#(7 is the lowest passing grade)
study-core-101 · 6 months
i cant explain, but an 8 is better than 9
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delicious-p4ncakes · 2 years
Just discovered that my lowest grade ever was an A- lol (we don’t use the letter system so that’s why I only found out today)
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guiltymepleasures · 5 months
Sun Jae as a neighbor (better than a distant relative) has already:
1. Chased a bus down so Sol could get off
2. Gave Sol his tie so she would not be punished
3. Went from lowest grades to passing the university Sol went to
4. Wrote a whole song for Sol because he missed her
5. Saved her numerous times already
6. Let Sol step on him (literally)
7. Memorized a whole English vocabulary book for a "date"
8. Took an elective that had nothing to do with his course because Sol was in it
Be ready for x10 more of these for next ep as Sol's official loser boyfriend.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Can Anybody See Me? Part 12
Welcome to the billionth chapter of Eddie Munson is the biggest sweetheart on the planet with Wayne Munson coming in as a close second. Just another soft chapter. They just wanted to cuddle and who I am to deny them that?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Steve chewed on his pen lid, willing the page in front of him to do something. He had already finished the comic pages for Miss Chen. She even gave him an A. Her little comment about it being ‘nicer’ made his stomach roll. So he was back working on his first comic idea. Because unresolved trauma was really starting to affect his sleep cycle and he was falling asleep in classes.
He shook his head. If he fell asleep in Mr Vinke’s class, Eddie would always poke him with a pencil to wake him and mouth asking if he was okay. Whenever he did that, the warm butterflies in Steve’s stomach would start their dance and the blush would stain his cheeks.
He was about seven pages into the first encounter with Nancy and Jonathan. He wondered briefly if maybe he should have started with Will’s disappearance but that wasn’t his story. This is was the start of his story. And he was at the part where the hero had ran out to his car, standing with the door open looking at the house in horror.
Steve hated that he had hesitated. That he had run at all. Gun or no gun. He felt like this was his lowest moment. And he was immortalizing it in ink and color. He let out a shuddering breath. He put the pen down and pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes.
He needed to get it through it. To get it out of his head. So he bent back over his paper and started again. Maybe he’ll be able to get his expression to match what he was feeling in that moment. Because how do you convey the horror, the fear, just the feeling of despair?
Steve tried again. It felt better. He finished the page and began to ink it properly. He set it to side and grabbed the next page and began blocking the next page. He looked over at the clock. It was flashing 12:00AM.
He must have knocked the cord loose. He plugged it back in and looked at his watch to reset it.
It was after four o’clock in the morning and he had school in oh about three hours.
Steve sighed. He struggled with the decision to get into his pajamas. Ultimately, he didn’t. What was the point of changing for only a couple of hours? He went and got a shower. He went rummaging through his drawers for something to wear.
He needed to laundry again. He pulled out his last resorts. A pair of dark grey jeans and a fluffy black sweater. He put them on and went back to the bathroom to do his hair.
Once he was ready for school he went back to his page, making sure to set an alarm to make sure he made it to school on time.
This page was easier. This was about the hero deciding to go back into the house to save the two people in the world that hated him the most.
He managed to get through another page and a half before it was time for school.
Steve rubbed his eyes as they blurred. He shouldn’t drive like this. He should just call in and stay home. He had been forging his dad’s signature for years and could reliably give himself a sick note.
But he couldn’t miss too many days or he would fail the attendance part of his grade. He had already cut school that one day, with Eddie. Had come back the next day and explained that he had thrown up in the bathroom. Eddie had offered to take him home so he wouldn’t be throwing up in his car.
Mrs Hall expressed her displeasure, but all the other teachers had been understanding and had even praised Eddie for doing the right thing. So Eddie even got a pass, which tickled them both.
He got up and called Eddie.
“Munson residence,” a gruff voice answered.
“Hey, Wayne,” Steve said softly. “Has Eddie left for school yet?”
“Hey, Steve,” Wayne greeted. “I’ll go check.”
A few moments later Eddie came on the phone. “Hey, Steve. What’s up?”
Steve rubbed his eyes. “Do you think you could take me to school? I didn’t get much sleep last night and I really shouldn’t be driving.”
“You okay, man?” he asked, gently.
“Not really,” he whispered. “I’m just having trouble sleeping and it’s getting worse.”
Eddie chewed on his lip. He knew that if he took the day off, he would get in hot water. But Steve needed help. He needed sleep.
“Hold on just a second,” he murmured. “I need to asked Uncle Wayne something.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah, okay.”
A few minutes later, Eddie came back on the line. “Okay. Uncle Wayne is going to call us both in sick and I’m coming over.”
“Eddie!” Steve protested but the line went dead.
Steve didn’t have a choice. Not a real one anyway. He could get his car and try driving or he could wait for whatever hairbrained idea Eddie had. He sighed. He knew was going to be sitting on his fancy sofa waiting for the doorbell to ring.
Twenty minutes later his doorbell rang and he staggered over to the door and opened it slowly, blinking against the harsh light that hit his eyes.
Eddie looked him up and down. “Okay, I have some absolutely conflicted feelings at the moment.”
Steve frowned as he let him in.
“On the one hand,” Eddie said, running his tongue over his teeth, “you are barely standing and the bags under your eyes are large enough to hold all the books that stupid school makes us use.”
Steve winced. “No need to hold back, man. Just tell it to me straight.”
Eddie chuckled. “And then on the other hand, holy hell, Steve. This outfit...” he gestured to Steve, “really ticks all the boxes for me, dude.”
Steve smiled. “You do have a thing for black, don’t you?”
Eddie cleared his throat. “Right, we are getting off track. It’s time for Operation: Sandman. Because, holy fuck, you really need sleep.”
Steve closed his eyes and he swayed on his feet. Eddie rushed forward to grab him.
“Hey, there,” he said softly. “This is what I mean, man.”
Steve nodded.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Eddie asked.
Steve pointed up behind him to the room at the top of the stairs. Eddie looked up and then back down at Steve.
“Yeah...” Eddie said with a sigh, “there is no way you are going to make it back up those with falling back down them, even with my help.”
Steve nodded again but this time he swayed even further, grateful that Eddie was still holding upright.
“Where’s the front room or whatever with the nearest sofa?”
Steve pointed to the room behind him. Eddie looked around him and then nodded. He turned Steve around and gently pushed him the direction of the sofa.
He sat Steve back down on it and dashed up the stairs to Steve’s room. He gathered up all the pillows and blankets he could get his hands on and dashed back down to the front room, to pile them on the sofa. But before Steve could say anything, Eddie was gone again.
A minute or two later he was back with a pair of pajamas.
Steve blinked for a minute. “Did you go through my drawers?”
Eddie grinned. “Sure did, big boy. Going through your underwear drawer was like touching the shroud of Turin.”
Steve just stared at him.
“It’s from the movie ‘Sabrina’?” Eddie supplied but the lights didn’t come back on. Eddie sighed dramatically. “Humphrey Bogart. Audrey Hepburn.” Still Steve continued to stare at him unknowingly. “I’ll have to see if I can find a copy and educate you.”
“Okay,” came Steve’s weak response.
Eddie sighed. He located the kitchen and took stock of what Steve had on hand. He made a list of things he needed and went back to the front room.
Steve hadn’t moved or attempted to get into his pajamas, he was just staring blankly at the wall.
