#(do I tag it as a shrimp? it’s like an ancient shrimp)
Do you rate extinct species? Anomalocaris my beloved…
Today on CHUNK! FUNK! GUNK! We rate
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0/10 Chunk
10/10 Funk
0-1/10 Gunk
As a prehistoric shrimp-thing, these guys are mostly exoskeleton, no chunk. I also couldn’t find anything on their slime or mucous secretion, which makes sense since we only have fossils to go off of. I’m left to assume that they were dry little guys. They min-maxed for maximum funk though. Look at this guy. What a creature.
Overall: 7/10
I don’t know a whole lot about fossils since I didn’t have a dinosaur phase. However, I do love a good Cambrian creechur. I want to pat its flat little head.
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gogandmagog · 6 months
Do you think you can expound on what you meant by LMM showing her hand/Dean being condemned by cat aversion? I was skimming the Emily tag and came across your post. Just curious!
I’m sooo cracking up and embarrassed right now, because while I do fr believe that... I’m not exactly sure I can wholly defend it. Or even remotely ask anyone else to consider getting onboard with that kind of intense inferring. But I’m going to do my best to have a go at it (🥴) and attempt to explain where my head was at with all that, while also letting it be a lesson to myself to not just be out here saying things sometimes, lol.
Also as a small sidenote: I tried to find the post you might be referencing, and I’m all but certain it must’ve been a very old conversation with @no-where-new-hero, but it must’ve also predated my searchable tagging practices because alas, I cannot find it. So… I’m already sorry-in-advance if I veer off into unrelated areas or miss the ‘ask’ mark completely. But I think you mean that at some point I said Maud “showed her hand” early in the Emily series by having Dean Priest say that he wouldn’t keep a cat. I’ll double check, but I think his exact quote is: “I like cats but I never keep one.”
Which, to a casual reader... doesn’t mean a whole lot. Yet when I look back at this, as a non-casual reader, after many re-reads and a little bit of Maud experience, I do kind of now recognise that as a tell. At least it’s a proper LMM red flag. Especially when we experience and feel the depth of cat symbolism and heavy-handed cat presence in the Emily series. And of Emily. How Emily is repeatedly and often assigned a cat-like nature + appearance in the narrative and by other characters in the book. She’s told at school that she has cat ears, and she’s even nicknamed “puss” by Cousin Jimmy. Emily’s Wind Woman purrs. It’s everywhere in Emily. If we advance even a bit further, into broad and ancient symbolism, we can also reflect on timeless and universal cat symbolism… the cat alignment with femininity. The same way dogs are aligned and representative of masculinity.
So when we consider all of this and juxtapose Dean’s statement against Montgomery’s men that did get their girls, I think it speaks even louder. Teddy had Smoke and Buttercup. Barney had Good Luck and Banjo. Cats are so important to Maud and her stories that she has Gilbert (the son of a cat lady, eventual owner of the First Mate, and saviour of Ingleside housecat the Shrimp) mention them in his finally-accepted proposal to Anne. He says, “I dream of a home with a hearth-fire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends—and you!” (Which P.S. is even a veeeery interesting order, in my veeeery-stretched opinion. A cat, then a dog. The feminine before the masculine. You before me, Gilbert says.)
To me... Emily is the cat that Dean will never keep. Much later, when their engagement is dissolving, he says, “… Perhaps that is why I couldn’t keep you.” Which is lowkey full circle. (If you squint.)
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baejax-the-great · 11 months
ao3 exists, plus it doesnt even matter what terms i search for on tumblr 100% of the time theres fanfiction. literally you can search any words on this website and some kpop guy/ reader fanfics flood the results every single fucking time. plus some of us are not here for fandoms??? your circus/clown analogy is stupid
So I'm incredibly allergic to shrimp-- to the point where if I ate a single shrimp I would die, to the point where I don't really consider shrimp food anymore--and it's the weirdest thing, yesterday i went to Target to buy hair conditioner, and they were selling shrimp. Don't they know it wasn't what I was looking for and I can't eat it anyway? Why would they do this? Totally fucked up of those shrimp catchers to try to poison me like that.
But analogies clearly aren't your thing, so let me break this down for you.
AO3 does indeed exist, but your suggestion that fanfic live there and ONLY there is akin to saying that imgur exists, so nobody should be posting images, whether they be photos or art, on any other website. Twitter exists (sort of), so really nobody should be posting shit posts or hot takes that are fewer than 140 characters or whatever.
Not everyone uses AO3. There is no law saying that if you write fanfic, you must post it on AO3 and nowhere else. There will never be a law that says that, because that's not how the internet works. Tumblr, one of the few social media sites that allows longform blogging, is in fact a great alternative to AO3 for one-shots. It's a little trickier for multi-chapter posts, but I've seen people make it work.
AO3 is not social media. People can't DM there, send asks, make friends, bump their post to the top of the feed (unless they are an asshole who is about to get blocked by half of fandom for pulling that move). Do you like social media? I mean you're here, on tumblr, bothering a total stranger, so you must see some value to it. Guess what--fanfic authors also enjoy being on social media and sharing what they've been up to, including their WIPs.
Things you aren't looking for being part of your searches is literally just life on the internet at all times forever. Earlier this month I was looking for a reference of draped fabric for drawing purposes. I googled 'chiton drawing' (chitons like the ancient Greeks used to wear), and all I got were drawings of molluscs of the genus 'chiton.' Alright, I did a google search for "toga drawing" and learned that there is an anime girl named Toga and people very much enjoy drawing her. Were the artists of the molluscs or the anime girl to blame for me having to slog through a bunch of irrelevant pictures to find one that could help me with my drawing? No. They correctly labeled what they were doing. That's just life.
Seeing fanfic in the tag doesn't harm you. At all. It doesn't matter if you find it cringe, or it's a ship you don't like, or it's xReader. For like ten seconds you looked at words you didn't particularly like, and then you moved on. How is that different from literally any other post on tumblr? I see bad takes and essays I don't care about on this site all the time. It's called scrolling. Again, this will be the case for every website on the internet forever. Are you telling me you read every tweet in your feed? Every reddit post? Sometimes you see irrelevant stuff. I guarantee some of my mutuals have already deemed this long ass post irrelevant and are scrolling on by. What makes fiction that much more abhorrent to you than the rest of the nonsense?
If you really hate seeing fanfic, tumblr has content blocking and tag blocking. You can block the phrase "x Reader." You can block the tag "fanfic." You can block all sorts of things, and if that doesn't work, you can just block the writers whose existence annoys you.
Sorry man, you personally not liking fandom and not using tumblr for it has really no bearing on what everyone else is doing. Like it or not, tumblr is a hub of fandom, and fanfic authors are going to be a part of every fandom on this green earth. Just because you came to the circus in order to admire the pretty fabric used on the tents doesn't mean the performers are in the wrong for doing their thing.
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When in Bali...
Summary: You were supposed to go to Bali with your partner for your one-year anniversary. Instead, you’re there alone, heartbroken. Will reuniting with a friend you know from a summer vacation in elementary school be able to fix it?
Beginning Notes: I was thinking about @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie’s fic challenge when I came up with this, but Bali sadly wasn’t on the prompt list. Still hoping that this'll do as good as Sandcastles.
Tagged: @bragisrunes @demon-of-the-ancient-world @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @punkrocknpearls @alicedopey @batmandallyboy (hmu to be added to any taglist!)
Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
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This summer holiday has been nothing short of awful. First, you catch your partner cheating on you two weeks before you’re supposed to fly, then you find out you can’t get your money back, and then, a wheel broke off of your suitcase. It’s a wonder you even made it to your resort alive.
Now, you’re at the pool, nursing a Mojito in hopes of soothing your heartbreak. There aren’t many people around. Most of them are probably going out. An elderly couple is suntanning across from the pool, there’s two kids throwing a ball in the shallow area and a guy at the bar that looks weirdly familiar. He’s practically devouring his chicken wings and you swear you know him.
The second you start looking away, the two of you make eye contact, and he gives you a bright smile, before returning to his wings.
It happens a few more times in the following days. Each time you see him, there’s this feeling you know him. But from where?
On your fifth day there, you eat dinner at the hotel’s buffet. You haven’t gone out once, either moping at the pool or your room. What’s the point without any company?
You grab this and that off the buffet, only avoiding the shrimps that look a little gray and the chocolate you’re saving for later. At your table, you’re completely alone, and you feel like you’re back in high school.
The stranger walks in, which confuses you, because you’ve seen him leave this hotel with a blond man a bunch of times while you were still lying at the pool. He hasn’t eaten here while you were there, not once.
Every table around you is deserted, and he still makes a beeline for yours. You send a silent curse to any god there might be but put on a friendly smile.
“Hey.” He says. “Saw you sitting all alone, and I thought I’d join you.”
