#( so happy to have her back and dont want to lose her again that they'll just do whatever she says without question )
dragonfyre-creations · 5 months
I don't think I've ever poured so many of my physical attributes and so much of my heart and soul into a character design before in such a personal way before so fuck it whenever I finish the final design for Faeng and whatever I come up with I'm making her into my sona (dragonsona? Persona? Idk how this works lmfao)
(long dump in the tags and under the cut)
The last time I was even remotely connected this much to a character was when I designed Jaxsu, but honestly never truly made her my sona/main character, she was just the one I used most often in art pieces. I never really actually liked her lore and backstory enough because she was what I wanted to be instead of what I am/was. Jax isnt perfect either, but her parents love her and otherwise has friends and is loved unconditionally. She has a healthy relationship with everyone and everything. This is where the disconnect happened and where I actually started to dislike her despite her being my otherwise favorite character for awhile. Both Faeng and Jaxsu have ADHD and Autism but Jaxsu was able to put that towards a job and becoming a ship captain and winning a colosseum tournament. She's done all of these great things so even if she didn't have a healthy relationship with her parents they'd still love her because she's done something impressive and useful.
Faeng on the other hand, has to fight for everything. Her parents are important and have important jobs, and place all of these unreachable and unrealistic expectations on her and expect her to reach them with minimal effort and be perfect, but she can't no matter how hard she tries. She needs someone to explain it and break it down for her in steps so she understands what do to and how to do it so she doesn't mess it up. She's both strong and smart but it's not in practical "normal" ways or subjects. It's convoluted, It's not in the ways everyone wants her to be, she has no teachers to help her understand how to channel that strength and intelligence into something "useful" so she puts it towards the things she likes and wants to do, and thus struggles in a world that would otherwise be easy to navigate and conquer if she were "normal". Those that do understand her and try to help her are alienated by other people in an attempt to either punish both of them or force her to adapt to be somewhat passing as normal, if not then at least listen to what she's told to do. She does eventually make acquaintances but find that her twisted speech and weird explanations aren't worth trying to decipher and understand so they leave, they don't put in the effort to meet her halfway even though she's struggling and doing her best to speak in a way they'll understand.
Her parents acknowledge her differences but in a way that frames it as flawed and wrong, something that needs to be corrected, and push her to figure out her problems by herself, tearing down any support network she tries to build. She tries her damned hardest but it's not enough, it never is and never will be for them because she's not the perfect child they wanted. She showed promise in her younger years being a "gifted child" so she knows what love and acceptance lies in wait and what could be if she could just be normal and perfect. Her achievements and promise come and show in waves. She burns and fizzles out in one of the most virulent, painful ways possible after getting hurt trying to prove her worth yet again. She holds nothing but criticism, vitriol and contempt for herself because she can't claw her way back to where she was before, this time something happened and something is terribly, horribly wrong this time but she doesn't know that it is and can't figure it out, nor will anyone tell her. Whatever it is, left a mental and several physical injuries and it does nothing but deepen her self hatred and her parent's waning belief in her. She listens to false promises and praise of other people who do nothing but wish to manipulate and harm her but she stays because any form of praise is deemed good, she hungers for more and does worsening things.
She ignores the people who tell her that what she's doing is dangerous and will only end in disaster, because she doesn't believe them. If the people who are saying they're her friends are telling her that the people she hurts deserve it and that what she's doing is good, then surely she needs to believe them over strangers, right? Everything comes to a breaking point and shatters around her leaving her with quite literally nothing but her own self hatred, newfound rage and overbearing mental issues she needs to navigate once again to find out what hell it is and what's wrong with her now. She's scared of everyone and everything with the added bonus of now being hyper-aware and perceptive of people's mannerisms and behaviors, especially those who want to manipulate or harm her again. She wraps every vulnerable part of herself in metaphorical thorns and teeth to bite and maim whoever pries and digs into what she truly is, even people who want to understand her. She suffers at more than her own hand, forcing herself to deal with everything alone, until she finally meets someone that could be considered a true friend. She slowly opens up and helps them as much as they help her before everything comes crashing back down once again upon the reveal that they've been lying to her the entire time about very serious issues, and she's been used as nothing more than an attack dog once again. She burns every bridge and everyone around her in one final breakdown of rage before shutting down completely. One of the groups of friends she's shoved stay comes back and asks if she's ok. She doesn't understand why they're being kind, why they're concerned it why they care and tries to shove them away again. Every single day they still ask, talking even if there's no response from her, until she finally relents and breaks.
She's finally loved and accepted despite every fault and every flaw she has, and every time she tries to pull away out of fear of being an inconvenience they pull back twice as hard and remind her that she's able to just exist, she doesn't need to constantly be useful and that they care. She finally, finally is comfortable enough to let herself be accepted and then becomes the most clingy little shit, just as they do with her. But yeah, my own life has been very much of the same, especially the last part. Every time I go on another self-hatred spiral and drop off the face of the earth my MonHun bros give me a metaphorical slap to the face and remind me that I don't need to constantly prove my worth to everyone and prove that I'm useful, and that existing every once in awhile is more than enough. If that doesn't work then it's "you need to get your ass back over here because we're failing the Safi siege without the absolutely ridiculous amount of DPS your build Switchaxe does". I was not intending for her to be so much like me but goddamnit she's wormed her way into being my favorite now and I guess Mirage is no longer my impromptu sona
#I've been working the last 3 hours on her design and like just noticed HOW MUCH of myself i put into her design#especially parts of myself im self conscious of and don't like/didn't like growing up. i usually zone out esp during a character design#but i stopped and i looked at it and my first thought was “that's me. that's me on that canvas.” and for some reason felt so happy with it#ik that's probably a selfish thought to have and im nowhere near done with her design but i looked at it and loved it so deeply.#she's imperfect and ugly and flawed but that's ok because she's still beautiful in her own weird way and her friends still love her#this is the weirdest shit I've ever experienced but i honestly feel like I'm finally accepting a part of myself I've hated and shoved down#for so long because of the absolute gnawing feeling of unacceptance I've always been subjected to as “not fitting in” and something she say#is “who gives a shit what other people think about me. i have friends who love and care about me just as much as i do for them.#you dont need to be liked by everyone to be worth something. sometimes just existing is enough for the people who do love you“#the parallels of both my life and her lore are so similar they hurt on a visceral level i cant describe and it was completely unintentional#we both trust too easily whether it's out of naivety or stupidity and not learning from past mistakes and have been hurt so deeply#so many times beyond our own comprehension by the betrayal of other people to the point of shutting down every attempt at friendship#despite knowing just how much being alone aches and burns and put both physical and mental health on the line to get the approval of others#but never letting anyone get close enough to be friends out of fear of being hurt again#and having every vulnerable part of ourselves wrapped in metaphorical knives and glass to hurt anyone attempting to get to know us#but simultaneously and unknowingly hurting ourselves too with that choice. we're both aware of what we're doing but also unable to stop it#out of fear and lack of people willing to understand our pain and frustration and anger over things and it's so so frustrating#we both lash out when angry or hurt and push people that we love and love us back away out of fear that if any “ugly” is exposed to them#they'll leave because we lose our one redeemable quality of “being convenient” in a group#but simultaneously don't them trust fully out of fear. we know we're loved and love back but never fully in case its all a lie.#we both want nothing more than someone to understand and listen to what happened to us and actually stay and be friends rather than leave#like truly actually want to be friends and not just stay out of pity or sorrow over what happened#i think this is just something that comes with the autism tbh#i am she and she is me#rambling#dragon character#character writing#character building#dragon oc
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moonysfavoritetoast · 7 months
i have to do i fucking presentation on my bad fucking henry ford essay (way too much info i already knew all that shit) and im not doing that shit fuck no because my goddamn voice is too high and people will laugh and fucking not shut up bc why is a girl called evan and and i cant even play my trumpet for a playing quiz what makes you think my fucking voice will work fucks sake im never going to need to know how to speak in front of a bunch of bitchy middle schoolers who will do nothing but laugh at my fucking appearance and voice i fucking hate school this shit is what made me relapse last time im going to fucking skip idc if i fucking fail i already am fuck you if you think im just okay with this dumbass shit
the suicide rates were so high yoiu put the fucking prevention hotline number on the back of every school issued id and you claim to want to help us then maybe make the goddamn curriculum more flexible i mean god fucking damn its like kids dont have fucking anxiety that nobody believes is real fuck off with your bullshit about caring about us you just want good test scores and good sports players shit like this is why i want to fucking kms
oh and god forbid i express these feelings in any way to trusted staff. they'll send me to counselling who will immediately call my parents which will get my phone taken because its obviously the goddamn phone making me feel this way. even if i tell them to not call my parents they will. and then my mom will go through my texts because shes worried about me and she'll cry and make me feel like shit when she was the one who started this. she'll find out everything. she'll take my binders away because i wear them too long and she'll never let me see friends again adn i'll be homeschooled again bc obviously school is too much.
she'll try to make me talk to her then she'll get mad and cry and yell when i try to say nothings wrong. she fucking hates me anyways. her backup child is fucking failing even though she was the firstborn. she knows her first daughter was the only chance she had at having a successful child because the other one has a shitty attention span and cant fucking spell anything. her baby girl is a fucking failure and she cant fucking accept im not her fucking baby girl anymore.
clearly i dont know what tired feels like. i sleep so much, why am i still tired? must be faking it. i dont know what depression is and i dont know what pain is. i dont know what anxiety is because i just want attention. she cant fucking accept the fact i'm clearly not neurotypical because i fucking have to be or she'll lose all goddamn hope she doesnt have for me.
nobody thinks somethings wrong and i fucking hate it. im the liar because "youre always so happy"
why would someone my age want to die?
fuck off.
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lucifer-larrson · 7 months
3rd Of December {Vance X Male Reader}
December 5th Saturday 9:00AM
M/n who was happy to sleep in, sadly can't as the sound of his door slamming open, brothers screaming, and someone else picking him up. Didn't feel like any of this brothers but it was a familiar feeling. A nice one.
Still half asleep from just being awoken, m/n didn't feel like opening his eyes. But he could hear clearly.
"Get him!" That was William.
"HE'S THE ONE CORRUPTING OUR BABY BROTHER!!" Alan. He wasn't pissed off, but not to happy.
"Yeah!" MJ, he sounded confused on everything. And he was, he just wanted to help.
"ALAN NO! RUN VANCE I CAN'T HOLD THEM OFF!!" that was danny. 'Hold off alan and William? Wait vance-?' M/n thought opening his eyes. Slowly but surely he open his eyes.
He was in fact being carried by vance, who os running from Alan, William, and MJ. Danny was desperately running after them as well.
Vance slammed out the door and started to run down the street. What a sight to see.
M/n barely dressed thrown over Vance's shoulder running down the sidewalk of their town. Three grown men running after them with a 10 year old.(i don't think i ever made a age for MJ) MJ in his duck pjs. Alan with a pink 'kiss the cook' apron. William running after them to. Danny behind them shouting for them to stop.
Meanwhile they are shouting for vance to 'get back here with their sweet baby brother' big brother for MJ.
Yup what a sight to see.
"Vance what-"
"I'm kidnapping you." Vance said.
"Oh..how nice. . . .did you break into my house?" M/n asked. Trying to see why all his brothers are this wilded up.
"Kinda." M/n merely nodded to himself waving sheepishly at his brothers.
"Vance..I'm not really dressed where are we going."
"My house." He said taking a sharp right turn. "Ill give you my clothes." Vance said slowing slightly to switch m/n into holding him bridle style.
Picking up full speed again while m/n wrapped his hands around Vance's neck. "They'll break in." M/n said with a small smile.
"Do they know where i live?"
"Then we just have to lose them first." M/n was confused, until vance ran past his house, that way was the woods. He's going to go in to the bridge, then run to the left where the old park is.
Then he's going to run out and loop to his house. Or better yet he would want to get there faster. So he parked his motorcycle at the park.
They are on foot and behind us so he'll get there before them. "Sly fox." M/n smirked. Seeing his brothers behind him he gave vance a small kiss on the check. Alan is the oldest.
He's the leader, they'll follow him without realizing it. But his down fall is that he won't think is he's angry enough. And he's almost there all he needed was a little push to make his mind not think much.
M/n to focused on beating his brothers didn't see vance redden face, or him now running faster.
As they round the old bridge m/n was right. Not in view of his brothers vance made a sharp turn to the park. Trying to hide behind the trees the best he could.
Getting the park they not on Vance's motorcycle and made the way back to his house. A simple mission. Completed.
Arriving to Vance house he parked his motorcycle out of veiw. Picking m/n back up he ran to his room. Closing the door, vance jumped on the bed with m/n.
"Your awfully. . .affectionate." m/n said. "What do you want?"
