#(i know this is old material idk what is wrong with me. it has been a week)
joelscruff · 5 months
keep it squeaky (joel miller x f!reader) 18+
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a/n the way this just kinda happened and idk how to explain any of it. if it's not your thing pls move along!! but if it is your thing...enjoy. bear with me, it was written in about 30 minutes. summary: joel miller has a problem, and it's his daughter's new best friend. or, alternatively, joel listens to you pee while he's in the shower. rating: 18+ explicit warnings: age gap (you're in your 20s, joel is in his 50s), piss kink (????) i honestly don't know if this classifies as actual piss kink. he can hear you pee (and then watches you). you're on the toilet. idk if i can get any more clear than that, jerking off in the shower, joel having dirty thoughts cause he's a dirty old man, imaginary creampie, imaginary tummy bulge word count: 1.8k
You've been teasing him. You love teasing him.
It's been a long, grueling week of teasing.
But you and Sarah finally head back to college tomorrow, and he can't thank his lucky stars enough. He'd thought it'd be nice having her back here, even nicer that she decided to bring a friend along.
How wrong he'd been.
You're, for lack of a better word, persistent. Very persistent. And he's flattered, don't get him wrong, he's extremely flattered; beyond awestruck that someone as young and beautiful as you would have any interest in an old man like him. It had taken a few days for him to actually even accept what was happening; the flirty comments, the seductive glances, the little touches here and there. He'd thought he was making it up, that maybe you were just a touchy-feely kinda person, a lover of intimacy with everyone.
Until you'd been on the couch together on the third night. You'd leaned over to grab something - the remote, your drink, he can't even remember now - and you'd purposely made sure to brush your knee against his bulge. You'd kept it there for a few seconds, rubbed it gently, and then with a wink you'd grabbed whatever you'd been reaching for and settled in next to him again. Sarah, on the opposite side of you, hadn't noticed a thing.
But he had. And he'd noticed everything else you were doing after that. Nudging your foot against his ankle under the kitchen table, brushing past a little too closely in the kitchen so that your breasts pushed against his back, wiped crumbs of dessert from his mouth with your thumb and then sucked it into your own with a wide-eyed and flirtatious expression.
Not to mention the shit you wore - when you'd first arrived you'd been in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, nothing unusual. But after that first day of meeting him you'd suddenly switched to dresses exclusively. Short little things that barely covered the tops of your thighs, frilly material that bunched up in the back whenever you bent over.
He's now seen the plump shape of your ass and those delicate little panties you wear way too many times to count.
But he can't. He cannot act on the desire he feels for you, even though you're quietly begging for it. You're his daughter's best friend, not to mention he's three times your age. Only a dirty old man would even consider reciprocating the things you've done to him this week.
It's just one more day, he tells himself. Just one more day and she's gone.
It's on that final day that he finds himself where he usually does on a Saturday morning - in the shower. He's humming along to a tune he can't place and scrubbing body wash along his arms when he suddenly hears a knock at the door, light and almost shy. He freezes, raises an eyebrow.
"Mr. Miller?" he hears your voice on the other side, "Can I come in? I have to pee."
His eyes go wide; is she serious? She can't wait a few minutes for him to finish?
"I'll be out in a few," he calls back, trying to ignore the speed at which his heart is suddenly pounding.
"I don't think I can wait, I really have to go," you reply almost immediately, voice edged with a desperation he can't tell is real or fake. He lets out a low groan, hand coming up to pinch the space between his eyebrows as he figures out what to do.
Before he can decide he hears the squeak of the bathroom door, opening just a little bit. Fuck.
He could yell at you. He could tell you to leave him alone, to give him privacy. He'd have every right. Even Sarah would back him up.
But then he hears your little voice again, soft and eager.
"I'll be quick, I promise."
He brings his hand to his mouth, bites at the flesh on the back of it and shakes his head underneath the stream of water. This is a bad idea. This is a very bad idea.
"Okay," he manages to say, voice husky and muffled against his skin.
He hears you close the door behind yourself, hears the soft footsteps of your bare feet against the tile. He wonders what you're wearing; if you're still in your pajamas - those cute little pink shorts and that tiny white bralette - or if you're already dressed. What if you're wearing another one of those little dresses?
His cock, which only a moment ago lay soft against his inner thigh, starts to harden.
"M'sorry, I really had to go," he hears you say sweetly from the other side of the shower curtain, "And you guys only have the one bathroom, so..."
"It's okay," he replies, voice almost pained, "It's okay, I don't mind."
And he hates that it's the truth.
He doesn't hear you sit down on the toilet over the sound of flowing water, isn't sure whether you've already started or you're still waiting for him to say something else. He clears his throat awkwardly, willing himself not to look down at his growing erection.
"Y'good there?"
"Yeah, sometimes it just takes me a minute when I'm around someone else."
Then why the fuck couldn't you just wait? He wants to ask, desperation and arousal clawing at his thoughts as he leans his head back against the shower wall. He brings his hands up and covers his eyes, wills you to just do what you need to do and get out.
His cock bobs against his stomach.
And then he hears it - it's different than the shower, less heavy. More light, delicate. An almost melodic sound that echoes against the bathroom walls, overwhelms his senses to the point where it's suddenly all he can hear. It flows out of you slowly at first, then steadily.
Oh fuck.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
You're doing this on purpose. He fucking knows you are. He knows you're dragging it out, taking your time, knows that you're probably hoping he'll take a peek at you as you do it.
And fuck, he hates that you're right.
He removes his hands from his face and brings one down to finger the shower curtain quietly, pulling it the tiniest bit so he can see past it. He feels like such a fucking pervert, the dirtiest old man that ever existed, and yet the throbbing in his now fully hard cock and the sound of you pissing inches away is telling him that he needs to look.
So he does. And there you are.
You are wearing one of your dresses, pink and tiny and perfect. Your pretty little panties are around your ankles and you've got your dress bunched up over your thighs, almost up to your chest. He can see so much of you, so much that's been hidden only just out of sight all week. The tops of your thighs, round and soft, the perfect pouch of your belly that peeks out under where you're holding the material of your dress. And there...just barely in view... he can see the smallest hint of your pussy.
He stares. And he listens.
You must know he's watching you, but you don't let on. You stare straight ahead, holding your dress high above your tummy and pushing out the remainder of your release with a dazed little smile on your face.
He wonders if your clit is throbbing. He wonders if it's poking out while you sit there, wonders what colour it is and how it would feel beneath his fingertip. He hears that beautiful twinkling sound and imagines what your pussy must look like as it relieves itself, wonders if it's pulsing, wonders what your little holes must be doing under there, just out of his eyesight.
With barely any thought he begins to stroke his cock with his free hand, mouth popping open as he pulls and pushes and continues to watch you - the prettiest little thing he's seen in way too long - in such a vulnerable state. He knows you're almost done, knows you can't make it last forever - even though you both want it to.
He tilts his head a bit, brows furrowed, eyes dark. He stares at your tummy and imagines the outline of his cock poking through from the other side. Would your little hole take all of him? Would it fit? Would you beg for it?
If you don't leave in the next minute he's going to fuck you.
And just as that thought crosses his mind, your pretty little stream dies out. The sound of the shower centers his world again and disappointment floods his body. Don't go. Don't leave yet. Show me that soft little pussy, please.
Much to his chagrin you carefully pull yourself up from the toilet. He watches as you flush, watches as you turn away from the shower to slowly bend over, reaching for your panties. His jaw goes slack, fist still pumping his cock as you do just what he was wishing. He can see your folds, see the little drips of liquid still clinging to your outer lips, can almost see the hint of your little clit peeking out.
He comes almost immediately, white heat gurgling onto his fist and down into the drain below as he stares at that perfect little seam, wet and dripping and begging to be fucked. He wishes he was filling it up, wishes he was painting your insides and making you squeal, holding you close with his balls pressed firm against that perfect ass.
You pull up your panties slowly, making a bit of a show of it before you're suddenly standing straight. You start to turn around, back toward the shower, and at that he lets go of the curtain and allows it to fall back into place, concealing him - and his now softening cock - from your view.
He listens as you turn on the tap, doesn't mind that the water goes a bit cold as you do - anything to get some clarity.
"I'm done now, sorry about that," he hears you say over the sound of water hitting the tiles, "I just really had to go."
"Th-that's okay," he manages to get out, voice strained and practically wrecked, "Whatever you need, sweetheart."
"You're so nice," you reply, and he can hear that you're smiling, "Enjoy your shower, Mr. Miller."
That evening, he calls for you while you and Sarah are watching a movie downstairs. Jumping at the chance to be alone with him, of course you tell Sarah not to pause it, tell her to keep watching because you've "seen it before" and you "won't be long".
It's almost like you know.
You know that when you find him upstairs he'll be standing in the bathroom, know that he'll pull you inside and close the door behind you.
"You forgot to wipe, sweetheart. Lemme show you."
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journeytomonkiekid · 6 months
I have two (little/big? I don't know, it just piled up) things to say. Both quite old, but the asks were blocked at the time.
1. I know you don't want Saria to have much interaction with the Gang. But unless LBD loses interest in Macaque, it will be difficult. So if/when Mac get under her power, will Saria be more of a pawn for her to exploit, or a hostage to encourage Mac to do as she tells him? I know that as a partial Huli jing Saria isn't as powerful as a full bloodet one, but it reminded me of her conversation about her tails to power ratio with the twins and the ninth tail and the power called the monster (this panel kind of remind me of Naruto and I don't know if that's intentional or not but i like it eather way), which I assume is more of Macaque's Shadow kaiju rather than Wukong's mythological three-headed monster form (I mean, it's less of a body transformation and more of a physical manifestation of your power around your body. Or not, I could be wrong .) Anyway, once Wan Ji gains more power and control over it, she might come in handy for LBD to use. Or she missed it, like the spider apocalypse.(the idea of sleeping through two apocalypses, three depending on what she was doing during the possest demon Bull king time, is honestly hilarious to me) I also entertain the idea of possest Saria as a angsty experience for characters and readers.
2. Second and this is more of a headcanon for the show than your story, but I was curious what you would say about it.
So in the canon JTTW, Wukong scribled out his name and the names of as many monkies as he could from the book of the dead. Originally, Macaque is not part of the crew, but he is in the show, and im sure that he's name was the first that come to his mind right after his own. Just erasing your name from the book doesn't make you immortal, it just keeps the death gods away from going after you. Here's the thing, what if, because his name wasn't in the book, after his death no one came to claim Macaque's soul, he wandered around as a ghost and didn't find sny peace in between his death and resurrection. What if because his soul was left to wonder did LBD manage to catch his soul so easyly.
I never said Wan Ji wouldn't meet the gang, just that isn't gonna happen yet... 1) not responding here, because anything I say is going to give false indications. Also in future reference, please stop asking about LBD, we get there when we get there. EA hasn't even reached Shadow Play yet, we are not getting there for AT LEAST 3 chapters, and that's being generous. 2) this is so much speculation on something that wasn't even said. if you like/want that headcanon go for it, but Macaque did in fact die, and Macaque also didn't say his name was removed, so there's no proof for or against his name being wiped out. Also he said he had a taste of death, and has been to the underworld, so Idk??? I'm just waiting to see what the show-writers say, if anything. If they don't make any conclusive statements, I just have to assume he died by Wukong's hand, ended up in the underworld, then was revived by LBD. Again, if you like that idea, go ahead, I just don't see what my opinion here matters, because I'm trying to stay as close to the source material as possible atm.
