#(Took a break due to fatigue!)
blueaetherr · 4 months
past is prologue (onward)
pairing: jude bellingham x fem!reader [she/her]
warning(s): the idea of blue, fic more lengthy than usual, angst?
summary: the one where two disasters realise that things could have been drastically different between them
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Sitting out in the back patio Y/N let herself relax on the couch, controlled deep breaths and a hat over her face to block out the late evening sunset. She had done more than enough to warrant a break from everything. From bringing her younger siblings to and from school, to also cooking and cleaning for the afternoon that just came around.
All she wanted to do was indulge in nothing and just rest— that's all she could ask for. Still, it remained so hard to receive when others were out to disrupt her calm.
When the hat was removed from her face she opened her eyes, rubbing the fatigue out of them. Realising who had stolen the hat, she sat up quickly. Her voice came out small and groggy when she began to speak. "Hey! Jobe gave it to me—"
Jude let out a loud laugh, one that stemmed Y/N in her sentence. "And it's not even his. He took it from me." Rounding the couch he took a seat on the other end of the couch, lifting her feet on his lap so he too could be included under the blanket. He chuckled again when she remained unphased by his actions; it had happened way too many times before for her to care, especially knowing that she wouldn't get her way in the end.
Due to being neighbours—whether this was reflected in the interaction or not—the two have known one another since their young days. Only, they weren't friends; instead Y/N was friends with Jobe while Jude was friends with her older brother. Y/N and Jude, on the other hand, were only conditional and slightly familiar. Their friendship (or the lack thereof) failed to exist beyond their families.
So whenever their families came together to share Friday dinners, whenever their families had outings together– times that were meant for happiness and laughter– they could be around one another for so many hours without actually hanging out or conversing. For the sake of their families, the farthest they could and would go together was being friendly and accommodating within reason.
"Why are you even here anyway?" Y/N huffed out a breath. She waved towards the garden, where her older brother, younger siblings and Jobe were playing football together. "There's plenty to do, you know, besides occupying my space." It's not that she didn't want to be around Jude (or maybe that's exactly what it was). It's more that they had spent a lot of time together that day and besides going to bed, she wanted a moment alone to allow herself to dwindle down from the long day she had had.
Leaning his head back Jude wore his hat backwards. "Yeah, it's just— well." He wore a smile, one that was mild yet overtly sarcastic. "I know if I go inside, your mum will start asking me about my love life, and I'm resting for when I go back to Madrid so..."
"Right, right. So then your only remaining option is to follow me around all day?" For two people who didn't identify themselves as friends, they had spent a lot of the current day in each other's spaces. Jude had accompanied Y/N to bring her younger siblings to and from school, he had somewhat helped her to prepare dinner for that afternoon and he had offered to help with the dishes after everyone had finished eating.
"No, of course not," Jude shook his head before pointing to Y/N, "You just find yourself in places where I want to be too."
She took a moment to simply stare at Jude, slightly bothered and dazed at his words before pushing herself further into the couch and sighing deeply which only encouraged Jude to laugh more. Truthfully, she didn't have the energy to debate him. She could definitely win against him but Jude would never view it as such. It was something Jude and her older brother could do without getting exhausted; that was something she would have to leave for them to do with each other.
Letting his laughs falter he decided to give Y/N some peace. Given how her day had gone, especially since he had been with her for most of it, he could admit that she deserved some moment of rest. So he chose to keep to himself.
Or, at least, Jude tried to keep to himself. He tried to remain occupied on his phone, he tried to remain secluded in his mind and thoughts, he tried to keep his eyes solely on those playing football in the garden. So much for prevention yet his eyes eventually wandered back to Y/N. Somehow, they always did.
He wasn't aware of all of the attributes that made up Y/N but one thing was for sure; she was people-orientated. She loved community—creating it, embracing it and contributing to it. Always did she make herself the sender. And whenever she did receive something, she would find a way to send back more. She was selfless and outward, always extending herself to others whether they were in need of something or just in want of her company.
It wasn't hidden knowledge or anything, he saw it well with everyone she interacted with. She never displayed any signs of annoyance when dealing with her younger siblings, always showing them grace when they would ask overwhelming questions that would stump the average person. She had a healthy mix of banter and genuine friendship with her older brother. She got along well with the parents, so much so that he wouldn't be surprised if they viewed her as the pride and joy between the two families.
And of course, there was what she had with Jobe.
"Blues," he whispered before repeating with much more voice, "Blues." When Y/N finally looked away from her phone, he continued, "Jobe calls you that."
She let her eyes drift around before turning to Jude, nodding slowly. "He came up with it, yeah."
Jude tilted his head to the side. "What's that all about?" Suddenly, his curiosity was ignited. He knew that's what only Jobe called Y/N on the regular. Blues had been established as a nickname for years yet Jude had no insight as to what it meant.
"Blue like the oceans and the sky... fairly common yet unique. You are ordinary and extraordinary all at the same time."
A touch of a smile reached her lips at the mention of the memory. There was nothing remarkable about it. It was simple and nice and mundane yet Jobe made it so much more for her, and she would never find herself ever forgetting it. But while it was all simple and nice and mundane, the next thing Jobe had told her was to not tell Jude the meaning behind her nickname. So she had to improvise.
"Blue – it's my favourite colour. But I also like all different shades of blue, hence Blues and not Blue," she explained briefly. A half-truth she told. Blue, indeed, was her favourite colour, that was partially why Jobe found the nickname so fitting for his friend. The lie was that it was his main reason behind the nickname. Instead, her favourite colour being blue was simply just the inspiration.
He hummed, nodding. "I like that, really. I do," Then there it was, his face grew timid with delight towards Y/N. He wasn't mild or sarcastic about it like previously, just genuine. Jude continued to broaden the scope of the conversation, something beyond the norm for the two. "That and what you have with Jobe. It's not hard to tell that you're really good for him."
Jude didn't know everything about Y/N and his brother, Jobe kept their friendship relatively exclusive. But from what Jude saw and from what the two allowed him to see—their pictures together, watching them hang out from afar, their conversations during car rides—he knew that Jobe and Y/N were vibrant, comfortable, and lasting. But above all, they were them. Whatever type of friendship they shared was inconsequential; all they needed to function was for one another to be present and everything else about them would work out perfectly.
"Is that a compliment I'm hearing?" You couldn't see it at first glance; her eyes were low and tired, and her voice stumbled but Y/N meant to be irritating towards Jude. It was rare for her to ever have a victory like this to hang over his head.
Jude leaned his head back against the couch and groaned, placing his hand over his face. It was then he remembered why he rarely ever let her have any sort of win over him— having even the slightest wins against him only built her ego up for when she did win against him. "Can I take it back?"
"Oh, absolutely not," she shook her head and laughed slightly. In that moment, weirdly, she found her body easing. Her shoulders were slacked, and her breaths were moderate and easy. She was relaxed, something she hadn't been able to get a hold of in a minute. "This might be the highlight of my day."
"I'm just saying, yeah," Jude emphasised, his voice slowly overriding her laughter. "What you have with Jobe—with everyone—really has me thinking about what we could have together."
She paused her laughs as her face crunched up. "What?" Y/N would never admit it, but she had been enjoying the conversation with Jude up until now. It made sense to talk about her and Jobe, that was a given. But her and Jude? She didn't see the point of centring a conversation around the two. Besides, she couldn't really imagine having one if there wasn't much to them besides their families' ties to each other.
His eyes widened when he noticed her change of expression. "Not like that—" Jude huffed out a breath, "I mean, like, I wonder what it would've been like if we had become friends, you know, back when we were kids."
While Y/N always rid her thoughts of Jude, he failed to do the same for her. In his own time and place, he thought about her and him. From time to time, Jude did wonder about what it would be like if the two had become friends. About how it would be like if it had been Y/N and Jude instead of Y/N and Jobe. For all the time they spent in the same space but not together, for all the times all the older siblings would go out together but they would never speak a word to one another—what if they actually spent all that time as friends rather than as friendly?
They were weird, awkward and often out of place with each other; that was their dynamic unapologetically. Still, it remained something that Jude wanted to explore more. There wasn't much to them yet he took his time wondering about the endless what-ifs of their relationship. Did they actually amount to something significant beyond their mandatory hellos and goodbyes?
"Yeah, obviously." Y/N narrowed her eyes at Jude for a moment. She failed to understand what he meant by not like that. Nonetheless, she continued. "Well, you never made it appealing to be friends. Still don't too." While there was joke behind her voice, her words upheld common truth.
Even during their earlier years together, there were times when she tried to be friends with Jude. I mean it made sense, seeing how their families quickly grew close to one another. But every time Y/N gave Jude her attention, every time he ever gained her attention, he would only respond with unfunny and dense jokes—something that he exclusively only did to her and no one else. It was because of those memories that Y/N consciously avoided Jude. She just wanted to protect her peace.
Focusing her glance on Jude, she quickly noticed the awkward expression settled on his face and scoffed out a small laugh. Good. And even though he didn't deserve it, Y/N decided that she would try to brighten the mood for a second. "You technically— we should have to be honest."
"Yeah..." Jude nodded absently before pausing. He realised that he actually didn't know what he was agreeing with. "Wait, what are you on about?"
She raised her eyebrows at him. "What— your brother hasn't told you?" From talking with Jude and her conversations with his brother, she knew that Jobe wasn't secretive about his business with Jude. But then again she also knew that he didn't speak about her to Jude either.
Jude looked around in thought before shaking his head. "No. I don't even know what you're talking about."
"Oh. Well, I might as well tell you." Y/N sat up properly before continuing. "Basically, when we'd first moved over here my mum told me to make friends with the neighbours' kids—you and Jobe. She told me your names and ages, and I'm thinking cool I'm going to become friends with the older brother. But by the time I was standing at your front door I'd forgotten who was who." It was then that Jude's eyes flickered with realisation. "... So when your mum answered the door I was too shy to ask who was who. So I just introduced myself, gambled it and said, can Jobe come out to play?"
"Wait—" Again, Jude had to pause before speaking. He didn't want to stumble on his words. "I was your intended friend and not Jobe? Wait. So what were you thinking when you found out you were wrong?"
She shrugged. "Nothing. Jobe told me his age, I thought oh and that was it. I didn't really mind 'cause I found out that we were similar in a lot of ways. Besides, you'd become friends with my brother and literally all you guys did was play FIFA so I didn't stress trying to be friends back then."
His face scrunched up as he placed a hand over his heart. "Ouch."
"I promise. I meant no harm with it," she said rolling her eyes, but it wasn't from annoyance. Instead, it was from unknowingly sharing banter with Jude—an interaction fairly uncommon for the two.
Jude hummed lowly and bit the inside of his cheek, nodding. He didn't want his broadening smile to be so evident. "So you came to my house that day, intending to become my friend?" Truthfully, Jude didn't care that he was being forward, or that he was repeating a question that had already been answered with more than enough clarity. He was excited and shocked and wanted to uncover more where his knowledge previously lacked.
"Yes, Jude," Y/N affirmed, "I came to your house that day intending to become your friend." The statement made Jude beam so hard, showcasing a grin so familiar to Y/N, one that she found herself admiring and hating all at the same time. "It made more sense for me to since we're the same age. But that's not to say that I didn't want to be friends with Jobe 'cause he was younger. I think even if we had become friends, I think me and him would've still become friends. Probably even better than if you and I did."
Jude let his mind wander. All this time he thought that he and Y/N were naturally incompatible in every single way, that she could only have something meaningful and wonderful with his brother, that they were confined to the bounds of their current dynamic. I mean he was right to think so, it pained the two to go beyond their hellos and goodbyes.
But it turns out when you went back far enough—when you returned back to their origins—they were supposed to be friends, to have everything she shared with his brother. After all, she initially had sought out friendship with him. He could've been the one to give her the nickname Blues. They could've been the pair who had a dynamic that was vibrant and comfortable and lasting. He could've been the one to have Polaroids of him and her hanging all around his bedroom. Jobe had unknowingly taken his intended best friend.
"I'm gonna remind him of this every day now," Jude clasped his hands together as he hung his head back, soft laughter escaping into the evening air. "It's only right."
"Be easy on him. He's sensitive like that."
"I don't think he'll mind. Like you said, he shouldn't have been your friend in the first place." There was a curt moment of silence before Jude continued, suggesting, "I take that as a sign for us to become friends. You know, like you had intended."
"Yeah... I don't know if I would want to," Y/N strung out a long breath. Her enjoyment for their discussion was slowly drifting away. Something about it just felt inappropriate and misplaced, like she and Jude shouldn't have been having it in the first place. He was reaching, and all she wanted to do was pull away. "Besides, life didn't end 'cause we aren't. In fact, I think it's thriving just fine."
"I'm just saying, I think we should give it a try—"
"Jude," Y/N said with a blank stare, "No."
Jude paused in his movements. The seriousness in her body language and voice wasn't difficult to catch onto. "No, what?"
She let out a light scoff, shaking her head. "I just don't understand you. Now— now because I give you some revelation about how I did intend to be your friend some years ago that now you want to be friends? I've been trying to be your friend for such a long time and you rejected me every single time. My intention to be your friend didn't just stop after I became friends with your brother. You're some many years too late."
So much feeling, so much pent-up anger and hostility and distrust, and Y/N didn't even realise it until now. At some point, she was having fun with their conversation—it was laid-back and easy-going, something she needed after a long day. But the more she let Jude rant, the more she realised she needed to sober up and quick.
There was something about the way Jude was talking that she couldn't bring herself to like. Discussing the pair like he needed to know that hidden fact to consider being her friend. Talking like the idea of her being friends with Jobe and him was mutually exclusive when in fact, it wasn't. When all of this time Y/N would have liked to be friends with Jude regardless.
They could have been friends. That's what Jude kept mentioning over and over again. Mentioning all these what-if-isms like they were a missed opportunity by the fault of the universe. Though in reality, only Jude was at fault. Y/N had wanted to be friends with Jude for the longest time yet he always managed to push her away over and over and over, until she chose to give in and eventually walk away.
Jude and Y/N weren't friends because of his own mistakes and she didn't like that he was acting ignorant to that.
