#( tr: Did they hurt you? )
cicadaknight · 9 months
i so desperately wanted to beat cazador up with my bard’s lute but karlach slam dunked him into the void mid-evil monologue 👉👈
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vaugarde · 2 months
“but how will goh train grookey? [when its so unruly] find out as the journey continues!!” good question! very subversive and artistic choice to answer that later with “he wont.”
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The way TR focuses on how Koko is dealing with Akane's death but never shows how Inupi is dealing with it...
Poetic cinema
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khalesci · 11 months
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♛ ⊱ @perzyr ⊱ An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme
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ㅤㅤㅤIT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE THE QUEEN OF MEEREEN HAS FELT SO VULNERABLE. Dany had found power, and power is a shield better than any other. A shield good enough that it can make one forget their own mortality. How easy it would be to die. Her people love her, yes, but you don't get to be in Daenerys' position in the manner she did without creating a plethora of enemies. Some that have now grown bold enough to strike.
ㅤㅤㅤOne would think she would be safe in her own chambers, walking along a balcony too high for any man to reach, loyal unsullied guards patrolling not far from her door and a lover sure to enter within the hour. That is certainly what Daenerys thought, wistful stare making shapes in the stars. She does not notice the hooks twisted around stone railing, nor the men using the attached ropes to scale the pyramid. Dany hasn't the time to scream as a hand clamps over her mouth. It takes all her strength to fight against them and stop herself from being tossed over the balcony rails, limbs wrapping through gaps in the structure, rough stone abrasive as it tears against the soft skin of her inner arms and her palms.
ㅤㅤㅤHe appears before her then, as if somehow she had called him; a great black shadow that captures her would-be assassins between tooth and nail. The savage sight as they are rent and burned does not reach her through her shock. Once a calm has fallen, she rushes to her child , burying her face into his scaly neck, the terror of her near-death outweighing whatever fear she might have of unpredictable Drogon. ❝ Iksā ñuha kaerīnio, Drōgon. ❞ Dany can hear a rush of footsteps in the hall, and she knows that others must have heard Drogon's arrival and are responding to the sound of conflict, but she pays no mind to those who have not yet entered, only the dragon at her side, to whom she speaks as if he might somehow understand her feelings if not her words. ❝ Gōntan pōnta ōdrikagon ao ? ❞
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walpu · 1 month
Happy birthday Aventurine
...in which he finds himself enjoying his birthday for the first time after he lost everything
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notes - gn!reader, was written with a stellaron hunter!reader in mind but it's not specified just know you're considered a criminal in this one, pre-canon, unestablished relationship with a flavor of pining, angs, hurt/comfort, no beta
Love my birthday boy
He doesn't celebrate his birthdays. Not since the day he lost everything. How can he celebrate the joy of his birth if on this day all the joy was taken away from him?
Born on the blessed day, he's Mother Goddess's beloved child. But why did she abandon her people then? Why it had to happen on the day they were celebrating her, on the day they were supposed to be saved? How can he see himself as something other than cursed, how can he see the day as something other than tragedy?
Anyhow, even if he would want to celebrate, for the first years after the massacre he didn't even have the opportunity to do so. And if he could, he would rather mourn his people, his family. But no, he can only focus on his survival, trying to fulfill the promise he gave to his sister.
Now, standing in the lonely hotel room, he can only smile bitterly at the sight of beautifully decorated cake Jade has send him. How ironic, wasn't she the one who told him to forget his name and his past? Perhaps she simply doesn't look at this the same way he does. "You can't change what happened but you can celebrate that you're still here", she would probably say. He envies her ability to brush off sentiments, really.
Now, when he is no longer Kakavasha but Aventurine of the Ten Stonehearts, he was deliberately choosing to ignore this day. It has nothing to do with his new self.
He may still hold onto his mother's necklace, his father's shirt, the promise he gave to his big sis. But this day? He doesn't need it. He doesn't need another reminder of the moment he lost everything.
That's what he tells himself, ignoring the pain in his chest, trying to bury himself in the work, running away on a mission he insisted on taking, even if was supposed to be his day off.
Still, he gets the cake. This stupid reminder of the worst day in his life.
It honestly feels like a joke. He doesn't even have anyone to eat this with!
He knows Jade didn't try to mock him, she's pragmatic, not crue. But aeons, it does feel like mockery still.
So he sits with this stupid cake in front of him, not really knowing if he should just throw it away. Somehow it feels... wrong. Wasteful. He knows how stupid that thought is, both him and Jade are rich enough to buy thouthands of those cakes. Yet he can't help but remember how his mom and sister would go out of their ways to give him something nice for his birthdays, something that could be considered a treat, a gift. Now he can have everything he wants but... they won't be there to share it with him.
No one is there to share it with him.
... at least he thinks so. Up until the moment the window opens from the outside (eighteenth floor, mind you) and a very familiar figure jumps in.
He really can't help but smile. Not only out of habit but because your ability to sneak in anywhere you want is truly amusing.
"Oh, what I see? A wanted criminal breaking into the room of one of the IPC's most noticeable employees? Don't you afride of being caught, my dear? Or you've finally decided to end our partnership and get rid of me?"
He can't help but chuckle at your unimpressed gaze. Yes, he has told this joke more than once already. But it's not his fault it always make you roll your eyes in a funny way.
But he really is curious what brought you here. Showing up like that is very risky, for both of you. Something serious must have happened if you decided to visit him out of the blue.
... that's what he thinks until you pull out a small gift box from your pocket, throwing it his way.
"A little birdie told me today it's your birthday. I don't usually participate in the whole gift giving tradition. Nor do I celebrate something myself. But those things reminded me of you and I was nearby anyway" you say with a cheeky smile.
He doesn't even know how to react, honestly. His hands just automatically unwrap the box and... oh. It's a set of earrings. A very pretty set of earrings.
"They reminded me of peacock tails" you say, barely holding back a chuckle.
"How original you are. I'm a birthday boy, you should be nicer, you know!" he acts like it's just a small joke between you two but his voice is weaker than usual and his hands are a bit shaky. He doesn't want to overthink it, he really shouldn't do it, it's just a small gift, a joke.
You thought of him. You know his taste well enough. I came to find him. You're here with him.
He almost panics when you say your goodbyes and turn to leave (through the window again. He'll never know how you do it).
"Hey, hey, no need to hurry. Let me be a good host for my friend" he says with his signature smile (he always feels like you see right through it) while his hand is clenched behind his back (he feels like you see through this too).
Please don't leave.
When you sigh and turn back to face him, he suddenly feels relieved that Jade send him the cake. The thought of sharing it with a wanted criminal who caused nothing but headaches to the IPC is somewhat amusing.
"How about we visit a nearby casino after this, hm? I promise you won't lose with me by your side"
If he can have you by his side, mayve he'll have at least one memory of this day untainted by pain and grief.
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 2 months
I’m Sorry I Wasn’t Enough
Neteyam x reader
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Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader Mate
Warnings: Mentions of Arranged Marriage, violence, blood.
Summary: A year after your marriage you are looking back on things, more specifically your non existent relationship with your mate. When something happens and you’re in danger how will Neteyam react? Oh and you’re injured?
Today marked the one year anniversary of your bonding ceremony to the future oleykten of the omatikaya. One year and one month since your life had changed forever
Neteyam te Sully, son of Toruk Makto… your husband. You remember it like it was yesterday..
The war with the sky people had gotten increasingly difficult, Toruk makto had been meeting with your Grandfather to discuss a potential alliance between the clans to aid in the fight against the sky people.
It was a shock to all when your Grandfather said they would only help if there was a blood alliance. Meaning you, the sole heir were to be married to Neteyam, there clans heir.
It was a smart move for all parties involved on paper. A decision that would strengthen everyone, combining resources, combining armies, combining… well everything. But happiness for everyone else unfortunately meant the sacrifice for you and Neteyam.
Toruk Makto had asked you many times if you were alright with it, to which you politely said you were ready to do anything to aid the cause against the sky people.
It’s not like you could have said anything else.
Your parents were not alive to defend you, your grandfather was a good leader but couldn’t care less about your happiness. “Good leaders need to make sacrifices for the people.”
Neteyam understood the same thing. He also wanted nothing more than to prove himself.
So you both agreed without so much as having more than one conversation together.
Within a few days you had packed all your belongings and were mounting an Ikran. Your new life awaited you.
A month later you were mated before Eywa to Neteyam. Bonded in every way except the heart.
Neteyam wasn’t cruel no but he was… serious. The heavy burden of war on his responsible shoulders. He was civil with you. Spoke when nessesary to you but other than that… you barely ever saw him.
His days were either filled with preparing for raids or the raids himself and he would enter your home pod late when you were asleep and leave at first light.
The only time you ever felt any sort of emotion from him was during your first and only mating bond. Connecting your queues forced emotion to flow through the both of you, and he had been gentle and caring. But you realized soon after that that was a one time occurrence and that warmth was not a thing your mate was capable of.
Well at least not with you. He was caring with his family, you’d watched him interact with them from afar. He was careful not to show this side of him to many but you did manage to see it several times before he noticed you were there, then he’d swiftly mask his face.
You really didn’t understand his coldness. You were mated for life shouldn’t you both make an effort to at least be friends?
You tried to be someone he would proud to call his mate. You helped around the village, especially with the wounded, you made sure not to fight with anyone and keep a cool head. You did everything you could but he never saw you.. never saw your efforts.. even though you saw his.
Over the year you watched your mate. You grew to admire his strength and character. Perhaps that is why it hurt so much. You had feelings for a man who barely acknowledged your existence.
You let out a deep sigh. The trees of the forest were the only ever witnesses to your sorrow. You adjusted your net covering around you. It was getting colder, your old home never reached cool temperatures so you were not prepared for it.
You really didn’t have friends save for Neteyams siblings. And even there you didn’t spend that much time with them seeing how much trouble they liked to get into. You didn’t want to risk upsetting your mate.
You would admit that you were lonely however. When you weren’t needed in the village you spent your time exploring the never ending forest that was your home. You weren’t raised in one so you were always venturing out and exploring.
Today however due to your more than usual sadness, what with it being your anniversary and all you had walked further than you intended.
You paused your steps hearing several voices up ahead, what were Navi doing all the way out here?
You slowly crept closer to the sounds but made sure to stay hidden behind the trees.
Your eyes widened when you caught sight of the Navi- no Avatars that were clad in military gear and holding AR’s.
You carefully moved backwards until you were out of earshot.
You knew you had to tell your mate. They were clearly dangerous.
You felt for the weird contraption around your neck, you never had to use it before. You pressed down on it,
“N-neteyam?” You spoke shakily.
A few seconds passed before you heard a click. “Y/n…? Is that you?”
You could hear the slight confusion in his voice. At least he recognized you.
“Y-yes um, I’m out in the forest and there’s these Avatars… but they don’t look normal, they are dressed in camo and are holding AR’s…”
“What’s you pos?”
“W-what?” You furrowed your brows.
“Your position, where are you right now?” He spoke a bit more sternly.
Wait where were you?
“I’m not sure but they were standing in front of an old worn down building..like a shack… something from the sky people I think..”
You could hear an intake of breath, “Y/n listen to me carefully, you’re going to get out of there without making a sound ok? Get back here immediately.”
You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you, “ok I’m coming” you released the button and started to run as quietly as you could back the way you came.
Adrenaline coursed through you, you looked back several times to ensure you weren’t being followed.
You stopped to catch your breath, hopefully this was far enough-
“Ah!” You cried out falling backwards seeing a fresh bullet lodged in the now smoking tree beside you.
You quickly regained your footing and started barreling forward.
A round of explosive pops rang from behind you, debris grazing your back.
Oh Great Mother help me!
You cried out as another bullet whizzed right by your ear causing you to lose balance.
You heard shouts but they spoke in a language unknown to you.
You moved to get up when suddenly your queue was yanked back forcefully.
You hissed at your abuser, but he only smiled. Again he spoke in a language you didn’t understand.
“L-Let me go!” You tried clawing at his hand but he only yanked harder causing your vision to go white in seering pain.
Was he going to kill you? You wish you could at least understand what he was shouting at you.
He used your queue to turn you harshly around. You hissed again now able to fully see your attacker.
He only rolled his eyes said something that again failed your understanding and swiftly backhanded you into the dirt.
While you lay on the ground in pain he held a hand to his ear saying something into his comm.
You had to do something, he was going to kill you or take you back to the others…
Your eyes perked up seeing something glinting strapped to his boot.
You figured it was best to attack while he was distracted…
I guess it’s now or never,
You swiftly grabbed the knife and plunged it into his stomach.
“Gah! You bitch!”
You didn’t stick around to see his reaction, you were already darting away. You heard the cocking of his gun and immediately started weaving through trees.
It was a miracle you avoided all the bullets.
You made the mistake of looking back for a split second and found yourself tumbling over a root.
You gasped and tried to right yourself but he was already there pointing his gun.
Your eyes met his murderous ones and you knew this was it.
You let out one more frightened hiss and watched his finger start to pull.
You couldn’t help the cry that left your mouth but- why weren’t you in pain?
“Y/N move!” Suddenly an arm was yanking you up onto your feet.
“N-neteyam!?” You couldn’t believe your eyes. He was about to speak when moments later more gunshots rang out. You gasped seeing more avatars emerging from the trees.
“Neteyam get her out of here! Move!” Jake jumped in front of you both and motioned for you to run. A few Navi warriors aiding him shooting their own weapons.
Neteyam pulled you through the trees at record speed, he quickly pulled you onto his Ikran before mounting it himself behind you and flying away. His eyes scanning the trees to make sure no one was aiming anything at them.
“Are you injured?” He asked in that raw tone he used in the middle of battle. Serious and to the point.
You shook your head, not trusting your voice not to crack. That was the last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of him.
He sighed before adjusting his reins. His silence was like poison. Slowly seeping into you making you feel ten times worse then when you were just under that guys gun.
You were breathing heavily when he landed the ikran on the mountain ledge.
