#(She's not one to sit and watch an oven either)
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"Ah...perhaps I should be the lead in this particular ritual, my dark queen..." Said "ritual" was baking Christmas cookies to celebrate the season, or so Gundham assumed He...wasn't normally one for the holidays, but knowing how lackluster Sonia could be in the kitchen, he had offered his assistance in making them. "If...that is acceptable?"
Unprompted IC asks - Accepting from mutuals!
If Gundham wanted to lead the ritual, he was a bit late for that. Sonia had already taken up residence in one of the dormitory kitchens for the past hour, and it had been a busy one at that. After politely declining offers to study, or dine out, or see holiday decorations with other members of Class 77-B, Sonia had finally arrived at her goal: an empty student kitchen with no one to bar her from it.
This year, the princess had decided, would be the year. The year that she'd finally be able to offer Christmas biscuits and chewy cookies to her family without the immediate reaction to throw them away and let the Castle kitchens handle all manner of sweets. When they were necessary, that is: her holiday schedule was often packed with performances, shows, formal dinners, and balls that she rarely had time for sweet treats at Novoselic Castle, Christmas and New Years aside.
Gundham, however, had interrupted her at a rather inconvenient time: Sonia had managed to tie back her long hair and tie on a pale blue apron over the front of her dress, but the rest of her was a bit of a mess. She'd looked up as he'd entered, holding a piping bag as she added icing to a raw biscuit. A raw sugar biscuit, or so the recipe she'd attempted to follow had indicated: she would be adding the green icing to her evergreen tree-shaped biscuits before putting them in the oven. Beside the tray of trees, she'd arranged ingredients for two different types of cookies: one of them, considering the jar of raspberry jam beside the mixing bowl, would be filled with fruit while the other empty bowl had a small dish of shaved chocolate beside it.
Well, it was mostly in the dish. Some of it had ended up on Sonia's hands, her cheek, and just above the tip of her nose. Excess sugar, flour, and butter also adorned her hands, lower arms, and face, though most of the ingredients seemed to have made it to their proper bowls.
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"Tanaka-san, I'm so pleased to see you!" She beamed, holding up her baking tray of raw shapes already adorned with icing. "I did not know you enjoyed baking, but if you'd like to bake with me I would welcome your company. I'm baking seasonal biscuits before I go home next week, you see."
She nodded to the other bowls, which she'd start making once the first two trays were in the oven. She'd turned it on and, since the biscuits needed to be cooked through, had put it on a high setting. Setting down the tray and wiping her palms on the front of her apron, she tried to ignore the fact she'd made a rather sizeable mess in the kitchen. And that she was likely flushed, if not a bit harried, with some of her blonde strands freeing themselves from her ponytail. She had yet to notice the amount of batter and ingredients that had migrated elsewhere.
"I was feeling rather sad that I wouldn't be able to spend the entirety of the season here in Japan," She explained: unlike the rest of her Class 77-B friends, who would be in school until Hope's Peak officially let out for the holiday, Sonia had to return home almost three weeks in advance due to royal duties. "But I'm determined to surprise my family this year with Christmas biscuits! They have forbidden me from entering a kitchen without a supervising presence, but they don't have such authority here. So it's sugar biscuits, spitzbuben in the shape of round ornaments," She gestured to the jar of jam, "and basler brunsli, which I'll be doing with the shaved chocolate, almonds, and cinnamon."
She paused, reaching into the small dish of shaved chocolate for a piece. She held it out to him with a smile. "Would you like to try the chocolate?" She inquired, "It's from my country. We prize our chocolate-making abilities quite highly: tourists seem to adore it, too."
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Three - Playdate
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Daniel held Olivia's hands as they walked towards the house. There was a cat sat outside of the door, watching as the approached. When they got too close, the cat scarpered, running into the neighbours garden.
Stepping up to the door, Daniel knocked. He squeezed Olivias hand as they waited for the door to open.
"Coming!" Came a faraway voice. In no time at all the door was open and Y/N was welcoming the two of them into her house.
"Hey Olivia!" Y/N cheered as she pulled open the door.
Daniel grinned as he and his daughter stepped inside. "Hey," he said as Y/N shut the door. "Thanks for doing this." He muttered the last part, trying not to let Olivia hear him.
"It's no problem," she said, walking in front of them and leading them into the living room. "Can I get either of you something to drink?"
As soon as Olivia was in the living room, Milo was on his feet, shouting his name as he ran towards her. The two embraced and Milo pulled her into the middle of the room, where he had a collection of toys already set out. "My Momma said we can watch a movie while we play," he said, sitting on the floor.
As the two began playing, Daniel sat on one of the sofas and Y/N walked in with glasses of water for her guests. "What're we watching, kids?" She asked as she sat on the opposite side of the sofa to Daniel.
"Barbie," Olivia said instantly.
"Momma no! I don't want to watch barbie!" Milo suddenly called.
Y/N opened a streaming service and began scrolling through the kids section. "How about we find something we can all agree on?" She said calmly as she searched for a movie.
They settled on the Lorax. The kids played as Daniel and Y/N watched over them, the film playing in the background.
As they played, Y/N shuffled closer to Daniel. "I wasn't sure what to get for dinner so I got several different pizzas. I hope that's okay."
"That's more than okay," Daniel said as he took off his Red Bull hat. "Olivia doesn't get pizza very often."
"Why's that?" She asked as she looked at him, her body full turned towards him (this didn't go unnoticed by Milo and Olivia).
Daniels fingers drummed against the arm of the sofa. "She might have it at her mums place, but Livvy insists she eats like me when she's at mine so she can be just like her daddy."
Before Y/N could push for more information, Olivia turned around. "Daddy, shut up!" She called.
Suddenly, Daniel levelled her with a look. "Do you want to try that again, little lady?"
She blushed pink and looked down at her socks. "Daddy, could you be quiet so Milo and I can watch the TV?"
It was better, but Olivia still could have been politer. But Daniel let it go. He didn't push, didn't want to embarrass her in front of her friend.
Towards the end of the movie Y/N got up. She stood from the sofa and walked out of the room, leaving them there while she went to the kitchen. With the doors open, she could hear as the kids watched TV and played while she put the pizzas in the oven and set a timer on her phone.
After a short episode of scooby doo, the kids were sat at the kitchen table, two pizzas in front of them. They picked and chose which pizza they wanted, leaving what they didn't. Y/N knew they'd never eat it all, leaving what they didn't want for her and Daniel.
After they had eaten, Milo pulled Olivia out of the kitchen, and up to his bedroom. Poppy that cat had made her way up to his bedroom while they were all downstairs, sleeping on Milo's bed. But, as soon as she heard them running up the stairs, she scarpered, running down the stairs and out of the cat flap.
Full and tired from an afternoon of playing, Milo and Olivia soon found themselves asleep on the floor. Their parents found them when Y/N gave Daniel and tour of their small house. She picked up Milo and placed him in his bed as Daniel scooped up Olivia.
"I guess we should get going," he said, holding her in his arms.
Y/N looked towards her bedroom. She and Daniel hadn't had a proper chance to talk, and she wanted to know more. He was intriguing, incredibly so, and she wasn't ready to say goodbye. Not yet. "Well, you could let her have a nice little sleep in here," she said and pushed open her bedroom door.
Daniel grinned as he walked Olivia into the bedroom. He laid her down onto the bed and laid her down in it, pulling the blankets up to her chin.
Leaving the door open to give her some light, Y/N took Daniel back downstairs. They walked through the kitchen and out into the back garden. The porch light was on as they sat on the swinging chair and faced each other. "Can I ask you something rather personal?" She asked as she gently rocked the chair with her foot.
"Go for it," Daniel replied, Poppy the cat suddenly jumping up between them. She ignored her owner, immediately settling onto Daniels lap, promptly falling asleep.
Y/N sucked in a deep breath. It was something that had been weighing on her mind for the last week, something that Milo had told her when he first met Olivia. "Milo says Olivia doesn't like her mum. Can I ask what that's about?"
The smile dropped from Daniel’s face. He did that a lot, Y/N had begun to realise from the two times she had met him, He shifted in his seat as he scratched at Poppy’s coat. “Olivia doesn’t talk to me about what happens at her mum’s house. But she does talk to my parents. She doesn’t hit her, but she does make her miserable. Olivia gets locked in her room whenever she shows the slightest hint of attitude and her mum’s constant stream of boyfriends piss her off. She said that once, that they piss her off. I’ll let you guess where she learned that.”
Daniel went on, becoming more and more distressed. But Poppy pawing at his leg stopped him. He scratched at her chin and looked at Y/N, letting a smile cross his face. “Anyway,” he said. “My turn with the deep questions.”
He asked the one question Y/N wasn’t keen on answering. Not that she wanted it to be a secret, and she was definitely going to answer him. But after five years it still wasn’t the easiest subject to talk about.
“I was nineteen when I found out I was pregnant with Milo. I told my partner at the time, and he wanted nothing to do with me. I told my parents, and they wanted nothing to do with me. So I took off, moved out here, got a job and gave birth to Milo. It’s been just me and him ever since. His dad knows nothing about him and never will. It’s me and Milo against the world.” She sat up a little straighter. As it got later in the day, the sun began to dip and the air turned ever so slightly colder. “How about you? What happened with you and Olivia’s mother?”
Daniel shrugged his shoulders. He actually shrugged. What kind of response was that? But Y/N said nothing as he began talking. “We were in love, moved too fast. Olivia was born exactly nine months into our relationship, when I was racing in Silverstone-“ A fact Daniel would never forgive himself for, that he missed the birth of his daughter. “-Things had been sour between us since before Olivia was born, but we tried to stay together for her. But we realised she would have been growing up in a shitty environment, so we went our separate ways.”
They continued talking through the night, until Olivia and Milo came running downstairs, now wide away. Milo climbed into his mother’s lap while Olivia grabbed a hold of her father’s arm. “Daddy, can we live here?” She asked, reaching towards Poppy the cat.
Daniel laughed. He went to stand up, moving Poppy from his lap, and scooped Olivia into his arms. “Come on, Badger. Let’s get you home to bed.”
She pouted, laying her head on his shoulder. “Can we come back tomorrow?”
For a minute Daniel looked like he was thinking about it. “We could,” he mused. “Or we could take Y/N and Milo to the park, play on the swings and get some ice cream? How does that sound?”
Both kids cheered.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lillians-world-is-f1 @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @stay1strongbeautiful @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @angiesw0rld @yunakynn @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @catmouseggy @bathedinheat @stay1strongbeautiful @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @evie-119 @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @radiator101 @lightdragonrayne @angelxxrose
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noroi1000 · 8 months
can I have satosugu with fem!reader one shot?
both of them got into a heated argument with her because she’s very clingy, and they’re in a silent treatment for days
until they realize how insecure she got and they try to make it up
if you could, make it a hurt/comfort thing :))
Too Clingy
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Summary: Your boys were pissed. Enough of your touch. You didn't want them to be mad at you all the time. You didn't want this. And if they don't want your touch, you won't give them what they don't want.
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A/N: I did it to make it at least a little sad... I don't know if I succeeded, but I think it turned out to be quite good angst.
Words: 3k
Warnings: Angst
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You agreed to let your boys make dinner today. But that was the day you felt like touching a lot.
You wanted their touches, kisses and hugs.
You loved it when they were close.
But they probably weren't in the mood that day... What happened hurt your heart...
Why did you have to agree that they would make dinner themselves that day? Why on this particular day did you want to be touched so much and they didn't?
They were definitely pissed after work. Their work as a sorcerer is tiring and often irritating. But you didn't expect their rejection...
As you walked over to Suguru who was cutting something in his purple apron, you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek into his back to feel his warmth.
He raised his hands when you grabbed him. And he spoke.
"(y/n), I'm cutting with a knife." He told you to understand that because of you he could hurt himself.
"Oh, sorry." you said, pulling away slightly and keeping your hands on his hips, cuddling into his side.
He sighed and his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked at all the produce he still had to cut.
Watching his slow movements, he doesn't say anything, just feeling his warmth. You reached for his rolled-up sleeve at the elbow and tried to fix it.
But when he pulled his hand lightly, he stopped his hands above the cutting board.
"(y/n)..." he sighed once again, looking at your fingers without smiling. "Not now..."
"Sorry, I just wanted to fix your sleeve." you spoke before you moved away from him, rolling his sleeve properly to keep it from falling any lower.
He started cutting again, speeding up his movements.
You slowly hugged him, making him sway slightly and stop his hands with a loud sigh.
He moved away from your hands, moving away from his warmth and body.
He started doing his job again until you rubbed the back of his neck lightly, picking up the stray hairs that had fallen out of his bun.
He placed the knife on the board loudly, making you startled.
"(y/n)! Please, not now." Realizing that he had said your name louder than he intended, he spoke the next words with a slightly lowered tone of voice.. But still firm. "Not now... I still have a lot to chop. Let me do it. Don't disturb me, please."
... You disturb him...?
Memories of moments when you cook together appeared in your mind, and either you blame them or they blame you. Even while cooking.
You're disturbing him. It's understandable that he can't do anything quickly because you're interrupting him.
You looked at him for a moment before lowering your eyes to the cabinet next to you, smiling slightly.
"...fine... Sorry..." you muttered softly before walking away. And a moment later you heard cutting sounds again.
You saw Satoru sitting in a chair, reading the recipe for the sauce he was preparing. Or rather, he looked at the additives that he still needs to add to the pot. You walked up to him and tentatively placed a hand on his shoulder, waiting for his reaction.
They must have been irritated after the meeting with their superiors. But they agreed to cook dinner...
"Baby, After cooking the sauce, do you still need to put it in the oven? What's wrong with this recipe?" he laughed. And that showed that he accepted you touching him.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you placed your chin on his head as you stood behind him.
"(y/n), I have to-." he paused, looking at Suguru who was almost finished.
In a moment he had to get up and you were almost lying on his back. It wasn't an ideal position for him to cook.
And also, the fact that you're snapping at him at the wrong time irritates him a bit. He has to keep time. And when you're on his back, he won't be able to get up.
"(y/n), move away. I have to get up." He said seriously and quickly pushed the chair back.
Out of curiosity, you walked over to the pot and watched as his fingers grabbed the spoon and he began to stir.
As he stirred calmly, you placed your hand on his elbow with a smile.
"Smells good."
Your enthusiastic words were ignored as he pulled his hand from yours and moved away.
You automatically moved closer because he wasn't moving and was standing in the same place, stirring and slightly cooling the sauce.
And when you touched him again, he spoke.
"(y/n), out of the way." He said firmly, lightly pushing your hands away with his elbow and walking past you to the sink.
You're disturbing. Out of the way. Are you irritating them today? Does the fact that you want to touch piss them off?
You turned around, watching them continue doing their thing.
"(y/n), we are busy. You do not see? You can't just come up to us and touch us when we're doing something that could hurt us!" he said as he poured the hot sauce into another pot.
You're pissing them off, aren't you?
"Satoru is right. Do not do this. We're trying to make dinner as soon as possible, but you're in the way. Do something else, but don't get in our way for now. Understand." Suguru added.
The fact that they told you that you were bothering them hurt you.
Well, they have been often irritated for some time now. Especially in moments when you want touch from them.
They don't like it anymore, do they?
They have always loved touch. But that has changed now, hasn't it?
"...I don't want to disturb you... I thought a light touch would do nothing-."
"Did you know that in the kitchen, a slight slip can cause injury?"
They interrupted you.
"Stop hugging us all the time. Now we are often busy and it distracts us..."
You looked at the floor with a sad expression on your face.
Are they scolding you for wanting love?
"Sorry..." you said lightly and walking far behind them, you left the kitchen, still hearing their words.
"What happened to her? She's too Clingy now, isn't she?"
"She just doesn't understand that we can't always hug her."
You closed the bathroom door, gritting your teeth.
You looked at yourself in the mirror from a distance.
What did you do wrong that they don't want you around?
Maybe they don't want touch from you? Maybe you wanted too much?
Or maybe something is going wrong between you?
They were never mad at you. Until now, when they made it clear they didn't want you there.
