#(im going to build her sooner or later)
ff2-soda-pop · 10 months
i dont wanna go into graphic design i dont wanna go into graphic design i dont wanna go into graphic design i dont wanna-
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delulujuls · 6 months
loverboy | ln4
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hi, i finally wrote second part for tinder buddies! im not sure if i like it though, i've got an idea but i dont know how it went.
anyway please enjoy and lets cross our fingers for japan win for this loverboy!
i will let myself tag everyone who wanted to be tagged in part 2: @mickslover @formula-1-04 @petitefaeries @bayleewatts67 @xjval @kapsylia @teamnovalak @slutforln4 @shimmermotorsport @myownwritings @maydiamondsinthenightsky @mikadojohnny
summary: when it turned out that Lando is more of a loverboy than a fuckboy and there is no point in trusting appearances because they tend to be misleading
warnings: none
pairing: fem!journalist!reader x lando norris
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Y/N looked as if she had seen a ghost. She clenched her phone in her hand and glanced at the spot where Lando had been just a moment ago. Yes, that Lando, with whom she had a brief interview a few seconds ago, Lando Norris, who drives for McLaren, her Tinder buddy with whom she's been exchanging explicit messages for over a month now, and who knows more about her body seen through the camera than any guy she's had the chance to flirt with in person.
The girl only snapped out of it when the camera operator she had been filming with nudged her shoulder.
"The team bosses' interview is about to start, I saved us seats."
She quickly nodded and tucked the microphone into her bag, throwing it over her shoulder. She glanced at the McLaren garage one last time before heading to the conference. After all, she was here because she had duties.
As she took her place among the crowd of other journalists, instead of focusing on coming up with questions, she picked up her phone again. It immediately unlocked to her conversation with Lando, and she hastily replied to his latest, unambiguous proposition.
"I'm a bit busy at the moment. If you want, we can meet later in the evening."
Lando was scrolling through Instagram when a new message popped up in his notifications. He smiled and swiped it open, reading and replying quickly.
"i'd be honored. give me the address of the hotel you're at. and be ready by 9."
The girl smiled and sent him the address along with a note that she couldn't wait, wishing him good luck in qualifying.
Lando felt his cheeks hurting from smiling. However, he locked his phone and set it aside. He knew that if he didn't restrain himself, he would bombard the girl with messages. He was so excited about the whole situation, the overflow of emotions building up in him could easily secure him pole position that day, which he sincerely hoped for. He wanted to present himself in the best possible way, knowing that on that day, one special pair of eyes would be watching him.
Y/N was also excited, but as time passed, she began to feel stressed. Not because she was going on a date with Lando Norris, but because she was about to confront someone whom she may have known inside out but in reality had no idea who he truly was. She was slightly apprehensive about whether Lando would turn out to be as he portrayed himself on his Tinder profile. There, she dealt with a confident guy who knew how to flirt, who knew how to make a girl's heart beat faster. With a guy who focused only on fun and ultimately only on it. Someone who knew what he wanted and sooner or later would get it, one way or another. Now, knowing her conversation partner's identity, Y/N was certain that their online acquaintance might only exist in that dimension. And just as she had realized before, somewhere in the back of her mind lived a lonely spark, nourished by the hope that something more serious might come out of this online acquaintance. Lando was out of her reach, that was more than certain. However, she didn't plan to dwell on negative thoughts because she had a chance for a pleasant evening ahead of her. She had no intention of ruining it.
Qualifying didn't come as a surprise to anyone, as Max was to start the race from pole position the next day, with Charles in second place. But to everyone's positive surprise, Lando closed the top three, giving McLaren the opportunity to start from third position. Y/N planned to text him and congratulate him on his excellent performance, but she decided to wait until evening with her congratulations. She didn't want to come off as pushy or, worse, as a psycho.
Lando, indeed, was pleased with himself, but not as much as if he had managed to secure pole position. Y/N could notice this on one of the monitors, where post-qualifying interviews with drivers conducted by David Coulthard were taking place.
"Great performance, Lando, you were on Ferrari's heels today!"
"We did well today, not just me, but Oscar and the whole team as well. I hoped for more, but you know, the appetite comes with eating," he replied, but despite the smile on his flushed face, he actually seemed not very pleased with the result. Y/N was packing her things when she observed post-qualifying talks out of the corner of her eye. "I wanted to perform particularly well today, but unfortunately it didn't work out. I hope tomorrow will be better."
The girl sighed and glanced at the contents of her bag, looking at her phone lying at the bottom. She took it out and unlocked it, entering their conversation. She wanted to send him a selfie, smiling and holding up four fingers with a note congratulating him on the result, but she thought it might be a bit silly. So, she quickly wrote an alternative.
"Speaking of appetite, I hope you're looking forward to dinner more positively than to your third starting place. In my opinion, you did great today x"
When Lando finally had the chance to reach for his phone and saw the message from the girl, he sincerely hoped to see her face again. He hovwever, was pleased with her congratulations.
"i can't wait for tonight. and I hope tomorrow we'll have better reasons to celebrate"
Y/N smiled to herself, throwing her bag over her shoulder and heading with the cameraman to the media zone to have the opportunity to talk to some of the drivers or team principals. She replied quickly.
"tomorrow I'd also like to invite you to dinner. because i'm afraid tonight may not be enough for us"
The girl felt herself blushing, so she quickly put her phone in her pocket. She didn't manage to run into Lando in the media zone again, but she had the opportunity to gather some more good material. As the drivers began to return to their garages and the paddock slowly began to empty, Y/N and the cameraman also decided to return to the hotel. The girl was absolutely not in the mood to deal with the footage recorded that day, so she was immensely grateful when her coworker offered to spend the rest of the day on preliminary editing and assured her that she didn't have to worry about anything. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief, as in her current pre-date euphoria, she wouldn't be able to create anything suitable for publication. When the girl returned to her hotel room, she decided to take a long bath. Sitting in the tub, her phone lying nearby vibrated again.
"actually, would you mind if i pick you up at 8?"
Y/N smiled when she read his message. She glanced at her watch. She still had 3 hours before leaving, so she should manage without any trouble.
"Why, have you already missed me?"
Lando snorted to himself as he read her message. He would be lying if he said he hadn't. He wanted to see her again as soon as possible.
"if i'm being honest, i would like to be sitting with you at dinner already"
Y/N also smiled. It was cute and completely unlike the image Lando had built and which she had in her head.
"I guess I shouldn't torture you that much. I'll try to be ready by 7."
Lando smiled and squeezed his phone in his hand. Now he couldn't wait for the meeting even more.
"see you then, darling"
The girl blushed when he affectionately called her that. She set aside her phone and immersed herself in the hot water, but even that couldn't wipe the smile off her face.
At the agreed time, both of them were ready. When the girl stepped out of the hotel, she didn't even need to look around, as she easily noticed Lando leaning against his impressive car. He held a bouquet of white flowers in his hand and smiled as soon as he saw her. He walked a little towards her, but he had no idea how to greet her. Offer her his hand? Hug her? What would be most appropriate? He didn't want to make a fool of himself.
"Hi, good to see you," he said, unable to take his eyes off her. He bit his lip, but still couldn't stop smiling. "You look stunning."
"You too, but I'm sure you already know that," she replied, looking into his eyes. They were sparkling, brightening up his already joyful face. Even though he was wearing a dark shirt and dark jeans, his hair was slightly disheveled, and she could already smell his cologne almost on the stairs, Lando at that moment looked adorable, like an elated child.
"Maybe so, but it's always nice to hear it from someone like you," he replied, extending the flowers towards her. "Here, these are for you. And I hope I didn't make a mistake and accidentally buy you flowers you hate."
The girl chuckled softly and shook her head, taking the flowers from him and smelling them.
"No, absolutely not. I love white flowers, and these are beautiful. Thank you."
"Phew, thank god," he theatrically let out a sigh of relief "Glad I started off on the right foot."
"I rather doubt you don't know how to behave around girls," she retorted, following him as he opened the car door for her.
"Well, I'm afraid you might be surprised," he replied, helping her into the car and closing the door behind her.
Lando chose a very pleasant restaurant, located not far from the hotel where the girl was staying. The place was cozy and seemed expensive, but it manifested in a modest way, without any tackiness or artificial wealth. He reserved a table in the corner of the room, so they could expect a bit of privacy. Before taking his seat at the table, he pulled out the chair for the girl. She tried her best to remain composed, but the smile never left her face. This meeting and this whole situation was more than crazy.
"I hope I picked a good place," he said, sitting across from her. "I've never been to these restaurants before, so today's choice was largely based on Google reviews."
He admitted, glancing at her uncertainly. But seeing her smile, he smiled too.
"It's very nice here. Your choice didn't disappoint."
"Second victory in twenty minutes, going better than I expected," he joked, eliciting a quiet laugh from the girl. He then thought it was a good sign that she laughed at his jokes. It meant that this whole situation had potential.
Lando was genuinely stressed about this meeting. He knew well how people perceived him and what kind of guy girls thought he was, but the truth was entirely different. His hands were sweating with nerves in the car, and he prayed that the steering wheel wouldn't slip from his hands and cause some idiotic accident. Upon returning to the hotel, he spent over two hours searching for the right place to take the girl for dinner and did about twenty quizzes on what flowers he should buy her for their first date. Since he met her at the paddock, they had the opportunity to talk, and he managed to connect all the facts. He felt like either his heart would jump out of his chest or his cheeks would fall off from smiling. In reality, Lando was absolutely not who he portrayed himself to be and how he was perceived. And Y/N was slowly starting to realize that.
When the couple placed their orders and the waiter brought the vase for flowers that Lando had requested earlier, there was a moment of silence. Both were equally embarrassed, not knowing if it was because of each other or the whole situation.
"So," Lando started, rubbing his hands on his pants, "oh god, I don't even know where to begin. Should we pretend we don't know each other and this is our first meeting? Or perhaps the opposite?"
"I honestly have no idea, but I'm glad we both don't know how to behave," Y/N laughed. "But we can start over. Like it's our first date."
She smiled warmly at him. He reciprocated the smile and reached out his hand towards her.
"Lando, nice to meet you."
"Y/N, and it's also a pleasure for me, Lando."
She shook his hand. From that moment on, everything started to go smoothly. The conversation flowed smoothly, and there wasn't a single moment when there wasn't something to talk about. Lando turned out to be the complete opposite of the person she met on Tinder. He was also different from the Lando she sometimes observed in the media. He turned out to be a funny and very intelligent guy with interesting hobbies, not just those revolving around Formula 1. His big heart and incredible modesty also made it impossible not to feel sympathy towards him. Lando, on the other hand, wasn't really up for this meeting, he honestly had no idea what to expect. As it turned out, he met not only an attractive but also hardworking girl, for whom motorsport was not just a job but also a hobby. It also turned out that they had a lot in common, so after a while, the remnants of stress and uncertainty disappeared, and they began to feel in each other's company as if they had known each other for ages.
Their conversation was only interrupted by the waiter, who apologized and said that the restaurant was closing in fifteen minutes. Y/N and Lando both looked at their watches at the same time and were shocked to find that it was just before midnight, and the past five hours had flown by like fifteen minutes.
"Sure, of course, we'll ask for the check," Lando replied to the waiter, who went to tally their dinner. As soon as the girl reached for her purse, Lando looked at her meaningfully. "I hope you don't think I brought you here for you to have to pay."
"We can split the bill," she replied, looking at him and clutching her wallet. "People usually do that on first dates, right?"
"It would be a pleasure if you honored me to be a gentleman and let me pay."
Y/N laughed and shook her head.
"As you wish, Mr. Gentleman."
When he paid for their dinner, they left the restaurant together. Lando once again opened the car door for her, and their eyes met when their faces were inches apart as she passed him to take the passenger seat. When they were back at her hotel, the girl reluctantly glanced towards the entrance. She would have loved to spend time with him until the early morning.
She sighed and smiled sadly, looking at him.
"I know, me too," he replied, easily reading her thoughts. "But we'll probably bump into each other in the paddock in the morning. Purely by chance, of course, not like I'll intentionally run into you, absolutely not."
Y/N chuckled at his words.
"It was very nice spending the evening with you, Lando."
"The pleasure was all mine," he replied, smiling at her.
They sat in silence for a moment, exchanging silent glances.
"Would it be inappropriate if I kissed you now? Since we agreed that today we're starting with a clean slate?"
He asked, his gaze moving from her eyes to her lips.
"People don't usually kiss on first dates, but I feel like I've seen these lips somewhere before, and they've told me a lot of different, indecent things, so I think we can make an exception."
She replied, biting her lip. She surprised herself with her boldness, not to mention Lando, who just saw the same girl who he sometimes saw on the screen of his phone in the evenings. As soon as he got her consent, he touched her cheek without hesitation and pulled her into a long, passionate kiss.
Y/N returned the kiss, smiling into his lips.
"Have a good race tomorrow, and after tomorrow's dinner, I'll invite you for dessert."
She whispered, still centimeters away from him, when they separated after a moment. Lando unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car, circling around it, opening her door, and offering her his hand.