He dismounted first then held out his hand, you let him help you down thanking Eywa that your legs didn’t give out on you in front of the entire village who were currently staring.
“Neteyam!” Tuk ran up and hugged your mate tightly.
The silly siblings all ran up to you guys asking what happened.
“Are you hurt sister?” Kiri eyed you up and down wearily.
“I’m alright, don’t worry…”
“Y/n!” Tuk was quick to switch to you and you embraced her warmly wanting to ease the fear on her face.
“Everyone is alright Tuk, please don’t cry…” you stroked her back calming her down, or maybe you were using her as a buffer.
You hesitantly glanced up to where Neteyam was speaking to his mother. He looked pissed. Neytiris eyes met your worried ones for a split second, softening slightly before turning back to her son. Her eyes widened in some sort of threat before sighing and coming to you.
“Are you alright daughter?” She placed a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m alright…I’m sorry for all of this I-“ she shushed you quickly.
“Don’t, it’s alright, everyone is alright…” you sighed and nodded to her thankful that she wasn’t upset with you for putting her family in danger.
“Y/n” you sucked in a breath and met your mates eyes. You wanted to let out a whimper at the anger they held.
He motioned for you to follow him. Every step felt like someone had placed a stone in your heart.
He pulled aside the flap of your tent and looked forward waiting for you to enter.
With shakey breaths you ducked under and stepped into your home.
Your fingers pulling at your netted covering as a nervous distraction.
You had seen Neteyam angry countless times before, at warriors who disobeyed orders. At his brother for causing trouble, at anyone who seriously stepped out of line.
You shivered in place now that for the first time that anger was directed at you.
He yanked the flap back down and rounded on you.
“What the hell were you thinking!?” His eyes shooting daggers through you.
“I-I I’m sorry I didn’t mean-“
“Do you know how much danger you’ve put everyone in?! They could’ve followed you back to our village and done who knows what!”
“I never would have-“
“What were you thinking wandering around there!? That areas off limits for a reason!”
“I didn’t know- Neteyam I-!”
“Enough! I don’t want to hear your excuses.” You felt the tears running down your cheeks and it seemed to trigger Neteyam to at least bring his anger down a notch.
He turned around letting out a sigh,
He hated you, that was evident now. He may have hidden his distaste before but now that you had finally angered him his true colors showed.
It only made your tears come faster. The adrenaline finally wearing off, you realized just how scared you had been. Your body ached, craving nothing more than to curl up and rest.
Not to mention an annoying pinching feeling on your abdomen that was getting increasingly more painful. Like a sting from a beertus beetle.
You ignored it focusing on the man before you.
He held a hand up to his neck, you could hear his father speaking on the other side.
They talked for a minute, you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding when you heard that everyone was alright.
Neteyam ended the line and his head turned towards you. He seemed a bit calmer now that he knew everyone was ok.
Your eyes couldn’t handle his glare at the moment so instead they landed on the mat beneath you.
It was quiet for several moments, the air thick with tension.
“You are never to go there or anywhere near that area again understood?” He spoke to you like you were one of his soldiers.
“Understood…” your voice was hoarse but at least it didn’t break.
He nodded before turning to leave and meet with his father to discuss this new threat.
Your heard his footsteps start to fade which meant he was going to leave. Of course he would. Why would he want to stay with someone like you?
Your eyes were still glued to the mat. A beautifully woven mat that was a gift from your Mother in law. It was dyed in beautiful colors.
Huh? Did something spill on it? Your eyebrows furrowed seeing red droplets. Hopefully that wouldn’t stain.. was it juice? You hoped it-
Another drop, forming right before your eyes. You looked up at the ceiling, frowning when you didn’t see anything. Then something clicked and you moved your netted cover to the side, you expected to see a cut or deep scrape from your falls. But you felt like a bucket of ice had been dumped on you when you saw it.
Why Great mother? Why were you testing me like this?
You let out a distressed whimper. Your eyes shot to the entrance where your mate had just stepped out of seconds before. You could still hear his footsteps.
You could call to him. He would hear you. But you didn’t. You couldn’t.. your mate already hated you. You would not tell him this and make him even angrier.
You would not tell him you had been shot…
You cursed realizing quickly that that was probably the dumbest mistake you had made. Because moments later you were too dizzy to stand and were sprawled out onto the floor clutching your side.
How could you get help now? Was this how you were going to die? It certainly looked like it..
You thought of your mate. He hated you, maybe it was…. You whimpered at your next thought.
Maybe this was for the better. He would find a new mate and be happy.
Yeah, you could do this for him… why should such a good person be miserable..?
But wait… would this damage his reputation? That he let sky people kill his mate?
Was this actually going to hurt him?
A Navi males reputation was everything. If he couldn’t protect his family who would trust him to protect the people.
No, you couldn’t be selfish. If you died, he would suffer in his position.
For the second time ever you reached up to your neck, fingers slippery from the blood.
“N-neteyam…” was that your voice? It sounded so different…
Would he even answer? He probably thought you were trying to make excuses for what happened. You tried calling out a few more times.
You felt your heart sink at the silence, it looked like he had shut the line off.
As your vision began to blur at the edges you realized that it looked like his reputation was going to suffer after all.
Even though you knew he wasn’t listening you held the button down once more, one final time…
“I’m s-sorry Neteyam.. I really tried to be a w-worthy m-mate.. I’m sorry I couldn’t do b-better mmh, p-pl.. please tell the p-people it was m-my fault not yours…I… I really did love you N-Neteyam, I-i h-hope your next mate will make you happy-“
Your fingers slipped from exhaustion and your vision failed you completely.
Goodbye my Neteyam…
Neteyam had never moved so fast in all his life.…
Ooooh a cliffhanger hehehe, also is anyone actually reading this? Should I do a part 2👀❤️
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ma1dita · 4 months
lovers, or partners in crime
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a 'partners in crime' installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
words: 2.1k
summary: (post-tlt) directly after ‘if you need to be mean (be mean to me)’, The one where Annabeth and Percy think you're guilty too. You realize his betrayal a little too late, and he's left you looking like an accomplice. Luke Castellan x fem!Dionysus!reader
a/n: eye twitches guys im gonna crank out happy asks after this bc this hurt to the point of me delaying it a few days. drink water and take care luke nation
(posted 2/2/24 & betad by ellie and lari ty ladies mwah @lixzey @mrsaluado )
Exhaustion creeps up on you slowly, then all at once.
It’s been a long week at Camp Half Blood—with trying to stop a war from starting between the cabins and praying to the gods that the trio can stop everyone’s godrents from destroying the balance of the world, you could say you were kept busy making sure the place doesn’t go up in flames. 
Taking orders from Chiron and your dad has been your daily routine from sunrise to sundown, and you were glad to have Luke’s arms to fall into at the end of the night. But you woke up alone this morning, and a heavy feeling in your chest that’s been plaguing you for a while now feels more prominent as you drag your boots across camp for another long day.
Exhaustion blinds us and dulls the senses, but so does love. Sometimes it was hard to tell which was taking effect.
How long were you willing to ignore the signs in front of you?
Maybe it was just another bad day. Your mind felt like it was playing tricks on you, still in a haze from Luke keeping you up the night before, the feeling of his touch still lingering in your pores—evidence of eyebags and lovebites carefully hidden under concealer. You find yourself almost walking in a dream state, before Katie calls out to you, tapping you on the shoulder.
“Did you hear? Annabeth’s back. It’s all gonna be over soon,” she exclaims, and the both of you sigh in relief. You’d do anything to get this over with and take a long break. The idea of a long weekend with Luke somewhere, anywhere but here sounds like Elysium in comparison to what you’ve put yourselves through recently.
“You see Luke anywhere, Katie?”
She hums, her hand reaching out to fix some of the trampled foliage along the path, before she looks up at you, shaking her head.
“Not this morning, no. Maybe he’s with Annabeth?”
You nod thoughtfully, stretching your arms back to soothe the tension in your back. You’ll find him sooner or later, now that this is all over.
You always do.
“Clarisse stole the master bolt.” 
Your fingers wound themselves tighter around Luke’s at Percy’s declaration, but you can’t help but watch your boyfriend’s face closely as the rest of the conversation passes in the background. It’s been a weird day, to say the least—helping to set up for Percy’s celebration, and Luke being tightlipped and distant the whole while. You don’t think he’s actually said a single word to you since last night until he dragged you into his cabin to see Annie and Percy.
“Everyone was ready to join the war here. To start fighting each other. An accusation against Clarisse…” you reason awkwardly, more of a question than a statement. Standing here with your friends, you feel like the odd one out. How could you miss out on Clarisse being the lightning thief? But Luke looks at the two kids in front of you as determined as the devil himself.
He knew. 
He spares you a sidelong glance, a smile quirking up on the scarred side of his face.
When did Luke start making plans without you? 
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, tranquility comes off of you in waves; you barely notice that Luke drops your hand until you hear him speak again. 
“You’ve stopped the war. You’ve saved the world. Now, it’s safe to tell Chiron and finish cleaning up the mess. I told him we needed to meet him away from the celebration so we can talk without any of Clarisse’s supporters noticing.” Luke crosses his arms, trying to avoid the reach of your powers and your scorching stare while his gaze is sharp on Percy, and suddenly, the heavy feeling in your chest has a name, revealing itself as doubt. 
How could you be so stupid? 
Eyes don’t lie, even if Luke does, and you finally see through him, so much that you fear you’ve found his other side. 
Annabeth grabs your hand, your head whipping to look at her as she speaks, “We’ll keep an eye on Clarisse while you’re gone. Make sure she isn’t going anywhere.” You feel your body shake with paranoia as you start to question everything until the daughter of Athena pulls you back to the present. Taking quick steps out of cabin 11, you take a glance back at Luke, seeing him look glumly at you from the doorway, and it reminds you of a simpler time five years ago, with him standing in the same spot he introduced himself to you on his first day at camp. This time, you don’t walk away.
“I’ll find you later, I…I just need to talk to Luke real quick,” you say biting your lip hesitantly. Annabeth’s gaze is cold as steel as she nods, doubt now running through her as well as she watches you walk back to your boyfriend. You catch him by the arm as he tries to glide past you.
“Hey, are you okay?” You’re searching for an answer Luke will never give you, not out loud—as he dodges your glances, keeping a distance between you two. 
“Come on, I’ve gotta go,” he gruffs, anxiety running off of him in waves as his hands fidget at his sides. The sun is setting, and he needs to finish what he was told to do.
“We still have a bit of ti—” He interrupts you swiftly,“Not enough.”
“I know you’re always in charge around here, but not everything can go the way we want, you know?”
Your lips turn into a frown at his words, and you wonder who it is you’re talking to. Surely, not the boy whose arms you fell asleep in last night. You used to be able to figure him out so easily, but now… he’s acting like you’re an enemy. The banter he deals doesn’t usually make you feel like you’re at the short end of a stick, and though he’s right in front of you, it feels like his mind is already miles away. You’re desperate to hold onto whatever you can though, not wanting to let go of whatever’s plaguing him.
“Angelface. Look at me. Percy’s a hero, everything else will fix itself, why are you so—”
Luke sighs, blinking slowly, and you’re surprised when he pulls your hands to his chest, placing them under his camp beads, so you stop speaking. 
You never know when the last time is until it happens. You didn’t think it’d feel like this.
“I need to do this.” 
He’s not talking about turning in Clarisse anymore, and your body reacts before your mind does, surging forward to hug him. Your fingers run up the expanse of his back, the smell of citrus and musk being familiar but the discomfort in his embrace is not. From here, you can’t see his eyes, but his heart rate accelerates as he wounds his hands in your hair, pulling you closer until the space between you is nonexistent.
“Please,” he mumbles. 
Is it a request? 
The shock runs through your veins as you try to think of what to say next—Luke’s never been one to beg.
“I’d do anything to protect our home, Luke, you don’t have to convince me when it’s the right thing to do.”
Your name falls from his lips, almost like he disagrees with what you said, and then you realize he’s begging you.
He’s asking for your permission. He’s asking you to let him go.
“You’re my home, trouble. You know that right? You’re the only thing that matters to me.”
You try to nod, try to pull away to look at him but he presses you harder into his embrace, like he knows he won’t have the chance again. It hurts, though not in the way you expect.
“L-Luke, you’re hurting me.” Your breath quickens as you try to unravel yourself from him, but you’re unsure where he ends and you begin.
“Just a little bit longer.” 
Your nose buries itself into his neck, and you realize he’s trembling, but you can’t figure out who’s scared, him or you? Voices are echoing in your head and it’s too loud; you clench your fists into his orange camp shirt. Why do you always need to see the proof to believe it’s real? Why do you have to wait until the damage is done?
“I have to do this, trouble. Everything will change and there’s no other way— either we win or we die. Failure isn’t an option for me. Not again.”
“I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one,” you mutter, closing your eyes so you don’t have to face the truth for a while more, “but I still love you, despite it.” 
Despite this.
A watery chuckle escapes you, and his hands are trembling as he pushes a strand of your hair back. He holds onto you more softly now, and whether you know it or not, it’s to make up for all the time he’ll have to go without holding you after this. Percy calls out to him in the distance and once Luke frees you from his arms, you wonder why it feels like you’re unraveling at the seams, slowly parting from him. The tether you have on each other loosens, and it’s hard to tell who is being freed, and who is letting go. Luke walks away wordlessly, curls bouncing in the brisk air without a second glance until you call out to him.
“I’ll find you!”
A threat disguised as a promise, you stand there in the middle of the path feeling exposed as the wretched little girl at your core, desperate to be loved, desperate to be enough. 
But it’s not enough for him to stay, now is it?
The truth is, Luke broke your heart before you even lost him, by hitting you where it hurts— he hit home. Camp Half-Blood has always been the one place you’ve known as home, and even if you claim to hate it—you’d die protecting it if that’s what was needed of you. You stay vigilant next to Annabeth, who looks up at your unusually quiet demeanor, and you feel like you have to confess to a crime that you didn’t commit.
