#(cause it's basically the third time the cast talks about stuff like this)
scarefox · 9 months
THHeadline X PLAYBOYY THE SERIES | Exclusive Interview
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stone-stars · 5 months
Zirk: But I know this much, Mom, I-- I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make it real. I've got a couple leads, I've got more knowledge than I've ever had, I learned a lot while I was away. I think I know how to make the All-Cure Elixir. It's gonna take a lot of work, like you said, and… I don't know if I can do it on my own, but I also don't know if I can trust you to help me. Caldwell: Um, while I'm working on this, I think that the way that this kind of-- the way that this looks visually is I'm… basically crafting like a metal music cylinder. [Murph: Mm!] 'Cause I feel like one of the things that this needs in addition to like, the complex spell work to cure wounds but also hold a body in stasis, kind of using some of Fia's time magic, is some sort of like… beacon. And I think that, as opposed to like the single chime of a bell, it needs almost like-- a song. And as I'm like tinkering with this I turn to Hank and I say-- Zirk: Hank, that song you sang about Ill Luck Henry. That-- that was like a sea shanty, right? Henry: Yeah, yeah that's right. Zirk: Do you know any other sea shanties? I just need something that could maybe… help a soul find its way back. Caldwell: Zirk reaches into his pocket. And he pulls out a golden cylinder with little notches on it. And around that cylinder is wrapped a scroll with the instructions on it for how to replicate the Revivify spell. He presses it into Henry's hands, and then puts Fia's hands on top of that. Henry: Hey. You're the doctor, buddy. What are ya-- What are we gonna do with this? This-- Fia: Mister Zirk-- Zirk: Sometimes-- Fia: Mister Zirk we can handle her. We really can. Zirk: Sometimes you think that you're the ending of the equation, but in reality you're just the messenger. You're just there to get it to the right hands. It's been an honor being a Third Mate. Murph: So, Fia, Zirk gave you the stuff for Revivify. This is a near impossible task, the spell has not been cast in forever, normally this would be a DC 30, the DC for something that's near impossible, but since Zirk took it down 5 levels from level 9 to level 4, we'll take 5 off of it and make it a DC 25 arcana check. Emily: I got a fucking 27 right off the fucking bat. [Everyone laughs in relief.] Emily: Oh I didn't even [rolls] technically a 28. Murph: A 28. Caldwell: Oh, yeah. [Sighs in relief] Okay. Okay. Murph: Um, you see Fia goes over, reads-- reads the um, spell that Zirk has put together. Um, and for the first time since Old Zelbuldar was banished, a Revivify spell is cast. Um, you guys see Zirk on the ground, whose body has frozen… Zirk as you died, you felt like-- as if you had like hypothermia. You felt like, a warmth, and you just went to sleep, and then all of a sudden [gasps] you come back. [Zirk coughs. He continues gasping and coughing as Fia talks.] Emily: You wake up to me crying just being like-- Fia, distraught: It should've been you casting this spell. Why is it me? It should've been you, you did all this fucking work, for what? Me to waltz in and fucking do it? Henry: It works! Hey, it works! Fia: It should have been fucking you! It should have been fucking you! Henry: Hey-- Open you-- Open your eyes, Fia. Fia: What? Henry: It-- you did it Zirk. The All-Cure. [Fia breathes heavily, relieved.] Zirk, weakly: They should call you… Doctor Fia. [Henry and Fia laugh.] Fia: I am not accredited. [Caldwell and Murph laugh.]
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the-ghost-bracket · 1 year
Noah Czerny propaganda:
"Noah has been dead for 7 years by the time the story starts, and no one knows it. Not even the two friends he literally lives with. They just assume he doesn't eat in front of people and doesn't share classes with them. He was a failed sacrifice to a magic forest and the forest keeps him alive cause his body was left to rot in the forest, and since the forest experiences time differently so does he. He knows a whole bunch of stuff like secrets that haven't been shared and events that haven't happened yet because for him everything happens at once/in a circle. He died as a teenager, so he's kinda stuck in the teenager phase, and he still does dumb stuff like building ramps to drive cars off of. He's described as "less" now that he's dead. It's talked about by people who knew him when he was alive that Noah was cheerful and full of life and joyful and a jokester, but Noah as a ghost is quiet and shy and almost a completely different person because he lost so much of himself when he died.
This next part is confusing, but I'm going to try and explain it as best as possible.
Basically, 7 years ago, when Noah died, this other guy Gansey, who is one of the main characters also died. Gansey however, was brought back to life by what he thought was a magic king who was buried underground. Gansey spent the next 7 years searching for this king. He was obsessed and he thought it was his duty and his destiny to find the king. Long story short, it turns out the king was actually dead underground and had been dead for a while.
It wasn't the king who brought Gansey back to life - it was noah.
Noah as a ghost went back in time to the moment he died - aka the moment Gansey died - and sacrificed his spirit so that Gansey could live, whispering to Gansey that he was the dead king and therefore setting Gansey on his path to find the king. Because of this, Noah's ghost technically never existed, and Gansey and the others technically never met him, meaning they don't remember him. NOAH GAVE HIS LIFE SO GANSEY COULD LIVE AND I'M NEVER GONNA BE OVER THAT."
"- Noah isn't revealed as a ghost until the end of the book/series
- Most characters are unaware that Noah is a ghost, and when he disappears, they assume that's just a Noah thing
- Noah uses this to his advantage and just fucks off whenever it's uncomfortable or people need him, though sometimes he can't control this
- Noah stays true to Ghosting and permanently disappears at the end of the series
- Got bludgeoned to death with his skateboard I think? might've made that up but i think it adds points for Tony Hawkness
- His death is linked with another character: that character SHOULD have died, but because Noah was murdered at the same time on a ley line, their fates swapped (life/death)
- Had to die in his school uniform :(
- The cast also don't notice he died in his school uniform and assumed he just wore it all the time for some reason
- When connecting with one of the characters through their energy, Noah is clearly more energised, meaning his Ghostness really kills his personality too
- Canonically a Sk8r boy"
"sometimes he relives his death and isn't really aware of that fact. he is very sweet and keeps secrets and is still a third dimensional character even if he can't really interact with many people/things"
"“Oh! Your hand is cold."" Ashley cupped her fingers against her shirt to warm them.
""I've been dead for seven years,"" Noah said. ""That's as warm as they get.” "
"he's dead The Whole Time but his friends love him so much!!! he might be a bit smudgy and confused but he's still just a sweet boy!"
"This boy!!! He is a ghost that just kinda pops up sometimes and his friends are just kinda like “oh hey Noah.” He is so lovely and also his life is tied to a sentient forest that his best friend sacrificed him to. He is always kind to his friends and is a little jokester and is basically the best I love him :)))"
"Please I named myself after him"
"The sweetest boy who was murdered by his friend in an attempted human sacrifice. Lowkey the funnies character in the series if you appreciate dark humor. Sacrifices himself in order to save his friend. All around the best boy."
"He’s been dead for 7 years but when he tells his friends that they just think he’s being #relatable (until they find his skeleton). He was murdered by his high school best friend as part of a failed sacrifice to awaken a ley line and the ley line was basically like damn what a shitty deal here why don’t you be friends with the guys who are gonna wake me up properly. At one point his spirit starts to degrade and it’s all very sad and I’m pretending it didn’t happen."
"He's just my boy. He's sometimes in a trance replaying his own death. He has a stain on his cheek where his head was bashed in. He's sometimes corporeal and sometimes not, sometimes he just communicates through vibes alone or flickerin lights (peak ghost shit). His first line in the series is how he died, but everybody thinks it's a joke. The MC sometimes acts as a living battery for him and he's her first kiss (she was prophecised that her first love will die if she kisses him, so why not kiss a dead guy?)
He kinda gets excluded a bit from the main squad because he's nonexistant from time to time, which is bullshit. Justice for Noah!!!"
"Noah’s literal first line of dialogue is “I’ve been dead for seven years”. Despite this and many other comments about being dead, his friends (two of whom he lives with) believe him to be their normal alive schoolmate right up until Gansey finds his corpse in the woods.
Anyway on a more serious note Noah’s role in the narrative is so cool. At the start he’s very bright and present but as the series continues and he fades from the living world he fades from the narrative too. Depending on where you began the story (quote that’s repeated a lot in the series), it starts with Noah Czerny. Dying on the ley line when he should not, so Gansey lives when he should not. Literally in the end he gets goes back to kickstart the whole story by setting Gansey on the path to Henrietta I love him."
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scummrevisited · 29 days
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tumblr wouldn't let me answer this directly so screencap it is hey anon this answer got way too long so i'll put everything under the cut. how could you tell i have an autism diagnosis, contains major spoilers for tales of monkey island. i already talked abt the events often on my blog but jic DHFG
monkey island? well the first 4 games are just. decent stuff happening, funny protagonist guybrush threepwood just does his silly adventures, not much angst happening there really, some dialogue and events can be interesting to analyze in serious contexts but theyre not really meant to be taken serious, for those 4 games i'll group em together as a 4. not that much going on but theres a few tense moments, but again, not meant to be taken super seriously, i will note in the third game elaine gets turned into a golden statue which logically worries him a lot but once again. not meant to be taken as super tragic angst, another note is at the ending of monkey island 2 where guybrush gets repeatedly stabbed and otherwise hurt via a voodoo doll, the animations accompanied with it look quite painful so i'll give MI2 a 4 for overall and 8 for the ending puzzle
tales of monkey island however? ysee. the first chapter already starts out strong with the fact that. guybrush's left hand is infected by a weird possessive pox he caused. so theres some guilt in there even though hes very stubborn abt the fact he didn't truly cause it, even though he did. but this doesn't go in very deep so i wouldn't take it as real angst yet. his hand is now possessed and sometimes acts on its own and its more geared towards humor, but occasionally has more distressing moments. and it seems like this was gonna be a bit of a bigger plot point? but his hand gets cut off at the start of chapter 2 and its not rlly touched on again HDCFVG
chapters 2 and 3 are decent. there's some moments that touch more on guybrush's character compared to the previous 4 games but i wouldn't say a heavily lot happens, i will say though theres moments where guybrush's worry for elaine being infected by the pox is touched on.
chapter 4.. lord, its basically a whole court room thing a la ace attorney. and its touched on all what guybrush caused. but its more cartoonish and illogical which is kind of what the whole thing is about. those charges are in fact stupid. however in the later parts of the chapter it gets more touched on the actual nasty things he did especially once elaine gets in the courtroom. like yep guybrush youre stupid as hell and causing a lot of problems for everyone. this does get into the realm of angst at times which is true, but not the juice of the series yet, as the chapter goes on however, one of the main cast characters thats been with you since the second third and fourth chapters, morgan leflay, straight up dies. and you find her corpse within one of the rooms and its eeringly silent, only ambience no music, it is in fact a rather touching moment and guybrush himself is rather very distressed about it. this is where the real angst begins and a tonal shift has happened. and really lets you set in that yes, characters do in fact die in a non humor way here. and yes, guybrush gets to realize that no one lives forever
ysee the tonal shift is already felt well throughout, you get to the last puzzle of chapter 4 and all goes well its ending with a classic catch up story cutscene, lechuck whos been turned into a human shows up, fun talks until… lechuck just stabs guybrush straight through the heart. where guybrush says his last words to elaine and he dies. like not even a gotcha fake death hes just actually dead. the chapter ends there.
chapter 5 revolves around guybrush being in the afterlife, he awakens as a ghost in the afterlife, with holding something in his pocket known as the last shred of life. ysee you carry something with you in the afterlife you were truly clutching onto when dying, which differs from every character in the afterlife. you make your way through the afterlife where you meet morgan! which really sets in the fact they both truly Died. and also dabbles more in their relationship! talks of death and how guybrush can still enter the mortal realm bc of his last shred of life, which morgan can't. it does get dabbled with there.
ysee you finally meet elaine again! but youre a ghost! and lechuck is there! and lechuck manages to persuade elaine into becoming his demon bride basically turning her evil. and she straight uses the rootbeer concoction to straight up "kill" ghost guybrush sending him back to the afterlife, which is actually a reference to the first game! where guybrush manages to do the exact same thing to a different ghost. so thats a role reversal for sure. the animation of guybrush being zapped with it looks rather painful too. then you manage to find your own corpse again. which you have to repossess. and you manage that and thus walk around as an undead zombie of some kind. you're finally able to confront lechuck again and he uhh. straight up grabs guybrush by the neck and lifts him up and gets real threatening and uh. punches him. aggressively. straight up beats him up like i'm legit not exaggerating he fucking beats him up.
ysee this is the last puzzle of tales chapter 5. it plays off of the last puzzle formula in the previous games, where your always taken around locations in a timed manner out of ur control. ysee what tales did with this formula is that the way guybrush gets sent to a different location is that he gets fucking punched or kicked there and guybrush sounds like hes in PAIN. theres even a voiceline literally saying hes bleeding. he's absolutely miserable and can barely make his usual funny comments anymore, and still tries to make funny quips but is interrupted by pain or by getting punched. at some point he's literally keelhauled. eventually when you finish the puzzle you sacrifice the last shred of life and youre.. at first suggested to be stuck forever in the afterlife. you sacrificed your last shred of life thus have no way to be in the mortal realm again. and its fucking eerie, much like when you find morgans corpse, the last section of the game finds you at the crossroads unable to go to any other room, no music playing, and pure ambience. it was fucking jarring. eventually you just use the ring on the crossroads and guybrush gets a happy end by being fully back to life as a living humen being but uhh. yeah he went through it. he fucking did dude.
so tales of monkey island? the first 4 chapters i'd say about a 6 bc yeah its silly but the stakes are a bit higher, chapter 4's ending + most of chapter 5 is definitely an 8. and the final puzzle a fucking 10 bc jesus christ man
i haven't played return to monkey island yet so i cannot judge that one just yet, and i'd prefer no spoilers, i'm planning to play return after i finish escape.
i was gonna write about nelson tethers too but i ran out of energy a bit so, anon expect a reblog of this post abt nelson too soon bc man he's fucking going through it as well
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sapphicfloyrid · 4 months
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I’m the owner of this account (soup/soul/floyd/riddle)! I will be using this account to post mainly about the popular TWST ship of Floyd Leech X Riddle Rosehearts known as Florid!
I will use this account to post rants, headcanons and art too! Along with some edits I have of the ship featuring other ships as well!
This account as inspired by my friend @dailymalleidia/@dracxxnia so please do go check them out!
I’d also be happy to answer any questions and common misconceptions about the ship too! Along with your guys headcanons!
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I’m a lesbian, thus explaining the name “sapphicfloyrid”! If me talking about this ship a lot seems odd or fetishy, please do let me know!
I’m also on the aroace spectrum (I’m nebularomantic and asexual) and under the trans umbrella (gender apathetic)
I use she/he/they pronouns + some neos and xenos (void/soul/it)!
I’m neurodivergent! I have (diagnosed) adhd and autism and currently as of now, TWST is a hyperfixation for me atm!
I will be posting my strong opinions and feelings about certain stuff (which I already do) related to Floyrid and the fandom! I also tend to miss social cues at times and get easily distracted so please bear with me.
I’m also a minor! In high school rn so I’m very weary of adults talking to me in DMs so please do keep that mind!
