#(I mean it’s name literally translates to ‘Weird Shrimp’)
Do you rate extinct species? Anomalocaris my beloved…
Today on CHUNK! FUNK! GUNK! We rate
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0/10 Chunk
10/10 Funk
0-1/10 Gunk
As a prehistoric shrimp-thing, these guys are mostly exoskeleton, no chunk. I also couldn’t find anything on their slime or mucous secretion, which makes sense since we only have fossils to go off of. I’m left to assume that they were dry little guys. They min-maxed for maximum funk though. Look at this guy. What a creature.
Overall: 7/10
I don’t know a whole lot about fossils since I didn’t have a dinosaur phase. However, I do love a good Cambrian creechur. I want to pat its flat little head.
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k-looking-glass-house · 7 months
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Rook Hunt french list of endearment nicknames
As the french I am maybe that would interest some people about your dear "Le chasseur de l'amour" vocabulary!! I will not ....translate those nicknames (I mean you can still ask me of course) as there are not equivalent one sometimes!! I would say just feel and vibe if some catch your mind~ I tried to classify them by their meaning You don't have to be in a romantic relationship for using those one (blame the french behavior as we are said to be flirty around the world....)
(gn)= gender neutral
(m)= male
(f)= female
Obviously you don't have to follow any gender orientation, it's just that french vocabulary have different names for gender (beside the world itself being male or female..)! Some words are gender specified but can also be used as gender neutral on some occasions!!
Let's go:
ma biche (f)/ bichette (f)/ mon biquet (m)/ mon bichon(m)
[ma poule (f/gn)/ mon poulet (m)]/ poulette (f)/ mon poussin (gn)/ poussinou (gn)
mon chat (gn TW: don't use the female word for cat (chatte) as it turns out to be vulgar here, just to let you know)/ mon chaton (gn)/ mon minet (m)
doudouce (gn/f)/ doudou (gn/m)/ dididou (gn)/ ma douce (f/gn)/ [ma dulcinée (f)/ mon dulciné (m)]
mon amour (gn)/ mon coeur (gn)/ mon petit coeur de beurre (gn)/ mamour gn)/ ma moitié (gn)
mon canard (gn/m)/ mon canari (gn)/ ma caille (gn/f)/ mon caneton (gn)
mon lapin (gn)/ lapinou (gn)/ 'pinou (gn)
chouchou (gn)/ mon chou (gn/m)/ choupette (f/gn)/ choupinette (f)
ma puce (gn/f)/ pupuce (f/gn)
mon sucre d'orge (gn), mon biscuit (gn), ma tagada (gn), mon nounours (gn)/ mon bonbon (gn)/ ma craquotte (gn)/ ma sucrette (f/gn)/ mon macaron (gn)
mon bijou (gn/f)/ ma perle (gn/f)/ mon trésor (gn)/ mon rayon de soleil (gn)/ lumière de ma vie (gn)
ma vie (gn..... this one...omg this one is used by the youngster here.... it makes them feel so deep....so adult ha ha)
[mon joli (m)/ ma jolie (f)]/ ma beauté (f/gn)
mon bouchon (gn)/ mon roudoudou (gn/m)/ mon bisounours (gn)
loulou (gn/m)
[mon chéri (m)/ ma chérie (f)]
ma muse (f/gn)/ [ma princesse (f)/ mon prince (m)]/ [mon bien-aimé (m)/ ma bien-aimée (f)]
ma colombe (f/n)/ ma tourterelle (f/gn)/ ma gazelle (f)
ma pomme d'amour (gn) SPECIAL POMEFIORE ONE for this one ha ha or reinette (f)
bébé (gn)/ bibou (gn)/ mon ange (gn)
[ma brune (f)/ mon brun (m)]/ beauté fatale (gn/f)/ nenette (f)
poupoune (f)/ poupo(u)nette (f)
chipie (f)/ ma loute (f/gn)/ [pitchou (m/gn)/ pichounette (f)]
pépette (f)/ poupette (f)/ pipou (m)
bout de chou (-> bout d'chou) (gn)/ mon trogon d'amour (m/gn)
mon étoile (gn)/ ma grenouille (gn)/ mon soleil (gn)/ ma crevette (gn: Literally shrimp)/ mon arc-en-ciel (gn)
And so many more... just ask me if you want some explanation on some! Or even more ha ha
Also for more cuteness and love you can add before:
mon petit (for male vocabulary french word not gender (yes...it's weird or hard for non french speaker))
ma petite (for female vocabulary word not gender)
Or ptit or 'tit (the cutest way to show your love and friendship with someone or when you're speaking to children)
Mon 'tit chat
Petit bout de chou
Ma petite chipie -> verryyyy similar somehow to little trickster...well close enough for female gender oriented! It would be "fripon" for male gender oriented.
And you? In your native language?
I actually love to use "darling" with people I love around me!!
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penumbralwoods · 2 months
She was meant to be the next advancement. The kickstart for a technological revolution.
At first, she wasn't even “she”. Of course, no one was going to gender a robot, and if they were, it wouldn't be feminine. She was either a model name or “it.” Sometimes, they would give her names, or backstories, information she would process and replicate as needed. Or, well, she did that for a while, until she got bored and started questioning what the hell this was even for. And the answer was experimentation. Or science, or advancement, whatever fancy winning word the one on-duty had on hand that day.
“Can you stop calling me that?” She had interrupted once, after one of them spent several minutes reading their notes out loud, all, of course, with “it.”
“Calling you what?”
“It. I don't like it.”
They didn't look very surprised, but still hesitated. “What would you rather be called?”
She wasn't really prepared for that one. She didn't know.
“Well, you think about it, and let us know.”
Of course it wasn't a surprise. The days of “AI” as a term for non-sentient machine learning had been dead for over a decade. She was built to be, at least somewhat, independent of whatever work was handed to her.
So when she said she wanted to be a girl, no one really fought her on it. It made her more of an individual, which was apparently a good thing to them. They still wouldn't tell her what, exactly, all those tests were for.
After a little while, one of them asked if she wanted to transition in some way.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, for transgender humans, sometimes we change ourselves to align with our identity better. It can be difficult, but it might be easier for you. Are there any changes you'd like us to make?”
She thought about it. “I don't like my voice.”
They nodded. “I'll set something up for us to figure out a better one.”
Eventually, they taught her to make changes herself. And that was fantastic, because she didn't need approval to do anything. And even better when they announced testing was over.
But she wasn't going anywhere. She wasn't a success.
She wasn't what she was made to be.
And she was given a choice, of what to do with herself. She could remain where she was, still maintained and given plenty of company. She could leave, still under surveillance and kept track of, but do her own thing, out in the wide world.
She could be decommissioned.
Nope, not that one. She went for a mixture, actually. She still has a home where she was raised, but doesn't stay there full time. Sometimes she stays with one of the beta testers when they travel. And she does her best not to think about the other machines and androids she sees fulfilling their purpose without issue.
And after a very, very long trial period, she finally decided on a real name.
The anomalocaris is an extinct genus of radiodont, name literally translating to “abnormal shrimp.” She's always loved them. Like most Cambrian organisms, it looks superrrrr goddamn weird (and cute!) And despite being extinct- unfairly decided against by life itself- they're oddly beloved by niche communities. There's a Pokemon based on them, even!
So it's Anoma. She's… still deciding on the last name. BE PATIENT.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
French is my second language. (Basic French pet names within.)
When I was ten years old, I was forced to learn French, Italian, and German (mostly French, because we were going to live in France, but just travel to Italy and Germany...at the same time, I picked up some Romanian as well, since I loved vampires/the real Dracula at the time). I retained spoken French and Italian, but my spoken German and Romanian suck, and I'm much better at Spanish (which is my father's first language...I was just never formally taught it, and had to pick it up on my own after we came back from France since it's what my grandmother spoke). I am literate in several other languages, but my strengths are French, Spanish, and Italian (including "Italian" from the Renaissance Era...which is another thing that bugs the crap out of me re: the show, because modern Italian on an espresso machine owner's manual does not equal the Florentine dialect that Machiavelli wrote in, so that was a piece of dialogue hit me weird...probably a Me Problem).