“Hi.” You reply.
“I’m Hvitserk, by the way.” He tells you, holding out his hand. You pause. Hvitserk isn’t a common name, and you’ve only heard it once in your entire life.
You’re sitting on the beach near your parents, trying to save this sad sandcastle when you hear a shriek. Turning around, you see a blond girl your age throwing a crab into the sand after picking it off her leg, before running after a tall boy who’s laughing with sibling-appropriate malice.
“Hvitserk!” she screams. Behind her, a boy with dark hair cackles loudly, before the boy next to him elbows him.
The boy that is being chased runs up to you.
“You have to hide me!” he says, sitting behind you. “My sister is crazy!”
The blond girl that was chasing him isn’t impressed, crossing her arms to show that she can still see him, before she stalks off. You spent the rest of the afternoon ‘hiding’ Hvitserk and building more sandcastles. At some point, the darkhaired boy that was his younger brother crawled over, critizing your castle.
Third-grade you was crushed and immediately entered a sandcastle building contest with him, with Hvitserk as judge. For the rest of your stay in Spain, you and Hvitserk were inseparable.
Quickly, you shake it. “Y/N.” you reply. “Are you from Norway?”
“Yeah, I am actually.” Hvitserk says.
“That’s pretty far.” You comment.
“What about you?” Hvitserk asks.
“I’m studying in Australia, so Bali isn’t too far.”
“You’re really familiar.” Hvitserk blurts out suddenly. You laugh dryly.
“Does that line usually work for you?”
“No, I’m serious.” He insists. “Were you in Spain for summer vacation? Like in elementary school?”
“No fucking way.” You say. “You’re Hvitserk Lothbrok?”
He nods, and your mouth falls open. “Oh my god. I thought I’d never see you again!”
“Fate works in mysterious ways.” He says, making his voice a little too deep to be serious.
“How are Ubbe and Ivar? And Brynhildr and Aslaug?”
“They’re all good.” Hvitserk says. “But Brynhildr is actually called Sigurd. He’s trans.”
“Oh so he’s the blond guy I thought was your boyfriend.” You reply. Hvitserk grimaces.
“Ew, no! He’s my brother.” Then, he smirks. “Wait, have you been stalking me?”
“No.” you protest. “Well, maybe a little bit.”
“Are you saying I’m goodlooking?” Hvitserk asks, casually taking a fry from your plate.
“I’m saying that I’m heartbroken and bored. And yes, you are semi-attractive.”
Hvitserk makes an insulted noise. “All these years of friendship and you call me semi-attractive.”
You laugh, sliding your plate to him, which he happily accepts.
“Fine. Hvitserk, you are so hot and sexy that you’re making me forget why I ever dated my ex in the first place.”
“Good.” Hvitserk says. “What are you doing in Bali anyway?”
“Non-refundable one year anniversary trip.” You grimace.
“Ouch.” Hvitserk nods sympathetically.
“What about you?” you ask. It’s nice catching up with Hvitserk. He’s exactly like you remember. Well, maybe a bit more flirtatious.
“Yearly Aslaugssons trip. Except that Ubbe has a kid on the way and doesn’t want to miss his daughter’s birth.”
“I haven’t seen Ivar around.” You comment.
“He’s kind of turned into an edgelord so he refuses to leave his room to tan. Sigurd’s out with his fiancé today, and I wanted to cheer you up.”
“Did I look that sad?” you ask. After a pause, Hvitserk nods, before you both burst into laughter.
“You should come with us tomorrow. I’ve convinced Ivar to come along for drinks and tacos, and he’s taking his girlfriend. Sigurd’s taking his partner. Why don’t you come as my date, so I’m not alone?”
“I don’t know.” You say. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“Ivar and Freydís will be very preoccupied, but Sigurd’s partner is a treasure. They’ll love you; I promise.”
You think about it for a second. It could be fun, and your ex cheated. It’s okay to go as a platonic date for Hvitserk three weeks post-breakup.
“Please?” Hvitserk asks, making puppy eyes at you.
“Fine. But only because you let me win against Ivar when my sandcastle was falling over.”
Why are you feeling so nervous? It’s only a night out with an old friend of sorts. You’ve put on the dress that was meant for your anniversary dinner, a long bodycon dress that makes you feel pretty even now, when you’re feeling out of sorts.
You kept your makeup simple because Hvitserk casually forgot to tell you the dresscode, but it doesn’t matter because you managed to tan enough that it made you look just a little bit refreshed.
Hvitserk knocks at your door right on time – which surprises you. You’d think that Ivar would be perfectly punctual, and Hvitserk ten minutes late at the very least, but he’s there, and he’s smiling brightly, just like he did when he was still a kid.
“Hi.” You say, grabbing your purse off the desk and closing the door behind you. “How’s your day?”
“Getting better and better.” Hvitserk jokes, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m serious, you’re looking good.” He insists.
“I better. Spent at least an hour overthinking this dress when I bought it.”
“Yeah. Would be a pity if the dress went to waste.” Hvitserk murmurs, before he lets you out of the room and leads you to the entrance of the resort. There, Ivar and Freydís are already waiting.
“I thought Hvitserk was talking shit when he said that the Y/N was also in Bali.” Ivar greets you. He’s standing upright now, supported by legbraces and crutches.
“Still salty about my sandcastle being better than yours?” you ask, and he rolls his eyes.
“Mine was clearly better. I’d say the judge was only a bit partial.”
“Freydís.” His girlfriend introduces herself.
“Y/N.” you answer. “Where’s Sigurd?”
“Him and Gale are already there. They said they wanted to enjoy the music a bit before Hvitserk begins ordering the entire menu.” Ivar replies. Hvitserk snorts, absentmindedly grabbing your hand as the four of you start walking. You blush furiously, but don’t let go. Not quite yet.
The restaurant is right at the beach, and a stranger comes bounding up as soon as you cross the threshold.
“You guys are just on time.” They announce. “Sigurd wanted to start ordering appetizers, even though that’s clearly Hvitserk’s assigned job.”
They go around hugging everybody and hug you too. “You must be Y/N.” they say.
“Yeah.” You reply.
“Sigurd told me you gave him your dessert once after Hvitserk ate his while he was in the restroom.”
“That was only because he braided her hair so nicely.” Ivar says sarcastically. So Sigurd and Ivar are still always fighting. You think.
Gale leads you to the table, where Sigurd is talking to a waiter. He hands Hvitserk the menu blindly, whose eyes immediately lights up. Ivar was right – Hvitserk orders six out of the eight appetizers on the menu.
“How are you going to eat all that?” you ask.
“My stomach knows no bounds.” Hvitserk replies. You all sit down, and Sigurd hands you a drink.
“It’s good to see you.” Sigurd greets. “I ordered a Mojito for you. Hvitserk mentioned you were obsessed.”
“Good to see you too.” You reply, before you turn to Hvitserk. “I am not THAT obsessed with Mojitos.”
“Yeah, you only had them each time you ordered from the poolbar.”
“Who’s the stalker now?” you fire back.
Appetizers come and go, as well as the main course, and Hvitserk keeps true to his promise, devouring everything that comes near his plate. At some point, Gale decide that they are full, and Hvitserk happily accepts their plate.
You catch up with Sigurd, since Ivar is making hearteyes at Freydís, who is talking to Gale and Hvitserk. He tells you all about the things you missed since Spain. From Ivar’s braces and his transition to Ubbe and Bjorn setting the BBQ on fire during a family reunion.
At the end of dinner, everyone except Hvitserk is stuffed, and getting ready to head back to the hotel.
“You and Y/N should stay, have dessert and catch up some more.” Freydís suggests, throwing Ivar one of those looks that only your longterm partners or siblings can understand. However, Ivar’s mouth not-so-subtly tugs into a smirk.
Before you can protest, all four of them are gone, Ivar handing Hvitserk some money for the check, who happily accepts while reading through his dessert options.
“Let’s share.” He suggests
“Share food? With you?” you say, only half-joking.
“We shared your fries.” He reminds.
“That wasn’t really decided by me.” You laugh. He hands you the menu, pointing out both options. In the end, you go for lava cake with vanilla ice cream, and Hvitserk scoots closer as the waiter brings a last round of drinks, courtesy of Ivar.
“I’m actually getting hungry for dessert.” You tell Hvitserk. What you don’t tell him is that all those drinks have made you slightly tipsy and Hvitserk is starting to look even better than before.
“And my stomach knows no bounds?” Hvitserk asks. You groan, leaning back against him.
“I think eating even more is a shit idea, but I really love lava cake.” You admit. Hvitserk puts an arm around you, and you don’t mind at all.
“Did you know I had a crush on you in Spain?” Hvitserk suddenly blurts out. You sit back up, staring at him.
“What?” you ask.