There are times when I don’t know how to respond to DMs or don’t have the energy/am overwhelmed so please don’t get upset with me (; ̄Д ̄)
My favs are Floyd, Riddle, Jade, Azul, Sebek, Ortho and Deuce! I also have other ships besides Florid like Idiazul, Mallekei, Vilrook, Adeuce and Treyjade! I also like to indulge in rarepairs (*´▽`*) This blog will be centered on only Florid though!
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Do not try to change my opinions at all unless what I say it completely incorrect.
Don’t shit on my hcs unless they seem really really ooc
Do not be weird with me. Especially if you’re an adult. I’m an ace minor and it makes me uncomfortable!
Do not ask me to make nsfw hcs of Floyd and Riddle. Or of any TWST minors/characters. I have the public decency not to be weird. I do make dirty jokes about some characters but not if they’re minors.
Don’t come on my blog if you’re gonna spew bullshit about Florid being “toxic” or whatever the hell. I have debunked it before and made multiple paragraphs and posts about it not being abusive or any of the sorts before.
Don’t force me to have a conversation with you in DMs. I will get tired and uncomfortable.
No Yandere shit at all. I will not hesitate to block you if you ask me for that.
Please be aware that I am not a fujoshi. I use the term himejoshi (which is a girl who indulges heavily in gl/yuri) but never the term fujoshi. If you compare me to a fujoshi or call me one with no reason, you’re gonna be blocked.
Use tone tags with me!
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18+ only accounts cause I’m gonna automatically assume you’re a creep if you’re an nsfw account interacting with a MINOR. Extra weird if you’re a TWST nsfw account considering like 90% of the cast are minors.
This should be obvious but people who sexualize the TWST minors (first years and 2nd years) ESPECIALLY Floyd. Floyd is one of my top favs and somewhat of a comfort (his nd traits) so seeing him get sexualized really irks me badly.
Florid haters. You’re on a blog about them.
Proshippers (I.e Lilia x the students, Leechcest, Shroudcest, Leoruggie and any Leona X anyone who isn’t a third year ship)
Jamikali/Leomal/Rollomal shippers or just rollo defenders
Mlm/wlw fetishizers
People who dumb down Malleus to some “hot dragon dom” or call him a “thirsty Yuu simp”
Homophobes/transphobes + racists + Zionists + ableists
“Lesboys”/straightbians/gaybians/bi-lesbians as a lesbian under the trans umbrella, these are not valid
Endogenic systems
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#🌹ᰔ🦈 (main tag)
#📨⚡️ (asks)
#🍓🎨 (art)
#⤿reblogs ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
#🦈❤︎🌹 (skits)
#🌹 » 🦈 (headcanons)
#𓏲 ๋ rants⋆.˚♡
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imakemywings · 1 year
Hey, were you the one who posted how Maglor himself thought the oath and kinslayings were such evil acts? If so, how come there are those who still believe the second and third kinslaying is justified when Maglor himself thought it to be such an evil deed? I really need like a solid reasoning cause I was talking to someone who still believes the kinslayings were justified/needed and doesn't take my "murder is wrong" thing as a reason lol
That was indeed my post! If we're thinking of the same one. I've definitely made a post like that.
I mean I don't really know what to say besides "murder is wrong" lol If we can't agree on that um. I don't really know where we go.
The argument in favor of the kinslayings that I've seen usually boils down to property rights. Because the Silmarils are the rightful (and that's honestly debatable) property of the Feanorians, anyone who keeps the Silmarils from them deserves what they get, basically.
Which is. Kind of bonkers as a moral philosophy, even if you DO buy that the Feanorians have an uncontested right to the Silmarils. #1: We're punishing theft or conversion with DEATH now? That's acceptable to us? #2: The harm the Feanorians caused went far beyond the individual who possessed the Silmaril (Dior in the Second Kinslaying and Elwing in the Third). Even if Dior had taken that Silmaril right out of Maedhros' hand and spit in his eye on the way out it wouldn't justify the wholesale slaughter of an entire kingdom. They literally murdered children over things. Items. Stuff. Magical cool stuff yeah--but they valued it over lives. Does anyone honestly think Tolkien would have written a story agreeing with that as a moral view?
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." (Thorin's final words, The Hobbit)
I don't know how you look at Maedhros and Maglor--the ONLY two of SEVEN sons to survive through the Third Kinslaying--and think THEY think they did the right thing. Five of their brothers have now died in assaults on other Elves which they began. Maglor argues for breaking the oath there, he resists Maedhros' drive to the Fourth Kinslaying (until he doesn't), and at the end of it all, he throws his precious Silmaril into the sea. Maedhros kills himself over it. These are not the actions of people who feel GOOD about where their lives have gone and the actions they've taken. Tolkien is so blatantly obvious about the Feanorians being in the wrong it's always a little wild to me that the KINSLAYINGS get defended.
On the note of the Fourth Kinslaying, let's not forget that: That after everything, after the War of Wrath is over and everyone is ready to go home and see their families and be at peace, a whole group of Elves get murdered by Maglor and Maedhros again over the Silmarils. A group--Eonwe's guard--of people who had survived a war with MORGOTH die because Maedhros and Maglor weren't willing to break their oath.
An oath which Tolkien casts as wicked from the very start--something that was always likely to bring them to evil acts.
"Then Feanor swore a terrible oath. His seven sons leapt straightway to his side and took the selfsame vow together, and red as blood shone their drawn swords...and many quailed to hear the dread words." ("Of the Flight of the Noldor," The Silmarillion)
Furthermore, as Dior points out in some versions outside Silm proper, at the time the Second Kinslaying is committed, Melkor still has two of the Silmarils. Even if Dior had handed over Luthien's Silmaril--to the people who had kidnapped and attempted to forcibly marry and presumably rape his mom; and also tried to murder her and his father later on--the oath is still not fulfilled, because Melkor has two.
The fact that the Feanorians choose to pursue Luthien's Silmaril with violence and bloodshed rather than make a go at the two that Melkor has has always revealed their hypocrisy to me. They chose Luthien's Silmaril because they knew it would be easier to get than the ones that Melkor has. Easier to kill other Elves if they don't give you what you want, than to attack or infiltrate Angband. Even now, when they know it's possible--because Beren and Luthien did it, and they had FAR fewer resources at hand than the Feanorians (and for the record, Fingon also successfully infiltrated Angband; Gwindor and others have successfully escaped from Angband)--they choose to slay other Elves instead. Say again the Second Kinslaying was "necessary"?
This is how Tolkien describes the attack on the Havens:
"And so there came to pass the last and cruelest of the slayings of Elf by Elf; and that was the third of the great wrongs achieved by the accursed oath. For the sons of Feanor that yet lived came down suddenly upon the exiles of Gondolin and the remnant of Doriath, and destroyed them." ("Of the Voyage of Earendil," The Silmarillion)
Does this description sound like people taking justified action? And let's not forget, in this battle, the Feanorians' own troops are so horrified by their actions that they turn against them.
"In that battle some of their [the Feanorians'] people stood aside, and some few rebelled and were slain upon the other part aiding Elwing against their own lords...Too late the ships of Cirdan and Gil-galad the High King came hasting to the aid of the Elves of Sirion; and Elwing was gone, and her sons." ("Of the Voyage of Earendil," The Silmarillion)
Members of the Feanorians' own people find their actions so terrible they cannot simply join those who stand by and refuse to attack the Havens, but they actively join the fight on the side of the Havens. Moreover, the heroic Gil-galad arrives intending to stop the Feanorians and aid the Havens. Sure, he arrives too late--but his intent is made clear: the Feanorians are the villains here, who need to be stopped.
And I don't think it is uncontested that the Silmarils belong to the Feanorians. For one, they were created entirely and only by Feanor; none of his sons had anything to do with it. And for two, the universe itself has deemed by the end that the Feanorians no longer have a property right in them, when the Silmarils burn the hands of Maedhros and Maglor because of all the evil they've committed. The jewels themselves will not be touched by these people who have done so much wrong. Eonwe tries to warn them about this before they even commit the Fourth Kinslaying.
"And they [Maedhros and Maglor] sent a message therefore to Eonwe, bidding him yield up those jewels...But Eonwe answered that the right to the work of their father, which the sons of Feanor had formerly possessed, had now perished, because of their many and merciless deeds, being blinded by their oath, and most of all because of their slaying of Dior and the assault upon the Havens." ("Of the Voyage of Earendil," The Silmarillion [emphasis added])
Like...I don't know how the book could be more clear that the Kinslayings were wrong and that Maedhros and Maglor were in the wrong.
I think fans are so invested in the Feanorians they're willing to bend over backwards to find some view where they didn't actually commit horrific war crimes and were in fact in the right. But that's just not the story Tolkien wrote. Also, you can like them and still admit they did horrible things. You are allowed to like characters who are in the wrong!
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So Doof in Milo Murphy's Law?
In general, I think Doof was as funny as he always was. He's just a disaster of a man with few social skills. He sometimes seems a bit more annoying or inconsiderate than he used to be, though I'm pretty sure the reason for this is Doof in Phineas and Ferb hardly interacts with anyone but Perry, who doesn't talk, mostly in his apartment where his behavior doesn't really bother anyone else. Doof DOES have a full fledged supporting cast so to speak (Vanessa, Norm, Charlene, Roger, OWCA, LOVE MUFFIN), but their interactions often just set up an episode or close out an episode. Not to say he doesn't have storylines where he interacts with other characters, and Norm is around often, but that's not where he spends his time. And those characters he does interact with are usually foiled to him in some notable way. I think the only human characters he interacts with for more than a few lines at a time with are Major Monogram (who is a "good" guy but a bit of an asshole, who has a natural chemistry than , Rodney, who often specifically riles Doof up, and Vanessa whose issues with her dad is central to many of her stories and has a lot of patience for him. And the kids on occasion, where I think we see many of the same problems of his Milo Murphy's Law presence. Where he's basically the kids peer and is often called out for his ridiculousness, and irritates a lot of people. There are characters Doof bounces off wonderfully and characters he just doesn't. Orton Mahson, yes. Sara, Not so much.
It's just that in MML, he's regularly interacting with people so his inability to function is affecting people beyond his immediate family. It's a bit less funny when he's actually interacting with people who don't deserve the problems he's causing. Or who aren't on some level, obligated to deal with it. His behavior is just constant Agent Doof/At2D behavior, but its now directed at characters who shouldn't have to put up with his nonsense. And it's also a little bit Doof is in a context different than the one we saw him than during PnF. He's not as certain about who he is. He's lacking a solid goal. Despite sounding like I'm complaining, I don't really mind all that so to speak. I mean, he was pretty good in the Phineas and Ferb effect in my opinion precisely because he had Orton Mahlson and Cavendish to bounce off of. Doof's still funny, he's still got heart. But I think it just makes the actual problem worse.
Which is that it split S2's focus. S1 heavily focused on Milo and friends, with the pistachio stuff mostly going on in the background until it became actually important. 2 plot lines (not unlike PnF). But Season 2 added a third arc in addition to the Alien arc that replaced the time travel arc, Doof's professor time arc. And while it paralleled Cavendish and Dakota's, it still took up time. I didn't really dislike any of it per se. But it was taking significant time away from Milo, and to a certain extent the dynamics we could have between Milo characters. I don't necessarily have a problem with the episodes, its just between Milo and Gang, Cavendish's escapades, Doof was just too much. We know (due to all the failed backdoor pilots in PnF S4), that they wanted to continue Doof's story. Between Doof 101 and the OWCA Files, they were clearly been thinking about a Doof who is figuring out how to be good for a while. And Doof, DID have room to grow. I do completely agree with giving Doof an arc. But ultimately Doof is a character who is far more funny when he's diluted by other shenanigans, or has good people to bounce off, and Milo's less erratic formula didn't dilute him too much. What I mean by that is we didn't have B (and C) plots the way we did in Phineas. I LOVE Doof, let me make that clear, he was always a delight, but I think I speak for most of us when I say I didn't love Doof enough to give up limited Milo time for him.
Phineas and Ferb had like 65 episodes in its first two seasons alone while Milo Murphy's Law had 40 episodes total. And Doof was a main character in at least 8 segments. Which may not sound like a lot, but half of those episodes didn't feature Milo. He also featured as a major character in several others. And unlike PnF where most segments were shared with the Flynn-Fletcher's escapades, when Doof gets a segment, he's often its sole focus. I genuinely think cutting down a few of the more repetitive Doof episodes or giving them Milo centric B-plots could have done a world of good. That said, I just don't care that much about Doof's middle aged drama compared to the kids shenanigans.
So ultimately I have extremely mixed feelings on it. I do love Doof. Him being professor time and Cavendish's hero, Cavenpuss, his role in helping the kids with the aliens. All great. But I admit. I don't watch the episodes featuring him nearly as much as I do the ones that are just about him and Perry's drama. I think it was something Dan and Swampy cared about. And I respect that. I get it. I could never hate it. But Milo and his friends are great characters who easily can carry half a show, and their extended cast are incredibly engaging. Between the rest of the Murphy family and the rest of the middle school there was plenty of story opportunities. Not to mention Melissa and Zack's families (we never meet Zack's younger siblings, despite their existence being confirmed). I think we all wanted to see something new.
I think none of the episodes featuring Doof were particularly bad but they all together did felt a bit repetitive when the unexplored potential of Milo was right there. I enjoyed Doof's presence in pretty much any episode where Milo and his friends also played a role, because his presence felt beneficial to the story. I liked Doof in the finale for example. But I also can't help but feel that I would have rather had characters like Amanda and Sara in it, characters who were a lot more relevant to Milo, even if Doof was a delight. But when Milo dipped out of an episode to focus on Doof that was a huge problem.
And usually I love episodes which let's us explore new dynamics. And let's make it clear, I like Adventure Buddies. But did we really need it. Maybe if Milo got another season. Because that seems like the exact kind of episode that would have come out of season 3 or 4 of Phineas and Ferb, when they had already worked through a lot of the more expected combinations and started experimenting with weirder stuff. That's when we started getting, all the AU versions of the gang, the episodes that shuffled up the cast and status quo in more unusual ways, and while those are some of my favorite episodes, I feel they only worked because of how much we already had.
There are definitely a few episodes I would cut, or at least would have demoted to B plots of some other episode. But ultimately, Doof's journey was clearly a story they so desperately wanted to tell, and he is, for the most part, a delight. I can't imagine cutting him out of Milo Season 2 altogether. It's such an important piece of Doof lore that I would hate to lose. But I mourn the loss of Milo (and Cavendish and Dakota) episodes even more. I really do have mixed feelings about it. And I can only hope that Milo & co make their way into the new PnF seasons.
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I wanna rant about my opinions on certain characters and aphmaus own character (mainly the cast of the "smp") this may be garbled since im just going off whats on my mind rn
SMP and OG series talk
Now Im not the biggest fan of mystreet, but im not a hater, i think its og first three seasons are fine (third seasons plot was straight ass through) but after season 4 and all the multiverse and mcd and mystreet worlds are in the same timeline thing, kinda made things werid
(especially with season 4 oh my god wtf was that)
But now that i see how those characters are used now.....for fucking cocomau content...