Or maybe they are having a bad day and are oversensitive?
Maybe if you cuddle with them at night, everything will be fine?
An hour later, as you sat in the chair with your phone, Suguru said dinner was ready.
You had your seats at the table.
You always sat on one side of the table with Satoru. And Suguru was sitting on the other side, across from you.
Today was different.
You sat down in Suguru's seat and pushed the prepared plate slightly to the side so you weren't sitting straight across from them.
Even though they might have been confused by the sudden change of seats and you moving away a bit, they sat down next to each other and started eating.
You felt cold on both sides of your arms because no one was sitting next to you.
But everyone needs some space, right?
Even though they may want a break from touch now, they may want to be close to you again later, right?
You didn't hear them speak to you for two hours.
You thought they wanted space for a little while.
But they were sitting on the couch together. So close to each other and they were talking.
Satoru lazily laid on top of Suguru, looking at the TV.
Normally you would go up there and say that Satoru looks and acts like a cat. But you didn't do that this time.
They didn't want a moment of rest from touch.
They just didn't want your touch.
They were so close together. But you pissed them off... Because 'you were too clingy...'
They don't want your touch anymore, do they?
They don't need your touch when they have their touch to themselves...
You left the house without saying a word, with the excuse that you were going shopping because something was gone.
But they didn't ask you where you were going...
If they don't care what you've been doing for three hours, maybe you need to accept that they no longer accept you?
You love them and you know they love you.
But if they want it, you will give them the space they want. And a break from the relationship you had.
You didn't hear from any of them even when you returned at night.
Feeling depressed as your heart ached, you went to a friend's house only to come home late.
And they, even if they were worried and wanted to call you. They decided to leave your break and space instead of reducing it and reconcile.
You hoped that you would see that there was room for you between them in the bed, you saw how soundly they slept together. Their long legs spread on the bed as they slept. Gojo's head on Geto's hand. And their sides touching.
Even if you wanted to lie down, you have nowhere to go. Because they are lying all over the bed with their arms and legs stretched out to the sides.
Why is the truth that they don't want a break from touching, they just push you away...?
With the flashlight on your phone on, you grabbed your pajamas and changed in the bathroom.
You took the blanket from the cabinet and lay down on the couch on the pillow. As you fell asleep, you didn't want to think about how your heart hurt after the whole day.
You've been sleeping on the couch for two days, even though they leave space for you in the bed. Even when they wait for you in the bedroom in the evenings, you don't come.
In the morning you greet them with words, not with a kiss.
Since those days, they haven't felt your lips or your hands.
You haven't touched them once. You stayed out of their way so as not to disturb them. Not like in the kitchen.
When they told you they wanted to watch a movie in the evening and eat snacks, you watched as they sat on the couch with bowls of food.
Your pillows that they had prepared for you were waiting for you.
They were watching a movie you liked. They ate the snacks you loved.
But their words were still in your memory.
"Out of the way"
"Do something else"
"Don't get in our way"
"Stop hugging us."
"It distracts us"
„She's too Clingy now, right?"
"She just doesn't understand that we can't always hug her."
You were sitting in an armchair nearby with a package of jelly beans that you found in the cabinet and watching a movie from there.
But you saw out of the corner of your eye how their eyes were searching for you.
But they did nothing.
Because according to them, you want space after what happened.
They came to you in the morning, waking you up while you were sleeping on the couch.
"(y/n), I'm sorry we make you sad. We didn't mean to offend you..." Satoru muttered, crouching down next to your pillow.
"Yes. It... We got carried away. We're sorry." Suguru added.
You gave them a small smile.
"That's nothing. Nothing happened."
"Why don't you want to sleep with us?"
"There was often no space for me. And I couldn't sleep either. So I didn't want to disturb you."
Satoru's hand reached for yours, but you pulled away slightly.
Suguru went to kiss your forehead, but you stood up and started folding your blanket.
You've learned one thing... You need to stop touching them so much. Because they don't like it. And the sooner you start giving them less touches, the sooner you will get used to what it will look like between you now.
As they left for work, instead of hugging and kissing them goodbye like you always did, you smiled at them and said, "see you later."
Even if they expected something more.
You told yourself you wouldn't irritate them anymore. That's why you went into 'rehab' from hugging them. Instead, you hugged a stuffed animal.
You slept in bed with them, but knowing that for some time now they preferred their touch to yours, you lay on the edge of the bed and fell asleep. Even though one of Suguru's arms was waiting for you, you didn't use it as a pillow. You chose a normal down pillow.
You woke up next to them, looking at their bodies close together.
Sometimes their hands were on your waist or they were pressed against your back.
You're happy when they do it because they want it.
But you will never hug them again when only you want it...
And since then, your kisses and touches have been so tentative.
They felt as if you were at the beginning of a relationship. Where you didn't know yet how far you could go.
Each time you made small movements to make them understand that you wanted a kiss or a hug. And when they took your hint and moved closer to you, you did too.
But their beloved girl who always gave them touch and wanted it from them disappeared.
You still want their touch. But you won't force them to do it.
If these short gestures are enough for them, you must also be satisfied with something like this.
At every moment you were unsure of how far you could go. You stopped initiating all intercourse. You left a place on the other side of the table for you. You didn't just undress in front of them. You weren't open with your body or gestures. When they wanted you, you were there. But you weren't there when they didn't show they wanted to. Your kisses were always the smaller ones. Even though it was nice, you let them do what they wanted. You didn't know what to do during sex, even though it wasn't your first time with them. You grabbed the sheets and pillows. You didn't touch them unless they positioned you that way.
Your life with them... You reduced how much touch you gave them to a place where you focused on how much they wanted from you and when. You ignored how much you wanted and needed.
You didn't bathe with them, you didn't do all the things you always did.
Your body always tried to be less visible to them so they wouldn't think you were constantly everywhere.
You focus on making sure they get your touch the way they want. Without exaggeration. Without constant closeness.
And they saw your change and were worried.
Because they made you very insecure in your relationship.
Like you're learning the limits you can have.
You didn't do what you wanted. You waited for them to show you what to do and how to do it.
Too much closeness is bad. Not enough closeness either.
There was closeness between you. But there was uncertainty about the boundaries.
"Where is (y/n)?" Geto asked, looking at the white-haired man who was playing on the console.
"In the bedroom, she went to change." he said, and the dark-haired man moved to the door only to realize that you had closed the door.
This is a surprise to him. Because you never closed the door.
But you had a reason.
If they don't want to see you naked, you won't show yourself to them. If they want you will do it.
At that moment they were doing something else. So you could change your clothes quietly and not distract them behind closed doors.
"(y/n)." he called and you hurried to quickly open the door and let him in while you only had to put on your socks.
"Sorry. I just wanted to change." You smiled slightly at him.
"We can talk?"
"What is that?"
Normally you would have moved closer and waited for his words against his chest.
But now you stayed where you were, playing with your hair, not knowing what exactly to do.
It was a sign. You were even unsure of what position you were supposed to be in when talking to him. How close you can be. Where are you supposed to be?
"It's because of us, right?"
"The fact that you behave like this. It's because of what we said." he said and sat next to you on the bed. His hand moved slightly closer to yours, and your fingers trembled as if you didn't know how your muscles were supposed to move.
And you moved your fingers away slightly after a while, not wanting to accidentally touch him.
"... That's what I'm talking about... Normal you would grab my hand if I moved closer. You wouldn't avoid my touch normally. I know we hurt you, I'm sorry. But we don't want you to be like that."
Satoru appeared in front of you and crouched on the floor.
"Och no no no!" you said quickly with a small smile. "It's all fine! I don't want to annoy you anymore by requiring you to touch me often. It's already fine. You don't have to worry."
"You're not avoiding us, are you?" Satoru rested his chin on your lap, waiting for your hand to rest on his head.
But your hand only trembled as you instinctively wanted to pet him. But you held back because you didn't know if that was what he wanted exactly right now.
"Of course I'm not avoiding you!"
"So why don't you want to be close? Don't you want to touch us? Don't do anything until we do?"
Suguru's voice echoed in your ears.
You thought that if you did this they would be happy. That they will be happy to be free from your intrusive touch.
Was it different?
"You're hiding from us. You don't show up for us. You don't come closer until we come closer. You're running away from being close to us." Satoru said.
"You slept on the couch and now you sleep on the edge in bed. You don't take your clothes off in front of us."
They spoke alternately.
"You act like a doll in bed when we have sex. You position yourself the way we want. You don't do anything other than what we want."
"You don't want us to see you while you're changing. You don't bathe with us unless we tell you to join us."
"You don't act like yourself. This is not the girl we fell in love with."
Tears appeared at the back of your eyes as you felt it.
"...I just don't want to irritate you anymore..." you burst out with emotion. "I don't want you to be mad at me when I'm too close to you... I don't want that!"
"I know this irritated you from the beginning. I know it pissed you off. I know I was too clingy. I know I was disturbing you. I know I was getting in your way. I know that... that too often I wanted from you what you don't want to give me so often... I needed too much. Now I know it. But you don't have to worry anymore. I'm starting to get used to it."
"You don't have to get used to anything. You have to be the same as you were." Suguru interrupted you by suddenly kissing your lips. "See? We want it just like you want it! Don't think about something like that! It only happened once!"
"We only had a bad day once. And one day like that doesn't mean you have to completely change... I know we were mean to you that day..."
"It's not your fault..."
"It's not YOUR fault, (y/n). But ours." they said at the same time.
Suddenly you were pinned to the bed by Geto's hands.
"We can't live with not-our girlfriend. We want our (y/n) who we've had for years."
"Man... I won't last long without cuddling you..." Satoru groaned, laying down next to you to pull you into a tight hug.
You never bothered them, did you?
You can be as close to them as you wanted, right?
You may be too clingy because they like it when you are so close to them.
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springwitch26 · 2 months
your writing is so fucking hot and perfect! pls can I request a fic where mel ends up getting possessive and jealous after seeing someone hitting on her girlfriend (reader) at abbott and when they get home, melissa makes sure that her girl knows that belongs to her and nobody else.
(featuring a lot of rough sex and some cute aftercare cuz we all love jealous schemmenti. 🤭)
a dangerous emotion (melissa schemmenti x fem!reader)
summary: when the new substitute teacher hits on you in front of melissa, you face the dirty consequences of her jealousy.
warnings: smut (18+), jealous sex, aggressive male flirting, mel threatens violence (it's melissa), squirting, like one mention of marking
notes: the sleepy witch is back. hope you like this one anon, sorry if i left it in the oven too long. also sorry for any other deficiencies tbh writing is a struggle rn. bonus points to whoever can spot the gay joke 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 friendly fire.
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if looks could kill, this fucking guy would be a pile of ash by now.
the teachers' lounge was uncharacteristically quiet. the tv had been muted; nobody cared to watch the morning news. all eyes flickered between you and the new male teacher on one side of the room, and your seething girlfriend on the other.
the redhead was visibly furious from the moment he walked in the door, eyes dragging down your body in your flowery sundress and matching tights.
"happy first day to me," he murmured to himself, thinking nobody would hear it. it took all of melissa's self-control and professionalism not to punch his lights out.
"spring looks good on you, sweetie," he drawled from behind you as you poured coffee from the communal pot into your favorite mug.
the hem of your dress floated up as you spun around to face him, and he licked his lips. you didn't notice it, but melissa did. her hands tightened into fists in her lap.
"thank you," you smiled warmly at the man in an attempt to be polite. he was tall and stocky, probably just a few years older than you. he seemed like the kind of guy who was used to getting whatever he wanted from women—with his handsome yet cocky grin and large arms crossed in front of his chest. "are you new here?"
"yep, and i like what i see already," he threw you a wink and you looked down at the floor. you heard melissa cracking her knuckles in the background. she only did that when she was holding back, either from pouncing on you or swinging at somebody else. "i'm jesse. i'll be teachin' math up on the second floor until ms. summers gets back from maternity leave."
"well, jesse, welcome to abbott," you said sweetly, hoping to escape this conversation and join your girlfriend on the couch. "i'm a first-grade teacher, so i won't be seeing you much. but it's nice to meet y—"
"actually, i was hoping you'd show me around," he cut you off, taking a few steps toward you. "if i get lost in this building, my preteen students will never let me live it down."
"oh, um..."
before you could finish your thought, he leaned in and whispered something in your ear. melissa saw the whole exchange, enraged at this man's audacity to even breathe in your direction. you were her girl. everybody knew that. and it was time for this guy to learn.
but when melissa stood up to confront him, you did something that made her see red: you walked out with him. the other teachers noticed her anger, of course, and tried to calm her down.
"melissa, relax," barbara said, gently pulling on her best friend's hand and guiding her to sit back down. "he's harmless."
"harmless?" melissa repeated indignantly. "barb, he was lookin' at her like he wanted to bend her over the damn table!"
"you look at her like that all the time..." gregory muttered, and melissa raised an eyebrow at him in accusation. he shrugged and averted his gaze.
"i look at her like i love her!" melissa insisted. "and she's my girlfriend. i get to look at her however i want. this jamie—"
"jesse," janine corrected.
"—can't just walk in and start undressin' her with his eyes!"
"if it helps, i can keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't do anything untoward," jacob offered. "i'm pretty much the big dog on the second floor these days. i can set him straight if it comes to that."
"you couldn't even set yourself straight," melissa fired back, and jacob gave the camera a defeated look. "what, you think i can't handle this myself?"
"well, it's just that... jealousy is a dangerous emotion on you," jacob answered tentatively.
"jealousy? what am i, some kinda teenager? i don't get jealous."
"i don't know, you seemed pretty jealous at pecsa last year when the keynote speaker gave y/n his room number," gregory pointed out.
"he was just annoying."
"you poured your math-a-rita on his white suit jacket," janine chimed in.
"the jabroni shouldn't have worn white to a bar!"
"melissa, i know you're protective of y/n, but she's a grown woman capable of making her own decisions," barbara said, placing a comforting hand over the redhead's clenched fists. "she doesn't seem to have a problem with the man. at some point, you just need to trust her judgment."
"yeah, she and i are going to have a little conversation about her judgment when she gets back."
"whose judgment?" you asked as you strode back into the break room, jesse following close behind.
when your question was met with silence and anxious looks from your friends, jesse took hold of your hand and brought it to his lips.
"thanks for the tour, cutie," he said after pressing a chaste kiss to the back of your hand.
"thank you," you replied, shifting uneasily and look over your shoulder in anticipation of melissa's reaction. she didn't keep you waiting long.
"hey, hon," melissa approached the two of you, then hooked an arm around your waist and pulled you close. "the kids'll be here in half an hour, do you wanna go prep your classroom for the science lab?"
"i did that last night," you replied, not taking the hint.
"of course you did," mel cooed and planted a kiss behind your ear. jesse quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "maybe i just want some alone time with my lovely girlfriend before i start my day. that okay with you?"
you nodded sheepishly and leaned in to her. you could feel her possessive anger in her tough grip on your waist, could see it in the subtle wild edge to her green eyes. despite being in deep trouble, you still relaxed into the warmth of her casual touch and the familiar scent of patchouli on her skin.
jesse took a step back, opening his mouth as if to say something and sighing instead. as you and melissa exited the breakroom, jesse tried one more time to get your attention.
"hey, if you need any more—"
"i think we're good, janine," melissa cut him off with a dismissive gesture.
"it's jesse," the man sighed with a frustrated look at the camera.
"what the hell was that, huh?" melissa had you pinned up against her classroom door before you could even process what was happening. "you're givin' free tours now?"
"n-no!" you stammered frantically, squirming with unease (and excitement) at the fiery confrontation. "not free! i only did it so he would give me the extra chairs from his classroom. you know i've been down a few since the eighth graders tried to make 'chairing' a thing, and i can't let my kids spend another day on the floor. it's not fair!"
"how many times have i told you, i can get you anything you need?"
"yeah, and where's your 'chair guy' now? at least jesse can finish the job!"
oh, you fucked up. you knew it the moment the words left your mouth. melissa eased off of you physically, but her intense glare kept you frozen in place.