"I think I can fit in dessert tonight too," he replied, biting his lip and looking into her eyes. She returned the smile and handed him her hand without hesitation. It seemed that the evening was not ending for these two, on the contrary, it was just about to begin.
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savannahsdeath · 9 months
MDNI ! haven't posted much bout ellie lately .. but rockstar!ellie makes me go feral . especially when she likes to have secrets, like a cute groupie backstage. a clever groupie, who wants to be more than a secret
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❥︎ i hope nobody catch us ,
but i kinda hope they catch us , anyway ...
"you told anyone?" she cooed in a sweet voice. an overly sweet, too sweet, like the calm before the storm. she had you settled on her lap, making you hold the hem of your skirt — cheap fabric scratching your sensitive fingertips and upper thighs, even though it wasn't the friction you desired. you knew you have to, so your body will be on display for ellie, revealing what she wanted. she looked down at her well deserved gift with lust in her eyes, ready to make a move... yet something was holding her back. her head rested in the crook of your neck, leaning on your shoulder. her fingers left your knee, abrading through your thighs, her knuckles chafing your skin in a light touch, barely palpable, nevertheless enough to give you goosebumps.
"what if i did?" you suggested in an innocently naive tone, which ellie found suitable for an illiterate. it wasn't troublesome to use your brain and interpret her intonation — she was not in the mood to quarrel. her hand abruptly landed on your panties, the raw, cold agitation making you freeze. you gritted your teeth, letting out a strangled seethe, followed by a shake of your head. "i didn't."
you studied the area around you, glancing at all of the instruments left by the other band members. what were they doing now? perhaps they were parading around the building, ( whose storage compartment you were in ) giving autographs for rapacious fans. sooner or later, one of them will notice that something's off — not everyone decided to greet their admirers.
"where's ellie williams?"
this question must be asked, moreover the explanation wasn't known yet. ellie's friends will have a difficult time finding an answer. you had the honor to know. to know where she was and what she was doing. the way her eyes closed in pleasure showed she wasn't embarrassed of her actions at all.
the next thing you took note of was the microphone, stuck in a tripod, which fell down right next to you. you stretched your hand and grabbed it, letting your skirt limply cover up your thighs. as you heard ellie hum, your fingertips quickly moved the snap and put the mic back in its place. it noiselessly rolled away, and even though it was still near, you had to squint, creating a cute wrinkle in the corner of your eyes. after you used enough effort, you stopped struggling to notice a green dot. you blinked a few times — your eyelids fell down... and opened again. but you weren't wrong. there was, definitely, a little light, glowing blurry in your vision. its color was outstanding — an significant, tinted part, evident in the plain black handle. and you knew what it means;
mic on !
ellie unknowingly laughed and withdrew four of her fingers, only the middle one remaining pressed to your lingerie, slowly sliding towards your clit. "of course you didn't," she whispered in your ear.
if you were right — if the microphone was connected to all of the speakers in the pub — no one should hear that murmur. but once any of you whimpers, whines or lets any other pornographic moan out ... there will be a clear excuse for williams' absence.
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i kinda feel insane rn . too crazy ? yes Ok
i swear you turned the mic off right after that n nothing happened im not insaneeee 😹😹😇😇😇 and not horny AT ALLLL
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
The chore. Part 2 (Sully family x reader)
this is part two of my first story! :) I decided to add the healing and growing of our character to ease the pain and panic that mayyyy or may not come in the next part 😭. I hope you enjoy it! 💕
Tuk had only just now fallen asleep since it’s been a couple of hours flying. I know that sooner or later she’s going to be hungry so I decided to take a break and go out hunting for our meal. I laid her down safely with my Ikran while I went to go hunt. It had only been an hour since I left so I whistled to see if Tuk was at least up, patiently waiting for a whistle back. She wasn’t thankfully but I was indeed so tired so I just decided to set our meal and future meals for the flight ahead.
I slept longer than expected not as much as Tuk though, I could only hope that the trip wasn’t taking a big hit on her. So I started preparing the meal that I hunted and started a fire, moved Tuk even closer in case she was cold. We ate and got back to flying. A couple of days passed and I can tell as much as Tuk tried to hide it, she was tired of flying and searching for “a place to settle”. She just constantly asked me “are we almost there?” All I had to give her was “We’ll see Tuk-Tuk! Just hold on goofball! :)” I don’t have a plan but I hope she doesn’t notice, she should be at peace and I can’t cause anymore trouble, especially since I’m the reason she wanted to leave the forest.
It wasn’t until a couple of hours I felt tears and a frustrated sob that I noticed Tuk was over hiding how she felt. “Im tired of flying. I want to go home. I want to settle wherever you said home would be. But we can settle another place can’t we? I just want a home.” I couldn’t do anything but hold her while she cried because I knew I had to keep going. I soon realized she was starting to catch a fever, a really bad one so I was in a hurry to find a clan to approach.
Her fever was only getting worse she was hanging on but I didn’t have much time. I feel tears build up, feeling like I let her down until I see huts I think we’re close to something. I hear calls, announcing a newcomers arrival, my arrival. I hold Tuk in my arms crying begging for help. “I do not come to harm anyone Please. Help my sister is sick and it’s only getting worse.” I see the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik coming towards us and I take a kneel to show some sort of my respects since I am holding Tuk in my arms.
“Why do you come here on our island for?” The woman speaks. “I seek a place to call home. A place to settle. I understand I am different but I will adapt. WE will adapt. We will learn your ways but please accept us. My sister is burning up and- please just heal her please.” The two turn to each other and discuss with their eyes as I wait and hold Tuk tight “Sister it hurts, everything hurts”
“I know Tuk, I know it’s ok just hang on” they turn back to me and the Tsahik says “Come with me child.” I follow quickly, hearing the Olo'eyktan urge everyone to return to the normal “Everyone go back to your duties!”
I stand by watching her do her work by the time she’s done Tuk is feelings better but quickly rested. The Olo'eyktan walks in as soon as she is done and she turns to me and says. “My name is Ronal, this is my husband Tonowari. How long have you been out flying?” I look up nervous to speak “M-my name is y/n. Who you just treated is Tuk. We have been flying for a couple of days now.” Silence is between us as she contemplates her next words “You seek a place to settle yes? Well you must learn our ways as you already stated. You must not fall behind.”
“Yes, yes I understand thank you. Thank you truly” She takes a moment to look at my face “Child, what is that scar?” I watch as she touches it. “Oh, it was from a fight I was in. Trust me I don’t do those anymore.” She laughs at how quick I was to cover it up. Then they decided that although we were newcomers, we shouldn’t have our own mauri since we were young. I couldn’t argue this since we are their guest, so they settled us comfortably into a far corner of their Mauri.
Finally a real sleep.
I woke up to a meal being cooked and settled on the table. I had greeted the leaders and introduced myself to their children. The girl, Tyseria lead the conversation asking about Tuk and I’s interests and hobbies and we all seemed to get along until it was time to clean up and I was asked to stay longer while the two siblings did chores. Tuk had walked away into our corner to start beading a bracelet with the new materials Tyseria gave her.
In a gentle voice Tonowari said “We do not mean to bring harm but we must know what went wrong seeing as you are a child taking care of a child. How has it come to this?” I looked down slightly saddened taking in what he said as it was true and seemingly sad. Although I had to be honest and stay true to my word, I told them everything, every detail, every word ever spoken about why I fled the forest.
“Well then y/n…we will take care of you and house you. It seems as though it is in your nature to protect the innocent, you have a strong heart. So I am sorry that on that day, the day you were once again shut out and left to die. No one was there to lift you up into their arms, the way you lifted others like Tuk into yours. No one cared for you the way you should’ve been taken care of then, so allow us to care for you now. It’s time to be at peace Y/n. ” and for the first time ever it was ok to cry, cry tears of happiness and comfort. I was finally going to be at peace.
So that’s what they did. We soon became daughters to them. I grew close with Tyseria, took care of Tuk and surprisingly got along with Aonung even if we seemed to always leave conversations with both of us blushing like crazy. At some point it was hard, to lose old habits. I was so used to being on my own and taking care of Tuk I sometimes lost sight of how others perceive me…just a kid.
I unknowingly over worked myself, fighting to show I can still stay on the island, a war nobody even knew was happening. Once Ronal told me to stop working as my hands were starting to bleed, I accidentally got upset and told her “I can’t stop I need to keep going, stopping means I don’t care anymore.” It wasn’t until then Tonowari and Ronal pulled me aside to talk is when I realized this isn’t like before, I’m not alone.
“All right, your not alone anymore and your not a bad person for leaving. You did not come out of the womb as a frustrated person Y/n. You. Y/n, came out of the womb a beautiful child who unbeknownst to her had a couple of wires crossed. So when you have finally received true love. The love you were always meant to have, it set something off in your brain that wants to deny it and keep fighting. You have been fighting a losing game since the first day you were in your other parents care. So you can sit here and continue looking me in the eye and say as calmly as can be, “I’m fine, it’s not big deal, I’m not thinking about it anymore and I am no longer upset at my past.” That. My child, is the disease of silent frustration. It is deadly. The hardest part about having this disease is that no one in the world can see it besides the ones that hold you close. And that is why we are here to show you we care, we are not leaving, we are not going to ignore your feelings, and we will go through this together. As long as we are here no one can hurt you” *
It was moment like those when I needed someone to pull me out of my old habits, even Tyseria and Aonung did.
I was looking over Tuk while she slept, it had only been a couple of days since we arrived but I was still pondering over the fact that I could’ve lost her if I had no solution to her fever. “What are youuuu thinkin?” I heard Tyseria giggle and say. I stood quiet considering if I should even say anything with the two siblings in the room but I decided to anyways “I thought Tuk would be the one…finally.” Confusion was written on their faces until Aonung said “the one what y/n?” I looked back down “the one who’s life I didn’t harm.” I immediately feel their hugs as Aonung said “you didn’t do anything wrong y/n, you did the best for her.” *
So yes it was difficult, but I made sure we knew their ways and observed everything to show Tuk to be better. We got many eyes and compliments because we learned at a quicker rate and speed than anyone at the island ever did. I didn’t want to overwork Tuk, I could never do that to her so instead while we were doing extra practice I taught her in games, the same way we did in the forest. It was going good and she maintained a smile until we were entering our home and I mentioned us having to practice breathing techniques. That’s when she got frustrated.
“No Y/n I can’t do it. It’s hurts. I can’t practice breathing. It’s easier for you to do when you already know the ways. This is the only thing I can’t and won’t do.” I sigh contemplating my next words, this is about survival and if I need Tuk to be safe I need her to learn how to breath underwater especially since she is surrounded by it. “Tuk please I know it’s hard and trust me I don’t know the ways fully either but we will learn. Together.” She’s silent considering what I’ve said “You made it so that we don’t have to fly anymore Y/n, so we that we can be together still. We’re safe now.” I glance down and smile “yea I guess we are” we sit for a moment enjoying the view of the beach. “All this. It’s worth it. All those times you would ask me if we’d find a home, all I could ever tell you was “We’ll see” and your face would fall every single time.”
“It’s better than saying yes and lying to me.” Tuk admits. “That’s what I told myself. But you want to know something I didn’t tell you? I never had a plan, I never knew where we were going. I never knew anything. I just fought and fought and fought and hoped you didn’t notice. I hoped we’d find something before you did. Did I do a good job?” My voice cracks as I start to tear up hoping I didn’t ruin her. “Of course you did sister! Are you crazy?!” I laugh and continue “When I was about to leave and you swore that you didn’t want to stay. Tuk, I fully believe if you hadn’t come I’d probably be lost. I was right to hear you out back in the forest, you made a request and I just had to trust myself and you to make the hard call. To take you with me. How did I get so lucky?” Tuk smiles and says “You made it so we can so thank you. For everything” I take a moment to stare at her and hold in the morning before saying “your welcome, for everything.”
We clean up the Mauri for awhile and continues the night like normal instead this time I felt a small hand reach out to me. “Can I..? Could I maybe sleep with you tonight.” Something we hadn’t done it in what feels like years. “You know like I did when I was little.” I agreed inviting her in. “Yea I-I’m not scared, just tired.” I smiled at her trying to reassure me while she hugs me in silence “….Tuk you’re still little” I hear her laugh and sigh “yea I know” and we drifted off into sleep.
Hope you enjoyed my loves :)!!! 💕
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iheartcake123 · 4 months
☁️stay -seo moon-jo☁️
a/n: im finally updating this fic😭😭 im so sorry it took so long, life has been CRAZY and then i got sidetracked with other fics lol. ive made this longer than what i usually write so i hope this makes up for the lack of updates😭
warnings: blood, kidnapping, it’s a strangers from hell fic so you probably know what to expect lol
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4, Part 5
Part 6
-3rd person p.o.v-
the next morning, y/n didn’t want to leave her room. she couldn’t possibly face moon-jo. not after walking in on him in the bathroom and not after having a not so innocent dream about him.
yes, he was an attractive man.
but she didn’t like him like that. right?
that’s what she told herself.
after building up the courage to leave her room, she rushed to the bathroom to freshen up. she needed to go to work so that’s what she did. she got herself ready and slipped out the residence.
the whole day while she was at work, she found her mind wandering to one specific person. she couldn’t understand why.