...I can't really give mystreet shit cause its cast was sent right into kid sensory video hell or just hell since a lot of characters didn't end up in the cocomau smp unless it was highschool themed videos (RIP katelyn and travis, forever in highschool puragatory dimension)
But those who were spared from the waste bin were cursed with a experience worse than death
Character Regression and Character Assassination
The entire cast of the aphmau smp (and one video returning characters too) all have their worst traits put to eleven or are at their most basic traits of the trope of their character where they are competely soul-less or lose past development in their character as a whole
(or your pierce, and you get a competely different personality from the og series you were from)
Now the reason why everyone is like this is of course (kids channel now) and (everyones supposed to be in a server and are irl ppl now)
But...when i said characters have their worst traits put up to eleven, is for one reason
Its so aphmau and aarons actions look better in comparisson, since shes the all perfect main character that does no wrong and is so nice to everyone and...aaron is basically the mvp of the smp, best fighter, builder, and "hottest guy" on the server and is the mysterous loner or some shit.
(Fact I hate these two so fucking much)
littary aphmau is the most overdramatic marysue bitch ive ever seen when it comes to reasons why she has the right to go apeshit on her friends and i could bring up several videos, i really could, its not hard
noteablely, the many times she has decided to just kill her best friends or ruin her friends lives out of petty reasons and childish reasons none the less, and god this girl just loves getting pissy when someone does the exact thing she did to another, since only she can steal others stuff or blow up their house, or be overpowered to a point where shes just cheating.
But oh my god, jessica you know how to make me hate all the rest of your bitches too!
(besides noi, kim and pierce, they are perfect to me, noi is on thin ice tho)
KC, Zane, Ein and Aaron are on my list of bitches I wouldnt hesitate to fucking kill on sight if i saw their color coded asses spawn into a ACTUAL minecraft server. (ill get to that color coding thing too btw)
The Asshole and The Clown
Now fuck where do i begin with these four, like all of them over the past three to four years has become the most annoying and aggrevating characters
But, just so I don't pull someones nerve with the true "fan" favorites, Aaron, the jerrysue of the smp and basically her perfect half cause hes jusr her but as a man, he's a jackass that is never called out for his asshole behavior like every other male character is, hes always put as being smarter, better, stronger, and more attractive than any of the other guys too, basically being the best alpha male ever to exist....but not really, not even a single bit
I swear this is the worst verison of aaron ive ever seen in my life, the biggest try hard ive ever seen, all the girls wanna date him, always gloating when theres someone around he believes hes better than, and god he is not nice to others who arent good at building like him. Honestly, MAN ISNT NICE AT ALL!! like only time he is nice is of course to the purple stain that is his irl wife, like the times this guy was just violent for no reason, insulting or just aggrevated around anyone was just making me feel like...
aaron do you even like any of these people??, cause ive seen every way he talks to all of the cast and he sounds like he wants them all gone and dead so he can just be all cutesy and shy around aphmau, like dude if you think all of them are annoying, dont live near by them?????
(Now, ive mentioned both the channel mascot couple of the smp, but heres the thing, when i said the other characters make these two look like angels, i mean it)
Now we are actually really digging, and we didnt even need to go far, we've already struct gold!...but theres not much...
Ein, the worst villian and most pathetic man to ever live.
What a time, season 4 of mystreet! and we got the biggest clown with the biggest alpha complex to ever exist! and the evolution of a creep in werewolves as a whole....it was fucking werid
Anyway, now smp ein is a true irl villian, hes no longer just a anime incel, hes a fucking sexist gamer incel also!
Now, Ein really isnt too interesting (wow what a surprise) really hes one of the characters who has been put to his most basic traits making him extra annoying, extra obessed with power and, of course still be madly in love with aphmau but if it wasnt known, aphmau changed alittle bit of eins lore, making him no longer related to her (only in the smp cannon tho💀) which is a good thing! but its only a change that was made for horrible reasons, being that she still needs him to be aarons rival and as i said before, be aphmaus possible second "choice", which is...normal for aphmau honestly....
(Aphmau can't have a single man on this server just not be into her, even if the guy clearly has a love interest thats not her)
Strangely though she really likes to romantically pair Ein with everyone, even men, so at least we know she still has that problem with her ocs...
Hes like her little lab rat and i hate her so so much, but fuck its hard to feel bad for him since this women will than have this man be the worlds second most grossiest sexist incel you could ever come across
wait did I say second--
Zane ro'meave and his several counts of "GET A JOB, STAY AWAY FROM HER"
(mystreet zane is fine, mcd zane is the perfect kinda villain for what mcd was, and smp zane is hell on earth, the end)--
Zane in the aphmau smp is kinda...a jumpscare in a half since you never know when hes gonna switch, cause...he has the biggest habit of either, being the biggest smartass in the room or the scariest "my lady" ass incel you could ever fucking dream apon, just every bit of his charm from mystreet that made you kinda push aside the slight every now and than werid behavior he had, its just GONE
absolutely vanished! and yknow what
I hate zane, i hate him more than i hate anyone in this damn cast, im the biggest zane hater you will ever meet, and the reason for it is cause this verison of zane is the dark universe of if zane never grew from the FIRST season of mystreet, never got humbled or anything, and also if he still acted like a hormone filled highschooler whenever any women even looked his fucking way.
Hes a creep, hes a incel, hes still sexist and overprotective of his only female friend, but now even wants to date her just to have more control over who she can't and can speak to (code for, no guy friends allowed/no aaron, bo womp) and if he isnt doing that, hes drooling and creepily mumbling to himself about the pink cat girl he has a massive crush on.
Honestly worst part of it is that he acts like this outta nowhere, and even worse, recently theres been this obession with him NEEDING KC's diary, wanting to know every single little thing about her so he knows how to woe her and even see if she likes him, which is just...
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(and hes not even punished for it, like maybe kc telling him that hes creepy or smth, nothing, just nothing, proubly cause recently they have been competely implied to be dating now)
but, its not like miss kc is perfect, oh boy, kc is...
The two sided bitch and her jealously and spite of her "perfect" best friend + shipping
Oh KC, when i first started watching all this cocomau trash, you were boring as hell, just a cute cat girl who likes to bake and be pretty, and just another yes man for that purple cunt, but ever since you started being a cunt yourself, you have only been a pain to watch and listen to, you have only made me hate you and your little lap dog of a boyfriend even more honey
So KC, our resident cute cat girl isnt really all that cute of recent, she slowly becoming more spiteful, having anger issues, being more whiney, bratty, jealous, and unloyal to her partner, creating the most toxic couple in the entire smp verse
(but this was something that was gonna happen at some point, aarmau has to stay as the perfect ship, couple goals yknow, so zane x kc has be anti-aarmau, toxic behavior all around)
Now KC is a unloyal and horrible partner for a few reasons, shes a massive hypocrite and sadly abusive.
1. She gets mad at Zane for even speaking to other girls, or even seemingly flirting with them, specifically any of the marry, date, kill videos with both of them in it can be a big example of this behavior.
But than when we look the other way to her, she gets to playfully talk, compliment and flirt with any guy she wants, and gets all angry when shes stopped from doing it, also she only does this with aaron btw, since shes jealous of aphmau having "the hottest, coolest, and sweetest guy in the server" for a boyfriend.
(aaron is littary none of those things and just pointing out more to how aaron is a jerrysue)
2. KC IS SO FUCKING VIOLENT WITH ZANE OH MY GOD, i guess aphmau still thinks when a women hits or beats up her male partner, its her being in the right or it being super duper funny and wacky!
(this entire short is an example of that)
But I will say though, it isnt just KC, their a toxic couple cause their both terrible partners, zane is equally just as hypocritical and unloyal, but hes a lot more oppessive and even more jealous prone,
(kim is usually a victim of being between the two but fr fr, kim genuinely hates zanes, aphmau just keeps making more drama for no reason and really wants ppl to also ship kim x zane, which....when it comes to everyones opinion of mystreet kim and ghost existing and everything with season 4....it is never gonna fucking happen you dumb purple cunt)
My Inner Demons-Character regression and personality switches (a short one)
Now that we are off those characters, lets end this off with our favorite little daemos!
Noi and Pierce!
Now, im a advid lover of my inner demons, its the last of aphmaus good content before the purge and its sadly the best of her writing, but the fact that she put them in the smp is a red flag, and i instantly noticed things...
...Pierce is a silly himbo goofball now that has a brain the size of a pea, and who loves sheep
Noi is the most basic sweet little good boy, does no wrong little guy, baking cooking and eating pizza
(now im not mad about this, since i got to know the smp verisons of them before their og selfelves)
but fuck i prefur when noi had depth and was genuinely mean and kinda rude on purpose.
im mixed with pierce tho cause i like both verisons of him, i think both verisons of him are neat, his va has good range, respect that
The End
Well thats all i gotta say, ratto out and about
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kuma829 · 2 years
AKATSUKI- Bright Future◆Black Paradise Flycatchers Facing the Heavens Chapter Five
Cast: Souma, Nazuna, Keito, Kuro, Shinobu. Tsukasa
Writer: Akira
Season: Summer
…Are you alright, Danna?
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Chapter Five
(Three hours later)
Nazuna: And that’s it for my tour!
What do you think, seeing all the classes and clubs here? Different from highschool?
Souma: Aah, the university library and “cafe” are quite interesting.
“Ensemble Square” is an area designated to raise “idols,” but a university is the educational version of that?
Nazuna: Ahaha, pretty sure it’s the other way around~
Souma: Fufu, in any case I have gained much knowledge. I now know all that college life is about.
I was surprised to see so many people dancing in front of the ‘glass’ building. I suppose it is a ‘dance circle?’
Even the students of this university practice arts on their own… To see such a large number of people put their heart into their art here was surprising.
The other “circle” was formally recognized by the school, but this one is not… I wonder if there is a disparity between the groups?
Nazuna: Mhm~ I think it’s a concept that you’re not used to, yeah?
Universities have a culture of personal independence, so besides the university approved clubs you can also form your own outside circles.
Unofficial circles are free to make, but they don’t receive support from the university.
So, they either rent off-campus places to practise in, or they practise in front of those glass buildings, like that.
But, for university kids, this is just one of the freedoms they choose.
Souma: This culture of self governance… I suppose I understand. As we age and grow older, we are drawn to being more autonomous. 
This must have also been what Hasumi-dono was fretting over. My seniors affectionately look after me like they were my real parents—But, to fully gain independence, I must leave their protection.
Nazuna: Keito-chin and Kuro-chin? Well, now that you mention it, I see your point.
When I was also in my third year, I thought I’d be an idol, for like basically, forever—But, when I took a break from it all and looked into the outside world, I realised something. The possibilities in this world are limitless.
…So What d’ya think of this college tour?
Souma: Aah… All of the sudden, I am just… all so fired up to give it my all in mu studies.
I must give you my thanks, Nito-dono. This world is so much grander than what I had imagined—
I must admit, I also need to spend further time thinking about my future; or, well, that is what this experience has me feeling… ♪
(Flash forward to present day)
Keito: —I see. So that’s the situation?
Souma: Aah. Since you are both here, I would like to break something to you. I would like to take a break from “AKATSUKI” activities for the time being.
Keito: Huh? Isn’t that unusual for you, Kanzaki, to request for time off?
Souma: Mhm. I looked through my schedule, and it does not seem I have too much work coming up. So for this reason, I would like to turn my focus towards my final exams and mock exams.
I will report back to you if I can just get the results I need of above a “B” on my first choice of school’s mock exam —Of which is also the school Nito-dono attends.
Until then, could you hold back on my work?
Keito: I understand. Kanzaki, it’s your own decision to make, and I won’t say anything against that.
Kanzaki, your will is our wish too.
Kuro: …Are you alright, Danna?
Keito: Aah, you know, in the meantime, the two of us taking on more individualised work may prove to be interesting. Do your best, Kanzaki.
Souma: I am grateful. I am sorry for worrying you both, Hasumi-dono, Kiryuu-dono.
I am well-aware that this will cause you inconvenience, but I still want for you to watch over me as I make my decision.
Kuro: Is that it? It’s no issue.
Keito: If it interrupts your studies, you are also free to ignore the “Hold Hands” messages for now. Don’t be afraid to talk to me about this stuff.
Souma: Aah,  if there is indeed something urgent that pops up…  I would be happy to answer any calls.
Well, then I will be taking my time off now ♪
Tsukasa: …Ooh. I, as well, was shaken to see you take a leave of absence from your idol activities.
Haha! But it seems that the AKATSUKI senpai are understanding, and that they seem to have a lot of trust in you, Kanzaki-senpai.
My senpai in Knights are always pushing me around, so I wish they would learn from you guys about these types of things
Shinobu: Is that really true? Knights, from my perspective, seem to be pretty harmonious, or, well, that’s all I see.
Tsukasa: Well, we do come together as a group in some ways, but—At our core, we’re a group full of individualists. So, there are times where working together as a unit, one can’t help but grit their teeth.
Souma: The grass always looks greener from the other side. From my perspective, it seems that AKATSUKI’s concerns lay with the fact I do not say anything of my own accord.
I wish that I was like you, Suou. To have a will I could call my own, but...
…Useless. Such issues can only be solved with calls to action. I best stop looking for a needle in a haystack, and get on with my studies. 
My path is clear to me, I must achieve at least a “B” on that mock exam. If I can just get that prized result—the future will be limitless.
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destinygoldenstar · 8 months
I think it’s important of a reminder that I personally think it’s fair to critique for what a media DID do, not what they didn’t do. Because what you expect could not be the writers goals at all, and you only end up disappointed when it doesn’t do exactly what you expect.
Cause if I had a nickel for every January release of a third act of a franchise season I’m into that I’ve been disappointed by when the rest is otherwise really good…
Blah blah two nickels.
I already talked about the Total Drama Reboot ending. In all honesty I think the reception is understandably more split than anything else. Either you love the third act or you don’t. I just happened to fall in the latter category. I loved the first 8 episodes though. It’s more of a ‘This was great until it wasn’t’ situation.
And what do you know, there’s another show that also had a January third act that had me sum up that season.
Hirogaru Sky Pretty Cure.
This season was GREAT. Until it wasn’t.
I think that’s the perfect phrase for this season.
Now for context, though I don’t talk about it much in my posts, I follow all kinds of magical girl tags.
Magical Girls are my special interest. I’ve written more magical girl stories than I’ve published online. My OC, GoldenStar, can be classified as an OC if you wanted. Magical Girl shows just press my autistic buttons so much and I can never get enough of them. (Except Magical Girl Site, that show can burn in my memory and never come back in my head)
You don’t know what the genre is, it’s a sub-superhero genre that’s (most of the time) female centric, that involves (usually) a team of girls finding powers, having beautifully animated transformations into superhero personas with big hair not suited for combat, and they, with the power of love and friendship, kick ass and save the day.
Think Winx and Lolirock if you’re western.
So naturally, I couldn’t get enough of Pretty Cure back in the day. As it was basically the perfect ‘magical girl obsessor campsite’. As every season of the show has the benefit of having a brand new cast of characters each time, and therefore different lore that keeps things fresh.
I guess best way to explain it to western users is ‘Power Rangers but magical girls, and animated’
Which is an ironic way to explain it cause Power Rangers is actually an American Adaptation of a franchise called Super Sentai… made by the same company that made Pretty Cure.
