#((do not reblog unless your url is in the tags))
kyra45 · 6 months
How to spot a scam blog
A very simple guide to figuring out if the blog messaging you is a scam:
Was you sent an ask within some time of sharing a specific type of post such as a trending topic or subject? - Usually scam accounts target particular posts and will spam asks to everyone who shared it. The ask may relate to certain events going on or more. These asks are always sent to many users all at once so it’s suggested to tumblr search part of the ask and see if its been sent by other accounts labeled as a scam or accounts with similar style.
Is the account relatively new? - More often than not, the accounts sending the asks are about a week old or even newer. They haven’t been made too long ago and often send asks within hours of being made. If you have timestamps turned on, you’ll be able to see the date something was posted. A fresher account is usually not going to be one who’s finding you unless they are searching tags and saw your blog.
How many posts are on the account? - Scam accounts rarely have many posts on their blogs beyond the initial pinned post. All their posts, being very few are very little, are most often just posts from a trending topic they looked up or a popular tag they decided to look through. They will share only a few and then make no further posts. This is to pad out their blog to make it look used but it’s easy to see how new the blog is if you scroll to the end.
Are the shared posts fitting a theme? - Scam accounts try to share posts based on the scam they’re trying to run. This means they’ll share posts related to the topic of their choosing and then stop once they’ve shared a few. Most of these posts come from the OP themselves and not from someone the blog is following though in rare cases they’ll find a person to reblog from so they don’t look suspicious.
Are the reblog dates accurate? - If you use timestamps, find a post the blog shared and check ‘Other notes’ and see if the reblog date matches the date that is listed on the blog itself. Often, scammers will backdate posts to make them look much older then they really are in an attempt to deceive people into thinking they’ve used tumblr for months or years.
Is the url auto-generated? - Not always seen from a scam account, but scammers often just use auto-generated usernames because it’s quick and easy to do. But real accounts may have these too. It’s just a thing to keep in mind.
Is the url familiar or similar to one you’ve seen before? - Scammers often try to copy their older accounts by using usernames based around previous scam attempts. It becomes obvious after about a while and usually makes it easy to figure out the scammer is back again. This isn’t always from scam accounts as regular accounts may do this for reasons.
How often do you get asks? - If you barely get asks and suddenly keep getting mutual aid asks it’s very likely you’re just a scammers latest target and they’ll keep spamming asks. This means you’ll consistently get the same style of asks from a brand new account that shouldn’t know you unless they found you in tags. You will keep getting these asks on a daily basis. You will eventually always get these asks.
Did they request you to message them directly? - On rare occasions a scam account will want you to send them a direct message and then they’ll just ask you for thousands of dollars on the spot.
Does your bio say no mutual aid asks? - Scammers don’t read/don’t care they will ignore that and send you asks anyway that won’t stop them.
Short version: More often than not the blog asking you for money is a scam if you don’t usually get asks for money from brand new accounts.
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transienturl · 1 year
Here are two non-obvious things about the Tumblr UI that I feel like I can make more clear with some images. As of July 17, 2022 2023... oops:
links to posts on blog themes:
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There's a link to view a post on the user's custom blog theme—if they have a custom theme, and have their blog accessible to logged-out users, of course—as the first item in the ⋯ ("meatballs") menu. (This used to be the dog-ear corner at the top right corner of the post, if you remember that.)
Like any normal link, you can control/command click this menu item to open it in a new tab, or right click it to copy the link URL.
links to individual reblogs:
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The header areas highlighted in green here—specifically their empty areas—are links directly to the individual reblogs they're the headers for. This is also true in the mobile apps!
You can control/command click them to open them in a new tab.
You can sort of right-click them to copy the link URL... but only if you have post timestamps turned on (it's in your tumblr settings in the dashboard section near the top), and only if you right click on the timestamp, or actually the dashed green area. (I wish this could be true for the whole header, but it's kind of hard for technical web browser limitation reasons.)
The above statements are true without XKit!
Now: by default, the areas highlighted in red and orange are links to the blogs in question. The "restore links to individual posts" option in Tweaks in XKit Rewritten (check out @addons!) does two things:
It changes the red-highlighted links to point directly to the reblog in question, just like their surrounding green area. This doesn't really add any functionality; you could already access that, as just discussed! Edit: I got this wrong; the reblog trail blog names should not be highlighted red.
It changes the orange-highlighted link to point to the immediately preceding reblog (i.e. the one "prev tags" refers to). This definitely does add functionality, since there was literally no way to step backward through the reblog chain otherwise!
For the record, what I would probably have done if I were Staff or if I had been the one to write the XKit Rewritten tweak without anyone else's input is:
Make the green-highlighted areas link to the reblog, as they currently already do.
Make the red-highlighted links point to the user blog, as they currently already do.
Make the orange-highlighted link, including the reblog icon, link to the immediately preceding reblog (i.e. the one "prev tags" refers to). That section is a different color than a blog link and has a special icon, after all; I think it's totally reasonable for it to have slightly different functionality.
In any case, it imo quite obviously should not be impossible to step back through the reblog chain, no matter what you think of the "prev tags" phenomena. Without an extension, there's no way to do this at all right now unless the post has very few notes and you can dig through them.
Some might argue for solving this by putting the a link to the previous reblog in the ⋯ menu. That would certainly be better than nothing, but I think using the orange-highlighted area is a better way. It's not like it's hard to get to a blog from an individual-post-viewed-on-that-blog, anyway.
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dont-leafmealone · 4 months
some etiquette tips for quotev migrants
If you enjoy a post (piece of art, text post, writing, gifset, etc) interact however you would have on quotev!
Reblogging is like reposting an activity, but with a permanent link to op, and you can add your own thoughts in the tags or on the post itself. Very nifty. It's that little 🔄 symbol at the bottom.
Likes are a good short-form validation, and also a way to save posts so you can find them again later.
Comments are good for sharing your thoughts without having the post on your account for whatever reason.
Tags are optional, but useful for both organization and extra commentary that will stay on your blog (unless someone likes your tags. Then they may copy/screenshot and add to the post, or copy them in their own tags.)
if you trigger tag something, don't censor the trigger. That will only make it harder for people who have that tag blocked to avoid it.
