#(changes a lot but rn) purple
tricoufamily · 1 year
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here i stared at beckett and connor for a while then scrolled through putting random hairs on them then i closed the game it was a really good use of my time
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jayskai · 7 months
im definitely redesigning my sona next year lmao. it has only been two months* since i designed him but still 😭
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deer-butch · 2 years
hey instead of bullying or scaring you into switching to firefox, let me tell you why i LOVE firefox and how my online life has improved significantly since installing it
- the setup process is easy, and even fun! if you’re using tumblr rn, you can handle it, and if you’re the kind of tumblr user who likes customizing your blog or tinkering with xkit, you can have a lot of fun personalizing really granular settings and picking themes and extensions and everything, it’s very customizable and i happily spent like 2 hours getting everything perfect.
- you can use a command line entry tool to change specific settings right from the search bar! i did this to make firefox stop auto filling my email information since i use a different password locker (which you should too! try bitwarden!), and it was easier than digging through a bunch of submenus for a setting i wasn’t sure existed. you can just turn shit off!
- there’s a preset theme called aurora that’s purple and VERY pretty
- once you get ublock origin and as many other blockers as you’d like set up, no ads, anywhere, ever! streaming sites, youtube, all the basics, totally no stress and no compatibility issues for me
- in browser screenshot and picture in picture functions!! holy shit i use these every day, the PiP is especially helpful, it replaced an extension i used to use on chrome and it’s leagues better and works on all video content pretty much
- overall better downloads management imo, it’s a lot easier to get to your downloads and find them later
- better bookmark system, with the ability to organize your bookmarks with searchable tags and assign them a shortcut you can type into the search bar to go to
- containers! you can have two accounts to the same website open in two different tabs and switch between them without having to switch accounts. also gives firefox the ability to contain facebook and their trackers, so you can click that party invite link without feeling like you just let mark zuckerberg into your house
these were just off the top of my head, i love firefox a lot and actively enjoy using it, which i never felt with chrome! please download firefox!! you will not regret it!!! where’s your fucking rage!!!!!! go!!!!!!!!!
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l0serloki · 5 months
Hiii! Can i request Iso with a childhood friend reader whom he's so attached with for years until he lost contact with the reader. Present time, he was tasked to eliminate a certain target which was an escaped experiment of Kingdom (like omen in his trailer but with reader) so when he finds the reader and fought with her (he didn't get to notice that it was her due to the years they have been apart and her appearance that had changed, i like to imagine that reader had similar life draining abilities like reyna) but time passed he managed to recognize that it was his childhood friend if it weren't for the eyes that he adored so much.
im having an Iso brainrot rn, have a great day <33
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Childhood Memories
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Iso x Reader
CW : fighting, allusions to being abused by kingdom
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Iso had gone many years since he last saw you. His family had moved around a lot when he was a child, leading to meeting you through those fleeting years. He still remembers the fun he had chasing you around, the whispers between classes, and the inside jokes. He missed you terribly but with his job he had never bothered to reach out. He knew how some people felt about radiants and it had been a long time since he had seen you. For all he knew you could even be married by now..
He couldn’t think about that now though. He had a mission to do. 
His body carried him as fast as it could, trailing behind his target. He hadn’t had his prey be this evasive in a long time. It was almost exhilarating. There was spice to this challenge.
“Stop.” You yelled out as you turned around. Your eyes widened as you took in your pursuers form. You couldn’t even bring yourself to drain the man standing in front of you. He was too much like him. Like Li.
“It's you and me!” He yelled out and you felt yourself be whisked away. The world was purple as you took in the shapes around you. You had realized quickly what this was. You weren’t stupid - you had heard about the bounty hunter before. You had to shake away your past and fight. Your life depended on it.
You warped and ran around the bullets as you shot back. After what seemed like ages you felt one smack into your ankle. Your body screamed for help but you had to keep pushing.. You had to escape.
“Stop, you're finished.” His voice demanded from above you. You looked up into his eyes as you had accepted your fate. It was a cruel twist of destiny to die at the hands of the only person you had ever considered your true friend. There was no way it wasn’t him.
“End me Li.” You whisper up and much to your surprise he crouched down. His gloved hand rubbed against your cheek as he stared into your eyes. You could do it. You could drain him at this distance. And yet you never did.
You moved your face into the soft touch as his thumb glided against your skin. 
“Y/N?” His voice was hoarse and tears threatened to spill from his purple hues. You didn’t trust yourself to speak as you nodded up at him. His arms hesitantly reached out to wrap around you, his purple gulag washing away.
“It’s really you?” He whispered out against your shoulder as his body shook in tandem with you. 
“It’s really me.” You affirmed and he pulled you back out to stare at you.
“I won’t kill you. I’ll help you out. But I want you to stay with me for a while. We have a lot of catching up to do.” His face was dead serious and you could feel your body slowly relax.
“We do. You wouldn’t believe what those people have done to me.” You choke out and Iso helps you to your feet. His eyebrows furrow as he hears your words.
“I doubt I’ll be anything but happy when I do hear about it. So let’s get home, Y/N.” His hand grips at yours as he gives one final soft look, tugging you along.
Let’s get home, Y/N.
You were finally free. And what funny world it is that your old friend was the one who broke the chains.
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bambifornia · 2 months
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anyway decided to do the impossible today and made an autobot!swindle design :D back in the good ol' days when swindle's head actually looked proportional to his body
below the cut r some height comparisons, headcanons and some piss poor recolorings
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yeah so swindle here had a major growth spurt, but it's mostly due to the fact of the myriad of mods he's installed onto himself for the past millenia. one assumes he did this in order to even the playing field with decepticons, seeing these bots r common clients of his.
and while that is partially true (swindle has had to fight many, many cons after they found out he scammed them) another reason for the mods is to intimidate fellow autobots. after this guy bailed on cybertron, he was a pretty wanted mech and swindle wanted to at least be armed to the teeth, should the elite guard come to send him to the stockade again
but other than the DRASTIC height change, there's other changes made, such as:
- his pupils used to be circles, now they're slits
- he doesn't have his bolo tie yet. he added this later in order to make him look more "professional"
- his original designation isn't swindle. he donned that name to himself. im still tossing ideas on WHAT his designation used to be but ideally, I want it to be something relating to that subspace of his
- he had his legs, forearms, torso, and and shoulder pads enlarged in order to make him look more taller and "imposing"
- doesn't own his fusion cannon and all the extra weapons yet. it's just him and his personal subspace against the world
and, my personal idea
- the gold and purple paintjob aren't his actual colors. swindle here got himself a fancy new electronic paint job shortly after defecting to the decepticons
below r some attempts at what his original paint job used to look like (spoiler! im most definitely going to be making more cause im not a huge fan on the one i made rn)
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anyway. that's it. end of the post.
boy swindle changed a lot huh
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star-boi0720 · 30 days
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Katie and my version of her brothers
so names and order of age after Katie:
Katie: pretty much her original self a few things changed nothing crazy tho
green background, Kaden: He's a shadow knight or what I call them, warlords and has a past with Gene and Dante
purple background, Kameron (or Able not 100% yet): I made him a minor villain in like season 2 or 3 lots of trauma there
red background, Kain: yes I made him a cowboy and no I'm not sorry about it still lots and lots of trauma, lots of mommy issues, want to give him a centaur girlfriend but still on the fence about it
Yellow background my special boy Kacey: basically, he's a cyborg kind of, I made him this thing called a keeper basically he's in charge of watching over some magic place. His is the labyrinth kinda works like how it does in Greek myths/Percy Jackson. magic maze that's all under the world and constantly moves around to trick people who are trying to steal the relic hidden inside the one that its protection is Kulzack's (I think that's How you spell it)
still workin out things but thats what I got for them rn
srry for any mistakes
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lunzi0 · 6 months
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this was pretty silly to draw, and i can finally give some fun facts about his bunny suit
depending on his emotion his pupils can change shape!: the 3 main ones i have right now are:
normal: neutral and his default expression
exclamation marks: shocked, surprised, an error or scared, this is only if those emotions are really strong and he is really caught off guard.
take the vanny ending for example when she’s about to get her ass disassembled, for Rab his pupils will be that shape because obviously..he’s scared and shocked.
