#( these two would weirdly get along tho )
serxinns · 4 months
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You hated them... you hated them all they were just too overbearing! The flirting thr kissing the unwanted touching everything and whenever you told them to fuck off they'll just coo and baby you saying "thats very mean! Darling! "
They kept always crowded around you it's no surprise there Iida always insisted on study dates every chance you could get your mom would always pressure you to join her private tea party and insist it would be just the two of us the way she said it creeper you out so you would always make excuses or just awkwardly walk away leaving her confused and a bit pissed. Denki is always on your ass whether it be teasing or playing around he kept clinging to you like some puppy it was Cringe honestly...
Izuku yapping about heroes even if you weren't listening, Kirishima and Shoji trying to show off by flexing their muscles, Mina or Hakagure always gripping your arm too tight or hugging you until you couldn't breathe and you had to hit them harshly on the back and they dared to complain about it Aoyama guy always trying to stuff your face with cheese even tho the smell of cheese makes you nauseous, ochako was ok untill she started making me go bake with her and suprise suprise! Momo joins her and it always turn into some competition about anything which takes the fun out of baking
You couldn't even talk to your other friend in PEACE shinsou was your go-to friend ever since your classmates started being overbearing you would rant for hours about them and he'd listen heck he let you chill in his dorms for a while or longer you couldn't be asked for a better friend, but back to the story you were just peacefully talking to shiso at lunch until bakugo and his petty little gang came over there everyone smiling at me expect bakugo ofc just glaring at me like I did something wrong, "is.. there a problem?"
"You damn right it's a problem! Your sitting with hyno shit over there!" He said pointing at Shinso "Bakubro that's not very manly!" He said in a stern tone but you had a feeling he wasn't scolding him, "what everyone's trying to say come sit with us y/n you don't have to be alone!" Mina said in a fake sickly sweet voice I swore I saw her eye twitch a bit but you didn't back down easily "im not alone tho I got shinso and I'm fine where I'm at you can eat your lunch and have fun without me" the squad got silence and awkwardly walked away but sending one final glare at shiso
Another time when you were talking with Kendo and Monoma at 2nd you kinda disliked Monoma or thought he was some crazy lunatic just because he kept ripping on your classmates but the 2 of you weirdly got along mostly because of your distasteful experience with your classmates, if the two of you weren't ranting about how your classmates were, the two of you would talk about hero stuff (mostly monoma bragging about being the best hero) or just talking about your interests and laughing at Monoma's antics and chaoticness
Kendo on the other hand made you feel like you had a friend she knows how overbearing and overwhelming your classmates get, so she would try to pull you away as best as she could despite the glares, snarls, and scowls she swore she heard from them she still wanted to help you one day you were dragged by hakagure and Mina to go to their room to play games but Kendo quickly grabbed the back of your shirt with paint hands to pulled you away "sorry gotta borrow them for a sec!" And quickly ran off
"Thx kendo I was about to snap at them and cause a scene" She smiled at you "No problem! I felt you were uncomfortable and had to do something ugh those classmates never leave you alone huh?" You chuckled your so grateful to have a friend like Kendo "anyways let's hurry and go to this "awesome" place monoma keep spamming my phone about" you playfully rolled you eyes and walked with Kendo
Meanwhile your classmates glared at the window Cleary pissed off it "seems like those pest need a lesson.." izuku said voice laced with vemon
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yandere-kokeshi · 8 months
How would Yandere Price and Soap and König react to their darling being a cannibal. Like, the boys find out, and the darling is like, “it’s okay! I only eat bad guys, tho! So don’t be worried 😋😋”
— Yandere Price, Soap, and König with a cannibal gn darling
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Warnings: yandere behavior, talks about eating humans and slight violence. 
A/N: This is the most chaotic ask I’ve gotten, and I’m here for it. Enjoy!
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Johnny “Soap” MacTavish:
The most dominant side-eye. He’s skeptical, a bit uncomfortable… However, if it satisfies your needs, then why not? Plus, you said you weren’t eating innocents, and you’re doing a favor for the world by getting rid of bad guys, no?
His first question is how do you get the meat. And if he hears you’re getting it from the black-market, or you go out killing on the register, it makes him feel odd. Regardless of the answer, he fits in that he’ll gladly kill for you. It’s all laughter, until he comes inside the house the next day, dragging a black-bag shaped like a body…
Of course, he worries about you. He understands the human body, and how much iron and fat is in the body, which in many cases, causes you to get sick. 
Johnny won’t join your diet, but will happily help you cook. He’s fine with helping out, adding seasoning and such with a big smile as the two of you take time with each other. 
Honestly interested in what made you decide on cannibalism. Did you grow up that way? Did someone or something initiate it? Or was it a day when you woke up, and randomly decided on? Johnny is all up to hearing about it, regardless of the time it takes, and finds it fascinating whilst listening to you. 
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John “Captain” Price:
Just blinks at you, hand scratching at his beard with a small ‘huh’ grunting out. 
He’s definitely weirded out by it. It’s something he wasn’t expecting to find out, or hearing those words come out from you. He tries to talk to you, asking why or when you started doing it; gently suggesting to you that you should stop and the reasons as to it. But, sooner or later, he accepts it, shrugging his shoulders and going on along with it. 
Another one that will not be joining your diet. He gags at the glazed image, and it makes him uncomfortable. However, he’s open to helping you cook, but will be eating the ‘other’ meat you’re not so fond of. 
While John isn’t a fan of you eating humans, he’s also one to recommend if you want him to find someone for dinner. He enjoys pampering you, and if he hears a yes, a friend that openly flirts with you is gone — and so are many others that Price sees as a threat.  
Definitely learns to be more open about it, and sometimes forgets you openly eat it, until the time comes when he’s butchering.  
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As long as you don’t jokingly say you’ll eat him, he’s weirdly fine with it. He just nods, rambling in Denglish, before asking questions to ensure he understands you correctly. 
König is fascinated by the human body, which means he understands that certain organs can easily poison you with how many substances it holds. This said, he worries over what you eat — coming into the kitchen to ask if he can cook the meals for you. Within 30+ minutes, König shows that he can make dishes like a tier-5-restaurant rating. 
He loves seeing your reaction to his cooking, smiling at himself with your humming, and always makes a bigger gourmet for a second plate. 
In a way, this giant enjoys knowing this secret. It’s to you and him only, and he loves preparing lunch or dinner with the specific meat. He’s also open to trying the meat you so like, and if he does? Well, that makes two of you a team, doesn’t it? 
Will gladly kill anyone for you. Open to killing the bad, the in-between, and the good if you so ask. However, König tends to go for people who deeply annoy him. 
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking. It helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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scaredpigeons · 10 months
More than some stress relief
Blade x Stelle NSFW 18+ MDNI
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CW: Stelle asks Blade to spar with her, and unfortunately that results in some unresolved sexual frustration, because c’mon, he’s still a whole ass man. Luckily, mama Kafka steps in to lend a helping hand. (Not her literal hand, she just buys the toy lol) phone sex, mutual masturbation? The fleshlight blade uses is connected to Stelle through the (magical) necklace that was part of the set. (Magical) creampie.
WARNING: Blade is very violent in his descriptions of how he threatens to bone Stelle. If you’re uncomfortable with him saying things along the lines of: —until the carnage is unrecognizable, —until you’re nothing but hot pulp running through my fingers (just to paraphrase loool) please do not read this. Blade is a very broken man, I was really trying to play off his more violent tendencies with this one. Stelle is so fuckin down bad tho (relatable)
If you are 18+, comfortable with some gory descriptors, and willing to read, please continue! Enjoy.
🐺👾: you want to…. Spar with blade? Are you a masochist or something? Should I be concerned? 
🦝🗑️: shut up 
🦝🗑️: I have this crazy lance and I don’t really want to hurt anyone by practicing with it 
🦝🗑️: I know he’s got that healing thing going on 
🐺👾: 👀 …. 
🐺👾: I’m telling him you called it that 
🦝🗑️: I don’t wanna like, offend him or anything. Obvi I don’t want him to get hurt, but like, the off chance I slip up with this thing… he isn’t gonna get murked. You know? 
🐺👾: okay okay I get it, I’ll ask 
🦝🗑️: 😩🩶🩶💯🔥
🐺👾: he agreed. Here’s the coordinates. Have fun, don’t die. 
“Thank you for agreeing to this, I really appreciate it!” 
The man in front of Stelle says nothing, only stares as the winds coming off the water pick up loose strands of his hair, making the inky strands flow behind him. 
“You… remember me, right?” Stelle tentatively asks. 
Still nothing. 
“It’s okay if you don’t, we don’t even have to go through with this, I just thought you would be the best person for what I’m—“ 
“I remember you, Trailblazer. My mind is not so far eroded that I’d forget you so easily.” 
His voice is dark, just as raspy as she remembers it. She has to clench her teeth to suppress a shudder. If March could hear her thoughts, she’d blush and squeal, smacking her arm in scandal. If Dan Heng could hear her thoughts… he’d institutionalize her immediately. 
This man is dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. Stelle had to lie about where she was going just so no one would try to talk her out of it. 
Danger always pulled at something inside her though, that nasty, deranged thing inside her that craved violence and adrenaline. She figured it was a side effect of hosting a stellaron inside her body, but man— did this guy make her wish she could have something else inside her body too.
 *Wink wink*
Aeons. She’s such a fucking simp. If it wouldn’t make her look bat shit insane, she’d smack herself right now just to get her shit together. 
“Oh…” she said instead. “That’s good. I’m glad.”
An awkward pause lingered between them, and she found herself thinking that maybe she was standing a bit too close to him, despite there being at least two feet between them. 
“Are you… doing well? The last time I saw you, Kafka was… helping you feel better.” She said hesitantly. 
It could’ve been her imagination, but she swore that the furrow of his brow softened ever so slightly. 
“We’re not here to discuss such trivial matters.” His voice was harsh nonetheless. 
“Right, right.” Stelle said, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly. “So, how do we do this?” 
Blade summoned his sword, dragging his fingertips across the edge before spreading the tainted blood across the flat of it, causing the cracked blade to glow and radiate with unnatural power. 
“It is not your time or place to die here, so luckily for you, I will show restraint.” 
Stelle could tell Blade was holding back, true to his word. 
Any flames she created were either quelled by his winds, or overfanned by his elemental power to the point that they grew too dangerous for the environment around them, or even Stelle herself. 
She found that with her control over the lance, she could call forth and dissipate her fires at will, so the damage to herself was minimal. 
She worried that if the flames grew too large, she’d lose control over them— but every time, she willed them away and they would flicker out, leaving charred shrubbery and stone in their wake. 
Didn’t mean they weren’t hot as shit though.  
The first time she’d used the lance, the freezing temperatures of Jarilo XI dulled just how hot her new weapon could become. 
But now, well she couldn’t tell if her sweat was from the flames or just how hard her opponent was pushing her. 
He was toying with her, clashing together brutally before jumping away and circling her like a hawk. 