"Copying is ok" rules for tags don't apply to art; art is to be reblogged, not copy-pasted, unless given permission from the artist. It's also polite to credit an artist if you use their art for a header/pfp, and/or ask beforehand!
That said, gifs are free game pretty much, since they have built-in credit to whoever uploaded them.
When posting images it's helpful to use the alt text feature to add a description, or add one in the body of the post below or above the picture, since A; it's helpful for those who use screen readers, and B; sometimes pictures don't load and the description is sometimes vital to tell what the heck's going on, screenreader or no.
Ask boxes are for things you don't mind being publicly viewed; messages are for private discussions.
Anonymous asks are optional, meaning some people may have them turned off. Anon hate is unfortunately common and many people opt to avoid it.
Block and report bots on sight. Report for spam/bot violations; even if they're an nsfw bot, reporting for sexual content won't do anything to get rid of them. Bots are pretty recognizable when you know what to look for, as their blog will either be blank/have a insta model pfp and generic URL, or...be full of untagged porn.
Bots come in waves; there'll be a lot at once, then they'll die off to a handful, then eventually come back. It's a neverending battle!
You can block tags to avoid seeing content you don't like. To do this you go into "account" in the settings menu, and type whatever you wanna block in the content filters section.
Turn on timestamps! That way you can know if info is outdated, or just in general have a time frame for when something was made.
Block rather than argue. You'll be happier in the long run. Hell, even if someone just kinda gets on your nerves or yucks your yum, but especially if it's serious, since reporting does next to nothing and arguing just won't change someone who's stuck in their ways, and it's not your job to fix everyone who's wrong. Block their account and if you want, block their name on the filtered content. Chances are they won't even know or care so don't worry that it's rude.
Most of all, have fun!
That's all I can think of for now. My askbox is open if there are any questions!
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unitetheloraxfandom · 10 months
OFFICIAL SIGNUP POST: Thneedmas Exchange 2023!
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Read fully before liking/reblogging!
This event is being run by @miru667
Makeup gift volunteers fill in when a participant is unable to get a gift from their assigned partner; these things happen sometimes! If you’d like to volunteer for this role, please message @miru667. Thanks again!
This blog itself is meant to organize the lorax fandom’s various “Secret Santa” styled events, and to share the works created by our participants once each exchange has ended. Participants do not have to follow, but if you’d like to keep tabs, feel free to follow our tag: #unitetheloraxfandom
Here are the rules!
1) To sign up you must LIKE AND REBLOG the official post for the current exchange. That would be this one! We will try to message people once they’ve been added to the participants list, so look out for that!
2) We will be contacting you via Tumblr Direct Messaging to first confirm your participation, and then later to send you the name of your buddy. But if it is unavailable we will be sending it to your askbox. Make sure you have your askbox open please! You don’t need to have anon on. If we can’t contact you, you will be taken OFF of the list without warning.
3) If you change your URL after signing up, you MUST tell us. If you will be unavailable to answer DMs for more than a few days, PLEASE tell us as well.
4) Signup starts TODAY (December 1st) and will be CLOSED on December 7th 23:59 EST. You MUST reply to our DM to confirm your participation by December 8th, 12:00pm EST, or else you won't be added to the participants list.
5) On December 8th, you will be messaged the name of your secret buddy. They must be unaware that you are their Thneedmas Exchange partner until after the period of posting (December 23rd - January 5th) or longer depending on issues with post limit.
6) If you sign up after the cutoff date, your url will be put on a waiting list for the next exchange. There will be no room for late sign ups.
7) Gifts can be fanart, fanfiction, fan video, etc. If you have any other ideas for your gift, feel free to get creative. Also, please try to keep them related to The Lorax unless you know your buddy would appreciate something non-Lorax related more (like if they have an OC, for example).
8) If you have had drama in the past with another tumblr user then please let us know ahead of time so we can make certain that neither of you are assigned to each other.
9) Buddies will be assigned by the mods, and you will be buddied up randomly. If you don’t receive a buddy after the sign-up period is over, then MESSAGE US IMMEDIATELY! DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE THE EXCHANGE OR THE LAST DAY OF THE EXCHANGE OR 2 DAYS AFTER THE EXCHANGE.
10) If you have not received your gift in time, you MAY make a request for a makeup one created by one of the mods or makeup gift volunteers; this offer is only valid if you’ve come through with your own partner’s gift, it’s only fair.
Thank you for reading!
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Image Descriptions and Accessibility in General on Tumblr for New Users
What are Image Descriptions
Image Descriptions are text following a picture explaining what’s in that picture. They are primarily for blind/visually impaired people with screen readers and visually impaired people who can read text but have issues with pictures.
They also help people who have trouble:
focusing on/understanding a picture
reading text on images (ex low contrast, weird fonts, etc)
getting images to load
Without image descriptions posts are not accessible to many people, so if you can it's best to include a description or alt text every time you post an image.
Alt text vs image descriptions
Image descriptions are written in the body of the post itself, and have some kind of text before and after, to explain that what's coming up. They typically begin short and concise, but can expand to more detail.
Alt text is added to the image itself, and is what is read by screen-readers (which will otherwise just say "image"). There is no need to add any explanation before the description so you can just say "a description of the image". Alt text can only be added by the original poster, by clicking on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the image and clicking 'update image description.' It is typically short and concise.
On tumblr, alt text is currently available on web by clicking on the alt button (or via new xkit - accesskit - move alt text to captions below image). On mobile, alt text is available in some versions of the app through clicking on the alt text button. Image descriptions are visible on all posts, although if you put them under a read-more, that makes them less accessible. (Thanks to @911described for helping with this section)
How to Make Image Descriptions
Awhile ago I made this general guide. I learned from examples, so here are descriptions made by a bunch of different people. I've also made templates for a lot of common images you'll see on Tumblr.
Other Concerns
Gradient or all caps text make most screen readers read out the word one letter at a time. In addition, these plus text that is bold/italicized/underlined, in colors other than black, or in weird/fancy fonts are difficult for many people to read.
How Filtering Works
You can filter out both words/phrases and tags in the filtering section under the general section in the settings. When filtering out words from a post, it will look at both the text of the post/reblog chain and at the url of op and the rebloggers. When filtering out tags it will look at the tags of the specific post on your dash, and at the tags of the original post.