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aihoshiino · 7 months
chapter 134 thoughts!
My immediate first thought going into this chapter and seeing how it picks up from last week's cliffhanger is that while I thought last week that this conflict served as an excellent character beat for both Ruby and Kana, I feel less positively about it as the catalyst for long term RubyKana conflict. Maybe that's hypocritical because I like the similar AquKana conflict back during the LoveNow aftermath and this is basically just a roided up version of that but… IDK, I guess it helped that the AquKana conflict is very clearly a romcom style miscommunication and it ends up leading to one of my all time favourite and funniest character moments for Aqua, this… isn't that. In general I really hate the old tried conflict trope of "Character A betrays or is otherwise cruel to Character B For Their Own Good and refuses to communicate about it" so this was kind of irritating to see…
It also really doesn't help that Kana is going SO above and beyond in being cruel to Ruby here in comparison to the AquKana conflict where her short-sighted lashing out was being mostly played for laughs but still came back to bite her. There's just something a bit excessive in how deliberately and pointedly cold and mean to Ruby Kana is shown being here and I guess it just feels a bit icky to me though I obviously can't make a proper call on all this til we see its conclusion.
I also have to question like… why is everyone around them just letting this happen lol. Memcho not intervening I can at least make sense of because she's been shown to be feeling off her game and a bit out of her element so I could see all that combining to make her uncertain of what to do but… uh, is Miyako not paying any attention? Admittedly the timeframe here is a little vague so we don't know exactly how long this has been going on but it's been happening at least long enough for Ruby to be going to school and fretting about it to her friends. So the idea of Miyako either being unaware of this or not intervening in this is really baffling to me??? Especially off the back of chapters 124 and 126 making a point of how badly Miyako wants to reach out to Aqua and Ruby and support them as their mother - the only way I can justify this to myself is if Miyako somehow doesn't know this was going on but how would she not know??? Like, we see Gotanda and his assistants fretting over Ruby crying after her scenes! If they're well aware something is wrong, why not Miyako? She's Aqua and Ruby's manager! This is a Strawberry Productions produced movie! We've seen her on set before! Is she just… not here now that it would be inconvenient for the plot?
(The answer to that is 'yes')
Uh all that up there does make it sound like I disliked either this or last chapter but I actually really loved them both for reasons we'll get into soon! I think they're both strong individual chapters and as points in RubyKana's shared arc I actually do really like this conflict, what it says about them both and where it seems to be taking them. There are just a lot of small, piled up contrivances pushing this conflict along and I think they annoyed me so much BECAUSE I otherwise think this is some really tasty character work for both girls and I'm otherwise enjoying it.
My bitching aside, I do really like the talk that follows this. I've been revisiting a lot of the earlier material recently via friends re-reading or giving the series a try for the first time so I've been back in that space of Ruby being particularly starstruck with Frill. It's sweet to see their present day dynamic where Ruby is fully comfortable with Frill just as her friend and trusts her enough to share her worries with her.
aw hey minami we thought you were dead
This entire scene really got my brain gears whirring and I can't help but speculate a little about its placement. At first I was just nodding along, thinking this was just Industry Exposition as usual but… isn't this odd? We don't see how Ruby phrases this question so maybe she was vague but from an authorial standpoint, why is Akasaka having Frill talk about love instead of dislike or hostility, which is what is actually going on between Ruby and Kana? Reading over that scene again and again, I can't help but wonder… is this supposed to be taken as some commentary on what's going on between Ruby and Aqua? Is Ruby developing confusedly romantic feelings for him purely because of their 'playing the roles', so to speak, of Sarina and Gorou? After all, the only other similar 'showmances', so to speak, that this could be referring to are AquKana and AquAka, neither of which quite fit the bill, especially when Frill talks about immediately snapping out of those feelings once the show is over — which didn't happen in the least for either pairing. Is this a hint of something to do with Ruby's feelings? Am I reading too much into this??? I mean, I almost definitely am, but I do that every week so…
Hopping over to Kana, the scene between her and Memcho itches my brain less mostly just because it's reiterating things communicated last week. I've said all I'll say about it feeling weird to me that Mem isn't making a move to intervene here but I do like the talk she and Kana have about their human jealousy towards Ruby. Honestly, I have a lot of respect for their being able to push it aside for so long because… honestly, none of what Kana said is wrong!
The second generation of B-Komachi exists for Ruby. Strawberry Productions got back into the idol business entirely so Ruby would have a group to be part of. Kana and Mem were recruited so Ruby would have unitmates to perform with. It doesn't revolve around her to the extent the previous generation did Ai, but in a very real sense Kana is correct when she identifies herself and Memcho as 'extras' for B-Komachi, who exist for Ruby's sake. Not only that but Ruby honestly treated them really badly while she was in black hoshigan mode! Yes, we as readers know what was going on in her head and why but think about how all that probably seemed to Kana and Mem who had no idea: From their POV, what happened was that they broke into mainstream success at last and Ruby immediately left them in the dust, prioritizing her own growth and success in a way that had a very real impact on the fan response the two of them got while they were busting their asses and trying their best to keep B-Komachi going in her absence. I don't think they would be wrong to feel honestly kind of used and hurt!
Obviously this isn't me saying that Ruby is a bad person or that she deserves to have Kana snap at her like that or whatever but… I dunno! It just feels good to have Mem and Kana finally address those feelings and admit to them without it compromising their genuine love and care for Ruby, which is one one of the main ways that the current gen of B-Komachi has surpassed the previous one. Kana especially touches on something I discussed last week in that I think her half of this shared RubyKana arc is going to be about confronting and besting her 'inner Nino', so to speak. Like Nino, she has those same tangled up feelings of admiration and envy, but Kana is capable of confronting them and identifying them. Most importantly, she loves Ruby enough to not let them take her over completely.
ANYWAY FORGET ALL THE REST OF THIS STUFF BECAUSE THIS WAS SECRETLY AN AI POST THIS WHOLE TIME MFS!!!!!!!! oh god this chapter review is already so long and now it's about to get even longer.
Anyone who's read any of my OnK meta before will probably know that I have always stood by one thing that I won't compromise on: Hoshino Ai was just a normal girl. She was a normal girl who suffered abuse and neglect and hated herself as a result, who was exploited by the entertainment industry because she was pretty and vulnerable, who didn't understand people but spent every waking moment of her too-short life reaching out so she could try and love them. The idea of Ai being fundamentally mysterious or unknowable, that the so called 'real Ai' had some horrible dark secret or that the supposedly 'true' Ai really was as horrible as Ai thought herself to be have never resonated with me. The 'real me' that is so horrible that Ai can only speak of her with black stars is nothing more than the flawed, hurting, abused human behind Ai of B-Komachi. I've said this all along and yet there's always been a little part of me worried that Akasaka was going to pull a fast one and betray that idea and rupture the heart of this character I've come to love so much.
To that end — I cannot tell you how insanely fucking cathartic the ending of this chapter was. To have Ruby at last come face to face with her mother as a human being and recognize her for who she really is. That this key final puzzle piece of the real Ai is centered on her pain and her loneliness and her raw humanity, that Ruby describes her as just a normal girl who was always crying and in pain… I genuinely don't have words to say how incredible it felt to finally, FINALLY have someone recognize Ai's suffering. And not just anyone, but one of Ai's children, one of the people she loved more than anything else in the world.
The imagery and framing here is so insanely powerful. Ai taking the place of Ruby's reflection, the look of weary, resigned pain on her face. How small Ai is when Ruby sees her. The barrier of the glass between them; even now in this moment of understanding, the unbreechable barrier of Ai's death keeps Ruby from truly reaching her. It almost feels skeuomorphic in how literal the visualization of this moment of connection and empathy is. Ruby literally sees herself in Ai — she sees Ai in herself. It's pure empathy made as real and tangible as it gets. At long, long last, someone has squinted past the blinding light cast by Ai of B-Komachi and seen Hoshino Ai alone in the shadows where she's been this whole time.
Break next week…! That was to be expected — Jump Festa 2024 will be taking place next weekend and there will be a OnK panel with the seiyuu for Ai, Aqua, Kana and Akane in attendance. We're confirmed to be getting some season 2 news as well, so there's that to look forward to!
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crowleydeeznuts · 1 year
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(Everything in lower cast letters past this point was written before the promo was released).
I’ve been wondering what the intent of these advertisements (besides small crumbs for the fandom) are and I think I may have a clue (HA. clue).
The way this advertisement is being used to me seems to regard the matter of questioning God’s plan and authority. Now how would that be?
Now, I’m no expert so if I’m wrong feel free to fact check me on this, from a quick google search you’d be able to find out that the reason for creating this painting was due to a lack of faith in the church:
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If so, then this might imply a betrayal or (I didn’t finish lol)
I find it interesting they cut out the part of the picture where the artist Raphael is actually in. He’s in the longer version of this piece of art, he’s on the right side of the painting. He’s third to the right in this image, as described here:
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theoccultz · 9 months
🪅Mystery Monthly :October 🪅
-Occult museum's Annabelle
{NOTE: This reading is not to scare or intimidate Anyone,its just a reading out of curiousity and to debunk the misconceptions surrounding it ,not to change the respectable history ,the decision is always yours i'm not responsible for it .
>Feel free to ask me questions or express your views regarding this reading ,if you want me to add any other questions then send me ask for it }
Posted on : 6 oct 2023
Read here :Article
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>Do i have the permission
yes , pls note i addressed this demon as "the doll "mostly.
> is there a demon risiding inside the doll ?
Yes , an old Egyptian demon his aura is orange purple black green so there's multicolour meaning his aura is strong. Purple can know others intentions feelings from a distancs ,orange is a power seeking resource someone who has a lot of confidence in their ability ,black is protection & hidden sources ,green is essential and keeps the energy alive & secure. This demon is not an earth origin demon but its a big energy made out of materials of earth that's how his birth happened ,this demon is not seeking shelter inside the doll by its own consent someone has cursed this doll so it has been trapped . I found the information of ragg doll and witchcraft interesting tbh its widely used as a "source" in witchcraft i searched its meaning and interestingly
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>Why was this doll cursed and with what intention?
Its made to sustain the development of a person the person will be likely terrorised by different kind of negative emotions ,doubting oneself and being physically unable to do anything the influence is that strong and it increases as you stay with it . The intentions are blockage and acquiring energies through weird means .
>What is this dolls relation with donna and angie ?
It was gifted to dona on her 28th bday by her mother - 2+8 is 10=1 something tells me donna was about to start a new business like she was about to succeed, she was in the process of it . Dona's energy is very lively and enthusiast she has a light worker energy her aura can shift others negative moods she has strong energy i'm actually getting its an accident that her mom bought this doll idk if this was given to her or she bought it from somewhere but that place has circus energy where people are constantly moving i'm hearing someone died on the ground and idk if the body kind of decomposed there *i'm getting very sad rn * yeah and the energy was made its like people didn't cared i feel like its a war zone is that a commorader yeah . I feel like the person who was selling this doll knew some kind of back history I'm getting gifted like won somewhere.