He was resistant to her taunts, though keeping up with him left little room for her to pause long enough to think of something to say. 
He seemed completely at ease though, the violence in his eyes and the murderous grin doing nothing to help the degenerate part of her brain that was screaming and crying and throwing up at the opportunity to observe him like this up close, without Dan Heng around to make her feel guilty for admiring this man so much. 
Her arms grew heavy, and she’d not even made him sweat, let alone injure him in any way. 
She knew that the lack of true danger was causing her to remain at a reasonable power level, flash backs to the Herta space station incident making her shudder. 
She was really no match for him in this kind of situation. 
He lunged for her again, and this time, she was too tired to react properly. She parried his strike, but missed the signs of his next move, getting her feet swiped out from beneath her as he tackled her to the ground. His sword stabbed into the dirt just beside her head as he landed on top of her, effectively straddling her as he pinned her with his intense gaze. 
Her eyes flitted back and forth between his as her breath heaved in her chest, her heart racing as she struggled to right herself after being disoriented so badly. 
Something in his expression shifted, and instead of murderous amusement, his gaze seemed… hungry. 
He leaned closer, ever so slowly, and continued staring at Stelle so intently it made her do something so embarrassing she knew she would never live it down. 
She whimpered. 
His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he was gone. 
He pulled away from her and disappeared within the same breath, leaving her lying there in the dirt as she caught her breath. 
She ran her hands over her face. “Well fuck.” 
🐺👾: what did you do to him? 
🦝🗑️: ??????? 
🐺👾: last week. When the two of you sparred, did something happen? 
🦝🗑️: ….
🦝🗑️: why 
🐺👾: ever since he got back he’s been fucking pouting. 
🐺👾: well, I mean pouting in the way that blade does. It’s more of a scowl than anything else, but I’ve known him long enough to differentiate between his various types of frowns. 
🦝🗑️: … nothing happened. We fought. I lost, obviously. But no one was hurt or anything. 🙃 everything’s totally normal 
🐺👾 added Kafka🕷️💕 to the chat
🐺👾: Kafka, what’s she hiding? 
Kafka🕷️💕: some sexual tension, most likely. 
🦝🗑️: …. -_- 
🦝🗑️: mother, why hast thou forsaken me????
 Kafka🕷️💕: nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetie. 
Kafka🕷️💕: Bladie may be a tragic creation of the abundance, but his body was once human. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to say that some of the more… human tendencies of a man may still linger within him. 
🐺👾: F
🦝🗑️: F 
🐺👾: so you’re saying he’s pouting and kicking shit because he’s sexually frustrated? That’s fuckin nasty. 
🐺👾: @🦝🗑️ you need to fix this. I don’t wanna look at him sulk anymore 
🦝🗑️: me?!!?!? Tf am I supposed to do??? How is this my fault??? 
🐺👾: you fought him and now he’s horny. Fix it. 
🦝🗑️: … bruh 
Kafka🕷️💕: I don’t think the traditional way of solving this problem will be the best idea, silver wolf. 🤭
🐺👾: wym? 🤨
Kafka🕷️💕: I don’t think it’s safe right now for our little trailblazer and Bladie to get together on a more intimate level… he’s still a bit unstable mentally. 
🦝🗑️: you let me fight this man while hES UNSTABLE 
🐺👾: heh. L 
Kafka🕷️💕: fighting is what he knows. It’s what comes natural to him these days. Emotions? Not so much. 
🦝🗑️: I mean… I’m always down to help anyone whenever I can
🐺👾: *tucks hair behind ear* “i’M aLwAys DoWn tO HeLP aNyONe WHeNeVEr I cAn”
🐺👾: no thanks, I have better ways to waste my time 
🐺👾: heh… you want a nice reward for this one too? 
🐺👾: wtf does stta stand for you heathen 
Kafka🕷️💕: ooh! She’s used this one with me before. It’s “swear to the aeons.” Cute, right? 
🐺👾: 🙄 
🐺👾 has left the chat
Kafka🕷️💕: I think I have an idea on how you can help, if you’re open to it. 
🦝🗑️: …
🦝🗑️: what do I need to do? 
“Stelle sweetie!” Himeko knocked on her cabin door. “You have a package here.”
Stelle nearly slipped as her sock feet slid along the smooth floor of her room in her haste to reach the door. 
She tumbled along gracelessly and threw open her door, huffing as she took the package from Himeko. 
A box, about five hands wide and three hands deep, wrapped in plain brown paper, with a little card tapped on and slathered with all the necessary postage. 
“Thank you!” Stelle said hastily, reaching for her door. 
“Wait—“ Himeko put a hand to the door shaft, stepping forward a bit with worry in her eyes. 
Stelle cringed a bit, looking up at Himeko and trying to hide the shame she felt creeping up the back of her neck. 
“Listen,” Himeko started, eyeing the little card on the package with Stelles name written in pretty, looping letters. “I know you and that stellaron hunter have some strange connection that we aren’t sure about, and I know you’re unsure too, but I just want you to be careful, okay?” 
It took a solid two panicked seconds for Stelle to realize that Himeko was speaking about Kafka, and not the other stellaron hunter she’d so guilty formed a connection with recently. 
When the realization dawned on her, she tucked her package to the side and pulled Himeko into a tender side hug, snuggling into her chest a bit as she usually did. 
“Thank you for worrying about me, Himeko.” Stelle said, pulling away. “It means a lot to me, and I promise I’m being careful. I won’t do anything to jeopardize the safety of anyone on the express.” 
Himeko sighed, smiling as she pulled back too. “I know, I just worry about you. We’re all here to support you through this, you know that.” 
Stelle grinned. “I do, thank you.” 
The red haired woman nodded, smiling still as she said her goodbyes and left Stelle to her own devices. 
She’d never closed and locked her door so quickly before. 
Throwing the package on her bed, she hastily sat beside it and pulled the card from the packaging. 
She took a moment to trace her fingers over the pretty script on the card, before she tore open the envelope and read its contents. 
Inside this box you’ll find the fun toy I told you about, along with a new shipping label to send it off to Bladie. 
I’m off on my own right now, far away from him, and I figured he’d handle it a lot better if it came from you, and not me. hehe~ 
Also, you’ll find a beautiful little necklace I had added to the set, that’s for you to wear. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with it. 
Thinking fondly of you always, 
Stelle blushed a little, Kafka was always saying the strangest things. She tucked the card away in her nightstand and gently pried open the package, not wanting to tear the postage stamps. 
Inside was indeed the… thing that she was told about, and she blushed furiously while looking at the nondescript white box, though the size and shape was very indicative of what was inside.
She pulled the new shipping label out, looking at the address inquisitively and realizing she had no idea where Blade even was, not recognizing the planet. 
She sat it aside and pulled out the other small box inside, opening it up and finding a rather beautiful blue choker necklace. The colour was reminiscent of her garter, and she smiled, happily pulling the gift from its box and wrapping it around her slender throat. 
It clicked nicely in the back, and fit perfectly. She smiled, patting it and thinking about how it was such a thoughtful gift, however strangely unrelated. Then again Kafka was a bit of an enigma regardless, so who knows what her thought process was when putting these two together. 
Stelle closed up the box, slapping the new shipping label over the old one and eyeing it as it sat in the middle of her bed. 
Fuck, I should probably write him a letter, some kind of explination so he doesn’t just throw it away without opening it. 
She scurried to her desk, pulling out a very cutesy animal themed stationary set that March had gifted her after their mission on Jarilo XI. 
The envelopes and cards were soft blue, covered in cute little bunnies and bears and what Stelle thinks are pink raccoons, surrounded with hearts and little stars. 
She laughed at the idea of Blade handling such delicate paper, and got to writing a quick note on her desk.
Don’t hate me, but SW was complaining about your… mood lately, and I thought this might help. I totally fuckin get it, trust me, I understand. Traveling with a group of people that’s more like family than anything else can really put a damper on your… personal time. So please take time for yourself, if not for me, then to at least make silver wolf stop complaining to me that you’re moody. 
I look forward to the day you’ll spar with me again. 
It might’ve been doing a bit too much, but Stelle couldn’t help but feel like the note might help him to be more receptive to the gift. 
Being a bit delusional never stopped her before, so why should it now? 
She slid the card in the envelope and slapped it to the package, picking it up to go and have it delivered. Hopefully she could feel a bit more at peace once it was gone. 
A quick and impatient knock sounded on his room door, pulling him from his deep meditation on the floor. 
“Hey asshole, you’ve got a package.” 
He and Silver Wolf were sent together to fulfill one of Elio’s scripts, and it was a brief period of lull in their respective duties. 
The inn they were staying at wasn’t lavish by any means, but they were discreet, and that’s really all they could hope for. 
Blade released a breath through his nose as he rose from the floor, walking over and opening up his room to find his fellow hunter standing impatiently, tapping her foot on the rough carpet of the hallway. 
Blade hated carpet in the hallways of inns. Always disgusting and ridiculously coloured. 
“Here.” Silver Wolf shoved the box in his hands, her grin was wide, spreading to her eyes which twinkled up at him with the mischief he tried so desperately to avoid. 
“Who could possibly know where we are right now.” He grumbled at her, though she was already turning to leave. 
“I have an inkling, and hopefully the stick falls out of your ass soon.” She laughed maniacally as she waltzed down the hall. “Enjoy!” 
Blade felt his brow scrunch up tight as he eyed the package. The blue envelope tapped into it was terrible to look at, the childish print making him want to throw it away immediately, but the unfamiliar lettering spelling his name across the paper made him pause. 
He brought the package to his bed, sitting down and thumbing open the envelope. 
The contents of the card made his stomach drop and then lurch into his throat. He was ready to run silver wolf through with his sword. 
Calm yourself. 
He took steady breaths, though he was angry, he was also rather curious about what exactly was in the box. 
With a carefulness he didn’t remember he had, he pried open the package to find a smaller white box without any words or indicators of what could be inside. 
He lifted the lid, only to drop it in shock at what lurked within. He knew what that was. He was older than most but he was still a man, and he knew exactly what had been sent to him— what was to help his “mood.” 
He sighed, pinching his temples. He didn’t know whether he wanted to thank silver wolf or strangle her. Either way, he’d be getting some kind of relief today. 
Stelle was eating dinner when she felt the first phantom touch. 
Fingertips, as soft as a whisper, ghosting over her pubic mound and making her stomach dip. 
Her eyes darted around, but everyone else was still enjoying their meal, chatting quietly together with the melody of silverware accompanying their voices. 
She was sat beside Dan Heng tonight, but both of his hands were above the table. 
She leaned back to look at him below the waist, looking to see if he’d manifested his tail and was making a pass at her, or more likely, was absentmindedly flicking it about like he did whenever he took his secondary form. 
But no, he was tailless this evening, and now eyeing her a bit warily as her eyes darted around. 
“You okay?” He murmured, not wanting to bother the others. 
The touch ghosted along her outer labia now, making her drop her fork in shock. 
Everyone was looking at her now, and she felt something pulse around her throat, right where her new necklace rested. 
