#(( your ask…BLEW him away hahahaha
ask-36-e · 10 months
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“Th…that’s a-a lot to unpack.”
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fairykazu · 8 months
subtle warning ft. lyney
cws: best friends, pining, ooc, jealousy
masterlist :: note: clearly i have a type when i write
best friend lyney who very "subtly warns" every person you try to pursue behind your back. when the person you were hvaing a thing with failed to come to the second date, you were so confused because you two had hit it off.
bzzt! your phone went off, you checked the notification, "what the hell? this is the second guy who blew me off, lyney." you complained as lyney hid his smirk.
"what happened?" lyney asked, faking his sincerity. he sat next to you on the couch. he knows all too well that he was the reason why your dates flake out.
when your date was waiting for you at the front door, picking you up for the first date. of course, lyney was there to help you out for the outfit and the security of somebody being there. "hello, name's taking a while to get dolled up... so, are you the guy name is going out with?"
"yes, im taking them out to a movie theater date." he replied. lyney analyized this guy, taller than him that's for sure, blond hair and red eyes. although this guy looks sweet, he doesn't look like he has the right intentions with you. he looked like he would ask you "where's my hug at?"
this guy isn't a right fit for you, are you getting a bit desperate? he's projecting, he's waiting for you to realize him as an option. "a movie theater date? that seems really... boring. y'know name would like a more exciting date than that." lyney replied, as the blond-haired male laughed, holding a bouquet of flowers.
not even the right flowers you like, didn't you tell lyney about you told this guy about it. what an idiot.
"then you take her to the date then." the date replied, laughing lightheartly.
i wish.
hurt by the comment and bruised from his ego, his eyes darkened. he began to laugh to a point it got uncomfortable. as the tension rose, "hahahaha, if you hurt them, a single hair of theirs taken out, i won't hesitate to kill you."
he cleared his throat by the time you arrived, his demeanor changed too. "lyney, are you talking it up with my date? don't scare him away." you joked. lyney smiled sweetly,
"of course not! right?" he asked to the date.
you went on to talk about even though, the guy was a bit of a wreck in the beginning of the date, it was fun for the both of you.
best friend lyney comforted you, rubbing circles into your back, "he probably didn't deserve you."
you sniffled, "you're right, lyney. what would i do without you."
he swiped a tear off your face, "i dunno, die?"
you hit him playfully, "what a way to ruin a moment, lyney."
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odyssean-flower · 7 months
A random deleted scene from chapter 9
(have another deleted scene hahahaha i think i will get the next chapter done this week hahaha)
“Do you stare so intently at all the ladies you bring here?”
“No, only you,” Then, as if realizing what he just said, he hurriedly added, “Ah, what I meant is, you are the only one I’ve brought here.”
“Really?” That was unexpected. Or maybe not. He probably took them to high-class restaurants or society balls.
They were probably better conversationists, too, you thought as you looked at Neuvillette, who was now looking anywhere but you.
You had never asked Neuvillette about his romantic history. It was none of your business, and it had nothing to do with you, just like how your romantic history (or lack thereof) had nothing to do with him. You weren’t interested, really. Not even a little bit.
“Yes. Would I lie to you? I’m the Chief Justice, I would never do such a thing,” Neuvillette said. “And I am under the assumption that people on dates generally look at each other.”
“…I don’t see how being the Chief Justice preclude you from lying. And how would you feel if I stared at you in the way that you stare at me? Would you enjoy it?”
“I’m not sure,” he said. “Perhaps, perhaps not.”
“Why would you not be sure? You didn’t like it when I did it before, did you?” Maybe he’s taking revenge on me? I did apologize, though!
“Have I ever said I disliked it?”
“It upset you, didn’t it?”
“I was more upset about how you avoided me.”
“Very well. I shall stare at you closely as well. I’m sure that will teach you how off-putting it is once and for all.”
You leaned forward and fixed your gaze on him. He looked back at you. Nothing could be heard except for the chirping of birds and the gentle lapping of water against the boat.
Three seconds passed. The sun was now high in the sky, but there was also a cool wind blowing, which helped offset the heat. Neuvillette’s hair swayed gently in the breeze, along with those long blue floppy things in his hair. What were they, anyways?
Five seconds passed. Neuvillette’s face so much as twitch. It was as though it was carved from marble. His eyes never left yours. He really was very handsome, wasn’t he? Come on, focus.
Ten seconds passed. If someone was watching the two of you from outside, they would probably assume that you were a couple of passionate lovers absorbed in each other’s eyes. It wasn’t that far off from the truth, though.
Fifteen seconds passed. Your eyes were beginning to water. You needed to blink. But blinking means I lose! Not that this is a competition…right? Neuvillette took another sip of water. He’s mocking me!
Seventeen seconds passed. You no longer remembered why you were doing this. You really needed to blink. A breeze blew a strand of your hair into your face and you tucked it behind your ear. Neuvillette’s eyes followed that movement. You smacked your suddenly dry lips together. Was it just your imagination, or were his ears turning red?
Nineteen seconds passed. You decided to throw in the towel. Your eyes were beginning to tear up. But before you could do so, Neuvillette cleared his throat and looked away.
“I see your point, Madame. I must apologize to you for my discourtesy. A lady shouldn’t be stared at in such a way.”
Hmm, so now he remembers. “As long as you understand,” you said.
There was another stretch of silence.
He really did look picturesque in the sunlight, even though he disliked it. Was that the curse of being beautiful?
A familiar urge rose up within you. It was the same feeling you had when you saw a pretty landscape, or when you spotted an unfamiliar flower. You wanted to preserve those things in some form and look at them again and again. You wanted some way to recall the feelings they inspired in you.
The question was perched on the edge of your tongue. It refused to come out. You felt your palms becoming slick with sweat. Your heart was pounding. Why were you so nervous? It was a reasonable question. It was normal to do such things on dates, wasn’t it? You had too many pictures of the scenery, anyways. And surely it would be smart to have proof of this date to show Furina…
You didn’t realize Neuvillette was calling your name until you felt him shake your shoulder. “[Name]!” Neuvillette’s eyes, filled with concern, were peering into yours. “Is something wrong? Are you getting—”
“Monsieur Neuvillette!” the words spilled out from your mouth before you could stop them. “May I take a photo of you?”
Neuvillette’s brows knitted together, as though he found your question incomprehensible. “I beg your pardon?”
Oh great, now you’ve done it. “What I mean is…would you give your permission to allow me to take a picture of you? Just one, I promise. I will never show it to anyone, it will be for my eyes only. If you want, I can even sign a wai—”
“Yes, I give you my permission. But on one condition.”
You stared at him. He looked deadly serious. Well, he always looked serious. “What is it, sir?”
“That you allow me to take a picture of you as well.”
“Huh? …Um, I mean, sure, if that’s what you want…”
You held the Kamera up to your face, aiming the lens at Neuvillette. The willow tree was behind him. He looked stately and dignified, if a bit stiff. He wasn’t smiling, which was disappointing, but that was alright. The shot had an air of mysticism to it. You adjusted the focus until everything was in sharp relief, before clicking the shutter button. You were no photographer, but you liked the result.
“Your turn,” you passed the Kamera to Neuvillette. You looked at your reflection, checking your hair and makeup.
The boat approached the island in the center. It seemed that Neuvillette wanted to take a picture of you in front of the willow tree as well. He helped you out of the boat. You expected him to tell you where to stand, but instead studied you, looking deep in thought. He seemed to be taking this much too seriously.
In the meantime, you decided to look around. The aquamarine branches of the willow tree seemed to cover the entire island and blot out the skies. You could definitely see why the ancients used to worship it. Maybe you could find some ruins of that worship here, some small fragments or something…
Snap! You heard the sound of a camera shutter. You turned and saw Neuvillette holding the Kamera to his face.
“Did you take a picture of me just now?” you were a bit alarmed. “I wasn’t ready yet.”
“My apologies,” Neuvillette said lightly, but weirdly enough there was a distinct lack of his usual sincerity in his voice. “I could not help myself.”
“We can do a retake,” you said.
“There’s no need for it. The photo is perfect as it is.”
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totallynotbat · 11 months
15 - Tickle fight 
Switch!Philza, Switch!Tommy 
Tommy was quiet, which was odd, but he did have a good reason, he wanted to sneak up on Philza. 
Tommy walked slowly, and quietly opened the door to the room Phil was in. He entered the room, closing the door behind him with a quiet click. He approached Phil, who was sat on the bed, then took a few steps back before running, jumping behind Phil. 
He learned from Wilbur. 
“PHILZA!” Tommy poked the olders sides with a grin.
Phil wasn’t doing much spacing out on the bed. He was thinking about shit going on, not the time and place to say what though. He flinched and jumped with a squawk, wings high up in the air, as he looked behind to see Tommy.
“Tommy what are you-!” Phil cut himself off upon realizing he was being tickled, covering his mouth and biting his lip. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Tommy asked, squeezing up and down Phil’s sides, one hand moving to target his ribs while the other got his sides. “Tickling you, obviously.”
Phil squirmed slightly, small muffled snorts escaped his mouth as his ribs were touched, he bit his lip, trying his best to not laugh as the sensations increased more on his very ticklish body.
“Really Phil, tickling you too pieces and you won’t laugh for me? Come on, old man!” Tommy then blew a raspberry in the crook of Phil’s neck, grinning against the skin, as they moved a hand to scribble at his belly.
And that was the breaking point.
Phil squeaked and hunched forward, snickering and squirming. He wasn’t going to laugh, not gonna laugh, not gonna laugh not gonna laugh-
“PFFFT-HAHAHAHAHA! Hahahaha! Ahahaha! Nohoho-! Hahahaha!” Phil broke into loud wheezy happy giggles, squirming and laughing as his stomach was touched, squeaking once near his navel, wings twitching once his fingers was near it, his mouth was surprisingly still covered. 
“There it is!” Tommy grinned, moving their positions and having Phil lay on his back, so he could pin the older down to have more access. Tommy lifted Phil’s shirt and blew a raspberry on his stomach, picking his head back up to see Philza’s reaction. 
Phil squirmed and kicked attempting to escape from being pinned, wings flapping uselessly on the bedsheets, which some blankets flew off onto the ground below.
“AHAHAHAHA! NO! NO! NAHAHAT RASSBERRIES HAHAHAHAHA!”  Phil cackled as he squirmed left and right, he arched his back up, kicking his legs out. He was slightly enjoying himself, he’s never been tickled this much, except once in his childhood.
Tommy blew a quicker, smaller raspberry just above Phil’s navel, gently squeezing his sides to let him know that he’d be done soon. The younger knew he hadn’t been tickled this much before: didn’t want to overwhelm him. “Why not? Does it tickle?”
Phil really wanted them to continue, he just couldn’t say it out loud. “Hehehe! Nohoho!” Phil giggled, his ears twitched and flapped, trying to say to Tommy to keep going. He can take it, he likes this.
“No? No? Then why are you laughing?” The younger reached behind him and quickly squeezed Phil’s thighs and knees before returning to targetting his sides.
Phil squealed, kicking his legs out, as he squirmed and cackled. He removed his hands from his mouth as he laughed. “ITIT TICKLES!” 
