#(im so failing that math exam yay)
neo-xolotl · 1 month
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im insane about him. btw
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spammingfordays · 1 year
Update on the math thing
I passed yay
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kunikidanelson · 2 days
Alright there was surprisingly a lot of people who wanted to hear my interpretation of kunikidas backstory. So uhm here i go, i just hope i dont disappoint y'all. (Its long as fuck i know, and its not even all LMFAO)
i think he wasnt an orphan because im fucking sick of every single character in bsd being a fucking orphan. What i do think though is that he didn't have the best family life, an overly "protective" (controlling) mother and either an absent or inactive father. (as in, the dad didn't really care what happened at home he just sort of did whatever his wife wanted him to do) but basically this is where Kunikidas hatred for authority starts because all his mother does is pull the "im your mother and you have to listen to me" card. I think his ability before being affected by the "all men are equal" would definitely act up therefore he couldn't go to a proper school because he didn't want to accidentally summon a lion or something like that. So he was basically a nuisance to his mother because she had to homeschool him. Once he was older he decided to go to a math based high school for two reasons: he cant summon numbers; he could live in the school dorms. He basically runs away from home once he's capable and takes on a lot of part time jobs (katai offers him money but kunikida refuses) and basically lives like this until college. Being a good student grade wise he made a deal that if he does tutoring for the other students, they'll let him rent the dorm for free. But at one point he fails an important exam, and though he doesn't get expelled from the college they retract their statement about letting him tutor unless he proves he's knowledgeable in the subject. But that ruins his housing situation and lives on the street for a few days, realising that its less than ideal to sleep on a park bench he goes to katai out of desperation and lives with him for some time while he tries to find a job. And you might see where I'm going with this. But i dont think kunikida would apply to be a detective at first. I believe he would see some poster about the agency needing a secretary, especially someone who could handle computers and decides to try to get a job there. When he goes to the interview he almost starts crying because he's so desperate for money and his own place to live in. Fukuzawa takes pity on him and lets him take hold of the files. Kunikida gets his own apartment (yay) retakes his exam and gets back to tutoring. At one point the agency say they need some sort of signature (or something, i dont have to think of a specific example do i??) on regular paper and kunikida admits that though he knows how to write, his handwriting isn't very good because of his ability he didn't have much of a chance to perfect it. Yosano and Fukuzawa, of course shocked that kunikida has an ability in the first place meanwhile Ranpo just shrugs because he knew all along, just didn't care to mention it. Then fukuzawa asks Kuni if he doesn't want to join the agency as a detective and that any training he might need, will be provided. (Partly offering this to him because the agency in the early days had literally 4 members including the president and secretary Kunikida and they all built a sort of trust between each other) so kunikida accepts and eventually drops out of college because he quite literally doesn't need it anymore, he knows what he wants to do now. And also after all men are equal takes place kunikida starts writing traditionally all the time, simply because he was so deprived of it before, thus building his habit of keeping his notebook with him 24/7.
I hope this made a bit of sense, if you imagined it differently, im not taking that away from you this is just my interpretation xx
Also don't ask me how katai and kunikida met i dont know nor care, i mean they've been friends for around 10 years, so they met when they were 12? They honestly could have just met one day on complete random, I'm not looking too deep into that
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ellecdc · 9 days
Hi elle i was the anon whose results were supposed to come out today. well, my average fell by two grades. i'm not happy, my parents are not happy. I passed barely with decent scores. I'm going to a mediocre business school this fall (if they even want me) yay i guess. that's it for the update im going to go jump off a cliff now
should i just stop my education? anyways my stupidity and mental health doesn't allow it guess the futures not very bright after all
I'm sorry that it's taken me a few days to respond to this; I will admit I've been having a difficult time myself and didn't feel I had it in me to give this ask the response it deserves.
instead of babbling off motivational quotes about how "it'll all be alright in the end; if it's not alright then it is not yet the end" etc etc, I will tell you a story.
my best friend growing up [and one of my dearest friends still to this day] failed her written drivers test seven times [I don't think either of us really remember the actual number because every time we tell the story, the number grows more and more lol, but it was certainly at least 4-5 times]. Today? She's driving around and we laugh and laugh whenever we tell the story.
my first degree was in psychology. when I was 17-21, my mental health was at an all time low, particularly in my first and second year, and by the third [and then my fourth] I was so unbelievably tired of school... I failed. I failed a lot of classes. I failed a sociology class, I failed my first year intro to psychology! [basically psych 101 - as a psych major], and a few statistics/math courses!
in fact, in my second year I decided to take one class online while my other four were all in person. I submitted the first quiz in that online class and then nothing else for the rest of the semester. I never logged on again, never dropped the course, and by the time I realized what I'd done [or bothered to consider the consequences of putting this class 'out of sight, out of mind'] it was during exam season, and I knew I hadn't learned a single thing in that course and was going to fail, so I never even showed up to the final exam.
you know what I finished that class with? 8%.
on my university transcript, I have an 8%. I didn't just fail, I FAILED.
