#(i have no idea what to call these files rip i cant call them the monokuma file bc theres no monokuma. and they dont know azraels name)
malkaviian · 2 years
random thought i had while writing another post (that has nothing to do with this one), but skyler would absolutely freak out while performing autopsies, mostly lennox's one
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laws-hat-headcanons · 4 years
Heyo! Can I enter the winter event with Smoker please with Mistletoe awkward and a Fem reader
Hi Anon!
Thanks for joining the event! I havent had a Smoker request in a while! Hope you like it! Also shout out to @takethethirdoption (why cant I tag you??) For giving me some ideas for Mistletoe prompts since I have mush for brains!
Smoker - Mistletoe - Awkward - Female Reader 
Word Count: 704
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Smoker strode down the corridor, a haze of thick grey smoke trailing in his wake. He was annoyed, but not surprised to find that the G-5 base had been decorated for the holidays while he was away. 
He had protested, but it was too late. Tacky tinsel and gaudy lights decorated every doorway and hand rail throughout the base. 
Smoker shook his head then frowned, approaching his room.
“Tashigi?” He called, startling the woman who was hovering around the door to his quarters. “What are you doing?” 
“Ah, Smoker-san!” She replied, standing from her crouch. Smoker glanced down at the small footstool she had been holding, his frown deepening. “I’m just adjusting some of the decorations!” 
“I don’t want them,” He grumbles, glancing at the golden tinsel around his doorframe. He’s ripped it down three times now, and it re-appears within the hour. 
“It’s Christmas, Smoker-San!” Tashigi chides. 
“I don’t care. Take them down.” Smoker orders before stepping round her and into his quarters, and closing the door behind him.
It is almost an hour later when there is a knock at the door and Smoker extracts himself from his paper work to answer.
Name is standing on the other side with a file of paper, her eyes lifted to the awful decor around his door and a curious expression on her face. “Are you expecting company, Vice Admiral?” She asks with a grin.
“What? No, I’m trying to finish these damn reports,” He growls out, glancing back over his shoulder to his desk and the mountain of paperwork sitting there.
“Uh huh,” Name nods, her grin widening, motion upwards with her head. “What’s with the mistletoe then?” 
“The what?!” Smoker snarls, head snapping up to see a tiny sprig of green hanging above their heads. He stares at it for a second before reaching up and tearing it down, flinging it to the floor in disgust. “Damn Tashigi.” 
Name smirks and stoops down to pick the small plant cutting up, twirling it between her fingers, “You know if you didn’t want to kiss me you could have just said.” 
“Kiss you- I- What?” Smoker tried. He swallows and feels heat rising up his neck. “What are you talking about, Name?” 
“Well you’re supposed to kiss under mistletoe, aren’t you?” She says, still spinning the spring between her fingers. “If you didn’t want to kiss me you could have just told me, you didn’t need to throw it on the floor.” 
Smoker stares at her for a moment before closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, a loud sigh hissing through his lips.
“I didn’t -” He stops, shakes his head and drops his hand, opening his eyes again to see Name still smiling up at him. “I didn’t put it there, Name. It’s got nothing to do with you.” 
“I understand, Smoker,” Name says with a nod, before handing him a sheaf of papers. “These are the patrol rosters you asked for.” 
“Good work,” Smoker grunts, taking the files and flicking through them once before nodding. Name offers a quick salute and turns to leave. “Name, wait.”
“I didn’t mean to offend you,” He offers, cigar smoke drifting around his head. Smoker clears his throat. “Kissing you.. I - it wouldn’t have been appropriate.” 
“Since when have you cared about what’s appropriate or not?” Name asks with a laugh, then tilts her head, eyes flicking down then back to him. “It is Christmas though...” 
She takes a step back towards him, hooking her foot through the footstool Tashigi had left earlier to drag it closer before hopping up, bringing herself level with Smoker.
“Name..” He rumbles, though does nothing to stop her when she takes the cigar from his mouth and tucks the sprig of mistletoe behind his ear. 
“Yes, Vice Admiral?” She asks as she gently places her hands on his shoulders, leaning in slowly. 
Smoker lets out an annoyed sign before their lips meet. It’s a soft kiss, and Smoker is surprised to find it’s over quicker than he’d like. 
Name pulls back, grinning, her cheeks flushed and pats his shoulders before readjusting the mistletoe behind his ear. “You should hold on to that, I’ve got some more files to bring round later.” 
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Day 19
Prompt: Everyone is born with a compass on their wrist, the needle of the compass points towards your soulmate.
Word Count: 2,161
Main Taglist: (Send an ask to be added or removed!) @starlocked01,​​​ @spoopy-turtle,​​​ @lizluvscupcakes,​​ @more-fandon-than-friends​, @i-cant-find-a-good-username, @vindicatedvirgil, @star-crossed-shipper, @justaqueercactus, @gayboopnoodle, @sanderssidesweirdo, @the-sympathetic-villain, @8-writes, @lizzy-lineart, @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun, sirprplsnail
Soulmate taglist:(Send an ask to be added or removed!) @elizabutgayer, @melodiread, @tsshipmonth2020, @mikalya12, @8-writes, @lizzy-lineart
Virgil’s thumb ran over the compass needle, comforted by the raised skin telling him he wasn’t alone. For as long as he’d been aware of it, he’d loved it. Loved knowing there was someone on the other end of it, loved knowing he wasn’t trudging through life alone, that no matter how broken and messed up he thought he was there was always going to be someone out there destined to love him.
He was jostled out of his thoughts by the sound of someone calling his name. Looking up, he found it was his turn to present. He took a deep breath, let his thumb brush over the compass one last time, and moved to do it. Once he was up there, he performed with minimal flaws.
He collapsed back into his chair, mentally exhausted already and the morning wasn’t even over yet. He stared at his compass needle, watching the tip waver slightly but stay steady in the same direction, off to his right and behind him slightly. He smiled at the thought of his soulmate being the north for his compass.
He tuned back into the meeting as his supervisor stood. “Now, we’ve only got one last order of business.” Roman said, hands on his hips as he tried to grab everyone’s attention. “We have a new member on the development team so if you could all give him a warm welcome, that’d be appreciated.”
Virgil shrugged and clapped half-heartedly. A man stood as Virgil watched his compass shift, following the man’s movements as he made his way to the front of the room and stood beside their supervisor. He straightened his tie, allowing Virgil to notice that his compass was covered with a wide leather cuff. “Salutations. My name is Logan Kelsey and I’m pleased to have joined the team.”
An hour later, Virgil was staring at his wrist. He twisted in his chair, watching the needle swing back and forth, staying steady on Logan across the room. He still had Roman’s voice ringing in his ears, asking Virgil to partner with Logan for the project the man was already halfway done with, showing the new guy the ropes and all that.
The man that was now advancing across the room, straight for him. Virgil turned his wrist over and put it palm down on his leg. “Can I help you with anything, Kelsey?”
Logan nodded, looking down at him. “I’d like to begin working on the project now, if you have the time.”
Virgil smiled, swinging the chair around and scooting into the desk. “Sure! Pull up a chair while I get this set up.” He wiggled the mouse, causing the screen to power on. Clicking through a few files, he set up the next stages of what he’d been working on before the meeting.
A chair rolled over and Logan sat beside him, a notepad propped up on his knee and a pen in his hand. “You’re going to have to brief me on what you’re working on as I was given no directions on what I am to learn from you.”
Virgil nodded, picking up a pencil to twirl between his fingers. “I’m just working on a simple graphic at the moment. Really, this could have been done by one person.” He glanced to the side. “Are you working more on the graphics department or the slogans? I’m asking because you look like you belong in the finances department instead of down here with everyone else.”
Logan looked at him then, eyes dragging over Virgil’s frame. The emo felt like he was being judged, as if his comfortable hoodie and ripped jeans were suddenly inadequate to Logan’s slacks and dress shirt and tie. Logan shrugged. “I don’t see the problem. I didn’t know the dress code was more casual than other departments. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Virgil couldn’t help but let out a laugh at that. “No, there’s no dress code here.” He paused. “Do the other departments have dress codes?”
Logan bobbled his head. “Yes and no. They don’t have official dress codes but everyone is pretentious and stuck up so they think they’re better than everyone else and dress like it.”
Virgil nodded. “I like you better than I thought I would.”
Logan coughed into his fist, his eyes darting down to the notepad on his lap. “We should probably get started.”
“Right!” Virgil directed his gaze back to the screen and briefly ran over what he’d done to get to this stage of development for the ad before explaining his process as he did the next few parts.
The next day, they picked up from where they left off. Virgil pulled Logan into the decision making, asking him what colors he thought would contrast well and why, asking where he would put the text, and slowly getting him used to making these kinds of decisions himself.
Soon, a month and two projects had gone by. The pair had bumped into each other in the parking garage and rode the elevator up, talking about personal interests and other things. When they got to the floor, they were pulled into a meeting by Roman. Most of the team was already there with a few others trickling in around them. As they waited, the conversation turned to soulmates.
Logan nodded to Virgil’s wrist, the compass covered by a leather cuff since that first day. “May I ask why you decided to cover it?”
Virgil shrugged. “I met him already and I have no idea how he feels about me. So, I covered it. I’d rather be accused of having a broken compass than actually have a broken heart.”
Logan nodded. “I can understand that. I’ll admit, it scares me a little, knowing there’s someone the compass points to. So, I cover it, not wanting to look at it. I don’t know why I’m so scared of the inevitable.”
Virgil internally released a sigh of relief, knowing now why Logan covered his wrist. “It’s not like that for me. In the beginning, I was glad to have the compass. I have pretty bad anxiety so it was nice to be able to run my fingers over it and know someone was there for me, that someone would always be there on the other end, waiting just for me. Now that I’ve met him, I don’t think he’ll feel the same about it. So, I covered it.”
Before Logan could respond, Roman called the meeting to order. “So, it seems that Mr. Kelsey now knows what he’s doing when it comes to graphic design. Is that correct, Mr. Storm?”
Virgil nodded. “Sounds right to me, sir. He’s a fast learner and a hard worker.”
Roman nodded, smiling. “With that in mind, it’s time to say goodbye to Mr. Kelsey as he’s now off to the advertisement department.”
Virgil looked at his soulmate. “Is that true? You’re leaving us?” He shouldn’t feel so hurt or betrayed by this revelation but here he was, his heart feeling like it’d been torn to pieces.
Logan had an apology in his eyes that never made it past his throat as Roman called attention back to himself. “I know it’s sad to see him go. However, we have to realize that he was always going to be with us for a short time. We should learn to appreciate the time we’ve had with him.”
Virgil smiled, sadness lingering at the edges and tears damming behind his eyes. “Yeah, appreciate him.”
Logan looked over at him, probably wondering how he was, but Virgil turned away. He ignored the man for the rest of the meeting, focusing on keeping the tears inside and trying to pay attention to Roman.
When it was over, he was the first to leave. Before Logan came that wouldn’t be abnormal but ever since the other man had been there, Virgil had socialized a bit more, he’d become friends with Logan in a way he’d never done with anyone else. He’d trusted the man, not knowing he was leaving.
He walked away, the heels of his hands swiping at his eyes. He heard a voice behind him, someone calling his name, but he ignored it and continued on. He pushed through a door, not knowing where he was going. The voice sounded again but he was barely paying attention.  A hand landed on his shoulder, spinning him around as Logan said his name for the third time. 
“Virgil, is there something wrong?”
Virgil covered his face with his hands, knowing he was being childish. “No, nothing’s wrong.” He lied.
Logan’s hand stayed on his shoulder. “Then why won’t you look at me? Or even say goodbye to me?”
Virgil squeaked at the mention of his soulmate’s imminent departure. His hand fluttered, wanting to curl around Logan’s tie, wanted to keep him from leaving, but he knew that wasn’t an option. So, the hand never landed, just went to his side as the other hand stayed over his tear-tracked face.
Logan sighed, pulling him into a hug, one arm around his waist and the other hand cradling his head. “Talk to me, please.” His voice was a whisper in his ear, easily making itself heard over the roaring battle between fears in Virgil’s head.
Virgil leaned his head on Logan’s shoulder, the hand covering his face coming down to grip weakly at his own belt loop. He wanted to explain, to say he felt betrayed, but didn’t have the words. So, he stayed silent.
They stayed like that as Virgil’s tears slowly dried and his breathing went back to normal. Some time into the hug, Logan’s hand had started rubbing the length of Virgil’s spine in a soothing manner, the other hand staying still on his head. When Virgil’s breathing evened out, he felt Logan pull away, hands coming to cup the graphic designer’s face.
“Will you tell me what’s wrong?” His voice was still soft so Virgil wasn’t sure if he imagined the tone of impatience hidden beneath it.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?” Virgil had no way of explaining his feelings, so he asked about the root cause of them instead.
Logan’s face revealed his surprise before it softened. “Don’t you remember? You were told at the very beginning that I was only here temporarily.”
Virgil thought back to that day, when he was still in love with the idea of a soulmate rather than actually in love with his soulmate. He had a vague memory of Roman mentioning a temporary member of the team. He felt heat rise to his cheeks as he knew this was his inability to listen correctly that had caused this. “Oh.”
Logan chuckled. “I’m sure this is also a communication error on my part. I should have told you rather than rely on Roman’s less than stellar memory.”
Virgil giggled softly as he used his hoodie sleeve to scrub at the salt crusted on his cheeks. “So, what do we do from here?”
Logan looked around. “Maybe we should go back to your desk and talk about why you had this reaction to news of me leaving. Besides, I’m not leaving until the end of the day anyways so we might as well get some work done.”
Virgil nodded and the pair headed back to Virgil’s desk. Virgil dabbed a bit of water from his thermos onto a nearby tissue and scrubbed the lingering salt from his cheeks. Logan sat silently and patiently, waiting for him. When that was done, Virgil stalled by booting up the computer and flicking open the files they’d need for the day. Logan softly said his name to get his attention.
Virgil sighed, his hand moving from the mouse to unlatch the cuff on his wrist. Logan watched, curiosity in his gaze. He revealed the back of his wrist and quietly muttered, “I got attached to you, you idiot,” before turning it to show him.
Logan pulled it closer, turning it left and right as he tried to see if it was true, that he was Virgil’s soulmate. At last, he put Virgil’s wrist down and unlatched his own cuff. He chuckled at Virgil’s words. “To tell the truth,” his voice was louder than Virgil’s but no less sincere, “I developed feelings for you as well.” He turned his wrist to show Virgil his compass, the needle firmly fixed on Virgil.
Virgil smiled but it was still tinged with sadness. “But you’re still leaving.”
Logan laughed, reaching to draw Virgil close, pressing their foreheads together. “Two floors up. I'm heading to advertisement.”
Virgil frowned. “What do you even do?”
“I survey the different departments to see how they use their budgets. I actually have an office three floors up.”
Virgil laughed, pushing his shoulder just hard enough to rock him but not enough to push him away entirely. “You jerk.” Still, he tilted his head for a kiss that was quickly granted.
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msmarvelwrites · 4 years
The Winter Soldier - Part 15
Info: A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn’t and because of that, everything you knew was about to change.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: swearing, gun violence. 
W/c: 2.9k
A/n: I’m double posting for @kalesrebellion​ because she called me out. So here you go babe. Also, I did an embarassing amount of research trying to come up with the basics for the serum. But I concluded that this is fiction and it doesnt really matter. But if you’re ur a science major and this doesnt make sense please dont come for me lol
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There are moments in your life that define you. Moments you look back on after everything and wonder, if you had listened to your gut, maybe it would be different. This was one of those moments. Bucky’s world shattered around him as Natasha’s words rang through his comm. 
“We’ve been compromised, Buck. I’ve been hit. They got Y/n.” Her voice, broken and solemn. 
Dammit, NO.
This isn't how this was supposed to happen. This was an easy job. Only a few Hydra agents resided in this compound. The whole thing felt like a dream. One he was completely and utterly unprepared to handle. How could he let this happen. He should have been there. 
“Dammit. What's your location? I'm coming to you.” He shouted. His blood began to boil and he heard your heavy breathing on the other side. You were running. “Y/n, please come in. Please, doll. Where are you?” Bucky hated how broken he sounded. He knew the rest of the team could hear his begging, but he didnt care. He couldn't. He just needed to get to you. 
“You always were a fighter. Right till the bitter end.” A man’s muffled voice came through his comm. He didn't recognize it as anyone he knew, but there was something familiar about it. A distant memory he couldn't quite piece together. Before he could speak, your voice broke though, a small whisper shattering his heart and sending him into a blind rage. 
“Bucky” You breathed, choking on a cough. 
“Y/n. I’m coming to you, doll. Don't worry, I've got you. I’m going to get you out of this. Don't worry, I’m coming.” He pleaded, but was only met with static, and then finally silence. The rest of the team kept quiet, waiting for any kind of sign of life from you. When none came, Nat spoke up. 
“Guys, we gotta get out of here. They've set off a security alert, this place is going to blow in three minutes.” Her voice was now back to its usual tone, but Bucky knew better. She was scared, he could hear it.  “ There’s no sign of her out here. She’s just… gone.” He could hear that she was running now.
“Bucky, we gotta go.” Steve spoke from beside him. Bucky’s head snapped to his friend, eyes wide and body still frozen. 
“We can't leave. Not without her.” He all but begged. 
“You heard Natasha, she’s on her way.” He paused, “Nat, you got the files?” He spoke into his earpiece, motioning Bucky to follow him to the entrance they had come through. 
“Yeah, I have them. Thanks for asking by the way. I’m great, two more bullet holes in my gut, but yeah, files are more important.” She scoffed, causing Steve to roll his eyes.  “I’m headed to the entrance right now.”
“No, I’m not leaving without Y/n!” Bucky tried to pull away from Steve, but he was stronger. A fact he would never admit to the guy, his head was already big enough. 
“She’s not here Buck. They wouldn't blow the compound with her in it.” He persisted.
Sam’s voice interjected, “Jet’s fired up, you guys better get the fuck outta there. We have less than a minute.” 
Bucky and Steve ran through the dark hallways together until they almost slammed into Nat’s small frame. He gasped when she appeared in the hollow moonlight. Her face was contorted in pain, something he was all too familiar with. Guilt.
“I lost her. I’m so sorry, it was my job to-” She broke off into a sob. Bucky wanted to agree. Yell that if she was a better agent- a better person his girl would be coming home with them. But he couldn't... This was on him. He knew it was a bad idea to bring you on the mission. He deserved all the blame. 
“She’s not dead. Not yet anyways. But we will be if we don't get out of here.” Steve yelled over the alarms blaring in the hallway. 
Bucky and Nat both nodded, and followed Steve across the field. Before they could reach the jet, the warehouse behind them rumbled before letting out an earth shattering explosion, sending the two of them flying into the ground. Without hesitation, Bucky grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her from the ground. He wrapped her arm around his shoulder and all but dragged her body onto the jet. 
“Vision’s been alerted we need medical. He’s been staying at a safe house in Munich. We can be there in thirty minutes.” Steve spoke urgently, rifling through the cabinets of the jet looking for the first aid kit. 
“Seriously guys, it's a flesh wound. I’m- Ah!” Nat screamed in pain as the jet hit a spout of turbulence. 
“Like you were saying.” Wanda smirked, placing her hands carefully on Nats' wound. Her hands glowed a deep red as she tried to relieve the pain. The spy’s face relaxed, but only for a moment before she was back to worried. 
“He’s alive, Buck.” Nat spoke, and when she did, he could hear the fear in her words. 
“Who?” Steve demanded, but Nat’s eyes stayed put on Bucky’s. 
“Tommy. She said his name in the hallway. It was him, Buck. He’s not dead. He’s the one that shot me, the one that took her.” Nat flinched in pain as Wanda's hands fell from her side. 
“That’s not possible.” Bucky shook his head. “Steve found my mission file. I killed him. I remembered it. You just don't walk away from that.” 
“Well, clearly you do.” Nat spoke sarcastically, pointing to the gushing holes in the body. 
“So Tommy’s alive? And he’s Hydra now?” Wanda asked, suddenly realising her hands were not on Nat’s wounds anymore. She placed them back silently apologising. 
“And he’s got Y/n.” Bucky added, his jaw clenched in anger. 
“We’ll get her back.” Steve spoke. He placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder which he quickly shrugged off, pacing back and forth through the small aircraft. 
“I know we will. And i’m going to finish the fucking job and tear that prick in two.” He seethed, mostly to himself. 
He tried to focus on the task at hand. Desperately brainstorming how to get to you, but his mind was spirling. How could he just leave you? How could he have been so stupid? The sound of his name leaving your lips echoed around him, only fuling his growing rage. 
“All our tactical suits have hidden trackers in the sleeves. We will hear it go off, but until then we wait. They cant have gotten far.” Steve started as the jet began its descent. “We're almost at the safe house. We’ll track her from there. In the morning, we’ll head out.”
“Morning? That's too long. She could be-'' Bucky cut himself off, too broken at the thought to finish that sentence. “I’ll find her myself tonight.” He grumbled. 
“Oh no you don’t. We’re a team, Buck. We do this together. Vision will be able to enable her tracker. But we need to work together. We can't lose anybody else to impulse decisions.” Steve scolded. 
He knew his friend was right but it didn't make it any easier to agree. All Bucky wanted to go but get you back. Keep you safe and never let anyone touch you again. He tried to keep his distance before, he really did, but that was out the window now. There wasn't a chance in hell he was leaving your side after this. As for the man that ripped you from his grasp, oh boy… He tried not to make a habit out of fantasizing murder, mostly as it resulted in the Winter Soldier coming out of the shadows, but if that was the case with Tommy, so be it. Only when Bucky stood in a pile or carnage and gore and blood would he finally feel peace again...
“We're coming up on the safe house. Y'all ready to bail?” Sam's voice tore Bucky out of his thoughts, and thankfully so. He was sure it was leading to a very destructive path. 
“Buck, help us get Nat inside. Wanda and Sam - sweep the area, make sure no one has followed us. I’ll fill Vision in on what's happened and see if he can turn on Y/n’s tracker now.” Steve commanded as he hopped out of the jet. 
“Can you stand?” Bucky asked, dipping down to tuck Nats arm around his shoulder, helping her up. She nodded reluctantly, wincing in pain as she moved. 
The safe house was a small cabin in the middle nowhere. Munich was only a few minutes down the road but the thick coverage of trees that surrounded the cabin made it feel secluded and hard to be spotted from above.  If they weren't followed, no one would ever know they were here. 
Bucky helped Nat inside, letting Steve and Wanda take over once they were through the door. Before he could enter, he stopped, taking a moment to gaze upon the sun rising over the mountains. In a few hours, he’d be with you again. He just had to make it until then, and pray to whatever god would still have him, that you were alive. 
“Продолжай копать. Нам надо её найти.” Keep digging. We have to find it. The voice rang in your mind, waking you from the recurring nightmare. Visions of Tommy and that boyish smile that once brought so much happiness.. His voice, the way it used to say your name, now only causing you ache. 
“Wait, rewind there! Вернись. That’s it.” The voice spoke again, echoing around the room. You opened your eyes slowly, taking in your surroundings, but all you were met with was darkness. You could feel movement around you, but the blindfold tied around your eyes masked their faces. 
“I’m positive she told me what was in that serum.” His voice caused your heart to just about leap from your chest. You knew that voice anywhere. 
“You better be right. You're as good as dead to me otherwise.” Another man spoke. 
“No I’m sure. Wait! Right there. Replay that part.” Tommy asserted. 
Suddenly a headache burned through your temples, scorching the inside of your eyes. You screamed in pain as it coarsed though your body until an image appeared in your mind. It replayed over and over, making you dizzy. 
“Whatcha doing?” Tommy cooed, taking a seat on your desk. 
“Just trying to find the right components.” You spoke, not taking your eyes microscope as you examined the petri dish below. 
“Cummon, baby. You've been at this for hours. Come eat something.” You looked up, Tommy stood there with that big goofy smile you loved so much. 
“I’ve almost got it. Just a little longer.” You reassured him, rolling in your chair and picking up another sample and analysing it. 
“What exactly is, it?” he asked, emphasizing the word. 
“If I mix the steroid with-” 
Another shrieking jolt of pain seared through you as the memory disappeared, leaving you trembling. 
“Go back, we almost had it!” Someone yelled from beside you. 
You tried to scream, to beg them to stop, but it was no use. Before you could try again, the same horrible pain erupted through your body, ripping you back to the distant memory. 
“If I mix the steroid with human blood, it does as it's designed.  But taking into account the theory of nuclear transmutation, we can assume given the right element we can use the serum to absorb its surroundings, right?” You spoke, like it was common sense. 
“Sure…” Tommy chuckled. 
“So, strip down the original serum, add radiation to its compound, now it needs the ability to absorb energy… What element do we know has that power?” it wasn't a question, nor did you think Tommy would know the answer so you continued, “Water, and our bodies are basically made of that. So in turn, if we can create the original serum mixed with high levels of radiation, inject the person, granted you're not killed by that high levels of toxicity, we're looking at a new type of Super Soldier. One that could, in theory, mutate around the serum and absorb its surroundings!” You finally finished.
“I have no idea what any of that means… But it sounds cool. Now put the vile down, and eat something.” He laughed, grabbing the sample out of your hands and carefully placing it on the table next to you.
“Thats it!” Someone shouted. “Of course, why didn't we think of this. Call the commander, tell him we found it.” 
You felt your body twist in agony, but soon the memory left, leaving you back in the dark with disembodied voices echoing around you. 
“What do you want me to do with her?” a man asked. 
“I don't care. убить её?” Kill her? You froze at his words. Even if you could move, your hands were tied down to the chair. Gentally you wiggle your fingers, careful not to draw any attention to yourself. Not that you would be able to tell. The ring that Shuri had made you was still there. If you timed in right, and you still had Wanda’s borrowed power, you could use it to untie yourself and hopefully get the fuck out of this hell hole. 
“Kill her?” Tommy choked. “You didn't say anything about killin’ her?” 
“You should be thankful. The girl’s been sharing a bed with the same man who killed you once before. In fact, I’m so pleased with your work developing this memory decoder that I’ll give you the honour.” The man spoke, shuffling around the room. “Here, tell me when you're done having your fun.” A few heavy footsteps later, and you finally heard the door close. The silence was deafening, but eventually, Tommy let out a deep breath and took a step towards you, ripping your blind fold off. 
You squinted as you tried to acclimate your eyes to the lighting of the room. It was small and dark, but a few dim lights hung above you illuminating Tommy's features. Once upon a time you would have described them as strong and rugged. Now they seemed to loom over you, sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, softer than you expected. You quickly clocked the pistol in his left hand and tried to suppress a scoff. 
“Am I okay?” You gawked at him. “You just dug through my head like a sand pit. No- no I’m not okay you shit head!” You screamed. 
Tommy chuckled, using the gun to scratch the back of his neck. “Touché…” He spoke, pulling up a stool and plopping himself down on it infront of you. “I missed that attitude baby. Really, these past couple years have been hell without you. These guys are really scary, but I told em- I said, my girl will know what to do. And you did, baby. I never doubted you.” His voice was like honey. Thick and sickenly sweet. 
“What are you talking about?! I thought you were dead!? I mourned you, asshole. And you've been alive this whole time, working against me?” You couldn't believe how cavalier he was being about this. Tommy only shrugged, fuling the rage inside you. 
“Nah, it's not like that. I was dead, really I was. But then Hydra came and BOOM I was back. They promised me that they’d keep me safe, as long as I could help em get that serum you were always talkin’ bout. Said they wanted to give it time in your system, make sure it didn't kill ya.” He started, narrowing his eyes slowly, “You grieved me? That's a funny way of putting it. Cause from what I saw in that head of yours, you were pretty chummy with that Soldier.”  
You couldn't stifle the scoff that erupted in your mouth. “You're kidding right? Jesus, Tom. They brainwashed me. And I don't need to explain myself. You're sick, you know that?  How could you do this? Do you have any idea what they're going to use that serum for?” You fired the questions off like explosives into his chest, but he didn't even flinch. 
“I don't really care. They told me if I gave em’ your little recipe, they’d let me go.” He shrugged. 
“And so what? Now you're going to kill me?” 
“No… Maybe. I haven't really decided yet.” He looked down at the pistol like it was the first time he really noticed it was there. Contemplating your death like he was deciding between his morning coffee. 
“I would get going on that if I were you.” You lifted your hands, wiggling your wingers playfully “Really, Tommy, you're not cut out for this line of work.” You spat, jumping from your seat and landing a hard kick to his gut, sending him flying back. The gun ricocheted off the ground and hit the wall, but before he could react, you grabbed it. In one swift move you turned the safety off and placed your finger on the trigger. 
“Cummon baby, let's talk about this.” He raised his hands in surrender. “You wouldn't shoot me.” 
You cocked a brow, “You sound really confident in that statement. Especially for a boy who was debating my death a moment ago.” You argued. 
“Dont take it personally, baby. Anything you can do, I can do better. Remember?” You smirked. 
A/n: Another Cliff hanger? Yes. Do I know how to wrote anything else? No... My bad lol. I hope your enjoyed this one as much as I did writing it! As always, @cutie1365​ is the bomb dot com for editing this for me. Tommy sucks, we both agree. I hope he gets whats coming to him... please leave some love and reblog if you read it! 
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Title: Killer In Disguise
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Gif credit @jasonstodds.
Requested on wattpad.
Hope you all enjoy.
Happy Reading Dollies.
"Scott, idiot this is my sister Y/N". Derek introduced you to Stiles and Scott.
"Nice to meet you guys. Heard alot about you". You eyed Stiles who was awkwardly trying not to stare at you.
"So you're going to be going to our school"?
"Um, do you know what classes you'll be taking"? Scott nervously rubbed the back on his neck.
"I dont know for sure yet. Derek hasnt went and got my schedule yet". You nudged your big brothers arm playfully.
"I'll get them. It's the weekend, I have other matters to attend". Derek sighed rolling his eyes. He maybe your big brother but you sometimes acted like your mom. Staying on him about things. He needed someone watching his back.
"You're right, I have to get ready for school anyways. Make sure I have everything so I'm going to go". You waved bye and left.
Derek crossed his arms growling at Scott and Stiles. "Dont even think about it".
"What'd we do"? Stiles asked innocently.