Tagging for Common Triggers
Don't sensor trigger warnings (for example don't tag suic!de) because then people who have them filtered will still see it.
Tagging for Flashing Lights
If you post a gif or video in a post that flashes, you should tag it with something like "flashing lights" and Not "tw epilepsy" because if any of the tags in the original post contains the world epilepsy it will show up in the epilepsy tag, which is dangerous. Check out this post from @photosensitive-despair for more info about tagging photosensitive content.
Tagging for Unreality vs Misinfo
Things that could trigger delusions/psychotic episodes/etc should be tagged with unreality. This includes:
content that has existential themes related to reality/things not existing (example: a philosophy such as solipsism, do not look up the term if unreality stuff is triggering for you)
extremely surreal content(example: sometimes content such as weirdcore/dreamcore aesthetics can fall under this umbrella but again this is very subjective)
content that reinforces or encourages common delusions(example: that one "im living in your walls" meme)
Things like rp blogs and fake/edited tweets should not be tagged with unreality, unless they contain triggering content. Consider tags like "fiction" or "misinfo." See this post for more info.
Addition from @mindflamer
You can look through the reblogs of a post to see if someone's already written a description. There is a button to see just comments vs. comments + tags which makes it easier. Scroll through looking for brackets [], ID, or Image Description. This is great to do if you can't write your own IDs for whatever reason, so that you can at least spread the version of the post that's described if there is one.
If you're not able to write IDs consistently, some is better than none. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. You can use the tag #undescribed to make it easy for those who need them to filter out those posts. Similarly, if you primarily tag triggers but can't for certain posts, you can use a separate tag on that to be filtered such as #untagged.
Please, if I forgot something, sound off in the notes and I'll update this post with it
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anneapocalypse · 3 months
I am actually going to use the Dragon Age fandom's predictable reheating of stale wank from ten years ago like it's brand new to remind people to crosspost and archive your meta. I'm serious. Crosspost and archive and back up your fanworks generally, but I think meta is a particular place where people don't bother or think it's not worth the trouble.
Part of the reason fandom seems to have such a miserably short memory is that the centralization of it on social media platforms causes information decay at a staggering rate. Twitter is one of the worst offenders, as it's basically useless for any kind of archiving and near impossible to find something that was posted ten days ago, never mind months or years. But tumblr has its own problems, with the ease of changing urls making link rot almost inevitable. Unless a post is still in active circulation or someone is doing a tag dive on an old fan's blog, posts from when Inquisition was fresh out and we didn't even have Trespasser yet (for example) might as well be at the bottom of the sea.
Did you know you can post meta on AO3? You can. There are tags for it and everything ("nonfiction" and "meta" being two popular ones). Dreamwidth exists and isn't a bad place for archiving. Hell, set up a Wordpress blog if that's more your speed.
Maybe you want to help preserve access to other people's meta posts! Consider a meta rec list. Reblog their posts and include links to the reblog as well as the original in case of deletion or link rot.
These are just a few ideas. I just want to encourage fellow fans, at a time when fandom and information online generally moves so fast and things get buried so quickly, to give some thought to archiving and preservation. Ten years from now, will our fandoms remember what we were talking about today?
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
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10k Follower Ship Celebration! ❤️🤍💙
My loves!!!! This is so wild!!! THANK YOU!!! Thank you for supporting me and my silly writing. Thank you for the likes, and reblogs, and especially the comments (it's embarrassing how much I reread them lol). Thank you for being here and loving The Boys/Gen V as much as I do :) I don't want to get too sappy lol, but writing has been the one constant in my life since I started this blog. It's gotten me through the worst times in my life and I know, no matter what, I can always come back to it regardless of how long it's been and find so many of my friends like no time has passed!!! I want to show my love by opening up ships again, but this time they're gonna be a little different (in a good way!!!) Please be sure to read the rules and remember all requests are open!!! Xoxoxo❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙
Only one ship per person - I wanna make sure it’s fair for everyone and that I have time for everyone :)
These ships are only for the The Boys and Gen V fandom!- It’s what I feel inspire to write right now, so any other fandoms will not be written for with these ships!
Specify! - Please specify which fandom you'd want to be paired with, gender you'd want to be paired with, and, if it is an issue, who you don't want to be shipped with (ex: I'd love a ship from Gen V, for any character, just not Cate Dunlap)
Please be kind! - I am one person who is doing this to show my love and appreciation for the fandom as well as the people who are constantly supporting my silly writing. Please remember to be kind when requesting and please try not to make demands, if that makes sense? I love doing ships, but sometimes the attitudes around them can turn something fun into something discouraging and quickly lead to burnout
SHIPS ARE OPEN: August 24th -> September 3rd
The most important thing would be to include what gender/s you’d want to be shipped with and if you want The Boys, The Seven, Gen V or either/no preference to be paired with! I wouldn’t want to ship anyone with a character they’re personally uncomfortable with :) I will 100% respect your request!
Because these are going to be aesthetics, I think the most important things to include are what you look like, your personal style, personality, type of people you typically like/date, favorite things about yourself, interests, hobbies, favorite books, movies, bands, animals, harry potter house, favorite places, dream jobs/homes/lifestyle/future, pet peeves, etc. Basically anything that you find unique to you! Things that can't really be put into aesthetics are things like mental health issues, etc. so please try to limit that kind of information.
Because these ships are going to be different from the last ones, I want to keep it a surprise, but just know it'll include an aesthetic of your relationship and maybe even a little blurb of writing!
I’ve done this before under the #johnnyshellby-ships / #jammesbarnnes-ships / #kaitbishop-ships (my old urls) so I’m gonna tag this #hughiecampbelle10k-ships in case you’d want to block it for any reason!
I’ll try to get to these asap and they’ll be posted between other posts and requests, but please understand I am one person so they might take some time! Xoxoxo❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙
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What do you think you add? Do you think you make a poignant post better when after scrolling down through it we see someone saying it's "official"?
I'm choosing to interpret this ask as a genuine question (albeit one that's been worded a bit rudely) instead of a hate anon, because I wouldn't want to tarnish people's dashboards with hate anons.