>Did the owner knew their mother?
YES ,the owner is suspicious to me i'm really getting she didn't wanted to purchase it but like it was given to her .like a trade or smth , I'm getting the one who have given this doll is not a good person this person carries this heavy energy of ego , unresolved issues ,restriction , shame,guilt and mainly envy it doesn't like to see people succed i think it might be a neighbour or a sister as well someone who's passive aggressive and blames others cause they are so shameful of themselve they cant admit they are wrong you cant piss this person off they'll play nice but they're not ,i'm not getting anything about angie btw it doesn't have anything to do with her but she does feel like an obstacle in some sort of task
Its a water sign 100% i keep seeing droplets of water and interestingly she didn't bought it by choice it was insisted by someone. The demon is guided to destroy some sort of creation . I think the owner lured it in but now its unable to move .
>Is it true that a girl named Annabelle is seeking shelter?
Nope not at all the demon doesn't even know who tf is Annabelle its just a bait to trap others in its energy the demon can only make your life hell if you reciprocate its energy also i think there's some rituals and talking sessions done by the owners which made them attached to the idea .
>Can the demon kill someone?
Nope , but it can scare you to death like hallucinations,fast heart beat , dissassociation , paralysis, marks , noises ,distractions, limiting resources there's this gloomy vibe to it like others cant be close to you if this demon is with you , this demon has the appearance of black shadow a big heighted looking man it holds a lot of yang energy .its giving me older male energy
There's this desperation,i feel like its intentions are frozen by someone, someone has put them to hold it cant succed in its purpose and without succeding the energy wont be released it will create more distruction for whoever they keep for .
I saw one video of a person feelin' nauseus in front of Annabelle and cameras acting up ,it doesn't do it on purpose but the energy is so strong despite of the prayers and the cage that it effects others who have lower vibrations it means like depressed people,low self worth ,sick people. Even the museum can have effect on your energy its everywhere and it cant be seen its foggy .
Why do i feel like the objects that are kept can effect you more on a physical level but not the doll because of the cage .
>Is the doll harmful?
Yes its very dangerous its like a cheetah waiting to attack i wont be surprised if we dont have the full information on annabelle it likely terrorised,made them physically weak ,mentally challenged yeah I'm hearing a lot if laughing, moving around , this doll feels like it moves like its a paranoia energy im picking up on and it does have the ability to physically harm you although its subtle.
>Can you release it ?
No its hard very tough actually this doll is resentful and demands things like attention,time ,energy plus it needs constant protection you cant just leave this doll as i said something abt the soldier and loneliness plays a huge part .
>Why is it advised to not stare at the doll?
Hmm because of its energy , the doll likely stares back ,it does look at you but i'm getting it remembers you if you try to connect with him through some sort of contact . It forms an alliance? Idk. Also it's like you are challenging him but i dont feel like its for most of the people it does try to make contact with people and i do feel like most of the people pick up on that whether they get sick or more attracted to it because that doll does demand attention as i mentioned above .
>Why is there "the devil" tarot card on the box ?
To keep the energy within, to keep it contained like tied.
>Is this demon open to interaction? Can you work with him?
No he's protective of himself also he dislikes religious figures i picked up something in my vision like he was looking left and right very slowly and he looked at the cross in front of him and there was blood dripping down so yeah it physically effect him thats why he doesn't trust religious figures .
>Why did Annabelle troubled its owners?
Because it was its purpose. It dislikes people in general and can go to any length.
>What kind of magic was used to trap this demon ?
Sex magic , bondage, ,deja vu*it just came to mind* water and mirror hold some significance for this demon //i heard some voice like ship or smth .
This demon's name include t, m,n . Also two & air is significant.
>Did the doll ever came in contact with another demons?
No it dispise others energies and will most likely drain you .
>Any thing this demons wants us to know?
It hates liar ,it hates distraction ,it hates strong smell it makes him defensive as if you're challenging him , if you're someone who wears strong cologne ,walks loudly ,talks or chews loudly ,has no sense of boundaries, and does not look organised then dont come in close contact it doesn't like it . Make your space clean as well as your clothes should be clean .
>Does the movie's doll 'Annabelle' holds some sort of energy? Which is now kept in the Warren's museum.
No its just the museums energy also the demons aware of the attention as it seeks it .its most likely have a lot of knowledge and information we dont know of .
>Something i picked up while chanelling -
I keep getting this another white entity i feel like this entity is also a very dangerous object that should be kept in a box its very intimidating. Also Annabelle is not a feminine energy its a masculine emergy but what's interesting is this energy can recognise or sense others emotions and intentions and light aura really attract this doll . There's something abt his voice too .This doll is tricky and manipulative not only it causes fights but everything that's discomforting.
Also It guided me to select green colour and to mark his eyes with paint .
Thank you for reading!!
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nono-bunny · 7 months
Heya! Just wondering, since Netflix Geeked Week will probably show a trailer for the live-action Avatar on Thursday, I want to ask a few things:
Are you excited for it?
What do you think they'll keep, cut, and expand in this live-action of ATLA - Book One: Water (Season 1)?
Since Bryke are not on the project now, do you have a good feeling that this live-action could be a lot better than what they come up with at Avatar Studios?
(By the way, were these "Braving the Elements" episodes recent from your last posts? And were Bryke really acting like complete stooges in them? :O )
Hi, thank you for the lovely ask!
I've been completely ignoring the huge Geeked Week banner so I have no idea what's up with that or that it's possible we're getting a trailer soon, so that's cool information to have lol
1. I honestly can't say I'm excited for the live action. The last Netflix live action for a beloved childhood franchise of mine was such a dumpster fire because they focused on being edgy and dark and abandoned the source material for the worse, so like? Past experience has made me extremely cautious in regards to live action adaptions coming from them. In general I am not a fan of this trend- the Disney ones are shit, and I only really find myself watching and enjoying the (sometimes shitty, but like, in a fun way) J-drama adaptions of old shoujo manga as I don't really fuck with any other genre nowadays. Anime has a long history with shitty adaptions for action shows, and as action is inherent to ATLA after all, even if it's not technically an anime, I know that's gonna be a hurdle they'll have to clear- just having good effects and fight scenes. It's not MY personal focus as I do find charm in shitty effects (I do like J-dramas after all!) but honestly that is probably what's gonna make or break the initial hype for the show imo. Rn I'm honestly just... So neutral about it to the point where it surprises me (I'm. Very much not a neutral person usually lol) and I think it's just a matter of like.... Being burned AND pleasantly surprised by ATLA stuff before so I'm kinda hedging my bets until I know which way it's gonna go for me. Honestly I can very realistically see me LOVING it, but the other option is that it's bad and that's kinda what I'm preparing for rn ig? I can't imagine I'll be too upset if it's just... Bad or unsatisfactory given that I already spend way too much energy on the shit the OG did wrong lol, if the LA follows suit with those I think I'll just kinda... Ignore it lol. Idk, A LOT of mixed feelings
2. I... Really can't even begin to imagine what they choose to do with the reduced time frame, but I know I for sure have my own thoughts on what I WISH they would! Mainly I want NO Kataang, if there's Kataang I'm not gonna even bother with it tbh unless it's completely one sided (which it was in the original, yet we still know how THAT turned out)... I obviously want endgame Zutara, but I'm not hard pressed on it tbh- it would be funny as fuck for it to happen after Bryke left over creative differences though! I REALLY want the Blue Spirit to stay, I really DON'T want The Great Divide (no way it's staying in though so we're probably safe on that front), and overall I kinda just? Want Aang to be more sympathetic- him being irresponsible in the original show only makes sense until a certain point, and I want an Aang that shows an ability to grow from early on. Aang's an awful, awful Avatar, and I truly want him NOT to be one here- honestly, a good way to get around some of his early issues would be to borrow a bit from Korra and twist his love for slacking off into an enthusiasm for all four cultures (rather than just their rideable animals), which I feel like he was CLOSE to having... But as usual with him it was all tell and no show- I wanna see him having friends in all four nations, I wanna see him being multi cultural even before he gets freezed, I wanna see him embrace all four bendings and cultures rather than fixating on air, I wanna see him fail and take responsibility... But I also still want to see him being a kid, because that's crucial, and while the original show never allowed him to grow up, I also don't want him to be immediately seen as and treated as wise and powerful- I want him to struggle with what it means being an Avatar who knows about it at such a young age, I want to see him meaningfully interact with his past incarnations, I want him to ACTUALLY find a balance! I think I maybe just... Want a whole new main character still named Aang tbh, because I DON'T like who he is in the original show, but I do like who he could've been! I REALLY don't want the show to be intentionally edgy- if it goes into any dark topics, they should be ones already raised in the original. I want some more light shed on how the North Pole and Pakku's sexism never went away, I want the show to acknowledge that the monks didn't go down without putting up a hell of a fight, I want to know what the fuck Zhao was doing to get promoted like that despite his constant failures on screen, I want to really dive deep into Aang and Bumi's relationship and maybe how Aang failed him on a personal level (he's literally the only one who would've missed Aang, not the Avatar for all this time) and how he mourned him for years, I want Aang to contend with and realize that he's in a war and how he's FOR SURE killed people and will have to again even before Koizilla (he kills so many people in The Northern Air Temple!!)... I could honestly kinda do with an abridged version of some of the Gaang's travels, like, a lot of them are neat but only matter tangentially or from a world/character building perspective and can be dropped/merged/replaced pretty safely tbh. For example, Haru doesn't really need to exist tbh, what Imprisoned does for Katara can and maybe even SHOULD change gears to focus more on her rather than this random guy who only ever shows up once more to get laughed at because he has a lame mustache. The Fortuneteller should be dropped or altered severely because its message doesn't hold up under scrutiny. Yue should be a bigger presence and be more of an established character. Jet should maybe get his role expanded. Suki should be more of a presence throughout. There are a lot of ways to make the first season better tbh, and also it NEEDS to change to fit with the new timeframe so? Yeah I hope they do a good job at separating the wheat from the chaff because god knows the original show did not know how to do that.
3. I'm honestly pretty confident in saying that Avatar Studios will never ever make anything good, or at the very least, anything that I'll like, but as to what the lack of Bryke means for the LA? Honestly, it's all up to the people working on it- Bryke being bullheaded and bad writers isn't exclusive to them, and if the staff is made up of writers that lean too heavily on the source material or drift too far from it that could honestly sink the whole show. Of course I'm happy they're not on board given their awful track record, but like... I know nothing about any of the people working on it in their stead, so a lack of Bryke doesn't necessarily equate to good writing (it certainly does leave out THEIR bad writing though!!)
Braving the Elements is soon gonna start reviewing the third season of ATLA, and it started in 2021 so everything there is very recent! And yeah, every time Bryke are on they prove themselves to be assholes all over again, they keep topping themselves somehow istg!
I feel that this isn't my most eloquent post but tbh I'm quite sick rn so this is the best I can do atm, hopefully I managed to answer properly anyway?