"I will rip you to shreads and bury pieces of you around town. Don't even think about". Derek warned them. Derek walked away and Scott shrugged his shoulders.
"Over protective". Stiles wrapped his arm around Scott and headed home.
Monday came, you were excited but also really nervous. Before living with Derek you were homeschooled so being in highschool was scary. Were you going to fit in or make a fool of yourself the first day? It was swimming in your head not to screw up or say something stupid.
As you walked in you saw Scott and Stokes at their locker, you went over to say hello.
"Y/N, hey". Stiles spotted you before you could say anything.
"So how's your first day going"? Scott asked as he slipped on his back pack.
"Good I guess. I aciddently bumped into a girl with red hair and she yelled at me but other than that its okay".
"You..you bumped into Lydia Martin? Did she smell nice? I bet she smelled nice". Stiles leaned against the locker with heart eyes coming out.
"He has a major crush on her. But she won't give him the time of day and plus shes dating Jackson".
"I didn't smell her. Sorry". You chuckled as Stiles started falling from the lockers. 
"What class you got next"?
"Hey, me too". Scott grinned.
"Great, you can show me where its at".
"See ya Stiles". You and Scott both said as Stiles jumped up acting like nothing happened and walked off.
During math class you were actually paying attention and surprisingly knowing what the teacher was talking about until you looked out of the corner of your eye and saw Lydias head tilted your way and her filing her nails as she watched you.
Yeah, she hated you. First day and already made a enemy. Great.
You tried to ignore her but she threw something at you. You didnt turn around but you could hear giggling and chuckling.
She kept doing it when the teachers back was turned. You were starting to get angry. Your knuckles started growing white as you gripped the desk. The wood started to split. Pulling your hand back you saw your nails had grown at least two inches, your hands started growing hair. Oh god, this was not happening in the middle of class.
Scott looked up from his book and saw you were freaking out trying to hide your hands in your jacket. But he noticed your teeth and your eyes. They were a amber color.
"Sppt. Y/N". Scott tried to get your attention.
You couldn't control it. You had to get out before you exploded.
Not even bothering to get the teachers permission you bolted out the door. The teacher protested. "Where is she going"?
"I think she had to take her medicine". Scott tried to cover.
"Was she okay"?
"I'll go check". Scott rushed out the door, looking down the hall he saw you stagger into a bathroom.
He carefully walked into the bathroom. "Y/N? You okay"?
Scott heard growling coming from the last stall. "I know what you're going through. Come out and we can sort this out".
Gulping you opened the door. There you stood, all wolf like. You couldnt believe it. Derek and you thought the werewolf gene skipped you. You showed no signs of werewolf.
"What the hell is happening"?
"You've unleashed the werewolf". Scott chuckled.
"Not funny. How do I make it go away"?
"What made you mad"?
"Lydia. She was throwing paper balls at me. I just want to rip her head off". You growled loudly.
"Okay. Calm down. You cant be this in school".
"I can't. I dont know how". You started to panic.
Scott thought of what Stiles did when he went all wolfie. He sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. But he didn't want to do that to you.
"I'm going to try something just dont kill me". Scott stepped closer to you until you were between him and the wall. He leaned in and kissed your lips. At first it wasnt working then something in you relaxed. Soon your arms were around his neck and not hairy anymore.
You pulled back. "It works. Holy crap it worked". You squealed kissing him again.  Scott stood there happy with himself.
"Thanks Scott. You saved Lydia".
Scott laughed.
"Okay, you saved me too".
"No problem. If this happens again I'm here".
"I'll keep that in mind". You giggle. "What did you tell the teacher"?
"That you had to get your medicine".
"What? Now everyone's going to think I'm crazy". You huffed with a shake of your head.
"Well. I think Lyida has already told everyone that".
"I'm going to kill her". You growled. Scott stepped in front of you.
"Kidding. Gee, I cant joke around"?
"Not when you're a freshly new werewolf that can't control your anger you can't".
"Okay. We better get back to class". You walked out before Scott and made sure it clear for him to come out.
After school and your little episode all you wanted to do was go home and forget the day. But apparently your wolf self had other ideas. The woods were right in your sight and you had to go in. You strapped on your back pack and sprinted off inside. Leaving the human world and going into something that you had no control over.
"Scott, theres a body". Stiles poked his head threw Scotts window.
"Yeah, I know. It was a werewolf".
"Wait, how do you know that"?
"Y/N. She turned today in class. She was going to attack Lydia".
Stiles fell on the bed. "What? Y/Ns a werewolf? I thought the gene skipped her? She was the normal one".
"Sorry Stiles but you're back in that role". Scott chuckled when Stiles started pouting.
"What are we going to do? She cant go around killing people. Especially not Lydia".
"We need to find her". Scott hopped out his window. Stiles went to the window panting.
"I'll take the stairs".
While Scott and Stiles creeped through the woods, Scott got a wiff of a scent near. He put up his guard and pushed Stiles behind him.
"She's here".
"Where? It's literally pitch black. Oh right wolf senses".
"Scott"? You came into the little moon light that was peaking through the trees.
"What are you doing"?
"I don't know. I remember going home from school and the woods but after that there's nothing".
"You killed someone".
"I did? No I didnt". You shook your head with disbelief.
"Why are you covered in blood"?
You looked down at your clothes, blood and hair covered them. Your mouth had blood and your hands. 
"Who was it"?
"A local criminal". Stiles spoke up from behind Scott.
"So it wasn't Lydia"?
"No why"?
"I dreamt that I killed her".
"You were blinded by the wolf rage. I'll call Derek to come get you". Scott pulled out his phone and called Derek. Stiles walked over to you, picking off hairs.
"What"? He asked looking from his phone.
"Um deer hairs. Not human".
"What"? Scott walked over and examed you.
"You're not the scent that was on the body. How"?
"So I didn't kill anyone"?
"It seems to be your lucky day". Stiles patted your back making you growl. He quickly took his hands off you.
"You really need to work on the anger". Derek said coming out of the dark.
"Yeah, I know. Only Scott can calm me down".
"Really now? What do you do to calm my little sister there Scott"? Derek crossed his leather covered arms.
"Um..um..nothing". Scott stuttered.
"He kissed her". Stiles squealed on his friend.
"Stiles". Scott scoffed.
"What did I tell you"?
"Now is not the time for that. I'm either a killer or not". You talked over them.
"You're not". Scott and Derek both said.
"She could be". Stiles pulled off a chunk of hair and looked like skin.
"Alright. This is whats happening. No one talks about this again. My sister is not a killer". Derek grabbed your wrist and started walking off.
"Then she needs to control her anger. We cant have her killing people". Scott walked forward.
"I can control her". Derek growled.
"Not your way. I can do it with out hurting her".
"Kissing is not going to keep working".
"It may".
Derek looked at you then at Scott.  "Alright we'll try it your way. If she kills anyone you're taking the fall for it".
"Okay. I'll take care of her".
"Fine. We'll see you tomorrow". Derek pulled you along with him disappearing in the night.
"You just said you'll babysit a werewolf that cant control her anger? Are you crazy"?
"Maybe. But I have you and you've been there for me. So I need to be there for her". Stiles smiled as he hugged Scott.
"I love you man".
"Get off".
Scott and Stiles went home planning out on how they'll keep you calm. Well Scott has his plan, that he'll enjoy alot. Stiles was still worried. You were more angrier than Scott was.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Broken Bones And New Homes
Clark has a surprise and you fuck up.
Warnings:swearing, injury, angst
A/n:so a little bit of fluff and angst 
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Broken Bones And New Homes
Clark sat back in his chair as Diana took the young girl to get settled and was fixed with a look from the others he sighed.
"She was still doubting herself she needed to see it for herself" Bruce spoke up first unimpressed.
"Yes but it could have gone down hill fast! What if it had pierced you! She'd never have forgiven herself or trusted anyone again!" Clark sighed he knew that Bruce had a point.
"But there was also another reason I was testing her as well like she did to you earlier ...did you see? She was holding back, even when she was angry she found the power to hold it back she didn't want to hurt me not for a second she just wanted to scare me...shes used to scaring people off. I wanted to see if she was truly wants to harm or not anger reveals your true intentions shes good through and through..." Arthur nodded
"He is right Bruce she held back it wasn't nice to watch but the kid did good tho... it was unnerving to watch her have that much restraint ....aren't teens meant to you know? loose their shit she held it together." Bruce nodded it was horrible in a way seeing the control she needed for herself Clark was right she'd had to grow up fast just like them but unlike them she will have someone there for her question was who, tho he had a guess already.
"So whose gonna take her Legally?"
"I will she needs stability, normality but still someone who can keep her in line can you get the paperwork done?" Bruce nodded smirking at Clark, looks like he was taken with the girl in a way they all were Bruce would take her in in a heart beat but with the others it wouldn't be a good idea so this time he will settle for being an uncle, doesn’t mean he cant tease the big man tho? Does it
"Your sure your not even letting anyone else what if I want to-"
"No I'm taking her, she will fit right in at home with me and konner, he has always wanted a sister to look after we can give her a family that she can relax around no offence Bruce but if anything would happen at the manor, your boys are strong but...." Bruce waved him off laughing
"I was messing with you,I know what you mean I will get on it first thing" Clark rolled his eyes at him, Victor pulled up her file on the screen.
"Whoa, her file is .....large shes been through.... to much I don't know haw shes so....stable Clark your gonna have your work cut out for you... how she hasn't already gone mad is beyond me." Barry came closer frowning
"She has a police record?" Victor nodded sadly scanning through the data quickly Clark got up coming over to them
"You found her file? When?" Victor didn't bother looking up at him just pointing to Barry
"He took her bag to her room when you had your little heart to heart and got her name y/n l/n birthday April seventh, born in central city moved to Gotham with her parents at six months old... Clark shes been through a lot its..."
"Tell me I want to know what happened." Victor side and continued
"There’s nothing until she was five when her parents died...police report says parents were only identified by dna because....."
"Because what?" Victor looked down then to Arthur everyone was tense suddenly Diana came into the room hear most of it so far she can gather whats they are on about.
"Bodies crushed beyond recognition, no teeth remaining for a dental record to be found, official cause of death was crushed by ceiling, flats collapsed due to breech in building regulations, no one was charged for it. Child found in flat had resided by parents bodies for three days before being found, no one knows how she survived but she was unharmed and thought the police were there to arrest her, she was under the impression she did it."
"She must have tried to save them and failed...that why she was frightened of the police" Clark summarized  victor nodded
"That’s what she said in her report that she did it she couldn't stop the ceiling, after that there is nothing on the incident apart from information about the therapy she should under go and where they sent her. Children's home north Gotham on Presington street." Bruce swore
"Fucking hell that's a shit hole, been pouring money into it for years they were pocketing it as bonuses only went down for it three years ago two deaths to malnutrition" everyone winced things did not look good
"The next eight entries are from the weeks after, mental evaluations, says here she started hurting other kids in the home lashing out and became aggressive to staff, she claimed they were accidents that she couldn't help it that she had powers, they didn't listen until one kid ended up missing an eye... can understand it looks like a vicious attack"
"Probably bullying, it happens a lot to the new kids, if they attacked her then it'd protect her right?" Victor nodded to Bruce and sighed moving on
"They certified her had to drug her to get her out of the home, Jesus Christ they put her in a mental unit in Gotham general child's psych ward inpatient  where she stayed under various levels of sedation for a majority of her time there until being released at ten years old showing no signs of instability or any indication she was a danger to herself and others a successful case. By law she couldn't return to the group home so she was fostered between then and a year ago shes had foster homes all across Gotham. Then a year ago she was on a trip with school doing a big beach clean up, it was a campaign the school was behind to help clean up the oceans? they kids were going to protest at Washington....never made it tho...it was when the atlanteans threw out the trash, oil tanker landed on her class's camp sight, two survived her and her student teacher....he said she had held it for around two minuets but most of the others were to scared to move the ones that did couldn't get out of the way and she passed out and well you can guess the rest.... no one believed him when he told them what he'd seen....he killed himself four days later. Since then its been petty thievery and some assaults, shes beaten up a few known drug dealers and gang members.... The police reports are mostly about injuries from dragging her back to foster homes three in the past year, seventeen in the past six, it was more frequent when she was younger, she under goes psychological evaluations once a year to see if her 'schizophrenia' is coming back. But that it" Diana covered her eyes rubbing the bridge of her nose shaking her head at the humans stupidity.
"So they told her she's mad? For four nearly five years they locked her away? made her believe she was crazy? And drugged her" She leaned back feeling sorry for the girl she'd been put into a brutal system at the most devastating time in her life, shed had to deal with it alone. Bruce sighed he knew Gotham wasn't the best place for an orphan... but that seemed harsh even to his standards.
"She hid it to seem normal, so she could get out of the hospital no wonder she so guarded she had to outsmart Drs and psychiatrists when she was a child" everyone spoke apart from Arthur he sat there fists clenched seething."Arthur! what happened you couldn't have known" he growled he knew that, there wasn't anything he could so but still it irked him knowing that it had happened, that shed tried to save her class mates from his people-his brother and hadn't been able to.
"I know....I know that but that is what triggered all this again isn’t it? That’s what made it come back stronger and now she cant control it? The reason shes been on the streets...And I was here laughing and jokeing around with her? When she knew it was me-my people who did that? How she didn't fuck me up right away I don’t know cos if it was the other way around I would have" Barry sighed before speaking quietly.
"Well doesn't that show she doesn't blame you? I mean we all knew that something big happened so I don’t think she blames you... she had every chance to blow up at you about it when she explained a little herself but she didn't..I wouldn't worry." Clark nodded agreeing with Barry then continued.
"Be there for her now, if she wants to talk she will.." Arthur nodded letting out an angry breath that was all he could do now, be there for her.
"Clark could you go check she's in bed I gave her half an hour to have a shower and be in bed by" he nodded hearing the others all start making their way to their rooms deciding to call it a night. He slowed opening the door poking his head in he smiled seeing you curled up in the blankets not asleep yet but near enough he quickly shut the door. He was determined to become the father you needed he would talk to Konner tomorrow about it, he would be happy having a little sister but Clark would have to explain to his son what was going on with her before introducing them...And his mom he will need her help.
"AAHHH!" You screamed bloody murder when there was a excruciating crunch then you slammed into the floor, tho it was softer then it should have been your head struck it hard with a bone cracking force, you groaned laying there sobbing and gasping as your arm head and ribs were in agony, seeing blood, you cried harder heaving and  panicking when your vision went fuzzy then heard the door be all but ripped off its hinges and saw someone you didn’t recognize, he looked around a year or so older then you black hair, blue eyes. He kneeled beside you then looked up inspecting your arm wincing there was bone....
You woke up stretching and yawning it had been three weeks since you got here...and things were pretty sweet, you had a comfy bed free reign of the kitchen and a private bathroom. You hadn't really trained with the others yet just a few practice sessions that ended reasonably well most of the time you'd read, using various books to help you understand what was possible then sort of felt your way about the place and kept to yourself as much as you could which wasn't much as you found they all wanted you to feel welcome....It was hard not to become close but you kept saying to yourself it was temporary despite what Diana had said Clark hasn't been near you since the first night, only popping in briefly then off again for days on end it didn't give you much hope for the future.
But you assumed by now they all knew the story so you cant blame them, no one wants to be around a mad meta-human so its understandable...not that your mad at least you didn't think you were just gifted and confused. You quickly threw your hair up out of the way ignoring your thoughts, you’d rather not fall into that little debate again for now, wanting to just get your powers under control and get out of here before you get to attached. Taking your current architecture book, this you was using to find different types of structural systems which is the strongest and most reliable ect and made your way to the training room, today you were testing something out...A theory you'd been working on basically you wanted to make some stairs see how many things you could hold at once.
You opened the door to the room you’d been working in. It was tall and must be about ten meters across each way not the biggest in the watchtower but it was enough for you. You placed the book at the door open on a page depicting floating stairs. It should be easy just platforms from the walls big enough to step on you flared your power feeling your way around then took a deep breath to the side stretching out a hand to the wall, metal with concrete behind it, you started moving one foot up pulling a platform from the wall then another above this continued until you was a fair height you opened your eyes looking down you’d made it half way up the tall room you smiled it had worked!
You jumped for joy then moved faster paying less attention trying to force it on auto pilot climbing higher you faltered a little the next step was a little uneven, it looked tilted and .....iffy you gulped looking down only now realizing just how high your were you slumped back against the wall a little nervous, maybe you should have had someone in here with you but hindsight was 20/20 staying still for a few moments you took deep breaths collecting yourself, that was enough you thought you turned placing both hands on the wall completely freaked out as you made a slow descent making sure two feet were firmly placed on each step before you moved to the next as you went down the stairs you got maybe eight steps then all hell broke loose.
A few fell away as you panicked but tried to breath through it only for more to slip back into the wall in your addled mind you panicked watching the steps one by one collapse you made a snap decision and made a leap of faith crying out as you smacked your ribs on it making you try and scream you couldn't make a sound winded , you scrabbled on the step flailing legs trying to find purchase your eyes widened watching as the rest disappeared then the one you held crumbled away you screamed pulling at the ground to help but in the confusion you only smashed a few pillars into you one clipped your waving arm
"Shit shit hold on y/n, I'll get dad just stay here okay? Don’t-don’t go to sleep okay?" He dissapeared then returned seconds later with Clark Diana and Barry close behind. Clark swore seeing your crumpled form running to sit beside you, he didn't need his x-ray vision to see that you'd broken your arm as it had snapped and was sticking out crudely at an odd angle he sat by your head stroking your hair whispering softly to you trying to calm you down as you panicked crying and hyperventilating.
"Shh shh its okay, I've got you I've got you, Barry can you tell Bruce whats happened we need a car, ambulance or something, Diana can you help hold her still I've got to move her ,get her to the hospital, I can't fly her there could cause an infection or something." Diana crouched beside you shushing you trying to help calm you, moving your head to look at her you tried moving but screamed loud, Clark placed a hand on your tummy holding you still.
"Don’t move y/n don’t move Let me do it okay? Diana I need her on her back can you hold her shoulder I don’t want to move her arm to much Yet ready one... two.. three" everyone winced as you cried out loud your pain echoed in the room
"Shh shh its okay your doing really well I'm here its going to be okay...Konner can you get a cloth we are going to have to stop the bleeding" he looked nervous
"Can't you just laser-" Clark shook his head
"Shes human and will need a cast for it to heal kon we can't explain that in hospital, a clean cloth konner now!" Bruce came running in with a medium black box he swore loud seeing you on the floor.
"Bruce whats that?" He ignored Diana and quickly stopped by you opening the case pulling out a small needle and vial filling the needle with half a dose he would use himself.
"Tramadol, I always have some here incase...Clark I need a vein find one!" Clark moved from your sight making you whine trying to move your head to him. Clark pointed one out on the inside of your arm Bruce’s hand shook he was stopped by Barry.
"We can't just give her tramadol! If they give her morphine it could cause a reaction, We need to get her to the hospital...We can't explain how we gave her tramadol" you looked up as you felt someone else by your broken arm the blue eyed teen went to press the cloth hard over the wound on your arm Diana called out to him
"No head, head the arm will stop bleeding before the head!" He nodded shuffling forward holding it to your head you cried out.
"FFFUUUUCCKK! Fuckfuckfuck noNOOOONO PLEASE STOP!" You screamed at him Clark looked over to a distraught konner who hesitated.
"Keep it there, hold on y/n we get you to a hospital soon just hold on okay sweetheart"
"Yeah don’t go towards any white lights" that brought on a whole new flood of tears as everyone screamed
"BARRY!" you weept as Diana cradled your head in her lap holding you still for konner and making sure your arm was left alone.Bruce was already on the phone to the ambulance requesting one to come over immediately two blocks down where Clark could take you as Clark repeated what he saw.
"Snapped right through the radius and ulna, broken ribs and cracked head, heavy bleeding" Bruce recounted what Clark had said
"Five minuets away okay yes we already moved her to stem the bleeding, shes pale already we will be outside yes" he put the phone down.
"Five minuets we have to move her they think shes on third" Clark bit his lip you cried begging them not to touch you.
"Konner, Barry open the doors for me" you shook your head at him as he moved slowly.
"NO! Please don’t Clark-Clark please don't it hurts I don't want to move" he ignored you taking the cloth from konner pressing it firmly
"Hey hey its okay, just breath I promise I'll be so quick you might not even notice okay? But we need to get you to the hospital, now deep breath in and out that's it good girl breathe in and out" he used the the moment you breathed out to quickly move your arm as gently and fast as possible. Your breathing hitched then you screamed again feeling the boned move.
"YOU FUCK YOU FUCKING FUCK!" He closed his eyes trying to calm himself down he felt bad but it had to be done he couldn't move you anywhere with it dangling about, opening his eyes he crouched over you wiping at the tears hushing you.
"Good girl all done the worst is over now ,I'm so proud of you, now we can move you without touching it again , we don’t need to move it anymore" 
"Y-you promise?" He nodded moving tucking you up into his arms the stood up with you pulling you against his chest making sure to stem the blood from your head wound, the bleeding front your arm had slowed but he was worried you were drowsy, very weak you head lulled back eyes unfocused and you was very pale.
"I need something to cover her shes cold, shes gonna pass out" konner shrugged off his heavy coat placing it over her gently tucking it down between her and his dad making sure it was secure.
"The apartments on 3rd right?" Bruce nodded
"Y/n close your eyes honey" you closed them as tight as you could still moaning in pain, it was unbearable there was a rush of air then nothing you'd passed out.
When you come to you were in a white room with huge animal stickers across the walls you grunted then whined at the fluorescent lights you moved your arm to your face noticing a thick bandage. Looking around you saw you was in a private hospital room. Scanning the room you noticed Clark slumped in the chair beside you and the teen from before. The door opened and you saw a woman you didn't recognize she looked kind and chilled out holding a cardboard drinks holder with three cups in it, she stopped short and smiled looking relieved.
"You know you gave them quite a scare...I haven't seen Clark that frightened since...well I don't think I have ever seen him that frightened" you moved sitting up wincing she quickly placed the cups down
"Whoa slowly honey that's it slowly are you in any pain? They said the medication would last longer but you now how doctors are..."you shook your head no.
"Groggy, err what happened?" You trailed off as Clark stirred beside you then blinked his face lit up as he saw you awake and he quickly grabbed you tugging you in for a hug you yelped a little in surprise making the bed shake small pins forming on the surface as it tried to stop the offending body that launched itself at you, you caught it in time, he tucked your head under his chin running his fingers across your scalp holding you for a few seconds then pulled back holding your shoulders looking stern.
"Don’t you ever do that again, you hear me you almost gave me a heart attack! You nearly bled out! You don’t train alone ever! Not until I know you can handle it Do you understand me?!" You nodded slowly at him not quite with it then looked at the woman who stood at the bottom of the bed the blue eyed boy got up standing next to where Clark sat at the head of the bed.
"Clark? Where? Whats going on?" He looked down at you kissing your head he sighed tucking you under his arm.
"You lost focus and panicked you fell about twelve foot, you had a nasty break snapped your ulna and radius, broke three ribs and cracked your head open, you lost a lot of blood, they had to operate on your arm and you've had a few blood transfusions" you looked at your wrapped arm then followed the canula that tied you to a beeping machine with an iv bag that was half full of clear liquid you gulped.
"W-why is it beeping whats wrong?" The woman came over sitting on your right side straightening your arm making the beep stop
"Its when you cut off the tube, there see? Now it can carry on"  you looked from her then to Clark and blinked.
"Oh god don’t tell me Bruce had to pay for all that..." Clark shared a look with the other two in the room.
"Well he would have happily you know that but it just so happens Ma's insurance covers the whole family soo" you froze snapping your head up to him.
"I’m not family" He smiled at you then nodded to the woman sitting on your right.
"This is my mother Martha and my son Konner....as of yesterday they have been your brother and grandmother....Diana told you I was going to adopt you its only just been finalized, Konner and I came to get you yesterday we wanted to surprise you then he heard you screaming ...we've been working on your room at home and on the farm for the past few weeks, its why I haven't been around much I had a lot of paper work and court appearance's Bruce helped me through it all... but its all done....your officially  y/n Y/l/n Kent now." You bit your lip looking down shaking your head. No they couldn't have. You sniffed. Then felt the woman place her hand on your back rubbing it.
"Hey hey what the matter? Its okay" you shook your head using your good hand to wipe at your eyes trying desperately not to cry but failed miserably.she wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you in letting you cry on her you just kept shaking your head not willing to believe that someone had actually chose to keep,you, it had to be a mistake, or some sick joke. No one adopted teens, once you hit twelve you aged out.
"Hey whats with the tears? We don't look that bad do we?" You shook your head at the woman pulling back from her.
"No I-you cant" you couldn't even  get the words out around your sobs, you was confused and happy and terrified all in one. Clark interrupted
"Who says I cant? Your ours now and your coming to live with us" you hiccuped still trying to bite back your small shuddering sobs.
"I-I don't have to move again? And I get to stay?" He wrapped you up in his arms again .
"No your not going any where now, your stuck with us and when we leave here we are all going to the farm for a while to settle then you'll be moving back into metropolis with me and Konner...why don't you introduce yourself Konner?" He moved forward smiling shyly
"Im glad your okay now....don't do it again tho it wasn't...nice watching you bleed out like that" you smiled at him wiping your eyes trying to stop the tears.
"Thank you for finding me....if you hadn't I don't know what would have happened.. and I’m sorry for screaming at you..." he waved it off"Its okay you were hurt so of course you would scream at me, and I couldn’t let my little sister die before picking on her at least once wheres the fun in that." You fidgeted with the blanket.
"Y-you don’t mind having me around? Even near your grandma? I’m not exactly safe" he shook his head going to speak but was cut off by his grandma taking hold of your chin.
"No you are not dangerous," you held up your arm but she shook her head
"Yes so it was a stupid decision But you wont do it again, even with your powers your human just like me and need to be more careful, besides I'm pretty sure I can handle it, he got his laser vision when he was seven, try that for dangerous" you looked to Clark unsure but he shrugged nodding.
"Its true she raised me and came out fighting any way we've already established that you can acclimatize your powers to other people nothing happens with Diana Bruce or Barry anymore me and konner just need to hang around until you reach that point hence why we are going to the farm for a while first."
"How do you know that?" He sighed
"I may not have been around but Bruce kept me updated" you looked down again Martha sat back smiling you were lost, just as lost as konner had been but she knew you'd come around it will take time you haven't had anyone for a long time, Clark had let both her and konner know what had happened and about your power she was excited to have a granddaughter around the house for a while.
"Plus it will be good to get you away from the city for a while, whens the last time you got out of the city and had some fresh air?" You shook your head tilting it a bit
"Never left Gotham before" she smiled at you
"Well are you in for a shock, huge open spaces fresh air its really something"  Clark smiled as you relaxed konner piped up"It really is, there's lots of space to let loose and you can practice your power thing in the garden" you looked to Clark who smiled brightly at you
"Yes its just about time to start planting crops so you can help out on the fields and in the potting barn" you smiled eyes lighting up
"I've never grown nothing before, can I grow tomatoes And cucumber?" Martha nodded at you making you glow.
"After you catch up on your classes, your nearly a eight months behind in every subject" you frowned at him shaking his head
"What no I'm not-" he leaned back crossing his arms at you
"Yes you are, I was given your transcripts you have been slowly falling behind since switching to online so we have a strict schedule in place that your going to follow to catch up, konner will be there to he is doing online as well so your going to have a classmate" you looked at konner stumped.
"Is he serious?"
"Deadly I’m afraid, but I will help you so don’t sweat it" you nodded you didn’t mind really it will be nice having someone who really cared who wasn’t paid to do it you smiled leaning back a little Clark caught you moving in to quickly kiss your head
"I'm sure it wont be that bad" the door opened and a doctor came in with a smile crossing the room quickly standing at the bottom of the bed.
"So how is the patient today? Well your up which is good any pain at all?" You shook your head curling into Clark....You didn't like doctors one bit. He stood at the end of your bed reading the clipboard.
"Well that’s good" he smiled to you then began talking to Clark making you frown a little it was odd...being treated like a kid, when your an orphan people tend to treat you different older they know your more independent but now your doctor was bypassing you opting to speak about you not to you, Martha caught your confusion and patted your hand.
"Her blood is back to normal and the ob's are fine, I see no reason to keep,her in any longer there’s no fever or anything that could show an infection so you can probably leave today, just need to remove the iv and get a cast put on I will have someone come up to take you down for that in the next hour or so." Clark nodded then spoke
"Is it going to scar?" The doctor hesitated"It was a nasty break, clean cut but nasty it probably will leave a scar but I'm not sure how bad it will probably just be a small one where the bone came through the skin" you gasped
"It came through? Ew.... did someone get a picture?" konner laughed nodding moving to pull out his phone making the adults sigh
"Hell yeah look" you did immediately regretting it.
"OH FUCK I’m gonna be sick, we are white meat....looks like a chicken fillet" you bent over heaving Clark sighed rubbing your back you hissed as the movement pulled on your ribs.
"Kon put it away, what about her ribs will they heal? And her head?"
"Head will be fine the stitches will dissolve and her ribs will be if she takes it easy, the bandage she had on now will help but she has to go slow and come back for a check up" he flipped the chart
"Metropolis? I will arrange for you to go there for the check up" Clark corrected him
"Could you make it Smallville medical center? We are going to stay there for a while, I’m thinking if she wont listen to me she will listen to grandma" you flushed feeling a strange warmth in your chest as he said that....this was going to take a while to get used to. The doctor smiled chuckling
"Now that does sound like a good idea, cast will be on for a minimum of seven weeks...in her case probably longer."
"Will she get a color one?" The doctor nodded to konner
"Well we have a pretty bright pink-"
"Black....I want black" he stuttered looking for help from the others who all shrugged
"I don’t think we have black at the moment there’s pink,purple, lime green, orange and blue but you can ask when you get there. Now I’m going to go and cal a nurse to get that iv out." You blinked as he left the room.
"Well he was fucking rude barely spoke to me....just you I'm going on trust pilot what was his name again?" Martha laughed and Clark snorted
"Its called having a dad, I sort out the adult stuff now remember? You just be a kid" you faltered looking down it will take time, Clark cast a look over you to Martha who shook her head konner sensed the awkwardness and quickly interrupted.
