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queenrojpag · 6 months
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MAKE ME CHOOSE ↳ @airstyledraconos asked: keith or SHIRO?
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biteofcherry · 4 months
Hope you’re having a good Saturday! 🥂
As it turns out you need a date for an upcoming function. Everyone else is bringing a plus one and you just don’t want to be the odd one out.
There are a few candidates:
Brother’s best friend Ransom: He might be a bit of a prick but he was serious when he offered to come with you. He’s been to fancy parties before and would fit right in with the rest of the crowd. Being on his arm would show that you're someone with friends in high places.
Boss Ari: He hinted strongly that he wouldn't mind coming if you couldn't find someone and he looks hella good in a suit. Everyone else would envy you. It may also give you a chance to explore the undeniable chemistry that the two of you have.
Dbf Andy: He heard about your struggles from your dad and he's free. Even if he's your dad's best friend he's a lot closer to you in age than your dad. And if you're not mistaken, he had a hard time keeping his eyes off you at the last barbecue.
Neighbor Jake: He heard you complaining to your friend over the phone as you were unlocking your front door. Jake and you regularly have dinner together since you both live alone and it can be lonely sometimes. He would make the evening enjoyable and fun!
So… which one do you choose???
(Yes, I'm leaving Steve out 😂)
So so cruel, keeping Steve away from me 😭 lol, but it's also funny
Okay. So I'm saying no to Ransom right away. I'm sure he wouldn't be mean to me, after all he offered and yes it could give me some boost of confidence. But since he's very familiar in those circles and with those people, I fear we'd bump into some nasty friends of his, or his exes and I really don't want to deal with that shit on top of my regular stress.
I think I'd also decline Andy. Probably because I'd read it the wrong way and be angry at my dad for trying to find me a pity date, like the time no one asked me to prom. Besides, I feel it a bit icky that I could hit it on with someone who is so close to my dad. That would be awkward in the future 😆
Jake is so cute and I feel comfortable with him! I know he'd make the evening fun for me, even if he'd be out of his depth at this party just like me.
But... to be given a chance to explore this chemistry with Ari?
It's bad to be thinking that kind of thoughts about your boss. It's so very unethical and puts both of you in a bad light. But he's just so tempting and his company would also give me a confidence boost.
So am I going to let my insecurity and fear keep me away from trying to at least spend one more intimate evening with Ari, or maybe I'll be brave enough to try it?
I want to for at least one evening experience the thrill of being on Ari's arm and doll myself up for him! 😌❤️
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tennessoui · 11 months
Trick or treat!!! Could a beg for a crumb from the Braids-verse?
trick or treat !! 👻👻
omg the braid au 🧡
ok so we've talked a lot about the braid au and obi-wan and anakin's relationship so i'm gonna take a moment to think about another aspect of it:
anakin gets ahsoka as his padawan and she has the standard bead chain of all padawans who don't have hair...and he's fine with that cause he's wary of ahsoka and the whole obligation of a padawan in the first place
but after a few months, he switches her singular chain of beads out with several strings of beads interwoven together in a fashion that looks maybe....coincidentally familiar. ahsoka loves it cause it's so much cooler than anything her friends have in their stupid hair and she knows it means that her master has fully accepted her <3
and obi-wan squints at it and takes a sneaky picture and sends it to shmi, and shmi is like yeah that's a braid we use for children under our care who aren't ours. it's similar to the style anakin has with elements of the colors of your beads
and obi-wan is like oh! haha ok for a second i thought maybe he was formally adopting her as his child but if she's just under his care, that's alrigh--
and shmi is like no i mean like under his care forever. adopted and part of his family. the green bead at the very end signifies first child too, so he's probably expecting he'll have more.
and obi-wan hangs up the phone lol
[trick or treat ask game!]
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wampabampa · 6 months
I would ask this little guy to fix me right up! Such a cutie pie!
Dr. Matter belongs to @sludgeware
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simlit · 7 months
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tagged by @izayoichan | (very unexpected, who could have foreseen!)