I kinda had a falling out with the franchise though. That’s because, and let’s be real here, the newer seasons are kinda lousy.
Now, hold on, it’s not all bad these past five years. I loved Healin Good and WILL defend it. Tropical Rouge was decently fun and had some great episodes. But compare the seasons these past five years to some of the older ones like Heartcatch and… yeah, there’s a noticeable writing dip.
Especially when you get into Delicious Party…
That was the first time I ever downright hated a Pretty Cure season and got angry at multiple points. And if I wasn’t angry, I Aw as bored to tears. Not a good combination. Just so so SO much wrong with this season from beginning to end. (And saying that opinion got me blocked from Fandom.)
But then Hirogaru Sky was next, and yes, wow, it started out PHENOMENAL. I was blown away again and completely invested again. This season seemed like it was doing all kinds of shake ups to the franchise and taking the entire structure in new directions. While also paying homage to the first season with the duo team structure. I loved its main characters and their dynamics throughout the show. The designs are gorgeous. The first half is thrilling and intense and some of the best of the franchise since Hugtto. Back then, I was about ready to call this an S tier season and in my top 5…
This is why you wait till a season is done before you go say stuff like that. I learned that now.
Now, I’m not actually going to dunk on the ending this time. Because bottom line is: It’s one very stupid plot twist after another to the point where it’s like they can’t make up their mind what they want, none of the build up throughout the show amounted to anything, and the final battle is horrifically paced and completely botches the character arcs of certain people. Sora in particular.
Not THAT Sora. That Sora had an amazing payoff. I’m talking about Pretty Cure Sora, not Ninjago Sora. Dragons Rising was really good and actually stuck the landing.
But I do think we’re hating on this season for all the wrong reasons. I know we all made predictions about where the story was headed, and almost all those theories became wrong.
Like, I know we all predicted, myself included, that Shalala was the twist main villain. This turned out to be wrong. But they didn’t have to do that if they didn’t want it.
It’s the same thing with Total Drama. We all predicted Damien was a finalist and that turned out wrong. But I chose not the criticize that show for not making him a finalist because, well, the writers didn’t want him to be a finalist. That’s okay. Instead I criticized how they handled the role in the story they gave him. You know, what they intended.
Just because your theories were wrong, does NOT make it the end of the world. You can definitely claim that your theory would have been the better story route than what we got. BUT fact of the matter is, you’re not the writer. You don’t get to decide what the writers want to do with their story. And saying you do cause you’re a fan is just entitlement. (Go make a fanfiction if you’re gonna be that petty about it)
I keep saying, don’t criticize what the writers didn’t do, criticize what the writers DID do. Try and see what the writers were going for. Not what you wanted.
We all expected going in that Hirogaru Sky would be this epic hero-ideology season. This big philosophy on what it means to be a hero and the ups and downs that came with it. Kind of like a Kamen Rider Kuuga type of story. There was all kind of foreshadowing that Sora was going to endure quite a bit of an arc upon realizing her hero idealism was kinda trash.
We got that about the first half, then nothing. What we got instead was NOT a morally grey complex narrative. We got a simple black and white world where Sora’s hero idealism turned out to be pretty much perfect from the start, and the villain is literally just as ‘evil for the sake of evil’ as you can get. It became ‘I don’t know if I scan grow up to be a hero’ instead of ‘being a hero kinda sucks’.
So when that wasn’t the theme we got, and it wasn’t this morally complex story that we all hoped for… yeah I can see people getting angry.
But that’s not the problem for me. Because they wanted a black and white story. So they did a black and white story. So we gotta judge it by what they were going for.
Now yes, Shalala being the villain instead of who we got would’ve been preferable, if only cause the villain we got is just awful as a character and fails as a villain in almost every front. The hero role being muddied out would’ve been juicy in angst. But it’s not what the writers wanted to do.
So instead of criticizing what it’s not. I’m choosing to criticize it for what it is. That the villain was horrifically built up and a terrible character, and the final battle is horrific pacing that leaves no satisfying conclusion for Sora because of bad pacing. She gets slapped with dark energy juice and all it takes to snap her out of it is Deus Ex Machina from her BFF? Seriously? You couldn’t think of a better way to resolve that?
Just because it didn’t say stuff about being a hero that you want them to say, doesn’t mean they said anything at all. And if you want to rewrite this season to say the stuff you thought it should have, then go ahead. No one’s stopping you.
Basically, I think the third act distaste for Hirogaru Sky is justified, but people are pointing out the wrong reasons why it’s distasteful.
I said it once, Ill say it again:
You HAVE to have a solid third act. Because that’s what people will walk away from. If you try something fancy and screw up, people are gonna remember the botched ending rather than the whole story. Even if the rest of your story is fantastic.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
What are some of your favorite books/arcs in comics?
Hello there :D you sent this the same day as that fav books ask I answered last week, so sorry for taking so long to get to this I then ALSO got the ask for beginner friendly comics and basically this is a long time coming here are a few of my favorite comics and graphic novels ever, including some repetitions from the beginner friendly ask lmao
So for Deadpool I have said this a million times and I will say this again: the 2012 run by Posehn and Duggan is fucking GOD. It's funny and witty and a little gory like any good wade comic yes, but it's also got so much heart and I love the cast and it brought in Ellie who's just fucking EVERYTHING to me. I'm also enjoying the current run of Deadpool by Alyssa Wong like no run of Deadpool since, and if you're looking for a run of marvel comics to pick up right now oh my God start there for real
Obviously another favorite is Spider Gwen - mostly the original Radioactive Spider-Gwen, but Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider and Ghost Spider are also really good, just not quite as solid and unfortunately the story told in them gets cut off and has yet to be continued. Obviously Spider-Gwen has been a solid 15% of my personality over the past year and I literally lectured on what it has to say on the main 616 universe but I just love earth-65's versions of Gwen, Captain Stacy, Harry Osborn, Emjay, and Matt Murdock (Murderdock my beloved) soooo fucking much like everyone in this cast is fucking amazing!!! If you let me talk about Spider Gwen I probably won't shut up
Anyway another one of my favorite books is Spider Men: Worlds Collide. It collects Spider Men and Spider Men II, and it focuses on two team ups between Peter and Miles, one back when they lived in separate universes and the other after the Ultimate universe got ixnayed and Miles was transported to 616. I actually prefer Spider Men II overall, I think it's a great story and it has one of best bi!peter panels imho, but both stories are great and very recommended.
Still with Marvel, if you haven't read the 2014 Scarlet Witch run by James Robinson, oh my God you're missing out. Every issue is drawn by the a different artist, except for the last issue which is drawn by the same artist as the first, which really works cause it happened right after the magneto-isn't-her-dad retcon so she's searching for her identity. The writing is gorgeous and all of the artists do an amazing job. I showed a panel to my niece once and she hasn't shut up about it for a year, it's that pretty. So it's worth reading for the art alone, I cannot emphasize this enough, but I love the story and the use of Agatha too.
I also love love love love LOVE Alias. Can we talk about how good Alias is? I feel like people don't talk about how good Alias is enough. Like I said in my beginner's rec post, it deals with really heavy stuff, but it does it with such gravitas! I love the noir feel, I love the way the art reflects what's going on with Jessica, I love the flashbacks, I love Jessica/Luke, like everything about it is amazing.
Moving onto DC, we have to mention Watchmen since it's the first comic I ever read. Is it good? ... Like I said with the question of is it beginner friendly, I have no idea. But you asked for my favorites, and as the first comic I ever read it holds a real place in my heart. A lot of it still haunts me, honestly. Say what you will on the dark age of comic books and what it led to later, I love it.
And then ofc there's Under the Red Hood. Do I even have to say it? My obsession with Jason is as easily observed as my obsessions with Wade Wilson or any version of Gwen Stacy. This story is iconic, it's so well written, I love the art, it's fucking heartbreaking. My guys I love this story so goddamn much.
I haven't read nearly as much Superman as I'd like to - I'm working on it don't you worry - but I recently read the Death of Superman trilogy and the third book in particular, The Return of Superman - also called The Reign of the Supermen in some editions I believe - is soooooo good. I actually almost sent in a lecture just about this book instead of my lecture about Smallville, but ultimately I have more to say on Smallville so I went with that, but still. Guys, the different Supermen here, the things they represent, not to mention just how fucking great Kon is in his first appearance and how much I sympathize with Lois here - there's so much to love about this. Plus I love late '80s and '90s Superman art, there's something about that specific time period's art style that I just find hits exactly in the right spot.
Batwoman: Elegy!!! Greg Rucka my beloved <3 honestly I'm still mad I hadn't read this before I did my og comic book lecture on the Jewish nature of the medium, it's so good at representing all the ideas I was trying to put into words, but also the art and the narrative and the character it's trying to introduce all make such an impression, it's so fucking good.
Moving onto indie comics, we have to talk buffy comics. I have read a lot of buffy comics. Not even close to all of them, I fell off the wagon somewhere around mid season nine and only purchased a bit of season ten, but I still have a certain affection in my heart for season eight, since I found all of it in the second hand booth at my first ever con. I also think Angel: After the Fall is fucking excellent.
This is already too long so I'll just life a few more things here - Nimona and Lumberjanes - ND Stevenson, my guys, like they just do it every time. Giant days, paper girls, also great indie comics. There's a graphic novel called witchy I really love - I recently realized there's a vol 2 and I desperately need to read it, I genuinely just thought it ended on a cliffhanger forever.
Finally, maybe this doesn't belong on this list at all, but Maus. I feel like Maus should be required reading for every adult on the face of the earth. Obviously as a Jewish person it's particularly affecting for me, but I don't think it's a coincidence there was a recent banning of the book. It's incredibly impactful and in our times of rising antisemitism it is incredibly important as well. Do yourself a favor and read it.
Okay well that was certainly a list! Everyone, feel free to let me know how you feel about any of these or if you're planning on reading them. And thanks for asking!
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Part one of the final episode is here. Halfway there.
The first half of the video is straight talking the entire time. I plan to have the final video be...well, the final fight and ending. We got an all star cast though this time, almost everyone makes an appearance. Some are just not here though. Sorry Cockatrice and Incubus fans.
A few highlights, mostly being the popular characters we know and love:
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(Translating Witch is...a ride.)
The video itself: (I've done most of the Schezo ones. You can check in my blog.)
Timestamps: (Since there's so much, I broke them down partially.)
Intro: (0:00)
Info Stuff and Bulletins: (0:45)
Succubus Encounter and Gameplay Dump: (1:25)
2nd Succubus Encounter: (2:48)
Skeleton-T Encounter: (3:15, 2nd one is at 3:50)
Draco Encounter: (4:25, second one is at 5:15)
Harpy Encounter; (6:00, second one is at 6:20)
Suketoudara Encounter: (6:52, second one is at 7:25)
Sasori Man Encounter: (8:05, second one is at 8:35)
Black Kikimora Encounter: (9:10, second meeting is at 9:43)
Panotty Encounter: (10:13, second one is at 10:40)
Serilly Encounter: (10:55, second one is at 12:38, and a THIRD at 13:40.)
From (14:00) beyond they're all Ultimate Tower stuff so I'll order via name.
Satan 1: (14:00)
Arle 1: (14:28)
Witch 1: (15:25)
Arle 2: (15:50)
Rulue: (17:20)
Witch 2: (17:49)
Satan 2: (18:48)
Lot of timestamps. Lot of work for me.
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Also, special shout out to this screenshot. Flabbergasted me the first time seeing Witch pull out the heart from nowhere. Also got it on a frame where Schezo looks done with life.
With the sheer length of it (and how much my phone lags), I'm gonna format this a bit differently.
With that, Enjoy the super long translation text in the Read More.
Intro: (0:00)
What is that!?
You're asking me?
Didn't you put that tower up there?
Y-yes, that's right.
...Then shouldn't you know what's in the tower?
Well, I've been busy with things.
I can't check every attraction.
What, you don't even know...Are you still the owner of this place?
No, that's not...
I don't need you to tell me you don't know where the magic item is, 'cause I'm leaving.
Info Stuff and Bulletins: (0:45)
[Menus, my beloved. Here's how they go in this game.
Bulletin <-
The next screen goes:
Peddler Fufufu
Don't Throw Away the Magic Item!
Where is the Meteor Grimoire!
Mystery Appearance! <-
Mystery Appearance! The name of it is called "The Ultimate Tower".
This is the final attraction! The "Incredible Magic Item" is in this tower!
It's connected to the other attractions by a mysterious force.
It's said you can enjoy all the attractions at once here! Those who are confident should give it a try. (If there's a line break, my apologies.)
The player then leaves the entire place.
Succubus Encounter and Gameplay Dumping: (1:25)
Welcome. I'm surprised you came all this way.
You're...the perverted woman!
...I don't want to be held by an Ankh! (Basically: Egyptian Cross.)
What do you mean! ...Wait, what're you doing here anyways?
Of course. I've been waiting for you. ♡
I-I-I Don't know what you're talking about...
...I'm joking.
Actually, I'm not here to lead you on...I'm here to guide guests.
Guests? Is this place an attraction?
What? You didn't hear? Well, I'll make it easy for you. ♡
This is a special attraction where people who've appeared as bosses wait.
The guys there are at least level 50, and at best well over 100.
If you're lucky, you should be able to get halfway through, but if you're not sure, best not to go.
Do you think I'll be afraid of that sort of thing?
Well, you can go in, I won't stop you. Do what you like. ♡
Yeah, I'll do it.
2nd Succubus Encounter: (2:48)
Aren't you a curious person. I can't believe you came back.
Oh, sorry then!
Perhaps...you're here to see me then?
No! I'm not!
You don't have to get so worked up about it. ♡
Aren't you a shy one. ♡
Skeleton-T Encounter: (3:15)
Oh noooooo~!
What's wrong?
I spilled my tea during the tremor earlier.
Surprised, I went outside. Then, a huge tower appeared!
That's right.
I'm in real trouble.
(...What in the world is troubling you?)
2nd Skeleton-T Encounter: (3:50)
Ochaaaaa-a! (He said the phrase guys, pack it up)
It's you again...
Take a break. Go to the store and get a cup of tea.
I bet both your miso and your brain is green.
Do I have any miso, is what you're asking?
What? You don't actually have any miso?
Come on...don't take it so seriously...
Draco Encounter: (4:25)
Yo! (Or Gao, either or. Your choice.)
Oh, it's you.
You. You're still looking all moody and gloomy.
You're ruining your good looks. If you were more breezy, wouldn't you be more popular with women?
Leave me alone! I have zero interest about women!
Eh..."Zero interest about women"? ...Then do you like men?
How could that be? That's completely different!
So then why don't you try to be more girl-consious? (Or conscious about girls.)
Though the ones who only think about girls like an incubus are the worst.
Why am I being compared to an incubus?
2nd Draco Encounter: (5:15)
Yo! (Or Gao again. Choose your adventure style at this rate.)
You're not going back in there. (The Dungeon she means.)
Did you come to see me by any chance?
Oh. ...What!? That's not right!
Thats not true at all! What're you saying!?
Ugh, don't be so forceful. I'm a bit hurt myself.
A popular guy like him doesn't know what going on with women...oh man, I wonder why...