“you don’t seem as focused today y/n, is everything okay?” her boss questioned as it brought the girl back to reality.
“huh? oh- sorry, i just haven’t been sleeping well.” she apologised immediately.
as the day soon came to an end, a pit of nerves filled her. she didn’t want to go back to the residence. she didn’t want to see moon-jo.
y/n found herself wandering the streets, going in circles trying to kill as much time as possible. it was a good time waster and it soon became dark. as much as she’d like to avoid it, she’d have to go back sooner or later.
as she slowly approached the residence she stopped at the convenience store first, grabbing herself her favourite fizzy drink. she knew she shouldn’t have been drinking anything sweet since her tooth still killed but that was the least of her worries.
the can of drink remained closed as her fingers nervously played with it. she stared up at the building in front of her, it gave her the same feeling that she had when she first moved in. it drove her crazy.
“y/n” a voice suddenly startled her and she jumped, causing her to drop her drink.
the contents of the can started to spill as soon as it hit the ground and y/n cursed under her breath.
when she looked to see who it was , she saw moon-jo. he watched her intently as she then quickly went to pick the can up.
“hello” y/n then greeted him. hoping he wouldn’t speak to her some more.
“sorry, i must’ve given you a fright” he then apologised and she shook her head.
“oh no, not really” she quickly said before started to make her way to the building’s entrance.
“let me walk you in, it’s the least that i can do” moon-jo suddenly reached his hand to grab the door before y/n could.
“sure, thanks” y/n sent a quick nod before the pair walked into the residence together.
“you still haven’t come back for your tooth extraction” moon-jo commented as you turned to look at him briefly.
“oh, i’ve just been busy recently. i’ll try to swing by one of the days”
moon-jo hummed in response, it was like he wanted to say more but wasn’t.
when they finally reached the main hallway and y/n caught a glimpse of seok-yun about to enter his room.
“seok-yun!” y/n called out to him louder than she expected and his head turned to face her.
seok-yun let out a small smile to greet the girl but the smile soon faded as he noticed moon-jo standing not too far behind y/n.
a dark expression was on his face as he glared at seok-yun.
seok-yun then rushed into his room. slamming the door shut and locking it.
y/n couldn’t believe it. had he just ignored her?
“oh, did seok-yun not see you?” moon-jo asked and she turned around with a forced smile.
“i guess not” she then took her key out her pocket and turned to her door since it was opposite seok-yun’.
she slowly unlocked her door and was just about to enter when she suddenly turned to moon-jo.
“goodnight” she waved goodbye before going into her room.
shs spent some time organising some things before preparing for bed but once she was actually in bed. she kept tossing and turning.
unable to get comfortable.
when she checked her phone it was creeping up to 3am.
with a sigh she got out of bed and headed out her room and up to the rooftop. as soon as the cold air hit her face, she took ina deep breath. the city view at night was pretty. street lights lit up many areas and a lot of the other tall building had lights on.
“what was i thinking moving here?” she whispered looking down at her fingers. she was leaning up against the ledge of the rooftop terrace.
she felt tears begin to swell in her eyes as she thought about everything.
was she really living her dream?
sure she was doing her dream job but everything else wasn’t going to plan.
she never expected to live in a place like she was. she didn’t expect to feel so outcast and lonely.
her hands became shaky as she attempted calling her sister. she couldn’t do this.
of course there wasn’t an answer. it was past 3am in the morning.
“i have to get out of here” y/n slipped her phone into her pyjama pocket and turned on a heel to head back down.
what she didn’t expect was to see a figure stood in the doorway where she wanted to go.
she blinked her eyes and realised who the figure was and sighed.
she couldn’t deal with this.
not paying attention to the figure, y/n walked straight past determined to go back to her room. however, as soon as she walked past, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
“y/n, are you okay?” moon-jo’ voice was firm as he stared at the girl in front of him. with the dim lights, y/n could still see all of moon-jo’ features.
his furrowed eyebrows, his defined cheek bones and his lips pursed as he waited for an answer.
“im fine” y/n pulled her hand to get out of his grip.
“are you thinking of leaving?” he then out of no where asked and y/n thought about what answer to give.
“i dont- i don’t know” she finally said after a long pause.
moon-jo let out a chuckle”don’t lie to me y/n. you know i prefer when you’re honest honey”
the nickname he gave y/n took her aback. he’d never called her that before and it caused flutters in her stomach more than it should’ve. y/n was about to say something else but suddenly her phone began to ring. she reached her hand into her pocket and then answered the call.
it was her sister calling her back.
“y/n are you okay?! why are you calling me so late at night? you’re not hurt are you?” her sisters voice was laced with panic and urgency.
“don’t worry im fine, i just-“ y/n began but soon stopped speaking as she didn’t want moon-jo to know her plans “i just wanted to talk because i couldn’t sleep. sorry, i didn’t mean to worry you. i’ll call you back in the morning”
without letting her sister respond y/n cut the call.
moon-jo tutted. shaking his head in disappointment.
“you didn’t have to lie to your sister” he brushed a piece of y/n’ hair out of her face “you could’ve been honest”
“i uh was honest” y/n nervously replied.
“you don’t need to lie to me either honey” moon-jo whispered into her ear.
her breath hitched slightly as she felt her heart beating fast.
there was that nickname again.
she felt like she should’ve been scared but she wasn’t.
more than ever before, she felt an attraction towards moon-jo.
moon-jo could tell the effect he was having on y/n so, without another word he then walked back down the stairs to go back to his room leaving her stunned.
y/n changed her mind and stayed on the rooftop for a little longer. she couldn’t understand her interactions with moon-jo. she should’ve been repulsed by him, right?
he was anti social, always lurking and would stare at y/n with this one look that he always did.
yet, she found herself feeling the exact opposite.
she spent a good 15 minutes more outside before heading back to her room. she dragged her feet across the floor, trying to be a silent as possible but with every step the floor creaked.
when she passed moon-jo’ room, she saw his door slightly ajar, yellow light peeking through. hesitantly, y/n gently pushed the door open. it revealed moon-jo’ room.
what surprised her was that there wasn’t a bed in the room. just a single person sofa, a small coffee table and a lamp looming over the sofa and table.
why didn’t he have a bed? or other belongings? it didn’t make sense.
y/n stepped into the room, on the coffee table was a small piece of paper facing downwards. her hand slowly reached for it and when she brought it up so that she could see it. her heart dropped into her stomach.
it was a picture of her, from the night someone was following her.
“oh my god” she managed to say, dropping the picture on the floor rushing to her room.
she definitely had to leave now.
she didn’t care if it was the middle of the night. all on her mind was getting out of that place. luckily, she didn’t own much so it really didn’t take her long to get packed up.
“answer the phone” she urgently said into the phone as she tried to get through to her sister.
there was no answer.
she’d have to just try again later so instead, she put her phone away and went to exit her room.
as soon as she opened her door, miss.eom and all the residents except for moon-jo were stood in front. blocking her from leaving.
“wh-what are you all doing?” she exclaimed trying to be brave but it was failing miserably.
the other residents smirked as y/n felt herself getting angry.
“i need to leave!” she tried pushing past them but nam-bok suddenly grabbed her.
his hands reached in her pocket while the other held her.
she felt disgusted.
“let me go!” her voice became a scream as she tried pushing him off her but it was of no use.
her screams continued all the while they dragged y/n to the 4th floor. the floor where no one was supposedly allowed.
with a loud thud, nam-bok threw y/n onto the cold floor and she winced in pain as her shoulder hit the floor first. she shuffled to sit up and the door to the room she was thrown into closed.
her eyes scanned the rest of the room and it soon fell onto seok-yun all bloody, unconscious and tied to a chair. she knew something was going on with everyone who lived here, she just didn’t realise how sick they all were.
“why are you doing this?” she screamed loudly before rushing to check on her friend.
“seok-yun” her voice then became soft.
his face was bruised and bleeding and his legs had been cut so blood was leaking everywhere. his mouth leaked blood too.
“you’re going to be okay” she gently stroked his head, trying to comfort him even if he wasn’t conscious.
he wasn’t responding but she could see his chest slowly rising up and down so, she knew he wasn’t yet dead.
after a while, miss.eom entered the room and y/n watched as she had a can of coke and some meat on a paper plate.
“eat” she threw it onto the floor and she glared at the women.
as if she was going to eat anything they gave her.
“people are going to realise im missing. my sister, my work colleagues too. you won’t get away with this!” y/n spoke up and miss.eom let out a taunting laugh.
“hee-joong said the same thing” miss.eom watched as y/n’ face dropped.
miss.eom laughed loudly as she left the room, making sure to lock the door behind her.
y/n couldn’t believe it.
she was trapped.
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thesamoanqueen · 2 years
Red Marks
Raiting: 18+
Warnings: SMUT; Oral; Cumming kink (a bit…).
A/N: Im still thinking about that 2K23 promo, so… here, for yall, Roman and his sassiness.
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The room was empty, anonymous, one of many in the building. What attracted him was the view, but not the one beyond the large windows.
- What with this face? - he asked amused, as Y/N locked the door and dragged him by the arm, her gaze concentrated and that sparkle in her eyes that he had learned to adore.
She had gone there with another crew, but it didn't last long and Roman was more than happy about it. He never got tired of having her close and with that skirt wrapping her hips, who could blame him? Even if he wasn't the one who couldn't resist, it was pretty clear by now.
- What face? Dont know what ya talkin about, sit down. - she snorted a bit, pushing him towards one of the chairs that had been arranged around the table.
She had had a face for sure and throughout his filming. She had stood near monitors, watching the recordings, occasionally chatting with the technicians about shots and cuts, but he had seen her. The eyes that ran over him, lip that occasionally curled up, nail that ended up for a second between teeth, curls twisted on a finger…
- So bossy – he laughed, letting himself fall without the slightest resistance and she froze for a moment in front of him, her expression thoughtful and her legs that seemed to never end up on those heels.
- Too much? I can fix it.
It was amazing how easily she could go from shoving him into a room to that innocent-girl look, but as good as she was and she absolutely really was, they both knew this was an act. She liked to leave him in control, Roman was aware of it and he felt responsible for that privilege, but those weren't the occasions in which she was truly vulnerable. She could kneel between his legs for the rest of their days, barefoot and with her head resting on his boner and if she had only asked, whispered, he would grant her anything.
- We can put it off for a few hours – he proposed, stroking her soft hair on one shoulder.
He wasn't going to stay there for the night, but he had a room for the day in one of the city hotels and however exciting their encounters torn from the chaotic routines were, with Y/N he always preferred to have a bed and a good amount of time to devote her. But she almost never agreed and as expected, Roman saw her lift the head from his thigh, her expression less innocent.
- Postpone a head to the Head of the table, under a table? Nope – she flicked her tongue quickly, reaching for the waistband of the suit they'd provided him to shoot that promotional video.
- Its a bad abused jokes ya know - he laughed a little as Y/N worked her way into his dark underwear, nails scratching the fabric above his boner.
He wasn't ready yet, not completely at least, but his breathing suddenly became deeper and slower at that simple touch. His eyes fixed hopelessly on her and on the expression with which she stared at her own hands, exploring from the elastic band to the raised seams under which Roman was continuing to harden. He felt scratching along the prominent veins, as if there was a precise map of his body in her mind and her fingers grabbing it to come up, the friction of the tissue to stimulate him.
- Let's abuse something else then – she replied with a slight grin, tilting her head a little to look at him and Roman grabbed her face in a rush, slowly passing his fingertip over her soft cheek.
He gladly would have done it and the idea excited him more than necessary, but he didn't know how practical it was. They would have to get out of that office sooner or later and she couldn't walk around with her makeup dripping everywhere, although it would have been nice to see. Just as was his cock in her hands and the hungry expression with which Y/N seemed to aim at it every time. He felt the change in temperature and the warm breath on his tip as she stimulated him enough that he hardened completely, one hand cradling his full weight and the other reaching under his still-closed black shirt. Her strokes on his lower abs made it itch right there, but they were a comforting counterpoint to the teeth with which she was holding the now taut skin.
- Easy with those teeth – he blew in an already low voice, seeing her give up immediately.
- I can't help... you look a little bit too hot with this on – she admitted, pulling the edge of his suit a little, but Roman had his eyes elsewhere.
On her full lips, dyed a bright red that day and on the kiss she had placed on his cock, right where she had bitten earlier. One and then a second, climbing towards the tip.
- Someone is on a mood today? – he asked rhetorically, receiving just a moan in reply, flesh stretched between her thin fingers - … show me how much you like it, babygirl. Gimme a proof. - he pushed her, stroking the nape of her neck uncovered by the hair, resting on his thigh and Y/N didn't wait any longer for a first taste.
The wetness of her tongue right against the tip sent a jolt all over his body and Roman growled softly in approval, hearing her hiss in amusement at that reaction. Her hands hadn't stopped squeezing it and pulling it slowly along its entire length, her nails scratching every time they reached the base, rubbing the skin where it was rougher and darker. He had the impression that she was maneuvering him with a precise goal and when between licks and kisses, the first drops of precum gushed from his tip, Y/N took it into her mouth quickly.
- F-fuck, that way yes – he grunted, his hard-on sliding against her soft tongue for an half.
