#((but you will for sure be getting both a digital and physical copy as part of winning the auction))
bluejayblueskies · 3 months
Browsing is OPEN for Fandom Trumps Hate!
This year, I'm once again participating in Fandom Trumps Hate, a fan auction where fandom creators offer artwork, writing, and various kinds of fan labor and other creations in exchange for donations to various non-profit organizations. If you'd like to know more about the event, you can find more information at the blog's FAQ!
This year, I'll be offering one typesetting auction in the Rusty Quill Gaming, Magnus Archives, or Malevolent fandom! You can find more information about my auction (and the bidding form once bidding opens!) here. Essentially, I will typeset one fic of your choosing (pending author permission if you are not the author), including any fanart (pending artist permission) that you would like included if applicable! I will also, separate from the official PDF deliverable typeset, bind and send you a physical copy of the book.
So essentially, if you would like a hand-bound copy of a fanfic along with a fully formatted file that you can use to print and bind your own copy, this is the auction for you!
Bidding opens March 5 and will run through March 9. If you'd like to see examples of my bookbinding and typesetting, check them out here or on my bookbinding sideblog @blueskiesbooks. And feel free to send me an ask if you have any quesions!
You can also find a ton of other fantastic creatives offering a variety of auctions for the RQG, TMA, and Malevolent fandoms at the following links:
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the-colourful-witch · 3 months
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The All the Young Dudes book covers project
I've been working on this fun project in my time off from social media. It consists of three illustrations to use as book covers for All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 on Ao3. This book has been the foundation of my involvement in the fandom. It's the first fic I read about the Marauders and I loved it so much! I laughed, and I cried, it was a real rollercoaster. After making the cover for A Brief History of Dragons by Eyra, I caught the bug and started thinking of more covers to illustrate. I loved working on the first cover, but I didn't love doing it on my tablet. At heart, I am a traditional illustrator and for this kind of illustration, I felt paper might work better. So I got to work. I knew I wanted to make three covers. From what I've seen online most people bind their own copies of All the Young Dudes in three parts: Year 1-4, Year 5-7 and Until the End. Therefore, I made three covers. I have not yet digitalized these illustrations, but I'll turn them into downloadable covers for binders to use for their book projects. I am working on binding my own physical copies of AtYD too :) It's fun! Right, to the covers. There's so much to say!
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Book One
This is the start of Remus' life at Hogwarts and his friendship with the other Marauders. I wanted it to feel a bit like reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the first time. It's the realisation that magic is real, it's that first spark you get when picking up a book you instantly connect with. That was the feeling I wanted to incorporate in this first cover. There are a bunch of little easter eggs for the story and I hope you'll pick them all out. Let me know in the comments what you think they are. Also, for this project, I studied the language of flowers. I am not sure if all my information is correct, but in this one, I put dandelions in the top corners. Dandelions represent new beginnings :)
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Book Two
The second half of the Marauders' time at Hogwarts. This part is all about love and loyalty; something I liked a lot! It's also the time when the Marauders complete their animagus transformations. The animals had to be on the cover! That, I knew for sure. I went for a forest theme for this second cover, because of all the mischief the Marauders got up to in the Forbidden Forest during full moons. I used flower language here as well. For every Marauder I picked a flower I felt represented who they are. For Peter, at the top, I chose Bleeding Heart and Belladonna. Both of them represent betrayal and death. Nice and cheery :) For Sirius, on the Right, I chose Bluebell, which represents loyalty. For Remus, on the Left, I chose Acacia, which represents secret love or forbidden love, because he's hiding his sexuality for most of the book. But it's a love flower and in his core Remus is caring and loving, despite his rough edges. For James, on the bottom, I chose violets. And violets represent love at first sight. I know we all know why <3 I like this cover a lot. The picture is a bit grainy, but like I said, I'm still working on digitalising.
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Book Three
Last but certainly not least. This book is about war, love and loss. It was definitely the most challenging piece out of the three, but worth the trouble. On this cover, I put Hogwarts at the top, because that's where it all started and where it ends. On the bottom, there's a prophecy, which is about Harry and Voldemort. There are a few gravestones at the bottom. Very cheerful, I know, but if you pay attention, you see a Deathly Hallows on one of them. On the sides are my favourite parts. I like the lily flower in the arms of death, because it's obvious, but also beautiful. I like the Death Eater on the other side because it's spooky. The snakes represent rebirth and Slytherin House, which is important to the story of the Second Wizarding War, connecting good and evil. Once again I put all the flowers in this piece, scattering them around because they're all interwoven in each other's stories. Finally, I want to say something about the three central images. In the first we see Remus as a child. He's alone and scared of the big scary wolf. The three images are a timeline. It represents Remus' relationship with the wolf in him. At first, he despises it and is scared of it. And finally, he stands with it, not quite embracing it, but he's not scared anymore. In the middle, I wanted to show Remus with his friends, because they banished his fear whenever they were together. With his friends, the wolf didn't control Remus and he could control the wolf. I hope it's all clear. I loved working on these pieces and I hope you like them too!
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dagwolf · 1 month
From Reverberation Vinyl on Facebook:
I'm a "record store day indifferent" type of shop. I don't carry the sort of things that people line up for, and the things I do stock that are attached to rsd are all items you'd find here on the average Wednesday. I don't hold it against anyone, takes all kinds, etc. But I am asked frequently around this time of year why I don't really care for rsd, and while I certainly have stock answers on hand, they usually come off as annoyed or negative, rather than thoughtful and well reasoned. So, short of going door to door & handing out tri-fold pamphlets, here's Ralphie's theme...
Why RSD Is Bad For Records & Record Stores by John Anderson
The "Record Store", as positioned in our culture in 2024, is (or was) a reflection of the mythical independents of the '90s & '00s, places that thrived outside both the interest in, or support from, the record industry. Truly independent stores that were usually small, primarily used, at times meeting places for music people, social hubs for weirdos, discovery zones & more. The reality was far more nuaced, but growing up in the record stores of my youth, I eventually sorted out the differences between chain stores, used shops, big label music, used selling/buying, etc, and the sense of REAL that permeated the independent shops of the world. The person/people behind these places were often big, weird personalities, but they were also the driving force behind what lay on the shelves. New horror soundtrack imports from Italy? Brand new garage rock from PNW hotspots? Skranky dub compilations for under ten bucks? Bootlegs? YES. All things that were specific to the shops, sometimes exclusive, but always reflective of what & who the place WAS. Recreating that to the best of my honest ability has always been my goal here. If its a new record in the racks or on the wall, its likely here because a) I love it, b) I own one too, and c) I'd like to share it with you. Short version: this store is a deeply personal statement. That has always been my focus and always shall be. In the words of the great Andrew Weatherall, "Music's not for everyone".
That's the mystical/romantic part. I have practical reasons as well!
1) As stated above, record stores (vinyl) thrived & grew to what we know now with ZERO interest from the record industry, when it was at its absolute $height$. As "record store culture" became more popular & increasingly commodified, the industry used rsd as a trojan horse to seize the means & the narrative back from the very people who kept it going while they - the industry - were gouging people on CDs & fumbling a cogent approach to digital music.
2) rsd stock is expensive, for us & you. Usually 25% more than your standard releases. Why? Good question.
3) rsd stock is unreturnable for shops. As a store, what you order, you're stuck with. Huge stores don't seem to mind, as you'll see bin after bin of rsd leftovers going back 5+ years, more in some cases.
4) The Disappointment Factor. When "one band fans" & newer collectors have been conditioned to seek out "the one thing", there's inevitable disappointment when smaller stores get tiny allocations of records people seem willing to fight over. That disappointment usually ends up directed at the people/place, meaning yours truly, something I want no part of.
5) Manufactured Scarcity. Undershooting demand by a few thousand units as a marketing strategy sounds fun to someone... not sure who though. Driving a rabid wave of buyers (say 500,000) into a physical marketplace that's more likely to NOT have what they want (say 10,000 copies)? Nope. Which leads to...