"we'll talk about this when we get home. i love you; don't forget it," melissa pecked your cheek and you cocked your head, confused at her sudden tranquility. she moved to whisper in your ear. "because tonight, i'm takin' all my jealousy out on you."
you had the misfortune of running into jesse one more time before the day was done. he wolf-whistled from behind you as you walked briskly from your classroom to the lobby, ready to meet melissa and head home.
melissa might have broken his nose if jacob and gregory hadn't been there to hold her back. in fact, she was a split-second away from swinging when jacob took hold of her dominant wrist, shaking his head. gregory followed suit with the other.
the redhead tried to wrench her arms free and glared sternly at the young men when she couldn't. sensing her frustration, you hurried over to her. melissa's gaze softened as soon as she saw you leaning over the counter. you gave jacob and gregory an appreciative nod.
the pair let go of her arms and you took her hands in yours. "let's go home," you said.
the two of you walked out of the building as jacob and gregory approached jesse.
"she's not interested, if you're still wondering," jacob said, patting jesse's shoulder in mock sympathy.
"should be pretty obvious by now," gregory added.
"first day, and you pissed off my scariest teacher and my favorite?" ava said while strutting out of her office. "nice career move, jason," she snarked. the teachers gave her a bewildered look. "what? i pay attention!"
once you got home, it all happened in a blur. melissa's possessive rage had you slipping into that fuzzy, pliable headspace before she even slammed the bedroom door behind you.
you couldn't concentrate on much besides her forceful touch, fingers digging into your hips and mouth sucking bruises into your neck. her low voice cut through the static occasionally, but she seemed to be venting to herself rather than you.
"mine..." her fingernails dug into the flesh of your waist. "touchin' my girl..." she spaced out the words between nips to your neck. "gotta mark you up, let the whole world know..." she landed a hard swat on your ass, then shoved you off of her. "on the bed."
"remind me again what he said when you spilled coffee on your shirt," melissa growled from above you. you were spread out on her bed, naked with your legs kept apart by turquoise ropes tied to the bedposts.
"he said, 'feel free to take it off. i wouldn't complain about the view,'" you whispered back.
"and you just let that slide, hm? you entertained him knowin' all he wanted was an eyeful of your tits?"
"yes, melissa."
"i'm sorry, does someone need a reminder of who owns her? i'm happy to provide, sweet girl. tell me," she dipped a finger into your folds and stroked you lightly, "who gets you this wet?"
"you do, ah, only you," you whimpered as she caressed you.
"uh-huh," she cooed, sounding unsatisfied still. "that's right, baby. and i'm the only one who gets to see you like this."
she gripped your hips harshly before gliding her hands up to your chest. she kneaded the swollen flesh of your tits and then zeroed in on your nipples, tweaking and tugging on them.
"that fucker," melissa began, breathing heavily. "will never know how soft these are."
you shook your head in frantic agreement as she massaged you. one of her hands slipped down between your legs again.
"he'll never hear how your breath catches in your throat when your clit's touched," she whispered, beginning to rub soft circles into your bundle of nerves. "or—" she withdrew suddenly and gave your pussy a swat, "how you cry at a spanking."
her jealous attitude had you soaked and sensitive. you were already close when she brought two fingers to your entrance and pushed in.
"and if he ever even imagines the face you make when you come, that pretty little lip bite you do," melissa pumped and curled her fingers roughly, "i'll take edith houghton to'm."
her speed quickly picked up and soon she was diving into you with force, bullying your g-spot with her fingertips.
"come. now," she ordered, and you fell over the edge. you spasmed around her fingers as she drove them in and out of you. she smirked with pride as she looked down at you.
but when you got too sensitive and started to squirm away from her touch, she doubled down. she pumped her fingers faster, and dipped down to suckle on your clit. you cried out. it felt like you were on fire, but the burn was oh so delicious.
"and he'll never guess what happens when you get all sensitive..." she picked her head up momentarily to say this before sucking hard on your nub and crooking her fingers inside you.
you felt the burn rise into a hot tidal wave. a flood of warm liquid spilled out of you. melissa helped you through it before withdrawing her touch, her hands retreating to your thighs. she looked down at you fondly, smiling with only a tiny bit of smug satisfaction.
"god, i love when you do that," she mused, smiling at your dazed, pretty, happy face. "it's like a gift just for me."
a gift. happy first day to me, he had said.
now reminded, melissa was pissed again. but the venom of her jealousy had trickled away, and now all that remained was an urgent need to give you the love and care you deserved.
"but you said somethin' earlier about 'finishing the job.' and i just feel like my job isn't finished, sweetheart," she smiled and cupped your cheeks. "how's a bubble bath sound?"
"mm-hmmm," you managed, fucked out and delirious.
"i really wasn't jealous, ya know," melissa murmured into your ear as you snuggled into bed, her chest pressed against your back.
"i find that hard to believe. i mentioned his name and you ripped my panties," you teased.
"okay, maybe a little bit."
"30 percent?"
"then what was the other 75 percent?"
"i guess it just pisses me off when people don't treat you right. you're a beautiful angel, not a sex doll."
"i don't want you to feel... to feel like you have to take care of me all the time."
"baby girl, you know i don't do things i don't wanna do. you're the love of my life. i wanna spend every minute treatin' you like a princess."
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
mistakes and regrets
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words: 1.9k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, aged up!rafe, dad!rafe and mom!reader, seperated parents/coparenting, p in v sex (but they dont finish), angsty but fluffy ending
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs
"hey, baby girl!" rafe smiles, picking up your daughter and twirling her around. "well don't you look so cute in your new dress." he nuzzles his face against hers, pressing kisses along her cheeks.
"hey y/n." rafe greets you with a smile as well, setting your daughter down and coming to take the bags out of your hands, carrying them inside.
you take your daughters hand and walk in together, pushing down your nerves to put a smile on your face.
"thanks for letting us stay here while the apartment is getting redone." you say, watching as rafe sets your bags along the hallway.
"no problem." rafe says, clearing his throat. it's been so long since you've shared a house together. rafe usually gets your daughter on weekends, and you take care of her at your apartment during the week while he's working. 
it wasn't a one time hookup that resulted in your daughter, but it wasn't exactly a relationship either. your bodies were so compatible, and you tried to make it work when you became pregnant, but it was just too hard on both of you, so for your daughters sake, you decided to cut the toxicity and coparent with seperate places.
"come on, izzy, let's show mommy your new toy." rafe ushers your daughter up the stairs, helping her navigate her new skill. izzy just turned two, and is still getting the hang of her movements.
you follow them up the stairs, looking at the house you used to know so well. you smile when you see the inside of izzys room, it's been almost a year since you've been inside of it, and its been updated with a brand new bed, and stocked full with toys. rafe obviously spoils his daughter, but you already knew that from how much extra he gave you in child support each month, allowing you to not have to work to support her. you still choose to work at a local cafe on the weekends, mainly because your friend runs it and you like to help out. it keeps you busy as well when you're away from your daughter.
"mommy, look!" izzy holds up a brand new barbie doll, and you ooo and ahh over it as she continues to show you all the toys that she keeps at her daddys house. you sit down on the tiny toddler sized couch in her room, smiling at rafe as he crosses his arms and watches from the door, loving seeing how precious his daughter is.
once izzy is done going through everything, you head back down the stairs for dinner. you love to cook with izzy, giving her easy little tasks that she can do with your supervision. you know how important it is to start teaching her these things young, and how good it is for her development.
you move throughout the kitchen with rafe with ease, like you never had all that time spent apart. once everything is in the oven or simmering on the stovetop, you move to lift izzy into her high chair in the dining room, but rafe stops you. "i got it." he smiles gently, placing her in the seat and securing the tray.
"this is nice." you hum softly, keeping an eye on izzy out of the corner of your eye as she drinks her milk out of a sippy cup.
"it is. we should do family dinners more often." you and rafe get along decently well, but it also hurts you to be around him constantly. you feel guilty that you aren't giving izzy the life you had growing up with two steady, in love parents.
"we should." you just say in agreement, helping rafe plate the dishes before moving back to the table.
the dinner goes by well, izzy never letting an awkward silent moment happen as she chats away, even though most of it is intelligible baby babble along with her speaking with a mouth full of food.
you settle down on the couch with izzy after, cuddling her as a movie plays on the tv while rafe cleans up from dinner. you both decided a relaxing day would be best, considering you're deviating from her normal schedule by staying at rafes for the entire week while your apartments wood floors are redone. the complex offered to put you up in a hotel, but you knew izzy would be more comfortable at rafes, even if you found it awkward. you'd do anything for your daughter.
"somebody is getting tired." rafe says with a smirk as he enters the living room, seeing izzy resting against you, slowly blinking at the tv.
"daddy." izzy perks up slightly, crawling across the couch to where he sits down.
"come on, mommy." izzy becons you with her hand, wanting to cuddle with both her parents. you can't deny what your little girl wants, schooching across the couch to sit next to rafe, izzy sat half on your thigh and half on his.
you keep your back pin straight, your leg the only part of your body touching rafes, but as the movie continues, you find yourself leaning back against the couch, rafes arm coming to wrap around your shoulder.
you can tell that izzy has fallen asleep, but you let yourself lean into rafe, enjoying the comfort of his warmth as the movie draws to a close.
only when the credits finish do you move, wishing you could stay there curled up for longer, as one big unit with izzy.
"ill take her up to bed, stay here." rafe says, keeping his voice barely above a whisper. you just nod, letting rafe pick up your daughter, noting how small she is in his big arms. still your little girl, even though she's gotten so big.
rafe hesitates before he leaves the room, turning to press a kiss to your forehead before exiting. you blush hard, knowing your face must be bright red from the intimate moment.
you stay sat in your seat as you hear rafe descending the stairs and rummaging with something in the kitchen. he comes back into the living room with two glasses of wine, handing one to you.
"i bought red just for you." rafe admits, sitting down next to you, but keeping more distance than before.
"you remembered." you smile into your glass, taking a small sip of the drink.
"of course.” rafe closes his eyes briefly before refocusing on you when they open again.
“you’re different.” you say honestly. it’s been so long since you’ve spent more than a few minutes with him, and never one on one like this. 
“i’m no longer the boy who got you pregnant.” rafe says, and you understand exactly what he means. izzy changed both of your lives, made you realize that you had to grow up, for her sake and your own. “i actually-” rafe leans forward and sets his glass on the coffee table. “wanted to apologize for back then. i was young and stupid, and i hurt you and izzy. i wish i could go back and change how i acted. i was jealous and immature.”
“oh rafe.” you sigh, also setting your glass down to lean forward and wrap your arms around him. “it means so much to me to hear you say that. i’m sorry too, we both made mistakes.” rafes arms are firmly around your waist, holding you against him. you pull back, going to speak more when rafes lips press against yours. you gasp against his mouth, but he doesn’t let up, continuing to kiss you until you concede and kiss him back.
“please. just let me have you, even just for tonight.” rafe says, running his hand through your hair, his forehead pressing against yours, eyes full of emotion and pleading.
you should say no. this will only complicate things further, but you swallow your pride and nod. you want rafe too bad to miss this opportunity.
rafe stands slowly, hands carefully helping you up like he’s worried if he moves too quickly you’ll back out. 
he leads you up the stairs, and you follow slowly a step behind, keeping your outstretched hands intertwined as he heads past izzys bedroom to his own. you glance around the room, noticing its mostly unchanged from a year ago when you packed up your things and left.
"we'll have to be quiet." you say, closing the door shut behind you. "don't want to wake izzy."
rafe nods, placing his hands on your waist as he connects your lips again, the kiss even more passionate now as he leads you further into the room, towards the bed.
you kiss in between getting undressed, pulling clothes off before reconnecting your lips until you’re both naked. rafe lays you down, draping his body over yours, his cock rubbing against your thigh making you moan, widening your legs, calling for him.
rafe presses against your entrance, pushing inside with ease, like he was meant to be there. you cry out, trying to keep quiet but struggling until rafes mouth is on yours, swallowing your sounds with a kiss as his hips press against yours, cock buried deep in your heat.
“rafe, please.” you claw your fingers down his back, not caring if you scratch him, needing him to move. he grants your command, moving his hips back and then in in a swinging motion, his eyes glossed over with lust.
it reminds you of the night you conceived izzy, it was just like this, rafe moaning on top of you, both trying to keep quiet as ward was sleeping in the room next door. at the flashback, you suddenly push rafe off of you, tears welling up in your eyes.
“baby?” rafe questions, his hands reaching out but not touching, like he’s scared you’ll react even worse.
“what are we doing?” you question, your voice breaking as you sob, feeling regretful and vulnerable as you tug on rafes sheet to wrap it around your naked body.
rafe opens his mouth like hes going to speak, but no words come out.
“what are we doing?” you repeat. “we aren’t kids anymore, we have a daughter, we can’t just hook up. do you know how confusing this all is for her? we are being so dumb and selfish.”
“it’s not selfish to want to give izzy happy parents who are together.” rafe pushes back.
“together? you said just for tonight.” you scrunch your brows, confused.
“i would take tonight if that’s all you were willing to offer me. i was hoping with you staying here, things would… change. and get better.” rafe sighs, reaching out to take your hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.
“so you actually want to try again?” you question, thinking that was out of the question after what happened a year ago.
“anything for you. anything for izzy. i know it’ll be hard, but why don’t we try just for this week? and then see where it takes us from then on?” 
you nod, leaning forward to press your cheek into rafes chest, letting his strong, comforting arms wrap you into a hug, easing you back onto the bed.
“let’s just sleep.” he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “and see how we feel in the morning, waking up next to each other.”
“mmm.” you hum in agreement. 
“but-” rafe pauses “we do need to put our clothes back on so izzy doesn’t walk in on us naked.”
you burst out laughing, eyebrows shooting up when rafe presses his lips against yours, shushing you as to not wake up izzy while also unable being able to hold back a laugh of his own.
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munariplans · 6 months
hi there! hope ur doing well. i love ur writing and have been wondering if you could do a story about reader disappearing on the teams day off. natasha who has a crush on reader notices and spys on reader to see if she’s meeting up with someone. instead it’s just reader being a good person and helping people along the way. making natasha fall in love with her even more.
days off | natasha romanoff
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synopsis: based on the request above! thank you anon for your submission :)
natasha romanoff x reader
word count: 3.3k words
a/n: requests and asks are always open
“what are you doing?” natasha asked you shyly, her figure leaning against the frame of the kitchen entrance. she watched your hands skilfully kneading the dough on the counter over and over again, folded into a neat rectangle before being flattened and folded again in the next moment. behind you, pans were sizzling with the mouth-watering fragrance of scrambled eggs being cooked on the stove, and the oven let out a ding right as she stepped closer, telling you that it was preheated and ready. 
you let the dough rest, before putting a pre-prepared one in the oven and finally turning to her. “making breakfast,” you said, matter-of-factly, “for the team.”
“but it’s our off-day,” she replied, “and we have chefs in the compound.”
you smiled. “well, i just thought it would be nice to have something homemade, for once. my mother taught me how to cook, and i figured i’d spend the morning of the day-off in the kitchen, where i’ll be busy, and…the thoughts wouldn’t be so loud.”
natasha folded her arms over herself as you came closer. you noticed she had just come back from the gym. she probably hadn’t had anything to eat. 
carefully slicing the freshly baked bread into halves, you took a pair out of the perfect symmetry and placed them on the plate, before ladling a helping of the scrambled eggs, taking a few pieces of bacon out of the other pan, and placing a piece of hash brown right on top, before covering it with the other half of the bread. she watched you work, methodically, seamlessly. you looked like you had been doing it for years. 
then, you wrapped the sandwich quickly, and wrote her initials, N.R. with a smiley on top of the wrapper, before handing it to her. she was taken aback, and slightly red when she looked at the sandwich being offered to her. 
“i-it’s…” she stuttered, heart beating quickly when she realised she hadn’t exactly taken the sandwich, but hadn’t rejected your offer, either. 