"What's with your mood yesterday was my joke that bad?"
"Joke? What joke?"
"About her being single, cuz ya know she's a whore?" M/n jumping up turned to vance.
"So you dont like her!?" He asked with a smile.
"Hell no."
"I have a chance!" M/n said before covering his mouth and falling off the bed.
"Ew you like her?" Vance asked looking over the side of the bed.
Feeling his face heat up m/n wouldnt even lie about liking her to safe his secret. "No not her but someone else i do like." He said dragging the words a little after 'but'
"Ugh a guessing game. Do i know them?"
"Yup." M/n said getting up and hoping over vance to lay on the bed beside him.
"Do i know them well?"
"More then anyone."
"Then anyone?" He said thinking about it before giving a smirk leaning over m/n. "Is it me~"
"Maybe." M/n said opening one of his eyes.
"Maybe? Well maybe a i like someone to."
"My turn now? Do i get a hint."
"Their a annoying dumbass."
"Mr. Harper?"
"No there last name is l/n." With a dramatic gasp m/n turned to look at vance trying to hide his smile as he painfully looked hurt.
"You like alan!"
"Why you." Vance said as he tackled m/n. "You dick i should strangle you." He playfully threatened as m/n laughed.
"Ok ok. Is this person m/n l/n?"
"Yeah he's pretty badass, soon of seen that one dude he beat up. Or the other one. Or those two that tried to jump him. Or-"
"I get it i beat up a good many but so have you jerk!" M/n said tackling him back.
Ending up on the floor in a laughing mess. M/n smiled as he gave in and gave vance a soft kiss on the lips that was happily given back.
"Badasses to the end?" m/n asked.
"Hell yeah." Vance said giving him another kiss.
I still remember the third of December me in your sweater You said it looked better on me than it did you
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dxpressed-stxrs · 2 months
hi everyone. i dont usually post daily little entries like this here but i feel like i have nowhere to go and nobody to talk to so tumblr it is ig.
I feel like I ate so much yesterday and the guilt is so horrifying. It's like it takes root deep in every last atom of your body and multiplies and grows. I've barely eaten for like a week and it actually worked I lost so much weight. I tried losing it 'healthily' before but nothing worked and it made me so anxious and I guess my old habits came back. so yay I'm guessing I'm relapsing. I know I've only eaten like just over 1000kcal but it was all unhealthy food and now I'm scared all the weight I lost is going to come back. And I want more than anything to self harm but I can't because it's wrong and it's taking every last ounce of my willpower to not. I already have enough scars. I want to punish myself but sometimes it also feels like it's the only time I can breathe, a moment of calm in the mess of whoever I've become. It started three years ago, and I don't think I ever really healed. I was just distracted because of exams. And now that they're gone there's nothing to stop me. And it sucks literal ass because I was so skinny and pretty before I gained all the weight back. And I hate it so much I just want things to go back to the way they were. Sometimes I look at all the fat on me and I just want a pair of scissors or a knife and i want to cut it all off. I'm scared that one day I'll give in and do it.
I have nobody to really talk to so I keep everything bottled up. I can't even remember the last time I had an honest conversation with someone about how I feel. My two close friends are the sweetest girls ever and I love them more than anything but they're not the kind of people I can talk to about all of this and ig I'd never feel comfortable with it. They don't know much about stuff like that anyway.
My acclaimed best friend is someone I met online. Yeah we've called and stuff but I've never met her irl. Before, I could talk to her and she was there for me and I, for her. But now? Now every time I even vaguely suggest I'm not okay my message gets ignored. When I message her anything in general, it gets ignored unless it's about her. And I know she's going through her own shit too and its way worse than mine but isn't a friendship supposed to be two ways? I feel like her friend. But I don't feel like she's my friend. Her boyfriend passed away two years ago now, and she suppressed all her grief for a few months and when they did finally emerge they came back strong and relentless. She wishes every night she could die so she joins him and they can be together. All she thinks about is him and he made her feel so happy and he was always there for her. I miss him too except that's silly because I'd never ever spoken a word to him and I didn't know what he looked like or what his voice sounded like. But I miss him because of the way he made my best friend happy. I wish he could come back too.
And I feel so anxious all the time. Everyone I know describes me as the bubbly nice girl who's smart and funny. But I dont see what they see. And I finished school about a month ago and now I'm going to college to do my a levels where I'll have to make new friends in a new environment. And I'm honestly terrified. Everyone keeps saying I'll make friends easily but what if I don't? I don't see anything likeable in myself. The number one thing playing in my mind on loop is how they'll all see me as a fat blob and a disgusting weirdo. I'm terrified they'll see me how I see myself. Or that I'll end up with friendship drama and it'll be like secondary school all over again.
Results day is in exactly one month. 30 days. And I have done absolutely nothing productive with my summer holidays apart from relapse and read books and watch shows. I don't even want to think about results day right now. I'm going on holiday for just one night and two days next week with my family. And I'm also so anxious and excited. I just feel so fat though so I'm keeping my expectations so low because that's all anyone will probably ever see me for. Just once I'd like someone to look at me and think wow she's pretty.
I have to be ready and up by 11am to go shopping with my mom. It's currently 4am. I came home from scouts last night and just walked into bed, cried in my pillow and then fell asleep until like 1am. And then I woke up and ate pancakes like the fat shit I am and watched a k drama (it lifted my mood okay). With scouts as well.... I'm not planning on coming back. It's been 3 years since I joined and I never really settled in ig. I have so much regrets about it, how I would have had more friends and more fun if only my mom had let me go on camping trips and had sleepovers with the rest of them. When you think of scouts you think of wilderness and camping right? So it kinda defeated the purpose when my mom was all overprotective and only let me attend weekly sessions instead of letting me go to camp. I always felt like an outcast and I'm worried I'll feel like that for the rest of my life. I keep telling myself if it's meant to be it will be and that it's in the past so there's no point in overthinking it. But I don't know. My hands shake when I think about it.
I feel my chest constricting again and there's a hollow pain in my heart. I don't know why I'm sitting here on my bed in the dark typing this on my phone with tears streaming down my face.
I'm scared. About everything.
Especially my grades even though I've done everything and more to suppress how I feel about getting them. I tried so hard for hours and hours and worked and worked. And what if I don't get the grades i want. Or missed it by a narrow mark. Whatever - I don't even want to think about it.
I wanted and still want a perfect set of results. The highest in the country. An impossible feat, I know, but maybe then I'd have achieved perfection and finally feel enough. Like something I tried actually worked out. And I'd be oh so grateful. I'd kill for it.
Anyway, this was a whole essay and a half. My eyes are closing all over again and I'm so dizzy - I always seem to be nowadays. I find comfort and solace in knowing that nobody will ever see this but there's a tiny flicker of a chance that someone will. Maybe this'll be the annoying too-long essay that pops into a feed that you find yourself skimming past. Or perhaps someone was curious enough to search diary entries on a bored afternoon and is reading this. Whatever the case, this felt therapeutic. It was nice to get my feelings out there.
- musings of a dying star
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multiicolor · 3 years
  gwyn is of the opinion that she is absolutely superior compared to humans and should be treated as such, even when cursed- she is pretending to be a human but its more in the ‘hehe look at me im a filthy low-life’ sort of way. and bc of that she tends to be condescending and patronizing to the people she interacts with when shes a princess, and half of the time its bc she isnt really ... thinking about it.   it’s just a natural way for her to act in her mind, and she hardly questions it tbh, even if someone tries to be like “hey uhhh, that was kinda rude ://” and she’ll prolly laugh and ignore it
  ...................so she definitely causes an internal shitstorm within the kingdom without noticing.
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murizepng · 2 years
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the investigation team with a s/o who appeared on the midnight channel (all members, headcannons, seperate! + spoilers included.)
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dududu, inspector gang is here!
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#yosuke hanamura
losing his mind
hes expecting like a classmate or his batchmate he dint really know
and then you appear on the tv showing you twirling around the area and he drops his mouth open 💀💀
around you 24/7 doesnt wanna let u go 🥺
going to get groceries? he’s coming with you. going to buy tofu? he’s coming with with you. going to the bathroom? …he’ll wait outside.
if you tell him you need space, he’ll watch you from a safe distance.
invites you to places that dont have a tv with them. suspicous of everyone except the investigation gang
he fails his job when he gets you a shake he turns for one sec and ur now gone 💀💀💀 he is so shocked he dropped the shake.
the shake dint spill (thankfully)
he’s rushing the investigation gang to find his s/o even teddie is sick of his ushering
and when he does he IMMEDIATELY hugs you or like pinches your cheek to make sure you arent the shadow
that or he would punch you.
depends on his mood wether hes silly or not.
"Thank god you're back..I was so worried. Don't go missing again, please. got that?"
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#naoto shirogane
worried but keeps calm
they dont necessarily follow you where you go
but they do try to keep a track on where you go, stay and come to.
constantly messages you !!! formal as HELL though like dawg..
"Good morning/evening. I'm just checking up on you, how are you doing? Anything going on lately?"
TBF they get to know where you are + HOW you are so its a win win in their book they love listening to you
gets really disappointed in themselves if you do end up getting caught.
"I could have done better.." "I should have done better."
poor bb its ok its not ur fault :((
not really obvious at it btw, its REALLY subtle.
Like the ocassional, "I made extras for dinner. Mind joining in?"
"I need someone to help me with these files. You're the perfect help."
"My bed needs someone to sleep in it. Care to?"
... Okay maybe not really obvious. They're trying though
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#yu narukami
Everything was going so good.
He spent time with you and nanako, no one in the town collapsed and he got some money.
It was doing so good.
His world came crushing down when he opened the tv.
Greeted with your apperance, smiling mischeviously and telling the investigation crew to come find him.
bro is enough w this bs . who even decided to kidnap YOU dawg
hed be very invested in finding you instantly
And before you kenw it this was by far the fastest case he ever oslved with the imvestigation gang
He treats u like a gentleman afyer eveyrthing !!<3
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#rise kijikawa
"huhhh?? is that who i think it is?"
shed call you once the clip ended.
shes so worried :((( she doesnt want you to be in danger!!
rise does actively try to make sure youre with her at all time like yosuke. she walks with you, has frequent hangs out with you, and lots more!!
Whenever she sees someone/something sketchy she INSTANTLY makes a beeline and makes you go towards the other direction.
"Ohhh, look here!! Look at this cute keychain<3 Its cuter than that fox."
"But Rise! You don't normally see such a cute fox!"
She keeps INSISTING that she fights in the battle knowing damn well her persona isnt up for that kind of thing.
"Let me at them senpai! I need to fight these shadows!-"
"Rise we need you to guide us for gods sake PLEASE"
When u get back she gets all giddy and excited!! <3<3
"Ahh!!~ You're back, you're back! You're for real backk!"
She kisses ur cheek in happiness mwa mwa
"Dude, are we all technically the third wheel?"
"... Yeah. Definetly."
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dawg i gotta be fr with you on this one i think he might be the most calmest 🤷🤷
like yeah hes worried and stuff but
you are like...
where he was born.
I dont think hes worried that much haha!!
He finds out when hes like, "Oh where are you s/o!!!<;3"
and yosukes like "dude did you not watch the midnight channel? uh yeah so aum ur s/o got kidnapped"
his mouth is dropped
Oh 🧍🧍🧍🧍
Anyways after the fight hed cling unto you
Like he clutches unto your arms, hugs you from behind, etc. etc.
its going to be a while for him to stop LMAOOO
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
you wanna know what's been pissing me off lately. the ending of stranger things, cause listen.
I want the end to break me, I want it to hurt me and make me feel empty so I never want to go back and watch it again. I don't want a happy ending, I want a bittersweet ending. I want everyone to come out scathed, some not coming back at all. I want everyone to only get part of a happy ending. I want closure, but I don't want it to be good closure, I want it to be scarred and ugly.