3. Stars: he’s just being his trickster self or he’s just really happy, he’s usually like that when he hangs out with Vanny because hey, why not!
I am planning to add more later on but that’s what i’ve got so far :))
Just like his pupils can change shape they can also change color depending on the emotion, it’s randomized at times, but they consist more of blue’s and purple’s
yes the stars on his cheek are emphasizing him being called superstar in sb, im glad some people were able to catch that it made me really happy :,))
His eyes have thermal heat! but it only works if he’s in a really dark area, sure his eyes glow but they can only do so much…
He can receive calls or have a walkie talkie type system from inside his mask!! just a little tap on the side of his head and he can answer em or give a transmit a message ! (Vanny likes to spoil that use at times though, but he is not allowed to remove that feature from his mask.. (i made a silly doodle comic about it)
It’s common that when Rab’s pupils do change shape depending on his emotion there’s a lot of glitching, why? I kind of don’t know! i just thought it’d be pretty cool to add that as a small idea.
Rab’s bow was given to him by Vanny, he used his hoodie for a while on his first few days wearing the suit, but after a while he realized how dirty it can get when doing his new job, Vanny then gifted him the bow as a gift of close friendship!! (awweeee)
And that’s all i’ve really got for now!! i know i’ve got more somewhere in my brain but it is 12 am for me rn and i’m visión blurring woah hdhshahaha
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snarky-art · 6 months
Perhaps the domino gowns of s5...they....they need a bit of love 😭
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Couldn’t not upload my favorite pairs too while they’re in such nice attire, as a treat
Anyway, bestie these were WILD to look at
Redesigning these meant trying my best to keep certain shapes, and then saying fuck it for most of them and just lore dumping through dresswear instead
Musa, Flora, and Tecna are in nice formal wear with some traditional elements and general stuff representative of their respective homes as guardian fairies and members of the winx and Stella, Aisha, and Bloom are wearing formal wear that’s drenched in years of political context and a lot of it with handed down elements select to the leaders of the body of government
Stella’s is a hodgepodge of her own selection and custom tailoring and Aisha’s is a more modern take on traditional elements that she prefers her royal stylist to stick to as a way to stay on trend and match with what she likes
Lore stuff and some explanations for changed that I feel like justifying below the cut if you’re interested!:)
For Musa I went more Ming dynasty and tried a longer skirt but it just didn’t really look right to me, so pants it is. The only thing I ended up keeping from her og dress was a line down the middle on the upper part of the outfit.
Aisha has the green gem featured in her crown (the one for the heir of Androsia) and her parent’s headwear as I’ve featured in other pieces and has been shown in between the two diamond jewels in the same formal wear pieces and as is shown on her bracelets. I realized I never specified what those are symbolic of ahaaa
The two diamonds are for the land and the sea, each equal in size and color for the symbolism of equal emphasis and importance in the standing of the government, with the green circle being where they touch. The Diamond shape is to represent each form reaching for each other and outwards, encompassing all around it, and the dot where they drop into each other, making the surface of the sea. Aisha as heir is currently meant to represent this unity as she is the result of Land and Sea symbolically through her parents with the way Androsian government works, and she is meant to currently do what she can to represent all her subjects’ interests before she takes her final place as the representative for the Land Androsi (if she does take that position at all actually because there’s some political turmoil in my thing with how government works rn that I talk about some in this post but shhhh we’ll figure that out later)
Tecna’s is a purple girlie.
There are lots of natural ways to dye things purple on Zenith (they do a lot of it synthetically or magically now) so lots of traditional stuff is purple and lucky for Tecna, they, like anyone who loves purple, isn’t normal about the color and enjoys a lot of traditional Zenithian garb as a result since a lot of it has that.
Flora was much easier to do and less time consuming because she’s already a floral person and I could translate the shape easily into something close to traditional Lymphean garb from her area. The only shame here is I originally thought it would be nice to keep it more teal and green heavy since she so rarely gets the chance to wear those colors in canon when compared to her more pink heavy color palette, but I ended up caving to purplish petals instead.
Bloom is doing The Most here, and I wanted to intentionally make her kind of awkward in terms of hair size compared to her body and fit in particular. Bloom doesn’t do much with her hair usually outside of a half up half down, but she has her mom’s fiery red locks and she is doing her first Official Royal Outing and not only is she going to dress to the 9s in a way that is over the top by most modern government standings, wearing as many official emblematic bits, shapes, and references to the royal body as possible, she wants to channel some of what Marion has as an expert diplomat and make her proud and she thinks looking like her might help. I feel like Marion has the genuine confidence, zeal, and presence through decades of experience and proper study and general demeanor to pull off the big hair though whereas Bloom is basically doing the equivalent of trying on her parents big shoes when she’s a toddler. It looks more like dress up on her than it does an actual fitting look for her first attempt at politicking (and Diaspro does point this out to Bloom, and while it is meant to be snide, it’s also meant to be her way of trying to tell her she’s trying too hard and she shouldn’t. Her and Bloom have a decent acquaintanceship of sorts at this point. They’re never going to be best buds but they don’t hate each other or hold any ill will. Their personalities clash though and they know their limits with each other at this current point in their relationship. No Diaspro Sky Bloom bullshit here thanks) and she’s anxious and insecure and desperately wants to make her Dominion parents proud, especially because of her insecurities for the obvious (didn’t grow up royal, new to magic, still scene as the legacy child for Domino even though it’s been newly resurrected, also meaning this is it’s first big foray back into the Magical Realm’s political sphere and it HAS to show they’re still a capable powerhouse, which is also part of why the meeting is being held on Domino too, as a courtesy favor from the other governments involved in The Infinite Ocean stuff to help get its foot back in the door), but most importantly, because she’s not Daphne, and that’s a sore subject at this current time.
For Stella, I managed to keep some shapes from the og dress, but it’s very slight. Stella at this point is big on embracing her moon heritage as well and advocating more for causes beyond just Solarian government stuff, as in the government body that lumps Lunarian stuff in with it, and is working hard on raising Lunarian interests as separate things, reenforcing the idea that their culture and people are separate but equal despite the attempted assimilation under the planet of Solaria itself, an assimilation that still hasn’t been fully stopped or systematically eradicated. She has charisma and charm to spare and is taking the actual nitty gritty “not so fun” parts of politics (ie actual info on sociocultural and socioeconomic trends, trade info, statistics and projected trends, etc. basically all the stuff that isn’t “show up to parties and mingle”) much more seriously now and is wanting to make proper and viable change in multiple areas of her future government, and she’s working on properly finding her footing in the world of direct action and political savvy maneuvering through proper head on negotiations.