“Yes, Phil, it is supposed to tickle. I’m tickling you.” The teen chuckled to himself, bringing his hands to vibrate his fingers into Phil’s underarms. 
“Eep! Hahahaha!” Phil brought his arms down on top of Tommy’s hands, giggles slipping from his mouth as he attempted to catch his breath.
“You trapped my hands,” Tommy very obviously was lying, he could easily take his hands away. “You need to lift up your arms.”
Phil just couldn’t help himself but to laugh, it really tickles! Tommy speeding up the process made Phil giggle and keep his arms down. 
“Philll~” Tommy teased, scratching at his hollows. 
Phil giggled as his wing ears flapped and fluttered in anticipation, he slowly raised his arms up, flustered and red in the face, giggling quietly, he couldn’t help it, he liked it, and it tickled so much! 
Tommy blinked, bit suprised Phil would be that quick, the younger wouldn’t be anyway.
Tommy removed his hands and then unpinned Phil, sitting next to the older with a wide grin. “Sneak attack, bitch.” 
“Hehehehehe…whew…” Phil rolled onto his side, ears still flapping, as he hid his entire body with his wings, giggling quietly. 
Tommy tilted his head. “You alright?” He now had a small smile on his face, running a hand through Phil’s hair.
Phil’s ears twitched from Tommy’s fingers near the tips of his feathered flapping areas on both sides of his head. 
“Hehehe…! Not…used to being tickled like that…!” Phil tries containing his laughter from the tingling still on his body, he giggled still trying to catch his breath, his wing ears twitching still.
“My bad. We both know you loved it though,” Tommy teased lightheartedly, bringing his hand away and laying back on the bed.
Phil giggling slowed down as he laid on the bed, curling up slightly, he smirked, moving his hand under Tommy shirt and lightly as possible wiggling his fingers on Tommy’s belly. “Revenge little gigglebird~”
Tommy gasped, immediately turning away and covering his mouth to muffle his giggles. “No- nononoho! G- Go away!” His voice was muffled behind his hands.
Phil pulled Tommy close, scribbling up and down his sides and wiggling his fingers between his ribs, making sure the younger cracked. “Nope! Revenge gigglebird!” 
Tommy tried to hold out. He really did. And he failed.
“Nohohoho! Ihihi dihiHIDN’T DOHO ANYTHIHihing!” He tried to squirm away, but were quickly weakened from laughing and from the tickles. 
Phil cooed. “Dawww! There we go!” He squeezed his stomach, scribbling against his back ribs. “This is revenge for earlier! We will make it even later!”
“PIHIHISS OHOFFF!” Tommy curled in on himself as best he could, weakly pushing at Phil’s hands. His face was bright red, which made him thankful to be facing away from Phil.
Phil giggles, squeezing their hips, giggling to themselves. He couldn’t help it it was too cute.
Tommy shrieked, bucking his hips up and kicking out his legs. He made sure not to hit Phil, thankfully. “I DID NOHOHOTHING TO YOHOU!”
Phil smirked, giggling and blowing a raspberry on his stomach and hips, lightly nibbling on his sides.
“PFHAHAHA- NOHOHO! NAHAHAT THAHAT PLEHEHEASE!” Tommy weakly tried to push Phil’s head away with one hand, the other in a fist and punching the matress they lay on. It was almost unbearable.. almost.
“Ack-!” Phil was, well, let himself, be pushed onto his back by Tommy, he stopped completely, laying on the bed on his back, Tommy lunging for the other, Phil following behind. 
The two were playfully wrestling and laughing together, it ended with Tommy having the upper hand on Phil, the two of them out of breath.
Tommy went limp for a few miniutes while taking in big gulps of air, his chest rising up and down with every breath.
“You little shihit,” Tommy muttered before springing up again and scribbling all over Phil’s stomach. “Fight me, bitch!” 
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Phil broke into cackles which sounded like his normal laugh, just more wheezy, Phil immediately went limp once his stomach was tickled, squirming left and right to try and get Tommy off.
“Deserved!” Tommy exclaimed, vibrating his fingers against the gaps betwen Phil’s ribs with one hand, using the other to pinch at his hips.
Phil squirmed more. “TOMMY! NAHAHAT THAT-!” He was cut off by multiple flustered snorts escaping his mouth. “HAHAHA! NOHOHO!”
“Yes this! You deserve this!” Tommy exclaimed, speeding up the tickles.
Phil cackled loudly and squealed. “HAHAHAHA! WHAHAHAT DID I DO?!” 
“You know what you did! You were very mean to me!” Tommy whined playfully, poking Phil’s stomach a few times before going back to his ribs, pinching up and down and vibrating his fingers against the bones.
“AH! HAHA! NOHOHO I WAS NOT-! HAHAHAHA!” Phil squirmed and tried covering his ribs with his hands, before he eventually wrapped his wings around his body, attempting to hide his flustered self.
“Wha- Yes you were, you prick!” Tommy flinched back a little when Phil covered himself with his wings. Now he couldn’t do anything.
“Move your damn wings-“ Tommy reached to try and gently get them out of the way, but he was afraid of harming the older and retracted his hand, instead just sitting with their hands in their lap, thinking. Phil wrapped himself more into the blanket- well his wings, should he even call them a blanket?
Tommy poked Phil’s wings noticing how the older flinched, he blinked then smiled. “Christ, man, are you juspt a walking tickle spot?” He questioned before running his fingers through the feathers of the older’s wings, his smile widening as the feeling of the feathers tickled his own hands, and the fact Phil lowered his wings, finally.
“Hehehehehehe! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!” Phil attempted to hide his flustered self into his hands, giggling and laughing wildly.
“No, none of that. You’ve already hidden yourself with your wings,” Tommy quickly and gently grabbed Phil’s hands, pulling them away and above the man’s head with one of his hands, the other still at Phil’s wings. “You’re not hiding with your hands, too.”
“You’re very flustered,” Tommy observed, “it’s adorable.” He lightly scribbled on Phil’s neck, switching to tracing his ear, and back and forth so Phil wouldn’t get used to it.
Phil giggled at the tickling on his neck and ears, his laughter was sweet, he giggles like a little kid, his blush getting darker, as he attempted to free his hands from Tommy. “Hehehehehehe! Hehehehe! Mahahate! Hahahaha-That tickles!” 
Tommy tilted his head. “No, really? It does? I didn’t think me tickling you would tickle. Does this tickle as well? Come on man, you gotta tell me.” His voice dripped with sarcasm as he snuck a hand past Phil’s wings to squeeze up and down his sides. “It’s so obvious you like this, you let up so easily. Cute.”
“Hehehehehehe! Hehehehe!” Phil giggled, squirming slightly, small chirps peppering through his snorts and laughter.
“Phil, you gotta answer me. You’re adorable giggles aren’t enough to tell me what does and doesn’t tickle, for all I know you could be laughing at me! Are you making fun of me, old man?” Tommy tried to force his smile down, but it was near impossible. He giggled quietly, Phil’s laughter being contagious and that he  found the man’s situation a little funny. “Are you? Are you?” With every ‘are you,’ Tommy poked Phil’s stomach. “Hm? Are you?”
“EEP! Hehehehe!” Phil giggled, his flustered blush getting more and more red. He couldn’t help but to laugh, it tickled for him! 
“Phiilll~ You’re not answering me, guess I’ll just have to do this..” Tommy spoke with a teasing tone, very quickly and carefully moving Phil’s wings out of the way, so he could lift the older’s shirt and blow a raspberry right on the center of his stomach. 
Phil screamed, squealing loudly. “HAHAHAHA! NAHAHAT-HAHAHAHAHA!” Phil flopped onto his back, cackling loudly, he couldn’t even respond because of his loud happy laughter.
“What was that? Did you say something? I can’t hear you through all this laughter. This is very serious Phil, that you would make fun of me, and you’re still laughing!” Tommy grinned— he knew exactly what he was doing, he looked at Phil before lowering his head again to blow another raspberry.
“HAHAHAHA! NOHOHO NAHAHAT ANOTHER-HAHAHA!” Phil cackled and flapped his wings, tears of laughter were beginning to form at the corner of his eyes. 
“Yes another!” Tommy exclaimed, blowing another small raspberry directly on Phil’s navel. 
“Hahahaha! HAHAHAHA NOHOHAHAHAHA!” Phil squealed, eventually the tears fell, and stroked his face as he laughed, grabbing onto Tommy’s wrists. “OKAY OKAY IM SORRY-PLEASE! MERCY!”
Once Tommy stopped, Phil still had tears still streaking his face, he was still blushing, flustered, as a few small chirps escaped his mouth, he practically became a giggly pile of goo, as he laid there almost lifeless.
“You okay? You alive?” Tommy asked.
“Yeah…” Phil giggled. 
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that list is amazing and im so greedily wanting to say like 80 of them, hahahaha!! Buuuut i'll limit myself!! Maybe something with 45, or 51, (or 19!) or all of them if you want more then 1 per thing!!! (but i can't pick from those, any would be wonderful, just whichever sparks your imagination~~~)
yessss i loved all of the ones you chose, but ended up just using 19 and 51. elijah-centric this time, 700ish words under the cut!
Greyson whipped his head away from the computer and looked up to see his boss in a hoodie and jeans, carrying a box of tissues with massive dark circles under his eyes. The chef raised an eyebrow, but pulled his chair in towards the desk so Elijah could get by.
When Elijah had left last night, Greyson was fairly sure he heard him say ‘Don’t look for me tomorrow, I’m going to be in bed’; he’d assumed that that meant Elijah was taking the day to recover from the latest cold that had circulated through the restaurant, but maybe it had just been a figure of speech. “Are you, uh, staying…?”
“Ndo,” Elijah murmured, setting his things on the desk and collapsing into the rolling chair next to Greyson. “Just here to do the schedule. Mby laptop is broken. HNGSTHH-ue!”
Greyson furrowed his brow. “Bless you,” he said. “You know I could’ve sent the schedule out for you, right? Or Mark could’ve?”
Elijah shook his head and pulled a tissue out of the box, his face frozen in a pre-sneeze. “Huhh...hnn...huhhhNGTSHZUE! ETZSCH-ue! HTSH! NGSTZH-ue! HRSHH-ue!” He blew his nose quietly while the computer started up, and Greyson whistled long and low.
“Wow, boss. Bless you, bless you.”
“Stobp blessi’g mbe,” Elijah said, barely understandable. He blew his nose again before continuing: “Mbark doesn’t do the schedule for a reasond. Ndot his skill set. And we have a weird week ndext week with parties, so I have to actually write it ndot just copy and pas – HRSSHH-ue!” Elijah wrenched to the side, away from Greyson, and groaned. After wiping his nose on his sleeve, Elijah closed his eyes and placed his head in his palm.
Almost a full minute elapsed before Greyson built up the courage to disturb his boss. “Um...Lij? I mean, I know the answer is obviously ‘no’, but are you… okay? You seem, uh…” Barely conscious were the words on the tip of Greyson’s tongue, but that seemed a bit uncouth to say aloud.