Eddie sighed. “Come on there, Stevie.” He made up the sofa with the pillows and blankets. “I can see why you can’t sleep in that room by the way.”
That roused Steve enough to frown. “What do you mean?”
“It’s too busy,” he explained. “The mind needs quiet to sleep and that pattern is enough to give people nightmares, provided they can even get to sleep in the first place.”
“I never thought about it,” Steve murmured. He began to undress and Eddie turned away biting his lip. Steve caught him and huffed a laugh. “How did you survive PE, dude?”
“By not going,” Eddie snapped back.
Steve giggled. “Come on, I saw you at basketball tryouts on the bleachers. Watching.”
Eddie whirled around and was grateful that Steve had at least pulled the pajama pants on before he did. But the sight of Steve’s long torso dried his mouth and fought to wet his lips with his tongue.
Steve was standing there, shirt in one hand, both hands on his hips. “You like the short shorts, Munson?” he asked with a wink.
Eddie threw his arms in the air. “Well can you blame me?”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “Of course not. I think we’ve pretty much established I like dudes. So yeah, the short shorts are awesome.”
Eddie burst out laughing. “All right you got me there. Finish getting in your pajamas. I’m going to make a quick dash to the store for some things that might help you sleep and I’ll be right back. See if you can sleep in the mean time, k?”
Steve nodded. Eddie turned to go. “Hey, Eddie?” Eddie turned back. “Thanks for all this.”
Eddie smiled. “Any time, big boy.”
Eddie came back with lavender oil and chamomile tea as well as ‘Sabrina’. Steve was lying down, but Eddie could tell he was awake. He applied the lavender oil to Steve’s forehead and went and made the tea.
He came back with the tea sweetened with honey and a splash of lemon juice. Steve drank the tea and settled back down on the sofa. Eddie sat down and placed Steve’s head on his lap.
“I’m sorry,” Steve murmured as Eddie began to massage his head.
“For what?”
Steve sighed. “For making you miss school, for making you come over and babysit me.”
“You didn’t make me do anything, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. “I don’t mind helping you. I’ve got people to look at for me. Who looks out for Steve Harrington?”
“Only you,” Steve slurred, already almost asleep.
“That’s right, babe,” Eddie said. “You sleep now and when you wake up, I’ll show you ‘Sabrina’, okay?”
“Mmk,” Steve said before sleep finally took him.
Eddie looked down at the soft boy on his lap and knew he had fallen for him. Having a chance with the former king of Hawkins High was one hell of a trip. If someone had told him at the beginning of the year, that he could have this, he would have punched them. Risk of expulsion be damned. Boys like Eddie didn’t get boys like Steve.
But now, he had hope for the first time in his life and wasn’t that just a kick in the head?
Later, they watched ‘Sabrina’.
“David is an idiot,” Steve murmured about half way through.
“Yeah?” Eddie asked with a chuckle. “How’s that?”
Steve snuggled further into Eddie’s side. “It’s obvious that Linus has been in love with her since they were kids. He knows about her attempted suicide and never told anyone. He loves her and David can’t see the romance happening in front of his face.”
“Just watch,” Eddie murmured. “Just wait.”
The movie ended and Steve looked up at him. “That was nice of David. He could have been a real ass about it.”
Eddie smiled. “No, I think you were right. I think David finally realized that his brother saw her for who she always was and that was more important than the superficial feelings he had for her after she came home beautiful and sophisticated.”
Steve smiled up at him, warm and fond.
“Feeling better, Stevie?”
He nodded. “Best sleep I’ve gotten in two years. Thanks to you.”
 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot  @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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phr3ia · 2 months
Fragmented Glass (Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader) [Chapter 7 : Mine]
"See you tomorrow!" you said, giving your workmate a quick wave as you walked out of the bakeshop. It was almost midnight, and all you could think about was getting back to your comfy apartment. "106 missed calls?" you muttered, your brow creasing as you stared at your phone. You sighed and shoved it back in your pocket, "He's a real pain in the neck." you thought to yourself.
You were miserable despite your family's wealth. You loathed their cold, calculating nature, their insatiable hunger for power that trampled over the lives of people. They were infamous for their brutal nature and cruel ways to attain power. Your family's name had a reputation for being 'savages' in the Jujutsu world.
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While your siblings excelled in other ways, You were the only one in the family with the power to bend time, space, and gravity to your will. Your cursed technique was unlike any other. The only CT capable of breaking Gojo Satoru's Infinity for five seconds.
You knew your clan's true motive. They didn't just want you to have a child with Satoru, they wanted him eliminated, replaced by someone capable of defeating him. You knew the truth, and it filled you with dread.
Refusal means trouble, not only for you but for the people that you genuinely care about. The strain of your situation was pushing you to the brink of madness.
Satoru, blinded by his hatred, failed to see the truth. He saw you as an extension of your clan, the puppeteers who controlled the higher-ups from the shadows. And the way he looks at you were like daggers, the disgust and disdain in his eyes shattered your self-worth, leaving you with a burning hatred that you couldn't extinguish.
You had hoped for something different, but the moment your eyes met, his look of contempt made it clear he saw you as nothing more than the lowest of the low.
The blood of innocents stains the hands of your clan, and you, a member of that lineage, cannot escape the consequences of their actions. Can you truly blame Satoru for his reaction?
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A sense of unease intensified as you approached the underpass. Something was terribly wrong, and you couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger. The darkness was suffocating, the silence deafening. And as you stepped inside, a surge of raw, malevolent energy washed over you, sending shivers down your spine.
Time seemed to warp and twist as the Cursed Spirit suddenly appeared in front of you, its razor-sharp claws poised to strike.
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Your instincts took over and you evaded the attack, leaning back just in time to miss it by a fraction of an inch.
Your Special Grade status is solely due to your Cursed Technique, but your combat skills are still far from matching that level.
"Shit! That was close!" you hissed. "There's no question about it. This is a Special Grade Curse." you thought, your eyes fixed on the creature as you maintained a defensive posture. The Cursed Spirit's power was undeniable, and you knew you had to find a way to defeat it. "What should I do?" you wondered, your mind racing to find a solution. You knew this wasn't the right place to fight as cars are passing by. You couldn't risk endangering the lives of civilians. You needed to find a secluded area where you could fight the Cursed Spirit without putting anyone at risk.
Just as you were about to activate your CT "Gravity Removal" the Cursed Spirit unleashed a deafening roar that threatened to shatter your eardrums. The thunderous sound sent a wave of pain through your head, forcing you to cover your ears as you collapse to your knees.
The situation escalated quickly as the Cursed Spirit grabbed your leg, flinging you against the wall with bone-jarring force. You felt your ribs cracked, causing you to cough up blood as the pain radiated to your chest.
Despite the impact, you managed to push yourself back to your feet, but just as you regained your balance, a car slammed on its brakes, its tires screeching against the pavement, a sound that drew the Cursed Spirit's attention away from you.
"NOOOO! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" you screamed. The Cursed Spirit's strength was terrifying, as it tossed the car like a toy, sending it crashing several meters away. You didn't waste a second, sprinting towards the car, driven by the need to help the people trapped inside.