Now, to answer your genuine question... The "Discworld Heritage Post" tagline I add to the end of posts has as much validity as I have authority to bestow it: none. Do I think my tagline makes posts better? Of course not! And I certainly don't think I make them official, (and neither my url or my pinned post claim that I do so).
I don't know what reasons other people had to start their own Heritage Posts blogs for other fandoms, but I will gladly tell you mine: I got into Discworld. I discovered the Discworld fandom in Tumblr. And, one day, while scrolling down some Discworld related tags, the idea just popped into my head. After checking that there wasn't a Discworld Heritage Posts blog already, I decided to make one.
I personally follow a few Heritage Posts blogs, and my reason to do so is probably the same as to why many people follow this blog: I wanted to see that kind of content. Tracking tags and being up to date on the most popular posts of a fandom is doable, but doing so for the dozens upon dozens of media I'm into is impossible, so I like to follow some Heritage Posts blogs to get some of those posts directly into my dashboard (it's also worth mentioning that sometimes, some iconic posts are made when people comment stuff on them, and those don't appear in the search tags, so following blogs that post about a certain fandom is the best way to come across some of those collaborative posts, because otherwise you'd rarely get to see them). So yes, I created a blog that, had it already existed, I would have liked to follow. Also, while other blogs with this gimmick usually limit themselves to reblogging, let's call them the "greatest hits", I've said since the beginning that I didn't care about how many notes something had. Be it cool art or a funny or insightful post, if I like it, I send it to my drafts.
However, none of those reasons are the main reason why I made this blog. The main reason is that I did it for myself. After exhausting all the content that showed up in the Popular Posts tab, I couldn't help but think of all the gold and treasure that wasn't there, buried and hidden due to the way Tumblr's search engine works. If you're familiar with the Discworld concept of "lies-to-children", that's what the "top posts of all time" is in Tumblr. A 20k post from 2016 will not be there, but a six month old post with 400 notes will show up. Surely there had been amazing Discworld posts and art posted in 2015 and 2013, but I wasn't going to find most of them unless I expressly went looking for them. And this blog was the perfect excuse to do so. As of replying to this ask, there's nearly 600 posts sitting in my drafts, and if I didn't have this blog I would have never discovered 90% of them. And those are the ones I've seen. I still have dozens of places I haven't searched.
I know that if I reblog a month old post with over 2k notes, a lot of people in the fandom will have already seen it. However, a 2k notes post from 2014, or a drawing with 40 notes from 2012 is something that is less likely to have hit people's dashes recently, or at all. When you come across the "Discworld Heritage Post" tagline in a post, please don't picture me as an uppity monarch performing the Tumblr equivalent of a knighting ceremony, or a stuffy museum curator deigning a piece worthy of being included in an exhibition. Picture me as a kid enthusiastically jumping and flailing my arms around while yelling "holy shit guys check out what I just found!!", because that's how I feel running this blog.
Ultimately, whether one of my posts does better or worse is indifferent to me, because they aren't my posts, or memes, or drawings. I'm just the intermediary. That being said, of course it's not indifferent to me, because more engagement means that was a post many people hadn't seen before, or had forgotten about, and one of my goals was to run a blog that would allow people to find those hidden or long forgotten gems.
When all is said and done, Heritage Post blogs are just another one of Tumblr's gimmicks. If we're not your cup of tea, you're free to ignore or block us. If you want to reblog something and don't want the tagline, you can reblog it directly from OP (or from another reblog if OP has deactivated their account).
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hashtagloveloses · 2 years
so are you back on tumblr after a while or you're new? welcome! it's a lot nicer here lately, and, shockingly enough, the website actually works a lot better too, thanks to the hard work of a bunch of very talented people. the mobile app is constantly improving, but if you're on desktop and used to use things like missing e or xkit, the latest helpful extension is XKIT REWRITTEN, which you can go download and read about at @addons that was created by @april, who worked on new xkit back in the day and now works at tumblr itself!
here's some other helpful tips to know:
PLEASE REBLOG THINGS. it's the main form of engagement here. there is no penalizing for spam interaction, most people are not looking at your blog directly, and it is the main way people find you and you find good content to follow. for original content like fanart and fanfic, it also REALLY helps people out. likes are better for like, personal posts, and for storing things for later. also, it doesn't matter if you blog is a jumble of things - it's yours, nobody cares, and that's kind of the purpose of the site
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A PROFILE PHOTO, BANNER PHOTO, AND UNIQUE URL (that isnt like a bunch of numbers or something), or else people will think you are a bot and block you. you don't have to do anything fancy, you can use the default tumblr theme on your blog itself, but just make sure you look like a real account PLEASE
DO NOT CENSOR WORDS. much like on twitter, if you censor a word for a trigger, it will do the opposite of what you want - people's blacklist and mute functions won't work if the word isn't spelled out in the tags or the text of the post. also there isn't post suppression here.
Don't like your dashboard? Getting bored? Feel like your community is getting annoying? JUST FOLLOW MORE PEOPLE (and maybe unfollow some. a block and an unfollow are always ok). nobody cares, or can see about your follow ratio, and it'll help your dashboard feel more lively (you'll also not give as much of a shit about petty dramas). the follow limit is 5000 last i checked
keep your comments to the tags (unless it's like....really funny or adding something good? use your best judgement). the tags are helpful for subject matter, but you should also use them to talk as like side commentary!
Close your ask box to anons and don't share personal information if you don't want to. You are under no obligation to share your name, age, diagnoses, history, location, face, and you SHOULDN'T. and the ask box is great but if it gets overwhelming just close it. If you're a minor, maybe say somewhere that you're a minor, but that's it. (that goes for any social media site)
MAKE YOUR LIKES AND FOLLOWS PRIVATE. for the love of god. just protect yourself.
just like any social media site - be critical about the things people claim are true on here. screenshots, takes, facts, can be skewed and you should do extra research before believing anything just because somebody said it on tumblr dot com
DON'T GET INTO QUEER OR NEURODIVERGENT LABEL IDENTITY DISCOURSE. whether you are young or old, on tumblr or another site, things will just get confusing and weird. if you learn something here that makes you feel affirmed, great! but also please make sure your interaction with fellow queers (or other neurodivergent people) is not limited to just this site. get involved with a local or school lgbtq center if you can, get to know queer people in your life or queer spaces if you can. (and if you can't - go read about queer history somewhere other than tumblr. do research, watch movies and documentaries. look into disability organizing and history outside this hellsite). Label discourse is also how many unknowing queers and others get recruited to T*RFy shit unknowingly so....be careful out there.
