#(his best hair colour) huh? who said that???
karinasbaby · 7 months
oh my god
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genuinely can’t believe that i’m lucky enough to live in the same timeline as cherry red mullet heeseung like is this a joke.
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 months
Stray Kids Reaction || Your Child Says Something Inappropriate
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - July 2024
Chan had been looking forward to the weekend barbecue for weeks, you had gone all out on planning it together and even made sure all of the kids were entertained so the adults could relax. You wanted it to be perfect for him since it was a rare chance to hang out with his best friends, eat some good food, and catch up on life. 
"You okay?" You whisper to Chan as you place a soft kiss on his cheek, his hands busy as he attempts to set up the grill. Your six-year-old son, Rhys, was running around with the other kids, a bundle of energy and curiosity.
"Perfect, everything is perfect." He breathed out, kissing your cheek quickly. Chan flipped the burgers and turned to Changbin, who was recounting a hilarious story from their trainee days.
"Remember when you snuck all that food back to the dorms in your pants?!" Changbin laughed and you started to giggle, watching as Rhys came pouncing over to you.
"Hey, Dad!" Rhy's voice rang out, cutting through the noise. Chan turned to look at his son and couldn't help but smile at him.
"Yeah, buddy?" Chan called back, expecting another excited observation about the bugs he’d found or the cool fort he and the other kids had built, or even about the rocks he now had a growing collection over in his bedroom. Rhy's eyes were wide, and he wore a proud grin. 
"I told my friends what you said about Uncle Hyunjin's car!" he announced. You and Chan stared at each other, your eyes widened as you felt your stomach drop, you already knew that Chan was flipping through his mind to figure out what he'd said. 
"You said it's a piece of shit and should have been scrapped years ago!" The whole garden went silent as Hyunjin started to laugh a little, ruffling Rhys' hair with his hand and smirking over at Chan. 
"I've said worse about the heap of junk, don't worry about it." By now Chan was burning a bright red colour and it wasn't because of the barbecue below him.
"Me and you are going to talk about bad words," You told Rhys sternly, taking him into the house.
Minho and the boys were gathered in the living room, the aroma of pizza and wings mingling with the sound of laughter and the latest action movie playing on the TV. It was their monthly guys' night, a tradition they had maintained since Minho had moved in with you, it was the same night you would spend with your own friends. Cassian - your youngest son of seven years wandered into the room, his curiosity piqued by the laughter and commotion. The boys each greeted him and Chan reached out to ruffle the young ones' hair,
"Hey, buddy, you want a slice of pizza?" Jisung offered, pushing the box close to him but Cassian shook his head, his eyes twinkling as he glanced over at Minho. Minho smirked back at him and nodded his head,
"Actually, guys," Cassian began, glancing at his dad for a moment before turning back to the seven men who were now watching him, expecting to hear a story about his day,
"my dad says none of you has any idea how to pick a good movie." The room fell silent for a split second and then erupted in laughter. Changbin feigned a hurt expression, clutching his chest and grunting loudly as he laid back in the chair. 
"Oh, really? Your dad thinks he knows better, huh?" Minho leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms with a smirk as Cassian got onto the seat beside his dad and ate a slice of pizza with a giant grin on his face. 
"Hey, don't blame me. The kid has a mind of his own." He smirks, high-fiving Cassian, Felix grinned, pointing at Minh. 
"Yeah, right. We all know where he gets that from." The room burst into laughter as they started to debate what movie was better, none of them ever settling on something they could all agree on.
"Who's idea was this?" You groaned feeling the sun practically melting your skin as you lay in the shade. For some reason the boys had thought it would be a good idea to head to the beach, bringing their kids and your own to have a barbeque,
"I believe it was Changbins," Minho smirked as he turned to your husband at the grill. You were about to say something when Lily - your five-year-old - started yelling for you both to look over at her
“Daddy! Daddy! Look what I made!” she exclaimed, pointing down at a small sandcastle, with a flag on it. Your heart beamed as you watched how proud she was
“That’s awesome, sweetheart! You’re really good at this.” Changbin chuckled, Lily practically beamed at the praise and you turned to look back at the others.
"NOOOOO!" The cry practically screamed out of your daughter as you turned around to see the sandcastle now crumpled into the sand,
"Piece of fucking-" She yells and you drop your bottle of water, too stunned to even talk. Changbin's eyes widened, and he shot up, cutting her off mid-sentence. 
“Lily! Where did you hear that word?” He panicked, kneeling down in front of his daughter as you nervously looked at the others. But Lily looked confused and a little scared by her dad’s reaction. 
“From you, Daddy. You said it when you were talking to Uncle Hyunjin last time.” Changbin started groaning as he shook his head for being so careless when it came to throwing words like that around,
“Oh, uh, did I?” he stammered looking at you as you practically glared at him, silently letting him know he was in trouble later. 
“Well, that’s not a nice word, Lily. We shouldn’t say that, okay?” Lily nodded and Changbin let her go,
“Okay, Daddy. I’m sorry.” She whispers, kissing his cheek softly as he smiles, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her,
“It’s alright, sweetheart. Just remember, some words aren’t for little kids, okay?” She nods before running back over to the sand and starting to work on another sandcastle.
"I'm in trouble later, right?" Changbin asked as he leaned down to give you a kiss.
"Very much so," You smirk, kissing him again before sending him back to work.
Hyunjin had been looking forward to this for months, ever since it had been announced that he could bring his son in to work he'd been planning what the two of them were going to do all day. Everyone was pretty excited to see Jamie in the work place, he was Hyunjin's youngest son and full of energy all of the time.
“Hey, Jamie,” Changbin called out, wrapping his arms around Jamie and picking him up.
"Wanna see what we've been working on?" He wriggles his eyebrows as the two of them walked into Changbin's studio and sat down at a huge desk. Jamie had always loved watching the boys work, even told you he wanted to be "just like daddy" when he got older and even did the dances...well, attempted to.
Hyunjin walked into the room as he watched Jamie, a huge headset on his head as he listened to the son, even pushing some buttons despite them doing nothing.
"God I love him, he's so curious.” Changbin bellowed out, looking as Jamie pushed the volume up before pulling the headphones off.
“Thanks, Binnie. He’s been looking forward to this all week.” Hyunjin chuckles, but as the room turns calm, Jamie suddenly questions,
“Dad, why does everyone say ‘work is a pain in the ass’?” Hyunjin grunted as he realised he must have heard what he'd said the night before to you,
"This is easy!" Jamie yells making everyone chuckle, Changbin had officially lost it and was laughing into his hands while Hyunjin groaned and walked closer to him to lecture him on bad words.
"You're basically being forced against your will," Jeongin laughs as he, Jisung and Seungmin all walk into the mall, exchanging a look with each other but their eyes landed on Jisung's daughter. She was clutching his hand tightly and giggled 
"Whatever my princess wants, she shall get." Jisung laughed looking down at Emma who was buzzing with excitement.
“Ready to shop, kiddo?” He asked, smiling down at her as she jumped up and down on the spot, her eyes widened.
“Yeah, Dad!” Emma replied with a yell, the boys groaning as they followed the birthday girl.
They wandered through various stores, chatting and enjoying the relaxed atmosphere as Emma looked through all of the clothes for something she wanted. Jisung was in the middle of a conversation with Seungmin about the latest release they had coming out when they decided to check out a new gadget store. As they walked in, Emma tugged on Jisungs sleeve.
“Daddy, can we look at the toys?”
“Sure, sweetie,” He said, leading her towards the toy section and letting go of her hand. She rushed through the toys looking through all of them when suddenly, Emma’s voice rang out loudly and clearly, cutting through the hum of the store. 
“Daddy, this toy is a piece of crap!” The world seemed to stand still as Jisung felt his stomach twist and his throat dry. Bending down to her level he looked at her nervously,
“Emma, where did you hear that word?” He panicked and Emma stared at him, confused as to why he looked so upset,
"Mummy said it last week," Jisung smirked to himself, knowing he was going to get to lecture you later
"Well, we'll have a very long talk with Mum about that later, but don't say it again,"
"This is a dumb idea," You mumbled to Felix as he watched the kids run around together, You were all having a picnic out in the sunshine today with all of the kids. Something you weren't sure was the best idea since the kids weren't getting along all that well. Just last week you'd have to split up a fight between Chan's son and yours,
"Everything is going fine," Felix whispered as he looked at you, he knew how anxious you were about it, but your thoughts were interrupted by your daughter yelling over at you both,
"Daddy, Daddy! Look what I found!" Penelope exclaimed, holding up a shiny rock. You and Felix beamed at her, your hands holding onto the rock as she placed it into your hand,
"That’s great, baby. It’s very pretty." You giggled as Penelope smiled hugely at you, but just as quickly as the smile appeared it disappeared,
"Rhys said that the rocks are shit," The rocks slipped from your hands and onto the blankets at the mention of her brother's name followed by a curse.
"Penelope!" Felix yells softly, bringing her into his arms as he starts to beg her not to say it again. The boys all hide their smirks as you go to find Rhys and give him the same lecture.
Seungmin and Felix were babysitting tonight, well, Seungmin was looking after his own child and Felix was babysitting, Seungmin was running around like a headless chicken trying to clean as quickly as possible before you came home.
"Hey, Ben," Felix called out, 
"Which superhero is your favourite?" He chuckled, Seungmin thanked him for distracting him long enough while Seungmin cleaned the paint from the floor, scrubbing as hard as he could to lift the stains. Ben looked up with a serious expression, holding up his toy. 
"This one! Captain Marvel!" Felix grinned, pulling the toy and showing it off proudly. 
"Great choice! Captain Marvel is awesome." Seungmin smiled, watching his son interact with his friend, each of the boys was like an uncle to him but Ben was always closer to Felix than anybody else. 
Suddenly, Ben's action figure slipped from his hand and fell to the floor. Without missing a beat, Ben blurted out, 
"Fuck it!" The room went silent. Seugmins eyes widened in shock and he stopped scrubbing the floor and he felt his face flush. Felix winced, hearing the word fall so carefully from the little boy's lips.
"Where on earth did you hear that?" 
"Dad said it yesterday when he dropped his phone," Ben said, clearly not understanding what was wrong with everyone in the room. Seungmin quickly got up and traded place with Felix who began to scrub the floor. 
"Okay, buddy, but that's not a nice word to use. We should try to say 'oh no' or 'oops' instead, okay?" He looked at Ben who was now blushing and looked to be on the verge of tears.
"Okay, papa. I'm sorry." He nods his head, hugging him from the side,
"Now none of us will tell mum, right?" He asked both Ben and Felix - who was smirking from the floor.
"Promise." He winks making Ben laugh,
You knew this part was going to be a good idea the second your friends had invited you and you'd begged Jeongin to let the kids stay at home with a babysitter but he'd insisted on letting them come. 
"Emily!" You yelled out for her to come and eat but she ran straight past you and after her cousin while giggling wildly. The fizzy drinks she'd consumed finally getting to her. 
"Innie, go collect your daughter," You whine at him,
"She's your daughter too," He laughs, kissing your cheek before chasing after his daughter.
"Not when she's misbehaving," You grumble as Minho walks up to you, smirking as you glare at him. 
"Aren't you glad you bought her?" He teased you lightly, but as you were about to come back with a comeback Emily's voice rang out, loud and clear, cutting through the pleasant chatter. 
“Mommy says Uncle Minho's girlfriend drinks too much wine!” At that point you wanted the whole world to stop and eat you so you wouldn't have to deal with it. Minho's eyes darted over to you as Jeongin finally grabbed Emily and covered her mouth,
“Kids say the darndest things, don’t they?” You said, forcing a laugh as Minho chuckled deeply. But you were mortified, you hated that your words had been so easily spread.
"She's right," Minho's girlfriend laughs, nudging your arm softly to let you know it was all good between you both but it didn't stop you feeling shit.
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I Think They Like You
Summary: The rest of the camp have had enough of you and Astarion dancing around each other, never daring to confess so they decide to give the both of you a little nudge in their own ways.
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Astarion watches from his corner by the campfire as you go around to each member of the group, handing them a gift with your signature bright smile. He scowls when Karlach heartily laughs at something you said, slapping your shoulder a little harder than intended which causes you to stumble forward, unprepared for the barbarian’s strength. He scowls even harder when Wyll’s hand lingers on yours a little too long for his liking and Halsin touches the small of your back, thanking you for your thoughtful gift.
“If you scowl any harder those lines will be permanently etched into your face,” Shadowheart appears next to him.
“Thankfully I am a vampire spawn who will remain forever young,” Astarion rolls his eyes in response, folding his arms across his chest. He doesn’t miss the flower in Shadowheart’s hand and a tinge of jealousy blooms in his chest. You’ve given a gift to everyone but him, and teasing words to try and worm an answer as to why lie on the tip of his tongue. Deep down, he wonders if you’ve purposely not given him a gift. Maybe you don’t deem him as worthy of one, he can think of plenty of reasons why you’d deem him as such, but a small piece of him clings tightly to the hope that you’re just waiting for the right time to give him his gift. After all, like what you told him once, ‘save the best for last’ right?
He continues to observe you as you unload a pack full of magical gear for Gale, going through each item with him. Shadowheart snorts when she notices how hard Astarion is gripping his own arms, excusing herself with a ‘just talk to them already’ and heads to her tent.
Once you’re done presenting your gift to Lae’zel, you glance around the camp, looking for the silver haired vampire whom you had yet to give a gift to and find him slouching against a tree, hiding away from the others. His ruby red gaze pierces through you as you make your way over, excited.
“Astarion!” You hop over, plopping down next to him.
“About time, darling. I was wondering when you’d finally give the best gift to your best party member,” his signature smirk plays across his face with confidence but his eyes say otherwise.
“Saving the best for last. Besides, I figured that you’d like to receive your gift once the others have settled down enough to not bother you about it,” you smile at him.
“Best for last huh,” he murmurs, a small genuine smile on his face. “Of course mine is the best gift,” he says with far more confidence.
“The best gift for the best companion,” you grin, turning around to reach into the pack and pull out a dagger, holding it out to him.
“I noticed that you lost one of your daggers in our previous fight, so since I was the one who started the fight I felt responsible for it and decided to get you a new dagger!” Your eyes shine. “Since we needed supplies, I went to the market, happened upon a blacksmith, saw this dagger and…uh…thought it looked beautiful. So I bought it,” you smile sheepishly. He looks over the dagger, noting how it was a far better dagger than his previous one and wonders how much you had to fork out to purchase it. A quick glance already told him it wasn’t a cheap purchase in the slightest, and the rubies inlaid in its hilt only skyrocketed the potential price of the dagger.
He looks up at you, raising an eyebrow. “Yes dear?”
“The dagger reminded me of you,” you mumble, feeling the heat spread from your cheeks to the tips of your ears.
“Oh? How so, dearest?” He purrs. “Am I as beautiful as the dagger? As dangerous as it?”
“Its silver hilt reminded me of your hair and the rubies reminded me of your eyes,” you scratch the back of your neck, looking at the ground in embarrassment. “That’s it, really.”
Astarion blinks. The dagger had caught your eye because its colour combination reminded you of his hair and eyes? He leans in closer to you, wondering what you saw when you looked at him. Did you only keep him around for his good looks? You hadn’t bedded him yet, maybe this was his chance to prove his usefulness in that regard.
“Then I suppose I am as beautiful as this dagger,” a coy smile plays on his lips. “That is quite the compliment, dear.”
You laugh, “beautiful and deadly. I’m glad you like it.”
“Of course I do, darling. Now then, to repay you for your…gift –”
“Ah, sorry! I just remembered I have to help Gale prepare tonight’s dinner, see you later!” You quickly jump to your feet and scurry off, trying to hide your embarrassment. His lips had been so close to yours, ruby red eyes staring intensely into your soul and you feel your cheeks grow warm at the thought of it. Had he wanted to kiss you? You’ve never really thought about romance so this territory was extremely unfamiliar to you. Shaking your head, you throw yourself into dinner preparations, trying to rid yourself of these thoughts and miss the way Astarion’s face falls at the sight of you running away.
“Astarion,” Halsin greets him from behind.
“What are you doing here, druid?” He scowls, tucking the dagger away safely.
“I simply came to check up on a friend,” the druid replies calmly.
“Friend.” Astarion snorts. “We’re not friends, we’re simply travelling companions.”
“So you keep telling yourself. I have noticed that you’ve started to grow closer to everyone as of late, especially Y/N.” The druid sits himself where you had been sitting not too long ago.
“And how does that concern you?” Astarion spits back.
“Do you, perhaps, have feelings for them?”
“Of course not!” Astarion snaps a little too quickly.
Halsin simply smiles in return, “I think they like you. Talk to them about it, I imagine they will be just as surprised as you are to find out that you return their feelings.”
“Clearly they have good taste,” Astarion rolls his eyes, “falling for the most handsome person in camp.”
“I mean it, Astarion. Tell them how you feel, I believe new and wondrous experiences await the both of you,” Halsin places a hand on the vampire’s back and gently pushes him towards you. Astarion turns around, baring his fangs at the unfazed druid but walks over to you anyways, thoughts swirling in his mind.
Was Halsin right about you? He didn’t want to look like a fool should he confess. He liked the relationship the two of you currently had, with the stolen glances, the soft smiles, the gentle touches. He genuinely enjoyed all the times you would sneak into his tent for some peace and quiet, picking a book from his stash and reading by his side until your eyes could barely remain open. Then you’d excuse yourself, stumbling out of his tent whilst yawning all the way and he’d quickly leap to his feet to guide you to your tent before you could face plant into the dirt. He didn’t want to lose all of this, ever .
“Hey, Astarion.” Your shy smile washes some of his concerns away. You put down the knife and turn to face him, gaze searching curiously. “What can I do for you?”
Of course that was your first question. You were always far too helpful for his liking, always far too eager to come to the aid of others, even if it meant delaying your main mission of removing the tadpole. He hated how you always threw yourself with reckless abandon into danger to save others, resulting in him needing to do extra work just to ensure you came away from the fight alive. For some reason, it always fell to him to extract you from that fight you couldn’t win, it was always his feet that led him to you, always his daggers that embedded themselves into the gullet of your enemies, always his bloodstained hand that stretched out to you, pulling you to your feet. Always that giddy feeling from the smile you gave him and only him whenever your hand lingered on his .
“Hello, darling. I was wondering…if we could talk. In private,” he swallows, fingers playing with the cuffs of his sleeves.
“Oh, of course!” You turn to Gale, completely missing the knowing look in said wizard’s eyes. “Gale, can you –”
“I can finish the preparations by myself, don’t you worry. Go ahead,” he waves the two of you off far too quickly for Astarion’s liking.
“Thanks Gale!” You chirp and let Astarion take the lead, looping your arms through his.
He brings you to the outskirts of the camp where the trees block out potential eavesdroppers and shelter the both of you from any noses sticking into the business he had with you. For once, Astarion has no idea how to begin, nor any inkling of what to say. He has never prepared a script for this kind of situation before, and silently curses Halsin for doing this to him.
“If it’s something you’re not comfortable saying, you don’t have to force yourself to do it,” you break the silence, but make no inclination to move. Instead, your eyes are focused on him, watching him, checking up on him.
“I…” Astarion can’t believe himself. For the first time ever, he’s lost for words. His signature silver tongue, silenced by…you of all people.
“I have…” He tries again, to no avail.
“Ilikeyou.” The words rush out and immediately Astarion regrets it. Everything in his body screams at him to run, to leave this place far far behind, to banish all memories of you from his mind but he remains rooted to the spot, his undead heart thundering in his chest.
You stare at him, and he shifts from one leg to another, gaze fixed on the ground. Then you realise you’ve been staring at him for way too long and quickly clear your throat, causing his head to snap back up.
“I…” You feel your cheeks flame up again, but if Astarion has already laid it all bare, it’s only fair you do the same too. So you take a deep breath to steady yourself, look him in the eye and say the words.
“I like you too.”
His eyes widen and then he smiles, genuine happiness clear on his face. A wave of relief crashes into him and he takes a step forward, taking your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“I’m glad you return these feelings of mine, darling. I wouldn’t have known what to do with myself if you had rejected me, not that the thought ever crossed my mind.” He cups your cheek with his cold hand, his long slender thumb brushes over your warm skin.
“I’m glad you return my feelings too,” you whisper breathlessly, placing a hand over his. “Thank you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” he leans in close, lips mere inches away from yours. He looks to you for permission and you close the distance despite the uncertainty filling your chest, lips touching. He kisses you with practised ease while you fumble and he pulls away, amusement colouring his face.
It’s a good look on him , you think to yourself. You ought to create more opportunities for it in the future.
“Your first time kissing someone, love?” He chuckles.
“Well…what do you think?” You shoot back.
“It’s not bad, but you have a lot to learn if you ever want to be as good as me,” he smirks. “Don’t you worry darling, we will have a lot of chances to work on your kissing.”
With that he closes the gap once more, hungrily kissing you deeper. A new kind of warmth blooms from his chest, enveloping his cold body and spreads to his fingertips. He likes this feeling, Astarion decides. He likes feeling you in his embrace, he likes holding you like you’re the last thing in this world. He likes the feeling of your love for him washing over him.
He likes – no – loves you.
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anatee · 1 year
A sweet way to go | Anakin x Reader Smut 18+
A sweet way to go | Anakin Skywalker x Reader Smut. 18+. MINORS DNI.
Content: Anakin x Female!Padawan!reader, L/C is lighstaber colour, like two curse words, smut: piv (unprotected), risky, in water at that?
Word count: 6.9K
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The sun was beginning to set over the Jedi temple as Y/N was walking through its quiet corridors, heading for dinner. There was nothing unusual about her day as Yoda's Padawan, well, until she heard a familiar voice from one of the rooms.
Anakin Skywalker. Her friend of almost five years, a fellow Padawan, and a handsome guy at that, one of the best views you could stumble upon at the temple. She peeked into the room and was surprised to find Anakin standing there on the polished floor, speaking to a group of twenty-something younglings who were listening to him intently.
Y/N smiled to herself as she crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame, wishing to watch this for a little longer. It was nice to see Anakin like this, in a bit of a different role, smiling and laughing with the kids, still as goofy as he always was, but at the same time he had this aura of a responsible, skilled master around him, one that only made him that much more attractive. His longish hair and open robe were simply a cherry on top, probably her favourite parts of his appearance that day... And every other.
The Force quickly alerted Anakin that a familiar soul was nearby, and it wasn't long before he spotted Y/N in the door and smirked at her immediately.
"Seems like we have an observer," he said loudly, making all the younglings turn to her. "How long have you been there?"
"Oh, sorry, professor." She laughed. "Maybe I wanted to join the class, huh?" she added in a playful tone, making him chuckle.
Anakin simply could not stop himself. "Really? Don't tell me you finally decided to learn how to hold a lightsaber properly?" 
She opened her mouth in disbelief as she heard that, then walked up to him to smack him on the arm.
"Don't do that, kids," she said quickly as some younglings reacted with laughter.
"You heard her, kids." Anakin grinned. "Do not smack each other, even if you're messing around." He shot Y/N a knowing look, a clear sign he said that not for the kids, but just to mess with her.
She leaned in a little to whisper into his ear. "I'll strangle you once they're gone."
Anakin gave her a sly smile. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Y/N."
There was something in the way he said it that made a shiver run down her spine. She wasn't sure what, but he just did something to her - however, she had to compose herself quickly.
"Oh? Wanna bet?" She cocked an eyebrow.
"You're on." He sniggered, then cleared his throat and turned to the younglings, speaking loudly. "Now, as I was saying before we got so rudely interrupted," he shot her a quick look, "there are many stances that can help you in a fight. Some are meant to help you keep balance, some are meant to defend you from being disarmed. Like this one."
Anakin demonstrated the stance, his moves sharp and precise, his muscles flexing as he did, and Y/N watched him just as carefully as the younglings did, if not more. When she caught herself doing that, she immediately shook her head.
"Oh, no, kids, he's doing it wrong. Let me show you."
"So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" Anakin raised an eyebrow, smiling cheekily.
"Why don't we show the kids the moves in action?" She crossed her arms on her chest, and the kids immediately started whispering amongst each other in excitement.
"Are you suggesting a duel?"
Y/N shrugged. "Just to show the kids what to do." She turned to the younglings. "Do you want to see?"
Cheers erupted among the younglings. They were more than eager to see two experienced Padawans demonstrate a duel for them, and some of them were already trying to predict a winner.
"Alright then. Let's do it," Anakin said to Y/N's delight - she knew he would never give up on a challenge, especially if he got to show off.
She removed her lightsaber from the belt around her waist and ignited it. The L/C glow painted her face as she held the weapon in front of herself.
"Don't worry, kids." She smiled at them sincerely, then turned to Anakin with a smirk. "Your professor will be unscathed."
Anakin smirked right back at her, igniting his own lightsaber and getting into position, his eyes never leaving hers. "It's not me I would be worried about."