Her face heated, and she placed her utensils onto her half finished plate before scooting from behind the table. 
“I’m… not feeling the greatest. I think I’m gonna go to bed early, if you all don’t mind.” 
She stood quickly, standing there for a moment as the touches continued, soft and inquisitive. 
“Are you alright?” Welt asked, concerned. “Would you like me to bring you some tea, or medicine?” 
“No!” Stelle jumped, before she caught herself and smiled sheepishly. “I’m alright, just feeling a little off. Probably just need some good sleep. I’ll see you all in the morning?” 
They all nodded, watching her go with worried eyes, but letting her leave without more questioning, which she was so grateful for. 
As soon as she made it to her room, she felt the first touch swipe through her core, and she nearly keened. 
Her throat pulsed, the necklace weakly glowing in the dark of her room. 
Her body felt hot. She was embarrassed at the amount of wetness that was pooling in her underwear, but most importantly, she was so fucking confused at what was going on. 
Something wet and blunt prodded at her entrance, and her knees buckled as she locked her door. 
She nearly crawled to her bed as her choker pulsed and pulsed with a weak glow, and the blunt thing, which felt suspiciously like a pair of fingers, finally slipped inside her, curiously prodding around, as if feeling her out. 
She slapped a hand over her mouth as she squeezed around the phantom digits, their touch lingering at her g spot with ridiculous precision. The fingers withdrew and she breathed a sigh of relief, though it was short lived as something much, much larger prodded itself at her entrance. 
Her eyes widened, and she scrambled to pull Kafkas card from her bedside drawer. 
“you’ll find a beautiful little necklace I had added to the set, that’s for you to wear. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with it. “
Stelle hadn’t realized what those words meant at the time, but as the blunt head of a ridiculously sized phallic object pushed at her hole, the meaning slapped her in the face like a rouge automaton. 
Her back arched off the bed as the phantom cock pushed into her, and she choked on a moan as it buried itself deep within her. She was so ridiculously wet she wanted to cry, and knowing who was on the other end of this feeling made her eyes roll back into her head. 
The thrusts started slow, but slowly worked their way up to something more intense, almost violent. Her insides churned, and she felt the telltale signs of an orgasm building up so quickly she might scream. 
No, no no no. She scrambled, reaching for the necklace, but when her fingers reached the latch, the thrusts changed angles, pounding directly into her g-spot and she cussed into the dark of her room. 
Her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave, crashing into her and seeping deep into her bones. It was the first actually satisfying orgasm she’d had in an incredibly long time. 
Her fingertips shook as they lingered on the necklace a moment, before she threw them back to her sheets, gripping them tightly as the thrusts continued. 
Fuck, this feels too good.
Through the post orgasm fog, she wondered if he knew. 
Did he know it was connected to her? 
She suddenly felt overcome with guilt. If he didn’t know, this felt a little like taking advantage of his struggles. If he did know, then she wanted to hear him say it out loud, that he knew exactly what he was doing to her. 
She wanted him to hear exactly what he was doing to her. 
With shaking hands and twitching thighs, she slapped around her bed for her phone, biting her lip through the pleasure to scroll through her contacts. 
It was nearly at the bottom, and the last time it was used was a hack of Silver Wolf’s, and Kafkas words, not his own. But she had to try regardless. 
She clicked the call button, bringing her phone to her ear as she bit back moans. 
Suddenly, the thrusting within her stopped, though the phantom cock remained buried within her. 
She gasped as the ringing came to a halt as the line picked up.
There was no answer, though she swore she could hear his breathing, just a bit heavier than usual. 
“Don’t… don’t stop.” She whispered. 
She thought she heard his breath catch in his throat. She definitely heard the swallow before he spoke. 
“What are you talking about.” His gravelly voice reverberated through the phone, and she felt the cock inside her move ever so slowly, in and out. 
She bit her lip. “I didn’t know at first, I swear.” Her thoughts were scrambled as the soft thrusts continued, and the knowledge that he was actively fucking himself with the toy while she spoke make her stomach jump in pleasure. 
“You didn’t know what?” He said, voice low and nearly at a whisper. 
“It’s… we’re… we’re connected.” 
The toy stopped, and she sucked in a breath of relief, hoping to gather her thoughts so she could properly explain herself. 
Suddenly a moan was ripped from her chest as his cock thrust into the toy with vigor, and his intense pace was picked back up tenfold. 
She tried to hide it, but the damage was done, and if he didn’t know before, he certainly did now as he listened to her whine and whimper through the phone. 
“I thought the inside felt far too realistic.” He growled. “You’re squeezing me so tight, little Nameless.” 
She gasped, his voice along with the stimulation was far too much, and another orgasm was quickly approaching. 
She tried to play it off like she wasn’t being fucked within an inch of her life though. 
“Yeah well, it’s… been a while since I’ve gotten any action, s-so forgive me for being a little tense.” She stammered. 
He switched his thrusts to hard and deep, so hard Stelle could nearly feel the sensation of his hips hitting hers, and she’s almost positive the fat of her lower half would be rippling in the recoil if he were actually here. 
“I knew as soon as I saw you that you were just a needy hole begging to be filled.” Blade said, voice deep and oh so condescending. 
Stelle fisted the sheets, her eyes nearly rolling into her skull as her needy moans slipped through clenched teeth. He was right, he was so right— but that didn’t mean she needed to concede so easily. 
“That’s bold talk…” she hissed, biting her lips until they felt raw. “…For someone who literally ran away from m-me as soon as his blood traveled south.”  
His dark laugh made her squeeze around him, and she knew he could feel it because the laugh trickled off into a deep groan that set her face on fire. She felt like her fingertips were alight with electricity, like her body was attempting to defy the artificial gravity on the express as she arched off her sheets. 
The pounding within her never faltered as he continued speaking his vile, filthy words at her. 
“You’re lucky I did, little Nameless.” She could almost imagine his murderous grin, the violence that vibrated through his voice was astounding. “If I had stayed I would have fucked you until not even your beloved crew would have been able to recognize the carnage I’d left behind.”
She couldn’t stop the noise that flew from her throat, a guttural keening that had her gripping her cellphone in embarrassment as he laughed once more. 
“Oh?” He teased, voice edged with gravel and venom. “You must be desperate to enjoy the idea of me fucking you until you’re nothing but hot pulp slipping through my fucking fingers.”
Oh she was so desperate, so fucked. If anyone else had said something so absolutely horrifying, she’d have run far, far away. 
“Does the rest of the express crew know how fucking depraved you are?” His thrusts seemed to pick up speed, which would’ve seemed nearly impossible, except she couldn’t exactly think at the moment, only sob as they slammed against that spot inside her over and over again until she felt herself slipping slowly. 
“Do they know that their precious little star wants to be fucked by a monster?” He snarled, and she cried out into the soft light of her room, thrashing around as her orgasm teased its way at her— but she was holding it back, why, why?
“Please,” she gasped. “Please, can I—“ oh, she thought distantly. Oh I’m so fucked up. 
Blade groaned, the slick sounds of him thrusting into the toy ringing in her ear. “So desperate, so polite. You really are something else.”
She keened, arching her back as the feeling licked at her further, so close to toppling over the edge.
“Go on then,” Blade whispered darkly. “Cum for me.” 
It crashed over her, more powerful than anything she could remember feeling. It pulsed through her in quick waves, so strong and violent as he just kept going. 
It started to dance into sickly sweet overstimulation as she heard his breath quicken, and she steadied her breath, wanting to savor this moment. 
“You know,” she breathed. “I’m a lot tougher than you think.”
His breath stuttered, his pace faltering ever so slightly. 
“I could take it,” she whispered. “I don’t think you’d hurt me in any way I didn’t want you to.” 
He faltered, and she heard him cuss under his breath through the phone.
“Yeah?” He whispered. “You’d take what I give you?”
She nodded at her ceiling, knowing he couldn’t see her, but her mind was too foggy with brutal pleasure to think straight. He was undoing her. 
“Every disgusting, violent, nasty thing you’d give me Blade,” she said, clutching the sheets as tears welled behind her eyes, praying he was almost finished but simultaneously never wanting it to end. “I’d take it so well for you, and I’d thank you for it.” 
“Fuck.” Blade moaned, deep and guttural, and his thrusting seized inside her. Much to her shock, she could feel the warmth of him filling her up, pump and after pump of him coating her insides. 
They both lay there, staring at their ceilings and breathing heavily over the phone, not speaking but not really wanting to anyways. 
Finally, once the breath returned to her lungs unlaboured, she felt him pull himself from the toy. 
She felt like she’d been hollowed out, like a crater had been formed where her insides should be, and without him there plugging her up—-her guts would fall out and she’d be left empty. 
He made a confused noise, and just as he did she felt the telltale squelch of cum slipping from her still twitching insides, and she groaned in frustration. 
“Well then,” he chuckled, softer now than before— almost a forbidden sound. “That makes cleaning up easier for me.” 
She smacked her hand over her face. “This is the weirdest toy ever invented, and I'm going to cry the next time I have to face Kafka.” 
“I figured this had something to do with her,” he said, shuffling noises heard from his end of the line. “She can never stay out of my business for too terribly long, unfortunately.” 
“Mine too it seems.” Stelle sighed. She smiled when he made a neutral sound of agreement. 
“You sound like you’re in a better mood.” She said, uncaring of the consequences.
“Well, before I realized what this really was, I was just hoping to release some inconvenient pent up energy.” He said, voice flat. “But I suppose doing it this way has added benefits. I’m no fool, I understand how the human brain works.”
“So this… helped you?” Stelle asked tentatively. 
He sighed. “I’d be lying if I said it was entirely useless.” 
Stelle smiled, stroking the choker around her throat, the delicate glow now completely faded. 
“I’ll keep my end of the connection on, it's simple enough. Just call me next time, okay? I don’t need to embarrass myself at dinner again.”
“I make no such promises.” She thought she heard the faintest of smiles in that last sentence before the line went dead.  
