koushirouizumi · 2 months
{YU-GI-OH!} Duel Monsters ~ @.M.V ~ Y U U G I & {Ace-implied!}Y A M I {A t e m} [reading in {+A R O!}-Ace!Yami is also Fine] {Just please respect my own head-canons too!} ~ "Taking Over Me"
Summary: "You saw me M o u r n i n g my {xxxx} for YOU, and T O U C H E D MY H A N D..."
"...Just to F I N D Y O U--"
Music © E.v.a.n.e.s.e.n.c.e/Amy L e e
Spoiler Info: -Leads up to End of “DOMA” Arc's Y U U G I & Y A M I Duel {Anime-Only sequences; not included in original manga} -{Mainly} D.M. Only Eps -A single clip from the original 1st series opens it, but nothing else from it is included.
*Any Lip-sync'ng was unintentional {+Any similar Might be removed in any future remake}
Y U-G I-O H! © Kazuki Takahashi Y U-G I - O H! 1st Series {Show} © Toei Y u-g i-o h! Duel Monsters {Show} © Studio Gallop This is a FAN-WORK. No $$$ is being made off this work.
(Note: This is an OLD work {10+ yrs old}. and one of my last YGO D. M. ones of the timeframe; however, it was still very early on in my making of these type of work's when I finished this. The footage used will reflect this, as it was made before widespread transition into H.D. Footages. Please be understanding.) [There may be intent for me to remake it someday!]
Note: -This video’s embed may randomly not display at times, Showing like it’s “down”, but it’s not at this time! {It usually happens late at night[s] or seemingly when Tumblr and/or Vimeo is experiencing very high traffic} If that happens, please consider watching the Direct link here!
{I am NOT taking new Requests [or making changes to this one] (+for this series) at this time. Please DO NOT Ask!}
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#koushirouizumi ygo#koushirouizumi dm#koushirouizumi yuugi#koushirouizumi own#ygo: dm#: ill GIVE you ALL MY MEMORIES#(o K SO IM GONNA TO MY BEST TO e XPLAIN HOW I INTERPET'D THIS ONE AS *I* MADE IT--- {I WAS STILL IN s CHOOL GIVE ME A bREAK---})#({Originally I was making these as small SERIES of @mvs BACK THEN} {even this one only had 'D R A M A' labelled as} {G e n r e})#({i.e. One would lead into another part covered by the next which may have included later arc's etc but they were IN GENERAL Stand-alones})#({This one is D.M. ONLY but contains just a bit more of the D0MA duel along with a bit more from the actual mid part w Yuugi})#(So in general Yes this was part of a {C h a l l e n g e} aimed @ Myself to try to make G O O D Ev@nescence ones or at least ATTEMPT to)#({Portray WELL} Which is what I INTENDED to do but mAN I HAD LIMITED FOOTAGES-- so I had to MAKE DO with what I HAD {+Reused some s IGH..})#({Thus a LOT of it ends up being D0MA but it sURPRISINGLY... DESCRIBED A LOT OF THE LYRIC... LIKE TO A POINT I WAS Negl Kinda ShockTM})#(So at first I take the lyric's LITERALLY&am portrayin like theyre LITERALLY JUST 'HAHA IM t AKIN OVERTM YOU gET IT' {S p i r i t s} etcetc#(Later On Tho . Once Yuugis gone and Y a m i is LITERALLY FALLIN APART {e MOTIONALLY---} I began Experimentin with footage&this is where I)#({a. LEARNT how to REVERSE TIME clips {y AMI transformin TO YUUGI} b. tried to time O.P footage much more effectively {door opening scene})#(after that however I decided reverse timeng was TOO MUCH EFFORTTM also bc it often CRASHED WMM&tried to nOT DO AGAIN UNLESS it made c OOL)#(o K SO Yuugi gets t AKENTM Literally&Y a m is Freakin Out as per usual this arc but is *d EVELOPING!!!*)#({A T E M!!} is RECOGNIZING own Feelings about+Accepting Self&FINALLY!!! beginning to understand {y UUGI} is {VERY q UEER} TOO)#({So by the Hand scene} {Yuugi is like} {'I dont know WHAT KIND OF'} {Yea} {this is but} {'I DONT c ARE'})#({Bc YUUGI IS LIKE THE MOST ACCEPTING S O U L IN THIS ENTIRE gdd AMN SERIES y UUGI DOESNT GIVE A sH*T HOW {A T E M} I. D.'s})#({YUUGI k NOWS!!! YUUGIs FEEL TOWARDS A T E M IS NOT LESSER EVEN IF IT *IS KEPT p LATONIC*} {BY THE E N D})#({So by the end Yuugi is} WILLINGLY ***LETTING*** {A T E M} 'Take over' not just LITERALLY VIA S P I R I T p OSSESSEDTM but ALSO)#({E M O T I O N A L L Y}+p OSITIVE'LY Theyre in S Y N C & they k NOW theyre gonna m AKE IT **EVEN IF** D0MA *HAS* YUUGI AT THE END-)#({I didnt have time to end it on a better f RAME but if I remake this yEA ILL ADD SOME k INDOF idek End card here TOO just to Emphasize})#({a NYWAY YEA I INTENDED TO TRY AT LEAST ONE MORE Yuugi & {A t e m} one even GENERALLY but NEVER GOT TO IT!!!} {aaaAAAAAA})#({So the very last one I ended up doin was YuuxJous 'Youll Be In My H e a r t' & there a TEM ALSO HAS INVOLVEMENT!!!} {***IS THERE***})#({JOU FACES A T E M TOWARDS THE VERY END AND IT SHOWS THEM ABT TO d UEL BC a TEM ACCEPTS JOU+YUUGIs FEELS FOR EACHOTHER *TOO*})#({A T E M!!! DOESNT GIVE A SH*T EITHER!!! HOWEVER THEYRE GONNA MAKE THE d YNAMICS WORK THEYLL DO IT t OGETHER})#({Using space's to keep out of S e a r c h} yEA s O Will fix that eventually tryin to see if e MBED'S HOLD NOW THAT I f IX'D {E N O U G H})
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Ouija Board Prompt Idea
A/N: A late night Idea that came to me instead of sleep and I wrote this down during lunch break
Danny was just in Gotham because the city spirit had asked him for assistance with a rather persistent unruly Ghost that didn't understand that this was her haunt and she did not want them there.
