#((This actually works pretty well for a few reasons:
starry-bi-sky · 3 days
"Stillborn? No, no, still born." -- DPXDC AU
Based off a comment I saw where Bruce knew about Talia's pregnancy in the earlier comivs, and was ecstatic to be a father. So much so that Talia feared he'd give up being Batman for it, so when she gave birth she put the baby (Damian) on a doorstep and (seemingly) told Bruce that the baby was stillborn.
Instead of Damian, that baby was Danny! Meet Daniel Brown, the 14 year old foster kid whose been living with the Fenton family for the last two years. He's about two years older than Damian.
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His last name, "Brown", was a generic surname given to him because the note he came with didn't have one on it. It just had the name "Danyal" on it, but albeit 'Daniel' was the one that had been put into the system for, I'll be totally frank here, racism reasons.
(I looked it up to make sure, and it's generally not permissible for foster parents to change the names of their foster kids even if it's a permanent residency, and for that reason Danny doesn't have the last name "Fenton".)
Danny's got ✨~issues!~✨ He's been through a handful of homes growing up, most of them terrible for a variety of reasons. Which has, as a result, left lasting scars. He's generally a very sweet kid, just very distrustful and jumpy. He's got the signs of a kid suffering from PTSD, and a handful of other issues including attachment and insomnia. His inferiority complex could rival Damian's, and that's going to make for an interesting mutual hatred for when they finally meet.
(something I'll get into later)
He still has the blanket he was found in. It's made of a very high quality material and is a beautiful emerald green with little golden thread accents, it's high quality as a result has Danny clinging onto a desperate hope that his bio family might be out there, and the only reason they gave him up was because of some outside factor. It's been taken a few times in old foster homes, and he's flipped out each time.
While he still calls Jack and Maddie by their names, he likes them well enough. The bar isn't that high though, and while they're some of the better foster parents he's had, "better" doesn't equal "safest". Their laboratory malpractice. Basically, C- Fenton Parents. They're negligent by virtue of being engrossed in their work, but they do care equally about Jazz and Danny. So he doesn't hold it against them that much.
He kinda prefers it that way, their loud affection is overwhelming and Danny doesn't know what to do with their attention, even if he craves it. It's a bit of a complicated situation.
They took in Danny because they genuinely wanted another child, but didn't want a big age gap between them and Jazz. It was actually Jack's idea to foster, and they discussed it with Jazz beforehand. She was all for the idea. Thus, a handful of weeks later, a ton of paperwork, and inspection later, and Daniel Brown entered their household with a trash bag in one hand and eyes like shards of stained glass.
His relationship with Jazz is kinda strained, but that's by virtue of her constant psychoanalyzing and helicoptering. Like with the parents, Danny's overwhelmed by the attention and also just, straight up doesn't like the fact that she's telling him that there's something wrong with him. He knows that, thank you. He pushes her away when she does this.
Other than that though? When Jazz isn't smothering him and is acting like an actual sibling and not a third parent, they're pretty close, and Danny really likes her. They've hung out a few times on their own volition, and Jazz showed him how to take better care of his long hair.
His school situation,, pretty similar to canon with the bullying, albeit with a few more instances of him blowing a fuse and lashing out against his attackers. He's a rather angry kid, but it's quiet. It builds up, piles on top of itself, until eventually, like a volcano, it erupts and burns everyone within radius.
Danny's got a fire core, not an ice core. Phantom's hair is made of white magma; thick and heavy, setting itself on fire when his anger runs hot. When he gets angry, his skin begins to char and split open to reveal pulsating lava underneath, and he crackles and pops like a raging forest fire.
I haven't decided yet on how he meets the batfam -- i've got two ideas but they're both in opposition to each other, and drastically alter how the rest of the plot goes. But I do know that him and Damian hate each other in the beginning. And it has nothing to do with inheritance or "being the blood son" -- although their blood relation absolutely plays the major role in their disdain for each other.
Simply put, they're jealous of each other for the same thing: thinking that the other was wanted.
Damian hates Danny because, unlike Damian, Bruce knew about Danny since conception and wanted him from the moment he heard about him. He had a whole nursery set up, and still does. He never took it down -- just locked the door. Damian was thrust upon Bruce without warning, and he feels like he forced himself into the family. And while on some level Damian knows and understands that Bruce wants him and loves him as much as his other children, that doubt and feeling of inferiority still remains. He looks at Danny and sees him with what Damian always feels he needs reaffirmed.
Meanwhile, Danny hates Damian because he looks at him and sees him with everything Danny's ever wanted. He hates him because Damian grew up knowing both of their parents, with one of them for most of his life, and then moved over to the other. There was never a moment where Damian was (seemingly) left to doubt his place within the family. Damian was raised with the very same woman who left Danny on a doorstep, with no clue to his identity beyond a little green blanket and a note with only a first name. Damian was wanted everywhere, and Danny was wanted nowhere. Damian is Danny's replacement in his eyes.
(It's the little revelation that Damian grew up with their mother that elevates Danny from being quietly envious of Damian to downright despising him. What did Damian do, that Danny didn't? He could live with Damian living with Bruce -- Bruce didn't know Danny was even alive. But him living with their mom? Are you fucking kidding him?)
Damian never outright attacks Danny physically, but it's not like he hides that he didn't like Danny. Meanwhile, Danny, in all his repressive anger, quietly despised him from a distance until finally one wrong snide side-comment has him blowing up and it becomes a screaming match. They're both just enough similar to each other that when they look at each other they really just see a mirror.
They'll work it out together, eventually. But it'll be ugly and cruel and explosive, and they'll start mending the bridge to become brothers in more than just blood relation in the end.