Who is the more romantic one? Do they wish their partner was more romantic?
Obviously we know the answer to this is Yehl. This is their major conflict; Taryn's lack of emotionality against Yehl's, perhaps, overemotional nature. Yehl constantly wishes Taryn was different in this aspect, and a lot of times, Taryn wishes he was different, himself.
What's something they can never agree on?
Sleeping indoors lmao
Who said 'I love you' first?
Again, we know this was Yehl (and only just recently, too!). Tbh, I'm more happy with the way it came about in the prose. It's more fitting.
Who is more likely to steal the other's clothes? What are their favorite items to steal?
Welp. Lmao I think every answer is just "Yehl". But well, it just wouldn't work the other way around now would it xD Tbf, there wouldn't be any clothes-swapping going on in canon, in Modern AU it's still pretty rare, because their styles are so very different and not really fit for sharing. But now and again after a night together, Yehl will put on Taryn's button up shirts and nothing else (Taryn's favorite ofc, ofc).
What are their favorite activities to do together?
*coughs* PG answer: Travel. This doesn't happen for a long time, Not till long after things have settled post original novel timeline. Then when Yeryn can finally be "together" in a domestic sense, before they build Lazu'Lei, and during that period before Zehel is born, they spend a lot of their time traveling, both for political reasons, but mostly so Yehl can see the world. Taryn promises to take him everywhere, and he's very committed to this promise.
Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
Valerian, their number one most devoted simp fan, and Judine. They get little support from the "other side" i.e. the dragonkin, and many still have reservations about their union even after the war. But Judine's friendship with Taryn persists. He is one of the few elves who never doubted Taryn's heart, and he has a good understanding of what he means to Yehl.
Which one is more kind-hearted and who angers easily first?
Both of these answers are, yet again, Yehl lol. The little paradox he is.
What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
Bury Now | Crywolf
Who does what chores? Which chore do they both avoid?
Cop-out answer. Neither. Benefits of being a King and a Prince lol.
What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
They don't have many of these, but the most meaningful one is during Iphelia, the elven spring festival and biggest holiday for Yehl's people, Taryn always prepares him a traditional meal in accordance to elven Rules of Hunt. He does this by hand, it's the only time Taryn ever "cooks" or does anything related. I made a post about this once! Though they never eat together, Taryn always sits in on Yehl's mealtimes just to enjoy the closeness.
How do they silently show love or affection towards the other?
Yehl always stays close to Taryn. It's as much for his own sense of security as it is to show affection, as Yehl's past trauma dictates most of his actions. He feels a constant need for protection, so he'll gravitate to wherever Taryn is unless circumstance keeps them apart. Taryn is almost entirely non-verbal as far as how he shows love. Aside from the obvious, sex being his primary tool of communication, he actually does become very affectionate (somewhat surprising to me) over the course of the novel. Especially with the way he handles Yehl as his feelings for him begin to shift. These can be quite fleeting things, like brushing the small of Yehl's back as he passes him, or the way he begins to instinctively draw Yehl into his side, especially when around others. His defensiveness and need to protect, but also possessiveness comes out, and he'll often put an arm around Yehl and bring him close just to "secure" him, quite literally.
If they had a movie (or other fiction) couple equivalent, what couple would it be and why?
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are the most equivalent. It's one of the things that drew me to TGCF, initially, because I actually didn't find it until some years after AoA, and immediately drew parallels between the nature of their relationship. Hua Cheng's legendary simping did inspire some of my rewriting with Taryn. I would say it is mostly their relationship dynamic, though. Not so much their personalities. Yehl is nothing like Lian (aside from maybe Lian's darker days during the Yong'an arc). But I do love to do this thing in the story where the wife (or "submissive" role) is far strong or more powerful than the dominant role. This is true for both Yeryn (Celaedian arc onward) and Naiven. This directly mirrors Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's dynamic. But honestly, HC is the superior simp. He'd never hurt XL. Taryn can't fucking relate.