So when he got the notice he did his kingly duties and made sure the Ghost was no longer annoying Lady Gotham. He was the Ghost King but even he didn't want to anger a spirit as old as her. He had watched the spirit take a ghostly club and hit Clockwork the Ancient of Time with it without remorse the first time they were introduced. So yea, no messing with this one.
He had been about to portal back home when he felt a strange pull one that was close to when he got summoned but yet it didn't feel as demanding but more like a little kid pulling on his shirt hesitantly. So he checked it out…
… and came across a group of vigilantes investigating an occult side.
Invisible he watched them, curious. He used to do the teen hero stick too before the whole Ghost King business allowing him to get some semblance of a normal life with his rogues, might as well see how others to that hero stick. Besides the pull he felt appeared to come from that tall one wearing a red helmet something was up with that guy.
"Come on, ask the ghosts a question or are you too chicken to do it?"
"I will not participate in this nonsense, Red Hood."
"Come on guys it will be fun!"
"For whom? You, Spoiler?"
"RR aren't you curious?"
"We just gotta ask the board a question and if a ghost is around they will answer by moving it, right?"
"Ghosts don't exist."
Okay Danny was not taking personal offense here but he was a half ghost and he ruled the Ghost Zone filled with ecto-entities that could count as ghosts. So yes, ghosts existed. It was a simple decision then as he floated down invisible crouching next to board still invisible and out of the way from them.
Making sure he made a lot of scraping noises as he moved the small wooden piece on the board to 'YES'.
Someone yelped and someone else shrieked, though Danny wasn't sure if that was a shriek of excitement or not. He still grinned at their reactions.
"Did that just move to 'YES'! It did, didn't it!"
Yea okay that earlier was a shriek of excitement considering how that girl in purple was jumping around. Though the poor kid among them looked a little paler now, Danny decided to keep an eye on the kid to make sure he wasn't overdoing it.
"Okay so a ghost is here?"
Maybe he should have bothered listening to Lady Gotham or Tucker more about the vigilantes of Gotham. Oh well no time better as this to learn. What did the girl call this boy again, RR? Danny wondered what that stood for.
He moved the piece around the board a little making sure they noticed before he spelled something out.
"N-O-S-H-I-T-S-H-E-R-L-O-C-K. No shit Sherlock. Ha! I like this ghost!" The tall one laughed, he believed the kid called him Red Hood earlier. Well the red helmet was a great testament to that sort of code name. Still he wondered about that weird feeling he got from the guy but pushed that aside for later.
"Well since there is a ghosts, what should we ask?"
"Maybe how old he is?"
"Think it rude to ask how he died?"
Danny rolled his eyes. Those were such mainstream questions.
"B-O-R-I-N-G, 1-6 , YES. Guys it looks like we are not were imaginativ."
"Well what do you suggest we ask then?"
"I don't know! Maybe he can show us a cool trick?"
"You know that reminds me of this game that's been out for a while, phasmophobia or something like that?"
Oh Danny knew this one! Tucker had told him about the game, he himself hadn't played it but he had watched his best friend do so, they had a lot of fun joking about how the ghosts were portrayed and the tools that were available to the players.
"So what? We ask the ghost to play Hide and Seek with us?"
"Let's cease this nonsense. This is not something we should mess with."
"Oh are you scared?"
He made a show of moving the wooden piece, doing his best not to snicker out loud as he moved the piece to count down from the number 9. Letting his own powers out a little to cause the already dim light to flicker and the room to cool down several degrees.
The reaction was instant once again. Though he didn't expect them to run for hiding spaces he definitely did not expect these people to pull out their weapons and position against each other's back like they were ready for a fight. Then again they were vigilantes
The poor kid among them looked even paler. Before his count down could reach 0 he decided to not scare the poor kid more. Pulling back his powers the room's temperature normalized and the lights stopped flickering. He moved the wooden piece knowing that at least one of them was watching it in anticipation.
"I think the ghost just apologized to us?" The RR teenager said carefully and Danny couldn't help the sheepish smile even if they couldn't see it in his invisible state.
"You know about the game?"
He moved the piece to YES.
"So you thought it was fucking appropriated to scare us like that?"
He moved the piece around and placed it back to YES before spelling out sorry again. The vigilantes shared a look and Danny decided to spell out a question.
"Huh? Uh yea Robin is fine." They looked confused but Danny kept his eyes on the kid. Well the poor boy still looked very pale but he also appeared to try to put on a brave front, it nearly caused a chuckle to escape the halfa.
"Can you show yourself?"
Not like he was really going to show himself but this was going to be fun, he thanked the Ancients that he was taking lessons with Pandora on how to manipulate his own ectoplasm. He summoned a blob of it making sure he himself was still invisible as he let the green blob be visible, forming it and making it look like a blob ghost.
The reaction was once again instant. They yelled in the chaos all he caught sounded like 'Lazarus water! Moving Lazarus Water!' Before the pale kid, Robin they said, slashed at his ectoplasm blob with his katana, essentially doing nothing to the blob of ectoplasm. The sword just went through it and Danny still holding it confused just instinctively let it reform the shape he gave it.
Danny blinked, okay now he was definitely not showing himself. "This is no a ghost but a Pit Demon!"
From the corner of the eye he saw Lady Gotham appear in the room staring at him disapprovingly and holding that ghost club she had used on Clockwork.
