#(him being mo ziyuan)
lazycranberrydoodles · 2 months
chapter 2 - reincarnation (masterpost here)
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Wei Wuxian's relationship with his own reputation when he first wakes up post-resurrection is so interesting to me. He's so foggy when he first takes Mo Xuanyu's body, but through what he first remembers through the fog, you get a pretty clear picture of what’s most important in his head.
Like, on one hand, he knows quite well that he isn't evil, and he's a little offended that everyone thinks of him as such. He protests being called a malicious ghost! And he's uncomfortable with Mo Xuanyu's summoning him, as he doesn't particularly want play vengeful spirit and slaughter the Mo clan. That's not who he is.
But on the other hand, it's clear how much he's grown used to being regarded as an object of fear. His first half-conscious thought is shock that Mo Ziyuan would "dare" to kick him, and he jokingly marvels at how someone as violently powerful as the Yiling Patriarch could be reduced to eating leftovers on the floor. His reputation is very much there at the top of his mind.
So if we take his thoughts just after resurrection as the thoughts that are most deeply engrained and automatic for him, the picture is paints is just a little bit tragic. The belief in his own goodness is second nature, but so is the assumption that others will give him a berth, and that they will do so because they're scared. The "Yiling Patriarch" had become Wei Wuxian's default state of being when he died, despite how much he never approved of that name, and it's strange for him to no longer have the lonely armor of his horrid public image.
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mdzs-fics · 3 months
ridiculous future bullshit by sami
Future Fic 19 works 61K words
While rereading through works related to Author sami's And Time Is But A Paper Moon, reviewed here and here and here, I remembered reading the ridiculous future bullshit series. Through 19 short works of fiction, Author sami creates a reasonable facsimile of what the future looks like if six Immortals survive into the 21st century, forming the Five Nations.
Note: Author sami tells us "So this is the actual first-ish entry in the ridiculous future bullshit series, which of course means it is still the purest trash, it's bullshit and any complaints will still be met with you were warned."
Let's take a quick look at a few of the tales.
Now Showing: Hanguang-Jun And The Yiling Patriarch
Wei Wuxian rubs his nose. "Look, I'm guessing you're okay with your movie being, like… complete bullshit, right?"
"They are okay with that. They are so very fucking okay with that," Steve snaps.
"Okay." Wei Wuxian grins, and Dennis suddenly absolutely believes that he is talking to a trickster god. "You don't want to put Sandu Shengshou in this movie, trust me. And if you make this about sh- Jiang Yanli's actual marriage, then she might cry, and then Sandu Shengshou and I will have to raze this place to the fucking ground and salt the earth on which it stood, nobody wants that kind of hassle. But you can have a poor girl named Mo Fan - she has a terrible family, make it a bit like Cinderella, that was an okay movie."
Wei Wuxian has seen Cinderella.
Dennis notices that a sparkly princess crown has fallen out of Wei Wuxian's shopping bags.
"Mo Fan," he croaks. "Got it. Cinderella."
Wei Wuxian nods earnestly. "And a handsome prince named Jin Guangyao meets her and falls in love with her. He's in town to… try and help the villagers rebuild after the famine that drew the monsters there," he says. "Because he's just a really good guy. You can say it sends messages about how not all heroes are stabby fighters."
In which an animated movie Hanguang-Jun and the Yiling Patriarch is discussed with its Producer while the poor, ignored Five Nations consultant recognizes the two Immortals in the Producer's office.
Let's just say the original premise featuring "the story of Hanguang-Jun, a noble prince, who defeats the monsters terrorising the city of Yiling with the help of the grizzled old Yiling Patriarch, and in the process falls in love with a local maiden, Princess Lotus Blossom." is not appreciated.
Flick of the Wrist
Dernier is famous. He's been on television in sixteen countries. She's bound to be impressed.
He skips actually attending the afternoon session in favour of writing and then recording a long YouTube video about the Symposium. He titles it Inside the Top Secret Medical Conference You've Never Heard Of, and uploads it with a smirk. That'll show them for not actually inviting him.
In which a Famous Medical Researcher attends a Symposium held by Wen Qing. Once.
Lan Zhan's University Days (JAFFY)
Ziyuan gives him a look. "Last I checked, you weren't in charge of the computer science department, shushu, and this is what I have to do if I want to pass."
Jiang Ying scowls. "We'll see about that," he says darkly. He leaves the room briefly and comes back with a laptop of his own. It looks like it was probably sleek and expensive once, but now it's covered with glitter stickers. He sets it on the table and turns it on; when he clears away the windows he did have up, Jordan thinks she sees a browser tab open to YouTube frozen on a still frame of a Hanguang-Jun and the Yiling Patriarch fanvid.
Jiang Ying really seems to like that movie. He wears Hanguang-Jun and the Yiling Patriarch t-shirts at least once a week.
"You run Suibian?" Peter, one of the other students, sounds impressed. Jordan has heard of it - it's an open-source operating system, which is apparently important. Her sister is Very Into Computers, and talks about it a lot, apparently it's way better than other operating systems. Ava keeps trying to get Jordan to let her install it on her computer.
"I wrote Suibian," Jiang Ying says absently, typing rapidly.
"Holy shit," Peter breathes. "You're Axian?" He pronounces it Axe-ian.
"A-Xian," Jiang Ying corrects, still typing. "But you can't call me that, stick to Jiang Ying. I wrote it for my brother and sister, they needed something with actual security for their… work."
"Why does the source code say my sword is always at your service?" Peter asks eagerly. "Everyone has so many theories about that. Do you play D&D?"
"I don't. It says that because for them, it is. Hush now, do your work, I'm busy," Jiang Ying says, tossing a smile over his shoulder. Text is scrolling rapidly through several terminal windows.
In which Lan Zhan goes to veterinary school and the entire class is adopted for the semester after failing their first exam because Students Were Distracted.
Characters encountered here are met again and again in other tales. Some characters become more important than others.
And there are kittens.
The stories are not canon and are definitely not to be taken too seriously. Still … they are an exceptionally enjoyable read.
