#( or it’s her AND both ff and ermes )
kokoronohiroi · 7 months
i’ll never get upset at official merch for sidelining okuyasu for rohan (it’s honestly the funniest thing to me) but it does make me raise an eyebrow at the fact they chose to sideline the one jobro with melanin 🤨
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notiddygxthgf · 1 month
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1. Arrival in Tokyo
★ pairings: aki hayakawa x fem reader
★ ❝ Captain? Should I be calling you sir? ❞ ❝ Only if you want to. ❞
★ c.w.: aki being sexy a f (more content warnings and tags)
★ a/n: CHAPTER ONE IS UP AND RUNNINGGGGGG!! im so excited bc ive been sitting on this fanfic all fking summer like when i tell u i havent been able to focus on anything else. i have not known peace. ANYWAY im trying smth new w this story bc it was supposed to be a oneshot but uh... now its at 150 pages on google docs so erm... anyway! updates should flow quixker now that i have 90% of it written!! comment and let me know all of ur thoughts everywhere omg i love reading ur remarks bc u guys r so funny on my other ffs. ENJOY POOKIES! i love yall!!
★ w.c.; 4.3k
shameless ; chapter index
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"SO YOU'RE LEAVING ME because the Tokyo division needs backup?" 
"I'm not leaving you," You sighed, though a playful lilt and a smirk followed your sarcastic remark. You and your husband were discussing work-related matters over a sushi dinner – your favorite. Perks of being married to your work partner. "I'm being summoned. I won't be long. Promise."
Your husband frowned, brows knitting together. His brown hair was tied back into a bun, baby hairs licking at his forehead, his cheeks. Tanimoto Yoshiro was a man of many virtues, but patience was not one of them. With a sigh, he began to toy with his salmon roll, prodding it with the end of his wooden chopsticks. "One whole week without that sexy ass of yours... What will I do?"
Your left eye twitched – slightly, hardly noticeable by the naked eye. You, for one, wouldn't miss the sex. It was, for lack of a better word... unfulfilling. It would get better over the years, you were sure of it. The two of you had only had the last few years to practice, after all. You wanted to wait until marriage (With him. You were no virgin by any stretch of the word.).
It was unfair of you to take your sexual frustrations out on him. It had been a tiring week for the both of you, is all. You barely had time for sit down meals like this anymore – whatever hanky-panky the two of you ever did indulge in these days was rushed, messy, and often... short lived.
Anyway, needless to say... You would be fine. It was you and your rabbit toy against the world, anyway.
"You'll be fine," You smiled. You loved him. He loved you. He was a great husband, and he took care of you. You had no reason to complain. "I'll be back before you know it." .
The Japanese countryside was a blur, rushing past the window of your train like pictures, like a movie. You hadn't noticed the train slow to a stop, in fact, until you heard the doors open. Popping your head up over the seat, you observed the train station. Which stop is this? People began filtering in from both sides, eager to find a seat before the train took off.
A shrill cry of your name roused you from your thoughts. 
You whipped your head around. A familiar-looking woman with black hair and an eyepatch was waving you down across the aisle. She was wearing a Public Safety suit and slacks. Himeno.
A smile crawled over your lips before you knew it. "Himeno?" You asked, a teasing lilt in your tone. "Is that you?"
Without asking if anyone else was sitting there, she took a seat in the one across from you. She leaned forward, perching her chin up on her hand. "Never thought I'd see you again. How the hell are 'ya?"
You and Himeno went way back. She had been in the same division as you back when the two of you were teens. She was the first person in Public Safety who had ever actually welcomed you to the division and the last person to say goodbye to you. You parted ways before ever being able to exchange information but, for what it was worth, she had made those gruesome, tedious missions more bearable. 
"I've been good!" You grinned. "I've been in the Kyoto sector with my partner. I truly did plan on coming back, but one thing led to another, and now..." You trailed off, waving your hands around like you were trying to find the right words. "Well, I'm married to him."
The train creaked and groaned before it began to move again. 
"So I've heard," Himeno licked her lips. She sat back in her chair, producing a carton of cigarettes – the kind she always used to smoke when the two of you were on missions together. "You mind if I smoke?"
No, but the conductor might. "Of course not," You answered. "How about you? How have you been?"
She sighed. "Been better, honestly. Devil activity's been crazy recently," Fishing a lighter out of her suit pocket, she sparked up. The end of her cigarette sizzled and smoked between her slim fingers. Holding it up to her lips, she muttered, "Just doing what I can to stay alive. What brings you back to the city?"
"My presence has been requested by the higher-ups," You shrugged. The scent of nicotine and smoke filled the cabin. It was gross but, frankly, familiar. "My husband wasn't too happy that he didn't get invited, so this better be worth it."
"I see," Himeno hummed, breathing out a puff of smoke to the side. She kept on looking out of the window after that, at the train station that was now far behind the train. "You're leaving your partner and I'm returning to mine."
"You're married?" You asked.
"God, no," She chuckled softly, pulling another hit from her cancer stick. "Wouldn't mind being with my assigned partner, though. He's a fine piece of ass."
It seemed like you couldn't help the way you burst into laughter at her crude remark. She hasn't changed one bit. "Is he cute?"
"Cute?" She repeated the word like it was a foreign object in her mouth. Her voice was muffled by the cloud of smoke that flowed out from between her lips. "He's drop-dead gorgeous," She took another slow, calculated hit. "Enough about me, though, how's the married life going for you?"
Could be better. You feigned a warm smile at the mention of your husband. "Good. Yeah, it's good."
Good was a bit of an overstatement. .
You and Himeno spent the rest of the train ride catching up. There was talk about marriage, sex, old coworkers, and new ones. It felt kind of good to be back – to be able to talk to someone who shared the same history as you. You would almost say that you missed it.
By the time the announced its next stop at the Tokyo station, you hadn't even realized how quickly the trip had gone by. You could thank your talkative companion for that. As the train finally eased to a stop, you turned to Himeno with a smile. 
"I need to grab my bags," you said, rising from your seat and straightening your clothes.
Himeno nodded, her smile warm but tinged with a hint of sadness. "Okay. Take care of yourself!"
Navigating the narrow aisle, you headed toward the luggage compartment. As you reached up to grab your suitcase, you collided with someone. Startled, you looked up to find yourself face-to-face with a man who immediately captured your attention. He was tall, easily over six feet, with broad shoulders and a powerful build that spoke of both strength and discipline. His dark hair was tied back in a neat topknot, accentuating his sharp, angular features. But it was his eyes that held you—their piercing blue depths seemed to look straight through you, filled with a seriousness that made you catch your breath.
"Sorry—" he began, his voice a deep, resonant baritone that vibrated through the narrow space.
For a moment, the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of you. The closeness of his body, the scent of his cologne—clean and subtly spiced, lingering just faintly on the collar of his suit jacket—the intense focus of his gaze; all of it created a bubble of tension that neither of you could ignore. You could see the flicker of surprise in his eyes, a momentary lapse in his serious demeanor, as if he too had been caught off guard.
Both of you paused. His gaze flickered down to your uniform for just a heartbeat before he quickly looked away, regaining his composure. Without another word, you continued in opposite directions, the silent exchange leaving you... well, a little breathless to say the least.
Stop it. You're a married woman. Surely, you would know how to control your impulses after being away from your husband for only a day.
Reaching up, you pulled your suitcase from the overhead compartment, the weight of it a familiar comfort. Setting it down on the ground with a soft thud, you turned back to your seat, only to find the handsome man still standing there, now engaged in conversation with Himeno. He was so tall that he had to actually lean over a little bit to fit into the cabin.
Fuck me. You thought. Wait, no, don't fuck me.
"Is this your partner, Himeno?" you asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Yes, I found him!" Himeno responded with a wide grin. "Captain Hayakawa, this is an old friend of mine," she said, going on to introduce you by name.
"Hello," he greeted, extending his hand. The deep, velvety timbre of his voice sent a shiver down your spine.
"Captain? Should I be calling you 'sir'?" you teased lightly, shaking his hand – and his grip was firm and warm.
"Only if you want to," he replied, "Hayakawa is fine."
Only if you want to.
Get your fucking head out of the gutter.
Your heart skipped a beat as you found yourself momentarily lost in his gaze. His eyes were a captivating shade of blue, intense and unwavering. The handshake lingered a moment too long. You could feel the strength and warmth of his hand – it was far larger than yours, and had calluses at the tip of the palm.
Despite his serious demeanor, there was a flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of interest that he seemed determined to keep under control. Reluctantly, you pulled your hand away, feeling the lingering warmth of his touch. 
His gaze remained locked on yours for a moment longer, a silent acknowledgment of whatever the fuck had just happened.
Himeno cleared her throat, breaking the spell. "Well, let me give you a big hug, dearest."
You embraced her fondly, the familiarity of her touch grounding you. 
"Here, give me your number," Himeno said as she pulled back. She flipped her phone open. "Let's keep in touch."
With a smile, you told her your phone number. 
She snapped her phone shut after she had finished typing it in. "Okay! Hopefully, I'll get to see you around."
"Yes, of course! We'll be in touch," You agreed. You bowed your head to her, then to her partner. "Hayakawa."
He nodded back. You dismissed yourself after that, turning on your heel and practically scrambling to get out of that tiny train cabin. Still, you couldn't help but glance back at Captain Hayakawa. His eyes met yours again for a brief, fleeting moment before you turned away, heart racing with something you hadn't felt in a long time.
You didn't want to stick around and find out what it was. The weight of your wedding ring around your finger was a reminder of that much. .
You hadn't been in Public Safety's Tokyo headquarters in years. It was bigger than you remembered it being. The worst part? All the halls looked the exact same. It took you about thirty minutes to find the office in which you were currently standing.
A woman who you'd been dreading seeing the whole way over there was perched on a leather seat in front of you, arms folded over the desk, pink hair braided the same way it always had been, feline eyes flitting over your body. It made you feel small – like prey trapped in a predator's den.
"How was your trip over here?" Makima asked. Her voice was smooth, uniform – calculated, just like everything else she did. 
"It was pleasant," You answered. "I came as soon as I could."
"We appreciate that," Makima said, a hint of something sinister in her smile.
She stepped out from behind her desk, pacing slowly around the room. "I called you here because we've recently suffered a great deal of casualties," she explained, her tone measured and controlled. "I'm worried we won't have the manpower to deal with all the sudden appearances of gun-devil pieces."
"I understand. Am I being formally stationed?" you replied, trying to maintain your composure.
"Not that I know of, no," she responded, her eyes narrowing slightly. "For now, we need backup on a particular mission involving a school in the area. There have been reports of peculiar activity there, and I want to send one of my teams to investigate. I haven't decided whether you'll be in the field or here tying up some loose ends—we recently lost one of our best workers, and we're very far behind as a result. I'll have a certain answer for you within the next few days."
"A few... days?"
"Yes, is that a problem?"
"No, not at all, no. I just—" you sighed, feeling the weight of uncertainty. "Yeah, okay, that sounds good."
"You've also been booked a hotel suite nearby. Your stay will be provided at no cost to you," she continued, her tone unwavering. "I'll reach out to you as soon as I have more details. Hang tight until then."
With a tight-lipped smile, you nodded. "Thank you, Miss Makima. Am I dismissed?"
"Yes, I'll have one of our drivers take you to your room so you can drop off your luggage," she said, her smile not reaching her eyes. "Where did you leave it?"
"I left it in the break room," you said.
"Very well. I'll have someone collect it," she replied, her eyes closing briefly as she smiled. "Get home safely."
With that, you turned and left the office, the tension of the encounter still lingering in the back of your mind. There was just something about that damn lady that never failed to send a shiver up your spine. You sighed, glancing down at the old floorboards, at your shoes.
The reality of the situation began to sink in. 
You had traveled all this way, navigating the maze of identical halls and sterile rooms, only to be told you had to wait. The thought gnawed at you— That sounds about right from her, you mused. It was typical of Makima, always keeping you in the dark, always one step ahead, holding the reins tightly.
The cool, clinical atmosphere of the headquarters only heightened your sense of displacement. The fluorescent lights overhead cast a harsh, unforgiving glow, making everything look stark and unwelcoming.
Lost in your thoughts, you heard a series of footsteps echoing down the hall, followed by hushed voices. The sound grew closer, and you recognized the voice immediately—it was the young lieutenant captain again, the man you had bumped into earlier.
You glanced up, and there he was, standing just a few feet away. He was a striking figure, his presence suffocating – commanding and enigmatic. He had a sharp jaw, chiseled and defined, the kind that could cut paper. His eyes, a moody blue, held a penetrating gaze, one that seemed to see right through you, making you feel as though you were laid completely bare before him.
His brow was knit slightly in deep thought. There was a slight furrow at the bridge of his nose. The tufts of inky black hair that framed his features only added to the boyish charm of his face. 