"So yeah Jude, I'm annoyed at you for that! But I'm also annoyed at myself 'cause somehow I still want to be your friend." Y/N frowned as she felt her anger deflate. The anger was slowly fading, leaving only dismay to settle. "I see you how are with your brother, my brother, the kids, your fans, your teammates—everyone! I only hear good things about you. I only see good things about you and so that's my perspective of you. But you never offer me that perspective of you so clearly I did something wrong, right?"
The way Jude was interested in his brother's friendship with Y/N was the same way she was interested in Jude's relationship with everyone else; weirdly, she wanted a part of it too. He was overly helpful with her mom, a mature young man around her dad, playful with her younger siblings, boyish with her older brother. So many desirable aspects for an individual yet she never witnessed any of it for herself, not even by accident.
So Jude counted Y/N out— made her the odd one out. So much so that there was that one wonder on her mind: what did I ever do for you to act like all I have to extend to you is misery?
Opening his mouth he stumbled on nothing before he found his voice, now small and careful. "Can I tell you something?" There was no pride in it but for once, Jude saw Y/N. For once he saw her vulnerability, her anger and her frustrations—and all directed towards him. She was on edge because of him, and he knew that everybody would be on his case if it came to their attention so he proceeded with caution.
Y/N sat back a bit as she folded her arms. "Can't be anything worse than what you've already told me before."
"Okay, I— uh." Despite the demanding pressure on his shoulders, Jude knew that he had to take his time with his words. He cleared his throat. "Jobe doesn't talk about you two a lot, but he likes to talk about you though still not enough that I would know a lot about you. And when he talks about you he likes to brag about you being friends with him instead of me, kind of suggesting that you know... you've never wanted to be friends with me. So I kinda spent growing up thinking you disliked me."
"I've always wanted to be friends," Jude exhaled the confession, and quite shamelessly. He couldn't afford to lie anymore. A hint of a sad smile surfaced across his lips. "That's why I was excited when you told me that you intended to be friends with me instead of him. That at some point you wanted to be friends with me... and now I know you still do."
For a moment there was discomfiting silence between the two. There was a lot that Jude spoke—a lot of talk that Y/N hadn't previously been aware of. So much talk to continue discussing, so many wonders to be stuck on, so many questions to ask yet she didn't. There was one thing he had said that stuck out to her. "And he still brags to you about me?"
"Yeah," Jude confirmed, "More now than when we were younger."
She cocked her head towards him. "Why though?" Y/N could understand Jobe speaking about her to Jude but to brag? It seemed like a bit of a stretch from what she knew about her friend. Besides, Jude always made it apparent to others that he and Y/N were strictly friendly, so what was there to brag about?
But the thing was, there was something for Jobe to brag about. Jude had the answer; it was clear in his head but he knew he couldn't pronounce it. To acknowledge the answer right now would be misplaced and careless, especially with so much anger and regret going around. So he shifted his gaze away from Y/N, sighing. "I don't— I don't know."
She felt like there was more for him to say, but she had nothing to justify her intuition. She gave Jude a pointed look but his glances indicated I have nothing else to say, so she let to conversation falter. "Okay."
And when the conversation faltered there was only calm and stillness between them, only background noise occupying the time. Familiar and common background noise—excitement and kids' laughter light in the air, footballs hitting football nets with ease, distant chatter and debates among their parents. Still, Jude and Y/N remained in silence.
They had to sit with themselves and with one another for a quick second. For some time there hadn't been much to Jude and Y/N, almost like they were destined to never share any genuine friendship. They never allowed for anything to happen between them, attraction always working against their favours. They weren't friends but simply friendly for the sake of others. 'Cause behind all of that were two individuals who carried so much mal feelings for one another, whether those same feelings could be justified or not.
Jude disliked Y/N just to dislike her, while Y/N disliked Jude because of his dislike towards her—that's what it seemed from the surface.
But in reality, by the fault of each other, their feelings for one another were misguided and narrow. Somewhere in the beginning there had been a misreading of feelings. It started with Jude, continued with Y/N and it ended in their devastation. The devastation in the fact that they could have been something. Maybe not Y/N and Jobe something or Jude and her brother level something, but something much better than what they currently were.
Jude was right to emphasise over and over that they were supposed to be friends. That's what was intended by Y/N and by extension, intended by the stars and the universe. Everything about them was predetermined. Their foundation was there and all they had to do was settle in it. But because Jude had been so guided and moved by Jobe's words, because Jude had made Y/N feel unsure about herself, because Jude and Y/N only held feelings of anger, dislike and distrust towards one another—all misplaced and unwarranted—they were never allowed to develop a true friendship, something beyond just being friendly and cordial.
Fault didn't equally fall on both of them but it was still shared between them.
Soon, Jude returned his gaze back to Y/N. With a kind tone he expressed, "I'm so sorry, Y/N, for everything. I made assumptions and I took it all out on you. I was wrong to make you feel that way for so long over something I thought was right. I'm sorry, really."
Just as Y/N was about to respond, the pair's attention shifted towards the youthful voice calling out to Jude. It was her younger sister who came running towards him in pure excitement and laughter, the emotions only really found in kids. As she settled into his arms Jude and Y/N shared a look—let's hold this conversation for a second—before Jude let his attention solely focus on the young girl in his arms.
He let the young girl drive their conversation. Her eyes were wide from childish amusement, hand gestures offering both realism and exaggeration to her words, the conversation moving faster than the words she was pronouncing. And still, Jude kept up. Exclaiming a wow and really! here and there, finding interest and curiosity in her interests, agreeing with almost every point she made, making her laugh whenever he felt like she lacked some happiness in the slightest, being patient whenever she struggled with her words. In their short time together, Jude was there to encourage her to lift up her voice and speak with liberty.
And for that Y/N was grateful, truly. For always validating her younger sister, for not counting her out over the small mistakes she made. Maybe it was unwise and careless of her but it made Y/N wonder if that would be them soon enough.
Noticing that her younger sister had fallen asleep– who had been so taken by Jude's mumble singing and humming– Y/N took that as an opportunity to resume the conversation. She offered Jude a gentle smile. "Thanks, Jude."
"Yeah, it's fine," he said absently as he pulled the blanket over her sister, making sure she was comfortable curled up in his embrace.
Realising his focus was solely on her sister she let out a small chuckle. "No I mean thank you for the apology." It was then that Jude's attention shifted towards Y/N once again. Her fingers toyed with the blanket as she continued. "I didn't realise I needed it that much." Reserving so much anger and hostility towards Jude for such a long time when those feelings had nowhere to go or to be truly expressed left Y/N drained. Now that they were in the process of moving on (?), for once in her life when it came to Jude, she felt heard and justified in her feelings and thoughts.
"I owed it to you," Jude admitted with ease, his eyes pouring into hers. They were vulnerable and honest. "I owe a lot to you, starting with that apology."
"And I'm sorry too—"
Jude shook his head quickly. "Don't. You don't have to." While the fault was shared between the two he didn't feel like she needed to apologise. Everything wrong about them ultimately traced back to him and his wrongdoings.
Y/N nodded in silent agreement. She wasn't trying to get them back to their previous ways. "Well then," she inhaled softly, "I know you're going back to Madrid tomorrow but I would like to try something, you know, for us? Let's try to give ourselves a real start. The next time you're back, hit me up and we'll see where things go." Y/N curled up more in the blanket, bearing a smile that was nervous yet excited while her voice became smaller and timid. "If that's okay with you."
For some time Y/N and Jude hadn't known rest, between themselves and individually. They were nothing but mismatched feelings—some of that anger and hostility and occasional misplaced humour—and that left them with all but a chance of ever developing something that was intended for them. There had never been anything good about them and for the longest time, it made them inwardly reject what they could have been.
But now forgiving one another, leaving previous feelings behind them, now wholly understanding where their wrongs lay all these years– they wanted to find all that was hidden in between the lines. After all, when you returned to their origins all unfiltered and untouched by their recent problems, the potential for them was there. Y/N always wanted to be friends with Jude and Jude always wanted to be friends with Y/N, a friendship that had been hidden for the longest time yet forever destined to come to fruition.
And for that Jude and Y/N would only choose to look onward, let their past become their prologue. It was objective and set in stone, but they would shape their time after today to be theirs alone.
"Well," Jude tilted his head back, almost like he was in thought. But from the unwavering happiness he was experiencing, far too evident with the animation in his voice, it was clear that he already had his mind made up. "Of course. I would like that a lot."
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sashaisready · 16 days
Starting Over: Chapter 1.5 - Before
Mob!Bucky x Female Reader
Series Masterlist
When Bucky throws you out of the house for a betrayal and won't listen to your side of the story, you know the only way out is through - it's time to start over. Maybe this was never going to be your happy ending. (Standalone series - not related to any other of my stories/characters)
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Hello! I know I said this would be a 2 part series but this part of chapter 2 felt like it's own section, so I've created a mini chapter to bridge the two parts and keep us fed - this is a flashback. Part 2 still to come! Thank you all for the love and engagement you've given this story, as always reblogs and comments are appreciated!
Around 18 months earlier…
This was the shift from Hell.
You must’ve accidentally cursed yourself; it was the only explanation for the non-stop chaos the day had wrought. Apologies to any magical being you may have offended.
The kitchen were somehow out of both maple syrup and hash browns. Roscoe must’ve messed up the inventory order again. The customers affected by this egregious error were certainly making themselves known when you broke the news, while Roscoe sheepishly hid back at the grill. You understood their anger, what kind of diner doesn’t have hash browns or maple syrup?! Sure, you shared their pain – but throwing a spoon at your head seemed unnecessary.
The soda machine had leaked all over your arm an hour into your shift and you couldn’t shake the sticky, goopy feeling no matter how many times you had washed your hands. Your shoe broke, the sole flapping against the floor with every step. A table who had spent their entire two hours there demanding an array of elaborate substitutions and ‘softer napkins’ stiffed you on the tip, despite you bending over backwards to help them out. You found yourself counting the minutes until you could clock out, go back to your shoebox apartment, and bury yourself in bed. Not long to go.
“Hon’, sorry…” Lou called out to you, in that tone he always used when he was breaking bad news, “I know you’re swamped – but can you take care of the gentleman in the corner booth? Marcy just went on break and I gotta cover her other tables and whip that jack-off in the kitchen into shape…”
You sighed wearily, you were due to clock off soon and were closing out your section. But you took a deep breath and nodded over at him, “alright, Lou, but only cos it’s you…”
“Thank-you Hon’,” he beamed at you gratefully, disappearing into the kitchen to go yell at Roscoe.
You wandered over to the corner booth Lou had pointed to, swallowing your frustration and fatigue. There was a man sitting by himself, his face obscured by the menu he held up to read. His fingers curled over the sides of the paper, littered with gold rings and scars. One of his hands seemed to be…metal? A strange glove, perhaps? You could see from the sleeves alone that the dark suit he wore was expensive. Not to mention what appeared to be diamond encrusted cufflinks…
Huh. You at least hoped you’d get a good tip out of him.
“Good afternoon, Sir, I’ll be taking care of you today,” you said sunnily as you pulled your notepad and pen from your apron. “What can I get you started with? Some coffee maybe?”
The man didn’t move. The menu remained upright. He was so still it wasn’t almost eerie. You briefly had a crazy thought that he may have died and nobody had noticed, then dismissing your silliness as quickly as it arrived. Besides, dealing with a corpse in the diner was the last thing you needed today.
A few beats passed, but he still didn’t respond. You cleared your throat and tapped your foot to alert him to your presence. Still nothing. You frowned, maybe he didn’t hear you. Maybe he had airbuds in or something.
“Sir…? Would you like to order?” you asked again, your tone a little more strained this time.
Silence. But you saw one of his fingers twitch so you knew he was still alive, at least.
You were used to rude customers, the ones who were outright hostile towards you, and the ones who treated you as if you weren’t there. This was nothing new. But the stress of your shift with the combined fuckery of everything that had gone wrong meant you were hanging on by a thread. Your usual hardiness and thick skin were weakened, and your customer service mask slipped.
“Look buddy…it’s incredibly rude to just ignore your waitress you know…” you snarkily told the hovering menu, “are you gonna order or what?”
You realised what you’d said too late, clapping your hand over your mouth as an amused chuckle came from behind the menu shield. Just as you went to apologise, the paper dropped to the table, revealing the mystery man behind it.
You blinked, a little stunned at the sight of him.
His chestnut brown hair was slicked back into a perfect bun, complimenting the light dusting of stubble on his cut-glass jawline. Pouty pink lips curled into a smirk as his large, bulky frame manoeuvred in the booth to get a better look at you. But you were most struck by his eyes, so blue and piercing that you could drown in them. Better women than you probably had.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I-” you flustered.
“Don’t be,” replied the man commandingly, his voice low but soft, “you were right. That was rude of me, I’m very sorry. I was lost in my own world there for a moment. I hope you can accept my apology”.
You gawped at him, surprised at his reaction. You felt your face flush with embarrassment. “Uh…yeah. Sure. Sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you; it’s just been a long day…” you admitted sheepishly.
He nodded and studied you carefully, his gaze sweeping you from tip to toe. It felt exposing to be looked at like that, but you couldn’t deny the hint of a thrill it gave you too.
“Well, I’m sorry to have added to it,” he smiled at you.
And what a smile. A knee-weakening smile. All white teeth and warmth. And maybe something…darker?
“My name is Bucky. Bucky Barnes…” he extended a hand towards you to shake, his smile dangerous yet enticing, “Doll, I’d love to hear yours…”
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megu-meow · 1 year
catnaps - gojo satoru
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gojo satoru x fem. reader
Summary: Gojo naps with you whenever and wherever he wants.
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Gojo Satoru, the Strongest, the Honored One doesn't sleep. There is a lot weighing on the shoulders of the epitome of power in the Jujutsu World that results in restless nights, barely squeezing in short naps throughout the day at random times in random places.