6) Unrealistic Manufacturing Capabililty. With seemingly every popular (read: really common) record of the last 50 years being repressed in 18 colors to satiate insane demand (a particularly impatient, Amazon era, "want it NOW" demand), not to mention the same approach to new LPs by many (Billie Eilish called this out recently), the industry is basically pretending this is the early '80s when massive, industry-wide manufacturing infrastructure meant they could turn big orders around in days rather than months. Trouble is, this isn't the '80s. The big industry titans dumped their pressing facilities & hardware at the dawn of the '90s. Now, demand greatly exceeds manufacturing capabilities, and while there have been new pressing plants opening (and thriving) in recent times, these aren't owned & operated by Warner or Universal: these are the indie operations that kept vinyl alive in the '90s & '00s, and now the big label business they can't turn down means slower turnaround for all the labels & artists that aren't major/indie property. AKA all the artists who ordered records from them for the previous 20+ years. Which leads too...
7) Astronomical Pricing. Yes, rsd pricing is "a quarter above the vig". Cost of doing business in that world, I guess. If it sounds like the mafia, it is, because rsd is 100% "big record industry" controlled in 2024, regardless of early intent. Unsurprisingly, the cost of new records across the board has seen an insane surge, with little mind paid to the audience, whether that be boomer age dudes who can afford $80 Neil Young records & $900 box sets, or high school/college kids, who are expected to drop $40 for a new LP. Regardless of the public face they put on it, the industry still sees "this", meaning records, as a trend that will at least partially fade off. Hence their lack of interest in committing to better & more sustainable pressing & manufacturing. No plants or presses, but the money will be fine for now, thanks.
8) Flipper Culture. I say this knowing full well there's no way to put this element back in the box, but your ebay/discogs flippers are the boogeyman that its easiest to put a face to. Not much nuance necessary, they just want as many copies of of whatever "hot" rsd release is fetching the most $$ online. We've all had to hit the secondary market to find some "limited" record we missed. Being forced to do it on rsd because 2000 dirtdicks who stood in a line all night & bought up 2/3 of the existing copies of the record by your daughter's favorite artist? At 10x list price? Oh, okay.
9) The Generally Punishing Nature Of Having To Stand In Line For Something You May Not Actually Get. If there's a group of folks out there who love standing in lines, I mean no offense, but come on now. I'd guess that most bands/artists probably aren't aware of what goes on around rsd, or I'd like to think they'd decline involvement, because who wants to punish their fans like that?
I could go on & on but... The record scene has changed a lot since I opened up, particularly in the last 7-8 years. For the better? I kinda doubt it, but we shall see... I've been carping out these warnings since 2011, and there isn't much I can do about it, aside from running my little shop in the manner I see fit. I don't begrudge anyone what they're into, and while my place is as personal as it gets, I don't take these weird record store times personally. I hope anyone who reads this understands that like my store, it comes from a place of love, with all the passion & care that encompasses. In the end, this should be fun... I've had some incredible discoveries, comraderies & experiences in records stores, and that I wish for everyone.
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askthechronoverse · 1 month
8, 32, 33, 56
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Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
The middle. Isn't the story all about the journey?
Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
*claps* Yes. This will be fun.
It's hard to pick three. That's like picking my favorite cookie and I really like cookies. The Lego Movie fandom alone is full of some amazing talent.
Gotta go with @exhausted-eternally to start. If you aren't reading The Demon of Undar right now, you're missing out. I look forward to seeing a new chapter come up when it does. I need to know what's going on and the way they translated the characters into a fictional setting... oh my god, I could gush about that all day.
@unikittybeforethereign is an up and coming Unikitty writer but what you've got to be in the first chapter wondering why Richard is acting like he needs to go to a therapist yesterday? You're doing something right.
I'm just going to go into a completely different fandom for this last one because I never get the chance to talk about this type of thing. So one of my favorite games on the DS is a game that was published by Atlas called Contact. You can find yourself a copy, I recommend it. I'm not entirely sure how easy it is to find nowadays. It's a very meta-feeling game. Fantastic RPG. This fanfic? I haven't read too much else by this author, but they captured the feelings and emotions of what the player character and the hero of the story, Terry, would be feeling at the end of the game so well. I want to go into this person's other works because it's just that great.
If you're not on this list, ask me the question again. I will probably answer with different people because... I read so many talented writers. I'd be spending all evening if I listed every single writer I liked.
Do you want to be published some day?
Define that.
I do have a story in the latest Lego Movie fanzine (I'm sad it's ended, but all good things do). The Chronoverse is also part of Tern's TLM archive initiative. Both of those are physical. It's not with someone like Random House or one of those big names or under my government name, but the work is mine and can be read by others. Heck, AO3 and this blog can be considered an independent publication, just a digital one.
I did used to have dreams of being picked up by some large publisher. The current landscape of writing has had me rethink what it means to truly be published.
What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I've been told by at least two people I can write emotions really well. And I'm proud of that. I write horror. I write adventure stories and mysteries. All of those emotions to drive the story. It's a real attribute to be able to have you feel for the character in any of those situations.
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gamesception · 4 months
Sception Reads Cass Cain #37
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Batgirl (2000) #17 - August 2001 Writer: Kelley Puckett Pencils: Damion Scott inks: Robert Campanella Colors: Jason Wright
Cass's book as been pretty downbeat for the last few issues. The tone of Cass's book overall is pretty sad and heavy, and normally I'm all about that angst, but the book can't live on angst alone, so have to have some brighter moments for contrast, you've gotta take the pressure off every once in a while if you want to keep building it or you just burn out the scale. So this issue brings us a refreshing change of pace, if only to give Cass and the reader a bit of a breather.
Sorry if this one goes up late. I'm running behind time wise, but I don't want to take a minimal approach to this issue, it's pretty important and has a lot of great moments. Do pease read it for yourself first, though.
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The issue starts with this pretty cool sequence showing Cass's perspective as she gets distracted by the woman running away and lets this random goon land a punch on her. I like how the slideshow effect of the three repeated panels really emphasizes how much time Cass had to dodge this punch.
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Followed by this great 'like father like daughter moment after she knocks the guy out where Cass and Bruce both have the same surprised and befuddled "Hmm" reaction to what just happened, with the same expression on their face and everything.
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The perfectly synchronized training afterwords is also great, as is Bruce's worried expression. I can't keep copying every page over, we'll be here all day, but this issue really is great. One of my favorites. Again, go read it for yourself if you haven't.
Anyway, on the one hand this is such an indictment of Bruce. We the audience know that 'somethings been wrong' with Cass for a while, basically the entire time. She's consumed by guilt to a near suicidal degree and the loneliness and isolation of her lifestyle - even before she was forced out of Bab's clock tower but especially since - has left her without any companionship beyond her own self destructive thoughts, and the mission she's so dedicated to as her only hope of redemption continuously exposes her to the worst of humanity. So yeah, that Bruce didn't already know something was wrong, that he didn't anticipate how his decisions were making things worse, that he only notices that anything's off at all once Cass's mental state is bad enough that it's affecting her performance on the job? Yeah, that's pretty bad, if also so completely him.
On the other hand, you can see the concern all over his face. He should have seen this coming, he should have noticed it sooner, but now that he has he is very genuinely worried on her behalf, and that does count for something, even if he'll need help figuring out what's wrong or what to do about it.
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And that help just so happens to call in the form of Barbara Gordon, who can hack in to delete the government's digital records on Cass's face, but needs her to sneak in and destroy the physical records.
At first Cass and Bruce don't feel like this is worth bothering with, as neither sees any value in her potential future civilian persona worth taking this risk to get it back, but Babs points out how they might yet connect the data they have to Batgirl and that convinces Bruce, which in turn convinces Cassandra because she absolutely does not think for herself these days.
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I love this Jab Babs gets in at Bruce as Cass leaves, though I do wish it was made a bit more explicit that the *reason* Bruce has been keeping Cass on such a 'short leash' is that he doesn't fully trust her ever since David sent the video of her killing that man way back in issue number 4. On the surface Bruce is still deep in denial over it, but some part of it has to know, has to doubt at least. As is I'm pretty sure that's intentional subtext but because it's not explicit in the text I could just be reading in something that isn't really there.