Don't get guilted into things on your dashboard. You should definitely care about the things people are talking about, but you don't have to know about every ill happening in the world at once to be a good person. If you're feeling lost, or hopeless and endlessly scrolling or feel guilted by people online, pick ONE thing you can do, for people in your local community, and then just make a reasonable effort to stay informed otherwise.
create an original tag for your "original" posts, aka the posts you make that aren't reblogs, so you can look at them later
explore the QUEUE FUNCTION! you don't have to use it, nobody cares if you reblog spam, but sometimes it's fun!
Don't know who to follow? Go follow the tags of things you like (TV shows, movies, musicians, aesthetics, whatever!), and suggested posts will pop up on your feed, or you can go through the tag and follow some people who look interesting
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wifegideonnav · 6 months
I'm new to Tumblr. How do Tumblr users usually engage with each other?
well first of all welcome haha. the main ways to engage with people are:
liking and reblogging. platforms like instagram and tiktok run on likes and an algorithm, but on tumblr, people almost exclusively use their dashboard and turn off suggested content, so they’re only seeing what people actually reblog onto their dash. that’s why people on this site are so adamant about reblogs, because likes basically do nothing. i saw someone say once that anything you would like on a different social media, you should reblog on here, and i totally agree. and don’t worry about how old a post is, or about reblogging something you’ve previously reblogged. there are posts from 2014 that i regularly see on my dash a decade later, so literally don’t feel awkward, it’s 100% normal to engage with old posts.
tags. there are three main ways tags are used: labeling original content so people find it in searches, internal organization systems when reblogging or posting (for instance, many people have a tag for their original posts, and will tag reblogs by fandom or character or whatever - important note that reblogs do not show up in search results), and to make sotto voce comments on a post. it’s normal for people to make jokes, add their own commentary, ramble about something semi relevant, or say something to op in the tags on posts they reblog.
reblog additions. every time you reblog, you have the chance to add something to the post, which unlike tags will be retained when someone reblogs from you. a good rule of thumb is to comment instead of tagging when it’s something you actually want other people to engage with, as opposed to tags where you’re just kind of expressing yourself lol. don’t be surprised however if you see people’s tags getting screenshotted and added to a reblog. if this happens because the screenshotter likes what the tag writer said, it’s jokingly referred to as “passing peer review.” (and of course people screenshot tags to criticize or mock them as well.) essentially, tags are like being at a big group dinner and saying something to the person next to you as an aside, and then sometimes that person goes “hey everyone listen to this”
post comments. there’s also an option on every post (unless op has turned it off) for people to comment on the post itself, not on a specific reblog. mostly this is useful for talking to people on personal posts or posts with reblogs turned off. on a bigger post, just reblog it and put your thoughts in an addition or tag.
asks. seems like you figured this one out! lmao. asks are used for a wide variety of things, but essentially it can either be a prompt for someone to make a post or a way of having an interaction/conversation with someone without dming them.
dms. these work like dms everywhere else, except the functionality is limited and it kinda sucks.
games. there are also many varieties of games that people play with each other, ranging from ask games (things like “rec me some music” or a post with prompts and people send you some from that list), tag games (typically there are questions you answer then you tag other people to fill them out for themselves) handwriting tags, follow chains, giveaways, name/url playlists, and more. with the addition of polls, brackets have gotten popular too (eg the tumblr sexyman bracket). there also used to be a lot of in-character ask blogs, where a user would set up a blog and roleplay as a specific character that people could send questions to (there still are some but way fewer and way less popular than there used to be)
to be honest i feel like i have to put “discourse” and “drama” on this list too. people on this site loveeee having the most insane arguments of all time and then everyone else memes the hell out of it. google “sonic for real justice” for an example lmao. (of course there’s also very unfunny political and fandom discourse that goes on as well. i would advise you to avoid discourse blogs as a general rule regardless of whether you agree with their position or not)
tagging people. you can also @ people in posts you think they’d like or if you feel like they have relevant input. typically this is something you would do either to people you’ve spoken to before, or a big blog with an established persona and rapport with their followers (eg if you follow a blog about snakes and you see a random post with snake info that seems wrong but you’re not sure, so you tag them to ask for their expertise).
and this isn’t a specific “mode” of communication but it’s also a thing to “interpret” (for lack of a better word) other people’s posts. for instance, people drawing a photo from the original post (i cant find it but there was a post going around recently where op posted an aesthetic photo of an egg cooking and then several people painted it), or people trying/recreating something a post was about (example). it was also a thing for a minute there where people would rewrite funny exchanges as shakespearean dialogue
those are all the ways i can think of, although im sure i’ve missed some (if other people think of any pls add on!). good luck, and i hope you’re able to meet some cool people!
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striveattemptfail · 1 year
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🎉🥳 Happy 10 Year Tumblr Anniversary 🥳🎉 (shitposting celebrating 10 years on main!)
This blog has existed for 10 whole years and to celebrate I'm hosting a give-away \o/ Per my poll, all winners will receive a FREE art commission. PLUS, winners can also choose to opt-in and receive free physical prizes, shipping included*!!
Blacklist #SAF Anniversary GA to block this post.
Give-away runs from Aug. 13–23, 2023~!
Must be following me @striveattemptfail​​​​​ BEFORE Aug. 18, 11:59pm EST. > I will be checking!
Bonus entry for following my sideblog @jercythesiscrying
Unlimited reblogs + likes. Sideblogs allowed! > Please note in the tags/reblogs what blog you are following from. If I cannot find the URL in my followers list you will be disqualified.
Ask box and/or Tumblr DMs must be OPEN.
All ages** allowed to enter!
1ST PLACE Choice of:
1 full-body character OR up to 3 full-body chibis with detailed background (value CA$60+)
PLUS choice to opt-in for first dibs on physical prizes
2ND PLACE Choice of:
1 waist-up character OR up to 2 full-body chibis with semi-detailed background (value CA$40+)
PLUS choice to opt-in for leftovers on physical prizes
3RD PLACE Choice of:
1 bust icon with simple background, character or chibi style (value CA$20+)
PLUS choice to opt-in for leftovers on physical prizes
Super Secret 4th Place If none of the top 3 winners opt-in, I'll do a bonus draw for someone else to receive the physical prizes instead!