And yes, I enjoy YouTube "The Untamed" themed crack videos as well.
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starrywangxian · 1 year
hello i am here to remind you that lan wangji did not wait for wei wuxian for 13/16 years because wei wuxian died. (now with edits!)
people don't come back from death! what happened to wei wuxian was the first time it had ever happened and probably the only time i would happen (at least in a long time) because the riutal can only be done under certain conditions, i.e. someone has to be willing to sacrifice themself, you have to call a spirit that is vicious enough etc. and most importantly, lan wangji had no idea about any of it being a possibility! [edit: only four people had used to ritual before mo xuanyu - so my point still stands i just forgot that detail - source: "only three or four examples [of using the sacrificial ritual] have been proven to be true" novel chapter 2]
lan wangji did not wait because waiting implies that he knew wei wuxian would come back, which he didn't because he died. he spent those 13/16 years mouring and taking care of lan sizhui, the only connection he still has with wei wuxian. he spent those years preparing to spend the rest of his life in mourning and wearing white mourning robes!
he played inquiry [edit: lan wangji does this in the donghua, consider that canon or fanon] to try to talk to wei wuxian but lan wangji's cultivation and skill with the qin language is so powerful that spirits he calls must answer him truthfully! so when he'd call for wei wuxian and get no answer: that was his proof that he had died. then he would ask other spirits if they knew what happened to wei wuxian, where he was, how he was etc. none of them knew anything about wei wuxian. [edit: spirits cannot lie to lwj when he uses inquiry (as seen in chapter 22: "Under his [lwj's] control, the spirit who came was unable to lie, and had definitely been answering the truth.") and lsz reveals that some people have the power to ensure spirits must answer in chapter 37: "the spirit that i summon will be able to avoid answering, but will not be able to lie. so, if it is willing to answer, then it will definitely speak the truth." this doesn't exactly mean that lwj has this skill but when speaking with jin ling, it says that lwj has mastered qin language in chapter 22: "As he mastered the language, without any hesitation, Lan WangJi confidently played a few limpid notes."]
because wei wuxian hasn't born to a sect, he didn't go through the rituals to make sure his spirit would reincarnate so when he died he turned into a spirit but because even his spirit was torn apart by ghosts and demons he was unable to do anything. [edit: i worded this weirdly - i was trying to say that the ritual prevented people from becoming ghosts and that wwx didn't have this ritual because he was the son of a servant and wasn't raised in a sect. this is mentioned in chapter 60: "disciples of famous clans, like Jiang FengMian and Yu ZiYuan, had been affected by their clan and their clan’s treasures since they were young. When they grew up, they’d receive countless soul-calming ceremonies so that there was only a miniscule chance of them becoming ferocious ghosts. But Wei WuXian was different. He was the son of a servant. He didn’t grow up in the Jiang Sect since birth, either. He didn’t have the chance to go through so many ceremonies. If after he really died with too much resentful energy and became a ferocious ghost to haunt them, it’d be quite a pain."] he spent those 13/16 years being fully unconscious and aware of what was happening but not having the power to do anything about it. he was in literal hell for 13/16 years! [edit: this you'll have to bare with me because i read it in a tweet and can no longer find it ;-; basically it stated what i said] so no spirits knew what happened to him and he couldn't answer to lan wangji's inquiry!
in conclusion, lan wangji did not wait!! [edit: it's still wrong to say that lwj waited for wwx even if i got stuff wrong lmao]
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i-bring-crack · 2 years
Bringing a MDZS, TGCF and SV crossover again.
Lmao a fix where post-canon: Shang Qinghua finished writting Heaven's official blessing and Grandmaster of Demonic cultivation, because he wanted to do those stories after finishing PIDW -but died- and then began to retell them to his lovely husband. After hearing him read all of MDSZ Mobei Jun stares and him and is just...
"It's about those clans located to the far southeast right?" And Shang Qinghua is like "what? What do you mean?" And so they come to look at a map and see that. In fact. They. Exist.
Shang Qinghua is so confused because tf?!? they aren't supposed to exist at all!! Yet the story had already been placed!
However, as goes through his notes again, he finds a few differences between the novels and real life.
1rst is that the Nie and Jin clan exists, he didn't want those two clans to exist in the second draft so that they don't add fuel to the angst, cucumber bro had dammed him to hell for it! And he doesn't need another cucumber bro!!
2nd is, with the existence of the tiny Mo clan– after the two of them went to explore that southeast part a little bit.– it means that there is definitely going to be the resurrection of the Yiling Patriarch, once more he made angst but just on the first draft!! On the second it was going to be that Wei Wuxian had been kept alive for 13 years raising Lan Sizhui and falling in love with Lan Wangji!
3rd is the fact that the Jumeng clan– after asking nearby people who they are– JIANG FENGMIAN AND YU ZIYUAN EXIST AND ARE ALIVE!
Mobei Jun: "Those characters in the book?"
"Then there is only one posibility!! One!!" Shang Qinghua immediately runs around Yiling city and asks Mobei Jun who is hidding his identity with a shape-shifting talisman of sorts -have to thank those fans for suggesting the weirdest kinky ideas for that talisman to appear- to help him "find a small child very scared of dogs, poor and if you give him fruits! Any! he smiles! And if you see him to capture him right away!"
So Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun try to find as fast as they can the little Wei wuxian and SQH does find him! Yay! Plot devoid of stupidity! But oh no.
[System Updating]
[Syatem Updating]
"Oh fuck" He doesn't even have time to explain, Shang Qinghua just grabs Wei Wuxian out of the dog fight and holds on to him before any System tries to tell him to stay away so angst continues. And he guesses right because the system starts to crash in his eyes, seeing it as a win he goes back to Mobei Jun who has a lot of kids in his arms. A lot.
"Orphans... I forgot to say orphans." Mobei Jun glares at him while the kids cry for their parents.
The two do a lot of apologies that day.
Meanwhile baby Wei Wuxian is just confused about the whole thing, "who are they?"