“i want you to be my first taster. if it’s good, i’ll call the team down to have it as well. and if it’s bad…” you shrugged, half-laughing in anticipation as natasha finally took it, taking a small bite in front of you.
she took a moment to chew, face in contemplation, as if she were assessing a fine dining establishment before you. you began taking off your apron, deciding to let the chefs help you take over for the serving of the food later on, and started packing your things. 
just before you left, however, you noticed natasha fully into the entryway of the kitchen again, sandwich half-eaten.
“it’s okay,” she said nonchalantly, wiping a little bit off the ends of her lips. “it’s edible.”
you nodded, hiding a smile. “okay means good. i’ll tell the team to come down, then.”
natasha shrugged this time, as if saying if that’s what you want. when you left to shower, however, she smiled quietly to herself, and after making sure that no one was around, did a little happy dance from one of the most delicious sandwiches she had ever eaten. it was more than okay, it was the best breakfast she had ever had. she only wished she had the courage to tell you so. 
the redhead then tore the part of your handwriting of her initials off the wrapper, and kept it in her pocket for the rest of the day.
natasha never really knew what to do on her day-offs. it felt weird, to be sitting around doing nothing. she could do her remaining paperwork, but she knew if tony caught her, he would ban her from working on it at all for a week, leaving her even more bored and restless. 
she could sleep in, or explore new york for the day, but she wasn’t fully confident that her russian accent wouldn’t throw the average new yorker off yet. it also didn’t help that ever since her joining the avengers, there was always someone around the block who recognised who she was, who let their eyes rake over her figure for far too long, who made her feel uncomfortable when they got too close to ask for a picture. the others never seemed to mind, but she did. 
she noticed you always seemed to step in when it got too much; telling the fans that enough was enough, or simply holding her waist and slowly whisking her away from their prying eyes and grubby hands. she threw her head back onto her pillow at the thought of your hands on her waist again. natasha seriously needed to stop thinking about you, and her festering crush, whenever she had the opportunity. she needed to busy herself. 
but when you appeared in the commons right as she stepped out of her room to ask what you planned to do on your day-off, you were in your coat and scarf, prepared to head out. the rest of the team was still lazily lounging around the area, in a dazed state from the aftermath of your coma-inducing breakfast. 
“where are you going?” she asked, not wanting to pry too much, but still allowing herself to feed her own curiosity. 
she hated that you always replied with a tone that seemed like it was painfully obvious what you were doing. “out.”
“i know, but–”
“hey romanoff, are you still coming for the basketball game later? steve needs to book the seats.” tony called out to her before she could finish the sentence. he asked you too, but you reaffirmed with him that you weren’t coming. 
you shifted your scarf slightly, turning your attention back to her. “you ever been to a basketball game before? you’ll like it. the warriors are something else.”
natasha shook her head. you knew she had never been. but it didn’t mean that she wanted to go, not without you around. but she also didn’t have the courage to ask if she could tag along to wherever you were going. she knew her limits.
you didn’t seem to take the hint of her wanting to come along, despite her readily asking if you were going to meet someone, or if you were just going out alone, and if you had plans for after. you simply waved her goodbye, and told her to enjoy the game with the team. 
she sighed in irritation when you left, much to the amusement of clint behind her. “does she have a girlfriend or something? is that what she’s using her day-offs for?”
if clint wasn’t already hiding his grin, his friend’s newfound annoyance at your departure definitely made him let out a chuckle. “not that i know of.”
natasha didn’t have much to do that day, and it wasn’t like she was particularly looking forward to the game either, so she decided to spend her day-off the only way she knew how, using her spying skills and finding out what you were doing with yours.
in retrospect, natasha knew that you probably wouldn’t have liked being stalked, or followed around without her telling you why, or even simply her not taking the initiative to just ask, when you would have told her willingly of what you spent your breaks on.
she followed you into the university uptown, where natasha knew you guest-lectured in between longer breaks from missions. she just never expected you to come in on your days-off as well. 
you tapped your card in to the science department of the school, while natasha snuck past the security guard after causing a well-crafted distraction. when you entered the lockers to change into your lab coat, natasha waited patiently outside like a schoolgirl hiding from their crush. she supposed she wasn’t so different from one then.
it was only when you walked down the halls into a room guarded by a facial recognition scan, that natasha finally got to know that she a) wasn’t being so discreet after all, or b) you were a better agent than you let on to her. she should have known that you didn’t get promoted through the ranks so fast, so young, without reasons. 
the machine scanned your face, and as the door unlocked, you stood there for a moment, holding it wide open, before leaning your head to the side, one eye locked with hers. 
“do you want to come in and see as well, or do you plan on just waiting for me until i finish?”
if clint had seen the embarrassment on her face, along with the walk of shame she had to put on to enter the room with you, he would have certainly made her the laughing stock of the compound for the day. 
you drew up a chair for natasha as you went to your usual work station, a little early for your patient. in the few minutes that the two of you were alone, you hadn’t engaged her at all, simply directing her to sit and watch, while you prepared your materials and waited for your lab assistant. natasha was a little unnerved, and in awe at your professionalism, at the same time. 
you clicked your tongue in slight annoyance as your assistant came in five minutes late, reminding him, almost naggingly, that you only had one day-off per week, and it was precious time that he was wasting for the both of you. he apologised, and got to work helping you set up what looked like a robotic prosthetic leg, on your station. 
the lab was pristine; white-tiled walls and floors scrubbed clean with a very strong stench of antiseptic ensuring to even the most sceptic of minds that you knew what you were doing, and that the lab was clean; if the multiple diagrams of your inventions on the walls and the prototypes lining the shelves around her were not enough proof. you had never told her you had a lab.
a few minutes later, two knocks on the door were heard, and your assistant rushed over to open the door for a man no younger than seventy, hobbling in with great difficulty as he tried to offer help with his support, only to be rejected with a wave of his hand and an upbeat smile. he was an amputee. 
oh. this was what your days-off were for. 
“hello, mr. miller. you look cheerful today.” you got up from your seat to shake his hand. he took your support this time, leading himself to the plush armchair placed across your station. 
he laughed, rough and loud. “david, how many times have i come in here and asked you to call me?”
you smiled sheepishly. “sorry, david. let me help you with this.”
he winced as you kneeled down beside him, outstretching his prosthetic leg and inspecting it. your assistant took notes as you made observations of the various deficiencies and defects it suffered through david’s use of it for the past six months. natasha watched as your hands, the ones that would hold her at night when she cried, the ones that punched the faces of enemies trying to get to her, the very same hands that made her breakfast that morning, ran over the intricate details and bolts and nuts of the prosthetic leg she learned you made just for david, knowing what was wrong just by the feel and touch of them. she adored those hands so much. 
then, you helped him take off the prosthetic, instructing your assistant to hold his hand in encouragement as he winced at the removal. “there we go. wasn’t so bad this time, right? and the leg did hold up quite well, for six months.”
“well, you do maintenance to it every week,” david patted your back, “hard to fuck it up so bad when you fix it up every time i try to, right?”
you laughed, and natasha stopped herself from smiling. at your signal, the assistant brought forth the limb that you both had been working on to replace david’s old one for the past year, shiny and new. the man positively gleamed at the sight of it. 
“ready for a bit of a change, though, mr. miller?”
“now, that is a beauty,” he said as his eyes latched on, before they inevitably noticed natasha sat at the corner of where the limb was, and she swore he held recognition for her instantly. 
you followed his gaze, before his met yours, and the playful smirk he let out was all that you needed to know that he knew. “is that your…”
“...friend, natasha,” you replied him quickly, eyes slightly panicked and subtly, not so subtly, shaking your head to ask him to stop before he let out your little secret. 
“is she the one–”
“–yes, david. she’s the one.” 
he finally caught the hint, and chuckled to himself as he waved hi to her. she waved back, no doubt in confusion of the connection between him and her. she made a mental note to ask you about it later. 
when the new leg was fitted on him, david was practically almost jumping for joy at the new flexibility and strength it gave him. his laughter was infectious, as natasha quickly learned, when it caught up to her after it caught you and the assistant, as well. 
“look at the reflexes! and fluidity of this thing!” no longer was he hobbling and exerting his entire strength on the one leg, it was almost as if the leg was natural and part of him itself, as david brought you in for a hug enthusiastically. 
you hugged him back, still grinning. “amazing right, what science can do for you. soon, the future of prosthetics is going to change, and we can make so many more lives better in our community.”
“you two are amazing, simply amazing!” david exclaimed, even as he finally accepted the assistant’s help in testing out the other features of the prosthetic. 
natasha stayed until the end of the day for you, when david’s tests were complete and he was all but ready to leave. 
“and to what i owe you this time, again?” he asked. you knew he didn’t have much, it was the sole reason you took him on for the project; but the fact that he remained so grateful, always offering payment, even when you had repeatedly rejected him, always touched you. 
“for you to come back next week, as always. and to thank mr. parker here for all his efforts. i couldn’t have done all this without him.” 
your assistant looked like he was going to cry at the recognition and hug david gave him. “doing a good job, kid.”
you held the door open for david then, and he stole one last glance at natasha before he left. “you know, your girlfriend here really is a genius, ms. black widow. the best of her–”
“–thank you, david!” you cut in, visibly more in a panic this time, as you held his hand and ushered him out, “just a friend, a friend!”
“what?” he didn’t seem keen to leave, “i’m just helping the two of you speed things along. god knows she wouldn’t have stayed here in this boring lab all day, running tests on an old war veteran running his mouth, if she wasn’t smitten with you too!”
natasha’s cheeks instantly reddened, as you sighed in embarrassment. so maybe her feelings were reciprocated, for a while now. 
with the assistant chuckling in the background, you shut the door ushering david out, whispering frustratedly that he was leaking all of your secrets about natasha. “david! i told you and peter about her in confidence!”
“i know, but you didn’t tell me she was head over heels for you too.”
“because she’s not!” you whisper-yelled, “she came just to see what i was doing, and…and…”
david’s look made sense now. it all made sense now. her shyness around you, the way she always wanted you around, always wanted to know what you were doing, the reasons for her coming all this way to accompany you on your day-off. 
you had thought she wouldn’t be interested, and would leave after seeing what your activities just were, but you hadn’t expected her to stay. and you hadn’t expected to feel her gaze on you throughout. 
“when you know, you know.” he assured, patting you on the back again as he walked off, “trust me, kid. and she’s a good one, you picked a good one.”
your assistant had retreated to his corner of the lab when you came back in, while natasha stretched her joints and got ready to leave too. it was dark by then, and you felt guilty for making her stay past dinner. you excused your assistant to leave quickly, before finally turning to her. 
“for what?” she yawned. 
“for trapping you here with me on your day-off. i feel guilty now.”
she rolled her eyes, before jabbing you slightly. “idiot. i stayed because i wanted to stay. and you didn’t force me here, in fact, i was the one who followed you, remember?”
“yeah, you do need to make sure that the person you’re stalking isn’t a super spy like you before you do that, though.”
at the blush on her cheeks and feigned hurt on her face, you quickly decided to change the subject. “what david said earlier…ignore him. he’s old, a little senile. really doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
“really?” natasha frowned, “that’s a shame.”
you nodded, biting your lip as you leaned back against the counter of your station. she continued, “i really wanted what he said to be true.”
you blinked in surprise, unable to hide the shock on your face. it was your turn to be nervous around natasha now. it was always the other way around. perhaps the knowledge of knowing your feelings were mutual beckoned you to retreat to a shy disposition you never showed anyone else. 
natasha shrugged. “damn, i really thought i had a chance with the most wonderful, kind-hearted person i know, who would spend her days off, even, to help people. who i thought was hiding to meet a secret girlfriend or something.”
a smile began to creep its way onto your face. “n-no, no secret girlfriend.”
“shame. i bet that secret girlfriend would be so in awe, falling even more for this person, when she finds out what she does for the people around her. a superhero saving the lives of many as an avenger, and a scientist changing the lives of even more as a civilian.”
“mm,” you took off your lab coat then, coming closer to her. she had a playful glint in her eyes as she put one hand on your chest, preventing you from getting too close. “tell me more praises of what this secret girlfriend would feel about me.”
“this secret girlfriend also does not appreciate when you keep such lovely secrets from her,” she felt your arms on the counter behind her now, entrapping her body with yours, “and when you try to do anything without taking her to dinner first. she’s starving, you know.”
the chuckle that left your lips made natasha only want to kiss you even more. “what do you say i make this secret girlfriend not-so-secret now, and invite her out to dinner with me? her favourite italian down the street from here, my treat.”
in response, the woman before you finally let go of the hand on your chest, and brought her hands to your collar to pull you in, leaving a searing kiss on your lips that left you lightheaded and longing for more, at the same time. 
she held your hand as the both of you walked out of the university, before declaring something she had to say before she forgot, “tell david he should expect to see me around the lab every week from now on too, then.” 
“yes ma’am.”
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ssahotchnerr · 1 month
playdoh playtime with baby girl and jack! they would make the wonkiest shape ever and aaron will be STRESSED out watching over baby girl, making sure she didnt purposely ate the clay(?)
omg STOP playdoh time definitely has supervision 😭 by either aaron, you, or even jack because he's very well versed when it comes to playdoh 🫶🏻 (but when that's the case, the adults are alwayssss close by keeping a watchful eye 👀)
the first time baby girl requests to play with playdoh (and is old enough to understand) aaron gives her a talk about the do’s and don’ts — first off and most importantly, don't eat it. only play with it on a table surface - it's usually on the kitchen table so that settles that. let an adult know you want to play with it, don't get grab it from the craft cabinet. remember to close the lids tight when you're finished so it doesn't get hard/dry out, and wash your hands when done. aaron's biggest pet peeve of playdoh - when it gets underneath their nailbeds 😭 ugh he hatesss trying to pry the residue out
but omg baby girl and jack have an absolute BLAST <333 it's one of their favorite things to do together 💓 they especially love playing with those playdoh sets - like ice cream, pizza oven, crazy hair. they always make the two of them, you and aaron, as well as all their aunts and uncles <3 baby girl always finds it hilarious when she's showing aaron his play-doh self 😭 once, she even gave him his signature frown LOL
but they love just creating, building random things and letting their imagination wander 🥰 and of course!!! aaron sits down to build with the two of them 🥹 hehe they get all >:( dad!!!! when he doesn't do something the way they want 😭 like did they tell him not to make this dog blue?? no, but he should know better 🙄 aaron's just, "okay🙄, okay i'll fix it 🥰" in response <333
you do things just right when you join though 🤭 so the kiddos tease and whine to him about that too - 'daddd build like mom does >:(' and of course it's only right to tease him right along with them 🥰
AND if baby girl does attempt to eat some 🫢 aaron just goes online to find an edible kind they can make at home LOL: the peanut butter, powdered sugar, and honey recipe for instance. again, he's gonna tell her not to eat it just to get in the habit, but if she does, at least it's eatable 💓 (but she does tend to eat it: she's loves pb, knows it's pb, and smells too good not to 😭)
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nohoney · 1 year
Bakugou would listen to you rant all about work. Even though he’s the one out on the streets with more exciting stories to tell, one of his favorite things is to hear you talk about your own work. He follows and nods along with whatever work story you have for him for the day, always attentive but never telling you what you should do to handle it (as he had learned from a prior relationship).
“I can tell he fuckin’ hates me, you know?” You continue on about your current work events as you sit on the countertop and watch Bakugou cut vegetables, “He keeps on bringing up my old manager as if she has anything to do with it now. Like, no motherfucker! You answer to me now and I’m saying pay your stupid invoice!”
The vegetables for dinner are set aside while the oven is still preheating. Two pieces of pork chop are taken from the fridge and is set aside on a clean plate as Bakugou looks for spices to rub into the meat. “So what happened baby? Did he pay? Y’said you were dealing with this for almost two weeks.” He asks you, genuinely curious if your annoying client is actually complying with you. The thought in his head is wondering how you handled it.