“Luke’s leaving camp.”
She nods stiffly without answering you, wondering if you know about what else he’s done, too. Unlike you though, she’d rather find out before the damage is done.
The sun had set an hour ago, and fireworks were going off in the distance, everyone celebrating a hero’s return. You noticed Clarisse still sitting around the campfire with her siblings, Chiron still present and watching the festivities, and what had to be your last straw was noticing Annabeth had disappeared from your side. So you do what you do best, chase after Luke, and hope that you’re not too late.
Your breath heaves as you run through the dark forest without a single plan in mind and hoping, just hoping that no one’s hurt. You run faster towards the sound of swords clanging against each other, two figures illuminated by the fireworks in the distance.
What you didn’t expect to see was Luke’s sword pointed at an injured son of Poseidon sprawled out in the dirt.
“Percy!” your voice yells out shakily, your instincts kicking in as the truth is laid out in front of you, something darker and much worse than anything you could’ve imagined. Blue light illuminates the scarred side of your boyfriend’s face as he turns to look at you with shimmering eyes, and you see Annabeth with her sword raised at…the both of you.
Is this what love is…looking at a person who’s hurt you and still hoping they’re alright? You’re exhausted, wondering how long he’s been lying to your face—while he holds you, kisses you, and takes your pain away… and it all amounted to feeling guilty for letting his deception slip through your fingers and hurting the people you love. 
Luke’s scar you used to compare to a bolt of lightning now looks like a tear cascading from regret. And perhaps he does regret this, losing Annabeth and losing you, but he never turns back on his word once he’s made a decision. 
This one was just made without you. 
There’s a moment where everything goes silent despite the booming in the sky and you both take one last good look at each other, and Percy and Annabeth are unsure if you two look like forlorn lovers, or partners in crime.
His face hardens again at the wavering sound of your voice, almost unrecognizable in the dim light, and you know now that this is it. You’ve always been convinced that a love like the one you and Luke share is tailor-made and stitched together by the Fates. But the strings are cut, and like Atropos, he’s the one holding the scissors.
The last thing you see are his dark eyes and how he turns to run away, headfirst into a future without you. 
For a second you could’ve sworn they flashed gold.
“I wanted to hurt you
 but the victory is that I could not stomach it.” 
 -Richard Siken
next part: love like a blister: the five stages of loving losing luke
luke taglist (some won't let me tag, turn on my post notifs?): @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01 @poppysrin @ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303 @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r @visndcaitswhore @b0ok-lover @elegant-face-tree @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri @number-onekidqueen @nininehaaa @bradynoonswife @stevenknightmarc @hoodedhavok @happy-mushrooms @homebyeleven @anotherblackreader @too-deviant @liviessun @lilacspider @theadventuresofanartist @sucker4seresin @simpforsunwoo @zanzie @starrystormwritings
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writerslittlelibrary · 5 months
So, I'm not a prisoner? part 2
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masterlist part 1 part 2 part 3 extra
summary: you did not expect that your mission to take down the traitor, could end in such a difficult situation for you…
pairing: Natasha x Red Room teen reader
warnings: like, one swear word 
genre: fluff, angst
words: 2554
a/n: I apologise if this chapter isn’t the best. I’m in a bit of a depression slum so I’m not really motivated to do anything right now. I might come back later and fix this chapter a bit
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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After leaving the apartment, you immediately noticed the SHIELD agents piled up outside. They must have been listening to your conversation. 
Natasha led you towards a SHIELD car, opening the door for you, allowing you to get in. She got in the drivers seat, and followed by about a dozen other SHIELD trucks, she drove towards an airport nearby. 
The Quinjet was waiting at the airport, Clint Barton apparently inside of it. 
“I know this must be very overwhelming for you,” Natasha spoke, glancing towards you before focusing on the road again. 
You stayed quiet, instead staring out the window as you watched all objects blur. 
“I promise you we are going to help you,” Natasha affirmed. You turned your head, looking at her. 
“You can’t honestly sit there and tell me you are certain they won’t lock me away the moment I set foot in there,” you stated, and Natasha looked at you, giving you a sad smile. 
“I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure you won’t be locked away,” Natasha started, focusing back on the road and taking a deep breath. 
“How can you be so sure?” you asked. 
“I’ll think of something. I can put you under my supervision. I can lock you in a room and make sure you can leave it with me. Anything. I will come up with anything,” Natasha assured you. You didn’t want to believe her. You didn’t believe her, yet for some reason, whether it was her tone or the way that she spoke, you couldn’t help but deep down, believe her, even just a little. 
You sighed and looked back out the window, wanting nothing but to wake up from this nightmare. 
Yet then again, if this were a nightmare, wouldn’t you just wake up in your old one?
Your mind was a mess, and you could hear all the voices in your head scream at you. You saw Madame B every time you closed your eyes, just yelling at you. Telling you what a screw-up you were. Telling you all the ways that you failed them.
You always hated Natasha Romanoff for being a traitor, but now you met her, and you couldn’t help but think that maybe you were wrong. 
And even if you weren’t, you were now officially a traitor as well. 
You wanted to make Dreykov proud. That’s what you were supposed to do, right? If you made him proud, you’d get rewarded. You were the pride jewel. He loved you, didn’t he? He cared about you. You weren’t some disposable Widow. You knew that. But, then again, he was the one that told you that. And could he really be trusted? 
You groaned slightly, rubbing your temple with your right hand and you closed your eyes. 
“Everything okay?” Natasha asked, giving you a concerned glance. 
“I’m fine,” you bit back quickly, hating to look weak. Natasha didn’t take you response as hurtful. She knew you weren’t actively trying to hurt her. She understood the way you were raised, and she’d be damned if she, or anyone else, would ever misunderstand you. 
The drive to the airport didn’t take long, and soon enough you could spot the Quinjet from the car. 
“You brought the Avengers superjet…?” you asked, and Natasha gave you a small smile as she nodded. “That’s not exactly subtle…” you told her, yet Natasha just shrugged. 
“It’s fast,” she responded, driving the car as close as she could get it to the Quinjet. Once she stopped the car, she got out, walking over to your side and opening the door for you. You didn’t acknowledge it as you got out, immediately noticing the other SHIELD trucks that were parked closely. 
Some agents stood outside their cars, their hand on their weapon as they watched you. 
You noticed a woman walking towards you, and you took a step back when you decided she was way to close. 
The woman didn’t acknowledge your defensive attitude, instead holding up a pair of handcuffs and reaching for your hands. 
You pulled your hands back, and before the woman could say anything, Natasha had noticed what was going on, stepping in front of you and stopping the woman. 
“What are you doing?” Natasha asked, despite the fact it was obvious. 
“It’s protocol,” the woman claimed, yet when she tried to step towards you again, Natasha stopped her. 
“She came willingly,” Natasha stated, but the woman just shook her head. 
You noticed neither of them were going to give up, and quite honestly you just wanted to get rid of the woman. And so, you took a step forward, holding up your hands to the woman, giving her an expecting look. 
Natasha looked a bit shocked, yet didn’t take long to place her hand on your arm. 
“You really don’t have to,” she stated, but you interrupted her. 
“It’s fine. Let’s just go,” you stated, and the woman nodded as she made quick work of handcuffing you. 
After she was finished, Natasha gently took your upper arm, leading you towards the Quinjet. Clint Barton was already waiting on board, having a small smile on his face when he spotted you two. 
“Hey kid, nice to see you turn over a new leaf,” he said, yet you just scoffed. 
He didn’t seem offended, but rather just smiled and turned the chair around, facing the control panel. 
He pressed a few buttons, and the Quinjet closed.
“Take a seat. We’ll be flying for a few hours,” Natasha announced, and you nodded as you held up the pair of handcuffs. 
A look of shock and confusion took place on Natasha’s face, before she quickly regained herself and gave you her famous smirk. 
“Damn… You’re good good,” she told you, and you gave her a small smile before you sat down on a seat. 
Natasha discarded of the handcuffs, placing them in some cupboard before taking a seat next to you. “I know you’re scared, and I know you’re not showing it, and you’ll never admit it, but I promise you, I will make sure everything is gonna be alright,” Natasha said, looking forward, not wanting to pressure you.
You would of course never let her know, but you appreciated what she said. You would indeed never admit it, but you were scared. 
You weren’t just scared of the Avengers, though. You were afraid of what Dreykov would do to you. You were afraid what he would think, and what he would say. He would be so disappointed. Natasha Romanoff was right there. The traitor is sitting right next to you. You could so very easily just kill her. Slit her throat. Her guard was down. She would never see it coming. Dreykov would be so proud. 
You weren’t sure whether you wanted to kill her, and for the first time in your life, you found yourself debating whether you should kill her or not. 
Never once in your life did you think about killing someone or not. Never once did you think about the consequences. I was always just another assignment. Another person you had to wipe from existence, and you never, ever, dared to give it a second thought.
This experience was weird for you. 
You didn’t really want to kill Natasha, but yet again, you were supposed to, so why wouldn’t you? It’s not like you really cared whether Natasha lived or died. Did you?
You simply sighed and let your head fall back against the wall behind you, closing your eyes and letting your thought run through your head. What would Dreykov say? You knew what he would say. Deep down, you knew he didn’t care. 
After the Quinjet landed, Natasha and Clint guided you through the Avengers tower, claiming they need to take you to an office so you could speak with the director, Nick Fury.
You, of course, knew exactly where that office was, yet you decided to keep your mouth shut and just follow them. You didn’t want to make this situation worse for yourself. You knew the entire lay-out of the Avengers towers, and you were pretty certain Natasha was aware of that. 
Once you took the elevator and made it to the office, Nick Fury was sitting behind his desk, Maria Hill standing of to the side with a clip board in her hand. 
There were Shield agents standing outside the door, and you were pretty sure they were there to make sure you couldn’t try anything. 
“Take a seat,” Nick Fury simply said, and you looked at Natasha unimpressed, before you took a step forward, setting yourself down in the seat at the other side of the desk, across from Nick Fury. 
“You understand we cannot trust you, correct?” Fury stated, and you looked him in the eyes, enough for him to accept it as a yes, apparently. 
“Director Hill,” Fury then mentioned, getting up from his seat. 
Maria Hill walked towards the desk, placing her clip board on it as she sat down herself. She gave you a small smile. You didn’t return it. 
You were focused on your surroundings. Clint had left the room. Natasha was leaning against the wall next to the door. She probably didn’t want to disturb the conversation, yet she didn’t want to leave you alone. Maybe she just wanted to keep her eye on you. 
Before Fury walked away, he turned to look at you.
“Don’t fuck this up,” he stated, before walking towards the door, leaving the room. 
You turned your gaze back to Maria, who had picked up a pen, now waiting for your attention to turn back to her. Once it did, she began speaking. 
“I’m just going to ask you a few questions, and you just try and answer them to the best of you abilities,” she explained, and you nodded slightly. 
“Could you please state your full name and date of birth?” 
“Y/n, the rest I don’t know…” you replied, and Maria nodded. “Do you have any idea of how old you may be?” she asked and you nodded, giving her your assumed age. 
She wrote the information down, scratching some things out on the clipboard before turning to the next question. 
“Do you know where you were born?” she asked, and you nodded. 
“I was born in Russia, but I’m not sure whether my parents were Russian,” you explained, and Maria nodded as she wrote it all down. 
“Have you always been in Russia?” 
You shook your head, briefly telling her about certain mission you had been on that took longer than a month. 
There was that time in Seattle, when you lived with another Red Room Widow pretending to be your mother. You had gone to an actual school, and you had had actual friends. 
There was another time in the Netherlands, when you were with a Hydra agent. Something about a debt Dreykov owed to Alexander Pierce. You had been chosen for a mission with a Hydra agent. You were posing as a normal teenager, whose mother passed, which is why your father moved you all the way to the Netherlands. You enjoyed the learning the language, yet you found it one of the harder ones to master due to the many odd rules. 
Maria wrote every single detail you told her down, not missing a single thing as she made sure everything was on paper. 
After a few more questions, and many ‘I don’t know’s’ from you, Maria finally put her pen down, smiling at you gently. 
“That’s all for now,” she explained and you nodded. 
“Come on,” you heard Natasha say, and you got up, walking towards her. 
“See you later,” she told Maria before guiding you out. Were they a thing? Did Natasha see how Maria blushed? Did Natasha notice how she herself blushed? 
Natasha led you towards the elevator, pressing a button, then entering a code. You learned about this. To get to the living quarters of the Avengers tower, you had to enter a code. This was to prevent any unwanted visitors in the living space of the Avengers. 
Once the elevator opened, Natasha led you out, guiding you towards a hallway. You followed her the entire way, making sure to walk at least a metre behind her. 
You weren’t allowed to walk next to your superiors, and even though you weren’t sure what you place in this tower would be, you didn’t want to take any chances. You didn’t want to stray to far from the manners you were taught. 
Natasha probably noticed, but whether she did or not, she decided not to mention it. 
Eventually, she stopped in front of a door, pushing a key in the keyhole and unlocking it. 
“This will be you room,” she smiled and pushed the door open. “My room is across from this one, and the only other people in this hallway are Wanda and Carol, but she is not often on earth,” Natasha explained, and you nodded as if you didn’t already know it.
You stepped into the bedroom, and it took you a moment to process the fact, that all that space, would be yours now. 
“Do you like it?” Natasha asked, waiting by the door. 
“It’s so… big…” you stated, slowly walking further into the room. Natasha smiled as she made her way towards another door. 
“This is the bathroom. I stocked it with some basic supplies beforehand, so you’ll probably be good for a little while, or just until we get the chance to go shopping,” Natasha stated as she closed the door again. 
“This is the closet,” she explained, walking over to the piece of furniture and opening it.
“Right now, there are just some things from me and Wanda that will probably be wearable for you, but we’ll get you some new clothes soon,” Natasha smiled, and you nodded. 
Natasha walked over to the desk, sitting down on the desk chair and looking at the ground. It seemed she had something to say, and it would be something you wouldn’t like. You took a seat on the bed, across from her, and simply waited until she spoke. 
