#( let's goooooooooo )
theabigailthorn · 10 months
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Just wrapped on the new Chube lads
Took two days of filming, but it's in the can and headed to your eyeballs soon. Dead chuffed with this one: it's ambitious and creative and cool as hell
This isn't even the best outfit: there's more on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/93358888?pr=true
ALSO - an old character from Season 2 of Philosophy Tube is going to be making a comeback!
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5leggedlamb · 5 months
ladies and gentlemen. We got a new one.
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millidank · 8 months
I was having a stressful moment in class until the official Lies of P released a little collab video and--??
You know daaaaaaaaamn well I screamed when I saw THIS part:
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And then I continued screaming at this part:
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FEBRUARY 14TH DAWG??!! He's my valentine's day gift with this outfit and weapon I'm ready 🌹🌹🌹🌹🙌
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abbeysquidd · 3 months
The Mikey & Fredo channel is now up and running!!!
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Ted Lasso | Signs 3.05
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Welcome, participants old and new, to TMR Secret Santa 2023!
Last year, our 5th!!! tmrss, was as fabulous as ever (with the added fun of the video that @comebacknow kindly made to celebrate our 5th birthday 🥺), and we're looking forward to another year of new and wonderful tmr content!🥳
You may be familiar with Secret Santas and how they work but, just in case, here is what will be happening:
Sign up for the Secret Santa by filling out our sign-up form. The information you give us in your sign-up form will be the deciding factor in the gift you’re going to create and the gift you’re going to receive, so please make sure you read and fill it in carefully! Please note this event is 16+. (You can specify three wishes, favourite characters and ships etc. - or any that you don’t want to be featured in your gift, or that you don’t want to include in the gift you make.)
You will then be matched with a giftee, for whom you will create your gift, according to their own Secret Santa wishes :))
Once you have finished making your gift, you will submit it to us via email or, if necessary, via a file sharing platform. More detailed information about submissions will be provided later :) It is very important that you submit your gifts by the 8th December. Christmas is a busy time for us all, and the tmrss elves need enough time to set everything up for the Grand Gift Reveal 🎁🥳
We will post all the gifts on this blog during the week running between Christmas Day (25th Dec) and New Year’s Eve (31st Dec), for your recipient (and for the fandom) to enjoy. Have fun perusing all the beautiful new content and, if you like, making your guesses, but please maintain secrecy, that’s part of the fun!🕵️
The big Secret Santa reveal will take place on th Jan, when we will post a list of all the Santas involved and tell you who created which gift.
After that, you’re free to post the gift you created anywhere else (your own tumblr etc.).
Now, we all love a good deadline, so here is the timeline for the Secret Santa:
10th September - Signups are now open!
21st September - Signups close
1st October - Secret Santa assignments sent out
8th December - Gifts due in
25th December - Gifts start being posted on our blog
13th January - the Big Secret Santa Reveal!
We’re so excited for our sixth tmrss! We’d love to see our fandom come together for another year to spread joy during the festive period 🎄 🎁
So please sign up, share, reblog, tell your friends – however you can, please tell your friends and spread the word! Let’s show tmr some love!
If you want to be a part of the exchange, but are unsure whether you’ll be able to commit, then there are options to become either a Pinch Hitter (someone who makes a gift, possibly at short notice, if a santa drops out or is otherwise unable to complete their gift) or a Beta Reader - details about this can be found here.
If you would like to put your name forward as a Beta Reader this year - something that we always greatly appreciate - please indicate this on your sign-up form, or email us at mazerunnersecretsanta@ outlook.com
You can find more details, as well as the rules and guidelines, in the top bar on our main blog page, and make sure to follow us so you can keep up to date with all the latest news and announcements.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! 🧝‍♀️🎄
Dreams and Bridge 🎅🎁
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wyvernwyrm · 2 months
upd. Raffle ended!!
I don't have a particular reason besides "I want to" so! I decided to host an art raffle for you to participate in! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
You must follow me!
You have to reblog this post!
Participation from multiple accounts isn't allowed! That'll be unfair..
And that's it! ♪(´▽`)
I'll randomly choose a winner from the people who reblogged this post until August 8th!! At midnight of August 8th (according to Kyiv timezone) I'll stop accepting entries!
The winner will receive a half-body art (up to two characters) in this particular style (samples below) with simple background!
I'll do OCs, OC/Canon and fanart! Sadly I don't think I have the skills needed to do mecha, nsfw or furry art...
If you have questions, feel free to ask me! It's my first time doing an art raffle, so I may have forgotten something... And thank you if you participate! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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aurosoulart · 1 year
Sound ON!!! 😁 🔊
welcome to the world of Figmin XR!!!!!! I had so much fun designing this hype vid for our upcoming appearance at the Augmented World Expo 😁🐬🌈
I’ve been doing this work for 7 months now but it STILL blows me away that this is my job. I cannot WAIT for the day when this type of work becomes common for everyone.