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themidnightcrimson · 2 years
Autumn Love. | e. olsen
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summary: in which you and lizzie make the most of the season.
warnings: my intense love for autumn, just pure fluff with a little making out (never hurt anyone), lots of boring purple prose because i want to, let's pretend lizzie doesn't live in cali for just a sec, im sorry to those who don't celebrate halloween or aren't experiencing autumn rn but just let me have my moment please
Summer had come and went. Vacations, press, concerts, and all those lively albeit draining events had filled your summer up until there was nothing left but the slow, cooling draw of late September. Your morning walks with Lizzie, usually filled with sunshine and the glittery voice of chirping birds as the earth warmed up for the day, were now slower and cooler, filled with the beautiful morning fog that flooded in through the changing trees.
Lizzie's hand grasped yours as your boots crunched through the orange and brown leaves on the sidewalk. It was chilly that morning, but crisp. The air felt easier to breathe and nicer on your skin, and the bright green trees had faded into vivid oranges and reds. Both your and Lizzie's other hands were warmed with cups of coffee you had picked up from your favorite local cafe. While you preferred iced coffee year round, today was a hot latte kind of day.
Lizzie's nose was pink from the cooler air, a thick brown scarf situated around her neck as she rambled to you as she usually did, using you as her own walking, talking diary. You enjoyed it and listened attentively as you counted the rogue acorns on the sidewalk as you passed them, noticing a squirrel scramble down from a tree and frenziedly steal an acorn from the path just ahead before scampering away with it bundled in its fat cheek.
You swung Lizzie's slender hand almost childlike as she talked, taking sips of your coffee that was now cool enough to drink. You could still taste pumpkin loaf on your lips that you both had shared from the cafe. Your fingernails were both messily painted a rusty orange because you insisted on having matching autumn-themed nails. Of course, Lizzie's was already chipped because of her mindless nervous habit of picking at them.
Lizzie's brown leather fanny pack was bulging from her collections during your walk. She loved to pick up particularly pretty orange leaves, pine cones, acorns, sticks she found artistic (you didn't really understand how a stick could be artistic), and other hints of nature from the ground to make little bouquets out of. She even had a special bowl that she had made during one of your pottery classes together that she filled up with her seasonal findings. The flowers from spring had all wilted, and you knew once you got home she would fill the decorative dish up with all that she found on your walk.
A breeze flittered through the looming trees, causing their upper leaves to wave like orange hands clapping together. You shivered from the cold, and Lizzie noticed this, taking her hand away from yours to wrap it around your shoulders, tucking you into her side. She was already taller than you, but with her heeled boots you fit perfectly under her arm.
"Are you cold?" she asked you, looking down at you and smiling softly at the way you nuzzled further into her. You nodded, looking up at her to find her red lips close to yours. She leaned down and caught your lips, kissing you softly while still walking. Her oversized black coat warmed you, as well as her soft lips. With both your eyes closed, you both lost balance briefly, walking sideways and having to break the kiss to watch where you were walking, causing you to break out into giggles. The sun peeked out of the bleak clouds, bringing some relief to the chilly wind.
You decided to drop by the farmer's market and see if they had any good pumpkins out, and you gleamed brightly when you saw they had fresh, perfect pumpkins all sitting in a bin. Lizzie helped you claw through the batch to find the biggest, most spotless ones. Only one pumpkin would fit in your mesh bag you always took to the market, so Lizzie offered to carry the other one under her arm. The bag was weighing on your shoulder during the walk back to the car, and Lizzie had to keep switching her heavy pumpkin between her arms, which made you giggle almost all the way back.
Carving the pumpkin would prove much more difficult than picking it out. Later that evening, after Lizzie made her annual chili (you couldn't understand how she could handle how spicy she made her chili), you resolved to carving the damned things. Lizzie seemed slightly unnerved by you wielding a large knife, especially when you stabbed it into the top of the pumpkin and began clumsily cutting the top off, the pumpkin nearly slipping out from under your hands several times. Lizzie would always let out a sigh of relief when she saw you had not maimed yourself before going back to calmly cutting the top of hers off.
Lizzie's curated fall playlist on Spotify lilted through the kitchen. She had set down newspapers on the table to keep from getting the table too messy, but your clumsiness had caused half of the newspapers to slip and fall to the ground.
Once you had finally gotten some traction around cutting the top of the thick pumpkin off, you slipped and almost cut your hand, and by then, Lizzie had enough of watching you nearly cut your arm off.
"Baby," she said, already finished with cutting the top of hers off. She came up behind you, gently snaking her arms around yours and taking the knife out of your hand. "Please let me do this. I don't want your blood to stain the floors."
You rolled your eyes at her excuse, knowing she was actually worried of you accidentally hurting yourself. Huffing, you shuffled to the side and leaned your elbows on the table, watching her roll up the sleeves of her beige cable-knit sweater and get to sawing the pumpkin. Biting her lip, the veins in her hands strained as she wielded the knife. You noticed that her own pumpkin was cut in a neat, perfect circle in the top, while yours was jagged and uneven.
Once Lizzie had seamlessly cut your pumpkin, she reached her hands inside and brought out two handfuls of pumpkin guts, scrunching her nose in disgust before plopping the slimy mess of strings and seeds onto the newspaper. "Ew," she giggled, holding up her messy hands out towards you. "Baby, I want a hug."
You gasped and backed away from her as she started to come closer to you with her pumpkin hands, a devilish smile on her face. "No, Lizzie!" you warned her, circling around the table. She crept towards you slowly before suddenly coming at you full speed, and you let out a shriek of terror, jumping around the table and dashing into the living room as she chased you, giggling evilly like a possessed child through the house. Finally, you warded off her attack by threatening to refuse sex for a month, which quickly sent Lizzie into the kitchen to clean off her hands while apologizing through her residual giggles, her face flushed from the high of her sadistic joy while chasing you around.
You both decided on using big ladles to scrape and scoop out the rest of the pumpkin innards so Lizzie wouldn't tempted to torment you again. Once the pumpkins were cleaned out, you sat down across from each other on the kitchen island and put your artistic abilities to the test in carving out faces. You went for a more Halloweenish look, giving the pumpkin sharp teeth and cat eyes. While your cuts were uneven, you put a lot of detail into the face. Lizzie finished way before you which caused you to believe she probably made a perfect, beautiful face on the pumpkin. She waited for you until you were done, and you both prepared to turn your pumpkins to face each other.
"Ready?" Lizzie asked with a smile, and when you nodded, you both swiveled your pumpkins around to show each other your artwork. Upon first sight of Lizzie's, you nearly screamed with laughter. Her pumpkin's eyes were simple circles, both different sizes, and the only effort she put into the mouth was a narrow smile. While her edges were neat, there was absolutely no life or detail in the face.
"Stop!" she exclaimed as you mocked her, almost beside yourself in how dumb her pumpkin's face looked as she eyed your detailed one enviously.
"You may be more handy," you said through your chuckles, wiping a tear from your eye, "but you really suck at arts and crafts."
"Don't make fun of him!" she whined, clutching her pumpkin to her chest and stroking its head like a dog as she pouted.
Once you were done making fun of Lizzie (mostly as retribution for her chasing you around with gut-covered hands like a serial killer), you cleaned up the absolute mess you both had made of the kitchen table while Lizzie started on the cookies she was making. You set the pumpkins on top of the island and placed tea lights in their bellies so that they glowed like jack-o-lanterns, standing and looking at them proudly for a moment. By the time the cookies were in the oven, you were setting up the living room. You brought out blankets and threw them onto the couch, put an array of Halloween DVDs on the TV mantle, and lit a couple of pumpkin and vanilla scented candles, placing them on either side table around the couch.