You saw a young boy wedged between the seats, his cries muffled by the debris. His parents' bodies slumped motionless in the front seat, having absorbed most of the impact. Time was of the essence-you had to act fast. Adrenaline pumped through your veins. Driving your hands into the tangled wreckage, you pushed and pulled with all your might, trying to create an opening. Sweat dripped down your temples as your breathing became more labored. The child's cries increased in volume, his fear seeping through the racket of metal grinding against metal. The car was already burning! And as you struggled, the Curse reemerged. You knew you couldn't deal with both the Curse and the car wreck, but you couldn't afford to leave the child to his fate. Your discretion became clouded, replaced with a singular purpose-save him.
As the Cursed Spirit lunged once more, you reached your limit. The metal relented, giving way to a small passage just large enough for the child to slip through.
"Hurry up and move. I'll cover you." you told the child, dismissing his trembling form and positioning yourself in front of him.
"Space Time Ripper." you whispered, warping the space by directing both hands in opposite direction simultaneously. A surge of energy pulsed through you as you tore a rift in the fabric of reality. You could feel the space stretching, bending to your will. With this technique, you could redirect and evade attacks, and even tear apart the space between objects.
The moment the Cursed Spirit stepped into your rift, you closed the gap in a flash, slicing the creature in half. By stopping the Cursed Spirit's time for five seconds, you gained a tactical advantage, allowing you to close the gap and use "Space Time Ripper" effectively.
Stopping time, however powerful, had its limitations: it could only be used once a day, and required physical contact with the target.
The sense of victory was short-lived as the second Cursed Spirit manifested.
"FUCK! THERE'S TWO OF THEM?!!!" you swore, feeling the waves of exhaustion course through your body.
The creature snarled, lunging at you with surprising speed. Despite your best efforts to evade, the creature's claw grazed your arm, sending a jolt of pain that made you gasp, and leaving a trail of blood that stained the ground.
You stumbled backward, your vision blurring. "Dammit!" you gritted your teeth, wiping some of your sweat off your forehead.
The previous attack had left you depleted, but you couldn't afford to back down, not when the child's innocent life depended on you.
The Cursed Spirit ignored your presence and fixated it's attention on the terrified little boy a few feet away from you. Its wretched grin morphed into a menacing snarl, as it lunged towards him.
With a pained grunt, you threw everything you had left at the approaching Cursed Spirit, leaping between it and the child. The razor-sharp claws pierced through your side, sinking deep as you clung onto life, your hand desperately reaching for the little boy. "Run." you gently whispered. You atleast wanted him to survive.
Blood gushed out from your body, painting the concrete floor beneath you in red. The creature loomed over you, gripping your leg. The Cursed Spirit was seconds from delivering the final strike when Satoru appeared behind it, his eyes blazing with anger at the sight of it clinging to you. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WIFE." his voice cold and eerie.
Satoru's power was inconceivable. After all, he is the strongest Sorcerer alive. There was no need for subtlety, no need for strategy, just sheer dominance.
As the Cursed Spirit turned towards him, it was confronted with the full extent of Satoru's power, a force that made it tremble in fear. Satoru used his infinity like a hydraulic press, snapping its bones, tearing its flesh, the creature's screams was muffled by the weight of Satoru's power, until it was nothing but a bloody, pulp of mess.
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The relief you felt when Satoru arrived was undeniable, but the way he claimed you as his wife, sent a jolt of something unexpected through you, leaving you surprised and strangely captivated. A feeling you couldn't quite understand.
You attempted to push yourself up, but the strength simply wasn't there. Your vision was fading, the buzzing in your ears threatening to shut off the rest of the world. It was only then, that you realized the extent of your injuries. Ignoring the pain coursing through your body, you still forced yourself to speak "T-there's a child... not far from here. N-needs h-help..." you choked, the taste of blood filling your mouth.
Satoru knelt beside you, his eyes filled with concern that contradicted his usual playful demeanor.
"Stay awake, please." he urged, his voice shaky, an emotion that was foreign to his usual self. "Hold on." he urged softly as he tightly squeezed your hand.
"I'm not afraid to die, Satoru. It's just... I wished for something better..." you whispered, tears forming in your eyes.
"Don't say that. You'll pull through. I won't let you die here tonight."
Satoru didn't wasted any more time. He scooped you into his arms and teleported out of the underpass. As you were carried away, you soon lost consciousness, your troubled thoughts giving way to darkness.
The next thing you knew was waking up to a bright room, surrounded by medical equipment. A concerned face hovered over you, Shoko gently touched your forehead. "She's awake." Shoko called out, a smile of relief spreading across her face.
"How long was I out?" you asked, struggling to sit up. Satoru stood nearby, his expression unreadable.
"A few days." Shoko replied, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You lost a lot of blood, but you're recovering well."
"And the boy?" your eyes worriedly flick to Satoru, seeking assurance.
Satoru crossed the room, standing by your bedside. "Safe. Living with his grandparents now. They were out of town when the incident occurred."
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Satoru." you mouthed, noticing the contrast between the coldness he showed outside and the gentleness now.
As Shoko left, the sudden quiet left in her wake tempted a silence that neither of you dared to break. Only the hum of the machines in the room filled your ears.
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Satoru shuffled around, clearly unsure of how to approach the topic that hung heavily in the air. But then finally, he spoke, his voice barely a whisper. "I shouldn't have treated you like I did before." A rush of emotions caught in his throat as he met your eyes, searching, begging for forgiveness.
"Why? What did I ever do to you?" you asked, staring at him.
His fingers tightened around his palm, knuckles turning white. "You didn't deserve the coldness, the dismissive attitude. In all honesty, I never truly saw you as a person worthy of kindness, let alone attention." He hesitated, briefly averting his gaze before looking straight into yours once more. "But after seeing who you truly are, I realized that I let my pride and prejudice blind me. That was hell of a mistake on my part."
A look of shame passed through Satoru's eyes. "I can't change the past, but I want to redeem myself for being so harsh. I want to show you the respect and kindness you deserve. Will you give me that chance?"
You let out a shaky breath, processing the confession. In that moment, you saw a glimpse of vulnerability in Satoru that you hadn't expected. 
"Satoru." you softly said, your voice captivating his gaze. "Just because I came from a ruthless clan doesn't mean that I am the same as them. My blood may carry hate and aggression, but it is not who I am. I have my own values, my own heart that longs for a world free of fear, bloodshed, and corruption. I may have been born as a tool of my family's ambitions, but I choose to be more than that, to strive for what is good and just. It's easy for my family to seek power at the expense of others, but that has never been, nor will it ever be, who I am."
Your voice shook slightly, revealing the pain in your heart "It's not fair for you to judge me without knowing me, but I can't blame you either. The rumors and stories about my clan aren't exaggerated. It's the truth. And I know that trust isn't something that grows overnight."
Satoru bent down, deactivating his infinity as he took your hand, it was warm and reassuring. "I promise to make amends. To treat you with the respect you deserve, and to get to know you on your own terms. This time, without any preconceived notions. I owe you that much."
A gentle smile graced your lips as you gently squeezed Satoru's hand in return. "Thank you, Satoru. And yes, let's start all over again."
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
End of Chapter 7 🥀...
@kalopsia-flaneur @thatmartinkitten @staruus @miizuzu
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elicathebunny · 7 months
Be yourself.
I see too many kids transform themselves from sweet children who barely did anything wrong in class, to those mean and stuck up ones who constantly disrupt and are rude to teachers. I recognise that some people are just like this, but i’ve literally witnessed first hand people changing completely to get into/join that group. I was also one of those people and I was quickly humbled before things progressed too far 😭.