As he spoke to the other Public Safety worker beside him, his hands moved with purposeful grace.
Your eyes were drawn to him despite yourself, unable to escape the force of his presence. 
His gaze caught yours briefly, and in that fleeting moment, you felt an almost tangible tension in the air. It was as if time had stopped for a heartbeat, the corridor seeming to stretch and contract around the two of you.
The connection between your eyes was like a magnet, pulling you in despite your efforts to look away. The faintest flutter in your chest was enough to have you gripping the collar of your shirt.
He blinked first, his eyes breaking away from yours as he turned back to his companion. The conversation resumed, but the air seemed thicker now, charged with the residual energy of your brief encounter. 
"We need to re-evaluate our strategies for dealing with the increased devil activity," he said, his words carefully chosen. "The losses have been significant, and our resources are stretched thin."
You turned and walked in the opposite direction, the soft hum of the fluorescent lights overhead seeming to amplify the distance you were putting between yourself and him.
As you moved down the corridor, you couldn't shake the feeling that his eyes were still on you, as if the weight of his gaze lingered even after you had turned away.  .
You had just stepped out of the shower, the steam still clinging to the room and curling around the bathroom mirror in hazy swirls. The cool, clean air of the hotel suite met you as you emerged, a refreshing contrast to the stifling atmosphere of the Public Safety headquarters.
You took a moment to let the chill of the air sink into your skin, feeling the pleasant coolness against your damp hair and freshly washed face. You dried yourself off, the soft towel enveloping you in its warmth, and slipped into a comfortable set of loungewear—simple, dark gray sweatpants and a loose-fitting, white t-shirt.
You walked over to the full-sized bed, the crisp white sheets and plush pillows arranged neatly. You flopped down onto it, letting out a relieved sigh as you sank into the softness of the mattress.
Reaching for your phone from the nightstand, you dialed your husband's number. As the call connected, you propped yourself up on one elbow and stared at the ceiling, trying to shake off the exhaustion of the day.
When he answered, his voice was calmingly familiar, cutting through the distance between you with a comforting ease. "Hey. How's everything going?"
"It's been a day," you said with a soft chuckle. "I finally got here, but of course, they've got me waiting for more details. Typical."
"Sounds about right," he said, his voice tinged with a longing that you could almost touch through the phone, "I miss you."
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to push away the brief flash of memories that drifted through your mind—blue eyes and raven hair, a fleeting image that made your heart skip a beat. An image of soft lips wrapped around the syllables, 'Only if you want to.'
You shook your head gently, trying to dispel the image from your thoughts. "I miss you too," you said, trying to keep your tone light and steady.
You heard the faint sound of his smile through the phone, a soft, reassuring sound. You had never been so happy to hear his voice. "How's the hotel?"
"It's nice," you said, shifting your position on the bed to get more comfortable. "Pretty standard, but it's got a good view of the city."
"I can think of one view I'd really like to see right now," he teased gently. 
Just as you were about to reply, your phone started ringing again. You glanced at the screen and saw the name of your old coworker. 
"Hold on, I'm getting a call," you said, your fingers hovering over the screen. 
"Ugh, okay," he said. "Bye."
"Bye," you replied, a smile tugging at your lips as you ended the call.
You took a deep breath before picking up. "Hello?"
"Heya, Hot stuff. What you up to?" Himeno drawled into the receiver.
"Just got out the shower," You answered. "Why? Is something up?"
"Nah. Well, yeah," She giggled. "Miss Makima's taking us out for drinks to celebrate the success of our last mission tomorrow. She rented out this whole space for us. You coming?"
You chuckled quietly, carding a hand through your damp hair. "I always feel dull at parties."
"You? Dull?" Came Himeno's retort. "This really the same person who used to take body shots off complete strangers back in the day?"
The mere mention of your past self had you laughing all over again. "Times change."
"Married life made you soft?" 
You winced. Sure, perhaps a somewhat-boring life in the countryside with your husband had made you a little soft. But there was something in the way she said it – something that made you tick. You were happy being a married woman. You had been happy since the two of you had eloped at 21.
You were happy, dammit. You just wished it was a little easier to convince yourself of that.
"I don't know..." You trailed off. "I won't be any fun."
"Noooooo... You have to come!" Himeno groaned. You could hear her pacing around in the background. "DENJI!" She called to god knows who. "Back me up here!"
The phone was handed over to someone else – a young-sounding boy. "I'm not gonna force someone to go to a stupid party."
"Tell her to come!" Could be heard very faintly in the background.
"Wait. She's a 'she'?"
"Not just any 'she', thats–"
"You should definitely come tonight," The boy decided. "Name's Denji, by the way."
"Hi, Denji," You sighed. "Could you hand the phone back to Himeno for just a moment?"
"Sure," He answered. "Bye, gorgeous. See you there."
Gorgeous. He hasn't even seen me and he's calling me gorgeous. You had to have been in the twilight zone.
"So, you're coming, right?" Himeno's voice chirped over the line.
"I don't know," You answered (again). "Who's going?"
"Aki's coming. Remember him? Partner? Total hottie?" She replied. 
Total hottie was an understatement. Again, the image of his pretty face flashed through your mind. You squashed the mere thought of it – like an incessant bug. "Yes, we met."
"I'm gonna get a smooch out of him by the end of the night," She giggled. "You can bet on that."
People came and went. Seasons changed. Himeno, however, did not. She was just as crude as you had always remembered her being.
"Just a kiss?" You teased.
"Maybe. Maybe more," She teased right back. "Can you believe he doesn't have a girlfriend? He's 20! That's gotta mean something."
He's five years younger than me... You picked mindlessly at your nails. "Something like...?"
"Dunno. Am I wrong for thinking he's holding out for me?" 
"Oh, to be young and naive again," You sighed. "I was engaged at his age," You trailed off, words hanging in the air for a moment after they had slipped past your lips.
Awkward. Did that slip out?
You leaned back against the headboard, feeling the cool pillows against your back while your mind drifted to the past. You had been so young when you'd gotten married, looking back. You loved him, you truly did. Sure, you had your issues, but didn't every married couple?
The two of you were happy. Still, a pang of jealousy surfaced when you heard Himeno speak so freely about her independence, her sexual prowess. In a way, you felt as though you had been deprived of that freedom far too early.
Your fingers traced the edge of your phone, your gaze drifting as memories flooded your mind. Himeno's laughter on the other end of the line seemed distant, a reminder of a simpler time, unburdened by the weight of responsibilities and commitments.
You were happy... weren't you?
"Hey, you still there?" Himeno's voice pulled you back to the present, her tone tinged with concern.
"Yeah, sorry," you replied, shaking off the melancholy that had crept into your thoughts. "Just got lost in my head for a moment."
"Don't we all," she sighed, her voice softening. "Look, just come down tomorrow. It'll be fun. We can catch up, have a few drinks, and maybe you can even be my wingman for the night."
You chuckled, the sound more genuine this time. "Alright, fine. I'll come. But no promises about playing matchmaker."
"Yay! It's at five," Himeno's excitement was palpable, and it was contagious. "I'll see you then. Hopefully, you can loosen up a little bit. Relive the good days."
"Yeah, maybe," you said, a small, half-assed smile playing on your lips. "See you then."
You ended the call and set your phone to the side. 
Loosen up a little, You thought. Yeah, you could definitely stand to do that.
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a/n: shortie but a goodie! i already have most of the story written (so this one doesnt wind up like my 25,000 other unfinished projects), and this was the only way i could think to cut this chapter off hehe. ANYWAYYYY i hope yall enjoyed and are prepared for the TENSION AND SPICEEEE. omg its so tasty i cant wait. stay tuned! its gonna be so amazing. please comment and whatever to let me know your thoughts, wants and desires for this story! or just smth fun. i love reading yalls comments hehe comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
credits: UNKOWN ATM. I found it on pinterest unfortch. If you know the artist, please let me know, so I can credit them properly for their work!!! This is NOT MY BEAUTIFUL DRAWINGGG. I obviously do not own csm or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
also: come find me on my wattpad if u wanna interact more!
taglist: @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505 , @acethebrave , @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505
wanna join the taglist? | shameless ; chapter index
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Would like a smut with Foo Fighters x Male!Reader since I wanna know how Foo Fighters does it the first time with our lucky reader and how it lead to it if that's okay. Thank you and have a nice day
Yay! I finished a request for once!
Foo Fighter x Male Reader
Contains: Bimbofication, cum drunk FF, reader goes brain dead for a minute too
"Can we have sex?"
Your eyes went wide from the question. Out of every question that FF could have asked that last one thing you expected it to be was that. 
"So let me get this straight," you started, "you got out of your cell and snuck all the way to the other side of this prison in the middle of the night for sex?"
FF sheepishly scratched the back of her head, slightly embarrassed now. "Well of course it sounds weird when you say it like that, let me rephrase." She took a breath before starting again. "I understand the basics of sex and why people do it, but I just don't get what's so funny about it."
FF looked to you hoping you got why she asked to have sex with you, but that only made less sense. You looked on with an arched a brow at FF's statement not completely following along, and even a little more confused than you were before.
FF started again, "Jolyne and Ermes keeping making these sex jokes that I just don't get and it's starting to annoy me." You nodded your head, making a 'oh, I get it now' face. However, if that's the case then- "Why don't you just ask the girls what's supposedly so funny?" You asked, finishing the rest of your thought aloud
"I already tried that! They just keep saying I wouldn't get it because..."
You could finish the rest for yourself, because she has no experience. It made sense though, FF is a stand after all, why would she have a ton of experience with such a human desire? FF started pouting thinking back to the multiple times when Jolyne and Ermes had shooed FF away like she was a child because she wasn't allowed in on their jokes. With FF making such a cute pouting face you almost couldn't say no to her, but you saw FF more like a friend than a fuck buddy, would something like this really work? FF looked over to you, trying to get a gauge based on your expression, she already sensed the answer you were going to give her. You locked eyes with FF, she was giving you this pleading puppy dog look.
"Please! I really wanna know!"
"It's knowledge that I don't have yet, I have to understand it! Please!" FF begged cutting you off again. FF had intertwined her hands together giving you the biggest saddest puppy dog eyes she could muster. You sat there contemplating FF's request for several minutes the whole time FF hadn't moved, keeping her eyes on you patiently waiting for your definitive answer. You opened your mouth hesitating to speak. FF continued to look at you expectantly, a blush ghosting over her cheeks making her even cuter and in turn making it harder to say no to her. You thought hard about the situation, seriously thinking over your options.
You didn't have a cellmate at the moment they had gotten into some big fight which landed them in confinement as punishment, so it's not like you had that to worry about. Plus it had to be well past midnight no guards would be roaming around, but you would both still have to be quiet if you two didn't want to get caught. I mean, if I decide to do this, you thought quickly as an after thought, but who were you kidding, you did want to do this. FF wasn't unattractive at all it would be just as much fun for you as it would be for her.
You finally decided to speak again after what felt like forever, "I...I guess I could help you out." You could already see the joy painted across FF's face, you quickly jumped in before she could potentially shout her excitement, giving you both away immediately. "But we'll have to be quiet about it so we don't get caught, alright?" FF snapped her jaw shut as quickly as she could choosing to nod her head in agreement frantically, however the grateful shine never left her eyes. You could practically hear all the thank you's she wanted to say just from looking into her bight sky blue irises.
FF couldn't sit in place anymore opting to spring forward lunging herself at your body and trapping you in a tight hug. As FF pulled away you both couldn't help but notice how much distance FF had closed between the two of you. Instead of wasting anymore time you placed a hand on FF's cheek silently asking for permission. FF gave you a gentle smile and a nod as a response leaning forward to meet you half way.
It started off as a small peck until you kissed her again, longer, and then again, making the next one even longer than the last one. Another extended kiss then another until finally the only time your lips parted was when either of you needed a moment to breathe before going back in. The makeout session bewteen you two intensified quicker than you expected, before you knew it your hands were around her waist and FF's were flung around your neck, both of you and hot and blushing. The kissing itself was heated and rather rough now, hardly stopping for a break as your tongues continued to meet.
Your hands gripped FF's clothes, you wanted to rip them off. As if reading your mind FF did it for you, stripping herself down till she wasn't wearing anything at all. Just seeing her in such a state made you want to pick her up and fuck her against the wall, but you had to hold yourself back for now, this was presumably her first time after all. You should at least try to act like you were being gentle with FF. The best place you could think to start then was her pussy, her already wet pussy, she had gotten so turned on just from a few minutes of heated kissing. You wasted no time in getting to her puffy pink cunt, pratically inviting you in already. FF opened her legs for getting the jist of what you wanted her to do next. Using two fingers you opened up her lips and connected your mouth to her wasting no time at all. The feeling of arousal was immediate for FF. She stopped herself from moaning out just in time, clenching her jaw shut.