High-res A5 illustration to be given as PNG and PDF (unless otherwise requested)
SFW ONLY! — Suggestive themes and partial nudity OK but anything more explicit is not allowed
Art is for personal use only
Open to any/all fandoms or OCs! — References needed for OCs or fandoms I'm unfamiliar with. List of my fandoms under the cut with full disclaimer
No complex poses, backgrounds, mecha
Animals/furries OK as long as it follows the above parameters. (Examples here: one, two, three)
I reserve the right to turn down or modify requests. (See disclaimer under the cut for more details)
Karasuno First Years Zine (2018) > Full colour Haikyuu!! fanbook > Perfect bind, 80+ pages, 5.5x8.5" > Valued at CA$25
Batblob Pack (Winter 2023) > Includes unreleased screenprinted 5x7" art print and 1/8 zine of various Batblobs > Printed on ~55gsm paper > Valued at CA$15
the lazy zine. (19/23) > Part of the (unreleased) 19/23 series > Original art: screenprint quarter zine of lazy animals > Valued at CA$7
Plus bonus things...? 👀
All prizes (both illustrated and physical) will be fulfilled before the end of 2023 barring any external circumstances and emergencies.
Give-away runs from Aug. 13, 9:00pm EST – Aug 23, 11:59pm EST. Winners will be contacted immediately and given 24 hrs to respond. If a winner fails to respond within that time another person will be chosen and given the same deadline. Winners will be announced on this blog by Aug. 28 with their respective prizes.
🎉🥳 Good luck and happy anniversary to me! 🥳🎉
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This give-away is not affiliated with Tumblr or any franchises mentioned anywhere within this post. It is being independently hosted by me and I am bearing the responsibility of fulfilling all prizes. As mentioned above, I reserve the right to turn down or modify requests based on my schedule and capabilities once the give-away ends and production begins. Keep scrolling down for a list of fandoms I'm familiar with!
* I am shipping from Canada. If your country does not allow mail/packages from Canada, I cannot ship your prize until it does. You may be subject to customs fees or import taxes once the package arrives to your country. Barring other circumstances, all prizes will be shipped before the end of November 2023. I cannot guarantee that your package won’t go missing or will arrive undamaged, but feel free to contact me if anything goes wrong~!
** If you are a minor you MUST have permission from your guardian(s) to provide me a valid mailing address. I want to keep this give-away open to as many people as possible, but you MUST be willing to share some personal information at your safest discretion. I guarantee that your information will never be used outside of this give-away nor will be shared with anyone except myself. I will NOT be responsible for any issues that may arise if you choose to ignore this disclaimer.
*** Physical prizes might not look like the pictured examples. Prizes may not be in mint condition due to storage and shipping conditions. They may also include other imperfections due to the nature of the screenprinting process. Aside from the Karasuno First Years Zine, all other physical prizes are artworks I’ve made throughout the years, which are great for art/publication collectors but not necessarily fan/merch collectors.
For the record, this isn’t a “foIIow 4 foIIow!! i WaNt MoRe FoLIOwErS!!” kinda deal. I just want folks who've stuck around for a long time to get a better chance at receiving something in return for watching this blog grow and evolve along with me. This is as much a celebration for y'all as it is me actually maintaining this thing for so long LOL ¯\_😂_/¯
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Below is just a very short list of fandoms I've previously created for. Again: I'm open to OCs and fandoms I'm not familiar with but references must be given 😌👍
Check, Please!
Marvel – MCU and comics only
DC Comics – comics only
and a metric ton of manga
Yuri!!! on ice
Kuroko no Basuke
Gakuen Babysitters
Tanaka is Always Listless
and many, many more
Western Cartoons
Avatar: the Last Airbender / Legend of Korra
Gravity Falls
plus many more
Star Wars – all movies and shows (no comics/novels)
IRL people (e.g. YouTubers, celebrities, etc) – TBD on case to case basis
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i might deserve your fate or worse
⚠️this blog’s url is normally isomorbism, using this url temporarily
hi, welcome to my blog! ^_^ you may want to read this post before following. edited when needed.
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links: neocities / cohost / bluesky / mastodon / pillowfort (rarely active on these i just made accounts on everything to see)
invite to discord server on request for mutuals or people i’ve interacted with
free palestine! 🇵🇸
ask to tag (dm or ask) if you want to filter anything!
interests / stuff I post
I like pure math and I'm studying it at university (bachelor). kind of my "main" special interest and has been since I was a kid.
I write stuff occasionally like poems and "fanfiction."
I sometimes make semi-coherent poasts about my miscellaneous opinions on social and political issues, philosophy, etc.
not a fandom blog but I post about things I read or watch sometimes. I like death note (number one fan of light yagami).
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general / rules
asks are welcome but I am very slow (as in it takes months sometimes) at answering them. I am not ignoring you I am just so bad at this.
for privacy I don't want to share some things like where I'm from and I would appreciate if you don’t ask this type of question.
you can ask nicely if you need something tagged. I try to keep this blog generally pg-13.
english is not my first language but I'm at c2 level. I generally use american rather than british terms where there is a distinction.
please tell me if you think something I said was mean, bigoted, or problematic so I can improve in the future!
sometimes I will talk or reblog something about the discourse du jour but this is not a discourse blog.
no dni; I may block you if: you harass me or my followers, if I think it's likely that you will, or for other reasons (although I rarely do and mostly accidentally). you can ask to be unblocked.
please make a post or some indication you are not a bot.
do not take any of my posts as a call to violence towards any individual or group of individuals.
do not put discriminatory rhetoric on basis of race, skin color, ethnicity, nationality, assigned sex at birth, gender, sexual orientation, or disability on my posts. I try my best to keep this blog safe for people of marginalized identities.
miscellaneous positions / opinions
you are not required to agree to interact or follow
I'm a socialist (communist-adjacent as in closer to a marxist than an anarchist on most issues, but I don't use a more specific label. I try to stay open to learning about different ideas) and a (mostly classical) utilitarian.
anti-imperialist as in I oppose imperialism by the US and western countries and by other countries like russia too.