“Ndo,” Elijah said, eyes still closed. “I took Ndyquil instead of Dayquil this mborning. NGSTHZUE! Fuck.”
“You...took Nyquil before you got here?” Greyson asked, and Elijah nodded, turning his head towards the chef and blinking a few times. “Like, took Nyquil and drove?”
“I’mb ndot an idiot, Greyson, I didn’t drive. I took an Uber,” Elijah said, sucking in through his nose in futility. He closed his eyes again at the dizziness that was clearly taking over. “Fuck, I thindk I’mb gonna pass out.”
Oh, shit, Greyson thought, standing. “Don’t pass out,” he said, a mild panic taking over.
“Actively trying ndot to, thandks,” Elijah said from behind his hands. Greyson, in his panic-induced state, started scanning the office for something Elijah could fall at least semi-gracefully on and landed on a pile of somewhat-clean chef’s coats and three tablecloths with holes in them that they kept forgetting to send out to be mended. Elijah opened his eyes just in time to see the nest fully formed on the ground between him and Greyson. “The fugck is that?”
“It’s your fall station. For when you have your fall,” Greyson explained, patting the pile of garments. Elijah rolled his eyes.
“I thindk I’ll be ok, Grey, you fuckigg oddball,” he said, before turning away once again. “Hhh...huhNGSTHZ-ue! HTSSSH-ue! Fuuuuck,” Elijah pressed his fingers into his eyes again, attempting to steady himself. Greyson felt his eye twitch with anxiety.
“Hey, boss,” he said gently, “how about you, uh… lay in the nest for a bit. Just til the Nyquil wears off.” Greyson definitely expected some sort of angry quip, or to be told to fuck off, but instead Elijah just nodded and pushed himself off the chair and onto the ground. Greyson was fairly sure he heard snores before his boss’s head even dropped.
Greyson couldn’t help but huff out a laugh as he pulled the door shut. “Feel better, Lij,” he murmured, and left his boss to rest.
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Are you comfortable with writing a Teruko x fem!reader where the reader is her childhood best friend and how they both happened to end up in the same killing game together? (Maybe add a pinch of a friends to lovers thing going on if you’re ok with that idk I’m a sucker for wholesome content ;w;)
That I can do!
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"YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE I TRUST.": Teruko Tawaki x F!Reader.
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"Oh, Y/N." Teruko casually greeted you as you entered the dining hall later in the day, after everyone had had their breakfast. You looked up at Teruko, surprised.
"Ruko- Ah... I mean, Teruko... Good morning." you nervously greeted her back, rubbing your arm. The lucky student frowned, knowing how uncomfortable the situation was between the two of you. But she brought it upon herself. She trusted someone so easily, and... She got betrayed. You knew how much she cared for Xander, and now...
With a sigh, you sat down a few chairs away from her after you grabbed your portion of your breakfast. The brunette occasionally snuck some glances at you while you were there. There was something in her eyes, but you couldn't really pinpoint what it was.
"...When will you start trusting others again?" you asked, not really thinking what you were saying. Teruko paused, nearly dropping her fork.
"What do you mean?" she asked. You could practically hear the venom in her voice at the question. You didn't really flinch at it, in fact, you expected this reaction from her. Maybe continuing the subject was a good idea.
"Just what I meant. Teruko. I'm not saying fully trusting them. But... would it really kill you to help with looking for a way to escape with the others?" you asked. Teruko glared at you. Something she had never done in her entire life before.
"Shut up Y/N. Yes. Yes it will. You saw what happened with Xander and Min." she spat out, gripping her fork tightly. You remained calm.
"That's true. What happened to Xander and Min was devastating-"
"No! Ugh, I mean what Xander tried to do. I trusted him, and he tried to kill me because some stupid note? Yeah right..." she huffed, getting up, leaving her food half eaten.
"Teruko..." you whispered. Mustering whatever courage you had, you walked up to her and grabbed her hand. In response, she whipped out the knife she had hidden in her clothes, pointing it at your throat. You winced, but stayed calm.
Teruko continued to glare at you, putting away the knife slowly after a few seconds. She huffed. "It's better that you do whatever plan Eden has to escape. Because I won't." she coldly told you. You still didn't let go of her hand.
"And that's fine. I'm not asking you to help us escape, nor come with us. I just... want to go back to the old times." you whispered. To that, Teruko stopped. She slowly turned her head to you.
"You know, when we were dumb kids who thought we could take on the world. When you didn't care as much about your luck as you do know. When we trusted each other." you smiled. The brunette stared at you for a while.
"You mean when I accidentally blew up a washing machine in the orphanage?" she deadpanned. You snorted, holding in your laugh.
"Aaah, I remember that time! It was so funny seeing the reaction of the owner!" you giggled out, finally letting go of Teruko's hand "She never found out either! Hahahaha!" Teruko made out a small noise before she huffed out a small laugh.
"Yeah, her face was a bit funny. I do feel bad for burning the wall on accident." she admitted "but you knew. Why didn't you say anything?" she asked. You shook your head.
"Why would I sell out my best friend?" you asked, making her eyes widen "I'm not that stupid. Back then, you were the only one I trusted. AND I still do, no matter what." you admitted. The brunette stared at you in surprise, before a small smile made its way to her face, her cheeks flushing a bit.
"Heh... Yeah, that sounds about right."
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002yb · 1 year
Current thoughts: Playing off the other dynamic of aggression, cuteness and possessive markings from my other thoughts. Dick and Jason who have found comfortability in each other for so long they just forget that it's considered intimacy - but this doesn't mean they're gratuitous in their pda - it just means they forget that others won't make that connection. 
This is how Dick somehow ends up a dog, deduced because how else would he get random bite marks on his arms and shoulder - it's just not quite a good friend. Why else would he have scratches bleeding down his arm - why else would he be so fond of them?
This is also how Jason comes back to brief scoldings because did he try and get into a bar again? There's bruises all over the place like he's been picked up and tossed around - it means he didn't fight back so he had to keep up the appearance of a civilian right?
What they see is their team leader somehow finding the time to visit a shelter, or according to him “visiting his favorite little stray”. What they see is Jason who oddly seems more settled even with bruises and maybe he just needed a way to waste his energy.
Behind them Dick snickers lightly teasing Jason through a charming smile full of teeth and snark as he regales his little stray being the most feisty one out there - but the cutest. SO small and easy to carry around and even though he puts up a fight Dick knows that he enjoys it. Gar asks Jason if he has a fever (his face is too red to be natural right?) and Dick offers to bring him back to his room out of concern. 
It's a blind eye to the tight grip around his waist and protective placement of his arm around Jason's lower back. (and maybe it's the way it stays a secret just between them - an affair, a secret, them.)
Also ahhhh!!! Your recent fic absolutely blew me away. It made me a puddle - so indulgent - i'm absolutely living for it.
An add-on to the above because ahhhhhahahaha. What if Dick really did adopt a dog though? So even he's a bit lost in the fray of assumptions. Like. Haly 'Bitewing' Grayson-Todd is a new addition to the family. And like - she's a traumatized pupper just trying to adjust to finally having a safe environment to live in so there are some struggles. It's whatever; progress is slow, but good. And even after things are good - Haly is a pup. She likes to play.
So whenever his friends comment on bites or scratches or welts and dogs, Dick rolls with it because sure. He doesn't make the association that whatever mark they're talking about is very much not from an actual dog though - just Jason LOL.
He'd eventually realize though, but by that time the hole that's been dug feels deep hahaha. I think maybe it'd come to his attention when someone recommends obedience school (or some sort of training because Dick is obviously way too lax) and Dick is just so freaking confused because what.
And then Dick would snicker over it as he regales the tale to Jason and how maybe a little discipline would be good. ;)
As for Jason, all I can imagine is the entirety of the batfam being all sorts of hypersensitive and vigilant at the sight and sites of Jason's bruises - the telling shape of them, the severity and its effects. And ahhhhhhhhh of course they want to confront him, but then they'd notice that Jason is calmer/happier/content and the pieces fall together that it's intentional. And all the batfam has to sit with this knowledge. Bruce in particular stews over it because who the fuck. It's not a crime for Jason to do what he does, but Bruce will throw hands; fisticuffs are not off the table when it comes to his baby boy.
Also Jason being a maiden because this is my blog hahahaha. So he's mindful to hide the worst of everything. Only he somehow unintentionally always flaunts those marks in the most provocative of ways. Just peeks of dark bruises (blue, black); wine-colored hickeys. //3/// All the while Dick sees them and has to hide his little contented smirks/smiles to himself as he casually looks away.
Thank you so much for reading 🍊, btw! I'm glad that you enjoyed it. (:
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: LM!Sonic's Cruel Nature
EXTRA CONTENT WARNING: Depictions of abuse
After OMT!Tails, Pana and Barry came off the express train to the Gust Planet dorms, OMT!Tails took some time to process things.
OMT!Tails: Whole rooms for each individual member?
Pana: Yep! All personalised to every member and their interests, to make it a home away from home if they can't go back to their dimension for whatever reason, or if a duty requires an overnight stay.
OMT!Tails: Cool! So, please be truthful with me, Pana. Are you and Mina dating, or is there another reason she's been crashing at your dimension?
Pana: Yeah, it's the latter, Tails. She's not going back to her universe by any means, so I let her stay over at mine sometimes when she's not with you.
OMT!Tails: Heh, fair enough.
Barry: This is LM's dorm, isn't it?
Pana: Good spot! Let's head inside.
They entered the room.
OMT!Tails: Oh! Hey, Fiona!
Fiona: Hello, Tails.
OMT!Tails: Man, I can't believe the state of this spot. It doesn't even feel like a room; more like a cluttered workspace.
Fiona: Yeah... That's more his choice.
Pana: How's LM been treatin' ya? I doubt it's very good, considering his current track record.
Fiona: *sigh* You wouldn't know the half of it...
Pana: Look, why not move out of this spot? You've got better positions outside this room.
Fiona: I don't know, it's just...
Barry: Miss Fiona, you can trust us, can't you?
The big machine in the room started firing up and prepared itself... very, very slowly. It was to the point that OMT!Tails was almost compelled to ask about it.
Fiona: Yeah, I know it takes a moment, but... it's his thing.
LM!Sonic emerged from the machine after materialising from it.
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Fiona: LM, this is OMT Tails.
LM!Sonic: Yes, I know who he is.
OMT!Tails: Hey! I brought you one of these if it helps!
OMT!Tails passed him the Tex Mexan sandwich he bought.
LM!Sonic: Hmm. Wonderful.
He put it aside for later.
OMT!Tails: Listen, I- I'm really excited to do everyone here a big favour! LM!Sonic: Oh, great. OMT!Tails: I have a plan on how we can go catch Crimtake. LM!Sonic: Oh, wow. OMT!Tails: He just wants to be taken seriously, you know? Like we all do. LM!Sonic: Uh-huh uh-huh.
LM!Sonic promptly threw the nearby garbage can at OMT!Tails as he dodged it and Pana caught it before moving it aside.
LM!Sonic: He's worried about Crimtake. I'll worry about Crimtake!
OMT!Tails (worried): W-What did I do?!
Fiona: LM, it's not his fault!