What is the sweetest thing they've done for one another?
I'd say Taryn's is the above answer (the Iphelia breakfast). Yehl's isn't really a "thing", but something he said. Which is the line where he tells Taryn that he can never see his own mother again, but Taryn still can and that "he wants that for him". I think that singular line completely broke Taryn lmao, because it was the first time he ever realized Yehl had the capacity to love him as a person, and not just in a lustful or selfish way.
Which one is more likely to think Valentine's Day is lame?
Taryn, lmao. But he would never cuz that would upset His Highness.
How do they comfort each other?
Yehl knows that Taryn is his own worst enemy. So he will always try to get his mind away from whatever is bothering him, usually by asking him questions, trying to change the subject, or make Taryn think of something else. Because if he's mentally preoccupied with a different thought, then he can't beat himself up. For Taryn, he always comforts Yehl physically. He's still not great at understanding how to be "uplifting" otherwise lol. But most of the time Yehl really does just need to be held, so it works anyways.
What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
Sitting together in the quiet of a terrace overlooking the forest. Just listening to the sounds of night and being close. Talking idly about things that don't really matter, or saying nothing. Just enjoying the peace and tranquility of nature.
What is their favorite or most admired quality in the other?
For Yehl, it's Taryn's confidence. It's the thing he lacks most. Taryn is unafraid of most things, and faces them boldly, head on. Yehl wishes he was more like this. But he most loves Taryn's level-headed nature. For Taryn, it's Yehl's ability to accept his own flaws. His self-awareness, if you want to say that. That Yehl knows exactly who and what he is, and that he doesn't take his shortcomings out on others, but rather embraces them. Taryn always feels guilty for one thing or another, but never truly learns to make his peace with his flaws.
Which one apologizes first? How do they apologize?
Yehl. Sort of messily. He likes to apologize because things bother him, not necessarily because he did something wrong. Taryn is so unbothered by everything, so Yehl takes it upon himself to get upset over things he does or says on Taryn's behalf lmao. Even still he's reluctant about it lmao (so self-inflicted).
What's something seemingly innocent that the other does, says or wears that turns the other on?
Lmao the way I knew the answer to this the instant I read it. When Yehl calls Taryn "Your Majesty". Anytime Yehl addresses Taryn by his title or uses official/honorifics it's always, always to troll. Because he knows Taryn absolutely hates to be called by his title, and Yehl knows exactly what he's doing. Sometimes he does it specifically to piss Taryn off but these moments are few and far between. But to have Yehl say "Your Majesty" is the one way to ensure he'll be waking up unable to walk, because that shit gets Taryn.
What is their biggest regret in their relationship so far?
Yehl's death. Despite everything, and the fact that Taryn loves him unfailingly as Celaedian, he knows the burden the role brings, and all of the excess pain Yehl has to endure because of it. Even after Yehl "has his revenge", Taryn never ceases to feel that he, in some aspects, ruined Yehl's life. And, in some aspects, it is kind of true. As much as Yehl insists otherwise, the fact is he can't escape his life as Celaedian, and he can never go back to being "Yehl".
What is their favorite place to kiss their partner? Do either enjoy 'leaving a mark'?
For Yehl, Taryn's shoulders and arms. The place he holds his strength, and where he's most protected. For Taryn, similarly shoulders and neck, but stomach and thighs, too. The places where Yehl is most fragile and feminine. And yes, they both share a biting fetish. Taryn being the giver and Yehl being the receiver obvi. Taryn loves to mark Yehl, it all ties into his possessive dragon nature, but Yehl is more than happy to oblige him lol.
Which one is more adventurous in the bedroom? Which one has more experience?