I try to have a nuanced view of historical socialist experiments (i am from an ex-socialist country btw).
inclusionist as in I think it's fine if people have any good faith and harmless identities, even contradictory ones. this doesn't include "radqueer" identities. I don't participate in queer discourse.
vegan for the animals and the environment.
irreligious atheist, no longer consider myself strictly anti-theist but adjacent.
not a fan of standpoint epistemology nor do I feel the need to prove I have it worse than someone else. pick and choose which privileged groups you want to implicitly assume I am part of (unless I explicitly state a fact about myself). it’s the internet.
I strongly disagree with the concept of collective guilt or collective punishment.
nationalism is cringe.
I do not want to hear about shipping discourse.
reblog ≠ endorsement of everything the OP ever said. also note I will sometimes interact or follow people I don't agree with on everything or even most things. I will sometimes reblog posts that are interesting but I do not necessarily endorse.
some posts (this section is a work in progress)
why i am anti anti civ
on autism: (x) (x)
on democracy under socialism
socialism vs communism vs regulated capitalism
@this-is-trivial - aesthetics sideblog
@autistic-light-yagami - “roleplay sideblog”
@hashtag-applecore - 🍎
@colibri-coruscans - birds (the other mod is @/rlydsntmttr)
@goncharovpilled - goncharov posts archive
@modularfacade - architecture photography blog
@did-henry-kissinger-die-yet - what it says on the tin (the answer is yes)
@jan-iso - toki pona blog
@wouldkirakillthem - poll gimmick blog
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isolaradiale · 4 days
Hello everyone!
It's been a while since we've last made one of these, but as we've had some new members and, unrelated, we've been seeing some mistakes made repeatedly, we just wanted to make a post to touch on some of our policies and expectations!
When sending a message, make sure you include all information relevant to the type of ask you're sending! You can find all of the relevant information under the related sections of the forms page!
If you are reapplying with a character who had personal housing during their previous stay and would like them rehoused in that housing on acceptance, please make sure to include that request in your application ask along with the name of that housing and how many bedrooms it had.
If your account has yet to be accepted by the masterlist, please do not follow the masterlist! Wait until your acceptance message has been posted first.
Please keep in mind that the ABOUT section on your application must be at least three sentences, and the PERSONALITY section must be at least ten (fifteen for original characters).
Make sure to include your CANON DOUBLE section as well as whether you do or do not permit them. If you need a refresher on what does or doesn't count as a canon double, please look at this post!
If you have two characters that you would like to apply on the same blog (like a character and their vocal animal companion), all you need to do is make two application pages and link them on your blog! Doing this will take two slots, and both characters will require their own unlocks however!
Just a reminder that we recently made a post about pets. Please make sure to give it a read over here!
When ranking up, making a purchase, or claiming an event reward through the Galaxy blog, please make sure to include where on your blog we can find your threads and / or Star count. Usually you can just let us know what to add to the end of your URL to access that page (like "/tracker" for example).
If you are requesting an unlock for your character, please make sure to be as clear and concise as possible about what you'd like unlocked or upgraded! This lessens the chance of your ask being sent back for clarification!
We have two tags for open posts (posts anyone can reply to): "#isola mini" and "#isola open"! The mini tag is for short opens ranging from a sentence to two paragraphs. Anything longer than that should be tagged with the open tag!
Rather than constantly adding new posts to the mini and open tags, we ask that you check out the tag yourself to see if anything that is already in there that you could reply to first. These tags only work if the posts placed inside actually get replies!
Likewise, posts in these tags should not be personal starters. If your starter is for a specific character, please tag them and don't place the thread in one of these tags.
We also have two tags for getting interest in threading: '#isola rp ad' and '#isola perm call'. The regular RP ad tag is self explanatory, where you like it and someone will make you a starter! The perm call tag is used when you're looking for specific or long term interactions that may be pre-plotted.
General etiquette for liking regular rp ads includes not liking over cap (if the post says they're capping it at 3 likes and it already has 3, don't like it) and not liking ads that are weeks old unless the mun has indicated they're okay with either!
Please make sure that all NSFW content is both tagged and placed under a readmore. This not only includes sexual content, but also content that may be considered sensitive like gore.
You're only allowed to make three OOC posts in a single sixty minute period. This includes general OOC posts, RP ads, and image reblogs among others! The exceptions to this rule are during Meme Fridays, Mundays, or if the account is new and just setting up!
While we encourage member run events like dances and parties for the characters to attend between official group events, we ask that you ask the masterlist for permission first and only post this event after receiving permission for scheduling reasons! We could be running an event soon or another member might be running one, after all!
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transmascpetewentz · 1 year
Intro + Basic Stuff
It has been 5 days since a transandrophobe has been horrifyingly disrespectful of a gay trans man who died of AIDS on one of my posts or in my inbox.
It has been 3 days since a cis gay man has whined about his genital preference in my notes and/or inbox when I didn't ask.
If you're here because someone accused me of being a TERF, please know that I am not. Read this for more details.
I can't think of a name to use on this blog so just refer to me either by my URL or a silly nickname. My BYF as well as a few blinkies are under the cut.
my pronouns are he/him, but any are fine if you're clearly using them to show that you respect me. they/them is generally okay as long as you aren't using them to dehumanize me.
i prefer gendered terms (boy, girl, enby) over neutral terms, but i will block you if you use "girl" in a misgendering sense. malewife and similar terms are fine. also, this is highly unlikely to come up, but please don't call me "queen."
i'm USAmerican, and when i'm talking about issues, i'm likely talking about USAmerica unless i indicate otherwise.
i'm currently having brainrot about: fall out boy, american idiot, red white and royal blue, fallout new vegas, and velvet goldmine (the 1998 film).
i also post untagged discourse on this blog, specifically talking about transmasc issues, trans liberation, queer liberation, and how to be normal about transmascs if you aren't one.
i'm also looking into converting to judaism, and as such i might post about conversion and judaism in general. filter #judaism if you don't want to see it.
i'm part of a system, so it might not always be the same person answering asks. i probably won't post about it mostly because i want to stay out of syscourse.
all original posts are #wentz.txt, asks are #asks. if i ever have photos of myself on here, they'll be #wentz.jpg.
this blog runs on a queue, so just because i post doesn't mean i've been online recently.
this is my alternate account. i have a main blog that i'm ignoring due to harassment. if you have me blocked on my main and try to follow me here, i'm blocking you for your own sake.
cis women are welcome to follow but don't touch any of my posts making fun of cis gay men or i will bite you.