But yeah, stillborn Danny has... a lot going for him.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#danyal al ghul au#danyal al ghul#dpxdc prompt#additions. opinions and brainstorming are encouraged!! i'd love to hear what other people's thoughts on this are and brainstorm with them.#the brainstorming is the best part.#stillborn? no still born au#poc danny fenton#stillborn au#long haired danny fenton#danny isn't surprised by the fact that the fentons were greenlit for foster parenting considering some of the foster parents HE'S had#those two ideas differed in who found out about who first. Whether it be Bruce or Danny. bruce finding out about danny first results in#Bruce seeking him out first and being able to explain his side of the story first without misunderstandings. this is the Happy Version#Danny finding out about Bruce first results in him getting an official DNA test done and intentionally seeking him out to introduce himself#except when he finds out about damian's existence his shit self worth results in him jumping to the conclusion that his bio family never#wanted him in the first place. that they weren't looking for him and instead just up and replaced him. This is the Fucking SAD Version#and includes a conversation where Danny looks Batman dead in the eyes and tells him that he was 'daddy dearest's fucking reject'#danny completely unaware that batman = bruce wayne btw. for the extra angst. bruce has to stand there and take it. rip#this poor boy needs antidepressants. therapy. and rehab. probably. i've thought about him having an old addiction that he was recovering#from prior to the fentons. but its not confirmed yet. if i go through with it its either gonna be nicotine or like painkillers. i need to#wait and think about it when i'm not on the angst train. i have a tendency to go overboard when i am. its the endorphin high#Danny calls Damian his 'fucking replacement' and Damian tackles him.#starry makes another angsty au
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koolades-world · 18 hours
happy father's day!
i actually wasn't going to make a special post until i actually made a very telling connection just yesterday morning. i think the reason i just adore dadcifer is because lucifer reminds me so much of my own dad. they can both seem so cold and unapproachable from the outside, but actually is so thoughtful and cares a lot about those they love. they both have a secret love of animals, would do anything for their family, and are very protective of them. they're both secretly softies for their children (or brothers in luci's case) and as i (or the brothers) start to age, i realized just how much he did for me in the past
my father injured his back pretty bad in a car accident when i was little, but he still continue and did his best to my dad despite that, and still made it to every single one of my award ceremonies and games on top of all his work. he couldn't do things he did before, like piggy back rides and anything that involved sitting on the ground and while that's certainly not on the same level as what lucifer experienced during the fall, i feel as if it may be comparable to the loss of one pair of his wings and the symbolism of it all. through all that lucifer still got himself together and continued to be what his brothers needed him to be.
sorry for really rambling there, but my dad really is one of the the reasons i pick myself whenever i fall, and making this connection has caused me to treasure lucifer like i hadn't before
i hope for the love of god you never find this, but this one was written with you in mind, dad. thank you for everything and i love you <33
Lucifer was at his desk, trying to complete paperwork. He'd made excellent progress in the past few hours, and he hadn't even realized that much time had passed. He wasn't having a bad day, per say, but it was just another monotonous day. But, it wasn't done yet. If he could keep up at the rate he was currently working at, he thought he could be finished a little earlier than he usually was.
Absentmindedly, he reach for the next paper, but he felt his heart drop a little when his hand past through where the pile should have been and met the table. He turned to look to see if maybe he'd just missed the papers, but all the papers were gone. Thinking he might have accidently knocked them all on the floor, he stood up and leant as far over he could over his desk. But, they were nowhere to be found. He decided to double check that his other papers were where he'd left them, but to his surprise, found not a single paper on his desk.
Lucifer began to grow frustrated. He didn't know how his papers suddenly vanishing was possible. He knew his brothers must've had something to do with it. They always did. He had no new messages on his phone, so with a sigh, he decided to go see what they were doing.
He could hear Mammon and Levi bickering in what he presumed was the living room. That was a problem he'd have to solve before it got out of hand again. While he'd like to prioritize his missing work, making sure the house didn't burn again down took precedence. He was in no hurry though. He wasn't eager to break up yet another fight between his brothers, but it always fell on him to do it anyways.
However, to his surprise, neither Mammon nor Levi was in sight. Before he could digest what he was seeing, he heard seven voices yell in unison, "Happy Father's Day!" To both his right and left, a party popper was set off, showering him in confetti in every color of the rainbow. After he got past the initial shock, he saw a simple, but well thought out set up. A banner was stung above the fireplace that said 'Happy Father's Day' and while it wasn't exactly even, he could tell it was done carefully. Streams adorned the walls and the light fixtures, and some balloons sat in a couple corners of the room. A large pile of presents and a large card sat on the coffee table.
"What is this all about?" Lucifer shook off some of the confetti to see that it was Mammon and Levi who'd covered him in it.
"It's a celebration for you, of course!" Mc was in the center of the group of the remaining brothers. Beel and Asmo had large grins on their faces, and while Belphie and Satan looked less thrilled, they looked as if they were trying to appear that way.
"Why?" He questioned. He raised an eyebrow at all the decor.
"You do so much for all of us. We figured it'd be fitting to celebrate a human holiday known as Father's Day. It's when the people in the life of father, or father figure, celebrate them for just that reason. You call them your brothers, but you might as well be their dad considering how much you care for them." Mc told him. They didn't mention that he could actually be considered a father, but it was probably best that way to avoid setting off Satan. "You've done a lot for me too. Even though I wasn't part of this family to begin with, you welcomed me in just like I had been. You've supported me through so much, and we all agreed we should celebrate you for this." Mc held out a bundle of flowers to him. Lucifer took them, studying them. Before he could get out another word, they fiercely hugged him. His other brothers took this as their signal to join, mobbing him in their embrace.
Lucifer almost felt as if he could cry. They'd gone out of their way to set up everything for him, including an abundance of gifts. Considering his birthday was at the beginning of that month, he was both surprised and impressed. "I don't know what to say. Thank you." He was honored. Everyone backed up after a minute or so of the embrace, seemingly with something else up their sleeves.
"We have one more thing for you!" Asmo exclaimed, clapping his hands giddily. Mc looked as if they were concentrating, and slowly, a cake levitated into view which Mammon quickly intercepted and extended towards Lucifer. It had a couple candles in it, and it had the name of the holiday on it. Each letter was in a different color and appeared like they were all written by different people. Some letters were very prim, while others were rough at best. Besides that, everything else seemed professionally done.
"Luke helped us bake and decorate this cake, but we each put on a letter or two of the message." Mc explained. With a wave of his hands, Satan lit the candles. Everyone gathered around Lucifer and Mammon, waiting for his response. He sighed again, but this time, it was one of happiness. He blew out the candles, causing the group to begin cheering. From behind him, Beel placed a headband of some kind on Lucifer's head.