Satoru only rests at his breaking point, when fatigue takes over his body and his eyes unintentionally fall shut. It has been like that ever since he joined Jujutsu Tech and he was deemed eligible to take on missions without any supervision. Despite how it may seem from the outside, Gojo Satoru takes his responsibility as the Strongest very seriously, he knows how much the well-being of others relies on him, so he gives every task and mission all his might. When he's not out doing his job, he works on perfecting his technique for the same reason, draining himself even more. You often wonder how he manages every day like that. Every time you ask him about his fatigued eyes and the dark circles that slowly appear under them, he just shrugs and joyfully tells you how he's the Strongest and doesn't need any sleep.
After a few months of knowing you and developing a tiny, childish crush on you, Gojo Satoru has an interesting revelation after one of the campus hangouts Geto and Shoko secretly organized: he can easily fall asleep around you. Your friend group is sitting in his room, Nanami and Yu sitting on the couch, Shoko and Geto are near the window sharing a cigarette, you and Satoru are on his bed, you sitting with your back against the wall, and Gojo's sprawled out, limbs everywhere with his head in your lap. He's rambling on about Digimon and you try to listen to what he's saying carefully, but you simply don't understand due to the fact that you've never seen the show. Satoru is aware of this, but he can't help how flustered he gets around you, making him talk continuously about stuff no one cares about, especially not someone like you, a gorgeous, intelligent, gentle girl he has a massive crush on. But surprisingly you do, you are interested in anything he has to say, because unbeknownst to him, you find him just as intriguing.
He doesn't realize that his eyes are getting heavy and he falls asleep with his head in your lap, your fingers brushing his unruly, incredibly soft locks of white hair. You smile at the way he looks all calm and comfortable, his breathing even. He wakes up half an hour later at Shoko's laughter, the young healer is laughing at Yu, who decided to rebel and wanted to try smoking for the first time, which resulted in him coughing intensely from the first drag he took. Gojo looks around the room confusedly, his mind still fuzzy with sleep, but his cerulean eyes land on you, a wide smile visible on your pretty face as you enjoy the scene developing in front of you with your beloved friends. Your eyes drift down to the boy lying on your lap and you smile even wider as you realize he woke up from his little nap.
"What did I miss?" he asks cheerfully.
"Nothing, really. You can go back to sleep if you want, Nanami is already passed out on your couch."
"Are you sure, sweet thing? I don't want your legs to fall asleep or be sore tomorrow."
"Don't worry, Satoru. I can handle the Strongest taking a catnap on my lap." you say jokingly and he grins at you, content with your answer. He makes himself even more comfortable and he passes out in mere seconds.
Over time, Gojo begins to value the comfort you provide him more than anything, the mere thought of having you calms his heart and forever running thoughts. His mind is always preoccupied with analyzing his surroundings, residuals, and other techniques. When he's around you, he shuts down, he can be vulnerable and he is simply able to relax. That's why he makes it his mission to ask you out and then make you his girlfriend because he doubts that there's going to be another person that can make him feel like that in his life. You gladly accept, because you would be a fool if you didn't. Gojo Satoru is nothing, but adorable in your eyes, he can be a lot sometimes, but you know that there's no malice behind his unhinged behavior. He's a kind-hearted boy who's carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders, someone who deserves everything good that this world could offer. After the two of you make your relationship official, which is met with utter joy from all of your friends, he continues seeking you out whenever he feels in dire need of sleep.
He finds you in your dorm after a particularly challenging mission and he curls around your body, laying his head on your chest and putting your hand in his hair, demanding that you keep running your fingers around his scalp and between his unruly strands of soft white hair.
He has his first full night of sleep in years between your arms after his unfortunate meeting with Toji Fushiguro.
He cries himself to sleep while you try desperately to calm him down after his "break up" with Geto in front of the KFC in Shinjuku.
He calls you into his office on a random Thursday after a long debate over Okkotsu Yuta's fate with the higher-ups, expecting you to curl up with him on the couch for a quick power nap.
He teleports to you on the training field as you're keeping an eye on his students while sitting cross-legged in the grass. He sits down beside you, laying his head on your lap once again, relishing in the warmth and calmness provided by your body's close proximity.
You don't mind this adorable habit of his, because knowing that he's safe, sound asleep curled into your body provides you with just as much calmness as it does to him. Gojo Satoru deserves every moment of peace he can get and you will always grant him that, even if they only last as much as a little catnap.
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The Realm's Light - 2
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Part One Part three Part four
Part five Part six
As the saying goes,' When a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin. One side greatness, the other madness'.
However, it seems that the gods are having difficulty deciding the fate of the newest Targaryen as the labour of Princess Aemma continued for almost 15 hours.
Finally, at noon, the wails of a baby echoed throughout the palace. Queen Alysanne was the first person to be out of the birthing chamber while carrying something in her arms. The people standing outside gazed at the babe with astonished eyes.
" Mother, this is ?" Crown Prince Baelon was the first to snap out of the awestruck daze." this is my great granddaughter who her family will most cherish and this entire realm ." Queen Alysanne proudly stated.
" Give her to me, Alysanne. I too want to hold her in my arms." The old King demanded his sister-wife. "You can hold her later, Issa valzȳrys. Let the father first hold his babe ." The Queen handed the child to her still-dazed father.
" She is so tiny, father." Prince Viserys softly whispered with adoration. The Prince was carefully holding the baby as if she were a fragile thing who might break at a single touch.
"Congrats on becoming a father, cousin" Princess Rhaenys congratulated Prince Viserys after coming out from the birthing chamber. Even after becoming the wife of Corlys Velaryon,the wealthiest man in Westeros,the Princess still kept her title.
" Thank you, Rhaenys. I hoped Corylys and your children would be present upon this occasion." Prince Viserys said to his cousin. Princess Rhaenys had given birth to two healthy velaryon children three years ago. " The children can't travel on Melys due to their age, Viserys. But Corlys will soon arrive before the feast ." The Velaryon matriarch smoothly replied.
" Grandmother, I forgot to ask about Aemma. Is she okay?" Prince Viserys suddenly realised about not seeing the mother of his child who would want to see her babe. Realisation seemed to have dawned on her too ." She must have taken bathe and be resting in bed, go see her now with the babe, Viserys".
The peaceful Prince and his daughter went to see Princess Aemma. At the same time, the good Queen ordered everyone outside to go prepare for the grand feast only for their immediate family amidst the whining of her husband and son to hold the newborn Targaryen.
Inside the chamber, Princess Aemma could be seen lying on the bed. The aftermath of childbirth took a toll on her as she grew tired.
" Aemma, look who had come to see you." Viserys who was his daughter calmly said. Hearing his voice, Princess Aemma groggily woke from her nap.
Upon seeing her husband holding their baby, whatever fatigue she had seem to be completely disappeared.
" Oh my god! My darling Princess. I am your mother. Oh, Viserys ! She is perfect. Our daughter is perfect." Princess Aemma starts to softly cry while looking at her daughter. The babe seems to have sensed her mother because she suddenly opened her eyes for the first time. Her parents both gasped at seeing her eyes. One eye was emerald green while the other was Targaryen violet. Viserys' eyes glistened with tears as his own mother, Alyssa Targaryen, had two different eye colours. Looking at his daughter now - silver blonde hair with heterochromatic eyes is like looking at his mother's face once again.
If his father had seen her now, he would have broken into tears and said his mother had been reborn as his daughter.
"Do you have anything in mind regarding her name, darling?" Prince Viserys asked his wife." You had once told me that your mother was fond of the name
'Mariana' and wanted to name her daughter that, Viserys." Princess Aemma told.  " Yes. She indeed wanted that name for her daughter. However, her wish went unfulfilled. " Viserys mirthfully said.
"Hence, I want to fulfil your mother's wish by keeping the name for our daughter in your mother's honour, Viserys " Princess Aemma said with a gentle smile.
" Mariana Targaryen is indeed a name fit for a princess, Aemma. Everyone is going to love her name" Viserys said while softly gazing at his daughter now sleeping in his arms.
It is said that the coin has never flipped on one side as the gods can't decide Mariana Targaryen's fate which made her life full of uncertain future. But one thing is sure. Mariana Targaryen will be the only chance for the house of the dragon to be stopped from destruction.
Author's note : hope you like another chapter done hurriedly by my inexperienced self.
@cwallace02sblog @bitchycollectorvoid
@universallyrascaldreamercookie @snowtargaryen @girl-of-multi-fandoms @kpopfanfictionfantacies @sadmonke @immyowndefender
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skvid-world · 1 month
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I found my headcanon curious.
What if Eight took responsibility for controlling Fourteen and his actions on others, trying to fix him for the benefit of the algebralien group? Eight is tired of Fourteen antics but wants to help him out of his pure altruism. And in the process of "fixing" Fourteen, Eight directly or indirectly exerts some influence on this cannibal.
However, Fourteen does not seek control as such, but he moves his desire to devour the skin of numbers in another direction: for example, he makes a figure out of papier-mache and gnaws it when aggression pops up. Eight admitted to himself that he was doing it half-casually, choosing between being tired of his antics and tired of controlling him himself.
Nevertheless, he feels stupidly sorry for Forteen, because he is engaged in such a frivolous lifestyle as eating the skin of numbers and sitting in prison, then escaping and repeating this cycle of stupidity.
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The desire to fix Fourteen is done on personal initiative and Eight is already breaking down from fatigue due to Fourteen's behavior, due to the fact that such a pile of trouble was given to him, but continues to help him based on altruism.
Fourteen likes to be looked after, as if he has a "babysitter", so sometimes he feels himself in control, but breaks down again. The only thing he doesn't like is that he actually gets punished for his actions. He rarely learns from his mistakes.
Eight sometimes thinks "why do I need him at all", "why am I trying to fix him", but quickly remembers that maybe he has some chance of getting better. He feels sorry for him. The rest depends on Fourteen, whether he understands the problem and it's consequences, and whether he is ready to change.
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97ify · 2 years
♡ . . .⠀ ⠀THAT PUSSY KiLL BE SO ViCiOUS! ❜
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❝ SUGAR!BABY TOJI who's so obsessed with you that he'd do anything just to fuck you, let alone touch you. ❞
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀˖ ࣪⭑
❪⠀ᥫ᭡⠀❫ featuring : toji fushiguro (w/ a brief mention of gojo) !
❪⠀ᥫ᭡⠀❫ contents : MDNI. porn with plot. established relationship. femdom!reader. businesswoman!reader. homeless!toji. unprotected sex. riding. begging. crying. dacryphilia. overstimulation. oral fixation (f receiving). cock warming. gagging. pet names (precious). slapping. dry humping.
❪⠀ᥫ᭡⠀❫ requested by : n/a !
❪⠀ᥫ᭡⠀❫ song playing : often — the weeknd !
❪⠀ᥫ᭡⠀❫ word count : 6.1k+ !
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EVERYONE was an utter and complete mess. Assistants and receptionists were answering all of the phone calls that were being forwarded to them—at best attempting to please the reporters with evident lies spewing from their lipstick-caked mouths. 
The air in the building was filled with a mixture of tension and confusion, none of the employees fully understanding what the matter at hand was—their boss only informing them to defend the owner's name even if it was the last thing they did.
It was a bustling night for the city of downtown Tokyo, Japan. News had got out about the heart throb of the country, Y/N L/N, having a plausible significant other due to the paparazzi snapping quite a few pictures of a broad shouldered man stepping out of one of her vehicles. The only way they were able to decipher the fact that it was indeed her car was due to the fact that the license plate had a Puerto Rican frame around it. 
The woman was infamous for representing her home island on all of her belongings, everyone knowing that fact.
She was a strong, independent business woman who allowed no man to step on her shoes, or even five feet within her red bottoms. Everyone always bowed to her, whether they liked her or not. Her presence alone had men scurrying to their nearest female associate, so they could deal with her on their own. 
Her entire persona was built on her not needing a man in her life whatsoever, so when news got out that a man was driving her vehicle, journalists went wild to spread the information. However, they weren’t that stupid, so they made sure that their names were unknown. For their own safety.
The notorious woman in mention sat at her desk, high atop the 25 tier building she owned—one of many that were in her name. Irritation would be a rather simple way to describe how she felt. There was a vein protruding from the side of her neck, the woman breaking her fifth pen that rested between the slither of her fingertips—remains of it flailing to the desktop, clustering with the rest. 
She couldn’t believe how reckless Toji was, exiting her car in broad daylight? Let alone in public? 
[Y/N] scoffed at the thought,
Men. They always have to ruin good things with their enlarged egos.
She could just tell that Toji probably thought he got away with it, the man unable to afford his own cellphone to know what hell he put her through while she was trying to enjoy her lunch peacefully. 
Yet, she couldn’t even do that because the moment she took a bite of her Empanada, her assistant almost broke her doors off their hinges, rushing to her to show her the article that’d been going around all afternoon.
“Miss L/N w-what should we do? Calls keep racking up on all of our lines?” [Y/N]’s secretary, Chiaki Anzai, inquired while scurrying all around [Y/N]’s office, the woman’s annoyance growing from the sound of Chiaki’s heels clacking against the polished flooring.
Alas standing from her seat, [Y/N] waltzed around the large desk—her tall fatigue shadowing Chiaki in the process. She made her way towards the doors that led into her room, never once uttering a word in response to the woman’s question. 
That was, until she placed her hand on the door handle, tilting her chin as she peered behinder herself,
“Burn ‘em. Burn every last one of ‘em.” [Y/N]’s tone was rough, Chiaki feeling the woman’s gaze boring into her back even though her eyes weren’t even on her to begin with. 
The frightened secretary eagerly nodded her head, her fingers already tapping all over her IPad screen far before her ears could register all of what [Y/N] said. The woman never questioned [Y/N]’s orders, far too fearful to even think about doing so. She’d rather blindly do something [Y/N] ordered her to than to face the woman head on by second guessing her actions.
When [Y/N] stepped out of her office, the door slamming behind her, she was met with the uproar of her highest ranked employees scampering all around their cubicles, paper copies of newspapers and magazines flying all over the place from the workers trying their hardest to discard them. What caused them all to abruptly halt in their actions was the boisterous sound of [Y/N]’s office doors slamming behind her, all of their heads turning to face them the instant they did.
“Hello, Miss L/N,”
They had all jumped from their seats, bowing to the woman whilst her piercing gaze wandered around the entirety of the 25th floor, her eyes peeking through her eyelashes—no one daring to move from their position until she left. Her footsteps boomed throughout the floor, the silence so sharp it could pierce through thin air. 