Here are some lessons I’ve learned from surviving a British public secondary school + other gained knowledge
1) You will find your group of people as long as you keep remaining yourself, these friends will be the friends you can be authentically you around
2) Don’t change yourself to be anything your not, this will not end well and invite company that you don’t even fit into
3) Keep being yourself and you will find like minded people, once you get to yr10 your friend groups will finalise and will most likely be smaller. The less friends you have, the more easier it is to connect and be yourself with
4) Look into possibilities of hobbies and interests to understand yourself better. Join clubs/extracurricular activities (in school or out of school). Research at home things you might possibly be into, learn new things online
5) Who cares if people look at you weirdly? Honestly if your having fun being yourself and people look at you strange for doing so then that is their problem (obviously within reason because sometimes ppl are just weird fr)
6) Care about your future, focus on what you want to achieve in the years to come. Don’t dumb yourself down for anybody, listen to your teachers when they are genuinely just trying to teach, don’t be difficult and stop others in the class from learning just because you don’t want to, don’t skip class (from year 9ish to 10 onwards, those years contain important content for your GCSE’s and missing out on those will impact your grades) don’t be like the kids from my school who celebrate having 1s (a grade one is a ‘U’ or ungraded, you need a 4 to pass)…
7) Have aspirations, don’t just aspire to do the lowest of jobs for simplicity or out of laziness. Strive to work towards your goals, have dreams! Keep motivated to do well, study and always aim high
8) Don’t do what you know you wouldn’t actually do if you didn’t feel pressured or influenced.
9) Don’t change yourself or stress about boys. The wrong ones are a waste of time and extra stress. Don’t force yourself onto anyone and I mean this because there are people who honestly are too obsessed for their own good with men and do not care if they are relationships or not 😭(you can tell I am a witness of this one). Honestly pray for the right one to come to you, no matter how long it takes, I promise one will just slide into your life just like that 😣 (Speaking from experience). Just be normal around them and if they don’t like you for letting out the side you only share when comfortable then they are not the one, trust
10) Find and invest in a unique personal style. This helps define you as a person, knowing what you truly like that isn’t sculpted by social media or heavily influenced by others around you (although it is perfectly fine to like those styles too! You can merge them to make them more you). This does take time though, break out of those aesthetic boxes and just wear whatever you like. Get Pinterest and put everything in a board so it’s easier to look at.
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piracytheorist · 6 months
Ranking SxF season 2 episodes!
So, some time ago I made a ranking of the season 1 episodes of Spy x Family, from my least favourite to my top favourite. I felt inspired a couple days ago and I thought I'd make a similar ranking of the season 2 episodes.
Mentioning again that: This is all my personal judgment heavily based on stuff I liked. You most certainly will disagree with me and that’s fine! Just don’t argue with me because that’s just personal opinions, I’m not trying to change anyone’s minds or prove anything!
And also: I chose to rank each episode by five criteria, the things I love the most about the show: 1) Humor (intentional or not), 2) Character (defining or cool moments and such) 3) Cute 4) Plot (how much development there is and how well the action is delivered) 5) Feels (of any kind).
#12, Least favourite of the season: 29. The Pastry of Knowledge/ The Informant's Great Romance Plan II
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Humor: 6/10 Character: 6/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 5/10
I think this is the only episode that got points removed for something I didn't like. I made some very passionate posts about it when it first aired, particularly due to how after watching it I realized I'd been treated very unfairly by some fellow fans, and thus I'm almost incapable of rewatching the first half. Yes this is about Damian bullying Anya, no I won't shut up about it.
Anyway. This is still quite a high ranking (it's higher than the three lowest from my s1 ranking), cause the humor and the cats of the second part were quite entertaining on their own. It got a few points for plot because it introduced the stakes of Anya getting low grades, and also because of the discussion between Franky and Twilight about Garden.
#11: 36. Berlint in Love / Nightfall's Daily Life
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 6/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 5/10 Feels: 7/10
A very high humor score because I honestly doubt a single minute passed without me laughing my ass off in this one. It was so ridiculous and they loved making it so. Though having two wholly different parts, they were both fun in how they were around two characters blinded by their affection for Loid to the point they have no idea how hopeless their goals are. I just love how exaggerated it all is.
Some feels points were added for Yor talking about remembering what Loid had told her during the bench scene, and also because we get Loid being a stupid simp for his strong wife.
#10: 31. The Fearsome Luxury Cruise Ship
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 6/10
Reminder that this is still a high ranking. I'm just being strict in the ratings because the entire season is so good, the bar is really high!
Anyway, though I like this episode, it feels more like a passing point from the previous one to the next, compared to those specific episodes, so that's probably why it's this low. I love how the assassins plot is kicked off and we get to see some action, and character points were added for McMahon's ruthless killing of the stalker assassin.
#9: 28. Mission and Family / The Elegant Bondman / Extras
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Humor: 6,5/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 9/10 Feels: 7/10
This is the first time I felt the need to use decimals, lol. I just feel that this episode is one of the darkest and most serious of the season, but also... Bondman's part was ridiculous (affectionate) and the omakes were great by themselves, so I felt that a mere six wouldn't do.
I'm honestly entranced by the first part. The plot and exploration of Yuri's and Perkin's characters were near damn perfect, I only wish there was a bit more beyond that episode, haha. I understand the focus needed to be in the Cruise Arc, so I feel a nine will do for this one. The feels were honestly added because I was a bit touched by Perkin's motives, and how those touched Yuri too.
#8: 30. Plan to Cross the Border
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 7/10
The Shopkeeper's introduction was amazing, albeit terrifying. Olka's was a little more subdued, but it was more touching. I felt both also reflected on something about Yor, so it was overall very satisfying. Due to so many introductions, plot was light (not that I minded), but Anya's scheming put up points in humor and cute. Feels points were added for Olka wanting to escape the crime underworld, and how that affected Yor.
#7: 32. Who Is This Mission For?
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 8/10
I'd spent the entire week before this episode aired wondering how Yor would manage fighting Barnaby, and even though I should be used to the story's wackiness by now, it still managed to surprise me and make me laugh. Also Loid will never outlive his ridiculous tourist getup. Anya was an adorable little gremlin who couldn't stop having fun, so cute points went up, and Loid managed to spend one (1) episode without going "For the mission!" once, so character and feels points went up as well.
#6: 26. Follow Papa and Mama
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 8/10
To be honest, I think I'm a bit strict with this one. I don't know how this story manages to make miscommunication so funny for me, but it was legitimately hilarious. The thing is, this was the only episode of the season whose manga chapter I'd already read, long ago too, and maybe my expectations for its adaptation were unrealistically high - probably also due to it being the season premiere and I'd spent ten months without my show, so I'm probably biased. Mind you, I still loved it, but this further cements my will to stay anime only.
Anyway! Character points went a bit down because I didn't feel we saw anything new, but the cute and feels persisted because of Anya's machinations and because of Yor admitting how good she felt with Loid dedicating time for her that day.
#5: 34. The Hand That Connects to the Future
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 8/10
A lovely, hopeful closure for Olka and the rest, Yor getting the acknowledgement she deserves, a spectacular ending of the assassins fight, high stakes with the bomb threats, and an emotional ending scene with Twilight carrying Anya to bed and then the family getting ready to meet in the resort island. Not much else to be said <3
#4: 35. Enjoy the Resort to the Fullest / Bragging About Vacation
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 9/10
No, I'm definitely not biased because this episode shows us the first glimpse of Twilight yearning for Yor what are you talking about.