“Now, because we do not know you, we cannot just let you roam freely around the tower. I managed to convince Fury you shouldn’t be put in a cell, but unfortunately, this door will have to be locked until further notice,” Natasha explained and you nodded. 
“He’d be stupid not to,” you replied, and Natasha nodded, giving you a small smile.
“I promise I will come check on you often, okay? And you can leave the room if you are accompanied, so I will make sure to take you on some daily walks or something, alright?” Natasha explained, and you nodded, giving her a smile in return. 
“I promise you, everything will only get better now,” Natasha told you, and you nodded as she got up, walking towards the door. 
“I’ll get you something to eat, and some entertainment,” she explained, and she left the room. 
Suddenly, you were left alone. This was your room. You made the choice. You were officially a traitor. There was no going back. You did this to yourself. You royally screwed up. Or perhaps, just maybe, you made a really good choice?...
Tags: @wandanatlov3r @tobiaslut @natashasgirlll @xanthreee
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @mxximoffswifey
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cannellee · 5 months
HIII cannellee!! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) it’s 🍓 again!! i have another super cute abo idea, could we have the tr boys with a very clumsy but cute omega who has bruises all over her legs from bumping into objects because she keeps running into things like chairs or low tables… maybe how they react seeing injuries for the first time? or how they try to “steer her away from danger”? ty for reading, i hope you have a amazing christmas!!!!!! ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡
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୨୧ alpha! tokyo rev x omega! reader
— their reactions to a cute and clumsy s/o (pairing : mikey, mitsuya, kazutora, chifuyu, izana, kaukucho, angry, baji)
my masterlist : ☆
I reaaally love this, it's so cute! I hope I did a good job, but I'm not really proud of this one sorry. I hope you had a great Christmas too thanks<3
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upon noticing your bruises and bumps all over you, mikey gets immediately concerned and harbours a deep frown when he asks you about it.
his alpha instincts command him to make sure you're well and assess the situation to know what's wrong.
when you admit it's because of how clumsy you are, he's relieved it isn't anything more serious and finds it even endearing.
of course, his protective nature doesn't take long to kick in and he's paying even more attention to your surroundings.
rather than being upset about your lack of care, he's understanding and gently inquires why that is, so he can identify the issue behind your clumsiness.
now, when you're together, he offers you his support. whenever you fall and if he hasn't prevented that before, he'll be quick to help you up on your feet, pat your head to assure you it's okay and check your knees to look for any new bruises.
he'll tease you about it, but just to lighten up the mood and show you that he doesn't view your clumsiness as a source of frustration. it is made to make you feel comfortable around him.
mitsuya is very observing, so he did noticed your tendency to fall and trip early on.
he won't mention it to you though, he'll provide a silent support and watch you carefully.
he'll offer to do certain tasks if he thinks it might harm you. if you need to reach something which is put high in a cupboard, he grabs you by the waist before you even finish climbing and gets it for you.
he tells you to rely on him, he's your alpha and he wants you to trust him and let him act like your partner.
when you're taking a walk, he takes your hand and gently guides you, replacing you so that you don't step into a bump on the road for example.
he does everything so that you don't have to injure yourself, but if it was to happen, his reaction is quick. he'll profusely scent you to prevent any stress or anxiety troubling you and will patch you up.
you'll end up cuddling with him inside your nest!
now kazutora is really worried.
what do you mean his omega is getting injured on a daily basis ?
when he first saw your bruised legs during summer, he felt an immense amount of anger.
kazutora is the type to act on impulse and in his head, those were the result of some bad people with malicious intentions towards his sweet omega.
he was furious and checked for more injuries, it was a hard task to calm him down and you thought it wouldn't be possible unless you gave him a couple of innocent names (that had nothing to do with the situation, he was just so sure you were a victim of crazy alphas).
luckily, upon smelling your calm pheromones, he figured you didn't lie to him out of fear and he eventually let his guard down.
now he's even more vigilant. it actually hurts him to know you're this clumsy and it troubles his mind.
he's the type to kiss your bruises though, and act overly reassuring and protective even when you don't actually need it.
although stressed at first, chifuyu is quick to approach the situation with a calming demeanor.
he's soo gentle with you, he'll rush to you each time you hurt yourself and shower you with his reassuring pheromones while making sure the cut on your finger isn't too deep.
if the fall was hard he asks you if you're okay, eyes full of care, telling you soothing words to drive away any distress.
chifuyu's touch is tender and he'll softly remind to be more careful whenever he's not here because he can't assist you.
he'll try his best to create a safe space for you : his omega can't get hurt if she's under chifuyu's watchful care!
if it was really serious, he will crack a joke to lighten up your mood and distract you from the pain.
he will offer you a comfortable place to sit afterwards ; if you're out, he's bringing you snacks from the shop next to you and if it was at your place, he's tucking you inside your nest. all the smells make you instantly relax!
angry is concerned.
once he learns you're this prone to injure yourself, it's over for you.
he was already worried sick about you going outside alone, as an omega you're often a target for other alphas and people who might know you're affiliated to him.
but now? now that he knows you don't even need to go outside to be at harm's length, he's constantly trying to check up on you.
now your dates consist of you both staying at your place, watching a movie inside your nest, cuddling and playing games, overall very calming activities.
angry might overdo it, but you need to understand that his instincts are shaking now knowing his omega is jeopardizing herself.
he carries band aids everywhere with him too.
he is prepared and reliable.
yes, you can hurt yourself alone, it happens, but it never does in his presence.
he's careful, even if he looks focused on something else, and will prevent anything from happening to you, from the tiniest cut to the most absurd fall.
if your clumsiness appears because of stress, you can be sure his scent is always enveloping you.
he tenderly kisses your forehead and praises you whenever you successfully stop yourself from falling.
he slowly kisses your bruises and healed scars with sweet patience, you absolutely love his kind nature.
you sometimes feel guilty for the way he seems genuinely upset and apologises for not being able to look after you better.
you tell him it's okay but he feels a sense of responsibility for his omega's wellbeing. he's committed and as your alpha he has to shield you from anything hurtful.
he's devoted. he offers you his entire support and will do anything to keep you far from harm, even if you're the one bringing it to you.
he doesn't get mad nor annoyed, he just wants to make sure it won't happen again.
if you thought you weren't protected enough by him, expect an even more on edge izana. you're so important for him, he can't help the creeping worry he's feeling.
he now ensures that his physical presence is a constant source of protection. whether it's standing close or wrapping an arm around your waist, he establishes a boundary to both claim you and reassure you. it keeps you steady and he's there if you ever were to trip.
izana wants to have control over the situation and does his best to react accordingly to ensure your safety.
but he's still gentle and have a careful touch despite his alpha assertiveness.
if he didn't know you often bumped into furniture, you better tell him fast because he won't calm down as easily as kazutora.
izana won't believe you at first, and will definitely not tolerate anybody touching his precious omega. that's why he's a menace.
he tends to be overprotective, doing his job as your alpha a bit too well and literally preventing you to live normally.
he calls you regularly and checks for any new bruises everytime you meet up, he made you swear you would be more careful!
the first time he noticed your bruises, his face was livid while he lifted your arm into his gentle hands.
he's terrifyingly calm and you know it would only take a name before he completely lashes out.
luckily he's a very great listener and really attentive. once you tell him about how you hit your elbow in a door, he gets reminded of all the times you tripped and easily connects the dots.
you're a very clumsy omega and you trigger his instincts like never before.
he softly nags you, praying you to be more careful while also being completely clueless as to why you're so uncoordinated with your movements.
why do you have to drop everything? and the most dangerous things at that?
you give him literal heart attacks.
but he'll joke about it so you never feel bad about that part of yourself. he will sometimes sweep you off your feet and carry you himself so you don't fall down. he will condemn any sharp items and challenge anybody who might make fun of you for it.
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Inspired by the fanfiction link above; kind of an aftermath scenario. I love the idea of Wayne being extra protective of Steve after Steve saved Eddie's life, and getting even more protective of him after he and Eddie start dating. What can I say, I'm a Wayne Munson simp. Also, while I might not have a lot of respect for him anymore, see if you can find the John Mulaney quote I slipped in here! @artiststarme I hope you like it!
Finally Protected
Wayne Munson was a lot of things. A salty grump, a loner, an uncle, a father.
But most of all, he was loyal.
Once someone earned his loyalty, it lasted for life. He would stick with them through thick and thin, and defend them against anyone. And against all odds, Steve Harrington had earned his loyalty.
Anyone with eyes could see that Steve was head over heels in love with Wayne's boy. Which was why he could not comprehend why it was Steve who was on the receiving end of all these goddamn shovel talks.
Found family, my ass, he thought to himself. Even that Buckley girl had given Steve a talk. Were they all stupid? They'd known Steve, really known him, for much longer than Wayne or Eddie had. How could they still think that Steve would hurt anyone, much less Eddie?
The worst thing about it was, Wayne knew that Steve would forgive them. It didn't matter how many times the Party hurt him, Steve would just shrug it off, like his feelings didn't matter. And considering Steve had already earned the loyalty of the Munsons, Wayne had a problem with that.
A big problem.
The day after Eddie apologized and the two boys made up, Wayne dropped by to talk to Steve. Even as he settled on the couch in the living room, he could see the tension in Steve's shoulders.
"You can relax, kiddo," he said. "I'm not mad at ya. Not here to give you another goddamn shovel talk, either."
Steve's eyebrows rose. "Really?"
Wayne nodded. "Eddie's an adult now, and he knows how to take care of himself. No, I'm here to talk about the rest of the Party."
Steve looked confused. "What do you mean?"
Wayne sighed. "Boy, you need to set some boundaries with these people."
"Steve, I know this ain't the first time these folks have hurt you. Lord knows Eddie has gone on many rants about how the kids keep calling you an idiot, or how the Wheeler girl cheated on you after 'she ripped your heart out of your chest and stomped on it.' Eddie's words, by the way."
Steve looked uncomfortable, now. "Well, the kids are just messing around. And I shouldn't have tried to hold on to Nancy the way I did."
"The kids are old enough now to learn how to mess around without being disrespectful. And Nancy should have been honest with you instead of leading you on," Wayne countered.
Steve still looked apprehensive. Wayne sighed (again-he'd been doing that a lot lately).
"Look, Steve, I'm not saying you have to cut them out of your life. I know that'd be devastating for ya. But just letting them hurt you, and not saying a word about it... You deserve better than that."
Steve's eyes misted over. "No, I don't," he choked out. When Wayne opened his mouth to protest, the kid shook his head rapidly. "You don't understand, Mr. Munson, I was a really bad person in high school. The things I said about people... I'd tear them down without a second thought. I-"
Sensing that Steve was about to go on a self deprecating tangent, Wayne cut him off.
"Did you know that Eddie used to rant about you?"
This seemed to startle the kid. "Um... What?"
Wayne chuckled. "Yeah, I won't go into details, but he was very vocal about how much you bugged him... But then, out of nowhere, in 1984, he stopped. I asked him why, because I was curious. Do you know what he said?"
Steve gulped. "What?"
"He said, and I quote, 'he hasn't actually been an asshole in a while, and now that everyone else is trying to kick him down, I don't want to contribute to that.' You made a change, Steve. Not many people are willing to do that. Hell, most ain't even willing to believe that there's something wrong with em. But you were. I'll keep telling you, as many times as I have to for it to sink in. You don't deserve to be hurt."
The tears Steve had been holding back this whole time finally seemed to overwhelm him. Wayne scooched over to him and wrapped him in a hug.
"You've had to be strong for so long, kid. Let me look after you, yeah? Lord knows you deserve protection just as much as Eddie does."
Steve didn't answer, but he nodded. That was enough for now.
Wayne had been pacing around Steve's living room for about ten minutes when he finally heard the doorbell ring. It would appear that this group traveled as a pack, because every single member of the party was there.
That is, every member but two.
"Mr. Munson?" Dustin asked confusedly. "What's going on? Where's Steve?"
Wayne grunted. "All of ya just come in. I'll explain once you get settled. And I'm sayin this now, I expect you all to listen."
When everyone was sitting around the living room, Hopper was the first to speak up. "So Wayne, what's going on? Where's the kid?"
Wayne scowled. "If you mean Steve, he's at my trailer with Eddie. If that were big enough, we'd be there instead, but there's too many of you, and I need you all to hear this."
The Buckley girl looked extremely confused. "Why would you want us here if Steve isn't?"
Wayne took a deep breath in an attempt to control his anger. "Because it would seem to me that you lot forget just how much that boy does for all of you."
Joyce furrowed her brow. "Um... What?"
"You folks got a lot of nerve, acting like Steve is the one who's gonna hurt Eddie. He ain't a ticking time bomb, and you gotta stop treating him like it. After everything he's done for you lot, it astounds me how you can still treat him like crap. Found family, my ass."
Nancy Wheeler opened her mouth with an angry expression, but Wayne cut her off. "Don't go acting so high and mighty, Wheeler. Did you even realize that Steve still flinches when anyone uses the word bullshit? You tore his heart out of his chest and stomped on it, and then slept with another guy before you even broke up with Steve properly."
That seemed to shut her up. Good.
"And as for you kids, how many times has Steve taken a beating for you? The only ones that I've seen being respectful to him are Will and El. The rest of you... You've all been the victims of bullies, according to Steve. So explain to me, how in the hell can you justify the way you all treat him on a daily basis? Insulting his intelligence, bossing him around, disregarding the work he's done to change, all of that has to stop."
The kids tried to protest, but Wayne was on a roll. He rounded on Joyce, Hopper, and Robin. "Hopper, Joyce, Eddie is my kid. He ain't your responsibility. You had no right to give Steve that goddamn shovel talk as if he were still the guy he was in high school. And you, Miss Buckley? You call yourself Steve's best friend. You might wanna try acting like it.