"Hocus Pocus," Lizzie argued with you as you both got changed into more comfortable pajamas in the bedroom.
"Nightmare Before Christmas," you lilted back, determined to win the argument of which movie to watch first.
"You only want to watch the first half," Lizzie said as she pulled her oversized shirt over her head, pulling her hair out from the back of it.
"Right, and then we watch the second half when it's Christmas time," you told her as you pulled your pajama pants up and tied the string at the waistband.
Suddenly, Lizzie grabbed you by the hips and pulled you against her, causing you to stumble right into her. She tilted her head as she looked down at you with a quirked brow. "How dare you deny me my Bette Midler?" she whispered dramatically.
"How dare you deny me my Jack Skellington?" you taunted back, and Lizzie answered you with a sudden, feverish kiss on the mouth. Her hand came up to grip your face as her lips moved passionately against yours. Her hand wrapped around your lower back, pressing you so tight against her there was absolutely no space between the two of you.
Your arms wrapped around Lizzie's shoulders as she walked you backwards to the bed, guiding you down until you were laying on the edge, having to wrap your legs around her torso to keep your balance. Lizzie continued to cradle you in her arm and kiss you with her supple lips that felt like heaven on yours. Breaking so you both could breathe, she gave sloppy, wet kisses across your face down to your neck where she kissed your tender skin gently, burrowing her hips between yours.
Her body was so warm against yours, her hands so strong, her lips so soft, that you didn't even hear the sound of the oven timer beeping from in the kitchen until Lizzie hesitantly pulled away from you, leaving you cold.
"Cookies are done," she whispered with a smile as she straightened up, standing between your legs as you lay on the bed, staring at her breathlessly. She smirked and rubbed the side of your thighs around her waist, letting her hands linger farther upwards. "Come on," she told you, taking your hand and attempting to pull you up.
Feeling dramatic, you let yourself go limp, causing Lizzie to groan as she yanked your entire dead weight off the bed, only to have to tuck her hands under your arms and pull you up off the bed. Feeling yourself slip, you shrieked and hooked your arms and legs tight around her, clinging to Lizzie as she picked you up, jumping a little to adjust you before carrying you downstairs like a child as you giggled in her ear.
You had never felt so relaxed as you did when you snuggled into the blankets on the couch, laying your legs across Lizzie's. She held the small plate of warm cookies while you held a little dish of candy corn, turning on Nightmare Before Christmas (she happily agreed once you made a deal to give her head later if she let you pick the movie you wanted first). You had turned out all the lights in the room, save for the light from the TV and the two wonderfully smelling candles flickering on either side of the couch.
You nestled into Lizzie's warm shoulder as you sang along to the This Is Halloween song, while Lizzie hummed it beside you. As the movie played, you turned your head upwards to stare up at Lizzie. She was focused in on the movie, mindlessly munching on the cookies. You always felt more romantic this time of year, whether it was because of the cozy holiday or because Lizzie was always extra sweet and doting around the holidays. All you knew was that Lizzie looked so beautiful wearing your matching pumpkin-patterned pajama bottoms you had picked out and watching one of your favorite Halloween movies. She was so beautiful, and she was all yours.
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amaribelt · 10 months
analysis of NRCs fashion as a fashion student (1)
hello!! if your new here m amari and im a big fashion enthusiast especially with historical garments, im working on my schools fashion show this year n ive been thinking of going into fashion and costuming after highschool. i sew alot becasue its just so fun so this is an analysis of the clothing in twst. any fashion or clothing terminology will be explained unless its something simple like a button hole or a hood or smth silly like that
*this mini series will only cover the main stories as of rn, this post will be broken up into multiple chunks for each respective dorm*
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Ceremonial Robes-
so the ceremonial robes are all the same the only thing that changes between dorms is the color of the gem due to each dorm having their own color, other than that the ceremonial robes are all the same apart from malleus who has a cut out for his horns. (as seen below) although i have yet to see any official posts of what exactly is going on with these robes i have found some nice fan posts that i will be using and linking in this post because theres a lot going on in these designs.
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the base outfit of the cerimonial robes is a longer button down robe with mandarin collar, a shorter over robe and black pants and heels. the longer robe has a gold embroidering as shown below. NRC is a prestigious school so it makes more scenes to have these robes be embroidered than have that gold detail be something printed on it adds to the fact that this is an elite school and this is a very important cerimony, alot of these kids are rich and talented mages and theirs a reputation to uphold.
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the robe warn over the longer robes is lined with the same purple and gold key pattern fabric as the longer robes, the hoods have a gold embroidery on the top as well as a gold colored bias tape edge, the embroidery on the top of the hood is the same on the sleaves, malleus has a slightly edited hood embroidery due to his horns (better seen above) the bottom of the outer vest has more gold embroidery. the sleaves of the outer robe are whats giving me a headace as they look like angel sleeves but angel seams have a extra seam that the cerimonial robes dont have
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angle sleeves vs the ceremonial robe sleeves (see the lack of a seam around where the elbow would be)
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the long robe has long sleeves with a little bit that goes around the middle finger the long robe has a clearer view of the NRC key pattern thats seen on the hood aswell, i had a better picture but sadly lost it
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the pants are just plain black pants that end a little bit above what i think would be the ankle (i never took an anatomy class cut me some slack) but what i find interesting is that most depictions show the ceremonial robes shoes as being some kind of heeled loafer i actually believe they are some sort of boot instead as we never see where the shoe ends and the socks stop with we normally see so i believe them so be some sort of boot that the pants cover, ruggie is often depicted in some heeled boot because if we take a good look at his shoes we see they are ill fitting and are probably a hand me down but seeing how standardized the ceremonial robes are it wouldnt make scene for him to have diffrent shoes so i suspect they all have boots
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riddle also has the little loose bit but its more apparent in ruggies witch is why i believe the shoes are boots instead of the commonly depicted heels
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Credits (in no perticular order)
riddle robes
ruggie robes
heeled version of shoes
boot version of shoes
angel sleeve picture
malleus hood up (took a screen shot as i dont have that mal card)
malleus ceremonial robes default icon
malleus ceremonial robes in game sprite
ceremonial robes embroidery
riddle in game sprite
riddle default icon
purple ceremonial robes lining fabric
ace ceremonial robes
some of these came from the same place but i liked them multiple times just so yall can find everything
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theramusen · 3 months
This was sorta just for fun while I do school and what not! AU idea where Henry and William are BOTH evil and work together!
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This screenshot redraw is what started it all!
Thats William’s remnant in there btw hes sorta michael-mode rn but theyre gonna put it back in him once theyre done posing all cool- He JUST survived being springlocked for the first time
Now lets get into ref sheets! (There will be a page break after and all lore/info about the au will be down there!)
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OK SO!!! The au def is similar to canon a lot and so
The MAJOR plot changes would be:
-Will and Henry BOTH get springlocked
•this fucks over Cassidy and CC being in Fredbear already though, so to solve this issue Cassidy, CC, and Charlie, will all share the puppet.
-Henry now occupies Fredbear instead, and so we now get Springtrap and Beartrap.
-William does NOT have time for the wife murder subplot, so Mrs. Afton (Clara) gets to live fully, she replaces Henry now. Diving into the duo’s blueprints and creations so she can one day stop them. She works with Michael.
-Henry’s wife is ALIVE! Her name is Dorothy and she returns to Hurricane after receiving a call from Clara. She also becomes a Henry replacement.
-Because of Clara and Dorothy’s new role, the pizza sim speach is now WAY more female rage style. This is the wrath of scorn mothers. UCN will be 100000x worse.