FF hovered her hands in front of her unsure of what to do with them. You continued eating her out somewhat oblivious to the small predicament she was in. You hadn't expected FF to taste so good, to make the moment feel all the more enthralling just the reminder that you are the first and only person to have ever touched or even seen FF in such a lewd state made her taste even sweeter on your tongue. You kept licking at her wet flushed lips sticking your tongue in, immediately getting a half concealed moan as your reward. You licked up until you reached her clit flicking your tongue over it then sucking. FF almost couldn't hold herself back anymore, bucking her hips to your mouth, her legs starting to quiver from the wave of ecstasy. As all these feelings were overflowing inside FF she let out an abrupt moan, which she quickly cut off by clasping her hand over her mouth forcing any more sounds that might come out back down.
You kept using your mouth to play with her clit, almost guiltly enjoying seeing FF struggle to keep herself together from all the pleasure you were elicting from her. FF could barely hold herself back from moaning out loud, tears threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes, drool sliding down the corner of her mouth. Even her brain felt as if it was getting blurry with want.
FF's skin was hot all over and she was no doubt blushing a deep red on her face for you to see. FF had never felt this way before. FF wasn't even aware you could feel this way before, the experience was new and different for her but in the best way possible. FF could and wanted to keep going like this for as long as she could handle. Maybe a few hours? Maybe until the sun started to rise? Or maybe you could just keep going, keep going even when FF felt like she couldn't take anymore yet you would still just continue to play with her as if you didn't have a single care about stopping any time soon. FF could feel something rise in her, she felt like a balloon that was close to bursting, she couldn't hold this feeling back anymore, FF didn't want you to stop. Unfortunately for her that's exactly what you did next, you stopped.
Wait, you...stopped. Why did you stop? You could see the shock and confusion written on FF's face as her hand quickly came away from her face her lips parted geting ready to yell and question you. You chose to cover FF's mouth with your hand rushing out your next words in a loud whisper.
"I know, I know, but I'm not done yet and I don't want you cumming before we've even gotten to the good part yet." You said practically reading FF's mind. Thankfully this calmed FF down enough to the point where you could see the look in her eye change from shock to curiousity.
Since FF was being so good at staying quiet you decided to reward her in a way by not keeping her in suspense and teasing her any longer with foreplay.
You stood up undoing your belt pulling your pants down and letting your dick spring free, inches from FF's face. Her eyes went wide instantly turning her head this way and that to get full look at your cock as if she was studying it. It was already erect and girthy and flushed a pink color. A prominent vein was poking out along the side as the tip leaked a stream of precum, you were clearly just as turned on she was.
As if on instinct FF started to open her mouth her body already seemingly knowing what to do or what it wanted to do. However you stopped her before her mouth could get around your dick knowing you would be too entranced by the feeling of her warm mouth enveloping you that you wouldn't want her to stop but your desire to fuck FF had become too much to bare now, you couldn't wait any longer.
You grabbed FF by the shoulder pulling her to stand up with you. As soon as she was at her full height you grabbed underneath her thighs and hoisted her up, FF's arms and legs wrapping around you. You guided FF over to the one available wall on the far side of your cell and pressed her up against it, FF hugged you tighter your chests being the first to meet. FF opened her mouth again about to ask you what you planned on doing next with this new position, but before FF could get the words out you stopped her again, but this time not with your hand but with you sliding FF's body down your own just enough so that her still dripping wet cunt slid snugly onto your waiting cock. FF's breathe--luckily?--caught in the back of her throat cutting off the loud moan that wanted to escape. FF had to find a new way to stay quiet now though. FF couldn't use her palm anymore, her hands were too busy being grappled to your back, her nails creating tiny cresent shaped dents in your skin, and they didn't plan on moving anytime soon. So FF did the only thing that flashed through her foggy, and getting foggier, brain; biting down perfectly right on the spot between your neck and shoulder.
The bite was a lot harder than FF would have wanted, causing you to wince from the unexpected pain, but FF was sure that if she didnt act quick an entire wing of a prison would have been alerted as to exactly what you two were doing.
You gave FF a few moments to get used to, and process, the sensation of being full with your cock but the urge to start pumping into her warm tight pussy overtook your body making you start a slow steady pace of lifting FF by her legs up and down on your shaft. Your brain was beginning to turn into a one track mindset, which was, stuffing the whimpering blushing twitching stand in front of you. You barely even began to take notice of the fact that you had picked up your slow pace, moving FF's body as if she weighed nothing and thrusting your hips upward to drill yourself into her as much as you could. FF wasn't given much time to adjust to your dick let alone was she prepared for you to start pounding her and at such a quickening speed. The idea of letting her teeth come loose from digging into your shoulder and asking you to slow down never even occured to her. In fact no thoughts at all were crossing through FF's mind just incoherent half sentences and jumbled words popping into her head and vanishing with each new heavy thrust you did straight to her pussy, her walls clamping down on you to try and keep you from leaving.
Her body's hold on your own tightened along with her nails and teeth too, she was getting that feeling again. The feeling of something bubbling up inside of her, close to bursting. Don't...stop, was all FF could think to herself, the words never even made it out of her mouth. She was only capable of sounds now, long drawn out moans and a blubbering collage of words that sounded alien when mixed with the drool coming out of her mouth and coating your shoulder.
"Cum..cumming...I'm.." Your sentence, if you could call it that, had fallen apart, too involved in your current action. In all honesty you wanted to keep going even after you came, just keeping pumping load after load inside of FF, but your brain allowed some room for you to remember that there was a person attached to you who, by the way, was experiencing this pleasure filled haze for the first time. You didn't want to overdo it, even though you were pretty sure that line had already been crossed.
You took one of your hands away from the deathgrip you had on FF's leg and pressed your whole hand and arm against the wall behind FF. Knowing you were close you used all your might, literally, forcing FF's back to the wall. With one final thrust forward you buried your dick deeper and deeper, clenching your jaw, groaning as you coated her walls with your cum. You heard FF make a mumbled but still clearly audible high pitched moan. You still kept lazily thrusting into FF, fucking your cum deeper into her, as if your body didn't want to stop yet. You kept this up for bit as you officially came down from your high, sadly having to stop thrusting to give your body a breather.
FF no longer felt that pressuring build up inside of her anymore the feeling had bursted along with you just as she figured it would, cumming is what you had called it, right? FF felt unusually giddy at the knowledge that she had cum for the first time. Her teeth finally unhinged themself from your shoulder, but still not leaving from the crook of your neck, a euphoric smile forming on her lips, FF couldn't help but start giggling.
As you stood there catching your breath you heard FF's drunken sounding laugh as her body relaxed in your arm, you brought your other arm from the wall back down to grab her leg again and hold her up properly once more.
"FF...FF?" No response aside from FF continuing to giggle with a few hiccups breaking in between.
With no reply the best way you could think to get her attention was to do a quick a bounce of her body poking your dick in and out of her once more, jolting FF to the present. FF finally let go of your shoulder sitting up right in your arms getting a good look at her.
Her lipstick had turned into lip gloss shining with the help of her saliva coating her lips and dripling down the corner of her mouth. You could even see red specks of blood too. You didn't even want to see the damage that had been done to your shoulder although you could guess that there was now a sizeable bite mark engraved on you. Her bright blue eyes had gotten even brighter, if that were possible, her hair was disheveled and her cheeks were bright red.
"Again, again," FF chorused in wistful voice.
"I think you've had about as much as you could handle, FF," you said looking her up and down with a playful smirk.
"No, no. More, learn more." FF slurred, the words coming out stringed together and sloppy.
You sighed, she was totally brain dead now and she was definitely going to be zero help on getting her back to her cell before the guards checked to make sure she was there.
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trrickytickle · 11 months
The Best Medicine
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A/N: this One Piece tickle fic was actually inspired by the awesome likes of @looking-for-laughs, who writes a LOT of great ff (underated) and her lee!chopper love HEHEHEH. u can see my applause and salute for her in my posts (she even inspired me to stop shitposting HEH. but liek idk i jsut had that dawg in me to write tk fic)
Being part human, part reindeer- and shunned by both, Chopper isn't familiar with a lot of human concepts. However, he has Hiriluk, his mentor, to guide him... basically, he learns what tickling is.
“Hey! H-HEY!! Don’t go! I’m r-really sorry!”
The pleads of the old quack Dr Hiriluk were accompanied by uproarious laughter and shuffles of the Drum Island snow. His latest unwilling “patient” had ingested a (very, very, very, very, very) experimental instantaneous hypothermia relief cure, keeling over like he had been hit by a gas attack- however this time, strained chuckles were being forced out of his throat. Running from his patient, Hiriluk dashed past the ailing town into the small stump, free from sickness of the king’s heart, in the depths of the outskirts of Drum, where he had resided in to continue his illicit passion. The rattling of the tinctures in his briefcase came to a halt as he stopped at the humble front door, and with a small creak and the squishy stomp of half-human hooves, it opened.
“Welcome back, Doctor.” greeted Chopper, the plaster on his injuries coming apart- most of which around his waist and torso had been removed as they healed. The old man inched closer to him, adjusting the gauze as he rambled.
“My patient ran away, I’m telling you! He ran!! I swear- one second ago I was hearing him laugh, and the other, I thought he’d have ran up the Drum Rockies with how far he went!”
”What do you MEAN, “again”, blue nose!?” Hiriluk scolded, Chopper scowling and flailing in response.
”Again?” replied the reindeer, only to be greeted with a clobber to the head.
”Don’t call me blue nose!”
The two almost broke out into fisticuffs, but their good consciences made the fighting stopped at an abrupt halt. Catching his breath, Hiriluk continued rambling frustratedly, pacing across the lignen floors.
”See, Chopper- I was so sure of it! The serum was meant to increase body temperature!” he explained, while continuing to tend to the reindeer’s injuries. “I thought it’d fix his hypothermia, b-but it ended up tickling him! I was so sure…”
The reindeer’s ears perked up at the sound of the new word. Some human thing, he thought…
But what was it- this… tickling?
”What’s that?” Chopper tilted his head- with a genuine, inquisitive curiosity, looking up at Hiriluk.
"What's "tickling"?" he asked. The question was innocuous- but the old quack squinted, furrowing his brow and pacing, struggling to find words. There were mutters and murmurs of "erm" and "um", the explanation being on the tip of his tongue but not coming out of his mouth. Hiriluk had a way with words- often to motivate and innovate, but even he, a great doctor in Chopper's eyes, was stumped- but not for long.
"It's a funny feeling." He stated. "But it's also strange… It's so funny that you'll laugh to your heart's content, but it feels… indescribable."
"So you're not describing anything." replied Chopper.
"I can't just explain it to you." Hiriluk shrugged. "I'd describe it as indescribable."
The old man was taken aback, a stutter in his voice. "Let me show you." Chopper nodded, as he sat down, scooping the reindeer in his lap and apprehensively traced at his coat. "I'll try my best to be careful around your wou-"
Immediately, he started to giggle lightly, twitching with each trace and stifling it with a smile. It was funny- not in a humorous sense, but strange, certainly- but why was he laughing? Why did he want to laugh?
"It's strange! It's really strange!" Chopper pleaded at the bony, clumsy hands of his mentor, twisting around, to which Hiriluk gave a concerned look.
"Try not to make your bandages come apart, Chopper. Your wounds will show."
"B-ahaha-But it feels really strange!" he shrilled, kicking his legs as spritely laughter burst out as clumsy fingers tried to be careful aroundd the plaster covering the deep scrapes of determination. Hiriluk smiled, delighting in scratching lightly at Chopper's fluffy midsection, before stopping to face him.
"You're ticklish. That's why it's strange."
Chopper patted the sensitive area, catching his breath. "Are all humans like this?"
"Most." Hiriluk explained. "Or so they say. Everyone's weak somewhere. Even when someone says they aren't, they probably are. It can be on the tips of their ears-" he said, grazing the area (which only turned out to be bothersome) "or the back of their knees-" which he scratched at, causing Chopper's hoof to flail in recoil- "but there are exceptions. And you're not one of them." The doctor continued, tracing, poking, swirling one finger around different areas- those typical for a tickly feeling to take shape. The fur on the bottom of his front and back hooves was particularly sensitive, causing the reindeer's hidden laughter to spill out.
"Ahaha-ha-HA! Th-thihis… hehe-HAHA!"
"It tickles, doesn't it?" Hiriluk replied.
"Yeah! -hah- Yeah, that!"
"It tickles! It's tickling- you're tickling!" Chopper minced the sentence, yet still meaning his plead. Hiriluk smiled, stopping his less gentle approach when he realised the reindeer's erratic movements were hindering the healing of his injury- an injury he had deeply tended to. However, in this moment, the injury in his heart was quelled.