“It’s true!” he insists. “Honestly, I can understand younger me perfectly.”
You laugh, but you feel yourself growing nervous – in a good way. For a moment, you think back to your ex, but honestly, the feelings for them haven’t been very strong for a few months already.
“So you’re saying you have a crush on me now?” you ask. Before Hvitserk can answer, the waiter sets down the dessert. You both dig in, and holy fuck – it’s good.
“I take it back, eating this is a great idea.” You say between bites.
“I might have a crush on you now.” Hvitserk says after swallowing his first bite. Surprised, you cough, some of the cake getting stuck in your throat. Hvitserk smacks your back, until you can breathe again.
“Couldn’t that wait until I had swallowed?” you ask, your eyes teary.
“Oh yeah. Sorry about that. Want me to kiss it better?”
You had forgotten how forward Hvitserk was.
“Uhh...” you mumble. “Sure?”
He leans forward, softly kissing you. You almost protest when he pulls back. You finish the dessert in comfortable silence, and on the way home, Hvitserk holds your hand again.
Dutifully, he drops you off at your hotel room, but before he can go, you pull him down to kiss him. After a few seconds, Hvitserk deepens the kiss, and holy fuck, he was an amazing kisser. Out of breath, you break apart.
“I’ll see you at the pool tomorrow?” you ask.
“Yeah.” He says. “I guess I should go to Bali more often, if it turns out like this.”
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beelzebubbutachef · 2 years
@myunmyuu the owner of the cute Mershrimp with Alice (my oc)
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🎭 Small theater 🎭
Context: Alice is a player, who wake up one day as Elsa personification, hundred years before the game setting of twisted wonderland, they become a fifth element and immortal. Because of obsession of liking Lilia Vanrouge before they died, they courted and confess every winter season of valley of thorns to Lilia after they give the throne to their younger sibling and travel the world as the winter spirit/element. But after hundred of years of being rejected for fun as well amusement (they are fine being rejected) and the part where Lilia and Malleus enter NRC Alice faked being food poison and asleep for two years to enter NRC without background they use to have and dorm mate of Idia shroud. They don't want to be in the spot light or be in the site of game event and just idle in their room 24/7. So they don't know what Yuu the therapist of the other world look like.
Alice after yet another long day of hide and seek with certain Fae and company. Found themselves at the campus pool, where they though is vacant at this hour.
They heard a splashing sound of water, alarming them of the presence of someone else in the pool area.
"hi." They heard someone spoke, they stared at the direction of the voice and found a someone peeking out of the water/edge of the pool, since the stranger only peeking at them from the edge of the pool, they cannot see any other than feature than their somewhat pale skin and wide golden eyes that staring at Alice with full of curiosity.
"..." Alice enter a moment of silence before almost felt that they seen the cutest person totally forgetting that they claim that certain ancient fae is the cutest before. In the world.
"are you here to use the pool...? Do you want me to leave?"
"nononono. I'm hiding." Alice quickly says as they don't want to make the other person leave just because they are hiding in the area.
"hiding? Are you playing hide and seek with someone?" Somehow the person in the pool become interested on Alice's situation.
"yes, I'm playing hide and seek for almost two years. Aren't I cool?" Being proud of the mischief they decided on two years ago, the two people chatted for a while.
They chatted about school and how Alice only stared indoors and use their powers for a substitute student to go to school for her and only go to class for exams like today.
But when the person in the pool says that they actually from another world, Alice starts to sweat drop and dreadfully listen to the introduction of the other person.
"I'm Yuu, what about you?" Yuu says as they stood in the edge of the pool, Alice look at the skin that remind them of certain merfolks, they felt complicated on how this person introduce themselves as Yuu the otherworldly therapist yet a merman.
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"it's Alice but... Aren't you... Non human like?????" Alice stared at Yuu shrimp tail and reddish skin tone.
"Ace accidentally created a potion that turn people to merman some time ago, it was fix but Floyd saw it and made a deal a certain prefect of his dorm for the same potion, after some blot accident Floyd said it's payback for the help." Yuu explained.
"wow." Somehow Alice want to slap themselves for not being updated on the game setting and what the prefect look like in person.
Since they don't want to be rude because of their own cowardly attics of not wanting to entangle with the cast of the game, they continue to chat with them since Yuu is someone who come from the almost same world they have once lived in.
They did stopped chatting when they heard certain leech siblings and first year group of troublemakers making way to the pool.
"sebek who did you say you saw?"
" I don't see the reason I should tackle this with you."
"then why are you tagging along with us?"
"I'm going in the same way!"
"shhhsss. Fine."
Alice stared one more time to Yuu and smiled. "It's nice meeting you, hopefully you won't tell others about our meeting. And good look on your future troubles.' With a wave Alice disappear leaving snowflakes that soon melt away.
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Six people met at Daroach’s Café; Daroach, Meta Knight, Magolor, Kirby, President Dedede, and Waddle Dee. Kirby was brought here by Meta Knight's sudden call, and both Kirby and President Dedede, as told by Meta Knight, brought their now unsealed gears. A tag hung on the door of the café reading, "Closed Today," so there was no need to worry about customers coming in. President Dedede glanced at Meta Knight and complained.
"What does this mean? You said your name is Meta Knight? You look like an aristocrat, what’s in it for you?"
"I'll explain everything, but first, the gears you have ... " Meta Knight was saying before Magolor interrupted him.
"The gears, put them in the box!" Magolor presented a box with a lid.
"Why did you prepare a box? For what ...? " Meta Knight asked. 
"The gears are dangerous now that the seals have melted off. The magical power in them will burst out and destroy stuff around us!" Magolor shivered in fright. "I don't know if something will happen if the three gears are gathered in one place, so I brought a box to contain them."
"I see, then let's put the gears we found in the box," Daroach said. He tossed his gear into the box.
"Put your gear in the box, too," Meta Knight told President Dedede.
"What? Don’t be ridiculous." He hugged the gear protectively. "I had a hard time getting this gear, I'm not giving it to anyone!"
"The gear might go haywire if you don’t put it in the box!" Magolor’s expression was serious. President Dedede replied nervously.
"B-but, it’s mine. Magolor, you know how hard it was to get this ... " 
"Ah! Danger!" Magolor shouted. President Dedede jumped up in surprise.  
"Just now, the gear shone brightly! That must be the signal!" 
"Eh!? Eh!? What—!? " President Dedede threw the gear in a panic. Magolor quickly caught the gear with the box.
"Now, put your gear in Magolor’s box as well ... " Meta Knight told Kirby, however, he closed his mouth when he saw Kirby’s face. His eyes were shining, and his mouth was about to drool. 
"All three gears! With these, the deluxe lunches for 100,000 people are ours!"
" ... Put the gear in the box, quickly."
Kirby didn't hear. His head was full of deluxe lunches for 100,000 people. "Chef Kawasaki's deluxe lunch! Has everyone had it!? It's amazing, on a big plate, hamburger steak, fried shrimp, and omelet rice are set, with a huge heap of potato salad ...! "
" ... Kirby, please listen to me ... "
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"Let's eat it together! If everyone can't finish it, I'll finish it! It’s okay, I don’t mind!"
" ..... I'm telling you to put the gear in the box ..... "
"Yeah! 100,000 servings, 100,000 servings~! " Kirby cheerfully tossed the gear into the box. Magolor closed the lid.
"With that, crisis has been averted! The magic has been contained, no need to worry anymore."
"Then, let's move on." Meta Knight put the photo on the table. President Dedede inspected it.  
"What is this? Are these supposed to be characters ...? " 
"They’re ancient characters. It seems to be an explanation of the machine found in the diamond mine." 
"I can’t read it." 
"It's difficult to decipher, but I can understand some of it by looking in this book." Meta Knight placed the thick research book next to the photo.
"What’s it say?" Kirby asked. 
"It’s a warning."
"Warning ...? " 
"The discovered ancient machine is a fearsome thing that brings both wealth and misery simultaneously. It’s terrifying."
" ... Eh?" Kirby, President Dedede, and Waddle Dee were shocked. 
"That’s what it means!?" President Dedede said. "Doesn't the ancient machine make everyone happy? That’s what it said in the newspaper." 
"Only the aristocrats will be happy. The ancient machine has the power to turn stone into expensive treasure, which will make the aristocrats rich, however, on the other hand, a stench will fill the town and eventually cause it to fall to ruin. It holds two opposite powers."
"What did you say ...!? " President Dedede was as pale as a ghost. "That's completely different from what was written! Wasn’t the wizard who stopped the machine evil!?"
"The opposite. It was probably a wise man with the right heart who pulled out the gears. Moreover, I assume he was unable to destroy them due to some sort of special power they have, so he sealed the magical gears and hid them instead. That way, the machine would never move again."
"This is serious ...! " Kirby jumped up and shouted. "We have to tell Mr. Fugo as soon as possible! He can't start the machine!" 