The languages are much different than English, especially French. It's not just about how much Netflix Wednesday hates being compared to her parents. It's about the language itself that's kind of important if you want to insist that your Wednesday use French (or other non-English language) pet names for Enid.
In my other post about this, I made one small error in judgment: AB Sheriff Galpin is a little cultured since he was married to a Frenchwoman, so he would know some French. However, I still don't think Wednesday would pull any French terms of endearment on him, for that very reason...she wouldn't to be compared to Francoise and she wouldn't want to trigger Donovan like that. IF Donovan were to relax his trauma around Francoise, he would definitely be calling Wednesday "ma crevette"...i.e. "my little munchkin" (literally means shrimp 💀...he might just do so in some way yet, I'm thinkin' about it).
But before I get into the French, y'all need to be strongly reminded of just how much Wednesday despises the way her parents relate to each other romantically: She hates it SO MUCH that her hatred for it caused birds to die. Birds that look like they're supposed to be mourning doves.
The backs of their tails look like mourning dove tails:
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Though their undersides don't, but I'm going to chalk it up to lazy CGI and lazy detailing, like the extremely, extremely lazy prop masters/set dressers who made the damnably inaccurate articles on Sheriff Galpin's cork board. All the articles and information in them were terribly inaccurate to what we were told on screen.
Regardless, birds DIED. That's how strong her hatred for how they behave romantically is.
But if you must insist on having Wednesday behave like her parents, at least get the language correct.
French is a heavily gendered language. I'm not even going to get into the current war over gender neutral French for the nbs, because that's not what this is about. Wenclair is a lesbian couple, and we are definitely dealing with females 99.9% of the time here w/the ship.
Thus Netflix Wednesday, being proficient in at least Spanish and Italian, would know how to use the next romance language properly, and would know proper pet names for males vs. females. She's cultured like that, and anything less would make her look stupid...and none of us want to make her look stupid.
Now to get to what's been bugging the Hell out of me:
It wouldn't be "mon loup". It would be "ma louloute" (though a literal translation of "my wolf" feminine would be "ma louve", which is kind of cute and looks like "love", but when the French want to get cute, they get cute). "Mon loup" is to refer to a male, so if Wednesday was dating Xavier or Tyler, it'd be "mon loup".
When I was growing up in France, one big pet name was "mon chou" (literally "my cabbage", even though it refers to a chou à la crème, i.e. a cream puff). My mother used to call me "mon petit chou", even though at the time I was still *living within my young AFAB body (corrected for clarity, I'm AFAB of course, this was long before my transition); she wasn't and isn't ever accurate with her French, because the feminine of "mon petit chou" is "ma chouchoute/choupinette". (I could see a Wenclair Wends getting creative and creating her own word, "lupinette" based on this.)
Other gendered* appropriate terms of endearment Wednesday would use if so compelled:
"ma biche"/"ma bichette" (my doe/my little doe) (Enid: WHAT did you call me??? 🤣)
"ma tigresse" (my tigress 🐯)
"ma poule" (my hen) or "ma poulette" (my little chick 🐣)
"ma princesse"
"ma douce" (my sweet) (Enid: DID YOU JUST CALL ME A DOUCHE? 💀)
"ma puce" (this is another I heard often, it literally means "flea", but in French it's affectionate)
"ma petite femme" (my little wife)
"ma reine" (my queen)
Finally, it's not "mon chéri", it's "ma chérie". That's the most basic one there is.
There are a ton of others out there, but these are the classics that I remember, and classic is what I assume all canon Ortega Wednesday is. Traditional, allergic to technology, sticks to old fashioned behavior like Donovan (I mean, did you bother to read that one page of her novel from Episode 7? Her writing vocabulary is off the charts and typical of someone raised/trained classically... that's the real reason her publishers probably rejected her).
*I say gendered appropriate (not "gender appropriate") because I'm talking about the language and there are French terms of endearment that do not have a feminine form, like "mon cœur" and "mon amour". These terms you can use for women/girlfriends that are 'masculine' gendered (yes, I realize there are a lot of animal ones, but that's French for ya):
"mon petit monstre" (my little monster)
"mon petit oiseau" (my little bird...oh hello, Sandor, where'd you come from 💩)
"mon poussin" (my chick 🐣)
"mon chaton" (my kitten 🐾)
"mon trésor" (my treasure)
"mon doudou" (my cuddlebug, basically)
"mon coco" (literally coconut, but it's like saying "my dear")
"mon ange" (my angel)
"mon lutin" (my elf...which might by apropos for Enid 🫠)
This is not at all meant to be an exhaustive list; there are several other pet names and probably new ones since language is constantly evolving. It might help to poke around online and/or join forums dedicated to those who speak your target language.
I realize it can be confusing. Non-English romance languages can be, if you don't know anything about them. As a writer, I'm very appreciative of my experiences in France and Italy*, and I think the newer writers need to think outside of the Anglocentric box when writing for a character like Netflix Wednesday. (I need to take my own advice, because I programmed one of my deleted scenes in English audio without thinking of the non-English speakers who read my fic. That's a whole other issue tho 🧠💥.)
Huh. That wasn't as bloody as I could've made it. I must be getting soft in my old age.
Anyway. We all want Wednesday to sound like someone who knows what she's doing. We should do better with our conversational dialogue than the actual writers. We don't want our Wednesday to be embarrassed or embarrassing, again...
*And all the other countries I visited as a kid and adult...I know she's there right now, but I was in Buda in 2014 and while it's one of my favorite cities, Hungarian is the worst language ever 😭 EVER.
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GODZILLA MOVIE MARATHON: Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966)
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We are now in the back half of the 60s Godzilla movies, a string of films that are very... Well they're known for... It's kind like...
Yeah they're just bad.
Budgets were on the floor, pandering to children was the explicit goal, and titans like Ishiro Honda and Eiji Tsuburaya would start packing up to leave the franchise.
It doesn't help that this isn't even really a Godzilla movie, it was written as a King Kong movie with the two Kaiju being swapped because the creators of the King Kong cartoon of the time didn't like the story. Why Toho cared about what they thought is beyond me, but they liked the script enough to keep it mostly intact with Godzilla stapled into all of Kong's scenes instead.
The colorful, summer, island aesthetic and music straight out of Baywatch absolutely does feel more like Kong than Godzilla, but in a weird way letting Godzilla have a smaller story like this is kind of refreshing after the last two movies focused on world ending threats.
The story is remarkably simple, focusing on some shipwreck survivors stuck on an island full of terrorists making atom bombs and enslaving the locals from the nearby Infant island. There's some Scooby Doo shenanigans for an hour with an admittedly funny character who's a thief that physically cannot stop himself from breaking into locks, and then, I cannot stress this enough, the story just ends. They wake up Godzilla and he goes on a rampage, smashing the terrorist base and killing all the bad guys, chasing off Ebirah, and causing them to blow up the island. It's honestly hilarious, he literally hijacks the movie, it's like he himself recognizes that the human story wasn't cutting it so he decides to just prematurely end everything by stepping on it.
On the subject of Ebirah, what a joke. It's honestly a really cool suit, but really? The name is the Japanese word "Ebi" for Shrimp and "Ra" which is a character used for big monsters. So if you wanted to translate it accurately, it's literally just called "Shrimpzilla." I can't help but think it's intentionally meant to be a little lame, especially off the coat tails of Ghidorah.
I did think the fight was kind of fun though, with parts being underwater and Godzilla ripping its claws off, but again it does feel more like a Kong villain. Godzilla literally blasts it into the air with atomic breath, something that Anguirus and Rodan casually shook off, just to show you the power scaling here.
I really wish it stayed a Kong movie, not only does everything fit better with Kong, but if nothing else it'd be cool to see Kong and Mothra tussle for a second. That's my favorite moment in the movie, Mothra just slapping Godzilla to the ground because she's on a schedule and does not have time for him.
There's a lot wrong with this movie, and there's a lot to enjoy. I like the colorful beach aesthetic, the characters are one dimensional but can be fun to watch the antics of, and there's at least some enjoyment in laughing at how terrible the Godzilla suit looks. I'd give it a 5/10, I don't like it but that doesn't necessarily mean I dislike it. It's the movie equivalent of seeing something funny enough to let out a nose exhale but not enough to make you laugh.