"Now everybody knows you're a dad." Beel smiled.
"The only reason the others aren't here is because they're currently celebrating Simeon and Barbatos for Father's Day too." Mc had Mammon place the cake on the table so they could cut it.
"That explains why Luke was the one who helped you." Lucifer nodded.
"Now, get over here, silly. You have presents to open." Mc waved him over to sit down. They lent towards him to whisper. "Just so you know, this was Satan's idea." They could hardly contain their laughter, which Lucifer matched with a smile that rarely graced his face. As much trouble as his brothers caused, and sometimes Mc too, he was eternally grateful for all of them. He couldn't have asked for a better family.
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riririnnnn · 2 days
The sole inspiration of this theory is this post by @someprettyname.
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You know, one of the topics Kaneshiro-san hasn't talked about in the Manga yet is academic pressure on a student, and this topic perfectly suits Shidou out of all the characters in Blue Lock. He is like the perfect candidate to showcase a burnout student who had to put up with all the pressure their parents placed on them, and I have three reasons to believe in this theory:
-> Monologue
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All his monologues during the U-20 match has one common theme, "Leaving a proof of yourself for the world to remember you." And one common belief in a household with great academic pressure is that you are made to believe from a very young age that if you can't achieve something in your life, then you are completely worthless. These kind of parents think that being happy with one's life isn't enough, you need to and got to be something or do something big in your life.
One more thing that slipped through ALL of our eyes is that Shidou is actually a pretty smart person:
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Shidou was so quickly able to correctly judge Kunigami and Reo, and I think that's a pretty good testament for one's intelligence.
Of course, I do not believe that a grade can fully show a student's capabilities, but I do also believe that you need to have, at least, some kind of intelligence to score good grades. And considering all of this, I can place a safe bet that Shidou was some kind of scholar student and being a smart kid in an Asian household means having to carry lots of academic expectations!
-> Behaviour
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You don't even need to fully know about Shidou to understand that he is far away from a student who is considered ideal and that's the point I'm trying to make! He isn't an ideal student because he is tired of being one for so long!
Okay, to understand my point better, imagine this:
You are being forced to be at the top of your class, to be a good, well-mannered, well-behaved student. It's like a constant invisible rope of expectation tied around your neck that never goes away and it's eating you up inside, so what would you do?
Most likely: rebel.
And that's what Shidou is doing! He is aggressive, violent and foul-mouthed—everything that can NOT be found in a trait list of an ideal student. Also, dyeing your hair in bright colours has been a pretty common thing any student does in order to 'rebel'.
You getting me? Please say yes.
-> Favourite song
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His choice of music was the first thing that made me believe that Shidou is just being a rebel student. Hide, as stated by Wikipedia, was (or maybe is) considered as the icon for Japanese youth to rebel against the 'conformist' society of Japan. And Pink Spider song goes deeper than it appears—this and this beautifully explains about the above mentioned song.
Here are some few excerpts of the articles:
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This song's meaning in Shidou's case can be interpreted in various ways, and I would love if you guys come up with your own interpretations.
For me, it's like Shidou felt trapped in whatever way he was living. He was made to feel that if he followed every rules, got good grades, behaved like an ideal student, then everything will be fine and will work in his way and that his elders really know the best for him and that he is just naïve. This type of living ended up suffocating him even more—he wanted to truly live—he bottled everything up and one day, he just snapped and that was when the Shidou Ryusei we know was born.
One more small and very personal reason for me to believe that he was a scholar student with too much academic pressure is that one of his favourite subjects is Art.
Speaking from personal experience, I've noticed that people who were forced to study and do well academically usually end up falling in love with making art.
I don't know how to explain it well, sorry.
That's it, I guess.
What do you guys think?
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All of Me
Part 14
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: You hire a nurse and Jake takes you on a real date.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, teasing, exhibitionism, handjob, oral sex, (m receiving), etc. This chapter also has discussion of domestic violence/abuse, please message me if you have any questions prior to reading.
The next few days are busy for you and Jake both. Feeling like two ships passing in the night, with only having lunch once and a few texts here and there. But you’ve made plans to spend the weekend together again.
You smile as his name appears on your phone.
Jake: Our hop was rescheduled to this morning, lunch with me and Bradshaw today?
Reese: 👍🏻 I’m interviewing a nurse at 11:00, usually takes 30-45 minutes.
Jake: Perfect, we’ll grab lunch on the way to your office.
Jake: Do you have anything planned for tonight? Can I take you out?
You snort as you realize you two haven’t actually been on a date yet.
Reese: I’d like that. Maybe I’ll even put out if you’re good.
Jake: I’ll be on my best behavior.
Reese: Quit crossing your fingers.
Jake: I’m not.
Reese: 😐
Jake: Gotta go, we’re suiting up. See you in a bit.
Reese: 😘
“Hi, you must be Shae,” you smile as you shake the hand of your third interviewee. “I’m Reese, nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” she replies.
“Please,” you gesture to the chairs across your desk, “have a seat.”
The sunlight catches her pretty face as she sits, making your stomach turn as you notice the yellow under her eye of a healing bruise.
While she did a good job of concealing it, it’s all you can see as she hands you her impressive resume.
“I also have letters of recommendation from my nursing instructor and a few of the doctors I’ve worked with,” she hands them over too, cheeks flushing.
A quick overview of the information provided shows she’s an excellent nurse and her answers to your questions are well-spoken and appropriate.
Her calm, gentle demeanor is like a breath of fresh air in this often-hectic environment filled with loud, testosterone-fueled men.
“Well, I’ve seen enough,” you smile, “you can expect to from HR soon for the formal offer,” you continue. But your brow furrows slightly when you glance down again at her resume, “Oh, is this current?”
She pales as her hands begin to twist nervously in her lap, “Yes, it’s current.”
“It’s okay,” you reply softly, her anxiety palpable, “HR will ask why it has been 2 years since you worked last. What should I tell them?”
A haunted look crosses her face before she dissociates, looking out the window blankly. “My husb-I mean, ex-husband…he didn’t want me to work.”