“I have to read you this email that I wrote. I gotta say the professional ways of dissing someone in email is something I finally understand now.” You laugh as you pull up your work email on your phone. Word for word you read out your well thought out response to your difficult client, not backing down and upholding work policy as you are expected to. Bakugou had never really bothered with any type of skill of being professional through communication in his job; it’s what his team is for while he gets the really privilege to cuss as he pleases and have his team handle it for the public. “Here is how I signed off, I think it’s probably my most eloquent and business-like ‘fuck you’ I’ve written so far.”
You clear your throat first before reading aloud, “‘I hope that the explanations of how to navigate your account has cleared up any confusion you may have and that you are able to move forward in compliance with our company policy, if you have any further questions then please let me know.’ God I know he’s going to hate me as soon as he reads it!”
He chuckles, happy that you know how to stand your ground in such a manner that Bakugou knows he struggles in. “You tell him, baby.”
“I fucking did Katsuki!” You boast with a proud little smile as you hop off the countertop and go to his side as he heats oil in a pan. “Sorry, I’ve been going on about this annoying client for a while. I wanna hear about your work today Tsuki.”
Bakugou shakes his head though and urges you to talk about what else happened at your work. The meat sizzles as he presses it into the pan, crackling and sizzling in a way that’s reminiscent of his quirk but to a much lower degree. The oven beeps to indicate that preheating is finished and you move to put all the vegetables into the glass pan and stick it in for him, already setting a timer before he can even ask. “What about that other guy? The one who keeps on saying that he’s getting investors so he wants to make you wait a little longer?” He asks you when he recalls another client you complained of a few days ago.
You excitedly pop off about your work again, unknowing how you calm Bakugou down with your own work stories. Your series of responsibilities that he wouldn’t know the first clue how to handle are interesting to him to hear how you handle yourself. It’s simple compared to what he does but in no way is it easy either. To see you struggle sometimes with your own career wasn’t easy for him but you were also strong enough to handle it all the same.
And he liked to think that he made it easy for you to handle because he wanted to hear anything and everything about your job that’s so different from his. “Tell me about the parking permits, did that get solved yet?” He asks as he starts to set food on the plates.
“No! I’m on week three of dealing with it and it’s ridiculous! I sent everything in so early and they deal with it so late!!”
Bakugou listens with a happy heart to hear you talk, never wanting you to apologize over the things that frustrate you. And by the end of your rants, even he feels a little lighter as he readies to get in bed with you.
And the next day as he’s just about to enter a meeting in his agency, Bakugou gets a text from you.
[1:57 pm] omg i need to tell you what this mofo emailed me when we’re home
He looks forward to it, letting a little smile come onto his face. He can see you all cute and puffed up and mad, and he can’t wait to hear about it.
[1:58 pm] can’t wait baby. love you.
You text him back within seconds.
[1:58 pm] love you!!!
Bakugou can’t wait to be home and listen to you.
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toxophilitis · 4 months
The Widow's Horny Family
Peggy Winters was on her hands and knees, her ass jutting into the air.
She had been working on the oven for half an hour, telling herself she would never allow it to become so dirty ever again.
But that was not all on her mind.
She was also thinking of a hard cock.
She had been thinking of hard cocks for weeks now. Each day her thoughts became more and more erotic, tormenting her and making her cunt pulsate and twitch, quiver and become very wet. The sensation was pleasant enough, she enjoyed it when her cunt tingled and burned. But it would be better to have a sweet, hard, throbbing cock fucking into her pussy.
As she leaned over to peer into the oven, scraping at a particularly stubborn spot, her ass arched higher into the air, the back of her skirt lifting.
When she heard the soft gasp, she did not at first associate it with Donny. In fact, she did not associate it with anyone or thing at the time she heard it. Her thoughts were too deep in erotic revelry. But she did hear it plainly when the gasp came a second time.
Turning to look over her shoulder, she found her son, Donny, standing in the doorway, his eyes enormous as he stared at her. Peggy’s eyes began to glow with pleasure and a smile of greeting formed on her full, moist lips. Then she realized where her son’s gaze was.
Oh, my God! she thought. My dress!
But it was too late flow. The dress was an old one that she wore when she took on housecleaning once a month. It was frayed and faded and a bit too small for her, with a short skirt. Even the skirt was torn with rips in it. But she liked to wear it when she tackled the house.
She knew what her son could see, or thought she knew. Donny could see almost to her ass.
In fact, Donny could see his mother’s ass.
He could see the backs of her thighs, the creamy flesh of them, and he could see the bottom portion of her panties. A flush crept over Peggy’s face when she realized her son was not leaving, but seemed to enjoy the view. Despite the erotic thoughts she had been having, her first impulse was to sit up and conceal what he was gazing at so hotly. But she couldn’t move... she felt frozen in that ass-up position. She was trembling, but she couldn’t make her arms move, couldn’t sit back.
She saw the glowing of her son’s eyes, saw his mouth slightly parted. She also saw the delight on his face as he stared unabashedly at her exposure.
Peggy had been worried about this.
She suspected her son had been pecking at her for some time. He was a precocious boy, bold and unafraid. She had seen the way he looked at girls in the neighborhood, his eyes gleaming with desire. She had given consideration many times of having a talk with him, but kept putting it off. It wouldn’t do for Donny to start getting his hands on the girls, feeling them up, maybe sticking his cock into some tight cunt. If that happened, the first thing she knew, angry parents would be down on her.
On the other hand, she knew that she would have to do something about Donny sooner or later, probably sooner. She had been watching him develop sexually, keeping her eyes open for any sign of overt sexuality on his part. She knew he was preoccupied with sex; she had seen the spots on his sheets where he had either jacked off or enjoyed a wet dream.
Peggy was not one to attempt to halt her son’s sexual nature or anyone else’s, including her own. But she did want him to exercise caution.
Another thing that troubled her was his interest in a lovely blonde girl. She had observed them often, and they were quite close. The girl seemed to be equally precocious and had flirty eyes that dared and challenged. The girl went out of her way to make it obvious that she would welcome Donny’s attentions. If it were just that, Peggy wouldn’t mind if her son fucked his cock into her tight cunt.
However, the girl’s parents were not that friendly. They presented an aloof and standoffish manner, seldom speaking to others. They didn’t seem at all friendly, and Peggy was afraid that if they found out Donny was doing some exploring of their daughter’s succulent pussy, there would be trouble.
Now, with her son’s eyes unabashedly gazing at her upturned ass, Peggy watched his expression closely. She tried to sit up, but her arms would not push and her thigh muscles didn’t want to work. Since she had been thinking of erotic exercises and her cunt had been steamy, her gaze drifted downward, seeing the growing bulge in the front of his pants.
She felt a catch in her throat as she understood it was her, her ass and thighs, that was giving him this growing, hard-on. She wondered if it was possible that Donny was interested in her, his own mother, that way. If the swelling lump in his pants was any indication, she knew he was interested, very much so.
For just an instant, she felt humiliation, but it was such a fleeting instant that she let it go. It was replaced by a sense of elation, of pleasure. She felt a pulsation between her thighs, the tingle of her cunt becoming more pronounced.
This is silly, she thought. Waving my fucking ass in the Goddamn air and letting my son look all he wants and me... staring right at his cock. Silly... but kind of nice, too.
Donny never took his gaze from his mother’s ass. He could see the slight puffing of her panty crotch. Finally he shifted his eyes and was looking directly into those of his brother. He grinned wickedly, and Peggy gasped when he ran his hand down and cupped his cock and balls, giving his prick a squeeze.
“Donny!” she said sharply, finding the strength to sit on her heels. “What are you doing, young man?”
He ignored his mother and arched his hips forward, his hand still cupping his cock and balls. “Want some, Mother?” he said boldly, then laughed.
“Donny!” Peggy gasped, but her eyes burning as she watched him squeezing his cock and balls.
Knowing she should be angry with him, she found that impossible. On the contrary, watching him so openly fondle himself excited her more than she would have suspected. There was a lurch in and around her cunt, a lurch quite similar to an impending orgasm. She felt her tits swell, and, without looking down, she knew her nipples were pressing against the faded thin fabric. She had no bra on, and her tits were molded by the tightness. Her son’s gaze moved to them, and she saw him lick his lips hungrily.
Peggy stood up, her legs shaking as her son continued to look at her, his hand still on his cock. One of her thighs was revealed by a long rip in the dress, and she made no attempt to cover it. It was too late, she thought, Donny has already seen almost every thing I have.
Besides, she wore shorts a lot, so there was nothing wrong with her thigh showing. What was wrong about it was the fact that a smooth thigh was more enticing when seen through a ripped skirt than when she wore shorts.
“You’re beautiful, Mother,” she heard him say in a strained voice. “You’re really beautiful.”
She could not answer him, her gaze burning on his hand as he moved it up and down his swollen cock. Her cunt was burning like liquid fire now, and the cheeks of her ass had clenched tightly. She leaned against the kitchen counter, a position that earned her hips to arch forward and her tits to become more taut, her nipples outlined.
“Nice,” her son said as his gaze moved over her straining tits. “You’ve very nice tits, Mother.”
She made some small, strangling sounds. “I... I have some nice dreams about you.” Donny was saying as his gaze moved about her body. “Some really nice dreams. You want to know what kind of dreams, Mother?”
“I... I think you better go,” she said in a thick voice, but not with much conviction. “This talk isn’t right.”
She gasped when she saw him pulling at the zipper of his pants. She lifted one hand as if to ward off a blow. “No, don’t you dare. Donny! Don’t you dare take that thing out of your pants!”
Re ignored her, pulling the zipper all the way down. She watched with hot eyes and bubbling twit as his hand went into his pants. He didn’t take his cock out right away, but teased her by playing inside his pants. Peggy felt her son knew she wanted to see his cock, that he was very much aware of her excitement end steaming cunt. She couldn’t understand how he knew what she was feeling he did, she had no doubt.
Then he pulled his prick from his pants.
Peggy gasped again as she saw her son’s cock.
He released his prick and let his cock wave freely. Donny’s cock was standing firm, very hard. Peggy’s eyes glazed over with flaming desire as she stared at his prick. His cock was long and held promise of becoming quite thick as he grew older. His prick head was quite large, she thought, for his age. The piss hole was flaring and he was dripping clear fuck juices. She could see a pulse beating along the side of his cock as his prick pointed up toward the ceiling.
Donny began to move toward her, and she leaned against the sink as though entranced by his youthful, sweet cock. When Donny was standing in front of her, he lifted one of his hands and placed it upon a firm, spongy tit. Again Peggy gasped.
Her son was almost a head shorter than she was, and she stared down at him, searching his face for something, she didn’t know what. His hand cupped her tit, fingers curling around her tit as he squeezed and felt. Her nipple burned into his palm, and her legs trembled so badly she thought she would fall. With his hand on her tit, her cunt was throbbing hotly and soaking the crotch of her panties. She wanted to remove his hand from her tit, but it felt so good... so damned good to have a hand on her tit after two long years. With her body shaking, she dropped her hands, and the back of one brushed over the dripping head of his cock. She felt the fact juices smear her hand, and her cunt almost convulsed.
“Donny,” she said, not sharply now but in a whisper. “Don’t do this to me... please. I’m weak... I may not be able to stop.”
“Then don’t stop me, Mother,” he replied, bringing his other hand up to squeeze her other tit. With both his hands on her tits, Peggy began to whimper. She was not afraid, and her whimpers were those steaming with intense desire.
Her hand moved of its own volition, and she brushed it about his throbbing cock deliberately this time. She ran her fingers along the hard side, brushed a fingertip ever his smooth cock head and across the dripping piss hole. She moaned, jerking her hand away.
She grabbed his wrists and removed his hands from her tits, then found the strength to walk from the kitchen. She went down the short hall and into her bedroom. But, as she turned to close the door, she found Donny right behind her, his cock still sticking out so sweetly.
She looked down at his prick for a long moment as he stood there, expectation on his face. Lifting her eyes, she stared into his, and, with a deep breath, grabbed hold of her son’s cock with tight fingers.
“All right, Donny,” she said in a thick voice. “There doesn’t seem any way to make you behave. I want this as badly as you do. But I’m warning you, Donny, if you say one word about this to anyone, I’ll blister your ass good, understand?”
He nodded, still grinning lewdly at his mother.
She walked over to the bed. Running her hands under the faded old dress, she stripped her panties off and flung them to the floor. She climbed onto the bed and spread her thighs wide. Donny, with his eyes staring between his mother’s thighs, shoved his pants down quickly, then knelt between her legs, his cock bulging with eagerness.
Peggy took hold of her son’s cock as she lifted her crotch a bit. She placed his swollen prick head upon the lips of her desperate cunt.
“Push, damn you!” she told him.
Donny pushed.
Peggy groaned as his cock entered her cunt. That was all she required to make her start churning her ass. She had her ass twisting and writhing before the full length of her son’s cock was inside her gripping cunt. She flung her arms above her head, her auburn hair flying about as she moaned with passion. She gripped the rungs of the headboard with tight fingers, closing her creamy thighs about her son’s now-pumping hips. He held himself with his hands on each side of her chest, grunting and panting as he fucked his cock in and out of her clinging, slippery cunt.
Peggy’s ass moved with him, bouncing up and down on the bed, meeting his cock with her cunt, hearing the moist slapping of his crotch upon hers. She felt his balls beating a tattoo against her upturned ass. Her eyes were open but were glassy with the intensity of the ecstasy that flowed through her excited body, making her mind reel.
The sensation of having a hard cock fucking into her cunt after such a long time was thrilling.
She lifted her crotch higher as she began to scissor her hot, smooth thighs about her son’s hips. She made soft, mewling sounds as her tongue licked her lips. The throbbing hardness of her son’s cock seemed to fuck very deep into her bubbling cunt, deeper than she would have expected. His prick also stretched the hair-lined lips of her pussy in a delicious manner. She felt her clit scraping against his taut cock shaft with each plunge he made, and there was an explosive orgasm building like liquid fire in the pit of her trembling stomach.
The panting and gasping of her son excited her, telling her his pleasure was as good as her own.
Then Peggy began to squeal in a soft voice as her orgasm rumbled to a head, causing her cunt to flex on her son’s cock, to tighten and relax. It was a motion that she had no control over, a thing her cunt did on its own. The rippling waves of her cunt actually sucked Donny’s cock. Despite the ecstasy that boiled through her, she managed to see her son’s face contort a few inches away from her own. The throbbing of his cock became more pronounced inside, her cunt, the beating of his balls upon her squirming ass became faster. Donny was making sounds as if he were strangling.
“Do it!” she urged in a thick voice, banging her cunt hard against his fucking cock. “Do it, Donny! Don’t hold it back! Let it go! Come, damn you, come!”
With her cunt gripping his cock in contracting waves of her steamy orgasm, sucking on his prick in a powerful, satiny way, Peggy badly wanted her son to come inside her cunt. She did not want him to jerk out, come on her thighs or stomach. She wanted his come juice gushing hotly into her pussy. Donny’s body became tight, then he seemed to shiver.
“Ohhhh!” he groaned.
Peggy felt her son’s cock lurch, then his come juice struck the sensitive walls of her satiny cunt. She felt the throbbing spurts filling, her, and it triggered a second orgasm within, her body. She screamed with ecstasy and churned her ass swiftly against him, grinding powerfully, her head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut. She gurgled as if she were clicking, her hips moving against him as his cock spurted creamy come juice into her pussy.
When Donny slumped on top of her, exhausted, Peggy wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly while he recovered. She could feel his cock still inside her cunt, and she felt the involuntary squeeze the hair-lined lips of her pussy gave his prick. She moaned softly with pleasure, then released him.
“Get off me,” she whispered.
Reluctantly, Donny pulled his prick free of his mother’s clasping cunt. He rolled onto his back beside her, arms and legs flung out, his smooth chest rising and falling.
Peggy sat up, glanced at her son’s wetly glistening cock and, cupping a hand between her thighs, entered the adjoining bathroom.
She stared at herself in the mirror above the sink accused her reflections.
How could you? How could you fuck your own son? Are you that hot for cock? Then she answered herself. You’re Goddamn right I am!
She used a damp cloth between her thighs, tossing it into the clothing hamper. Again she looked at her reflection, somehow thinking she would see a monster, a sex-crazed woman without guilt or shame.