They both forgot about the younglings as they started to duel. Neither of them really intended to hurt the other, but that did not mean there wasn't anything interesting to watch. The kids gasped and sometimes even yelled in awe as two Padawans wielded their weapons, blocking each other with precision, avoiding blows of their opponents with swift movements. At first it was hard to tell who had the upper hand; they were both skilled, and even though Anakin had the advantage of being taller and just bigger in general, Y/N was smaller and could move a bit quicker. The kids were cheering on them both, reacting almost to every move.
However, Anakin's strength - or maybe his smug smile that distracted her greatly - was what gave him the advantage. He disarmed Y/N, and the younglings gasped collectively as her lightsaber rolled over the polished floor. Anakin smirked as she stood in front of him, defenseless, and pointed his weapon at her heart.
"Do you yield, Padawan?" he asked, as cocky as one can be. Y/N already knew she wasn't going to hear the end of it.
"Fuck you," she mouthed so the younglings would not hear it, but her words were clear enough to him, causing him to chuckle.
"Is that all you got?" he whispered, then spoke louder. "Do you yield?" He kept his lightsaber pointed at her, trying not to laugh.
She let out a defeated sigh, then put her hands up.
"Okay, okay, I give up." She sighed again and Anakin lowered his lightsaber and turned it off, smiling as though he was the king of the world. 
"Sometimes, children, even if you really don't want to... You have to admit defeat," she added towards the kids.
"And this is how we disarm opponents, younglings." Anakin smirked, then bowed in front of the kids dramatically, for what they gave him a round of applause. Y/N rolled her eyes, then used the Force to pull her lightsaber back to herself.
"These poor kids having to put up with you..." she said to him quietly, shaking her head as the younglings kept on clapping.
"Oh, they love me," he replied proudly. "Right kids? Is my class fun?"
The kids erupted in cheers, making Y/N sigh again as she knew Anakin was loving every second of it.
"You're just jealous because I'm a better teacher. I understand." He put a hand on her shoulder in mock comfort. "Not everyone can be as great as I am."
For that, Anakin got himself another smack on his arm.
"Hey!" He laughed. "Just because I can take it doesn't mean you should keep doing it!"
Despite his words, he did not stop smiling for a second, and the younglings were starting to giggle, too. "Kids, don't do it unless you wanna get punished."
"And how are you going to punish me, huh?" Y/N whispered. "Put me in the corner?"
It was almost as if a fire glazed over Anakin's eyes as he smirked and replied quietly:
"You'd be surprised."
She swallowed. He did something to her again, it was clear by the tingling sensation overcoming her body. The feeling was so overwhelming she wondered if he could sense it through the Force.
"Well, this will be all for today, younglings." Anakin turned to the kids. "I hope you enjoyed the class and my victory. Now off to dinner!"
The moment the kids started filing out, Y/N smacked him on the arm again.
"Hey!" He looked offended and amused at the same time. "Now you're just being mean."
She shrugged, smirking. "Someone has to keep you in check, Skywalker."
He bit his lip. "Maybe I like you keeping me in check?"
She wondered if he saw the effect these words had on her, as she had to swallow to compose herself. Heat was beginning to spread onto her 
cheeks anyway, making it all harder to reply.
"Cheeky bastard," she hissed. "You should be glad there's someone willing to sacrifice themselves for the job."
Anakin just grinned at her. "What are you up to now?"
She shrugged. "Dinner, I guess."
"Oh, right. It's that hour... I'll go with you then." He walked up to the door and bowed slightly. "Ladies first," he said just to tease her, and it worked.
She snorted as she walked out of the room. "Not you pretending to be a gentleman after literally pointing your lightsaber at my throat."
Anakin seemed completely unbothered at that. He chuckled as he followed her out of the room and then walked beside her through the corridor.
"Oh, excuse me, missy," he tried to poke her in the ribs, but she jumped to the side quickly, "but I believe it's you who suggested that duel."
"Just for the kids!" She laughed, but then got a bit more serious. "But in all seriousness, Anakin, I admire your work. These kids seemed to really like you. I would never take you for a teacher, but it seems like you're doing a good job."
"Thank you, Y/N, that means a lot. I really try to make it work for them, you know?
After dinner, which was not lacking constant banter, they both headed to their respective quarters with smiles on their faces.
Y/N began her next day at dawn. Master Yoda always strongly recommended meditation, especially after experiencing strong emotions, and she definitely had a hard time forgetting what Anakin made her feel the day before. On one hand, they teased each other like always, but on the other, she felt there was something else, something that never occurred to her before.
The meditation room was empty at that time of the day, allowing her to bathe in the morning sun. She sat crossed-legs in front of the large windows, allowing the rays to hug her body with pleasant warmth. She wasn't wearing her usual Jedi robe, just a white, tight tunic, allowing her to move swiftly.
The quietness of the empty room really helped her focus on her breathing, on communicating with the Force. With her eyes closed, she allowed herself to give into the meditation completely, taking slow, deep breaths. Peace was overcoming her entirely for quite some time, until...
The Force told her someone was there, in the room, somewhere behind her. A very familiar presence, one she knew so well she had no problem in sensing who it was. There went her efforts...
She smiled to herself, not opening her eyes. "Hmm... I'm sensing an idiot."
A familiar chuckle echoed in the spacious room. Anakin could not help himself; he also sensed her presence there while walking by the room and he didn't intend on losing the opportunity to tease her. The thing was, she was even faster to do it than him, and that may have been one of his favourite things about her. 
"Is that so?" he replied innocently, slowly approaching her from behind. "And where is he?"
She smirked as the sound of his voice confirmed what the Force already told her. "There he is."
"Oh, so I'm an idiot?" he teased as he stood right behind her, close enough for his robes to brush against her back. It did cause some tingling in her, a pleasant sensation one could crave.
"Yeah, but I kind of like that," she admitted before she could even realise how it might have sounded. Anakin struck right back.
He smirked. "Lucky me. So are you into idiots?"
That question sent a shot of adrenaline through her entire body, one that made her quiver slightly. It was flat out flirting, no one could deny that, and it was the last thing she was supposed to be doing, the very thing she tried to protect herself from by meditation. Yet there he was, Anakin Skywalker, the very menace she could not refuse.
"Why, are you applying for the position of my crush or something?" she bit back, her tone playful, but there was some nervousness in the back of her head, even though she knew he would take it as a joke.
Her eyes were still closed, but she could sense him walk to stand in front of her, some of his body blocking the sunlight.
"Do I even need to apply? I'd say I win the auditions without doing that."
"Excuse me?"
"Tell me I'm wrong." He grinned. "I have many admirers, but..."
"Many admirers?" She smirked, keeping her eyes closed, which made it so much easier not to get charmed by his smile. "Are we talking about these younglings? Aged eight or something?”
"Oh, just admit that you're jealous, Y/N."
She took a moment before responding. Maybe she was. Maybe just a tiny bit. She knew he had admirers and at the same time, she could not blame them, he was very easy to be smitten with. But that definitely wasn't something she was going to admit.
She snorted. "I am very much unbothered, thank you very much." 
She knew he was not buying it, but it was all a part of their little game they both absolutely adored.
"You really want me not to focus here. And here I thought I could meditate today." She shook her head, still keeping her eyes closed.
"Oh, am I distracting you?"
This was an understatement.
He stood directly in front of her, blocking the sunlight, then squatted so their faces were at the same level. 
"Why don't you open your eyes for me?" he asked, smirking, almost as if he knew she could see his face through the Force.
"Because I don't want to get out of my meditation state."
"Oh, so if you saw me, you wouldn't be able to concentrate, huh? Can't blame you, I am quite charming after all..."
She sighed, feeling the cockiness radiate off him. "Does your ego still fit this temple or should we build it an extra room?"
He sniggered. "I'd say it's big, but it's for a reason. I am pretty awesome, after all."
"Oh? And what else is big about you, Skywalker?"
Risky. This question was risky, but she couldn't help herself. The urge to flirt with him was strong, and the fact that her eyes were still closed gave her more courage.
Anakin did feel the atmosphere in the room change slightly when she said that, but he did nothing to release the constantly growing tension between them - on the contrary, he was enjoying it. 
She could not see him, but she knew there was a smug smile on his face in that very moment. 
"My lightsaber is quite big."
Y/N coughed, trying not to look for any deeper meaning. "Is that so?"
"How long are you going to just sit there pretending you do not want to see me?"
She sighed again, refusing to open her eyes. "Obi-Wan must be a saint for putting up with you."
"Oh, come on." Anakin rolled his eyes. "Obi-Wan would be the last person to call a saint. He is very patient, but do not give him that much credit." He chuckled.
"But if he has you as his Padawan, he must be doing some sort of penance."
Through the Force she could see that Anakin rolled his eyes once more, making her snigger. He didn't reply, taking a moment to look over her body, enjoying how the tunic hugged her curves; it wasn't often he saw her without the robe, which hid all the best parts. He couldn't help but wonder what that tunic was covering, too.
"Does your silence mean I win?" She teased after a moment. "Can I continue my meditation in peace?"
He let out a sigh, one she did not quite like. "You really want me gone, huh?"
That was, of course, not the case, even if her meditation was ruined.
"You are welcome to join me," she said quickly, and he raised an eyebrow.
"You know I'm not the best at being silent," he said eventually with a small, somehow nervous laugh. "But if I can do it with you, I'm willing to try. Will you teach me?"
Finally, for the first time, Y/N smiled genuinely and opened her eyes. There he was, attractive as always, a meter in front of her, giving her a smile that could melt hearts.
"There we go. These beautiful eyes of yours." He beamed, and she swallowed quickly, so he wouldn't see the effect these words had on her.
"I think you could do with some meditation." She chuckled. "Sit in front of me then."
He obeyed eagerly and settled himself on the floor right in front of her, cross-legged. She didn't even think of telling him he should keep some distance; he sat as close as he could to her, their knees touching. She did not comment on that, but her body did react, sending a heatwave through her as the Force whirling in that small space between them seemed to be almost vibrating. These were definitely not good conditions for meditation.
She put her hands on his shoulders, almost absent-mindedly. "Sit up straight. Relax your shoulders a little."
He obeyed, and she could see he was truly listening. At that moment, it was difficult to stop herself from touching him just once more. Although it was unnecessary, she grabbed his wrists delicately and guided his hands onto his knees.
"Keep your hands here," she said softly, glancing at his face to look for any indication that he might have not liked the touch, but the smile on his face couldn't be missed. "And close your eyes." She brought her hands to his face as if to demonstrate, and that was quite the intimate touch. Anakin must have noticed that, too.
"Are you sure you need to do that? I can close them myself, you know."
A blush creeped onto her cheeks. She got lost for a moment there, she really did, but how could she not?
"Oh, sorry for trying to help you, Skywalker," she retorted to save herself. He smiled, and that was the last thing she saw before closing her eyes again, but that view stayed etched into her mind.
"Okay... And what now?"
"You breathe. You reach out. Nothing exists but you and the Force. I'm not here, the room is not here, the temple is not here... Deep, nice breaths."
"Alright," Anakin replied, genuinely wanting to listen to her advice. He was usually too reckless, too hotheaded for something like meditation, however, he was willing to learn - especially if it meant spending some time with her, one on one.
"Is there anything else I should do?"
"No blabbering." She chuckled. "Just focus on your breathing."
And so he did, trying to listen to her advice, truly enjoying that moment. However, it was hard to feel completely at peace when she was this close, their knees still touching, and the Force screaming at him that she was there. Her presence was soothing and exciting at the same time, making him feel things he knew the Jedi Council would not approve of. Fortunately, there was no Jedi Council in that room, nobody to judge his feelings... Unless Y/N sensed them.
It felt somehow intimate. Sitting there with her in complete peace and silence, breathing, the Force whirling around them, the rays of sunlight hugging their bodies... No words were spoken, but an invisible bond seemed to be forming between them, and Y/N noticed it too.
Anakin could not help it. Focus was never his strong suit, especially in her presence, and so he opened his eyes to look at her, enjoying her face from up close. She didn't seem to sense that and kept sitting there with nothing but peace on her face.
She really looked beautiful. Her face was relaxed completely, and he could see each and every detail of it like never before. He did miss her eyes - they were much prettier when open - but there was something else he could focus on, and that were her lips. Rosy, innocent, and just so kissable, although Anakin should not even think about it.
And yet he did.
"You're beautiful, Y/N," he said quietly, his tone warm, lacking any playfulness. He was sincere, there was no doubt about it.
Y/N was caught off guard so much she opened her eyes immediately. Anakin's voice was quiet, but in that vast, empty room, even the smallest whisper was noticeable. Her heart started pounding against her chest as she found his face much closer than before.
"Oh?" was all she could say as he looked at her, a smile dancing at the corners of his lips. "Do you... Really think so?" she asked, as she had to be sure.
"I have always thought so," he admitted loud and clear.
Anakin's voice echoed against the walls. Once it was gone, the room went dangerously quiet; the only sound they could hear was Y/N's heavy breathing. What was she supposed to do now, when he was staring at her lips, giving her a clear idea of what he wanted to do? The Force was pulling her towards him, not away.
Anakin couldn't stop himself. He's never been this close with her, and, as if it wasn't enough - alone. Her lips were irresistible, and so was the Force pulling him towards her. He felt dryness in his mouth he didn't expect to feel at that moment. It seemed ages before he even moved, but when he did, everything happened quickly. He leaned in even closer, a bare inch from her lips, and her heart began speeding up; it was the last thing she expected him to do. She could hear that pounding and became a bit scared of how close they were, yet did nothing to distance herself. It was a decision he made in a split second - before he could change his mind, before he could lose the courage, and before he could hear his Jedi conscience - he kissed her. 
It was a short kiss, but full of so many emotions they had been both suppressing for a long time, emotions that finally reached its destination. For a moment, they were both overwhelmed by happiness, until the guilt started to kick in, and they pulled away reluctantly, as if someone was trying to disconnect two magnets constantly searching for the other.
For a moment, they both just stared at each other. Y/N's cheeks were flushed; she wondered if he could see that, but was that really what she should be worried about? They were breaking the Jedi Code they both swore to obey; that kiss confirmed to them they were both already attached to each other.
The silence seemed to be endless, before Y/N cleared her throat and finally spoke, trying to articulate any comprehensive noise in the state of complete shock.
"Anakin... I..."
"I know. We should not have." Her voice seemed to wake him up, as he let out a disappointed sigh. "But I can't help the way I feel. I listened to the Force."
She swallowed and looked down. "I did, too."
The silence devoured them after that. They were both conflicted, feeling guilty and euphoric at the same time. How were they supposed to ignore the pounding of their hearts, the only thing they could hear at that moment?
"We have to forget about this," she said finally, knowing this was the only reasonable option. But were they reasonable at all...?
"I know." He swallowed. "But... I don't think that will be possible."
Their eyes met again, and Y/N could not think about anything else other than how much she wanted to kiss him again, more confidently this time, to let herself notice the details the first kiss was too shocking to allow her to register... But she could not, just like him, as he almost had to use the Force itself to stop himself from leaning in again.
"I'm sensing Obi-Wan." Anakin sighed. "He's somewhere near. I'd better... I'd better go."
Neither of them wanted to part, but they knew that physical separation might have been the only answer to restrain their desires at that moment. They had to stop before they would do something they would regret.
The problem was, they did not regret that kiss.
Three long days passed without them seeing each other as Anakin was assigned some minor missions, but he didn't stop thinking about that kiss even for a second. Even Obi-Wan pointed out his Padawan seemed a bit less focused, but Skywalker quickly dismissed it. However, the tension between him and Y/N was more present than ever, even stronger than before that kiss.  Now that he knew she was just as drawn to him as he was to her, keeping himself in check was agonising.
Y/N could barely handle her thoughts, too. That's what led her to the Jedi baths that one evening; she knew no one usually used them very late, and now, more than ever, she needed the hot water to relax her muscles - and maybe her emotions, too.
The baths were completely quiet that night. The air was humid and warm from the hot water kept in big pools, making it a bit harder to breathe once you entered. Spacious room dimly lit by a small light source in the corner enveloped anyone there in a calm, cosy atmosphere. 
Y/N stood at the edge of the pool in just her robe and untied it, then let it fall to the floor. Completely naked, she slowly submerged herself in the hot water, allowing it to hug her muscle by muscle, until it covered her up to her collarbone. She sat there and took a deep breath, allowing the sweetly-scented foam to stick to her skin.
Every time she closed her eyes, her mind took her back to that moment. The kiss that made her body feel as though it was on fire, the kiss that she craved to experience at least once more. Would that be such a sin? To enjoy this rush of dopamine once more, the intimacy the Jedi were deprived of?
The silence of the room was only disturbed by the soft splashing sound every time she moved. She kept her eyes closed, breathing in and out steadily as if meditating, trying to trust the Force and wherever it was leading her thoughts to.
Her eyes flew open when both the Force, and the sound of the door opening alerted her that someone was near. She looked towards the entrance, and her eyes quickly confirmed what her heart already knew; it was him.
"Anakin?" she said in surprise, her voice echoing against the walls.
Seeing him now made her whole body tense despite the relaxing water. Thoughts of how to react or what to say flooded her mind completely; how were they supposed to act now? Like nothing happened?
"Hey, Y/N," he replied in such a tone that made her decide to play it cool. Act like nothing happened. Forget. That was what they were supposed to do, right?
She watched him come out of the darkness as he approached her; he was wearing just a robe and had a towel on his shoulder. He was there just for a bath, she told herself, although her heart made her think otherwise. She decided to do what she was best at - tease him, just to release a little of that tension.
"How come the baths are always empty... And when I decided to come, you're suddenly here too?" 
Anakin chuckled softly. "I'd say the Force led me here."
He kept his eyes on her. They wandered to her shoulders and collarbone, his mind racing as it imagined what could be hidden below, underneath the foam. To say she looked beautiful to him was, no doubt, an understatement. Anakin wondered how much longer he could keep himself in control of his emotions, getting hot under the collar.
"How fortunate you can always say it's the Force," she teased, surprised how easy it was to do that despite the elephant in the room.
"I am a lucky guy, huh?" He smirked, then walked to the side of the pool, keeping a small distance from where she was sitting. "So... Can I join you?
Y/N swallowed hard. She did not know how to imagine both of them being in one room, so close to each other, naked. At the same time, she knew she would be a fool to say no. He was absolutely irresistible, especially while smiling like he was at the moment.
"Be my guest."
He gave her another small smile, then put his towel on the floor. His hands were just about to start untying his robe when his eyes locked with hers.
"I have to take my clothes off."
She chuckled. "Yes, that's how bathing usually works."
Anakin shook his head in disbelief. "When did you get this feisty, love?"
A shiver went through her entire body when he called her that, but she didn't let him see it. Instead, she bit back again.
"I was always like that, Ani. Maybe you need to be a bit more perceptive."
"Oh, I will be perceptive, trust me."
She cleared her throat as he noticed Anakin's eyes wander to where her chest was raising under the foam as her breathing became heavier.
"I will look away." She turned her head to the side. "You can take off that robe comfortably."
Anakin did not comment on that, for he could not find a good answer. On one hand, he was thankful, on the other... Would he really mind if she looked?
"Right then..."
Anakin began slowly untying his robe as Y/N did everything in her mind not to look. But with the corner of her eye, she could see just a bit of that toned, perfect body she had dreamed of; Maker, if she could just...
Completely naked, he stood there for a moment, as if pondering what to do now. Eventually, he slowly lowered himself into the bath, a safe distance of around a meter away from her.
She looked up finally. The foam was covering him up to his nipples, but it still left uncovered enough of his body for her to stare at. She tried to remain composure, but with every passing moment it was beginning harder and harder to ignore how attractive she found him.
Y/N wondered what to say in order to make the situation a bit less tense. She coughed loudly, then took a deep breath.
"Well... How did your latest missions go? Anything out of the ordinary?"
Anakin seemed surprised by the question, but he quickly recovered.
"No, just some usual escorts. Everything went smoothly."
"Good to hear."
The conversation was extremely awkward, and Anakin had enough of it even after just these few words. He decided to cut to the chase.
"And I've been thinking about you all the time."
She took a deep breath. She knew she shouldn't be surprised, as she had been nothing but thinking about him, too, yet him saying it out loud made her heart race, just as much as his earlier appearance.
"Y/N, tell me... Do you regret what happened?" 
Anakin asked directly.
"Of course I don't," she blurted out, "I... I only wish we could do it again. But I know we shouldn't."
"We shouldn't, yes, I know that, too." He swallowed, then looked her up and down. "But I can't control myself right now, Y/N. Not when we're here like this and you..." His eyes focused on where the foam began covering her body as he let his imagination run wild again. "You look breathtaking."
She only heard water splashing as he moved closer to her. They both almost shivered as their naked arms touched, and so did more of their bodies underneath the water. It could be lethal, that touch, more dangerous than any weapon in this galaxy.
"Why can't we do it again? Would this be such a crime?"
He leaned in just a little, yet enough to make her feel hotter, and it had nothing to do with the water. Force was whirling around them again, seemingly pushing them towards each other, yet Y/N tried to resist... One last time.
"Our Masters would not like that," she whispered in such a tone that let Anakin know she already made up her mind... To his benefit.
"Yes, they wouldn't," he said quietly, cupping her face with his hand and caressing her cheek gently with his thumb. He looked into her eyes, both affection and desire glowing in his own ss he asked:
"But would you?"
Only a soft sigh managed to escape her lips before Anakin captured them with his own. There it was, the dream, the trance, the absolute bliss of kissing him again. It could have been real fire flowing through her veins when her hands wandered to his hair, tugging on it desperately in an attempt to bring him even closer. She could die right there and then, fulfilled.
The baths, the temple, the whole galaxy seemed to be fading away as Anakin's other hand landed on her back. His fingers caressed her bare skin with undeniable need, exploring mindlessly as his head was clouded with the taste of her lips, soft, sweet, irresistible.
The idea of getting caught didn't even cross Anakin's mind at that moment. His focus was on her and only on her, on that body he was ready to worship.
They pulled away after what seemed like an eternity, but still stayed close, their foreheads leaning against each other.
"I want you," Anakin whispered, his hand moving from her cheek to her nape almost possesively. "I want you so bad, Y/N."
These words were enough to make her forget any doubts she might have had about this, as they could have got caught... But did anything really matter then? Anything other than Anakin, his smile, his large hands on her body, his eyes piercing through her?
"I want you too," she whispered back, and soon found herself pressed against the edge of the pool as Anakin's lips met with hers again.
He kept one hand on her nape as he allowed the other to wander, giving her goosebumps as he went. Eventually, he began massaging her thigh underneath the water, slowly but surely moving towards her abdomen.
Lips were not enough for Anakin at that moment. Drunk on desire, he began planting kissing down her jaw, then slowly reached her neck, allowing himself to taste it in ways more than one. The moment he decided to go for just a soft bite, the quietest of moans escaped her lips, echoing loudly in the empty room along with the splashing of the water.
"I could listen to this all night," he whispered, hot breath blowing against her neck and adding to the sensation.
"What if someone hears?" she said in a rush as she caught herself willing to give him many more sounds to enjoy.
"Then they will meet with my lightsaber..." he replied as his kiss became more and more feverish, and she could not even find the strength to argue, dizzy with the pleasure all of this was bringing her.
Slowly but surely, with endless enthusiasm, he began planting passionate kisses down her collarbone. He wanted to go even further, but the foam stopped him.
"Can I?" he rasped out, breathless from the constant kisses.
"Yes," she panted.
Having receieved the permission, Anakin grabbed her by the hips and lifted her slightly in the pool, uncovering her breasts. He took a moment to take in the sight, one that made his heart pound even faster. She expected to feel shy, but for some reason, she did not - she wanted him to see all of this.
He began kissing her further down, his hands on her hips to keep her steady. But he couldn't forget about the view, about the curves he had just uncovered, and let himself lose control. His mouth found one of her nipples, and he licked it just barely in order to see her reaction.
She gasped, a shiver going down her spine. "Anakin..."
"You liked it?"
"Then I won't stop." He smirked, as he gave her one more lick, one that made him feel drunk. "You're addicting."
His mouth took care of her first nipple, then the other, pulling a few moans out of her as they hardened. She put her hands on the edge of the bath to keep herself steady as his lips and tongue worked wonders on the sensitive body. She craved him, all of him, and just his mouth was beginning to not be enough.
He felt her hips buckle under his hands, so he took that as a clear sign she wanted to go further just as much as he did. He stopped kissing her, gave one last glance at the closed door that could be opened at any time, then decided to fuck it again.
"I want to take you, right now," he whispered into her ear, sending fire through her body.
"Then do that," she rasped in response, almost 
taking him by surprise at how eager she sounded.
He sat down, then pulled her onto his lap in the water, the splashing sounds mixing with their panting. She ran her hands down his chest, slowly, as if trying to remember each and every muscle she only could look at before...
And then her hands reached between his legs, this time getting a groan out of him. Their eyes locked and they kissed hungrily once more, before Y/N positioned herself... And slowly took him in, all of him, her clit throbbing.
The new sensation made them both pull away to gasp for air. She needed a moment to adjust to his size, then steadied herself by grabbing his shoulders.