I want to see characters mourn, I want to see characters die, I want to see characters break. I want the consequences of 4 years of saving the world, only for it to fail, of an apocalypse, of layer and layers of scars and trials bonds to culminate into this absolute disaster; of teens barely able to function or move on cause they're stuck in this anxiety ridden mindset, adults who are numb from watching their kids die, young adults broken by loss. all of them wheels of their past selves.
but I know if the duffers choose to go this route, it's gonna fall flat. it's gonna be cheap and cliche and meaningless. they will find a way to take the dignity from every character, to support a story narrative they lost back in season two. Like here's some examples of what I'd like to see (if done right) and how they'll screw it up;
killing off Steve - it would be a moment to show his bond with robin, solidifying how he was the rock of the group keeping everyone together, and giving him a final heartfelt moment with Dustin and robin since they didn't give him one last season. - the duffers would probably make it about stancy, or they would just let Steve die and make it have little impact on the two that matter in, robin and Dustin would probably be kept away from it since they 'dont matter's to his narrative anymore.
killing off robin - it could serve as a great moment between her and Nancy, having robin sacrifice herself, telling Nancy she's pretty as she dies. or it could be a moment with her and Steve, the moment that breaks him, that makes him feel empty. - let's be honest the duffers would probably bait ronance and then kill robin off last second, it'd be very bury your gays type™ vibes.
killing off Will or El (personally I don't think they can both survive, and I think it's gonna be El. the story started without her, she inadvertently started this, so she has to end it by leaving. I don't like it but I think it makes sense) - it would be a parallel ending, the opposite of the beginning. it could pack some great depth to the story, leaving everyone heartbroken. it would driven by sacrifice, not for love (romantic) but for family. imagine it coming down to the two of them, oke having to sacrifice themselves for everyone. the two hugging one another, both planning to sacrifice themselves, sharing one heartfelt moment (aka forehead touch, holding each other's heads, will crying and El just smiling at him sadly. as it comes down to the wire one of them makes the sacrifice before the other. then it's over, all of it, and who ever survived is just shattered. - the duffers would make it about love, either El doing it for Mike so she could be his 'superhere' undoing any progress shes made, or Will and having it be unrequited byler.
killing off mike - will and El deciding one of them has to sacrifice themselves and Mike wanting to save the love of his life (will) and his best friend (El) decides to do it for them. he has his last moments with both of them (byler kiss? byler forehead touch at the very least + finally breaking it off with El, but in a positive freeing sort of way. closure) and he makes it seem like he's saying goodbye to them, like he's accepted hell lose one or both, but then he takes their place at the last second, a last act of love for the two of them. - the duffers would make it about El, and the only screen time Will would get in this scenario is yet another fo of unrequited byler.
end of the world - they lose, they lose and theres no fixing it. it's this numb huddle of kids, teens, young adults, and actual adults. they've accepted death, they're all so tired of fighting. Steve's holding robin and Dustin, Nancy's clinging to Jonathan and Robin, argyles holding Jonathan's hand. the original kids crew is huddled together. Lucas, Max (I'll come back to her), and El are saying their goodbye. Nathan is hugging his mom. Joyce and hopper are struggling to stay strong. Murray drunk himself half to death, because as crazy as he is, he's scared to die. it's just numb and cold. - the duffers would fuck this up in so many ways. it wouldn't be about family or goodbyes, I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't turn into an end of the world fuck fest to be completely honest.
max waking up or dying - if max wakes up, it would be a fight, El would be at her bedside every days trying to find a way to save her, and she does, she does find a way, but it Ekans sacrificing herself. at that point she's already super close to Lucas, they're best friends (if I'm being self indulgent, they're unofficially in a polycule dynamic) and she tells him she can save max, at the cost of her own life. and Lucas knows El would be happier giving her own life for max, that she's so selfless she would rather die and let max live then to keep sitting there watching her. but at the same time he doesn't want to let her go, he doesn't want to lose either of them. but eventually she convinces him, at least enough that he doesn't try and stop her. she goes through with it, but not before having a moment with Lucas and leaving a note for Max. and when she does sacrifice herself, she gets to see max one last time, and they're both heartbroken (elmax kiss/romantic gesture of some sort? maybe, sue me for wanting healthy romantic moments when they're done right). if she dies, if El can't save her, seeing El and Lucas mourn together, but also accepting she's Ina better place, she's with her brother and her mom. that her suffering is over. having this bittersweet bond - the duffers would use Max for some sort of ableist caricature. El and Lucas wouldn't be allowed to truly bond. whether she lives or dies I doubt the duffers would allow her and max to bond, cause people are shipping them now.
I could do a million of these.
like I don't want a happy ending, and I don't think we're getting one, but I'm not expecting it to be done well.
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
🐝 me again! hope you dont mind! i absolutely LOVED the show but now have no idea what to watch next to fill the void! i mean, i can see you are in the midst of a stranger things meltdown so should i give s4 a go? s3 was a bit hit or miss for me, plus the eps are so long!
re: yellowjackets au. you CANT say the word mate without me instantly thinking of a/b/o! which would make things even more nightmarish for poor daniel. esp if he either hadnt even presented yet or was hiding it then his medication finally runs out and the jig is up and the hunt truly is on. oh the delicious possibilities than can spiral from there. (image of the other cobras holding daniels head to the side so johnny can bite him. eek! this whole scenario is consuming me!)
hi!!! I don't mind at all, sorry for the delay while I've been losing my mind over Stranger Things and Eddie Munson!!!! I'm SO happy you enjoyed Yellowjackets, the ending was crazy right??? And how amazing was Christina Ricci? I felt blessed to see her in something good again. God I'm so excited for S2, I really hope it's on this year!! As for other shows I can rec, I'm really enjoying the latest season of Barry, which ends on Monday... it's very dark but very funny too, not sure if you've seen that. Plus I loved the latest season of Better Call Saul recently... can't remember what else I've watched haha, tbh I'm pretty selective when it comes to shows, there's so much I don't watch too.
And as for Stranger Things, I would say YES definitely give S4 a go if you haven't started it yet. I also thought S3 was just okay. Like I loved the storyline with Steve, Robin & Dustin but I felt like the show in general was running out of steam a bit. S4 has been amazing though, like I think it's the strongest season so far. The episodes are long, but it's needed for the number of characters and storylines there are now. Some bits aren't as interesting, like the Hopper in Russia storyline, but everything in Hawkins that explores the Satanic Panic; the new character Eddie who's accused of murdering kids and is based on Damien Echols from the West Memphis Three; Will's feelings for Mike; and the actual villain of the season and what he does to teenagers in Hawkins is all SO GOOD. Like I found it really fun and emotive and riveting!!! The only thing I want now is for Steve to come out as bi!!!!
God and as for the a/b/o Lord of the Flies / Yellowjackets idea I'M SO OBSESSED WITH IT I WANT TO CHEW GLASS. Like I know I've been going on about ST non-stop the past few days but this has been at the back of my head too. Like maybe Daniel's been taking his blockers, like Lottie on her medication in Yellowjackets, but it runs out a week or so after they've been stranded and it becomes more and more obvious. Like his scent gets stronger and he feels a heat coming on, and of course all the Cobras are Alphas because you can't be in Cobra Kai unless you're one, so he tries to avoid the others and hide it as much as he can, but eventually they find out.
And I'm just like. imagining Daniel going into his heat, slick running down his thighs, running from all the boys, but it doesn't matter where he goes because they can smell him even miles away, and they hunt him deep into the forest until they find him. And YES omg like you said... the others can play, but Johnny would be the only one who's allowed to knot him and claim him. Like the thought of them all holding Daniel's face to the side so Johnny can bite him on his mating gland is so hot. And Daniel tries to resist, hoping his body will reject the claim and the bite will heal, but it doesn't because Johnny's a compatible mate, and the bite quickly scabs over into a scar, showing everyone that Daniel belongs to him now.
And Daniel's terrified too, because he knows if Johnny comes inside him and knots him, he could get pregnant, and the last thing he wants to do is get pregnant while they're in the middle of the wilderness and have no idea when they'll be rescued, but Johnny doesn't care, he just wants to breed Daniel for as long and as hard as possible because Daniel is his and he's wanted to do this to him ever since they met. (Bonus points too if all the Cobras get to fuck Daniel during his heat because he can't control how his body reacts to them and it means Johnny gets a rest between his own bouts of fucking <3)
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fallout-fuckery · 3 years
In a scenario where Sole’s head is injured, how would romanced companions react to Sole forgetting they where ever romantically involved with one another? They still remember who they are but only in the beginning stage of their relationship when they where still strangers to one another, how’d companions cope with Sole having to get to know them all over again?
Excluded companions: Piper, Nick, Strong, Dogmeat, Codsworth
Note: IM BACK BITCHES! Not sure for how long, but I'm back!! Hope this is alright!!
Cait: When Sole wakes up only having faint memories of Cait, she's tearing up in frustration. She's so happy Sole is okay, but she has no idea how to fix this. No clue how to help Sole remember. So she doesn't. Despite how much it hurts, she just sticks by, hoping that Sole will remember. If Sole really loved her that much, Sole will remember.
Curie: She cries when she realized that Sole has forgotten how close they were. She does anything she can think of to get her beloved Sole to remember. She believes that love runs strong and deep, so she believes that Sole will remember.
Danse: He wants to cry. He wants to curse the gods. But instead, he smiles as best he can and shakes Sole's hand, saying how he's glad to have them back. If he has to start from square one, he will. He's more broken now than ever. Sole is all he has left, and he'll be damned if he loses them. He still cries when hes alone, praying to some higher power for Sole to remember.
Deacon: His lips quiver, but this is fine. It's probably what he deserves. Depending on how long they've been together, and just how much Sole remembers, he might stay and rely to get them to remember, or he might just leave. Change his face, a new name. Sole would probably be better without him anyway, at least, that's what he thinks.
Macready: No. No no no. Please not this. Hes glad they're alive, he is, truly, but they have to remember. He needs them. He doesn't know if it's better or worse that they at least know who he is. After taking a moment, he vows to stick by them until they remember. And if they dont, he can only hope that they can start over. Hes okay with that. He just wants to be by their side.
Hancock: He's mad at the Gunners for hurting Sole and making them forget. Hes mad at himself for not taking better care of his sunshine. But if theres a chance they'll remember, he'll do whatever he can to make it happen. After all, hes got all the time in the world, and he loves Sole more than anything.
X6-88: He holds an emotionless facade. Hes a Synth, he shouldn't be feeling like this. But when it comes to Sole.. he cant help this hurt he feels when they say that they dont remember. Whether they remember or not, he will loyally stay by their side. They may not remember him as a lover, but they are still the future of the Institute, so he will still protect them with his life.
Maxson: Like Cait, it kills him to know they dont remember, but he believes if they loved him, truly and deeply, they'll remember. So, he puts on a strong face and welcomes his best soldier back. And should they need anything, he'll be there, just as he was before.
Gage: He misses the Overboss waking up. He was far to busy letting out his frustration and anger on the poor cave crickets, Gunners, and whatever other poor souls crossed his path. It took a few days after Sole woke up for him to get the news and come running back. But when he heard that Sole didnt remember what they had together, it lit a new fire in him. The one good thing he had and now it's all gone down the drain. Just like that. He takes a few more days to just fuck shit up, and when he comes back, his mindset is, if they remember, they remember. If not, fuck it, no matter how much it hurts.
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lucky4in · 3 years
Magic Interferes in New Orleans
Prompts from Piccadilly's book #3
Words used: ☆matriarch ☆throat ☆impossible ☆vinegar ☆apology ☆slice ☆microwave ☆raspberry ☆choose ☆snore
God! I can't take it. The dread is killing me. I'm losing all the blood in my fingers with how tight I'm squeezing the steering wheel. The honking around me is not helping. I can feel everyone's fear collectively as we sit in agitated traffic. Stress. Fault. Jitteriness. Indifference. Panic, panic, panic.
God, I hate being an empath. I can't even hear my own thoughts. I need to breath! Yeah. Take deep breaths. I'm not far from the U-turn lane. So what if traffic is moving 1 millimeter a minute? The storm can't be faster.
I have to get out of this situation before I have a sensory overload.
From my front and my rear, I'm surrounded by vehicles. I can't move back, I'll hit someone. I can't move up, because they'll think there's space to move and I'll be more stuck than before. Looking to my right I realize the road across the gate is fairly empty. That last car I saw go that way was 40 something minutes ago.
I gulp loosening my grip from the wheel but still holding it firmly in my palms. Taking a breath I turn the wheel and step on the gas. My car races through the grass and crashes though the metal gates. With a screech, my tires are finally rolling and I'm off. Towards the dark clouds like a fool running blindly into a lions den.
When I finally catch sight of the curling palm trees and the flying debris, my weariness is replaced by anger. We had a plan. A simple schedule. Prepare emergency food, water, and medicine, flashlights and documents, locate nearest shelters, fill up gas tank, clear the yard, and turn off the power. When the evacuation order is set, I would be too far away at the time, so my husband would get the kids from home and we...would...evecuate.
We would meet at the nearest shelter with our separate cars...
Unfortunately, my...sweet...dearest mother decided to take it upon herself to pick up the kids herself...and NOT evacuate. Instead, she wanted her grand babies to feel safe during the storm and cook them a nice meal...at her house.
I almost had a heart attack when my husband said they weren't there. Instead, a note was attached to the fridge reassuring us that my elementary school kids, including a baby, did not infact disappear off the face of the earth. She wants them to feel less threatened and stressed over this "flood nonsense". Make it seem like a regular thunder storm.
Except it's not a thunder storm! It's a hurricane!
