a rich assholes heart and moves back to japan leaving Dolce with Rubber Soul...which if you read Dolces bio, you know what happens. 😬
Cursed Conversation
🟡: I was having an argument with Sachiko because a couple of weeks before we had some makeup sex in a dumpster out in the back of Jollibee's. She… incorporated, a bun, in the lovemaking. She took the uh… the dough—and rolled it into a ball and she-uh. She. Uh we were going berserk-she loves that kind of stuff…And I uh, I-I admit, I do too. So—
🔫 🐴:  Rubber Soul, we don’t need to hear this part of the story! Ok?!  Can you just tell us about the Joestars? Stick to the day you encountered the Joestars!
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shebeafancyflapjack · 1 month
The Sacrifice
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Quick mini fic inspired by @idiotwithanipad 's HS artwork of her oc Amy and Humphrey's body, ft my oc Silver.
Silver had been drawing sygils with her finger on the door of Room 8 when she'd heard the noise. Focusing her intent being channelled into her digit and then released by visualising a black, sparkling ink leaving the tip of her nail, she called to her gods to enchant the door to ward off that Reform MP prick from returning here again.
The sudden rumbling of chunky boots on the floor nearly ruins her hard work as she struggles to keep her finger straight.
"Hey! Trying to focus on protecting the house from bigots here! Let a witch work!" She barks with irriation before turning to see what wildebeest decided to charge down the hall.
Her tone instantly softens at the sight of her friend and she's no longer bothered at the thought of starting from scratch.
Amy was nearly tripping over her boots as she turned the corner, short breathed and sweat glistening on her forehead.
"Ooh, what's happening? Is Robin chasing us again?!" Asked Silver, already bouncing on her toes.
Amy shook her head, pausing briefly before doing a double take to check behind her.
"No...Not....Robin...." She leant forward to catch her breath, "Humphrey. Body."
"Really?" The witch's surprise came from that whenever they 'played' with Humphrey's body there was little running involved compared to the caveman with a bloodhound nose. It was much easier to hide from the body, given no sense of smell or sight or sound. It was more of a hide and seek, wait till he feels you out, sort of play.
"Yes, really! I dunno what's got into it...him, I mean, but he's like feral, dude! He must be learning how to feel vibrations when I walk or something, he won't let up! I was in the kitchen, ran all the way to the lake, and he still caught up to me!"
"Holy Hera. And what does he want?"
"A hug."
Silver blinked.
"Oh no. The horror. We should totally call the ghost police." She replied in the flattest tone she could.
"It's not funny, Silv!"
"Kinda is." She was struggling to keep in a chuckle; "You're running for your life from your dad giving you a cuddle. Like a two year old. It's adorable."
"Shut up."
Now she laughed. It was only the assurance she knew that she was only one of a rare few people who could get away with winding Amy up without her exploding into a foul mouthed rage that kept her going.
But there was something off, that much Silver could see. The way Amy kept checking over her shoulder and awkwardly padding at her hoodie made it seem like there was a pinch of fear there.
"If you want him to stop, just let him hug you! It's not rocket surgery."
"I know that but....Rocket surgery? What you-?" Amy shook her head, "I can't let him hug me, all right!"
"Why not?"
Amy only had to throw her a look, her right hand rubbing close beneath her armpit.
The witch's mouth formed an 'O'.
"Massive flare up?"
"Humphrey's body has no ears so he can't hear you explain why you don't want cuddles?"
"Got it."
Silver nodded. It was all coming together, just as another pair of footsteps began to beat their way, unsteady, up the staircase.
"Shit, he's coming!" Amy gritted her teeth.
"Okay, chill. I got a plan. Humphrey's head is down at the tennis court with Julian and Captain. Don't get mad - he volunteered." Silver explained; "Maybe if you reach him then he can try to get his body to calm down or you and the boys can try to put him back together. Better than just running."
"That's if I can get there before he squishes me!" Amy grizzles.
"Well that's part two of the plan, gotta do part one first."
"Which is?"
"Trust me. You don't be a devotee of the Goddess Artemis without learning a few tricks about a hunt." She boasted.
A fumble came from down the hall as the Tudor's body came to the top.
Silver stood behind Amy and - carefully - held her arms.
"I got her! She's right here! C'mon Mr Amy's Dad's Body, nice lovely father-daughter cuddle right here!" She called out, tapping her foot and hoping he could feel the tremple.
"Silver! What the shit?!"
Two arms cloaked in red stretched their way forward like Frankenstein's monster towards the two girls.
Silver kept Amy from dodging away.
"Like I said trust me. Just a little closer and..." She waited until Humphrey's body's hands were six feet from grabbing Amy's head; "Switch!"
In a single fluid motion, Silver twirled Amy to behind her where she was stood and moved in front.
Almost immediately she was swallowed up into the arms of the Tudor who at first only felt a short, skinny, female form. Daughter Shaped. Silver was surprised by the strength of the headless being as it crushed her to his front, nearly lifting her off her feet, convinced for a brief moment that it had finally found its prey.
"What the..." Amy whispered.
"I bought you several seconds maybe until he figures out it's not you, now go!" Silver encouraged, her words slightly muffled by thick red cloth against her mouth.
An amused and grateful smile stretched across Amy's face.
"I owe you one, you fucking goddess!" She laughed before running for her life; "Next time tell me about the plan to use me as bait before hand! Thanks!"
"No proble- Oof!" Silver was silenced as the arms held her even tighter, hands feeling over her shirt, probably trying to figure out why "Amy's" hoodie felt so different and her hair shorter.
The body had a big heart but clearly little brain. Silver endured the crushing bear hug, the likes of which she hadn't had as intense since before her second mum had moved on.
Relaxing a little, she thought to herself that it wasn't actually too bad.
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