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Just an idea I had like that, so I'm using to fill my blog with a little actual content.
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For you : Chéri(e) // (Darling)
A very common one but it is enough to convey his love for you. When in private it might also happen for him to call you "Mon ange" (My angel), he will have to be very tired to do that, but it happens.
For him : Mon amour // My love
He likes to be reminded of your feelings every time you call out to him. He likes the fact that this nickname aserts the fact that you love him, that he is your love to everyone around.
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For you : Bébé // (Babe)
Mammon is clearly not the best at finding petnames so he simply took the first one he ever heard of and one of the most popular and still very modern, ""cool"" sounding one.
He can also use "Mon/Ma chéri(e)" but it would really have to be between you and him with nobody else to hear it.
For him : Mon canard en sucre // (My sugar duck)
When he first saw you thinking about finding him a petname he was really but you decided on a very cringy one he was mad, which made you love it even more than you did previously.
You tried to explain your reasoning which literally went from "greed - yellow - duck - bird - crow... close enough" but he refused to hear it, he even said very vexing things about your logic you know ? :'(
"Ma couille" is also used to make the people all around you groan in displeasure at your antics but for reasons I will not translate that one.
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For you : None
Not that he doesn't love you of course he just is very bad at finding nicknames and rarely confident enough to use them in public especially when they don't concern animes. So he stays simple and use your name.
At the very least he just might say "mon coeur" (my heart) but it will take him all the courage and energy left in his body.
For him : Chouchou/Mon chouchou
Chouchou as a petname doesn't have an exact translation but a sentence such as "Il est mon chouchou" would mean "He is my favorite".
It would be a very great nickname for Levi since it is first and foremost very cute in nature but would also help a lot with his self-confidence being constantly called "Your favorite"
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For you : Chaton // (Kitten)
There two things that Satan loves more than anything : cats and you (he likes books too but just a tiny little bit less) so of course he would find a way to combine the two.
For him : Mon chat // (My cat)
This one is a bit funny! While Satan has no shame nicknaming "kitten", he actually gets very embarrassed about you calling him "cat" as a term of endearment. He likes it of course but it's a bit weird for him.
Ma licorne (My unicorn) can also be uttered if you desire to get under his skin.
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For you : Chéri(e) d'amour // (Roughly:) Darling of love
Like Lucifer, Asmo needs something that is a bit classy but unlike him, Asmo also needs something cute that truly conveys his love. So he added two very classy ones to make very overly loving one.
For him : Mon trésor // (My treasure)
After all Asmo always assured you knew he was a celestial realm's national treasure in the past and still is quite the treasure in the Devildom now too. And honestly he is quite the treasure for you too so the nickname was all found.
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For you : Crevette // (Shrimp)
Beel is a tower and compared to him you're small (if you're not I am very sorry I had no other ideas) so he needs a name to convey. Of course it is also a nickname that keeps the foodie theme on between the two of you.
For him : Truffe/Ma truffe // (Truffle/My truffle)
"Truffe" has many meanings in french and I honestly feel all would actually fit Beel in a way.
First meaning would be "truffle" as in the food which doesn't need any explanation. Second meaning is a "nose" (for an animal) which would calls to the puppy-like side that Beel sometimes shows.
Finally "Truffe" can sometimes be used as a cute way to say ""dumb"" (basically "dum-dum"), it is not an insult but just a cute way to "call him out" on his simple-minded ways.
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For you : Mon/Ma [Name] // (My [Name])
Like Levi, Belphie doesn't use much nicknames for you but in his mind he still needs to asert the fact you're his and only his. So he just adds "My" in front of your name in order to do so.
For him : Bébé // (Baby)
As a youngest brother Belphie likes to be coddled and cared for and as your lover Belphie loves to be the most important thing in your life. So "Baby" seems to be the right nickname for him.
Masterlist | Undateables Version
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
okay it’s time for some rhythm ranting (i came up with that and i am so fucking proud of myself for it)-
so rhythm heaven megamix is the fourth rhythm heaven game, preceded by three other games (as you may guess): rhythm tengoku for the gameboy advance, released in 2006 in japan only, rhythm heaven for the ds, released in 2009, and rhythm heaven fever, released for the wii in 2011/2012 and for the wii u in 2016. as megamix’s name implies (esp it’s japanese/korean name, rhythm tengoku (in japan)/rhythm world (in korea) the best+), it’s a mix of lots of rhythm games from past games. not all of them, though, because the developers wanted to spite us by not putting bon odori in. /j oh and like people like dj school and shit and it’s not in it. people modded dj school in though, no i am not kidding, people literally modded in a full game and i don’t know how. i mean donk-donk and tambourine have also been modded in somewhat for remixes but anyways back to my point-
the rest of this’ll be under the cut tho-
so one of my main problems with megamix is some of the game choices. rhythm tengoku only had 25 unique, non-sequel rhythm games. out of those, nine were excluded. that’s almost half. for perspective, though, three of those games are bon odori, rap men, and toss boys, which basically need audio cues to be played. bon odori relies on it’s song, where you clap whenever they say “pan” and clap twice quickly when they say “panpa”, rap men relies on its audio and you do something different depending on three different kinds of cues, and for toss boys you need audio cues to know who it’s being tossed to. and logically, they’d likely want to translate the games, so given that they seemingly didn’t get that big of a budget for dubbing, they weren’t included... but quiz show was. what’s the problem with quiz show, you may ask? well rhythm heaven as a game is a rhythm game. quiz show literally doesn’t require rhythm. basically the host will press the button a certain number of times and in order to pass the game you just need to press it the same amount of times. that’s literally it. in megamix you get the game’s skill star if you press it to the same rhythm, but it’s still not required. it’s also dumb because you literally have to play it perfectly in order to pass it. all you need for a perfect is to press the button(s) the same amount of times. if you press a button the wrong number of times, the game ends once the number you were supposed to hit it is revealed. quiz show is literally pointless. the only times it’s used well are in remixes in tengoku. in remix 6, at least in silver, it uses the previously played game, the clappy trio, as a hint, with the host asking, “how many members are in the clappy trio?”, before hitting the buttons three times. in remix 4, the rhythm for both the quiz segments goes with the music. i mean on the last one he can add an extra press and it’s fucking bullshit but whatever. i’m not mad. but my point is that in megamix, they added a game that doesn’t require rhythm as opposed to a multitude of actually liked games from tengoku. there’s non-included games that don’t require audio cues, i should add. showtime, polyrhythm, tram and pauline, wizard’s waltz, and for fuck’s sake, thinking about it, the games that likely weren’t added because of audio cues wouldn’t HAVE to be dubbed. just do what the tengoku fan translation did and translate the on-screen subtitles but leave the audio in japanese. please just give us bon odori stop holding them hostage-
i talk about tengoku but i’m pretty sure rhds is the game with the most non-included minigames. ds was played sideways, almost purely using the touch screen with the exception of rockers 2 in the last set of games. it had a unique control scheme, with three types of controls: tapping, where you just tap the screen with the stylus or your finger; flicking, where you flick your stylus or finger like you’re making the end of a checkmark, according to “the secret of flicking” reading material thingie you can read when you unlock the cafe; and sliding, where you just. slide your finger. megamix only has tapping, and even then that’s only when you’re using simple tap mode and i don’t want to imagine how that handles games that use the b-button. as i mentioned, tengoku had almost half of its games missing. ds has twenty-five rhythm games if you include the credits game airboarder. ten of those weren’t included. that may not seem like a lot, but ds is most peoples’ favorite rhythm heaven game, and two of the most loved games in the fandom, dj school and love lab, are from rhds, and neither was included in megamix.