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In infiltration mission is pretty cool, starting with this sequence where Cass steals a key card off of a guard's bead chain, copies it, and puts it back without him noticing, which has Barbara admitting that the 'short leash' is starting to make sense. Just what exactly would Cass be capable of if she were allowed to run free?
The mission is successful, the files and physical evidence destroyed, and Cass's out-of-costume persona is free and clear. She can visit Barbara again, can see the sun again. Can. But will she?
Babs clearly doesn't think she will, at least not on her own, and so she goes to Bruce about it
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It's a nice scene. I've missed Bab's presence in Cass's book the last few issues. This 'arguing over what's best for Cass' bit is fun, and also important characterization. I love how Bruce's expression as he says "Mole creature?" makes clear that he recognizes Bab's comment as a criticism of him and his lifestyle.
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Of course, Bruce has a different idea of what's been bothering Cass. Not the isolation, not how /he's/ been treating her, but the mission. Everything's the mission for Bruce, and Cass is just like Bruce after all. The thing is, as right as Barbara clearly is here, Bruce probably isn't wrong either. Cass, like Bruce, dwells on her 'failures'. But taking down the villain responsible never actually makes Bruce feel any better.
Barbara still presses him to just order Cass to get some sun. The fact that she shouldn't need Bruce to tell her to do that, that this level of devotion and lack of independent motivation is a bad thing in and of it self, is too big of a problem to tackle today.
And to his credit Bruce relents!
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I love these panels. You can feel how overwhelming the light is after so long in the darkness. Also good work from the colorist, showing this transition by going from all dark and cool colors that dominate her book to these warm (but washed out and too bright as her eyes struggle to adjust) colors. I mean, it's a fairly obvious trick, like being wowed when a musician changes chords, but it just works so well here.
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And it's not just the sun, it's the people. Not just cass literally going from darkness to light but also going from being surrounded by victims and criminals, by the suffering and the cruel, and emerging into a wider world full of all the breadth and diversity of the human experience, loud happy annoyed worried people walking and running and shouting and living their lives that Scott does such a great job conveying with just a single page full of different and interesting faces.
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And afterwards she's so happy, having picked up a rose from, somewhere, we don't see that bit. But of course Bruce needs to interrupt this moment of happiness.
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So Cass does go to confront gov't man.
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but clearly she doesn't actually feel better about what happened afterwords.
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Her symbolism happiness rose, only so recently acquired, is already wilting. It's clearly not the sort of thing she can go to Bruce about. So, for once, now that she can, Cass actually reaches out to Barbara for help. About the rose. About what it means that getting justice for repentant sniper man's death didn't make her feel any better about it.
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It's a great little scene to end out the comic. Symbolism's a bit on the nose, but it works. it's sincere.
The angst and darkness of the last few issues has been a lot, but it makes this bit of brightness feel all the more impactful. The underlying issues aren't resolved, it's still a problem that Cass has basically slotted Bruce into exactly the same unhealthy role that David used to occupy in her life. It's still a problem that Bruce let her do that. A real confrontation when Bruce can no longer deny the fact that she killed someone is still looming, as is her death match with Lady Shiva. But she's not quite so isolated now, and she's re-established a connection with someone who might actually be able to help her work through some of this stuff.
This might be the issue that best demonstrates the importance of Barbara Gordon in Cass's story, the key role she plays balancing out Bruce's influence. these interpersonal relationships and how they feed off each other - Cass/Bruce/David, Cass/Bruce/Barbara, they're the core of what makes Cass's book and Cass as a character so compelling.
Side note: I've waffled in the past over how much crediting to put at the start of each of these posts in terms whether to include inker and/or colorist even though I rarely comment on those issues. I'm wondering if I should also list the editor each time, as they also potentially have a pretty big say over what does or doesn't end up in the books, and keeping track of changing editors might be informative as to other changes in direction, or might show why some of Cass's side appearances work better than others?
For the Record, at least as far as her solo book goes, the editor as of issue 17 is Michael Wright, who took over from Dennis O'Neil starting in issue 14, the one where Bruce moved Cass out of Barbara's clock tower and into her own cave. Dennis O'Neil had been the editor of the book since issue 3 and co-edited issue 2 with Darren Vincenzo, who was the editor for issue 1. I think Michael Wright stays as editor for the rest of Cass's Batgirl run, save maybe for some one off exceptions here or there? So noting editors would be more for the sake of guest appearances.
There's also the issue of who's in charge at DC. As of issue 17 that's still Jenette Khan as President and Editor in Chief, but eventually Dan DiDio takes over, and it'll be worth noting when that happens. The fandom tends to assign him a lot of the blame for 'ruining' Cass's character, but as mentioned a few times already they also tend to date that downturn purely to the end of her ongoing title and heel turn in 'One Year Later.' I claim the decline started setting in much sooner then that, but I don't remember whether it started before or after DiDio's tenure as EIC began.
That's still a long way off from where this blog currently is, though.
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kittykat5090 · 3 months
late night thoughts about gv2, since i haven't played any other game in the series beyond gv1 or gv3 in months, at minimum, and i apparently haven't started a save in gv2 on the switch? (or maybe the physical and digital copies having different data borked up the switch and now i have six save slots for both striker pack games >:) )
i hated the localization way more than i thought i would. i knew it wasn't going to be good going in, but actually playing the game and seeing the lines of dialogue for the first time in forever just felt wrong. 8-4's flavor of localization (at least for the gunvolt games, idk about the other stuff they've translated) did not sit right with me this time around, especially when it had to be stretched out to cover the midstage dialogue, plus the actual voice lines tend to go for way longer than the dialogue itself (which i don't think was 8-4's fault for the most part, but it still bugged me). although i didn't play a lot of the game, there were way too many moments where i went "wait, (character) wouldn't say/talk like that," and usually it was because they spoke way too casually than what i would've expected them to. i wouldn't say it was a dealbreaker, considering i can put up with gv3's story, but since it is a dialogue-heavy game i figured i should bring it up, especially since it was my biggest gripe this time around
gameplay's still fun, but i found myself having way more fun as copen than gunvolt. again. i should probably actually get good as gunvolt instead of just running through everything, even though i can and i'm good enough at EP management that it usually doesn't bite me in the ass lmao
i find it really funny that, as the series progressed, it got better and better at explaining its mechanics, despite the story requiring at least some knowledge of the previous game(s) to have a full grasp of what's going on. like, in the case of gv2, why lumen's hanging around gunvolt all of the time and being referred to as joule. i mean, i GUESS you could figure things out from the brief spoiler flashes when gunvolt runs into mytyl??
speaking of mytyl, i'm still sad about how joule was written in this. she feels more like an annoying sidekick than, well, joule, who sure as hell wasn't annoying. it also sucks that the secret ending stuff didn't lead anywhere, but tbh it's not like i've ever gotten it in the first place :/
(sorry if any of this is incoherent, it's currently 5 am and i haven't slept 🙃)
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unofficialgayawakening · 10 months
hi, thank you for your work in trying to help keep gay awakening updated! Question: is there any way for someone to individually remove specific support options from the mod? I’d like to use it but would very particularly like to remove the chrom/Frederick option for my own playthroughs because Frederick is canonically stated to have helped raise chrom and lissa according to the drama cd so it makes me uncomfortable :’) if it’s not something that can be done I understand, but if it is id very much love to know how to do that!
Hey there, sorry to hear that Chrom/Frederick makes you uncomfortable! This is the first time I'm hearing about this part of the drama CD-I should really listen to/read that one of these days.
It's actually really easy to add/remove support options nowadays, you just need a program called Paragon and a full dump of the vanilla game's romfs (what the folder containing all of the game's files is called). I'll include instructions here below the readme. If you get stuck or can't get things working, feel free to join the discord and we'll be able to help you more directly!