You nod as you piece together where the black eye came from. “Shae?”
She flinches slightly as her eyes snap to yours.
“I’m just going to tell them it was due to family reasons,” you say, watching her sag in relief. “Are you safe though?”
“I am,” she replies hesitantly as she brushes the slight discoloration under her eye, “I am now. He’s…a few hours away, and I got a dog.”
“Okay,” you reply with a small smile as you reach for a pen and notepad.
You know it’s unprofessional, but a little voice in her mind tells you she needs someone in her corner as you write down your number and hand it to her.
“Here’s my number if that changes okay?”
“Okay,” she whispers, before meeting your eye. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you reply, rising to your feet. “Hope to see you again soon.”
“I hope so too,” she smiles genuinely for the first time.
“HR will be in touch soon,” you tell Shae as you escort her from your office, smiling at Jake and Bradley approaching down the hall. “Have a good weekend.”
“Thanks, you too,” she replies, following your eyes, blushing when Roo flashes her a grin before ducking her head and rushing off.
“Who was that?” Roo asks, nearly breaking his neck as he watches her walk away.
“Hopefully my new nurse, Shae,” you reply, stepping aside to let Jake in, who presses a kiss to your lips as he drops a package of peanut butter cups in your scrub pocket.
“Wow,” Roo says, smiling again when she glances back, “she’s…” he trails off, seemingly speechless for the first time since you’ve known him, “really fucking pretty. Is she single?”
You laugh, rolling your eyes at his choice of words as you follow him into your office.
“She is,” you reply, hesitating before you continue. The last thing you want to do is betray her trust, yet he needs to understand why pursuing her isn’t a good idea. “Newly though. Sounds like she’s recently divorced and I don’t think it was a good situation.”
“How so?” Jake asks, handing you your lunch.
“I asked about the gap in her employment history and she said he didn’t want her to work,” you answer, “but I think he didn’t allow her to.”
“Why not?” Bradley asks.
“I’m not sure,” you reply, “men like that are usually paranoid and want complete control.”
“Men like what?” Jake asks quietly.
“Men that beat up women,” you answer, watching as his eyes close at your words. “She covered it up well, but she’s healing from a black eye.”
“Fuck,” Bradley curses, shaking his head, “is she okay? Is he around still?”
“I think so,” you reply, looking at Jake who’s now white-knuckling his fork, “she said he lives a few hours away and has a dog. I gave her my number too, and told her to let me know if she needs anything.”
“Okay, good,” Bradley says, noticing Jake too. “Hey, you okay?”
Jake releases the breath he’s holding, opening his eyes as he sets down his fork. “There’s nothing I hate more than men that lay hands on women.”
You and Bradley both nod in agreement as you wait for him to go on.
“My dad…he used to beat up on my mom,” he continues, looking down at his lunch. “He was mean as hell so me and my little brother avoided him, and he was thankfully gone a lot for work. I was around Drew’s age when I started noticing she had a lot of bruises and split lips and it was always around the time he was home. Woke up one night to a crash in the living room, he had hit my ma so hard she fell into the glass end table.”
“Oh Jake,” you whisper, tears filling your eyes as you reach over, placing your hand on his while Bradley squeezes his shoulder.
“Her eye was already swollen shut and her hands were all cut up but she told me to go back to bed…and I just lost it. I don’t really remember, I think I launched myself at him, and he backhanded me so hard my ears rang. My ma always took the abuse so that was the first time he ever hit me and the last. We left the next morning. Never saw that fucker again.”
Now you know why Jake never talked about his dad, just his mom and younger brother, Matt.
“I’m so sorry man,” Bradley says while you nod.
“I’m okay now,” Jake sighs, finally looking up at you, “Mom made us go to therapy and it helped, but hearing about it still makes me so fucking angry.”
“I get it,” you say, “I hope she doesn’t need it, but she has my number now.”
“I’ll keep my distance too,” Bradley says, “well, I mean I’ll talk to her if she’s around 'cause that’d be dickish but I won’t like, flirt with her. Wait-should I? I don’t want her to think there’s something wrong with her because I’m not-“
You can’t help but smile; Roo has always been so cool and smooth with women so you’re enjoying the way he’s second-guessing himself.
Bradley does a good job of lightening the mood and soon the lunch hour is over.
“I’ll be over around 6,” Jake murmurs before kissing your cheek, “should I pack a bag?”
“Yes, bring your laundry over too,” you reply, leaning in so Bradley doesn’t overhear, “I’m not letting you out of my sight this weekend.”
“Alright, alright. Get a room,” Bradley scoffs.
“I have one,” you tease, “you’re in it.”
“Ha-ha,” he rolls his eyes. “Come on, lover boy. We better go get our post-flight docs done.”
Jake rings the doorbell like he hasn’t already spent the night several times, handing you a bouquet of daffodils when you open the door.
He holds your hand in the comfortable silence of the drive and you light up when you see where he’s taking you.
“The drive-in movie theater? I’ve always wanted to go to one of these,” you smile as he parks.
“You’ve never been?” He asks, continuing when you shake your head, “Me either.”
You settle in while he gets popcorn and he’s back just as The Shining begins to play.
The sun sets halfway through the movie and you snuggle into his shoulder after setting aside the half-eaten popcorn.
There are vehicles on both sides, but the darkness and the blanket draped over you two give the illusion of privacy to trail your fingers over his thigh.
His leg tenses under your touch but you pretend not to notice when he looks down to see what you’re up to.
Eventually, he relaxes, and his attention returns to the movie, you strike. You kiss his neck and he’s already hard as your fingers slide over his groin to undo the button then the zipper, giving him a slow stroke once you pull him out.
“Can you be quiet for me?” You murmur against his skin, just like he did to you when Bradley was asleep just steps away.
He nods his head once and you get to work, jerking him steadily. Precum eases the glide of your movements as you kiss up his neck to his ear.
“Tell me when you’re close,” you whisper, smiling at his soft, strangled groan. He thinks you’re going to stop.
Your hand begins to move faster on his cock; as you want to draw this out, the movie is nearing the end.
His hips start to thrust up into your strokes as he grits out, “Close-I’m close.”