"They would kill us for this," she breathed out eventually, thinking how there was no escape now... No turning back.
"But what a sweet way to go," he whispered, his smirk sending a wave of excitement through her. She was ready for whatever he had in store for her.
His hands were back on her hips, digging into them to keep her in place.
"I've never wanted anything else more," he said huskily, leaning his forehead against hers. "You... I want you, Y/N."
"It doesn't get any closer to having me, Anakin," she replied quickly, giving him a clear sign that now they could both move.
And so he did, slowly at first, before they both found their pace. Splashing of the water echoed against the room as they moved against each other. Anakin seemed to get off on the ability to fill her up completely, pushing his hips as far into her as he could. And it seemed to do the trick, pulling a moan after moan out of her while his mouth went back to her neck.
The amount of sensations was overwhelming for her; his hands strong on her hips, his teeth just barely grazing the tender skin on her neck, him dragging his cock with all the force he could master, all of their breathing and water splashing echoing in her head... And, as if that were not enough, there was the constant rush of adrenaline coming with the thought that they might get caught at any given moment. She knew he could send her over the edge easily...
"You feel... So good..." she moaned out, rocking her hips to meet his. She threw her head back, allowing him more access to her neck as he continued the absolute mania of licking, sucking and biting.
Suddenly, she heard him let out a loud groan, the grip on her hips loosening when he moved them down to grab her butt. 
"I'm..." was the only thing he managed to get out before two powerful pumps that felt like tearing her apart, and soon, he filled her to the brim, breathing heavily in pleasure.
Anakin did not even cool down before his hand wandered under the water, straight to her clit, and he began rubbing it quickly just to bring her to the edge that much faster. A gasp, a moan, and a few rocks later her nails left trails of red on his back when her walls clenched around his cock.
She cried out in pleasure as the orgasm rocked through her, allowing her to experience emotions she never even thought possible. They both stopped moving, and she fell onto his shoulder, trying to catch a breath while the last moments of bliss faded away.
How could feeling so good be such a sin...?
"Well, now... Now I'm definitely not forgetting about this," Anakin admitted, planting the softest of smooches on her head, so different from the hungry kisses that now marked her body. "But I'm afraid Obi-Wan might sense my thoughts about this from a mile away."
She laughed to herself, then raised her head to give him one last longing kiss on the lips.
"Well, how did you say it... What a sweet way to go."
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arminsumi · 11 months
Could you pls pls pls write a fluffy oneshot of gojo and his fav student? The colour hair dye and the ice cream oneshots have never left my mind 🤭😭
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
An evening training session with Gojo and his favorite student, ending as a lavish dinner date.
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Note : aaa i hope u like this!! hehe so giddy to know my fics are in ur mind 🤭💗 thank u for enjoying them
Mentioned posts : hair dye fic / sweet tooth
Warnings : teacher/student relationship, romantic tension
Playme : heaven and back
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works / oct. reqs open
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"Gojo-sensei, I'm tired. We've been practicing for two hours." he listened to you complain, and shook his head.
"Tired? Nah. On your feet, let's go through that motion again. C'mon, up up up — what, do I have to pick you up myself?"
His arms hooked around you and he pressed his chest flat to yours while hoisting you up. Few things get his heart racing, but teaching you martial arts? He may seem very composed, but his heart throbs each time he sees you acting clumsy and amateur.
You had such a long way to go, and he wanted to see these days through until you were just as good if not better than him. Even if it was impossible. He still wanted his favorite student to be considered the second-strongest, at least in hand-to-hand combat.
"Ow, my knee..." you mumbled half-heartedly.
"Don't be a weakling." he smiled cheekily, "Is my star student really too tired to continue? Is a bruised knee really gonna stop you?"
You pouted. "You're the one who bruised my knee..."
Look at that adorable pout. She's taking after me.
"Well, maybe you shoulda dodged it." he cheeked.
"Gojo-sensei, you push me too hard." you said.
"I know, I'm sorry." he smiled.
The two of you finally sat down for a break. Night had fallen, stars were up in the blackened sky. There must have been a cricket in the wood panel of the door Gojo leaned against, because he heard it very loudly in his ear. So he scooted away from the noise and moved closer to you, unaware of how the increased proximity made you buzz.
You and him shared a thoughtful silence. Then his voice penetrated deep and low, his tone serious.
"I push you so hard because I want you to become the strongest."
"Uh, haha... do you want me to answer that as Satoru or as your teacher?"
"...? Huh? Hm... um... I want both versions of your answer."
"Well... as your teacher... I want you to be able to fight for future generations and pass on your skills."
"And... as Satoru...?"
He hesitated, then slowly answered;
"So I don't have to be the strongest all by myself."
He looked at you with a sheepish smile.
"Selfish, huh?"
"It's okay to be selfish to an extent. I hardly ever see you doing anything for yourself."
The crickets continued making louder symphonies.
"Sato— ahm, Gojo-sensei. I will try my best to fill the role you want me to fill. I don't want you to feel alone."
"... I know it's an overwhelming role, I don't really have the right to push this on y—"
"—I will do it for you because I love you."
"Respect, I meant respect!" you backtracked.
"Hahaha, sure."
"... love you too." he winked.
"Shut up!"
"What, I can't tell my favorite student that I love her back?!" he teased.
"Th-that's inappropriate, haha."
"But you just told your teacher you love him. That was also inappropriate."
"I— yeah! Well!"
He stared at you for a long, long moment, absorbing the weight of your I love you that lingered in the air between you and him.
"Alright. Let's wrap up practice for the night."
"Really! God... I thought you were gonna make me do the whole thing again out of spite for saying something inappropriate."
He winked, "No, I'll reprimand you tomorrow for that. Come on. We're going out."
"We're going out...? Are you taking me out as your favorite student, or are you taking me out as me?"
He smirked. "Both... I think my favorite student deserves a good reward after practicing so hard today, but I also just... want to selfishly take you out on a date."
Gojo spoiled you on this night out. Really spoiled you. Bought you a dress, put on his best suit ditched his blindfold, took you to one of the most expensive restaurants that he knew of. Indulged in your company not as his student, but as someone he wanted to get to know... someone maybe he was interested in.
He leaned over the table to fluster you with teasingly close proximity, and straightened out his tie because he was sorely aware of how attractive his hands looked when he did that.
"Go on, don't be shy. Tell me about yourself."
"But you already know me."
"I don't know enough." he shook his head.
"Well... I'm lost... I don't know where to start." you chuckled, staring down at your cleared plate of dessert. It was rich and sweet, he said it was his favorite.
"Then I'll ask." he looked at you, and leaned over the table with one elbow, resting his chin on the back of his palm. "What's your love life looking like at the moment?"
You let out a laugh at this, which he half-expected.
"Well, I'm on a date with my teacher..." you said, jokingly.
He chuckled.
"Tell me." he then said seriously, "I want to know."
"Well... my love life is pretty... unsaturated...?"
"Unsaturated...?" he raised a brow. "What do you mean by that?"
"Dull. I mean it's dull. Any time I develop romantic feelings for someone... well they drain out just as quickly as they flood in." you admitted.
He looked at you contemplatively.
"Is that so..."
"Ahah, you seem surprised."
"I am. I thought you'd have a more glamorous love life, like me." he joked.
"Oh? I'm all ears, Gojo-sensei."
He looked at you deeply, "Call me Satoru." he murmured under his breath.
Your heart panged.
"... anyways, uh... haha. Yeah... my glamorous love life... I've been on two dates in my life including this one."
"Just two?!"
He nodded. "The first one doesn't really count, because I was fourteen and it was a boyish crush."
"... so... this one counts...?"
"Well, yes." he said, "Of course it does. This is not a boyish crush, after all..."
You and him stared at each other for a long, tender moment. Got lost in each other's worlds, which were contained in those irises. Suddenly understood each other's deep feelings, revealed by those dilated pupils.
Yes his pupils always dilated for you, but you never noticed before with that strip of black having concealed his eyes.
"—Just call me Satoru already." he overlapped his hand with yours, both resting midway on the table.
"Why?" you asked. "Why do you want me to call you that?"
He hesitated, wondering if you were asking that rhetorically. The restaurant was dim, the environment slow and luxurious, fancy, expensive... heavenly golden hue, casting over you and him.
"... because I want to hear you calling out my name."
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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My Heart Can’t Handle You (Koby X CivilianReader)
Koby introduces his best friend to his girlfriend and his girlfriend to his best friend, would be easy if they litterally didn't make each others hearts explode!
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It had been a long week of training for the two marines filled with training and dealing with the usually pirate antics of crime. But even will all the work he has to worry about, Koby had a more important thing (to him at least) on his mind. His sweet sweet adorable girlfriend that he's absolutely head over heels for. His best friend Helmeppo knew that something was up, that there was that same one thing that he would catch the pinkette staring off into the clouds thinking about.
"So, spill it!"
The blonde rolls his eyes at his friend, like he could tell that anyway. "For the past few months you go off daydreaming, and this week has been the worst! So come on, what's on your mind so much?". He asks. The pinkette turns away with a chuckle, a colour the same shade as his hair colouring his cheeks. "Well...I guess there IS something, well...someONE". He admits. Helmeppo gasps, turning to look at his friend with shock. "You have a girlfriend!?". He yelps. Koby chuckles again softly, his cheeks darkening more at just the thought of her.
His blonde friend wraps his arm around his friends shoulders, pulling him close with a big smirk. "So who's the lucky lady? Is she a marine? Civilian? *GASP* A pirate?! Is she hot?". He asks Koby. "She's just a civilian, we met a few months ago". He explains. "And-". His face is full red, big beating hearts in his eyes. "She's the most beautiful, gorgeous and stunning woman in the world! Her beauty beats Boa Handcocks! And she's also so sweet and kind, she has the biggest heart in the world for anyone and everyone to be loved by such an angel!". He rants, stars and sparkles surrounding him.
His friend hums pleasantly, using his free arm to grab his chin and nods. "So she's a knockout, huh?". He mutters to himself. "You can meet her if you like? We're free and she should be finishing up at work soon". Koby suggests. A chance to meet a beautiful sweet woman? Absolutely! "Of course". Helmeppo agrees. "Great! Let's go!". And with that, Koby grabs his hand and drags him off into town.
The sun is still high in the sky by the time the two marines reach the small flower shop in town. As they approach, Koby grins brightly as he sees a familiar young lady standing outside arranging a bouquet of freshly cut flowers. "(Y/n)!". He calls, not loud enough to draw too much attention. Said girl turns, her face brightening when she sees him. "Koby!". She calls happily, jogging up to him. He catches her in his arms, hugging her tightly before pulling away. "It's good to see you! How have you been my strong handsome marine?". She asks, reaching up to cup his face and squish his cheeks. He chuckles at her sweet words. "I'm good I'm good, just a busy week as always". He explains.
She giggles and lets go of his cheeks, just cupping them. "Well you can be as busy as you need. I'll wait however long I need to see you, because I know you're getting big and strong to protect everyone!". She tells him in a happy tone. "Ah! I'm so proud of you! You're so amazing and adorable!". Her pitch becomes more high, starting to slightly cry. Koby smiles down at her, his eyes starting to dwell up with tears of his own. "You're so sweet for me! I don't deserve the amount of kindness from your heart that you give me! I'm so happy that I make you so proud!". He cries. The two pull each other closely, crying into each others arms.
And while all this is happening, poor Helmeppo is just watching the happy couple cry into each others arms, showing and saying how much they really love and adore one another.
"I need to get a girlfriend".
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billys-slutcherson · 4 months
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'I'd Rather Stay Here' 18+ MDNI
Derek Danforth x F!Reader
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Insatiable for you, Derek convinces you to ditch the party. Eager to have his way dominating you, away from prying eyes. Desperately, you wouldn't dream of passing up the chance…
Dom/Sub, Light Dom/Sub, Dom/Sub Play, Grinding, Dry Humping, Wet & Messy, Naked Female X Clothed Male, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Neck Kissing, Choking, Spanking, Vaginal Fingering, Doggy Style, Creampie, Overstimulation
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Derek's palm slinked against the satin of your evening dress as he pushed you into his exquisite bedroom. He'd been eyeing you the entire evening, flirting mercilessly. Not caring who was within earshot. 
Shameless in how he spoke, how he bordered on vulgar. Yet, it worked. 
Every. Time.
Derek was not your type. Not in the slightest. Cold in attitude, unexpectedly callous and fuck, a cocky little shit at times.
Yet, you still came crawling back for more. Like a sickness. An inexplainable fervour.
It was unhealthy, an infatuation. 
With your mind already filtering to perverse fascinations, his hand shifted to yours, fingers intertwining. Tugging you roughly into the room, he slammed the door shut, using your body, as your back pushed against it. Sinking his forehead into yours, as his eyes flicked over your low-cut dress. Then darting them back to meet your gaze. The way he licked at his lips was very indicative of his intentions.
You felt a familiar gratifying rush of lust simmer in the pit of your stomach. Silence hanging in the air. As you shared that intense look. Heavy breaths hang against your lips. 
"God look at you...” He broke the silence, fixating on your body. His palm weaved against your hair, loosening the clip that pinned it in place. As it fell downward. Reaching his palm to brush the strands from your cheek. You swallowed harshly as he did. His touch felt like fire dotting across your flesh. 
Fingertips looped under the thin straps of your dress, as his nails dragged against your collarbone. Dipping your eyes downward to watch his touches, as your heart raced. Skin prickled with goosebumps. 
"Look at me..." He seized under your chin as he said it. Cringing as you felt your bottom lip flutter. Face all flustered, as the colour of your cheeks warmed. 
"Fuck, you are already so needy, huh? Look at you, all pretty and pink...” He hummed melodically as he toyed with your ego. 
“I want to break you..." He sneered.
"I bet your panties are already dripping...aren't they?" He ridiculed, pulling your face forward in his hand, he kissed you with a thirst you'd never quite experienced. Pinning your hips back against the door frame. Using his weight to hold you there.
"D-derek..." You barely manage to whimper. It was like he was choking you. Smothering you with his fierce kiss.
Pressing his lips deeper, he demanded attention.
Palms pawed at your waist as his fingertips burrowed into you, marking your skin beneath the dress. One hand firmly groped up your waist, as it slithered across your chest again. Smoothing over your right breast. Feeling your nipple perk upward under the silken fabric. He pinched it, as he rolled it between his thumb and index finger. Looking down at you as he dragged his tongue against your lips. Watching for your reaction. 
Hyperventilating as you yearned for him. To feel him throw your body against the bed. To be used. He wore you down, you could feel yourself tremble against him. 
"That's a good girl.." He taunted. As you turned a deeper shade of pink. 
"D-don't... don't call me that." You hissed, as he raked his teeth against your neck almost a little too roughly, pleas escaped your mouth for him. 
He scoffed lightly.
"Don't be such a little prude. I know what you are, how undeniably desperate you are. You fucking crave me." His words were like torture. However, the best kind.
You clenched your hands into fists against the arms of his suit jacket. Fingers tightened, threatening the stitching, as you steadied yourself. Feeling him roll his sleeves over his flexed forearms. Thinking of his hazy stare
Pulling his lips from yours slowly, as he broke the kiss. Hearing your frantic little breaths escape. Strings of spit pulled between your mouths. His hand grips under your chin once more, pushing your head back with a gentle thud against the door. Forcing you to look at the ceiling. As you let out those little whimpers he hoped for. Feeling as his hand wandered, stroking his hot palm at your exposed thigh in the slit of your dress.
"Hush, all those little noises and I am barely touching you... Tell me where you want my hand." He urges. You were all flustered and frustrated as you shook your head, his palm slid along your jaw, and he moved it to your neck. Fingers wrapping around it. Squeezing lightly.
"Go on, use your words for me." He taunted.
Stuttering as you try to speak, you whisper in a stifled squeak. 
“Please...T-touch me, please... I need you Derek” Stammering as you watched him lick your spit from his mouth that curled into a devious smile. Wasting no time. 
His palm curved over your delicate lace underwear. Fingers threatening as they arched upward. Stretching the thin material of them. Pushing the panties into your sloppy wet hole that begged. Begged to be caressed. Puckering your lips as he did. Trying to grip his tense forearm. For a moment feeling his veins peek and tighten against the muscle. Your fingers grazing against. However, his other hand stopped you promptly. Without a word. You knew better. 
Your legs started to shake, as your balance waivered in the high heels. Heaving breaths escaped you, as he coaxed more noises from your despairing sweet body. Satiating his need. His hunger. 
“That’s it..you're needy, aren't you baby girl? My little slut.” He groaned. Fingering the lace in and out of your pleading cunt. Watching your lips shake as you moaned into the air from him. Feeling the sweat build on your neck, he pressed his palm more forcefully against it. Fingers coiled around it tighter. But it only heightens your high-pitched cries. Tears threatened as you felt a flutter of shame. As he only further pinned you into the hardwood of the door. 
A ringtone buzzed in his pocket. Though, without a shred of reluctance, he ignored it. Focused solely on you. As his fingers fought. Pushing your panties aside vigorously. Curling his middle finger in first, you banged your head back against the door. It creaked loudly against your shivering body. You heard as people passed by the room. The party continued without you both.  
Derek was deliberate.
Knowing you’d be heard. 
Finding it gratifying, how soft and broken you were for his caress. Taking his hand from your neck. Pushing it through your hair, tangling his fingers within. Showering wet breathy kisses along your jaw. Exhaling in short bursts of breath. 
You let your eyes flick between your bodies. Peeking at how the suit pants jutted upwards. His crotch pressing into your other thigh. Rocking. Grinding at you. You couldn't help but smirk slightly through your fluster. 
Derek's mouth sucked and marked your neck with deep pink love bites. They nipped and it only caused you to wriggle further. Biting against your shoulder for a second, sinking a second finger inside your pleading pussy. Then almost instantly a third finger nestled inside your folds. Drenching his palm in your pleading arousal, so much so your hips were shaking. Rocking against his palm. You pressed your head forward into the edge of his neck. On the edge of climax already.
“Don’t. Don't you dare." He growled. 
"Listen to me.. hey.. look at me." Leaning closely to your ear. "Not yet..”. He was gripping your throat pushing your head back to look at him. 
Your eyes shut as you couldn’t get your words out from the overpowering pleasure. 
“Fucking look at me while I am talking..” Slipping his fingers out as he spanked at your drooling cunt. Making you whine as your clit ached under the firm slap. Feeling suddenly hollow. Your hair gripped in his palm as he yanked you slightly towards his bed. 
Finally, you saw more of the room. Disorientated, your eyes scanned the over-the-top design. Obscenely extravagant. Much like him. 
Teal lace and black bedsheets spread across the four-poster bed. Draped with sheer hangings surrounding the top beams. Woodwork carved and all. Art was framed over the walls as he took you and pushed you back into the bed. You eyed the swirling carvings across his ceiling, till your eyes diverted back to him. Eyes beckoning you, darkly.
He crawled slightly, against you. Reaching to grip the split fabric in your dress. The slit that exposed your leg was so captivating, tempting him. His fingers gripped either side of the split, tugging at it further. The noise of the fabric splitting, tearing against your skin. Until your body was exposed.
“See, much better..” He grinned. Sneering as the phone only continued to buzz. 
“Open your fucking legs..” He demanded. And you obliged. It was torture. He wiped his thumb over his lip watching you. Cradling his hard-on through his pants as you did. Exposing your fingered pussy, dripping for him. Trickling against his sheets. 
“God look at that mess.. all for me? Such a good girl aren’t you?..” He smirked as he saw that stubborn resistance to his persistent use of the pet name. Tugging his suit jacket off he tossed it aside, pulling the remainder of your ripped dress aside. Hands stroking your exposed flesh. Starting to loosen only some of his shirt buttons till his chest was on show. Rolling his sleeves up further. 
Leaning over your body now, looking down at you. Basking in your vulnerable state. The scent of your sweet musk invaded his nostrils. Dipping his head down, he speckled your bare tits with kisses. Dragging his tongue over your left breast. The right one cupped in his palm as he massaged. Hungrily, suckling against that left nipple till it swelled in between his lips. Finding yourself grinding upward you failed to control your hopeless little noises. 
“Such a slut aren't you... you are mine. Say it.” He said sinfully. 
Hesitating at first. Coming completely undone. 
“Yours... I am y-yours... Dereks good girl..” You blurt out. A devilish laugh left his lips. Red washed over your skin, so completely lost in him.
“That’s my girl...” He bit at his tongue as he pulled his hand away. Patting at your ass cheek instead. Before he pulled back his palm, swatting to give a proper slap. The skin rippled. 
Derek's phone continued to ring, and that is when he lost it snatching it from his pocket. Frustratedly.
“Don’t stop. Okay?” He rasped. Dragging his hand away. As you suddenly longed for its return. Watching as his fingers were dripping with your pleasure still. His hands gripped your waist. Yanking your body down the bed, so your ass was perched against the edge. Pushing your thighs open some, as he began resting his knee between your legs. Shoving firmly against your pussy as it spread against his knee. He felt the slick pleasure stain through the material of his trousers. Using his soaked hand he forced his first two fingers into your mouth. Your cheeks burned as he did. Tasting your excitement on his skin. 
“Now suck." He insisted. Grinning wildly as you obeyed so willfully. 
"That's it, suck for me... I need you to try and be quiet, can you do that?..” He was not asking, this was his demand. Nonetheless, you nodded so eagerly. Rocking his knee back and forth, your hips jolt like there was electricity sparking through your veins. Stopping his movement he gestured.
“Show me what you need, grind for me.." Reaching for your hips, helping at first.  "That’s it..harder. I know you ..” He smiled deviously. Dragging the phone to his ear. 
“What the fuck do you want?.. Whatever it is, it can fucking wait. Do you think I just have time to wait around, fucking answering your calls?” he snarls. Hearing his rage you quicken your deprived humping. Obeying him. Whimpering as you suckled his fingers wetly. As he fucks at your mouth with them. Allowing you to suck their length. Staring, as if entranced for a moment.  
“I don’t give a shit." He hissed. His eyes never shifted from yours as you followed his instructions. Twitching within his pants. 
"It is simple. You fucking take the gun, shove it down that motherfuckers throat and you tell him, tell him what he is going to do or blow his fucking brains out.” He was frustrated. But also pent up. His eyes watched how divine you looked under him. 
Your eyes fluttered as you followed his instructions. Even as he spoke with such vindictive anger. Soaking against his suit pants. Drool leaving the corners of your lips. Edging at your own pace. Reaching that peak almost. A little faster. 
He watched you, barely listening to the panicked stranger on the other side of the phone. 
“Don’t fucking phone me till you are done…fuck off..” He stammered, hurling the phone across the room, as you heard it crack against the wall. He couldn’t wait any longer. Refusing to starve himself of his lust for you any longer.
“Are you intentionally teasing me?..." He bit his lower lip. Pressing his palms on either side of your head, leaning down. Inches from you as you sucked further against your fingers. Your eyes glazed with a burning need. 
"Making me fucking want you... you are so needy look at you.” Seizing your hips as he tore his nails against your skin. Firmly he flipped you to your tummy with ease. Kicking your heels apart with his foot. Rough in the heat of the moment. 
“Hands behind your back.” Rasping as the words spewed from his lips. With no moment of hesitation, you followed his directions. Wanting to feel him. How his girth splits you open. Stretching you. 
You started burying your face in the soft sheets as you brace for him. Your cunt yearning to feel him fuck you mercilessly. 
Loosening the buckle, he ripped his belt from his pants. Clutching it as he contemplated for a moment. His grin pulled at his lips as he looked down at your delightful body. Tracing his eyes over you. He eased his hand upward. Striking the belt down, the leather snapped against your asscheek. Pain rattled through you. Your head snapped back from the sheets as you screamed out erotically. Delicately, he petted your hair with his free hand as you nestled into his touch. 
"D-derek.." You sighed feverishly. "Again... p-please...” You whispered so quietly he barely heard at first. Watching you with such intensity, not entirely surprised, but taunting nonetheless.
“You kinky little whore..” His lips curled again. Spoiling you with this pathetic submission of yours. Raising the belt again. As it struck you hind a second time. Squeals left your quivering lips again. As the markings were raw. Dropping the belt beside you on the bed. Noticing the slick pleasure spilling between your thighs. Tracing your quivering sex with his thumb. 
He loosened the button of his pants, then slid the zip downwards. Not quite taking them off, though pushing his boxers out of the way within them. Taking his throbbing cock in his palm. Stroking himself as he gawped at your body below him. 'All mine' Derek thought to himself.
“You are such a good girl, aren't you? I’m so proud of how easy you break for me..” Mocking you affectionately. Bending as he said it. Exhaling atop your rear. Pecking the red marks he’d branded upon your butt. Stroking them under his thumb. As you mewled painfully.
Diverting his touch, he stroked your dripping pussy with his fingertips. Using your excitement to lube over his dick as he jerked. Stepping closer. Pushing his hips forward, as he grinds at your spread folds. Teasing his tip against your now swollen clit. Derek was just glad you could no longer see him as his head was thrown back. Gasping into the air.  