"I can explain, really! I was just joking with them!" He stood holding his hands up to smooth the situation, the green blob fell to the ground splashing against the Ouija Board with a loud splat. His chances of not get hit like Clockwork by Lady Gotham were becoming slimmer.
Shit, he hadn't used ghost speech but said that out loud.
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solichowa · 21 days
Actually 😂😂❤️❤️ People who really ship Helsa are actually invested in them, SUPPORT ALL ASPECTS OF HELSA. NOT ONLY THE AESTHETIC AND "THEY LOOK GOOD ARGUMENT". SECOND, HOW YOU CAN SHIP HELSA AS A COUPLE IN CANON, AND SAY YOU DON'T WANT HANS BEING REDEEMED?! Ah yes, because the "scAry hAns" argument, that people refuse to admit - they want Hans as a "villain" mostly, and they FORGET HE IS TREATED LIKE HIM ONLY BECAUSE OF TWIST... LIKE @venusssus IS FUCKING FUCKING RIGHT, SHIPPING HELSA MEANS R E A L UNDERSTANDEMENT, NOT THE JOKES ABOUT THEM AND DENYING THAT "i thInk HeLsa woNt bE caNon diSney doEsnT dO enEmieS tO loVerS" (Elemental and Raya where F2 Helsa deleted plot was ripped off of their skins? Shame.) LIKE FUCK. IF YOU REALLY LOVE HELSA THERE IS O N E WAY TO R E A L L Y SHIP THEM AND THIS IS R E A L UNDERSTANDING AND LITERALLY PRAYING FOR THEM TO BE CANON DESPITE THEY WERE CANON EVEN IN F2 (concept arts confirmed it but they leaded into kids who will pee their pants in cinema as Disney is thinking). LIKE IF YOU SHIP HELSA DON'T MAKE JOKES ABOUT THEM? and drawing Hans being disabled (which he is not.) and hot wtf...
And also, her fanarts are very popular, and people will use it anyway, it's no surprise they appear in edits. They are on Google first when you search Helsa fanarts lol.
I have enough of toxic people in fandom... They mostly ship Helsa for aesthetic and uwu hot enemies to lovers, and they can be either enemies to best friends to lovers, friends to lovers or other trope, Disney can do ANYTHING, so, the fandom is very monotone for portraying Helsa in the same boring way, making them almost abusive to each other and being a bitches they aren't. Elsa is not that c*nty "ice queen" who chokes Hans neck, and Hans isn't that spoiled prince who wants more and more and is always rude af. REMINDER THAT ELSA IS SHY AND GENTLE IN C A N O N, IN FUCKING CANON. AND HANS IS ACTUALLY BROKEN BUT SUNSHINE MAN WHO HOPES FOR A BETTER LIFE AND LOVES ELSA ABOVE ANYONE ELSE? Doing your Helsa version doesn't mean changing canon and personalities in 180° only for aesthetic reasons. Helsa is much more than enemies to lovers and hate, reminder, that they LOVED each other in FROZEN 1, and were never enemies. ELSA EVEN WASN'T MAD AT HIM SHE LOOKED AT HIM WITH CONCERN AND LOVE... THAT IS T R U E LOVE AND ENEMIES TO LOVERS THAT HELSA IS 99% BASED IN THE "FANDOM". LOVING YOUR SOULMATE ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE. AND BEING A HEALTHY COUPLE WHO WILL ACTUALLY BE TOGETHER FOR YEARS WITHOUT BREAKUP, BECAUSE T H I S IS THIS TROPE. YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND.
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coryosmin · 8 months
tigris snow nsfw alphabet
A = Aftercare
tigris is so good at aftercare!! she just wants you to feel good! she loves to praise you and cuddle you, holding you close to her. she just loves you!!
B = Body Part
her favorite body part on herself would probably be her legs. she has very long legs and she just loves to show them off. on you, she would love your lips because she would just want to kiss you constantly.
C = Cum
honestly, i think she’s a squirter. she definitely squirts when she cums and there’s no denying that pookie
D = Dirty Secret
tigris has totally fucked herself with her hairbrush before just to try it and she had instant regret.
E = Experience
it’s hinted at in the book that she’s had to do what she’s had to do in order to provide for coryo and grandma’am. so i would say she’s quite experienced.
F = Favorite Position
this woman loves scissoring. she loves the feeling of her clit rubbing against yours, spreading each other’s wetness. it just always makes her cum so quickly.
G = Goofy
i feel like she’s the type to crack a few jokes here and there simply to keep the mood light and sweet. she wants you to enjoy yourself and she will do anything to make you feel good.
H = Hair
i think tigris is bald down there. she shaves often to make sure she’s hairless. it’s not because she thinks it’s gross but it’s because for her it’s uncomfy. on you, she would not care at all!
I = Intimacy
she loves being intimate and treating you so well. she wants you to know she loves you while you guys are having sex. and by being intimate, it allows her to do just that.
J = Jack Off
i feel like tigris is 50/50. she would definitely masturbate after a long hard day. but she tries not to do it too often because she doesn’t want to risk getting caught by coryo or even worse, grandma’am
K = Kink
tigris has an innocence kink. she likes to act as though she’s all innocent but she knows she’s anything but that. and she would adore it if you acted innocent too.
L = Location
her favorite is actually on the couch in the living room. she doesn’t know why. it’s likely the risk that anyone could walk in but she just loves having sex there. she also of course loves to do it in the bedroom.
M = Motivation
you. just anything about you. if you mentioned to her that you felt like you needed to get off, she’s ready to finger you or eat you out asap.
N = No
anything with blood. she doesn’t want either of you to get hurt. i also feel like she would not be into choking. nothing that can cause you serious bodily harm.
O = Oral
she loves giving oral omg. the look on your face when you cum on her tongue. she fucking adores it. and she’s so sloppy with it too, allowing your juices to coat her face. she loves receiving as well but i think she strongly prefers giving. she’s such a giver!!