"Now, I know that Steve sees you all as family. That's the only reason I ain't told him to cut you folks out of his life. But Steve has got no standard for how he should be treated as a human being. Whether you lot realize it or not, you've all taken advantage of that. He thinks that he deserves it, but I've seen the effort he makes every day to be better than he was. Most won't even accept that they need to be better, and it would seem that you folks are a part of that majority. I know that he deserves better, and I ain't even known him a whole year. That says something about you, don't it?
"Now, you are going to give Steve as much space as he needs. You won't ask him to babysit, you won't ask him to chauffeur you around, you won't ask him for money. You'll take some time to think about how you've treated him. And when you feel you're ready to apologize-not because of guilt or obligation, but because you mean it-you tell me. I'll let Steve know. But only when Steve is ready to see you all again, and not a second more, will I let you talk to him."
Wayne shared a vicious smile with El and Will, and then looked at the rest of them with a raised eyebrow.
"Now get the hell out of my future son-in-law's house."
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chochuuya · 7 months
tending to his wounds.
scenario with (a few) tr boys! ヾ(・ω・*)
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"no... no it's okay," he reassures quietly.
he doesn't want to complain that you're being a little too rough with his wounds. he's already bothering you enough, he thought. still can't comprehend the fact that you're so nice to him, despite always getting into fights.
he can still remember the first time you tended to his wounds. his heart just flutters every time he thinks of the sweet memory.
you with him? it's almost like a black cat and golden retriever sort of situation. who's who? i don't even know.
"it's okay." you mocked him.
"liar. you're clearly hurt. always fighting and then asking me to patch you up. i already told you to not get into fights, babe. or maybe lessen it a little..?" you rambled on and on while cleaning up the wounds on his knuckles.
"i'm fine," he grumbled back. while it may be true that he's hurting, he's far too stubborn to admit it. he doesn't like showing his weaknesses to anyone, especially not someone as sweet as you.
his mind goes into a frenzy when he hears your pet name for him, causing him to turn an embarrassing shade of red.
"babe..?" he mutters under his breath.
you look up to him with an eyebrow raised. "what's wrong?"
"n-nothing." he quickly changes his facial expression so that he no longer looks all red and flustered. his heart rate immediately slows, although it is still pumping at a much faster rate than before.
"just thinking, that's all," he added.
you thought about it and quickly realized as you pressed your lips together and shutting your eyes in shame.
damn it. why and how did that slipped out?!
"shoot, sorry. it's a habit."
he didn't expect you to apologize. his eyebrows shoot up and he tilts his head slightly.
"sorry... for what exactly? calling me babe?" he asks curiously, taking in the fact that you, in fact, used a nickname for him.
"uh, yeah." you quickly stick on the bandaids and stand up from your chair.
"okay, all done!"
he notices that you don't look nearly as embarrassed as he is. this causes him to blush even harder and his face looks like a tomato. he watches you stand up, not really knowing how to react.
"wait, where are you going?" he asks quietly, not wanting you to leave.
"going home obviously, it's almost 5." you say nonchalantly as you put your backpack on.
"alright.." he mutters as his eyebrows furrow, watching you put your bag on. while he tries to contain his emotions, something slips out.
"do you maybe wanna hangout after school one day..?" he asks in what he thinks is a casual manner, but is actually full of nervous glances your way.
hm, maybe this is the start of something new. wink wonk
RINDOU, chifuyu, mitsuya, inui, BAJI, angry, akkun, draken, your fav ♡
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please do not steal, copy, translate, repost to other sites or claim my writings as your own. plagiarism is real!
just imagining rindou acting this way makes my heart ache (-ω-、) i hope you enjoyed reading this~ reblogs & likes are always appreciated!! ♡
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themultifandomgal · 7 months
Sister Shelby- Fainting
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All YN's life she has struggled with fainting. The first time she lost conscious was when she was only a year old. The baby had been crying none stop, then in Polly grays arms the little one passed out. The doctors had said it was because of her not able to catch her breath but as the years went on the fainting got worse, especially when YN started going through puberty.
13 Years Old
"YN your gonna be late for school" Tommy scolds the youngest Shelby storming into her room. YN groans throwing her bed sheets over her head "now YN!"
"Don't feel well"
"You just want to get out of school" Tommy rips off the quilt
"Fine" YN grunts and gets out of bed. But as quick as she's up, she's back down passed out on the floor. Of course Tommy panics and calls for Polly who runs upstairs. Only a minute later YN is awake again
"Ok no school today" Polly places her arms on her hips as Tommy helps his sister back into bed
"I think we need a doctor Poll"
The doctors checked YN out and found that her heartbeat is irregular which is what has been causing her fainting spells.
15 Years Old
YN can now tell when she is going to faint and what could trigger it. One of them being excessive exercise. Now it's no secret YNs teacher, Mr Jones doesn't like her just because she has the Shelby name. The teacher had announced that they would be running around the field at the back of the school, YN immediately protests saying she can't run that far, but the teacher had said if YN didn't partake then she could expect 100 lines and the ruler across the hand. So YN begin running.
After running once she was told to run again, and again and again. No matter how many times YN said she needed to stop Mr Jones threatened the poor girl and so she carried on. She did this until she passes out on the field, thankfully her friend Eleanor saw and ran to Mr Jones, but he didn't believe her.
When YN came around she decided to just walk out of the school and head home
"What are you doing home from school?" Arthur scolds seeing his little sister walk through the front door
"Mr Jones made me run even when I told him I couldn't. He said it was either run or have the ruler. I passed out but he didn't believe Eleanor when she told him" Arthur's eyes widen
"Go to bed and rest. Let me speak to Tommy and Aunt Poll"
This caused the Shelby brothers and Aunt head to the school and Tommy even got the teacher fired!
18 Years Old
It's a hot day in Birmingham and YN is sat in the betting shop helping Arthur with the books
"I'm gonna get a Drink" YN sighs feeling the heat. Arthur nods his head not looking up. YN stands up but immediately her eyesight starts to disappear and a ringing starts in her ear. Before she can even sit back down Arthur finds his sister on the floor passed out. Knowing exactly what to do Arthur gets up from his seat and first of all checks that YN hasn't hurt herself on anything. He then rolls her so she's on her side. Tommy walks out of his office and frowns
"Has she fainted?" Tommy asks looking at Arthur and YN
"Yeah" Arthur sighs
"When she walks up take her home. It's so hot in here"
22 Years Old
YN is now an adult who has just moved into a house with her boyfriend Alexander. At first the Shelby's were not happy about this and they worried for their sister especially since Alex has yet to see one of YNs fainting episodes as she is now more aware of her body and when she may pass out. YN comes home from a long day of shopping when she begins to feel faint. Placing her bags down in the kitchen she slide herself down the kitchen counters and sits on the floor. Normally this would do the trick, but today this isn't what happens. Alex knows about his girlfriends irregular heart and he knows that she faints because of it, but he's always had one of her brothers or Polly around. So when he walks through the front door and into the kitchen, panic sets in seeing YN on the floor. Immediately he runs up to her and starts to try and wake her up, but it doesn't work
"YN. YN can you hear me?" remembering Tommy once checking her over for injury's he does the same. Then he remembers that Arthur would check the time to see how long she was unresponsive for, so he does just that. Unbeknownst to hun Tommy has also entered the home of the young couple and is watching Alex tend to YN "ok come on YN isn't been a minute since I've come home. I need you to wake up"
Luckily it's not to much time later, maybe about 20 seconds, YN finally starts to wake up
"Hey YN, how you feeling?"
"Ok. Let's get you a drink and put you to bed" this is when Alex notices Tommy stood watching the interaction "Tommy what are you doing here?"
"Was coming to see if YN wanted to head to the Garrison but I can see that's going to be a no"
"Sorry Tom"
"Don't apologise. Your in safe hands here. Take tomorrow off" with that Tommy leaves.
For YN hearing her brother is ok with her relationship means the absolute world to her.
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Historically Accurate
"I'm telling you, Hollywood is going down with all the woke crap! You know what they say: Go woke go broke!"
Julian and Wallace were on their way back from the lunch room and the former was listening to the latter complaining. Julian had tried to avoid any topic like this, but, really, it was a mine field with Wallace. Just about *every* topic had the potential to turn out political.
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"I don't see what's wrong with a little inclusion in pop culture." Julian said, not wanting to argue but also not wanting to leave that opinion unopposed.
"Everything! It's just plain wrong, and it's brainwash, too. I mean, it's like a mind virus, poisoning everything! There's a western coming out next week. But it's all bullshit woke agenda again. The cowboy is black and gay! Literal brainwash and historical rewrite."
Julian frowned. How could an intelligent person like Wallace be so stupid at the same time?
"Why does that even bother you? I thought you hated westerns."
"Yes, that's not the point. Fact is, it's historically inaccurate and just pushing the woke agenda."
"Actually, I think it's not even historically incorrect." Julian pondered as they entered the lab using Julian's keycard and an iris scan of both scientists.
Wallace was borderline angry now.
"What are you talking about? Everyone knows that cowboys were the whitest and the straightest people there were."
"I'm not quite sure", Julian said. "Weren't there freed slaves and so on? And I would guess if you were underway with another guy for prolonged periods of time, not everything staid straight, too."
"Bullshit! Everyone knows cowboys weren't fags, and they were white."
Wallace seemed agitated now, and his usual stiff demeanor became even more pronounced.
Wallace was in his mid-forties, but the way he was talking, he seemed way older to Julian.
Julian on the other hand was awfully young for the position he had. Being 25, he still didn't look like he had finished college, even though he had his doctorate already.
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It was really a bit sad, he thought. Two of the brightest minds and they were bickering over basic, meaningless distinctions like ethnicity or sexual orientation.
"We could just ask the computer." he proposed, but Wallace frowned.
"We are not supposed to use the equipment for private research." he said.
'The computer' was part of the highly secretive project they worked on. When finished, it was supposed to be a time machine, simple as that. The actual time travel device didn't work properly yet, but a part of it, a chronoton boosted quantum computer that was able to access history itself to answer questions about the part, was already functioning quite well.
"But we are supposed to test it from time to time. Are you afraid of the answer it might give?"
"Of course not." Wallace grumbled. "Fine. Computer! Is there any historical evidence of gay black cowboys?"
The voice activated system acknowledged the request with a beep. While waiting for the answer, Julian checked the parameters of the system and found them in near-perfect condition.
Finally, the system answered, with the neutral male voice it was programmed with.
"A significant portion of cowboys consisted of people with African heritage, especially after the freeing of slaves after the civil war. Homosexual acts and attraction were common among cowboys, especially during the trail drives. Demonstrating..."
"Hrmpf." Wallace said, clearly not happy.
Julian, who was still checking the readings, scratched his head.
"Did you remember to disconnect the capsule before making the query? It seems to be drawing power."
"Ah, crap. That's just because of all the bullshit talk. Computer, stop!"
"Unable to comply. Demonstrating... Target: Montana Frontier Area, June 1865..."
The white walls of the chamber started to glow in an ever brighter white that was beginning to hurt the eyes.
"Crap. Julian, cut the power!" Wallace said, now with a clear notion of fear in his voice. The younger scientist didn't answer but tried to do as he was told - but did not succeed in time.
Suddenly, with a flash, their surroundings changed and the two of them found themselves in the middle of a rugged mountain range, on the border of a pine forest. It was late afternoon and the scientists found themselves in a just set-up camp. Two horses were standing nearby, and a small herd of cows was grazing at a meadow.
Wallace sighed and shook his head angrily. "Just great. Look at the mess you just put us in. Now we have to wait until we're rescued. And, apparently, we have to meet some black homo cowboys."
Julian looked around but couldn't see anyone around.
"I would have also guessed so, but there doesn't seem to be anyone there."
His heart sank as he had a terrible suspicion. He had been experimenting lately with a normalization circuit that would embed the time travelers into history instead of superimposing them onto it. That was - according to his theories - a rather elegant way to resolve the repelling effect the historical structure had, but it wasn't finished by any means. It had never been tested and even theoretically, it wouldn't be able to achieve a partial embedding, only a full one at best. And the more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that it had still been connected to the system.
As Julian thought about how to break it to Wallace, he noticed something strange about the other scientist. It could be a trick of the light, but he looked way more tanned than before.
"Uhm... It might actually be somewhat worse than that. I think my normalization circuit was still active when you activated the machine."
"What? What does that mean?" Wallace looked at him, furiously now.
"Well, I would guess..." Julian struggled and gave up. "Look at your hands, I think it's pretty self-explanatory."
Wallace looked down at his darkening hands and paled. Even now, he still had a considerably darker skin tone than before, darkening with every passing second.
"Shit." he said. "That's what you get for fucking around with a half-finished experiment."
Julian didn't even dare to mention his suspicion. If his normalization circuit was really active, that would make Wallace an actual, black cowboy, and not just him. Julian was also a time traveler, so he, too, would be affected.
Meanwhile, the changes in Wallace seemed to have proceeded. His facial structure looked like it was in motion before finally settling on a generally broader, manlier shape: The jawline became more pronounced, and his cheekbones raised.
"Is there... anything going on with me as well?" Julian asked.
Wallace looked over at him.
"Yeah, your hair color is changing, and I think your eye color. Blonde and blue-eyed, how cliché. But most importantly, you're not becoming fucking a fucking Black man."
Wallace didn't say Black man.
For some reason, this didn't bother Julian half as much as it should have. He felt rather at ease, and the untamed wilderness around him awakened a sense of adventure inside of him that he didn't know was in him.
Meanwhile Wallace was also feeling a change within. A surge of confidence emerged from within him that was entirely alien to the deeply insecure man at first, but quickly became more and more part of his personality. It was like his core was solidifying into a confident and assertive nature, a boldness and quiet he secretly always wished he had. At the same time, his body structure changed considerably.
Where before, Wallace had been a physically unimpressive mid-forties man, it now seemed like the years melted off of him, and for every year that he lost, he gained three pounds of muscle mass and beef. His shoulders widened, his height increased, and his frame expanded in order to accommodate the new body mass.