I told my husband not to worry about it, I will get the kids and be ok. The hurricane is suppose to be a bad one, the weather man said. Anything left undemolished by the storm by the end of this would be a miracle. Hopefully it won't be my sanity. I swear, she's impossible.
By the time I get to her house, the streets are flowing with water and clawing up her driveway like waves at a beach. I step out and my shoe kerplunks into the water. I groan, feeling my ears eject hot steam. I stomp onto her porch with a squish, squish, squish and jam the key into the lock.
I kick the door open and slam it shut, my anger seeming to accelerate as soon I step inside. I cringe a bit, noticing my youngest asleep on the couch.
"DON'T SLAM MY DO-" my mother sticks her head out through the kitchen doorway and spots me.
"-Oh, hi baby!"
I stretch a tight smile, coaxing my child back to sleep. "Hello, mother."
"You came just in time. I just need to get a few things done before we eat."
And there she is. Like always. Not worrying about a thing while marinating apple cider vinegar on peices of pork. Probably to slice into the-
Sniff, sniff.
-gumbo. Her calm persona was infuriating. Almost insulting.
"Too bad my son in law couldn't be here. He'd love to stuff his face with the beignets" she continues.
"He's at the shelter. Kinda like we're suppose to be" I say, honey tounged and all "which begs the question..." I lean in, my palms face down on the table. "Why aren't we there right now?" I sneer, bringing my voice down.
"Because there's no need to. You know that" she says simply.
"Maybe in your case, but not mine. You just felt entitled to do things your way. Like you always do. I had everything under control and-and you had me worried."
"You know nothing was going to happen to these kids. I knew nothing was really wrong."
"If you really felt so aloof about this, you should have stayed yourself. You can't just up and take my kids like that. We've talked about this."
She finally looks at me, turning away from her task. "I should be free to see my own grand kids whenever I want to."
"I would have probably excepted that, if we weren't in the middle of a god damn hurricane-"
"Momma! Momma look!"
I was interrupted by my two children excitedly telling me that a pie was on the way. All while showing me their hands, proof of a raspberry massacre. Animated. Passion. Triumph. Pleasant. I ruffle their heads with a quick "good job" and they ran off together. Their happiness almost cures my frustration. It does calm me down a bit though.
"Is is so much to want to keep your family safe" my mother asks.
Aaaaaaand its back.
"Is it so much to just listen to me? To just let me do things my way? I am in no less danger than you are just because I dont have the same... tools that you do."
"It looks like it puts you in a lot of danger if you have to evacuate the city. You could simply come here so momma can protect you."
"That makes me look like a normal person, mom. The streets are already flooding and a ton of people just saw me go the opposite direction. I look stupid and suspicious." I'm taken back to my teen years. Having a similar conversation with my mother. "Not everything can be solved with your protection. I can make my own decisions. But instead you undermine me and tamper with everything around you. Just because I dont have it, doesn't mean I cant keep my family safe or simply be a mother. How about, for once, you let mother nature do her job."
"Your father made this house with his bare hands, rehydrating himself with his sweat. No one is touching this house. Not even Cosmo's or Gaia or whatever." She huffs and turn away. A puff of steam emerges over her head, indicating she opened the pot of Gumbo.
"Well, when your the Matriarch, you can start making the rules around here."
Realizing an apology isn't coming, I groan restricting myself from wrapping my hands around her throat. Its silence between us, as there is after every altercation. Especially when the house is mentioned, cause it's always Papa's house. He passed away before I could even learn to speak his name. Mama always told us about Papa. How she met him, how he put her on her feet and built a house for her (it was told he even built the bricks holding this house up), how his devotion to his family and the love of his life lasted until death did them part.
"What makes you think I'm going to be the next Matriarch?" I ask, slipping in the kitchen chair.
"You will. It's a family tradition that you need to uphold. And you are the only girl conceived by me." She answers, this sounds almost rehearsed.
"Why don't the others take your place?" I ask, for the millionth time.
"It's only rare that a boy has ever been in place of a woman. And once a girl was brought in, he was removed immediately."
"If it's that simple then crown them and get it over with."
"Oh, do you think it's that easy"? She quizzes, slowly turning to me.
"Knowing you, probably not."
"Hyde is much more coordinated than that. If they really didn't think you were worthy, we would have known, but I always knew you were special."
Here she goes again. Hyde,, is supposedly the person that gifts the family with magic, life, and girls. It's the spirirt who thrones and dethrones us. No matter who we are. According to mom, the next Matriarch could be good or bad, Hyde has a plan for them in the end.
Along with Papa's stories, Hyde was always directed towards me because I was the only girl, excluding my half sister. Truthfully there was no way to know if Hyde was actually real. I'm not even sure if my parents have seen it. Mom would tell me tales at night of different women throughout our generation, chosen by Hyde and how I would be like them someday.
"Hyde doesn't give you this gift for no reason" mom reassures "they always have a plan. You can't see everything in a negative light. What if Hyde chooses Clio and you-"
I stop her at the mention of my youngest name.
"I'm not putting that responsibility on my kid" I say sternly, though It probably won't matter what I tell her "Especially if, no offense, she ends up like you. Completely dependent on Hyde's gift. IT didn't give me any when I was born, like the rest of you, and I'd like it to stay that way."
Silence once more.
"Perhaps you're afraid-"
"I'm not afraid-"
"-its okay."
"-Of this imaginary ghost."
"Sure, keep believing that. But when it happens~" she sings.
"When it happens to me, pigs will fly" I sneer, memories of that same sing song tone prodding at me.
She says nothing.
"Just let it go mom, it's just not meant to be. I'm not a child that you can hide under your wings when hail comes. However your gifts came to be, Hyde, the house, whatever, it must've skipped a generation."
She continues to stir. She sputters "but-but the family-"
"-The family doesn't know what's best for me and neither do you. I know I'm the only daughter to the Matriarch. I know I wasn't born with any gifts like my siblings. I know refusing my path makes me an ungrateful child and Hyde will handle me" I say reciting what I also heard throughout my life "But that's not my life. And I'm not defenseless."
She freezes. More silence.
"And, I mean, it's not like having voodoo is easy. It consumes you and it messes a lot of things up. This worlds order and the next."
"That's what the council is for" my mom mutters finally.
"Oh, right. The council. The same family who's just as dependent as you. Do you even remeber a time where you haven't used your gift and actually did things yourself?"
"Don't you ever think of letting go of this life? Doing things for yourself and not the family? Hyde? Papa's house? I notice how this changes you as you age. If this is the answer to our problems I wouldn't mind the sea taking this house away for a while-"
"Mama! Mama!"
"Wow, look."
I follow my kids voices and they seek for me, a glimmer of wonder and awe in there wide pupils. My 2 boys are pointing to the window in the living room. My sleeping child is now up, standing on her toes to see what her brothers are looking at.
As I begin to walk In the living room, they're rushing back to the kitchen. I take a peek and see a part of the lawn, including my rental car but the road and the neighborhood is gone. A large amount of visible debris is covering up the world around-
That's not debris. That's not wind.
I follow my kids. They've opened the screen door and ventured into the back yard. I race after them and stop in my tracks. The water barrier has followed us to the backyard. My kids are screaming and dancing in the sprinklers as the hurricane is trapping us in its second eye. The oceanic barrier is circling around is, refusing to touch the property. With my kids instructions I look up, the sky is dark above us like it's the dead of night, yet inside the barrier, its murky like a cloudy day.
I can't concentrate. Excitment. Curiosity. Shock. Chills.
I sigh as my daughter wobbles to me and I scoop her in my arms. I can see it now, worst hurricane in 6 years and the Crobitt house still stands. This is similar but not related to the instance when a pair of swings at the run down school across the house seemingly froze in the air a few years ago... CIA is currently investigating...
I gather my children inside, they were starting to go towards the rushing ocean and who knows what'll happen. I shut the door with a defeated sigh and sulk at the table. The beneits sit gracefully with their powder sugar and I worship it by stuffing it in my mouth.
"I told you..."
I look up. My mothers eyes are glowing that familiar bright green and she has that devious smirk on her face. She always gave me that look as a child as if she's trying to tell me something. That, or it's to prove something, which I still dont know. I dont think I ever will.
"...you're father built this house. No one is taking it from me..."
"Now, elbows off the table."
If you like to write or be creative, perhaps you need inspiration, go check out this book! Its the best!
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randomsevans · 4 years
Part 2
Steve Rogers x reader
Summary:you have recently decoved that your finance captain america is cheating on you. But there again you could be wrong. But what will happen when your not wrong ?. And your not the only one who has cort on to steve shaddy activitys .
AN : my grammar and spelling isn't the best so bare that in mind .
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Breakfast was quickly over. No word . No affection. Shown by the man who was ment to love you, the man you are ment to marry , the man you suspect is cheating on you. But maybe your wrong , maybe your brain is just over thinking. This is captain america we are speaking about, man who said your his world , his love , he wouldnt do anything to hurt you , especially in such a way . Would he ?
He wouldnt or so you thought/knew.
'God why cant I think straight ' you mind was racing around and around , question after question , excuse after excuse for him .
Maybe your just overreacting, I mean my spy training doesn't mean I have to be right every time . Nobody else has notice his behalf? Right .but you have and you know him better then anyone . Or so you should. But your not the only one whose notice a change . Nat did , she look like she was about to skin him alive with her butter knife at the breakfast.
You mind racing , your fist rapidly punching the bag , never stop . The training room had blurred form your vision along with everyone in it . You can feel you blood boiling , tight knots in your stomach as you think about steve with sharon . Your temper going just above busting point . You didnt notice you went breathing. You didnt notice your eyes glowing, you didnt notice the punching bag flying off , with a swerling yellow sting glow around it . You just stare at it , forgetting all the people . Nobody would notice anyway , it's not unusual for this to happen , but what is , is the power running through your veins . The very thing , nobody knows, the thing you hide , the thing you run away from , thing you dont want people to know about you , hell you dont even know what it is exactly. You spend all you time hiding it . The minority of the time you cant feel it running though , you normally have hold over it . But when your emotions get to extreme (more like things you dont experience often ) such as a need to cry, or your anger , anxiety. It slips out and your cant control it. And it doesn't help you are feeling all these right now.
You final brought back form your blurred vision with a hand on your shoulder. If it was anyone else you'd push them off , but not this person. Youd no them any way . Ever since it first comforted you when you just a child, in place no child should be , in a situation no child should be , expecting things no child should ever .
You slowing turn your face toward him . Bucky .or james as you knew him as a child . Hes your comfort , the closest thing you got to w father in the red room . This you keep a secret form everyone else , no one apart from nat knows that you were in the red room with her and as she was training and falling in love with james . He acted as a father to , never letting you get near the same amount punishment as the other girls. So when you found he was still alive , when you found he was becoming sane minded again you couldn't be happy. You weirdly felt safe the world again . After you were told just after he managed for you to escape that the red room had killed him .
You have alot of secrets such as people dont know about the fact that the red room trained you , Bucky trained you , or the fact that you two have a father and daughter relationship . Nobody knows not even Steve, to everyone else sheild trained you, you were a good field agent and was giving the opportunity to become an averager under the request of Nat .But at least two people know them nat and buck , they raised you basically, they know you , they know your history. But theres one secret that nat doesn't even know, only james . And that's about your mutation. James found out about it the same time you did .
You were 11 years old , training with james in a dark cold room . The constenced shouting in russian and girls crying was getting to your head missing punishing and kicks , you head was fuzzy, everything was become to quick , to fast . You couldn't handle it , although you go thought it every day . You final get a burst of energy and it shoots thought your veins and bones , the bright yellow light swerling around, pushing James into the wall . He knew what it was , he had heard of mutation before and what happens when the red room find a girl who has one , they either dont last very long or are put into different facilities. He protected you , help you hide it . Still does today .
So when you turned around , you saw the panic on his face, he knew what had happend , he was the only person in the room that saw as always. And he knew something was wrong because you knew let it get the better of . He automatically pulled you into a hug hiding your face from the rest of the world in his chest . It would be so easy to cry , so easy. If you wernt so anger you were shacking .
"Your okay " "your safe " "I got you " " you can calm down " he constantly whispers until you did as you were told and calmed down . You glance up till you met his glaze . His eyes was swerling with fear and empathy for you . "Now you gonna tell me what's got you all worked up ?"he asked pulling the hair out of your face . You just shake you head negatively, he nodded in return , knowing you was going to answer him anytime soon .
"I might have an idea " nats voice stalled you . 'Did she see ?' You become anxious again you dont want anyone to know about you mutions .
"You've go quite the rage and strength, and rightfully to " at this you know she must think you just punched the bag down .
"What do you mean ? What happend ? Do u know what's wrong? NAT tell me ! " buck quietly shouted concerned, pulling away form you , facing nat with his armes crossed .