-Oh and no disks- William tries to push them but Henry 100% shuts them down and thinks theyre dumb.
-So fnaf 4 is JUST cc’s dying nightmare and eventually michael DOES get gas drugged and sees the nightmares but thats NOT fnaf 4 thats just a bad trip!
-Also, with William not being able to run rampant with random robot murder (Henry keeps him in check) we DO see the base finale in pizza sim.
-When we get into help wanted, ar, security breach, and ruin that follows a SECOND plot line fully separate from the first, where we see a surge of copy-cat killers (this is where we get characters like Vanessa and Jeremy, and Gregory will also be a part of this, being the main villain in Ruin now bc the Mimic was never made)
-William and Henry are a good team here, mutual bond and gain.
-William is far more explosive and emotional, his drive coming from CC’s death sorta setting off a domino effect of underlying mental health issues. He just kinda loses it. This team gives him the delusion that he may one day see CC again.
-Henry is in it bc hes a capitalist. And hey, turns out unlike electricity, theres NO remnant bill. So making all his robots run on human souls is cheaper! He doesnt really care much about charlie after like 3 months of her being dead. He knows it was William. He doesn’t care.
yeah theres genetics-
not gonna draw out the punnet squares but the colors of the characters ARE genetic traits!
Henry’s grey is a rare recessive trait. So it was EXTREMELY unlikely to pass onto Charlie. Which it didnt.
Dorothy’s green is a common dominant trait, Charlie ended up green like her!
William and Clara are BOTH purples. William is a more blue-purple, Clara is a more red-purple (commonly mistaken for pink!)
Both purples are dominant traits, so it is a 50/50 with their offspring to produce a blue-purple or red-purple.
Michael and Elizabeth both ended up red-purple!
Michael is VERY red-purple, very much almost mistaken for pink like his mom.
Elizabeth is closer to true purple than michael, but still red-purple!
CC is the only afton child to end up blue-purple! If he hadnt died he wouldve ended up being Williams favorite child!
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pechtothevoid · 1 year
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Hey @bluepeachstudios ! How are ya? i should be doing stuff but instead i'm here with your boy Lonny! whose name i always spell Loony first and then correct it :D Ngl to ya, Lonny's sketch is superior that the end result. I blame it on the brush i'm using for the lineart :] I won't change it tho. They need to be a set. I'm already screw.
Ok, i don't remember the ask exactly but i remember reading that Lonny makes the more aesthetically pleasing inventions, but also the less efective. So i thought "Oh, he likes design! What kind of design does he like?" and i think he would really love interior design, which i think you may have mention already or something in that topic? So, yeah, Lonny might be an interior designer. (He would be one of those people that plays the sims just to make cool houses AND HE WOULD BE SO GOOD AT IT. Also, in the Animal Crossing game he shares with Leo and Dea, Lonny is the one that makes the Island cute and neat.)
In that topic, you also mentioned that he has a folder. So i thought it would have a lot of interior design ideas inside. Also that it gives him peace to look at it. This is not a big HC… more like a HC detail /hj But it helps with his anxiety.
I had this HC that i thought before chap 11 (and after Dea's drawing) of Dea and his thoughts. I thought being Deangelo might be really tiring because of all the thought in his head, but he's stable because he has a filter/system to them, so he consumes a lot of energy but is stable. I wanted to mention it because i think Lonny also consumes a lot of energy for of all the paths and worries he has, but doesn't have a filter for them yet and because of that he's kind of an unstable fusion. It's obviously not cannon because in chap11 Dea was outside for days without problem. But idk, i like to compare them. They are both sometimes overwhelmed by their thoughts but Lonny is worst at dealing with them (When he appeared the first thing he did was having a crisis SO-).
You know? Indigo is a weird color. Some people thinks Indigo is this purple shade (like Lonny uses) and others a bright-dark blue? Google Indigo, the differences between the colors is so wild! These are two completely different tones and yet both are considered indigo… (This is not a HC. This is just me being "indigo is not that shade!" at Lonny and discovering that Indigo is a fucking lie.)
Lonny is the only fusion with Leo who i think uses just He and plural they. He might be super gay tho /J
Anyway BYE i need to run or i will be late. This is totally worth it tho /hj (no. Really. I'm def gonna be late. I shouldn't be doing this rn)
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perfectlovevn · 4 months
Hiiii I hope you're having a good day :DD, your game is very entertaining and is giving me brainrot ...!! could you give us the colors of the characters, please? (no matter is just temporary / colors up-to-change) i just can't stop thinking about Eris and Milo (i just have an imagination very color-centric and i can't live with myself rn :c)
please feel free to respond whenever you deem best ^^
Ooh, that's a fun ask. Association with color is a very cool way to think about characters.
But yeah, sure, no problem! I'll see what I can do.
Pre Milo I think would have a yellow color. If you scroll down in my asks you'll see the one I usually use for him (before I can't find it in tumblr again for some reason).
Manipulation has a blue color.
Violence has a red color.
Eris I imagine either has a black or purple color.
Valli is Pink, since in her original design she tends to have a lot of pink in her top.
Seph is a golden color, I imagine.
Desmond is a brown color, sort of autumny, but not quite orange.
Ryan is probably some sort of Silver.
Poison (the gang member you see) is likely a purple, much like her name.
True Milo is probably some incomprehensible color that humans can't see (aka, shirmp color) but it's probably something that's between blue and red that it jumps back and forth from.
Hmm, I think that's all of them! In the extras, I think Iya (Desmond's girlfriend) will be a light blue color as well, since that's how I made her highlight color in her original work. It's either that or that kind of cottage core brown to match Desmond.
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mayvora · 2 months
Part one of the lore!!
I wanna share more about the au but I'm sick and it makes my brain a wobbly mossy thingy. So I just... wrote down some of the things about the characters? The revolution group! Some you saw already. Some you didn't!! Hope you'll like it. And surely this is not all of the characters, just the main group.
Some explanations :
Higher Force - a high deity that gives the creature their power. Any creature wound have at least one and very rarely they have two w/ one being main.
The common Higher Forces are Fire (not just simple fire, it is also a master of heat and light), Life (as a connection to living creatures and the nature itself), Ocean (like a world ocean? the one that carries all the ocean, seas, rivers and lakes and swamps and every body of water. The system of The Ocean itself), Vortex (the wind but I tried giving it a fancy name. A Force of freedom itself), Pride (as in a flock/pack meaning. like a pack of wolves) (basically is for creatures who are always in clans and are highly loyal to their family) and Ice (the youngest one that was born when creatures of other Forces left their territory to live in a colder land and their magic adapted to the environment).
Then we can look at rare ones - Eye, Moon, Sun and Wing. While the last two will be explored in a story and I can't talk about them rn, we can rumble bout Eye and Moon cause we have two characters who follow their path.
Moon is for creatures who was supposed to become followers of one of the main Forces (being born in a tribe that follows Pride for example) but something usually tragic happened forcing them to change their ways. Some tribes and clans have the "initiation" that helps you awake your connection to your Force. But if you fail the exam you are usually abandoned by your tribe and forced to live a lonely life. That's when The Moon chooses you - she takes anyone who is turned away and left alone and gift them her power. Being a Moon follower gives you access to both your "supposed-to-be-yours" Force and Moon Force making you a follower of both technically. But creatures that follow path of the Moon will never have a full power of their first Force and also depend on phases of the moon quite a lot. They are powerfull when the moon is full, but... new moon understandably cuts their power. Stories of the Moon followers are always unique and they are not very common.
