#(A Time Between Then And Now: Teenage!Kushina)
Danny Phantom & Naruto crossover idea
As Minato collapsed into the dirt alongside his wife, gaping holes in both their middles, all he could feel was a strange relief. They saved their home. They saved Naruto. Their son was safe.
His relief soon turned to confusion though. He wasn't entirely sure how long it took for someone's soul to be eaten but he's pretty sure it should have happened by now. Was the Reaper just taking it's time? Perhaps it wanted to draw out the pain for as long as possible before tearing his soul out.
Glancing back at the hulking figure Minato felt what was left of his stomach drop. The beast, once a huge menacing shadow with glowing green eyes, (eyes that were brighter then even the purest healing chakra) was shrinking. Soon it was no bigger then a genin, the shadows fell away to reveal a disturbingly human form.
It hovered in the air in an almost groggy way before snapping to attention! It looked at Minato 'This is it...' the young Hokage thought as the creature flew straight at him.
Much to Minato's surprise the creature didn't immediately snatch his soul, instead opting to frantically fly around him and Kushina making destressed noises in what had to be an unknown language.
The creature, much to Minato's horror, reached for Kushina.
"NO!" He yelled with all his remaining strength, "Don't touch her! I'm the one you want!"
The creature jolted at Minato's yelling then turned to him. Finally it spoke for the first time.
"D-don't... be scared," It said slowly almost like it was trying to remember what the words meant. "I'm going to help you."
The last of the shadows fell away and Minato was met with the face of a child. A child who's tears were falling freely from his face.
He reached out to both fallen shinobi engulfing them in a green energy Minato recognized as healing chakra. Although he'd never felt it this cold before.
"I don't understand," he gasped out feeling his lungs and heart stitch themselves back together. "Aren't you here to eat my soul?"
The boy's tearful face twisted into disgust, "Why would I want to do that? Look, just stop talking this is harder then it looks."
When Kushina felt her eyes fluttered open she wasn't expecting to see her husbands relived smiling face next to her own, she definitely wasn't expecting to see a flying teenager with glowing eyes healing her wounds.
"W...what's happening?" She slurred, "Wh... Naruto!" Her arms thrashed around trying to force the rest of her body up.
"Hey! Calm down! Your wounds will reopen!" The glowing boy yelped.
"I don't care! I need my baby!"
The boy quickly flew out of sight only to return with a familiar bundle. "Look he's fine! You can relax he's safe."
Kushina felt a new wave of tears, her baby was okay. And so was she apparently?
"You saved us." She concluded, looking at the strange boy.
"Yes, you'll both be fine now. But you might not wanna move around too much for a few weeks." The boy said with a tired chuckle. He leaned down and placed Naruto between the two of them.
Instinctively, Kushina reached over to place a hand on her baby and felt the tips of Minato's fingers against the blanket. He smiled at her. It was a messy, watery, bloody smile and she never wanted it to end. They were alive. Their son wasn't alone.
"Thank you."
The boy blushed green and shifted awkwardly. "Uh, you're welcome."
"I still don't understand why you helped us," Minato said looking at the boy, "You didn't have too."
The boy looked confused now, "If you can help someone then of course you have to, that's what I think anyway."
Before either of the two could respond a wall of green cut through the air. The boy made his way towards it, "Hopefully the next time we meet will be under better circumstances. Oh, and congrats on your baby!"
And with that the teen disappeared.
What did he mean by next time?
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fox-mother · 4 years
@asaraltu​ continued from: here
She watched his face as he came to the realisation that she knew, her grin still affixed to her face. Kushina couldn’t help but laugh at the notion that Minato had a crush on Madara. For as oblivious as she was in regards for their affections for her, she wasn’t as stupidly oblivious about their feeling for eachother like they seemed to be. 
“Mhm, sure,” She said, leaning back to tip her head back like a cat in the sunshine, “Because according to my sources, you were the one to initiate the kiss.” The redhead cracked an eye open to peer at the Uchiha sat beside her. 
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gakkubi · 2 years
Naruto lore and the timeline issue: When Trivia disturbs the story, AKA Why Yahiko was not 15 when he died -- the lore thesis™
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(Pain - Chapter 436. Choji's description of Pain - Chapter 427. Yahiko - Chapter 511).
Hey everyone. I'm writing this because we all have been through that "I wonder what's the age of this adult charact-- wait it's a teenager?!" moment and, as recurring as it is in anime and manga, I don't believe this is the case with Yahiko. The 4th Databook states Yahiko as having died at 15, so I've gathered pieces of the manga itself to dispute this statement, or at least give basis for a different view that can be just as accepted as the Databook's one.
It's the story itself that gives us the information to make our own interpretation and understand what we're reading - when later trivia is added and conflicts with the story that was told, I believe we should have the freedom to choose the interpretation we prefer.
If you like Naruto meta, the Ame Orphans (+ Obito and Naruto), or simply enjoy looking at Kishimoto's art, this might be interesting for you. I hope you enjoy <3
First, before we dive into the story itself, let's start with something easy to analyze: Math! (lol).
Of the Databooks, I'll take only four informations available (which are consistent and logical):
1) Nagato and Konan are 35 in Shippuden; 2) Obito is 31 in Shippuden; 3) As of the Pain Arc, Naruto is 16. 4) Obito is 13 at the events of Kanabi Bridge.
From this, we have some facts:
Ame Orphans & Naruto: 35-16=19. The Ame Orphans were 19 years old when Naruto was born. Yahiko was already dead when Obito attacked Konoha, because according to Obito's flashbacks in Chapter 607, this happened after they encounter at the cave. By math alone, that means Yahiko was not older than 19 - but how younger was he?
Obito is key here. Obito most likely "dies" at age 13¹. He's saved by Madara, and spends and unknown amount of months in his care until he witnesses Rin's death. Somewhere between Rin's death and Naruto's birth, Obito meets the Ame Orphans. The only time constraint available is Kushina's pregnancy, because Kakashi took care of protecting her during those months. This means that (at least) around 9 months passed between Rin's death and Naruto's birth. I think assuming that about 1-2 years between Obito's "death" and Naruto's birth is a good time.² (1. I couldn't find the canon source of this info, but I suppose it's the average age; 2. This could be a lot more, depending on: how much time Obito spent during Madara's care - that is, how much time passed between Obito's "death" and Rin's death -, and how much time passed between Rin's death and the start of Kakashi's "special mission" of protecting Kushina). But moving on:
Ame Orphans & Obito: 35-31=4. The Ame Orphans are 4 years older than Obito. If Obito met them somewhere between his "death" and Naruto's birth, being 13-15, he met the Ame Orphans when they were 17-19. This places Yahiko's death between his 17-19 -- let's work with 18.
Yahiko being 15 in his age of death puts a stress on Obito's own timeline. If we respect the age gap between Obito and Nagato/Konan, then he was 11 when he "died", met Yahiko months after and then attacked Konoha at 12.
To respect Obito's age, two possibilities exist: either the databook has Yahiko's age incorrect, or Yahiko is 4 years younger than Nagato and Konan.
Now, this would mean that ~9 years old Nagato and Konan were following ~5 year old Yahiko and surviving on the judgement of a small child (who can't even read yet!) to guide them to find food and shelter during times of war.
I guess we all can agree this is... nope.
(It's worth mentioning that, in Akatsuki Hiden, Nagato speaks of the prospect of Konan and Yahiko having children - more especifically, he speaks of his desire to see the "family expand." Like the 4th Databook, Akatsuki Hiden is also "extended canon", but still, Nagato and Konan discussing the topic of pregnancy feels very differently when we see them as adults, and when we see them as 15 year olds. I have to wonder which one was the interpretation that Kishimoto and Shin Towada were looking for...).
--- So, using math, we can reach a conclusion:
Obito's age holds Yahiko's death age at 17 at least. His age correlated to Naruto's birth also holds Yahiko's age at 19 at most.
Honestly, this is already better than Yahiko dying at 15.
But is it good?
Or better yet, does it make sense story wise?
Now, let's look at the story as the readers we are:
Let's try to guess Yahiko's age as readers of the manga, who don't have acess to the databooks/narutopedia. That is...
...the audience to which Kishimoto was telling his story:
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Here I'm repeating almost the same image from the start of the post, except these are all from the same arc - Pain's Assault.
In Ch.427, see Chōji describing Pain as 25-30, which fits not only our expectation that the Akatsuki's Leader is a grown man, but the fact that he was Jiraiya's student many years before Naruto himself. Pain is tall, and looks strong and mature.
When Yahiko appears in Ch.446, after Chōji's intel (the only age number we manga readers have), he doesn't seem younger.
The story presents no further direct plot points to imply Yahiko is younger than what Pain looks ("25-30").
I took this two images because they show, very well, how Pain and Yahiko have the exact same facial structure (they're the same person, after all...), and they were both drawings from the same arc -- which means we're respecting any possible later changes in art style consistency.
(I must note I do not consider the possibility of Yahiko's body aging due to Nagato's use, because 1) This possibility was never mentioned in Naruto lore -in fact, Jiraiya figures out the "Pains" are dead bodies because he can recognize the people he met at least 16 years earier, as they remain identical apart from Nagato's interventions; 2) The possibility of dead bodies ageing seems a bit of a stretch. Given how Kishimoto took the time to explain Izanagi and Izanami into detail, I have to believe he would have explained this, were that the case).
For the sake of argument, let's pretend Chōji never said anything. It is only one panel! Well... Fair enough.
Let's then compare "teenage Yahiko" to the most well-known teenage character we have: Naruto himself! Who is now 16 and rocking beautiful makeup.
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Look, I won't pretend that Kishimoto has a 100% consistent style , 100% of the time (like any artist), and that the characters features never change - they do, even on panels which are side by side. "Zoom", story pace, importance of each panel all influence in how much he will give attention and detail considering his limited time to actually create the content as a mangaka.
But there are many ways to make characters look younger or older, facial structure being the easier to note, and most effective.
Pain's face is more mature than Naruto's; his head is longer, eyes are smaller, his jaw more pointy (both Naruto and Yahiko have strong jaws so maybe not very noticeable), and Pain's chin is much more forward. His face has already "finished" developing - Naruto still has more roundy features. His face is more of a square than a rectangle.
Younger Yahiko still has many of his own features - except his face is much shorter; his eyes, much bigger, his already strong jaw is much smoother. Konan, who shares his birthday, also has a shorter face, bigger eyes, rounder features.
They're teens. Teens like Naruto. Much younger than how Kishimoto draws Pain.
Or, perhaps, this is a better comparison. Let's take young bandaged Yahiko, young bandaged Naruto and older bandaged Yahiko (+ Konan) and see how they compare.
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Naruto is 16 as of Chapter 455 (after Pain's Arc). He looks very much alike to Yahiko in this remarkably similar scene; we don't know when the Konan/Yahiko kiss happened - we only know it was after Jiraiya left and before they moved out from the Hideout to Amegakure.
We don't officialy know how old the Ame Orphans were when Jiraiya found them/left them (we only know that 3 years passed), so we don't have actual information to assume Yahiko and Konan's age at the time of their kiss. Visually, however, both Yahiko and Konan in Chapter 511 look very similar to Naruto in Chapter 455...
As readers, we are used to teenage Naruto's appeareance, so when we look at a young and similar Yahiko, it's logical to assume they're the same age, especially given how Kishimoto himself controls how he draws the characters.
Now, as readers reading the manga, let's look at Konan's flashbacks in her fight against Obito.
We hardly have any age/time information of the time between Jiraiya's departure and Yahiko's death. We have, however, many visual and storytelling cues that separate Chapters 509 and 511.
After Jiraiya's departure, various panels indicate passage of time, as well as show the characters growing visually older;
At the time of Konan and Yahiko's kiss (511), they would still wear their childhood robes, but the Akatsuki's coat makes it first appearence with Nagato standing by the door as the original YahiKona stan.
Panels after the kiss show the conflicts of war, as well as the organization growing bigger, indicating passage of time again;
Yahiko states the reason they need to "find a new Hideout" is that the Akatsuki is "too big" for Jiraiya's Hideout. It's unclear whether it functioned as headquarters and/or if the other members lived there;
When the Akatsuki officialy settles in Amegakure, more members are shown than in the previous panels (509);
Konan in chapter 509 also appears significantly older than her 511 teenage self;
It's also unclear how long the Akatsuki resided in Amegakure before Yahiko's death.
Chapter 446 (when Yahiko dies, which we as manga readers have already read), offers previous context we know for the Akatsuki:
Nagato states that the organization "grew famous overnight." It's important to consider that "growing famous overnight" is not a number, but a perception - the Akatsuki, a organization which wanted to bring peace to a war plagued country through nonviolent means, grew famous overnight in spite of the challanges. In my view, his affirmation speaks more of the Akatsuki's success than the actual time speed of its growth;
He explains that the reason why Hanzō¹ designed a trap to kill Yahiko/destroy the Akatsuki was because of his paranoia that the Akatsuki could "steal sovereignty over Amegakure from him";
One could also argue that Hanzō's paranoia amplified his perception of the Akatsuki's power -- but we must not forget that Nagato himself also spoke of the Akatsuki's rapid ascencion amidst the adversities of their goals.
This implies that both Yahiko and the Akatsuki were in posession of power/influence/success enough to pose as a threat;
Chapter 509, however, disputes that, showing the Akatsuki in trouble, losing members and struggling to bring peace to districts. In 509, Yahiko is not shown as a succesful person in position of power - he is stressed by the Akatsuki's situation;
Because of this information conflict, one could assume that there's a time gap between 509 and a more stable/powerful Akatsuki, shown in 446;
There's no indication of how much time separate Konan and Yahiko's argument in 509 and his death in 446. No canon information supports/disputes the ideia that it could be weeks, months or years², meaning that the plot gives room for Yahiko's Akatsuki to exist for years before his death without any contradictions.
(1. Keeping in mind that Danzō's deception [falsely accusing the Akatsuki of killing Rain shinobi] is an anime-only arc [p. 347]. In the manga, Nagato only says that Hanzō and Danzō allied because they could help each other with exchanged favours. In the anime, Danzō witnesses a glimpse of Nagato's power and considers it a threat to Konoha, which leads him to ally with Hanzō - in the manga, it's implied that the Akatsuki was a threat to Hanzō's control over Amegakure, not any member specific member despite the Leader [Yahiko, his "direct rival"], hence he allies Danzō [another power hungry man like himself, but with different ambitions]. The manga-only explanation better enhances the idea that Yahiko's Akatsuki had success/influence as an organization. / 2. For clarification, the argument scene in chapter 509 is most likely Yahiko's last appearance, chronologically, before his death in 446, since we don't know when exactly the Obito encounter in 607 takes place. It's often assumed Yahiko died soon after that 509 scene, but in manga-canon we have no evidence for that).
Phew, these were many plot points for an analysis that until now focused mainly on math and art...
How do these influence Yahiko not being 15, anyway!?
Because we, readers, matter. Our perceptions matter. Our view of the story we're reading matters. We meet the Ame Orphans, children who have nothing, and watch them grow into sucessful shinobi leading a revolutionary group!
It's only logical we assume building the Akatsuki would take time - it's only natural we assume Yahiko, Konan, Nagato are all adults... especially when they look like adults.
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(Nagato, Konan and Yahiko as of Obito's flashbacks in Chapter 607).
Taking once again Obito for timeline reference, this is how Obito meets the Ame Orphans; Konan looks younger than she is Shippuden present events, but her features are still mature, her eyes much smaller and her face much longer than other characters like Sakura (I could have inserted an image of Sakura, but I think comparing Konan to herself leaning to kiss Yahiko in the previous images show the clear difference). Nagato looks identical to his "regenerated (adult) self" from Edo Tensei Arc. And Yahiko... Yahiko looks obviously like an adult. Long face, small eyes - and, yeah, this isn't the best Kishimoto has ever drawn him. It doesn't have to be.