At first with how many kids were in Mobei Jun's hands he was sure they where kidnappers but then after all of that the tiny one says they found him? And then they have to quickly run before the cultivators catch them! Are they good guys? Are they bad guys!?
Shang Qinghua finally feels the poor boy tremble under his arm and so he settles the boy down once they are at an inn and very far away from the police sort of cultivators.
Shang Qinghua brings him to a bed and then proceeded to ask him a few things.
"You are Wei Ying right?"
Mobei Jun crashed at that point. Cuz, that's the name of the child, the demonic cultivator in the books. But the books already painted him as a man who had become an immortal, not the little child on the streets ooooohhhh what the fuck—
"You parents... they are Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze are they not?"
The boy beams "You know them? Then are you my mama's family? My baba's?"
"Ah... somewhat..."
"Really!?" Shang Qinghua had to lie saying that he is his uncle, and to go get a shower while they bring him some clothes later on. So now that boy leaves he is left with a Mobei Jun more than willing to listen and ask the thousands of questions he has.
Eventually Shang Qinghua tells him everything. [System Error. System Error] The systems simply says, so he guesses hopes that nothing bad will happen if he told the truth.
And nothing does! Ah! That's so good, goddammit he is crying so much to finally reveal everything. Every single thing! From his life as a writer, to his creation of PDIW how he had to listen to the fans so he could eat for once, how he then met Peerless cucumber which IS Shen Qinqiu though he wasn't meant to be and neither was he also meant to be here, and how both of them where destined to die yet they changed the storyline into something that looked like the first few drafts and then how he was thinking about writting more stories and he finally ends it once they think Wei Ying has been in the bathroom for too long and so Shang Qinghua goes to take care of him, grabbing some clothes they asked a maid to buy for them and had already been delivered.
So Mobei Jun has to process a lot. He is very quiet about it —possibly going through every stage of every emotion imaginable. Well Qinghua can't blame him! He just learned he is God!—
Once Wei Wuxuan has eaten and slept Mobei Jun just goes like "You are the worst god."
"I know."
The next day the cop cultivators are still searching while Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun book it out with Wei Wuxian to the central plains and crash at Cang Qiong Mountain. No one bats an eye as to why a demon ice king is present, they ask Yue Qingyuan where Qing Jing peak lord is, then find him in in and middle of finishing a papapa, after they let him finish did they deliver the news to him. Sadly Binghe had to leave and not listen because the System works on him, PDIW' pov comes from him and therefore if the readers where to find out the existence of the transmigators... (are you serious system? They are still reading?) [System Error. The existence of transmigation and the System must not be shared with Protagonist Luo Binghe.]
(Fuck you.)
Shen Qingqiu: "Airplane. Private chat. Now."
"I'm going to die aren't I?"
Wei Wuxian flinched at the dramatic screams but Mobei Jun just huddles him close cuz no, he kinda deserved that. (Poor Binghe, his especial husband food is now being given to this Wei child.)
The two modern AU bros are still shouting outside, Shen Qingqiu trying to get all the information of ANY thing he has ever written, Even the textbooks from high-school! Yes! The cringe things he posted at 13 too! Everything! Everything!
But poor Airplane bro can only remember making Grandmaster of Demonic cultivation and Heaven's Official Blessing.
So while Wei wuxian is munching on more delicacy of the Demon Emperor food, and Binghe is eating with the boy, reluctantly. Shang Qinghua, Shen Qingqiu and Mobei Jun begin planning out some things.
1rst- To stop Shang Qinghua from writting ever again or just make him write some thing that could be useful, let's see how his God powers develop really.
2nd- Xianle Kingdom is still alive and surprisingly the place where Granmaster of Demonic cultivation takes place in, so that might explain the existence of ghosts and why no one cared about the kingdom or the Emperor in MDZS. Well anyways Shen Qingqiu will go to Xianle before Mei Nianqing and hopefully intercept the child from becoming a chosen one of Jun Wu and hopefully manage to prevent Xianle's downfall once and for all.
"Ah but Cucumber bro, the story takes place between ghosts and gods. We are neither of those."
[System Updated.]
[Mission: Lighten the story but the events must stay the same. Access to heaven has been granted if one can achieve level 150.]
"Oh look we have the levels above our heads, and the stats of everyone too!"
Shen Qingqiu Level 100
Mobei Jun level 113
Shang Qinghua Level 60
They go to the other room.
Luo Binghe Level 250.
"Jesus fucking Christ."
Alright new plan, Shang Qinghua will become a cultivator friend or teacher in Lotus Pier so as to keep a close eye on Wei wuxian's growth, rescue him before he looses his golden core but still have to learn demonic cultivation, rescue his family, if he can too, and saving the Wen remnants, which is going to be an enough for the clans to have a reason to kill him. Hahaha.....ha...
Shen qingqiu will have to be the Guoshi of Xianle, trying to also reprimand the future Green ghost's misbehavior and setting Xie Lian in a right path but one that is mundane enough. Maybe him just becoming a King will be fine.
Binghe will have to be convinced to become the heavenly emperor in case Xie Lians protagonist powers are too much and Mobei Jun gets to do all the spy work seeing if he can save some other characters from disaster like the ones from Yi city or preventing Banyue from falling, the Wen remnants from being abused and Wen Ning from being killed, guiding the poor bride ghost's resentment away or even saving He Xuan wayyy before the beefleaf arc starts. Shang Qinghua will be there too after taking care of Wei Wuxian first.
- - - - -
It just... it'll be fun seeing like:
- Wei Wuxian learning Demonic cultivation from actual demons. Angst by resusitating Hua Cheng so that he might protect Xie Lian especially during the 33 gods that tried to fight Xie Lian for the mountain.
-Posibility of the Yiling Wei clan established with the help of Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun bringing in protection and poor characters who definely need to be here: usual Mo Xuanyu, Xue Yang, Wen Yuan, rest Wen remnants, A Qing for good measure. BUT ALSO feral Quan Yizhen, Shi Qingxuan with so much bad luck on his hands (despite Shi Wudu not wanting to) and maybe even Hua Cheng trying to learn how become really strong to protect his Majesty after he got banished by Mu Qing.