“K, stay quiet,” you nip his jaw before ducking below the blanket to suck him into your mouth.
“Fuck!” He wheezes, jerking when you moan at the taste of his cum filling your mouth before swallowing it greedily.
His hand snakes below the blanket, and you squeak in surprise when he tugs you out by your hair to meet your lips in a deep, bruising kiss.
The way he groans from tasting himself on your tongue sends another pulse of heat between your already slick thighs.
“I need to touch you, taste you, be inside you,” he murmurs against your lips, “let’s go hom-back to your place.”
Even in the dark, his cheeks pinken with the Freudian slip.
“Let’s go,” you agree, smiling as you realize it’s felt more like home than ever since he’s been staying over.
A/N: this chapter was kind of all over the place…fun in the beginning, a little heart breaking when we meet Shae and then find out a little more about Jake, then an official date and a little smut ending with some sweetness.
I haven’t decided for sure, but I may end up tandem writing Bradley and Shae’s story while finishing up this one.
Also, Shae and Bradley’s story will be dedicated to my sister, who nearly lost her life in a domestic violence assault with her ex-husband.
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs!
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist!
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cirrus-grey · 2 days
Didn't know about that Corruption theory before (and didn't wanna reblog the post for spoilers) but now I'm curious, what other theories did people have while the show was still airing? I joined the fandom around 160 so anything before that is a mystery to me.
Referencing this post (beware, it has spoilers for The Magnus Protocol).
Oh goodness, so so many. Only a few that I remembered off the top of my head, but I spent some time today trawling the depths of my "magnus archives speculation/analysis" tag and found a couple more fun ones.
Most of the ones I did remember are either still popular headcanons (Web!Martin), or actually turned out to be canon (Jonah!Elias). The Gertrude one always stuck in my head because it's very silly on the surface but also draws attention to the fact of like - how was her skin still in good enough condition to wear after being buried for months? (And Lietner's too, for that matter). Was Nikola just wearing really tattered rotten shreds???
Anyway. Some that I remembered, which all relate to Martin for some reason:
Backup Archivist: Heading into the Unknowing, Elias had Martin reading statements specifically to train him to be a stand in Archivist in case Jon died. Also included sub-theories that he could end up able to compel people on his own, share the role with Jon, or take over entirely if the show pulled a bait-and-switch and Martin was the real protagonist all along.
Who's the Father?: Every single possible theory about who Martin's dad was and what implications that could have on the show, from Leitner to Elias to Peter Lukes to that one dude Peter banished to the Lonely in his statement in 159.
Schwartzwald Cousins: Albrecht von Closen says he and Clara/Carla had trouble having kids in his first statement, but in a later episode says they have two boys. Part 1 of the theory was that the kids were actually avatars who'd emerged from the mausoleum after Albrecht disturbed it, and been adopted by the childless couple. Part 2 was - well - it's canon that Gerry is descended from one of these kids. The theory was, what if Martin was descended from the other? Gerry seems to have some Eye powers linked to his heritage and upbringing, so it was speculated that Martin might turn out to have some as well and be important to either Elias's plans, or to thwarting him (this tied into the Backup Archivist theory nicely). A sub-theory was that they were significantly closer cousins, Martin's mum's maiden name had been Keay, and Martin K. Blackwood was Martin Keay Blackwood all along.
And the ones that I found in the tag (credit in brackets):
Martin’s mum was a runaway Lukas (@/centaurianthropology, here)
The lighter was linked to the Desolation (@agnesmontague) + an addition by me that I'm so proud of in hindsight - "I think the web design pretty much confirms that it’s linked to the Web, but if it’s the Desolation as well, might it be linked to the other occasions we’ve seen those two powers interact? Namely, the ever mysterious Hill Top Road?" (Here)
Another of my posts that I'm delighted to reread (here) reminded me of the many, many, "what's up with the tapes?" theories. I remember "the tapes are sent by the Web", "the tapes are sent by Elias", "the tapes are manifestated unconsciously by Jon" (my personal favorite, sadly disproven), and I think there were also some "the tapes are Gertrude's ghost" posts???
Elias was the Eye the same way Michael was the Spiral - Gertrude sacrificed him to stop the Watcher's Crown (@/statementbegins, here)
Also reading through these is reminding me that there was a stretch where we were calling the Vast and Lonely the "Void" and "Isolation", which I love.
This is just a select few posts from 2018, so there's a lot more under the tag if you're interested in looking! Link below, copy and paste into a web (lol) browser because the archive (lmao) page doesn't work on the app.
If anyone else remembers other old theories please feel free to drop them in the notes! I know there were so many more that I don't have saved.
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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blaiddraws · 10 months
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HOWDY FOLKS I've not drawn very much as of late since. uhhhh. SEVERAL things happened. but one of them is because i went to a miniature painting convention this past weekend!
it was super fun! here's a couple minis i painted-- first one was just for fun and i want to make her into a character now, second one i did in a class on painting with limited palettes! i did that with only three different colors of paint!
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More misc. daily life pictures and such
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1 & 2 - Very bright pretty looking sky !#2. HUGE icicle that looked like you could kill someone with it or something.. Pulled from near a gutter on the side of a building#3. & 4 & 5 - various images from a silly party I had where I pretended to be some elf king turning like 204 years old lol (also not like#a REAL party. Only my roommates were there really and we're all in the same household bubble.#just to clarify. I would never dare have a large party anyway given#my hermitous nature but on top of that.. didn't want there to be some implication that I'm having a Party while covid is still ongoing lol.#NEVER.. But I do love dressing up as some fantasy character so much.. The only thing that could ever bring a true hermit wizard#to engage with others socially is the prospect of connecting it somehow to fantasy worlds and costumes lol. One must simply dress up#as a silly 200 year old man from time to time and pretend you've never seen a balloon before in your life. etc.#6. bapy boye... feets#7. The main food that I made for the elderly elf man 'party'. which was a Deconstructed Beef Wellington (kind of as ajoke since I watch s#o many silly cooking competition shows and they always make stuff 'deconstructed' at the last minute when under time limits or whatever.)#I've wanted to make beef wellington a few times but Ithink to do it well I'd need like..an actual kitchen and a lot of time and#an oven that fully works to bake things and etc. etc. So I thought this would be an easier method. A thick steak cut round to kind of mimi#c the round tenderloin or whatever it is in a wellington. instead of the puff pastry being wrapped around - I just did star shaped cut outs#of pastry and baked them and put them on top (to go with the star theme). instead of mushroom duxelles being wrapped around in pastry#its in a little circle under the steak. and instead of mustard being brushed onto the meat I made a mustard gravy sauce type of thing#Then of course asparagus on the side.. my favorite... Though I know some wellington#also has a layer of prosciutto I think. or I saw one person use crepes. I didn't feel it was necessary to incorporate that too lol#8. bapy son helping me do a giant puzzle that took me hours and I had no idea it was actually that large of a puzzle#until I started putting it together and for some reason it made me stressed by the end instead of relaxed lol.. puzzle fatigue#photo diary
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medicinemane · 1 year
Can I just for a minute complain as someone dyslexic about how when I was young everyone would always be like "well look up the spelling in the dictionary"?