"It's not that bad, ain't it?" While Julian's body had not changed much besides the hair and eye color, his voice sounded entirely different now. It had a southern lilt to it, but it was charismatic and charming. It was the kind of voice you could listen to for hours without end, perfect for reading an audiobook - or telling campfire stories.
"Well now, I ain't too sure 'bout that." Wallace's voice had changed even more considerably when he answered. He had gained a thick southern accent, and his voice had dropped to a low and smooth voice that sounded commanding even if he didn't intend to.
"Ha, look at that, your skin's startin' to change now, too!"
And really, Julian's skin had started to adapt as well, but it was quickly becoming apparent that it went a different route than Wallace's. Instead of darkening to the almost black tone that he was sporting, Julian's skin became rougher and got a sun-kissed tan instead. His facial features sharpened, as his cheekbones looked chiseled all of a sudden and a rugged beard texture was adorning his chin. Julian seemed to notice it, too, since he started touching his new face immediately.
"Cool! Always wondered what I'd look like sportin' a beard." he said, apparently not too unhappy with the changes.
There was no denying Julian looked good, which made Wallace feel a touch of jealousy. In his opinion, it wasn't fair that he was the only one having to deal with the black skin. That feeling quickly faded, though, as his changes continued. His hair became very short, curly and dark. At the same time, a short beard formed on his chin and upper lip, giving him an even manlier appeal. At the same time, chest hair sprouted, sparsely of course, as it was normal for a man of his heritage. A strange feeling overcame Wallace. He wasn't necessarily *proud* to be Black now, but he also didn't mind it anymore. He was proud of a lot of secondary assets, though, like his bulging muscles or his handsome face. As his eyes became a dark brown, he had to smirk as he sat down by the fire, readjusting himself in the process. And, of course, his big cock, which might also have been positively influenced by his new ancestry.
Wallace watched as Julian turned around and tended to the horses. His body was now, finally, also changing. It didn't become nearly as bulky as his own, but instead lean and agile, with narrow hips and a well-distributed surprising strength, as Wallace knew. While Julian was busy with the horses, Wallace had a good view of his ass. It filled out the jeans just so well, and Vallace only noticed now that the other man's attire had changed. He was clad in a pair of blue jeans, a vest and, of course a Stetson now, and Vance always thought that this outfit accentuated the best parts of his partner quite well. He preferred black leather, himself, since the material was sturdier and felt better on the skin.
Vince felt his cock hardening in his leather pants and readjusted himself again while also leaning back and spreading his legs to make more room for the erection. He wasn't afraid of anyone seeing his rude behavior. The only other man within a wide range was Jesse, the owner of that juicy ass. And he was allowed to see... well, everything.
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Vince waited patiently until Jesse returned to the campfire, with a big smile on his face.
"How them horses holdin' up, partner?" Vince asked.
"They're good. Just a tad worn out from today's ride." Jesse answered.
"Well, there's somethin' else needs tendin' to, if you're free to lend a hand. Or an ass." Vince grinned and made his cock throb in the confines of his tight leather pants.
Jesse grinned at the display of masculinity and massaged his own cock.
"Hell yes!"
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As Jesse moved over in his usual graceful movements, Vince leaned back. There really wasn't anything better than being a big, black cowboy. Especially not with a partner like Jesse, who was always happy to make the nights in the wilderness a little less lonely.
Certainly not poor and lonesome! Also check out this awesome writer!
There are a few more versions of Jesse and Vince, over at my tip jar.
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raya-hunter01 · 12 days
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 5
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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A Month Later
Roman’s House
“Mama, you saw it for yourself, she slept with Jey,” I said trying to escape her wrath.
“Son, your actions caused that chain reaction, and Tia living here isn’t helping your case to get your wife back either,” my mom said washing the dishes as I fed Logan her bottle.
“Mama, Logan needs her.”
“Logan needs her like I need an enema. She doesn’t even want that baby; she barely interacts with her. How could you let this happen?” she asked as I wished the earth to open up and swallow me whole.
“Mama, I stopped it, I knew I was wrong.”
“But, it took six times sleepin’ with this girl for you to realize that, and then you lied to me. Roman, I didn’t raise you this way,” my mother scolded as I sighed taking my tongue lashing from her.
“Mama, I was gon’ tell you, I just didn’t know how,” I said as she sat down beside me.
“You start by telling the truth….I said some mean things to Kara going off how you were acting. Like when was you going to tell me that you had a child with Kara’s sister.”
“I…I was going to fix it all. I wanted her to be Logan’s stepmom.. I was going to make it right, then I saw red. She let him have her mama, my wife did that,” I said still in shock that Kara took it that far and slept with Jey.
“Roman, you can’t take a child away from her mother and give it to another woman, thinking it will fix the issue. Kara is hurt…Her husband and sister betrayed her, that’s a hard pill to swallow.”
“But look at what she did, like really out of all people it just had to be him. Why would she do that?” I asked, truly wanting to know why.
“To make sure she hurt you deeper than you hurt her, and it worked. Tore you up so bad you ordered a new bus. Got you walkin’ round here like you on life support,” my mom said, my jaw twitched just thinking about them together.
“Then you got that girl sleepin’ here, trying to get her hooks in you.”
“Mama, I ain’t-”
“I don’t care, if you want to try to work on your marriage, Tia gotta go. Her being here is showing Kara you didn’t take your marriage seriously and its disrespectful.”
“Mama, she has nobody-”
“That’s a lie, she got a mama, and a daddy. Tia’s mother was going stay with her for a month to help out with the baby. Rebecca told me, but Tia turned her down. I’m telling you Roman, get her outta here before something bad happens, son”.
“Mama, I tried to talk to Kara, but she’s been ignoring me. She just sits in mediation staring a hole through me,”  I said trying to get her to understand.
“Try harder, tell her what happened so there is no more secrets and hopefully ya’ll can get back on track. Whatever the outcome you owe her, and you know you do.”
“Mama, her sleepin’ wit Jey hurt me bad.” I said pleading my case as she threw her hands up in the air as I frowned at her. Kinda pissed she ain’t more on my side…I am her son.
“Roman, you’re not thinking about what you’ve done to Kara. I swear you are just like your daddy, can dish it out but can’t take it. Go to mediation today and be truthful with her,” she said leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Over the last month Tia being here has been hell. She won’t help with Logan, it’s almost like it’s no bond between them and that is insane to me.
 It’s been all me and mama, so I know I’m in this alone.
Hearing her come downstairs I rolled my eyes. “Morning my logan,” she said kissing logan on the forehead as Logan begins to fuss.
“Roman, I’m glad you’re still here. I thought you had left for the show, she said extra giddy. She really was trying to push something that was never going to be. My mom was right, she needed to go.
“Uh, no I got to go sign for the new bus and I got mediation today,” I said as Tia shot me a look.
“Oh, you’re still trying to beat that dead horse,” she said smartly rolling her eyes as I stood up walking towards her. “Um, what are you doing Roman?” Tia asked worriedly as I placed Logan in her arms. “Letting you bond with your daughter, because she has two parents and not just one,” I said leaving a fussing Logan with her.
“Roman, take her to your mom!” Tia cried as I kept walking, ignoring her.... I had bigger fish to fry.
“Make sure you’re gone by 1:00, my mama is taking Logan to your parents and you to get groceries for your house. I need you gone; Kara is stopping by to get some of her things!” I yelled as I heard her mutter under her breath.
Going upstairs I ran into mom. “Why didn’t you bring the baby to me? I ain’t gon’ listen to Logan cry all day because you left her with the devil,” she said as I snickered.
“Mama, she’s gotta try to bond with her,” I said giving her a hug before I went to get dressed.
Bently Law and Associates
Kara’s POV
“I know you, nor her better be there when I get there,” I whispered as Roman nodded.
“My mom is dropping Logan off at your parents. Ma, can vouch for me,” he said pointing at my mother as she nodded.
“Yeah, Roman called last night and asked us to keep Logan," my mom said as I sighed, not really caring.
“Then my mom is going to take Tia grocery shopping for some things for her house because she’s about to be going home. After this, I gotta go finalize the deal on my new bus.”
“I don’t care where Tia goes, as long as she ain’t there when I’m there,” I said irritated.
 All he had to say was she wasn’t going to be there; I didn’t need an update on his baby mama drama.
 “Nobody will be there sweetheart, I promise,” Roman said as I cringed at his use of his pet name for me.
“Please…Don’t do that,” I said as he threw his hands up and sat back in his seat.
Sitting there in silence, my brain finally caught up to the little information he revealed. He got a new bus…. Smirking I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing he couldn’t shake the image of Jey and I on the other bus.
You could feel the tension as we went to sat with our lawyers. Ten years of marriage, was coming down to being in this office on the 15th floor, sitting around this huge table negotiating assets.
Deven, a mutual friend of ours, who’s also a judge, sat at the end of the table serving as a mediator for us.
“Alright, let’s get started. I wished we were here under different circumstances, but I digress. Mr. Towns what is your client Mrs. Reigns asking for?” Deven asked as I leaned back in my chair trying to relax.
“My client doesn’t want any of her husband’s assets, she only wants a clean break,” my lawyer said as I saw Roman twitching his seat.
“Kara is you crazy? After all he’s done..The devil is a damn lie, she want it all!” my mom said as I tuned her out.
I was too focused on Roman, who had leaned over and was whispering something in his lawyer’s ear.
“Well, my client would like to try therapy before we go this route. It will look good to a judge that you guys tried and could push this along quicker in the end.”
“I want this over,” I said as Roman cleared his throat.
“I want to try to save our marriage,” Roman said as I shook my head.
“I would rather swallow nails and dance barefoot across hot coals,” I said as my mother slapped me on the arm.
“Girl, hush this about getting what you deserve. He owes this to you,” She hissed as I sighed, sitting back and allowing Roman’s lawyer to continue.
“My client wants to also pay for his wife’s medical school expenses.”
“What!” I exclaimed sitting up in my seat looking at my mom who shushed me. “Here him out baby,” she whispered as I took a deep breath.
Bitch, now you want me to go back to medical school, now you want to support my dreams.
 “Like I was saying, we’ve come up with a total of 500,000 that she needs to complete her last two years of education.”
“That’s way too much?” I interrupted as his lawyer looked down at his sheet of paper reading his notes as Roman cracked a small smile.
“Always worried about me spending too much money instead of just letting me take care of you,” he muttered as I shot him a look.
“Kara, look at me.” Deven said as I turned, giving him my full attention feeling Roman’s eyes still on me.
“I talked to Roman and the price he came up with will help you with things you need such as your books, a Condo to stay in, and any necessities you may need.”
“Deven, it’s too much,” I whispered, totally thrown for a loop everything.
“Roman wants you to focus on school and not have to worry about taking up a job. He knew you were going to come in here and wouldn’t want anything from him, but he knows you deserve everything.” Deven said as fought back tears.
“Let him at least do that much, and hear him out,” Deven pleaded as I turned back to Roman and his lawyer, wanting to hear the rest of his offer as Roman sighed in relief before turning to his lawyer.
“Let her know what else we talked about Ryan?” Roman whispered pointing to his notepad as his lawyer looked over, shocked at whatever Roman had written on his paper.
“Are you sure Mr. Reigns? I said we could renegotiate that and bring it to the table later,” His lawyer whispered as Roman shook his head.
“She deserves it and I want her to have it regardless of if we work this out or not,” he whispered as I frowned at him.
“Uh, my client would also like to add an additional three million per year for Mrs. Reigns to do with as she pleases and upon graduation Mr. Reigns will donate ten million towards his wife’s own practice,” his lawyer said as I tried to process what he was offering…
“Jesus, Roman,” my mother said as Roman’s eyes never left mine.
Why was he doing this? Why now?
“My client has also cleared the balance owed from when his wife left school and violated the terms of her scholarship. All her debts are clear, so she can re-apply for school anytime she likes.”
“Why are you doing this? Like why now?” I whispered as Roman leaned his elbows on the table.
“Because I love you, and I miss my wife. I’m trying to make it right, Kara,” Roman said as I felt the room closing in on me.
“Now you want to support my dreams…. Now you want to do right! Now you want to make it right!” I shouted, the look of remorse on his face making it hard for me to breathe.
“I think emotions are high and we should take a break and resume next week. That will give Kara some time to think about things,” Deven said as my mother rolled her eyes.
“Ain’t shit to think about….She gon’ take everything he offering…He owes her that much, all she sacrifices she made for him,” my mom said as I wiped my tears.
“Kara, please take it…Even if you don’t take me back. I want you to have this regardless.” Roman pleaded.
“I need some air,” I whispered storming out of the room.
“Kara! Come back!” I heard him yell hot on my heels.
Picking up pace, I slip inside the elevator, pushing the buttons fast as I could as Roman sprinted towards me, sliding in the elevator  just before the doors closed.
“Why are you doing this? You can't buy me, I'm not for sale."
“Baby, just listen,” he pleaded pulling me in his arms, cradling the back of my neck, holding me close as I finally exploded.
“NO! NO! Let me go!” I screamed, managing to turn my body away from him, but I couldn't escape his powerful embrace.
“Baby, I’m sorry,” Roman pleaded refusing to let me go, wrapping one arm around my waist and the other around my chest.
 His grip never loosened as he lowered us to the floor determined to not let me go as I fought against him.
“Damn you!...... You broke us! You broke ME!..... I LET YOU BREAK ME!!” I cried as he held me tighter.
“Baby, please forgive me,” he whispered, his silent tears falling on my cheek as he buried his head against mine.
He had officially broken me…And now that he had me broken, he wanted to give me all I ever had asked for from him.
“Roman, just let me go,” I whimpered as he released me, allowing me to slide to the opposite side of the elevator, creating some much-needed distance.
“I’m sorry, I just love so much,” he whispered as the elevator jolted to a stop as I looked around in confusion as the lights flickered, then dimed……
No…Not now…We can’t be stuck in here.
“This isn’t happening,” I muttered as Roman rushed to pick up the emergency phone.