Love this question, cuz I love expectation flips lmao. The answer to both is Yehl. Yehl was always the most experienced, having been pretty loose prior to meeting Taryn. He used sex as a way of spiting his father, but also attempting to fill a void inside him. By contrast, Taryn had never been with anyone before Yehl, and had to act entirely off of sheer animal instinct. Still, I wouldn't say either of them are crazy adventurous, they're very straight forward in the bedroom, and a lot of that has to do with Taryn's specific "kinks" i.e. Taryn having to be able to see Yehl's face during, and being the one to service (he doesn't enjoy Yehl to do so, Yehl must be worshipped everywhere, even in bed lmao).
Include one of your favorite moments between them!
Gosh this is so hard because I have so many lmao. I think I usually say when Taryn vows himself to Yehl, and it probably is my ~ultimate~ favorite moment. But the rewrite has had so many small scenes I just love between them. I'll say (again, probably not Valetine's appropriate cuz this scene hurts), towards the beginning of the prose during the monsoon, where they're sitting together on the chaise in Yehl's room and Yehl realizes he can't control Taryn. When Taryn tells him white is his favorite color, but he resents that it's "Yehl's color". The way that breaks Yehl entirely, as he begins to understand that he knows so little about Taryn, but that he deeply desires Taryn's attention. Idk why I just love the way it hurts so much and tells even more.
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dolores-hazy · 8 months
Im in love with four people in four different ways. But im only dating one of them because the rest are unreachable. One's my teacher (im a legal adult), other one friendzoned me but months later told me he still loves me, the last one is in rehab due to drug addiction .
I'm still learning
Life brings me to my knees
Yet love lifts up
Comforting with warmth
All my heart contains
Expanding and expending
For those speaking to it directly
Who have a key and keep a fire lit
Make themselves at home
Embroidered into the very fabric
Woven through the warp and weft
Having me yearn for their charms
With every breath I feel closer
To finding a home of my own
An embracing space I belong
Enwrapped in supportive arms
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conkers-thecosy · 2 months
i'm in your walls, reading fanfiction you wrote.
if you see suspicious crumbs and hear equally suspicious sobs from the walls, know that it's me and that it's not intentional.
- cookie thief from the walls 🕴
Pfft haha! I wondered what that crunching noise was... 😂
I'm pretty sure this is a compliment and not a threat of some kind, but either way it's very flattering! I'll be sure and leave some custard creams and hobnobs out for you before I go to bed tonight! 💛
Let me know if you need a blanket!
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simonlynch · 5 months
hi. stolen w jack : )
[ stolen ] a quick, stealthy, and impromptu kiss snatched in secret
"live in five, mister delroy."
he hums, a single nod accentuating the low rumble. he takes another sip from his drink; he convinces himself that the rum doesn't taste so bitter, not when the fizz of cherry cola washes over his tongue just after. he sucks in a quick breath through gritted teeth and steels himself for the camera -- trembling fingers adjust his tie, brush back his hair, and wait in dull certainty as fervent hands that aren't his own do just the same with practiced perfection.
he forces a smile, that same smile that he's run into the ground over the course of some-odd years, the past one in particular having done its due diligence in draining every last bit of trust and joy from the damn thing. but hey, at least he looked nice while doing it.
he shakes his glass, and the ice rattles alone within it. he bites his tongue, numb now from the alcohol, enough for him at least to withstand the last of the crew's prep. dark eyes stare beyond the bodies that fuss over him, through the clutter and bustling and it's almost hard for him to focus until he lasers in on the flash of strange smatterings of color on the far side of the room. it's a jarring pallette, one that weaves through the pre-show traffic directly towards him and as he processes it he feels his nerves warm with a fire different from the heat of the whiskey and furling of smoke in his lungs.
"hey," he smiles again, for real this time and as harley approaches they offer a brief wave towards the other corner of the room, and he figures it's to leo but he hasn't the mind to check.