Then you have The Eye, the most powerful yet the most mysterious one. There can only be one follower of the Eye alive. These creatures followed a different Force before, but at some point of their life they made a decision that turned them into "an interesting character for the Fate to watch over". Basically, they are followed by the eyes of Fate and their appearing awakes the Knight of Fate himself. Every decision of the "chosen one" is important and can affect the world massively. They are mighty powerful even if they had no magic before being awoken by The Eye. They also change their appearance after awaking (which is the process of changing from one Force to another) and usually are very purple. xD.
Then there is Darkness - its like an "Anti-Force" cause while literally any other force is guided by the light of a person's soul, Darkness feeds on negativity of their followers giving them powers in return. Some of their followers are evil... some are broken.
And some are forced.
There is also something called an Ancient Force - it's a classification than is put on every old Force that does not take followers anymore but still has some of their followers walking the earth. These followers are always very old and disturbingly powerful, but they prefer to not interact with a world around them and keep their existence a secret so they don't get hunted and killed. They are quite good at masking their powers and pretending to be a human. There is only one Ancient character in the story (I'm not planning to add more but perhaps??) and they will not be mentioned today.
AND AT LAST. and then we talk about the characters I swear. There are Unique Forces. They are the only one quite literally. There will only be one with this power and that's it. Usually they have a heavy lore bag behind their Unique Force - like The Fate which only has one follower and it's The Knight of Fate himself. Possibly one of them have a lore bag behind his back that he knows nothing about...
AND NOW WITH THE CHARACTERS sorry it took way too long I just really love the Forces.
Scar Goodtimes! 💚
Age: around 19 years
Creature: human
Higher Force: none
Abilities: literally has none. okay maybe we can count the woodcarving as an ability. he is very good at it.
Weakness: is a human. poor guy.
Is a very empathetic and sweet guy who stole his way into the hearts of the rebellion by just being kind, loving and accepting. A main character.
Has a little scar on his nose that he claims is from his childhood friend Jellie the cat. Believes in magic and has special connection to the world around him that most humans can't understand. Its not exactly magic... its the way Scar feels connected to the world that gave him life. The way he opens his soul for the beauty of living, enjoying every little thing the world has for him to explore.
Lord Xelqua [aka Grian] 💜
Age: wildly old, is indeed the oldest in the group. Around 350 years (being old doesn't make you less stupid I swear)
Creature: awoken avian with a bump of void magic
Higher Force: The Eye, used to be The Vortex
Abilities: is very skilled with magic, but has a limit cause his magic uses his physical energy to work since he is not born with magic and does not have a "Mana reserve" and his magic literally feeds on what his body creates for itself. Therefore magic for him is quite exhausting. Is crazy fast in combat, uses a halber.
Weakness: does not have Mana => uses his own energy to cast spells. Is the worst at keeping a human disguise cause it's very painful for him for the reason of his magic not being native to his body => it does not accept Xels tries to use the magic to modify his body. Illusions does not work with him cause his wings are very big and nearly impossible to keep on one place.
Sarcastic asshole who actually really cares about his group but does not have the balls to show it openly. Quite clever when he wants to be. Has the worst and in the same time the best sence of humour and a shady backstory (read like TRAUMA) that he does not share. Is a leader of the rebellion. Usually wears black long clothes that help him hide his wings a little bit. Is indeed a nests boy and enjoys sleeping (not in a sex way) with people. Very cuddly when he sleeps.
When he uses his magic, two pairs of "ghost wings" appear on his head, following the real head wings. His eyes are a pools of void with purples and golds circling in it. Has two rings on his hand that are covered by gloves so we can't see their color but can roughly see their shape through the gloves. Also has an enderdragon amulet that is usually hidden too. .
For him Martyn and Jim are his younger brothers.
Is very passionate about his rebellion, but always seems very distant and sad when you try to talk with him about the "brighter future" that will follow their possible victory as a rebellion against the inquisition. I wonder why. I really wonder.
Lizzie Shadowlady 💕
Age: around 250, a little younger than Xel
Creature: spirit of the Ocean
Higher Force: The Ocean
Abilities: her deep bond with the Ocean allows her to control massive amounts of ocean water, shaping it any way she wants. Non-salted water also follows her commands, but ocean water is easier to manipulate - she can literally create a tsunami or a storm with it. Is a skilled warrior and uses a sword. Is very good at masking her appearence and pretending to be a human, can do this without pain and for a long time.
Weakness: as I said, she is stronger when she controls the ocean water. Rivers wouldn't follow her command that easily. Hot dry weather weakens her. Can't stay away from a water source for longer than couple of days in her real form, in her human form she can stay for a week.
For many centuries people of the Ocean lived in peace with the humanity, creating their cities in the lakes and seas near places where humans based. They oftenly visited the surface to trade with humans and socialise and because of that it's very easy for most old Ocean followers to turn into humans - something they used to be able to stay at the surface for a longer time. That's why for Lizzie and Jimmy turning into human disguise is so easy.
In her human form she is just a dark-haired woman with no unique thaits (not counting eyes), but in her true form she has a beautiful blue skin with golden scales all aver her body. Her ears turn sharp and her hair turn pink. She has a coral crown on her head and a little wooden fish on her neck as an amulet - this fish was given to her by Scar the first day they met. She uses her magic to keep it from breaking even when she is in the water. She also has little copper cod-shaped charms on her belt from her brother. Her eyes resemble the ocean, turning from light blue to dark blue and showing little fishes, corals and sometimes (when she is angry) - something dark and scary, as a silhouette in the water, a shadow of something deep inside of it...
She is the latest adding to the rebellion (not counting Scar) and knows about it because they saved her live a century ago. For a long time she helped them with getting supplies, but stayed an empress of her empire, but then something changed and she decided to join the rebellion instead.
Can appear as soft, but only if it's needed. Usually is also a sarcastic character who enjoys pranking others just as much as Xel does. Very clever and is one of the only one who actually thinks before doing.
Jimmy Solidarity 💙
Age: around 240, is just a little bit younger than Liz
Creature: spirit of the river
Higher Force: The Ocean
Abilities: is very strong in his home river, has a wild control over it, being able to manipulate the whole river easily. With other water sources his abilities are much weaker, but he can still control the water if it's not an ocean water. Is a skilled warrior and uses the battle stuff. Also is good with human disguises. Has a strong connection with river/swamp creatures.
Weakness: he is only strong when he is near his home river, that's where he is basically god-like in power. Sadly, the rebellion has to travel a lot so inquisition don't find them and because of that Jim has to use other water sources to fight with and it's just not that cool and strong. Sea water he can't use at all. Also gets weaker in dry hot climate and can't stay away from water for a week, in human disguise - three weeks (trained)
He is the Codfather, he is so cool. He wears armor (AT LEAST SOMEONE, JEES) and has a cool mask for his pretty face to protect it. Wears coral earrings from Liz, they look like little stars. Has a lot of little wooden figures that are attached to his belt with little copper chains. All of those are from Scar and has protection magic over it! Has a bracelet with six little charms on it, each one representing one of his revolution friends. One of the charms is cracked. Adds two more for Liz and Scar after escaping. Has a little replica of the revolutions flag on his belt and a piece of bright red cloth near it. Has a spyglass from Xelqua that he gifted him and Martyn when he first met the two.
He has green (like a swamp green) scales and marks in his true form that glow a little when Jim is in the water. Eyes resemble a swamp with fireflies and are brown-dark green, but they get lighter when Jimmy is happy and turn light blue, resembling his homeriver with little fishes in it. (Yes this is based on the fact that many people draw Jimmy with blue eyes even if they are brown. I think it really funny).