P = Pace
she can do any pace honestly. whatever you both are in the mood for. she’s very flexible in that sense. go with the flow you know? you want it slow? okay bet. she’ll make it so slow and so good. you want it hard and fast? coming right up pookie!! tigris is just perfect.
Q = Quickie
she loves quickies. especially when you’re both in the shower. she would finger you so fast because she just wants to see you cum. she fucking loves quickies. though she also loves taking her time too!
R = Risk
i feel like she’s risky but not too risky. like she’ll have sex with you when someone is in the other room but she would never do it in public.
S = Stamina
she has so much stamina. i think tigris could last many rounds because she just loves the feeling of being intimate with you.
T = Toys
loves them!! she’s perfectly okay with toys. she has a few of her own! if you want to use a vibrator, she’ll use one too. wanna use a double ended dildo? fuck she’s down. she’s so chill with toys.
U = Unfair
i feel like tigris can be such a tease when she wants to be. i highkey think she’s a soft!dom but portrays herself as this submissive person. so it surprises you the first time you guys have sex when she takes the lead.
V = Volume
i don’t think she’s too loud but that’s just due to years of having to be quiet when having sex or touching herself.
W = Wild Card
tigris loves having her hair pulled. she just loves the feeling of it being tugged while she eats you out.
X = X-Ray
Y = Yearning
she’s constantly yearning for you. she wants you literally all of the time.
i feel like tigris doesn’t sleep afterwards until you’re sound asleep. she’s more than content just holding you and sitting soundly with you until you’re both ready to eventually fall asleep.
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Muses and Rules.
Rick Grimes
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"I don't take chances anymore."
Daryl Dixon
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"Is that supposed to make me like you?"
Beth Greene
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"I've survived and you don't get it,"
[ Note ] : These canon characters are the ones I've had the most experience playing and feel the most comfortable using as canon leads in a plot or ship. With that being said, there are other canon characters I'm very willing to play as side characters in a plot. :) Shane Walsh. Carol Peletier. Simon. Glenn Rhee. Hershel Greene. Carl Grimes. Sophia Peletier. Lydia.
No matter who I play canon-wise, I try my best to portray them as accurately as I can, while incorporating my own twists.
C O M I C C H A R A C T E R S.
Billy Greene
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fc: Jonah Hauer-King https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pEgoeED0hsZZ0MDCty5m-0DRiPDSsp1VS1tEORNWxEY/edit?usp=sharing
"I just wanted to play my fucking drums."
Jeffery Grimes
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fc: Alex Pettyfer bio coming soon
"Tell Rick Grimes, Jeffery's looking for him."
O C C H A R A C T E R S.
Peter Dixon
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fc: Charlie Heaton
"You goin' in, or should I?"
Alice Henley
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fc: Emilia Clarke
"I'm gonna cut off your dick, let you bleed out, then when you turn I'll feed it to you. How does that sound for serious?"
S H I P S.
( MxM, FxF, MxF. )
Canon Rick x Negan Rick x Daryl Rick x Andrea Rick x Michonne Daryl x Beth Daryl x Carol Daryl x Negan Daryl x Glenn Beth x Negan Beth x Daryl Beth x Tara Beth x Andrea Beth x Glenn ( Don't be afraid to pitch a canon ship that isn't listed here! In any ships involving Beth, she will be 18+ )
Ocs Alice x Rick Alice x Negan Alice x Daryl Alice x Andrea Alice x Tara Alice x Maggie Alice x Beth Peter x Beth Peter x Glenn Peter x Negan Peter x Rick Peter x Andrea Peter x Governor
( Don't be afraid to ship Alice or Peter with your OC or a canon character not listed. I'm open to most ideas! )
R U L E S.
(I promise I'm not mean, I just know what I like! <3 )
(18+) ONLY. I don't feel comfortable writing with minors.
MUST be okay with NSFW content. I will always respect your triggers but would like any plots we do to include some level of violence and smut. If you don't like these themes, no shame, we just aren't the right fit.
No pre-established romantic relationships. (I do make rare exceptions for this depending on the plot.)
I love ocs. I've had some incredible roleplays with amazing ones and will never turn you down for wanting to use yours. WITH THAT BEING SAID--I heavily prefer well-thought out ocs with bios, not blurbs. If I'm going to write a canon character against yours, they have to be fleshed out. I don't want their whole personality and creation to revolve around being with a canon character. It's boring. I'm here for plots and character development, not to solely fulfill fantasies. My ocs have flaws, strengths, backgrounds and can hold their own in a plot without a ship. It makes the story more exciting!
5. Pretty please put effort into the plot and the characters you play. I love smut but don't just want to write smut, or constantly have my character saving yours. I want there to be things happening around our characters, not just to them.
6. Don't pressure me for replies. I work in film and in a bar. Sometimes I get insanely busy. Most times I'm free. I will always do my best to communicate when I'm not, but if you pressure me, I simply won't respond. Especially if I don't respond for an hour and you message me three times. (With that being said if I haven't responded in like a week, feel free to follow up.)
7. If you've read this far, come say hello! I don't bite. :)
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strywoven · 6 months
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@immolatiism has requested a story : 59﹕ sender  prevents  an  injured  receiver  from  getting  up  - for Kaen
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PRIDE is a bred and born vice inherent to all Kami.  That is , all except t h i s one ( the wee doe who holds such troubling irreverence towards own self ) .  But there are times when meager measure of ego becomes apparent , if only r a r e l y , if only u n i n t e n t i o n a l l y , flaring as readily as temper , sparking as fierce as flames conjured.