The incentive caused him to be slightly more inquisitive, yet still cautious of Chopper, who was squealing and kicking at every light fiddle of fingers under his fluffy chin- unusually weak- and tweak of bony hands at his sides, which made him shriek, and the skittering of digits under his knees- feeling, but not knowing. He'd stopped asking questions. Quackery, the reindeer called it. This was magic. A strange, tingly, funny, feely, magic.
"It does, doesn't it?" Hiriluk replied, smiling while switching back to the gentle grazes and cautious concern. "Well, you know what they say, laughter is the best medicine."
"Wow..." Chopper exclaimed. "That was funny... and fun!"
Chopper's laughter went up several octaves- so high that it went silent, and that was the quack doctor's cue to stop. Allowing his apprentice to catch his breath, he set him down.
Uproarious and anguished, almost suffocated laughter could be heard from who Hiriluk recognized as a previous patient.
"Not for him." he said...
...then immediately after, a metaphorical lightbulb appeared over Hiriluk's head, as he dramatically proclaimed-
Chopper couldn't help but agree a little- it was admittedly quite enjoyable.
"Laughter... medicine..." He put his finger up, pointing with the passion of a pirate. "This could be a remedy for the kingdom... Yes! Yes, it can!"
Chopper rolled around on the deck of the Going Merry, Luffy and Usopp noodling pathetically beside him.
"HA-hahaha-ha HA! Don't tickle me! Robin, you bastard! Idiot!" the reindeer laughed while hands tickled the trio to tears. The appendages protruding through Luffy's torso tormented his tummy to no end, while six hands spidered Usopp's sides, springing from the planks of Merry. Finally, they let up, and Robin looked over from her book, setting it down on her deck-chair to leave an affectionate pat on Chopper's head.
"Y-you bastard! Don't call me cute after torturing me!" he yelled. "I hate it! It doesn't make me happy, not at all! Idiot!"
"Cute." she commented, as the reindeer puffed up, fuming flusteredly- and breaking out into a small, shy dance, blushing.
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eternaleepy · 1 month
still thinkin about my idea for a jjba hunger games au…(details below the cut)
jolyne would DEFINITELY be katniss. not sure if stands would be incorporated in this au but if i did decide to do that then maybe she could create her bow and arrows at will w/ stone free, or maybe she finds the stand arrow at the cornucopia
emporio would be prim/jolyne’s little brother that gets picked at the reaping. jolyne loves him so much 🥺
ermes would be peeta since peeta is a baker/ermes and her family own a restaurant…do you see my vision. her and jolyne being star-crossed lovers…*chefs kiss*
anasui could be gale. i don’t care for gale and i hate anasui more lmao
i’m thinking jotaro might be haymitch since throughout thg haymitch and katniss form a father/daughter bond 🥺🥺🥺
effie?? tbh i’m not sure about this one. for some reason my mind is drifting towards polnareff since he’s very flamboyant and shit?? idk
i think josuke could be a good fit for cinna since josuke obviously is passionate about fashion/appearance and is very kindhearted like cinna. i really love the idea of josuke being the one to design jolynes mockingjay dress and subsequently solidifying her as the mockingjay! (but this also means that he’d die…rip)
ok so for president snow i’m pretty sure i’d want dio? but then i also think that pucci would be a good fit, but at the same time i was thinking that if dio were snow, then i’d make pucci seneca crane (1st gamemaker) and then giorno could be plutarch heavensbee (2nd gamemaker/ally of the rebellion)
lisa lisa as president coin???? 👀
ok so for for rue i’m thinking probably foo fighters since in stone ocean ff’s death was such a big motivator for jolyne/rue’s death and katniss’s reaction represents solidarity between districts n shit. but at the same time maybe another child character like hayato could be good for this (at the victory tour katniss mentions how she saw prim in rue so it could be switch to “…i see hayato in my little brother emporio” but i do think ff fits better thematically speaking.)
i see young joseph as a good fit for finnick. they just kinda have similar vibes to me. both a little cocky but ultimately kind and loyal. and joseph could get married to susie q during their time in district 13
caesar zeppeli as caesar flickerman? i have nothing else to base this on other than the fact that they have the same name lmao. maybe i’d think a little harder about this one lmao
i’ll add to this as i think of more details but yea
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incorrectinfinity · 2 months
Jojo rankings because I don't think I actually shared my opinions on these before. Fuck it we ball.
Part ranks (for the record I think every part has its own merits and good bits, and I don't hate any of them)
1. Diamond is Unbreakable
2. Golden Wind/Vento Aureo (I CAN FIX HER)
3. Steel Ball Run
4. Stardust Crusaders
5. Stone Ocean
6. Battle Tendency
7. Jojolion (I CAN FIX HER TOO)
8. Phantom Blood
The Jojolands would be in-between sbr and sdc as of writing
JoJo ranks (again, do not hate any JoJo)
1. Giorno Giovanna
2. Josuke Higashikata
3. Jolyne Cujoh
4. Johnny Joestar
5. Jonathan Joestar
6. Joseph Joestar
7. Gappy Higashikata
8. Jotaro Kujo (only in sdc, otherwise he is very beloved to me)
Jodio would be between Jolyne and Johnny, Dragona would be between Johnny and Jonathan
JoBro ranks
1. Yasuho Hirose
2. Okuyasu Nijimura & Koichi Hirose
3. Bruno Bucciarati & Guido Mista
4. Gyro Zeppelli
5. Ermes Costello & FF
6. Noriaki Kakyoin & Jean Pierre Polnareff
7. Robert E.O. Speedwagon (I AM SO SORRY)
8. Ceasar Zeppelli
Usagi & Paco would go between Gyro and Ermes & FF
JoFoe ranks (ok I actually hate some of these guys lol)
1. Yoshikage Kira
2. Dio Brando/DIO
3. Enrico Pucci
4. Kars
5. Funny Valentine (I hate him because he is an asshole in a not-fun way)
6. Diavolo (I hate him because he sucks as a villain)
7. Tooru (I hate him because Jojolion's ending is a mess)
For fun: What I actually ship (ranked by brainrot levels)
0. Jotaro x Therapy (MY OTP FOREVER)
1. Jonathan x Erina (they are the perfect tragedy and very under appreciated)
2. Gappy x Yasuho
3. Bruno x Abbacchio
4. Josuke x Okuyasu
5. Yukako x Koichi
6. Johnny x Gyro
7. Jolyne x Ermes x FF
8. Polnareff x Avdol
9. Jotaro x Kakyoin
10. Fugo x Narancia (depends on the day)
11. Paco x Charmingman (it's funny)
Also I appreciate Pucci x DIO as purely Pucci being in love with DIO one sidedly, not as a mutual relationship. I have a similar feeling towards Jonathan x Speedwagon but for different reasons. Oh and I did not add Caesar x Joseph because I swear to god I cannot remember Caesar's personality or even what he does it literally drives me insane idk how I did that 💀.
FOR RAGE: Ships I generally dislike for non-obvious reasons (most hatred -> least)
1. Hot Pants x Diego (Hot Pants is a very interesting and complex female character with a rich backstory and compelling ideals which is incredibly rare in jjba. Diego is a cunning and and tragic antagonist who was built upon his predecessor and made into such an insanely complex yet entertaining new form. This ship takes both of these characters and reduces them into nothing, especially Hot Pants. The scene shown as romantic between them gives me the ick. They both seem to mildly dislike eachother outside of their alliance and once they have that alliance I do not see any kind of chemistry. I could've disregarder this ship as nothing, a fandom shipper concoction that I would've simply ignored, EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT PUTTING THESE TWO IN A ROMANCE REDUCES THEM BOTH. I AM A DINOPANTS HATER THROUGH AND THROUGH.)
2. Jolyne x Anasui (the difference between this ship and Yukako x Koichi to me is that Yukako is a 15 year old who changed for the better and fully admitted to being crazy while Anasui is a grown man WHO HAS MURDERED TWO PEOPLE WITHOUT REMORSE. JOLYNE RUN.)
3. Fugo x Giorno (Giorno is aroace to me, also I read The Scene and I can see where people are coming from but I don't get it personally, sorry. On a different note this ship is weirdly popular considering that it was spawned from a single scene in a non-canon light novel so idk what happened there, no hate in that particular statement just intense curiosity)
4. Kira x Diavolo (I get that these two are recluses but that makes them getting together make even less sense to me lol)
5. Trish x Giorno (aroace Gio truther and I see them as the ultimate brotp ever)
6. Dragona x Usagi (aroace Dragona truther)
7. Jotaro x Tonio (I don't understand this one at all but I kinda find it funny so points there ig)
8. Jonathan x Speedwagon (I don't actually hate this one, but I see it much differently from how the majority of the fandom does. Jonathan is straight to me, but Speedwagon is very gay and very in love with Jonathan. The yearning is one sided, another perfect tragedy. The reason why this ship is here is because it overshadows Erina entirely due to its popularity, and has kinda made Erina a niche character in the fandom which makes me sad)
Btw if you ship these things idgaf you are free to do how you please as long as you don't mischaracterize Hot Pants in your lil Dinopants whatevers please I beg of you
Ok, rankings over. Nobody asked for this but when inspiration strikes, I write stupid stuff.
Last updated 8/9/24
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trowelaway-blog · 2 years
Something that never occurred to me when I was reading Stone Ocean, but that really popped out at me in the anime, was a certain thought about how the relationship between Jotaro and Jolyne parallels the relationship between Jolyne and Emporio.
Spoilers below the cut.
In her final speech to Emporio, Jolyne talks about all the sacrifices that people made to keep him safe, namedropping Anasui, Ermes, and Jotaro, but also including Weather and FF.
“Those who wished for your escape were Anasui, Ermes, and my father, Jotaro Kujo.”
But just before this, she explains why she’s sending him to safety, but she can’t follow:
“The priest can sense the Joestar in me. No matter where I go, I sense him, and he senses me to track me down.”
Is this not the very reason Jotaro was an absent father? In-universe, it’s because DIO’s followers and other Stand users kept giving him trouble (Stand users attract Stand users, as Jotaro says in DiU). But from a Doylist perspective, it’s because these main characters, most relevantly Jotaro and Jolyne, are doomed by the narrative: the narrative “can sense the Joestar” (the “protagonism”) within them. Anyone within their narrative is at risk - anyone who’s familiar with Jojo knows this well. So the hero must, tragically, leave their loved ones behind to keep them safe, to make sure that they are the only ones who are at risk - from their enemies in-universe, and from the narrative out.
“If I’m with you, you can’t get away.”
Jolyne entrusts Emporio with Weather’s disc, and therefore with saving the world. This is the contrast between her and her father: she passes on the burden to the next generation, whereas Jotaro made the mistake of trying to keep the burden to himself (note also that if Jotaro had succeeded in killing Pucci, he would also have kept the narrative to himself in the Doylist sense, in that a popular previous protagonist saves the day again). Notwithstanding the wisdom of delegating to an eleven-year-old in this situation - not that there was any other choice - Jolyne performs the ritual that her father never did for her.
“You have to survive. You are our hope.”
“I told you, I don’t understand!”
“No, you can’t...”
What are our children but our hope for the future? And what can we do for them but pass them our burdens as kindly and gently as we can, knowing that one day they will understand why we have cursed them with these responsibilities, as they pass it to their children?
Pucci is right that his Heaven would eradicate these burdens. But it would also eradicate any possibility of “growing up”, either for future children or for humanity as a whole (compare here the Rock Humans of part 8); it would eradicate any possibility of humanity changing fate through righteous and selfless action (compare parts 4, 5, and 8; Araki loves that idea). And, again from a Doylist perspective, it would ruin the concept of fiction to know exactly how a story goes as soon as you pick up a book or turn on a movie.
God, I have so many thoughts about Jojo, but especially parts 6 and 8, both of which are criminally underrated. Later I’ll post my rant about why SO is not appreciated as the postmodernist masterpiece it is. Eventually I’ll get around to finishing my rant about why it’s a postmodernist masterpiece specifically.
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Ohana Comic-con 2024
Con today was fun!! I would have had more pictures but... honestly, most of the booths this year unfortunately had signs saying "No Photos" so I couldn't take pictures of a lot of what was there... Aside from the few anime booths, there was a booth for both wooden and metal katanas/swords, at least 3 different Sanrio booths, a ton of custom legos and lego characters, an entire plushie booth, a ton of Funkos scattered around in different booths, a whole vintage section that included Marvel and DC comics, old toys and reproductions of vintage items, even G1 MLP toys that were in pretty damn good condition if I say so, $10 - $30 blind item anime merch bags, a veteran-run booth with custom pocket knives, swords, a real metal keyblade, etc. I had fun despite being too chicken to enter the costume contest, and I brought home a good haul to boot!!
I got a jumbo sleeping Bulbasaur plushie. Like... he's not as big as what the jumbo "life size" Arcanine plushies out there, but he's still a chonker!
I was able to get a 40th Anniversary Rainbow Brite reproduction doll and boooooooy I am so happy I got her, she was the only one there!