The pure vexation that coursed through her veins was ricocheting off of her body like some sort of perfume, everyone sensing it the minute she stepped into the room. The way she carried herself—as if she was ready to slice someone’s head off, had sweat beads trickling down her employees’ faces. 
[Y/N] never paid any mind to the people at hand, her attention locked on the one and only man who caused the mess, Toji Fushiguro. She kept her gaze firm and focused only on the elevator door that remained on the opposite side of the floor, one of her employees hastily rushing towards it so they could press the button for [Y/N]. 
“Thank you.” the woman stated vaguely, her tone brief while the worker just nodded their head in response, a faint ‘your welcome’ dripping off their tongue as she entered the elevator. 
The minute the door closed behind her, everyone felt like dropping to their knees—only a few doing so. They all wasted no time in returning to their duties, knowing that if they didn’t have the rumors completely wiped from the internet by morning that they’d all be in for a hell of a work day.
When she had finally exited the building, the woman tried her hardest to ignore the press that were being held back by her security guards. It was humorous to see only female reporters trying to get to her, [Y/N] found comfort in the fact that men were still intimidated by her that they had to send their female counterparts to do their dirty work. It surely was a sight to see.
“So, a partner, huh? I thought I was the only man for y- AGH!” 
Well, there was one man who liked pushing his limits with [Y/N]. It was none other than Satoru Gojo himself.
The man in question draped an arm around [Y/N]’s shoulders when she walked out of the building, walking alongside her with his annoyingly whiny voice raking in her ears like nails on a chalkboard. After only a moment of being next to the woman, [Y/N] raised her arm and curled her fingers into a fist, bashing the back of her knuckles into the man’s nose. 
She could’ve sworn she felt a crackling sound against her skin from the impact, Satoru’s head snapping back whilst he stumbled on his feet and held his now intensely bleeding nose with both hands. A smirk tugged at the crevice of [Y/N]’s mouth, continuing her venture to her car as all of the attention was now on Satoru who acted like a big child in front of the cameras.
Leave it to Satoru Gojo to cause a big scene for the paparazzi.
It was the reason he and [Y/N] met. The man child desperately wanted to talk to [Y/N], however, she wanted nothing to do with him, knowing his reputation—let alone how ungodly annoying he was apart from that. The pair made headlines for weeks, [Y/N] being rumored to be lesbian due to the fact she didn’t drop head over heels for the Satoru Gojo.
And her comment on the man didn’t help the situation either. “He’s like an overgrown toddler who didn’t get attention from his parents. I have no association with that… thing. Now remove my name from any sentence that has anything to do with him”
It surely caused an upheaval in the media, the women disliking [Y/N] for months due to her comment about their precious Satoru. The men were unsure if they liked the woman, admiring her hatred for the man who continuously stole all of their wives and girlfriends hearts, but also conflicted about whether or not she truly was a lesbian. 
Yet, none of that mattered to [Y/N]. She only focused on her business and expanding her company, using the newly found popularity to her advantage and organizing more serious business deals. 
The woman in question had already driven herself home, deciding on using the backroads to avoid any and all interaction with the paparazzi that surrounded her company grounds. She knew that she was on her last straw, so a single wrong breath from a reporter would’ve caused her head to blow off instantly.
Gear shifting her car into park, the woman stepped out of her vehicle and tossed her keys into her purse, slamming the car door behind herself. Far too many rampacked thoughts clouded her mind for her to comprehend. Whether it was how she was going to handle Toji when she got upstairs, or how she would go into work the next day if her team didn’t get the shit show underwraps in less than 24 hours.
Her red bottom heels clicked along the polished staircase—getting louder with every step she took. There was nothing in the world that would be able to calm her down, her annoyance level far stronger than her anger.
When [Y/N] opened the door that led into the second floor of her three story home, she noticed Toji reclined on the couch. His sock covered feet were crossed and perched up onto the coffee table, his arms intertwining behind his head whilst he enjoyed whatever brain damaging reality TV show he’d found.
His laugh that [Y/N] once found slightly enjoyable was now far worse than Satoru’s as it boomed all throughout the building. The sound of [Y/N] kicking her foot back and slamming the door shut caused the man to jump from his seat, taking a moment to process that it was [Y/N] who had entered the home so carelessly.
When he saw the woman a bright smile spread across his face, Toji walking around the couch to make his way up to the woman whilst she irritatingly approached him. He held his arms open to engulf the woman into a hug, but was met with something he could have never predicted.
A numbingly prickling sensation unraveled throughout Toji’s cheek. His head had snapped to the side due to the blunt force with a crimson cast broadening on his skin. His mouth was left hung open ajar, the man instantly bringing his hand to his jaw while soothing the irritation. 
[Y/N] had slapped him.
The back of her hand contained a similar stinging feeling, the woman glaring down at the man who stood before her. When Toji averted his eyes to look up at [Y/N], he could suddenly notice the raging fire that flared behind the woman’s eyes, gulping at the sight.
“How could you possibly be so fucking incompetent? Using my car and then exiting it without checking if you were being followed? Are you a mad man?!” [Y/N] held nothing back, unleashing all of her pent up anger that she’d been withholding for the past few hours.
Toji was a bit lost on what she was talking about. He was aware of the fact he used her car throughout the day whilst [Y/N] was at work—having no knowledge of his actions. However, he was stunned that she knew, and she was this mad about such a thing.
“W-What’re you talking about?” the man inquired, furrowing his eyebrows as the once overbearing sting that lingered on his cheek completely vanished in an instant. 
[Y/N] couldn’t help but scoff at his obliviousness, rolling her eyes as she reached into her purse and pulled out a magazine, throwing it at his face and causing Toji to flinch from the sudden action.
When the piece of paper dropped into his hands, he flipped the booklet around to see exactly what [Y/N] was enraged about. The minute he did so, his entire body tensed on cue, his grip on the paper tightening when he saw himself plastered on the cover.
[Y/N]’s infamous pink convertible remained behind his tall fatigue, a small circle around the censored license plate to show the Puerto Rico frame that outlined it. 
Toji knew he fucked up, he had one rule and that was to remain hidden. [Y/N] gave him anything he asked for as long as he followed that simple task. And, the one time he had a craving for something that couldn’t be delivered, he was caught red handed and screwed everything up.
He'd never come back from it. The luxury he lived under [Y/N]’s roof was shattered within the span of a few hours thanks to his foolishness, and a few camera clicks.
“I’m sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I just wanted some fire noodles. Please, I-I’m so sorry Y/N.” the man pleaded, crumpling the pamphlet up as if his gesture would fix everything.
All [Y/N] could do was scoff yet again, pushing past the man who continued to beg for her forgiveness. He didn’t know what he’d do without her. The luxury she’d given him lasted months, if she were to kick him out he’d have nowhere to go, and hated the lifestyle he used to live. It was rugged and dirty, unlike anything he’s had recently. 
Heading in the direction of her kitchen, the woman was followed by Toji who seemed like a lost puppy following its owner. All he could do was pry the women for her forgiveness, unsure if there was anything else he could do except for that. there ‘s never bee a time where he fucked up so badly, distress roaming all through his body. 
“Please, Y/N, I-I’ll do anything. Anything you want. Just- just please let me stay. You’re all I have.” The grown man’s pleads were a pleasant surprise, [Y/N] completely taken aback by his actions.
However, it still wasn’t enough for her. His cries for her forgiveness surely wouldn’t fix the upheaval that is the media. And it most definitely wouldn’t get Satoru to leave her alone.
A groaning sigh escaped past the woman’s lips whilst she leaned forward over the kitchen island counter, resting her elbows along the polished granite top with her hands covering her face. All the while she did that, the only things that were roaming Toji’s head were schemes that he could use to his advantage in order for [Y/N] to allow his residency. 
He was aware of how narrow minded the woman was, knowing that fact good and well from the moment he met her. Nothing could get past her, nor could she be easily persuaded. Her word was final, so it was shocking to Toji that she was even allowing him to stay long enough to beg her like a needy child. He’s never been able to beg her about something for such a lengthy time, not even in bed. 
When [Y/N] grazed her calloused fingers along the skin of her cheeks, Toji hesitantly rested his hand on her forearm, his rough skin coming in contact with [Y/N]’s causing the woman to slowly blink and peer in his direction, the fire behind her eyes—swirling like a tornado in a forest fire—leading to Toji gulping in response.
“A-All this drama and bullshit has to be extremely stressful, Y/N. Why don’t we relieve some of it, huh?” Toji’s bold statement only earned a dreadful stare from [Y/N], the man swallowing the lump that’d formed in his throat whilst he was building up the courage to ask the question.
It was true that the pair hadn’t had sex in quite some time, yet that didn’t stop [Y/N] from boring a hole into the man’s face, watching as he slowly crumbled from just her gaze alone. Rolling her eyes, [Y/N] swatted Toji’s hand off of her, pushing herself from the counter top.
The woman pivoted on her heels—the stems clacking across the polished wooden floors—making her way towards the master bedroom that was situated in the back of the large penthouse. With Toji following her lead, much like a puppy on a tightly held leash, the duo bypassed the grouping of windows that encompassed the entirety of the south wall, giving a perfectly illuminated view of downtown Tokyo. Along with the sight of the paparazzi bombarding the front of her complex building, the security barricading the front entryway.
The outlook was humorous to [Y/N], knowing that with her well-attained guards, no one would be getting in anytime soon.
When [Y/N] and Toji entered the large room, [Y/N] stood across from the foot of her bed, gradually peeling her coat from her body all the while. The action alerted Toji, causing him to attempt to help the woman, however [Y/N] was not having it and abruptly shook his hand from her shoulder. All she did was side-glare the man as she laid the jacket along the bench that remained at the end of her bed frame.
“Hands off. Or, it’ll be the last thing you ever touch.”
Her statement wasn’t anything less of a firm threat, venom dripping off the tip of her tongue as she spoke brutally. 
When she spun on her heels for the final time, she sat on the edge of the mattress prior to removing her pants, placing them alongside her coat. Her legs were spread open a bit with her laced underwear in full view for Toji whilst he stood before her. 
“Kneel.” she demanded simply, peering up at Toji through her lashes, tilting her head ever so slightly as she spoke.
The moment the words even slipped off her tongue, Toji was quick to listen as if his life depended on it. Which, in this case, it most certainly did. His eagerness was delightful, an unrecognizable smirk converting across [Y/N]’s mouth at the sight. It was a bit comical how he listened to her every word, much of a lap dog.
[Y/N] leaned back with the palm of her hands pressing into the mattress, lifting one of her legs and placing the flat of her foot against Toji’s forehead—her head tilting yet again while leaning back at the same time.
“If you can prove that you’re good enough, then we can have some fun, understood?” the woman inquired rigidly, Toji immediately nodding his head in response due to the fact he could already feel his growing erection through his tightly fitted pants. 
“Yes ma’am.” the man replied back instantly, a pleased grin spreading across [Y/N]’s face while Toji grabbed a hold of her heel, trailing a line of kitten kisses from her ankle all the way to her inner thigh.
The man’s rugged hands dragged all along the woman’s skin, making sure to not leave a single place untouched while his lips worked against her leg. The way his hands kneaded at her skin was exhilarating, his fingertips delving just enough for her to tug her bottom lip between her teeth. She ran her fingers through his shaggy hair, entangling them between his curls with her nails clawing at the top of his head.
While one of his hands had a firm grip on [Y/N]’s knee, Toji’s opposite hand was softly pushing her other inner thigh open, giving himself more head space between her legs. The minute his lips reached her clothed clit, the man wasted no time in placing a warm kiss upon it, earning a small smirk in response from [Y/N]. 
He slid one of his thick fingers behind her underwear, looping it around the fabric before completely ripping it off of [Y/N]’s body and tossing it aside with the rest of her clothes she previously removed. Her now exposed cunt had Toji’s pants tightening more than they already were, the man scooping one of her legs onto his shoulder and enclosing it with his wiry bicep. His large hand rested alongside her thigh, gripping it firmly.
Toji wanted nothing more than to push her onto the bed and fuck her relentlessly, being utterly and completely pussy-whipped for the woman who towered over him. He’d do anything to hear her moan his name just once. For her to beg him to fuck her til dawn. For him to have her pressed into the mattress with his dick so deep in her pussy that she couldn’t utter anything other than his name, her nails leaving his back a bloody mess.
Yet, it was the opposite. 
He was the one who was a moaning mess anytime she rode him. He was the one who continuously begged the woman to let him come so many times she left him drier than the Sahara Desert. She was the one who had him sunk into the mattress, towering over him while she worked her hips against his own, her pussy sucking his dick in anytime she dropped herself on him.
The man may have had a larger build than [Y/N], but she was taller. Smarter. More powerful. Whatever she said, he did. Whatever she wanted, he had it at her fingertips. If she wanted him to eat her out, he’d make sure it was the best head she’d ever received.
With that being said, Toji was nose deep in her pussy, her liquids already tainting his skin as it trickled down the sides of his mouth. His lips were attached to her clit, sucking, and very lightly, tugging on it every so often. His tongue dragged along her folds a few times before he slipped it past them, sticking it into her cunt with his mouth gulping down every last droplet of juice that came out. 
[Y/N]’s hand still remained atop the man’s head, her grip never faulting while she watched Toji work his magic, her bottom lip being caught between her teeth. Her eyes never steered away from him, observing his every move as he sent an electric tingle all throughout the woman’s body.
She could feel her hips subconsciously moving on their own, very vaguely grinding against Toji’s face any time she felt him push his tongue into her. The fondness was enthralling, [Y/N] feeling her back slowly arching forward anytime Toji took a moment to softly suck on her clit. 
The man couldn’t get enough of her taste, yearning for more every time he’d slurp up her liquids that’d spilled all over his face. Each time the base of his tongue would tug along her soaked slits, Toji found himself faintly moaning under his breath. 
It was torture for the man to not touch himself while he pleased her with his mouth, only being able to enjoy the endurance of appealing the woman. 