It is now that it makes a show of itself , all pinned ears and barred teeth ; the reluctance to comply , to accept help offered.  Hiei’s stoic look is met with their agitated own , a sneer portrayed upon their normally sweetened countenance , disfiguring them as they truly are : a vicious , fierce thing , barely contained and barely controlled.  ❝ Ah’m perfectly fine ! ❞ Is what someone who is plainly NOT FINE would say to deflect , just as Kaen does now ( just as they always seem to , if ever things tend to go wayward ) .  They make to stand – once again – only to be met with the fire demon ushering them back down by firm pressure , back into place in their seat , his expression s t e r n and p o i n t .  They know what he means by eyeing them in such a way , Kaen can sense his concern , evident even beyond the silent wariness in his stare attempting to compel their reasonability ( & for all their stubbornness about it , they are the least bit comforted that he thinks to care for them so ) .
Their head bows , ears flopping forward , drooping low along their head.  ❝ Ah really AM fine , though , ❞ Saying it more for themself than him , their hand lifting and – hesitating just slightly – curling their fingers lightly around his wrist where his touch lingers against their shoulder ( a gesture of gratitude , perhaps , thankful that he is there at all ) .  After a moment , they look up at him , smiling slightly , if not haplessly , ❝ … Thanks , Hiei.  Nice t’know Ah got ye lookin’ out fer me.  It means a lot. ❞  A pause , the stones on their cheeks crackling with light , ❝ An’ Ah couldnae ask fer anyone better , really. ❞
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estarion · 1 year
I N F O : indie astarion ancunín from baldur's gate 3 illustrated by miki. she/her.
B L O G : ➤ consider this the ‘early access’ version of whatever the blog ends up becoming. ➤ activity is sporadic; goal is to have fun exploring characters in amusing situations with friends! ➤ one-liners, para, oc, and crossover-friendly. i prefer shorter threads (max 250 words per post), but occasionally will engage in lengthier exchanges.
P O R T R A Y A L :
➤ canon portrayal, adhering to the game as closely as possible. ➤ headcanons will be present in spots where i cannot find a definite in-game or developer answer. inspiration will be drawn from the full release as well as the EA version of the game. this includes my overall vision of the character, which: ➤ i will not be writing this character as wholly sympathetic. different trajectories of his arc will be portrayed and experimented with. ➤ this blog will explore all the various possible outcomes and endings. not spoiler-free.
F O L L O W   P O L I C Y :
➤ selectively following, 21+ only. ➤ to keep my dash clean and comprehensible, i may unfollow those i have never (or have only scarecely) interacted with after some time. if you notice that i have unfollowed you and would like to be mutuals again, let me know.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S : ➤ open to plotting for pre-established this or that. (friends, exes, enemies, rivals, co-workers, whatever.) ➤ no shipping without proven chemistry; let's send each other asks and test the dynamic out in a thread first. then we can maybe talk about it! ➤ by default, astarion is disinterested in all other muses romantically/sexually - including origin (+D!URGE) and TAV muses. ➤ i have no interest in constantly retreading the same exact plot points over and over again and, as such, plots and relationships with TAV/D!URGE characters will NOT be assumed to have the same trajectory as in game. meaning: our muses are merely 'companions' in one another's journeys as far as my blog is concerned. please keep this in consideration when interacting; if you have any questions, feel free to ask! i may be able to make exceptions about certain plot points, it only depends on how much i've already written it before (or how recently)!
P O S T I N G :
➤ this blog will contain mature themes and may veer into the realm of nsfw on occasion. ➤ i will be reblogging aesthetics that pertain to the muse’s image/life/taste. ➤ i will do my best to monitor triggering scenarios, but please feel free to yell at me if i miss something. understand that the character is a vampire and there will sometimes be an egregious amount of blood-talk around here. i will not tag posts featuring text about blood, but i will tag any non-game imagery with: blood tw
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ahyouexist · 2 years
⁺       ˚
.  *     ✦     .      ⁺   .⁺       ˚
.  * ✦     .      ⁺   .
.      ⁺        ⁺
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if the admin gets involved with a situationꓹ respect their words because what they say goes. no if’sꓹ and’sꓹ or but’s about it. they have the authority to remove you from their contacts if you prove to be problematic or disrespectful towards them.
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anything that can be deemed as one of these topics will be handled accordinglyꓹ as we have a zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour.
⋅• ● s p a m
please don't spam imagesꓹ stickersꓹ and messages. 3+ messages is considered spam. for images and stickersꓹ do not send any if 3 have already been sent. with several members sending themꓹ it can become cluttered quite fast. however, liking pictures is an exception.
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swearing isn't allowed whatsoever.
⋅• ● n o s p a m @
please only @ admin if you’re trying to get their attention for roleplay or for discussions. you may also @ admin if you need something. @ing them for any other purpose isn’t allowed.
⋅• ● n o a d v e r t i s i n g
advertising of any kind isn't allowedꓹ including: social platformsꓹ blogsꓹ chatroomsꓹ posts of any kindꓹ etc. your advertisement will be deleted.
⋅• ● n e v e r m e n t i o n
self harmꓹ suicideꓹ drugsꓹ and avoid any subjects that may be deemed as triggering. if a topic is triggering to youꓹ please don't be afraid to speak up or message the host or a cohost. your safety is our top priority.
⋅• ● d e l e t i o n
don’t constantly delete messages unless if for typos. by doing soꓹ the admin might assume the worst. and YESꓹ they will say something if this occurs.
⋅• ● a t t e n t i o n s e e k i n g
please don't do thisꓹ it's a toxic behaviour and not a very nice thing to do. if you're found portraying such a negative traitꓹ you will be called out on it.
⋅• ● t e a m⠀w o r k
stating that someone can't interact with your character defeats the purpose of a group roleplay. the only time someone should be asked not to interact is if one roleplayer is finishing up a personal moment with another.
⋅• ● d r a m a
refrain from startingꓹ causingꓹ or escalating any form of drama. if you have an issue with a memberꓹ keep it a personal matter. don’t bring it to a public setting.