I also got the World Journey Miku QPosket. I couldn't pass up a 50s fashion-esque Miku!!
I got two Jojo Pt.5 posters too, with it them being $5 each but when you buy two then its a total of $7 for both!
Then there was the keychain I got that says "I'm too clumsy to be around fragile masculinity". My sassy, chaotic gremlin ass could NOT pass that one up.
Best part of the haul though?
I got the entire Stone Ocean trio as Nendos, plus Kars!! This brings my Jojo nendo collection to 6 total nendos! I have Pt.1 Dio, Giorno, Jolyne, Ermes, FF, and Kars!!
Can hardly wait for next year's Ohana Comic-con, and I'm super pumped to see what goodies I can find and bring home next time!!
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amagicdoctor · 10 months
Hello Mun, Archangel fan over here. Glad to hear from you again. Hope you doing alright
It's been two months since Dark X-Men started so my review so far on the run (2 issues in) is:
They really did my boy dirty. He had one line of dialogue before going down, without a fight, in the very first issue and got ditched by his whole squad while he was still bleeding on the floor (sounds harshly hyperbolic but there was a teenager right next to him whom they all had the time to take with them as they left). Now, the "Archangel gets mind-controlled after being kidnapped on a mission" plotline is nothing new but they at least follow up on in the very next issue so no time is wasted. I could see an improvement on his situation so I'm not so mad
Other than how they treated my fav, I'd say every other character is pretty much in-character? It's been forever since any mutant's been written this way so I'm genuinely happy. Havok (Alex Summers) still has the same characterization from Dark Web tho which is a bit disappointing because it was rather reductive of who he was. I get it tho, this run is very much a follow up on that event sadly so they can't really stray on what it established even if that wasn't a good story in the slightest
I like the concept because it's pretty much what the X-Men used to do/be : Rescuing mutants in need. Being dramatic. Having feuds. Not always seeing eye to eye. Interesting settings. I really missed that and with a team this messy and uncoordinated, those things were a given
The worldbuilding is really really interesting. So far, nothing contradicts what we knew about 616 during Krakoa and things only get deeper in the Fall of X setting with DXM. We get information on both mutants, Orchis, humans, allies and enemies, magic and technology. It's pretty extensive
I still raised a brow a few times while reading but seeing how fast paced everything is (only a few hours passed at best and everyone is always doing something) I can forgive that. It's their first missions on their first night and, again, they're naturally uncoordinated
There's a few mysteries here and there to be solved and I can't wait to see what's in store
It was way less graphic than I expected. I know it was advertised as a violent horror series (and it does deliver) but with everything Kitty Pryde has pulled in X-Men since Fall of X started, DXM looks... erm... tame in comparison? "Graphic violence" is a bit subjective of a description sure, however Kitty is more sadistic in her solo approach than 4 long established vilains (Zero, Emplate, Goblin Queen and Azazel) who have little to no limitations in the amount of chaos they are allowed to bring. So yea
Overall? Good read so far. It was more fun to me than Uncanny Spider-Man which just came out... That one left me more confused than anything (the exposition dump didn't help) and felt so disconnected from everything around it: I can't tell when it's supposed to take place in, be it for Spider-Man (who's currently bad after being stabbed with Norman Osborn's evil essence and still has bad rep with the FF and Avengers), or the whole Fall of X deal (there are solo mutant heroes and full on teams going around New York right now but no one contacted Kurt yet even tho his costume is that obvious?)
Hi!! This is a pretty good review and I have the same feelings. After reading Dark X-Men in one sitting I completely forgot Archangel was a thing, I'm so sorry but he really was that absent from the story. It WAS super weird they just left him when the next day Maddie went out of her way to save her trophy boyfriend but ok Marvel 🤣
I don't have any issues with Uncanny Spider-Man yet but I do agree if you at least look at it from the X-Men's storyline it IS disconnected. And not in a way where we get that Kurt is aloof on purpose, but the writing does not help link it to any other parts of the FOX storylines 😅. Dude is really just on his own
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
A Weather x Hermes short where Weather asks Hermes to come sleep with him in the piano, and Hermes extra olive oil virgin headass thinks their gonna do the dew
Turns out he really just wants a nap and Hermes falls asleep with him as they both cuddle lol
omg sorry this took so long. i loved this so much and i had so much fun writing this! thank you so much for the request and i hope you have a wonderful day anon!!! <333
Cheer Her Up - Weather Report x Hermes Costello
Pairing - Weather Report x Hermes Costello
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 389
Notes - thanks again!! sorry its been a while guys, ive just been doing some other things and i got back into reading again smh. but thanks for being patient everyone who has requested!! i hope you all have a wonderful day!!! <3333 (also image below is not mine)
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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She needed something. Anything. A hug. A word of encouragement. Hell, even a pat on the back would do. Ermes finally went through with getting rid of that asshole. The asshole that killed her sister. And seeing that sleeze’s face just made her more upset. Sure she finally went through with what she had always needed to get done, but it didn't change that Gloria was dead. It didn't change the empty pit in her soul.
“I'll catch up with you guys later.” Ermes waved at Jolyne and FF, heading back to her cell with an upset feeling in her entire body. She thought it would feel better getting rid of that asshole, not this empty still.
As she was walking up the stairs, trying not to reminisce too hard about her sister, Ermes was pulled. When she could see, she was in the ghost room, Weather Report’s hand fingers tightly around Ermes’ wrist. Tightly, but gently.
“H-Hey Weather.”
He nodded a hello and pulled her into his arms. Ermes didn't cooperate though, as she was confused. “Uh… Weather?” Her voice was muffled as her face was pressed to his chest.
Weather pulled back and tilted his head. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong with me?” Ermes giggled, rubbing the back of her neck. “Why’d you just pull me in here and then hug me?”
Weather rubbed the back of his neck and managed a little smile. “You’ve uh… looked a little down lately. I just thought you needed it.”
Hermes couldn't help but tear up hearing Weather Report say something so loving and kind to her. She’s had a rough week. She did need it. She needed it so much that she just started bawling.
Weather report held her close, resting his head on hers. “Let's sleep together. Right now.”
Hermes quickly pulled away, her face bright red. “Wh-What?! I-I've never… I don't know… I…”
She watched Weather walk towards the piano, grabbing a blanket along the way. “Coming, Hermes?”
She nodded and slowly stepped toward the piano, seeing Weather Report cuddled up.
Stupid Hermes. Of course her mind went straight to the gutter.
She crawled in shortly after and Weather pulled her into his arms, holding her like she hasn't been held since she was a child. She smiled and didn't even notice herself fall into a deep sleep.
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tortademaracuya · 2 years
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smooch your jojo 🦋💚
[ID: digital fanart of Jolyne, Ermes and FF from JJBA. Jolyne is in the midle, smiling, while ermes gives her a kiss on the cheek and FF rests in her chest, looking lovingly at them both. Ermes and FF are also holding hands. /End ID]
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gryffindormischief · 2 years
A/N: @jilychallenge April 2022! partner for the month is the fabulous @maraudersftw. It's technically still April in my timezone hehe
Prompt: "we bumped into each other on a saturday morning, both doing our walk of shame"
FF // Ao3
The sun has just begun warming the clouds away when two zombie-like beings collide on the sidewalk in front of some non-corporate cafe - The Grind apparently. One party - a redhead currently grateful for the extra padding afforded by her deep purple gloves - is knocked backward with a level of force that will surely bruise her tailbone. 
Her collision partner loses his spectacles to a melty puddle but manages to retain his footing. “Bugger.”
“Nice to meet you, Bugger.”
No-Glasses laughs. “James’ll do. So will my specs if you see them lying around.”
Redhead accepts James’ offered hand and once she’s on her feet passes over the glasses she’d located. “I presume these are yours. Unless someone else lost theirs and decided to hell with it.”
“Much obliged…” he pauses, waiting for her name. Though the previously upended redhead doesn’t recognize the motivation too quickly. She’s more concerned with the state of her palms, though it seems the gloves did do their job - their part time unexpected job.
James grabs the door and the warm scent of coffee wafts in the air. He blinks and nudges his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Erm, you don’t need to tell me your name.”
She blinks slowly. “Sorry - I’m a bit off. Too early.”
James nods.
“Lily,” she adds over her shoulder as she enters the shop, turned away too soon to see the grin that lights James’ face.
Only the early birds are enjoying the quiet comfort of the shop while the lone barista loads fresh looking pastry into the gleaming glass case. Both of the most recent entrants are in a strange sort of headspace, the type that only occurs when you’ve been up all night, and so continue their odd shuffle toward the counter.
Lily arrives first and chooses a green tea latte and one of the hearty looking blueberry and something or other muffins. Once she’s fumbled through her payment and James fumbles through his own order, pointing blearily toward something in the case and asking for tea in the vaguest way possible. He pays and ignores the barista’s cheeky, slightly judging gaze. That’s all he has energy for.
At least, it seems so until he turns and nearly sends Lily sprawling for the second time in a quarter hour. 
“Do you enjoy knocking people down?” LIly teases, eyeing his slim fingers clasped around her elbow.
“You just bring it out in me I suppose,” James says with a smirk, patting her elbow in an awkward gesture of…something.
Lily just follows the movements with her gaze but seems to accept their silent agreement to remain just that. Silent. 
The sights, sounds, and scents of the shop slowly bring her energy to a more useful level - low chatter of customers on their cellphones, the steamer hard at work presumably to make her own latte, the morning sun slowly warming the window panes, all while soft acoustic music plays like a backdrop to her day.
Soon enough her drink is called and Lily grasps it like a lifeline while stuffing her gloves away into her satchel. James shuffles backward like he thinks she’ll just steamroll right over him and she might be insulted but is currently beyond interest in ephemeral human emotions. Except the feeling that she might die without something warm and fresh and milky and delicious which will be a need soon satisfied.
Lily takes one long inhale before taking a long sip.
James watches, but in a non creepy way. More of those zombie side effects.
But he’s observant nonetheless and a compulsive reader so he soon finds himself blurting, “No caffeine?”
His companion blinks.
He ruffles his hair. “Sorry. I’m beat. Brain to mouth filter’s - ” he gestures vaguely.
“Same,” Lily agrees, glancing around the cafe. 
There’s a moment of delicious miscommunication, one of those interactions where both parties are unreasonably and incorrectly positive about their perception of the situation. More specifically in this instance, Lily is simply focused on her need to take a load off while James has begun to firmly believe that Lily is looking for an exit strategy.
She’s quiet another moment, tapping the side of her cup, before responding. “Ya no caffeine. I live close and I'm off for a bit so time to sleep - just a bit chilly. And stressed despite the attempts at fun.”
James nods, shuffling away only far enough to put him within arms reach of the counter. Soon enough they call his order and he grabs the cup. “I get it - gotta get something in you first.”
Lily doesn’t respond and once again James jumps to conclusions which unfortunately conform to his pessimistic tendencies where romance is concerned. So instead of noting that Lily’s gaze lingers on the flowing movement of his fingers as he grasps for his drink, he panics. “Wait - not in you. Not me. Not well in you as in the drink but. Shit.”
“Wow, James,” she laughs, “I did not even go there.”
For his part, James flushes red as a cherry, “I told you I was overtired.”
Lily chuckles again.
“I shouldn’t be allowed in public after a night shift.”
“All-nighters are weird,” Lily allows with what’s intended as an encouraging smile, “It’s simultaneously too late and too early to be awake.”
“Hungover but usually without any of the fun,” James agrees, shuffling his feet. He definitely wants to sit down, take a load off. But he also wants to continue this little whatever-it-is and changing locations sounds like a good way to spook Lily.
Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained, carpe diem, veni, vidi, vici, whatever else - basically James likes catchy sayings and jumping headfirst into potential messes. So he gestures toward her with a shockingly smooth sweep of his hand, then tilts his head toward the empty tables. “Care to take a seat? See if I can help you relax?”
This time, Lily’s mind does go there and she’s the one flushing. Which of course sets off the chain reaction and James is once again fumbling for an explanation. Why does everything sound like a dirty pick up line when you haven’t slept?
Lily clears her throat as she unbuttons her jacket and loosens the scarf around her neck. “What’s your purpose for the late night then?”
James jolts when his name is shouted across the cafe and fails in his attempt to resist the urge to flick the barista off when he wriggles his brows suggestively. 
When he removes his coat and settles at the table again, James can’t help a nervous grin. But he has tapped into his creative wooing inspiration and so he takes a sip of his drink. “I could tell you why I was up so late-early.”
Lily mirrors his smile. “Or?”
“Or we make it a game - guess what the other does.”
“I already feel like I’m hallucinating,” Lily shrugs, “So why not?”
James attempts a wink that’s really more of an exaggerated blink. “Don’t you mean dreaming? Since I’m so dreamy?”
“You’re not a poet then,” Lily snickers, taking another sip of her drink while James blushes like the sunrise. 