The drawing is making the point it needs to make; the Ame Orphans were adults when Obito met them, and Yahiko was the Akatsuki's Leader as well as an obstacle in Obito's plan to manipulate Nagato. He wasn't just a kid who Obito could toss aside.
He was an adult who was followed by many who believed in his ideals, despite of not having any notable strenght or jutsu. Granted, Gaara was also a teenager and a Kazekage...
... but Yahiko was a nobody - being a nobody and a teenager and leading an organization like the Akatsuki? Databook and Chōji aside, this doesn't quite give "15 year old boy" vibes for us readers.
(It also feels kinda lame for 14 year old Obito to be called a "criminal and/or idiot" by another kid his age, so I also feel like it's better and more respectable for an Adult Who Has Seen Shit™ to be suspicious of him -- and the fact that he "beat" Yahiko, despite being so much younger, only makes him more badass).
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(Various handsome man from various chapters I can't quite remember now).
This one is mostly because I love the Naruto manga, but since we're talking about hot men with strong jaws art, let's take the facial structures of Naruto, Obito and Yahiko.
Obito is 31 at Chapter 600, and Pain looks much more like him than he looks like Naruto - he "is" 25-30, after all. The scene were Yahiko looks at Konan being held hostage shows Yahiko with the exact same facial strucute of his Pain self - the exact same angled jaw, longer face, smaller eyes.
Notice how it's different from Naruto, who is a teenager with a strong jaw - especially because of the eye size. Obito has large eyes, but his face is a lot longer, more defined, more mature than Naruto's... and teenager Obito had even bigger eyes, so we can compare him to how he used to be, and see how he has grown.
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(As a mangaka, Kishimoto tells his story through art and dialogue alike).
Art-wise, this is the grand finale; we have Yahiko at various stages in his life - a wonderful case study for understanding facial proportions in drawing. (References for drawing! Yay!)
First, child Yahiko, around ~9, when he met Jiraiya - an obvious child. Huge eye-to-face ratio (we almost ignore his eyebags), small chin, a jaw that is hinting it will be angled but is still smooth, pointy nose. Then we have teenage Yahiko, who has a longer face, more well defined hairline, a more angled jaw, a more forward positioned chin - but his eyes are still big, his nose still pointy.
And at last we have adult Yahiko and Pain - smaller eyes, a square jaw that goes fully down before going forward, ending with a strong chin. His lips are fuller and the nose bridge is more well defined. Both have line marks around the eyes, which are often used to indicate age (and sometimes stress/exhaustion). There are noticeable visual differences between the second and third drawings, which help to "enhance" the sense of time passage. The third and fourth drawings are virtually identical, saved for Pain's rinnegan/percing.
And if comparing Yahiko to himself isn't enough, let's do better:
We know Naruto is a teenager. How do him and Yahiko/Pain compare side by side? Do they look the same age?
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(Arcs: Pain's Assault / Obito vs Konan).
First, during Pain's Assault - no. Pain is obviously older.
Longer face, angled jaw, smaller eyes. In here Naruto's rounder features due to his age are obvious. Kishimoto drew Pain with the very rational intention of him being older.
But what about Konan's vision of who she will be loyal to, in Chapter 511 (Obito vs Konan arc)?
Harder to compare because they're not in the same angle, but to me it's still the same. Yahiko looks just like in all the other times he appears in profile - longer face, pouty lips, defined nose, smaller eyes, angled jaw. Naruto has bigger eyes and a shorter face. Yahiko may not look as mature as Pain does, but he doesn't look as young as Naruto....
... Not before in the earlier comparisons, and not now, literally together in the same panel.
Trivia is fun. I won't lie, I love looking at databooks and finding all sorts of information about characters. Birthdays, blood types, favourite foods, unknown hobbies. It's fun. It's awesome.
But when lore outside of the storytelling starts to disrupt this very storytelling, things get weird and, once two canon information diverge, we don't have to (and I dare to say we should not) accept only one was the Truth.
Especially if it disturbs our understanding of what the story itself is telling us.
I think I present enough information to show that Yahiko was never intended to be 15. The story itself makes me doubt that Kishimoto even planned for him to be 18, either - honestly, I do think somewhere around 20-24 would be fit better what he looks visually, especially if we consider what Kishimoto himself Chōji said.
(I realize that this would no be the first time Kishimoto made a decision and went back on it; in fact, it wouldn't even be the first time he changed his mind about Yahiko, even. In Chapter 509 Obito says he influenced Yahiko to create the Akatsuki... and this is never mentioned again. Lol. Well? At least Yahiko's adult appearence is consisent).
Timeline in Naruto is already confusing by itself - Kishimoto cared more about the smaller arcs making sense inside themselves than in the story as a whole, Yahiko's age is just one of various inconsistencies.
Which means that, if we free ourselves from Obito's age constraint, Yahiko could totally have died at 19 like math suggests, or at 25 like Chōji assumed, which would make Nagato/Konan +40 in Shippuden, and these possibilities are still logical and awesome.
I think what I mean is:
Do you want to go by the databook and consider Yahiko 15, regardless of what that means for Obito and Pain himself? By all means, do it. Do you want to take the age that makes most logical sense at place him at 19? By all means, do it!! Do you want to take the story as it looks visually and place him as +20? By all means, do it.
I just believe that there is worth in the story that is told, in the story that the readers follow and make interpretations of, and that no posterior retcon/trivia should disturb the real stars: the work itself and our feelings about it.
Thank you very much to those who read until the end! <3
I know I considered mostly manga information for this, but instead of "manga readers who never read the databooks/narutopedia", let us be "anime watchers without google" instead....
This is a scene from episode 348. Yahiko and the Akatsuki celebrate their new "alliance" with Hanzō.
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As anime watchers only, what do we think is happening here?
Do we think they just ate a lot and drank a lot of juice, and happened to fall asleep seated awkwardly like that?
Or maybe, we don't think those empty glasses were filled with juice... the scene prior to this shows a screencap of the dinner leftovers and the glasses have a yellowish drink in them. Sometimes, sake is yellowish.
Granted, we don't know much about alcohol laws in the Naruto world. We know Lee did have access to some amount of alcohol (which he didn't process very well, hah), and we know drinking is one of the three shinobi vices (in Konoha at least)....
But this scene with Yahiko and the Akatsuki doesn't exactly pass me "teenagers celebrating" vibe to me. If we consider Yahiko is the only teenager there, it means a bunch of adults willingly chose to follow a dreamy 15 year old for free, since the Akatsuki has little to no money for not being paid for the missions (as Yahiko remarks, with a lot of concern, in this same episode).
The story is telling us something. Following the databooks is alright, of course, but I do believe that, after seeing a scene like this, it's also perfectly alright to believe Yahiko is an adult who is allowed to drink.
Once again, thank you for reading! :)
And never forget: Pain, Obito and Naruto are fucking hot.
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years
Hey do you have any naruhina fanfic recs where minakushi are alive and naruto had normal life?
hmmmm I'm not entirely certain I know what you mean by a normal life, but I'll just recommend NaruHina fics where Minato and Kushina are alive.
Okay haha some of these are definitely NOT a normal life, but here you go.
NaruHina + MinaKushi Fics
“Hearth” by Nito - Rated G, Canon-Divergent AU, Short One-Shot. A day in Kushina Uzumaki’s perfectly mundane, ordinary, fantastic life.
“It’s High Tide, Baby” by @spyder-m - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. “Despite everything that happened around it, the water would continue to flow. It was majestic and free, so unlike the nature of his own existence.” Could their love withstand the test of distance and time, or was it doomed to slowly fade away?
“Opposites Attract” by KyuubiLover100 - Rated E, Yakuza AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Citizens of Konoha all know that “The Light cannot exist without casting its Shadow.” It’s the unspoken system that the city runs on. Everyone knows their place and their roles. Those in the Shadows do what those in the Light cannot. Uzumaki Naruto knows this and has known this since he was young. Hyuuga Hinata knows this as well and understands her Father’s wished, but still…
Untitled for NH2020 May “Jealousy” by @bunny-hoodlum​ - Rated G, Modern Age-Difference AU, One-shot. Naruto was twelve when he became vaguely aware that growing into himself – whomever that was – meant dealing with new aches of every severity.
Untitled Valentine’s Day One-shot in relation to “Untitled” above by bunny-hoodlum - Rated G, Modern Age-Difference AU, One-shot. Minato’s fanclub means a dining table covered in gifted chocolates.
“Chapter 37″ from “Between the Trees” by @utsus​ - Rated G, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. The first time Hinata met Naruto’s parents, blood still dripped from her fingers.
“21 Days” by bunny-hoodlum - Rated E includes dub-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Anonymous internet friends decide to meet up IRL and give each other their first times.
“Second Chances” by enzhe - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Namikaze Naruto was abducted, then declared dead. Twelve years after he disappeared, his parents find him: now a scrappy, reckless teenager, with good friends, a lot of trauma, and ties to the murderous, anarchist Nine-Tails gang. As the family tries to put itself together, trust breaks, hurts heal, and the power struggles that led to Naruto’s abduction resurface.
“The Lustful Maid” by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata Hyuga wakes up in an unknown room on an unknown bed, after one of the most worst days of her life. Her only memory is knocking into a tall blonde handsome guy with her juice spilled over him! Was it a dream? I think not as now she has signed a contract to be his very own personal maid!
“Hard Love” by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E for smut and non-con (includes Sakura-bashing), Gangs AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata Hyuga was always kept within her father’s estate. Until her father comes home after losing everything. A powerful family comes and she makes her escape only to be caught and handed to the son.
“With you” by suryass - Rated E, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto has ways of making her test her limits.
"Study Session" from "Entwined" by Cheating Death - Rated E, High School / College AU, One-shot. Hinata comes over to help Naruto study.
“Secret Lovers” from “The Wonderful and Heartfelt Times of NaruHina” by @journalsofagoddess - Rated T, One-shot. Their relationship was a hardship.
“Forced to Call You Mine” by Se7enthDragon - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto hates Hinata Hyuga. Hinata hates Naruto Uzumaki. However, being the son and daughter of two very successful men creates unfortunate events that leads them to being forced into an engagement with each other. It’s hate. They know. But is it what they truly feel for the other?
“Kiss Me?” by allconspirer - Rated G, Wartime AU, One-shot. Naruto and Hinata have been friends for as long as they can remember but will Hinata regret not giving Naruto what he wants?
“destiny” by niege1010 - Rated M, Soulmates Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto hated it because he never believed in fate, and he didn’t believe in anything that was arranged for him. He would do whatever he wanted and would go his own way. He didn’t bother to look forward to such imaginary and abstract things. So the timer he owned when he was twelve years old had never been unwrapped, nor had he ever wanted to know who his soulmate was.
Here are the ones that I wrote where his parents are alive:
“Flirting 101 (or something)” - Rated T, High School AU, Short one-shot. Naruto wants a certain prima ballerina to look his way.
“About You” - Rated T, High School AU, One-shot. Naruto and Hinata have the same summer job.
“Catskin” - Rated M, Fairy Tale AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. She’s a nameless girl. Strange in dress, appearance, and accent in a foreign kingdom. She stowed away on a merchant ship, running from a certain future much worse than just losing her name.
If anyone can think of others, please feel free to add on.
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shamylicious-blog · 3 years
Hellooo beautiful! Mind sharing your favourite fics from Wattpad? Thank you 🥰
♥️ (alltimefaves)
♥️ Peppermint Mocha + Peppermint Stone - A small café two blocks from the university. A jock/bad boy who everybody knows and love. A quiet, shy pre-med nerd who nobody knows. Except for the bad boy... who always wants that Peppermint Mocha made only by the quiet nerd.
♥️ Konoha High's Bad Boy + Konoha Bad Boy CEO - One day, a mysterious, intriguing, yet hot bad boy named Naruto Uzumaki transfer to their school. When she has to help the bad boy out, she falls head over heels for him. She finds herself separating Naruto's fights, treating his injuries, hanging out, supporting him through hard times, and controlling his temper.
♥️I Love You - Naruto and Hinata are best friends. Both of them are Konoha High school finally year students. How will a new feeling would develop between the two best friends. ( when you love a jealous completly heartbroken naruto...gosh)
Inseparable - Naruto Uzumaki. When one hears the name, they know exactly who he is: the youngest and richest technology bosses ever. Hinata Hyuga. Nobody really knows who she is. Some say she's way too stuck up to talk to people. A pair with minds above the average humans. Are now, inseparable.
phantasm - COMING SOON!!!She could see him, but no one else could. He wasn't a ghost, he just wasn't real, anymore at least... That didn't stop her from wanting to be with him though, because she believed he was really there. (cant wait for this)
Her Nameless Thief + The Unsung Hero《Sequel》 - A notorious name known throughout the land, he didn't choose this path but it had to be done. His past begins to haunt him, a certain Hyuga comes to him in a forgotten decaying village known as Thieves Landing.
Taming the Wild Fox - And being rich and young, he is quite the reckless only child of Minato and Kushina. Quite content with his lifestyle, he was so sure that nobody could break down the proud walls he build himself and when the Hyuga girl who carry storms behind her back appears in his life, she is instantly the number one on his target list. Dying to get a piece of her, starving to have a taste, Naruto would do anything in his power to mark her as his. (for those who love possessive naruto)
Homeless Heart + Way Back to Your Heart - Naruto is living a perfect teenage city life in Tokyo until a terrible car accident cost him his parents' lives. He was left alone, having no other relatives aside from his godfather who decided to adopt him. Naruto is cool with that since he is very close with his godfather, the only problem is he need to move miles away from the buzzing noise of the city. Can he handle all these changes, the loss of his parents, the new community, his new acquaintances and a new feeling towards a girl he just met.
Anima - Hinata and Naruto. Both inseparable since their first encounter as toddlers.They were the best of friends, no secrets would go unheard to each other. No problems would go unattended. Their hearts yearned for their bond, for they were the pieces to each other's personality and hearts. However, it all turns as a sudden tragic accident would forever sever that bond. Naruto, devastated, completely disappears without a trace, simply at the age of twelve.
Forced to Call You Mine - Naruto hates Hinata Hyuga. Hinata hates Naruto Uzumaki. However, being the son and daughter of two very successful men creates unfortunate events that leads them to being forced into an engagement with each other. It's hate. They know. But is it what they truly feel for the other?
have fun !!!♥️
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Shikaku being a brat lol 😂😂 although that is such a cute headcanon- Sakumo's team being close with Yua <3<3 What do you think her dynamic with each one be? from what you said i feel like hers with Shikaku would be like the one Kushina has with Obito? if that makes sense? like at first it seems like they don't like each other but it's really just their way of showing affection and also Shikaku being a brat and not wanting to admit that he think his Sensei's girlfriend is really cool lol of course they're not exactly the same but it's the most similar one i could think of- I can't think of one with Inoich and Choza tho i don't really know their characters much sorry 😅 but going off of Choji- Choza would probably be very polite and sweet as a kid idk why i guess it's just the vibes lol
Ok i have sort of Answered Choza and Inoichi because i wrote fics with them interacting with Yua for Oc week (and i think they turned out pretty good)
But i never did get any insperation for a fic with Shikaku so now i gata thing about it and honestly I think Shikaku’s easy genius would clash hardcore with Yua’s studious genius.
Shikaku is a genius by default. He doesn’t like reading from what we see and has a similar attitude towards work as Shikamaru (though roughed out a lot more so he accepts it because he has been through wars by the time shikamaru is a teenager)
Yua is a genius by study. She loves reading and processing information. You will never catch this woman without a book (wonder where Kakashi gets it from XD). So when her and Shikaku meet the first time it is a clash.