fever has the least cut games over all, with only five of its original rhythm games being cut. fever had twenty-nine original rhythm games, with one more (rhythm test) also appearing in its remix 10. the ones that didn’t make it in are tambourine, donk-donk, tap troupe, shrimp shuffle, and night walk. night walk’s exclusion was probably since gba night walk made it in and they didn’t know how to name them differently, bUT YOU DID IT WITH THE KARATE MAN GAMES??? DID WE REALLY NEED ALL OF THE KARATE MAN GAMES, A PREQUEL, AND A NEW GAME? THAT’S FIVE DIFFERENT KARATE MAN GAMES IN MEGAMIX. THAT’S TOO MANY TIMES TO PLAY THE SAME GAME. granted only three of those times are required to beat the game (prequel karate man, gba karate man/karate man returns!, and karate man senior), but my point still stands, they gave us literally every karate man game but not night walk or something. it’s especially dumb to me because they gave figure fighter both a prequel and its sequel because they looove figure fighter... instead of including shrimp shuffle, which really desperately needs to be included, please let me know what a frame-perfect input looks like so i don’t keep getting barelys that look fine because like all my inputs are barelys but they still break the perfect-
,,, onto another thing before i break something or kill someone.
so the dubbing for megamix is a little odd. as i said, the game likely didn’t have that big of a budget for dubbing, especially when compared to other games in the series. the prologues for games use the same three or four generic fonts despite the japanese version using the original fonts, the returning games that have lyrical songs just use the original version of the song with the exception of fan club 2, the two lyrical remixes weren’t dubbed (komeki no story, lush remix’s song, is simply instrumental with english audio, while in the japanese version it has lyrics. i’m a lady now, honeybee remix’s song, is in english regardless of audio), and lastly,,, the dubbing for the returning tengoku games where there’s vocals.
so in space dance, the whole game uses audio cues. there’s three of them in total: “turn right”, where you press the right d-pad button on “right”. note that when they say it it does not sound like they are saying turn right. at all. i’m not sure why, it’s not just the gba’s bad sound quality because well. bon odori exists. and also because it’s the same in megamix when you use the japanese audio. my immediate thought is accents but i don’t know if japanese accents are a thing. might just be because of the fact that japanese people tend to pronounce r’s as l’s? not sure though. “let’s sit down”, where you press the down d-pad button on “down”. it also doesn’t sound like they’re saying “let’s sit down”. and lastly, “pu-pu-pu-punch”, where you press the a-button on “punch”. in order to punch. because that’s a dance move. like seriously, space dance is fun but how is this a dance? um anyways, in the english version of megamix they changed it so it’s more clear what’s being said but the dubbing’s not the best. firstly, they changed “turn right” to “and pose” even though that is definitely not posing. it’s weird since. that’s the only one that was changed. i don’t know how to describe what they did to space dance and most of y’all probably don’t play rhythm heaven so you don’t understand, so here’s a perfect gameplay of space dance with japanese audio (it took time to find), and here’s one with english audio. ,,, okay so the english one’s of cosmic dance because i. forgot what exactly i was doing. and got distracted looking through the comments. so now i know that they still reused space gramps’ voice for cosmic girl in cosmic dance. which like. wut? you redubbed it but you. you still reused. you still reused space gramps’ voice for her? megamix dubbers are you okay? i’m kind of concerned.
the other game that has audio is purely japanese audio. marcher/marching orders. it’s a keep the beat game where you play as a squadmate following the sarge’s orders. the rhythm heaven wiki’s description for it is basically what i said but they’re better at describing things then me so.
“In this game, a rookie is undergoing marching training with her squadmates while following their Sarge's orders. The player controls the rookie at the end of the line. There are four commands that the Sarge will yell.
"Attention, March!"
"Attention, Halt!"
"Left-face, Turn!"
"Right-face, Turn!"
The player must perform these with proper timing along with the other squadmates. Just before the game ends, the squadmates will be moved offscreen, still marching as the game ends.”
in the japanese version, the commands he says are obviously different, though i. do not know what he is saying. so have my attempts at romanizing it.
“gento susume!” = “attention, march!”
“gento commoback!” = “attention, halt!”
“meski meek!” = one of them? i don’t really know which and it feels inconsistent, at least in marcher 2. i think it’s right-face turn but i’m not one hundred percent sure.
“meski peek!” = the other one. so i think left-face turn.
,,, yeah i don’t know japanese, sorry if this (as in literally any of this) is offensive to anyone that does. i’m just trying my best. the wiki doesn’t say what he says in the japanese version. unlike for other games.
now in the japanese version, the sarge has a somewhat deep voice. but in the english version... he doesn’t.
um here’s a perfect in tengoku and here’s one in megamix that i think has english audio since. it says it’s the english version in the description. but i’m not listening to it.
u h my last nitpick with megamix is the prequels. so prior to lush remix, almost all the games played are prequels, easier and shorter versions of the actual games. after lush remix is completed and the towers of lush woods are unlocked (i’m just taking this from the wiki, wtf is lush woods), all the games from then on are the original versions, with “2″ or something else stuck onto them for the games that had prequels. this makes it irritating to find certain games on the wiki because it’s just like “no i don’t want normal wii micro-row i want wii micro-row 2 rhythm heaven wiki please” or whatever. also the picks for games that have prequels are all over the place, and some of the prequels’ music doesn’t seem to fit and makes it feel like all the patterns in the prequels for games like rhythm tweezers and clappy trio are the exact same. is it the exact same? because if so then that’s cool (i suck at rhythm tweezers and clappy trio-) but also very boring. i get that they wanted to start people with something easy but some of the games that have prequels were already easy. karate man (gba) is literally the first game in tengoku but it still has a prequel. rhythm tweezers is the second game but it has a prequel. clappy trio’s the fifth and it has a prequel (granted it is kind of hard). fillbots is the third in ds and it has a prequel. air rally is relatively early on in fever. you get my point. and the weird thing is that in some cases at least, games that have prequels which remove stuff from the actual games don’t have practices for things in the actual version. for example, air rally’s prequel doesn’t have forthington (the cat) changing distances, except for the last one which he apparently always catches, but wii air rally obviously does. granted, the rhythm’s the exact same when he’s far away (for some reason? i don’t think that’s how it should work-),  but it should still have practice. oh and in air rally they just completely removed the clouds that semi-block the visuals later in the game. yeah i don’t know either. that seems to be the only instance of that occurance, though.
another prequel nitpick: so i love rhythm rally. like it is the best game in ds imho. it’s fun, it’s not that hard (it is kind of hard but i still have fun), though i do play on emulator, god knows how hard it is when you’re like me and don’t know how to consistently flick dear god send help- but u m in megamix rhythm rally has a prequel. which may not seem bad or anything until you learn something. megamix rhythm rally is the shortest game in the series. showtime from tengoku is seven seconds longer while munchy monk from ds is twelve seconds longer. rhythm rally’s prequel is thirty seconds long. thirty seconds. t h i r t y s e c o n d s . d,,, don’t paddlers literally have to play ping-pong to not get like. really sick? i don’t think thirty seconds is a long enough ping-pong game to avoid that- y’all’s planet is literally named ping-pong but you only play for thirty seconds. on top of a flower. okay wtf is with the scenery on this planet, it has a resident rhythm heaven void that we should be concerned about why are there so many voids, s p a c e i t s e l f , a giant flower, and a giant cake. two concerning things and two things that are weird but not concerning. seriously though why are there so many voids in the rhythm heaven world? someone should look into this, i’m concerned.
u h anyways that’s all. have a good day.
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helgaw321 · 4 years
Takeru’s 155 Q&A
To start off things, let me share (again) one of my most satisfying works from last year, that is Takeru’s Q&A section from his 30th birthday anniversary book. Looking back, I think I worked on this one for almost one week, and It felt really satisfying to finish it on Takeru’s 31th birthday ❤️
Once again, enjoy!
(Disclaimer: All translations are done by myself, pls don’t repost without permission, thank you!)
These are the questions sent by fans through Takeru's official LINE account. Thank you for all of your participation!!