Unable to control yourself, your hips back into him. Trying to meet his rhythm. As he angled his body. Pushing you down, as he began sinking into you fiercely. His hips smacked against your ass, as he leaned his head back further, allowing his grunts to flow from him. 
“So fucking tight..” He grumbles. Kneading the skin of your waist under his touch. Tearing back from you, and slamming back inside your needy fuckhole, as you call out his name. Clawing at his bedsheets. 
Continuing that motion of his hips. Quickening. Grasping the back of your head. Shoving your face into the sheets. Muffling your beautiful sounds, as they only served to excite him too much.
Slipping his hand into the curve of your back. “That’s it..that’s it, baby girl..” He puffed. 
You were so close. He could feel it. How your walls clenched, he was pushing you further to your limit. 
“Not yet..” He growled. Sliding deeper. As the echo of his slaps against you filled the air. Slithering his hand around your hips. Tucking it under your body, fingers nestled between your thighs. Finding that pressure point. Circling over your clit, the swirling of his touch, drew further intense moans from your lips. 
Huffing out. Moaning under him as you lift your head. Catching your breath as your face glowed. That pressure built between your legs as your breaths grew increasingly dazed. Gritting your teeth. 
“D-Derek I can’t..please I need to..I need to...  Please let me” Your pleading could have melted him right there and then. Tempted to give in, though he kept fucking you with such greed. 
“You can do it... keep going. Don’t fucking stop..” He grunted. Getting harsher. Making it all that more difficult. His touches danced delicately down your clit. Kissing between your shoulder blades. Licking your sweat from his lips. 
With his free hand pulling your head back softly, he tucked your hair behind your ear. As he pounded at your pussy. His grunts turned to guttural moans. Pinning you in place, as he became ravenous. Too close for you now. Struggling to keep up with his own pace. 
“Be a good girl, and cum for me..” He murmured hotly against your ear. Tensing against you, the throb of his dick pulsating in your tender walls as you lost all control. Rolling your eyes back as you called out for him. Your orgasm squirted from you in waves. Spluttering against him in a wet little mess. Drenching the length of his cock fucking you, smearing over his naval. You felt as his thrusts grew sporadic.
His fingers dug firmly into your clit as he groped your body. Sliding every inch inside, he grunted out a deep melodic whine. Reaching his breaking point, spraying his cum deep inside of you. Unable to fathom pulling out, not now. Never. He twitched and struggled to compose himself. Shuddering against your body as he pulled back one last time and fucked the rest of his cum deep inside of you.
“Fuckkk you are such..a good girl. Holy shit”.Watching as you puddled under him. Dripping with his cream. He pulled his hips back to see the mess that trailed from you. Grinning. as he smeared it up and down your pink folds. Hearing your sensitive whimpers, as you struggle. Your clit was so tender as he only further teased. 
You peeked back over your shoulder. It was rare he looked so playful. Narrowing your eyes some. He caught your gaze. Raising his eyebrow, winking. Spanking that pretty ass of yours, as his sweat dripped from his chin to his chest. 
“Did you enjoy that?..” He hissed gripping you as you giggled, pushing you onto your back. To see your flustered cheeks as you covered them shamefully hiding your smile. 
As you toyed with him. He shook his head. 
“No way come on.. let me see how much of a pathetic mess I made you...” He rasps mischievously, climbing over you. Pulling at your palms. Pushing them on either side of your head. 
“Stop..” You complained. As he finally cupped your cheeks. Seeing how your mascara had smeared. And your lipstick was smudged. Deliberately you stare into his eyes, moaning for him. Under his mercy. 
“Such a mess. And yet I didn’t even force you on your knees..” He mocked. 
“There’s still time...” You pouted through a sly grin. 
Rolling off of you laughing. He laid on his back. The suit pants practically around his ankles now. Brushing back his curly highlights. 
“I don’t think we can go back downstairs if you don’t have a dress anymore..” He reminded you of the ongoing party below. Hearing the music rumble loudly. Likely due to the noise of the pair of you. Fucking like animals. 
He reached into the bedside drawer, clasping a pack of smokes. 
Parting his lips he rests a cigarette between them. The spark of the lighter sparked as it burned alight. Though you snatched it from between his lips before he got the chance to take a draw. 
You inhale softly. Leaning over him as you blow the smoke over his lips. Derek parted them. Inhaling the smoke from your breath.  
“I’d rather stay here anyway..” You smirked. 
“Oh, I bet you would..” Rolling against you pinning your hands above your head as scoffed. Nibbling against your neck as you writhed.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
Here I am again,
Alternative reader x fuck boy Steve.
In which reader makes cocky jock Steve a whimpering subby mess, until he’s begging for her to let him cum.
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smutty stocking stuffers day four - steve harrington x reader
Pairing | Steve Harrington x Fem!Alternative!Reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), riding, unprotected piv sex, dirty talk, overstimulation.
Word Count | 1.2k
A/N | turns out i'm just super into writing for steve now guys i'm down bad ))):
"Please, please, m'begging here, fuck," Steve's wide eyes are glued to where his cock is sinking in and out of your sopping wet cunt, rings of creamy release pooling at the base of his shaft and matting down his dark thatch of pubes.
You're grinning down at him like a wild little thing, bright hair pulled back in a messy bun, sweat making the colour run down your forehead and neck, as you bounce up and down relentlessly, "What was it you said again, Harrington?" You muse, little moans escaping you as the fat head of his cock slides over your soft spot, "That you'd make me scream? Make me cry? I beg to differ."
Steve's at a loss for words, whimpering like a bitch in heat, and you swear this is the best the asshole had ever looked. Breaking down as he stuffs his cock in your tight cunt, pleading for release. His big hands encase your hips, digging into the rucked up material of your black skirt - he's a lot bigger than you, could overpower you and force you to stop if he wanted, but you're willing to bet he knows the repercussions of that.
You halt your bouncing to grind against him, your hips swinging back and forth so that his pubes catch and drag on your clit, setting your body alight, "Funny, how you can be such a cocky prick around all your friends but I get you like this in private," You laugh, it's dirty, and he fucks up into you from below, you feel his balls tightening up under the curve of your ass, "If you come, I'm gonna ride your soft dick until you cry."
Steve throws his head back, neck bared, veins bulging out as he strains, fights with himself not to come, because he wants to be good, "I'll be good, fuck, baby. I'll be so good, promise."
Your black talon nails rake up and down the expanse of Steve's hairy chest, digging in harsh enough to leave marks and he mewls under you in return. You rise up onto the balls of your feet, using the leverage to begin bouncing again, tight pussy clenching around him.
You'll never get over how full Steve makes you feel, like he's rearranging your guts with every harsh thrust. He's cocky, arrogant, and has every right to be, truly. He's mean to you in school, in front of his meat head friends, and you let him be. Because when you fuck him in the privacy of your home, away from prying eyes, he knows who's really in charge, and it sure as fuck isn't him.
The relentless abuse on your spongey spot has your cunt gushing with slick, unable to stop it, and your demeanor is faltering slightly, tummy coiling with a need to come. You throw your head back with a moan, crying out as Steve's big hands come up to cup and grope at your tits, thumbs flicking over your pierced, hardened nipples.
"God, I'm almost there, just hold off," You moan, the wet sounds of your pussy echoing in the room, the slap of your skin against his making you shiver. Steve is a mess, hands squeezing your skin everywhere he can, hips canting up off the bed to meet your riding, his eyes glazed over as he looks up at you in awe.
His face begins flushing a deep red, and you know that look, he's about to come and it's too late to stop it, "You're so wet, m'sorry, fuck, fuck!" He grips onto your waist, fingertips digging into your soft belly as he forces you down onto his cock, practically impaling you, and he comes, slicking your walls with his release.
You don't even give him time to come down, seething noticeably as you grab a tight hold of his hands on you, ripping them away, "What'd I fucking tell you? Can't just be a good boy, huh?"
"M'sorry, baby. So sorry," Steve's groaning, still reeling from his orgasm. You don't give him any time to recover, beginning your bouncing again before he can go fully soft, "Wha - what are you doing, fuck."
"Taking what I want from your spent dick," You shrug, clamping down your walls onto his milked cock until he's choking out a sob, burying his head in the pillow, "I told you if you came before I said so I'd ride you until you cried, so."
It doesn't take much for his abused cock to kick up in interest again, but you can tell he's struggling with the overstimulation on the sensitive head, you laugh in return - dirty and mean and his cock pulses inside of you at the sound, the look on your pretty face.
Your eyeliner is running now, dark lipstick smeared, and you're so pretty even when you're being fucking evil. Steve's eyes glance between your face and where his cock sinks in and out of you, his come spilling out with every slide off of his length.
"Who does this cock belong to?" You ask, snapping him from his trance, and he looks at you like he's stupid or something, like he can't understand a word coming from your mouth. Your eyes narrow, "Answer me, Steve."
Steve almost folds at his name escaping your pretty, plump lips, "You, honey. It belongs to you, shit."
"You can tell all your little bitches in the locker room that, then," You smirk, though you're choked off when a moan is pulled from you, nails digging into Steve's toned belly as your gut begins to wind tight, the constant abuse of his tip on your g-spot sending you spiraling, "I'm gonna come, Steve."
Steve takes the opportunity to knock your feet out from under you with his hands, having you falling back down onto your knees and going pliant. He grins up at you, snaking his arms behind your back, knees drawing up for leverage so he can fuck you from below.
His hips piston into yours, fast enough to have you moaning and crying out into the room, your soaked cunt leaking all down his balls and pooling in a mess beneath you. You give up the ghost then, falling into him so you're chest to chest, your face buried in his neck.
"Steve, Steve, ah-!" You wail, coil in your tummy snapping as you come, clenching sporadically around his thick cock. You're out of breath, feeling like you've been winded, and he just keeps going, fucking into you and hands crushing you, fingers digging in hard enough to leave bruises.
"Perfect little pussy, clenching me so tight, fuck, baby," Steve groans, his hips faltering as he nears the edge, "Gonna come in you again, so you've gotta go out of here leaking."
You whine, unable to say anything witty in return, just clenching down on him again, and his hips still, cock pulsing in you as he comes with a soft grunt.
This power play would never be over, you know that as well as he does. But, fuck, the sex and the way he wrapped you up in his arms like a fragile little thing afterwards really made up for it.
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
<---------- back to my youth
<---------- back to main masterlist
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chapter 1
genre: fluff content warnings: swearing (?) word count: 1.1k
"Sunny... Lou, wake up, we've got to get ready for practice!"
"Give me five more minutes mum..."
"Yah! I'm not your mum!"
Louisa rolled over in her bed, squinting as she opened her eyes from the sun peeking through the blinds. Huh. Since when did she have blinds in her room? Blinking to adjust her vision to the lighting, she was shocked to the one and only Lee Know from Stray Kids.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" she exclaimed in shock at the top of her lungs, which clearly gave the same feeling to the man as he jumped back from her sudden and unexpected yell. The two of them could only wordlessly look at each other, both of them speechless but for different reasons.
Footsteps suddenly came piling into the room, which as she tore her gaze away from one of her idols, she noticed the room was something she could have only dreamed of. Her walls were painted a lovely sage green colour, tapestries hung up on the wall, wound from thick white string. There was an overall calming feeling to the room, Louisa noticed, which was added to by the soft fluffy rug in the middle of the floor and several variations of cat plushies scattered around the room.
"What's happened? Why is there shouting?" Bang Chan questioned hurriedly, looking over the two of his members and seeing no clear signs as to what just happened.
Meanwhile, Louisa was freaking out. All of Stray Kids were in her room, which wasn't her room but she would have to assume for now that it was. Maybe it was all happening in a dream? And she finally shifted like she saw everyone do on Tiktok.
Yes! That must be it.
Taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down, she did her best to act normal.
Easier said than done.
"Hey? Hello? Anyone in there, Sunny?" Seungmin waved his hand in front of the girl's face, bringing her back to reality. Or whatever this place was.
"Oh, hey, what?" Louisa wiped her tired eyes, clocking onto the fact that they kept calling her 'Sunny'.
Was this her stage name?!?
"You screamed in my face," Lee Know pretended to burst into tears, grabbing onto Han's leg in comfort from his position on the floor he hadn't moved from.
"My baby!" Han joined in, gasping and sinking to the floor as he cradled Lee Know to him and hugged him tightly.
Hmmm. At least they weren't acting differently from how she expected them too.
"Oh," Louisa said and let out a giggle at her two members. Wow, that would be something to get used to.
"Haha, she just said oh," Jeongin laughed pointing at the girl who still seemed dazed.
"Lou, why did you yell? Stays are right you really are like Minho," Hyunjin pointed out with a grin on his face, lazily brushing a stray hair from his face.
Wow, to be compared to Lee Minho.
"Oh, I umm, had a dream I was at home so I was confused when I woke up and saw Lino in my face," Louisa laughed, quickly coming up with a sketchy lie that could be covered up by her tiredness.
She saw a couple of the members pull a sad face at her and wondered why. It would have to be something she'd find out later.
"Ah Lino-ah, you gotta stop surprising Flo like that, we told you enough times already!" Changbin scolded him, arms crossed over his chest.
"Yah! I didn't want her to be tired for practise. You know she can be moody," Lee Know said back, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"Moody?" Louisa held a hand against her chest in disbelief. She hoped she wasn't moody around her favourite people.
"Hey hey hey! Our sunshine is never moody!" Felix sat down next to Louisa and covered her ears to protect her from the words.
Louisa could feel her heartbeat picking up quickly. Was she this close with the members?
A sigh was let out, and everyone turned to Bang Chan to see him shaking his head.
"Guys, it's literally only gone 7am," he muttered shaking his head before he began to walk away, "such a handful."
The other members began to follow suit and continue getting ready and whatnot, when Han turned to Louisa.
"It wasn't a bad dream, was it?" he asked her quietly, a brow raised in concern as he became serious.
"No, it was a good one, probably one of the best ever," Louisa thought to herself as she recognised this dream of Stray Kids to be one of a kind.
"Okay, good, well make sure you're awake, we leave in half an hour," Han cheerily said, happy his youngest member was too as he went to hunt for some food for breakfast.
On their way to the company, Louisa felt in her element being around the boys. It just felt so natural. Like she was meant to be there. She praised the gods above for letting her experience this dream.
"So your schedule today starts off with dance practice for Miroh, then you have vocals to record and some free time after that for producing or anything else you need to prepare," the manager that was in the car with them began.
So they were practising for Miroh? Gosh Louisa didn't even know what year it was until then. From her own knowledge they had just entered the summer of 2021, after winning the competition show Kingdom Legendary War where they participated with other boy groups. She wondered how it would work with her being in the group now.
At least this way she knew the dance quite well already, it would be just knowing how to fit into the formation.
Getting out of the car and entering the company was another thing. Louisa had no clue where she was going but as they walked past the café inside she couldn't help get excited - she had heard amazing things about the food. At least for now she could justify following after the other members as they all went in to practise the dance for Miroh.
Someone bumped her shoulder as they walked through the corridors, causing Louisa to stumble back a bit.
"Ugly slut," a girl muttered under her breath as she walked past.
"Huh?" Louisa questioned out loud.
She'd barely walked into the company and was already being faced with drama. Silly to think she'd live a life without it as an idol.
"Lou?" Jeongin turns around when he notices she wasn't walking with them.
"Oh, sorry, got distracted!" Louisa brushed off what happened and jogged lightly to catch up with the guys.
"Yah Lino-ah really must have startled you," Bang Chan laughed at the girl's expression.
"Shhhh," Louisa held a finger against her lips as she rolled her eyes.
"Kids, get to practice!" the voice she recognised as the manager's called out. Good to know there's someone keeping them in check when Chan gets in his cheeky moods.
First practise, this would be a breeze, right?
next chapter -->
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @lixie-phoria
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maopll · 1 year
Hiya! Hope I'm not bothering you! I'd like to go by 🪼 anon please.
Could I... request headcanons of Diluc, Zhongli, Thoma, Childe, Itto and Kaveh with a quiet s/o telling them, in a loving tone, how much she loves them for the first time?
For eternities I shall love you
| genshin impact !
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⌗:, a/n: class is going on and I'm in no mood to deal with that gradient bs. have this I wrote in whatever time I had. anyways I love puppy crushes or love at first sight <3 kavehs a bit long...I've got things to say...
⌗:, warning: none
⌗:, pairings: diluc, zhongli, thoma, childe, itto & kaveh w/ gn!reader (separately)
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✧ ˚  ·    . ✧ ˚  ·    . ✧ ˚  ·    . ✧ ˚  ·   
,,you and this man had been seeing eachother for a long time and surely enough you developed feelings for him. gathering courage enough for a person as quite as yourself you finally told him how much you love him...
He felt as if everything around you two stopped. no longer were the winds blowing, neither were the serene lulls of the crickets chirping could he be heard. you poured your heartfelt affection into what you said. it was true. you loved him a lot and want to stay with him for the rest of your life. you were scared that he might reject you but the feelings these days were too much to bear. so you told him. he was having such rapid heartbeats that he thought he would just have an heartattack. his face turned the colour of his hair and you thought he caught a fever or something. he cleared his throat and covered his mouth as he spoke the same to you in a gentle tone, very rarely heard of by others. but it was a familiar tone to you, he had been more gentle, more loving around you than anyone else. he found solace with your company. he felt like he could breath again, shoveling the idea of eliminating the abyss and fatui. all are gone. his mind would as clear as daylight whenever with you. So...how can he let this opportunity slip by? so he accepted your proposal and sealed it with a kiss befitting a gentleman such as himself.
He was a god of contracts with a heart skin to stone cold feelings. Love, warmth, joy, were all devoid. only the thrill of war and emotions alike were felt by him. but he has found a piece of emotions which defines his human self best. adoration for you. as he found himself under the moonlit night near the waterbody of nantianmen. He listened intently, the way you spoke those words and he even observed how your lips slowly curled and there were blooms in your cheeks. you spoke in the the most loving tone how much you loved him. serenity of the surroundings were perfectly synced with your sudden proposal. perhaps you thought of it beforehand? nevertheless how can he reject such a heartfelt affection to Zhongli and a unadulterated devotion to Morax? he accepted your affection for him and he will accept those throughout eternities.
Fell in love with you at first sight when you were in dire need of help with taking some stuff to your house. you looked so lovely in that yukata you were wearing. he has served the kamisatos for many years and he vowed to always show his unshakable service to them. though he would wish that he himself had s lover of his own, he would soon push those thoughts away as he would be reminded of the work that needed to be taken care of the next day. but did he hear you right? did you just confess to him or is it another one of those dreams where you and him were living happily? nope it's definitely reality where you had this sickeningly sweet tone telling him how much you love him. he smiled so brightly and hugged you as close as he could. he loved you so much and he had been waiting for this moment ever since he was a teenager having wild dreams. so dreams do become reality huh?
He was a fighter who swore his loyalty to the Tsaritsa and his nation. he had only one family to love and thought that there would be no one who would be able to win his affection. he is a harbinger who lives off of fighting. so how did he find such an angel as sweet as yourself telling him in the most pure voice how much you love him? he is a harbinger and you must be in the right mind to actually fall for him. at first he thought it was a farce and you were just trying to entertain him but a part of him also told him to accept it. there's no way you would lie after you found your true feelings for him. you seemed determined to have him fall in love with you and date you. he may seem crazy because be accepted your request only because he wants you for himself only but he also cares for you deeply. he squeeled like a two year old and had this huge shit earing grin on his face as he happily told you "I love you too!"
Nobody liked him. only grandma oni and his gang members could tolerate his behaviour of a three year old. even he realises how much of an annoyance he could be to other people but you, you were different. you loved his outgoing personality. he was a literal ball of sunshine. so you told him in the most normal yet sugary tone how much you loved him. it was your first time confessing and his first time hearing a confession. he felt overwhelmed with emotions as he finally found someone who loves him for who he is. but he needs to show how strong he is to you. he can't have himself crying but...he was litreally crying tears of joy. he had loved you so much and hearing that you love him equally sounds surreal. he only had daydreams of you telling him that you love him but it's true! you do actually love him! he thinks he will melt away because of how warm he feels after your proposal. he likes you so so much that he is ready to fight the world.
He knows of his ups and downs. even if he is a genius and liked by some women throughout sumeru, but some still back away thinking that he is a broke yet genius architect. he always feels envious of his roommate, who is good from all sides. but when you two started interacting more because of both your research works, he wanted to have you all to himself. he didn't want you talking with alhaitham and then contemplating the worth both your and kaveh's friendship, but you never looked at alhaitham differently. Instead, you always had feelings for kaveh. you loved him for his kindness towards the people of sumeru and his passion towards his works. and now here you were. near Chatrakam cave, telling him in a saccharine voice how much you love him. he didn't hesitate. all he needed to confirm his feelings for you were just simple "I love you"s, and he is now tackling to the ground, saying that he has been waiting for so long. he looked like a high schooler but with the body of an adult with the way he was acting, and you just adored it when he does this. he peppered your faces with kisses, and he had this noticeable huge blush on his cheeks evident of the way he was feeling right now. he loves you to the moon and back <3
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cheynovak · 2 months
Different colours   
Dean Winchester x Female bisexual Reader/Y/N               
Warnings: None, I think? 
Words:  1740 
*Does not follow the supernatural storyline * 
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Dean and Y/N have been friends since they were teenagers, their dads worked together on different hunts. Dean always had a crush on her, but the fact that she is into girls kept him from making a move. They remained friends for years. Sam is at college and Dean asked Y/N to hunt with him, after successful hunts they share drinks at a bar, where Dean learns Y/N is not only into girls. 
The neon lights of the crowded bar cast a colourful glow over Dean Winchester and Y/N as they leaned against the bar, sharing a pitcher of beer. They had known each other since they were teenagers, talking about fighting monsters side by side with their dads, and joking about the craziness of their lives.  
Y/N was his best friend, his confidante, the one person he could always count on part from Sam, he left to study so now there was only Y/N. But there was one thing Dean had never confessed to her: he’d had a crush on her since they met as kids in high school. He never acted on it, thinking she was only into women. 
"Hey, what about her?" Dean nodded towards a stunning busty brunette at the other end of the bar, nudging Y/N with his elbow. Y/N glanced over, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
"She's hot, not my type though, I'd say a solid 8/10. But look at the redhead by the jukebox," she replied, pointing subtly. 
Dean chuckled, shaking his head. "You always go for the redheads, eh I'll say maybe a 7." 
"And you’re never picky as long as it has great boobs." Y/N shot back, laughing. Dean eyed her with a grin looking a little to long at her own breasts "I'd say a 10." She hit his shoulder "Idiot."
They continued their light-hearted banter, scanning the bar and commenting on the various attractive women, and see who got the best moves, usually it was Dean who got lucky, with the sevens and eights.
But when Y/N 'got lucky' it were always the girls he thought were a 10. It was a game they had played many times before, one that never failed to make them both laugh. 
Just then, a man approached Y/N. He was tall, with short-cropped hair and piercing green eyes that reminded Dean a little too much of himself. The man flashed a charming smile at Y/N, leaning casually against the bar. 
"Hey sweetheart, can I buy you a drink?" the man asked, his voice smooth and confident. Y/N smiled back, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Sure, why not." Dean raised an eyebrow, surprised by her reaction.  
She talked to the man while Dean hung at the bar on her other side, hearing how she flirted with the guy, feeling pity he might think he had a chance.
A little later he went to the restroom. Dean watched as the man walked away. He leaned closer to Y/N, unable to resist making a joke. "Too bad he’s not your type," Dean teased, his tone light. 
Y/N turned to him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, but he is, solid 9." Dean's heart skipped a beat almost choking on his beer. "Wait, what?" 
"Yeah, I mean, tall, handsome, great shoulders, fine ass. Yup, definitely my type." Y/N grinned, taking a sip of her drink. 
Dean felt like the ground had shifted beneath him. He had never considered the possibility that Y/N could be attracted to men and women. And if she was into guys… did that mean she could be into him? 
"So, uh, you like guys that look like me, huh?" he asked, trying to keep his voice casual, pretending to joke in case he misread the situation. 
Y/N looked at him, jokingly checked him out, particularly his ass. "Yeah, i'd say a 10." She said but turned quietly and serious very quickly. Her expression softening before looking at the beer bottle in her hands.
Dean's heart raced, a mixture of hope and nervousness flooding his chest. "Why didn't you ever tell me, I mean I never saw you with a guy?" 
"I didn't think it mattered," Y/N admitted, shrugging still looking at her beer.  "And I didn’t want things to get weird between us, I mean how many nights did I stay in your motel room, our dads never questioned it, you never made it awkward."
"I felt safe with you, like I could be myself even part from all the hunting shit I never could share with anyone, never thought you needed a label to really know me.”  
She took another sip “Beside the guy I dated was not really a friend of yours."  
He turned fully towards her. “You dated some I know? Who?” She looked at him a little embarrassed. “Steve.” Dean thought about it for a second.” Wait Steve, who bullied Sam high school, Steve?” All she did was nod. “Y/N! That was an asshole!”  