He loved being inside her, any part of her. She was always soft, warm and in some absurd way welcoming, Roman would gladly sink in her and never to come out again and for once Y/N seemed in the mood to oblige. Her head pulled back, tracing a glossy streak of saliva across his dry skin, but when the only part of his cock still in her mouth was the tip, Roman felt her suck as if she wanted to pull away his soul. Her cheeks tucked in a little and he tightened her grip on the back of her neck, a low growl welling up from his belly as she smacked her lips with a loud pop and sucked him back in. One inch at a time, deeper and deeper, with more demand, and he found himself leaning his head back against the seat, the heat mounting and the blood pumping. Her hand held him now without even squeezing, letting her mouth anchor him to hers, fingers stroking his swollen sac at the base. He felt her closer to him, her body working its way between his legs and lifting a little to swallow him better, deeper than before and when he finally felt her throat against his tip he reopened his eyes.
- Good girl… take it- all of it like a pro, yes – he gasped breathlessly, pushing a little against her, while Y/N meowed around his hot flesh making it vibrate.
She wasn't letting go of him for a second, her expression at least as heated as Romans, but it wasn't that that had caught his attention and the instant his mind, clouded by the mounting climax, finally realized, an almost animal growl escaped his chest.
- Y/N…- he called her softly, his eyes on the marks she was leaving on him.
His cock was now a mess of spit and cum, but there was more on his skin. Her lipstick was resistant to food and drink and quick kisses, but no one must have tested it for that sort of thing and it had marked a reddish streak and blotches on his skin where she had stung. It was an obscene sight that Roman didn't remember ever experiencing before and that along with the smirk Y/N was giving him, had just brought out the worst in him.
- What? – he heard her ask with false indifference, tucking a strand behind her ear to get back to her work again and Roman pushed her down firmly, while being careful not to hurt her.
- I cannot ruin you here, but we gonna do this my way now – he warned her, before moving his hips and making a first stroke inside her throat.
Y/N coughed around him, but it was only a physical reflex and when Roman finally felt her throat relax, her flat tongue cushioning him and hands stroking him for reassurance, his hips moved again and this time without stop. Slow and compelling, he started fucking her throat, pounding stroke after stroke on her bottom, groans increasing and Y/N moaning between his legs. His eyes were unable to move from his cock and observe the marks she had imprinted on him, as he moved in and out of her lips that were slowly losing the lipstick color. For long minutes he continued tirelessly, until the heat started to get too much and he pulled her back, standing up and holding out his hand for her to stand as well.
- Ro… - Y/N complained, accepting anyway, but he quickly shook his head.
- Bend on the table, fast. - he ordered, giving her a loud slap on her round, beautiful ass that made her jump.
- And I was the boss – she joked, bending anyway and letting him lift her skirt.
- Im your Daddy not your boss, ya know that – he replied just as quickly, rubbing his fingers on her lingerie to check that she was ready for him.
He wasn't that kind of man, they'd raised him better than that and that was one of the reasons why he didn't like finish, quickly into her mouth without giving her anything back. That and developing a form of obsession with cumming inside her.
He felt Y/N's hand stroke his beard, as he leaned over her back and her “I know” chuckled a bit, choked as he entered her without any warning, pressing her into the surface of the office table. The show she had subjected him to must have had a lot of effect on her too, she was soaked and already throbbing at the first stroke, a sign that she couldn't be far from her climax either. And that was okay, because Roman was sure he couldn't go on as he would have liked and he had no desire to hear someone knocking on the door to interrupt and ask questions.
- Ahn! Ro!
- Dont hold back babygirl, c-cmon
With long, rough thrusts, he lifted her up by her hips, feet barely touching the floor even with her heels on, and he began to pound her, feeling his belly burn down and his nuts taut. He should have taken off her lingerie that was scratching him with each thrust, lowering his trousers better, but he hadn't wanted to waste a second and at that point the only foresight he was having was to keep his arm under her belly to avoid crushing her on the table. It was fine though, anything was fine as long as they were together and his gaze fell once again on his cock crawling between her folds, spreading her wide.
- Take me, take. Me.
- J-jesus…! Ro!
Her moods were covering the lipstick traces like a patina and that sight was enough to make him pick up the pace again, immediately feeling her pulse in a vice as he quickly found her sweet spot to speed things along. He was at his limit, he needed to empty himself, but he just had to hold on a little longer. Merciless Roman kept pounding where her walls were softest, fingers squeezing on her hips and when Y/N finally did it, stifling her hot moan against the table, Roman let go, throbbing inside her without stop pushing. His body was shaken by an intense and sudden wave that seemed to drain his energy and for a long moment he remained inside her, flesh writhing between her juices. Only when his mind regained lucidity he pulled away, seeing her immediately straighten up and try to put back what was no longer right. He silently followed suit, taking the opportunity to smooth his breathing again, but his hands stopped as they lifted the black underwear, still seeing the lipstick marks on him like a proprietary mark.
Her mark.
- I'll have to put it back… - he heard her said, hands perming up the unkempt curls on one side and then tucking his red tie back into place.
- Im not sorry - he laughed softly, letting her also take care of the suit collar, while he arranged underwear and pants and heard her, imitate him.
- Me too, looks good on you.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyanarossi @wickedsunfire @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @keybladeofsteel @iovereigns @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @ichdrachenfrau @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @niknakbucks92 @wrestlezaynia @reignsx @reigns-central-blog @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @thedonsfactory @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @wanna-be-dominated @kitanasposts @namjoonspinkytoenail @tribalchiefdaily @2baddies2furious @vebner37 @raeluvshammett @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @thewarlordsworld
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ckret2 · 1 year
i personally think bill looks dashing in that tunic >:]
im excited to see that fic, have fun making it cause it's amazing so far. rip ford. LOL
Good, because here's the next part! I was gonna fully draw out Bill in his tunic again, but then I was like, no I'd rather do the fastest doodle possible so I can get this posted sooner. Sneak preview of a later scene!!
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The masterpost of the full fic with every chapter so far is here!
Updated 7/29/2024 for compatibility with TBOB
"Mr. Pines! Watch out!"
Ford was turning to face his assailant when Soos barreled into him. They crashed into the glass souvenir case. Ford tumbled over it and to the floor, bringing a dozen jars filled with plastic aliens and lime jello with him. Soos felt the heavy glass sculpture slide down along the back, ripping through a layer of fabric. Aw. That was his best suit.
From the ground, Ford grunted, "Thanks." Stan rushed around the souvenir case to help Ford up. 
"Sure thing, Mr. Pines." Soos steadied himself, then face down the murderous tourist.
She was panting, still clutching the glass weight in trembling arms, one eye half squinted, face contorted in a hateful snarl toward Ford—before her glower fixed on Soos.
He returned the glare. "You! If you wanna get at either of the Pineses, you'll have to throw down with me!"
"Cute, a warm-up round! What the heck, why not." One corner of her cruel sneer quirked up. "I've got time to waste."
"Bring it on!" Arms outstretched to seize the tourist, Soos lunged for her with a roar.
And she vanished.
Soos crashed into the souvenir display beside the shop exit, knocking one shelf off the wall and dumping a pile of snow globes and hats to the floor. He looked around wildly. "What?"
Ford gingerly stood with one hand on Stan's shoulder for support and the other on the souvenir case. "Where did Bill go?"
Soos stared. "Bill?"
Ford stared back. "That was obviously Bill! Didn't you recognize his voice? What did his eyes look like?"
Soos's heart leaped into his throat as his adrenaline doubled. "Wait, that was Bill?!" All he'd noticed was that the "tourist's" voice was kinda nasally.
Before Ford could answer, the "tourist" reappeared, in the exact spot Soos had barreled through just a moment ago. Soos and the Pines flinched back.
Ford looked over the intruder's ridiculous purple pony-covered robe. "All right, I can see why you were distracted."
Bill cackled. "And it works on you, too!" He heaved the glass sculpture onto one shoulder, stumbled back a step under the weight, and chucked it toward Ford's head. 
"Duck!" Stan tackled Ford to the ground again. The sculpture shattered on the wall behind them. Soos lunged again for Bill, only for him to snap off his tape measure belt and vanish again before Soos's eyes—
—and instantly reappear across the room, holding a heavy replica diver's helmet made of iron. "I've gotta hand it to you, Stanley—" Bill grunted under the helmet's weight, "—you've got quite a toy collection!" He spun to build momentum before heaving the helmet toward Stan's face.
Stan caught the helmet, slowing it down enough to bruise his jaw rather than shatter it. He charged for Bill, who was still trying to regain his balance, with fist raised—"And your head's gonna be part of my collection when I'm through with you, you freak!"—only for Bill to vanish again.
And then the room dissolved into Bill-filled anarchy. Soos's view of Stan was blocked by two more Bills, one picking up a fake ancient clay tablet, the other weaving the other way to pick up the diving helmet off the counter where it had sat for years undisturbed. The pair flashed each other finger guns, then with a synchronized snap of their measuring tapes they disappeared. Meanwhile two more Bills appeared next to the taxidermy mermaid case, and with a laborious heave toppled it against Stan. One immediately vanished; the other paused to catch his breath long enough for Stan to shove off the mermaid and take a wild swing toward his face, but the punch only hit air.
"How's he doing that?!" Stan yelled.
"Time tape!" Ford said. "Dipper wrote about them in my journal! I—"
Another Bill appeared, swinging one of the Mystery Shack's novelty 8 ball-topped canes down on Ford.
Ford crossed his wrists over his head, narrowly catching the cane in the crux and diverting it to the side. Bill blew a raspberry in his face and disappeared again. Ford drew a futuristic space laser Soos did not know he had, and shouted, "I've seen similar devices before! While Bill's using time travel combat he can anticipate our moves and appear anywhere!"
Ford said the phrase with such conviction that Soos had to ask, "Is 'time travel combat,' like, a legit thing?"
"Yes! I've studied some myself—although I never progressed past a yellow belt."
As Soos surveyed the sea of Bills, he realized, to his horror, that Bill's now-removed time tape belt had been the only thing keeping his pony toga closed. He instinctively clapped a hand over his eyes when he caught sight of a sliver of skin exposed from armpit to foot.
"Oh, you've studied!" Bill's mocking laugh was a thin, strained wheeze. "Always the scholar! I'm self-taught. It makes me less..."
—a Bill appeared, tripped Soos, raised a hand just before another Bill appeared to throw him a clay tablet, and vanished.
"... PREDICTABLE!" Yet another Bill swung an 8 ball cane down at Soos with a grunt of exertion. Soos barely jerked his head out of the way. His ear rang from the crash of the 8 ball on the floor. "This—hahh... this thing's more durable than it looks," Bill panted, then vanished.
Stan shouted, "So what's the plan?!" He had resorted to standing in one spot, taking wild swings at any Bill he could see, forcing them back out of his striking range. Soos hadn't seen him land a hit yet.
"Converge on me!" Ford had never gotten out from behind the (now shattered) glass souvenir case, and was using it like a shield as he swiveled his laser toward any Bill that got too close. "Wall to your backs! 360 degree awareness!"
Soos got up on a knee. A snow globe thrown from the far side of the room hit his skull. He saw stars. "Ow?"
"Come on, move!" Stan jerked Soos up and dragged him toward Ford. Dizzy, Soos instinctively covered his eyes as more Bills flashed by.
When they finally shoved their backs to the wall behind the souvenir case, Soos cried, "That was the longest ten-foot run of my life! How do we fight a time traveler?!"
"For starters," Stan snapped, "You could try looking at him!"
"I'm sorry Mr. Pines, I can't help it! He's got womanly curves and that toga is really indecent!"
A cackle, "If I knew you were that easily distracted, I wouldn't have bothered with a toga at all!"
"My Abuelita raised a gentleman!" (Abuelita—she was probably still in the living room napping in her chair, just one door away from the gift shop. If Bill found her—)
Ford fired a futile laser shot toward the voice, then batted aside the Mr. Mystery bobblehead Bill had chucked. "He's very good at this—he hasn't accidentally appeared in the path of our counterattacks; he's improvising split-second stable time loops with his trans-temporal iterations—the sophistication of his chronological choreography—"
Appearing perched on the corner of the souvenir case with his legs crossed, Bill said, "Nerdy but flattering!"
The Pines started. At the sight of way too much leg, Soos automatically hid his eyes again. Between a crack in his fingers he saw Bill pull a novelty 8 ball cane from a basket with a dozen more and mutter, "It'll probably break after the first swing, but what the hey. Polo!"
A second Bill appeared. "Marco!" He threw the cane to himself without looking, the second raised it to prepare to hit an unseen target, and both vanished just in time for Ford's laser shot to harmlessly pass through empty air.
Ford groaned. "He's even timing his banter! This level of time travel combat is vastly beyond my expertise! We'd have to get lucky enough to wrestle the time tape away from him—but when he's got eyes on the battle from the past and future..."
Stan snapped his fingers in Ford's face. "He's bedazzling you with that gizmo, Poindexter! Forget the time travel. He's not using his space demon magic, his aim's terrible, and look at him—he's got little noodle arms! He can barely lift the stuff he's chucking. It took two of him to knock over the mermaid!"