Yua has information rolling around in her brain just the same as Shikaku, but she worked for it. She studies endlessly to have the intelligence she does, and she takes offense when someone could ve so much smarter but just kind of scrapes by with as little work as possible.
So they start off rocky, but Yua and Shikaku also respect each other.
For Shikaku, Yua is a firm woman. She won’t be pushed around even in a new village with people doubting her. She knows her worth and won’t allow anyone to question it and Shikaku respect that.
For Yua, although he’s lazy when Shikaku puts his kind to something he’s dedicated. He won’t take anything elss than perfect and that’s admirable in her eyes.
So their relationship is sort of Yua pushing Shikaku to be more determined and hard working, and Shikaku always being the first to remind people who judge Yua that she can cut them down. That they stand little to no chance against her. When he hears shinobi scorn her for being a Samurai, he tells them tales of the spars he has witnessed between Yua and his sensei. One of Konoha’s strongest
Sakumo does not win easily, and he doesn’t always win. Yua is quick, intelligent, and capable of taking down her enemy. This is a woman who faced the seven deadly swordsmen and didn’t loose (i still haven’t decided if she actually kills any of them, but she stands her ground and proves impossible to defeat even to them)
Yua and Choza have a simpler friendship. Yua will often cover for Choza against Sakumo’s hard training, but she also scolds him if he slacks too much. She wants him to be able to enjoy himself and relax but also understands the importance of training.
Inoichi is possibly the most innocent friendship Yua has with Sakumo’s students. Yua likes to visit the Yamanaka shop once in a while and admire the flowers, and while she does Inoichi will sit by her side and chat the day away while making a flower crown for her. She always pays him, and she always makes sure to put it on Sakumo’s head as soon as she see’s him because such beautiful flowers deserve to be worn by the most beautiful person she knows
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
For Karin's backstory, do you usually go for anime one? I prefer datebook backstory, even though it's not detailed. Because manga showed one panel of Karin being experimented on with her arms showing bite marks. So I always believed that healing bites ability is result of Oro experiments. It makes more sense to me. Also, I am uncomfortable of anime backstory. And grass village confuses me. Didn't they still exist after the fourth war? I guess in fic, we could just say it no longer exists.
I love this question.
Okay, so the short version is that I usually do a mix of the two. I’m going to do a quick rundown on the differences between the two backstories for anyone who isn’t familiar. This means we’ll be touching on some very questionable subjects, because the anime went to some very concerning lengths. It’s going to be under a cut, because... yeah. Long.
The only solid canon, as in from the manga, that we have for pre-Orochimaru Karin is the Chuunin Exams flashback, wherein she is in a Kusa (Grass) headband, and is saved from a bear by Sasuke, which kicks off her crush on him.
The first backstory we received from Karin was in the databooks; this backstory came out prior to the Exams flashback in the manga. It stated that Karin was living in an unspecified village, sensed an army coming to destroy it, and tried to warn the rest of the town. Nobody believed her, so she ran to hide (I think in some nearby foothills/forest?), and everyone else was killed. Orochimaru then came by, tried to recruit her, and then let Sasuke convince her. Sasuke didn’t really have to do much beyond saying he was Oro’s student in order to get Karin to come along.
Now, given that Kusagakure still exists post-timeskip, at least in the Blood Prison movie, the village that was destroyed wasn’t Kusa. Either Karin was in a different village, or Karin’s backstory doesn’t include the village destruction element. I tend to go with ‘a different village,’ but I’ll get to that later.
The anime gives us a different backstory, one that takes Karin’s Kusa headband from the Exams as fact.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Karin’s backstory is not presented as a backstory, but rather an alternate timeline from her Eternal Tsukuyomi dream. I don’t know what the animators were thinking, deciding to use this hell as her dream of a ‘perfect world,’ but at this point the dream is treated as her default anime background so like??? Sure. Sure. We’ll use it, but we’ll also judge Studio Pierrot for it, because there’s “I don’t like this character” and then there’s “I’m going to have this character’s dream of a perfect world include over a decade of violating her health and bodily autonomy on a level of systemic abuse that is truly horrific, edging on fucking csa” because fuck you I guess? I’m still mad. I’d have been okay with the backstory as backstory because it fits her personality, but why the hell was it presented as her Eternal Tsukuyomi dream???
Listen LISTEN Eternal Tsukuyomi is supposed to be a perfect world for each individual You DREAM WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPIEST and they gave her a decade of physical and medical abuse, bordering on extended csa, only to die at sixteen because they'd 'used her up.’ like???
When I say SP had a grudge against Karin...
Anyway. Anime backstory:
Karin’s mother (unnamed) came to Kusagakure following the destruction of Uzushiogakure, and was granted refugee status in exchange for working at the hospital, having a similar ‘bite me and you’ll heal’ power as Karin does in canon. We don’t know who Karin’s father was; he may have been a Kusa citizen, or an Uzushio man who died prior to Karin’s mother’s arrival in Kusa.
Karin’s mother dies at some point during Karin’s childhood, having been used as a chakra healing battery to the point of dying of chakra exhaustion. At this point in the anime, Kusa orders that Karin must take over her mother’s duties as a healer, because such a technique is too useful to just leave alone. The bites start out on her forearms, eventually going all over her body, including areas that, despite the intent not being sexual in nature, do qualify as child sexual abuse.
She is bitten on the chest and thighs, by people she barely knows, with minimal consent on her part. She is a minor. This is csa and I hate that people forget this, or choose to exclude it to more easily vilify her.*
(Manga canon also has her with bites on her chest, at sixteen, most of which we can assume are not Sasuke since he seems to not know that biting her chest is provides better healing when she tells him to do it. Again: underage, coercion, chest bites, violation of bodily autonomy. It’s long-term csa in every canon. It may not be explicitly stated, but this is the most explicitly shown example canon has of this particular kind of trauma.)
Now, again, this is her Eternal Tsukuyomi (for some fucking reason), and not her technical backstory, and in that context she just... never gets out. She keeps getting used and abused, the bites eventually even covering her face, and then she dies before hitting twenty.
...so how do we reconcile this?
Elements we have:
Kusagakure headband during the Chuunin Exams (manga canon)
Saved by Sasuke, causing her crush; implies she was very poorly treated by the people around her prior to their meeting (manga canon)
No visible bite marks on her arms during the Chuunin Exams, but with the caveat that the marks are also not visible during Boruto, so it’s possible that Kishi, and in turn SP, just didn’t feel like drawing the scars. (manga canon)
Karin’s healing abilities were present at some point prior to Sasuke recruiting her to hunt down Itachi, but it’s unclear if it is a Kekkei Genkai or something nurtured by Otogakure. (manga canon)
Kabuto’s abilities during the Fourth War include Karin’s ‘rejuvenation’ and ‘life force,’ which implies that it may be a Kekkei Genkai but leaves it frustratingly ambiguous.
Experienced a village destruction, followed by Orochimaru taking her on, due to a Cassandra Truth incident, using Sasuke to convince her to join Oto (databook)
Her mother came to Kusa at some point post-Uzushio destruction; iirc Uzushio fell when Kushina was a teenager, so Karin’s mother either spent a decade or so wandering around prior to deciding Kusa was better than nothing (possibly when she got pregnant), or lived in Kusa for a period of time prior to becoming pregnant. (anime)
Karin was forced, via coercion, to use her healing abilities while in Kusagakure following her mother’s death (anime)
Kusa still exists post-timeskip (anime)
Here’s what I usually go with:
I do think Karin was a Kusa genin. The databook and anime both state that she joined Orochimaru after Sasuke, so she’d have no reason to wear the headband during the Exams other than actually being a genin of Kusagakure.
I err towards the biting being a Kekkei Genkai, which means that it fits with the anime’s suggestion of Kusagakure having used her as a chakra healing battery prior to her arrival in Oto. THIS IS OPTIONAL in other people’s readings, because it’s not manga canon and it’s obviously an incredibly hard subject to work with.
So, Kusa kid, dead mom, chakra healing battery, genin at the Chuunin Exams, then... Otogakure. In order to work in the databook’s element of the destroyed village, we either have to wipe Kusa off the map, or it’s another village.
I’ve generally gone with stating that Karin was on a long-term mission as a healer in a larger civilian village, or possibly the country’s capitol (though that’s less likely). Kusa was obviously willing to send her away temporarily, as with the Exams, so if the price was right, they’d probably send her out on out-of-village missions as well. Would she have a team? Maybe.
Given her poor treatment in this scenario, and the implied distrust/abuse of refugees in the anime, it’s possible that any teammates she had either didn’t trust her as a person, or didn’t think her skills were as good as she claimed. Possibly they assumed that they’d be able to fight off a smaller attacking force, and that Karin was exaggerating or mistaken when insisting that they evacuate. In any case, whoever was with her, if anyone was, also died in this attack.
The army was very likely sent by Orochimaru, and it’s plausible that Karin was actually the main target. I imagine that a spy would have gotten word to Oro about a redhead with extreme healing abilities, and Orochimaru going “Gotta catch ‘em all, Ooh! An Uzumaki!” and deciding that the healing abilities played well enough into the immortality plan to be worth sending an army (and then going in person, with Sasuke) for.
Given how canon played out, she was worth it.
* Okay the reason I harp on the CSA thing in particular: there was a significant period of time where two headcanons were prevalent: that Sasuke was sexually abused by Orochimaru in his time as Oro’s student, and that Karin was a wannabe rapist.
The Sasuke thing was based on a manga cover and one of the anime openings, but had no actual textual basis beyond Orochimaru being a queercoded villain, which is a whole different problem. The Karin thing was based on a fan’s mistranslation of a single panel, along with later arguments failing to take slang into account and often had by people who don’t actually speak Japanese.
Ultimately, I’m furious that a large portion of the fandom painted a canon CSA victim as a wannabe rapist while pushing that same backstory element onto a different character which they often put as her hypothetical victim, oftentimes just to get her out of the way for shipping purposes. This is a long-standing grudge.
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inrainprose · 4 years
18. Gaara
First – Prev – Next - Masterpost
Sasuke is resolved to apologize as soon as he sees the other fox, but Naruto jumps them outside the ryokan without leaving them a chance to get a word in.
“Gaara’s here!” he announces with great excitement. Karin perks up before frowning again.
“That’s why you asked for dango? You should have told me! I would have bought more!”
“I didn’t know he’d show up. It was just a hunch.”
She accepts the explanation and goes in, not without a pointed look toward Sasuke. He manages to snatch Naruto by the back of his t-shirt before he too heads inside.
The boy opens his mouth to greet him but seems to think better of it and keeps silent. Sasuke feels terrible.
“I wanted to apologize. About yesterday. I’m sorry.”
Naruto hesitates again, scratches the back of his head.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have…”
“No,” Sasuke cuts, a little forceful. “You did nothing wrong. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, it was rude and uncalled for. I’m sorry.”
This time the fox seems genuinely speechless, before his face finally breaks back into his usual smile.
“Alright. You’re forgiven then.”
Sasuke is a little caught off guard by the relief that washes over him, settles his agitated nerves. It was weighing on him more than he thought. Naruto grabs his wrist, already moving on.
“Come, come, there is someone you need to meet!”
Kushina and Karin are sitting at the kitchen table with an additional guest. A teenage boy with blood-red hair – it seems to be a theme around here. The kanji for “love” is tattooed on his forehead, but the biggest clue is his eyes – big, clear and watery, and circled with black.
Like a tanuki.
Sasuke looks back at the front door and sure enough, the tea kettle is missing from its perch. Not just any tanuki then, but a Bunbuku Chagama.
“Sasuke, this is Gaara. Gaara, Sasuke.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Sasuke says, bowing. The tanuki doesn’t answer nor move, he doesn’t even blink. He just stares at him long enough to be awkward, but the foxes don’t seem to find it weird.
They all sit at the table around some tea and the dango they split between themselves. Sasuke and Karin forego their share since they had their fill at the dango shop, and Gaara ends up with the biggest pile.
He doesn’t say a word. The conversation flows around him as each member of the household talks about their day and he looks at them in turn, attentive but uninvolved. They don’t ask him any question either, and Sasuke follows suit.
When he goes to refill his tea and finds the pot empty, he means to make some more, but the tanuki extends a hand, expectant. Sasuke is quite surprised – he didn’t think he would be granted the honor so soon.
“If you will,” he says, handing his cup over. Gaara takes it with both hands and brings it to his face as if to drink from it, but instead, tea pours out of his mouth, dark and steaming, up to the brim.
He gives the cup back, his face still set in a blank mask, but if he is offering Sasuke some tea, he must not be as wary as he looks. Sasuke accepts the cup gratefully and wastes no time trying it.
It tastes, as predicted, like the best tea he’s ever had.
“Thank you,” he says, a little moved by the gesture. The tea kettle is a fixture of the ryokan, it wouldn’t serve just any passing guest. It feels like recognition then, acceptance, all the more precious that the tanuki seems terribly shy and reserved.
By his side, Naruto is beaming like a fool. Even Kushina looks pleased, while Karin seems reluctantly placated by the display. Conversation resumes after that, until it’s time for dinner.
“Do you want to eat with us, Gaara?”
The boy shakes his head. He looks a little tired, leaning on Naruto’s shoulder. The fox opens his arms and Gaara climbs his laps, nestling into his embrace. He turns back then.
For a brief moment, he does look like a Bunbuku Chagama, furry ears and tails spurting out of the cast iron, before he settles back into a plain tea-kettle, the “love” kanji easily discernable now that Sasuke knows what he’s looking at. Naruto stands carefully and goes to put the chagama back on his watchful perch by the door.
“He doesn’t come out when there are humans around,” Kushina explains while she starts on dinner.
“They scare him?”
“He wasn’t treated well.”
A human would find an exquisite tea-kettle, known for making the most amazing tea. If they treat it well, the Bunbuku Chagama will provide willingly. But they can also make it work against its will.
A lot of yokai are predators and a threat to humans. But the reverse goes as well. And who can protect them?
“We found him a few years ago. He still doesn’t come out much, but he’s making progress.”
It’s all they can do to look after each other.
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fox-mother · 5 years
Knuckles bleeding, ribs bruises and quite possibly broken with sweat plastering her fringe to her forehead, Kushina looked a right picture. Her practice was leaving her with bruise after bruise on her young body that would heal if she just stopped trying. Once again, she hits the floor harshly, breath leaving her body upon impact and her ribs screaming at her. This time she stayed down, curling around her body as she tried catching her breath. No matter how many times she tried to even land a hit on her opponent, they struck her down harshly. The Uzumaki was beginning to think that she should just give up and admit defeat. They had been at this for hours, days even, and she was at her limit. Slowly, she stood again on command and wiped blood from the corner of her mouth, “P-Please... No more.” As she spoke, her opponent struck out again. They knocked her to the floor and her ribs finally broke from her landing, causing a scream to rip from her throat and tears to start falling from her eyes. 
( ~Open~ )
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a-strange-inkling · 5 years
Rated T (for suggestive content and language)
Summary: Only in another life would Sakura ever hate Sasuke, and even then it’s debatable. Though in a different sky, the stars always follow the same pattern (RTN AU, First Chapter of Story that I’ve been working on) 
"You aren't mad at me, are you Sakura?" 
Ah. There they were. 
Uchiha Sasuke's infamous Puppy-Dog Eyes. 
Haruno Sakura held back a sneer as she turned her attention back to the romance novel she was currently indulging, not in the mood for any of her overly hormonal team mate's antics.  The sweet, childlike innocence in those round, onyx orbs of his was as sincere as a tray of fucking cheese. Sasuke knew better than anyone that she was mad at him. 
She was always mad at him. 
"Sa-ku-ra..." he cooed, trying again for her attention, speaking her name at a low and chilling octave, knowing she hated when he did that.