Who am I kidding, I definitely added feels points just for that look he gave her while she watched Anya play with the sheep. The whole episode felt so relaxing and fulfilling after the intense assassins plot, especially the scene of the Forgers having tea upon returning home, that I don't mind that the second part at school feels a little exaggerated. The ending scene with Anya being surrounded by liars though is top notch.
#3: 27. Bond's Strategy to Stay Alive / Damian's Field Research Trip
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 9/10
Endo used Dog Cuteness! It's super effective!
Yeah, the whole adventure and the way it was presented were appropriately hilarious and we saw some more of the dynamics between Bond and the rest and I really liked that. Plot wasn't heavy but I was all wide eyes at the introduction of a truth serum, and at the second part when Mr. Green talked about people defecting to the West. Feels went up thanks to, among others, Twilight thinking he was helping Bond get his "revenge". Also, though the second part didn't do much for me, it actually felt nice to see Damian laugh innocently like the kid he really is.
#2: 37. Part of the Family
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 9/10
Despite the mopping wet of a dog we got here, I kinda felt this was less... humorous, or at least not focusing so much on the humor aspect. I felt it was more cute and emotional that Bond was just trying to help left and right but was only misunderstood by Twilight. The action takes the place of a plot here, and I loved it all. Some development too through Twilight realizing he can relax a bit with Bond, even though he's still in denialTM about how much he appreciates his company.
#1: 33. The Symphony Upon the Ship / Sis's Herb Tea
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 9/10 Feels: 10/10
Yeah OH MY GOD are we surprised. Top tier shit. Excellent balance of pretty much everything in this one. The humor even in the way Yor took out some of the assassins. Her flashbacks with Yuri. The ACTION and the ANIMATION of it all. HER REALIZATION AND DETERMINATION POWERING HER THROUGH. HER LOVE FOR HER FAMILY.
Yeah wow it's really so good any eloquence evades me. Perfect. Mwah. Thank you Endo-sensei.
And here is the overall ranking of the episodes, from both seasons, based on the ratings I gave:
1. Operation Strix
    2. Secure A Wife
    33. The Symphony Upon The Ship / Sis's Herb Tea
    24. The Role Of A Mother And Wife / Shopping With Friends
    38. Part Of The Family
    16. Yor's Kitchen / The Informant's Great Romance Plan
    27. Bond's Strategy To Stay Alive / Damian's Field Research Trip
    14. Disarm The Time Bomb
    12. Penguin Park
   11. Stella
   21. Nightfall / First Fit Of Jealousy
   35. Enjoy The Resort To The Fullest / Bragging About Vacation
   15. A New Family Member
   9. Show Off How In Love You Are
   5. Will They Pass Or Fail?
   34. The Hand That Connects To The Future
   3. Prepare For The Interview
   26. Follow Papa And Mama
   32. Who Is This Mission For?
   13. Project Apple
   4. The Prestigious School's Interview
  30. Plan To Cross The Border
   28. Mission And Family / The Elegant Bondman / Extras
   8. The Counter-Secret Police Cover Operation
   6. The Friendship Scheme
   31. The Fearsome Luxury Cruise Ship
   25. First Contact
  23. The Unwavering Path
   18. Uncle The Private Tutor / Daybreak
   6. The Target's Second Son
   36. Berlint In Love / Nightfall's Daily Life
   20. Investigate The General Hospital / Decipher The Perplexing Code
   19. A Revenge Plot Against Desmond / Mama Becomes The Wind
  29. The Pastry Of Knowledge / The Informant's Great Romance Plan Ii
  17. Carry Out The Griffin Plan / Fullmetal Lady / Omelet Rice ♡
  22. The Underground Tennis Tournament: The Campbelldon
  10. The Great Dodgeball Plan
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astridthevalkyrie · 3 months
to anyone following me who's waiting for the superior update: i am so sorry it's taking so long. it's not just hard to hyperfixate on levi, it's hard to hyperfixate on anything. even though i have ten million hawks wips i started and a couple l&ds ones too, not even mentioning all the old levi ones, i can't actually think about them enough to write. i have the docs open on my laptop and i just kinda stare at them. if i really force myself to write, it's not going to be good. my best writing always just comes out of me naturally.
superior's at 8k words right now and hasn't been updated in more than a year, and that kills me. it's not abandoned. that story is my baby. law school has honestly been a shitshow for me. my grades are fine, but my depression and anxiety have reached the lowest lows they've ever been even though things in my life have actually improved! i've set boundaries with my parents and my grades are good and i do have friends. but even though i'm trying, i'm in constant burnout. i can never tell whether it's my physical or mental health that's the problem. between the depression anxiety adhd and now autism (i still need further testing but i have passed the initial one so congratulations to me hoorah) i'm literally almost always in a bad mood and exhausted. and then i'm dehydrated, severely anemic, and my upper back has been in constant pain since i was 17. my wrists have hurt on and off since i was 16, which obviously makes typing all the more hard.
and if this sounds like i'm whining...it's because i am. i don't wanna be stuck in this state, depressive or autistic burnout or executive dysfunction or whatever it is. i have a vision of where i could be, what i could do if i could just do it and it just depresses me more. i'm in therapy, i'm trying to be nice to myself, but it's so hard. i hate everything and everyone but i am trying so hard to be kind and understanding and not to upset anyone.
i want to hyperfixate. i want to think about a character 24/7. sure it affects my productivity when it happens, but my productivity is already in the ground. at least that way i would be making myself happy. i can barely maladaptive daydream lately. i used to think of scenarios and stories 24/7 even if i didn't write them. and now it's like. i hate the music i listen to. i hate my room. i have no energy to like characters. i barely have energy to wake up. and the more i dwell on these thoughts, the worse it gets.
but still. i am not abandoning this story. i want to finish it so badly. i've just realized that the problem isn't necessarily "oh there isn't any new aot media." it's just. i'm not doing well. yesterday was a better day and i wrote 2k words of analysis. i still can do it. but it feels like the only way i could really heal is if everyone in my life left me alone for at least a week, maybe a month. and that's obviously not happening. so i'm trying to find tips for people with audhd and seeing what i can do to cope but they're all things that i just don't feel are achievable. and because my self worth is so closely tied to what i can do, the more nothing happens, the more depressed i become.
all this to say superior is not abandoned. i'm trying to get to a better place, and i really hope i can have time for my favorite characters and my little stories. i hope you guys can see it soon.
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Catholic!9 Choirs of Angels vs. OM! 9 Choirs of Angels
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C/W. Major spoilers of seasons 3 & 4, mention of religion (Catholicism in this case).
“In the angelic orders we may consider two things; the distinction of grades, and the execution of their offices. The distinction of grades among the angels takes place according to the difference of grace and nature, as above explained (Article 4); and these differences will ever remain in the angels; for these differences of natures cannot be taken from them unless they themselves be corrupted.” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part I, Question 108, Article 7)
To sum up, in Catholicism, if an angel is created a Seraphim, he remains a Seraphim for eternity, unless he falls. And the time of the trial for the angels & the Fall has already passed. Which means all Seraphim in Heaven now will continue to be Seraphim for eternity. Angels in Catholicism are pure intellectual spirits, unlike men, they won’t change their mind. Those stood with St. Michael and fought for God is eternally good spirits.
Returning to our main point, apparently, in the angelic hierarchy in Catholicism, there can be no promotion nor demotion. A Cherubim cannot be promoted to Seraphim and vice versa. Because these ranks are different in nature.
