#(If this is what it takes to get old ppl shown well LIKE)
koushirouizumi · 6 months
{This is also (half of) what I want for all of my O.T.P.s For Your Info}
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endemise · 4 months
long ramble, progress update, & potential release timeframe below:
hii! i got a lot of coding done and i think im finally satisfied with how the game looks (for now…)
here are some screenshots of what some of it will look like on mobile!
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the friendship and romance levels shown in the relationship menu are just random as is the blurb for Aesop’s thoughts, they’re just for the example! (also characters thoughts are hidden by default, you click to reveal, then hide, them)
the stat bars were giving me hell but i finally figured them out with the the help of some forums and tumblr posts
i liked how in when twilight strikes by evertidings, the menu buttons (i.e. profile, stats, relationships) are listed at the top of the page so i took inspiration from that! and the many IFs that have a splash (?) screen at the beginning with the title
compared to when i started using twine (i think august 2023 was the first time i gave it a try), i’ve learned so much and there’s still so much to learn as well, i think coding has become my favorite part (making things looks pretty hehe)(with the help of amazing templates & ppl smarter than me, they do the heavy lifting fr)
with all the coding done (appearance wise) it’s lock in time for the revised prologue and chapter 1
the prologue has undergone a fair bit of change with the help of feedback & i’ve (hopefully) better established the setting and story.
some things that have changed besides wording and sentence structure, etc.: being able to choose what you did as a job (ex. working at the family inn) and meeting a new character (more like an old friend?)(no spoilers:))
some things i’ve been considering (SLIGHT SPOILER FOR CH.1 MAYBE): merging the revised prologue and chapter 1 into just the prologue bc chapter 1 differs a bit from the other chapters, but then the prologue would maybe be too strange timeframe wise? it’s a time skip after the events of the prologue (is that considered a spoiler, i don’t think so but???) that connects to the next chapters so maybe it’d just be better as its own chapter? or dropping the revised prologue by itself along with the updated ui/appearance then chapter 1 sometime after, or dropping the revised prologue and chapter 1 together, idk these are all just ideas i’ve been thinking about maybe i’ll do a poll
if you have anything you’d like to see, for example a specific job your MC worked, certain personality traits, or something like that, feel free to let me know & i’ll take them into consideration! i think now is the best time to add things bc it’s early development days & it’ll be easier to do so now than later
i’ve also decided to lean a little more into the supernatural aspect which i’m excited for (one specific thing really, i can’t wait to get to it🤭) the story’s world itself is fairly grounded in reality (as in the supernatural is unknown to most) but i’m looking forward to exploring it more
what you’re probably reading this for: depending on how i end up going about the prologue-chapter 1 merge decision & whether anything is added from requests/feedback, i’m aiming for a june release, july at the latest (fingers crossed). now that the appearance and function coding is complete (besides stat/choice tracking & other story related things), finishing the writing and coding it in is all that’s left
my schedule has done a 180 & some things are less than ideal at moment but it should all (hopefully) go smoothly from here! should anything change, i’ll let you all know
anyways, that’s all i have to say for now! ty for being patient & for reading this mess, i appreciate you all :)
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ca-suffit · 2 months
This is probably not the place for this but I'm so sad Claudia died and we didn't get to see more of her relationship with Madeleine.. :(</3 I know she had to die but I was so attached to Claudia and their future. Wish the show had given them a bit more time.. I hope Delainey comes back andCLAUDIA HAUNTS LESTAT'S EVERY WAKING MOMENT to be on topic I don't know how you manage this blog ca I'd be having anxiety every day unable to sleep and throwing fits all over the place damn!!! You handle the complex issues of racism admirably and I'm here for it but I'm glad it ain't me!!
We can talk about it! There's a lot I was thinking of about Claudia and Madeleine anyway.
I mean....obviously the tragedy exists bcuz this happened, especially bcuz it did not *need* to happen. It also shows two women struck down bcuz they were more capable of handling vampirism than the men around them were, even Claudia with all of her immense disadvantages at never (physically) being an adult. She took down Lestat p much on her own *and* was building a happier life after struggling through so much and.....then all this.
I also think something the fandom overlooks is how much agency this relationship gave Claudia. I'm not asking anyone to engage with the age gap stuff if that's a personal issue, but I've found it interesting to compare how this relationship has been treated alongside book relationships with similar issues (which are outright abusive as well).
Fandoms don't tend to care about women anyway, let alone black women, so there's already that. But then there's the issue of the age gap itself. It's hard to tell what could be racially motivated or not since this is a show only relationship and show only fans might not come from the books and have knowledge of how prevalent this theme is in them. It still feels like this is the main relationship in this fandom as a whole tho where age tends to get brought up more (which is "funny" to parallel how much ppl initially complained that Claudia "looked too old" to be a teenager once she was first cast, then again when a darker actress took over the role), or ppl look to blame Claudia for her taste in partners bcuz of Madeleine's past. All the characters, especially white ones, have p fucked up shit going on. Just bcuz ppl want to pretend everything about Lestat is a lie doesn't mean it is, Santiago is also a shithead, it goes on. As I've said in other asks, white women tend to make up fandom, so fandom gets upset when white women are shown as less than perfect somehow too. All of it doesn't surprise me. It's just stuff to observe and take notes on. I feel like ppl dismiss examining Claudia or Madeleine more for several reasons, whereas if they were men, especially white men, they'd be a main feature. Hell, Nicki has gotten more analysis for 2 mins on screen so far than most ppl give to any of this.
Anyway, I'm also looking forward to her coming back to haunt everyone's ass :)
Also thank u for the nice comments<3
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Had a thought:
What if Hanzo and Kuai Liang are actually the youngest defenders?
Like, I know canonically they aren't but we know that most of them are early to mid 30s and you could argue that Liu Kang and Kung Lao are 25 at the youngest
So what if Hanzo and Kuai Laing are like, 22 and 21 resptectively?
We never get a confirmed age for Hanzo's son, in mk9 he's shown as a baby and in the movies (animated and live action) he's like, 10 tops. So like, Hanzo could have had a baby with Harumi by 22, especially if they married young, or if it was a teen pregnancy then Satoshi would have been probably 7 max at the time of the massacre
So Hanzo could be a lot younger than the defenders assume and just like, forget to mention that bc it never comes up
meanwhile we know Kuai Liang is the younger brother, and in mk9 he absolutely gives off early 20s vibes, you can't convince me otherwise.
But bc Kuai Liang has the mask on and has such a deep voice and a very mature (*cough* traumatized *cough*) demeanor, everyone just assumes his like, 35, and he just rolls with it bc he's got more important things to worry about than correcting ppl on his age.