“I see you’ve gotten better, huh?” [Y/N] teased, licking her lips as she tilted her heat to the side, her fingers caressing through the man’s hair.
The subtle breeze she felt whenever he pulled away from her had the woman jumping whenever she was met with his warm lips against her own. Each time he flicked his tongue against her sensitive clit, [Y/N] found herself jolting a bit.
“Please.. Please let me touch myself, Y/N” Toji begged, feeling his pants becoming damp from the precum that spewed from his tip.
A sly grin curled at [Y/N]’s mouth, the woman basking in the adulation of Toji sucking on her clit while also whining for her to allow him to please himself. It was a sight for sore eyes, that’s for sure. 
However, she wasn’t one to let people off the hook so easily. Shaking her head no, the woman only pushed his face deeper into her pussy, her grasp on his hair tightening all the while. 
“No. You decided to be an absolute fucking idiot, so now you must suffer in silence, precious” the woman cooed devilishly, her stoic eyes brewing a fire within them whilst she peered down at Toji.
She could feel herself on the verge of her climax, her legs slowly beginning to shake the longer Toji sucked and licked at her clit. It was all so gratifying, the build up creating a firm knot in her stomach the more he prolonged it.
The minute Toji stuck his tongue into her, [Y/N] released all over his mouth, the man slurping and licking up every last inch of her whilst she shivered in delight. Tossing her head back, [Y/N] let out an open mouth sigh of relief, her back arching with her grip on his head remaining.
Closing her eyes, the woman bathed in the longing pleasure she desired so dearly, Toji continuing to suck on her clit throughout her release and making it last a while. 
“Mmh, so good for me. You did so well, precious, ‘m so proud of you,” [Y/N] praised the man, earning a groan in response to her skittish remark.
Lifting Toji’s head by simply guiding his chin with her index finger, [Y/N] softly pressed her lips onto his own, the man eagerly kissing back whilst his hands sunk into the mattress around her. Ravenously, Toji placed his lips against [Y/N]’s as the woman let out a breathy chuckle into the kiss from the unexpected action.
[Y/N] found his neediness quite humorous.
It was adorable how he couldn’t get enough of her, [Y/N]’s hand trailing up his leg until she palmed his bulge, earning a whiny groan from the man who was kissing her as if she were his last meal. A snarky smile dragged across her face at the reaction, the woman continuing to knead and grip at his erection whilst she stood to her full height and towered over Toji. 
“Get on the bed” she ordered, Toji not wasting another breath before he abided by her demand.
He rested against the headboard, his legs sprawled open along the mattress while [Y/N] walked around it, standing in front of her side table. 
The abrupt sound of metal clanking against one another had caught Toji’s full attention, and before he knew it, his wrists were bound to the top of the backboard. His eyebrows weaved together, confusion building up on his face all the while he tugged on his wrists and watched [Y/N] crawl onto his lap.
“W-What’re you-”
“Just shut up” the woman stated briefly, latching her lips onto his yet again while her exposed cunt planted right onto Toji’s dick imprint. 
Subconscious moans and whines escaped past the man's lips as he returned [Y/N]’s kiss, both of them moving their lips in sync with one another. [Y/N] had her hands gently placed along Toji’s cheeks, pulling his face closer to her own despite him being tied to the bed frame. 
Each time she’d roll her hips against his, her slick folds would drag across his erection, leaving dampened marks all over his pants. The friction from the fabric was a surprisingly pleasant feeling for the woman, [Y/N] gaping and humming in satisfaction anytime a slight chill traveled up her spine.
“P-Please- Y/N-.. please just fuck me. I-I can’t take it. I need you.” the man whimpered between kisses, his actions only broadening [Y/N]’s already engrossed ego.
“I-I’m sorry. Please, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I won’t do it again.. Please-” he proceeded, his cries doing absolutely nothing good for her arrogance. 
His pleads were halted mid sentence due to [Y/N] swiftly pulling his dick from out of his pants, her thumb gliding through the slit on his tip. Her abrupt movement earned an eye rolling, room shaking moan from Toji, the man left a heaving mess whilst his eyes began to well up.
“O-Oh, fuck-! Please don’t stop- fuck! D-Don’t stop, Y/N, please” Toji adjured, his body jolting from the absolute euphoric endurance he was overwhelmed with. 
The more she grazed her finger through his tip, the more of a mess the man became, unraveling into a crying disaster for her. The way her calloused fingers gently wrapped around the base of his length, her thumb pressing into his tip with just enough force to have his leg trembling. Precum was already spurting out, leaking onto [Y/N]’s skin after trickling down his sides.
The sight was picture perfect, [Y/N] enjoying herself a little too much when she was the one doing the pleasing.
Removing her hand from his dick, the woman brought her fingers to her mouth, sucking the juices from her skin whilst she crawled closer to Toji’s face, grabbing it with her free hand and forcing him to look at her as she hovered over him.
When she pulled her hand away, a string of saliva connected the two. The woman instantly locked her lips onto Toji’s, making him taste himself while she pushed her tongue into his mouth. The man easily obeyed her unspoken command and moved his lips against her own as if it was exactly what she asked him for without uttering a single word.
What the man didn’t pick up on, was her distraction tactic. So, amidst their intense kiss, a gaping moan spewed from his saliva coaxed mouth, the feeling of [Y/N]’s throbbing pussy sucking in his dick as she sat on him causing the man to toss his head back. The whites of his eyes were visible as he rolled them, mouth hanging ajar while he felt his tip prod at her cervix.
His thick length stretched the woman out, [Y/N] finding herself humming a few groans to herself the more she took in. the veins that protruded along his dick rubbed against her walls with ease, gliding against them and causing a shiver to run down each of their backs. Every time [Y/N] would clench around him, Toji found himself letting out puffs of air, his wrists snagging on the hand cuffs that held him to the headboard.
He sunk his teeth into his lip in an attempt to bite back his moans, however, that plan went to shit  the minute [Y/N] started to move on his dick. 
He wanted to touch her.
No, he needed to touch her.
He needed his hands to grope her ass while she bounced on his dick. His hands needed to knead and caress her breasts as she worked her hips against his own. He needed his arms to wrap around her waist so he could hold her in place and fuck into the tight cunt of hers, wanting to hear the sounds of her juices welsh and mix with his own as he abused her pussy tirelessly. 
“Y/N- please. Let my hands go. Please, let me touch you. God- fuck! Please, oh my- fuck,” Toji begged yet again, his eyes wandering down to watch how her juices spilled all over his lower abdomen.
The view of her riding his thick length only made him harder, his pries at trying to get his hands free only growing rougher the longer he was bound. He knew she wouldn’t listen. This whole thing was a punishment for him. Yes, it was pleasurable, of course, but it was still a sort of punishment. In a very weird, and sexual way.
All [Y/N] did was silence him with her lips yet again, the sounds of them smacking against one another filling the empty room. 
Her hips rolled and bounced as she rode his dick, engulfing in the pleasure she had been desiring for a few days now. The way he filled her up completely was intoxicating, [Y/N] craving it just as much as he craved her. She loved how he was a perfect fit for her, the tip of his length protruding her womb with every thrust and grind, his thick base rubbing the specific spots in her cunt that made her grow feral with every movement made.
They were both getting drunk off the ecstatic aroma that was each other. [Y/N] may have loathed his stupidity, but he damn sure was an amazing fuck. If it weren’t for the fact that she was his sugar mommy, she’d most definitely have an on & off toxic relationship with the man, hating how much of an idiot he was but also loving how he felt inside of her.
When [Y/N] had pried her lips from Toji’s she immediately replaced them with her thumb, sticking it into the man’s mouth and watching as he sucked on it, much like a dog listening to its owner. She relished in the fact he listened to her every move.
Planting her free hand onto his chest, [Y/N] sped up her pace, observing Toji’s expression melt into a doe eyed one the minute he felt her do so. The sight caused her to smirk to herself, feeling the same knot tighten in her stomach much like earlier.
Toji could sense his release growing closer as well, his whines and whimpers being muffled against her finger as he tossed his head back. They were both reaching their climaxes in unison, the build up becoming excruciatingly everlasting. 
It was the fastest they’ve ever felt themselves already done. [Y/N] couldn’t decipher whether it was the tension that she entered the home with, or the traction that slowly built up when she was inside. 
Typically, they’d go at least two to three rounds before sleeping at the crack of dawn. Yet, this time they were both craving the other, their feelings getting the best of themselves.
“F-Fuck, ‘m gonna cum, Y/N” Toji groaned out in pleasure—his words mumbling against her thumb, the man trying to thrust up into her without any sort of stability, strictly relying on his lower body strength.
It was surely a struggle, that’s for sure. However, he was able to meet [Y/N] halfway anytime she lifted herself to drop on the base of his dick. The gesture stunned [Y/N] a bit at first, but soon enough she was humming in delight with her free hand groping her own breast, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip all the while. 
Her cunt greedily welcomed his length with every rut thrust he gave her. His swollen tip repeatedly rammed against her cervix, earning a couple eyerolls and sighs of relief from [Y/N] in response. It was all so enrapturing, Toji adoring how tight she clenched around him and [Y/N] loving how much of his thick erection filled her up.
“C’mon, precious, cum for me. Fill me up with every last drop you have” [Y/N] taunted, firmly pressing the pad of her thumb onto Toji’s tongue and watching as the man choked and gagged in response.
Her prodding words did no good for the pathetic man that lied beneath [Y/N], Toji’s dick twitching from the slyness that enthralled her tone. She knew how he felt anytime she spoke to him in that specific voice, the woman extremely familiar with his kinks and how to perfectly make him feel a certain way.
It was a gift, and a curse. [Y/N] using it to her advantage whenever she wanted the man to do something, Toji undoubtedly listening to her every word like a lost puppy. 
With one last thrust, Toji couldn’t help himself anymore, his seed spewing straight into [Y/N] who met him with her own release, both of their juices mixing together and dripping out of her overly stuffed pussy, directly onto Toji’s lower abdomen.
Sighs of relief and gasps for air gradually filled the room, both of [Y/N]’s hands now pressed flatly on Toji’s pecks, her fingers dragging down his perfectly toned abs before she lathered her finger in their essence. Placing her finger into her mouth, she sucked on her finger, getting every last drop that stuck to it. 
Right before Toji could even react, or utter a coherent sentence, [Y/N]’s lips were already placed onto his, her hips moving yet again as she led the man into another round for the night.
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97IFY :: if you would like a part two, please do not be shy to ask through my inbox! i'm always happy to accept requests !!
$$. 000 ll header edit creds. @//missingnuts on tt.
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← back to jjk masterlist — 97IFY. do not steal my work. all rights reserved. likes and reblogs appreciated !!
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
You Almost Gave Me A Heart Attack (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, pregnancy sex, pregnancy, fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel (let me know if i missed any)
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: Pov: pranking Joel that your water broke lol.
Words count: 1.4k
A/N: This series is ending soon so be ready 🥺 This is part 19 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and likes ❤️ Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Epilogue
“Behave yourself, okay babygirl?” Joel kissed his daughter’s forehead.
“Mommy will see you soon, okay?” You stroked her head.
You were near your due date so you decided to ask your parents to watch Sarah until your baby arrived. They were always happy to help you especially how your dad was so close with Sarah. He was more than happy to have Sarah in his house for a few days, even a few weeks.
“Call me if you need me, honey.” Your mom gave you a hug.
“I will, mom. Thank you.” You rubbed her back.
“Take good care of my daughter, son.” Your dad jokingly glared at Joel.
“Yes, sir. I’ll see you guys soon.” Joel chuckled and walked to the car.
Joel opened the door for you and helped you get inside the car. He waved his hand one last time before he got inside the car and started the car. 
“See you!” You opened your window and waved to Sarah and your parents.
It was just a few days left until your baby was born. You were waddling more and you noticed you had to take more bathroom breaks than usual. You spent most of your time on the bed as you felt more fatigued and experiencing more back pains and cramps. You felt so alone when Joel went to work but he tried his best to come home as fast as he could. He always said no if he was asked to work overtime so he could be with you more. He took care of you and did his best to make you feel comfortable and not feel alone. 
It was Saturday. You were laying down on your bed just like most of the days. Suddenly, Joel came to the bedroom with his tools inside your bedroom. He sat on the floor beside you.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
“I’m building the crib. Our boy is coming soon and I haven’t built it yet.” Joel started doing his thing.
He lifted his sleeve and assembled the parts. You found him very sexy when he did physical work. Not to mention his muscles on his arms, a bead of sweat dripping, and his focused face.
“You’re so sexy, right now.” You chuckled and covered your eyes.
“You know you need to be resting right?” Joel smirked at you.
“I know.” You chuckled.
You were fatigued but your body wanted him, needed him. In a few days, you would have to wait around a month to make love to him. And now, you were already wet just looking at him. Your eyes looked at him with lust and Joel couldn’t hold himself. He took off his clothes and climbed on top of you naked. 
“Okay, I’ll give you what you want.” Joel kissed you while he was on top of you.
Then he laid on his side, face to face with you. He cupped your cheeks and gave you a passionate kiss. You kissed him back and caressed his head. Then his hand moved to caress every curve of your body and bump. His hand stopped at your bump and smiled at you. He sat and kissed your belly. You chuckled and took off your shirt. Joel helped you pull your wet panties. He chuckled and shook his head when he saw you already wet like that. He leaned in and gave you another kiss.
“What are you comfortable with?” Joel asked you what position you were comfortable with since you were heavily pregnant and there were some positions that were not comfortable for you.
“You behind me.” You moved to lay on your side, your back facing him.
Joel laid behind you, caressed your arms and kissed your shoulder. Then his hand cupped your pussy and massaged your clit, slow and affectionate. You moaned at his touch. 
“I want you inside me, Joel.” You put your hand on top of his that was caressing you.
Joel pressed his chest to your back and lined himself to your wet pussy before he went inside you. He groaned when he was finally inside you. You moaned as he stretched you wide. Joel started moving his hips and thrusted inside you. He pulled out until it was just the tip inside you then he pushed himself in again. He didn’t use much force when he thrusted because he didn’t want to hurt you. Then his hand snaked down there to find your clit and circled it. It was slow but you found it pleasurable. 