- If Mei nianqing gets found out then Shen Qingqiu will have to help him out and OH Heavenly Emperor Luo Binghe fight vs Jun Wu. Will that protagonist halo work?! Will it not!?! Hmmmmmm
-Maybe god Xie Lian VS god Luo Binghe. Who truly is the strongest protagonist!
-Qing Jing Peak's newly turned good but not really disciple: Prince Xiao Jing
-Mobei Jun just being used as a water source for the Burial Grounds and Yong An so they don't die.
-Omg Mobei Jun slapping some Qi or something to remedy Nie Mingjue so he doesn't die, still crashes into a comma or something. Woops.
-Yanli and Yingying friendship. Ultimate Shijies who got each other's back(literally).
-Wen Qing and Mu Qingfang talking about medicine and plants. Or better yet, some of the wen remnants that dont really master demonic cultivation becoming members of Ciang Qiong Sect.
-Nie Huasiang and Ling Wen where helped once by Shang Qinghua and suddenly started gathering suspicion as to who he was coming out of nowhere in their greatest need and deviating some plot points with his husband who is really a demon king. How does this man know other gods and has so many important people by his side? What can he see? What cant he?
-OMG Shi Qingxuan and Mo Xuanyu Dress Up BESTIES!!
-Zhuzhi-lang and Wen Ning just being Zhuzhi-lang and Wen Ning, maybe they strike up a friendship, maybe Wen Ning gets pretty scared at first.
-Demons and Ghosts hell yeah.
-Sha Hualing absolutely wreaks havoc with Wei Wuxian in Ghost City and Hua Cheng already grown up, depending if he died or not he is just : "Wei Shifu, why."
-Mei Nianqing and Shen Qingqiu playing cards. "You know solitare?" "No -_-." "Uno?" " No, do tell Shen Daozhang. 0-0" Song Lan and Xiao Xingcheng also agree to play. Mei Nianqing catching feelings of nostalgia because the three remind him of his old friends.
-Luo Binghe dying trying to teach Xie Lian and Wei Wuxian how to cook. He couldn't T-T.
-Mobei DAD! Of He Xuan because the misfortune killed him so he has to guide this ghost to not kill but he is filled by pure hatred dammit! And the same goes for the Xuan Ji who can't stop obsessing over Pei Ming so he has to tell her "he ain't worth it" every time. He finds Yin Yu and Banyue too and just has to take a minute into buttheading and slamming Pei Ming.
-heh Mobei Jun and Yushi Huang, gods who helped out humanity and are 100% done with Heaven shenanigans.
-Oh Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun possibly giving the Jiang children all the love they deserve ♥❤<333
-Jun Wu being bad by uniting forces with ghost Tianlang-Jun but ghost Tianlang-Jun gets Jun Wu into ✨Danmei✨
"Luo Binghe that kid... doesnt he look like you?"
"Yeah he is my son."
"Hes gay."
"Oh... well mine isnt."
TLJ Pointing to Hualian "are you sure about that?"
-OH Maybe Jiang Yanli can learn martial arts under Qi Qingqi!
-Nie Mingjue wanting his little brother to succeed as head of the sect but Liu Qingge just says that he should follow his dreams and passions just like his sister has done. "And what is your sister?" "Worldwide renown writter no you cannot ask of w h a t."
-Xie Lian: Biological son of a King and queen, Emotional son of two Heavenly Gods equal in power and two weird Immortals as they fight for custody. Married to a ghost king who studied under the grandmaster of Demonic cultivation who in turn was taken care of and taught by the literal primordial creator with his demonic ice king.
Oh you know what will be funny? Is if they actually KNOW Shang qinghua is their creator but only after 800 years have passed or something and Shang Qinghua finally archives Godhood and the entirety of heaven just gasps and stays in silence as they see the Immortal Shang qinghua looks THE SAME even to the smallest details as the grand Jade Emperor that stands in the main hall of the heavenly palace. He is truly the first Jade Emperor. AND HE IS BACK OMG OMG OMG!!
Only the most powerful gods could have access to this site, and: Heavenly Supreme god Luo Binghe who didn't care about heaven, Literature God Shen Qingqiu always cooped up taking care of earth whose only reason of becoming a God was so he could endure papapa, God of death Wei Wuxian in Ghost city, God of Winter Mobei Jun having tea times and harvesting Yong An as well as taking care for the Mobei clan, God of Music Lan Wangji playing sad music whenever his husband wasn't home and papapaing when he was, Martial God Xie Lian... um...
WELL All the Gods he knew of where doing one thing or another and therefore NO ONE had told him about the history of heavenly emperors until he had been kidnapped by Jun Wu who then explained that OH GOD NO WHAT DO YOU MEAN GOD SHEN YUAN WAS ANOTHER CREATOR TOO! OF THE SYSTEM!??! THE FUCK—
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lansplaining · 2 years
However I also think NHS was right. Revenge is not necessarily the best choice, but. He was very much getting revenge for a wrong that was done that did Not need to be done. Good for him.
Official Ranking of the Necessity of Murders in MDZS/CQL, from Most to Least:
Wei Wuxian killing Wang Lingjiao . Completely justified and necessary. She was so rude, and for what. Yes, she lacked any power of her own, but she should have thought twice before acting as a representative for the bad guys.
Nie Huaisang aiding and abetting Mo Xuanyu's suicide. Mo Xuanyu wanted to revenge-murder his whole family, Nie Huaisang was actually doing everyone a favor and preventing future problems down the line.
Xue Yang killing A-Qing. Snitches get stitches.
Wen Chao trying to kill Mianmian. For all Mianmian's posturing later on about like being morally better than the rest of the cultivation world or whatever, she really didn't seem to grasp the concept of sacrifices for the greater good. Maybe if she'd just shut up and let them use her as bait, everyone else could have gotten out of the cave safely.