“Hey! I broke up with him the second I found out he bullied Sam!” she lifted her hands in the air in defense. Dean shook his head. “How did you find out?” Y/N grinned “The bruise you left on his eye.” They laughed hard at that comment.  
Dean looked over to the restrooms, still no sign of mystery man, he knew this was his shot before he took her home tonight. Dean took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you." She looked at him expectantly, her eyes wide and curious. “Your gay?” she joked.  
“What?! NO!” Dean spits out. “Relax dude, just kidding, what up?” she hits his chest.  
Dean took another breath. "I've had a crush on you since we were kids," Dean confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I never said anything because I thought you were only into women. But if you're into guys too… I don't know maybe, you and I... " 
Y/N laughed hard, shaking her head. "That's a good one, Dean." She said before bringing the bottle to her lips. 
But as she looked at him, she saw a flash of hurt in his eyes. Dean's expression shifted from vulnerable to offended in an instant. Without another word, he stood up, his chair scraping against the floor. 
"Dean?" Y/N called out, confused by his sudden change in demeanour. "I'm going back to the motel," he said curtly, avoiding her gaze. "You have fun with what’s his name." 
"Wait, Dean," she said, reaching out to grab his arm, but he pulled away. "Goodnight, Y/N," he muttered, and before she could respond, he was weaving through the crowded bar, heading for the exit. 
Y/N sat there, stunned. She replayed the conversation in her mind, realizing too late that Dean had been serious. She cursed under her breath, feeling a pang of guilt. She quickly gathered her things and followed Dean out of the bar. 
The cool night air hit her as she stepped outside, scanning the parking for any sign of him. She spotted him, his hands shoved deep into his pockets as he walked briskly. Y/N jogged to catch up. 
"Dean, wait!" she called out when she was close enough. He stopped but didn't turn around, his shoulders tense. 
"Dean, I'm sorry," Y/N said, stepping in front of him. "I thought you were joking. I didn’t mean to laugh." Dean sighed, finally meeting her eyes. "It’s fine, Y/N. I should’ve known better than to say anything." 
"No, it's not fine," she insisted, her voice filled with urgency. "I didn't realize you were serious. I... I never thought you'd feel that way about me." 
Dean looked at her, his expression a mix of frustration and hope. "Yeah, well, surprise." 
Y/N took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Dean, I had no idea you felt that way. If I did, I never would have laughed. And for what it's worth, I do care about you. A lot. More than I’ve ever admitted." 
Dean's eyes softened, but he still seemed hesitant. "Yeah?" 
"Yeah," Y/N said, stepping closer. "And if you're willing to give this, us, a shot, so am I." Dean's lips twitched into a small smile, the tension in his shoulders easing. "You mean that?" 
"I do," Y/N replied, reaching out to take his hand. Dean squeezed her hand, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. “There is no one who knows me better than you do, silly.” She smiled soft.  
They stood there for a moment, the weight of their unspoken feelings finally lifting. Just then, the guy Y/N had been talking to at the bar walked outside, looking puzzled. 
"Hey, where are you going?" he called out, but Y/N didn't answer. 
Instead, she held on to Dean's hand, and they ran towards the Impala like two teenagers escaping curfew. The thrill of the moment, the rush of adrenaline, and the intoxicating promise of something new fuelled their steps. 
As they reached the car, Dean suddenly spun her around and pushed her gently against the passenger door. He leaned in, his eyes searching hers, his hand moving to brush a strand of hair out of her face. Y/N's breath hitched, her heart pounding as he leaned closer. 
"I've wanted to do this for a long time," Dean whispered, his voice husky. 
Before she could respond, his lips were on hers. The kiss was electric, charged with years of unspoken desire and buried emotions. Y/N melted into him, her hands finding their way to his jacket, pulling him closer. Dean’s hand cupped her cheek, deepening the kiss, his thumb gently caressing her skin. 
The world around them faded, leaving just the two of them in this perfect moment. Dean kissed her with a fervor that spoke of all the times he had held back, all the moments he had kept his feelings hidden. Y/N responded with equal passion, her hands moving up to tangle in his hair. 
When they finally pulled apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. 
They stood there for a moment, catching their breath, the night air cool against their flushed faces. Dean finally stepped back, his hand lingering on her hip. 
"Let's get out of here," he said, his voice filled with a new kind of excitement.  Y/N nodded, a smile spreading across her face nodding.  
Dean opened the passenger door for her, and she slipped inside, feeling a giddy excitement she hadn't felt in years. He rounded the car, sliding into the driver’s seat, and started the engine. The familiar rumble of the Impala felt like a promise of new adventures, of a future that they were finally brave enough to face together. 
As they drove off into the night, leaving the bar and the puzzled guy behind, Y/N glanced at Dean, her heart swelling with affection and hope.
"Dean," she said softly, her hand reaching out to move through his hair. "Thank you for telling me." 
Dean glanced at her, his eyes shining with a mixture of relief and joy, he grabbed her hand and kisses it. And for the first time in a long time, Dean felt like he was exactly where he was meant to be. 
Please like, share or comment when you liked the story. If you liked this, please check out my masterlist for other stories.Tag list:-> If you want to be added let me know what you like to read! If anyone feels like you're tagged too much, also let me know please. :)
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hi lovey can i request a reader starts freaking out about ateez members new hair color/ hair cut and how they’d react to it!!! ( can u also use blueberry joong, halazia silver hwa, pink mingi BECAUSE IT WAS SUCH A DRASTIC CHANGE, and oreo sannie (his best hair and yes i’m manifesting it comes back for the new cb hehe)
ateez when their s/o reacts to their new hair colour
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genre: fluff and crack tbh :33
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
a/n: MY ATEEZ BIAS IS HONGJOONG EEEEEEE AND MY SECOND BIAS IS WOOYOUNGIE <3333 THANKS FOR ASKING. also, just for the record, yes blue hongjoong has taking over my life and yes i cried when i found out he dyed his hair blue again like what was that, i was such an emotional wreck and for what. anyways ENJOY
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hongjoong thrashed his head around when he heard your loud voice, a grin now plastered on his face.
he laughed before you almost full-on tackled him to the ground due to the force of your hug.
"you didn't tell me you were gonna dye your hair!!"
all hongjoong felt he could do was chuckle, finding your reaction adorable.
"do you like it?" he asked in a shy voice, but the grin on his face showed he already knew the answer.
"you're so sexy i can't believe i'm dating you" you gawked at his electric blue hair and ran your fingers through it as he laughed at your comment.
seonghwa couldn't help but blush, growing a little shy at your overwhelming amount of compliments.
"this might be my favourite hair colour yet!" you said, eyes fixated on the top of his head.
"you said that about the last one," seonghwa replied with a deep chuckle, finding it endearing about how excited you got with his new looks.
"i know but still," you said, sifting your hands through his silver hair in admiration.
"well you better get used to it because in a few months, it'll be gone," seonghwa teased, knowing this would annoy you.
you pouted with wide eyes. "hey don't tease me like that!"
'i promise you will like it :D'
that was the text yunho had sent to you regarding his new hair colour. of course, he didn't tell you what colour it would be because he's a huge tease and wants to see your first reaction for himself.
so, when you were waiting at home for him to return, you heard the front door open and close.
"y/n?" he called to you as you sprung to your feet, intrigued by what he came home with. and you weren't disappointed!
you let out a squeal as your eyes landed on the mint green hair on your boyfriend's head. he grinned shyly, "it's for our new summer concept."
"i love it!"
yeosang couldn't help but feel your intense gaze on him as you stared for what felt like 5 minutes.
"y/n, you're staring," he said without looking up from his book.
"no i'm not."
"yes, you are."
"well can you blame me?" you said defensively.
his recent, freshly dyed hair was all you could think about recently. blond. and it was certainly his colour. you couldn't help but gawk at it.
yeosang looked up before looking back down, smiling shyly after his own gaze met yours. he never realised how much you would like his new hair colour until now.
"you look so tasty"
san gave you a side eye and a smirk at your comment. chin in your hands, you sat and admired your boyfriend's new hair colour. it was your favourite one yet, if that was even possible.
"you're crazy, you know that?" he chuckled, placing a hand on your leg before focusing his attention back on his phone.
"ow!" he exclaimed when he felt you bite him on the shoulder. "what was that for?"
"don't blame me, it's your oreo hair." you teased and shrugged, fluttering your eyelashes innocently.
"i can't believe you," san shook his head, but he can't help but smile at the attention you gave him. he couldn't help it.
"so when you said pink, what shade did you mean"
"you said the next time i dye my hair, i should dye it pink."
you were currently on your way to meet your boyfriend, staying on the phone with him so you could find each other in a busy area of town.
"any shade of pink you want, i guess" you giggled at the randomness of his question.
"will this shade do?"
in the distance, your boyfriend stood out like a pink flower against the greyness of the world. he had a beaming grin on his face and he watched you gasp and run towards him.
"it's perfect!" you say, jumping into his arms.
wooyoung would giggle uncontrollably as you continued to watch his halazia fancam.
"i mean it's just so red" you kept saying out loud, eyes focused on the screen before you.
"you know you don't have to keep watching that when you have me right here," he whined as he nudged you, starting to want more of your attention.
when you didn't acknowledge him, he snatched the device from your hands and turn it off.
"see, you have me now, in real life, with my new hair" he beamed and you rolled your eyes at his childishness.
"you better dance for me then, tomato boy" you teased, snorting as you watched his jaw drop.
"the audacity!"
your dramatic reaction to jongho's new hair colour was not shocking.
considering he only ever had black or different variations of brown hair, no one could blame you for completely freaking out when he rocked up with RED.
red. hair. who would've thought?
"did you change your lockscreen to me?" jongho asked as he chuckled, looking at your phone.
"and my homescreen. and i have a photocard too," you proudly showed off the photocard of your boyfriend with red hair.
"such a dork" he rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but be flattered by your support.
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phyrestartr · 1 year
Simple Things [3] - Miguel O'hara x Male!Reader
# Mild NSFW, fluff, comfort, flirting, light angst, male!reader, dad!reader, spider!reader, implied depression, mentions of trauma, mentions of past relationships, mentions of manipulation, old men just doing their best, miguel is a sweetheart and a nerd, multi-part drabble collection
[ 1 ] Smoke Break | [ 2 ] We Change Like the Seasons | [ 3 ] Meet the Kids
Notes: Covid is still kicking my ass but I wanted to finish this part off so I can make the reader and Miguel fuck in the next part wahoo \o/
-- Meet The Kids --
A girl walked into the lab. Miguel thought maybe Gwen or another spider had come to ask something of him or to steal one of the cookies from his desk console (wouldn't be the first time), but the lazy scuff of shoes on polished floors sounded too clumsy to be one of his agents. She wasn't wearing a suit either, Miguel realized after sparing a glance over his shoulder; she did, however, sport a day pass on a small wrist. 
"And you are?" Miguel asked before turning back to his screens. He wasn't really in the mood for conversation while he tracked the next anomaly, but he couldn't say he wanted some random kid to be touching his stuff in his lab. 
"I dunno. Who're you?" Ugh. 
The clattering of something hitting the floor made Miguel's eye twitch. He took a breath. "I'm the guy running the show here." He closed screens with gruesome scenes of destruction, hiding them from the prying eyes of the innocent in the room with him. "And I'm the one who's about to call your guardian." 
She scoffed. "My guardian?" 
"Whichever spider dragged you into HQ and let you off your leash with a day pass." Miguel spied her out of the corner of his eye, but didn't have the decency to face her. "Lyla. Scan her." 
"You got it, buddy." 
"Woah, wait–!" The girl gasped as a warm orange light washed over her, flickering across her entirety before vanishing. "Dude." Despite the attitude, her voice trembled faintly. Miguel almost felt bad. But she touched his stuff. Not his fault. 
Lyla whistled and adjusted her sunnies as she leaned into a tiny screen of her own. "Oooh, you're gonna love this, Miguel–" 
"Miguel?" The girl repeated. "Like…the guy Dad talks about?" 
A clairvoyant feeling overwhelmed the spider, probably the same way spidey senses hit the normal spider-people around him. Somehow, he knew who she was, who her dad was before Lyla even said it. 
"Yep, that's (Name)'s kiddo," Lyla chirped. 
Miguel looked at the girl. He really looked at her this time, feeling some sort of stupid with how much she looked like you; her hair was fluffy and unkempt in the same shade yours was, the shape of her nose was like a smaller, cuter version of yours, too. Then there were her eyes. That same hazy hue of uncut gems, a colour of protective dullness that hid something brilliant and effervescent from the outside world. 
"(Name)'s kid," Miguel repeated. Your name felt comfortable on his tongue these days. "Kid, I–what're you doing here? Where's your dad, huh?" 
The girl, very clearly looking around the room to try and spot the elusive Lyla, shrugged. "I 'unno." 
Colour Miguel unimpressed. "Oh, you don't know. Good. Great." He tutted before running a hand through his hair. "Lyla, call the kid's dad–" 
"He's sleeping!" She blurted. "You can't just, like, wake him up; Dad never gets to sleep." Her arms crossed tightly over her chest as her cheeks puffed. "And my name's Isabella, y'know." 
Miguel's dark brow raised in question. "Isabella." Said with a Latin accent. Interesting. Miguel's chest felt tighter. "If your dad's asleep then he probably left you with someone." He looked at her expectantly. 
Isa shrugged again and scuffed her worn soles against the floor. "Mr.Parker didn't notice. He's watching Natalie and Nico and May 'n whatever. So. Yeah." 
Mr.Parker? Oh. "Hm. He babysit you a lot?" God, Miguel should stop asking questions, but curiosity and that damn attention deficit had him by the throat. He turned around and folded his arms over one another, too, before leaning back against the stage console to speak with Isabella properly. 
"Ugh, why are old people so–so freaking annoying? I'm not a baby, I don't need anyone to watch me." Ah. Of course. 
"Oh, wow, ah-huh, yeah. Sure. I'm sure your dad agrees." Her amateur glare wrought a smirk out of him. Would he have argued with Gabi like this? 
Miguel cleared his throat and turned back to the console, reaching for another cookie absent-mindedly. "Look, you can stay here until your father comes to get you, but you have to stop touching things. Got it?" But Isa only grumbled and scuffed her feet again. "Isabella." 
"Uuugh. Fiiine." The girl plopped down into an old rolling chair. Miguel tried not to twitch. He would not snap at a child for breaking his chair, he would not do that. Absolutely not. 
Not even one minute of silence passed before the kid rolled closer to the centre stage Miguel stood at. "Sooo you're, like, my dad's boss or something?" 
"Guess that's the easiest way to put it." Miguel peered at the girl from the corner of his eye. 
"Okay, but what's the hardest way to put it?" Isabella wiggled and sat backwards on the chair, hugging the backrest as she scooted around the lab. "Are yooou…friends?"
Miguel shrugged. "I'd say so." 
"Hmmmm. Are you more than friends?" 
His eye twitched again. "Do you interrogate every adult like this?" 
Isabella huffed. "Uh, he made you cookies. It's sooo not weird to ask if you're, like, a thing." 
"A thing." 
"Like boyfriends–" 
"Santa Muerte, I know what you mean, kid." 
"Okay." Silence fell for all of ten seconds. "I'm just saying–" 
Miguel groaned. "Can you stop talking for five minutes–" 
"--you'd be waaay cooler to have for a step dad than all the people Dad's been dating." 
"Yeah, well, I'm hard to beat." Oh, wow, did he just say that about himself? Christ. Miguel took a deep breath and tried to relax his shoulders with all his might. "That came out wrong. I–look, you need to just–he's dating?" Miguel cringed. It's not that he was interested in you like that, just…he was nosy, that's all. But he was incredibly aware of how that must have sounded to an equally nosy tween. 
Isabella perked up. "Uh, yeah. But everyone he dates ends up being suuuper crazy and weird. Like, it's reaaally bad." 
He shouldn't pry. He really shouldn't. "...Bad how?" Ay, Miguel. 
"Like, they're always super clingy or don't like kids or something. And, like, Nico and Nat had moms who had dads who super hated dad, so they gave him money to make him go away." Isabella nodded matter of factly. "That's what Dad said. He's super sure he's cursed or something. Granny was a bruja y'know." 
Miguel shouldn't be listening to this. He shouldn't be prying into your life through the conduit of a chatty kid. Asking you would be the better option, but this way was so much easier. It felt like he could finally get a grasp of what you'd been through, and maybe catch a glimpse of who you were behind the scenes. 
"Then what about your mom?" Miguel asked, crossing his arms and flicking his gaze back to the monitors. "That didn't happen with her?" 
An offended gasp burst from the young lady. "No! My mom was so not like that. She was Dad's girl!" 
"No kidding." Miguel hummed. He wasn't about to ask what happened to her. Spiderman never had an easy romance, never had an easy life. 
"Yeah! They fought in the war together, and her name's–" 
"Isabella." Your voice cut through the air like winter rain. Miguel almost got chills, and Isa squeaked before hopping off her chair and scrambling on the stage to hide behind Miguel. 
"Oh, look at that. Someone's in trouble," Miguel mumbled, mean smirk quirking the corner of his mouth. 
Isa glared up at Miguel. "Jerk."
"Isabella, quit bothering the boss," You groaned tiredly. Miguel's ears perked as the coo of a little one fluttered through the air. He turned and found you holding the littlest baby in one arm, and a toddler in the other, both incredibly K.Oed.
"M'not bothering him!" She protested. "I'm just hanging out!" 
"Cut the crap, you're probably complaining about school or about my love life or how I wouldn't get you a new phone or some shit." Miguel had to fight back a laugh. He'd never heard you so exasperated nor animated before. "And why the hell did you run off, huh? You had Pete freaking the fuck out." 
"I got bored! I just wanted to go look around!" Isabella pleaded with a puppy-level whine.
"Isa, this place, it's–it's not meant for people without powers. You could get hurt, alright?" You adjusted your grip on the two little ones in your arms. "And the lab is a whole 'nother story, Christ–" 
"It's fine, (Name)," Miguel cut in, turning to you. "She was fine." 
But the worry lines creasing your forehead didn't smooth quite as much as he wanted. "'Ppreciate it, Boss. But, I…" you trailed off, sighing softly. "Yeah. Just. Thanks. I'll, ah, get her out of your hair. Bet you've got work to do." 
Mija, let's go is what Miguel swore he heard come out of your mouth before Isa pouted and ran after you.
Mija. That word brought a world of hurt and comfort to his chest–the coincidence of Spanish on your tongue felt too…perfect, like you'd learned it just to shove it in his face. But Miguel knew better. 
Your girl, Isa's mother, must have taught you. He liked that, for some reason. The idea of learning something new for a partner. What would you teach him if you were– 
Woah, woah, stop, Miguel. Stop. His ears turned hot. He worried at his bottom lip with fidgety hands before shaking his head free from such dangerous thoughts. 
Focus, he chanted to himself, you've got work to do. 
You decided you were sick that day. No, you weren’t really, but the headache chipping away at your skull suggested that, hey, maybe staying home for a day wouldn’t be a bad thing. You could use a break from dragging yourself around New York, searching for the next big scoop, the next tragedy to document and earn a living off of, too. 
So, there you were, in bed, with the tv in the front room playing some sort of movie that you’d heard a thousand times but never learned the name of, while your littlest, newest addition to the family starfished in a laze, his tiny tummy pressed to your broad chest. Your fingers lazily rubbed circles against his little back as he snoozed and drooled on your shirt. Somehow, the giggling and chattering of his sisters didn’t wake him up. Maybe the drumming of your heart, or the safety of a warmth he hadn’t known until now, drowned all of it out. 
He didn’t even stir when his sisters screeched.
You closed your eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. God, please just let it be a spider, please just let it be a spider. You sat up, holding your baby to your chest as you plucked a gun from the side table. You carefully set Nico down into the warmth of where you were laying before stalking to the door and whipping it open, gun poised and ready for–oh. A big spider.
“What the fuck, Miguel,” you hissed, beyond exasperated as you lowered the gun. “Why the–what–I could’ve shot you.” 
Miguel looked beyond bewildered, though some would say entirely bamboozled. He had his hands up like the police had them in his sights, his face was a combination of embarrassed, shocked and annoyed, and his claws had popped out in his flustered panic. His spiderman suit was still on, but he had that white hoodie thrown on top like it’d hide the fact he was spiderman. Hopefully it did. 
“I–” Miguel started.
“Ah-ah.” You cut him off like a dog misbehaving. “Girls?” Their heads popped up from behind the couch and you sighed in relief. “It’s alright, he’s a friend. From work.”
One of your daughters gasped. “It’s the weirdo that’s suuuper into dad!” Isabella cried, jumping out from behind the couch and pointing an accusatory finger at a very unamused-looking Miguel. 
“For the last time, I’m not–”
“You so are!”
“No, I’m not.”
“You are!”
“Yeah!” Natalie joined in, hopping up and down by her sister excitedly and pointing at the man they deemed guilty. “You are, you are!”
Miguel, probably halfway to an early grave, looked to you for help. But you flashed him a tight-lipped smile that said more than words could offer: perish. 
You let the girls hound him while you turned on your heel, heading back into the bedroom to sooth your stirring little boy. The gun found itself back in the drawer, safety on, magazine removed, before you scooped the tiny being into your arms and smooshed up against your chest. Your son quieted and clung to you. You left a kiss on the top of his head to welcome him.
"So," you started as you came back to the scene of the crime, "the hell're you here for, Boss?" You asked, completely unfazed by how the girls had corralled him onto the couch and had his hands in their own, their curious fingers pushing on his tendons and making his claws pop in and out. Honestly, you were pretty tempted to do the same. 
Miguel pursed his lips and ignored the gremlins on him as he looked at you again, something distant softening his features. 
"I, uh. I heard you were sick," he confessed with a small shrug. "Just thought…y’know." 
You hummed as you rubbed your son's back. "Huh. How'd you find that out?" 
"Peter mentioned it." 
"Pete doesn't know I'm sick." 
"Must've been Jess, then." 
"Jessie doesn't know either." 
Miguel was caught. His ears grew red before his cheeks did, and you smirked. Cute. Way too cute. 
"Lyla told me," Miguel grumbled, finally. 
"Ah. There it is. Not so hard to tell the truth now is it, Miggs?" You said with a Cheshire smile and a wink. "Good to know you've got your confidant spying on me." 
Miguel freed himself from the children and stood up quickly. "It's not--I'm not spying on you, I–you–" Miguel pursed his lips. "I don't need to explain myself." 
That made you laugh. "Relax, tough guy. I don't mind ya swinging by. Or, hm, guess I don't mind ya portal-ing in." Miguel didn't seem to think you were that funny, but thankfully Nico, in his haze of dreams, giggled at the right moment. "Nicky thinks I'm funny. You should take notes."
It didn't take much convincing to get Miguel to stay for dinner. You made him take a shower, though, and leant him some clothes to lounge in while you cooked everything from scratch. From scratch. Miguel couldn't remember the last time he had a home cooked meal. 
"Yeah? That's sad as shit," you remarked nonchalantly as you diced vegetables. "Tell ya what, you make it a habit of coming around, and I'll make sure I make extra for you, yeah? It's important to have that home cooked goodness for your soul 'n what not." 
Miguel felt his chest fill with something fluffy and warm. "Good point." But it wasn't, really. "Guess I'll have to make it a habit." He leaned back against the counter as he watched you prep everything. "Wouldn't want you putting in all that extra effort for nothing."
You twitched a bit of a smile and nodded. "My thoughts exactly." 
You spared a glance at Miguel. He looked calm, at ease, like the threat of the dimensions collapsing wasn't at the forefront of his mind for once. You thought, maybe, this might be the first time in a long time that he had his mind off work. Maybe he was doing that whole human thing and enjoying the present for a change. Jumping to conclusions wasn't really your style, though. 
Crimson eyes flickered, then, gazing towards the crib settled in your bedroom. He must've heard your little man stir. He must've wanted to do something about it, if his sudden shiftiness told you anything. 
"You mind checking on him?" You asked softly, knowing that, maybe, this was a big ask for a man who only had a phantom to tuck in at night. "He's fussy. Likes to be held." 
"You're sure?" The other man asked, brows furrowed in concern. 
"You kidding? If there's any guy I'd trust with my kid, it's you." You fiddled with the wrapper of the packaged chicken meat before ultimately stabbing it with a knife. "Go on. Before he starts crying." 
And Miguel wandered off to the little one. His voice had that sound to it when he spotted him, that kind of gentleness a man unlocked when he felt what it meant to be a father, a protector of a smaller soul. You listened hard for Miguel's smile, and felt your heart throb when you heard, "Hey, mijo. ¿Estas bien?" leave his lips. Your little boy cooed, and Miguel made a noise that sounded so frightfully domestic and dad-like, you thought you might perish on the spot, or fall in love in a second. 
Get it together, get it together. A deep breath steadied your blitzing nerves when Miguel came back to the kitchen, Nico in his arms, smooshed up against his chest. You stole a glance, smiling to yourself when you caught Miguel mooning over the lazy bundle of joy. 