Can you imagine the reveal? Everyone's reactions?
Like, it would take a while to reveal bc any time the defenders try to mention a show or song that they assume the others are old enough to have been aware of and Hanzo and Kuai Liang don't know it they just think "Oh well Hanzo's from Japan and Kuai Liang was in a cult, that's why"
Hanzo and Kuai Liang start developing crushes on each other, but both think the other is older than them so of course they won't be interested and they're just pining like idiots.
idk the idea just burrowed into my head and won't leave
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linaharutaka · 6 months
gen question but isnt dedegoon or dedesuka or whatevr a proship? ive seen some ppl calling it a proship cuz its abusive but your bio says proship dni so idk if its ok to ship or what (sorry im new to this)
hiya! thank you for your ask! it isnt and heres why
first of all i am /Not/ proship. i am not anti-anti or whatever either. what drives me to ship them is the fact theyre friends who like to be in each other's company. i like their sweet moments together. they bond over scamming an innocent population and bullying children. they're partners in crime. theyre besties who talk shit about others as a hobby.
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i also don't think theyre already dating. i look at their relationship and im like. you guys have some kind of weird crush on each other and you're also selfish assholes. they're in the world's worst situationship.
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"but dedede whacks escargoon a lot!" not only does escargoon get physical towards him too (the dynamic starts shifting in the dentist episode) but his "punishments" are often for a reason. escargoon is often very mean to dedede. in almost every episode he calls him hopeless or stupid or ugly or anything like that. and that gets him a whack. if i were dedede i'd do that too! it'd piss me off! having my lackey who i pay and who i consider my best friend insult me so overtly over and over LOL. but does escargoon ever try and stop him his evil doing? hell no! the guy helps him and gives him advice and ideas! he is NOT a good guy either. he loves being mean! he literally says it!
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of course escargoon cares a loy about him. pretty sure everyone is aware. i don't even need to compile all the times he runs after him or worries about his well being. one time he "left" after he realised he'd have to do all the waddle dee's chores and didn't want to do his job. guess who's shown tearing up when seeing what poor state dedede is in after being left all on his own. he's always protecting him and defending him (sometimes backhandedly) from other people. he holds dedede dear. it's obvious he does. he's an old man, he's not being manipulated into liking dedede. he genuinely cares about the guy.
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there are episodes where they bicker a lot but end up getting along, episodes where they're the best of friends and episodes focused on their resentment against one another. the show kind of yoyos with their relationship. it's not really anything to take seriously. if you get offended from their interactions you'd get a heart attack from watching looney tunes. the back and forth of their dynamic is part of the fun!
I *highly* recommend watching the original version of the show as the dub often replaces sweet lines they share with jokes that don't really hit the mark. it's a shame. (however i will give the dub some credit on occasion)
Actually, i have a [post] that compiles a lot of sweet screenshots of them together. it doesnt include the times where they hold on to each other in the cannons or in the whispy woods episode or when esxargoon said "isnt this strange? can't you feel we're striving apart?" and dedede says "what! that's ridiculous!" in a lighthearted voice. or when escargoon makes a joke about a late night drive being romantic and dedede just? laughs in agreement? there's a scene where they call each other stupid in the most friendly way ever. i actually have a handy twitter of fun scenes where escargoon gets away with some things (doesn't include when escargoon yells at him in the fireworks episode or orders him in episode 69), like saying *he's* actually the one in power because dedede isn't competent enough to reign. or dedede understanding escargoon's concerns of him becoming dumber than he is already.
they're just villains who are attached to each other and are a team no matter what.
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escargoon protects dedede a lot, and he cares about him more than what his job entails, but people tend to forget he's got a special place in dedede's heart too.
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dedede keeps an album of pictures they took together. he never threatens to fire him and, as far as i know, never even cuts his salary and is the only one in the castle to even have a bonus. he shares the food he keeps from the waddle dees with him in episode 93. he clarifies he doesnt want knuckle joe's monsters to attack either of them. he's fine spending large amounts of money on him. twice? he never calls him ugly somehow. he even thanks him for having put up with him for so long and serving him well when the world is about to end. and then he clings unto him because he's scared of dying alone. his way of showing affection is not the "im crying because i think you're in danger" type of way that escargoon shows a lot but it's there.
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Of course i don't think they're perfect gay rep. that's literally so stupid. you think im gonna look at two dumbasses who are bitter towards one another from what, a parodic, satirical children's anime from the early 2000s, and go "hmm yes this is what every queer couple should aspire to be this is peak lgbt rep"
If we're gonna talk about them how about we talk about some issues this show has that no one ever addresses. the colorism of the uv episode that is not put into question, not even by tiff, the moral compass. the rising sun imagery that is very much intentional as dedede is a caricature. the fatphobia? the fact kirby calls kawasaki and nagoya homos??? straight up???
people often blame episode 88, and yeah, it's not my favorite episode either. everyone's weird in that episode, not just dedede! yabui is far from empathetic, even the ebrums are disrespectful, and escargoon taunts dedede into chasing him for laughs and teases him about his old age. even at the end he teases him. i think it's one of those episodes that you just have to blame on the writers kinda like 89 (for example this one has got the right message but the execution is painful to watch. poor tiff.)
now, if 88 had changed their relationship it'd be a different matter. there are some sweet moments they share outside of their general "partners in crime" dynamic past episode 88 in my post actually! my favorite is the one where dedede has his arm around escargoon who's curled up like a cat while they're sleeping and the waddle dees are tucking them in from episode 91. it makes me so happy.
i could probably talk so, so much more about them. they're a huge comfort to me. however i don't trust just anyone with them. i am very much aware some people like them for the wrong reasons. but if you have a brain you can see where i'm coming from.