"just wanted to say hi before the show," they offer lowly, fingers lingering just a little too long against his sleeve as they smooth out a wrinkle clearly missed by the others.
on heavy legs does he follow them mindlessly as they round the corners into the dim hallway away just by a few feet from the noise and the people and it leaves them finally alone.
in just a moment jack knows he'll have to emerge from that sliding door, give his opening monologue and slough through another hour and a half of phoned-in jokes and bits and entertain guests he can't even remember the name of now, and maybe it's not because his mind is swimming in the buzz of alcohol or because he can feel his heart thudding in his chest (harley holds strongly that radio was no different than tv, and that having been a natural should have extinguished any sort of anxieties a long time ago). but perhaps he thinks it's because of the way their hands tug gently at his tie, and loosen his posture, pulling him together in ways he could never do himself.
in this darkened corner of the night owls set, he finds himself taking a deep breath, and grounding himself, closing his eyes and opening them again and looking deep into harley's face, memorizing again their softened expression and reveling in their gentle tenderness and especially in the way their breath fans his lips as he leans down, fingers gripping their arms so tight for the little time they have as he curls his figure into theirs, their lips meeting his only for a moment, pulling away so quick. too quick.
he chases the feeling of their mouth, soft and sweet and sobering. he sighs, nearly whines, and only when they chide him, shush him, and press their hands against his chest does he force himself to accept the space between them.
he returns to himself soon enough, hearing his name called, by leo, by phil, by sandy. last minute -- quite literally -- checks. harley reassures him. their thumb runs across his cheek once more before they're turning and hurrying for the little alcove to the side of the studio set, the better place to watch the show unfold for the night. it's just as they do every week.
their words ring in his ears as the five second countdown begins. he puts on a smile.
"give 'em a night they won't ever forget."
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everystephoftheway · 1 year
Hi!!! "Kissing so many times, to the point where they lose track of how many times they’ve kissed already." From the sweet and intimate actions prompt list, with Vaxleth? :D
sweet and intimate actions which make me go feral and have me folding like a folding chair this ask takes place in the same universe as this
The sun beams warm the air that constantly swirls throughout Zephrah, the gentle breeze swimming its way through the open windows of Keyleth and Vax’s home in the center of the village. The Voice of the Tempest can see the pink blooms of the cherry blossom tree from where she sits in the kitchen, futzing with some flowers that she just trimmed from one of the window boxes, and she smiles as she watches a few kids run around the massive tree and play. 
“Hey, Mama?” There’s a little grunt as a pudgy half-elf no older than five with a mop of dark hair and deep brown eyes the size of saucers pulls himself onto a chair at the kitchen table across from his mother.
“Yes, Carric?” She lifts her eyes to smile at her son, still holding onto a flower in her fingers but pausing any movement. 
“How many times have you and Daddy kissed?” 
Keyleth’s eyes widen to match the size of her son’s; while his are filled with curiosity, hers are rattled with surprise. Her freckled cheeks darken and soon she’s laughing, raising a hand to cover her mouth as the other puts the flower down. “What makes you ask that?” 
“I just wanna know.” 
“You just want to know?” 
Carric nods, his bangs bopping against his forehead. 
Keyleth sits back in her chair as the surprise fades, and she gives a little shrug. “I don’t think I can put a number to it. There have been so many.” 
“Please? Is it more than six hundred?” 
“Oh, I don’t know. Where did you get six hundred from?”
Carric’s eyes move away from Keyleth and he starts to chew on his bottom lip, something he tends to do when he’s thinking. “Do you think it’s more?”
“Carric, what is–”
“Lyla said her mommies have kissed six hundred times and I said you and Daddy have kissed more. She didn’t believe me.” 
And there it is. Carric is too young to start school, but there are get-togethers for parents and their younger kids quite often, allowing the little ones to mingle and learn how to socialize with others their own age. Lyla is one of the first friends Carric has made, a tiny Hafling girl with a lot of spirit and the sweetest parents. 
“Why were you guys talking about kiss–you know what, it doesn’t matter.” 
Carric’s eyes trail back to his mother, lower lip still between his teeth. “Is it bad?”