Barry: Fault? What do you-?
Pana: That's not how Tails works, man! He doesn't play by your rules.
LM!Sonic: Oh, tell that to Mina, then. SHE knew better, and she-.
Pana offered LM a flowery bow, leading him to facepalm.
LM!Sonic: I'm just gonna try to ignore you. I can't even...
??!?????: Come on, LM! Go easy on the kid!
CU!Sonic entered the room.
CU!Sonic: He didn't have the best teacher. Who's to say he had a choice?
OMT!Tails: It's you, Sonic!
CU!Sonic: Hey, Tails!
On cue, CU!Sonia swung in on her mini enerbeam bracelet.
CU!Sonia: Whoo! Hahahaha!
CU!Sonic went up after her as (almost) everyone watched with a smile.
Fiona: Heh, they sure know how to lighten the mood in here.
CU!Sonic: Woah, er... Don't forget to keep your day pass on, mini-blue.
CU!Sonia: Catch me if you can, dad!
Pana: Heh, the kid's a little rebel.
LM!Sonic (sweating): ...I can't take this, I can't take this...
CU!Sonic managed to catch her on the roof.
CU!Sonic: Gotcha! I knew I was gonna regret trainin' her like this. That's a mistake on my part.
CU!Sonia: Heh, NOW you're saying that, dad?
She slipped loose and back to the floor with a mischievous giggle.
CU!Sonic: Hey, Barry. You wanna see pictures I took of her?
Barry: I mean, she's right there, so-.
CU!Sonic: She's incredible! Look, this is one time she helped foil a bank robbery, this is when she confiscated a chilli dog from me out of jealousy...
While he showed Barry the pictures, CU!Sonia was running around OMT!Tails, who found it fun.
OMT!Tails: Hehe! This is so much fun!
She then climbed on top of LM!Sonic's head and started t-bagging goofily.
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LM!Sonic (super annoyed by this): I'm trying to hold a serious discussion here...
CU!Sonic: You know you're the only Sonic the Hedgehog here with no sense of humour, right? We're supposed to be funny, man.
LM!Sonic: The fate of the multiverse is-!
CU!Sonic: Yeah, you always lose me with that one. I hear you say "the fate of the multiverse" and, *yawn*, my brain goes to sleep.
CU!Sonia ended up tumbling off LM!Sonic's head, though he paid enough attention to catch her and pass her back to CU!Sonic, all whilst remaining foul-tempered.
CU!Sonic: Yep, she's a Rose. That's what happens when a kid like her has a full chilli dog.
CU!Sonia: Heh, sorry, dad.
LM!Sonic: Miles. You disrupted a canon event.
OMT!Tails: Guh-. That thing EV told me about? Seriously?
CU!Sonic: That's not how Tails works, LM.
Pana (to CU!Sonia): Dumping on the establishment in your own way? I salute you!
CU!Sonia (with a confident smile): You know it!
OMT!Tails: What are you even upset about? I helped save those people back there-.
LM!Sonic: And that's the PROBLEM!
He threw a cricket ball to his side, where it hit Fiona's nose, causing OMT!Tails to realise just why she didn't like being around him.
LM!Sonic: Just escort them back out of here, Fiona.
Fiona: But...
LM!Sonic: That's an order!
OMT!Tails stood up for her, not at all happy.
OMT!Tails: Hold on a minute, LM! You've got a pair of hands to do that job. Why is that Fiona's job when she's not been asked to do it by the REAL leader of this place?
LM!Sonic: It's her role as my secretary, isn't it?
OMT!Tails: And that's solely meant to be a woman's job?
LM!Sonic: Yeah, of course it is!
OMT!Tails: LM, what gender is the late Queen Elizabeth II?
LM!Sonic (sweating): She's a female.
OMT!Tails: And you're suggesting the Queen should be forced to do duties she's not comfortable with?
LM!Sonic: No, not at all!
OMT!Tails: Then actually do your job, then!
CU!Sonic went around to comfort Fiona, who was tearing up from this physical abuse.
LM!Sonic: Hold on a minute... The Queen of England's one thing, but this is my dorm! What the... What the hell am I doing...?! (to OMT!Tails) Now, you listen here, Prower! You may have your fancy education spot, but what goes on in this dorm is my business!
OMT!Tails: Not if people are being physically and verbally abused-.
LM!Sonic: I am talking!
OMT!Tails immediately kicked him over before shouting RIGHT in his face.
OMT!Tails: And I'm not LISTENING!
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OMT!Tails: Now, you, LM, you are staring into a deep, dark pit of trouble if you don't cut this out. So I'm telling you, "sir", tell me what's really going on!
LM!Sonic: Grr... You'd never understand. You fox geniuses are too blind to understand.
This ticked off OMT!Tails enough for him to tail-swipe LM square in the face and right out the room, prompting him to bolt it.
Pana: I'll get after him! Tails, Barry, get the data he's hiding and hurry to the main meeting room before LM gets there!
OMT!Tails: You got it!
The two pulled out a data file from LM's cabinet.
OMT!Tails: You can get out of here, Fiona. There's no need to be a part of whatever he's up to.
She just stayed silent, feeling reluctant to disobey him, considering he dishes out physical abuse to those not doing their jobs right.
Barry: It's going to be okay, Miss Fiona. I promise.
The two left, CU!Sonic and CU!Sonia having left a moment prior.
CU!Sonic: We're gonna go have some time out from this. You two get that file to EV! He'll know how to handle it.
OMT!Tails: Right!
Barry: You go on ahead, Tails. Blow that horrid truth to the whole Society, for our sakes!
OMT!Tails: What about you, Barry?
Barry: I don't have the speed to catch up with you. I'll go and inform the girls at the Transport Hub to await your arrival if need be.
OMT!Tails: That's okay, Barry. I'm really glad for your help, either way.
Barry: Hehe! Don't mention it!
The two split whilst Pana engaged with LM!Sonic in combat on top of one of the trains.
OMT!Tails: EV?
EV!Sonic: Reading you loud and clear, kid! Can I ask why you split from the tour before?
OMT!Tails: Well, LM's been hiding some nasty stuff in his dorm, AND he's been abusing Fiona, physically AND verbally.
EV!Sonic: God, that's not good... I'll call several of the elites over ready for your arrival. In the meantime, make sure LM is distracted long enough for you to get here first.
OMT!Tails: You got it!
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poochiray · 2 years
an extended authors note
this is my first time sharing my thoughts on my blog about a completed work, but I feel it’s needed. i don’t want to take away from my story with my salty/snarky comments. so i’ll talk about it here.
the title for my fic Kill Your Darlings comes from three inspirations. the first of which from Tay himself. for those that are unaware, earlier this week Tay & Gun were photographed. Gun was standing close to Tay, his face hovering near Tay’s neck. he wasn’t kissing him. his face was just there. 
& apparently this was too much skinship for some of tay’s “fans.” people actually started tagging tay on twitter voicing their displeasure of taygun and how “hurt” they were about the photograph. and tay, in kind, replied to one such person calling them darling and basically asked what happened. why were they so upset. ya’ll...these fucking haters actually starting saying so much shit and being rude and entitled over tay’s own personal life. and then the other half were upset that tay had called this hater darling and not them. in which tay, cheeky lovely tay, said no trust me. you don’t want to be called darling in this context.
this all happened a couple days ago. then it kinda blew up on twitter. there are shitty hashtags of antis and haters and some of the comments about taygun in general. it’s been brewing for days and i felt the need to do something. what, i don’t know. but ya’ll...i love tay. i love tay with gun. i love tay with off. i love the three of them so fucking much.
and it got me thinking. deep in my delulu brain. imagine a world where tay actually is in a relationship with gun. imagine having to keep his affection to a minimum because they are both in the spot light. imagine people that are your fans just completely shitting on the idea of your actual secret romantic relationship.
i’m not claiming that this is what has happened. only tay, off, and gun know the true nature of their relationship. but either way, it’s just made me really think about things. it’s made me more aware of my comments about ships i don’t like and all that. i don’t tag actors anyway, but now i’m just gonna refrain. if i don’t like an irl ship, i’m just gonna walk away. or not comment. we just don’t know what’s real and what’s not and we don’t know the extent of how much we’re hurting people.
so anyway. these thoughts were on my mind for the past few days. my heart was with offguntay. i knew i wanted to write something in response to what has happened. it’s how i can express and organize my thoughts. and this story just spilled out of me one afternoon as a result of what all transpired.
the title came first. i knew i wanted to use the word darling. and then kill your darlings just cropped in randomly. there’s a film starring daniel radcliffe with the same title. ya’ll should watch it. it’s a good story and is the footage for a lot of drarry fanvids lol. but anyway. tay used the word darling as a kind of “kill them with kindness” approach, so it just made sense to me. kill your darlings.
it’s also a phrase used in writing. which is the opening quote. so there ya have it. the three inspirations to the title. and why i even wrote this to begin with.
i had wanted to write a sexy kinky story...and instead the characters just broke through and wanted to show me this instead. so if you have gone this far and read through my lengthy note, thanks. if you read my fanfic, double thanks. it’s a short story but i’m pleased with how it turned out.
it’s just a shame because the ones that should read this story (the antis) would never. they’re happy being hateful little assholes.
ah well. i’m sure somewhere in the world, offtaygun are fucking the shit out of each other in a silent protest. (hahahaha maybe.  👀) till next time folks. 
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Hello! It’s Winter! I wanted to bring Didier back! And Nemo!!
Watching Them
“I’m so sorry,” Brigitte laughed, “he must really need to go.”
Nemo continuously circled at her feet, a clear indication that he wasn’t playing around. Moments before, he had pushed open the office door with his nose, interrupting her meeting.
“By all means, go ahead. We can take him on a walk around the palace. I’ve seen what happens when he doesn’t go out,” Didier joked, referring to the infamous fireplace incident.
Allowing Nemo to lead the way, the two of them quickly followed the impatient dog through the corridors.
“That’s enough for today,” Emmanuel stood up from behind his desk, gesturing to his staff to leave the room.
Through the opened windows of the palace, Nemo’s sweet bark filled the atmosphere. Emmanuel turned to the glass, anxious to catch a glimpse of his beloved dog.
Instead, he saw something that disturbed him.
“Mr. President.”
Someone was desperately vying for his attention. “Sir!”
“What?” He turned his head ever-so slightly, never taking his eyes off Brigitte and Didier, who were casually scrolling around like lovers.
“I asked if you needed anything,” the staff member repeated his question for the 3rd time.
“No, I’m fine. Go.” Emmanuel waved him off, focusing his attention below. He felt a pit in his stomach as Nemo ran to Didier, playfully jumping at the soccer star so he could throw the toy ball.
Suddenly, he saw his wife trip over their hyper dog, screeching as she fell to the ground. In one quick motion, he watched Didier bend down on one knee to straighten her black Louis Vuitton stiletto, guiding her bare foot back into the expensive shoe.
Emmanuel wasn’t a possessive man, he understood his wife had male friends, but there was no question about it - he was jealous.
He continued to watch the scene below, not able to turn his head away in case he missed something.