Step 1 - Get a clean dump of your game's romfs.
Citra users: Right click on your game and select 'Dump RomFs'
Luma users: Launch your 3ds while holding Start to run GodMode9. (note: this guide was written for version v2.1.0 of GodMode9 and any older or newer releases may have different wording) - Physical: Select 'GAMECART' - Digital: Select 'SYSNAND SD' and go into 'title' folder. Open the '00040000' folder to find your games and select FEA's title ID. NA: 000A0500 EU: 0009F100 - Open 'NCSD image options…' and select 'Mount image to drive' then press A. Open 'content0.game' and press R+A while hovering over the romfs folder. Copy to 0:/gm9/out. This is the filepath you'll use to find it when you move to your computer.
Step 2 - Now that you have your romfs dump, you're going to download Paragon and start a new project. The project name can be whatever you want it to be, but make sure you select the right language and game. Your Extracted RomFS Directory is the vanilla romfs dump that you just grabbed, and the Output Directory is going to be UGA's romfs folder. The filepaths will be different when using Luma or if you move anything around for ease of access, but it should look something like this when you're done:
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Step 3 - To remove the support options itself, you're going to open the Characters module in the section labeled "Core Data". From there, go to Chrom's name and switch to his Supports tab. Scroll down until you see Frederick's name, and change the Support Type from Fast to Non-romantic. Do the same thing for Frederick- select him and look for Chrom in his support tab to change the Support Type from Fast to Non-romantic. If the support type doesn't match for both characters, they won't be able to gain any support ranks at all, so make sure you change both of them!
Step 4 - The previous step removed the ability for them to support, but you probably want to remove the S support from the support log as well. In the main Paragon menu, you're going to look at the left side where it says "Nodes" and look for the option called "Support / Reliance List". From there, go to both characters and delete their last support (the one that says Support Level 4, with 0 as the Support Number). Make sure to select the correct Delete button as shown in this image:
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For Frederick, you're also going to want to delete his PC supports with Lucina, so scroll down and delete all three of the Fredrick x Lucina posts that have the Support Type set to Parent/Child. Now, make sure you also go to select the first support in these lists (the first support with male robin) and select the Regenerate IDs option furthest to the right (not the one on top!). The automatic 0 it gives you is fine, this step is to ensure the game reads the edited support log correctly- failing to regenerate IDs may cause issues. Now that that's been done you're finished in Paragon, so you can go to File > Save to save those changes!
Step 5 - The last thing you can do (if you so desire) is delete the actual supports themselves. You can find the support files in romfs/m/E, where you'll see a ton of files named with Japanese characters. Chrom and Frederick's modded supports are named "クロム_フレデリク.bin.lz" while Lucina and Frederick's PC support is named "マルス_フレデリク_親子.bin.lz"
Step 6 - After that, just make sure your romfs folder is where your mods go and you should be set! You should be able to see the changes both in-game and in the support log now.
Lastly, here are a few things you should know when it comes to updates:
The two files you've edited are the static.bin.lz (this controls many things in the game, including support options) and the RelianceList.bin.lz (the support log)
Unless the support options in the latest update change, or there's a bugfix regarding support gain, you will not need to replace your static.bin.lz! Just keep the one you edited when you update, everything will work perfectly fine. I don't expect the static.bin.lz to be updated frequently, but I will be tweaking support options for the Spotpass characters later down the line so you will have to redo Step 3 when that happens.
The support log for UGA has not been finished yet, so the RelianceList.bin.lz WILL get updated in the next major release, so you will have to replace your own edited one. When that happens, you'll have to repeat Step 4 again, but that doesn't take too long so hopefully that's not an issue! When I finish the support log, you won't have to do this ever again.
And that should be everything! I hope it wasn't too confusing- after you set up Paragon for the first time it's honestly really easy to make changes to the game. It's a super friendly program, and you can do all sorts of silly things with it. Like I said though, you're welcome to join the discord for more direct help from us! We're friendly, I promise :P
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(This 👇 is not true, the entire time was something else from yesterday, see that is from the haters of the movie, so like myself, do not ever end up like them (which in a future multiple part post whenever I am ready, I will be able to collect all of that, and also of separate to the one that is from all of the positive, and mid about it), but do ever end up like how it was from my last post especially with all of the mid people such as all of the ones that are both okay with it, and also not okay with the movie otherwise if we are to become haters of the movie like how some of the critics are now becoming, and that includes the change of heart for all of the others that are out there in all over the internet that are hating on it, since I am trying to make sure that it does get better than how it is right now, I did not want to go all of the matters worse like how it is right now, but I do not know what to do with it even though I am doubtful to disappoint myself from all of this going on for all of the unknown reasons that are making all of the people turn against to this movie, but to keep me from being feeling down in the dumps blue, and to be able to make myself feel better within me, and my family, I can be able to see everything that I was thinking about for all of the stuff that this fandom can do like any other at all from my other past posts, and get all of the Elemental merchandise for the movie even if it comes to an archived cam copy, Disney Plus including with all of the bonus features extras, digital copies, physical releases, and all of the other stuff that it could be able to be in for my blog along with experiencing the movie in 4DX D-Box if I feel like it if they decide to put it back in the theater way before I am able to feel like watching the actual footage of the movie for myself after I try to keep myself thoughts, and everything else together for however everyone else is going to be able to make their commentary reactions to the movie from the very start of the movie with all of the opening logos, and all of the opening credits of the movie to the very end of the movie with all of the closing credits, and all of the closing logos with all of the other stuff that I put in other posts before for being able to do fan dubs, fanfiction, fanart, fan edits, cosplay, etc. along with me watching it in other languages first way before I put all over again, but this time with the original United States Of America English audio description, and all of the closed captioning subtitles turned on, but still from all of this process of what I just said, cheer me up from this whole tub of free unlimited endless all flavors of ice cream of the past, present, and future that you can be able to have in your dreams to swim in that I am typing out of my sadden sob, or so else to describe it by letting me know when all of the hate for Elemental is over for good!) :
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(Good to know, since because this 👇 is for how the Pizza Planet vehicle will be able to look like in the movie if anyone wants to have a challenge for being able to find it!) :
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: (These two examples 👇 are how to draw out of the language that the fire resistants speak in the movie as well as for giving me an idea to be able to plan a scavenger hunt for using it for all of you guys all over Tumblr, and all of the other social media platforms from the entire internet such as YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, all you have to do is starting with the opening logos, every single time for whenever you either when you hear anything spoken in Firish, make sure that the symbols all link to almost all of the fire characters from the movie are trying to say, but normal of how all of the other characters of earth, air, and water are speaking, and if you see something in Firish, pause the movie, decode it from being able to match all of the symbols of Firish that is on screen (the punctuation of it is fine to be able to not worry about it, since because it is the easiest one of all, but all of the 26 letters of the alphabet are going to be worth working a sweat, but for a good way) to be able to read it out for what it says before you type it out from it there when you have the correct answer to what it is trying to be able to say on there way before you are ready to resume the movie for being able to do for the next one, and on until the closing logos which is to also be able to keep count by numbering them from one to the very end of the list of all of the Firish!) :
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: (A clearer picture of the safety sign from the Cinemark picture from one of my past posts for the movie 👇, I wonder what the other sign that I was talking about still says!) :
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: Check out this following offer message from Indy 500 as its 16th ever partner for the movie 👇! :
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: Part 2 in my next post!
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krissiefox · 9 months
Krissie's Big List of DRM-Free Games!
(This is an ongoing project that I will continuously update as I find more DRM-Free games to recommend) Update: It sadly seems I may not be able to add any more links, I may have reached the limit for one post.
What do I consider "DRM-Free"?
I've seen people argue and nitpick over what they consider DRM-Free on reddit, so I wanted to be sure to clarify. I consider a modern PC game DRM Free if I don't need to be connected to the internet or log into anything to play the game. I don't necessarily mind the older PC games where you have to enter a CD key during installation, even though this could also be considered DRM. WUUUUGHALGBORK! WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT DRM?! JUST CONFORM!