and you know what else? I got my degree anyway
I have a degree hanging in my office; a degree that saw a lot of tears, a lot of pain, a lot of failures, and a lot of doubts. sometimes I still wonder if I even deserved the degree, seeing as how I was anything but studious or invested in my academics. I graduated, and it was not with honours nor anywhere near top of my class, but I graduated
I even worked for two years in the field immediately post graduation. not only did I get the degree, I also got the job
and then....I took my transcript from my first university - that same transcript that has an 8% on it - and applied to another university....and got accepted
and remember that friend I mentioned? the same one who failed her drivers test an 'obscene' amount of times? she went to nursing school, and did really well. she's a devoted care taker and if anything ever happened to me [or any of my loved ones], I would absolutely want her in charge of my care.
well, she failed her nursing exam. she was devastated; this was all she'd ever wanted to do, the only career she ever saw herself in, and she'd devoted so many years trying to get here
so I reminded her about the drivers test. and I said "sweets, what are we doing right now?" and she was like "...talking?" and I was like "no shut up; right now we are sitting in your car in a McDonald's parking lot that you drove us to...with your license that you got. So yeah, maybe you failed your nurses exam, but you also failed your drivers test, yet here you are almost seven years later having driven an incalculable number of kilometres. you failed your test and it probably sucked at the time, but today we laugh about it and it's nothing but a moment in time. you will nurse one day, and this will be merely a moment in time that you may not even fully remember."
so.......all this to say; tests are sometimes meant to be failed. that's not a comforting thought, and I'm sorry, but you either pass or you fail [or you pass but aren't please with your marks]. and right now this feels big, and right now it feels heavy, but one day this moment and these feelings will only be a memory or a moment in time. I've never been anything but a mediocre student until I went back to college in 2020 [I was twenty four at the time!], and yet I still graduated high school, got accepted to university, failed classes, graduated university, and got accepted to university again.
my friend failed her drivers test numerous times yet owns her own car and drives everyday. she failed her nursing exam yet still tends to patients in hospitals and nursing homes today.
don't stop your education, don't jump off a cliff, and don't be too hard on yourself - it's a moment in time, you're building your lore, and you will be okay.
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eddiiiieeee · 9 months
okay so basically little rant about my love life cuz wtf not. recently lifes been a mess i failed my gcses and im doing fast track with english as my only alevel and if i dont impress my teachers they might not take me to level 3 rn to continue on and not have to repeat year 12. i also have to retake my maths exam in nov which im dreading cuz its the same month as my grandpas death day. anyways this ex of mine who i had two fwb situations with during the summer, he was my crush for 4 years by the way. and we broke up the first time because he wanted sex and its against my religon and even if it wasnt i wouldnt do it because of past truama and just the pure fact im not reayd n im not sure i ever will be. he told me he loved me a few hours before we broke up. and so to cope with all of this, you guys are getting the most depressing love story of Eddie Munson based on exactly me and this ex, ur gonna hate eddie after this but i will be leaving out the part where my ex is compulsive liar and has admitted it to me when we became friends and he told me he might be gay but he doesnt wanna be (could be a lie again hes a compuslive liar) he ended our friendship last week and today was the first day id seen him again, the first time i was really crowded and he wasnt as close to me but then when me and my friend left school grounds to go to the nearby gas station he was there with his best friend, and i literally started shaking that my friend got so worried espcially since i havent been doing well cause of this chick i befriended recently and my other friend came later and he got worried too but some of this series will be fictional so it wont end the same time me and my ex stopped being friends, but we stopped being friends cause i still have feelings for him and he told me he thought girls were revolting. so yay, enjoy, tbh im putting my entire mental state into it because if i dont do it i might go insane because my mental health is declining terribly :))
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curseofaphrodite · 2 years
HII LOVE!!! good news is that i had engoish exam today and i had to write a story involving a character with a superpower and im proud to say i basically wrote a fanfic abd i took the inspiration from your spiderman fics hehe
bad news is that my math sir called my parents and told me i was a mathematically weak student and that my biggest problem was that i had no confidence in my work so hes giving me worksheets and all
huh sue your math teacher tbh. i practically failed my math final too so yay! cool people gang.
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readingwriter92 · 5 years
Gotta stay really well hydrated cause it’s suppose to be hot this week
And it’s a busy ass week for project so ima be frustrated crying a bunch if the last hours is anything to go off of
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urmombutnotreally · 2 years
January 18th 2022
oficially done with my finals!
good morning, it's 9:07 in philadelphia right now and i think you're going to wake up soon so maybe i'll manage to post this before you wake up!
i am finally done with all of my exams which means that your arrival is really getting close and i cannot wait! precisely 16 days 3 hours and 24 minutes.
today i woke up, read a bunch of your messages, looked and all of your wholesome but horny memes, saw a nude, took a bath, passed an exam, went to ikea with my mom, watched b99 and most importantly i finally recieved your letter!!! and boy your handwriting is really horrible, but it's okay im a big brain so i deciphered the whole text ez pz.