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I can't think of a title for these clone wars headcanons
Ahsoka does this thing that never fails to get a laugh out of the people around her and it’s the fact that she calls herself an angel whenever someone calls her out for doing something bad or reminds her of something she’s done she’ll look around before going “Who me? I’m an angel”
Which has the whole group bent over laughing hysterically sometimes they’re able to choke out a sentence that sounds like “Jedi aren’t supposed to lie” or something along those lines 
So I’ve had this idea for a while but I feel like something along the lines of sign language would be necessary for the troops to know if they’re on a stealth mission 
And even tho the Jedi don’t need to sign with each other it’s kind of common practice for them to learn some to communicate with the troops
Some signs can differ from troop to troop but they’re close enough that they’re easy to understand and it’s very rare that the other troop will get confused 
Sometimes those signs will leak off the field and into their day-to-day lives most of the time the troops will use signs to be kind to their Jedi who have migraines after a difficult battle but the signs are used the most around Anakin
I feel like it would be pretty easy for Jedi to get overstimulated especially if they’re as powerful as Anakin so it’s not uncommon for him to go nonverbal after a battle or if he’s in a force rich place
If he’s only kind of overwhelmed he’ll use Ahsoka and Obi-Wan as his interpreters and talk through their bonds but sometimes even that is too much so signs like “please” “thank you” “sorry” “hungry” “thirsty” “more” or “I’m okay” become pretty commonplace
It’s not enough to hold an in-depth conversation but that usually works in Anakin’s favor because drawn-out conversations tend to make him nonverbal for longer periods
When Anakin Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are stressed it shows up when they’re asleep 
Anakin sleep talks whenever he’s even slightly worried about something he’s woken poor Ahsoka and Obi-Wan up more times than the duo can count by saying stuff like “Hey hey are you awake?” while he’s out like a light
It freaks the duo out because he’s weirdly eloquent in his sleep bro is holding entire conversations do those conversations make sense to anyone but him? No but they’re conversations nonetheless
Ahsoka sleepwalks it doesn’t matter what happens during the day if it even slightly stresses her out she’s up and out of bed the second she’s slightly asleep it scared the force out of Anakin the first time she sleepwalked in their quarters because she was just standing over him menacingly 
The first time Obi-Wan was introduced to Ahsoka’s sleepwalking was during a sleepover that the trio was having and he had just drifted off to sleep when he heard the buzz of two lightsabers in the other room
Both he and Anakin walked into the kitchen to find Ahsoka standing with her sabers activated she wasn’t in a fighting stance by any means so they could easily disarm her but all Anakin did was ask “You want water snips?” and she nodded while holding out her sabers which he easily grabbed
Only after Ahsoka had a nice glass of water and laid back down did Obi-Wan ask questions the main one being “Is that normal?” and Anakins replies “Well the sabers are new” like someone talking about the weather 
It wasn’t until morning that the trio discovered Anakin and Ahsoka’s kitchen table was cut in half the togruta was incredibly apologetic but Anakin was just impressed that she managed to do it without waking them
Normally Obi-Wan snores like a lawn mower but when he’s stressed he grinds his teeth the real kicker is he grinds them so hard that it’s just as loud as the snoring and the only difference is the poor man wakes up with a sore locked jaw
One time Anakin heard a shiny say that they could never tell what Ahsoka was thinking and the other commented that she’s “like a vault” which had him doubled over in almost painful laughter 
When one of them finally gained the courage to ask him what was so funny he just said “If you wanna know what she’s thinking look at her face” and he’s not wrong girly has the most expressive face it’s like looking at glass
But the people who love her hope that trait never changes cause there’s nothing quite like seeing her face twist as she has to talk to some dirtbag or light up when she gets a compliment 
Recently I got some ideas when it comes to Clone Wars characters and baking
Anakin is one of the best damn cooks in the galaxy he’s also really good at making a meal out of virtually nothing it’s scary impressive but on the other hand the man can’t bake for shit
Cause with cooking measurements aren’t really needed in fact on Tatooine people would scoff if you asked for them but it’s kind of the opposite for baking unless you’ve been doing it for a very long time
So Anakin “Just pour it until it looks good” Skywalker hates baking with a burning passion which is funny because he’s got a sweet tooth the size of a gundark
Ahsoka’s only really used to cooking by Anakin’s side which results in her only really remembering half the recipe like girl can mince like no one else but she can’t make a full dish without calling Anakin to ask for help 
But baking is where this girl thrives she loves to bake and try new recipes which works out because Anakin’s the human equivalent of a garbage disposal with the aforementioned sweet tooth
Cody is pretty proficient at cooking and baking he doesn’t do anything fancy and he doesn’t really like doing either he mostly learned out of necessity cause
Obi-Wan and Rex can’t cook or bake for shit and they’re perfectly fine with that fact like they’re a-ok with living off government rations if it means they never have to step foot in a kitchen 
Padme sweet angel lovely girl thinks she can cook and bake can she….. No
But the thing is she tries so hard and puts her whole heart and soul into her cooking and baking so everyone tries to act like she can it’s the galaxies best kept secret and it’s one that everyone’s happy to keep
There was one time when that secret was almost spilled on Ahsoka’s birthday when Padme offered to make her cake and no one could warn the poor girl cause that would spoil the surprise party
All Anakin could do to rectify the situation was buy a cake from his and Ahsoka’s favorite bakery and hide it in their quarters after the party
During the actual party Anakin pulled her off to the side to warn her just before the cake could be brought out and from an outsider's perspective it looked like a sweet moment between the siblings 
But in actuality all was going on this “Soka you know how you said I was the best master you could ask for” “Yes I said it when I first walked in are you finally going senile” “Well remember all that love when I ask you for the biggest favor” “which is?” “Padme made your cake” “No” “And I need you to act like you love it” “Anakin please if you love me at all” “If you love me you’ll eat the cake and tell her you love it and once the parties over you’ll get to eat your favorite cake in the whole wide world”
And they kind of just sit there and Anakin swears a few tears fall before Ahsoka says “Fine” and he hugs the everloving force out of her before they walk over to eat a slice of the galaxy's prettiest abomination 
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jev-urisk · 2 months
OC Deep Dive Tag ✨
@the-golden-comet may be a pirate-wrangler, but I'm the one who keeps stealing their tag games. 🏴‍☠️
Oh y'all know I'm starting with Kazimier from 🌐7 Circles🌐
I am however adding a cut bc some of this is pretty spoiler-y. 🙊
Phobias: Hemophobia (his own blood, specifically), medical needles. People whose lust tastes of sadism.
Other fears: IVs, feeling not in control, being drugged, being poisoned, getting cut/stabbed, healthy fear of death. Fear of falling in love.
Pet peeves: Naivety, 'baby-talking', clingy people, sometimes even having sex is a peeve.
3 items in their bedroom: Something to lounge on like a chaise, garish clothing, a lot of rope.
First thing they notice in a person: The sound of their voice/how they pronounce things, the way their face moves as they talk.
Scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?: Hmmm...4.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Freeze, followed by fight, flight, fawn (fakely), or fuck.
Do they have a big family/are they a family person?: Does being in a gang at age 10 count as being adopted into a family? Could be a family person if he let himself care about people like that.
What animal represents them? A cat. So particular, weirdly hyperfocused sometimes, likes toying with vermin, can't tell if he'll roll with you giving him attention or try to claw you.
What is a smell they dislike? Cleaning solution
Broken any bones? Maybe, he's almost 300 so it would be a miracle if he hadn't yet.
How would a stranger describe them? Each stranger would describe a completely different person. Kazimier is a shapeshifter. If a stranger somehow saw his 'neutral' form, they'd say he looks fuckin' weird. Horns, green hair, mis-matched eyes of red and green, strange red markings on his cheeks, fangs, black claws, dressed like an 80s rockstar and has this crooked smirk on his face... the fuck?
Night owl or a morning bird? Night? The place he comes from, Du'Preve, barely has a day and night, it's always pretty dark.
A flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Hates sadism, loves desperation. (Kaz is an incubus, and you can discern those feelings from the taste of their lust)
Any hobbies? Sewing (very helpful for a shapeshifter), games like chess, billiards, darts, clue- anything that keeps his mind engaged. Also enjoys doing other people's makeup/make-overs but does this very rarely and is a dictator during the process.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? He's already thinking about how much he's going to make everyone suffer. Flip a coin as to whether he shuts it down immediately or plays along up until people get hurt. There is one (1) spontaneous asexual vampire gal who could get away with doing this.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Yeah, and he owns a lot of it.
Neat or messy handwriting? Neater than you'd expect, large unabashed spacing and snarky loops.
The two emotions they feel the most? Fear and curiosity.
Favorite fabric? Hahhahahahaa.. yeah it's cashmere.
What kind of accent do they have? New York-ish, like Baccano. The quality of his voice is not unlike Todd Haberkorn's normal speaking voice, brassy, abrasive, animated, wry and snarkish.
Taggames list: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open Tag! (No pressure tho!)
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iheartgirlzn · 4 months
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🐡 notes: get to know me as a child of poseidon at camp half-blood! inspired by @sunnitheapollokid , @child-of-apollo & @pinkdiorluvr (ik i wasn’t tagged BUT THIS IDEA IS SOOO COOL!)
depending on when i arrive at camp, i don’t know when i’d be claimed. like if it’s before percy shows up maybe a month? but if it’s after him a week at most.
but i do know i’d be claimed before i become a teen, like 11 or 12 at oldest !!
i also don’t think i’d be a year rounder, but i’d 100% go during the holidays if i’m not busy
ANYWAYSS it’d probably happened when i was alone - maybe swimming or sunbathing and BOOM! there’s a trident above my head
i’m not sure if it would’ve been a surprise to some people, but i think some campers would be like ‘yeah makes sense.’
i the other options were ‘they’re a hermes kid’ or ‘that’s probably hypnos’ child.’ (ignore the fact those two gods couldn’t be more different)
until percy shows up it’d be just me.. so obvi i’m the head counsellor 🫡 the cabin would be SO clean with me running the place.
campfire sing alongs are defo my favourite part of the day (if i didn’t have anxiety i’d be a theatre kid just saying </3)
and i don’t play any instruments anymore, but if i could i’d totally play the guitar around the fire 🤸
either way i WILL sing any musical that comes to mind with no shame whatsoever (mamma mia.. hamilton.. epic.. encanto..)
i like to think that i’d be close with percy and tyson!
me and perce wld clash sometimes but we’re related so ig we’d HAVE to get along /j (coming from someone with 2 younger siblings 😣😣)
↑ SPEAKING OF MY OTHER FAMILY i’m also close with all my other cousins and nieces?? nephews??
i’m closest with the og trio (grover, annabeth, and percy), children of apollo, aphrodite and hephaestus!!
(↑ me and leo would be bffs.)
and maybe the hypnos cabin cuz i love sleeping and i will be visiting them often 👀
but also speaking of sleeping i cannot fall asleep without a bit of light. like EVEN NOW I CANNOT THE PITCH DARK SCARES ME SO BADD
my relationship with my mum would be fine, she’d just miss me a lot and be overprotective !
my powers are breathing underwater and controlling it and whatever else percy has.. and maybe a tail — JUST LET ME LIVE MY MERMAID DREAM
my weapon of choice would be two celestial bronze daggers or like a giant golden trident /hj
i’d defo train with piper or annabeth bc of this
i couldn’t care less if that meant getting beaten up by two gorgeous women — #bipanic 🤭
my favourite chb activities would be the sword fighting lessons/archery/or capture the flag!! (i love archery irl too sooo)
i LOVE HUGS!! so i’m always hanging off of someone if they don’t mind :P
I ALSO LOVE SWIMMING!!!! lowkey duh tho cuz my dad’s the god of the sea.. BUT I LOVE SWIMMING
wears glasses. i hate wearing glasses but i hate contact lenses even more.
closest friends with rachel dare, annabeth chase, leo valdez (ik i said this but we a chaotic duo frfr), the stolls, piper mclean, etc!
speaking of me and leo being a chaotic duo WE WOULD TOTALLY HANG OUT LOADSS
and if i’m not with him then i’m by the lake or in the strawberry field eating them all 🗣️
obsessed with the art ‘n crafts cabin — will be in there painting or doodling away OR with rachel in her cave and drawing while she does oracle stuff
anyways i like to think of myself as a cool older sibling to the younger campers bc i’d let them do whatever they want (within reason) but also wld protect them w my life !!