I can speak from personal experiences of situations in which case I've been fucked over by DRM: - My steam copy of Cities XL is impossible to play now because it requires a log in account from a site that doesn't exist anymore.
Not too long ago Epic games delisted all the Unreal games from digital store fronts, making them all harder to get a hold of. Unreal Tournament 4 never even got a physical release so it's only even still around thanks to fans saving and fixing up the game files before Epic cut off all access to them.
I was once locked out of playing my own copy of Minecraft for an extended period of time because something got messed up with my login.
Internet died and I was unable to run some of my games because they require constant internet connection to fully function (or function at all). This includes titles such as Killing Floor 2, or Red Dead Redemption 2, or Quake Champions.
A list of helpful links:
These sites and groups are part of what inspired me to start keeping track of and seeking to support DRM Free PC games. I've found their info to be very helpful at times, but there have also been times on the wikis where I would find info to be out of date as sometimes companies will decide to be mega-douchey and patch DRM into games that previously didn't have it.
https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games_on_Epic_Games_Store https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games_on_Steam https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_big_list_of_DRM-free_games_on_Steam
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/list_of_drmfree_games_on_steam/page1 And now, the games!
Amnesia Rebirth
DRM-Free on Epic Game Store and GOG.
Amnesia The Dark Descent & Machine for Pigs
The steam version of both game has an executable called "Amnesia_NoSteam" which allows you to play without steam or internet. https://store.steampowered.com/app/57300/Amnesia_The_Dark_Descent/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/239200/Amnesia_A_Machine_for_Pigs/
You can also get the games DRM-Free on GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/amnesia_the_dark_descent https://www.gog.com/en/game/amnesia_a_machine_for_pigs
DRM-Free on the humble store and GOG.
Bioshock 2
DRM-Free on GOG.
Blood:One Unit Whole Blood
The steam version uses Dosbox, so it should be usable with a source port. Unfortunately, this version of the game was delisted on steam so this is only available to people who already have it in their library. Thanks, assholes! Luckily, it is also available DRM-Free on GOG
Bubsy Two-Fur
This compilation of the SNES versions of Bubsy 1 & 2 are DRM Free on steam. PC Gaming Wiki reports otherwise, but I tested it myself and atleast as of 10-8-2023 the game will run without steam open.
Cave Story+
DRM-Free on Epic Game Store and GOG.
Chex Quest HD
DRM-Free on Steam. And it's free, too!
Codename Gordon (Half-Life flash game)
This Half-Life 2d flash game is hidden within steam can be accessed by using the instructions here to open steam and download the game. And yes, it's DRM free!
Coffee Talk
Available DRM-Free at GOG.
Costume Quest 2
DRM-Free on epic game store.
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Physical disc copy is listed as DRM-Free on the pc gaming wiki.
Dead Space
Available DRM Free on GOG.
Dear Esther
The original steam version of Dear Esther is DRM Free, but apparently no longer available for purchase there. (this is why physical media is better...) You can get the Landmark Edition of the game DRM Free on GOG.
Descent Trilogy
All three of these games can be found DRM-Free at GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/descent https://www.gog.com/en/game/descent_2 https://www.gog.com/en/game/descent_3_expansion
Physical copies also exist. I cannot vouch for Descent 3 as I don't have a disc copy, but the disc versions of 1 and 2seem to be DRM Free.
Doom (1993)/Ultimate Doom
DRM Free on steam, GOG and in the physical cd-rom format.
Doom 2
The steam version of Doom 2 should be usable with source ports like zdoom. You can also launch the game from the DOOM II executable inside the game's "re-release" folder.
Doom 3 BFG Edition & Resurrection of Evil
Steam version is DRM-Free. Also includes Doom 1 and 2! Also available on gog.
Doom 64
A modern PC port of the originally Nintendo 64 exclusive Doom game. Available DRM-Free on the Epic game Store.
DRM-Free on GOG and Steam.
Escape Goat 1 & 2
DRM-Free on GOG, The Humble Store, and the game's own homepage.
Same goes for the sequel! http://www.escapegoat2.com/ https://www.gog.com/game/escape_goat_2?utm_campaign=adtraction&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=adtraction https://www.humblebundle.com/store/escape-goat-2?partner=pcgw
DRM-Free on the humble bundle store.
Fallout 1 & 2
DRM-Free on the Epic Game Store. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/fallout?epic_affiliate=pcgamingwiki https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/fallout-2?epic_affiliate=pcgamingwiki
Fallout Tactics
DRM-Free on the Epic Game Store.
Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition
This game is available DRM-Free on GOG.
Fallout New Vegas
DRM-Free on Epic Game Store when make a command line argument of "-EpicPortal" . Instructions on how to do this can be read here. Also available on GOG.
According to the PC Gaming wiki, it is DRM Free on both the Epic Game Store and GOG.
Flatout 2
According to the PC Gaming wiki, it is DRM Free on The Epic Game Store, GOG and also from the publisher's own home page!
Final Doom
DRM-Free on steam (it's bundled with Doom II), but will need dosbox (which is included) or a source port to run on modern Windows.
This game can be found DRM-Free at GOG.
Grim Fandango Remastered
Available DRM Free at GOG, Itch io and even steam!
Half-Life 1 & 2, (Most) Expansions, Episodes
I was pleasantly surprised to find that these wonderful games are actually DRM Free on steam! Glad to see sometimes Valve isn't being a dick. https://store.steampowered.com/app/70/HalfLife/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/220/HalfLife_2/ Episode 1, Episode 2, Lost Coast, and Half-Life Source can also be made DRM-Free by making command line shortcuts. Look for instructions here on the PC Gaming Wiki for each game respectively. Feel free to message if you need help with these.
Half-Life Opposing Force
Only the retail disc version is DRM Free with later updates. Disc is still needed for the music.
Heretic & Hexen
DRM-Free on GOG.
Hotline Miami Games
Available on The Humble Store DRM-Free.
Available DRM-Free on the Epic Game Store (now if only those wankers would bring back the Unreal games)
Killing Floor
Killing Floor on steam is somewhat DRM-Free. You can actually run the game without steam for solo play, but you won't be able to change your character model or access your perks. Mods may provide workarounds, such as ones that introduce custom perk classes. I recommend getting a used physical copy or waiting for a humble bundle as I don't recommend giving tripwire money.
DRM Free on The Humble Store and GOG.
Master Levels for Doom II
DRM-Free on steam (it's bundled with Doom II), but will need dosbox (which is included) or a source port to run on modern Windows.
Monster Boy and The Cursed Kingdom
DRM-Free on GOG:
The steam version of this game can be played DRM-Free by going within the "exe" folder and opening the UDK.exe file.
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
DRM-Free on GOG and Epic Game Store.
Oddworld: Soulstorm
DRM-Free on Epic game store and GOG.
DRM-Free on GOG and The Humble Store.
Penumbra Trilogy
Available DRM-Free as physical disc copies, and digitally on GOG.
Portal on steam can be made DRM-Free by following the instructions here. The wiki shows you how to add the command line here.
Project Zomboid
Available DRM Free on GOG.
Rayman Forever
Available DRM Free on GOG
Red Faction 1 & 2
Both games are available DRM-Free on GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/red_faction https://www.gog.com/en/game/red_faction_2
Re-Loaded (PC Port Version)
This one can be a little confusing, as Steam has two versions of this game with the same title. According to the PC Gaming Wiki, the 10 dollar version of the game that has compatibility with Mac and Linux is the one that is a DRM Free PC port.
The steam version of Quake can be played DRM-Free using the executable "glquake" inside the game's main directory. This version of the game uses an interface more akin to the original, you won't get all the modern bethesda stuff that shows up when you launch the game through steam, so sadly this one is only partially DRM free.
Thankfully the modern version of the game is also available on GOG.
Quake 2
DRM Free on GOG.
Quake 3
DRM Free on GOG.