ANYWAYS, I STILL NEED YOUR HELP!!!!! if you wanna see Figmin win at AWE’s awards ceremony, you can vote for us here! (you have to make an account, but once you do you just search ‘Figmin XR’ and vote in the three categories we’re competing in)
reblogs are EXTREMELY appreciated 🙏 thank you!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
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facebook-stabber · 7 months
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ursamemejer · 2 years
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theabigailthorn · 5 months
I just did the ADR for [SUPER REDACTED] and it's so much fun hahahahaha I can't believe this I can't wait for people to see this
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clickerflight · 16 days
Fleeting: Part 6 - Younger Brother
Author's note: I am being so brave about this stomach ache right now.
Masterlist - Part 5
Content: vampire whumpee, vampire whumper, silver cage, bound, human blood bag vibes, manhandling, blood drinking, brainwashing (kind of), sire bond
Esial spun in the silver cage, trying to find a way out and struggling uselessly with the bindings on his wrists. His face still burned, but his rage took the pain away. He had to find a way out. He had no idea where they’d left Joseph, but they weren’t going to get away with this. 
He threw his shoulder into the cage, snarling as he pulled back to try again, heat seeping through his sleeves from the silver. 
“Stupid one, ain’t he,” one of the two people left said. The third one hadn’t come back from wherever he’d taken Joseph and the one who had come back smelled like blood. “He’s not going to be breaking out of a silver cage.”
“I would not be so flippant, Harold,” the one who smelled like blood said. “He is an ancient vampire. Possibly as old as our employer, and you know how silver no longer affects him as much.”
“Guess that’s true,” Harold said sullenly. 
The car ride ended after some time spent going uphill and Esial was in no mood to make this easy on his kidnappers. They opened the back of the truck to show a parking garage out of the sun. 
Esial hissed, showing his impressive fangs to them and struggling with the bindings, fighting to get out and drain them both before trying to find Joseph. Or maybe just find a phone to call Muir. 
“Careful,” Harold said. “We’d better throw a blanket over him so he doesn’t bite us.”
The one who smelled like blood nodded and picked up a thick folded fabric from the corner of the back of the van, opening it up and tossing it over the cage. 
Esial screamed, slamming his shoulder harder into the bars and rocking his weight back and forth as they tried to pick the cage up. 
Harold hissed as his fingers were caught between the floor and the cage and Esial made sure to lean more of his weight that way. 
“Fight me!” Esial growled, rocking back at the wrong moment, causing the cage to topple. He tried to get himself situated again, hissing like a deeply offended tea kettle, but with the moment of disorientation on his end, the two men managed to pick up his cage quickly. 
It was turned again before Esial could throw his weight around and placed on something before he heard several clicks around the base of the cage. 
He threw himself at one side of the cage, but the cage was locked down into the wheeled base, keeping it steady. 
He curled in on himself, shoulders hunched and fell completely silent, waiting. 
“Ooh, I don’t like that,” Harold muttered. 
Good. You’re not supposed to. You won’t like when I tear out your jugular vein either, Esial thought to himself, imagining what this man’s blood would taste like. 
The cage was pushed until he heard the ding and rumbling of an elevator. They got in, and that strange swooping feeling happened, telling Esial they were going up. 
Soon enough, they were moving again, and after a few turns, the blanket was pulled off. 
He blinked in the dim lights and looked around. They were in a building so opulent he had only seen the likes of which in movies. Specifically in the movies where people have to break in and steal something very very expensive or important, and there are an awful lot of men with huge guns roaming the halls. 
Thus, Esial was not very surprised to see one with a huge gun go past, nodding to Harold and the other man. 
Esial sniffed, impressed, though still very angry. He needed out. He had to get out. His crocodiles would need tending to soon and he was the only one who actually did it right, no matter what Mattew said. Matthew could go spend all of his time with the penguins for all Esial cared. 
They stopped in front of a huge door and Harold leaned forward to knock. 
“Enter,” a deep voice called from inside, sending unfamiliar shivers down Esial’s spine. 
Harold pushed the door open and they pushed the cage forward, stopping it on top of a rug that looked obscenely expensive. Sort of like the one in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice that turned to quicksand. Esial had developed a small wariness around expensive rugs because of that movie. 
There was a vampire sitting in the chair behind the polished and obsessively organized desk. His dark skin and features were familiar to Esial, belonging to his era and the area he grew up in. He was old and extremely powerful. Esial could sense that he was older, but the man had not been out of commission like Esial had been. This vampire had been gifted with all the time in the world to develop all of his powers and could kill Esial very very easily because of that. 
“Ah, finally. You two leave. I will deal with our guest.”
Esial twisted to see the two men leave, bowing out backwards, which he supposed was not an out of place show of respect here considering how old the vampire was. 
Esial turned his attention back to the vampire, who was standing beside the cage without any hint of evidence that he had moved while Esial was looking away. 
“I am Amon,” the vampire said in a warm tone of voice. 
He grabbed the lock and, while it did burn him slightly, he easily tore it away and tossed it into the corner. He opened the door and stepped back. “I do apologize for the treatment, however, I heard you put up quite the fight.”