"No, Fugo knows exactly what he’s doing," Meta Knight said. "He should have had an expert in ancient characters on his side and succeeded in deciphering the full text long ago." 
"Huh ...? " Kirby was wide-eyed. 
"In other words, Fugo has been planning to do this from the beginning," President Dedede said, furious. "To make money, he didn’t care about what would happen to anyone other than himself!?"
"He is that kind of person." 
"Unforgivable!" President Dedede yelled and swung his fists.
President Dedede is selfish and self-indulgent, but he has a stronger sense of justice than anyone else. Fugo’s belief that it didn’t matter if other people suffered for his own benefit—he couldn't forgive him at all.
"We have to stop this," Kirby said. "We can't give Mr. Fugo the gears!" 
Meta Knight nodded. "All of you, if you’ll lend me your strength, our hearts will be stronger as one. Let's work to stop Fugo's evil, together."
" ... Together ... huh," President Dedede offhandedly mumbled. Suddenly, his mouth warped into a snarl. He narrowed his eyes and glared at Meta Knight. "That’s funny. Why do you, an aristocrat, want to join hands with us?"
Meta Knight turned to President Dedede. "What do you mean?" 
"If the ancient machine moves again, won’t the aristocrats profit? Doesn’t sound like a bad day for you." Meta Knight’s sharp eyes flickered toward him. "Even so, you’re trying to join hands with us ... Maybe you’re planning something, too? Planning to drive Fugo out of this town instead of yourself, so you can rise up ... "
Crack ...! 
There was a loud noise. President Dedede jumped when Meta Knight hit the floor with his cane. Meta Knight snapped back.
"Don’t look down on me! I am an inhabitant of Diamond Town before I am an aristocrat! Are you going to sit back and watch this town perish in silence!?"
President Dedede recoiled under his intensity. " ... H-huh!  You’re a solid guy, for an aristocrat. You believe in what you say." It was then ...
"A-ah ... um ... Lord Meta Knight ... sir ... " Waddle Dee said quietly.
"Hm? What?" 
While everyone was talking, Waddle Dee has been staring at the photo that's been sitting on top of the table the whole time.
"This photo ... there’s something written on the bottom of it." 
" ... Hm?" Meta Knight brought his face closer to the photo.
"Here, down here." Waddle Dee stretched and pointed.
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Meta Knight looked carefully. "I see. You’re right, that looks to be the case," he said. "There are small characters underneath the sentences I have deciphered."
"What!? Is it a big discovery!?" President Dedede came over and said.
"No, I doubt it." Meta Knight pointed. "Look. There are very few characters and what’s there is distorted, like a scribble. It’s probably just some sort of rough draft." 
"I-I’m sorry, I messed up ... "
Looking at the dejected Waddle Dee, Meta Knight added, "But, it's great you noticed the little characters I overlooked. Let's decipher it, just in case." 
"Decipher? How do you do that?" When Kirby asked, Meta Knight showed the thick research book he brought.
"I'll look it up in this book. I can look at the shapes and arrangements of the characters and look for similar strings." 
President Dedede leaned over the table. "What, that’s so annoying! So much work!" 
"Yeah! It might be a little too difficult for President Dedede," Kirby said cheerfully. "You can rest, I'll decipher it!" 
" ... What!?" President Dedede frowned. "There’s no way the ancient characters are gonna be deciphered by a lil’ brat like you!"
"I'm good at this kind of thing. Are you going to take a nap over there, President Dedede?" 
"Don't be stupid! You won’t be able to do it without me!" President Dedede rolled his arms, motivated.  
"Let’s do our best, everyone!" Magolor was enthusiastic. Daroach looked displeased, but there was no choice but to look into the book. 
Deciphering the ancient characters was difficult. The meaning changed greatly with even the smallest difference. Murmur, murmur, hum, hum. Everyone faced each other and exchanged opinions. 
"Hey, look. This string is ... " 
"It's similar to this. That means this says ... "
"No, wait. The length of the line is different. This one, instead ... " It was an arduous task, but little by little, they began to uncover the meaning. 
... Of course, Kirby and President Dedede were unable to keep up. They grew so tired they fell asleep on the floor. Waddle Dee suddenly raised his voice. 
" ... Ah! Lord Meta Knight, this string is possibly ...! " However, Waddle Dee's discovery was loudly interrupted by Daroach. 
"What are you doing, Magolor!" 
Meta Knight and Waddle Dee both looked up in surprise. Before they knew it, Magolor had slinked away from the table and was approaching the door. He firmly grasped the box containing the gears. Magolor laughed as soon as Daroach noticed him. 
"Bravo, bravo! Thank you all for your hard work, you guys! Thanks for collecting the gears for meeee~! " He quickly opened the door and ran outside. Everyone was frozen in place, too stunned to move by the sudden event.
"W— ... wait a minute!" The first to react was Daroach. 
"Wait! Magolor!" 
Daroach and Meta Knight quickly ran after him. Kirby and President Dedede, who were sleeping comfortably at the time, were trampled. 
"Ow ow ow ow—! " 
"What are you doing, you little—!? " The two jumped up in surprise.  
"There’s an emergency, President Dedede! Kirby!" Waddle Dee shouted. "Magolor ran away with the gears!" 
" ... Eh!?" Kirby and President Dedede looked at each other. 
"What do you mean!?" 
"That guy, he was planning to take the prize money for himself this whole time!?" 
Magolor laughed loudly as he ran. Kirby and the others desperately chased after him, but Magolor was surprisingly quick. Their view of him got smaller and smaller.
"He couldn’t be trusted after all!" Daroach shouted in frustration. "We were fooled, Meta Knight!" 
"Ah, that's right." Meta Knight jumped into the car parked in front of Daroach’s Café. Daroach jumped in as well and took the passenger seat. "Let’s go!" 
"Right! Step on it, Meta Knight!" Daroach shouted and shut his eyes tightly. The steam car accelerated sharply and immediately reached its maximum speed. They thought they could catch up with Magolor in no time, but—— 
"I won't let you! Ha!" Magolor turned around and threw a capsule that broke and spewed out clouds of black smoke. Meta Knight slammed on the brakes. The two coughed as they inhaled the fumes.
"Cough ...! I can’t believe it ...! "
"Magolor ...! " 
When the smoke finally cleared, Magolor was gone. 
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Kirby and President Dedede weren't standing still, of course. 
"The chase is on! My Great King DDD XX, come to me!" President Dedede started running toward the factory where the plane was stored, but Kirby would not be defeated.  
"It’ll be my Warp Star that catches Magolor!" 
"Wait Kirby!" Waddle Dee stopped Kirby before he started to run.
"Ah, Waddle Dee! Come on, let's go together!" 
"Yeah ...! " Waddle Dee was carrying the photo of the ancient characters and the heavy research book with him. Kirby was surprised.
"You’re going to bring that!?"
"Yeah! I'll leave the flying to you, Kirby. I need to decipher this!"
"Waddle Dee ...! " They had to hurry and chase after Magolor. It would take them much longer if they had to carry the heavy book all the way to the plane, but Kirby nodded when he saw Waddle Dee's serious expression. 
" ... All right. Let’s take it!" 
Waddle Dee didn't miss any small details. He could find something important from even the smallest clue. Thanks to that, he had been able to find and repair many machine failures up to now. He would surely notice something important that everyone else overlooked. 
The two carried the heavy book, ran to the apartment, and boarded the Warp Star, together. 
"Let’s go!" With Kirby in the cockpit and Waddle Dee in the seat behind, the Warp Star took off.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 轻云寻隐录: Sariel’s BDAY 2021 Event! Qingyun’s Hidden Records (Prologue)
“Just who was he going to look for down at Qingyun Swamp?”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories
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The 1st of September came in the blink of an eye. It was in the wee hours of the morning that I rushed to the location that I'd agreed to meet up with Sariel at.
Although the station that greeted me was by means small, it was a shell of its former glory. The shaky and crumbling sign read: Qingyun Station.
MC: Just how long has it been since someone was last here?
Curious, I surveyed the area. The matter of ticketing officers and passengers, or the lack thereof, aside, the railroad tracks of this station had completely rusted over. And there were even weeds growing!
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MC: Didn't Sariel say that we needed to take the train to Qingyun Swamp? ...It doesn't even look like trains are running here.
As soon as the words left my lips, I saw a familiar figure across the road. I quickly jumped up, waving my hands at it.
MC: Sariel! Over here!
Sariel paused in his footsteps, sighed, and quickly walked up to me. He was just about to say something when his gaze stopped on my bulging backpack.
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Sariel: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were going for an autumn outing.
MC: Course not! All the stuff in here is my secret things. Don't go opening it when I'm not looking!
Sariel: Don't overthink it. I'm not interested in your secrets.