"Calm down papa wolf , I dont think nows the time , let's calm her down and get a drink in her first , I know she needs it " she glanced at you sympathetically, she knows about sharon and Steve.
"What ! Nat Its 11am the mo...." bucky was cut off by the annocument above.
"Party tonight people. Main floor see you there tonight. Peace out , Iron man ! " Tony said though the speakers .
"Great !" You said walking out of the training room , towards your room , knowing you'll stay there u till the party.
Hours had passed and you haven't seen anyone all day , steve didnt come to check up on you like he normal did , you asked friday what he was doing every hour and your were denied access.
You and Nat hadn't spoke about what was playing on your mind , you just spent your day with a few early drinks and tv . It got to the time where it was time to get ready .you sat in that's room with a dress she picked out for you lying on her bed . You sat at the mirror finishing your simple make up nothing to extreme hust enough to add to your natural beauty.
You heard the bathroom door open , you turned to see that Nat was almost ready
"Come on kid , I know parties ain't really our thing but at least they'll be vodka "she joked .
"Thank god " you rolled your eyes and got up picking up your dress and heading towards the bathroom. You were just about to close the door when Nat sighed
"Y/n you .... I..... do you see what i see " she ask clearly neverous .
"About ?" You tried to act clueless but you knew what she was about to say
"About steve "
"..... " you stay silent for a while " can we not.. not right now .. we both could be wronge his the man I'm marrying, the man I love .... i dont want to think about it .... I... we might be wronge "
She scoffed at the thought but she nodded her head . And in you went into the bathroom to finish getting ready .
When you emerged out of the bathroom in your dark blue silk dress that hugged and was lose in all the right placed . With your hair curled and pinned half up and half down .
"Oh my .... you look gorgeous " Nat said with wide eyes . You felt it too as much as you ddint want to go to this party you felt great in this dress almost forgetting everything
"You look stunning as always " Nat just shrugged it off and grab your hand while heading our her door .
When you got into the hallway you and nat both stopped in your tracks.
"There you are ... iv been looking for you ... Tony and his parties eh " Steve laugh making you laugh too . This man put you into a trance everytime you saw him , he was in a dark blue shirt similar to your dress (not on purpose) . He looked as good as ever , you sighed with the biggest smile thinking this man is going to be your for ever soon . But then the voice started to creep back into your head ,instantly your small dropped to a frown
Steve took a step closer to you and kissed you on the check you let out a breath that you didnt know you was holding all day ,
'See everything normal we were just over reacting '
He smiled down at you "you look good " he said but he didnt even look at you the way be usual would , he didnt say what he usal would , it would be more then just good ...
"Good ? She looks stunning " Nat blurted out , you could tell she was staring at him like he was the target .
He just wrapped an arm losly around you , not tight like he normal would, he once said it was to keep you by his side and let everyone know your his . But not now . You felt so stuiped being in his arms .
"Let's go shall we "
You had been at the party for not that long Steve was by your side laughing and joking with everyone around the group . Nat , Bucky and Tony all laughing and joking
Everyone would feel fine if it wasnt for Steve's eyes keep wondering off
You sighed , chucking down your drunk , thinking your the only one that noticed but you forget that you were next to the best assassins you have ever know .
"Hi everyone "
"Oh hi sharon " Tony said
Your eyes snapped to her stunned , everyone eyes fell on her as you all stood at the bar in a circle she had managed to get her way inbetween Tony and steve
" you look stunning " steve said looking her up and down with a smirk , your heart dropped
"You get good and she gets stunning!"
"Thank you " sharon whisper trying not to star at steve but failing as there both keep sharing glances at each other, as a blush creeped on her check .
The music was the only thing filling the silence for a while as Tony sipped on his drink clueless . With steve and Sharom basically eye fucking each other while unknowly to you two very very anger killing mansions were ready to be Roger's down . You just stood there tears threating to make an appearance.
"I'm... I'm just going to pop to the.. " you couldn't finish your sentence already making your way down the hall .
Nobody looked at you are asked if you were okay .
You made your way blindly down corridors in all different directions you didnt know where you ended up, all you knew was you were far way you didnt hear the music and you were safe alone . You let out a quiet sob that lead to a few tears escaping your tear duck as you fought them off . Ignoring the stinging feeling with the tight chest and pit in your stomach .
Some one pulled you into there arms you you could see was a few red strains of hair
"Sshhhhh "
"I dont know why I'm like this.... I might be wronge " you choked out
Nat just gave you a look like 'when are we ever wronge "
"Come lets go back " was all she said you nodded .
She rubbed your back as you made your way through the corridors . Before you turned a corner you heard a quiet bang followed by laughter and giggles . You and Nat quietly laught and slowly made your way to the corner.
You stopped dead in your tracks with nat behind you . You were barely visible as you were still hidden around the corner .you quickly took a step back , pushing Nat backwards , she looked confused but you both listen carefully.
All you could hear was short breaths with giggles and growls
"Stop that "you heard a high pitched giggle
"Hell no ! I wanted to get my hands on you all night "
"You would be able to if you didnt have her ..."
"Soon " The deep voice cut her off "soon I'll be all your okay "
Your heart drop you could help the tears roll down your cheek. As you saw and hear Steve with sharon , it hit you hard , it all become reality and you couldn't take it . Nat griped you tightly clearly trying to calm her anger .
There voice went away and nat looked around the corner
"There gone ..I'm going to kill him " she snapped
You sobs became louder and louder your whole body was shaking
"Why ? Why ? Why ? He said he loved me , said I was his world , I'm meant to be his wife soon why ? What did he mean by soon ? Was he going to leave you?
Your body was shaking as nat stepped back , unknowly to you everything around you was shaking to . You vision blur and lost all connection to world around you and your heart was literally tearing into piece making the unwanted power over come you .
"Uh no nooo no " was all you hear and Bucky ran his way towards you
"Calm down it okay " bucky slowly came near you as the shaking stopped. He quickly wrapped you in his arms
"Calm down !"
There was silence that felt like forever Nat with her anger towards Roger's and shocked by you . While Bucky was staying calm for you
"You going to tell me ? " he asked slowly.
You shook your head no
There both sighed
"Fine I will!" Nat snapped
"No .. no please dont" you begged.
"What ? What is it ? "Bucky asked getting impatient
"No .. don't say it...its not real until you say it " you hiccup on everyone word
"Please " you begged one last time
"Just tell me god damn it "
"Roger's is cheating with carter "nat barked over youf sobs
"What !"
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stimmypaw · 3 years
Stimmypaw reads Darkest Night! The fourth text post!
Back with these uh live reading comments! Remember those? yeah! I'm on the fourth book of Warrior Cats: A Vision of Shadows :D I read The Apprentice's Quest and Thunder and Shadow and Shattered Sky and now!! I'm here :D and boy did I have a time. Click read more to see it!
These guys are weak and dumb skyclan is epic and sharing the territory with them is good, but of course sparkpelt isn't dealing well with change wink wink nudge wink nudge nudge huh???? (this is a nod to how I project into her and say shes autistic)
I am getting anxious for tinycloud SERIOUSLY how much longer until those kits??? Everyday you show up and its WOW my tummy ssure is HUGE AND BULGING I just Wonder Oh When They'll Be Born, probably pretty soon!!! :) and then they arent!!!! Birth dammit!!!
Cherryfall cut the sick and hurt cats some slack jeez youre Fine, youre not feeding half the forest and you have THREE medicine cats ready to help you if youre not feeling well
Bastard Cherryfall I hate you /lh
Dovewing and Tigerheart have relationship drama again. What is UP with those two I simply do not understand them
Watching Bramblestar trying to control this bizarre situation is actually funny he is so close to screaming "PLEASE dont be mad :c"
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Get her, Alderheart
They LITERALLY said something about sharing the territory, they were like "Stars have five points baby and we need those 5 clans togetherrrr" what else do these cats want??? I know its a big change but its necessary
Wait everyone shut up that cat is named Podlight this is so important to me
Dang these cats are really still struggling :c I wish they didnt blame each other
Harestar is so cool
What the FUCK mistystar????
God what a disaster of a gathering Starclan is gonna be so pissed everyone is doing the opposite of what they should
I was holding my breath oof
I hope thunderclan gives some territory too thats too small a space for Skyclan
Oh boy oh boy oh boy i am Anxious for these Kitties
Violetpaw is me having nightmares every night
Macgyver is a heavily gringue name and I have No Clue how to say it how the hell do you say it
Update its either Mick Guyver or Mac Guyver apparently
Its fun to see how different the sisters are from one another, I love them both
I also love their mom with the name identical to puddleshine wish I got to meet her
Sadly Twigpaw is for gender binarism 😔 /j
Twigpaw is often in her thoughts and doesn't pay attention to anything around her and I love her for that
Bad news Finpaw is gonna lose his tail, good news I can draw his tail fin-shaped
Puddleshine surgeon moment!!!
I love Graystripe and Millie
And I love that being flirty is a part of Sparkpelt's personality, I don't know what Alderheart is talking about she's always been dandelion-headed
Ok this is epic, I’m glad we’re breaking gender roles in Warrior Cats my heart dropped when the books called Briarlight cr*ppled, that’s the thing they promised not to do anymore recently right? I’m not sure but, I could use some uh less ableism on my Warrior Cats, the series is old but the newer books should be better, so yeah, good modernize these cats babyyy
OH COOL Skyclan journey!!! Fun I hope they find someone :] also fuck Molewhisker and Cherryfall bastards.
Jayfeather is gonna miss Alderheart too much for him to leave hehehe
ALL of Starclan showed up just to call out Riverclan pahahah
oooo is shadowclan haunted?????
I wonder why Twigpaw wants to stay behind, there has to be more than just the camp stuff
"I wish I were more positive like Twigpaw, but at least I'm just as scarred by the death of my loved ones as my dad :] I like being like him"
Violetpaw witnesses a car crash 😔 that was a bit messy what happened to those cars also why the hell was one of them smaller was it a bike??? Or ???? Idk what's up with it!!!
Needletail just happens to have slow-down turned on for her on the discord chat so she can only say like a few words each hour :/ why the hell is she here tho Violetpaw needs to get OVER your death!!!!
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This short exchange has made me love Dewpaw
Also, I love Twigpaw, I still wonder why she stayed behind tho
Ahh, is it cus she feels too estranged from her family :c ? I wish her mom was around maybe that would help
Jee Twigpaw be a tad more empathic, I can see Twigpaw struggles with that sometimes
You can't cheer him up right now he's grieving, just find him on common ground, talk to him, don't try to make him happy just try to keep him company
Oh wow finpaw that's a dangerous thing to say I hope Twigpaw doesn't crumble under the pressure to never be sad because people like her because she's happy and her being sad would be bad
Okay I'm glad they're getting along this is nice
Oh look twigpaw you Are like your father :] this is cute
Skyclan begins to fish competitively I'm glad
I like it when medicine cats bicker about their leader's behaviors ehheheh, Jayfeather talking about how weak Shadowclan is, Alderheart being annoyed at his father for wanting to stay silent, the others worried about the tensions this is all cheff the kisser
Jayfeather spitting the truths about how Starclan doesn't know shit, and he is very much one to speak
Puddleshine: Rowanstar stepped up the patrols :c
Leadstar: He has warriors enough for that?? Damn good for him
Dang poor Skyclan I hope they manage stuff better soon
Oooo the girls are fighting!!!
Alderheart starclan anxiety time dang
Sheep :]
Needletail :[
I'm sad Ravenpaw isn't here, this is a lovely reunion scene but knowing Barley will be alone when they all leave breaks my heart
Oh, maybe not, but if they stay I'll be sad also cus Skyclan needs its warriors
Aw man, Twigpaw is struggling :c
Omg crimes
That sounds kinda possessive twigpaw!
omg tigerstar 2 real
Whats he gonna do to rowanstar???
Aw, I'm glad they're having fun tho, and that twigpaw sees herself as skyclan
Alderheart, as he meets someone for the first time in a while: ARE YOU OKAY???
Blackstar protagonist moment
The medicine cats: our gods are toying with us again and destiny is uncertain
Leaders: I cannot DO this right now PLEASE leave and let me care for The Real Issues
Alderheart: YOU WILL hang out at my house Willowshine this isn't up for debate
Riverclan suffered enough and it's their turn to throw a tantrum about it, honestly good for them hsghahah
Alderheart asks his father to go on a quest to check people's feet
Alderheart and Willowpelt sitting there watching Shadowclan fight
This is really funny
Puddleshine, in his eyes: help help
I love Skyclan
Ok this sounds like it's gonna be very very fun
Mission impossible: Escape From São Paulo
Oh, is Fallowfern deaf? That's so poggers omg I wanna see more of her
Edit: fallowfern is an elder that lost her hearing with age and retired after that happened :/ boring
I love leafstar so much
Juniperclaw: aren't you gonna punish her????