“Feels so good, Joel.” You hummed.
“Fuck, baby.” Joel groaned to your ear.
You moaned and your hand reached his hand that was holding on to you. 
“Come for me, mama.” Joel whispered to your ear.
“Fuck.” You squeezed your eyes shut as his whispers made you feel close to your climax.
Joel kissed your back and thrusted faster. He groaned as he felt close. He kept thrusting until he came. Joel groaned as he spilled his seed inside you. Your thighs were trembling as he came inside you. Your pussy throbbed and clenched his. Joel stayed inside you for a while as he caught his breath and buried his face on your shoulder. Then he pulled out from you slowly and turned you to face him. 
“I can’t wait to meet our son, baby.” He kissed your lips. 
“Me too. I’m sure he’ll look a lot like you. Little Joel Miller.” You chuckled and stroked his messy hair.
“Little Joel Miller. That’s a cute nickname.” Joel chuckled. 
The next day, you tried your best to do your daily activities. You went to your kitchen and prepared dinner. Joel was upstairs to continue where he left off on building the crib yesterday. You walked to the fridge to get some ingredients and suddenly thought of pranking Joel. You splashed water under you and poured it down your thighs.
“Joel! Joel!” You screamed.
Joel heard your screams and ran downstairs right away. He even forgot to drop the tools in his hands.
“What is it?! What’s wrong?!” He panted with a screwdriver in his hand.
“The baby’s coming!” You panted acting like you panicked.
“Fuck, baby. Okay.. Uh..” Joel panicked and he couldn’t think of anything. He just froze there.
“Joel!” You yelled at him.
He flinched and put the screwdriver on the kitchen table. Then he walked closer to you.
“Oh Shit.” He looked down and saw water under you. He believed it was your water.
“Ouch!” You pretended like you had contractions.
“Take a breath, baby. Take a breath. Breathe with me.” He guided you to breathe to be calm.
You inhaled and exhaled following him. Little did he know, you were trying not to laugh.
“Hold on to me.” Joel put his arms around you and helped you walk.
The floor was slippery and you slipped. Thank God Joel caught you before you fell or else the prank would go wrong. 
“Jesus!” You let out a little scream as he caught you in his arms.
“Careful, careful.” Joel held your weight and pressed you to his body.
You started giggling as you could hear Joel’s heart beating so fast and loud. 
“What?” Joel furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“No, it’s just-” You couldn’t hold it anymore, you burst into laughter.
“Baby, what’s wrong? We gotta get you to the hospital! Right now!” Joel panicked.
“No, baby, no-” You couldn’t stop laughing.
“Is there something funny here?” Joel smelled something fishy.
He pulled his arms away from you and put his hand on his waist. His face was judging you. He realized something.
“It wasn’t your water, was it?” His hand was still on his waist.
“No, it wasn’t.” You laughed.
Joel sighed and pinched his nose bridge. He couldn’t believe you just pranked him. 
“That’s not funny, baby.” He shook his head.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I just thought it would be fun pranking you.” You laughed non-stop holding your belly that was moving because of your laugh. 
“You almost gave me a heart attack, baby.” Joel put his hand on his chest to calm him down.
“Don’t ever do this again. It’s not funny.” He pointed at you.
You laughed and nodded. Your jaw hurts from laughing too much. Now you wondered if he would believe you if your water really broke in the near future. Fingers crossed, you hoped he would believe you when your water broke.
To be continued…
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy @nakedmoondiaries @dzaga890 @pa1g3-t0mm0 @prettysbliss @wanniiieeee @one-sweet-gubler @x-ap0llo-x @feministfanboi @ordinarylokix @afterglowsb-tch13 @padgraysonssram8re @tomorrowseverything @hummusxx @iranispunk @mrsyixingunicorn10 @likeanimagepassingby2 @mediocrewallflow3r @pedr0swh0r3 @mxtokko @dorck26 @cascactus28 @cheyxfu @stupidthoughtsinwriting @undermoonlightwalk @bigmoodyjoody @humanbug @sarahhxx03 @krisviciousx @quixscentsposts @dgct2 @dgraysonss @heybabyshae @fluffyspaceprincess @toottmblr @avengersfan25 @xixxala @dianaffddz @onzayhe @violetwitchmcu @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @kelh27
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scarlovebot · 1 year
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Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Summary: Natasha guides you to slumber
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
parties and events occurred every fortnight, you soon lost interested in their reasonings just acknowledging that an appearance was necessary, instructed by Tony Stark.
your outfit deemed as nothing special just a casual black, figure hugging pantsuit paired with stiletto heels.
dragging your heels from group to group, discussing topics which only edged the boredom inside even further, you think back to remember the thrill and euphoric feelings when being given an invitation, that’s when it felt like you had finally made a solidified group of friends who have become family.
the clock had just surpassed your bedtime of 10pm, knowing of this as the once composed posture of yours had gone slump, eyelids fluttering with sleep and the clothes feeling rather uncomfortable.
it would be rude to leave at such and early hour so you made the challenge to yourself that you must remain as one of the few still standing when the party dissolves.
finding shelter at the bar your order of a double vodka lemonade, hoping that the strength of the alcohol has the same effects of an overly dosed cup of coffee. sat idly with your beverage a soft hand strokes against your upper back, a shiver evident to the eyes of the culprit. The lips of the individual make contact with your neck, leaving a soft puckered kiss causing an internal moan, Natasha.
looking to your side met with piercing green orbs and a smirk plastered with admiration and ambition. breaking the silence she speaks up “детка, I’ve hardly seen you tonight, where have you been?” Natasha questions with love and slight worry. Looking at her, you give her a faint smile “I’m just tired nat, I didn’t want to bother you when your having a good time” making eye contact with the ground, you say in a low tone, the fatigue and slight guilt evident in your voice.
Delicate fingers grip loosely onto your chin, she tilts your face upwards towards her creating an atmosphere that can only be described as intimidating, though this is due to the affect Natasha has on you.
The women feels nothing but love towards you, upon your first interaction she was head over heels, intrigued by your goofy personality and nurturing atmosphere around you.
“I would be having a better time with you in my clutch, now what do you say if we head up to bed?” She rubs her thumb softly over your chin, causing you to melt even more into her touch, nodding your head as a response to the question you had been hoping to hear ever since stepping out of your room.
hand in hand you stand up next to Natasha, holding a firm grip onto your girlfriend to ensure her that your not leaving, nor is she.
she leads you through the crowds of people, nodding to her teammates as indication that she was done for to the night. their eyes travelled to the person next to her, they all knew why Natasha had left so soon and didn’t expect any different.
The explanation being that within the daytime your energy level’s surpassed the normal individual, causing an extreme downfall as evening begun. It was almost routine at this point that the red head would take care and control, whispering loving words and ushering you to bed. she really didn’t mind, her social battery rarely drained but seeing you in desperate need for a recharge had Natasha wrapped up in your little finger.
The sensation against your hand dropped, slight panic set into your chest at the loss of the person keeping you afloat, but that quickly passed as the same pair of adoring hands found placement on your waist.
Her vibrations sparked within you, it was something you had never felt before, totally besotted by Natasha Romanoff.
everything blurred together, one minute you were being guided through the mass amounts of attendees, next sat in your underwear on your bed.
Natasha took dominance, once away from the main area and in the elevator she picked you up taking all pressure of your feet, heels were not for the weak. carrying you to the shared room and beginning the process of settling in for the night. the layers that once felt unbearable on your skin had been taken off with care, with every item Natasha slightly massaged your limbs, loosing up all tension.
it must have been the feeling of ease that awoke you, though still in a haze.
Crawling under the covers you expect to feel her, yet you’re met with coldness. your breath hitches, where is Natasha? you begin to worry. you were sure she was with you.
in a blink of an eye she was there, hair braided with precision and skin that glowed even through the darkness. a hand touches your waist, travelling beneath you bottoms to hold a firm grip on your backside “дорогой I’m right here, Natasha’s here” she says.
She holds tighter and drags your tired self towards her, squeezing her hand at the area that was labelled only for her. A giggle escapes your mouth, and just before finally switching off for the night and fall into deep slumber, you send a Thankyou to Natasha.
Your lips fixate on her, a soft moan can be heard from the red head. Your tongue latching onto the roof of her mouth, deepening the kiss before slowly breaking away.
Resting your head onto her bare chest, “Thankyou nat” you murmur, burying yourself as far as possible into the delicate cage that surrounded you.
“goodnight тигр, sweet dreams”
Natasha treasured these moments, the ones behind closed doors where she could let go of the stone cold persona held up for everyone, except you.
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nonotnolan · 9 months
Fiverr Warlock: Holiday Magic
Christmas can be a tricky for us magic users. A lot of clients come to us, hoping for budget miracles or last minute holiday magic, so it's easy to start feeling like people just take you for granted. Plus, warlocks are notoriously difficult to shop for. Most of the things we really want for Christmas, we can just conjure something up ourselves. I was started to get really, really burnt out on the holidays until I figured out a trick to raise my spirits-- as a bonus, it's even easy to do. I just pick a random deserving person and give them some charity magic.
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Take a look at Jake, here. He's one of the lowest clerks on the totem pole, but he's also the only tailor I know who sees me as a person and not a commission payout. When he told me last week that he was on his second low sales write-up and about to get fired, I decided to make him one of this season's recipients. I know he's a great guy, but I can't blame a random person off the street rejecting a tailor who can't even wear a properly fitting suit. Improving his appearance will go a long way, I think. The problem is Jake would never accept my direct help for free, so I'll have to be subtle about it.
The first step was getting rid of his facial hair. Some guys look good with scruff, but Jake's body isn't growing hair thick enough for a good beard. I'll start there, and work my way up. As far as Jake knows, I was there to buy some dress shoes. I was actually there to cast a delayed change spell on him that would remove all of that unwanted hair overnight. While I was there, I added some skin moisteners and a long-lasting fatigue remover. Finally, I added a mental shroud so that he wouldn't notice the changes to himself.
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When I went back to check on my work, I was pleased to see that Jake already showed a noticeable improvement. He was clearly doing a lot better, even if he didn't know why. Could I have left it there? Sure. But I don't half-ass my charity cases.
He greeted me when I walked in, but today I deflected his attentions. "I'm just browsing today. I meant to ask you, though, have you ever considered OnlyFans?" My words hid the casting of a compulsion spell.
He blushed, and slipped his hands in his pockets. "Oh, I don't think I quite have the body for that... but thank you, sir. Let me know if you need anything."
To his credit, Jake's former body was pretty unremarkable. I say former because I cast another delayed transformation on him. This time I gave him 20% more muscle mass, a deeper voice, and increased his self-confidence. I also took a few more years off, for good measure.
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The next day, I was able to find his OnlyFans account under his name. It was tempting to increase his muscle mass further, but doing so would risk breaking the mental shroud I cast over him. Besides, massive muscles and a bronze tan often went hand in hand, and I would hate to ruin his beautifully pale skin.
No, better to leave well enough alone. Otherwise I'd be casting minor spells on him for weeks. Jake was no longer struggling through life due to his disheveled appearance, and that's what mattered. Another Christmas Miracle, crafted by yours truly.
Want to read more by this author? Dicked (Over) by a Demon by Nolan Sempers, for sale on Amazon.
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Health Update
First, I want to say thank you to everyone who reached out or commented on the latest installment of Where's Mommy? to wish me good health. I am so grateful for all of you 💚
However, the health issue I'm currently dealing with isn't due to a virus or bacteria, and there's a possibility it won't get better.
A little history.
Back in 2022, there was a two week period where I felt like my blood sugar was dropping, and I was very symptomatic. There was a moment where I slumped down a wall at work because of it, and they had to dump sugar packets from the break room into my mouth to rouse me. It was a very scary time.
After those two weeks, I went to my Primary Care Physician who ordered blood tests and had me purchase a glucometer to test my blood sugar several times a day. However, during the two weeks she had me do this, I never got a reading below 70, and the same symptoms did not develop as they did prior. My blood work came back clean, and without a reading lower than 70, my PCP dismissed it and told me I was having anxiety attacks, lol. She told me to come back if the symptoms came back, and they never did.
Backing up a couple more years.
Without revealing too much of my medical history, I have a chronic illness called POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). It's a dysautonomia or a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, the system that controls all of the automatic functions of the body. It was caused by my battle with Lyme Disease in 2010 and is currently incurable. I was diagnosed with POTS in 2018, after being told for 6 years that I had anxiety, lol.
POTS is not a very well-known illness, but it's getting more attention these days. It garners a host of different symptoms, including tachycardia, chronic fatigue, brain fog, orthostatic intolerance, migraines, gut issues, syncope, dehydration, blood pooling, etc. Everyone's POTS presents differently, and most people with a POTS diagnosis live on disability. I made the choice not to.
Fast forward to 2024.
Fast forward again to this past Wednesday.
Well, I finally was able to get a POTS specialist in my state this year. A huge win! When I had my initial consultation, I had mentioned the low blood sugar episodes in 2022 and asked if it could be related to POTS. The doctor told me that they don't see POTS patients having low blood sugar issues, but we're concerned enough to refer me to an endocrinologist. Another big win!
I had my consultation with the endocrinologist, and he ordered more blood tests, some of the same tests as before, and some different (y'all, they took like 20 vials from me). He also gave me a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) to wear for 14 days so they can track my highs and lows to see if they can catch anything.
Well, the next night, my blood sugar dropped below 70, 20 times, and 55, 9 times. Which means I was woken up 9 times throughout the night. I got only about 2 hours of sleep, and still had to go to work the next morning. But, once again, it went back up by itself without any intervention from me.
Y'all, it caught A LOT in just the first day, actually night. My blood sugar dropped below 70, 11 times, and below 55, 4 times while I was sleeping. Now, because anything below 55 is considered critical and could be fatal, there is an alarm that cannot be overridden and will sound. It sounds like a smoke alarm. So, I was awoken 4 times.
The odd thing is that my blood sugar dropped, then went back up on its own. I didn't eat or drink anything. Blood sugar doesn't really do that, so I thought it was odd. This also begs the question: If I'm asymptomatic at 53, then what level was I at in 2022 when I had symptoms? Honestly, I don't want to know.