Just now, I go to type a word and I spell it something like "erevicobly", which is obviously wrong, but... no idea
Well, I throw it in the search engine* and find out it's irrevocably (didn't spell it right there either, but got it close enough spellcheck could fix it)
Now you might notice something here, which is if I'd looked it up in the dictionary, I wouldn't have found it, no matter how long and hard I searched, because I'd be looking under "er" not "ir"
So do you see why that advice made me mad as hell as a kid, and I stand by my feelings today?
*literally one of the few ways search engines are a blessing is being a really great way to find spellings
#like my typing is great with very few mistakes; but my spelling while mostly alright these days isn't great#cause like... literal diagnosed dyslexia since I was a tiny kid#and let me tell you; no matter the reason; people will shit on you so much for poor spelling (no matter the age too)#fucker; we speak english; everything you said was a lie#there's not (consistent) rhyme or reason to it; and sounding it out is terrible advice cause we've all got fucking accents#and sometimes even if you don't the word is fucking worcestershire and you're fucked#actually gets me a bit heated how many good teachers I had who still acted like this#I actually have many strong opinions on linguistics and teaching despite not being a linguist or a teacher#give me descriptivism or give me death#prescriptivism can burn in hell where it belongs#and one thing that technology has 100% made better (at least for me as a dyslexic adult) is being able to spell well and quickly#it's an aid and an accommodation to me; we just don't look at it like that#I literally can't even spell accommodation; but you get to see the right word there#I have a vast vocabulary... I just can't fucking spell half of it#so prespellcheck you just kind of... had my writing look a lot worse and be a lot harder to parse#the main thing that helped with my spelling wasn't school or anything... it was everquest#you want to be able to type to people and be understood; there's no spellscheck or anything... you work to get it right quickly#mmos are a great way to teach typing if you don't have voice chat#similarly it's actually thanks to tumblr that I'm a quick typist; zero formal training with it and sucked through my teens#was a quick chicken scratch typist... pretty fast; but I pecked#through typing a lot of messages and asks to people on here and wanting to do it quickly I stumbled on something pretty...#close to what I think they teach; though I'm pretty sure there's gotta be some differences#it's nothing formal for one thing; it's all muscle memory; the fingers go where they go#but I can type pretty fast and accurately with my eyes closed#and it's just cause... I wanted to say things to people and say it quickly#eh... I hope I kill myself soon#... it seems out of nowhere; but that's just how my brain works; this is stream of consciousness more or less so... figured I'd leave it#anyway... there whatever this is... is#mm tag so i can find things later
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halorocks1214 · 9 months
one detail that has stuck with me since the beginning of splatoon 3 was the explanation my friend gave me as to WHY mr. grizz was suddenly mr. "nice boss around the block" instead of the raging asshole (affectionate) he was in 2
apparently the translation team had decided to go for a more direct translation, and in the japanese version of the game, mr. grizz is genuinely a much nicer fellow than his american counterpart: but why was that the case? my friend told me why, but i did some research to confirm his findings
in the japanese language, there are two words that play into the country's work culture: "Seizensetsu (性善説)" and "Kenson (謙遜)"
Seizensetsu (性善説): A belief that human nature is good and people are naturally inclined toward virtue. Conversely, the negative elements of society tend to corrupt people. To prevent this from happening, people need to work relentlessly and do their best to maintain their virtue.
Kenson (謙遜): The act of demonstrating your self-sacrifice and accepting your lower status, even when you believe you should be praised highly by others for your achievements. This is something you must never voice or draw attention to. This torture-like modesty is considered a virtue, especially among the elite classes. They are the ones expected to be role models within Japanese society.
to summarize an already overly long post (sorry), the general idea is that bosses worry that if they give their workers praise, it could lead them to become complacent and to do less of a good job at their work, which is why "tougher" bosses are seen as good examples (and to an extent, "nice" bosses are seen as hiding something). another side is that their workers are so used to not getting praise that when they DO get it, they don't know how to respond and it makes everything awkward, so why not avoid it altogether?
so that's why there's such a character shift between 2!grizz and 3!grizz: in 2, the translators worked to make him more of a "bad boss" by american standards while in 3 they figured going for the one-to-one translation would be better. something something "back in my day mr. grizz would tell me to kill myself if i only brought in 100 eggs" something (no personal opinion on this one way or the other, it is what it is etc.)
i'm rambling a bit much here, but i wanted to explain my thought process about this splatfest. my friends and i genuinely picked big man because of the theme, but the second choice was always going to be frye. we all thought shiver would be the worst "leader" because they held grudges easily and tended to be rude and full of themself, just look at how they treated their shark in the story mode!
(i still love them a lot don't get me wrong but yeah, not exactly a shining example of a "good" leader)
going into splatfest though, i thought about mr. grizz. i thought about how a "makes sure to point out all your flaws" characteristic was seen as valuable and respectable in workplaces. i thought about how a few splatfests had already been swayed by the japanese playerbase (it is a japanese-based game, after all) and-
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yeah, i thought it would be skewed, but i will admit i was completely shocked at just HOW skewed it ended up being
now, could i be reading too much into this? most likely yeah. this IS a kid's game, and i highly doubt a lot of kids are worried about proper workplace culture, but i got to share cool mr. grizz lore, so i consider this a good post anyway <3
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astral-athame · 4 months
What Kind Of "Hot" Are You?