When Didier and Nemo ran ahead, Brigitte was left trailing behind. He kept a watchful eye on his wife until the vibration from his cell phone snapped him back to the present. Pulling his iPhone out of his pocket, he read the text:
“I know you’re watching me. You have nothing to worry about. 💜. I love you.”
With a bright smile, he typed back: “I love you too. Nemo needs to pick better friends though. How’s your ankle?”
“It’s fine! As for Nemo, don’t kick him out of our bed tonight. He doesn’t know any better.” Brigitte continued to type. “He wants attention from everyone.”
“Well, he can’t stay all night. He shouldn’t see the dirty things I have planned for his mama.”
Emmanuel’s heart leaped out of his chest when he saw Brigitte’s reaction to his text. When they finally made eye contact, her eyes told him everything he already knew.
In response, he blew his wife a kiss and sent one final message: Keep your legs together, I know you’re soaked already. 😉
Helloo Winter! ❤️
And hellooo Didier and jealous Manu hahaha
Didier playing with Nemo and Emmanuel and Brigitte (kinda of) sexting each other hahahaha how not to love it 😂
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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akaashisupremacy · 4 years
New Beginnings
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with Gojo, your relationship is in shreds. Will you be able to find peace in each other again?
Notes: Gojo Satoru is good-looking, all powerful and beyond good at his job. I’ve always wanted to explore something he struggles with 
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: ANGST AND PINING, exes to friends to ??, commitment issues lol (wc: 1.3k) tw: mention of blood, infedelity-ish
“Sensei, why are we heading to the infirmary?”
Right after Gojo Satoru arrived at the den Itadori Yuuji was staying, Kiyotaka burst in and whispered something in his ear. Gojo’s eyes widened and he immediately set off with Yuuji tailing him.
“What happened to her?” Gojo exclaims.
The three arrive at the infirmary to see you writhing in pain and screaming in agony. There is dark red blood on your side. Gojo looks like someone had been clawing nails at a chalkboard. He hates to see you like this.
Kiyotaka looks for a healer. Yuuji goes to hide. Gojo tries to undo your makeshift bandages. You’re in a blur of pain.
The next thing you remember after your aborted mission is Gojo Satoru’s concerned eyes watching over you. You’re in the Jujutsu Tech infirmary. Your wound is still fresh as hell.
“She’s really beautiful, sensei.” Itadori Yuuji comments quietly from your bedside.
“She is.” Gojo agrees. Your eyes are closed, yet you sense his presence seated on a stool by your bed.
“Is she a former classmate?” Yuuji asks.
“Among other things. She used to be my fiancée too.”
Yuuji probably scrambles at his stance, “Your what????”
Gojo turns to him, “To be clear it wasn’t a love match. We were arranged to be married by our families by 21, but we broke it off.”
Whenever either of you say this, it always leaves more questions than answers.  
Your eyes flicker open. You wince as you try to sit up. Gojo immediately reaches out to aid you. Your hands swat him away.
“Welcome back?” He cheekily greets.
You sniff and look the other way. Why did he have to work here?
Beside him is a young student with pink hair. He must be Yuuji.
“Go get her something to eat from the kitchens.” he tells his student, “Something gentle on the stomach and nutritious enough to get her strength back.”
Seeing Gojo Satoru is  a different kind of pain. You once thought you were to be married to this man. Because you knew it was your obligation to your family, you learned to love him.
You both enter Jujutsu Kaisen at 15, Gojo a year ahead. It was the most painful three years of your life. Gojo was a popular and inexorable flirt. His attention span for romances was short although he was never short on female attention.
He cared for you very much. He protected you, assured you and was one of your best friends, but you’ve come to accept that he could never love you romantically or be faithful. He just wasn’t interested.
It hurt you deeply of course. You had tried so hard to love him and he couldn’t do the same for you. Was something wrong with you?  You felt deficient. You took the blame onto yourself.
When you were about to graduate, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
“Gojo, I’m going back home this Sunday, probably for the last time.” you approached him while he sat on a stone bench. He had just come back from a mission.
“Any reason it sounds so dramatic?’ he raised a brow.
“I’m breaking off our engagement to my clan leader.”
Gojo was so taken aback he didn't know how to react. His mouth hung open.
“You don’t love me and I don’t think you can.” you sighed, looking away.
Gojo fiddled with his hands, “I do, just not romantically.”
It bothered you that he loved you like family. How could you be married to him if he couldn't see you as more than a friend?
“I don’t know why you haven’t come up with this idea yourself honestly.” you frowned. You can feel yourself glaring more intensely than you had wanted to project.
A gentle gust of wind blew by, ruffling the hairs on your head.
“I have,” he quietly admitted, “But I was afraid you’d take it personally and I was trying to find a way to spare you the anguish.”
You shook your head and kicked a pebble, “There’s nothing you can do to spare me.”
“I’ll go with you. If you do this alone, your clan will exile you. Maybe if they see that it’s mutual maybe they’ll be kinder.” he resolved. The arranged marriage was important because it solidified an alliance between your families. Breaking it off meant you were essentially having your own insurgency against your clan.
But they weren’t kinder. You were still exiled. It was hardly a surprise. At least you were relieved of the prospects of loveless marriage.
“Can you not watch me eat?” You weakly snap at him.
"I can see you’re still pissed at me.” he acknowledges saintly.
You angrily stuck your spoon on your porridge with all the strength you could muster
“Every time I see you I’m reminded of how I failed to make you love me,” your voice is peeling with emotion, “And how my clan kicked me out because of it.”
Gojo opens his mouth to talk, but nothing comes out. Instead he nods understandingly. He goes to grab you more water.
“Every time I see you hurt like this, it reminds me how I fail at protecting you too.” he murmurs, “I know we’re no longer engaged, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m supposed to keep you from harm.”
He talks with his back away from you, as if you could see through him even without his eyes.
“You didn’t fail at anything,” he continues, “Things couldn’t work out between us because of me. I’ve long since known that I’m not into romantic relationships—at least not in the long term, monogamous way that leads to a wedding and a family. But if I could…I promise…it would be with you.”
“Maybe in a different life.” He adds, reigning in his emotion.
Your face softens at his words. You reach out to hold his hand and he holds you tenderly.
“I didn’t mean to cause you the pain that I have.” he whispers, his voice hoarse.
Tears fall down your eyes. You’ve always carried the blame on yourself. Hearing that from him lifts imaginable weight from your chest. You didn’t realize how badly you needed his apology.
He reaches into his pocket for a handkerchief and wipes away your tears.
“We’ve wasted so many years lost in our own pain.” you mumble back, looking away from him.
“We were too young to deal with the cards that we have been dealt then.” he replies, “You should be kinder to our younger selves.”
He lightly squeezes your hand and for a moment you’re both silent.
“Yeah, I guess I should.” you said with a small smile, “I wish we could press a reset button to start over.”
You hear footsteps entering the infirmary. Itadori Yuuji sees the two of you, hands still entangled in each other. He tries to walk back as if not having seen you.
You both pull away. Strangely you don’t feel embarrassed at all.
“Yuuji, go get a wheelchair. We’re taking our guest for a walk. It’s a beautiful day today.” he instructs, eyes still locked at you. Yuuji nods, glad to be sent away.
He turns to you grinning, “That kid was stunned at how beautiful you are. He told me so on the way back. He only likes Jennifer Lawrence so I guess you’re at par with her.”
You both chuckle and laugh.
“I’ve always wanted to be mistaken for a celebrity.”
“You’re more badass in real life though.” he tilts his head.
“You didn’t need him to get a wheelchair. I can try to walk.” you insist, pushing against the bed rails.
Gojo stands to help you, “The doctor clearly said you need to save your strength. You can walk when we get to the garden.”
“I can’t believe we’re bickering already.” you roll your eyes.
Gojo snorts. You crack a smile. He helps you swing your legs down the bed. Today you start anew, an attempt to reshape how your relationship should’ve been. Today, you finally get some new beginnings.
General taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan @kaizumi@holaaaf@glxar@francxsca
Series Taglist: @kageyamakock 
Like this fic? Check out another Gojo fic here.
The rest of the series: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
Heyyy if you made it this far. Let me know your thoughts and if you’d like to see the next chapters 🥺 Writing this fic had me feeling so many typa ways hahahaha and I just need to share it with people. 
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forzalando · 3 years
goodbye kiss | s.r.
pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader word count: 1.2k warnings: mentions of anxiety (briefly), mentions of a head injury (briefly), cursing, mentions of food/eating a/n: this is a fluffy steve fic i've had finished for literally forever and i just never posted it bc i thought no one would read my marvel stuff hahahaha here it is. maybe there will be a part 2 to this....if anyone wants it :)
summary: Steve and Y/N are so clearly infatuated with one another, but oblivious as can be. One morning, Steve's shocking behavior may shift their relationship.
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“Good morning, Y/N,” Steve and Bucky called out in sync as they barreled through the doorway of your shared home.
Every morning was practically the same; wake up at 5:00am because Bucky couldn’t be quiet if his life depended on it, start breakfast at 7:00am right as Steve and Bucky get back from their run (and pretend like you just woke up), shower at 7:40am, and start heading to the compound at 8:30am.
The consistency helped with Bucky’s anxiety, as well as your memory issues from a head injury you had sustained a while back on a mission.
Steve was just Steve, and he ran a ship tighter than his ass and his workout shirts that you knew for a fact ripped after their third or fourth wear.
The three of you worked and lived together, mostly in tandem, but occasionally something would happen that derailed the balanced home life you all strived for. It was usually minor; ‘accidentally’ eating someone’s leftovers, leaving dirty dishes in the sink, playing music too loud at night, etc.
But sometimes…sometimes it was the way Steve looked at you across the dinner table that made you nervous around him for days. Sometimes it was the way your fingers found their way into his sandy blonde hair after a stressful week. Once, about a month ago, it was because he walked into the bathroom not knowing you were taking a bath. And most recently, it was the casual comment made by Bucky about how he was sick and tired of you and Steve dancing around your feelings for one another like “the fuckers in the Russian Ballet”.
Eventually, the awkward period would fade away and things would return to their normal, harmonious ways, with Bucky grumbling all the while about your cowardice.
“What do you have for us today, doll?” Bucky called out as he exited his bedroom.
“I think I have a cold so you and Steve are getting scrambled eggs and toast because it requires minimal effort. Also, we’re now out of eggs. And bread.”
“I just bought three cartons and a loaf two days ago,” Bucky groaned as he slumped against the counter.
“You and your buddy Steven consume a carton each so either eat less or shop more. Take your pick, Barnes.”
He walked behind you and snatched the spatula from your hand, scooping some eggs into his mouth with a cheeky grin.
“I choose to shop more.”
You quickly grabbed the spatula back and shooed him away before he turned your pristine kitchen into a crumb filled nightmare.
“Steve,” you shouted indignantly, “breakfast is ready and I do not have time for your slow ass today.”
Bucky grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, and immediately after, a loud crash echoed from across the house. Bucky shrugged his shoulders in response, pretending to be unaware of whatever could have caused Steve to wreak accidental havoc so early in the morning. It certainly was not his whispered comment, loud enough for only a super soldier’s ears, about how you surely had time for anything to do with Steve’s ass.