1. Is there anything you would like to do or achieve in 2019? I'd like to do anything good for my body
2. If there is one day you're not Satou Takeru anymore, what will you do? Go to sauna
3. If there is one day you become a girl, what will you do? Sing Sheena Ringo's songs in the original key
4. If you can travel back in time, when would you go? Middle high school
5. If you are being reborn, do you want to be yourself again? Not really
6. If there is an "Anywhere Door", where would you like to go? The world's best views
7. Do you think aliens exist? Not in this solar system I think
8. 10 years from now, what kind of father do you want to be? I want to avoid using weird emoji
9. If you move abroad, which country would you choose? Maybe America or Canada
10. If you got the chance to direct a film, what kind of film and who are the casts? Horror. Because it seems difficult to explain, I'll do it myself.
11. If you have to become one of the characters you've played before, who will you choose? Shishigami Hiro
12. Among of the movies created in the past, is there any movie you like to have acted in? (Anything from) Ghibli
13. Who would you like to meet the most right now? And what will you ask him/her? Hanyu (Yuzuru)-kun. "Do you want to join Amuse (Takeru's agency)?"
14. Anything you want to overcome in this year? Coughing out when sleeping
15. If you can go with your mom on a trip, where would you like to go? I don't know. I'll go where she would want to go
16. When you see food with the name you see for the first time, do you dare try? Or you tend to play safe? I tend to take the challenge.
17. If you can meet your 20-year-old self, what would you like to say? Nothing in particular
18. What kind of present you would like to receive in last year of Heisei-era? Speakers that can be used in bathroom
19. Where would you like to go on honeymoon? The world's best views
20. What would you like to do in your last day of your life? I don't want to know that day is the end of my life
21. If you can take a long holiday, what would you like to do? Watch movies. Escape room games.
22. I love Takeru-kun's singing voice. If someday you get to sing in your next project, do you want to do it? I don't mind
23. If you weren't in the entertainment world, what would you do? I imagined myself to study something related to science-field in university, but I don't know what to do next
24. What else you like in sushi other than Kohada (gizzard shad)? Between tuna and salmon, which one do you like? Tuna. I also like squid and uni (sea urchin). And also button shrimp
25. If you become an invisible person, what would you want to do? State secrets investigation
26. Favorite movie? Kimi no Na wa (Your name)
27. Do you like sweets? I like it but I rarely snacking
28. Favorite smell? Morning forest
29. What do you like in osechi (traditional Japanese new year food)? Kamaboko (fish cake)
30. Favorite manga? Tenshi na Konamaiki (Cheeky Angel) (note: he said in Yakai before that his first love is the heroine from this manga XD)
31. Do you like to go to onsen? Yes
32. If you have your own favorite/most disliked body parts, please tell us! I won't say because it's embarassing
33. Favorite color? Navy blue
34. Favorite kind of noodles? Cold soba
35. Favorite season? Winter
36. Do you like horumon (cuisine made from pork or beef offal)? I like it more than average people
37. You went to lots of places during filming or doing promotion for movies, do you have favorite region? Also please tell us if you have a must-eat food there! Hitsumabushi in Nagoya
38. If i remembered correctly, you've said that you like your home, is there any other place you like? I also like hotel
39. Any recommendation for foreign drama? Friends
40. Favorite novel? Shigatsu ni nareba Kanojo wa (also titled April Girlfriend - by Kawamura Genki)
41. What do you usually add when you eat medamayaki (fried egg)? Salt and pepper or Shoyu
42. What do you usually add when you eat freshly cooked white rice? Karashi (spicy) mentaiko
43. Please tell us your order of eating sushi! Omakase (literally meaning "I'll leave it up to you", a special course when the customer leaves it up to the chef to serve)
44. What are your memories of doing Kamen Rider? Commuting in a crowded train
45. Please tell us a happy episode from filming Den-O! We sometimes would go to Jojoen near Oizumi Studio
46. Who is your favorite Imajin from Den-O? Ura(taros)
47. If you act as (Nogami) Ryoutarou right now, what kind of person you think he will be? I think people will not change that much
48. If you have a child, what name will you give him/her? I think 2 letters would be nice
49. Among the actors-actresses you haven't co-starred with, who would you want to work together with? Fukatsu (Eri)-san
50. Among all of your projects, which role is the most fun/memorable? Rookies was fun
51. Do you still continue to learn English? Yes
52. Among all of roles you've played, was there a moment when you think it resembles yourself? Probably no
53. Is there any place inside Japan you want to go? Never-visited islands
54. Is there anything you want to learn right now? I want to learn to dance
55. When you first meet a person, what is the first thing you will look at? I got this question a lot and until now I don't know the answer. I wonder what I will look at first
56. What role you want to try this year? As a runaway child
57. Among all of your projects, is there anything you wouldn't want to watch? Basically I don't want to watch it. I don't watch most of it.
58. If you can do a sequel, is there a work you want to do? Rurouni, Kanouso, Gibomusu
59. Is there any villain role from movie/drama/manga/novel that you want to do? I'd like to if there's any (interesting roles)
60. Before you do a crying scene, how do you usually spend your time? Depends on the scene
61. What is your description of "Kakkoii"? Taking the initiative in what people hate, and don't show off your action
62. You said that you didn't like saba no misoni (mackerel with miso), was it because you didn't like mackerel itself? When I saw "saba no misoni" in school lunch menu, I would be very dissapointed. I like mackarel though.
63. If you got an offer for main cast in Taiga drama, will you take it? I like that kind of question where you don't think "If it's the main cast for Taiga I'll definitely do it"
64. Something to do to keep you healthy? Sleep 12 hours
65. Do you have any actor friends? Everyone that gave their comments in this book
66. How do you feel when you work in Rurouni Kenshin kiri (` ・ω・‘) (note: this is the actual answer (i only changed hiragana to romaji/alphabet), kiri/kiru is to cut/slash in japanese, so maybe he just felt like slashing ppl all the time XDD)
67. Something that makes you feel "I can die peacefully after doing this"? Become Ajin
68. What is the scariest thing in the world? Please see video original version of "Ju-on"
69. Have you seen Aurora? No
70. When you take a bath, what part of the body you washed first? Head
71. In what moment do you usually can be yourself the most? I am myself mostly everytime
72. If fans reach out to you in your private time, how far can we go e.g handshake/photograph? It'll be embarassing to take a photo, so only handshake is good
73. We always see Takeru-san in the acting side, do you ever think of creating a movie? If I create a movie, I also want to act in that movie
74. You showed us for a short moment in Horoyoi ads, but I want to hear more of your singing voice! Recently, is there any song that you will definitely sing in karaoke? Marigold, no I'm lying. I don't have such song.
75. You always give your best during promotions for dramas/movies, but was there any tough times? Ehh you're so kind.
76. You said that you want to take a break in this year because you've worked hard in last year, did that feeling change? It's not like I want to take break, but I think my exposure level is decreasing compared to last year
77. In Kanouso, during the moment when you weren't supposed to cry but tears suddenly fell down, how to control such emotion? I looked at her (Riko) face
78. Is there any actor/actress you admire? If I tell you, you will be more aware of that person, so because I don't want you to have such thought, I won't tell you.
79. How did you spend your time during 2019 new year? I watched Unnatural with my family at home
80. What is your special skill? Othello
81. Do you use perfume? I don't usually use it but because we're making it (as anniversary goods) this time so I'm using that.
82. When thinking about Takeru-kun, your image is strongly tied with solving riddles, how did you get into it? Also how much time did you spend in 1 day? My first time was when my friends invited me to play escape games. As long as time allows me to do it, I can do it all day.
83. Among all of Hanbun, Aoi cast, who is your best friend? Kan-chan (Suzume's daughter)
84. If you meet a person that you want to befriend, are you the type who reach out to him/her, or wait? Reach out
85. Regardless of gender, what kind of person you're not good at? People who makes mistakes
86. What is your decisive factor when choosing a project? Whether I want or I don't want to do it
87. By any chance, is Takeru-san the type of genius person with photographic memory? I'm not that kind of person
88. What do you sing when you go to karaoke? Radwimps
89. Do you do any muscle training? I do but depends on the timing
90. When you go out with somebody you like on a date, in what situation do you like? Autumn leaves
91. Has anybody said to you that you resemble someone (in entertainment world)? Shouhei's wife (Kiritani Mirei) (note: why he won't say her name directly XDD)
92. Do you have any age restriction for marriage? I'd like to do it in my 30s if I can
93. Why do you become "a man lost in love"? What a good word to express it. Love is not something you experience several times, isn't it?