Here is a nifty graph!
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All of the red is considered low blood sugar, below 70, and anything close to that 50 line is considered critical low blood sugar. And again, I did not eat anything during the night.
There are four major anomalies with my low blood sugar occurences:
Most cases of hypoglycemia are seen in diabetics, I am not diabetic
Most cases of hypoglycemia seen in non-diabetics are sporadic, mine are consistent
Hypoglycemia is normally corrected by consuming sugar, mine auto-corrects
When blood sugar drops, it creates symptoms, I do not get symptoms
There are only a handful of things that can cause hypoglycemia in a non-diabetic and even less consistently at night time. The doctor has already ruled out insulinoma (insulin producing tumors in the pancreas), so that leaves even less, and also the good old "we don't know what's wrong with you".
I'm not going to lie. This whole thing terrifies me. There's no telling how long my blood sugar has been doing this, and it only takes one dip below 50 for me to slip into a coma and die in my sleep. Luckily, my blood sugar does this crazy autocorrect thing, and I haven't died yet! Humor makes this easier.
Right now, I'm emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. Adding this on top of my already difficult life with POTS has been hard to cope with, and I'm crying a lot.
Hopefully, I'll get results soon, and my endocrinologist can figure out why this is happening and how to manage/fix it if it can be managed/fixed. Maybe I've got a completely new illness, and you'll find me in a medical journal! Wouldn't that be something.
Anyway, thanks for the continued support. I have a lot of IRL support from friends and family, but while I go through this process, I may seem distant, my posting might be sporadic, I may not keep my fic posting schedule, etc. And when I have an update, I promise to let y'all know!
Much love 💚💚💚
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m1d-45 · 1 year
(please delete the other one, i forgot to add something 😭)
To: Il Dottore, Segment: Beta.
Snezhnaya, Zalponarny Palace, Basement Laboratory, Room 12.
(the letter was in a gold and white envelope, suprisingly unwilt jasmine flowers glued to the edges, the letter was ontop of a box matching it's aesthetic..)
Hello, Dottore, as your beloved creator, i trust that your research is going well? have you had any recent break throughs? well, this letter is mainly for the younger segments, but 'boattore' too! i love that silly doctor segment. how have you guys been doing in the lab? i know mad scientists like you guys are way too busy to probably read this but it's worth a try! i hope you guys remember to shower and eat while experimenting, can't be a great doctor and do great things on an empty stomach with hunger fatigue, amirite'? well, moving on...don't tell any other of my acolytes but you're on the list of my 6 favourites, i have a list of people for you to experiment on....think of it as a friendship exchange. well...while i sit here, writing this letter on my desk knowing i have classes at my university tomorrow, while it being night, i don't have regrets, sometimes i hope to be a high achiever scholar like you someday,
love you, little crow.
—from, your favourite flirty creator.
(in the box was a fine bottle of wine that pantalone himself couldn't get his hands on ! aswell as a new surgical kit made out of metal with gold accents..a white and pink suit and bow tie ! aswell as a small little plushie of dottore himself.)
dottore has seen many things, due simply to the nature of his work. demons beyond mortal understanding, bound in his office. men with the power of gods delivering paperwork. those same men bickering like fools.
he’s made his own god—even if the balladeer is still in progress, he’d be a fool not to recognize how easily the gnosis took to his form. he’s broken every ethical and moral law, created new ones just to break them again. he’s defied death itself, he’s risen to the second highest rank in the fatui, he’s seen everything and made even more.
and yet, when he walks into his lab, he never expected to see his clones standing around a table, poking and prodding at a mysterious box that he certainly did not put there. he quickly shoved himself to the front, ignoring their questions and picking up the envelope. it was surprisingly decorated for something in his lab, and addressed… to one of his segments?
he frowned.
his beta segment pressed to his side, but his curiosity won out his irritation. the envelope didn’t have a return name or address, so he simply tore it open, probably ripping the paper more than necessary.
every single sentence of your sentence was a surprise.
the first explained how it had gotten into his office, as well as why. but… why would you be interested in his work? even going so far as to give a nickname to one of his segments- calling him mad was expected, but the concern for his- for their health was not.
when you called them your favorite, he smiled. when you outright said you had suggestions for his experiments, he outright laughed.
dottore had long since accepted he had forsaken his creator. and yet, you said you loved him nonetheless. you him a bottle of dandelion wine—the segments ooh’d over that one, since the dawn winery had always made it a point to never sell to snezhnaya—and new tools. the beta segment had snatched whatever pink fabric you had tucked inside, but he was free to inspect the small plush left in the ornate box.
how interesting, he thought, that you had gone through the effort to get the perfect shade of string for his eyes.
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gatitties · 8 months
Hello! I seen your requests are open! Could I request
Levi Ackerman x calm and kind reader where everyone’s on a mission and all of the sudden we got ambushed by titans. Reader is killing titans with Levi and her sister when she sees a hand reach down for her sister. She tries to get to her but instead she watches her sister get bit in half. Reader goes crazy and gets extremely violent with the titans because her sister was her sanity. After the battle everyone whose left alive are regrouping while reader walk up to a tree and takes her anger out on it(slicing punching etc). Levi sees her and stops her from hurting herself. Later back at camp shes training with an anger that she didn’t before so some jerk makes a joke that it took for her sister to die to become a real soldier. Levi comes around the corner to reader beating the shit out of the jerk. He gives her a warning and she listens but she’s still very violent towards targets during training and missions and cold to people. Happy ending please.
If you don’t, I totally understand! I just really like your writing style lol. ꨄ
─Levi x fem!reader
─Summary: Your entire kind personality breaks when a loved one dies, making you a completely different person, although there are people who remain by your side despite the change.
─Warnings: none
oh oh finally something to write about aot, ty! <3
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You had always been a kind and warm person despite being part of the survey corps, despite having experienced a lot of atrocities, having seen so many deaths before your eyes. Your smile did not falter in the lowest moments, helping and taking into account all those who were badly injured after a cold battle, you felt that it was your duty to make everyone feel as good as possible to eradicate the problem, after all if hope is lost everything would be lost.
You had seen how many people fell apart when they saw their loved ones go to another life in a painful way, even though you felt sorry for them and helped them improve emotionally, you never knew what it felt like to lose someone for whom you would give your life without a second thought, ever, until your sister died inches from you by a titan.
You felt your vision darken, your breathing quickened and you crashed into some trees as you had lost control of your equipment, luckily you ended up high enough so they couldn't catch you, however you didn't shed more than a couple of tears, you swallowed your sadness, still stunned and unaware of what had happened.
You two were cleaning the area of titans and out of nowhere, from one moment to the next… she's gone? It had to have been a hallucination, your sister was alive and what you had seen was a hallucination due to fatigue, right?
"I-It's not true…"
All bravery was gone, you fell to your knees on the thick tree branch, screaming in indescribable pain, nothing in your body hurt, but something was burning inside you, you felt nauseous for a moment, but after a minute staring into space, listening to how a pair of titans were trying to climb the tree you were in, something lit up inside you, a furious flame.
You went crazy when you saw those titans, letting everything you were keeping inside you explode in the form of the desire to kill, you don't even remember what you did until Levi kicked you to stop because you were going to kill yourself if you continued like this.
You argued with him for stopping and you got a big punishment for disobeying orders from a superior, but you didn't complain, after all it would make you think about something other than the death of your sister, which you ended up accepting as the years went by.
Levi cannot remove that image of you, he knew that you were strong, with your limitations, but reliable enough to go in a small special group, he knew you well, he admired how you were capable of providing tranquility and hope to the most desolate people, he admired the warmth you transmitted, never in all his years working with you had he seen you lose your temper like that, even though he was scared to see you full of blood, red eyes and a furious look, he understood your pain, he had been there before.
He thought the drastic change to a tougher, less empathetic, and loner personality would go away as quickly as you got over your grieving phase, however it didn't seem to go away over time. No more kind words, no more selflessly helping people, no more considering leaving any titans alive for Hange. Levi wasn't bothered by your new way of being, in fact, you had more similarities now, but knowing you for years, it was like seeing a stranger and not the person he used to know.
He would love to be able to help you, give you words of support and return that warm and bright personality that he liked, but he was not the one, he was never good at expressing his feelings, taking cautious steps around the people he loved, he always created a wall of separation just in case, he couldn't stand any more deaths of people he really likes because it will affect him too much if he gets close enough to open up.
Despite the time that had passed, the anger and pain remained within you as you remembered the grotesque scene of your sister being devoured, it made you feel dizzy and restless, you found that training harder to get rid of your discomfort was a small solution to your conflicting thoughts. No one used to bother you at these times since you used to choose the hours when fewer people could find you, however some idiots had to watch you release all your anger by cutting trees in one fell swoop and hitting them until you bled.
"Oh look, I didn't think people here took hand-to-hand training so seriously."
"Look at those muscles, what strength!"
"Yeah, the death of her sister made her like that, before she was a weak ass, even I could beat her in a fight! There are people who need some canonical event to evolve, not me of course…"
Your actions stopped when you heard something you didn't expect from a mate, something that burned you to the depths of your being, you looked at the three guys who stood looking at you with stupid smiles, waving as if you hadn't heard anything.
You dragged your dominant foot along the ground, taking a breath, your best fighting pose to jump and bite their necks off if someone didn't get ahead of you.
"People like you should be food for titans, who gives you the right to talk like that about someone higher in rank than you!? You should show some respect towards people! Go before the punishment I give you is worse than I have in mind."
You rolled your eyes, watching harshly as Levi kicked their asses, watching as the three boys trembled like a leaf, you didn't bother to thank him, nor make a gesture of thanks, returning to your training.
"And you, what do you think you're doing? I thought I had banned you from training until further notice."
You sighed, frowning at Levi, he approached you with a determined look, you intended to start a fight with him to determine your dominance, however, he still managed to stop you, winning in hand-to-hand combat. You shifted like a worm as he sat calmly on your back, his hands gripping yours firmly, frowning at the new wounds on your knuckles.
"I learned my lesson Levi, now get off me."
"You haven't learned shit, your actions give you away, you don't have to act like that with me, I know what you're trying to do."
You mumbled some curses, feeling your eyes watering, although you were now a harder and colder person, it was only to cover your true sensitive personality, that Levi knew how to see through you bothered you.
"Just leave me alone, I promise not to continue training, but let me go."
He sighed, slowly getting up but catching you before you ran away from him, grabbing your damaged hands carefully, avoiding your gaze, pulling you gently.
"I will let you go, but first we will heal these wounds, the next time you want to de-stress... know that my door is always open for you."
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mmadeinheavenn · 9 months
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transcript provided in alt text
-art of gabriel from TMC by wasabiiiladyy on twt
promo post?
hiii heyhey! Im Barbiel or Vivian, a median system
you may already know me from these dividers :]
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I specialize in uncommon media sources or aesthetics and accessibility, and am partial to horror. I can even make animated graphics! I use a variety of programs (mainly photopea, ezgif, csp and ibispaint) so there's not much I'm unable to do!
Ive been here a while, but I took a break and decided to revamp my blog.
interested? check my sentry for what I can do(link)! keep in mind we're a little slow due to chronic fatigue and ADHD.
@autibf @essthereal @honeystarcamper @digiboyz @horrorification @lavendergalactic aghh I cant think of anyone else but the more this spread the merrier so if you (the being reading this) could rb as well itd be delightful
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winterfleursblog · 1 month
Oh baby, but it's cold outside
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☆ Genre: Fluff
☆ Warnings: Just over fatigue !
☆ Pairing: Idol!Seungkwan x SoloArtist!reader
Reader is a solo artist, Seungkwan is ... Seungkwan. They met through promotions and being under the same entertainment. The two have been dating for three months now, but it seems like the reader still feels afraid of being vulnerable with him. These all changed due to a hectic day that 'took out' every last bit of energy from the reader.
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It's just a week before Christmas, but it didn't feel like it—you were still finishing promotion videos, recording special covers, and the like. Although doing this was something you enjoyed, you can't help but wish for rest ... even just for a day.
"Y/n, our last two takes are in 3 minutes, let's get prepared now" said your manager, quickly waking you up from your half-asleep state. Work began to be tiring after a month without breaks, and if your manager weren't watching, you would've escaped and went to your boyfriend's filming location to hug him as you listen to his daily stories.
Things took a turn for the worse. What you thought was a 5-minute take turned into 30 minutes.
"Try holding this flavor instead"
"Hmm... wouldn't this poster be better"
"Let's try a different dress, one that would suit the new flavor's vibe better"
The company you're endorsing for came unprepared, and now you had to deal with it. Although your inner monologue has been spitting out curses since they started making sudden changes, you remained calm and professional on the outside. Sooner after the shoot was done, it was time to go home to the one you loved the most.
You absolutely adore Seungkwan. If you could give him the universe, you would. And so it became a hobby of yours to care for him each day; make sure he never leaves on an empty stomach, pamper him with the things he needs when he's in a hectic schedule, and even massage his head when he's exhausted. None of those felt like chores to you, as they felt like privileges that God has given. Your love for your boyfriend was one that didn't expect anything in return.
However, your boyfriend loves you just as much as you do. He always tries to take you home safely by personally driving, and gives gifts (which he rarely does to others!).
This day had been a tiring one, and it has ended. Now all that's left is to go home and see the love of your life after war (a long day shooting).
After the 2-hour shoot, you open your phone to missed calls and unread messages from Seungkwan.
"Where are youuu?"
"Should I pick you up now?"
" :⁠-⁠[ "
Instantly, your face lights up.
"I'm sorry boo, schedule was tight, I couldn't read them earlier"
"I'm at XXX district, I'm about to go home, don't worry"
You pack your bags to set off to go home, 'til your phone vibrates again. Seungkwan has replied in an instant despite your hour-late reply.
"Okay, I'll come there :⁠^⁠) wait for me"
There it is again, your heart beating like crazy. Being practically half-asleep right now, you start wondering if you are dreaming; but thank the heavens, you aren't. A part of you wants to tell him not to come since it's already late and he too should get some sleep, but you yourself knew you couldn't go home at this state too.
While waiting for Seungkwan, your seniors pull you over and take you along.