Leafstar: why
Juniperclaw: when I tell rowanstar he's gonna be pissed
Leafstar: don't tell him
Juniperclaw: the fuck is wrong with you and your clan??? Where is everyone???????
Leafstar: busy
I don't trust abled people specially able-bodied people telling disabled people they just have to train harder and feeling sorry for yourself won't help.
But this is the closest to a positive message to disabled people we have ever had in warriors so I guess I'll take it but I want better
Dang ivypool what a way to show someone you miss them hahaha
Twigpaw: uhhhh how's dovewing?
Ivypool: what do you mean did she do something illegal I'm sure she did
Ivypool is a seriously funny character WHY are you yelling at the young adult about your sisters illegal activities she doesn't know anything about it!!!!
Alderheart goes on an adventure
Feet inspector on the road!!!!
Jasper is so funny I love him
Omg what's he got against clan cats??? What's his sad backstory????
YEESSSS SPARKPELT MY LOVE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕
Sparkpelt your opinion sucks but I love you
I'm really really glad they had this moment this is really sweet, they hadn't talked for a while but this is genuine like, we hadn't had this sort of relationship in so long in the books with just, dialogue yknow??? THEYRE TALKING ABOUT THINGS
And the pause Sparkpelt takes between her speaking to fix what she's saying "I'm sorry for saving you :c no wait uhh not exactly but like" this is so good so natural so fun I love you sparkpelt
I get why she has a diferent opinion on Skyclan it's good for someone close to Alderheart to have a different mindset from him and for him to have someone like uh be opposites from him a lil yknow contrats his characteristics makes both siblings fun round and full of kitty do you get what I'm saying???
I love this
I love Sparkpelt, love her lil anxious moments, love her, love that she just wants to fool around with toms and enjoys Larksong but doesn't want to get serious you go girl
They wanted to write smart-ass they wanted to write smart-ass so bad
They're doing this in the rain?????
I'm quite certain Violetpaw is a young adult by this point its valid for her to go
Wh why did you let your cat out in the rain dude!!! When it comes back it's gonna dirty up the whole place it's wet out there!!!! And the cold is gonna get in the house!!!!!!!
Oh this is so epic
That moment when your cat nearly dies and then it runs off and you go after it and then a bunch of other cats show up and start running with it
I hope Twigpaw can see the others soon
Glad to see her keeping her medicine cat knowledge ehehehe
Sandynose I hate you you are so abled
Sandynose: I don't want my son to feel distanced from his peers so I'm distancing him from his peers
Angry sad upset why
Thanks graystripe
Ok who's dying this time
Ok no one just a background cat got hurt he will survive otherwise it would be relevant
This was intense though what will happen now???
Oh this is lovely so good they're here!!! The rest of skyclan has arrived and we are all happy together
That dream felt good
Where were you at!!!!
Check this man's feet how many toes are there this could be good
Hegshahwha what the fuck is up with this guy
Okay I like him
Ohhh THATS tree
Change your name if you don't like it you sound trans already
Yeah nothing makes one smarter like dying
This is very fun I'm excited for more of whatever happening
Twigpaw :c
Oh no
Hhhhnn I want Twigpaw to be happy so bad, I hate seeing her struggles
Sandynose you are so evil and very detested by me
You can and you SHOULD feel angry at Sandynose he SUCKS and he is being needlessly mean at you!!!!! There are much better ways to bring up the possibility that maybe you'd be happier with thunderclan!!! Fuck off Sandynose
Oh so Snowbush hasn't improved, maybe he will die?
Poor Alderheart
Oh fuck there he goes
Aw man, rip to the background cat
That was a heavy death too
Aw, I was hoping the rest of Skyclan would show up before the gathering, maybe just after it???
I wonder what's going on in Shadowclan
The couple was kidnapped
Oh my lord oh fuck
Can't anyone step up to lead why do they depend on Tigerheart so much???
Jesus christ
Alderheart kills his gods
This is so chaotic and funny I'm worried as hell for shadowclan but excited a lot is happening
Tawnypelt >:(
Oh dear
Twigpaw :c
TWIGPAW :CCCC Man rememebr when I said I hope Twigpaw doesn't crumble under the pressure of being happy for others? yeah
I'm so heartbroken for them
Uh pdhsgahab okay then
Bye finpaw
Wow that was easy for him
This is fun
I'm still sad as hell
Okay there's a lot going on right now wow
The owl scene was funny as hell to picture, this dramatic prophetic moment and the cats just "uuggh is that a prophecy??? Nooo"
Okay so
There's some shadowclan cats missing, considering the many sleekwhisker maps I'm sure she's up to no good but I have no clue what happened to the others and I hope they're okay
Wow! That was really something
Fantastic ending to a very good book its, definitely a different energy from the third but I'm really enjoying this I'm still excited as hell!!! I got worried things would get kinda bad from here but nope!!!! Very fun stuff for now this is very very good and I am enjoying it
This is definitely one of the most fun arcs I've read so far!!! The drama the stakes the little moments everything is tying together really well into a very fun story I'm enjoying a lot!
I worry for Twigpaw and hope for her happiness, and Violetshine too, hope her and Hawkwing deal well with missing her. Tree is being interesting. Alderheart wasn't much of a focus here but always fun to see him trying to solve the damn prophecy no leaders seem to care about. Mousewhisker was okay??? Lots of very fantastic turns for all events and uh let's see where this all goes next!!!
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oookaline · 4 years
And The Saga Continues
By saga I mean me supervising this 'fake RbbSbb' account on twitter because I want to.
also Im going to separate the posts by day, if anything else happens I'll retweet and add it on this one. Tommorow its a separate post.
If you're intrested to see the first bit (two separate days in a post, one in which I found and then kept retweeting what happened after weeks (?) of not checking on it) (! I do reccomend reading the previous one)
so if you're intrested look up the tag #Fake-RbbSbb in my account.
Sooooo as expected our buddy changed his bio to 11, which supports my speculation that it was (obviously) a countdown to Louis' show.
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nothing new on the following/pfp/header etc...
They did tweet some things, but I'll touch on that later, first off the likes: It seems they are continuously trying to raise attention towards Rbb (and Rbb only???) being back in two weeks by sending anonymous statements in peoples CCs.
Also they liked this HIV support tweet- and I found that sweet so im also adding it in, because aweareness is key.
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aswell as replying back with their usual variation of two emojis:
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No sign of Android anywhere, just WebApp™.
Now onto the tweets:
Just like with the 12 they posted yesterday, today they posted an 11. And I got curious to know where abouts they were setting the time to:
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If whatever I triod to do here is too complicated (even I dont understand it lmao) basically:
In LA posting time would've been 23:29
In London posting time would've been: 07:29
so if they wanted to (and im speculating this because I did not check) update it on midnight lets say (or close to), then logically the tweet would've come from LA.
Now this thing which then tells us there will be a pattern of when they'll update the countdown
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The thing I found weird right, is that they're doing a countdown (supposedly) to Louis' show. So why update on LA time?
Next thing they posted was this:
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'Well Meet at the end of the Road' at a first glance you'd guess they're talking about the countdown.
But oh to know who Rudolph Valentino was...
I'll put some intresting quotes I found of him here, you can skip all of this if you want, I'll do a short resume at the end of the indented.
"He was a sex symbol of the 1920s, who was known in Hollywood as the Latin Lover (a title invented for him by Hollywood moguls), The Great Lover, or simply Valentino.[1] His premature death at the age of 31 caused mass hysteria among his fans and further propelled his status as a cultural film icon."
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was released in 1921 and became a commercial and critical success" + "For his follow-up film, they forced him into a bit part in a B-film called Uncharted Seas.(1921)" + "Rambova, Mathis, Ivano, and Valentino began work on the Alla Nazimova film Camille.(1921)" + "Valentino's final film for Metro was the Mathis-penned 'The Conquering Power.(1921) "
thats 4 movies in a year!! Talk about overworked- (depending on how long they were)
"After quitting Metro, Valentino took up with Famous Players-Lasky, forerunner of the present-day Paramount Pictures, a studio known for films that were more commercially focused."
"Jesse L. Lasky intended to capitalize on the star power of Valentino, and cast him in a role that solidified his reputation as the "Latin lover"
"In The Sheik (1921), Valentino played the starring role of Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan. The film was a major success and defined not only his career but his image and legacy."
"Famous Players produced four more feature-length films over the next 15 months" + "His leading role in Moran of the Lady Letty(1922) was of a typical Douglas Fairbanks nature" + "Valentino starred alongside Gloria Swanson in Beyond the Rocks(1922)" + "Valentino began work on another Mathis-penned film, Blood and Sand(1922)" + "During his forced break from Rambova, the pair began working separately on the Mathis-penned The Young Rajah(1922)"
15 months 4 movies. and again I will stress the 'capitalize the star power' over there.
Seems too familiar tbh.
"Missing Rambova, Valentino returned to New York after the release of The Young Rajah. They were spotted and followed by reporters constantly."
*cough* *cough* "spotted"
"During this time, Valentino began to contemplate not returning to Famous Players, although Jesse Lasky already had his next picture, The Spanish Cavalier, in preparation. After speaking with Rambova and his lawyer Arthur Butler Graham, Valentino declared a 'one-man strike' against Famous Players.[31]"
About the lawsuit:
"He was also upset over the broken promise of filming Blood and Sand in Spain, and the failure to shoot the next proposed film in either Spain or at least New York. Valentino had hoped while filming in Europe he could see his family, whom he had not seen in 10 years.[27]"
"In September 1922, he refused to accept paychecks from Famous Players until the dispute was solved, although he owed them money" + "Famous Players, in turn, filed suit against him.[33]"
"Valentino did not back down,[33] and Famous Players realized how much they stood to lose." + "the studio tried to settle by upping his salary" + "Variety erroneously announced the salary increase as a "new contract" before news of the lawsuit was released, and Valentino angrily rejected the offer.[31]"
"Valentino went on to claim that artistic control was more of an issue than the money." + "Famous Players made their own public statements deeming him more trouble than he was worth (the divorce, bigamy trials, debts) and that he was temperamental, almost diva-like. They claimed to have done all they could and that they had made him a real star.[33]
"Other studios began courting him." + "However, Famous Players exercised its option to extend his contract, preventing him from accepting any employment other than with the studio." + "Valentino filed an appeal, a portion of which was granted. Although he was still not allowed to work as an actor, he could accept other types of employment.[33]"
Return To The Movies
"Valentino returned to the United States in reply to an offer from Ritz-Carlton Pictures (working through Famous Players)" + "Rambova negotiated a two-picture deal with Famous Players and four pictures for Ritz-Carlton.[37] He accepted, turning down an offer to film an Italian production of Quo Vadis in Italy"
"Valentino once told gossip columnist Louella Parsons that: "The women I love don't love me. The others don't matter". He claims that despite his success as a sex symbol that in his personal love life he never achieved happiness.[62]"
"Valentino impulsively married actress Jean Acker, who was involved with actresses Grace Darmond and Alla Nazimova. Acker became involved with Valentino in part to remove herself from the lesbian love triangle, quickly regretted the marriage, and locked Valentino out of their room on their wedding night."
"From the time he died in 1926 until the 1960s, Valentino's sexuality was not generally questioned in print.[67][68] At least four books, including the notoriously libelous Hollywood Babylon, suggested that he may have been gay despite his marriage to Rambova.[69][70][71][72][73] For some, the marriages to Acker and Rambova, as well as the relationship with Pola Negri, add to the suspicion that Valentino was gay and that these were "lavender marriages."
"Such books gave rise to claims that Valentino had a relationship with Ramón Novarro, despite Novarro stating they barely knew each other." + "These books also gave rise to claims that he may have had relationships with both roommates Paul Ivano and Douglas Gerrad, as well as Norman Kerry, and openly gay French theatre director and poet Jacques Hébertot." + "However, Ivano maintained that it was untrue and both he and Valentino were heterosexual.[24] Biographers Emily Leider and Allan Ellenberger generally agree that he was most likely straight"
like every historian would say: "they were just good friends"
"further supposed evidence that Valentino was gay; documents in the estate of the late author Samuel Steward indicated that Valentino and Steward were sexual partners.[77] However, evidence found in Steward's claim was subsequently found to be false, as Valentino was in New York on the date Steward claimed a sexual encounter occurred in Ohio."
- Via Wikipedia
These are the few quotes from his wekipedia page in which I literally gaped at...
So in short:
Sex Symbol who was an Actor
Got his image enhanced and exploited by his manager.
Constanly Overworked
Relationships used for PR (?)
Thought about leaving his management which led to a 'one man strike' and a lawsuit.