MC: Why do you only have a small bag with you?
Sariel: There are daily necessities and a change of clothes there.
Sariel: If it weren't for a certain someone who insisted on tagging along, I doubt I'd even need to be packing a small bag.
I sneaked over and peeked at the contents of the bag. All I caught was a glimpse of a packet of shrimp crackers before Sariel changed hands.
Sariel never, ever, ate snacks… which means… Did he pack those for me?
MC: Thank you, Sariel.
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Sariel: I don't know what you're talking about.
I could hear the faint sound of a whistle headed this way. I froze, standing on tip-toes and squinted, attempting to look into the distance.
Sariel: I'm just going there to settle some business. Why do you seem so happy?
MC: I didn't think that there'd still be trains running for a station this run-down!
Just then, a gust of wind blew into the empty station, filling it with white mist.
I could make out the vague shadow of a train amid the fog as it silently slid into the station.
Sariel: Our ride is here.
He handed me a hard ticket, the destination printed on it had long since faded into a blur, seemingly obscured by time itself.
The retro train silently stopped before the platform where only the two of us stood. Its raven green exterior exuded a mysterious vibe.
Suddenly, an excerpt of what I'd previously read in that ancient book popped into my mind…
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"Qingyun Lake is isolated from the world; there are no usual trodden paths leading up to it. There, dwells thousands of ancient woodland spirits, all in human form, happy and content."
Sariel stepped on the steps leading up into the cabin. Looking at his back, I suddenly felt my heart clench.
Could it be that those woodland spirits that the ancient book spoke of… are all part of the Spirit Tribe, just like Sariel? But if so, then just who was he going to look for down at Qingyun Swamp?
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Sariel: What are you standing around for?
MC: I have a question about this Qingyun Swamp place. Is this where the Spirit Tribe lives?
Sariel: Yes. Why? Regret it now?
MC: Nope!
I had a peculiar feeling the moment I stepped onto the train that this trip in search of someone would be one that far surpassed the realms of "normal".
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Prelude) | Next Part: (Chapter 1)
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girllovesromance · 3 years
Izzy’s Dag-Dag The Artist… Tag
Izzy’s Dag-Dag The Artist… Tag by @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else’s picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don’t be a dick that’s it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don’t want to answer a question for any reason just don’t vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna! Also make sure you tag me and use #dagdagtheartisttag so I can see it!!!!!!!!
i was tagged by no one, saw @almost-spring​ post I though it would be fun, hmm....
1.) Do you prefer to be referred to by your name or blog name? Just call me Diu, I hate my real name: there were 4 kids with the same name in my elementary classes, that’s a basic af name.
2.) Where are you from? Vietnam
3.) Do you have pets? A cute dog, Sherry
4.) Tell us about your “dream”. Start a freaking webtoon series and receive some recognition, so I can do something I actually like, but I’m too afraid to risk it
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies? hmmm, listen to music, come up with ideas, daydream about it. Or I really like hate-read a story (basically read the stuff that irritates me the most, lol), so I can come up with a brand new story idea as an AU, fix-it fanfiction for that story. It’s good for creativity, then I can develop my characters using that idea. Besides, is procrastination a hobby too?
6.)Does anyone irl know about your blog? no one does, this is nice.
7.)Do you know anyone from your blog irl? no
8.) What are some fun facts about you? hmm... I like trash reincarnated villainess manga and manhwa stories recently. The authors just copied some tropes from the other authors to write the stories, so the characters and plots can be shallow (Tropes like black haired Male Lead who is mean to everyone but the Female Lead, reincarnated girl who threw her trauma out of the window or threw her past life memories away quickly and move on for the sake of revenge, zero character development if the FL is badass...) Part of me hate-read the stories, part of me love them as it I’m addicted to them
9.) What’s your day job? Student
10.) Do you have a celebrity look alike? Nope
11.) What’s your aesthetic? Anything pink, that’s my entire wardrobe. Vintage clothes, midi dresses and skirts, korean makeup.
12.) What kind of artist are you? Spontaneous, I’ve never drawn anything, suddenly become interested and decided to buy a tablet for art. So spontaneous...
13.) How did you get into your form of art? Trash reincarnated villainess webtoons made me wish I could draw, but didn’t have the nerve to start drawing. Then Clip Studio Paint ads popped up everywhere (did google read my mind?), they talked about 3d assets that would help drawing. So I’m drawing now
14.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create? I cannot multitask...
15.) What is your favorite of your own creations so far? 
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This painting reflects Of Love And War so well: Lan Chi being dragged to a brand new sh***y life, she is terrified
16.) How would you describe your art style? where did the light come from?
Webtoon style?  I was inspired by True Beauty and Lookism art style. The light source typically come from top right corner of my drawings
17.) What is more satisfying to you coloring or outlining? coloring, tbh, my drawing is very lacking without coloring.
18.) What meme would you use to describe yourself? 
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19.) What character from any media form do you most identify with? none
20.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to? Some nice and unique name. Tuong Vy is my favorite
21.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names? To diu, that is so cute. Tiny shrimp
22.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose? 
 23.) Oh yeah, I’m still on the MySpace train and I’m starting discourse! Who’s your top 8? 
24.) Did you understand those references or did you have to look them up? (I’m fully away I’m ancient, but are you?) i have heard about MySpace, but I’ve never used it.
25.) One last question; why are you like that? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Feel free to answer it if you want
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tabithak · 3 years
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I posted 1,981 times in 2021
244 posts created (12%)
1737 posts reblogged (88%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.1 posts.
I added 3 tags in 2021
#bimbo fucktoy - 2 posts
#bimbofied - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 13 characters
#bimbo fucktoy
My Top Posts in 2021
Do it for the food ! The real reason you became a red-pilled red-state Republicrat is that the food is better ! You pig out at so many rich white conservative lunch things— everyone knows you there on the arm of some patriarch getting sloppy on shrimp and stupid on Dom. You are just like a fuck & feed queen, and you stuff yourself while they stuff your head with straight traditional values and your holes with Christian wealth penis. You are such a big liar; what have you done ? You fucked a Senator from South Carolina ? Just cause he had crab. Your big ass has sat in all the right-wing pro-life military-tech goon squad dining rooms as you put your squats to good use getting group boned along with all the other bimbos putting on much poundage… you love stuffing your big bloated face while some ancient illuminati guy fucks your tits into the roast beef… uhh, all the girls in a line with their dresses up and their big gravy-train dumpers getting bare-back hard-raped as the Men continue to discuss debt and crime and drugs and the problems of youth today… you shudder with what you think and he tells you is an orgasm from deep inside you… know that the turkey baster shoot-up with hot fresh young Alpha DNA is still coming up, and all of you females will go home with a doggy bag of bones as well as your selected spunk deposits… “uhh, yes Sir; my Husband votes for me” “protect our children” “we need to get married sooner” “meat is God” “Yes Sir.”