Meanwhile, in Obey Me, angelic ranks are merely…ranks. There can be promotion or demotion. Hence, Simeon was demoted from Seraphim to Archangels, from there, turned into a human.
In conclusion, if Obey Me had sticked to Catholic angelology, Simeon would have remained a Seraphim or would have become a demon as he fell with Lucifer. Luke would forever be an Angel, as in the lowest rank.
P.S. in Catholicism, using a similar argument to the above, human can not become angel, and vice versa, because of differences in nature between the two.
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By: Lee Cowan
Published: Nov 12, 2023
At the University of Vermont not long ago, it was move-in day for the class of 2027.  About a thousand incoming freshman were meeting their roommates, finding their dorm rooms, and getting settled on campus. At first glance one might have thought this was an all-women's college – 62% of this year's class are women, a gender gap that has earned Burlington, Vt., a nickname: Girlington. 
"You see six or seven women for every three or four men," said UVM's vice provost for enrollment Jay Jacobs. His job is all about student diversity, and these days the male/female divide is now part of that equation. "Sure, I thought about racial and ethnic diversity," Jacobs said. "Sure, at a public flagship in the state of Vermont, I've thought about geographic diversity. Never gender diversity like that. That's where we are."
UVM is hardly an outlier. Nationwide, women make up almost 60% of college undergraduates.
In 1972, when Title IX was passed to help improve gender equality on campus, men were 13% more likely to get an undergraduate degree than women; today, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, it's women who are 15% more likely to get a degree than men.
"We have a bigger gender gap today than we did when we passed laws to help women and girls; it's just flipped," said Richard Reeves, a former Brookings Institution senior fellow. He says, no one really has been able to explain why so many men are so absent in higher education. What is known is the gender disparity starts as early as kindergarten, where girls are just generally the stronger sex in academics.
Reeves said, "If you look at high school GPA, and those who are getting the best grades in high school, two-thirds of them are girls. Those with the lowest grades, two-thirds of them are boys."
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It's been theorized girls and women today are just fulfilling their destiny – that once the limitations on their achievements were lifted, they soared. Reeves, who's just launched the American Institute for Boys and Men, fears that things have changed so quickly, it's left many boys and men struggling to catch up, not just in the classroom, but at work and at home, too.
"What does it mean to be a successful man today? That was a question that was pretty easy to answer a generation or two ago," said Reeves. "But actually, what is the answer today? A lot of these guys just don't know."
In short, he says millions of boys and men don't understand how or where they fit anymore, and their reaction is to generally disconnect. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, men's participation in the labor market has dropped more than 7% in the last 50 years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 21% of men report binge drinking (almost double the rate of women), and men account for nearly 80% of suicide deaths (four times the rate for women).
Reeves said, "The two most commonly-used words by suicidal men to describe themselves were useless and worthless."
But even to suggest there's some kind of male crisis is perilous these days, said Reeves: "Merely raising it will cause people to eye roll, and say, 'Really? Ten thousand years of patriarchy, and now you're worried?'"
After all, women still earn only about 80 cents for every dollar earned by a man (according to Pew Research Center). Only a fraction (10.4%) of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. And women make up just a quarter (28%) of the members in Congress, and (so far) zero U.S. presidents.
Those numbers leave UVM students Sarah Wood and Maxine Flordeliza pretty skeptical that men are barely treading water. "I think it's very interesting that there is kind of a big fuss about – not a fuss, but it's a conversation that people are having," said Wood. "But I don't think it's necessarily a problem?"
"I think that just the fact that the playing field has been a bit more evened out, shouldn't be the reason as to why men don't really know where they fit," Flordeliza said.
"Sure, do we need to do more to encourage more women into politics and into board rooms? Yes," Reeves said. "But meanwhile, can I not see that one group is struggling here, and another group is struggling there? And if I can't do that, we're in really deep trouble."
And those in the most trouble, he says, are working class and African American boys and men.
Von Washington Jr., executive director of community relations with The Kalamazoo Promise in Michigan, said, "Before it used to be, you graduated high school, 'Goodbye, you're on your own.' A lot of people said, 'Hey, you're outta my house.' Or 'It's time for you to go.' But we're understanding now those supports need to continue."
The Kalamazoo Promise program offers high school graduates in Kalamazoo scholarships covering up to the entire cost of in-state college tuition. The impact?  The number of Kalamazoo women getting a college degree has increased by about 45%. But the number of Kalamazoo men getting college degrees didn't budge.
"We're working with them, we're talking with them," said Washington. "We're trying to find out what is it that, even with this opportunity, you have some of the same challenges as someone in another community that doesn't have this opportunity."
One solution that seems to be working is making sure those men who are struggling have a place to freely admit they're struggling. Staffers with The Promise are tracking down those men still eligible for the scholarship, finding out why they never used it, and helping them get what they need to finally do it – like Daniel Jaffari. "I just started wandering around in life and doing random jobs, getting tired of doing random jobs," said Jaffari. "And now I'm here!"
He joined with dozens of other men at what the Promise was calling their Males of Promise event. Another participant was Denis Martin, who graduated high school six years ago. He said, had the Promise not tracked him down, he might not have realized he was ready for something more. "I feel like now I have the discipline to be in a five-year program or a four-year program," he said. "As a kid I feel like I was still bouncing off the walls, and my mind didn't know what exactly was out there."
Back at UVM, administrators have changed their marketing and communication strategies to reach out to men, especially those who might not think they want to go to college at all. The college is also hiring a diversity coordinator to focus specifically on helping men.
Jacobs said to Cowan, "The world is built for people like you and me to succeed, so why do we need to help men succeed here on our campus even more? But I think once people start to understand the nuances and challenges that we're talking about here today, people understand that all students need support."
UVM junior Lucas Roemer doesn't see it as a sort of affirmative action – putting the finger on the scale for men. He sees it as a way to help anyone who's been hanging on and feeling left out.  "I think there's ways to promote both femininity and masculinity on campus equally well," he said. "I think there's definitely a path forward that could be beneficial to everybody."
The coordinator of the Men and Masculinities Program will be housed in the Women & Gender Equities Center – ironic to some. But it's also a recognition that men's problems can co-exist with those of women. "You lift the edges up, the center will be lifted up as well," said Jacobs. "And here, the edges include men."
It's the kind of reaction to the very real problems of boys and men that Richard Reeves says needs to be the rule, and not the exception: "This is not a made-up crisis of masculinity. This is an actual hard fact. There is real suffering here, and if we don't address real suffering, then what are we here for?"
Let's address a couple of throat-clearing, hand-wringing statements the author inserted - or perhaps, was obliged to insert - to apologize for the rest of the article:
After all, women still earn only about 80 cents for every dollar earned by a man (according to Pew Research Center).
The key word is "earn." No serious economist takes the gap seriously, as it's accounted for by hours worked, maternity leave, choice in occupation, changes to occupation, length of tenure, tendency for overwork, and dozens of other variables. Not the "goddidit" of "tEh PaTrIaRcHy." The Equal Pay Act was introduced 60 years ago in the US, and any legit complaints of unfair pay are actionable.
Only a fraction (10.4%) of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. And women make up just a quarter (28%) of the members in Congress, and (so far) zero U.S. presidents.
This is called the Apex Fallacy, or more formally, the Ecological Fallacy.