"Hey, that's the last shoot for this month, let's go celebrate y/n"
"Oh come on, don't be such a kill joy"
In a matter of seconds, you find yourself dragged outside in the snow. It took all the energy you got to let go and reject their offer.
"Sorry, I really can't right now"
And then came a chorus of sighs, but it was inevitable. If you drunk now, you'd probably wind up dead tomorrow.
Out in the cold, you could no longer think straight. "Should I go back inside?" but the building is far from you now. "Where could seungkwan be?" and he has just started driving by now. "How longer will my eyes stay awake?" and you're basically sleep walking right now.
It was useless, all you could do is walk back to the building or else you'd freeze to death. Half-asleep, you start making your way back to where you were before getting dragged. With your state right now, one wrong step and you'd stumble on the snow. You start waking yourself by slapping your face, which barely made a difference. Suddenly you hear the a familiar car horn—it was Seungkwan.
He got out of the car and waved his hand to you.
Ah, it's that cute smile coupled with his chubby cheeks that made you fall for him.
The thing you so feared of happening, finally happened. You stumbled on snow and are now like a kid trying to make a snow angel. You could hear Seungkwan's giggles getting louder as he runs towards you.
"HAHAHA— are you— HAHAHA— okay?"
"you need some rest, let's go home"
You look at him with a sarcastic smile as he helps you up. As he glances at your face, his mocking slowly turns into concern.
The moment you sat on the passenger seat, you fell asleep. It was just a 10-minute ride home and you could've just waited, but the land of the dreams were already pulling you in.
Soon, you woke up to the sudden feeling of stopping. The moment you opened your eyes, it wasn't your apartment through the window that you saw; rather, your boyfriend's front camera snapping photos. He was taking selcas of you together while you were asleep.
Seeing you open your eyes, he immediately stopped giggling while posing and hid his phone.
"I saw that"
"I know you like my face so much, but can't you just wait until I wake up?"
There is it, your cocky tone that makes him flustered.
"Whatever...! We're home"
You step out of the car to battle again with your fatigue. Just like the usual night routine; half shower, change clothes, and the last thing—properly remove your makeup. They put on so much makeup on you earlier that it was so hard to remove. Thanks to 'that' company's indecisiveness, your makeup remover has now run out. With no options left, you go to Seungkwan's room.
"Kwan-ah, can I borrow your makeup remover?"
He pointed to where it is—just infront of the make up desk. His makeup desk was much grand compared to yours thanks to being an idol for longer, might as well remove your makeup in his room, too.
As you were removing your makeup, you were in your last straw—using up the last bits of energy and consciousness. The cold weather wasn't any help too, now that it is lulling you to sleep. Seungkwan was scrolling through his phone, but his attention was on you minutes later as you fell asleep on his desk.
"Aigo~ Y/n"
"You haven't finished yet, you'd irritate your skin if you sleep like that"
But his efforts were futile, you were already asleep.
He took matters to his own hands. Gently, he removed your makeup for you and cleaned up right after. Since you two sleep in different rooms (something YOU yourself wished for), Seungkwan was thinking whether or not to wake you up. A part of him felt scared of you getting uncomfortable sleeping in his bed, but another just wanted to cuddle with you and adore you as you sleep.
Amid all of this thinking, he didn't realise that his shuffling woke you up.
"Oh, sorry, did I fell asleep?"
"I'll go back now, goodnight baby"
It was one of the rare moments you were vulnerable, and he knew 'cause you started calling him "baby." Now flustered and desperate to adore you as you sleep, he started retaliating.
"Ah~ Why don't you stay here for the night? C'mon, you can't even walk"
At this point, you had no sense of rationality left in you, so you just spouted out the purest of your thoughts
"But I sleep really noisy, and I don't want you to see me in the morning bare faced"
"But I want tooo~"
Seungkwan was acting like a lovesick boy, despite the fact that you two had been dating for 3 months now.
"And I...I'm shy...to sleep in the same bed as 'THE' Seungkwan"
"I promise I won't do anything weird!"
You suddenly blush
"I-I know! That's not what I meant!"
You started thinking of excuses to escape the situation when the real reason was just that your heart races every time he was near. The fangirl in you still can't believe that you're dating him, and will probably become very clingy if you slept on the same bed. With your drunken-like state because of fatigue, you made the stupidest excuse ever known.
"But... it's warmer in my room"
"Oh baby, but it's cold outside"
He himself can't believe he said such words, and is now a blushing mess.
"...I meant, it's cold on the way to your...room"
Great, now you can no longer resist.
You finally sigh in defeat and put your weight on him though a hug. He quickly understood this and helped you walk towards the bed. The second you laid down, you start wondering why his bed was much comfortable than yours. Was it the matress? The sheets? Or was it simply him being there?
Those thoughts were dismissed once he started poking your cheeks and stroking your hair.
It was the first time in your life someone not your parents has done so, and you could no longer fight your intrusive thoughts. Suddenly you hug him tightly and act all clingy. He reciprocates anyways with a forehead kiss. You two are basically fools in love right now.
"I love you all the time, but I think I love you more when you're like this"
He didn't realise that you were asleep already, and he was basically talking to himself. Still, he continued hoping that his teasing will he heard in your dreams.
"You can't even stay awake for a whole minute, how can I trust you with 20 steps to your room?"
"Ah, you've been overworking again, I told you, you aren't going to lose popularity just because you haven't done a comeback in half a year!"
"Really, you're so stubborn"
"...and I love it, too"
A few moments later, he also drifted to sleep, and whole night was just you clinging to him like some sort of koala. He enjoyed this, though, and will now coax you everyday into cuddling with him until you both fall asleep.
Extras ; [the next day] !
The next day, he woke up first, and did what he's good at—taking photos of sleeping people. This time around, though, you didn't catch him. When you woke up, he was wearing a grin that looked like it told a thousand words. Was it a cocky, embarrassed, or smitten grin?
Your thoughts weren't composed yet right now, but as soon as you realised you were sleeping on the same bed, you sit up and panic.
"W-Why am I sleeping here?? Did I do anything crazy? Oh God"
Seungkwan giggled a bit at your actions, but immediately calmed you down by giving you a recap of what happened a few hours ago—just that, it's his version now.
"Well, you were soo tired and you basically wanted some cuddles from the most handsome man in existence, and so you asked me kindly if I could shower you with love. I didn't mind doing it at all since you asked nicely."
And there it is, he's starting to get cocky again. Luckily, you remembered last night because of his twisted story.
You were about to protest until his phone switched on for the morning alarm, and you saw his lock screen to be a collage of sleeping faces. What's worse? They're all pictures of you.
He tried to hide it but it was too late.
"Hm? What's that?"
"... Nothing ...."
Since he was caught red-handed anyways, he used it instead to tease you.
"Ah, how cute, I got a sleeping koala with me~ hehehe"
This obviously was embarrassing for you and it required drastic measures.
"Kwan-ah ... what do you want?"
Your tone was serious, and that took him aback.
"Hm? ... What I want...?"
"The latest American-style store or the hamburger shop down the road ... you name it..."
"...in exchange for ... changing your lock screen"
He suddenly burst out into laughter and started getting all demanding.
"Hmm... can I have both?"
You look at him with a defeated expression
"Well, I have two versions of the lockscreen, can't have one showing randomly, right?"
With your sleeping face getting exposed to the other members of seventeen on the line, you just follow his request. He ends up paying for the food anyways and turns the food hunt into a date.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello I AM ALIVE AGAIN ON TUMBLR but now writing for Seungkwan 😄 This fic is not proofread or what, PLEASE BEAR WITH ME !! thank you 😊🌸
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nishipostitz · 2 months
700 or so words, 4 min read
after a long day of fun activities, such as cafe hopping and playing bumper cars at the amusement park, you guys finally arrived home to slump on your couch. after ridding of your jackets and shoes, both of you dropped down to the coffee table on the floor by the couch, not making it to the couch because of how tired you guys were from such an eventful day. your feet were so sore from walking all over that you guys couldnt walk back home and had to catch an overpriced uber. it was a relief, or else youd both call off of work tomorrow due to the fatigue. yet you couldnt realllyy blame anyone else because you were quite obstinate on playing the whole day to take advantage of your time together. youll keep a mental note to do a spa day as a date next time. finding the strength, suna got up from his spot on the floor to fetch some drinks from the fridge. “ah, refreshing!” you say as you took a sip, imitating the tiktok audio. suna smiled at you and squeezed your cheeks. how you both managed to stay awake was questionable. after your continuous rounds of roller coasters and playing all sorts of fair games, you still had some energy. you snuggled up against suna’s shoulder on the floor and glanced at one of your photos on display. and you had an idea. “suna hold on a sec, turn on the tv but dont pick anything yet, ill brb” and you scurried away to your room. suna was too tired to question so he only did what you requested. you came back to your spot with a basket of old films and videos/recordings. “these are ancient, you brought them with you when you moved out?” suna was surprised. “well they werent gonna be used at my parents’ anyways. and who knows, maybe we could watch some!” you smiled. and like that, he felt butterflies in his stomach. you guys have known each other for so long and dated for so long, but you still have the same effect on him. you rummaged through and found old recordings of your childhood. “wasnt that when we entered primary school? you were crying that day because we werent in the same class! you even tried to bribe someone to switch classes with you” your face reddened. you were so attached to suna at such a young age, and him bringing those memories back was a little bit embarrassing. “well i got over it didnt i? i survived. and besides, we saw each other at every break anyways!” you respond. you connected the film with the tv and enjoyed your old times with suna. you both had grown up with each other and experienced your whole life together. the proximity only made you both realize the mutual yearning and took the risky move of going out. safe to say youre both happier and more open with each other after you started dating 5 years ago. ending the night with a memory marathon was relaxing as it was nostalgic. you both giggled and cringed at the variety of clips. “i cant believe you were already looking at me with heart eyes since junior high! look its so evident in your eyes!” you say to suna as youre watching. in the video, you were both only 13 and performing a little skit to convince your parents to let you have a sleepover. and suna was on the side waiting for his turn, but he looked at you with so much love. he knew couldnt deny, he had liked you for so long, it turned into love not long after. he fell first but you fell harder. he just shrugged and squeezed you closer to his side. with refreshing drinks, and a warm atmosphere, both you and suna dozed off as the comforting silence cradled you both to sleep. after such a long day, you were still able to relax and enjoy it with suna. your very first friend, best friend, first love, and last love. its your biggest wish to stay like this with him forever until the end, because no one else made you feel so loved and warm inside.
stop why am i in love with suna
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Vox biology headcanons I mentioned last time, because why tf not
• Vox has 2 brains Well, only technically. He has hardware needed to power a TV in his TV head and an actual, human brain just below his head, somewhere along high-chest level. The actual biological spine starts just under where the neck part of it would end, but instead of there being unsupported nothingness, there's a fucking metal spine that fills in the void. A bunch of wires extend from the hardware, forming a sort of secondary nervous system, allowing Vox to do all his tech bullshit.
The thickest of the wires runs all the way down Vox's spine and exits in the place where the tailbones would usually be, succesfully forming a tail. The tail actually can extend about 2 meters (or 6ft), but about half of it is tucked away inside his body. He can roll up the tail to about 25 cm (3ft : 4, 3/4 of a foot ig?) or extend it up to the afformentioned 2m/6ft. It's mainly used to be able to move around while charging or to be able to find a chargeport from the comfy spaces to sit.
Vox's tail is shaped like your standard computer charger, with the end being a B-type plug used in the US (due to him being American while alive). It is, as mentioned before, not actually a tail, but, rather a charging cable. After updating his head to a newer, more energy-consuming model it just appeared one day. As stated in previous hc's, Vox needs both sleep and charging, and here I explain why.
Basically, charging is for his hardware, and without it he can't do all his tech bullshit, overheats a lot and generally enters a state that is most simmilar to the flu. He also experiences problems with his display due to the hardware powering it literally dying.
Now, sleep in needed for his human brain. Without sleep he will show typical symptoms of a person who hasn't fucking slept in a while. What's suprising is that he won't notice for a while, since his biological NS (nervous system) will use the energy of his mechanical NS to stay alive (and vice versa!), but before the 'no sleep' symptoms set in, he'll have trouble with his memory due to the lack of sleep, which makes it unable for his short-term memory to be transfered to his long-term memory, and his ADHD making the whole short-term memory shit even worse. (Yes, he does have ADHD; will be explained in another post)
When Alastor dissapeared, Vox put himself on the amazing "23h work day" schedule and allowed himself one hour of charging time. Due to sufficient charging, his symptoms of lack of sleep were limited to shitty memory and light chronic fatigue, which kept progressively getting worse each year that Alastor was gone, but Vox substitued sleep and combatted his symptoms with...!!! (drumroll please!)
A shit ton of energy drinks, coffee (both drink and powder) and sugar mixed together into an unholy mixture that no other denizen of Hell nor Heaven would dare to touch with a 300m/900ft pole
So when Alastor returned to find his bf/husband barely alive (or, well, as alive as a demon can be) he analyzed his schedule and proceeded to seduce/force Vox into taking a week-long break to get some motherfucking sleep for once. Vox then proceeded to not be able to sleep on the first day and then completely crashing and sleeping about 60 hours straight (gay) on days 2-4. Alastor basically wandered around, cuddled Vox and was happy that his masterplan worked. After trying to make up for as much missed sleep as he could, Vox woke up, ate like 5 kg of spaghetti (Al was in the mood for pasta), drank like three big-ass bottles of water (about 4,5 liters), went to the bathroom and took an hour-long shower, after whichhe crashed back too sleep for another 12 hours before he stopped the sleep fest.
Alastor was both concerned and impressed at that, since that's a lot of fucking spaghetti, but also that's almost certainly more water than the average demon is supposed to drink per day.
In the end they went on a date and just chilled for the remaining time and Alastor made Vox a new, 6 hour work plan and he would't take 'no' for an answer.
(credits to @deppresion-soup for the tail thing and most of the Radiostatic bonus. It was their idea, I just kinda changed and expanded it in the 1:35 AM rush) (PS they have an amazing fic on ao3 with two-sided radiostatidc for once)
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