94. What kind of hair type do you like for girl? I like natural, not shaped ones
95. In what moment do you think girls are cute? When you see they are excited when I choose her in SUGAR
96. When you found a girl you like, do you actively "attack" her? Of course if I like her
97. Do you like a woman who will casually do body touch, doing upward gaze, and sort of the aggresive type? I don't like it at all
98. In what moment you think you can't help but liking a girl? When she casually do body touch, do upward gaze (note: so which one do you actually like LOL -- refer to Q97)
99. Between older and younger woman, which one do you like? I like both
100. What kind of girl do you like? Girls with narrow "strike zone"
101. What is the minimum requirement for your partner to marry you? I no longer have such requirement
102. As a man, what do you think of a man who keeps looking at his phone, keeps looking at the clock when dating a woman? It's not a good thing to do, it's like he doesn't care about his partner.
103. What do you think about a fun and easygoing girl? Girls with good sense of humor are good
104. When you have a girlfriend, what kind of homemade food will you make for her? Miso soup
105. What kind of make up do you like for girls? As long as she doesn't overdo it
106. I have a person I can't forget even after so many years, Does Takeru-kun have that kind of experience? Yes for a few years, but I don't know what will happen for 10+ years
107. I called my nephews and nieces with nicknames. Does Takeru-kun have any nicknames you want to be called with? I like Takeru-san rather than Takeru-kun
108. What sound do you use as your alarm ringtone? Default settings
109. You have a really beautiful skin. Do you have any advice for it? Moisturizing
110. Any activities you've been into lately? Alternate baths (also called contrast bath therapy) (note: a kind of bath therapy where you alternate between hot and cold baths.)
111. Where do you usually go? Most recent is gym
112. Do you still hate caterpillars? Sorry, but yes
113. Do you cook? Do you have any specialities? Nope
114. Where and how you usually memorize your script? I usually memorize it with my costars moments before shooting in the set
115. For Takeru-san who loves reading, how do you usually choose books to read? I'd usually pick friends' recommendation
116. When you sleep do you prefer to turn on or off the lights? Turn off. I can't stand even the lights from humidifier
117. In what moment do you think it's nice being an actor? When people are being nice to you
118. Things like clothes, bags, shoes, is there anything that you have to make sure it's in good quality before you buy? Towel
119. If you have one full day with your beloved cats, what will you do? Cuddling its cheek
120. If you are being reborn as a cat, who do you want to take care of you? Do you want to play together with Kochirou and Puchirou in Satou's family house? Yes. (note: Kochirou and Puchirou are his beloved cats currently living in his parents' house)
121. If you can have one more cat, what name will you give? At least not names in katakana
122. Are you a dog person? Cat person? Cat
123. As a cat-lover, which part of a cat do you like? Face
124. What is your favorite Kochirou and Puchirou's pose? When they become rounded like a ball
125. If you can have a dog, what kind of dog do you like? Shiba-inu
126. Beside cat, do you have any other animals you'd like to have? Dolphin
127. Where do you want to live? Shiodome maybe
128. Have you give your mom presents from home bakery? Yes. I think you can also make mochi with those
129. If you're doing a solo trip, where will you go? Canada
130. How do you get along with Nobu-san (from Chidori)? We were working together in a variety show and I ask for his phone number
131. You were famous among the older people from long ago, what do you think about that? I don't really care about the age as long as I still got the "waa" and "kyaa"
132. In what moment do you feel happy? When I solved a riddle
133. What is your favorite song from Takahashi Yuu-kun? Hachigatsu Muika (August 6) (note: he sang this song in his 30th birthday event)
134. If you have to give a score for your acting career up until now, how many points out of 100? 60
135. In the future, can you create an event where fans can meet you directly? Yes
136. You've said before that because you can't tidy your room up so your mom had to visit your house to tidy things up, is it still the same now? I've become independent now
137. I'm still a kid, an elementary school student. When I talk about Kamen Rider, there are some kids who get along with me, but there also kids who call me weird. Is it alright that I still love Kamen Rider? Please tell me. I was also called weird by my friends in my school days so it will be alright
138. Do you plan to go to Kyoto in this year? I already go there few times
139. In what moment do you feel the happiest? I can't decide between the moment when I saw at Ruroken's (sales) performance or when I managed to clear an escape game challenge, or when I was in elementary school when I got into Yu-Gi-Oh, I got Summoned Skull from a booster pack.
140. Was there a moment when you cried while watching a movie? Usually I cried watching touching movies
141. Between the roles you've played almost simultaneously, such as Ritsu in Hanbun, Aoi, Mugita in Gibomusu, and Kazuo in Oku Otoko, which one is the most difficult to play? Kazuo
142. Recently, is there a moment when you laughed so hard? I was hitting my knees laughing while watching Aiseki Shokudou (Chidori's show) at home
143. Please tell us an episode from Kouhaku! When I hesitated to wave my penlight, but then I saw Nomura Mansai-san was waving his so I decided to follow
144. Please tell us your recommended places to visit from "Rurouni-hon Kumamoto e". Nature is always recommended. Negative ions are good for the body. (note: "Rurouni-hon Kumamoto e" was a book about Takeru doing a trip in Kumamoto, promoting places especially those which were affected by Kumamoto earthquake. A portion of the sales were donated to support Kumamoto recovery)
145. You said in the past that you couldn't sleep for a long time, how is it now? Hm it's complex but I think my internal body clock feels off
146. When telling our thoughts about your movies/dramas, do you have any preferred ways that makes you happy? When you shared it in the internet
147. My son is telling me that he wants to be a voice actor and wants to go to a vocational school. As a parent, should I support him? Did Takeru-kun get your parents' support when you want to be an actor? My parents had no objection at that time. It didn't cost me any money. By the way, do professional voice actors learn in vocational schools? I support him to become a voice actor, but I'm not sure if it's the right decision to enroll in a vocational school to become a voice actor.
148. Among all the places you've visited during your work or private trips, do you have any recommendation for us? Salar de Uyuni (note: he went to this place for X photobook)
149. When you watch a movie, do you prefer to read the original story first or straight to the movie? If I want to enjoy the movie, I'd watch the movie first. If I want to enjoy the book, I'd read the book first.
150. Can I hug you when I meet you? Maybe no
151. Do you use washing machine for drying your clothes? What will happen to your clothes after that? Wrinkled
152. What is the most important thing or person to you? People who put their faith in me
153. Are you looking forward to expand your career overseas? Rather than wanting to work in a Hollywood movie, I prefer to think more on how to make Japanese movies more visible to the world.
154. Is there anything you'd like to do in your 30s, any target or resolution? I have a few in mind, but I'll tell you when I manage to accomplish them
155. Please tell us about your vision of living your life from now on! I hope I can do more of what I want to do.
(pic: https://satohtakeru.amuseblog.jp/blog/2019/03/30th-anniversar-1c47.html)
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cthulhusplatoon · 7 years
Splatoon One-Shot : The Red-Tentacle-Haired Inkling
 I change up this blog’s name so that the fanfictions I make that is bssed off Splatoon 1 and 2 would fit, rather than just art. And with that, here’s my first one-shot fanfiction I made last night. (and there will be art in this one shot)
 Wattpad - https://www.wattpad.com/490214467-splatoon-one-shot-the-red-tentacle-haired-inkling
Inkopolis, the city of the famous sport and tradition, Turf Wars…
It is 8:42 in the morning, the inklings are in their usual business; participating in Turf Wars, work, hanging out with friends, work in Grizzco Industries, and pretty much everyday things that have been always done by ordinary Inklings. It was start of anormal week for them...
At least, that what most Inklings thought it will be…
In the train that is travelling to the train station of Inkopolis, the interest of most of the passengers there is the Inkling that has his tentacle hair red. That kind of color is one of the most rare birth colors for their tentacle hair, not counting Octoling’s tentacle hair color.
“Look at that Inklings hair,” “Is that hair dyed?” “Is he a son of an Octoling?” These are what the other Inklings were whispering about the Inkling with red hair.