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jacksoldsideblog · 7 months
Not an ask but some ideas for fem Tyler:
She would never buy woman’s clothes. (Well she might in some second hand store). Cus that’s just a fucking scam- like they make them more expensive and from different materials to make them last less time. It’s just ridiculous really. Also I think she would make her own clothes from whatever shit she found (Idk just a thought). No bras!
Honestly she could just shoplift but that s up to you.
Spends half of her time making jokes on men’s fragile ego and toxic masculinity. And their need for having a sense of control and feeling of superiority is the reason why they try to shame women into fitting the “society expectations” (don’t know how it’s called in English).
Besides that I don’t think she would be that different from the cannon Tyler.
And as for Narrator then I think she would have this lanky (?) body type/posture I have no idea how to explain this but me and my other insomnia suffering friends have/had this weird skinny body type with little tummy because we don’t move much. But it would be before fight club.
I want her to complain about her back pain (just a me thing)
She would wear those cozy (little boring) sweaters.
I feel like Narrator would be the only boxers and too big sweaters type and Tyler the only pants and or boxers type idk
No need to answer this - it’s just my thoughts - anyways do what you want with it
You're right you're right!
I think Tyler would thrift her clothes. Men's clothes are easier to pick out (more accurate sizing, especially pants), made of more resilient materials, more functional. Why wouldn't she? The only potential complication is sometimes they're too big, but Paper Street has this old beat up sewing machine and Tyler(/the Narrator), like plenty of women growing up in the 70s and 80s, had to take a home skills course. She can damn well use a sewing machine, make clothes fit her well enough. And don't get me wrong, I think she would still wear goofy things like male Tyler. It's just, she's very function first. Homemade jorts, leather jacket, neon crocs because she decided to go fishing in the half dead creek down the road, kind of thing.
I think it'd be less that she jokes about male ego and more that she just speaks on it like it's casually accepted fact like the grass being green and the sky being blue. Like, sure everything she says could be proven with a study and already has been probably. But she doesn't really care about that. Someone in fight club mentions having an abusive husband who was a police officer and she just goes "Well yeah, policemen are four times more likely to beat their wives. It makes sense since it's not like their buddies will convict them." As if that's a casual thought and connection everyone has made and remembered in their lives. Martin complains about how most men who want to fuck him also want to degrade him and Tyler just says that's because men consider the things they fuck to be objects not people, so degradation and penetrative sex go hand in hand.
She says this like someone talked about it being rainy and she's saying there was clouds out earlier.
Wrt the narrator's body, yeah totally. I've been there too. When you're a bit underfed because you can't muster up the energy to eat or feel hunger and you have no muscle because all you do is try to sleep or sit in an office chair. Moving in with Tyler is like getting a personal trainer because Tyler takes personal offense to women not eating properly. She WILL orate on how society teaches women to have a dysfunctional relationship with food as a method to control them. Sells them the lie that they can exert control in their life by starving themselves so they don't realize they can control it by rejecting beauty and castrating men. Sells them the lie that not feeling hunger properly is a mild problem you can ignore.
Back pain from muscle weakness due to overall lack of muscle tone would be a thing yeah. The narrator would be at her healthiest in that absolute health hazard of a house.
Yeah I do think the narrator would pretty quickly jump on the "just walking around without pants on" train, was sort of always on it in private at least. Wears sweaters or something to deal with the drafts in the place. Tyler does the opposite, wears pants sometimes. Rarely shirts. Believes all women need to normalize their body to themselves not as something to look at but the thing they are, not what they inhabit. Pesters the narrator into doing random household construction projects while wearing the minimum amount of protective gear and clothing required.
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halalgirlmeg · 7 months
Battle of the Hijabs (Under read more because this got longer than I thought and I started ranting about why representation in media fucking sucks atp and why the TV show Quantico is the worst):
Coming in at number 1, getting the gold: LITERALLY ALL THE HIJABIS IN WE ARE LADY PARTS like the variation in hijabs alone is so beautiful I love it, iykyk, Stream Bashir with the Good Beard. Like very real to life with different styles and personalities, don't you just love when shows actually treat hijabis as real human beings
All the hijabis from every version of Skam (except Italy fuck you)
Goldie is like next bc the actress isn't a hijabi but like I feel like they depicted being a hijabi really well for the most part like with her thinking she wanted to take it off and realizing everything about herself was nice it was very complex and well done imo
Qadri's next cause tbh I liked her style and the fact that she wore al Amira hijabs. I know everyone's like oh those are for little girls or they're ugly but tbh it makes sense bc I feel like being that she's training to be a surgeon and it is very convenient cause who's trying to be calling a code and fight with some chiffon or jersey material?? Not me! (They lose points for that one scene cause you mean to tell me she's only going to use her hijab to stop the bleeding and nothing else?? Come again?? She's in a hospital!!)
Next is Adina from The Bold Type, tbh idk how to feel cause she's a lesbian and played by Nikhol Boosheri and I was excited at the time but tbh some of her choices def had me scratching my head and I feel like they could've did a bit more to showcase her identity ykwim
Marjan from 911 Lone Star cause bro what the hell was the praying scene, did y'all talk to one Muslim? Download the Learning to Pray app on your phone I'll send you a link like be SO FR, then them saying her masjid kicked her out bc her hijab accidentally came off (which happens so much in television) like...again did you talk to anyone, I could see backlash yes but I just *sigh* again which Muslims did you talk to like idk about y'all but a stiff tug or strong wind has tested my hijab before like it happens, we cover back up and move on
Bottom 2 but not thee bottom, Nadia from Elite (hear me out cause the bottom of the list will make sense) obviously its so low because she wore hijab and they had some decent commentary at first, and then removed her hijab, and for Guzman ol racist crusty lip ass like, this who you risking it all for??? GIRL??? Like if Vic Mensa asked to see my hair I'd let him see that and much else (I'M KIDDING, I'd marry him first ok, astaghfirullah) no fr like but it's even that like they made it that she's more confident without her hijab people like her more, like it's obviously same old song like hijab is removed and suddenly liberation like they could've showed it in a more tasteful way if they wanted to but what did I expect from Europeans esp Spaniards like
And coming in Dead Last Raina Amin, tbh girl its not even about you...WHO WROTE THIS. Cause I watched it back in the day cause you know representation but like *pauses before I sip my coffee* hold tf on. Like where to even begin, the cop propaganda? What do you have to prove, cause they tried to get me i would've been like get tf off my porch. Like and the FBI? How did they even recruit the twins? The government watchlist? Blair Imani slid up in the masjid to snitch? I mean, what the hell? And this show had so much talent to be so extremely questionable (and that is putting it mildly). But we're discussing the twins rn. Raina specifically. So it doesn't even stop there. Like so much was wrong, so you mean to tell me she's in love with a man who used to be an IOF soldier, who helped them actively target Palestinian women for God knows what (the show implied certain things), like WTF is this, like everyone wants to talk about her removing her hijab and kissing him but like we have bigger fish to fry, that is like at the bottom of the problem list. Like did we see the man they put her with and she still loved him later EYE. And then two more things and then I'll shut up. Okay so they were working for the Government to infiltrate terrorist cells whatever bc they were going to attack American soil. No mention of how terrorist groups like the ones they're depicting mostly target minority sect Muslims and lead to their deaths that usually go unnoticed by anyone who is not them, Iran and Nigeria, if I remember correctly are where a lot of the casualties are from. I hate propaganda cause its the same old shit like we really pushing the agenda huh? And hijab removal scene again worst part cause you know what I hated after this other stuff cause red flags with major red lights and a bullhorn. But there was something where they had to change their look because their twins but like as one person but one is a hijabi, the other is not. So they were like we have to find a middle ground, someone who's easily targeted because they're muslim but also loose (I'm paraphrasing but you see what I'm saying?) Like fuck y'all. Fuck whoever wrote this. Like from head to toe Quantico is like an absolute clusterfuck of everything terrible people do with hijab characters (not to mention the rest of the cast but that would be even longer) but dead last because like maybe some of the others on this list at least tried if they're not terribly misguided but this depiction is like dangerous, it's a reminder why we don't just get all our info from TV and other fictional narratives, we talk to real people and we learn real things because this is absolute bullshit to say the least
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strangestcase · 1 year
i promised myself i wouldnt talk about the gothic lit fandom drama anymore but i will just say that, while i dont care for other people curating their fandom experience and blocking whomever they like, it is very telling that big name fans are systematically blocking people that speak up against the racism and ableism that go unchecked in the fandom, and rallying other fans into doing the same claiming it's bullying. it's not. it's criticism and it's not even particularly biting.
if you keep using "it's satire" to defend uncritical consumption of racist media (marghen), harrass those that ask for an antisemitism warning even if it is a redundant one (dathen), miss the picture and paint the fans of a character mistreated by the fandom as violent for speaking up (draculadailybracket), or double down when confronted with the fact your writing is ableist and that certain stereotypes shouldnt be met with praise in 2023 (see-arcane and company), people have a right to be uncomfortable. sorry not sorry but that sort of behavior IS criticism-worthy.
i do agree that callout/cancel culture is unhealthy, but that doesnt mean you are free from accountability. when someone walks up to you and says, "what you're doing is bigoted [accidentally or not]", or hell, even, "i don't agree with this creative choice because [reason]", you can either
consider if what they're saying really is worthwhile, and meditate on it; apologize if needed, dismiss if they're wrong.
double down without a second thought
and a lot of big name fans are, sadly, doing the second, and convincing otherwise decent people to block "bullies" that are genuinely just concerned fans. i don't know- maybe a small speck of tumblr fame got to their heads. they certainly did not behave like that during the dracula daily run of 2022, and while the gothic literature fandom -like any fandom- has always had rampant issues with racism and ableism (made even more blatant by the fact the source material IS openly racist and ableist more often than not!), this is the first time I've seen fans put people on a blocklist for the offense of calling it out.
the old gothic lit fandom blocklist wasn't great but they certainly treated ableism within the fandom seriously.
like. idk. i just find it rather disgusting that the new big name fans are seeing a handful of people look at their creations and go, hey, this is not cool, and here's why, now, can you stop?, and reacting by painting us as violent bullies.
i've been put on the blocklist for pointing out LXG fanworks -specially "fixit fic" ones- should keep Mina as the protagonist instead of having her share that position with her husband that wasn't even present in the comics/movie, for fuck's sake. i've had a blog block me for saying a fanfic that depicts a villain as an extremely ableist caricature of dissociative identity disorder was gross (because it was!). like... are you aware that it is you who are being assholes here, right? i might be being rude or pushy at times but it's honestly grotesque that so many people are hailing some Shyamalan's Split grade shit as good, innovative, and progressive writing and "the antidote to bad Hollywood adaptations".
do you hear yourselves?
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Random creepypasta character hcs VOL. 3(?)
Lost count on these but yeah I wanna drop more headcannons!!!
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Nina is genderfluid and uses any pronouns! They also wear binders every now and then + they wear pride jewelry
Also they dye their hair like. A few shades lighter because he likes how the roots look when they grow out!! Same note they dye their own hair!!
I'm sorry for really focusing on nina but I've been flashing my design for her; but she also wears fake fangs
Before eyeless jack became eyeless, he has heterochromia! One eye was brown and the other was more gold!