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genshin-hsr-rambles · 5 months
omg I just stumbled upon this account with perfect timing bc I had this wild dream last night and I need to share it with someone. It was like a fusion of HSR and genshin impact but like in a modern au kinda. And it revolved around Ratio, Aventurine, Alhaitham and Kaveh (with the obvious ships ofc bc even in sleep I’m a diehard shipper lol) but like Aventurine was the mc of sorts of the dream yknow like I wasnt seeing from his perspective or anything but it kinda focused on him. It’s so OOC that I was confused as well but it’s chaotic good.
but anyway so the dream started in what I assume was Ratio and Aventurine’s bedroom bc they were in bed and it was night n shit. for some dumb reason that I don’t remember there was a map of Florida on the wall (they weren’t in america or anything) and Aventurine was convinced that Ratio couldn’t fall asleep without looking at the map even though there was literally no reason to think that and it wasn’t even Ratio’s idea to have the map in the first place. This scene was wildly irrelevant and is only rly mentioned like once later and I find it hilariously out of pocket.
cue the next day where Aventurine and Ratio are invited over to Alhaitham’s house (and kaveh’s but they wouldnt stop calling it alhaithams) for a meal, dinner I think even though it was literally daytime? But yeah they were invited over and so they pulled up and for some reason in my mind the house looked weirdly like my house irl ig dreams are like that. Idk rly where Ratio and Kaveh go off to for a moment but they do go off somewhere whilst Aventurine climbs into alhaitham’s car.
Should probably mention Alhaitham was already in the car so the two kinda just chat for a while and Alhaitham is pretty much like “hey can you not do something stupid or be an asshole for just this one day this is important to me” and Aventurine wasn’t offended by this at all bc apparently Alhaitham was genuinely his friend?? (I was expecting Kaveh and Aventurine but my dream said no) but Aventurine is a bit confused why having dinner with him and ratio is a big deal bc it’s just like having friends over tf. So Alhaitham reaches around to the back seats of the car and pulls out this big stack of books which seems random at first but Aventurine checks all of their front covers and discovers they all say Veritas Ratio on them. Alhaitham explains that he is fascinated by Ratio’s work and was looking forwards to talking abt it so if Aventurine could behave that would be great.
Aventurine doesn’t get to reply or anything tho bc Ratio and Kaveh come along and knocks on the car window to tell them that dinner is ready (looking back on it, I think Ratio might’ve been helping Kaveh cook which is a crime that I didn’t get to see it). When I tell you I have never seen anyone move as fast as Aventurine and Alhaitham did in my life I mean they were FAST bc neither of them wanted to be caught dead by Ratio himself with those books so they just kinda shoved the books into the back seat again (blackout windows I assume?) and got out of the car.
cue the dinner which actually looked really tasty but Aventurine can’t keep his mouth shut despite what Alhaitham said and neither can Kaveh. Kaveh won’t stop complaining abt all the things Alhaitham hasn’t done bc apparently it was his turn to cook and Aventurine for some reason is determined to ruin Alhaitham’s admiration for Ratio and proceeds to bring up the Florida map thing (again, entirely irrelevant). In a moment that must be why he didn’t get into the Genius Society, Ratio decides the only way to get out of this god forsaken dinner is to literally climb out a window… Yeah. Aventurine, Kaveh and Alhaitham are all equally confused.
After much confusion Aventurine decides to excuse himself and follow after Ratio. For some reason the two of them end out in Alhaitham’s car??? And Aventurine shows Ratio THE books and they talk and it was actually surprisingly sweet n wholesome. By this time its actually getting dark tho so they go back into the house eventually to say goodbye and go their seperate ways. When Aventurine and Ratio get home the Florida map isn’ there, then I promptly woke up and was like wtf.
Very long ask and there isn’t even a question either but I had to tell someone. thank you SO MUCH
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Lmao this has made my day. I wish I dreamt about HSR and Genshin Impact, that’d be so fun. This has serious crackfic potential lmao.
But you’re right, the whole Florida map thing is so out of pocket. Why do they have a map of Florida? Why did Aventurine choose to hang up a map of Florida in the bedroom? And better yet, why does he think Dr Ratio can’t fall asleep until he sees the map? This is the kind of thing only dream logic can explain. Dream logic also likes to make fictional places look like places you know in real life.
The idea of Kaveh and Alhaitham inviting Dr Ratio and Aventurine over for dinner is actually quite nice. Definitely didn’t expect Alhaitham and Aventurine to be friends, nor will I ever get over Alhaitham straight up telling Aventurine “yo can you like not be a dick for once”. Also Alhaitham having books on Dr Ratio’s studies weirdly makes sense. I too am salty that you didn’t get to witness Kaveh and Dr Ratio cooking. Missed opportunity.
After everything that’s been happening in Penacony, I think Aventurine deserves to be chaotic and determined to ruin Alhaitham’s view of Dr Ratio. Though Dr Ratio straight up climbing out the window— anon, you’re entirely right about the Genius Society. Their sweet moment makes up for all the chaos though (even if Dr Ratio would definitely still be a little pissed Aventurine was spreading misinformation about him).
And to end it all off, the Florida map is just… gone? What, did someone take it down? Or was it never there to begin with? Maybe the real haikaveh/ratiorine was the Florida maps we met along the way.
Thank you for this masterpiece.
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hellonerf · 5 months
OHH same anon as lasg time!!! now rhat we have confirmation of relationships can we maybe get a list of em?
OK... i will try my best... keep in your mind i am ame guy i always think about ame its a torturous existence but i will use this opportune to explain my 2ptalia. i wont make a list cz thats hard so i'll just write as much as i can. long paragraphs here we go
2p fra and 2p eng live in the manor and he's the head of the household there (of like two people lol). 2p eng plays the role of a stay at home mother and 2p fra the father. years back meri and nada lived there as the kids. 2p eng likes playing house but he wants full control of the house so its suffocating for the others. meri especially had always needed particular kinds of help and rejected alot of 2p england's ways. but 2p eng was also very particular about things so they clashed really badly. 2p eng fed him shit like human meat idk how to fit this in but this old 2p thing is so funny to me i have to keep it anyways that was a thing meri was kind of the problem child there. 2p eng did not like meri lol but it was under layers of strange lying and false affections
nada was like... a lying kid he'd just go with what was told of him quietly and kind of halfassedly to get things done. but he also would try to cool down situations to keep himself and meri safe. he fed meri wild berries or whatever other foods that meri wouldn't get sick from and puke out so he didn't end up seriously malnourished... a good older brother. if not a little aloof. (and meri could be difficult sometimes because. you know. obviously. and nada didnt always know how to respond to him properly). he is all annoyed by meri Now bcz of how clingy and needy he is and how meri seems to want him to prioritize his needs over nada's own. meri doesn't intend this but nada to him is someone who'd never drop him anyways and meri wants to feel whatever counts as happy at the moment (does whatever he wants lol).
2p fra is useless husband lol ok but he is a sad sad guy and he doesnt gaf anymore and just stays in the manor and during the brothers childhood mostly turned the other way. he can garden tho theres that! also 2p eng can actually cook he just does shit but he can cook well. hes demanding of his husband and purposefully difficult sometimes... likes testing him.
nada and 2p eng's relationship is a lot better but nada holds his tongue a lot anyways. they get along pretty okay and meri is like im really chill about that (not really)(but well nada likes me more than him anyways... he'll always take my side no matter what he tells england...). meri thinks 2p fra hates him too but 2p fra doesnt he just doesnt gaf about those damn kids. after meri and nada ran away 2p fra was like well i guess this family doesnt really have kids anymore. and 2p eng waslike no they just left for college. (2p fra: college doesnt exis.t.. okay). now meri and nada adventures the small deserted world they live in on a shitty motorcycle doing errands and jobs for people.
now for other guys. 2p ita is an asshole to like everyone but he gets things done. he keeps things in line in most of the area though some people dont listen to him even if he threatens them. he's pretty aware of whats his strengths and what isnt so hes calculating about who and how he exerts control... hes the one who figured out the very faraway portal door to 1p world. he lives in a long asymmetric tower that looks like a radio tower... 2p ger works here for him and basically lives there too. 2p ger is a kind of mechanic thats weirdly clumsy but also really good at his work. (2p ger gives us gratuitous fanservice from tripping over lines that werent there previously and 2p ita pops three whole blood vessels at once!) 2p jp is the bodyguard ish. but he kind of hates being under people so he doesnt always listen to his bosses. (2p ita knows how to get him to listen tho even if its a hassle). 2p ita hires meri and nada to do shit sometimes (mostly nada cz meri is worse at listening than him. but meri shows up there anyways so they get to know each other's working styles). they dont like each other but due to a job now 2p ger, meri, and nada all know about the door so he has to figure out to keep them in check about it
2p pru is 2p ger's older brother that was a major deal but lost his whole arm!!! and is now weak and sad. so 2p ger mostly takes care of him and his mechanical arm. 2p ger has little loyalty to people, but he takes care of his brother anyways. he'd probably sell him out lol but then take care of him after anyways.
2p roma is on the radio Oh i forgot to mention everyone has a little walkie talkie or radio that connects to the radio tower and this is like their only source of entertainment (unless germy lets them borrow his shitty laptop) and well communication of sorts. anyways hes on the radio always and has to keep coming up with material and sometimes has to pretend like hes 2p ita when giving announcements... 2p ita thinks hes annoying and thinks whatever "entertainment" he gives on the radio sucks ass but they got each others backs anyways.
2p japan as i said is a kind of bodyguard but he's very protective of his work and also not friendly like at all. 2p chi is not rly his mentor but they keep running into each other anyways. 2p chi is kind of true idgaf guy he lives in one of the houses closer to the radio tower because its convenient and he couldnt care less about the other people around. he keeps a lot of old things in his house like old jewelry old trinkets just old old things of their world. he might've been the one who found the laptop and just gave to it to 2p ger just cz he asked. 2p ger gets his mechanical materials from him because nobody else keeps shit they find cause they suck and are lazy. so germys always like man that guys the best! and 2p japan grits his teeth and stars come out from him gritting his teeth cz of how hard he grit his teeth. 2p chi does not gaf abt 2p japan of course its like a weird beef... he keeps the old trinkets because its useful and he might find a thing or two that makes his life more convenient... if not he'll sell or give them away. he listens to the radio and thinks it sucks but not much else to do.