“Sorry, sorry,” Steve huffed as he shuffled out of his room.
“What the hell happened in there?”
“I, uh, mis-stepped and tripped over my bed frame, no big deal.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and graciously stepped away from the stove, accepting Steve’s good morning hug and forehead kiss with a dopey smile.
A strangled gag interrupted your precious moment, and you shot daggers at Bucky while he shoveled his breakfast into his mouth like he was starved.
“Sorry, egg must have went down the wrong pipe. Continue your love fest.”
“It’s not a love fest, Buck,” Steve mumbled as a heated blush crept up his neck.
“Then how come I don’t get tender hugs and forehead kisses every morning?”
“Because you don’t cook me breakfast and Y/N is much more kissable.”
Steve froze while Bucky, the cheeky bastard, chuckled into his perfectly buttered toast. You quickly composed yourself and patted Steve reassuringly on the back, laughing along with Bucky.
“I wouldn’t want to kiss Bucky’s ugly mug either, Rogers.”
The rest of breakfast was silent; the sounds of clinking forks and satisfied sighs seemed like exploding C4 and gusts of wind in the cozy kitchen. After finishing your breakfast of hot tea with lemon and honey, you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed. Before, you felt that it was just a little cold, but the longer you were upright and moving around, the more sick you felt.
“We don’t have anything important planned today, do we?” You asked while hobbling towards the couch.
“Not that I know of, are you alright, doll?” Steve inquired, concern evident in his eyes.
“It’s probably just a head cold but will you tell Stark I’m calling in sick today? I don’t even have the energy to send him a text right now. Plus, I don’t want to deal with him telling me this wouldn’t happen if I took his prototype horse pill, super food vitamins.”
“I’ll let him know,” Steve mumbled affectionately as he draped a blanket over your shivering frame.
In a matter of minutes, he and Bucky were headed out the door; Steve with his briefcase and Bucky with his reusable grocery bag he deemed secure enough for sensitive documents.
When the door shut, you closed your eyes, relishing in the quiet, empty space you would have to yourself for the next 9 hours, until a sharp ringtone pierced your eardrums and ignited a monstrous headache.
Steve’s phone buzzed upon the kitchen table and you groaned; his forgetfulness never ceased to amaze you. You dashed across the room, hoping and praying that he and Bucky hadn’t already driven away. After flinging open the door to your house, you crashed directly into what you knew to be Steve Rogers’s insanely muscular chest.
“I forgot my….” He trailed off, noticing that you had it in your hand while simultaneously taking note of the annoyed expression on your face.
“You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached to your shoulders, Steven. I feel incredibly overworked and under appreciated looking after you.”
He threw his head back and laughed, the sound momentarily easing the pounding headache behind your eyes.
“You’re definitely not under appreciated doll,” Steve murmured as he took his phone from your outstretched hand. “Don’t forget to take some cold medicine, it’s in the hall bathroom cabinet behind Bucky’s aftershave. I’ll bring home some soup and a movie.”
Before you could thank him, he dipped his head and captured your lips in a delicate kiss. However, all too soon, he backed away with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
“Did you just…” you gasped.
“I’ll see you tonight, bye!” He shouted before taking off in a sprint and bounding down the front porch steps.
You watched him from the window as he awkwardly ran back to his car. Just before he opened the door, he turned around and locked eyes with you. You blew him a kiss, as dramatically as you could, and smiled as he laughed and ducked into the driver’s seat.
The sensation of vibrating pulled your attention away from Steve and you reached into your pocket for your phone, swiping across the new text message.
From: Bucky Barnes
I. Saw. Everything.
taglist: @gredmforge @vogueweasley @gcdricreads @nuttytani @kaye-lantern @barnesjamcs @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @fallingforyou123 @phoenixes-and-wizards @gloryekaterina @hannahmeyer1999 @beautyschoo1dropout @loonylovegood13 @saara-sanders @le-weasley-simp @peachypotter @omghufflepuff @weelittleweasley (if your url has a strikethrough, I was unable to tag you! please let me know if you would like to be added to my marvel taglist and thank you for reading!!)
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someone1348 · 3 years
This duo request was fromm @blobblobbloblob
People in this: Switch!Tommy, Switch!Ranboo
Tw: cursing
With all that being said enjoyyyy!! :]
Ender Tricks
Ranboo had been feeling confident, sassy, to say the least, mischievous! He wanted to poke fun at people and cause a bit of chaos
So he went out on the hunt to find people to mess around with. He talked to Phil, Laughed with Techno, and that was great but it wasn't fulfilling his mood, the more he thought about what was going on with him the more the feeling grew
A ler mood, he smirked to himself, this was a rare kind of feeling but oh boy did he love these days when he could feel ler. No wonder talking to Phil and Tech didn't help he needed a lee or at least a lee lean.
Normally he would just go tickle the crap out of Tubbo but his body disagreed, no he needed to wreck someone else, he could wreck Tubbo later if this mood sticks throughout the day
He pondered the thought his smirk growing, Tommy!
The two had gotten closer as of recently and unknown to the blonde Ranboo had learned all of his tickle spots already from his platonic husband Tubbo, they share a death spot which really helped in times like this.
He searched for the disc lover spotting him by prime path
"Target acquired!" The enderman hybrid whispered to himself teleporting behind the said blonde squeezing his sides before teleporting away.
"AH- w-What the fuhuck?!" Tommy covered his mouth in embarrassment looking around for the known culprit
Ranboo smirked behind a tree and when the cost was clear he did it again this time skitering quickly under his arms
"AHAH- raha- ranboo!!!!" Tommy rang out in a fit of giggly rage almost dropping his axe
Ranboo covered his mouth behind the tree waiting again to strike. Tommy sighed and kept walking as lingering lee mood took over his senses with every strike
Ranboo smirked striking his ribs before going back, Tommy shrieked before falling down to the grass
Clutching his ribs giggling as the feeling of a lee mood took over everything he completely forgot why he was out here in the first place.
A shadow blocked the sun sending some shade to Tommy's figure, looking up at the smirking ender hybrid Tommy waved
"Hello Ranboo"
"Hey Tommy"
There was a bit of scilence as Tommy looked away, Ranboo laughed looming more over him
"You want to tell me what mood you're in buddy?"
Tommy squinted up at the figure crossing his arms "now Ranboo i don't know what you're talking about"
Ranboo lowly chuckled sitting down by Tommy smirking as he spoke "i can see it all over your face if you want tickles all you gotta do is ask" he poked Tommy's side to indicate his intentions
"Oh you're evilll"
Ranboo just kept smirking, whistling while he wiggled his fingers at the youngest acting like he wasn’t doing anything
"Ranbooo!" Tommy whined as Ranboo laughed stopping and looking at him, "Three words Tommy its eassyyy"
Tommy refused, he's a big man! He doesn't ever want to give into anyone's games esspesssily! Not Ranboo's,
Ranboo used that to his advantage as he teased the kid a bit more "Alright i guess you don't want to be tickled i guess I'll be offf" Ranboo teleported away as Tommy whined sitting up
"Ranboo wait!" He waited but there was no response, he was gone, Sitting alone in the grass he sighed before two tickly hands gripped his sides from behind tickling up and down from his sides to his ribs and back down
"Gotcha!!!" The taller of the two said the smirk clear in his voice as Tommy bursted out into a ball full of giggles falling backwards onto Ranboo's chest
"NAHAhahAHA! RANBOO!" Tommy squirmed his face dusted with a light pink from the surprise and embarrassment
"Hehe thought I'd leave my second favorite lee in the dust like that without tickling him to peices yeah i don't think so!" Ranboo smiled going up to his underarms,
"AYEHEHEHE! Sehehecond?!" Tommy questioned in giggles as Ranboo laughed a bit
"Yeah, Tubbo's number one, sorry pal, get Ranboozled!" He blew a raspberry onto the blondes neck as Tommy pushed at his split dyed head,
"AhAhaWahay!! From thehehere!!" Tommy fell limp to the tickles not fighting it anymore as Ranboo teasingly whispered
"Oh? Not there?~ so should i go for my favorite spot then" he wiggled his fingers teasingly above Tommy's stomach
"Nonononono!" Tommy's protests were nothing in Ranboo's ears as he smirked wiggling all ten fingers into his stomach taking a deep breath going close to Tommy's ear "Tickletickletickletickle Tktktktktktktk~"
Ranboo giggled evily "what's this button doo~" he tickled his bellybutton as Tommy went into hysteria not even making coherent sentences anymore
Ranboo laughed loudly, stopping before rubbing away the ghost tickles
"Oh whahat you think that was funny?!"
"W-well yeah"
Tommy smirked tackling the ender hybrid to the ground tickling his stomach immediately
"TOHOHOHOMYYY!!" Ranboo laughed out squirming from side to side
"Ticklish there aye Ranboo?~" Tommy smirked teasing him a bit
"Okahay okay!" Tommy giggled moving to his sides,
"EEP! wAIhihiAT i-Ee!!" Ranboo covered his face in his hands the ticklish sensations sending tickly Shockwaves all over his body
"WhAHat was that!!" Tommy said stopping
Ranboo blushed harder from the embarrassment "m-my white side is more ticklish then my black side so tickling my s-sides is well, an experience to say the least"
Tommy smirked "thanks for the info big man!" He immediately went to squeezing and tickling alll up and down his white side as the taller yelled
"AHJHA! TOMMYY!" the giggles were pouring out of his mouth as he pushed lightly at his tickly fingers
"Karma ender boy! Haha!!" Tommy tickled from his underarms to his ribs and back around to his sides
Ranboo made a bunch of enderman sounds mixed in with his laughter and squeals
"Okay okay oneee more thing!" Tommy took a deep breath before blowing a raspberry directly in the center of his stomach above his bellybutton
Tommy giggled stopping, helping ranboo up and rubbing the ghost tickles away.
"It seems we all share a death spot" Tommy said smirking a bit
"It seems we do"
Tommy smirked at ranboo before running off in the direction of were Tubbo would be
"He's MINE! HA HA!!!"
"HE'S MY PLATONIC HUSBAND!?!" Ranboo said chasing after him both on their way to wreck their favorite bee boy
I hope you all enjoyedd!!! :]
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kirausamaria · 3 years
I got you all for myself (Stolitz fanfic).
Another silly and fluffy Stolitz’ tk fanfic I wrote. Hope some other better fanfic writers will write their owns because my brain is getting dry  XD. Cheers!
Usually Blitzo would have sex with Stolas until dawn. It was kind of amazing that both of them could last that long, but after waiting for a whole month for their next encounter it was kind of expected that they were so sexually charged.
Blitzo had been thinking about talking with Stolas about meeting more often at night, but he was kind of hesitant to do so. He didn’t want to look too needy, or look vulnerable in front of him. His heart wasn’t completely opened to Stolas yet, but he recognized he enjoyed their time together.
‘Are you going to untie me now darling?’, Stolas asked with a flirty tone. His wrists were still tied to the higher part of the bed, allowing him to stay seated but unable to put his arms down.