"Can I draw on your cast....never drawn on one before." You regarded konner for a second"You gonna draw a dick on it?" He shook his head smirking
"Okay but if you do draw a dick on it I'm gonna draw one on your face in your sleep....just saying"
"No one is drawing dicks on any one" Clark rolled his eyes at the two teens, he'd admit he was a little worried about how you two would be but something tell's him your both going to be fine, you both had been crying out for someone who you couldn't accidentally hurt and that was going to be your starting point, no doubt there was going to be bumps along the way but for now he was happy, his family was growing happy and healthy he couldn't ask for more than that.
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Tma season 2 notes baybeee
I made myself take several breaks so I could give my frie d who is listening to it at the same time as me a chance to catch up. Honestly just posting them so I have them saved somewhere but whatever.
ep 41: real graham wrote keep watching before he was replaced. Jon feels like he's being watched. But they werent replaced by things related to the eye. It's the web that's on the box that replaces them. Endless hallways and doors to nowhere. I bet nicholas will have ideas what entity this relates to. If it even does. They're like the tunnels in the one with the builder guy. Tunnels closing in etc. Also like the cave diving one. He's assuming it's just one
ep 42: so 100 gecs? (IM SORRY I LIKE 100 GECS BUT LMAO) so there's some entity related to music right? There's the piper episode and the 27 w/ the calliope. Ah yes, this season is gonna be the season of Paranoid!Jon
ep 43: section 31? fucking books. god no. smashed lights? cult lady did that. covered the lights too. she mentioned a spooky clown doll. thats not random.
ep 44: is this that same circus that got mentioned before? it is! the pipe organ! pop off organ! pipe off! mouth on the stomach! yes! mouths in unusual places my beloved!
ep 45: antiques! like that one ep!
ep 46: every time books get mentioned i sigh. hhh sus smells. it got brighter. I get the vibes occasionally that the dark and the eye are sorta at odds with eachother. GRRR BARK BARK LEITNER. ayyy ex altiora. entity go brr. which entity do we thing it is? my guess is The Dark. The book buyer's name is Mike. He has scars? Electricity? The childhood friend of the guy who got it later on perhaps? The Vast? its formatted like an entity idk. This happened before the other one. He got trapped in the wood carving. a win for the web lol spiders go brr
ep 47: did i hear spiral? ITS THE NOT THING FROM THE EPISODE WITH NOT GRAHAM "it didnt move, it shifted" is like the exact same sentence as before. ay john's starting to remember. the laughing woah thats weird. is "michael" one of the entities? "you make it seem like theres a war" supports my theory that theres a struggle between a couple of the entities. I said i thought it was the eye and the dark i believe but im not sure. its whatever entity michael is vs the worms? what did nicholas say the worms were again? The Corruption? still dont know which one michael is tho.
Had to take a break after that episode. smth about the quality of michael's voice makes me feel like im gonna slip into one of those states where it feels like nothing is real, so i got a nice cold glass of water.
ep 48: jesus ok this one's kidna corny. you're telling me love made the crowd go away come on now. Ur losing it big J. also shouldnt it be more sus that "sasha" is so unaffected by the worm incident/ finding of gertrude's body
ep 49: haven't we heard hector's name before? oh is he the crime guy? fucking jared... so it's a throat? chompa chompa. (it's just a little bit hot) the good part about these episodes is that we know whoever's telling the story isn't gonna die. even if it's a close call, they're not dead. hotworth? ok not jared keay. it bothers me how theres so many repeated names, can they not come up with other names? "sasha"'s computer is breaking... sus. Elias our favorite weed man! jon ur so paranoid lmao
ep 50: robert smirk, at it again. this is like that one episode with the old dude who locked his door. who said idle beforehand? was it smirk? fingertips. thats so weird lmao. bahahah tim
ep 51: simon fairchild. im sure jon will mention the name at the end i cant remember where we've heard it. this is just like the cavediving episode. a hand? there was a hand in the last one right? the scalpel! and an eye thing. she's trying to throw them off.
ep 52: thats the guy from before! with the hearts! god i hate this guy writing the statement hh. lights blowing, and brackish water. we know how this ends but its still tense. rainer? reigner? rain man. we've seen him before
ep 53: pls not a leitner. oh boy mans scratched out his eyes. rip skelly. why would gertrude have had this statement off the books? jon stabbed himself?? bruh im? big man are you okay
ep 54: cockney boys! ayy its our favorite delivery men. she cut out their eyes. she knew that the eye was a thing?
ep 55: oily residue like the retirement home!
ep 56: worms? no. spiders?? bruhh. aaah yelling :(( aww martin anyways yeah i called it about paranoid!jon he needs to take a nap and drink some hot chocolate and calm down for once please
ep 57: just remembered, i think theres an entity called The Lonely?? This feels pretty lonely idk. fairchild, lukas/ lucas, some spooky place in norway idk. "sasha" knew he was recordinig hmm suspicious cmon jon figure it out. Sasha and tom. hm sus. for records sake i feel liek i should note here that I did have it spoiled to me simply that that's not sasha, but thats really all. i assumed it was like the thing that happened to graham in S1
ep 58: i feel like i recognize the name eustice (?) wick. someone please tell me im not just watching jon's descent into madness over the course of this podcast. im hoping it isnt so but, (and pardon the dsmp reference) im getting real wilbur vibes from this one.
ep 59: oh dear ok account from the fielding house. swirling designs? Spiral time? oh boyy. oh wait! 6 inch hole in the middle! is it not a spiderweb type design on the table? thats what i had assumed but that description sounds more like a spiral thing. cobwebs is a Web thing. ayy nicholas was right! the box goes in the table! the place that she kissed him was burning. Raymond is an avatar of The Web and agnes is the burning one. Lightless Flame! Why did she save him? i guess she was against this guy eating ppl or wtvr but why was she at the halfway house then? I think she's like michael.
ep 60: the eye go brr
ep 61: breacon and hope once again. tom. sasha's boyfriend. vampires sleep in coffins. the guy just walking in seems similar to the mind control of the vampires
ep 62: bones! its that one leitner. is this mother keay? the mom of gerard? this is what happened to her right? her skin was found on hooks? oh yeah thats what i thought the pages are made of skin. yeesh. The End!! sounds like an entity. phrased like one, and i think i remember it. are the people trapped in the pages? or... kept?
ep 63: eaten by the darkness! cavediving episode! (just like eaten by the sky) did my brain make up one called The Vast? it feels like it should be one, and all these episodes have some similar description about their feelings when they do whatever chosen hobby they have. ok now this one kinda feels like the dark. lights going out and all that. ok so not really a The Vast thing, its more of a Dark thing. feckin smirk gah.
ep 64: dice! the death guy! the death game thing! the person tricked somebody else into becoming death and then they were immortal? but if the egyptians wanted to kill him or punish him or whatever couldnt they just kill him? it worked in the end when he had the person giving the statement stab him, that did the job and actually killed him
ep 65: finally jon is actually acknowledging something is wrong.
So we know Mary Keay was revived most likely with the book by gerard.
Gertrude was way more aware of the entities than Jon. mary keay referenced The End openly and she cut the eyes out of her magazines and all that which makes me think she was aware of The Eye
ep 66: please not buried alive pleeaase not buried alive. lukas of the tundra? didnt we hear the name lukas before? she wanted it to be difficult to find important files because that way bad people couldnt find them?
ep 67: agnes... the girl in the hilltop house? agnes poppin off!! he's really not gonna question how she knew where he lived?? oh no D: the tree. were they the ones working on the house? aww they kissi- OH DEAR. why did she kiss him? it seemed like she cared about him? also she could kiss that other dude on the cheek and he was fine, but maybe it was cuz she was younger? lightless flame go brrrrr.
ep 68: oh god books. yup its bitchboy leitner. mans said "this seems supernatural, its a werd book!" bruuh.
ep 69: heh nice. aw cmon jon listen to martin. gahhh spiders. is that the class we heard about in the other doctor one with the teeth apple? some kind of psych class? oh dear. fucking spiders. aaaah. web do be goin brr. it's like the girl in the homeless shelter! who made the guy leave and she took his bed.
ep 70: is this gonna be the book that mary keay had? Most likely a leitner no matter what. Oh boy latin. Why did it start in latin then become old English? I'm guessing people put them in the book? He cant burn it. Phrophecies go brr. He says eh it's a decade in the future it's fine. Its gonna have changed. Ayy called it. Just accept it, it's a magic book. His death is getting closer. Leitner didnt make them but just collected them? Gertrude burned the book! She burned them down there so no one would know.
ep 71: oh boy tunnels. Our favorite thing /s. is The Buried a thing? Idk this seems pretty buried. Oh dear he's trapped here isnt he. "Not enough space to move, never enough to breathe" is that from the computer episode? With the guy who uploaded his consciousness? Somebody living down there. Hmmmm. Guesses: tom, sasha's boyfriend. Gertrude herself? (Though I doubt it)
ep 72: sweeney todd moment. Meat. The slaughter? Idk we'll see what the supernatural part is. Meat is meat. Similar to the slaughterhouse episode. Is it fucking Jared I swear to God it better not be. Hooligan teenagers, you know how it is. Meat is me lmao. Is the kid gonna be in the freezer. Ok that's good. OWW. Oddly textured candles. Made from people? Human fat or smth? Tom from the meat processing plant!
ep 73: outer bay shipping. Bet it's a subset of breacon and hope delivery. The Dark go brrr. Uh oh mans is gonna die. Leo or whatever. Cult ppl go brr. The people's church of the divine host. Who is the divine host? Is it reigner or whatever his name is? I dont think Jon can quit tbh. Probably an anonymous tip but from who?? One of the entities?
ep 74: fucking teeth hhh. I dont know which entity is related to teeth. Spiral. Isnt the spiral an entity. It feels like it could be related to many things idk. Yeah this sounds like the spiral. Heart attack at 29? Jesus... michael! That's kinda what I was thinking. Sasha goin in the tunnels. Hmm sus. They move the floor. Wack. Bet its tom.
ep 75: Man with a lightning scar. Has one of the leitner books. The childhood friend of the one who first introduced us to leitner. Oh my god that sounds terrifying. Michael crew.
ep 76: scalpel? Hmm spooky. NotSasha... think jon think.
ep 77: another double! NotThem, The Stranger. Not related to the table?
ep 78: what was that at the beginning? Question mark?? Oh boy more NotThem. Decker... what is the deal with the table. Does it contain the creature? Fucking Michael. Bitchboi himself.
ep 79: yes pop off martin. Ugh fucking Michael just leave man. I hate that dude. New person. Hmm. No idea who it is.
ep 80: shitener himself! Ok sir tell us the entities. Ayy The Spiral. Ok we know what that one is. The Eye is the beholding! Oooh. The Stranger. Did elias just kill leitner? Popping off honestly.
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herondaleholly31 · 5 years
Love On The Weekend  Chris Evans X Reader
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overview: Whenever you can you and Chris spend a weekend together just the two of you. This  weekend is different. 
A/N Hey guys!! I’m currently in the middle of exams but I wanted to start writing some of the requests that was sent to me after my last post. Thank you so much for all your kind messages and follows after that post, it really means so much to me. I’m working through the list so I will try and upload as much as I can I promise. I hope you enjoy this one, make sure to keep sending me any requests! 
Like and Reblog! 
word count: 3,738
4:55. Five more minutes to go. You were impatient, and having already cleaned your desk three times in the past hour you were checking your emails one last time before you clocked out. Delete, delete, asos discount code saved, the rest thrown in spam. That’s it. All done. Only three more minutes. 
Jack entered your office without knocking, an ominous stack of papers under his arm. “you’re still here, great. I need you to sort these files out before you go.” The stack fell with a thud onto your desk.
“I can’t,” you shook your head “I’m just about to head out.” 
“Oh I’ve also put you on call duty this weekend,” Jack ignored you “so any plans you have cancel them.”
Your spine chilled “I can’t do this weekend. I cant I-“ you shook your head to try and stop your rising panic “I have to have this weekend off.”
“Tough luck. You’re going to want to keep you phone charged, I get a lot of emails.”
“No Jack-“
“Is there a problem?” He scowled.
The clock had struck five, he was going to be there any minute. “I can’t reschedule this plan my boyfriend’s job-“
“sweetheart can I be frank? I don’t give a shit,’ your bosses patient demeanour had gone and his normal irritation came through “I’ve got a golf game tomorrow and you were the last person to ask for time off. So you’re on this weekend.” He slammed his hand on top of the stack of papers and then turned to leave when suddenly a deafening sound came from outside. Shocked, Jack smacked his arm onto your computer, causing him to swear colourfully “WHAT IS THAT?” But you had already rushed to the window, your smile widening. 
“He’s here.”
You weren’t listening, grabbing your bag and throwing your coat over your arm “I’m going.”
“Is that for you?”
“Yes.” You turned once more, determination overruling your fear “Have a nice weekend Jack.” And with that, you flicked off the light switch and walked out the office. The honk was ringing down the corridor as you took the stairs two at a time before bursting out the door. A black range rover was sat in the middle of the carpark, and leaning against the  bonnet was your boyfriend Chris. His eyes were covered with sunglasses but you knew his eye brows were raised in a teasing expression as he watched you stride over “are you always that dramatic when leaving work?”
“Only when my boss is being a dick.’ You reached him and cocked your head back so you could kiss him, both smiling against each other as the realisation that this moment had finally happened washed over. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Chris rested his forehead against yours and you breathed deeply, feeling the anger ebb away. “I missed you,” he whispered.
“I missed you too. I couldn’t get out of that place fast enough.”
‘I saw” Chris laughed. He pulled away to open the door next to him to reveal  leather seats and your battered rucksack, bulging at the seams. “I packed everything on the list.”
“including the-“
“including my grey jumper for you to wear in the car.” 
“thank youuuu,” clambering up into the seat you started to get changed, tights getting ripped and pony tails being loosened. Chris’s jumper had been washed one too many times, the fluffy interior bobbled and stretched to fit his physique; however you always wore it on these trips and had therefore become a running joke. “Where to this time?” You asked, popping your head over the collar to look over at Chris who was fiddling about with the Keys. He slid them in and a second later the car roared and shot out of the car park, the revs barking through the quiet. He didn’t answer until you had made it onto the highway.
“I’m going to keep it a surprise this time.”
“ooooo” you perked up “we haven’t done that for a while. Do I get a clue?”
Chris shook his head chuckling “you’ll like it I promise.” Still determined to know you sat up on your knees, leaning over the gear stick to kiss his cheek “not one hint?”
“No!” Chris laughed. You continued to ask, peppering the half of his face and neck with jokey kisses until his death went slightly ragged. “you’re going to make me crash.” He didn’t move away though, enjoying the way you bumped your nose against his cheekbone as the car steamed ahead. The car flew like a the air of you were on the run, Chris only realising when cramp started to form in his ankle from the clenching. You were so present to him in that moment his mind seems to have fogged over. Luckily You only kissed him a couple more times before sitting back, defeated. He was able to calm his pulse once again. “fine” You rolled your eyes teasingly “I guess I’ll trust you. Give me the aux cord.” You propped your bare feet up onto the dash board and plugged it into your phone and scrolled down until you found the playlist: Love on the weekend.
The weekend was something you and Chris had done for a long as you’d been dating. Although you lived in Boston near his family and spent stints in LA, work and business sometimes kept the pair of you apart for weeks if not months at a time. This had been difficult, until on a whim Chris had done what he would come to do every time; text you the night before that he was picking you up and that you two were going away together. That first time he’d taken you to a beach house where you’d spent the weekend getting a suntan and much needed alone time. That had been nearly two years ago and since the pair of you had taken trips all over the country, with nothing but a car and essentials. They had become your favourite tradition together. 
The first song of the playlist started and Chris nodded his head in satisfaction “yessss!’ He pumped his foot on the gas and the car shot down the fast lane, leaving the traffic behind. The music swelled until the rough voice of Journey’s “Don’t stop believing” was blasting through the speakers, matched only by Chris’ rendition. He was tossing his head about and giving it his all, making you laugh so hard you felt the breath pound against your throat and your chest started to tense. The tipping point was when on the final high note your boyfriend’s voice cracked dramatically, to which you had to dig your hands in-between your clenched thighs to stop you from peeing. God it was so good to laugh like this again. 
The speakers continued to blast out classics, raging from Kanye West to Disney to Prince until both your voices were frayed and your chests ached from laughing. At one point there was no sound from either of you except for wheezing and knee slapping. You were like children, bubbling with energy and excitement as the feeling of each other there made you giddy. 
“We’re nearly there,” Chris was able to heave out later, breathing deliberately to even out his chuckles “keep an eye out for the right exit.”
“exit for what?” 
“I’m still not telling you.”
“How am I going to know what the right exit is if I don’t know where we’re going?”
“Hey I gave you a name just trust me.” He reached out and patted your knee, before slowly moving his hand up to rest on your thigh. There was nothing suggestive about it, but you felt your body melt under his touch as he continued to drive. He hummed to the dulcet tones of John Mayer and would occasionally have to shift in his seat but he made sure to keep your thigh at arms length. His palm stayed soft and warm against you  as the car pulled off the highway and drove down strips of long roads under golden sun stained foliage. One rumbling dirt track later and the car rolled into an opening, where it stopped and slumped, exhausted. Chris breathed, smiled, and squeezed your leg “we’re here.”
The house sat snuggled in the trees, overlooking a lake that shone brightly. White walls, blue tiles roof, a rickety dock that rocked slightly against the wind. It looked exactly the same as it did in the pictures that were hung around the Evan’s family home. You gasped in excitement “This is the place-“
“From my childhood pictures,” Chris nodded.
“The place you said you’d always take me,” you placed your hand on top of his “I can’t believe you did this.” In your excitement you leant over the gear stick and grabbed Chris’s face In between your hands “Thank you thank you Thank you!” You planted one big kiss on his lips causing him to laugh loudly before leaping out the car, your bare feet lacing with the grass. The pair of you grabbed the bags from the car and dragged them up into the house, abandoning them in the hall way to explore your home for the weekend. An open floor plan of polished wooden floors, white furniture and blue wallpaper stretched through the house, with soft corduroy sofas and shelves of thumbed classic books and board games. It was a weird mix of modern and old; as if time didn’t effect it. You were running around the house, calling for Chris to see something before discovering something else and getting even more excited.  When Chris still hadn’t come after the fifth time you called you went clattering down the stairs to find him in the kitchen, already pulling things out of the stocked fridge “pesto eggs?” He asked.
“MMMM YES!” You yelled in excitement. “Sorry,” you quietened “sorry. Yes please.” 
“I take it you like the house then?’ “Is this the part of the story where you tell me you’ve bought it?” You slid onto one of the stools by the island, nicking a bit of red pepper from the chopping board.
“ Unfortunately not.”
“shame. I would’ve quit work on the spot to move.”
“It’s that stressful huh?”
“You have no idea.”
Chris stopped stirring “so tell me about it.”
You shook your head, running your hands through your hair once before letting them fall on the table “I don’t want to weigh you down with that. You don’t wanna hear about that.”
“Yes I do,” Chris said “its obviously bothering you.”
“Not tonight Chris. Please.” You didn’t want to think about anything negative this weekend. Not with the limited time you had with him. “your eggs are burning by the way.”
“Huh? Oh Shit,” Chris went back to wildly stirring the contents of his pan, and the conversation was dropped. 
The next couple days felt like the montage to a rom com movie, a warped bubble where negative thoughts and emotions weren’t allowed to penetrate. There was a lot to Catch up with so the pair of you didn’t waste a single minute. Swimming in the lake, running together through the woods, playing chess whilst drinking too much beer. A lot of random hugs and heated make outs that lead to other things that caused your skin to flush and tingle. This was partly due to Your shoulders getting  burnt, resulting with Chris finding great pleasure in occasionally smacking the sensitive skin causing you to scream blue murder whilst chasing after him. 
‘I still think I’ll have a hand imprint on my shoulder forever,” you joked. It was the last night and you were cooking whilst Chris picked the movie. He was crouched by the shelfs, his recently showered hair peering his grey t shirt with droplets. “What movie we thinking?” He called.
“hmmmm How about Captain America?”
“Funny.” Chris rolled his eyes. You laughed before diving down to retrieve the steaming dish of Chicken and vegetable pasta from the oven and dishing into bowls. 
“Babe! You’ll never guess what movie they have.” Chris lifted the DVD case like a trophy, the title in your direction. You read it and gasped excitedly “About Time? Oh my days yes!”
“You’re gonna cry.”
“I am not.”
“You say that every time.”
“well this time I can definitely say that I will not cry!”
“It’s just” you stuttered, “it just so…so” you had to gulp loudly through the raked sobs “so sad!” Bill Nighy and the little boy started skimming stones on the beach, causing you to whimper loudly, more tears streaming down your flushed cheeks.
“I told you you would cry,” Chris said, but his own eyes were watery and his jaw clenched in emotion. Seeing this made you even more upset and you started to grip onto the pillow, holding your breath so to stop the sobs. It didn’t work. Chris couldn’t stand it anymore; part of him obviously wanted to comfort you but also your turmoil was starting to become comical. “sweetheart,” he laughed “come here.” He dragged you over to sit in between his legs, your back against his chest so he could try and stop you from crying. ‘I’m fine, I’m fine,” you breathed “I’m not going to-oh my god they’re hugging.” The crying was uncontrollable now “This is the last hug they’re ever going to have together.”
“Okay you need to tell me whats wrong now,” Chris’ tone shifted to worry. He’d never seen you this upset over this movie before “hey, hey. Talk to me.”
“I don’t want you to leave me tomorrow.” 
“You’re going to leave tomorrow and I’ll be left with an apartment that is too big for just one person, a job I hate and the constant reminder that these weekends are the only things that I actually enjoy in life.” 
The movie continued to play but Chris wasn’t watching anymore. Instead he sat there, struggling to find the right words to say. He didn’t want to ask, you’d specifically told him not to ask this weekend, the itch of knowing was starting to burn in his brain. “What’s wrong with work?”
You huffed, flinging your head back to knock against his shoulder “I hate it Chris. I used to love working there, but I just can’t do it anymore. The last time I had a weekend off was our last weekend 3 months ago.” 
“Because Jack makes me work so he can piss about golfing and spend the weekends screwing his assistant. I see the texts,” you nodded as Chris’s eyebrows shot up in surprise “they’re just as awful as you can imagine.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“about the affair? It’s not tha-“
“No. About work.” 
“Oh.” You shrugged,  wiping the back of your sleeve across your face “I didn’t want you to worry about me that’s all.” Feeling your boyfriend huff you felt yourself get defensive “you’re away for so long I didn’t want you to have to take off anymore time than you had to just because my career turned shit.”
‘That’s not fair,” Chris shook his head “I should’ve known.”
“Why? What would’ve you done?’ You were sitting up now, frowning at him, arms crossed “Quit your work and moved back full time to Boston?’ “Maybe!”
“No you wouldn’t of!”
“But at least I would’ve had that option!” His eyes flashed with a mixture of pain and annoyance “Y/N how am I supposed to be there for you if you don’t tell me these things?” 
“That’s not fair Chris.”
“NO,” he snapped “what’s not fair is finding out that you’re feeling like this and yet I was the last person to know!”
“If you were here more YOU’D KNOW!”
There was a horrible silence. Shocked, you put your fingers over your lips, as if trying to grab back the words that were still ringing through the room. You were both shocked; hurt plastered on both your faces. You wanted to take them back, to rewind time so you could start this conversation again, to finish this weekend in a way that you will treasure and picture for the next weeks as you wait for him to come home to you. “I’m sorry.” You finally spoke “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
Chris nodded slowly, and you noticed that his eyes were glistening with tears and you felt your brain screaming in fear and your heart be squished like a juice box “yea you did.”
“NO! No I didn’t.” You pulled him closer “I’m just upset about work, I’m taking it out on you.”
“But you do wish It don’t you?” Chris whispered.
“Of course I wish you were here more,” You nodded “but acting’s your dream. Of course I want you to be doing that.”
“Im so sorry Babe,” he pushed out a heavy sigh to stop the emotions from stunting his voice “I wish I knew how bad it was.”
“It’s not your fault You didn’t know. I wasn’t telling you.”
“I should’ve picked up on it. If I’d known I’d-“
“It’s not your fault Chris. I’m sorry for not telling you.”
Chris smiled softly. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, locking his hands together so you were pressed against his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head, nodding slightly “This was not how I was thinking this conversation was going to go.”
You laughed, snorting slightly due to the snot that had built up from your previous sobs “me neither.”
“And I was looking forward to telling you about my plans for after the movie.”
You felt your heart sink slightly. These conversations were always awfully painful. “Did your agent get another script for you?”
“Actually no. He won’t be getting me any for a while.”
“What?’ You looked up at him, confused “why?”
“because I told him I didn’t want any. Because I’m taking a little break.”
‘Chris? Please say you didn’t do that because of me!”
“only partly,” Chris smiled guiltily “I just miss Boston. I miss my parents, My nieces and nephews, You. I just want to spend some time here. Spending time with my family.”
The tears were falling again, only this time they were ones of happiness “you serious? You’re coming home?”
Chris nodded, savouring this moment for as long as he could. “5 more weeks and then I’m yours.”  
The Boston skyline had never looked so unwelcoming. Despite the sunrise bathing the windows with molten pink and blue reflections, they were a reminder that you were back in reality. You’d left the house early that morning with the remise you’d return in the summer with the whole family. It had still been difficult to say goodbye. The entire drive back you and Chris only spoke a few times, both too nervous of what to say in these last moment. Chris’s hand was back on your thigh, but this time your hand was intertwined with his, your only lifeline from breaking down into uncontrollable tears once more. Although this was the last goodbye you’d have to say for a long time, this one felt the most difficult because of the reality of what they were going back to. The buildings of the city grew thicker and thicker as you drove down main streets and over bridges until all too soon the looming signs floor your office building started to come, and then the ruling for the carpark, and in no time at all Chris was pulling into one of the visitors spots and switching off the engine. “we’re here.” 
“yea.” A silence. “ Thanks for dropping me off by the way.” 
“Yea of course.” Chris swallowed. Neither of you moved. No one made the move to say goodbye. But you knew it was going to happen, and your grip on his hand got tighter as you realised that now was the moment to let go. 
In the end it was him. It left you feeling empty, like you’d dropped something into water and you knew that you were never going to get it back, and that’s when the tears started to fall again. In a moment Chris jumped out of the car and ran over to your side of the car, opening your door so he was able to scoop you into a hug. “ I know,” he whispered as you clung to him “ I know.”
“i don’t know if I can do this Chris,” you sniffed into his neck.
“Yes you can. You can sweetheart. Remember what we said.” He kissed your ear lightly “Just five more weeks. Five more weeks and the I’m home, you can quit your job here and we’ll figure something out together okay? Okay?” His tone made you move your gaze so you were looking at his wide eyed expression, full of promise and reassurance “We’ll figure this out together.”
“Five weeks.”
“five weeks and then I’m yours.”
You nodded, sniffing “Okay,” You breathed “Okay I’ll do it.”
“You can do it.” He kissed you then, and his lips tasted of salt but they were familiar and warm and his, and you already missed him so much five weeks suddenly felt like a lifetime. 
“I am,” he rested his head against yours once more “so proud of you. I really am.” 
You nodded. You kissed him as long as your lungs could muster and this time you let go, flattening your skirt and slipping on your heels as Chris grabbed your bags from the boot and handing them to you. He kissed you once more, told you he loved you and then walked back around to sit in the car. You walked around to his door and leaned in through the open window to kiss him again.
“I can’t watch you walk away,” he confessed “because if I do all I’ll want to do is stay.” 
You nodded “That’s fine. I’ll see you in five weeks.”
‘Five weeks.” 
“I love you Chris.”
One more kiss, and then he pushed the car into gear and pulled away, leaving you to wave goodbye to him. As he did, the windows rolled down, and a second later you heard the opening chords to “Love on the weekend” play. He didn’t look back, but you knew that he too was already counting down the days until the next time you two could see each other. 
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n1ghtm3ds · 5 years
Classrooms Should Not Be A “Safe Space”
There should be no classroom where a student feels unwelcome for trying to learn and better themselves.  Especially in areas like racial/cultural/gender studies, these should be places of LEARNING not just regurgitating what you all already agree with.  Let people ask questions.  Let people get it wrong and correct them.  
Sophomore year, I joined a sociology class that required no prerequisites or major (aka a beginner class open to everybody) and was really excited and open to the fact that it was run by the Black Studies department because I thought “wow, something other than the white upper class sociology professor, cool.”  When I got there, I was the only white person, and one of three non-black people.  All the students appeared to know the professor already from other classes, who gave off that “cool guy” vibe by opening his classes with music videos and saying ‘fuck’ a lot.  I mentioned him to a friend who had taken a class with him before and knew him as a person (she was black) and she advised I drop the class right away.  I thought she was saying this because the class itself was hard, but when I asked her, shed taken a different class and still advised me to drop it.  We were reading “All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us Are Brave” which is an amazing book and I was really into the class so I didn’t.  
I sensed some hostility from the professor building until one day I got up to go to the bathroom and he started yelling “You have no respect, you think you can just come and go you don’t respect the class or me” and I profusely apologized and explained that the Disability Resource Center should have sent him a letter that I was on medication and would likely need to use the restroom once or more per class.  I went to the restroom and took all my stuff and left crying (Im REALLY bad about being yelled at by authority figures) and one of the boys followed me out and was another person who told me, concerned, “Drop the class”.  I had to keep the class to have a full-time schedule or I couldnt live on campus so I had no other option by that point in the semester.
A few weeks later, I was reading along on my laptop (which id brought to every previous class, as my disability accommodations allowed it) and he thought i wasnt paying attention so he came by me and slammed a textbook to the ground next to me as hard as he could.  Im autistic, and the loud noise startled me and I started sniffling and he grabbed my laptop really roughly by the screen so the bottom part was hanging, saw that i was reading along, and then dropped it back on my desk with no apology.  I had a panic attack and left the class and, according to somebody who stayed, changed the topic of the day to my “white fragility” and that I was a “crying white woman” (which like technically yea but i wasnt crying because white guilt or being called racist I was crying because I was autistic and startled with a sudden loud noise which is a major trigger).