The Fourth Hokage's daughter only snorted at the sound of her name rolling seductively off his lips, before pivoting her entire body away from him, crossing her legs with a steely grace.  
Sasuke rolled his eyes, unable to repress the smirk that had been playing at the corner of his mouth. "Well, I must have really hit close to the mark this time, you're even pulling out your age-old Ice Queen persona." 
Sakura simply glared at the written text in front of her, refusing to get in yet another spat with the arrogant boy. However, the young Uchiha had not quite given up yet, he knew one particular trick that would get to the cold young woman.
"You know, no one has mastered the silent treatment quite like you, Sakura-chan."
"Don't call me that." Sakura hissed quickly, shooting him one of her nastiest looks. She never let him call her that.
Sasuke's smirk deepened. "Seems there is still some room for improvement though." 
"Look, there is a pair of breasts right over there, Sasuke!" she exclaimed with feigned excitement, pointing to a fairly pretty brunette who was making her way down the street. "Why don't you go bother them for a while?"  
Sasuke eyed the passing young woman thoughtfully, mildly interested, before shaking his head and turning his attention back to the spunky rosette. "Shouldn't do that, you might get jealous, then you'd be even madder at me." 
Sakura stood then, abruptly, closing her book with a resounding snap, as she put distance between herself and the young Uchiha. 
"Come on, Sakura!" he called after her, growing annoyed as the kunochi went to find another place to wait for the rest of their squad. She was secretly pleased that his voice had an agitated edge to it instead of the usual carefree ring that usually resounded from his mouth. "Are you going to be like this the whole mission?" 
Silently, with her unparalleled grace, the kunochi leapt up several branches of a nearby oaktree, before settling back down with her book.  It was all of nine seconds before Sasuke was perched behind her, peering over her shoulder. 
"...how's your latest 'Kiss Handsome Boy' book?" he asked coyly. 
"The hero is not handsome, he's deformed," Sakura replied with a roll of her eyes.  "What's compelling about him is how deeply he loves and how loyal he is... Something you wouldn't know anything about." 
"Deformed as in one side of his otherwise attractive face," Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Oh, is there a scar over one of his eyes? Or is he missing a limb?" 
Sakura looked skyward in agitation. 
"Heh." Sasuke smirked. "He's just missing a limb isn't he?" 
"Would you just leave me alone, please?" Sakura asked him with a sigh, shifting down the branch. 
"Oh, come on, aren't you going to tell me more about your hero?" the Uchiha asked smugly. "I bet he's all brooding and tortured with a tragic past, and I'm sure only you can save him." 
Sakura growled in agitation before closing the book once more and placing it in her back pouch before turning her jade orbs on the Uchiha playboy.
"Okay, Sasuke, you win," she said, crossing her arms. "You have my attention, now what the hell do you want?" 
"Hey," Sasuke put his hands up in surrender. "I'm just trying to find out why you're mad at me, Sakura-chan, it's not good for a team to go on a mission with unresolved issues." 
"I'm not mad at you, Sasuke." she said evenly. "I just genuinely can't stand you." 
"Aw." Sasuke chided, swinging his legs over the branch to let them swing. "We both know that's not true, we used to be friends once, you even used to call me Sasuke-kun, remember?" 
"I was just a stupid kid back then," she replied. "Now, would you leave me alone, it's bad enough I have to spend a whole week with you." 
The infamous playboy placed a hand over his heart. "Ah, you wound me, Sakura-chan... Don't you care at all about the importance of teamwork?" 
"Oh, are you going to lecture me about teamwork?" she asked him. "You, the one who abandoned the team to flirt with that busty nimrod last time?" 
"You're so high and mighty, you know that?" He scoffed. "Sorry that I like to enjoy myself once in a while and talk to people, unlike Menma who can barely form coherent words around women, and you, because you're too busy trying to keep up you're frigid bitch facade." 
"Wow, Sasuke." Sakura gave him a mocking grin. "And you wonder why I don't like you." 
"That's your problem, you don't like anyone," Sasuke explained matter-o-factly. "That's why you're so lonely all the time." 
She felt her breathing hitch and her whole body stiffen at the word. 
What did he just say?
"How would you know?" she asked lowly. "You don't know a damn thing about being alone."
"Sakura..." he began, realizing he had gone a little overboard.  She was just so harsh sometimes, he couldn't help it. "I didn't mean it like that, I just..." 
"You're so damn annoying! Acting like you actually know me!" she exclaimed, so angry she didn't know what to do with herself. "Why don't you just keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand!?"  She stood up and leapt down from the tree, unwilling to wait around with him a moment more. 
Luckily, Menma appeared, walking up the cobbled path, giving her a shy smile. "M-morning, Sakura-chan."
"Hello, Menma." she replied with a sigh of relief. "It's so good to see you." 
"It really is," Sasuke replied, jumping down from his perch. "I'll have a witness in case Sakura-chan tries to do me in." 
Menma sighed to himself. It seemed this would be another mission of tension between his two teammates.  "Hey, Sasuke... M-my mom made cookies for the journey if you guys want some," he told them, holding out a brown paper bag where his mother had drawn a lopsided smiley face.  It was an immature tactic to make peace, but it was effective more times than not. 
"Ah!" Sasuke exclaimed, helping himself. "Let me at 'em! Kushina-san's cookies are always the best!" 
"Sakura-chan?" Menma encouraged her to take one, trying not to blush. 
"No thanks, Menma." Sakura replied, putting up a hand.  "I'm on a cleanse, but they smell delicious." 
"A cleanse?" Menma asked. 
"Probably for the best." Sasuke nodded. "They’re too sweet to share with someone so bitter. Not to mention you've been growing a little thicker around the middle." 
Menma cringed in fear. Did Sasuke just call her fat? Did he dare? So much for his peace cookies. Maybe he should try dumplings next time.
A sort of dark shadow fell over Sakura's eyes as she shot a deadly glare up at her raven-haired teammate. 
Sasuke smirked in response. "Sorry, koishii, that doesn't work on me." 
Sakura had a talent for scaring off her many admirers with that dark look alone, however, that frightening attitude of hers had an opposite effect on Sasuke.
 He wasn't afraid, only amused. 
"Heh," she replied, startling him a bit and switching gears as an easy smile spread across her face, mirroring his own. That may not work on him, but she knew something that would. "On second thought, I would love a cookie."
She strode past him then, with a little extra swing of her hips, purposefully knocking her shoulder with his own as she did so, and took a large round cookie from the offered bag."Thanks, Menma-kun, you're so sweet!"
Surprising both her male teammates, the kunoichi leaned up and brushed her lips against Menma's cheek as a token of her appreciation, making the blonde turn seven different shades of red and Sasuke's smirk diminish a little. 
"Da...uh... N-no problem, Sakura-chan." the poor boy stuttered, his hands clenching around the cookie bag, lost somewhere between pure joy and mortification.  His mom was right.  Sweets were the way to a girl's heart! 
Sakura turned and smirked triumphantly at Sasuke, glad to see his own had melted into a displeased frown, as she took a slow enticing bite of the cookie.  "Mmm... you're right, Sasuke, these really are the best." 
"Hn." he hummed. "Careful you don't choke, Sakura."
"Good morning, students!" Kakashi greeted, interrupting the spat. 
"Ah, right on time as always, Sensei." Sasuke waved before shoving his hands in his pockets. "Where are we off to today?" 
"Tell me." 
"No, go away." 
"C'mon, just tell me what's bothering you." 
"No! Stop that! Get the hell away from me!" 
"Look, I'll stop bugging you for the rest of the journey if you just tell me." 
"Please, Sakura," Kakashi begged from where he was leading the three teenagers. "For all our sakes, take him up on that offer." 
Menma nodded in agreement.  It was hard to focus on reading the map with those two bickering behind him. 
"I'm not giving in to his whining." the rosette replied angrily.  "...I'm going on ahead to scout." 
With that, she leapt away into the trees and disappeared from sight.  Sasuke moved to jump after her. 
"Sasuke, give her some space,"  Kakashi commanded.  
"Heh, she's not getting away that easily." was the ninja's careless and insubordinate reply.  
Whether she wanted to admit it or not, Sasuke knew Sakura. He had known her his whole life and she really wasn't the icy, badass bitch she made herself out to be.  She had been putting up with his normal bullshit for years with the usual scoff or roll of the eyes, whatever he had done most recently must have really upset her.  
And, truth be told, he wasn't all too happy with her either. 
"I can't really be sorry for something if I didn't even know what I did, you know?" he told her once he caught up with the angry kunoichi.  "Come on, I genuinely want to know what's wrong." 
"You, genuine?" she scoffed. 
"Okay, I don't deserve that," he told her. "We're not thirteen anymore, your lousy attitude is not going to send me into the corner feeling bad about what I did. I'm human, I make mistakes.  Not all of us can be perfect like you..." 
"You see, that's exactly what gets on my nerves." she turned on him then, her finger pointed right into his face. "You think everything is about you." 
"Well, isn't this about me?" he asked. "Isn't that why you haven't spoken to me for days, this morning, and that stunt with Menma you did to try and get me jealous." 
"Ha! Don't flatter yourself." 
"Well, you were." he laughed. "Unfortunately, I'm not the jealous type like you." 
That earned him a glare. "Whatever makes you feel better, Sasuke." 
"Look," he sighed. "Is this really going to be the whole mission? Can we just..." 
"Ino is not one of those girls!" she exclaimed. 
"What?" Sasuke asked, dumbfounded. 
"Ino," she remarked. "You know, my best friend? She's not like those girls you hang out with, the ones who enjoy flirting with you as much as you enjoy flirting with them.  She's shy, even more so than Menma, anytime a guy gives her any attention she takes it to heart. She took you flirting with her seriously." 
"Who are we even talking about?" he asked, confused. 
"INO!" Sakura exclaimed.  "She's been in every class with both of us since the Academy. Blonde haired, blue-green eyes, wears five layers of clothing." 
"Ohhhhh." Sasuke realized. "The stuttering girl... she's your friend still, huh?" 
"Kami." Sakura hissed, turning and jumping to another branch.  
"Look, Sakura, wait," Sasuke called after her. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean anything by it, it was Shikamaru's idea, it was all just a joke." 
"Just a joke?" Sakura asked him. "Hurting a girl's feelings and making her feel foolish for believing you were actually genuine is not a joke... do you know how hard it was for me to tell her what you're really like, that you didn't actually like her, you were just messing with her?" 
"Look, it was stupid," he sighed, jumping and landing beside her once more. "I'm sorry."
"Yeah, well, you tell her that next time you see her," she quipped. "Maybe she'll forgive you." 
"Fine, mama bear, I will."  he sighed, placing a heavy hand on her shoulder. "As usual, you're blowing this way out of proportion." 
She shoved his hand away and crossed her arms. "I told you what was bothering me, wasn't that the deal? Now stop bugging me for the rest of the trip." 
With that she jumped away again, not slowing down, leaving Sasuke to stare after her. 
Kami, that girl. She drove him absolutely crazy. 
They set up camp and Team 7 had fallen into a not so easy silence.  Sasuke had been true to his word and let Sakura alone, but the tension from before was still sizzling in the air as they went about their tasks. It was all standard teenage shit for Kakashi, but Menma was always uncomfortable with any sort of discourse, especially between his only two friends, and found himself actually missing their bickering. This competitive silence was somehow worse. 
Once they all settled around the fire, Menma had calculated that no one had spoken for an hour and twenty-three minutes. While he was a quiet fellow, himself, this was just ridiculous. He turned to Kakashi with a pleading look. 
Do something, Sensei! 
But the silver-haired jonin was looking over their map, planning for the next morning, quite content with the silence, no matter how awkward it was. Menma turned to his right to see Sakura at the farthest end of the fire, her nose in her book, legs crossed and body pivoted away from them all.  To his left sat Sasuke, sharpening his kunai, a full pout on his face as he watched Sakura's back. Menma had never seen him so grumpy. Though bothering Sakura was his lifeblood, being cut off for even an hour seemed to have negative effects. 
Menma, knowing it was up to him to break the ice, squeezed his cookie bag in dread. He hated bringing attention to himself, but if it was for the good of his team, he would do it.  He glanced around before choosing the member of his squad he currently liked best to try to engage with.  While it was a wide known fact that Sasuke was his best friend, Sakura-chan was very pretty. 
Plus she had kissed him that morning, he still felt it burning beneath his skin.  
"How is your book, Sakura-chan?" he chirped, feeling blood rush to his cheeks. The sound of his soft, raspy voice was like a piano crashing from the sky on top of them all. He felt Sasuke's glare burning a hole in the back of his head and realized that he may have betrayed a rule of comradery between them that he had been unaware of. Apparently, if the Uchiha wasn't talking to Sakura, he wasn't allowed to talk to her either.
Forgive me, brother!
Sakura lowered her book and gave him a rare sweet smile over her shoulder. "It's a work of genius." she sighed dreamily. "The hero just proposed to his dying lover." 
"Oh, that's um... nice," Menma replied, though he wasn't sure if it was. He wasn't one for reading, and certainly couldn't manage a thick romance novel without dying from secondhand embarrassment, but Sakura never went on a mission without one. It was the funny riddle of her being for her teacher and teammates, that someone as cold and crass as the village Ice Queen read sappy paperbacks. 
Sasuke scoffed from behind, but Menma didn't even dare to face him. "There's one more cookie, if you want it, Sakura-chan." he offered, holding out the crumpled bag once more. If he was going to have to speak, he might as well try and get another kiss for his efforts. Sakura beamed and not only accepted his offer, but set aside her book before rising and coming to sit beside him. "Thanks, Menma." she beamed, making him turn a full shade of scarlet. "You are so thoughtful." 
That set the Uchiha off, he tossed his kunai aside and rose to his full height. "Why does she get the last cookie?" 
"I-I uh..."
"You don't have to explain yourself to him, Menma." Sakura told him firmly, placing a hand on his shoulder, making his soul leave his body a little. "Despite what he thinks, he's not the boss of you." 
"Oh, wow," Sasuke started to laugh, thoroughly pissed off now, but refusing to acknowledge her before she acknowledged him. "Real nice, Uzumaki, leaving me high and dry for a pretty face." 
"Sorry..." the blond began, feeling awful. 
"Don't apologize to him!" Sakura exclaimed. “Like he’s one to talk.” 
“Look, here’s a little free advice, Menma.” Sasuke went on regardless. “Cute as she is, she’s just going to chew you up and spit you out, there are a lot of way nicer girls around.” 
Menma felt Sakura’s hand squeeze his shoulder unintentionally and knew that comment had more than stung the kunoichi. He felt something foreign in his chest flare up all of sudden. 
“Sakura-chan is nice!” he told him, taking a tone with his friend he never had before. “She’s always nice to me!” 
“Only cause it serves a purpose.” Sasuke rolled his eyes, unsure how the kid could be so clueless. 
“Kami, you really are the most arrogant, hypocritical, egotistical, delusional fuck boy to ever grace the planet!” Sakura all but screamed at such an accusation. It was all she could do to not send a fist into his nose. 
“Ah, there she is!” Sasuke grinned triumphantly.  
Kakashi sighed, looking toward the heavens. It had been such a glorious hour and a half.  Perhaps he had summoned some sort of karma for foolishly hoping to finish his work before they both started back up again. 
“You’re such a horrid friend to him, do you know that?” she stood up and strode right up to the boy that loomed over her about a good seven inches. “You’re always telling him what to do and making him feel like he’s second best to you.”
“Yeah, well it’s better than you not even letting him speak up for himself.” he pointed out. “Stop trying to be everyone’s mother.” 
“Excuse me?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips. 
“Look, if you’re so concerned about Menma and his feelings, then why don’t stop using him as fuel to get to me?” 