19 notes • Posted 2021-10-10 06:15:31 GMT
This here fuck piece is called Tabitha Lynn 💖 This cunt don’t need a Man cause she got a Daddy. But shit if she ain’t hot for all the Cock…
Also to be found at
https://tabikuntz.tumblr.com & @tabitha2
Muslimah / B’toom content @tabya-bint
38 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 18:33:47 GMT
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#slight edit @shelly00 @alsoashley #babes
42 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 19:12:11 GMT
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@tabitha2 #fake me pink latex love fuck please
49 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 07:47:56 GMT
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70 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 12:44:57 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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scarlettaagni · 4 years
scenes i am endlessly thinking about presented in semi-chronological order
another Yautja kid makes fun of pup Missy’s family so she tackles him and starts swinging
Zola asks Missy if Yautja have music or dancing and her only reference was a ritual from when she was younger when the clan Ancient gave out gauntlets to the pups
Missy breaks a drawing board over another kid’s head for erasing her art
wordless and contextless cold-open where Missy watches her helmet and gear being made and assembled, picking a grappling hook gauntlet over the traditional wristblades and testing the weapons, seeing her parents off, then shooting off to earth. she just straight up goes through the however many stages of grief the entire trip
towards the end of her first fight of the hunt, she disarms the last guy and steps on the gun before he can reach it, but after a thought she steps off it and in fact kicks it to him, lets him get his shit together as she turns around to wait, lets him get a few shots in before disarming him again and tearing his head off. big confidence boost for her [flower emoji]
then she kneels down by the other bodies sharpening her blades so she can start flaying them, scene of, or some scenes of the flaying process and the hanging
Missy steals shrimp from the food table they set out and she makes it a habit of stealing raw meat and fish to eat. She can cook it if she wants but half the time she just slides the mouthpiece of her mask off and eats it right there and then because Yautja don't get salmonella or botulism
Missy watches a wake in a church and goes to observe the coffin when it’s brought in the back and scares the shit out of somebody who walks in during that
Missy watches human kids playing tag and picks up some choice phrases to use, but decides to bounce when kids start pointing at her and calling their parents to look
Missy is checking out the residence near the chicken coop she keeps returning to for food, accidentally catches Zola’s attention so as Zola sticks her head out of the window to see what’s up, a loc of her hair hangs in Missy’s face but Zola heads back inside before Missy can touch it
general scenes of Missy being unsupervised in Zola’s house and investigating stuff like how hot the stove gets and their gun storage and playing Zola’s music
Zola teaches Missy how to handle cats with her cat Buster, Missy proceeds to pet him for an entire hour
Zola’s dad gets home before Zola does while Missy is blasting music and she impersonates Zola with what few clips of her voice she can contextually use, when Zola gets there she manages to convince her dad that she just left a recording on her laptop open and is a little offended at being impersonated
Missy eats what Zola gives her by turning around and slav squatting so she doesn't see
flashback scene before that of Missy begging the leader and Ancient for this chance, revealing the two Yautja that see her off were her parents. also scene of ancient taking interest in reviewing her biomask recordings with/in place of the leader because Ancient is the Cool Grandpa who jives with her vibes
Zola shows Missy some chicken eggs about to hatch, one starts and Missy raises her fist to crush it but Zola stops her and lets her admire the newborn chick and hands her an older chick to observe
The two of them bond over their upcoming initiation into adulthood and their desire to not let their fathers down and make them proud of them
scene where Missy finds a carnival, watches the tradition of hitting targets for a toy, which is often won by somebody but given away to a loved one so while no one is paying attention she hits a target and takes a toy as a trophy and gives it to Zola next time she sees her
scene where Missy is desperate enough to literally pray to the Yautja gods for luck so she chants her name over and over above a fire and one of her trophies
Missy decapitates King and warns Zola that she stashed it in a bale of hay but no warning can prepare Zola so she just tries her best not to scream
Missy commandeers a motorcycle by nonfatally tossing the owner off it, using a mode that detects the most touched parts of the motorcycle to teach herself what parts to hold onto, then places her mask onto Zola to protect her identity but more importantly, allow her plasmacaster to shoot backwards using Zola’s gaze for targeting while Missy operates the bike
motorcycle chase scene where they’re being chased by military jeeps and helicopters, the chase filmed and broadcast on TV where in order to get the help of the public, paint Missy as a human escaped convict who has stolen experimental technology
Zola takes the mask off when the coast is clear and she complains that the inside of the mask smells like seafood
Zola’s dad freaks out cause he instantly recognizes her on TV and this is a scene i kinda don’t want to have cause I prefer him to be unaware of Missy’s existence but i really want her to confront him and say that Zola is the bravest human she’s met thus far and that her own father would be proud to have a daughter like Zola (roundabout way of saying she wants to be like Zola)
[gushes immensely] Missy goes into dangerous situations because she has to and because she can handle the damage it causes her, Zola does it when she doesn’t HAVE to and DESPITE that she can get gravely hurt. after decades of fighting other Yautja, Missy is now very aware that humans are like wet tissue paper and she has mad respect for her human gf being so ride or die when Zola can literally just go home instead of helping her
scene where walking through the woods Missy rightfully senses that she’s being followed, and switches to a mode that lets her see the disguised agents in the trees around her so for the next in-universe hour she has to play dumb while formulating a way out of the trap without making it obvious
it works for a while until she makes a run for it, at the end of which she’s tranqued down, captured, and her belongings rifled through
Missy intimidating the fuck out of the researchers watching her in containment by constantly pressing up against the one-way glass and scratching it where she thinks someone is, because if they have to watch her she won’t make it pleasant for them
Missy flipping them off in like 5 different ways
short interlude between freeing Scorpion and freeing Lurker where he and Missy mock an overheard conversation to get past guards while hiding above the hanging lights
scene in the facility where it’s revealed that technically one other Yautja is alive aside from Lurker and Scorpion, some poor vivisected soul whose nervous system had been laid out and separated from flesh from the waist down and begs for Lurker to kill him honorably
additional scene of finding the other Yautja bodies in cold storage along with many bags of preserved Yautja blood
not essential but scene of Missy just tearing a man in half by stepping on his lower half and pulling up under his arms
Missy heading home, admiring the hairtie Zola gave her and then retying it onto her hair like a band
post-hunt and blooding, Missy asks the Ancient to teach her English
epilogue that definitely won’t happen where Missy brings her closest relatives to earth to meet Zola which would be her little brother, father, mother, and her father’s other mate. Missy’s family is pindrop quiet and just sit on the long-suffering couch while Zola and Missy try desperately to inspire conversation, but luckily the brothers get along and Zola’s brother quickly teaches Missy’s brother how to play video games
i mean i do want an epilogue but if it happens Missy definitely won’t be bringing her family over but otherwise it’s cute. she uproots someone else’s garden as a present for Zola
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I posted 30,939 times in 2021
144 posts created (0%)
30795 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 213.9 posts.
I added 237 tags in 2021
#loki stuff - 105 posts
#its clyde! - 54 posts
#tw police brutality - 20 posts
#unreality - 12 posts
#panda asks - 10 posts
#tw murder - 9 posts
#tw food - 9 posts
#tw politics - 6 posts
#tw death - 6 posts
#tw unreality - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#often designers on movies and shows do in fact just change stuff because in their head it wasn’t exactly like the description
My Top Posts in 2021
Sophie can see shrimp colors send tweet
16 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 19:54:46 GMT
@enchantingloverebel so I’d love to hear about your gay midsummer but I was hella bored so mine:
- all four lovers are exactly the same dweeby looking guy
- pronouns are changed in the opening scene with egeus so they’re all male (for comedic effect)
- most other dialogue stays the same EXCEPT when Oberon and puck are trying to distinguish between them so we get sentences like “this is the man, but not this the man” (also for comedic effect)
- speaking of puck, they’re genderfluid and look completely different every time they come on. Like I mean two different actors alternating between wild costume changes the whole time
- all the rude mechanicals are butch lesbians (none of their language is changed)
- Theseus is also a woman, because Hippolyta was Not Straight
- amusingly, Titania and Oberon are the token straights. Nothing about them is changed except that they were both in love with hippolyta. (Also, Oberons have this issue where they’re never hot enough for their Titania, so Oberon is the one cast for looks and oversexualised.)
- this is modern clothing clearly but the setting isn’t modernized. These are modern day gay people living in a recreation of ancient Athens. Gay people are just like that.
23 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 19:58:49 GMT
I’m so sorry I have nothing to say for myself
27 notes • Posted 2021-01-07 19:06:25 GMT
sometimes I’m just minding my own business and I remember that brom proved to eragon that the ancient language was real by making a bird sit on his hand disney princess style
43 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 23:32:20 GMT
So kotlc abilities are called that but those without them are called talentless. Why the discrepancy? Because it would be too on the nose to call them disabled. I’m sure y’all have already had this thought, and I know we as a fandom have talked about ableism in keepers before, but having had this thought I’m now officially wired at how few shits anyone in the books gives about the talentless.
84 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 17:29:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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got tagged by one of my fave mutuals @ringdonuts and decided i needed a distraction lmao
Rules: Answer 30 questions about yourself and tag 20 others you wanna know more about 😊
1. Name/Nickname: Greer is both my name and nickname. you figure it out
2. Gender: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i use she/they pronouns? we'll get back to that discussion later
3. Star Sign: virgo sun, taurus moon, cancer rising (i.e. I'm a mess)
4. Height: 5'6"? maybe? haven't checked in a while
5. Time: 6:23 pm
6. Birthday: 9/11 baybee
7. Favorite bands/groups: uh. truly couldn't tell ya. if im feeling nostalgic, fall out boy ig? im gonna co opt this question and say my fave podcasts are wine & crime, beach too sandy water too wet, and that's why we drink, and sounds fake but okay
8. Favorite solo artist: joseph dubay, scotty sire, and watsky come to mind
9. Song stuck in my head: Saint Bernard by Lincoln bc I was thinking of my mental illness playlist
10. Last Movie: Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar (it was... a trip)
11. Last Show: Psych probably
12. When did I create this blog: jesus, it had to be at least 8 years ago bc my first post was about my 9th grade musical, i remember that much. update: I searched my email and i started my blog in november of 2012. so, there ya go
13. What do I post: anything that induces psychic damage to my followers. its just a hodge podge of things i enjoy tbh
14. Last thing I Googled: smth about resumes
15. Other blogs: i have a side blog (mostly aesthetic) @my-favorite-memory-with where i post all my favorite memories with different people (submissions are always welcome but rarely received)
16. Do I get asks: lmao not often no, usually they come from my friends
17. Why I chose my URL: firefly was a short-lived j*ss wh*don show that my mom and i really enjoyed, and i consider myself akin to a cinnamon jolly rancher in that i probably shouldn't exist but while I'm here I'm gonna make it everyone else's problem