"The mermaid case has wobbly little legs," Soos pointed out. "I've almost knocked it over by accident like a million times."
"And he's been outta breath since the fight started," Stan went on. "This weird time travel junk means he's been fighting longer than us, right? He's barely on his feet! I say we start swingin' like maniacs! It'll only take one good punch to lay him out, no matter what time he jumped in from!"
"You make an interesting point!" Bill said.
He was standing between the trio and the shop exit—face flushed, breathing heavily, sweat plastering his golden hair to his forehead and soaking the collar of his toga, arms trembling as he leaned his weight on the 8 ball cane. But he was still wearing his hateful, squint-eyed grin, like he'd just thought up some nasty new trick. "What can I say, I've always been more brains than brawn! But, consider this: what if I make ten of me, and we throw every single piece of junk in the room at you!"
There was a split second of horrified silence, broken only by the snap of a retracting tape measure.
And then the room was a storm of purple pony bedsheets hailing down cheap knickknacks. 
"Dudes, get behind me!" Soos protectively cupped his hands behind his head and turned his back toward the brunt of the projectiles to shield the Pines. Novelty keychains and out-of-date roadmaps pelted his back. "This is the most annoying fight ever!"
"Annoying—until a lucky throw concusses us! We have to retreat," Ford said. "Our only chance is to get somewhere he hasn't been yet and catch him the first time he comes into the room. Come on!"
He tore down a cheap tapestry to fling over the trio like the world's flimsiest shield. They charged first toward the museum entrance, veered away when another Bill chucked the invisible man's glasses through the doorway, and then turned toward the living room.
"No," Soos gasped, "This way!" He dragged the trio toward the vending machine.
Stan tried to yank away from him. "Are you crazy?! Lead Bill to all the dangerous science stuff down there?"
Soos was already punching in the vending machine code. "I'm sorry, Mr. Pines, but I'm not letting a crazy killer triangle get my grandma!" 
Ford said, "Even with the worst equipment in my lab disabled, the living room's still safer—"
There was a fourth person beneath the tapestry. "Peekaboo."
Soos and the Pines screamed. Bill grappled Ford and his teeth went for his face—Soos and Stan pried Bill off of Ford and flung him out from under the tapestry, and the trio barreled down the basement stairs.
They waited until the elevator door was closed and they were descending toward the basement before taking off the tapestry and heaving a sigh of relief.
"That was close," Stan said. "He didn't get you, did he?"
"No," Ford sighed. "Thank goodness for that."
Soos said, "Dude, wouldn't it be crazy if like, he bit you, and then you turned into a triangle?"
Stan and Ford stared at him.
"Heh. You know. Like a were-angle?"
Solemnly, Ford said, "Yes, it would be crazy." He turned toward Stan. "Anyway—you were right about his strength, Stanley. I've dabbled in my fair share of martial combat styles during my travels, and—well, if he's a black belt in time travel, then he has the hand-to-hand combat skills of a second grader. And whoever he's possessing, she's not terribly strong. If I'd had more free space to move, I probably could have broken his arm in three places."
"Whoa!" Stan laughed. "The next time he grabs you, I'll just back off and let you do your thing!" 
Ford gave him a wan smile.
The elevator stopped. Ford strode out first to check on the defunct lab equipment, followed by Soos; Stan emerged last, walking backwards, keeping an eye on the elevator as if he feared something would come out of it. "So," Stan said, "All we gotta do is stop him at the elevator before he starts pulling his time tricks in here, right?"
"Precisely," Ford said. "And, if we're lucky—"
"—I won't come downstairs an hour before you, right?" Bill said.
Ford and Soos whipped around. Bill stood silhouetted in the yellowy light of the open elevator, novelty 8 ball cane in one hand, pointing a familiar-looking laser at the back of Stan's head. Ford frantically patted down his empty hip holster, and sucked in a breath. Slowly, Stan raised his hands in surrender.
"Now I know why you're just a yellow belt, Sixer," Bill laughed. "You never learned how to cheat!" Bill had clearly taken the opportunity for a short break: he wasn't gasping for breath or dripping sweat anymore. But there was still a faint tremble in his arm as he held the gun up.
Ford began, "Bill..." 
"No talking, Stanford," Bill snapped. "I still remember what happened the last time we played 'hostage negotiator.' I'm not falling for your tricks twice!"
"Falling for my tricks?! After all that you—"
Bill's finger twitched on the trigger. The laser hummed, its lights slowly brightening. "What did I just say! No. Talking."
Ford stiffened, but clenched his jaw shut. Soos said, "I, uh... I think he's agreeing to your terms."
"Good." The laser slowly dimmed. Stan's shoulders sagged. Bill pointed, "You two—in the portal room. Stanley and I will be riiight behind you."
While Bill spoke, Ford tugged open a small drawer hidden behind Soos from Bill's view; but finding it had been emptied, he grimaced, exchanged a helpless look with Soos, and nodded. Reluctantly, Soos said, "Okay."
As Bill marched his prisoners into the next room, he prattled giddily, "Oh, this is too perfect! First I can take out the geek who killed me, the idiot he killed me in, and their giant baby; and then all I have to do is wait for the littler twins to get here so I can deal with them, too!" His laughed shrilly. "Then maybe I'll make upholstery from your hides! Hey, Fordsy—do you know how ancient Romans tanned leather?"
Teeth grit, Ford muttered, "I can guess." 
Dipper and Mabel were arriving that evening. If Bill stuck around that long, and found Abuelita... And if Melody came over for dinner... Soos shot a sideways glance at Ford. His face was red with rage, but he kept his gaze fixed forward. Soos prayed he was thinking of a plan.
There was nothing of the portal left but some mechanical rubble strewn across the cavern floor. Ford and Soos were feet from where the activation switch used to be before Bill called, "That's perfect—stay right there! You—go join them."
Stan's teeth were clenched and his fists balled, but he didn't turn to face Bill until he was standing at Ford's side. "You're nuts if you think you'll get away with this. It's three to one! Hit one of us and the others'll tear you apart before you can line up the next shot."
Bill cackled, voice high and echoing in the empty cavern. He twirled his novelty cane gleefully as he said, "Look who's never fought a time traveler before! You think you're facing one of me?" He carefully positioned himself directly in front of the trio, glancing down at the floor as if looking for the right mark to step on, and said, "You're already outnumbered. In a second I'll have a firing squad a hundred strong. You'll be shredded into flesh spaghetti! And me—" His gaze moved from Stan's eyes to Ford's. He raised his gun. "I'm gonna really enjoy killing you a hundred times in a row." 
He tightened his grip on the trigger. 
The trio braced themselves.
The laser hummed louder.
Bill hesitated.
He glanced from side to side. "Where are the other ninety-nine of me?"
And that was when fifty teenage twins crashed against his back like a tidal wave.
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kame-writes · 5 months
Concerning the media overlords au:
First of all: I love it! Thank you for sharing the idea with us <33
Second: Does Alastor live in the tower with the other Vees? And does Alastor still move into the hotel? If yes, on a scale of one to absolutely how sad/pissed/jealous is Vox after receiving this info?
3. I'd like to imagine Velvette's fingers are constantly itching to get ahold of that handsome deer man, who doesn't know how to dress himself properly or trendy, and give his wardrobe an upgrade. Could you imagine this happening? (Maybe with lots of alcohol involved. So that he would at least temporarily let her experiment with his clothes. Bonus points if she is able to take picture too. Vox would obviously make himself some copies for.. private reasons...) Do you see my vision?? Can you see it??
4. Can Vox convince Alastor to do more audio features within their network? Like podcasts or interviews and the like? Or are they just screams as well? (I recently discovered a podcast about cooking, where each week they talk about one ingredient and explain a recipe with it. I think this would fit Alastor's preferences very well.. tho the ingredients might not be as commonly used now that I think about it... anyhow... now I can't stop thinking about Hannibal and Alastor hosting a food podcast.. oops.. sorry, but not really)
5. You mentioned that Husk still works in his casino, if he isn't needed. Do you have any headcanons for Niffty's whereabouts?
Anyway that's all for now! Have a lovely day/night! <33
p.s. Sorry if this ask is intrusive. For some questions it's pretty clear that I've already imagined something for myself that may or may not fit with your vision of this au. If you feel like I overstepped, feel free to ignore this or send me an alastor_fuck_u. gif :D
Im am very happy to have questions asked! You have no idea how many ideas i have and dont know what to do with xD
I'd love to see other peoples headcanons and ideas for this universe, if anyone does anything for it then please tag me so i can see ^^
This is gonna get long so I've put it under a read more
2: No one is really sure if he lives there or just works there. He HAS his own suite in the tower, but he's not always there when they go look for him, and not being able to find him is very a common occurrence, made more frustrating because he refuses to carry or awnser the mobile phone they forced on him. He hangs around in the common areas like the kitchen and living room sometimes. And if they do manage to rope him into something like a movie night its a huge hassle, because he will insist on a black and white or silent film if he HAS to engage with the tv, and Vel and Val hate those.
The whole top of the Tower is dominated by his large Radio tower though, its slightly seperated from the rest of the building, suspended above it with a staircase/ladder to enter the hatch. Valentino is usually not brave enough to check there for Alastor.
Its the same with the hotel. He does move into his own room there, but goes back and forth a lot, and doesnt have a schedule. Vox tires to pretend hes fine with it at first but often ends up the hotel to be a pain in the ass to Charlie, and getting kicked out by the staff of Alastor. Hes convinced himself that Alastor will lose interest sooner rather than later, and the others just tune out his whining at this point. No one buys it when he claims he didnt even notice Alastor was gone as soon as the Radio Demon gets back to the tower.
3: I may be planning to draw this haha He does let her dress him up ocassionally, he has a few differant suits he's approved of and kept, but does wear his original the most the time. Velvette has a line of 'Vintage chic' clothing that partly started as a way to get Alastor to agree to changing his 'ratty ass old man style' by appealing to clothes that were updated takes on his era. He still very rarely leaves the tower in anything but his own usual attire.
He does on rare occasions allow photos to be taken of him by the vees (and once, later on by charlie, under strict instructions that she keeps it to herself) but no video. And none under any circumstances are allowed on social media. He has blown up a few phones that have attempted, both the Vees and employees.
4: Alastor has agreed to be on a podcast a few times, but its rare, and only if its somehting hes really interested in talking about. It's one of the few modern things he approves of since its just a version of a radio talk show. Same with interviews, he keeps them even more extremly rare, and the mystery of the radio Demon keeps sinners in fear more than him being in the public. Vox always wants him to do more since the ratings sky rocket when Alastor features.
When Alastor has done an interview it is with his back to the camera, and sitting in a large wingbacked stupidly over the top ornate chair, that hides him from being seen, except maybe the top tuffs of his ears and antlers. And he doesnt reveal much about himself when he does. The chair is partly to hide him, and partly to stop the equitment form glitching too much. He likes to pulls faces and makes gestures deliberatly made to make Vox falter and look stupid on camera, since hes the only one who can see him in that chair.
He has teased on his own radio show that one 'lucky' sinner may get the chance to be on both a guest star on his radio broadcast AND a livestream if the mood takes. Valentino had to inform him that what he's referring to is called a snuff film
5: Niffty gets moved to the hotel pretty much full time once Alastor gets involved, Husk is a part time employee, but ends up spending less time at his casino as time goes on.
Valentino is happy Niffty is gone because she creeps him out, she ocassionally hung around his studio during work hours, especially if theyre doing a scene with 'bad boys'. Vox isn't bothered. Velvette is not happy, especially that Niffty is reduced to a maid/janitor for the hotel, and makes that very known to Alastor. Velvette loves Niffty, they are chaos sisters and work on very sketchy sounding potions together, and gang up against the boys.
Niffty is also a great seamstress herself and brings her designs to Velvette like an excited child showing off their latest art project. Almost none of these get used, but Vel has fun forcing models to parade around the studio and work in something Nifftys made, they often include bugs and bodyparts, Velvette finds this halarious.
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raonwashere · 8 days
*in a DJ khaled voice* ANOTHER ONE
This idea is more simplier then the last one but its basically a kaitou joker x civillian and aspiring magician reader‼️ Like when he was stealing a treasure one time at a party, one of the guests there catches his eye and he wants to know more about them. He talks to them while digsuised as a waiter and AND get this
Er well they are aspiring to be one
So they try to show Joker this cool new card trick they just learnt and joker’s heart just melts like “omg omg so their pretty AND does magic tricks??”
So after the party, reader is kinda bummed out when they realized that the cute waiter just suddenly disspeared after joker arrived but then when they finally get home, they find a note by this person named ‘KJ’
Its obvs by Joker and so the phantom theif just sometimes sends love notes or flowers to reader. Hachi notices it and goes “ohh who are you going to send these to, Mister Joker?” Joker is just flustered and embaressed.
AAAA please my crush on Joker is unreal 🚶🏻‍♀️
Apologies if there any errors !!
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Stole my heart !