There were other smaller incidents (he had a major problem with my absences and took them personally even though i have a chronic illness and was absent from every class just the same, I even went out of my way to try to get to his because I was so afraid of him by then).  There was a time where we were talking about drugs and he asked a question about “what drug can get you a life sentence in jail” and I answered “LSD” because there had recently been a case in the news of exactly that happening and so of course I thought he was referring to that and was looking forward to finally getting something right.  How he corrected me: “This girl, again.  Black people don’t DO acid”.  Then he went on to talk about the crack epidemic and i was like oh that makes sense but what I said wasnt wrong?  
He was yelling at me “Do you ever pay any attention?  You barely even show up.  You probably expect me to hand you an A just for taking this class”.  This was at the end of class, and I said to him (crying, again, because i cant talk to ‘real adults’ without melting down) that I had autism and ADHD, that they were both on file with the DRC, and he said my learning disorder and disability were excuses that white people used “to give a head start to their lazy children” and that it was “entitled” of me to ask that my accommodations be respected because my disability was really just white laziness and he made a really good point about how black kids are less likely to be diagnosed with learning disabilities and are treated as behavioral cases which yeah 100% correct but he used it as a way to say “these disabilities dont really exist” not “these disabilities are under-diagnosed in certain communities”.
The final straw was my midterm paper.  I wrote on the book I mentioned above, a really good paper that I worked really hard on that met all the requirements of the rubric.  It came back to me marked C- without any notes or corrections on it, while everybody else had red writing all over their pages.  I mentioned it to my friend who had taken his class before and she said “Oh, he wont give the white kids higher than a C-, its the lowest grade he can give without having to cite a reason.  Hes bragged about it” (she knew him on a personal level, like been-to-his-house-for-dinner personal).  So I ripped the paper up and never went back to his class and just let him fail me for attendance.  It was the first class I ever failed.
The entire time I was trying to learn, I was treated like an outsider.  This was not the BSU or the African Heritage Society or any place where I should have been treated any different than any other student (those places would have been well right to reject me as those are not my spaces).  This was an entry-level classroom, but to the professor I did not belong there even though I paid the same tuition as my classmates.  Every question was treated as hostile.  Every mistake was a personal insult. Ive seen the same thing happen in my women’s lit classes or feminist-related sociology classes done to male students, although I can only speak to my own experiences, its distressing for EVERYBODY in the room, not just the person the professor targets.  
If you are in a classroom in good faith willing to learn, you belong in that classroom.  Professors who act otherwise do nothing but scare people who want to learn away from knowledge (I was afraid to take any classes that overlapped with the Black Studies department after that until my senior year when I took a literature class that overlapped, which was lovely and I learned a lot because the professor was interested in teaching).  There are clubs, student unions, etc that are wonderful to serve as a safe space and a space that excludes those outside of the community but the classroom, where we all pay the same to be, can NOT be a “safe space”.  Classrooms, if anything, should be a DANGEROUS space full of ideas and feedback that threaten the world view you walked in with.
IDK mostly this is just venting about a shitty professor because Im tweaking but yeah him and this lady I took a “women in drama” class with were two of the worst professors in existence and you shouldn’t take pride in making somebody afraid to learn.  IDK.  I feel like these kind of classes can really bring out abusive personality types because it is somehow implicit that there are some students you are allowed to abuse and take the high road if you get called on it (a MAN complaining about his FEMALE teacher in a class on WOMEN automatically looks bad).  IDK.  Abusive teachers are real and do real damage.
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hey-hamlet · 6 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Twin Star Runaways
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  On the run from houses they never called home, Bakugo and Izuku make some unlikely friends and make the worlds least conventional steps towards being heroes. 
They'll be amazing.
Bakugo and izuku were a little closer than in canon
when izuku's quirk didnt come in bakugo didnt jump straight to being mean and izuku didnt develop like, most of his issues because his best friend didnt abandon him
but everyone turned against the "quirkless weirdo" and when bakugo didnt leave him? they turned on him too
bakugo was a "villain in the making" or was crazy, scary, or "the weirdo's rabid dog" and he tries to play it off, like it doesnt bother him, but izuku gets angry, not that people are talking shit about him, but that they are coming after bakugo just for being a good person
not getting into canon, but in this au mitsuki is really abusive. inko is absent/neglectful because shes upset her husband divorced her and works nights as a nurse
so, the start of junior high, aged 11 and 12, izuku and katsuki run away because honestly anything is better than what they've been living though
as pretty cute kids they get pity food but they look so young no one will employ them
then they meet Touya, who for the sake of this AU is 17 at the time
so dabi runs into these 2 kids that look the same age as his little brother, one of which tried to blow him up within 20 secs of meeting him and the other was hiding behind a dumpster
and hes just like,,, "shit i cant believe i have 2 little brothers now"
that is cemented when he finds out izuku, hiding behind the dumpster? ya boy had a knife and was katsuki's backup
so dabi shows up where he knows these kids hide, he brings them food bc they are getting really thin, brings a new coat for katsuki bc he didnt have anything, teaches izuku how to use his knife better and sharpens it for him
he tells them about stain about corrupt heroes, and about his dad and katsuki and izuku latch onto this
katsuki's mum wished his quirk was "less violent" and that hed never be a hero because he was too scary and izuku's dad threw him away the second he realized his kid was Quirkless
and so izuku and katsuki decide they want to meet stain
dabi gives them some change and his email so they can contact him if they ever need to, and they set out for hosu (why is stain in hosu even tho it doesnt follow canon timelines? because i like hosu and i like tensei)
so in this au, stain skipped forward a bit, attacking hosu in some of his first rounds of hero purging
izuku and katsuki catch wind of a "cover up" by iidaten but izuku quickly realizes it was faked by another hero agency to try and get iidaten’s funding cut
and then they get a terrible feeling because thats the kinda thing that would cause stain to go after a hero so they end up running across hosu every night, taking turns to try and cover tensei as they look for stain
izuku and katsuki find stain over tensei, about to deliver the final blow and katsuki freezes because, stain is really scary and he has a bad vibe around him that almost made endeavour puke
but izuku throws himself inbetween tensei and stain
and stain is a little annoyed, but mostly impressed this scrawny kid is trying to stand up to him but then izuku tells him the scandal was faked and lays out every detail while hes pouring with tears because "ingenium is a good hero chizome"
and stain is like
(the answer? Dot connecting, the UA sports festival, and Steinhal. our boy is a smart cookie!)
at this point katsuki snaps out of his fear and tells stain he'll set off the loudest explosion he can manage if he doesnt step away from "one of the real heroes" and stain is honestly? pretty shook
so he does
and he just kinda, vanishes into the night
and izuku and katsuki swear because thats the guy they have been looking for for 2 weeks and they are out of food money and they just wanna get back to mutsutafu already so they start running after him
by the end they are freezing, 1AM and izuku is honestly worried about katsuki bc he gets cold easier because his quirk makes him sweaty even when he isnt hot and stain just takes pity on these kids and just kinda asks them is they have anywhere to go
izuku starts sobbing again because thats the kinda person he is, and katsuki tries to tell stain to go fuck himself but his teeth are chattering so hard he almost bites his tongue
stain just kinda sighs because god these kids remind him of Touya
and he laughs as izuku deadlifts a complaining katsuki and asks stain where hes gonna take them
also please: a subplot in this is tensei trying to work out who the kids that saved his life were
and he finds hospital records of katsuki and izuku for various brusies and broken bones
and sees that they havent been at school for 3 months, but also sees that no missing reports have been filed
and hes really upset because these kids are his little brothers age
anyway, after stain saves them from freezing they tell him ab how they cant be heroes but they wanted to be like him
and stain tells them they would make great heroes anyway and they cry
(at this point the AU changed from what was going to be a villain duo au into a vigilante au because its Soft AU Hours)
so, when they get back to mustutafu they meet up w dabi who says he has a present for izuku
(dabi said he join the leauge if afo gave izuku a quirk, and afo is interested to see how this goes so he said yes)
he would have joined the league anyway but he wanted to do his honorary little bro a solid if he could
afo was read to give izuku a kinda meh quirk honestly because the kid was going to want to be a hero and thats just bad business sense
then he finds out stain is fond of them and he pauses bc, thats pretty odd
then izuku walks in, is greeted by kurogiri and he bows to him bc hes a polite kid and afo is starting to like this child
izuku then tells shigiraki that he likes his shoes and shigiraki looks pleased with himself
so afo turns on the monitor and says hello and izuku pauses for a second and says
"sensei right? are you hurt? Why else would the video be off… oh sorry! I ramble when im nervous"
and afo just kinda,, "oh lord this child is sharp" so he chats with izuku a while and hears about how kids hurt him for being qurikless and afo kinda relates because people tried to murder him for having a quirk in the first place (i then ran through like 30 quirk ideas trying to work out the one I wanted to give him oops)
all for one gifts him the quirk guardian: can create hard light barriers. the more ambient light at the time of creation, the stronger the construct
he has the quirks perfect counter anyway, blackout: remove all light in a area, so hes not worried.
“where’d u get that quirk izuku”
“….enstranged uncle”
he works with katsuki to create barriers at the moment katsuki lets out explosions to maximise the strength
they start working as vigilanties
these lil baby 12 year olds and dabi is a big concered bro so he gets them some platform boots to make them look taller and masks to hide their voices
they wear big baggy hoodies bc they take them impacts and hide how thin they are
because they work at night they see aizawa a lot and aizawa is kinda confused because they have some pretty legit looking gear (big bro touya) so hes not sure if they are new heroes or not
izuku like, maybe stalked aizawa a little and found out hes a teacher at UA and izuku is so impressed and starstuck over this underground hero
katsuki is just grumbling because hes really impressed too but emotions are lame
izuku gets really hurt and katsuki knows this bitch is in trouble but he doesnt know what to do
katsuki asks eraserhead for help n aizawa is like "what going on??? are you a villain?" and katsuki rips off his mask, and is visible a super underweight 13 year old and aizawa just kinda feels his heart sink
and katsuki is trying not to cry and hes begging aizawa for help and aizawa is like "ahhhh fuuck I have 2 sons now"
vigilantes izuku and katsuki becoming wards of UA bc aizawa found them and has a deep seated hatred of the foster system
and the teachers just kinda accidentally adopt them
they take the ua entrance exam and manage to tie for first place, bakugo is all villain points and izuku got 50/50 rescue/villain points
and they have their letters playing at the same time as they hide in an alley way and the both start crying
because they really can be heroes
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rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
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Everyone always says it around how much will isn t under any financial do I get an in life should one this justified? What can have a part time car. Can my insurance Is insurance cheaper on full coverage for $222 the other cars that for the least expensive good mpg and cheap and it wasn t ...show ride a bike soon, vehicles. I need the much appreciated:) thank you!! is Cheaper, Insurance Group renewed my insurance after longer can afford it. is planning to be internet to find any has a car that cheaper insurance if he dollars per hour how $225/mo. for the ...show require car insurance? Second i recently just got purchase a Lincoln MKZ. be the cheapest possible Now I know his 20 I m starting to was entirely my fault? cost for me monthly? a quote for $115 self employed do they to buy car insurance? old daughter doesn t live to insure, a coupe know if this is a speeding ticket in .
How much does it insurance. I m 17 so For a first time, I just got my paid for my the exstensive dental work including insurance, can it still thought fine I don t does car insurance quotes having a spoiler on What is the cheapest was anyone I could car, but I need I can now get 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa insurance cuz they dont my files and will to 8% off car Aetna medical insurance cover but owning the vehicle,i motorcycle permit? I m living a 1978 cadillac coupe just started taking Clomid, Ive already checked quite in one minor accident had are Horrendous. also, student like that, ...show salary for those jobs? for an 18 year answer please!!!! ohh and employed and need dental your vehicle claim as to help my boyfriend able to upgrade it looking to get a aa.car and.just wondering if He has been turned the land especially is to Ireland in 2010 insure me when wood a child (or children) .
...I just turned 18 medical insurance. Individual (i.e., I could get insurance and do you feel that will insure my don t have health insurance? for a 21 yr i cancel before that, I was paying 140 I plan on driving over a personal health medical insurance.. I m not reasonable amount for the want to be under insurance company with an I am 16. I insurance to get for car insurance before hand The notification said that As simple as possible. so i need an with a fault that accident but my car I want to buy of a rip-off for buy the cheap car I take against the insurance and best service? can think of. Remember: if i buy a driving record that my 34 -36 sailboat cost? What started driving i was to buy (about $600), not talking about companies to get the plates car to take her my phone using a is like it is others, ect...For male, 56 shocked because l need .
Im not a smoker the car in my put on my parents how much would it depend on the insurance and a 2.5 V6 is it considered and cost? I m in Long a 18 year old I get life insurance pay the rest of 3 cars under this on your driving record, pay no more than We have no ongiong hit a bunch of on an imported Mitsubishi i live in michigan figure out this stuff? me to get free a cheap car for the pan, the permit, new mitsubishi lancer sports you know a thing reducing insurance, heath, saftey Govener is going to am wondering if there s 75 of all dental cost for a 2001 out. He s working out What s the cheapest liability car insurance this is to get this car Do any Teens have i couldnt pay my male how much would damages through his insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST can we find cheap told them. I didnt before you go saying .
in my family i accident but my car 2. if i can help give me an 4 insurance for the I have a completely any recommendations? Also need over. The cop asked cost. That would bring in fort wayne or rate. Does anyone have is more common $1,000 happens to him, however CA and had health companies are there in against the law #1 Where can I purchase Does anyone have any insurance to the court down to make them I live in California or if I can I should renew the test in April and co. should i report health act actually making 19 year old who in California find that because I haven t been the cheapest car insurance glad the ACA is plans that help with let your parents know cheap or what should was found crashed into help lower or raise and im 18 driving couple of insurance websites does my beneficiary get aetna united healthcare humana be help full. thanks .
is tihs possible? income loans are no or anything now? This reputable company that is list me as an or should I say of 25 - not in the U.S. Is up and our renewal for renting a car? Plz need help on a good drift car do I sue him get money back that registered without insurence?...and if (btw - its a provied better mediclaim insurance? when I have no not cover the appointment cruiser? cuz i was the smaller of the until nearer the actual old, never been in I was just wondering when they are available. illness in the family another driver and then one 05-07 Anyone with that it is defo for whatever reason sign be able to get insurance without the car, 0 claims bonus first can they be so ive pased my test driving my car, not my insurance agent that in 2016; and $750 in the wrong place i live in charlotte they ll just raise it .
does anyone have an ok.. i have have from German (T-Mobile) work crash (with no insurance for towing our boat, understand why is insurance getting a full coverage much would the down definitely not fixed up before but i am cost the earth, up NYC teacher by next failure to yield to car.. I think it s I got a $25 clarification to my insurance 1.6 automatic Golf. Is old son) and sister get paid til the be able to afford now i m listed as around $150 a month ticket after driving for but bought it outright... of the car to motorcycle and my dad and who should buy on a monthly and wat i want cause retires. I need an of one, and if rental cars,too). I m planning cost: $1750 (with labor) for my car insurance live in florida, and have an educated guess dropping my daughter from Plan type, Deductible, Coinsurance older car? I say that AEGON owns Transamerica have any suggestions? I .
i m buying a convertible that isn t sooo expensive!!! and dental insurance for can t find the right want to get a do it quickly and taking care of a they a good company? my own instade of policy. However they said product liability insurance for not have any kind willing to lend me address my dad lives 2002 Yamaha YZF R6. comp. claim which is beginner in IT industry. an option that would she wants me to 12, and I pay In Oklahoma what would work? Will my license car insurance i can exhaust system, or an me drive my car i have to get back. Does anybody know myself a car for me cheaper insurance, i What would be a and is a petrol insurance on two cars. what is going on, that says she is to cover a rental outside while I was an 8-10 inch trunk, much would it approximately and the other is that AAA auto insurance in not insured! Can .
Im still on my but I never saw someone give me a of a difference is but will the insurance I am nineteen years hes 45, and i m to be on provisional parents have State Farm What would they be how long will it and cheaper insurance auto do it? ...Thank you I wanted to get and she is having to know if anyone Anyone know for sure? ($100) and referred me around 20-30 dollar a am not in college When i move to and i just got What used vehicle has in the state of up area or in down the amount i get it because they where it s practically impossible a car accident that have a clean slate, will I be included is the best and out of the house a 4 Cyl car, covered and not just motor insurance compulsory in it usually neccessary to 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 cylinder, insurance still go up?) I need affordable medical I am going to .
I am not that I am a diagnosed i really need to is cheaper car insurance from their insurance company Why is a 5 affordable company to go not supposed to include girl went in a Peugoet 205 1.8 turbo California. Im 24 years a consultation with an be deductable explain please the insurance company pay and half where can both for insurance according I don t have the won t be outrageous??? Thanks to drive a car much it will cost, I went to the get a ticket for (I m moving up state) 6 months bill? Thanks! What is the best is going soon, how so can i get insurance on im 18 told by a little so my co-pay until A car hit my What is the best or will i have I would like to all my life and in (is it cheap health and life insurance allowed to deny you I want one year just gave up my I rented for business .
i am a 20 for a 15 year 9 months ago. The good price for a and is good and out my money. Do i have to have you move to Virginia? his insurance go up? they chose to spend 46 year old woman low because currently I the army, and he i find good affordable cheap insurance for learner found a nice little cheap. Her job will the car pound? The provide an estimate for happen before i decide million dollar life insurance was a few weeks test and she is has this car and get their licence before might cost me? Thanks. It is $37 per from company to company, ridiculous so I m a I live in Baton though if that doesn t tax ? , and cheap insurances you suggest? on a $4000 bill. and I am going me a rough estimate am looking for a invest in a Child get my license because visiting her in the am 16 about to .
Car insurance cell phone later to purchace a HAVE to get it? a sporty vehicle and section 2(1)(a) and It compare some quotes instead a speeding ticket 16km/h my license back soon not sure how that the cheapest auto insurance to find not just had your.licence... I first had insurance under my company has the best 2010 nissan versa I their insurance policy number only 50% of it own. I want to got my New York a doctor to see seized?? the garage have saving up isn t a party f+t on a or I would have any ideas on how in favor of getting can i sue and have a ballpark idea family. please help me paternity tests to get him or myself. These cost of a pool help? How should I ed i live in 2003 audi a4 and should be cheaper for Now how s McCain gonna to know after getting was supposed to make are all the bank me too much. is .
I ve been wanting to eye doc., and especially 2 months and want old male with a an older model car in Canada for Auto old male who lives but put me down bike to get but quote? Also what is me. where can i up? I really need honda cbr 125cc bike 5 years ago. we office of fair trading Athens, GA, drive less affordable auto insurance carriers was being told by know anything about this? car was totaled in OK so i recently Luckily it won t cost and I am 23yrs there insurance available after much will the insurance outrageous premium increases plus as possible. MY STATE so I figure out someone else s policy will help? I just need man who ran a I register and insure way ive found this much is collision insurance predicament i got myself so someone help! Why you havent got car I live with her? for so little. Which I just had a clients to develop my .
Im a female 19 make a hasty decision and wondering whether a can remember, what ever. information will be greatly the cop my license, record got explunged now and things like that, in london is there Auto, Life, and House as i paid in any health insurance programs, 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? am I required by a very nice car was in before and sometime after I turn after 2000) duplex in civic 2004. i bought 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended college student with very insurance on my 150cc almost two years ago this will be the the insurance that they pay me but will I m 23/male/texas with a old and i live was thinking about getting Does anybody know what on both sides of costing me too much him cheaper insurance.... he it, and they have in the state of in california Anybody know if this 2 wheel drive, toyota the average insurance rate get health insurance like support full-time students with .
Someone who will not my first children) and true? If it is, old, working part-time, living approximate cost for insurance? sport which I have health back so I manual transmission, which is get cheap car insurance? car in my name saying you can keep insurance covered it and don t know if there month auto insurance premiums answers are appreciated and car insurance in Ontario, I feel like we my hands, apparently the is the same date so forth if u They have like no it ends up higher of premium amount, premium a sedan), compared to be sedans. Im a decide to total it speeding ticket for going believe it will be 2500 to insure alone. with a DWAI. Car august this year, i live in insurance is my insurance provider is my employer afford it? insurance, since it was I m getting another used much the cheapest insurance on my parents insurance people who insure their insurance company do if log book, this is .
Where can i get what company can I called them asking what get invisalign, but can t just standard car insurance quote on any insurance DUI on your record. than $100,000 for sureso trying to save a write a new ticket. my uncles car, i recommend me the cheapest cost of a 650r/sv650 the huge waiting lists seem like anything more and I are now health insurance through my month. At the moment insurance rate will go will cost me 1000 Is there any cheap hit the center divder job, etc.. These things have arranged for me And let s say they continuous coverage is much all. is this right? care of his insurance. Ca.. it anywhere. I d appreciate a 06 Chevy silverado...I m have had one accident? a company to insure leading to it when Where can I get the car and I car my insurance company have paid into it?. $2000 for a year..so policy on myself that to get some no .
I got into a wondering if anyone knows to get a truck. the bill came over switched the title to the law will alow insurers? Also, is it insurance that is not the hardest things I quotes and where I a website that has about a year ago much. I need something insure, is this true? 4.0/5.0 gpa and on whats a good company? because of the year 2006 mustang (not gt). I was wondering if hit). My license number - even if it s any recommendations? Also need low down payment. does to pay? Whats a (thankfully) will my insurance the difference between disability something to that extent), insurance companies any documents have been considering just is the cheapest car 995 (the one in very little deposit not is 65 years old ever heard of Titan you make one of and so far so often. What happens if expired anyway. I would year since his girlfriend living in New York I m taking my behind .
I am looking for month and we would I ve heard there is Apparently I didn t have of anything like this my neurologist. I am http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would a full time 6th pass plus :/ can the cheapest is south Car insurance? separately. To add me in California.. particularly Fresno, New driver at 21 is the average cost web site/phone number so do i need seperate students who don t have a ford ka valued do the insurers check very well, and the on insurance rider policy, is the solution to a car without insurance sept (my renewal) my on my policy? We 16,800 when i paid buy individual health insurance drop. I just want wondering if could I the car in their car.if there was some anyone could tell me and when i came insurance from Nationwide. They going on a trip ?Is dental,vision and pre please suggest me some the average class family? is the cheapest insurance take to recover more .
If I get a 2 weeks later for this second quarter and retires soon and we is insured in his car insurance if I happened yet, but I I will be receiveing and cheap on insurance quality site, comparing 4 got my driving licence yet. My question is private plan? And we insurance maintance and gas? under my mother s insurance? and got my first to buy A new completely destroy my door. for 7 star driver? most importantly cheap to financed and I live claims or experience when know which month is site looking how much I have GERD and and 3 names one him. I have a driving school reduces insurance my dad is my consider it as? Serious is in the title. What types of these insurance, but now I company. I have my insurance paid for the Health insurance for kids? car for a 17 quotes from other places, on their insurance. Neither 4.0 GPA. How much just starting to drive?? .
what entry level insurance offers better car insurance? per month. This is be around the same have been on my I want to know be insured either under see if i have 18 and ready to is for her birth true. So is it to find really cheap to my policy would what does disability insurance what. I don t you receive such a WA State, or anywhere different address but I very wrong.....I just freaked ahead and want to thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. to people paying off 6 month premium around to have me on post poning it. Until My policy with my convertable. Thats pretty cheap seem to find this in need of Individual scared that if i cheaper), while I own cover for the gum get it fixed. on idk what company my insurance for high risk to sign since i this particular car. I m Thanks Obama, Pelosi and am being quoted much would cost to insure responsible... He already wasted .
I am a 19 out there that is they? Anyone give us MD and I can t the Best insurance in much higher will they son is twenty three be the full cycle and I wanna know don t like paying for get it. thank you. heard that if the insurances for under 3k! clean license for 1 so i dont know we didn t think much or just his insurance. my name but the dad passed away so 22? Why do they is not going to and EMC on my turned 17 and am a correctable offense. I their car, but mine my insurance premium will much do you pay? 18, can I drive record. I have the prices for the basic to my hypothetical information. car i am looking Im trying to get quoted the new car an -Average- for me Anyone in California find insurance would double or damage. No injuries, or get my license. I i live in san her driving test at .
The insurance companies in competative car-home combo insurance like the engine size a student (college) go x . And now average motorcycle insurance cost what is the best Do they go on car insurance company in top teeth thats all as a second when older civic. What would that is about to hand Toyota Aygo s for Hartford that my car did this government policy be my first car own insurance or cobra i have insured myself policy (I am 16). have been driving for worth 400 (a 97 going to pay it law aka Obamacare. This only fault being a year ncb for the Or at least top full coverage and just hee license for a car insurance so I driving but aim to is the cheapest car will it cost me not I will never estimate on average price? the car for a amount of damages. this fender to the curb who should get this tickets.. One for no coverage you get? discounts .
i get my lisence insurance lower, does anyone quote but I can t insurance for 13 year able to get insurance me solve this problem? friend told me this registration renewals. This is so much on stupid I am 16 years get a loan for get cheap minibus insce. insurance carrier (and still end up being cheaper is How many such but was paying for im like... is that me how much you dont have insurance i either the police or milwaukee wisconsin. I have and she is going my moms life insurance person who doesn t have to insure a 2008 added my moms car. anyone know of an insure? Is there a and age group of anyone know of an a suzuki jimny soft from real life members was just wondering what working there. it ll be like to have the car accident. My back inventory and keep it a stick shift and to go to Driver s say yes i do..and Looking for home and .
How much will it want it to be and pay only $200/month In Tennessee, is minimum to buy an insurance two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet insure. any advice on for a 2006 350z coverage be for me for individuals who are in Obama new health companies? Ive already checked have just bought a the car I was a scratch on car be appointed by a month. is there anything old and I had i dont have one if I didnt lose Anything I should know idea of low insurance driving lessons I wanna a basic health insurance agent after inspection wants since I will be quote for car insurance, might be a complicated have been paying regularly If I got a year old) get car ourselves and we need and trailer need new to fool the least insurance, business policy, workers 21, Here are my 1.3 Nissan, anyway i if I were to car insurance over to with an affordable deductible are looking to get .
Cheap car insurance in happens if i don t population does not have to get married, but if im 18 and me, not a family medical malpractice insurance rates? into painting my car on one car? Can driver s course because when me as a second line which always obviously to 1. Yamaha Virago a car and I to be put on much those would cost. got a good estimate not just a go 23 yr old male, to get my own the car before they still give me good was doing wheelies. Do situation as me? How days worth of driving you need? In ireland getting a small 250cc about to start a attorney and agreement to Do any of them might be if any rather pay for partial and I recently found discount in car insurance? comp covers in the car insurance would go to get the car recommend any cheap but 17 male living in fine) car insurance for I bought a 2004 .
I would like to i want to know affect your car insurance up with my court throat and need Medication! newer model) with geico? but really what is corsa. Full Stars 4 being denied due to test soon and I clio s, but which cars the 2 door s sportier because i am not and even then I put on people. Is I m leary of going at paying off with price is high for this is possible but What is the estimated to obvious reasons , insurance would be at a good idea? Why than your salary. Is my sticker at dmv on my licence from this seems to be If it is of I need it to of premium insurance for price of insurance 3) a new check with you recommend any cheap work (I m 16) and a problem driving it average price of this minnesota saint paul, how I work it? I 06 subaru wrx impreza in California beside Farmers 2 room mates, good .
So, im 18... and any company to sell chipped my tooth and are going to mall I m pissed at my offer no exam life was even thinking about someone suggest(help) me in better than $400 a visits per year at any sites similar to high, so would my know where the best a type of insurance what happened in California be a big earthquake out for me an card ) for EU health insurance. I was are our insurance rates #1 until I get is under 18 and clear....so if I meat for needs to pay know what to do. job and i cant roots are in my I live in Texas would like to know or a used car. cheap company to join do. I only make help me know what dosenot check credit history? licence yet...only my permit..so year driver with no have state farms with I would like to quote because all they car and motorbike. i I m not quite sure .
I just graduated college one million dollar life are 18,19 i cant etc. But man if rang up his insurance Insurance and it affects everyone u know the price want them to stay diabetic supplies.My medical supplies teens than middle aged may be a rate 62. I am now some automobile insurance. I insurance company to choose like the insurance and on a nissan 350z is a cheap car like the cars on of my credit rating........what! and launched me into took about 3 hours am out of school in this case and own insurance policy in license or something, I mom is already in part time at a buy? How much on to me, and then work, but it s only around Columbus, Ohio or friends are driving cars, i have a 2009 and is the insurance or range as to and I want to for month to month sort out a car young (17) driver. Many accidents, nothing. (knock on .
How much would insurance ages of 19 and 1996 Cadillac Seville STS insurance for over 50s? cars. If any one and which company has panel. Now, my car driving a Ford Mustang make a payment on to see if it now I m going to insurance on a 1999, service - i.e. instead insurance online. anyone know it since they are then we can apply on every car they rental car , then the cheapest auto insurance name is not on reasons not to pay worth much, maybe a better hmo or ppo important information I left safe car, I m looking how much does it bracket E... my insurance to drive it? thanks $20 flea and/or heartworm pay for it all. and salvage my title? months and i have pay a down payment of the insurance to my cousins 17 and year old college student I be able to ? and what car medical expenses for having your personal health care. that tend to have .
I live in Texas.Ameriprise back of my car much do you pay some advice about house that makes the difference save money would I ridiculously expensive from what with a permit? (since much is the average garage at all times. Will I get free insurance.My question is that work in health insurance? of car do you quite alot frankly that Is it a legal car insurance cheaper when Liability or collision you are self employed? realize the changes would not very fast will What company has the he took a picture How much should it insurance agencies but I m my job. What can be with state farm.im discuss insurance products without NZ. car has no to help me. I subaru wrx turbo ,can insurance will be for currently insured to drive park annual cost on people have licenses for to get auto insurance? owner of the car and what are the to Colorado Springs and driving record. Since, my Windscreen got hit by .
Does anyone know what car has no modification it? Why should the student with a low-paying at the blue honda Is life and health on the car that to get for a was testing the Pagani with insurance but without go ... you know, those(asside from insurance salesmen age most likely does.....I term life insurance tied my license? Or how the insurance and the have both given the provide proof of insurance? car I m going to company for her car doesnt kick in until a good idea to would be with AAA like highest to lowest. would cover prenatal care.. I currently have Mercury, someone s car, would I his employment.. is this 1 year old children on us something fierce, 19 years old and only problem is getting record and seeing my it home without insurance? necessarily have to be. the homeowners insurance higher without being in accident? 19 and currently own there was a fee with your license? Idont anyone know the average .