...I'm popular?
... (Guy is making the cheesiest smile here.)
Harpy Encounter: (6:20)
Hari-Hora~* (The * is in place for the music note. Also, her lines are stupid weird to translate, so bear with me here.)
It's so loud!
Horoharu-Helifla~* (I'm mostly using her Champions and PPT2 spell names because some of the words become jargin.)
Hey, shut up!
I'll let everyone know~*
Oh, come on...are you serious? Won't someone die?
2nd Harpy Encounter: (6:20)
Whoa. Surpsingly, no one's here.
So it was a surprise attack! It worked...
I forgot something~*
That destructive power can't be underestimated. I have to be careful of her voice attacks.
Suketoudara Encounter: (6:52)
Hey! If you're a real man, why don't you learn my sexy dance moves!
...That's ridiculous.
What!? You made fun of my dancing!
I'm busy. Do it elsewhere.
Wait! We're still talking...
You're on your own.
2nd Suketoudara Encounter: (7:25)
Again...I don't have time for your stupid dances.
Where are you, Serilly? (He says Serilly-Chan here, for the record.)
What? That's none of your business.
Fiiiish! I knew it!
I won't lose to you! I'll never lose to you!
What was that? Something about it pisses me off!
What sort of grudge does he have against me!?
Sasori Man Encounter: (8:05)
Are you going to make a profit?
Nope, not at all.
You sure? I've heard rumors about you.
They say that you went into the deepest parts of the Puyo Puyo Dungeon.
Well, that's correct.
You're a lot more capable then you seem, I'll admit.
...Do I look that weak to you?
2nd Sasori Man Encounter: (8:35)
Hey hey.
Oh, you again.
About the rumors of the tower, have you heard anything?
Apparently, you can find some amazing items in that tower.
Of course there is. But it's mine.
As expected, I'm counting on you.
Hey...what did you even expect?
Black Kikimora Encounter: (9:10)
Black Kikimora: (will be called Biki)
...I'm going in.
...I'm going in.
... ... ...
She's really not pretty.
Mind your own business!
Woah! I'm out of here!
I knew she was...well, you know.
2nd Black Kikimora Encounter: (9:43)
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
...Say something!
Guess I win this time.
!! Damn it!!!
Hey...are you that bitter about it?
Panotty Encounter: (10:13)
(...you can see it, actually. Only translated thing in the game.)
You're too loud! Go somewhere else.
You're an unreasonable kid!
Hmpf! Akanbe! (Japanese jesture kids do to be mean. The pulling your eye down a bit and sticking out a tongue.)
He's such an annoying brat!
2nd Panotty Encounter: (10:40)
Wait a second!
I did it~!
You're so annoying!
Serilly Encounter: (10;55)
Ah! Mr. Schezo!
Hey, there you are.
Did you come to see me? If so, I'm really glad. ♡
That's not what I was going to say...
Oh...I see...
No, you see, the truth is that I came here to talk to you.
Oh, really? Yes, what is it!?
Aren't you afraid of me?
What? Why? You don't scare me at all anymore.
Have...have I changed since I've lost my powers...?
...Mr. Schezo?
If I don't get my power back, will I be able to be who I once was...?
Mr. Schezo...um...for me...
You told me to "Always look forward in life," and that made me happy!
But...I don't know, but I think Mr. Schezo is thinking backwards right now...
That's...not like you, Mr. Schezo.
Oh, um...I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I sounded rude.
No, no. You're right.
I guess I was looking backwards, but you've opened my eyes. Thanks.
No, that's not...
Let's go! I am Master Schezo Wegey, The Dark Mage!
Yes! Good luck!
2nd Serilly Encounter: (12:38)
Oh! Mr. Schezo!
Hey, thanks for helping me earlier.
No, I'm the one who...
What? Don't make that face.
...I'm sorry, but there's something about you, Mr.Schezo.
I feel like you're going far away...
Hah! What're you talking about, I'm right here.
And here I am, talking to you.
Yeah! That's right.
Yeah, so no more crying.
...I'm the one telling a girl to not cry...
I can't believe it...something has changed after all.
3rd Serilly "Encounter": (13:40)
Nobody's here...
...not that I was expecting anyone to be here.
The rest here are for the Ultimate Tower. Here we go.
Satan 1: (14:00)
Are you going, Schezo?
Well...be careful. The road ahead isn't going to be easy.
I guess so, but with me...
You'll lose your footing if you're too confident.
No need to worry.
(Text appears saying "Enter the Ultimate Tower?" For convenience sake, this'll only be one time.)
Arle 1: (14:28)
Oh! Schezo!
What!? You're after the treasure too?
Schezo...what treasure?
I'm telling you now, it was mine originally.
It's not going to help you if you find it, sk don't waste your time searching for it.
You know what "That" is...Schezo, what do you know?
That it's the Space-Time...no, it's nothing.
...It's not very manly to stop halfway through what you were going to say.
Leave me alone! I hate words like "Manly" and "Hot-headed"!
...Oops, I shouldn't waste time here. Farewell Arle.
Well. Let's get into it.
Witch 1: (15:25)
What the!?
I knew it, it's still so cool... ♡
Hey, what're you talking about...
The treasure and your clothes belong to me!
What're you saying? What?
I'll work hard and do my best!
You don't have to work hard at all!
Arle 2: (15:50)
...and the one over there is-
Oh! Schezo!
Arle, why do you want the treasure?
I'm not here for the treasure. I'm just playing here.
Then you should back off from here.
Eh, why?
Why not? (AMAZING Reasoning.)
Well, I guess I'll have to go searching too~
You're the one who...suit yourself then. I don't care what happens to you.
Oh for heavens sake! If you're going to say something, speak up!
There's been something weird about you these days!
...Have you ever thought about yourself?
Eh? What do you mean?
Im here to revive my lost self.
And I don't need to be nagged by you, who's playing around in the middle of the day!
You don't have to say it like that...Schezo, you jerk!
I may have gone overboard...forgive me, Arle.
How could a Dark Mage like me get so worked up over a few words...
Arle...you're a strange girl. I think you're...well, it doesn't matter.
Rulue and Minotauros: (17:20)
What the!? That lady over there...
Hey! What're you doing! Don't get lazy, or I'll leave you here!
I'm sorry for bothering you.
...What makes that cow so happy to follow her around?
I'll never understand how cows think...
Witch 2: (17:49)
Oh, Schezo! (I'm a tad unsure here. Thing says, "Mr. Schezo" like Serilly, but is it Schezo-san/senpai because of what's going on? For now, just Schezo.)
...Here we go again.
Are you here for the treasure too?
Yeah, that's right. It's mine.
That's not true. Everything is beautiful.
And anything that's beautiful belongs to me. That magic item, your clothes, they're all mine.
Why are you so concerned over my clothes...
...Because I want them.
...I don't have any good women around me.
Well...you seem a bit embarrassed.
Sooner or later, you'll want to take those clothes off yourself. Oh-hohoho!
...Do you think she's even weirder than me? (Solid debate tbh)
Satan 2: (18:48)
Are you prepared, Schezo?
Okay. Well, be careful.
What? Did you hit your head?
It's going to be a tough time for you now.
What do you mean? You've gone mad.
Your current magic...something has happened to you, hasn't it?
I sense a great power in that tower. If you were in your best condition, I wouldn't worry...
What're you talking about! I'm invincible, you don't have to worry about!
...in that case, I'll say no more.
That Satan...to notice that my powers were weakened...
And that's all the talk before the big fight and ending. It's been a pleasure having you around. Stick around for the grand finale and then extras.
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
From 'Supernatural' to 'The Boys': Jensen Ackles Dissects Differences Between Dean and Soldier Boy
Soldier Boy 'just wants the accolades and he wants to live the life of a celebrity and be adored and be idolized, in all his toxic masculinity,' the actor says.
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For 15 years, Jensen Ackles played half of an iconic demon-hunting brother duo that literally saved the world — multiple times. Dean Winchester on Supernatural was an everyman, but he was also a superhero of sorts: The elder son protecting his little brother when his father was out on the road grew up saving as many people and hunting as many things as possible and became a vessel for an archangel. How does one follow up such a role? For Ackles, it's by playing a literal superhero on Prime Video's The Boys.
Ackles steps into the third season of the Emmy-nominated drama from creator and showrunner Eric Kripke (who also created Supernatural) as Soldier Boy, a superhero who became such a celebrity he "could basically do whatever he wanted," Ackles tells Metacritic.
The leader of a team called Payback, Soldier Boy was known as a World War II hero who went on to star in movies, release music, and make important appearances. Until a trip to Nicaragua went terribly wrong in the 1980s.
As the third episode of the third season explains, during that trip, Payback and American troops were ambushed by Russians, who supposedly had a weapon that was strong enough to kill the all-powerful Soldier Boy. They took his body and their weapon and absconded, and the world mourned their fallen hero, with his team disbanding and Vought International building upon that celebrity with The Seven and putting all of their new hopes on Homelander (Antony Starr) as the most powerful of the supes.
But Soldier Boy's story doesn't truly end there. As Kripke previously told Metacritic, The Boys introduced "the myth" of Soldier Boy before the man, but the man is still very much around. And although he has been through it, he still holds onto some very deeply ingrained character traits displayed in the media footage and flashbacks.
"He's from a time that has been forgotten. I like to say he's an analog hero in a digital world. But he's also not going to assimilate; he is not gonna conform," Ackles tells Metacritic.
Here, Ackles talks to Metacritic about Soldier Boy's fight style compared to Dean Winchester's, the character's biggest challenges in stepping back into the world at this time in society, and if he has had discussions about also coming aboard The Boys as a director.
I have to start by asking for comparisons between Dean Winchester and Soldier Boy, specifically their fighting styles and your stunt training.
I will say that the years and years and years of of fighting and stunt choreography and stunt rehearsals and just all around the stunts on Supernatural certainly gave me a great foundation for working with this character and working with the cast and the stunt crew. John Koyama, who was our stunt coordinator on The Boys, I think at one point he was calling me the fight coordinator. [Laughs] 'Cause I was just making suggestions. And he was always like, "Yes, yes, do that!" So I will say a lot of that came in handy.
But as far as the style of it, I would say [Dean's] fighting style was blunt-instrument style. There wasn't a lot of finesse to it, even though sometimes they try to finesse it and work in some military style jujitsu and stuff thinking that maybe John had taught his boys certain fighting styles. So, we would try to emulate a little bit but not over the top. Soldier Boy had none of that: This is just straight up, "Punch people as hard as you can." But at the same time, he's got superpowers, so his his strength is far beyond that of any mortal. Having that to play with a little bit was was fun and it was also shocking to me. For instance, there's a sequence where Payback shows up in Nicaragua, and we get to this whole fight sequence, and I come in and start fighting off the bad guys. And at one point I turn around and I swing my shield, and the stunt guy that I swing at, he's on a wire and he literally just goes flying through the roof and disappears off into the ether. It was so jarring for me just as a human being to swat somebody and have them fly away. I liked it. I liked it a lot. Definitely a different beast but the 15 years definitely came in handy.
You put yourself through a workout regimen to bulk up for the show and those stunts. Why did you want to do that, rather than rely on padding or VFX?
I was in L.A. in the fall of 2020, and they were building me this super suit. They just see what kind of things fit my my body and my forearms and my chest and shoulders, and they have a design, and I had to come back here. I had about half a dozen different fittings to make the suit, but halfway through that process, I asked our suit designer L.J. [Shannon], "Are you gonna put in padded stuff to make me look big and built?" And she just very sweetly and sincerely looked me in the eyes and patted my arm and said, "Oh, honey, you're gonna bring me some muscles in April." I don't think I've talked to her about this since then, but literally, in my head, my ego goes, "Challenge accepted!" And so, that was it. I was like, "Well, if I'm going to be a superhero, I guess I should look like one." And it was tough. It was COVID and there were no gyms open, so I just got some free weights and went to town, Rocky style.
How do you compare personality traits of Dean and Soldier Boy, especially around mommy or daddy issues?
Dean idolized his father, even though his father was arguably a very untraditional and probably an absent father. But he was his hero. Whereas Soldier Boy, I think he just has issues all around. He was created in a lab, essentially, and his father is Vought. And so, what what they made him is very similar to what they made Homelander. They gave him this false sense of of strength and security and popularity and heroism that really he doesn't know how to navigate, and he is pretending to be something that he truly isn't. But because he was groomed to be that way, that's all he knows and that's all he understands. So I think they're very different, although you could argue that Dean is a bit of his father's Soldier Boy in that world. But the two very different, and I also approached it very differently. Dean was somebody who was fighting the good fight and doing things for the betterment of man, whereas Soldier Boy, he's just out for himself. He doesn't care. He just wants the accolades and he wants to live the life of a celebrity and be adored and be idolized, in all his toxic masculinity.
It's interesting that you phrase it that way because he's stepping into a world where that celebrity is not necessarily the case anymore, because he's been gone for so long. What did you consider his biggest challenges in being in the world again?
This is another kind of dialogue about our current culture: There's a feeling from some people, certainly the older generation, that "Our America is being stolen or being taken away or it's changing." And so, Soldier Boy is certainly of that mindset of, "What have they done to my America? What have they done to my world? They've ruined it. They've slapped it shiny stickers [on it] and covered it in glitter. It's not the world that I that I know; it's not the way it should be." I don't necessarily know that he is out to make America great again. But I feel like if he was around long enough, he might wear that hat.
Do you want to return to the show as Soldier Boy or even as a director in future seasons, and were there discussions about you directing in Season 3 but it was just too much with you also stepping into the show as an actor for the first time?
How Soldier Boy happened in the first place [was] I told Kripke, "I will be a part of this show in any capacity, way, shape, or form. What what do I need to do?" So yeah, I had an amazing time. I had a lot of fun playing this character, I certainly had a lot of fun playing with this cast of characters, and I really do enjoy the show; I'm a fan myself. So, if Eric calls and says, "Hey, I need you to do A, B, and C, I'll say how quickly do you need it?"
There was never any any discussion about directing [in Season 3], there hasn't been necessarily about coming in in that capacity, but there's been discussions about, "Where's Soldier Boy going to fit in with some of these other shows that are spinning off?"
You always have The Winchesters to direct!
That I do. That, I think they're going to have to wrestle me away from.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
The Kind of Girl You Take Home to Mom | Andy Barber x reader (part 1)
summary: Jacob was finally taking his college girlfriend home to meet his family.  how was she, a sheltered Harvard girl, supposed to know not to trust the famous, respected lawyer who just so happened to be his father?
word count: 3.5k
warnings: smut (dub con??), age gap, infidelity, fingering, dirty talk, a lil choking, wedding ring kink, lots of awkward conversations lmao
@donutloverxo @evnscvll @ballyhoobarnes​
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“They’re gonna love you,” Jacob beamed at you as you buckled into the passenger seat.
“I dunno, Jake, I’m not usually a parent’s favorite…” you mumbled nervously, adjusting to be comfortable for the drive.  It wasn’t that long of a trip— just from your dorm at Harvard to the southern suburbs of Boston; your discomfort was a lot more psychosomatic, in fact.  Isn’t it normal to be afraid to meet your boyfriend’s parents?