The lawsuit started off because of finantial reasons, but it was revealed it was more because of fucking creative freedom.
Management tried to reason with him, he didn't back down. And they continued to do so before an article of the 'lawsuit' was made public, he didn't accept any.
Management tried to paint Valentino as 'ungrateful' and that they were the reason he was a star.
When other people tried to get Valentino to work with/for them, his management stopped him by "threatening to extend the contract" (?) which prevented him from acting.
His sexuality was never really questioned due to the many relationships with woman he had (one which literally was a lesbian)
Lavender Marriages / PR marriages
After his death, speculation that he dated many men came up.
One even said they did the dEEd, but its impossible because they were both in separate countries duh, right? RIGhT????
The way we can literally compare this with Harry's situation (and maybe Louis' aswell!!!) is literally hurting my mind.
Also adding that @eyupdaisy is helping me a lot, kuddos to her aswell. She found this:
If you search the actual name of the post 'We will meet at the end of the trail' on google, this picture comes up
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Which the HT account made a very lovely and subtle connection to it a few days ago
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Guess well have to start lowkey monitoring them too? Or maybe just what they interact with the Mr.R acc...
wait- max images reached ;-;
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teenwolfhot · 4 years
Cried enough tears isaac lahey imagine part 9
" I'm not done yet " katherine didn't like this blood wasn't supposed to be spilled this much " we leave now by chance they'll will comr after us especially....." screaming
" fine ..... so be it for now but we need to do something about the girl " katherine chuckled " she's a lost cause anyways she's a monster i can't wait for her so called firends to eventually deal with our kind " katherine getting in the car " plus the old man is dead three bullet wounds to the chest ..... we will come back i need to speak to our hostage anyways " kate was reluctant but dropped the rifle and got in the car
" his not responding..... gerard....gerard " braeden was shaking him " we have to go too much blood his losing " Derek lifting him up " get the car "
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Everyone was very reluctant to move but someone life was on the line " and call melissa maybe she can help saving his life "
As everyone drove to beacon hills memorial isaac got a text from allison " guys is allison she found out about the mikaelson and its not good " looking up everyone was on edge " tell the girls meet at argent place and tell them to gear up "
Meanwhile kol was thinking how to tell you that you're not ordinary anymore because your new and alot stronger " so what are we going to eat ?"Smiling at the young mikaelson " how about burger and fries i know a place " dropping a text to Elijah and klaus about their whereabouts
" so you going to tell me who's the brunette girl that held me hostage and why she was with my supposedly dead firend aunt " in the car kol rolled his eyes " all in due time for now you been through alot and i want you to enjoy freedom for now shall we " using the same old mikaelson charm
You know kol isn't telling you the whole truth what you want to know is why you were kidnapped since your human " soo what's this special place that you find kol " as his pulled up
" this place makes killer bugers and amazing icecream "
As kol went to seek a chair he got a text
( don't move we may have some complications her firends may have some information on us , keep an eye were heading up so stay alert even the salvatore are here )
Shoving the phone in his pocket he started to rumble " so you going to tell me who texted you " standing in front of him " it was my brother .... he wanted to meet you " a bit sketchy but by pass as headed into the cafe
Elena didn't like that katherine got an innocent girl into her plans " stefan .... do we have a location?" Looking at her ex lover " we do bonnie tracked her down but we don't know how this girl is going to react especially when she's not alone " elena sits up " what do you mean not alone " damon walks in " oh brother do tell her...please tell her its driving me crazy "
" the mikaelson have her especially a raging physco kol mikaelson " damon smirked while drinking bourbon " what do they want with this girl " elena is confused about this situation " how does she fit in i don't understand... katherine wouldn't go through all this trouble for a girl .. even if she's human " the salvatore brothers were right katherine would bolt the moment she found out the mikaelson were in town
" unless its not the girl she's interested in what about her firends " which Jeremy got everyone thinking " i think its high time we visited this girl "
Matt and Jeremy fist pumped in the air " no no no .... no humans a big mistake one drop of your blood sends the mikaelson crazy "
" Elijah.... " damon looks at elena " no absolutely no elena we can't trust him like last time remember he tried to kill you..... no "
" damon im a vampire no im not a pathetic human like i use to be plus bonnie and caroline will be with me " caroline rolled her eyes " fine as if i had a choice " the blond walked out
" what is everyone problem?"
" its the mikaelson and a human elena " matt heading out to seek caroline
" gear up vampire slayer....I'll call Rick about the plan if we go we need backup i dont want a bloodbath understand " as stefan imforms everyone elena is frustrated about the while situation while damon looking at her " what is it elena do you in tend to find with this human.... by now she would what be food to katherine or dead ... even worst a vampire herself " elena wad thinking all those scenarios but katherine plans didn't add up
Argent place
" we have a major problem " flinging the flies on the table " we have no chance against them noting " lydia sitting across from kira while malia didn't know what to say " what do you mean ?" The girls didn't know how to tell the guys what they've found so lydia fling opened the file
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" everything we know about them is in this file and this " placing down stake " not any old eops stake Stiles.... white oak steak " silence came " did you guys seek (y/n) " stiles " shes missing again "
" what if she's not missing " liam piped up for the first time " what do you mean ?" Mason didn't like this " earlier this evening me and liam were with some of our firend and we surely saw (y/n) with someone " argent sighed" do you so happens to see who she was with Dunbar " derek eyeing the boy Liam looked at the file " him.... definitely him " pointing to kol mikaelson
"She looked happy " mason add " that's great one of our firends is with what a family that sucks life out of a person by draining their blood .... more so she was kidnapped and no shes what with the enemy " stiles voice was booming across the whole house
" right lets get reading in gonna call melissa check on gerard....meanwhile we needs to find something else other than white oak to kill this monsters " argent turning to the kitchen while braeden headed to call her firends on intel on mikaelson and derek headed to the computers
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" so kol hows the little one then ?" Klaus starring out to the lawn while everyone was thinking of a plan
" sooo we have a newbie .... katherine intentions are unknown.... McCall his up to something i can feel it " klaus turning to his family " what will a bunch of school children do klaus " Rebekah don't underestimate them they've got more than humans "
The blond caught on " another supernatural in beacon hills ..... thats why katherine here to seek teenagers who's powers are unknown " kol laughed
" not unknown sister.... the McCall boy is a werewolf and we have a banshee including a family of hunters dating back to our human time " Rebekah didn't like that her family are fighting with a group of people whose powers are unknown
" sooo we found out about them ... use their weaknesses against them .... why we waiting for "
Suddenly walking out " sorry to intervene but .... i was wondering if i could get spare cloths and .... maybe food " standing there timidly " hi sorry to wake you im Elijah..." smiling at him " i belive you met my younger brother kol " you nodded
" how about we all go find food and get to know each other shall we " smiling Rebekah was a little judgey on you but she can sense you aren't going nowhere
Heading inside the house klaus got sense kol haven't told you everything klaus pulled kol aside and closed the door while freya saw and got you comfortable while kol and klaus talked
" does she know kol?" Looking at his brother " no she doesn't know .... especially she's blind to the supernatural world " sighing " i doubt her firends told her anything about this especially when i found her she barely....klaus this is more than just one girl .... its her firends especially when we've been at her house and her parents know what we look like " immediately klaus throws a vase " YOU DON'T KNOW THAT I'VE BEEN BUSY WITH PLANS .... PLANS TO NOT GET US KILLED OR WORST " freya step outside " sorry to intrude but ummmmm we all can hear you and the girl she asking why every time she looks at the sun it hurts "
Elijah sneaks in " her transition is finish she needs a daylight ring freya get her one " the girl nodded " ummmmm " freya paused " her name .... " kol rolled his eyes " (y/n) ( l/n) she likes the colour (y/f/c) and she's super intelligent " looking at you talking to finn unbeknownst to you about the shock when they tell you
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Katherine and kate were fighting for two hours " THIS ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE.... WE NEED TO FIND THE GIRL .... SHE HAS MY BLOOD IN HER VAINS ... " katherine pulling out bullets while Kate was painfully healing
" fine we start at her school .... better yet maybe her house " katherine wants to find everything about you and why you matter "
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Fanfic idea for FE3H Fic
Courtesy of ideas come from an amalgamation of @lady-of-faerghus @msbluebell and @katiaos3173 contributions
So my whole fic is kinda along the lines of a time travel fix-it like you do, but it's not Byleth, or Dimitri (it kinda is Byleth but I'll get to that in a sec)
I do wanna clear some things up before I begin my notes because I'm still in the planning stages, from messaging with katiaos though I'm stuck between dimileth and Dimiclaudeth (let's get that trending I have a mighty-fucking-need) but I do wanna make it a twin au as well
Anywho the main guy time traveling courtesy of Sothis herself is...Jeralt (he's voiced by Jiraiya in the English version if you haven't heard, by boy Jiraiya) Now down to the details I have fleshed out
- Jeralt after he passes away remains as a ghost because even though he planned for his death, he still didn't feel good about leaving them
- And he watches his son Beleth,(don't @me about this, it's MY Canon) and his daughter Byleth struggle without him
-watches their revenge, cursing because he died and now he's gonna see them way too soon
- has a heart attack (can the dead have heart attacks?) When Solon swallows them both
-stands in awe when they slice their way out each with a sword in hand (in this scenario Aymr and Blutgang are two separate relics,) Blutgang and the Sword of the creator are traded between the twins frequently because what do they care
-and he watches them lead win and return victoriously
-and then watches with trepidation when Rhea has them both sit upon that chair beneath the Monastery
-and then he watches them fall and rise again, as he haunts their bodies
-and then they progress through their specific routes (Byleth is Blue Lion and Beleth is Golden Deer DONT @ME, I want my Bi!Claude dammit)
-and then he watches them do it over again, and again and again
-because even though Jeralt can see they're happy they have to lose one student to obtain happiness for the rest
-he can see it in their shoulders, he lives with them again not knowing, dies in front of them again finally understanding
-and doesn't that hurt, dieing and finding out he's hurt them more than anything else they go through,
-in msbluebells caotured!au he sees his daughter held high in a tower, a prisoner unable to leave, he see his son try and drag his and his sister's respective lovers to her rescue
-some loops it's the other way, and oh how it's hurts
-Hes not there, not there to comfort his son or his daughter, his little children, everyone else stands in awe of their prowess and facade on the battlefield
-bur Jeralt can see how small they become when no one is looking
-sometimes, and these are the worst loops, they're on opposite sides of the field
-sometimes they have to cut down a lover
-sometimes they have to cut down each other
-oh it hurts watching that happen
-those battles end in a stalemate because no one can bear to hear such gutwrenching wailing
-its moments like those that seems to make what they're doing clear
-and Jeralt can't help but hate everyone of them each time this happens
-and oh when they both decide to side with the church in hopes of this time, maybe this time they'll save everyone,Jeralt finally has the last piece of the puzzle
-thats the straw the breaks the camel's back
-he doesn't care that Rhea has changed her perception of what she once wanted those were his kids
-His CHILDREN, and by Sothis, the sleeping goddess that seems to love his kids as much as he does because he can see that ghost that trails them both in her transparent embrace
-Hes had it, so he plots, because he knows theres no way Sothis won't let them save all these damned kids again
-he can't even stop it so he makes a plan
- one that puts that alliance kid Cloud or whatever to shame
- when next they decide to go back he stops her, calls out and for the first time in his long year he prays and hopes she listening
-Sothis responds and hears what he has to say, needless to say she didn't think he'd remembered all of his past lives
- Jeralt stands tall, and with a burning anger in his eyes asks her to send him back instead of his children,
- Sothis doesn't know how far back she'll be able to send him, because they aren't connected like the twins are
- He asks her to try anyway, because he'd raise Fodlan to the heavens, down to the nine circles of hell and back again for those two
- He once set aflame all he knew just for those two, on a hunch no less with no plan as to what to do next, just that he needed to protect them more than his own life
- And Sothis accepts, with the caveat that he takes the reigns of their plans himself
- Jeralt doesn't think twice, as much as he thinks those kids have caused the twins so much grief he can't bring himself to dismiss the happiness they bring him
-and so he takes the risk, they both do
-And he wakes up, the night he set the church a flame, he remembers it vividly, and unlike last time he walks instead of sneaking out
-And thus begins his 26 year long judgement of Fodlan, this country that his children suffered multiple lifetimes for
-He doesn't know what he'll do when he finds them lacking, but he doesn know what he'll do to motivate them to do better, be better, he'll help
-Because all he wants is for the twins to smile again
- For a ghost of a smile he'll set the entire continent aflame if he needs to do
- He promises the two sleeping bundles this as he rides towards....a Violet Dawn(that's not the fic title I just want to pay tribute and credit where its due)
@lady-of-faerghus @msbluebell
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 7: Fairy God Mommy
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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After that nothing could have made Hyeonji happy, not even when Mrs. Jung returned with her still apologetic mother in tow. Amazingly, Zil was thrilled by the idea of becoming Mrs Jung's cleaner, then estatic when Hoseok explained his refinancing offer.