SCP 087
This short horror title is available DRM Free here
SCP Containment Breach
Available DRM Free here
SEGA Genesis Classics
DRM Free on Steam when you use the SEGAGenesisClassics.exe launcher. As a bonus, you can also find lots more games to add to it on the steam workshop (I haven't yet checked how to carry them over to a DRM Free installation but hopefully it isn't too complicated)!
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
This title is available DRM Free on gog. You can also get the original DOS version for free here!
Slayaway Camp
DRM-Free on steam.
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut
The steam version can be made DRM Free by following the instructions here.
Sonic CD (1995) / Sonic & Knuckles
The Sonic & Knuckles Collection is a physical collection from the 90s that contains both a modified version of Sonic & Knuckles and a PC port of Sonic CD. According to the PC Gaming wiki, the only form of DRM should be a disc check, which won't require internet. The newer steam version, (which was delisted in a slimey move by Sega to bully people into buying the newer Sonic Origins) is no longer available for purchase, but if you already have a copy, The PC Gaming Wiki has some instructions on ways to remove the DRM.
Thanks for being assholes, SEGA!
Sonic Mania
The PC Gaming Wiki has instructions on how to remove the DRM from the steam version.
Sonic Nebulous
A DRM free Sonic fan game. Can be downloaded here on mod db.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series
The first 3 games in the series are available DRM-Free on GOG here:
https://www.gog.com/en/game/stalker_call_of_pripyat https://www.gog.com/en/game/stalker_clear_sky
Available DRM Free on gog here:
On The Humble Bundle store, for some reason, only the 4 pack is listed as DRM-Free. :
Super Meat Boy
DRM Free at the Epic Game Store, Steam, and Humble Store.
DRM- Free on GOG.
The Binding of Isaac
This one is drm-free on steam.
The 3D Adventures Of Sailor Moon
A very old and obscure pc game that seems to be abandonware. Physical copies can be found online but are very expensive and may take a lot of work to get running on modern hardware. You can get a fixed up version of the game here
To The Moon
DRM-Free on both the Humble Store and GOG.
Turok 2 Seeds Of Evil
The steam version can be made DRM-Free by following these instructions on the PC Gaming Wiki. The game can also be found on GOG.
UnderTale is available DRM-Free on GOG.
Unreal II The Awakening
Thanks to the wankers at epic games, this can't be found on digital store fronts but you can still physical copies on ebay. Digital copies are also available on the internet archive which should be DRM-Free (not tested yet).
Unreal Gold
Physical copies of this game can be found on ebay, and a digital copy can be found here on the internet archive. (not tested yet)
Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition
Physical copies can be found on ebay, and a digital copy can be found here on the internet archive.
Unreal Tournament 2004
The game can be purchased as a physical copy on sites like ebay, or you can get a digital copy here on the internet archive. The physical copies require a cd key during installation, but should run just fine off of your hard drive afterwards.
Unreal Tournament 3
If you were able to get a steam copy before it was de-listed, the game is DRM Free after you get it all set up and enter your CD key. Otherwise, it's also available on the internet archive here. (I haven't tested this version yet)
When The Past Was Around
This title is available DRM-Free on GOG. There's also a DRM Free demo on itch.io.
Wolfenstein 3D & Spear of Destiny
Available DRM Free on GOG.
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jvstheworld · 10 months
The Buffy Re-watch: S1E8 (part 1)
I, Robot, You, Jane
Also known as the perils of online dating
The title itself is a play on 'Me, Tarzan, you, Jane'. The only version of Tarzan I've seen is the 1999 Disney one, Does anyone remember the TV show they did of it? And did anyone like it when it was a playable world in the first Kingdom Hearts game? For me it was kind of meh.
Straight away we know who our monster of the week is. Moloch. A demon that was around in 1400s Italy corrupting people to love him before he kills them. Sort of a Jim Jones vibe here.
Circle of Kayless. Huh, sounds kind of Klingon to me.
Evil demon is trapped in a book and kept in storage for 500 years until it happens to be in the possession of our favourite librarian. Question is: how did he get?
The first appearance of Jenny Calender. And is the complete opposite of Giles. Those tend to attract.
Giles in this season is hesitant to scan his books for easy access, but this is something he tries to do at the beginning of season 5 when he is making plans to leave for England. But the project was probably never finished as when he does leave in season 6 the gang still use the books.
Fritz's speech on the greatness of virtual vs paper is kind of true, but in a very annoying way. We currently have everything an our finger tips, news, books, TV, film, any info we want we can find by going online, and get it quicker than we can brew tea. it's convenient, anyone can access it as long as it's not behind paywall, and it is often cheaper than a physical copy. However, you don't own it. With what we are seeing with streaming services removing films and shows from their libraries is that nothing is permanent. Companies like HBO do it so they can save money. It's imperative, now more than ever, to own physic copies of the things you like because it may disappear virtually. Tech is great and using it can make lives easier, but in some cases just because you paid for it, doesn't mean you own it. Physical copies my cost more and take up space but it will still be there for later.
Giles is horrified that more interactions take place digitally that face to face. Yeah, it just gets worse over time. Giles would hate social media.
Jenny is flirting with Giles, so cute.
How is Willow scanning anything. She's holding the scanner so close to the book that she's missing both sides of the page and she did like 2 pages. What was the point of that?
Demon is a computer? Oh shit!
Chad Lindberg- also starred in Supernatural as Ash, the guy who lived at The Roadhouse with Joe and Ellen in season 2. There are a few Buffy actor who appeared in Supernatural, including Charisma Carpenter who was in season 7 episode 5 playing Maggie Stark, the wife of Don Stark who was played by James Marsters.
Did you notice that Willow has a photo of her and Giles in her locker door? When did they take that? Also gives more credence to her admission that she had a crush on him in season 4 episode 18.
Buffy has a good reason to be mistrustful about Malcolm. This was back when internet dating wasn't as prevalent as it is now. Nowadays it's more widely accepted, hell my dad met my step-mum through a dating site. The internet was still in its infancy here and Buffy just wants to make sure that Willow isn't getting catfished. I mean she is, but they don't know that yet.
An extra is talking about how his history report got messed up to say things that should not be said. We get a few details like this throughout the episode to show the scope of what Moloch is capable of.
Okay, okay, okay. I went on a couple of tangents and turned one point into a slight rant. Won't guarantee it won't happen again because it most definitely will. These posts I'm doing are in order of what happens in each episode and what I think of while watching them, so tangents happen and so long, drawn out thoughts.
Part 2 tomorrow.
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Just How to Gain access to SDS on Your Phone
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If you work in an industry where the use of harmful products prevails, you have actually most likely heard of SDS. SDS stands for Security Information Sheets as well as includes vital info on the potential risks and also exactly how to safely handle as well as store the material. With the advancement of technologies, accessing SDS is currently more convenient than ever before. In this write-up, we'll clarify how to gain access to SDS on your phone.
Prior to we study how to gain access to SDS on your phone, let's initial understand what SDS is. Security Information Sheets are files that provide details on harmful compounds. They include details on the physical as well as chemical homes of the harmful compound, the possible risks, as well as the secure handling and storage space treatments. SDS is very important due to the fact that it aids to make sure a secure workplace for everyone.
Currently, allow's get involved in the details of how to accessibility SDS on your phone. There are a couple of alternatives available:
One of the simplest ways to access SDS on your phone is to make use of an SDS app. There are different SDS applications readily available for both Android and also iOS devices. These apps enable you to search, check out, as well as download SDS for the materials you collaborate with. Some preferred SDS apps include ChemWatch, MSDSonline, and 3E Protect.
If you don't want to download and install an app, you can access SDS via an internet browser on your phone. Merely search for the SDS using an internet search engine like Google or Bing and also select a trustworthy website. See to it the site is trustworthy and provides precise information. Once you discover an SDS you want, you can wait to your phone for future recommendation by downloading a PDF copy.