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the show makes fun of them because they're evil, self-centered cowards. not because they're "gay" or anything like that. i saw someone call them queerbait one time and i had to log off for a minute.
anyway, to answer your question, people who do not recognize their genuine attachment to one another are bound to have a twisted view of them. i don't like dedegoon because they're "toxic" or awful to each other. but because they're each other's best friends. that's all. it's fine if you don't ship them, too. i just hope i can prove to people that they do matter to each other and that they're friends :)
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mcl38 · 10 months
and in light of fun stuff i'd love to hear your thoughts on, saw a post a while back that got me thinking and basically reached the conclusion that carlos and lando's personalities complimented each other perfectly, which in a way brought out the best in both of them, while lando and daniel have very clashing personalities (not that they didn't get along eventually, just very different). meanwhile lando and oscar's personalities just like. match.
seen people say lando is to oscar what carlos was to him and in a way, yes (oscar clearly does look up to lando a bit and lando took the brunt of the media stuff in the beginning to make him more comfortable), but i also think there is a pretty big difference there. landoscar just feel very aligned to me idk. would like to hear what your opinions are :) think you always have good takes
so i left this for a couple days bc its literally been slow cooking in my brain like a stew... thinking abt this so much. u bring such a good point abt the difference between complementing and aligning / matching...
i often find it rly fun to look at friendships and relationships thru the lens of sibling dynamics - its my own personal brand of astrology or ig personality typology that im addicted to. and w carlos and lando i think the reason they 'complemented' each other so well was bc they very easily fell into an older-younger sibling dynamic - both r middle children, and idk the exact numbers but carlos should probably be around oli's age (landos older brother, who lando's rly close to, arguably the closest of all his siblings - not only did they used to travel for karting competitions back in the day, but nowadays they share a core friend group and go on holiday together, which is cute). so like, lando as a 19 year old rookie, shy but full of energy, is in the perfect position to be lightly bullied, shown the ropes, taught random shit, be shoved into walls, etc by someone who likes to play within that older brother role
so you have that first of all, which already creates some familiarity for lando (who otherwise is quite slow to thaw out of keeping ppl at arms length), and also the fact that they got along w each other quite easily. i dont think theyre that similar (again, complement, not match, its so brilliant), but theyre both entertained by quite simple things, which is y their humour tended to be so lowest-common-denominator: words that sound funny, hitting each other in the balls, dirty jokes, etc. i think where they DO find similarities is when theyre serious - they both have a very head-down team-first sort of attitude (which i think rly solidified in lando BC of carlos), so their trust in each other in terms of that helped make their more personal friendship rly straightforward and natural
daniel meanwhile... where do i start. i spent two years losing my mind in dms over the glorious trainwreck awkwardness that is dando and their interactions. i still cant QUITE parse it but its so good. u have lando whos used to having quite a reactive/passive friendship with carlos, suddenly putting his feet on the ground and his shackles up bc he stopped liking the directions he was being pushed in w daniel. i think daniel deffo is a big, domineering personality, naturally kind of selfish (youngest sibling AND im pretty sure the only boy) (im not judging him im also the youngest i can reclaim), and to keep it concise i think it kind of gave lando the ick.
lando is a very judgemental person, and his humour is quite specific - he'll laugh at the dumbest things ever, like the word 'blowy' or 'pubes' or jokes abt girls running away from him, AND also rly subtle sarcasm that takes a lot of context clues. but he just cannot operate within the middle ground: the typical snl-style (american type) classic humour. he just doesnt get it. when ppl try to do it with him u get things like 'lando i hope you're sitting down... you're p2' 'i don't know why will said that, i'm literally strapped to my seat' and 'throwback thursday' 'it's funny cos it's friday'. he sucks at metaphors and doesnt have patience to wait for punchlines, so the fact that daniel is kind of like universally 'classically' funny actually worked against him - especially bc daniel was fuelled w the confidence that lando liked him and found him hilarious
so thats actually the other thing - is daniels incapability of actually listening to lando. again, we kind of start from the standard of the carlos relationship, with lando as the reactor, but carlos was always rly attentive towards lando. and then daniel comes in - u have lando like a dog who figured out ur trying to exit the park and has suddenly refused to keep walking along, and daniel holding an endlessly extendable leash, whistling a little tune, completely oblivious that his dog is still like three streets down. lando was throwing him jab after jab after joke after joke for like the entirety of 2021 ('they just dig up jam' forever my favourite), but they would just fly over daniels head, making lando become more and more detached and disinterested in interactions w daniel. waaaay into their partnership as teammates, theres this video of lando telling daniel that theyre serving cookies (?) somewhere, and daniel says 'so you got a brownie?' and i think lando says smth like 'nah a cookie, not a brownie, otherwise i wouldve said brownies', to which daniel is like 'i respect that, you're finally dishing it back'. and i rmbr my reaction was like FINALLY ? WYM FINALLY?? hes BEEN doing this for SO LONG like ALL THE TIME now.
idk, its weird bc opinions r rly split on dando, some ppl in yt comments or reddit or whatever still say they were the funniest duo in f1, but other ppl will always pipe up saying the energy was awkward and it was clear they didnt like each other. neither of those things r true for me - i think they did like each other, especially later on (professionally, i think lando definitely had a lot of anxieties abt having to outperform the big new top dog in the team, which made him a bit colder, but i think he gained a lot of respect for daniel when he saw how much daniel was struggling but how much he was still willing to show up and do the whole job until the end w a smile on his face). i have a suspicion they probably get along way better 1 on 1, bc a lot of daniel's off-putting intensity happens when he tries to play up for the cameras. but i am also partly thankful for that too, bc we had a couple art challenges in 2021-2022 where daniel did all the talking, so lando could focus on having fun with his Little Tasks, and thats literally my fav type of mclaren video, so cheers danny.
so then we get to oscar. i think the main difference with oscar is that, for the first time, lando doesnt have a bigger personality imposing itself on him. if he used to b reactive with carlos and daniel, oscar is way more laid back and passive than him, which means lando is finally for the first time the one setting the pace. especially in the early days, this was obvious - lando would throw out the beginning of a bad joke, expecting to be interrupted or one-upped, but oscar would just sit there quietly creature-staring, waiting for lando to finish his train of thought. it was so awkwardly delightful. so what u get now is that lando isnt playing catch up anymore - which doesnt mean hes making oscar do it now. on the contrary, what ive found is that lando brings his personality to oscar-volume, which sounds like it would be dull but it so isnt. again, he thrives in quiet subtlety, and so does oscar, so u get videos like the finish the lyrics where u have to turn the volume all the way up to even hear what theyre saying, but its so worth it bc its SO fun once u do.
in terms of matching, theyre definitely quite similar in terms of humour. both of them love the awkward pauses and jim halpert looking into the camera and eye rolls and deadpan. it took a while to find their rhythm w two of them playing the same joke-role and not having a straight man (comedy term!!) to bounce off of, but i think they figured it out. theyre different enough in terms of family dynamics (oscar is an eldest brother w many sisters, but also younger than lando) that neither of them would fit a pre-made space, so they can just kinda be on equal level to each other. this is especially true since theyve grown up in the same circles - never raced each other directly, but lando moved up categories rly fast, which means oscar spent his late teens mostly racing ppl lando was racing in karting and early single seaters. (most significantly, max fewtrell, who oscar used to b in the junior renault academy with, and who i think is kind of a good representation of what lando and oscar have in common - lowkey, sarcastic, deadpan, but also not taking himself too seriously)
to come back to what u said abt oscar-lando being inverse lando-carlos: i also see it to some extent, like u said (theres those tiktok edit parallels like lando telling oscar to cut his hair the way carlos said it to him in 2019). i think its mostly something lando himself is conscious of and sort of imposes on himself - he often compares oscar's personal trajectory to his, like when he says oscar will open up and be less quiet once he gets comfortable (which was true), so i think hes deffo aware of the comparison. but i dont think it runs any deeper than that, bc i havent seen lando position himself as the same kind of mentor-guru in-the-know older figure. i just dont think his personality can mould to that
idk sorry for this novel size answer. i have even more thoughts abt oscar and lando that im currently trying to shove into a fic so like. all of this has been floating in my brain for ages now
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inchidentally · 8 months
I don't find you wrong but why did you say Lando is an introvert?