Ecological Fallacy (also known as: ecological inference fallacy) Description: The interpretation of statistical data where inferences about the nature of individuals are deduced from inference for the group to which those individuals belong.
For starters, male variability is greater than female variability in a number of ways. You'll find far more men at both the higher and lower ends - 80% of homeless are men, 80% of suicides are men, majority of unemployed are men - than for women. If you want to talk about the president, be prepared to also talk about the homeless, unemployed and suicides.
And secondly only 45 people have ever been the US President. This includes no atheists, no Muslims, no Hindus, no openly gay, no Asians, no Hispanics, no trans. No electricians, no plumbers, no mobile app developers, no chefs, no janitors have ever been the president. And only one nominally black (half and half) president. It omits that 51% of voters are women. If women wanted a president based on her being a woman, they would easily vote one in. They have not. So perhaps ask women how they decide who to vote for. If that feels like a stupid question to ask them, then it's a stupid argument to make.
As well as the fact the 2016 runner-up and the current second-in-line to an 80 year old president are both women, both beating out men and women for those positions. Being unsuccessful is also a part of equality, and something hundreds of unsuccessful male candidates have had to accept.
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And those in the most trouble, he says, are working class and African American boys and men.
It's disturbing that people can't care about half of the population without framing it as, well, if you help men and boys out, then you'll help black men and boys. Which is like saying "you have to take the good with the bad." You should want to help people who need help because they need help.
This topic really causes the sociopaths to come out of the woodwork and into the light.
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mint brocholate chocoli
no. NO. that is NOT my name. do you even fucking know how to read? MINT. CHOCOLATE. BROCCOLI. how did you ever pass 3rd grade english? did you even manage to do that? who gave you access to a phone? the internet? this prosperous website? listen anon. youre the lowest scum of the earth, truly. I swear if I ever met you in person some poor passerby would have to form a long chain of people just to hold me back from unleashing my rage on you. *grows 7 feet tall, fur unleashes from my pores, my fists enlarged and suddenly growing claws, clenched firmly beside me* go back to school or so help me God.
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Can you make the top of all Byrgenwerth scholars from least to most smart, responsible student? I know your Laurence doubles as a teacher but I think he counts as a student too iirc. And maybe describe more about how they behave in the class
Oh following this post I'm guessing.
Well I'm really bad at choice and making top/choose an order. But I can try XD
Also being "smart" or intelligent is really subjectif and depend on way too many things. Plus you know some school system are really not well made for some people. Clearly I don't wanna do a huge 4h essay on that so I will just go with who have the worst to best grades x)
As for the responsible ones who do all their classes/homeworks + have a serious attitude in class. I might add outside class to difference them too XD
Grades : So I tried to make an order but it really depend sometimes it depends of the classes/ years really.
Rom : Poor girl got the lowest grade ;-; she's trying hard. In some subject she have good marks but in the general stuff it's just above the average if not really low. University is not super adapt to her. Also got you see 8km2 fanart (I love it) well I got inspired and that's what happen to her. Everyone train her but it didn't work in the end 😭 Also in high school my notes in maths were so bad because it's harder in scientific field. I pass my big 18y diploma with 7/20 in maths help. But hey in got like 11/20 at university and I think above 15 in my sandwich course so believe in your dreams!
Gehrman : So for me, while the other are students he's closer to a "free auditor" Idk how you call that in English : he can joined some really specific conferences and listen to those classes but don't have exam on it. But he was a students alongside Laurence, I guess he got a basic diploma perhaps (or none) but it would be useless. He didn't got the best of grades too but he try! he often asked Laurence for help about things or terms he didn't understood while in class. He had a decent education for a Yharnamite and always read tons of books as a child but he only get to Byrgenwerth after working a few years abroad as a young adult (when he got enough money to pay for a few classes after a few years). He really wanted to just learn things more than exceed really.
This 3 next are pretty average too and good. I am unsure for the order as well so not sure it mean too much :
Ludwig : Ludwig is stronger in sportive and outside class for exemple but still have decent results.
Damian : Damian is basically the normal average students possible but I think might be quite good too
Charles : (my dear cainhurst oc) he had great results too but you know he didn't push himself too much as well.
Maria /Laurence : Unsure which one to put above (Laurence perhaps? I mean he got a doctorate so if you look at it that way) they both had really great results and a good scholarship in general. Plus it also depends the years. What I mean by that is that Laurence first years were not great at all then excel later on. Maria had great results since the beginning but without wanting to reveal to much a semester was quite a mess for her... then it got better again.
Micolash : I guess Mico would be quite smart yeah? (maybe a bit above in the top idk) Like he could have a big ego but he would right lmao. So I'm unsure where he's placed but yep good grades for Mico.
Caryll is a gifted student of course they got the best grades most of the time.
Not counting Willem but I guess he had quite good results, Liam (gatekeeper) would be moderate like Patches if he make effort probably and poor Dores know lot of stuff and procedure but don"t ask her to write an essay she will probably eat the paper from anger XD
Responsible students : I'm really unsure how to class them soi'm doing my maximum here XD
Patches is probably the worst responsible person ever...but more like not responsible for his actions senses XD
Charles : You know the cool guy who don't pay attention all the time in class, go on many parties, show off attitude still got good results? yep it's him.
Laurence : basically the same as Charles as the beginning of his scholarship if not worse. But his grades were bad. He got his things together after a while thankfully. thank you Gehrman, again Still he still miss a few homeworks and didn't went to all his class and didn't pay attention everytime XD but hey he made it! (That's why he can't be too mad at students who don't listen he did worst XD)
Ludwig/Maria/Caryll : I guess when Caryll don't day dream and forgot a homework they're serious and on point XD same for Ludwig. Maria rarely miss a a thing too. But this 3 do get in troubles sometimes XD and it's generally big mess over their comprehension
Rom/Micolash : Well for Rom, daddy is literally the headmaster so um... (I know it's not an excuse, Laurence is like the adoptive son and miss class at first and all but still)... So yeah even if it's hard she try to do things as much as possible. The only times she missed classes (besides your typical appointment/being sick) is when she need to go save her friends's ass from weird bugs & spiders XD the excuses Mico, Damian & patches yes came up with so she could exit class are always gold! And I think Mico always almost did his things like a nice lil students.
Gehrman/ Damian : You know the parent/ big sibling of the group? XD they almost never missed a class and try to do every work.If Damian ever miss smt it's the other fault and probably Micolash's
And how they behave in class? Well I think I already talk about it earlier, a lot are calm, in group it's a mess XD or some get bored and do smt else. Sorry I will probably develop more an other day perhaps or if I wrote about it well it will be more detailed that day!
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ambientwitch · 10 months
Can someone check my math . I am taking this physics class pass/fail for a requirement and homework is worth 85% of the grade. Prof drops the lowest score so he only actually counts 7 out of 8 assignments and I got full points on 6 of them. I did not do the final presentation which was worth 15% and I have not done the final assignment... I need to get at least a C- in the class for it to count as passing . Am I correct in saying that I will get a 72.9% in the class if I don't do the last homework assignment
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zyronnesambutuan · 2 years
My Coming Out Story
My name is Zyronne Keth T. Sambutuan, I will tell my lowest part of my life and how I coped up with this. This story of my life is so hard to share because it’s all about my coming out to my parents and how my parents reacted to it. By the way I’m a transgender and I’m a Muslim and to this reason why coming out to my parents is so hard because in Muslim culture being gay or being part of LGBTQ+ is a huge sin and not accepted to the Muslim Culture. Both of my parents is Muslim and growing up with this kind of parenting you need to be a real boy and not to be a feminine boy because they will judge you. Growing up I hide my identity to my parents and relatives because I don’t want to be judge and be insulted by other people. Even though I was gay from a young age, I hid it for a very long time. The majority of the time, I hoped it didn't have to be that way or a big secret, but I was terrified of anyone finding out or knowing. But to be honest, it wasn't as horrible as it could have been because I mostly simply focused on my studies and reading while attempting to avoid thinking about it. And that worked for a very long time.