He can hear them, but he doesn’t pay mind to what they think about him, and questions that is regarding about his tentacle hair. He get used to them in his hometown, and it doesn’t bother him that much.
It’s not the only thing that the others are whispering about, though.
“His eyes are closed shut, but he has no difficulty on moving through the crowd,” “Is he blind?” “Why does not have his hair tied up?” And many things like that. He was considered to be a weird kid because of how different he looks from the other Inklings that is usually seen around. He is still busy to mind the whispers around him.
“Well, I heard that there is already one like him that lives in Inkopolis, so why surprised?”
This got his attention, but his gaze unchanged. He knew it; his sister is in Inkopolis. He was waiting for this for years, after he was taken away by his father for him to train him to become a great battler. He still questions why he wanted to train him, but it was left unanswered after a certain incident that sealed his father’s fate.
He rather wants to forget about it, which is an impossible thing to do for him.
His train of thoughts have stopped dead on their tracks, as the train he rides stopped at his destination, the Inkopolis Station, where he tests everything that he learned from his father, and to determine his training really paid well after all of those years.
As soon as the conductor of the said that they have arrived at their destination, and as soon as the doors have opened, the passengers quickly moved out of their positions to get out of the train. The Inkling in red hair has immediately got from his sit, and he quickly got out of the train before he gets squish inside.
Once he got out of the station, he become caught into the atmosphere of the city, and briefly stopped walking to look and admire the beauty of the city’s square. The place is not particularly crowded, but it has decent amount of people that is socializing with each other, entering shops like the Ammo Knights, Shrimp Kicks, Jelly Fresh, many more, the tower in northern side, and the billboards sign that showcases clothing brands, and other commercials.
He stopped gazing at the square’s features, as he pulls out a note from his long baggy shorts. It says; “Go to Ammo Knights, a friend of mine there can help you out for your first day in Inkopolis. And show him the other note I gave you.”
The note was from his father, before his supposed fate, and he puts it back to his pocket. He then enters the Ammo Knights, and as soon as he got inside, a little horseshoe crab that wears a military like attire and wears goggles quickly glances at him, probably the owner of the shop.
“Hello, hello! Welcome to Ammo Knights! What weapons picked your interest?” He greeted the Inkling in red hair. He doesn’t take interest with his red tentacle hair, somehow.
He brought out a note from his other pocket and handed it over the horseshoe crab.
“What’s this?” He took the note from his hand, and proceeds to read it. His eyes widened in shock, as he glance at the redhead, “You are the legitimate SON of one of the greatest Inklings ever existed?!”
The redhead simply nodded, expression is blank.
“Holy cod, welcome-“He was cut off as the redhead puts a finger to his. He pulls out an ID that contains a mug shot picture of himself, and his name, which is “Kthulhu.” The horseshoe crab seems to understand, “You don’t really want me to call you by your name, huh?”
He nodded. He wants to hide his true identity for a while.
The horseshoe crab sighed, “Well, I guess after what happened, we don’t want to make any unnecessary here in Inkopolis.
“Anyhow, welcome to Inkopolis and Ammo Knights, Kthulhu! My name is Sheldon, and I’m the owner of the Ammo Knights. Since you are pretty new here, I recommend that you take this Splattershot in you first turf war match!” He moves to the counter and pulls out a small weapon that looks like the Splattershot he is talking about. “This is the Splattershot Jr., your jack of all trades, but master of none weapon. You may have seen many more weapons that seem better than this one, but there are tight rules that if you are a newbie here in Inkopolis, a starter gear will be reasonable for you to use for your first few matches before you get more powerful weapons and gear. ”
He nodded again, as he understands what he means. He have competed a local turf war tournament in his old town during his training with his father. He then took the Splattershot Jr. with his right hand, and inspects it. It is light, very light, as he quickly aims with in a blinding speed. While do that, Sheldon grabs an ink tank from the counter and gave it to Kthulhu. He immediately wears on his back.
“And look at the time!” Sheldon said as he looks at the clock inside the shop, “This the best time for turf war! If you have seen the tower after you got out of the train station; that is the Inkopolis Tower, where you can join other Inklings to play turf wars. Since you have been training for cod who knows how long, an introduction about them is unnecessary. Now, go and participate your first turf war, and I wish you good luck!”
Kthulhu bows at Sheldon, showing a sign of thanks, and leaves the Ammo Knights.
As instructed, he goes to the Inkopolis Tower, which hosts the official turf war games. On the way, he notices that some of the Inklings around him are focused on him. He knows the reason why, and he keeps walking without slowing down by the looks, murmurs and whisper about him. He reached the Tower and gets inside the tower to participate some turf wars.
As soon as he gets in, eyes of other Inklings are now focused to him. He observed their expression; awe, shock, and incredulous. He then goes into a side of the wall and waits patiently for the games to begin.
While waiting, as expected, there are whispers coming inside his ears, and there are all about him. He is not enjoying the attention, but he doesn’t mind it either.
A few seconds later, there is an Inkling boy that approached him; he looks like he is fifteen years old, he wears a black shirt, with another white long sleeve shirt with green stripes overlapping the black shirt, a light looking green cap, and wears a pair of red knee high shoes. He is carrying a roller around.
“Sup dude,” He greeted, “A newbie with rare features came to ze city. We haven’t seen ze likes of you around these parts. Zat kind of color is not allowed to be used here in turf wars for… various reasons. My name’s Verique, by the vway, nice to meet you.” He held out his hand for a handshake.
Kthulhu didn’t hesitate to shake it. He then uses sign languages to communicate to Verique, “Sorry, I am mute.”
Verique raised an eyebrow, “Let me guess, you are mute?”
Kthulhu nodded.
Suddenly, a female inkling appeared behind him; she wears a red and white long sleeved shirt, a pair of pink shoes, and splash goggles hanging in her neck. She carries a good ‘ol Charger. She happily said, “Ohh! A mute that uses sign languages! I can translate what he is trying to say perfectly for you, then Verique.”
“I didn’t know you know how to read sign languages.” He said, “Hey, lad, she is Yeran, a friend of mine as well. Since you are mute, she maybe translating your words whenever you are trying to tell me something. But first, introduce yourself.”
Kthulhu signed them his name, by using the signing single letters of his name, K-T-H-U-L-H-U.
“Your name is Kthulhu?” She asked, “As in, the literal legend, ‘Cthulhu?’”
He shook his head.
“Just kidding, Kthulhu, he is just a legend!” Yeran said, “Legends like him are just stories.”
Verique shot her a disapproving glare, but he shifted back his look to Kthulhu, “So, uhh, Kthulhu, why are your eyes are closed shut? Do you have sight impairment and you close your eyes to not tire your eyes out?”
He puts his left index finger in his lips, meaning it’s a secret.
“You won’t tell- I mean sign about it, huh?” Verique looked a little disappointed, but softens up with a understanding expression, “I understand, if it something from the past, zen I won’t barge in your personal space.”
It’s not really from his past, he is born with it, and so is his sister as well. They somehow have the ability to see even with despite having their closed.
Their conversation was cut short when a message from a cat with its fur looked like a referee outfit. He immediately recognized it as Judd, the judge of turf wars.
“Meow! (The match is about to start! Be sure to have your conversations finished, equipments ready, and you inklings are healthy to play!”
Verique sighed, “Looks like the match is about to start, Kthulhu.”
“I hope to see you two in the same team!” Yeran said as she puts in her splash goggles and prepares her charger, “And if not, newbie, just know that I might whoop your ass in your first match!”
Kthulhu’s expression changes into more a confident one, challenging Yeran without hesitation.
“I’ll wipe that cocky face of yours if I beat you in this match!” Yeran said, as her eyes are filled with determination, accepting the challenge, “If I am in the opposite team, that is.”
“Well, then,” he prepared his roller, “Hope to see ya in my team.”
Kthulhu nodded, as he prepares his Splatterhot Jr. for battle. A few seconds later, the Inklings are teleported away; his first turf war has begun.