Jiang Cheng killing and torturing every demonic cultivator. Jiang Cheng holding every demonic cultivator responsible by proxy for Yanli's death, which was DEFINITELY a wrong that did Not need to happen. However, he loses credit a little bit of credit because he's painting with a pretty broad brush. What if one of them had accidentally been a good guy?
Wen Zhuliu killing Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan. His boss made him do it, and while obviously people are completely responsible for their actions at all times and external pressures should not be taken into account, I need a little more explanation of his Mysterious Past with Yu Ziyuan before I can be totally sure his actions were justified. For example, was she a bitch to him in the past (probably)? Then it's okay.
Nie Mingjue killing Wen Xu. I mean. Sure. Wen Xu's father killed Nie Mingjue's father, so it makes sense that Nie Mingjue sort of displaces the revenge generationally. But then he keeps going after Wen Ruohan, which is like... dude, you got your revenge murder. You're getting demanding here.
Wei Wuxian killing Wen Chao. Hmmm. I'm just like... I get why Wei Wuxian thinks it's justified. But what did Wen Chao really do to him? Isn't he just kind of a figurehead for his dad? Like, he's pretty stupid and inept. Was he really a threat?
Wei Wuxian killing Xue Yang. We're getting into really outrageous territory here. Like what did Xue Yang ever do to Wei Wuxian personally? It's not like any of the juniors in Yi City even died, and he literally only met A-Qing and Song Lan that day. How much could he actually care? Seems like a big old Not Your Problem, Wei Ying, and he should have just left it alone.
Jin Guangyao killing Nie Mingjue. No respect for their shared past, no respect for the fact that Nie Mingjue was only violent and angry because of the sabre spirit which isn't even his fault, no respect for the way Nie Mingjue just wanted to help him be a better person. Sorry, but if he was that scared that Nie Mingjue was actually going to hurt him, maybe he should have told the police or something.
well i've run the numbers anon and looks like you're spot on
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ao3feed-xicheng · 4 days
The fade of lightning's glow
by Artefei (RosaEi) Jiang Cheng, Sect Leader of the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng, was arranged into a marriage by his parents a few years back, back before the wens attacked the peace of Lotus Pier and burnt it down, killing his only family, leaving only him and his older sister, along with his Martial Brother, Wei Wuxian. The marriage was postponed, and offered to be annulled, but Jiang Cheng, with his stupid crush on the first son of the Lan Clan, Lan Xichen, agreed to keep the marriage going. Or Jin Guangyao died early with his crimes being unearthed, Lan Xichen mourning for his love, as Jiang Cheng is forced to watch his husband mourn for another, love another, knowing it would never be him. After all, a Lan only loves once. Words: 1368, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiang Yanli, Mo Xuanyu, Lan Qiren, Yu Ziyuan, Yunmeng Jiang Disciples (Modao Zushi), Jiang Fengmian, Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen/Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Jin Ling | Jin Rulan, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Jiang Yanli & Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Jiang Yanli, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen & Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen & Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji Additional Tags: Mentioned Jiang Yanli, Mentioned Jin Zixuan, Angst with a Happy Ending, Two Endings, Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Exes, Angst, Eventual Romance, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Arranged Marriage, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin-centric, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin Needs a Hug, Jin Ling | Jin Rulan Loves Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Gay, Mentioned Nie Huaisang, Mentioned Nie Mingjue, Mentioned Wen Ning | Wen Qionglin, Mentioned Wen Qing (Modao Zushi) via https://ift.tt/QEW50TD
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fannish-karmiya · 2 years
according to this fandom lwj is soilt bc he was allowed to keep the rabbits and a-yuan
Oh gosh, I have seen that many times!
"Here, you can keep these rabbits, but they're not pets and you absolutely cannot tell Uncle where they came from or he'll force you to get rid of them. Are we not indulgent?"
"Well, you have rushed to the Burial Mounds with a flayed open back to search for the remains of the man you love and found his child instead, but you can't keep him. We won't have him in our sect...hold on Wangji, if you're going to brand yourself over it then I guess you can keep him, please no more self-harming, didn't we harm you enough?"
(a bit salty, sorry, but the Lans' refusal to take in A-Yuan in particular has been so de-contextualised from the actual canon that there seems to exist a parallel fanon version of the scene where we learn about it)
I've also seen very simple things like LQR buying lotus seed pods for LWJ after hearing he was talking about them cited as examples of LWJ being a spoiled child, which is ridiculous. You know what, that is actually quite sweet, but it is not spoiling a child, it's just that: a nice gesture.
We see quite a few spoiled children in canon, but not LWJ. Mo Ziyuan's mother treats him like he's still a baby and excuses all of his bad behaviour, Wen Chao seems to be indulged a great deal by his father...even dear Jin Ling is alternately spoiled as far as gifts go (his family will buy anything for him and let him behave like a brat without a care) and then emotionally (and sometimes physically) abused as well.
The instances where LQR does something nice for LWJ or a rule is lightly bent for him (if the rabbits stay in the field then they are not pets, just wild animals you sometimes feed) are sweet and show that for all he is flawed and clearly has no idea how to raise children, he does love his nephews. But they're not spoiling him, they're just...nice moments.
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haitang-flowers · 1 year
Oooo share some of your ideas!!!!
Okay so I literally have endless WIPs saved in my notes, but I'll share my main ones here and you can tell me if you wanna know more about them.
Madam Qin goes to Jin Guangyao earlier, before the marriage but after Qin Su is pregnant and tells him that she is his sister. All the shit still goes down and WWX and Jin Ling die and wouldn't you know it, Sect Leader Jiang want his nephew to stay with him and is unwed. Jin Guangyao can work with that.
Canon adjacent AU where Qin Su lives after stabbing herself finding out the truth, and Jin Ling refuses to let his aunt stay in her room. Que Qin Su acting as an advisor, butting heads with Jiang Cheng and eventually falling in love.