“Oh, get over yourself, Sasuke!” 
“That’s enough!” Kakashi intervened. He considered himself an even-tempered man, but he could only take so much of the ongoing saga of Sasuke and Sakura. Honestly, he’d come to wish they’d get it over with and just fuck or do each other in. The older they got the more their bickering and sexual tension was getting out of hand. “Both of you, go blow off some steam, Sakura go North, Sasuke go South, I don’t want to see either of you back here until you can both be amiable comrades to one another and stop pulling Menma into the middle of your immature spats.” 
“But, Sensei…” 
“Now, Sakura!” He commanded, pointing his finger, making her huff as she grabbed her bag and leaped off. 
“Whatever.” Sasuke shrugged, turning and taking her leave as well, leaving the silver hair ninja with his remaining student. He ruffled his blond hair tiredly. “What are we going to do with them, huh, Menma?” 
“Don’t know, Sensei.” he shrugged. “They really hate each other, don’t they?” 
Kakashi’s mouth formed a line. “If only it were that simple.” 
Sakura knew it was stupid to think that Sasuke would, for once, listen to Kakashi and actually put some distance between them, but she would have liked at least a second to herself. 
“You’re really something else, you know that?” he asked coming up behind her. 
“Didn’t you hear Sensei? You’re supposed to go South.” she shot back heatedly, storming off faster, knowing it was pointless. If there was one thing she’d admit that Sasuke had on her it was speed. He was soon walking alongside her. 
“Who cares what he says?” he huffed. “I’m not done with you yet.” 
“Yeah, well I’m done with you.” she retorted. 
“No, you don’t get to call me out on leading your friend on, when you’re doing the same thing to Menma, and then call me a hypocrite,” he told her. “That’s not how it works.” 
She stopped abruptly and turned to face him. “I’m not leading him on.” 
His face went deadpan at that, before taking on a persona that she assumed was herself. 
“Oh, Menma-kun, I’d love a cookie!” he gushed as high as his deep voice would let him go. “You’re so sweet! You’re so thoughtful! I’m not just using you to get under Sasuke’s skin at all!”
She turned and kept walking at that, enraged that he would make such an accusation, and even more so because he was not completely wrong either. 
“Ever thought about how that will make Menma feel?” he asked. “You know how he feels about you.” 
“What are you talking about?” she stopped and turned around. 
“He’s in love with you!” Sasuke exclaimed as if she were an idiot. 
Sakura felt something snap like a twig somewhere inside her. “No, he’s not.” 
“Yes, he is.” Sasuke nodded reassuringly. 
“No, he’s not.” 
“Yes he is!” he nearly yelled in exasperation “Most men are! Have you seen yourself?” 
“...Kami” she whispered slowly, wishing the earth would just swallow her up right then and there. She hadn’t realized that Menma had a crush on her, let alone loved her. How could someone who spent so much time with her be in love with her? That was insane. 
She thought of all the times she had sent him attention just to spur Sasuke and never felt so low. While it was not often and never harmless, it was flirty and could have easily made him feel that she was interested in something more than friendship. She was no better than the Uchiha, 
“Yeah, it’s true, so stop playing with his feelings.” 
As guilty as she felt, she couldn’t bring herself to admit defeat to him, not three times in one day. She’d make things right with Menma, but Sasuke didn’t have to know that. “Maybe I’m not playing.” she shrugged coyly, turning and continuing on her way. 
“...what?” Sasuke muttered in confusion. 
“Maybe I’m in love with him too,” she suggested with raised palms. “I mean…” 
Sasuke was suddenly in front of her, making her almost walk head first into his broad chest. “You’re not in love with Menma,” he stated as if it were the most basic fact of life, like the rising and the setting of the sun. 
“Why not?” she asked with a raised brow, genuinely asking herself as much as she was asking him. Why hadn’t she ever thought of Menma as something more? “He’s handsome, considerate, sensitive and always good to me, why wouldn’t I be in love with him?” 
“Because you’re in love with me,” Sasuke told her just as simply. “That’s why.” 
She stared up at him, lips parting wordlessly at such a claim. Where there was a snap before now felt like she had been struck by a bolt of lightning. To her surprise, as well as his, she began to laugh. She laughed so hard she bent over, hugging herself around her middle. Sasuke remained stoic, emitting only a small smile when anyone else would have been more than wounded. 
“I’m not in love with you, Sasuke.” she told him when she straightened up and caught her breath. Where had the clueless bastard got that idea? He was just watching her with a knowing, adoring look in his eye, his hands tucked snuggly in his pockets. She tilted her head up so that she was looking directly into his eyes. “I hate you.” 
Honestly, what planet had he been living on? 
Suddenly he took her face gently into his hands and made her still, all mirth and smugness abandoning her. She stared up at him in shock, eyes wide and sparkling in the darkness as he kept her there, not two inches from his face. Blood rushed to her face so fast that it felt as if she were burning alive from the inside. Why was everything so quiet all of a sudden?
“What was that, Sakura?” he asked with an easy smile, seeing everything he needed to see, rolling her name around the way he knew drove her crazy. “I didn’t quite hear you.” 
“I-I said,” she breathed out shakily, wondering what the hell was wrong with her voice. It sounded so soft and unsure. Like it was someone else’s entirely. 
He had caught her off guard with this play. Nothing in her body was working like it was supposed to. Damn it! Why did he have to be so fucking beautiful? And tall? And sexy? 
It wasn’t fair. 
But, it didn’t prove anything, she assured herself. He was Sasuke. Everyone was attracted to him one way or another. That’s the only effect he had. Attraction wasn’t love. She wasn’t in love with him. In fact, this only made her more angry at him. If she could feel her hands she would have sent a fist straight into his perfect jawline. 
She swallowed thickly. “I said, I hate…”
Kami, was he going to kiss her?
She stiffened as she felt his thumb brush along her cheekbones as he loomed over her all the closer, his hot breath spilling over her face. 
“What?” he hummed softly. “Go on, say it.”
She stared at his lips, contemplative for a moment of what it would be like to kiss someone, but quickly remembered just who she was dealing with and snapped her gaze back to his dark eyes, so close now she could count his lashes. 
“I hate you.” she whispered, her eyes darkening, it was hard to breathe at this angle he held her. But, she did it. She got it out. 
She won. 
He smiled then, looking so pleased that for a moment she wondered if she had said the wrong thing. The opposite thing. 
He leaned forward ever so slightly, hands slipping down to her neck, and she nearly jumped out of her skin, but his lips took an alternate route gently and brushed over the hollow of her cheek, the same place she had bestowed a kiss to Menma for his sweets. 
He pulled back and she watched him, flushed and frustrated by his brash action and by the burning in her face centering around the focal point where he had touched her.
“You too, Sakura-chan.” he told her with a wink before turning and going on his way, leaving her alone like she wanted.
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dayseternal-blog · 4 years
do you know any mafia/spay nh au? 😁😁 thank you in advance!!
I do!  There are many!!  These are two of my favorite tropes to read!!!!!!!!!! 😄😄
NaruHina Mafia/Gangs AU
“When the Devil Picks Up a Stray” by callmesenorita - Rated E, A/B/O Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata, an Omega, questions buried feelings when she decides to help a childhood friend who has adopted a new persona under the name Menma. Although their attraction is instant he is no longer the Naruto she once knew, and soon enough Hinata is thrust into a dangerous yakuza conspiracy. 
“Bound” by suryass - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Series of One-shots/Incomplete. Mafia AU-Collection of oneshots.
“July - Movie-Inspired” from “Still Falling For You” by @chloelapomme - Rated T, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto and Hinata peacefully live with each other. Well, almost peacefully…
“Powerless” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E for a lot of things like depictions of violence and character death, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. - His family’s past can’t be taken at face-value, and it comes clawing back to hurt him in ways that are out of his control.  DELETED FIC.
“Opposites Attract” by KyuubiLover100 - Rated E, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Citizens of Konoha all know that "The Light cannot exist without casting its Shadow." It's the unspoken system that the city runs on. Everyone knows their place and their roles. Those in the Shadows do what those in the Light cannot. Uzumaki Naruto knows this and has known this since he was young. Hyuuga Hinata knows this as well and understands her Father's wished, but still...
“put on your warpaint” by @borzbois - Rated M, Tattoo Artist/College AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata meets a stranger with beautiful tattoos. She never could have guessed the turn her life would take when she asked to draw him.
“MOB” by @bkgsbby - Rated M (?, I think), Mafia/Arranged Marriage AU, Socmed format, Ongoing. When Hiashi can’t repay the debt he owes Kushina, he offers his daughter instead.
“All Kinds of Wrong” by Kieren - Rated E, Infidelity/Modern AU, One-shot. It was ironic how something so pure had sprung from such a sordid arrangement. They were perfect for each other. But they had met at the wrong time.
“Pink Chiffon” by @scalding-coffee-cup - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. During the day, she wears pink chiffon and nude pumps; her glossed lips curve into an innocent smile. At night, she struts down the alleyway in black stilettos and wears a scowl on her red lips. The pistol is her most expensive accessory.
“Molasses” by EroPrincess - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Adult film star, Hinata Hyuga, encounters a fledgling underground kingpin, Naruto Uzumaki. Is it possible for a romance to blossom between two people from very different worlds?
“Second Chances” by enzhe - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Namikaze Naruto was abducted, then declared dead. Twelve years after he disappeared, his parents find him: now a scrappy, reckless teenager, with good friends, a lot of trauma, and ties to the murderous, anarchist Nine-Tails gang. As the family tries to put itself together, trust breaks, hurts heal, and the power struggles that led to Naruto's abduction resurface.
“Dirtbags// The Fox” by OwlwaysHungry - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto and his friends end up having to work for a notorious drug dealing gangster by the name of Kyuubi after a not so satisfying night out.
“a home is a dream” by girlbaldwin - Rated M, Modern AU, One-shot. Naruto Uzumaki returns home with all the force maelstrom, three days after her husband’s disappearance and six years since she went and stumbled on Neji’s body floating in the creek downtown.
“Gangster AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by @magmawrites​ - Rated M, Modern AU, One-shot. This world is an endless cycle of destruction, no matter how hard you try to stop it and sometimes the innocent get involved in the crossfire.
“What He Wants” by agitosgirl - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata Hyuuga is an average girl struggling, and failing to stay on top of things. But everything in her life changes once she meets a handsome stranger at club. She knows that he wants her, but doesn't realize that he has the power, and the determination to do whatever it takes to make her his, no matter the cost.
Untitled collab w/ @matchaball for anon by @utsus​ - Rated T, Modern AU, One-shot. Prompt: She’s his ace in the cards that no one sees coming (that they honestly should’ve seen) and yes: she dislikes violence.
NaruHina Spy AU
“Made in Heights” by @utsus - Rated E, Modern AU, Long One-Shot/Incomplete. Hinata is definitely skilled enough to infiltrate the highly secured Uchiha party and steal sensitive intel that will save lives.  It’s just a matter of making it out alive.
“Spy AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by @magmawrites - Rated M, Modern AU, One-shot. They were one of the best teams The Agency had ever seen. Until they broke one of their most important rules…don’t fall in love with your partner.
“Lady Usagi” by @mmmbuttery - Rated G, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. A quiet girl working in an inn meets a noisy young lord, but all is not as it seems.
Untitled wip by @matchaball - Rated T, Modern AU, One-shot. He will always entrust her to watch his back in a heartbeat.
“Team 7″,  “Team 8″, and “Stellar Interview” by Journalist298 - Rated T, Modern AU, 3 Related one-Shots. Stories of the Konoha Security Agency.
“Reaching you” by Wasabisugar - Rated M, College/University AU, Multi-chapter, Unfinished. As an undercover elite spy with a mission expected to last several years ahead, Hinata is ordered to acquire information from the owner of La Vie Global Resorts - Uzumaki Naruto - surrounding a massive drug deal. However, the man she's met with is nothing like what she expected and she soon finds herself developing feelings for the one person she is set out to expose.
And there’s the one I wrote “Undercover” - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Unfinished. Naruto and Hinata join the Twelve Guardian Ninja of the Land of Fire's Daimyo. But not really. Their mission is to smoke out the rat among them who's selling political secrets to insurgents, while making sure the other Guardians don't figure them out. Neither can tell when their acting became so convincing. 
That’s everything I could think of!!!!!!  I worked all night on this omg why 😪 lol It’s because I kept on rereading!!!!!  HOW COULD I NOT WITH THIS GOLD.
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willofhounds · 5 years
I need to connect
A/N Once again this will be another one-shot.
Warnings: No happy ending. Soulmate au. Aizawa/Izuku pair
Aizawa's POV
Coffee in between hero work and before he was needed at the school was his usual routine. There was one shop in town that made the best roast. It was strong enough to keep him awake most mornings.
Shouta was more exhausted than normal, however. More than one cup was needed to keep him alert.
Heroes from all over the city were called in for a fight. Apparently, the Kings were at it again. Normally heroes didnt interfere with the Kings as they kept to themselves. However, the Red and Blue King were becoming increasingly public with their fights. It seemed almost as if a war between them was on the horizon.
Just before the appearance of quirks, there was a discovery in Germany. Scientists had found a Slate with unrecognizable carvings etched into it. They called it a relic and began to study it.
Germans and the Japanese thought it would create the next level of soldiers for war. Given the state of their world at the time it could have made the difference. If they could only learn how to forcefully activate the relic.
The relic was rightfully dubbed the Slate. By bringing mice as test subjects they found the Slate resonated with certain rats. When they resonated with it the rat would gain heightened intelligence or extra powers. Their powers were marked by a sword above their heads. It would be later named a Sword of Damocles.
Despite the scientists' best efforts, they were unable to get it to resonate with a human. Until a bombing run happened on their facility. More than half of the scientists were killed. Including a young scientist who was the twin sister of the head scientist.
Her brother was saved by the Slate's power and was given the power of the Silver Sword of Damocles. Adolf K. Weissman became the First and Silver King.
After that Japan took it back with them. A young Lieutenant became the Second and Gold King. With Weissman wanting nothing to do with the world any longer he took control over it.
As time passed it was revealed that there were 7 Swords of Damocles. Those who wielded the Swords and the powers that came with them were declared Kings. Kings only answered to themselves and in serious situations the Gold King.
Then came quirks and with the heroes. In the beginning heroes and villains alike fought against the Kings. It wasnt until the Gold King stepped in that peace between heroes and Kings resumed.
As long as innocents weren't injured the Kings would answer only to each other. Clansman had to answer to laws just like normal citizens. Though most ignored that rule. They felt the only ones they answered to were the Kings that commanded them.
Times were changing though. The Gold King was getting old and could no longer keep control over the younger generation. SCEPTER4 led by the Blue King stepped in when things got too dangerous. Or if the Red King was involved.
Heroes were beginning to be needed for rescues more often than before. SCEPTER4 could create shields to protect civilians but the flames of HOMRA were powerful. If the police even though it was HOMRA, SCEPTER4 would be immediately notified.
Heroes couldn't even put out the fire correctly until the Red King left. His mere presence was enough to keep the flames going.
Last night had been no different. Shouta helped rescue trapped civilians while SCEPTER4 tried to suppress HOMRA. At one point it appeared the Red King had lost control over his powers. Even at the first aid site half a mile away, they could feel the heat.
It was well after three am when the two groups dispersed. More than a dozen members of HOMRA were captured and arrested for their part in the destruction. None of them seemed particularly important and that frustrated the underground hero.
As he entered his favorite coffee shop he noted that it was mostly empty. A boy maybe in his late teens or early twenties was ordering at the counter. From the back all he could see was his green hair and that he was wearing a black t-shirt with jeans. The way he held himself spoke of quiet confidence.
The barista said cheerfully, "Its good to see you again, Midoriya. Your usual again today? How is Totsuka doing?"