She saw none of that.
She saw a face that was still beautiful, with honey-colored flesh and green eyes, eyes that now sparkled with the satisfaction she had not felt in two long years. She saw a woman with rich auburn hair that had coppery highlights, a woman with a face that could grace any magazine cover.
She saw a woman who still had the same figure as when she was cheerleading in high school. She saw a woman with firm tits, high and spongy on her chest, with nipples that still jutted.
Peggy’s waist was still very narrow, with a flat stomach that had just the hint of roundness to it. Her hips were rounded and flowed gracefully to enticingly long, creamy smooth, thighs and curvy legs. Her ass swelled and arched in a teasing manner, the cheeks as firm as any teenage girl’s ass, writhing when she walked, tantalizing any who watched.
Peggy was a woman with an erotic mind, and a body to match.
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abbyscherry · 7 months
more lawyer!abby pleaseeeeeeee
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐘𝐄𝐑!𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐘 | 03.
mwah mwah, course baby. sorry it’s late, I got a little lost on what to add :( ♡
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby will always get a tie the same color as your own outfit choice if she takes you out for a meal. She either has to match you or will make a big deal out of it, refusing to leave the house until she’s found something that exactly matches.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby is thankful when you’re there to help her when she’s getting stressed out. Her job is hard, and sometimes she puts herself down when she feels like she can’t do anything to help someone, and that’s when you step in, quick to remind her that she is doing amazing and she can do it.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby owns many cars. Cheap and expensive, she doesn’t really care much about them but she is always thankful that they have tinted windows because she’s a risky woman, and no matter where she goes or what she’s up to, she can’t help herself when she slides her hand up your thigh, gripping the flesh tightly while in the middle of a phone call, enjoying the way you squirm on the seat and suck in a breath through your teeth, clenching your legs around her hand when they make their way to where you need her.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby who has fucked you in pretty much every car she owns. She simply doesn’t care about when and where. You always look so fuckin’ pretty and she can’t keep her hands off you. You could simply be eating an ice cream and that would turn her on, and end up with the both of you in the back seat of her car with her fingers so deep in your cunt that all you can do is grip tightly onto her expensive suit jacket, and bite down on her shoulder. Even though she hates it when you try hiding your pretty sounds.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby brags about you to everyone she works with or meets at a meeting. Shit, she doesn’t even care if its a new client she’s met, she will mention how it was you who helped her pick out a certain suit or it was you who picked up this new coffee she was trying. Abby brought you up in every conversation, even during the long hours she was sat setting up and helping with a new case. You were on her mind 24/7.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby spends a lot of free time looking at engagement rings. She knows she wants to marry you and spend the rest of her life with you, but sometimes she doesn’t know which ring to buy because in her mind, you deserve every single one and more.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby loves it when you cuddle her. There is something about having her face tucked in the crook of your neck after a long day, some old clothes on her body, a movie on the TV with your fingers running through her hair that has her content, comfortable, and warm. She hated being away from you for such long hours but she cherished when she could finally be home with you.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby enjoys when you cook her meals, but also adores being able to cook them for you after you’ve had a hard day at work. The woman will literally be by the door when you stumble in, hands already working on removing your coat for you and handing you a glass of wine while she waits for the food she prepared for you, to cook in the oven. 
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby who yes, will daydream about starting a family with you. It’s not something she’s ready to bring up in conversation just yet though in case you weren’t ready for it, but she’s always imaging what it would be like to come home, find you and your child in the living room, watching a movie or even in the kitchen, baking cookies or whatever you wanted to make that day.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby acts like a literal child on Christmas day when you buy her any kind of new book. She’s a book worm and that’s actually how she first met you, so it makes you happy when her eyes light up and she’s taking the fragile book from your hands with the utmost care and examining the cover, the back, as well as the pages inside.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ lawyer!abby has no shame in eyeing you up whenever you’re sitting on her office, neatly resting on one of the chairs opposite her desk. She doesn’t even hide the fact she wants nothing more than to either have you perched on her desk with her face between your thighs or have you bent over the wooden surface, and working her strap in your cunt.
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somber-sapphic · 6 months
Cooking With A Cold
〖500 Follower Prompt: “Oh sweetheart, you’re worse than I thought” + “Sorry, I can’t stop sneezing” + 🏥〗
〖Summary: You hurt yourself while trying to cook a romantic meal for your girlfriend.〗
〖Word Count: 1.5k〗
〖Pairing: Natasha x Sick Reader〗
〖A/N: Hello! So, some of you may know there was a bit of a "situation" last week which threw me off a bit and I decide to postpone posting this. I know, it's been months, but I really needed to recompose and regroup which changed my plan. Sorry, I know this is a bit long but I hope you enjoy!〗
☾Masterlists☽ ☾500 Masterlist☽
Natasha had just gotten home from a long mission and when she had come into the kitchen you’d screeched at her to get out, not wanting to ruin the surprise. She’d left laughing and was currently sitting on the couch in preparation for what she didn't expect to be an incredibly fancy dinner. She knew that you hated to cook and assumed you’d just thrown a few frozen things in the oven and mac and cheese or something on the stove. 
Instead, you had taken it upon yourself to make her favorite dinner and a dessert to go with. Over the two weeks that she had been gone, you’d been watching cooking videos and practicing in your spare time. There was a lot of spare time. You had decided to make her a medium-rare steak with baked asparagus and sauteed mushrooms. Following that there was a cheesecake in the fridge that had come out much better than you’d expected.
When planning this fancy meal that you very much didn't know how to cook, you had been so excited. You were thrilled to get to spend real time with your girlfriend and you wanted her to tell you everything about the ocean and beach and blue skies. It hadn't been a particularly dangerous mission, and you were sure that she’d be happy to tell you all of the more fun details. 
So of course, your body had decided to throw something at you. Maybe it was the long nights spent awake wishing you weren't alone in your bed, maybe it was the fact that one of the Avengers (Clint) seemed intent on spending time with you even though he was clearly sick (it was probably the second one), but the cause didn't matter because you were sick. Sick sick. 
You didn't have a little sniffle that you could push through with a dose of cold medicine and a few tissues, you had a full-on everything hurts, whole body feels hot and cold, stuffy and runny nose, dizziness, chest cough that won't let up kind of cold. Or maybe the flu. You weren't sure, but that didn't particularly matter to you either. For now, all that mattered was you staying upright for long enough to finish this meal. 
Between breaks of sitting on the floor and about one million tissues, you’d managed to get down to the last stretches. The steak was done, and ready to be cut. The mushrooms were sitting on the stove covered by a pot lid to keep them warm. All that was left was the asparagus sitting in the oven and the timer for those had just gone off. 
You pulled yourself to your feet and stumbled slightly, the world shifting quickly around you as your center of gravity changed. It was all you could do not to grab the hot stovetop and stumble into the counter instead, hoping that you hadn't made too much noise. You may have felt awful, but you didn't need Natasha to know that. 
With your brain on autopilot, you stuck your hands into the oven and grabbed the metal pan with a bare hand. You were so out of it and ready to be finished cooking dinner that you hadn't realized you had forgotten the oven mitt until you felt white-hot pain shoot through your hand. 
You pulled back with a strangled gasp, catching the back of your hand on one of the oven racks as you did. Tears of pain clouded your vision momentarily and you clutched your hand to your chest, unsure what to do. The gasp led to a fit of coughing that left you doubled over and panicking. If you just kept standing there your dinner would burn, but you were pretty sure that your hand was useless. And the room was still spinning.
Now you’d have to get Natasha and she would be upset because not only had you ruined dinner, but she’d also need to take care of you. You stood there frozen, and to your utter horror, you began to cry. The frustration of it all was too much. All you’d wanted to do was make a nice hot dinner for your incredibly busy girlfriend and now you needed her help. 
“Hey Nat?” You called out in a watery voice, congestion seeping into your worlds. You sniffled and brought your tightly clenched hand up to wipe your nose on your sleeve, doing your best not to disturb the burn. A tiny part of your brain was telling you that you should probably be running it under cool water or at least stick it in the fridge, but it hadn't quite caught up to the part that was shutting down the pain. 
Natasha, bounced into the room, her smile lighting up her eyes falling as she saw the twisted expression on your face and the protective way you were holding your hand. You could feel your lower lip quivering and your nose might have been running again but you weren't sure, you were just humiliated. To be safe, you swiped your hand against your fist and sniffled. 
“Oh dorogory, what happened?” She asked, rushing over to wrap her arms around you. You laid your head against her shoulder and let out a whimper, wishing that you didn't have to admit to your failure out loud. This was all so humiliating. 
She pulled back for a moment and cupped your cheek, lips pursed, and eyebrows furrowed. She glanced back at the half-open oven, then at your hand, then back into your eyes and you watched her face go from pure terror for your safety to understanding concern. 
“Show me please?” Nat murmured, not wanting to force your hand open and risk hurting you more. You started to nod, but quickly wrenched away to sneeze into your elbow. One sneeze turned into four which turned into a bout of raspy coughing which made you glad you’d managed to turn in time. You didn't want to get her sick too. 
You extended your hand at the end of the fit, revealing the blistering burn across your palm. 
“Oh, Y/n, I could tell you were sick, but sweetheart, you’re worse than I thought!” She exclaimed, studying your burn intensely as she flicked her eyes up to your mess of a face. You wrinkled your nose and sniffled again, blinking rapidly at her. Black dots had appeared in the corners of your vision in these last few seconds, and you were beginning to wonder how much longer you’d be able to stand up. 
“Shit, okay. Let's get you sitting.” You didn't have to say a word, Natasha was right there wrapping her arm around your waist and leading you to the living room. She even managed to turn the oven off as she practically carried you out and set you down on the sofa. 
You leaned against the arm of the couch and rested your head on the cushion, another low rumbling cough echoing through your chest. It hurt to breathe, and you could hear a slight wheeze that might be more audible to those with less clogged ears. 
“Okay. This hand really doesn't look great baby and I don't like the sound of your breathing. You’re going to hate this, but there’s an Urgent Care a few minutes away and I think we need to go. They might be able to get you something for the pain and something to open up those lungs, okay?” She didn't bother to sugarcoat (much) and her tone made it clear that she wasn't asking. Whether you wanted to or not, you had earned yourself a trip to Urgent Care. 
Instead of answering you sneezed again, barely able to direct the sneezes to your lap rather than in her direction. You knew it was gross, but you couldn't seem to make your limbs cooperate the way you wanted them to. Lifting a pinky felt like lifting a thousand tons. 
“M’sorry. I can’t stop sneezing.” You mumbled, hoping those words were enough to convey just how sorry you were, not just for the sneezing but for everything. Natasha kissed the top of your head and pressed a tissue to your nose, guiding your uninjured hand to hold it there. 
“No apologies my love, just sit tight. I’ll get your shoes and your favorite blanket then we’ll head out, okay?” She soothed, running your fingers through your hair as she talked.
Her voice was the sound of summer rain on a warm night, slow rolling waves on a white sand beach, and birds chirping in a lush green forest. It was every comforting thing anyone could think of plus ten more. She was all that. She never failed to make you feel safe, loved, accepted, and, most importantly, worthy of feeling all of those good things. 
You nodded wearily and let yourself melt against the couch as she moved around you, turning off lights and gathering whatever she thought that you would need. You were dreading whatever might happen at Urgent Care, but if she was there you knew that it would be okay. She’d make sure that it was all okay. And when you felt better, you’d make her that damn dinner. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @fxckmiup, @animealways, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @kljhsong, @juststuckhereforever, @fayhar, @chairhere, @canvascoloredin, @iliketozoneout, @ash26424, @goldenempyrean @waltermis
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avaf00rd · 5 months
Leah Williamson relationship HC
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A better fic will be out soon hang tight.
This is a scrap I made.
I would barely classify these as head cannons as they are very long. They are just about your relationship in general☺️
-you and Leah were best friends and crazy close when you first joined Arsenal in 2017. When you left to go to Barcelona in 2019 you both felt like a huge part of your lives were missing. When you came back to Arsenal in 2021 you both realised you were in love and started dating
-you always praise Leah for being the most fashionable person you know. You weren’t terrible yourself but you were always getting her to help you with what to wear daily
-whenever you two go to events together Leah will always make sure you get to the after party. Your pretty good at calling it a night often, which means Leah is dragging you for more drinks more often that not
-you, Leah and Alex Scott were sort of a trio. Sure Leah and Alex were a tad closer. But you had all been on multiple trips together
-your the cook of the house. She can’t go much further than toast. She tried to make frozen chicken one time for you both, but it ended up breaking the oven due to a weird setting she turned the oven on to.
-when she did her ACL you were in tears for her. When she walked off, She told you to get a goal for her. You didn’t in the end which made you sick to your stomach. You felt terrible and was just as devastated as Leah.
-your Australian. So bringing Leah over to your home was your favourite thing.
-Christmas in your house was amazing. You both decked out the house completely and danced and sung to Christmas songs all December.
-when buying your first house together. You had the biggest say. You had great taste is properties to buy so you kind of found a flat online and showed Leah. She said yes so you immediately booked an inspection. You got that flat two days later.
-You also bought all the furniture one night when you were both on international break and got it delivered to where Leah was. She was a bit shocked when she FaceTimed you after coming home to 45 delivery boxes.
-your taste in movies was so divergent. She liked the more fantasy movies like lord of the rings and Harry Potter. She also loved horror. Which was terrible for you. You loved romance movies, you’re either making Leah watch that or some stupid documentary you heard of.
-you were a huge dog person. And Leah already owned a dog when you first moved in together, but you had 2. So now it’s a crazy house 24/7.
-you love being together in the kitchen, listening to music and goofing around with a good bottle of wine. You both turn on old love songs and slow dance around the kitchen.
-she made you late to most trainings. Due to her stuffing around in the mornings. It got even worse when she cut her bangs
-one afternoon you were both chatting on how she used to have a fringe as a child. You said she would suit one (but you think she suits anything). So of course 2 weeks later she texts you to let you know she’s going to the hairdresser…
-Leah can be kinky asf. Come on we all know this
-sometimes after dinner you will beg her to play on the piano for you. She’s actually outstanding at it and you’re so proud of her. You will take your wine glass over and sit on the seat next to her while she plays.
-you tried to convince her to get Santa photos with the dogs. Which she very quickly declined.
-you were very good at makeup. You became obsessed with it as a teenage girl. So you find yourself doing Leah’s a lot for nights out and events. Even just doing a big look for fun.
-the girl couldn’t ride a bike to save her life. So you always tried to help teach her . She would somehow always say yes, Even if it was just an excuse to get a good laugh out of you.
-you and your Matilda’s team played in the World Cup and came fourth after being knocked out by her country in the semis. Your heart ached that you couldn’t finish it for your country, but it ached just the same at the fact that your girlfriend couldn’t lead her country to the grand finals like she had always dreamt of.
-every night you slept with your head tucked into the crook of her neck, arms cuddling onto her torso. It was just the best way both of your bodies melted together.
-sometimes she tried to take you on golfing dates. The first time she did, she told you she was good. Like the powerful Leah Williamson would. You were humble and said you would need her help. But when you swung your shot you actually made a great one and it had Leah’s jaw on the floor.
-you both had your first photo shoot together in 2020 just before covid. And you lived very minute of it. Now you have done heaps for brands like Calvin Klein, bikini brands, and more together, you both now being known for your hot couple photo shoots.
-you were both completely clumsy. The worst thing was when Leah and you had to screw a window nail tighter. Don’t ask why. But you apparently weren’t holding it properly. Causing it to fall out the other side of the frame. Completely shattering into the pool.
-though you were always chasing after her for outfit inspiration. You both looked phenomenal wherever you went. You would both be shot on camera court-side of a basketball game, on vacation or at dinner in the best outfits and hair.
-you though she was the hottest girl you had ever seen in your life. You had only had boyfriends who play football in your life before Leah. So you always blamed Leah for being gay.
-her love for country music was one of the things that made you fall in love with her. Along with her charming personality
-you were a striker for arsenal. When you scored in a game, you would do your celebration jump with your fists in the air and always try to look for Leah, to see if it was her arms you could jump into first. And she was always there, screaming at you for your goal with her arms wide open.