Fem!JC, Fem!NHS, Fem!Xue Yang Spy/Thieves AU. Smutty. Oh my god they will not stop fucking in this and I'm trying to make plot happen. Lan Wangji has been casing Mo Ziyuan for months, slowly gaining thrust to gain access to find if his father has been being a dodgey major (spoiler alert: he has) and Jin Zixuan asks the Jiang's to help rescue his brother whose gone silent. Enter Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji pretending to be a couple, whilst WWX hacks their system... only their invited to a private room and expected to put on a show. This is my largest WIP and it was meant to be a smutty oneshot that has ran away from me, and is fast becoming a series with the ideas I have.
Meng Yao's life was simple. He was Nie Mingjue's assistant, he'd helped bring about the downfall of his father and he was certain that he had almost beat Jiang Cheng at being Jin Ling's favourite person. His only problem was he was in love with his boss and her wife. Both happily monogamous and lesbians. This is also part of a wider AU, celebrities meets lawyers, which starts with Jiang Cheng angrily fucking Wen Xu and somehow ends up making a lot of characters happy who deserve it (and Jin Guanshan's ass in prison).
Gen fic
Dage!Yanli AU
Basically a thought train between a friend and I that ran away from us. Basically what would happen if sexes were swapped between JYL and JC. The answer; far less bloodshed and shit getting done.
So yeah... my ideas so far. Lemme know if any interest you!
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admirableadmiranda · 1 year
I just noticed while reading a fic, Mo Xuanyu's cousin's name is 'Mo Ziyuan'. I thought, that is incredibly familiar, and then I remember that the name of Jiang Cheng's mother it 'Yu Ziyuan'. Idk if thats a concidence or not, but it made scoff and think it's a bit ironic. I did search the Chinese characters for their names, it turned out that the 'ziyuan' was different characters tho. It just made me think that it's kinda fitting coz the first scene we have of MZY is him kicking MXY, which is already at the time is WWX, and if I recall correctly, the first scene of Madame Yu was when she was verbally degrading WWX. Makes me think that MXTX really has a way of naming her characters.
They are different characters, but I enjoy the similarities in pinyin, as well as the fun with there being an A-Yuan so early on. But definitely the Mo family are meant to strongly parallel the Jiangs with the biggest thing being they lack a Jiang Yanli in any way and that family is much worse for lacking her.
But also if you ever really want to get your geek on about MXTX's naming skills, look up the meanings of Wei Wuxian's names, weapons and the names that he gives over the course of the story. There are so many layers!!
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Wei Wuxian - on strengths instead of flaws
I think there’s a lot of confusion between the various MDZS canons, like the novel canon vs donghua canon vs audio drama canon vs manhua canon vs CQL canon. One such confusion is on the nature of one Wei Wuxian.
Mo Dao Zu Shi is a story about resentment. It is a story where those who hang onto resentment, who tally up past grievances and pay them back hundredfold, are the ones who eventually meet their downfall. Xue Yang. Jin Guangyao. Even Mo Xuanyu. These people made their resentment an intrinsic part of who they were, and it ruined them. 
Of course, resentment is not an exclusive theme of the novel, and it may not even be the main one, depending on how you look at it. It’s also about class conflict, and mob mentality, and righteousness in the face of every obstacle. But in MDZS, the people who hold onto their resentment the tightest, who bury it within themselves and grow around it like the sand forming a pearl, those are the people whose actions eventually catch up to them. 
Wei Wuxian does not hold onto resentment. He is the type of person to keep moving forward. He doesn’t resent Yu Ziyuan, or Jiang Cheng, even with how awfully they treated him. He never resented Lan Wangji when he believed that he’d wanted to take him back to Gusu to imprison him. He doesn’t even resent the 3000 cultivators that came to slaughter him, or the cultivation world as a whole, although that would be very natural, because what did they know about Wei Wuxian? 
On top of that, Wei Wuxian seems to be always smiling. Even in his Yiling Laozu era, he was smiling when Lan Wangji showed up in the Burial Mounds. A lot of people seem to ascribe this part of his character to cripplingly low self-esteem, in that he doesn’t see himself as someone who deserves or is allowed to resent others. CQL in particular falls prey to this mischaracterisation, as do many of its fanworks who may have not experienced the original novel.
In fact, it’s much the opposite. It takes knowing your own self worth to forgive and move on. 
I know this from experience - one of my friends believes I don’t have enough self esteem to get properly angry over being wronged, and perhaps I don’t, but to me it takes strength to acknowledge something as out of your control and move on rather than continue to be hung up over it. Similarly, it speaks to a great inner strength that Wei Wuxian has this capacity to keep moving forward, despite every single blow he is dealt over the course of his life. His ability to keep smiling is born from strength, not flaw. 
Of course, just because he doesn’t resent these people doesn’t mean he necessarily has to reconcile with them - and he doesn’t.  That also takes knowing your own worth and value. Wei Wuxian knows that he deserves better than constant degradation, and realises that by stepping away from Lotus Pier, and never returning. There is nothing left for him there anymore, thus, it’s not productive nor healthy for him to stay. 
In sum: Wei Wuxian is self-empowered, capable and confident in his capability. He knows his own value, and he trusts his judgement (and he is right to - he is the most righteous cultivator of them all).
He is resilient. And that is what sets him apart from the rest. 
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danmeireader · 8 months
the manhua art is gorgeous, but i do not miss the shorthand of bad characters being fat. like, ah yes, people can hardly tell that mo ziyuan is a pos!! better make him fat so they aren't confused
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assortedsouls · 4 months
Bio: Mò Xuányǔ
Name: Mò Xuányǔ (莫玄羽)
Age: up to 26.
Birthday: March 1
Family:Jin Guangshan (father), Second Lady Mo (mother), Jin Zixuan (older half-brother), Jin Guangyao (older half-brother), Qin Su (older half-sister), probably a lot of other half-siblings, Madam Mo (aunt), Mo Ziyuan (younger cousin).
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Shy and timid, but usually kind and polite, people-pleaser and conflict avoidant. Lover of art, especially dance and theatre. Low cultivation, but interest in scholarly pursuits and learning despite being a little slow. Later shows signs of depression, anxiety, dissociation and psychosis (although it's not actually psychosis).