‘Not yet. I plan to finish up my cigarette’, Blitzo replied while smoking on the other side of the bed. ‘I won’t give you any this time’, showing Stolas his tongue jokingly.
‘Or perhaps’, Stolas said, ‘you enjoy looking at me like this, am I wrong Blitzy?’. He smiled at Blitzo, making him cough because of the sudden statement.
‘God damnit Stolas! Do you want me to cause a fuc*ing fire over here? I almost let the cigarette fall on the bed!’
‘Well, is that a yes, then?’ Stolas continued with his teasing.
‘Could you stop with all that crap already?’, Blitzo answered while poking Stolas’ side several times, making him giggle. ‘You won’t want to keep bothering me while still being tied like that’.
‘And what if I keep going Blitzy? Am I making you blush?’ Stolas winked at him in a sexy way, predicting what it would happen if he did.
‘Ok, I warned you, time for you to be punished for being such an annoying bird!’ Blitzo put the cigarette down, sat behind Stolas and started scratching his ribs.
‘Ahahahaha!, Blitzy, please, hahaha!’
‘Don’t give me that sh*t now! You started this, now suck it up!’
‘Both my hands are tied up! This isn’t fair, hehehe!’
‘Maybe, but I enjoy torturing you so who cares?’
Blitzo then started tickling Stolas’ underarms, making him squirm frantically and trying to get away, but he could only lift on his legs a little on the bed.
‘Ahahahaha! Not there! I’m begging you!’
‘You can’t tell me what to do, even as a Prince! I can do anything I want to you’, Blitzo said while smiling mischievously at him. ‘What about this, I will tickle you on your favorite spot so you’ll stop complaining, what do you think?’.
‘Oh no, nohohohoho!’, Stolas answered between giggles as Blitzo’s wiggling claws were getting closer and closer to his neck. Blitzo knew this kind of teasing was making him laugh more. Stolas just prepared for the attack, closing his eyes and trying to cover his neck with his arms while snickering.
When Blitzo’s claws touched his neck, Stolas let out a very loud squeal followed by cute giggles. Blitzo wasn’t wrong, Stolas neck was really sensitive and even when being kissed and nibbled there was unbearably ticklish for him, he would enjoy every second of it, as he never tried to put Blitzo away and still exposed his neck to him while getting on.
‘Ahahaha! No! Stahahahahap! Dohohohon’t use your claws! Just use your lips as you always dohohoho!’.
‘My lips, huh?’, Blitzo said while smiling at the cute owl prince. ‘Can’t see why not. Well, you asked for it!’. Blitzo then proceeded to get close to Stolas neck for what seemed to be a kiss, but ended up being a strong and loud raspberry  on the crook of his neck.
‘NOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHA! Not like that! It 's too much!’
‘Sorry, still not done!’. Blitzo then blew up a raspberry on the other side of his neck, while nuzzling on his feathers in order to make the tickling stronger.
‘AHAHAHAHA! *hic*, AHAHAHA! Pleaseee, I can’t take it!’
‘Oh, don’t come up to me with that sh*t!  You can get away from this whenever you want to! Who’d believe such a powerful royalty demon could be converted into a puddle of giggles so easily!’
Blitzo wasn’t wrong. Stolas was a very strong demon who could easily beat almost anyone without any effort, but being dominated by his beloved top imp Blitzo was too tempting for him to run away from, and being tickled silly from time to time wasn’t that bad. Stolas not trying to untie himself and letting Blitzo to do as he pleased was really a big sign of trust.
‘AHAHAHA *hoot*, HAHAHAHA! *hoot* *hic*’
‘Ha, you have started with the hooting, haven’t you? God, what would your enemies do to you if they knew you are this ticklish? You would be so done!’,Blitzo then hugged Stolas’ waist with his legs from behind in order to restrain him even more and drilled his fingers into his ribs.
Stolas started squirming harder, melting into laughter to the point of tearing up. Blitzo then scratched an underarm with one claw and the neck with the other. It was then when Stolas started begging for real.
‘Alright alright, I’ll stop. Hope you learned your lesson!’ Blitzo got down from Stolas and untied him. Stolas just let himself fall completely into the bed still giggling and cleaning up his tears with the bedsheets.
‘Hehehehe *hic*, oh my, that was a little too much Blitzy! I’m crying now!’
‘As you deserve it! I would make you suffer for much longer but I got tired of listening to your cute owl voice so I’d rather forgive you this time’.
Stolas suddenly stopped giggling.
         ‘What what?’
‘What did you just say?’
         ‘About what?’
        ‘Do you think my voice is cute?’
Blitzo just then realized what he had said, and of course he tried to deny it.
‘What? I didn’t! Why would I say that?!’
‘That’s exactly what you just said!’
‘That’s not true, F off!’
Stolas then hugged him from behind then and softly whispered on Blitzo’s ear:
‘Please Blitzy, let me hear it...tell me you love my voice’.
Blitzo shuddered from the tingling sensations entering his ear, he squirmed trying to escape Stolas’ teasing.
‘You jerk! Let me go!’
‘Why? Is this making you blush? Does my voice fluster you that much?’, Stolas said while giggling.
‘Shut up! That’s not it!’, Blitzo replied. He didn’t want Stolas to realize how flustered he was. Also, Stolas’ soft voice was too close to him, to the point of tickling him. He tried to avoid any giggling but it was hard to achieve with his cute boyfriend teasing him.
‘Don’t you love when I’m this close to you like this?’,Stolas continued, now kissing the nape of Blitzo’s neck. That was the final straw: Blitzo left some giggles come out and that just made Stolas more enthusiastic about teasing him.
‘Please, Stolas! Stop! It feels weihihihird!’
‘Oh, is my cute little imp’s neck ticklish too? You’re so adorable!’ Stolas knew that teasing Blitzo messed up with him more than he would ever admit, so he just kept going until he was able to make him confess.
‘Are both my voice and kisses making you melt Blitzy? Oh, you’re so giggly and blushy right now’.
‘Shuhuhuhut up! Just stop already!’ Blitzo wasn’t yelling in anger or anything, he was just laughing at this point, so he wasn’t intimidating at all. Then Stolas tried something else to break him: he started caressing Blitzo’s ribs with his claws just enough to be ticklish. Blitzo doubled the efforts to escape.
‘Nohohoho! Not the ribs!’
‘Why is that? I know here is your favorite tickle spot Blitzy, you laugh your heart out every time’, Stolas said, still whispering in his ear.
‘That’s not truhuhuhue! Stahahahahap, it tickles!’
‘What if I tell you I can make you more ticklish than this?’, Stolas replied in a flirty way. Then he moved Blitzo on a way half of his body was out the bed and hanging, while pinning his legs so he couldn’t stand up and reach him with his arms because of gravity. Blitzo started begging while giggling nervously.
‘Dohohon’t you dare Stolas!’
‘You know what you need to say to make it stop, darling’.
Then the torture began: Stolas started tickling Blitzo’s torso from the waist down to his ribs. Sometimes he would scratch, other times he would dig his claws on him. Blitzo couldn’t lift his arms high enough to stop it.
‘Of course not, I would never do anything to hurt you my cute Blitzy. I just love you so much!’,Stolas cooed while scratching his underarms.
‘YOU F***ING A**HOLE! JUST WAIHIHIHIT UNTIL I’M FREE!’, Blitzo let out a scream followed by a loud laugh. Tears started to form in his eyes.
‘Oh, but you’re not free now, I got you all for myself sweetie’, Stolas replied while his fingers scattered on Blitzo’s full torso.
‘Just repeat what you said and I’ll stop’, Stolas answered  and started nibbling and munching on Blitzo's side while still using his hands on his neck and one of his underarms. ‘Will you please say it for me?’
Stolas finally stopped. Blitzo was so exhausted he was unable to get up by himself so Stolas lifted him up, put him on his lap and hugged him while was still catching up his breath and giggling.
‘That’s one of the sweetest things you have ever said to me!’, Stolas said while squeezing the living hell out of Blitzo.
‘Please let me breathe, I’m about to pass out!’
‘Oh, sorry, did I go a little too far?’, Stolas said in an innocent tone  while trying to hold up his laughter for watching Blitzo so flustered and tired to the point of not fighting his hug.
‘You know what you were doing you jerk! God damnit, I’m crying too’.
Stolas covered him in a softer embrace and whispered to him: ‘I love you so much Blitzy’. Blitzo’s face got red, but he didn’t give any smart a*s comeback, he just slowly put his arms around Stolas’ waist. They stayed like this in silence for a whole minute.
‘Hey, do you want to go out somewhere and get some coffee? It’s a nice day to go outside and the leaves are already changing color’, Stolas said while caressing Blitzo’s cheeks with his hands.
‘Alright, but if you try to tickle me in public you’ll go literally thought hell when we go back home, I warn you’.
‘Understood’, Stolas replied while rubbing his cheek on Blitzo’s face, making him blush more.
Thanks for reading my dumb fanfic. Feel free to give me tip if you want on streamlabs. www.streamlabs.com/tip/kirausamaria
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iluvchanniesposts · 2 years
Vlive tickles.
lee!minho. lers! seungmin and jeongin.
The second oldest, and the two youngest all decided to go live on Vlive. It had been a while since they all sat together and to be quite frank, the fans went crazy. It was such an odd mixture, seeing as Seungmin and Jeongin were just together, but Minho decided to join them today.
“Hello Stay!” Seungmin greeted the viewers with a cute wave, followed by the other two. They were sat side by side on the bed, Minho in the middle. “We want to do a small Q&A, so please ask us questions in the comments.” Jeongin spoke to the camera with a sweet smile, eyes flickering back to his phone every now and then. “Are Felix’s brownies actually nice?” Minho read out one of the questions in which everyone nodded. “Who argues the most?” Seungmin read out. “We don’t really argue, to be honest do we?” Jeongin looked at the other two who shook their heads in response.
Many questions later, they decided to finish the Q&A. Jeongin laughing caught the other boys attentions as his eyes were glued to his phone. “What?” Minho asked, trying to peer over his shoulder. “Hold on, is Minho ticklish. If yes, where and how much?” He laughed as he leaned away so Minho couldn’t see his phone. Minho’s head shot up as he shook it ‘no’ frantically. “Stay, shall we find out?” Seungmin smiled before pushing Minho back onto the bed. They turned his body so the camera had a good view. His arms were now pinned above his head, Jeongin leaned over him with Seungmin sat on his hips.
“Boys no! I’ll tell Chan!” He threatened but they didn’t listen. Jeongin leaned over and was tickling Minho’s armpits, making his arms struggle to come down. “Nahahah don’t!” He squirmed a little before Seungmin leaned down and blew on his neck. “This isn’t fahahahair!” Seungmin smiled at his dismay and carried on teasing his neck. “Oh he’s very ticklish!” Jeongin laughed and looked at the camera. “Where else are you ticklish, Hyung?” Seungmin asked with a playful tone, moving his hands to his ribs. “I’m not ticklish!” He tried to say without laughing, but Seungmin’s hands connecting with his ribs made him laugh. “Oh, is that so?” He teased again.