Esial walked forward on his knees and slid out of the cage, getting to his feet to look the other vampire in the eye. It was strange to talk to someone like that. He had gotten used to looking up at everyone all of the time. 
Amon seemed to be waiting for something but laughed. “Ah, but where are my manners?”
He stepped around Esial, though Esial turned swiftly, baring his fangs.
“Apologies, friend. I am only trying to free your hands,” Amon said, still looking quite amused. 
Esial stared at him for a long moment before half turning. Amon undid the cuffs and tossed them to the side, dusting off his hands as though the matter was forgotten. 
“Now, let me call for some refreshments. Please, won’t you sit down?”
“I would like to go now.”
Amon paused on the way to his desk and looked over his shoulder through a cascade of finely braided hair. “Oh yes? We can be done quite quickly, you know. I only want to talk. Besides, look out the window. Where would you go?”
Esial glanced out at the sunlight before hesitantly stepping forward to the seat, sitting down like the chair was going to kill him. 
Amon pushed a button on the phone on his desk and a chipper voice said, “Yes, sir?”
“Send in Monica and Garcia, please, Kari.”
“Of course sir.”
Amon released the button and sat down, steepling his fingers and looking over them at Esial. “You and I have a lot to discuss, yes. You, my older brother.”
“We are not related,” Esial said firmly. At least, he was pretty sure he’d never seen this man in his village.
“Oh, no, not that way. Through our Sire of course. Isut Jaoalt. The first vampire. You were the first fledgling, and I his second.”
“And why do I care?” Esial asked darkly. 
“Because, my friend. I have heard of the terrible situation you have been in, and I wish to offer my assistance. You have not had time to learn all of the tricks of being a vampire as old as I. I am guessing that you cannot even achieve an animal form, is that correct?”
Esial shook his head. “Though I still do not know why I should care. Where have you put my friend.”
“Your friend? Oh, the vampire taken with you? He will be alright. I have entrusted him to an associate for the time being. I really did have to speak with you.”
“Your men burned him. And me. Badly. He was unconscious. That is not right, and I will not speak with you until I know he is safe.”
The door opened then and two women stepped in, smelling of perfume that enhanced the scent of their blood and wearing scanty clothing that allowed as much access to their skin as possible. They had fresh scars all up and down their arms, legs, and necks and Esial was horrified to find the blond one draping herself over him, offering her shoulder to him. 
Amon smiled at Esial and said, “Drink up. This will help calm down, I think.”
Esial pushed the woman off and stood up, backing away, disgusted. Memories of the sound of a gunshot and screams and blood came back to him as Amon bit into the woman who had draped herself over him. 
“I am leaving,”Esial said firmly, turning and making his way to the door. 
There was a scream as a woman was flung to the floor and Amon appeared in between the door and Esial. “You will not leave. We still have things we must discuss.”
“And I have said that I will not talk until I know Joseph is safe,” Esial said, grabbing Amon by his expensive silk tie and jerking him to the side. 
Before he could touch the door, however, he was on the floor, head spinning and arms aching as Amon held him on the ground, fangs bared. “This is your last chance, Esial of Jeseph. You can do things as I say, or I will make you do as I say.”
Esial writhed and managed to kick out one of Amon’s legs, though Amon once again moved in a blur and had Esial on his stomach, his arm wrenched at an awkward angle, threatening to pop out his shoulder. “The hard way it is, then,” Amon growled into Esial’s twitching ear. “You will not get to see your friend. I promised him to my associate to deal with a certain annoying detective. They will be setting a trap for him and his station now, mark my words. At any moment I can call him and have him visit your friend. Maybe yank out a fang, scoop out an eye, gut him and stick silver spikes in the reforming digestive system. How does that sound?”
Esial went very still and pale, his slow heart beating slightly faster.
“That’s what I thought,” Amon said smugly. 
“What do you want?” Esial asked, voice trembling now. He didn’t mind being hurt, but not Joseph. Joseph was kind to him and wasn’t as good with pain. He still hurt from missing his partner and all of that time spent in a box. He didn’t deserve any more pain. 
“The amulet your father made you. But we’ll get to that in a minute. You need to be taught some respect.”
Esial screamed as Amon’s fangs tore into his throat, drinking his blood. Esial could feel a faux sire bond forming, forcing Amon’s will over Esial’s and he began drifting away under Amon’s thrall despite his twitching limbs and the tears rolling across his face. 
Part 7 - Coming soon
From Dust to Ashes Taglist: @whumpsday @honeycollectswhump @writereleaserepeat @tragedyinblue @hyrules-sleepiest-knight 
@why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thecyrulik @gt-daboss @currentlyinthespiral @pigeonwhumps @not-a-space-alien
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
happy transsexual thursday! i made an appointment to get my gender designation changed to M =)
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lordsmaf · 1 year
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scissor-tournament · 11 months
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Round Two begins!
Things only get harder from here on out-- it's winners VS winners now.
#scissor tournament or #round two for the polls!
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