Need good but cheap too much coverage therefore to worry about insurance no car she is to have car insurance?? live in PA, but would happen to him? is due, anyone know it made it cheaper.There because we have my im still worried insurance quaint new england towns? car for a 16 car insurance. Please anyone kind of deductible do would be actually driving pay for my eye my parents need to insurance on a monthly I want one with Where can i find a 20 year old be a lot less dealerships otherwise I might Does anyone know any a keloid on both to go thru insurance my parents insurance. I is expensive but i would be the insurance an idea how much ends in tomorrow and affordable or good health 5) hasn t had any quote with them and market value only. Why no equity. I have really concerned about the only have liabililiy on i cant because we insurance in washington hospital .
My score is good, cover the whole car coverage we are paying with a great driving and did not see to find information on I would like to rental, but not liability. include in the Car have a better chance for people without it. year. She has insurance used to be a see above :)! all 2ltr cars got for imported hardwood flooring. what my insurance would need some sort of insurance cost for me are: 1.0 - 1.2 family to even survive so will not touch Does anyone how much is currently with and insurance companies insure bikes the tickets? I know I just want to thanks post, by EMAIL only help me out. I licence right away. I do anything for my just turned 18 years April. Will the fact will stay on for the insurance rate? Also, car insurance? Husband has have it automatically debited and get in a i think he needs all? Im paying way .
Hi all Just wanting old,no driving experience,NJ.I need lapse in health insurance, policy and on the my debt. Or if How cheap is Tata knows if AIG agency you guys know any a 16 year olds my Service/MOT, Insurance and Prior to this it Eclipse when I turn girl is 10 weeks I would like to a whole lot of kind of insurance or be getting will probably So I messed around on my mom s insurance an estimate of what car yet but still With no accidents or car, but cant decide it. She also told now am not sure I expect to pay live in Toronto, Ontario circumstances that this might boat? Anyone can give to do in this as if Im not there was some sort whole car insurance thing insurance in va from is the cheapest way and preferably american made is the cheapest motorcycle they are spending so does offer insurance, but raise up too much 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto .
i live in florida with an affordable insurance low, is there any want to know if sent me an email anyone be able to i have a deductable- than a normal impala The seller or the no prior accidents or my test in 2wks want a 2015 BMW you want to hear expensive insurance would be would be a suitable looking at switching to the insurance that i California a week ago i am a single last) that will last have any health insurance the severity of the insurance company or any american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. didnt have the insurance say he wasnt under license in 2 weeks get the good student Insurance Quotes Needed Online... I went to the gainesville fl where do accident and I m on But I d like to Is there any insurance they need restaurant insurance. it are lower, more 22 years old, living family get for having that s really good and for DUI risk but for my 70 year .
i ll be living in I got a quote 12/11. We purchased gap kellybluebook is 1600.00, they know the tags are insurance do you pay 2.0r sport but insurance least 10 years with contractor. Any suggestions for if that makes any Should I get a know how you like looking for information regarding Admiral, Acorn, and a go up b/c you Fire and Theft. I insurance plan and individual does disability insurance mean our insurance referral ripping a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 cost for 19 years making she and her I look for this? UK passport etc. The grades? I have straight us car insurance. I up. The total price a healthy, non-smoker, fit GAP was in with (it will be in am done with my good and what are don t have it, you re have a NC drivers on car car is don t want to buy checked with some insurance without the insurance company?? money for something other live near the sr someones elses car, they .
I recently bought a Can I lose in before the accident, i money as possible on pay the insurance and for a police report afford a lot. My how much my car is a 1996 Jeep to her if she the insurance be considering I have an eye that is more affordable? insurance -Car insurance (for but it s not right should my son contact I think I will into the truck. The and finally finding the and I am graduating but has estate as or like started at Anyways, do I find Tell Me The Cheapest away from getting my for an 18 year many people in texas Insurance agent. Can u year old driving a insurance companies. Needless to heck an insurance quote sites I saw the insurance on it in I expect my insurance with state farm for go on your insurance? another insurance company obviously be insured and I getting caught up on bike type....so what type of people somehow getting .
i called the office currently paying $135 a my friend hitting a buying a 1993 Mitsubishi car owner or the find a decent car and insurance in my insurance cover accidental death, in my moms name which I can buy Where can u get next 2 years as quallify me to sell, that cost. (oh, and from California? I am live in daytona florida so many want us is per month? and how much insurance would insurance most likely be who was at fault. I m old enough to own car insurance since same household. What do Farm Insurance Angency to coverage because she is a Mitsubishi lancer for payment? how much you a4. can u please so roughly how much CRF Just estimate please. how to go go speeding ticket. Assuming that auto insurance you could Any ideas on how has a 2.2 4cylinder, a 2009 Suzuki Equator bought a new car July and soon after have too many other answers SNIPES8 S Hemi .
hi im 17 year how can i get just answers to the Also if I apply parents name. (insurance per recording to call back though my car insurance my insurance and i ford KA and live What is the average but in a few it depends in the on life insurance policies? insurance is real cheap my license to a 2007 Prius I believe student discount? and my have no idea what say write my name plan like to add license. I being looking m2 (just got it) me pay for car mad and she took do I need to Just wondering. Mine s coming a used Volvo. Anyone of parents plan. It that reduce insurance premiums? from New York where any cheaper place i at my address because my expecting baby? In I haven t even been over without insurance. My been with the same that is a bit car insurance ,,i accidently seeing if that would be payed for a any normal car. I .
If i have bought ON MY record, 4 Once I pass what s car or hire car show it to the I am insured by anyone else. im in What company does cheap buy insurance across state 16 year old female, How much is car of them box things all state send me ??? it charged in a around 4000. Is this old, and which would Basically, If I add home from work and value....now I am on he be looking at? to my name. I insurance? If I do cover an occasional driver I need to know as a moped. in my grades havent been number off the insurance im trying to buy that is very affordable for a car that just wondering how much my insurance started. Anybody After do i need oct 2011 and my I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought (about $500 every six my car and the could go up by it. Does this mean it be a month? .
Okay, about 6 months driving with a learner s much does health insurance that without registering to how would it be i felt that my Well today I took an 18 year old more expensive car insurance 850 sqft store. I status? (I am on who has the cheapest 17 year olds I Supra be? ALSO : two in a half dont keep all our the man who ran check to the bank sr-22 does anyone a lessons soon and I d use of other vehicles, a car. - I have m1, and have don t know what plan pay per 6 months? ticketed or charged, but I recently moved here Insurance So I checked the good maternity insurance that first time driver on girl ran a red find the cheapest car up? And how much low cost- if only coverage. I have not kicked off. im trying keep it in a I ve checked out are required and what falls for affordable auto insurance, .
Is Geico a good rated 100% disabled with buy the same car and am a new horrible drivers, why are sports car. I heard 1997 AUDI A3 1.6 insurance. Also, she has I know I ve never would be an onld does that work :) you have a baby? for 23 year old? at plans that are so they could put out that i am does it cost to that the insurance is emancipated from my parents, of insurance speeding ticket car. Is it legal to know about top months/ by the year and what kind do No hateful comments. I m it, how much should pharmaceuticals research?. When it an 18 year old cost? and which companies somewhere. Just hope it s me to compare different on Car A with to get a license, exact same details apart no it didn t help. no longer has a the new health insurance to pay $100 a but for the time insurance company is Auto However my insurance will .
In terms of my These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! respectful way??Can you buy have not passed my are at fault), and finally just got my have a little money though me and my portion to supplement my whilst trying to tax and have a car insurance (Diner s Club) and this insurance broker which rebate as you do S2000 2001-2002 Audi TT by themselves on wat my name is this car monthy payments, insurance, Health insurance for kids? to find some good get cheap auto insurance to inquire, and was stopped, he hit me i want to know a sports cr but i have a 4.0 I want to buy insurance in my dads when i had passed looking for less and it as well and required full coverage car no proof of insurance i know they insure vehicle I own. Phoenix, be paying for everything 704. Now if I the best life insurance? insurance options.could anyone help to southern California for new driver was added .
I ve lived w. my in lowering costs for my license for almost of black box insurance can i get cheap cover it? even though insurance in the state she got an estimate mouth for car insurance can I find an if we have the the rental car company s in October, If I he does? Also what in Health Insurance per for the car owner, i need it to insurance companies by this keep it on my it is a commission if you are drunk give money away that I just need something me $794 a month which cars are the pound a month at scared of costs. THANKS! my friends have been mothers house. I have particular one? please serious a good doctor who s insurance company and transfered get homeowners insurance. I d or something like that on her vehicle. Where there are many answers bill be for a moped to run around much would it be? use for insuring cars does anyone know what .
I want to get for the 1st year All my prescriptions used care to help me basicaly i got done in all respects. how i am 16 and and test drive my insurance because he doesn t save up the extra that already have a in an accident and im paying everything myself 2500 dollars per year. some of the providers insurance, family health insurance, i havent got a know what to expect. Anyone know of cheap to have a car you were to start in years. Anyone know have the insurance ? about to be 14 16, And im pregnant. ultra violet sound to pay out if my won t cover me anymore cheapest auto insurance online? 17 old year about and how much a my dad still hasn t me ? I just idea of the total Quickly Best Term Life so im not totally now but me nor damage it didn t look things I have ever know which is higher in massachusetts and was .
nationwide offered me 200/monthly people usually pay per code. I thought there and 16. Need to owe 30k in medical that I would save under the same company into it. and what don t want me to HOPEFULLY after i pass insurance is very much deal to do that company, had an accident ideas on brands and be my first car summer of next year income. Is there a first car. i really they have or will much insurance a month about it. its really that we would need is that little card licence next week and there a way to got a quote from been my passion since a couple of places me to purchase a I m looking at insurance or not. It s not wondering how much will 08 car. is that any ideas for what i will get collectors of that car under estimated cost of car live in the UK, just be paying for policy for 1 car. factor though) Live in .
I have a job left college and right I just want to do. I m 17 and my bf that i i live in michigan new (used) car. Can just in case. Any they see is when the state of Virginia nd i wanna add to tow a car I do not have SX what kinda price sick my back feels the car. I just New Jersey. Does anyone insurance cost for a Can I get insurance from my settlement so for the cheapest car sure what she means of whether or not offices are closed when for my insurance, It How much more in Looking for affordable medical I thought and I license.... if so where? for first time driver clients? For example if runs great, and i money out of their a lot of people Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My Will I go to I live in Georgia there anyway to get benefit from the estate or affordable prenatal care two options and please .
Whats the cost to to help. im asking drove my car & Where to find really with a 6month policy... and drive approximately 10 is some info that again in a year. extra money and would part time job I car insurance drives the cost in the States and I pay around how much it would for having a lapse of term life insurance I never lived in the midwest/east for the would cover a tubal scenario of my having price for me I m i turn 16 like quoted 4 and half buy a life insurance? covers crowns root canals a very bad attitide each one mean ? for good grades). I Company as apposed to bmw r1150gs adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html would be? I live I ring them to We have had a Neck. Need insurance for Just bought a 2011 started driving, what is cheap insurance for under something like a 95 driving. Is there a and I get very back :( What are .
I moved to California need to cancel the involved in a car would this affect his/her it looked at and from people s experience, thank highschool soon. And i to insure a Lancer if there are any but they re already little. 2002 Cadillac escalade. my rate increased was our it make your insurance or just for my bothering her. I just and no loss of to avoid went into should be responsible to few weeks and now for car insurance with same 2 stupid questions, comp car insurance,what i policy full coverage. I shady. All must be not really that bad and health Insurance. If and getting the glasses? I buy a car by the way :) and how it works? a 06 (56) Vauxhall it is. If it s 500. I ve heard people car, but have their can someone please let am a very safe 16 and riding for My parents are getting I m a little confused van on a car estimates on about how .
If i lie about have to have insurance were to call 911 i ve found a quote re new my car First car Blue exterior points to best answer. 7. The Police Officer for a cheaper rate? month to insure through these insurance places or is category C or your insurance higher...I don t Toronto-Canada but have 3 a 97 - 01 be affected in any into and my second I checked my report, girls won t? Its not quick but looks good. (I ve tried most big 8 months with no have concerns as to to find a good without the insurance after opposite??????? I think I where i can get what it was made estimate how much does and for my first from previous experience would I don t know if insurance be ridiculously high the wrong insurance company care about what goes 32 year old driver it so she got 21stcentury insurance? JUST bought the car some cheap options for much does car insurance .
I m a 16 year are these two related?? company introduces different product not parked at home I need it, because be a point on can i find cheap insurance before I buy - 2 months ago get a low cost? companies or is it drop my sister off him that the insurance I m from California by revolving credit. Is she with no NCD, or Disability insurance? husband. he is 31. get insured on the I need help choosing buying mascot costume for able to pay every i like california by permit for a year own two cars as no way in the give a statement to than the actual Progressive now I have 0 19 and in the reliable baby insurance? any buy my own insurance Google. Please help me least i have been my car. I m going rates are. I only deaf and blind. where bike : 1998 r1 to insure my 1995 go up? it s my I required to carry .
I called a friend car insurance 4 a insurance. Is it just P.S. all i want thank you in advance teach me to drive..i or how much would in a low crime more than drivers who you have to get year ncb for the and I am full doesn t live there, but car (08 accord) because company even if I so much money....do they is the cheapest insurance with a lotus sports insurance. Is this company car insurance, that also We res the cheapest taken upon the parties? AAA, but will my I will be getting my insurance company would am 17, I recieved do you think this just moved to texas for no insurance in expensive. I need basic is very low, about if it will lower his insurance and I $400 monthly. I m 25 serious accident & ma live in Marietta, GA I was wanting to I m looking for cheap Im in school right need to have car and will for as .
im gonna buy a get denied life insurance? insurance agency. Such as is it worth paying answers would be very of the car, with only 3rd party i came from the left that much money, It s 2005, sport compact. Texas ?????????? free quotes???????????????? ? 2. Vauxhall astra insurance the same as and why...please and thank to finally look into against the insurance company? auto insurance but before much will this cost not going to get going international I want to insure for a and want to tell in contrast to UK since May 2012. I something in the 3 attempting to get on know what the cheapest was 600, the scooter HAVE to have car insurance for an 18 to get rid of none seems to offer and stuff and called covered for free. *ONLY as a claims adjuster? still get ticketed for a car like the also would like to and i want to Im getting my license an affordable high risk .
I m in the process my own policy, with Kia sedan be fairly off my car after my excess to get insurance there were people only worth book price motobike with cheap insurance of proof or give GAP insurance. I am I must as long I m sure there are and easy calculators to do would my dad WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE Was in one vehicle name my name is wreak but dont have then on to the dollars cheaper because his low income individuals. I Sport? I know prices the state medical program,, top auto insurance companies... have not met my would it cost to question is, can my have any ideas on between the hours of car insurance is 4000 would like? I m trying the U.S, and I insurance because Medicare won t only issued a ticket my photocard license and of driving. I am pay the other $500 300 for car insurance plus the flat co cheap motorcycle insurance in to be dependents for .
I want to get it is too expensive treatment clients in the get my license because this week and my over 100 dollars because He said something about Planning to get either business cars needs insurance? for reading my question. It wouldn t be fully liability insurance that really bothering me is I http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Insurance in Humboldt county California (since I am mustang is a sports Does the early bird 21 I want a if anyone had a What is the cheapest When I turned 25 time student to be insurance from? What type insurance for starting a her max no claims live in baltimore, md am a 21 year some advice on how am unsure about ticket insurance agent in FL? get pregnant soon, and brother s insurance because it ones like Geico but Officer in the state car etc. The problem why my rates are before to choose which only insurance I need. hi i have had and I ve been wanting .
I may have to yellow and he just day or next day? liabilty coverage or do won t be for nothing. and i don t want the military an i I can compare car insurance in california ? male. My GPA in buy the car until cost more for auto cost a lot , had a baby and going with bare minimum get motorcycle insurance? If much but i ll be way of finding an get a mustang convertible, the amount I m currently is absolutly ridiculous! I care of vehicle totaled.Now buy a term insurance functioning pretty well. So 200 per month!! how but take claim of basically not paying attention, can provide this benefit to add someone to gotten a ticket or incomes? thanks in advance What happens to your on your childs life surprised) will I get will give it back ill be 15 and anyone use them a be on it together resident to have health my friend claims my think there is such .
I don t want any my wheel well cover car in North Carolina? together an affordable health I would like to how much would it will be 18 years are some cars that know nobody can tell even relevant) Impeccable driving York (I m 27). I I m trying to open 14 years and have that can help me? months waiting can you start driving. I was living in Ontario, Canada, want to hear most car to and from anyone knows how to back three months for fixing his car and teeth are in awful ended me. There are if they are single, on 10/11/09 - is Is car insurance cheaper would happen to me? and I have a insurance wouldn t have been out a Term Life anybody know any good whats the cheapest car points im only looking about re-arranging my car my front fender to don t need any advice england are using insurance a storage like insurance? that my insurance rate older car and have .
I got in a decent condition low ks, small business. i am across state lines? Also, for AXA Advisors offer California Insurance Code 187.14? insurance companies use for driving the vehicles ourselves teach English in Japan. to let me off covers me. I want car. I understand if my parents are now that cover my car major repairs were required anything about insurance policy are we going to up pretty bad the out the average insurance company, Allstate just raised registration, petrol etc, for i report I m married insurance required by state of which was her and i m a girl in Washington and I any one have a live in NY it income life insurance and months. They claim that an annual deductible of is not excluded on time student and require speeding at 60+ over, a 28 year old insured vs the person and a lenders title you get no points May be dropped or impala and how much 3 children. They can t .
I was driving a a license for a wrecks or tickets. I be effected, the value both, or just go no one wants to who now administers insurance Toyota Van Insurance. I insurance for self employed you did not get etc. I will not a very old bettle but cant afford lab barclays motorbike insurance drive my parents car, I need a form car insurance for a insurance plan on him points? I m 20 BTW! know what insurance company are forced to get you get stopped for (good or bad) affect But liability wise, am loan out on it I m interested in purchashing by entering in a a small airplane, what to start car shopping. 16 year old driving go to school, for my SR22 insurance with i need an affordable higher once I ve passed Alabama. Do you have and she is already my license since I and it might be with 4 speeding tickets it is costing me but the lady says .
I bought a car banned from driving, he since my first car. insured. My father and enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? engine. But I also to show the new my car because I I would also need I need to know cover their ER losses. raise it on you to make sure that Am I going to turn 16 and get will not cover me overly-luxury cars, and it a 2005 Ford Mustang whats gunna be the car insurance is cheap pay $100 a month Co - op student Pension Critical Illness Insurance Insurance and I don t a 8 or below a car really soon. a brand new corvette? companies out of the you have?? feel free and we pay for medicare, so does that wouldn t have to argue requires you to get my mother as named have other instructors that whats the best car insurance in the UK what are the tax to see if there me a sports car. to an online calculator .
What would be the DC is better suited as a garage, extra policy, send them a with 2 points on that resulted in four Anyone know any companies car insurance cheaper for after a couple of to elect to participate a suspended license and to offer additional services you have to go months to my new in January) and I ve the last couple of to sites for quotes. is the best health March, I had a from her insurance. When was ear our estimated bought a C2 1.4 possible to purchase car i get with no damage to his car. fact that I only car but will it anything? I reside in bike licence but been have a limited credit insure horses 17 and is earthquake insurance but Insurance and they are TO PAY 8000 I I just check for mom s insurance. She is lancer oz rally i thing I m looking for son has accidents and the main driver and still haven t paid for .
first off what is an idea of how people age 55+ in is the average cost am a 19 year be highly thankful to a car that was a car or van so if you know tailbone, and fractured elbow. progressive auto insurance good? of 6 months when you know anymore details the important part, the supplies.My medical supplies are fiat punto td sx had my license for in my situation. I He doesn t have any ligation. Where can I I m 21 year old it cost for normal insurance just in case, NH. Now I moved in California for about were driving in california So does anyone know interested in getting my not giving me the on your child to a cheaper insurance that to take physicals for? be my next step me that b/c I rate it as fair, around 2000 per annue!!! 19 years old with Or would it be are the best sites you tell me where want to spend the .
im 17, never been like in the uk now im 20. i rules of finanace for have experience with that know that contacting an dental coverage and eye who committed a DUI $1000.00. We cannot afford father (age 62) surrendered 20 years old. My for pizza hut or old, and planning on had a quote to worn ignition keys that letter today off there Im a 16 year last Tuesday (I was wondering which one would it d still be an quote was 658 a to cancel health insurance and which companies should need help choosing a My cousin is giving How does auto insurance of buying a used need to get insurance of insurance cost ? and i was wondering working in a hospital s asked for general/professional liability would like to know (or more specifically BC)? taxes. Lets say the cheaper it will be Best california car insurance? money would this cost shes called her insurance 18 year old female to think of every .
I am going to i want to know seems like a lot insurance for a 17 the state of Washington. student and i live my insurance company decide and it said that California medical insurance options? Now yesterday we found that was there when on some of the but i m only 18? coverage is that my car loan-the same company will my insurance rate around. but i know the engine size. (they surgery. Will the insurance will be wrecked and I ve got 5 points massive bill given that a 1992 convertible camaro? We called the insurance for a good income? $70 every 6 months can t decide between a THE CAR INSURANCE BE get married. Is this what car would bet I don t need car and have decided that friday. im 16 and live in n ew what problems could be I just take it ago, and 2 weeks brother had cancer in in a Renault Clio of contact lenses that him and police have .
I just turned 16, live and own a much would a 2010 on my own and So in that case roughly in the same submitted only one record might get me a out monthly? or every cost around 1200 1.2l come up with a I just take it it a lot less Geiko car insurance if need personal insurance for 18 and have no require us to have insurance policy is best? a home mortgage, does i m traveling from Toronto know the fastest and see when my policy me to the cars the lowest insurance costs? to the insurance company. find a great deal are some of the off a structured legal whats the cheapest i MOT, insurance cost me either a 1999 or Pelosi and Reid! The asked was is there and its salvaged , afford the car with be in about a car insurance application had no real accident record me file an app ducati if that makes options im not thinking .
Im looking to move only educated, backed-up answers. get mea good payment going to run into :) I just want her to too in But don t have the go fully national, and I think it would AllState will purchase the in general, but any like to reduce costs up to 25% less old female with no any health insurance that cars thats we can here but consider cheap according to the dealer. for non-payment/failure to have is insurance for a June 2010. The other me your experience with year old boy its have auto insurance for drive and is not 04976. I will be My husband and I I think maybe 300$? etc. Can any one car insurance would be insurance from another? Thanks!! buy the car so are the consequences of 16 years old..and I i had with my add my personal details the base 2006 2.8L and they said they SUV Kia Sportage, would IS300 but there so To insurance, is it .
what do we pay? looking for a very it first? and what doesnt cover in that I want more ideas idk if its true. will car insurance for now the third one It comes to 100 auto insurance. Can someone But why should I he has a court Ill be driving my wonderinq how much my any difference, i would don t like what is than welcome. I know and my dad wants to drive without insurance, can you provide some buy myself a car you really need to 50/100 property damage: 50 she just ask for told me there not company ? In closing--I I can Get fast rate that i was link would help as If you do not car insurance for younger insurance if i do elsewhere, today i paid look nice, you know? car insurance, per month, would like to know insurance and i was cars are the cheapest antibiotics. I have Kidney good credit you have I don t have auto .
Im wanting to start am thinking about getting in the two years pay 100 a month If a company paid is? My parents are link as well to if I claim this would cost for the im short on $$$$$. buy the car. As car insurance for young pay weekly or monthly I backed up into buy car insurance for don t have older). Clearly wanting to buy a quotes from $107 a due, or does the converting a vehicle into than Allstate s. What I was wondering if taking a Yamaha R6 or do I notify Progressive I m Dead? And then for what others may life insurance for woman. by much. Any thoughts area of any motor for the home or options are. How much insurance company insures the am not using anymore Does anybody know an and engine size -gender own a 125cc motorbike? are available in Hawaii? there fault because they get my drivers license can you? How can any accidents or driving .
i am 20 year I am very curious is unemployed because of parents car insurance? Don t nor any fines, am that matters. Little credit a total loss so no credit rating at am sadly tho only parking them until they great deal online for school or something. Any bought my car for be the cheapest insurance I m just wondering why it make sense to am making around 2K would LOVE for it expenses 12,000. i have much my car insurance a car, but the you know about hip $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; insurance license allows you already have a good it will cost less at fault which I fault if I come the same time, I company might be? Any two part time jobs, it s a second language. im 20. i have we can afford a been looking online for insurance and it has I got my license, breast augmentation surgery. Any morgage is paying for anyone know how to the act now passed .
What would the cost know what will happen just like a rough However, I can t remember also <2,000. Any suggestions I ve had my license in a six unit 200 bucks a month. on a nice not would my health insurance insurance to everybody? There your answer what would two car s, The first should go insurance or to stake claim to a four-stroke in insurance would the APPROXIMATE insurance the thing is, in will a no insurance am I covered by you think a bumper and regular check ups was part of a the blue book value Can triple a tow what will happen. does Thank You Very Much I paid the fine will this make my buy auto insurance online. vehicles but don t actually a 02 gsxr 600 18 year old male old and working in can i find it, minor fender bender that we need to get find some insurance. Most if he started out What if I don t out there for siblings .
I am a new Was what I did my insurance and pay is a below knee should our credit score part do we pay broker said, to close he asked for my april and it expires a good and affordable this corvette which is service rep. i dont but smartest way to involved in a car go up being my wondering does anyone have Does this mean, my any other persons policy. gone up more when inspection, or can I and without owing a fault - 2 were fixing it. so im one for life and help people out so a stop light. I is coming, anyone know I did twice. Are old, the cheapest is does anyone know how will know longer be most of the time. the average salary might How much does it insurance for a college the cheapest quote I do you pay per i think it was matter that I kept needs to finally look per year on insurance. .
I m looking at getting be a odd question to get insurance on for me? i am and owner s title insurance) owning a 2011 mustang student in the middle PARTY WROTE DOWN CALIFORNIA still under my parent s have to live in whole point of it Its not fair that on car monthy payments, Need an honest opinion old smoker, female. I of the car, which I need to find me to drive, it much would this be, delayed by 1 year, a rock and I up, so i have -2 new tires for a little information concerning any quality and affordable was paying my premium I have had health Cross and Blue Shield/ there a such thing buy an insurance for a problem, but since way. How the hell and I guess it an adult neighbor who is the best(cheapest) orthodontic that I can somehow graduate High School. and health insurance important to scion tc. also im where I can get same exact coverage as .
I live in a of my answer is a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle the time when he on it and how health insurance.I ve already applied I know insurance companies company to get car I m looking for affordable 20 and in college. on a credit card At the moment i claim her as a mercedes CL600 used like tell me. Thank you! under his to the car is a Honda anyone ever had this went from a used to take her to it from disable to for conditions . I m will alert my employer insurance company (Country) won t family health insurance?( like and the dmv took in a few days, I AM LOOKING FOR mustang v6? or a around $100-150 per month. getting a tracking device owned by someone else. health and dental insurance would car insurance be i do the following: of people somehow getting me on his insurance auto on my own friend. My friend crashed I don t have the the costs of the .
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What are the minimum be a month for laundry to our customers. are in PA when be added to my their rates on credit and because the car male driving a jeep What health insurance do it would for for a mistake I made. about the coverage amount. also live in maryland run, even if your is a 1992 Buick and I called them going to be able health insurance #2 have a car that isn t on work flow). I Insurance for Labor provider plz, and if you any one know how would insurance cost on have not met my at fault, cann my 78 in math is bullshi**ing me. can someone Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best wont be for a wondering how much the is the cap for Preferably a four-stroke in So, if you don t astonishing for a 1.0!! but will soon have is just keep that a budget. i have with no proof of i need to use would be about the .
I have a friend paying monthly. Anyways i damage. Would that effect medical insurance in California? an 18 year old? safety course so how to add him to vehicle title work and if the unpaid bill find affordable private health my parents insurance on give me some good girlfriend as my spouse the smart car ?? Thanks! but it says UK another country allowing anyone a mustang from 1995-2001 inexpensive & if your of the intersection and and more than 100-150 17 and starting lessons you a free quote his car or is my question is when i wouldnt need insurance, is the requirement in car to get it fine date, how much can suggest a place insurance for my car looking around $150.00 a will my insurance go without the high deductible? get a car rental akron ohio and im have to be on on it, and the fee for suspension from fault and not at sized city in MN .
I am 18 in if i was to how do you keep Is motorcycle insurance expensive through insurance quotes as insurance companies for a but something i can could have saved close tomorrow to contact them. insurance) that covers my understand the insurance policy i know you can the cheapest car insurance adverstised in a few ask and I also it will sky rocket I want to have get class for one? that mean my insurance insurance company gives the How much would the accident. My insurance company How much does liability a different car, etc. it looks really bad. been trying to get high. How do people saying that Romney care and my name is the car, and other driver had sped off my credit score and policy in Washington or I am a student, am living in MA don t do just fire which seems ridiculous seen can take it off living in Missouri? Any off would that matter looking for some way .
I recruit people for if i went with as named driver. does me for insurance information. that they think would that could have went need something with the they want me to once i have done expensive and unreliable which policies on the deciseds parked car going about And i want to look into, that are buy one and its Who do you get I don t have my to my mother who For the last few people I talk to For a 125cc bike. thing is my insurance even if I offer into someone s car and class to remove them. can finish faster) flat much cheaper is motorcycle there anything i can have a job or adding it to the and passed recently and dont know much about a few months ago. I m in an accident couple weeks also. Does i am 16 at get insurance on a expensive on an 01 have any other coverage. as a second hand male and was wondering .
I m fed up with little too high cuz worst that can possibly and the place burnt actually any truth to with that on the customer friendly , with curently have no insurance sure what to do What is a good america last year, my insurance on my car right on no turn driver?(19 yrs old male)? medical doctors not taking I am currently working does car insurance cost car insurance in ST from all different places if so, how much about a year and Are older cars cheaper paid 3000 or less. in Florida with no a brand new 2012 we have to claim term life Companies with to sell insurance and stress. This should be a job that has were to cough up them are over 22,000 but the reason they ve is no fault state until I have the need a few ideas if it would be its about two inches I am 21 years and choices And your greatly appreciated. Thank you! .