He clears his throat and chews on what should be a bite of croissant but feels like a mouthful of sawdust. Even the pastry has betrayed him. Embarrassed as he is, has been since meeting Lily, she doesn’t seem to dislike it, so he tries to calm his pounding heart and takes stock of her appearance more intently. 
She smirks while he does it, fingernails tapping away on the table top, chipped neon yellow paint glowing against her freckled skin. Lily clears her throat and he follows her hand as it ruffles her slightly overgrown fringe. Slightly overgrown and…purple.
“Punk band!”
Lily grabs his extended finger where it hovers in front of her nose. “I can guess how you got there and I did absolutely shred on Guitar Hero last night…but no.” Then with a brief, thoughtful tap of her chin and a quick visual examination of his torso Lily puts in her guess - apparently trying to send James into fits, “You’re fit. I say EMT.”
Focusing on taking another bite of croissant, James keeps his composure and channels all those swirling hormones how he’s done since he hit puberty. “Nope! Suck it.”
“We haven’t even had dinner,” Lily gasps like he should be clutching her pearls. Unfortunately, James’ radar for good natured teasing appears to be severely impacted by his sleep schedule and he immediately starts gasping out apologies, which leads to him almost immediately getting a buttery bite of croissant lodged in his windpipe.
After he manages to thoroughly embarrass himself with much needed back slapping from his acquaintance and a very messy napkin, James basically wants to melt into the floor. He recovers somewhat when the barista comes over with allegedly helpful intent that feels more like he thinks James’ misfortune is live entertainment.
Lily’s concern during the ordeal was evident but he can’t say there are many people in the world he would watch choking to death without feeling some sort of personal distress. Or at least pity. Which is just what you want when on an impromptu coffee shop date…pity.
He looks up, still floundering for some way to bounce back and finally notes Lily’s concern has shifted in the face of his recovery. “No bloody way you’re laughing after I almost die.”
“I wouldn’t have let you die,” Lily says with a roll of her eyes, though James is more intent on the curl of her lips.
For her part, Lily’s obliviousness is currently preventing her notice of James’ adoring look. Mostly because her tease-to-flirt instinct has been triggered and the material and motivation are particularly high in the current scenario. 
“I can’t really know that since I don’t even know what you do for a living - I barely know your name.”
“You’re the one with the whole guessing game!”
“I almost died,” James says with a pout, “Near murder by pastry is very traumatizing. Give me a hint.”
Lily sighs and takes another sip of her tea. “Fine. My tiredness isn’t about work per se.”
Perceptiveness hits an all time high for the interaction so far when Lily does realize James deflates at her hint. Though she doesn’t understand the reason until he asks, “Date?”
“No,” she snorts, thinking about what she’d actually been doing, then softens and smiles as she repeats, “No date. My turn now. Was yours about work?”
“Yes,” James hedges, which earns him a swift kick to his shin, “Alright I give - I’m usually not so late.”
Lily steeples her fingers and hums, entirely focused as only the truly competitive can manage, while James watches with attentiveness the result of how utterly smitten he is in concert with the aforementioned and much belabored overtiredness. Finally Lily blows out a deep breath, “Ok…surgeon?”
“To mum’s chagrin no,” James chuckles. “It was a bit of a blow to the family when my years of high performance in the sciences - chemistry at the top of the list - did not pay off with any sort of post-uni degree. It didn’t even really figure in to - ”
He abruptly cuts off his soliloquy when he catches sight of Lily’s eager gaze. Not eager in the way he really deeply hopes for but in the ‘I’m about to win and there’s nothing you can do about it’ sense. And she might think she is more competitive but in the competitiveness competition, James always wins. Just by virtue of the fact that he has thought - and on occasion said - that sentence more than once he wins. “And that’s all you get for free, cheater.”
“Hey you freely offered information, I am not obligated to silence you,” Lily argues. Then she winks, “Besides, you flailing your hands and talking is cute.”
“What kind of cute?”
“Is that your question?”
James narrows his eyes and levels an accusing finger, “Devious - oh I want to use your last name. It really solidifies the whole frenemies vibe we have going.”
“Oh I do see your point,” Lily agrees, offering her hand with mock solemnity, “Evans. And yourself?”
“Potter. And I see through your little act.”
“Is the little baby offended by big bad Lily Evans?”
James narrows his eyes, “Not at all, my motivation to destroy you has simply reached new heights.”
“Do go on.”
He pauses, taking in Lily’s profile as she turns automatically as the bell rings over the door. It’s the first group to enter the cafe since they arrived. They’re too casual to be on the way to the office - too happy too, especially with the biting cold morning ushering them inside. They have that early days of holiday glow about them. Lily turns back, swirling her mug before she takes another sip, blinking at him as if to silently say, ‘I’m waiting.’
“Ok. Alright. So you played guitar hero,” James starts and Lily nods, so he continues, “…I smell a bit of wine - no offense I’m an adept sniffer - you needed to unwind?
Lily’s brows rise but she hasn’t tossed her drink at him so it’s no major offense at least. “Yes and that’s your question Potter, so guess.”
“Nah I’m too nerdy…and cuddly.”
James blushes while the combined cacophony of an influx of orders being taken, steaming milk, and resulting chatter from customers fills the cafe. They both seem of the mind to wait until the din lessens, sharing hesitant glances and nibbling away at the last of their breakfasts.
The till rings out the last of the cafe goers and Lily hums. “So. Your mum wishes…you’re in something non-traditional.”
He raises his brow, not a denial but not giving anything away for free.
“A bit of a rebel maybe?” She taps her mug, “Not a keep the parents happy type.”
“It wasn’t solely for the purpose of rebelling,” James says, “Mum and dad made it hard to rebel.”
“Too clever?”
“Mum thought it was funny - my type of rebelling at least,” James provides, an affectionate smile ghosting across his lips.
“Which was?” Lily prods.
“Sure you’re not a cop?”
“Ha-ha. Trust me, my ages of training won’t let me forget what I am.”
James’ brows rise but he doesn’t mention the clue drop. “I - and my mates - we were mostly about good natured pranks on each other, people at school. Sometimes our parents.”
“And your dad.”
“A softy, for me and my mum. He got the closest to discipline though. I think all that’s why he didn’t seem shocked when I - hell you little minx!”
Lily lays her palm against her chest, all innocence. “Why sir, what have I done?”
“Time for your guess,” James says, jabbing his finger in her direction, “No more free information.”
“You’ve said that before. And I just asked - ”
“You asked many questions, Ms. Evans.”
They both choose to ignore the slight dilation of Lily’s eyes, the color that rises to her cheeks, and her intake of breath at the sound of James ‘serious’ voice.
“I will add - in the spirit of good sportsmanship - that in answer to your sort of original question, Mum and Dad have adjusted and mostly have just wanted me to be happy. So guess.”
“I really should be getting closer,” Lily sighs, “Bartender?”
“Fear not, you’re slowly circling my industry now,” James offers, certainly some intent for comfort but a little tinge of cockiness that rankles Lily a bit. And he likes it just a bit too. “Nerdy eh? Are you a…doctor?”
She narrows her eyes. “Yes…but maybe not in the sense you would think. Circling your industry…food?”
“Yup,” James says, easy, as he takes another sip from his mug. 
“Chefs don’t normally work overnight…” Lily reasons aloud before her eyes light, “OH! Can I sniff you?”
“It’s only fair,” James chuckles, offering his hand like a romance heroine waiting for a wooer to kiss his knuckles, “Plus it makes my earlier sniffing less creepy.”
A bit too brusquely - at least to keep with the gothic romance James invented - Lily grabs his fingers and sniffs. Sniffs like a bloodhound, starting with his knuckles, then the end of his shirtsleeve, then up his arm in a weird mimic of Gomez’s romancing of Morticia, her chair squeaking on the tile floor as she scoots around the table. Once she reaches his shoulder, Lily’s head shoots up so quickly she nearly gives James a bloody nose.  
James instantly burst into laughter, no longer able to contain himself at the sight of her hunched over with a wild look in her eyes, grasping at his shoulder, triumph lighting her features. She blushes and James assumes it’s the result of his teasing laughter. Lily knows in her heart - even if it’s way deep down - that however much she focuses on the warm scents of flour, cinnamon, and whatever else describes the comforting scents of freshly baked goods, she’s flushed and nervous being mere inches from James’ face. So close she can see the faint freckles camouflaged by his annoyingly golden and sun kissed skin.
He swipes tears from his eyes, disregarding the crooked set of his glasses and the newly acquired fingerprints across the lenses like the lifelong user of specs he is, and pats Lily’s hand where it still rests on his shoulder. Both are a bit too embarrassed at the touch to notice just how much the other is.
With jerky movements, Lily moves back around to her side of the table and picks at the lid on her tea. After a breath she asks, “So do I win?”
“You got it, Dr. Evans the vet.”
She looks up, green eyes narrowed, “I still won.”
“You basically cheated by making me pick your specific arena.”
“Whatever,” Lily drawls, waving him off.
Their gazes catch, drawn together like magnets, and real quiet falls between them for what may be the first time since they met.
The magic of the moment is broken by Lily’s yawn, and James’ answering one. He props his temple on his closed fist. “Kinda forgot how tired I was.”
Lily mirrors his pose, sleepy enough to give in to the little tinge of romanticism still lingering in the back of her brain. “Me too.”
“This is the best result I've gotten from Sirius skiving off his night baking duty,” James muses, soft like you might speak across messy, sundrenched pillows in the early morning.
Lily combs her hair back from her face, hoping to distract from her blush. Though the effort is a failure given James’ knowing grin, she plugs away with the conversation. “Sirius?”
“Brother,” James says short, internally girding himself for what comes next. Outwardly it’s a lot of weird glaring at Lily that almost has her apologizing. For what she’s not sure but hell if he doesn’t have a very intense serious face.
James takes a deep breath that fills his chest. “So if I’m wrong,” a needless clearing of his throat and he proceeds, “if I’m wrong or you don’t or whatever I'm not gonna be a creep but would you - ”
Lily nods encouragingly as her hands grip at her empty cup.
“Want to go out?” James finishes in an exhale.
“With you?” Lily clarifies, a smirk at her lips.
James scowls and nudges her foot beneath the table. “Yes with me, Ms. Sass.”
“Dr. Sass.”
He flicks her knuckles. “Forgive me.”
She smiles softly, “Yeah - on both accounts. Put your number in mine?”
Lily hands him her mobile and pops the last bit of her muffin into her mouth with a sigh. “Yummy in my tummy.”
James chuckles as he finishes typing in his details. “Maybe next time I’ll put something fresh and warm in you.”
He freezes, thumbs poised over her phone screen and Lily gets the treat of watching a brilliant red not unlike a sunset ease up from his neck over his ears. “Oh my god.”
Lily’s laughter bubbles over and she grabs his wrist. “Are you alright to get home?”
Somehow, inexplicably, the blush intensifies on his skin. “Actually I,” he ruffles his hair with one hand and passes her phone back with the other, “I, uh, live upstairs.”
“So you get this deliciousness wafting up into your flat every day? Your probably pay their rent with your impulse purchases.”
“Uh, you’re more right than you know.”
James taps his finger on the table in a nervous tick and Lily slips into amateur detective-mode once again, her eyes darting from James to the remains of her breakfast, then finally to the barista who’s left his position at the counter and appears at her elbow. “Can I clear the table for you?”
Automatically, Lily looks up with a polite smile, ready to reply, but James answers first, jaw tight. “No thank you. We’ll finish up in a bit and I’ll take care of things.”
Lily’s shoulders slump, wondering if she’s accidentally given her number to one of those ‘mistreat the staff to seem important’ blokes, when the barista winks at her and then sends a shit-eating grin toward her table mate. “Right-o Boss Man.”
Barista bloke turns back to Lily and he wriggles his brows once before heading back toward his station. He does pick up a few stray bits of trash along the way so his trip wasn’t only to frazzle James.
Lily sighs. “So is this a weird pick up routine? Hang around early in the morning looking all fit and disheveled and smelling of baked goods and then get someone up to your conveniently located flat for a quick shag?”
“S’not quick,” James mutters to the tabletop.
She laughs. “Sorry, didn’t catch that.”
James looks up, eyes earnest as he stares her down, “I’m very thorough in my ‘shags’ and no I don’t do pick ups in my shop. In fact I’ve had a rule against it for me and Sirius and he’s teasing me because I finally met someone so unbelievably fanciable that I broke my own company policy in front of him.”
They get a couple looks from a nosy group of teens settled a table over and James dips his head. “Sorry. I’m just tired and he’s a dick and - ”
“No apologies,” Lily says with a smile, “Sorry - I tease a lot. It’s my way.”
“Don’t you apologize,” James nearly shouts, and definitely loud enough that they earn a few more glances from their fellow patrons. “I swear I’m just - I really do think you’re - ”
“Alright then,” Lily cuts in, grasping one of James’ flailing hands, “How about you make it up to me next time?”