“Well, my parents are pretty chill,” he assured you.  “Besides, what’s not to like?”
You still felt a little dizzy as you tried to prepare yourself for a weekend with them.  You’d hoped Jacob would just have you guys meet at lunch or something but nope, he insisted that you come with him the next time he visited over a three-day weekend and you’d agreed cause you didn’t know how to say no.  Now here you were, practicing ‘Hi, it’s so nice to meet you!’ in your head as if you were going to forget how to speak English in the next fifteen minutes.  
Honestly, with how nervous you were, it was plausible.
The sun through the trees cast flashing light and shadows through your window as you watched the scenery roll by.  Something by Bon Iver was playing through the car speakers, but the mumbled lyrics were lost to your distracted mind.  You’d heard a decent amount about his parents through him— his dad was apparently quite the bigshot lawyer— but you had no idea how much they knew about you.  You hoped he talked about you a lot but you also sort of hoped he didn’t, so that you’d have a clean slate to start with.
“Your destination is on the left,” Google Maps informed you both.
“There it is,” Jacob smiled as he lifted a hand from the wheel to point to the house.  It was nice, really nice, and a little tinge of jealousy hit you.  
You took a deep breath and gave him a weak smile as you prepared to meet Mr. and Mrs. Barber.
You went through the motions of every great introduction to people who need to like you.  So nice to meet you, I’ve heard great things, you have a lovely home, all that good stuff.  Laurie, his mom, was bubbly and kind, and insisted you not call her Mrs. Barber because it made her feel old, apparently; Mr. Barber was a little more stern but still seemed warm enough.
After some basic hand-shaking and introductions, Laurie had explained that she was making dinner.  You offered to help but she insisted that you wouldn’t lift a finger while staying in her home.  That sure did sound nice, though you felt guilty.
So, while Jacob unpacked your and his stuff in the guest bedroom, and while Laurie was cooking, you and Mr. Barber were stuck together in the living room.
“We’ve been hearing a lot about you,” he informed you.
“Oh, r-really?” you stammered.  “Only good things, I hope.”
“Only great things,” he assured.  
You nodded, not sure what to say but realizing the conversation was going to peter out quickly…
“You can relax,” he encouraged with a smile, “we’re not giving you the third-degree or anything.”
You let out a little laugh of relief, trying to keep from looking too rigid.  “I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I just really want to make a good impression.”
“You already have,” he assured you.  “You’re a natural.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” you laughed nervously, “I’ve never met anybody’s parents before.  I mean, of course I’ve met people’s parents, just not a boyfriend’s or anything— that’s not usually my sort of thing…”
His eyes went a little wide, and you mirrored it as you realized the implication.  “Oh, I don’t mean— it’s not like I only do hook-ups or something, I don’t do that, I just meant I’ve never really had a serious relationship before—” oh god, is that a bad thing to say?  Does it make me seem like I’m too immature for Jacob; or does he not think we’re serious?  “I mean, it’s not like we’re serious serious, it’s not— we haven’t really— we’re not thinking that far ahead, we’re young and all that…” God, even Jacob and I haven’t had this conversation, why am I having it with his father?!
“Well, whatever it is that you two are, he seems to care for you greatly.”
“That’s… good to hear,” you sighed, hoping you could just keep your mouth shut for a few minutes.  Awkward silence was leagues better than this.
“The weather’s great so I thought we could sit outside for dinner!” Laurie suggested.  
“Sounds lovely, honey,” Mr. Barber nodded, jumping off of the couch at any excuse to get out of this conversation.  You resisted the urge to hide your face in your hands.
Their patio was spacious and covered in meticulously-gardened plants, with a glass table that had already been set with four place settings.  You helped carry out some of the food and took your seat in the wrought iron chair.
“Do you want any wine, sweetie?” Laurie offered as she turned towards you, bottle in hand.
“Oh, I’m not twenty-one yet,” you explained quickly.
“Well, yeah,” Laurie raised an eyebrow, “but we’re not so sheltered, we know what college kids get up to— just a glass won’t hurt.”
“You’re kind to offer,” you relented, “but I don’t drink.”
“Really?” Laurie questioned, looking a little incredulous.
“Really,” Jacob butted in.  He laughed when his mother gave him a look of surprise.  “Yeah, I know, she’s like, the one person at Harvard who’s sober.”
“Finally, a little respect for the law in this house,” Mr. Barber added as he stepped out onto the patio.  
“You want a glass, honey?” she asked him, seeming to ignore his apparent distaste for her offering alcohol to you.
“Sure,” he nodded, taking a seat.
“So,” Mr. Barber addressed you as he sat down, “what are you majoring in?”
“English,” you answered with a nervous smile.
“And what do you wanna do with that?”
“Whatever lets me read as much as majoring in it allows me to,” you chuckled.
“Do you think you’ll go to graduate school, get a Master’s?” he pressed.
“Actually,” Jacob interjected, “she’s thinking of going for a doctorate.”
Mr. Barber turned back to you with an impressed expression.  “Wow!  Smart girl.”
Something about him calling you ‘girl’ made you feel yourself blush slightly, and shift in your seat.  Or maybe it was the praise.  Still, for some reason it coming from him felt wrong but wonderful at the same time.  “Um, I suppose so…”
It continued on like that for a while; he and Laurie asked you questions, you and Jacob told a few stories.  Mr. Barber managed to get you to open up a little and not be so worried about him judging you or assessing you all the time.  But then again, you’d heard he was a bigshot lawyer so he probably knew how to get people comfortable and talking so he could go in for the kill.
Sometimes you caught him looking at you like he was about to go in for that kill at any moment.
“Do you think it went okay?” you asked with faux nonchalance as you slipped into bed, watching Jacob brush his teeth in front of the mirror.
“Okay?  I fink it went greaf!” he responded, the toothbrush in his mouth making his words difficult to parse.
You laughed a little at his silliness, though you were glad to hear he thought it was a successful day.
“And they don’t mind us sharing a bed?”
Jacob snorted with a quick laugh before spitting out his toothpaste into the sink.  “They’re not conservative like that,” he dismissed with a shake of his head.  “I mean, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, it’s normal for us to share a bed.”
You nodded because it was true, but you also found yourself twisting a piece of your hair between three fingers; you wondered if his parents assumed that you two did everything that was normal for boyfriends and girlfriends to do… and, as always, you wondered if Jacob was growing impatient with you in that regard.  He always said that he didn’t mind and was going to wait as long as you needed, but it was still hard to believe.  Sometimes you just wished he would break up with you so that he wouldn’t have to deal with celibacy and you wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt.
“You ready for bed?” he prompted, tearing you from your train of thought as he sat down on the other side of the bed.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you agreed with a nod, laying down completely and plugging in your phone.
Jacob switched off his bedside lamp, and you were ready to fall asleep, but he quickly pulled you into him.
Oh, yes, cuddling.  This was normal, this was expected; you should feel relaxed right now, and not nervous and confused.  You tried to force yourself to, but it didn’t really work. 
He hummed contentedly, kissing behind your ear.  “Goodnight, honeybun.”
Another girl would love this kind of attention.  Any girl should.  You smiled, but it was fake.  “Goodnight, Jake,” you replied quietly.  You really did like him, you never doubted that.  But as he drifted to sleep beside you and you took in the surroundings of Jacob’s old room— renovated and updated, but still feeling like the graveyard of a childhood— you couldn’t help but question why you were here at all when you knew, deep down, that this relationship was missing something that couldn’t be found.
You woke up for no particularly good reason in the middle of the night, a habit of yours.  Squinting as you lifted up and unlocked your phone, you read the clock: 2:16 a.m.
You sighed and realized that you weren’t going to be able to get back to sleep, at least for a while.  
Peeling Jacob’s limp arm off of you and slipping out from underneath the comforter, you tiptoed out of the bedroom and shut the door behind you.
The streetlights cast faint yellow light into the kitchen, enough that you could see somewhat; enough that you didn’t stub your toe, thankfully. 
You did your best to open the refrigerator quietly as you searched for a snack.  I could make a sandwich but that’s a bit too much food.  There’s so much weird diet food in here, is that Mr. or Mrs. Barber’s?  A glass of juice probably isn’t enough.  Yogurt?  Hmm, maybe…   
“Burning the midnight oil?” the deep and smooth voice of Mr. Barber came from behind you.
You jumped a little as you spun around, finding him standing in the entryway to the kitchen, wearing pajamas and a smug little smile.  You let go of the door and it slowly closed itself; Mr. Barber turned on a dim light and you were able to see him a little better.
“I think we’re a little bit past midnight, sir,” you chuckled softly.
He seemed slightly uncomfortable with the title, shifting awkwardly and clearing his throat.
“Did I wake you up?” you asked, concerned.
“No, no, not at all,” he shook his head.  “I haven’t been sleeping so well recently.  A finger of scotch usually helps…”
For some reason, him telling you this felt too intimate.  You cleared your throat nervously as he poured the aforementioned drink into a crystal glass.
“You really don’t drink?” Andy asked you suddenly, and you laughed a little.
“I don’t know why it’s so hard for you guys to believe!” you replied.
“No, no, I believe you…” he trailed off.  “I guess I’m just surprised because Jacob seems really into the party scene.  You two seem sort of opposite in a lot of ways.”
“Yeah, we are,” you admitted.  “I think it works for us.”
“You keep him honest?” 
“I keep him from failing out,” you scoffed, though as soon as you’d said it, you instantly regretted your brutal honesty.
“Ah, I get it,” Andy smirked.  “He’s partying while you’re back in the dorm studying enough for the both of you.”
“That’s not—”
“Don’t lie to me,” he instructed, a little more stern than you anticipated.  “With what I do for a living, I’ve learned to spot a lie from a mile away.”
You swallowed, thinking this was getting a bit out of hand already.  “Well, I ought to get back to bed,” you realized, “and… so should you.”
As you stood up and started to walk past him, he suddenly reached out and grabbed your arm, stopping you.
“Mr. Barber, I—”
“Call me Andy,” he encouraged, stepping closer until you were pressed against the wall and he was pressed against you, finally releasing your arm but leaving you just as trapped.  This close up, your height difference was staggering.
“O-okay, Andy, I don’t—”
“Has he fucked you yet?” 
The question made your eyes shoot wide open and your stomach burn with embarrassment.  How could he ask you something like that?  But he seemed cool and collected, staring down at you as he took the last sip of his scotch and set the glass aside.
“I think as his father, I have a right to know,” he added firmly.
“I… we don’t… he and I aren’t…”
“So, no?”
You nodded quickly.
“Well, why not?  Is there something wrong with him?”
No, there’s nothing wrong with him at all, and I hate that about him because I should love him but I don’t.  “N-no!”
He looked you up and down quickly before responding.  “I can’t imagine how he keeps his hands off you…”
You knew you shouldn’t be enjoying this kind of attention, especially from your boyfriend’s father, but something about his gaze made shivers erupt in its wake.  You looked away and forced yourself to remember everything great about Jacob.
“He’s been very patient with me,” you explained shakily.  “He knows I’m not ready.”
“Not ready?”
“To be with someone… that way…”
You shivered when his fingers began to toy with the hem of your nightgown.  “This is nice,” he complimented softly.
“Um, thank you…”
“You’re a very beautiful girl,” he informed you, leaning in a little closer.
“I—” you began, but he was already about to kiss you.  You almost melted into it, you almost let your eyes flutter shut as you tilted your head; thankfully, you stopped yourself at the last second, pushing your hands against his chest.  He was strong enough that your protest would’ve been useless if he hadn’t chosen to stop in the moment.
“Andy, your wife…” you explained weakly.
“She hasn’t touched me in years,” he grimaced.  “She just wants my money, and the appearance of the perfect family.  You have no idea what it’s like to lie next to someone every night and still be completely alone.”
For a split second, Jacob flashed in your mind and you wondered if you did have an idea.  
“I’m… sorry to hear that…” you mumbled.  “But I can’t— you can’t—”
He lifted your chin with one finger, and you looked up at him with wide doe eyes.  “Is he treating you right, sweetheart?  Is he everything you deserve?  Don’t lie to me…”
“He’s…” you whispered shakily, unsure how to respond, “he’s great.”
Andy chuckled incredulously, seemingly not believing your answer.  “Listen, he’s my son; I love him, obviously.  But I know his flaws better than anyone.  And even though I like to think he’s smarter than a lot of boys his age, they’re all the same when it comes to one thing: girls.”
“I think he’s pretty smart in that regard,” you defended.
“If he was smart, he would be taking you to nice places, buying you nice things, treating you right.  If he was smart, he would’ve fucked you already.  If he was smart,” he smirked a little, “he wouldn’t have left you alone with me.”
His hand slipped under the bottom of your nightgown, grabbing your thigh.
“Andy!” you yelped, but he lifted a finger to his mouth with a soft shushing noise.
“Don’t wanna wake anybody, now do you?”
I kinda do though… you thought to yourself.
His fingers travelled higher and higher, nearly brushing against the edge of your panties; you shivered, wondering if you should stop him, and if so, how.
Your hands were still resting on his chest from when you’d tried to push him away, but instead of fighting back all they did was clench and pull at the soft cotton of his t-shirt as his pointer finger hooked into your underwear and pulled them down.
The thick, calloused pad of his finger swiped through your folds, and you bit your lip.  Something about it being the middle of the night, about the forbidden nature of it all, about the way his gaze burned right through you made your entire body so sensitive.  He found your clit instantly, and barely had to touch it to get you bucking your hips into his touch; you only somewhat managed to suppress your gasp.
He leaned in to kiss you again, but this time it actually came to fruition and his lips were soft but determined against your own.  You reciprocated eagerly, eliciting a little smile from him as you both realized how bad you wanted this even when you shouldn’t.  The moment his tongue slipped into your mouth was also the moment his middle finger slid into your tight and pulsing channel.  You moaned with surprise and it mixed with his own soft groans while your tongues intermingled.
A second finger joined his first, stretching your walls and making you nearly bite down on his lip in your mouth.  He smiled and twisted them within you, pushing right against a spot that made your knees weak, while his thumb stretched out to keep circling around your clit.
He broke the kiss to watch your face, admiring the way your brows furrowed together, and your eyes fluttered shut, and your swollen lip caught between your teeth.  Your head fell back against the wall, the effort of supporting it suddenly seeming too much, and it caused you to look up at him and make some awkward yet sensual eye contact.
“Has he ever made you come like this?” he whispered, jealousy apparent in his tone.  You shook your head ‘no.’  “Has anyone ever made you come like this?”  You shook your head again.  “Fuck,” he groaned.  “Including yourself?”
You nodded and he laughed a little, stooping down to kiss your neck.  “Always such a good girl, huh?”
His tone shifted as realization crossed over his face.  “Baby… am I the first thing that’s ever been inside you?”
You bit your lip, feeling a bit embarrassed, and nodded again.
He groaned and pressed his hips forward into your hip; the hard shape of his cock against you made you gasp.  “Feel what you do to me?” he smirked.  “God, you’re too fuckin’ perfect…”
“A-Andy, ‘m close,” you whimpered 
“Come on my fingers, sweet girl,” he encouraged.  “I wanna see how pretty you look when you let go.”