I'm sorry to flop anon but it's been a rough weekend so I can't do my usual digging but Lando's called himself variations of shy/doesn't like to lead conversation/wants other people to talk and others have said how quiet and shy he is when he's around people he doesn't know well - so I think I'm probably drawing the 'introverted' deduction myself more than anything so I might be off on that!
I consider myself an introvert but I'm literally almost always surrounded by people when I'm not working. I need to take time to myself (which is when I'm on tumblr) but otherwise as long as the people I'm with are mostly MY people then I feel comfortable to be loud or weird in a way I never would around strangers.
and idk I feel like when you rly observe Lando he only finds the ability to be loud and wild when he's either around an extrovert (one of the F1 drivers, streamers, etc) or a group of friends. his energy matches people he feels comfortable with yk? whereas when he's around someone he doesn't know or who seems kind of hostile/unkind he gets SUPER withdrawn and he doesn't use any more words than he absolutely needs to.
EDIT: @landoisokay is our MVP and sent me this tweet w a clip of him calling himself an introvert:
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and literally I love even more how he expands on this to say that so many ppl think he doesn't have the aggressive mindset to win, esp the old mentality of being "brutal". bc then Andrea steps in as principal and his mantra for Lando and Oscar is to put the team first and never let petty rivalries disrupt their driving or the team's harmony.
and it really resonates w what Mark Webber said about Oscar and misjudging his quiet, non-aggressive racing mindset at first:
“he’s a prost, mate. he’s such a thinker and so calm. at first i thought i needed to inject a bit of urgency in him, but actually no, he’s got his own frequency. that’s just where he is.” - from the beloved Oscar primer by @mecachrome
and it's something I and @twinkodium have talked about a lot, that the things that tore partnerships up so badly was a misguided, inherited toxic mentality that Lando and Oscar have never once represented or shown in their careers. you think of Oscar celebrating on the radio but stopping himself to say how gutted he was for Logan, and Lando keeping so many friends from his karting days despite soundly beating all of them. and how so many people were excited after Monza to think that the rivalry they've been wanting between Lando and Oscar would finally begin - only for them to go karting the next day in a Landolog and soon after ascend to two double podiums.
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propertyofrjl · 9 months
i’ve always had a problem with ages in MCD, they don’t makes sense (ik it’s cause at the start the npc’s aged quicker and stuff, but let’s fix one of the main ones that confuses me) Brian.
so first of all, i don’t think Brian is Dales son, Brian is darker skinned than both dale and molly, so what if he has a different dad. molly didn’t cheat, oh no, Brian is simply a child from a past relationship (i’m about to dump this head canon on all y’all so buckle up)
i think our dear sweet Molly is from O’kasis, she a very religious person, dedicated to Irene, and O’kasis is a very religious city, it makes sense. now i can see Molly being kinda poor while living in O’kasis, not the best support system, this is where she meets and “falls in love” with this guy, he’s a criminal and he’s trouble.
Molly’s probs like “i can fix him” when in fact what he does is breaks her. he’s abusive both physically and emotionally, and does what he wants no matter what she says. and Molly doesn’t fight back because she thinks this is punishment for something.
but then molly finds out she’s pregnant, and there is no way in hell she will raise this baby with a man like this guy, so in the dead of night she sneaks out with a small bag of treasured items, maybe a change of clothes, and that’s it. she finds her way to Nahkara village before stowing away to Scaleswind (the birth place/home of Irene, of course she’d be drawn to it)
she arrives and with the help of some kind strangers she settles in a small home, she has Brian and makes a living helping the elderly neighbour with his chicken farming, telling anyone who asks that Brian’s father passed away leaving her a widow (both o’kasis and scaleswind seem like places that would frown upon premarital sex) so Brian grows up thinking his dad was a good person who died (he most def sees the elderly neighbour they help as a grandfather)
then when Brian is around 8 or 9, Molly’s out one evening giving the chickens their last feed of the day when she sees a wagon coming into the city, there sitting with the reigns in his hand is her ex partner, Brian’s dad, and she me never felt more terrified. she runs inside and locks herself and her son indoors. that’s the day Brian finds out that his father his an abusive cruel man, and it causes anger to bubble up inside, anger at his dad for being that way, angry at his mum for lying, angry at himself for being a product of someone who hurt others.
with the help of the old neighbour they yet again, slip out of the city walls under nightfall. an old merchant on his way to bright port offers them a ride, but Molly is worried about going to another well populated town, but the merchant explains he has to stop off at a small village before bright port, it’s sounds perfect. so on to the wagon her and Brian get.
it’s daybreak of the 3rd day travelling when they arrive at this tiny little village of Phoenix Drop. and with the kindness of the lords wife’s (Matilda was always willing to take in ppl in need) they had a home. They were shown to their new house and around the village by a kindly guard (DALE) and with that they started their new lives.
when aphmau comes along she still sets up Molly and Dale (who’ve been smitten with each other for years now) at first Brian is excited cause he’s got a new dad, but then Dale starts going on and on and on about guard academy, Brian’s happy to go, but when he gets there he meets another student who’s got a step parent, only the step parent sent this kid away to get rid of them. this gets Brian thinking, and the more he talks to this kid the more it sticks in his head that Dale is doing the same thing (when really Dale is just so happy to have a son and wants to share being a guard with him too) and then when Brian comes home and finds his mother expecting a baby it’s like a moment of solidified acceptance, that Dale was trying to get rid of him and it worked.
then when Brian is arrested for betraying everyone, molly and dale visit him, Molly can’t stop crying no matter how much Brian pleads with her to not cry, but she can’t and so she walks out with Alexis in her arms. Dale is left looking at his son with a blank expression. Brian turns to his “father” coldly, spitting how Dale finally got what he wanted, a family without Brian.
and then Dale let’s out a dry sob which catches Brian’s attention. and Dale apologies to HIM. “if i ever made you think you were unwanted in this family, then i failed as a father…i’m so sorry my boy”
and Dale’s always called Brian his boy, but it hits so much harder in that moment because it’s the spark that ignited the copious amounts of doubt Brian begins to feel, that maybe all these years he was wrong, that Dale did in fact want him after all.