2p spain is a little further away from the radio tower but he's there. he lives in someplace that looks like a church but if you walk in its basic house interior. he is a shit guy but knows and keeps and sells information around here. 2p ita has beef with him for that(but its fine... he's a patient guy... kgh...) and instead of talking directly for managing stuff he just sends 2p roma to do it.(romas like i dont rly wanna... but fine.. cz im just rly charitable...) 2p spain likes throwing glass at people thats just a thing he does. meri and nada doesnt like doing jobs for him but he pays a lot so they do it anyways. 2p ger wouldnt mind working for him but 2p spain doesnt trust his weird mechanics and technology... he does things manually. of course he doesnt know but many things of his house runs on the same mechanics...
2p russia is closer to the radio tower than 2p spain is but relatively not close. he likes keeping the plants and ecosystem in this world alive because nobody else is managing it. (2p fra would but he's in that fuckass manor all the time... this pisses 2p rus alot cz instead of being useful to the environment hes just There). meri has no idea but the only reason there was wild berries all around and various non-meat food is cz of 2p rus. 2p rus barely knows of him tho he just hears abt them like oh those two who would do anything for a little piece of money. 2p russia always has the radio on because information is valuable even if right now its just a shitty improvised soap opera on the radio... he doesnt like other people and only interacts if he must.
aaand i forgot to mention but 2p eng's manor has one singular radio connected to the radio tower but its like always turned off and hidden. 2p eng doesnt like 2p ita and doesnt agree with how he runs things at all and is the one who is most uncooperative with him. thats why 2p eng is really secluded living in the manor... he's the furthest away from the radio tower. 2p ita thinks hes a freak but hes mostly not causing trouble for him so he lets him do whatever that shit is.
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ragnar0c · 6 months
List of My EOIII OCs Reacting to Being Mugged (from least to most violent)
9.) Smiley
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Would bawl her eyes out as she threw her wallet and ran away. If she’s being brave she might give a “Come on………. You don’t want rob a cutie like me.” But she’s a scaredy cat.
8.) Aurora
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”Look over there!” Andddddd she’s gone.
7.) Ignis
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IF SOMEONE WERE SO DESPERATE FOR MONEY THEY TRIED TO ROB A 6’3’’ ARMORED MAN…. He actually wouldn’t mind and he’d ask why. Then after the mugger either told him their story he’d give him what he had on him. If the mugger thought he was weird for asking, he’d keep prying (genuinely, something is wrong with him. But he’s curious) If the mugger tried attacking him, he’d only move defensively. In the end he would give them some money if they needed it.
6.) Alope
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If someone tried to rob Alope she’d squint before she recognized them (BC SHE KNOWS EVERYONE) and go “Oh… I know you! You’re [insert person]’s kid!” They’d have two options from there. A.) fall into Alope’s small talk trap or B.) continue trying to mug her which would prompt her to threaten to tell their loved ones about it/ start teasing them.
But They’d know better. Also everyone knows Alope’s dirt poor. They’d pick better targets.
5.) Magnolia
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You know how Alope would threaten to tell the muggers mom? Magnolia would start scolding them as if it were her job to discipline them.
“I understand being in need… But taking from others is reprehensible! You may gain some ental, but your moral backbone…! You would not want to jeopardize that, would you? How about I make you a meal and we can talk about some options for you?”
Only lower than Alope bc Alope wouldn’t scold them, only threaten to have them scolded before running off.
Slightly dangerous territory below
4.) Caspian
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Instinctively body slams anyone who attempts to touch her. If the mugger were smart, it’d do them well to recognize her face after she throws them…. She’d pay them much more than she had on her person then if they were really hurt after and apologized.
3.) Tank
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He’d warn them that they didn’t want to do this— play mind games, and say “Don’t remember which pocket I put my wallet in” so they have to pat him down. The mugger will be safe if they do not proceed or give up. Tank does all of this to stall them. To stall them until ENID arrives….
Dangerous‼️ Do NOT mug
2.) Enid
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Try to mug Enid and Enid will punch the lights out of you even tho they aren’t supposed to carry valuables.
Tank is an insidious monster for stalling muggers long enough for Enid to deal with them. Especially since Enid tends to get more violent if they see someone else getting mugged.
“That’s one more problem off the streets.” No, Enid. You shoved their face into the pavement. YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.
1.) Hana
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Hana would fucking kill anyone who tried to mug her.
I’m supposed to write a scene where a thug threatens Alope and I’m forever thinking about how Hana starts charging up a fire spell— and Alope starts to push Hana along bc SHE DOESN’T WANT BLOOD ON HANA’S HANDS.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
It's me again with a new idea, just imagine, a reader who ABSOLUTELY accidentally finds all the zones of the SCP…. Just watch: Some Fund employee: SHOOT THIS MONSTER, WE HAVE TO CATCH HIM Also, a reader who accidentally went to the wrong place: mister, I'm sorry, you don't know where the restroom is here?? Foundation employee: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL WHO Reader: I was passing by and decided to see what was going on here. Oh, and that thing also ate those two guys. Foundation Employee:WHAT- Reader: so where's the bathroom here?????
The reader simply appears in any zone of the Fund in some abnormal way. And it's also simple..
Reader: Good morning Dr. Glas: Good morning! stop...Then he turns around to find the reader, but he's not there, my God… the reader probably understands that something is wrong here, especially when he enters some camera with the number 682-
By the way, I recently drew your Demon!the reader along with his character…. Your demon!reader is so good!!! If I ever get up the courage, I could show haha
PLEASE SHOW !!! THATS SO AWESOME ANON AAA im so glad people like my work that muchj grikjagl
✦ Your anomaly is weird. You don't even notice it happens when it does, nor you are able to control it.
✦ For some reason it really has a strong bond with the SCP Foundation and it's personnel.
✦ Once you were drinking a smoothie, walking around and out of nowhere the scenary changed, you were on some white halls of some odd building.
✦ You said hello to a few people that looked at you like you grew 3 heads, and then you were back in the streets.
✦ Or when you were paying for a coffee, and when you turned around someone almost puts a bullet through your head, this person was yelling at you saying why te fuck are you there, you were confused.
✦ Until you turned around again and you saw a big ass monster, you didn't even have to run tho! you were now in your house.
✦ That would happen a lot, and the Foundation was going nuts. They couldn't contain you because you don't stay that long and they don't know if you are doing it at will or not.
✦ One day you met Clef, the guy was eating some gummy worms and you swear he was wearing the silliest set of clothing, a cowboy hat, a hawaiian shirt, bright pink booty shorts, white socks and pink crocs. It hurted to look at.
✦ "Hey! You must be that person that comes in and out" He said, mouth full of candy.
✦ You two talked for a bit, he told you to go and get him more candy because his 'ass was banned from the cafeteria after he got those'.
✦ When you opened the door and steped out of the room, you were face to face with a giant,,, thing.
✦ It was swimming in acid and it looked at you like it wanted you death, so naturally you started looking for a way out.
✦ Doesn't matter, because now you are in another office, your confusion being enought to keep you from crying. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME"
✦ Kondraki looked at you weirdly. "How did you got here? Yknow what, doesn't matter. Care to take these to Bright? I need him to sign some shit."
✦ You took them but before you could say anything, you guessed it, you were in some weird ass place again.
✦ And that's how you got your 'Dr. Reader' title, because in that place that shit is free to have, I don't think fucking Iceberg qualifies as a Dr.
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#54 — 08/01/2022 12:05 PM
Headcanons between the Looney tunes characters and Disney Fab Five
Bugs and Mickey are the mascots of their respective franchises. They were chill during the 50s (that sky diving thing they were doing was meant to be a sort of peace treaty thing between Warner Bros and Disney), but after Walt’s death — Mickey kinda went through some coorporate phase that he has never really recovered from. Less spirited, and dedicated to maintaining a clean rep.
Bugs and Mickey kinda just tolerated each other at best, but after going coorporate, Mickey was less inclined to interacting with the Looney tunes. So they both kinda buzzed off from each other. Bugs doesn’t have anything personal, but the coorporation gimmick and shitting on Disney is just funny to him. Mickey probably has a blacklist with his name on it. Daffy actually has it out for Donald. It’s not because of his speech impediment like he mentioned in Who Framed Roger Rabbit — he just doesn’t like another duck in the limelight. Plus, Donald’s angry quacking makes him an fun target for Daffy’s nonsense. Both are very forthright and emotionally volatile — but they bump heads when Daffy finds any way to insult Donald. He always instigates a fight. These two can’t be in the same room alone.
Daffy actually takes a liking to Goofy, both are weirdly of the same wavelength. They’ve had an overly long detailed explanation over what they think a “birfffffday” is when they were still pretty young. Daffy finds him hilarious, they find each others’ laughs contagious. Goofy just naturally gets along with a lot of temperamental ducks. If these two were alone together, they’d get up to some hijinks off-screen — with Daffy leading the charge and Goofy following along excitedly. In company of Mickey and/or Donald tho, it’s a little more awkward (Mickey/Donald would be the third wheel to the trio tho). Goofy up till now sometimes pronounces words the way Daffy said them to him because he legit thinks that’s how they are meant to be said.
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Present day thoughts:
This surprisingly remains in tact for me. No further thoughts. The Mickey Mouse cartoons versions of them are slightly different from the meta versions of the Disney cast. If we were talking about the meta versions and the looney tunes interacting in that way, Daffy has his eyes strictly on Donald -- Donald is irrevocably the #1 most popular cartoon duck, and is arguably more liked than Mickey to this day.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I’m emotionally attached to these two funky nameless dudes and I will never emotionally recover from this au.
What if the two of them both signed Sakumo’s wolf summoning contract? Maybe the rift between the team started when the third teammate was rejected by the wolves/ wasn’t offered the contract.
What if Sakumo gave them the dog contract before he died to give to kakashi because he knows his son and he’s always gotten along best with the half wolf in Sakumo’s pack.
If they swapped eyeballs again do you think they could get Eternal Mangekyo? Like they evolved separately??? Rule of cool and all.
What do you think their Mangekyo ability is?
I had a full response to this typed out and then tumblr ate it while I was flipping back and forth researching mangekyo abilities and I’m really upset about it tbh.
So spark notes version ig
I could see them with the wolves mostly because the wolves see them and their dedication to pack that goes down tot heir very bones and make the choice to sign with a non hatake themselves. The third member of the team didn’t have the same commitment to pack and the wolves never bonded with them.
He would have at least shown them where the dog contract was just in case. They all knew even before sakumos mission that they were on the precipice of something Bad™️ even if none of them knew exactly how bad it would be. (They learned. They learned through hands that still looked red no matter how hard they scrubbed and the death of the last of it of innocence in two pairs of eyes. They learned.)
As much as I want to say yes both from rule of cool and because sharingan rules make no damn sense in general the amount of rewriting of Uchiha lore would take a level of dedication I’m not sure I have in me. Also canon wise at least it seems like even implanted sharingan still act as a pair even when in two different people which is both wack as fuck and also weirdly poetic for them.
(If anyone would go double swapsies for super eyes however it would be these two tbh. )
I want to say it’s somethign connected even if I don’t know what exactly it is. Kind of like how Sasuke has Amaterasu and the ability to control the flames with the other eye. Not sure what the ability would be tho and frankly I’m terrified to go back to Uchiha lore and lose this reply a second time.