Obligatory "I hc that ej and nina would be friends" but they do each others nails and would help each other put together outfits
A majority of eyeless Jack's shirts are band shirts
The neighborhood, TV girl, hollywood undead, mother mother, ICP, ect ect are a few of his favorites! Granted I think his wardrobe would become more limited since he lives in the woods alone in my au...
Still focusing on EJ, in my au before he got all.. monsterified... I feel like he was studying to be a doctor
Ironic and kinda messed up considering now he's forced to dissect people to sustain his own body but yeah
I'm pretty sure I said this before but I'll say it again since I love the concept; but Ben 99% of the time is bound to electronic devices. Basically meaning you'll rarely, if ever, see him drag himself out. Even when he does it takes a lot out of him, and he can only wander for so long until he has to go back
More au stuff but to help give jill her own unique vibe and stuff, I designed her to look like those old dolls you'd see way back then. You know the ones, with the porcelain faces and ragdoll-like bodies!! She still has her black and white clown look but yeah!! Due to this she also has visible tears and stitches on her; mainly on the limbs!! I also kinda wanna give her a sort of lolita dress look, if I ever draw her again! Give her loads of frills and stuff
Tying this all off since shes made to resemble a doll shes short 😔☝️ a moment of silence for lady
She can still stretch her limbs like jack, though
Though tbh idk if jill could do that or not <\3 but shh it's my au
Jane is much more... well idk the right wording, but I guess shes more masc presenting in my hc/au? She doesnt wear a dress or pair of heels like her canon look
I adore her canon look dont get me wrong, but I feel like considering that shes gunning for Jeff, that isnt too practical; esp considering jeff is.... something else
Basically wears stuff that's easier to run in, add some protection to her if she falls, swap the heels out with running shoes, no dangly accessories, ties her hair back. If not she'd definitely cut it down short
She still has her mask, though, but its a prosthetic she made/received herself since I dont think she'd want to touch the one jeff gave her
So yeah!!
Also I feel like, out of most the creepypastas, she has the best chance of living her own life in society; she only has intention to end game jeff, but asides that shes just. Mostly normal. Shes in therapy for her trauma, she has a job, she lives in her own place, ect
Oh that also reminds me! I keep rattling in about "my au" this, "my au" that, but I havent actually... released anything about it outside of headcannons
Idk if it'll be out in written fanfics, or as comics, or just one shot half au-accurate drawings or WHAT but
Basic run down of the au; time skip has taken place, havent decided a set amount of years, but it's been long enough that characters (that age) like jeff or jane are in their 20s (so like anywhere between 7-13ish years)
Slender still has his mansion, but it's hardly like anything the old fandom had,, it's no where near as huge or extravagant; its about as good as an abandoned mansion can be with little to no access to materials to upkeep it, and hardly anyone lives in it
Also same area ej lives, but they don't interact much and have a tense dynamic; both refuse to change locations
Still fleshing out the mansion idea!! So this is subject to change!!
Obviously characters who dont age/are ghosts/undead dont change ages; so like ben and sally are still the same, and the same applies to others like
Puppeteer, laughing jack and jill, slender and his brothers (this au does not include THAT one, fuck that one, we only have splendor and trender here), zalgo
Oh speaking of zalgo! He exists!! They don't really have a physical/tangible form though, hes more so a concept/untouchable entity that corrupts whatever it touches and causes chaos
Also eyeless Jack's aging is... slowed; not by much but yeah!! Side effect of his curse and the whole "his body is changing into something horrific", and the slow age thing is a whole thing about the curse trying to extend his life span in order to cause more damage to himself and others
Real goofy stuff
Laughing jack lives in his lil box and mostly transfers from person to person via the box being passed around
Be it garage sales or being sold in a goodwill, he eventually finds a new family to torment
No one suspects the old ass jack in the box!!!!
Ysah that's about it
Anyways yall should totally send me In requests (please read my pinned first!!)
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So I thought what if I tried assigning dæmons to some Wednesday characters
(Dæmons are from His Dark Materials and are basically manifestations of a person's soul in animal form that are basically lifelong companions. They're usually the opposite gender of their humans (idk why but same sex dæmon/human pairs do exist, they're just rare), and you can't go too far from them (unless you're a witch) without either dying or severing from your dæmon (this CAN happen under very specific circumstances, like with the right technology for example), but it's DEFINITELY TRAUMATIC. And I need to highlight that THAT IT IS NOT OKAY TO TOUCH ANOTHER PERSON'S DÆMON WITHOUT CONSENT. Touching another person's dæmon is literally taboo. It's revolting, evil, and it's assault of the highest degree basically. The most common times this happens is during moments of heightened emotions, either in like battle, or behind bedroom doors (like the exception to this rule is between you and your lover. THAT'S beautiful, cause that's like, the deepest intimacy you could ever achieve, touching your lover's SOUL)
The bond between you and your dæmon is absolutely sacred, and you can talk with them, they support you and guide you how they can, you keep each other company, you grow together, and as a child you play together too.
And as a kid, until a certain age (it's different for everyone but it's typically between 10 to 18, but much more common in between that), your dæmon can change animals (symbolism of how your personality is still developing and stuff from what I understand), and when you reach a certain age and "officially grow up", in a sense, your dæmon settles into one animal forever (that is, yes, a reflection of who you are))
This is gonna be fun :DDD
Wednesday's dæmon is a magpie, named Alistair
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I can easily imagine that Alistair would be the only one who can actually reason with her LOL
Also I'm imagining this really tense scene where Tyler and Alistair are staring at each other, and Alistair steps closer to his hand that's resting on the table, as if he's trying to touch him, and Wednesday notices, freaks out, and immediately scolds him about it. Like this moment would practically prove to him that Wednesday has feelings for him..!!!!
She also probably settled pretty early, like, at ten years old. Idk it makes sense to me that she'd already know who she is and settle earlier than most kids.
Tyler's dæmon is a golden retriever named Nyla
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I know I'm a horrible person for this but if they had dæmons, Laurel Gates would almost for sure touch his... like, maybe especially when he's shackled in the cave, where he can't reach them. I'm revolted thinking about it...
Oh my gosh what if that's how Gates unlocks him? By touching Nyla... and THEN pulling them apart while he's shackled? Because Hydes can be unlocked through traumatic events, right? OH MY GOSHJWJDJWJDHWD. Like, maybe the Hyde still isn't coming out, so Gates, in a moment of madness and frustration, starts dragging Nyla away from him, and he's literally screaming from the sheer pain of it, pulling against the shackles to try to get to her, then he FINALLY transforms into the Hyde, saving both their lives but also severing them. Which would mean they can separate now, but at WHAT COST?
But this would explain why Wednesday wouldn't be able to identify he's the monster, because if there was a golden retriever running alongside the Hyde, Wednesday would've easily been able to identify that the Hyde was Tyler LOL. Maybe that's how it'd work in this universe generally tho, Hydes' dæmons get severed from them the moment the Hyde is unlocked.
But imagine Tyler and Nyla having to pretend nothing's wrong and taking extra care neither of them stray too far from each other, or else someone might suspect something. AAAAAAAA-
But uh other than that depressing stuff, I think Tyler and Nyla would find a lot of comfort and solace in each other. Like, they're literally all they have. Like, nights just cuddling with each other for comfort. Even when they're trapped in the cave and Laurel leaves them there, Nyla breaks out of the cage Laurel put her in and goes up to Tyler to try to give him some warmth.
Yes don't worry, even when you're severed, if you survive, you still have a connection with your dæmon, it's just never the same.
Enid's dæmon is an Arctic Hare named Amiel
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I'm thinking since Enid wolfed out late, Amiel settled late, too. Maybe werewolves only settle when they wolf out 🤔 and maybe their dæmons merge with them when they wolf out, just because I think it'd be wildly inconvenient to have ur dæmons running after you in werewolf form LOL
AWWW I can imagine that, after wolfing out, Amiel immediately runs to her and presses his forehead against hers. And when Enid and Amiel are going back to the school, she's like, carrying him. And when Ajax runs to her and comforts her, he leaps from her arms and towards HIS dæmon and presses THEIR foreheads together AWWWW WHRUWHHRE
Ajax's dæmon is a curly tailed lizard named Ariadne
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I just feel like they'd both be very chill LOL. I can imagine her chilling on Ajax's head while waiting for him to de-stone.
Also imagine Ariadne and Amiel cuddling when Ajax and Enid are having a moment together. Like THAT'S CUTE. Imagine... imagine... them being alone together in Enid's and Wednesday's room and them touching each others' dæmons for the first time aaaa wjdjwjdjje
Bianca's dæmon is a capuchin monkey named Aimone
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They look like they're judging someone very intensely LMAOO
Idk I feel like Aimone will be this cool, intimidating dæmon sitting on Bianca's shoulder and looking down on everyone else.
And last but not least, Xavier's dæmon is a cobra, named Ophelia
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In the description I found of cobra dæmons, the description that stood out to me the most was "just a touch dramatic", which Xavier definitely is HAHAHAHA. But I love the image of Ophelia chilling in his sleeve, watching him draw.
Also Xavier's parents' dæmons would totally name his dæmon after Ophelia Hall LOL
Final thoughts
Idk if Enid would be the only one out of the six of them that hadn't settled yet, but I honestly don't know who wouldn't be, cause they all seem to already have a decent idea of who they are. I'd assume Eugene isn't settled yet either, tho, and maybe not Pugsley yet either.
Dæmons also constantly mirror what their humans are doing and reveals more about the interaction of the humans. Like, if there are people having a romantic interaction, the dæmons might start nuzzling each other. If they're arguing, the dæmons might be growling or cawing or hissing and just getting angry at each other. Like, that scene where Lucas, Carter and Jonah harass Wednesday. All their dæmons would be staring each other DOWN. And when Wednesday and Tyler first kiss, their dæmons were probably gently going to each other and started nuzzling each other lovingly. AAAAAAUGHHH
Also Laurel Gates would definitely be the kind of person to make her dæmon attack other people's dæmons (this usually causes pain to the dæmon's human, but not the same as if she actually hurt Nyla herself). Like she probably did that to Tyler when she was first dragging him to that cave to unlock him. She probably also punishes him by hurting Nyla (or... NO, making Tyler hurt her... NOOOO). She probably also does this to Wednesday in Crackstone's crypt or something. But Wednesday would definitely do this back to her (and maybe to other people too?? Like, people who mess with the people she cares about?? idk tho)
(what if... and I'm completely making this up now this is NOT canon to the dæmon lore of his dark materials AT ALL... but what if just before Tyler is severed from Nyla, because of the Hyde changing his personality, he unsettles?? Or does the Hyde have his own dæmon that makes Nyla shift into its own animal when he takes over in Tyler's body??? idk I'm just rambling at this point I don't even know what I'm saying)
Should I... should I write a fanfic of this universe. I actually might. The potential this has!!!
Anyway lastly here is a nice compilation of dæmon moments from the His Dark Materials show!!!
(Will reblog and add thoughts if I have any more :DD)
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Harry Anderson Egbert, Tavros Crocker, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Jane Crocker, Gamzee Makara, Jake English, Terezi Pyrope
Candy, page 23
ROXY: honey u ready to go?