Accessing SDS on your phone provides several advantages. First, it's hassle-free. You can quickly access SDS when you need it, also when you're on the go. Second, it's secure. Having accessibility to SDS on your phone indicates you can swiftly assess important safety and security information prior to collaborating with an unsafe material. Third, it's environmentally friendly. By accessing SDS digitally, you're reducing the quantity of paper and ink needed for publishing physical copies of the safety information sheets.
SDS is a vital part of guaranteeing safety in sectors where hazardous materials are made use of. By accessing SDS on your phone, you're making it less complicated for yourself to remain secure and certified. Whether you choose to utilize an SDS application or accessibility SDS through your phone's internet browser, always keep in mind to focus on security and choose dependable resources. Remain safe! Explore more on this subject by clicking here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_hazard.
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darkishleaf · 1 year
Experience the Best of the New York Times with a Digital Subscription
The New York Times has been the source of enlightened and reliable journalism for more than a century. Its informative and hard-hitting pieces have made it one of the most prestigious sources of news in the world. With a digital subscription to The New York Times, readers can dive into all the diversity and richness that comes with one of the world’s top publications. Digitial subscribers can access all the newspaper’s in-depth investigative and analysis, as well as benefit from exclusive online-only features and bonus content. As a digital subscribers, readers can also benefit from special discounts to popular New York Times events and become a part of the Times' vibrant online community. Regardless of how readers choose to access the newspaper, a New York times digital subscription is the best way to stay informed and experience the newspaper’s dedication to quality journalism.
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A digital subscription to The New York Times provides subscribers with an unprecedented combination of access and convenience. With the latest news and trends, in-depth reporting, expert analysis, and more available on the go, a digital subscription to The New York Times allows readers to experience the best of the newspaper in a manner that is fast, convenient, and cost-effective. Whether one reads the newspaper during their commute, at lunch, or during their leisure time, a digital subscription to The New York Times ensures that they will never miss out on what is going on in the world.
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taxmill · 1 year
An Importance of GST and ITR Services - Taxmill
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What is GST & ITR and How Can it Help Your Business?
Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Income Tax Return (ITR) are two of the most important taxes for businesses in India. GST is a comprehensive indirect tax on the supply of goods and services, while ITR is an annual return that needs to be submitted to the government by taxpayers. Both these taxes are essential for businesses as they help them to comply with the laws and regulations set by the government.
ITR (Income Tax Returns)
The financial year is ending, and it is time to file Income Tax Returns in India. TaxMill is here to make your ITR filing process simple, secure, and hassle-free. Taxmill is a GST return filing services and income tax return filing in Mumbai We provide various channels for ITR filing in India. No matter what your preference or the type of ITR you need to file, TaxMill has you covered. 
Filing ITRs on time is essential to avoid paying any penalties or fees. TaxMill's online ITR filing is the most convenient and fastest way to file returns. Our secure process requires minimal information from the taxpayer and can be done through the official website of the Income Tax Department. We also offer services of third-party websites that offer online ITR filing services. 
TaxMill also provides offline ITR filing, the traditional way of filing returns. It involves manually filling out the ITR forms and submitting them to the Income Tax Department. The forms are available in the form of physical copies or can be downloaded from the website of the Income Tax Department. TaxMill provides tax agents who can help you file your ITRs. Our tax agents are professionally trained to help you with the filing process. They will assist you in filling out the forms accurately and filing them on time. TaxMill is here to make sure your ITR filing process is smooth and stress-free. Get in touch with us today to file your ITRs on time and avoid any penalties or fines.
GST (Goods and Services Tax)
The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India is a major milestone in the nation's economic history. GST is an indirect tax reform that encompasses all the previous indirect taxes such as VAT, Octroi, and Service Tax. It is a single tax imposed on the supply of goods and services. GST registration is the process by which businesses register for GST in India. As part of this process, the GST department will issue a business a unique 15-The introduction digits identification number. Having a GST registration is mandatory for businesses to remain compliant with the law and make sales or purchases within India. 
Registration for GST in India can be done either online or offline. The application process requires basic information such as the name of the business, address, PAN number, and other relevant details. After the application is approved, the GST department will issue the business a GST registration number. In addition, businesses must file periodic returns on the GST portal which can be done on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on the turnover of the business. Submitting returns within the specified timeframe is important to avoid penalties; any late filing will be met with a penalty. Overall, the GST registration process is simple, efficient, and hassle-free, taking just a few days to complete. It is important for businesses to understand the GST registration process and filing requirements to remain compliant with the law. GST registration is essential to doing business in India, helping to create a level playing field for all businesses regardless of their size. TaxMill is also provide online GST registration in Charni Road
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itesservices · 1 year
7 Data Collection Methods Businesses Must Know
The amount of data created and replicated has reached new heights. According to recent reports from Statista, the total volume of data captured, copied, and consumed globally was 64.2 zettabytes in 2020. It is further predicted to grow to more than 180 zettabytes by 2025. This abundance of data might be overwhelming if a business doesn’t know where to begin.
Besides, how do you ensure that the data being used is relevant to the business problems you aim to solve? After all, a data-based decision is as strong as the data it is based on—and one sure way is to collect data yourself.
Basics of Data Collection
In practice, data collection is the methodological process of gathering information on a specific subject. It’s vital to ensure that the data is complete during the aggregation phase and is collected legally and ethically. If not, the subsequent analysis won’t be accurate and may have far-reaching consequences.
Broadly, there are three types of consumer as listed here:
First-party data is collected directly from users by the organization.
Second-party data is shared by another company about its customers
Third-party data is collected and rented or sold by companies that do not have a connection to your organization or users.
Though there are multiple use cases for second and third-party data, data collected first- handedly or first-party data is more valuable. Stakeholders receive information about how their audience behaves, thinks, and feels—all of this from a trusted source.
Data can either be quantitative (meaning numeric in nature) or qualitative (meaning contextual in nature). Many data collection methods apply to both types, some are better suited to one than the other.
Data collection is the second step in the data life cycle and lays a foundation for intelligent decision-making. After data is generated, it must be collected legally and ethically so that it can be processed, stored, managed, analyzed, and visualized properly to enhance your organization’s bottom-line efficiency.
Apart from this, there are several key factors stakeholders must define before gathering data. These factors are elucidated below:
The question that is to be answered
The data subject(s) that are to be collected from the data
The collection time frame that must be followed
The data collection methods that best suit the business needs
Putting it simply, the offline and online data collection methods businesses select must be according to the question they want to answer, the type of data needed, the time frame, as well as the company’s budget.
Importance of Data Collection
Data collection is an integral part of a business’s success—its accuracy, completeness, and relevance help you resolve and fix the organizational issues at hand. Plus, the information gathered allows companies to analyze past strategies as well as stay informed on what needs to change. The management can stay hyper aware of their organization’s efforts and take informed actions to improve various workflows right from altering marketing strategies to assessing customer complaints.
Basing decisions on irrelevant and inaccurate data can impede efforts and have far-reaching negative consequences. Therefore, it’s important to trust your own web data collection methods and abilities. Accurate data collection empowers business professionals to be confident in their decisions.
Data Collection Methods
Surveys are digital or physical questionnaires that collect both qualitative and quantitative data from different subjects. You have to get attendee feedback after an event, let’s say, you might conduct a survey. Stakeholders get a sense of what attendees enjoyed, what could be done differently, areas of improvement, etc.
Physical copies of surveys can be sent to participants, but online surveys present the opportunity for wide-scale distribution. These are inexpensive as running a survey cost nothing; provided you use a free tool.
Transactional Tracking
Tracking the data each time your customers make a purchase allows management to understand their customer base better and make informed marketing decisions. eCommerce and point-of-sale platforms generally allow you to store data as soon as it’s generated, making transactional tracking a seamless data collection method that pays off in the form of customer insights.
Interviews & Focus Groups
Subjects talk face-to-face about a specific issue or topic in focus groups and interviews—wherein focus groups are typically made up of several people and interviews tend to be one-on-one. Both these methods can be used to gather qualitative and quantitative data.