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sillycyan · 1 month
Give me 8, 17 and 18!!! 😪😪😪😕😕😕 FOR YOUR ASK GAME THO YOU ALREADY KNOW THat little LOSER!!! 🤞
8. The biggest NumberWon data and info leaks were rumored to be an inside job.
NumberWon, the largest company/agency in Hamsin, has experienced several data leaks over the years, but one stands out as the most significant and more publicized. This breach occurred after one of their bigger promotional parties, a tradition that mixed staff and sometimes the public. The day after the event, it was discovered that a massive data breach had compromised and covered almost the entire company. The breach exposed sensitive information, like employee records, account logins, private communications, internal and internal scandals, and so much more. Someone (or a group) anonymously had access to every corner of NumberWon’s operations. The immediate question was.. Who had done this, and why? Rumors obviously quickly spread, with the most popular theory being that it was an inside job. HAMFO, very big news station, had reported on the leak, talking about the little information that the anonymous group or person had already made public. However, even they struggled to identify the culprit, with the strongest evidence pointing to someone who had been inside the building during the party. In response, NumberWon launched an investigation, even placing a bounty on the anonymous person. They were forced to reboot their entire system, eliminating all compromised data, redesigning their websites and accounts, and requiring all employees to sign all new NDAs and contracts. Despite their efforts to figure things out, the strongest lead remained that the breach had been an inside job. The mass hiring they had conducted shortly before the breach was less thorough than usual, and as a precaution, all new hires from that period were terminated immediately after the incident. This only fueled the speculation that the leak was carried out by someone within their own staff. At the end of it all, NumberWon still had no clue who was behind the breach. They had successfully rebooted everything anyway, so the mystery seemed die down, but some curiosity still wandered.. But this wouldn’t be a fun fact if I didn’t tell you who it was, right? The breach happened almost by accident. What began as a mix of hacking and digging for information turned into someone unintentionally grabbing everything from under NumberWon’s feet. The culprit? Someone at HAMFO. Already known for their strong information gathering team, they had always been good at getting almost data, but they never intended to go that far. Of course, no one at NumberWon or the public knows the truth, and HAMFO is working hard to avoid making the same mistake again..
17. Reign, Khoson, and Yasmin as teens thought it would be a good idea to learn Chinese to secretly talk to each other. A current time, they are still weirdly fluent and use it here and there to communicate.
When they were younger, they decided to learn Chinese as a secret way to communicate with each other (100% during some weird rebellion phase). They chose Chinese because their school had a large number of Chinese exchange students at the time, making it easier to make friends who spoke the language along with getting help with learning it. Even years later, they still use it occasionally, whether for private conversations in public spaces or just an inside joke..
18 - Thalia and Dara were supposed to be the two therapy women. Although the two actual woman are also probably very gay for each other, it’s now 4 different people
The therapy women (still unnamed), explained in another fact (19), were almost connected and changed into Thalia and Dara because they did not have a story or names at the time. However, they have now become two separate lesbian couples. Love them all dearly.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - 2022 is the Year of Cheaters
Sept 2022 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Eclipse (Fri YT) Ep 7 of 15 - Screw you GMMTV, that was a dream kiss? That’s some Kdrama bullshit, that is. Still Aye is such a good character, so perceptive, I ADORED his interaction with Kan. Neo is doing an epic job with that role. That was that softest achey stolen kiss in the world. Also this ep = Beach frolic trope and a Make It Right moment.
Vice Versa (Sat on YT) Ep 11 of 12 - DOOM EP was not very doom for an ep 11 (except for the acoustic guitar). Pluen goes back because of what Tun did accidentally, not him, which honestly I kinda like as a twist. I was very confused about the “month long tidal inaction,” did the alt universe have extra moons or something? 
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) Ep 7 of 15 - a tear jerker this week and likely next too. Also piggybacking across a bridge, two tropes in one. We about to get the time jump which is going to be interesting. 
Work from Heart (Thurs YouTube) pulp office drama featuring lots of couples starring Gameplay. Started dropping on YT so I picked it up and stuck it into rotation. Poor Dee, his gramps is so overactingly bad, mean, evil, and homophobic. Still there is a sweet little masked meet cute. There’s a bunch of drama around a workplace and other couples all over the rainbow, so that’s fun. Sort of SCOY goes to work. There’s some nifty linguistic stuff going on so I’m actually enjoying this pulp trash. Shocking. Truly TERRIBLE wardrobe tho. And I don’t love Nammon w facial hair. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) Ep 6 of 13 - Not a bad episode, I wasn’t mad about it. But that’s kind of how I am with MAME, it’s always up or down and last week’s a cappella counter liftt situation rough, so I’m glad this one was a bit of a break. DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE.
Fahlanruk (Sun GaGa) 2 of 12 - I do not like the narrative framing technique of the female blogger/whatever. Her character does not belong in this show. What she hast to say is unnecessary, pat, and boring. In other news we got into KP bathroom territory really quickly. “Do you really like him or do you just want to win?” would appear to be the premise of this show. Both characters are players, cheaters, flirts, and anti-heroes. They better both be deeply wounded or the narrative can’t save them. I’m assuming Sher made himself this way after some similar player type broke his heart. Not sure about Fah. That said, I do like how very gay, switchy, and verse these two are. Although a complete change of underwear in the middle of a sex scene was weird to say the least. I like the side dishes. No surprise there. Still I’m not sure I can take 12 episodes of this nonsense. I contemplated a trash watch but I’m not feeling snark-inspired just sad about it.
Linguistics corner:
Fah is using phi/nai or nong (in a belittling way) with Sher. Sher is using guu/mueng with Fah, Which is highly inappropriate and rude with a phi. These two are linguistically combative, to say the least. Also the show has all the wifey language your a little heart could possibly desire.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan Thurs GaGa & Viki) 6 of 8 - No new Ep 6 this week. Have a lovely Shūbun no Hi if you celebrate. Otherwise it’s a good tome to be self reflective and contemplate about life balance etc.. around the Autumnal Equinox. 
Once Again (Korea Fri GaGa) 3-4 of 8 - It’s a little bit more creepy than it is romantic, but it’s also weirdly amusing (this strange kid just keeps hugging him - that’s like 1000x even weirder in Korea than most places) and more enjoyable than it has a right to be. It’s a really interesting take on the childhood crush trope among other things. JaeWoo must seem like SUCH a weirdo to JiHoon. I guess what I’m saying is, it’s odd but tense and well acted, which is a nice change for BL.
More Than Words (Japan indie subbed by furritsubs - TIP ‘EM if you like em!) Adaptation of Etsuko’s two mangas In The Apartment + More Than Words. Has a violent crazy beginning but it is necessary for the story. About a lonely neglected/abused girl and a cheerful kindly popular boy who go to school together and become besties. When they get part-time work at a restaurant, a cute older gay boy enters the picture. This is classic Japanese close-filmed melodrama, and it isn’t a BL. But it is excellent. Can’t be relied on to resolve happily, or even resolve at all. I’m engaged even knowing this, and I love this subber so I’m gonna stick with it.  
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y - too hard on my soul. Will I watch it eventually? Maybe? Probably not. I think we have and ITSAY situation going on here. Also BL Express was not best pleased, and I while we rarely share taste, in this instance I trust their reporting.
My Tempo - a Thai BL movie about the Thai music industry. Yeah, no thank you. 
Oh My Sunshine Night - I’m scared it’s gonna be sad, so I’m waiting for spies to tell me it’s safe
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us - ditto above 
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Finished This Week
Coffee Melody (Mon Viki) Ep 10fin - (I am assuming episode 11 is a bts or music video.) The family dinner with the new bf was endearing awkward. We had a classic Korean one year time jump in the last five minutes of the final episode. (Which shoudl be left to Korea. Actually, even Korea should get to have it anymore. We’re done with this trope. I say this on behalf of the international viewing public.) My side crumbs got a cute little mutual kiss, unfortunately ALSO multiple sing your feelings tropes. (Will I ever get a week of BL without this trope?) It will be a long time before I forgive this BL for muffling Pavel’s light this way, I know he can do better. Very disappointing. Ultimately this show is so forgettable I’ve pretty much already forgotten it. 5/10 JUST DULL
Papa & Daddy 2 (Mon GaGa) Ep 8fin - It was a standard execution of the “marriage finale” endemic to most romcoms, just v. gay. I do like that my second lead syndrome got a little prospective action. Did I tear up at the wedding? Of course I did. We have established this before, I am a sap. All in all, this was a serviceable follow up to the first installment in the series, if riddled by unbearably unlikable parents, lack of story, and sappiness. 6/10 WORTH WATCHING BUT FLAWED 
About Youth (Taiwan Mon GaGa) Ep 7-8 of 10 - I thought this was a 10 episode arc so I’m a little sad to find it ending this week. Are we ever going to get an explanation about what happened with the side dishes Taiwan really likes a romantic “one boy balances another boy on wheels” thing. I really wanted Guang to leave his awful parents but Im glad he at least threw the test. And I really appreciated that he sent a video since it was a way for him to accurately communicate his feelings without being interrupted. Cute final kiss! Very squee-worthy. Rainbow was a little on the nose. tho. All in all it was great little BL. Classic YA low drama but high angst, I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. I wish it had been given a bit more space to breathe, but all in all a great edition to the Taiwanese Bl lexicon which was in dire need of a good sold high school BL. Full review here. 8/10 RECOMMENDED 
Everyone say “Thank you Taiwan, may we have another?” 
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In a Forbes interview the executive producer of Semantic Error (and CEO of AXIS CPP) revealed that AXIS production will be opening Blue by Blue, a drama label whose first BL project is about vampires. Interview here. 
Kimmon and Copter are reported to star on their 7th BL together, a romantic comedy series, Boy Never Smiles. KimCop aren’t the longest running pair (MaxTul, BoomPeak, OffGun, and KarnNut trade that crown around) but they may now have the most BLs under their collective belts. 
New Thai BL from Uncommon Studio Midnight Fortune adapted from a Y-novel by wickedwish for 2023. The MDL and tag lines are bonkers so I’m not dignifying them here. 
Cutie Pie is getting a least one special episode, The Wedding, we assume. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting: Tomorrow Sept 25, 2022. 
ErthMix’s Cupid’s Last Wish special spin-off mini series Oishi advertisement Ep3 of Magic Of Zero: Zero Supporter on GMMTV’s YouTube. 
Male Entertainer (movie?) from Wayfilm, about a young man who works as an escort to support his family, on their YouTube channel (Trailer)
Monday Sept 26, 2022 
Ai Long Nhai (Thai Mon 10 eps iQIYI) About a man expelled from foreign university who returns to a Thai univ in disgrace and meets A Boy. Adapted from a y-novel, directed by Nob (La Cuisine, Gen Y). Secondary couple Nan & Sippakorn are IRL husbands Arm & Porsch (Together with Me). Familiar faces include Gun (Love Area’s Valen) and Jom (Nitiman’s Jin).