JOHN: yeah, sweetheart... give me a second!
HARRY ANDERSON: dad... what are you doing?
JOHN: just getting your gifts, harry anderson! it’s your birthday after all.
HARRY ANDERSON: ...but i already opened all the gifts from you and mom.
HARRY ANDERSON: dad... are you telling a fib?
JOHN: ummm...
JOHN: harry anderson, don’t tell your mother but...
JOHN: we’re getting a new addition to the family today!
TAVROS: Oh,,, hallo folks,
TAVROS: You’re a mite early don’t you think?
JOHN: um, nope!
DAVE: actually
DAVE: you were exactly thirty seconds and like sixty eight nanoseconds early
ROXY: oh eff off dave
ROXY: ur gettin even cornier than john and youre not even a dad
DAVE: idk my guy harry over there seems to be enjoying my material
HARRY ANDERSON: heh heh it’s like you’re a living atomic clock!
DAVE: man i love this kid
DAVE: what kind of five year old is into atomic clocks
DAVE: damn every time i see him i just wanna pinch his cheeks and tell him about what things were like when i was his age and shit
JADE: heheheh if you like kids so much dave why dont you just BUY one?
DAVE: uh jade i know that what you think you were doing there was like
DAVE: smoothly inserting the idea of us one day adopting kids into the conversation
DAVE: but what you actually just described is literal slavery
DAVE: which is both illegal and bad
JADE: sigh......
JADE: maybe YOURE the one whos illegal and bad
JADE: ever think of that???
DAVE: nope never once crossed my mind
DAVE: anyway john roxy you heard the lady can we buy your kid
JOHN: no! he’s not for sale.
TAVROS: Um,,, do you all want to come in or not,,,?
ROXY: sooo
ROXY: wheres ur mom and dad
TAVROS: They’re still in,,, uh,,, auspistice counselling,,,
TAVROS: W, with,,, uncle gamzee,,,
JADE: oh woof
DAVE: woof is right
HARRY ANDERSON: hey tavros! is vriska here?
JOHN: unfortunately, harry anderson, rose and kanaya aren’t on speaking terms with your aunt jane and uncle jake anymore.
ROXY: cuz of the political situation
HARRY ANDERSON: what’s... a political situation?
TAVROS: Mother has been advising the human government that they should do their best to,,, uh,,, exclude trolls from the seats of power in all branches of public service and,,, uh,,, aunts rose and kanaya don’t like it because some of the legislation in the works could,,, erm,,, delegitimize their marriage,,,,,,,
HARRY ANDERSON: um... i have no idea what any of that means, ha ha.
TAVROS: Anyway,,, wh, why would you WANT vriska to be here,,,?
TAVROS: Why ruin a nice birthday party?
HARRY ANDERSON: um duh... cause she’s super fun!
TAVROS: She’s not fun,,, she’s mean,,,,
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah, to you, cause you’re a wuss.
ROXY: harry anderson egbert!
JOHN: don’t call other kids wusses!
DAVE: hey whats even wrong with being a wuss
DAVE: harry my dude you need to unplug from toxic masculinity
HARRY ANDERSON: from... what?
DAVE: what have you been teaching this kid
JOHN: dave, sometimes i really can’t believe this is the adult you chose to become.
ROXY: its actually great isnt it
JOHN: yeah, i guess so...
JANE: You are such an unbelievable dunce, Jake English!
JANE: I can’t believe that I work so hard and have to come home to your feckless tomfoolery every day!
JANE: My goodness...
JANE: What gives you the right to talk to me that way?
JANE: And you’re not even... you’re not even proficient in bed anymore!
JANE: What is even the POINT of you if...
GAMZEE: cAlM yOuR tItS bAbY.
TAVROS: It’s fine,,, my parents are kismeses after all,,,
JANE: Oh. Hello everyone.
JANE: I’m sorry that I was not able to greet you at the door. I had some pre-appointed business to attend to.
JANE: I trust that Tavros led you all inside without trouble?
TAVROS: Yes ma’am,,,
JANE: Good boy.
JANE: Harry Anderson, my dear!
HARRY ANDERSON: auntie jane!
JANE: Look at you! You’ve gotten so big and strong since I last saw you!
HARRY ANDERSON: i grew a whole three inches!
JANE: Yes, I can see that. You’re going to be quite the strapping young man before we know it.
JANE: Since it’s your first milestone birthday, I’ve instructed my staff that you are to be spoiled like a little prince today!
JANE: Right now they’re finishing off your cake. It’s a recipe I invented just for you!
JANE: And I’ve got your present all wrapped up too!
JANE: It’s too big to keep in the house, however, so after cake and tea we’ll go see it in the backyard.
HARRY ANDERSON: you’re the best, auntie jane!
JOHN: oh no...
JOHN: jane. please don’t tell me you commissioned one of those drone thingies for my son.
JANE: And if I did, John, what would be the problem with that?
JOHN: um...
JANE: Are you saying that you don’t want to assure your son’s safety? In troubled times such as these, one can never be too careful.
JOHN: roxy, back me up here honey.
JOHN: there’s no way you’d be ok with that, right?
ROXY: er
ROXY: well i cant say im comfy with it but
JOHN: but???
ROXY: janey means well john and itd be rude to just refuse a gift from my bestie like that
ROXY: besides ur just ASSUMIN she got harry anderson an imperial drone
ROXY: she never said that was what it was
ROXY: did u jane
JANE: ...
JOHN: ok. fine. you know what?
JOHN: i don’t care.
ROXY: rly
JOHN: yeah! it’s... it’s whatever. i get it. jane’s just trying to show that she cares.
JANE: You know I do adore little Harry Anderson.
JOHN: what i DO care about, however, is that cake.
JOHN: and not eating it, i mean.
JANE: Excuse me?
JOHN: nothing personal, jane, it’s just that i’m not the biggest fan of cakes.
JOHN: instead, i was wondering if maybe i could go visit the trophy room? you know, the one where jake keeps all the memorabilia from that dumb show he used to be on?
JANE: You mean “Poppin n’ Hoppin’ Pistol Lockin’ With Jake English”?
JOHN: no.
ROXY: or do u mean “doing the charleston with notable social figureheads: stars versus enemies of the state with your host jake english”
DAVE: that ones still running isnt it
JANE: Unfortunately, yes.
JOHN: um, yeah... that’s DEFINITELY not the one i was talking about.
JADE: oh! you probably mean “afternoon gilly gaffy amongst the common folk with your host j. gishy gun mcgee”
JOHN: no, god! these all sound so bad.
JOHN: i mean the one with dirk!
DAVE: dude
JANE: You mean the classic prime time program, “Rumble in da Pumpkin Patch”?
JOHN: yeah! that one!
JADE: ew... why do you wanna go look at stuff from rumble in da pumpkin patch???
JOHN: why not?
JADE: i dunno, it just seems kind of morbid with dirk dead and all, dont you think?
JADE: also that show was REALLY gross
JADE: i support jake in whatever he does but it was so... so.....
DAVE: sweaty
JADE: yeah!
JOHN: i dunno. i just feel like it was an important cultural milestone, and i missed it all by being mopey and depressed for like five years straight.
JOHN: so what do you think, tavros? wanna show me all about your dad’s glory days?
JANE: Oh, I can take you there, John.
JOHN: i mean... no, that’s fine.
JOHN: i’d like some time to get to know my nephew.
JOHN: or, uh... cousin?
JOHN: ecto brother?
JADE: omg dave i just realized that when we get married thatll make john and rose siblings in law
JADE: which is funny since i guess john is technically already your father in law
DAVE: yup thats totally what our friendgroup needs
DAVE: to be even more incestuous
HARRY ANDERSON: what does incestuous mean?
ROXY: it means that everyones rly good friends harry anderson
ROXY: just a dumb fancy word for bffs
ROXY: its a big hard word for grownups tho so feel free to unknow it now sweetie
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: thats totally it
TAVROS: Um,,,,,
JOHN: hey tavros.
JOHN: let’s go, buddy!
TAVROS: Uncle john,,, what’s the real reason we’re up here,,,?
JOHN: oh. i could see that you were getting uncomfortable.
JOHN: you don’t like being around big crowds like that, do you?
JOHN: but you don’t like to be alone, either?
TAVROS: ,,,,,
JOHN: well, not in this house at least. i wouldn’t want to be alone here either. it’s not a very nice place to live, is it?
TAVROS: I’m,,,, uh,,,, not sure i understand your meaning, uncle john.
JOHN: here, come with me.
TAVROS: This isn’t the right way,
JOHN: i know. hey tavros, why don’t we just go to your room for a minute?
JOHN: tavros...
JOHN: is everything ok?
TAVROS: Yes, uncle john,,,
TAVROS: Why do you ask?
JOHN: you just seem...
JOHN: i don’t know.
JOHN: sad?
TAVROS: I feel okay,
TAVROS: It is a happy day, after all,,, it’s harry anderson’s birthday,,,
TAVROS: There is good reason to be happy,
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: but what about YOU.
JOHN: are you ACTUALLY happy about it?
JOHN: about... everything going on here?
TAVROS: I suppose,,,
TAVROS: My mother tends to get displeased when i’m unhappy, so,,,
JOHN: sigh.
JOHN: tavros... does gamzee ever come into your room?
TAVROS: Possibly,,,?
TAVROS: He so often is found to be in,,, so many places,,,
JOHN: isn’t that his faygo there??
TAVROS: Oh,,, my, no,
TAVROS: Please, uncle john,,, don’t tell my mother,,,
JOHN: tell her what??
TAVROS: The faygo is mine,,, my uncle gives it to me sometimes,,, my mother strictly forbids it, of course,,,,,
JOHN: tavros, listen to me.
JOHN: are you... getting... bad touched by your uncle gamzee?
TAVROS: Oh,,, uh,,,,
TAVROS: But, yes,,, i can gather how you might draw that conclusion,,,
JOHN: you can?
JOHN: why?
TAVROS: It just seems like a thing that would eventually happen to me, does it not?
JOHN: what would make you say that?
TAVROS: Well, i think,,,
TAVROS: For the same reason that led you yourself to wonder, uncle john?
TAVROS: He is a very,,, very bad clown uncle,,, but i think i am not allowed to say or think such a thing,,,,,
JOHN: why not?
TAVROS: Because,,, uncle gamzee has undertaken his redemption arc,,,
TAVROS: With a spirit of great sincerity, i’ve been told,,,
TAVROS: So,,,,, the truth is, no matter how i may feel about him,
TAVROS: Mother tells me that he is not actually bad,
TAVROS: And therefore,,, anything he does cannot truly be considered bad either,
TAVROS: Otherwise, we are not respecting his repentance,
TAVROS: Or the others he has saved,,,
TAVROS: I don’t want you to worry,,, too much, though,
TAVROS: His occasional sojourns in my room are not of any especially ill intent,,, i don’t think,
TAVROS: He has told me in confidence that his intention is to train me,,,,,
JOHN: TRAIN you???
TAVROS: In matters of combat,,, philosophy,,, life,,, love,,,
TAVROS: I suppose to behave the way a mentor does, as he sees it,,,
JOHN: that’s IT!!!!!
JOHN: tavros, start packing right now.