“No!” Keyleth reaches over, grabs Carric under the arms, and pulls him into her lap. “No, it’s not bad. You’re allowed to talk about kissing. Kissing is nice when it’s with people you love.” She kisses him on the cheek. “See?”
Carric giggles, and for a moment is distracted, but he tilts his head back to look up at Keyleth as soon as the giggles fade. “So if it’s good you’ve done it a lot, right?”
With a smile, Keyleth gives a slow nod. “Yes, Dad and I kiss a lot. I really don’t know how many times we’ve kissed, Snowdrop. I’m surprised Lyla knows.”
“Do you think Daddy might know?”
“There’s one way to find out. Hey, Vax!” 
There’s a muffled sound of a chair pushing against the wood floor before the telltale thumps of Vax making his way down the spiral stairs cut into a tree trunk that laces through their home. 
“You rang?” Vax’s eyes light up at the sight of his wife and child, and he leans down to kiss them both on the head.
“Daddy, do you know how many times you and Mommy have kissed?”
Vax’s brow raises, and he leans back against the kitchen island. “Ever?”
Carric nods enthusiastically and Vax lifts his head as if the answer is on the ceiling. “Hmm.” He chews on his bottom lip, mirroring his child from moments before, before he smiles, looks at the both of them, and leans in to give Keyleth a sweet little peck. “Three thousand two-hundred and ninety-six.” 
Keyleth’s burst of surprise and Carric’s burst of success overlap each other, and the toddler wriggles out of his mom’s arms to dance between his parents. 
“I knew it! That’s so many!”
Keyleth stares at Vax, brows furrowed so much that there’s a nice trench forming at the top of her nose. “Is that the actual number?"
Vax simply smiles and kisses her again. “No, seriously, is that the real number, because if you’ve been counting this whole time that’s–” She can’t quite come up with the word–or perhaps she doesn’t want to call her husband a psychopath in front of their child–so instead Keyleth just laughs, and Vax just shrugs. 
“For a long time I thought I’d have a limited amount of them.” Vax’s voice was quiet, hoping Carric’s celebrations would swallow his explanation. “I think there’s a part of me that hasn’t let go of that fear.” 
Keyleth’s chest constricts and she reaches up, pulling Vax to her for another kiss. “They’re not going anywhere. I’m not going anywhere. And neither are you.”
Vax smiles at Keyleth, his wife, and tilts his chin to kiss her again. "I'm sure one day I'll lose count."
She kisses him. "Oh, I'm going to make sure of it."
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prythianpages · 4 months
For the ask game ❤️✨️✍️
Hello, lovely! <3
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
“You awaken sensations within me that I’ve never known. Sensations that both exhilarate and terrify me. If you–if you only knew the depths of my capabilities, the lengths I would go for you, the sacrifices I’ve already made...” -from I Can't Pretend (part of my Eris angel series)
That line alone took me probably a whole day to work out. Shout out to thesauruses and me being on bridgerton tiktok! 😂
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
This is hard because I'm very grateful for any comment and love all of them. I think my favorite ones are the ones that mention specific lines or scenes I wrote. They're really wholesome 🥺 There is a very sweet someone who leaves lovely comments on my fics but idk if she'd like me to put her on the spotlight. So below are 2 screenshots of some of my favs:
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I also love reaction pic comments, which has inspired me to leave some of my own now 🥰
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
I prefer writing at my desk with either my record player or the TV on youtube for music and an iced-coffee. But I had to move my desk into a common area so now I write in my bed bc I prefer to write when I'm alone.
Ask Game.
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pbskidsnews · 5 months
Tomorrow (4/18), PBS Kids will add an ASL section to its brand-new video player, featuring ten episodes translated into ASL from six shows each- Arthur, Alma's Way, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Donkey Hodie, Pinkalicious and Peterrific, and Work it Out Wombats., adding up to sixty translated episodes overall. https://www.fastcompany.com/91107318/pbs-kids-american-sign-language-interpreters-childrens-shows#:~:text=Six%20PBS%20children's%20series%2C%20including,deaf%20and%20hard%20of%20hearing.