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demonsfate · 5 months
honestly there are two depictions of jin that drives me up the wall. the "He's Evil and Irredeemable" take ... and the "complete soft cinnamon roll who doesn't know what sex is uwu" take. like i feel the fandom often leans toward one extreme or the other. like yea, i do think jin is a good guy and should've always remained a good guy. but i also feel like it's forgotten that even in tek3, he apparently hanged around criminals (got into a fight with a gang leader somehow??? 🤨) and he has been shown to have underlining anger issues. (devoting his life to revenge after jun "died", devoting himself to murder - suicide after heihachi betrayed him. obvs becoming vulnerable enough to lose control for a devil to take him over lol) he's still a biker who often wears leather or motorcycle wear (like in tek3). he's soft when saying "forgive me" after defeating ppl, but he can also be direct and rude at times too. (the "don't get in my way" intros from tek4 and tek5?) my point is. jin's a good guy always (except for a certain era we don't talk about) but ... he wasn't exactly a soft polite well disciplined boy scout either.
also the virgin jin stuff gets annoying. like yea, even i do headcanon him as a virgin - but that's mostly due to circumstance. but when i say virgin, i don't just mean in a way that he's never had sex before. what i mean is that i see so many ppl joke about jin not even knowing what sex is, not knowing what flirting is, or any of that stuff and it just makes me.
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jin is a 22 year old man who can, at times, be arguably considered a punk. i really think some ppl treat him like he's this humble martial artist like raiden from mortal kombat 1 or maybe even ryu of street fighter. when ... jin is just not that archetype either.
anyway i love jin being a good guy, but he can be a flawed one. but when pointing out his flaws, that doesn't mean i like him being a Coldhearted Evil Bastard like Tek6 did either. i just don't think a character needs to be one extreme or the other.
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year
Leon becoming the king rambles
I haven't finished the entirety of everyone's stories (I just did the mainstory for all 12) but I've been thinking about Leon's final story where he ascends to the king status.
more info dumping theories below. Also I could be wrong like again I have not finished anyone's story completely pls correct me if im wrong
From what I've seen he becomes king of the heavens and is given a new set of stars (the king star).
It makes me wonder who's taking over as minister of wishes/ruler of leo. He did give MC the Leo constellation for her to become a god iirc. It's funny bcuz its almost like his name correlates to a lion and itd probably get confusing from there. Also MC has aquarius in one of her eyes so I wonder if it just went back to hue after this.
Would Vega or Karno become minister? Would it be MC? Would the departments even be a thing when he's king or would he fundamentally just change everything.
If leon becomes the new king/becomes omnipotent, wouldn't he just be forced to live like the king, always hidden away and alone because he literally sees and knows all. Only left a victim of watching things happen until ppl come up to you for more. Letting curiosity roam free as you have infinite power to do anything. A move of his hand and things are gone. Is he even himself at this point or does the curse of infinite knowledge and power catch up.
This also dives into Leon as a character. He's portrayed as lazy and uninterested (on mondays or smthn) at first. He's also shown as a hard worker and genuinely tries to be just and fair. Whenever a god is in trouble he always makes a stand towards Zyg and the King. Most of his character arc is Leon trying to understand that he can trust MC/other people and that they care for him as a person, not a mighty powerful being. Despite his attitude towards everything, Leon is just a character who has to learn to undo his past ways of thinking that were hurting him and the people around him (and he does healthily learn). Leon's behavior is also very cat-like.
Would he be able to keep all the progress he made in a position similar to where he was most hurt.
He also marries mc and has a kid in that route so ig there's that. From what I've seen he changes a few things to allow everything to go smoothly.
Also to note Star-crossed myth has generally happy endings and is on positive notes most of the time compared to other god media being nitty gritty. I may be reading too deep into this to cope with the bad ending of a new video game. For some reason I really love fics/concepts with the scm gods that are tragic like actual mythology/fairytales
I just consumed a bunch of different media that dealt with characters becoming omnipotent gods and it never ends well.
Most of the times characters who ascend to higher status are just left as watchers, in new forms, only watching what once was and what they once had. No one knows if the previous versions of themselves are still there, or just apart of something bigger now.
There was one fan excerpt where the chars of the show were just yelling at the sky/showing the sky items they bought. They did this hoping to show their old friend who had became an omnipotent god said items, and having no idea if they saw it or not. The ex-partner of the person who ascended also spent a majority of the show trying to speak to them again. Even if they weren't together it was the act of love that stayed.
In a new video game that just came out, theres a character who has a really traumatic backstory and has the option to stop their abuser and 'ascend' to a position like their captor. The entire arc of this specific character relies on them making their own choices for once and not being apart of someones plan, and you as the player have the option to watch them make their choice to ascend or try to change their mind. When this character ascends it literally cursed them into continuing their cycle of abuse and losing themselves in the process. Spent the entire game going through character development only for a ritual to just undo everything hahaha imissthemsomuch one thing ascending did was take away their sense of humor and ability to be nice.
anyways wishing leon the best in the messy story of star-crossed myth xoxo dont let the power get to ur head babes hope he does better than the mf king fuck that dude
also random hc ill probably draw later is I like to believe that both Zyg and Leon were in line for the throne as kids/young gods. Leon a little more favored bcuz his powers r stated to be strongest, Zyg being older and more responsible at the time.
tldr Leon probably pissed off Zyglavis somehow and Zyg gave leon the 'ultimate punishment' and took himself out of the competition. The punishment being the weight of the crown.
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fandom-hoarder · 9 months
Considering OP is yelling at ppl to leave them alone when questioned on specifics because a post that says “the grooming in spn fandom is insane” (specifically Wincest) was “not a callout” and only “a legitimate safety concern” about “a space is known for well you know”, they are not worth the time. They also reacted very rudely to an anon who only wanted to apologize for following them (thinking that OP was anti Wincest and trying to respect OP’s boundaries). Just not worth it.
[I held onto this in my drafts for a day, but I think I'm just gonna publish it after all. Even though v did a much better job of addressing the op directly, imo, I'm not interacting with the op. I'm also going to gather screenshots in a posterity post, but it will likely be unrebloggable.]