“Hello! Hello……Yes, my wife and I are stuck?” he said as I tried to regulate my breathing.
“An hour!” He said I hit the wall in frustration. This day just keeps on getting worse.
An hour in here….. With Roman..Shoot me now.
“Thank you, thirty minutes sounds better than an hour,” he said hanging up and sitting down under the phone as I took off my jacket trying to get comfortable.
“Kara, I-”
“Please don’t talk to me, you’re taking up all the air,” I said checking my phone frowning at the fact I had no service.
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I swear I was going to tell you that night. If you could Just let me explain,” he said as I looked at him.
“Ok, I’ll play along, since you seem like you wanna confess your sins. How did it start?” I asked putting my phone in my pocket, giving him my undivided attention.
Roman seemed shocked at my question, this was not how he wanted the conversation to go.
Roman’s POV
Damn, she didn’t waste any time asking. I knew I had to tell her all of it but I dreaded it.…
“Well, I’m waiting, you wanted to explain,” Kara said as I sighed.
“The first time was on the bus. She had asked for a ride saying her friends had left her. Later that night after you and I talked on the phone, I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and there she was layin’ in bed with me….Naked.”
“Then what?” Kara whispered as I contemplated my next words, but I knew I had to tell the truth.
 “She climbed on top of me, I asked her to leave but it was almost eerie how she looked like you in the moonlight, so I didn’t stop it,” I said as Kara covered her face with her hands, her leg anxiously tapping against the floor.
I hated to tell her, but I knew I had to tell her all of it.
“When we were having sex, I slipped up and called her your name,” I said as Kara’s head jerked in my direction looking at me in disgust and horror, but she didn’t say anything.
“She told me she didn’t mind pretending to be you for me and I called her by your name as we had sex. Like four out of the six times we slept together I did, the other times, no words were exchanged,” I said feeling the bile rise in my throat, for the first time truly realized how sick it all was.
Kara looked at me with a sad smile. “Tia always has to prove a point that she can take away the things that I love, and I guess you were no exception…..God, I think I’m going to be sick,” Kara whispered, as I dropped my head in shame.
“Kara, If I could take it back I would but I can’t. Just please say we can try-”
“Well as a last-minute replacement for me how did she do?” Kara asked interrupting me, as I groaned.
“Don’t do that, you know nobody can ever compare to you,” I said as Kara chuckled, shaking her head.
“Did you even try to use protection?” she whispered as I felt somewhat offended, she would think I would put her life in danger.
The first time we didn’t but every time after that we did. I got tested before me and you even slept together again. I was clean, and I swear it was only that one time unprotected.”
“That’s all it takes is one time Roman, and now you have a child with her.  You still never answered my question…. How was she?” Kara whispered as I felt like I wanted to vomit.
“Kara don’t do this?”
 “No, you already did this when you slept with her and KEPT sleeping with her. So how was she?”
“Like I said, she wasn’t you and since we are on that subject, I guess I could ask you the same about Jey,” I said as the elevator started back up with a soft hum but was moving slowly.
Standing up Kara grabbed her jacket ignoring me, but I blocked her path standing in front of the doors. She wasn’t leaving here until she told me why she picked Jey.
“Move Roman.. I ain't got time for this," Kara whispered trying to avoid looking at me.
“Why Jey, Kara? It could have been anybody, but you chose him. You let him have you, why Kara,” I said unafraid and not ashamed of the tremble in my voice.
I was hurt that she let him have her, that’s all I see every time I pull into our fucking driveway.
“Just tell me,” I whispered making her look at me, her once loving eyes now void of feeling towards me.
I really did break her…I caused this change in her.
Suddenly, I felt like I couldn’t breathe as I remembered something she told me once when we were dating.
"Can you please move?"
“I have to love and trust someone to share my body with them, I don’t just jump into bed with anybody.” I whispered as she seemed shocked that I remembered but recovered quickly continuing to stare a hole through me.
“I guess there’s your answer as to why I chose, him,” she whispered as we stood in silence waiting for the elevator doors to open.
This couldn’t be it….It just couldn’t….We can come back from this…Jey is a non-issue, I’m her husband…
Gulf Shore, AL
Jey’s POV
“Man, gon’ call Kara, and tell her you missed her and want her to come over,” Trin said as I shot her a look.
“I ain’t trying to smother her, I know she has mediation this morning. It takes a lot out of her,” I said as Trin smiled at me.
“That’s an even better reason to call her and let her know you’re thinking about her, Jimmy said as I  found myself blushin’.
I really had been thinking about Kara nonstop since we left a few weeks ago. The facetime calls and texting was and all cool but I wanted to hold her in my arms.
“You never told us what happened when ya’ll went to Roman’s that night either,” Trin said as I put my glasses on acting like I didn’t hear her.
“Oh, it’s like that huh…Fine, I’ll get the info from Kara,” she said as I chuckled.
“I think they fucked,” Jimmy said as I punched him in the shoulder. “Don’t talk about Kara like that,” I said as he gave Trin a knowing look as she smiled.
“Yep…They had sex, and it was good too. She got ya brother even more sprung than before,” Trin said as I pulled out my phone to call Kara, not even bothering to argue because it was true.
I was sprung and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it…
Roman’s House
Kara’s POV
I finally calmed down enough to make my way out to the house, and it seems like Roman kept his word...Nobody was here.
 As I got out the car my phone rang, smiling I accepted Jey’s facetime request.
“Where you been all my life,” Jey said as soon as I answered making me blush as I heard Trin and Jimmy awing in the background.
“Well, I always been here, and I’m currently at the house of horrors.” I said as Jey frowned.
“Your where?” Jey asked as I sighed. “I’m at the house picking up the last of my thing I wanted to get and granny’s bracelet.”
“Is he there?” Jey asked as I chuckled. “No, he’s not, he had some business to take care of. We did mediation this morning and it was a mess, but I’ll tell you about it later,” I said as Jey studied my face.
“I don’t like that look, it means when you tell me I’mma wanna beat his ass again,” Jey said as I gave him a small smile.
“What time ya’ll gettin' in today?" I asked as he smiled.
“We should be back in town in about an hour, we makin’ good time, tell the fam, hey,” Jey said turning the camera around to Jimmy and Trin as they laughed.
“Hey fam!” I said happy to see their faces, I really missed them all.
“Hey, Booky! I’mma need you to put this man outta his misery when this is all over with Roman and your ass crazy sister. He’s crazy about you,” Trin said as I blushed.
“Man, stop tellin’ all my business, Kara already knows what time it is,” Jey said as I laughed.
 “I miss you guys and I can’t wait to see ya’ll.”
“You be careful, get what you need, and get out. Dinner on us tonight,” Jimmy said as I smiled.
“I got ya’ll it’s gon’ take ten minutes tops. If I haven’t called, ya’ll back, call me,” I said putting their minds at ease.
“A’ight ten minutes,” Jey said as I smiled hanging up putting my phone in my back pocket.
After that night we never spoke about what happened. Jey was a man of his word; we carried on like our usual selves and for that I was grateful.
Running upstairs, I went into the bedroom and grabbed some of the clothes I wanted to keep, putting them in the box Roman had left on the bed for me.
I felt my anger slowly building as I looked around the room.. Had Tia been in here? Had she slept in our bed?  Roman’s confession on how things went down with Tia really had thrown me for a loop.
“Why couldn’t you say, no?” I muttered as I heard footsteps coming upstairs.
“Roman you said you wouldn’t be here,” I said agitated, opening the door and taking a step back in shock seeing Tia standing there in the sundress I wore the day Roman proposed to me.
“Oh, I didn’t know you would be here Kara. I was just trying to put together a little surprise for-” she started but stopped talking, seeing the look on my face…She realized she had taken it too far.
“You got on my dress!” I hissed as she tried to run but I caught her arm, slanging her in the room, and throwing her up against the wall before climbing on top of her.
“You bitch” I yelled punching her in the face as she screamed in pain.
“Get off! Kara!” Tia screamed as I repeatedly banged her head against the floor.
“I’mma kill you.”
“You ok up there Kara?!” I heard Janice yell as I kicked Tia in the stomach, before running to lock the door.
Nobody was breakin’ this up..She had it coming.
“Everybody always tryin’ to save you….You never face the consequences of your actions,” I hissed as she stumbled to her feet.
Before she could even see it coming, I ran at her, grabbing her by the and hair slamming her face against the wall.
“Kara calm down!" She cried as I backhanded her as she fell against me.
“Calm down my ass, I’m sicka you! Get off me bitch! I screamed, throwing her into the dresser as she tumbled across it hitting the floor hard. Her moans of pain bringing me satisfaction.
“What is going on in there, Kara?!” Janice yelled as I trembled with anger as Tia spit blood outta her mouth, crawling toward the wall trying to pull herself up.
“ Janice, I’mma kill her, that’s what’s going on!” I screamed charging towards Tia, spearing her against the wall as we fell to the floor in a heap.
My phone sliding across the floor in the process
“It ain’t worth it Kara, come on out baby,” Janice pleaded as I fought to catch my breath but I couldn’t reign in my anger. She has taken everything from me.
“I won,” Tia gasped with a smile as I snapped pulling her up by her neck dragging her to the wall mirror in the corner.
“Look! Look at us! Bitch, what have you won! The only reason you even had him in the first place is because you look somewhat look little like me the dark hoe,” I hissed as she tried to pry my hands out of her hair.
“Ain’t nobody tryin to be you! He wanted me because he knows I’m better than you!” Tia screaming as I chuckled letting her go.
“But ain’t you tryin’ to be me, Tia?…..Let’s see….You wearin’ my clothes!...You were fucking my husband and had a baby from him but you ain’t trying to be me.. Bitch, please, just own dat shit,” I scoffed.
“He wanted me Kara…He couldn’t resist me,” Tia smiled as I shook my head. This bitch was loony tunes.
“Oh! He wanted you, huh…Wasn’t he fucking you and calling you by my NAME!  Something you didn’t mind him doing by the way, right? As long as you fucked up my life!” I yelled as she jumped back in shock at my knowledge of what happened during her intimate moments with Roman.
“H- H- He told you?” she stammered as I smirked at her uneasiness.
“Yea, he told me all of it, and who does some sick shit like that? I asked. The tension building as we stared a hole through each other.
“Oh…nothing to say now.. Well, I’ll tell you who does that…A desperate bitch who loves to throw her rank ass pussy at anything that moves!”  I screamed as she tried to swing but missed, the momentum causing us to fall against the mirror, causing it to shatter around us.  
Luckily neither one of us landed on the glass but hit the ground hard.
“Damn it,” I muttered rubbing my head as I heard my phone ringing looking around in a panic, I groaned in frustration as it stopped.
I knew it was Jey calling to check on me.
“Miss an important call,” Tia teased trying to sit up as my phone started ringing again.
“J- Jey,” I whispered trying to crawl to my phone as I felt a Tia jump on my back as we tussled to get to my phone.
“What you mean don’t call the cops! You better get her quick then Roman; they are killing each other in there!” Janice said as she continued to bang on the door.
“Just as I reached the phone, Tia bit my hand and elbowed me in the stomach before grabbing and answering it.
“Jey! Jey, she’s gone crazy! Help me!” Tia cried as I pulled her back down to the ground hitting her with a right hook before slamming her head against the floor again.
“Tia! Where is Kara!” I heard Jey yell as I ripped my phone out of her hands.
“Kara! Kara! What’s gon’ on!” I heard Jey yelling in a panic as I put the phone to my ear.
“Jey….I’mma call you back…I got some shit to handle.” I panted
“Ka-” Jey started but I ended the call before he could finish, seeing Tia trying to run for the door.
“Where you goin’?” I asked, charging toward the door pushing her against it.
“Help! Somebody Help me! Your crazy!” Tia yelled as I turned her around to face me.
“What did you expect after all you’ve done! You’ve made me this way!”
I screamed punching her in the face as she fell in a heap at my feet, leaning down I jacked her up by the hair, tossing her again into the wall
“Bitch you ain’t nobody!” I Screamed gripping her hair as she tried to back away, I began punching her,  on top of her head, only stopping to change course landing a few punches to her face as she screamed trying to cover her face with her hands.
 I got a couple more shots before I felt myself being lifted up in the air. “Let me go! let me go!” I screamed, fighting against whoever had pulled me away.
“Kara, that’s enough baby,” Roman’s voice boomed throughout the room as I stilled in his arms, panting in disbelief at how out of control I was.
“Roman,” I whispered somewhat coming out of my tunnel vision.
“Yes…..It’s me baby, I got you,” he whispered holding me tight as I tried to gather myself as Tia got up of the floor wiping her nose.
“You’re really comforting her! She’s crazy and just attacked the mother of your child for no reason Roman,” Tia moaned, as I winced feeling the pain shoot through my knuckles as I looked down seeing the scrapes and patches of raw skin.
“Nah, I ain’t crazy..You just kept pushin’ your luck, like you always do and nobody was here to save yo’ ass…Let me go Roman!” I hissed as Roman released me, finally taking in Tia’s appearance.
“Why you got on Kara’s engagement dress?” Roman asked, his powerful voice overtaking the room as Tia said nothing.
She was too busy trying to check her face in the only mirror left standing in the room, on top of the dresser.
“Don’t worry, It’s an improvement bitch!” I screamed as Roman sighed gently pulling me to him, trying to check me over.
“Stop, I’m fine,” I said stepping away from him. “You got some cuts, Kara” he said worriedly as I shrugged him off again.
“I said I’m good, but you betta get that bitch outta here before I kill her,” I said pointing at Tia as she smirked, Janice shaking her head in the corner at the scene playing out before her.
“I won…I …ruined…Your …Life and I loved every minute of it…I hate you,” she seethed as I chuckled.
“You hate me….. You hate me!  Bitch, I’ve hated yo’ ass since the womb!” I yelled, knowing it would cut her deep because she would always tell me how she would rub Mama’s stomach and talk to me when Mama was pregnant with me.
“You wanna know why I’ve always made a point to fuck up your life?” She asked I tried to get around Roman.