You worked fast, feeling a weird, undeniable desire to talk after you had your army of children fed and sent to bed. Miguel didn’t leave your side, nor did he deign to put Nico down, not through soup and sandwiches, not through 20 questions hosted by Isabella and Natalie, and not through the moments alone where you herded the young ladies off to wash up before getting them to bed for the night. 
“Y’know, you’re gonna spoil that kid,” you said with a smile when you came back to find Miguel on the couch with your son. You sat down by him with a dad-like sigh and peered at the little one snoozing away. “He’s gonna demand you hold him every time you come around.”
Miguel huffed a laugh. “You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.”
“Hey, with arms ‘n pecs like that?” You pat one of Miguel’s impressive biceps to prove a point. “I get where he’s coming from. Lots of free real estate with good foundations.”
“Oh? You want me to hold you too?” Miguel offered, some sort of impish lilt lifting his voice as he looked over at you.
You fought back the urge to swallow. “Sure. If you’re offering.” But Miguel looked a little caught again, a little unsure of how much to tease and how hard to press, so you let him off the hook with a laugh. 
“Man, you really remind me of her.” You rested your head against the couch, maybe a little bit on Miguel’s shoulder, as you watched your boy sleep. “Liliana,” you amended, “Isabella’s mom.” 
Scarlet eyes flickered to you. Seems you caught his attention. “Liliana,” Miguel tested the name on his tongue slowly, thoughtfully. “Isabella’s mom.” And after another pause, he asked, “I guess she’s gone?”
“Gone. Yeah.” You blinked slowly, and let the words rotting in your lungs breach the surface: “I killed her.” Ah, maybe you said that with too much nonchalance, you worried, but Miguel’s low hum seemed to suggest otherwise. 
It felt good. You couldn't stop yourself from talking. “It was an accident, I guess. She was a scientist. Geneticist, I think. Made me into, well, whatever I am now.” You flexed your hand and looked it over, like the blueprints of your design were still hidden under tired skin. “‘Cause, y’know, I was a soldier, she said I was gonna be the next Captain America, but… that doesn’t matter. Anyway, side effects were bad, really bad. I freaked out, then--then, y'know.” You took a breath. “Killed my little girl’s mom.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek as you stared at nothing, sucked back into a daze and a trance you’d long forgotten about. But you remembered the blood, the screaming, the way you and those webs ignited and how the white lab coats all howled and screamed and popped. The scent of roasted flesh should have disgusted you, it should have knocked some sense into you and dragged you out of whatever episode you were having, but instead–
Your stomach growled, and you cleared your throat. 
“Yeah. That was a bad day.” 
“I get it,” Miguel said, and sounded like he meant it. “Guess something like that happened to me.” 
You peered up at him, glimpsing his conflicted, troubled look. 
“Yeah?” Thought Spiderman had a boring, normal story. Because, in totality, you were something more demented than just Spiderman, so your story was more fucked up than the rest. Maybe you were wrong.
“Yeah. I was–my research killed someone when I was trying to make them into, well, Spiderman.” Miguel sighed and shook his head, admonishing himself from the past. “I didn’t want to. I got pressured into it. Drugged when I wanted to quit. It was a mess.
“Tried to rewrite my DNA, and then a colleague shocked that up for me, and I ended up with the claws, the fangs, the–the everything. Slashed his throat by accident, got some other people killed when they tried to help me, killed some baddies when I didn’t mean to.” 
Miguel’s gaze turned to you. “So don’t think you’re alone.” 
“Huh,” you said astutely. “Guess you really meant it when you called us ‘miserable bastards.’”
“Takes one to know one, I guess.” Miguel’s shoulder shifted slightly, easing down so your head could rest more comfortably against him. Your chest swirled with errant embers, but you tried not to think too hard about it. 
“You said I reminded you of her. Of Liliana?” Miguel asked, quiet and tentative. 
You hummed. “Yeah. The good parts.” You smiled (when had that gotten so easy?) and reached over to brush some dark hair from Nico’s tiny forehead. “She was smokin’ hot.” 
“Way too smart for her own good,” you continued. “It's always the smart ones that get me, y'know? Anyway, she was sly 'n funny in a mean way, but hey, I like that shit. Maybe I'm a masochist." 
"So," Miguel started, shifting slightly to face you more, "let me get this straight. You think I'm 'smoking hot,' 'too smart for my own good,' and 'funny in a mean way'?" The grin on his face was too much for you to handle. Why did you feel so hot suddenly? Why was he so close suddenly?
"I think that sums it up." 
"Huh. Anyone ever tell you you're an asshole?" 
"Ouch. Okay, what if I throw in 'she was born to be a bangin' mom','' you offered, feeling a long-forgotten rush of excitement as you sat up and leaned in close, so close, your hand coming up to cup the side of his strong neck as you kept talking, "and that she made me feel somethin' for the first time in a long time?" 
You could feel Miguel's breath hitch in his throat as he measured the gap between you two, his eyes flicking down to your lips and back to your eyes in debate. You wanted to close it. With every inch of your being you wanted to take the plunge and crash your lips against his. 
But, with every fibre of your soul, you didn't want to fuck this up. You didn't have words for what this even was, but you cherished it. Sauntering down this line of friendship, of companionship, was better than taking the dive back into that world of icy yearning and wilting roses–this type of love, the platonic sort shared between brothers and men, was meaningful in and of itself. It was good enough.
Wasn't it?
You looked over his face, in disbelief with yourself. "Who am I kidding?" You whispered, letting your hand fall from his neck like a glacier shearing away from its home. 
A small, tired laugh crawled from your chest, and you rubbed your face. "I, uh, think I oughta call it a night. I'm gonna–I gotta tuck Nicky into his crib." And carefully, gently, you scooped up your monkey and whispered quiet thanks into his hair–your little man was the perfect scapegoat. 
What're you thinking? Careful hands pulled up the banana-patterned blanket over Nico's tiny form after you'd set him down in the cozy crib that he loathed so much. You thought it was nice and comfy. Hell, if you could fit, you'd probably snooze in there all day. 
"Good work today, Nicky. I think you made the big guy relax a little, y'know?" Your son cooed sweetly in his sleep, and your spirit lifted just slightly. It almost gave you the strength to go face Miguel after coming onto him so hard. 
Finding the last bit of courage yourself, you gave your boy one last kiss on the noggin and quietly snuck out, closing the door with utmost caution behind you, only to be pressed up against it a moment later, and smothered with a kiss. 
A bolt of lightning kicked your pulse into triple time as you kissed Miguel back. His hands caught you by your hips, and your arms hooked around his shoulders and pulled him in closer. The simple thing was exhilarating. He was exhilarating. The embodiment of strength and resilience, of power and intelligence, was crushing you up against a door and taking the air from your lungs with such ease. 
"Fuck," you gasped when you parted with a wet noise that sounded far too Hollywood. "You're not half bad." 
"You've got a talent for ruining the mood." Miguel scoffed and tilted your chin up. His half-lidded eyes drank you in as soft breaths left his parted lips. You wanted nothing more than to be eaten whole by him (was that weird?). 
"I got a few other talents, too," you purred, voice swirling with velvety dark chocolate. "But that might be too much for an old man like–" 
Your squawked indignantly when he scooped you up and hoisted you over his shoulder like you were nothing but a petulant child. Your hands scrabbled against his back, and a shocked bout of laughter bubbled up from your core as he slapped you on the ass hard. Was this real? Were you seriously getting manhandled and spanked by Miguel O'hara? 
Miguel almost threw you onto the couch, but you guessed the children snoozing in the next room over hampered that decision. 
"If there's one thing I'm never too old for," Miguel murmured lightly, almost condescendingly as he set you down on the couch and got on top of you, "it's sex." 
Your eager hands flitted across his taut muscles, too excited and undecided as to where to land first. "Thought you were too old to sleep around?" 
"I don't sleep around," Miguel corrected, letting you fill in the blanks. 
That helped you relax a little. "Yeah?" 
He looked so conflicted, a little embarrassed, too. But that was becoming more and more common these days, thanks to you. "Yeah." 
You nodded and reached a hand up to his cheek, and he leaned in graciously as a needy cat might. "Okay. Then I don't either." 
Miguel hummed, and turned to mark your palm with a little kiss. "Alright." 
"And maybe…we don't fuck tonight." His sleepy gaze found you again with one dark brow raised, surprised. "I'm, uh, I think I'm down pretty bad for you, Boss. I don't wanna fuck this up." 
And, truth be told, you wanted to give him some respite. Maybe you wanted to give some to yourself, too; Liliana and Dahlia danced through your mind so much these days, no thanks to the burgeoning fondness growing for Miguel. He reminded you of both of them, of Winter and Summer, of snow and flowers. But it wasn't fair, not to you or him, to compare him to the epitome of cold and the apex of warmth. You needed time, too. Time to learn how to compare him to no one.
Miguel smiled, small and sincere. You admired the fine lines crinkling the corners of his eyes. He looked so handsome when he smiled. You wanted him to do it more. Were you enough to make him smile more?
"Yeah. I don't want you to shock this up either," he said, and your brows raised, incredulous. 
"This is what I get for trying to be mature ‘n romantic, huh?” Your fingers drummed against the arms caging you in. You thought about chancing a finger-taser to his ribs, but with those damn claws of his, you were a little too worried about your couch cushions getting demolished.
His handsome smile turned into a punchable smirk. “What? I’m agreeing with you.” 
“Ah-huh, ah-huh, that’s all, hey?” You leaned up and kissed Miguel again, slower and tamer this time, but still burning with want. Ugh. Why did you have to try to be all mature and romantic? “You’re just being a good boy?”
Miguel’s hips twitched at that, and it was your turn to smirk. Oh, how the tables turn. 
“Lay down,” you ordered, sitting up to get out from under him. “Come on.”
“I–what?” He grumbled, looking a little befuddled and frustrated. Cute, cute cute. “Thought we agreed on–”
“Heavy petting’s not off the table, right?” You cut him off. Miguel perked a little bit at the suggestion and did as he was ordered, his hands finding your hips again as you took your turn straddling him. “Luckily for you, I’m an expert at the clothes-on experience.” You winked and Miguel sucked in a breath. 
“Show me.” He ordered, voice deep and gravelly.
And you did.
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idontknowreallywhy · 1 month
Resurface 31 - Review
Happy Birthday Virgil 💚 I didn’t get you a present but I finally got you and your brother back on the path to Best Brodom. Just, um, bear in mind it’s just the start of the journey and maybe don’t read the last paragraph until tomorrow?
I hope this is ok, I have agonised because this chapter contains Virg headcanon that is dear to me and I just hope I did it (and his inner voice) justice. It’s probably too long but… well… here it is. Thanks to @sofasurf and @astranite for the encouragement / chivvying / poking with stick to just get this done and out there.
Story so far
They had to start somewhere… literally at the top is as good a place as any, right?
“You’ve dyed it! You’ve dyed your hair!”
Scott blushed and his hand returned to his forehead, as if to hide the evidence.
“Uh, yeah… thought I might give it a go…” he cleared his throat awkwardly “I couldn’t find exactly the right colour it was kind of hard to tell on the website… who knew there were so many types of brown, huh?” He paused and grabbed a dishcloth to rub irritably at the gel residue on his fingers before glancing over at his brother. “I mean, obviously YOU would.”
Virgil narrowed his eyes. Scott wasn’t kidding, the former greys were a much redder shade of brown than the rest and on close inspection looked a little… odd… but he wasn’t about to make his brother even more self-conscious by pointing it out. He picked up his coffee with both hands and took a long sip to buy himself some time to work out what to say.
“You don’t approve?” The chuckle was more than a little forced.
“You don’t need my approval, Scott. I’m just… surprised, I guess? You’d always swore you’d never dye it. Didn’t you say you’d earned every last one of them and had nothing to be ashamed of?”
His brother snatched up his own coffee and feigned a sudden interest in the view from the window.
“Is no big deal… you were bothered by it so I just sorted it out.”
“I was bothered by it?”
“Uh, yeah. When… the other day when you were really… err…” Scott cleared his throat “… upset, you said so and I figured maybe you were worried I was getting old or… or maybe I was looking too much like… uh, well…”
“I complained… about your hair?” Virgil was baffled. The silver streaks were the subject of much banter in the Tracy household but for a long while had been a part of who Scott was. While in theory Virgil might have said almost anything in his state of confusion, he had still been himself even while his perception of the world around him had been faulty. He just couldn’t imagine being negative about a feature he’d always felt rather affectionately for.
“Well, not in so many words but…”
“Can you remember my exact words?” Virgil knew full well that if Scott had been worrying about this enough to break his avowed hair dye abstention he’d have gone over what had been said again and again and again. And then probably again just for good measure. Sure enough, the response was immediate:
“You said you didn’t want me to be grey. And then you literally begged me not to go grey. So I decided not to. It’s not a big deal.”
Virgil closed his eyes.
Sometimes it would be handy to see the world in the simpler, more solid way other people did, as if everything was a hollow photograph existing in straightforward three-dimensional space. He’d never choose to live life without the full range of his sensory experiences and feelings overlaid in glorious technicolour… but he learned very quickly other people, even artists, did not see the same and thus he tended to avoid any accidental references to it.
Obviously he was less careful when he was out of his mind.
He suppressed the sigh and took a measured breath.
Virgil opened his eyes to see his brother had already drained his coffee and was almost vibrating with the effort of maintaining his fake casual stance leaning on the kitchen island. He’d have expected pacing by now except that this was his big brother’s way of showing that not only did he want to hear his brother out, he wanted to reassure Virgil he was, definitely, listening.
He grabbed Scott’s hand which was discharging some of the discomfort via quiet but incessant tapping on the work-surface and interlaced their fingers. The relentless movement continued more softly and for a moment Virgil allowed himself time to notice the vibrations travelling through his knuckles and up his arm and for his mind to quietly acknowledge the subtle shift in rhythm from need-to-explode to need-to-connect. He mirrored it back and Scott squeezed his fingers in response.
“Let’s walk for a bit?”
Virgil knew it was the right call even before the relief flooded Scott’s face and he made a beeline for the door.
They made their way down on to the deck and then up the stone staircase via the roundhouse and took the path towards the caldera.
“I didn’t mean your hair, Scooter.”
“You didn’t?”
“No, I don’t think so. I reckon I can explain but you’ll need to give me a minute and try not to be too… literal about it?”
“I can do that.”
“Right.” The path narrowed and demanded single file. Virgil gestured for Scott to lead the way and smiled wryly to himself as the steep incline accentuated the slight height difference between them to the extent that his current view of his brother was very much the waist region. Nevertheless, he could see from the slightly uneven movement of his hips that the leggier man was moderating his stride so as not to get too far ahead to hear.
Ha, he was so familiar with his brother’s body language he could even read his…
“Sorry, got lost in my own head there.”
“It’s not a problem.” Scott’s hurried response betrayed his even-worse-than-usual anxiety for a brother and Virgil really needed to fix that asap. But first he needed to sort out the immediate confusion.
“Ok… you know I see a lot more things in colour than most people do?”
“Two makes forest green noise and One makes gold and light blue.” Scott immediately confirmed and Virgil experienced a little rush of warmth at the thought his big brother had felt the detail important enough to commit to memory.
“Yeah! Yeah, that’s the kind of thing. Well it isn’t just sound it’s… everything? Smell, taste, heat… and err… kind of… mood? Not exactly mood… um... The way people are? Their personalities, almost?” Virgil faltered a little, desperately searching for better words to form a neat box around the web of overlapping sensations in his head, but it felt much like the time he’d tried to explain to Alan why magenta made his teeth fizz. Some things just… were. Maybe if he tried to tie it to something easier to pin down:
“Ok, maybe the best way I can explain is - you know it was me that picked the colours of the birds? Well, One, Two and Four anyway…”
“I didn’t!” Scott was evidently curious “I never thought to wonder who did.”
“Well, it was me. Mostly. Well a bit. Brains was going to have them all in silver and I suggested that some form of colour coding might be a plan, for easier recognition compared with other organisations’ ships and machinery and bright colours are a more friendly sight for scared rescuees, you know?” Virgil paused to use his breath to navigate a particularly steep part of the track. Scott, possibly misinterpreting the pause for uncertainty sent encouragement over his shoulder: “Makes sense to me. Our public face needs to be unthreatening.”
“Yeah, exactly and in that time just after the… um, well it needed to be clear they weren’t military ships…” there was a grunt of agreement from in front. “It took a while to decide which would be which colour. For Three Dad picked red because in little Allie’s mind rockets were always red and it was his way of reaching out to the little guy I guess. But it’s not right really, Alan is light blues and bright purple. And of course One should have been primarily Cerulean to contrast with the Maya Blue but he wanted silver to represent speed and so… we had to compromise on her design but I did win with Four because he thought she should be orange, like a life buoy, you know? But I said no - Gordon’s bird couldn’t possibly be anything other than sunshine yellow. John picked his own so I didn’t get involved there but…”
“Virg, you’re losing me a little. Alan is… blue and purple?”
“Light blue. Bright purple. When he’s cheerful, yes. He gets steely blue when he’s angry same as you.”
“So we all have a colour?”
“Yeah. Well, a palette of them. Kind of. It’s… I’m sorry it’s the best way I have of describing the presence you have. Words can be a bit limiting sometimes.”
“Maybe you should try painting it?” Scott‘s voice lifted a little and he was looking at him intently. “I’d like to see us the way you do.”
They had finally reached the top of the volcano and stood together admiring the view to the east. A vigorous breeze, sharpened by the bright metallic tang of salt, dried the moisture from Virgil’s lips and he pressed them together with a doubtful hum.
“I’ve tried before and it didn’t really…” the glimmer of eagerness dulled and Virgil hurriedly sought to breathe life back into it “but I guess I could give it another go?”
His big brother smiled and lit up again for a moment before the cloud crossed back over his face and his eyes dropped from Virgil’s.
“And I’m… grey, then?”
“No! Not usually! You’ve always been blue, like the sky… there are so many shades of it, with hints of yellow or gold…”
“There’s a but coming, I can feel it.”
Virgil grabbed Scott’s hand again as if to reassure himself his brother wouldn’t float away before he managed to express this.
“Sometimes it’s like you fade a little.”
“I fade?”
“You try to be a lot of things, Scotty and it’s admirable, it really is, and you do it so well but sometimes I worry there isn’t enough of you left to be you.”
“Yes, you. You’re blue when you laugh at your own jokes, or smotherhen us and make a leaning tower of pancake… when you beat Gordy at his own prank game or act all melodramatic when you’re smuggling in the sweets Grandma doesn’t approve of. When someone says pie and your eyes gleam and when you randomly recite Shakespeare inaccurately and out of context or run up the stairs for no reason and surprise hug Allie… those times you’re a rainbow of blues. In the field when you’re problem solving at the speed of light and oh! That time you flew Shadow just for fun you came back shining so brightly…”
Yet again at the mention of Shadow, Scott had startled but recovered quickly and deflected:
“My Shakespeare is always in context.”
“Sure it is, Scott. And it’s very YOU.”
A flicker of resolve hardened his brother’s expression and Virgil was suddenly terrified as to how his clumsy explanation could have been interpreted by someone who was already chronically shackled to the ‘brave face’ impulse…
“But Scott, listen to me, this is important.”
He waited until his brother dropped his eyes from the horizon and met his own.
“I’m not saying it’s just when you are happy, you know? When you’re worried or angry or even sick or even… no, especially when you let yourself be vulnerable for one damn second, you’re you then too.”
“Then…” Scott sagged a little and an edge of indigo desperation coloured his voice “I don’t understand what the grey thing is meant to mean!”
“The grey thing… I guess it’s how my brain interprets the way I sometimes miss you when you are right in front of me. When you get hidden by everything else you think you are supposed to be. You lead so naturally, you do it without even trying but sometimes… sometimes you put on that damn grey baldric and it smothers you.”
“But the baldric is silver. My baldric is silver to match One!”
“It used to be blue though. Blue to match you.”
“Oh. And that’s what is bothering you?”
“No! No, I’m not saying the baldric needs to change. You can have salmon pink or zebra stripes if you like - that’s what I meant about not being too literal about this. I just… I wish you wouldn’t feel like you had to act like someone else. Just… be you, you know?”
A slight squeeze of the hand said message received but Virgil knew it might take a while to process. An unspoken agreement saw them taking the shallower broader path down towards the shore.
“Please don’t say that thing about the baldrics to Gordon, you know he’ll come up with something hideous.”
“He really would. It’d be burnt orange with pink polka dots within minutes.”
“I can just see it now.” Scott facepalmed melodramatically then ran his fingers into his hairline.
“So you weren’t worrying about the hair?”
“No, Scott. I don’t have any problem with your hair. I’m sorry I confused you. I just want you to be happy and be yourself. That’s literally all I would have meant by it.”
“I’m trying, Virgil, I really am.”
“I know. I’m proud of you.”
He really had been trying. Scott’s attempts to reconcile his past and present and figure out who he was again had actually been a source of real joy to Virgil. It had been so long coming.
Years of encouraging, nagging… in all honesty borderline-harassing his big brother to break out of his self-imposed exile from life, to take the opportunities to enjoy himself when they came… and finally, FINALLY there had been some movement. Previously there were deleted emails, invitation cards hidden in drawers… if it wasn’t for Penny’s sake or for the good of the business, Scott didn’t see it as worthwhile. But this time, Scott had pinned the gilded rectangle of card to the noticeboard with a hurried circle around the date and a carefully inked question mark.
It was bitterly ironic that after all that time… even after actually standing over Scott with folded arms and while he messaged his friend to RSVP in the positive… when he’d nearly actually succeeded in nudging his brother into the light somehow as a result Virgil himself had run headlong into the dark. A cold, slimy tendril of fear crept into his heart and asked who on earth Virgil thought he would be if Scott didn’t need him anymore…
He shook it off because it was ridiculous.
Not to mention selfish.
“Scott, I’m sor….” he began but his brother had not been party to the developing inner monologue and was still some way behind him, despite leading the way off the rocky track on to the beach.
“So I can get rid of this?” He gesticulated irritably at his own forehead
“YES, Scooter.”
“Thank heaven, I hate it. Will it wash out?”
“Eventually. I have to top mine up every few washes.”
“Yours literally obliterates light particles though.”
The affectionate shoulder nudge was brief but it heralded a return of the easy natural proximity he’d missed so badly. His brother was back by his side and Virgil realised with a shock that breathing was suddenly effortless again.
There were other things they needed to discuss, difficult things he knew were coming and no doubt even more difficult things he was still as yet unaware of. But for a few moments, Virgil was more than happy to enjoy the respite of their well-rehearsed haircare banter:
“That’s not the dye it’s the secret ingredient. I told you, quit the super shiny addiction…
“SUPREME shiny…”
“Pfft, you know it’s the same formula, you’re just paying for the fancier packaging.”
“Not true, it’s a far higher quality product.”
Virgil poked his brother in the side of the head “And yet by some miracle, chemically identical.” He made a show of wiping the tip of his finger off on Scott’s shirt while meeting the faux-glare dead on. His brother’s eyebrows said outraged, the sparkle in the blue said bring-it-on. “Ditch the dark side Scotty, leave the slimy stuff to the teenagers and join team pomade. More natural, less greasy. Best tip Dad ever gave me.”
His brother’s flinch was fleeting but sent a shockwave through the narrow pocket of air between the two of them. Scott’s eyes slipped from his, the pocket widened and the warmth suddenly drained out of the sun.
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perkypeony · 3 months
Gojo-sensei x student reader ft. the first-years
"Alright, who wants to join me to try out a new dessert cafe?" Gojo announced as he entered the common room with his signature grin.
Y/N's eyes lit up immediately. "Count me in, Gojo-sensei!"
Yuji looked up from his spot on the couch, thinking about his initial plans. "Well, I was going to help Nobara with her shopping, but... yeah, I'll come. Better than carrying all her bags."
Nobara, overhearing, walked over with a raised eyebrow. "Dessert cafe, huh? As tempting as that sounds, I already have plans to hit the shops. Fushiguro, you still coming with me, right?"
Megumi sighed, already resigned to his fate. "I'd rather deal with curses than go shopping, but fine."
Nobara shot Yuji a playful glare. "You're ditching me for desserts? Some friend you are."
Yuji grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, Nobara, but I can't pass up on this."
Gojo clapped his hands together. "Excellent! Nobara and Megumi have their plans, so it’s just us. We’ll have a blast!"
The trio arrived at the dessert cafe, its colourful decor and sweet aromas instantly making Y/N and Gojo feel giddy. They ordered an array of desserts—cakes, pastries, and ice creams—enough to satisfy their shared sweet tooth.
Gojo took a bite of his towering parfait and sighed contentedly. "Isn't this the best, Y/N?"
Y/N nodded enthusiastically, savouring a spoonful of chocolate mousse. "Absolutely, Gojo-sensei. This place is amazing!"