TAVROS: Packing,,,?
JOHN: yeah. one bag with some of your clothes, your favorite toys and books, that kind of thing.
TAVROS: I don’t understand,,,
JOHN: tavros. i have to get you out of here.
TAVROS: Uh,,, what?
JOHN: i’m going to take you away so that you can live with me, harry anderson, and your aunt roxy.
JOHN: you wouldn’t have to live here anymore. no more being alone all the time.
JOHN: no more weird troll maids, or listening to your parents fight...
JOHN: and no more “uncle” fucking GAMZEE.
TAVROS: That does sound jolly good uncle john,,,
JOHN: then what are you waiting for? start packing!
TAVROS: Well,,, i would, except that we can’t go out without tripping the security,,,
TAVROS: Mother has taken great precautions to make sure i never,,,,,,,
JOHN: don’t worry, kid. i came prepared.
JOHN: we’re leaving through that window, one way or another.
JADE: john...... what are you doing?
JOHN: um...
JOHN: nothing!
JOHN: just, uh... fixing this damn broken window, is all.
JADE: i heard everything
JOHN: so, what are you going to do?
JOHN: tell jane?
JADE: john...
JADE: i wouldnt do that to you
JADE: youd probably end up on jakes stupid execution dance off show
JOHN: then are you gonna help me?
JADE: i cant do that either
JADE: you know that this is just going to make everything worse right???
JOHN: jade, i don’t know where you’ve been these past few years, but i don’t think things CAN get any worse!
JOHN: i mean, even today, jane was up here hollering at jake about how his dick doesn’t work right when she KNEW we were all waiting for them downstairs!
JADE: i know...
JADE: but all youre going to do by kidnapping him is piss everyone off
TAVROS: Excuse me dearest aunt but,,, is it kidnapping if i badly would like to go?
JOHN: see!
JADE: siiiiiigh
JADE: i understand where youre coming from but i dont think youve actually thought this through
JOHN: yes i have, because i’ve been planning it for years.
JOHN: i know that i’ve been pretty, um... flakey in the past?
JOHN: but this is really important. i know what i’m doing.
JADE: john, jane is one of the most POWERFUL people on the ENTIRE PLANET!!!
JADE: do you REALLY think that you can keep him away from her if she wants to get him back???
JADE: im sorry but you just dont know them like i do
JOHN: if you know them so well, jade...
JOHN: then you know why i have to do this.
JADE: im on your side here! i know that jane hasnt been the best parent...
JADE: but stealing somebodys child???
JADE: there has to be another way :/
JOHN: if there was another way we would have found it by now!!!
JOHN: but there isn’t one, because everyone’s been all... brainwashed by marriage, or whatever the hell happened over the last few years that made things be this way!
JOHN: it’s like everyone just talks past each other all the time!
JADE: john...
JOHN: i’m the only one who ever seems to realize that something...
JOHN: that something’s WRONG!
TAVROS: I would really be chuffed if the two of you,,,
JOHN: even you, jade!
JOHN: you’re not listening to me right now!
TAVROS: ,,,would stop quarreling and listen to me for a spell,,,
JOHN: that’s why karkat left!
JOHN: because you didn’t listen to him!
JOHN: just like you don’t listen to dave!
JADE: what the fuck, john?!
JADE: this isnt about me and dave
JOHN: yes it is!
JOHN: i mean, not directly, but cosmically, yeah it is!
JADE: cosmically?????
JOHN: you KNEW that dave and karkat were in love with each other, but you went ahead and totally messed with their relationship anyway!
JADE: wh... what!
JOHN: jade, don’t pretend you have no idea what happened.
JADE: i.... i cant believe.....
JADE: john thats such a low blow!
JADE: you dont know the first thing about me and daves relationship!!!
JOHN: i know more than you think i do!
JOHN: i know that you pressured them into that whole relationship.
JOHN: i know that they both hated it, and only went along with it because they care about you and felt obligated!
JOHN: and jade, i love you, but honestly, how does that make you any different than jane?
JADE: im nothing like her!!!
JOHN: well, you’re nothing like the jade i used to know either!
JOHN: the jade i used to know was caring and selfless! all you ever wanted was for your friends to be safe!
JOHN: you weren’t this... this SELFISH!
JADE: oh? is that what this is about john??
JADE: you dont like it now that im not some helpless princess in a tower anymore???
JADE: you dont like that im doing things for MYSELF now?????
JOHN: what the hell are you talking about?
JOHN: seriously, jade... i don’t even know who you are anymore!
JADE: well!!!
JADE: i can certainly say the same for you right now!!!!!
TAVROS: Aunt jade,,, uncle john,,, you should really, uh,,,,,,
JANE: Excuse me.
JANE: But what the FUCK is going on in here?!
TAVROS: Oh,,, no,,,,,
JADE: jane!! haha!!!
JADE: we were just
JANE: Hollering at each other so loudly that everyone in the darned house can hear you?
JOHN: oh, like you’re one to talk.
JANE: John, I know that we have not been as close in recent years as we were in the past, but I would like to think that at the very least our familial relationship would make it so that you felt you could talk to me face to face if you think that my method of parenting is insufficient.
JOHN: are you sure?
JOHN: do you really want to know what i think?
JADE: oh no........
JANE: Please, John. Illuminate me.
ROXY: wats going on
DAVE: oh shit
JOHN: i don’t know, jane. i feel like if i really speak my mind here, it might be dangerous.
JOHN: how do i know you won’t have the secret police come and arrest me in the night?
JANE: Excuse me?
JOHN: that’s where this is all going, right?
JOHN: your whole... thing with the trolls?
JANE: If you have something to say, then say it plainly, John.
JOHN: fine.
JOHN: i don’t think that you had bad intentions to start out with, jane.
JOHN: in fact, i think that you probably honestly thought that you were doing what was best for the world.
JOHN: you’ve always been a perfectionist, right? but over the last few years you’ve morphed into a complete control freak!
JOHN: and it all started with your relationship with jake.
JOHN: you forced him into a relationship when dirk’s corpse wasn’t even cold!
JAKE: (Er i would like to point out... )
JANE: I’m sorry, but you’re calling me a control freak? Dirk was the control freak.
JANE: After he died, I distinctly remember loosening up, in fact!
JANE: I let go! I was actually RELIEVED to hear he died!!!
ROXY: uhh
ROXY: janey wut
JANE: Okay, that was a misleading statement. What I really meant was—
JOHN: jane, you’re missing the point!
JAKE: (...that jane and i were involved in a romantic dalliance at the time of his death...)
JOHN: dirk is dead. this isn’t about him anymore.
JOHN: you’re the one cheering the government along as it marches toward genocide!
JANE: John, I hardly think you’re qualified to opine on the nuances of the current political situation, thank you very much.
JOHN: ha! is that how you talk to your husband too?
JANE: He’s actually, at the moment, my kismesis. And if Jake didn’t want any of this, he shouldn’t have knocked me up.
JAKE: Hello chaps i am right here.
JOHN: oh yeah, like that was suuuch an accident.
JOHN: can you honestly say that he wanted any of this!
DAVE: oh my god i am so sick of all this domestic relationship shit every fucking day
DAVE: can we talk about something else for once
JOHN: yeah dave, i’m sick of it too!
JOHN: that’s my point!!!
DAVE: ok
DAVE: then john can you just
DAVE: stop all this windy shit at least
JOHN: no! i can’t!
JOHN: i can’t stop, because i’m not the problem!
JANE: Are you saying that I’m the problem? That’s extremely reductive.
JOHN: ok, yeah, there are lots of problems!
JOHN: but i’ve got to say, jane, you kind of ARE the problem?
JOHN: a lot of this awful garbage revolves around you!
JOHN: you’re the one always selling everybody on gamzee’s “redemption arc,” which is TOTAL BULLSHIT!
JOHN: putting him on billboards, organizing “redemption rallies,” and, and...
JANE: John, the people need something to believe in, if we are to live in an organized society. You simply wouldn’t understand.
JOHN: and letting him... letting him sleep in your and jake’s bed!
JOHN: and feeding him that... that weird MILK all the time!
JANE: Hey! My relationship with my loyal auspistice is none of your business, let alone who it is I decide to share a bed with.
JOHN: isn’t it?!
JOHN: you sure go out of your way to shove it in everyone’s face!
JANE: John, that is just uncalled for.
JOHN: it’s bullshit, jane!
JOHN: it’s!
JOHN: all!
JOHN: i... i...
JOHN: i’m sor—
JANE: No one wants to hear it, John.
JOHN: yeah. me too.
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meganwasbored · 11 months
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 3 Episodes 7 and 8
btw i just wanted to say that yes i am aware that if a character i even remotely dislike comes on screen i usually tell them to go die and put it in writing for all the internet to see and yes i’m aware that that’s very excessive but keep in mind i usually write these after 1 in the morning and you do not want to make me angry after 1 in the morning
Episode 7
-claudia already what the heck
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-idc if he has the best and biggest redemption arc ever viren will always be dead to me just for treating soren like that like it’s not even funny
-“i wish for humanity to flourish” i’m still a little confused what his intentions actually are because that could be true but it doesn’t excuse the fact that he wanted to KILL ezran and callum just so he could be king, like he wants Katolis to thrive but only on his terms
-i have a feeling this is gonna go terribly wrong
-callum sweetie i love you but i think the last thing the dragon queen is concerned about is your relationship status
-“if you allow us to pass, we have no trouble with you” OR they can just burn you to a crisp right now and never have to deal with you again
-why can’t y’all just kill him and spare yourselves the trouble
-how does the 9 year old have the best stamina out of the three of them
-“it will only remove the parts of you that have been touched by dark magic” oh so he’s a goner
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-oh this is THE dragon
-inoculate - immunize (someone) against a disease by introducing infective material, microorganisms, or vaccine into the body
the more you know
-Kasef constantly trying to pull focus dude open your freaking eyes there is a ZOMBIE standing next to you have some common sense
-he turned into… the hulk??
-i almost hope he doesn’t turn back random grunts are a lot less annoying than what’s usually coming out of his mouth
-if you think that changed anyone’s minds you are very wrong i’m pretty sure that had the opposite effect
-“hey that isn’t part of the spell” ezran buddy they’ve been holding hands since you got here time to put two and two together
-yet again i want to make it clear that whatever terrible things claudia ends up doing i blame viren for 100% of it this angel is just a little lost
-dude literally just turned thousands of people into demons against their will
Episode 8
-“she is not dead. she lives and breathes, but she is not with us” is no one gonna question what the heck this is supposed to mean
-also this dude is completely unfazed seeing two humans and the living dragon prince standing in front of him
-can they please stop making zym whimper like a lost puppy my heart can only break so many times
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-I don’t know whether to be happy or sad
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-“is this… the afterlife?”
“no it’s still just… the life… still, you’re alive”
idk why but that sent me
-so you’re telling me that most skywing elves can’t fly??? literally what’s the point then???