Kaitou joker x aspiring magician ! Reader
( imma assume she/her )
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It was as any other night for the one and only Kaitou Joker and Hachi. Going on another heist to steal a treasure at a party. What wasn't Joker's goal was to get his heart stolen~♡
At this particular party , stood a magician amongst the crowd. Well , an aspiring magician but she's working on it !!! And at this particular party , Kaitou Joker stood amongst the crowd as a waiter. Though he couldn't help himself as curiosity got the better of him. He'd take glances , or even look at the tricks of the magician.
The magician had a cheerful smile and a beautiful voice. Not only that , beautiful face and well , Joker did find EVERYTHING about this magician absolutely perfect! From the way she did the tricks , to shuffling the cards. Oh he was definitely in love.
And of course , sooner or later the magician noticed that a certain some one was staring and looking at her. All she did was shoot a smile at him but can't help but think on how cute the waiter was. She soon walked up to the Joker and showed him a trick , which made a rose appear and she giving it to Joker.
—" a gift for an adorable waiter."
At an instant , he falls heads over heals like a highschool boy in love for this magician. He could feel himself overheat as he took the rose. The two accidentally brush fingers for a split second. He feels his heart pounding against his chest at like 16982382838 per millisecond. ( PLS I JUST RANDOMLY KEYBOARD SMASHED OK DONT THINK ITS SOMETHIGN ELSE )
Soon , the party had come to an end , Kaitou Joker managing to leave with his treasure. But he did leave a disappointed magician , who felt bummed out that he couldn't get the attractive waiter's number at least —!
The dear magician returns to her home , to be greeted at the front door by a bouquet of flowers and a card at the side..
“ thank you , my sweet for the beautiful rose . I hope you love these in return. ”
— KJ .
As time went on , this was a repeated occurrence. It was unexpected , but a nice unexpected surprise ! The Phantom Thief would drop off flowers , gifts and other stuff.
And oh how he loved your genuine reaction as he watches you from a taller higher building .
“ you really do like her huh ?"
“ Maybe I do Hachi."
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i hope you didn't starve much !! Hope you liked this :33
Reblogs are very much appreciated !
Hey! Check this post out !
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yuujis-sunshine · 2 years
Fiance! Hatori Sohma/Nervous! Reader
Synopsis: The Reader and her fiance builds a snowman together.
A/N: Mentions of ABUSE, thats all. Do not read if you are sensetive to this topic or dont feel comfortable.
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[Name] walked outside with her fiance behind her as her eyes were wide from seeing all of the fluffy white snow on the floor, he liked seeing her like this. Especially when she would always not say anything much or do anything from the trauma of her other relationship since he would physically abuse her every now and then.
“So much snow...“ She whispered as she had her hand out to see a snowflake on her palm.
“You never seen snow?“ The ravenette asked her as he walked a bit close to her, she nodded no to the question.
It was too true, she had never seen snow because when she was with her other lover he did not let her go out the house or even go do anything she wanted to do. It was so dark, just like his heart was after some accident in his life. And because of that, he had took advantage of the power and decided to abuse her every now and then. But when she met him, she knew that he was a gaurdian angel and save her from the darkness that her so-called fiance put her in. Turns out that he did since he had stood up to him and take her away from him since he had seen a scar on her arm one time and he did not take that lightly.
After that day, he had always promised to protect you and make sure that you feel love and would always try ways to make you happy. Now engaged and soon getting married in a couple weeks.
“Tori, can we build a snowman together?“ He stares at her in surprise from the sudden question she asked.
The sparkly eyes of [Name] shined bright like diamonds as she waited for an answer.
Hatori could not resist when it comes to her, especially since she was new to most of these things.
“Yes...“ He responded with a small smile after he chuckled. Hatori and [Name] walked together side by side, holding hands.
[Name] rolled a ball for the snowman as Hatori waited for her to come with the second ball since the first one was already on the ground. He smiled at her from the way she enjoyed herself out here in the cold weather.
“Need any help?“
She nodded and turned her head away in embarrassement as Hatori chuckled at her cuteness before helping her with the ball of snow. He liked this side of her a lot more than her original. Sooner or later, the second half was done, and both did the third one together and carried it to put on the second one. “Now we need sticks.“ Hatori said to himself before noticing the [Hair Color] woman getting two sticks, so he decided to get stones and a carrot.
When he returned, he was surprised to see the sticks on the snowman already.
“Tori, are you o-ok?“ She asked him before nodding and dropped the stones and put the carrot in his pocket. They managed to get the snowman together in silence as [Name] smiled a little more than before, since she was so happy that they came out here and usually Hatori was busy with somethings, he wanted to take this time to relax from his work and make her happy like that promise when he had proposed to her. “[Name] [Last Name], will you marry me?“ He said to you, one hand with a ring and the other had your hand in it as your face was dull and expressionless from the question but instead of answering she felt tears streaming down her cheeks since she was wondering why would someone like him marry someone like herself. “O-Out of all the women you picked to marry, why me...? Im not like the others.“ The ravenette smiled at her before having a hand on her delicate cheeks and wiped the fresh tears from her eyes. “I didnt choose you for no reason, I choosen you because I like you for who you truly are. You dont have to be like the other women you see or be around, just be who you truly are...“ After he said that, a bit more tears fell from your cheek and decided to finally say, “Yes...“ and stay into his warm embrace after that.
Finally, they were done with the snowman and stood by one another with hands interlocked as they looked at the creation they did together.
“Thank you, Tori...“ He turned to her to see a birghtest smile from her.
“For helping me break out of my darkness... I really am glad you came into my life.“
He gasped lightly at her and then started to stare at her for a short second before colliding lips together for a couple seconds, “No problem.. I will be here for you anyday.“
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gaym0m · 1 year
Okay so l'm really sad cause this girl I have been kinda seeing (and like a lot) is moving states today so imma write that but as Ellie and Beth :) no maggot mommy sorry guys 😭
I'll probably do fluff later.
Warnings: angst, cuss words. Kissing? Gonna do 2nd person cause head hurts. R knows guitar in Beth's part. And just owns some in Ellie’s part.
Knowing Beth since before she started to learn about music and guitars was a joyful ride.
It was even better when you knew how to play the guitar.
Living just a few blocks from eachother's apartment buildings, meant the two of you would meet almost very day
Ellie wasn’t too sure about this at first but you grew on her (and kept her sister out of trouble while she worked which was really good for her)
But it really wasn’t meant to last
Cause if it was I tagged this wrong (I didn’t im sorry)
As soon as Beth was 18 and Ellie had enough money saved, they planned to move. Not only had Ellie found an amazing husband (this is actually a Jay haters group. But I guessss I have to say he’s nice at first), she had her tattoo business up and running.
Ellie had to go to LA for a bigger market
And Beth had to follow, already applying to multiple music schools and being accepted into most of not all
You? Even if you wanted to follow them (god you wanted to follow them so much it make you physically ill) you simply couldn’t.
You loved Beth so so much, how could you not? Her humor, her taste in literally everything, her voice. . . Truly the list goes on.
But you had been accepted to a school across country, full ride (this means tuition and living paid for those not in America 😔✊) and far from home
It was supposed to be a good thing.
You were all achieving your dreams
So why did it feel like you couldn’t breath?
Why did your chest ache and long for something you’d long since given up?
Because love sucks. (Which is why we all obsess over fictional characters)
The day came so much sooner than you were ready.
All three of you shared a teary good bye, but once Ellie had entered the car, Beth’s arms wrapped tightly around you.
Her face sinking into your neck (as it had a thousand times before after a fight with her mom or her mom vs her sister)
It was a quiet plead for comfort.
Comfort that after that day you wouldn’t be able to provide her.
Her tears soaked your shirt and your tears in hers.
No words were spoken, it wasn’t really necessary when you two knew each-other so well.
Too soon, you had to pull away. Tear stained cheeks flushed red, and green eyes looked dull while locking with yours.
Without much of a second thought, you both leaned in.
Finally Sharing the kiss you both (unknowingly) had been longing for.
It wasn’t how you wanted it, and it wasn’t Beth’s happy ending either
But it was a last hurrah, as your two stories broke off into different paths.
It was as comforting as it was painful, with ideas of what could have been.
Ellie had always been a sweetheart, despite her mother’s neglect and her forced motherhood towards Beth.
That was something you admired about her from the moment you meet.
Being the same age as her and with little to no real responsibility except to school, you leant her a hand with Beth.
You parents weren’t rich, but they were certainly workaholics and comfortable.
Which meant while you couldn’t just move them into your house, you could certainly drive them around in your car.
Or buy them groceries when Ellie was running low on money.
It still made you laugh at the memory of her swearing up and down that she would pay you back or return the favor while Beth stood behind her quietly mocking her and sending you a playful wink (one which you’d always return with a smirk)
Ellie adored how well you got along with her sister, and just how much you were willing to go out of your way for them.
Even gifting Beth one of your older guitars for her birthday (you can’t remember who was smiling the widest, little Beth with her guitar feeling like a rockstar or Ellie, watching her sister with the warmest blue eyes you’ve ever seen in your life)
Looking back, that’s when you first fell hard for her. Very eyes so warm and welcoming yet so full of love, pain and everything else.
Like two vacuums dragging you in until you couldn’t breath.
In a good way
One of your favorite memories was convincing Ellie to give you a tattoo after watching her practice on fake skin.
She wouldn’t stop saying no until you compromised, if it looked awful when it healed, she owed you a cover up.
Spoiler alert, it definitely wasn’t great.
She did give you that cover up though
And it looked amazing
Almost matching with her beautiful vine design.
But maybe you waited to long
Or you read it all wrong
Because it was a random Tuesday when she dropped the bomb
She meet a guy. . . And she really liked him.
At first it felt like nothing, a stupid fling at best in your mind.
But one date turned to two then three then weeks of dating followed by months.
Yet your stupidly held on to hope.
Years passed, Jay was still in the picture and while you tried to stay sane you could feel yourself quickly deteriorating.
Beth was quick to notice, always offering a sorry smile when you two locked eyes while Ellie and Jay shared a loving moment.
Yet another year passed, one you spent overworked in order to push the tattoo artist out of your head.
A year which Jay spent pulling Ellie deeper and deeper.
The day you found out about their engagement sent you in a quiet spiral.
Just minutes from home, in a bar with shots lined up waiting for you to finish the last four.
Beth found you first, helping you up and home.
She knew she shouldn’t have told you, after all you clearly were struggling.
But she figured now was better than later.
“Ellie and Jay are moving to LA, and I was hired as a guitar technician with a bad going on tour in a month. .”
Talk about two birds one stone.
Your heart shattered further
Tears forming into your eyes and spilling down your cheeks until you had no more tears to give.
You knew better than to even imagine having a chance now.
Beth tried her best to be there for you, but she was also busy with packing and coming to terms with separating from her sister (and mother figure)
Meanwhile you distracted yourself. Pulling even more shifts at work, packing and shipping all your stuff out to NYC.
With no real tears left to cry, teary eyes and long tight hugs were exchanged between you and Ellie.
Her lips pressed to your cheek before she promised to keep in touch.
Then just like that she was gone
And suddenly you had more tears to cry
You had more pain
But you also had acceptance
And a new road ahead, and away from those you loved for so long.
Ahh sorry for the angst, I am depresso buttt i promise fluff tonight or tomorrow. For now send me ask if you’d like lol.
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whoslai · 1 year
wow, chapter 2 was steamy ngl, i was not expecting them to hook up so soon but im hooked - it was rly good, and the flirty banter and their interactions provided a nice build up the fucking, but also.. it was all cutesy, so im scared for the angst - cuz im afraid it will come, please their "see you later" made :(( i hope hee isn't w jerk, he seems a bit too good to be true
this was fun! looking forward to chapter 3 😚😚😚
honestly i wasn’t going to have them hook up so soon because i really wanted there to be a deeper emotional connection…BUT “come on” by jhené aiko came on my playlist shuffle and i couldn’t help myself 😭
i’m so glad you liked chapter 2 of my series! messages like this keep me going, so i really appreciate it :) also, yes, you are absolutely right. i will say ONE thing about the upcoming chapters; go back and read how heeseung talks to y/n. take into consideration everything he already knows about her and lmk if you see any red flags 😗
anyway, chapter 3 will be out sooner than later. i plan to start working on it once i get done with work. look forward to it!! 💓
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emmacreatures · 1 year
Hello👁👄👁 Back from the dead with a follow up!
Its been taking forever but waiting with these helps more with perfecting what can be perfected in personal perspective! A follow up on "Trying a way out"💕 Featuring a lot of Lyle x Ter'ran and Ka'am and Quaritch! Hope you guys enjoy! I'm busy on the follow up on this, but since it takes a while, I figured instead of one massive story, to divide it into two!