            It was when I entered high school that I realized that I was really different and that I wanted something different like I’m more into guys than girls. When I was in grade 7, I started liking boys and when I was asked what I really was, I said that I was bisexual and that I liked two genders but inside of me I don’t really like girls. And until I was in grade 10, my parents sometimes told me that if I marry a Muslim woman because of the Muslim culture, if you reach beyond 17, it is your obligation to get married. For me, I really don't want to have a wife early because I want to travel the world with them but I also don't want to tell them that I don't want to because I might be kicked out. What I always say is that I'm still young and I don't like that and I'll only get married when I'm ready.
            This is how I fixed or coped up with this problem by telling them that I'm transgender and I don't want to get married. The moment that I said that my heart just stop and realize that it’s done no more hiding because finally you said that and proud of it. But you can't avoid that they will still judge you and they will still not accept you because this is the culture of Muslim they don’t like gays or transgender because they believe that women are only for men and men are only for women and being gay is such a huge sin. There haven't been many significant changes in my life since I came out as transgender. I might hear somebody say, "Oh there is the fag," or something similar, as I pass around the school grounds. Because of the whole thing, I have had a few different friendship groups, but my two closest friends have stood by me and would always lend a hand to solve any issues. But in this situation is more likely I like because no more hiding just freedom like a butterfly and I will wait until my parents will accept me and be proud of me.
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jaeakatsuki · 2 years
My experience when I was in the lowest part of my life was when I was only in grade 6 in Elementary School and my classmates bullied me because I was small, there wasn't a day at that time that they didn't bully me. Even when I entered our room, they immediately insulted me and my schoolmates used to stare at me. I know myself that I'm small but do I really need to be bullied? There isn't a day that I don't get annoyed with them, sometimes I even want to punch them because of their teasing. Sometimes it's tempting and often I lose my will to study because every time I think about what I'm told, I lose my will, even at home I'm lazy because those times are really unforgettable. I don't know what my fault is with them, I don't even pay attention to them anymore and when I do pay attention to them, they are still angry. Whenever I would wake up early during those times, I would think of nothing but insults from them. Every time I come home I am very sad and only my brother's pet dog gives me pleasure. Until a few months passed, I saw a change in them because during those days our graduation was approaching. Here it is, in this part I am in Grade 7 in High School. There are students who try to pay attention to me and if you think about it, it seems that I am behind them. At that time I was very down because I was being bullied at the new school HAHAHAHAHAHA, I was receiving insults. I thought that insulting me would stop but it still hasn't. I remember a student at school and asked what grade I was in, I won't wonder why they laughed HAHAHAHAHAHA, at the same time they said to me "Hala!?! Are you really in grade 7? You're so small" the woman said to me as she left. I just laughed because I really laughed with a mixture of hatred and anger because of what he said HAHAHAHHAHAHA. I also noticed in myself then that I was very down with those they insulted. I also remembered that all my classmates used to really hate me because I was so flashy and skinny, that's when I felt sorry for myself and I thought that others didn't even want to talk to me. Time passed, I gradually changed myself, I also learned from my mistakes in those days. I'm thinking that what if I'm new? Is there no one to insult me? Is there nothing to annoy me? Those are my repeated questions to myself before. I didn't even really know at that time if I really had any friends in my school back then. On the day of our exam before at school, I met a girl in the canteen and she asked me what grade I was in HAHAHAHAHAHA and I said "Grade 8" with a smile because I was shy. She was the first girl I met before in school, she was very smart and very responsible. He is the only person I always hang out with at school, we also go to recess together and eat lunch together. He also always gave me energy in school when I was about to enter. Because of him, I learned to be tall and because of that, the students no longer insulted me before in school, my friends increased and I still hang out with them. And that's the only thing I can share about my life that used to be very difficult and full of problems.
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miladybianca · 1 year
(My Autobiography)
Sonder means that each random passerby is the main character of their own story, living a life just as vivid and complex as our own. We have our own stories, different experiences, and lessons to learn. Let me tell you my story. Hi, I am Alexandra Bianca Comandante Alcuetas. My grandparents from my father's side gave that name to me –Bianca, which means white or beauty. Only my family and relatives call me Bianca, then my friends and classmates call me Alex or Alexa. I'm currently 17 years of age, turning 18 this October 12. Time is so fast, isn't it? To start off, I will introduce my family. We are matrilocal; we are currently living with my mother's parents. Yes, we are an extended family. I live together with my mother's sister and her cousins. I have 2 siblings, they are both boys, and I am the oldest. Just imagine being the eldest and being the "unica hija" at the same time; well, that's a lot of expectations and responsibility. Going back, I studied my elementary years at Dasmariñas II Central School and completed my Junior High School at Philippine Christian University - Dasmariñas. I am finishing my Senior High School at Emilio Aguinaldo College - Cavite and planning to take college at De La Salle University - Dasmariñas.
If I wrote my story, one page would not be enough. Although a lot had happened in my life before, I viewed my life as boring, and I felt like something was missing, that feeling that life was the same every day. There's this feeling that I can't explain. I made myself active before, thinking I could find the answers I was looking for. I joined dance competitions and street dances like the Paru-Paro festival, became a choreographer in Junior High, joined cheer dancing in grade 7, and joined pageants and school activities. I was active in school activities as a member before. Then, I entered the life of being a student leader, still active, thinking it was easy but it wasn't. I experimented with things; I tried doing many things, thinking I would know myself more. Aside from that, I tried some things I never tried before. I tried creating a youtube channel – yes, I tried vlogging, and now I have 472 subscribers. I tried doing travel vlogs, cooking vlogs, make-up and DIY vlogs, challenges, and song covers and discovered that I have a talent for singing. So I joined Friends of St. La Salle Choir, now part of the music ministry in the DLSUD chapel, and it's been 3 years. I made myself busy, thinking I could search for the answers I was looking for. But in searching, I lost myself and did not value the things I already had.
Now I believe that it is true that you have to experience things for you to learn from them for you to find the answers to the what-ifs and questions running through your head. 2 years ago, my grandfather died. He died from COVID-19. I think it was the lowest part of my life, and it was very traumatic. There are a lot of whys running through my head. It's like I had fallen and didn't know how to stand again. At first, it is hard to accept and to start again. But as time passed, my family made me realize the true meaning of life. They made me feel the love that I had been longing for my whole life. I realized that everything happens for a reason and that nothing is permanent; everything we have now is not ours but God's. I realized that the love I am searching for is already given to me; I just don't see it. I searched for the answers that have been with me my entire life.
Now, what is more important, is that I learned my lessons and value and appreciate more the things and people in my life now. Ending this essay with a message for everyone that people come and go. "Change is the only constant in life." Nothing is permanent. Everything that is happening to us now has a reason, and it is we who decide whether to stay down or move forward and learn from it. It is we who decide our future.
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