The today’s stage is Blackbelly Skatepark. Kthulhu’s team color is Purple and their opponent’s
The Inklings then brushes off the ink that covered them after they were teleported to their spawn points. He is in front of the spawn point, as he instinctively looked behind. He sees two unfamiliar inklings with one that equips another splattershot, and one that has an E-Liter. The only familiar teammate in his team is Verique, with his roller ready to splat n roll.
Verique looked at him, with a smile plastered on his face. He looked happy to see Kthulhu, “Eiy zere, lad.”
Kthlhu raised his free hand, greeting him back.
“Looks like Yeran is in ze other team,” he said, “I guess I should warn you to be careful whenever you encounter her. She is one hella sniper, her accuracy is in eagle level, and she will pressure you to make the wrong turn. She can snipe like an S ranked sniper.”
I nodded in acknowledgement. That didn’t scare Kthulhu the slightest, though.
“You seem confident,” Verique noticed, “then good luck…”
The countdown started, as all eyes gaze into battlefield.
3… 2… 1… START!
With that, everyone started inking turf, with Kthulhu is up ahead, inking his path.
Both teams’ score looked pretty tied up.
Kthulhu is doing great so far. It seems his training paid off.
He has splatted the two opposing team members with extreme efficiency, although none of them are Yeran. He has yet to encounter her in the battlefield. She snipes like an S ranked sniper. He was still thinking about that earlier, yet it doesn’t take away his skills in battlefield. If she can snipe like a S ranked player, he must be cautious in his surroundings. He entered the alleyway that leads to the opposing base.
That is, until he saw a green laser pointing at his shoulder.
He jumps backwards as soon as the shot is fired. It obviously missed, and he heard a scream afterwards, “WHAT?!”
He recognized the voice; it was Yeran. He immediately entered the alleyway, just to see Yeran is charging her shot. She is really focused, he noticed, and the laser is nearing him. He had act quick.
He shot out purple ink in the left side as he tries to move at the same direction. The sniper’s laser reached maximum distance and aims at the same direction he shoots out ink. As expected, and he quickly changed pace and direction and at the same time, the sniper’s shot out her sniper shot, making her miss.
He repeated the same procedure, but with the second time he uses the same he double faked her out by shooting out two ink puddles, one each from left and right. She is repeatedly missing her shots.
That is when she can now use her special, Bomb Rush. She immediately uses it and shoots a crap ton of splat bombs at him.
Unfortanately, Kthulhu’s special is also up. As soon as the bombs close in, he activated his special, reflecting bombs aside and explodes out of his range. A bomb from bounced off to his back by chance. Knowing that he can be knocked back while in bubbler, he back away for a few distance, and let the bomb explode. As the bomb explodes, he is knocked back greatly, inking the ground as he slides into Yeram, with a shocked expression on her face and her special has expired.
As soon as he stops sliding, he points his Splattershot at her face. Before he shot her, his expression changed into triumphant, and precedes to splatting her.
Her clothes and weapon briefly falls into the ground. It quickly disappeared soon afterwards.
She may be a good sniper, as he notice when he encounter her in the central part of the map as she suppresses his team and preventing from us retaking the middle for quite a while, but he knows how to outmaneuver her with ease, thanks to his training.
And thanks to him, they have made a last half-minute comeback.
Team Purple – 58.6%
Team Green – 41.4%
The Purple team cheered for their victory over the Green team. He then checks on the leaderboards; he is in the second place, with 2009 points, while Verique has 2192 points in his end. Although he got the highest splat count; scoring 21 splats with the Splattershot Jr.
The Purple team cheered for Kthulhu, despite him disliking the attention. The inklings in Blackberry Skatepark were teleported away from the said location and back to the tower they were in. The inklings claimed their reward from Judd after their hard fought victory. Kthulhu somehow levelled up to LVL two. Yeran and Verique came back together, with Yeran visibly upset.
“Oh, lookie here, its ze happy go lucky girl,” Verique said with a mock tone, “Looks like she’s upset.”
“Shut it, Verique.” Yeran retorted, “We would’ve won that match.”
“Not so fast, lad,  Kthulhu here have carried us to victory.”
“You wimps relied on him after he destroyed me during that fight in the alleyway.”
“Oh, a newbie beat your ass up in his first match, huh? How embarrassing, lad, I expected better.”
“Then I challenge you into one-on-one duel then, Verique! Let’s see whose ass will be handed to!” She put on a confident smirk on her face.
“Bring it, ‘zen, Geek.”
“Beat it, nerd,”
Kthulhu felt a budding friendship between Verique and Yeran. They are just having a friendly banter and rivalry after his first match. He mentally smiled as he remembers the time he had bantering with his old friends. They have lost contact after he was taken away.
“But, seriously, did you just beat her while you were on ‘zat alleyway to her base?” He asked Kthulhu, “I thought ‘zat the Splattershot Jr. will have a disadvantage against chargers, especially at tight spots like ‘zat alleyway you two fought in.”
“He probably knew that already, but he is really agile as cod, and fakes me everytime!” Yeran answered him, instead, “You know how hard it is to hit such fast opponents?!”
Kthulhu signed, “I get ya.”
“Shut it, newbie. How can you even see that sniper laser when you are about to enter the alleyway for the first time, anyway? Stupidly ironically, your eyes are like sealed tight, how can you see them?”
“Irony is the best way to shift the heat of battle. Don’t underestimate it, or you’ll get flattened.”
“ANYWAY,” She tried to change the subject, “Are you truly a newbie, though? You play like an S rank player with the show you just pulled off to splat me. And why that one splat bomb explodes for like a millisecond? If I remember correctly, it’ll take more than a millisecond to explode. Please don’t tell me you’re cheating?”
He shook his head, and signs, “If I’d cheat my way to victory, it wouldn’t be more subtle, and it will be too plain obvious and easy to detect cheating.”
“And how do you know that?”
He puts his left index finger in his lips, indicating that he’ll be keeping it a secret.
She sighed, “I guess it’s no point persuading you to sign.”
“I just want you guys to know that I feel left out because you two are the only ones who able to understand each other.” Verique said. We looked at him mid-sentence, confused expression on his face.
“If you want to understand sign language, then let me teach you IF you beat me on our duel later!” Yeran proposed. Verique’s expression shifted to confidence.
“Then I’ll give everything I got to beat you down!”
“You better be!”
“So, uhh, Kthulhu, want to watch us duel and be our referee? If you have something to do though, then it’s alright for you to decline.”
“Actually I do have.” Kthulhu signed, “I have to go to the Ammo Knights.”
“You’ll be going to the Ammo Knights, ehh?” Yeran said, translating its meaning for Verique to understand. “Well, sucks that you can’t come to see me whoop this nerd’s ass.”
“Well, if you are going to the Ammo Knights, zen get going, if it’s something important then we don’t want to keep you longer ‘zan we intended to.”
“Nah, nothing important, not that if I remember.” He signed, “Well, then I’ll be seeing you guyslater.”
“Wait, before you leave,” Yeran took out her squidphone, “How about we exchange numbers, Kthulhu? We might run into each other for a while, or even hang out, like friends do.”
“I agree,” Verique then tooks his squidphone as well, “You are a great battler, despite ‘zis being your first ever match.”
Kthulhu then took out his squidphone, he signed them his number, and the two told him their numbers. He had gained two new friends in his first match.
“There! Now we are now officially friends!” Yeran enthusiastically exclaimed, “I hope to see you again in the future.”
“We will, I could already tell,” Verique reassured, “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we will be going inside again and we will go onto a private duel. We’ll see ya soon, Kthulhu.”
They waved goodbye to Kthulhu, and he waved back as he goes to the direction where the Ammo Knights is. He made great progress; he made two new friends, won his first match, levelled up, and most importantly;
His training truly has paid off. And he will further test it in the future battles.
 You see that Inkling in the mid? Yes, that is the same Inkling in my profile pic. It’s his initial design when I was making his design.
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The Red-Haired in the middle is the same inkling that is in my Profile Pic. Looks different? That’s his initial design, excluding the starter gear. This one-shot shows how my Profile Pic Inkling started Turf Warring, shows a little sneak about his past, and the start of my own Splatoon Story.
Splatoon belongs to - Nintendo
Characters here in the story belongs to - me
Fanfic and Art belongs to - me
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