Midoriya replied equally as cheerful, "I am well. Need Mr. Kusangi, Tatara, and Mr. Mikoto's coffee as well today. Mr. Kusangi was injured last night against the mafia group that's been causing trouble. Then the Blues showed up and only aggravated his injury. So Tatara and I will be running the bar."
There was a widening in the barista's eyes as she exclaimed, "Oh no! Poor Mr. Kusanagi. I know he means a lot to you guys. He's always looking after those of us who can't look after ourselves. Or those of us who are being bullied. Before HOMRA we had no one we could really go to for help. Heroes in this area are too overworked to help with anything like the mafia."
Shouta froze in surprise. HOMRA attacked a mafia group? That was why they were out last night?
That didnt fit their M.O. From what he learned they were a ragtag group who focused on their own needs. Heroes and the police never considered that there might be more behind the fights.
Midoriya answered, "We will always look after those that we can. If anyone else tries to let me or Tatara know. Or you drop by the bar anytime."
"Goodbye, Midoriya. Tell Mr. Kusanagi that we all hope that heals quickly."
Midoriya turned to face Shouta who stayed as relaxed as possible. He couldn't arrest this kid right now. Not only was he likely another small fry. Heroes and police couldn't take in a King or clansman unless they were committing a crime.
He was lucky that his hero clothes could be mistake for civilian clothes. Unless he pulled his goggles out from under his scarf then he wouldn't be seen as a hero.
Midoriya passed by him and because of the small space between Shouta and the door. Their shoulders bumped. Right where the soulmate mark that he had hidden every day since he decided he wanted to be a hero. The younger man didnt even pause as he went through the door.
Another thing that had appeared with quirks and King were soulmates. Most people had a soulmate and when they turned seven their mark appeared on their body. Shouta's was of a black cat with red eyes and a green bunny encircled by a red flame. Connecting the two animals were a white that looked like his capture scarf.
Something itched in the back of his mind. It felt off in a way but for the moment he ignored it. He needed information and this was the best spot to get it. A quick text to Hisashi asked his friend to watch his homeroom class.
With that done he approached the counter. The barista gave him a grin and inquired, "What can I get for you?"
Shouta replied nodding over his shoulder at the door, "Black coffee with two sugars, please. What can you tell me about that boy?"
"Midoriya?" She questioned absent-mindedly, "Honestly not much. I first met him when HOMRA first took him in. Word is that his mother was murdered by a villain. HOMRA took him in when his father abandoned him. Ever since that day he has not left them. Like most members, he is loyal to a fault."
"Do you know his first name?"
She nodded as she replied, "Izuku I believe. Izuku Midoriya."
That was all the information she could give on the teenager. It was enough however that he could start an investigation when he got back to the school.
As he expected both Hizashi and Nemuri cornered him as soon as he returned. They were curious about why he would be late. It wasn't often that he was late beyond a few minutes.
With some well-timed snaps, he was able to get then to back off. He didnt want to get them involved until he was sure about the boy. That would require research.
What he found was alarming. Izuku Midoriya was classified as a missing person but presumed dead. Inko Midoriya had been murdered by an unknown villain in their home when he was just 6 years old. Hisashi Midoriya had taken custody of the child for a short time before he disappeared.
Three months after the murder of his wife Hisashi filed a missing person's report on Izuku. The police searched but there were no signs of the boy. It was as if he disappeared off the face of the earth.
If he was picked up by HOMRA then that would make sense. If Midoriya was part of the fighting then the higher ranking members would protect him until he could protect himself.
Shouta's estimation of his age was right on the mark. Midoriya was 17 almost eighteen now. He had been with HOMRA for over a decade. That would make the bonds thicker than blood. It would also make him one of the first clansmen.
When the mother was murder Mikoto Souh had only been a King for a few months. Would a King mark a child as a clansman was the question. There wasn't enough information to answer it.
In the afternoon he took a nap in preparation for the upcoming evening. He awoken not by his alarm but by his soulmate mark burning like it was on fire. Anger that was not own coursed through his mind.
A moment later his phone went off. An officer said on the other side where explosions could be heard, "Eraserhead! You need to get down to the Southside immediately. Villains have acted HOMRA's base!"
Fuck! Absolutely nothing good could come of this.
Izuku's POV
He ducked behind Mikoto as a blue flamed villain rushed at HOMRA. The heat that his King gave off in response even made members of HOMRA flinch. They were strong and resistant to fire. That did not make them invincible, however.
There wasn't time to hide behind his King. He had a job to do that only he could perform.
Most of the clan were heavy tanks like fighters. There were three who preferred to stay out of the fighting.
One was Anna Kushina. She was the princess of HOMRA. Like Izuku she had been taken in when her family abandoned her. She was born a Strain. Someone who had abilities but they didnt come from a King. She could see the auras of Kings and clansmen. As a second ability given when she became a clansman, she gained a location ability. They thought she had a slight clairvoyance ability but it was hard to tell.
The second was Tatara Totsuka. He was a friend of Mikoto and Izumo before HOMRA was founded. Tatara held the ability to calm the hearts of those around him. In all the years he had known the older man he had never seen him fight. Always using his ability to stop a fight before it truly began.
Finally was Izuku. After his mother was murdered by a villain and his father abandoned him Mikoto took him in. With the help of Izumo and Tatara, he learned what he would in school. Through Mikoto, he learned how to fight.
Unlike the others, Izuku could use his flames in a fight. The difference was that he chose not to. He held the ability of barriers. Drawing runes in blood activated flame barriers. If you did not carry the mark of the Third King then you could not pass through the barrier.
It wasnt a perfect technique. The amount of time it took to create the runes in made him a target. Though he found out if they weren't removed then they could be used multiple times.
There were traps laid all around the bar for just such an event. Still, he had to set extra rune circles. That would make the barriers stronger. It also gave Yata and Rikio time to evacuate the civilians.
As he finished drawing the final rune he sat back on his heels. Blood dripped from his palm onto the ground. To get adequate blood to draw runes with he had to cut open his palm. He activated his red aura cauterizing the wound. Another pink and silver scar appeared on his palm.
Bringing up his wrist he tapped on his watch calling Yata. The younger boy answered, "Yo?"
"Are all the civilians evacuated? The runes are drawn and ready to be activated," he said watching as Izumo's flames struck out at the villains.
The villains were a tag team that he had seen before on the news. One had a size quirk that allowed his body to grow to enormous sizes. The other could shrink whatever they touched. Including organic materials.
It made sense that Izumo was the one fighting him. Izumo used his lighter to attack at long range. He was the strategist of HOMRA.
Yata replied, "All civilians are evacuated. We are ready for a full-on attack. Be ready to raise the barriers. Yata out!"
Izuku shouted disconnecting his phone, "As soon as Yata and Rikio enter the circle I'll activate the barrier! Anyone not suited for this fight fall back and assist the injured civilians!"
Members of HOMRA sprung into action. The lower members ran towards the villains. They would keep the villains from escaping. The middle-ranked members were leaving the area to assist the civilians.
Two taps to his shoulder signaled that Yata and Rikio were entering the barrier site. A twinge of annoyance went through the back of his mind. It wasn't his own annoyance. This wasnt the time to think about such a thing though. He had to set the barrier.
Izuku put himself on the battle side of the barrier. Cutting open his hand again he placed his bloodied palm on the primary rune circle. A black shadow rushed across the barrier line into the fighting. It was already too late to stop him from activating his aura the circle's flames erupted from them. It formed a barrier of fire.
He shouted above the fighting, "King barrier is set!"
Mikoto only turned to give him a slight nod. Then nonchalantly joined the fight. Even against villains with quirks he never went all out. The only time Izuku ever sees him get serious was against Reisi Munakata.
Reisi and Mikoto fought like cats and dogs. It was because they were order and chaos in terms of their powers. Blue and red Kings were forever destined to clash. No one could say otherwise.
Izuku stood ready to join the fight when he found an unwelcome sight within the barrier. A man in black sweats with a scarf wrapped around his shoulders stood there. Covering his eyes were a pair of yellow goggles.
It took a moment for Izuku to recognize him. It was the man he bumped into at the coffee shop. Those goggles themselves struck a cord within Izuku. They looked just like the one on his soulmate mark.
His mind was racing. They bumped shoulders in the coffee shop. That was when he started feeling emotions that weren't his. The shoulder that he bumped held his soulmate mark.
The man asked watching the fights as they broke out, "What is going on here?"
Izuku pulled a lighter from his pocket as he said, "Villains attacked our home. Without heed of the civilian's homes that line our streets they attacked. Low and middle-ranking members kept them busy while everyone else evacuated civilians. HOMRA may seem like reckless thugs to you, hero but we care for those who cannot defend themselves. The barrier of fire was only set when everyone was gone."
Eyes widened behind the goggles. Izuku could feel the man's surprise and understanding. Everyone looked down upon HOMRA for being a gang of thugs. The lower-ranked members fit that bill more than the higher-ranked.
Outside of fighting with the Blues HOMRA tended to keep to themselves. It was only when one of their own was threatened that they picked fights.
Izuku was startled by a flash of movement that did not belong to the fighters. Just inside the doorway of the bar stood Anna and Tatara.
What in the twelve hells were they doing outside of the bar? Orders were to stay in King's room.
Mikoto snapped, "Midoriya! Protect Totsuka!"
That had him moving ignoring the possibility that he ran into his soulmate.
:No Blood. No Bone. No Ash,: he chanted within his mind.
The tiny embers that lay just beneath the surface of his skin erupted into flames. He didn't need the cadence for setting barriers. If he wanted to fight then he needed the embers ignited into a true flame.
Rushing to Tatara's side he checked on both he and Anna. They were in good health. Simply watching the fight between the clan and the villains.
The lighter in his hands was just like the one Izumo carried. In fact, most of the middle-ranked members and higher had one. It didnt matter if you smoked or not. The lighters carried the mark of HOMRA engraved into the metal.
They were a right of passage for every clansman. After serving the clan for a year each clansman was given a lighter and a pack of cigarettes carrying the mark. They would forever be a reminder. No matter where you went or if their paths strayed from that of the clan. They would forever be apart of HOMRA.
Izuku used him as a long-range weapon. The metal was strong enough to withstand the flames of his King after all. It would be a waste not to use it when he didnt smoke.
Watching the fight play out was just like the others. Misaki Yata the red-haired vanguard attacked using his skateboard for speed and extra power. Both he and Rikio acted as tanks. They hit hard and blocked attacks meant for the King.
Izumo was watching for any sort of opening to land long distant attacks. The stiffness of his posture spoke of the pain he was in. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't even be in the battle but it was all hands on deck with this attack.
And the King... Mikoto was never one to go with any plan other than his own. The man had heat radiating off of him. Nearby metal object began to distort the closer he got to them. The two villains froze as Mikoto closed in on them.
Above their heads was the Red Sword of Damocles in its glory. Their fires were feeding off of its strength. Fires that were nothing in comparison to the King's.
A rough sounding unfamiliar voice said next to him, "So this is the power of a King. I have not seen this up close like this before."
It was the man from the shop. What was he doing following Izuku?
Izuku responded with a growl, "This is just Mikoto toying with them. Only us clansmen are truly giving it our all. We wish to end this before the Blues decide to make an appearance. Who are you?"
The goggle bearing man replied, "I am the underground hero Eraserhead. I've seen the destruction your people cause. It's hard to believe that you would be attacked without provoking it."
"You're just like everyone else," Izuku bit out scathingly, "You only see what we do in the present second. You don't see past that at why we do what we do. Or at what cost..."
A hand closed around his shoulder cutting Izuku off. A pleasantly warm and calming fire went through him. It calmed his anger at the man in front of him.
Looking back he saw the warm light brown eyes of Tatara staring at him. There was a slight shake of the man's head. Izuku took a deep breath to calm his anger.
Heroes were all the same. They looked down upon the clans. Thought so little of them that they were little more than villains. That wasn't the truth, however.
HOMRA took a lot of the blame for people just having fire quirks. It was easier to write off for the police than spending time actually investigating. They didnt deserve that kind of reputation. HOMRA looked after each other. The eyes were family. Sometimes the only family that they could count on.
Tatata said his eyes turning cold in a way that was rarely seen for the soft-spoken blond, "You should not underestimate a clan's determination. Or let what you see on the outside affect your judgment," then something shifted in his face and the Tatara so lover why the clan returned, "Come by the bar sometime. Find out who we really are and what it means to be HOMRA."
There was that gentleness that showed a scared child that there was still good in this world. With his insistence, Izuku was taken in by HOMRA. He became the youngest clansman of the red clan.
Eraserhead huffed and a flash of annoyance went through Izuku. It wasn't his own. The soulmate bond there was no denying it any longer.
Then suddenly the man leaped forward. Using his scarf he attacked the villain that had strayed to close to them. A quick knee to the face and the villain was out cold. It all happened in an instant. If he had not been watching he would have missed it entirely.
The second one who was already pinned to the ground painfully by the vanguards. Yata had his foot planted in the villain's back. The others had his hands tied so that he couldn't getaway.
Mikoto called out, "Brat, take down the barrier. We will hand these two over tonight," Mikoto bent down to growl at the one they had pinned.
It was too far for Izuku to hear but he had an idea. Most likely a threat for them to never return to the city. While not all of it was HOMRA territory they would know if these two came back. If they did they would not survive the second encounter.
Concentrating on the runes he destroyed the primary rune circle. The barrier fell with it. The flames dissipating almost immediately. The buildings and roads were scorched but without any permanent damage.
Almost as soon as they fell the area was swarmed with police, SCEPTER4, and heroes. Choosing to ignore them he went to check on members of his clan. A handful of lower-ranked members had some broken bones but nothing too serious. Izumo was by far the worst off. He tore his stitches in the fighting. Pale he was barely able to remain standing.
As third in command of the clan Izuku began barking orders. That had the ranks moving and taking the injured inside the bar. The uninjured formed a perimeter in order to keep out unwanted guests.
Mikoto and the higher ranking members faced off with SCEPTER4. They were tired from fighting with the two villains but they would stand their ground.
Eraserhead called out, "Heroes stand down," eyes turned towards the man questioning his order, "HOMRA did not start this fight. They were attacked by these villains. As is their right they protected themselves and subdued them."
Police and heroes alike gave them wary looks and a wide berth. The vanguard released the unconscious villain while Eraserhead put cuffs on his. Mikoto aided Izumo back into the bar followed soon by Tatara and Anna.
Izuku stayed to answer the police and heroes' questions as well as those from SCEPTER4. A small smile crossed his face when he caught Reisi glancing at the bar with carefully concealed worry. Only six people knew this but Reisi and Izumo were soulmates. Their soul marks were of the Red and Blue Swords of Damocles circling in harmony. An action very rarely seen in their time.
As much as he disliked the clan itself he would not deny the man information. If it was him he would hope someone would alert him on the changes of his soulmate.
As the heroes and police began to disperse the civilians returned to their homes. Many called out thanks to Izuku and asked him to wish his clan well.
He approached the Blue King cautiously eyeing the stiffening members of SCEPTER4. Reisi held up his hand to stop them from coming any closer then stepped so that he met Izuku halfway. A flash of jealousy went through Izuku but he quashed it knowing it was not his own.
Izuku said with a small smile, "He overextended himself," there was a furrowing of the King's brow as the only sign of his worry, "Don't worry he will be fine in a few days."
There was a near-silent sigh of relief and tension released from the other's shoulders. In a whisper, Reisi said, "Thank you. Look after him and Souh. Those two are always getting into some trouble."
Then he turned and began barking orders. Slowly even SCEPTER4 began to leave. Then only Izuku and Eraserhead were left. With a glare in the man's direction, Izuku turned to head inside the bar.