18. Following: 1,338 idk man
19. Followers: 632???? idk why
20. Average hours of sleep: 6 usually does it
21. Lucky number: 7 13 and 21. idk why
22. Instruments: i can play the clarinet and that's about it
23. What am I wearing: blue slacks, a white tank and a gray cardigan. I'm out of clothes
24. Dream job: a stage manager, specifically for k*lli's show.
25. Dream trip: UGH a road trip with the banjo shrimps to a bunch of small towns across the us !!! staying in shitty motels and going to small museums and making food and just doing dumb dumb shit. that's the goal i just wanna tour
26. Favorite food: paastaaaa!!! and bread made with (really, by) celeste.
27. Nationality: American (listen i know)
28. Favorite song: Currently Least Favorite Only Child by Leanna Firestone but of all time probably the theme to M*A*S*H just bc nothing ever gets me as hyped
29. Last book I read: All of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver. Got through that shit with frightening speed. unless you consider k*lli's fic (read here) a book
30. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: I love the idea of the CoAD universe, but I would have to be born into it to survive. Obviously, as a gay, I'm a slut for the Percy Jackson universe. And finally the universe of the librarians, if only so magic could be real in small doses
cool that was a fun lil brain exercise. uh if you got this far guess what. you gotta do the thing. also if you're mentioned at all you gotta do the thing. and if you related to ANY of my answers you gotta do the thing. hows that sound for a tag?
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lemurious · 4 years
interview tag!
The wonderful @nocompromise-noregrets tagged me in this lovely interview :)
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
(i am too anxious to ever tag anyone specifically, so please consider yourselves tagged! if you see this, I want to know you better!)
nickname: I don’t have one, but my typical sign-off is a contraption of mouse + my given name.
pronouns: she/her.
star sign: Proxima Centauri, thank you. Space is my job (yes, literally), so star signs are not something I ever consider - though wouldn’t it be nice if we could choose a star for our liking?
height: 5'9"
time currently: 12:06am, I should be asleep, but I am not, because I have been working until like 10pm and now I need to do something pleasant! 
when is your birthday: March.
favourite bands/groups: Power / folk / Viking metal, please and thank you :D Sabaton is my absolute favorite, Gloryhammer, Blind Guardian, Tyr, occasional Powerwolf and Feuerschwanz...some Amon Amarth for good measure and even occasional Behemoth (those kids only live!)
favourite solo artists: Melissa Bonny? She does have an excellent growl.
song stuck in your head: Victory Songs by Ensiferum. Cue yours truly, walking around the lab at night, singing under the breath: “swords in their hands, they killed each and every man..”
last movie watched: I...barely ever watch movies? So let’s say Sever Worlds, One Planet - an excellent nature documentary. 
last show you binged: Again, not quite a show, but a history documentary - The Great War. One episode for every week of World War I. 
when you created your blog: Summer 2020 - only last year :)
last thing you googled: “Burgomeister” to find out that it is spelled “burgomaster”. To be fair English is not my first language :)
other blogs: None.
why you chose your url: I love lemurs and lemures (creepy spirits in ancient Rome!)
do you get asks: No.. I am clearly uncool. 
how many people are you following: 106
how many followers do you have: 61
average hours of sleep: I hope to get 7-8, but tonight may be a bit less since I am writing this and it is 12:15am already :)
lucky number: 4 - well it is not a lucky number, but I have mild OCD and I am mildly obsessed with the number 4. Everything needs to come in fours, at least ideally, and it is very painful to have something be a 17 (almost a four fours) or say a 63 (almost a four four fours).
instruments: None. Waaah. I have zero musical ability.
what I’m currently wearing: blue jeans, space themed polo shirt over a long-sleeved dark shirt, a Fitbit and a wedding ring (visibly). Basically my uniform. 
dream job: astronaut! Though I may have to settle for my dream job on the planet, which is a space biologist. Which is what I actually do. :)
dream trip: The Moon, thank you. Otherwise, Antarctica. 
favourite food: Anything with an abundance of potatoes! Also, shrimp and grits. I love Southern food in general. 
favourite song: I honestly don’t have one... 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: Middle Earth, Roshar (Brandon Sanderson), my own personal universe to fall into from the Wayward Children series (Seanan McGuire). 
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Fantasy High Locations 2.12
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Arborly, Silvar
Forest with towering ancient trees with curling, twisting branches, limbs, and trunks
Curves of trees eclipse each other and vines growing up the trees
Forest floor has deep thick ferns and overgrowth
Reed-like in places with tall grass that grow up over the top of even Gorgug's head with a kept flagstone path that leads to an iron gate
Chill damp air with limited visibility, but no visible billowing fog
Ambient mist is dispersed, but causes anything in the distance to blur and muffles sounds
Spooky but healthy
Looks like a forest with a single home, but is in fact a town with similar platforms in trees like Hollyhill.
No roads that are good for driving and a lot of unlevel terrain
1 to 2 day's walk past the barrier to get to the large temple mentioned in the texts the bad kids found.
No cell service
Ambient duidic magic from 200 to 300 years ago that pushed back the wall, allowing the wood elves and gnomes to reclaim the town.
Gnomish tinkerers help the people stay safe and build their homes inside the trees while wood elves guard and protect the town
Originally a wood elf town, but now
the heart of the town is gnomish
"The Wall"
Thick barrier of infernal magic
At the edge of the forest where the barrier is, the trees grow so thick that there is no dirt between them and they create a wall
Thick barbed razor sharp briers fill in any gaps and go up 80 feet
Looks like a wall of thorns dwarfing the forest outside it like a tidal wave frozen in place
Thorns are serrated, hooked, and barbed with a straight point as well (like the ends of pole arms)
Thorns tried to attack Ayda (growing quickly), but not Fig
The leaves are so dark that the boarder on purple, like an oilslick on the leaves
30 minute walk from Hollyhill
Good guys want to get rid of the wall but the bad guys do as well
(Unknown location in the forest)
Scried by Adaine
Dark, twisted, and grarled that is almost looks suterranian
Tunnels of interlocking branches (like caves)
Path is made by using the crystal containing Gorthalax implanted in Killean
Mannor that belongs to Grover Tillythatch (venue executive gnome Fig met on tour who offered to let her visit)
Owners moved to Solace 2 generations ago and he inherited it
Iron gate set in an old stone wall surrounding a massive tree
The iron gate has a 10 year old keypad used to get in (code 1235)
Wall has a latch thing which allow the wall to fold down and created a big enough opening to move Van inside the stone wall
Rounded door set in the side of the tree looks like an exquisitely wrought shingled birdhouse set into the ground
Front door is tall enough for an average human (but the half-orcs have to duck), so a huge manor house by gnome standards (also has a sliding glass door)
Birdhouses, hammocks, rope bridges, and circular platforms sit in the branches of the tree high in the canopy
Has Spyre tech, but not brand new
3 hot tubs (upstairs one later filled with shrimp and another designed by the teens as just for Gilear), multiple fridges (2 in a storage space, 1 in kitchen, and 1 in upstairs guest suite), sound system, crystals, and a pool
Has a small crystal pylon downstairs to use as a generator
Fluffy robes that the owner thought were worth bragging about
The Owl And The Harp
Across the road from Tikerer's Hall
Has a painted owl flying over a harp outside the building
Visited by Adaine and Riz (the research squad)
A bar and inn
Relaxed environment of gnomish construction, but built to wood elf scale
Has average tables as well as gnome sized ones
Most of the patrons are gnomes (wearing t-shirts according to Riz)
Spiral staircase in the center, each level having a private one room suite
Has an unnamed male bartender working there
Top suite is where Elianwyn had been staying (she didn't check out). It was left spattered in blood, covered in half burnt candles, littered with arcane stuff on the floor, and had images of a skeletal robed figure in a crown etched into the wall (that was obviously drawn by Elianwyn)
Riz and Adaine both agree that an arcane crime scene felt more comfortable than trying to talk to a bartender
Tikerer's Hall
Near the inn
Visited by Gorgug, Fabian, Ragh, and Hangman.