Sword: Jiùyì (就义) (to be killed for a righteous cause; to die a martyr) (it was actually a gift from JGS)
Build: Slender, emaciated (once kicked out from Jinlintai).
Height: 180 cm (5'11")
Hair: Black
Eyes: Light brown
Skin: Pale/sickly pale
Facial features: Graceful features, upturned lips and pronounced cupid's bow. Later on this is often hidden behind layers of white powder and bright red rouge.
Short timeline:
2yo - His father visits less and less frequently.
4yo - His father no longer visits at all. Second lady Mo continues to tell her son that his father will return, but the others in the household starts treating them both continuously worse.
7yo - Start of Sunshot Campaign.
11yo - End of Sunshot Campaign.
13yo - Death of WWX.
14yo - Jin Guangshan send for him to come to Jinlintai and learn cultivation. There he becomes close with his older half-brother Jin Guangyao. MXY turns out to only have low to moderate skills for cultivation, however, he seems to have a bit of a talent for demonic cultivation.
15yo - Death of Jin Guangshan.
16yo - Gets kicked out of Jinlintai. Said to have behaved inappropriately against Jin Guangyao, but he had not. In reality, he found out things about his brother that shook him to his core (including that he killed his own son). He also ends up being cursed by him and starts seeing things other cannot. Once back in Mo Manor, his mental and physical health rapidly declines due to abuse, the curse and malnutrition. The abuse he receives from his family is both verbal and physical as well as being locked inside his own chambers (although they claim he does so out of fear of others). There he's left without the ability to properly clean himself or even have water to drink. The door is rarely opened, except a small slat at the bottom for food and the windows are boarded shut. Food, always cold left-overs, is only given to him once a day, in the morning. Though it's regularly forgotten as well.
17yo - His mother hangs herself out of shame. He starts to wear make up resembling that of a hanged ghost.
26yo - Sacrifices his own soul and body to get revenge on his family.
A Second Chance
Raised Jin
Wandering Madman
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yiling · 4 years
wei wuxian queering the scapegoat/golden child binary,
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motivationisdead · 2 years
Some… not-so lovely tidbits in Chapter 56 of Mo Dao Zu Shi (ExR translation) that caught my eye:
This chapter is really so interesting in a lot of ways. Most of them not fun though.
Wei WuXian, “I didn’t. I just feel that, compared to him, I really didn’t do much.”
Jiang FengMian nodded, “Well done.”
He was able to kill a four-hundred-year-old beast at the mere age of seventeen. It was much more than a ‘well done’.
Jiang Cheng, “Congratulations.”
The tone of his congratulations sounded quite strange. Seeing how he folded his hands and raised his brows, Wei WuXian knew that those sour feelings were at him again. Jiang Cheng, right now, must be making a fuss in silence, defiantly asking himself why he wasn’t the one who had stayed in the cave to kill the beast. If it had been him, he could definitely also do this and do that.
I think this interaction perfectly sums Wei Wuxian’s relationship with the Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Cheng.
Wei Wuxian clearly is aware Jiang Cheng is jealous of him—even saying that ‘he knew those sour feeling were directed at at him again’ implying that it’s not the first time Jiang Cheng has gotten jealous over him. So he’s quick to downplay his accomplishment here with Jiang Fengmian giving the bare minimum of praise for what is frankly an award worthy achievement.
They even mention that the Wen’s are throwing a party for Wen Chao “killing” the beast but Wei Wuxian just gets a ‘well done’? The difference in treatment for the same deed is apparent.
And yet Jiang Cheng still gets jealous.
And after seeing Jiang Cheng’s bad mood Wei Wuxian is quick to try and correct it:
Wei WuXian laughed, “What a pity that you weren’t there as well. Or else, you’d be able to share some of that credit as well. You’d also be able to chat with me and chase the boredom away. Good Heavens, sitting face-to-face with Lan Zhan these days almost bored me to death.”
Jiang Cheng, “It served you right to be bored to death. You shouldn’t have played the hero and you shouldn’t have cared for such a hell of a thing. If in the beginning you didn’t…”
Suddenly, Jiang FengMian spoke, “Jiang Cheng.”
Jiang Cheng paused, knowing that he had said too much. He was quiet at once.
Interestingly this seems to imply Jiang Cheng doesn’t think what he said is wrong or feel guilty for it—just that he said enough for his father scold him.
Jiang FengMian didn’t look as if he was blaming him of anything, but his expression had turned from calm to more solemn, “Do you know in which ways what you just said is not appropriate?”
Jiang Cheng’s head hung low, “Yes.”
Wei WuXian, “He’s just angry and speaking without care.”
And Wei Wuxian being relegated to peace keeper and making excuses for Jiang Cheng’s behavior. Which he shouldn’t even have to do because this a fairly normal parent-child exchange. Jiang Fengmian isn’t even shown to be mad at Jiang Cheng here. It’s just that Jiang Cheng can’t handle criticism.
Seeing how Jiang Cheng’s mouth and heart were still at odds, how he still felt defiant, Jiang FengMian shook his head, “A-Cheng, there are some things that can’t be said even if you’re angry. If you said them, it means that you still don’t understand the motto of the Jiang Sect, that you still don’t…”
Once again this implies that despite agreeing with his father out loud Jiang Cheng apparently feels that he’s said nothing wrong at all. Or at least that he was right to say it. So Jiang Fengmian tries to explain why what he said is wrong but…
The harsh voice of a woman came from outside the door, “Yes, he doesn’t understand, but what does it matter, as long as Wei Ying understands?!”
Ah, and Yu Ziyuan, interrupting her husband trying to teach their son an important life lesson to complain about unfair favoritism that is completely absent from this scene.
In front of Jiang FengMian, Wei WuXian had to give the madam some face. He didn’t protest at all, though he thought to himself, He couldn’t have dared to do anything to them? That’s not for certain.
Bless Wei Wuxian, calling out bullshit like always. Even if it’s just in his head.
Wei WuXian could only roll out of bed and chase over, dragging with him his stiff, sore body, “Jiang Cheng! Jiang Cheng!”