James turns his attention to her fully, looking puppy-like. “How?”
She leans in and whispers against his ear, “Maybe I’ll get some of your muffins in bed.”
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ahoge-fish · 3 years
"Lemme tell you something"
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Aaaaah another college AU because I'm in love with those (and all AU existing in general)
This one was a not-so-old draw that I did some time ago, y'know not to recent but not so old
I actually have a little background for this AU: this all takes place in US in California in the Pepperdine University (for all the fans of Zoey101, if you search it on google will recognize that it is the school from that show HAHAHAHA But hey! It is a real school and it's fucking fabulous, it's near the sea so why I wouldn't choose it?? XD Also because the place is already known so it's more practical? What I mean is that you don't have to imagine the place because it already exist and is famous, so this is a more easy way for me and for you to imagine where all this takes place :) )
In this universe the family tree changed a lil bit, but they still remain united: Jonathan and Joseph are brothers, both from George Joestar. Holly Joestar is George's sister and she had Jotaro and Jolyne (so they are siblings, both Kujo obv). Josuke is still born from a cheating (I swear that I love him), but obv this time from George with Tomoko (this sounds so fucked up but I want all of them to be in the same timeline so I have to do this HAHAHAHAH). Giorno instead is Dio's brother and their parents are Dio's. They and the rest of the cast (so Jobros, villains and others) go all to this university.
Alex, Jotaro and this time also Jolyne are still childhood friends that met in Japan. They continued their school there but in 6th grade Alex had to move to Italy because her biological father found a job there. They sadly from 6th grade to 12th grade lost all contacts together so for 6 years they didn't talk or saw eachother. They were really really sad about it because they were best friends :(
Here the story pretty remains the same but with switched locations: that motherfucker of Michael (Alex's biological father) actually lied about moving to Italy because he found a new job, in reality he was just cheating on Isabella (Alex's mother) with her bestfriend.
They had a divorce, Isabella then met Touma and get together with him, having in the end Emma.
They decided to move to the US when Alex was 17-18 years old because Touma's nephew went to the Pepperdine University and he said that it was a really good school where Alex should go too.
So at the beginning of the 12th grade (after Christmas), Alex moved to this university and the first person that she met are the main villains from part 2 to part 6 so Wamuu, Esidisi, Kars, Dio, Kira, Diavolo and Pucci
They were passing their free time playing with a ball and Dio, being the manipulative asshole that he is, when she saw Alex walking by he decided to throw the ball on her head to start a conversation with her.
He actually looked sorry for what happened (he is totally not) and started to talk sweetly with Alex that was falling for it.
Then from a distance they hear screaming the name "DIO", they both turn around to see the heroes of the situation: Polnareff and Kakyoin.
They managed to shoo Dio away back in his group and they started to talk and present themselfs. Then they decided to show Alex around to let her know the main places, but first she had to put away her luggages. So she told them the room where she was in and they went "OMG you're rooming with one of our friend: Yanyu! And in the room nextdoor there are our other 3 friends that are Jolyne, Ermes and F.F.!"
She was like "oh wow cool, looks like we were ment to meet lol" and when they reached the room, they saw that Jolyne, Ermes and FF were all hanging out in Yanyu's room. So when Alex entered the room, Jolyne had this feeling that she had already meet this girl. After Alex said her name, Jolyne said immediately "OMFG I KNEW IT YOU WERE HER!!" and they hug and cry and- sweet things because they missed eachother so much ;v;
Ermes then said "so this is the girl that you and Jotaro talked about" and Alex turned around, still crying and saying between sobs "tHeRe'S aLsO jOtArO hErE???"
So after they let her putting away all of her things, Jolyne, Polnareff and Kakyoin brought her to Jotaro, but they wanted to see if he recognized her so when they went to his and Kakyoin's room they just said "hey Joot this is a new girl and she's rooming with our friends and already meet some of them, thought that we should present her to all the Jojo squad and we are starting from you"
Jotaro seemed disinterested, just saying "hm" while he was tuning his guitar (Jotaro playing the guitar is one of my religions about him).
Then they all started chatting a bit in the room hoping to get Jotaro's attention, which was already cought by Jolyne's happiness to the max, but he just shrugged it off because he thought that she did a new female friend.
Kakyoin then went "oh how silly of us! We didn't tell Jotaro your name, Alexandra". Hearing this name, he turned slightly his head towards her and he saw that this girl actually seemed like his "long-time lost crush since 2nd grade", but he thought that it was just a coincidence.
Jolyne started to get mad at him, so she told Alex to tell them her f u l l name and after she said that, Jotaro just snapped his head towards the girl.
Alex and Jolyne were grinning from ear to ear, while Polnareff and Kakyoin just laughed their asses off seeing Jotaro processing all the informations.
He couldn't believe it
So he tested her, thinking that it all just might be a big joke.
"Na-Na?" He said, a little embarrassed for saying the nickname in front of other people
She responded with "Hi Ope-Ope, long time no see huh?" and after that he Y E E T E D his guitar and throw his arms around her, hugging her.
The others were shocked because knowing Jotaro, he just wouldn't do a thing like that. Guess he really missed her a lot too.
Obv through the years to his teenage self we all know that Jotaro has changed, so Alex knows of the kind and sweet Jotaro. It's like talking to a whole different new person, but she knows that under that brick wall there's still the cute lil Jotaro that she met ;)
This is the beginning and a little explanation of the plot, the rest will be just various scenes like I do for the SDC AU (yes it's alternative because they all live in that)
I am no professional writer, I've never wrote a story in my life so this is not the best way of explaining the plot XD but at least I hope that it is understandable uwu
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My favourite anime women- a miscellaneous list part 2
Spoilers for Attack on Titan, the promised Neverland,JJBA, food wars, Yu-Gi-Oh and fruits basket and tw for death, imprisonment, mentions of abuse, toxicity and manipulation, torture, trauma, sickness, gang lifestyle, and alcoholism. 
Part 1
1. Zoë Hanji (Attack on titan)
(In the anime, Hanji uses feminine pronouns, but I know Isamaya wanted to leave their gender up to the reader’s interpretation in the manga, so I’ll be using gender neutral pronouns for them.)
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“If there’s something you don’t understand, learn to understand it. It’s well worth any risk to our lives,” - Zoe Hanji
Hanji easily takes the crown as one of the best characters in attack on titan. Not only are they responsible for most of the comedy and funny skits in the anime, with their bizarre mannerisms and sense of humor, they are also a crucial member of the scouts. After Erwin died, Hanji was promoted from section commander to Commander of the entire scout regiment- they led all the scouts for the second half of the series, taking on a lot of responsibilities and difficult tasks, yet, given the circumstances, proving their skills. Hanji is also shown to be curious and intellectual, with most updates on titans, weapon improvements, or research  coming from them. This makes it clear they value knowledge and are a good tactician, with the weapons they help to design contributing out a lot in battles. As a person, Hanji is also kind and fair minded, making calm and cool headed decisions. This, along with their constantly cheery personality (despite the terrible events of the anime) make Hanji an incredible asset for the series. 
2. Ermes Costello (JJBA)
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“Once I accept this new reality, it may come in handy... there’s no point in overthinking it,” - Ermes Costello
Ermes starts off in the series as an ordinary criminal, going to green dolphin street prison for robbery. From the start, we are given the impression that Ermes is tough and street smart- she has a calm attitude towards the whole thing, and gives Jolyne advice about surviving in prison, like how to sneak money in. Later on, Ermes acquires a stand of her own, and, despite having no one to guide her, quickly grasps how it works after emerging victorious in her perilous battle with McQueen. From then on, Ermes becomes Jolyne’s right hand lady and the two fight several battles together, with Ermes playing important roles in ensuring their survival, like in the battle against FF.  Ermes’ stand, smack, can make copies of anything she wishes and unite these copies into one object again as soon as she decides. It’s a versatile power and her stand also works as a regular fighting stand. As well as being strong, Ermes cares for her friends and is kind hearted, often putting herself on the line to help Jolyne retrieve her dad’s disc. 
3. Emma (the promised Neverland)
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“If we mess up, we die. The outside world is, at worst, a world filled with demons. Even so, will you run away with us?” - Emma
Emma has quite a standard character development, but it’s effective nevertheless. The things she cares most about are peace and her family, and throughout the series, she stops at nothing and often risks her life to find ways to protect both, from evacuating the children from the farm before they are eaten to going against Norman and teaming up with Mujika to find a new agreement between demons and humans, one where no one has to suffer. Emma is stubborn and determined, two qualities she shows consistently throughout the series and help her accomplish even the most difficult of goals. As well as being athletic and having a lot of energy, Emma is incredibly smart and learns very quickly, ranking in the top 3 at the farm. Her intellect is very valuable when it comes to pursuing all her plans and putting them in action, like when she managed to train everyone to escape without Isabella noticing, despite the fact that she kept watch over them all day. Her cheerful, optimistic temperament and her “No one is left behind,” mentality, as well as her determination, bravery and intellect,  set her up to be a great leader in season 2, when the children venture to the outside world. Everyone follows her and respects her. 
4. Jolyne Cujoh (JJBA)
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“I’m the one who gives orders. Now let me cross over,” - Jolyne Kujo
Jolyne is the protagonist of part 6 of JJBA, as well as the first female JoJo. She was put in prison after being framed for a crime by her boyfriend, who paid the lawyer to make her look guilty when he, in fact, was the perpetrator. Jolyne refuses to spend 15 years in prison for a crime she didn’t commit and was reluctant to hide; her anger at the lawyer for having stabbed her in the back comes out in the form of her stand, which she’d noticed prior to the trial, and had used to save Ermes from abusive policemen. Despite the terrible situation she is in, Jolyne keeps going and adapts to prison life, determined that to make things bend to her will- her powerful stand, as well as her intelligence and strategic thinking, allow her to outwit and beat several enemies. When Jolyne’s father, Jotaro, has his soul and stand stolen by Pale Snake, her entire focus shifts to saving him, which is something she perseveres with (despite the constant life threatening situations she finds herself in. Jolyne’s overall demeanor is calm and level headed- she’s benevolent and stands up for what she believes is right, but isn’t afraid to let things get messy if someone threatens her, ultimately meaning she comes out on top. 
5. Ikumi Mito (Food wars)
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“I’m not gonna lose to you this time,” - Ikumi Mito
This might seem like an odd one to put here, but Ikumi Mito is, to me, one of the boldest women in food wars. Throughout the entire anime, even in the face f judgement, Mito is always and unapologetically herself. She shows confidence doing that too, being bold and assertive with rivals and speaking her mind honestly when she cares about a topic or is asked for her opinion. Despite being only a first year, Mito already holds a seat on the council of 10, which is made up of the 10 best students at Totsuki and their authority is only below that of the director. Her grades, as well as her careful and creative  usage of meat, her specialty, in her dishes, explain why this is the case. However, as the anime proceeds, Mito learns to be more well balanced with her ingredients and becomes a more skilled chef for it. Despite her slightly tough exterior, Mito cares for her friends, particularly Soma, as she always cheers him on and helps him whenever she can, like during the summer holidays, when they designed a new meat dish for Soma’s eatery to beat competitor fast food restaurants. 
6. Megumi Tadokoro (Food wars)
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“In the prelims, I have to fight on my own,” - Megumi Tadakoro
Megumi is one of the few people in food wars who worked themselves up from nothing. She came from a humble family with a restaurant in a small village by the sea, and spent six months retaking the Totsuki entrance test until she finally passed. Despite the fact that the anime uses this information in a light, comedic way, I think it truly shows that at heart, Megumi is determined and passionate about what she does and refuses to get discouraged, even in the face of that many losses. She improves a lot throughout the anime as she gains confidence in her cooking, which has a tendency to make people feel comforted when they eat it. This belief in her abilities causes her to go from almost flunking out to one of the top students in the fall selection, which is the Totsuki competition to celebrate fine dining. Megumi makes it to the semi finals, and earns the respect of her fellow students by doing so. At the heart of Megumi’s character is kindness and care for others, and this is reflected in her cooking. However, Megumi is also stubborn, determined and diligent - she doesn’t back away from challenges, and worked hard to improve herself even when she was failing. This attitude was also seen when she was little and her grandfather got too old to break down the monkfish for the family restaurant. To help her family, Megumi  persuaded some fishermen to teach her, and she didn’t surrender until it was perfect, regardless of how difficult it was.  