Hmm, I debated publishing this ask, because I'm really just. So tired. And annoyed. And it's not a great combination for tact. Nevertheless...
I haven't seen the yelling myself, just avoidance and redirection. Flippancy. But maybe it's happening in a space I can't see, or between people I've blocked, idk. If so, it sounds a lot like it IS January 2023 redux 🙃🙃🙃 -- I HAVE seen it now, and my suspicion still stands, though still not 100%.
People need to stop making such serious accusations when they refuse to back it up. Words fucking mean things. Saying a certain sector of the fandom--that ostensibly you're also a part of?--has a problem with grooming and is stupid...that was NOT worded in a way to help people stay safe. It was worded like a vague callout post to scare people. We've seen those before. 🙄
A post that was actually concerned about grooming in online spaces *in general* would list some things to be aware of, things to recognize, tips for getting out of a situation. But no, it's this vaguepost without anything specific, with the one question in the notes asking for an explanation or if it's sarcasm-- unanswered [eta: well maybe they responded and I can't see it, since I realized I had op blocked]-- and one reblog from a person who claims it wasn't about wincesties specifically, when it demonstrably WAS??
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So who is doing it, and where/how? I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to make public posts with names that devolve into personal beef and worse, but if someone is making the accusation that there's a grooming problem in the fandom they need to come with receipts or at the very least descriptions of the situation??
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This isn't cutesy. You know exactly what anon is talking about, as shown later. Reblogging the post unaltered gives at least the appearance of agreeing with it as written.
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This isn't to make light of! You reblogged it.
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This isn't helpful.
If there was no one specific, why reblog a post specifically about the wincest fandom having insaneeee grooming? It wasn't "just in general." It's not a joke, yet this reply looks entirely unserious.
I am too old to keep seeing this type of shit go through the fandom at regular intervals, especially when it's so often a false accusation based on interpersonal drama. The only purpose this serves is riling up the dash. It's exhausting, and waters down the gravity of the accusation by making it a phrase that cries wolf.
I'm not even saying outright that the post is a LIE; just that it has seriously similar markers of past drama that was approximately 90% unaddressed purity culture biases about fiction, 9% interpersonal beef, and 1% actual concern for a human being who was an adult, but young. And it led to the utter gutting of fandom, loss of acquaintances, deletion of a glut of fic-- all due to smearing the reputation of a writer by using horrible UNTRUE AND INCENDIARY ACCUSATIONS.
So I'm sure many of you already understand why I take umbrage with these types of posts! Who knows if it's about fiction or something real? 🤷‍♀️
And since there's no further context to be found, the way it LOOKS on the dash is that someone is taking creeper!Dean too seriously. It could be about something else, but who knows.
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whumpshaped · 7 months
accountability bulletpoint list from my docs. i wrote out this plan based on my write me a novel challenge that's linked in my pinned. and then i could never sit down and write it. i had a plan to condense it into a miniseries with about 10 chapters and then i never did that either. meh
chapter 1: friends (craven doesn’t have any. lol. loser.)
chapter 2: kidnapping (craven gets kidnapped and brought to the facility)
rising action
chapter 3: tied up, darkness (craven wakes up restrained, in the dark)
chapter 4: hostility, locked away (what use was hostility? and also, he’s locked away)
chapter 5: misfortune (or is it? that’s definitely the central theme. was it actually fortunate that he got kidnapped? or is that messed up to think?)
chapter 6: outside (how the outside world reacts to his disappearance)
chapter 7: fawn (craven is desperate for approval and affection, and god, praise)
chapter 8: someone new (is craven himself someone new? or does he see a new face inside the facility? maybe someone new to torture as part of his new job)
chapter 9: branding AND fresh air (craven gets branded and his training is officially done, and he also gets to go outside for the first time in so long…)
chapter 10: scream and gunshot (craven intimidates someone into obedience successfully. he feels awful after.)
chapter 11: collared (craven collars someone… it’s a big thing. craven doesn’t wear his collar anymore since he has the brand)
chapter 12: forced feeding (craven force feeds someone who went on a hunger strike)
chapter 13: distance (distance from the outside world, distance from his family, distance from his past self, distance from the tortures he carries out)
chapter 14: muzzled (craven gets muzzled and sent to torture someone like that, he gets laughed at by a defiant whumpee, he goes to town)
chapter 15: morally grey (that’s craven’s entire being, isn’t it? no, he’s morally very dark at this point, especially after the last chapter)
chapter 16: shock value (we learn smth abt ray… smth shocking, smth that absolutely shocks craven. it’s probably a fatal illness or wound or smth… and ray doesn’t plan on putting him in charge after. in fact they plan on putting someone in charge who would Not treat craven well)
chapter 17: breaking point (he’s done everything, been obedient, been respectful, and yet this is how he gets treated? he tries to kill ray probably… fails)
chapter 18: punishment (the punishment for the last chapter. rights probably revoked)
chapter 19: resignation (craven tries to make peace with the fact that he blew it all and now he’s going to be sold off)
chapter 20: shown off (craven is shown off to customers)
chapter 21:
chapter 22: opportunity (in a last show of trust, ray gives craven a careless chance to free himself of his own misery and kill them, taking over the facility)
chapter 23: betrayal (craven betrays them and kills them)
chapter 24: death (...ray dies. a piece of craven’s soul dies along with them, just like the first time he’d ever killed someone)
falling action
chapter 25: apathy (what else is there for him now? he takes over the facility but he’s very robotic and practical about it, becomes a workaholic all the same as before, now also without friends)
chapter 26: hospital (turns out ray is alive… not well, but alive, so craven goes and… kills him a second time bc he now can’t let go of his power fantasy…)
chapter 27: revenge (craven kidnaps ppl from his old life who caused him to be miserable and turns them into pets)
chapter 28: rebirth (craven completely settles into his new life and completely rebrands during the very therapeutic hobby of torturing past bullies)
chapter 29: conditioned response (smth sets off a conditioned response he had and he gets really angy abt it)
chapter 30: introspection (craven changed a lot… he looks back… and looks inward…)
chapter 31: ambiguous end
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crunchchute · 9 months
need to know when exactly hw2 is taking place so that i can work it into my headcanons cause right now its just not fitting at all. a lot of "..unless?" but i wont know until i get the timeline (more under cut i guess. spoiler territory ahead 🚨🚨)
also i had 6 hours of copium for my sleeptime. if youre a hater just take this as if i was pulling this out of my ass, unless you agree, in which case youre welcome to comment or. nod in agreement.
so how does this help wanted economy affect the fazcoin?