It felt like a wave of sensation was about to crash over you, faster than you knew how to handle it.  You reached down and tried to push him away by the forearm, an instinctive way to run from the intensity of the feeling as it started to make your eyes roll back and your toes go numb.  But he was too strong; your fighting was useless as his fingers kept fucking into you and pressing against your constricting walls.
“No, baby, you can take it,” he hissed.  “Come for me, sweetheart.”
Just as you were sure you were about to scream, his other hand clapped over your mouth.  You could feel the hard shape of his wedding ring against your lips and just as guilt hit you, so did your orgasm.  Your knees went weak; you would’ve fallen if it weren’t for the hand inside you all but holding you up.  
Your moans were muffled into his calloused palm as pleasure rippled through you.  You felt your channel grip his fingers at the same time as a gush of arousal coated his hand and even began to drip down to his arm.
Your breathing slowly stabilized, and Andy trusted you enough to finally take his hand away.  He pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to his lips, licking them with a smirk.  “You taste like heaven, honey,” he praised.  “Go ahead, clean off my fingers,” he instructed as he pressed the fingers into your mouth; it was already hanging slack from exhaustion.  You closed your lips and sucked on his fingers, moaning at your own taste and at the way his skin felt on your tongue.
Once he was apparently satisfied with your work, the hand in your mouth moved back and instead wrapped around your neck as you whimpered.
“Tomorrow,” he growled against your ear.  “I’m gonna get you alone, and we’re gonna finish this.”
You were a little too busy panting to respond to that.  Honestly, you had expected that you would have some post-nut clarity at this point, or even just be satisfied once you’d reached your peak.  But apparently not; even still coming down from it, you already wanted more.  With a sigh, you realized that you were already completely addicted to Andy Barber, and you were going to come back for more as soon as you could.
“Tomorrow,” you agreed in a raspy whisper.
(part 2) // (part 3)
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Vex, the Gloomiest build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Horace “Hozure” Hsu. Made for Riot Games.)
Writing this build in a dark room late at night, super tired and stuff... Stuck inside cause of this dumb virus... AFKing in TFT for a Prestige skin like a tryhard... It’s kinda aesthetic, ya know?
Another person to kill... Shadow? Can you handle it? - You don’t need best friends: you’ve got your Shadow. He’s the only cool one, because he’s basically you.
Ugh. Can we get some rain clouds in here? - No one likes a debbie downer, but everyone loves a good scare!
Man, walking suuuucks - Nowadays even the anti-dash champion needs a resetting dash. “Do the thing, Shadow.”
I could make Vex a Harengon to justify her rabbit ears, but she doesn’t really do much “jumping.” That, and I didn’t buy Wild Beyond the Witchlight. So Halfling still works good enough for a yordle. Your Dexterity increases by 2, and while your movement speed goes down to 25 you have Halfling Nimbleness to move through people who are bigger than you. You’re also “Brave” for advantage against fears (when you hang around the Shadow Isles stuff really isn’t that scary) and of course have good ol’ yordle Lucky to reroll Nat 1s.
Halflings are normally pretty cheerful but Ghostwise Halflings are perfectly dark. You’d normally increase your Wisdom by 1 but I’d recommend increasing your Constitution instead. But I mean, it’s not a big deal if you take Wisdom instead. It is only +1. You also get Silent Speech to keep to team chat with 30 foot telepathy. I mean, they have to understand your languages but at least you don’t have to tell everyone what you’re talking about. And oh yeah you obviously speak Common and Halfling.
15; CHARISMA - Turns out when you don’t release any new yordles for (wait it’s been 5 years since Kled was released? Holy shit) people end up wanting them.
14; DEXTERITY - Just because you don’t like walking doesn’t mean you’re slow.
13; CONSTITUTION - Imagine dying like a normie.
12; WISDOM - Vex isn’t sad because she’s pessimistic. She’s just realistic.
10; INTELLIGENCE - You’re too cool for school. (And I needed everything else more.)
8; STRENGTH - Ughhh I don’t wanna lift heavy stuff! I’m tired...
I guess you’re technically a Haunted One, even if the black mist is the best thing that ever happened to you. You get proficiency in Arcana and Survival as well as two language of your choice to talk to your "allies.” (I guess one of them has to be exotic or whatever.) (I’d personally pick Sylvan as the language of yordles and whatever language the majority of your party knows as your second choice, but that’s just me.)
The thing that sucks about having a Heart of Darkness is that everyone keeps trying to help you, thinking that your sadness (and the living shadow on your back) is something to be fixed. I mean, at least you can get the NPC normies to help you, as long as you don’t spook ‘em. “No doctors! I told you: being sad makes me happy.”
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(Artwork by @ToggleD0wnFall on Twitter.)
or whatever...
Starting as a Sorcerer for saving throws and stuff. Also proficiency in Intimidation and... Persuasion, I guess? Look, persuading people that you’re fine “no really” is a skill too.
I wonder what Sorcerous Origin we’ll pick... If only there was one based entirely on shadows and darkness... Oh hey Shadow Magic. As a Shadow Sorcerer you get Eyes of the Dark for 120 feet of Darkvision to see with your dumb Halfling eyes, and Strength of the Grave which will let Shadow take a hit for you. (As long as you make a good Charisma save.)
But of course the main appeal of a Sorcerer is the Spellcasting. You can learn 4 cantrips from the Sorcerer list and two level spells: For cantrips Mage Hand will let Shadow pick things up for you, Mind Sliver and Sword Burst will keep loud people off you both up close and from afar, and Prestidigitation will let you do all sorts of normie yordle magic. As for leveled spells Shield and Mage Armor are both kinda mandatory for some Personal Space.
What? Did you really think we wouldn’t get at least some support from adults? Work for that cool gloomy dude Viego and make a pack with The Undead. That’s because Undead are super dark and morbid and have a Form of Dread: as a bonus action you can turn on your Doom and Gloom for 1 minute. You get some temporary hit points, fear people when you hit them, and are immune to fears yourself. You can transform a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You also get Pact Magic, which is different from normie Spellcasting because you get the cool stuff done with just a Short Rest. Anyways you can learn two cantrips from the Warlock list like Minor Illusion to have Shadow trick some normies and Eldritch Blast to Eldritch while you Blast. You can also grab some first level Warlock spells like Hex to mark people you don’t like, and Arms of Hadar if you really need your Personal Space.
Second level Warlocks get their Eldritch Invocations for extra stuff that you don’t have to put effort into. While Armor of Shadows does exist it’s honestly better for you to cast Mage Armor with a spell slot, so with that being said take Agonizing Blast to agonize while you blast and Eldritch Mind so you can keep your concentration around annoying people.
You can also learn another spell like Hellish Rebuke, because people just keep barging into your Personal Space!
Now that you can agonize your blasts it’s time to go back to Sorcerer. Second level Sorcerers get a Font of Magic for Sorcery Points which currently don’t do much other than give you more spell slots. You can turn your Warlock slots into Sorcery points though, which is good because they come back on a Short Rest but the rest of your magic does not.
You can also cast another spell like Earth Tremor, to slow people down with Looming Darkness and sunder the land with your edginess.
Third level Sorcerers finally get Metamagic! Empowered Spell will allow you to maximize your damage and retain your role as an artillery mage. Alternatively if you want to guarantee fears in your foes take Heightened Spell to give them disadvantage to resist Shadow’s influence.
If you want Shadow to stick around then Dust Devil will swirl around for quite awhile. Alternatively Shadow (Magic) also teaches you Darkness for free, and you can cast it with 2 Sorcery Points to see through it! Your friends can’t see through it, but you can team up with Shadow for some powerful combos when you can see them but they can’t see you!
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(Artwork by @jpdiasarts on Twitter.)
4th level Sorcerers get the first of many Ability Score Improvements, but I can’t take Fey Touched every time for Flash. That, and we won’t give into basic yordle society. So let’s get value out of our Halfling race with the Second Chance feat. Along with +1 to your Charisma you can also use your reaction to make an enemy you can see attacking you reroll their attack roll, potentially making them miss.
Don’t use this against an attack that you can Shield against, but if someone gets a really good roll you can use this to get your Personal Space back! You can only use this once per combat though (it comes back when you roll for initiative!) so make sure to use it when it matters to keep your spell slots in check.
Oh and you can also learn another spell, and another cantrip! For your cantrip Shocking Grasp will help you push people away if they get too close (folk tend to react poorly when zapped by a tazer!) As for leveled spells Web will keep foes from dashing around, and is also pretty flammable. Huhn; wonder if that’ll be useful.
5th level Sorcerers get gifts from the Ruined Queen Tasha in the form of Magical Guidance. You can use a Sorcery point to reroll a d20 if needed, potentially squeezing a success out. Don’t use this all the time (even if Warlock slots means you’ll have plenty of Sorcery points to spare) but this can be very useful in an emergency!
You can also learn third level spells and hey: Fireball may be a normie spell, but it’s still pretty effective. It’s maybe a bit too flashy to be Looming Darkness but it’s a good source of AoE damage which isn’t as loud and annoying as Shatter.
All this time being a Shadow Sorcerer and Shadow hasn’t even done anything for us! Well how about you go out there and get some work done, Shadow? For 3 Sorcery points you can summon a Hound of Ill Omen to target a foe within 120 feet of you.
Shadow is basically a Dire Wolf except he’s Medium, has temp HP equal to half your Sorcerer level, can move through stuff (but takes damage if he ends his turn in stuff), and automatically chases whoever you told him to go for. Shadow will appear 30 feet away from the person you told him to get, and will chase after him like I said. All he’ll really do is attack the target you told him to though; he won’t even opportunity attack unless it’s the person you told him to chase. But if Shadow’s near someone they have disadvantage on their saving throws, which is pretty cool. (Unfortunately it’s only against spells, not your Form of Dread.)
Speaking of saving throws: Slow is a really great way to keep normies from running around doing annoying stuff. And you don’t have to hit Shadow with it which is pretty cool.
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(Artwork by @Lauriquess on Twitter.)
Third level Warlocks get to choose their Pact Boon: if you want a really small Shadow go for Pact of the Chain, and if you want your cool necklace go for Pact of the Talisman, but we’ll be going for Pact of the Tome because you’re mostly a spellcaster really. (And we definitely don’t have enough cantrips.)
You get a Book of Shadows (See? Books can be cool!) with three cantrips: take Thaumaturgy to be extra spooky, Vicious Mockery for some sick teenage burns, and Sapping Sting to make normies fall over when you fear them. Some might say that 10 total cantrips by level 9 is a bit overkill but look on the dark side: you’ve now got a cantrip for basically every type of saving throw in case you can’t hit with Eldritch Blast!
Honestly none of the Pact Boons are particularly important for Vex so I picked the one that made the most sense. Feel free to take something more practical since 10 cantrips is admittedly overkill.
Oh and you can learn more Warlock spells, so now it’s time to finally take Misty Step. For Flash!
4th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement: getting more Charisma for better spellcasting is probably a good idea.
You can also learn another spell, and hey look another cantrip. For your cantrip even if more damage options are kinda overkill by this point Chill Touch inflicts Grievous Wounds, which might be useful. You can also grab another second level spell and Blindness / Deafness (which is on the Undead list) is far more useful than any of the other normie options you’d have at this level anyways.
5th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation, and even if you’ve got a resetting dash you’re still a squishy mage. So grab Tomb of Levistus for Zhonya's Hourglass.
You can also grab third level Warlock spells now! Remember how I took Fireball and complained that it wasn’t a good replica of Looming Darkness? Well Hunger of Hadar takes your Concentration but it’s a lot edgier!
6th level Undead Warlocks have become Grave Touched by the mist, and can make mist of their own! Along with being able survive without eating, drinking, or breathing you can turn any of your damage into necrotic damage. If you’re in your Form of Dread however you can add one extra damage die to whatever you’re using to get people to buzz off, adding to that morbid and macabre aesthetic.
You can also add another spell and if you’re bored with Shadow being a wolf how about you make them a Summon Shadowspawn? Weaponize your Fury, Despair, or Fear (I’d honestly recommend Fury since it has good synergy with your Dreadful Aspect) and work together with Shadow to deal with all your annoying foes! I’d also suggest replacing Hellish Rebuke with Counterspell, because even if the former fits better the latter is way more useful.
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(Artwork by Jennifer Wuestling. Made for Riot Games.)
7th level Warlocks can finally activate Shadow Surge. Relentless Hex lets you mark a foe with Hex and then dash to them. And technically you can move Hex around after the fact to reset your dashes! And while you’re at it you may as well grab Dimension Door for Summoner Teleport.
You could also upgrade Summon Shadowspawn to Summon Aberration if you so desire, but Summon Shadowspawn is more than strong enough and far more fun and thematic.
Another Ability Score Improvement. Yay. Cap off your Charisma for the best spellcasting you can get out of Shadow. You can also learn another spell, but we’re going to wait for...
9th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation: even if it’s kinda ineffective Ascendant Step is still pretty useful to have Shadow carry you around. I mean yeah it’s slow but not that much slower than walking for you, and Shadow can lift you up in the air. “Shadow; carry me...”
You can also learn 5th level spells. If one guy’s being particularly annoying Negative Energy Flood can get them to shut up and work for you. Alternatively if you want more Personal Space Antilife Shell is on the Undead List and will make sure normies keep faaaaar away.
Are you ever so sick of everything that you just want to explode? Necrotic Husk has two benefits: for one you’re resistant to Necrotic damage, and immune while in your Form of Dread because being around Viego for so long means you’re used to his work.
But additionally when you are reduced to 0 hit points you can use your reaction to drop to 1 hit point instead and cause your body to explode! Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you takes 2d10 + your warlock level in Necrotic damage. You do gain 1 level of exhaustion after using this, and after using it once you can’t do so again until you finish 1d4 long rests. So I’d perhaps use Strength of the Grave first unless you really need to lash out.
I hope you weren’t expecting more spells because you aren’t getting them from Warlock: just a cantrip. By this point we’ve honestly got far too many cantrips so I dunno maybe just grab Prestidigitation again and swap it out from Sorcerer when you get the chance.
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(Artwork by @DukkoArt on Twitter.)
Finally back to our yordle roots: 7th level Sorcerers get 4th level spells like Storm Sphere for a sphere of darkness and angst. But I mean the real benefit is that you get more Sorcery points let’s be real.
Oh and you can swap out Prestidigitation for Gust I guess. Spooky winds and stuff. Either this level or next level depending on your DM.
Your last Ability Score Improvement... You’re gonna have to ask: what’s more important to me? More Metamagic, or more Eldritch Invocations? If Metamagic is to your liking take Metamagic Adept for Careful Spell and Distant Spell along with two more Sorcery points to use on them. If you like Eldritch Invocations though Eldritch Adept has a ton of options as a level 10 Warlock. I won’t tell you what invocation to take (they’re all great boosts but none of them shout out at me as something you should prioritize) as there are plenty of options to make your own Vex now that they’re all grown up.
I can at least tell you what spell to take: none of them! Wait until next level!
Oh and you can swap out Prestidigitation for Gust I guess.
9th level Sorcerers can learn 5th level spells which means you’ve finally caught up to your Warlock slots. And look at that: the good wish Tasha gave you one last way to weaponize Shadow. Bigby’s Hand does a bunch of cool stuff and is pretty much the ultimate way to make Shadow crush some normies. (Most literally.) Alternatively if you want to borrow from Viego Enervation will let you heal from the mist and also do some damage. Great if you’re stuck in a corner with a bunch of annoying normies.