Jiang Cheng walked forward without a care for anything else.
Wei Wuxian literally almost died and was unconscious all of five minutes ago and yet he’s stuck doing damage control with the Jiangs. The lack of consideration being given to him, with Yu Ziyuan even barging into his room to start a fight with her husband, is jarring honestly. Literally the only peace and comfort he got in this household after his near death experience was when Jiang Yanli brought him soup.
Jiang Cheng ducked from his strike and shouted, “You’re hurting so much now, but why did you play the hero back then?! Serves you right! Teaches you your lesson!”
Notice how Jiang Cheng immediately starts saying the same things that his father just scolded him for saying now that his father has left the room? Jiang Cheng clearly hasn’t learned a goddamn thing or tried to take his lesson to heart.
Jiang Cheng frowned, “You’re at it again. You don’t really like her, do you? The girl does look fine, but it’s obvious that she doesn’t have much background. Maybe she isn’t even a disciple. She seems like the daughter of a servant.”
You know what this is called? Being classist.
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lansplaining · 1 year
[one snippet of a chengqing holiday romcom for as much of december as i feel like!] [previous part]
Supervising the consumption of hot chocolate took up most of Jiang Cheng’s attention for the next few minutes. Fueled up on sugar, Jin Ling then demanded a turn in a maze of hay bales that looked distinctly like a leftover from their more autumnal offerings, now sprayed with a layer of fake snow. 
“A-Ling,” Jiang Cheng said, trying not to sound annoyed. “We’re here to get a Christmas tree. Wen Qing doesn’t want to be stuck here all day.”
“Yes she DOES,” Jin Ling insisted. 
Jiang Cheng turned to Wen Qing to apologize, but before he could speak, she shrugged and said, “Let him do it. I don’t have anywhere to be.” 
And, well, Jiang Cheng didn’t, either. And maybe this would give Jin Ling something to gloat at Mo Ziyuan at tomorrow. 
Jiang Cheng sighed. “Alright, but listen. After this, we’re going home, alright? We need to have lunch. So don’t try and pull anything funny. Deal?” 
“Deal,” Jin Ling said solemnly, then bolted for the entrance to the maze. Jiang Cheng scrambled to catch him, nearly sending them both tumbling to the muddy ground in a heap. Once he had Jin Ling’s hand firmly secured in his, he led them both to the entrance to the maze and let Jin Ling loose. 
“His dad’s side of the family spoils him,” Jiang Cheng complained as he went to join Wen Qing at the tables set aside for parents to observe, where she’d already grabbed them some seats and-- oh, some hot apple cider. “Oh, thanks.” 
“You seemed like you could use a little treat. I look after a baby cousin sometimes,” she added as Jiang Cheng sat. “He’s great, but it’s certainly hard to balance all the parenting styles he gets hit with in a given week. But all families are complicated, it turns out. It never looked that way as a kid. I always thought it was just us.”
“I thought we were normal,” Jiang Cheng admitted. “When I was little. I guess it was sort of a relief to realize we weren’t. I just wish Jin Ling had something that he could imagine was normal.” 
“That’s how I feel about A-Yuan sometimes,” Wen Qing said, wrapping her gloved hands around her paper cup. He’s got our popo as his legal guardian, my brother and I step in when I can, and then my best friend has ended up looking after him a lot, too. I’m grateful for that one especially. He lost his parents when he was around A-Yuan’s age and then had what sounds like a really fucked up fostering experience, so I figure he really knows what a kid in that situation needs.” She shook her head, looking down at her cup. “That’s all private, obviously.” 
“Obviously,” Jiang Cheng agreed. “But I have no doubt you do a great job. You’ve been fantastic with Jin Ling today.” 
“Like I said.” She looked up with a small smile. “It’s fun to be around kids at the holidays.” 
“Yeah,” said Jiang Cheng, not thinking about being around kids at all. Not that that lasted long: Jin Ling yelled for him to look, and Jiang Cheng called back an absent-minded, “Yeah, good job, A-Ling!” 
Then, immediately feeling guilty, he actually turned to see A-Ling triumphantly stuffing a fistful of dirty hay down the front of his jacket.
“Oh, great,” Jiang Cheng muttered. “A-Ling, don’t take the hay! That’s for everybody!” 
Jin Ling pouted, but pulled the hay back out and carefully patted it back onto the top of one of the bales. 
“Jiang Cheng,” Wen Qing said. Her voice was suddenly serious, and her expression was, too. Jiang Cheng instantly, instinctively looked back over at Jin Ling to see if anything was wrong, but he was happily kicking one of the hay bales. 
“About this property deal,” she said. “Can I be straight with you?” 
“I hope you will be.” 
She sighed and resettled herself on the bench. Even at this rickety, damp picnic table, pink-cheeked from the cold, she looked poised. “You don’t want to go into business with my uncle. No-- I don’t want you to go into business with my uncle. I don’t want to do that to you. His private medical facilities are predatory at best, and this one’s going to be the worst of the lot. I have to stick around town to look like I’m making an effort, but... you should go with the other offer.” 
Jiang Cheng sat back a little. “Oh. Well... thanks for telling me.”
Why did she tell him? What made her change her mind? He couldn’t get mad that she was out here trying to sell a shitty deal-- clearly, the whole thing was complicated. She was doing her job for her family, and she didn’t know him. 
Well. Except, now, she kind of did. And she’d changed her mind. 
“If you’re just doing this because you feel bad I invited you over...” 
She shook her head. “That was... very nice. But no.” 
“Okay. Because the food’s really not going to be worth pissing off your uncle.” 
She smiled wryly. “That’s okay. And the invite doesn’t have to still stand.”
“It does,” Jiang Cheng said immediately. “Now you have even less reason to be here. My--” The words caught, and even he was surprised by the turn the sentence had taken. He forced himself on. “--my sister would never have forgiven me if she knew I’d taken back a dinner invitation.” 
The smile softened. “You’re a nice guy, Jiang Cheng.”
Jiang Cheng snorted. Sure. “Yeah, well. We only just met.” 
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