“Because I wished you had never been born!” She screamed. "Move Roman!" I yelled as he refused, turning to look at Tia
“Shut up, Tia!” Roman shouted as she kept talking.
“It’s true, and she should know.”
“Well, Mama shoulda’ just swallowed when it came to you. Your whole fuckin’ existence has just been you being a living, breathing, pile of disappointment and cum! You gutta slut, I hate you!” I screamed as she seemed hurt by my words.
“Timeout!..... Roman take Kara downstairs for her to calm down…They hittin' below the belt now, ya’ll still sisters,” Janice said as I shrugged Roman off.
“I can go on my own accord. I don’t need him,” I said walking out of the room as Roman’s mom followed me.
“I’ll help you get cleaned up,” she said as I looked at her unsure of what her motive was. I was still pissed by her lil outburst and shots she was throwing a couple of weeks ago.
She betta not start talkin’ out her neck or she can get this work too. I’m tired of the bullshit…And everybody…
Roman’s POV
“I told you not to be here!” I yelled as Tia continued to clean herself up.
“She has to get used to seeing us a family, Roman.”
“Uh, no she doesn’t because that isn’t going to happen. We share Logan together and that’s all. I can’t believe you really came back here after I asked you not too…Just trying to hurt Kara,” I said as she rolled her eyes.
“That wasn’t my in-”
“Tia! You up here wearin’ the dress Kara wore when I proposed to her!…You knew what would happen when she saw you in it."
“She always takes shit so personal,” she said wincing as she touched her jaw.
“It is personal, and you had no right! Look, just get outta my house.” I said just over the day. I feel like the more I try the worse everything gets.
“How am I going to get home?” Tia cried as I walked around for the first time looking at the disaster area, that was once my bedroom with Kara.
“The same way you snuck back here after my mom dropped you off at your house…Hell, walk for all I care and leave Logan at your moms, I’ll pick her up later,” I said leaving no room for argument.
“You can’t just dismiss me like I’m nothing Roman,” she whispered as I turned to look at her.
“My lawyers will be in touch, now get out.”  I said as she sighed limping out of the room.
“This is a fuckin’ mess.”
Jey’s POV
“Man, where we at? This ain’t the way!” I yelled as Jimmy sped up.
“We almost there, I took a shortcut,” he said as Trin tried to call Kara back.
“Come on Kara, pick up the phone,” Trin pleaded as I felt myself losing it.
“I just need to get there man,” I sighed as Trin rubbed my shoulder. “Kara can take care of herself,” she said as I sighed.
 “I know that…I just know Kara, she gon’ hurt dat girl.” I said honestly scared about what we were about to walk into.
“Tia been pushin’ and she finally got what she asked for. It’s been coming, and it was no way to avoid it,” Trin said as I took a deep breath.
I was so on edge as we hit the exit to Roman’s house, I probably could have run faster than Jimmy was driving.
Pulling up, we didn’t see the cops or anything but saw Tia coming out with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder.
She avoided our gaze and starting to walk up the road with a slight limp.
“Damn she limpin’ and did you see her face…Man, Kara ate her ass up,” Jimmy said as Trin snickered. “Told you Kara could handle it,” she whispered as I slammed the car door, rushing inside.
As soon as I got to the foyer, I heard Kara’s voice coming from the kitchen.
“Aye, gon’ in there, we’ll look around,” Jimmy said as I went towards the kitchen.
“Roman did tell her not to be here sweetie. I dropped her off and everything,” my aunt said as I hung back giving them space to talk.
 I was just thankful Kara was ok, and I could lay eyes on her.
I watched my aunt clean up Kara’s knuckles as she hissed at the pain. She had a small cut on her lip and a couple scratches on her arms.
“Tell me how you feeling sweetie?  You can’t keep holding this in.” My aunt said as a strangled sob escaped Kara’s lips.
“Do you know how long we tried to have a baby, and that WHORE just gave him our dream without even trying.” Kara cried as my aunt reached over and gave her a hug.
“I know it baby,” my aunt whispered rubbing Kara’s back.
“Wh- What am I supposed to do with that?.…This is all wrong, it’s not fair,” Kara sobbed, my heart breaking for her.
Pulling away, my aunt took Kara’s hands in hers. “I’ll tell you what you do…..Leave him, Kara……Leave this town and allow yourself to heal,” My aunt said as I looked at her in shock.  
She actually told Kara to leave Roman and start her life over.
“How do I do that?” Kara asked as my aunt smiled at her.
“Take it one day at a time,” she whispered as Kara nodded wiping her tears.
“You right, I need to leave…..Cause’ if I don’t leave, somebody gon’ get hurt,” Kara whispered, as I felt a chill run down my spine at the coldness of her voice.
“I know it, baby… I can feel it coming, and I don’t want that,” my aunt said as Kara nodded in agreement as they sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until my aunt cleared her throat.
“So, do you have any places in mind?” she asked as Kara cracked a smile.
“I guess it’s time to give Boston another try,” she whispered with determination as I smiled.
I knew what that meant...She was finally going to put herself first and go back to medical school.
And she didn’t know it yet, well, maybe she did but I’m going to be with her every step of the way.
There was no way I was losing her now…
When the divorce is final and Kara’s ready….She will become Mrs. Fatu….
Why do I say that?...... Because you can’t run from destiny and Kara was my destiny.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom  @harmshake
@truefant4sy @yana3sworld amandairene88 unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx
tshepisho thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86 sayyestoheav3nn digidestned  heathetherlamont30 trashbin-nie rebelrel0987
kriissy4gov brokenglassslippers headoftheetable
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alisonwritesimagines · 2 months
I'm Wonderstruck, Blushing All the Way Home ~LA!Shanks x Reader~
Summary: You and Shanks grow close when you're not watching Luffy.
Author’s Note: My coworker is almost caught up with the anime One Piece which I think is crazy and impressive.
Part of the Enchanted Series
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: candy store -tooth rotting fluff
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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You sat on Shanks's desk as he sat on his chair in front of you. After exploring his ship, the two of you made it over to his quarters where you two got to know each other more.
"So how did you get that scar?" You asked him as you lightly touched the scars that ran below his eye.
"One of Whitebeard's crewmate's did this to me," Shanks told you.
"Makes you look tough," you tell him.
"You think so? Not handsome?"
"Well that too," you say.
“Do you have any scars?” Shanks asked you.
“Just small ones from my clumsiness. Nothing interesting like yours,” you tell him.
“So what do you think of my ship?” Shanks asked as he leaned back against his chair.
“I like it.”
“Maybe when Luffy’s old enough, you can join me in sailing around the world? Look for the one piece?” Shanks asked you.
“I don’t like the sea,” you tell him as you shook your head.
“Why not?”
“I’m afraid of what lies beneath the waters. It’s just a little too scary for me,” you tell him.
“And what if I tell you that a pirate like myself will never let you get hurt?”
“You can make the promise but can you keep it?” You asked.
“I’m a man of my word,” Shanks smiled at you.
“I’ll think about it.”
You looked out the window to see that it was already dark.
"I should probably get back home," you tell him as you got off his desk.
"You could stay the night if you like," Shanks offered.
"I think you're moving a little too soon," you tease.
"You can take my bed and if it makes you feel better, I can sleep somewhere else," Shanks insisted.
"Slept in worse places?" You asked him.
"You have no idea."
"Well, a strong and brave pirate like you can walk me home right?" You asked him.
"I certainly can," Shanks said.
The moment you stepped out of his room, the cold air hit you unexpectedly. You shivered a little but felt warmth again when Shanks put his cape around you. You smiled up at him as you both began to walk back to your home.
"You're not what I expected," you tell him.
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yes. The pirates I've met have been horrible," you explain.
"I'm glad I'm able to prove to you that not all pirates are bad."
"Me too. Will you be coming back to our village after your next journey?" You asked him.
"For you? Yes. I don't want anyone else taking a treasure like yourself away from me," Shanks says. You felt your face heat up from his words. You hid your face with his cape so he wouldn't see your wide smile.
"Well, this is me. Will I see you tomorrow?" You asked Shanks as you approached your home.
"Can't go without a goodbye," Shanks tells you. You began to take off his cape but Shanks stopped you.
"Keep it for tonight. Give us another reason to see each other tomorrow," Shanks tells you.
"Thank you."
"Goodnight, Y/n."
"Goodnight Shanks," you say before kissing his cheek. You quickly opened your door before hiding inside.
You could hide your smile from behind the door as you could feel yourself fall for Shanks a little more.
Today was your last day off before you had to watch Luffy again. You headed to Shanks's ship where you found his crew getting ready to set sail again.
"Shanks is in his quarters if you're looking for him," one of his crew members tells you with a wink.
"Thank you," you smile before heading over.
You knocked on Shanks's door before opening it.
"Hi," you say once you saw him.
"Hi," Shanks smiled as he walked over to you.
"Came to bring your cape back and brought you some food for the trip," you tell him as you placed a box of food on his desk. You took off his cape and handed it back to him.
"Thank you. We appreciate it," Shanks tells you.
"I guess I'll see you when you come back?" You asked him.
"We'll be back soon."
"Be safe," you tell him.
"You know, you should keep the cape warm for me," Shanks tells you as he put the cape back onto you.
"You're gonna come back for it right?" You asked.
"That. And you," Shanks said.
"I shouldn't keep you waiting. I need to go get some stuff ready before Luffy comes back tomorrow," you tell him before beginning to leave.
You felt Shanks grab your hand before pulling you back over to him. He cupped your cheeks before kissing you on the lips. You kissed him back until you had to pull away for air.
"I'll be waiting for you," you tell him.
"And I'll come back for you," Shanks tells you. You smile up at him before giving him one more kiss.
"Come back to me soon."
"And when I do, why don't we go on a proper date?" Shanks asked.
"I'll hold you to that," you tell him. Shanks gave you one more kiss before walking you out.
"Tell Luffy I'll see him when I come back. I know he'll love to hear my stories when I come back," Shanks tells you.
"I will. Stay safe," you tell him.
"For you," Shanks said before kissing you once more.
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
yandere mikey (tr)? 🤭🫶
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|𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 |𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙮 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 |
He's a child, Mentally. When he first saw you walking with Takemichi to bring Hina a gift. He walked up normally with Draken " Oi, Takemichi! Ha? Who's this?". You introduced yourself and Mikey offered you a ride home on his bike. He wasn't taking "No" for an answer. You agreed after 4 try's of him asking. He drove recklessly so you would hold on tighter . He dropped you off at your place and waved you off. The smell of you stayed on his coat. He had a huge grin on his face as Draken sighed.
The next day was a lovely Saturday. You had planned to go to the shrine and get a new charm. You had recently lost your "Safety" charm..Wonder why. But as you walked to the shrine you saw a shit ton of bikes. You waved it off as they must be at the place near by. As you walked up the long steps of the shrine you heard shouting. It spooked you but you were curious as hell now. You slowly kept walking up and peered behind the steps. "Toman" That's Mikey's gang..Mikey must be here. You saw his eyes scan over and it was almost like his eyes met yours. His eyes fixed on yours and he ended the meeting you started to rush down the stairs to not get caught eavesdropping. You heard footsteps rush quick as lightning behind you and the shouting of men. Mikey ran like some kind of animal and lunged. He crashed into you and you rolled down the steps of the shrine.
"Ow..Ow..Ow!! That hurt! What was that for!!"
"Y/n Chin! Were you spying? Are you with the black dragons..? If you are I'll show you no mercy!"
He was hopefully joking as he sat on top of you. His captains running down to the bottom step and surrounded you and him. You heard questions being asked and Takemichi's blank face. Mikey grinned, Hoisted you up over his shoulder and waved his captains off stunned. Are you his..Lover? He drove to a cafe and sat down with you.
" You know Mikey..People might get the wrong Idea."
"So? Let them." He said sounding almost bored.
"But I uh- Well you're a gang leader..I could get hurt-"
"I'll protect you."
"But I just think-" He shoved some tasty kind of bread thing in your open mouth and grinned widely. You told him your story and how you met takemichi. When you talked about the moments you had close with him he seemed to almost glare. But you continued on with your story. He told you about toman. His fights, His losses, His Victories. You felt sorry for him. He explained the black dragons to you and how they had met with hakai and takemichi. You felt almost frightened by it. Would they come for you? He drove you somewhere else this time when you expected him to take you home.
"This isn't my home mikey.."
"I don't have enough gas to take you home, It's a long walk. Just spend the night" He replied He totally had plenty of fuel he just needed an excuse and a small lie
"If you say so...I guess it's safer from enemies.." You sighed.
You slept over. Spending time talking, meeting Emma, and playing games. When you both started to feel a bit drowsy You slept on your bed spread. Mikey waited, Until your chest had done some steady rhythms. He crawled on top of you invading your space. Giving your cheek a small peck with his lips.
When you had awoken you were ready to head home, Since it would be a long walk. Mikey had still been sleeping but when you saw him sleeping on top of you you claimed it must have been sleep walking. You gathered your things in a small bag of yours and said you goodbye's to Emma. You had walked about 2 miles when you noticed a group walking behind you. You thought nothing of it but they kept doing it. Following your paterns and if you crossed a street. As you took a detour one of the people shot in front and you were cornered.
"That's the girl hats been following Mikey..Shit. He'll pay for what that bastard did..Now hold still pretty thing..Damn I see why Mikey has his eyes on you." One of them uttered
"Wow- Hey Wait-" You stuttered out. They were closing in you. You needed to do something and fast. Then, It all turned into shades. Everything was blurry. Mixes on colors of darkness and light. Then you saw the men beaten beyond recovery when you came to your senses. All you could see was mikey, The calm funny childish mikey with his fists bloodied. The rage on his face terrifying. You fainted from shock and fear, your brain overstimulated. He caught you quickly in his arms and smiled a sick twisted grin.
"It's a good thing I had followed you..Let me take you back home silly girl..Heh..~"
| Whew! 4 works out today! :') Hope people like them!"
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