Our final level is the 10th level of Sorcerer for one last spell, one last cantrip, and one last metamagic option! For your metamagic it’s honestly about time you take Quickened Spell to up your DPS. For your cantrip take Mold Earth to dig holes in the sand and brood. And as for your leveled spell? Honestly I just like Synaptic Static, and there isn’t much else I want anyways.
We’re all doomed. But you’re more doomed - 5th level spells pack more than enough punch, and you’ve got plenty of them. Warlock slots will always be at your fingertips, and Sorcery points give you plenty of flexibility too!
I can feel it: someone’s happy over there! - Along with giving you a temporary hitpoint shield Form of Dread puts a nice bit of CC on all your abilities. Keep enemies scared and sad with tons of Doom and Gloom!
Ugh. Stop copying me Shadow! - Hounds of Ill Omen are cool. Summon Shadowspawn is also cool. Bigby’s Hand is especially cool. And hey: even your lower level Concentration spells like Hex? They’re pretty cool too.
Ughhhhhhhhhh this is gonna take foreeeever! - You’ve got limited fumes, even for a coffeelock. Form of Dread has limited uses and there’s only so much spell slot melting you can do to get your magic back.
I’m dancing... Happy? - You’ve got a really boring set of really normie skills... and if you’re playing Vex the way she’s meant to be played you’re probably not going to use any of them except for Intimidation.
Yup; the glass is half empty - Half your levels are Sorcerer levels, meaning you’re squishy. You’ve also got Mage Armor on which guess what: also means you’re squishy. People who hit teenagers sure are lame but it’s really not hard to Power Word Kill you.
But I guess you’re pretty cool overall. Shadow’s an alright partner and you can spread Ruination even without Viego. Trudge around and get people to frown for once. There’s nothing wrong with being sad, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting the world to be sad. But do try to at least be happy out of character, because we play games to have fun. I mean, who’d play a video game that just makes you depressed and angry?
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(Artwork by @AzzylumArt on Twitter.)
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
Do you think canon Zuko has any understanding of the idea of duty? That he, especially given that he aspires to political power, should act like his status as Prince gives him certain responsibilities? That doing what's best for the for Fire Nation or the world might require him to do things which make him unhappy or uncomfortable or require him to make grave personal sacrifices? Does he even understand duty as a concept?
Oof. Complicated questions, thus, this sat in my inbox for a veeeery long time.
I honestly, seriously, genuinely... don't think Zuko truly understood, at any point in canon, what it really meant to be a leader. I know many of us (and I think you, too?) don't particularly like the comics, but in my opinion, The Promise did a surprisingly decent job at highlighting several problems left in the wake of the end of the war, and perhaps unintentionally, this is one of the problems: upon becoming Fire Lord, Zuko is remarkably erratic, unsure of his choices, even seeking advice from his FATHER, of all people, because he has no idea what he's doing.
In the most favorable possible view of Iroh, he taught Zuko to be a better person. I don't entirely adscribe to this belief, but fine, let's concede that he did, or else this answer would never end: not just because you're a good person, however, are you guaranteed to be a good leader. Zuko, as we both know, is far from the best person in the world, and he is prone to making impulsive, emotional mistakes that can cause harm and trouble, and typically, Zuko doesn't face the consequences of most his actions, or the narrative just pins the blame on someone else. When we see this sort of behavior in a real-life politician, the immediate reaction we would have is "this guy is awful at his job", and sadly, I find myself thinking that quite often when it comes to Zuko's canon tenure as Fire Lord.
So... what is Zuko's concept of duty? Going by his pursuit of Aang in the first two seasons, duty is a task given to him by someone whose approval he seeks (in this case, Ozai) and he must pull it off, no matter what, to gain said approval. By Book 3, this logic still applies fairly easily to how Zuko acts over Iroh: I've highlighted in the past that the main motivation for Zuko's redemption is Iroh, doing right by Iroh, making amends to Iroh, regretting how he treated Iroh. He points that out explicitly in Ember Island Players, he does it as well indirectly by bringing up Iroh first of all, when confronting Ozai: this is his main priority. Ergo... I'd honestly say it's safe to judge that this is what Zuko regards as duty, as what he has to do. Iroh wants him to be Fire Lord? That's exactly what he becomes. The difficulties and complications in this particular line of work are taken for granted, and so, we have an outcome that was remarkably well depicted in The Promise, despite that comic's many glaring flaws: Zuko gets swept back and forth, twisted left and right by all the pressures and responsibilities, because he has no idea what he's doing as Fire Lord, and no idea/experience in how to be a real leader.
As far as I can tell, the core of the matter is that nobody really seems to have taken Zuko all that seriously as future Fire Lord. Ozai, evidently, wasn't training Zuko to be his personal heir. Ozai himself is a questionable source of information regarding learning what it means to be Fire Lord, considering he, as well, wasn't raised to take that role, just as he didn't raise Zuko for it. Yet Iroh didn't exactly teach Zuko how to lead anyone either, as far as I can tell: his lessons were meant to be of a more personal nature, and even then, Zuko had lots of trouble accepting most of them. Iroh's firebending lessons to Zuko were typically stunted in the basics because he was hot-headed and rash about getting to the intense and interesting stuff...
So: neither Ozai nor Iroh gave Zuko actual responsibilities. Ozai gave him a punishment Zuko was trying to endure however possible, a punishment he wanted to prove himself unworthy of by finding the Avatar and "regaining his honor". Then, Iroh punished Zuko as well by giving him the cold shoulder in Book 3, then he escaped and Zuko did everything he did, after betraying Ozai, to prove himself worthy of Iroh's kindness once again. It's not actual duty, the way it is in Azula's case: no doubt, Azula wants Ozai's approval too, but she has the madman's trust when it comes to finding her brother and uncle, to taking down the Avatar, and to conquering Ba Sing Se, as far as anyone can tell. I do doubt Ozai gave her all these missions at once, but he gave her the resources through which she pulled off ALL of them: she had the firebending procession, she had a ship, she had a train-tank, she had mounts... Zuko had a rundown ship that looked like a 1:10 scale version of every other ship in the harbor back in the very third episode: he was being punished. In contrast, Azula is entrusted with a mission, with LEADERSHIP, while Zuko has no visible, tangible, objective experience with the latter (consider how Azula steals the Dai Li's loyalty from under Long Feng: when did we see Zuko pulling off something like this? Even with Jet, Zuko was more of an associate to the Freedom Fighters, and Jet was still the leader).
I've always thought Zuko wasn't prepared to be Fire Lord, and the main reasons are the ones you indirectly point out through this ask: Zuko doesn't seem to treat the throne as a responsibility, but as his right. I won't get tired of pointing out that this was NOT Zuko's birthright, he was NOT born thinking he'd be Fire Lord: he was born to the second branch in the Fire Nation family. We literally SEE the day in which Lu Ten's death is revealed to him. According to somewhat official sources? He's ELEVEN in Zuko Alone's flashbacks. I, personally, think he looks a little younger than that, but I think that's the official wikia age, no idea where they got that info but that's what it says. Meaning...
Zuko, objectively, only had been crown prince for FIVE YEARS.
Zuko was NOT raised, not by his mother, not by his father, with the belief that the throne would one day be his (Ursa is gone before Ozai is crowned and Ozai clearly wanted Azula for the job rather than Zuko).
And yet, when you backtrack to the show? It seriously looks like that was the case. He clings to the throne in Books 1 and 2 as though he had no other purpose in life, as though this was everything that was promised to him (in contrast, Azula only ever indicates wanting the throne in Sozin's Comet: Part One). Even when he's an outlaw, discarded and cast out, he STILL talks about the throne, as though most his identity were built upon the notion that he must become Fire Lord: why? How come? Within five years, he's crafted his entire existence around being the heir to the throne? That's... a bit weird.
And a bit wishful, too. Which is why I commend that the comics show him struggling as Fire Lord, if anything they should've had him struggling MORE than that, because Zuko is simply NOT prepared for these responsibilities. He never gave any indication, any sign, of seeing it as such. He sees it as his right, his birthRIGHT. Why? Why more people don't ponder how utterly strange this behavior is, beats me. But it really does bother me that Zuko built his entire existence around being Fire Lord in a very similar way to how Korra built her own about being the Avatar. I have very little praise to give LOK in general, but the premise of Korra learning she was a person, a human, and not just the Avatar felt like the perfect parallel to Aang's story, where he was very much anchored in his humility and belief that he was just "one kid", and his rejection of his duties as the Avatar was meant to change gradually as he learned to accept himself as he was. Korra, however, never fully hit the mark with this subject, in my personal opinion... much as Zuko doesn't hit the mark either, since the show's only direct attempt to "deconstrue" Zuko's clinging to the throne happens in one dialogue, and his attachment to the idea is built up again, right afterwards:
Zuko: And then ... then you would come and take your rightful place on the throne? Iroh: No. Someone new must take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko. Zuko: Unquestionable honor? But I've made so many mistakes. Iroh: Yes, you have. You've struggled; you've suffered, but you have always followed your own path. You restored your own honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation. Zuko: I'll try, Uncle.
And there we have it. The only point in the show (that I can remember) where Zuko seemed to not feel worthy of the throne and questioned he should be the one sitting on it (RIGHTFULLY!), buuuuuuuut he goes right back to wanting it, right afterwards, based on how this single exchange was enough for him to be 100% determined to take down his sister, merely a few lines later.
As for his willingness to make personal sacrifices... some might say he was outright willing to die for Katara in the finale -- though I'll point out he was trying to redirect the lightning anyway, didn't do it as well as he should have, but he wasn't exactly, consciously, trying to DIE for her... --, some might say that he left Mai behind in the FIre Nation, and that as well was a sacrifice... but was it? We don't see him missing her, or suffering about her fate, at any point in time after SHE sacrifices herself for him in the Boiling Rock (my biggest gripe over this particular canon couple is this, tbh). I feel like the show generally presents Zuko's situation as somewhat... self-sacrificial? Especially in Books 1 and 2, and yet that's really not the case: it isn't Zuko himself who makes the choice of traveling to find Aang, it's a punishment inflicted upon him.
This particular view upon his circumstances makes it so Zuko is never responsible for... well, any of his choices? It's always someone else's fault, therefore, whatever he suffers through, there's always someone he can (and usually does) resent for it. Therefore... I can't genuinely think of anything Zuko sacrificed in order to come as far as he did. He was forced to let go of things by his father, typically, by Zhao as well, maybe, but even then, it's not like we saw that he has a super healthy and happy relationship with, I don't know, Earth Kingdom people (his only meaningful positive EK bond was with Jin, which went nowhere and goes forgotten after a single mini episode)? The Palace staff? The commoners of the Fire Nation (they just treat him like a hero and he seems awkward and distant about it anyway, like he can really just do without their worship)? He doesn't have other friends beyond Azula's own friends... thus, he doesn't sacrifice anything that really matters. And in a sense, some people might say he doesn't have to sacrifice anything at all: he already went through so much strife and struggle that why would he need to sacrifice anything else? But the thing is... you DO have to learn to make such sacrifices if you're going to be a good king.
So often, people who devote themselves to their jobs have to consciously neglect their families, to name one thing: Zuko neglects Mai and she explodes at him for it in The Promise, then he just tries to get her back at all costs in Smoke & Shadow, with no thoughts given to the fact that maybe he isn't ready to juggle both a relationship and the throne, that maybe Mai could be happier with someone other than him, someone who can give her the attention and relationship she's looking for... THOSE are the sacrifices I'd be referring to, personally, sacrifices where his happiness and peace of mind have to be set aside for the sake of something much more important than himself, and I expect that's the kind of sacrifices you're referring to, too. I seriously don't think he's ready to make them, and with the comics as reference, there's seriously no evidence to suggest he's prepared to accept these burdens that come with the heavy mantle of leadership and ruling. I've never seen any signs of him being ready for it, myself. Maybe I need to reexamine the show and see if maybe I'm missing something... but I don't really think I am.
The worst part, for me, is that Zuko isn't even doing the bulk of the things he's doing in pursuit of genuine happiness: he's doing it over a sense of destiny. He never stops to reason with that destiny, to wonder if maybe he doesn't need to be Fire Lord, if maybe he could have a life beyond that role. Book 2 veeeery briefly suggests he MIGHT be on his way to questioning that destiny, but as I've said before, I don't see the sense in Zuko's big change of heart after the Appa incident considering we don't really understand what he's learned, other than how to be the perfect nephew for Iroh, apparently. Zuko never really is happy, as he says in the show: his happiest moments are with Mai and they're only like a 25% of his relationship with her, everything else is a mess (and his relationship with her isn't exactly the core of his character, either). So, the way I see it... Zuko is even worse off than it looks at first glance. He's out to fulfill a destiny he has never stopped to reason with, a destiny he's 100% sure is his, despite he has only been on that path, objectively, for five years? Despite he wasn't raised all along under the belief that this was what he was supposed to be? If given a chance to be genuinely happy, what on earth would he even do? A lot of the growth I gave him in Gladiator was based on that particular question: is the throne really what Zuko needs to be happy? It doesn't look like it, even in canon. If it's not... then it's not happiness he seeks, it's some sort of sense of assurance that he's doing the right thing, according to the figure of authority he follows at a set point in time: by Book 3, said authority is Iroh, and Iroh wants him on the throne. His motivation, as far as I can see it, is as simple as that.
Long story short... I don't think Zuko really has a strong grasp on many concepts that he absolutely should have reasoned with and worked out in order to become Fire Lord. In a sense, he's way too young for the role he's given, for the heavy burdens he has to deal with, and I'll NEVER see the sense in not having Iroh taking the throne (beyond how "poetic" the creators and writers found it to crown Zuko to finish his story, of course), at least for a short time, before Zuko can be ready. This is exactly why I wrote things that way in my oneshot where Azula takes Zuko's role, more or less: Iroh serves as regent while Azula prepares for taking the full role of Fire Lord when she's ready. I love her, she's awesome, I absolutely adore her character... but I don't think an Azula who was sidelined and sent on a long voyage with her uncle for YEARS could possibly be ready for the responsibilities of being Fire Lord right away.
Meanwhile? Iroh was given leadership of military missions enough times that he became a general in the Fire Nation forces. By all evidence, he was Fire Lord Azulon's pampered and spoiled son, whom he DID prepare for the duties of a Fire Lord for as long as Iroh was born: Iroh literally had fifty-ish years of preparation, as far as I can tell? How is he NOT the better suited person to take the throne, if just temporarily, while his nephew learns what it really means to rule by watching him, or by maybe learning leadership by managing smaller duties first, a specific town or city, and then putting his knowledge to good use by becoming Fire Lord properly?
Eh... because it wouldn't be an epic enough finale for the show, I suppose. That's the only answer I can find for this particular question.
So... yeah. That got long :'D but in short... I don't think Zuko has a strong grasp on responsibility and duty, let alone on the burdens inherent to these concepts. Yet more reasons why his character's arc can't hit all the marks it should, imo, to make it as great as the whole fandom is already convinced it is.
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