A silly guy with deep sadness hiding in his eyes. Lizzie is his sister and he also sees Xelqua and Martyn as older brothers.
Martyn Littlewood 💛
(I sold my soul to rec2 Littlewood)
Age: unknown, is around Jimmy's age (?)
Creature: unknown, but is calling himself a star. Everyone seems to have a way to call him - with Lizzie and Xel saying he is a firefly, Joel and Jim calling him a swamp firespirit and Etho and Ren choosing a "little comet". Scar is the only one who calls him a Star. No one actually knows what he is
Higher Force: The Starpath (unique)
Abilities: can levitate himself for a short time (2-3 minutes) and control light (creates little balls of light or takes it from a light source). His light can create warmth strong enough to light something on fire. Can speed himself up. He is very fast and deadly dangerous with his weapons - two swords. Easily turns himself into human.
Weakness: doesn't seem to be magically cool to be honest. With his weird Force and abilities that would fit into both Fire and Vortex... No one actually knows what to expect from him, but he doesn't seem to have more magic other then what he already has
Martyn is a weird one. As said, no one actually knows what he is including Martyn himself. His Force is unique, his appearence is more human-like than anything with his true form being... quite literally human with lightmarks over him. He does not remember his young ages or his parents, like he has none.
Has a strict moral code that goes like "creatures should be saved no matter what, kids should not be touched even if they are humans and inquisition can suck their ass and I can punch them as much as I want". Easygoing, fun and reckless, loud and quite silly sometimes. Never thinks (sorry Martyn). Is a strategy man of the rebellion usually helping Xelqua with creating operation plans.
Sees Jimmy as an annoying young brother (who always needs protection) and Xelqua as an annoying old brother (who always needs to fucking SLEEP).
Has a small flag of the revolution on him with it being on his shoulder or on his belt. He also has a red flag with white triangles on the bottom of it that he carries in his pocket, its an inside joke between him and Ren who he is big friends with. Also has a spyglass from Xel.
His eyes are bright blue and looks like humans if he doesn't want them to shine (something that only he can do, no creature can hide their soul glowing except him). When they do glow they are very bright and weirdly glitchy, like there is something you are not supposed to see in them. Only Xel is able to see through them and he says that Martyns eyes are actually endless seas of stars and it terrifies him.
Ren ❤ (I'm not adding dawg but I really want to...)
Age: around 200 years
Creature: werewolf woof woof bark bark
Higher Force: The Pride
Abilities: can turn into a wolf; becomes physically stronger when his allies (read like "his family") are with him. More family = more strength, can also summon a wolf spirit for every ally he has near him that slightly copies the appearence of an ally. Fights with a massive axe. Good with masking since he literally swaps between a human form, a partly wolf form (with ears and tail and sharp teeth) and a wolf
Weakness: is not technically a magic user and does not have spells (spirits are a little bit different thing)
Ren has a red cape with the symbols of the moon on it which has a story behind it for sure. His long hair is sometimes partly braided (he has small braids on both sides of his face but not everywhere else). Braids are locked with little beads that are all custom created by Ren. Has a bracelet with charms that looks a lot like Jims bracelet! Even with one of the charm being broken. Charms glow a little when the ally they are made for is near (ex: Xel is near => a little purple charm with an eye drawn on it glows). Also have two flags on him - the rebellion flag and the red flag.
His eyes are sky blue and resemble... well, sky. Bright sky with little clouds apearring when he is stresses and storm grey clouds - when he is angry. Yes, his eyes turn grey and sometimes even have sparks of lightning if you piss him off. His sky eyes show his pure and bright soul.
Acts a lot like a mother chicken (I'm so sorry Ren) with the rebellion, being a caring and loving big brother for everyone (therapy doggo 😭🤲). Looks after supplies of food and water and after mental health of everyone ESPECIALLY Xelqua. Is the only one who can force their leader to sleep. Is soft and fun and sometimes dramatic for a bit but genually is a very great guy that melts my heart by just existing.
His wolf emh sona is a big brown wolf with long fur and soft blue eyes. Has marks of the moon on his cheecks, I wonder why.
For the "spirits resemble allies" part. Xelqua has a spirit of a black wolf with fur cut like feathers. Lizzie - light grey with blue elements. Jim - sun yellow with a bump of green. Their wolves have their fur in shape of fish scales. Etho's wolf is white with a scar on one eye and massive long winter coat and his ears are in a shape of fox ears. Joel's wolf is just like Joel and surely has that green colored fur on his tail. Martyns is so bright that you can only see a silhouette of light with fun spiky fur. Eyes of the spirits copy the allies they resemble.
Etho 🤍
Age: 234
Creature: an Arctic fox hybrid (you can call him a were-fox)
Higher Force: The Moon & The Ice with Moon obviously being the main one
Abilities: at night and at full moon he's mighty powerful, using the power of the moon to create what he desires from its like. He can turn it into a spirit like Rens or into a weapon or shoot it as a ball of pure power. Can also control snow and create snowstorms, but it's a power that only works if there is snow around him. Can make the air around him colder and uses this to not go insane cause he was born in the cold lands and summers are just way to hot for him. Wields many weapons, having like from 10 to 20 knives on him and a katana. Good at throwing knives
Weakness: his moon powers only work at night and get weaker the closer the moon is to a new moon. Powerless when it's new moon. Always hot at summer and spends a lot of mana just to cool himself down. His ice abilities only work when it's cold & snowing so it's for winter & cold lands. Not very good at masking his ears and tail
Etho is a very silent guy at first look, but when you spend a lot of time with him, you start seeing that he is quite talkative when he talks about something he likes and can be a very fun guy to hang out with. Doesn't talk about himself tho. Took a job of the spy, going into cities at night and collecting information + when he's home he works as a night guard. Very sleepy if you awake him during the daytime. Does most of the night works if there are any for him to do.
Has a fun relationship with Joel (they are "obsessed" with eachother and seems to be always flirting but are 100% platonic and just enjoy their play).
Has a scar on his eye and covers his mouth with a mask. His non-human features are white fox ears and tail, also has little claws on his hands. His right eye is silver-grey, having a constant snowstorm in it (possibly as a mark that he has a lot of mess in his soul) and his left eye is bright red and has a clock in it. Etho laughs when you ask him about it and never gives you a clear answer.
Has a clock and a rebellion flag on his belt, both always on the right side. His clock does not resemble real time instead going very slow and backwards. As a countdown for something perhaps...
Joel Smallishbeans 🧡 (child)
Age: 17
Creature: werewolf
Higher Force: The Pride
Abilities: turns into a wolf and also fights with a big axe. Always bloodthirsty. Good at masking
Weakness: doesn't think. No magic. Can't charm woman (but really tries with Lizzie)
Joel is the most reckless one (but it seems like Martyn really tries to beat him at this for some reason). He never thinks and always acts (definitely got this from Mar) and everyone always have to rescue him from the situations he got himself into. Is a very loyal man and goes into protective mode immediately if someone from his rebellion is hurted. Also is very passionate about the ideas the rebellion is fighting for since he literally grew up with them (they took them in when he was three). Willingly does all the heavy lifting and packing and unpacking when the group moves places and is always ready to help with anything. Does night guarding when Etho is away on a mission. Is a very energetic and enthusiastic bud with a spark of a sarcasm.