but no for real now. to preface im very forgetful when it comes to fnaf lore and i sometimes miss some plot points and many times they affect my headcanons (once i remember them) but i cant check everything. im just forming my own little timeline with my own ideas i guess, but i still want it to be canon adjacent So!
i believed that its taking place post SB, pre Ruin. which i was super happy with as i was worried it would be pre-SB and not give enough lore that i crave. however, just as ive seen some people say, this didnt help with the lore much, and it just got more confusing for me. still a fantastic game but from a lore point it doesnt give us anything too big or a conclusion (well. maybe one) i also saw people say its post ruin, which i dont agree with but i would agree with during ruin. (when ppl say cassie is the player, i dont think so, need more arguments) its unclear once people bring in other arguments than the obvious roxy's mask or the state of the pizzaplex. but basically as an afton believer its hard for me to work around this, but i will try. never back down never what?
so my hc is iykyk, scraptrap->man in the room->ghost/amalgamation->latching onto tech and the mimic in the form of glitch and burntrap->mimic "shedding" him->wills ghost forming mxes; it also works without the frights books but the afton amalgamation and everything around it is too cool to not use. i fucking love ruinborn afton graaaaah *tears shirt apart* i also liked the idea of his spirit shattering and a piece of it forming glitchtrap for years, and i believe it can coexist with mimic, i think burntrap was real and is both mimic and afton.
now. this game. really messing it up for me as glitchtrap existing post or during burntrap just doesnt make sense, i dont want -trap multiples or something (sounds like the years old 2-3 purple guys theory lmao) but i will look into it as glitchtrap and mxes connection..? honestly, i really expected getting to see burntrap here (or at least mimic shown). was burntrap like retconned or something for real??? also still dont understand when people say burntrap isnt the mimic or whatever. no, it is, just with something a little extra on. and that extra is again, wills ghost or remnant or whatever you wanna call it, symbolized by the bonnie parts on his endo, but theres also flesh so yeah, as funny as it sounds i fuck with the afton homunculus growing over mimic theory. its stupid enough, he would do it.
but i wanna focus on mxes, i knew we wouldnt see the entity in the game, didnt expect it. but i also didnt expect the system to show up, which it did, but obviously not the entity yet as i believe they were formed only after burntrap has been "scooped" by tangle (comparing the scooper mimic ending and the burntrap one as a parallel) i just dont understand how glitchtrap is in here. thats the thing i cant figure out! this is 100% post SB so at that point glitchtrap is just gone. how did we get him back now? only ends up with me reaching with like MEGA SPOILERS the vanny ending crushing glitchtrap being a metaphor of her locking away or deleting the code. extreme reaching would be stuffing it into the mxes system where glitch would turn into the entity. but thats way too loose, but ive seen many people call the mxes entity glitchtrap, which doesnt even work with their theory that glitchtrap is mimic, because the entity is obviously not the mimic. like you have to consider this too, not just mimicmimicmimic but then agree that a glitchy rabbit is similar to another glitchy rabbit
lost my thread of thought. and thought of how this all is just, an end to glitchtrap era and only mimic in the future. well.. without an evil rabbit, fnaf will lose its charm for me, i dont know if vanny!cassie would save it for me, i only want wiwi. more wiwi, no mimi *starts glowing red and then explodes* anyway its not that bad. as long as i get to see the mxes entity again i will be good. and as long as im right about the clickteam game, i will be happy :D
also im intrigued by the fallfest showing up again, i really want to see how the maps look and look at all the details.. but in general the area is either underneath or next to the pizzaplex, the body of water in curse of dreadbear imo is the same as the underground water in ruin and hw2 to me confirmed that it truly is all in one place (goes nowhere with this). i love how the hw2 hub is in the pizzasim building. also, another thing, need to check it out again but i want to see if scrap baby is in a vr level or reality so i can theorize about scraptrap, as in, if at least tangle and scrap baby are still around and real in the plex, it would make sense for scraptrap to not show up because he has gone through digitization /j you know the whole pipeline. and so on and so forth
anyway im gonna pet my dogs and maybe read tse and then get back to hw2 in the afternoon. just getting this out of the system and my brain
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Since Bi Han & Kuai Liang were from America, I can imagine their disappearance was a big topic in the town they were born in (I'm certain an entire family being murdered while two boys were whisked away would definitely be on the local 6 o'clock news and be a hot topic for weeks). It became a cold case that would forever haunt the town to the point it became a local urban legend. Adults would wonder if those two boys are safe or even alive, Teenagers would share numerous theories, or tell it as a story to scare to the local children (something like 'If you don't behave, you'll be taken away like poor Bi Han & Kuai Liang'). Maybe even some out of town crime enthusiasts would visit to try to figure out what happened
Anon I love you with my entire being.
So yes, this was a big deal in the town they lived in, particularly bc their father (I call him Jiahao) had already been mysteriously murdered a handful of months prior, so the town was super focused on their family, trying to help them get through it.
Also bc their mother (I call her Ru) was beloved by most of the town, as she owned the best bakery and was generally just very kind to the people she encountered.
The town actually really came together for her after Jiahao's death as she was now a single mother to three kids (I hc that they had an older sister named Lian who was also a cryomancer), so they ended up making a rota for who would make them extra plates of dinner to take over on what days, who's kids would go mow her lawn and help put the bins out.
Their family was well known and well liked, not a single person had anything bad to say about them.
So when their house suddenly burns down and the corpses of Ru and Lian are found, with Ru being covered in blood and Lian having her neck snapped, and the boys nowhere to be found? Yeah, ppl noticed.
There was a lot of panic after that, and the town ended up on state and eventually national news bc of it, as everyone pretty much went into lockdown.
If the Tian family, who everyone loved and nobody hated, could be murdered so horrifically, what chance did the rest of them have, after all?
I think it's also a story that some of the older American defenders will have heard, def Sonya bc she's from around the same area as I hc Bi-Han and Kuai Liang grew up, but also probs Johnny as he strikes me as the type to have had a true crime phase. Not sure if Jax will have heard of it, but I wouldn't count him out either.
The case also ended up on buzzfeed unsolved at one point, leading to the Kombat Kids finding out about it. Frost (bc I refuse to acknowledge that she isn't a Kombat Kid) is the only one to put two and two together and figure out that it was Kuai Liang's family, based on the pictures of the family shown in the episode.
She asks him about it one day, and it is the only time she ever sees him cry.
Takeda eventually tells Hanzo about the case off-handedly, and he ends up figuring it out as well once he looks sees the pictures by accident. This leads to him tracking down the town and finding people who knew the boys when they were younger, eventually taking Kuai Liang there and trying to help him recover the bits of his home that are left.