Ending: Vice Versa 
October line up coming soon, still waiting on distribution for some. 
This week’s best moments?
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Heartbreaking but so good, My Only 12%. 
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About Youth giving us a seriously classic old romance trope 1950s style. 
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4th wall breaking snarky bestie in Work From Heart. 
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And even more snarky queers. 
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They were shiny crumbs in a sea of dull, Coffee Melody. 
This week’s worst fashion? 
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OMG Work from Heart with the HELL? 
(last week)
Current earworm? Blackpink’s Shut Down  
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maybe-arts · 6 months
If you haven't done these for her yet, 🧃💫💥🪞🍒 for Chiffon?
tysm sack<3
🧃 (Juicebox) - What species are they? What’s their biology and physiology like? Do they differ in any way from a ‘typical’ member of their species?
Chiffon is half-Astral, half-Yarna! Yarna are the yarn inhabitants of Patchland, and since Patchland is, weirdly enough, more or less two-dimensional (don't think too hard about how that works), normally their bodies consist of an outline made of string. They gain third dimension in other worlds like Popstar (it was SUPER disorienting for Fluff and Chiffon at first), and in that case appear as three-dimensional figures/dolls made from balled-up yarn.
Chiffon appears normal in Patchland, like Kirby does, minus pair of wings she started growing recently. She didn't know why that was a thing (and Kirby explained it to her later), but after traveling to Popstar she found her answer. Turns out, half-Astrals will always look like regular True Astrals, with exception of various traits from their other parent's species. In Chiffon's case, she got Astral wings and pointy beak/teeth, but Yarna tail (and her father's eyebrows :D).
💫 (Shooting Star) - If they were to wish on a clockwork star, like Galactic Nova or Star Dream, what would they wish for?
She'd probably wish for adventure! Some sort of quest she can go out on, preferably with the team of her new friends. (Although I'd say she got more than she bargained for after getting kidnapped....)
💥 (Collision) - What’s your OC’s combat style like? Do they adhere to any particular code of honour or ethics in a fight, or are they totally unfettered by that sort of thing?
She's extremely mobile and evasive. Given that her main weapons are whip and rapier (both dexterity-based weapons and not very damaging), she has to rely on focusing on weak spots and sometimes play a little dirty. And that is despite being taught to fight properly as a princess.
That being said, she will not kick her opponent while they're down. She does have standards.
🪞 (Mirror) - What would their Mirror World counterpart be like? If they are a Mirror World counterpart, what traits of theirs are reflected? Do the two of them get along?
Okay, so in my Kirbyverse Mirror World is less of a magical dimension created by the mirror and more of an alternate "what if" dimension the access to which is tied to said mirror. The "what if" part is due to several notable events going differently from how they went in the "main" universe (i.e. Psychea started the mutiny instead of Galacta, Galacta was not sealed and instead turned to hunting down any and all traces of Dark Mind in an attempt to finish it off, Morpho avoids its duties as a reaper out of guilt and instead took a pupil ect).
That is to say that Shadow Kirby did not end up with Mirror Fluff (or Prince Seam, as he's known there) and never even met him. Instead, his partner of choice is Bobbin (Mirror Ribbon), who he actually started dating and married before Kirby did it with Fluff. The closest match to being Mirror Chiffon would be Velvet, Skirby and Bobbin's second daughter (first being Yume, who is closer to being mirror!Nova)
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She is MUCH younger than Chiffon, tho. She was born soon after Skirby and Bobbin taken in Yume, who in turn was born after Chiffon and Nova's kidnapping (it's a long story). One notable thing about her is her wings - since she's half-fairy, and fairies born as sprite fairies (looking somewhat similar to Navi and the like) before they pupate, Velvet was born with wings, as opposed to fledging later. She learned how to fly before walking even.
She's a timid girl, much less proactive than Chiffon. She'll be much more likely caught with books of magic when she'll grow up, probably enjoying goth witchery aesthetic, who knows ;P
🍒 (Cherry) - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?
Kirby is a no-brainer, since he's her dad. Same with Gooey, since he's a funny uncle figure!
Dedede and Meta are grandparents (plus Meta is swordplay teacher), so Chiffon likes being around them too <3
Surprising picks of getting along would be probably Daroach (cmon. he's just like all of those dashing phantom thief types from her favorite books!) and Mage Sisters (girls who kick ass and have magic!!)
The least likely to get along would be Dameta, actually (she's still afraid of Mirror World, and he's kinda mean).
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sysig · 7 months
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Talana in the Sims 2!
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I don’t have any of the “correct” accessories and that is stopping me exactly 0% lol - I love this galaxy blush so much, it’s even blue and matches her skin tone! :D
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Initially I wasn’t actually sure what to do for her clothes because I didn’t have anything suitably sexy enough, but as I mulled it over I realized hey, didn’t Revenge of the Jedi come out in in ‘83? And SCII came out in ‘92....huh. I’d still like to do my own retexture, but it’s a decent base to work from!
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Of the neighbors that initially came to greet her, only DAX was another SCII member, so I had her greet just him, hoping they’d be friends :D They did not! >:0 DAX was rude to her immediately! DAX!
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If you dare say something like “You’re prettier when you’re mad” >:(
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Well that went well
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He came back later that night and acted shady - DAX! Don’t be mean to Talana!!
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DAX! >:0
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Interestingly enough, I had only had her interact with DAX at this point, but she had seen multiple other people while I took her clothes-shopping earlier - she didn’t greet any of them, but they’re still stored in her hidden memories! I just think that’s a really cool design :D She doesn’t have a relationship with them, but she does have eyes! It’s little touches like this that make me love this game
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Pft. Subtle, Talana
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I decided after they cooled down that I could try and have them get along by slowly building their relationship over the phone - they probably would get along better if they didn’t have to look at each other lol
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Talana was caught spying on Stanley, apparently he’s her type. You can’t use your telescope to peep on human males, Talana!
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Now that she and DAX are on better terms, I invited the whole household over! :D Everyone is so attracted to Stanley! Stanley is unphased lol
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Captain, please
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Everyone thinking about the Captain! She actually rejected his compliment at first haha, oh no!
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ZEX immediately went for her ballet bar, why
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“The Captain is HOT!” - Talana (and ZEX)
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Aww haha ♥ He came over to help of his own volition ♪
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I looked back over and- DAX were you just waiting your turn??
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Now that they’re not angry at each other anymore, but still mad about other people lol, angy buddies
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A mermaid you say. Talana’s Lifetime Want was to be the Hand of Poseidon (Level 10 Oceanography career), it was too perfect not to haha
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I gave her some sharp teeth accessories but unfortunately they kept flashing blue every time I reset the lot so I ended up taking them off for the rest of these :P I still think little pointy teeth are cool tho!
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I think she missed you Captain
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Hot tub time! I wonder what sweet nothings she’s whispering to him hehe
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This animation is so cute ;;♥ Such a gentle kiss! Very sweet
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Look! He’s sitting on her lap a little bit!!
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He’s such a little spoon lol ♪ Also his hand casually on her butt hehe
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Party time! Talana needed a lot of friends for her promotions so this was mostly a networking party lol, what an interesting bunch of crossovers - in this bunch we have Mariella and Stanley from The Stanley Parable, ZEX, and Miles Edgeworth :D
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And on the other side, we’ve got Phoenix, the Captain, DAX, and the Curator :D I wanted to invite the Narrator but I ran out of room on the guest list D: Still though, a good mix!
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Can you guys chill you’ve been here for like two seconds
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Miles is not interested in your ghost stories, ZEX. Actually, I’ll need to increase Miles’ and Phoenix’s interest in the paranormal when I hop back into their lot now that I think of it
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Them being in this hot tub makes me nervous - I’ve set them both to be as ace as the game will allow (0/0 attraction to men and women, I wish there was an alloace option tho :( I might be able to simulate it with ACR, but they’re so quick to jump into bed with each other! Hgh) but this specific hot tub is an Aspiration Reward and thus behaves weirdly - just don’t get any funny ideas! I see you Phoenix! Also DAX in the background checking out ZEX lol
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Not that I want any of you hanging out in the hot tub but why are you two standing behind it - you can see the empty seats, right?
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Back inside, of course these two are being goofy together haha
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Oh hey DAX :)
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Captain please, find your chill, you literally just tried to invite Talana to bed right in the middle of everyone - ACR strikes again! Yes Mariella and the Curator were subjected to that lol
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Overview of the party - we’ve got Mariella on the ballet bar, ZEX and the Captain talking about robbery, the Curator in her bathing suit chatting with Talana, a broken shower in the middle there, Stanley and Phoenix in the hot tub together, DAX stepping out into the backyard, and Miles eating some chips at the bar. Pretty sick party :D
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Something about these three from such different games all hanging out in a hot tub together is very funny to me lol
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The Captain called! :D He invited her out on a date, though they’d actually just had one lol - he wanted a round 2!
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They went out and got their pictures taken ♪
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And a little something else as well lol. I like the Public Woohoo memory icon in this context, it reminds me of a flying saucer and they are both aliens so
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They’re so cuuuute ahhhh ♥ I love the way it looks like Talana got embarrassed from the first smooch and blocked the camera hehe 💕 The Captain’s laughing face is so charming!
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Two Dream Dates back to back, he dropped off two bouquets that night haha
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Did the thing! :D Now that I’ve gotten her LTW, I’m not sure how much more I’m gonna play on her lot, but it was a bunch of fun to basically slow-speedrun her to this point haha
#WPVG#WPTS2#The Sims 2#The Sims#SCII#And a silly to start off the set with lol it's a good meme template! And now I finally have one of myself and not just Fig lol#Shitpost#I have my own thoughts about how the Syreen are portrayed in SCII but! I am still holding (most) judgement until I actually meet them lol#So like most things with SCII - I'll get there someday!#And as always it doesn't Actually change my thoughts about Syreen as what they are - I like them a lot! :D - just development etc.#ANYway lol#Jocasta was really fun to play :D#I don't usually go for a Sim's LTW - usually too many per household or I get bored lol - so it was fun as a challenge!#And all the steps to make it reality for her!#Making friends was definitely the biggest factor#DAX why >:0 But he came around eventually lol#Her and the Captain were quite fun to play against each other as well haha#I'm also way more used to having couples be in the same household so having to rely on the popout to see his Wants was different#She'd sometimes get bored by herself and roll the Date Want so I'd be like ''Yeah alright'' lol#They're not committed or anything but they do like each other a lot :)#And for the record the party was awesome lol#Pretty sure I got the highest possible score - I love how janky parties are in TS2 lol#So dissimilar to the date mechanic! Too big I guess haha#Just so fun to see everyone interact! That's the best part of the Sims haha#I am tempted to move a Sarah and Jocasta in next door sometime :0#Although I don't have a human uniform for male or female Sims yet lol#Then again I just stuck the Captain in a pirate coat :P#He's cosplaying! From the Pirate Fic! Haha#It's an idea ♪#Unsurprisingly I had to force it to post lol
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