At this point, Jeongin got bored of his armpits, moving down to his knees. He adjusted the camera so Stay could see everything. “Are your knees ticklish?” He gave Minho no time to reply before squeezing his knee cap. In defence, his leg flew up but Jeongin held it down the next time. “CLEARLY HAHAHAHA!” He was still sarcastic no matter what predicament he’s in. “Let’s crack some eggs.” Seungmin suggested, as he put one hand over Minho’s knee in a closed claw position, tapped it a few times before sprawling his fingers out over his knee. Jeongin was doing the same on the other knee, causing Minho to throw his head back. “Stop you little brats!” He was out of breath and panting. “What about your stomach? Let’s find out.” Seungmin stated as they both made their way back up to his stomach, lifting his shirt a little. Jeongin dragged his slender nails all over his tummy as Seungmin swirled his finger around his bellybutton. “GUHUHUYS PLEASE!” He screamed, but their hands never stopped. “Aww. I think we found your sensitive spot!” His face was bright red and he tried to suck his stomach in but nothing made it stop. “ENOUGH!” He shouted, the boys listened this time. Minho sat up and straightened himself out for the camera. “Aw, your ears are so red.” Seungmin teased with another poke to his rib, making him jolt to the side.
“Your answer is yes.” Jeongin snickered as Minho playfully punched his arm.
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tefilovesreading · 4 years
It’s a match! Part. 2
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: None, language but that’s it.
Edited by: @theamazingtomholland​ 
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“What do you mean he sent you a good morning text?” Jo asked, almost choking on her toast.
“He asked for my number last night,” Y/N explained, her hands shaking while she tried to unlock her phone, “and when I woke up, I had a text from him saying good morning and wishing me a good day.”
“Damn the boy is a keeper,” her friend whistled and winked at her after she read the message.
“He told me he wanted to FaceTime.”
She sat on the stool next to where her best friend was sitting and rested her chin on her hand. The butterflies in her stomach felt more like hundreds of bees buzzing fiercely in there. 
“And you?” Jo questioned with an intrigued look on her face, “do you wanna do it?”
“I think so,” Y/N answered, biting the inside of her cheek, “he’s really cute, and I had fun texting last night.”
“Well that’s a new one,” the ginger girl joked. All their friends knew how much Y/N hated texting, leaving messages on read for days, or taking absolutely forever to respond. She always felt weird texting, not knowing very well how to keep the conversation going over text.
“Tell him you have thirty minutes, and then you have to go do something else,” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and Jo rolled her eyes, “that way if you don’t feel comfortable you have an easy exit.”
“And what if I’m enjoying it?” Jo looked at her as if she was trying to explain how the water cycle worked to a kid, “Jo I’m being serious!”
“In that case, my love, you hang up and call him again after you tell me everything.”
“Who said I was gonna tell you anything, uh?” Y/N smirked and blew her a kiss after her friend gave her an offended look.
“Whatever, Y/N,” Jo flipped her off, “just tell him your professor was sick or something like that.”
“You’re a lifesaver, did I tell you that?” Y/N kissed her friend’s cheek and then jumped off, “I’m gonna go take a shower, see you later.”
“See you later, babe,” Jo said, “don’t forget to eat!”
“I won’t!” Y/N yelled, on her way to the bathroom they shared.
Y/N: Good morning! Hope you have a great day too
She smiled satisfied at her reply and hit the send button.
Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she felt so giddy about a guy, it was exciting, to say the least. Charlie seemed like an easygoing person and really easy to talk to. Sure she was nervous talking to him, but who wouldn’t? The guy was super cute and so nice to her, she already knew she’d be crushing hard.
Thirty minutes later, she was on her way to class with time to go to her favorite coffee shop and have a quick breakfast.
Charlie: Didn’t think you’d answer me so early hahaha Y/N: I have a class in like 20 minutes, wouldn’t have woken up this early if i didn’t have class lol Charlie: So you’re not a morning person Y/N: Oh no, absolutely not!!
She smiled at the boy in the cashier and laughed softly when he asked her if she was ordering the same thing she always did.
“Oh, can you add a brownie please?” Y/N asked politely, while she looked for her card on her bag. After paying for her food, she went to one of the tables in the back.
Charlie: Noted! I swear i try to not wake up early but i can’t Y/N: I bet you’re the kind of friend that wakes everyone up with a lot of noise  Charlie: How did ya know that hahahaha Y/N: I was just guessing, but you do seem like a loud person Charlie: I am, i won’t try to deny it Charlie: What about you??  Y/N: Mmm Y/N: It depends Y/N: But my laugh is extra loud, so I can’t say I’m a quiet girl
“Vanilla latte!” Y/N put away her phone and stood up to get her order.
“Thanks, Dylan,” she thanked the boy and grabbed a few napkins before making her way back to her table. 
Charlie: I bet your laugh is really cute
Her cheeks were burning after that message, and it took her a couple of minutes to tame the butterflies in her stomach before she was able to type a response. Because as much as she wanted to laugh it off and change the topic, she knew he was flirting with her and if she didn’t flirt back, their conversation was basically dead.
Y/N: Guess you’ll have to find out yourself ;).
That was a nice reply, right? She screenshotted their chat and sent it to Jo. If anyone knew how to flirt while texting, it was her best friend.
Y/N: How does it look? Is it too much?? Too little?? Y/N: H E L P
Jo’s response was quick as always. One of the many reasons she loved her.
Jo: Girl it’s fine Jo: Stop worrying about it Jo: It’s mysterious and a good way to tell him you wanna FaceTime Y/N: Ok ok thank you love ya Jo: Love you more  
Checking the hour on her phone, Y/N finished her bagel and gathered her stuff. She waved Dylan goodbye and left the coffee shop. She spent more time than she expected to in there and if she didn’t hurry she’d be late for class. 
It was times like this one that made her regret not knowing how to drive because even if all her classmates liked the Lyft program they had for free, she still felt unsafe getting in the car without a friend.
Back in the day, when she was still dating Lance, he’d made sure to call her and talk to her during the whole ride to wherever Y/N needed to go just to make her feel safe. After all, he was never a bad boyfriend, their paths just went in different ways and they both wanted different things in life.
Charlie: Yeah i guess Charlie: What if i call you later when you’re done with your classes??Charlie: No pressure
She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks for the second time in less than an hour and had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling. 
Y/N: Sure, i’ll let you know once i’m done Y/N: But i have to say bye for now Y/N: Gotta pay attention haha Charlie: Get that degree! Charlie: Talk to you later!
Focusing on whatever her professor was saying was a hard task, she just wanted to pull her phone out and text Charlie, see what he was up to and get home as soon as possible, so they could FaceTime.
Sitting on the edge of her seat, she couldn’t help but bounce her leg to relieve the eagerness rushing through her veins. She still had fifteen minutes left, and then she’d be sprinting out of the classroom and going back to her apartment.
“Dude, do you gotta use the bathroom or what?” Sadie, the girl she always sat with during class, whispered through gritted teeth.
“Sorry,” she apologized, crossing her legs to stop herself from bouncing her leg. Although the new position didn’t stop her from moving her foot. 
“What’s up with you?” Sadie snorted once she realized Y/N couldn’t sit still.
“Nothing,” she replied quickly, scribbling on her notebook the pages she needed to read for the next class, “I just wanna go home.”
“But you have never been this eager to leave this class,” the girl commented without looking at her, too focused on taking notes, “you love this class.”
“I don’t know,” Y/N let out a sigh and checked the hour on her watch, “I just don’t feel like sitting here right now.”
Her classmate didn’t make another comment about her eagerness to leave the classroom, she just nodded her head as if she was telling her she understood.
“I think that’s all for today, guys,” the professor mentioned, leaning on the desk, “have a good day, and don’t forget to read the articles I mentioned.”
Y/N hurried to gather her things and waved Sadie goodbye before walking as fast as she could to the door. She needed to leave before the halls flooded with students. Y/N considered taking the stairs instead of the elevator but knowing how clumsy she could be, she opted for the latter. Falling down the stairs wasn’t on her plans.
Twenty minutes and a mile later, she dropped her keys on the bowl next to the door of her apartment and kicked off her shoes. She checked her out in the full-length mirror Jo had in their living room and shrugged. Charlie knew she was a college student, and it wouldn’t be weird to see her wearing a hoodie with her college’s logo, also, she was comfy and didn’t want to change into something else. 
She fixed her hair and made sure she didn’t have smudged mascara under her eyes and then made herself comfortable on the couch.
Y/N: Just made it home
Y/N: That was one hell of a long class haha
She bit her nails, the nervousness kicking in while she waited for a response from Charlie. Maybe he was busy now that she wasn’t. God if their schedules didn’t let them at least FaceTime, she felt like she’d start crying and delete the app. It wasn’t like she was talking to other guys though.
Charlie: Finally!! Charlie: Wanna FaceTime?? Or are you tired?
“Fuck no,” she whispered to herself before she started writing her reply.
Y/N: Nah! Let's FaceTime
Her heart started pounding on her chest when the video call entered and the phone started vibrating in her hand.  
“Shit, shit, shit,” she cursed before putting a smile on her face and answering the call. “Hey!”
Holy shit. His pictures didn’t make him justice. 
“How you doin’?” Charlie said and her cheeks blushed.
“It’s that a Friends reference?” she asked trying to hide her smile.
“I swear I don’t mean it in that way,” he laughed, and the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled made her heart flutter. “But seriously, how was your day?”
“It was good even though I hate waking up early,” the way Charlie was looking at her with so much attention, even if it was through a screen it  made her feel so confident, “I had breakfast at this little coffee shop near my apartment and then went to class.”
“But that sounds like a nice morning,” Charlie mentioned, his sweet smile never leaving his face.
“What were you up to anyway?”
“Not much actually,” he shrugged and the gesture made him look young, “I went for a run, then I had to film some tapes for a few auditions, and now I’m chilling.”
“You’re an actor,” Y/N pointed out, not even surprised about the new information he just revealed. It was Los Angeles after all.
“I am,” he smiled, and she swore she could see a pink tint on his cheeks, “I started back in Canada when I was about fourteen or fifteen.”
“Any chances I’ve watched it?” Charlie scrunched his nose and shook his head.
“Maybe, if you are into foreign films,” Y/N tilted her head confused at his answer, “It’s in French.”
“You learned how to speak in French for the movie?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows together when Charlie started laughing.
“I grew up speaking French and English,” he explained with a soft smile, “I’m French Canadian.”
“That makes a lot more sense now,” she laughed off her embarrassment, “I’m gonna blame the fact that I woke up early today. I’m not this dumb, I swear.”
“Don’t worry,” he said and the smile faded just enough for her to notice his intense stare, “I thought it was cute.”
She bit her lip at his words and tried to look away from the screen, but Charlie’s eye contact felt as if he was looking right into her soul and she couldn’t break that connection even if she wanted to. And she definitely didn’t want to do that.
tagged: @chevyimpala00067​ @samanthawilliamspring​ @searchingunderthestars @luke-patt @moneybagmgk @angisbr @happinessinthedarkesttimes @knitsessed @cordeliascrown @crybabyddl @phantompogues @the-romanian-is-bae @doaspeggy-says
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