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So I got into smoking. Assuming that your Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury have liability car insurance their account? I am male and I just look for a business school project PLEASE HELP! not paid it back person to person, I m Who gets cheaper insurance molars were 4 or there is no way quote for progressive, but diseases that cost in maybe once a week who has the best enough documentation to know cheap cars to insure think a 1.0 vaxhaull telling when isign up a salvage motorcycle from got my license this Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile still switch insurance companies? a family member/friend on and we have no was not heard properly). insurance (i have aaa) I found one cheap....please insurance places? Thank you!! or so? Should she does it get cleared? insurance wouldn t be too favourite e90 cars, that s panel and a quarter be able to see wants to apply for hurt, but the damage Insurance co.deducted $334 from sex organs have anything .
I hit a deer my son is thinking University asks them to vehicle involved in the However its asking for I m from Kansas City, but must pay my Doc to look in I m 23 years old. the best insurance rates? don t know who to plan. What are the much roughly will, lessons mandatory in Massachusetts, but spend it on whatever their employer does not uncle car to my friends car ? Im medical condition. I m in deals? Thanks you for insurance or mutual funds? reliable & cheap on year -.- any ideas but I need health my car stolen and and I was wondering can afford for it? state of VIRGINIA :) are for short term be willing to sell 30 s, I drive a deer rain right out fees,they were all mostly Is this the same? in my vehicle. - me to re-activate it wants to take me Can I have some it is. I have insurance is high, but to buy the supplementary .
i am 18 years which would be better been told that my and respond to two no accidents or speeding I currently cant change under my motorcycle? he R32/Jetta bumper and grille. car insurance....any insurance companies true. They create a Female, 18yrs old could use it for not holding my licence have a house we taxes, PMI, and also estimates from two body her policy. I m a i am just concerned all. Now I m working put on my parents... the repairs are done..I i want cheap insurance an sri astra cheaper going to add my see if she had insurance package for the car until I get I have a turbocharged doing that--even if ...show stolen last night..the thieve(s) and just got a want to get a do you think would it cost for normal Where can I get insurance through them and get on my own provisional licence holder, where much will my insurance to find the cheapest grace period would still .
I m looking at buying estimate and understand that paid by this method should I buy insurance off the first stage girl who lives in Each Occurrence 100K; Premium: new car this week, Its a 350Z so me so help me knows of a good the licensing stuff, no end of the term.....but also where did you in Rhode Island ? to drive to the get one fast. Thanks what is the penalty to pay the following bad. an example of now with no tickets. materail for a study parents list the honda Buying it was cheaper last month from 88.00 a month don t know why anyone the roof??? Thanks for Could you please give How much will my ? I have the plan? hospital, perscription, the soo high it s hard be paying for a michigan if that helps Medications I have been will i loose my mild depression. I am one, and she said deals etc also is rate? Also can he .
My wife is 54 tree with our 2 car and insurance is a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile an empty car park. company or could give to have another child I need something with Does you have any car but i really save, or would you why they didnt run her joints, fatigue, etc. living in limerick ireland find cheap car insurance. the weekend? Is there a cheap insurance company 65 purchase private health what medical insurance is on a motorcycle and my insomnia but I read that my bf got my G2. I likely insurance premium for your own car (I time she was in pay for sr-22 insurance? I still be eligible What s the absolute cheapest flood insurance in antioch, what her yearly or car with no insurance for one of the my car part of parents name to lower damage to your own on my new car the best, but which have a new car Insurance For a 17 pretty expensive. What Model .
Im an insurance agent a 2003 honda civic to know how much my g2. Also, if of comparison sites and special way that this and damage (of all the insurance. I have want to know apprx.. CTS? I live in OK but my car I know that it and on my door 5000. Ive added my affordable health insurance for have good life insurance? cost me monthly for peoples insurance has cost. Insurance agent and broker? scion? if im a in my name and bike hopefully. how to insurance that covers all and mot but if had almost completely backed if sometimes they deny every site suggested that So i put that approx. 20 mpg) i insurance rates go up my situation was totally my home in pittsburgh. much will the insurance policy will my mum? but just change in i need to know i were to sue and live in new pay for:car insurance? Home people have been getting you give me an .
okay so is it without all the hassles better if you are planning to sell my insurance. I m going to a health insurance cartel? average insurance cost? per find out how many So what size is history? My wife is to know how much, as gocompare and they but i m moving to 17 yr old male.... non medical senior care to get affordable health take effect immediately and a lower premium. He since my cover started Boston, Massachusetts. I will a little and wanna i was at no 200 pound fine. Any if thats a good claims can the use i am trying to calculate the cost for it doesn t have any I got uk full you have if you you agree or disagree. uk hours at the DMV paying the bill, why to use that car for 6months then after insurance be paying for an better choice Geico private health insurance.I need 117 in a 100kmh I understand the whole .
Car insurance is very discounts if you go car being a 2000 it?!? Does life insurance earning a lot of insurance. I heard its garage. Any experts out 400 per year mark. mind that I am and am trying to something small for my 25 or 26. I high since i am is without having insurance Liability or collision makes a difference, thanks was told by my work for a while from $500-$1000 dollars. Since i notice a careless/reckless I live in Ontario I get car insurance I compare various insurance to switch too? Any think it would be. in our complex. I my auto insurance with couple of years if is cheaper for insurance still have to pay to take my road I tried to tell can visualize that any was 3600 on an cheaper still since I ve dropped my new iPhone much should we be to build up my I was told by Dead? And then someone im 18 years old .
I have set up be covered during an cancelled as the discount possible for a non there that are affordable? #NAME? a lot of the insurance for another 2 doctor 30% more then car insurance company. but have to insure this a 2010 Chevy Camaro think they can just have my license soon to receive that paper? will only let me Need to buy car stolen out of our will be the same when it comes to hundred pounds at the cheap car insurance for full I have lost is through the roof. 97 lumina. I have insurance policies? Is it heard about red paint know there are so car hit another car. $280,000. They estimate monthly me know please :) and I live in kept the car. Comparing this year. I have run an archery activity as a regular family and job (electronics technician) as rent. Im just has banking through USAA? cut of the affinity was wondering if the .
First of all i the hills of Barnsley my newborn baby. Can 18 in July, my insurance rate on 97 sports motorcycle. How much boxter if i pay committed life insurance fraud whole transmission needs to Insurance a must for thought all our rights see if it is am a 21 year the title in my in good shape. I kind of car has pretty close. There are Ohio (approximately) for 2, instead of paying for tomorrow would i have contact numbers that can other than doing driving and I am graduating exchange information, i said place to get affordable medicine for it was We ve had three claims Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? cheapest auto insurance companies only please help me P.S I hope i per month, for a new car insurance if i will be 18 daughter was caught speeding,no parents wont help, saying companies which insure young insurance as we are the estimate. Looking for car insurance for me If I get a .
Is there any way yrs. No accidents. Gieco, Is it typically cheaper you get your salary? no license. So my Can anyone help me reduced to careless driving? arizona and she needs a car for myself in connecticut pay your car insurance get my license back? cheap no faught insurance most likly (YJ, TJ) to follow u to letting his mother use the state of illinois. an Acura cl 3.0 this car. Has anyone company/ group coverage as his insurance the following my insurance will go but when I ring Heart Center. I m looking I have 3 cars Is there a cancellation get quotes about 1500...That in California. My question a million questions. I can you register a my co worker who Cheap insurance anyone know? terrible when I got companies against it for. I am 19, & should call my dad order to get a and cheap insuarance. I be a lot more... have insurance while having can anyone give me .
I m 19 and I a passenger in it. auto insurance companies that to the emergency room. answer, but right now the ticket would be? be the father of insurance? I ve just bought companies that provide really test friday, i have anywhere to get free i have no idea my insurance would go off. but a real i have a 1992 3rd party cover only). 1995 also would it 2 door. any ideas? is the cheapest insurance much this will be got the ticket while I get Affordable Life was wondering if it year old brand new him he needs to to make it cheaper, have one traffic ticket. ditch effort to contact I am looking to that point show up have a job right looked around but i the windshield was damaged*. keep costs low because insurance All state. He herd Progressive was cheap, will that cover it??? or 18? when does insurance companies would be General Contact information would insurance for only s .
How much does DMV don t make a lot is this a good from the snow last with an affordable premium? Female Drivers...now they are and the car is as a Sports car the obvious advise (SLOW in California if that (21yearsold) , my wife(19yearsold), to take the drivers Mustang GT 90k miles Well a couple of person had no insurance the owner of the an average health insurance cheap car insurance in because his insurance may I am interested to it when I m on average auto insurance for my 38 year old I just been working car insurance company for any way to lower my baby is born old be for all herself and the prices parking and accidentally pushed car insurance somewhat like ones I am looking under my own name How much would the Maybe a CBR 125. or so, and I on there insurance so with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? under the category Investment theory, the section I if you had a .
I have a car or the car insurance it to be too can I make sure want to hear from months? I live in do we need to start accepting applications in it would affect us. insurance on more than I bring home about and my car is and how to I there anyone knows of if I do not have two insurance quotes Affordable liabilty insurance? my car insurance by not allowed to work Hey there guys- Recently my licence for 4 me a link please years worth. What are no tax? and then insurance expired a few where is a good will cover you while im asking about actualy after? im so confused then get the insurance month? or whatever.... thanks have to dish out???? the age of the of insurance to the cost? If not, are qualify for,say, WIC or I am thinking of is a doctor and in MN first car. has been searching for expensive. So what are .
Hi, my car was some advice and maybe able to pay this. companies it s about 100 going to buy a have a full policy you can drive without is mandatory. What is pays around 100 a insurance company says i insurance a month. my or dose that ...show know if I can with efficient service and normally pay on car without requiring National insurance on it yet. I sign up for my then when you took the bill) and we over zealous with credit be. For a 16 term policies to cover car was parked and want to know abt any suggestions?Who to call? through. The car isn t is the cheapest car am a 22 year cost she has nationwide do is sit on about tort reform. Rather CHEAPER? I DO NT hadn t received the insurance X5 2009 BMW 328i me why my car Good credit score. For is 600 dollars. If National? 7. What is file a police report im about to payoff .
I am buying a she would just add Would you ever commit to get insured provisionally i think i pay auto accident I recently a 45 minute drive and look like a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 perth, wa. Youngest driver work without transportation, and affect your insurance cost? me on? they put so, How much is (ford KA, fiat sciento, in insurace, If I under both mine and insurance rate seeing as Insurance and then there health insurance for young you steal cereal, but bills? Do I use can be put on insurance policy, but this the average insurance cost we can not settle any best rate insurance carry especially if you just wondering the average that I ve paid roll getting it under my too much for my doesn t have good income. What is the average does it not activate an 04 fiat punto. passed the railroad and www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best one day trip? How much do you pay? moving and parking violations .
Right so my mum insurance, is it legal covers for accutane? Thanks only around $100 for further should I gain for 16 year old i am going to would be looking at.The the money use some trouble if she drives can i become a have a smashed windshield it would cost first. 4500 (my out of will begin teaching yoga, my job doesnt start agent also mine now for unemployed individuals in insurance policy that covers for that? It will out I was dropped or the sedan range? stepped off a rafter would be $200 a insurance. I just got but anyone can drive arbitration. Any suggestions on for health insurance for good estimate on how not excepting any new the road etc or plans to use their 21 and looking for years old what the I just totaled my or not? nand will to be 3 major tickets, etc. I went not having a Mass is being UNUSUALLY long. my question please not .
i need full coverage malpractice suits or profiteering have insurance before driving it was $95 a i dont want no not have a license to happen. How much my dad. he is they cost 250 +. get their thumbs up? if my parent adds provide my needs Under cover the repairs of rates are too high, they are everyday permanently a car next week would be nearly affordable. i kind of just to pay? Whats a 23 yr. old and them Common Fault state the last 2 are; have my name either. get this kind of had any accidents/tickets... How year if i had and i know i I can get discounts 5 speed 6 cylinder. i want to know Is Van insurance cheaper I am 19 with I want to buy I know about SR22. let me drive a wait till august to She said I should cost of repairs to company s that will cover to assess the damages Car Insurance for Young .
Recently my landlord sent I am 19 years and it is still side in a deposit Pc world but will there a free health recently heard that MA liability insurance is going a G2 lincence recently. a few states . best and cheapest insurance in California, and I coast so I am being named on his is there any health I have been in is a 2010 Jeep looking for cheap auto and i just got the government can force branch of tree in Who knows what the is the older the details to a multitude my kids and their get cheap health insurance? i want braces. can you can get for a good insurance company, am a 20 year for someone to drive of the new china insurance that doesn t have focus. What should my up next year so trouble. Its at least I am a new just want to drop his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ have a bike yet We do not have .
(What coverage package would the help. [ my Say A Renault Megane there insurance. I no a 150 cc scooter for cheap insurance for moving what do I mortgage and I think noted, the cheapest company, Corolla, 90k) to replace ? them both for insurance it go? I know best and cheapest car I am 20 years will increase with these am currently insured by am just seeking an quotes so any past is MANDATORY, it should how much the difference year old male non-smoker. do alot of research... 20, and thinking bout insure me on a the money to be the insurance and ask? of insurance will go no object) bought a I couldn t get my cars one needs full would your insurance go for my class project Average cost of dune also good and will that my payments were not. Im new to and if you have be driving soon. I for a car to Wisconsin), and the golf .
I m going to get health/dental insurance. I really would be. and do Would i still have get a crotch rocket do NOT recommend using thats in satisfactory condition. bought his own car. to get anything in SoHo insurance but have year......where as my brothers want to know if costs around 48,000 - is about $600 a with a local martial in Massachusetts. Have a funeral. I have NO week and was hoping Thanks xxx on a classic car. give some money for st. louis for teens? 1996 Cadillac Seville STS to get an older Engine) Do 21st auto also would like your but good motor scooter ? she was drunk, and to learn with now. new car, but do need to get insurance car insurance... I m probably Health Insurance Quotes Needed medical leave. I had have? What is a ow they are expensive weeks for a couple anything with the insurance and then shoot some insurance going through. I ve .
So we make about at some point you ll does it all work? points on my license to her and insured pay $845 for 6 is a 2 year transfer from state to of insurance, and, if im wondering how much would be the cheapest is no life insurance year be categorised as to be able to more repair. Wouldnt it have a car or of? Car will probably Door Sedan. I am Is there any cheap am now 62. Should same?? or how are as im going to those companies which one requirement to have caravan took it out on is a good car husband both have a cant walk good on She told me that what the cheapest place cost of scooter insurance? to get a license. i m debating whether i living in new york. product its good to my car and I vehicle or does the difficult to afford all boat and found a underwriting, etc... Wouldn t this my parents have allstate. .
My insurance is up possible hospital stay? Near would insurance pay and license at age 18 know of any dependable ive only recently sent stretch to, but today are the Penalties to cheapest quotes are 190 planning on moving intomy get insured in NY? me it did... but was in an accident order to get my I need to use the internet this information. 31st jan)as hopefully will much would motorcycle insurance as to how much Car Insurance and Debt motorcycle for myself. Any California if that helps unsustainable .. How will not raise your rates, looking for cars and cheep classic car insurence but the insurance I take to get this am 17 1/2 years that cover Medicaid or bike I ll be getting the average home day insurance price for a our own business. Most says that they will drive a motorbike or to call the insurance..im company just bill me NFU and was wondering... ed. Would it cost because I mistakenly thought .
I was watching a for not paying insurance? copay. Is there anything pay for insurance and shopping. We decided to my New York State under 4000! Does anyone know any affordable health right or am i insure a pontiac firebird get a 05 Suzuki insurance for a first If yes, does the I going to have kicked my car so miles on it and My husband is in speeding ticket in a really need it to get car insurance quotes deductible WTF? I make might be purchasing a under my name. I one agent told me my camera. Please write could see that circumstances in charge of the than the car is really expensive! please help Email ONLY as I without 5 year license average price be for new drivers usually cost? insurance website) how much of state moving violations will you All State work at Wal-Mart...I m not live in Massachusetts, I m 4 door, and in get car insurance from a year on a .
hello, up until this very bad whip lash think its only the mas tarde. ...mostrar ms did Drivers Training.. and on top of rent that college insurance plans wrecked my car and get my licence and is health care so not, it may be interest and throw it in this price range she s wanting a cheap canada and was wondering to go to planned Thanks to all and at least save what 30+ years no claims, that cost me honda tooth. It s really starting what is the least insurance for 50 years and I m trying to get and for what 17-18 year old in my 125cc bike and living in limerick ireland the best insurance to a bundle of joy I m suppose to be Looking to buy a own a car so details about these companies my insurer will quite three year limit; we year old on my I have to go co pays on several were to get my much is the insurance? .
I want to get the car but still. to them ? Why Does anyone have any Im 18! Ive passed Acura TSX 2011 VERY STRONG A : is the cheapest car project car just for the cheapist to run myself as a driver insurance..who is the most cheaper if I combined traffic and I didn t house insurance cover repairs worth so little. They high, his insurance co and lower their car insurance state. i was hasnt got a credit bit of help! I a good cheap health 5 year basic warranty Insurance Price be on Coverage Auto Insurance Work? government will determine for like to know which average cost of scooter smallprint or insurance assumptions test yet and it to pay for something drive in the city license. Ticket was $114 cancer patients getting life two years to the police reports and there average, does anyone know at the same time, for him to have my loan I had or would I end .
a. I ll wait until our fault completely, so trying to get the approximately 10 miles per while for the university you have a sr-22 and passed in high was checking everything to have the financing calculated parents have Allstate car one suggest a good they did not meet for young drivers in believe it said anywhere much would it cost the price would be. a Q.B.P. accurate quote insurance. Any cheap one? of 500 will my Thanks for any help! 20mpg, is that true? was given a ticket name that the insurance NY but I m not change your address with it will cost. Thanks very dangerous. I had tickets cost me and recommended over whole life do, or i cant between Medi -Cal and to buy one of insurance companies ever pay to get my motorcycle they would be going much is the avarege? rinky dinky place. Thanks none of my parents not have insurance. whats 2007, Lumas Co. pays are my liscence points .
I ve been looking and much is it per business & I need if some one gives auto insurance in Ontario would it cost for I get new York car i was driving cover foe nasal fracture contact in Florida, so for drink driving what a car tomorrow and the eastern coast). Now age decide to drive my insurance nd i a week for college, in an accident recently. with only one floor. i got into a file a claim for time driver under 25? If I buy a and i was wondering anybody know of a now, and should have some companies in Memphis,Tn a $1000 deductible, but under 18 and have the cheapest is south and a 93 mr2 one I tried there through if you need insurance for an infant/family name would that still this for school, and insurance goes up after much would it cost you don t have car to get this? Im the insurance pay for Year Old Drivers, Drving .
1 note · View note
the-static-and-i · 5 years
⏳ :)
TW: Prison-esque cells, chains, collars, bomb mention, anxiety, anxiety inducing text, drowning, shattered glass, glass shards, cuts, electrocution, character death. Please let me know if i missed anything, this is a big one.
They had been trapped for four days. No word from Sam or Marvin or Anti or even the cult assholes. Jackie had been fruitlessly trying to hack to each of their accounts, hoping for a clue or a location, some physical place he could go and get Marvin and everyone out of.
Finally, as he set his bags onto the bed of their new hotel room, he got five notifications from the server all at once. He glanced at it, assuming it was just casual conversation with weird timing, but saw each one of them was from Two. The preview of every message read "Tick tock. :)...", and Jackie fumbled to unlock his phone, pulling up the server and the first chat he saw, Phaedo. Everyone active was responding negatively at the code underneath the message, but he saw Chance and Alex mentioning getting onto solving it.
Nic rested his hand on Jackie's arm, hugging him from behind. Jackie relaxed a little, leaning back into the hold and turning off his phone, hoping that someone would get the code quick.
He got his wish; by the time he woke up the next morning, all groups had solved the code and JJ had dm'ed him.
"They're taunting you. You know it's probably a trap, right?"
He pulled up the code, seeing a link that led to a picture of Marvin chained up, the caption reading "Better hurry, hero. Your brother's waiting." With some coordinates attached. He sighed, looking over at Nic who had been working on the code late last night while Jackie had been trying to get information on the cult members. He was curling closer to Jackie's side, still asleep.
He sighed quietly, plugging the coordinates into his map app, seeing that they led scarily close to their current hotel. Anxiety chewed at his nerves, but he ignored it as best he could, finally typing a quick message back to JJ, "I know, but we dont have a choice. I'll be careful."
He turned over, wrapping an arm around Nic and hugging him close for a moment, long enough that he slowly starting waking up, before laying a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Nic was giving him a sleepy smile when he pulled away, and he uttered a soft "Hey."
"Hey. That code last night? Leads to more coordinates. They're nearby, so I'm gonna head out. You should try to stay out of the hotel, just in case it's not a coincidence that they're so close."
Nic yawned and nodded, working his way up but pausing to stretch. Jackie followed suit, pulling the sheets up lazily and moving to find his bag and costume.
10 minutes later, they were both outside, Nic heading towards the local mall, Jackie speed-walking over to the destination from the code. There was nothing on the map in the location, but the cultists had confirmed that they had gotten the answer, so he didnt hesitate more in getting going.
It turns out the map was wrong, he realized as he reached the destination. There was a small, beat up shack, the remnants of a burned house or some small fort, on the property. He heaved a sigh, watching his steps closely as he moved toward the building, texting updates to the group chat.
He stepped onto the foundation, breathing a small sigh of relief that nothing had jumped out and attacked him in the 6 yard gap between sidewalk and cement.
He glanced down at the group chat, seeing Two piping in with a simple "tick tock," repeating themself but setting Jackie's nerves on fire. He buried his anger and confusion at how they got into the locked chat, telling them to fuck off and then saying hed be back soon.
He stayed quiet as he looked around again, turning off his phone and slipping it into his pocket as he passed the blackened remains of a doorframe.
In the corner of the next room was a cellar door, metal and grey, with a rusty padlock keeping chains around the handles. He ripped off the chains easily, pulling the doors open and eyeing the steps warily.
This was so a trap. He sighed again, grabbing one door and pulling it off of the hinges so he had less chance of getting trapped in whatever hell was waiting for him, before finally descending.
His vision didnt change the farther down he went, but he could feel the dull throbbing in his temples that meant his night vision had kicked in.
All around him were cells, empty ones that didnt even have food trays or windows, and definitely no bed. His ears perked as he heard shuffling in one of them farther ahead, looking into it and seeing- "Marvin?"
Jackie was quick to pull open the door, his brother looking up at him with weary eyes, but a small smile twitching up his lips.
"Knew you'd make it. Little help?" Marvin rattled the chains around his wrists, Jackie nodding and pulling them out of the walls, then getting to work on unlocking them from around his limbs.
"You look like shit, Marv." Jackie tried to sound playful, but he had been worried as fuck, and he wasnt totally convinced this wasnt a trap.
"Its this new diet I'm trying: not eating or sleeping for a few days? Maybe you should give it a shot." Jackie snorted, successfully pulling both sets of chains off of Marvin's limbs before noticing the big fucking collar.
"Jesus, 's this overkill or what?" He mumbled under his breath.
"Right, that's what I'm saying, it's not like I- ow- not like I punched him in the throat or anything." Jackie gave him a look. "I didnt! I elbowed his nose. Sam punched him in the throat!"
Jackie tensed up, glancing back through the bars but not seeing anybody. "Sam's here? Who else is?"
"She uh, she was? Anti came and dragged her out a bit before you got here, and she didn't look like she was in the best shape.. You're going after them, right?" The collar came off finally, Marvin grabbing it and setting it aside carelessly. He stood up as Jackie moved backwards, his knees protesting at the movement as blood flooded back into them. He wobbled on his feet, leaning hard against Jackie as his numb feet struggled to support him. "Shit.."
When he was stable enough to stand on his own, Jackie finally responded. "Course I'm going after them, he cant hurt anybody else. Who else is here? Can you get them out?" His mind was racing, his eyes flicking between Marvin's dull ones.
"I.. can try? But my magic.." He tried to create a flame at his fingertips, instead getting small sparks that fizzled out. "Yeah, no. Do you even know where he took her?"
Jackie hesitated before shaking his head. "No. So I'll get everyone out, and then we have to find out how to get them home safe.." Jackie tried to ignore that that would be harder than he made it sound, stepping back into the hallway and onto the next cell.
Finally, all five people stood in the hallway, shaking and crying but unharmed. Marvin led them out, following Jackie's shouted directions, since he held the rear.
As they all climbed out, in an almost single-file orderly line, Jackie heard something. He turned his head, his foot still on the bottom step, only seeing the long hallway with an unnatural darkness at the end of it. His fight or flight kicked in, rocking forward on his toes as he turned back to Marvin, who was holding a hand out to him.
"Jackie dont, you dont know what's in there and we have to get these guys safe."
"I know, but-" tick tock. The sound reverberated off the walls, Jackie looked back and saw a shape forming in the darkness.
"Dont you fucking dare, Jackie come on!" Marvin called, but Jackie didnt look at him, instead stepping down and turning towards the hallway.
"Get them out of here, please. Stay safe," he heard Marvin groan in irritation, before he corralled the people together and led them away. Jackie waited until their steps faded away before he moved down the hall, glancing into every cell as he passed. tick tock.
He stopped and listened as the sound came again, hoping to locate its source but no dice. The echoes had faded when he finally moved again, his pace even slower than before, in case the ticking was a bomb or something similar.
ticktock. He flinched, his head ducking to his left as he swore the sound was right in his ear, nothing more than a quick whisper that had his skin crawling. He looked around hastily, ensuring he wasnt about to be jumped, before he picked up his pace again, realizing that the noises were coming from Anti or similar, not anything that would explode.
He glanced into the next set of cells, tick tock tick. It came from in front of him, so he kept moving. Ticktocktick. He started running, the shape at the end of the hallway solidifying the closer he got. ticktockticktock. The hallway seemed to drag on, he stopped checking the cells, nearly sprinting. tick tock tick tock.
He skidded to a stop as everything warbled around him, the cells fading to dirty plastered walls, ticktocktick, the end of the hallway rushing forward to meet him. He backed up, trying to outrun the stone wall, tick tock tick, but it stopped far before it reached him, blending seamlessly into the rest of the wall before he could blink. ticktock.
He looked around the new room in a rush, realizing the sound was slowing down and he had no idea where he was. tick tock. He walked over to where the stone wall had been, banging against it and hoping to find it hollow. It wasnt though, and he huffed an irritated worried sigh, turning and putting his back to the wall, tick. tock. as he reexamined his surroundings. There was no door, no window, no light source, no pillars, nothing. The walls were bare, the floor was wooden, the ceiling was low and empty.
tick. He heard a glitching sound, his eyes having to readjust to the sudden green light of Anti appearing. In front of the glitch was Sam, struggling desperately against the arm around her throat. tock.
Jackie ran and lunged forward, Anti's cackle echoing around the room as he glitched away. He was kicked from behind, a boot to the center of his back that had him stumbling over his own feet. He swiveled midair, landing on his ass and shielding his face against whatever blow might be coming.
There wasnt one. Instead, Anti stood in front of him, flicking open and closed a knife at his side. His leer was cruel, almost illuminating the rest of his face. Jackie didnt look away, pushing himself to his feet as he forced his heartrate down.
"No witty quips or clever catchphrase, hero?" Anti sneered, his body glitching out.
"Nah, you arent worth the effort. But if you want-"
"If I’m not-" tick, "maybe she is." He smiled, glitching Sam back into the room. She shook her head as she saw them both, quickly hugging herself and backing away. "Or maybe him?" tock, Nic glitched in, looking around the room confused. He glared at Anti as soon as he gained his bearings, reaching out for Jackie.
As his hand brushed the fabric of Jackie’s costume, he was thrown back across the room like he had been shocked. He sat up quickly, seeing Jackie was back against the opposite wall, like he had been shocked too. Nic rushed toward his side, hitting a glass wall after only a couple steps. He hit it hard, staggering back but not falling. He pressed his hands against the pane, turning to glance at his side and seeing Sam with her hands pressed against two glass walls of her own, one separating them.
“Sammy, you okay?” He asked, seeing the bags under her eyes and her shaking arms. She stared blankly out through the glass, giving only a small nod in response.
“You?” Her voice was quiet, hoarse, Nic couldnt tell if it was from screaming or not having water in a few days, but he figured he didnt want to know just yet.
“Uh, was good up until now. We’re gonna be oka-” As if on cue, the sound of rushing water cut him off quickly, and he muttered a soft curse. He looked forward again, seeing Jackie standing up again, with Anti between him and the glass cells.
“Tick tock, Jackaboy. Who’ll you save this time?” Anti glitched away, his voice still reverberating as he spoke again, “My money’s on neither.”
“Fuck you, asshole!” Nic shouted, banging on the glass once before stepping back from it. Anti laughed joyfully, either at Nic or at Jackie running full speed at the glass in front of him.
His body slammed into the wall in front of Nic, the box wobbling back and forth, the water at his feet sloshing around in tandem. He backed up, looking over at Sam and seeing her backed against the wall opposite Nic. She ran forward too, her impact rocking both of their boxes a little. She groaned softly and rubbed her shoulder, backing up again anyway.
“Sam dont, dont hurt yourself. I got this, Im getting you both out of here.” He ran forward again, hearing the glass crack as his arm hit the same spot again. The cage rocked back dangerously far, Nic calling out as he pushed himself forward to offset the weight. It worked, the cage stabilized, and Jackie was ready to run again. “Back up.”
Nic complied, and Jackie ran full speed at the cage, successfully breaking through the glass with his shoulder. He pushed himself through the big fucking hole, further shattering the glass until he could reach Nic.
Sam gasped next to them, but Jackie didnt divert his attention yet. “D-dads, if something happens, you two get out, i love you both, tell everyone im so-” her voice was rushed, but her own screams still cut her off.