Yuji, enjoying a generous slice of strawberry cheesecake, chuckled. "I gotta admit, this was a great idea. So much better than shopping."
As they enjoyed their treats, Y/N glanced at Gojo curiously. "Gojo-sensei, I've always wondered—why do you have such a sweet tooth?"
Gojo paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "You know, it's something that started when I was young. I started eating sweets to stimulate my brain. The sugar helped keep me alert and sharp. Over time, I just developed a taste for them."
Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of connection. "That makes sense. For me, I love sweets because my parents used them to get me to train. I hated training, but they promised me dessert after every session. It worked every single time."
Gojo laughed warmly. "Smart parents. And now you're here, a jujutsu sorcerer with a sweet tooth like me."
As they continued to enjoy their treats, the conversation flowed easily. Gojo shared funny stories from his past missions, Yuji talked about his training progress, and Y/N, feeling comfortable, opened up more about their life.
"Y'know," Gojo said, leaning back in his chair, "it's nice to have moments like these. Don't you guys feel tired training and dealing with curses every single day?"
Yuji nodded. "Yeah, it’s good to take a break and just hang out."
Y/N smiled warmly, "Thanks for bringing us here, Gojo-sensei. It means a lot."
As they left the cafe, the sun beginning to set, Gojo looked at his two students with a soft smile. "We should do this more often. I hope Nobara and Megumi can join us too next time."
"Definitely," Y/N agreed, already looking forward to their next outing.
Yuji grinned. "I'm in. As long as it doesn't involve carrying shopping bags."
Gojo laughed, ruffling Yuji's hair. "Deal. Next time, we’ll find another hidden gem. Maybe even a chocolate factory tour." Gojo grinned. "Speaking of next time, how about we make today even sweeter?"
Y/N's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "What do you mean, Gojo-sensei?"
"Follow me," Gojo said with a wink.
He led them to an upscale chocolate shop just a few blocks away. The luxurious displays and rich cocoa aromas were enough to make anyone's mouth water. Gojo pulled out his black card, waving it in front of his students' faces. "Pick whatever you want, kids. It's on me."
Yuji and Y/N exchanged excited glances before diving into the selections. They filled their bags with a variety of gourmet chocolates, feeling like kids in a candy store.
As they walked out of the shop, their bags full of treats, Y/N beamed up at Gojo. "Thanks, Gojo-sensei. This has been the best day ever."
Yuji nodded in agreement. "Yeah, thanks a lot. You're the best."
Gojo smiled warmly, feeling content when his students were happy, "Anytime, you two. Anytime."
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mrkis · 2 years
punk 00. (l.jn)
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PAIRING: lee jeno x reader GENRE: smut, fluff WORD COUNT: 10.3k
SYNOPSIS: you've caught the attention of a certain pink haired drummer boy that's desperate to get you alone with him.
CONTENT WARNINGS: punk pink haired jeno, jeno's kind of an asshole to readers best friend, light mention of drugs, kissing, light biting, unprotected sex, backstage sex, fingering, oral (receiving), big dick jeno, dirty talk, praising, creampie,
AUTHORS NOTE: i was gratefully informed by a anon that i read the word count wrong LMAO (my dumb ass read the character count instead of the word count). lowkey relieved that this shit wasn't as long as i thought it was but also embarrassed? but we move. happy you're all enjoying it :)
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Despite his love for blending in with the crowd and remaining mysterious, with the pink hair that tousles on the top of his head, the black eyeliner that smudges the corner of his eyes and with the same two-coloured clothing that drowns his body… Jeno is nothing but the sort. 
Jeno, admittedly, stuck out like a sore thumb. 
It wasn’t exactly his fault. He loves dying his hair crazy colours, wearing clothes ten times bigger than his usual and heavy boots that stomps across any surface he walks on. He loves filling in his waterline in black eyeliner and decorating his outfit with fancy jewellery that matched the jewellery on his face. Painting his nails is another favourite of his too, although the black chipped flames was his current go-to. 
It doesn’t help the fact that Jeno was in a band alongside his best friends. The band wasn’t huge, per se, but they play almost every weekend at a popular bar in their hometown, attracting a crowd over 100+ people that try their best to cram themselves in said bar just to see said band whenever they manage to get a gig. 
So maybe it is his fault. But he never expected the attention it would get him, eyes ogling at him from every direction, hushed whispers thrown his way, compliments upon compliments filling his dms and even said to him in person. He secretly loved the attention, but he was never the one to make a move when girls threw themselves at him, hinting for a quick fuck or even a relationship. He just wasn’t interested, nobody has ever caught his attention.
That was until he saw you at one of his band's gigs, sitting in a booth with a friend and sipping on a coke through a straw with your eyes taking in your, what seems to be, unfamiliar surroundings. He was captivated by your presence, wanting nothing more than to gather the courage to walk on over and strike a conversation with you, to know more about you.
“Staring makes you look creepy” Jeno’s eyes immediately rip from your form to his bandmate, Donghyuck, who’s hardly even glancing Jeno’s way, attention focussing on his reflection in the mirror backdrop behind the bar, standing on the tip of his toes to look over the rows of alcohol to catch a better glimpse of himself as he tries to restyle his dyed purple locks, the sweat on his forehead making his bangs stick. “Go talk to her. Work that so-called ‘Jeno charm’ I hear Jaemin talking about”
“It’s real, alright?” A flash of orange appears in front of Jeno’s vision as Jaemin throws himself down in the seat beside him, slamming a tray of multicoloured shots on the table and spilling half of its contents which leaves the bartender cursing under his breath, wiping the mess away while glaring at the latter who cheekily smiles his way out of any sort of confrontation. “I’ve seen it before and it works like magic… makes the people drop to their knees in an instant”
Donghyuck’s brow raises in amusement with a teasing grin, “In the year I’ve known Jeno, I’ve never seen him hookup or flirt with anyone… got some problems going on down there, huh?” 
“Shut the fuck up” Jeno grumbles at the jab, swatting Donghyuck hand away as he tries to reach out and pat his cheek. Donghyuck cackles at this and grabs the shot that Jaemin eagerly hands out to the pair before calling out Renjun’s name who emerges from backstage, adjusting the leather jacket on his shoulders as he settles himself down beside Jaemin.
Jaemin hums as he tugs the collar down of Renjun’s shirt, “Nice marks. Was it Thing 1 or Thing 2 this time?”
“Hyejin” Renjun answers, but the blank look Jaemin gives him makes Renjun close his eyes in annoyance. “Thing 1”
“I thought Thing 1 was Yejin?” Donghyuck pulls a face and Renjun’s quick to jump to Hyejin’s defence about how she’s number one but Jeno blanks out the conversation, rolling his eyes as he picks up the shot and downs it quickly before bringing his beer bottle up to his lips, craning his neck to take a look over at you once again. He captures you smiling at your friend this time, nodding to something she says and clinking your simple glass of coke to her colour cocktail.
He’s, undoubtedly, interested in you which is new and foregin to Jeno. He’s not scared or nervous and he really would walk on over to you to begin a conversation if it wasn’t for the fact you weren’t alone. Jeno wanted to get rid of your friend and have you all to himself, but he found it difficult seeing as your friend refused to leave your side all night.
Jeno huffs with a shake of his head, gulping down his beer and slamming the empty bottle against the bar countertop as he orders another. He’ll just have to wait for the right moment. 
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“I think he’s staring at me” Eunkyung whispers at you across the booth, straightening her posture and running her fingers through her hair, fixing any hairs that strayed out of place as she takes a quick glance at herself in her phone screen. “How do I look? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“You look fine” You reassure her with a quick nod of your head, sipping your coke through the plastic straw with your brows pulling together in curiosity as you watch her fuss about with her outfit, pulling the top half of her dress lower to show more cleavage. “Who’s staring at you?”
“The pink haired guy sitting at the bar behind yo—Hey!!! Don’t be so obvious!!!” You ignore Eunkyung’s feeble attempts at trying to bring your focus back to her, easily spotting the pink haired man that sits at the bar with his other brightly hair coloured friends. You snort at the sight, but your brows pull together with confusion as his attention is elsewhere, not on your friend. You slowly turn back around to face Eunkyung who’s shoulders drop in defeat. “He was staring, okay? He turned as soon as you did”
“I believe you” You tell her, getting comfortable in your seat as you observe the way she takes quick glances behind you, tucking a strand of her behind her ears and holding her head high. “Who is he anyways?”
“You’re kidding” Eunkyung baffles, eyes wide. She takes offence when you shake your head. “It’s Jeno. We see him on campus, like, everyday!! He’s the reason why we’re here tonight—”
You frown at that, “I thought you wanted to hangout?”
“I do!!” Eunkyung sheepishly says with a quick nod and you’re less than impressed. She sighs heavily. “Listen, Jeno is one of the members in that band that performed earlier and I haven’t been able to have much free time to see them play. On top of that, we haven’t hung out in a while and this was the only weekend we seemed to have free time so I am basically hitting two birds with one stone here… can you really blame me?”
“I guess not” You sigh, even though you’re not impressed with what was going on here. You felt a little bit used and lied too, especially when she burst through your dorm room earlier and rambled excitedly about how she’s able to spend some time with you tonight. 
Your mood turns a little bit sour when it dawns on you that you’ll most definitely be trekking back to your dorm room alone tonight, knowing that she’ll blow off staying over to go blow off some other guy, literally. You wish you were the type of person to be selfish, to tell her that you’re not exactly happy with her possibly leaving you to go fuck some other guy and beg her to stay with you all night, to catchup on everything that was missed, to go home together with a takeout bag full of junk food and watch a shitty old movie on your small laptop screen.
But you weren't selfish. You have never been selfish. 
“I really need to go pee” Eunkyung announces, her face twisting in discomfort as she pushes her empty cocktail glass across the table and awkwardly shuffles out of the booth. She picks up her handbag and rummages through quickly, retrieving her purse and shoving it in your hands. “Go get us another drink—No more cokes for you either!!!”
You don’t even get a chance to say anything as Eunkyung waddles away in a rush towards the toilets and you push yourself out of the booth with a huff, clutching her purse tightly in your grasp as you manoeuvre through the crowds of people that block the bar, too busy with their conversations to even make room for anyone else. 
You grip Eunkyung’s purse in your hand tightly as you manage to reach the bar, watching as the bartender leans across the wooden surface to chat up some customers with a flirtatious smile on the other side. You debate on returning back to your booth and waiting for Eunkyung to come so she can work her charm and capture his attention for some drinks but you decide against it with a sigh, lifting yourself up on the vacant barstool and sitting comfortably, too focused on the bartender and his cheesy pickup lines on the customers on your right that you’re completely unaware of who is sitting on your left.
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Jeno struggles to contain himself when he feels you slightly brush against his shoulder to sit yourself down in the empty chair beside him, staring over at Doyoung in a hopeful attempt to get served by him but Jeno knows the bartender all to well. Nobody gets served when Doyoung has found a target to flirt with.
This, possibly, could be Jeno’s chance to finally talk to you, to engage in that conversation that he’s been dying to do since he first laid eyes on you, but the words get stuck in the back of his throat and he struggles to actually face you, especially when he can see the others mocking him in the corner of his eyes.
Donghyuck makes obnoxious kissing noises that makes Jeno’s head snap in his direction, but Donghyuck doesn’t back down from the teasing as he nudges his shoulder. 
“Come on. Let us see you work that Jeno Magic” The wiggle of Donghyuck’s eyebrows makes Jeno want to fight, his knuckles turning white from the grip he has around his beer bottle and Donghyuck’s quick to throw his hands up in defence. “I just want to see you get laid, man”
“I hate to admit it, but Donghyuck’s right” Renjun nods his head, eyes flickering between Jeno and you, who is still wrapped up in your own head to hear the conversation that’s going on. It surprises him immensely. “You’ve got all these girls practically begging at your feet for a quick fuck and you’re still refusing to give in?”
“Maybe Jeno does have some problems going on down there…” Donghyuck says as he stares down at Jeno’s crotch, tilting his head to the side as he bravely reaches forward to drag his finger over the bugle in his pants. Jeno rolls his eyes at his actions, but doesn’t bother to swat Donghyuck’s hand away as he’s used to this type of behaviour. Donghyuck hums, “Maybe not. Still big even when soft, impressive”
“That was just an excuse to cop a feel” Jaemin scoffs, pushing Donghyuck who stumbles back slightly and grips onto the bar for support. He goes to retaliate, raising his fist to pummel it down on Jaemin’s back but the latter is quick to dodge. “Look, as much as I would love for you to fuck someones brains out, it’s all on your terms. Don’t let these freaks peer pressure you into doing shit”
Jeno doesn’t feel pressured, not one bit. All he wants right now is for his friends to move along and go chat up some girls so he can finally be alone with you, as you are no longer with your friend either. It would be the perfect opportunity, and he wouldn’t have to worry about the others making grand gestures and butting into the conversation and possibly making things worse when he’s talking to you.
Jaemin seems to read his mind perfectly, throwing his arms around Renjun and Donghyuck’s shoulders and dripping the material of their leather jackets to grab their attention, pulling them away but not straying too far from the bar as they still have their endless amount of drinks and shots lined out for them.
It wasn’t perfect, but it will do. Jeno thinks to himself, gently tugging on the jewellery that dangles from his earlobe as he finally turns to face you, just in time for Doyoung to finish his flirting.
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“Sorry about that” The bartender apologies to you with a faint chuckle as he finally makes his way on over, running his fingers through his dark hair and adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose before resting his hands on his hips, giving you a full view of his all black sleeveless shirt that's tucked into a pair of black jeans. You are now able to see his white name tag that stands out on the outfit. Doyoung, it reads. “What can I get for you, sweetheart?”
“Uhh…” You hesitate for a moment, unable to remember the name of the cocktail that Eunkyung had been buying herself as you scan the drinks menu above his head. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you weakly point at the bottom of the list, the most cheapest of ones. “I guess the d—”
“Can I have my usual, a cosmopolitan and a coke?” A voice beside you butts in for his own order, completely disregarding yours and your brows pull together in annoyance, spinning around in his directions to grill into him for his complete rudeness but the insults die down in the back of your throat once you realise who exactly spoke before you. 
The mess of pink hair is the first feature you see and you immediately know who is sitting beside you. The guy that Eunkyung has been non-stop talking about and has been so fascinated with these past couple of months, the main topic of tonight's conversation and your eyebrows can’t help but raise in slight shock. You’re beginning to see the appeal… Jeno’s really pretty up close. 
To be fair, you have never been this close to Jeno before, so you’ve never had the chance to give him a full one-over. You’re passed him a few times before, but he didn’t capture your attention to the point you would be one of those that would ogle at him from across the room or even on campus grounds. Yet standing as near as you are to him, you can’t help but really look at him and take in every little detail you can find. 
The smudged eyeliner and black eyeshadow makes his eyes seem a little intimidating that what they’re probably are, but the dark look itself makes you sink back into your seat. Due to the close proximity, you notice the little hole on the side of his nostril and it makes you wonder if that’s where a nose piercing once was, the redness around the area giving you a slight inkling that maybe he tried piercing it himself sometime this week or even today.
“That’s what you’re both drinking, right? Cosmopolitan for your friend and a coke for you?” Jeno’s questions bring you out of your staring as he shifts around in his seat to face you fully, the chains on his black and pink outfit jingling with every movement he’s making. He taps his nails against the bar as awaits for your answer and that’s when you notice the black flamed nail art that decorates his fingernails, some being more chipped than others but you can’t deny the fact it suits his appearance perfectly. 
“Yes” You answer quickly, realising you’ve been quiet for far too long. “Yeah, I think so…” You pause for a second, face twisting in confusion as you glance between him and the cocktail that’s being made. “How did you know she ordered a cosmopolitan?”
The corner of Jeno’s lip twitch upwards lightly in amusement with a light hearted laugh as he looks at you, “I didn’t”
“Here you go, gorgeous” Doyoung compliments as he slides the cocktail and the coke glass in your direction with precise aim, not even spilling any of the contents inside. He settles the beer bottle in front of Jeno. “That will be—”
“Wait, Can I get another one of those?” You ask as you point at the pink coloured concoction in front of you and Doyoung sends a wink your way as he turns on the heel of his feet to go make the drink and you turn to look at Jeno who’s already looking at you with his brow raised and you suddenly feel the need to explain yourself. “It’s for me”
“Had enough of the cokes?”
“Not exactly… She just told me not to get another one” You say, looking down at the full glass of coke in front of you with pursed lips. “But I’ll still take this, just in case I don’t like the cocktail”
Jeno grins at that, reaching for the beer bottle with one hand while his other reaches inside his pocket as soon as Doyoung comes back with your newly made drink. He gives you the price and your eyes almost bulge out at the numbers, swallowing down the lump in your throat as you tell him you’ll pay by card. Eunkyung is going to kill you when she finds out about the cost, it makes you grimace just thinking about the consequences as you dig through her purse but the sound of beeping brings you out of your search, lifting your head up to see Jeno with his arm outstretched, own bank card in hand and pressed against the card reader. 
Did he just? Your mouth opens and closes in shock, unable to grasp onto what just happened even though it was the most simplest thing in the world. Doyoung’s giving Jeno a look with a smirk, tongue poking at his cheek as he shoves the card reader back beneath the bar, fluttering his fingers at you for a quick goodbye as he serves another customer. You briefly hear him compliment her hair but you pay him no attention as you’re meeting eyes with Jeno who seems nonchalant at the thought of paying for all your pricey drinks.
“You didn’t have to do that” You tell him. “I had the money, I—”
“I know, but I wanted to” Jeno smiles prettily at you, taking a sip of his beer without taking his eyes off of you. “I’ve never seen you in this bar before, so think of it as a ‘welcome’ gift. From me to you”
“Thank you” You thank him, heart warming at the gift. Jeno nods his head, reaching over to gently clink his beer against one of your drinks before taking a sip. You do the same, feeling obliged too, bringing the reddish pink cocktail to your lips and the second the liquid touches your taste buds, your face turns sour at the unusual taste that hits your tongue. You place the cocktail back down on the bar to grab your coke, washing down the taste with something nicer and Jeno’s lips curl into an amused smile, a quiet laugh leaving him.
“Don’t like it?”
“It’s unusual” You admit, awkwardly laughing as you rub the back of your neck. You feel slightly embarrassed at pulling the least attractive face and not enjoying a drink that he bought out of his money. “But, it’s still a gift so I’ll just endure it”
“You don’t have to drink that” Jeno shakes his head, the amusement still sparkling in his eyes as he reaches for his credit card. “Here, let me buy you another—”
“No!” You immediately stop him, not wanting him to spend any more of his money on buying you expensive drinks. Jeno seems surprised at your sudden burst, reeling his hand back into his lap and you almost cringe away from your tone. “I will drink it”
“Yeah?” His eyes dart down to the cocktail at the bar before back up at you, tilting his head to he side teasingly with a smirk. “Are you sure about that?”
Your heart thumps at the sight, his dark eyes staring up at you with a look you’re unfamiliar with, and you nod your head pathetically as you mutter, “Very”
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“Damn, was there a queue at the bar or something? You took so long” Eunkyung frowns as soon as you finally arrive back at your shared booth with cocktail drinks in hand, tongue poking out in pure concentration as you try your best not to spill its contents. Eunkyung, thankfully, takes one out of your hands, “Thanks! Did you not use my card? I didn’t get the notification on my phone that my card was being—did you get us a cosmopolitan?! Do you realise how expensive these things are here?!”
“Relax, I didn’t buy these” You tell her as you comfortably settle yourself down opposite her, sliding her purse across the booth. She’s silent as she stares at you with confusion and you take this as a sign to explain yourself further, “Courtesy of your favourite pink haired drummer boy”
“Jeno bought me a drink?” The look that plasters across her face is priceless and you bite back the urge to add on how he bought your drink too, but you let her live in her moment a little while longer as you nod your head, watching as she takes in this information with wide excited eyes. “Oh my god… He totally likes me, I fucking knew it. Did he say anything?!”
“About what?” You ask, brows pulling together and Eunkyung points at herself dramatically. “Oh, not really… We were just talking about alcohol, you know, considering we were both standing at a bar”
Eunkyung sighs dreamily, “My type of guy”
“Yeah, he seems interesting” You find yourself agreeing, pressing your lips firmly together as you glance over your shoulder in a somewhat hopeful manner that you’ll see Jeno still at the bar, sipping his beer or maybe even watching you both from afar.
Truth be told, you have no idea why you are even suddenly hoping for him to be watching. You’ve never spoken before until today, you don’t know him that well and the first interaction you both had was small and quick. But it seems to leave such a huge impact on you that you’re now wishing for something more. Was it something more you even wanted?
You couldn’t explain this sudden wanting feeling or fascination regarding Jeno, and the heavy weight resting on your chest when you see that he isn’t even at the bar anymore makes you feel uncomfortable, out of character… you’ve never been like this before. So why now? Why all of a sudden?
“What are you thinking about over there?” Eunkyung’s voice brings you out of your thoughts and you turn your head back in her direction, quickly shrugging your shoulders and shaking your head to silently tell her that it was nothing, but she doesn’t seem convinced, not when she’s staring straight at you with a suspicious look in her eyes. “I don’t believe you”
“I’m not—”
“You were staring over at the bar” Eunkyung points out before she decides to look over herself, lips pursing in deep thought as she scans the surroundings and she smiles immediately. “Are you looking over at Doyoung? The bartender?”
“You should go for it. I heard he gives really good head and honestly, no offence, you need it. He could definitely loosen you up and give you a good time tonight”
Your brow raises in suspicion, “Are you saying that because it’s the truth or is it because you’ll feel bad that I’d have to walk home alone while you’re getting laid later?”
“Both” She sends you a sly wink, clinking her cocktail to yours before taking a drink. You sigh softly with a roll of your eyes, reaching for your own cocktail until your hand falters slightly. You really didn’t like this cocktail and it pains you when it dawns on you that you left your coke at the bar that’s now nowhere in sight, probably been taken by another customer that got excited over a free drink. You have nothing to wash this disgusting taste down with, but you promised him that you’d drink it. It was a gift after all. 
You start to consider acting a little over dramatic and plug your nose to not taste the flavour, maybe even rummage through your own bag for some leftover gum that you know is pooling at the bottom somewhere  but you decide to suck it up, to drink it without making a fuss. 
Before you could even pick up your glass, another is placed down in front of you, filled to the brim with bubbly coke and paired with a red plastic straw which faces towards you. Eunkyung’s the first to respond to this stranger, covering her mouth to cough as she chokes on her drink, eyes strained and watery. You glance over at her, to make sure she’s okay before you turn your head to look up at the person who’s brought over the new drink and you’re slightly taken back when you see Jeno standing there, smiling as he stares down at you.
“You forgot your drink at the bar” He tells you, voice low and teasing. His eyes dip down to the cocktail in your hands, brow raised. “Are you still sure you’re going to drink that?”
“I was going to” Your voice comes out in a whisper but Jeno’s already taking the alcohol out of your hands and replacing it with the coke. He holds the stem of the glass in between his fingers, eyeing the bright coloured drink before mindlessly sliding it over to Eunkhyung who’s still speechless about the man that’s standing in front of her, but she grasps her new drink in hand, pulling it close to her chest as if that was the most meaningful thing anyone has ever bought her. 
“Enjoy your drink” He whispers to you and before he even thinks about disappearing, you’re calling out his name. You’re unsure of why you’re beckoning him to come back. Maybe it was you refusing to let him go so quickly, to let yourself crave into the fascination that has grown within you, or maybe it was because you can see the look on Eunkyung’s face due to his close proximity, the gears turning in her head to try and figure out how to start a conversation with him, to finally flirt with him.
You’re a good friend to Eunkyung, you always have been.
“Do you want to join us?” You offer with a friendly smile, gesturing to the empty seat opposite you and beside Eunkyung. “You’re welcome to come sit with us and hang out… unless you have somewhere else to be?”
Jeno’s quiet for a moment, eyes darting around the bar as if he was searching for something but he nods his head, taking you up on your kind offer. Eunkyung’s beaming with excitement as she shuffles for extra space on her side of the booth, removing her bag from the space for him to sit down but you let out a huff as Jeno’s shoulder knocks against yours when he settles in the small space next to you.
He apologises, lifting up a hand to rub at the forming sore spot on your shoulder gently and you’re glued in your seat, sandwiched between a wooden barrier and Jeno’s body. The heat that radiates off him comforts you immensely but you try not to pay too much attention to it, not when you see Eunkyung staring at the two of you with a slight pout on her lips, but it soon wipes away and is replaced with a grin.
“Thank you for paying for the drinks, by the way” She gestures to her cocktail in front of her. “I’m getting your next one as a thank you”
“I appreciate that” His head dips low in gratitude, taking a quick sip of his beer and Eunkyung watches carefully, brows furring as she tilts her head, trying to read the label from her seat and Jeno notices this as he almost comically slowly turns the bottle in her direction. “It’s new. Doyoung got it delivered today… Me and the boys have been drinking this all night”
“Fire Alarm? Doyoung got a drink named after one of your band's songs?” Eunkyung teases and Jeno simply nods his head. You fight the urge to snort at that, finding it a little amusing that they got an alcoholic beverage named after them.