Looks like we're expanding languages and including a lot more than just Spanish -- we're getting sixty episodes from six shows in total, all with different interpreters translating them into American Sign Language. This is one of the many new things that PBS is pushing with the redesign of the video player regarding accessibility. I'd say this is a W!
You can view the article from Fast Company here. Expect more new stuff to be added in the coming weeks.
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biteofcherry · 4 months
This was hard because you have so many pairings I love so much!! But can I please have 40 and 49 for Honey Not Vinegar Alpha Steve and Omega?? Thank you!
Honey Not Vinegar
40. Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
In the beginning Omega had those small regrets of telling Steve about her brother, of being captured by the Avengers in the first place. They melt away with time, as Steve skillfully turns her all mushy and soft for him.
Steve has no regrets. He's gotten what he wanted and he's quite content in having her.
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
Steve keeps many secrets from Omega, which he would say are a matter of national security and he can't reveal them to someone who isn't an Avenger. If not that argument, then of course out of the concern for Omega's well being. No need to worry her head with problems he, as the Alpha, is there to resolve.
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hresvelged · 5 months
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡 ] : sender drapes a coat / cape / etc. around receiver's shoulders.
It's a thoughtless gesture, almost, swirling the cloak from his shoulders and tucking it over hers instead. Never mind that they no longer look one another in the eye at level, that the edges of the cloak drift against the snowy ground or that the fur ruff threatens to envelop her much slimmer shoulders.
He almost has to laugh at the redness of her nose and cheeks, a vibrant match to her house colors. Blowing his breath into his hands a bit, Dimitri crosses his arms. "Come, we shouldn't stay out in this too long. Let's find somewhere to escape the elements, if only for a moment - I may be more used to this than you are, but I'm still only human, aren't I?"
For once, she isn't prepared. The frigid cold bites at her skin and claws at her knees. Edelgard shivers and shakes, much to her chagrin. She loathes for others to see her in such a state no matter how hard she attempts to downplay the weather's cruel tactics.
Perhaps it is the void in conversation that offers a cue, or maybe it is merely her body actions calling out for themselves. Without waiting for a response, Dimitri aids her. There are many reasons he may have thought of its necessity. Obligation? Merely to get on her good side for the sake of their respective lands? Friendship? No, that cannot be so. Edelgard's lips pout as her fingers glide over its carefully crafted composition. It feels unbefitting for her form, but she does not remove it. The wrinkles on her furrowed brow deepen with an admittance of its need.
"Heh. Indeed.. You are human," she finally says. He is human as much as she— Heirs to their respective forms, destinies unbeknownst to even she. He, too, is a person thrust into this unforgiving world. While she moves to look him in the eyes, Edelgard wonders how many more times she will be able to do this. One, two, three? Four, if the cruelties of Fódlan do not snatch them away beforehand. In another world, she thinks the tides of ally-ship could last a second longer. The obligatory waves are cruel; Edelgard is destined far away. "It appears I can no longer hide how cold I really am.." The shivers pause; her expression downcast. "I hate to admit it, but I'd much prefer finding warmth sooner rather than later. Only then can I carry on properly."
She begins to walk forward— Once in front, only this time directly next to.
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tennessoui · 6 months
For the ask game, 5, 18, and 30??
(from this ask game)
ahh thank you for sending these in!!
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
ok so i have 7 tabs open and all of them are either new chapters or unpublished wips but here is the first sentence of the first tab - and a second sentence for a little bit more context lol:
'Watto has wings, a set that isn’t much to look at but that he’s rather proud of showing off anyway. And because Watto has wings, little Ani cannot, lest he grow up and get ideas.'