-also this means nyx is super special and could be doing real important things but instead she chooses mischief
-he’s looking at him as if that is not an extremely reasonable doubt to have
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-how does callum knowing magic put him in any more danger than they were already in, if anything it’s good that he has a way to defend himself
-how is leaving gonna fix anything is no one thinking this through you’d be just as bad a rayla’s parents there’s no way she’s gonna go for this
-told ya
-why does she have to face them by herself you’re telling me there are no armies in xadia that can help
-girl stop being dramatic you know there’s no way he’s leaving you here
-this fight just makes her leaving hurt so much more because it’s basically the same thing
-how many elves were there guarding the egg originally because all of them against one man seems like a fair shot, granted that man is an evil powerful mage, but still
-poor soren is banished to the corner just let him be part of meeting time
-not even gonna question how Amaya knew where they were or how ibis even found her i’m just gonna be grateful
-i’m lazy can someone please translate what amaya just signed
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-hold up why is this dude not a demon, and again who even is this dude
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
honestly it feels like the tdp's weird insistence that humans are the ones at fault, always, even when others exile them from their home, comes from like. dragon age idk. where elves are a shorthand for real life oppressed peoples and humans are the oppressors. but it doesn't really work in tdp?? i think?? so anyway it's interesting to see how different media and fiction tropes bleed into other works and make them less cohesive as a result.
and also honestly? some part of me wonders if the "humans are oppressors" trope in fiction is rooted in the oppressed peoples being seen, on some level, as something completely separate from the human race. idk. lots of thoughts not a lot of sense lmao. sorry feel free to ignore this ive just been thinking a lot about tdp narrative and what little i remember of it hahaha
Yeah it’s definitely… weird? Like you open your story with humans being forcibly displaced (and was apparently meant to evoke a real world atrocity, which I will NEVER be over) and then proceed to consistently frame them as the worse ones. I also think there’s a novelization which retcons er, provides supplemental material that actually the humans were the worst and this was the nicer option. Which uh, I kind of want the creators to think about the implications there?
That and just… all the double standards that pretty much always view humans as lesser. The one scene that pissed me off to no fucking end was the bit with the red dragon. Sure it’s crossed the border and is threatening a town and regularly pretending to attack, but that was no reason to fire at it :( And then rather than running it starts burning the town to the ground, and when it’s finally subdued we’re supposed to SIDE WITH THE DRAGON AND BLAME THE HUMANS FOR BEING ANGRY. I can tell you I was fucking angry!
I know what they’re TRYING to do. They’re trying to tell a story about how everyone has done wrong and we still need peace. Which, okay, cool. But then you continually blame one side anyway and treat them as FAR more disposable and you start to think hmm. You’re right about making it far less cohesive. And then you just make everything Sparkly Sauron’s fault anyway.
And honestly while you might be right about the last bit, I think it has more to do with the fact that people see elves and dragons and such as just way cooler than boring old humans and want them to be the ones we root for. Which I kind of get.
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livvyofthelake · 4 months
post season 1 lost character rankings <3 post is about to be long as fuck btw. heart
jack… i’m such a jack girl sorry for being predictable but he’s exactly my type of character… he has a hero complex and big brown eyes filled with tears he can’t save everyone but he has to try…
kate of course!!! blueprint for emma swan in many ways…. the coolest girl on lost island… her cunty 2000s layered tank tops and low rise bootcut jeans in exodus went crazy also but that is neither here nor there i just didn’t get a chance to mention it before. anyway. literally you always wanna run away katie!!!
sayid <3 THE it girl of lost island. he’s like if The Smart One was a heartthrob. you knowwww i’ve always been a sayid girl (ok yes naveen andrews was in ouat but my love for sayid is only like. 40% coming from that loyalty ok) he’s so. he’s the tech guy he’s the soldier he’s leading hikes he’s triangulating the signal he’s sooo kind he’s obsessed with the worst woman on the island he’s literally besties with kate he looks SO GOOD in his tank tops and i love him…
claire and YES i will acknowledge my emilie de ravin bias. it doesn’t matter what claire as a character is like, that’s my friend belle from the tv from middle school, we were in the trenches together, i love her always, claire makes the top five and that’s FINAL. peace and love <3 also she’s like basically mary from the bible for real
sun… she’s just cool and nice and lovely and her husband suckssss but she loves him and wants him to love her like he used to and she’s growing a garden and helping jack with medicinal stuff and everybody likes her cuz she’s just cool and nice!!!
shannon. and i ask you. did she really do anything wrong? don’t answer that. i’m a feminist. she’s like. there is flop in her slay eras and slay in her flop eras. and she’s soooo sad right now and she needs to keep all of her brother’s things because she doesn’t know how to exist in the world without him and she’s folding his old clothes because she’s anal and she speaks french but only barely because she knew this guy and she wants to help but she’s been a princess her whole life and she doesn’t know how to change but she has to and she’s maybe overcommitted to her zigzag hair part because she thinks beauty is her only currency and now she’s taking care of this kid’s dog because he picked her because he thought it would help her and she won’t say it but she loves these people so much and she doesn’t know how to show it and she doesn’t know what she’s doing and she doesn’t know how to carry it all!!!!!!!! i’m normal about her.
charlie has consistently been a favorite of mine but i’m just anticipating the inevitable season 2 heroin relapse storyline and i hateeeee it. but i do love charlie <3 i like how he has this insane devotion to claire for no reason other than he just wants to be nice and help her. he’s just a lovely guy…
walt and his cute little kid swagggg. his henry mills realness seriously. he’s about to be like. severely written out rip but we LOVED him here <3 when he gave his dog to shannon…. oh my god….
boone gets to not be near the bottom even though he was a total freak because well. no one else gave me joke material like him… he fucked that old man fr…. and then he died… and frankly those episodes on his death and leading up to it were so crazy i can’t not just forgive him for the freak shit. sorry for being an apologist for the guy who was in love with his sister. i mean be real though i’m a cassie girl i’m predisposed to forgive worse shit like that. maybe he only projected love onto her because she’s the only woman he knows. and he’s gay. idk. it doesn’t matter anyway who cares
jin. i actually kind of like jin now i like his dynamic with michael a lot and i think in season two he’ll get over the whole oh boohoo poor me i got roped into the mafia and i can’t tell my wife even though it would be good for our relationship to not have secrets. i forgive him. i hope michael or someone else tries to learn korean to better communicate with him though i don’t just want it to be jin having to learn english. like don’t act like michael wouldn’t try at least…
which of course brings us to michael. i like michael but he’s also kind of just not as interesting as the other characters. i imagine though that the 2004 writers room was overwhelmingly white and therefore just did not do as well writing the characters of color, so i’ll grant michael that forgiveness. i do like him i think the situation with walt is crazytown
hurley. not even my ouat bias could save hurley from being third to last. i don’t have a problem with him it’s just. he’s the comedic relief yk. and he IS funny, but like. idk. kinda like what’s going on with him and the numbers i hope that gets cool in s2
locke. booooo locke. an enemy of jack’s is an enemy of mine!! we’re gonna have a locke problem!! also i’m literally still upset about how he handled the boone situation. imagine you have trauma from your dad hurting you to help himself and then you meet a younger guy who looks up to you as a sort of father/mentor figure and you end up hurting him to help yourself and you have zero self awareness about it. kill yourself old man. your ass is not breaking the cycle.
sawyer. just. ….😒 remember when shannon was having an asthma attack and could have died and sawyer made it seem like he had her inhaler and told kate he’d give it to her if she kissed him. which is already icky. and then kate did it. and then he was like oh yeah btw i don’t have the inhaler haha! like. can you kill yourself.
and if i were asked to name my favorite episodes of the season? well most recently i loved do no harm, but all jack’s episodes were great to me so also white rabbit and all the best cowboys have daddy issues. and deus ex machina was crazy as well. and the moth. and exodus part one specifically but all three parts were pretty great too. born to run was also good! and can i be frank. can i say something we might not like. hearts and minds was a great episode… yes it’s the incest episode i know i was there… but speaking from a standpoint of like. what makes a tv episode a Good TV Episode, it kinda went crazy. i mean did we see the twist coming? for sure not! that’s tv! sometimes the point of tv is to make you go 😟 and well. hearts and minds did that…
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shotbyafool · 1 year
I completely agree with your thoughts on hadestown but i just think it’s interesting to look at it in comparison to a show like great comet that a lot of the same people love for a lot of the same reasons as hadestown (any version but nytw particularly) and wonder if great comet had made more sacrifices and made more changes to appeal to a wider audience when transferring from its off broadway run, would it have lasted longer? personally i do think so and idk i just think it begs the question of is it better to have a production that’s true to the show’s original purpose and has that charm that makes it an objectively stronger piece of theater even if it won’t last as long versus a more sanitized production that is more widely accessible and therefore has a greater longevity?
brilliant take here anon. so much of this conversation is going to be tinged by subjectivity (I personally think the few changes that Comet made in its transfer were generally quite excellent and only worked to streamline the story... and there is also of course the behemoth that is Dust and Ashes) but Great Comet did, in fact, refuse to make concessions in its transfer. a lot of my issues with the concept of the NYTW transfer for Hadestown come from me finding most of the choices so utterly inexplicable on an artistic level that I can hardly fathom being Mitchell and killing my darlings like that.
but to the actual point, I think Great Comet also had an uphill battle in its subject matter, and its marketing team (and Malloy himself, in songs like Prologue) had absolutely no choice but to lean into the inherent insanity of making a musical out of War and Peace. which necessitates a trust in the audience, and one which I think certain audiences really relished in (having trust like that built in is bound to pet ones ego; I know it petted mine as a 16-year-old!). but at the end of the day, it was always a tough sell to tourists (to whom our industry is so reliant on!!!), and this is totally regardless of its insane per-week costs for its technical elements. as an adult, I can realize that it never had much of a chance at a long Broadway run, especially with its behind-the-scenes issues which I will not discuss since they've been beaten to death. and I do wonder if there was less trust, would it have lasted longer? but to me Malloy is not an artist who necessarily dreams of Broadway; I think he works on passion projects and never expected Great Comet to make it to a Broadway house. good for him! so he didn't concede, but then again, how could he have, with the subject material and the concept of the musical to begin with?
(then again, Malloy was so terribly spit up on by the industry for Great Comet in a way that makes me feel livid. what personal vendetta robs him of a Tony for orchestrations?)
yesterday I (drunkenly) posted that I think no shows should aim for Broadway, which of course was a simplification of a situation. to me the best fate of a show in the long-run is probably starting Off-Broadway, transferring to Broadway for a season or two, then transferring back Off-Broadway when it's harder to fill those massive Broadway houses (but you're still getting audiences in seats) - a very different show, but this is what happened to The Play That Goes Wrong, which to me works so much better in an intimate stage anyway. then again, this still allows for the initial edit onto Broadway to occur, but I think Mitchell always dreamed about Hadestown having an expansive open run in the Walter Kerr and that it has done. so like. kind of shrugging here. the changes made in the transfer are (insanely) so... careful, done so much with an artistic hand that to me it's clear that Mitchell did it, but WHY for some of them. it's going to keep me up at night.
like of course, shows can't run forever, but it's a bit of a 'die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain' or whatever. and it is so miserable that the Broadway machine necessitates a watering down of material or else you are fated to a short run; A Strange Loop of course enters the conversation at this junction, and of course upsets me. I have nothing else to say in particular and I think you are absolutely right, and I am upset.
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