Built into side of a giant moss covered bolder with a smoking chimney on top with smoke coming out and two big gears turning on the side (but nobody is sure what they do)
The doorway is gnome sized
Gramophone springs out to allow the gnomes to talk to visitors
Contains a large group of gnomes tinkerers who all have very old gear relative to Solace
Led by Krumpkin Springbill
They keep recipts for what others purchase (including Killean)
The lab is increadible, but ancient with tech that's 50 to 100 years old
The lab is full of gears, simple machines, worktables, shops, vices, presses, drills, and a roaring fire with bellows
Random machines like the gizmotron which "hops up real high and then you gotta find it"
Shrine of Thorns
Visited by Fig, Tracker and Kristen (who were dropped off by Sandra Lynn on Baxter)
The village's old shrine to a forgotten goddess of Silvar (and possibly an easier place to entire the nightmare forest from)
A small shrine made of moss covered stone and plinths with a clay roof on top
Wood elven etchings around it
Has been partially crushed and consumed
Entrance is reclamed, but the dais is still clamed by thorns with the briars having broken through just past the stone seats where it would begin
Crossing the threshold makes werewolves sick
Tracker used a light spell, blowing in her hand to make the room fill with motes of moonlight
Ancient carved and etched mural covered by vines depicts a woman in a gown, cloak, and cape, her hair dark as the night and spreading out in all directions. She is holding a book and broomstick. A black cat crawls across her back. A small dwelling is next to her.
The briars blocking the dais have a charred handprint, the same one Fig's magic left at the top of briars. Using burning hands again causes fire to spread into a full stretching oval, creating a burning doorway that opens to a red firy sky and a blasted red plane.
More 2.12
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Curating your ultimate RAM visit
As the largest museum in Western Canada, we understand that it may feel a little daunting to visit RAM – where do you start? What are the must-see objects? What if you don’t have a lot of time?
Fear not: We’ve compiled a collection of highlights that will satisfy any visitor, from the casual dabblers to history buffs!
The Nature Lover
If you’re looking for dazzling geodes, wild animals, and ancient creatures, you’ll want to head up, up, up to the Natural History Hall.
Take a left to enter the world of gems and minerals. The giant purple geode or holey concretion might capture your attention at first, but don’t dismiss the small specimens just yet. Did you know we have a piece of Mars on display?
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If you’ve ever wondered what the oldest fossil in the RAM collection is, seek out the stromatolites in the Ancient Alberta section. They’re approximately 1.4 billion years old!
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While the massive Ice Age mastodon and mammoths are sure to catch your eye, you may be fascinated to discover the story of the Saiga Antelope. She may look like a Star Wars character or some not-so-distant cousin of ALF, but she’s definitely from this planet. Unlike most Ice Age creatures, the saiga antelope didn’t go extinct. In fact, you can still see them today in Russia and Central Asia.
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Press on to the Wild Alberta gallery, and see if you can find the living hognose snake in one of the dioramas. Here’s a hint – it may be just under your nose… or your feet!
The Avid Anthropologist
From the earliest people to Alberta today, you won’t find your typical textbook history in the Human History Hall. Once you enter through the gallery doors, head clockwise to catch these exhibits.
For Cree communities, winter is the time that you share stories – and certain stories can only be shared in winter! Visit the interactive display of Wîsahkêcâhk, under the second panoramic landscape from the left, to hear storyteller Billy Joe Laboucan recounting one of the Cree trickster’s humorous adventures. This story can only be heard in the museum after the first snowfall. Once the snow melts, the story is gone until next year when the snow flies again!
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Head around the corner, and step back in time through the temporary exhibition, I Am From Here, where you can visit a long-gone diner, welcome home a railroad porter, and meet the descendants of early Black settlers in Alberta.
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Many First Nations and Métis women gathered together in the winter, sat by the firelight making beadwork, embroideries, quillwork or moose-hair tuftings, while sharing tea and catching up on gossip. Some mothers would coax their children into bead-sorting duties – separating them out into small parcels by colour and size. Seek out the Sewing for a Living exhibit to see examples of Indigenous women’s incredible talents with beads, quill, needles and thread.
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You saw the biplane hanging in the lobby, now see the flight suit of the man that flew it. Wilfrid Reid (Wop) May, First World War flying ace served as a fighter pilot in the First World War. Head to the display case below the yellow airplane to check out how many layers he would wear while flying!
Be sure to take your time in the circular What Makes Us Strong gallery. This space brings together displays from each of the five largest Indigenous nations in Alberta: Nehiyawak (Cree), Niitsitapi (Blackfoot), Dene, Nakoda/Nakota and Métis. Stay to watch the 360-degree video – like the vibrant communities it portrays, there is neither beginning nor end.
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The Curious Kiddo
If your little one is a seasoned RAM visitor, they may want to head straight to the Children’s Gallery, but don’t miss out on the great interactive exhibits in the history halls as well!
In the Human History Hall, young visitors can learn about how early peoples hunted the extremely speedy pronghorn antelope; travel from Pigeon Lake to Fort Edmonton with a team of “little dogs;” and giddy-up to the Calgary Stampede atop Champion, the mechanical horse.
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Upstairs in Natural History, kids can walk on the wild side. Feed a baby pelican, don your feathers for a ruffed grouse dance-off, and practice your flirting skills with the humming birds.
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Then, of course, head to the Children’s Gallery, where kids can make a volcano, control the wind, or put on a show! If this doesn’t tire them out, nothing will!
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The Lover of All Things Bugs
This one is for all you brave visitors who aren’t afraid of a few extra legs.
If you want to start big, head to the right once inside the gallery and seek out the goliath bird eater tarantula. This species, found in South Africa, is the heaviest spider in the world. Can’t see her? Check inside the hollow log.
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Prefer something a little smaller? See if you can spot the stalk-eyed fly. The males of this tropical insect use their eyestalks to stare down competitors – the biggest span usually wins!
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Some people may think the giant African millipede is creepy, but not you! You recognize the important job these many-legged invertebrates play in breaking down plant material and rotting fruit. Thanks, millipedes!
What is the coolest creature in the Bug Gallery, you ask? The peacock mantis shrimp, named Lyle, is certainly a contender! Brilliant colours and an incredibly powerful punch make this crustacean a must-see.
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The Instagrammer
Even if you’re just here to “do it for the ‘gram,” we won’t judge. If you’re looking for the Instagrammable spots of RAM, look no further.
Before you enter the building, be sure to walk past the Ernestine Tahedl murals on the south side of the museum. These murals previously adorned the former Canada Post building that used to occupy this site. A little #yegdt history, the vibrant pops of red, and that natural light make for a great picture!
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Of course, when you first walk in, you’ll want to snap a photo with our two Mammoths in the lobby – you can’t get a more iconic “I visited RAM” snap.
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Head up to the Ice Age creatures in the Natural History Hall for some dramatic snaps of megafauna. Yeah, the sloth really was that big. Be sure to include yourself in the photo for scale!
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Back downstairs, you’ll need to get a shot of Molly the pickup truck in the back corner of the Human History Hall – because you can’t get much more “Alberta” than a pickup truck.
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And of course, don’t forget to hashtag your snaps with  #RoyalAlbertaMuseum, or tag us so we can see them!
Royal Alberta Museum
Bonus Stops!
Phew! You’ve covered a lot of ground in this visit. It’s probably time to treat yourself, right?
First, refuel and re-caffeinate at the Café. Have you tried the bison burger? Or maybe you’re more of a donut person – we’ve got you covered there, too.
Finally, exit through the Museum Shop! With hundreds of unique items from local vendors, including jewellery, home accents, art, food, plus toys your kids will be begging for, and RAM swag to show your museum love, you’re sure to find something you’ll love.
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These are just a few ideas. We want to hear from you! What are your go-to stops when you visit RAM?
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chanbig · 5 years
tagged by: @bookrockshooter
tagging: @ky0utani @witchfall @vaniccio @gayverlyearp
nickname: i dont have one :(
real name: ariel 
zodiac sign: whats up geminis!!
height: TALL(ish)
what time is it: 11pm 
favorite musician(s): right now, in no particular order: bastille, hayley kiyoko, lauv, harry styles, tamino, hozer, troye sivan, the national, the neighbourhood... sad AND gay 
favorite sports team: VERY recently i have come to like One Sport - us womens national team (soccer)/portland thorns fc
other blogs: i have a sad poetry blog, a witchy blog, and about 13210 saved urls lmaoooo
do i get asks: not really but i like them!!
how many blogs do i follow: ~680 but 75% are inactive istg
any tumblr crushes: 
lucky number: 17 askflj no i don’t have one
what i’m wearing right now: tegan and sara concert tee and big bud sweatpants eee
dream vacation: greece!! i loved the last time i was there and i would love to go traveling around the mediterranean esp via boat to see sort of what it would be like to be an ancient mariner
dream car: i wish riding my bike wasn’t so terrifying/annoying tbh 
favorite food: so manyyyy!! poke bowl, sushi, cucumber kimchi, burmese tea salad, miso ramen, shrimp tacos, tom kha goong, chocolate cream pie
drink of choice: sparkling water, vietnamese iced coffee, or chai
languages: english, some french, korean, italian, japanese 
instruments: the drums soooo long ago lmao
celebrity crushes: sofia boutella, tobin heath, anya taylor joy, florence pugh
random fact: 
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