(that's wing fic au which i have been meaning to finish and post for forever)
18. If you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
ok so i don't keep my deleted sentences or paragraphs - they are gone with the wind as soon as i don't like them lol BUT i can definitely talk about one of my first draft ideas for a fic that i didn't end up writing which i've definitely talked about before. in foolproof foolhardy, when i started writing what would become the last 2 chapters and the final arc of the story, i was totally sold on the idea that when they're in the ship on the way to their mission they would end up fucking ('to get it out of their system') as a one-time thing and afterwards they can just pretend they don't care about each other at all and the sex would be very angry and bitter except for the moments where they couldn't help but betray their real feelings (aka master skywalker caresses obi-wan's face, obi-wan kisses his pulse, etc etc)
and then during the mission the prince of the planet would be interested in obi-wan in a way that would prove to be Perilous (because obi-wan tries to pretend he can just go back to having fun and sleeping around and so he courts the prince's attention, but it turns out that actually he doesn't want to do that anymore because now he knows how anakin would hold him)
and anakin would do something very dramatic like start a full on war with the planet and or threaten assassination of the prince because hes a jealous lil guy and will use obi-wan's discomfort as cover for his actions without examining the root of the emotions which is in fact love (but twisted)
and then they fuck AGAIN and finally actually talk it all out (but it was already such a long story and that whole mission arc seemed needlessly dramatic when tensions were already high, so they just talked it out the first time they fucked on the ship, which i'm happy with)
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
ooo interesting question! i definitely feel various amounts of proud of all my fics because of who i was and what i was trying out when i was writing each of them, but i think i'm especially proud of let my love be the knife that implicates me aka the rots compliant fic where obi-wan raises luke on tatooine alone and does as good of a job as he knows how. i just really like the concept of it - where obi-wan deals with his grief by talking about the agony and joy of loving anakin, luke's father, while also still so fresh off of mustafar and the fall of the Jedi, knowing he can only talk about this now because when luke is old enough to remember he shouldn't bear the weight of his secrets....only for luke to remember not the words themselves (about the empire, about sidious, about anakin's betrayal) but the emotion behind them, which was almost always love.
it's a sad fic but it's not so sad that i think it's unreadable and i really am so proud of a lot of the phrases and the pacing of it! mostly because i almost always avoid anything even resembling 'canon compliant' and so this was a really big moment for me lol
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magneticflower · 5 months
🧡 & 💚 for good girls pls
Ask game: unpopular opinion edition <3
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Goodness, I'll have to admit it has been a minute since I've thought about G.ood G.irls and anything discussed within the fandom space of good girls. By the middle of s4 I just wanted to know what would happen to my girl Annie (and the results were heartbreaking </3) I guess I don't subscribe to the belief that Beth really manages to girlboss post-series? The way she handles things as the series went on just didn't make me trust her ability to have long term success for any real stretch of time sjsjs I had believed in her during s2, but s3 through s4 left much to be desired.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I wouldn't say this is a fandom issue as I remember most thought Annie was getting the short end of the stick, so my criticisms on this front are with the writers. Annie's messy and has a tendency to self-sabotage. We all know that, we get it, but the way they would dangle a chance at her to find something, anything that made her feel like she could do more in her life just for them to figure out a way to have her fall into bed with a worse man every time was beyond frustrating. The way they dropped storylines for her was frustrating. They never let Annie get to be more than the butt end of her sister's joke (even though I'd argue that Beth after a while was getting not only herself but the others into worse situations than they were in before)
Annie so desperately wanted to do something that made her not only believe in herself more, but to make her kid proud and they always made sure to snuff it out. And to end the series with her facing jailtime will always bother me.
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gabeorelse · 29 days
thank you so much!!! I had no idea what to choose because I never plan ahead but here's a bit of lore about my world in conversation form:
“It’s because of the old myth, actually. That the gods could change gender at will. Nobody knows if it’s true, but there’s a legend that says a believer once approached the god Thaedus and begged to know if they were a man or a woman. To win a bet, supposedly.”
“Really?” Adriel said. “What did they say?”
“They said no,” Helena said, “and incinerated the believer.”
“Ah,” Adriel said. “Lovely.”
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