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
Hikari and Haru
A gift to @wingbladeweaver1357 in return for the beautiful fanart. You made my day. I hope I make yours. :)
The song for one Haru? Over here.
The song Tomoko plays for one Hikari? Right here. From one of my favorite YouTube pianists.
The little brunette girl was the first unexpected guest in my day. She could’ve easily blended in with the other customers at Nagareboshi Cafe, but the small tug on the ribbon tying the back of my dress was enough of a sign that things were different.
Thankfully, the song that was at my fingertips was already coming to a close once the tug happened, so I let the notes fade into the air before carefully turning around in my seat of the piano bench to look in that direction. “Yes?”
I was not expecting to see sparkles.
“Hi, nee-chan!” Bright teal-green eyes were beaming up at me, and I blinked. “You play really beautiful music!”
Ohmigosh, she’s cute, when did she get there? From her light blue hoodie and matching white-blue collared shirt, she certainly looked like a child any parent would grow to love. The side ponytail held up by one bright green scrunchie simply added to the charm. And the smile… 
Awwww. I could’ve sworn I could see a reflection of myself in those big green eyes.
She is absolutely adorable. Hisako agreed with a solemn nod. Wanting to be a ninja maybe? She did sneak up on us.
I blinked. You didn’t notice her either?
My Nobody shrugged, the handle of Oblivion barely hanging onto her fingers. Your music is nice to listen to, Tomoko-chan.
Huh. Compliments were going all around today. I took a breath to calm the sudden onslaught of heat about to flood my face, putting on a kind smile. “Oh, really? Thank you, dear. Just when did you sneak up on me?”
“In the middle of your performance!’ The girl grinned at me, exposing what looked like bright white baby teeth, and I could already guess my newest companion was somewhere between 4-5 years old. “And I knew it!”
“Eh?” I inclined my head at the girl putting her hands together. She rubbed them for a few seconds.
I was also not expecting the small puff of smoke. Blinking, I rubbed at my eyes as the new pink rose made its appearance in the sweetie’s hands, and she offered the flower to me. “With that melody and that voice, you must be an angel sent from Heaven, nee-chan!”
Oh. Oh my. Oh my gosh.
She called you an angel. An angel. Wow. She one-upped Kakashi and took the words out of my mouth!
OHMIGOD, HISAKO. And, wait a minute. What do you mean by “one-up Kakashi”?
My Nobody simply threw her head back, long brown hair swishing and all, to cackle loudly.
Gosh darn it. The blush was hard to even fight back at this point because of how much my heart was pounding. From the bright grin being flashed towards me, I couldn’t deny that this little girl meant every single word. And I was supposed to be the one on the cafe job. Compliments were still something to get used to. “Th-Thank you?” I stammered, putting a hand to my chest as I could feel my voice crack just as much as my ribs from the happy juice. “I’m just a mere pianist though, dear.” A giggle left my lips as I reached over to lightly boop the top of her head. “As happy as I am to be called an angel, I’m just as human as you.”
“Ehhh?” The little girl pouted and scooted back a bit so I wouldn’t poke her again, puffing her cheeks while still offering the rose. “It’s true, though! Every time I hear you play, I get lost in your beautiful music, nee-chan~!” And with that hum in the air, the grin from before was back, and the rose was still sitting in her hands. “This is for you as thanks for the songs!”
“Oh dear…” the grin on my own face was unmistakable as I reached over to gently take the flower, gripping it as delicately as I could. I had no idea where it came from, but roses were just like any other flower — beautiful and deserving of quiet respect. “Thank you, ojou-san.” I sniffed the rose softly, taking in the scent of the sweet pollen before looking at her with a warmer smile. This was turning out to be quite the pleasant surprise. “Do you want me to play another song for you?”
“Eh? Really!?” Her mouth formed a surprised “o” for the briefest moment, her hands going back to rub the back of her head. “Is it okay, nee-chan?”
“Please, dear,” I took a page from Mama’s book, putting the rose down in a safe crevice near the piano stand to face her. My newest customer. She was certainly young, but for some reason, those green eyes reminded me of someone. “Call me Tomoko.”
“Tomoko-nee-chan?” she ducked her head and spoke the syllables slowly, and I held back the urge to squeal, feeling my smile grow to the point of stretching my cheeks. She was cute. So cute.
Was this how Kushina-nee felt when she first met me?
It was a nice thought.
“Hoshino Tomoko, ojou-san,” I said gently with a small waggle of my finger. “And you’re my customer now, and I’m your pianist for the day. So,” the girl’s teal-green eyes sparkled as soon as she raised her head to make eye contact. “Could I get your name?”
“Fujino Haruka!” The newly dubbed Haruka-chan beamed, swaying back and forth on her chair all the while. “Haru is fine too!”
“Haru-chan it is then,” I decided with a giggle back, not even minding the sparkles flying off her anymore. It was warm. “Then, for the sweet Haru-chan, Tomoko-nee-chan has a job to do, just for you.” I pressed the first key on the piano and closed my eyes, recalling the childish drawings of pink and blue dumplings coming together to raise one tiny yellow dumpling.
“As pianist of Nagareboshi Cafe, I welcome you to the Big Dango Family.”
I already decided with the first chords that I’d do what I can to make sure this little girl kept that smile on her face for the day.
There was no way I could allow the Third Shinobi World War to take another smile from my job. I couldn’t let it steal the innocence from another little girl who deserved better.
Kakashi was surprisingly sulky as soon as Haru-chan left with that bright grin on her face. Even if his mask was hiding the bottom half of his face as always, the slight furrow of his eyebrows and narrowing of his eyes said otherwise.
I made sure to wipe some dust off the piano keys before facing him with a wry smile. “What is it, Kakashi?”
My best friend didn’t respond, simply getting up from his chair to instead plop himself down onto the piano bench next to me. I did my best to not move as soon as he leaned over to rest his head against my right shoulder. “Nothing,” he grumbled quietly. His silver spikes, if I leaned in just enough back, were close enough to tickle. “Just let me rest like this for a bit.”
Huh. He was sulking.
I decided not to question it and reached over with my left hand to gently pat his head. “Want a song?”
“…That’d be nice.”
I gently nudged him with my shoulder, holding back the urge to giggle. “Love you too, Kakashi.”
“Hn.” A pause. “Love you too.”
“Hee hee.”
“What should I get around here…? Munny doesn’t really work as currency.”
Another unexpected guest around these parts. My Nobody casually shouldered the Oblivion Keyblade again, not even minding the books flying around her head. I get ninja, but it’s not every day we get new faces outside of the village.
Yep. Though, is she okay?
Don’t ask me. Ask her.
I couldn’t help but find myself fixated on the newest oddball sitting near the piano. Unlike my first unexpected guest, she was definitely not a child. Teenager, maybe even my age or older. She wasn’t even sitting in a chair near my piano bench, simply seated at one of the many tables surrounding the stage, her blue eyes frantically scanning the menu in front of her. Her short brown hair seemed to frame her face in a way that reminded me of Sora from Kingdom Hearts, and if the plaid blue-white pattern on her waist sash was any indication, Tetsuya Nomura must’ve had a hand in her clothing design. There was no other reason I could attribute the belts and zippers to.
Still, her eyes. Even if they were blue like Mama’s, they shined behind that menu like Haru-chan’s. Similar sparkles, even.
I gently got up from my piano bench to walk down from the stage and approach her, my voice already coming out in the waitress tone I’d been used to for years. “Excuse me, miss?”
She startled, putting her menu down just slightly to meet my eyes. Her blue eyes were wide with surprise. “Whoa! Uh, hi?” She scratched her cheek with her apparently fingerless gloved hand, looking sheepish. “Sorry for taking too long, I just don’t know what to get.”
I smiled and shook my head, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “There’s no trouble. I was just thinking of offering something instead.”
“Offer?” She gave me a questioning stare, her mouth caught between a frown and a pout. “What kind of offer?”
“It’s not too much, you’re just new around here, right?” She nodded, and the smile grew on my face. “Well, I’m Hoshino Tomoko, your pianist for the day in Nagareboshi Cafe. And it is my policy to play a song for any new faces. So, how do you feel about sitting next to me on the stage to listen?” Those blue eyes widened again once I gestured to the grand instrument sitting behind me. “Maybe the song could give you an idea of what you’d like to eat.”
What looked like a conflicted smile passed over her face. “Tomoko-san, I wouldn’t want to trouble you—”
“Nonsense,” I said immediately, finding myself fondly rolling my eyes. With the way her shoulders were tensing and the simple stunned, fish-like look on her face, she definitely reminded me of Sora. And, for a childhood hero… “You’re a customer. I’m the pianist. And,” I winked at her, “the pianist has to serve the customer first, no?”
The wide look in her eyes was back before she threw her head back to laugh. “Okay then! I don’t know what else to do, so sure!” She swayed forward to grin at me, offering her hand. “I’m Leonhart Hikari.”
Wait, isn’t that—
I held back a giggle.
Hikari-san sat there, blinking. “Tomoko-san?”
“I-I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you,” I took her hand and shook it, feeling myself smile back. “It’s just, you share the same name as my Mom. Just as pretty and sincere.”
“Oh,” she said, blinking. Once the handshake finished, she took her hand back to rub the back of her neck. “Does that make it awkward or—”
“No no no,” I reached over to gently grab her free hand. “It’s just funny. Now I know just want to play for you.”
“What’s that?” Hikari, thankfully, didn’t seem to mind my guiding her to the piano, so once I was back on my familiar piano bench with Hikari taking a seat next to me, I could feel the smile on my face start to stretch my cheeks.
That pink rose from Haru-chan was still sitting on the piano, just in a small vase thanks to Papa. It was enough inspiration.
“You’re Hikari, another bit of light, sooooo…”  I uncovered the piano keys to take a breath, “why not play a song such as Hikaru Nara to honor that light?”
I never got to play the song before. It was well about time to honor that pianist-violinist duo who made smiles out of a shared lie.
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cyb-by-lang · 6 years
Shell Game (10/?)
Kei’s week ends on a couple of high notes.
Saturday’s four class periods were entirely mundane after the ridiculous first week, because Kei didn’t get pulled out and wasn’t being shouted at by anyone but Isobu, who knew multiplication better than she did. He was also picking up Modern Literature coursework faster, which Kei figured said more about her than him. Even a week into the term, she was not the best student. Senioritus set in early and didn’t let go.
Honestly, if not for the utter havoc of the first three days, Kei probably would have said it was a nice way to end the week. As things stood now, though, she was a little antsy and rather eager to get out of UA. Everything going wrong seemed tied to the school. Lying to Midoriya and saying she’d had a run-in with a mugger didn’t make it less true.
It seemed like it was going well until she was about to walk out the front door of UA, at which point a voice more accustomed to booming tried to whisper, “Young Gekkō, if I could have a word?”
Kei turned on her heel and stared down the…emaciated dude in an oversized yellow pinstripe suit. Kei blinked twice, surprised. While she’d seen the guy around, in the same vague way as she knew the school had other class years and people who weren’t involved in almost dying a lot, she couldn’t put a name to the face. If she had to make a comparison, especially with the way his baritone didn’t seem to suit his body, she’d call him Skinny Steve.
“Fine,” Kei said, and followed back into the thrice-damned school building. “I’m assuming you’re a teacher here?”
“You’d be right,” he said. “Heroics only, however.”
Huh. “Makes sense. I don’t recognize you.”
This could be a trap.
At this point in the week, I’m about ready to push somebody out a window for that kind of crap. Let me have this.
Once again, Kei made her way to the all-too-familiar staff room. Ambling along after the unidentified teacher, she spotted Mummy-Aizawa snoozing under a desk. Or maybe his yellow sleeping bag had just developed sapience and its owner’s personality. It was hard to tell.
Nonetheless, the pair of them settled on the couch (skinny dude) and the opposite chair (Kei). There was tea already there, but it’d long gone cold.
“Did you need to speak to me about something…?” Kei trailed off, unsure what to call him. She didn’t have the civilian names of most of the teachers memorized anyway, and it was at least plausible that this guy had been a hero in the past.
“I wanted to apologize,” the guy said, drawing a blank look from Kei.
“Okay…?” Kei paused. This was already awkward enough. “Look, what do I call you?”
There was a pause on his end, too. Then, much akin to Tsunade’s youthful facade stitching together after she used her regeneration a little too much, the bony guy filled out right in front of Kei’s eyes. It went fast enough that the air actually popped, and the guy’s hair shot upright like gel was some universal law unto All Might.
…Is All Might secretly a muscly balloon animal? Kei mentally whacked Isobu’s shell. Did you see that?!
I am using your eyes to see. I certainly saw that.
“Uh,” said Kei, once Isobu whacked her in retaliation. “That’s a…neat trick?”
The conservation of mass is a lie.
It may just be on vacation.
As though Kei hadn’t said anything or made a deer-in-headlights face at him, All Might bowed about as far as he could while sitting. “Young Gekkō, I most humbly apologize for the strike I dealt you during the USJ incident! Had I taken thorough stock of the situation, I would not have made such a heinous miscalculation! My apologies!”
The sapient sleeping bag grumbled a general affirmative. Sounded like Aizawa-sensei had probably said more when he had more energy. That was about as close to approval Kei had ever gotten from him.
“I mean,” Kei said after a second, “if I hadn’t known I wasn’t going to hurt anyone besides the villains, I would’ve probably punched me too.”
“You should never make excuses for the poor actions of pro heroes, Young Gekkō!” All Might insisted, while Kei tried to subtly reel back from the volume he was using. “As a symbol of my trust, I have revealed my true form. It is a poor apology for my actions at the USJ, but I hope it is one step toward forgiveness, Young Gekkō!”
“Well, then I can do this?” Kei waved a hand in front of her face just as All Might looked up. Between her hand cutting off his view and no longer doing so, she’d let Isobu’s chakra leak into her coils. Her eyes itched a little, as they always did when they took on Isobu’s traits. “The, uh, the thing I do? This is the most basic stage. Can’t do the other one indoors without breaking things.”
The two of them regarded each other—a man with pitch-black where white ought to be in his eyes, and a girl with utterly inhuman eyes from another being entirely.
“Just accept the apology already,” Aizawa-sensei griped from the corner. “I’m trying to sleep.”
But he had a point. “I accept your apology, All Might-sensei. Please don’t do it again.”
Just as Kei dropped the usage of Isobu’s chakra, All Might poofed back into his skinny shape. Once the smoke cleared, he scratched at the back of his now-limp head of hair. “You’re pretty easygoing…”
“Did you expect something different?” Kei asked, gently challenging.
“I did, but now I see I was wrong.” All Might settled back onto the couch, but he did bow one last time. Just a bit. “Go on, Young Gekkō. Enjoy your weekend.”
“Thanks, All Might-sensei.”
“When I look like this, please call me Yagi-sensei.”
Kei waited just long enough to make sure she wasn’t going to be scolded for using the title even for his incognito form, but nothing was forthcoming after Kei bowed to show her agreement. On her way out of the room, she leapt neatly over Aizawa-sensei and ducked out into the hall.
It was time to leave the freaking campus behind for the week.
She checked her phone once she was on the train, ignoring news updates for the moment.
GreenThumb: u get hayate for sat-sun
GreenThumb: hes been buggin me for 2 days
GreenThumb: and u need more marble things
TMNT-TNT: Hand the phone to him
GreenThumb: r u on ur way back?
TMNT-TNT: Yeah but he doesn’t have a phone
TMNT-TNT: Have him call me
Not four seconds later, Kei’s phone started ringing. “Yeah?”
“I get to stay over the weekend!” Hayate’s grin was audible. “And you have to let me see the city this time. I got the Hokage to sign off for a ‘cultural project.’”