you wrote this letter on jan 2nd which issssss lemme do the math,,, its 16 days ago omg so smart teddy. anyway it was on the day when we had our first little debacle but here we are now when everything is good and the 3rd february doesnt even sound so awfully far as it did before. you said so many wonderful things and i dont even know how to react to them because words are failing me . if you were here right now i would give you the biggest hug and just stayed with my arms wrapped around you forever (not in the sexy way,, so maybe not forever because i wanna wrap my arms around you in the sexual way too.....) ANYWAY you're incredible and i'm the luckiest person to have you in my life ty mrs bumble for bringing this beautiful silly american lesbian into my life.
im taking a b99 break oops
okay b99 ep finished aaand it's 15:34 right now and ive decided that im going to post this when you wake up so i'll just keep it opened and i'll go watch another episode until you wake up bc i dont have anything better to do today SINCE ALL MY EXAMS ARE DONE! HA! im gonna go eat tiramisu mmm do you like tiramisu??? fuck i got TIRAMISU ALL OVER MY KEYBOARD
15:49 tiramisu eaten, girlfriend still asleep.
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call-me-tonks · 7 years
I'm really sorry (I'm writing this title thing after writing the text) i don't normally rant like this. It's not all bad. But... yah...
Yay it's the weekend! Anyone want to know my little bit of hw that I have to do? Let me begin: (Also just gonna say that I didn't go to school on one day so that work is added in here) Every. Single. Question. From two chapters for math (my maths teacher was pretty understanding when I told him I didn't have graph paper and that I'd give him the work on Monday. Otherwise? EVERYONE had to do this work and bring it in the next day) That day I was absent? A geography analysis thing and a bunch of geo questions AND an assignment from a different class A WHOLE BUNCH OF HISTORY QUESTIONS AND TO TOP IT ALL OF I HAVE TEST WEEK WHICH I HAVE TO STUDY FOR AND I GOT MY MID TERM EXAMS THAT WILL BE COMING UP AND IM PRETTY SURE IM FAILING LIKE THREE CLASSES AND IM GOING TO HAVE O LEVELS NEXT YEAR AND EVERYONE KEEPS SAYING HOW NINTH GRADE IS LITERALLY NOTHING AND I HAVE NO I DEA WHATS GOING TO COME AND IM SCARED REALLY BADLY BCUZ I CAN BARELY COPE AS IT IS AND EVEN WORSE I FEEL LIKE I PHYSICALLY CANT STOP PROCRASTINATING AND THE GUILT EATS ME UP ALIVE AND I CANT DO THIS . . . On the bright side I'm getting top marks in literature and I'm doing really well in arts class but I'm going to get disinterested replies to that so you can just keep scolding me about how I'm failing history because that's fine. I can't say anything.
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britbi · 7 years
sorry for doingg this here bu t i gotta get out my feelings otwards this summer, long af rant below
this fucking summer has been the most stressful summer of my entire goddamn life im so fucikng done. 
first, my family and i went on vacation yay! that was good, was able to do art
then, went home, studied for like 2 days to get my learners permit, got permit, within the same week I went to the eight hour driver’s ed session to get that out of the way,
now i had to focus on driving and the june tenth ACT which aha meant i barely had time to do any of the things i wanted (like art for my portfolio)
so for a good two weeks it was just driving driving driving, act math problems act math problems, driving driving; no tim e for anytihng fun!!
took ACT: good, no longer need to study for that shit (i actually got a good score so now i don’t have ot look at thatt piecve of shit ever agin)
oh shit whats this? friends come over for a sleepover! great! love socialization that drains me
oh shit! i go over to another sleepover! yay! (i do love my friends but i just get drained socially im sorryy)
also i am still practicing driving within all of this; eventually got my fifty hours and my 10 hours of nighttime drive
oh shhiiiit now theres gonna be a family meet-up??! on my bday!? (that was actually good i saw people i haven’t seen in a whil e)
now i am 17
i can take drivers test ASAP, completely avoid drivers ed!
also in the midst of all this i’ve begun summer reading assignments so thats fucking gr8
so this week, i started writing out the responses for summer reading (very stressful, i cried a lot) and also continued to practice driving for the exam...
and i am a v safe driver, never have broken any rules, never hit a curb...
and today, the test day, i hit a fucking curb in the parking lot => failed immediately and it was fucking raining and the lady was mean too
get home, c r y 
and now i have another family gathering on Saturday... and then after that im whisked away to art camp from July 9th to 29th... and then i come back and try to get my license again... im just. 
its been real stressful lad s
i mean there are several reasons this shit has been stressful; basically thte driving is the most pressing matter bc in order to drive to and from my school next year, i need to have my license by August fucking 8th , and idk, if i can do that now, but i need to drive
 im just so stressed and i have more assignments to do 
i know i don’t know anything im fucking 17 i haven’t seen real stress or real life problems but man this shit still gets to me! let me cry! !! let me fuckign die! im dying ! literally i have never had thoughts but i while i was shaving my legs i was literally like ah, razors.... i didn’t do anything tho! but i just im just so sad and stressed and i wanna curl up into a hole in the ground and just die bc honestly whatever comes after life has got to be better than this shit even if its just endless nothingness 
...im  sor r y
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