His wolf form is way shorter then Rens and has short fur since he is from warm forest while Rens clan lived in taiga. He has a green part on his fur that is on his tail and no one knows where it came from. It is in his hair when he turns back into human.
His human-self wears messy and always dirty clothes since he is a hard worker who does not really care about his clothes as long as it doesn't break. Ren had to force him to change more then once... The only thing he looks after and washes regularly is the flag. Everyone else has a small version but Joel literally wears his as a cape and only takes it off when he is doing work.
He has little cherry blossom earrings! They are actually made from corals and are a gift from Lizzie who knows he is in love with her and doesn't know what to do (since he is too young for her but she respects him as a person and doesn't wanna make him sad). He also has many colorful bracelets that Ren made for him (Ren sees him as a younger brother) and Joel always calls his affection annoying but never takes bracelets off. He is also the only one who has Xelquas feather on him since Xel doesn't like giving them away but when Joel was young he was obsessed with Xels wings and only being hidden behind the wings would calm him down if he was upset. Has a wooden toy of the wolf that was gifted to him by Jimmy.
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luaveltarot · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙜𝙗𝙩𝙦+🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
🏹𝘗𝘢𝘤: 𝘏𝘰𝘸’𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘪���𝘦?🏹
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Group 1
When I started to do this reading, I saw 71717. Your person seems quite accomplished to me and they may cone off as a decent and peaceful person, however, they feel internally disconnected on emotional level with people. They have a hard time bonding with others. Tbh no matter how much they do for anyone, emotionally or materially, it’s never enough or efforts go unnoticed. But they are a pro at handling their emotions. They have more of masculine aura to appear calm, composed and progressive. They are really good when it comes to dealing with emotions for those of you who are into mbti they could be fi dominant. They also hate to gossip or belittle anyone. They have a really good heart because they see good in everyone mostly (except when they are really depressed). They could be into sports or a football/soccer/rugby person. They are the kind of person who believes it’s one life and one should work hard enough for whatever they desire. If they love you then they’ll get everything before you could even think of. Also they’ll love to take care of you when you are down or feel pessimistic about something, they’ll do everything too cheer you up. Also, they have a good sense of keeping a balance between material and spiritual life. They could also be a local in the city you are currently in.
Extra details-
They could be born near a beach or live in a place which has some waterbody. Dominant zodiac signs are pisces and cancer. Saturn could be one of the dominant planets in their chart.
Life path number 7 or born in July or 7 could be the date they were born on.
They are a big time foodie especially have a thing for fruits 🍉 🍍 🍹
They smell really good.
Letter L and V.
Messages from them-
Don’t think of your self as small because I’ll do anything to see you smile. You deserve me and we are for each other.
When we met first time, I knew it somehow that you are the person I’ll fall in love with.
Group 2
So your person has gone through a lot of ups and down in life where they experienced the cyclical nature of life. They could come off from border areas or coastal areas. They have refugee vibes or could be orphan who changed a lot of foster homes. But no home to call theirs. They struggle to stay optimistic or envision future. They think the rest of their life will be a bumpy ride like their past. Although they seem to have a plan where they will use all their creativity and talents to have a stable life but still they struggle to believe that it will succeed. Their most preferred colour will be red and black. I also see that they want to move on from the place they are currently living in. For some they could be your childhood friend or someone who you knew from a long time. They want deep supportive relationships but rn they are not in the right place to look for you or be with you. They need time and space to navigate through everything they’ve been going through. If you are currently with them then they need you in the background to guide or support them. Their energy is guarded and don’t want me to read them to you because they feel insecure. I’m sorry if you don’t feel satisfied with the reading or feel their were less msgs.
Extra details-
They have long hair.
Mars is dominant in their chart.
Letter J
Purple or blonde hair
Insecure and abandonment
Struggled in life to get anything they wanted.
Messages from them-
You might not be the first love in my life but after you I felt everything is irrelevant except you.
I’ll go through everything with you without giving up. I have a problem that I can never get enough of you.
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dr3amofagame · 5 months
hot take: las nevadas four does not queue up a c!q redemption arc. las nevadas five makes some interesting forays in the direction of comeuppance but fails to make the narrative link between that comeuppance and, ultimately, any change. the reason for this is because the prison arc is inadequately integrated into ln4 and ln5. (i'm writing an ln5 essay rn and this is my prompt for you to join me in hell)
i think people who think LN was heading towards a c!quackity redemption arc were tripping fr 😭 like it's not that i would oppose the idea of c!quackity like, even heading in a different direction. but he didn't? he literally didn't. his interactions with c!slime were never examples of c!quackity realizing the dark course he was taking and changing his ways--if anything, they were a reason to double down? he makes a literal slime army in LN5 like. a literal slime army.
i feel like it comes from this misconception that c!Quackity's whole deal revolves around how he ~cares~ for people, and when he felt betrayed and whatever by the fiances and such then his heart froze over and he went for ambition instead. and therefore learning to care for something can unfreeze his heart and make him good again, or something (<- oversimplified). but c!quackity's deal isn't that he closed his heart off to love? like c!quackity's issue is that he's terminally insecure and therefore kinda terminally self-centered--even in c!karlnapity, he was frequently portrayed as being insecure as hell about c!karlnap and preferred when the attention was on him. when c!karl was freaking the fuck out at him in LN4, his immediate reaction to c!karl like having literal memory loss was to scream at him.
all of this is way oversimplified for the record but it's like.
like, c!quackity and c!slime isn't about redemption as much as it is giving c!quackity an opportunity. and what we largely see, honestly, is c!quackity caring about c!slime...and also grooming him to be like, the successor of his country, seeing him as something malleable that he could use to create another version of himself. it's not that c!quackity was necessarily seeking to harm c!slime, but was he being manipulative? i mean, yeah???
and yeah, for sure, LN4 and especially LN5 heavily suffer from a lack of the prison being properly addressed. the prison and c!dream in specifics haunts c!quackity throughout the entirety of LN--any conclusion to this arc no matter what direction c!Quackity took needed a proper resolution to the prison imo ???
like i don't hate purpled's revenge quest, but bringing it back to purpled-quackity-slime Again in LN5 after the conclusion of LN4 made that all hit a lot less hard. i liked the c!punz scene tbh and i also liked c!dream's ditching las nevadas, but that also feels a lot less impactful when he had like, five lines and barely a confrontation (fuck the internet connection there FR). like, c!Quackity rejecting change isn't bad in itself, but it feels like later parts of las nevadas emphasize his decisions less in favor of what's done to him, and what's done to him doesn't feel enough like a consequence of his own actions. furthermore, so much about Las Nevadas and the Prison (the revive book in specifics) has everything to do with self-centered ambition moreso than revenge, and it feels like that in particular gets kinda poorly addressed? like, the deal with c!Purpled doesn't have to do with revenge, he's not really taking revenge on Purpled--he is, however, ambitious and doing everything that he thinks will make Las Nevadas Great, and the whole thing with him still continuing doggedly on LAS NEVADAS!! even after alluvthat is much more of a commentary on his relationship with power and ambition than on revenge.
this is kinda scattered (like the LN finale LMAO!) but yeah. las nevadas is literally created as a response to imprisoning c!dream, the beginning of this arc happens in parallel to the beginning of his visiting the prison, so having c!dream play as small as a role as he did in the latter two streams really ends up hurting the arc as a whole when so much emphasis had been on c!quackity and ... violence? both outside of the prison and inside it. having c!quackity come to terms with the fact that he does in fact suck fell kinda flat without properly addressing the ways that he actually does suck...? anyway yeah not the best essay kat dorry
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