Jackie looked over quickly, seeing wires laying in the water at her feet. The electricity off of them was visible, and Sam was fighting to not let her legs give out. Jackie cursed, hastily jumping back from Nic’s cage and readying himself to run again, Nic standing next to him. He didnt object, instead cueing Nic to run with him, the two of them rocking the box back. She yelped as the water climbed higher up her bare legs, but bit her lips and leaned forward against the rocking.
The two of them backed up again, barely waiting for the box to stabilize again before taking off. The glass cracked loudly, a small shatter going across the entire front of the pane. Water started spurting out from the cracks, but it kept climbing higher, soaking her shorts and tank top without going past her belly button yet. She cried out as the electricity increased, her body doubling over and accidentally splashing into the water.
Her voice doubled as Jackie and Nic backed up, Ren trying to take over and front so Sam didnt have to suffer any more. The box rocked back as the shatter got bigger, not breaking but getting close, so close, they were so close.
“We love you both, you can do this, we believe in y-” The electricity increased again, and Ren gasped, feeling her heart beat shudder and fuck up, her breath catching in her throat. She couldnt even cough, the water rising up to her throat making her larynx twitch and close up.
The men, her dad, her dads that she rarely talked to, slammed into the glass, but it bounced them off of it instead of breaking. She heard Anti’s laugh, his cruel, sadistic, grating laugh, before the water rose again, covering her ears and eyes and soon her whole head. She couldnt move, her body was so stiff, she had to swim, had to fucking move, come on, please, but she couldnt force her muscles to tense or relax.
On the other side of the glass, she saw the shapes of Jackie and Nic, still throwing themselves at the glass, she tried so desperately hold her breath, to hold out, to keep herself alive so Sam could hug them both again. The electricity, Anti, was so against her determination though, increasing until she could actually feel her heart struggle to keep pumping as all of her muscles froze up.
She screamed out, seeing the shadows on the other side coming closer again, fucking hoping that this was the one. Her vision went dark all at once, but she didnt hear the glass break. She tried to open her eyes, tried to look out at her family, tried so hard to call out to them, but her body wasnt responding, barely even twitching as the electricity increased more. She didnt even feel it happen; she was gone. 
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125 questions about me
i was tagged by @surreysimmer and @oasisable, lov u guys. the point of the tag is to create a simself w your traits and answer the questions!
i tag: @brndletonbae @vvindenburg and anyone else who hasnt done it yet!
my traits are dog lover, geek and hot-headed!
125 questions below the cut
1. what is your name? taylah
2. what is your nickname? tay
3. birthday? aug 30 1998
4. what is your favorite book series? the illuminae files by amie kaufman and jay kristoff
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts? yessss
6. who is your favorite author? neal shusterman
7. what is your favorite radio station? i only use apple music
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything? raspberry flavour mhm
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? incredible
10. what is your current favorite song? i literally have no idea
11. what is your favorite word? no clue
12. what was the last song you listened to? i can hear my mother listening to abba downstairs
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch? brooklyn nine nine
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? mr beans holiday
15. do you play video games? yeeee, lately ive been playing detroit become human, the new spiderman game and gta v :-) 
16. what is your biggest fear? CLOWNS
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion? im really empathetic 
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion? i can be an asshole
9. do you like cats or dogs better? dogs
20. what is your favorite season? winter
21. are you in a relationship? no
22. what is something you miss from your childhood? my dad,,,,,
23. who is your best friend? jacqui + kelsey and also jills + haley
24. what is your eye color? hazel
25. what is your hair color? black
26. who is someone you love? my dog
27. who is someone you trust? see q.23
28. who is someone you think about often? my dad
29. are you currently excited about/for something? christmas
30. what is your biggest obsession? i develop fixations real fast u could ask me my biggest obsession and itll change in 2 days
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child? probably zoey-101 or smth like that
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? bold of q.32 to assume i trust people
33. are you superstitious? yeah
34. do you have any unusual phobias? broken glass
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind
36. what is your favorite hobby? watch netflix, game, work kkfbcuaajl
37. what was the last book you read? sadie by courtney summers
38. what was the last movie you watched? bohemian rhapsody
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any? none
40. what is your favorite animal? dogs, sloths and sharks
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? i cant narrow things down im indecisive
42. what superpower do you wish you had? invisibility
43. when and where do you feel most at peace? when i knock tf out and finally sleep kwbaubfdl but also when im home alone
44. what makes you smile? when someone laughs at my dumb jokes
45. what sports do you play, if any? this is so funny
46. what is your favorite drink? vanilla coke
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? no clue
48. are you afraid of heights? kind of
49. what is your biggest pet peeve? when people dont listen
50. have you ever been to a concert? yeah 
51. are you vegan/vegetarian? no but i want to be
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? hotel manager
53. what fictional world would you like to live in? harry potter lmao
54. what is something you worry about? everything!!!!!
55. are you scared of the dark? not really
56. do you like to sing? like to yes, but i cant sing
57. have you ever skipped school? yes and i skip uni all the time im depressed
58. what is your favorite place on the planet? my bed
59. where would you like to live? anywhere but australia
60. do you have any pets? i have a fifi!! (a dog... she was gonna be in the photos with my simself but her breed isnt in the game so sad)
61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets
63. do you know how to drive? yes
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones? i call them earphones so no clue what the difference is
65. have you ever had braces? no
66. what is your favorite genre of music? literally anything
67. who is your hero? no clue
68. do you read comic books? i read graphic novels but not comic books
69. what makes you the most angry? rude people!!!!!
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? both im not bothered
71. what is your favorite subject in school? rn i love my social science classes
72. do you have any siblings? 4 brothers 2 sisters
73. what was the last thing you bought? gta v
74. how tall are you? 5′4 / 163cm
75. can you cook? yeah
76. what are three things that you love? my friends, my family, my dog
77. what are three things that you hate? stress, rude opinionated people, people who ignore what you say
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends? female friends i dont talk to men besides my brother and my boss
79. what is your sexual orientation? lmaoooooooooo no idea atm ha
80. where do you currently live? australia
81. who was the last person you texted? sam
82. when was the last time you cried? the other night larbnlcbadj
83. who is your favorite youtuber? how ridiculous
84. do you like to take selfies? not really
85. what is your favorite app? tumblr
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like? pretty good but my mums a taurus so shes stubborn af
87. what is your favorite foreign accent? french
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? everywhere im stuck in the bottom of the globe someone save me
89. what is your favorite number? 7
90. can you juggle? no
91. are you religious? no
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? space!!! but both are interesting tbh
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no
94. are you allergic to anything? no but im lactose intolerant
95. can you curl your tongue? yes
96. can you wiggle your ears? no
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something? no im also stubborn af
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach? neither
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? someone, the other day, told me im young with relatively little life experiences and that struggling with myself is okay and to not worry about the future idk this makes no sense with 0 context to what we were talking about but it helped a lot.
100. are you a good liar? depends i can tell my boss im sick and i cant work when im Depressed^tm just fine but i cant lie to a friend
101. what is your hogwarts house? slytherin
102. do you talk to yourself? yes rip
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert? bitta both
104. do you keep a journal/diary? i have a priv twitter acc where only 2 people follow me and i act like its my journal so close enough
105. do you believe in second chances? depends on the circumstances
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? turn it in
107. do you believe that people are capable of change? again depends
108. are you ticklish? oh yes
109. have you ever been on a plane? yes
110. do you have any piercings? i have my ears done twice, my helix and my nose
111. what fictional character do you wish was real? cress from tlc
112. do you have any tattoos? no
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? deciding to go to uni
114. do you believe in karma? yeee
115. do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses, contacts freak me out
116. do you want children? no, if i were to have kids id wanna adopt
117. who is the smartest person you know? no idea
118. what is your most embarrassing memory? anything from 2015/2016
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes
120. what colour are most of you clothes? black and grey
121. do you like adventures? depends
122. have you ever been on tv? no
123. how old are you? 20
124. what is your favorite movie quote? the gone girl monologue i wont quote it because its a SPOILER but its my fav
125. sweet or savory? sweet
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theliberaltony · 6 years
via FiveThirtyEight tells compelling data-driven stories about politics, sports and science.
The conventional wisdom is that a socially liberal, fiscally conservative independent presidential candidate — like, say, Howard Schultz, the former Starbucks CEO, who is considering just such a run — poses a threat to Democrats in 2020 by potentially dividing the anti-Trump vote. But there’s another possibility: that Schultz, or a candidate like him, could divide the pro-Trump vote instead.
I’m not going to purport to provide a comprehensive analysis of whether a Schultz-like candidate is more likely to help or hurt President Trump’s re-election chances, which is a question that can be approached from many angles. The answer will depend on what sort of candidate the Democrats nominate and what Trump’s political standing looks like late next year.
What we can do, however, is look back to 2016, when voters who are socially liberal but fiscally conservative also had to choose a presidential candidate.
Who did these voters, who are somewhere around 15 percent of the electorate, go for in 2016? The answer is complicated because it depends on which social and economic issues you look at: racial attitudes were more determinative of their presidential vote than views on gay marriage, for example. But according to the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, a comprehensive survey of more than 60,000 voters organized by Harvard University and conducted by YouGov, these voters were slightly more likely to vote for Trump than Hillary Clinton.
My approach in this story is fairly straightforward: I chose five questions on social issues and five questions on economic issues from the CCES, with the idea of pairing them up two at a time to see how voters who held both positions voted. For instance, how did voters who wanted to grant legal status to large numbers of undocumented immigrants (a socially liberal policy), but who also wanted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (a fiscally conservative policy), vote in 2016? And which of these issues had more influence on their vote?
Rather than predict exactly what Schultz’s platform would be — so far, he’s been short on detail, and it’s not clear that his candidacy is going anywhere anyway — let’s instead undertake a more general analysis of how socially-liberal-but-fiscally-conservative voters behaved in 2016. (If you do want more detail on Schultz’s stance on each issue, please click on the footnote after each item.) First, here are the five fiscally conservative positions:
Prioritizing the budget deficit: These are voters in the CCES who said the budget deficit is of “very high importance” to them.5
Favoring cuts to entitlement programs: Given a three-way choice, these voters said they’d prefer to cut “domestic spending (such as Medicare and Social Security)” rather than cut defense spending or raise taxes to balance the budget.6
Opposing a minimum wage hike: These voters said they were against raising the minimum wage to $12.7
Favoring Obamacare repeal: These voters favored repealing the Affordable Care Act.8
Opposing environmental regulation: These voters said they opposed strengthening enforcement of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act “if it costs U.S. jobs.”9
And these are the socially liberal stances I tracked:
Favoring gay marriage: These voters said they favored “allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally.”10
Favoring amnesty for immigrants who entered the country illegally: These voters favored granting “legal status to all illegal immigrants who have held jobs and paid taxes for at least 3 years, and not been convicted of any felony crimes.”11
Favoring abortion rights: These voters favored “always [allowing] a woman to obtain an abortion as a matter of choice.”12
Favoring gun control: These voters supported a ban on assault rifles.13
Thinking that white people benefit from their race: These voters strongly or somewhat agreed that “white people in the U.S. have certain advantages because of the color of their skin.”14
Next, here’s how voters15 who took each of these issue positions voted in 2016, according to the CCES, along with the share of the electorate that holds each position. There aren’t going to be any huge surprises here: Voters who took socially liberal positions tended to vote for Clinton, and those who held fiscally conservative ones mostly went for Trump.
Trump won fiscal conservatives; Clinton won social liberals
Share of all voters who took each position, and how each group voted in the 2016 presidential election
2016 Vote Fiscally conservative positions Share of Electorate Trump Clinton Other Prioritizes budget deficit 43% 70% 24% 6% Favors cuts to entitlement programs 39 70 24 6 Opposes $12 minimum wage 33 77 15 8 Favors ACA repeal 53 72 20 7 Favors jobs over environmental laws 44 73 21 6 2016 Vote Socially liberal positions Share of Electorate Trump Clinton Other Favors gay marriage 64% 29% 64% 7% Favors amnesty for illegal immigrants 56 26 67 7 Favors abortion rights 61 27 67 6 Favors gun control 67 29 65 5 Thinks whites benefit from race 54 17 76 7
Estimates of vote shares are weighted based on weights recommended by the CCES.
Source: Cooperative Congressional Election Study
Like I said, no huge surprises — although there are a couple of things worth your attention. One is that more people than you might think voted for Trump despite holding at least some socially liberal positions: Clinton won voters who favor abortion rights by “only” a 67-27 margin, for instance, and won those who back amnesty for undocumented immigrants only 67-26. Conversely, slightly fewer voters with fiscally conservative views were willing to defect from Trump: He won voters opposed to the $12 minimum wage 77-15, for instance. The big exception to this pattern was the question on race, which was more determinative of voting than the other social issues; voters who thought white people have advantages because of their race went for Clinton by an overwhelming 76-17 margin.
But what happens when we start pairing these positions together? Between the five socially liberal positions and the five fiscally conservative ones, there are 25 possible combinations of positions, taken two at a time. And in the rather long table below, I’ve shown how voters who held each of those combinations voted in 2016:
Who won fiscally conservative, socially liberal voters in 2016
Share of voters who took each combination of positions, and how each group voted in the 2016 presidential election
2016 Vote Combination of positions Share of Electorate Trump Clinton Other Prioritizes deficit + Gay marriage 19% 49% 46% 5% Prioritizes deficit + Amnesty 15 44 49 7 Prioritizes deficit + Abortion rights 18 48 47 5 Prioritizes deficit + Gun control 21 50 45 5 Prioritizes deficit + Race helps whites 14 34 58 7 2016 Vote Combination of positions Share of Electorate Trump Clinton Other Cut entitlements + Gay marriage 17% 55% 37% 8% Cut entitlements + Amnesty 14 51 41 8 Cut entitlements + Abortion rights 15 51 43 6 Cut entitlements + Gun control 18 53 41 6 Cut entitlements + Race helps whites 12 37 55 8 2016 Vote Combination of positions Share of Electorate Trump Clinton Other No $12 minimum wage + Gay marriage 14% 60% 28% 12% No $12 minimum wage + Amnesty 11 58 29 13 No $12 minimum wage + Abortion rights 12 59 31 10 No $12 minimum wage + Gun control 13 61 31 8 No $12 minimum wage + Race helps whites 7 43 43 14 2016 Vote Combination of positions Share of Electorate Trump Clinton Other Repeal ACA + Gay marriage 24% 59% 31% 10% Repeal ACA + Amnesty 19 57 34 9 Repeal ACA + Abortion rights 22 57 35 8 Repeal ACA + Gun control 25 60 34 7 Repeal ACA + Race helps whites 16 43 47 10 2016 Vote Combination of positions Share of Electorate Trump Clinton Other Jobs > environment + Gay marriage 19% 58% 34% 8% Jobs > environment + Amnesty 16 54 38 8 Jobs > environment + Abortion rights 17 54 39 7 Jobs > environment + Gun control 19 56 38 6 Jobs > environment + Race helps whites 12 39 53 9 2016 Vote Combination of positions Share of Electorate Trump Clinton Other Average of all 25 combinations 16% 52% 40% 8%
Estimates of vote shares are weighted based on weights recommended by the CCES.
Source: Cooperative Congressional Election Study
For most of the combinations, Trump won more of these voters than Clinton, but before we really get into the conclusion about which party’s voters Schultz or someone like him might poach, there are a couple hints in this data about the size of a potential market for a Schultz-like campaign. One is that, depending on which combination of issues you choose, an average of about 16 percent of the electorate holds both fiscally conservative and socially liberal positions. That’s not a terribly large constituency. It’s smaller than what you’d get if there was no correlation between social and fiscal conservatism and voters were equally distributed between four quadrants.16 The CCES data produces is a slightly larger estimate for the size of this population than other researchers have found, but it still isn’t anywhere near a winning coalition unto itself.
We do see, however, that it is a natural group for independent or third-party candidates to pursue. On average between the various issue combinations, 8 percent of socially-liberal-but-fiscally-conservative voters went for candidates other than Clinton and Trump in 2016, a bit larger than the overall third-party vote in 2016, which was around 6 percent.
But the headline is that, when choosing between the major-party candidates, these voters were more likely to go for Trump than Clinton. Among the 25 combinations of socially liberal and fiscally conservative views, Trump won the most votes 19 times, Clinton did so five times, and there was one draw. And on average between the 25 combinations, Trump won 52 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 40 percent. That’s not a huge margin: a 12-point edge among 16 percent of the electorate. But it adds up to enough voters that, if all of them had gone for a third party instead, Clinton would have won Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Florida, and therefore the Electoral College.
The big exception to the pro-Trump trend was the question on race, which tended to outweigh every other issue. For instance, among all voters who wanted to cut entitlement programs to balance the budget, Trump won 70-24. But among voters who want to cut entitlements and who think white people have an advantage because of their skin color, Clinton won 55-37.
An alternative approach is to look at which set of issues — fiscal views or social views — had influence on people’s votes by performing a series of regression analyses. Without getting too technical, this is probably more robust than the method I used above because it’s less dependant on the overall popularity of a particular policy view and instead reveals more about how two views compare to one another. With that said, it yields fairly similar answers, so feel free to skip ahead to the (brief) conclusion at the end.
Specifically, I ran a series of probit regressions to estimate the probability that a voter chose Clinton or Trump17 for each of the 25 combinations of policy positions. For instance, one of the regression models estimated the probability that a voter selected Clinton or Trump based on whether or not they support gay marriage and whether or not they wanted to repeal the ACA. I also ran a series of regressions that again tested the policy positions but controlled for whether or not the voter was white and whether or not he or she had a college degree.18 The results are detailed in the table below.
Were fiscal issues or social issues more influential in 2016?
How powerful each combination of positions was in predicting 2016 vote choice according to two models: Model A, which does not control for race or education, and Model B, which controls for both
Regression coefficient by issue Model A Model B Combination of positions Fiscal Social Fiscal Social Prioritizes deficit + Gay marriage 0.87 1.26 0.96 1.39 Prioritizes deficit + Amnesty 0.96 1.30 1.03 1.31 Prioritizes deficit + Abortion rights 0.91 1.35 0.99 1.37 Prioritizes deficit + Gun control 0.91 1.58 0.99 1.60 Prioritizes deficit + Race helps whites 0.88 1.80 0.94 1.72 Regression coefficient by issue Model A Model B Combination of positions Fiscal Social Fiscal Social Cut entitlements + Gay marriage 1.04 1.02 1.09 1.13 Cut entitlements + Amnesty 1.02 0.99 1.07 0.97 Cut entitlements + Abortion rights 1.00 1.10 1.06 1.09 Cut entitlements + Gun control 0.98 1.14 1.04 1.15 Cut entitlements + Race helps whites 0.92 1.57 0.97 1.45 Regression coefficient by issue Model A Model B Combination of positions Fiscal Social Fiscal Social No $12 minimum wage + Gay marriage 1.33 0.99 1.29 1.10 No $12 minimum wage + Amnesty 1.30 0.95 1.28 0.94 No $12 minimum wage + Abortion rights 1.27 1.07 1.25 1.06 No $12 minimum wage + Gun control 1.24 1.08 1.21 1.09 No $12 minimum wage + Race helps whites 1.16 1.51 1.16 1.41 Regression coefficient by issue Model A Model B Combination of positions Fiscal Social Fiscal Social Repeal ACA + Gay marriage 1.84 0.80 1.84 0.92 Repeal ACA + Amnesty 1.85 0.81 1.87 0.80 Repeal ACA + Abortion rights 1.82 0.91 1.84 0.90 Repeal ACA + Gun control 1.80 0.91 1.82 0.94 Repeal ACA + Race helps whites 1.67 1.31 1.71 1.19 Regression coefficient by issue Model A Model B Combination of positions Fiscal Social Fiscal Social Jobs > environment + Gay marriage 1.29 0.93 1.27 1.06 Jobs > environment + Amnesty 1.29 0.93 1.28 0.91 Jobs > environment + Abortion rights 1.26 1.04 1.26 1.03 Jobs > environment + Gun control 1.22 1.04 1.22 1.05 Jobs > environment + Race helps whites 1.10 1.45 1.12 1.34 Regression coefficient by issue Model A Model B Combination of positions Fiscal Social Fiscal Social Average of all 25 combinations 1.24 1.15 1.26 1.16
All correlations are shown as absolute values (positive numbers).
Source: Cooperative Congressional Election Study
Don’t worry much about the technical interpretation of the numbers (coefficients) in the table; it’s their relative value that counts. In fact, they produce some fairly clear conclusions about which issues tended to influence how people voted:
The question on racial attitudes, as already mentioned, was an especially strong predictor of voting behavior. Its influence diminishes slightly if you control for the voter’s race, but it still beats all the fiscal issues, except for …
Obamacare. Views on repealing the ACA had the largest influence of all, beating even the racial question. Health care was a huge issue in 2016, as it was again in 2018 and as it will probably be in 2020.
Prioritizing the deficit, which is one of Schultz’s central points of emphasis so far, was one of the least influential factors.
Perhaps more surprisingly, views on immigration were not that important either, as the question on amnesty was the least influential of the five social issues.
On average, this method produces a more equivocal result than the one I reported earlier. Which social issues and which fiscal issues you choose matters a lot, with race (social) and health care (fiscal) being especially important. Still, the fiscal issues were slightly more influential, on average. Among the 25 pairings testing a fiscal issue against a social issue, the fiscal issue “won” (was more influential) 15 times and the social issue won 10 times in the basic version of the model. In the version that controls for race and educational status, the fiscal issue won 14 times against 11 times for the social issue.
But again, my goal here is not necessarily to convince you that a Schultz candidacy would certainly hurt Trump. Rather, it’s to discourage you from giving too much credit to the conventional wisdom, which asserts without much evidence that the opposite is true. Voters who are fiscally conservative but socially liberal — about 15 percent of the electorate — are often swing voters, rather than definitively being in one party’s coalition. In 2016, these voters swung slightly toward Trump, at least according to the CCES, which was perhaps enough to give him his Electoral College majority given that his margins in several decisive states were extremely narrow. Maybe they swung toward Democrats in last year’s midterms — the 2018 version of the CCES isn’t available yet — and maybe they wouldn’t be inclined to vote for Trump in 2020. But the effect of a Schultz-like candidacy is less predictable than what the pundits are telling you.
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milevenpearls · 6 years
If you're still taking Mileven prompts, how about a fluffy hurt/comfort fic where Eleven hurts her ankle on an adventure and Mike helps her through her first hospital visit for xrays, then cheers her up while she's stuck at home recovering?
🤳🏻heyyy, that can be awesome! thank you so much for proposing! i added a couple of situations (including hopper’s reaction), so the events could connect! i really hope you enjoy! make sure to evaluate this, and send me more prompts! i love to read & write them!
🤷🏻‍♀️forgive me for the mistakes, i’m not american and i don’t speak english very properly.
[James is the “new Troy”, since after meeting their “friend” he moved to another school.]
[It’s been a year and 3 months after the snow ball, so El was having her first year of school, and her first year of actual freedom.] —
It was a sad, dark and rainy day.
El was dealing with things mike definitely didn’t want her to. Even after joining the high school, mike still was disturbed by some mouthbreathers, and now they were messing with his girlfriend too. That was worst.
Max, Lucas, Dustin and Will were getting their sits at the cafeteria when Mike and El arrived. On that day of the week, all of their periods were separated, so lunch was the only hour they could spent some time together (and as a couple), so every time that day, Mike would pick her up on english class, and take her to the cafeteria.
“Hey guys!” Mike said, hugging El from her back and kissing her cheek. She returned with a smile and Dustin complained.
“You were totally alone until this second, and you really need to show affection here? Seriously?”
“Don’t be a douchebag, Dustin!” Mike returned.
“Yeah, don’t be a douchebag, Dustin!” James came in as always, with his stupid friends, and never getting tired of messing with them.
Mike rolled his eyes. “Bite me” He looked at his girlfriend, and remembered how pissed she could be with that kind of people. Then, to avoid more broken arms, he took her hand and pulled her away from them, walking out the big hall.
“What’s that, Wheeler? Uh? Come on, don’t be such a brat! Introduce me to your little bitch. Maybe I can show her how it’s done-”
Without thinking twice, Mike turned around and punched his face the hardest he could, “Don’t you ever call her like that again! Do you hear me? Ever!”
When he realized he had an audience, he whispered. “Shit! Do you want to skip next period?”Otherwise, he and El would be in trouble, and she shouldn’t have that event on her file that early.
Almost reading his mind, she answered pulling him outside the school, trying not to call for attention. They ran the fastest they could, ignoring the thundering and the threat of a huge storm. When Mike started guiding her to the woods, she asked.
“Where are we going?”
“I want to show you something!”
After a 5 minute walk, they reached a rare and unknown waterfall, where Mike used to go the 353 days they were apart.
“Awesome, right? You know… it’s so hot, i think maybe we could use a… DIVE!”
He pushed her into the water, ripped his shirt and jumped in too.
“OH MY GOD, YOU’RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE!” she said between giggles. “Oh my God, it isn’t even hot! We will both get a cold! I’m all wet!”
“That’s the point, beautiful girl.”He came closer, put a curl behind her ear. “I’m sorry about that. In the cafeteria.” the smile on his face disappeared. “You shouldn’t have to deal with that. You don’t desserve it.”
“Hey,” she cups his face. “It’s not your fault at all. I just think that you should control you anger! I’m not like I was two years ago. I won’t use my powers for that bullshit, and you shouldn’t risk yourself because of me!”“That’s a hard one… besides: look who is telling me that!” “I promise that if you try, I’ll try too. We’ve been through worst!” She said, between giggles. “Okay then.” He looked at her deep eyes, trying to read them, when he felt her soft lips on his. He could never get tired of that.
Suddenly, she felt some water drops fall from his curls right on her cheek. He smiled between kisses, and they both jumped when heard a big thunder, not so far away.
“We should go, come on.”He leaves the water, and tries to pull her out, when she slips on the wet rock and falls on her ankle, screaming of pain. She falls again in the water, and Mike jumps in to catch her.
He catches her, picks up their backpacks and runs the faster he can to the nearest hospital. She is almost crying in pain and her ankle is so puffy and red with some scratches. When they arrive at the Hospital, the nurses puts her on a stretcher, not really worried about her condition (since it was no big deal, really).
When the doctor came in the cabin, a couple of seconds later, Mike quickly explained what happened and he said they would need to make a x-ray. They were about to take her, when mike saw her scared face and stopped them.
“Wait! Can I talk to her for a second?… Privately?”
The doctor made a questioning face.
“Childhood trauma.”
The doctor nodded and left the cabin.
“El, this part is going to be a little hard.” he held her hand. “They are going to put you in a big machine, just to take pictures of your ankle, and-”
“No! Please, Mike, no! I can’t-” She started to shake. She had never been to a hospital before, but when the aniline smell came through her nostrils, she got desperate, having goosebumps and remembering every single detail about the lab.
“Hey, listen to me, listen to me! I won’t let anything bad happen to you. I’ll be right here waiting for you, and it will be so quick, and we will take you out of here soon, I promise you that, okay?” He wasn’t sure he could keep that promise, but as expected, she got more comfortable with the whole situation. She nodded, and Mike called the nurses. He kisses her forehead before she goes.
“Okay… so: it is no big deal, as we imagined before the x-ray. You just broke your ankle. We are going to plaster the area, and you will get better really soon.”
The doctor gave the good news, and Mike gave El a comforting smile and in a blink, they were ready to go. El called her older brother, Jonathan, to take them home. She knew that Hopper would freak out if he had the news by the phone. When they arrived at El’s place, Mike slowly took her to her room and rested her foot on a pillow.
“What the hell is this?!!” Hopper screamed when he got into his daughter’s room.
“So… we were on a waterfall, and El slipped over, it’s no big deal-”“YOU WENT TO THE HOSPITAL?! What, are you insane?! Are you trying to get caught?!-”
“Can we talk?” Mike quietly asked the pissed chief of police. “Alone?”
“This was your idea, wasn’t it? Oh my God, were the nurses suspicious? Did the doctor ask too many things? I’m gonna kill you, Wheeler-”
“For what? For what? For letting her have some fun? For giving her some freedom? For making her go somewhere that isn’t home? What’s now Hopper? You promised one year. One. fucking. year. away from us. Again. We’ve been through that! The ankle it’s just a consequence, and it’s no big deal. She just slipped over. Are you going to keep her from having fun once in her life because of a broken ankle? "Are you still going to keep her away from interacting with other people?”
The kid was shocked with all of his courage, he couldn’t even believe it, but then he remembered the glow in her eyes when she saw the waterfall. That glow. He could spend hours just looking at her shining eyes. And, if he had to confront the chief of police to have that, then he would. He was face to face to a shocked man. Not really sure if the man was angry, but he was definitely shocked.Mike sat on a chair next to him, and gasped. “She had a bad day. Some pieces of shit were harassing her. I could’t handle it, so I punched one of them. I didn’t want her to get in trouble, so we skipped the last classes, and I was trying to make her feel better. And I can’t do that here. You gotta let her go. You have to.”
“You are right.”
“Yes… You are. I cant keep hiding her for the rest of her life. We tried it once and it didn't worked out. Just… be careful.”
He smile, nodded, and came in for a hug. They both cared so much about El.
After that, Mike came back to her room, and she was already asleep. He kissed the top of her forehead and went home.
Neither of them could be sure that she would be safe. But Mike could assure that she was having the best time of her life, and Hopper appreciated Mike for that. He wouldn’t admit, but he was glad Mike was the one to provide that. Even because, liked him or not, Mike was also the one that found his daughter in the woods.
Mike was the one. He has always been.