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drunk girl in the bathroom hot
you're both wasted, she just somehow does it so much better. you're crying, about something your stupid ex did or said. and suddenly she appears, looking like an angel aside from the slight sway in her step. she's helping you our of your slump on the floor when you grow pale and catastrophy strikes. you're the most disgusting you've ever been, and still, this stranger holds your hair and rubs soothing circles in your back. gives you a breath mint and sits you back against the wall, asking what happened. you tell her, and her glittery, perfectly made face turns sour. with her heels in hand, she loops your arm around her shoulders so she can help you walk to an uber she called for you. your ex says something snarky to you in passing on the way out, and for her it's the final straw. she whirls around, fire in her eyes and a set in her brow and she slaps him hard across the face. calls him a jerk or a dick or something like that, you can't remember, you were busy smiling at the stunned look on his face as she drags you both outside. before you get home, she gives you a hug and kind words in a bubbling voice and you're thankful for her. thankful there are people out there who look out for people like you, who stand up for people even when they might have trouble standing themselves.
Tagged by (stolen from): @southern-belle-outcasts Tagging: Anyone who wants to take it <3
#( what if we rewrite the stars ⋆。°✩ ) about#((This actually works pretty well for a few reasons:#1) Cass is absolutely that girl who's drunk too but she'll help you out and talk to you and make sure you're comfortable and safe#even if she doesn't know you.#2) As with most people- her inhibitions are lowered when she's drunk. That also means some of the sweetheart act falls away and she's more#free to let out some of that pent up anger that she's so good at hiding; and#3) Sober Cass will stick up for anyone else even if she can't stick up for herself and she will *fight* if it comes to it.#Sober Cass will not initiate a fight though. She'll just scold someone or chew them out with words unless things get physical.#DRUNK Cass though? Oh you can be SURE if someone was being a jerk she'd SLAP THEM. And it that turned into#full on FIST FIGHTING so be it. Should she do that? Probably not. But she's got some self defense training and she will USE IT.#She's small and she's quick and she knows how to use someone's weight against them if need be. She also has a pretty high pain tolerance tb#So she's in no way *guaranteed* to win. She might end up getting the hell beaten out of her#BUT SHE'S GONNA TRY. She might even put someone in their place by doing so. (She won't use her powers tho. She's smarter than that ^^;)#Keep in mind that she'll (drunk) slap someone for being a jerk but she wouldn't really be thinking about the possibility#that it might turn into an actual fight soooo... she's not technically out here trying to start anything.#Just that drunk Cass would slap someone if they deserved it even if that meant accidentally getting into a fight ^^;))#((Tho even drunk Cass won't usually put up much of a fight for HERSELF. She'll let t most things slide if they happen to her.))#( dancing in the moonlight ⋆。°✩ ) dash games
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
In my heart of hearts I truly do just want to write a self insert that interacts with the main story that's it really
#all of my self inserts are extremely indulgent and are locked into my Brain#but there's one concept that I've been thinking of lately that's vry fun and I've been tossing it about in my brain#they're a baby born from a templar father who managed to escape some time around 15 or 16#they began training from a very early age as their father wanted a soldier who could go head to head with the assassin's on their own turf#alot of cultish and bad stuff happened but they were managed to be rescued by a novice who became their first friend ^-^#most assassin's are still skittish and untrusting of her considering her templar upbringing but she was kinda... indoctrinated? from birth?#and had wanted to leave YEARS ago but only managed it in their teen years#but anyway. she usually works alone or with her two other assassin friends as one: no one really trusts her to begin with#and two: big BIG anxiety that makes it hard to work with people when they know that they're largely seen as a threat or liability#she's pretty high on the assassin ranking though! and their little team has a damn high success rate so vry few people have reason-#to complain. mostly newer recruits or those with a BIG grudge against templars in general#anyway physical description time. theyre like altair and that they only rly wear lighttttt armor. heavy or even mid armor is a big NO#vry vry sneaky and patient. is mostly an opportunistic assassin and relies more of stealthy tactics than brute force#but because of this they are NOT a super heavy fighter. usually tries to lean on surprise and skill rather than 1v1 fighting#if force comes to shove though they can most def fight. but tries to flee the moment they find an opening#is pretty mute! keeps things close to her chest and is still in the process of learning to trust anyone at all. even assassin's#wears black and white feathered earrings as well as small golden hoops. has a bunch of piercings#is much MUCH on the smaller. slimmer side but it actually kinda works cause most dont clock her as an assassin at first glance#this makes them good for infiltration and scouting work!#best pair for them is a more brute force assassin who leans towards defense :]#theyre a lil guy. I love them alot. they also have some isu bullshit going on that I might explain
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muirneach · 2 years
hey did u know provincial parks have indivudal crests and u can buy patches/stickers of them and they’re all really pretty. i’m learning this now and im restraining myself from getting some of these. shoutout to ontario parks !! oh my god they also have stuffies their saw whet owl is sooo scrungly i love these
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indefiniteavatar · 2 months
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So basically, in a case about him shoving money at someone so they shut up about him. . .he can’t shut the fuck up himself. I would say something clever and funny here, except the sad part is that this is just so normal in current politics that it’s just. . .not hilariously absurd behavior anymore? Not to say that it’s not absurd - it is beyond such, but it is just. . . predictable, I suppose.
I guess this is how I feel about politics lately? Either I get mad at everything or I try to laugh at everything and normally that works because politicians usually aren’t so tragically stupid so very often, but now I just kinda have to chuckle at the particularly eyeroll worthy things like this, and try to ignore everything else or my brain will explode.