Kei didn’t want to know how much wheedling it would’ve taken Sensei to cave to Hayate’s demands, because there was a chance it’d be used against her. “Okay, but the first thing we need to do is get you clothes to blend in better.”
“Seriously?” But before Kei could argue her point, Hayate gave in. “Fine, fine. I’ve been looking out the window and nobody dresses like Obito.”
There was a muffled “Hey!” in the background.
“These phone things are pretty cool,” Hayate managed to say, while apparently fighting Obito off one-handed. There was a thud and the sound of struggling stopped.
“They are,” Kei agreed.
“Come back soon, okay?” Hayate paused, thinking over what he’d just said and finding it a bit too heartfelt, then added in a brighter tone, “Or else we’ll both starve to death.”
Teenagers. “Got it.”
Well, it was like All Might said. Kei fully expected to enjoy her first weekend of the school year.
By the time she got back to the apartment, Obito looked like he was perfectly ready to leave for a week. Instead, though, he jokingly saluted Kei and only said he had one more delivery to go, at which point he disappeared into thin air with a message scroll.
Kei, who could recognize Sensei’s calligraphy on the outside wrapping at a glance, let him get on with it. She had a kid brother to look after instead.
“Please don’t make me wear one of those,” Hayate said, indicating Kei’s school uniform. To Hayate’s shinobi-trained sensibilities, it probably looked pretty ridiculous. Kei didn’t disagree.
“I won’t,” Kei promised, and once she had a chance to change, they were off.
Kei, who had quite the discretionary budget and little to spend it on besides food and train fare, found that her little brother’s presence had a way of punching a hole in her established bottom line. It wasn’t because he was hard to provide for, but rather that he had a list and was checking it twice. Hayate wouldn’t have minded going to tourist hotspots or trying junk food that didn’t exist in Konoha, but people back home had tacked on things like university-level medical textbooks (Rin), ludicrously specific novelty kitchen gadgets (Kushina), and omamori from every shrine they could find (Genma). As such, Kei spent most of Saturday afternoon running errands with her kid brother in tow.
Shinobi weren’t above making a conveniently traveling friend buy souvenirs.
Hayate, for his part, had plenty of fun flitting from place to place like a kid at a theme park once Kei got him a replacement for his haori-style coat. There was no way to fully hide his starstruck behavior, but Kei found that his constant rubbernecking and the barrage of questions actually revealed how much she’d been learning about Tokyo. And, underneath her constant griping, her appreciation for the city and all it offered. Even with the occasional superpowered fight.
“This kind of stuff is so unnecessary,” Hayate muttered while they waited for a train. The second ride of the day, in fact.
“Mass transportation?” Kei asked, still half-listening to the station announcements. Between the various circuits they’d made and Kei’s lingering unfamiliarity with the system, it’d be easy to get lost. Again.
“Yeah. I mean, can’t we just…run?” Hayate kept his voice down, at least. “I mean, so many of us can go so fast…”
“Turning to technology means that more people can benefit, though,” Kei explained distractedly. “I mean, it’s not just about people with powers, you know?”
Though the shinobi world sure pretended it was. Half the roads even in Konoha weren’t paved. Kei probably ought to tell Sensei to rethink that policy, but it was difficult to explain without vehicles to reference.
Hayate frowned. “I guess?”
And though Kei hadn’t been a student at UA for long, or managed to be particularly good at it, she could say, “There’s also the fact that even heroes with really wild powers tend to use support items. Endeavor can’t exactly go around wearing normal clothes with his face on fire.”
Though she did kind of question why All Might couldn’t find clothes that fit both of his forms.
“So…” Hayate leaned back a little, hands loaded down by shopping bags. “Is it like fūinjutsu?”
“A bit,” Kei agreed. “But instead of spending years mastering the art alone—”
“You can have a lot of people benefit because anybody can use it,” Hayate concluded, which was a bit of a forty-five degree turn. But it was okay. Not a great analogy, but not the worst ever made.
Kei shrugged. “Sure.”
They made it through a few more stops before Hayate really started to flag. It had little to do with actual endurance, and a lot more to do with mental fatigue. Any person could only process so much in a day, and shoving Hayate into an urban environment even with a tour guide was a bit over the top.
“I’ve never seen so many buildings or people in my entire life,” Hayate said, once they were on the last train of the day. His shopping bags had ballooned a bit, making it difficult for others to find places to sit. “How can you stand it?”
“I got used to it,” Kei replied, rearranging the bags to give other people a few more spaces to sit. This was absolutely silly. “You holding up okay?”
“Mostly?” Hayate managed to keep a straight face for a while, then couldn’t hide a jaw-cracking yawn though he ducked his head. “Sorry, it’s a lot.” He scrubbed at his eyes with the heel of his free hand, like he’d been trying not to do all day. The city air didn’t agree with him. They’d already had to pick up cough medicine just in case.
“Good thing we’re headed back, then,” Kei was feeling the day drag on, too. “I’ll cook. You take a nap and we’ll have a slower day tomorrow.”
Hayate, after managing a tired, “Sounds good,” ended up dozing on a still-wrapped All Might hoodie. He wasn’t much more awake on the walk back.
While Hayate napped on the spare futon and Kei reheated stewed pumpkin, Isobu decided to check in.
What are the chances your Hokage only sent an itemized expense report for damages? Isobu didn’t sound like he cared about the answer.
It’s more likely that Sensei just bit Nezu’s head off in writing. Kei leaned against the counter and sighed. I was really more focused on how All Might, of all people, has an actual secret identity. Everyone else has their names listed and works with an agency.
Does the mutual unmasking have to mean anything? I am content to stew in resentment.
Then I won’t stop you. But the mission on our end doesn’t change much. Kei scratched the lowest corner of her scar. Today’s been all right. I don’t want to ruin it now.
Fine, Isobu huffed.
It was just a quiet night in, but it meant a lot even in this strange place.
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hozukitofu · 6 years
Minato, some points
Hello and welcome to Words for Namikaze Minato, our beloved Yondaime Hokage, sensei and elite killing machine:
It baffles me sometimes that he suggested or recommended (I'm sorry for not being up to date with canon to ascertain this) Kakashi into ANBU, you know, the local not-so-secret ninja killing squad. Kakashi has PTSD. He fought in a war. He was made a victim of a teammate's cruel suicide. He watched another got crushed under a rock. He lost an eye, got a Sharingan implant AND THEN gained his Mangekyou. All under a week (in that range somewhere). Any more killing would just destroy the child. He's a child soldier. Any child or human or anything vaguely breathing in him will be gone if he continues killing. Which is conveniently when Minato told him to join the kill squad, which obviously is the best choice and ONLY choice for him, like taking a rest for a year or seeking therapy or talking about his trauma is forbidden and must not be mentioned. He ruined that child, directly or indirectly, by recommending him into ANBU
Also did he like, teach his genin squad anything? I saw them go on missions together and the infamous Bell Test, but did he...like, train the brats? Do they know jackshit about war? Do they know how to fend for themselves? I understand that wars excuse a lot of morally ambiguous acts, and turning children into child soldiers for the state is one among many - so if the state, Konoha, said 'Let the children fight and be puppets for the adults', how come there was no,,,Crash Course 101: Survival Guide for Dummies in A Literal War. Or did I miss out on that in canon - I wouldn't know, I barely glimpsed at the manga
Minor detail, but did he comfort his genin team after the onslaught of trauma or the beloved saying of - 'Well genin are children and they've been in a war and Good Shinobi must suppress their feelings' - because the saying is stupid and they are babies and honestly, I'm 19, I'm young, but if a 13 year old under my tutelage had something distressing happened to them, I would have the human decency to comfort them and check up on them, so that they don't self-destruct and rot away in their confusion. But hey, what do I know, I'm only a kid
I get that he has a responsibility to the village and the village comes first, which I absolutely get, because he's in charge and the safety of everyone relies on him. But in taking that job, he would, at some point, have to make the call between his family and the state, in which case there is pain either way. I don't know how well the Nart fandom us with Agamemnon, but he chose the state over his family and ultimately failed as a father. Minato, though he saved the village from being smashed to smithereens, left his wife and unborn child to the protection of others leading up to the Konoha Nine Tail Smash and Scream episode, sealed a literal demon inside a baby, and then died protecting that baby and consequently the village. Now it's actually just sad because he failed BOTH his son in not protecting him enough and leaving him orphaned and left the village without a leader in the tumult of a Literal Demon Rampage
I just don't think shoving a demon made wholly of chakra into your unborn son was the best choice he could have made but once again, I actually don't know how that all works. Maybe I'm reaching, but he is intelligent. The role of a leader is to protect the safety of the vulnerable citizens in the state, and pregnant women who house chakra demon along with unborn infants are, shockingly, very vulnerable. Protection for Kushina should have been made tighter. Hell, why does Kushina need protection, isn't she a sealing master, can't she help with the protection effort too? Notwithstanding that, Minato should have been checking regularly on the time bomb that is Kushina about to deliver his spawn and the seals that jail the Nine Tail in. If he's not protecting then he should be maintaining. Or researching ways to store the demon outside of a human host. There are seals for everything. You telling me, smart and ruthless fighter with a high scores in the Academy, along with a surviving member of a deadly sealing village, could not come up with an alternative that wasn't Hey let's put the demon into our unborn child? It's just, he's supposedly a genius. Don't geniuses have contingency plans for basically everything? Why is he planning on the spot and willingly throwing his child to the fray? Shouldn't his paternal instincts and love stronger than the village safety? Sealing the kyuubi into Naruto is more for the village than his son and it makes me upset how when he is dying, he prioritises the village before his little crying blonde son, who, reasonably, should be protected by the village and shouldn't have to protect the village at literally hours into the world
New Road to Ninja! Minato just makes me furious, honestly. Maybe I'm too liberal. Maybe I'm too soft. But raising a hand against your child as a discipline method is just inhumane. Okay, Naruto is being an angry, typically rebellious teen. We've all been there. Teenage years are fraught with parents wanting to tear their hair out because their wayward spawns are so infuriating. And they won't goddamn listen. I get it. I have younger cousins and a brother. I was myself, an angry and stupid teenager. Still am. But that does not excuse, under any circumstances, violence against your child. You, the parent, the idol, the caretaker, the guardian, the everything your child look up to, you have just betrayed that trust by raising your hand and striking your child. It does not matter how hard or not you've struck them, it's the ideology and belief that this is the only way to get them to listen and no other method works. It angers me. It angers me that Minato, who is gentle and understanding and kind and sweet, would hit his visibly angry for no reason and confused son, who ought to be a beloved piece of himself and should be reasoned with. Naruto is angry, yes, and reckless, and could have endangered the mission, but he is with sense and explanations will eventually make it through his head. The utter betrayal a child feels when struck by their parents is inexplicable. The child has only you and you have betrayed their unwavering belief in you as an adult. Any reasonable adult would not just hit any child on the street, so why would their own child make any difference to a stranger? Kinship and blood should not be a leeway to excusing violence against your ward. That is illegal and gross and utterly disappointing. Naruto does not respect Minato anymore than he wasn't when he was hit. Minato's disciplinary methods were just edging towards him establishing superiority over his son and staking a claim on the fact that he is his son and he can do whatever it is imaginable to get him to listen, which is just ew and ineffective. Minato's words are what got through to Naruto, which then rendered the slap across the face, hard, pointless and just plain violent. Naruto listened, and talking to him would have been achievable if, you know, Minato regard him as an equal and use his words, which he didn't. When a parent strike their child, they demean their ward and it is a behaviour I can't accept no matter what the reason behind it is
I also understand that he is a fictional character and his actions are entirely up to how Kishi dictated. I do want to put it out there that I love and admire him, as a shinobi and a leader, but probably not as a parent and teacher, not after I've given out these points. Of course, they are only my own rambling thoughts and nobody is under any obligation to listen fully to what I say. You can argue and debate against it, of course, but I don't believe this will attract much traction, just keep it critical and respectful!
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goldenyondaime · 6 years
Despite how easy going I portray Minato as, he is also a byproduct of the war within his timeline as well. 
Growing up in Konoha, it became apparent just how different Namikaze Minato was from the rest of the students. He broke every single one of Uchiha Fugaku’s records within school, absolutely excelled in nearly every area of it. 
What people don’t know is that this child, genius that he is, lacked various social skills. Oh, he could imitate them as he observed others, however, Minato always lacked in the areas needed of gaining friends. Add on top that he was born an innate sensor, and thus, had little knowledge of how to control that until he was a teenager, he was adverse to physical contact with other people. All of that together accumulated into a child that wanted bonds, and yet was also adverse to them as well. 
His first real ‘admiration’ came in the form of Uchiha Fugaku, which ironically, is the very person whose records that Minato was beating within the academy. Here was another genius who he could connect to. Someone that he went to in hopes of being trained in genjutsu (the one weakness that he would never fully learn how to overcome), only - 
Only to face rejection once again as Fugaku had brushed him off without a thought. 
Onto his genin years - Minato was estatic once he was on his own team. Being trained by a Sannin of all things was the icing on top - until the war happened. 
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Bring medical supplies to the front lines that were crucial to shinobi’s survivors. The second war raged on, took so many lives, even causing the destruction of Uzushiogakure. The mission should have been easy. But nothing is easy in war, and even Genin are not subject to being spared, as Minato soon found out as his team was attacked. His first kill was at ten years old, in self defense. 
Jiraiya found one of his genin dead by the time he arrived. The other was heavily injured, yet alive, and Minato didn’t speak for nearly a month after that mission. His teammate was never able to complete another mission again due to how heavily he was injured, and this was the beginning of Minato learning how to compartmentalize his emotions. 
He forged on. Took the Chunin exams, passed with flying colors. And by the time he was fifteen years old, Minato was in ANBU, and had obtained the Cheetah mask. During his time between his chunin years and his ANBU years, he became extremely proficient with Fuuinjutsu. Jiraiya was the one to help Minato with the basics, and from there, Kushina helped with her own knowledge of Fuuin from Uzushiogakure. Minato soaked up knowledge of Fuuinjutsu so naturally that it became crucial to his fighting style. 
It also became crucial to his innate sensor abilities, giving him the chance to get it under control. Seals littered his arms, dampening his sensory abilities to where Minato himself could control them - his sense of touch being the main thing that outright caused him pain - and he became heavily reliant on them. So heavily reliant that even removing one seal will cause a sensory overload attack. 
By seventeen, Minato has his own ANBU team. He delves further into the notion of becoming a weapon for the village, of working within the shadows, and begins to lose himself more to it. It’s not until the third war comes about that he’s jerked out of the comfort, the familiarity of that life, that he’s made to take on a Genin team of his own to lead into war. 
And he’s terrified. Three lives now rely on him, three lives that he must nurture and keep safe. Minato does his best, and he makes mistake with his team, but he tries as best he can. He cares as best he can, does all that he can, and still it’s not enough. 
Not when Obito dies. Not when Rin dies and Kakashi becomes all that he has left of his team. 
Kushina is there for him, and their relationship is far from perfect. He has too many flashbacks of the war, (thousands of people stain his hands, but he would do it again), and he slips up around her at times when he’s startled. It’s far from perfect, but it grounds him in the world, until the day he’s chosen as a candidate for Hokage. 
He wants to refuse it, but the alternative is Orochimaru, and Hiruzen has him cornered. Minato has little choice but to really accept it, despite wanting to disappear back into the holdings of ANBU, and then - 
Kushina is pregnant. He’s once again terrified, because the seal becomes unstable. His worst nightmare happens, and Minato is the type of person to do what’s necessary. Why should he ask anyone else to give up their own child to become a Jinchuuriki, when he would not do the very same with his child? Why should he ask others to sacrifice, when he’s not willing to do the same? 
So he does. And does. Again and again, until - 
His last living memory is of his son crying before Minato takes those final breaths.
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