Through focus groups and interviews, companies can gather feedback from people in their target audience about new product/service offerings. Recording their reactions and responses to questions while they react to your product in real-time provides valuable data about which features to pursue.
One downside of conducting focus groups and interviewing is they can be expensive and time-consuming. Conducting it yourself can be a lengthy process. So, to avoid this, businesses can invest in customized data collection solutions to organize and conduct interviews.
Observing people when they interact with your website or product offers huge candor. It can be witnessed in real-time if the user experience is confusing or difficult. Though less accessible than other data collection methods, observations allow businesses to gather firsthand experience on how users interact with their product or site. The qualitative and quantitative info gleaned from observation can be used to make improvements and double down on points of success.
Online Tracking
Pixels and cookies can be implemented to gather behavioral data. Both these tools track users’ online behavior across different websites and provide insights into what content they typically engage with and are interested in. This helps businesses to improve their website’s design and help users seamlessly navigate to their destination.
Inserting a pixel is relatively easy to set up and often free. Cookie implementation may come with a fee but it is worth it for the quality of data received in return. Once cookies and pixels are set, they collect data on their own and don’t need much maintenance.
Another important thing to note is tracking online behavior has ethical and legal privacy implications. Therefore, companies must ensure they comply with local and industry data privacy standards before tracking users’ online behavior.
Online forms are fit for collecting qualitative data about users, specifically, contact information or demographic data. These are simple to set up and relatively inexpensive and can be used to gate registrations or content, such as email newsletters and webinars.
Plus, this data can be used to contact people who may be interested in your product/service, in re marketing efforts such as email workflows and content recommendations, and build demographic profiles of existing customers.
Social Media Monitoring
Monitoring a company’s social media channels for follower engagement is one of the accessible ways to track data about the audience’s interests and motivations. Many platforms have inbuilt analytics, but there are third-party social platforms also that provide more detailed, organized insights gauged from multiple channels.
This data can determine which issues are most important to the followers. For example, you might notice that the number of engagements dramatically increases when a company posts about its sustainability efforts.
Wrapping Up
Understanding the different data collection methods available helps businesses decide which is best for their budget, timeline, and the question aiming to answer. When stored together, multiple data types gathered through different methods provide an informed picture of the subjects and help make better business decisions.
Read here inspired blog: https://www.datasciencesociety.net/7-data-collection-methods-businesses-must-know/
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addictjust · 2 years
Mario kart 7 3ds character unlock
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Mario Kart 7 video of all shortcuts that you don't need a power-up for by TWD98. same region as the 3DS you are trying to modify (the target 3DS) A physical or digital copy of Mario Kart 7 that is the same region as both consoles. These unlock when you reach a certain number of coins, check out the table below to see how many coins you need to reach for each piece Use the first person gyro control at least 80% of the time in 100 recent matches You can either a) get a VR higher than 10,000 points OR b) collect 20,000 coins to unlock this item You can either a) use StreetPass to connect to 100 people OR b) collect 10,000 coins to unlock this item Get a minimum 1-Star rank or better in all the cups on all the modes 2 Mario & Sonic At The Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games (Wii U) (55) In yet another case. Nine new characters will unlock as play as, here who you can get and what you need to do to unlock them,īy completing certain tasks, you can unlock a number of Gold vehicle parts and here's what you can get and how: Heres my list of the Top 10 WORST Mario Kart Characters EVER. To unlock Mirror mode, complete and win on every cup in 150cc mode. Perfect 3 Star ranking tips guide by GameXplain Turbo Boost – Old style, this has been in nearly every Mario Kart game at the start of the race hit and hold down the gas just before the final light and you'll surely start at the race with a boost.Mini Boost – You will be rewarded with a small boost each time you collect ten coins while racing.This will give you the chance to pick up the coins you lose that are in front of them. Seroczynski, All Characters & Mirror Mode Unlocked, EUR, 1 August 2014. Blue Shell Coin saver - Slamming the breaks on, will prevent a blue shell to hit you. The latest installment of the Mario Kart franchise brings Mushroom Kingdom racing.Green Shell Repel – hit green shells back to the enemy just before they hit you using the Tanooki Tail!.Accident recovery – Press Y or A the minute your kart touches the ground, this will boost your kart and quickly make up your speed after an accident, as soon as Lakitu puts you back on the track.Cheats, Hints, Unlockables and Shortcuts.īelow are the list of all cheats and tips that are available in our database for Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo 3DS) - we've also added a video so you can see all the shortcuts available in Mario Kart 7.
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repairbotany34 · 2 years
Checks Design: Design your checks and Get Them Instantly
Checks are a necessary part of life for many people. It's important to have a professional and polished design for your checks. Designing your checks is a great way to add personality to your finances. With so many options available, deciding what's best for you can be hard. Luckily, you can design your personalized checks and get them instantly without wasting any time.
Online Check Writing and Printing Software
In a world where checks are still being written by hand, it's not unusual for businesses to look for an alternative to this method to simplify the process. But with online check writing software and printing platforms like Print Boss, Checkeeper, Zil Money, etc., users can design and print their checks instantly. This helps to save precious time and money by eliminating waiting for the ordered checks to come in, and you can use this time and money to expand the business.
Create Your Checks Online in Minutes
Adding a touch of professionalism to your business with personalized checks is easy. You can design your checks with your preferred fonts, business logo, and background image using the drag-and-drop check design tool provided by the online platform. Select the template you want to use, then drag and drop your desired elements into place. You can preview your design before printing it out, so you know exactly what you're getting. With just a few clicks, you can create customized checks that will make your business look its best.
How Easy is to Design Your Personal Checks?
Banks offer a limited number of checks that you can choose from. Key Reference charge a fee if you want to use your logo or image on the check. Online Check Writing software lets you print checks using a regular printer. You can find designs for both normal and special checks and get your designed checks immediately without waiting for days.
Printing Checks Vs. Ordering Checks
Ordering checks or checkbooks is a time-consuming and expensive process. If you order designer checks, then it will cost more than ordering regular checks. But instead, use using check printing software, businesses can print checks instantly online using a regular printer at home or from the office.
Customers can easily create and print checks using printers and some blank stock paper. Using the online check writing tool, users can make changes to their checks whenever they want by using the interactive checks design tool in the check printing software. Customers can use the platform to add business logos, font styles, and background images. 
Benefits of printing checks: 
Pre-printed check stock: You can order pre-printed check stock to display the company and bank account information you need, including the business name, address, logo, and bank account MICR line.
Blank Checks: Blank Checks are printable papers that are used to create customized business and personal checks.
Reduces Risk, Makes Payments Hassle-Free 
Pre-printed checks come with your banking information on them, meaning that if someone else gets a hold of your checkbook, they can see your account information and routing number. Blank check stock, unlike pre-printed checks, does not have any financial data printed on it, which makes it more secure for transactions. Using check printing software, you can print checks on blank stock paper or white paper using any printer.
What is Check printing Software? 
Check printing software helps you print and write checks. You can use it to design, set up, and personalize your checks. Users can fill out, print, and send physical or digital copies of checks by mail, fax, or email. This software eliminates the need for a conventional checkbook and pre-printed bank checks.
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Here are three reasons why check writing software is essential: 
 If you have a lot of checks to write each month, using check writing software can save you time and money. 
Make sure to use check writing software to avoid mistakes when writing checks. 
Use check writing software to help you keep track of your finances. 
How to print checks in QuickBooks? 
With some simple steps, users can connect QuickBooks with the platform and take advantage of printing checks. You can Import data and other information from QuickBooks to the platform without wasting your time. 
  Overall, customized checks are a great way to add a touch of professionalism to your business. You can design your checks with your preferred fonts, business logo, and background image using the drag-and-drop check design tool provided by the online platform. With just a few clicks, you can create customized checks that will make your business look its best. Banks offer a limited number of checks that you can choose from. They also charge a fee if you want to use your logo or image on the check. Online Check Writing software lets you print checks using a regular printer. You can find designs for both normal and special-occasion checks on the website. Try out this easy and affordable way to dress up your business today!
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