“You should try it” Jeno nudges you gently, offering you a taste. You go to decline, to shake your head and say you’re fine with the coke but the smirk that dances across his lips is enough to slowly change your mind. “You might like this better than the cocktail… I could see you being a beer girl”
“A beer girl?” You chuckle, but you question no further when you take the beer in your hands for a sip. You are hesitant on the taste that hits your tongue, rubbing your lips together firmly as the pair watch you, waiting for your honest opinion. You swallow thickly, but you’re pleasantly surprised. “It doesn’t taste like beer. It’s actually pretty sweet”
Jeno hums, agreeing with you. “It’s good, right?” 
“Let me try” Eunkyung reaches out and you happily hand over the drink but you realise your mistake, turning to Jeno with wide eyes as it dawns on you that you’re sharing around his drink. He’s smiling at you when you already look at him and you want to apologise but Eunkyung’s already sliding the drink back into his grasp with a satisfied hum. “I like it too!”
“That can be the next round of drinks then” He says, eyes briefly glancing down at Eunkyung’s purse beside her. Eunkyung’s smile falters for a moment as it dawns on her that she was the one that offered to buy him his next drink, internally thinking about the dent these drinks are going to put on her bank card but she musters up another smile, nodding her head excitedly at the thought of buying Jeno something.
“You don’t have to buy the next drink” You come to her aid, your hand slipping into your own purse that's tucked in your side. “We can go in halves—”
“Don’t offend me like that” Eunkyung jokes with a flip of her hair over her shoulder. “I have the money. I’ll get us the next round”
You wince at that, unconvinced. “You sure?”
“Totally” She smirks, turning to face Jeno who’s quietly sipping his beer. “Your set earlier was incredible… You and your band are so—”
“DID SOMEBODY SAY SHOTS?!?” An unfamiliar voice screeches at the top of their lungs as a tray full of multicoloured shots messily thrown on the table in front of you all, some shots spilling over but a hand is quick to recover them despite half of its contents pooling around in the tray. Your eyes trail up the arm of the owner that brought over the shots, seeing a guy with flushed cheeks and dishevelled purple dyed hair, a clear sign of someone who had way too much to drink tonight.
One of the guys beside him with shorter dark hair curses beneath his breath, scolding his friend for the mess he’s created as the other tries, and fails, to scoop the spilt alcohol back into its respected cup with his pinky finger. It really doesn’t work, but it makes the whole scene funnier as you watch the orange haired guy's face, tongue peeking out of the corner of his lips in pure concentration. 
“This is the second time this has happened” Jeno informs you with a sigh, but the chuckle that escapes him shows he’s not as annoyed as he’s letting on. “Jaemin spilt the shots earlier”
You assume the purple haired to be the one Jeno had mentioned, but the way the orange haired boy’s head snaps up in offence and stops his failed attempts at trying to scoop the alcohol back into the shot glass, you discover that that was Jaemin. 
“I tripped over your stupid fucking boot actually” Jaemin hisses through his teeth as he kicks his indenticle looking boot against Jeno’s who doesn’t seem fazed at the attack at all. “Anyway, scoot up you losers, let us in”
“Are you joining us?” Eunkyung eyes twinkle at the thought of her favourite band joining the booth and you couldn’t help but feel happy for her, knowing that she’s been waiting for this moment. Although, you’re confused and a little bit worried about where the others would sit, especially inside the booth. It could fit four people at most, but you weren’t entirely sure about the six of you. It would definitely be cramped and to be honest, you’re already stuck against Jeno and the wooded barrier on your other side. 
“Of course we’re joining you, that’s the reason why I bought us all shots” The purple haired, who you discover is Donghyuck after the shorter one who calls out his name with a harsh elbow to the side, scoffs as he makes a quick gesture to Eunkyung to scoot up which she happily does, making enough room for Donghyuck and Jaemin to sit on her side of the booth. 
“Just scooch in Renjun, don’t be shy” Jaemin teases the short black haired who retaliates with a quick middle finger to his face just as he grins apologetically at you and Jeno, clamping a hand down on Jeno’s shoulder to push himself up to stand, placing his boot on the smallest area between Jeno’s legs before climbing over you both, claiming how he doesn't want to sit on the end.
Jeno’s arm slides around your middle in an instant as he shuffles to the edge of the booth, pulling you along with him to let Renjun sit at your other side, allowing him to be squashed in between you and the wooden barrier instead, which he seems weirdly content with, although he does wince when he feels your purse dig into his side and you’re quick to move it with an apology, but he dismisses it with a wave of his hand and smile. 
You’re pressed right up against Jeno now, his arm bringing you even closer to him than usual but he lets you go after a certain while, fingertips brushing against the exposed skin of your back from where your shirt has risen up. He pulls it down on his way, keeping you decent before dropping his arm back into his lap. 
Goosebumps crawl up your skin from the touch and you involuntarily shiver at the feeling, straightening your posture and tearing your attention away from his wandering eyes, completely missing the way his lips curl upwards into a grin. 
What you don’t miss is Eunkyung staring at you and as soon as you meet her eyes, her lips pull into a tight smile which you return back, grabbing your glass of coke to distract yourself from what just happened.
“You. Put that down” Donghyuck points a finger at you, shaking his head with a tut. “We’re doing shots before we continue drinking. You pick first” Going for the easiest option, you reach for one of the shots that tipped over earlier, picking one with the least amount of drink and his mouth opens wide as if you just outwardly offended him. He doesn’t even get a chance to say anything as the others begin to reach for their own shots, clinking their glasses together and Donghyuck’s quick to join, eager to drink.
You’re pleasantly surprised at the fruity taste that slides down your throat but winces at the burn it leaves behind, similar to Renjun beside you who starts to complain.
“What the fuck was that?” He curses, grabbing his beer to wash down the taste of the shot. “What flavour was th—What did you fucking buy?!”
“I don’t know, a whole bunch of different flavoured shots” Donghyuck shrugs his shoulders as he picks up Renjun’s empty shot glass, taking a whiff. His eyebrows raise in surprise, “That’s passionfruit! I had that too, we matched!”
“I hate passionfruit” Renjun almost gags, bringing the beer bottle to his lips again and chugging a few gulps. 
“I think me and Jeno had cherry” Eunkhyung announces, staring at the red stain on Jeno’s chosen shot glass. She grins happily, “We matched”
Jeno nods briefly before turning to you, “What did you have?”
“Raspberry” Jaemin answers for you as he winks at you from across the booth.
“So, I not only had to have a disgusting flavour but I matched with Donghyuck of all people?” Renjun scoffs, eyeballing every single one of you with irritancy, despite their being a little bit of humour pooling in his eyes. “Un-fucking-believable”
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“So, what brought you ladies here tonight?” Jaemin asks you and Eunkyung after a few more drinks, courtesy to Eunkyung who had promised to buy everyone the next round. Originally, the next drinks that were bought by Eunkyung were supposed to be for Jeno, but with the other members now joining the table and their constant pleading, she ended up purchasing more than she should’ve. 
You felt bad knowing how pricey this bar was, making a mental note to pay for half of the drinks that were bought at the end of the night even if Eunkyung was giving you side glances to let you know that everything was fine. This was her favourite band after all, she would do anything for them if it meant spending a few more minutes with him… or even just Jeno. 
“Just to hang out with a few drinks” You tell him, eyeing over at the stage where a few of their set pieces are still laid. “We came to listen to your band too”
“Oh?” Jaemin smirks, leaning back into his seat, legs spread wide beneath the table. “Are you guys a fan of our music?”
“I’m a huge fan of your music” Eunkyung gushes excitedly and you allow her to take control of the conversation, leaning her elbows on the table to lean forwards so her cleavage almost spilling out of the top of her dress purposely. You admire her for her confidence even though you so badly want to tell her she doesn’t have to try so hard to get someone’s attention, she’s gorgeous. “I’ve been to almost every single one of your shows here!!”
“Have you been to any of our shows?” Jeno asks and it takes you a few seconds to realise that he’s talking to you when you notice everyone is staring at you, waiting for a reply. The corner of Jeno’s lip twitches upwards slightly as he tilts his head to the side, “Is this your first time?”
“She’s never been” Eunkyung answers for you and you nod your head to confirm. “She doesn’t even like this type of music. I practically had to force her out of her—”
“Is there something wrong with our music?” Donghyuck mocks offence with his hand pressed against his chest like you actually wounded him and Jaemin tuts with a quick shake of his head, mumbling jokingly about how much of a fake fan you are while Renjun stays silent with a grin, watching everything unfold.
“There’s nothing wrong with your music… it’s just that nobody can top WayV”
“You like Wayv?” Jaemin gapes at you, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline and you nod your head. “I think I might seriously be in love with you right now” The boys laugh at that, teasing Jaemin for his ‘embarrassing’ choice of words while Jeno remains quiet with a small grin on his face, keeping his eyes on you which starts to make you feel a little bit stuffy, especially with how his body is pressed against your side too.
“WayV is incredible” Eunkyung pitches in above the laughter and you smile at her, forever grateful for the time she cleared her schedule to go with you to one of their concerts. You seriously owe her one for that. “Jeno, do you like WayV too?”
“They’re great” Jeno hums, his answer short and to the point. Eunkyung beams excitedly and she opens her mouth to speak again but Jeno’s already beat her to it, “Is this really your first time watching us here?”
“Yeah” You confirm, glancing over at Eunkyung who seems a little defeated and you frown at that, not wanting to see her upset or left out so you point over at her, hoping to bring his attention to her this time. “But, like Eunkyung said, she’s a huge fan of—”
“I think you should let me show you what’s backstage here…” Jeno leans forward to whisper lowly to you, even though it was caught by everyone sitting in the booth. His dark eyes stare at you through his pink bangs, awaiting your answer but you struggle to give him one when everyone is staring at you both. Eunkyung’s in complete and utter shock, mouth hung wide and brows pulling together.
She didn’t look impressed, not one bit, and you honestly couldn’t blame her with the way she has been flirting with Jeno this entire time only for him to ignore all the advances given and ask you if you wanted to see what was backstage. 
But the phrase itself must mean more than what it actually was due to how everyone was reacting. His members look quite impressed, maybe even a little smug too considering how they’re not so subtly nudging each other beneath the table and Jaemin’s wiggling his brows, mouthing the word ‘Jeno Magic’ which you caught after Donghyuck’s quick gasp. Eunkyung seems flabbergasted, unable to form any words even though her mouth opens and closes repeatedly.
“What do you say?” Jeno grabs your attention and you turn to face him as his hand knocks against yours lightly. His hand sneaks in the gap between the table and yours with his palm facing upwards, connecting your hands together by slipping his fingers through the gaps of yours, holding your hand gently in his. The warmth of his hand is a complete contrast to his cold metal rings that nip your skin, but it’s weirdly comforting as you find yourself curling your fingers to intertwine with his. “Let me take you backstage… just me and you, yeah? Come with me”
You are aware of how silly you must look right now, not speaking a word while the others are staring at you, awaiting for your answer. You’re unsure of what to say, especially when a big part of you wants to decline, to say how Eunkyung deserves this more than you do, seeming as she’s the fan of the band, the music and Jeno is her favourite member. But then there’s another part of you that’s telling you to take it, to grip his hand in yours and allow him to drag you wherever backstage.
You’ve always been unlucky in situations like these, always being the one that’s left behind during hangouts at a bar while others had fun with boys or getting drunk (which, to be fair, is all on you. You never were the one to go home with someone completely unknown or let yourself indulge yourself in alcohol until you were unable to function) It was never your thing. 
“Okay” You and Eunkyung speak at the same time, meeting her wide eyes with your own. You don’t even get a chance to explain yourself or even change your mind as Jeno’s already sliding out of the booth, his fingers tightening around your own and pulling you along with him. You hurriedly grab your purse to throw it over your shoulder, sending an apologetic smile Eunkhyung’s way as you’re whisked from the group, drowning out the noise of the boy's hollering and whooping behind you.
You clench your hand around Jeno’s as he pulls you through a crowd, ducking your head low to avoid the stares of randomers who watch you leave with him, wishing that they were in your position. You feel pretty confident at the thought of people being jealous over you and you dwell on the feeling a little longer until Jeno’s leading you both down a vacant hallway, heading towards a red door with the words ‘BACKSTAGE. STAFF AND BAND ACCESS ONLY’ written in bold font on the wood. 
“Here we go…” Jeno mumbles beneath this breath as he pushes open the door, allowing you to walk in first. You take a step inside, captivated by the fancy string lights that hang from the ceiling, bulbs flickering as Jeno flips the switch to turn them on. It lights the room completely, allowing you to see a colour scheme of pink and black filling the room. Walls coloured a neon pink with various posters plastered across them, a black carpet with instruments and clothes littered all over, and a leather sofa and glass coffee table in the middle of the room. 
Your eyes almost bulge out of your head when you see a pair of light blue undies thrown across the arm of the sofa and Jeno seems to follow your line of sight as he begins laughing, walking over and picking up the garment nonchalantly.
“Renjun had someone in here earlier. Hyejin” The name doesn’t ring any bells but you nod anyway, watching as he unzips a backpack with Renjun’s nametag on and shoves it inside, looking over at you with a playful smile. “He’ll probably want that for later”
“For later?” You dare to ask, but all Jeno does is throw you a mischievous wink as he zips up Renjun’s backpack and gently kicks it to the side, out of your wandering and curious eyes. You don’t really take much notice as he comes to stand beside you, too focussed on other things that you find scattered amongst the room. You spot a few zip lock bags on the glass coffee table, a few filled with pre rolled joints and others filled with pills and white substances. 
“Jaemin and Donghyuck” He whispers in your ear before you can even get the chance to question and you jump at the close proximity, not expecting him to be as close as he was. You feel his breath fan against your skin as he leans in again, mumbling softly, “They like taking a hit before performing on stage, gets their adrenaline high”
You hesitate to ask, “What about you?”
“Occasionally, but not tonight. Sober in that department right now” He moves around, coming to stand exactly in front of you. His hand comes up to touch your cheek, rings gliding over your cheekbone as he looks into your eyes. “You know the reason why I brought you here, don’t you?”
“Apparently not just to see what’s backstage” You let out a lighthearted laugh, feeling slightly nervous under his touch and gaze. He smirks at that with a shake of his head and you gulp, your palms sweaty and clammy. “I don’t… I don’t do this type of stuff”
Jeno hums, “Do what?”
You feel embarrassed now, heat crawling up your neck and you couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes anymore as your focus shot down to his necklace. You wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole when Jeno grabbed your chin between his finger and thumb, lifting your head to meet his gaze once again.
“If you’re uncomfortable, I can take you back out to the bar right now” Jeno tells you, voice full of sincerity and honesty. “Just say the word and we’ll leave… I’ll take you back to your friend and I’ll even call a cab for you to get back home if you don’t want to stay”
“That’s the thing…” You pause, teeth gnawing down on your bottom lip as you feel the inner struggle of wanting to stay but also wanting to leave, more of the former. “I do want to stay. You’re… you’re pretty intriguing, you know?”
“Me? I’m intriguing?” Jeno chuckles, unable to hide the smile on his face. “It’s actually you that’s intrigued me. You caught my attention as soon as I saw you earlier. I’ve never seen you around before and yet you make me feel like I’m going insane, I just—” He stops, voice huskier as he stares at you. “I want you so bad. I want to play with you”
“Play?” You repeat, your own voice small and quiet.
“Will you let me play with you for a bit?” He asks you so sweetly despite the dark look in his eyes. “You want to play with me too, right? I can make you feel good… want to make that pretty little pussy of yours ready for me”
You nod your head weakly, “Okay”
You gasp as Jeno instantly twists you around, back pressed against his chest with his lips resting on your shoulder, nipping at the skin as his hands slowly slide down the strap of your purse, letting it drop to the floor with a thump. Your heart beats widely in your chest at his touch, trying to steady your breathing as his fingers fiddle with the hem of your shirt, knuckles rubbing your sides as he lifts the shirt up, bringing it over your head and letting it join your purse. 
His teeth snag at your earlobe and your crane your neck to the side, allowing to nip and suck at the area as much as he pleases, eliciting a satisfied hum from you. His hips push forwards, his bulge rutting against your lower back while his fingers come down to rest at your hips. You fight the urge to laugh when you feel his fingers drum a beat on your skin, a similar beat to the one that was playing earlier when he was performing, but the urge to laugh disappears when his teeth bite down on the junction between your neck and shoulder, legs almost giving in from shock if it wasn’t for the grip he suddenly had on you.
“You’re so sensitive” He purrs against your skin, his tongue licking the forming mark. “Are you sensitive in other places too?”
“Jeno” You whimper his name when you feel his blunt nails dig into your hips to turn you around, his nose brushing your own before he leans in to push his lips to yours for the first time. The kiss was soft at first, a few second lip lock that caused your body to tingle with nerves that soon slips away when you feel the intensity grow, your hands sliding around his shoulders while his cup the sides of your neck, head tilting to the side as his tongue parts your lips. 
You grip the hair at his nape to bring him as close to you as you possibly could and Jeno happily obliges, body flush against yours with his hands secure around your neck, taking control of the passionate and heated kiss. It makes your head spin, lungs burn—desperate for air, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to part from him so soon. His kiss is intoxicating. 
“Need you t—” He breaks from you only to connect your lips again, unable to finish his sentence until he has to force himself back. “Need you to lie down for me”
You immediately drop down to the carpet with Jeno following in suit, not daring to even lay on the leather sofa after seeing the underwear Renjun’s fling had forgotten hanging off the arm, you shiver as you think about what else could be left behind. 
Jeno sits at your waist, knees planted on both sides of your body, the silver pointed studs on his pants pricking through the fabric of your jeans. You watch as he takes off his pink body warmer, his black graphic long tee coming off next, messing up his hair even more as it’s tugged over his head. You are in complete awe at his muscled body, hands coming out to trace the outline of his prominent abs and v-line that makes your mouth water. He’s fascinating to look at even without the punk-like clothing. 
His silver crossed chained necklace glides across your skin as he litters kisses and nips down your body, paying extra attention to your breasts that he’s eager to rip free from your bra, not even apologising as you hear the material tear from force.
Your head tips back with a gasp as his tongue rolls over your nipple before it's sucked into his mouth, teeth grazing against the sensitive bud which has you moaning at the sensation, unable to control the gentle jerks of your body.
“Pretty, pretty girl…” Jeno praises you, tongue swirling around the opposite nipple, fingers kneading your breasts. “You’re so sensitive, so easy to play with, aren’t you?”
“Shhh…” Jeno shushes you as you moan a little too loudly, watching you with hooded lids as he pulls your jeans and panties down, discarding them somewhere to the side as he pries open your legs, eyes roaming down your body and to your glistening folds. Your heart races as he's looking at your pussy and you feel a little bit embarrassed, debating on whether snapping your legs close so he couldn’t look anymore or telling him to hurry up so you don’t feel hot under his gaze.
Jeno’s already crawling down between your legs before you can even react and your thighs almost close in on his head as you feel his mouth trail kissing around the skin of your inner thighs, teeth nipping at your most sensitive areas and almost lose yourself as his tongue presses in between your folds, his nose rubbing against your throbbing clit that’s been beginning for his attention. 
“Jeno…” You whisper out his name pathetically, back arching off of the floor as his hands join his tongue, two digits pushing through your entrance and curling upwards, drawing out a moan from you. He’s sloppy with his tongue, licking you in all the right places that has your toes curling over his shoulders and his fingers that fuck into you send you wailing. You’re loud now, too loud to the point Jeno’s free hand moves up your body to curl around your mouth, keeping your noises muffled in the palm of his hand. 
Your pussy squeezes Jeno’s fingers desperately and the vibrations of him chuckling against your folds sends your eyes rolling to the back of your head in pure bliss, unable to watch the mess of pink hair between your legs no more. He strokes your walls, the cold metal of his ringers that he should’ve taken off before even thinking about fingering you sends shivers down your spine. 
before even thinking about fingering you sends shivers down your spine. 
“Your pussy tastes so fucking good” His tongue presses in between your folds and you whimper beneath his palm, thighs shaking beside his head as he finger fucks you faster and harder, the wet sounds from your pussy making you want to curl up in embarrassment but your orgasm is rapidly approaching and you want nothing more than to come undone around his fingers.
He’s whispering praises at your pussy as he continues his ministrations through your climax, nose nudging your little bundle of nerves, messy and sloppy kisses on your folds, fingers curling to graze against the sweet spot and it’s enough to draw out a few tears, becoming far too sensitive for him to continue.
You’re pushing him back with your foot and Jeno laughs as finally lets you go, dropping your legs from his shoulders and kneeling in between them, watching as your chest rises and falls rapidly as you try to capture your breath.
“Doing so good for me, pretty girl“ Your heart warms at his praise and you peel your eyes open just in time to see him bring his two fingers to his mouth, covered in your slick. He keeps eye contact with you as he pushes the digits past his lips to suck them clean and you find the sight unbelievably attractive. 
He removes his fingers out of his mouth with a pop before his hands drop to his pants. He’s quick to get rid of the rest of his clothing, moving them out of the way with a hard shove so they wouldn’t cause any interruptions between you both. His hand locks around your wrist to drag you up into a sitting position, your forehead almost knocking against his chest at the harsh tug. 
His head dips low to kiss your lips softly before he orders you to turn around, to get on your hands and knees in front of him. You do as you’re told without question, flipping around with your ass in the air, cheek resting against the pink carpet. 
“Shit… I wish you could see yourself from this angle” Jeno curses, fingers dripping the flesh of your ass and getting the skin a few light taps. He shuffles forwards on his knees, one hand wrapping around himself to tap the head of his cock against your entrance, collecting your arousal with a low groan.
“Please” You manage to pathetically plead out and Jeno hums with a nod, licking at his lips as he pushes his thick head into you gently. Your eyes widen at the burning stretch, fully understanding how fucking big he is even without seeing his cock. He stops for a few seconds to let out a shaky breath with a laugh, rubbing at your hips as he feels you tremble beneath him, somewhat mocking you but you pay no attention as you wiggle your ass back into him, begging for him to move.
“Fuck” Jeno seeths through his teeth at the go ahead, moving his hand up from your hips to your lower back as he pushes in deeper, bottoming out completely. A strangled gasp rips from the back of your throat, nails scraping across the carpet in search of anything to grasp onto to keep yourself grounded as Jeno’s hips press against your ass, dick buried deep within the warmth of your walls that has him panting. You’re unable to make a noise, mouth stuck open wide as Jeno pulls his hips back before rolling them forward, thrusting back into you.
His deep strokes has you choking on your own words as you try to speak, try to tell him how fucking good it feels. He’s angling his hips, hitting a particular spot inside of you that finally has you squealing, almost sending you flying forwards if it wasn’t for his grip.
“I got you” Jeno chuckles between grunts, his balls hitting the backs of your thighs with loud slaps. “You like that, pretty girl? Yeah? Am I making you feel good?”
“Good” You spit out, mind too blank to come up with a functioning sentence. He laughs again as he finds a good rhythm to work with, a rhythm that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He’s moving too fast for you to register and the sound of skin slapping against skin has your head whirling. 
“I’m gonna cum in this pretty pussy of yours—fill you up, yeah? Gonna fill you up with my cum” The way his tone sounds and how jumbled his words are indicates how close he is to his orgasm and you’re not far behind. You wish you could move back against him, you wish you could do more than just lay here with your ass in the air. You want to make him feel good too, but you can’t find any of your strength and your mind is too clouded with lust and pleasure to even begin to move. You’re stuck as a moaning mess for him to use, not that you’re complaining. 
The only thing you can do is tighten your pussy around his cock in hopes that it would do something to make him feel good and he gives you one big thrust before he stills, his cock pumping spurts of cum in your walls as he hits his climax. The feeling alone sets you off into your last orgasm of the night, mewling at the warmth that spreads through you. He’s panting heavily, slowly rolling his hips to ride out the last wave of both your orgasms, smirking proudly when he feels your body tremble.
Jeno takes his time pulling out of you carefully and once you’re free, your body flops down to the carpet, the air knocking out of your lungs from the harsh impact. You gasp for air desperately, trying your best to regulate your breathing as you come down from your intense high, grimacing as you feel Jeno’s cum pool out of your pussy, making a mess of your thighs and the carpet beneath you. You go to turn your head over your shoulder to see if Jeno’s okay but you’re shrieking with a wince as you feel Jeno’s hands run up your thighs and to your ass, pulling your cheeks apart to lean down and leave a smooch on your leaking pussy, chest vibrating with a hum.
“Good girl”
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tag list :- @wolfjeno . @matchahyuck . @niinjo . @painted-hills . @girlwholoveslpreppyattire . @jaeminsbebu . @jaeymark . @marksluvr0 . @tulips-stuff . @n0hyuck . @skzzznct . @marknojem . @pckeia . @jaehyuns-adorable-dimples . @gyulfriend
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