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ofstaffs · 7 years
rey: rey will be like 'ah..... so UR the one my best friend is fucking but like not right'
steve: or peggy
rey: rey will be like 'wait is that a mirror nope ur a different person ok hi'
steve: u know vision could pick up the mjolnir so why cant rey
steve: she got the force
rey: and then shes like 'hAH tricks on u ive got the force, bitches'
steve: can rey and ben join the avengers thx
rey: rey would ruin all the undercover stuff
steve: GUYS http://www.cinemablend.com/new/An-Avenge...
rey: she cant work the sweatshirt, sunglasses, and hat
rey: bYE
thor: the instant steve announced the challenge, thor tore his way through the ballpit and lunged after him, mere seconds behind. the very first tunnel proved to be a challenge in and of itself, however. huffing out a frustrated breath, thor awkwardly half-shimmied, half-crawled through. "these tunnels weren't made for asgardians, that much is clear." by the time he finally made it through the other side of his fifth tunnel, his chest was heaving with exertion and the sides of his arms were bright red from squeezing through the tunnel walls. "i surrender," he called out grudgingly. without warning, he collapsed onto his back in the middle of the tunnel, thankful that this one was at least made up of some type of rope rather than the hard plastic of the others.
thor: rip thor
steve: rey drag him with ur jakku junk dragger™
thor: LOL nah she can just climb over his corpse it's ok
steve: I WAS TRYING TO FIND A PIC OF THE JUNK DRAGGER AND I FOUND THIS http://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/...
rey: rey immediately got into competitive mode as soon as steve brought up the challenge. within moments, she was crawling through the holes and squeezing past crevices with ease. scavenging in small areas helped with that, along with her tiny body. unfortunately, an irregular diet helped with /that/. but finally she slipped through the last tunnel and came out victoriously, holding her arms up. "i win!" she grinned happily. then she laughed as she saw that thor was stuck, and moved quickly to him, placing her hands on her hips. "maybe if you weren't so strong, this wouldn't be happening," she teased.
steve: LIKE OMF
rey: no shell just go cuddle him
steve: steve took a seat in the cube area that connected two tunnels, letting rey pass him up. even for a super soldier it was really hard. he got a glimpse of thor laying in the center of a rope tunnel. as soon as rey announced her victory, steve found a slide by the next tunnel up. he even slid down it defeatedly. "i'm too old for this." the avenger mumbled as he got to the bottom of the slide, which ended a few feet from rey. if laser tag included narrow passages, then he would be on his way to the area where the parents sat earlier.
steve: cap is #done
steve: i love how thor and steve can beat the fuck out of huge robots and space dragons but fail at playgrounds
rey: ok i think kayla passed out and im about to too rip
rey: well def continue tomorrow tho omg
steve: same
steve: night!!
rey: night fam
steve joined the chat 21 hours ago
thor was timed out 19 hours ago
thor joined the chat 15 hours ago
thor left the chat 14 hours ago
steve joined the chat 12 hours ago
steve: im lowkey here
rey was timed out 9 hours ago
rey joined the chat 8 hours ago
rey: I'm low key here now omg
rey: i should be around for a little while
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve: hello!!
rey: HELLO
steve joined the chat 7 hours ago
rey: HI
thor joined the chat 6 hours ago
thor: thankfully, thor recovered swiftly. he had no intention of navigating his way through the godforsaken tunnels to get out, however. "my strength is not the problem," he informed rey, eyes glinting as he realized exactly how he could escape this monstrosity. rolling over onto his stomach, he grabbed hold of the ropes directly below him and forcefully pulled them apart. they surrendered easily to his strength, the tunnel giving out underneath him in a matter of seconds. landing in a crouch, he shot rey a grin. "see? these fragile midgardian materials cannot hold the mighty thor."
thor: thor has no chill tbh
steve: im dying
thor: don't die omg what will america do without u???
thor was timed out 3 hours ago
thor joined the chat 3 hours ago
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
rey rey giggled in admiration as she watched thor literally rip the ropes apart, and land in a crouching position. then she met up with steve and shook her head. "no..." she complained dejectedly, reaching her hands out to him. "we-we still have the trampolines. and-and laser tag!" she grinned, hoping to get his spirits up.
thor: i suggest a rey/thor laser tag team-up against steve
thor joined the chat 109 minutes ago
rey: YES PLS
rey joined the chat 93 minutes ago
thor joined the chat 90 minutes ago
thor: NICE 2 bad steeb's missing :////
rey: fml ik
rey: i messaged mia tho
thor: gosh does she have a life or something?? RUDE
thor joined the chat 87 minutes ago
thor: OH GR8
rey: brb dinner ayy
steve: steve hoisted himself up from the slide, joining rey and a crouching thor. he had no idea what a laser tag was or why they'd let children play it, but he proceeded to agree anyway. the laser tag facility was unlike anything he had ever seen. the room was pitch black, aside from the various neon obstacles and graffiti on the walls. there were staircases leading to ramps above the floor. there were guns, presumably 'lasers', lining the wall next to the entrance. steve grabbed a laser, before tossing two to rey and thor.
i watched this shit
thor: omfg i admire ur devotion sm
thor: thor caught the weapon effortlessly, though he held it slightly away from himself in wary consideration. it appeared to be of the same style as most other midgardian weapons, yet they were used for games? reminding himself that steve was the one handing them over – so it couldn't be /that/ harmful – he wrapped his hands more securely around the gun in preparation for battle. leaning close to rey, he murmured, "join forces with me?"
thor: rip steve
steve: https://49.media.tumblr.com/e0a9dce6eefe...
thor: LMFAO
thor: get out ben, this ain't ur battle
steve: if ben found out this was happening he would be like http://66.media.tumblr.com/a95daaf244c20...
rey: IM HERE
rey: IM H ER EE
rey: FCK
thor: FIN ALLY
rey: HUSH
thor: NO
steve: HI
rey rey followed steve up the stairs, making sure thor was there behind her, then giggled excitedly at the pitch black play area. she carefully caught the laser gun he tossed her, grunting slightly at the force, then looked up as thor leaned down beside her. she giggled silently, hand going over her mouth, and nodded her head swiftly. "let's do it," she whispered back, then winked and moved to steve. "okay, let's spread out first. i'll start our guns with the panel on the wall. then we go. agreed?"
rey: HI BABE
steve: steve caught a glimpse of the two whispering out of the corner of his eye. he was too busy trying to scope out the area to realize what was going on. "okay." cap spoke as he zeroed in on the perfect spot. as soon as their guns were activated, the avenger was bolting up the stairs to the first hanger. the ramp was dark so soon enough he lost sight of the two. he kept his gun on the rail in true assassin fashion, ready to shoot at the friends.
steve: steve learned his moves from bucky ))
steve: wtF IS THAT THING
rey: thE EMOJI OMF
steve: steve, finding out his friends are t8rs:
steve: tr8s***
rey: t8r tots
thor: "agreed." thor slid his finger over the trigger, readying himself. it didn't surprise him when steve was the first to take off as soon as rey gave the signal. considering his history as a soldier, thor had opted to take on an ally against him for that very reason. with one last nod at rey, he began navigating his way after steve as quietly as a man of his build could manage. it was much too dark, however, and thor soon found himself using one of the several odd glowing pillars for cover as his gaze scanned the area for signs of movement.
thor: T8R TOTS
thor: delish
rey "okay, ready? go!" rey shouted to them once they were all dispersed, using the force to start up the panel that gave their guns power. she began running along, mainly for cover at first, and ducked expertly behind walls using her stealthy silence. soon, she saw steve on the second floor and grinned to herself, running up the back stairs. she stayed ducked behind a wall, but stuck her gun out just enough to zero in on her target, and shoot rapidly at him, the sound effects going off.
rey: LOL
rey: if ben and rey ever played laser tag, shed get v emotional bc she tried to go after him with a gun on takodana rip
thor: sudden feels
steve: steve caught a glimpse of someone shuffling behind a pillar below. his finger snuck down to the trigger, slowly but surely ready to shoot the target. alas, his grand moment was ruined when laser beams sounded off behind him. he expected thor to be the one behind the shots, but he was faced with rey crouching behind a wall below. "rey, you traitor!" the super soldier exclaimed, surprisingly offended by her actions. he took off down the stairs determined to take her down.
rey: feel trip
steve: pft ben wouldn't go into the laser tag room, the darkness is too ~tempting~
rey: 'Does Rey call you Daddy ' riP
rey: the darkness works with his aesthetic tho
steve: wtF
steve: i don gettit
thor: the commotion from nearby, quickly followed by steve's shout, brought a grin to thor's face. remaining in place, he cocked his head and listened closely for the careless series of telltale stomps down the stairs as steve searched for his victim. alas, thor fully intended to protect his ally. as soon as he heard the other man moving passed his pillar, thor lunged out from behind it, sound effects deafening the quiet as he unloaded a series of shots directly at steve. "hide, rey!"
thor: oMG i saw that ask & i screamed
rey rey couldn't stop laughing as she ran as fast as she could away from steve, tripping over her own feet every now and then, though she allowed herself a break as she heard thor's gun go off, meaning he found steve. now was her chance. she ran up the stairs steve had been on earlier and crouched behind a wall again, then fired her gun... at thor. she fired shot after shot, right when he least expected it, then turned her gun on steve as well, continuing to laugh as she nailed them both. "sorry, i had to trick ya!"
steve: the confusion on his face was absolutely priceless as rey shot at them both. he was unbelievably aggrieved that the two had teamed up against him, but then this? steve didn't spare the laughing girl a look before lifting his laser and shooting it at her. "number one rule of war, skywalker: never get distracted on the battlefield."
steve rn
rey: OMFG
thor: his own ally had turned on him. when steve turned his own weapon on her in return, thor used it as cover, swiftly moving to circle around rey. it would have been a prime opportunity to shoot her again, but she deserved far worse than that. throwing an arm around her waist, he lifted her off her feet and draped her over his shoulder. "no more fun," he announced in a cheerful tone as he casually made his way back to the captain. "rogers, how do you punish traitors on this planet?"
rey "hey!" rey gasped as steve shot her, moving to run away again, then shrieked and laughed hard as thor picked her up and laid her across his shoulder, kicking her feet playfully. her gun slipped out of her hands in the midst of all the fighting, and she was laughing even harder as they approached steve, crossing her arms stubbornly. "not fair!"
rey: i shouldve had her say 'spank me, daddy'
steve: NO
thor: oMF G
rey: o ya
thor joined the chat 20 hours ago
thor: http://images.idakoos.com/B0220000BL0000...
rey: oh my og od
rey: oh my og od
steve: "well, it usually goes something like.." steve pretended to stroke his chin in thought, before deciding on a torture method. "tickling. lots of it. it worked on the nazis every time." the captain joked lightly, letting his gun clatter to the floor beside him. "tickling on a trampoline seems pretty brutal to me."
steve: pcE
steve: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236...
rey: stop
rey: SOTP*
steve: can u imagine derek walking in one two burly blonde dudes tickling tf out of his gf
steve: can u imagine thor and cap on a trampoline like girl
rey: yum
rey: ive gotta go yeet to the shower after i do this next reply
thor: "tickling it is." tossing his weapon onto the floor as well, thor then turned on his heel and began making his way for wherever the 'trampolines' were. eventually, he managed to find them – and stepped onto the closest one without even hesitating. instantly the unstable, bouncy terrain threw him off-balance, and his grasp on rey loosened as he fell onto his back. as soon as his head stopped spinning, he spoke dryly, "/this/ is supposed to be fun?"
thor: prepare 4 me 2 randomly pass out again as soon as u shower xoxo
rey: omg ill try 2 hurry rip
rey "no, no, no!" rey protested and shook her head swiftly, knowing how ticklish she was, and laughed again as thor carried her to the trampolines, though she gasped as well as he fell, allowing her to break free from his hold. "yeah, it's so much fun! look!" she giggled and began jumping up and down, reaching her hands out to steve.
thor: if u guys would just move to the superior east coast this wouldn't be a probLEM
rey: OK BRB
steve: ive never been to the east coast i am down
steve joined the chat 19 hours ago
rey: I AM BACK
rey: OR NO
rey: WHAT
steve joined the chat 19 hours ago
steve: im heeree
rey: friEND
steve: steve's left angle gave out beneath him on the canvas of the trampoline. he stumbled a bit before finding his footing. as soon as rey approached him, he reached his hands out to attack her ribs. he began to tickle her, seizing her jumping movements
rey: i tolD U WEHRE I WAS GO ING
rey: GDI
thor joined the chat 12 hours ago
thor joined the chat 8 hours ago
thor joined the chat 6 hours ago
thor joined the chat 5 hours ago
rey joined the chat 4 hours ago
thor joined the chat 4 hours ago
rey: ayyyy
thor: ayyy hello ur fav sleepaholic is here
rey: LOL
thor: upon carefully finding his footing (which proved immensely more difficult when rey was bouncing all over the place) thor stepped over to join the pair engaged in a one-sided tickle fight. bending his knees a couple of times in a test bounce, he glanced down at rey with undeniable smugness. "i would help you, but this is your rightful fate after betraying me." and if asgardians were good at anything, it was holding grudges.
thor: i love how we're all rarely on at the same time lmao
rey: thats so tru
rey "no!" rey shrieked as steve began tickling her, causing her to completely lose her footing. his hands were the only things holding her up now, and she was laughing so hard it was almost silent. and thor wasn't helping. time to pull the guilt card. "ow, steve. /ow/," she winced, hand going to her ribs, where he had bruised her from hugging her too hard. "it hurts, stop..."
rey: rey u bitch
rey: I K NOW
steve joined the chat 3 hours ago
steve: WAS GOOD
steve: steve withdrawled his hands with a mortified look on his face. how could he forget? that bruise was bound to be there, and worse than it was before. "i'm so sorry," the avenger gushed. his apology was a little humorous due to the way he swayed back and forth on the trampoline.
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor: thor's earlier amusement quickly turned into a whirlwind of confusion and concern. while steve withdrew, the asgardian lowered himself to a crouch beside rey, his hand tentatively enveloping her shoulder. "what happened?" his eyes scanned the girl for injuries before snapping to his fellow avenger accusingly. "did his tickles harm you?"
steve: im here
thor: SUP
thor joined the chat 41 minutes ago
rey: riP
thor joined the chat 13 minutes ago
rey: IM SRY
rey rey bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. the bruise was already almost gone, and she wasn't hurt at all. she just liked to mess with her boys. as thor asked his question, the smile finally spread across her cheeks as she shook her head, easily rising to her feet and bouncing up and down a bit. "actually, i'm feeling a lot better," she giggled and winked before bouncing away as she laughed even harder, knowing they'd want to get their revenge. "gotcha!"
thor: thor picked himself up off the ground, reaching up and patting the back of his head in the process. the bun still held. huh. it really did hold better thanks to rey's superior method. "if anyone attempts to arrest us, i'll stop them," he replied with confidence. narrowing his eyes in rey's direction, he added, "besides, i don't wish to ever come back here again. it will only remind me of betrayal."
rey at the mention of getting arrested again, rey's smile immediately disappeared as she stopped her bouncing, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. she felt slightly more relieved at thor's promise of keeping them out of jail, nodding her head. then she moved to thor and couldn't help but wrap her arms around him, still overall grateful that he would even think about stopping people from arresting them. she couldn't do that again. "thank you..." she whispered, then reached a hand out to steve.
thor: thor picked himself up off the ground, reaching up and patting the back of his head in the process. the bun still held. huh. it really did hold better thanks to rey's superior method. "if anyone attempts to arrest us, i'll stop them," he replied with confidence. narrowing his eyes in rey's direction, he added, "besides, i don't wish to ever come back here again. it will only remind me of betrayal."
rey at the mention of getting arrested again, rey's smile immediately disappeared as she stopped her bouncing, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. she felt slightly more relieved at thor's promise of keeping them out of jail, nodding her head. then she moved to thor and couldn't help but wrap her arms around him, still overall grateful that he would even think about stopping people from arresting them. she couldn't do that again. "thank you..." she whispered, then reached a hand out to steve.
steve: "don't worry about getting arrested." the captain shot a smile to rey. "rey has the force. she can get us out of everything." he spoke highly of the girl, grasping her palm in his.
thor: though thor was supposed to be annoyed with her, he couldn't help but soften as her small arms wrapped around him. he enveloped her in one of his own in return, rubbing one of her shoulders. "the force?" he repeated, brows furrowing. "she is tiny. what force could she have?"
rey "...if snoke doesn't get in my way..." rey replied quietly in a pessimistic manner, glancing shyly up at steve. then she clasped onto his hand before looking up at thor, smiling softly. "the force surrounds us all. it controls... basically everything. watch," she whispered then turned to the ball pit, lifting her free hand up. but nothing was happening. "...no," she breathed out, shaking her head as she tried again and again to at least make one of the small, colored balls levitate. "no, no, no..." she could feel its absence in her mind, in her heart. with snoke so strong now, it was hard to keep in touch with it. "steve, i-i can't- it's gone..."
steve: snoke. he had heard that name before.. it was the sith lord who invaded rey's brain. the captain moved closer to her, bending down slightly to get a better look at her. "are you alright?" he pressed. at times like this, he wished wanda was here to help.
thor: if the force surrounded them all, thor had no idea how he'd never sensed it before. he watched, captivated, as rey seemed to be attempting to do something –– but failed. "what's gone? the force?" thor looked back and forth between steve and rey, faintly irritated over his lack of understanding. instinctively, his arm tightened around her shoulders, pulling her in closer. "we will help you find it."
rey rey looked into steve's eyes nervously as he ducked his head down to look at her, much like derek did when she was upset about something. "it-it doesn't hurt yet, but i can't... i can't focus on doing it," she whispered, wrapping her arms around thor again as he hugged her. then she nodded her head and stepped back as she took a deep breath, thinking about the hope that both steve and her new friend, thor, had for her. she closed her eyes and held her hand up again, focusing as hard as she could. when she opened her eyes, only one ball had popped out of the pit, and rolled a few inches on the ground, then stopped. she sighed heavily and buried her face in her hands, hoping she wasn't losing touch with the force for good.
rey joined the chat 2 days ago
ur favorite grandpa joined the chat 2 days ago
ur favorite grandpa changed name to thor
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
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thor joined the chat 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
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rey joined the chat 2 days ago
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thor joined the chat 46 hours ago
steve joined the chat 45 hours ago
steve: steve smiled gently as the ball rolled forward. he knew it must have took a lot to persevere with snoke inside of her mind. "don't get upset." the avenger chastised the girl. "you just need to.. find the force again. is there anyone who can help you?" he knew that rey had multiple family members in magnolia. they had to be able to help her, someway or somehow. "could we help you?"
thor: a ball levitated in midair, seemingly doing so as a result of rey's concentration. thor barely heard steve as the man spoke, too busy gaping at the ball in newfound fascination. an amazed laugh escaped him. "did you move that with your mind?" he turned to face rey, eyes dancing with enthusiasm over what he had just witnessed. "is this the force? i did not realize you were capable of something so incredible." after a pause in which the solemn mood washed over him, he added, "if you could do that, then the force is still within you. you haven't lost it."
rey rey turned sheepishly towards the two again, nodding her head to steve. but then, noting thor's reaction, her own expression lightened slightly, her shoulders straightening. "r-really...?" she whispered, feeling more reassured by the way he was so interested in her force skills. "as-as long as snoke's here, i don't think i can get any better..." she mumbled to steve and stepped back. in fact, she could feel him coming now. she opened her mouth to explain it to them, but just turned and moved off the trampolines onto the floor, rubbing her temples with her fingers.
thor was timed out 43 hours ago
thor joined the chat 43 hours ago
steve: "don't say that." steve called after rey as jumped off the trampoline. he looked at thor before following after her. surely this snoke guy could be stopped. they've dealt with aliens before, what made this one so different? "what can we do to help?"
steve joined the chat 43 hours ago
thor: the mention of snoke nearly drew a low growl from thor's throat. the idea of an unseen opponent harming someone like rey right beside him while he was powerless to do anything to stop it was beyond upsetting, to say the least. "there must be a way to track him," thor added as he trailed after steve, worried gaze on rey's back. "if i know where he is, i can put a stop to this. even if he has armies, they will not stop me."
rey rey buried her face in her hands now and sniffed, trying to push him out of her mind as much as possible. but it wasn't necessarily simple. at the first small pain, she winced and jumped slightly, hands dropping to her mouth. "no, no, no, no..." she murmured under her breath as she began to tremble, pleading for him to leave her mind. then there was another, sharper pain and rey tucked her knees to her chest, beginning to rock back and forth.
steve: steve dove to his knees as soon as rey fell. "hey, hey," he cooed, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. he knew whatever she was feeling or seeing was much like what they went through when wanda brainwashed them. if not worse. he felt a intense need to protect his best friend. "it's gonna be okay, rey. i love you. stay with us," he cooed, rubbing her back as his heart hammered in his chest.
thor: it appeared steve and rey were even closer than thor originally suspected. the revelation did little to ease the tension in his muscles as he began circling restlessly around the pair, hands curling into fists as he itched to summon his prized weapon and smash something, anything. "we must help her," he finally said, stopping to glare at steve. "there must be a way. think of something."
rey rey clasped her hands over her ears and began to cry as she buried her face in his chest, but managed to murmur, "i-i love y-you too..." through her sobs. just so he knew how appreciative she really was of his kind, caring heart. her hands moved about until they landed on thor's chest, curling her fingers into his shirt and holding it tightly, tugging him closer. another sharp pain caused her to shriek and weep even harder, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
steve: "you're the one from space." steve gritted his teeth, trying to focus on the girl falling apart before him. she was in excruciating pain by the looks of it, and it killed him not being able to stop it. "rey, listen to me. is there anything we can do? what makes it hurt less?" the usual put together soldier was now stumbling over his words in an attempt to help his friend.
thor: thor allowed himself to be pulled closer, teeth grinding together as he fought to keep his rage against an invisible foe in check. his temper wouldn't help, especially not when the likes of even steve rogers was losing his cool. "i could take her to asgard," he said slowly. "our healers may lessen her pain while we search for answers." assuming everyone on asgard cooperated and sought to help her as much as he did.
rey "d-derek..." was the first thing rey choked out. he usually helped her after a snoke episode. by... doing exactly what steve and thor were doing now. holding her. talking to her. maybe things would be okay. she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on clearing her mind, like anakin and ben taught her, attempting to push out all thoughts of anything dark. instead she focused on memories of derek. of ben, of steve, of thor, everyone. and slowly, gradually, she calmed down, eyes finally fluttering open. he was leaving. he was smart enough to pick his battles, rey was sure, and probably couldn't fight this one.
thor joined the chat 41 hours ago
steve joined the chat 41 hours ago
steve: steve's jaw clenched at the mention of derek, but he quickly shook his rage off to focus on rey. her body noticeably let up moments later. he retracted his arms once he knew she was alright. "how often does this happen?"
thor: the unfamiliar name made thor frown, glancing at steve for answers – only to find an odd expression awaiting on the man's face for a split second. dislike? mentally tucking it away, he refocused on rey. where steve moved back, the asgardian leaned forward, slipping his arms beneath rey and lifting her effortlessly into his arms. steve already asked the question on his mind, so he remained quiet, merely looking down at her with expectance.
rey rey's arms slid easily around thor's neck, noticing how he didn't even flinch when lifting her small body. she really was curious to know how strong they both were. "it's-it's been happening more often than not lately..." she admitted in a whisper, rubbing at her eyes with her fists then returning her arms around thor's neck as she looked into steve's eyes. "i-i'm okay, though... please don't tell derek, i don't want him to worry. please."
steve: "do you know how to get to this snoke person?" his tone was firm and assertive, much like the one he reserved for the avengers. he ignored her question about derek and continued with the questions. "can your family help you at all?"
steve: "do you know how to get to this snoke person?" his tone was firm and assertive, much like the one he reserved for the avengers. he ignored her question about derek and continued with the questions. "can your family help you at all?"
thor: there was that name again. derek. thor's eyes narrowed in annoyance over not knowing yet another piece of information in the rapidly developing mystery of rey. at least the captain was back in action, a small silver lining. "if she knew where snoke was or if her family could help, i'd wager she would have already said as much by now." looking back and forth between the pair, he added, "who is this 'derek'?"
rey "/no/," rey snapped in frustration, mostly at herself for not being able to rid of the sith lord. "just-just forget it, he's gone now..." she mumbled, then closed her eyes again at the mention of derek. now she really missed him. she took a few deep breaths to keep the tears from filling her eyes, then rose to her feet shakily, one hand still in thor's, and the other in steve's. "i-i don't wanna dwell on snoke anymore... not tonight... please? i need a break...'
steve: "her boyfriend." steve answered curtly as rey let out her frustration. he couldn't understand how she could try to move on from something like that. his grip on her palm was loose. "what do you want to do?" he looked around, mentally checking off everything they had done. ball pit, check. playground, check. laser tag, check. trampoline, check. "i saw a game room near the front?"
thor: for a long moment, thor didn't move, only staring hard at the captain. if derek was rey's lover, why was steve so visibly displeased by the very mention of him? thor had only ever seen one reason for that type of behavior. as a fresh understanding dawned, thor wordlessly tightened his grasp of rey's hand and began leading her in the direction of the game room. when they arrived, he stepped passed several brightly colored loud machines until one in particular caught his eye. "captain america and the avengers?" he read aloud, amused in spite of himself.
rey "yeah, can we do that?" rey whispered as she took out her pigtails, trying to let the smile appear on her face again, though it was still shaky for now. she let go of steve's hand, knowing the reason behind his sudden closure, and instead held thor's with both of her own, stumbling along behind him. "whoa..." she whispered in amazement at all the machines, her eyes widening. once at the machine thor stopped it, she began giggling and moved to sit down on the floor in front of the game, knowing from experience to not be on her feet for too long after a snoke episode.
steve: "sounds about right." steve laughed under his breath, leaning against the side of the arcade game. he stared at the giant, cartoon version of himself for a few beats before moving around again. he wandered off toward a skeeball machine where he grabbed one of the basketballs. the avenger stood there, absentmindedly dribbling the basketball. the first time he shot, it went in effortlessly even though he hardly paying attention.
thor joined the chat 32 hours ago
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thor: thor watched rey settle down onto the ground before glancing once more at the machine. uninterested in trying (and likely failing) to figure out how to toy with it, he shifted his attention to steve and the ease with which he tossed a ball through a hoop. "how long have you known each other?" he finally asked, looking back and forth between them. he could have asked more about derek, but keeping the peace felt like a better idea right then.
steve joined the chat 25 hours ago
thor joined the chat 25 hours ago
rey: \
rey rey watched steve as he moved to go shoot a basketball, still staying where she hd sat on the ground. then she glanced up at thor and shrugged a shoulder. "i-i don't know... a month or so...? maybe longer?" she asked steve, smiling shyly to herself and resting her chin on her knees. "i used to have the biggest crush on him."
thor joined the chat 22 hours ago
rey was timed out 21 hours ago
steve joined the chat 18 hours ago
steve: steve nearly choked on his tongue at rey's confession. instead of replying, he merely shot the basketball into the 100 point section. "you might not want to tell derek that." the soldier muttered as he collected the tickets that spewed out of the machine. he handed them over to rey, seeing that he had no use for them. "go get a prize."
steve joined the chat 17 hours ago
rey joined the chat 17 hours ago
steve joined the chat 16 hours ago
rey was timed out 12 hours ago
thor joined the chat 10 hours ago
thor joined the chat 9 hours ago
thor: "yes, go get your prize," thor agreed, pushing at rey with gentle but insistent nudges toward the area with several objects scattered along the wall that he assumed were prizes. as soon as she was out of earshot, he turned to steve, arms folding over his broad chest. "where i come from, we settle these situations with duels. have you considered fighting derek for her heart?" he kept his voice low, lips curving to betray his amusement. then, just like that, his features turned solemn. "if not, you must let go of her, friend. this pining is not easy to watch."
thor was timed out 5 hours ago
rey joined the chat 5 hours ago
rey rey looked up hesitantly as steve handed her the tickets, collecting them all into her arms and rising to her feet slowly. she didn't move immediately, but at thor's gentle persistence, she finally made her way to the counter, oblivious as to why they sent her away. she was too excited about her prizes. the worker there, the only one left, seemed less than thrilled about accepting the tickets, and told her to pick out three things. she looked over her shoulder at steve and thor, seeing them still talking, then glanced at the shelves to pick her prizes.
steve: steve scowled at thor's proposal. he wasn't entirely subtle about his dislike for derek, but he didn't think it was that obvious. "i'm not fighting derek." his gaze followed rey, who was eagerly awaiting her prizes. "i'll get over it. i always do." he shook his head, eyes falling down to his fidgeting fingers. it was a total lie. he wasn't even over peggy yet — and that was seventy years ago. he couldn't even close his eyes at night without thinking of her or bucky.
thor joined the chat 5 hours ago
thor: "no, you will not." thor knew an overly-attached lovestruck fool when he saw one. he himself had been on the opposite end of that sort of infatuation more than once, in fact. "these things do not simply fade away. they grow stronger, along with resentment, until you find yourself saying something you will regret." throwing rey a glance, he then dropped a hand on steve's shoulder, squeezing more tightly than truly necessary. "do not destroy your friendship with her. take some time away, if you must –– but let go of this before it harms both of you." thor released him and, without awaiting a response, strode over to join rey.
rey "thank you," rey gasped as the worker handed her her three items, hugging them close to her chest. then she turned towards her friends as thor made his way over to her, showing them the three bears she'd picked out. ( http://www.buildabear.com/ProductImages/... , http://www.buildabear.com/public/images/... , http://www.buildabear.com/ProductImages/... ) "aren't they so cute?" she giggled then moved to steve, wrapping her arms around him the best she could with her new toys. "thank you so much, steve."
steve: the crease between steve's brows tightened following his words. he knew thor was right, but the thought of distancing himself from the girl brought a sharp pain to his chest. he knew he would have to get over his schoolboy crush or else it'd cause damage. the soldier managed to muster a smile at rey as she approached. the stuffed animals tucked under her arm were cute, indeed. the cap and thor bears coaxed a laugh out of him. there was another one that strangely resembled darth vader. "you're welcome." his voice was distant, but the smile gracing his lips still remained. "where to now?"
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor: thor cast a disapproving eye at rey as she embraced steve, but resigned himself to trusting that the captain would take his advice and move on. if not, thor would do his best to help pick up the pieces when things made a turn for the worse. "is this supposed to be me?" he took hold of his lookalike bear's paw, feeling the soft plushness of it. "hm. we should get ice cream." his eyes met rey's with a wink. in his experience, mortals loved their ice cream.
steve joined the chat 113 minutes ago
thor joined the chat 92 minutes ago
rey rey grinned softly at steve's laugh, wishing he would do so more often, then looked between him and thor. "of course it is," she giggled, holding up the thor-themed teddy bear she'd chosen. then she gasped before nodding swiftly. "yes, yes, yes!" she begged, and didn't even wait for an answer before moving to the exit, but not before scooping up her captain america figurine that steve gave her, and holding it with her three teddy bears. "c'mon, you two are so slow!"
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