-your a bottom most of the time. But sometimes you switch it up and she lives for your dominant side.
-you suffered a severe back injury in 2022 while in Australia. You were scared you would never play again. Leah was on the next plane out to Australia, even though she was told not to. Just so she could sit next to your bed and hold your hand for hours.
-seeing Leah back in training after doing her ACL. With the brightest smile on her face, made your heart melt every time.
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smusherina · 2 months
yard work - chapter 3 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 4
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"So, have you heard of the new girl?" Regina asked, twirling a lock of hair on her finger.
You were still sitting on the couch several hours later. It was beginning to get dark.
"Caty Heron or something?"
"Cady, yes. What do you think of her?" Regina bit her bottom lip, sucking it and chewing at it in her mouth. Back when you were younger, her mom would've chastised her. Mrs George was lax about a lot of things, but she could not stand fidgeting. Nowadays, though, you doubted she had the heart to say anything negative to her daughter.
"I..." You tilted your head, thinking. "I don't really think of her. We're in the same calc class and she seems smart. Talks to Aaron a lot."
"Does she?" Regina narrowed her eyes and huffed. "I thought so."
"What? Don't tell me you're still hung up on Aaron Samuels. C'mon." You scoffed. "That dude, pretty as he is-" You knocked at your head. "All fluff, no substance. Hollow."
"Oh, because you would know so much about guys." Regina crossed her arms and stared at you petulantly.
"Yes, I would. I'm practically one of them." You shrugged nonchalantly. "By the way, shouldn't you get home?"
Regina didn't answer and just looked at you. You looked back, unsure of what she was thinking. You glanced around, wondering if you'd missed something.
"You're still- I mean, you're... A lesbian." She said slowly as if it were a curse word.
You laughed before answering. "Yes, Regina, I am still a lesbian. Just like I told you I was back then." You frowned. "Is there, like, a problem?"
"No." She said simply, but it didn't seem particularly truthful. "You don't know about what happened with Janis, then?"
"No, I just know she had to switch schools. Why, was it something you did?"
"No." Again, didn't seem too truthful. "I don't have a problem with you being a lesbian."
Clearly, she was uncomfortable talking about it. Still, something was off. You were almost certain Regina had had something to do with Janis leaving. She was probably lying to you.
"You're not going home for dinner then." Better to drop it for now. It wouldn't do either of you any good to push her. "Will your dad be mad?"
"As if he even notices I'm gone," She rolled her eyes, settling more comfortably on the couch. "He's always on the phone."
"I have frozen pizzas we could pop in the oven."
"I'm not eating that processed shit. We're ordering in."
"Reg, I can't order takeout 'til dad sends me more money."
"I'm paying, dummy, don't even worry about it." She pushed off the couch and walked to the kitchen. You trailed after her. "Where are the menus?"
"There should be some in the cabinet over there."
The evening turned to night with you two on the couch, chatting and eating pizza. The TV was turned on eventually. Adult Swim was playing some anime about cowboys in space, but neither of you was really watching.
You'd missed her so much. You didn't like thinking about it much, but that was the truth. You'd missed her for even longer than the two years you'd been officially cut off from her life. She'd started pulling away long before the silent treatment began. You didn't like thinking about how much it had hurt, how you'd felt your world go bleak when she rejected you. You'd never been one for confrontation, that was Regina's job, so talking to her about the why and how of it all had never felt like an option.
You'd eventually gotten the hint. And now, after all this time, after she had left you so easily, you were letting her back in just as easily. As if you were back in that time, sitting in the sandbox peacefully making castles when she came up behind you, pulled at one of your pigtails, and demanded you share your buckets and shovel. You were helpless against her force.
There was probably something deeply unhealthy about your friendship. She was probably only coming back because it was convenient for her. She wasn't interested in making amends- hell, she probably didn't even think there was anything to amend, in the first place.
This had been the way you two had been since forever. Her ploughing through anybody in her way, you clinging to her as she went, just as much of a victim and a perpetrator.
The Regina you missed was the impression of a girl, braces on her teeth, grass stains on her sundress, and laughter on her lips. The Regina that perhaps, maybe, probably was still hidden somewhere in her, but at the same time was just not her. Who she was now, who you were now, were so utterly different from back then.
Watching her face, illuminated blueish by the light from the TV, so much older but still soft and young, framed by naturally blonde hair but bleached a lighter shade, you made your peace. You were probably being way too dramatic about all this, but it felt like a big moment in your half-baked teenage brain. You would take her back every time. You would let her leave every time. You would stay in place while she explored the world, and if she deigned to come back, you'd be waiting.
"Hey, Reg," You said, quiet but not exactly a whisper.
"What?" She looked up at you, just bent over the coffee table grabbing another slice of pizza.
"I missed you." You said, so earnestly it sounded jarring to even your ears.
She scrunched up her nose. "'Cause I bought you pizza?"
"Yeah," You laughed. "That too."
If you hadn't been looking so closely, you might've missed the brief lapse in her armour. It was in the softening at the corners of her eyes, in the slackening of her face, the give in her spine. Something like affection, like she'd missed you too.
"You're a weirdo."
You only laughed more.
The moment passed and you continued eating and talking and watching TV. You must've fallen asleep at some point after Regina went to remove her makeup. Eventually, you couldn't tell when, you woke up to the sun shining through the blinds right into your eyes.
Shit. It was Monday. You pawed around yourself for your phone, flipped it open, and checked the time. Shit, indeed. You nudged Regina with your toe.
"Reg..." She didn't even stir. "Reg!" You pushed harder, causing her to groan and whine.
"What? Five... M're mins..." She mumbled into the cushion, curling up tighter.
"We're late for school, Reggie, c'mon we gotta go." You momentarily contemplated if it was worth even going in. Your dad would be busting a lung at the missed calc class anyway. But did you want to give him more reasons to yell at you? No, not really.
"I gotta go, c'mon." You moved towards her and really shook her.
"What?" She grumped at you. To be honest, it was really cute. She had dust around her eyes, sleep still lingering in her limbs. You'd touched her shoulder, covered by the knit blanket you'd given her last night, but you could feel how warm she was.
"School. It's Monday morning, sleepyhead."
It took no more than that for the reality to set in for her. Cursing up a storm and running around like a headless chicken, Regina tried gathering all her things that'd somehow ended up scattered around the night before. Her perfume was in the alcove by the front, her charger in the kitchen, hairbrush in the bathroom.
"Do you want a ride?" You asked before heading upstairs to change. Couldn't go to school in just Spiderman boxers.
"I have nothing to wear!" She screeched, glaring at you as if you'd caused this. She was the one who wanted to stay the night, jeez.
You held up your hands in surrender. "You can borrow some of my stuff."
"As if you have anything remotely fitting. You dress like a hobo." She said all that while climbing up the stairs past you, heading for your room. "A hobo with a liking to grunge music, nonetheless."
You walked after her, listening but not feeling the need to add anything. Once she got to your door and you went to follow, she whirled around.
"Uh, I'm gonna change." She sassed, though the intimidation was made less effective by the bareness of her face and the messiness of her hair. You smiled and gestured for her to go on.
"Be my guest." As if she needed the invitation.
To her credit, it didn't take long for her to pick something to wear, wash her face, and do her hair. In the meantime, you used the hallway bathroom to freshen up yourself. She stepped out wearing the same white tank top as the night before, over it a short-sleeve button-down in a glossy, satin black, and a black skirt she'd probably found at the very back of your closet. The button-down was neatly cinched around her waist and the skirt discreetly rolled up to be shorter than it really was.
The shirt was probably the nicest thing you owned. Something a relative had gotten you for your birthday. Versace or something like that.
"I'm going to have to go to school in sneakers, jorts." She pointed at you accusingly, leaning over threateningly where you sat on the floor. You looked up at her and just shrugged. What could you do?
She rolled her eyes and waved you away. You took the cue that it was your turn. You didn't bother closing the door behind you. Some wash jeans from the back of your desk seemed clean enough. You sniffed them just in case. Not too funky, but definitely not fresh. They'd have to do. You chucked the hoodie, sprayed on some deodorant, and replaced it with a short-sleeve flannel. You looked into the mirror and checked your hair was okay before grabbing your backpack.
"Okay, let's go." You turned to see Regina staring at you incredulously.
"That's it? That's your morning routine?" Leaning against the doorway, you couldn't help but notice she looked fantastic. It was a real talent of hers, looking so good all the time.
"Usually, I'd eat breakfast." You herded her out of the door. "Do you need to get your things?" She probably didn't have any of her school stuff.
"No, I didn't unpack my purse before coming here." She said, checking said bag as she did. "I'll do my makeup in the car, drive sensibly."
"Psh, as if you need to tell me. You're the speed demon, from what I've heard."
"There's nothing wrong with the way I drive, grandma."
"Until you get your license revoked, speedster."
Needless to say, Regina was not impressed by your 2001 Corolla. And though she complained the whole way to school, she still sat in the front seat, doing her makeup, there was no heat behind her words. You arrived in the middle of the third period. Nobody was out and about, much to Regina's relief. You parted ways with a wiggle of her fingers and a finger salute from you. You sat in the car for a moment, just breathing and thinking.
She didn't say thank you, didn't say she had a good time, didn't even bother pretending she'd enjoyed your company. It seemed like a relief she was finally getting away from you. Was that how she felt?
Now that your friendship had progressed beyond small talk while you worked and pleasantries over dinner, being ignored at school felt a lot more hurtful.
It was sobering, how she could goss and laugh with you on your couch and then act as if being seen with you in public was social suicide.
What made it feel even worse was that it was true. If Regina was seen hanging around you, god knows what the piranhas that were the student body would do. It would end with either or both of you ostracized or worse. Regina could bend minds and shift opinions like it was a superpower, but even she had her limits.
You got out of the car, locked it, and ambled towards Spanish class.
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peetapeetapumpkineata · 3 months
Peeta Mellark X AFAB!reader
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Summary: you're worried about him during the quarter quell
Tags: fluff, slight angst, insecure little Peeta baby😔, kissing, one or two innuendos, three uses of y/n, established relationship (your in Katniss's place, obvi)
wc: 3.134k
Notes: there is definitely not enough Peeta fics!! I'm also working on a hijacked Peeta fic based off of one of my favorite songs! (idk when I'll finish it). Enjoy! also reposting this since it flopped
It had been three hours since Peeta hit the force field and Finnick had to resuscitate him.
You have been keeping a frantic eye on him, just in case there was another deadly object he wants to bump into (silly lil Peeta. You can’t take him anywhere fr fr). 
“y/n- I swear I'm fine. You don't have to keep watching me.” Peeta mumbles and glances at you.
“I know, I'm just scared.. Maybe you shouldn’t be so clumsy.” you tease, trying to calm some of your nerves.
“Ok, ok. I get it. I thought everyone knew I was the weak one in the alliance.” he chuckles and shakes his head.
 “What do you mean? You’re not weak, Peeta. You won the games.” you look at him and raise your eyebrow.
“Are you sure? I won the games because of you. I was just.. Lucky.” he looks back at you and shrugs.
“Lucky? Peeta, I’m the lucky one. We probably wouldn’t have made it together if you didn’t find those berries.” you sigh and scoot closer to him. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and squeezes you gently. “y/n.. Just because I found some berries, doesn’t mean I’m not weak. I’m just a baker.. You deserve someone who can take care of you.”
You gently grab his chin and turn his head to face you. “But you can. You’re the only person I feel safe with. And I like that you’re a baker. It makes you more adorable.” you giggle softly and stare into his eyes. 
“You’re just saying that.” he blushes faintly and rolls his eyes playfully.
“No, I'm not.” you brush away a piece of his hair and shake your head.
He smiles at you and wraps his other arm around you.
You rest your head in his lap and lean against him, smiling back up at him as he strokes your hair. 
“So it's true. I guess the ‘star-crossed lovers’ are actually real.” Finnick snorts, nudging Johanna next to him.
“Isn't it obvious? I thought it was hilariously clear when she started whaling on him and shouting at all of us after his heart stopped.” Johanna laughs, nudging him back.
“I thought she was gonna start punching me after i gave him mouth to mouth.” He laughs with her, glancing at the two of you.
“‘Peeta! Peeta! Omg Peeeetaa!!’” Johanna mimics you, laughing even harder with Finnick.
You glare at them and sit up from his lap. “Do you two ever shut up?”
“Oh please, we all know how you got that ‘baby’ inside you.” He grins and wiggles his eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes and scoff. “You two make me sick.”
“Whatever, lover girl.” they laugh again and walk back over to the rest of the group
You sigh and lean back against him “I can’t stand them sometimes.” 
“Me either.. I just wish they would give us some time to ourselves.” he mumbles and kisses you on the forehead. 
“‘Wanna go for a walk? For a break?” you smile and raise your eyebrow
“Yeah, why not?” he smile back at you and stands up
“Hey ‘love birds’! Come back with another bun in the oven so we can get some sponsors, eh?” Finnick shouts and laughs harder. 
“Don't make me shoot you!” you shout back and grab his hand as you head deeper into the jungle.
You lean against a tree next to him and rest your head on his shoulder. “I miss home so much. I would do anything to have your cinnamon buns one last time before my stupid inevitable death.”
“Cmon y/n, you’re not gonna die. I’ll make sure of it.” he strokes the side of your head with his thumb. “Once we get home together, I’m gonna make you your own batch.” he chuckles and pecks the top of your head softly.
“Peeta, you know it's practically impossible to get out of this together, right?” you glance up at his face and smile sadly.
“I know, but I'm willing to risk those odds. I’m sure I'm lucky enough” he smiles back at you and moves his hand from your hair to your cheek.
You grin and pull him into a soft kiss. Not a forced one, for the cameras or for the capitol. A real kiss. 
“you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to.” he says after you pull away.
“I know.” you nod and kiss him again.
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crazyco0tz · 3 months
{Stray kids calling you ma’am}
Hyung line
Warnings: slightly suggestive, feminine pronouns used for reader
(:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
He only calls you ma’am when he’s either “scared” of your authority or when he’s trying to sweet talk you it’s a 50/50 chance of it working or backfiring
you and Chan were currently baking just a small batch of cookies, you were following your mothers recipe since it’s the best cookie you’ve ever had, what you shouldn’t have done is leave him in control of the ingredients proportions
after all the mixing was done you were ready to put them in the oven but you wanted a little taste test, you pick up a small clump and pop it in your mouth and froze, this was not your moms cookies
you slowly turn to Chan who was reading back over the written out recipe with a slightly worried look he slowly looks back up at you being met with your scowling eyes, you both realized the mistake he made
“so channie…” He gulps before shakily replying “yes babe…”
“tell me, how much honey does that paper call for.” He slightly smiled appreciating the seriousness you take with your mom homemade recipe
“uhm… it says one teaspoon per 1/2 a cup of flour, and I just put one tablespoon” you chuckle “so you know what you did wrong?”
“yes ma’am” he looks up shyly hoping the name will cool you off, surprisingly it did
“well good, atleast you own up to it!” He pops his head up shocked at your relatively calm reaction; is she seriously not going to punish me? I’m free?