There's a lot of tears on that trip, especially when Kuai Liang runs into his old babysitter, who was also his mother's best friend, who recognizes him on sight and welcomes him home.
Kuai Liang makes regular trips to that town afterwards.
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perelka-l · 2 years
Idk what other fandoms you have outside the Naruto fandom sooo how 'bout Madara
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know those links on my profile don't work in mobile and idk how to fix that???? but ye i have a handy dandy list lol
Anyway, meme time:
favorite thing about them
He's a big emotional dumbass with dumbassery maybe rivalring his hair he is absolutely horrible and look how far that got him. Also, six paths form. And everything. Man, it's hard to choose. He's a well constructed villain and also it's kinda cool how whole series starts with mentioning that name in hushed voices of disbelief and fear. for a reason huh.
least favorite thing about them
"i only ever use a jutsu once" bitch and yet you used susanoo over 2137 times in this series shut the fuck up and stop stroking your dick in front of everyone's faces
favorite line
ya think i will say it's about the second meteorite. it is indeed, the second meteorite line. I mean. It's that line, it's excellent for a reason.
That man has no bros. Honestly. He doesn't. I cannot answer this question, I have nothing in my mind, he canonically literally scared everyone away and nobody wanted to associate with him, he isn't bitchless, he is broless.
Oh man, where do I start. I will just go for those that I have most thots about, okie?
For starters, MadaIzu. Like, ofc we didn't have much of them shown but a) Uchiha is incest anyway and I will stand by it and b) Izuna was shown to be the only one that stood next to Madara. Nobody, literally almost nobody in this series could ever achieve that, no matter how willing one was - and Izuna was, I assume, entirely here for Madara. Maybe even was one of few people that thought about him, maybe even had him wrapped around his little finger and Madara would do a lot for his little bro. Man.
MadaObi. WHERE DO I EVEN START like I feel like I am going crazy when I start thinking about it. They are connected on so many fields, Obito being his descendant, Madara getting his body, stitching it together (man, there was that one fantastic art with old madara and obito.... doing precisely that), literally putting his hands on this boy's heart and sealing it (POETRY), brainwashing into becoming himself and later using Obito for all his worth, giving him life and choosing when to take it away, and Obito starting to resists like jfc my brainworms. I like them both as also shit jiji and bratty mago. THEY ARE JUST SO GOOD FUCKKKKKKKK I AM GNAWING AT MY HOODIE LIKE A RABID ANIMAL AAAAAA
HashiMada. That's all. Although... I like it a bit darker, not in means of whump and such but I can't help but thing that Hashirama unknowingly stumbled on something that swallowed both of them. Hashirama may have best interests in heart, but he isn't a good person, and Madara... Madara has his own issues. More below.
MadaTobi is nice. I always found it hilarious how similar they are and yet so different, and I like to think that's why they are so appealing together. Those two are not alright but maybe that's why they could have a relationship that would be akin to watching a slow hurricane in a distance. Gorgeous but pity everyone in its path. Those lads have mental issues but both are crazy scientists, and both are prickly cats, yanno?
nothing comes to my mind atm
random headcanon
A dumbass ace. And he is a dumbass. Well, more like mentally ill, not like those two things cancel out, but he really genuinely didn't question a moment when he heard a voice in his head say "do x thing" and he just fucking goes and does it. If you ask me, that guy even without zetsu around has some real fucking issues that are either exploited (hashi i see you you fucking whore) or misunderstood... And his power makes it dangerous because he can achieve all that he wants.
unpopular opinion
fem madara superiority ganggggggggggggggggg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
song i associate with them
Some are: Not Worth Remembering (Turk Dietrich Remix) by SONOIO, Tomorrow by Lorn, Sweet Shadows by Daughter Darling, NO FEAR by §E▲ ▓F D▓G§, Mavericks by Johnossi, Arzusun by Niyaz*, Candy Shop by Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire, Szamar Madar by Venetian Snares, The Elm Guest House by Gefradah, Velvet Divorce by Sneaker Pimps*, Begin Again by Purity Ring, SINKING by Diskette Park, Subterranean and Empires Lost by melodysheep, Voices in the Static by Hybrid*.
Songs marked with * are 6P specific... Yeah.
favorite picture of them
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blnk338 · 1 year
oooh i heard smut talk and i have to take that opportunity to put my pp in that pie.
this doesnt really have anything to do with any take of any anon on smut in rwys, but i saw my chance and ima take it hehe
idk if i’m too old or lame or smth, i think i might just be too desensitized atp, but … like… i love fics without or with minimal smut. maybe i’ve filled the gap of needing that as entertainment, bcs i started consuming sin when i was far too young. but it doesnt tickle me in the slightest anymore.
i love sexual tension and yearning and characters falling hardcore for eachother, but im really over too much sexy time ngl. ive never read a fic bcs the tags said it will be smutty. i actually started to skip a lotta fics that are porn w/o plot, it just isnt interesting to me. maybe i’ve seen it all and its not feeding any part of my brain anymore or whatever idk.
personally i do not understand the obsession with sexy time in fics and books, i do get why others like it tho and to each their own! but it will never be a reason for me to not read a fic bcs it doesnt have lots of sexy nsfw content.
i will take slow burn, enemies to lovers with super intricate and complex relationship dynamics that built over 300k words any time. make them touch hands for the first time after 4 months of me reading the fic and waiting for updates! they fall into each others arms all desperate in chapter 134? I will devour it. Hell, if the damn fic ends with them kissing for the first time… really as long as i can feel the love and want and all the feelings, i could not give less of a fuck, if the characters end up in bed together.
Some of the best fics ive read had relationships that ended with the characters completely devoted to eachother, both in love, massive tension between them and there was not a single drop of nswf in the entire story. There wasnt even a damn kiss.
Like i said, i understand that ppl like the entertainment of smut and i see that a lotta ppl enjoy writing it. super cool, super great. what i found out for myself is that i value mostly everything else in a story. espesh when a story can make me feel stuff, without it being shown through physical things the characters do. i think creating smth that pulls readers in like that, is an art in itself.
that was my unwarranted smut talk, thanks for coming 🦐
thank you so much for the input prawny!! always great to hear from u :)
im grateful for the conversation because i also prefer fics without smut-- i used to read them a lot when i was younger, but i agree on the fact that its just not really what I'm looking for now. I'm over the moon that people like my fic for how it is, and i never want to create any sort of turbulence with its contents.
i appreciate the constructive add-ons and i think this was really well said!
thank u again prawny!!
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