As the silence hit, Ka'am, who walked over to his own corner, grabbed some of his homemade powerful tobacco.. Watching his prisoner who had no chains, robes or anything that would hold him here. For Quaritch exhaled and got himself to focus better after sensing all scents around him, he knew he had to focus well in order to get out of there, with Lyle.. Who seemed to have been a pain in the ass as always. If it wasnt for his bold behavior, there werent here by now. "I feel like your nature isnt so common with negotiation. But I was hoping we could come down to some kind of agreeance. Something that would suit us both" Quaritch decided to take a gentle approach, leaving Ka'am to glare while he inhaled some of the smoke before letting it blow out through his nose, putting his pipe away. "Why would you think I'd care to negotiate.." Ka'am replied, allowing the tension to build up, for Quaritch narrowed his eyes a bit while he didnt move. "You wouldnt want to watch those two for ages would you. I feel like you have better things to do. I can take those off your shoulders" Quaritch dared to say, keeping an eye on Ka'am who looked him in the eye once, before he slowly lingered in the room with a threatening aura. "I have men and women to do that for me, so that excuse shall not help you" Ka'am said before he stood still, but Quaritch wasnt done yet. "You or them, it takes a lot of time.. Its still thrown away time in my eyes." "So what do you suggest? Run off, and take your kind with you, whatever you may be" Ka'am said with a glare. Quaritch still had not explained what he was exactly. Sure, he had navi skin. Navi breathing.. Navi heartbeat, but his muscles were outstanding compared to the usual. His ears were different, the hair was uncommon. Despite Ka'am's major curiosity which was uncommon on this rate that he was on.. He felt like it distracted him, and he was tired of having to watch them. It was confusing. Part of him wanted to know every detail of them.. Or more so, him. But he knew this could make him distracted in a way that would show a weak link.. and thats the thing that pissed Ka'am off for now.
Not only that, but having found out somehow his second in command, Ter'ran, had been mixing himself in a way he couldnt figure out yet.. It made Ka'am make decisions two steps ahead before people could catch up. he felt betrayed by the fact Ter'ran had kept it a secret, in the hope no one would see, but like Quaritch, Ka'am saw everything and would find out sooner or later. Meanwhile as Quaritch noticed Ka'am thinking, trying to come with the best solution, Naraya ran into the room, bowing gently before saying what happened. "Our great leader.. The prisoner, has woken up, and is very.. defensive about anything. He wont low down the voice either". That was the final drop for Ka'am. "i'm tired of having to deal with your kind. You might as well take yourself out, your 'friend' included" Ka'am said as he glared at Quaritch, who was surprised about the sudden kick out, but he could sense this wasnt going to be easy despite a door literally just opened. Having given a small sign to naraya, she poked Quaritch with a stick to make him go in a specific direction, noticing he wasnt having it "Keep that thing away from me-" "Move alien" naraya said despite she had her ears folded.. Quaritch was intimidating, but she knew she had to follow orders from ka'am as she always did. As they all had moved up towards the specific cells, Naraya had gotten the hint and info from Ka'am to open the doors, for Lyle took his chance to immediately go out, but Ter'ran.. Sensed this wasnt going to be fun. "You both. Leave the terrain.. Away, and do not look back." "Oh? So now your beloved leader decided to let us go. I aint going without him" Lyle said as Quaritch glared, knowing he was going to be the biggest pain in the ass. "Lyle. I'm your only way out-" "I dont fucking care. I dont even want it" Lyle said as Quaritch tried to talk to Lyle, but he really seemed ultimately pissed off despite all of this was his own fault.
"no. fight me all you want. " he said as he noticed Ka'am watching them all behave, as his eyes did give him the major chills, yet the idiot.. decided to go over the limits. "You know.. You- The way you treat your men is insane. You're bull. You treat your second in command like garbage, like a PRISONER. How sick do you have to be to pull that huh?" Lyle said as he approached Ka'am, pointing at him as it was the biggest danger one could think off.. two followers of Ka'am protected him by holding their bow and arrow towards Lyle, but Ka'am.. Who had a silent rage inside of him already, watched Lyle as he saw him far below himself.. "you want to get us killed?!" Ter'ran whispered for Ka'am watched them in silence, looking at Ter'ran before showing one small sight to lyle.. It took a while before any message came through again, the whole room felt extremelt tense. "Alright.." Ka'am only said, making Ter'ran feel a chill down his spine. "Ter'ran-" "You son of a bitch, dont you dare hurt him-" "LYLE." The second Lyle assumed Ka'am would do something cruel, Quaritch stepped in before Lyle could get them all killed, calling him firmly as the silence then hit again.. "Is it true?" Ka'am asked like it was the most normal thing there was, watching Ter'ran step closer to Ka'am who had called him before. Two guards held Lyle away from this all, as he watched closely.. Protective. "Do you wish to not be here" Ka'am said low and dark, for Ter'ran felt hopeless in this whole situation.. "I-.." Ter'ran couldnt talk, but it made it clear for Ka'am.. With a simple nod, he made Naraya step forward, for she grabbed his arm, and cut off a single piece of leather at his arm.. With that, he now was banned from the group. Broken loyalty. "Let them go, far away from here" Ka'am demanded as everyone made Lyle, Quaritch and Ter'ran now form together in a group.. "Step one foot among these grounds, and I'll kill you myself. Your group included" Ka'am gave his last warning towards Quaritch and the others, stepping away as they had no chance to say anything anymore. Ter'ran knew what hit him, but feeling Lyle so close and protective, made him focus on getting out of there before the arrows would follow..
"Common.. Lets get the hell out of here" Lyle said as he noticed Ter'ran being silent, going over his arm that used to have that specific piece around it.. Before frowning of some kind of anger and getting out of there.. "They dont deserve you- You know that right" Lyle kept on confirming that he found Ka'am's behavior a piece of shit.. Seeing Ter'ran hurt in some type of way made Lyle especially furious.. But at this rate, he hadnt thought of how Quaritch and the rest of the team would respond to Lyle's invite for Ter'ran. "you can be part of us now. Its gonna be so much better than how he treated you.-" "so he's suddenly part of our group?" Quaritch said as he glared at Lyle, mainly because this whole occurence was his fault. "if you want to fight me for it be my guest." Lyle said very pissed, protecting Ter'ran in his own way while they went out of the part that Ka'am claimed of his own. Just the glare of Quaritch at this rate sent Lyle to furious mode. "you really want to test me right now colonel?" He said almost as an invite to a fight.. Making Ter'ran come through. "Come Lyle.. We've had enough for one day" He said as he kept on walking, but Lyle kept watching Quaritch who showed no mercy at this rate. "watch your tongue corporal. You've done enough illegal stuff for one day" he said pissed as well, looking back as he could just feel those piercing eyes from Ka'am burn into his back.. Looking around a bit to see if he could find them, before following both Ter'ran and Lyle away from here.
After a while, Ter'ran noticed they were out of Ka'am's territory, mentioning it to the two for Lyle and Quaritch had a rocky road the whole time with each other.. "If you would've just listened and not taken your own decisions for ONCE, We're lucky to be even alive" Quaritch eventually said as they had an ongoing argument for hours now.. Making Lyle reach his boiling point. "Since when are you scared? I'm so sick and tired of you all the sudden taking different routes. Fucking admit you have a weak spot because of-" "no. he's right." Ter'ran interupted as he leaned against a tree, being less forward than usual because the realization of the banishment hit him.. "This is one of the most rare occassions that any prisoners got out. In the years i've been around Ka'am. this is a first. Just acknowledge it please. Stop making a fight all the time" Ter'ran said as Quaritch glared but Lyle almost smirked, thinking this wasnt aimed at him. "I dont take orders kid." he replied, for Ter'ran folded his ears and glared. "I wasnt talking to you" he said before continuing to walk for Lyle realized it was aimed at him.. Trying to shake it off a little as he sensed Ter'ran wasnt feeling it, which made him more cautiois for once. As he continued walking, the other two followed, doing the same. "Well despite your lame ass 'friend' or leader whatever you may call it... If its so rare for him to do so, why did he do it anyhow" "I honestly dont know. He never leaves anyone alive.. No prisoner ever came out of there" Ter'ran said as he kept walking, feeling a little bit more at ease now that they were out of his grounds. "We're 'offically' off his huntinh grounds, so we should be safe from here on out.." Ter'ran said before the group from Quaritch did a sneak attack towards Ter'ran, making sure that he wasnt going anywhere.. But of course they couldnt know that Ter'ran wasnt there to lure them or do anything bad.. But it sure drove Lyle mad.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM YOU FUCKING-" Lyle said as he fought his own men the second they dared to touch Ter'ran or pushed him onto the ground with hiccups due to the man's build and strength.. Eventually being able to pull them away or even hit them firmly.. Leaving Quaritch to call for them to bacj off. "He's no harm... Yet. But keep an eye on him. On Lyle too.. Especially after today" Quaritch said with a glare as he passed the teo, as the squad followed.. "You're okay?" "I'm fine" Ter'ran said pissed, pushing himself up again while hitting Lyle's hand to make him step back a little, before following the group, making Lyle who watched Ter'ran's body language just shake his head. "The hell you're not." he whispered before following.. All going back to bridgehead.
Quaritch had not explained in detail to the group what happened, for he himself felt like he didnt feel like explaining. There was so much to it, but he did make sure to eat and drink well.. since that was something Ka'am had no mercy for.. As he got himself back together, he kept an eye in Lyle and the so called Ter'ran.. Who still was not feeling comfortable.. Despite Quaritch still had quite some questions, he had his own mind swirling. Full of thoughts, wanting answers. Just merely being drawn to something he hadnt seen before. But most importantly, almost what seemed to be daydreaming about deadly eyes that seemed different to him... Meanwhile as Quaritch just felt like puzzling in his own complicated mind, Lyle was right next to Ter'ran who was not behaving like himself in his eyes. Lyle however made sure everyone backed off far enough when the recom squad wanted to try and put ter'ran somewhere locked.. Considering he was a 'wild' navi to them..
"Tell me what the fuck there is and quit the bullshit Ter'ran. I aint know you like this.." Lyle said as he stayed near despite his frustration. Seeing his loved one so near made him feel all kinds of things, and now that they were out of ka'am's control for a bit, he didnt feel like parting an inch anytime soon. "You really dont realize huh.. Your peanut brain sure seems active" Ter'ran said snappy, making Lyle glare but not in a true angry way. "I've been banned. Lyle-" "The fuck- When did that happen?" Lyle said obliviously in which Ter'ran sighed so loudly. "god I just want to hit you so badly-" "What way?" Lyle said with a smirk as he stood in a way he knew Ter'ran would love.. But instead he did receive a slap in the face by ter'ran. "I wanted to say be my fucking guest if it helps you- Just hold on for a minute cowboy" Lyle said rather direct, going over his cheek that he got hit with before stepping more close to Ter'ran who leaned against a metal wall somewhwre in bridgehead.. His arms crossed now.. Despite all he didnt even feel like fighting when Ter'ran hit him in the face.. He could tell the man was destressed.. "JUST- i dont like seeing you like this. Okay?? I know you as someone who's as daring and bold as I am.. Whats gotten into you?" Lyle said as Ter'ran glared almost with a follow up of a hiss. "you see this, its- Why would I even explain at this rate, you're too oblivious to realize-" "TELL me now or I will make sure you'll talk" Lyle said as Ter'ran sighed more soft.. Pointing at his arm.
"Each member of our clan.. Would make this thing around our arm.. Its stuff that only breaks when you cut it with a specific knife. Its supposedy should be there at all times, like a loyalty. I broke the loyalty, so I'm banned from the grounds until further notice" "And this bugs you because??? You've always been a rebel. Do you even remember what we started with" Lyle said out in the open, being focused on his man as Ter'ran pushed him away a bit in a TSK way.. before replying. "I always was a bit of an outcast.. Now I dont belong to anything-" "That 'friend' of yours sure made a big ass impacr on you. Who the fuck cares if you're part of something. The way that.. Kalal dude treated you.. Thats no respect, or good measure.. He shitted on you in ways I didnt even know people could-" "Its ka'am-" Ka'am-Kalal he can suck it. No need to defend his name here Ter'ran because newsflash.. He BANNED you" Lyle said pretty angry, before sighing, letting his own rough hand wipe over his face. "But hey- His loss.. you're part of our group now-" "Says who.." "Says me" Lyle said pretty damn clear, taking it really serious for Ter'ran looked around. "The last time your welcoming group was near, they tried to lock me up. Thats quite an invite" Ter'ran said realistically, making Lyle look around with a glare in case they tried anything. "They have to get used to someone whose intimidating.. I bet you can floor them all.. I'd happily watch that" Lyle said before he noticed Ter'ran's ears fold out of slight discomfort.. "Hey- Realize as well.. Look at us, back again" Lyle said as he stepped closer to wrap his hands around the man's bare waist.. Pulling him closer as Ter'ran avoided a little bit of eye contact, watching Lyle's chest while listening.. "You belong to me okay. This is my world. You're part of it. You'll always have a home here. No matter if they'll make it difficult for me. I'll kick everyone's ass" He said as Ter'ran eventually laughed once "You have no idea how stupid that sounds" he said before looking up.. Making the realization hit Lyle was indeed back after all those years.. As their eyes met in a place where they were allowed to.. Ter'ran almost felt his breath taken away for a second as he could see clear throigh them.. Which made him reach out to Lyle's face.. Going over his skin and cheek..