“well I still want my moms cookies. So while these bake your going to make another batch, THE RIGHT WAY” you cross your arms with a smirk
Chan sighed wishing he hadn’t jinxed it “yes ma’am” he turns around the grab another bowl while secretly smiling, “she’s even pretty when she’s upset” he thought
after your put the cookies in you walk over to give him a little peck on the cheek before sitting down at the bar to watch him struggles with a flushed face
He uses it to tease hoping you’ll do something about it and gets upset when you shrug it off, he also likes to call you that when he’s being scolded, he’s just bratty about it
“just admit it min you did that on purpose!” You guys were in a very intense smash bros battle, you both are at one life and you sure as hell weren’t losing to his bratty smack talk, but RIGHT before you were about the ultimate him he “accidentally” closed out of the game
a gasp left your lips before snapping your neck to the side ready to chew him out
“YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE DIDNT YOU!!!” He smirks before looking away “no ma’am I would neverrr” he giggles at the angry face you put on
“oh you think this is funny?” He nods in response still giggling lightly
you scoff “oh I’ll show you funny” you pull him out of his sitting position by his wrist then slammed him on his back
his eyes widen “ohhh is this a punishment ma’am?“ you laugh at his confidence “no, but this is” you quickly rush your fingers up his sides while scratching lightly at his skin, you know his sides are very ticklish
*“aAHHHHH, S-STOP Y/N!!” laughter took over both of your while Minho started tearing up over how hard he was laughing
“I ADMIT IT, IT WAS ON PURPOSE!!” He try’s desperately to push you off, but the laughter made him weak
you finally give in and pull your hands off; he launched up ready to screech about how unfair that was before realizing that probably won’t be the best idea
he huffed and crossed his arms over his chest awaiting for you to say something; “if we start another round are you going to cheat again min?” He sighs while resting his head on his hands
“no ma’am. I’ll play fair” lifting off his hands to rest his head on your shoulder in defeat, but it was all worth it when he got a very long kiss on the forehead which made him shiver
He doesn’t do it to get his way, he just does it out of respect he wants to show you how much he respects you as a person, you want something he’s there, you ask for something he is there!
“binnie be a dear and get me a glass of wa-” “YES MA’AM!!” Sitting up so fast he made him self a little dizzy
“slowly bin jeez don’t pass out” he turns around “I’m fine! I’ll get you your water :)” happily bouncing out of the room to retrieve your water 
he is always willing to do any simple task your not bothered enough to do
once he comes back with the glass in hand he places it on your nightstand before hopping back in bed with you reaching for your arm to hold on to, as you continue to scroll on your phone the nickname finally caught up to you
“ma’am huh” you speak softly he lifts his head up to meet eye to eye, “what?” He whispered. “Oh I find it cute that you call me ma’am, makes me feel like you actually take me seriously” his mouth agapes slightly; “well of course I take you seriously?” He furrows his eyebrows “You think I didn’t?”
you chuckle “no it’s just a cute quirk that’s all I’m saying binnie” he smiled widely “ok y/nnie!”
hes so happy to have literally anything to do with you <3
Similar to changbin he just wants to show his respect for you, you could order him to do any measly task and he’ll gladly do so to earn good boy points
you just made up a list of a few tasks that need to be done while your gone, now you just need to stick them to hyunjin
“jinnie I have a few things I need you to do” he turns around from his desk where he’s currently drawing “yes jagi? Like what?” He tilts his head curiously “just some chores don’t get to excited, pretty please clean up the kitchen and do both mine and your laundry, and tidy your mess in here” he jumps up out of his chair “oh yes ma’am! It’ll all be done before your get back”
you laugh at his enthusiasm “well you don’t need to do it that fast, I don’t want you to tax yourself” he gasps while smacking his hands on his face “are you saying I’m to weak too handle a little laundry! I’m strong I can do it see!” He flexed his arms at you
“uhm ok… aslong as It’s done jinnie” You run over to give him a goodbye kiss and a hug before running out the door
throughout the day you checked in on him to make sure he was ok (he can’t go 10 minutes without talking to you so it was mostly him texting)
once you got back everything was clean, spotless. Until you heard groaning from the coach, you drop your back and walk over to see Hyunjin laying down watching the TV while massaging his arms
“you cleaned everything didnt you?” “…yes ma’am” You sigh “Did you stretch before picking up the furniture, he looks away; “no I forgot..” you chuckle “of course you did, well I’ll give you a nice massage while we watch TV” he smiles at your care for him
he always does more than you ask and sometimes he doesn’t know when it’s good enough
Hey sweetie!!!
This prompt was my original idea and I’m so sorry for the lack of request responses but here is a little something!!
Pt.2 will be coming soon!! Byeee💋
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quizzicalwriter · 7 months
omg could u do a fic where dallas has been trying to call y/n all day only to find out that she’s sick and he takes care of her
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Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem!Reader
Summary: Dallas hasn’t seen you all day, so he drops by uninvited. Don’t worry, he’ll take care of you - the best he can, anyway.
Warnings: None! Fluff and cute Dallas.
A/N: Thank you for the request!
Word Count: 2.5k
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It was an agonizingly hot Friday morning, one where you’d spent the better part of your morning resting your cheek against the cool porcelain of your bathroom sink instead of getting ready. The morning whirled on around you, radio softly humming from your bedroom where you’d begrudgingly slapped at your alarm clock, somehow failing to turn it off but being too tired to do anything other than stagger toward the bathroom.
You somehow managed to take care of your necessities while the weatherman droned on about the lovely temperatures, you groaned in response - either he was lying, or you were getting sick. The thought had crossed your mind yesterday when you’d hardly been able to concentrate as an older woman asked for another cup of coffee, too preoccupied with the overwhelming exhaustion settling heavy in your bones and the pounding headache that’d made its home in the back of your skull - neither of which had faded over the night.
Stubbornness ran deep, and it certainly did in you. So you decided to disregard the nausea settling in your stomach as you got yourself dressed, only dry-heaving once as you started the trek to your workplace. Usually, you’d call Dallas to drive you to and fro - not that you needed him to, it was only a fifteen-minute walk, but he insisted and you weren’t one to deny a free ride. But the thought of getting into a car and breathing in cigarette smoke only soured your stomach more, so you walked alone and clocked in for your shift only five minutes late.
The hours passed, time murky as your brain swelled within your skull, pressing against the confines of bone as you scrawled down another order for coffee and eggs. You’d been halfway into your shift before your manager pulled you aside, concern written over his face as he helped you to sit down. Your manager wasn’t normally kind, a rugged older man from an era where surviving wasn’t the easiest, and it showed on the lines across his face and the look in his eyes. For him to show you kindness worried you somewhat, but the sweltering of your skin underneath your uniform pushed away any other feeling besides exhaustion.
He drove you home, talking your non-listening ear off about things you could do to ease your fever, and how he’d have your coworker cover your shift. You tried to listen, you really did, but the bumps along the road and the scent of passing restaurants readying their ovens for the day filled the air with an aroma that would’ve been pleasant to anyone who wasn’t currently battling the urge to void their stomach of its contents. He reached your house in less than five minutes, something you were sure was due to him not wanting to catch whatever the hell you’d caught. You gave him a brief nod and wave, one he returned with a smile before peeling off back toward the diner.
You fumbled with your keys, managing to unlock your front door after two failed attempts. Thankfully the air conditioning in your house had kicked on, keeping it much cooler than you’d left it only hours prior. You kicked your shoes off, not bothering to make the small walk to your bedroom in favor of the living room couch that seemed to be calling your name. You collapsed onto the cool leather with a groan, your eyes squeezing shut as you willed yourself to sleep.
What you’d forgotten to do was call Dallas, leaving him alone and frustrated as he watched everyone pour out of the diner. He noticed some of your coworkers, all smiling and laughing amongst each other as they piled into their cars as the next shift trudged toward the building. He flicked the built-up ash off the end of his cigarette, contemplating if it was worth it to go inside, figuring you were likely in the restroom or gathering your stuff.
That was until your manager spotted him, the older man’s brow furrowing as he made his way outside and toward the thunderbird that revved to life enough to annoy the living hell out of him - much to Dallas’s pleasure. Dallas waved the hand he had draped out the window, exhaling a lungful of smoke toward the man as he approached the driver's side.
“She’s sick. I drove her home earlier.”
Dallas clicked his tongue against his teeth, lifting his hand to place his cigarette between his lips as he started the car back up. Your manager jumped back onto the curb as Dallas peeled out of the parking lot, half pissed that you hadn’t bothered to call and half worried that you were so sick that you hadn’t had the energy to do so. Deciding to play on the side of caution, he dropped by the gas station on the way, snagging a few items he’d heard helped - or at least he hoped helped.
He parked along the street, not bothering the fix his parking as the front tire scraped against the edge of the sidewalk. With a hefty paper bag of everything he could manage to grab he made his way toward your front door, only to find it locked. He sighed, tilting his head back to look toward your neighboring houses, ensuring nobody was looking at him as he snuck around the side. He’d been with you long enough to know you always kept your bedroom window unlatched, it was always a mixup of whether it was going to be sweltering or freezing in Tulsa, so you kept it unlatched in case you needed it cracked in the night.
After a quick peek into the darkness that shrouded your bedroom, he pressed the glass upward, grimacing at the wall of cold air that smacked into him as he ducked into your window. Your radio softly played, older music hits that you’d usually have turned off when you woke up in the morning. Dallas sighed, closing the window gently behind him, taking a second to shut off your radio before moving through the frigid house.
“Doll?” He called, worry settling like a pit in his lower stomach. “Got you some stuff.”
When you didn’t reply to his call his worry grew deeper. He sped up his steps, nearly knocking over the bag of medicinal supplies he’d snagged as he tossed the paper bag onto your kitchen counter. His worry faded as he entered your living room, finding you draped over the expanse of your couch, arm draped over the side, fingers skimming the carpet below as you slept.
With a quiet laugh, he moved toward you, whispering a greeting as he scooped you into his arms. His scent was something you recognized instinctually, even in your fever-ridden mind. Your hands grasped at his jacket, face skewed up in a small grimace as he carried you down the hall toward your bedroom. It wasn’t often that Dallas was soft with you, he tried, but he was always a rugged man and it showed in his actions and thoughts.
“Real sick, huh?” He asked, voice barely above a murmur as he shifted near your bed, bending at the hip to help you lay down. You only mustered a nod in reply, body burning and mind nearly numb from the steady headache that coursed through your brain.
Your half-opened eyes watched as he kicked his shoes off, jeans following suit before he moved toward you, gently pushing you toward the center of your bed. You grumbled, causing him to stifle a laugh as he moved beside you, wrapping an arm around your middle.
“Grumpy.” He stated, words closer to a taunt than anything. You hadn’t the energy to fire back as you normally would, so you sufficed with a quick swat to his arm. One he laughed at after feigning being hurt, relenting in his attitude with a soft kiss to your temple. “Proving my point, y’know.”
Despite the nausea souring your stomach, you couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled in your chest at his words. You wanted nothing more than to goof around with him as you normally did, but the most you could muster was a nod and a short-lived smile as you tried to quell your pounding brain with the warmth of his touch.
“Here-“ He huffed out, helping you to turn over. You pouted, your signature move whenever you were forced to do something you didn’t want to do, one that made Dallas roll his eyes. “It’ll help, shut up.”
You were about to complain until his hand slunk underneath your shirt, fingernails gently tracing along your spine. The touch was featherlight, goosebumps following wherever his touch went. An involuntary sigh fell from your lips as you sunk into the mattress, eyes fluttering shut, the only sound besides your breathing being a triumphant laugh from Dallas.
“Learned this from a girl.” He mumbled out through a yawn, the words causing you to look over your shoulder toward him with a scowl. He returned the look with a joking scorn of his own. “I was sixteen. So jealous.”
“Shut up.” You chuckled, scooting closer to him. His thumb brushed against the nape of your neck, fingers smoothing over the curve of your shoulder before trailing his fingertips back down your spine. His touch was soft, so incredibly soft. You’d hardly noticed you were falling asleep until you felt the warmth of your bedsheets pulled over you, followed by a chaste kiss to the nape of your neck.
Hours passed before you woke, at least you gathered it’d been hours due to the moonlight pouring in through your bedroom window and the absence of Dallas beside you. While your headache wasn’t as prominent as it had been earlier, nausea still made itself known in your stomach, seemingly exacerbated by your lack of eating. With a groan you pushed the bedsheets off of yourself, hands wiping the sleep from your eyes as your feet found the cool hardwood floor beneath you.
You’d half expected that Dallas had left, but the thought was wiped from your mind when you’d nearly tripped over his shoes that’d been perched at the end of your bed. As much as you wanted to be irritated over having tripped, you only felt relief over the fact that he’d stayed. The house felt warmer than before, a savory aroma wafting through the air - both most likely Dallas’s doing.
The television sounded from your living room, sports scores echoing down to your bedroom as you walked down the hallway, arms wrapped loosely around your middle. It wasn’t loud enough to be burdensome, roughly the volume you’d keep it whenever you were cooking and didn’t want to miss out on anything. As you rounded the corner into your living area you spotted Dallas in the kitchen, face a perfect picture of focus as he cooked something on your stovetop.
“Hey.” You murmured, causing him to jump. You laughed out an apology as you moved behind him, wrapping your arms around his middle as you rested your cheek against his back. He was always so warm, it even seemed to help your subtle headache. He reached his hand behind himself to pat your thigh, wordlessly acknowledging you as he continued cooking.
“Got this from the DX, didn’t realize it needed to be cooked.” His voice sounded almost defeated, but by the way the air smelled you gathered he’d done it right. You hummed in reply, placing a short kiss on his back before moving around to inspect his handy work.
“Most food does.” You chided, earning you a grunted-out laugh from Dallas. “It looks good, thank you.”
He gave you a brief smile, leaning over a fraction to grab the now-empty can before handing it to you. Somehow he’d snagged your favorite kind, or at least the type you tolerated the most. You couldn’t remember ever talking about soup with him, but it’d be on par for Dallas to remember something so small.
As if sensing your confusion, he responded with, “Last time you were sick you mentioned liking it. Figured you’d want it, y’know?”
It was sweet, sweet enough to leave you smiling despite the nausea. You pressed a kiss to his shoulder, not wanting to kiss his cheek or his lips in case what you had was contagious. He waved you off with feigned annoyance, moving over to your cabinet to grab a bowl before pouring out a serving for you. You peeked over his shoulder, soon taking his place as he moved over to your refrigerator to grab himself something to drink.
Before you could grab the porcelain bowl he’d swooped in front of you, shooting you a dirty look for even having considered carrying a bowl while you were sick. You followed beside him with a scoffed-out laugh, the television soon becoming louder as you both moved to sit down on the same couch you’d passed out on when you’d gotten home.
“Here-“ He muttered, giving you a moment to get yourself comfortable before handing over the bowl along with a water bottle. You gave him a brief smile in return, screwing off the top of the water bottle before downing a few mouthfuls.
You scooted closer to him, legs folded beneath yourself as you spooned some of the still-hot broth into your mouth, eyes glued to the television. He didn’t care enough about being sick to push you away, after all, you’d taken care of him when he’d had the stomach flu for nearly a week, so he let you rest against him as you both watched the game.
“Did you want to go to the doctor?” He asked after a moment, gaze flickering down to you. You thought for a moment before shaking your head, cooling off another spoonful of broth. He sighed, eyes rolling as he returned his attention to the television with a quiet, “Stubborn ass.”
“Expensive.” You retorted through a laugh. “Besides, I probably have the flu or a stomach bug. Don’t want to waste money on it.”
He lifted his hips then, freeing his wallet from his back pocket before plopping the leather down into your lap. You leaned forward, placing your bowl onto the coffee table before fumbling with his wallet. Whenever you’d come into financial trouble, Dallas had always been able to help. You’d never questioned it, knowing that he did risky things for money and to simply survive.
“Dallas-“ You started, finding your words quickly cut off with a hush from Dallas. He looked over to you, hand moving to brush back your hair as he responded with a gentle, “I’ve got it, don’t worry about it.”
That was that, you knew him well enough to know there was no use arguing with him. You were both stubborn, especially when it came to each other. You leaned up onto your knees, pressing a gentle kiss to his jaw before retrieving your bowl, and settling back into his side.
“I’ll pay you back.” You replied, words earning you a gruff laugh as Dallas shook his head.
“Just let me take care of you, doll.”
You relented, chewing at the inside of your cheek as you fought back a smile. You’d find a way to pay him back, maybe not with monetary means, but you’d find a way. For now, you’d savor the feeling of being curled into his side, both of you sucked into a sports game, truly comfortable in each other's presence.
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A/N: More fluff!! I hope you guys enjoy this one! Thank you so much for the continued support and love you show me and my work, I appreciate you all so so much!! As always, you can find my work over on AO3 under the username, “Unscriptural.” Thank you again!
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