#maybe that’s my biggest pet peeve about the current state of politics#Normally I like having discussions with people#of various mindsets and lifestyles and backgrounds#while my personal standpoint about many if not most political things is pretty solid. I also enjoy finding out more about things.#It’s always nice to learn more about things.#when it gets to a point like this or let’s be real-a point like where it got a few months ago when. More like a couple years ago honestly#There’s just so much. Too much. And two try to process all of it especially in a way such that one keeps up with useful discussion? oof.#I know I meant to do something else in these tags – something more specific – but at least on mobile#I just lost like three tags because the one I was working on hit 140 but when I was warned#I didn’t get to backspace or anything. I just kind of deleted the whole thing.#And in my confusion and attempt to undo what I had done#I managed to backspace a couple times and lose the finish tag above that one#and of course my first attempt at explaining that I had lost two tags turned into three tags because#I lost the first attempts that said two tags because it went over and yet again my attempt of not backspace this time#I just lost another two tags and then at this point I don’t even remember where I was going with this train of thought either#tl;dr: I wish I could take as much amusement from this as I want to but I can’t because shit like this is just so fucking normal#but hey it’s better than January 6 or trying to nuke a hurricane so I suppose I can live with it#right so I realize that I got to read all of the things I just typed in the page before this#so I did and while I have a laughable amount of nowhere near the fuck enough spoons#there’s a very good chance I am going to come back to this when I get on my iPad or PC#There’s also a very good chance I’m going to completely forget this post exists if not the app entirely#but given that I finally downloaded this on my actual phone instead of my tablet for the first time in years#And I just lost another fucking tag#this time naturally it had to be one with Contant that I remember as semantically important#but similarly naturally of course I don’t bloody well remember#right so I am going to go back to the stuff I was doing now cause I was doing stuff before I saw a Tumblr notification#which I didn’t actually look at at the time but but I can absolutely be sure that it was a hefty part of the reason why#when I found something that I wanted to post about and a context that had a larger audience and not just individuals#didn’t have FB/Reddit (tho lbr I would probably have a 6 foot nose if I tried to imply they were great social networks)#which goes back to seeing the tumblr notif & still having a big Nostalgia so. hi here i am
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shatterthefragments · 3 months
Ok but for real us being soft over the Vessels’ tummies has helped me so much today
Like my pants were falling off my hips all day again. The same pair of capris that I was wearing last week and made the note: “Pulling a Vessel with the way my (loose ass) pants (with stuff in pockets) are coming down my hips”. And uh. Same today again. And so I didn’t tie them tight enough (partially bc I like not having to untie them to take them off). And so they were under my belly button and sliding down all day. Which is fine. But especially when I was doing stuff they slid further down and underneath my belly. Held up only by a hip. And if my shirt lifted up then like. It was all exposed. Soft round belly. Love handles. That crease by your hip (and above it too) (far rounder than all the vessels combined but that’s ok I’m fat and it’s okay.)
And I’m. Okay with it. (Today). I’m soft and squishy and round and it’s okay. And you know what? It’s even cute. Cute and soft and squishy and OKAY!
#body image#tummies#I think I was sappier about it before I had to try to remember and retype it but anyway. I’m actually just. feeling okay about my body rn.#which I’m really happy about?!?#like even through the pain it does so much?!#I was able to walk around and see what shops were around in an unfamiliar shopping centre#I was able to drive with minimal pain (though I do have the seat warmer on for my back)#I got to enjoy some lake time though I didn’t venture through the mud so I didn’t have to clean my work shoes which are bad enough rn#I was able to bring up my bags and groceries in one trip#I was able to scale the salmon. zest and cut and juice a bag of lemons. cut up a bunch of veggies for soup and make all of that#I got a shower (hot for comfort of course) and did a small load of laundry that I’ll have to toss into the dryer later#and I haven’t fallen down. I haven’t given up. and I’m. doing alright?!?#honestly shocked. I’ll crash tonight but that’s okay.#and I can squat down to do things that are easier closer to the ground#(ok sometimes the knee kinda clicks? out and feels like I have to rip it back into place but we’re ignoring that bc it’s been a little whil#(though usually that just means I’m due for it to happen again and not be able to bend it for a while again… ah well#hopefully I’ve strengthened it enough again that I’ll be fairly ok at least for a while…#rambling rambling eh whatever#like yeah I’m fat and there are a few reasons it would be nice to be smaller but it’s not worth the Bad Things I fall into to get smaller#and right now I’m just? so okay with it??? and I just need to keep this moment in posterity bc I can’t remember the last time I was this ok#and even POSITIVE about my body?#(I mean yeah my boudoir shoot was pretty awesome but that was years ago now and also she edited stuff as well)#(and tbh i want to do another boudoir shoot at some point. but im doing at least a few tattoos first i think. make my body Home more so 1st#just kinda. relishing in this peace and …happiness?#this is good 😌#it feels nice to feel nice about myself and my body :)#shatters’ fragments
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elfindreams · 5 months
I’ve been dipping my toes into larp which is very great but also like. Especially with oneshots, what are you supposed to do when you’re still attached to a character but the story has ended and the made-up world they inhabited and the other characters who they’d interacted with no longer exist, so they’ve just Ceased To Be, where are those feelins supposed to gooooo
#admittedly the LARP today was uhhh. weirdly not well-written on several levels and I’d be iffy about playing other games by the same author#and the basic story premise was pretty dark in the first place#but we worked with it#and BOY OH BOY things went places#like the characters were all in a dungeon awaiting their execution in a few hours#for having been servants to an evil sorcerer even though some of them weren’t even working for him by choice#lots of arguing going on + debate over someone possibly snitching on the sorcerer’s apprentice to the guards in exchange for freedom#and/or how the loyal ones might help the apprentice character escape#my guy was in total despair for quite a lot of reasons but then formed a very sweet but brief and doomed bond with another prisoner#when she got the chance to escape alone he did what he could to help and spent their last few moments coaching her#on how to hide her identity and survive and find somewhere to live in the outside world#then he tried to save himself plus another character who was just a kid and didn’t deserve to be there but both couldn’t go#so he saved the kid (or at least did what he could bc there was no way of knowing if they actually got out)#and paid DEARLY for it but was totally at peace while lying on the dungeon floor as a bloody pulp because at least he’d done something good#his last IC words were something like ‘’I did what I could. I did as much as I could. I’m ready to meet god now’’.#also bc of magical fuckery as explicitly described in the rulebook it’s totally unknown where his friend ended up or whether she lived#we decided that she probably maybe hopefully survived though ;—;
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