"You're not gonna cry are you? I can see why.. I baffle alot of people" "I fucking hate you" ter'ran said before Lyle sensed someone passing them "Yeah keep on walking PAL. You fucking better-" Lyle said as he was like the worst pitbull, glaring and almosg hissing at the individual who passed them who pretty much ran away at this point.. Small things like that were exactly the things that Ter'ran was obsessed about.. With that.. Ter'ran just leaned more into Lyle before making him look back.. "So where were we?" Lyle said swept away the second he felt assurance from Ter'ran.. something he so deeply missed. His other half. Before ter'ran hummed.. Loving to see where this man is heading with his mind.. But even before anything could escalate.. Lyle heard footsteps coming towards them. "You've got to be-" "Easy Lyle. I rather not fire you for being inconsiderate to your environment" Quaritch said rather clear as he glared "I aint ashamed. You know full well you gave no fucks back in the day. Get your own" Lyle said without much thought as he kept on holding on Ter'ran, having no intentions on letting go for the next hours. Before he sighed. "What do you want Colonel" he asked as Quaritch looked at Ter'ran. "I need you to show some more respect. And second, do not allow me to catch you both out in the open. You owe me an explanation. Now go before you disturb everyone around you-" Quaritch said loud and clear for Lyle was about to have an argument, but Ter'ran who at this rate knew better, pulled Lyle along to go somewhwre more private.. Even Quaritch knew what was to occur, sighing as he looked around before watching the sun turn to darkness..
Quaritch was feeling a little out of place for once. Not that he shared that with the rest.. He was secretive in his own way.. His mind kept on questioning things he, despite all his own experiences which he had many off, had never felt or seen before. Being a navi now, it was easy to just go outside and take a breather, unlike being a human, trapped in those 'containers with oxygen'.. Always being watched.. He wanted some peace of mind, but along that thought, he wanted to dig.. see where things could lead. It was like a whirlwind inside of his brain. While he wanted to find some way out of it, all the sudden, while sitting outside with eclipse, he swore to have seen something watch him.. For Quaritch sat on the metal floor that poked slightly over the jungle below him.. He narrowed eyes as he sat up.. Unlike most who would call 'hello' he just waited, before hearing something move in the bushes..
Out of pure instinct, he grabbed his gun and pointed, just waiting for any type of movement. But nothing seemed to be there. At least, that was what whatever there was wanted you to think. Not shooting but waiting, he decided to stand there for as long as he felt like, eventually hearing some type of movement, but invisible to the eye. Quaritch's gut told him something was out there.. But he couldnt see a thing.. Making him stand there for a whole hour before going back in.. At this rate, it was about past midnight, so most doctors, scientists and most employees were off to bed.. Quaritch, who at first was aiming for the same thing, saw an opportunity when he saw the unused computers, deciding to do one more check to see if his gut was wrong or right.. Turning the camera towards the outside area he had been sitting, he activated the specific lense in which you could see the temperatures.. Noticing a slight figure, around the bush he heard movement for a split second. He couldnt make out of it of what it was.. but after trying several lenses that the whole system had.. He finally saw it. A whole thanator had been laying on the ground, as silent as the wind, for no one to notice, but Quaritch deeply inside did.. 'why would a thanator rest there.. Or more importantly, watch.' he thought, narrowing his eyes as his tail subconsciously moved a little. Even if he would've shot, the thanator's skin is too thick to get through.. No matter what would happen, that animal would be able to stay under the radar. He realized these animals are much more advanced than the ones back at earth..
But Quaritch had a feeling this was much more thought out than what it seemed.. Through the electronics, he couldnt see much other than the shape of a thanator.. Making him grab his binoculars.. And to his surprise notices right there, the animal went back in more deep into the jungle.. Watching it through the binoculars, he noticed one specific scar.. One of an animal he had seen upclose not a few hours ago. "Son of a bitch.." he whispered.. Figuring it out. That definitely made him push even further.. He was wide awake. He didnt want to sleep.. All he wanted to do now, is track the damn beast, see where it would lead to.. Without much distractions, Quaritch shut any relation to his search down before going to his own room, getting some things ready.
As the thanator was crawling through the jungle, like the best hunter around, almost replicating his owner's behavior.. It perfectly walked up to Ka'am's liar.. All ka'am's followers usually stepped aside for his thanator at any moment. Ka'am, who was sitting on his somewhat throne, breathing out the usual smoke as he certainly was having more of it due to the big occurences the last hours... he sighed.. Having his eyes closed as he needed the extra.. Nicotine or whatever was in that heavy stuff he smoked. Hearing the breathing of his thanator, he opened his eyes as he snapped the large animal to come near him, right next to his throne. As it lend out one of his connecting pieces to make tsaheylu.. Ka'am quickly connected his own Kuru before watching what his thanator had been watching.. Keeping an eye on the specific recom that had seemed to itch Ka'am with curiosity. Looking through every detail that the Thanator had been watching.. Ka'am somehow now through the animal's memory looked better in Quaritch' eyes, throwing him off almost.. As if he felt like the man was having the same thoughts as he did.. Which would've been the first in his entire existence...
Due to that exact thought, Ka'am just abruptly disconnected his Kuru before gently going over his thanator's side of the face. 'Well done..' He showed in appreciation, exhaling once more with his smoke before stepping up.. "Lets get you something nice to eat.." He whispered in navi, walking out of his room and out of his whole 'home' before wanting to hunt something down for the thanator to eat. Of course the huge animal could hunt on his own, but he had been spying on Quaritch for Ka'am for hours.. and Ka'am with hunting for thr animal, showed his appreciation, and allows him to save his energy. As they walked out, one of ka'am's followers, watched them as Naraya saw them leave as well. "You'd almost say he'd care more for that beast than us.". With an easy 'TEHE', Naraya scared the one person, correcting them on saying such a thing. Ka'am did care.. In his own way, but if some didnt show that respect, there was no way he'd even consider to show his. Naraya knew this, and she was as loyal as one could think off.
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sevoir · 1 year
i was a kid but i wasn't clueless (someone who loves you wouldn't do this)
home is a ritzy, white-glove building in the heart of seoul. the im's own two floors at the top. their apartment has fourteen rooms, including five bedrooms with private bathrooms, a maid's quarters, a ballroom-sized living room, and two lounges with wet bars. floor-to-ceiling windows by the living room look over the namsan mountain, and in the dining room, the view of the hangang river is breathtaking.
seryung's stepfather bought the penthouse as a first anniversary gift to seryung's mother. a concrete effort in constructing a family. seryung noticed. and while she may no longer be so generous with her trust in her mother's husbands, she's excited nonetheless to have dinner with everyone. her mother promised they would only be away on business for a few weeks, but seryung knows better. she hurries to the elevator, knowing this is the last family dinner they'll have in a while. maybe months, maybe years. a lifetime of saying goodbye doesn't makes it easier.
(kkt) i'm late!!! hold down the fort? i'm on my way up mom just canceled dinner. they went up to their room. why? what happened?? she saw the gg post. how? she saw me looking at it on my phone. sorry. no of course its not your fault. i'm sorry food's not cold yet. :) i'll be back. wait for me!! i just have to get something.
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something is ten shots of whatever wherever, her tongue down the throat of whoever. she kisses the boy on her arm and the boy at the bar and the boy by the exit, hoping they'll make her feel better, but she can't get rid of the sick feeling in her stomach. her heart feels heavy and she keeps feeling like she's sinking. seryung walks around all night feeling like she has cinderblocks tied to her ankles, and finally, she slips and stumbles out and she feels—she feels—
as she tries to find the word for it, she tries to get a cigarette from her purse. it falls to the wet ground. she bends over to pick it up but her head hurts and her heart hurts and the world is spinning and she's going to be sick. seryung ends up sitting on the ground, practically dry heaving as she struggles to take the next breath, and the next, and the next. she figures it out. she feels like shit.
not a minute later, a familiar black car rolls up to the curb and stops in front of her. it looks so sorely out of place in all that squalor that she almost laughs. the door opens, expensive leather shoes touch the ground. she doesn't have to look up to know who it is. he holds his hand out to her. it doesn't really feel like a choice, so she takes it. then she's sitting inside the family car and they're driving far far away and she doesn't have to ask, but she does, "how did you know where i was?"
he levels her with a stare, like he trusts her to know the answer. it's a responsibility no one ever gives her. it's so heavy, it anchors her to the present, makes her want to sober up quicker. she should be angry that her stepfather has tacked p.i.'s on every member of the family, that everyone wants her to think this is fine and normal. but he's looking at her like he trusts her—to know, to understand, to be an adult—and she doesn't want to let him down.
they're home sooner than she hopes. the enormous apartment is empty. she doesn't have to ask to know her mother has already left for the airport. her brother is probably asleep—he must have known she wasn't coming back so soon.
her stepfather sits beside her at the dinner table. a maid comes over seconds later with two glasses of juice and two plates of cake.
"your mother told me what happened."
seryung tastes salt on her cake. she wipes at her eyes and smears mascara across her face. she sniffles, swallows. "don't worry. it's not true," she says, harsher than she intended, but she immediately feels how weightless her words are.
she can feel him nod, considering her for a second. she sighs. "those are serious accusations," he says, "i could—"
"no, it's just a stupid gossip thing. no one believes it," she cuts him off, but even she doesn't believe herself. seryung looks up at him, watching him eat cake with her. he's not her father. but he left home specifically to find her, to bring her back, like he knew she needed a reminder that she was loved.
he's not her father. he put in the effort, reached out to her.
seryung wipes at tears that have already dried. she tries to take another slice of cake from her plate only to realize all of it is gone. he notices and pushes his plate towards her. she shakes her head, feels herself choke. seryung swallows hard and does her best to down the juice in front of her. "i'm sorry if i caused any trouble for you," she says, a bit more sober.
she thinks he smiles at her. he looks at his watch. "i have to leave now. we have a plane to catch." he's looking at her the way he did in the car. she doesn't know what to do with all of his trust.
seryung nods, as understanding as she can. "have a safe trip," she says, "and— and... tell mom it's not true. but i'm sorry anyway. i didn't—" she exhales a heavy sigh, presses her fingers to throbbing temples, "i didn't mean to make her embarrassed of me again or... i— i know why it was so easy to believe."
he nods once as he gets up, then she's watching him walk away. he's not her father. the space he leaves behind doesn't feel so empty.
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hotch-girl · 2 years
Every time they give us another Scene with JJ & Will and their family my belief solidifies that they are going to kill him off sooner rather than later tbh
imagine them killing off 2 team spouses in 10 eps 💀
but you’re so right they have to be building up to something bc otherwise why waste all this time on them?? i thought her arc would be leaving the bau to spend time with family/realizing how short life is.
now that the show got renewed im not sure if the actress would leave
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
“Rewind and relax” as in rereading blurred lines bc it's my absolute comfort fic lol yeah no but srsly work and the holidays have been super stressful but I'm just looking forward to the new year's eve party I'm going to (read: get funny tipsy and find a nice person to kiss on midnight lol) BUT HOW HAVE YOU BEEN??? IS LIFE TREATING YOU WELL?? feels like ages since I've dropped by to send an ask :-)
Also on the note of me being way to invested... What if...
Sangyeon and y/n keep their relationship a secret bc of his very strict rules (as we have already seen in the uncomfortable covo in chap1) but of course people find out and there is a scene mirroring the one from the first chapter with y/n walking around the building and everyone looking at her and whispering not bc y/n is the poor new employee working for the cold and scary boss but bc y/n is now the employee that has a thing going on with the boss and rumors just run wild and Eric accidentally reveals all of the rumors and things the other coworkers whisper behind them?? YES DRAMA
Sangyeon brings/buys his own lunch at this very specific place and sooner or later there is a cup of coffee or maybe a sandwich or other lunch stuff appearing out of nowhere at y/n’s desk and it takes her a hot minute to figure out its him and what if y/n is so bold and starts to share the lunch with him or maybe does the return with bringing him something and just putting it on his desk?? Or let them leave sweet (or spicy hehe) notes for each other?? Or let him have a *fake* client/meeting in his schedule just too spend some time with her without the others noticing?? Oh my, there are endless possibilities as to where you'll bring this story!! So exciting :-)
Also,,, you know what they say? Great minds think alike or smth like that lmao ;-) or maybe you are great at foreshadowing and I overthink all the details and end up picking up stuff like this lol or maybe there is a camera over your shoulder?? Who knows ;-)
Feel hugged and a big spoonful of motivation for you <3 - what if anon
....That's it. I'm about to start tearing up the walls bc istg it's like you've seen my notes 😭😭 what is this 😭😭 how are you doing this 😭😭😂😂 I'm cracking up lol. I guess we do think alike!!
Though I won't be giving away what happens, you've hit some of the nails on the head lol. Expect these kinds of situations in the near future and even more 😈😈!! Also, can we just... the fact that you immediately called out Eric as being the messy one 💀💀
This time of year seems to always be the most stressful for everyone, but I hope you're able to get some down time now that they're mostly over with!! (If relaxing is you reading BL over and over, then I absolutely encourage you 😈😈, and not just for personal reasons!! Lol.) I hope your NYE party is super fun and you have a blast!! I will also hopefully be getting tipsy and kissing someone at midnight lol
I've been doing good!! I'm happy that Christmas is over bc if I spend one more freaking penny... 😭😭. Istg I act like I'm a rich bitch when it comes to buying gifts for my family and friends. You get a gift, and you get a gift! Over here acting like I'm Oprah 🙄🙄 lmao
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