⋅• ● e n g l i s h
all members who interact will be expected to speak english.
⋅• ● r u l e s
this one's simpleꓹ just be sure to follow the rules that have been set into place.
⋅• ● a u t o⠀b a n
anything lewdꓹ racismꓹ homophobiaꓹ suicideꓹ abuse.
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xstarxgazerx · 2 years
Halloween Movie Matchup
1.) This movie was based on Anne Rice's famous novel and had a stellar cast that included names like Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, and Tom Cruise. Which movie is this?
C.) Interview With The Vampire
2.) The iconic movie The Silence of the Lambs introduced this iconic character who would go on to feature in countless TV shows and movies. Who is the character?
R.) Hannibal Lecter
3.) Which iconic scary movie features Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney as murderous brothers?
W.) From Dusk till Dawn
4.) Which 90s movie features creepy crawlies taking over a small town in California?
E.) Arachnophobia
5.) Which horror movie was shot entirely on a video camera like a documentary?
F.) The Blair Witch Project
6.) Which Martin Scorsese movie features Robert De Niro as a criminal madman?
S.) Cape Fear
7.) What color palette does The Ring predominantly follow?
X.) Blues, grays, and greens
8.) Which horror movie featured Sarah Jessica Parker as a witch?
K.) Hocus Pocus
9.) Where does the story of Scream 2 take place?
P.) University Campus
10.) How many Nightmare On Elm Street movies have come out to date?
T.) Nine Films
11.) Which Tim Burton movie features the headless horseman?
Y.) The Sleepy Hollow
12.) Which children's movie released by Disney has been joked about bordering on existential horror?
B.) Pinocchio
13.) Which Tim Burton Disney movie features dogs as the main characters?
Z.) Frankenweenie
14.) Which horror author has the most adaptations made from his bestselling books?
U.) Stephen King
15.) Which movie features Pennywise the Clown?
D.) It
16.) Which actor plays the protagonist in the movie The Woman in Black?
O.) Daniel Radcliffe
17.) Which character portrayed by Johnny Depp is a barber who kills all his clients?
J.) Sweeney Todd
18.) Which movie features a princess who has to go down a hole in the tree to find a disgusting creature with its eyes in his hands?
M.) Pan's Labyrinth
19.) What is the real name of the antagonist in A Nightmare on Elm Street?
I.) Freddy Kreuger
20.) Who plays Hannibal Lecter in its first and most horrifying film depiction?
A.) Anthony Hopkins
21.) Which terrifying fish has inspired numerous monster flicks?
L.) The Piranha
22.) Which movie features a child who can see dead people?
Q.) The Sixth Sense
23.) What is the name of the scary clown from the Stephen King Franchise 'It'?
V.) Pennywise
24.) Which slasher flick character is terrified of water because he died by drowning?
N.) Jason Voorhees
25.) This movie features a clergy member who turns over to the dark side.
H.) The Nun
26.) Which flick was shot partly through CCTV cameras?
G.) Paranormal Activity
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harlow-jackson · 2 years
Optional Task 376
Halloween Movie Matchup - answers are below! 1.) This movie was based on Anne Rice's famous novel and had a stellar cast that included names like Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, and Tom Cruise. Which movie is this? C.) Interview With The Vampire 2.) The iconic movie The Silence of the Lambs introduced this iconic character who would go on to feature in countless TV shows and movies. Who is the character? R.) Hannibal Lecter 3.) Which iconic scary movie features Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney as murderous brothers? W.) From Dusk till Dawn 4.) Which 90s movie features creepy crawlies taking over a small town in California? E.) Arachnophobia 5.) Which horror movie was shot entirely on a video camera like a documentary? F.) The Blair Witch Project 6.) Which Martin Scorsese movie features Robert De Niro as a criminal madman? S.) Cape Fear 7.) What color palette does The Ring predominantly follow? X.) Blues, grays, and greens 8.) Which horror movie featured Sarah Jessica Parker as a witch? K.) Hocus Pocus 9.) Where does the story of Scream 2 take place? P.) University Campus 10.) How many Nightmare On Elm Street movies have come out to date? T.) Nine Films 11.) Which Tim Burton movie features the headless horseman? Y.) The Sleepy Hollow 12.) Which children's movie released by Disney has been joked about bordering on existential horror? B.) Pinocchio 13.) Which Tim Burton Disney movie features dogs as the main characters? Z.) Frankenweenie 14.) Which horror author has the most adaptations made from his bestselling books? U.) Stephen King 15.) Which movie features Pennywise the Clown? D.) It 16.) Which actor plays the protagonist in the movie The Woman in Black? O.) Daniel Radcliffe 17.) Which character portrayed by Johnny Depp is a barber who kills all his clients? J.) Sweeney Todd 18.) Which movie features a princess who has to go down a hole in the tree to find a disgusting creature with its eyes in his hands? M.) Pan's Labyrinth 19.) What is the real name of the antagonist in A Nightmare on Elm Street? I.) Freddy Kreuger 20.) Who plays Hannibal Lecter in its first and most horrifying film depiction? A.) Anthony Hopkins 21.) Which terrifying fish has inspired numerous monster flicks? L.) The Piranha 22.) Which movie features a child who can see dead people? Q.) The Sixth Sense 23.) What is the name of the scary clown from the Stephen King Franchise 'It'? V.) Pennywise 24.) Which slasher flick character is terrified of water because he died by drowning? N.) Jason Voorhees 25.) This movie features a clergy member who turns over to the dark side. H.) The Nun 26.) Which flick was shot partly through CCTV cameras? G.) Paranormal Activity
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
{This is also (half of) what I want for all of my O.T.P.s For Your Info}
0 notes
luckyxcharm · 2 years
Halloween Movie Mashup
🦋  This movie was based on Anne Rice's famous novel and had a stellar cast that included names like Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, and Tom Cruise. Which movie is this? C - Interview With The Vampire