7. Mai Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh)
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“Don’t sound so confident, you B-movie hack. Your monsters are just like your movies: second rate and not around for very long,” - Mai Valentine
In the first season and part of the second, Mai is a powerful rival to Yugi and his gang, making it close to the end of most dueling tournaments, and being one of only 8 duelists to enter Pegasus’ castle towards the end of the Duelist Kingdom tournament. Her deck is made up of strong women like Harpie Lady, and she uses them effectively to win battles. Mai starts off the series as a power hungry and vain woman who was only after the prize money. Personally, I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing, because despite her antagonistic personality, she was an ambitious and strong woman who was determined to achieve her goals, the like of which can be quite rare in this kind of anime. Mai also uses her good looks to manipulate men to do her bidding, like when she made Rex Raptor duel Joey to get her revenge on him. While this is definitely not a good trait to have, I have a weakness for women with a bit of an ambitious villainous streak, as they tend to be bold and confident. However, after befriending Yugi and his friends, Mai becomes a lot more considerate of others and a lot less materialistic and self centred, growing as a person now that she isn’t alone in life anymore. 
8. Rin Sohma (Fruits basket)
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“A bond may seem like a beautiful thing from the outside... but if those involved see it as a burden, it’s nothing but a shackle,” - Rin Sohma
Rin is introduced to the series as very cold and uncaring, as well as troublesome. She is constantly running away from the hospital she is meant to be staying at, and degrades others, most notably her boyfriend, Haru, to put distance between them. However, despite her hard exterior, everything Rin was doing was meant to protect Haru - she desperately sought a way to end the zodiac curse, even when it meant she couldn’t take care of herself and ended up passing out. She embarked on this journey completely alone, as she was afraid she would end up exploiting people’s kindness and hurting them. This also put her in danger with Akito, the zodiac god, who severely punishes Rin by locking her away without food or drink when she finds her in her room, doing a favour for Akito’s vile mother Ren in exchange for information about the curse. Rin has many scars and a difficult background- Haru was one of the first people to show her true love and kindness, so it makes sense that everything she does is so focused on protecting him. Because of this, Rin is a serious person with a generally pessimistic view on life, but she is incredibly stubborn, determined and hard working, sacrificing almost everything and working endlessly to protect the person she loves, even when that means suffering herself. She’s also intelligent, managing to graduate from high school despite her low attendance on account of her poor health. Obviously, Rin still feels her traumas deeply, but, as she slowly begins to let others in and breaks down due to the strain her efforts were taking on her health, both mental and physical, she slowly starts to open up and move towards recovery. At the end, Rin is seemingly more relaxed and happy after these changes, and the fact that she’s processing, as well as starting to overcome, such trauma means she’s growing as a person and is strong and determined. 
9. Tohru Honda (Fruits basket)
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“I think no one is born already having a reason to be here. Because I think it might be something you need to decide for yourself,” - Tohru Honda
Tohru is the protagonist of Fruits Basket- one day, she happend to meet the Sohma boys, discover the curse and, from that moment, she became increasingly important for them. A central quality to Tohru is her kindness- she is always friendly, polite and willing to help, even if it inconveniences her, and she’s often giving even the most malicious people the benefit of the doubt. The most significant example of this is, when instead of being afraid of Akito or reacting to her misdeeds with violence of her own, Tohru reaches out a hand of friendship, saying they should “start again,”. In moments like these, Tohru’s endless empathy and kindness are presented as great strengths- instead of running away from dangerous or unpleasant situations, she gets knee deep in them to try to help everyone involved get better, with the most obvious example being her constant meddling to try to break the zodiac curse, despite her knowledge of Akito’s potentially dangerous behaviours. On top of that, she’s incredibly resilient and hardworking- even when she’s forced to live in alone in a tent due to the renovations in her grandfather’s house, she refuses to get crestfallen or give up, often working, both at school and the job she has to sustain herself, to the point of over exhaustion. Despite her lighthearted appearance, Tohru is very wise, and often says exactly the right thing to those in distress, which is a quality that helps her to gain the trust of and help all those around her. 
10. Arisa Uotani (Fruits basket)
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“Hey! Don’t pick a fight over something stupid just ‘cause your ego got bruised!” - Arisa Uotani
Arisa is probably one of my favourite fruits basket characters, which is really saying something, considering that one of the show’s biggest strengths is the character design and development. Feeling abandoned after her parents went through a difficult divorce and her father started drinking, Arisa joined a street gang and lived as an outlaw. In that period of her life, the only person she truly admired was the Crimson Butterfly, or Kyoko Honda, an famous biker who had risen in the ranks of the gang despite being female. Then, on one of the few days she showed up to school, she discovered that Tohru, a quiet girl who was basically her polar opposite, was Kyoko’s daughter. At first, Arisa was outraged that her idol now lived a quiet life as a “doting parent,”, but, after a while, she came out of her shell and grew very close to Tohru and her mother, finally deciding to quit the gang so that she could protect Tohru’s reputation at school, despite knowing the harsh punishment for those who quit- her bravery and the devotion she showed to her friend were really touching to me. A couple of years later, when the main story takes place, Arisa is still tough, headstrong and hot tempered- her street smarts are definitely still there, as is her endless devotion to Tohru. However, she’s now a lot more calm and mature, having grown a lot as a person, and being a lot more open and relaxed with others. Despite it having been difficult at first, Arisa persevered and made a life for herself inside the law, going to school and working 2 jobs to provide for herself. 
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What Goes Around Comes Around
A HBP missing moment...
View the story on FF
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Harry woke up exceptionally early on the morning of 30th April, taking an obnoxiously long time (according to Ron and Seamus) in the shower, and taking particular care to flatten his hair. After Dean, Seamus and Neville went down to breakfast, Harry persuaded Ron to go on before him as it would take time. Ron threw a maddeningly Hermione-ish smug and meaningful look to Harry before he left. The mirror yawned. ‘Aren’t you finished yet? You’ve been standing here trying to comb your hair for over half an hour. It isn’t going to work, young man. Anyway, it looks like you’re planning to ask someone out. If you are, then that girl has probably always seen you in your unruly hair. Wasting your time like this won't help,’ it finished shrewdly. Harry felt a flush creeping up his neck. ‘I am not going to ask someone out!’ he said, worrying if he was being that obvious. ‘Oh, don’t lie,’ it said airily. ‘I recognize the signs. Your father and his cronies used to stay in this dormitory too, you know.’ Knowing it was useless trying to argue and flatten his messy hair, Harry gave up. It didn’t matter anyway, because his hair would soon stick out in all directions. Feeling incredibly self-conscious, and making a mental note that it was now or never, Harry walked out of the dormitory and the common room and headed towards the Great Hall. As he walked down the stairs, however, he bumped right into Nearly Headless Nick, and felt the familiar unpleasant feeling of being doused in a bucket of ice-cold water. Nick was looking very cheerful. ‘Good morning, Harry!’ he said jovially. ‘Hey, Nick. How are you?’ ‘Good, good,’ he boomed, in a rather Slughorn-ish fashion. ‘How are you, Harry? Haven’t seen you since that night near Gryffindor tower! Do you know that the Headless Hunt has finally agreed to take me in?’ ‘Oh, great,’ said Harry absentmindedly, scanning the Great Hall for a trace of flaming red hair. To his surprise, Nick chuckled. ‘Trying to ask some young lady out, aren’t you,’ he said to Harry’s utter horror. First that nosy mirror and now Nick? Why was everyone suddenly becoming annoyingly like Hermione? ‘I remember the old days… when I was trying to woo the beautiful Lady Constance Cummington,’ he sighed, looking ahead wistfully, ignoring the look on Harry's face. ‘Er… Nick, I am somewhat in a hurry, so…’ ‘Alright, alright, you can go on,’ said Nick vaguely, looking misty-eyed, and lost in his long reminiscence, still muttering things like “Duke of Brian” and “traitor”. As he moved ahead, he once again bumped into someone else. A short, over-enthusiastic, camera-clutching someone. ‘Hiya Harry!’ said Colin brightly. ‘Please don’t tell me I look like I want to ask someone out too, Colin,’ he said warily. ‘Huh?’ asked Colin, looking confused. ‘Actually, I was just asking whether-‘ , Colin began. ‘Uh, Colin, I’m getting a bit late, talk to you later!’ Harry felt slightly guilty for sidestepping Colin like this, but nobility and politeness had to wait. He would ask Colin what it was later. He had business to do. Urgently. Ron and Hermione were already seated on the table when he finally arrived. Both looked amused at his impatient state as he took a seat on Ron’s right and eagerly scanned the Hall once again. So much for being discreet thought Harry. 'Looking for someone?' asked Hermione, following his gaze. 'Huh? Er.. no. Just looking... just like that...' he finished somewhat stupidly. Hermione rolled her eyes. Harry helped himself to some pumpkin juice to calm his nerves. What was he going to do once he spotted Ginny? Just ask her if she would go out with him? What if she said no? Hermione had told him that she had given up on him ages ago. What if she didn't fancy him anymore? What if he ruined their friendship by asking her? 'Harry, can you hear me?' 'What?' asked Harry, turning to look at Ron. 'You-er-seemed a bit lost, mate.' 'Oh, erm, it's nothing... just-just thinking about the-umm- Horcruxes, yeah, the Horcruxes.' Harry knew very well that he was sounding extremely stupid, but he really could not help it. When Ginny did not arrive even after ten minutes or so, Harry threw caution to the winds. 'Umm.. Hermione... d'you know where Ginny is? I mean, she hasn't come down to breakfast yet... she usually isn't late...' he asked, trying and failing to sound nonchalant. 'Hmmm... well, maybe, she is with Justin Finch-Fletchley, you know... I overheard him telling Ernie that he really fancied her and was hoping to ask her out...' Harry choked on his pumpkin juice and didn't notice Hermione winking imperceptibly at Ron. 'What?!' 'Well, yes, but why are you so interested?' she asked, with the slightest hint of a smirk. Harry was saved from answering by a wonderfully familiar voice. 'Hey!' 'Hi!' Harry said automatically, turning around and literally pushing Ron so that he could make space for Ginny on his left. Ginny sat down, and helped herself to some toast and marmalade. What was he supposed to do now? Ron and Hermione were sitting right there... maybe he could ask her to a walk near the lake and... spontaneously kiss her? Should he stand up here right now and confess his undying love? Harry didn't realize he had actually half-risen from his seat until he heard Ron. 'What happened, Harry?' he asked with an amused note in his voice. 'Uh, no-nothing. I just- er- wanted some more juice,' he said, quickly taking the jug and pouring some juice into his glass so that no one would be able to see the blush forming on his face. He looked at Ginny out of the corner of his eye. She was looking really pretty, as she always did. She had tied her beautiful, long hair in a high pony and used an emerald green barrette clip to fasten them. Had he ever noticed how her hair turned hundreds of different shades during the day? Oh, well, he probably had, seeing that he had spent almost all Quidditch practices staring at her flaming hair. He heard Ron cough faintly and was recalled to his surroundings. None of his companions were talking, and Ron was looking at him with an half-amused, half-incredulous expression. Ron and Hermione then shared a look and grinned. Harry fervently hoped that the eye-catching was simply because they had sorted out their feelings for each other or something and were going off to find a nice, quiet broom cupboard, and not because they had noticed his obvious attraction towards Ginny. 'Come on, Ron,' said Hermione, taking Ron by the arm. 'You've finished breakfast, haven't you? You really have to complete that essay on Befuddlement Potions for Professor Slughorn.' To Harry's astonishment, Ron didn't argue and went up after Hermione. However, what astonished Harry even more was that Ron winked at him before going. Thinking it was only a trick of the light, he went back to wondering about how to ask Ginny out. Ginny broke the silence first. 'Have you heard about the recent development in the Holyhead Harpies team?' 'Why, what happened?' Ginny went off explaining Harry about their exchange players with Puddlemere United, and how this wouldn't be really good for the team. Harry heard her speak, admiring how her freckles highlighted her bright eyes, and breathing in the intoxicating flowery smell he had come to associate with Ginny. He vaguely registered feeling something wet in his elbow, and was shocked to see Ginny gripping his arm. Feeling goosebumps erupt in the arm which Ginny was holding, he looked at her. She was looking like she was suppressing a grin. 'Harry... you put your elbow in the butter dish...' Horrorstruck, Harry looked at his elbow, and sure enough, it was covered in butter, and hovering inches above the butter dish. Suddenly, Harry vividly remembered something very similar happening in the summer before his second year. Well, Karma had struck. He looked at Ginny once again, ignoring the blush creeping, once again, onto his face. She was smiling now, and suddenly, Harry wanted nothing more than to kiss her. Before he could act on that impulse, however, the bell rang loudly. 'See you later, Harry,' said Ginny, who was still smiling, but look slightly confused. Harry thought he saw a faint blush on her cheeks too.
*wrings hands nervously* How is it?
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loganlover3000 · 2 years
Ok angsty backstory time: before Ermes went to jail, I was actually her girlfriend back home and the both of us were financially struggling. I busted my ass working and she didn’t want me to suffer any longer, so she did what she had to do. when she escapes with Jolyne and FF, Ermes and I reunite and it’s like the first day her and I fell in love all over again.
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