"Isn't that wonderful news Hyeonji?" Her mother exclaimed. "Now we wont have to have a stranger in the house. And you'll have money for yourself for a change."
Hyeonji smiled and said yes, it was wonderful. She smiled all through lunch and laughed when the four of them moved Mrs Jung's living room furniture to new spots, then have to move everything back again to their original places when the end result did not please Mrs Jung's creative eye.
No one would have guessed how wretched Hyeonji felt. She was a past master at hiding her feelings, especially around Hoseok. But her heart grew heavier as the hours passed. By afternoon tea, she was exhausted with the emotional strain of pretending to be bright and breezy when inside she was shattered. Hoseok's getting back with Tinashe the following Sunday was the final straw.
His eagerness for their reconciliation had been palpable, his body language reeking of sexual frustration as he'd spoken of his time away from Tinashe. He could not wait to jump back into bed with her. Hyeonji could no longer fool herself. Any attention he'd been giving her had been the result of his boredom, not because of any suddenly selfless maturity.
"You won't forget about the refinancing," she reminded him stiffly when it came time for them to leave.
"Not at all. In fact, your mom is going to provide me the relevant papers this very afternoon. I'll collect them shortly, Zil, and have Sejin get onto it first thing this week, then I'll bring up whatever needs to be signed next Saturday." As Hoseok elaborates what he plans to have his secretary do.
"You coming home next Saturday, are you?" Hyeonji asked with a weary resignation. Normally, the thought of Hobi being around thrilled her to pieces. Now there was no pleasure in the news, only the cynical thought that of course he was coming home. Had nothing better to do till Sunday, did he?
"Yes, I've been invited to speak at a local business awards dinner on Saturday night. I'm also presenting the prizes" he says.
"How nice." Hyeonji answers blandly.
"Why don't you take Hyeonji, Hoseok?" His mother suggested. "The invitation says "and partner"."
Hoseok's instant frown was enough to turn Hyeonji off the idea, despite her stupid heart giving one last feeble leap. His eyes turned her way then travelled slowly over her. She could actually see his brain ticking away. Dear old Hyeonji doesn't look half bad now. She wouldn't be an embarrassment to take, not like she would have been a week ago.
"Would you like to go?" He asked her. "It's a black tie, so you'll need a dinner dress."
Hyeonji steeled herself to do the one thing she'd thought she would never do. Reject the man she loved. "Thank you Hobi," she said with superb indifference, "but I have other plans for next Saturday night."
His brown eyes instantly clouded a small stab of triumph lifted her spirits momentarily., quickly followed by a much stab of despair. Tears threatened and she just had to get out of there. Panic had her glancing around for her mother. "Ready to go home Mum?" She asked, determined to keep up the false gaiety to the bitter end. "I have quite a bit to do before the working week starts tomorrow."
"My working week starts tomorrow too, doesn't it Mrs Jung?" Zil returned happily.
"Indeed it does."
"Thank you so much," Zil went on, clasping her neighbor's hands with her own with rather touching gratitude. "For lunch. And...and everything."
Mrs Jung smiled and patted Zil's hands. "It's I who's grateful. I've found myself a wonderful cleaner and a new friend as well. See you in the morning Mrs Kang."
"And I'll be seeing you later Mrs Kang!" Hoseok called out as Hyeonji shepherded her mother out of the house. "To get those papers."
"What nice people they are," Zil said on the short way home. "And wasn't it kind of Hoseok to help us out with that money business?"
"Yes, it was." Hyeonji admitted, but tight-lipped.
A silence descended between the two women as they made their way inside, but Hyeonji could feel her mother watching her.
"Why didn't you say yes when Hoseok asked you to go out with him?" Zil asked once they were safely alone in the kitchen. "It...it wasn't because of what I said earlier, was it? About not being...well...pretty enough for him? Because that's not true, Hyeonji. You're plenty pretty enough. And he really likes you. I can see that now. He could hardly take his eyes off you all over lunch, and then later he..."
"Oh Mum, please," Hyeonji begged. "You don't have to lie. You were right the first time."
"No, darling. I wasn't. I was wrong. Very wrong. And I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself. I was feeling sorry for myself, and I was afraid. Yes, afraid." She repeated when Hyeonji's eyes widened. "Afraid some man would snap you up, looking as you do now, and I'd be left all alone in this world."
"But today opened my eyes there's Mrs Jung, a widow like myself, but she doesn't sit around feeling sorry for herself. Besides her writing, she plays golf and bingo and bridge. And she doesn't tie that boy of hers to her apron-strings, either. I can see its up to me to make something of my life for myself. I know becoming a cleaner isnt much but at least I'm good at it, and it's a start. I might even go to that hair dresser of yours with some of my cleaning money and become a blonde!"
"Oh Mum!" Hyeonji exclaimed, a burst of very real joy dragging her heart back out of the doldrums. "You've no idea how happy you made me, hearing you say that."
"Do you forgive me for saying those awful things to you, my dear? I didn't mean them, you know."
Hyeonji couldnt help but relent. "Of course, I forgive you," she said gently. "I love you Mom."
"Oh Hyeonji," her mother crude, and threw her arms around her daughter.
Unfortunately , it was not the best of time for Hyeonji to be hugged. Her mother's display of affection tipped her over the edge on which she'd been balancing for several hours., splintering the brittle control which she'd been holding in her misery. Her shoulders began to shake as sobs racked her whole body. "Oh my daughter," her mother groaned, and hugged her even more tightly. "Dont cry, darling. Please dont cry. Oh, you make me feel terrible. If only I hadn't said those awful things, you would have probably gone out with Hoseok when he asked you. It's my fault!"
"No, it isn't," Hyeonji sniffled when she at last pulled out of her mother's arms. "Hoseok only asked me out because Tinashe's trying to prove some point or other and she's refused to have anything to do with him for a month. But come next Sunday they'll be back together again, as thick as thieves. Who knows? If she plays her cards right he might even ask her to marry him."
"What rubbish!" Her mother pronounced firmly, startling Hyeonji. "Hoseok is not in love with that flashy bit of goods. No man in love with one girl looks at another girl as he looked at you today."
Hyeonji was dumbfounded. "But I...I didn't notice him looking at me in a special way..."
"Then you're as blind as he is, my girl. You made a big mistake refusing to go out with him next Saturday night. Now listen here; when he comes over to pick up those papers, you tell him you've changed your mind and you'd like to go after all."
"But...but..." Hyeonji stammered.
"NO buts. You said he's not getting back with that Tinashe till Sunday. Make the most of what time you have!" Zil pushed Hyeonji with both her arms on her waist.
"I was just going to say I don't have anything to wear," Hyeonji smiled weakly.
"Well, that's easily fixed."
"How? Hoseok's accountant can't get us anymore money immediately. And I'm not taking the cleaning money you earn, Mom. No way. One hundred dollars wouldnt be nearly enough anyway," she added with a sad sigh. "A dinner dress, complete with shoes and bag doesn't come cheap these days."
"Would five hundred dollars do?"
"Five hundred! But where?... I mean..." Hyeonji surprised at her mother.
Zil smiled her pleasure at her daughter's surprise. "You're not the only one who has rainy-day money stashed away, my girl. Come this way."
Hyeonji followed, fascinated, while her mother led her upstairs and into the master bedroom where she proceeded to lift up the mattress and draw out a battered brown paper envelope. She opened the flap and tipped the contents out onto the patchwork quilt. Notes of all sizes fluttered down, mostly fives, tens and twenties.
"I used to hide this is an empty washing powder box in the laundry when your father was alive. But now its safe enough out here. I know there's at least five hundred dollars, maybe more." She gathered the money up and pressed them into Hyeonji's hands. "I want you to buy yourself a dress which will knock Hoseok's eyes out!"
Hyeonji hated the wild rush of elation ehich flooded her heart, for she feared she was setting herself up for a disaster of monumental proportions. No matter what her mother said and no matter what dress she brought, how could she seriously compete with Tinashe? It was like comparing a nice little house wine with a top brand french champagne. Tinashe's extravagant self fizzed sparkled. She was special-occassion lady whereas she, was the common, everyday, value for money variety.
When Hoseok looked at her he only ever saw a familiar face. And everyone knew what familiarity bred. Contempt. Never chemistry.
Or was that how he'd seen her in the past? Dared she hoped that her new look had evoked a new appreciation? Hyeonji had told the truth when she'd said she hadn't notice Hoseok looking at her differently today. But after his news about Tinashe she'd been too upset to notice anything, and had avoided Hoseok's eyes as much as possible.
Could her mother's observations possibly be correct, or was she just trying to make her daughter feel better? She'd been guilty over her earlier less than generous remarks. Hyeonji didn't want to keep her hopes up. And yet, something was stirring within her soul. Something she'd never felt before. Something rather wicked.
Tinashe had called her a sly piece. Maybe she was right, Hyeonji thought with a steeling of her spirit. Because I am not going to go quietly, Tinashe, darling. Neither am I going to let you have Hoseok back without a fight. Come Saturday night, I'm going to use every female trick in the book.
The trouble was...she hadn't read that particular book yet. She would have to depend on her feminine instinct. The front doorbell ringing startled both of them. "That'll be Hoseok," Zil said urgently. "Now drop that money and go down and talk to him while I get those papers he wants. Tell him you've changed your mind about Saturday night, and ask him what time he wants you ready by. Be cool, though. Not overly eager."
Hyeonji shocked at her mother "Mum, you sneaky thing!"
"Well there is no point in being easy. Any girl who looks as good as you do can pkay a little hard to get. Besides, men never want what they think they can have, gratis. They like a bit of a challenge."
Hyeonji went down stairs shaking her head. Who would have believed that within her own shy reserved mother lurked the makings of a femme fatale? Heaven knew what would happen if the Kang widow became a blonde!
Hyeonji summoned up a pleasant smile to answer the door, resolving to watch this time for any sign that Hoseok looked at her differently in any way.
"Hello there again," she said. "Mum wont be a minute with those papers. Look, about next Saturday night Hobi, that was rude of me to dismiss your very nice invitation out of hand. I know what its like to go to these things alone..."
She didn't actually, because she's never been to an awards dinner. But Hyeonji had never lacked imagination. Just think of all those times Hosoek had made lover to her in her mind. Unfortunately, she began thinking of one those times right at this moment. It was her favorite scenario where Hoseok was concerned. He would bring her home to this door after a serious date and there would be much kissing and panting on the front porch. When she finally unlocked the door, he would push her inside, then scoop her up into his arms and carry her upstairs to her room where a three-foot bed was no barrier to true love.
Her mouth dried as she thought of their naked bodies blended tightly, writhing together. Her brown eyes glittered as they began unconsciously to rove over the object of her desire. Before they reach his waist, Hyeonji swallowed then cleared her throat. "Er...could I possibly change my mind and say yes?"
He stiffened. He actually stiffened. Why?
"Is there a problem with that?" She asked airily, even while her heart was thudding. He stood there frowning at her. The atmosphere on that doorstep was suddenly charged with a quite alien tension. Hyeonji didnt know what to make of it except that she found herself holding her breath.
"Hobi?" She choked out.
He seemed to have to shake himself to answer her. "No." He muttered. "No problem. I'll look forward to it."
Hyeonji had to be careful not to let all her breath out of her lungs in a rush. "Fine," she said with a small smile. "Well, where is this dinner and what time should I be ready?"
"Its being held down at the League's Club, in the Admiral's Quarters. The dinner starts at eight. Pre-drinks at seven thirty. I'll pick you up at...say...seven?"
Hyeonji nodded "I'll be ready. And thanks again for helping us with the finance business."
"My pleasure." He answered.
But it didn't look as if it was his pleasure. Not at all. He hadn't smiled once since she'd opened the door. Hyeonji could not make head or tail of his mood, except that it was obvious he had mixed feelings about taking her to that dinner.
She prayed his reluctance was because he'd begun to feel things for her which he found confusing, and not because Tinashe might get jealous if she ever found out. Her mother's arrival at that point steered the conversation to a less stressful grounds. Hoseok left a couple of minutes later and as Zil closed the front door she threw Hyeonji a questioning glance. "Well? What happened? You both seemed tense when I came down."
Hyeonji shrugged. "I don't really know. I told him I changed my mind about the dinner, and he agreed to take me, but not with great enthusiasm. To be honest, I think it worried the heck out of him."
"Well that's better than indifference, Hyeonji."
Nodding her head Hyeonji agreed "That's what I was thinking."
Zil patted her daughter's back "Only time will tell."
Chapter 08
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