🦋 The iconic movie The Silence of the Lambs introduced this iconic character who would go on to feature in countless TV shows and movies. Who is the character? R - Hannibal Lecter
🦋  Which iconic scary movie features Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney as murderous brothers? W - From Dusk Till Dawn
🦋  Which 90s movie features creepy crawlies taking over a small town in California? E - Arachnophobia
🦋  Which horror movie was shot entirely on a video camera like a documentary? F - The Blair Witch Project
🦋  Which Martin Scorsese movie features Robert De Niro as a criminal madman? S - Cape Fear
🦋  What color palette does The Ring predominantly follow? X - Blues, Grays, and Greens
🦋 Which horror movie featured Sarah Jessica Parker as a witch? K - Hocus Pocus
🦋 Where does the story of Scream 2 take place? P - University Campus
🦋 How many Nightmare On Elm Street movies have come out to date? T - Nine Films
🦋 Which Tim Burton movie features the headless horseman? Y - The Sleepy Hollow
🦋   Which children's movie released by Disney has been joked about bordering on existential horror? B - Pinocchio
🦋 Which Tim Burton Disney movie features dogs as the main characters? Z - Frankenweenie
🦋 Which horror author has the most adaptations made from his bestselling books? U - Stephen King
🦋 Which movie features Pennywise the Clown? D - IT
🦋 Which actor plays the protagonist in the movie The Woman in Black? O - Daniel Radcliffe
🦋 Which character portrayed by Johnny Depp is a barber who kills all his clients? J - Sweeney Todd
🦋 Which movie features a princess who has to go down a hole in the tree to find a disgusting creature with its eyes in his hands? M - Pan’s Labyrinth
🦋 What is the real name of the antagonist in A Nightmare on Elm Street? I - Freddy Kreuger
🦋 Who plays Hannibal Lecter in its first and most horrifying film depiction? A - Anthony Hopkins
🦋 Which terrifying fish has inspired numerous monster flicks? L - The Piranha
🦋 Which movie features a child who can see dead people? Q - The Sixth Sense
🦋 What is the name of the scary clown from the Stephen King Franchise 'It'? V - Pennywise
🦋 Which slasher flick character is terrified of water because he died by drowning? N - Jason Voorhees
🦋 This movie features a clergy member who turns over to the dark side. H - The Nun
🦋 Which flick was shot partly through CCTV cameras? G - Paranormal Activity
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rykeranders · 2 years
Halloween Movie Matchup
Optional Task 376 - October 3, 2022
1.) This movie was based on Anne Rice's famous novel and had a stellar cast that included names like Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, and Tom Cruise. Which movie is this?
C.) Interview With The Vampire
2.) The iconic movie The Silence of the Lambs introduced this iconic character who would go on to feature in countless TV shows and movies. Who is the character?
R.) Hannibal Lecter
3.) Which iconic scary movie features Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney as murderous brothers?
W.) From Dusk till Dawn
4.) Which 90s movie features creepy crawlies taking over a small town in California?
E.) Arachnophobia
5.) Which horror movie was shot entirely on a video camera like a documentary?
F.) The Blair Witch Project
6.) Which Martin Scorsese movie features Robert De Niro as a criminal madman?
S.) Cape Fear
7.) What color palette does The Ring predominantly follow?
X.) Blues, grays, and greens
8.) Which horror movie featured Sarah Jessica Parker as a witch?
K.) Hocus Pocus
9.) Where does the story of Scream 2 take place?
P.) University Campus
10.) How many Nightmare On Elm Street movies have come out to date?
T.) Nine Films
11.) Which Tim Burton movie features the headless horseman?
Y.) The Sleepy Hollow
12.) Which children's movie released by Disney has been joked about bordering on existential horror?
B.) Pinocchio
13.) Which Tim Burton Disney movie features dogs as the main characters?
Z.) Frankenweenie
14.) Which horror author has the most adaptations made from his bestselling books?
U.) Stephen King
15.) Which movie features Pennywise the Clown?
D.) It
16.) Which actor plays the protagonist in the movie The Woman in Black?
O.) Daniel Radcliffe
17.) Which character portrayed by Johnny Depp is a barber who kills all his clients?
J.) Sweeney Todd
18.) Which movie features a princess who has to go down a hole in the tree to find a disgusting creature with its eyes in his hands?
M.) Pan's Labyrinth
19.) What is the real name of the antagonist in A Nightmare on Elm Street?
I.) Freddy Kreuger
20.) Who plays Hannibal Lecter in its first and most horrifying film depiction?
A.) Anthony Hopkins
21.) Which terrifying fish has inspired numerous monster flicks?
L.) The Piranha
22.) Which movie features a child who can see dead people?
Q.) The Sixth Sense
23.) What is the name of the scary clown from the Stephen King Franchise 'It'?
V.) Pennywise
24.) Which slasher flick character is terrified of water because he died by drowning?
N.) Jason Voorhees
25.) This movie features a clergy member who turns over to the dark side.
H.) The Nun
26.) Which flick was shot partly through CCTV cameras?
G.) Paranormal Activity
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dastodia · 4 months
new data entry found | @reasoncore
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Things had finally settled down after d e f e a t i n g Phantylia-- architecture rebuilt, debris removed, the mara-scare gone from an overboiling m e s s to now a manageable simmer.. The Stellaron situation was handled, for the most part, and done in a way that was not i d e a l for all involved in Dan Heng's opinion. Granted he had no desire to p a r t i c i p a t e in the Express' most recent mission, but when he came to the conclusion that his companions might need his help, as he was unable to contact a n y of them for a few days after they departed, the raven descended with no hesitation. Though he w o r r i e d that his past might catch up to him, he prayed that it wouldn't and that the universe would be kind to him. Alas, such was n o t the case.