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blog rules:
no, i'm never sharing my age on here.
tag filtering: flashing, eyestrain, loud, violence cw, sexual assault cw, pedophilia cw, self harm cw, suicide cw, not worksafe, long post, anon hate, arguing with bigots, fascism cw.
please do not ask me about whether i am pro or anti ship, whether i support endogenic systems, or my views on intracommunity issues i'm not part of.
i'm autistic and as such might not understand if i'm making you uncomfortable. please either block me or DM me and tell me to stop doing something.
i won't reblog your callout post, reblog bait, guilt tripping, or donation post. an exception might be made for your donation post if we're mutuals.
if i don't block you, then i don't mind you following me. i don't softblock. please don't softblock me either, just block or else i'll refollow.
if i have reblogs enabled on a post, i'm fine with anyone reblogging it. if i have replies enabled, i'm fine with anyone replying.
if you're going to send anon hate, it has to be interesting, original, funny, and/or creative.
also, if you're going to send anon hate, please refrain from calling me slurs, sending me death threats, sexually harassing me, or misgendering me. also, please censor the name sh***a, or don't use the name at all in your ask.
i don't really have a dni, but i will block you if: you fetishize gay men or trans men, you support capitalism and/or cops, you glorify the actions of the ussr, you deny that transandrophobia exists, you think that feminine cis men are more oppressed than feminine trans men.
actually, i have to add a dni now: please dni if you falsely accuse gay men who died of aids of sexual assault. yes, someone like this tried to interact with me.
That should be it for now!
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bumblebeerror · 2 years
How to Tumblr, from someone who’s been here almost a decade:
Likes are just a bookmark. They do nothing except keep the post in your liked tab. They do not increase the likelihood that anyone else will see the post.
There is no algorithm. Zero. Zip. None. You are reccomended tags based on other tags you follow and the tags that other people you follow use on their posts. You are also recommended people to follow based on the tags you use/follow, and how similar they are to other people you follow.
If you like something, reblog it. Literally nobody else will see it unless you do. If you don’t reblog something, it will not be spread anywhere. Some people make different side blogs so they don’t spam their followers dashes. Some people plop it all on one. Both are perfectly acceptable behavior.
Tags do not boost a post beyond placing it in with everyone else’s posts that are tagged that thing. They are for organization.
People talk in tags! That’s cool! We also steal tags here. I’m begging you to steal tags. Saying “prev tags” on the webbed site where posts do not carry over to new URLs and people regularly deactivate is annoying at best and a great way to lose whatever you thought was so funny.
Don’t let people tell you not to put whatever you want to say on your reblogs. If you wanna add something when you reblog, do it. Fucking do it. If you wanna put it in the tags, do it! Kill people who tell you not to add whatever comments you want when you reblog.
We say kill, die, sex, abuse, etc here. If you trigger tag, DO NOT CENSOR WORDS. Your trigger tag will be fucking useless if you do.
Block, follow, unfollow, and reblog with zero restraint.
If you would like to reblog something but not right after the five other things you reblog, there’s a queue system. It automatically posts based on how you set it to.
If you want to make a post or add to a reblog but don’t have time, there’s a drafts function. You can stick it there and edit it later.
You can speed reblog by holding down on the reblog button and selecting a blog to post to.
You’ll learn basically everything else if you take this tutorial to heart. Go forth. Tumble, or whatever.
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transexualpirate · 11 months
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this is very interesting actually. i do believe in letting people do whatever they want. but more than that, why would anyone think those two things are mutually exclusive?
"let people do whatever they want" and "pregnancy can be a horribly traumatizing experience that no one should have to go through against their will" can and should coexist. especially because i think that an abortion shouldn't exclusively happen on the basis that it'd be bad for the person. i also wholeheartedly believe that even if a person is physically financially and emotionally able to have a baby, if they're simply not interested in having that baby, they can and should abort freely.
does that mean that i don't empathize or advocate for the rights of whoever is getting that abortion? i don't think so. the fact is, i don't think the reason why someone wants an abortion matters all that much. because one of my fundamental beliefs is in radical bodily autonomy. as long as you're not harming anyone do whatever you want forever. so yeah. shrug. let people do whatever they want i guess.
and no, i don't really get how you can be against abortion and simultaneously against someone getting, for instance, top surgery. why are you cherry picking bodily autonomy? this isn't to say that you can literally do whatever you want all the time (some reading comprehension, please!). of course there are boundaries. examples: you can get any tattoo you want, unless it's a hate symbol, and in that case, it's actively harming people, so you can't. you can do whatever you want with your hair, unless you're white and want to get dreads. in that case, you'd be appropriating something that isn't from your culture and it'd be actively harming people (and also, it'd probably ruin your hair but that's not the reason why). but as long as you're not hurting anyone, you can do whatever you want forever, in my opinion, and the reasons why you're doing it aren't that groundbreakingly important safe a few obvious examples. i don't care what the reasons behind you getting an abortion are, ill fight for your right to get it regardless. i also i don't care what the reasons behind you getting "gender reassignment surgery" are, or you getting a piercing, or an ugly tattoo, or a boob job. of course im allowed to personally think they're stupid, or influenced by things that i fundamentally disagree with, or i think your reasons are just shitty and personally believe you shouldn't get it. but ill still fight for your right to be able to get it anyways. it's your body. you're the one that has to live in it, not me. and i support radical bodily autonomy.
and lastly i think the tags are just objectively stupid. im south american and most of the people i surround myself with have the same belief. ive never even set foot outside of my country. i can promise you the anglos didn't invent bodily autonomy. and of course we believe in boundaries. and "culturally allergic" is kind of an odd expression. weird take, but whatever.
as always this is just my personal opinion and im open to discussion.
EDIT: i realized i forgot to crop out the url, so i edited the post. please reblog this version without the urls and don't send that person hate. this is what they want and it will be used against us after.
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