Dan Heng was just glad to be back in the Archives, having space a w a y from his past life's home, back to where he, Dan Heng, the b o d y g u a r d of the Astral Express, was familiar and comfortable. Deciding he had been in his "hiding hole" (as o t h e r s have put it) long enough, the Vidyadhara stood and made his way out to the main cabin, simply to walk around and stretch his legs if anything. Unsurprisingly, the raven had run into one of the o t h e r members, Welt, who greeted him just as typically as the man always had. Something about how r e l a x e d and casual it was gave him p a u s e -- and pause he did, stopped dead in his tracks as he gave an u n c e r t a i n glance to the brunet.
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❛ E v e n i n g , Mr. Yang... ..You seem way too accepting to having a previously exiled criminal aboard.. Well, I suppose we were considered o u t l a w s in Belobog for a short time and there was no reaction then, e i t h e r . ❜
Though Dan Heng m e a n t the comment in jest, his tone definitely does not portray the light hearted a t t e m p t , almost accusatory mixed with curiosity. Perhaps Welt had c o n n e c t i o n s to lawbreakers before, so this possibly is not u n c h a r t e d territory for them. Or he could just be reading way too into things, it isn't uncommon for him to do so.
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miraiq · 5 months
❛ i cause this, and i'll be the one to fix it. no matter the cost. ❜ [ dan heng to caelus! ]
Sacrifice Sentence Starters | Accepting
Something jolts through Caelus' being at the raven's words.. not guilt.. pity perhaps? C o n c e r n ? Whatever it is takes it's place firmly as the lad places a h a n d on Dan Heng's shoulder, hoping to be at least a bit comforting. The silver waits a moment to make sure he wouldn't be brushed o f f , and to give his friend a second to breathe before speaking as gently as he can.
❛ You did n o t cause any of this. You c a n ' t hold yourself responsible for something out of your control. ❜
He doubts it's much of a h e l p, but Caelus must try. They had just went with Bailu to the Scalegorge Waterscape, though the silver isn't entirely sure what for- he had stayed to the side a w a y from the two to give them some space. It looked as if Dan Heng was trying to teach the little miss s o m e t h i n g .. a chant? Or maybe just general t r a i n i n g on whatever magic that comes with being the High Elder, he isn't quite sure. Though Caelus was glad he had decided to stand back, as it gave him the chance to take n o t i c e of vague shapes moving in around them, to which he w a r n e d the others of. They had a chance to defend themselves, and had fought off the a m b u s h by those who were loyalists of the previous High Elder- Dan Feng. It wasn't too rough of a fight, t h a n k f u l l y - Caelus only taking the weakest of hits against his arm as one of the foe's b l a d e s had slid down his lance at a moment he wasn't able to p a r r y . It's no big deal, the silver is sure it'll heal up by time they r e t u r n to the Express, or even have it looked at by Bailu. She was a healer after all, and it was h a r d l y a scratch in his eyes.
Though he could tell the e v e n t had bothered the two Vidyadharas, whether either would say so or not. Caelus was sure the raven was blaming himself, and was confirmed in that thought with Dan Heng c l a i m i n g he had caused the mess. How c r u e l to himself, the silver thinks, though he can understand the why- doesn't mean Caelus has to a c c e p t it. Lad leans forward, making sure he has the raven's attention and g a z e before continuing.- though he prays his expression is far more sympathetic and c o n s o l i n g rather than portraying how irritated he felt at those who had dared to come after the lavender.. for causing his best friend to take o w n e r s h i p of such a distasteful act. How dare they----
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❛ Hey-- look at me. You did n o t harm Bailu. You did not order some secret a s s a s s i n a t i o n attempt. Y o u did not leave her to defend herself against one she thought she could trust. You did not do a n y t h i n g wrong here, Dan Heng. This is not y o u r fault in any way, shape, or form. ❜
Lad takes a b r e a t h , willing the rage to settle into a simmer rather than boil over. Sincere in his declaration, and with the p r o m i s e he proclaims, Caelus offer's a soft smile.
❛ But.. If you want to go after them and make them p a y .. I will be by your side. You don't have to take everything on by yourself, you know.
You're not a l o n e . ❜
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blubrrychef · 5 months
🫐ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁₊˚⋆ K I T C H E N . r u l e s
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𝜗𝜚 c r i t i s i s m !
constructive criticism please (as in no unnecessary hate) ! ! it’s encouraged , since it’s kind of like my first time opening up a rp/ask blog account ❤️ if i’m portraying my character wrong, kindly let me know pleaseee <3
𝜗𝜚 blog i n f o !
one gal owns and plays on this account, i’m fine with rp’ing with anyone. i try to write as descriptive as i can often!
𝜗𝜚 s h i p p i n g !
i don’t really care ! as long as its not Anastacha or selfc/st <3 i probably won’t /ship/ with the married characters (i will ship with dr afton and mia stone though!) and the peachman brothers, but ill still rp with them !! :DD (achhh sorry im so picky… <\3)
𝜗𝜚 a s k s !
any asks with themes of racism, homophobia, transphobia, and anything of that like (if it’s in a harmful/hate speech/etc way) also any asks with politics, incest, beastiality and etc will be ignored on sight 🫶
𝜗𝜚 response t i m e !
i have a personal life (i swear) so i may not respond the ffaaasstestt, but i don’t think id take any longer than a day to respond to an ask/rp request etc etc whatever you wanna call it !! :D
𝜗𝜚 a r t !
any art that i post or use is credited in my art credit post! i’ll try to draw my own things in the future though!! ❤️
𝜗𝜚 w r i t i n g !
i’ll always try to send about 2-3 paragraphs! i don’t mind how long or short yours is, as long as you write me something i can reply to i don’t mind 🫶 !! the last time i role played was like, 2 years ago. . so if i make a mistake or something is unreadable/doesn’t make sense feel free to tell me via anywhere ! i’ll always express my love for constructive criticism, so don’t worry if you think your being mean (´ ω `♡)
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